Re: [newbie] dual boot M8.2 and XP

2002-07-31 Thread civileme

Felix Underhill wrote:

 I'm still confused on the same point:
 Some people talk about copying the boot record (the first 512 bytes 
 from the linux partition) and copying it to the windows partition.  
 Other people seem to be saying that linux will sort out the booting 
 and never mention copying the boot record or editing bootlaoder 
 config files.  Which is right?

 I've run XP Pro and Mandrake 8.2 on the same drive with no problems. I 
 installed XP first by assigning it half of my drive. Then I setup 8.2 
 on the other half. When I boot up the system, the bootloader (I 
 presume to be lilo, not grub) shows me several options. These include 
 the various linux types and NT. I choose NT if I want XP and it loads 
 up as usual. :)



An XP installation behind a linux installation can do interesting and 
destructive things to disk.  Check the expert archives for about the 
last two weeks, under my name.

An XP update can do nasty things to a linux install.  The EULA you click 
agreement on with XP gives Microsoft the right to disable non-MS 
software on your disk.

Norton Antivirus will wipe out a linux install unrecoverably if you 
install on FAT32 for linux (just don't do it, ext2 or ext3 or any of the 
journaling filesystems work better.

Trend ChipAway Antivirus in the BIOS will shriek about LILO in the boot 
sector if you leave it enabled.  This can set up a situation where you 
cannot force a reboot remotely because Trend is screaming waiting for a 
key to be pressed.  (And there were a few BIOSes where I had to 
hand-code to turn it off because the BIOS did not offer the option--so I 
had to copy it out and flash it back after deleting the enabling code 
for Trend, an activity that did not make me a fan of (anti)virus 
writers.  Well replacing the link with a No-op...

Anyway, people seem to be having more success with XP on one disk and 
Mandrake on another, with the bootloader pointers in the Master Boot 
Record on the XP disk (which must be first or the wimpy op system called 
XP sulks and refuses to work).

Now for my personal experience.  Someone tanked 98 and his hdd and most 
of his Mobo (I saved the memory) and all his power supply AND his HDD by 
setting up for 220V and plugging in.  He asked me to fix the mess--so he 
had his case and his old SDRAM and he could not find 98, and I could not 
find a 98 replacement that would work satisfactorily with PowerDVD (he 
had zapped his Hollywood card and lost the little cable that went from 
AGP to it as well).  I installed XP Home edition on 10 G of his new disk 
with his new mobo and new CPU.  It worked.  On the other 10G I threw on 
8.2 Download (And he has since bought himself Prosuite since he had a 
DVD drive which survived).  So far, so good.  8.2 is running on ext2 
because I saw no reason to slow it down with ext3, and the updates have 
not killed it yet.

I set up a test install on the defaced Barbie(tm) computer I have and it 
worked for XP and also for 8.2, but there was an errata on that one 
about making the usbmouse continue to work--On 8.2.

Another Person had a Dell Dimension running 98.  He loaded an XP Update 
and put his system out of access.  It refused to recognize either one of 
his Microsoft natural Internet Keyboard and Microsoft Optical 
Intellimouse.  Well he now had 4G of music he had actually paid for the 
privilege of downloading he could not access and he sent up a flare.  I 
added a temporary HDD, installed 8.1 on it, booted, scooped his files to 
that disk then used fdisk to wipe his XP install.  He was now out on the 
order of $295 to Microsoft for their tech assistance over the phone plus 
an additional $48 for the phone calls (mostly waiting time), but he did 
manage to return XP for a refund.  He dual-boots 98 and 8.2 Prosuite on 
his Machine today and spends almost all of his time in WindowMaker with 
several tens of megs of WM themes he has downloaded.  Even his sound is 
played through linux.

I set up a temporary test system using XP Pro on an ASUS A7N266-VM with 
a 40G hda and a 20Ghdc and a CDRW/DVD all in a rather small desktop 
case.  XP had 15 G of hda, /boot and /iso took up a little less than 5G 
and the rest was a RAID0 array for /, /usr, /home, /var, /opt, and 
/spare, testing JFS, XFS, Reiserfs, and ext3.  

I never used XP much and removed it shortly after completing testing, 
but it never did me wrong.

Now there was another test--I had a blank front-end on a 60G disk and 
 it was paired with a 40G on an old Matsonic VIA KT133A/686B I used the 
XP CD for formatting the FAT32 into an NTFS partition to find the means 
of mounting it from 8.2.

That was an Oops--my partitions had not been in disk number order and XP 
decided to do something about that without informaing me.  Of course 
/etc/fstab was not changed so my next linux boot executed a swapon on my 
/var partition and complained that it couldn't find a valid superblock 
on my one of my swap partitions which it 

Re: [newbie] OT (maybe) - Matter of Opinion

2002-07-31 Thread Anne Wilson

On Wednesday 31 Jul 2002 1:20 am, you wrote:
 Give 'em away. A lot of non profit groups have older machines that can't
 run Microsoft's latest but could run an older Mandrake release just
 fine. Help your community and promote Linux at the same time.

 I received my first set of disks from a kind member of this list who
 sent them to me instead of throwing them away when she upgraded to a
 more recent release.


 El lun, 29-07-2002 a las 13:54, Anne Wilson escribió:
  Is there any point at all in keeping Linux Format disks that are over a
  year old?  Seems to me that at the rate things change it is unlikely that
  they will ever get used.

Giving away seems fine to me - I hate waste - but they will only get binned 
unless they have someone with time and interest to explore.  Any hints on how 
to discriminate?


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Re: [newbie] Civilme petition - PETITION???.

