Re: [Nanog-futures] default routes question or any way to do the rebundant

2008-03-21 Thread Randy Bush
 Randy, you are on the FreeBSD lists and you see the same where do I 
 go to get an answer to... message that I do when comes out every 
 month. Why not have the same thing for NANOG, but have it be on the 
 FAQ page, or some other NANOG-hosted page if not the FAQ?

i think this is a good idea.  and i doubt having it also posted to the
list once a month would seriously decrease the s:n.  but i am not sure
this is a bounded problem, and i think cluepon tries to do it, see

 I appreciate that you feel the royal we are most equipped to answer
 all questions about all manner of things

i don't.  but piss off is not an answer to much except to other old
crusty sobs :)


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] default routes question or any way to do the rebundant

2008-03-21 Thread Martin Hannigan
On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 6:44 PM, Donald Stahl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  By charter nothing is off-topic on -futures, but that doesn't mean the
   current content is not a ridiculous waste of time.

  The messages in question were posted to NANOG not -futures.

And the MLC didn't bother responding to either (until this). And
probably won't respond further. Of course, my colleagues can say what
they want, but I don't see any reason why someone can't ask for clue


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] default routes question or any way to do the rebundant

2008-03-21 Thread Donald Stahl
 And the MLC didn't bother responding to either (until this). And
 probably won't respond further. Of course, my colleagues can say what
 they want, but I don't see any reason why someone can't ask for clue
If that's the case then might I sugggest changing the pages that discuss 
what is, and what is not, apropriate for the mailing list? Those questions 
were not relevant to large network operators but if that is no longer the 
target of NANOG, then so be it.

This was two separate posts on two different days. Will the MLC still feel 
the same way if NANOG starts to get a dozen posts a day asking basic 
network questions that are more easily answered with a google search?

I've gotten private emails from a number people who don't want to see 
NANOG become a technical support list- there are better resources for 
that. If, however, that's not how the MLC feels (which clearly seems to be 
true) then I'll go my merry way and apologize for wasting your time.


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] default routes question or any way to do the rebundant

2008-03-21 Thread Joe Provo
On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 03:15:00AM -0400, Donald Stahl wrote:
 If that's the case then might I sugggest changing the pages that discuss 
 what is, and what is not, apropriate for the mailing list? Those questions 
 were not relevant to large network operators but if that is no longer the 
 target of NANOG, then so be it.

Large network operators appears no where in the charter
(  nor AUP
(  While I agree that questions on
much rudimentary things (and vendor-specific for that matter) are
better *served* in other fora, they certainly aren't off-target.
Being awash in the queries would be a different matter, as they'd
be a simple referral to FAQ/wiki.

Given the desire for the list and the conference to mirror each 
other, I'd point out that 'basic' topics are often covered in 
tutorials and BoFs at the conference. As for jhawk... try finding
the last time he was a conference attendee.



 RSUC / GweepNet / Spunk / FnB / Usenix / SAGE

Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] default routes question or any way to do the rebundant

2008-03-21 Thread Pete Templin
Martin Hannigan wrote:

 And the MLC didn't bother responding to either (until this). And
 probably won't respond further. Of course, my colleagues can say what
 they want, but I don't see any reason why someone can't ask for clue

We're all busy individuals, trying to earn that paycheck whilst 
providing enough value to our employers to keep the stock price up (or 
whatever).  Most of the operators on the list are at places with a help 
desk, NOC, or both; I'd suspect the rest of the operators have 
aspirations to be part of the former group.  If a question isn't 
something we'd pick up our INOC-DBA phone to phone a friend, and would 
be something that would and should come into our respective help 
desk/NOC, shouldn't it go there?  Or maybe the SC/PC has it all wrong, 
and the answer to improving meeting attendance is to attract that other 
crowd of network operators: home network operators.

Last I heard, there were ~9,000 subscribers to this list.  Is it truly 
prudent of the list to be tech support for all the world?

