[newbie-it] Problemi con l'audio

2002-03-29 Thread Luca

Ciao ragazzi
ho installato mandrake 8.1 ma ho dei problemi con la riproduzione audio.
La mia scheda (ESS Solo1) viene vista e installata correttamete ma, nn sento
Ho a reinstallarla in harddrake, se provo a mettere un'altra scheda mi dà
errore dicendo ke il dispositivo è già in uso ma se rimetto quella mi vien
fuori la finestrella che mi Play a sample ma io nn sento nessun  suono.
C'è qualcuno che potrebbe aiutarmi a risolvere questo problema?
Cmq, nel caso servano le specifiche del mio pc io ho un protatile Acer 512T
Audio ESS Solo1 (1969 PCI)
Video Neomagic MagicMedia 256AV
Moden Lucent WinModem (Ke so già nn funzionerà mai in linux ma m'interessa
pochissimo inquanto io mi connetto ad internet attraverso una Lan installata
in casa)
Scheda di rete Hamlet FE1500 10/100 PcMcia

Re: [newbie-it] Problemi con l'audio

2002-03-29 Thread Cristiano Calvi

Ciao ragazzi
ho installato mandrake 8.1 ma ho dei problemi con la riproduzione audio.
La mia scheda (ESS Solo1) viene vista e installata correttamete ma, nn

Anch'io ho lo stesso problema con un portatile HP. Tra l'altro la mia scheda
ESS mi funge anche da winmodem quindi ho dovuto ripiegare su un modem
Io non sento neanche i classici effetti sonori da sistema...


Re: R: [newbie-it] X-Cd- Roast

2002-03-29 Thread Andrea Celli

ku68 wrote:
 Nicola Spreafico wrote:
  Per far riconoscere il lettore cd a x-cd-roast devi fare in modo che anche
  questo device venga emulato scsi, così come succede per il CDR.
  Occorre modificare il file /etc/fstab e fare in modo che invece di vedere il
  cdrom come hdb (probabilmente!!) lo veda come scd0 o scd1.
 In effetti è visto come hdb. Andrea Celli mi ha consigliato di
 configurarlo in lilo.conf. Ma come ci arrivo? Da mandrake control center
 il lilo posso solo modificarlo per l'avvio di linux.

Allora, quando entri sulle impostazioni della chiamata per Linux,
hai una voce opzioni che contiene una riga del tipo
 devfs=auto quiet hdd=ide-scsi
(supponendo che hdd sia il masterizzatore)
ci aggiungi hdb=ide-scsi

 Inoltre il masterizzatore da harddrake è visto 2 volte: 1 come dev/hde
 bus type atapi/ide la seconda come dev/scd0 bus type scsi penso che sia
 giusto o no?

non da` particolari fastidi.
Se vuoi eliminare ide/atapi per i due dispositivi, aggiungi un paio di
del tipo
 options ide-cd ignore=hdc
in /etc/modules.conf

Attento poi che non ci sia in giro nulla che cerchi il cdrom come atapi.
Controlla in particolare /etc/fstab (dove dovrai aggiungere ,ro
dopo defaults nella riga del cdrom, altrimenti si lamentera` sempre
che non riesce a scriverci) e rimuovi /dev/cdrom, sostituendolo
con un nuovo link simbolico ln -s /dev/scd0 /dev/cdrom.

buona Pasqua, andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Problemi con l'audio

2002-03-29 Thread Luigi De Pascale

On Fri, 29 Mar 2002, Luca wrote:

 Ciao ragazzi
 ho installato mandrake 8.1 ma ho dei problemi con la riproduzione audio.
 La mia scheda (ESS Solo1) viene vista e installata correttamete ma, nn sento
 Ho a reinstallarla in harddrake, se provo a mettere un'altra scheda mi dà
 errore dicendo ke il dispositivo è già in uso ma se rimetto quella mi vien
 fuori la finestrella che mi Play a sample ma io nn sento nessun  suono.
 C'è qualcuno che potrebbe aiutarmi a risolvere questo problema?
 Cmq, nel caso servano le specifiche del mio pc io ho un protatile Acer 512T
 Audio ESS Solo1 (1969 PCI)
direi che la tua scheda e' una ess1969 come la mia (ho un travel mate 
La mia funzionava a meraviglia con la mdk 8.0. HO provato a farla andare 
con la 8.1 ma non c'e' niente da fare.
Ho anche reinserito gli stessi moduli che usavo con la 8.0 ma non parte.
Ho congetturato uno dei seguenti problemi:
1) Tra i moduli non audio che la 8.0 installava ce ne era uno che 
interagendo con quelli audio che includevo io faceva andare il tutto.

2) il devfsd di mdk8.1 non ha un device audio ben configurato e quindi 
pur avendo inserito i moduli giusti non sentiamo l'audio.

 Moden Lucent WinModem (Ke so già nn funzionerà mai in linux ma m'interessa
 pochissimo inquanto io mi connetto ad internet attraverso una Lan installata
 in casa)

Il mio funziona a meraviglia.
Che lucent e' LT o AMR?


Not all who wander are lost

Luigi De Pascale:   Indirizzo: Dipartimento di Matematica Applicata U.Dini
   Via Bonanno Pisano 25/B, 56126 Pisa, ITALY  
 Tel.: +39/050/844745

Re: [newbie-it] Problemi con l'audio

2002-03-29 Thread Luigi De Pascale

On Fri, 29 Mar 2002, Cristiano Calvi wrote:

 Anch'io ho lo stesso problema con un portatile HP. Tra l'altro la mia scheda
 ESS mi funge anche da winmodem quindi ho dovuto ripiegare su un modem
 Io non sento neanche i classici effetti sonori da sistema...

