Fwd: Re: [newbie-it] Installazione di 2 Mdk 8

2001-05-16 Thread Daniele Morabito

Il 23:17, lunedì 14 Maggio 2001, Daniele Morabito ha scritto:
 attualmente ho installato sullo stesso disco Mdk 8 affiancata a Win98:
 voglio sradicare Win e sostituirlo con una seconda installazione di Mdk 8.
 Qual è il miglior modo di formattare l'hard disk per poter avere i due
 sistemi linux indipendenti e caricabili da lilo?

Ok ragazi ho capito di non essere stato sufficientemente chiaro, quindi mi

a fianco del sistema ufficiale vorrei riservare ~ 500 MB per una
installazione minimale dove far girare esclusivamente Corel Photopaint con
settaggi e paciocchi particolari (altrimenti non gli garba); attualmente
l'HD è così ripartito:

win98 su hda1 ( /mnt/win_c) partizione primaria 1
  hda5 ( / ) partizione logica 1
  hda6 ( swap) partizione logica 2
  hda7 ( /home) partizione logica 3

anche il secondo sistema vorrei suddividerlo con /, /home, swap.


1) Non si possono creare più di 4 partizioni logiche in un HD (o mi
sbaglio?): cosa faccio il nuovo sistema lo installo su tre partizioni
primarie? O c'è un sistema migliore?

2) come si fà a mettere in comune ai due sistemi partizioni come la /home e
la swap?

3) quando installo il secondo sistema come faccio a sciegliere le partizioni
vergini? (domanda idiota?)

grazie a tutti



Re: [newbie-it] 7.2 e ISDN

2001-05-16 Thread Germano

installa (se non lo hai già fatto) i pacchetti, che hai sicuramente nel cd, 
isdn4net e isdn4k-utils dopodichè segui le istruzioni alla pagina


Non sovrascrivere assolutamente dei file con i driver che scarichi 
dall'Asuscom (che non servono a niente)

Se hai problemi riscrivi

Ciao, Germano

Il 19:02, martedì 15 Maggio 2001, hai scritto:
 ho istallato una Mandrake 7.2 sul mio PC e questa è la prima esperienza che
 faccio con Linux.
 Ho un problema che non riesco a risolvere: non riesco ad effettuare la
 connessione ad internet con una scheda ASUSCOM  ISDNLink 128.
 In fase di istallazione ho eseguito correttamente il settaggio della rete
 inserendo tutti i valori che venivano richiest (provider, PWD, DNS etc..)
 ma ugualmente non riesco a connettermi.
 Dal sito della ASUSCOM ho scaricato il file asuslinux-w6692-v1.4.tar ma non
 riesco a fare quanto descritto nel file PDF contenuto nell' archivio perchè
 non trovo la cartella /usr/src/linux/drivers/hisax in cui sostituire il
 file w6692.c
 Inoltre nel mio computer sembra non esistere da nessuna parte la cartella
 isdn/hisax né quella (che da quel poco che ho capito sembra essere
 Ringrazio per l'attenzione e per l'aiuto che spero qualcuno voglia darmi.
 Mi scuso per la scarsa chiarezza con cui espongo il mio problema ma in
 realtà non sono ancora riuscito a capire esattamente quale sia.
 Gradirei, inoltre, sapere in che modo devo configurare Netscape.

 Giuseppe Foti

[newbie-it] Re: [expert-it] DIRECTX E DIRECTMEDIA

2001-05-16 Thread Sebastiano Cordiano

On Wed, 16 May 2001 17:40:04
Andrea Monaci [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Vorrei essere sicuro di avere capito giusto: in Linux, le librerie
 DirectMedia sono equivalenti alle varie librerie di DirectX della
 Microsoft? Se si`, qual'e` la loro home page?

E che il crossposting e' proibito non l' hai ancora capito??
Scusa ma...c' e' un limite a tutto!!


Sebastiano Cordiano

[newbie] New Install, can't find CD

2001-05-16 Thread Ric Tibbetts

Ok, this is so bad it hurts.
I'm trying to load Mandrake 8.0 on an older box (an aging 75mhz
Pentium), to set up as a firewall box.
I've run Linux on it in the past, but it's been retired for a year or

Anyway. I have to boot it from a floppy (it won't boot from a CD). So I
made the floppy, and loaded the disk, and the CD, and hit the switch. It
came up on the floppy ok, then it fails to find the CD. It's just a
generic old IDE CD ROM drive. Nothing fancy (just older). The kernel
seems to identify it on boot up, but the install program won't recognize
it. it fails, then I get the option to pick one from a list. I do that,
and it asks for options to boot from...

This is way harder than it needs to be. :)
any suggestions on how to get this thing to find the CD?



RE: [newbie] Forgot wheel mouse thing

2001-05-16 Thread Ingo Bauer

What version of X are you using  The config changes a slightly different from 
3.3.6 to 4.x.x.

-Original Message-
From:   Chubby Vic [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   May 15, 2001 11:44 PM
Subject:[newbie] Forgot wheel mouse thing

Hi I got a new Logitech optical 3 button mouse, and it worked
without config, except the wheel.

How does one get the wheel function activated?


[newbie] AsusCom ISDN problems

2001-05-16 Thread Hannu Keronen

I have this strange problem. Mandrake 
Linux detects my Asuscom PCI ISDN correctly, but installs it as Dynalink PCI 
ISDN. And it can't connect to net. Then once I installed it as Asuscom ISA ISDN, 
and it connected! But only once... after I booted my linux it didn't work 
anymore. What's the problem?

Re: [newbie] Forgot wheel mouse thing

2001-05-16 Thread John Farrell

On Wed, 16 May 2001 12:43, Chubby Vic wrote:
 Hi I got a new Logitech optical 3 button mouse, and it worked
 without config, except the wheel.

 How does one get the wheel function activated?


Chubby, try this link:


It didn't work my MS Trekker mouse, but it came closer
than anything else I have seen.


[newbie] Forgot wheel mouse thing

2001-05-16 Thread Lee

Well you can do this during the install under mouse configuration..or in
drakconfig,or..so I am told in mousedrake.

Hi I got a new Logitech optical 3 button mouse, and it worked
without config, except the wheel.

How does one get the wheel function activated?


[newbie] sendmail question .........

