Re: [newbie-it] quale linux?

2001-06-05 Thread Fabio Coatti

Il 07:12, martedì 05 giugno 2001, scrivesti:

 ma il kernel linux mandrake 8.0 (2.4.3) è aggiornabile alla versione
 2.4.5 con i normali metodi o bisogna parlare di un kernel
 Io non sonso riuscito ad aggiornalo alla versione 2.4.5 uilizzando le
 patch di!!

Il kernel fornito da mandrake è leggermente modificato per permettere 
l'utilizzo di alcune features particolari (la prima che mi viene in 
mente è supermount). questo è il motivo per cui l'applicazione di 
patches originali non è detto che funzioni.

Personalmente, non avendo bisogno di particolari features, preferisco 
scaricare ex-novo il sorgente dai mirror di e compilare da lì.

Altrimenti puoi verificare sul sito di mandrake se escono con i kernels 

Fabio Coatti 
Ferrara Linux Users Group
GnuPG fp:9765 A5B6 6843 17BC A646  BE8C FA56 373A 5374 C703
Old SysOps never die... they simply forget their password.

Re: [newbie-it] aggiornamento a RH 7.1

2001-06-05 Thread Andrea Celli

Enrico Noseda wrote:
 Non riesco a installare da CD RH 7.1,
 Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Chiedi ad una lista per Mandrake consigli su RedHat e 
infarcisci il messaggio con pubblicita` Micro$oft ...

Non ti sembra di esagerare con l'OT ???

ciao, Andrea

PS. comunque, quando poni il tuo problema in sedi e modi piu`
opportuni, spiega meglio che problemi incontri col CD.
Probabilmente trovi la soluzione nel file README presente
all'inizio del CD o nei manuali della directory doc.

[newbie-it] Cyrus

2001-06-05 Thread lux12

Ciao a tutti, uso Mandrake 7.2 e sto cercando di installare Cyrus Imap. Quando lancio 
./configure --with-auth=unix (cosi è scritto sull'HowTo) mi da un sacco di checking 
for e poi mi si ferma su:

checking for db_create in
this version requires Berkeley DB 3.x.

Ho scaricato ed installato Berkeley DB 3.x. , ci sono tutti i files tranne db_create.
Avete idea di dove posso andare a prendere tale file?
Grazie, Lux

P.S. Giovedì sarò al Linux Expo di Milano. Ci va qualcuno di voi?
Ciao Lux

Re: [newbie-it] quale linux?

2001-06-05 Thread andrea

 Il kernel fornito da mandrake è leggermente modificato per permettere
 l'utilizzo di alcune features particolari (la prima che mi viene in
 mente è supermount). questo è il motivo per cui l'applicazione di
 patches originali non è detto che funzioni.

Per quanto ne so io, la Mandrake utilizza delle patch, che si trovano on 
line, per aggiungere caratteristiche al sistema. Sono patch non ufficialmente 
incluse nel kernel, perché offrono caratteristiche che non a tutti 

In teoria, quindi, se uno si scarica il kernel (p. es. il 2.4.5) ufficiale e 
poi applica tutte le patch non ufficiali (che si trovano su ulcuni siti) che 
ha inserito la Mandrake, ottiene un kernel pienamente funzionante sulla MDK 
8.0 e che ne sfrutta tutte le feature.

Il problema è questo: come si fa a sapere quale patch scaricarsi per creare 
un kernel che abbia tutte le feature richieste dalla MDK 8.0?!?

C'è qualche file di configurazione? Un help online? ILLUMINATECI!! Grazie.

Ciao, Andrea.

Lo sapevate dopo l'accoppiamento la mantide religiosa divora il suo sposo...
eppure quello ci va lo stesso...
è proprio vero che tira più un peli di fi...
ehmmm che un carro di buoi!
scusatemi scusatemi su... RIEDUCATIONAL CHANNEL!

Re: [newbie] upgrade from 7.1 to 8.0

2001-06-05 Thread John Rye

On Mon, 4 Jun 2001 13:08:16 -0700 (PDT)
Jesse C. Chang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Has anyone done this?  Were there any problems encountered, such as
 upgrading from 7.1 to 7.2?  I want to upgrade from 7.1 to 8.0, but I'm
 wondering if it will be a headache to do without having to wipe my
 drive and install from scratch.

I did this one one of my machines, HOWEVER ... there are caveats.

The filesystem has a different and (I understand) incompatible layout so
a straight off upgrade will NOT work the way we would expect.

I suggest you backup your essential data files (I backed-up my /home
even though it was on a separate partition.) and be prepared to
re-install any applications you have obtained from other sources and do
a complete re-install.


The number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected
   (The UNIX Programmer's Manual, 2nd Edition, June 1972.)

Re: [newbie] Divx

2001-06-05 Thread Nico Krzebek

There's also aviplay. It's not as stable as MPlayer but have a look for 
yourself. You'll find it at
Again, you have to compile it yourself. I had some problems using gcc2.96 but 
it's documented in the FAQ. There are some links to other players on the 
webpage too.


On Monday 04 June 2001 08:19, you wrote:
 On Monday 04 June 2001 12:50 am, you wrote:
  How do I get mplayer to work in Mandrake 8.0?
  Or is there an other divxplayer??
  running XFree 4

 You're going to have to read the readme and install doc that comes with it.
 It's not a simple 1-step process.  However, follow the directions and it
 works.  You may need to download some libs or something, but it'll let  you
 know.  I can't recall what all's involved, and would be too complicated to
 put in an email.  It's documented really well, and the faq are always a
 good read with any app.

 It's the only one that's works (that I've tried).


[newbie] any dutch linux mandrake users

2001-06-05 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

zijn er nog nederlandse linux msandrake users en dan het liefst LM 8.0

Ben de man at work using winnt4 =( 
at grandma running LM8.0 using KDE2 DT on a AMDk6-3-450mhz 196ram voodoo2
and rivatnt 2, 6,4 gb hd and tv-card (pinnacle tv rave)
and CDRW 4/4/24 and DVD 40/12 

Re: [newbie] any dutch linux mandrake users

2001-06-05 Thread Herbert

Ja ik
Server = AMD k6-300 / 64mb Ram 10gb-HD
Workstation = Celereon 600 (747Mhz) 196mb ram 30gb HD

 zijn er nog nederlandse linux msandrake users en dan het liefst LM 8.0
 Ben de man at work using winnt4 =( 
 at grandma running LM8.0 using KDE2 DT on a AMDk6-3-450mhz 196ram voodoo2
 and rivatnt 2, 6,4 gb hd and tv-card (pinnacle tv rave)
 and CDRW 4/4/24 and DVD 40/12

[newbie] Japanese IM in 8.0

2001-06-05 Thread H.Narfi Stefansson

I'm trying to set up Japanese on a fresh Mandrake 8.0 install so that my wife 
can at least read and write emails in Japanese.
I've got the standard 2 downloadable CDs w. 8.0.

Here's what I've tried so far:
During install, I selected English as the main language, Japanese, Icelandic 
and German as extra languages.
[Btw, if anybody can tell me how to activate and deactivate the keyboard 
mappings in X for Icelandic and German on demand, I'd appreciate it]

After install,
rpm -qa | grep -i wnn 
and the  jserver service was started on boot time. However, kinput2 was 
nowhere to be found.
It turned out that the checksum listed for the kinput2 rpm stored on the 
install CD didn't match with the rpm on that same CD!
Anyway, I used rpm (which doesn't check the checksum) instead of the software 
manager and installed 
from the 1st CD.
[The software manager claimed the kinput2 package should be approx. 600KB, 
the one I found on and was on the 1st cd was 227294 bytes.]

Now, armed with this and kterm (came with the install) I should be able to 
type in the few Japanese charactes that I know, right? I decided to focus on 
kterm since that is written with double byte characters in mind.
I put KTerm*inputMethod: kinput2   in my .Xdefaults and restarted X.
Right now, jserver is running, I'm in a terminal in KDE, I've set 
XMODIFIERS=@im=kinput2 in the shell, and I start kinput2, followed by 
kterm .
I immediately get the messages:
Warning: Actions not found: begin-conversion
Warning: Actions not found: begin-conversion
Warning: Actions not found: begin-conversion
If I do ctrl-middle mouse and select open input method I get the messages:
Warning: missing font: ISO8859-1
Warning: missing font: JISX0208.1983-0
Warning: missing font: JISX0201.1976-0
Couldn't create input context.

I've also tried kinput2 -wnn, kinput2 -jserver and setting 
LANG=ja_JP in kterm. However, nothing has allowed me to type in Japanese.

A final point I think might be useful to know:
rpm -qa  | grep -i ja
gives [among other things]:

Any ideas about how I should proceed towards my goal: Keeping the UI in 
English and being able to read and  write emails in Japanese in a simple 
manner using a GUI mail program?



Re: [newbie] any dutch linux mandrake users

2001-06-05 Thread Paul

It was Tue, 5 Jun 2001 15:12:20 +0200  when [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

zijn er nog nederlandse linux msandrake users en dan het liefst LM 8.0

Half. 1 x 8.0, 1 x 7.2.