MaH! anche io ho creduto a lungo a questa cosa letta su internet da 
qualche parte. Ma per quello che ne capisco e' falsa.
Il comando lspci che cosa ti dice?
Ti indica lo stesso oggetto sia per il modem che per l'audio?

Not all who wander are lost

Luigi De Pascale:   Indirizzo: Dipartimento di Matematica Applicata U.Dini
   Via Bonanno Pisano 25/B, 56126 Pisa, ITALY  
 Tel.: +39/050/844745

Re: [newbie-it] Problemi con l'audio

2002-03-29 Thread Luca

Ciao Luigi,
il modem è un LT, cmq ho installato ank'io la 8.0 ma avevo esattamete gli
stessi problemi (x quel ke riguarda l'audio, mentre il modem funzionava
Adesso sto scaricando la 8.2 proverò ad aggiornarlo con questa versione e
poi, se il problema sarà risolto, te lo farò sapere visto ke potrebbe essere
utile anke a te.

Re: [newbie-it] Problemi con l'audio

2002-03-29 Thread Cristiano Calvi

MaH! anche io ho creduto a lungo a questa cosa letta su internet da
qualche parte. Ma per quello che ne capisco e' falsa.
Il comando lspci che cosa ti dice?
Ti indica lo stesso oggetto sia per il modem che per l'audio?

Non l'ho mai eseguito ma ora che me lo hai detto lo farò. Tanto con Gnome
non riesco neanche a far funzionare il modem esterno o meglio mi funziona ma
non riesco a stabilire il collegamento con il service provider:
probabilmente problemi di autenticazione.

Re: [newbie-it] Problemi con l'audio

2002-03-29 Thread Andrea Celli

Luigi De Pascale wrote:
 On Fri, 29 Mar 2002, Cristiano Calvi wrote:
  Anch'io ho lo stesso problema con un portatile HP. Tra l'altro la mia scheda
  ESS mi funge anche da winmodem quindi ho dovuto ripiegare su un modem
  Io non sento neanche i classici effetti sonori da sistema...
 MaH! anche io ho creduto a lungo a questa cosa letta su internet da
 qualche parte. Ma per quello che ne capisco e' falsa.
 Il comando lspci che cosa ti dice?
 Ti indica lo stesso oggetto sia per il modem che per l'audio?

E` capitato tra le mani anche a me un portatile con una scheda combo,
Non e` per niente irragionevole. Un soft-modem non e` altro che
una scheda audio che emette/riceve impulsi sonori che vengono
MOdulati/DEModulati dalla cpu. Fare in modo che uno stesso 
oggetto funzioni sia da winmodem che da scheda audio tradizionale non 
sembrerebbe tanto difficile e su un portatile salva un po' di spazio.

Per farla funzionare come scheda audio, se ben ricordo, era bastato
togliere l'opzione sistemi che supportano pnp nel bios
o mettere nobiospnp tra gli append di lilo.

ciao, andrea

Re: R: [newbie-it] X-Cd- Roast

2002-03-29 Thread Fabio Manunza

Alle 08:23, venerdì 29 marzo 2002, hai scritto:

 In effetti è visto come hdb. Andrea Celli mi ha consigliato di
 configurarlo in lilo.conf. Ma come ci arrivo? Da mandrake control center
 il lilo posso solo modificarlo per l'avvio di linux.
 Inoltre il masterizzatore da harddrake è visto 2 volte: 1 come dev/hde
 bus type atapi/ide la seconda come dev/scd0 bus type scsi penso che sia
 giusto o no?
 Non c'è un sistema facile facile per far sì che il cd rom venga emulato
 scsi? Per esempio da proprietà dispositivo cd rom (tasto dx del mouse

 Grazie in anticipo delle eventuali risposte
 Ps si legge bene il messaggio?

Ora si!
per il resto guarda l'archivio della lista e troverai ogni cosa; cerca 
emulazione scsi e sviluppi

-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

[newbie-it] artec at3 con controller isa

2002-03-29 Thread Giuseppe

buon giorno gloriosa mailinglist ^_^
ho uno scanner artec viewstation at 3 con controller scsi di tipo isa (è 
stato prodotto ai tempi dell'ultima glaciazione ma si è conservato bene e 
funziona ancora). dando un'occhiata in giro ho visto che dovrebbe essere 
perfettamente supportato da sane ma ho un problema enorme... sono alle 
primissime armi con linux! ho provato a far partire x-sane che però non 
riesce a detectare la periferica... qualcuno ha un'idea sul da farsi?
vi sarò grato a vita ^_^

[newbie-it] condivisione internet

2002-03-29 Thread Augusto

Non riesco a utilizzare la connessione internet come utente mentre 
funziona perfettamente come root.Ho provato a fare quello ho trovato 
scritto in altri messaggi,ma non funziona comunque.Io utilizzo la 8.0.
Qualcuno può brevemente spiegarmi come fare?

[newbie] POP sever -- WORKING!!

