Re: [newbie] performance issues

2001-01-28 Thread D.M. Mattix

On Sunday 28 January 2001 14:15, you wrote:
 I am new to linux. i have mandrake 7.2.
 it runs slowlike a p166 in win98!!!

 I have a p2 333 with 256mb ram (mem is reported correctly in mandrake)
 I have a 243mb swap partition that seems never got get used by the system.
 using kde 2.

 what could be wrong. i click on etscape and it takes about 10 seconds to
 load.  Isn't this supporsed to be a fast OS?
 how do i get linux to be fast like my win98?


I have a similar system P2 300 with 256MB of ram and I launch Netscape from 
cold in 5secs.  I would suggest tuning up your harddrive with hdparm.  A 
decent place to start is, they have a page on tuning 
your IDE harddrive.

Good luck

Mike Mattix

Re: [newbie] Hdparm question

2001-01-23 Thread D.M. Mattix

On Tuesday 23 January 2001 06:37, you wrote:
 I have yet another question...

 I was playing around with hdparm last night, and I found my optimal
 settings. Now, here is my question. I know that I have to add a line
 somewhere in /etc/rc.d/???. Can someone please give me instructions on how
 to make my hdparm settings reload upon start-up?

 Any help is much appreciated.

 Chris Kelly
   Your mouse has moved. Windows must now reboot to recognize these

I usually add it to the rc.local file.  This file is executed upon completion 
of booting.  

Mike Mattix

Re: [newbie] Adaptec AHA-2920 woes

2001-01-10 Thread D.M. Mattix

On Wednesday 10 January 2001 08:13, you wrote:

  Update 1-10-01

 I had the good fortune to have a local mentor take a look
 at this errant system and he was unable to get it to behave.

 We are now both of the opinion that the Adaptec AHA-2920
 is not really an adequately supported scsi adapter.or
 the one I got is flaky!  ...or maybe there's something
 amiss with the mobo...?

 So, there's a enw AHA-2930U on the way that should land on
 Friday and we'll give that a try.

 In the meantime, I've got another (not quite so) old acer
 windoze box with a single ide 2gb drive that swallowed
 7.2 just fine and I'll play on that til the scsi card arrives
 and we can see what's what.

 later (::)

I am running the 2930 card with absolutely no problems with LM 7.2.  I did 
not respond earlier as I have no experience with (or have even heard of) the 

Good luck but it should work just fine.

Mike Mattix

Re: [newbie] Dual processors ??

2001-01-10 Thread D.M. Mattix

On Wednesday 10 January 2001 10:53, you wrote:

 I run 7.2 on a dual processor system here. I use the SMP kernel. No
 problems. Everything seems to run just fine.

 I'm not sure what problems with software the original poster referred
 to... Perhaps I'm not running with software that has problems with SMP?


 Mark Weaver wrote:
  I'd be real interested in knowing about this too cause I've been toying
  with the same idea of building a dual processor system. Linux is all I
  run anymore. I'd be more concerned as to how the kernel would react to
  such a situation more then some of the apps on that system. I can't
  imagine how'd they'd really care whether there were 1 or 10 processor.
  "If you don't share your concepts and ideals, they end up being
  worthless," "Sharing is what makes them powerful."
  Linus Torvalds
  On Tue, 9 Jan 2001 David spake passionately saying:
   I was thinkg about building a dual processor PC using mandrake 7.2 as
   this should not be a problem ...however i read somewhere that even
   though the operating system might be Ok with dual processors some of
   the software that runs on it might not. Is this the case or not ??? as
   there would be no point in going down this road if i need to worry
   about every new piece of software i got..

Most software is processor ignorant.  The software just starts threads via 
the operating system and I would suspect most KDE and GNOME software IS 
mutli-threaded.  The operating system handles the scheduling of the threads 
against the number of processors it has to work with.  Even if the software 
you are using is NOT multi-threaded, if you doing more than one thing at a 
time the second processor can/will help you out.

Mike Mattix

Re: FW: [newbie] No sound from CD Player

2000-12-11 Thread D.M. Mattix

On Monday 11 December 2000 17:00, you wrote:
 Tried your suggestion, didn't work.  The cd wil play you can see the time
 counting up but no sound.  There is no problem with mp3's and system
 sounds. Thanks for the suggestion.


