[newbie] hosting my own web site

2004-04-03 Thread Aron Smith
I have a static connection (DSL) and a spare computer any ideas what I can do 
to set up my on site? mostly need some place to park large files.

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Re: [newbie] Mozilla desktop icon dosent work

2004-04-03 Thread Graham Watkins
Hoyt Bailey wrote:

I installed mozilla 1.6  from mozilla.org a tar.gz file.  When engaged 
from the run-mozilla.sh script it works fine.  Therefore I used the 
path to script as the command for the icon.  It generates a flopping 
hourglass in the kicker but dos not start mozilla.  What did I do 

At last a question that I actually know the answer to - I think mozilla 
1.6 is installed in a different part of the folder forest to 1.4.  
Change the execute properties of the link to : 
/usr/local/mozilla/mozilla and all should be well thereafter.


Graham Watkins

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[newbie] Richiesta aiuto per un grave problema

2004-04-03 Thread Alberto Zanoni
 ho bisogno di un aiuto per un problema gravissimo ed 
inspiegabile che sto 
avendo con Linux Mandrake 7.2. Mi sono accorto da ieri che per qualche oscura 
ragione lo spazio disco mi si sta riducendo di minuto in minuto, senza che io 
faccia nulla di significativo.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] alberto]$ df .
Filesystem   1k-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda5  4735892   4182188313136  93% / 

Dopo qualche secondo

[EMAIL PROTECTED] alberto]$ df .
Filesystem   1k-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda5  4735892   4182192313132  93% /

E dopo qualche secondo ancora

[EMAIL PROTECTED] alberto]$ df .
Filesystem   1k-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda5  4735892   4182224313100  93% / 

Cosa sta succedendo ? E' possibile fare qualcosa ? Grazie di cuore a chiunque 
vorrà rispondermi.


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Re: [newbie] hosting my own web site

2004-04-03 Thread frankieh
Aron Smith wrote:
I have a static connection (DSL) and a spare computer any ideas what I can do 
to set up my on site? mostly need some place to park large files.
Do you have a domain name?

If not, head over to dyn-dns and get yourself a static IP domain from 
them.. (its free)

Then copy your large files to /var/www/html
and start apache..:
service httpd start
You should be good to go.

all the config files for apache are in /etc/httpd/conf
and they are all pretty well commented.
If you don't feel up to facing manual config files, then fireup webmin 
and configure apache that way.

you shouldn't need to do much if anything, mandrake has apache ready to 
go out of the box.

Frank Hauptle (aka Franki)

For free scripts, online webmaster tools, HTML, XHTML, Perl  PHP 
tutorials and stuff, visit:
http://htmlfixit.com   Free web developer resources.

Please sign our petition to encourage notebook manufacturers to offer 
video card upgrades just like desktops.

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Re: [newbie] hosting my own web site

2004-04-03 Thread Lanman
Aron Smith wrote:
I have a static connection (DSL) and a spare computer any ideas what I can do 
to set up my on site? mostly need some place to park large files.
Don't forget to open Port 80 on your firewall Aron, and make sure that 
Apache starts at boot time.


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[newbie] KDE Crash

2004-04-03 Thread Drew Martin
Hi All,
I'm having problems booting into KDE 3.1.When I try to log on it gets 
to stage 3 of the log on and stops.I then get the error message nspluginscan 
has crashed and caused the signal 11(SIGSEGV)
  I can still log into Gnome and Xfce4,but I then have to kill 
nspluginscan,from KDE System Guard or I get the same error message.I have 
good idea what is the problem.I have KDE set up to look for new plugin's on 
log on.
How do I turn this off,so I can log on into KDE?I need to this because I 
am trying to wean the wife and kids away from Windows,and they find KDE the 
easeist to use at the moment.
Thank you for any help in advance.
 MKD 9.2.

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Re: [newbie] KDE Crash

2004-04-03 Thread Lanman
Drew Martin wrote:
Hi All,
I'm having problems booting into KDE 3.1.When I try to log on it gets 
to stage 3 of the log on and stops.I then get the error message nspluginscan 
has crashed and caused the signal 11(SIGSEGV)
  I can still log into Gnome and Xfce4,but I then have to kill 
nspluginscan,from KDE System Guard or I get the same error message.I have 
good idea what is the problem.I have KDE set up to look for new plugin's on 
log on.
How do I turn this off,so I can log on into KDE?I need to this because I 
am trying to wean the wife and kids away from Windows,and they find KDE the 
easeist to use at the moment.
Thank you for any help in advance.
 MKD 9.2.

Drew; have a look at kcontrol . You'll need to check under Web 
Browsing  Plugins, and you shoudl find what you need there. Be advised 
that you'll have to repeat the procedure for each user, as well as root. 
You also might want to see if you can delete nsplugins completely from 
the system and install a fresh copy, since yours seems to be a bit buggy.

A signal 11(SIGSEGV) can be caused by a lot of different problems, but 
quite often it's caused by a broken package or Ram. Let's hope it's just 
the package. BTW, have you considered upgrading to KDE 3.2 yet? That 
might solve some of your problems as well.


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[newbie] Mandrake RPM for XPde?

2004-04-03 Thread franki
As the question in the subject states, I'm looking for mandrake rpms for 

I am always on the lookout for things that will make linux seem less 
threatning for windows users..
To that end I recently discovered XPde http://xpde.com/

which is designed to look like Windows XP, but has ended up looking like 
98/2000 but will have themes available later
to match XP's look.

Anyway, this thing is so close to 98/2000, that I'd be surprised if 
newbie users would even know they were not using 98/2000
if they were to find themselves in front of an Linux/XPde machine..

Now I know all the arguements of why would you want to copy windoze, it 
sux and there are better wm around.. but the point is that
a newbie linux/win user will feel more comfortably with this then they 
would having to learn their way around a completely different wm/GUI...

So to that effect I am looking to find or make an rpm of XPde so that I 
can put it on the systems of users that are unsure about

I am surprised that the likes of Mandrake, Xandros, Lindows have not 
been looking at this app.. not as a default desktop, but say for example 
they add a user class question to the install screens, and if the user 
selected windows newbie then it could set up XPde for them.

One of the particularly impressive features is the version of windows 
explorer they have created. it is seriously similiar to windows explorer 
and would be MUCH more freindly to windows users then Konqueror or one 
of the others... see for yourself.

While I don't believe that the windoze user interface has any 
particulary merits that bear copying.. I just say that for someone 
turning on a pc and expecting win9x, they would be hard pressed to tell 
that this isn't and would probably feel right at home..

then a month later you tell them they've been using linux and show them 
some more powerful and customizable window managers...

(I had a look on rpmfind, and some googling but so far have found no 
rpms for any distro, let along mandrake, however it was mentioned on 
mandrake club as a potential rpm.. so if your a club member, you should 
go and vote for XPde so that those of us that spend our time at the 
front end trying to convert companies to Linux.. have another tool in 
our chest to do so.)



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Re: [newbie] 10 CE Shutdown - SOLVED!

2004-04-03 Thread Margot
Tom Brinkman wrote:
On Sunday 28 March 2004 07:28 am, Margot wrote:

Tom Brinkman wrote:

On Thursday 25 March 2004 02:03 am, Tony S. Sykes wrote:

m dk.i586.rpm
m dk.nosrc.rpm
Well, some success... I managed to download and install the
new kernel (without getting cut off this time), and the
shutdown now goes past the original hang point, but now it
gets to this:
md: md0 switched to read-only mode.
Power down.
...but it doesn't actually switch off!

I assume that it is safe to just hit the power switch at this
point, but is there some setting I could change so it will
switch off automatically?
   No sooner did I post the link to Thomas' kernel, than he
released an updated version2.6.4-1.tmb.4mdk
Well, I've now experimented with several kernels, and the one
which works best so far is 2.6.4-1.tmb.3mdk - machine still
doesn't actually switch off, but everything else seems pretty
Perhaps now is the time to look at the acpi and apic settings
that Tony suggested. I've seen these mentioned in other
threads, but mainly relating to laptops. Mine's a desktop

 I believe the general trend with 2.4.x kernels would be to 
disable apic and/or acpi.  With 2.6.x and newer hardware, I 
believe it'll be to make sure they're both enabled.  The only 
exception to that I currently know of is nForce chipset systems 
which don't handle them properly.  You've got a VIA chipset which 

Are there any standard settings for acpi and apic for different
types of machine, or is is just a question of trying various
combinations until I find one that works?

 Yep, trial'n error

I know that the settings appear in the append line in
lilo.conf, but is this where I actually edit them, or is there
another file for the settings which transfers the details into

 No, edit lilo.conf, and try not to forget to run 'lilo' to 
write the changes before you reboot.  (we all do sometimes ;)

   Margot, the behavior you describe is probly a hardware or
bios configuration deficiency.  Specially if you close all
applications you don't want to start on the next boot,  open
a term and su to root, and type 'halt'. You might also
experiment with 'reboot'.  In any event, yes, you're probly
OK to use the power switch, particularly if you don't see any
file system warnings on the next boot.
   On an ATX motherboard, try either 4 sec delay or
instant off bios settings to see if one works better than
the other.
Is ATX a brand name, or is it some sort of specification?
Mine's a Shuttle Spacewalker MV42N - I don't want to start
fiddling with bios settings until I have some idea of what I'm

A specification.  Your Shuttle is a micro ATX.  and the 
system is up to date enough, that I believe with 2.6.x kernels, 
you should (even need/want to) enable apic and acpi.  You do so 
by removing any 'noapic', 'nolapic', and 'acpi=off' (or acpi-=ht) 
from the 2.6.x kernel stanza in your lilo.conf.  These features 
are built into the kernel, no need to explicitly enable them.

After sorting out some other problems, I finally found time to look 
at this again. I'm now using the tmb.5 kernel, tried all the 
possible combinations of acpi and apic settings I could think of, 
and have found that with the option acpi=on and no mention of apic 
or lapic, the computer now switches off automatically, the way I 
wanted it to.

Thanks for your help. Now I just have to get the sound working... ;-)


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Re: [newbie] 10 CE Shutdown - SOLVED!

2004-04-03 Thread Margot
Charlie wrote:
This is probably no help, but just in case?
For no reason this machine would not shut off, in fact I had to use shutdown 
-h now as root. I could get it to work by changing the sessions, saving, then 
changing them back. But only once after the first reboot, then it went back 
to this behaviour.

In trying to get sound to work, I placed this line in my /etc/modules.conf 
which is called something different in 10.x 

options snd-via82xx index=0 dxs_support=2

Why this should effect the shutdown, I have no idea, but try some variations 
and it might just work?


Well, I managed to sort out the shutdown problem by using acpi=on, 
but my next project is to get the sound working so I've saved your 
suggestion in case it helps - or in case getting the sound working 
breaks my newly-fixed shutdown! Thanks Charlie!


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[newbie] minor bugs in Mdk10 community.

2004-04-03 Thread frankieh
Hi guys,

I just started with my first mdk10 install...

during the install I went in and tried to set the network..
It gave me a message that it had already been configured to access the 

it had a yes or no box, but it was clear that it was asking if I wanted 
to change it or not..
it wasn't clear whether or not I was sposed to say yes or no to 
configure it anyway..
so I said no, meaning no I don't care about the configured internet 

Soon as I clicked no the install terminated.. and the system rebooted 
as if I had finished with all configuration optionos..
I never got to see the bootloader settings or anything else, it just 

luckily the bootloader had set itself and it all started up fine, still 
it was disconcerting..

The other error was when I booted to the comamnd line and typed:
urpmi ntsysv
as I am often want to do...
It asked me to insert CD1, and when I did, it spat it out and asked again..
after inserting it 4 times, and clearning it etc. I cancelled urpmi..
I mounted the cdrom and had a look in the RPMS directory on the CD..
there was no package for ntsysv
So that means that the hdlist for mdk10 community wrongly includes 
ntsysv when it doesn't actually have that package.

Just wondered if anyone else had come accross any of these issues

(incidently, my DVDrom booted install from CD1 just fine.)

Frank Hauptle (aka Franki)

For free scripts, online webmaster tools, HTML, XHTML, Perl  PHP 
tutorials and stuff, visit:
http://htmlfixit.com   Free web developer resources.