2002-07-31 Thread civileme

Colin Jenkins wrote:

Hello John,

Wednesday, July 31, 2002, 12:48:53 PM, you wrote:

JR At 11:14 AM 31/07/02, you did spake with authority

John Rigby wrote:

JR Again, please stop shooting at the messenger - learn to look at things in 
JR an adult way. Don't be afraid of new/different information. THAT is how we 
JR all learn.
JR Those that do advance, anyway.


JR John Rigby

Usually I stay right out of this type of discussion, but I have to
agree with you..
I work with windows networking every day and continue to persevere
with linux at home. I have just introduced a couple of linux boxes at
work, and it is becoming a nightmare to set them up with windows.
As much as I want to use linux, the software I HAVE to use only runs
on windows (emulators are no answer).
I also have scanners, printers and other devices that do not work with
md8.2 and I will not be 'upgrading' hardware just to un a different
Unfortunatly, there are too many fanatics (both windows and linux) who
will not accept that an os is a tool, not a way of life.

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Yes, those items at the Microsoft trial were lumped together in what is 
called the application barrier to entry.  Microsoft has influenced 
hardware makers to issue hardware that needs drivers which use the CPU 
heavily (easy to do in a cost-sensitive market) and then assisted them 
in preparing the drivers so that they are never released for another 
platform.  And bound them with a contract for secrecy, so the other side 
cannot easily reverse-engineer the drivers from the behavior of the 
devices with zero tech info.  Printers aren't too hard, and much 
progress has been made; scanners are more difficult, and USB modems and 
some video cards are nigh-on impossible.

But there is a hidden cost in using such stuff which the survivors in 
the business world will have considered...

Proprietary applications are fast becoming uncrackable because more and 
more states are passing UCITA which gives software license agreements 
the force of law(!!!).  Once that passes in Washington State, unless 
Microsoft sees fit to alter its EULA, it will be illegal to write an 
import program for Word or Excel or Publisher files, and Microsoft is 
under no obligation to provide an export program.

At that point, with your _business_data_ hostage, $ub$cription fee$ 
become likely and rather unavoidable.  Expect a lot of different revenue 
models to be experimented with, for, if truth be known, Microsoft is 
losing money as well.  Their financials look good because a loophole in 
the law allows them not to account for a huge obligation to their 
employees, and as a result their stock prices are a bit puffed.  

So my layoff is not a harbinger.  It is Mandrakesoft doing what is 
necessaryto survive--the picture actually looks rosy with the current 
programs ramping up--but those revenue streams are by no means 
immediate--selling preinstalled computers is great, but revenue becomes 
significant about 90 to 120 days after the sales begin, for example. The 
real key players are the developers, not me.  

Now finally a word about difficulty.  Those complaining the loudest seem 
to be the ones who know Windows best.  The systems are different, and it 
is remarkable that there is enough carryover that sswitching is not a 
whole lot more painful than it is.  I know folks who used the original 
Word Perfect before it was twice sold, and they still run Windows 3.11 
to use it, because it is what they learned.  And the only way to get it 
from them is to pry it from their cold, dead fingers.

But try Mandrake preinstalled.  SInce we worked with the manufacturer 
and developed scripts to tune it to the hardware specifically, there are 
no problems.   Of course, there are still scanners and other devices 
that won't work, but for new acquisitons it is easy to avoid them.

But it is OK for businesses to stick with windows for now.  If I set up 
consulting for conversion, I will be charging much much more later when 
the data has been placed in a hostage situation, because I will have to 
print it to paper, use a scanner and OCR, and write programs to store it 
in open, human-readable formats.  Like the mechanic holding up the 
FRAM(tm) oil filter, I can hold up linux and say, Pay me now, or pay me 
later, your choice.

And again, I apologize for the post to the list.  I don't think the 
layoff would have been noticeable, from the perspective of list members.


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[newbie] Gnome-Card

2002-07-31 Thread Anne Wilson

Sending again, in the vain hope that someone knows something about Gnome-card 

My contact details are all in a .vcf file read by Gnome-card.  This gives an 
easy to read display, and all was well until I wanted to amend a record.  
When I saved the file I found that it would not read the new version.  I had 
to rename the backup file and load it unaltered.

I am at a loss as to what may be causing this.  The fact that the file is 
written seems to rule out permission problems.  Any ideas, anyone?


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Re: [newbie] Thunderstorms/Powersurges/Powerfailures

2002-07-31 Thread John Richard Smith

Anne Wilson wrote:

On Monday 29 Jul 2002 9:17 pm, you wrote:

This may sound a simple question but what if anything can computer
owners do, that doesn't cost an arm and a leg , to protect their
equipement from bad weather.

Surge protected power strips are definitely better than nothing.  Personally 
I feel much safer with a UPS, so here is my suggestion:

Try to find a small vendor that deals in business systems.  Ask if they have 
a used UPS (they tend to get replaced in business systems as a safeguard).   
Since disposal of electronic equipment is now pricey, they may be glad to let 
you have it for next to nothing.   My UPS is about 8 years old and was 
replaced by the company in question when it was about 4.




I think that is a very good idea, what's more I know a few local firms 
that just might well have such an item.

John Richard Smith

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[newbie] normalize

2002-07-31 Thread Roman Korcek

Just learnt how to use normalize, but am still confused about the
normal and -mix mode. Let's say I have three files with the RMS volume
of 3, 5 and 7 (1 being quietest, 10 being loudest). As far as I
understand, normalize without switches raises the RMS volume of all
the files to 10. Normalize in the mix mode should calculate the
average RMS volume (5 in this case) and put all files' RMS volume to
this level. However, today -mix gave me a higher volume on the output
file than normalize without switches. How come?


