Re: R: [newbie-it] problema all'arresto

2001-06-28 Thread Andrea Celli

Mealli Diego wrote:
 i file di core vanno rimossi! sono enormi e la maggior parte delle volte

Se non sai utilizarli si.

In genere conviene evitare che si creino a utenti non-sviluppatori
che non saprebbero che farsene.

Sono invece utili per root. Puo` servire sapere che programma di 
sistema ha fatto crash. Basta lanciare file core  per individuare 
l'origine del problema da rimuovere.

Sono indispensabili per uno sviluppatore perche' permettono
il debug dei propri programmi.

Credo che la politica di default impostata sulle Mandrake sia 
appunto nessun core per utenti normali e core limitati in 
dimensione per root.

Per variarla basta porre 
ulimit -c dimensione_massima_core
in /etc/profile per tutti e in  $HOME/.bashrc per il singolo

ciao, andrea

PS. a proposito di bug, cerca di eliminare il bug della versione
italiana di Outlook Express che mette R: invece di Re:
nelle risposte.
Fa scombinare gli header a tutti gli altri programmi di posta
elettronica (puoi vederlo dal subject di questo messaggio).
Se facessimo un po' di botta e risposta il subject diventerebbe:
Re: R: Re: R: Re: R: Re: R: Re: R: [newbie-it] problema all'arresto
Come fare e` una FAQ dei NG per win e per internet in generale.

Re: [newbie-it] installare lo scanner gt-7000

2001-06-28 Thread Andrea Celli

Luca Miselli wrote:
 al momento ho letto che il scanner epson gt-7000 è supportato, ma non ho
 capito come installarlo

Non puoi aspettarti che tutti conoscano il tuo scanner.
Dicci almeno se e` parallelo, SCSI o usb ?

Il supporto per gli scanner e` nel 99% dei casi gestito
tramite SANE e su puoi trovare
maggiori indicazioni.

Per gli scanner usb c'e` un micro-howto di kailed a

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] scheda video ASUS

2001-06-28 Thread Gigi Cyber

Io ho una geforce2mx400 e funziona molto bene. NVIDIA
è una delle poche aziende che fornisce drivers anche
per linux.
Li trovi sul loro sito

 --- Daniele Micci [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto: 
Ciao a tutti,
 vorrei acquistare una scheda video ASUS V6600 MX da
 32MB per un PC su cui poi 
 installare Linux. Questa scheda è basata sul chipset
 GeForce 256. Dovrebbe 
 quindi essere supportata dal server X. Vorrei sapere
 se qualcuno usa questa 
 scheda o sa dirmi con sicurezza se essa funzioni col
 Grazie a chiunque vorrà rispondermi!
 Daniele Micci

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[newbie-it] scusate per le infomazioni incomplete

2001-06-28 Thread Luca Miselli

Scusate, non avevo detto metà delle informazioni necessarie

ho installato mandrake 8 da LinuxC

Pentium III 450
sheda madre asus P3BF
modem 3com voice 56k Message Pro (non rilevato)
scanner USB epson (non rilevato)
monitor samsung 19 pollici
scheda video matrox G400

problemi riscontrati:
- Quando da KDE o da gnome tento di lanciare il programma di connessione
alla rete il modem si attiva... ma non compone il numero, si accende un led
sul modem, ma non compone il numero e rimane lì(mentre funziona
perfettamente su win98) che sia il settaggio del modem? io ho lasciato
quello di default

-non riesco a muovermi da 800*600 a 65.000 colori mi hanno detto di
modificare a mano il file dentro a /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 ma speravo in un
sistema automatico... putroppo il settaggio in x window pare non
funzionare... baco?

-per lo scanner (che non viene rilevato) proverò a seguire i consigli che mi
avete dato... vi farò sapere... nel frattempo vado a visitare il sito della
Mandrake... magari trovo una patch o qualcosa

grazie a tutti

Re: [newbie-it] scusate per le infomazioni incomplete

2001-06-28 Thread randall.flagg

Ciao, per quanto riguarda il modem, ti suggerisco una cosa semplice, ma
che talvolta uno dimentica (il sottoscitto quasi ad ogni distribuzione
che prova...) imposta come settaggi addizionali del modem la
stringa ATFX3 che resetta il modem alle impostazioni di fabbrica e
lo setta per l'italia (in questo modo non rileva il tono di libero
prima di comporre il numero)

 Scusate, non avevo detto metà delle informazioni necessarie

 ho installato mandrake 8 da LinuxC

 Pentium III 450
 sheda madre asus P3BF
 modem 3com voice 56k Message Pro (non rilevato)
 scanner USB epson (non rilevato)
 monitor samsung 19 pollici
 scheda video matrox G400

 problemi riscontrati:
 - Quando da KDE o da gnome tento di lanciare il programma di
 alla rete il modem si attiva... ma non compone il numero, si accende
un led
 sul modem, ma non compone il numero e rimane lì(mentre funziona
 perfettamente su win98) che sia il settaggio del modem? io ho lasciato
 quello di default

 -non riesco a muovermi da 800*600 a 65.000 colori mi hanno detto di
 modificare a mano il file dentro a /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 ma speravo
in un
 sistema automatico... putroppo il settaggio in x window pare non
 funzionare... baco?

 -per lo scanner (che non viene rilevato) proverò a seguire i consigli
che mi
 avete dato... vi farò sapere... nel frattempo vado a visitare il sito
 Mandrake... magari trovo una patch o qualcosa

 grazie a tutti

Re: [newbie-it] scusate per le infomazioni incomplete

2001-06-28 Thread Stefano Salari

 Pentium III 450
 sheda madre asus P3BF
 modem 3com voice 56k Message Pro (non rilevato)
...Hai provato a tenerlo acceso accendendo il PC? La
Mdk 8 ha un sistema di rilevamento del nuovo hardware
che parte all'avvio. Tenendo acceso il modem durante
il boot dovrebbe riconoscertelo e configurarlo
automaticamente (io ho il modem 3com voice 56k senza
Message Pro e me lo riconosce).

 -non riesco a muovermi da 800*600 a 65.000 colori mi
 hanno detto di
 modificare a mano il file dentro a
 /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 ma speravo in un
 sistema automatico... putroppo il settaggio in x
 window pare non
 funzionare... baco?
Per muoverti tra le varie risoluzioni da X ci sono a
disposizione delle combinazioni di tasti (mi pare alt
+ tasto + del tastierino numerico per passare alla
risoluzione piu' alta, e alt + tasto - del tastierino
numerico per diminuirla.

Ciao. Steo.