2002-03-29 Thread Miark

Mega-thanks to Randy, Gerald, and especially Michael
for helping me get this mail mess worked out--it's 
working flawlessly now. I'd be leaping for joy if 
it weren't 1:30 a.m.  :-)


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Re: [newbie] Help w/ Laptop (winbook xl)

2002-03-29 Thread Joan Tur

Es Divendres 29 Març 2002 04:11, en Timothy J. Ryan va escriure:
 but does your PCMCIA card(s) work???
 My only network card is PCMCIA.
Yes, they did work  ;)

 --- Joan Tur [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Es Dijous 28 Març 2002 21:14, en Timothy J. Ryan va
   I have tried to install Mandrake 8.1 and 8.2 on my
  Winbook XL and it locks
   up when I looks for PCMCIA devices.
  That happened to me and I solved it turning off PnP
  OS in Bios.  Try that...
  Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
 AOL quini2k  ICQ 11407395
   Linux: usuari registrat 190.783
   Want to buy your Pack or Services from


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   AOL quini2k  ICQ 11407395
 Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

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Re: [newbie] Suggestions for a good avi/divx player

2002-03-29 Thread David

Chad said onto me:  

Chad Try XINE.
Chad I use it to play my avi's, DVD's, and divx format.  Although you will have
Chad to add the codec's yourself, it's moderately easy to setup.  The
Chad documentation is really good.

There is also an alternative frontend to Xine, called Sinek.  Personally, I like it 
better.  Its the same backend, but it just _seems_ more stable for me.  



Mandrake Linux  8.2 Kernel  2.4.18-6mdk
Enlightenment 0.16.5Sylpheed  0.7.4claws

David L. Steiner   
Registered Linux User   #262493 

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RE: [newbie] 8.2 on IBM Aptiva

2002-03-29 Thread Baka Attila Tams

The same thing happened to me and the solution was to download the iso image
of the 1st CD. It's funny, but the data was probably corrupted. Try not
using a dwonload manager

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Bruce Zink
Sent: Friday, March 29, 2002 4:19 AM
Subject: [newbie] 8.2 on IBM Aptiva


 I'm trying to set up Mandrake 8.2 on an IBM
Aptiva with a AMD K6 350Mhz, 192Mb RAM, and an 8 Gb
HD.  The install CD boots fine, but it crashes almost
immediatly.  It tells me it isn't able to install the

 I've been able to set up 7.0 without any problem,
but I very much like the look of the new version.  Is
there any way I can run the install/upgrade routine
after boot?  Is there another, easier way of upgrading
from 7.0 to 8.2?  Any help would be much appreciated.

No, I'm a good man.  I'm just not a very good wizard.

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RE: [newbie] Suggestions for a good avi/divx player

2002-03-29 Thread Baka Attila Tamás




-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mithrilhall2000
Sent: Friday, March 29, 2002 7:42 AM
Subject: [newbie] Suggestions for a good avi/divx player

Can anyone suggest a good avi/divx player?

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Re: [newbie] Linux User Groups

2002-03-29 Thread Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC)

Hi Bill,

I am a little far away to attend your LUG being in South Africa but I
would like to make some suggestions.

I would suggest setting up two mailing lists, one to be a lesson
distribution one and the other to be a chat one for the lessons i.e. the
students cannot post to the lesson distribution list but can to the chat

Have a strictly controlled lesson structure and distribute the new
lesson for the week once a week. Only those who have requested to join
the class will receive the lessons and you can set the term times up so
that people wanting to join can submit a request to join and they will
then be added into the next running of the course.

I know there is a class available at the moment called blt-something but
the moderator, Henry White, has banned me from ever joining his class
again because I commented on his non-distribution of the lessons i.e. he
had a site that students had to go and visit to learn and I cannot
afford to be online that long so that is why I asked him to send it via

Anyway, I would love to be able to learn where Linux stores certain
config files and how to install new software etc.

You need to make your lessons distribution non-specific as possible but
do mention what distro the lessons are made from and therefore what
distro you suggest. Personally I'd go with Mandrake as it should be
fairly easy for Windows users (I am still a part Windows user and
thinker) to use but there are some snafu situations.

Next thing is cost. The course would need to be free to internet users
but maybe charged for at the LUG as it is hands on personal stuff.

My 10c's worth.

I look forward to receiving a notification that your free classes are
going to start and to sign up via the [newbie] mailing list.
Hylton Conacher on KDE 2.1.1 on kernel 2.4.3-20mdk#1
Registered Linux user # 229959 on Mandrake 8 on an i686 (AMD  1 Ghz K7
Licenced Windows user and thinker

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Re: [newbie] Java path for Konqueror.

2002-03-29 Thread L.V.Gandhi

On Thursday 28 March 2002 04:37, Derek Jennings wrote:
in mdk 8.1 I couldn't find. Where is it?
203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam, 530017
MECON, 5th Floor, RTC Complex, Visakhapatnam AP 530020 INDIA
[EMAIL PROTECTED],  [EMAIL PROTECTED] linux user No.205042

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Re: [newbie] Suggestions for a good avi/divx player

2002-03-29 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Thu, 28 Mar 2002 22:41:41 -0800, Mithrilhall2000
 Can anyone suggest a good avi/divx player?

mplayer, mplayerxp, xine, avifile and a whole lot more.

Do a search at freshmeat.net.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

We love Linux, and the most wonderful thing about Linux is that it's
 a problem for Microsoft. -- Scott McNealy, CEO of Sun Microsystems

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Re: [newbie] Java path for Konqueror.

2002-03-29 Thread Robin Turner

I installed kdebase-nsplugins in 8.0 and it crashes on login.  Is 
this fixable, or should I just not bother and wait to install 8.2?