 On Monday 11 December 2000 04:48 pm, you wrote:
  -Original Message-
  You can try this (as root):
  chmod a+rwx /dev/cdrom
  My setup shows:
  [paul@internet paul]$ ls -l /dev/cdrom
  lrwxrwxrwx1 root root3 Nov 11 21:09 /dev/cdrom - hdd
  [paul@internet paul]$ ls -l /dev/hdd
  brw---1 seti cdrom 22,  64 Sep 27 12:31 /dev/hdd
  Good luck,
  Now I have no sound from CD Player.  I think that when I installed KDE
   2.0.1 something happened to the permissions because I have had trouble
   with a few things and had to change permissions to get them to work. 
   Is there any way to change all permissions back to their default?  I
   don't know if the CD Player is a permissions problem though.  mp3's
   play fine and the system sounds play fine so I'm not sure what's wrong.

I know this is pretty basic but have you checked to see if the cable between 
the cdrom and the soundcard is secure and in place?? 

Mike Mattix

Re: [newbie]7.2installation problem

2000-11-15 Thread D.M. Mattix

On Wednesday 15 November 2000 01:22, you wrote:
 Dear All, I am in the process of installing 7.2 over my LinuxMandrake 7.
 My computer only boots from floppies so I used the boot floppy from 7 to
 boot the 7.2 CD. It seemed to work until I got to the Hard drive
 detection . I got an error message that insmod'ing module ide-cd failed.
 What does this mean and what do I do next to install this? Thank you for
 your help. Marcia
 Juno now offers FREE Internet Access!
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In the README file on the mirrors with the ISO's it explains how to build a 
7.2 install disk.  Basically there is an Image directory on the CD with 
install images in it.  Since you have 7.0 up it should be easy to dd the 
floppy from the cdrom image.

HTH (Yeah I tried the 7.1 floppy first too..)

Mike Mattix

Re: [newbie] (...) Ethernet Configutation

2000-11-12 Thread D.M. Mattix

On Sunday 12 November 2000 09:22, you wrote:
 I have a AOpen PCI ALN-201 card but I cant configure it!
 I already changed the kernel module to "ne", "ne2k-pci" but he keeps
 telling me this in the boot:

 "Cant find a dhcp client"

 I also have something else:
 in my windows configuration I got all the IP's and port's that I could get
 before getting to linux and I have:
 DNS Server IP
 my IP
 Port (also an IP)
 DHCP Server IP
 and Mask

 do I need this for anything? and does the error has something to do with
 the DHCP Server? (because I didnt typed it anywhere... dont know where I
 have to...)

 thx once again for helping me out.

You don't say what version you are running, but in 7.1 (I don't know about 
7.2) the automatic install did not install the DHCP client.  Log in a root, 
put your installation cd in the cdrom, click on the CDRom icon on your KDE 
desktop, traverse down Mandrake to RPMS, scan down looking for dhcp-client, 
click on it, kpackage should come up, click Install button.  Or do 
'cd /mnt/cdrom/Mandrake/RPMS', 'ls dhcp*', and 'rpm -i (the dhcp-client 

This should install the dhcp client and you should be able to get eth0 

Mike Mattix

Re: [newbie] tape backups in 7.2?

2000-11-10 Thread D.M. Mattix

On Friday 10 November 2000 16:30, malkajef wrote:
 tar seems to work for me from the command line - well at least the tape
 drive goes on.  But I need a gui interface to determine if the archive is
 valid, to verify it, etc.  The present archives seem to stop before
 finishing for reasons I cannot ascertain till I get an easier interface to

 The command line I use is: tar cvf /dev/ht0 / and as I said the tape drive
 goes on for a while and then stops with an error.  It is a ide floppy
 controller attached TR4 drive (Conner CTT 8000A).


