Re: [newbie-it] alcune domande

2001-10-01 Thread Daniele Micci

Il 00:15, lunedì 01 ottobre 2001, hai scritto:
 1) apro konqueror digito un indirizzo web  e lo caricama
 contemporaneamente mi apre una quantita' di finestre (con riferimento al
 sito macromedia) veramente eccessive direi :P .circa 7 o 8
 finestre.come posso evitarlo?

Semplice: installa il plugin Macromedia. Evidentemente stai aprendo pagine 
che richiedono Flash. Installa il player e quelle finestre del sito MM non 
appariranno più! (in effetti è vero: perchè diavolo la Macromedia avrà 
necessità di far comparire 200 finestre?!)

 2) ho installato un prg chiamato Vcool per il raffreddamento della cpu
 ( qualcuno conosce prg simili
 sarei curioso di provarliallorail prg sembra installato ma credo
 che debba essere inserito nei servizi al boot (come ho fatto con winzoz
 2000).la domanda e'come faccio ad inserirlo nei servizi di sistema?

Magari sto per dire una corbelleria, ma mi pareva di aver letto da qualche 
parte (forse in una risposta in questa mailing list) che Linux contiene già 
un programmino che, girando in background quando il PC non è utilizzato, si 
occupa di spegnere parzialmente la CPU, mettendola a riposo e riducendo 
così consumi e calore... Qualcuno ne sa qualcosa, o fa parte dei miei sogni?

 grazie dell'attenzionea presto!



[newbie-it] Multiple Network configuration for notebook

2001-10-01 Thread Leonardo Orazi

Ciao to everybody
I use a notebook Toshiba with Mandrake 8.0. I need to manage three
differents network configurations ( IP numbers, gateway, dns, ecc... ).
Does somebody know some programs or scripts to do it?


[newbie-it] Re: Scusate... Multiple Network configuration for notebook

2001-10-01 Thread Leonardo Orazi

Leonardo Orazi

Puttanaccia eva, questa lista è in italiano   :-)

scusate ho fatto un po' di confusione, il messaggio era questo:

Possiedo un notebook Toshiba con installato Linux distro Mandrake 8.0. A
seconda di dove mi trovo, 2 uffici + casa devo settare i parametri di
connessione della rete in modo diverso. Qualcuno conosce programmi per
gestire configurazioni multiple di rete?


[newbie-it] startx non và!!!

2001-10-01 Thread Di Matteo G

Propongo queto problema a chi avuto la brutta 
esperienza in oggetto.
Con mdk8.0 l'interfaccia grafica mi da problemi, 
caricando il sistema operativo inizia con l'interfaccia grafica ma dopo un pò 
passa alla modalita testo. Quando do il comando startx,
arrivano una serie di messaggi:
could font not fixed

[newbie-it] Precisazione per KDE e MDK 8.1

2001-10-01 Thread Marco

salve a tuttiavrete letto la mia ultima mail sulle icone, orologio etc 
etc...che , se loggato come root, non apparivanobene credo che sia un bug 
di KDE perche' se faccio partire Gnome funge tutto alla perfezionegrazie 
ancora e a prestobye

qualcuno conosce un prg che mi dica quanto la cpu stia frigendo? thx :P
Spider  Linux

[newbie-it] (no subject)

2001-10-01 Thread luca benini

[newbie-it] ancora sulla mia 8.0

2001-10-01 Thread Massimiliano Scandurra

Salve a tutti ed in particolare a Guido e a .:enn! (grazie per avermi
Sono Massimiliano con la Mandrake 8.0 che gira lenta.
In effetti potrebbe essere un problema di display manager, vedrò di
approfondire con le varie guide (che su linux devo dire proprio non
scarseggiano) la questione e cercherò di farti sapere qualcosa al più
Io comunque avevo una macronix mx 86251 wodoo rush (3dfx) da 4 mega ma
purtoppo non essendo supportata ho preferito sostituirla con una Matrox
mystique a 2 mega recuperata da un'amico.
Con la prima (non supportata) non ho avuto alcun problema d'istallazione.
Tutto ok lancio di aurora in forma grafica molto bella, però, avviato kde e
vari tutto gira lento e come se i programmi divenissero terribilmente
pesanti per il mio pc. Tu dirai allora ma perchè l'hai sostiuita..per 2
1) Lo schermo non era fluido ma aveva movimenti a scatti che mi disturbavano
non poco sopratutto nello scrolling delle pagine.
2) Lo sfarfallio del monitor a 59 Hz che mi da fastidio. Inutile anche
cambiare monitor da mandrake control center oltre a 60 Hz non ho trovato
Con la seconda scheda grafica ( la Matrox mystique da 2 mega) ho avuto
qualche problema di istallazione'infatti finito di istallare non mi lanciava
aurora in forma grafica ma mi avviava kde con un avvio in formato testo
(pratico ma un po' obsoleto)a ciò ho posto rimedio con la modalità esperta
settando per aurora non la risoluzione normal ma quella che preferisco (800x
600). I problemi però non sono finiti infatti ho dovuto cambiare il monitor
sempre da Mandrake control center perchè a 85 Hz e a 75 Hz  si formano sulle
linee dritte dei contorni pieghettati (mai vista una cosa di queste). Mi
piacerebbe andare con un refresh + alto però l'unico che mi consente di
vedere correttamente le immagini e solo il refresh a 60,21 Hz.
Per rispondere a .:enn ho notato una cosa insolita All avvio init non riesce
a volte a far partire nei tempi dovuti Harddrake mentre numlock o qaulcosa
di simile mi fallisce sempre. Tutto ciò avviene con aurora ossia in modalità
grafica se lo faccio partire in modalità non grafica tutto fila liscio.
Anche lo swap mi sembra eccessivo.
Nel frattempo io mi leggo i manuali e le riviste su Linux
Speriamo che la lettura mi aiuti
Se avete qualche dritta rispondetemi
Un Bacione grosso a tutti
Massimiliano Scandurra

[newbie-it] Dimenticavo...

2001-10-01 Thread Flavio Bosio

Qualcuno di voi ha provato ad installare Plesk su MDK 8.0 (o 8.1)

Sto facendo proprio ora il download della versione per Red Hat 7.0 che mi 
dicono dovrebbe andare anche su MDK


Re: [newbie-it] La mia mandrake 8.0 gira lenta

2001-10-01 Thread Guido Masciello

Anche io ho lo stesso problema.
Mi pare di aver capito che ci sia un problema tra kdm (KDE Display Manager) e 
i drivers della mia scheda video (Voodoo3 2000 AGP). 
Una soluzione potrebbe essere istallare un altro dispay manager tipo gdm ma 
non so come fare 
Se qualcuno ci puo aiutare !
Tu che scheda video hai ?


Il 17:54, domenica 30 settembre 2001, hai scritto:
 Salve a tutti!
 Ho installato la Mandrake 8.0 trovata su chip special, è veramente  facile
 da installare però a tuttora non riesco a capire perchè gira così lenta e
 come mai ci mette moltissimo per aprire qualunque programma. Forse devo
 installare una versione diversa?
 Ho una macchina non recentissima k6 300 Mhz con 128 mega di ram e ho messo
 linux sul II hard disk da 6,4 Giga. Cosa mi consigliate?
 Un saluto a tutti da max

[newbie-it] KDE e MDK 8.1

2001-10-01 Thread Marco

Salve...ho installato mdk 8.1 finaletutto ok
solo che ho notato una cosa strana e volevo sapere se e' normale o c'e'
qualche problemino
il pinguino parte ottimamente. entrando come utente con KDE tutto
funziona benementre entrando come root (sempre con KDE) mi mancano
parecchie icone sul Desktop (NB icone predefinite), non ho i bottoni dei
Desktop virtuali sulla barra, e mi manca l'orologio = Why? :)
come sempregrazie

by Spider

Re: [newbie-it] KDE e MDK 8.1

2001-10-01 Thread Marco

Alle 19:36, lunedì 1 ottobre 2001, hai scritto:
 On Monday 01 October 2001 16:54, Marco wrote:
  il pinguino parte ottimamente. entrando come utente con KDE tutto
  funziona benementre entrando come root (sempre con KDE) mi mancano
  parecchie icone sul Desktop (NB icone predefinite), non ho i bottoni dei
  Desktop virtuali sulla barra, e mi manca l'orologio = Why? :)

 non ho la 8.1 quindi non so.
 Per le icone, o si sono messi a fare come la slackware,
 o e' un buco.
 Hai fatto un upgrade o un'installazione pulita?
 L'orologio e i desk sono applet o extension, insomma trutte cose che
 dovresti riuscire ad inserire cliccando col destro sulla barra e
 guardando un po' i menu.


ho fatto una installazione pulitala cosa comica e' che quando entro da 
root gnome va bene e kde noquando entro da user gnome non parte e mi 
rimanda alla finestra di login mentre kde funzia alla grande.a questo 
punto cosa dire?..solo lol :)
Spider  Linux

Re: [newbie] Default desktop?

2001-10-01 Thread Steve Borrett

I have a problem that I didn't solve yet.  It's not a problem specific to
version 8.1, but an overall linux question.  I've disabled Aurora and I
don't load directly into x-window, because my Pentium 166 is a little slow
for that.  On the other hand, I just do a startx when I need to do some work
under the gui.  By default, KDE is the desktop that is loaded.  How can I
change that, so that Gnome gets loaded instead (Gnome is much faster than
KDE on my computer)?

If resources and speed are a problem then don't run either KDE or Gnome.
Both are big and unwieldy, you would be better off running either WindowMaker
or Enlightenment, so both of these are MUCH smaller and faster than the 2 


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[newbie] Mandrake Page

2001-10-01 Thread Budde Karin

I've got a problem with downloading the products from your site. As soon as
I click on a downloadbutton, there appears the marking hand. But that's all,
after that my Internet Explorer doesn't work any longer. I have to close it
with the task manager.I installed the IE new, but no change.
Is it possible that this problem has to do something with FTP?
I hope you can help me (very fast).

Thanks for your help

Karin Budde

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake Page

2001-10-01 Thread civileme

On Monday 01 October 2001 10:41, Budde Karin wrote:
 I've got a problem with downloading the products from your site. As soon as
 I click on a downloadbutton, there appears the marking hand. But that's
 all, after that my Internet Explorer doesn't work any longer. I have to
 close it with the task manager.I installed the IE new, but no change.
 Is it possible that this problem has to do something with FTP?
 I hope you can help me (very fast).

