Re: [newbie-it] Mandrake 8

2001-04-03 Thread Mauro Scacco

At 07.48 03/04/2001 +0200, you wrote:
Qualcuno ha gi scaricato e provato la release 8 ?
Ci sono miglioramenti sostanziali?
Se s sarei interessato (pagando) ad avere i cd.

Ho disponibili Mandrake 8 beta 1 e 2,sto scaricando  ora la beta 3(tra un 
paio di giorni disponibile)

Ultime disponibilit
al solito rimborso di lire 4.500 a cd(supporti Verbatim)+minime spese postali


:-Mandrake 8 beta 3 (tra due gg)

-Mandrake Freq  (ottimo e stabile)
-RedHat 7.1 (2 cd) beta2 Wolverine -ottima(nuovo Kernel ,KDE2.1 
  - la appena sfornata Mandrake Corporate Server (2 cd)-stabilissima con 
novit tipo Web Drake etc

- Debian 2.2r2 (nuova versione rivisitata
della release DEBIAN ( 3cd)
e ancora:
-- KDE2 Finale per Debian-Redhat-Caldera-Suse (1 cd)
-- MANDRAKE 7.2 Final Release (2cd) -
---RED Hat 7 (5 cd compresi Powertool e SRMS iso e DOC )
- SUSE 7 (5cd -esclusi i commerciali)
FREE Bsd 4.1.1
 Turbolinux 6.1
--- Powertools Red Hat 6.2
--- GENTUS 3 Linux
---STAMPEDE 0.90
- Peanuts small 50M
-- Peanuts Large ISO 650 M
Debian " 2.2 compresi i NON U.S. (4 cd)
Debian 2.2 pacchetti Non Free- e Prop.Updates -1cd
Slackware 7.1 (2cd) ottimo col nuovo Gnome!
---Corel 1.2 da provare Debian-based
-Caldera eDesktop 2.4 (istallazione immediata !)
- Caldera Beta Technologies
-- Caldera eServer

spedizioni ovunque,anche al Polo...


[newbie-it] fstab rinominato!!!

2001-04-03 Thread Cristiano Orlandelli

Ciao a tutti, ho rinominato il file etc/fstab e non mi si riavvia pi 
Linux, il sistema mi da per la possibilit ad un certo punto(da utente 
root) di accedervi da modalit testo, per riparare il problema.
Nella mia dir /etc/fstab ho 2 fstab rinominati uno come #fstab# e 
l'altrocome fstab~
Qual'  il comando per rinominarli in fstab normale e se  "rename" come 
funzionaVisto che dalle pagine man non si capisce nulla!!!Perch non mi 
permette di cancellarli, anche se sono root
Devo reinstallare tutto
Grazie a tutti

Re: [newbie-it] Mandrake 8

2001-04-03 Thread Giovanni Anselmo

At 08.43 03/04/2001, you wrote:
At 07.48 03/04/2001 +0200, you wrote:
Qualcuno ha gi scaricato e provato la release 8 ?
Ci sono miglioramenti sostanziali?
Se s sarei interessato (pagando) ad avere i cd.
Ho disponibili Mandrake 8 beta 1 e 2,sto scaricando  ora la beta 3(tra un 
paio di giorni disponibile)

Chiedo troppo se ti chiedo da dove stai scaricando la beta 3 ??? (scusa la 
ripetizione !!!)



Re: [newbie-it] Mandrake 8

2001-04-03 Thread Mauro Scacco

At 08.54 03/04/2001 +0200, you wrote:
At 08.43 03/04/2001, you wrote:
At 07.48 03/04/2001 +0200, you wrote:
Qualcuno ha gi scaricato e provato la release 8 ?
Ci sono miglioramenti sostanziali?
Se s sarei interessato (pagando) ad avere i cd.
Ho disponibili Mandrake 8 beta 1 e 2,sto scaricando  ora la beta 3(tra un 
paio di giorni disponibile)

Chiedo troppo se ti chiedo da dove stai scaricando la beta 3 ??? (scusa la 
ripetizione !!!)




Ciao!  Mauro

Re: [newbie-it] fstab rinominato!!!

2001-04-03 Thread Fabio Coatti

Il 08:49, marted 03 aprile 2001, scrivesti:
 Ciao a tutti, ho rinominato il file etc/fstab e non mi si riavvia pi
 Linux, il sistema mi da per la possibilit ad un certo punto(da
 utente root) di accedervi da modalit testo, per riparare il problema.
 Nella mia dir /etc/fstab ho 2 fstab rinominati uno come #fstab# e
 l'altrocome fstab~
 Qual'  il comando per rinominarli in fstab normale e se  "rename"
 come funzionaVisto che dalle pagine man non si capisce
 nulla!!!Perch non mi permette di cancellarli, anche se sono root
 Devo reinstallare tutto

Tranquillo,  un problema minimo... non ri reinstalla nulla :)

il comando che permette di rinominare un file  mv

mv vecchio nuovo.

magari prima guarda cosa c' dentro, ad occhio i files che hai l 
sembrano dei backup, uno forse di joe (quello con la ~) e l'altro di 
emacs, e non si pu sapere se sono corretti od aggiornati.

per leggerli usa less, non un editor, cos sei sicuro di non fare 

Fabio Coatti 
Ferrara Linux Users Group
GnuPG fp:9765 A5B6 6843 17BC A646  BE8C FA56 373A 5374 C703
Old SysOps never die... they simply forget their password.

Re: [newbie-it] Per installare office

2001-04-03 Thread Germano

Il 12:37, venerd 30 marzo 2001, hai scritto:
 Scusate l'enorme banalit della domanda, ma dopo due giorni di tentativi
 non resisto pi: come si fa ad installare openoffice in linux (dal CD della
 rivista Linux  C)?
 - esiste una via col punta-e-clicca FACILE?
 - se no la via suggerita dalla pagina HTML del CD (ovvero connettersi al
 primo pacchetto (quale?) e con i privilegi di root digitare ./install /net
 (fatto 100 volte e non funziona) (o sono scemo e le info sono
 "riduttive" - entrambe le ipotesi sono valide...)

 Grazie a tutti.

Potrebbe essere (non lo so visto che non hai scritto che errore ti dia) che , 
se hai copiato i files da cd gli devi dare i permessi in esecuzione?

Ciao Germano

Re: [newbie-it] Mandrake 8

2001-04-03 Thread Fabio Coatti

Il 11:13, marted 03 aprile 2001, scrivesti:
 At 09.17 03/04/2001, you wrote:
 At 08.54 03/04/2001 +0200, you wrote:
 At 08.43 03/04/2001, you wrote:
 At 07.48 03/04/2001 +0200, you wrote:
 Qualcuno ha gi scaricato e provato la release 8 ?
 Ci sono miglioramenti sostanziali?
 Se s sarei interessato (pagando) ad avere i cd.
 Ho disponibili Mandrake 8 beta 1 e 2,sto scaricando  ora la beta
  3(tra un paio di giorni disponibile)

Qualcuno ha provato ad installare la beta 2? da me si incarta 
ignobilmente quando si inseriscono i dati del provider internet, ed ha 
seri problemi a far partire Xwindow (G400 16Mb, quindi niente di strano)

Se qualcuno prova, si prapari ad un impatto un po' forte con le immagini 
che vengono fuori durante l'installazione... speriamo mettano qualcosa 
di meno mostruoso nella beta 3 :)

Fabio Coatti 
Ferrara Linux Users Group
GnuPG fp:9765 A5B6 6843 17BC A646  BE8C FA56 373A 5374 C703
Old SysOps never die... they simply forget their password.