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[newbie] Don't know how to install M8.2..HELP!!!

2002-07-31 Thread Sean Goh

Dear all,
 I'm having trouble installing Linux-Mandrake 8.2. Hope you can help.

I chose the recommended method of install and chose "Use existing partition",
after that it tells me to choose mount points. Here is what the screen says
hda1 (2.2GB,Linux native)__
hda6 (1.5GB,Linux native)__

I left both blank coz i don't know what is mount points and clicked OK.
It then says:
An error occured
Oops, no root partition.

I said "fine", i'll just add something,
hda1 (2.2GB,Linux native)test
hda6 (1.5GB,Linux native)test2

After clicking Ok, i get the same error message. 
I've been trying to install 8.2 for the past 3 days already and it's getting
me so frustrated and with some of you saying it's easier than installing windows.
it really makes me wonder


P.S. Using 200MHZ desktop .

"...if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. " - 2 Chron 7:14

[newbie] Don't know how to install M8.2..HELP!!!

2002-07-31 Thread Sean Goh

Dear all,
 I'm having trouble installing Linux-Mandrake 8.2. Hope you can help.

I chose the recommended method of install and chose "Use existing partition",
after that it tells me to choose mount points. Here is what the screen says
hda1 (2.2GB,Linux native)__
hda6 (1.5GB,Linux native)__

I left both blank coz i don't know what is mount points and clicked OK.
It then says:
An error occured
Oops, no root partition.

I said "fine", i'll just add something,
hda1 (2.2GB,Linux native)test
hda6 (1.5GB,Linux native)test2

After clicking Ok, i get the same error message. 
I've been trying to install 8.2 for the past 3 days already and it's getting
me so frustrated and with some of you saying it's easier than installing
windows. it really makes me wonder


P.S. Using 200MHZ desktop .

"...if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. " - 2 Chron 7:14

Re: [newbie] Civilme petition - PETITION???.

2002-07-31 Thread Todd Slater

I'm not on sylpheed, so this slipped through :(

On Wed, Jul 31, 2002 at 12:48:53PM +1000, John Rigby wrote:
 At 11:14 AM 31/07/02, you did spake with authority
 John Rigby wrote:
 Linux is still a  ^%$#$%^*^^ of a product to install and setup in a 
 business-workable format.
 John, I am tired of hearing you say this. I have no idea of what problems 
 you have (please don't bother telling me).
 All I can say is:
 The complaints by volume and extent here are ferocious, considering most 
 people here fancy themselves as at least partial geeks - they LIKE playing 
 with things.
 I can't even understand the questions! :-)

nuff said.


 No, the big money in Linux is in finding the RARE, rare person who is a 
 geek and can get it all to go - not in MONTHS but a day.

Your obsession with making a buck explains a lot.


 Again, please stop shooting at the messenger - learn to look at things in 
 an adult way. Don't be afraid of new/different information. THAT is how we 
 all learn.

Take your own medicine.

 Those that do advance, anyway.

Like you? Want a new money-making scheme? Write a book on how to annoy
people. You're an expert.

Todd Slater

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Re: [newbie] Don't know how to install M8.2..HELP!!!

2002-07-31 Thread civileme

Sean Goh wrote:

 Dear all,
 I'm having trouble installing Linux-Mandrake 8.2.  Hope you can help.
 I chose the recommended method of install and chose Use existing 
 partition, after that it tells me to choose mount points. Here is 
 what the screen says
 *hda1 (2.2GB,Linux native)__
 hda6 (1.5GB,Linux native)__*

 I left both blank coz i don't know what is mount points and clicked OK.
 It then says:
 *An error occured
 Oops, no root partition.

 *I said fine, i'll just add something,*
 **hda1 (2.2GB,Linux native)test
 hda6 (1.5GB,Linux native)test2

 *After clicking Ok, i get the same error message.
 I've been trying to install 8.2 for the past 3 days already and it's 
 getting me so frustrated and with some of you saying it's easier than 
 installing windows. it really makes me wonder


 P.S. Using 200MHZ desktop .



...if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek 
my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will 
forgive their sin and will heal their land.  - 2 Chron 7:14

What you want is

hda1  /
hda6 /home

You must not be installing Mandrake  because diskdrake has an 
auto-allocate button, or else you must be using text install.


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Re: [newbie] normalize

2002-07-31 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Wednesday July 31 2002 07:47 am, Roman Korcek wrote:
 Just learnt how to use normalize, but am still confused about the
 normal and -mix mode. Let's say I have three files with the RMS
 volume of 3, 5 and 7 (1 being quietest, 10 being loudest). As far as
 I understand, normalize without switches raises the RMS volume of all
 the files to 10. Normalize in the mix mode should calculate the
 average RMS volume (5 in this case) and put all files' RMS volume to
 this level. However, today -mix gave me a higher volume on the output
 file than normalize without switches. How come?

   This mode is made especially for making mixed CD's and the
   like. You want every song on the mix to be the  same  vol­
   ume,  but it doesn't matter if they are the same volume as
   the songs on some other mix you made  last  week.  In  mix
   mode, average level of all the files is computed, and each
   file is separately normalized to this average volume.

So, for example, in my /wav directory, I run 'normalize -m *.wav'
IME, that this always goes thru all the .wav files, and determines an 
average volume.  Then normalize proceeds to show that it is either 
raising or lowering (+db, -db) each individual file to the average 
volume level.

