Re: [newbie] what do these different things mean? KDE, Gnome, etc

2003-06-20 Thread Steven Broos
On Thu, 2003-06-19 at 18:19, Crak600 - Michael wrote:
 And one more question...what is ROOT and what is it used for?  when would i 
 ever have to use it and how do i get into ROOT?  ROOT is used for adding 
 programs or making changes, right?

root is the superuser, as explained by all those nice people, but 'the
root' is the base of your filesystem structure too.
The filesystem is built in a tree:

  |-boot  -- /boot
  |-home  -- /home
  | |-user1   -- /home/user1
  | | |-somedir   -- /home/user1/somedir
  | |-user2   -- /home/user2
  |-usr   -- /usr

The root is the lowest level in the filesystem-structure ( / ), as the
first slash in  /home/user1/somedir/...

Actually, I'm feeling a little insecure about this because no-one
mentioned it, but I'm almost sure it's correct :-)


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Re: [newbie] just when you think it's safe

2003-06-18 Thread Steven Broos
On Wed, 2003-06-18 at 05:05, Aron Smith wrote:
 Just when you think that Politicians can't get any dumber

What a BS!
I asked SABAM more information about mp3's and downloading music. (SABAM
is the Belgian copyrights-company)

- It is not illegal to download mp3's from the web
- It is not illegal to own a nice mp3-collection
- It is not illegal to use this collection for private use

The only thing that's illegal is uploading mp3's or providing mp3's to
third parties in any other way.
But what is on the internet, is public property.  


1/ Those people shouldn't be looking for a way to punnish downloaders,
but they should look for a way to punnish the people who upload!

2/ Assuming that any mp3 is illegal, is vey wrong.  I'm a musician
myself, and it happens that I send my own mp3's to friends or fellow

3/ Checking what one is downloading, is a major attack on our privacy

4/ The music industry is complaining a lot, because their income
decreases.  But they were too high anyway.  If an artist made 1 single,
he used to get millions from CD's.  Sorry, but that is not in proportion
with the effort he had to do.  Artists must work for their money, like
everybody else; playing concerts...  The music industry must expand it's
actions, and not only record a few songs and sit back for the rest of
the year!

5/ Make music cheaper, make CD's more 'customizable'.  Here in Belgium I
pay 15-20 euro for one full-CD, and mostly I like just 1 or 2 songs on
it.  Why can't I burn my own CD's, and pay only (a fair price for) the
copyrights ?

damn, this makes me angry. But I'll stop wining now :)
I'm curious what anyone else thinks about this.

PS. Isn't this a little off topic ? :)

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Re: [newbie] The Mysterious Vanishing Title Bar

2003-06-15 Thread Steven Broos
On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 00:11, Glenn wrote:
 Can anybody tell me whether there's an easy way to recover the title bars
 for my apps in MDK 9.1?  I got into a fix where I had a couple of Konsole
 sessions that wouldn't kill, and the process of attempting to kill them
 made the title bar non-existent on every application I opened thereafter
 (and even after a clean restart of the machine), and apps are non-movable.
 Menu selections are still available.  Additionally, of course the
 minimize/maximize/and close icons are gone.  Any help for a newbie (even
 after four months)??

Checkout your window-manager ?  If it is running, try switching to
another one, then back to the one you used before.  Try choosing another
theme ?


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Re: [newbie] random playlist generator

2003-06-15 Thread Steven Broos
On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 22:30, Todd Slater wrote:
 I'm looking for a program/script that will generate a random playlist of
 all my oggs. Know of such a thing?

Can't you do this with xmms ?


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Re: [newbie] random playlist generator

2003-06-15 Thread Steven Broos
On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 23:55, Todd Slater wrote:
 I want it to generate a random playlist from all of my
 music (where I can specify a directory and have it recurse).

Open the playlist in xmms, hold mousebutton down on the button '+file',
you get a popup menu.  choose +dir, choose your directory, and it will
recursively add all musicfiles in that directory (at least, if xmms
supports ogg, but I think it does...)


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Re: [newbie] Help with gnome default browser

2003-06-15 Thread Steven Broos
On Mon, 2003-06-16 at 02:15, Terence J. Golightly wrote:
 if this has been discussed please
 excuse and point me ...
Indeed, this is discussed before :-)
 I have changed my default browser from Mozilla to Opera from the Gnome
 configuration app. and edited Gconf directly no go.  What can be done
 from here?

put this lines in the file ~/.gnome/Gnome:

http-show=opera %s
https-show=opera %s

At least if 'opera' is the command which starts the browser :-)


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Re: [newbie] Galeon Flash Plug-in

2003-06-12 Thread Steven Broos
I don't think that's flash, but a Java Applet.
Didn't get that working in galeon yet... but didn't try much :-)


On Thu, 2003-06-12 at 12:52, Chris Blake wrote:
 With MDK 9 I installed a flash-player plug-in for Galeon, however, since
 moving to 9.1 (clean install) I cannot find the appropriate plug-in.
 I tried installing the plug-in I downloaded for when I was using MDK 9,
 but it don`t do anything.
 I`m trying to access and
 there it has a link to download the flash plug-in, but Flash site
 responds by saying I don`t have a compatible browser...
 Any ideas ?

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Re: [newbie] Galeon Flash Plug-in

2003-06-12 Thread Steven Broos
On Thu, 2003-06-12 at 15:00, RichardA wrote:

 Actually, that's not a java applet, it is flash - click on the jigsaw
 icon and see what it says it can't find the plugin for.

embed src=selector.dcr
pluginspage=; width=650
height=650 sw1=

Couldn't be flash, because flash in galeon is working for me.