 Thanks for your help

 Karin Budde

Well, if you are using windows, try going to and download a 
copy of BulletProof FTP which is free to use for 30 days.  There is no chance 
your IE will ever work on an FTP site--Server Returned Extended Information 
errors will always stop you.  With Bulletproof, you can resume broken 
downloads, and you will need that feature to download our products.

QA Team

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Re: [newbie] Default desktop?

2001-10-01 Thread civileme

On Monday 01 October 2001 10:56, Steve Borrett wrote:
 I have a problem that I didn't solve yet.  It's not a problem specific to
 version 8.1, but an overall linux question.  I've disabled Aurora and I
 don't load directly into x-window, because my Pentium 166 is a little slow
 for that.  On the other hand, I just do a startx when I need to do some
  work under the gui.  By default, KDE is the desktop that is loaded.  How
  can I change that, so that Gnome gets loaded instead (Gnome is much
  faster than KDE on my computer)?

 If resources and speed are a problem then don't run either KDE or Gnome.
 Both are big and unwieldy, you would be better off running either
 WindowMaker or Enlightenment, so both of these are MUCH smaller and faster
 than the 2 goliaths.


But, there are several answers to your question.

Try going here:
and download this file:


and install it.  then in console mode, typing Xtart will bring up a menu of 
all properly installed window managers.


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Re: [newbie] FW: [OT] W3C and the Promotion of Fee-based Standards for the Web (important for all FREE SOFTWARE supporters.)

2001-10-01 Thread Mohammed Arafa

i got a question regarding the last w3c format for the protocols. was it
free? as in
can open source take the last format and extend n upgrade it for *nix, etc?
i believe open source is more powerful than proprietary format if only
because it grows and changes so much faster than proprietary stuff. meaning
that open source might/could take the lead there and everybody else follows
two bits worth

- Original Message -
From: civileme [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Sridhar Dhanapalan
Sent: Monday, October 01, 2001 6:35 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] FW: [OT] W3C and the Promotion of Fee-based Standards
for the Web (important for all FREE SOFTWARE supporters.)

 On Monday 01 October 2001 04:54, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
  This isn't quite as bad as it looks, IMHO. I don't believe that Tim
  Berners-Lee would lend his name to something repressive. His stated
  has always been for a free and open WWW. I think that the W3C is simply
  waking up to the disturbing reality that just about anything can be
  patented in the USA. It will become increasingly difficult in the future
  for the W3C to create their own standards without accidentally stepping
  the toes of some spurious patent. Their RAND licensing seeks to address
  On Mon, 1 Oct 2001 02:57:36 +0800, Franki [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Hi all,
   you guys really need to look at this, it might be time to put our
   behind open source and free software...
   If companies have to pay royalties for the use of standards, (like the
   web for example)
   free software in those areas may become a thing of the past..
   Take apache for example, if W3C thinks up the next phase of the web,
   its a royalty product, apache may well disappear as free software,
   Zope and all the others
   Worth thinking about...
   -Original Message-
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Chuck Mead
   Sent: Monday, 1 October 2001 1:58 AM
   Subject: [OT] W3C and the Promotion of Fee-based Standards for the Web
   Folks... if you have not seen this there are only a few hours left to
   make your voice heard. Please go and read this... our internet is in
   danger from corporate interest again!
   Send your comments here:
   Cheers... :-)
   csm engineers, as Percy Bysshe Shelley said of poets, are the
   unacknowledged legislators of our time. acknowledge this reality and
   to shape it... - stille/lessig

 Well, it is now officially too late to say anything about it.  Input

 Most of the posts I have seen on it have predicted a slow, agonizing death
 for W3C because of it.  We'll see what their actions are, then cope as
 we can.  I know if the RAND proposal is adopted that I will simply ignore
 their standards in my work, and never offer any support again.


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[newbie] KMail locks up and I KILL it

2001-10-01 Thread PENA FAMILY

I am writing from my old HP running WindowsME since my computer room which
houses Mac, Linux, and Windows is next to my grandmother visiting from
Michigan makes too much room and wakes her up.

My question is recently KMail is been giving me trouble. I started of
sending and receiving just fine and then when I send or reply to someone's
post it locks up with the message getting to contact server or something
like that.

Then it locks up. I use the KILL to shut it off. My question which is more
out of curiosity rather than answer to my problem. When I KILL KMail after
it locks up why can't I relaunch it without having to reboot? Second
question am I doing it correctly by using the KILL command or should I be
using something else instead when a program locks up?

All comments and suggestions are welcomed.

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Re: [newbie] Webmin

2001-10-01 Thread Tim Holmes

And keep in mind Marcia.  If you've changed your root passwd from what it
was at install, you will have to use the root passwd that you used AT

You may also have to edit the /etc/webmin/miniserv.conf to make it work.
Depending on if SSL is compiled and installed, or configured.  You may need
to change the line that reads ssl=1  you may need to set that to ssl=0
to get that to come up.  After you do that, restart the webmin and you
should be good to go.

I really only use webmin to use the ssh module.  I set it up so my user can
log in, and then only use the Java ssh module on Windows machines that don't
have a ssh client.
T. Holmes
UIN:  17021091
Real Men Use Vi!

 6:45AM  up 6 days, 17:46, 3 users, load averages: 0.00, 0.01, 0.00
| On Monday 01 October 2001 00:11, Marcia wrote:
|  Dear All,
|  I have started to setup webmin because I would like to learn to use it for
|  sharing files between my LM8 on my desktop and my laptop that has a
|  Win98/LM8 dualboot. Also, I would like to share an internet connection
|  between all if possible. I do not know the first thing about any of this. I
|  have read many articles about networking, samba, etc., however, with so
|  many options I am more confused than ever.
|  Could anyone lead me to information that would help me to use Webmin to
|  connect my computers for file sharing and internet sharing? Do I have to
|  use Samba? What would be the the most simple and secure way? Thanks for any
|  help with this project.
|  Sincerely,
|  Marcia
| Samba for filesharing
| DrakGateway for internet sharing--no need for webmin there.
| Samba also has a very complex tool for setup by browser called SWAT.
| But to start Webmin, just fire up netscape or mozilla
| login root
| password (your root password)
| It is all GUI from there, and it has a lot of clickable help--you want the 
| servers tab.
| Civileme
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[newbie] named

2001-10-01 Thread Ross Slade

[Mandrake 8.0]

I'm trying to get named working as a caching server. my setup is simple -
my linux box ( is connected to the internet and there's a small
LAN (10.0.2.x) connected to it also.

The current error is the default for the 'auth-nxdomain' option is now

Can someone please point me in the right direction?

acl bunyip {;; };
options {
directory /var/named; // Working directory
pid-file;   // Put pid file in working dir
forwarders {; };
forward only;
allow-query { bunyip; };
// Root server hints
zone . { type hint; file; };
// Provide a reverse mapping for the loopback address
zone {
  type master;
  file named.local;
  notify no;


etc...(list of root servers)

@   IN  SOA localhost. root.localhost.  (
  2001100100 ; Serial
  28800  ; Refresh
  14400  ; Retry
  360; Expire
  86400 ); Minimum
  IN  NS  localhost.

1   IN  PTR localhost.



-- [ICQ No.9391313]

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Re: [newbie] KMail locks up and I KILL it

2001-10-01 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Mon, 1 Oct 2001 03:06:07 -0700, PENA FAMILY [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I am writing from my old HP running WindowsME since my computer room which
 houses Mac, Linux, and Windows is next to my grandmother visiting from
 Michigan makes too much room and wakes her up.
 My question is recently KMail is been giving me trouble. I started of
 sending and receiving just fine and then when I send or reply to someone's
 post it locks up with the message getting to contact server or something
 like that.
 Then it locks up. I use the KILL to shut it off. My question which is more
 out of curiosity rather than answer to my problem. When I KILL KMail after
 it locks up why can't I relaunch it without having to reboot? Second
 question am I doing it correctly by using the KILL command or should I be
 using something else instead when a program locks up?
 All comments and suggestions are welcomed.

Some particularly stubborn apps don't respond properly to a kill command. Try
killall -9 kmail. Then run ps ux to see if it's still there.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home.
-- Ken Olson, President, Chairman and Founder of Digital Equipment Corp., 1977

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Re: [newbie] linux for sony ps2?

2001-10-01 Thread magnet

 Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
  On Fri, 28 Sep 2001 06:59:05 -0400, Tim Holmes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   The PS2, actually has three CPUs, but they're not clustered.  They handle
   different things..

LOL. I couldn't help being reminded... doesn't that sound like how the original games
machine, the Amiga used to work 17 years ago :))


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Re: [newbie] Webmin

2001-10-01 Thread Mr S Ganesan

Yes Samba is esential

Principal Scientist
Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering
Berasia Road
Bhopal 462038, INDIA
Phone:  0755-730986 (O)
0755-732105 (R)
Web Address:

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Re: [newbie] LM 8.1

2001-10-01 Thread Mr S Ganesan

Dear Ones using LM8 or earlier.
after downloading LK8 and burning the CDS etc, it was not able to load on
my computer having SCSI adaptec 7986 adapter. The same was the problem
with Redhat 7.1.
Anybody having idea of whether LM8.1 is loading on the Adaptec 7986 SCSi
adapter based computers?

Principal Scientist
Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering
Berasia Road
Bhopal 462038, INDIA
Phone:  0755-730986 (O)
0755-732105 (R)
Web Address:

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake Page

2001-10-01 Thread Matt Harrison

Not entirely true civilme.  I downloaded every version from the betas of 
8.0 to the betas of 8.1 and then the final of 8.1 and I used Internet 
Explorer every time and they turned out flawlessly.  Just gotta make 
sure you aren't viewing the FTP site as a folder.


civileme wrote:

 On Monday 01 October 2001 10:41, Budde Karin wrote:
I've got a problem with downloading the products from your site. As soon as
I click on a downloadbutton, there appears the marking hand. But that's
all, after that my Internet Explorer doesn't work any longer. I have to
close it with the task manager.I installed the IE new, but no change.
Is it possible that this problem has to do something with FTP?
I hope you can help me (very fast).

Thanks for your help

Karin Budde

 Well, if you are using windows, try going to and download a 
 copy of BulletProof FTP which is free to use for 30 days.  There is no chance 
 your IE will ever work on an FTP site--Server Returned Extended Information 
 errors will always stop you.  With Bulletproof, you can resume broken 
 downloads, and you will need that feature to download our products.
 QA Team
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Matt Harrison

A moment of silence for the former Red Wing,
now New York Islander Chris Osgood . . .
The greatest goalie in the NHL.

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RE: [newbie] Nimda Related question again.