Maybe I don't understand your question. IME, tho, that normalize 
works best, the more files you equalize at the same time. I always do 
at least 20 or more at once (about what'll fit on an audio CD).  If 
I've got more, specially enough for 2 or more CD's, I normalize 'em all 
together. IOW's 'the more the merrier'  ;)
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Don't know how to install M8.2..HELP!!!

2002-07-31 Thread John Richard Smith

Sean Goh wrote:

 Dear all,
 I'm having trouble installing Linux-Mandrake 8.2.  Hope you can help.
 I chose the recommended method of install and chose Use existing 
 partition, after that it tells me to choose mount points. Here is 
 what the screen says
 *hda1 (2.2GB,Linux native)__
 hda6 (1.5GB,Linux native)__*

 I left both blank coz i don't know what is mount points and clicked OK.
 It then says:
 *An error occured
 Oops, no root partition.

 *I said fine, i'll just add something,*
 **hda1 (2.2GB,Linux native)test
 hda6 (1.5GB,Linux native)test2

 *After clicking Ok, i get the same error message.
 I've been trying to install 8.2 for the past 3 days already and it's 
 getting me so frustrated and with some of you saying it's easier than 
 installing windows. it really makes me wonder


 P.S. Using 200MHZ desktop .


Does sound as though you are having fun and games  Sean.

Seems as though there are some basic terms your not familiar with.
Mount points are essential to any linux system, in the above example the 
installer is asking you to choose which partitions to create and  
install the Linux OS on , and to mount them.  The absolute minimum is a 
base root partition recognised by the symbol,   /  , and a swap 
partition , recognised by the symbol,  /swap, and the swap partition is 
your linux equivelant of Virtual memory that  in windblows exists  as a 
file (which can expand within predefined limits) whereas in linux it's a 
defined as a partition. Obviously you don't yet understand the need to 
create these partitions and define them as per the installer is 
requesting you do.

It is hard to advise someone when they don't give you their hardrive 
details, such as harddrive size, number and size of  existing partitions 
etc etc , but since you got as far as the disc drake partition tool you 
are well on the way to a Linux OS.

Diskdrake gives you an easy visual display of your harddrive(s) . Use 
it's graphical tools to make and define the partitions you want.

Hope the above helps.


John Richard Smith

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[newbie] Message from MandrakeSoft CEO.

2002-07-31 Thread Gael Duval

Hi Mandrakians - I'm sending this message regarding yesterday's message about 
Civilme. This message is from Jacques Le Marois, CEO- he currently doesn't 
have direct Internet access-  Gaël.



We have been reading the messages in this thread and understand the strong 
emotions that are being expressed regarding Civileme. Civileme has always been 
extremely devoted to the community of Mandrake users, and he will also be 
deeply missed within the company.

But here's our current situation: Just like any other organization,
MandrakeSoft needs to cover the high cost of salaries with revenue -- this
has not yet happened . MandrakeSoft needs to reach the break-even point, or
will eventually disappear. This goal can be accomplished by two methods: by
increasing revenue, and by reducing costs. Both of these techniques have been
used for more than a year, and we should reach break-even before the end of
this current year. But this means, among other things, making some difficult

The dot-com era has ended, and we no longer receive money from venture
capitalists -- we depend entirely on our customers and users.

Fortunately, the Mandrake Club ( has been
successful enough to limit the number of new layoffs. The health and success
of the Club directly translates to the number of employees who will continue
to be paid to deliver our community support  services.

These difficult decisions are based entirely on finding a balance between
income and expenses. Even though the company's revenue growth is very good
(even higher than expected), we must continue to make important (and
sometimes painful) decisions to ensure profitibility. As soon as the
financial situation improves, we would like to provide the opportunity for
Civileme, and others, to rejoin the company if they desire.

Jacques Le Marois, CEO

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Re[2]: [newbie] normalize

2002-07-31 Thread Roman Korcek

Hey Tom,
 Just learnt how to use normalize, but am still confused about the
 normal and -mix mode. Let's say I have three files with the RMS
 volume of 3, 5 and 7 (1 being quietest, 10 being loudest). As far as
 I understand, normalize without switches raises the RMS volume of all
 the files to 10. Normalize in the mix mode should calculate the
 average RMS volume (5 in this case) and put all files' RMS volume to
 this level. However, today -mix gave me a higher volume on the output
 file than normalize without switches. How come?

This mode is made especially for making mixed CD's and the
like. You want every song on the mix to be the  same  vol­
ume,  but it doesn't matter if they are the same volume as
the songs on some other mix you made  last  week.  In  mix
mode, average level of all the files is computed, and each
file is separately normalized to this average volume.

Thanks for your answer. I have read the manual thoroughly.

 So, for example, in my /wav directory, I run 'normalize -m *.wav'
 IME, that this always goes thru all the .wav files, and determines an 
 average volume.  Then normalize proceeds to show that it is either 
 raising or lowering (+db, -db) each individual file to the average 
 volume level.

 Maybe I don't understand your question.

Probably ;-).
So, to rephrase it, what does normalize do *without* any switches?


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RE: [newbie] Civilme petition - PETITION???.

