Re: [newbie] Formatting problems

1999-04-13 Thread Rémi LETOT

At 09:45 12/04/99 -0400, you wrote:
I'm trying to install Mandrake 5.3 on a Pentium II 200 with two 4 gig SCSI
hard drives connected to an Adaptec 2940. I would like to install linux on
the second hard drive (sdb). However, during a Custom install, after I
select the partioning I want (600mb root, 128mb swap, the rest as /usr), and
the packages I want installed, linux hangs with the following message:

Making ext2 filesystem on /dev/sdb1...

Can anyone please help me format my drive and install linux.


Before you try something that might be harmfull to your current installed
system (windows), can you tell us how long you have waited for the drive to
format ?
You must know that formating a big drive under linux can take a very long
time (more than one hour), and so maybe your linux doesn't hang, but it's
simply making the file system.
(I've asked the approximate time it should take on another list, but I have
to wait for the answer) 
Stay tuned,

- Rémi -

[newbie] Sound Blaster Live anyone ?

1999-04-13 Thread Martin White

Has anybody tried setting up a Sound Blaster Live PCI card under Mandrake -
if so what did you set it up as ??

I stupdily forgot all about my Linux setup and was just thinking about
HalfLife when i bought it !!


Re: [newbie] I want to use Linux...Can someone help?

1999-04-13 Thread Jose Alberto Abreu

About ICQ:

It could possibly work with WINE. Or you could get VMware
( and run ICQ
under Windows and have Linux running on your computer
Lloyd Osten

But then again, if KICQ and LICQ exist, and theyre good... why fiddle with widows?

"Free your mind... and your ass will follow"
 Bono, U2

Get your FREE Email at

RE: [newbie] For all spanish speaking users

1999-04-13 Thread Jose Alberto Abreu

El 12 Apr 1999 11:18:58 el  Ing. Carlos Mayorga V. tradujo sus pensamientos a 
Hola, ya era hora de que asome alguien de hanbla hispana en esta lista de
gringos; pero en fin solo para agradecer este mensaje

En efecto... por cierto, ?alguien sabe quiin me podrma instalar Mandrake en mi maquina?
Vivo en Mixico D.F. y realmente no tengo la menor idea del Linux...

Pero estoy hasta la madre (perdonen mi francis) de Redmond y sus programas chafas...

Sin embargo aprecio el poder encender mi computadora y entrar automaticamente a una 
interfaz grafica que me habla en un idioma que puedo entender (mas o menos).

Total, todas las aplicaciones que necesito tienen una contraparte en Linux (pensi que 
ICQ era la excepcisn, pero acabo de descubrir que estaba equivocado) y si el KDE me 
permite utilizarlas sin tener que andar tecleando comandos manualmente pues creo 
que es hora de saltar de este barco. ^_^

En fin, quiero dar el brinco, pero me quisiera evitar el trabajo sucio... ?Alguien de 
ustedes vive en Mixico o conoce a alguien que viva en Mixico y me pueda ayudar con la 

"Free your mind... and your ass will follow"
 Bono, U2

Get your FREE Email at

RE: [newbie] For all spanish speaking users

1999-04-13 Thread Ing. Carlos Mayorga V.

Vivo en Ecuador Y tengo el mismo problema, quiero salirme de la movida
Windows pero veo que por el momento no es posible (soy muy aficionado a los
juegos), se que es posible instalar linux en un disco particionado y si se
tiene 2 discos es posible instalarlo en uno de ellos y elegir con que
sistema operativo se bootea la máquina.

Ya eche a perder los datos de "mis documentos" por instalar linux sin muchas
precauciones, alguien me podría decir como hacerlo para tener a la vez ambos
sistemas operativos funcionando en mi CPU y no perder los datos Windows?

Pdta.Tengo un disco completamente limpio para realizar la instalación.

- Mensaje original -
De: Jose Alberto Abreu [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviado: Martes, 13 de Abril de 1999 09:07 a.m.
Asunto: RE: [newbie] For all spanish speaking users

 El 12 Apr 1999 11:18:58 el  Ing. Carlos Mayorga V. tradujo sus
pensamientos a electrones:
 Hola, ya era hora de que asome alguien de hanbla hispana en esta lista de
 gringos; pero en fin solo para agradecer este mensaje

 En efecto... por cierto, ?alguien sabe quiin me podrma instalar Mandrake
en mi maquina?
 Vivo en Mixico D.F. y realmente no tengo la menor idea del Linux...