2001-05-16 Thread Ingo Bauer

Good morning all ..:)

I find alot of this 

May 16 04:24:48 bear sendmail[2958]: NOQUEUE: IDENT:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
in [] did not issue MAIL/EXPN/VRFY/ETRN during connection to MTA

ing my logfiles  Does anybody have any idea what it means  Sendmail seems to 
work fine otherwise.


 A positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the
 intangible and achieves the impossible

[newbie] java. why doesn't it go?

2001-05-16 Thread mike cola

i'm currently attempting to study java at college but whn i try to compile i get the 
message error: Cannot find type 'javax/swing/JOptionPane'. is this due to LM 7.2 
using an old JDK ? what version of the JDK is standard in 7.2? i've tried to upgrade 
to ibm's jdk 1.3 but i think the download was corrupted as i get the error (in 
Gnomerpm) that the rpm doesn't appear to ba an rpm.. i downloaded the JRE and the SDK, 
is there a specific order that they should be installed in (i'm going to try to d/l 
them again)? i also d/loaded Forte, the ibm IDE and while it installs fine i can't 
seem to find it in the menus and it has a folder in the /usr/local/ directory but i 
don't know how to run it from there. All answers to these problems gladly appreciated. 
espescially since i want to use my pc to write up a project due in a couple of weeks 
without having to resort to using my crap old windoze box.

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Re: [newbie] SoundBlaster Live! Value in LM 8

2001-05-16 Thread Randy Kramer


Interesting!  Do you dual boot with Windows?  Has disabling plug and
play OS in the bios affected Windows?

Randy Kramer

Alan Rolfe wrote:
 My Sound Blaster Live! Value didn't work at first and no matter what I
 tried it just refused.
 My problem was simple however... I had plug and play OS set to YES
 in my bios. I set it to NO and it worked first time on the next

Re: [newbie] AsusCom ISDN problems

2001-05-16 Thread Paul

 I have this strange problem. Mandrake Linux detects my Asuscom PCI ISDN
cor rectly, but installs it as Dynalink PCI ISDN. And it can't connect to net.
 Then once I installed it as Asuscom ISA ISDN, and it connected! But only
on ce... after I booted my linux it didn't work anymore. What's the problem?

After a boot, you can check /var/log/messages and see if the ISDN module was loaded and
initialized. (It should show the MSN numbers of your card.)
If this is not done, you should figure out the module you have to load using modprobe 
add that to the bootfiles.
Info on how to determine the module (e.g. Hisax) can be found at

Good luck

[newbie] wu-ftpd and xinedt help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

2001-05-16 Thread moses

where can i find a real how to on setting up wu-ftpd (or any other ftp 
daemon) on LM8.0 ? i guess i need to get a better knowledge of xinetd and how 
to configure it any ideas (beside /usr/share/doc/wu-ftpd2.61

[newbie] Problem booting up with LILO

2001-05-16 Thread f d

Hi there all!

I have a problem when booting lilo (or grub?, whatever the default is at the 
installation). When the system starts up all i get is this:

L01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01
01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01

And if i let it do i´d finish with hundreds of 01 rows. The first ´L´makes 
me think it does try to load lilo but fails.

When booting from ploppy i got no errors and the system starts up with no 
problem. So i tried to install lilo on the floppy and restore my HD mbr 
(with fdisk /mbr)to leave it alone, but the same thing happened!!

Im running a p600 with two HD, Windows is installed on a 40gb ATA100 7200 
brand new HD(primary master), and the one im trying to install linux on is a 
8gb set up as a secondary SLAVE.

Anyone can help? All comments will be highly apreciate.

Thanks in advance
Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.

Re: [newbie] what is this secret code?

2001-05-16 Thread Paul

 Appears to me that it is the setups for a Serial I/O card or modem.

in fact it is the setup for a parralel port, I think. The funny part is however when it

At the moment that the text login prompt appears at system boot.
After a few moments this strange text comes up. Seems a bit strange to
pick that moment to detect/setup a printer port...


[newbie] Photopaint

2001-05-16 Thread Titiriga Dorin

How to install photopaint 9 under mandrake ?

Re: [newbie] Problem booting up with LILO

2001-05-16 Thread Paul

On my webpage http://nlpagan.net/linux.htm there is a link to a site that offers a
possible solution to this problem. It is at the bottom in the tips and tricks section.
Hope this helps

 Hi there all!
 I have a problem when booting lilo (or grub?, whatever the default is at the 
 installation). When the system starts up all i get is this:
 L01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01
 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01

[newbie] Server keeps falling asleep :(

2001-05-16 Thread Steve Gulick

I have Mandrake Corp Server 1.0.1 running email and http for my small home
office. It seems that my server falls asleep every night from a lack of
activity. If I try to log in to my pop3 server from my remote office via the
internet the server won't respond. I have to log in 1st from my home network
before I leave the house to wake up the server. Once I do that it works all
day without a problem. I am not sure what might cause this. Can anyone
enlighten me?


RE: [newbie] New Install, can't find CD

2001-05-16 Thread Charles A Edwards

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2001 1:37 AM
 To: mandrake newbie
 Subject: [newbie] New Install, can't find CD

 Ok, this is so bad it hurts.
 I'm trying to load Mandrake 8.0 on an older box (an aging 75mhz
 Pentium), to set up as a firewall box.
 I've run Linux on it in the past, but it's been retired for a year or

 Anyway. I have to boot it from a floppy (it won't boot from a
 CD). So I
 made the floppy, and loaded the disk, and the CD, and hit the
 switch. It
 came up on the floppy ok, then it fails to find the CD. It's just a
 generic old IDE CD ROM drive. Nothing fancy (just older). The kernel
 seems to identify it on boot up, but the install program
 won't recognize
 it. it fails, then I get the option to pick one from a list.
 I do that,
 and it asks for options to boot from...

 This is way harder than it needs to be. :)
 any suggestions on how to get this thing to find the CD?

Try booting the installation from DOS. Since DOS will load a generic CD-ROM
driver hopefully it will allow 8.0 to see and access your drive.
With 8.0 in your drive boot your system with a win98 Start-up disk. Choose
the With CD-ROM
Support option.
I will be using N for my cd-rom. You will need to replace that with the
assignment which DOS gives to yours. The entries in s are those the system
issues, those without are the ones you are to enter:





The Mandrake installation program will begin.

   Charles  (-:

Forever never goes beyond tomorrow.