2002-07-31 Thread Jonathan Shilling

I have a question for you, how much would YOU pay a geek?  $9.00/hr,
Of course a geek doesn't need sunshine right?  Yes I live in a cave,
yes I can setup a Linux distro in a short time, yes I do all my office apps
under Linux, yes I ONLY touch a windows box when I HAVE too, yes I also play
with FreeBSD, I have also used OS/2 Warp, and Mac OS 7.x, 8.x, 9.x, and OS
X, I have also administered Main/Mini frames BEFORE I began working on Micro
computers (PC's), and I have worked on Unix boxes such as Solaris, SCO,
HP-UX, Unisys, AIX, and a few others.  
All this and I am NOT a geek.  I am a 6'3 200lb bruiser with an
attitude, who likes to lurk in the background listening to the REAL geeks
talk about problems that they have, and learn how they solve them.  If you
would listen a little as well, perhaps you would see that it only a few rare
people who can not set up a Linux box.  
Or maybe I am a geek, a non-standard geek.  I would consider that
the greatest of compliments, to be called a geek, because I obviously can do
something that you cannot.  Oh btw, I am also a Windows admin, so I DO know
both sides of the story, and I prefer Linux/Unix, and I have made it work
quite well in a business-workable format.  Maybe you should hire me, but I
am afraid that I would have to charge an ID10T like you quite a bit more
than $9.00/hr, perhaps more than you could afford.  :)
If my message appears offensive to you, then so be it, I found your
message to be far ruder in comments to the intellect on the people on this
list, and far more abusive in nature.  Speaking of reading lists, you should
perhaps read more on the subject of undocumented features from MS Windows,
reference BUGS, easter eggs, GPF's, and B.S.O.D.  If you've ever had to
spend a weekend reloading a server because it had performed a GPF, and lost
the ntldr file, then you would know why Linux is a better and often more
stable solution for corporate America.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, but I still have work to
Civilme I have enjoyed reading you bits of wisdom, as I have lurked,
I wish you luck in your future endeavors.

-Original Message-
From: John Rigby [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2002 9:49 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Civilme petition - PETITION???.

At 11:14 AM 31/07/02, you did spake with authority

John Rigby wrote:

Linux is still a  ^%$#$%^*^^ of a product to install and setup in a 
business-workable format.

John, I am tired of hearing you say this. I have no idea of what problems 
you have (please don't bother telling me).

I have a dual boot machine with Mandrake 8.2 and (sort of) Win 98.
Mandrake installed without a wrinkle and has remained stable. Win 98 was a 
struggle to get video and modem (external) to work. Furthermore when that 
decorated soldier - Gen Fault - salutes the reboot loses the video driver 
and it is another fight to get it setup properly.

I *KNOW* what that is - not a big problem under windoze any novice help 
list will show you how :_)

Look, frankly who cares what *you* think?

This was part of a serious offer to help a young fellow in a difficult 
circumstance and you whine about something nonsensical !

All I can say is:
The complaints by volume and extent here are ferocious, considering most 
people here fancy themselves as at least partial geeks - they LIKE playing 
with things.
I can't even understand the questions! :-)

There is no point in continually shooting at the messenger!
LINUX *IS* a ^*%$$%^  to set up.
READ THIS VERY LIST - and it is only *one* of dozens.

Even *you* are still running W98!!!

As for not seeing both sides - I even once used an Apple!

No, the big money in Linux is in finding the RARE, rare person who is a 
geek and can get it all to go - not in MONTHS but a day.
I have never, ever met one myself, but I live in the sunshine
If I could have found one hirable person who could demonstrate that they 
could get Linux to run in a business situation easily - NOTE: real world 
business situation - I would have started a Computer business again this 
year - even here in paradise, there is a lot of easy(?) money to be made.
The catch was, the only two competent people I eventually found were 
already self-employed and making a motza - often by throwing out MS$ 
systems and setting up hybrids - O.S. Linux and decent (and familiar) 
programs running under Win4lin or whatsitsname.

I have recently installed test runs of Linux distros that DO work, several 
times, but the problems with useful programs/utilities show it to be long 
way off everyday user  value to do it without expert assistance, yet.

Again, people, I am not anti-anything except bigots and fanatics.

I think Linux is the only hope of stopping Big Bill's juggernaut. Well, 
slowing it a little, anyway.  :-)
But, the current hope is 

Re: [newbie] Message from MandrakeSoft CEO.

2002-07-31 Thread Peter Watson

- Original Message -
From: Gael Duval [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2002 3:40 PM
Subject: [newbie] Message from MandrakeSoft CEO.

Hi Mandrakians - I'm sending this message regarding yesterday's message
Civilme. This message is from Jacques Le Marois, CEO- he currently doesn't
have direct Internet access-  Gaël.


I emailed him at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and got a similar though not
identical reply to you within 3 minutes

Regards Pete

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Re: Re[2]: [newbie] normalize

2002-07-31 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Wednesday July 31 2002 09:42 am, Roman Korcek wrote:
 Hey Tom,

 Thanks for your answer. I have read the manual thoroughly.

 I suspected you did, but it was a 'public' answer  I'm a normalize 
fan ;) IMO, store bought CD's, ripped to wav's and normalized -m, then 
re-burned, sound better than the original.

  Maybe I don't understand your question.

 Probably ;-).
 So, to rephrase it, what does normalize do *without* any switches?

   dunno, when I realized the -mix mode is what I needed, that's all 
I've ever used
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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RE: [newbie] dual boot M8.2 and XP suggestion

2002-07-31 Thread frankie

I have XP on NTFS on my laptop along with linux 8.2, I have loaded all the updates for 
XP, I have defragged and use it every day in either XP or 8.2 guise, and have not had 
a problem.. so maybe it only happens on specific hardware..



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Anand
Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2002 1:07 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] dual boot M8.2 and XP suggestion

I may be wrong about this... but I beleive that it depends
on whether the XP is on NTFS or not. My friend installed
Linux with XP on fat32 without any special precautions
(like not installing lilo on MBR) and he didn't have any
problems. I did the same thing with XP on NTFS and ended up
loosing my windows. I then had to load lilo from XP
bootloader (After reinstalling XP ofcourse). Please correct
me if I am wrong.


