[newbie] Internet: slow connection, thrown out.....

2000-02-26 Thread Joerg Reinhardt


Doellbachstraße 15
34127 Kassel

Joerg Reinhardt

I'm using the german telecom to come into the net. Datastream-speed is something
about 1.5K/sec, even less most of the time and they do throw me out the net,
from Time to time (especially in very long Downloads...)
I complaint about this redicoulous speed of data-transfer (56,7K baud Modem
should bring more, I guess, and sometimes it does(up to 5.0), but only for
seconds or minutes) and about been thrown out the connection after 3h 58min
downloading Starsoft (now I have 98% of it, but nothing worth at all).

While complaining, they stayed polite and helpfull till the point I mentioned my
system is running on Linux! After their opinion, Linux is some
non-professional freaky-stuff, and so every PROBLEM (even the speed of
incomming data) is MY PROBLEM!!!

Can anyone give me a few good arguments for those F-'s, to tell them that
it is NOT MY problem!! (Modem is working great, so it is not mv Problem, or Is

They denied, that it can happen, that their System throws someone out. They say
their is no command for doing it, so I wonder what kind of command they are
sending me, when I try to dialup with wrong password. I tryed, just to see and
it was identically (checked it with the ppd-monitor) to that, what I received
when I was thrown out at this download. I also asked for a second ISP-Adress,
cause I guess having only one is what causes the trouble, they told me their
can be only one ISP-Adress per domain (propably what they mean is, that
their is box in the menue, of THEIR-Internet-entry-windoze-software-CDRom, to
put a second address in, but what do I care? their is space for two more
Adresses in my default-route-setup and even Telnet gave me two!)

My problem is, I'm not a computer expert and if one's questions or mails are not
cryptically enought written in experts terms, telecom just ignores them and do
send an answer like (If your Internet isn't working properly, check if plug is

What to do? Change the Provider? Are the others really faster? 
Is their anything what telecom could do for solving my problem (cause that
would be the easiest way for me, otherwise I got to skip the contract. If I
could tell them where THEIR problem is, they couldn't ignore me longer and might
solve it instead).  
Anyone experienced with telecom that way?


Re: [[newbie] Internet: slow connection, thrown out.....]

2000-02-26 Thread Joerg Reinhardt

Am Don, 03 Apr 2036 schrieben Sie:
 Well to begin with you will NEVER, EVER hear an ISP say it was their
 problem...it is ALWAYS the clients, they will blame anything and
 everything...but themselves.  As far as I know..once you have connected to the
 'Net...your system is like anyone elses while surfing, ie:modem, multimedia,
 files...it doesn't matter.  Also since most of the protocols/file structures
 used on the Net are based on UNIX, there should be better compatibility.
 As long as there are no problems with you modem setup, it is like any other
 modem.  As for the disconnects, there are Linux similar programs for RESUMING
 d/l's, I saw a bunch of them yesterday( similar to BulletProofFTP, CuteFTP,
 etc...), on one of the RPM sites..(sorry I forget which one...I was site
 hopping), you may be able to finish the d/l or maybe not...(not sure because
 you didn't START the d/l with it).  Also there are many reasons for getting
 dropped from your ISP..UNLESS you can state that EVERY 10 mins ( or
 whatever)you get dropped.  As for ISP's yes some are better than
 other's...talk to friends ask who they use... also look into some of the free
 providers...they can serve as a backup.  
 I would like to do that...but I have cable, and when I install my jumpered
 C.L. 56K modem...it takes over on my internet connection.
 Sorry for my long windedness...:)

Doellbachstraße 15
34127 Kassel

Joerg Reinhardt

Do those download managers work in the background together with N.N. or are
there standalone programs themselves?? (easier to find in the net, knowing
this, cause I found things..., but my english is not good enought to find out
wheather it is, what I'm searching for)

What about getting more than one IP-address, please correct me if I'm wrong:
As far as I understood most domains (such as www.t-online.de) do have more then
one IP-address (such as 123.45.678.90) to route from?? So knowing more than one
IP-address, of my providers domain, would prevent me from being thrown out
the net, when that special host, the one wich number I'm using to connect, would
brake down???
Did I get that right, or did I completely missunderstood the whole ISP-thing?

