Re: [newbie-it] Latex

2002-04-07 Thread antonio.volpi

Il 10:42, venerdì 5 aprile 2002, hai scritto:
 luigi pinna wrote:
  ciao a tutti qualcuno che usa latex mi sa dire come si
  fa ad inserire e ridemensionare un immagine jpg? non
  trovo nulla neanche nei manuali online!

 Puoi includere quello che vuoi, il problema è il formato dvi che non
 supporta altre immagine che eps.

Si puo comunque processare il file latex con  pdflatex per avere un anteprima 
in formato pdf (che accetta il jpg ed altro) e nel caso stamparla.
Attenzione pero ad usare i font giusti, p. es aggiungendo al preambolo un:
o simili, pena una scarsa qualità del testo in formato pdf.

Ciao ciao

[newbie-it] unsubscrive

2002-04-07 Thread Stefano

[newbie-it] unsubscrive

2002-04-07 Thread Luca Branca


[newbie-it] unsubscrive

2002-04-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Re: [newbie-it] unsubscrive

2002-04-07 Thread robirossi

Re: [newbie-it] unsubscrive

2002-04-07 Thread Alesk

cosa sono queste email

At 15.18 07/04/2002 +0200, you wrote:

Re: [newbie-it] scheda audio yanaha opl3-sax sound MDK8.2

2002-04-07 Thread ENx

Ciao a tutti,
qualcuno sa come si fa a capire la versione di un modulo fornito con il 
Grazie ENx

Re: [newbie-it] Epson Stylus Scan 2000

2002-04-07 Thread ENx

Su quale posrta hai collegato la stampante?
Se non erro,se le porte parallele sono riconoscite dovresti trovare uno o
pi file nella directory /dev del tipo "lpx" dove x  il numero
della porta.
Per provare se le porte funzionano scrivi in una console "cat nomefile /dev/lp
x", dove nomefile  un file di testo da provare a stampare. Al
posto di x metti il numero della porta dove  collegata la stampante!

Ciao ENx

Massimiliano Violante wrote:


  Domandona da un milione di euro!!!
  Ho installato Linux (Mandrake 8.1) sul
mio computer  al quale ho collegata una Epson Stylus Scan 2000.
  Orbene non sono riuscito a stampare nemmeno
una  riga
  Non so se  colpa della stampante oppure
il sistema  non "vede" in modo appropriato le porte.
  Sul computer ho due parallele (una integrata
sulla  matherboard e l'altra in uno slot PCI).
  Windows me le vede come LPT1 (interrupt
7  0378-037F) e LPT2 (0278-027A) e la stampante nonch scanner funge benissimo
in  entrambe le modalit!
  Come posso verificare che le porte siano
state  installate bene e siano perfettamente funzionanti??? (diritti e proprietari
  Devo dire che il Printing How-TO non sia
molto  esaustivo sull'argomento!
  Vorrei capire quali sono i files e le
righe in  quelli di configurazione che dovrei trovare sulla mia partizione
  e.. speriamo di stampare prima o  poi

[newbie-it] Domanda

2002-04-07 Thread tom

Tenedo presente che non posso utilizzare un floppy per il boot (il floppy è 
morto definitivamente)
Se dovessi formattare hd primario dove ho winz
come faccio ad accedere a linux nel hd secondario?
Per quello ke ho capito formattando l'hda concello pure l'mbr (giusto?) dove 
c'è il grub.
Dovrei installare (prima di formattare) il grub nel hdb?
e poi a installazione di winz ri installarlo nel hda?

Grazie degli eventuali chiarimenti e consigli

Ciao , Tom

[newbie-it] partizionare il disco fat

2002-04-07 Thread tom

Siccome non voglio fare danni con esperimenti..chiedo a voi
Vorrei creare un altra partizione sul disco fat da 30G 
c'è qualche tool che me lo permette utilizzando la MDK8.2?


Ciao , Tom

[newbie-it] moduli..

2002-04-07 Thread ENx

scusate, ho sbagliato oggetto dell'email da Re: [newbie-it] scheda 
audio yanaha opl3-sax sound  MDK8.2 a moduli...
Ciao ENx
ENx wrote:

 Ciao a tutti,
 qualcuno sa come si fa a capire la versione di un modulo fornito con 
 il kernel?
 Grazie ENx

Re: [newbie-it] partizionare il disco fat

2002-04-07 Thread Mauro Baroli

Esiste un piccolo programma che si chiama FIPS e che funziona sotto DOS. 
Permette di partizionare l'HardDisk senza cancellare i dati e dividerlo 
anche in quattro partizioni attive, però prima devi fare uno Scandisk 
approfondito (cioè anche la superficie) e poi un Defrag dell'unità 
interessata per compattare i dati. Lo puoi trovare molto probabilmente nel 
CD della distribuzione Linux in tuo possesso, oppure scaricarlo dalla rete 
all'indirizzo //
ATTENZIONE: Leggi bene la documentazione in inglese e ricordati che operi 
sotto DOS

Ciao da sirio70

Subject: [newbie-it] partizionare il disco fat
Date: Sun, 7 Apr 2002 18:00:56 +0200
MIME-Version: 1.0

Siccome non voglio fare danni con esperimenti..chiedo a voi
Vorrei creare un altra partizione sul disco fat da 30G 
c'è qualche tool che me lo permette utilizzando la MDK8.2?


Ciao , Tom

Fai parte anche tu del più grande servizio di posta elettronica del mondo 
con MSN Hotmail.

Re: [newbie-it] Problemi con Mandrake 8,2 e iptables

2002-04-07 Thread LukenShiro

Nell'Evo medio, all'ora 01:28, domenica 7 aprile 2002, Voi, Notabile 
Alberto, avete dipinto:
 Mi hanno detto che non istallando completamente ipchain tutto si
 che ne pensate?

Il fatto non e' tanto nel non installarlo come rpm ... pero', dato che 
iptables e ipchains [insieme al modulo di compatibilita' per i kernel 
2.4] _non_ possono essere in esecuzione allo stesso tempo (ne' cmq 
avrebbe senso che lo fossero), devi evitare di far caricare ipchains, 
se vuoi usare iptables.
Quindi toglilo dai servizi all'avvio e rimuovi il modulo relativo 
caricato ('rmmod ipchains').
Cosi' dovrebbe essere risolto il problema. 

L.U. #210970 - L.M. #98222 * MDK 8.3-cooker - 2.4.18 puro

Re: [newbie-it] scheda audio yanaha opl3-sax sound MDK8.2

2002-04-07 Thread LukenShiro

Nell'Evo medio, all'ora 03:18, domenica 7 aprile 2002, Voi, Notabile 
tom, avete dipinto:
 sono arrivato alla scheda audio (yamaha opl3-sax sound sistem)
 che come previsto non fugeva.(è sempre riconosciuta dal os. ma non 

Dai un'occhiata qui: (vai ai punti 
82.1 e 82.6)
Casomai anche:

L.U. #210970 - L.M. #98222 * MDK 8.3-cooker - 2.4.18 puro

Re: [newbie-it] Aggiornamento KDE da 2.2.2 a 3.0

2002-04-07 Thread ENx

Un modo abbastanza automatico ci sarebbe:
devi usare il programma di mandrake per l'installazione dei pacchetti. 
Qui devi aggiungere una nuova fonte specificando il percorso dove hai i 
pacchetti di kde3.
Dopo fai una ricerca con kde e seleziona per installarli solo i 
pacchetti dalla versione 3.0. Così dovrebbe fare l'aggiornamento 
automatico e l'installazione dei pacchetti per soddisfare le dipendenze.
ciao ENx

Luca Giannuzzi wrote:

Ciao a tutti,
vorrei kiedervi una piccola informazione
Come si è già capito dal soggetto io voglio aggiornare il KDE dalla versione 
2.2.2 (inclusa nella MDK 8.2) alla nuova versione 3.0 ke ho trovato oggi sul 
sito della KDE 
Quello ke vorrei sapere è se esiste un modo automatico per aggiornarla o se 
devo disinstallare e reinstallare ad uno ad uno tutti i pacchetti.
Vi ringrazio fin d'ora

[newbie-it] unsubscrive

2002-04-07 Thread Luca Landi


Iscriviti al Club Nokia, è gratis!

[newbie-it] _unsubscrive

2002-04-07 Thread Luca Landi


Iscriviti al Club Nokia, è gratis!

Re: [newbie-it] unsubscrive

2002-04-07 Thread Daniele Micci

Il giorno 23:50, domenica 7 aprile 2002 hai scritto:
 Iscriviti al Club Nokia, è gratis!

... si scrive con la b ...

Re: [newbie-it] scheda audio yanaha opl3-sax sound MDK8.2

2002-04-07 Thread tom

Alle 20:48, domenica 7 aprile 2002, LukenShiro ha scritto:

Ti ringrazio LukenShiro...ho trovato quello che mi serviva,sto 
intravedendo la luce :)
eseguendo questi comandi la scheda funziona 
ma funziona solo momentaneamente...all avvio sucessivo ritorna tutto 
come prima.
come faccio a far rimanere le modifiche in maniera permanente?