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Re: [newbie-it] scheda video ASUS

2001-06-28 Thread Stefano Salari

 Io ho una geforce2mx400 e funziona molto bene.
Io ho la GeForce 256 DDR. E' piu' vecchiotta, ma e'
ugualmente supportata e confermo che funziona davvero

 NVIDIA è una delle poche aziende che fornisce
drivers anche
 per linux.
 Li trovi sul loro sito
  --- Daniele Micci [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto: 
 Ciao a tutti,
  vorrei acquistare una scheda video ASUS V6600 MX
  32MB per un PC su cui poi 
  installare Linux. Questa scheda è basata sul
  GeForce 256. Dovrebbe 
  quindi essere supportata dal server X. Vorrei
  se qualcuno usa questa 
  scheda o sa dirmi con sicurezza se essa funzioni
  Grazie a chiunque vorrà rispondermi!
  Daniele Micci

 Do You Yahoo!?
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Do You Yahoo!?
Il tuo indirizzo gratis e per sempre su

Re: [newbie-it] A chi utilizza MDK 8 : chiederei un piccolo piacere

2001-06-28 Thread Di Matteo G

Purtroppo questo modulo non esiste, ma a cosa serve.
- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2001 3:12 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] A chi utilizza MDK 8 : chiederei un piccolo piacere

 Il 11:47, mercoledì 27 giugno 2001, hai scritto:

  Chiederei quindi un piacere a chi utilizza MDK 8 ovvero di controllare
  esiste questo modulo.
  Per farlo non dovreste fare altro che dare il seguente comando :
  insmod iBCS

 [root@kishas marco]# insmod iBCS insmod: iBCS: no module by that name
 [root@kishas marco]#

 Mi dispiace
 Un saluto

Re: [newbie-it] A chi utilizza MDK 8 : chiederei un piccolo piacere

2001-06-28 Thread freefred

On Wednesday 27 June 2001 15:47, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Utilizzo MDK 7.2 e sarei tentato di installare MDK 8, ma il problema
 nasce dal kernel 2.4 visto che probabilmente sarei costretto ad
 utilizzare il 2.2 visto che per il mio lavoro debbo avere la
 compatibilità SCO. Tale compatibilità si ha con il modulo iBCS che
 pare non esista appunto nel kernel 2.4

Puoi provare a continuare ad usare il tuo vecchio kernel,
l'aggiornamento ti settera' di default il kernel nuovo
(probabilmente potresti pure dire di non installarlo, ma
non ho mai provato)
lasciando la voce del vecchio nel menu di grub, e di lilo immagino.
Sinceramente non so se, visti gli altri aggiornamenti che portera' la 
8, potrebbero esserci problemi, ma direi di no.


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[newbie] Mandrake 8.0 Sound Detection

2001-06-28 Thread Adams, Jamie


I have posted this once before, but after much searching on the net for
a solution, and much fiddling with my config im still having no luck.

My sound card, a Yamaha OPL3-SA2 inside a Toshiba Sattellite 2520CDT.
The soundcard was previously detected under Mandrake 7.1, but not with

I understand that Harddrake relies on the Detect Libraries, i have
considered replacing these with the earlier libraries from 7.1 but i
have been told that this is not recommended.

With the failure of Harddrake i inserted the correct module into the
kernel, but when i pass on the Control IO of my soundcard to the module
(0x370H) it complains that this IO is busy. Even so it gives me sound
through the CD player in KDE, but does not play wav, mp3 or anything
else really, including the event sounds for KDE.

I checked my IO configuration and it says that my card is on 371H, not

Could someone pleease help me here?? i feel i have pretty much done
all i can do to get this card working short of going back to 7.1, which
seems completly pointless.

Anything you can suggest would be much appreciated.

Mnay thanks for listning.

Yours in hope.


-- Jamie

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Re: [newbie] ctrl+s under X not always working...

2001-06-28 Thread Tim Holmes

Turn off your NumLock, or Scroll Lock.  You may  have to activate NumLock to deactivate
Scroll Lock, and then turn off NumLock, but once those are all off, everything will 

T. Holmes
Real Men Us Vi!

 7:50AM  up 7 days, 21:42, 11 users, load averages: 0.06, 0.03, 0.01
| Under X, my control+key combinations are not being recognized by all the X 
| apps.  Some apps, like nedit, return the actual control code (such as dc) 
| instead.  ie. ctrl+s should save the file, but I get the control code dc3 
| being inserted into the file instead.
| Keyboard: MS natual elite.
| Mandrake control center: keyboard: US
| KDE control center: keyboard model: MS natural
| KDE control center: primary layout: US English
| Any clues?
| _
| Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Re: [newbie] No supermount after compiling 2.4.5 on LM 8.0

2001-06-28 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Thursday 28 June 2001 05:18 am, Artwi wrote:
 After compiling kernel 2.4.5 everything works fine but LM 8.0

 modprobe: Can't locate module supermount
 mount: fs type supermount not supported by kernel

 What's worse,  supermount doesn't work even with previous kernel now.
 How can I compile new kernel with supermount support? I tried both
 CONFIG_AUTOFS_FS=y and CONFIG_AUTOFS4_FS=y option in kernel 2.4.5
 with no results. How can I repair LM 8.0 supermount to work with
 distribution kernel?

  'CONFIG_SUPERMOUNT=m' is for supermount. autofs is somethin 
completely different, but you should have it enabled also.  I suspect 
your original links for vmlinux and intitrd in /boot still point to 
2.4.5. You'll need to fix that if you want to go back to the default 
8.0 kernel.  

Tom Brinkman  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

Re: [newbie] webmin not working..

2001-06-28 Thread jgarrido

Hola Guillermo:

Segun el sitio de Linux Mandrake, esto son los modems soportados por el Sistema.

La mayoría de los módem y adaptadores ISDN son soportados...

Yo no soy para nada avanzado en esto llevo solo 2 dias, yo tengo un Modem Pctel y 
no me funciona para nada, tambien he leido y espero no equivocarme, que la mayoria de 
los modems USB son linmodems, yo no se cual te podria servir pero se cuales no debes 
comprar para eso visita espero te sirva de referencia.

Disculpame si no puedo ayudarte mucho.
Suerte and Have fun with you Linux ;-)

Guillermo Fraile wrote:


 disculpas por adelantado.
 Solo queria preguntarte si puedes aconsejarme un modem ( preferiblemente externo ) 
para mi sistema Linux. Tengo un Diamond Supra y no me funciona, me he comprado un 
3Com USRobotics externo y tampoco. En soporte de Mandrake me han confirmado que el 
Diamond es un winmodem. Les he pedido una lista de fabricantes y modelos 
compatibles y pasan de mí. Lo cierto es que ando un poco perdido y con ganas de 
navegar con mi Linux.

 Gracias y disculpa que haya aprovechado la pregunta para hacerte otra.

 Un saludo

 Guillermo Fraile

 Find the best deals on the web at AltaVista Shopping!

[newbie] Fixed Nvidia drivers

2001-06-28 Thread Sque

Hi guys

Your tips were helpful but my main problem was
during Mandrake 7.2's install.

Seems you only get Xfree86 4.0.1 as a active option
during expert install, an option which I wasn't
getting with the recommended or Custom install.

After fixing that the driver installed and worked fine.

Thanks for the help

Re: [newbie] Hard Drives

2001-06-28 Thread Terry

From the response I got back from civileme, Linux can only recognize a max 
single drive size of 127 GB.  A little bit strange that windowz can see a 
slightly larger hard drive than Linux ... hopefully Linux will fix that .. 
can't have windowz one-upping them now, can they? :-)


On Wednesday 27 June 2001 21:33, you wrote:
 You know I saw the same problem and wondered the same thing. Hopefully
 someone has an answer.