All I'm asking for, and all I'm trying to generate thoughtful discussion 
about, is boundaries.


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] default routes question or any way to do the rebundant

2008-03-21 Thread Rich Kulawiec
On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 06:55:33AM -0500, Pete Templin wrote:
 Last I heard, there were ~9,000 subscribers to this list.  Is it truly 
 prudent of the list to be tech support for all the world?
 All I'm asking for, and all I'm trying to generate thoughtful discussion 
 about, is boundaries.

I understand this sentiment, as I've often felt the same way in other
contexts.  (And no doubt some of my own inept questions over the years
have elicited the same feelings from others.)

But I'd like to suggest that whatever that boundary is, we're nowhere
near it.  The list is not awash in an endless stream of elementary
questions, nor is there any sign that it's going to be.  In my opinion,
it's a theoretical problem that we don't need to expend energy solving
until/unless there is convincing evidence that it's going to transition
to a real problem.

And we have collectively expended more human effort discussing this
than was expended in providing the responses.

I understand this, or at least I think I do, because I have my own
control-freakish tendencies when it comes to running mailing lists.
But after decades of doing so, I think I'm finally learning that it's
not worth trying to anticipate every possible way things could go
wrong and pre-emptively trying to address them.

(And it it *does* become a real problem?  Maybe nanog-newbies, where
people like me who often get lost in esoteric routing discussions can
ask our naive questions of an audience that's prepared to address them.)


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] default routes question or any way to do the rebundant

2008-03-21 Thread Pete Templin
Rich Kulawiec wrote:

 But I'd like to suggest that whatever that boundary is, we're nowhere
 near it.  The list is not awash in an endless stream of elementary
 questions, nor is there any sign that it's going to be.

Think definition of scope as the boundary, not rate of perceived 
off-topic messages as the boundary - we've had messages that were far 
better served by user-oriented (rather than operator-oriented) resources.

  And we have collectively expended more human effort discussing this
  than was expended in providing the responses.

That's not the point: the point is to define NANOG, something that too 
many people have brought up, and too many others have shot down.  I'm 
trying to get _some_ definition to it, because I think it's worthwhile.

But if it's going to dissolve to a scenario where I get flamed for 
trying to discuss something (again), I can always go hide under a rock 
for a while (that's the shut up portion of RS's instructions to me).


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] default routes question or any way to do the rebundant

2008-03-21 Thread Rich Kulawiec
On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 08:59:27AM -0500, Pete Templin wrote:
 Think definition of scope as the boundary, not rate of perceived 
 off-topic messages as the boundary - we've had messages that were far 
 better served by user-oriented (rather than operator-oriented) resources.

Oh, I agree that such messages go by from time to time, but I'm not
sure anything more than:

read this FAQ
check this documents
see this web page
go ask on this mailing list, wiki, blog, etc.

is needed to deal with those.  Yes, we might agree that they're off-topic,
repetitive, annoying, etc., but -- and I'm not being flip -- so what?
Unless they have accompanying negative effects such as mass unsubscription
from people who are sick of them I don't see a need to define a boundary
(which would presumably leave these on the outside).

Many years ago (and sometimes still now) I took the approach that the
best way to keep mailing lists and newsgroups focused was to try to
enumerate their scope in minute detail.  I was counseled at the time
that perhaps this wasn't the best approach, because all such attempts
are doomed to fail, and when they do, there will inevitably be arguments
of the form:

But you didn't say [this particular topic] was disallowed!
But it is clearly related to [foo] and [bar], don't you see?
No, I don't, it's obviously different, you're being arbitrary!

the fallout from which is invariably worse than just letting the discussion
wind itself through to a natural conclusion and moving on.  I have slowly
learned (slowly because I'm a stubborn bastard) that maybe that advice
was more prescient than I grasped at the time.