Patience and fortitude conquer all things.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson -  Registered Linux User 174403
   Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Sylpheed 0.4.66
** - when you care **

Re: Re: [newbie] Why doesn't StarOffice 5.2 appear on KPanel?

2001-06-05 Thread Simon Zarate

You can run StarOffice in konsole, go to directory and run ./soffice.  You 
can make a shortcut to this link.  Remember,is possible that staroffice take 
1 or two minutes to start, depending on your machine and the speed of your 
hard disk.


From: Romanator [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CC: Barry Premeaux [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] Why doesn't StarOffice 5.2 appear on KPanel?
Date: Sat, 02 Jun 2001 18:09:23 -0400

Barry Premeaux wrote:
  Romanator wrote:
   Hi everybody,
   Has any one been successful in having StarOffice 5.2 appear on KPanel
   after installation in LM8?
   I can't get it to work.
   Registered Linux User #179293
  I had to go into the Menu Editor and manually
  add it.
  The executable for me was:
  Now if Sun would only come up with a KDE
  compatible icon, it would
  round it out nicely.
  Barry :-)

Hi Barry,

The weird thing is that StarOffice 5.x used to install really well with

Thanks for responding.


Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Re: [newbie] XFree 4.0.6 looks worse with KDE

2001-06-05 Thread Jose Marcos Rodriguez Contte

Hola estoy hasta los cojones de ver correo en ingles yo he gastado 17000 pts
en una version de mandrake 7.2 y no tengo soperte de ningunna forma en
español y eso que solo quiero saber si hay algun moden rdsi que funcione con
mandrake 7.2 es decir que no sea winmoden pues no me importa comprar otro
moden rdsi si en verdad esiste un moden rdsi que funciona con mandrake
- Original Message -
From: Romanator [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 04, 2001 11:20 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] XFree 4.0.6 looks worse with KDE

 Eric Lauritzen wrote:
  On Sunday 03 June 2001 14:09, you wrote:
   Well, I installed XFree 4.x and I must admit that the graphics
   aren't as crisp. Personally, I think XFree 3.3.6 looked better.
   Any way to fix this?
  When I was doing my upgrade (I needed to add the development stuff so
  I could compile a kernal) I played with the Xfree4 option and noticed
  that whenever I tested it it didn't look right - looked kind of dim
  or dark.
  Perhaps you'll have to rerun the installation - select upgrade rather
  than install and choose expert.  This won't mess with any of your
  data, configuration, and you'll have the chance to go back to the
  earlier XFree version.


 I deselected Xfree 4.x and changed it to XFree 3.x, rebooted the
 computer. Now everything looks good. It must be my video card.

 Registered Linux User #179293
 This email is powered by the Tux Email Utility

[newbie] The good, the bad the ugly

2001-06-05 Thread Adam Henson

Calderas Openlinux desktop is nowhere near as good as Mandrake, I've
found after downloading and installing.  But unfortunately it looks like
I'm stuck with it, as Mandrake /still/ will not boot on my laptop.  The
other day it actually ONCE went past the INIT 2.78 Booting  line, but
then halted on the next line (Starting Linux Mandrake).  What is the
system doing around this point?  I'm trying to narrow it down... 

  Whole systems locks up at  INIT (Version 2.78 Booting)


Adam Henson
Facts Helpdesk Advisor
Meggitt Petroleum Systems
Tel : 02476 69
Fax:02476 418210 

Re: [newbie] Unable to access CDWriter CD-Rom drives

2001-06-05 Thread Alan Shoemaker

Herb Wood wrote:
 !doctype html public -//w3c//dtd html 4.0
 transitional//en html
 Alan Shoemaker wrote:
 blockquote TYPE=CITEDonald Jr Saxton wrote:
 br Hello All,
 br I'm unable to access my CD-Rom amp; CD-Writer
 drives. When br trying to access them in Konqueror. They
 have padlocks on br them. I also receive the following
 error message: br
 br Unable to enter a
 href=file:/mnt/cdrom2file:/mnt/cdrom2/a. You do not
 have access
 br rights to this location.
 br This occurs even if I'm logged in as root. Any help
 you can br give would be appreciated.
 br Thanks
 br Don
 pDonthe padlock is a feature of 'automount'.nbsp; If
 you brinsert a CD in the drive then the padlock will
 dissapear br(after you refresh Konqueror's display) and
 you'll be able to braccess the CD's contents.
 Same problem, lock does not dissapear after inserting CD.
 brApps like XMMS can not access the CD.nbsp; CD's appear
 to remain brlocked.nbsp; If I open the file manager,
 instert a CD, refresh,nbsp; and
 brclick on the CD again I get You do not have enough
 permissions brto read file : A
 HREF=file:/mnt/cdromfile:/mnt/cdrom/A.nbsp; When I
 check the permissions brall are checked with bx .nbsp;
 /bIf I insert one of my old Mandrake brCD's I can read
 the files in that.nbsp; ???/html

Herbthen there's a bad link (being used in both the 
desktop icon and /etc/fstab).  Probably the link 
/dev/cdrom is not pointing to the correct device.  The link 
needs to be fixed (alternately you can change both the 
desktop icon and /etc/fstab to use the correct device rather 
than the bad link), then automount will work normally.  
You'll need to determine what is the correct device to be 
able to fix the problem.  After a fix of this kind, the 
computer needs to be rebooted for automount to start working 
properly with that device.

Re: [newbie] XFree 4.0.6 looks worse with KDE

2001-06-05 Thread Acnel Morelos Facundo

podriamos hacer preguntas en español???

Yo tengo instalado mandrake 8.0...


 Hola estoy hasta los cojones de ver correo en ingles yo he gastado 17000
 en una version de mandrake 7.2 y no tengo soperte de ningunna forma en
 español y eso que solo quiero saber si hay algun moden rdsi que funcione
 mandrake 7.2 es decir que no sea winmoden pues no me importa comprar otro
 moden rdsi si en verdad esiste un moden rdsi que funciona con mandrake
 - Original Message -
 From: Romanator [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, June 04, 2001 11:20 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] XFree 4.0.6 looks worse with KDE

  Eric Lauritzen wrote:
   On Sunday 03 June 2001 14:09, you wrote:
Well, I installed XFree 4.x and I must admit that the graphics
aren't as crisp. Personally, I think XFree 3.3.6 looked better.
Any way to fix this?
   When I was doing my upgrade (I needed to add the development stuff so
   I could compile a kernal) I played with the Xfree4 option and noticed
   that whenever I tested it it didn't look right - looked kind of dim
   or dark.
   Perhaps you'll have to rerun the installation - select upgrade rather
   than install and choose expert.  This won't mess with any of your
   data, configuration, and you'll have the chance to go back to the
   earlier XFree version.
  I deselected Xfree 4.x and changed it to XFree 3.x, rebooted the
  computer. Now everything looks good. It must be my video card.
  Registered Linux User #179293
  This email is powered by the Tux Email Utility

Re: [newbie] XFree 4.1.0 release

2001-06-05 Thread Jeffrey M. Reed

On Tuesday 05 June 2001 10:47, Robin Regennitter wrote:
 I noticed that XFree86 had just released 4.1.0 yesterday.
  I wonder how much better it is than the 4.0.x series.  
 Hope Mandrake will make the RPMs soon.


tar is better! ROLL YOUR OWN!



+  Jeffrey M. Reed
+  Linux System Administrator
+  Metro West Boston Linux User Group
+  (508)792-6070

Re: [newbie] Why doesn't StarOffice 5.2 appear on KPanel?

2001-06-05 Thread Ric Tibbetts

Same problem here. StarOffice used to install itself into the KDE 
panel. In fact the installation still claimes it does that, but it 
doesn't actually work. I suspect that the problem is with KDE 2.x. Too 
many changes.


Simon Zarate wrote:

 You can run StarOffice in konsole, go to directory and run ./soffice.  
 You can make a shortcut to this link.  Remember,is possible that 
 staroffice take 1 or two minutes to start, depending on your machine and 
 the speed of your hard disk.
 From: Romanator [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 CC: Barry Premeaux [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Why doesn't StarOffice 5.2 appear on KPanel?
 Date: Sat, 02 Jun 2001 18:09:23 -0400

 Barry Premeaux wrote:
  Romanator wrote:
   Hi everybody,
   Has any one been successful in having StarOffice 5.2 appear on KPanel
   after installation in LM8?
   I can't get it to work.
   Registered Linux User #179293
  I had to go into the Menu Editor and manually
  add it.
  The executable for me was:
  Now if Sun would only come up with a KDE
  compatible icon, it would
  round it out nicely.
  Barry :-)

 Hi Barry,

 The weird thing is that StarOffice 5.x used to install really well with

 Thanks for responding.


 Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

RE: [newbie] Slow PPP connection after DNS change at ISP

2001-06-05 Thread Tyrell


I have a modem Diamond Supra Express 56ePRO when I configured it to connect
to internet under linux Mandrake 7.2. I use the velocity 115200. Then the
internet connecction was very slow. Then I changed it for 57600. And then it
was fast as in Windows 98.