On Wed, 31 Jul 2002, Bryan Tyson wrote:

 On Tuesday 30 July 2002 09:06 am, Scott wrote:

 I'm still confused on the same point:
 Some people talk about copying the boot record (the first 512
 from the
 linux partition) and copying it to the windows partition.
 Other people
 to be saying that linux will sort out the booting and never
 the boot record or editing bootlaoder config files.  Which is

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Re: [newbie] Civilme petition - PETITION???.

2002-07-31 Thread Charlie

July 30, 2002 08:48 pm, John Rigby wrote:
Major snips

 I *KNOW* what that is - not a big problem under windoze any novice help
 list will show you how :_)

 Look, frankly who cares what *you* think?

 This was part of a serious offer to help a young fellow in a difficult
 circumstance and you whine about something nonsensical !

 All I can say is:
 The complaints by volume and extent here are ferocious, considering most
 people here fancy themselves as at least partial geeks - they LIKE playing
 with things.
 I can't even understand the questions! :-)

 There is no point in continually shooting at the messenger!
 LINUX *IS* a ^*%$$%^  to set up.
 READ THIS VERY LIST - and it is only *one* of dozens.

 Even *you* are still running W98!!!

 As for not seeing both sides - I even once used an Apple!

 No, the big money in Linux is in finding the RARE, rare person who is a
 geek and can get it all to go - not in MONTHS but a day.
 I have never, ever met one myself, but I live in the sunshine
 If I could have found one hirable person who could demonstrate that they
 could get Linux to run in a business situation easily - NOTE: real world
 business situation - I would have started a Computer business again this
 year - even here in paradise, there is a lot of easy(?) money to be made.
 The catch was, the only two competent people I eventually found were
 already self-employed and making a motza - often by throwing out MS$
 systems and setting up hybrids - O.S. Linux and decent (and familiar)
 programs running under Win4lin or whatsitsname.

 I have recently installed test runs of Linux distros that DO work, several
 times, but the problems with useful programs/utilities show it to be long
 way off everyday user  value to do it without expert assistance, yet.

 Again, people, I am not anti-anything except bigots and fanatics.

 I think Linux is the only hope of stopping Big Bill's juggernaut. Well,
 slowing it a little, anyway.  :-)
 But, the current hope is certainly not the Mandrake approach.
 I'm not even sure if anyone else will now be able to catch the
 Lindows  rabbit. Boy! Those people know how to market!
 Boy! They listened to what the market wants/needs!
 Did EXACTLY what I've been saying here and elsewhere for

 Again, please stop shooting at the messenger - learn to look at things in
 an adult way. Don't be afraid of new/different information. THAT is how we
 all learn.
 Those that do advance, anyway.


 John Rigby
Mr. Rigby;

  I *KNOW* what that is - not a big problem under windoze any novice
 help list will show you how :_) 

If you know what it is, fine. So do I and I don't like it at all. It's called 
Microsoft Windows. We're all entitled to an opinion but we're all entitled to 
ignore the statements of a person that seems to require the level of 
support provided for operating systems by MS. Which is ridiculous when you 
think about it since the online help button that was provided for WIN ME 
was a link to the ZDNET Computer Help Forum. Or do you really like point, 
click, crash, reboot, reinstall and *PAY!*? I don't; I never have and never 

Let's analyze your comments regarding OS Linux and *decent* applications 
for a moment, shall we?

Windows ships with daemons to connect to your ISP through whatever means you 
use, correct? When a (new) friend purchased a new system a while back he had 
to call me in order to connect to the local cable company after setting up 
the machine. I was forced to walk him through the connection through _right 
clicking and selecting properties_ in the browser to set up the connection 
and even then Windows didn't seem inclined to use the connection as 
specified. It almost demanded that he use the OLS set-up included. Why 
would he pay MSN Networks for a connection that can't be made from here? I 
went over with an additional 40 GB hard drive, installed MDK 8.2 and he was 
connected by the time he removed the install media during the end of install 
restart and spent the next 20 minutes making the desktop *purty* instead of 
fiddling with a stubborn OS that makes too many assumptions.

Score: Windows XP 0, Mandrake 1

Next we get to his 
It should have maybe installed automatically maybe? Something about 
certified drivers etc. Wrong answer. The drivers weren't installed, it was 
an unknown device, the display sucked, and the operating system didn't want 
to find the drivers on the install disk even when this was specifically 
requested. Windows has determined that the best drivers for the device are 
already installed. I managed to make it use the correct ones and then 
updated them, but almost every time he reboots the system he has to go 
through this agony again. Mandrake configured X during install, set the 
display the way it was requested to be, and never 

[newbie] looking for mandrake PPC help for UMAX s900

2002-07-31 Thread Stefan Mintier

having a hell of a time getting mandrake installed on my machine and 
was wondering if there was anyone who had installed on an s900 or if 
there was a better list for this kind of support.
Thanx in advance

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Re: [newbie] dual boot M8.2 and XP suggestion

2002-07-31 Thread Anand

I may be wrong about this... but I beleive that it depends
on whether the XP is on NTFS or not. My friend installed
Linux with XP on fat32 without any special precautions
(like not installing lilo on MBR) and he didn't have any
problems. I did the same thing with XP on NTFS and ended up
loosing my windows. I then had to load lilo from XP
bootloader (After reinstalling XP ofcourse). Please correct
me if I am wrong.