I would be pleased to be enlightened by one of you about this Subject, to make
a better choice of ISP next time.



Re: [newbie] Linux RealPlayer????

2000-02-26 Thread Joerg Reinhardt

Am Fre, 25 Feb 2000 schrieben Sie:
 :~Subject: [newbie] Linux RealPlayer
 :~I thought I saw an article about a RealUdio player for Linux anyone any
 Mag^H^H^HDr. Denis Havlik  http://www.ap.univie.ac.at/users/havlik
 Mandrakesoft||| e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Austria(@ @)   tel: (++431) 4277/51179 

Doellbachstraße 15
34127 Kassel

Joerg Reinhardt

the G2 needs PI/200meg/Hz and 64MB/Ram at least. The RP 5.0 isn't working
(others on this site maintained that as well: it installs properly, but is not
to start, neighter KDE, nor via Terminal).
So is there a live stream player for an PI/75meg/Hz, 40MB/Ram machine somewhere
to download, wich works??


[newbie] What deamons do I need?

2000-02-25 Thread Joerg Reinhardt


Joerg Reinhardt

Döllbachstraße 15
34127 Kassel


Im having an old, scrappy Pentium 75MgHz, but a relal huge hard drive:
13,6GB  (well at least for that CPU and BIOS it is huge, cause the BIOS is
supposed to take harddrives not bigger than 2.something gigs) There was no
smaller drive to buy anywhere, so I was forced to update BIOS (brought it
to recognise 8.6gigs) and using an on disc trak manager (it's located in
the BIOS of the harddrive itself), for getting the rest of it readable
without limitation via Jumper settings. That manager does mightyly speed
down, the performance of my machine! Unfortionally I chose "install all"
at the installation process (just to see what is included in Linux, not to
use stuff like an DNS!), because there is no space problem at all on my
drive (and propably never will be).

Now it occured to me, that all those Services, Servers and Daemons that I
don't need at all, are launched as well while booting. I do know how to
inactivate them (at least I think so), but I dare to swich something off,
that I need, cause all those Names of Daemons, services and servers are
quite cryptical for me, as a newbie!


[newbie] Fwd: MODEM PROBLEM

2000-02-25 Thread Joerg Reinhardt


Joerg Reinhardt

Döllbachstraße 15
34127 Kassel


My Modem works fine exept two things:

-To slow: an 56,7 K modem should bring more than 1.5K/sec connected via

-It hangs up from time to time (especially in hourlong downloads at 98%...)

Is that a providers problem, or my system's problem


Joerg Reinhardt

Döllbachstraße 15
34127 Kassel


[newbie] Fwd: What is ld.so.1

2000-02-24 Thread Joerg Reinhardt


Joerg Reinhardt

Döllbachstraße 15
34127 Kassel


I tried to install an RPM and it said it is dependant to "ld.so.1". I've got
that message from other RPM's to, when I tryed to install them.

Is "id.so.1", some suspending program wich I just don't have, or is it part of
my System, supposed to be there and I deleted it by some mistake?
(that would explain some other problems too...)


Joerg Reinhardt

Döllbachstraße 15
34127 Kassel


[newbie] Fwd: MIDI is not working

2000-02-24 Thread Joerg Reinhardt

--  Weitergeleitete Nachricht  --
Subject: MIDI is not working
Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2000 19:12:23 +
From: Joerg Reinhardt [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Joerg Reinhardt
Hi there,
I have a problem with my Media-Vision-Jazz16-Soundboard. Yes, I allready tryed
soundconfig and it played the Testsample as well, as the Testmidi ,to get it
there, I had it several times out of the maschine and plugged into other
slots, then change all IRQ's and DMA's. About the third lot that I tryed, I got
it working(I,m wondering about that, cause the manual says ,all adresses,
IRQ's and DMA's should be OK for the Board and you can change them via software
(not the adress, of course)). I was quit lucky when soundconfig worked like it
should. My audio-CD's and MP3's are running fine, all video formats (like avi)
wich have sound, are "sounding" well.