You can probe this change. Go to /etc/ppp and modify the file options
changinf the last line 115200 for 57600.

I hope this help you.


mensaje enviado desde
emails (pop)-paginas web (espacio illimitado)-agenda-favoris (bookmarks)-foros

Re: [newbie] The good, the bad the ugly

2001-06-05 Thread Jose Orlando T. Ribeiro

In linux there is the md5sum command, so the md5sum filename generates
the md5 checksum from filename. There is an implementation of that 
command for MSDOS/Win9x. If you can´t find it, I can send you the file,
I don´t have the link where I found it...

By the way... the checksum of an iso image takes a few minutes... time for
a break :-)


Adam Henson wrote:
 Hmm.. I'll check it.
  How do I check the md5sums are correct?
  -Original Message-
  From: Jose Orlando T. Ribeiro [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: 05 June 2001 18:24
  To:   Adam Henson
  Subject:  Re: [newbie] The good, the bad  the ugly
  I have seen this problem with a downloaded image that wasn´t right.
  did you checked the md5 before burning the images?
  I think that at this point the system is trying to pass the control to
  the boot manager.
  Adam Henson wrote:
   Calderas Openlinux desktop is nowhere near as good as Mandrake, I've
   found after downloading and installing.  But unfortunately it looks
   I'm stuck with it, as Mandrake /still/ will not boot on my laptop.
   other day it actually ONCE went past the INIT 2.78 Booting  line,
   then halted on the next line (Starting Linux Mandrake).  What is the
   system doing around this point?  I'm trying to narrow it down...
 Whole systems locks up at  INIT (Version 2.78 Booting)
   Adam Henson
   Facts Helpdesk Advisor
   Meggitt Petroleum Systems
   Tel : 02476 69
   Fax:02476 418210
 ,'.   .',  ,'.   .',
===  +  ======  +  ===
 /   ~   \  /   ~   \
/\_m   m_/\/\_m   m_/\
   .\  +--+  /.
   /   ! [EMAIL PROTECTED]  !   \
/  +--+  \
 `\m/ \m/'   `\m/ \m/'


   ,'.   .',  ,'.   .', 
  ===  +  ======  +  === 
   /   ~   \  /   ~   \
  /\_m   m_/\/\_m   m_/\
 .\  +--+  /. 
 /   ! [EMAIL PROTECTED]  !   \  
  /  +--+  \  
   `\m/ \m/'   `\m/ \m/'

[newbie] Setting up Intel print server on CUPS

2001-06-05 Thread Wendell Gragg
I am having problems getting my printer working on LM 8.0. It is an HP 895c connected to an Intel Netport Express printserver. The printserver is on my lan as while my computer accesses the internet through DHCP over a cable modem on one nic and the lan is on the other nic. The ip for the computer is From linux, I can ping the printserver and even get to it via the browser, but CUPS does not recognize it. When I try to get to the printer configuration for KUPS, I get a message saying that the CUPS server is not active. Can someone point me to the proper place to find doc on doing this or if it is simple please let me in on what to do to get this thing defined?

Wendell Gragg
Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

[newbie] Abit MB/Adaptec and other probs...!

2001-06-05 Thread Ronald J. Hall

Okay, a few days ago, I attempted to upgrade to an Abit KT7E MB, with the Via
KT133 chipset. I've had nothing but problems. First of all, my Adapted 2930
SCSI card, with a Plextor CDRW, refused to boot at all. I tried setting boot
order in BIOS, and spending about an hour LD on the phone with a tech from TC
Computers. We pulled everything but the video card and Adaptec. Tried it in
every slot. Adjusted memory timings. (I'm using PC133 PNY ram, BTW). Nothing
made any diff, it just wouldn't boot from CD, even though the Adaptec banner
was coming up, finding the CD (SCSI ID4), and even saying that there was a
bootable CD-ROM in the CD. (just like with my old setup). So, I stuck my old
IDE CD-ROM back into the case (keeping the SCSI setup there) and re-installed
Mandrake v8.0 onto my 2nd partition (windog 98 for games on 1st partition).
(Oh-let me mention that Windoze wouldn't even find the Adaptec card on this
MB, so its not a Linux Mandrake issue, but a hardware issue). Anyways, I went
thru v8.0s install routine, and got all the way to the point where it reboots.
I get the loading linux message in text, in the upper L corner, then a
blank screen. Nothing else. Even after 20 mins. So...I go ah-ha, I installed
with Plug 'N Play enabled in the BIOS, that must be it. Turned Shrug and
Pray off...reinstalled v8.0. Ditto. Same thing. Installation goes perfect, no
errors, nothing unusual. So...I pull the entire SCSI setup, card, reader,
cable out and reinstall 8.0 again (3rd time). Still the exact same thing.

So...can I assume that:

A. The Adaptec AHA-2930cu will NOT work with Abit motherboards?
B. That Mandrake 8.0 won't either.

PS BTW, I went to Abits site and flash-upgraded the MB's BIOS to the latest
version. Made no diff ;-(

Any helpful hints, clues, pointers would be extremely appreciated before I RMA
this MB and 850mhz Duron and send it back.

PSS laughing Any motherboard suggestions? ;-)

PSS Stuck my old Gigabyte MB back in, withe the SCSI setup, and it worked fine

Go figure...

Thanks much gang!


RE: [newbie] Slow PPP connection after DNS change at ISP

2001-06-05 Thread Jim MacDonald

6/5/01 1:59:35 PM, Tyrell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I have a modem Diamond Supra Express 56ePRO when I configured it to connect
to internet under linux Mandrake 7.2. I use the velocity 115200. Then the
internet connecction was very slow. Then I changed it for 57600. And then it
was fast as in Windows 98.

You can probe this change. Go to /etc/ppp and modify the file options
changinf the last line 115200 for 57600.

I hope this help you.

My /etc/ppp/options file was as follows:

I added the line 57600 but no change - logs in fine but very slow after initial 20 - 
packets. I changed the line to read 115200 - still has the same problem.

Any other suggestions?


Re: [newbie] Why doesn't StarOffice 5.2 appear on KPanel?

2001-06-05 Thread Ric Tibbetts

tester8080 wrote:

 On Tuesday 05 June 2001 19:50, Ric Tibbetts wrote:
Same problem here. StarOffice used to install itself into the KDE
panel. In fact the installation still claimes it does that, but it
doesn't actually work. I suspect that the problem is with KDE 2.x. Too
many changes.


Simon Zarate wrote:

You can run StarOffice in konsole, go to directory and run ./soffice.
You can make a shortcut to this link.  Remember,is possible that
staroffice take 1 or two minutes to start, depending on your machine and
the speed of your hard disk.


From: Romanator [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CC: Barry Premeaux [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] Why doesn't StarOffice 5.2 appear on KPanel?
Date: Sat, 02 Jun 2001 18:09:23 -0400

Barry Premeaux wrote:

Romanator wrote:

Hi everybody,

Has any one been successful in having StarOffice 5.2 appear on
KPanel after installation in LM8?
I can't get it to work.

Registered Linux User #179293

I had to go into the Menu Editor and manually
add it.

The executable for me was:


Now if Sun would only come up with a KDE
compatible icon, it would
round it out nicely.

Barry :-)

Hi Barry,

The weird thing is that StarOffice 5.x used to install really well with

Thanks for responding.


Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

 Well, try this
 KMenu-Configure Panel-Add-Button-Menu-Office-StarOffice
 Then you will have a panel button.

Yes, but you shouldn't have to. That's the point. StarOffice claims 
that it installed the icon to the panel during install, and it doesn't 
work. The question from the original poster was more wondering if it was 
just him/her, or if everyone was having the same problem.

I think the answer is obvious:
Yes, everyone is having that problem.


[newbie] other StarOffice problem

2001-06-05 Thread David Beahm

When I click on the StarOffice icon, an installation screen comes up, however
when I click on Next to procede, the PC locks up entirely -- no CTRL-ALT-DEL,
the time on the clock doesn't change, etc. -- and I have to power-cycle.  This
is a new LM 8.0 install.  Any suggestions?

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E-commerce enable your web site AND sell your product on ours.  Accept
credit cards with no merchant account.  Free email and hosting.  Do it
all yourself at

Re: [newbie] Why doesn't StarOffice 5.2 appear on KPanel?

2001-06-05 Thread Ed Kasky

This is exactly the issue.  Anyone figure out why yet?


At 11:59 AM 6/5/2001 -0700, Ric Tibbetts wrote:
Yes, but you shouldn't have to. That's the point. StarOffice claims that 
it installed the icon to the panel during install, and it doesn't work. 
The question from the original poster was more wondering if it was just 
him/her, or if everyone was having the same problem.

I think the answer is obvious:
Yes, everyone is having that problem.