 On Wednesday 27 June 2001 10:30, Terry wrote:
  I was curious ...
  I was watching The Screensavers on TechTV last night, when they aired a
  segment from the PC Expo in New York City.  The reporter there was
  talking about a new hard drive from Maxtor that will hold 100 GB of data.
   He also mentioned that M$ windows (95, 98, ME, NT, 2000) uses 24-bit
  addressing, only allowing windows to recognize a single drive of 137 GB
  That made me curious .. what is the largest single drive size Linux would

[newbie] help

2001-06-28 Thread zhu jun

[newbie] Testing tinyfirewall

2001-06-28 Thread Harry Giles

OK, I have set up my firewall.  What do I need to test it?  Also, should 
Bastille firewall be disabled at startup?

Harry G

[newbie] Linux Gaming

2001-06-28 Thread Adams, Jamie


You guys must be sick of getting mails from me by now :)

When i attempt to play Tuxracer or GLTron, the display dosnt render on
my screen properly, the display splits into three/four vertical bars,
each displaying the same portion of the screen (left hand side i think).

Could anyone shed any light on this? Im running in a resolution of
800x600 (i cant go any higher than this on my lappy) on an S3 Virge MX,
which only has 2 meg of memory on board, but i could play half-life on
it when i had windows.

-- Jamie

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delivered through the MessageLabs Virus Scanning Service. For further
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Re: [newbie] Hard Drives

2001-06-28 Thread civileme

On Thursday 28 June 2001 13:34, Terry wrote:
 From the response I got back from civileme, Linux can only
 recognize a max single drive size of 127 GB.  A little bit strange
 that windowz can see a slightly larger hard drive than Linux ...
 hopefully Linux will fix that .. can't have windowz one-upping them
 now, can they? :-)

Well, to clarify the situation--There is no one-upping It is an 
IDE-ATA hardware limitation at the present time.  Moreover the 137G 
figure is a trade number--it looks at 137 x 1,000,000,000

My 128G number is 128 x 2^30  which is 128 x  1073741824 or  

These trade numbers are in wide use  For example a 20G hard drive 
only formats to 18, because the trade number uses the near 
equivalence of 2 to the tenth power (1024) and 10 to the third power 
(1000) to sloppy things up and make their numbers look bigger than 
they really are.  One manufacturer even sheepishly pointed out in his 
literature that GB (his measurement) meant 1,000,000,000 while Gb 
(Hardware Measurement) meant 1073741824.


 On Wednesday 27 June 2001 21:33, you wrote:
  You know I saw the same problem and wondered the same thing.
  Hopefully someone has an answer.
  On Wednesday 27 June 2001 10:30, Terry wrote:
   I was curious ...
   I was watching The Screensavers on TechTV last night, when
   they aired a segment from the PC Expo in New York City.  The
   reporter there was talking about a new hard drive from Maxtor
   that will hold 100 GB of data. He also mentioned that M$
   windows (95, 98, ME, NT, 2000) uses 24-bit addressing, only
   allowing windows to recognize a single drive of 137 GB max.
   That made me curious .. what is the largest single drive size
   Linux would recognize?


For IDE the same limit applies to BOTH systems, however if you pay 
attention during 8.0 install, you will notice something available 
called LVM.  The size of an LV is ...  well see for yourself at  for drive limits 
for IDE drives

How To Use *Big* ATA/IDE drives with Linux
The ATA Interface spec for IDE disk drives allows a total of 28 bits
(8 bits for sector, 16 bits for cylinder, and 4 bits for head) for 
individual disk sectors of 512 bytes each (in Linear Block Address 
mode, there is still only a total of 28 bits available in the 
This limits the capacity of an IDE drive to no more than 128GB 
All current day IDE drives are somewhat smaller than this upper 
limit, and
within a few years, ATAPI disk drives will raise the limit 

All IDE disk drives suffer from a 16-heads limitation:  the 
hardware has
only a four bit field for head selection, restricting the number of 
heads to 16 or less.  Since the BIOS usually has a 63 sectors/track 
this means that all IDE drivers larger than 504MB (528Meg) must use a 
geometry with more than 1024 cylinders.

   (1024cyls * 16heads * 63sects * 512bytes/sector) / (1024 * 1024) 
== 504MB

(Some BIOSs (and controllers with onboard BIOS) pretend to allow 32 
or 64
 heads per drive (discussed below), but can only do so by playing 
games with
 the real (hidden) geometry, which is always limited to 16 or fewer 

This presents two problems to most systems:

1. The INT13 interface to the BIOS only allows 10-bits for 
addresses, giving a limit of 1024cyls for programs which use 

2. The physical geometry fields of the disk partition table 
allow 10-bits for cylinder addresses, giving a similar limit 
of 1024
cyls for operating systems that do not use the sector count 
instead of the physical Cyl/Head/Sect (CHS) geometry fields.

Neither of these limitations affects Linux itself, as it (1) does not 
use the
BIOS for disk access, and it (2) is clever enough to use the sector 
fields of the partition table instead of the physical CHS geometry 

OK  Linux basically has no real limit, and furthernmore, a filesystem 
can now be bigger than a single disk.  The hardware limitation of the 
current mapping scheme for ATA drives applies to Windows and even the 
NT and Win2k systems despite their internal addressing ability.

For the mapping of a filesystem to (parts of) multiple disks, see 

Now since linux sees sector count, and is capable of ignoring all 
the CHS stuff, the question is what size sectors--with physical 
sectors of 512 bytes we take the 32-bit unsigned integer which might 
be applied to sector count and see that it is 2 to the 31st power K  
or 2 to the 21st power M or 2 to the 11th power G, that is 2048G.  Of 
course if the platform is a 64-bit processor, the limit (within 
classical processor arithmetic) is 4 billion times that high.  If 

Re: [newbie] Testing tinyfirewall

2001-06-28 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Wednesday 27 June 2001 07:46 pm, Harry Giles wrote:
 OK, I have set up my firewall.  What do I need to test it?  Also,
 should Bastille firewall be disabled at startup?

  No, why would you wanna disable it?  It should be run as a service 
from boot. Go to   and try the Basic scan 
first. If you pass that with flying colors, I'd suggest doin the 
Complete scan.  Another good site for a quick scan is   
Tom Brinkman  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

[newbie] Install error - Segmentation Fault

2001-06-28 Thread Sean Shaghaghi

I have been trying to get Mandrake 8.0 installed for
the past couple of days. However, I seem to be getting
an error called a segmentation fault around the part
of the install where you select the packages you want.
I want to install linun, but I can't. I am running a
Celeron-533, 256Mb ram, two hard drive ( one 30 Gb,
the other 20Gb), nVidia TNT 2, two network card ( smc,
netgear), and a Diamond Sonic Impact s100 sound card
on a Iwill motherboard (vd133) 

Please Help!

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[newbie] open and shut case

2001-06-28 Thread Jennifer Williams

i don't if this article has been shared with you all yet, but i found this interesting 
article at the econmist site.  thought some of you may find this of interest.


An open and shut case
   May 10th 2001 
   From The Economist print edition 

   What is behind Microsoft's attack on open-source software?

   BEWARE of open-source
   software, those nefarious free
   computer programs written
   online by groups of volunteers.
   The licence that comes with
   most of this code could turn a
   company's intellectual property
   into a public good. More
   important, it undermines the
   livelihood of commercial-software
   developers, putting a brake on
   innovation. This, in a nutshell,
   was the message that Craig
   Mundie, Microsoft's chief
   software strategist, tried to convey on May 3rd in a 
headline-making speech
   at New York University.