On Wed, 31 Jul 2002, Bryan Tyson wrote:

 On Tuesday 30 July 2002 09:06 am, Scott wrote:

 I'm still confused on the same point:
 Some people talk about copying the boot record (the first 512
 from the
 linux partition) and copying it to the windows partition.
 Other people
 to be saying that linux will sort out the booting and never
 the boot record or editing bootlaoder config files.  Which is

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Re: [newbie] Bookmarks from KDE2 to KDE3

2002-07-31 Thread Derek Jennings

On Wednesday 31 Jul 2002 10:06 pm, Miark wrote:
 How does one get KDE2 bookmarks to show up in
 the KDE 3.0.2 that was recently released?


Copy them from 
~/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/bookmarks.xml  to


Similarly for any other configuration data you want to import into kde3


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Re: [newbie] 3Com USR Modem Installation

2002-07-31 Thread iggy

i saw that phanton account.  on a previous install of 8.2, i did the initial 
wizard at first login (after the install).  i had the same problem,  could 
not delete the account.  i needed to do a reinstall (other problems) and 
skipped the initial wizard and setup the accounts manually in kmail and have 
not seen the phantom account since.  BTW, i also had the phantom account in 

On Tuesday 16 July 2002 05:15 pm, Joe Harkins wrote:
 At 10:05 PM 7/16/2002 +0100, you wrote:
 Well not every seems to get that phantom account. I did not.  To get rid
 of it
 do this.

 Thanks. I'm on my way out the door to a meeting but will try this when i

 Regards, joe

my windows broke.  so i replaced it with Linux.
i once was blind, now i see the light!

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2002-07-31 Thread Howard Stredwick

Hi Yall

trying to install Mandrake 8.2 on a test box I have put together. However the
install program hangs with 

Kernel Panic: VFS Unable to mount root on 01:03.

Whilst booting the install linux

This occurred when the disk was un-partitioned, and
still occurs when after I successfully installed RedHat

It also occurs under text install mode and any other
option I care to pass the install prog. 

The box spec:

PC Chips M810LR (SIS 730 chipset)

256MB ram


Maxtor 40GB drive

PS2 K/B and Mouse 

I have tried turning off PNP bios settings but to no
affect. If anyone can shed any light on this that would be great.

Cheers J


Howard Stredwick

PHP, ASP, JSP Web Developer


2002-07-31 Thread Howard Stredwick

Hi Yall

trying to install Mandrake 8.2 on a test box I have put together. However the
install program hangs with 

Kernel Panic: VFS Unable to mount root on 01:03.

Whilst booting the install linux

This occurred when the disk was un-partitioned, and
still occurs when after I successfully installed RedHat

It also occurs under text install mode and any other
option I care to pass the install prog. 

The box spec:

PC Chips M810LR (SIS 730 chipset)

256MB ram


Maxtor 40GB drive

PS2 K/B and Mouse 

I have tried turning off PNP bios settings but to no
affect. If anyone can shed any light on this that would be great.

Cheers J


Howard Stredwick

PHP, ASP, JSP Web Developer

Re: [newbie] Civilme petition - PETITION???. now OT-flamen John Rigby

2002-07-31 Thread et

but John do you, or do you not, like Bagpipes? let's get down to brass 

On Tuesday 30 July 2002 10:48 pm, you wrote:
 At 11:14 AM 31/07/02, you did spake with authority

 John Rigby wrote:
 Linux is still a  ^%$#$%^*^^ of a product to install and setup in a
 business-workable format.
 John, I am tired of hearing you say this. I have no idea of what problems
 you have (please don't bother telling me).
 I have a dual boot machine with Mandrake 8.2 and (sort of) Win 98.
 Mandrake installed without a wrinkle and has remained stable. Win 98 was a
 struggle to get video and modem (external) to work. Furthermore when that
 decorated soldier - Gen Fault - salutes the reboot loses the video driver
 and it is another fight to get it setup properly.

 I *KNOW* what that is - not a big problem under windoze any novice help
 list will show you how :_)

 Look, frankly who cares what *you* think?

 This was part of a serious offer to help a young fellow in a difficult
 circumstance and you whine about something nonsensical !

 All I can say is:
 The complaints by volume and extent here are ferocious, considering most
 people here fancy themselves as at least partial geeks - they LIKE playing
 with things.
 I can't even understand the questions! :-)

 There is no point in continually shooting at the messenger!
 LINUX *IS* a ^*%$$%^  to set up.
 READ THIS VERY LIST - and it is only *one* of dozens.

 Even *you* are still running W98!!!

 As for not seeing both sides - I even once used an Apple!

 No, the big money in Linux is in finding the RARE, rare person who is a
 geek and can get it all to go - not in MONTHS but a day.
 I have never, ever met one myself, but I live in the sunshine
 If I could have found one hirable person who could demonstrate that they
 could get Linux to run in a business situation easily - NOTE: real world
 business situation - I would have started a Computer business again this
 year - even here in paradise, there is a lot of easy(?) money to be made.
 The catch was, the only two competent people I eventually found were
 already self-employed and making a motza - often by throwing out MS$
 systems and setting up hybrids - O.S. Linux and decent (and familiar)
 programs running under Win4lin or whatsitsname.

 I have recently installed test runs of Linux distros that DO work, several
 times, but the problems with useful programs/utilities show it to be long
 way off everyday user  value to do it without expert assistance, yet.

 Again, people, I am not anti-anything except bigots and fanatics.

 I think Linux is the only hope of stopping Big Bill's juggernaut. Well,
 slowing it a little, anyway.  :-)
 But, the current hope is certainly not the Mandrake approach.
 I'm not even sure if anyone else will now be able to catch the
 Lindows  rabbit. Boy! Those people know how to market!
 Boy! They listened to what the market wants/needs!
 Did EXACTLY what I've been saying here and elsewhere for

 Again, please stop shooting at the messenger - learn to look at things in
 an adult way. Don't be afraid of new/different information. THAT is how we
 all learn.
 Those that do advance, anyway.