Re: [newbie] Problem booting up with LILO

2001-05-16 Thread John Rye

On Wed, 16 May 2001 14:58:22 +0200
f d [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Boot from your floppy and check that /etc/lilo.conf is in fact pointing to the
correct partition of the hard disk.

it should point to the partition you assigned to /boot.


 Hi there all!
 I have a problem when booting lilo (or grub?, whatever the default is at the 
 installation). When the system starts up all i get is this:
 L01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01
 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01
 And if i let it do i´d finish with hundreds of 01 rows. The first ´L´makes 
 me think it does try to load lilo but fails.
 When booting from ploppy i got no errors and the system starts up with no 
 problem. So i tried to install lilo on the floppy and restore my HD mbr 
 (with fdisk /mbr)to leave it alone, but the same thing happened!!
 Im running a p600 with two HD, Windows is installed on a 40gb ATA100 7200 
 brand new HD(primary master), and the one im trying to install linux on is a 
 8gb set up as a secondary SLAVE.
 Anyone can help? All comments will be highly apreciate.
 Thanks in advance
 Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.

The number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected
   (The UNIX Programmer's Manual, 2nd Edition, June 1972.)

[newbie] setting up external modem

2001-05-16 Thread Jennifer Williams

i can't seem to get my modem to work.  it is connected properly  (via serial port).  
when the lights are on showing that it is ready, but when i rund the hard drake it 
does not detect it.  and every other method i have used for modem detection is the 
same. i have zoom v56, is there somehthing special i have to do to it. it has the 
setup cd that you would use and info for windows, but for any other os it just no info 
can be found.  

this modem is supposed to be compatible, am i doing something wrong or forgetting to 
do something, or do i just need to rerturn the modem and get my money back.  


Re: Fwd: Re: [newbie] kmail

2001-05-16 Thread Marcia Waller

Thank you very much to all of you who helped me with the kmail setup for my 
husband. I actually have it working now. I needed to use the part of his 
email address that was his user name instead of just his name to get it 
working. It is a little different than Netscape's setup but is working like a 
charm now. Thanks again.

By the way, I want to change my background in my kmail to white instead of 
the gray. How do I do that? I tried with the configuration but nothing 
changed. Thanks. Sincerely, Marcia

[newbie] Confused about procmail, sendmail, and postfix

2001-05-16 Thread Mark Johnson

I'm confused about the relationships between procmail, sendmail,  and
postfix.  Sendmail is an SMTP agent for sending mail while procmail is a
mail filter which filters incoming and outgoing mail, however, postfix is
the actual mail daemon that allows you to check mail via POP3 and allows you
to send mail via sendmail.  Do I understand this correctly.  Can someone
explain how these programs used together or are the used together at all?

thanks for your time!

Re: Re: [newbie] SoundBlaster Live! Value in LM 8

2001-05-16 Thread Alan Rolfe

yes I do Dual Boot my machine and it works fine in Windoze...

On Wed, 16 May 2001 08:07:23 -0400 Randy Kramer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


Interesting!  Do you dual boot with Windows?  Has disabling plug and
play OS in the bios affected Windows?

Randy Kramer

Alan Rolfe wrote:
 My Sound Blaster Live! Value didn't work at first and no matter
what I
 tried it just refused.

 My problem was simple however... I had plug and play OS set to
 in my bios. I set it to NO and it worked first time on the next

 http://www.webmail.co.za the South-African free email service

Re: [newbie] wu-ftpd and xinedt help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

2001-05-16 Thread Michael D. Viron

As stated many times before, try http://www.linuxdoc.org, also try xinetd's
home web site (http://www.xinetd.org).


Michael Viron
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 10:03 PM 05/15/2001 -0400, moses wrote:
where can i find a real how to on setting up wu-ftpd (or any other ftp 
daemon) on LM8.0 ? i guess i need to get a better knowledge of xinetd and
to configure it any ideas (beside /usr/share/doc/wu-ftpd2.61

[newbie] pop3 server problem

2001-05-16 Thread Quaylar

hi all !

i am running lm 7.2 and ipop3d on my inet gateway. when i try to connect to 
it via telnet to port 110 from my windows client i get this:

+OK POP3 x.localdomain v7.64 server ready
+OK User name accepted, password please
-ERR Unable to open user's INBOX

above occurs after entering the users password.

i checked /var/spool/mail/user and its set with correct permissions (owned 
by the user with rw set).
i am fetching my mails via fetchmail and i filter them via procmail which 
delivers them to my mailbox.

has anybody any adice on what might be going wrong here ?
is there something i have to configure for ipop3d ? ( the man page lists 
absolutely no config file, in fact the man page is very short).

thanks in advance,


Re: [newbie] Confused about procmail, sendmail, and postfix

2001-05-16 Thread Paul

It was Wed, 16 May 2001 10:02:11 -0500 when Mark Johnson wrote:

I'm confused about the relationships between procmail, sendmail,  and
postfix.  Sendmail is an SMTP agent for sending mail while procmail is a
mail filter which filters incoming and outgoing mail, however, postfix is
the actual mail daemon that allows you to check mail via POP3 and allows you
to send mail via sendmail.  Do I understand this correctly.  Can someone
explain how these programs used together or are the used together at all?

Sendmail and Postfix are actually the same kind of thing. Both are Mail
Transport Agents. They deliver e-mail.
Procmail can be used to sort e-mails into different folders, forward it,
delete it, copy it, etc. Procmail can be called to run from within the config
files of Sendmail or Postfix.
After the sorting etc etc your e-mail program will pick up the mails in the
separate mail folders.

Hope this clears you up.

There is hopeful symbolism in the fact that flags do not wave in a vacuum.
-Arthur C. Clarke

http://nlpagan.net -  Registered Linux User 174403
   Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Sylpheed 0.4.66


2001-05-16 Thread Marcia Waller

Dear All, Have any of you downloaded and setup limewire yet? I am trying to 
do this. I have downloaded it but cannot figure out how to install and get it 
going. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Sincerely, Marcia

Re: Fw: [newbie] AsusCom ISDN problems

2001-05-16 Thread Paul

It was Wed, 16 May 2001 20:21:14 +0300 when Hannu Keronen wrote:

It says something like this:
May 15 23:26:00 localhost kernel: HiSax: Approval certification failed
because of
May 15 23:26:00 localhost kernel: HiSax: unauthorized source code changes


May 15 23:26:00 localhost kernel: ISDN-subsystem unloaded

So what's the problem then?