   Open-source disciples were quick to dismiss Mr Mundie's speech as 
   another example of Microsoft's trademark strategy: spreading fear,
   uncertainty and doubt to undermine rivals. To Mr Mundie, research 
   development seem to be driven mainly by intellectual-property 
   commented Linus Torvalds, the creator of Linux, a popular free 
   system, "which is entirely ignoring the fact that pretty much all 
of modern
   science and technology is founded on very similar ideals to open 

   Mr Mundie's message played cleverly to the prejudices that are 
still held by
   many corporate technology officers. Most open-source software is 
   licence that comes with Linux, for instance, says all changes made 
to the
   program must be made freely available. But this does not mean that a
   company using Linux is forced to give away any application it 
writes for the
   operating system or, worse, its business processes. And while it is 
true that
   open-source software competes with commercial programs, open-source 
   similar online groups have been at least as innovative as software
   firmscreating, for example, most of the technology underlying the 

   Yet Mr Mundie's speech and the reaction of the open-sourcers have 
   value, because the exchange has sharpened the debate within the 
   industry over the relative merits of two rival approaches. One way 
to write
   software, the proprietary approach, is best epitomised by 
Microsoft. The firm
   hires the most driven programmers, pays them a lot in share 
options, works
   them hardand then sells the product in a form that customers can 
use, but
   not change (because it comes without the "source code", the set of 
   instructions underlying a program). The other approach is open 
   Motivated by fame not fortune, volunteers collectively work on the 
   code for a program, which is freely available. Most of these 
projects are
   overseen by a "benevolent dictator", such as Mr Torvalds.

   Although no panacea, open-source software has several advantages 
   proprietary programs, besides being free. Most important, it tends 
to be more
   robust and secure, because the source code can be scrutinised by 
   which makes it more likely that programming errors and security 
holes will be
   found. In contrast, hardly a week passes without headlines about a 
   security hole in a Microsoft program. The day before Mr Mundie's 
speech, it
   was reported that a potentially serious security flaw had been 
found in one of
   Windows 2000's server programs.

   Open source is not so much the ideological cause of anti-Microsoft 
   as a profound effect of the Internet, which means that it is here 
to stay. The
   emergence of free, open-source alternatives to costly proprietary 
software will
   undoubtedly hurt Microsofthence Mr Mundie's speech. In a further 
swipe at
   open source, Microsoft this week launched a new range of server 
   that, it claimed, offers "superior value" to Linux, by providing 
"clarity of

Re: [newbie] Hard Drives

2001-06-28 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Thursday 28 June 2001 08:34 am, Terry wrote:
 From the response I got back from civileme, Linux can only recognize
 a max single drive size of 127 GB.  A little bit strange that windowz
 can see a slightly larger hard drive than Linux ... hopefully Linux
 will fix that .. can't have windowz one-upping them now, can they?


   Apples-Oranges. HDD manufacturers used one million bytes to a MB, 
when actually there's 1024x1024 bytes to a MB.  Since Windoze is 
claiming 137, they're using 1000 instead of the actual 1024. They're 
fibbin, and it's just that Linux doesn't use their creative accounting 
method ;)

   IOW's, and since we're working with GB's, 1024/1024/1024 = .9313~
So Microsoft's 137 GB, is only really 127 GB,  or the new 30 GB HDD you 
just bought ... is really a little less than 28 GB. 
Tom Brinkman  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

[newbie] Creating /dev/scd1 ?!

2001-06-28 Thread Joan Tur


I've deleted /dev/scd1 and it's where my ide DVD was redirected using 
hdc=ide-scsi in /etc/lilo.conf -i've got a scsi cd recorder at

What commands do i have to pass mknod to create it again?

Thanks!  ;)

Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

[newbie] / partition

2001-06-28 Thread Eric L. McClure

I've used diskdrake but cannot expand my / partition.  It is almost full
and I get an error saying just so.

Funny thing though, my 512 sound card does not work properly in win98
but perfectly in 8.0 and beos.

thanks for any help,

Re: [newbie] WordPerfect Install in LM8

2001-06-28 Thread David E. Fox

 How does one install the libc5-1.0-2.i386 source rpm? After that is install=
 then how do I install the WordPerfect ? Any help will be greatly appreciate=

Generally, you install source rpm's by putting the source rpm file in
/usr/src/RPM/SRPMS, and do a 'rpm --rebuild libc5-1.0-2.src.rpm' (the 
.i386.rpm is the binary, not the source rpm).

Once that is done (and it can take a while, depending on your processor and
amount of RAM) you can install it by going to the /usr/src/RPMS/arch
directory, where the arch is either i586, i686, or whatever, depending on
what processor you have.

However, you need to be really careful when you do something like this --
especially when you're working with fundamental system libraries. If you
go ahead and attempt to install the RPM, you will probably get a lot of
dependency and other errors, and if you force the install, you'll likely
break your system. That's because nearly everything *but* Wordperfect 
needs a different version of libc.

However, it *is* possible for two versions of libc to coexist on the 
same system, because each process can have its own idea of what system
libraries are going to be used (via the LIBPATH environment variable). 

What I'd recommend is first to get a source tar.gz version of this library
and compile it. It's possible that you may get the libraries already
precompiled, so if that's the case, you can forego the time the compilation

The next step is to install Wordperfect. There is probably a Readme that
will describe how exactly to install it. Of course, since you've already
downloaded the libc5 tar.gz it probably won't run, because it needs a 
specific libc5 library to run. If you cd into where Wordperfect is (cd 
/opt/wp, probably) you'll run into a libraries subdirectory with a lot of
shared libraries -- that's where you want to copy the libc5 libraries.

Next, there is probably a runwp shell script somewhere in /opt/wp, perhaps
in /opt/wp/bin, that may need to be edited. That's because you'll need to
make LIBPATH point to /opt/wp/libsomethingorother, and it'll be in force
for that particular process, while the other binaries on your system 
happily use the standard libc.

Write me privately if you need more help. This is a fairly advanced thing,
I suppose, and I don't have WP on my system any longer, but this is how I
remember doing it. I've used similar techniques for other software packages
(Star Office, for one) that required a slightly different version of libc
than was usual for the distribution I was running at the time.

 Marcia Waller

David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   on your hard disk.

[newbie] DNS

2001-06-28 Thread Jason Chan


I have two machines running Mandrake 8.0 with Bind DNS server.  Machine A is the 
primary DNS that stores master zone records, and Machine B is the secondary DNS that 
stores slave records of the zones in Machine A.  Zone transfer from Machine A to 
Machine B is set.  In the past, zone transfer is not a problem, but lately I found 
that zones in Machine B is not in sync with Machine A.  I read in Machine B's log and 
found error messages that said could not transfer from Machine A IP#53.  Then, I 
port scan Machine A and found that the TCP port #53 is not opened, and no matter how 
many times I restart Bind the #53 port in Machine A would still not be open (The #53 
TCP port on Machine B is open)  I remember in the past when I port scan Machine A, TCP 
port #53 would be opened.   How could I re-open #53 TCP port in Machine A, and might 
this be the problem of zones could not transfer from Machine A to Machine B?