But here's the problem: no MIDI!
Non Systemnoises (I suppose now... there should be some, I'm new in Linux
and didn't wonder about it made not a beep at all, at first place. Now it
occured to me that something is wrong).
The whole problem showed to me the time I downloader a sequenzer-program.
I was not shure, weather I did the installation wrong, or my system is,so I
got a bunch of other MIDI-supporting programs, most of them are working pleny,
but with no noise at all.

As far as I remember (from my long ago attempts of learning the keyboard
playing), MIDI and SAMPLES don't have to do anything with each other, while
samples are only "converted" by the soundcard, the MIDI-sound is made by the
soundboard itself, only commanded by the MIDI Files.

So far, so good


And WHY is soundconfig ABLE to use the midi chip on my board, but no other

TIMidity++ and timidiplay ARE INSTALLED!

[newbie] compiling details

2000-02-24 Thread Joerg Reinhardt


Joerg Reinhardt

Döllbachstraße 15
34127 Kassel


I've tryed to install a few programs I loaded down the net. the small ones
work, the bigger ones dont:

-I did ./config, make and make install with all of them, no problem with 
  the smaller programs, but the big ones have either,
  - module dependencies, wich shouldn't be there cause the asked modules are
 allready installed (MICO asked for Qt for instance, but Qt definately is
 installed (what ever Qt is... I'm not shure about,but it shows as
 installed in the RPmanager))

And yes..., I did run ./config etc... as root!

I think I allready know the direction the problem is commin from: I do run the
installation as root, but I do install in an users account. I have to, because
there is not that much space left in /usr/bin IS THAT THE PROBLEM?

And if it is, what to do about?

thanks in advance,


[newbie] Real Player install.

2000-02-24 Thread Joerg Reinhardt


Joerg Reinhardt

Döllbachstraße 15
34127 Kassel


Well after trying my luck with tar.g.zip'ped Downloads from the Net (some work
fine, others dont, as you can see from my other letters), I followed a tip and
got some RPM's downloaded, fine thing, installation works great, exept
realplayer 5.0: It installed without error, its Starter is where it has to be
but trying to to start it it says "Speicherzugriffsfehler", wich is actualy a
little bit tricky for me, to translate to english, well... "Speicher-" should
mean something like "RAM" or "Cache" in english and "-zugriffsfehler" should
mean something like: "acces-serror" or "impossible to access at..."

So what could that mean?

[newbie] Kmail Kmail Kmail Kmail

2000-02-23 Thread Joerg Reinhardt


Joerg Reinhardt

Ok, Kmail is sending mail now (Port 25 made it possible), it get's mail
as well,
but IT DON'T STOPS getting mail.
I don't mean that there is to much, but after downloading the last
message, the download window dont closes and the whole Kmail reacts to
nothing. I stopped it via Taskmanager, but when I tryed to log out afterwards,
my system hung up... but why? What have I done wrong? Why allways
me? I guess I'm the only one, working with Linux, wich exit's Linux
by power switch each third time, cause it hung up. Extremely stressy, cause
my harddrive is gigantic and the Test takes about 10min's.
Is it possible that something basicly in my System is completely mixed
up, in a way that Internetconnection leads to a breakdown?
Or is it just a wrong setted up Kmail, wich smashes my System each