[newbie-it] Postfix e IPv4.. (secondo tentativo)

2001-04-03 Thread Matteo Merlin


Ho appena reinstallato MDK 7.2  (dopo aver provato la Red Hat 7.0 e esserne
stato deluso) e subito sono comparsi degli strani messaggi all'avvio di
postfix (in aurora):

[60G [[1;31mFAILED[0;39m] Starting Postfix:OK

Allora mi sono messo a spulciare nei file di log e ho trovato che appena
prima di postfix il kernel tentava di disattivare "IPv4 packet forwarding"
con esito negativo...

Dunque ho editato il file ...\syconf\network (che non mi ricordo pi bene
dove si trova) e ho cambiato il valore "no" in "yes" accanto alla scritta
"IPv4 packet forwarding".

Come per magia al riavvio  comparsa una scritta misteriosamente simile alla
precedente appena prima di Postfix:

[60G[[1;31mOK[0;39m] Flushing all current rules:OK

seguita poi dalla corretto avvio di Postfix...
(ovviamente prima c'era la notifica del corretto avvio di IPv4)

Ora mi chiedo cosa ho fatto? Perch adesso postfix non da pi l'errore (o
presunto tale dal momento che partiva cmq)? Cos' l'IPv4 packet forwarding?

Grazie a tutti

Re: [newbie]Linux Isp

2001-04-03 Thread Aries

On Tuesday 03 April 2001 01:11, you wrote:
Time Warner is not Officialy Linux Friendly but It does work with Linux at 
least in my area, Western New York, All I do set my network connection in 
DrakConf as a cable modem connection for that card and it works with no 
 LA county  San Fernando  Valley
   Thanks for the  reply ,I am at the point where I  suspect  it  is
 my  Isp  Since I  get DHCP working and see  activity on the  cable modem.
 but then  failed???
I  will check out those Isp's u suggested.

 At 09:58 PM 4/2/2001 -0700, you wrote:
 phil wrote:
   Anyone know of any Linux friendly  ISP?I get the Impression  My 
   ISP is  not.
   Cable  access Roadrunner Time warner!
 What part of socal are you in?  Orange County or LA County?  Right now walks on water and heals little children when it comes to
 DSL.  If you're looking for dialup, my current ISP has been good
 ( as well as good DSL for me (but they only do Verizon local
 Blue skies...   Todd
 | Get a bigger hammer!   |  PPPoE: the internet for people who|
 |  |  don't want the Internet.  |
 |  |   --Aaron Lehmann  |

Re: [newbie] dos and Linux

2001-04-03 Thread Graham Watkins

In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Lee
Hi folks.. 

A Linux virgin here. I have LM7.2 on a separate drive. W98SE on the other
drive with Grub as the boot selector. Why does LM not show up in DOS? Is it
possible to make it do so? TIA(thanx in advance).

There is a tasty little program called Explore2fs that gives access to
Linux partitions.  You can see all the files and copy them to windows if
necessary.  The README warns against actually writing to the Linux
partition but even so it's quite useful.
Graham Watkins

[newbie] [Newbie] DHCP

2001-04-03 Thread phil

  Can anyone tell  me  what  /etc/dhcp file is  supposed to  contain?
right now mine  has Dhcpcd   executable,The  gear symbol LOL
   at boot up  my  system is failing to  determine IP info for  eth0(NIC) 
via Dhcpcd?
Oh yes I am trying to  access  the net  via a roadrunner cable modem.
  and my  NIC is recognized  by  harddrake.

If i try to  ping  i  get  unreachable!!

Re: [newbie]Linux Isp

2001-04-03 Thread Jay needs a Guinness

On Tuesday 03 April 2001 00:41, you wrote:
 Anyone know of any Linux friendly  ISP?I get the Impression  My  ISP
 is  not.
 Cable  access Roadrunner Time warner!
I know of one
~May the enemies of Ireland never meet a friend~

[newbie] Mandrake Redhat on same 'puter

2001-04-03 Thread michael


Is it possible to install Mandrake  RedHat on the same drive using seperate 
partitions, if so how???

Michael Doyle
Adelaide, South Australia
ICQ #2635762

Re: [newbie] Mandrake Redhat on same 'puter

2001-04-03 Thread Ananyev Vladimir

Sorry for this question, but why you need it?

   Ananyev Vladimir
Teleport-TP/Portal ISP

On Tue, 3 Apr 2001, michael wrote:

 Is it possible to install Mandrake  RedHat on the same drive using seperate 
 partitions, if so how???
 Michael Doyle
 Adelaide, South Australia
 ICQ #2635762

Re: [newbie] Mandrake Redhat on same 'puter

2001-04-03 Thread michael

Why is the world round???

On Tuesday 03 April 2001 18:34, you wrote:
 Sorry for this question, but why you need it?

Ananyev Vladimir
 Teleport-TP/Portal ISP

 On Tue, 3 Apr 2001, michael wrote:
  Is it possible to install Mandrake  RedHat on the same drive using
  seperate partitions, if so how???
  Michael Doyle
  Adelaide, South Australia
  ICQ #2635762

RE: [newbie] my time is broken and I can't fix it PLEASE RESPOND

2001-04-03 Thread Robert E Wipfler

Login as root, double click the time and change it to GMT (Greenwich Mean
Time)should be 6 hours ahead of you (don't set the time to your actual
time). Then set your timezone properly and viola..


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Chubby Vic
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 5:47 AM
Subject: [newbie] my time is broken and I can't fix it PLEASE RESPOND

I'm in Central time

I can't make my machine set the rimt right

that sucks and pisses me off

I want my time right

Re: [newbie] Mandrake Redhat on same 'puter

2001-04-03 Thread Dan LaBine

The world is round because Volvo already had a patent on square, boxy things
that are hard to destroy.
- Original Message -
From: "michael" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 5:09 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Mandrake  Redhat on same 'puter

 Why is the world round???

 On Tuesday 03 April 2001 18:34, you wrote:
  Sorry for this question, but why you need it?
 Ananyev Vladimir
  Teleport-TP/Portal ISP
  On Tue, 3 Apr 2001, michael wrote:
   Is it possible to install Mandrake  RedHat on the same drive using
   seperate partitions, if so how???
   Michael Doyle
   Adelaide, South Australia
   ICQ #2635762

Re: [newbie] Merge several html docs into one?

2001-04-03 Thread n6tadam


I would just like to say, that if you are merging html files, then using cat
is not all that effective, try the following:

cat filehtml | mv file2html  amalg


Thomas Adam
- Original Message -
From: Meph Istopheles [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, April 01, 2001 7:48 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Merge several html docs into one?

  Is there a quick and easy way to merge several html docs into
  one file? Can the images also be merged at the same time?

   Have you tried cat'ing them with something like:

 cat file,file,file,etc  newfile (to copy them to another)
 cat file,file,file,etc  newfile (to move them to another)

   I don't often cat to file, so you might want to fool with it --
 or better, read the man file.


   "I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody."
   -Dave '-ddt-' Taylor, announcing DOOM for Linux

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If you have any complaints about this message please reply to:

The Purbeck School E-Mail server running:

Re: [newbie] my time is broken and I can't fix it PLEASE RESPOND

2001-04-03 Thread Quaylar

to disable GMT set "UTC=false" in /etc/sysconfig/clock


Re: [newbie] Mandrake Redhat on same 'puter

2001-04-03 Thread Lee

The result of billions of years of flying thru space.Aerodynamic whittling
if you will...

At 06:39 PM 4/3/01 +0930, you wrote:

Why is the world round???

On Tuesday 03 April 2001 18:34, you wrote:
 Sorry for this question, but why you need it?

Ananyev Vladimir
 Teleport-TP/Portal ISP

 On Tue, 3 Apr 2001, michael wrote:
  Is it possible to install Mandrake  RedHat on the same drive using
  seperate partitions, if so how???
  Michael Doyle
  Adelaide, South Australia
  ICQ #2635762

Re: [newbie] Baby Questions - StarOffice

2001-04-03 Thread Eric

Regarding the StarOffice installation.

On Monday 02 April 2001 16:52, Anthony wrote:
  1- Install Star Office that comes with CD-3 (extras). General question is
  how to install applications from CD driver.