 Pero estoy hasta la madre (perdonen mi francis) de Redmond y sus programas

 Sin embargo aprecio el poder encender mi computadora y entrar
automaticamente a una interfaz grafica que me habla en un idioma que puedo
entender (mas o menos).

 Total, todas las aplicaciones que necesito tienen una contraparte en Linux
(pensi que ICQ era la excepcisn, pero acabo de descubrir que estaba
equivocado) y si el KDE me permite utilizarlas sin tener que andar tecleando
comandos manualmente pues creo que es hora de saltar de este barco. ^_^

 En fin, quiero dar el brinco, pero me quisiera evitar el trabajo sucio...
?Alguien de ustedes vive en Mixico o conoce a alguien que viva en Mixico y
me pueda ayudar con la instalacisn?

 "Free your mind... and your ass will follow"
  Bono, U2

 Get your FREE Email at

[newbie] My own Linux Distribution

1999-04-13 Thread Arnold Kelly

I was wondering if anyone knew of a place online where someone could 
learn how to "create" their own linux distribution?  I've got a few 
ideas and would just like to see how it is accomplished.  Thanks!! :)


Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit

Re: [newbie] Sound Blaster Live anyone ?

1999-04-13 Thread Kuraiken

Martin White wrote:
 Has anybody tried setting up a Sound Blaster Live PCI card under Mandrake -
 if so what did you set it up as ??
 I stupdily forgot all about my Linux setup and was just thinking about
 HalfLife when i bought it !!

There was some news about a Linux driver for SBLive. Creative hired a linux
hacker to do it but so far no working driver yet. Not even beta. So I guess
we'll have to wait. I'm in the same boat in this regard.

However, if you have the other SB cards (The PCI, Ensoniq chip, AWE32/64, 16
etc) they should all work with no problems. The only part that seems to have
problems is MIDI.


Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster
 Discussions heartily welcomed;
   Flames generally ignored.

Re: [newbie] SCSI Cards and Zip Drives

1999-04-13 Thread Martin White

 Ahh I need.  I didn't relieze you had to supply this info...

Okay, i'm off home shortly, i'll look it up and send it on in the morning...


RE: [newbie] SCSI Cards and Zip Drives

1999-04-13 Thread Birchall, Richard

Andre Baron [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] said:

 I'm trying to get my Adaptec AHA 1542b scsi card to work with my
 system  I have gotten it working under Windblows but linux
 seem to like it

No problem with my Adaptec 1542b SCSI card and Mandrake 5.3.I
installed Mandrake from a NEC 6X CD-ROM drive connected to that card in

Ensure that the IRQ and DMA resources for the 1542b card are
reserved in the motherboard BIOS setup.   My BIOS is set to "Plug and Play

I do have the BIOS on the 1542b card disabled, as I am not trying to
boot from a SCSI drive.I did try to boot the Mandrake CD, without
success (tried both CD-ROM and SCSI options in the motherboard BIOS).   But
it is very easy to make a boot floppy from the CD.

I have the floppy controller on the 1542b card disabled, as my
motherboard does that.

My SCSI CD-ROM works perfectly within KDE, using the 1542b.   Click
on the icon to mount a CD.

Try setting the card jumpers to default, as given here:

Contact me if you continue to have problems, I'll check my card




[newbie] mounting FAT partitions

1999-04-13 Thread Manny Styles

can anyone tell me the complete command to mount a FAT 
partition under linux to access the file system?

 If you have 
ICQ you can message me. My ICQ#:7196518 I am presently:  
If you don't have ICQ you can page me through: (go there and 
try it!) Or You can send me a regular e-mail to my EmailExpress address: 
If you want to be added to my Contact List click Add Me 
Download ICQ at 
Manny Styles 


[newbie]no estoy solo!!!!!!!!