  Is there a tape backup application in the new Mandrake 7.2?  If so, what
   is it?
  I have always managed to do my backups with TAR. But you need to be more
  clear about the tape device you use, if you require more help. Is it IDE,
  floppy-based, SCSI?
  Macadam (n.): the first man on Earth.
  (according to the Scottish bible) - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
-=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

Kdat still exists!!!  Mandrake just did not see fit to include it in their 
implementation.  Check out KDE mirrors.  Look for tarball source and get 
kdeadmin-2.0.tar.bz2.  I have not compiled it yet but the .cpp's etc are in 

Mike Mattix

Re: [newbie] nscd Error

2000-11-07 Thread D.M. Mattix

On Tue, 07 Nov 2000, SoloCDM wrote:
 What can be done to correct the follow error?  It was created in
 /var/log/messages.  The /etc/nscd.conf has the log file uncommented
 like all the other lines.
 nscd: 339: short write in cache_addhst: Broken pipe
 Note: When you reply to this message, please include
   the mailing list and my email address.

When I got the 'short write' error it was due to running out of disk space.  I
have no idea if that is your problem but it was mine.
D.M.(Mike) Mattix

Re: [newbie] Networking setup for PCMCIA on laptop

2000-10-23 Thread D.M. Mattix

On Mon, 23 Oct 2000, Bombardier Systems Consulting wrote:
 More on my problem.
 I have just installed MDK 7.1 (sorry I didn't mention this initially)
 This is what I have done.
 Basic Host Information
 Host name + domain = linux.myNTserverdomain name
 Adaptor1 = enabled DHCP, net device = dummy0, kernel module = 3c574-TX, Irq=10, all 
other fields blank
 Name server specifications (DNS)
 DNS is required for normal operation (selected)
 default domain =
 IP of name server 1 = same DNS address that I use in my other boxes
 IP of name server 2 = same DNS address that I use in my other boxes
 IP of name server 3 = same DNS address that I use in my other boxes
 all other fields blank
 Routing and gateways
 Set defaults = enable routing(selected) and Default gateway =
 I have not done anything with the other NETCONF options
 I then exit out of that and it brings up the "status of the system" box and under 
"preview what has to be done" it 
tells me to execute /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S10network reload...and when I do that it
come back with the error "Bringing up the device dummy0 Can't find a dhcp

  Sounds like you did an automatic install under Mandrake.  The automatic
install does not install the dhcp client.  You had to do that manually.  You
give no indication of which (if any) Window Manager you use so:
 Login as root
 put the initial installation cd in the cdrom drive.  
 From the command line type 'cd /mnt/cdrom/Mandrake/RPMS'
 Then type 'rpm -i dhcp-client-3.0b1pl12-4mdk.i586.rpm'
 Then type 'shutdown -r now'

I how this works (it did for me).

D.M.(Mike) Mattix

RE: [newbie] DHCP, Pump commands and Cable Modem Setup

2000-10-18 Thread D.M. Mattix

On Tue, 17 Oct 2000, Larry Marshall wrote:
  I saw Larry's post about PPPoE and it just depends on what your DSL service
  is offering evidently not all offer PPPoE...
 Really?  What are the alternatives?  I thought the main thing that was
 allowing DSL to become reasonably priced was the simple pppoe
 approach.  I'm also one of the dumbest guys on the planet when it comes to
 networking :-)
 Cheers --- Larry

That is possible but it depends on what is doing the PPPoE.  My provider allows and configures for DHCP on the RJ45 side of the DSL modem.  A
friend attempted to use PPPoE on his Linksys and failed at first and then it
worked after he had given up (now since I have not checked his setup I have no
idea if he switched it back to DHCP while he was attempting to connect multiple
times and failing or not...).  I set my DLink router up with DHCP on the WAN
side and boom it worked just fine.  It did not suprise me since my NT box  and
Linux box had been setup for DHCP directly attached to the DSL modem.  So, the
short of it: I am connecting to DSL (and have been for nearly 8 months) without
PPPoE.  The only thing I can glean from my experience and those reported here
is that DSL can be configured multiple ways depending upon the provider.  So to
me that means there is no universal answer to the burning question of how to
connect to DSL/Cable modems...