[newbie] netiquete

2000-02-23 Thread Joerg Reinhardt


Joerg Reinhardt


Well, it was not me, shelting anyone to ask silly question, I'm the one who
ask's silly questions! It was Rial Juan shelting in a quit unfriendly way about
"idiots, fools", and something about "donkeys on LSD" that I didn't get right.
Well I havent got any problems with straight forwardness, but why complaining
and moaning in a long letter about people who didn't understand how to
unsubscribe? Why don't tell them directly in a friendly, straightforward way to
their e-mail adress, how to do? Rial could make a standard "unsubscribe
explanation form" and really help those people he called "idiots", by sending it
to all of them, instead of complain about them, it would take him a min. each
day, the mail he wrote to complain, took him much longer I guess. And I allready
mailed several times that I have big problem with my e-mail program setup (well
it's solved now), so why telling me I'm an idiot sending ASCII and html,
instead of explaining me how to stop with it?

But lets end this unpleasant discussion now, I'll just get more tolerant
against people calling me (and others, cause it was not especialy me he meant)
an idiot.


[newbie] web-radio via Kfm

2000-02-23 Thread Joerg Reinhardt


Joerg Reinhardt

Döllbachstraße 15
34127 Kassel


Is it possible to liten to web-radio streams via Kfm?
What programs do I need and where to download them?

If there is no possibility to do it with Kfm, what do I have to do to do it
with Netscape Navigator?

[newbie] MIDI is not working

2000-02-23 Thread Joerg Reinhardt

Joerg Reinhardt
Hi there,
I have a problem with my Media-Vision-Jazz16-Soundboard. Yes, I allready tryed
soundconfig and it played the Testsample as well, as the Testmidi ,to get it
there, I had it several times out of the maschine and plugged into other
slots, then change all IRQ's and DMA's. About the third lot that I tryed, I got
it working(I,m wondering about that, cause the manual says ,all adresses,
IRQ's and DMA's should be OK for the Board and you can change them via software
(not the adress, of course)). I was quit lucky when soundconfig worked like it
should. My audio-CD's and MP3's are running fine, all video formats (like avi)
wich have sound, are "sounding" well.

But here's the problem: no MIDI!
Non Systemnoises (I suppose now... there should be some, I'm new in Linux
and didn't wonder about it made not a beep at all, at first place. Now it
occured to me that something is wrong).
The whole problem showed to me the time I downloader a sequenzer-program.
I was not shure, weather I did the installation wrong, or my system is,so I
got a bunch of other MIDI-supporting programs, most of them are working pleny,
but with no noise at all.

As far as I remember (from my long ago attempts of learning the keyboard
playing), MIDI and SAMPLES don't have to do anything with each other, while
samples are only "converted" by the soundcard, the MIDI-sound is made by the
soundboard itself, only commanded by the MIDI Files.

So far, so good


And why is soundconfig able to use the midi chip on my board, but no other

Thanks in advance,
Joerg Reinhardt


Joerg Reinhardt

Döllbachstraße 15
34127 Kassel


Re: [newbie] web-radio via Kfm

2000-02-23 Thread Joerg Reinhardt

Am Mit, 23 Feb 2000 schrieben Sie:
 Joerg Reinhardt wrote :
  Is it possible to liten to web-radio streams via Kfm?
  What programs do I need and where to download them?
 Err, I'm not sure but I really don't think so.
  If there is no possibility to do it with Kfm, what do I have to do to do it
  with Netscape Navigator?
 You'll be able to hear live streaming on the internet via realplayer G2 or xmms.
 You can configure netscape to launch automatically realplayer when desired.
 see http://www.linuxnewbie.org/nhf/intel/software/realg2.html

Joerg Reinhardt

Döllbachstraße 15
34127 Kassel


I allready tryed my luck with realplayer 5.0 (and many other programs I tryed
to install), but even althought the config, compile and install processes are
working without error, only a few of my installed programs do work.
I have got the suspicion that it has something to do with roots permissions. I
do run ./config, make and make install as root, but I try to install the
packages in /home/joerg, wich is an unprivileaged users directory! Is that
possible, or maybe the whole problem?