1999-04-13 Thread Guillermo Belli

Hola Carlos y Alberto

Me da gusto saber que no soy el unico que habla espanol aqui! Ya estaba
preocupado, pues desde que mande ese mensaje anunciando la pagina de noticias
de Linux en nuestro idioma, nadie respondia. jeje pero veo estas ustedes
Bueno, primero les digo que la instalacion de Mandrake no es muy
dificil, hasta pueden optar popr una instalacion en espanol! Por desgracia no
estoy nada cerca de ustedes (yo estoy  en Nicaragua), pues de lo contrario con
mucho gusto les ayudaria. Pero no se preocupen, e intentenlo por ustedes
mismos. Es una nueva experiencia y algo nuevo que aprenden. Les voy a dar una
guia para que mas o menos se orienten (Linux-Mandrake 5.3 festen):

-Lo primero que deben hacer es recoger la informacion del hardware que
tiene su pc. Aunque al momento de la instalacion casi todo es autodetectado,
hay algunas cositas que van a tener que hacerlas manualmente. Busquen en el
pseudo sistema operativo llamado Windows en el icono mi pc, propiedades,
sistema, y anoten el nombre de su trjeta de video y de sonido, y los irq y dma
que la tarjeta usa (la de sonido). Tambien vean en que puerto esta conectado su
modem y la impresora. Tambien anoten datos de otras cosas que tengan (como
tarjetas de red, etc. )
-Luego procedan a instalar Mandrake. Desde dos (salganse de windows),
cambien al directorio x:\dosutils\ (x es la unidad de cdrom) y escriban
autoboot y dan enter. La instalacion dara comienzo.
-Les aparecera un menu preguntando por el idioma. Seleccionen es (de
espanol), o si prefieren otro idioma, pues cualquier otro. 
-Ahora van a necesitar una particion donde instalar Linux y otra
particion para el swap. Les va salir la opcion de usar fdisk o disk druid.
Realmente no se como se le cambia el tamano a una particion, pero crear una
nueva (como es el caso de Alberto en un disco nuevo), se puede hacer facil con
fdisk. Al presionas p sale una lista de las particiones del (o los) disco. con
h sale un menu con los comandos. Para hacer la nueva particion, presionen n
(creo que es n, asegurense viendo el menu con h) y les va a preguntar que tipo
de particion quieren hacer. Con l sale una lista de los tipos de particiones.
Primero hagan una particion swap de aprox .100 mb dependiendo de cuanto ram
tengan. Pero como sea 100 mb es mas que suficiente. Luego repitan el
procedimiento y creen una particion ext2 (Linux Native) de unos 500mb o del
tamano que gusten. En mi disco de 2.5 gb tengo 1gb para linux, 2 particiones de
approx 700mb ext2 para linux (tengo 2 distribuciones :P) y una de aprox 110 mb
de swap. Despues de crear o cambiar la tabala de particion del disco, escriban
w para salir y graabr los cambios. Van a tener que reiniciar la pc para que
los cambios tomen efecto.
-Reinicien la configuracion .Cuando vuelvan al punto en que estaban,
selecionen disk druid y creen el directorio raiz (root o \) en la nueva
particion ext2 que hicieron. 
-Luego viene el tipo de instalacion. Sale server, workstation y
custom. Pueden seleccionar work station  (unos 500 mb) o mejor aun custom, para
una instalacion personalizada y sin pprogramas innecesarios ( a mi me ocupo
aprox 260 mb). Es relativamante facil, solo decir que clase de pprogramas
quieren instalar, como manipulacion de graficos, internet, servidor grafico,
juegos, etc. 
-El siguiente paso es la instalacion de los paquetes. Esto se hace
automaticamente. Despues viene la deteccion del hardware y la instalacion de
los drivers necesarios. Les hara preguntas como que clase de impresora tiene, o
a que pouerto esta conectada, si tiene modem, etc. Para esto les serviran los 
apuntes del paso 1. 
-Les va a salir donde van a instalar el lilo (Linux Loader) que les va
a permitir cargar windows o Linux al iniciar. Tambien les va salir hacer un
disco de inicio. Se los recomiendo por si meten la pata jeje. 
-Lo ultimo es escoger una contasena para el usuario raiz (root).
Despues el sistema reinicia y ya estaran en Linux!! ahora escriban startx y
les saldra KDE. 