D.M.(Mike) Mattix 

Re: [newbie] network setup

2000-10-18 Thread D.M. Mattix

On Wed, 18 Oct 2000, Alan Dunford wrote:
 In an attempt to learn more about Local Area Networks, I have set up a 
 simple three machine net but am experiencing some difficulty and I 
 wonder if a more experienced person could please help.
 The configuration is:-
 Machine 1
 Pentium 3 running Windows 98 as IP (alias windows)
 Network card SMC EtherEZ 8416
 Machine 2
 Pentium 2 running Mandrake Linux 7.1 as IP (alias linux)
 Network card Genius GF100TXRII
 Machine 3
 Pentium 1 running Mandrake Linux 7.1 and Windows 98 as IP 
 (alias compaq)
 Network card Realtek RTL8029
 This machine also has an internal 56 k non-Win modem and a connection to 
 the Internet.
 The machines are connected to each other via a base10 hub with short 
 twisted pair cables.
 The physical installation seems ok as I can ping any machine from any 
 other and get fast return times.  The problem I have, though, concerns 
 machines 2 and 3 whose configuration was intended to be identical.
 Using common log-on user names and passwords and with the Compaq machine 
 as my workstation, I can log on to "linux" and ftp files to and from 
 that machine.  Further, I can download files from the Internet and then 
 pass them to "linux".
 So far so good.
 If, however, I reverse the arrangement and try to use "linux" as my 
 workstation, I can connect briefly to the Compaq machine but the 
 connection times out in two or three seconds and if I use ftp at the 
 command line, I get an error message "421 Service not available remote 
 server has closed connection".  gFTP reports that I am already logged on 
 and then waits for 30 seconds before trying (unsuccessfully) again, even 
 if "compaq" is waiting for a log on of some kind..
 The /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny files are blank on both 
 machines apart from their comments and there are no entries in 
 /usr/sbin/tcpd file either.
 Before I tear out what remains of my hair, I wonder if someone could 
 please point me in the right direction.
 Thanks for any help offered.
 PS apologies for crashing into another thread on this newsgroup
 Alan Dunford
 Public PGP keys at and others

You did not note what you are using for an FTP server on the 98 box.  Windows
98/NT does not come with a standard FTP server so you have to buy one if you
want that type of capability.  Windows comes with an FTP client which you used
to connect the Linux boxes but no standard FTP server.
 D.M.(Mike) Mattix

Re: [newbie] Making DHCP work

2000-10-18 Thread D.M. Mattix

On Wed, 18 Oct 2000, Dennis Veatch wrote:
  I subscribed to Road Runner (cable using DHCP) two weeks ago and am still
  not able to use it...
  I got rid of my first problem (making eth0 work) thanks to two Linux
  angels, Michael and Greg, that I thank again.
  Now here is what's happening:
  * Eth0 seems to work like a charm (IRQ and IO are specified for eth0, the
  boot says "OK" after "Configuring the Eth0 interface" and so on)
 What type of NIC are you using?
  * DHCPCD has been configured, and also seems to work. Indeed, when I type
  "dhcpcd" it says "already running".
 When you run the command 'ps ax', what does it show for dhcpd? On my machine
 when running that command it shows;
 /usr/sbin/dhcpd eth1
 If you only have one NIC installed it should say eth0.
  * When I use the command "ifconfig", I have a nice inet adress for eth0.
 What does ifconfig report eth0 address to be?
  * The "online" led of the cable modem they provided is flashing on and off.
 Is it doing that while you are trying to access the net or when not doing
 anything at all?
  * When I open netscape and type "" or any other adress it
  answers "unable to locate the server bla bla bla".
 Can you ping yourself?
 Can you ping an address on the outside.
 What does your /etc/resolv.conf file say? I use Roadrunner and here is my
 Depending on your location, the nameserver addresses will of course vary.
  I did not configure myself DHCPCD or any connection, I let Mandrake do it:
  In Netconf, I simply used the "Basic Host Information" tab, enabling DHCP.
  I didn't touch the other tabs as I do not understand that Networking stuff.
  I guess there is something to do, and I am pretty sure it is something very
  simple, but I don't know what...
  [My computer features a Pentium 733, 128 RAM, Tyan Trinity 400 motherboard.
  Good stuff.]
  I thank the Linux angels who will save my computer life again!

Also try 'nslookup'.  This will give you the address of your
primary nameserver and the address it thinks is.