#modprobe mpu401[invio]

# modprobe ad1848[Invio]

# modprobe opl3sa2 io=0x370 mss_io=0x530 mpu_io=0x330 irq=5 dma=0 

# modprobe opl3 io=0x388[Invio]

P.S mi potreste spiegare che sto facendo?(commentare i comandi)

Ciao , Tom

[newbie-it] KDE 3.0

2002-04-07 Thread Brunini Alessandro

Salve alla lista,

Ho da poco installato KDE 3.0. Devo dire che esteticamente è decisamente
più bello (icone comprese).
Sulla mia macchina poi gira più velocemente del precedente 2.2.2, anche
se all'avvio ci mette di più.

Problemi riscontrati 2:

1) Manca la lingua italiana... sto scaricando qualcosa. Se funziona ve
lo faccio sapere.

2) L'audio funziona a metà: xmms e gli mp3 vanno, DVD e giochi pure, Wav
aperti con xmms anche. Perchè allora la sigla di apertura e tutti i
suoni di sistema non vanno, nonostante siano attivi?

Per ora un saluto.

[newbie-it] kde 3.0

2002-04-07 Thread Brunini Alessandro


1) KDE ancora in inglese: non trovo un file per la localizzazione in

2) Ancora i suoni dell'avvio non partono

3) Swappa come un forsennato

4) Il Microsoft Media Player (Vers. 6.5) preannunciato in konqueror, non
parte con varie applicazioni web, nè io lo trovo...

Alla prossima.

Un saluto.

[newbie-it] unsubscrive

2002-04-07 Thread Claudio Pedretti

Re: [newbie] Boat Anchor???

2002-04-07 Thread Derek Jennings

On Sunday 07 April 2002 4:29 am, Linus Drouhard wrote:
 Hi all,
   I have following this list for some 8 or 9 months now and have obtained a
 lot of useful advice and tips.  I'm now operating what is close to becoming
 a boat anchor.  I have an AMD K6-2 running at 420 MHz in an ASUS P5A
 motherboard.  Most everything else is standard, SB16, Nvidia TNT2, 160MB
 Ram, two 20 Gig Maxtor drives, Ricoh CD-RW and generic CD-reader.  I have
 been fighting a weird problem the last couple of weeks.  I loaded MD 8.2
 and really liked it, but could not get a printer installed.  Whenever I ran
 PrinterDrake, it asked me for Disc 1 and tried to install something.  My
 computer would freeze solid during install, responding only to the reset
 button.  I tried a fresh reinstall of MD 8.2.  Same.  Tried a fresh install
 of 8.1.  Froze during the install.  Civileme suggested a bad CD.  I burned
 a new one.  Same.  I tried installing from a different CD-drive.  Same.  I
 pulled my soundcard and every other non-essential card and disk drive.  I
 was able to reinstall MD 8.2.  I ran PrinterDrake.  It wanted to install
 some package again (CUPS and Foomatic, I believe).  Out of frustration, I
 just hit cancel and you guessed it, it worked!  I now have a printer.  I
 thought I was home free.  Remember the soundcard I pulled?  I reinstalled
 the card and tried to run soundcfg.  Not there.  I ran software manager. 
 Froze.  Solid.

 At this point, I'm at a loss, other than tying it to a boat.  Any
 suggestions?  Has anyone had good experiences with an ECS K7S5A

 Thanks for bearing with my rantings and ramblings.  Even if I don't figure
 it out... I feel better.


As soon as I came to the bit when you said you had a K7S5A I had to smile.  
My sons computer is a K7S5A and I have spent hours wrestling with its 
'eccentricities'  I also know Civileme's opinion of that MB  (it aint high)

There are two issues with K7S5a which has caused me problems. The first is 
that after powering down I have to leave it for at least 30mins before 
powering up or else it will not reach 'POST'. This is irrespective if Linux 
or Windows. Consequently any messing about with putting boards in or out 
takes hours to accomplish. (Hopefully your one will not suffer from this)

The second problem is the way IRQ lines are assigned in K7S5a which is based 
on the slot number the card is inserted in, as well as the onboard components 
having reserved IRQ lines.
Your sound card problem is very likely due to an IRQ conflict. 
To fix it I suggest first disabling any onboard component you do not need.
On board sound, midi, game port, Lan, usb (if not needed)
Disabling ACPI may also help.
Then try the sound card plus any other required cards in different slots and 
check the IRQ lines assigned, until each device ends up with its own IRQ line 
and works. (This might not be too bad if it were not for the 30 min delay 
between trials.)

Its a pity the BIOS is so bad because once it is working the MB has excellent 
performance for a really low price :-(


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Re: [newbie] Boat Anchor???

2002-04-07 Thread Derek Jennings

On Sunday 07 April 2002 4:29 am, Linus Drouhard wrote:
 Hi all,
   I have following this list for some 8 or 9 months now and have obtained a
 lot of useful advice and tips.  I'm now operating what is close to becoming
 a boat anchor.  I have an AMD K6-2 running at 420 MHz in an ASUS P5A
 motherboard.  Most everything else is standard, SB16, Nvidia TNT2, 160MB
 Ram, two 20 Gig Maxtor drives, Ricoh CD-RW and generic CD-reader.  I have
 been fighting a weird problem the last couple of weeks.  I loaded MD 8.2
 and really liked it, but could not get a printer installed.  Whenever I ran
 PrinterDrake, it asked me for Disc 1 and tried to install something.  My
 computer would freeze solid during install, responding only to the reset
 button.  I tried a fresh reinstall of MD 8.2.  Same.  Tried a fresh install
 of 8.1.  Froze during the install.  Civileme suggested a bad CD.  I burned
 a new one.  Same.  I tried installing from a different CD-drive.  Same.  I
 pulled my soundcard and every other non-essential card and disk drive.  I
 was able to reinstall MD 8.2.  I ran PrinterDrake.  It wanted to install
 some package again (CUPS and Foomatic, I believe).  Out of frustration, I
 just hit cancel and you guessed it, it worked!  I now have a printer.  I
 thought I was home free.  Remember the soundcard I pulled?  I reinstalled
 the card and tried to run soundcfg.  Not there.  I ran software manager. 
 Froze.  Solid.

 At this point, I'm at a loss, other than tying it to a boat.  Any
 suggestions?  Has anyone had good experiences with an ECS K7S5A

 Thanks for bearing with my rantings and ramblings.  Even if I don't figure
 it out... I feel better.


Whoops.. just realised it is the Ausus MB you are having these problems 
with.. Still now you know what to expect with a K7S5A


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Re: [newbie] bash script to enter su password?

2002-04-07 Thread Lee

On Sunday 07 April 2002 12:24 am, s wrote:
 On Saturday 06 April 2002 10:58 pm, Jon Doe wrote:
  I am looking to make a script that can be run as a normal user in su mode
  with out having to enter su password. Basically I want to be able to
  mount my usb digital camera without having to log in as root. Any


Try this first.  As root, edit fstabs and change default to user.  That's 
what worked finally for me.  Then I created an icon on the desktop to mount 
the camera and all is well.

Registered Linux abuser #223705

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Re: [newbie] Compaq Laptop (Presario 1925) with sound at all :-(

2002-04-07 Thread poogle

Like you I could never get my NM256 sound card to work in my laptop, I 
installed 8.2 and it works properly.
On  Sunday 07 April 2002 08:48 am After a lifetime spent studying flat-pack 
furniture assembly instructions [EMAIL PROTECTED],finally published his 
translation to a waiting world as :- :

 Since last october, when I installed LMDK 8.1, no sound has came out of my
 laptop. I know that the sound card NeoMagic NM256AV has been a headhache
 for some newbies like me. I already used pnptools, sndconfig,
 name it! and no positive results, yet. Some CD music but no MP3s. Anyway, I
 would be very thankful for a good advice.