[newbie] kde themes/style

2001-06-05 Thread Jeff

I am finally able to get kde themes installed
(sourceforge has a mirror of!), but now I
cannot figure out how to get the style's installed.  I
can't even seem to find any doc's for this.  Inside of
one of the themes I downloaded I found intructions but
they are way different and require alot more work than
clicking Add in the theme manager.  These same
instructions tell me to copy all the files for the
theme and style to one of my ~/.kde directories and
use some program called 'install_theme' (that whereis
cannot find) to get everything working.  If anyone
knows how to install the styles please do tell (or
point me to some docs).  Thanks in advance.

Do You Yahoo!?
Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail - only $35 
a year!

Re: [newbie] Why doesn't StarOffice 5.2 appear on KPanel?

2001-06-05 Thread Ric Tibbetts

A cursory guess:
KDE 2.x underwent some massive changes. Obviously, the methods for 
adding icons to the panel changed. I'd say this needs to be taken back 
to the StarOffice folks as a bug report. (I had the same problem with a 
Redhat install, with KDE 2.x, so it's not Mandrake specific.).


Ed Kasky wrote:

 This is exactly the issue.  Anyone figure out why yet?
 At 11:59 AM 6/5/2001 -0700, Ric Tibbetts wrote:
 Yes, but you shouldn't have to. That's the point. StarOffice claims 
 that it installed the icon to the panel during install, and it doesn't 
 work. The question from the original poster was more wondering if it 
 was just him/her, or if everyone was having the same problem.

 I think the answer is obvious:
 Yes, everyone is having that problem.

Re: [newbie] Why doesn't StarOffice 5.2 appear on KPanel?

2001-06-05 Thread poogle

On Tuesday 05 June 2001 13:50, you wrote:
 Same problem here. StarOffice used to install itself into the KDE
 panel. In fact the installation still claimes it does that, but it
 doesn't actually work. I suspect that the problem is with KDE 2.x. Too
 many changes.


 Simon Zarate wrote:
  You can run StarOffice in konsole, go to directory and run ./soffice.
  You can make a shortcut to this link.  Remember,is possible that
  staroffice take 1 or two minutes to start, depending on your machine and
  the speed of your hard disk.
  From: Romanator [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  CC: Barry Premeaux [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Re: [newbie] Why doesn't StarOffice 5.2 appear on KPanel?
  Date: Sat, 02 Jun 2001 18:09:23 -0400
  Barry Premeaux wrote:
   Romanator wrote:
Hi everybody,
Has any one been successful in having StarOffice 5.2 appear on
KPanel after installation in LM8?
I can't get it to work.
Registered Linux User #179293
   I had to go into the Menu Editor and manually
   add it.
   The executable for me was:
   Now if Sun would only come up with a KDE
   compatible icon, it would
   round it out nicely.
   Barry :-)
  Hi Barry,
  The weird thing is that StarOffice 5.x used to install really well with
  Thanks for responding.
  Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Erm... mine appears on the panel, installed from Powerpack, just installed 
the RPM then ran setup it it appeared.

Registered Linux user 182657 (added to sig for the benefit of those irritated 
by it)

Re: Fwd: Re: [newbie] Penguin Paranoia

2001-06-05 Thread s

On Monday 04 June 2001 09:31 pm, you wrote:
 OOPs, ment for this to go to the list, I keep forgetting the reply is set
 to originator.

 --  Forwarded Message  --
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Penguin Paranoia
 Date: Mon, 4 Jun 2001 21:22:48 -0500
 From: Dennis Myers [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Pablo García Durán [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On Monday 04 June 2001 07:34 pm, you wrote:
  Comes from Registered users...
  As an experienced Mac-user, it took me months to become skeptic about
  OS-evangelism. The first Macintosh (1984) was designed to be silent,
  small and discrete. The computer for everyone tried not to look nor
  behave like a traditional computer. It was intended to be another
  domestic appliance, like a food mixer or a vacuum cleaner, to help with
  everyday tasks (the power to be your best). Then someone thought they
  would earn more money (it's always about that) selling a myth instead of
  a very good computer, and there you got the apples: 9% of the whole
  As a Linux observer, I am suspicious I'm in front of another
  fashionable operating system. Suddenly, 3 or 4 Linux-only magazines
  appear at my newsagent's, and every Windows magazine will open a Linux
  Who cares how many Linux users? You will find many more Macintoshes
  involved in profitable tasks and they still don't get the industry
  support they deserve. Try not to think how it should be but how it is.
  Pablo Garc� Dur�

 Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1; name=Attachment: 1
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
 who cares?  The hardware makers whoes bottom line says it's only worth
 providing drivers if there is a large enough base of support to make it
 profitable.   And the people who have become sick and tired of being ripped
 off for so so software that crashes at the drop of a hat and yet you have
 to pay $200 plus for it and another $100 plus for the next upgrade.  Change
 comes from not accepting what is, and striving for what should be.  It is
 time for a choice and the only way to have a choice is to stand up and be
 counted, whether by appending registered linux user or e-mail to vendors
 asking for proper support. You never know till you try.
 Dennis M. registered Linux user # 180842


I still don't understand the original posters use of the word paranoia.  What 
are we supposed to be paranoid of?  His narration makes a point but still 
doesn't explain why he thinks we are being paranoid by putting our registered 
linux user number in our signature.  I always figured it was sorta bragging 
rights - those with real low numbers indicating they have been using linux 
since it's not so easy days.  Maybe I'm dense, maybe I've always used the 
term incorrectly, or maybe he doesn't know the definition of the word.  ???

However, I just read where:
Big Blue, NEC, Fujitsu and Hitachi will commit 500
engineers for enterprise Linux software development
with a goal of making products available within the
next two years:  

I think it's time is coming, and one will be proud of their low numbers, not 
paranoid.  Of course mine isn't low, but someday it may seem so

linux inside 
(registered user:  #197855)

Re: [newbie] Slow PPP connection after DNS change at ISP

2001-06-05 Thread Paul Cox

On Tuesday, Jun 05, 2001, Jim MacDonald wrote:

 I am running a dual boot W98  LM7.2 and KDE 2.0.1. with a Supra Express 56K v90 
 external modem on a PII-233 with 128 megs RAM. The system also has an internal 
 Lucent Winmodem. All was well with the system. My ISP changed their server on May 
 2001. The new system changed their DNS #'s from to
 Since the change I can still log-in with LM7.2 and my browsers(Opera, Konqueror and 
 Netscape) are accepted but very slowly. In the KPPP detail screen I get usually one 
 spike of about 50 packets or so then one packet about every 30 seconds after that. I 
 cannot get KMail to login at all. If I use either modem with Win 98 the system works 

You might check your /etc/resolv.conf file and make sure the right
nameservers are listed.

[EMAIL PROTECTED], ICQ#: 25370820, OpenPGP key at
1024D/39F0BBF4 2024 B7CB 10BF 6BE7 2ECE  E0FD 1360 0181 39F0 BBF4

Current Linux uptime: 4 days 19 hours 10 minutes.

Re: [newbie] Why doesn't StarOffice 5.2 appear on KPanel?

2001-06-05 Thread Paul Cox

On Tuesday, Jun 05, 2001, Ric Tibbetts wrote:

 A cursory guess:
 KDE 2.x underwent some massive changes. Obviously, the methods for 
 adding icons to the panel changed. I'd say this needs to be taken back 
 to the StarOffice folks as a bug report. (I had the same problem with a 
 Redhat install, with KDE 2.x, so it's not Mandrake specific.).

I kind of doubt that would do any good with StarOffice being 'dead in
the water'... I imagine it will be fixed in OpenOffice.  Has anyone been
brave enough to try that yet? =)

[EMAIL PROTECTED], ICQ#: 25370820, OpenPGP key at
1024D/39F0BBF4 2024 B7CB 10BF 6BE7 2ECE  E0FD 1360 0181 39F0 BBF4

Current Linux uptime: 4 days 19 hours 12 minutes.

Re: [newbie] Wine

2001-06-05 Thread Romanator

OOzy Pal wrote:
 Which is better to run wine with Windows already
 installed or or without Windows installed?
 What is the purpose of life?
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail - only $35
 a year!

Have Windows installed so that you can port in a Windows document.
Remember, it is still in early development.

Registered Linux User #179293
This email is powered by the Tux Email Utility

[newbie] Where can Star Office be?

2001-06-05 Thread Tom Powell

Many people worry about the icon, but where is the 

I loaded it with Kpack, and in /Office51, I get a 
'no such command' as soffice.

I'm running a pc clone with Mandrake 

Cheers Tom Powell

Re: [newbie] Why doesn't StarOffice 5.2 appear on KPanel?

2001-06-05 Thread Romanator

I'm looking for rpm version of Star Office from V7.2. The last time I
purchase a Powerpack it was with Version 7.0.