 To install Star Office, just go to the cdrom directory, usually /mnt/cdrom,
 and find a file named "setup" in there somewhere. Then type "./setup -net"
 from the command line in the directory that setup is located in.  That'll
 setup a multiuser Star Office installation.

Once that is done, return to normal user and cd to the directory where SO is 
installed.  Under the directory "program" is setup.   Type ./setup as normal 
user now.  This will create some files and directories in your "home".

Then to start SO type in your home directory ./office/soffice  ( be patient ).

The installation program will create also a menu item in KDE.

Eric Indiogine

[newbie] Install Exited Abnormally

2001-04-03 Thread Johan de Bruin

Hi All

Thanks to those that replied on my previous issue "1st Stage Install Failure".
 For the record, I solved my CD-ROM failure to be recognized by hooking it up
as a MASTER on the PRIMARY channel...

(Mandrake 7.2)

After the CDROM has been detected, it says
 - Initializing CDROM
to be followed by some heavy CD reading for approx. 20s, then
 - Install Existed Abnormally - recieved error 9

Does anybody have ANY idea what this means
Where are the programmers

I have looked on many lists but can't find any answers to this.

RE: [newbie]Linux Isp

2001-04-03 Thread Sparks, Charley

so please.. tell us who it is 

-Original Message-
From: Jose M. Sanchez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 10:51 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie]Linux Isp

Believe it or not I ran accross a DSL provider that ADVERTISES that they
support Linux...



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jennifer Davis
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 7:21 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie]Linux Isp

I doubt you wil find any and it's sad as most of the techs at ISPs run
Linux on their home systems.

(ex ISP tech who was not allowed to support linux users despite the
simplicity of the questions)

Jennifer Davis

On Mon, 2 Apr 2001, phil wrote:

 Anyone know of any Linux friendly  ISP?I get the Impression  My  ISP
 is  not.
 Cable  access Roadrunner Time warner!

RE: [newbie]Linux Isp

2001-04-03 Thread Jose M. Sanchez

Believe it or not I ran accross a DSL provider that ADVERTISES that they
support Linux...



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jennifer Davis
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 7:21 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie]Linux Isp

I doubt you wil find any and it's sad as most of the techs at ISPs run
Linux on their home systems.

(ex ISP tech who was not allowed to support linux users despite the
simplicity of the questions)

Jennifer Davis

On Mon, 2 Apr 2001, phil wrote:

 Anyone know of any Linux friendly  ISP?I get the Impression  My  ISP
 is  not.
 Cable  access Roadrunner Time warner!

RE: [newbie] SAMBA

2001-04-03 Thread Jose M. Sanchez

many ways samba is quite easy to set up...

are a few "gotcha's" though stemming mostly from unclear 

the Samba howtos, paying particular attention to the smb.conf 

edit this file and restart Samba... and you are up...

then add Linux users to Samba via smbadduser.

Finally the Winblows machines are made part of the same 
domain or workgroup and you use the same login accounts as those you created 
with smbadduser

If you 
enable swat, you can do all of this from your Web browser...

If you 
are running 7.2 look in /usr/share/doc/Samba-x-x-x for 


  -Original Message-From: 
  Behalf Of John DouglasSent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 5:55 
  AMTo: Linux Newbie (E-mail)Subject: [newbie] 
  I like the 
  description Newbie virgin. That's me too.
  I have one Linux 
  7.2 box as a server, and two windowz boxes. One has '95 and the other '98. 
  Needless to say, I'm trying to network them. I know this can be done with 
  Samba, but where do they hide the secrets. Can anybody point me at the 
  documentation please?
  I love this 
  Linux thing, It's like the good old DOS days. We had a DOS users club and 
  every body had something to contribute. Sadly windowz has taken that away from 
  computing. There are lots of ammeter "experts" who think their gun computer 
  users 'cause they know how to start windowz. Ah, sadly, if Linux does 
  supersede windowz the same will doubtless happen.
  Kind regards to 
  you all John.

  John Douglas

RE: [newbie]Linux Isp

2001-04-03 Thread Ananyev Vladimir

Depends of a Country!

   Ananyev Vladimir
Teleport-TP/Portal ISP

On Tue, 3 Apr 2001, Jose M. Sanchez wrote:

 Believe it or not I ran accross a DSL provider that ADVERTISES that they
 support Linux...
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jennifer Davis
 Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 7:21 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie]Linux Isp
 I doubt you wil find any and it's sad as most of the techs at ISPs run
 Linux on their home systems.
 (ex ISP tech who was not allowed to support linux users despite the
 simplicity of the questions)
 Jennifer Davis
 On Mon, 2 Apr 2001, phil wrote:
  Anyone know of any Linux friendly  ISP?I get the Impression  My  ISP
  is  not.
  Cable  access Roadrunner Time warner!

Re: [newbie] Mandrake Redhat on same 'puter

2001-04-03 Thread Philomena

I figure I would reply to your actual question, as opposed to the reasons 
why you ask:-)

Yes, it is very possible - what I do is only mount the partitions 
applicable to each distribution when each boots, and have separate boot 
partitions on my hard drive for each distro.  I use GRUB as my bootloader 
and it works like a charm. I set up the partitions before I installed, 
which seems easier to me.


  On Tue, 3 Apr 2001, michael wrote:
   Is it possible to install Mandrake  RedHat on the same drive using
   seperate partitions, if so how???
   Michael Doyle
   Adelaide, South Australia
   ICQ #2635762

Re: [newbie] Mandrake Redhat on same 'puter

2001-04-03 Thread Paul Aprendiz

Actually, why the hat of RedHat is Red ?


Subject: Re: [newbie] Mandrake  Redhat on same 'puter
Date: Tue, 03 Apr 2001 10:25:27 -0700

The result of billions of years of flying thru space.Aerodynamic whittling
if you will...

At 06:39 PM 4/3/01 +0930, you wrote:
 Why is the world round???
 On Tuesday 03 April 2001 18:34, you wrote:
  Sorry for this question, but why you need it?
 Ananyev Vladimir
  Teleport-TP/Portal ISP
  On Tue, 3 Apr 2001, michael wrote:
   Is it possible to install Mandrake  RedHat on the same drive using
   seperate partitions, if so how???
   Michael Doyle
   Adelaide, South Australia
   ICQ #2635762

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

RE: [newbie]Linux Isp

2001-04-03 Thread Jose M. Sanchez

It's even posted on their web site...

-Original Message-
From: Sparks, Charley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 11:08 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie]Linux Isp

so please.. tell us who it is 

-Original Message-
From: Jose M. Sanchez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 10:51 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie]Linux Isp

Believe it or not I ran accross a DSL provider that ADVERTISES that they
support Linux...



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jennifer Davis
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 7:21 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie]Linux Isp

I doubt you wil find any and it's sad as most of the techs at ISPs run
Linux on their home systems.

(ex ISP tech who was not allowed to support linux users despite the
simplicity of the questions)

Jennifer Davis

On Mon, 2 Apr 2001, phil wrote:

 Anyone know of any Linux friendly  ISP?I get the Impression  My  ISP
 is  not.
 Cable  access Roadrunner Time warner!

[newbie] Problems FreeS/WAN compiling the kernel

2001-04-03 Thread Paul Aprendiz

I want to install FreeS/WAN 1.8 in Mandrake 7.1
I did
cd /usr/src/linux/

make menuconfig
make dep
make bzImage
make install
make modules
make modules_install

No message errors so far =)

When rebooting, I choose the new compiled kernel, but the network cards 
don't work anymore
eth0 initialization delayed
eth1 initialization delayed

Trying to solve it, I have added in /etc/lilo.conf
append="ether=0,0,eth0 ether=0,0,eth1"

But still the problem continues

Can anyone help me please

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

[newbie] NIS XFree86 login problem

2001-04-03 Thread Morrell, Mike A

I just setup a NIS server on a Debian box and have a Mandrake 7.2 client
that I setup to login using NIS. I added +:: to the passwd file and see
all the users on the login screen, but when I try to login it looks like the
desktop is going to start but I get a grey screen and it jumps back to the
login screen. I don't get any error messages. When I login with the console
everything works fine and I can see the NFS mounted directorys just fine. So
why can't I use XFree86? I've tried Gnome, Sawfish, and KDE with the same
result. Anyone had this problem?