Also, during portscan I found that there are some services that I don't know has 
opened some TCP and UDP ports on my machines.  Is there anyway to find out what this 
ports are for, track down the program that is using this port, and stop that program 
if I don't need it?  e.g. I found a blackjack service that has opened a UDP port in 
one of my machines, but when I ps that machine I could not find a blackjack 
program.  I am just afraid that this blackjack program might be some nasty stuff of 
someone hacked into my system.

Thank you for any help



[newbie] Postfix, where is spam controls?

2001-06-28 Thread Mandrake

How do you get to the spam control panel for postfix?

If so, where is it?

Linux is cool

[newbie] Archiving old mail under Kmail.

2001-06-28 Thread Richard Davies


As my mail folders are currently just over half a GIG I have an urgent need 
to do something to compact them. This is the idea I have at present but have 
no idea if I am even vaguely on the right track here.

I am looking for a script that will automatically once a month scan through 
my mail folders and remove all messages older than 3 months and then make a 
backup of everything that is left which can be burnt to CD.

I can't see any way of doing this directly in Kmail. I have looked in the 
mail folders with vi and have been able to delete messages with that and have 
had no problems especially if I delete the indexes and allow Kmail to rebuild 
them when it restarts. This leads me to believe that what I need is a script 
file that
1) Checks that Kmail is not open and if it is closes it.
2) Deletes the index files from /home/user/Mail
3) Grep looking for something like Date: Month 2001
4) Delete mail by clever method not yet devised.
5) Start Kmail to automatically rebuild the indexes
6) Tar -cvf monthly.backup.tar /home/user/Mail

Will it work and is there an easier way?

There is hardly anything that some man cannot make a little worse and sell a 
little cheaper.  Ruskin

Re: [newbie] Creating /dev/scd1 ?!

2001-06-28 Thread Peter Ruskin

On Thursday 28 June 2001 23:50, Joan Tur wrote:

 I've deleted /dev/scd1 and it's where my ide DVD was redirected using 
 hdc=ide-scsi in /etc/lilo.conf -i've got a scsi cd recorder at

 What commands do i have to pass mknod to create it again?

 Thanks!  ;)

 Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
 Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

As root, do...
mknod /dev/scd1 b 11 1
 Peter Ruskin, Wrexham, Wales.
Registered Linux User No. 219434 ( see )
Linux Mandrake release 8.0 (Traktopel) for i586
 Linux 2.4.3-20mdk-win4lin-pnr,  KDE: 2.1.2,  Qt: 2.3.1
Uptime 3 days 3 hours 30 minutes

Re: [newbie] Some reviews for those looking into hardware...

2001-06-28 Thread Carroll Grigsby

A sidelight about Anandtech. Anand has just finished his freshman year
at North Carolina State University, and the site is celebrating its
fourth anniversary. In other words, he was about 15 or 16 years old when
he started. Impressive.

Jason Guidry wrote:
 As per recent discussion, I thought I'd drop these by.  No, I don't work for (as should be obvious from my posts) but here are some reviews
 that should be of interest...  Note, there are for the people who love
 plowing through pages of benchmarks, but if it makes your head hurt, you can
 always jump to the conclusion page.
 Linux Video Cards
 Socket A (AMD Duron/T-Bird) Chipset Comparison
 And here's that article they did on their own server upgrade.  Of particular
 interest should be an _open_source_ load balancer that they utilized after
 using big $$$ hardware solutions.  Lots of info.
 I'm not a Pentium fan, but a chipset comparison for linux specifically:

[newbie] Gateway hangs at What type of CD-rom do you have

2001-06-28 Thread Baker, Tyrell

Linux Mandrake 7.2 
loaded on a Gateway machine. Does not have Cd-rom listed on CDROM Type, 
therefore, can not continue installation. 

Tyrell O. 

[newbie] Uninstall RPMs

2001-06-28 Thread Juan Carlos

First I install Freeciv:

rpm -i freeciv-1.11.4-1mdk.i586.rpm

Now I want to uninstall it:

rpm -e freeciv-1.11.4-1mdk.i586.rpm
error: package freeciv-1.11.4-1mdk.i586.rpm is not installed

The system says it is not intalled, but It is really installed:

rpm -qa | grep freeciv

What should I do?
Linux Registered User: 219425

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Re: [newbie] Uninstall RPMs

2001-06-28 Thread Miark


rpm -e freeciv


- Original Message - 
From: Juan Carlos [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2001 1:49 PM
Subject: [newbie] Uninstall RPMs

 First I install Freeciv:
 rpm -i freeciv-1.11.4-1mdk.i586.rpm
 Now I want to uninstall it:
 rpm -e freeciv-1.11.4-1mdk.i586.rpm
 error: package freeciv-1.11.4-1mdk.i586.rpm is not installed
 The system says it is not intalled, but It is really installed:
 rpm -qa | grep freeciv
 What should I do?
 Linux Registered User: 219425
 mensaje enviado desde
 emails (pop)-paginas web (espacio illimitado)-agenda-favoris (bookmarks)-foros

Re: [newbie] Uninstall RPMs

2001-06-28 Thread Juan Carlos

Thanks. It works pefertly.

On Thu 28 Jun 2001 17:45, you wrote:

 rpm -e freeciv


 - Original Message -
 From: Juan Carlos [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2001 1:49 PM
 Subject: [newbie] Uninstall RPMs

  First I install Freeciv:
  rpm -i freeciv-1.11.4-1mdk.i586.rpm
  Now I want to uninstall it:
  rpm -e freeciv-1.11.4-1mdk.i586.rpm
  error: package freeciv-1.11.4-1mdk.i586.rpm is not installed
  The system says it is not intalled, but It is really installed:
  rpm -qa | grep freeciv
  What should I do?
  Linux Registered User: 219425
 _ mensaje enviado desde
  emails (pop)-paginas web (espacio illimitado)-agenda-favoris

Linux Registered User: 219425
mensaje enviado desde
emails (pop)-paginas web (espacio illimitado)-agenda-favoris (bookmarks)-foros

Re: [newbie] Installing RealPlayer8.bin file -- Instructions

2001-06-28 Thread OOzy Pal


I tried all sort of instruction. I read a lot in the
newbie archives. The problem is Realplayer audio is
noisy. It is just scratches not sound. Please help.

 Dear friends:
 You can get RealPlayer 8 from RealPlayer home page
 at by selecting the free RealPlayer
 Basic and then
 choosing under OS Unix. This will take you
 to the Unix
 Community Supported RealPlayer page at:
 You have a choice of downloading two files for
 a RealPlayer8.rpm
 and the other file, which is a RealPlayer8.bin file.
 Due to the problem
 with a different architecture, the rpm file will
 install. It has
 been strongly advised by our gurus NOT to try to
 install it either by
 forcing it (--force) or by using the --ignorearch
 option. INSTEAD, do
 what I just did, thanks to a message from Wolfgang
 from Tom
 First uninstall RealPlayer 7 by typing the command
 #rpm -e RealPlayer
 Now install the RealPlayer8.bin file (around 5.8
 as ROOT. Then, as
 root, continue your installation and install the
 plugins and mimetypes.
 This is part of the installation as root. Just
 instructions until
 you have installed it fully as root. Then, as USER,
 to the directory
 it has installed itself in, namely,
 and type:
 This will give you the plugins and mimetypes as
 Now, all that's left is to make it more convenient
 launch RealPlayer8
 as a desktop icon.
 Create the icon, then in Properties, Execute type:
 kstart /usr/local/RealPlayer8/./realplay
 If you don't add kstart you won't be able to
 automatically from the icon.
 So, add the kstart ... and it's done. That's it.
 I am going to send this to the Newbie list.
 this will help
 other newbies.
 My thanks again to everyone who helped.