Bravo Epictetus! - Epictetus

Robin Turner
IDMYO, Bilkent Universitesi
Ankara 06533


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RE: [newbie] PHPnuke or Postnuke

2002-03-29 Thread Vogel, Andrew (VOGELAP)

When I was setting up my website (http://www.drewvogel.com), I initially
selected PHPNuke (5.0, 5.01, 5.20) and ran it for a while.

Once I evaluated PostNuke, it became clear that PostNuke was the right
choice for my site... It offered some small features unavailable in PHPNuke
that were important to me, so I switched. I've been very happy with PostNuke
and intend to continue running it.

 -Original Message-
 From: Todd Slater [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
 Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2002 10:30 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] PHPnuke or Postnuke
 On Thu, 28 Mar 2002 21:26:28 -0500
 William R. Nash [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I was playing with PHPnuke 5.5 today.  I like the way it works but 
  some of my friends told me to use postnuke that it was better then 
  PHPnuke. I was wondering which is better phpnuke 5.5 or 
 Postnuke 7.1.
  Bill Nash
 If you're shopping for a content management system, you might 
 also look into Geeklog (http://geeklog.sourceforge.net/) or 
 phpwebsite (http://phpwebsite.appstate.edu/). I didn't do a 
 ton of research on it, but what I read suggested that Geeklog 
 was more secure than the nukes. I installed it and was pretty 
 pleased, but I can't compare it to either
 Todd Slater
 10:25pm up 1 day, 23:52, 2 users, load average: 0.04, 0.11, 
 0.10 The man who does not read good books has no advantage 
 over the man who can't read them. (Mark Twain)

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Re: [newbie] Java path for Konqueror.

2002-03-29 Thread Charles A Edwards

On Fri, 29 Mar 2002 15:27:50 +0200
Robin Turner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I installed kdebase-nsplugins in 8.0 and it crashes on login.  Is 
 this fixable, or should I just not bother and wait to install 8.2?


With 8.0 you need either nsplugins pre-1.99 or 2.0.
Neither of these is still available for download.
Do not remember for sure but if you have the 8.0 PowerPack it should be on CD3.
If using 8.1 you need nsplugins-2.1 which Is still available for dl.


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[newbie] Compaq Proliant 2500 Server

2002-03-29 Thread William R. Nash


 I ask the user group once about putting 
Linux on a Compaq server with 458 mem of memory. This is what I did to 
finally get Linux on this server.

at the boot prompt I type:
Linux append mem=exactmap mem=0x9000@0 mem 0x1b80
once installed, I added this to my /etc/lilo.conf 
append="mem=exactmap mem=0x9000@0 mem=0x1b80"
re-rean lilo
now the computer see 450 meg of memory. 
working on the rest.

I found this out by reading http://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=36940
play with the numbers some.

Bill Nash

William R. Nashwww.wrnash.net

Registered Linux User 

Re: [newbie] Java path for Konqueror.

2002-03-29 Thread Robin Turner

On Friday 29 March 2002 15:56, Charles A Edwards wrote:
 On Fri, 29 Mar 2002 15:27:50 +0200

 Robin Turner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I installed kdebase-nsplugins in 8.0 and it crashes on login.  Is
  this fixable, or should I just not bother and wait to install 8.2?


 With 8.0 you need either nsplugins pre-1.99 or 2.0.
 Neither of these is still available for download.
 Do not remember for sure but if you have the 8.0 PowerPack it should be on

 If using 8.1 you need nsplugins-2.1 which Is still available for dl.

Hmm, this is 2.1.1., which  came with my 8.0 CDs.

BTW, 8.0 is still mirrored on some sites; in fact my local mirror everything 
from 7.0 to 8.1 (no 8.2 yet though - must get onto the sysadmin!).


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[newbie] Battery Indicator for Laptop

2002-03-29 Thread Timothy J. Ryan
 Is there a way to get a battery indicator on the KDE desktop in Mandrake 8.1/.2?
 Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Greetings - send greetings for Easter,  Passover

Re: [newbie] Conection problem

2002-03-29 Thread Frans Ketelaars

On Thu, 28 Mar 2002 19:41:19 -0500
Gerald Waugh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Thursday 28 March 2002 06:32 pm, Frans Ketelaars wrote:
  With the KDE application to dial to my ISP I sometimes get this with
  show log checked:
 its timing out.
 If you just dial your ISP how long before you get a modem tone?

Thanks. I tried tree times today (the last one while compiling this message)
and got a modem response almost immediatedly. I only have this problem once 
in a while and the second (sometimes the third) time it works. I will make 
sure I get modem sounds 'unmuted' to make sure my ISP is to blame :) It's no
big problem, OTOH when my ISP doen't 'answer the phone' I don't get charged
by the phone company while I have to pay a fixed amount for the phone just
'being answered' (plus of course charges per second plus a montly fee) :(

-Frans (getting a modem tone immediately and a connection now that I can
hear the modem ;) )

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Re: [newbie] Permissions on directory changing themselves

2002-03-29 Thread Miark

The Higher description at install said that it was 
good for servers. The last thing I expected from a 
server security level is a ban on pinging your own
NIC! I would have guessed that on Paranoid but
not Higher.