Please sign our petition to encourage notebook manufacturers to offer 
video card upgrades just like desktops.

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Re: [newbie] KDE Crash

2004-04-03 Thread Drew Martin
On Saturday 03 Apr 2004 12:07 pm, Lanman wrote:
 Drew Martin wrote:
  Hi All,
  I'm having problems booting into KDE 3.1.When I try to log on it
  gets to stage 3 of the log on and stops.I then get the error message
  nspluginscan has crashed and caused the signal 11(SIGSEGV)
I can still log into Gnome and Xfce4,but I then have to kill
  nspluginscan,from KDE System Guard or I get the same error message.I have
  good idea what is the problem.I have KDE set up to look for new plugin's
  on log on.
  How do I turn this off,so I can log on into KDE?I need to this
  because I am trying to wean the wife and kids away from Windows,and they
  find KDE the easeist to use at the moment.
  Thank you for any help in advance.

 Drew; have a look at kcontrol . You'll need to check under Web
 Browsing  Plugins, and you shoudl find what you need there. Be advised
 that you'll have to repeat the procedure for each user, as well as root.
 You also might want to see if you can delete nsplugins completely from
 the system and install a fresh copy, since yours seems to be a bit buggy.

 A signal 11(SIGSEGV) can be caused by a lot of different problems, but
 quite often it's caused by a broken package or Ram. Let's hope it's just
 the package. BTW, have you considered upgrading to KDE 3.2 yet? That
 might solve some of your problems as well.

   Thats sorted it out,I have turned off Scan on Log On,while sort the 
the plugins out.
 I was looking at installing 3.2,but it was going to take forever to 
download even with broadband.I'm going to wait until 10.0 Final is released 
and install that.

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Re: [newbie] back to the good old Windows

2004-04-03 Thread Richard Urwin
On Saturday 03 Apr 2004 6:21 am, Aron Smith wrote:
 On Friday 02 April 2004 05:13 pm, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
  On Friday 02 April 2004 02:06 pm, Aron Smith wrote:
   On Friday 02 April 2004 08:48 am, Ronald wrote:
Op vrijdag 2 april 2004 09:37, schreef Aron Smith:
 On Thursday 01 April 2004 02:08 pm, rikona wrote:
  Hello Bryan,
  Thursday, April 1, 2004, 12:35:45 PM, you wrote:
  BP On Thursday 01 April 2004 10:52 am, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
   I agree completely, Jose.  I'm in the process of doing
   the same thing as you are; formatting the drive for
   FAT32 and installing 98 again. After all, there's alot
   of nostalgia involved with Windows.
  BP Nostalgia.  Try going back to DOS.
  How about cp/m?

 Do it in Hex
from time to time I fire up my old ZX81.. real nostalgia
   still got my old KIM-1 ;-)

 It is modified  got 4k of Static Ram (rembember static ram?)

  And the winner of the 2004 Ultimate Packrat Award is (fanfare,
  please) Aron Smith!
  -- cmg

Not so fast. I still have my Science of Cambridge MK14. It's got 256 
bytes of (static) memory.

Richard Urwin

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Re: [newbie] Sound Blaster Live

2004-04-03 Thread Marco Terzuoli
I've tried that but it doesn't work either... Point is I've got both SB and
a sound card integrated in my motherboard, which uses the via82xx module.
Whatever options I choose, it is the intedgrated card which plays sound,
whereas the SB remains shut up. Even selecting Sound Blaster from KMix
doesn't change a thing. I tried to edit /etc/modules.conf to exclude the via
drivers but they are loaded anyway Does anyone know how not to let them
be loaded at boot time?

- Original Message -
From: Dennis Myers [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, April 03, 2004 2:51 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Sound Blaster Live

 On Friday 02 April 2004 09:54 am, Marco Terzuoli wrote:
  I have just installed Mandrake 10.0 Community and I have a problem
  my Sound Blaster Live working correctly. Actually the installer
  it and (hopefully) installs the correct driver, but there is no way of
  hearing anything, except from interferences from the microphone and such
  things (which anyhow means that in some weird way the system
  with the sound card). I tried to fix things up using KMix and the sound
  configuration tool to switch from ALSA to OSS and stuff like that, but I
  could only manage to get rid of the interferences, which means I hear
  nothing at all Also, I would like to point out that I had some
  running xmms... it actually starts, but usually crashes withins seconds
  (even though sometimes, with no apparent reason, it works well
  that I can see the freequency bars going up and down, of course I hear
  nothing). Looking through the net I found that it is due to some glib
  problem, but no solution to it was given, so if someone knows what to do
  please tell me. Thanks everybody,
  I'm sorry if some of you got this message twice, but I received an error
  saying that it could not be delivered to all of the users in the list, s
o I
  sent it again
 Marco, try this, go into the Mandrake Control Center and choose hardware
 click on the sound card  you have showing on the left, then on the right
 click run configuration. There is usually three driver choices once it
 to that point, if it shows yours using the snd-emu10k1 choose to use just
 emu10k1 and vice versa, it may show audigy, choose either of the others,
 of them will work. HTH
 Dennis M. Linux user #180842

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Join the Club : http://www.mandrakeclub.com

Re: [newbie] KDE Crash

2004-04-03 Thread Lanman
Drew Martin wrote:
On Saturday 03 Apr 2004 12:07 pm, Lanman wrote:

Drew Martin wrote:

Hi All,
   I'm having problems booting into KDE 3.1.When I try to log on it
gets to stage 3 of the log on and stops.I then get the error message
nspluginscan has crashed and caused the signal 11(SIGSEGV)
 I can still log into Gnome and Xfce4,but I then have to kill
nspluginscan,from KDE System Guard or I get the same error message.I have
good idea what is the problem.I have KDE set up to look for new plugin's
on log on.
   How do I turn this off,so I can log on into KDE?I need to this
because I am trying to wean the wife and kids away from Windows,and they
find KDE the easeist to use at the moment.
   Thank you for any help in advance.
Drew; have a look at kcontrol . You'll need to check under Web
Browsing  Plugins, and you shoudl find what you need there. Be advised
that you'll have to repeat the procedure for each user, as well as root.
You also might want to see if you can delete nsplugins completely from
the system and install a fresh copy, since yours seems to be a bit buggy.
A signal 11(SIGSEGV) can be caused by a lot of different problems, but
quite often it's caused by a broken package or Ram. Let's hope it's just
the package. BTW, have you considered upgrading to KDE 3.2 yet? That
might solve some of your problems as well.
   Thats sorted it out,I have turned off Scan on Log On,while sort the 
the plugins out.
 I was looking at installing 3.2,but it was going to take forever to 
download even with broadband.I'm going to wait until 10.0 Final is released 
and install that.

Kewl. Glad I was able to help.


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[newbie] how do I kill crashed program

2004-04-03 Thread hugenots
Haiz newbie,

  I have installed xing player, bt it sometimes stops responding!
  maybe some damaged media file or what, bt the question is how do I
  kill it or restart

  i know terminam comand kill, bt is there any lame way

  I'm running MD 9.1 and KDE (default version i gues)

force, my friend, is violence!
 hugenots  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [newbie] hosting my own web site

2004-04-03 Thread Richard Urwin
On Saturday 03 Apr 2004 11:23 am, Lanman wrote:
 Aron Smith wrote:
  I have a static connection (DSL) and a spare computer any ideas
  what I can do to set up my on site? mostly need some place to park
  large files.

 Don't forget to open Port 80 on your firewall Aron, and make sure
 that Apache starts at boot time.


I'm not the OP, but...

What is that emailing exploit that has been posted about a couple of 
times? Is that capability disabled out of the box?

If I were to set up a web server here I wouldn't want anything too 
complex, but there's 700 pages of apache module documentation that I'm 
not going to read through, and something that I don't use but which 
opens a security hole is a worry.

Richard Urwin

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake RPM for XPde?

2004-04-03 Thread Lanman
franki wrote:
As the question in the subject states, I'm looking for mandrake rpms for 

I am always on the lookout for things that will make linux seem less 
threatning for windows users..
To that end I recently discovered XPde http://xpde.com/

which is designed to look like Windows XP, but has ended up looking like 
98/2000 but will have themes available later
to match XP's look.

Anyway, this thing is so close to 98/2000, that I'd be surprised if 
newbie users would even know they were not using 98/2000
if they were to find themselves in front of an Linux/XPde machine..

Now I know all the arguements of why would you want to copy windoze, it 
sux and there are better wm around.. but the point is that
a newbie linux/win user will feel more comfortably with this then they 
would having to learn their way around a completely different wm/GUI...

So to that effect I am looking to find or make an rpm of XPde so that I 
can put it on the systems of users that are unsure about

I am surprised that the likes of Mandrake, Xandros, Lindows have not 
been looking at this app.. not as a default desktop, but say for example 
they add a user class question to the install screens, and if the user 
selected windows newbie then it could set up XPde for them.

One of the particularly impressive features is the version of windows 
explorer they have created. it is seriously similiar to windows explorer 
and would be MUCH more freindly to windows users then Konqueror or one 
of the others... see for yourself.

While I don't believe that the windoze user interface has any 
particulary merits that bear copying.. I just say that for someone 
turning on a pc and expecting win9x, they would be hard pressed to tell 
that this isn't and would probably feel right at home..

then a month later you tell them they've been using linux and show them 
some more powerful and customizable window managers...

(I had a look on rpmfind, and some googling but so far have found no 
rpms for any distro, let along mandrake, however it was mentioned on 
mandrake club as a potential rpm.. so if your a club member, you should 
go and vote for XPde so that those of us that spend our time at the 
front end trying to convert companies to Linux.. have another tool in 
our chest to do so.)


I have to agree. With Linux popularity gaining new ground each day, we 
have to consider that the easier it is for the masses to switch to 
Linux, the more of them will make the switch. I've been making a point 
of using KDE with a Windows 2000 Look and Feel for my clients, and 
usually ( more often than not ), I've been getting phone calls from them 
after a few months, saying Hey, did you know that you can make major 
changes to the desktop? Of course, that usually gets a little grin and 
chuckle out of me, but it shows that once they have acquired a comfort 
level, users are usually stunned by the flexibility of the desktops 
alone. These conversations typically happen on a weekly basis for me, 
during which I often point the clients to a LUG and other websites for 
extra help, and to learn more. I've rarely gone back to a client 6 
months later and seen the same desktop in place without some serious 
modificfations having been done.

Of course, the client and their staff, typically have a smug little 
smile on their faces concerning their accomplishments. I know from 
having worked in large enterprises that sysadmins typically end up 
locking down a lot of the functionality of M$ Windows and the desktops 
so as to reduce security problems, to save time for the IT support staff 
and to minimize user dissatisfaction.

But I'm actually seeing users with smiles on their faces again ! Has 
anyone else noticed that? The trust is back ! When users have a system 
that crashes or causes them problems, they usually blame the IT staff. 
As a result, they don't trust the IT guys, blaming the problems on them 
instead of an inferior O/S and desktop system. But those of my clients 
using Linux are smiling at me again, and now they're eager to learn new 

Of all the improvements I've ever seen in Linux and all the 
justifications for using it, this has to be the best of them all. Giving 
new users a desktop like that would just make it happen that much 
faster. So, if anyone here is brave enough to tackle Franki's 
suggestion, that would probably be the most significant contribution 
someone could make to help promote Linux. Now,h, if it was only 
capable of running on Mandrake,h! Grin!

Here's to World Domination Folks! It's our turn!

OK, go back to your normal stuff, now. I'm done.


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Re: [newbie] back to the good old Windows

2004-04-03 Thread Lanman
Richard Urwin wrote:
On Saturday 03 Apr 2004 6:21 am, Aron Smith wrote:

On Friday 02 April 2004 05:13 pm, Carroll Grigsby wrote:

On Friday 02 April 2004 02:06 pm, Aron Smith wrote:

On Friday 02 April 2004 08:48 am, Ronald wrote:

Op vrijdag 2 april 2004 09:37, schreef Aron Smith:

On Thursday 01 April 2004 02:08 pm, rikona wrote:

Hello Bryan,

Thursday, April 1, 2004, 12:35:45 PM, you wrote:

BP On Thursday 01 April 2004 10:52 am, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:

I agree completely, Jose.  I'm in the process of doing
the same thing as you are; formatting the drive for
FAT32 and installing 98 again. After all, there's alot
of nostalgia involved with Windows.
BP Nostalgia.  Try going back to DOS.