2001-10-01 Thread Franki

if you have open shares on all of the windoze PC's, then the chances are
they are all putting them there..

That is one of the ways that Nimda spreads... it looks around for other open

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, 1 October 2001 5:45 AM
Subject: [newbie] Nimda Related question again.


What I've got is this.

I'm got a machine running Samba on a Windoze Network.

There are a few Windoze machien who have mapped the share on the Linux box.

Ive now had a few (*.eml) files appearing on those shares in the Linux
box. I've been clearing them out a few times a day, no problem.

No all steps have been taken to make sure all machine are properly virus
protected, what I want to know there a log file on the LNX box
will state which machine (either IP or NB-Name) wrote these files to the

Thanks in advance.


This email sent from Infinity Online Webemail:

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Re: [newbie] LM 8.1

2001-10-01 Thread Charles A Edwards

On Mon, 1 Oct 2001 12:42:23 +0530 (IST)
Mr S Ganesan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dear Ones using LM8 or earlier.
 after downloading LK8 and burning the CDS etc, it was not able to load on
 my computer having SCSI adaptec 7986 adapter. The same was the problem
 with Redhat 7.1.
 Anybody having idea of whether LM8.1 is loading on the Adaptec 7986 SCSi
 adapter based computers?

I think this is what you need.
On the 1st installation cd in the /images/alternative directory you wiil see 2 cdrom 
Use rewrite to create a boot disk with cdrom.img-2.214-BADZ2,
then start the Mandrake installation from the boot disk instead of 
booting from the cdrom drive.
For RH 7.1 you can download an image file from their site.


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[newbie] powerpack 8.1

2001-10-01 Thread Robert MacLean


anyone know where i can get a complete list of whats in powerpack 8.1?
(i know it's big, but i'm looking for certain apps that i need to use)


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[newbie] Major problems with apache and mandrake update on 7.2...

2001-10-01 Thread Franki

Hi all,

I have something of a major problem on my web server... (mdk7.2)

I run Mandrake Update on that box and selected the apache rpm's for

it installed them, and that was the end of my web server...

when I try to start apache, I get lots of PASSED messages and nothing in the
log to tell me why...

So I am now lost as to find out why its not running...

I heard in the newbie list had a problem with SSL which I am not using...
and that they would be removed,, that was over a week ago, and since the
RPM's were there when I ran it last night, I assumed that the problem had
been fixed anyway..

Now I can't even find out why I can't get it working... nothing in
/var/log/httpd (there isn't even an error_log)

there is nothing useful showing up in syslog or messages either..

how can I find out whats stoppin it from running??

I am sort of desperate here

The RPM's that were updated are:

apache-1.3.20-3.1mdk.i586.rpm apache-manual-1.3.20-3.1mdk.i586.rpm

I need to know how to find out what the problem is...

I have removed and reinstalled them several times now, in an effort to fix
the problem,, neither the default settings that the rpm's installed or my
backup copy of http.conf will get apache working. httpd-perl starts fine..

can anyone give me any pointers here???

kindest regards


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RE: [newbie] Old Hardware-Dell 433D

2001-10-01 Thread Franki

get trinux or one of the other mini distro's,, they run from a floppy...

also, just because cdrom doesn't appear as an option does not mean that you can't add 
one, you just need a driver for it...
(to boot from a dos disk.)

but a mini distro is the best thing you can do...



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Dennis Myers
Sent: Sunday, 30 September 2001 10:47 PM
To: Newbie Linux-Mandrake
Subject: [newbie] Old Hardware-Dell 433D

I acquired an old Dell 433D/Le with a 33mhz processor and about 8mb of ram 
and a 3com isa NIC card.  It was part of a networked system and has no 
cdrorm showing in the bios, so assume I can't add one.  Any ideas what I 
could do with this machine. It works as far as boot, but has no OS on it 
and it is low on ram, uses the old simms I believe.  Can I use it for a 
server of some sort  or a firewall?  Hate to throw it out. TIA for any 
Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

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RE: [newbie] Aurora

2001-10-01 Thread John Clegg

The only advantage I have seen in Aurora is that you can go back to it after
the boot has finished to see what happened. (Ctrl-Alt-F12 on mine). But
surely all the messages are logged somewhere aren't they??

 -Original Message-
 From: Sridhar Dhanapalan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Saturday, September 29, 2001 4:25 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Aurora
 On Fri, 28 Sep 2001 11:29:19 +0100, Peter Watson 
  Does Aurora serve any useful purpose at all?
 Eye candy, that's about all. It hides the bootup messages so that more
 experienced users don't know what's really going on (of 
 course, it's great for
 Newbies :). It also stays memory-resident all the time (from 
 when I used to use
 it, anyway). You should be able to see it if you press 
 Ctrl-Shift-F11. If you
 use VMware, it will mess the display up, since VMware can't 
 handle framebuffer
 device calls very well.
 Sridhar Dhanapalan
   Windows: The first user interface where you
   click Start to turn it off.

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Re: [newbie] [OT?] Motherboard and CPU lore

2001-10-01 Thread Niklas Herder

A great site for all hardware is:

I'm no expert myself, but he certainly is :-)


- Original Message -
From: Mark Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: LinuxNewbie (E-mail) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 01, 2001 4:16 PM
Subject: [newbie] [OT?] Motherboard and CPU lore

 I'm not a hardware type of guy, those statistics don't stick in my head
 I think the reason is because I don't know why they are important.  Can
 anyone tell me (possibly in terms of a linux user) what are the important
 things to look for in mobo's and cpu's and why I should care about those

 Also, what's good site for learning about this stuff? I could go on google
 and wade through a bunch of hits, but I'm not going to really know what
 looking for or at...

 thanks for your time...

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RE: [newbie] Grub problems

2001-10-01 Thread Adrian Lynch

I'm not sure this is true, I have ME (God bless my soul) and I can, I think,
exit to DOS. Or am I thinking of something else?

-Original Message-
From: Hans N. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 15 September 2001 21:06
Subject: RE: [newbie] Grub problems

Just a Windohz warning, people with Windohz ME can't exit to DOS.
Restarting in DOS mode is not an option.

Hans N.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of d
What I am trying to say in all of this is I
did NOT use a WinBlow$ boot disk, did it directly from DOS by just exiting
to it.

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Re: [newbie] Grub problems

2001-10-01 Thread Robert MacLean

me has no support for dos.
other than going start-run-and typing in command.
if you need dos you need to get a copy of win98 :(
or use the dos emulator in linux :)

Robert MacLean
- Original Message -
From: Adrian Lynch [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 01, 2001 4:18 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Grub problems

 I'm not sure this is true, I have ME (God bless my soul) and I can,
I think,
 exit to DOS. Or am I thinking of something else?

 -Original Message-
 From: Hans N. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 15 September 2001 21:06
 Subject: RE: [newbie] Grub problems

 Just a Windohz warning, people with Windohz ME can't exit to DOS.
 Restarting in DOS mode is not an option.

 Hans N.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of d
 What I am trying to say in all of this is I
 did NOT use a WinBlow$ boot disk, did it directly from DOS by just
 to it.


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[newbie] virus attacks, etc

2001-10-01 Thread David Robertson


You hear so much now about hackers, probing, etc while connected to the net. Not that 
any of my data is worth stealing, just how can I detect any probes or find out if 
anyone is trying to get to my computer. I know this is a vast subject, so can anyone 
at least point me in the right direction to learn about appropriate programs, etc, or 
is there a simple way. Are there tools that come with LM 8.0 that will do the job?



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RE: [newbie] Grub problems

2001-10-01 Thread Franki

are you sure??

I was under the impression that ME had hidden dos and didn't allow you to
use it, except as an emulation from the start button...

98SE will let you, but I know for a fact that 2000 and XP won't,, and I was
under the impression that ME didn't let you either..

I know that 2000 and XP are based on the NT kernel and ME is based on the 95
kernel, but I was still under the impression that they had tried to make ME
look more like 2000 then 95, (weather it is or not.)



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Adrian Lynch
Sent: Monday, 1 October 2001 10:19 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Grub problems

I'm not sure this is true, I have ME (God bless my soul) and I can, I think,
exit to DOS. Or am I thinking of something else?

-Original Message-
From: Hans N. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 15 September 2001 21:06
Subject: RE: [newbie] Grub problems

Just a Windohz warning, people with Windohz ME can't exit to DOS.
Restarting in DOS mode is not an option.

Hans N.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of d
What I am trying to say in all of this is I
did NOT use a WinBlow$ boot disk, did it directly from DOS by just exiting
to it.

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Re: [newbie] Grub problems

2001-10-01 Thread Robert MacLean

hi frank

microsofts offical line is there is no dos support in me.

ME does have support for dos, but not by default. you have to get a
patch to enable it. unfortunately these patches are not made by
microsoft. in my expierence i have never had success with them and
always had to reinstall after i tried one. so i would not suggest
trying it. installing 98se is much easier and safer and faster.

personally i think they stuffed dos up and are too ashamed to admit it

Robert MacLean

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, October 01, 2001 4:54 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Grub problems

 are you sure??

 I was under the impression that ME had hidden dos and didn't allow
you to
 use it, except as an emulation from the start button...

 98SE will let you, but I know for a fact that 2000 and XP won't,,
and I was
 under the impression that ME didn't let you either..

 I know that 2000 and XP are based on the NT kernel and ME is based
on the 95
 kernel, but I was still under the impression that they had tried to
make ME
 look more like 2000 then 95, (weather it is or not.)



 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Adrian Lynch
 Sent: Monday, 1 October 2001 10:19 PM
 Subject: RE: [newbie] Grub problems

 I'm not sure this is true, I have ME (God bless my soul) and I can,
I think,
 exit to DOS. Or am I thinking of something else?

 -Original Message-
 From: Hans N. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 15 September 2001 21:06
 Subject: RE: [newbie] Grub problems

 Just a Windohz warning, people with Windohz ME can't exit to DOS.
 Restarting in DOS mode is not an option.

 Hans N.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of d
 What I am trying to say in all of this is I
 did NOT use a WinBlow$ boot disk, did it directly from DOS by just
 to it.


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[newbie] gcc-c++

2001-10-01 Thread mik


maybe this is more of a question for the expert, but anyways: what's the
deal with gcc-c++?. everytime i try to compile a c++ program i get messages
like c headers not found (while running configure) or strcomp not
defined (while compiling). in some cases i've been able to fix the by using
egcs, but since most programs are set up to be compiled with gcc, it would
be nice i could get this working.

any ideas.