But you're right, of course. I should have known more 
about it. Speaking of which, what is the best way
to learn about it?


civileme [EMAIL PROTECTED] spoke thusly:

 Miark wrote:
 msec caused me some heartache yesterday, too. I set the 
 box up, and then spent four hours with another techie
 trying to get networking to function properly. I could 
 ping out, but nothing could ping in, and I couldn't 
 ping localhost! Finally, I dropped from Higher to
 High and the problem disappeared.
 Jim Dawson [EMAIL PROTECTED] spoke thusly:
 msec seems to have been the culprit. I added an exception for the shared folder 
and now the permissions seem to be fixed. Thanks to everyone who emailed me on this.
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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 msec is a system that goes around tying up loose ends.  You might want
 to check the cron jobs running msec scripts and see.  Usually under the
 higher security levels it changes permissions on certsain types of files
 that would otherwise be gateways for intrusion.  You may need to
 customize the script a little to avoid what you want to leave open.
 Also check root's mail.  YOu should have been notified there as this
 permission was changed.
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com
 And the moral is that security, no matter how arranged, can never 
 anticipate all the special needs.  You need to learn security and how 
 msec and Bastille work before setting very high security levels or 
 activating firewalls and make sure you have your exceptions created. 
  Else, you may have to live with a price.

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[newbie] /etc/rc.local not a symlink

2002-03-29 Thread Miark

Remember how I was told the other day that /etc/rc.local 
is just a symlink to /etc/rc.d/rc.local? When I was 
working on that 8.2 box yesterday, they actually became 
different files, which I discovered during the networking 
snafu. I commented out IP aliases in /etc/rc.local, but 
the changes didn't affect /etc/rc.d/rc.local. The symlink 
was gone, and the files were independent. I nuked 
/etc/rc.local and make a new symlink. And then it happened
again! I eventually just nuked it altogther.

I don't think I'm imagining things, but how could that 


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RE: [newbie] CGI/Perl question

2002-03-29 Thread Mithrilhall2000

How do you turn CGI on in Apache? Is there a setting in the conf file that I
need to change?

Thanks for the help.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Gerald Waugh
Sent: March 28, 2002 9:25 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] CGI/Perl question

On Friday 29 March 2002 01:44 am, Mithrilhall2000 wrote:
 I changed Apache to run on listen on port 8000 and was wondering if this
 would have any connection to my problem of not being  able to run cgi or
 perl scripts from my browser? Such as:

 If I run the cgi or perl scripts from shell they work fine but I can't get
 them to work when calling them from my browser.

did you turn cgi on in apache?

Gerald Waugh Linux user # 255245
New Haven, CT, United States of America
12:22am up 7 days, 8:47, 2 users, load average: 1.08, 1.07, 1.02

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[newbie] Trouble running OpenOffice

2002-03-29 Thread Guilherme Cirne


I'm having some trouble getting OpenOffice to run. Whenever I execute ooffice 
(or any of the other programs: oowriter, oocalc, etc.) I get the following 

/usr/lib/openoffice/program/setup.bin: /lib/libc.so.6: version `GCC_3.0' not 
found (required by /usr/lib/openoffice/program/setup.bin)
/usr/bin/ooffice: cd: /home/gui/.openoffice/user/wordbook: No such file or 
ln: `./en_US.aff': File exists
ln: `./en_US.dic': File exists
grep: /home/gui/.openoffice/user/wordbook/dictionary.lst: No such file or 
/usr/bin/ooffice: /home/gui/.openoffice/soffice: No such file or directory
/usr/bin/ooffice: exec: /home/gui/.openoffice/soffice: cannot execute: No 
such file or directory

Does anybody know what is wrong?


Guilherme Cirne

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Re: [newbie] Trouble running OpenOffice

2002-03-29 Thread Robin Turner

On Friday 29 March 2002 22:21, Guilherme Cirne wrote:

 I'm having some trouble getting OpenOffice to run. Whenever I execute
 ooffice (or any of the other programs: oowriter, oocalc, etc.) I get the
 following error:

 /usr/lib/openoffice/program/setup.bin: /lib/libc.so.6: version `GCC_3.0'
 not found (required by /usr/lib/openoffice/program/setup.bin)
 /usr/bin/ooffice: cd: /home/gui/.openoffice/user/wordbook: No such file or
 ln: `./en_US.aff': File exists
 ln: `./en_US.dic': File exists
 grep: /home/gui/.openoffice/user/wordbook/dictionary.lst: No such file or
 /usr/bin/ooffice: /home/gui/.openoffice/soffice: No such file or directory
 /usr/bin/ooffice: exec: /home/gui/.openoffice/soffice: cannot execute: No
 such file or directory

 Does anybody know what is wrong?

Looks like you've got an old verison of the glibc library - you need version 
2.2.4. or above.  Either upgrade your glibc or downgrade your OpenOffice.


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Re: [newbie] CGI/Perl question

2002-03-29 Thread Miark

You should have ExecCGI as one of the Options
for the directory in question.


Mithrilhall2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] spoke thusly:

 How do you turn CGI on in Apache? Is there a setting in the conf file that I
 need to change?
 Thanks for the help.

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Re: [newbie] Trouble running OpenOffice

2002-03-29 Thread Miark

As I think was mentioned here recently, there are two 
GCCs that ship with 8.2: 2.96 and 3. It may be that 
you have one installed, but not the one needed by OO.