How about cp/m?
Do it in Hex
from time to time I fire up my old ZX81.. real nostalgia
still got my old KIM-1 ;-)
It is modified  got 4k of Static Ram (rembember static ram?)

And the winner of the 2004 Ultimate Packrat Award is (fanfare,
please) Aron Smith!
-- cmg

Not so fast. I still have my Science of Cambridge MK14. It's got 256 
bytes of (static) memory.
WoW! You ARE old! Grin!


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Re: [newbie] Sound Blaster Live

2004-04-03 Thread Dennis Myers
On Saturday 03 April 2004 07:34 am, Marco Terzuoli wrote:
 I've tried that but it doesn't work either... Point is I've got both SB and
 a sound card integrated in my motherboard, which uses the via82xx module.
 Whatever options I choose, it is the intedgrated card which plays sound,
 whereas the SB remains shut up. Even selecting Sound Blaster from KMix
 doesn't change a thing. I tried to edit /etc/modules.conf to exclude the
 via drivers but they are loaded anyway Does anyone know how not to let
 them be loaded at boot time?

 - Original Message -
 From: Dennis Myers [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, April 03, 2004 2:51 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Sound Blaster Live

  On Friday 02 April 2004 09:54 am, Marco Terzuoli wrote:
   I have just installed Mandrake 10.0 Community and I have a problem


   my Sound Blaster Live working correctly. Actually the installer


   it and (hopefully) installs the correct driver, but there is no way of
   hearing anything, except from interferences from the microphone and
   such things (which anyhow means that in some weird way the system


   with the sound card). I tried to fix things up using KMix and the sound
   configuration tool to switch from ALSA to OSS and stuff like that, but
   I could only manage to get rid of the interferences, which means I hear
   nothing at all Also, I would like to point out that I had some


   running xmms... it actually starts, but usually crashes withins seconds
   (even though sometimes, with no apparent reason, it works well


   that I can see the freequency bars going up and down, of course I hear
   nothing). Looking through the net I found that it is due to some glib
   problem, but no solution to it was given, so if someone knows what to
   do please tell me. Thanks everybody,
   I'm sorry if some of you got this message twice, but I received an
   error saying that it could not be delivered to all of the users in the
   list, s

 o I

   sent it again
  Marco, try this, go into the Mandrake Control Center and choose hardware


  click on the sound card  you have showing on the left, then on the right


  click run configuration. There is usually three driver choices once it


  to that point, if it shows yours using the snd-emu10k1 choose to use just


  emu10k1 and vice versa, it may show audigy, choose either of the others,


  of them will work. HTH
  Dennis M. Linux user #180842


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Ok, one last shot, did you disable the onboard sound card in the mobo BIOS?

Dennis M. linux user # 180842

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake RPM for XPde?

2004-04-03 Thread frankieh
Lanman wrote:
franki wrote:

As the question in the subject states, I'm looking for mandrake rpms 
for XPde..

I am always on the lookout for things that will make linux seem less 
threatning for windows users..
To that end I recently discovered XPde http://xpde.com/

which is designed to look like Windows XP, but has ended up looking 
like 98/2000 but will have themes available later
to match XP's look.

Anyway, this thing is so close to 98/2000, that I'd be surprised 
if newbie users would even know they were not using 98/2000
if they were to find themselves in front of an Linux/XPde machine..

Now I know all the arguements of why would you want to copy windoze, 
it sux and there are better wm around.. but the point is that
a newbie linux/win user will feel more comfortably with this then they 
would having to learn their way around a completely different wm/GUI...

So to that effect I am looking to find or make an rpm of XPde so that 
I can put it on the systems of users that are unsure about

I am surprised that the likes of Mandrake, Xandros, Lindows have not 
been looking at this app.. not as a default desktop, but say for 
example they add a user class question to the install screens, and 
if the user selected windows newbie then it could set up XPde for them.

One of the particularly impressive features is the version of windows 
explorer they have created. it is seriously similiar to windows 
explorer and would be MUCH more freindly to windows users then 
Konqueror or one of the others... see for yourself.

While I don't believe that the windoze user interface has any 
particulary merits that bear copying.. I just say that for someone 
turning on a pc and expecting win9x, they would be hard pressed to 
tell that this isn't and would probably feel right at home..

then a month later you tell them they've been using linux and show 
them some more powerful and customizable window managers...

(I had a look on rpmfind, and some googling but so far have found no 
rpms for any distro, let along mandrake, however it was mentioned on 
mandrake club as a potential rpm.. so if your a club member, you 
should go and vote for XPde so that those of us that spend our time at 
the front end trying to convert companies to Linux.. have another tool 
in our chest to do so.)



I have to agree. With Linux popularity gaining new ground each day, we 
have to consider that the easier it is for the masses to switch to 
Linux, the more of them will make the switch. I've been making a point 
of using KDE with a Windows 2000 Look and Feel for my clients, and 
usually ( more often than not ), I've been getting phone calls from them 
after a few months, saying Hey, did you know that you can make major 
changes to the desktop? Of course, that usually gets a little grin and 
chuckle out of me, but it shows that once they have acquired a comfort 
level, users are usually stunned by the flexibility of the desktops 
alone. These conversations typically happen on a weekly basis for me, 
during which I often point the clients to a LUG and other websites for 
extra help, and to learn more. I've rarely gone back to a client 6 
months later and seen the same desktop in place without some serious 
modificfations having been done.

Of course, the client and their staff, typically have a smug little 
smile on their faces concerning their accomplishments. I know from 
having worked in large enterprises that sysadmins typically end up 
locking down a lot of the functionality of M$ Windows and the desktops 
so as to reduce security problems, to save time for the IT support staff 
and to minimize user dissatisfaction.

But I'm actually seeing users with smiles on their faces again ! Has 
anyone else noticed that? The trust is back ! When users have a system 
that crashes or causes them problems, they usually blame the IT staff. 
As a result, they don't trust the IT guys, blaming the problems on them 
instead of an inferior O/S and desktop system. But those of my clients 
using Linux are smiling at me again, and now they're eager to learn new 

Of all the improvements I've ever seen in Linux and all the 
justifications for using it, this has to be the best of them all. Giving 
new users a desktop like that would just make it happen that much 
faster. So, if anyone here is brave enough to tackle Franki's 
suggestion, that would probably be the most significant contribution 
someone could make to help promote Linux. Now,h, if it was only 
capable of running on Mandrake,h! Grin!

Here's to World Domination Folks! It's our turn!

OK, go back to your normal stuff, now. I'm done.


Way to go Lanman, I agree completely...

I have next to no knowledge of making rpms,

The closest I have come is installing rpm's, editing their spec files 
and the code of the src in question
and then compiling them into binary rpms...

but if nobody with more experiance pops up their 

[newbie] Audio: Playing WMA (Windows Media Player) Files

2004-04-03 Thread Weiers Coetser

Is there a way I can play the Windows Media Audio files on Linux? I've done
a lot of ripping of CD's recently on Windows Media Player. Now my Linux XMMS
player does not recognise this file format.


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Re: [newbie] Mandrake RPM for XPde?

2004-04-03 Thread Lanman
frankieh wrote:

However I have to say I would feel alot better if someone that actually 
understands rpm's did it.

Yeah, I would too. I've never had the time or patience to learn. With my 
luck it would turn into a Dos Batch file!


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[newbie] Instant Messaging with MSN

2004-04-03 Thread Katinka Peter
As most of my friends are using MSN Messenger, I`ve tried to use the 
libmsn.so plugin in Gaim and a hotmail account to communicate with them. 
Whenever I try to sign on to this account in Gnaim using the MSN protocol, I 
get the message [EMAIL PROTECTED] was unable to sign on: Protocol not 
I`d be grateful for any suggestions.


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Re: [newbie] Richiesta aiuto per un grave problema

2004-04-03 Thread M.Schild

  ho bisogno di un aiuto per un problema gravissimo ed
 inspiegabile che sto
 avendo con Linux Mandrake 7.2. Mi sono accorto da ieri che per qualche
 oscura ragione lo spazio disco mi si sta riducendo di minuto in minuto,
 senza che io faccia nulla di significativo.

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] alberto]$ df .
 Filesystem   1k-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
 /dev/hda5  4735892   4182188313136  93% /

 Dopo qualche secondo

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] alberto]$ df .
 Filesystem   1k-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
 /dev/hda5  4735892   4182192313132  93% /

 E dopo qualche secondo ancora

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] alberto]$ df .
 Filesystem   1k-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
 /dev/hda5  4735892   4182224313100  93% /

 Cosa sta succedendo ? E' possibile fare qualcosa ? Grazie di cuore a
 chiunque vorrà rispondermi.

If I understand correctly, this person is asking for help because the space 
available on his son´s hard drive is diminishing rapidly for some unknown 
reason. I can´t help with the technical stuff but should be able to (have 
someone) translate  the answer

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[newbie] Apollon crash

2004-04-03 Thread Dave Ashmore
I've been trying different p2p programs and I like the easy clean 
interface of Apollon the best.
However it seems upon the completion of every download it crashes.
Does anyone have an idea why this is happening?
I tried qtella as well but I can't seem to make any connections.
Please let me know your thoughts on this.
Dave Ashmore

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Re: [newbie] 10 CE Shutdown - SOLVED!

2004-04-03 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Saturday 03 April 2004 07:06 am, Margot wrote:
 After sorting out some other problems, I finally found time to
 look at this again. I'm now using the tmb.5 kernel, tried all
 the possible combinations of acpi and apic settings I could
 think of, and have found that with the option acpi=on and no
 mention of apic or lapic, the computer now switches off
 automatically, the way I wanted it to.

 Thanks for your help. Now I just have to get the sound
 working... ;-)


  Unless 'acpi=on' is undocumented, it's not a valid 2.6.x 
kernel parameter.  See kernel-parameters.txt (you'll need kernel 
source installed. Any 2.6 kernel-source will do).

   Valid parameters are acpi=off, acpi=ht which both turn off 
acpi, and acpi=force, which forces acpi on.  Simply not having 
any acpi parameter should  turn acpi on, as it's built into the 
kernel as on by default.  You can leave that parameter in tho, 
it's just being ignored by the kernel.

Run 'draksound' as root in a term.  Follow all the steps under 
trouble shooting.  I'd add to also run 'll /dev/dsp'. Ouput 
should look like this

tom # ll /dev/dsp
lr-xr-xr-x  1 root root 9 Apr  1 23:56 /dev/dsp - sound/dsp

   The last '-x' means user can execute sound, and '-' that 
dsp is linked to sound.

'fuser -v /dev/dsp' should return nothing. This means nothing is 
currently tyin up sound, which is what you want.

  Also, I didn't need aumix installed as draksound indicates. 
What enabled sound in 10.0 for me was to raise all the sliders in 
kmix to 100% . including the ones under the 'line-in' icons 
on the right side. At least one of 'em is the line-in from your 
speaker system.
  Tom Brinkman Corpus Christi, Texas
   Proud to be an American

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Re: [ml] [newbie] Instant Messaging with MSN

2004-04-03 Thread Dave Ashmore
Katinka Peter wrote:

As most of my friends are using MSN Messenger, I`ve tried to use the 
libmsn.so plugin in Gaim and a hotmail account to communicate with them. 
Whenever I try to sign on to this account in Gnaim using the MSN protocol, I 
get the message [EMAIL PROTECTED] was unable to sign on: Protocol not 
I`d be grateful for any suggestions.


I was told that the application Kopete will work but I have not tried it.
Dave Ashmore

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[newbie] Mandrake 10 (kernel 2.6) Broadcom 4401 problem

2004-04-03 Thread Alexandre Dubois

I've downloaded the Mandrake 10 yesterday. Installed it with a 2.6 kernel:

#uname -r

the default driver (module b44) doesn't work. I searched a bit and found 
that most of the people got away by installing the bcm4400 module provided 
by Broadcom.