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Re: [newbie] Starting Ximian Gnome from Login Manager

2001-10-01 Thread mik

that's because it runs a file with the name of the session. these files are
located in the xdm or the gdm folder (i don't remember and i'm in windows at
the moment). if it doesn't find the file, it runs the default wm which is
icewm. what you have to do is to make a script that starts gnome, name it
Gnome and put it in the gdm folder (/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/gdm , i think).

the script should look like this:


save it and make it executable: chmod +x ./Gnome
that's all (plz someone correct me if i'm wrong, which is quite possible).


- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, September 30, 2001 11:54 PM
Subject: [newbie] Starting Ximian Gnome from Login Manager


 I installed KDE 221 on my LM8 box. After installing I
 got some problems in accessing the Ximian Gnome.

 In fact after the initial install the menu options on
 login manager were:

 1. default -- Ximian Gnome
 2. KDE 22
 3. Failsafe

 I wanted to rename default to Gnome but couldn't be
 done. So I delete it, then I added it under the name
 of Gnome using login manager.

 The issue is that the new Gnome session is pointing
 always to ICE WM. Meantime I solved the problem
 regarding the access of KDE 221 from login manager by
 setting the prefered manager to KDE.

 But I still can't make the login manager to start the
 Ximian Gnome. I am wondering which files I must modify
 in order for login manager to start the Gnome session.

 Maybe someone can give me a hint, I will apreciate.
 I want to thank to Civileme for his help.

 Thanks a lot,

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RE: [newbie] virus attacks, etc

2001-10-01 Thread Franki

ok, you  could start with portsentry, (it comes with you mandrake disks.. it
will listen for portscans and dynamically add them to your firewall rules...
it also logs attempts...

If you want to go further, you can get snort, which monitors interfaces for
traffic and compares what it finds to updatable rules... and it has many
possible means of notifying you of what it finds.. and if you use it with
guardian it can respond in kind...

Snort is the best possible answer, but its not a GUI setup ( and
it uses alot of CPU time examing all packets...

prelude is that mandrake 8.1 comes with I believe.. it is similiar in design
to snort, except it appears to be modularised, and can read snort and other
rules by inserting modules.. from what I can tell, the main benefit of
prelude is that it can be used with clusters of servers to spread the load..
as you can see, this is a fairly high end solution...

that should give you a start..

also, if you have an existing list of firewall rules, just adding -l to the
end of them, will result in them loggin deny's or drops to syslog which if
you install logcheck (also on you CD's), it will scan the logs, put anything
relivent in an email and ship it to you

good stuff..



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of David Robertson
Sent: Monday, 1 October 2001 11:37 PM
Subject: [newbie] virus attacks, etc


You hear so much now about hackers, probing, etc while connected to the net.
Not that any of my data is worth stealing, just how can I detect any probes
or find out if anyone is trying to get to my computer. I know this is a vast
subject, so can anyone at least point me in the right direction to learn
about appropriate programs, etc, or is there a simple way. Are there tools
that come with LM 8.0 that will do the job?



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Re: [newbie] linux for sony ps2?

2001-10-01 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

M$ are trying to enter console the market with brute force -- by selling a
machine which they can flog as being more powerful than the PS2. In reality, it
isn't as powerful as MS say it is (since it isn't as optimised for gaming as the
PS2), but people will _believe_ it is much more powerful because it has a 833MHz
CPU in comparison to Sony's 300MHz chip. What really matters is the quality of
games that are released. The market has been littered over time with instances
of technically 'inferior' products winning-out over 'superior' ones. The console
market is a prime example of this. Anybody remember the Neo-Geo or the 3DO? They
were 32-bit machines which were released years before Sega, Nintendo and Sony
brought out their offerings, yet they never caught on. The Sega MegaDrive
('Genisis' in the USA) and the Sony PlayStation became more popular than their
Nintendo counterparts ('SuperNES'/'Super Famicon' and Nintendo 64,
respectively), despite being less powerful.

Sony, it should be noted, isn't exactly an underdog here. They are also a
massive company, and they have made content deals with AOL Time Warner for the
PS2. They _specialise_ in the entertainment and home electronics industries, and
they already have a very strong development and consumer base (being a Japanese
company really helps here). They have had a huge head-start over M$, and they
are actively developing the PS3 for release in 2002 (so they have a backup in
the unlikely event that the XBox cleans up).

M$ will find _some_ success, but I seriously doubt whether they'll beat the PS2.
With their high manufacturing costs (I believe they're selling XBoxes at half
cost-price) and marketing costs (around $US500 million this year), I also doubt
whether they'll actually manage to make a profit out of this. However, I'm sure
that they've considered this factor (Bill's not stupid), and they have some
$US30 billion in the bank to fall back on should they need it (and they will).

IMHO, the _real_ competition will occur with the next generation of consoles.
Both the PS3 ( and the
XBox2 ( aim to be true home
entertainment devices, and not simply games machines with a few extras bolted

On Mon, 1 Oct 2001 10:20:10 -0400, Tim Holmes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I agree, I'm very anti-Micro$HAFT, and I'm very particular about my gaming.
 I've been a pretty hardcore console gamer for some years now.  I have an
 embarassing amount of video games, and video game equipment.
 I used to a very loyal Nintendo fan, then they just pissed me off, and a lot
 of other people too.  SONY came out, and it took me a while to break down
 and purchased a second hand PlayStation.  And that right there changed the
 facing of my gaming. 
 Since then I've learned to branch out into other platforms, and playing
 different types of games.  But there's nothing about the XBox that I feel
 the need to even go after.  The anti-Micro$HAFT issue being put aside, I
 don't see it having a chance of any sort of longevity, and I'll be damned if
 I'm going to spend $300 for a system that's going to last a year before it's
 basically pushed out of the market.
 It's not getting the support it needs to thrive, outside of the U.S.
 Somebody already mentioned it, but the U.S. is much more inclined towards
 computer games.  If they change it to a computer in your living room, and
 you can install computer games on it, it may do well here, but it's not
 going to have a life outside of the U.S.
 Now, going back to the anti-Micro$HAFT issue of mine, I refuse to give them
 another dime of my $$$.  Let alone $300, or up to $700 for a bundled system.
 Rumor has it, the XBox actually crashed at a trade show somewhere.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

The dark ages were caused by the Y1K problem.

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[newbie] Test

2001-10-01 Thread Adrian Lynch

Bloody Outlook, just testing to see if this thing works

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Re: [newbie] gcc-c++

2001-10-01 Thread Matt Greer

on 10/1/01 10:05 AM, mik at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 maybe this is more of a question for the expert, but anyways: what's the
 deal with gcc-c++?. everytime i try to compile a c++ program i get messages
 like c headers not found (while running configure) or strcomp not
 defined (while compiling). in some cases i've been able to fix the by using
 egcs, but since most programs are set up to be compiled with gcc, it would
 be nice i could get this working.

compile with g++

] g++ file1.cpp file2.cpp  -o program


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Re: [newbie] Galeon and taskbar

2001-10-01 Thread Joan Tur

Es Dilluns 01 Octubre 2001 04:41, en Sridhar Dhanapalan va escriure:
  When running galeon for the first time you are asked to use a 2nd taskbar
  where it places a link to search at google, at and a few
  In 8.1 that app crashes and i don't know how to recreate that taskbar...
  any idea?  8-?

 A new version of Galeon was released today. Perhaps the 'bug' has been
8-)  Thanks for your answer but with last galeon (i already had last mozilla) 
installed it hangs inmediately  X-D

Don't know what happens... the searcher in that taskbar was very 
useful  8-/
Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
  Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

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Re: [newbie] Test

2001-10-01 Thread Robert MacLean

bloody outlook test works ;)

Robert MacLean

- Original Message -
From: Adrian Lynch [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Newbie (E-mail) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 01, 2001 5:56 PM
Subject: [newbie] Test

 Bloody Outlook, just testing to see if this thing works


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[newbie] Download accelerators for Linux?

2001-10-01 Thread Terry

I've recently had my eyes opened to Go!Zilla on Windows while downloading the 
LM 8.1 ISO's, and was wondering if some equivalent existed for Linux.  Would 
love to be able to download future versions of LM from within Linux at a 
rapid pace instead of having to boot into windows.

Terry Sheltra
PC Technician/Asst. Network Administrator
University of Virginia
School of Architecture
Registered Linux User #218330

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Re: Re: [newbie] linux for sony ps2?

2001-10-01 Thread Jim Dawson

I remember the Neo-Geo. The main reason it didn't catch on was because it was 
hideously expensive. If I remember correctly it cost almost $1000 when it first came 
out and games were around $150-200 each.

One very important thing to consider in speculation over the success or failure of the 
X-Box is that it will be very easy to port PC (Windows) games to the X-box and 
vice-versa.  This will certianly be very appealing to game companies.

Personally, I hope Sony lowers the cost of the PS/2 to compete with the X-box. I need 
to get a new DVD player soon and if I can get a PS/2 for a reasonable price I might  
get one instead.

-Original Message-
From: Sridhar Dhanapalan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2001 01:26:25 +1000
Subject: Re: [newbie] linux for sony ps2?

M$ are trying to enter console the market with brute force -- by selling a
machine which they can flog as being more powerful than the PS2. In reality, it
isn't as powerful as MS say it is (since it isn't as optimised for gaming as the
PS2), but people will _believe_ it is much more powerful because it has a 833MHz
CPU in comparison to Sony's 300MHz chip. What really matters is the quality of
games that are released. The market has been littered over time with instances
of technically 'inferior' products winning-out over 'superior' ones. The console
market is a prime example of this. Anybody remember the Neo-Geo or the 3DO? They
were 32-bit machines which were released years before Sega, Nintendo and Sony
brought out their offerings, yet they never caught on. The Sega MegaDrive
('Genisis' in the USA) and the Sony PlayStation became more popular than their
Nintendo counterparts ('SuperNES'/'Super Famicon' and Nintendo 64,
respectively), despite being less powerful.

Sony, it should be noted, isn't exactly an underdog here. They are also a
massive company, and they have made content deals with AOL Time Warner for the
PS2. They _specialise_ in the entertainment and home electronics industries, and
they already have a very strong development and consumer base (being a Japanese
company really helps here). They have had a huge head-start over M$, and they
are actively developing the PS3 for release in 2002 (so they have a backup in
the unlikely event that the XBox cleans up).

M$ will find _some_ success, but I seriously doubt whether they'll beat the PS2.
With their high manufacturing costs (I believe they're selling XBoxes at half
cost-price) and marketing costs (around $US500 million this year), I also doubt
whether they'll actually manage to make a profit out of this. However, I'm sure
that they've considered this factor (Bill's not stupid), and they have some
$US30 billion in the bank to fall back on should they need it (and they will).

