Re: [newbie] Modules- install

2001-06-24 Thread Jeffrey M. Reed

On Sunday 24 June 2001 13:00, DStevenson wrote:
 Hi All,

 Does anyone know how to install new modules. I have
 downloaded the SG scsi modules and need to install them
 on my machine to hopefully solve a scanner problem. I
 have the files installed the drivers and include
 directories in the src tree, but that is as far as I

 Do I need to recompile the kernel? (No please)

 Any help would be really appreciated.


that's why they're called modules my friend. you suimplly 
need to load them at boot time. this can be done by adding 
a simple one-liner to your /etc/modules.conf script or, if 
you're already up and running, you can try loading it 
manually by logging in as root and typing 'lsmod' to see 
what modules are already loaded and then use 'insmod' to 
try your new module. it's not necessary to compile into 
your kernel. i know that can be a real pain in the butt.

good luck and don't forget about for lots 
of linux help!!!


+  Jeffrey M. Reed
+  Linux System Administrator
+  Metro West Boston Linux User Group
+  (508)792-6070

Re: [newbie] Desktop Publishing

2001-06-22 Thread Jeffrey M. Reed

i've had some decent success with good ol' StarOffice. a 
lot of people hate that too...but hell man, these programs 
are FREE.

me? i just run M$ Office and Flash and Photoshop using 
WINE. and yes, it DOES work.

just my two cents

On Wednesday 20 June 2001 14:25, Bryan S. Tyson wrote:
 On Wednesday 20 June 2001 05:52, Alex wrote:
  destop publishing - Ice Sculptor from chilliware it is commercial and costs about
  USD $80

 This piece of junk is a disgrace. Not only is it not
 worth $80, I wouldn't take it for free.

 If you or anyone else reading this disagrees, I would be
 interested in your thoughts.

 Powered by SuSE Linux 7.1 Professional
 KDE 2.0.1 KMail 1.1.99

 Bryan S. Tyson


+  Jeffrey M. Reed
+  Linux System Administrator
+  Metro West Boston Linux User Group
+  (508)792-6070

[newbie] WINE runs Windows proggies! ok?

2001-06-22 Thread Jeffrey M. Reed

read it...learn it...

i would LOVE to help all you guys figure this out but 
everyone's problems are going to be different. you all have 
different PC's and different setups.

if you have any GENERAL questions about how to set up 
Mandrake alongside Windows and stuff like that, i would be 
more than happy to help.

as far as WINE and similar proggies are concerned...the 
only thing i can really suggest is that you learn how to 
build/install using tarballs and compile your kernels like 
good girls and boys!

good luck and don't get frustrated! i've been using linux 
and bsd type stuff for all of a year now and i'm STILL 
learning a lot!


+  Jeffrey M. Reed
+  Linux System Administrator
+  Metro West Boston Linux User Group
+  (508)792-6070

Re: [newbie] Lnx4Win to Setup L-M 7.2

2001-06-22 Thread Jeffrey M. Reed

On Friday 22 June 2001 22:16, Jianrong Yao wrote:
 Hello, Friends,

 My computer uses Windows 98. After using Lnx4Win to
 install Linux-Mandrake 7.2, Windows 98 still runs well
 when I choose it. However, Linux-Mandrake cannot start up
 if I take this choice. The following information is
 displayed on the screen.

 Request_module[block-major-7]: Root fs not mounted.
 VFS: Cannot open root device 07:07.
 kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 07:07.

 Please tell me what to do or how to resolve it.

 Thank you for your assistance.

 Yours Truly,


 Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN
 Hotmail at

a word to the wise...DO NOT EVER USE WIN4LIN. although it 
makes the installation process easy, it does have it's 
drawbacks...ok? mostly, the fact that you will begin to 
take up space inside the linux 'folder' within win98. the 
problem with that? win98 cannot detect linux partitions! 
so, you may fill up your linux 'folder' real quick and that 
could leave windows high and dry.

the BEST thing you can do, although it's a PAIN, is backup 
your win98 system, re-partition your drive, INSTALL WINDOWS 
AGAIN, FIRST, and then install linux. ALWAYS install 
WINDOWS FIRST! installing linux on it's own partitions is 
some of the best experience you will get using the system!