Downloaded linux-3.0.7.zip from the web site,
unzip linux-3.0.7.zip
tar xzvf ...
cd linux/bcm4400/src
make install

service network stop
rmmod b44
modprobe bcm4400
service network start

and I get a 
Briging up interface eth0:  SIOSCIFFLAGS: Ressource temporarily unavailable
Failed to bring up eth0.

As it is my first use of kernel 2.6, I was wondering if anything as to be 
done so that the module would be attatched to the kernel.

Also as I am new to Mandrake, where do I get the latest 


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Re: [newbie] how do I kill crashed program

2004-04-03 Thread Ronald
Hash: SHA1

Op zaterdag 3 april 2004 15:36, schreef hugenots:
  i know terminam comand kill, bt is there any lame way

crtl + alt + esc   and you can kill a program with your
cursor... even your windowmanager :-)

HTH  ronald

- -- 
Registered Linux User 163597
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] Instant Messaging with MSN

2004-04-03 Thread Chuck Mattsen
On Sat, 2004-04-03 at 09:36, Katinka Peter wrote:
 As most of my friends are using MSN Messenger, I`ve tried to use the 
 libmsn.so plugin in Gaim and a hotmail account to communicate with them. 
 Whenever I try to sign on to this account in Gnaim using the MSN protocol, I 
 get the message [EMAIL PROTECTED] was unable to sign on: Protocol not 
 I`d be grateful for any suggestions.

kopete?  :-)

Chuck Mattsen / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / RLU #346519 
Mandrake Linux release 10.0 (Community) for i586 kernel 2.6.3-4mdk 
09:39:48 up 21:32, 1 user, load average: 0.12, 0.15, 0.10 

Diogenes is still searching.

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Re: [ml] [newbie] Instant Messaging with MSN

2004-04-03 Thread Chuck Mattsen
On Sat, 2004-04-03 at 09:42, Dave Ashmore wrote:
 I was told that the application Kopete will work but I have not tried it.
 Dave Ashmore

It does, and quite nicely (along with AIM, Yahoo and ICQ); it's not as
pretty as Gaim, but I started using it because of the problem between
Gaim and Yahoo (which, I understand, was just fixed with the 0.76?
release), and it's served me well so far.

Chuck Mattsen / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / RLU #346519 
Mandrake Linux release 10.0 (Community) for i586 kernel 2.6.3-4mdk 
09:40:41 up 21:32, 1 user, load average: 0.62, 0.25, 0.13 

Writing about music is like dancing about architecture.

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Re: [newbie] Instant Messaging with MSN

2004-04-03 Thread Lanman
Katinka Peter wrote:
As most of my friends are using MSN Messenger, I`ve tried to use the 
libmsn.so plugin in Gaim and a hotmail account to communicate with them. 
Whenever I try to sign on to this account in Gnaim using the MSN protocol, I 
get the message [EMAIL PROTECTED] was unable to sign on: Protocol not 
I`d be grateful for any suggestions.


Try Kopete. It works like a charm. Very nice.


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Re: [newbie] Instant Messaging with MSN

2004-04-03 Thread Rick Kunath
Kopete works fine with MSN Messenger, and Yahoo, AIM, IRC, Jabber, and ICQ.

It should be installed already with Mandrake 10. Earlier versions of Mandrake 
will need a Kopete upgrade to work with the changes to the various instant 
messaging protocols.

For an MSN only solution, you can't beat Kmess. It has a few more features 
than Kopete, but is a single protocol client.

There is also a new version of Gaim now 0.76, after a lengthy period with no 
releases and an inability for Gaim to connect to Yahoo. I did experience the 
problems connecting to MSN with the new Gaim client, but eventually it did 
connect, and Yahoo works now. Kopete didn't have any problems connecting.

My personal preference is Kopete.

Rick Kunath

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Re: [newbie] back to the good old Windows

2004-04-03 Thread Lyvim Xaphir
On Thu, 2004-04-01 at 15:35, Bryan Phinney wrote:
 On Thursday 01 April 2004 10:52 am, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
  I agree completely, Jose.  I'm in the process of doing the same thing as
  you are; formatting the drive for FAT32 and installing 98 again.  After
  all, there's alot of nostalgia involved with Windows.
 Nostalgia.  Try going back to DOS.

I've got a dos box here, my friend; I still do memory management with
the config.sys and autoexec.bat to keep in practice.  I enjoy it.

One reason I do keep it is so that I can try to find the latest sound
hardware that's also backwardly compatible.  The challenge is to try to
keep everything as up to date as possible while at the same time not
breaking any of the old dos games I used to play.  Case in point is
Elder Scrolls Arena, the first edition (Daggerfall was next, and then
Morrowind).  Here is a game that requires a contiguous 620k dos
conventional memory area because of a memory leak that crashes it after
about 5 hours or so.  Daggerfall, another dos game, has a similar
problem.  Both games need contiguous areas of conventional memory in
order to work at maximum.

This requires that all dos drivers be loaded high, if possible.  I found
out the hard way that in recent years, the behavior of the upper memory
area on new mobos has changed.  With some mobos it is difficult to make
efficient use of the upper memory area for loading dos device drivers.

Some sound cards cannot be used unless they are at particular interrupts
and use specific DMA channels.  This is not a functional problem with
the sound cards, it is a problem with the flexibility and adaptability
of old dos games.


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Re: [newbie] back to the good old Windows

2004-04-03 Thread Lyvim Xaphir
On Thu, 2004-04-01 at 17:08, rikona wrote:
 Hello Bryan,
 Thursday, April 1, 2004, 12:35:45 PM, you wrote:
 BP On Thursday 01 April 2004 10:52 am, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
  I agree completely, Jose.  I'm in the process of doing the same thing as
  you are; formatting the drive for FAT32 and installing 98 again.  After
  all, there's alot of nostalgia involved with Windows.
 BP Nostalgia.  Try going back to DOS.
 How about cp/m?

Better yet, go back to the days of Captain Crunch and use assembler to
do your own OS.


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Re: [newbie] hosting my own web site

2004-04-03 Thread Aron Smith
On Saturday 03 April 2004 02:11 am, frankieh wrote:
 Aron Smith wrote:
  I have a static connection (DSL) and a spare computer any ideas what I
  can do to set up my on site? mostly need some place to park large files.

 Do you have a domain name?

 If not, head over to dyn-dns and get yourself a static IP domain from
 them.. (its free)

 Then copy your large files to /var/www/html
 and start apache..:
 service httpd start

 You should be good to go.

 all the config files for apache are in /etc/httpd/conf
 and they are all pretty well commented.

 If you don't feel up to facing manual config files, then fireup webmin
 and configure apache that way.

 you shouldn't need to do much if anything, mandrake has apache ready to
 go out of the box.
I have the Domain Name aronsmith.com already so by using a hub between the dsl 
modem and the 2 'puters should be no prob ?

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Re: [newbie] hosting my own web site

2004-04-03 Thread Aron Smith
On Saturday 03 April 2004 02:23 am, Lanman wrote:
 Aron Smith wrote:
  I have a static connection (DSL) and a spare computer any ideas what I
  can do to set up my on site? mostly need some place to park large files.

 Don't forget to open Port 80 on your firewall Aron, and make sure that
 Apache starts at boot time.


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Re: [newbie] back to the good old Windows

2004-04-03 Thread Aron Smith
On Saturday 03 April 2004 05:35 am, Richard Urwin wrote:
 On Saturday 03 Apr 2004 6:21 am, Aron Smith wrote:
  On Friday 02 April 2004 05:13 pm, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
   On Friday 02 April 2004 02:06 pm, Aron Smith wrote:
On Friday 02 April 2004 08:48 am, Ronald wrote:
 Op vrijdag 2 april 2004 09:37, schreef Aron Smith:
  On Thursday 01 April 2004 02:08 pm, rikona wrote:
   Hello Bryan,
   Thursday, April 1, 2004, 12:35:45 PM, you wrote:
   BP On Thursday 01 April 2004 10:52 am, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
I agree completely, Jose.  I'm in the process of doing
the same thing as you are; formatting the drive for
FAT32 and installing 98 again. After all, there's alot
of nostalgia involved with Windows.
   BP Nostalgia.  Try going back to DOS.
   How about cp/m?
  Do it in Hex

 from time to time I fire up my old ZX81.. real nostalgia
still got my old KIM-1 ;-)
  It is modified  got 4k of Static Ram (rembember static ram?)
   And the winner of the 2004 Ultimate Packrat Award is (fanfare,
   please) Aron Smith!
   -- cmg

 Not so fast. I still have my Science of Cambridge MK14. It's got 256
 bytes of (static) memory.
I walked around with a TI logo burned on my thumb from trying to reseat one of 
thos chips ...those suckers ran hot

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[newbie] foo, master foo

2004-04-03 Thread Thujan
Hi Everybody,

I tried to search with google that what is often repeated foo?
And I got even more confused when I red about master foo?
Can somebody explain what these terms means, foo, foo bar,
master foo?

best rgds

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Re: [newbie] foo, master foo

2004-04-03 Thread Chuck Mattsen
On Sat, 2004-04-03 at 09:57, Thujan wrote:
 Hi Everybody,
 I tried to search with google that what is often repeated foo?
 And I got even more confused when I red about master foo?
 Can somebody explain what these terms means, foo, foo bar,
 master foo?

Instead of foo bar, look up fubar, which was the original acronym.

If that doesn't yield results, then obviously it's SNAFU. :-)

Chuck Mattsen / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / RLU #346519 
Mandrake Linux release 10.0 (Community) for i586 kernel 2.6.3-4mdk 
10:00:30 up 21:52, 1 user, load average: 0.15, 0.28, 0.26 

Criticism comes easier than craftsmanship.

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Re: [newbie] back to the good old Windows

2004-04-03 Thread Carroll Grigsby
On Saturday 03 April 2004 08:35 am, Richard Urwin wrote:
 On Saturday 03 Apr 2004 6:21 am, Aron Smith wrote:
  On Friday 02 April 2004 05:13 pm, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
   On Friday 02 April 2004 02:06 pm, Aron Smith wrote:


still got my old KIM-1 ;-)
  It is modified  got 4k of Static Ram (rembember static ram?)
   And the winner of the 2004 Ultimate Packrat Award is (fanfare,
   please) Aron Smith!
   -- cmg

 Not so fast. I still have my Science of Cambridge MK14. It's got 256
 bytes of (static) memory.

According to Google, the KIM-1 came out in 1976, two years prior to the MK14, 
so the UPA is still Aron's pending an appeal based on date of acquisition.
-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] KDE Crash

2004-04-03 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Saturday 03 April 2004 07:20 am, Drew Martin wrote:
 I was looking at installing 3.2,but it was going to take
 forever to download even with broadband.I'm going to wait until
 10.0 Final is released and install that.

 If you've got 10-CE, install and update to current cooker 
sources.  10-Official was final last weekend, and sent to 
production (box sets) last Monday.  Warly said last Monday that 
10-Official iso's won't be posted for about two weeks.

 KDE 3.2.1 is in the CHRPM queue, but not on cooker mirrors 
yet.  Actually many updates to 10-OE are in the queue. Probly 
show up on the mirrors next week. Maybe as early as Monday. 
According to KDE, 3.2.1 is mostly bugfixes for 3.2.0

   Use cooker sources, not stable, if you want these updates, as 
stable will be un-symlink'd to cooker when they appear. 
  Tom Brinkman Corpus Christi, Texas
   Proud to be an American

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Re: [newbie] back to the good old Windows

2004-04-03 Thread Aron Smith
On Saturday 03 April 2004 08:02 am, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
 On Saturday 03 April 2004 08:35 am, Richard Urwin wrote:
  On Saturday 03 Apr 2004 6:21 am, Aron Smith wrote:
   On Friday 02 April 2004 05:13 pm, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
On Friday 02 April 2004 02:06 pm, Aron Smith wrote:
 still got my old KIM-1 ;-)
   It is modified  got 4k of Static Ram (rembember static ram?)
And the winner of the 2004 Ultimate Packrat Award is (fanfare,
please) Aron Smith!
-- cmg
  Not so fast. I still have my Science of Cambridge MK14. It's got 256
  bytes of (static) memory.