Re: [newbie]Linux Isp

2001-04-03 Thread Jeremy H.

yes, please tell us..
- Original Message -
From: Sparks, Charley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 10:07 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie]Linux Isp

 so please.. tell us who it is

 -Original Message-
 From: Jose M. Sanchez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 10:51 AM
 Subject: RE: [newbie]Linux Isp

 Believe it or not I ran accross a DSL provider that ADVERTISES that they
 support Linux...



 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jennifer Davis
 Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 7:21 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie]Linux Isp

 I doubt you wil find any and it's sad as most of the techs at ISPs run
 Linux on their home systems.

 (ex ISP tech who was not allowed to support linux users despite the
 simplicity of the questions)

 Jennifer Davis

 On Mon, 2 Apr 2001, phil wrote:

  Anyone know of any Linux friendly  ISP?I get the Impression  My  ISP
  is  not.
  Cable  access Roadrunner Time warner!

[newbie] Problem copying files to linux partition from windows partition

2001-04-03 Thread Lon Lentz

  I've done this several ways. I'm trying to copy an MP3 file onto a Linux
partition. I've tried copying it off a CD and I've tried copying it right
out of the windows partition. I'm getting an error when I do this, and the
error message suggests that maybe I don't have permissions for this.

  Any ideas or suggestions?

Lon Lentz
Applications Developer  CyberEntomologist - Alvion Technologies
DataWarehousing and List Sales - Market Your Lists on the Net!
941-574-8600 Ext. 210

Re: [newbie] Mandrake Redhat on same 'puter

2001-04-03 Thread Jeremy H.

because the MS agent wears black!

- Original Message -
From: Paul Aprendiz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 10:29 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Mandrake  Redhat on same 'puter

 Actually, why the hat of RedHat is Red ?


 Subject: Re: [newbie] Mandrake  Redhat on same 'puter
 Date: Tue, 03 Apr 2001 10:25:27 -0700
 The result of billions of years of flying thru space.Aerodynamic
 if you will...
 At 06:39 PM 4/3/01 +0930, you wrote:
  Why is the world round???
  On Tuesday 03 April 2001 18:34, you wrote:
   Sorry for this question, but why you need it?
  Ananyev Vladimir
   Teleport-TP/Portal ISP
   On Tue, 3 Apr 2001, michael wrote:
Is it possible to install Mandrake  RedHat on the same drive using
seperate partitions, if so how???
Michael Doyle
Adelaide, South Australia
ICQ #2635762

 Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

RE: [newbie]Linux Isp

2001-04-03 Thread Philomena

who is the provider ??

At 10:50 AM 4/3/2001 -0400, Jose M. Sanchez wrote:

Believe it or not I ran accross a DSL provider that ADVERTISES that they
support Linux...



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jennifer Davis
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 7:21 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie]Linux Isp

I doubt you wil find any and it's sad as most of the techs at ISPs run
Linux on their home systems.

(ex ISP tech who was not allowed to support linux users despite the
simplicity of the questions)

Jennifer Davis

On Mon, 2 Apr 2001, phil wrote:

  Anyone know of any Linux friendly  ISP?I get the Impression  My  ISP
  is  not.
  Cable  access Roadrunner Time warner!

[newbie] Very Frustrated 8.0 and kde 2.1

2001-04-03 Thread root

I was unsuccessful in obtaining a cd which burned correctly to install 8.0 
beta 2 or 3.  

So I tried upgrading to KDE 2.1 via the Mandrake 7.2 RPM packages off of  How do I get it to work?  I click on one of the Mandrake 
7.2 RPM packages, it downloads then stops the install saying unsatisifed 
dependancies and list thems.  I then try and download the RPM that has some 
of the dependancies, but then  that tells me it has unsatisfied dependancies, 
so i try another and get same result.

This is the song that never ends, it goes on and on my friend


2001-04-03 Thread Jeremy H.

Does anyone have a pre-compiled driver for a 
Linksys etherfast NIC?

[newbie] ati Radeon

2001-04-03 Thread Serge


Despite the XFree 4.03 and the 2.4 kernel in the Mandrake 8.0 beta3, i cannot 
use my Radeon video card. 
Is there anyone if the same problem and fixed it? i have a radeon 64 ddr card


Re: [newbie]Linux Isp

2001-04-03 Thread Jennifer Davis

I came across this back when I was doing dialup with Slackware.  I
switched over to ADSL just before I started using Mandrake, so I am not
sure if their help is terribly useful.  It is from my old ISP.  They claim
that they don't support Linux, but maybe the documentation could help


[newbie] double mounted root partition [wrong list?]

2001-04-03 Thread michael

my root partition is mounted twice. Huh? 

[root@michael /root]# df -h
FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda105.9G  2.5G  3.4G  43% /
/dev/hda105.9G  2.5G  3.4G  43% /
/dev/hde1 4.9G  2.0G  2.8G  42% /mnt/windows
/dev/hda6 1.5G  233M  1.2G  16% /hda6
/dev/hda7 4.9G  2.2G  2.7G  45% /hda7
/dev/hda8 5.9G  4.7G  1.1G  81% /hda8
/dev/hde6 2.0G  423M  1.6G  20% /hde6
/dev/hde7 2.3G  1.6G  647M  72% /hde7
/dev/hde5 4.9G  2.3G  2.6G  47% /hde5
[root@michael /root]#

[newbie] unable to connect to my news server

2001-04-03 Thread ai4a

I am using a machine with dual boot - windows 98 and LM 7.2. I use
netscape on both systems. On windows, I set up news groups by going to
preferences  mail  newsgroups  newsgroups server - then entering news
as the name of my newsgroup server. Then I can enter the names of any
newsgroups I wish to read and all works OK. If I do the something on LM
7.2 I get a message that Netscape cannot connect to the server news??
What am I doing wrong? Any help would be appreciated.
My machine is:
AMD 500mhz
128M ram
10 gig hard drive
2 gig hard drive
windows 98
LM 7.2

[newbie] Printing to printer shared on Novell Server

2001-04-03 Thread Mike Carlson

I need to print to a printer that is shared off of a Novell 4.x server.
Obviously I am a newbie, so if anybody knows of a simple howto or has
detailed instructions that would be great.

I am running Mandrake 7.2


[newbie] Fwd: Baby Question - StarOffice

2001-04-03 Thread Daniel

--  Forwarded Message  --
Subject: Baby Question - StarOffice
Date: Tue, 3 Apr 2001 07:24:19 -0400

Quick coment on sugested processes to Install StarOffice_5.1a  in a Linux
Mandrake 7.0 environment:

1- /mnt/cdrom directory shown as empty. CD did not move inside drive.

2- DrakConf option: RPM packages shown on screen but no Staroffice-en or -fr

What I did: Went through Gnome, and after a complex process (that I will try to
report  when I understand what I have done) involving
/opt/Office51/kde/applnk/StarOffice.kdelnk, the application was installed
inside the gnome section. To run the program, I look for the StarOffice icon
inside "Gnome and X Apps" and start it.
Now there is another situation. When I try to run it there is an error message
saying: "In the StarOffice 5.1 installation, the following file could not be
found: /home/daniel/Office51/sofficerc. When I try setup or repair to fix it,
it does not work. Is it because it is running under Gnome? Anyway is it possible
to transfer the application to the kde environment? Where can I find this
"soficerc" file and add to installed program? Would it work this way or should
I have to start installation all over again?