 My detect:

 CPU:GenuineIntel:Celeron (Mendocino):398:[HAS_FPU:HAS_MMX]:794.62:(none)
 BRIDGE:PCI:Intel Corporation:440BX/ZX - 82443BX/ZX Host bridge:ignore
 BRIDGE:PCI:Intel Corporation:440BX/ZX - 82443BX/ZX AGP bridge:ignore
 BRIDGE:PCI:Intel Corporation:82371AB PIIX4 ISA:unknown
 BRIDGE:PCI:Texas Instruments:PCI1225:i82365
 BRIDGE:PCI:Texas Instruments:PCI1225:i82365
 IDE:PCI:Intel Corporation:82371AB PIIX4 IDE:unknown
 USB:PCI:Intel Corporation:82371AB PIIX4 USB:usb-uhci
 USB:PCI:NEC Corporation:USB:usb-ohci
 USB:PCI:NEC Corporation:USB:usb-ohci
 DISK:ATAPI/IDE:Unknown:TOSHIBA MK2016GAP:/dev/hda:39070080:240:63:2584
 FLOPPY:Floppy Drive Controller:Unknown:1.44MB 3.5:/dev/fd0
 VIDEO:PCI:Neomagic Corporation:(laptop/notebook)[MagicMedia
 256AV]:[Card:NeoMagic]:256:(null):(null) SOUND:PCI:Neomagic
 Corporation:[MagicMedia 256AV Audio]:[]:nm256
 MODEM:PCI:Lucent Microelectronics:56k WinModem:Not Available:-1:unknown
 PRINTER:USB:Unknown:Unknown:Not Available
 OTHER:80867113:PCI:Intel Corporation:82371AB PIIX4 ACPI:ignore
 OTHER:103300e0:PCI:NEC Corporation:Unknown:Unknown
 OTHER:04511446:USB:Texas Instruments:TUSB2040 Hub:unknown

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Poogle. Derby,England  Linux MDK 8.2 with
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 10:31am  up 25 min,  2 users,  load average: 0.16, 0.11, 0.09

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Re: [newbie] KDE3.0 a BIG disappointment.

2002-04-07 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

It isn't a good answer, but it's the truth whether you like it or not. Before
the official release, the only people who would use the (unfinished) product are
people who know what they're doing and who are willing to experiment (i.e.
mostly developers and testers). Most people aren't like this, so the software is
only tested in a limited combination of system setups and configurations. KDE3
probably works quite well on most of the developers' and testers' computers, and
so was judged to be ready for release. Once the official release is made, an
endless minefield of possibilities is opened as ordinary users decide to try
this stable release. Things are bound to go wrong, and you'll probably have to
wait for a 3.1 release to have decent stability.

This is normal, and is to be expected. It happened with KDE 1.0, GNOME 1.0 and
KDE 2.0. I am expecting it to happen to GNOME 2.0. It happens to commercial
software as well, but many companies have the resources to test their software
on a variety of configurations before releasing. Also, KDE is far broader in
scope than most commercial applications, so there is more that can go wrong.

On Sun, 7 Apr 2002 21:06:48 +1000, Peter Nunn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Sorry, but that really isn't a good answer.  Surely if its been released
 (and this isn't a release candidate any more) it should at least run.
 If it was still Beta, I would expect these sort of problems.  It isn't..
 Not bad mouthing you I hasten to add, but its not doing there cause any good
 I wouldn't have thought.
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Sridhar Dhanapalan
  Sent: Sunday, 7 April 2002 8:49 PM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] KDE3.0 a BIG disappointment.
  On Sun, 7 Apr 2002 19:45:45 +1000, Peter Nunn
   KDE 3.0 is simply not ready yet...
   I spent 24 hours downloading it (yes, I'm on a dialup),
  installed it with
   the instructions given here (and it worked fine).
   every time I log in it takes me through the stupid setup screen. Its now
   lost my panel for some reason (and I can't get it back), and I
  can't get the
   sound working at all (all of which are fine under 2.2).
   This is a real bummer because it looks so much better.
   Has anyone heard of a workaround for this mess yet?  I've
  searched, but not
   turned up anything.
  Instability is to be expected from a x.0 release. Many major
  changes were made, and things will take a while to settle down.
  This is the
  reason why MandrakeSoft didn't include KDE 3.0 in Mandrake 8.2,
  despite much
  When KDE 2.0 was released, it refused to run on my system. I had
  to wait for the
  2.1 release before it was of any use to me.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

The Internet cannot be removed from your Desktop.
Do you want to delete the Internet now?
-- Microsoft Windows 95

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Re: [newbie] KDE3.0 a BIG disappointment.

2002-04-07 Thread Damian

El dom, 07-04-2002 a las 06:45, Peter Nunn escribió:
 KDE 3.0 is simply not ready yet...
 I spent 24 hours downloading it (yes, I'm on a dialup), installed it with
 the instructions given here (and it worked fine).
 every time I log in it takes me through the stupid setup screen. Its now
 lost my panel for some reason (and I can't get it back), and I can't get the
 sound working at all (all of which are fine under 2.2).
 This is a real bummer because it looks so much better.
 Has anyone heard of a workaround for this mess yet?  I've searched, but not
 turned up anything.

..hmm.. you can try this:

1) delete ( or rename ) your /home/(whoever)/.kde directories.

log in, configure as you please, and log out with the save
session check.



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[newbie] recovering files after formatting

2002-04-07 Thread Paulo Justiniano Ribeiro Jr

I have mistakenly formatted a partition with some important data
while installing Mandrake 8.2.
The partition is still there with same size etc.
Any chance I can recover the data?


Paulo Justiniano Ribeiro Jr
Departamento de Estatistica
Universidade Federal do Parana'
Caixa Postal 19.081
CEP 81.531-990
Curitiba, PR  -  Brasil

e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (english) (portugues)

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Re: [newbie] DrakGW only on restart

2002-04-07 Thread Paul Rodríguez


On Sun, 2002-04-07 at 10:06, Brian Parish wrote:
 I assume that you are using 8.1?  If so, see if this matches your
 problem (from the errata): 
 Error scenario: Internet Connection Sharing (which can be configured
 from the Mandrake Control Center) will be setup correctly, but does not
 work after rebooting the system. 
 Why: The default firewall configuration flushes the forwarding rules set
 up at the beginning of the boot. It happens only if you did not setup
 the Tiny Firewall from the Mandrake Control Center. 
 Solution: Because the default firewall configuration does nothing but
 remove existing rules, you can simply remove the instructions to do this
 by removing, as root, the /etc/sysconfig/iptables file (rm
 /etc/sysconfig/iptables). If you have configured the Tiny Firewall,
 this problem will not affect your system. 
 On Sun, 2002-04-07 at 09:16, Paul Rodríguez wrote:
  I saw this question recently, but couldn't find the message.  
  When I set up my gateway using drakgw, it works fine untill I reboot. 
  After restarting my computer I need to run drakgw again.
  How can I solve this?
  - Paul
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 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] ATI Radeon, XFree 4.2 and Mandrake 8.2: Are they getting along?

2002-04-07 Thread Charles A Edwards

On 07 Apr 2002 14:01:27 +0300
Serge [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sun, 2002-04-07 at 14:25, Charles A Edwards wrote:
  On 07 Apr 2002 08:10:24 +0300
  Serge [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   With Mandrake 8.1 [and XFree86-4.1] all the 3D games or programs worked
   After installing Mandrake 8.2, some of these applications do not work,
   some of these games make my system freeze completely.
   I have an ATI Radeon 68 DDR card.
   By the way if i want to watch dvd, i have now to disable Xv when
   compiling vlc , if not the movies go very slowly. [I cannot watch dvd
   with the Mandrake xine packages].
   Thank for help!
  Just thought about this as I was about to send.
  If you did a clean install of 8.2 did you remember to install Mesa and the Mesa 
libs, they are not done by default.   
 Option  AGPMode  1
 Option  DPMS  on

Your XF86Config-4 looks OK.
You could change the AGPMode to 4

I keep feeling that your problem has to be with Mesa.
Do rpm -q Mesa.
You should have Mesa-4.0.1-4mdk.

Su to root and launch glxgears from a terminal.
You should see the line Loading required GL library /usr/X11R6/lib/ 

Let gears run for 15-20 sec.
What is your average FBS?
Depending upon your WM you should be able to get around 1200-1500 FBS.


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Re: [newbie] unable to access directory in mswindows partition

2002-04-07 Thread Damian

El vie, 05-04-2002 a las 12:04, Fred Fraley escribió:
   Since changing from Mandrake 8.0 to 8.2, I can't open Agent with Wine 
 (Codeweavers) though it worked fine before without any special effort, once I 
 got the command line right.
   I get the following error message:
 Unable to access directory C:\Program Files\Agent\DATA for writing
 Permissions are set to 0755 all along the path.  It apparently is at least 
 readable now, since it is a windows error message that is titled Agent  
 What am I missing, please?
   I really don't want to have to boot MSWin just to read newsgroups and don't 
 want to duplicate the disk space by keeping the same groups in Linux.  
   I do notice the message says DATA and the directory shows up as Data, but 
 from a terminal I can open it as DATA, Data, or data.  Which raises a whole 
 new question in my poor DOS befuddled head, since windows, Windows, and 
 WINDOWS most assuredly does NOT work just a directory or two higher.
   Before someone lectures me g I use Pan for myself.  These are groups 
 multiple family members use.  Makes a good example for the kids of the idea 
 of shared (Agent) and private (pan).

windows partitions are mounted as read-only for regular users...
did you try to make a file in that directory? if it says permission
denied, then you should try to run wine in a konsole, as root..

or modify /etc/fstab so it's mounted as read/write



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Re: [newbie] KDE3.0 a BIG disappointment.