Bueno espero que esto les ayude en algo. No tengan miedo, pero es
preferible que hagan un backup de su disco por si acaso. En realidad parece
muy complicado, pero no es asi. Hace un ano cuando me harte de windows me
consegui un disco de Caldera 1.2 y lo instale si conocimiento alguno de linux o
unix, con el unico fin de librarme de MS. Ahora aqui me quede y solo guardo
Windoze para mis juegos que no los puedo dejar :). Si necesitan ayudamas
detallada con mucho gusto les ayudare. Me pueden encontrar en IRC, en DalNet
canal #nicaragua, en la noche, como a eso de las 8pm hora de aqui (creo que en
mex es la misma hora). 


PS: Se me olvidaba. Una forma mas facil de reparticionar el disco es con PQ
Partiton Magic. Les puedo mandar una version que alcanza en un disquette. Si es
asi contactenme en IRC. Adios. 

[newbie] Sound

1999-04-13 Thread John Mandeville

i have a Intel Atlantis 440 LX Mother board that has a yamaha sound card
built on it its supposed to be sound blaster compatiblehow do i get i to


[newbie] Re: Real Player

1999-04-13 Thread Robert Gilley

Hi Jeanette,

I'm having nearly the same problem with Real Player (and Adobe Acrobat).
I've added the path in the Netscape application area, Real Audio and
Adobe Acrobat launch but neither will do what they are suppose to do. I
can access a file locally on my hard drive and everything works great.
Hope someone out there has a solution, especially for Adobe.

Bob GIlley

Jeanette Russo wrote:
 Sounds good to me Mike now if I can only get Real Player to work,  Has
 anyone got this to work I installed it with the RPM for RH and it runs but
 does nothing.  Won't play any files and when I try to click on a RV link it
 just wants to download it instead of playing it?

Re: [newbie] Re: Real Player

1999-04-13 Thread Jeanette Russo

also you need to add the path to the .profile

- Original Message -
From: Robert Gilley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 1999 7:20 PM
Subject: [newbie] Re: Real Player

 Hi Jeanette,

 I'm having nearly the same problem with Real Player (and Adobe Acrobat).
 I've added the path in the Netscape application area, Real Audio and
 Adobe Acrobat launch but neither will do what they are suppose to do. I
 can access a file locally on my hard drive and everything works great.
 Hope someone out there has a solution, especially for Adobe.

 Bob GIlley

 Jeanette Russo wrote:
  Sounds good to me Mike now if I can only get Real Player to work,  Has
  anyone got this to work I installed it with the RPM for RH and it runs
  does nothing.  Won't play any files and when I try to click on a RV link
  just wants to download it instead of playing it?

Re: [newbie] Re: Real Player

1999-04-13 Thread Jeanette Russo


- Original Message -
From: Jeanette Russo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 1999 9:20 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Re: Real Player

 also you need to add the path to the .profile

 - Original Message -
 From: Robert Gilley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 1999 7:20 PM
 Subject: [newbie] Re: Real Player

  Hi Jeanette,
  I'm having nearly the same problem with Real Player (and Adobe Acrobat).
  I've added the path in the Netscape application area, Real Audio and
  Adobe Acrobat launch but neither will do what they are suppose to do. I
  can access a file locally on my hard drive and everything works great.
  Hope someone out there has a solution, especially for Adobe.
  Bob GIlley
  Jeanette Russo wrote:
   Sounds good to me Mike now if I can only get Real Player to work,  Has
   anyone got this to work I installed it with the RPM for RH and it runs
   does nothing.  Won't play any files and when I try to click on a RV
   just wants to download it instead of playing it?

Re: [newbie] mounting FAT partitions

1999-04-13 Thread sphilp

On Tue, Apr 13, 1999 at 03:40:35PM -0400, Manny Styles wrote:
 can anyone tell me the complete command to mount a FAT partition under linux
 to access the file system?

mount -tvfat /dev/partition /mnt/mountpoint

partition is the FAT partition (hda1, hdb3, etc), mountpoint is the
directory onto which you'd like to mount it.

How about trimming that signature down a bit?  9 lines is a little
ridiculous when you're only posting 2 lines of actual message.  Actually, 9
lines is ridiculous even if you're posting 3 pages of content!

Steve Philp

[newbie] VMWARE????

1999-04-13 Thread James J. Capone

Is it worth it. Does it work. I want to know before I D/L it and install it 
on my system. If you have any experience with it Please Let me know. Thanks

James J. Capone

Asst. Webmaster

"Even Common People Can Attain Uncommon Results!"

Re: [newbie] VMWARE????