D.M.(Mike) Mattix

Re: [newbie] Linux on Oracle

2000-10-17 Thread D.M. Mattix

On Tue, 17 Oct 2000, A V Flinsch wrote:
 On Tue, 17 Oct 2000, you wrote:
  hi all,
  thnaks for your help
  I am an Oracle DBA and so far have worked only on
  WindowsNT. Now i am trying to install Oracle8i (8.1.6)
  on Linux. I have got Linux Mandrake version 7.1
  installed on a intel system.
  300 MHz
  64MB RAM
  The oracle Documentaion asks to create 4 mountpoints.
  One for the software and 3 for the database.
  I don't know if this is the right place to ask this
 No need to do this. I just created a /oracle mountpoint off of / and let the
 installer do it's stuff.
 a few words of advice - 
 1- the 8.1.6 installer has problems when running under kde. Do yourself a favor
 and use a different window manager for the install.
 2 - when creating your database, allow dbassist to creat a script, then exit
 all window managers and run the script. The database creation phase of the
 install is very memory intensive, and can use all the ram you can get.
 3 - go th and grab all of the goodies. Some good stuff
 (Go easy on me, I'm a COBOL programmer in real life)

The release notes say that a minimum of 128MB are required to install the
Oracle product.  Has anyone tried it with less??  
D.M.(Mike) Mattix

(with a 128MB 200MHz Pentium to try this on...)

RE: [newbie] DHCP, Pump commands and Cable Modem Setup

2000-10-17 Thread D.M. Mattix

On Tue, 17 Oct 2000, Thomas F. RuBane wrote:
 Hi Roman  All:
 I'm using Mandrake 7.1 (With an automatic install)
 and a Netgear 310tx which is a tulip chipset compatible card.
 My DSL service uses DHCP, but I haven't gotten that working either. I
 entered all the information manually (I checked using winipcfg the get the
 info). I have installed the dhcp-client. Previously, linux would recognize
 eth0, but I could not get it up using ifconfig. I did a reinstall of linux,
 and now doing ifconfig -a will not even show that there is an eth0
 I've tried using Drakconfig  going to the hardware configuration dialog. it
 shows a network card is installed, but warns that it is already configured
 when I try and configure it.
 I recognize the benefits of Unix  Linux - that's why I'm trying to get it
 up  running. But I have to admit Windows still is easier to configure in
 some respects.
 Thanks for any help,
 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Romanator
 Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2000 3:47 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] DHCP, Pump commands and Cable Modem Setup
 Hello Tom,
 You'll need the following:
 For example:
 Host name: cr123543-b
 Subdomain address:
 IP address:
 Subnet mask:
 Gateway address:
 1. Which version of Linux are you using?
 2. What type of netwrok card are you using i.e. 3c905c ?
 Registered Linux User #179293


Go into Network Configuration.  It is an option on DrakeConfig.  The problem is
that the automatic install does not configure your network card.  I only have
the text mode version working on the system I am currently running but the GUI
version has a tabbed interface.  You must click on the adapter 1 tab and 
enable that adapter, then select DHCP also in the same tab and you should be
on your way.

I saw Larry's post about PPPoE and it just depends on what your DSL service
is offering evidently not all offer PPPoE...

--  D.M.(Mike) Mattix

Re: [newbie] Browsers

2000-10-17 Thread D.M. Mattix

On Wed, 18 Oct 2000, Dennis Myers wrote:
 I have d/l'd Opera, Netscape 6, and Mozilla and find that I can not
 install Opera due to wrong architecture, and the other two flow like
 molasses in January. They are so slow to load anything that I feel like
 I have timewarped back to the good old dos days and booting with floppys
 etc. Anybody getting any better reaction from Net 6 or Moz? And has any
 one found the fix for the wrong architecture thingy in Opera? I have
 tried opera and Mozilla in Win 98 and like both of them even though they
 are twitchy and crash frequently. I hope that the final releases are
 better for speed in Linux than what I see now, or have I missed
 something in the install? Linux makes everything but the mozilla prog
 run faster so something is amiss.
 Dennis M. a registered Linux User #180842

Not that I know of.  Just download the tar.gz and install it. (the only thing
it installs is the opera application)  It works just fine on V7.1 (2.2.15
Kernel)  -- 
D.M.(Mike) Mattix