for instance, i have a 20 gig seagate. i partitioned it up 
like this:

2 gig for win98 II
500 MB for linux / (root)
128 MB for linux swap
2 gig for /usr
2 gig for /usr/local
50 MB for /boot
200 MB for /tmp
200 MB for /var
2 gig for /home
and the rest i split up into 3 extra FAT (windows) 
partitions...about 2 1/2 gigs each

i've NEVER had any problems with this setup and my system 
appears to run quite smoothly. again, i know that backing 
up and re-installing is a headache, but it's some of the 
best experience you'll get...not only with linux, but 
mandrake especially!!!

good luck and don't get frustrated!!!


+  Jeffrey M. Reed
+  Linux System Administrator
+  Metro West Boston Linux User Group
+  (508)792-6070

[newbie] who da man? who da man?

2001-06-21 Thread Jeffrey M. Reed

that's who


+  Jeffrey M. Reed
+  Linux System Administrator
+  Metro West Boston Linux User Group
+  (508)792-6070

Re: [newbie] Error: Winbond Super-10 detection....

2001-06-21 Thread Jeffrey M. Reed

On Friday 22 June 2001 01:14, OOzy Pal wrote:

 My linux is on runlevel 3. Everytime I rum my linux
 box and before I get the the login prompt a message
 comes up saying

 Winbond Super-10 detection, now testing ports 3F0,
 370, 200, 4E, 2E
 SMSC Super-10 detection, now testing ports 3F0,

 What is this. Any ideas.


 What is the purpose of life?

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does it look something like this?

Winbond Super-IO detection, now testing ports 
3F0,370,250,4E,2E ...
Winbond chip at EFER=0x3f0 key=0x87 devid=52 devrev=f4 
Winbond chip type 83977EF / SMSC 97w35x
Winbond LPT Config: cr_30=01 60,61=0378 70=07 74=03, f0=00
Winbond LPT Config: active=yes, io=0x0378 irq=7, dma=3
Winbond LPT Config: irqtype=pulsed low, high-Z, ECP fifo 
Winbond LPT Config: Port mode=Standard (SPP) and 
SMSC Super-IO detection, now testing Ports 2F0, 370 ...

i think it's the kernel trying to recognize the southbridge 
portion of your motherboard's chipset. the southbridge 
gives all the functionality to ports like the PS/2 and 
printer ports. i get the same weird message when i log in. 
haven't found a way to work around it yet.



+  Jeffrey M. Reed
+  Linux System Administrator
+  Metro West Boston Linux User Group
+  (508)792-6070

Re: [newbie] How can I figure out my IP address?

2001-06-21 Thread Jeffrey M. Reed

On Thursday 21 June 2001 14:56, Terry wrote:
 I'm curious ..

 How can I determine what my IP address is from my local machine?  Is
 there a command similar to M$'s IPCONFIG command?


type ifconfig as root and you should get something like this:

[root@alpha1 jeff]# ifconfig
eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:20:78:0D:F2:BF
  inet addr:  Bcast:  
  RX packets:375060 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:339800 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:7 txqueuelen:100
  RX bytes:473529387 (451.5 Mb)  TX bytes:24387955 (23.2 Mb)
  Interrupt:11 Base address:0xec00
loLink encap:Local Loopback
  inet addr:  Mask:
  UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
  RX packets:664 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:664 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
  RX bytes:62000 (60.5 Kb)  TX bytes:62000 (60.5 Kb)

pretty awesome looking. eth0 is my ethernet card and lo is my 
'loopback' so i can ping myself.

you can also use ifconfig to set the properties of your network card. 
to do so, i would simply type (using the example above):

ifconfig eth0 netmask up

as long as i have the proper module (aka driver) loaded for my ethernet 
card, i should be able to start pinging other computers on the 
network...regardless of what OS they're running.

good luck and don't forget about !!!


+  Jeffrey M. Reed
+  Linux System Administrator
+  Metro West Boston Linux User Group
+  (508)792-6070

Re: [newbie] iptables

2001-06-19 Thread Jeffrey M. Reed

On Tuesday 19 June 2001 21:10, Ross Slade wrote:
 It appears all my masquerading problems revolve around
 the Bastille firewall. I have some things working now but
 many issues remain...