 John Rigby

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Re: [newbie] dual boot M8.2 and XP suggestion

2002-07-31 Thread Bryan Tyson

On Wednesday 31 July 2002 13:06, Anand wrote:

 I may be wrong about this... but I beleive that it depends
 on whether the XP is on NTFS or not. My friend installed
 Linux with XP on fat32 without any special precautions
 (like not installing lilo on MBR) and he didn't have any
 problems. I did the same thing with XP on NTFS and ended up
 loosing my windows.

Well, you might be right, I don't know, simply because I have not tried 
it. I can tell you I have done two machines dual booting XP with NTFS 
and Linux (1 machine Mandrake, 1 machine SuSE), and it works fine if 
you install XP first, keep your Linux on hdb, and put lilo in the mbr.

Powered by SuSE Linux 7.3 Professional
KDE 2.2.1 KMail 1.3.1
This is a Microsoft-free computer

Bryan S. Tyson

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Re: [newbie] CivilEme petition.

2002-07-31 Thread _nast-mdk81

On Wed, 31 Jul 2002 02:41, civileme wrote:
 frankie wrote:
 anyone fancy starting a Save Civilme petition
 Don't do that.

 That post to the list was inadvertant.  I meant it as a private reply on

 I was on this list and on the expert list with more than 1000 posts
 before I was ever a mandrakesoft employee, and I have no plans to leave
 or diminish my activities.


Well, I'm sure 90% of us will sign a petition anyway :-)! As everyone else 
mentioned, you're a great asset to Mandrake and all it's users. And so we 
should help you back, right?

Interesting how the 40+ replies there have been have all misspelt his name!


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Re: [newbie] CivilEme petition.

2002-07-31 Thread Miark

 Well, I'm sure 90% of us will sign a petition anyway :-)! As everyone else 
 mentioned, you're a great asset to Mandrake and all it's users. And so we 
 should help you back, right?

No, not right. Absolutely nothing can come of a petition, so crafting
one would do nothing but pit us against Mandrakesoft for absolutely no
reason. Why do that? Mandrakesoft is on our side.

If you want to help Civileme, do something that will help him in whatever
he does next, like offering to write a letter of reference or something. (?)


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Re: [newbie] CivilEme petition.

2002-07-31 Thread Paul Clyne

 Well, I'm sure 90% of us will sign a petition anyway :-)! As everyone else

 mentioned, you're a great asset to Mandrake and all it's users. And so we

 should help you back, right?

I have only caught some of this thread, and it disturbs me deeply.  

Did I miss it or has no-one thought to as civilme what _he_ would like us to
do ?.

Possibly that would be a good starting point ..


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Re: [newbie] CivilEme petition.

2002-07-31 Thread Miark

 Did I miss it or has no-one thought to ask civilme what _he_ would 
 like us to do?

We did. He doesn't want us to do anything. 


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Re: [newbie] CivilEme petition.

2002-07-31 Thread Marc

7/31/02 8:36:26 PM, Miark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Well, I'm sure 90% of us will sign a petition anyway :-)! As everyone else 
 mentioned, you're a great asset to Mandrake and all it's users. And so we 
 should help you back, right?

No, not right. Absolutely nothing can come of a petition, so crafting
one would do nothing but pit us against Mandrakesoft for absolutely no
reason. Why do that? Mandrakesoft is on our side.

If you want to help Civileme, do something that will help him in whatever
he does next, like offering to write a letter of reference or something. (?)


 I fore one would do that in  a heartbeat and it would be full of glowing 
recomendations to say the least.


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Re: [newbie] CivilEme petition.

2002-07-31 Thread shane

Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 31 July 2002 5:45 pm, _nast-mdk81 did speak unto the huddled 
masses, saying:

   Interesting how the 40+ replies there have been have all misspelt his

bad speelers of the word untie!

- -- 
warning: this sig file has been found to be un-PC by the list nazis.  it 
may contain ideas that are hazardous to your preconcieved notions.  this 
sig file is intended for use under adult supervision.  do not read while 
operating Windows.

Profile at:
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


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Re: [newbie] CivilEme petition.

2002-07-31 Thread Dennis Myers

On Wednesday 31 July 2002 09:07 pm, you wrote:
  Did I miss it or has no-one thought to ask civilme what _he_ would
  like us to do?

 We did. He doesn't want us to do anything.

So that is what we should do, nothing.  Civileme is in the position to know 
what is best for him. He has all the details and the whycomes, so if he 
wishes us to do nothing we should honor him and his request. IMHO. 
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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[newbie] Is there anybody out there.... internet sharing question

2002-07-31 Thread freeman

I just want to no how to enable a port threw mandrake internet sharing? 
the port is 3602.  please let me know

Best regards


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[newbie] Kpanel doesn't reload

2002-07-31 Thread eric jackson

I can't figure this out. I'm using 8.2. I have lost my Kpanel when 
seting up at least 2 different users. It's there when I shut down but 
it's not there when I reboot. I do see the message saying Loading 
panel but it doesn't load.

Anybody know why this happens? Is there a command I can enter at a shell 
to get the panel back?

Maybe it's time to install a newer KDE.

Thanks for any help you can give.


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[newbie] No highlighting in Konsole

2002-07-31 Thread Miark

KDE 3.0.2's Konsole is is not letting me highlight whole 
words by double-clicking them. How do I fix that?


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