Thanks for your patience.

[newbie] Baby Question - StarOffice

2001-04-03 Thread Daniel

Quick coment on sugested processes to Install StarOffice_5.1a  in a Linux
Mandrake 7.0 environment:

1- /mnt/cdrom directory shown as empty. CD did not move inside drive.

2- DrakConf option: RPM packages shown on screen but no Staroffice-en or -fr

What I did: Went through Gnome, and after a complex process (that I will try to
report  when I understand what I have done) involving
/opt/Office51/kde/applnk/StarOffice.kdelnk, the application was installed
inside the gnome section. To run the program, I look for the StarOffice icon
inside "Gnome and X Apps" and start it.
Now there is another situation. When I try to run it there is an error message
saying: "In the StarOffice 5.1 installation, the following file could not be
found: /home/daniel/Office51/sofficerc. When I try setup or repair to fix it,
it does not work. Is it because it is running under Gnome? Anyway is it possible
to transfer the application to the kde environment? Where can I find this
"soficerc" file and add to installed program? Would it work this way or should
I have to start installation all over again?

Thanks for your patience.

Re: [newbie] Help with fancy KDE Mail Filter

2001-04-03 Thread David

On Monday 02 April 2001 19:55, you wrote:

 I noticed recently that most of the spam I recive does not have any of the
 email addresses I use in the message's To: field. I would like to take
 advantage of this to filter spam into the trash. The filters I would like
 to create would be something like this:

 If subject contains "affordable offshore" AND the To: field does not
 then transfer message to trash.

 Filtering by keywords in the subject is easy enough. My question is how can
 I do the second part with several different email addresses. I see there is
 an option to us a regular expression in the filter. If this is what I need
 can some kind soul give me an example expression. I suppose translate this:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]) into a regular expression?

 Thank You.
 David Nelson
yea spam sux
after all my e-mail is in its various directories via the filters the last 
filter looks at whats is left in the inbox, since all my spam does not have 
my exact email address in the TO: header, i then trash everything that is NOT 
any for my email adresses with the final filter..
this way my ever changing spam addresses are filtered out :-)
hope that helps


Re: [newbie]Linux Isp

2001-04-03 Thread bpremeaux

You should check out  

They provide nation wide dial up service as well as ISDN and DSL support.
There are also shell accounts for those the have a need.

Barry :-)

On Tue, 03 April 2001, Jennifer Davis wrote:

 I doubt you wil find any and it's sad as most of the techs at ISPs run
 Linux on their home systems.
 (ex ISP tech who was not allowed to support linux users despite the
 simplicity of the questions)
 Jennifer Davis
 On Mon, 2 Apr 2001, phil wrote:
  Anyone know of any Linux friendly  ISP?I get the Impression  My  ISP 
  is  not.
  Cable  access Roadrunner Time warner! - nationwide internet access

RE: [newbie] Merge several html docs into one?

2001-04-03 Thread Daryl Johnson

There is a program on freshmeat that does this.  It's a perl script I
believe but if you search freshmeat using 'merge html documents' it will
show up as an answer.

Daryl Johnson
Proplan Associates

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of n6tadam
 Sent: 03 April 2001 10:14
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Merge several html docs into one?


 I would just like to say, that if you are merging html files,
 then using cat
 is not all that effective, try the following:

 cat filehtml | mv file2html  amalg


 Thomas Adam
 - Original Message -
 From: Meph Istopheles [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, April 01, 2001 7:48 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Merge several html docs into one?

   Is there a quick and easy way to merge several html docs into
   one file? Can the images also be merged at the same time?
Have you tried cat'ing them with something like:
  cat file,file,file,etc  newfile (to copy them to another)
  cat file,file,file,etc  newfile (to move them to another)
I don't often cat to file, so you might want to fool with it --
  or better, read the man file.
"I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody."
-Dave '-ddt-' Taylor, announcing DOOM for Linux

 Please note that the content of this message is confidential
 between the original sender and the intended recipient(s) of the
 message. If you are not an intended recipient and/or have
 received this message in error, kindly disregard the content of
 the message and return it to the original sender.

 If you have any complaints about this message please reply to:

 The Purbeck School E-Mail server running:

Re: [newbie]PDF

2001-04-03 Thread Derek Rayne

--- phil [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Can Linux handle PDF?

YES it can, there is a reader for it, written by the people of Adobe. 
I am not sure if there is a PDF Creator for Linux.  I have the one that
can read them and it is terrific.


Richard Wegner - Linux Newbie - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

NOTE: Derek Rayne is a FICTIONAL CHARACTER this is just an
e-mail address I chose!

Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

[newbie] PDF to ASCII test utility

2001-04-03 Thread Mark Johnson

does anyone know if there is a linux utility that will convert PDF to a
plain ol' text file?

Re: [newbie] unable to connect to my news server

2001-04-03 Thread ai4a

ai4a wrote:
 I am using a machine with dual boot - windows 98 and LM 7.2. I use
 netscape on both systems. On windows, I set up news groups by going to
 preferences  mail  newsgroups  newsgroups server - then entering news
 as the name of my newsgroup server. Then I can enter the names of any
 newsgroups I wish to read and all works OK. If I do the something on LM
 7.2 I get a message that Netscape cannot connect to the server news??
 What am I doing wrong? Any help would be appreciated.
 My machine is:
 AMD 500mhz
 128M ram
 10 gig hard drive
 2 gig hard drive
 windows 98
 LM 7.2

I found out what I was doing wrong. In windows Netscape I can just enter
'news' as the server name. But in linux Netscape, I must enter the
complete name, Such as, ''.


Re: [newbie] Very Frustrated 8.0 and kde 2.1

2001-04-03 Thread Alan Shoemaker

root wrote:
 I was unsuccessful in obtaining a cd which burned correctly
 to install 8.0 beta 2 or 3.

 So I tried upgrading to KDE 2.1 via the Mandrake 7.2 RPM
 packages off of  How do I get it to work? 
 I click on one of the Mandrake 7.2 RPM packages, it
 downloads then stops the install saying unsatisifed
 dependancies and list thems.  I then try and download the
 RPM that has some of the dependancies, but then  that tells
 me it has unsatisfied dependancies, so i try another and
 get same result.

 This is the song that never ends, it goes on and on my

rootfirst you need to put all the .rpm files that you 
downloaded from sourceforge into a directory (one with no 
other files in it).  Then you type (at a command line as 

rpm -Uvh *

this will check all the dependencies of all the .rpm file in 
that directory and if there are no dependency problems or 
other conflicts all of the .rpm file in the directoey will be 
installed.  When the installation of the .rpm files is 
complete then type at the command line:

rpm --rebuilddb

and when that command finishes type:

update-menus -v

when that command seems to have stopped press enter to get 
back the command prompt.  Then log off of the system and 
reboot.  That's it.

Re: [newbie] [Newbie] DHCP

2001-04-03 Thread phil

NO its ever changing?Dynamic

At 09:16 AM 4/3/2001 -0500, you wrote:
Don't you have a static IP?

- Original Message -
From: "phil" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 2:15 AM
Subject: [newbie] [Newbie] DHCP

Can anyone tell  me  what  /etc/dhcp file is  supposed to
  right now mine  has Dhcpcd   executable,The  gear symbol LOL
 at boot up  my  system is failing to  determine IP info for  eth0(NIC)
  via Dhcpcd?
  Oh yes I am trying to  access  the net  via a roadrunner cable modem.
and my  NIC is recognized  by  harddrake.
  If i try to  ping  i  get  unreachable!!

Re: [newbie] [Newbie] DHCP

2001-04-03 Thread phil

Thanks very much  Im aware of  all this.windowz and Linux   Same Box Same 
NIC So THat s should not be the prob,thanks

At 07:33 AM 4/3/2001 -0700, you wrote:
phil wrote:

  Oh yes I am trying to  access  the net  via a roadrunner cable modem.
and my  NIC is recognized  by  harddrake.