IMHO, the _real_ competition will occur with the next generation of consoles.
Both the PS3 ( and the
XBox2 ( aim to be true home
entertainment devices, and not simply games machines with a few extras bolted

On Mon, 1 Oct 2001 10:20:10 -0400, Tim Holmes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I agree, I'm very anti-Micro$HAFT, and I'm very particular about my gaming.
 I've been a pretty hardcore console gamer for some years now.  I have an
 embarassing amount of video games, and video game equipment.

 I used to a very loyal Nintendo fan, then they just pissed me off, and a lot
 of other people too.  SONY came out, and it took me a while to break down
 and purchased a second hand PlayStation.  And that right there changed the
 facing of my gaming.

 Since then I've learned to branch out into other platforms, and playing
 different types of games.  But there's nothing about the XBox that I feel
 the need to even go after.  The anti-Micro$HAFT issue being put aside, I
 don't see it having a chance of any sort of longevity, and I'll be damned if
 I'm going to spend $300 for a system that's going to last a year before it's
 basically pushed out of the market.

 It's not getting the support it needs to thrive, outside of the U.S.
 Somebody already mentioned it, but the U.S. is much more inclined towards
 computer games.  If they change it to a computer in your living room, and
 you can install computer games on it, it may do well here, but it's not
 going to have a life outside of the U.S.

 Now, going back to the anti-Micro$HAFT issue of mine, I refuse to give them
 another dime of my $$$.  Let alone $300, or up to $700 for a bundled system.

 Rumor has it, the XBox actually crashed at a trade show somewhere.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

The dark ages were caused by the Y1K problem.

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Re: [newbie] installs don't run

2001-10-01 Thread mik

On Monday 01 October 2001 21:08, you wrote:
 This has happened to me a number of times, but here is
 the current instance.
you have to type ./INSTALL. if you don' it doesn't look for it in your pwd.


 I've downloaded a gz copy of the Acrobat reader and
 successfully decompressed it by using tar xzvf
 filename. Next, I am supposed to be able build either
 by typing make, or, in this case, INSTALL.

 There is no make file but there is a file named
 INSTALL. But typing make, as you would expect, says
 there is none; and, typing INSTALL returns no such
 command. It doesn't recognize INSTALL as an
 executabe. (There is an asterisk after the name when
 it is listed.)

 Although I don't remember the specifics (and it has
 not always been an install that I've tried) there have
 been many occassions when simply entering a file name
 does nothing (nore does single or double clicking in
 KDE or Gnome.

 If you had to identify, in one word, the reason why the human race has not
 achieved, and never will achieve, its full potential, that word would be
 meetings. -- Dave Barry

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Re: [newbie] installs don't run

2001-10-01 Thread Tim Holmes

That's why it's so important to read the install instructions, ESPECIALLY in
a tar.gz.

To run the installation script:

1. Change to the directory containing the installation script.  If you are
   installing Acrobat Reader from a CD-ROM, change to the appropriate
   directory on the CD-ROM.

2.  Start the installation script.  The filename of the script may be
uppercase or lowercase depending on your system for example:


3.  Follow the instructions that appear on your screen. 

This isn't one of those ./configure  make   make install sort of
installs.  They have their own install script, that goes through and does
the install for you, you just have to execute it.

So as root, type:


This would be in the ILINXR.install directory that the tar.gz creates.  The
above is in the INSTGUID.TXT that's in the directory.  It's near the bottom,
but it's in there.

Make sure you find something like that in a README or some sort of *.txt
file when you're installing software from source.  There are often added
things you will have to do, to get the software to work.

So head to that directory now, and then use the directions above.  From
there, I would create an alias, or a sym-link since it puts the app in a
weird folder. (/usr/local/Acrobat4/bin/acroread)

T. Holmes
UIN:  17021091
Real Men Use Vi!

 3:19PM  up 7 days,  2:21, 4 users, load averages: 0.06, 0.02, 0.00
| This has happened to me a number of times, but here is
| the current instance.
| I've downloaded a gz copy of the Acrobat reader and
| successfully decompressed it by using tar xzvf
| filename. Next, I am supposed to be able build either
| by typing make, or, in this case, INSTALL.
| There is no make file but there is a file named
| INSTALL. But typing make, as you would expect, says
| there is none; and, typing INSTALL returns no such
| command. It doesn't recognize INSTALL as an
| executabe. (There is an asterisk after the name when
| it is listed.)
| Although I don't remember the specifics (and it has
| not always been an install that I've tried) there have
| been many occassions when simply entering a file name
| does nothing (nore does single or double clicking in
| KDE or Gnome.
| =
| If you had to identify, in one word, the reason why the human race has not 
|achieved, and never will achieve, its full potential, that word would be meetings. 
|-- Dave Barry
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Re: [newbie] installs don't run

2001-10-01 Thread Matt Greer

on 10/1/01 2:08 PM, Peter Rymshaw at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 There is no make file but there is a file named
 INSTALL. But typing make, as you would expect, says
 there is none; and, typing INSTALL returns no such
 command. It doesn't recognize INSTALL as an
 executabe. (There is an asterisk after the name when
 it is listed.)

Windows and DOS have whatever the current directory is as part of your path.
But *nix does not (by default). So if you're trying to run something that
isn't in your path, you need to tell the computer exactly where it is. the
easiest way is to type ./INSTALL

The period means current directory.


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Re: [newbie] Chose LiLO Graphic mode on boot - it hangs, sort of.

2001-10-01 Thread skinky

On Monday 01 October 2001 20:34, Bradley D. Thornton wrote:
 during the last stage of installation I chose Lilo graphics mode on boot
 and the system appears to hang saying,  Starting X Font Server.

 I can ssh in just fine but even when I kill xfs it remains. I have no
 virtual consoles or anything. I chose run-level three so I could startx
 manually only when I wanted to use the machine in X.

 How do I get it back to text mode on boot and then ultimately end up at
 a login prompt?

 Mandrake 8.0/x86.

I had the same thing happen a while back - I had updated my bios and the 
graphics setting had been changed.  Once I changed that it completed 
installation (hehe... thats after I tried installing 7 times!).  Maybe 
your bios settings need tweaking??

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Re: [newbie] Aurora

2001-10-01 Thread Paul Rodríguez

 As to the idea of it being to keep Windoze users happy by not showing the 
 screen of text,
 if it bothers them that much then why are they installing a Unix based OS?
 They are likely to see much more scary things if they have to play with 
 config files and such.

I've mentioned before that I have made some boxen for my mom and
grandparents using Mandrake.  It works great and I get to automate a lot
of tasks and hide some system stuff that they don't need to be worried
about.  Aurora is great for them.  Actually, it really was part of
getting them excited about Linux.  The normal boot up sequence can be
unnerving if they are already worried about somehow breaking the
computer.  :)  Plus, for people like my mom (a little more computer
savvy than my gramps but who loves colors) the eye-candy is much

-Paul Rodríguez

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Re: [newbie] installs don't run

2001-10-01 Thread ddcharles


I haven't installed acroread, but I can tell you that the problem is
(probably) that you should be typing ./INSTALL without the quotes, to
make it look for the program in the current directory.

David Charles

On Mon, 1 Oct 2001, Peter Rymshaw wrote:

 This has happened to me a number of times, but here is
 the current instance.

 I've downloaded a gz copy of the Acrobat reader and
 successfully decompressed it by using tar xzvf
 filename. Next, I am supposed to be able build either
 by typing make, or, in this case, INSTALL.

 There is no make file but there is a file named
 INSTALL. But typing make, as you would expect, says
 there is none; and, typing INSTALL returns no such
 command. It doesn't recognize INSTALL as an
 executabe. (There is an asterisk after the name when
 it is listed.)

 Although I don't remember the specifics (and it has
 not always been an install that I've tried) there have
 been many occassions when simply entering a file name
 does nothing (nore does single or double clicking in
 KDE or Gnome.

 If you had to identify, in one word, the reason why the human race has not 
achieved, and never will achieve, its full potential, that word would be meetings. 
-- Dave Barry

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Re: [newbie] Download accelerators for Linux?

2001-10-01 Thread Terry

On Monday 01 October 2001 14:37, you wrote:
 I don't know of any downloaders for Linux, but I do know that Go!Zilla is
 bad!  Go!Zill is SpyWare.  It runs in the background and keeps track of
 your surfing habits and then submits them to a database that is sold to
 various companies.  I would highly suggest you get rid of Go!Zilla.

 And Windows for that matter... :0)

Thanks for the heads up Tim!  I'm not all that concerned about it anyway, as 
I only got into window$ to download the ISO images, and to create the CD's.  
Let's see Go!Zilla try and use its spyware while booted into my Linux 
partition! :-)


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Re: [newbie] KMail locks up and I KILL it

2001-10-01 Thread PENA FAMILY

Thanks I will give it a go when I get sometime with my Linux box.

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Re: [newbie] kmail configuration

2001-10-01 Thread etharp

when I put in the info, as a general rule, i do not use the words Password 
or login since caps make a difference. I usally use the expect as 
assword and ogin and then put the user name, Earthlink changed the way 
you need to sigh in a few weeks ago from a format with ELN/username to 

On Friday 28 September 2001 13:01, you had thoughts to the concept of:
 Dave Sherman wrote:
  Hash: SHA1
  On Friday 28 September 2001 11:10 am, Charles A. Punch wrote:
   Sorry I can't help, but I do have another problem Kmail. It will not
   recognize my passsword or username. These same settings work fine in
   Mozilla. I got it to work once a long time ago, and I don't think I am
   doing anything different. I have tried just about every variation on
   the settings that semed anywhere near logical and nothing changes.
  Any specific error messages? Failed authentication? Something else?

 Could not login to
 I said PASS your password
 Then the server said;
 -ERR bad password or username

 Thanx for any help you can give me.


 Elder PCUSA
 Registered Linux user #217118

  - --
  Nihil tam munitum quod non expugnari pecunia possit. (No
  fortification is such that it cannot be subdued with money.)
  - - Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106-43 B.C.
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Re: [newbie] installing onto a Primary partition?