Fwd: Re: [newbie] Browsers

2000-10-17 Thread D.M. Mattix

On Wed, 18 Oct 2000, Dennis Myers wrote:
 I have d/l'd Opera, Netscape 6, and Mozilla and find that I can not
 install Opera due to wrong architecture, and the other two flow like
 molasses in January. They are so slow to load anything that I feel like
 I have timewarped back to the good old dos days and booting with floppys
 etc. Anybody getting any better reaction from Net 6 or Moz? And has any
 one found the fix for the wrong architecture thingy in Opera? I have
 tried opera and Mozilla in Win 98 and like both of them even though they
 are twitchy and crash frequently. I hope that the final releases are
 better for speed in Linux than what I see now, or have I missed
 something in the install? Linux makes everything but the mozilla prog
 run faster so something is amiss.
 Dennis M. a registered Linux User #180842

Not that I know of.  Just download the tar.gz and install it. (the only thing
it installs is the opera application)  It works just fine on V7.1 (2.2.15
Kernel)  -- 
D.M.(Mike) Mattix

Re: [newbie] Opera web browser

2000-10-15 Thread D.M. Mattix

On Sun, 15 Oct 2000, Joan Tur wrote:
 Dennis Myers escribió:
  Well, I don't understand the problem, cause everything mentioned on the
  list here I have checked or tried and I still get the different
  architecture message with the rpm
 Since you've got an executable in the tarball in my opinion it's not very
 important... i just hate to compile a package because if i later don't want
 it in my system it's harder to remove  ;-)
 Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
 Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

Luckily from what I could see it just sets up an application.  The litter seems
to be limited to the README, LICENSE,, and the application.

D.M.(Mike) Mattix

re:[newbie]DHCP, Pump commands and Cable Modems

2000-10-14 Thread D.M. Mattix

On Sat, 14 Oct 2000, Thomas F. RuBane wrote:
 I'm having a similar problem with a DSL modem. I've tried configuring
 statically, but am still unable to connect. When trying to up the eth0
 interface with the ifconfig command, I get the error "this resource is
 temporarily unavailable." Or something similar. I would be grateful for any
 Tom RuBane
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of chronos
 Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2000 1:15 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] DHCP, Pump commands and Cable Modem Setup
 At 09:11 AM 10/14/2000 -0400, you wrote:
 To Roman-
 Hi, I actually do tech support for a cable isp and my first suggustion
 would be to set yourself up statically and enter in all the info, if this
 doesnt work let me know so I can consult my fellow work mates. Also give me
 any error messages you get.
 you, Chronos.

As a couple of people have said it depends on a lot of things.  
Did you do an automatic, custom, or expert install.  
Only the automatic install configures the network card for you.  If the
network card was not configured you need to load a dhcp client as that was
not loaded either.  

When you boot do you get any error messages during the Mandrake startup when
starting device eth0?   

What does HardDrake say you have for a network card?  

What DO you have for a network card??  

Heck, what version of Mandrake are you using??  

Have you successfully used the DSL modem with anything else (like Windows)?? 
If so what configuration did you use (DHCP, static config,etc)??  

Does you DSL use PPPoE or straight DHCP (the Windows config can tell alot)??

Figuring out network problems via long distance is a crap shoot at best, but it
is also like detective work (Just give me the facts, sir).  Linux is quite
informative during the boot process and if you are having trouble you should
pay careful attention to what the boot messages are saying.

--  D.M.(Mike) Mattix

re:[newbie] Opera web browser

2000-10-14 Thread D.M. Mattix

On Sat, 14 Oct 2000, Joan Tur wrote:
 Paul escribió:
  It was Oct 14, 2000, 17:59, when Joan Tur keyboarded:
  Roger Sherman escribió:
  Er... i'm not able to install the downloaded .rpm.  I get an error
  message: "package opera-4.0b1-1 is for a different architecture"  8-?
  Very strange, Larry also had that. And I popped the RPM in the system,
  nothing complained. It works.
 No problem.  I choosed to download a rpm but i see that what comes with
 the tar.gz is the executable.  It works... that's all  ;)
 Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
 Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

use the uname command 'uname -m' .  This will give you the machine 
hardware type.  I got the same message also and also had the tarball install
with no problem.  I do not know the details of rpm building but I wonder if you 
can build one that checks the machine hardware type and not install if it is
not what is is looking for

(Mine BTW is i686 and the package would not install with rpm v3.0.4)

D.M.(Mike) Mattix