Re: [newbie] MIDI is not working

2000-02-23 Thread Joerg Reinhardt

Am Mit, 23 Feb 2000 schrieben Sie:
 Joergare the TIMidity++ and the timidity-instruments
 packages both installed?
I guess they are, it says something about TIMIdity [OK] while booting and the
soundconfig can play it's test-midi, but in wich directory they are supposed to
be, to get shure?

By the way, how to get adresses directly out of Kmails addressbook and put them
into addressfield, and no... it's not explained in the helpindex. (or I'm
unable to find)

[newbie] Kfm plug in's

2000-02-22 Thread Joerg Reinhardt


Joerg Reinhardt


After having set up the Netscapenavigator correctly (well...nearly) in a long
and dirty fight, I found out that the Kfm is propably the better
internet-browser, at least at Linux systems. Main reason for that is, that you
can browse the harddisk, as well the net.

Some questions left:
- how to get rid of the two "--" in the left, above corner of all of my e-mail
   (If you can't see what I mean... forget the question, every is o.k. than)
   those two "--" don't appear in the signature file

- can I set up the Kfm in a way that my well working mp3,quiktime, etc.-
   players,  are started automatically for live-stream-radio/video information
   (propably my connection is to slow for streaming video, but audio-stream
   is supposed to work, (at least it did with the "evil-OS")???

They dont have to be started "automatically" (would be the best of course),
some way (automaticly or not), to listen to live-stream-audio, would make me
lucky enought.

Thanks in advance
Joerg Reinhardt 

[newbie] MIDI ???

2000-02-22 Thread Joerg Reinhardt

Joerg Reinhardt
Hi there,
I have a problem with my Media-Vision-Jazz16-Soundboard. Yes, I allready tryed
soundconfig and it played the Testsample as well, as the Testmidi ,to get it
there, I had it several times out of the maschine and plugged into another
ports, then change all IRQ's and DMA's. About the third try, I got it in a slot
where it worked (I,m wondering about that, cause the manual says, all adresses,
IRQ's and DMA's should be OK for the Board and you can change them via software
(not the adress, of course)).
I was quit lucky when soundconfig worked like it should. My audio-CD's and
MP3's are running fine, all video formats (like avi) wich have sound, are
"sounding" well.
But here's the problem: no MIDI!
Nn Systemnoises (I suppose now... there should be some, I'm new in Linux
and didn't wonder about it made not a beep at all, at first place. Now it
occured to me that something is wrong).
The whole problem occured to me the time I downloader a sequenzer-program.
I was not shure, weather I did the installation wrong, or my system is,so I
got a bunch of other MIDI-supporting programs, most of them are working pleny,
but with no noise at all.

As far as I remember (from my long ago attempts of learning the keyboard
playing), MIDI and SAMPLES don't have to do anything with each other, while
samples are only "converted" by the soundcard, the MIDI-sound is made by the
soundboard itself, only commanded by the MIDI Files.

So far, so good


And why is soundconfig able to use the midi chip on my board, but no other

Thanks in advance,
Joerg Reinhardt

[newbie] Kmail??

2000-02-22 Thread Joerg Reinhardt

My Kmail isn't sending any mail out!
How to write out my mailserver address correctly? with http://..., with
pop. ..., or without?
What to put in as Port, I don't need to specifie that in the netscape

Thanks in advance Joerg

[newbie] Kmail

2000-02-22 Thread Joerg Reinhardt

Joerg Reinhardt
My Kmail is getting messages without problem, but it doesn't send any!
How to put my mailserver-adress in correctly.
What do I have to put in as "Port" ??
What is a Port? It seems I don't need to specify one in Netscape

There are many messages to be send in the outbox of my K-mail, so please
anyone help!

Thanks in advance

[newbie] Port 25

2000-02-22 Thread Joerg Reinhardt


Joerg Reinhardt


Port 25, thats it !!
Thanks to Paul Hendrik, my Kmail seems to work now.
But what are these ports, and what they are for?