Somehow the code appears to be changed by someone in a way that is not
acceptable. (unauthorized source code changes) and the last line therefor
indicates ISDN subsystem unloaded. So it loaded well (card was recognized) but
because of the alterings to the program, it stops working.

Try reinstalling again, or download the code from www.isdn4linux.de

good luck

There is hopeful symbolism in the fact that flags do not wave in a vacuum.
-Arthur C. Clarke

http://nlpagan.net -  Registered Linux User 174403
   Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Sylpheed 0.4.66

[newbie] How to setup paths so that cron will operate properly

2001-05-16 Thread Mark Johnson

I keep running into cron problems because it can't load the correct
libraries, for example:

Your cron job on neutron
/home/mjohnson/source/LabelMaker/Client/lmclient  labels.txt

produced the following output:

ld.so.1: /home/mjohnson/source/LabelMaker/Client/lmclient: fatal:
libstdc++.so.2.10.0: open failed: No such file or directory

However, running the applications as root works fine.  I can fix this
problem by wrapping the call to the exectuable in a shell script and
exporting the library path there, but this seems like a kludge.  

So is it possible to set the correct paths up for cron?


[newbie] cold fusion and oracle 8i standard

2001-05-16 Thread william R. Nash


  Has anyone use the following software together on a linux mandrake 8.0 
machine.  if you is there any problems i need to know.  cold fusion 4.5 or 
better and oracle 8i standard.

Thanks Bill Nash.

[newbie] Dual/tripple/multiple boot...

2001-05-16 Thread Pascal Melanson

We have a PC at work which is used for development.  We use it to program
old boards, Eprom, processors, etc.  I need to make the PC work with
multiple boot.  I.e. I need to have DOS, Windows 98, WIndows NT, Windows CE
and Linux.  I don't need X in linux, just the terminal.  Does anybody know
the steps to follow to have this.  I was thinking of using Grub or Lilo, but
I'm not sure how to configure them.

RE: Re: [newbie] SoundBlaster Live! Value in LM 8

2001-05-16 Thread Reggie Burnett

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Alan Rolfe
Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2001 9:23 AM
To: Randy Kramer
Subject: Re: Re: [newbie] SoundBlaster Live! Value in LM 8

yes I do Dual Boot my machine and it works fine in Windoze...

On Wed, 16 May 2001 08:07:23 -0400 Randy Kramer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


Interesting!  Do you dual boot with Windows?  Has disabling plug and
play OS in the bios affected Windows?

Randy Kramer

Alan Rolfe wrote:
 My Sound Blaster Live! Value didn't work at first and no matter
what I
 tried it just refused.

 My problem was simple however... I had plug and play OS set to
 in my bios. I set it to NO and it worked first time on the next

 http://www.webmail.co.za the South-African free email service

Re: [newbie] setting up external modem

2001-05-16 Thread Walter Luffman

Everything John wrote is right on the money, so I'll just add two thoughts.

The documentation can sometimes be a bit confusing, but I have never found a 
distribution that actually uses /dev/modem properly.  Make sure the modem's 
location (with an external modem, the COM port's location) is selected -- 
/dev/ttyS0x, where x identifies the particular port being used as John 

Sometimes when everything else is correct (hardware modem, standard COM port, 
properly identified) the automatic detection process still fails locate and 
identify the modem.  To check for this, run the Kudzu hardware-detection 
utility: Start a console session as root, then type kudzu (without the 
quotation marks).  Kudzu may offer to uninstall your modem and install a 
generic modem; let it do both tasks, then run Kudzu again and it will 
probably offer to reverse the process --that is, unload the generic modem and 
install your Zoom modem.  Again, let it perform both tasks.  (While the 
generic modem driver might work, it's always nice to have Linux properly 
identify all your hardware.)
Walter Luffman, [EMAIL PROTECTED]Medina, TN USA
Diabetics are sweet people (Type 2 5/99, d/e/m/motorcycle)
Sage, purple 1998 Honda VT1100C Shadow Spirit

On Wednesday 16 May 2001 11:59, John Rye wrote:
 On Wed, 16 May 2001 10:30:16 -0500

 Jennifer Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  i can't seem to get my modem to work.  it is connected properly  (via
  serial port).  when the lights are on showing that it is ready, but when
  i rund the hard drake it does not detect it.  and every other method i
  have used for modem detection is the same. i have zoom v56, is there
  somehthing special i have to do to it. it has the setup cd that you would
  use and info for windows, but for any other os it just no info can be

 Which distribution are you running??
 Could you reboot and watch for activity on the modem leds during the part
 of the boot sequence where the checks for new hardware are made.

 I think you have more than likely selected the wrong serial port.

 Remember that /dev/ttyS0 = Com1: in DOS, /dev/ttyS1 = Com2: and so on

 the case of the 's' in ttyS0 is very importantant it MUST be uppercase.

 And just having read your first para again, the fact that it works in
 Windows AND has a CD makes me suspicious that it may not be a real modem,
 AKA winmodem.

 Could you post some more detail about the modem? Easiest is from the
 windows control panel information.



  this modem is supposed to be compatible, am i doing something wrong or
  forgetting to do something, or do i just need to rerturn the modem and
  get my money back.

RE: Re: [newbie] SoundBlaster Live! Value in LM 8

2001-05-16 Thread Reggie Burnett

I have the Soundblaster Live working very well in Windows 2000 and LM 8.
worked right off install with LM 8

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Alan Rolfe
Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2001 9:23 AM
To: Randy Kramer
Subject: Re: Re: [newbie] SoundBlaster Live! Value in LM 8

yes I do Dual Boot my machine and it works fine in Windoze...

On Wed, 16 May 2001 08:07:23 -0400 Randy Kramer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


Interesting!  Do you dual boot with Windows?  Has disabling plug and
play OS in the bios affected Windows?

Randy Kramer

Alan Rolfe wrote:
 My Sound Blaster Live! Value didn't work at first and no matter
what I
 tried it just refused.