1999-04-13 Thread Dan Brown

From: James J. Capone [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Is it worth it. Does it work. I want to know before I D/L it and
install it
on my system. If you have any experience with it Please Let me know.

Is it worth it?  Well, now "it" is free (until it's out of beta), so
it sure is.  Is it worth $300?  Much more difficult choice.  Does it
work? Yesterday afternoon, I installed it on my Linux box, and I had
WinNT 4.0 Workstation running within about 90 minutes or so.  It works
great!  The display is a bit slower than stock NT (but I'm running it in
a window, not full-screen).

It would be nice if it supported raw SCSI partitions (only IDE will
be supported in v1.0).  It would also be nice if it supported BeOS.

I haven't yet installed Win98 and WfG to try to network them with
the virtual NT machine, but I will soon, I think.

Anybody have a "Samba for Dummies" doc?  I'm sure I'm missing
something pretty basic here, but all the documentation I've seen for
Samba is at a higher level that I know what to do with.

Re: [newbie] VMWARE????

1999-04-13 Thread Steve Philp

"James J. Capone" wrote:
 Is it worth it. Does it work. I want to know before I D/L it and install it
 on my system. If you have any experience with it Please Let me know. Thanks

I played with it for a few days right after the first beta was
announced.  It seemed to work very well overall.  I was able to do most
everything I normally do under Windows (I didn't try any DirectX or 3D
stuff with it, however).

As for being worth it, the beta's free, so there's no doubt it's worth
the download time.  For the final product, I remember seeing that they
were asking something like $300 for it.  At that price point, I begin to
wonder if rebooting into Windows is REALLY that much of a hassle on this
home computer.  I'll probably skip the retail version until there is
better pricing available.

The one thing that VMware seems to do that really makes it non-optimal
for more than a couple users, is that it (by default) requires you to
install Windows for each and every user.  So, if you want to install for
you and your wife, you're looking at a couple gig down the drain. 
VMware will, with a little tweaking, use your Windows partition.  But,
with Windows being as flakey as it is about detecting
hardware/booting/etc, is it really worth the risk?

All in all, it's an interesting product, and if it takes off, it will
confirm Linus' idea that Windows emulation is useful for Linux.  

Steve Philp

Re: [newbie] Installalling dizzaster!!!

1999-04-13 Thread Steve Philp

Don Bonomini wrote:
 Hey everyone! Someone... HELP! I luved linux so much, i recommened it to
 a friend, and i went to install it for him.
 ok, so we defragmented, and ran fips to "safely" partition the drive. He
 has a 12 gig hard drive, and i set up the partitions as 10 gig for
 windows, and 1.1 gig for linux.  Ok... partitioned fine. I ran the Linux
 install. Then Disk Druid. I delete the 1.1 gig partition we jus made to
 free up the space for the Linux partitions, and for some reason, when i
 try and create the root, /, partiton, it gives me the error, The
 bootable partition doesnt have enuff free space. It lets me creat any
 other partition i want, like /usr, or the swap partiton, but jus not the
 / partition. Ive read somewhere that the first (bootable) partition,
 which wuld be windoze of course, has to be within the first 1024
 cylenders of the drive? Is this true? If it is... is there anyway to
 install and run a dual-boot system giving 10 gigs to win and 1.1 to
 Please help! I dont wannt my friend to sue me for messin his computer
 up!!! (No offense dave, if ur readin this :-)
 Well, thanks in advance! See yall later!

The 1024 cylinder advice is still true, and will continue to be true
until the x86 platform joins the 20th century.  This is NOT a Linux
limitation, it is an architectural problem that will affect any
operating system on x86.

I'm wondering a couple things though.  One, if you could use loadlin to
get around the 1024 cylinder restriction.  Since the kernel would be
contained in the Windows filesystem, there wouldn't be any need to
revert to the BIOS to deal with booting.  That's a possibility, but it
won't help you during installation.

What you might want to consider is creating just a very small (say 5 or
10M) partition that falls beneath the 1024 cylinder limit and use that
as the /boot partition.  Then create a normal / partition that could
then be placed at the far end of the drive without causing any problems

Give the second one a try and see what happens.  It should work.  The
first one was meant more as a "Hmm???" to people on this list that know
much more than I about the particulars of Linux booting.

Steve Philp