Joerg Reinhardt

[newbie] thanks to Steve Flynn

2000-02-22 Thread Joerg Reinhardt


Joerg Reinhardt


I'm absolutely not shure if you'll redeive that message or if you might
allready received a simmilar one, cause I'm not shure if my Kmail is correctly
set up.
Well, If you read that, my problems are solved if not...

Thanks Steve Flynn for your explaination of PDF. I do have an reader
obviously! I found out by loading down the "newbie's manual" from net,
unpacking it and klicking on it, the reader allready is installed surprisingly
(propably part of the distribution packet).
If you have other electronic manuals in PDF, I would be glad if you could send

P.S. tryed to send this to your Adress, but your server couldn't find you in
it's adress book 

Pre-thanks, (have forgotten the correct term for that)



Joerg Reinhardt


[newbie] Java support for Kfm?

2000-02-22 Thread Joerg Reinhardt


Joerg Reinhardt


I do use the Kfm as webbrouser, cause It's much more confortable, but always I
run Java-scripted sites, I do get the message: "You get this message, because
Java support is requiered, or something similar.
Is it possible to brows java-netsites with the Kfm? What do I have to do?
I want to listen to audio streams (web-radio) also, how to do that?

thanks in advantage,


[newbie] steve flynn

2000-02-21 Thread Joerg Reinhardt

Thanks to steve flynn

You gave me some good hints and tips in the Linux-newbie group, thank
you for that.
You told me about a newbie book in PDF you could e-mail me, well source
on the disk is no problem, but I,m not shure if I have a reader for it.
If PDF is some ordinary internet standard (as you might allready
assume, I'm a Newbie in Internet also), I propably have one, cause I
installed the whole Power-Linux-Mandrake 6.5 packet with all features
(just to find out how computers work in this century), and there are
many readers for standards and protokols I have'nd  heard of bevore.
Otherwise you might could send me the book, with a reader (hope I'm able
to install it, without reading the book first!)?
I would  be lucky to have it!

thanks a lot,

P.S. disn't reach your e-mail adress, so I try over the mailgroup

[newbie] Midi configuration

2000-02-21 Thread Joerg Reinhardt

I,m running linux 6.5 on an Pentium I, with an "Jazz 16" Soundboard.
I've had no problems with running soundconfig, it played the wave-sample-example,
as well as the midi-example.
Audio-CD's are running without problem, mp3's, and several video/sound
formates do as well, but no MIDI's (exept the midi
example of soundconfig), neighter the midi player, wich was part of my
basic installation, is working, nor a sequenzer program (BRAHMS) I loaded
down the net, wich seems to work well, exepted, that there is no sound
at all.
By reading a lot, I already found out, that the midi-function and the
playin of all kind of wav-formats, are to complet different things, allocated
in differend parts of my sound-card, so I assume that the midi part isn't
supported correctly, but why can "soundconfig" play it's midi-testfile

[newbie] General advice??

2000-02-20 Thread Joerg Reinhardt

I already tryed to make my problem clear in a mail called "help!",
but it was six in the morning, I was frustrated and it got quit chaotic,
so here is my problem struktured a little more:
- basic "anatomie" of linux

I'm experienced with MS-DOS (not Windows!), so I know what a device,
a partition, a file, and a directory is, but, how do these work to
gether in Linux?
--can I open a directory from everywhere, or do I have to "go the path"?
--are there some directorys opened from everywhere, others not?
--why are all program starters appear in /usr/bin, can I change that
?(cause it's quite full, but there are other
--where does a program starter know from, where to find the other parts,
wich belong to its program?
I ask these questions, cause my installed system is working well (exept
the printer), but programs I download from the net don't! No matter if
RPM or tar.gzip, I can unpack and install these programs, they create a
lot of directorys and files, but whatever I "clik" to the program isn't
This happend with Staroffice, the Realplayer and some other programs,
they all have starters in /usr/bin, wich don't seem to start anything
(maybe cause they "don't know" where to find?), and directorys do appear
spread over the harddrive, full with files, wich theme to belong to these
programs. I can see each "Button" of the real player as .jpg for instant,
but no "setup" or "install" or something like that, and "rvplayer" wich
appears in /.usr/bin, isn't doing anything. The same with staroffice