 My problem was simple however... I had plug and play OS set to
 in my bios. I set it to NO and it worked first time on the next

 http://www.webmail.co.za the South-African free email service

Re: [newbie]

2001-05-16 Thread A V Flinsch

On Wednesday 16 May 2001 07:10, Marcia Waller wrote:
 Dear All, Have any of you downloaded and setup limewire yet? I am
 trying to do this. I have downloaded it but cannot figure out how to
 install and get it going. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
 Sincerely, Marcia

 I installed it as a user, just chmod +x LimeWireLinux.bin and then 

install to your home directory and then ./LimeWire/LimeWire

Kernel Panic is General Failure's second in command

Re: [newbie] java. why doesn't it go?

2001-05-16 Thread Todd Flinders

Okay, first of all, Mandrake comes installed with
kaffe which is basically a clone of Java 1.1 (I
think).  It's old and tends to be rather inconvenient
these days.

You want to remove that before you install the new
java.  Well, maybe you can have both, but I always
remove kaffe.

rpm -e kaffe

You may have to do:

rpm -e --nodeps kaffe

Now I would install the newer java.  Most people agree
that the Blackdown java is one of the best for Linux. 
On the Konqueror site they actually recommend
Blackdown over the others and state their are
sometimes problems with IBM's and Sun's latest 1.3.  I
use Blackdown and so far it has been very successful
for me.

When you install the SDK, it should install the JRE
for you.  Therefore, you should not need the jre.

You can get the blackdown java for linux here:


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Re: [newbie] java. why doesn't it go?

2001-05-16 Thread mike cola

yeah, i have downloaded these but can you tell me what is the difference between a FCS 
file and an rc1. what do these acronyms mean? i d/l both types in the jdk, but how do 
i uncompress a bz file. i know it has something to do with bzip but i'm unsure of how 
to install from these as i don't know what they are.

Date: Wed, 16 May 2001 13:59:22 -0700 (PDT)
From: Todd Flinders [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Okay, first of all, Mandrake comes installed with
kaffe which is basically a clone of Java 1.1 (I
think).  It's old and tends to be rather inconvenient
these days.

You want to remove that before you install the new
java.  Well, maybe you can have both, but I always
remove kaffe.

rpm -e kaffe

You may have to do:

rpm -e --nodeps kaffe

Now I would install the newer java.  Most people agree
that the Blackdown java is one of the best for Linux. 
On the Konqueror site they actually recommend
Blackdown over the others and state their are
sometimes problems with IBM's and Sun's latest 1.3.  I
use Blackdown and so far it has been very successful
for me.

When you install the SDK, it should install the JRE
for you.  Therefore, you should not need the jre.

You can get the blackdown java for linux here:


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Re: [newbie] cold fusion and oracle 8i standard

2001-05-16 Thread A V Flinsch

On Wednesday 16 May 2001 14:30, william R. Nash wrote:

   Has anyone use the following software together on a linux mandrake
 8.0 machine.  if you is there any problems i need to know.  cold fusion
 4.5 or better and oracle 8i standard.

I have installed Oracle8i (8.1.7) Enterprise edition on a Mandrake 8.0 
machine, along with WebDB  Dev6i, the installation for the Standard 
edition would be the same, here is the process I followed

1 - update to glibc-2.2.2-5mdk this is the latest one released by 
Mandrake and was specifically issued for the oracle installer problem 
(one of them)

2 - if you need to run dbassist (to create a database), get the  
glibc-2.1.3-stubs.tar.gz fix 
from otn, to find it, go to the same page you can download 8.1.7 from 
(IOW a pain to get to)

3 - install 8i, but do not create the database

4 - apply the stubs patch from Oracle, make sure that you read the 

5 - run dbassist and create the database.

At this point, oracle was running, but any access to it gave oracle not 
available errors. Shutting down oracle and restarting it fixed the 
problem, whatever it was (I think that dbassist left oracle actually 
running, but the database unmounted, I do not recall having that problem 
in the past).

6 - ran webdb installer, no problems in the install

7 - from prior experience, I remembered to remove lesstif, and install 

8 - installed dev6i no problems in the install, but the reports server 
does not seem to be working,  still gotta work that out. Most likely a 
borked config file somewhere.

Kernel Panic is General Failure's second in command

RE: [newbie] .htaccess files not working.. sorry, got it working!!!

2001-05-16 Thread Franki

Sorry, I got it sussed now,, 



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Franki
Sent: Thursday, 17 May 2001 3:22 AM
To: Rules Address for MDK
Subject: [newbie] .htaccess files not working..

Hi all,

I have several .htaccess files in various directories...

problem is, my server is currently ignoring them...

I have done the htpasswd . stuff properly, (used to do it all the
time in Redhat, so I know its downn properly.)

and that all worked.

but Apache just ignores them...

Is there somewhere in Apache where you can tell it to accept htaccess
files??  I know you can, I have done it before,, but I don't know where or
what it is

any suggestions???



[newbie] Help with Alsa

2001-05-16 Thread Terence Golightly


I am having a sound problem in my user account.  I made the mistake of
trying to update ALSA on my system to a version using  LIVE UPDATE that
required kernel 2.2.19.  I currently have kernel 2.2.17.  When I updated
and then compiling the new kernel failed, I decided to return to
previous configuration.  Only problem was when I uninstalled the newer
version of ALSA, sound only returned to root.  No sound to my non root
account.  I reviewed the /var/messages file using  the System Log Viewer
displayed what I believe to be relevant messages only I need some help
with deciphering them.  They follow:

CD-ROM  I/O error: dev 0b:00, sector 64
isofs_read_super: bread failed, dev=0b:00, iso_blknum=16, block=32
sr0: CD-ROM error: Info fld=0x10, Current sr0b:00 sense key illegal
Additional sense indicates Illegal mode for this track

And this repeats as I try to use applications like CDPlayer or Mixer.
These apps work fine under root except for the Mixer configuration
program which dies.  I am guessing my problem is either with cdrom
protection settings or a link to a library file might be screwed.



Terry Golightly

Re: [newbie] Help with Alsa

2001-05-16 Thread Dave Sherman


I made the same mistake. All I had to do was uninstall both the alsa and 
kernel upgrades, then reinstall the old binaries from CD. I may also have 
had to verify that lilo.conf was set up correctly, and that any soft links 
to the linux kernel in /boot were correct. I believe there is a vmlinuz 
soft link that is connected to the actual kernel file, which is something 
like vmlinuz-2.2.17-mdk21.