Depending on your location, you'll find that the following may or may
not apply for roadrunner:
1) they use the MAC address in the negotiation.  So if you used a
Windows machine with a network card, you will have to use the same
network card in your Linux box.
2) they sometimes assign you a hostname and that hostname/MAC address
combo is used to authenticate who you are.  If you had to enter a
hostname for Windows, you will have to assign that same hostname to your
Linux box.  I'd assume that you would have already done this, so it
probably does not apply to you.

Smile, at least you don't have PPPoE.
Blue skies...   Todd
| Get a bigger hammer!   |  PPPoE: the internet for people who|
|  |  don't want the Internet.  |
|  |   --Aaron Lehmann  |


2001-04-03 Thread phil

Well its tulip   but i  never did get it  to work,  instead  got a realtk 
8139  it works!

At 10:41 AM 4/3/2001 -0500, you wrote:
Does anyone have a pre-compiled driver for a Linksys etherfast NIC?

[newbie] Vmware

2001-04-03 Thread LĂșcio Costa

Hi folks !!!

Can anyone tell me how can I configure the last vmware to access cdrw-drive ?
This cdrw is a scsi and I can mount it in LM 7.2.



Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

Re: [newbie]PDF

2001-04-03 Thread phil

Yes this is the same  card in  one box with  win and Linux.Win  gets on no 
actually This  isn't  to confusing im following you.
   I think my problem is Dhcp.
  Also  i  will  try  your suggestion  about the etc/dhcp file

At 05:37 AM 4/3/2001 -0400, you wrote:
Phil; I caught both your emails, so I put them together in this reply,
because I have questions for you about both of them. This second Realtek
nic,...are you saying that you've used it inWindows to connect thru the
cablemodem to your ISP, and it worked? Or are you saying that you've used it
in Windows for something else, and it worked? If it worked to connect you in
Windows (to your ISP that is) then the NIC is not your problem. Whether in
Linux or Windows, the principles of TCP/IP are the same. Therefore, your
problem is somewhere in Linux. You're probably using DHCP in Windows to get
a dynamic IP number from your ISP each time you connect. If you can't do the
same in Linux, then DHCP isn't runnin,or isn't running properly in Linux. If
you're NOT using the NIC in Windows to connect to your ISP, but maybe to
connect a second PC to this one, then I'd say that you should use this first
NIC to connect to your ISP, and get another one to connect to the other PC.
I know this is confusing, but I'm trying to be specific with insufficient

By the way, /etc/dhcp , contains the DHCP Daemon (think executable file)
that runs your DHCP "service". In other words, it's fine. But check the
permissions on it. If you can't execute it when needed, your not going to
get anywhere on the Internet. Change to root, and check the permissions on
that file. Make sure that all the "Read" and "Execute" boxes are checked
off. If it can't start, it can't get an IP number from your ISP. Have fun,
Gotta go.

- Original Message -
From: "phil" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 1:59 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie]PDF

  Thanks for the  reply ,this is great  i am starting to love this   Linux.
Yes i am aware of the  Mac address And I am on  my 2nd NIC that  has
  realtk 8139, so it is  Linux compatable.But it works fine in windows so i
  thought  the  Mac should not matter ?
 Linux   recognizes the  NIC, And I have DHCP up and installed ,during
  bootup of linux  all the network  checks "Passed" .And i even saw
  on the cable modem. but no response.Then  something about $SOCKS_NS.
 But now i am about to  boot  back to linux and make more checks!

Can anyone tell  me  what  /etc/dhcp file is  supposed to  contain?
right now mine  has Dhcpcd   executable,The  gear symbol LOL
at boot up  my  system is failing to  determine IP info for  eth0(NIC)
via Dhcpcd?
 Oh yes I am trying to  access  the net  via a roadrunner cable modem.
   and my  NIC is recognized  by  harddrake.

If i try to  ping  i  get  unreachable!!

[newbie] HTTPd

2001-04-03 Thread michael

in the boot process, i get the message
starting httpd perl  failed
starting httpd failed

what's going on? How do I fix this?


Re: [newbie] HTTPd Solved

2001-04-03 Thread michael

On Tuesday 03 April 2001 12:35 pm,an entity purporting to be you 
 in the boot process, i get the message
 starting httpd perl  failed
 starting httpd failed

 what's going on? How do I fix this?
Duh. I forgot tp put me in my hosts file...oops!

Re: [newbie]PDF

2001-04-03 Thread Jon Doe

On Tuesday 03 April 2001 02:33 pm, you wrote:

 YES it can, there is a reader for it, written by the people of Adobe.
 I am not sure if there is a PDF Creator for Linux.  I have the one that
 can read them and it is terrific.

You can txt2pdf to convert text files to pdf and you can use htmldoc to 
convert html to pdf.

Re: [newbie] Creating Calendars

2001-04-03 Thread Jose Marcos Rodriguez Contte

- Original Message -
From: "marcia" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, April 02, 2001 6:57 PM
Subject: [newbie] Creating Calendars

 Dear All, I do a bi-montly 5 page newsletter using MSWord. I use the
 calendar Wizard for the calendars and events. I want to begin to do this
 project from StarOffice if possible. Is there a way I can do the
 calendars in StarOffice? I know there is no calendar wizard however is
 there a way to create a printable calendar from Staroffice Schedule?

 I just downloaded the iceSculptor demo from but to buy it is
 expensive, I think-$79.99. This program is supposed to be able to create
 calendars, banners, business cards, etc. Is there anything free like
 this?  I am using LM 7.2. Thank you, Marcia

 Hola un saludo . Os escribo esta carta por que
 tengo problemas con la version 7.2 de linux-mandreke.

No puedo constarme a la red por que el mandrake 7.2 no me hace funcionar la
moden insd que tengo. Tengo dos moden insd, que son "ACER acerisnd p-10 pci"
y la "AVMISDN.controller fritz! card pci" y en ambas me da el mismo

1 configuro bien mi conexion con mi servidor
2 ejecuto el kppp y hago clic sobre conectar
y mi sorpresa es que el mesaje que me da es iniciando el moden pero
 ahi se queda y por detras se ve una ventana que tiene el titulo "ventana de
 depuracion del ecript de conexion"y apartir de ese monento el sistema se
 quieto y no da ningun mensaje y cuando voy a la ventana de configuracion
 del kppp y elijo la pestaa "moden" en esa pestaa elijo "consulta el
me sale una ventana que me dice ati1..ati2.ati3.ati7 pero no me
mustra ninguna informacion que puede ser?por que no me funciona la targeta

Re: [newbie] Help with fancy KDE Mail Filter

2001-04-03 Thread Jose Marcos Rodriguez Contte

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2001 12:27 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Help with fancy KDE Mail Filter

 On Monday 02 April 2001 19:55, you wrote:
  I noticed recently that most of the spam I recive does not have any of
  email addresses I use in the message's To: field. I would like to take
  advantage of this to filter spam into the trash. The filters I would
  to create would be something like this:
  If subject contains "affordable offshore" AND the To: field does not
  then transfer message to trash.
  Filtering by keywords in the subject is easy enough. My question is how
  I do the second part with several different email addresses. I see there
  an option to us a regular expression in the filter. If this is what I
  can some kind soul give me an example expression. I suppose translate
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]) into a regular expression?
  Thank You.
  David Nelson
 yea spam sux
 after all my e-mail is in its various directories via the filters the last
 filter looks at whats is left in the inbox, since all my spam does not
 my exact email address in the TO: header, i then trash everything that is
 any for my email adresses with the final filter..
 this way my ever changing spam addresses are filtered out :-)
 hope that helps


 Hola un saludo . Os escribo esta carta por que
 tengo problemas con la version 7.2 de linux-mandreke.