wich is connected to what?
In DOS each program was a "standalone" using the DOSthe same way
like the others to use the hardware, each program brought it's own graphic,
sound etc. But what about Linux, different parts do "use" or "suspend"
each other, but how?
-- what is the Kernel doing?
-- what is x-free doing
-- what is the window manager doing (or is it identical with xfree
-- what is a desktop manager doing (or is it identic with the window
manager ?)
-- do different window/desktop managers have same "permission" or "power"
 --can I do everything from KDE
or Gnome, or do I have to go to "Anotherlevel"
 --is there some absolute base
level like DOS under Windowns, were all other parts of the System refer
I ask these questions, to find out:
--why my printer is printing the prntool testpage perfectly, but nothing
--why my graphics and sounds are great performing under KDE and horrible
under Gnome
--why my 5,76k-baud modem is doing not more than 1,5k-baud most of
the time (or is that normal
 "internet-speed" and a problem of providers
and to many users? (I'm brand new in the net))
Well, I know, these are still many, many questions, but what shall I
do? I'm shure I can find all these Information in man-pages or HOWTOW's
or the manual, but these informations are absolutely chaotic struktered!
Wich HOWTO to read, if you have no idear where the problem lies?
please send me help and advice, or a hint where to find these "basic"-informations.
Joerg Reinhardt

Re: [newbie] General advice??

2000-02-20 Thread Joerg Reinhardt

Glyn Millington wrote:

 : The soul is greater than the hum of its parts

 Dear Friend,

 You need to have a good look at /usr/doc and its contents, and if you can get
 hold of the O'Reilly "Running Linux" by Matt Welsh Matthias Kalle Dalheimer and
 Lar Kaufman (3rd edition) its worth it!

 Good luck


 On Sun, Feb 20, 2000 at 01:54:41PM +, thus spake Joerg Reinhardt:
  I already tryed to make my problem clear in a mail called "help!", but
  it was six in the morning, I was frustrated and it got quit chaotic, so
  here is my problem struktured a little more:
  - basic "anatomie" of linux

Hi Glyn,
first thanks for your hint, i'll try to get the book.
Well... the /usr/doc/realplayer_5.0 directory is a nice one. Many pictures and
htm's in and an install notification, wich I already read before. It explains, how
to plug the player into the navigator, it also explains, how to use the player
itself, but it says not much about how to just start it (rvplayer in usr/bin isn't
working at all, but at least it's there.).
Did I got something wrong?? Well shure I did, but what? Is the player only working
togeter with the navigator maybe?

Please give me further advice,

thanks a lot!

[newbie] Help!