What is the purpose of life?

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Re: [newbie] Netscape 6 - Installing from the net. Frezzes.

2001-06-28 Thread David E. Fox

 I have downloaded an executable netscape-installer that connect to internet 
 to install Netscape6. It try to download 11 files or parts. But every time I 

I've had the same problem. It's better to just download the larger tar.gz file
from directly. You'll probably want to check the status page
at first.

David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   on your hard disk.

[newbie] Install From Hard Disk

2001-06-28 Thread Skinky

Hello all,

Does anyone know of a tutorial on how 
to install Linux Mandrake 8.0 from hard disk? I put all the files in a 
separate partition and made a boot floppy with the hd.img file. All goes 
well until it looks for the files to install. It can't find the 
files. The partition is Primary DOS FAT32. Should it be a linux 

If anyone knows of a tutorial or help 
page, I'd be very grateful.



PS. This is my first attempt at 
trying Linux and I'm really looking forward to it 

[newbie] mouse curson pointing to a shifted grid

2001-06-28 Thread Travel GZ

On my Compaq 1200 xl106 laptop I 
installed Mandrake 8. After using KDE 
for an hour or two, suddenly the mouse seems 
to work on a shifted frame than 
the monitor! Meaning, in order to click 
on a button (or anthing) my mouse 
cursor actually doesn't sense the button 
is where I see it but about 10 
pixels to the right! So that the 
button, which normally doesn't switch to 
darker color when a mouse is over it, 
changes colors even when the mouse is 
10 pixels right of its right boundary, 
but is unaffected if the mouse is 
within 10 pixels of its left boundary. 
Plus, the mouse stops 10 pixels 
from the left edge of my monitor but 
goes off on the right edge of my 

Anyway idea why or at least where I 
should look? 


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[newbie] CDRW won't burn

2001-06-28 Thread Geof Steichen

I have tried all the steps in the CD-Writing HOWTO to get my cdrom burner to 
burn but no luck.  I have created the image using mkisofs; I have tested the 
CD-image by mounting it using the loop0 device and inspected the data; I have 
issued the cdrecord -scanbus and gotten:cdrecord -scanbus
Cdrecord 1.9 (i586-mandrake-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2000 Jörg Schilling
Linux sg driver version: 3.1.17
Using libscg version 'schily-0.1'
0,0,0 0) 'ATAPI   ' 'CD-R/RW 8X4X32  ' '5.DZ' Removable CD-ROM
0,1,0 1) *
0,2,0 2) *
0,3,0 3) *
0,4,0 4) *
0,5,0 5) *
0,6,0 6) *
0,7,0 7) *
[geoffs@lancelot geoffs]$

I have run cdrecord -v speed=2 dev=0,0,0 -data  /tmp/cd_image
where /tmp/cd_image is the file created by mkisofs.

All messages from the cdrecord run look perfect (no errors at all) and the 
red write light  on the cdrw blinked on/off many times and the command 
completed without any errors.  Nothing seems to be written on the cdrom!

I also have used gcombust and gtoaster and get the same results...seems to 
burn but nothing gets written on the cdrom.

I know the cdrw works because I can burn cdroms using the M$ dual boot side 
of the machine.

Any ideas on why it seems to work but does not burn anything?

Re: [newbie] Some reviews for those looking into hardware...

2001-06-28 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Thursday 28 June 2001 03:44 pm, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
 A sidelight about Anandtech. Anand has just finished his freshman
 year at North Carolina State University, and the site is celebrating
 its fourth anniversary. In other words, he was about 15 or 16 years
 old when he started. Impressive.

   OTOH, it's basically 'a what works with Windoze' site, so don't take 
hardware recommends or commentaries as gospel, quite the contrary 
often... using Linux.  Don't get me wrong, Anand is often listed as 
'another' good hardware page, just digest the info there as it may or 
may not apply to OS's other than Winblows.  YMMV
Tom Brinkman  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

 Jason Guidry wrote:
  As per recent discussion, I thought I'd drop these by.  No, I don't
  work for (as should be obvious from my posts) but
  here are some reviews that should be of interest...  Note, there
  are for the people who love plowing through pages of benchmarks,
  but if it makes your head hurt, you can always jump to the
  conclusion page.
  Linux Video Cards
  Socket A (AMD Duron/T-Bird) Chipset Comparison
  And here's that article they did on their own server upgrade.  Of
  particular interest should be an _open_source_ load balancer that
  they utilized after using big $$$ hardware solutions.  Lots of
  I'm not a Pentium fan, but a chipset comparison for linux

[newbie] mouse in X

2001-06-28 Thread Willy Sutrisno


im using mandrake 8.0 and XFCE is my window manager. I'd like to know
what is the command you put in the kdm, to load XFCE. I have tried xfce,
but it cant work. oh ya, by the way im using xfce 3.8.3

because i cant load my xfce from kdm, so im force to load it from the
command prompt. but there is a problem with mouse, everytime i load xfce
using the startx command, the mouse will go crazy. i mean, when i move
the mouse the pointer will not follow my hand movement. what i do is, i
shut down the x server, and load the xfce again. and the mouse will
working just fine. this thing only happen once, when i first boot the pc
and load the x for the first time. anyone can help me?

thanks in advance,


[newbie] I need help!

2001-06-28 Thread Ricky Parks

 I downloaded from you site the 
Linux-Mandrake 8.0 and the Linux-Mandrake 8.0 ISO images and I read the install 
.txt but I could not figure out how to install it from my harddrive. What do I 
have to do? Please reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Richard E. Parks

[newbie] another shutdown problem

2001-06-28 Thread Kevin Fonner

When I shutdown Mandrake the last thing it says is 
Power Down and then my computer locks up. At one time it actually shut off 
my laptop but now it just sits their. I know it's not waiting for me to 
turn it off because I have to hold down my power button to force it to the off 


[newbie] Which Version Should I use?

2001-06-28 Thread Aaron

I am looking at installing Linux Mandrake and would like to know which if
the following versions would best suit my needs. I will be using this
machine as for web development if that makes a difference.

Corporate Server

The box this is going on contains:
Tyan S1832DL Tiger 100 Motherboard
2x Intel PII 750MHz CPUs
2 SCSI 9GB Drives and 1 12GB IDE Drive
384MB Ram
Matrox Millennium G400 32MB



[newbie] ext2 file system

2001-06-28 Thread Kevin Fonner

Does mandrake use the Linux ext2 file system? 
Because I have a copy of partition magic 6.0 and it is supposed to understand 
the partition and it is not demonstrating it that way to me.


[newbie] Install - SCSI module causing problem

2001-06-28 Thread Nickos K

Hi fellow Mandrakers,

Installed Mandrake 8.  Detected all my hardware.  Even the onboard SCSI 
adapter (that is disabled in BIOS - since *not* used).