2002-04-07 Thread Iuri Fiedoruk

Em Dom 07 Abr 2002 08:06, Peter Nunn escreveu:
 Sorry, but that really isn't a good answer.  Surely if its been released
 (and this isn't a release candidate any more) it should at least run.

 If it was still Beta, I would expect these sort of problems.  It isn't..

 Not bad mouthing you I hasten to add, but its not doing there cause any
 good I wouldn't have thought.


You're right. The fault if from the rpms Mandrake did.
Take the optimized rpms from texstar ( because they fix
all the problems I had with MDK rpms (kpresenter and arts).
If you don't want to download all the packages, there is instructions to at
least fix the kpresenter showing every start of KDE.
I still have problems with path on kde3 konsole, but this is a minor thing
once I can use execute app from kmenu.

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[newbie] Permission problem on dev/dsp

2002-04-07 Thread William Mathieu

Description: filename="text1.sdw"

Re: [newbie] SM56 in Mandrake 8.2

2002-04-07 Thread Carlos Alberto Lima dos Santos

  This are the settings with I verified, but I don't know what can be

  0:  89312  XT-PIC  timer
  1:   1389  XT-PIC  keyboard
  2:  0  XT-PIC  cascade
  5:   1386  XT-PIC  usb-uhci, es1371
  6: 20  XT-PIC  floppy
  8:  1  XT-PIC  rtc
 12:  25974  XT-PIC  PS/2 Mouse
 14:  8  XT-PIC  ide0
 15:  23971  XT-PIC  ide1
NMI:  0 
LOC:  0 
ERR:  0
MIS:  0

-001f : dma1
0020-003f : pic1
0040-005f : timer
0060-006f : keyboard
0070-007f : rtc
0080-008f : dma page reg
00a0-00bf : pic2
00c0-00df : dma2
00f0-00ff : fpu
0170-0177 : ide1
01f0-01f7 : ide0
02f8-02ff : serial(auto)
0376-0376 : ide1
03c0-03df : vga+
03f0-03f5 : floppy
03f6-03f6 : ide0
03f7-03f7 : floppy DIR
03f8-03ff : serial(auto)
0cf8-0cff : PCI conf1
b000-b03f : Ensoniq 5880 AudioPCI
  b000-b03f : es1371
b400-b41f : VIA Technologies, Inc. UHCI USB
  b400-b41f : usb-uhci
b800-b80f : VIA Technologies, Inc. Bus Master IDE
  b800-b807 : ide0
  b808-b80f : ide1
d000-dfff : PCI Bus #01
  d800-d87f : PCI device 1039:0300 (Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS])

PCI devices found:
  Bus  0, device   0, function  0:
Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C693A/694x [Apollo PRO133x] (rev
  Prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe400 [0xe7ff].
  Bus  0, device   1, function  0:
PCI bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C598/694x [Apollo MVP3/Pro133x AGP]
(rev 0).
  Master Capable.  No bursts.  Min Gnt=8.
  Bus  0, device   4, function  0:
ISA bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C596 ISA [Mobile South] (rev 35).
  Bus  0, device   4, function  1:
IDE interface: VIA Technologies, Inc. Bus Master IDE (rev 16).
  Master Capable.  Latency=32.  
  I/O at 0xb800 [0xb80f].
  Bus  0, device   4, function  2:
USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. UHCI USB (rev 17).
  IRQ 5.
  Master Capable.  Latency=32.  
  I/O at 0xb400 [0xb41f].
  Bus  0, device   4, function  3:
Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C596 Power Management (rev 48).
  Bus  0, device   9, function  0:
Multimedia audio controller: Ensoniq 5880 AudioPCI (rev 2).
  IRQ 5.
  Master Capable.  Latency=32.  Min Gnt=12.Max Lat=128.
  I/O at 0xb000 [0xb03f].
  Bus  0, device  11, function  0:
Communication controller: Motorola SM56 PCI Modem (rev 0).
  IRQ 10.
  Master Capable.  Latency=32.  Min Gnt=1.Max Lat=255.
  Prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xd700 [0xd7ff].
  Bus  1, device   0, function  0:
VGA compatible controller: PCI device 1039:0300 (Silicon Integrated Systems
[SiS]) (rev 144).
  IRQ 11.
  Prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xd800 [0xdfff].
  Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xd680 [0xd681].
  I/O at 0xd800 [0xd87f].

 --- Joseph Braddock [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:  Look at
/proc/interrupts and see what IRQ Linux is finding it at or if
 something else is using IRQ9.  Then, maybe you can change the settings on the
 modem or whatever is using the interrupt.
 On Sat, 6 Apr 2002 18:02:07 -0300 (ART)
 Carlos Alberto Lima dos Santos [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I have a modem SM56, and until the version 8.0, this modem functioned
  without problems, I Istalled the driver gotten directly of motorola.
I reinstalled de Mandrake Linux 8.2 and now the modem not is located.
In the win2000 the modem is found in COM3 / IRQ9 (D700 -
  The LinuxConf dont't obtain to find the correct pattern. The HardDark to
  recognize the sm56 modem, but I don't obtain to use the modem.
For more information under this modem I visited this site:
  Carlos Alberto L. dos Santos (TOCA)
  Eng. de Computação - Puc-Campinas(SP) - Brasil

  Yahoo! Empregos
  O trabalho dos seus sonhos pode estar aqui. Cadastre-se hoje mesmo no
 Yahoo! Empregos e tenha acesso a milhares de vagas abertas!
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Carlos Alberto L. dos Santos (TOCA)
Eng. de Computação - Puc-Campinas(SP) - Brasil

Yahoo! Empregos
O trabalho dos seus sonhos pode estar aqui. Cadastre-se hoje mesmo no Yahoo! Empregos 
e tenha acesso a milhares de vagas abertas!

Want to buy your 

Re: [newbie] install for a laptop

2002-04-07 Thread Gerard van Winssen

Op zondag 7 april 2002 01:14, schreef u:

In addition to Derek I can add here that if you insert the card you should 
hear 2 high beeps.
That's a good sign.
If you hear 1 high and 1 low beep, it's not o.k.
That's a bad sign.
Offcourse, pcmcia as a service should be enabled in control centre - services
Gerard van Winssen

Keyboard not connected
Hit any key to continue

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[newbie] OT - bash-how to operate on nested directories

2002-04-07 Thread Todd Slater

I'm trying to write a script to generate m3u playlists of all my mp3s and
oggs. Then I'll create a cron job so that my m3u lists get updated from
time to time.

I can generate a playlist using: find /tunes -type f -follow -name '*.ogg'
-o -name '*.mp3' -o -name '*.MP3'  | sort  myplaylist.m3u. This includes
all the files in all the folders in /tunes.

But what if I want to generate playlists for each directory under /tunes?
I've got /tunes/mp3-blues/albert king, /tunes/mp3-blues/freddie king

I can generate a list of directories under /tunes, but I don't know how to
pass that on so I can do something with it. With my limited knowledge, I
think I'll need to do a for loop (?)

Any pointers and suggestions would be very welcome.


Todd Slater
3:44pm up 11 days, 16:12, 2 users, load average: 0.31, 0.14, 0.11
Education is a private matter between the person and the world of
knowledge and experience, and has little to do with school or college.
(Lillian Smith)

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Re: [newbie] Where are the old versions?

2002-04-07 Thread Frans Ketelaars

On Sat, 6 Apr 2002 15:22:49 -0800 (PST)
Bruce Zink [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- civileme [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Bruce Zink wrote:
  I'm having trouble getting 8.2 to install on my
  machine.  I'd like to try 8.0 or 8.1, but the
  download site only points to 8.2, 7.1, and 8.0 for
  PPC.  Where do I find the others?
  What sort of machine?
  Did you try booting from CD2 and selecting an
  alternate install image?
  8.2 is far better than the other two, and most
  problems we have seen is 
  that a machine will not read well what another
  burned (wither media or 
  the devices preparing or reading it).
  You can find older ones at a limited selection of
  sites like
 I'm working with and IBM Aptiva, AMD K-6 350 MHz,
 192MB RAM.
 I've tried installing 8.2 and 8.1 now (thanks for the
 help, guys) and will soon try 8.0.
 Both 8.2 and 8.1 boot, ask if I want to install, and
 then tell me they are Unable to uncompress 2nd stage
 RAMdisk because of some sort of hardware error.

Additional info would be apreciated ;) Maybe a corrupted download (check the 
md5sum), badly burned CD (IIRC a burn speed of 4X is recommended) or problems 
reading the CD correctly (try another, _no_ 'high rotation speed' one)?

 7.1 installed without any problem.
 Yes, I did burn the CDs on another computer.  Anywork
 around there that you can think of?
 I don't understand what you mean by booting from CD2
 and selecting an alternate CD image.  Where can I
 read about that?