2000-02-19 Thread Joerg Reinhardt

Dear Mandrake team,
I am new in using any operation systems. Ive been a Computer
freak in the late 80's and early 90's. I' ve had the C-64, an Atari later
and an 486'er later on, wich wos running on DOS. When Windowns came, I
did gave up to keep on the development. Now I've got an Pentium I, running
on Powerlinux 6.2.
I still do understand how Hardware works, and how it's connectet
together. I do also understand how most of the Software works generally,
what the OS does, how any applikations are working, or how a Browser works...
I know what files and Directorys are, what a harddisk-partition is and
so on, but what I completely don't understand is, how Software is
connectet together.
In DOS times, you had one program running, wich was using the
DOS to use the several Devices.
Now you have Applications wich belongs to an desktopmanager uses graphik
Support by the Window-Manager, wich uses the Linux in some way?
I think my problem is clear now: I know, what each program itself does,
but I neighter know to what other Parts of the whole Software it is connectet
to, nor where to find it on my harddisk, in wich direktory.
The problems wich result from that, are for instance: I loaded down
a realplayer from the Net, installed it with RPM, found the main
Part of it in /usr/bin, and other Parts of it in many other directorys,
but what ever I "click" to, nothing works. I had the same problem with
other downloads, either tar.gzip, or RPM likes. Propably it's just something
very simple I did wrong, I might setup the files in the wrong direktory,
or I've got to "tell" some part of the Application I want to install,or
the OS itself, that I installed something new, but how to
I'm able to tell my 95'er BIOS what a 13,6 GB harddisk is, by using
an ontrak-diskmanager and updating my BIOS, but I'm obviously not able
to print anything on my 9-Pin Printer(exept the test page). I'm absolutely
frustratet, cause there seems to be no basic users manual, wich contains
an "anatomie" of Linux, to see wich is connectet to what,
and to specifie an error. All help suggestions are like "have you
got the plug in?", or "if the x-345gtrz devive is linked to /usr.
etc.", either for idiots or experts, but I'm neighter dump nor an expert,
so what to do?
Any suggestions how to learn Linux from first Step, without having
to re-learn where the power switch of my device is? To understand how the
System is working and to have the possibility to administrate myself, was
the mainreason to decide for Linux instead of Windos, but first I need
to understand, so
if there is anyone able to help me in a general way, please send an
e-mail to
Joerg Reinhardt

Re: [newbie] Help!

2000-02-19 Thread Joerg Reinhardt

Joerg Reinhardt wrote:
Dear Mandrake team,
I am new in using any operation systems. Ive been a Computer
freak in the late 80's and early 90's. I' ve had the C-64, an Atari later
and an 486'er later on, wich wos running on DOS. When Windowns came, I
did gave up to keep on the development. Now I've got an Pentium I, running
on Powerlinux 6.2.
I still do understand how Hardware works, and how it's connectet
together. I do also understand how most of the Software works generally,
what the OS does, how any applikations are working, or how a Browser works...
I know what files and Directorys are, what a harddisk-partition is and
so on, but what I completely don't understand is, how Software is
connectet together.
In DOS times, you had one program running, wich was using the
DOS to use the several Devices.
Now you have Applications wich belongs to an desktopmanager uses graphik
Support by the Window-Manager, wich uses the Linux in some way?
I think my problem is clear now: I know, what each program itself does,
but I neighter know to what other Parts of the whole Software it is connectet
to, nor where to find it on my harddisk, in wich direktory.
The problems wich result from that, are for instance: I loaded down
a realplayer from the Net, installed it with RPM, found the main
Part of it in /usr/bin, and other Parts of it in many other directorys,
but what ever I "click" to, nothing works. I had the same problem with
other downloads, either tar.gzip, or RPM likes. Propably it's just something
very simple I did wrong, I might setup the files in the wrong direktory,
or I've got to "tell" some part of the Application I want to install,or
the OS itself, that I installed something new, but how to
I'm able to tell my 95'er BIOS what a 13,6 GB harddisk is, by using
an ontrak-diskmanager and updating my BIOS, but I'm obviously not able
to print anything on my 9-Pin Printer(exept the test page). I'm absolutely
frustratet, cause there seems to be no basic users manual, wich contains
an "anatomie" of Linux, to see wich is connectet to what,
and to specifie an error. All help suggestions are like "have you
got the plug in?", or "if the x-345gtrz devive is linked to /usr.
etc.", either for idiots or experts, but I'm neighter dump nor an expert,
so what to do?
Any suggestions how to learn Linux from first Step, without having
to re-learn where the power switch of my device is? To understand how the
System is working and to have the possibility to administrate myself, was
the mainreason to decide for Linux instead of Windos, but first I need
to understand, so
if there is anyone able to help me in a general way, please send an
e-mail to
Joerg Reinhardt