 According to Google, the KIM-1 came out in 1976, two years prior to the
 MK14, so the UPA is still Aron's pending an appeal based on date of
 acquisition. -- cmg
216.00 as an engineering evaluation kit came with 12 lb of documentation

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Re: [newbie] Instant Messaging with MSN

2004-04-03 Thread Anne Wilson
Hash: SHA1

On Saturday 03 April 2004 16:40, Chuck Mattsen wrote:
 On Sat, 2004-04-03 at 09:36, Katinka Peter wrote:
  As most of my friends are using MSN Messenger, I`ve tried to use
  the libmsn.so plugin in Gaim and a hotmail account to communicate
  with them. Whenever I try to sign on to this account in Gnaim
  using the MSN protocol, I get the message [EMAIL PROTECTED] was
  unable to sign on: Protocol not supported.
  I`d be grateful for any suggestions.

 kopete?  :-)

or look for a later version of Gaim.  Msn keep changing the protocols, 
to shut you out.

- -- 
Registered Linux User No.293302
Have you visited http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org yet?
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] foo, master foo

2004-04-03 Thread Lee Wiggers
On Sat, 03 Apr 2004 10:01:31 -0600
Chuck Mattsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sat, 2004-04-03 at 09:57, Thujan wrote:
  Hi Everybody,
  I tried to search with google that what is often repeated foo?
  And I got even more confused when I red about master foo?
  Can somebody explain what these terms means, foo, foo bar,
  master foo?
 Instead of foo bar, look up fubar, which was the original
 If that doesn't yield results, then obviously it's SNAFU. :-)
 Chuck Mattsen / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / RLU #346519 
 Mandrake Linux release 10.0 (Community) for i586 kernel 2.6.3-4mdk
 10:00:30 up 21:52, 1 user, load average: 0.15, 0.28, 0.26 
 Criticism comes easier than craftsmanship.
In the Army I knew a Major Fu.  Master Fu must be a karate guy.

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake RPM for XPde?

2004-04-03 Thread The Other
On Sat, 03 Apr 2004 09:46:42 -0500, Lanman [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

frankieh wrote:

However I have to say I would feel alot better if someone that 
understands rpm's did it.

Yeah, I would too. I've never had the time or patience to learn. 
With my
luck it would turn into a Dos Batch file!

Does 'checkinstall' make actual RPMs?

When I get a tarball off the Internet and go through the configure 
and make commands, I let 'checkinstall' do the actual installation 
because I was under the impression 'checkinstall' will make an RPM 
entry into Mandrake's Software Manager section so everything can be 
removed from the Uninstall Packages menus.  (I'm not entirely 
convinced that 'checkinstall' actually removes all the files off the 

During the installation process with 'checkinstall', it asks which 
type of RPM you'd like to create.

I've never figured out if 'checkinstall' makes the actual RPM and 
there is a file somewhere on computer.
Perhaps 'checkinstall' can do this job.

(I was curious about this thread because I've always been on the PC 
side and have never developed a liking for icons in a file manager 
system.  I'm using Midnight Commander for the file management 
The Other

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[newbie] IT/workplace Linux orientated books

2004-04-03 Thread Ronald J. Hall
Any? Some friends of mine in IT here in this county say there are no Linux 
refs/books for IT - in other words, how to use Linux in the workplace. Any 
thing I can point them at?



 Dark Lord

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Re: [newbie] Instant Messaging with MSN

2004-04-03 Thread Chuck Mattsen
On Sat, 2004-04-03 at 13:40, Job Evers wrote:
 Are you using the most recent version of Gaim?  If not I would upgrade and see what 

IIRC, the 0.76 version of Gaim which was just released is packaged for
Mandrake and sitting in the cooker queue, for whenever that gets freed
up again ... Monday?

Chuck Mattsen / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / RLU #346519 
Mandrake Linux release 10.0 (Community) for i586 kernel 2.6.3-4mdk 
13:11:41 up 1 day, 1:03, 1 user, load average: 0.55, 0.32, 0.15 

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent
revolution inevitable. -- John F. Kennedy

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Re: [newbie] Instant Messaging with MSN

2004-04-03 Thread Bill
 I have Yahoo Messenger running on Mandrake 9.2, I was
surprised it worked. The installation guide is for RH.

--- Chuck Mattsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sat, 2004-04-03 at 13:40, Job Evers wrote:
  Are you using the most recent version of Gaim?  If
 not I would upgrade and see what happens.
 IIRC, the 0.76 version of Gaim which was just
 released is packaged for
 Mandrake and sitting in the cooker queue, for
 whenever that gets freed
 up again ... Monday?
 Chuck Mattsen / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / RLU #346519 
 Mandrake Linux release 10.0 (Community) for i586
 kernel 2.6.3-4mdk 
 13:11:41 up 1 day, 1:03, 1 user, load average: 0.55,
 0.32, 0.15 
 Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will
 make violent
 revolution inevitable. -- John F. Kennedy

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Bill Hatfield
Registered Linux User #351047

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Re: [newbie] Audio: Playing WMA (Windows Media Player) Files

2004-04-03 Thread Todd Slater
On Sat, Apr 03, 2004 at 07:00:05PM +0100, Anne Wilson wrote:
Content-Description: clearsigned data
 Hash: SHA1
 On Saturday 03 April 2004 18:15, John Wilson wrote:
  On April 2, 2004 01:25 pm, Weiers Coetser wrote:
   Is there a way I can play the Windows Media Audio files on Linux?
   I've done a lot of ripping of CD's recently on Windows Media
   Player. Now my Linux XMMS player does not recognise this file
  Install MPlayer and stop hijacking threads :-)
 and if you didn't know you had hijacked, read 
 for an explanation of what it is and why it matters.
 You're not alone, though.  There's been an awful lot of hijacking 

I think we need to start fingerprinting everybody on the list. We can't
let the terrorists win!!


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[newbie] menu items disappeared

2004-04-03 Thread eric jackson


Yesterday I used urpmi to update my 9.2 system. 
When I booted up I was unable to find a menu entry for Mandrake Control Center 
or for any of the selections that are usually listed under 

Anybody know what I need to restore my menu back to 
the way it was before I updated?

Eric Jackson

Re: [newbie] hosting my own web site

2004-04-03 Thread John Drouhard
On Sat, 3 Apr 2004 07:45:45 -0800
Aron Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Saturday 03 April 2004 02:11 am, frankieh wrote:
  Aron Smith wrote:
   I have a static connection (DSL) and a spare computer any ideas what I
   can do to set up my on site? mostly need some place to park large files.
  Do you have a domain name?
  If not, head over to dyn-dns and get yourself a static IP domain from
  them.. (its free)
  Then copy your large files to /var/www/html
  and start apache..:
  service httpd start
  You should be good to go.
  all the config files for apache are in /etc/httpd/conf
  and they are all pretty well commented.
  If you don't feel up to facing manual config files, then fireup webmin
  and configure apache that way.
  you shouldn't need to do much if anything, mandrake has apache ready to
  go out of the box.
 I have the Domain Name aronsmith.com already so by using a hub between the dsl 
 modem and the 2 'puters should be no prob ?

So your dsl connection comes in, goes through your dsl modem to a hub, which connects 
the two computers? Are you sure it's a hub, or is it a router? If it is a hub, you may 
need to get a router that can handle port-forwarding (most can). If you already have 
the router, connect to it by opening a webbrowser and connecting to it's IP address. 
(Mine is yours could be or Anyway find port 
forwarding and make it forward port 80 to the local IP address of the computer that 
will host the site.


Sat Apr  3 14:09:00 CST 2004
Registered Linux User # 315649
Registered Machine # 201001
All is well that ends well.
-- John Heywood

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Re: [newbie] menu items disappeared

2004-04-03 Thread Marc Resnick
eric jackson wrote:

Yesterday I used urpmi to update my 9.2 system. When I booted up I was 
unable to find a menu entry for Mandrake Control Center or for any of 
the selections that are usually listed under Packaging.
Anybody know what I need to restore my menu back to the way it was 
before I updated?
Eric Jackson
It's a well-known problem with 9.2 systems. If you just updated, all you 
should need to do is open a terminal, 'su' to root, and enter the 
command 'update-menus -v'. Your menus should be back when that process 
is finished.


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[newbie] Connecting to a network with a static IP.

2004-04-03 Thread Marc Resnick
I'll probably go and ask linksys about this too, but first I thought I'd 
turn here.

I want to connect to my network with a static IP. I changed my 
ifcfg-wlan0 file, and made sure the ip addy wasn't within the dhcp 
range. Then, I ifdown'ed and ifup'ed wlan0, and got the IP. 
Unfortunately, I had no internet connection. So then I tried pinging the 
router, and it went fine. Then I tried getting to the http router 
settings. Went fine as well.

Anyone know what the problem is?


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Re: [newbie] Connecting to a network with a static IP.

2004-04-03 Thread Alexandre Dubois
Maybe your router is only source NATting the ip addresses within your dhcp 

 I'll probably go and ask linksys about this too, but first I thought 
 I'd turn here.
 I want to connect to my network with a static IP. I changed my 
 ifcfg-wlan0 file, and made sure the ip addy wasn't within the dhcp 
 range. Then, I ifdown'ed and ifup'ed wlan0, and got the IP. 
 Unfortunately, I had no internet connection. So then I tried pinging 
 the router, and it went fine. Then I tried getting to the http 
 router settings. Went fine as well.
 Anyone know what the problem is?
 This message has been scanned for viruses and
 dangerous content by Nitrex VirusGate, and is
 believed to be clean.

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Re: [newbie] Automatically disconnecting

2004-04-03 Thread Hoyt Bailey
On Saturday 03 April 2004 13:28, Keith Powell wrote:
 I have been looking to see if it is possible to get KPPP to
 automatically disconnect a dial-up Internet connection after a
 certain amount of time (say, 3 minutes) of inactivity. Having
 searched all through the various Internet configuration files, I
 can't find a way of doing it. Disconnection appears to only to be
 able to be done manually.

 If our dial-up connections could be set to be automatically
 terminated, it would be a help. It would mean that we could leave the
 computer downloading something, knowing that the connection would be
 terminated a few minutes after the download had finished, rather than
 having to watch for the download to finish.

 Any ideas, please, anyone?

 Many thanks

Also how about whenever a connection is required that kppp starts and 
auto dials the ISP in addition to the above?

Ignore the past and you will fail!
Ignore the future and you have already failed!

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Re: [newbie] Automatically disconnecting

2004-04-03 Thread robin
Hoyt Bailey wrote:
On Saturday 03 April 2004 13:28, Keith Powell wrote:

I have been looking to see if it is possible to get KPPP to
automatically disconnect a dial-up Internet connection after a
certain amount of time (say, 3 minutes) of inactivity. Having
searched all through the various Internet configuration files, I
can't find a way of doing it. Disconnection appears to only to be
able to be done manually.
If our dial-up connections could be set to be automatically
terminated, it would be a help. It would mean that we could leave the
computer downloading something, knowing that the connection would be
terminated a few minutes after the download had finished, rather than
having to watch for the download to finish.
Any ideas, please, anyone?

Many thanks

Also how about whenever a connection is required that kppp starts and 
auto dials the ISP in addition to the above?
I think the app you're all looking for is wvdial. You can set it to log 
you in automatically (even with ISPs that use terminal-based 
authentication), reconnect automatically, disconnect if idle for a 
specified period of time and a whole load of other stuff. It's not on 
the 10.0 CDs, but is on the mirrors. Just download it and edit 
/etc/wvdial.conf to your needs. No GUI required.

The only glitch is that it normally only runs as root. There are three 
ways round this (other than doing su of course):

1. Make it suid (never tried this);
2. Change permissions of wvdial, wvdial.conf and /dev/modem (or 
whichever device your system works);
3. Have it started automatically on boot (this used to work fine on 9.2, 
but is rather flaky on 10.0 - sometimes it works, mostly it doesn't).