Message (prior to error):
scsi0: Adaptec AIC7xxx
yada, yada, yada
aic7880: single channel a, scsi id=0, 16/255 scbs

ERROR (follows):
VFS: Cannot open root device 2105 or 21:05
please append a correct root= boot option
Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 21:05

System stops booting after the error!

I *feel* certain it's trying to mount a filesystem on a scsi device (which 
there are none).

Can someone tell me how to (permanently) remove the aic7xxx scsi controller 
module/driver?  Is there a way to bypass this module/device when booting?  
Is there an interactive boot switch?

Your help is greatly appreciated.


Motherboard is a QDI Legend IV (onboard Adaptec SCSI  Intel Lan, dual 
processor), vid.-i740, Maxtor 30GB, LG 12/8/32 burner, Promise Fasttrack66 
(pci raid controller), SB PCI64, 192MB, 2 x P(II)s 300Mhz
Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

[newbie] curious ....

2001-06-28 Thread Rita F. Koenigs

There seems to be a lot of talk about Windows (even before the
Appeals Court decision) being a competitor of / annoyance to
the Linux OS  

I'm wondering about FreeBSD    or MAC OS X   any
potential competition there? ... any way to combat the OS
monopolistic intent of M$?

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[newbie] Any fix yet for PGP and Mandrake 8?

2001-06-28 Thread Jon Doe

I have been gone for a while and was wondering if anyone had figured out how 
to get PGP6.5.8 intalled on Mandrake 8.

Re: [newbie] Netscape 6 - Installing from the net. Frezzes.

2001-06-28 Thread s

You can also get 6.1 in a 28 meg tar.gz form from netscape.  I must say that 
it is alot better than 6.0.  I haven't used it alot, but it hasn't crashed on 
me yet while 6.0 crashed every dern time I opened it.  (Of course I must say 
that for the record, konqueror is still my fav and the jury's not in on if ns 
6.1 will replace 4.77 as my backup).

On Thursday 28 June 2001 06:18 pm, you wrote:
  I have downloaded an executable netscape-installer that connect to
  internet to install Netscape6. It try to download 11 files or parts. But
  every time I

 I've had the same problem. It's better to just download the larger tar.gz
 file from directly. You'll probably want to check the
 status page at first.

 David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]change magnetic patterns
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   on your hard disk.

Re: [newbie] help

2001-06-28 Thread s


With what?  Are you drowning, being mugged by hoodlums, your building burning 
down around you, or perhaps with Mandrake?


On Thursday 28 June 2001 09:06 am, you wrote:

Re: [newbie] IDE CD Writer

2001-06-28 Thread s

It'll probably recongize it but may not set everything up like scsi 
emulation.  Here's what Civileme wrote on how to set up:

SCSI Emulation is in two parts--first a message to the kernel to 
tell it to assume emulation is done  Second is a modprobe of 
scsi and a link to the appropriate SCSI device

The first part is simple in /etc/lilo.conf  or in drakboot 
(Control Center Boot Config) make sure you have this in the 


if for example it is hdc.

Now in /dev you need to do the following

cd /dev  rm cdrom2  ln -s scd0 cdrom2

if, for example, the /etc/fstab entry uses /dev/cdrom2 for your 

Finally somewhere you need a 

modprobe ide-scsi

It can be dropped int the next to last line of /etc/rc.local  
(an extra one won't hurt if your system is already doing one)

It is a little known fact that ordinaty plain vanilla CDROMs can 
also be scsi-emulated in the same manner.  Our tests over the 
past 5 months show this works just as well as the dual structure 
we now support.



On Wednesday 27 June 2001 10:17 pm, you wrote:

 I have recently fitted a Sony CDU928s  IDE CD Writer to my linux machine (
 L.M 8.0 )
 On initial start up of machine should Mandrake find the devise as new
 hardware and
 auto mount on desktop or will I need to go in and manually apply mount
 points etc...

 If manual set up is required could you please advise any links with info on
 how to go about it.

 Thanking You in Advance


 [[ With a society built on no fences or walls, would that mean no Gates or
 Windows ??]]

Re: [newbie] curious ....

2001-06-28 Thread Paul

It was Thu, 28 Jun 2001 20:25:59 -0700 (PDT) when Rita F. Koenigs wrote:

There seems to be a lot of talk about Windows (even before the
Appeals Court decision) being a competitor of / annoyance to
the Linux OS  

I'm wondering about FreeBSD    or MAC OS X   any
potential competition there? ... any way to combat the OS
monopolistic intent of M$?

FreeBSD is also a Unix clone, so to speak. Mac runs on completely different
hardware, that is a choice someone makes. Make that choice and you have no
dealings with Windoze.

It's in process:
So wrapped up in red tape that the situation is almost hopeless. - Registered Linux User 174403
   Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.4.99
** - when you care **

Re: [newbie] curious .... ADD 'WHAT I LEARNED AT USENIX!'

2001-06-28 Thread Jeff Reed

On Thursday 28 June 2001 23:25, Rita F. Koenigs wrote:
 There seems to be a lot of talk about Windows (even
 before the Appeals Court decision) being a competitor
 of / annoyance to the Linux OS 

 I'm wondering about FreeBSD    or MAC OS X   any
 potential competition there? ... any way to combat the OS
 monopolistic intent of M$?

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there is no threat. really. i can say that with all 
honesty. i've just been to the USENIX conference in Boston 
MA and let me tell you firsthand that there IS NO PLACE for 
Windows or ANY OTHER PROPRIETARY OS at these shows!, in 
your workplace, even in your home! WINDOWS IS OLD NEWS! OK? 
what i saw today was indeed LIVING PROOF that the Linux 
community at large is very much alive and kicking! there is 
no competitionthere is harmony...between thousands of 
programmers and their kindred...even good old end users. no 
one is left out...everyone who was there today. programmer 
or not - no one seemed to care about the court decision and 
no one cares what kind of move M$ makes next! it won't 
matter. there will still be GNU/Linux being installed on 
EVERYTHING as i saw today! one of the COOLEST things being 
a COMPAQ handheld PC with a full blown version of GNU/Linux 
running on it quite nicely! that's a handheld PCNOT a 
PDA!!! it had a fully working camera mounted, 64 MB of RAM, 
and it was THE COOLEST THING!!! gee, funny, i only saw one 
M$ vendor there. everyone was poking fun at the poor guy 
because the RAT BASTARD had a STUPID and USELESS shell 
interface that let's you command a Linux/UNIX box from a 
Windows GUI. AND, to add to it's uselessness, it only runs 
for 120 days before you have to purchase it! WHAT KIND OF 
CRAP IS THAT? there's a free shell program called ttssh for 
windows and it's FREE and it DOES THE SAME GODAMNED THING! and search for TTSSH!

anyway, back to the point. there IS NO THREAT. the beauty 
of this OS is that it gives you a CHOICE. isn't that nice? 
do you think the internet runs 100% on M$? BULL. what i saw 
MONEY!!! everyone understand that? and i'm not saying that 
there's anything wrong with making money. but THESE GUYS 
AREN''T JUST MAKING MONEY, they're taking the general 
population and making us (for those of you who care) 
STUPID. does it work? yes. is it affordable? sure. but 
there's MUCH MORE than meets the eye. and, if you like 
computers even just a LITTLE BIT, you will take heed to 
what i've said here and REALLY take a good long look at how 

start taking a good long look at how things are...if you 
don't care? that's fine. but, once in a while i actually 
enjoy excersising my constitutional rights...i don't need 
to buy ANYTHING from ANYONE if i don't want to! it's the 
LAW. and that's all i'm going to say.

p.s. USENIX! Boston MA! very very very cool!

p.p.s. it was nice to rub elbows with REAL people in a REAL 
evironment where we didn't have to sit and talk MARKETING 
BULLSHIT ALL DAY. these were guys who want to discover 
SOLUTIONS and come up with new and unique ideas in 
COMPUTING. then, they get paid when the job is done. 
wow...honest people. scary.