Guilherme Cirne [EMAIL PROTECTED] spoke thusly:

 I'm having some trouble getting OpenOffice to run. Whenever I execute ooffice 
 (or any of the other programs: oowriter, oocalc, etc.) I get the following 
 /usr/lib/openoffice/program/setup.bin: /lib/libc.so.6: version `GCC_3.0' not 
 found (required by /usr/lib/openoffice/program/setup.bin)
 /usr/bin/ooffice: cd: /home/gui/.openoffice/user/wordbook: No such file or 
 ln: `./en_US.aff': File exists
 ln: `./en_US.dic': File exists
 grep: /home/gui/.openoffice/user/wordbook/dictionary.lst: No such file or 
 /usr/bin/ooffice: /home/gui/.openoffice/soffice: No such file or directory
 /usr/bin/ooffice: exec: /home/gui/.openoffice/soffice: cannot execute: No 
 such file or directory
 Does anybody know what is wrong?
 Guilherme Cirne

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Re: [newbie] it feels good when things work

2002-03-29 Thread Blood Slap

Actually, it's internal.  I can't just unplug it.  I'm  just going to buy a
new one soon.
- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2002 5:24 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] it feels good when things work

 3/29/02 1:04:18 AM, Blood Slap [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Wow, that really sucks, I was sure it was a real modem.  That's really
 disappointing, and it means I have to go out and buy a new one.
 Should a US Robotics 56KBS 2977 v.90 Hardware PCI modem work without
 extra heartache?
 - Original Message -
 From: Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2002 3:07 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] it feels good when things work
But.my modem doesn't work :(
I have a Best Data Smart One 56FW-VW ISA Modem,  it's on COM 4,
using IRQ 5 in Windows.  Whenever trying to connect it says modem
busy.  I've tried configuring by changing the IRQ in isapmp.conf,
setting the UARF, with every possible IRQ, but nothing seems to

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   This sounds a Lot like a problem that I had, now this may sound crazy
but unplug
 the modem and see if you still get the modem is busy message.

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Re: [newbie] VMWare 3

2002-03-29 Thread Wayne Petherick

Thanks to all who suggested fixes for my problem. 
There were some bios settings that were wrong by
default and I had to change the cdrom device from
/mnt/cdrom to /mnt/cdrom1 to get it to work.  Now all
I need to figure out is how to get my network
connection going.  It has installed the network card
drivers and I have configured the network settings in
config, but still won't install my cable software
through my lan.  Previously I have had to only install
vmnet 0 and none of the others to get it to work.  I
have done that this time and it still won't work.  Any
ideas there?



--- Damian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 El jue, 28-03-2002 a las 10:40, Wayne Petherick
  thanks for the reply.  I have gotten it to work,
 but I
  get errors related to not being able to find a
  bootable cd-rom or floppy.  Restart and try again.
  didn't have these probs before and figured it was
  something to do with the recompilation.  The
  are set up and there, they just won't boot. 
  being able to do this, I can't install an OS.  Got
  other suggestions?
 i can think of only one.. go to vmware configuration
 and make sure
 cdrom is pointing to the right device.. i never
 tried to 
 install as a guest OS and always used vmware to boot
 a real installation
 in my second HD... anyway, does vmware even try to
 read from floppy
 or the cdrom before popping the error?
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[newbie] OT-icon on navigation bar/title

2002-03-29 Thread Hakan Duran

OK, this might be a very stupid question, as well as off topic, but how do 
you place those tiny icons on navigation bars, just before the web address.  
Like the star icon on mandrake site.  I thought there should be some 
reference to it on html codebut I couldn't find any.  Does it need a higher 
expertise than just writing html?


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Re: [newbie] Opera Location Bar

2002-03-29 Thread FemmeFatale

Timothy J. Ryan wrote:
 Does anyone know how to change this list to DIGEST mode? IM getting
 flooded w/ email. Thanks.
 Timothy James (T.J.) Ryan
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Sridhar Dhanapalan
 Sent: Friday, March 29, 2002 8:54 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Opera Location Bar
 On Fri, 29 Mar 2002 10:31:22 -0500, Donald E Gulmire Jr
  I am using Opera for a browser.  I have looked in several places,
  the Opera site for information on how to clear the location bar.
  someone please enlighten me.  Thanks in advance!
 Have you tried 'Ctrl+U'? I don't have Opera installed ATM, so I can't
 check if
 this works. It should, since it is a standard keybinding for BASH, and
 extension for GTK+ and QT.
 Sridhar Dhanapalan
 My girlfriend always laughs during sex -
 no matter what she's reading.
 -- Steve Jobs
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I believe this was addressed, and what deemed unfeasible.

Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] KMail 1.3 Mail Status

2002-03-29 Thread _nasturtium

 you could create a filter that marks everything, or select things as read
 but i don't think there is a switch to do it.



Filter works, tried and tested!


btw, im writing this in outlook express (Ctrl-Shift-A to mark all messages
as read)

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[newbie] Thread delete in Kmail.

2002-03-29 Thread Seedkum Aladeem

How do you delete a whole message thread in Kmail?


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Re: [newbie] OT-icon on navigation bar/title

2002-03-29 Thread Todd Slater

On Fri, 29 Mar 2002 23:46:31 
Hakan Duran [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 OK, this might be a very stupid question, as well as off topic, but how
 do you place those tiny icons on navigation bars, just before the web
 address.  Like the star icon on mandrake site.  I thought there should
 be some reference to it on html codebut I couldn't find any.  Does it
 need a higher expertise than just writing html?

Easy to do. See http://www.favicon.com/ for details.

Todd Slater
7:58pm up 2 days, 21:26, 2 users, load average: 0.26, 0.62, 0.68
Men are born ignorant, not stupid. They are made stupid by education.
(Bertrand Russell)

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Re: [newbie] Thread delete in Kmail.