No puedo constarme a la red por que el mandrake 7.2 no me hace funcionar la
moden insd que tengo. Tengo dos moden insd, que son "ACER acerisnd p-10 pci"
y la "AVMISDN.controller fritz! card pci" y en ambas me da el mismo

1 configuro bien mi conexion con mi servidor
2 ejecuto el kppp y hago clic sobre conectar
y mi sorpresa es que el mesaje que me da es iniciando el moden pero
 ahi se queda y por detras se ve una ventana que tiene el titulo "ventana de
 depuracion del ecript de conexion"y apartir de ese monento el sistema se
 quieto y no da ningun mensaje y cuando voy a la ventana de configuracion
 del kppp y elijo la pestaa "moden" en esa pestaa elijo "consulta el
me sale una ventana que me dice ati1..ati2.ati3.ati7 pero no me
mustra ninguna informacion que puede ser?por que no me funciona la targeta

Re: [newbie] Vmware

2001-04-03 Thread Jose Marcos Rodriguez Contte

- Original Message -
From: "Lcio Costa" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 9:53 PM
Subject: [newbie] Vmware

 Hi folks !!!

 Can anyone tell me how can I configure the last vmware to access
cdrw-drive ?
 This cdrw is a scsi and I can mount it in LM 7.2.

 TKS !


 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get your free address at

 Hola un saludo . Os escribo esta carta por que
 tengo problemas con la version 7.2 de linux-mandreke.

No puedo constarme a la red por que el mandrake 7.2 no me hace funcionar la
moden insd que tengo. Tengo dos moden insd, que son "ACER acerisnd p-10 pci"
y la "AVMISDN.controller fritz! card pci" y en ambas me da el mismo

1 configuro bien mi conexion con mi servidor
2 ejecuto el kppp y hago clic sobre conectar
y mi sorpresa es que el mesaje que me da es iniciando el moden pero
 ahi se queda y por detras se ve una ventana que tiene el titulo "ventana de
 depuracion del ecript de conexion"y apartir de ese monento el sistema se
 quieto y no da ningun mensaje y cuando voy a la ventana de configuracion
 del kppp y elijo la pestaa "moden" en esa pestaa elijo "consulta el
me sale una ventana que me dice ati1..ati2.ati3.ati7 pero no me
mustra ninguna informacion que puede ser?por que no me funciona la targeta

Re: [newbie] my time is fixed thank you thank you thank you

2001-04-03 Thread Chubby Vic

thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you

I had to install setuptool, somehow it got not installed

still thank you thank you thank you

 Did you set your clock to GMT? If not, do so. If so, undo it. When
 installing 7.2, it asked me if my hardware clock was set to GMT, and
 when I said yes, it gave me a time that was about 5 hours off, so I
 redid it and said no. Problem solved.



Was [newbie]PDF Now pdf netscape

2001-04-03 Thread Meph Istopheles

  Speaking of pdf, I'd noticed something really cool on my girl
friend's install of lm7.2 that's not in mine.  She can open pdf's
right in netscape, but my netscape wants me to save a pdf to

  Was that a fluke of the html on the page I'd opened that file
from, or is there a netscape setting which will do that for me?


  "I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody."
  -Dave '-ddt-' Taylor, announcing DOOM for Linux

Re: [newbie] Very Frustrated 8.0 and kde 2.1

2001-04-03 Thread G

Alan - Thank you.  Your procedures are definitly in my saved file.  However,  
I finally got  working cd's of 8.0 beta 3, but now i can't find the FBDev 
under the Hardware Display.  My screen is pushed to the right and off at the 
top of the monitor.  I tried several different choices but none seem to work. 
 Under 7.2 i could pick FBDev when i installed, that worked.  But now i can't 
find it, I checked under other but it wasn't listed.  Any ideas how i can get 
it so i can load it or whatever i need to do to get my screen correct.

On Tuesday 03 April 2001 15:14, you wrote:
 root wrote:
  I was unsuccessful in obtaining a cd which burned correctly
  to install 8.0 beta 2 or 3.
  So I tried upgrading to KDE 2.1 via the Mandrake 7.2 RPM
  packages off of  How do I get it to work?
  I click on one of the Mandrake 7.2 RPM packages, it
  downloads then stops the install saying unsatisifed
  dependancies and list thems.  I then try and download the
  RPM that has some of the dependancies, but then  that tells
  me it has unsatisfied dependancies, so i try another and
  get same result.
  This is the song that never ends, it goes on and on my

 rootfirst you need to put all the .rpm files that you
 downloaded from sourceforge into a directory (one with no
 other files in it).  Then you type (at a command line as

 rpm -Uvh *

 this will check all the dependencies of all the .rpm file in
 that directory and if there are no dependency problems or
 other conflicts all of the .rpm file in the directoey will be
 installed.  When the installation of the .rpm files is
 complete then type at the command line:

 rpm --rebuilddb

 and when that command finishes type:

 update-menus -v

 when that command seems to have stopped press enter to get
 back the command prompt.  Then log off of the system and
 reboot.  That's it.

[newbie] User permissions

2001-04-03 Thread Brett

I want to be able to to telnet to a machine running mandrake-linux.

How do I set a normal user to have "superviser" rights, so that I can
restart the machine remotely.

Thanks guys.

[newbie] Font server not loading

2001-04-03 Thread BJS

Hi All
My first question to this list.

I am running Mandrake 7.2 on a celeron 500 machine
w/256M of ram.  Creative TNT2 ultra vid card and no
sound card.

I got it installed no problem. 
It booted up fine right into X windows.

My buddy came over this weekend to help me set it up
so I could connect to the internet and all.
I have a lynksys 4 port router and a cable modem. 

It was working fine for a little while. 
We tried loading star office but ran into some sort of
problem.(unfortunately i dont recall the specifics) 

We rebooted the machine, when it came back up, the
font server wouldnt load. It had a red X next to it in
the check list. 
Then instead of booting into X windows, it went right
to a command prompt. 
I was still connected to the net. 
but X windows would not load for us. 

Any suggestions?

Brian J Susol  Raynham MA
ICQ# 9088592
Yahoo: bsusol

Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

[newbie] so, I broke my mouse

2001-04-03 Thread Adam Willcox

Hehe, accidently set my mouse to usb when it is in 
fact ps/2... HEHE. Anyone know a common file where linux stores all 
this stuff so I can edit it with vi? :) BTW, how do I get my mouse wheel 

Re: [newbie] so, I broke my mouse

2001-04-03 Thread s

Well, this section in /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 defines it at least in part.  
This is mine (using XFree 4.0.3-3) for a ps2 logitech scroll/wheel mouse:

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Mouse1"
Driver  "mouse"
Option "Protocol""MouseManPlusPS/2"
Option "Device"  "/dev/psaux"
Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"

My backup from XFree86-4.0.1 reads like this:

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Mouse1"
Driver  "mouse"
Option "Protocol""MouseManPlusPS/2"
Option "Device"  "/dev/mouse"
Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"

Umm, maybe by changing the device and rebooting it can get recognized.  Most 
people have pretty good luck choosing msintellimouse from drakconf  mouse 
config for all wheel mice.  (That's what I'm using on another machine with a 
genius netscroll).  


On Tuesday 03 April 2001 07:26 pm, you wrote:
 Hehe, accidently set my mouse to usb when it is in fact ps/2... HEHE.  
 Anyone know a common file where linux stores all this stuff so I can edit
 it with vi? :)  BTW, how do I get my mouse wheel working?

Re: [newbie] so, I broke my mouse

2001-04-03 Thread ai4a

 Adam Willcox wrote:
 Hehe, accidently set my mouse to usb when it is in fact ps/2...
 HEHE.   Anyone know a common file where linux stores all this stuff so
 I can edit it with vi? :)  BTW, how do I get my mouse wheel working?