Well, you tried to install 8.2 by letting the system boot from your CDROM
with CD1, now try the same with CD2, it should give you some extra options 
to get the install to proceed :) HTH,


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[newbie] Moving HD's

2002-04-07 Thread Carroll Grigsby

Currently, my drives are set up as follows:
Primary master (hda) - old, slow, and possibly flakey IDE. Win98SE only 
with two FAT32 partitions
Primary slave (hdb) - nice ATA100 IDE. Mandrake 8.1 with /, /boot, 
/home, /swap, /archives partitions -- some Reiser and some ext2.
Secondary master (hdc) - CD-ROM
Secondary slave (hdd and scd0) - CD-RW

I just bought a new Maxtor ATA 133 IDE HD to replace the windows drive. The 
plan is to move my current windows installation to it. (Yeah, I know, but 
there's some stuff that doesn't work in Linux.) I've done this before and 
it's worked well. I'll have about 10 gb free space there for future use.

Problem: Maxtor wants each of the two hard drives to be set up as the master 
on separate channels. My concern is that Mandrake will move from hdb to hdc, 
and the CD-ROM goes from hdc to hdb. Is this going to create problems, or is 
there a simple way to do this? FWIW, a complete 8.1 reinstall wouldn't be all 
that big a deal, but if there's a simpler way I'd like to hear about it.

-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] SM56 in Mandrake 8.2

2002-04-07 Thread Joseph Braddock

It's odd that pci shows the modem using IRQ 10 but interrupts don't show it listed.  
Are you sure you have the modem driver installed correctly?  Maybe that it's not 
actually loading.  Here's something to try.  Open a terminal window and su to change 
to root.  Then run modemconf and see if it detects your modem.  It may not, 
particularly if you are using IRQ 10.  Click on the detect button and see if it finds 
it then.  If it does, you should click the accept button.  This will create a link 
between /dev/modem and the actual device.


On Sun, 7 Apr 2002 16:32:28 -0300 (ART)
Carlos Alberto Lima dos Santos [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   This are the settings with I verified, but I don't know what can be
   0:  89312  XT-PIC  timer
   1:   1389  XT-PIC  keyboard
   2:  0  XT-PIC  cascade
   5:   1386  XT-PIC  usb-uhci, es1371
   6: 20  XT-PIC  floppy
   8:  1  XT-PIC  rtc
  12:  25974  XT-PIC  PS/2 Mouse
  14:  8  XT-PIC  ide0
  15:  23971  XT-PIC  ide1
 NMI:  0 
 LOC:  0 
 ERR:  0
 MIS:  0
 -001f : dma1
 0020-003f : pic1
 0040-005f : timer
 0060-006f : keyboard
 0070-007f : rtc
 0080-008f : dma page reg
 00a0-00bf : pic2
 00c0-00df : dma2
 00f0-00ff : fpu
 0170-0177 : ide1
 01f0-01f7 : ide0
 02f8-02ff : serial(auto)
 0376-0376 : ide1
 03c0-03df : vga+
 03f0-03f5 : floppy
 03f6-03f6 : ide0
 03f7-03f7 : floppy DIR
 03f8-03ff : serial(auto)
 0cf8-0cff : PCI conf1
 b000-b03f : Ensoniq 5880 AudioPCI
   b000-b03f : es1371
 b400-b41f : VIA Technologies, Inc. UHCI USB
   b400-b41f : usb-uhci
 b800-b80f : VIA Technologies, Inc. Bus Master IDE
   b800-b807 : ide0
   b808-b80f : ide1
 d000-dfff : PCI Bus #01
   d800-d87f : PCI device 1039:0300 (Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS])
 PCI devices found:
   Bus  0, device   0, function  0:
 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C693A/694x [Apollo PRO133x] (rev
   Prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe400 [0xe7ff].
   Bus  0, device   1, function  0:
 PCI bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C598/694x [Apollo MVP3/Pro133x AGP]
 (rev 0).
   Master Capable.  No bursts.  Min Gnt=8.
   Bus  0, device   4, function  0:
 ISA bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C596 ISA [Mobile South] (rev 35).
   Bus  0, device   4, function  1:
 IDE interface: VIA Technologies, Inc. Bus Master IDE (rev 16).
   Master Capable.  Latency=32.  
   I/O at 0xb800 [0xb80f].
   Bus  0, device   4, function  2:
 USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. UHCI USB (rev 17).
   IRQ 5.
   Master Capable.  Latency=32.  
   I/O at 0xb400 [0xb41f].
   Bus  0, device   4, function  3:
 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C596 Power Management (rev 48).
   Bus  0, device   9, function  0:
 Multimedia audio controller: Ensoniq 5880 AudioPCI (rev 2).
   IRQ 5.
   Master Capable.  Latency=32.  Min Gnt=12.Max Lat=128.
   I/O at 0xb000 [0xb03f].
   Bus  0, device  11, function  0:
 Communication controller: Motorola SM56 PCI Modem (rev 0).
   IRQ 10.
   Master Capable.  Latency=32.  Min Gnt=1.Max Lat=255.
   Prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xd700 [0xd7ff].
   Bus  1, device   0, function  0:
 VGA compatible controller: PCI device 1039:0300 (Silicon Integrated Systems
 [SiS]) (rev 144).
   IRQ 11.
   Prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xd800 [0xdfff].
   Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xd680 [0xd681].
   I/O at 0xd800 [0xd87f].
  --- Joseph Braddock [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:  Look at
 /proc/interrupts and see what IRQ Linux is finding it at or if
  something else is using IRQ9.  Then, maybe you can change the settings on the
  modem or whatever is using the interrupt.
  On Sat, 6 Apr 2002 18:02:07 -0300 (ART)
  Carlos Alberto Lima dos Santos [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a modem SM56, and until the version 8.0, this modem functioned
   without problems, I Istalled the driver gotten directly of motorola.
 I reinstalled de Mandrake Linux 8.2 and now the modem not is located.
 In the win2000 the modem is found in COM3 / IRQ9 (D700 -
   The LinuxConf dont't obtain to find the correct pattern. The HardDark to
   recognize the sm56 modem, but I don't obtain to use the modem.
 For more information under this modem I visited this site:
   Carlos Alberto L. dos Santos (TOCA)
   Eng. de Computação - Puc-Campinas(SP) - Brasil

[newbie] Video on SUN enterprise 250

2002-04-07 Thread Wilson E.Lozano Rolón

Hi everybody...
I installed Mandrake Corporate 1.0 in a server Sun Enterprise 250 with monitor sun 17 
and PGX32 PCI graphics card. During installing process, i couldn't init the graphic 
mode, then i intalled in text mode. Now, the configuration (Monitor an video card) 
don't exist.. Corporate server suport graphic mode to sun enterprise 250?
Thanks in advanced.
Pd: sorry.. my english is not good.

Wilson Lozano

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Re: [newbie] KDE3.0

2002-04-07 Thread shane

On Saturday 06 April 2002 10:28, James Thomas opened a general hailing 
frequency and transmitted to all open stations:

 I actually just downloaded and installed KDE 3.0 and have been playing
 with it for a bit.

 Anyway, all I did was download all of the KDE 3.0 files for Mandrake 8.2
 (there's a link from kde's main site). Then I (as root) cd'ed into the
 appropriate directory and just did: urpmi *.rpm and it fixed all the
 dependencies I didn't have installed for me - all I had to do was insert
 Disk 1 when it asked for it.

ok stupid question maybe, but having just done the above, how do i et 
back to 2.2.2 if i want i only have one entry for kde when i log in and it 
gives me 3.

i used texstars rpms by the way

Save a tree... eat a beaver.

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[newbie] graphical boot up under 8.2

2002-04-07 Thread quaylar

hiho all,

I am wondering why i haven´t already read such a question here (or did i 
miss it ?).
Anyway - as the subject says - how can i get rid of this graphical bootup 
screen - it SUCKS !

I want the normal text bootup back, black background and linux kernel 
messages floating down my screen.

I already searched in deja which turned up with the solution to uninstall 
the bootsplash rpm and removin the quit option from the append line
in lilo.conf.
It didnt solve my problem - in 8.1 one was able to switch off this 
feature in mandrake control - but this isnt possible any more, the option 
is gone (why )
So - can anybody provide a solution to this (i am pretty sure there are 
lots of u who want to kick this graphical bootup too ;)



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Re: [newbie] graphical boot up under 8.2

2002-04-07 Thread ai4a

quaylar wrote:
 hiho all,
 I am wondering why i haven´t already read such a question here (or did i
 miss it ?).
 Anyway - as the subject says - how can i get rid of this graphical bootup
 screen - it SUCKS !
 I want the normal text bootup back, black background and linux kernel
 messages floating down my screen.
 I already searched in deja which turned up with the solution to uninstall
 the bootsplash rpm and removin the quit option from the append line
 in lilo.conf.
 It didnt solve my problem - in 8.1 one was able to switch off this
 feature in mandrake control - but this isnt possible any more, the option
 is gone (why )
 So - can anybody provide a solution to this (i am pretty sure there are
 lots of u who want to kick this graphical bootup too ;)
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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If you are using lilo as a boot manager remove the 'quiet' keyword from
the append line in /etc/lilo.conf. Also, I changed the 'vga=xxx' to
'vga=791'. This puts the screen in 1024x768 mode. Make sure you have a
backup way to load linux so you can chage it back if necessary.  By the
way, the 'vga=791 also put my virtual consoles into 1024x768 mode. Makes
it very nice. Now the vc screen is easy to read and there are lots more
lines per screen. Do not forget to execute lilo after the above changes. 