Obviously you don't want to try option 3 if you're on a pay-per-minute 
connection! It's probably not advisable for situations where security is 
a major issue, such as a server, but then how many people run servers 
via a modem?

Sir Robin

If the lion could speak, we would not understand it.
- Wittgenstein
Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] menu items disappeared

2004-04-03 Thread Hoyt Bailey
On Saturday 03 April 2004 14:04, eric jackson wrote:

 Yesterday I used urpmi to update my 9.2 system. When I booted up I
 was unable to find a menu entry for Mandrake Control Center or for
 any of the selections that are usually listed under Packaging.

 Anybody know what I need to restore my menu back to the way it was
 before I updated?

 Eric Jackson
drakemenu avilabele in mcc or welcome icon on desktop under systems.

Ignore the past and you will fail!
Ignore the future and you have already failed!

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Re: [newbie] Audio: Playing WMA (Windows Media Player) Files aAAAAaahhh hijacked

2004-04-03 Thread Terence Golightly
On Sat, 2004-04-03 at 14:31, Todd Slater wrote:
 On Sat, Apr 03, 2004 at 07:00:05PM +0100, Anne Wilson wrote:
 Content-Description: clearsigned data
  Hash: SHA1
  On Saturday 03 April 2004 18:15, John Wilson wrote:
   On April 2, 2004 01:25 pm, Weiers Coetser wrote:
Is there a way I can play the Windows Media Audio files on Linux?
I've done a lot of ripping of CD's recently on Windows Media
Player. Now my Linux XMMS player does not recognise this file
   Install MPlayer and stop hijacking threads :-)
  and if you didn't know you had hijacked, read 
  for an explanation of what it is and why it matters.
  You're not alone, though.  There's been an awful lot of hijacking 
 I think we need to start fingerprinting everybody on the list. We can't
 let the terrorists win!!
I'm gona hijack this thread and take it to Cuba! ;
Terry Golightly ... [EMAIL PROTECTED] ... Pittsburgh, Pa 
Mandrake Linux release 9.2 (FiveStar) for i586 kernel
14:55:56 up 21:40, 1 user, load average: 0.10, 0.06, 0.06

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[newbie] Can't get procmail to forward spam

2004-04-03 Thread Chris

Yes, I'm a procmail newbie trying to setup procmail to forward my spam to
Earthlinks junkmail address.  I've setup a $HOME .procmailrc file (below)


MAILDIR=$HOME/Mail  # You'd better make sure it exists
# LOCKFILE=$HOME/.lockmail

*^X-Spam-Status: Yes


The Spam folder is in maildir format in $HOME/Mail/Spam.  I've setup a
$HOME .forward file

|IFS=' '  p=/usr/bin/procmail  test -f $p  exec $p -Yf- || exit 75 

I've read the FAQ, printed and gone through the man pages, my question is
how is procmail started.  I'm running Kmail as my mailer with all mail
filtered through SA.  If procmail is started from the CLI, the process is
shown as running, but I'm sure that this isn't the correct way to start it.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.  My spam folder is in maildir 
format, do I need to tell the procmailrc file that my mail dir is 
$HOME/Mail/Spam/cur before it will forward?

Appreciate any help.


  A 100% Microsoft free computer
  Registered Linux User 283774 http://counter.li.org
  3:41pm  up 4 days, 21:52,  5 users,  load average: 0.98, 1.68, 1.99

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Re: [newbie] Audio: Playing WMA (Windows Media Player) Files

2004-04-03 Thread Weiers Coetser
Apologies for Hi-jacking. I did not know.
Now the question is how I set my computer to receive the e-mails in a
threaded form. But I suppose nobody would be interested to explain how to do
that in Outlook express, since I still don't have a working modem in linux.

- Original Message -
From: John Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, April 03, 2004 7:15 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Audio: Playing WMA (Windows Media Player) Files

 On April 2, 2004 01:25 pm, Weiers Coetser wrote:
  Is there a way I can play the Windows Media Audio files on Linux? I've
  a lot of ripping of CD's recently on Windows Media Player. Now my Linux
  XMMS player does not recognise this file format.

 Install MPlayer and stop hijacking threads :-)



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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] IT/workplace Linux orientated books

2004-04-03 Thread Charlie
On Sun, 4 Apr 2004 03:42 am, many eyes viewed Paul's words:-
  Any? Some friends of mine in IT here in this county say there are no Linux

  refs/books for IT - in other words, how to use Linux in the workplace.
  Any thing I can point them at?

What country or planet is that? Possibly Linux has not arrived there yet, but 
please tell your friends it is on its way just as day after night.


Registered Linux User:- 329524
What does education often do? It makes a straight-cut ditch of a free, 
meandering brook. ...Henry David Thoreau

This email is guaranteed to be wholly Linux Mandrake 9.2, KMail v1.5.3
and OpenOffice.org1.1.0

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Re: [newbie] Audio: Playing WMA (Windows Media Player) Files

2004-04-03 Thread Margot
Weiers Coetser wrote:
Apologies for Hi-jacking. I did not know.
Now the question is how I set my computer to receive the e-mails in a
threaded form. But I suppose nobody would be interested to explain how to do
that in Outlook express, since I still don't have a working modem in linux.

Delving into my memory, something like View, Sort By, Thread - 
depends of course on which version of OE you're using, but there 
should definitely be some options on the View menu.


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Re: [newbie] foo, master foo

2004-04-03 Thread Richard Urwin
On Saturday 03 Apr 2004 5:01 pm, Chuck Mattsen wrote:
 On Sat, 2004-04-03 at 09:57, Thujan wrote:
  Hi Everybody,
  I tried to search with google that what is often repeated foo?
  And I got even more confused when I red about master foo?
  Can somebody explain what these terms means, foo, foo bar,
  master foo?

 Instead of foo bar, look up fubar, which was the original


 If that doesn't yield results, then obviously it's SNAFU. :-)

Incorrect. It's obviously TARFU. But then that's SNAFU.

To be fair foo and bar have their own history that may not be related to 
FUBAR et al. Check out the jargon file. 
Also note that pilots in WWII reported UFOs as foo fighters.

Richard Urwin

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Re: [newbie] 10 CE Shutdown - SOLVED!

2004-04-03 Thread Margot
Tom Brinkman wrote:
On Saturday 03 April 2004 07:06 am, Margot wrote:

After sorting out some other problems, I finally found time to
look at this again. I'm now using the tmb.5 kernel, tried all
the possible combinations of acpi and apic settings I could
think of, and have found that with the option acpi=on and no
mention of apic or lapic, the computer now switches off
automatically, the way I wanted it to.
Thanks for your help. Now I just have to get the sound
working... ;-)

  Unless 'acpi=on' is undocumented, it's not a valid 2.6.x 
kernel parameter.  See kernel-parameters.txt (you'll need kernel 
source installed. Any 2.6 kernel-source will do).

   Valid parameters are acpi=off, acpi=ht which both turn off 
acpi, and acpi=force, which forces acpi on.  Simply not having 
any acpi parameter should  turn acpi on, as it's built into the 
kernel as on by default.  You can leave that parameter in tho, 
it's just being ignored by the kernel.

Run 'draksound' as root in a term.  Follow all the steps under 
trouble shooting.  I'd add to also run 'll /dev/dsp'. Ouput 
should look like this

tom # ll /dev/dsp
lr-xr-xr-x  1 root root 9 Apr  1 23:56 /dev/dsp - sound/dsp
   The last '-x' means user can execute sound, and '-' that 
dsp is linked to sound.

'fuser -v /dev/dsp' should return nothing. This means nothing is 
currently tyin up sound, which is what you want.

  Also, I didn't need aumix installed as draksound indicates. 
What enabled sound in 10.0 for me was to raise all the sliders in 
kmix to 100% . including the ones under the 'line-in' icons 
on the right side. At least one of 'em is the line-in from your 
speaker system.
Checked the obvious first - volume was set to 0 in Aumix, turned it 
up - sound now working! This 10 is very impressive - just about 
everything so far has been easier to fix than in 9.0 or 9.2, and 
the only real problem has been caused by malfunctioning unit between 
chair and keyboard ;-)

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Re: [newbie] 10 CE Shutdown - SOLVED!

2004-04-03 Thread Charlie
On Sat, 3 Apr 2004 11:10 pm, many eyes viewed Margot's words:-
 Charlie wrote:
  This is probably no help, but just in case?
  For no reason this machine would not shut off, in fact I had to use
  shutdown -h now as root. I could get it to work by changing the sessions,
  saving, then changing them back. But only once after the first reboot,
  then it went back to this behaviour.
  In trying to get sound to work, I placed this line in my
  /etc/modules.conf which is called something different in 10.x
  options snd-via82xx index=0 dxs_support=2
  Why this should effect the shutdown, I have no idea, but try some
  variations and it might just work?

 Well, I managed to sort out the shutdown problem by using acpi=on,
 but my next project is to get the sound working so I've saved your
 suggestion in case it helps - or in case getting the sound working
 breaks my newly-fixed shutdown! Thanks Charlie!


Though I didn't mention it here Margot, that support line:- dxs_support=2
try several numbers at the end of that I started from 0 and got to 2 before it 
not only made my sound work, but shut down my computer without the root 
command, in Mandrake 9.2 

Though previous versions of Mandrake had no trouble, either shutting down or 
with sound.
Registered Linux User:- 329524
The generative energy, which, when we are loose, dissipates and makes us 
unclean, when we are continent invigorates and inspires us. Chastity is the 
flowering of man; and what are called Genius, Heroism, Holiness, and the 
like, are but various fruits which succeed it. 
...Henry David Thoreau

This email is guaranteed to be wholly Linux Mandrake 9.2, KMail v1.5.3
and OpenOffice.org1.1.0

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Re: [newbie] Audio: Playing WMA (Windows Media Player) Files

2004-04-03 Thread Job Evers
On Sat, 3 Apr 2004 23:49:19 +0200
Weiers Coetser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Apologies for Hi-jacking. I did not know.
 Now the question is how I set my computer to receive the e-mails in a
 threaded form. But I suppose nobody would be interested to explain how
 to do that in Outlook express, since I still don't have a working
 modem in linux.

And now a top posts!  Oh the shame :-)
Check out #5.

Regarding threaded messages in outlook a google 'I'm feeling lucky' with outlook 
threaded gave: http://www.groupsense.co.nz/howtothread.html
Job Evers

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Thread view in OE, was Re: [newbie] Audio: Playing WMA (Windows Media Player) Files

2004-04-03 Thread Todd Slater
On Sat, Apr 03, 2004 at 11:49:19PM +0200, Weiers Coetser wrote:
 Apologies for Hi-jacking. I did not know.
 Now the question is how I set my computer to receive the e-mails in a
 threaded form. But I suppose nobody would be interested to explain how to do
 that in Outlook express, since I still don't have a working modem in linux.

OK, the first thing to do is stop using OE and download Mozilla or
Thunderbird and use either one of those.

If you absolutely must use OE, it's probably under View  something or
other. Don't forget, too, that many software apps have Help files built
in. Try looking at the Help in the menu of OE.


 - Original Message -
 From: John Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, April 03, 2004 7:15 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Audio: Playing WMA (Windows Media Player) Files
  On April 2, 2004 01:25 pm, Weiers Coetser wrote:
   Is there a way I can play the Windows Media Audio files on Linux? I've
   a lot of ripping of CD's recently on Windows Media Player. Now my Linux
   XMMS player does not recognise this file format.
  Install MPlayer and stop hijacking threads :-)

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Re: [newbie] Connecting to a network with a static IP.

2004-04-03 Thread Marc Resnick


I'll probably go and ask linksys about this too, but first I thought 
I'd turn here.

I want to connect to my network with a static IP. I changed my 
ifcfg-wlan0 file, and made sure the ip addy wasn't within the dhcp 
range. Then, I ifdown'ed and ifup'ed wlan0, and got the IP. 
Unfortunately, I had no internet connection. So then I tried pinging 
the router, and it went fine. Then I tried getting to the http 
router settings. Went fine as well.

Anyone know what the problem is?


This message has been scanned for viruses and
dangerous content by Nitrex VirusGate, and is
believed to be clean.