 Is there an iptables (newbie) mail list?  If not I'll
 start bugging you guys...  8-)


real men use ipchains.



+  Jeffrey M. Reed
+  Linux System Administrator
+  Metro West Boston Linux User Group
+  (508)792-6070

Re: [newbie] Mandrake Bankrupt ?? -- No Way!!

2001-06-19 Thread Jeffrey M. Reed

think about it like this...they (Mandrake) never really 
were a all starts as a project and that's all 
it takes. take a look at commercial 
representation or support, yet miraculously, it still gets 
worked on/updated (every eon or so - LOL)

On Tuesday 19 June 2001 22:16, Kevin Fonner wrote:
 Whew!!  Am I glad.  After you said that earlier I
 immediately scanned all the linux news sites and couldn't
 find it anywhere.  Mandrake is the only linux distro I'll

 - Original Message -
 From: Romanator [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: preston smith [EMAIL PROTECTED];
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2001
 7:35 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Mandrake Bankrupt ?? -- No Way!!

  There is no truth to this at all. I don't know where
  your friend reads his news. In fact, Mandrake's sales
  have never been better. Their sales surpass RedHat's. I
  would recommend that you refer to the news section on
  the Mandrake web site. Make a print out and show it
  your ill informed friend.
  I have included the link below:
  Registered Linux User #179293
  This email is powered by the Tux Email Utility
   preston smith wrote:
A friend of mine (who is in the business and is
pro-OS/2 and


tells me that he heard the Mandrake had gone
bankrupt.  Is there any


to this?
Before I load Mandrake for the first time, i would
like to make sure I


not going down a dead end street.  Hopefully, he is
Betti Ann  Preston Smith
Head of St Margaret's Bay, NS
MGB  RV Owners
  Registered Linux User #179293
  This email is powered by the Tux Email Utility


+  Jeffrey M. Reed
+  Linux System Administrator
+  Metro West Boston Linux User Group
+  (508)792-6070

Re: [newbie] How can I use ipchains with Mandrake 8.0

2001-06-19 Thread Jeffrey M. Reed

On Wednesday 20 June 2001 00:56, Adriano Grassi wrote:
 Hi I just installed 8.0 and I am not really familiar with
 iptables but I am familiar with ipchains, how can I use
 ipchains instead of iptables? What's the difference
 between then, except syntax? Which one is better?
 Thanks for your time.

 Any help is appreciated.

 Best Regards,


Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1; 
name=Attachment: 1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

ipchains is an admin tool that you can install from the 8.0 
disks if you look on them:

rpm -q ipchains - to see if it's installed on your system
rpm -ivh ipchainsxx - to install it from the CD

you need to enable ipchains compatibility in the kernel by 
loading the ipchains module as well:

lsmod - to see if the kernel module has already been loaded
insmod ipchains - this command will hopefully load the 
ipchains module into your 8.0 can simply 
make a new kernel with the ipchains compatibility built in!

good luck and i hope this helps.


+  Jeffrey M. Reed
+  Linux System Administrator
+  Metro West Boston Linux User Group
+  (508)792-6070

Re: [newbie] using LM 8.0 as a mail server

2001-06-06 Thread Jeffrey M. Reed

On Thursday 07 June 2001 00:46, Tom wrote:
 Is there a mail server that I can set up on LM 8.0??

 Not a client, but an SMTP mail server??

 Free E-mail Servers with unlimited mailboxes
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the question, my friend, is not 'is there one' but rather, 
'which one'.  :)

of course, these are linux they must not be 
as 'standardized' or as 'secure' as microsoft products 
which is why about 3 gazillion (or, a lot) mail servers are 
using it.  :)

it seems like a good combo for email and server is qmail 
and freebsd...just from what i've seen anyway.

good luck


+  Jeffrey M. Reed
+  Linux System Administrator
+  Metro West Boston Linux User Group
+  (508)792-6070

Re: [newbie] XFree 4.1.0 release

2001-06-05 Thread Jeffrey M. Reed

On Tuesday 05 June 2001 10:47, Robin Regennitter wrote:
 I noticed that XFree86 had just released 4.1.0 yesterday.
  I wonder how much better it is than the 4.0.x series.  
 Hope Mandrake will make the RPMs soon.


tar is better! ROLL YOUR OWN!