2002-03-29 Thread Carroll Grigsby

On Friday 29 March 2002 06:56 pm, Seedkum Aladeem wrote:
 How do you delete a whole message thread in Kmail?



Assuming that your messages are sorted by subject, click on the first message 
in the thread. Then move down to the last message, hold the shift key, and 
click again. (All of the messages should then be highlighted.) Hit delete, 
and they're gone. Or choose any other option -- such as move to a folder. 

Well, most of them are. I'm running KMail 1.3.1 under KDE 2.2.1. The sort by 
subject has a problem with prefixes such as FWD:, second RE:'s, etc., so 
you may find some of the posts at the bottom of the list. Minor annoyance.

If you don't have your messages sorted by subject, click on the 
Subject bar. You'll cycle through four options: By subject and status, 
ascending or descending. When you're done, restore your original setting by 
clicking on the appropriate header.

-- cmg

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RE: [newbie] OT-icon on navigation bar/title

2002-03-29 Thread Robin

I believe it's a small icon file at the root of your www directory.
Do a search for that and give it a tried, I have never tried it



 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Hakan Duran
 Sent: Friday, March 29, 2002 11:47 PM
 Subject: [newbie] OT-icon on navigation bar/title
 OK, this might be a very stupid question, as well as off 
 topic, but how do 
 you place those tiny icons on navigation bars, just before 
 the web address.  
 Like the star icon on mandrake site.  I thought there should be some 
 reference to it on html codebut I couldn't find any.  Does it 
 need a higher 
 expertise than just writing html?
 MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: 

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[newbie] Re: Script

2002-03-29 Thread SoloCDM

Jesse Angell stated the following:
 I need this script to do the following things, in order to start
 some clients palace servers It simply stops after the first user
 what the problem
 su angeleyez ; /home/angeleyez/palaceserver/bin/start-palace ; exit
 su digitalfantasy ;
 /home/digitalfantasy/palaceserver/bin/start-palace ; exit
 su j323k41j4 ; /home/j323k41j4/palaceserver/bin/start-palace ; exit
 su redbaron ; /home/redbaron/palaceserver/bin/start-palace ; logout
 su staticfx ; /home/staticfx/palaceserver/bin/start-palace ; exit
 su zach ; /home/zach/palaceserver/bin/start-palace ; exit

Take off  ; exit and  ; logout from the end of each line.  Remove
;  before each directory.  Now put -c before each directory.

su user -c directory

If you are using a command line with spaces, put single quotes around
the command or multiple commands, unless you are using variables, then
use double quotes.

Using sudo is a waste of time.

Note: When you reply to this message, please include the mailing
  list/newsgroup address and my email address in To:.


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Re: [newbie] OT-icon on navigation bar/title

2002-03-29 Thread Gerald Waugh

On Friday 29 March 2002 08:12 pm, Robin wrote:
 I believe it's a small icon file at the root of your www directory.
 Do a search for that and give it a tried, I have never tried it

In the html plage put:

Then make your self an icon   favicon.ico
must be called .ico

You can use Multimedia-Graphics-Icon Editor.
Or make one withg gimp then chrink it anc onvert it to .ico
there is a prgram to do the conversion (can't remember the name)
But you can't just rename it.

It has to be in the same directory as the page using it.

Gerald Waugh : Registered Linux user # 255245
New Haven, CT, United States of America
8:17pm up 8 days, 4:41, 2 users, load average: 0.99, 1.06, 1.01

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[newbie] Re: Script

2002-03-29 Thread Jesse Angell

Thanks, that did just what I wanted.
- Original Message - 
To: Jesse Angell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Linux-Mandrake Newbie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 29, 2002 7:12 PM
Subject: Re: Script

 Jesse Angell stated the following:
  I need this script to do the following things, in order to start
  some clients palace servers It simply stops after the first user
  what the problem
  su angeleyez ; /home/angeleyez/palaceserver/bin/start-palace ; exit
  su digitalfantasy ;
  /home/digitalfantasy/palaceserver/bin/start-palace ; exit
  su j323k41j4 ; /home/j323k41j4/palaceserver/bin/start-palace ; exit
  su redbaron ; /home/redbaron/palaceserver/bin/start-palace ; logout
  su staticfx ; /home/staticfx/palaceserver/bin/start-palace ; exit
  su zach ; /home/zach/palaceserver/bin/start-palace ; exit
 Take off  ; exit and  ; logout from the end of each line.  Remove
 ;  before each directory.  Now put -c before each directory.
 su user -c directory
 If you are using a command line with spaces, put single quotes around
 the command or multiple commands, unless you are using variables, then
 use double quotes.
 Using sudo is a waste of time.
 Note: When you reply to this message, please include the mailing
   list/newsgroup address and my email address in To:.

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[newbie] Specifying a hostname

2002-03-29 Thread Aaron Winters

What are the "rules" when giving a machine a 
hostname? The machine in ? does not have an external IP and there is no real 
hostname to give, as in mandrake.com or something like that I am just going to 
use it as a "learning box" for setting up web, ftp, Samba, etc. So can I call it 
whatever I want, does it need to be, something.com?

Beware the innate animosity of inanimate objects

Re: [newbie] Specifying a hostname

2002-03-29 Thread Gerald Waugh

On Friday 29 March 2002 08:55 pm, Aaron Winters wrote:
 What are the rules when giving a machine a hostname? The machine in ?
 does not have an external IP and there is no real hostname to give, as in
 mandrake.com or something like that I am just going to use it as a
 learning box for setting up web, ftp, Samba, etc. So can I call it
 whatever I want, does it need to be, something.com?