+ Jeff Reed
+ Linux System Administrator
+ Metro West Boston Linux User Group
+ (508) 792-6070

Check out Linux! It's good for you.

Re: [newbie] Netscape 6 - Installing from the net. Frezzes.

2001-06-28 Thread Jay needs a Guinness

(Of course I must say that for the record, konqueror is still my fav a

You have got to try Opera.  That is the creme-de-la-crop web browser for 
~May the enemies of Ireland never meet a friend~

Re: [newbie] Uninstall RPMs

2001-06-28 Thread David E. Fox

  Now I want to uninstall it:
  rpm -e freeciv-1.11.4-1mdk.i586.rpm
  error: package freeciv-1.11.4-1mdk.i586.rpm is not installed
 A common mistake - the -e requires the rpm name, not its filename. What's
 stored in the RPM database is the name 'freeciv-1.11.4-1mdk' which is the
 David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]change magnetic patterns
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   on your hard disk.

[newbie] Netscape 6 - Installing from the net. Frezzes.

2001-06-28 Thread Juan Carlos

I have downloaded an executable netscape-installer that connect to internet 
to install Netscape6. It try to download 11 files or parts. But every time I 
try to install it, it stop in any of them, it stop download, stop redrawing 
status window and do nothing at all.

Any of you know an rpm package or similar to install Netscape 6, instead of 
this netscape-installer program?

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Re: [newbie] Burning Man8.0 install CD from ISO image

2001-06-28 Thread Randy Kramer

 From: Dennis Gans [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   I'm about to burn the Mandrake 8.0 install CD-ROM from the downloaded iso
 image and looking for some guidance. I have already burned the ext. CD from
 the downloaded iso image and was worried when I tried to explore the files
 on the CD and could not get into it. It just sits there as an iso image that

If you've burnt the ext CD and it still looks like an ISO, I think
something is wrong -- I think you've just burnt a copy of the ISO image
on the CD.  In Easy CD-Creator under Windows you must create CD from
image, which makes the CD usable.  I don't know the commands to do that
under Linux -- somebody will -- maybe you have to post the name of the
CD burning program you are using.  (Actually, these commands show up
periodically on the list -- if you search the archives you should find

 I can copy or burn but not open.
   Do I need to make the CD bootable or is this a separate issue? 

If you create CD from image and the image includes a bootable image,
then, AFAIK, the CD will be bootable.  The downloaded inst disk from
Mandrake includes a bootable image.

And if I
 need to make the CD bootable, do I have to use a Linux bootdisk or can I use
 a Win bootdisk? If it has to be a Linux bootdisk, does it have to be a
 Mandrake bootdisk or can it be a bootdisk form another distribution (which I

I'm not positive about the answers to these last questions -- I think
you are best off if you use the Mandrake boot image.  If you boot with
something else, you will be able to find a way to install, but you might
have to create a Mandrake bootable image using from the Mandrake CD
(some things like images, and commands like dd and rawimage??)

Hope this helps,
Randy Kramer

Re: [newbie] StarOffice freezes in 8.0

2001-06-28 Thread Jay DeKing

I solved the problem, but not in the way I had hoped: I went back to LM 7.2. 

My research on the StarOffice forum found a lot of people with the same 
problem but most of the accusations directed at my video card (Diamond 
Stealth III S540), but the same card works fine with the driver provided in 
7.2. (Which, of course, is not specifically made for this card.)

Other options mentioned in the StarOffice forum and tried without success 
are: use the 2.2.19 kernel, use the older Xfree driver, use Standard VGA 
driver with 640x480 resolution (which leaves many of the controls off the 
screen and still locks up the machine anyway).

SO ... I'm back to LM7.2 for now, but at least I'm also back in control of my 
finances, medications, and vital statistics ... every little facet of my life 
is tracked on spreadsheets, which I migrated from MS Office to StarOffice a 
few months ago. I also quickly learned that the wonderful compatibility 
between these two programs was not to be in my case. None of the spreadsheets 
I tried to send back to Excel could be opened there.

As soon as I move to my new digs, I'll reassemble my old PC and set it up as 
an LM 7.2 box for incompatible apps and network it with my newer machine, 
where I will reinstall LM 8.0. Right now I just don't have room to do this.


On Sun, 24 Jun 2001, Jay DeKing wrote:
 I finally received my 8.0 Power Pack, and everything looks great, but Star
 Office won't run.

 When I click on the Star Office icon, it runs setup, but as soon as I hit
 next it locks up tight with the hard drive access light on. I've left it
 alone for as long as an hour just in case it was actually doing something,
 with no luck. If I'm not quick on the draw and don't hit next right away,
 it will lock up anyway, but without the disk access light. The only way to
 break out of this is with the power button; Ctrl-alt-backspace doesn't
 work, neither do ctrl-alt-F1 or ctrl-alt-del (which I have enabled). I also
 tried alt-SysRq-S + alt-SysRq-U + al-SysRq-B. It always comes back to the
 power button. As you notice I have learned a good assortment of keystrokes
 to try in order to avoid that heinous button, but you gotta do what you
 gotta do.

 I've done some research into this on the StarOffice support forum, and
 there I found the suggestion to set the environment variable
 SAL_DO_NOT_USE_INVERT50=true, which I have done, rebooted, and verified
 that it has been set; no change.

 Since this feels like a video setup problem, I checked all of the video
 parameters and they all correspond correctly to my hardware.

 StarOffice worked like a charm in 7.2, and I have a lot of very important
 data locked up in those spreadsheets. Any help that can be provided would
 be appreciated.

 Jay DeKing

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Re: [newbie] mouse curson pointing to a shifted grid

2001-06-28 Thread Kevin Fonner

I had the same problem with my Compaq 1400.  When I did a cold reboot
(Completely shutting off the system) it went away.  For some reason just
rebooting the system didn't help.

 - Original Message -
 Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2001 7:46 PM
 Subject: [newbie] mouse curson pointing to a shifted grid
  On my Compaq 1200 xl106 laptop I
  installed Mandrake 8. After using KDE
  for an hour or two, suddenly the mouse seems
  to work on a shifted frame than
  the monitor! Meaning, in order to click
  on a button (or anthing) my mouse
  cursor actually doesn't sense the button
  is where I see it but about 10
  pixels to the right! So that the
  button, which normally doesn't switch to
  darker color when a mouse is over it,
  changes colors even when the mouse is
  10 pixels right of its right boundary,
  but is unaffected if the mouse is
  within 10 pixels of its left boundary.
  Plus, the mouse stops 10 pixels
  from the left edge of my monitor but
  goes off on the right edge of my
  Anyway idea why or at least where I
  should look?
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