+  Jeffrey M. Reed
+  Linux System Administrator
+  Metro West Boston Linux User Group
+  (508)792-6070

Re: [newbie] nVIDIA TnT2

2001-05-27 Thread Jeffrey M. Reed

On Sunday 27 May 2001 13:57, OOzy Pal wrote:
 Hello Guys

 What do you think about the this video card? Will it
 work fine with Linux?

 nVIDIA TnT2 M64 4X 32MB AGP


 What is the purpose of life?

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Auctions - buy the things you want at great prices

+  Jeffrey M. Reed
+  Linux System Administrator
+  Metro West Boston Linux User Group
+  (508)792-6070

[newbie] ?

2001-05-24 Thread Jeffrey M. Reed

anybody know what the h-e-double hockeysticks this is?

udp0  0 *:blackjack *:*

this is after doing netstat -l


+  Jeffrey M. Reed
+  Linux System Administrator
+  Metro West Boston Linux User Group
+  (508)792-6070

[newbie] netscape + mousewheel

2001-05-23 Thread Jeffrey M. Reed


i be using manrdake 8

i have my silly little mousewheel to work for everything 
except netscape.



+  Jeffrey M. Reed
+  Linux System Administrator
+  Metro West Boston Linux User Group
+  (508)792-6070

Re: [newbie] Some queries about Linux on Macintosh

2001-05-23 Thread Jeffrey M. Reed

check out Yellow Dog for Mac bub. i've used it before and 
it was pretty cool. unfortunantely, i didn't get to install 
anything on it since it was a work machine. i'm pretty sure 
the standard install (rpm) should work for almost any 
distrib of linux...with the exceptional few like Debian 
(which, by the way, is VERY cool)

good luck and remember, the only TROUBLE you're making for 
the list is not asking questions. that's what it's here for 
man..silly questions or not.

On Wednesday 23 May 2001 14:46, AKC Chu wrote:

 Sorry to trouble the mailing list, but I have a few
 issues that I would like to know:

 Firstly, is there any Linux-Mandrake distro for

 Secondly, anybody knows where can I get some good
 information about Linux on Mac?

 Third  lastly, say I have installed a Linux distro in
 Macintosh, can I still use Redhat RPM for x86 or I can
 only use RPM for ppc?

 Thanks for your help,



+  Jeffrey M. Reed
+  Linux System Administrator
+  Metro West Boston Linux User Group
+  (508)792-6070

[newbie] what is this secret code?

2001-05-15 Thread Jeffrey M. Reed

i'm getting this at my login prompt when i boot. anyone 
else seeing this weird stuff?

Winbond Super-IO detection, now testing ports 
3F0,370,250,4E,2E ...
Winbond chip at EFER=0x3f0 key=0x87 devid=52 devrev=f4 
Winbond chip type 83977EF / SMSC 97w35x
Winbond LPT Config: cr_30=01 60,61=0378 70=07 74=03, f0=00
Winbond LPT Config: active=yes, io=0x0378 irq=7, dma=3
Winbond LPT Config: irqtype=pulsed low, high-Z, ECP fifo 
Winbond LPT Config: Port mode=Standard (SPP) and 
SMSC Super-IO detection, now testing Ports 2F0, 370 ...

i think this could mess up security a  :)

+  Jeffrey M. Reed
+  Linux System Administrator
+  Metro West Boston Linux User Group
+  (508)792-6070

Re: [newbie] Star Office and Netscape start faster in windows???????????

2001-05-14 Thread Jeffrey M. Reed

i'm glad this is a newbie list or i would have to FLAME you 
to death. heh heh.

linux, is better in overall DESIGN than the Windows OS as 
far as memory management and less-likely-to-crash goes. 
support for linux? not so hot. quite simply, it's not a 
commercial product so it's not going to get commercial 

now, about that netscape/star office thing

netscape, for the past i don't know how many years, has 
been written to be optimized for that 'other' OS. and 
besides, linux was never really meant to be all lush with 
all these new rich features like multimedia and crap like 
that. think about's basically UNIX. it was all text 
based stuff foir quite a while.