2001-10-01 Thread etharp

I am not sure about that,,, he seems to want to install linux, without 
lin4win, in a fat32 partition. I URGE you to reconsider, and use the much 
stronger and more choicefull, not to mention professional quality backup 
software available for Linux systems, and to consider that linux really needs 
a linux native FS partition for things like /boot 
the Linux backup software should have no problem backing up a fat32 

On Friday 28 September 2001 13:02, you had thoughts to the concept of:
 On September 28, 2001 10:42 am, Lin wrote:
  Hi, I am trying to install Mandrake onto a Primary partition that used to
  be for windows Fat32 without increasing the Ext Partition - so I could
  use disk imaging software in the FAT32 partition to backup my linux on a
  constant basis - but I don't know how to install Mandrake onto a Primary
  partition because it doesn't really let me.  But is it possible?

 You betcha!  A few words of caution first:

 You must chose an already empty partition.  There is no easy way to
 preserve any existing data.

 Also, you are limited to four primary partitions per hard drive.  This is a
 hardware thing, not a Windows or Linux thing.

 Again, for the sake of preserving your existing data if you're unsure of
 anything-- any doubt at all, abort before you commit your changes.

 There is lots of documentation out there about preparing your partitions
 for Linux.  Try a search on Google for 'Linux Partition HOWTO'.

 Do an install in Expert mode.  When you get to the point where you're
 selecting the your primary Linux partition, click the 'Type' button and you
 get a bunch of options, below the drop-down list of partition formats is
 another drop-down list that lets you chose between 'Primary' or 'Extended'.

 Good luck!


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RE: [newbie] Download accelerators for Linux?

2001-10-01 Thread Franki

I think there is a program called opt-out that will remove the spyware part
of goZilla anyway...(and alot of other add/spyware stuff... in windows.

might be worth looking into, I think you can get it at



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Terry
Sent: Tuesday, 2 October 2001 4:37 AM
To: Tim Holmes
Subject: Re: [newbie] Download accelerators for Linux?

On Monday 01 October 2001 14:37, you wrote:
 I don't know of any downloaders for Linux, but I do know that Go!Zilla is
 bad!  Go!Zill is SpyWare.  It runs in the background and keeps track of
 your surfing habits and then submits them to a database that is sold to
 various companies.  I would highly suggest you get rid of Go!Zilla.

 And Windows for that matter... :0)

Thanks for the heads up Tim!  I'm not all that concerned about it anyway, as
I only got into window$ to download the ISO images, and to create the CD's.
Let's see Go!Zilla try and use its spyware while booted into my Linux
partition! :-)


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Re: [newbie] 8.1 ~ Floppy not working

2001-10-01 Thread Ralph Slooten

Well, I decided to reinstall, as I could not figure out what the problem
is, but even after a fresh install, my floppy drive does not work :-/
Hasn't anyone has this problem yet?

Whan I try mound the floppy, it just tells me it was unable to mount the
floppy drive, and when I click details, : mount: /dev/fd0: unknown device.

Trying it in the shell does not work either:
mount /mnt/floppy/
mount: /dev/fd0: unknown device

I try the other floppy devices, but this has to be the one I need, as it's
just a standard 1044 floppy drive.

I have for the sake of it re-reformatted my harddrive, this time without
connecting my new Logitech USB mouse, leaving my computer the way it has
always been, and still it didn't work :-(

Maybe someone knows, or can explain just how this new system works with

Not that this is urgent today, but will be in the near future for me, so
again, any info would be appreciated. Can the rest of you using mandrake
8.1 connect to your floppies?


On Sun, 30 Sep 2001, Ralph Slooten wrote:

 Could someone please help me here? I have just installed Linux-Mandrake
 8.1, and everything works great, except for my floppy drive :-/ I have used
 Redhat, LM 7.0, 7.1, 8.0, and they have never given any problems regarding
 the floppy drive.

 I read on the mandrake site that 8.1 uses some new method to automatically
 configure devices, but I just can't work it all out.

 When I try mount the floppy to any of the floppy devices, I get : unknown

 Any suggestions are welcome :-)

 Thanks in advance


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Re: [newbie] gcc-c++

2001-10-01 Thread mik

fixed it.  i'm using egcs now. didn't work earlier because i hadn't installed 


On Monday 01 October 2001 20:20, you wrote:
 replying to my own message:
 c++ is a link to g++, so it doesn't work with g++ either.


 would it be alright then if i made a link from c++ to g++, 'cos most
 makefiles use c++?

  compile with g++
  ] g++ file1.cpp file2.cpp  -o program

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Re: [newbie] Download accelerators for Linux?

2001-10-01 Thread s

Actually opt-out is very dated.  The author passed the torch to Ad-Aware.  
(In many instances, removing the spy-ware portion breaks the app).

On Monday 01 October 2001 03:47 pm,  Franki wrote:
 I think there is a program called opt-out that will remove the spyware part
 of goZilla anyway...(and alot of other add/spyware stuff... in windows.

 might be worth looking into, I think you can get it at



 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Terry
 Sent: Tuesday, 2 October 2001 4:37 AM
 To: Tim Holmes
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Download accelerators for Linux?

 On Monday 01 October 2001 14:37, you wrote:
  I don't know of any downloaders for Linux, but I do know that Go!Zilla is
  bad!  Go!Zill is SpyWare.  It runs in the background and keeps track of
  your surfing habits and then submits them to a database that is sold to
  various companies.  I would highly suggest you get rid of Go!Zilla.
  And Windows for that matter... :0)

 Thanks for the heads up Tim!  I'm not all that concerned about it anyway,
 as I only got into window$ to download the ISO images, and to create the
 CD's. Let's see Go!Zilla try and use its spyware while booted into my Linux
 partition! :-)


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[newbie] cd writing howto

2001-10-01 Thread Paul Rodríguez

Wasn't there a Mandrake specific cd-writing howto somewhere?

-Paul Rodríguez

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Re: [newbie] Grub problems

2001-10-01 Thread Warren Post

The most helpful single source of information that I know of about Windows,
both ME and the others, is Search the newsletter archives there
for mentions of ME and DOS. I remember that this issue has been discussed
there; I just don't recall the details.


Robert MacLean wrote:

 hi frank

 microsofts offical line is there is no dos support in me.

 ME does have support for dos, but not by default. you have to get a
 patch to enable it. unfortunately these patches are not made by
 microsoft. in my expierence i have never had success with them and
 always had to reinstall after i tried one. so i would not suggest
 trying it. installing 98se is much easier and safer and faster.

 personally i think they stuffed dos up and are too ashamed to admit it

 Robert MacLean

 - Original Message -
 Sent: Monday, October 01, 2001 4:54 PM
 Subject: RE: [newbie] Grub problems

  are you sure??
  I was under the impression that ME had hidden dos and didn't allow
 you to
  use it, except as an emulation from the start button...
  98SE will let you, but I know for a fact that 2000 and XP won't,,
 and I was
  under the impression that ME didn't let you either..
  I know that 2000 and XP are based on the NT kernel and ME is based
 on the 95
  kernel, but I was still under the impression that they had tried to
 make ME
  look more like 2000 then 95, (weather it is or not.)
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Adrian Lynch
  Sent: Monday, 1 October 2001 10:19 PM
  Subject: RE: [newbie] Grub problems
  I'm not sure this is true, I have ME (God bless my soul) and I can,
 I think,
  exit to DOS. Or am I thinking of something else?
  -Original Message-
  From: Hans N. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: 15 September 2001 21:06
  Subject: RE: [newbie] Grub problems
  Just a Windohz warning, people with Windohz ME can't exit to DOS.
  Restarting in DOS mode is not an option.
  Hans N.
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of d
  What I am trying to say in all of this is I
  did NOT use a WinBlow$ boot disk, did it directly from DOS by just
  to it.

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Re: [newbie] 8.1 ~ Floppy not working

2001-10-01 Thread mik

there needs to be a floppy in your drive.


On Monday 01 October 2001 22:48, you wrote:
 Well, I decided to reinstall, as I could not figure out what the problem
 is, but even after a fresh install, my floppy drive does not work :-/
 Hasn't anyone has this problem yet?

 Whan I try mound the floppy, it just tells me it was unable to mount the
 floppy drive, and when I click details, : mount: /dev/fd0: unknown device.

 Trying it in the shell does not work either:
 mount /mnt/floppy/
 mount: /dev/fd0: unknown device

 I try the other floppy devices, but this has to be the one I need, as it's
 just a standard 1044 floppy drive.

 I have for the sake of it re-reformatted my harddrive, this time without
 connecting my new Logitech USB mouse, leaving my computer the way it has
 always been, and still it didn't work :-(

 Maybe someone knows, or can explain just how this new system works with

 Not that this is urgent today, but will be in the near future for me, so
 again, any info would be appreciated. Can the rest of you using mandrake
 8.1 connect to your floppies?


 On Sun, 30 Sep 2001, Ralph Slooten wrote:
  Could someone please help me here? I have just installed Linux-Mandrake
  8.1, and everything works great, except for my floppy drive :-/ I have
  used Redhat, LM 7.0, 7.1, 8.0, and they have never given any problems
  regarding the floppy drive.
  I read on the mandrake site that 8.1 uses some new method to
  automatically configure devices, but I just can't work it all out.
  When I try mount the floppy to any of the floppy devices, I get : unknown
  Any suggestions are welcome :-)
  Thanks in advance

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Re: [newbie] Old Hardware-Dell 433D

2001-10-01 Thread shane

On Sunday 30 September 2001 07:46, Dennis Myers spoke unto the masses thusly:
 It works as far as boot, but has no OS on it
 and it is low on ram, uses the old simms I believe.  Can I use it for a
 server of some sort  or a firewall?  Hate to throw it out. TIA for any

Linux, cause i reboot less often than windows users reinstall.

Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98 cause humans do it better!
Link different.
Profile at:

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Re: [newbie] 8.1 ~ Floppy not working

2001-10-01 Thread Ralph Slooten

Hehe, thanks for the wise-ass comment... but that's not the problem :-)

On Mon, 1 Oct 2001, mik wrote:

 there needs to be a floppy in your drive.


 On Monday 01 October 2001 22:48, you wrote:
  Well, I decided to reinstall, as I could not figure out what the problem
  is, but even after a fresh install, my floppy drive does not work :-/
  Hasn't anyone has this problem yet?
  Whan I try mound the floppy, it just tells me it was unable to mount the
  floppy drive, and when I click details, : mount: /dev/fd0: unknown device.
  Trying it in the shell does not work either:
  mount /mnt/floppy/
  mount: /dev/fd0: unknown device
  I try the other floppy devices, but this has to be the one I need, as it's
  just a standard 1044 floppy drive.
  I have for the sake of it re-reformatted my harddrive, this time without
  connecting my new Logitech USB mouse, leaving my computer the way it has
  always been, and still it didn't work :-(
  Maybe someone knows, or can explain just how this new system works with
  Not that this is urgent today, but will be in the near future for me, so
  again, any info would be appreciated. Can the rest of you using mandrake
  8.1 connect to your floppies?
  On Sun, 30 Sep 2001, Ralph Slooten wrote:
   Could someone please help me here? I have just installed Linux-Mandrake
   8.1, and everything works great, except for my floppy drive :-/ I have
   used Redhat, LM 7.0, 7.1, 8.0, and they have never given any problems
   regarding the floppy drive.
   I read on the mandrake site that 8.1 uses some new method to
   automatically configure devices, but I just can't work it all out.
   When I try mount the floppy to any of the floppy devices, I get : unknown
   Any suggestions are welcome :-)
   Thanks in advance

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Re: [newbie] Download accelerators for Linux?