You can call it anything you want.
I call my local (non-public) network localnet.fsn
I think it is a good idea not to use a Top Level Domain names (.com. .org, 
.net) I use fsn as it is my company initials, and localnet, so users know its 
on the local network.
Gerald Waugh : Registered Linux user # 255245
New Haven, CT, United States of America
9:07pm up 8 days, 5:32, 2 users, load average: 0.82, 0.95, 0.98

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Re: [newbie] OT-icon on navigation bar/title

2002-03-29 Thread Gerald Waugh

On Friday 29 March 2002 08:21 pm, Gerald Waugh wrote:
 In the html plage put:

Of course use your domain name, and I have heard it nees to be FQDN.
Strange I put one in

and one in

The first one works the second one doesn't

Gerald Waugh : Registered Linux user # 255245
New Haven, CT, United States of America
9:14pm up 8 days, 5:38, 2 users, load average: 1.07, 0.99, 0.98

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Re: [newbie] Specifying a hostname

2002-03-29 Thread Dennis Myers

On Friday 29 March 2002 07:55 pm, you wrote:
 What are the rules when giving a machine a hostname? The machine in ?
 does not have an external IP and there is no real hostname to give, as in
 mandrake.com or something like that I am just going to use it as a
 learning box for setting up web, ftp, Samba, etc. So can I call it
 whatever I want, does it need to be, something.com?
 Beware the innate animosity of inanimate objects
Not really, if you are going to connect to a LAN and use SAMBA it is best I 
think to give it a name like jerryrig.mydomain.com. If however it is an 
unattached rig then just give it a name like jerryrig and let it go at that. 
It will run just fine.  HTH
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] Update from 8.0 directly to 8.2

2002-03-29 Thread Brian Parish


No problem, but the accepted wisdom seems to be that copying your data
to a separate partition, then doing a clean install can give better


On Fri, 2002-03-29 at 07:48, Marc Audard wrote:
 I would like to make sure that it is OK to update LM 8.0 (including the
 updates for this release) to the latest LM 8.2 without having to upgrade
 to 8.1 first.

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Re: [newbie] iptables / ipchains / bastille ??!!

2002-03-29 Thread Brian Parish


I think you should have the NIC whose address is listed in
your trusted interfaces in 



On Fri, 2002-03-29 at 02:24, Hanan Shargi wrote:
 Hi every one,
 I spent the past 2 days ( almost ) reading about how to set ip masquerading , 
 iptables, ipchains, setting NFS etc. just to be able to put my hands on 
 the problem why cant my w2k machine ping the linux machine ( both on a lan 
 where linux machine has 2 eth cards, one IP for external network (internet 
 with a static IP ) and the other eth for local network with IP )
 to  hopefully fix this ping issue, SO  FINALLY I'd be able to  share my files 
 between the 2 machines 
 needless to say I couldnt come up with the fix :(
 Now  I desperatly need some expert here (or non expert ) to answer my 
 following question PLEASE :(
 During a thorough investigation of the files on my LM 8.1 system which I set 
 up as a router to my home lan ( I set up the internet sharing and networking 
 stuff ..ect  using Mandrake control center)
 I found that there are  the following files on my LM 8.1 sys:
 I'll list the relevant contents of this file ( only uncommented lines )
 DNS_SERVERS=205.177.x.x 205.177.x.x 
 PUBLIC_IFACES=eth+ ppp+ slip+
 TCP_AUDIT_SERVICES=telnet ftp imap pop3 finger sunrpc exec login linuxconf 
 TCP_PUBLIC_SERVICES=22 25 109 110 143 23 53 
 ICMP_ALLOWED_TYPES=destination-unreachable echo-reply time-exceeded
 ICMP_OUTBOUND_DISABLED_TYPES=destination-unreachable time-exceeded
 and this file :
 /etc/rc.d/rc.firewall  === which have the following content:
 # Automatically added by drakgw
 [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.firewall.inet_sharing ]  
 # Mandrake-Security : if you remove this comment, remove the next line too.
 echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/rp_filter
 And another file :
 /etc/rc.d/rc.firewall.inet_sharing-2.4  which have the following content:
 modprobe iptable_nat
 echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
 /sbin/iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -j MASQUERADE
 /sbin/iptables -A FORWARD -s -j ACCEPT
 /sbin/iptables -A INPUT -i eth2 -p udp --sport bootpc --dport bootps -j ACCEPT
 /sbin/iptables -A INPUT -i eth2 -p tcp --sport bootpc --dport bootps -j ACCEPT
 /sbin/iptables -A INPUT -i eth2 -p udp --sport bootps --dport bootpc -j ACCEPT
 /sbin/iptables -A INPUT -i eth2 -p tcp --sport bootps --dport bootpc -j ACCEPT
 /sbin/iptables -A INPUT -i eth2 -p udp --dport domain -j ACCEPT
 /sbin/iptables -A INPUT -i eth2 -p tcp --dport domain -j ACCEPT
 I tried applying some changes to the peceeding files, and it resulted in 
 either no changes / or breaking the connection sharing ..
 If somebody can tell me what exactly shall I change, or even how does this 
 connectiong sharing / bastille firewall basically work together to support the 
 internet sharing and routing thingas the more I read in the how-tos the 
 more lost I feel... as nothing seem to be as they describe in these how-to's.
 Any help would be appreciated AS I'm totally lost here.
 Hanan AL-Shargi

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