Simon Zarate wrote:
 You can run StarOffice in konsole, go to directory and run ./soffice.  You
 can make a shortcut to this link.  Remember,is possible that staroffice take
 1 or two minutes to start, depending on your machine and the speed of your
 hard disk.
 From: Romanator [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 CC: Barry Premeaux [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Why doesn't StarOffice 5.2 appear on KPanel?
 Date: Sat, 02 Jun 2001 18:09:23 -0400
 Barry Premeaux wrote:
   Romanator wrote:
Hi everybody,
Has any one been successful in having StarOffice 5.2 appear on KPanel
after installation in LM8?
I can't get it to work.
Registered Linux User #179293
   I had to go into the Menu Editor and manually
   add it.
   The executable for me was:
   Now if Sun would only come up with a KDE
   compatible icon, it would
   round it out nicely.
   Barry :-)
 Hi Barry,
 The weird thing is that StarOffice 5.x used to install really well with
 Thanks for responding.
 Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Re: [newbie] XFree 4.0.6 looks worse with KDE

2001-06-05 Thread Romanator

I'm sorry I cannot understand Latin. Can some one translate?


Jose Marcos Rodriguez Contte wrote:
 Hola estoy hasta los cojones de ver correo en ingles yo he gastado 17000 pts
 en una version de mandrake 7.2 y no tengo soperte de ningunna forma en
 español y eso que solo quiero saber si hay algun moden rdsi que funcione con
 mandrake 7.2 es decir que no sea winmoden pues no me importa comprar otro
 moden rdsi si en verdad esiste un moden rdsi que funciona con mandrake
 - Original Message -
 From: Romanator [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, June 04, 2001 11:20 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] XFree 4.0.6 looks worse with KDE
  Eric Lauritzen wrote:
   On Sunday 03 June 2001 14:09, you wrote:
Well, I installed XFree 4.x and I must admit that the graphics
aren't as crisp. Personally, I think XFree 3.3.6 looked better.
Any way to fix this?
   When I was doing my upgrade (I needed to add the development stuff so
   I could compile a kernal) I played with the Xfree4 option and noticed
   that whenever I tested it it didn't look right - looked kind of dim
   or dark.
   Perhaps you'll have to rerun the installation - select upgrade rather
   than install and choose expert.  This won't mess with any of your
   data, configuration, and you'll have the chance to go back to the
   earlier XFree version.
  I deselected Xfree 4.x and changed it to XFree 3.x, rebooted the
  computer. Now everything looks good. It must be my video card.
  Registered Linux User #179293
  This email is powered by the Tux Email Utility

Re: [newbie] Why doesn't StarOffice 5.2 appear on KPanel?

2001-06-05 Thread Romanator

I'm looking for the rpm version of Star Office 5.1


Ric Tibbetts wrote:
 tester8080 wrote:
  On Tuesday 05 June 2001 19:50, Ric Tibbetts wrote:
 Same problem here. StarOffice used to install itself into the KDE
 panel. In fact the installation still claimes it does that, but it
 doesn't actually work. I suspect that the problem is with KDE 2.x. Too
 many changes.
 Simon Zarate wrote:
 You can run StarOffice in konsole, go to directory and run ./soffice.
 You can make a shortcut to this link.  Remember,is possible that
 staroffice take 1 or two minutes to start, depending on your machine and
 the speed of your hard disk.
 From: Romanator [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 CC: Barry Premeaux [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Why doesn't StarOffice 5.2 appear on KPanel?
 Date: Sat, 02 Jun 2001 18:09:23 -0400
 Barry Premeaux wrote:
 Romanator wrote:
 Hi everybody,
 Has any one been successful in having StarOffice 5.2 appear on
 KPanel after installation in LM8?
 I can't get it to work.
 Registered Linux User #179293
 I had to go into the Menu Editor and manually
 add it.
 The executable for me was:
 Now if Sun would only come up with a KDE
 compatible icon, it would
 round it out nicely.
 Barry :-)
 Hi Barry,
 The weird thing is that StarOffice 5.x used to install really well with
 Thanks for responding.
 Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at
  Well, try this
  KMenu-Configure Panel-Add-Button-Menu-Office-StarOffice
  Then you will have a panel button.
 Yes, but you shouldn't have to. That's the point. StarOffice claims
 that it installed the icon to the panel during install, and it doesn't
 work. The question from the original poster was more wondering if it was
 just him/her, or if everyone was having the same problem.
 I think the answer is obvious:
 Yes, everyone is having that problem.

[newbie] Samba a no-go

2001-06-05 Thread s

Hi all,
I know it's a long shot anyone being able to help on such a project with so 
many variables, but I need to try...

I'm trying to configure it, but it just won't work.  I bascally followed the 
plan layed out at:
with a little: on the 

However it's a no-go.  Anyone seen errors like:  error connecting to (connection refused) when testing with   smbclient -L localhost 
?  I have tripled checked the all files and such and just can't eyeball the 
problem.  I reconfigured firewall using BastilleInteractive and tried to 
leave ports 137  139 open to internal interfaces.  So if course none of the 
computers knows too much about the others existance, other than returned ping 

I hate to lay out all the boring gory details right off the bat.  If this 
rings any bells to anyone and need more info, I'll gladly post it.  I would 
appreciate your help on this.  

As always,

[newbie] Man 8.0 and USB modem

2001-06-05 Thread Laura Goodwin

Hi everybody,

I'm dual-booting WinME and Linux (Mandrake 8.0).  I have one niggling
setup problem, and I have already tried RTFM.  I also tried the list
archives.  No luck.

It's very simple:  I am a rank Linux newbie.  I don't know much, but I
do know this - I have got a new version of the kernel, and I do have USB
support.  I also have a hardware-corrected USB modem which is
supported.  I know how to set up kppp.  When I look for my USB devices
with USBview I see the modem there, and it is correctly identified.  How
do I get my modem to work?  Is there anybody out there who has their USB
modem working under Linux?  How did you do it?

I want to be able to select USB port for modem in kppp.  That is not
possible right now, because that option is not in the list, although it
certainly should be.


Laura Goodwin

[newbie] paranoia and a letter

2001-06-05 Thread Pablo García Durán

Dear guys:

Yes, I misused the word "paranoia" (I gave it the 
sense it nowadays has in slang Spanish) so probably I got slightly 
misunderstood. Sorry for that.

But it was a critic anyway.

Again I want to declare my sympathy towards the 
Linux community. It's a nice idea that matches part of what I think computers 
should be. But again don't expect the crowd to abandon their Windows-based 
machines at this time. Most people will pay to be able to click the "add any 
hardware" icon and start printing, scanning or connecting to the Internet 

I'm not saying you surrender. I'm just saying: read 
History and learn the Macintosh lesson.

I leave you with an open letter I found,about 
the real importance of an operating system.
--Pablo Garcia-Duran

A letter to 
operating system designers Written By: Timothy Nordloh 
Linux, Microsoft, Apple! It's so confusing! which operating system is best? 
I'm here to tell you, as briefly as possible, that it doesn't matter. First of 
all, the majority of users are like me; they see their operating system for no 
more than three seconds, before launching their favorite application. Second, we 
know you all want money, even the Linux companies. also, we know you're in bed 
with the hardware companies. 
After reading the line on the bottom of the new Mac OS X, display box, I now 
know that it is the "Most Advanced Operating System in the World". All this 
statement tells me is that even Apple can't be trusted to be completely honest. 

I worry that the chief operating system companies out there are getting away 
from the true meaning of 'operating system.' I think back on the days of DOS. I 
typed 'edit', and I'm editing documents. I typed 'menu' and I got a menu. Best 
of all, I got a printed instruction manual that told me these things. What ever 
happened to instruction manuals? They went from explaining the ins and outs of 
DOS to describing how to double-click. 
We need to examine the computer of yesterday. It was simple and reliable. We 
could print our documents. There were about 20 options on any one product. 
Anyone could jump in and be 'certified' on a word processor in under thirty 
minutes. An example of how computers have gotten away from simplicity; back in 
1990, if I pressed the button labeled 'print screen', guess what happened? the 
words on my screen were magically transported to my printer! I miss that. Also, 
my computer booted up in less than two minutes. 
When did we lose sight of that simplicity? Stepping back to the present, I 
have a computer that forgets what kind of monitor I have in Windows, and doesn't 
shut down properly in Linux. I still have the default background on my computer. 
I think it's light blue, but I'm not sure. The only time I see my background is 
during the two seconds it takes me to click on an application icon. I also don't 
spend a lot of time personalizing my settings. I sit down and start typing on a 
word processor. Or I install the latest version of Quake. Or I surf the 
Typically, the only part of the operating system I see is the taskbar. I've 
seen the pretty Whistler screenshots, and I like the lovely Mac OS interface, 
but it's all going in the wrong direction. I want to get to where I'm going in 
one click, or with a simple typed command. No menus, no searches, just give me 
my games or my web browser. 
What's up with the .NET concept? First of all, it's silly to think about 
selling me the chance to use Microsoft Word; I already paid 300 bucks for the 4 
year old version, and it has more features than I'll ever use! 
Do you think you're fooling us, Microsoft? We know you're scheme; you're 
trying to take over the entire internet! You're going to sell us entire 
dictionaries, gaming networks, and information sources; I'll be able to download 
music and movies, I'll get regular software upgrades, all for one low monthly 
fee. Someday soon, I'll log on to Hotmail, and discover that in order to 
continue using my e-mail, all I have to do is submit credit card number to .NET. 