I'm not suggesting that nanog should let itself become the de facto
go-to resource for how do I change the IP address on my Ubuntu box?
I'm suggesting that the exercise of trying to exhaustively enumerate
everything that's in-scope and not-in-scope is never-ending and very
likely to fail, and that it's better to trust that the vast majority
of nanog participants are clueful, bright (and sometimes vocal) people
who will react en masse when they see a problem that needs solving.

 But if it's going to dissolve to a scenario where I get flamed for trying 
 to discuss something (again), I can always go hide under a rock for a while 
 (that's the shut up portion of RS's instructions to me).

I *am* discussing, not flaming.  Yet. ;-)  You wanna see flaming, ask me
about spam. ;-)


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] default routes question or any way to do the rebundant

2008-03-21 Thread Sean Figgins

 Funny thing is that if you read the first sentence in section 3 (Mission)
 of the NANOG charter, it seems to include that goal. 
The purpose of NANOG is to provide forums in the North
American region for education and the sharing of knowledge
for the Internet operations community. 
 P.S. does everyone here still read Internet as global public network
 or has the popular meaning shifted to American public network?

I think some here have been reading it as large network operators.  I 
guess the list is just for the express use of Level 3, Sprint, ATT and 
Verizon, then.

I actually agree with your sentiment.  MANOG is a place to learn.  I've 
learned quite a bit in my early days from interaction with the people of 
NANOG, if not really a whole lot from the mailing lists or the 
presentations at the conferences.  I think the same should continue to 
be offered going forward.


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] default routes question or any way to do the rebundant

2008-03-21 Thread michael.dillon

 Since when does the sharing of knowledge for the Internet 
 operations community extend to home user questions?

Let's start by refreshing everyone's memory:

   ls it possible to have 2 default routes?
   or how can I do the rebundant when the route is still working either
eth1 or eth2 down?

   [[technical details omitted]]

   i am using freebsd router

That is the question. Nowhere does the person say that they are a home
user. The technical details that I omitted show that the person has some
low-level technical understanding, i.e. mention of ping, diagram of
network fragment.

It seems to me that this person commits only two crimes. 
First, English is not their native language, which means
that people have to stop and think a bit in order to 
understand the question. And secondly, this person does 
not use the status-symbol brand of router that many
chest-thumpers on the list use. Therefore this person
is an OUTSIDER who must be chased away to preserve the
integrity of the tribe.

--Michael Dillon

Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] default routes question or any way to do the rebundant

2008-03-21 Thread Pete Templin

 It seems to me that this person commits only two crimes. 
 First, English is not their native language, which means
 that people have to stop and think a bit in order to 
 understand the question. And secondly, this person does 
 not use the status-symbol brand of router that many
 chest-thumpers on the list use. Therefore this person
 is an OUTSIDER who must be chased away to preserve the
 integrity of the tribe.

If you can exaggerate (must be chased away to preserve the integrity of 
the tribe isn't what I'm after, rather moving these two particular 
questions to another forum), I can extrapolate: MTU on DSL plus two 
default gateways strongly suggests (to me) home user and not network 
operator.  Not to recommend a site where you have to pay (at least 
initially), but there are constant (perhaps three per day) postings on 
Experts Exchange ( on how do I hook my 
widgets-of-all-flavors to two cable modems for [more speed|redundancy] 
etc., including how to host servers behind said widget.

There are existing resources out there that solve this person's 
problems, and solve them well.  NANOG already has boundaries (spam 
filtering at the mail server level sounds like an obvious one, but other 
security topics might be another that's referred to more topical 
lists/sites), and I think 9,000 list members don't come here to do home 
user tech support, they come for other reasons.


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] default routes question or any way to do the rebundant

2008-03-21 Thread J Bacher
Joe Provo wrote:

 Large network operators appears no where in the charter
 (  nor AUP
 (  While I agree that questions on
 much rudimentary things (and vendor-specific for that matter) are
 better *served* in other fora, they certainly aren't off-target.
 Being awash in the queries would be a different matter, as they'd
 be a simple referral to FAQ/wiki.