2001-10-01 Thread Jon Doe

I personally havn't tried Downloader for X, I have always used and been happy 
with Aria. Any one out there that has used Aria? How does it compare with 
Downloader for X?

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Re: [newbie] Hostility Levels on the list

2001-10-01 Thread Rick [Kitty5]

  I wont include the message, but if I were a Freudian Psychiatrist,
  I'd have a hay day with it and all that talk of ego, spelling
  errors, all lower case letters :^)~

 if frogs had wings...

 which books by freud have you read?

Freud was a junkie who couldn't solve his own problems, and while it makes
interesting reading, its psycho babble (with the emphasis on babble) of the
best kind :)


Kitty5 WebDesign -
POV-Ray News  Resources -
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Re: [newbie] cd writing howto

2001-10-01 Thread Andre Dubuc

On Monday 01 October 2001 16:59, you wrote:
 Wasn't there a Mandrake specific cd-writing howto somewhere?

 -Paul Rodr?guez


The best HOWTO I found (that got me up and running quickly with my LITE-ON 
16x10x40) was:

CD-Writing with an ATAPI CDR Mini-HOWTO (Issue 57 of Linux Gazette)

Another was CD-Writing HOWTO by Winifried Trumper. (I can't remember wher I 
found it)

Hope this helps, and good coasting!
The windows of opportunity have performed an illegal operation . . .

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[newbie] no subject

2001-10-01 Thread Marc Ellerby

I need Help, can somebody tell me where i can find an Driver for my Modem Aztech 
MR2800 and how it should be installed. thanks
1.000.000 DM gewinnen - kostenlos tippen -
[EMAIL PROTECTED], 8MB Speicher, Verschluesselung -

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Re: [newbie] Kerblammm!!!!

2001-10-01 Thread Lanman

Mark; Netscape 6.1 ?? Why not Mozilla .94 ? IMHO, it's a lot better than 
Netscape. No problem setting up Java and Flash, if that's the problem. 
Sorry, Love to stay and chat, but I gotta go take over the world! Busy! Busy!


On Monday 01 October 2001 04:43 pm, Mark Weaver wrote:
 rob wrote:
  Just when I thought I had a handle on Linux-Mandrake 7.2 POW! the darn
  thing goes Ka Ka on me. Couldn't do anything. I just tried booting up to
  read email and nothing. I have to format and install from scratch.
  Funny thing is when I finished and started setting things up again. I
  felt like an old pro. Internet set up BAMM! email setup and run BAMM!
  Now if I could figure out how to download and install Netscape 6.1
  without pulling my hair
  I really hope 8.1 really has solved alot of these little bugs that have
  given me premature gray hair.
  Thanks to all for their help.

 Well...Hmmm...lets see. have you submitted yourself to
 MandrakeSoft's developement team for, ahem...debugging yet. If not the
 bugs will likely still be there when 8.1 finds its way to your

 Seriously though...what did you do to your machine before you shut it
 down the last time before it went KABLA?

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Re: [newbie] installs don't run

2001-10-01 Thread Peter Rymshaw

That apparently was a real easy one. Thanks to
everyone who responded, all with the correct answer.

(I actually had a suspicion of what was needed, but
tried ./ instead of /.

Thanks again all.

--- mik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Monday 01 October 2001 21:08, you wrote:
  This has happened to me a number of times, but
 here is
  the current instance.
 you have to type ./INSTALL. if you don' it doesn't
 look for it in your pwd.
  I've downloaded a gz copy of the Acrobat reader
  successfully decompressed it by using tar xzvf
  filename. Next, I am supposed to be able build
  by typing make, or, in this case, INSTALL.
  There is no make file but there is a file named
  INSTALL. But typing make, as you would expect,
  there is none; and, typing INSTALL returns no
  command. It doesn't recognize INSTALL as an
  executabe. (There is an asterisk after the name
  it is listed.)
  Although I don't remember the specifics (and it
  not always been an install that I've tried) there
  been many occassions when simply entering a file
  does nothing (nore does single or double clicking
  KDE or Gnome.
  If you had to identify, in one word, the reason
 why the human race has not
  achieved, and never will achieve, its full
 potential, that word would be
  meetings. -- Dave Barry
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from
 Go to

If you had to identify, in one word, the reason why the human race has not achieved, 
and never will achieve, its full potential, that word would be meetings. -- Dave 

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Re: [newbie] How to make a Upgrade

2001-10-01 Thread Michael D. Viron

It's pretty much no different than an install -- reboot, pop the CD in, go
step by step through the screens, and you are all set.  The last time I did
an upgrade was from 7.1 to 7.2 -- it ended up taking nearly 6 hours to
finish.  I did a clean install of 7.2, and had the machine up and running
within 3 hours.

Of course, you are typically much better off to do a clean install as
opposed to an upgrade.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 04:40 PM 10/01/2001 -0400, you wrote:
Hello List.
I have a simple question:
How i can to upgrade Mandrake 8.0 to 8.1


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Re: [newbie] How to make a Upgrade

2001-10-01 Thread s

On Monday 01 October 2001 03:40 pm,  Sergio Vergara wrote:
 Hello List.
 I have a simple question:
 How i can to upgrade Mandrake 8.0 to 8.1


hmmm.  Easist way?  Boot from the cd and choose *upgrade*.

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[newbie] ISDN and Mandrake 8.0

2001-10-01 Thread ozy

Ok, to get straight to the point:

ISDN does not want to work under Linux.

I configure everything in Mandrakes Internet Connection setup, 
from my ISDN card (which it finds correctly), to the provider phone 
number and username/password. However, I click connect and 
nothing happens.. it just says connecting, before timing out and 
telling me (somewhat unhelpfully) that i'd configured something 

I have two ISDN cards, an ASUSCom one (that linux picks up as a 
Dynalink card), and a BTInternet Speedway Card (that is picked up 
as an A1 Fritz! card, or something like that).. both should work 
fine, but neither respond to anything I throw at them.. which seems 
rather odd to me. (Both cards are PCI, by the way.)

Can anyone out there can help this troubled soul? Without the 
internet, Linux suddenly becomes pretty useless...

If anyone can help, in any way at all i'd be very grateful

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Re: [newbie] Recycle / reuse for old CD's

2001-10-01 Thread Paul Rodríguez

From :

Digital Audio Disk and Plastic Recycling are two companies that will
recycle CDs and the plastic jewel cases they come in. Please remove any
cardboard or paper from the cases.

Digital Audio Disk, phone 812-462-8100 Ship to:
Jadcore, c/o DADC Disk Recycling Program
300 N. Fruitridge Ave.
Terre Haute, IN 47803

Plastic Recycling, Inc., phone 317-780-6100
2015 S. Pennsylvania
Indianapolis, IN 46225

Places to donate old computers

The Parents, Educators, and Publishers Web site lists national and local
organizations (organized by state) that distribute or wish to receive
used computers: The
National Materials Exchange Network promotes the reuse, recycling, and
recovery of 30 categories of materials, including computer components:

Other sites include:

East-West Education Development Foundation (617-261-6699)
Gifts in Kind International (703-836-2121)
National Cristina Foundation (800-274-7846)
Non-Profit Computing, Inc. (212-759-2368)

On a related note, Mike Kearsley has summarized information about a
variety of places interested in journals you may want to donate. See his
message to ECOLOG-L on 2 December 1996, which you can retrieve as part
of that week s log file. Send the message: get ecolog-l log9612a to the

On 27 Sep 2001 10:58:46 -0500, Jim Dawson wrote:
 On Thu, 2001-09-27 at 08:54, Anke  Max wrote:
  who knows, maybe someone could write a book on 
  1001 things to do with a dead CD
 Make that 1001 things to do with a dead or AOL cd (not that there is
 much of a difference...)
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Re: [newbie] Kernel Panic:VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 03:05

2001-10-01 Thread Stephen Liu


Thanks for your response and advice.

I only have 2 partitions in my hard disc, the native and the swap.
I am sure I have added a mount point  /  to the native partition.

Pls try this pls add a linux native with mount point
so you can divide your boot partition to your original mount point

Kindly explain how to add  /boot  to the native partition.  Is it to add 
a boot partition on the hard disc, making 3 partitions, boot, native and 
swap and thereafter adding a mount point  /  to the boot partition ?  How 
about the native partition whether a mount point  /  is still necessary ?

Thanks in advance.

Stephen Liu

which you originaly configured so it will not conflivt with your existing
linux native.
then dont forget to add a swap partition.
I hope my little knowledge on this can help you.

The Technology Specialist
Stephen Liu wrote:

  Hi all people,
  I installed Mandrake 8.0 to a new hard disk and encountered following
  problem when restarting the computer after installation completed.  There
  was no other Operating System sharing the hard disk.
  Class of installation :  Recommended
  When restarting the computer following error indicated
  VFS : cannot open root device 305 or 03:05.
  Please append a correct root= boot option
  Kernel Panic : VFS unable to mount root fs on 03:50
  I did try several times to restart the computer and also reinstall the
  software but with no improvement.
  Kindly help !!!
  Thanks in advance.
  Best Regards
  Stephen Liu

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Fwd: RE: [newbie] Aurora

2001-10-01 Thread etharp

is pretty... (and while not to bash m$ [no really]) it is much neater to 
watch than a blue to white stripe on the bottom of the screen.

Does Aurora serve any useful purpose at all?



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[newbie] happy binary day

2001-10-01 Thread etharp

as today is one of the few true days every century that are truly binary I 
jest thought I would offer a happy binary day to every one and every 0.
10-01-01 (see you again in 9 days) GRIN

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Re: [newbie] happy binary day

2001-10-01 Thread s

On Monday 01 October 2001 08:42 pm,  etharp wrote:
 as today is one of the few true days every century that are truly binary I
 jest thought I would offer a happy binary day to every one and every 0.
 10-01-01 (see you again in 9 days) GRIN

And happy Prickle-Prickle, the 55th day of Bureaucracy in the YOLD 3167 to 
you too.