If I buy a cell-phone, it just works. I don't know or care who wrote it's 
operating system, and the whole instruction set is nicely stored on a silicon 
chip. With a computer, I have to pay to get my hardware to even work! That's 
right, it costs me money to activate features! I want my next computer's 
operating system to be on a rom chip, and I want it to boot up in less than a 
second, like a cell phone. 
The other day, I caught my wife using Netscape Communicator to create a 
document. At first I laughed, but then I realized it was a damn clever idea. 
It's got word wrap, which is more than I can say for notepad. And she always has 
her e-mail open anyway. It was a natural step for her. This whole time, it's 
been taking me two or three clicks to open a word document, and she's doing it 
by clicking on 'new'. 
For many of us, the computer is a novel toy, and it's fun to see all the 

Re: [newbie] Setting up Intel print server on CUPS

2001-06-05 Thread Jeanette Russo

Wendell Gragg wrote:
 I am having problems getting my printer working on LM 8.0.  It is an
 HP 895c connected to an Intel Netport Express printserver.  The
 printserver is on my lan as while my computer accesses the
 internet through DHCP over a cable modem on one nic and the lan is on
 the other nic.  The ip for the computer is  From linux, I
 can ping the printserver and even get to it via the browser, but CUPS
 does not recognize it.  When I try to get to the printer configuration
 for KUPS, I get a message saying that the CUPS server is not active.
 Can someone point me to the proper place to find doc on doing this or
 if it is simple please let me in on what to do to get this thing
 Wendell Gragg
 Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

make sure the CUPS server is installed for some reason mine was not. 
Then I had to start the server.  Make sure it is running

Re: [newbie] Why doesn't StarOffice 5.2 appear on KPanel?

2001-06-05 Thread Carlos Arigós

El Mar 05 Jun 2001 18:06, escribiste:
 I kind of doubt that would do any good with StarOffice being 'dead in
 the water'... I imagine it will be fixed in OpenOffice.  Has anyone
 been brave enough to try that yet? =)

Yes, (OpenOffice 627), but no icons (LM 8.0) and 44 secs to come up.


[newbie] Re: My Linux Directory System for the Totally Ignorant

2001-06-05 Thread alex

Please set the font size to 10 when you read 'Linux Directory System for
the Totally Ignorant.
My crude diagrams become distorted with larger font size.  Sorry, I
don't do HTML and wouldn't send it on this list if I did..  Maybe later,
elsewhere.  In the meantime, any suggestions for improvement,

Re: [newbie] any dutch linux mandrake users

2001-06-05 Thread Michel Clasquin

On Tuesday 05 June 2001 15:46, you wrote:
 Ja ik

Ik ook, maar ik woon in het buitenland. Telt dat? g

Michel Clasquin, D Litt et Phil (Unisa)
This message was posted from a Microsoft-free PC

Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, for you are crunchy and taste good 
with ketchup.

[newbie] Sound Card Configuration Problem

2001-06-05 Thread Tyrell


I have installed Linux Mandrake 7.2. I´m trying to configure the soundcard.
It is a Creative Labs Sound Blaster 16. I use HardDrake to setup the
parameters: E/S IRQ DMA etc... Then I pulse OK and TRY. I heard perfectly
the message Your sound card was successfully configured by SoundRec twice
one for 8 bit and another for 16 bit. And then appears a window with an STOP
message in Spanish (my mother tongue) that I don´t know how to translate to

Error en la llamada a modprobe!
/lib/modules/2.2.17-21 mdk/misc/opl3.o: init module dispositivo o recurso
/lib/modules/2.2.17-21 mdk/misc/opl3.o: insmod /lib/modules/2.2.17-21
mdk/misc/opl3.o: failed
/lib/modules/2.2.17-21 mdk/misc/opl3.o: insmod midi0 failed

I look in the help and discover that this mean that another modprobe module
is in memory and I have to remove it with modprobe -r

My problem now is how to discover the name of the module in memory. Anybody
know how to find it?

Any other ideas respect my problem?


mensaje enviado desde
emails (pop)-paginas web (espacio illimitado)-agenda-favoris (bookmarks)-foros

Re: [newbie] Why doesn't StarOffice 5.2 appear on KPanel?

2001-06-05 Thread Romanator

Carlos Arigós wrote:
 El Mar 05 Jun 2001 18:06, escribiste:
  I kind of doubt that would do any good with StarOffice being 'dead in
  the water'... I imagine it will be fixed in OpenOffice.  Has anyone
  been brave enough to try that yet? =)
 Yes, (OpenOffice 627), but no icons (LM 8.0) and 44 secs to come up.


Where can I find OpenOffice? Is this from Sun?

Registered Linux User #179293
Email Powered By Tux Email Utility

[newbie] How can set background color for text in Gnome and create a shortcut to application?

2001-06-05 Thread Romanator

Hi all,

I'm still new to Gnome and I have a two questions about Gnome.

1. Right-clicking on the desktop does NOT show a menu, How can I create
an application link?
2. How can I add a background colour to the text on the desktop?

Registered Linux User #179293
Email Powered By Tux Email Utility

[newbie] 7.2 complete does not give lnx4win option

2001-06-05 Thread CICVET
the manual shows a screen with options such as "recommended" mode. the 
opening screen states that by typing "lnx4win" at the prompt, that it will 
happen. it doesn't. i am given the choice of "erase disk" (which would wipe 
out my w98) or "expert mode" (which i'm not). until i buy another box, i 
need to use lnx4win. help, please. thanks. 

Re: [newbie] Slow PPP connection after DNS change at ISP

2001-06-05 Thread Jim MacDonald

6/5/01 5:03:19 PM, Paul Cox [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Tuesday, Jun 05, 2001, Jim MacDonald wrote:

 I am running a dual boot W98  LM7.2 and KDE 2.0.1. with a Supra Express 56K v90 
 external modem on a PII-233 with 128 megs RAM. The system also has an internal 
 Lucent Winmodem. All was well with the system. My ISP changed their server on May 
 2001. The new system changed their DNS #'s from to
 Since the change I can still log-in with LM7.2 and my browsers(Opera, Konqueror and 
 Netscape) are accepted but very slowly. In the KPPP detail screen I get usually one 
 spike of about 50 packets or so then one packet about every 30 seconds after that. 
 cannot get KMail to login at all. If I use either modem with Win 98 the system 
works fine. 

You might check your /etc/resolv.conf file and make sure the right
nameservers are listed.

My etc/resolv.conf file currently is as follows:
domain localdomain

I have tried with no domain, no network card), no 205's, the old 
208...'s, etc. Every 
change seems to have the same result - initial login , 15-50 packets received, then 


[newbie] Applixware and 7.2 / KDE2

2001-06-05 Thread Michael Lewis

Is anyone else out there using Applixware with KDE2?  It seems to work fine 
on 7.1 but my laptop is running 7.2 w/ KDE2 and the import function does not 
work on Words.  It will not open a Word doc.  Any ideas besides Star Office?

[newbie] fetchmail via Qmail

2001-06-05 Thread SK


Currently I have configure Qmail in my Linux Box. Previous my Fetchmail is
working find with Sendmail. But after I change it to Qmail . My Fetchmail
did not deliver those POP3 account message to my Qmail User.

This is my sample fetchmailrc files at /root

set daemon 3600
poll with protocol AUTO, with options
 user there with password xx is sklim here
  with options rewrite mimedecode fetchall pass8bits


Best Regards,

Re: [newbie] Samba a no-go

2001-06-05 Thread s

On Tuesday 05 June 2001 07:24 pm, you wrote:
 --- s [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi all,
  I know it's a long shot anyone being able to help on
  such a project with so
  many variables, but I need to try...
  I'm trying to configure it, but it just won't work.

 Ok without your config file (/etc/smb.conf) it's
 pretty difficult to tell what could be wrong.  But
 maybe check to see if localhost is in /etc/lmhosts and
 check to see if your ip is in the host allow line in
 your smb.conf file.  One more thing, and I know this
 sounds stupid but I've done it alot; After making
 changes to the config files make sure you run
 /etc/rc.d/init.d/smb restart (or start if it's not
 already running).  Good luck and btw theres a really
 basic howto on that has helped me
 notice the little thing before. The URL is
 It spans about 5 pages but it normally take five
 minutes to skim through and check your files for any
 obvious errors you may have overlooked.

I've got all those files, but who knows what is wrong in them?  

But let me ask, (I feel so silly) but (a) the netbios name would be the 
computer's name or the network's name.  I believe I have it as the computer's 
name presently.  (b) And in windows, is the host name the same as the netbios 
(c) Netbios name on the linux machine  that would be the first part of 
the variation on localhost.localdomain?   

I've put all of them on the same workgroup name, I think.  (d) The workgroup 
name would be the second part of the above reference variation?


Ps.  Let me just post my lmhost  hosts files and see if they look right to 
you please.  (I know something must be wrong somewhere.)  I have four 
machines with one as a gateway and the samba server.