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Re: [newbie] Moving HD's

2002-04-07 Thread s

On Sunday 07 April 2002 04:17 pm, Carroll Grigsby wrote:

 I just bought a new Maxtor ATA 133 IDE HD to replace the windows drive. 

good luck.  and if it works - please tell me the trick.  I have a 80 gig 133 
that's just a paper weight right now.  

 Problem: Maxtor wants each of the two hard drives to be set up as the
 master on separate channels. 

aaa, don't listen to em.  Set one as master and one as slave on primary ide.

What kind of mobo you hooking up to?

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Re: [newbie] Moving HD's

2002-04-07 Thread Charlie

Carroll Grigsby's message on April 7, 2002 03:17 pm, stated:
 Problem: Maxtor wants each of the two hard drives to be set up as the master
 on separate channels. My concern is that Mandrake will move from hdb to hdc,
 and the CD-ROM goes from hdc to hdb. Is this going to create problems, or is
 there a simple way to do this? FWIW, a complete 8.1 reinstall wouldn't be
 all that big a deal, but if there's a simpler way I'd like to hear about it.

 -- cmg
Maxtor wants WHAT?!? I have an old (November '99) Maxtor 13 GB in this box 
and a new Maxtor 60 GB (HDMAATA6006 7200RPM UDMA 133) that I added last 
weekend when I 'updated' to MDK 8.2 from 8.1. The 60 is primary slave 
(laziness was the prime factor :-)), the BIOS needed to be flashed in order 
to have it recognize the new drive during POST even though Mandrake saw and 
used it. I don't have Windows at all but that should make no difference in 
any case. 

Did you use that phony MaxBlast utility? I helped a friend install Mandrake 
on a new 40 GB last weekend and had difficulty with the new drive after he 
ran that. He also has a 20 GB Maxtor as Primary Master with Windows 98 SE 
installed, the 40 is slaved with Mandrake occupying most of it other than a 6 
GB FAT32 partition at the end for shared resources (MP3s and images mostly). 
I haven't run MaxBlast at all on my box.

I'm not sure what to say since I didn't need to use the fdisk you get with MS 
operating  systems here, but I don't think you need to have the disks on 
separate channels. All I can think of is the requirement by Windows to be on 
the Primary Master IDE. I don't know why that would matter with what you are 

What are you using to move Windows? If it were my system I would probably 
take the Mandrake disk out of the loop totally until I had finished with 
Windows. Slave the new drive and use Mirror Image or whatever to transfer 
then swap the drives back the way you want them. The new one will then be 
primary master to satisfy that requirement and 'Drake should handle itself.

Makes sense maybe?
Charlie in Edmonton, AB., Canada
Mandrake 8.2
registered user 244963
4:50pm up 1 day, 3:52, 2 users, load average: 0.01, 0.10, 0.13

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Re: [newbie] Boat Anchor??? (FIXED)

2002-04-07 Thread Linus Drouhard

On Saturday 06 April 2002 10:29 pm, you wrote:
 Hi all,
   I have following this list for some 8 or 9 months now and have obtained a
 lot of useful advice and tips.  I'm now operating what is close to becoming
 a boat anchor.  I have an AMD K6-2 running at 420 MHz in an ASUS P5A
 motherboard.  Most everything else is standard, SB16, Nvidia TNT2, 160MB
 Ram, two 20 Gig Maxtor drives, Ricoh CD-RW and generic CD-reader.  I have
 been fighting a weird problem the last couple of weeks.  I loaded MD 8.2
 and really liked it, but could not get a printer installed.  Whenever I ran
 PrinterDrake, it asked me for Disc 1 and tried to install something.  My
 computer would freeze solid during install, responding only to the reset
 button.  I tried a fresh reinstall of MD 8.2.  Same.  Tried a fresh install
 of 8.1.  Froze during the install.  Civileme suggested a bad CD.  I burned
 a new one.  Same.  I tried installing from a different CD-drive.  Same.  I
 pulled my soundcard and every other non-essential card and disk drive.  I
 was able to reinstall MD 8.2.  I ran PrinterDrake.  It wanted to install
 some package again (CUPS and Foomatic, I believe).  Out of frustration, I
 just hit cancel and you guessed it, it worked!  I now have a printer.  I
 thought I was home free.  Remember the soundcard I pulled?  I reinstalled
 the card and tried to run soundcfg.  Not there.  I ran software manager. 
 Froze.  Solid.

 At this point, I'm at a loss, other than tying it to a boat.  Any
 suggestions?  Has anyone had good experiences with an ECS K7S5A

 Thanks for bearing with my rantings and ramblings.  Even if I don't figure
 it out... I feel better.


I did NOT have to toss my computer into 100 feet of water.  Civileme provided 
me with the information needed to solve the problem.  He suggested that I 
might have an inferior CD reader.  I believed my venerable Ricoh burner was 
also a good reader.  Wrong!  My cheapy 40x reader is actually better.  After 
switching the CD's around so that the cheapy is the first CD, everything now 
works!  Lesson - listen to Civileme's advice.  He generally knows what he's 
talking about.  Thank you Civileme.


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Re: [newbie] OT - bash-how to operate on nested directories

2002-04-07 Thread Todd Slater

On Sun, 7 Apr 2002 15:53:07 -0400
Todd Slater [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I can generate a playlist using: find /tunes -type f -follow -name
 '*.ogg'-o -name '*.mp3' -o -name '*.MP3'  | sort  myplaylist.m3u. This
 includes all the files in all the folders in /tunes.
 But what if I want to generate playlists for each directory under
 /tunes? I've got /tunes/mp3-blues/albert king, /tunes/mp3-blues/freddie
 king etc...
 I can generate a list of directories under /tunes, but I don't know how
 to pass that on so I can do something with it. With my limited
 knowledge, I think I'll need to do a for loop (?)

After a little more digging, I managed this:

for folder in `find /tunes -type d`
find $folder -type f -follow -name '*.ogg' -o -name '*.mp3' -o
-name '*.MP3' | sort  $folder/playlist.m3u done

It does basically what I want it to do--generates playlists for the mp3s
and oggs in every folder and subfolder. BUT, it would be really cool if I
could get each m3u file to have a more telling name--like
talking_heads_playlist.m3u. I tried doing this with
$folder/$folder_playlist.m3u, but that $folder is the path, and I just
want the name of the current folder. (and it generated
errors--/tunes/talking_heads//tunes/talking_heads file not found)

Is it possible to pull out just the current directory (ignoring the path)
to use in the filename?

Todd (almost there)

Todd Slater
8:47pm up 11 days, 21:15, 2 users, load average: 0.35, 0.35, 0.28
School days, I believe, are the unhappiest in the whole span of human
existence. They are full of dull, unintelligible tasks, new and unpleasant
ordinances, and brutal violations of common sense and common decency.
(H.L. Mencken)

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[newbie] wavelan is not up

2002-04-07 Thread Li Tan

Hi, I am new to mandrake 8.2, I met 
some problem to setup wavelan wireless card. I think Mandrake 8.2 setup the card 
successfully during the system installation because it could doupdate 
installation in the final step and the light flashed quickly. However after 
system reboot, the eth0 --failed to be loaded and modprobe wvlan_cs 
seemed not working.

What's wrong with it? How can i fix 



[newbie] slow mnt in konqueror file manager

2002-04-07 Thread Bill Winegarden

I'm running LM8.2 on a Dell laptop. An irritating problem is that whenever I 
click on mnt in Konqueror it takes minutes to list its sub-directories. It 
appears to freeze until it finally displays.
Anyone else run into this?

Bill W.

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[newbie] Strange 101010101 problem when booting

2002-04-07 Thread Mike Shilling


I have a problem with 8.2. 

Im installing on a scsi hard disk but my boot record is going on my
primary master IDE disk in the computer.  The disk also has Windows XP
on it.  

After installation (which goes flawlessly) Instead of getting the LILO
prompt, I get a scrolling screen of 101010101010101010101010 and it
never stops.

I have to repair the boot record back to the original windws one to get
it working again, but I am unable to use Mandrake.

Any help would be appreciated.

Here is my system:

Athlon 1.4
Main boot drive is IDE (ultra 100)
Linux drive is IBM SCSI drive on an adaptec ultra 160 card
kyroII vid card
etc etc. 