My first thought when I read that was, Excuse me?.  I almost packed up my 
and went home.  And then I realized he was probably just confused with the 

Ditto what Joe [and Randy] said.

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Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] default routes question or any way to do the rebundant

2008-03-21 Thread Martin Hannigan
On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 5:41 PM, David Barak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  --- On Fri, 3/21/08, Martin Hannigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   And the MLC didn't bother responding to either (until
   this). And
   probably won't respond further. Of course, my
   colleagues can say what
   they want, but I don't see any reason why someone
   can't ask for clue

  Exactly.  We were all n00bs once, and we all benefited from folks 
 willingness to do things that aren't their job to help us learn.  As an MLC 
 member, I read the post and consciously decided not to consider it a problem. 
  I think that gently answering questions and then pointing folks to more 
 relevant places is a good approach.

That's an even better idea. I don't know of any newb lists (although I
should be on a few :). Where would we point them? Isn't this what
cisco networkers is for, for example?


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] default routes question or any way to do the rebundant

2008-03-21 Thread Pete Templin
David Barak wrote:
 --- On Fri, 3/21/08, Martin Hannigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 And the MLC didn't bother responding to either (until this). And 
 probably won't respond further. Of course, my colleagues can say
 what they want, but I don't see any reason why someone can't ask
 for clue help.
 Exactly.  We were all n00bs once, and we all benefited from folks
 willingness to do things that aren't their job to help us learn.  As
 an MLC member, I read the post and consciously decided not to
 consider it a problem.  I think that gently answering questions and
 then pointing folks to more relevant places is a good approach.

We were all n00bs once, but many of you (I consider myself late to the 
game) were new at this back when the conferences had 100 attendees, and 
the list probably wasn't a whole lot larger than that., 
Experts Exchange, vBulletin, none of that existed.

Now, the list is 9,000 recipients, and a lot of other topical forums and 
tools exist.  Some folks (I'm one, you're apparently one) say it's OK to 
redirect folks elsewhere, others say it's not.  Can we 
settle/vote/discuss this for once?


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] default routes question or any way to do the rebundant

2008-03-20 Thread Randy Bush
[ moved to futures ]

 Are you seriously going to sit there and claim that someone asking about
 how to set up 2 default routes on a FreeBSD box is operationally or
 technically relevant to the NANOG community at large?

no.  because, due to our diversity (which i think is a good thing),
nothing is relevant to the nanog community *at large*.

in this case it was a routing question about a commonly used platform.
and one which is generalizable to other platforms.  if this does not
belong on nanog, we should all go home.

 I personally think NANOG has enough noise as it is.

then perhaps you should be sending your spankings as private email?


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] default routes question or any way to do the rebundant

2008-03-20 Thread Donald Stahl
 Are you seriously going to sit there and claim that someone asking about
 how to set up 2 default routes on a FreeBSD box is operationally or
 technically relevant to the NANOG community at large?

You honestly, truly believe that how do I add two default routes to 
FreeBSD is a relevant question on this mailing list? You honestly, truly 
believe that doing technical support for someone who doesn't understand 
MTU issues and who clearly hasn't bothered to try looking for an answer on 
Google is a good idea? If you do then I'm at a loss.

 no.  because, due to our diversity (which i think is a good thing),
 nothing is relevant to the nanog community *at large*.
NANOG is for large network oeprators- (From the NANOG pages quoting John 
Hawkinson: (at least, for North American Networks that are Large, which 
is what NANOG is for)). If the focus of this list has changed then 
perhaps the NANOG folks should update their AUP and descriptive 
explanations of what relevant.

 in this case it was a routing question about a commonly used platform.
 and one which is generalizable to other platforms.  if this does not
 belong on nanog, we should all go home.
Cisco is a commonly used platform and anyone who asks a question about 
Cisco is told to go ask on a Cisco list. This person was asking a basic 
question about two default routes that anyone dealing with the sort of 
networks NANOG folks deal with should not need to ask. And do you really 
think their MTU question had any place on this list? There was nothing 
about this persons question that was relevant to large network operators.