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake Page

2001-10-01 Thread shane

On Monday 01 October 2001 02:56, you spoke unto me thusly:

 There is no
 chance your IE will ever work

there, that is how that message should read..

It is no measure of your health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick 

Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98 cause humans do it better!
Link different.
Profile at:

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Re: [newbie] Kernel Panic:VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 03:05

2001-10-01 Thread AOL Systems

Dear Sir Stephen Lui

before adding a / linux native root partition just add first a native partition
/boot with 5MB needed then after press add again for the swap partion your swap
partion must be 2x your memory so for example you have 64mB memory your swap
partion must be at least 128MB. then add your / root pation then add an
asterisk to Grow to fill this disk this will install your all your linux program
in there

Thanks and Good Luck!


Stephen Liu wrote:


 Thanks for your response and advice.

 I only have 2 partitions in my hard disc, the native and the swap.
 I am sure I have added a mount point  /  to the native partition.

 Pls try this pls add a linux native with mount point
 so you can divide your boot partition to your original mount point

 Kindly explain how to add  /boot  to the native partition.  Is it to add
 a boot partition on the hard disc, making 3 partitions, boot, native and
 swap and thereafter adding a mount point  /  to the boot partition ?  How
 about the native partition whether a mount point  /  is still necessary ?

 Thanks in advance.

 Stephen Liu

 which you originaly configured so it will not conflivt with your existing
 linux native.
 then dont forget to add a swap partition.
 I hope my little knowledge on this can help you.
 The Technology Specialist
 Stephen Liu wrote:
   Hi all people,
   I installed Mandrake 8.0 to a new hard disk and encountered following
   problem when restarting the computer after installation completed.  There
   was no other Operating System sharing the hard disk.
   Class of installation :  Recommended
   When restarting the computer following error indicated
   VFS : cannot open root device 305 or 03:05.
   Please append a correct root= boot option
   Kernel Panic : VFS unable to mount root fs on 03:50
   I did try several times to restart the computer and also reinstall the
   software but with no improvement.
   Kindly help !!!
   Thanks in advance.
   Best Regards
   Stephen Liu

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[newbie] soundrecording

2001-10-01 Thread Marcia

Dear All,

I have LM8 and I use KDE. I would like to use my microphone to record my 
voice and to playback. I am practicing for a public appearance and would like 
to try this approach for practice. What software would I need to use to sing 
into a microphone and then do a recording and playback of my voice?

Thanks very much.



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[newbie] staroffice62 install and print

2001-10-01 Thread nicola

To: newbie
Subject: staroffice62 install and print
How can I make staroffice print? I downloaded staroffice, it installed fine 
in my LM 8.0, but how can I make it print?

Is it possible to install it for multiuser? It takes a lot of drivespace if
I have to sintall it separately for each user. and in our home net there are 
five users. Thanks  Miguel Angel 
Dr. Miguel Angel Nicola 
Mitre 451
3200 Concordia ER

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Re: [newbie] soundrecording

2001-10-01 Thread Jon Doe

On Monday 01 October 2001 11:36 pm, you wrote:
 Dear All,

 I have LM8 and I use KDE. I would like to use my microphone to record my
 voice and to playback. I am practicing for a public appearance and would
 like to try this approach for practice. What software would I need to use
 to sing into a microphone and then do a recording and playback of my voice?

 Thanks very much.


Open a terminal window and type man rec without qoutes. Its primative 
looking but it works! :)

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Re: [newbie] soundrecording

2001-10-01 Thread Marcia

Thank you very much. I will give it a try.

On Tuesday 02 October 2001 00:36, Jon Doe wrote:
 On Monday 01 October 2001 11:36 pm, you wrote:
  Dear All,
  I have LM8 and I use KDE. I would like to use my microphone to record my
  voice and to playback. I am practicing for a public appearance and would
  like to try this approach for practice. What software would I need to use
  to sing into a microphone and then do a recording and playback of my
  Thanks very much.

 Open a terminal window and type man rec without qoutes. Its primative
 looking but it works! :)

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1; name=message.footer
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Re: Fwd: RE: [newbie] Aurora

2001-10-01 Thread Ralph Slooten

No that I can tell either what it's purpose is, but I just turn it off.
I'ts maybe nicer looking but doesn't tell me much.

On Mon, 1 Oct 2001, etharp wrote:

 is pretty... (and while not to bash m$ [no really]) it is much neater to
 watch than a blue to white stripe on the bottom of the screen.

 Does Aurora serve any useful purpose at all?



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Re: [newbie] MODEMS vs Winmodems

2001-10-01 Thread Ric Tibbetts

You've actually missed the point about winmodems. It's not that they
need a driver to work (If they'll work at all). The problem with them is
that they shift the work that normally done by the modem, over to the
main system processor, thus sucking valuable CPU cycles.

They're parasitic by design, trash the blood suckers, and buy a real
modem that does it's own work.


Arthur H. Johnson II wrote:
 Here here!  Good post!  I have a Lucent and it works Awesome on my Duron
 800 at home.  It even worked decently find with 166 and 200 Pentiums.
 Some of us have lives and need to pinch pennies.
 On Fri, 28 Sep 2001, Joseph Braddock wrote:
  There sure is a lot of talk about modems and winmodems on this list.  At
  times it sounds like a religious argument!  But, I think we do a diservice to
  people by telling them to run out and buy a true modem whenever they pose a
  question about a winmodem.
  While it is true that a real modem (external or internal) is usually easier
  to setup/install.  The fact is that many of these people already have the
  winmodem in their formerly Windows machines.
  Winmodems can be a good choice, particularly for the cost concious.  I know
  that not all winmodems work with Linux, but many based on Lucent or PCTel
  chipsets do.  The only problem is that you have to install a driver (usually
  open-source) for them.
  If having to install the driver is what causes a problem in recommending
  them, well, then, we better quit using NVida and most other graphic cards,
  numerous other IO adapters and the like.
  Ironically, for people coming from Windows, having to install a driver for a
  winmodem isn't a show stopper, since most winmodems need drivers installed
  under windows. (Now compiling the driver, etc. might be intimidating).
  I guess, what I'm trying to say is that if someone request help in choosing
  what kind of modem to purchase, buy all means, recommend a hardware modem.
  But if someone states they have such and such a modem and need help
  installing it, telling them to go out an buy another modem doesn't answer
  their question and really isn't of much help.
 Arthur H. Johnson II
 The Linux Box
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Re: [newbie] staroffice62 install and print

2001-10-01 Thread Ralph Slooten

Does your Linux box have a printer installed? If so, \then your startoffice
should be able to print.

About the multi users: Install it as root with ./setup /net, and install
into somewhere like /usr/local/share/staroffice or something. Then as each
user, you will have to go into the directory of staroffice and execute the
setup file in the /usr/local/share/staroffice/programs/ dir. The rest
should go easily. It sahould install confiog files of about 1.5 MB in each
users directory that executes the setup.

Hope this helps


On Tue, 2 Oct 2001, nicola wrote:

 To: newbie
 Subject: staroffice62 install and print
 How can I make staroffice print? I downloaded staroffice, it installed fine
 in my LM 8.0, but how can I make it print?

 Is it possible to install it for multiuser? It takes a lot of drivespace if
 I have to sintall it separately for each user. and in our home net there are
 five users. ThanksMiguel Angel

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[newbie] my site with hints on linux use

2001-10-01 Thread L.V.Gandhi

I have recently updated my site with a quite a 
few hints on day to day usage of Linux aimed at newbies and normal users as I 
consider myself only as a normal user. I hope it will be useful to those 
audience. However I will request even experts to have a look at it and 
suggest me improvements and errors if any.
203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam, 530017
MECON, 5th Floor, RTC Complex, Visakhapatnam AP 530020 INDIA
[EMAIL PROTECTED],  [EMAIL PROTECTED] linux user No.205042

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Re: [newbie] 8.0 iso has disappeared mid-download

2001-10-01 Thread s

On Saturday 29 September 2001 01:56 pm, Warren Post wrote:
 It's a deal, s. Just getting hard currency here, much less moving it, is
 tough, but I'll do it. I'll pick a tourist's pocket if I have to.

 When your disks arrive we intend to become Honduras's first cybercafé
 running Linux. (And its first Blue Screen of Death-free café, and its first
 virus-free café, and...)

 Thanks again!


Well, they went out this morning.  Don't know how long they will take to get 
there.  I wish them a safe voyage.  :-)  

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Re: [newbie] soundrecording

2001-10-01 Thread Neville Cobb

I use a program called krecord, its easy to find and compile. Have a 
look at


Marcia wrote:

Dear All,

I have LM8 and I use KDE. I would like to use my microphone to record my 
voice and to playback. I am practicing for a public appearance and would like 
to try this approach for practice. What software would I need to use to sing 
into a microphone and then do a recording and playback of my voice?

Thanks very much.



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Re: [newbie] 8.1 ~ Floppy not working

2001-10-01 Thread Neville Cobb

When I installed 8.1 I had the same problem and had to create my own 
floppy icon on the desktop and it worked fine, then I deleted the 
original one.


Ralph Slooten wrote:

Well, I decided to reinstall, as I could not figure out what the problem
is, but even after a fresh install, my floppy drive does not work :-/
Hasn't anyone has this problem yet?

Whan I try mound the floppy, it just tells me it was unable to mount the
floppy drive, and when I click details, : mount: /dev/fd0: unknown device.

Trying it in the shell does not work either:
mount /mnt/floppy/
mount: /dev/fd0: unknown device

I try the other floppy devices, but this has to be the one I need, as it's
just a standard 1044 floppy drive.

I have for the sake of it re-reformatted my harddrive, this time without
connecting my new Logitech USB mouse, leaving my computer the way it has
always been, and still it didn't work :-(

Maybe someone knows, or can explain just how this new system works with

Not that this is urgent today, but will be in the near future for me, so
again, any info would be appreciated. Can the rest of you using mandrake
8.1 connect to your floppies?


On Sun, 30 Sep 2001, Ralph Slooten wrote:

Could someone please help me here? I have just installed Linux-Mandrake
8.1, and everything works great, except for my floppy drive :-/ I have used
Redhat, LM 7.0, 7.1, 8.0, and they have never given any problems regarding
the floppy drive.

I read on the mandrake site that 8.1 uses some new method to automatically
configure devices, but I just can't work it all out.

When I try mount the floppy to any of the floppy devices, I get : unknown

Any suggestions are welcome :-)

Thanks in advance


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