/etc/lmhosts: localhost localmachine  -- mandrake gateway
Burner'swork Burner'swork -- windows machine
Nightrunner Nightrunner-- windows machine
tuxmachine tuxmachine -- mandrake workstation

/etc/hosts:   localhost.localdomain   localhost localmachine.snetwork   localmachine Burner'swork.snetwork   Burner'swork Nightrunner.snetworkNightrunner tuxmachine.snetwork tuxmachine

thanks again. 

[newbie] RPM Manager

2001-06-05 Thread Dave DeGear

  I've been using the Software Manager to update my RPM packages.  I see 
that the Installed -- Flat List tab shows most of the packages twice.  
The name, size, version, and description is exactly for same for each of 
the duplicate listings.  Is there a way to get rid of the duplicates?

  Also, in the Software Manager, I notice that some of the packages are 
black on a white background while others are black on a grey background.  
All of the duplicate listings have the same colour background as the 
other one in the listing (sometimes the duplicates both have a grey 
background and other times they both have a white background).

   Thanks.   ...Dave

Re: [newbie] Samba a no-go

2001-06-05 Thread Jeff

--- s [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've got all those files, but who knows what is
 wrong in them?  
 But let me ask, (I feel so silly) but (a) the
 netbios name would be the 
 computer's name or the network's name.  I believe I
 have it as the computer's 
 name presently.  (b) And in windows, is the host
 name the same as the netbios 
 (c) Netbios name on the linux machine  that
 would be the first part of 
 the variation on localhost.localdomain?   
 I've put all of them on the same workgroup name, I
 think.  (d) The workgroup 
 name would be the second part of the above reference
 Ps.  Let me just post my lmhost  hosts files and
 see if they look right to 
 you please.  (I know something must be wrong
 somewhere.)  I have four 
 machines with one as a gateway and the samba server.
 /etc/lmhosts: localhost localmachine
  -- mandrake gateway
 Burner'swork Burner'swork   
  -- windows machine
 Nightrunner Nightrunner 
   -- windows machine
 tuxmachine tuxmachine   
  -- mandrake workstation
 /etc/hosts: localhost.localdomain   localhost   localmachine.snetwork   localmachine   Burner'swork.snetwork   Burner'swork   Nightrunner.snetworkNightrunner   tuxmachine.snetwork tuxmachine
 thanks again. 

a) The computers name. My /etc/lmohosts is like: bustedbox graffix
b) I think so but I could be wrong.  I don't do
windows often.  I configured it once and backed it up
so I'd never have to go through it again :)
c) Yep
d) Err um no.  You set in your windows network tab
thingies (--very technical term there) somewhere. 
For example the howto with my network card said to put
all the machines in the linksys workgroup.  You set it
in the same spot that you set the name of the pc if i
remeber correctly.

Hey I just realized I too am unable to connect to
localhost ( but I never tried till now.  Try
smbclient -L localmachine (I'm assuming that
localmachine is really the name of the server your
setting up) maybe it's just something with localhost. 
Your /etc/hosts looks cool but the /etc/lmhosts needs
to look like mine I think (well mine woorks for me
YMMV).  Good Luck.  BTW testparm is a utility that
will check your smb.conf file and tell you if it's
good.  It has a man page.

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[newbie] bash script to remove ?

2001-06-05 Thread Jon Doe

I know it has to be pretty simple but I can't figure it out. How can I right 
a bash script to remove the  from forwarded emails?

[newbie] fd0 input/output error

2001-06-05 Thread Ed Kasky

# cd /mnt/floppy results in the following:

bash: cd: /mnt/floppy: input/output error

In Konqueror the floppy icon has a lock on it even when logged in as

permissions are drwxrwxrwx  1 root   root

from fstab:
/mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount fs=vfat,dev=dev/fd0 0 0

Any ideas?
Ed Kasky
Los Angeles, CA
Not one shred of evidence exists in favor of the idea that life is

[newbie] Slow PPP connection after DNS change at ISP

2001-06-05 Thread Jim MacDonald

I am running a dual boot W98  LM7.2 and KDE 2.0.1. with a Supra Express 56K v90 
external modem on a PII-233 with 128 megs RAM. The system also has an internal 
Lucent Winmodem. All was well with the system. My ISP changed their server on May 30, 
2001. The new system changed their DNS #'s from to

Since the change I can still log-in with LM7.2 and my browsers(Opera, Konqueror and 
Netscape) are accepted but very slowly. In the KPPP detail screen I get usually one 
spike of about 50 packets or so then one packet about every 30 seconds after that. I 
cannot get KMail to login at all. If I use either modem with Win 98 the system works 

I have changed every setting I can think of in Linuxconf with no change in system 
It doesn't matter if I use the old or new settings, DNS on of off, etc. I have 
removed/replaced my network card (no current network here at home). I have used 
Drakconf at least 500 times over the past week. Nothing changes. My ISP has no idea 
what the issue is. 

Any suggestions? I don't want to go back to Win98.

Jim MacDonald

[newbie] Linux Directory System for the Totally Ignorant

2001-06-05 Thread alex

Because of the demand for copies of this doc, I'm posting it on this
newbie list.   Please excuse the lack of finesse.  I wrote it as sort of
a summary for own use..  Some friends read it and wanted copies.  That's
why  it's here.

I don't know HTML and I'm more concerned with contents than artwork..
If anyone is interested in refining it, please send me a copy.  There'll
be more,  Partitioning,  Command Line, Issuing Commands, basic stuff for

folks who have dificulty in understanding these things as I did..  I
hope this helps someone get started.


One way to get some understanding of  the Linux Directory System is to
compare it to a typical office filing cabinet.  We'll consider the
cabinet as the starting point or root of the office's filing system.
The filing system is divided into drawers that have labels that in some
way identify with their contents

Our special  filing cabinet has an identification symbol   /  and its
four  drawers are named   'root','home',  'usr', and  'etc'.  Each
drawer contains folders and some documents and all these items have
labels for identification.   Some folders contain additional folders and
even these may contain more folders with documents here and there.  By
having an organized order to these folders and documents, we are able to
locate any document by starting with the root of the system, the
cabinet, then going to the proper drawer and opening specific folders
until we come to the desired document.

A Linux Directory System is organized much like the above cabinet.   The
difference is, in Linux, we are working with electronic data storage
instead of physical data storage.

The  Linux Directory System is contained in a huge directory.   Think of
this huge directory as an electronic file cabinet which is the beginning
or root of the system.   It contains electronic drawers which contain
electronic folders and electronic documents.   Instead of calling them
cabinet, drawers, and folders,  we'll call all of them directories and
instead of documents, we'll say files.

/   (the root of the system)

 |  | |  |
| | |   |
|   |  |  ||
/bin   /boot  /dev   /etc   /home  /usr
/mnt   /proc  /root  /sbin  /tmp   /lib   /var

This shows Linux's  standard names of the directories that are like
drawers of a cabinet.  These directories are assigned special duties
according to their names.  For example, /dev contains control data for
devices such  as  disk drives, modems, and other hardware.

One particular directory is named  /root.  This is one of the
subdirectories of the root of the system labelled  /. Think of it as
a cabinet having a drawer labelled  'cabinet'

/root is a special directory that is allowed to be opened by just one
person, Think of it as a drawer that has a combination lock and only one
person knows the combination.   We'll call this person 'the root user',
the person in charge of the entire system.

 The 'root user' is the only person who knows the password that will
open this directory called   /root.   The 'root user' is the only one
who is allowed to manipulate whatever important information is needed
in  '/root'  to make the computer do what it is supposed to do

Linux allows more than one user use its facilities.  These users have
private directories that are located in the /home directory.  Each
private directory is protected by a password  to prevent other users
from using it.

The only other user that can access these private directories is the
user named 'root',  the manager of the Linux system ,

We'll follow one trail in a directory under  /   ---  /usr  which
contains many additional directories, one of which is called /bin and
this /bin contains another directory called /control-panel..



 |  | |  |
| | |   |
|   |  |  ||
/bin   /boot  /dev   /etc   /home /usr
/mnt   /proc  /root  /sbin  /tmp/lib/var


| |
|   |




|  ||   ||   |


/ menu



|  |   || |

Notice that the word  'bin' appears twice in the 

Re: [newbie] Why doesn't StarOffice 5.2 appear on KPanel?

2001-06-05 Thread tester8080

On Tuesday 05 June 2001 19:50, Ric Tibbetts wrote:
 Same problem here. StarOffice used to install itself into the KDE
 panel. In fact the installation still claimes it does that, but it
 doesn't actually work. I suspect that the problem is with KDE 2.x. Too
 many changes.