star office? CRAP. quite simply. why are you using it? 
that's what you really need to think about man. it does 
SOME things really nice but other things? it just plain 
SUCKS at. it's not a bad piece of software, but there's a 
LOT to be desired. just because it's made by Sun and it's 
free doesn't mean it's going to kick ass.

the whole thing about whether you need to start linux is 
best explained something like this...

you're hungry and you wanna eat. you can do two 
things...spend the money to go and get some pre-fab 
Mc'Donalds crap which tastes not bad but still isn't quite 
what you want (windows). OR, you can go to the store, grab 
yourself a nice fatty cookbook (o'reilly) with all sorts of 
recipes and go and buy real burgers and spuds for about the 
same money as that king-sized fast food crap and start 
making your own scrummy burgers and steak fries at home 
(linux)! is nice, no?

if you want to be all nice and comfy, then keep using ME. 
it doesn't make you dumb. no one's going to CARE. it's 
simply your CHOICE. if you want help then you've come to 
the right place. if you want to complain? know 
the answer to that. 


p.s. i'm not trying to sound like a dick either.

On Monday 14 May 2001 01:27, tazmun wrote:
 Hi all.just a quickie question that has been bugging
 me.  I was under the impression that the Linux OS was a
 more efficient program then windowsbut the only 2
 programs I have for true comparison since I run them on
 both OS's is Star Office  Netscape 4.7.  The windows OS
 unfortunately kicks linux ass oh so terribly bad!  Does
 this mean I don't have the OS correctly configured or is
 this typical behaviour?  Oh yeah, I'm still running the
 Mandrake 7.1 version waiting for the 8.0 to hit the
 stores and windows ME on a 850 PIII based system with a
 promise card running 66 dma hard drives.  I know I had
 problems when I check the option for (I can't quote
 exactly what it was called)maximizing hard drive
 performance.  It noted that problems with this are common
 and suggests that you don't try to use this option.  Any
 thoughts on this subject??

 Thanks Taz


+  Jeffrey M. Reed
+  Linux System Administrator
+  Metro West Boston Linux User Group
+  (508)792-6070

[newbie] USB ZIP 250

2001-05-14 Thread Jeffrey M. Reed

was wondering if anyone got theirs to work and how!




+  Jeffrey M. Reed
+  Linux System Administrator
+  Metro West Boston Linux User Group
+  (508)792-6070

Re: [newbie] Redhat vs Mandrake

2001-05-09 Thread Jeffrey M. Reed

On Wednesday 09 May 2001 15:27, Mark Johnson wrote:
 My wife's company has asked me about installing a linux
 server to relay mail within their local LAN and also out
 to their ISP.  They'd like to run apache and mySQL.  They
 wanted to know whether they should install RedHat or

 I'm not sure how to answer them why would one be
 better than the other?

there is no better my friend. they are, in essence, the 
same. the commands, the programs, the security, everything. 
essentially the same. the only baddie i keep seeing in 
RedHat is they mess up the compiler a lot. so, unless 
you're developing a lot, that won't matter.

linux is linux is matter if it's slack, redhat, 
mandrake, whatever. i'd go with either. linuxbusca runs on 
mandrake and debian...and while it's nothing pretty to look 
at yet, mandrake does the email, web server, and DSL 
gateway. pretty awesome.

just my two cents.


+  Jeffrey M. Reed
+  Linux System Administrator
+  Metro West Boston Linux User Group
+  (508)792-6070

[newbie] webcam

2001-05-07 Thread Jeffrey M. Reed

i am the proud new owner of one silly little earthlink 

was wondering if anyone knows a good proggie or likewise 
way to set up this little beast.

p.s. it's a serial port model (a la printer port)...not 
PS/2! damn.


+  Jeffrey M. Reed
+  Linux System Administrator
+  Metro West Boston Linux User Group
+  (508)792-6070

[newbie] webcam

2001-05-06 Thread Jeffrey M. Reed

i am the proud new owner of one silly little earthlink 

was wondering if anyone knows a good proggie or likewise 
way to set up this little beast.

p.s. it's a serial port model (a la printer port)...not 
PS/2! damn.



+  Jeffrey M. Reed
+  Linux System Administrator
+  Metro West Boston Linux User Group
+  (508)792-6070