Hi Adam
If you use X windows try the following. I have LM 7.2.

log in as root 
cd /etc/X11
emacs XF86Config  ( careful about the caps)
change the Protocol to 'PS/2"
may need to change   Device to '/dev/psaux'
control x, control c then answer y to save

Hope this helps. It worked for me.

RE: [newbie] so, I broke my mouse

2001-04-03 Thread Ingo Bauer

Hi Adam ;

The file you are looking for is called XF86Config or XF86Config-4 depending on what 
version of Mandrake and X you are using.

In that file is a pointer section  the beginning of my section looks as follows:

The important parts to make your wheel work are 

Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
and Option "Protocol""IMPS/2"

Give ita try and let me know how you are making out.

IngoOption "Protocol""IMPS/2"


# **
# Pointer section
# **

Section "InputDevice"

Identifier "Mouse1"
Driver  "mouse"

Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"

Option "Protocol""IMPS/2"

Option "Device"  "/dev/psaux"
Option "Emulate3Buttons"
Option "Emulate3Timeout""50"

-Original Message-
From:   Adam Willcox [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   April 3, 2001 9:27 PM
Subject:[newbie] so, I broke my mouse

Hehe, accidently set my mouse to usb when it is in fact ps/2... HEHE.   Anyone know a 
common file where linux stores all this stuff so I can edit it with vi? :)  BTW, how 
do I get my mouse wheel working?
  File: ATT3.html  

[newbie] Linux-Friendly ISP? Try ASANet

2001-04-03 Thread excalibur


In order for an ISP to be Linux-friendly, all you really need is for
it to be accessible via dialup and its dns number(s). And with
Dialup applet, it is super-easy. Such a service is


which I have used for four(five?) years
consecutively (and which also offers web hosting ;-) )

Go ahead, take a look! I use it on my Mandrake Linux. Tell them I sent
if you decide to sign up... ;-)

Angel Mendez




Re: [newbie] my time is fixed thank you thank you thank you

2001-04-03 Thread Rog

On Tue, 3 Apr 2001 16:58:48 -0500, you wrote:

thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you

I had to install setuptool, somehow it got not installed

still thank you thank you thank you

Anytime ;-)

 Did you set your clock to GMT? If not, do so. If so, undo it. When
 installing 7.2, it asked me if my hardware clock was set to GMT, and
 when I said yes, it gave me a time that was about 5 hours off, so I
 redid it and said no. Problem solved.





Re: [newbie] Very Frustrated 8.0 and kde 2.1

2001-04-03 Thread Alan Shoemaker

G wrote:
 Alan - Thank you.  Your procedures are definitly in my
 saved file.  However, I finally got  working cd's of 8.0
 beta 3, but now i can't find the FBDev under the Hardware
 Display.  My screen is pushed to the right and off at the
 top of the monitor.  I tried several different choices but
 none seem to work. Under 7.2 i could pick FBDev when i
 installed, that worked.  But now i can't find it, I checked
 under other but it wasn't listed.  Any ideas how i can get
 it so i can load it or whatever i need to do to get my
 screen correct.

GI dunno, haven't run any versions of the beta yet.  But 
why are you asking questions about a beta version here 
anyway?  The place where 8.0 is happening is on the cooker 
list.  Send a message to:

with this in the body of the message:

SUB cooker

then you'll be isubscribed to the correct place for 8.0 beta 
questions, answers and discussion.

[newbie] LI boot prompt

2001-04-03 Thread cyberclay

  When attempting to upgrade to a newer
version of Mandrake, apparently grub failed
to completely delete the portion of my MBR
containing lilo, because now when I boot up
grub doesn't run and an "LI" is printed on
the screen.  How can I fix this?  The computer
doesn't have windows on it, but I can run
the "rescue" thing from the CD's lilo menu.
   Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Re: [newbie] Automatic Day light Savings Time Change

2001-04-03 Thread Romanator

Meph Istopheles wrote:
 Yes, though I wasn't expecting it -- my previous os (RH
   6.0) only did so on one of three boxes, though each was set
   to do so.
  I wonder why it works on some configurations and not on others?
   Can't say -- beyond bad coding.  This kind of thing is much
 more common in M$ os'  apps -- things which ~should~ work, but
 will in some installs but not in others.  I've a P-100 still with
 RH6.0 which I'd had (for various reasons) had to reinstall 3-4
 times.  The only consistency in the biggest problem was that the
 box couldn't find the network even after entering the settings
 correctly during the install(s).  Each time, there were
 different, odd settings in the network scripts.
   That box, of all three I have here, won't accept lilo during
 install, but will after first boot  running /sbin/lilo,  won't
 connect to my lan (let alone access the gateway  beyond) till I
 edit the network scripts.  The other two do fine.
   I've not got lm7.2 on the two faster boxes with only minor
 problems due to bad app coding either fixed or discarded in
 favour of an another app.
   Wish me luck -- I'll be installing lm7.2 on a P-Pro166 (after I
 get a new video card) for my brother, RH6.2 via ftp on a 486
 laptop (had RH5.0 on it a while back without X)  FreeBSD on an
 HP Netserver 486/33 (also needs a video card) soon.  If you're
 interested, I can let you know about any oddities.
   "I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody."
   -Dave '-ddt-' Taylor, announcing DOOM for Linux

I'll be installing lm7.2 on my PII 200 MHz MMX Dell Dimensions on the
week end.

Good luck!
Registered Linux User #179293
High Powered Penguin Email

Re: [newbie] LI boot prompt

2001-04-03 Thread Sevatio Octavio

Do you have the floppy boot disks?  Use those to boot back into the 
system.  Go into your console, log in as superuser, use "lilo" command 
and that should correct Lilo.

 Original Message 

On 4/3/01, 7:34:15 PM, "cyberclay" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote regarding 
[newbie] LI boot prompt:

   When attempting to upgrade to a newer
 version of Mandrake, apparently grub failed
 to completely delete the portion of my MBR
 containing lilo, because now when I boot up
 grub doesn't run and an "LI" is printed on
 the screen.  How can I fix this?  The computer
 doesn't have windows on it, but I can run
 the "rescue" thing from the CD's lilo menu.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.



[newbie] Zoom ISA Modem = WinModem ?

2001-04-03 Thread Lee

So..the only modem that will work with Linux is an external or a usb type?
No ISA's or PCI's ? TIA !!

[newbie] KDE2.1.1 in Mandrake?

2001-04-03 Thread Dennis Myers

Has anyone been able to upgrade the KDE files to 2.1.1?  I have tried three 
times and the time wasted is not enjoyed. It ends up with a never ending list 
of dependencies or I end up with an Xwindow that's broken and won't come up.
Maybe it is due to the XFree86 files but I don't think so. At any rate It 
appears to be an impossible mission to upgrade, and in the process I lost my 
sound somewhere.  The sound card is seen and recognized correctly but I can't 
get a peep out of the speakers. It appears that I have no sound module, where 
would I go to get it and install? TIA for any advice.
Dennis M. registered Linux user # 180842

[newbie] GRUB problems

2001-04-03 Thread willcoxa

Well, being new to linux I screwed up enough stuff that I thought it good to do a 
fresh install, but this time something got screwed up with GRUB.  On previous 
installations I was able to have linux on my second drive and grub was able to load 
windows2000 from my first drive... something that I thought was pretty cool.  But this 
time when my computer boots normally grub gets to "stage1" and then halts... not even 
reaching the boot menu.  Does anyone know what could cause this and what I can do to 
fix it?

Re: [newbie] Zoom ISA Modem = WinModem ?

2001-04-03 Thread Barry Premeaux

Lee wrote:
 So..the only modem that will work with Linux is an external or a usb type?
 No ISA's or PCI's ? TIA !!
I have a generic ISA - 56k modem that is working fine.  It has a
Rockwell Chip set and is jumpered for COM2.  

Check out  or the compatible hardware
section on

There are a number of Linux compatible modems.  You just need to
pick one that has it's firmware in the chipset and not in the OS
(ala MS).