On Wednesday 16 May 2001 11:30, thus spake Terence Golightly:

 I am having a sound problem in my user account.  I made the mistake of
 trying to update ALSA on my system to a version using  LIVE UPDATE that
 required kernel 2.2.19.  I currently have kernel 2.2.17.  When I updated
 and then compiling the new kernel failed, I decided to return to
 previous configuration.  Only problem was when I uninstalled the newer
 version of ALSA, sound only returned to root.  No sound to my non root
 account.  I reviewed the /var/messages file using  the System Log Viewer
 displayed what I believe to be relevant messages only I need some help
 with deciphering them.  They follow:

 CD-ROM  I/O error: dev 0b:00, sector 64
 isofs_read_super: bread failed, dev=0b:00, iso_blknum=16, block=32
 sr0: CD-ROM error: Info fld=0x10, Current sr0b:00 sense key illegal
 Additional sense indicates Illegal mode for this track

 And this repeats as I try to use applications like CDPlayer or Mixer.
 These apps work fine under root except for the Mixer configuration
 program which dies.  I am guessing my problem is either with cdrom
 protection settings or a link to a library file might be screwed.



 Terry Golightly

Nihil tam munitum quod non expugnari pecuna possit.
- Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106-43 B.C.

[newbie] lnx4win and windows 2000

2001-05-16 Thread Eduardo Carrancá

Can I use lnx4win and windows 2000 with NTFS?  Or is better not to try it?

Thanks for your help

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Re: [newbie] Forgot wheel mouse thing

2001-05-16 Thread Todd Flinders

I have a Logitech cordless Mouseman+ which gave me
wheel problems.  As a work around, I was able to get
the mouse to work by first selecting the Logitech
Mouseman driver.  Then I cancelled out and chose the
Generic PS/2 with Wheel driver.  That worked
perfectly.  If I chose the generic driver before the
logitech driver, all hell broke loose.

This is weird, but it worked for me.  Choose logitech,
cancel, and choose generic with wheel.  Give it a
shot.  Who knows?

--- Chubby Vic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi I got a new Logitech optical 3 button mouse, and
 it worked
 without config, except the wheel.
 How does one get the wheel function activated?

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Re: [newbie] unsubscribing.

2001-05-16 Thread Todd Flinders


Be sure to check unsubscribe after entering your
email address.

--- manic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dear Sir,
  how do I get off the mailing list as I
 am being innundated with E-mails.

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[newbie] test

2001-05-16 Thread moses


Re: [newbie] java. why doesn't it go?

2001-05-16 Thread Todd Flinders

Actually, I wondered about that too.  rc1 will mean
Release Candidate 1 which means it is not the final
release.  It is past beta testing, but not considered

I don't know what FCS is.  It had the more current
date and it is what I am using.

To uncompress a .bz file do the following:

bzip2 -d somefile.bz

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[newbie] unsubscribing.

2001-05-16 Thread manic

Dear Sir,
how do I get off the mailing list as I am being innundated with 


Re: [newbie] Photopaint

2001-05-16 Thread Michel Clasquin

On Wednesday 16 May 2001 14:34, you wrote about [newbie] Photopaint that ...
 How to install photopaint 9 under mandrake ?

I don't have it installed at the moment, but these instructions worked for me 
before ...

 As others may have commented on, I'm a bit miffed that 
 Corel didn't include the apparently mandatory Fonttastic 
 font manager program with their rpm distribution of Photopaint. 
 Without it, Photopaint is apparently inoperative. 
 No mention of it under requirements, other than their product 
 would work fine on Mandrake. Had they bothered mentioning it, 
 it would have saved me a lot of grief. 
 It works fine, all right, like providing a car without tires. 
 GYou get what you pay for, I guess. 
when you have untared the Photopaint file have a look under  
You should find fonttastic-glibc-2.1-2000. 
On mandrake 7.2 I had the following problems getting Photopaint to work. 
First of all make sure that you install the glibc-2.1 version of fonttastic  
and not the glibc-2.0 one.  I killed X doing that.
I also found that I had to force fontastic (or ignore dependencies -- can't  
remember which) to get it to install as it conflicts with some init scripts. 
Secondly, installing Photopaint stuffed up my menus in KDE 2.0 (each menu  
repeats about 7 times).   In order to avoid this I deleted the following  
files from /dists/redhat/i386 before I ran the setup program 
Setup will complain that there were some files missing in the install  
process but beside that it works fine - you just need to run photopaint  
from a terminal or add it to the menu manually. 


Michel Clasquin, D Litt et Phil (Unisa)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]/unisa.ac.za

This message was posted from a Microsoft-free PC

Re: [newbie] How to set up Diamond Viper V770D on LM 8.0

2001-05-16 Thread Todd Flinders

You have to load the NVIDIA_kernel driver AND the
NVIDIA_GLX driver.

The fact that you only mentioned the GLX driver makes
me suspicious.

In a terminal type:


And see if you the driver Nvidia is listed.  If not,
you do not have the kernel module loaded.  You need to
install NVIDIA_kernel first, then NVIDIA_GLX.  Before
instsall the GLX be sure to remove the conflicting
Mesa files as detailed on nvidia's site.

And you need to make sure you are using X 4 or else
nvidia's drivers will not work:

X -version

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Re: [newbie] Stop and then restart iptables

2001-05-16 Thread Todd Flinders


service iptables restart

--- Jon Doe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How do I stop then restart iptables?
 ICQ# 27396393
 Registered Linux User #181996

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[newbie] Need help setting up XFree86 on Compaq 1800 laptop

2001-05-16 Thread linatic

Hello..  Does anyone out there have Mandrake 7.2 on a Compaq 1800T?

I've got KDE running at 800/600... but that's all I can get after reading the 
Linux-Laptop howto  Kernel howto... even some Compaq 1800 specific helpiles.  
Other people have done it...

The resolution goes up to 1400/1050.  I've tried using other people's 
XF86config files, but they seem to do nothing.  In fact, I can delete all the 
text in my XFree86 and it changes nothing...  Any idea why this is?

There was something about adding vga=835 to my lilo, but that does nothing.
Everything on the net is about lilo... but for some reason 7.2 installs grub 
as default.  Can anyone tell me how to replace Grub with lilo after install?


[newbie] LILO

2001-05-16 Thread Mark Annandale

Hiya Guys

Here's a quick one. I have installed a new harddrive as /dev/hdd, installed 
Mandrake on it and can no longer boot into Linux. I get LI followed by pages 
of 0's and 1's :-(.