 Simon Zarate wrote:
  You can run StarOffice in konsole, go to directory and run ./soffice.
  You can make a shortcut to this link.  Remember,is possible that
  staroffice take 1 or two minutes to start, depending on your machine and
  the speed of your hard disk.
  From: Romanator [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  CC: Barry Premeaux [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Re: [newbie] Why doesn't StarOffice 5.2 appear on KPanel?
  Date: Sat, 02 Jun 2001 18:09:23 -0400
  Barry Premeaux wrote:
   Romanator wrote:
Hi everybody,
Has any one been successful in having StarOffice 5.2 appear on
KPanel after installation in LM8?
I can't get it to work.
Registered Linux User #179293
   I had to go into the Menu Editor and manually
   add it.
   The executable for me was:
   Now if Sun would only come up with a KDE
   compatible icon, it would
   round it out nicely.
   Barry :-)
  Hi Barry,
  The weird thing is that StarOffice 5.x used to install really well with
  Thanks for responding.
  Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at
Well, try this
KMenu-Configure Panel-Add-Button-Menu-Office-StarOffice

Then you will have a panel button.


Re: [newbie] Eject Zip

2001-06-05 Thread tester8080

On Tuesday 05 June 2001 19:09, OOzy Pal wrote:
 I can't eject the zip disk from the drive until I
 reboot the system. I am using LM8.0. Can anyone help?

Yep, close all the files accessing the Zip then right click the zip icon and 
select eject.



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[newbie] MultiSync 14inch

2001-06-05 Thread johnix

I figured out the problem. My 6x86 p200 is low on resource. At least this is the 
messege I get when installing mandrake 7.2.
I don't understand this as I have 40 megs of ram and I am installing it on a 6gig 
hardrive. The first gig hardrive has win95. I decided to try a text install with 
generic 800x600 resolution. That worked. After I changed the resolution and card to 
non interlaced 1024x768.
Now I'm all set. As for the error message I could not see one because
when I went to reboot it would go to that strange blue/red flashing screen. I couldn't 
even get to the console.

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[newbie] Networking

2001-06-05 Thread Paul Remnant


I Installed Madrake 7.1 last night and 
want to network it to my other Windows 98 Machine. I dont think that it has 
detected my network card because it is not listed under hardware configuration. 
The card is a 3COM 3c509x Combo card and is ISA. Is there something I need to do 
to get it to detect the card?

Thanks for any help,
Paul 5366806

[newbie] SCSI support - AHA 2940

2001-06-05 Thread Len Lawrence

Problem trying to install the download edition of Linux Mandrake 8.0
obtained from Linux Magazine.  The installer instructed me to report
the failure as a bug and attach the error messages.  There was no
indication in the magazine or on the cover disk as to where the report
should be sent, so I tried support - no response, as expected.  I
wished to assess version 8.0 before buying the boxed set, deluxe or
powerpack or whatever.  I shall be buying it anyway for my newer
machine but need it to run on the older PC, which will be exposed to
Windows users at some time.  Need to give a good impression.

  AMD K6 450MHz
  Matshita 4X CD-ROM drive
  4 Gb SCSI disk
  Adaptec AHA-2940 SCSI adapter

This is an old system (1996) with a new motherboard, processor and
video card which has been running RedHat successfully for years and
Mandrake 7.2 just lately.  The initial attempt to use cdrom.img failed
with a message like the cdrom does not appear to be a Mandrake
installation disk.

The installer recognises the card:

  * PCI: device 9004 7178 is AdaptecAHA-294x / AIC-7871 (aic7xxx)

but fails to find the driver

  * file-not-found-in-archive aic7xxx.o
  * warning, insmod failed (aic7xxx (null)) (-2)

So, can anybody tell me, is this simply an oversight on the part of 
Mandrake or have they dropped support for this adapter?

Len Lawrence @ The Thistle Foundation

Re: [newbie] bash script to remove ?

2001-06-05 Thread Paul

It was Tue, 5 Jun 2001 23:55:02 -0400 when Jon Doe wrote:

I know it has to be pretty simple but I can't figure it out. How can I right 
a bash script to remove the  from forwarded emails?

You have to have the e-mail in a separate file (like the MH mail structure).
Then you can test the first character of a line and use the 'cut' command to
take it off if it is a 

See man bash for info on how to determine the first character of a line...


Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright 
exposure.  The fearful are caught as often as the bold.
-Helen Keller -  Registered Linux User 174403
   Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Sylpheed 0.4.66
** - when you care **

Re: [newbie] Staroffice Squashed!

2001-06-05 Thread Graham Watkins

Daniel Meier wrote:
 Hey David,
 I've got the same problems and have not been able to find a solution so
 far. I've tested it with the older X and it still made crunches up
 StarOffice/OpenOffice. My guess is that internally confuses cm and inch,
 but I have no idea how to change that.
 BTW: Changing fonts, sizes, or paper settings doesn't help.
 David Powell wrote:
 Hi there,
 I've jut installed LM8 from the powerpack, with apparently no problems -
 until I went to use staroffice.  My view for editing text files is all
 squashed up to the left hand side of the screen and is unusable.
 Has anyone else had this problem?  

Hi folks,

This sounds rather like a problem I had for a while.  So this may work
(or not).

I had dodgy size settings on Star Office until I altered my printer
configuration from Postscript version 2 to version 1. (I am using the
Generic printer driver).  After I did this I no longer had a problem
with all my text being squashed up on one side of the page.

Hope this is helps.  If it doesn't then I have no idea what to do next.

Graham Watkins

[newbie] LaCie USB Hard Disk

2001-06-05 Thread serafim

Did someone make a LaCie USB Hard Drive (20GB) run on
any machine with Mandrake 8.0 on it?

If so .. HOW?


Re: [newbie] Samba a no-go

2001-06-05 Thread Jeff

--- s [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,
 I know it's a long shot anyone being able to help on
 such a project with so 
 many variables, but I need to try...
 I'm trying to configure it, but it just won't work. 
 I bascally followed the 
 plan layed out at:
 with a little:
 on the 
 However it's a no-go.  Anyone seen errors like: 
 error connecting to (connection refused) when testing with
   smbclient -L localhost 
 ?  I have tripled checked the all files and such and
 just can't eyeball the 
 problem.  I reconfigured firewall using
 BastilleInteractive and tried to 
 leave ports 137  139 open to internal interfaces. 
 So if course none of the 
 computers knows too much about the others existance,
 other than returned ping 
 I hate to lay out all the boring gory details right
 off the bat.  If this 
 rings any bells to anyone and need more info, I'll
 gladly post it.  I would 
 appreciate your help on this.  
 As always,
Ok without your config file (/etc/smb.conf) it's
pretty difficult to tell what could be wrong.  But
maybe check to see if localhost is in /etc/lmhosts and
check to see if your ip is in the host allow line in
your smb.conf file.  One more thing, and I know this
sounds stupid but I've done it alot; After making
changes to the config files make sure you run
/etc/rc.d/init.d/smb restart (or start if it's not
already running).  Good luck and btw theres a really
basic howto on that has helped me
notice the little thing before. The URL is
It spans about 5 pages but it normally take five
minutes to skim through and check your files for any
obvious errors you may have overlooked. 

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Re: [newbie] What is IP chain?

2001-06-05 Thread Jeff

--- Goh Huade [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What is IP chain?
 How is it been used?
IPChains is a utility used in linux to accept, deny,
forward, drop, masquerade, eat, and drink tcp packets.
 Well it's basically just used for masquerading and
firewalling but if your using Mandrake 8 then you
would want to look into iptables instead.  They both
have decent man pages (man ipchains and man
iptables) but gruesome at first glance.  If you want
to build a firewall there are many good graphical
util's out there that will make your life alot easier.
 Learning these util's is nice if you want to know how
each and every packet that comes in and goes out of
your machine will be treated, but it takes some
patience.  They both also have howto's wich I dont
have the url at my fingertips now, but they should be

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[newbie] What is IP chain?

2001-06-05 Thread Goh Huade

What is IP chain?
How is it been used?


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[newbie] XFree 4.1.0 release

2001-06-05 Thread Robin Regennitter

I noticed that XFree86 had just released 4.1.0 yesterday.  I wonder how much 
better it is than the 4.0.x series.   Hope Mandrake will make the RPMs soon.


Re: [newbie] XFree 4.1.0 release

2001-06-05 Thread tester8080

On Tuesday 05 June 2001 16:47, Robin Regennitter wrote:
 I noticed that XFree86 had just released 4.1.0 yesterday.  I wonder how
 much better it is than the 4.0.x series.   Hope Mandrake will make the RPMs


Try looking on cooker.

We don't release for general consumption without at least minimal testing, 
but it is there on cooker for daredevils.


QA Team

Re: [newbie] Why doesn't StarOffice 5.2 appear on KPanel?

2001-06-05 Thread Carlos Arigós

El Mar 05 Jun 2001 21:00, escribiste:
 Carlos Arigós wrote:
  El Mar 05 Jun 2001 18:06, escribiste:
   I kind of doubt that would do any good with StarOffice being
   'dead in the water'... I imagine it will be fixed in OpenOffice. 
   Has anyone been brave enough to try that yet? =)
  Yes, (OpenOffice 627), but no icons (LM 8.0) and 44 secs to
  come up.


 Where can I find OpenOffice? Is this from Sun?

 Registered Linux User #179293
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