If there is anything else you need, please ask as this has been driving
me crazy!

I tried the graphical LILO as well as the text only LILO.  Neither
helped.  I also tried installing LILO and the boot info to a floppy
disk, and it STILL happened.



Mike S.

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Re: [newbie] Moving HD's

2002-04-07 Thread s

On Sunday 07 April 2002 06:17 pm, Charlie wrote:
 Maxtor wants WHAT?!? I have an old (November '99) Maxtor 13 GB in this
 box and a new Maxtor 60 GB (HDMAATA6006 7200RPM UDMA 133) that I added last
 weekend when I 'updated' to MDK 8.2 from 8.1. The 60 is primary slave
 (laziness was the prime factor :-)), the BIOS needed to be flashed in order
 to have it recognize the new drive during POST even though Mandrake saw and
 used it. I don't have Windows at all but that should make no difference in
 any case.

Man, don't know why I can't get mine to work.  I only have an ata 100 mobo, 
but the bios recognized it, but no linux could get past the partition probe 
to install.  I put it on a controller card and still no joy.

What kind of mobo are you using?  

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Re: [newbie] Moving HD's

2002-04-07 Thread Charlie

s's message on April 7, 2002 09:46 pm, stated:
 Man, don't know why I can't get mine to work.  I only have an ata 100 mobo,
 but the bios recognized it, but no linux could get past the partition probe
 to install.  I put it on a controller card and still no joy.

 What kind of mobo are you using?

Believe it or not it's an old ABit BX6 revision 2 (ATA 33) that I have had 
since 1999. When I first put the new hard drive in I had to disable the BIOS 
auto detect until I was able to flash it but Mandrake 8.2 found it and 
identified it properly and I was able to take care of it. After the BIOS 
update I just ran the auto detect and booted. Didn't change a thing. The hard 
drive is supposed to be backwards compatible and this seems to be the case. 
It isn't working as an ATA 133 since the board isn't capable of utilizing it  
that way, but the ECS K7S5A that I installed the 40 GB on for my friend is 
running as an ATA 100. That board is supposed to be a nightmare from things 
I've read but his works acceptably well.

Must be those horse shoes? grin
Charlie in Edmonton, AB., Canada
Mandrake 8.2
registered user 244963
10:05pm up 1 day, 9:07, 2 users, load average: 0.17, 0.07, 0.02

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Re: [newbie] Strange 101010101 problem when booting

2002-04-07 Thread Charlie

Mike Shilling's message on April 7, 2002 08:53 pm, stated:

 I have a problem with 8.2.

 Im installing on a scsi hard disk but my boot record is going on my
 primary master IDE disk in the computer.  The disk also has Windows XP
 on it.

 After installation (which goes flawlessly) Instead of getting the LILO
 prompt, I get a scrolling screen of 101010101010101010101010 and it
 never stops.

 I have to repair the boot record back to the original windws one to get
 it working again, but I am unable to use Mandrake.

 Any help would be appreciated.

 Here is my system:

 Athlon 1.4
 512 DDR RAM
 Main boot drive is IDE (ultra 100)
 Linux drive is IBM SCSI drive on an adaptec ultra 160 card
 kyroII vid card
 etc etc.

 If there is anything else you need, please ask as this has been driving
 me crazy!

 I tried the graphical LILO as well as the text only LILO.  Neither
 helped.  I also tried installing LILO and the boot info to a floppy
 disk, and it STILL happened.



 Mike S.

Mine did the exact same thing on first boot but I used the MS three finger 
salute and booted from the  floppy and  all went well every time since. No 
SCSI drives but two Maxtors (13 GB master and 60 GB slave on primary IDE 
channel). I hadn't updated the BIOS yet when I had that problem either. No 
trouble since then, even though it took me nearly a week to get my act 
together long enough to flash it. 

You did make a boot disk, didn't you?
Charlie in Edmonton, AB., Canada
Mandrake 8.2
registered user 244963
10:15pm up 1 day, 9:17, 2 users, load average: 0.06, 0.03, 0.01

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Re: [newbie] KDE3.0

2002-04-07 Thread shane

On Sunday 07 April 2002 14:01, shane opened a general hailing frequency and 
transmitted to all open stations:

 ok stupid question maybe, but having just done the above, how do i et
 back to 2.2.2 if i want i only have one entry for kde when i log in and
 it gives me 3.

ok, having read my own question, i realized i didn't ask what i ment to.  
chalk it up to a bad day with a 3 year old...

what i mean is, if i wanted to reinstall 2.2.2 or install 3 on another 
system in addition rather than bt upgrade, will the login manager have 2 
kde choices autoatically or do i need to do something special?

My job is bring comfort to the disturbed, and disturb the comfortable.

Profile at:
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606

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[newbie] Sound KFEvs Gnome

2002-04-07 Thread Richard Hackwith

Whenever I try to play a mp3 on Xmms in KDE it sounds like crap, but, Xmms in 
Gnome is perfect!

Is there any way to get the same results in KDE?  I an running 8.1 at the 


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Re: [newbie] abiword not in 8.2?

2002-04-07 Thread Charles Muller

On Mon, 2002-04-08 at 01:12, Robin Turner wrote:

 1. A fully featured office suite compatible with the dreaded MS Office.  
 OpenOffice is pretty much on track there.

I think this is probably true for most users who work exclusively in one
European language. But for those of us whose work requires dealing with
multi-language texts, unfortunately, OpenOffice (along with the Linux
platform as a whole, along with its apps) is still in the Dark Ages
compared to the international language support MS began to offer with
Win/Office2000. Trying to run Mandrake with either Gnome or KDE and do
Asian language input and display an array of international fonts in any
kind of application (except for Mozilla) is still a hopeless enterprise,
and I never see improvements in version upgrades. 



Charles Muller
Toyo Gakuen University

Digital Dictionary of Buddhism and CJK-English Dictionary

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AW: [newbie] graphical boot up under 8.2

2002-04-07 Thread - addy däudsch -

uninstalling the bootsplash worked in my case ... :) 

 - keep the X in your system -

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Im Auftrag von ai4a
Gesendet: Montag, 8. April 2002 00:22
Betreff: Re: [newbie] graphical boot up under 8.2

quaylar wrote:
 hiho all,
 I am wondering why i haven´t already read such a question here (or did

 i miss it ?). Anyway - as the subject says - how can i get rid of this

 graphical bootup screen - it SUCKS !
 I want the normal text bootup back, black background and linux kernel 
 messages floating down my screen.
 I already searched in deja which turned up with the solution to 
 uninstall the bootsplash rpm and removin the quit option from the 
 append line in lilo.conf. It didnt solve my problem - in 8.1 one was 
 able to switch off this feature in mandrake control - but this isnt 
 possible any more, the option is gone (why )
 So - can anybody provide a solution to this (i am pretty sure there
 lots of u who want to kick this graphical bootup too ;)

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If you are using lilo as a boot manager remove the 'quiet' keyword from
the append line in /etc/lilo.conf. Also, I changed the 'vga=xxx' to
'vga=791'. This puts the screen in 1024x768 mode. Make sure you have a
backup way to load linux so you can chage it back if necessary.  By the
way, the 'vga=791 also put my virtual consoles into 1024x768 mode. Makes
it very nice. Now the vc screen is easy to read and there are lots more
lines per screen. Do not forget to execute lilo after the above changes.


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[newbie] ATA100 hard disk copy errors

2002-04-07 Thread Len Lawrence

This is a long one, so please bear with me friends.

System: Pentium III 500 MHz, BE6 motherboard (Intel 440BX)
HPT366 UDMA 66/100 IDE controller
ide2 = Maxtor 17 Gb UDMA66 drive (primary master) (hde)
ide3 = new Maxtor 40 Gb ATA100 drive (secondary master) (hdg)
Mandrake 8.1 / Gnome / Sawfish
kernel 2.4.8

No problem installing and formatting the new drive as ext2.  Responds
to normal mkdir and cp commands, BUT, it hangs up at random points on
mass transfers from hde to hdg.  After a reset some of the files on hdg
give file input/output error in ls.  Impossible to remove them, so,
reformat the disk and start again.  The new disk is intended for
backups of data and possibly a Mandrake 8.2 installation.

sfdisk -l returns this information:

Disk /dev/hdg: 79408 cylinders, 16 heads, 63 sectors/track
Units = cylinders of 516096 bytes, blocks of 1024 bytes, counting from 0

   Device Boot Start End   #cyls   #blocks   Id  System
/dev/hdg1   *  0+  79407   79408- 40021600+  83  Linux
/dev/hdg2  0   -   0 00  Empty
/dev/hdg3  0   -   0 00  Empty
/dev/hdg4  0   -   0 00  Empty

And this is the hdparm summary:

#  /sbin/hdparm /dev/hdg

 multcount= 16 (on)
 I/O support  =  0 (default 16-bit)
 unmaskirq=  0 (off)
 using_dma=  1 (on)
 keepsettings =  0 (off)
 nowerr   =  0 (off)
 readonly =  0 (off)
 readahead=  8 (on)
 geometry = 79408/16/63, sectors = 80043264, start = 0

If DMA were switched off would there then be trouble with interrupt
sharing?  It sounds as if there is some kind of contention problem
here anyway.