Alexandre Dubois wrote:

 Maybe your router is only source NATting the ip addresses within your dhcp 


So how would I fix this, any settings you know of?


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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] IT/workplace Linux orientated books

2004-04-03 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Saturday 03 April 2004 12:42 pm, Paul wrote:

-Your friends are clearly people of great insight  knowledge.


-The top publishers of linux-related book are O'Reilly their site is at

Thanks Paul, I had already sent them the URL...


 Dark Lord

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Re: [newbie] IT/workplace Linux orientated books

2004-04-03 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Saturday 03 April 2004 11:17 am, Alexandre Dubois wrote:
-Not sure what you are after, what is your current knowledge in IT in
 general -and Linux in particular. Oreilly (http://www.oreilly.com/) are
 known to be the -leader editor for opensource projects.

O'Reilly is great, own several of the books myself - and I referred these 
friends to their web site.

They responded that was great, but we don't see them here in our 


 Dark Lord

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Re: [newbie] back to the good old Windows

2004-04-03 Thread Richard Urwin
On Saturday 03 Apr 2004 5:02 pm, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
 On Saturday 03 April 2004 08:35 am, Richard Urwin wrote:
  On Saturday 03 Apr 2004 6:21 am, Aron Smith wrote:
   On Friday 02 April 2004 05:13 pm, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
On Friday 02 April 2004 02:06 pm, Aron Smith wrote:
 still got my old KIM-1 ;-)
   It is modified  got 4k of Static Ram (rembember static ram?)
And the winner of the 2004 Ultimate Packrat Award is (fanfare,
please) Aron Smith!
-- cmg
  Not so fast. I still have my Science of Cambridge MK14. It's got
  256 bytes of (static) memory.

 According to Google, the KIM-1 came out in 1976, two years prior to
 the MK14, so the UPA is still Aron's pending an appeal based on date
 of acquisition. -- cmg

I found a date of 1977, which accords with my memory better than 1978, 
but I couldn't claim 1976 with any honesty.

Richard Urwin

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Re: [ml] Re: [newbie] Apollon crash

2004-04-03 Thread Dave Ashmore
Josenildo Marques wrote:

On Sat, 2004-04-03 at 12:37, Dave Ashmore wrote:

I've been trying different p2p programs and I like the easy clean 
interface of Apollon the best.
However it seems upon the completion of every download it crashes.
Does anyone have an idea why this is happening?
I tried qtella as well but I can't seem to make any connections.
Please let me know your thoughts on this.
Dave Ashmore

Are you running 9.2 ?
Here it is working marvellously well, connected to two networks.
Try running it from a terminal and see if there are any revelatory
messages there after it crashes.

I'm running MDK 10 CE with the 2.4 kernel. (since I cannot get my usb mouse to work with 2.6...:( )

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[newbie] New Mirror Structure coming soon

2004-04-03 Thread Greg Meyer
A couple of days ago, Warly, The Mandrake release captain, posted to the 
Cooker Mailing List that the structure of the mirrors will be chaning soon to 
accomodate the finalization of the Mandrake 10.0 release and the continued 
development that will be going on in the stable community branch.  Here is 
his original post:


The reason I am posting this is that as the mirrors start to synch up over the 
next few days, you may find your urpmi/rpmdrake spitting out errors when you 
try to istall something or update.  This will simply be because the paths on 
the mirrors will have changed, and  consequently, your urpmi sources will 
have to be changed to accomodate this.

For instance, updates for 9.2, which is now in 


will become


This is going to be a welcome change as the old mirror structure stinks and 
this will help the Mandrake mirror system more reliable and easier to use.  
For those of you that are going to complain about this, please consider the 
long term benefit despite your short term pain.

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Re: [ml] Re: [newbie] Apollon crash

2004-04-03 Thread Dave Ashmore
Dave Ashmore wrote:

Josenildo Marques wrote:

On Sat, 2004-04-03 at 12:37, Dave Ashmore wrote:

I've been trying different p2p programs and I like the easy clean 
interface of Apollon the best.
However it seems upon the completion of every download it crashes.
Does anyone have an idea why this is happening?
I tried qtella as well but I can't seem to make any connections.
Please let me know your thoughts on this.
Dave Ashmore

Are you running 9.2 ?
Here it is working marvellously well, connected to two networks.
Try running it from a terminal and see if there are any revelatory
messages there after it crashes.

I'm running MDK 10 CE with the 2.4 kernel. (since I cannot get my usb 
mouse to work with 2.6...:( )

OK from the terminal here is what I got:
QMetaObject::findSignal:KFileTreeView: Conflict with 
QListView::doubleClicked(QListViewItem*,const QPoint,int)
QObject::connect: No such slot ApollonTransferTab::slotCheckWM(bool)
QObject::connect:  (sender name:   'apollon-mainwindow#1')
QObject::connect:  (receiver name: 'ApollonTransferTab')
KDesktopIface (default)
KCrash: Application 'apollon' crashing...

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Re: [newbie] Unreal Tourn. (original, GOTY) won't run after install

2004-04-03 Thread Marv Boyes
Thanks for the added help, Philip, but even after changing the line in 
the .ini file I still get the 'Can't find file for package WinDrv' 

There are only two references to WinDrv in the file; the one you 
mentioned, and then an entire section devoted to it:

I don't see any references to SDLDrv, but there _is_ a section devoted 
to XDrv. Perhaps I'll try that instead.

Hey, if nothing else, I'm getting pretty good at using the nano text 
editor. ;)

Thanks again,

Help in the research to find cures for devastating diseases like 
Huntington's, Parkinson's, and Alzheimer's-- donate your computer's 
leisure time to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
The best way to accelerate a Windows box is at 9.8 meters per second per second.

Philip Cronje wrote:

On Wed, 31 Mar 2004 19:58:00 -0500, Marv Boyes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I _do_ appear to have used the Loki installer, just mirrored on another 
site. I suppose it's possible that the version I used was something 
someone else cobbled together, but the READMEs are identical (I tried 
the Loki installer long ago, had problems with the CD-ROM drive 
mounting, and deleted the installer-- but not, for some reason, the 
README).  I've been all over what remains of Lokigames, and I can't find 
even a reference to the installer. If anyone can point me in the right 
direction, I'd be delighted.

In the meantime, I'll try Philip's suggested fix. ;)

OK. Let me do it *right* this time, dammit ;)

In that UT directory in your home directory, you should be looking for the 'UnrealTournament.ini' file. Now, scroll down to the '[Engine.Engine]' section. Look for the line that contains 'ViewportManager=WinDrv.WindowsClient'. Change that line so that it reads 'ViewportManager=SDLDrv.SDLClient'.

(NOTE: I'm going off the original CD's contents and some guesswork here -- it *may* be that you need to use XDrv.XClient instead of SDLDrv.SDLClient, but I doubt it)

This should fix it. If you can't find the .ini file in your home directory, I suppose you can go edit the one the installer put in /usr/local/ut2003/System (or wherever you installed it), and it'll get loaded up when next you start.

I hope I help you out *this* time :P


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[newbie] Savage, AGP Memory

2004-04-03 Thread Stephanus Fengler
Hi folks,

I hope here are some gamers who can help me.
I recently installed Savage Battle of Newerth, but it won't start. I get 
the error message:
Couldn't allocate AGPMemory. Make sure you have agpgart or some similar 
AGP driver support in your kernel.

I run Mandrake 10CE with kernel 2.6.3-4mdk. So I think I have everything 
right configured in my XF86Config-4, because glxgears gives me 1534 fp/s 
and glxinfo|grep rendering says direct rendering.

However if I attached my XF86Config-4 at the end of my mail.
morprobe agpart works fine and lsmod|grep agp says:
intel-agp  17372  1
agpgart31016  2 intel-agp
My system is a hp pavilion zt3000 with a 64mb radeon 9200 mobility card. 
I don't use the ati driver only the XFree driver for my card (as you can 
see in my XF86Config-4).

Any ideas?

I found a hint in a fedora mailinglist which doesn't work for me. But 
maybe it says something to you.

# File generated by XFdrake.

# **
# Refer to the XF86Config man page for details about the format of
# this file.
# **

Section Files
# Multiple FontPath entries are allowed (they are concatenated together)
# By default, Mandrake 6.0 and later now use a font server independent of
# the X server to render fonts.
FontPath unix/:-1

Section ServerFlags
#DontZap # disable CrtlAltBS (server abort)
#DontZoom # disable CrtlAltKP_+/KP_- (resolution switching)
AllowMouseOpenFail # allows the server to start up even if the mouse doesn't work

Section Module
Load dbe # Double-Buffering Extension
Load v4l # Video for Linux
Load extmod
Load type1
Load freetype

### Load glx # 3D layer
Load dri # direct rendering
Load synaptics # touchpad driver
Load glx # 3D layer

Section DRI
Mode 0666

Section InputDevice
Identifier Keyboard1
Driver Keyboard
Option XkbModel pc105
Option XkbLayout en_US
Option XkbOptions 

Section InputDevice
Identifier Touchpad
Driver synaptics
Option Protocol auto-dev
Option MaxSpeed 0.18
Option MinSpeed 0.02
Option BottomEdge 4700
Option UpDownScrolling on
Option SHMConfig on
Option LeftEdge 1300
Option FingerLow 20
Option MaxTapTime 180
Option MaxTapMove 220
Option FingerHigh 30
Option VertScrollDelta 100
Option TopEdge 1300
Option RightEdge 5700
Option AccelFactor 0.001

Section InputDevice
Identifier Logitech MX310
Driver mouse
Option Protocol ExplorerPS/2
Option Device /dev/input/mice
Option ZAxisMapping 6 7
Option Buttons 7

Section Monitor
Identifier monitor1
VendorName Generic
ModelName Flat Panel 1024x768
HorizSync 31.5-48.5
VertRefresh 40-70

# Sony Vaio C1(X,XS,VE,VN)?
# 1024x480 @ 85.6 Hz, 48 kHz hsync
ModeLine 1024x48065.00 1024 1032 1176 1344   480  488  494  563 -hsync -vsync

# TV fullscreen mode or DVD fullscreen output.
# 768x576 @ 79 Hz, 50 kHz hsync
ModeLine 768x576 50.00  768  832  846 1000   576  590  595  630

# 768x576 @ 100 Hz, 61.6 kHz hsync
ModeLine 768x576 63.07  768  800  960 1024   576  578  590  616

Section Device
Identifier device1
VendorName ATI
BoardName ATI Radeon (fglrx)
Driver radeon
Option DPMS

Section Screen
Identifier screen1
Device device1
Monitor monitor1
DefaultColorDepth 24

Subsection Display
Depth 8
Virtual 1024 768

Subsection Display
Depth 15
Virtual 1024 768

Subsection Display
Depth 16
Virtual 1024 768

Subsection Display
Depth 24
Virtual 1024 768

Section ServerLayout
Identifier layout1
InputDevice Keyboard1 CoreKeyboard
InputDevice Logitech MX310 AlwaysCore
InputDevice Touchpad CorePointer
Screen screen1

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Re: [newbie] back to the good old Windows

2004-04-03 Thread Carroll Grigsby
On Saturday 03 April 2004 05:38 pm, Richard Urwin wrote:
 On Saturday 03 Apr 2004 5:02 pm, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
  On Saturday 03 April 2004 08:35 am, Richard Urwin wrote:
   On Saturday 03 Apr 2004 6:21 am, Aron Smith wrote:
On Friday 02 April 2004 05:13 pm, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
 On Friday 02 April 2004 02:06 pm, Aron Smith wrote:
  still got my old KIM-1 ;-)
It is modified  got 4k of Static Ram (rembember static ram?)
 And the winner of the 2004 Ultimate Packrat Award is (fanfare,
 please) Aron Smith!
 -- cmg
   Not so fast. I still have my Science of Cambridge MK14. It's got
   256 bytes of (static) memory.
  According to Google, the KIM-1 came out in 1976, two years prior to
  the MK14, so the UPA is still Aron's pending an appeal based on date
  of acquisition. -- cmg

 I found a date of 1977, which accords with my memory better than 1978,
 but I couldn't claim 1976 with any honesty.