When setting up LILO I left the bootloader on /dev/hda1 as that is where 
'doze resides.

What, therefor, are the correct parameters to enable dual booting. BTW 
partition magic 6 doesn't seem to like my Mandrake installation and will not 
enable it as a boot option.

Thanks for any advice.

Mark Annandale

[newbie] i need an driver, helpme!; for modem HaM 56k V.90

2001-05-16 Thread victor sosa

HI everybody!

  I have linux mandrake 8.0 with kernel 2.4.3,
i need an driver for modem Ambient HaM 56K V.90 pci
with chip intel md5663x-HaM.
  I find an driver in www.intel.com but they d'not
have an driver compatible with kernel 2.4.x.

   please helpme

Intel® V.90 modem chipset driver for Linux (PCI).
This driver supports Linux versions 2.2.12 to 2.2.18. 
This driver is not compatible with kernel version
2.4.X.  Chipsets: MD563X and MD5628D.

Víctor Sosa

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Re: [newbie] Help with Alsa

2001-05-16 Thread Michael D. Viron

Have you looked to see if your user account is in the sound group?  I seem
to remember having the same problem, and solving it by adding the user
account to the sound group.

At 04:30 PM 05/16/2001 +, Terence Golightly wrote:

I am having a sound problem in my user account.  I made the mistake of
trying to update ALSA on my system to a version using  LIVE UPDATE that
required kernel 2.2.19.  I currently have kernel 2.2.17.  When I updated
and then compiling the new kernel failed, I decided to return to
previous configuration.  Only problem was when I uninstalled the newer
version of ALSA, sound only returned to root.  No sound to my non root
account.  I reviewed the /var/messages file using  the System Log Viewer
displayed what I believe to be relevant messages only I need some help
with deciphering them.  They follow:

CD-ROM  I/O error: dev 0b:00, sector 64
isofs_read_super: bread failed, dev=0b:00, iso_blknum=16, block=32
sr0: CD-ROM error: Info fld=0x10, Current sr0b:00 sense key illegal
Additional sense indicates Illegal mode for this track

And this repeats as I try to use applications like CDPlayer or Mixer.
These apps work fine under root except for the Mixer configuration
program which dies.  I am guessing my problem is either with cdrom
protection settings or a link to a library file might be screwed.



Terry Golightly

[newbie] NVIDIA_kernel compile errors

2001-05-16 Thread Geoffrey Lee

Hi all,

This has been giving me much trouble.  I am trying to build the kernel module 
for my NVIDIA GeForce256.  I obtained the NVIDIA_kernel-0.9-769.tar file and 
extracted it to a directory, then ran make.  These are the errors I got:
cc -c -Wall -Wunknown-pragmas -Wno-multichar -O  -D__KERNEL__ -DMODULE 
-I/usr/src/linux/include nv.c
In file included from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/module.h:207,
 from nv.c:53:
/usr/src/linux/include/linux/version.h:25:30: linux/version-up.h: No such 
file or directory
In file included from nv.c:55:
nv.h:127:40: missing binary operator before ''
nv.h:130:42: missing binary operator before ''
nv.h:133:48: missing binary operator before ''
In file included from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/mm.h:4,
 from nv.c:60:
/usr/src/linux/include/linux/sched.h:10:25: linux/tasks.h: No such file or 
This is followed by about 20 errors of the form:
/usr/src/linux/include/linux/pci.h:1468:1: warning: pasting 
pcibios_read_config_byte and ( does not give a valid preprocessing token

Where are these files?  Typing locate version-up.h comes up with nothing, 
as does locate tasks.h.  Are they part of the kernel source that wasn't 
included with my distribution (Mandrake 8.0)?  Is it OK to symlink version.h 
to version-up.h?  Also, the missing binary operator at those lines appears 

After this, I tried with make SYSINCLUDE=/usr/src/linux which gives the 
In file included from nv.c:50:
/usr/include/linux/modversions.h:1:2: #error Modules should never use 
kernel-headers system headers,
/usr/include/linux/modversions.h:2:2: #error but headers from an appropriate 

I'd be very grateful for any help anyone can offer...
My kernel is 2.4.3 .  Thanks, and sorry this is so darn long.


[newbie] Epson Perfection 1200u...

2001-05-16 Thread s

u, as in usb.
How does one get this to work in 8.0?  I've tried reading everything on the 
sane site, but... I guess I'm a little dense (or exhausted).

I have sane and all installed.  (The mdk rpms included with distro).  But 
that's about it other than having  usb /dev/usbscanner in the 
sane.d/epson.conf file.  The generic driver scanner.o doesn't seem to do the 
trick.  (When I try xsane, I get no devices found).  I tried modprobing the 
device= and vender=, but I get an error about one of the numbers (because it 
has a letter in it).  

I'm stuck at this point and sure would appreciate some help.


Re: [newbie] Help with Alsa

2001-05-16 Thread Terence Golightly

Michael D. Viron wrote:

 Have you looked to see if your user account is in the sound group?  I seem
 to remember having the same problem, and solving it by adding the user
 account to the sound group.


No I didn't.  That fixed the problem.  I added myself to audio, cdrom and
cdwriter groups.  Restart X and Wahla, Presto.. I'm back in the saddle.
It's always something simple isn't it.  Kudos to you and Dave Sherman for
your responses.


Terry Golightly

[newbie] Lucent OriNOCO card with Mandrake 8.0 and Apple AirPort Base Station?

2001-05-16 Thread skip

I just bought an Apple AirPort Base Station, two AirPort cards for my iMacs
and a Lucent OriNOCO card for my laptop that runs Mandrake 8.0.

As is par for the course, installing and configuring the base and the two
cards in the Mac environment was a dream.  Took me all of about 20 minutes.
The Lucent is a slightly different story.  Mandrake properly loaded the
wvlan_cs module, but I'm stuck at that point.  I tried running Draknet but
couldn't figure out where to enter my base station's network name and the
password for the network.

I'd really love to get this going.  I'm kind of betwixt and between at home.
I can either have the iMacs on the net using AirPort or the laptop on the
net via the cable modem.  I suppose I could plug my AirPort base station and
my laptop into my XRouter and connect the XRouter to the cable modem, but
the whole point of this exercise was to give me mobility with the
laptop... :-(

Any pointers appreciated.