IRQ 11 is shared by ide2, ide3, EMU10K1.
The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher
esteem those who think alike than those who think differently.
-- Nietzsche
Len Lawrence

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Re: [newbie] Boat Anchor???

2002-04-07 Thread civileme

Linus Drouhard wrote:

Hi all,
   I have following this list for some 8 or 9 months now and have obtained a 
lot of useful advice and tips.  I'm now operating what is close to becoming a 
boat anchor.  I have an AMD K6-2 running at 420 MHz in an ASUS P5A 
motherboard.  Most everything else is standard, SB16, Nvidia TNT2, 160MB Ram, 
two 20 Gig Maxtor drives, Ricoh CD-RW and generic CD-reader.  I have been 
fighting a weird problem the last couple of weeks.  I loaded MD 8.2 and 
really liked it, but could not get a printer installed.  Whenever I ran 
PrinterDrake, it asked me for Disc 1 and tried to install something.  My 
computer would freeze solid during install, responding only to the reset 
button.  I tried a fresh reinstall of MD 8.2.  Same.  Tried a fresh install 
of 8.1.  Froze during the install.  Civileme suggested a bad CD.  I burned a 
new one.  Same.  I tried installing from a different CD-drive.  Same.  I 
pulled my soundcard and every other non-essential card and disk drive.  I 
was able to reinstall MD 8.2.  I ran PrinterDrake.  It wanted to install some 
package again (CUPS and Foomatic, I believe).  Out of frustration, I just hit 
cancel and you guessed it, it worked!  I now have a printer.  I thought I 
was home free.  Remember the soundcard I pulled?  I reinstalled the card and 
tried to run soundcfg.  Not there.  I ran software manager.  Froze.  Solid. 

At this point, I'm at a loss, other than tying it to a boat.  Any 
suggestions?  Has anyone had good experiences with an ECS K7S5A motherboard?

Thanks for bearing with my rantings and ramblings.  Even if I don't figure it 
out... I feel better.


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The ECS K7S5A is high performance, but before 8.2 was little better than 
a boat anchor itself.

With 8.2 you need to do some tweaks:

1.  edit /etc/modules.conf and find the line that starts

alias sound-slot-0 pcm-snd-i8x0

and delete it and the line following it.

then put in this line

alias sound i810_audio

and save the file.

Don't bother with your SB 16 card for this machine.  The onboard sound 
is good once you get past the misconfiguration for/by ALSA.

The SiS 900 should set up properly from the beginning, so you will have 

Even a Duron 750 will make this look like a speed demon, along with all 
the RAM you can cram  (use either SDRAM _XOR_ DDR, but not both), and it 
is neat if you have two IDE drives and RAID0 most of your partitions 
except /boot and /--very blindingly fast with 8.2.


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Re: [newbie] Boat Anchor???

2002-04-07 Thread civileme

Linus Drouhard wrote:

On Saturday 06 April 2002 07:33 am, you wrote:

On Sunday 07 April 2002 11:29 am, Linus Drouhard opened a hailing frequency

and transmitted:

MD 8.2 and really liked it, but could not get a printer installed.
Whenever I ran PrinterDrake, it asked me for Disc 1 and tried to install
something.  My computer would freeze solid during install, responding
only to the reset button.  I tried a fresh reinstall of MD 8.2.  Same.

there is a bug fix for printerdrak, but i think it only applies to HP's.

It's not just Printerdrake that freezes me.  It's almost any package from the 
CD's.  I did get the printer (Epson 777) to work.

Tried a fresh install of 8.1.  Froze during the install.  Civileme
suggested a bad CD.  I burned a new one.  Same.  I tried installing from
a different CD-drive.  Same.  I pulled my soundcard and every other
non-essential card and disk drive.  I was able to reinstall MD 8.2.  I
ran PrinterDrake.  It wanted to install some package again (CUPS and
Foomatic, I believe).  Out of frustration, I just hit cancel and you
guessed it, it worked!  I now have a printer.  I thought I was home free.
 Remember the soundcard I pulled?  I reinstalled the card and tried to
run soundcfg.  Not there.  I ran software manager.  Froze.  Solid.

just curious, but what type of conection is the printer?  could your bios
be attempting to use an IRQ for the soundcard that the printer is using on
an lpt port?  that is just shooting in the dark though as software manager
would not freeze for that, rather you would think you simply would not get
sound or not print.

I've checked for conflicts. There aren't any.  

you say you burned a new cd, was it from the same download?  did you
checksum it?

Different download and I checksummed it.

last but not least, if it is the software manager, have you tried
installing the needed packages from the commandline?

I tried that at Civileme's recommendation.  Same cold result.

not much help really, but a place to start.

Thanks for your help.  But since this system used to work nearly perfectly, 
I'm beginning to think that my MB is going bad a little bit at a time.

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Ummm,  Before you say that,

remove each card, run an eraser over the contacts, blow out the dust, 
and restore.

wiggle all the cables, remove and reseat.  

We do have workarounds for most of the chipset vs IDE/PCI load problems 
already within, so you are probably right about the mobo, but try all 
the cabling anyway--I have rescued more than a few with good old RR 
(remove and reseat).


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Re: [newbie] Strange 101010101 problem when booting

2002-04-07 Thread civileme

Charlie wrote:

Mike Shilling's message on April 7, 2002 08:53 pm, stated:

 I have a problem with 8.2.

 Im installing on a scsi hard disk but my boot record is going on my
 primary master IDE disk in the computer.  The disk also has Windows XP
 on it.

 After installation (which goes flawlessly) Instead of getting the LILO
 prompt, I get a scrolling screen of 101010101010101010101010 and it
 never stops.

 I have to repair the boot record back to the original windws one to get
 it working again, but I am unable to use Mandrake.

 Any help would be appreciated.

 Here is my system:

 Athlon 1.4
 512 DDR RAM
 Main boot drive is IDE (ultra 100)
 Linux drive is IBM SCSI drive on an adaptec ultra 160 card
 kyroII vid card
 etc etc.

 If there is anything else you need, please ask as this has been driving
 me crazy!

 I tried the graphical LILO as well as the text only LILO.  Neither
 helped.  I also tried installing LILO and the boot info to a floppy
 disk, and it STILL happened.



 Mike S.

Mine did the exact same thing on first boot but I used the MS three finger 
salute and booted from the  floppy and  all went well every time since. No 
SCSI drives but two Maxtors (13 GB master and 60 GB slave on primary IDE 
channel). I hadn't updated the BIOS yet when I had that problem either. No 
trouble since then, even though it took me nearly a week to get my act 
together long enough to flash it. 

You did make a boot disk, didn't you?

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Well, boot from the CD and type F1 then rescue without the quotes and 
then mount the partition--next use drakfloppy to make a boot disk.

Your KyroII is probably not supported, so use framebuffer device for X 
if you want X on linux.


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Re: [newbie] Moving HD's

2002-04-07 Thread civileme

Carroll Grigsby wrote:

Currently, my drives are set up as follows:
Primary master (hda) - old, slow, and possibly flakey IDE. Win98SE only 
with two FAT32 partitions
Primary slave (hdb) - nice ATA100 IDE. Mandrake 8.1 with /, /boot, 
/home, /swap, /archives partitions -- some Reiser and some ext2.
Secondary master (hdc) - CD-ROM
Secondary slave (hdd and scd0) - CD-RW

I just bought a new Maxtor ATA 133 IDE HD to replace the windows drive. The 
plan is to move my current windows installation to it. (Yeah, I know, but 
there's some stuff that doesn't work in Linux.) I've done this before and 
it's worked well. I'll have about 10 gb free space there for future use.

Problem: Maxtor wants each of the two hard drives to be set up as the master 
on separate channels. My concern is that Mandrake will move from hdb to hdc, 
and the CD-ROM goes from hdc to hdb. Is this going to create problems, or is 
there a simple way to do this? FWIW, a complete 8.1 reinstall wouldn't be all 
that big a deal, but if there's a simpler way I'd like to hear about it.

-- cmg

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just edit /etc/fstab and substitute /dev/hdc for /dev/hdb wherever you 
see it, then makecertain your CD drives are correctly identified then 
put the drive in as master on channel 1 and boot from the install CD 
with F1 and the splash screen and typing rescue without the quotes

do the root mount provided from the rescue then

edit /etc/lilo.conf

change the root devices there to point to the proper partitions on drive 
c then


If that seems complicated, a fresh install is a good option--don't 
format /home.


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