As noted earlier, my dates were based on quick googles for KIM-1 and MK14. 
Since it is commonly known that not everything on the web is absolutely dead 
accurate, I'd say that we call it even. Aron will be the North American 
Ultimate Packrat and Richard will be the European Ultimate Packrat. (Drum 
roll and fanfare.)

I was somewhat astounded to get 73,500 hits on KIM-1, and 13,500 on MK14, 
since their heyday was long before the web came on the scene.

My first computer was an Exidy Sorcerer (circa 1978) -- Z80, 16 Kb RAM, 
cassette I/O, Microsoft Basic, word processor, development package. A year or 
two later, I added another 16 Kb at a cost of $140. It got tossed about 10 
years ago when my wife began to enforce her rule that all of my really neat 
stuff had to be kept in this one (very crowded) room. Those of you who have 
suffered similar losses can get a glimpse of your first loves here:

-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] back to the good old Windows

2004-04-03 Thread John Montgomery
On Sat, 03 Apr 2004 20:40:23 -0500
Carroll Grigsby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 My first computer was an Exidy Sorcerer (circa 1978) -- Z80, 16 Kb RAM, 
 cassette I/O, Microsoft Basic, word processor, development package. A year or 
 two later, I added another 16 Kb at a cost of $140. It got tossed about 10 
 years ago when my wife began to enforce her rule that all of my really neat 
 stuff had to be kept in this one (very crowded) room. Those of you who have 
 suffered similar losses can get a glimpse of your first loves here:
 -- cmg
Aah, a PDP 8.  That was my first hands on computer (1969) as opposed to handing in 
jobs to the IBM Big Iron. 
Actually the photo is of a PDP 8i, whereas ours was  an 8e which should be a bit 
older.  You set that row of rocker switches in octal in order to boot it. The basic 
model had 4 k memory but ours was jazzed up with an extra 4k.  Iron core memory and 
programs stored on punched paper tapes.


John Montgomery

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Re: [newbie] back to the good old Windows

2004-04-03 Thread David E. Fox
On Thu, 01 Apr 2004 10:52:07 -0500
Lyvim Xaphir [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I agree completely, Jose.  I'm in the process of doing the same thing
 as you are; formatting the drive for FAT32 and installing 98 again. 
 After all, there's alot of nostalgia involved with Windows.

Why stop there? With DOS 6.22, combined with 256 megabytes of EMS
memory, you can build some really killer sized spreadsheets with Lotus

Imagine a 256+ megabyte RAM disk running 3.1 all in RAM sometime :).

Actually, now I have 768 - just popped in another stick of 512 this



David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   on your hard disk.

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Re: [newbie] back to the good old Windows

2004-04-03 Thread David E. Fox
On Thu, 1 Apr 2004 18:08:17 -0500
Carroll Grigsby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I could do that. I've still got an old cp/m machine here, but I tossed
 the terminal (ADM3A) out a while back. I guess I could teach this box
 to handle that job...

This would be a definite twist. A modern system with big gobs of memory
used as a dumb terminal to connect to a CP/M machine. :)

Doesn't Bochs have CP/M support? (Bochs is an emulator).

 -- cmg


David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   on your hard disk.

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Re: [newbie] SCO Licensee: 'Would I do it again? No,'

2004-04-03 Thread David E. Fox
On Sun, 28 Mar 2004 19:47:10 -0500
Carroll Grigsby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In a perfect world, it wouldn't be water that was rising. Punch line from a 
 very old joke: It's not too bad until the Devil comes around in his 

Heck, if I were that company, I'd have stopped payment on the check.

 -- cmg


David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   on your hard disk.

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Re: [newbie] New Mirror Structure coming soon

2004-04-03 Thread Dennis Myers
On Saturday 03 April 2004 06:05 pm, Greg Meyer wrote:
 A couple of days ago, Warly, The Mandrake release captain, posted to the
 Cooker Mailing List that the structure of the mirrors will be chaning soon
 to accomodate the finalization of the Mandrake 10.0 release and the
 continued development that will be going on in the stable community branch.
  Here is his original post:


 The reason I am posting this is that as the mirrors start to synch up over
 the next few days, you may find your urpmi/rpmdrake spitting out errors
 when you try to istall something or update.  This will simply be because
 the paths on the mirrors will have changed, and  consequently, your urpmi
 sources will have to be changed to accomodate this.

 For instance, updates for 9.2, which is now in


 will become


 This is going to be a welcome change as the old mirror structure stinks and
 this will help the Mandrake mirror system more reliable and easier to use.
 For those of you that are going to complain about this, please consider the
 long term benefit despite your short term pain.
Thanks, for  the heads up. I am beginning to think that 10.0 is the best of 
the best and will want to burn some disks to hand out to friends. Don't want 
anything out of date to go into newbier than me hands.
Dennis M. linux user # 180842

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Re: [newbie] hosting my own web site

2004-04-03 Thread JoeHill
On Sat, 3 Apr 2004 14:11:35 -0600
John Drouhard disseminated the following:

 So your dsl connection comes in, goes through your dsl modem to a hub, which
 connects the two computers? Are you sure it's a hub, or is it a router? If it
 is a hub, you may need to get a router that can handle port-forwarding (most
 can). If you already have the router, connect to it by opening a webbrowser
 and connecting to it's IP address. (Mine is yours could be or Anyway find port forwarding and make it forward
 port 80 to the local IP address of the computer that will host the site.

This all assumes he has a nameserver somewhere pointing to his IP, though,
doesn't it? Aron would have to set up BIND somewhere on his LAN or have someone
(the seller of the domain name?) point the domain name to his IP on their
nameservers. No?

Registered Linux user #282046
Homepage: www.orderinchaos.org
The amount of poverty and suffering required for the emergence of a
Rockefeller, and the amount of depravity that the accumulation of a fortune of
such magnitude entails, are left out of the picture, and it is not always
possible to make the people in general see this. -- Che Guevara

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Re: [newbie] IT/workplace Linux orientated books

2004-04-03 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Saturday 03 April 2004 05:43 pm, Charlie wrote:

-What country or planet is that? Possibly Linux has not arrived there yet,
 but -please tell your friends it is on its way just as day after night. -

I know, I know, I've been trying to bring them into this century but...you 
know :-(


 Dark Lord

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Re: [newbie] Unreal Tourn. (original, GOTY) won't run after install

2004-04-03 Thread Carroll Grigsby
On Saturday 03 April 2004 12:40 pm, Philip Cronje wrote:
 I don't know whether you've gotten it to work yet, but I installed UT today
 to play it again, so I thought I'd pip my config file over to you. By the
 way, it lives in the ~/.loki/ut/System directory.


pip? CP/M lives.
-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] mandrake 10 community ISO problem

2004-04-03 Thread Frank

Alternatively, make a boot floppy and start form that as I had to for
my system.

Please keep this thread going as to your installation problems so that
I, and possibly others,
get to understand the problems this distro may have 'cause I seem to be
having heaps of
things go awry that didn't happen with 9.1.

Otherwise enjoy.



Big or small, a challenge requires the same commitment to resolve.
Registered Linux User # 324213 

John Wilson wrote:

  On April 2, 2004 06:36 am, Pete Doak wrote:
snippity, snip, snip
When I popped the CD-1 in the CD drive and restarted my computer I found
that the computer would not boot off the CD. Just to make sure I had the
computer configured right I put CD-1 from the 9.2 version, and it booted
right up into the installer.

Anyone else here have a problem with the ISO for CD-1 from the Mandrake
10 Community not burning a bootable CD? Anybody have any suggestions or
corrections I might try?

Hi Pete,

This is a known problem with some installations (I didn't have a problem).  
Just boot from CD-2, switch to CD-1 and you're off. :-)




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Re: [newbie] hosting my own web site

2004-04-03 Thread Aron Smith
On Saturday 03 April 2004 08:10 pm, JoeHill wrote:
 On Sat, 3 Apr 2004 14:11:35 -0600

 John Drouhard disseminated the following:
  So your dsl connection comes in, goes through your dsl modem to a hub,
  which connects the two computers? Are you sure it's a hub, or is it a
  router? If it is a hub, you may need to get a router that can handle
  port-forwarding (most can). If you already have the router, connect to it
  by opening a webbrowser and connecting to it's IP address. (Mine is yours could be or Anyway find port
  forwarding and make it forward port 80 to the local IP address of the
  computer that will host the site.

 This all assumes he has a nameserver somewhere pointing to his IP, though,
 doesn't it? Aron would have to set up BIND somewhere on his LAN or have
 someone (the seller of the domain name?) point the domain name to his IP on
 their nameservers. No?
I have a place holder $0 hosting account and aronsmith.com is registered to me
so now I just want to do it.

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Re: [newbie] New Mirror Structure coming soon

2004-04-03 Thread Aron Smith
On Saturday 03 April 2004 08:04 pm, Dennis Myers wrote:
 On Saturday 03 April 2004 06:05 pm, Greg Meyer wrote:
  A couple of days ago, Warly, The Mandrake release captain, posted to the
  Cooker Mailing List that the structure of the mirrors will be chaning
  soon to accomodate the finalization of the Mandrake 10.0 release and the
  continued development that will be going on in the stable community
  branch. Here is his original post:
  The reason I am posting this is that as the mirrors start to synch up
  over the next few days, you may find your urpmi/rpmdrake spitting out
  errors when you try to istall something or update.  This will simply be
  because the paths on the mirrors will have changed, and  consequently,
  your urpmi sources will have to be changed to accomodate this.
  For instance, updates for 9.2, which is now in
  will become
  This is going to be a welcome change as the old mirror structure stinks
  and this will help the Mandrake mirror system more reliable and easier to
  use. For those of you that are going to complain about this, please
  consider the long term benefit despite your short term pain.

 Thanks, for  the heads up. I am beginning to think that 10.0 is the best of
 the best and will want to burn some disks to hand out to friends. Don't
 want anything out of date to go into newbier than me hands.
Does tis mean that we will have to alter urpmi ?

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Re: [newbie] back to the good old Windows

2004-04-03 Thread rikona
Hello Carroll,

Saturday, April 3, 2004, 5:40:23 PM, you wrote:

  Richard:  According to Google, the KIM-1 came out in 1976, two
 years prior to  the MK14, so the UPA is still Aron's pending an
 appeal based on date  of acquisition. -- cmg

 I found a date of 1977, which accords with my memory better than 1978,
 but I couldn't claim 1976 with any honesty.

CG As noted earlier, my dates were based on quick googles for KIM-1 and MK14. 
CG Since it is commonly known that not everything on the web is absolutely dead 
CG accurate, I'd say that we call it even. Aron will be the North American 
CG Ultimate Packrat and Richard will be the European Ultimate Packrat. (Drum 
CG roll and fanfare.)

I think CP/M might predate these by a few years. The first versions
were diskless, and were taken from PL/M which ran on an IBM mainframe,
I believe. I think the very first code in this development ran on a
4004 or 8008, predating even the 8080. About 1971-73 I think. Might
check a bit more before the fanfare. :-)


 rikonamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[newbie] Building a binary from a src RPM

2004-04-03 Thread Marc Resnick
How do you build a binary from a src RPM?


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Re: [newbie] Unreal Tourn. (original, GOTY) won't run after install

2004-04-03 Thread Marv Boyes
Philip Cronje wrote:

I don't know whether you've gotten it to work yet, but I installed UT today to play it 
again, so I thought I'd pip my config file over to you.
By the way, it lives in the ~/.loki/ut/System directory.

It works! Kind of, anyway-- it runs, and the speed and sound are good, 
but the display is awful. I seem to have only a few colors, mostly deep 
reds and blues; it's bad enough as to be unplayable. And I don't have 
the first notion of where to look to (perhaps) fix it. I'm terribly 
ignorant when it comes to graphics configuration.

I really aprreciate all of your help, Philip-- and I's understand if you 
didn't feel like responding to this. It's been a ridiculously long 
thread. ;)

Thanks again,
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Re: [newbie] Building a binary from a src RPM

2004-04-03 Thread Philip Cronje
On Sun, 04 Apr 2004 00:35:31 -0500, Marc Resnick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How do you build a binary from a src RPM?
rpm --rebuild name.src.rpm


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