Skip Montanaro ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

RE[newbie] java. why doesn't it go? (still no joy)

2001-05-16 Thread mike cola

i used the bzip command below and that gives me a straight .tar file but when i try to 
tar -zxvf that it says gzip: stdin: not in gzip format. any ideas what i might be 
doing wrong. i also have a j2sdk-1_3_0_02-linux.bin file which i got from somewhere 
elese, any ideas on how i use a bin file? i'm just starting to learn how to use the 
file system and sometimes i still get totally lost.

.. for instance , when i go to the list of packages are there a HUUUGE amount of 
packages installed but they don't appear on the menus or run when i type in the 
program name at the command line? how do i just start a prog from a menu browser (like 
to say run an .exe in windose from file manager when there is no icon/menu entry)?

Date: Wed, 16 May 2001 15:44:09 -0700 (PDT)
From: Todd Flinders [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Actually, I wondered about that too.  rc1 will mean
Release Candidate 1 which means it is not the final
release.  It is past beta testing, but not considered

I don't know what FCS is.  It had the more current
date and it is what I am using.

To uncompress a .bz file do the following:

bzip2 -d somefile.bz

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you should

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[newbie] MSI694D - Promise FastTrak 66/100 -- Failure -- Lockup !

2001-05-16 Thread ISU COMPU DUDE

I have a MSI 694D motherboard with onboard VIA 686a 
chipset ide controller and Promise FastTrak 100 w/ lite bios.
I also have a Promise FastTrak 66 with full 

I amtrying to use Mandrake 8.0

I have 5 hd's and a cdrom all set 
20gigonboardVIA ide channel 
cdrom onboard VIA ide channel.2
40gig onboard fastrack channel 1
40gig onboard fastrack channel 2
30gig on pci fastrack channel 1
30gig on pci fastrack channel 2

If I have all drives hooked up and boot the cd the 
cd hangs affter it detects hda and hdc
the pdc driver in the kernel only sees 1 channel on 
the 2 promise cards.

If I unplug the cables from the drives on the 
promise cards I can boot the cd and install.

after installing I can plug the cables back in and 
see 1 40gig and 1 30gig drive but I get random lockups. (do I need to recompile 
the kernel???)

I have tried changing the way the drives are in the 
promise bios (1 drive stripe, 2 drive stripe, 2 drive mirror, etc) with no 
different results.

My guess is that the kernel module needs some 
parameter passed to it to see the second channel on the promise controllers, but 
I don't know what to do.

I have searched and searched on the net for answers 
and put my problem into mandrake expert but still no answers.

If someone could help me I would appreciate it 
much! I don't want to install windows again just to use my 

[newbie] Installation Error

2001-05-16 Thread Dwight Follick


I've recently been trying to load Mandrake 8.0 on my machine (I'm fricken
sick of Windoze) and when I'm in the installation trying to configure the
XFree86 4.03 part, it tests out my card and it freezes when it switches
screen modes or something - the screen goes black.

My card is a SiS 630 and I believe that XFree86 4.03 is having some problems
with those cards.

Is there no way around this?

I have the Mandrake distribution on 2 ReWritable CDs - I downloaded the ISOs
on a 56k modem (and yes it took a fricken long time)

Is there anyway I can update XFree86?

Windoze is pissing me off and I want to try Linux bad...

Thanx if you can help - Screw you if you can't!
Haha I'm just kidding...

Please help though...

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Re: Fwd: [newbie]LimeWire

2001-05-16 Thread Robin Regennitter

On Wednesday 16 May 2001 05:08 am, you wrote:

I have installed LimeWire a few days ago with some effort to install with 
Java.  The Static doesnt install very well because of the newer artitecture.  
However if you download sun's java or IBM java, you can set it up with the 
path.  First you make sure you have java installed and download 
LimeWireOther.zip.  Next is to install it with the following command:

/usr/java/jre/bin/java -classpath /home/johndoe/LimeWireOther.zip install

I used this as the example.   Hope this help.

 --  Forwarded Message  --
 Subject: [newbie]
 Date: Wed, 16 May 2001 07:10:10 -0400
 From: Marcia Waller [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Dear All, Have any of you downloaded and setup limewire yet? I am trying to
 do this. I have downloaded it but cannot figure out how to install and get
 it going. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Sincerely, Marcia


[newbie]printing with Cups in LM8

2001-05-16 Thread Marcia Waller

Dear All,

I just installed LM 8 after having LM 7.2 for awhile. I am having some 
problems getting decent printing quality with my Epson Stylus Color printer. 
I am using the cups + gimp printer driver which worked great in 7.2. I have 
tried to adjust the resolution, etc, but nothing has helped much. I get half 
letters with a band half way through. The color part works fine. Does anyone 
have any ideas for improvement? Thanks very much. Marcia

[newbie] Font problem in LM8

2001-05-16 Thread Marcia Waller

Dear All, 
I had great looking fonts in 7.2 but some of the fonts on the internet and in 
some apps are almost illegible in my newly installed LM8. What can I do to 
improve this? Any help will be appreciated. Thank you. Marcia

Re: [newbie] LILO

2001-05-16 Thread Paul

It was Thu, 17 May 2001 00:05:07 -0400 when Mark Annandale wrote:

On http://nlpagan.net/linux.htm, at the bottom in the tips, is a link to a
site that helps find out about it.

Good luck

Hiya Guys

Here's a quick one. I have installed a new harddrive as /dev/hdd, installed 
Mandrake on it and can no longer boot into Linux. I get LI followed by pages 
of 0's and 1's :-(.

When setting up LILO I left the bootloader on /dev/hda1 as that is where 
'doze resides.

What, therefor, are the correct parameters to enable dual booting. BTW 
partition magic 6 doesn't seem to like my Mandrake installation and will not 
enable it as a boot option.

Thanks for any advice.

Mark Annandale

Elephant, n.: A mouse built to government specifications.

http://nlpagan.net -  Registered Linux User 174403
   Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Sylpheed 0.4.66

[newbie] CUPS...

2001-05-16 Thread Vincent A.Primavera

I have CUPS installed on 8.0...  The printer(s) is/are set up, both local 
and remote.  The remotes are on another Unix system and the local is a HP 
DeskJet 722C.  I have never gotten a print job to actually print with CUPS.  
They spool and remain processing forever.  Any suggestions would be most 

Thank you,
Vincent A. Primavera