If you want NANOG to become the go to list for people who don't understand 
basic networking then I will happily go home.

 then perhaps you should be sending your spankings as private email?
Funny- my first response was polite, and suggested that this was the wrong 
forum and that they should ask the FreeBSD folks. You're subsequent snide 
remarks were the first public spanking. Perhaps you should have sent 
those privately.


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] default routes question or any way to do the rebundant

2008-03-20 Thread Pete Templin
Donald Stahl wrote:

 The original question was whether basic networking questions not relevant 
 to large network operators were on topic for NANOG. Specifically whether 
 basic questions about MTU on a home DSL connection, or how to add multiple 
 default routes to FreeBSD (both by the same person in separate posts) are 
 sensible topics of conversation for the NANOG list.

Tweak that a bit: I'd say we're discussing whether networking questions 
on the level of a network operator's customers are on-topic for NANOG.


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] default routes question or any way to do the rebundant

2008-03-20 Thread Rich Kulawiec
On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 06:20:08PM -0400, Donald Stahl wrote:
 Do you walk up to a master carpenter and ask him to teach you everything 
 he knows without so much as doing a little research first? Of course not. 
 Do you throw together a network without reading a manual and then demand 
 that the manufacturer fix things that don't work because you didn't read 
 the manual? Of course not.

The curmudgeonly, sarcastic side of me wants to agree with this.

The side that remembers George Goble explaining to me what an inode
is as I was struggling to understand research Unix v6 thinks that
maybe we should not listen to my curmudgeonly, sarcastic side.
(George is also responsible for rsk because he couldn't spell
kulawiec reliably.)

We don't see many of these questions on NANOG (as opposed to others
lists where they're a daily occurence).  I think if they're as sporadic
as they appear to be, that what we saw today -- a handful of answers
including pointers for further readying -- will suffice to answer
the question, partially educate someone (maybe even someone who 
didn't asks the question) and alleviate the need to worry about it.


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] default routes question or any way to do the rebundant

2008-03-20 Thread Adrian Chadd
On Thu, Mar 20, 2008, Rich Kulawiec wrote:

 We don't see many of these questions on NANOG (as opposed to others
 lists where they're a daily occurence).  I think if they're as sporadic
 as they appear to be, that what we saw today -- a handful of answers
 including pointers for further readying -- will suffice to answer
 the question, partially educate someone (maybe even someone who 
 didn't asks the question) and alleviate the need to worry about it.

I'd rather see a clueful response here to an occasionally newbie-ish
question than the blind leading the blind I see on other lists/forums.

(Ever sat down and read the CCNA-topic-related Cisco Netpro forums?


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] default routes question or any way to do the rebundant

2008-03-20 Thread Christopher Morrow
(argh,mail list ... grr, wrong address...)

On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 9:40 PM, Christopher Morrow
 On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 9:52 PM, Adrian Chadd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'd rather see a clueful response here to an occasionally newbie-ish
question than the blind leading the blind I see on other lists/forums.

  thanks actually... It's helpful to everyone (or that's the hope,
  because then the people asking do things 'better' instead of
  'redistribute connected' and 'all done!') to educate when we can, I
  think... Sometimes people get up on the wrong side of the bed, it'd be
  helpful to just delete the message instead of flame back at it I


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] default routes question or any way to do the rebundant

2008-03-20 Thread Randy Bush
Michael Smith wrote:
 how about we all agree to politely sent the new member to when it's obvious they are asking
 questions that could be better answered elsewhere?

i hope all my competitors treat their new customers that way.

how about
  o if it is at all ops related, and you know the answer, answer it
  o and, iff you have answered it, and know of where better help in
the subject area is available, politely point?

as one kind soul actually did


Nanog-futures mailing list