Anyway, I had to check it out before replying. Sorry for the wrong


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Re: [newbie] apache rewrite regex

2003-06-11 Thread Steven Broos
. means every character
* means zero, one or more instances of the previous character.
^ means beginning of the line (or negation in some situations)
$ means end of line
The part of the regexp between the brackets will be returned as $1

So the first regexp ^(.*\/perl\/.*)$  says:
- If a line starts (^) with zero, one or more instances of any character
- followed by  /perl/ (the slashes are backslashed because it are
special characters)
- followed by zero, one or more instances of any character

result == the whole line without any end-of-line characters, if it
contains /perl/, Nothing if it doesn't contain /perl/

So a wild guess for the string you want to write:

But I guess the regexp you wrote first will work to !


On Wed, 2003-06-11 at 09:05, Frankie wrote:
 Hi guys
 I am hoping that on this list is a regex/apache guru...
 Currently, I have mdk9.0 running mod_perl/apache via virtual named hosts..
 works great.
 I can run mod_perl scripts in either of the following methods:
 so the basic proxying works..
 However only the latter URL works when passed params.. like so:
 (that one works)
 This one doesn't:
 when I try that I always get the message that can't be found.
 Since its an internal proxy, I can't see what the regex has grabbed.
 This is the regex in question in the vhosts file:
 RewriteRule ^(.*\/perl\/.*)$$1 [P]
 I tried adding this one too in an effort to be more specific.. but it
 didn't work either:
 RewriteRule /perl\/*)$1 [P]
 What I don't understand is this:
 In my mind means '0' or more of 'anything'
 so why is it not catching params??
 Can anyone point me in the right direction here?
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Re: [newbie] apache rewrite regex

2003-06-11 Thread Steven Broos
 So a wild guess for the string you want to write:
 But I guess the regexp you wrote first will work to !

forgot some comments.
- I don't think the regexp I wrote is 100% correct
- Also try: RewriteRule ^.*(\/perl\/.*)$$1 [P]
(the .* outside of the brackets)  Maybe that will work ?


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Re: [newbie] NTP Server

2003-06-11 Thread Steven Broos
On Thu, 2003-06-12 at 02:42, Cody Harris wrote:

 As a second comment, this is over my head and i'm going to drop it. How do 
 you uninstall?

That's not the way... You don't want to learn things ?


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Re: [newbie] Zombie computer

2003-06-10 Thread Steven Broos
I noticed Flash loading my cpu constantly.  As soon as I closed the
page, cpuload was low again.
Which process was using 97% of your CPU ?


On Tue, 2003-06-10 at 04:08, Aron Smith wrote:
 I was trying to get the flash player for mozilla and found the RPMs at Whil browsing the readme file I noticed that the
 box was slow , So I ran top kdeadmin was taking 97% of cpu time
 what happened?

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RE: [newbie] root password expired.

2003-06-10 Thread Steven Broos
If someone has physical access to your computer, it's almost impossible
to secure the machine for 100%
Maybe encrypted partitions can do the trick (partially), but I 'm not
familiar with it.


On Tue, 2003-06-10 at 15:00, Burrows, Scott wrote:
 What prevents anybody from doing this to gain access to the system?
 -Original Message-
 From: Troy Davidson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, June 09, 2003 5:04 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] root password expired.
 Restart the computer and put it into single user mode.  At either LILO or
 GRUB, type 'linux 1' at the prompt.  
 Then, once the computer has started, go into a terminal and type in 'su'. 
 You won't need to enter in a password.  Type in 'userconf' and change the
 root password.
 Reboot the system and you should be all set.
 Troy Davidson 
 Linux User #311107
 ** This messages was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer **
 Quoting Ze Ji Li [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Hi there,
  My root password expired.  I can't su and login from the
  terminals. Is there anyway I can reset it? Thank you.
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Re: [newbie] Newer versions of the kernel for 9.1

2003-06-09 Thread Steven Broos
Try ? Or do you need specific kernels for mandrake ?
(in that case, I don't know)

On Mon, 2003-06-09 at 05:46, Guy Rouillier wrote:
 Where can I find later versions of the kernel for 9.1?  I'm experiencing 
 the ldm_validate_partition_table problem.  I've looked on both pbone and 
 rpmfind and neither of them appears to have new versions.  pbone 
 actually did have one a couple months ago (which unfortunately did not 
 solve the problem), but now I can't find one there.  Thanks.  BTW, I 
 searched MandrakeClub and didn't find anything there either.

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Re: [newbie] More about Bind...

2003-06-09 Thread Steven Broos
Can you give us more information about what you've done, what is in your
config-files etc ?

Some thing that goes through my mind now:
- before restarting bind, open another terminal and do 
tail -f /var/log/messages  
  It gives valueable information about possible errors.
- Put your loopback in /etc/resolve.conf
- use dig for DNS lookups


On Mon, 2003-06-09 at 14:56, Yves Arsenault wrote:
 I have recently followed a tutorial in the webmin docs on configuring the
 Bind DNS server, so I`ve added a domain and followed the tutorial as
 precisely as possible
 When I run host serverip
 It still doesn`t find the domain name.
 I keep getting: connection timed out; no servers could be reached
 Is Bind dependant on other programs that I might not have running?
 Yves Arsenault
 Carrefour Infotech
 5,promenade Acadian
 Charlottetown, IPE
 C1C 1M2
 (902)368-1895 ext.242
 ICQ #117650823
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RE: [newbie] More about Bind...

2003-06-09 Thread Steven Broos
Did you try   tail -f /var/log/messageswhile restarting bind ?
I would like to know if it gives any error-messages...

I think there is a ; missing after the last bracket of your time-to-live
settings.  I never understood why it had to be there, but it had...

Maybe try your config-file this way? :
There could be errors in it, but maybe it puts you on the right track ?

$TTL 38400
@ IN  SOA (
38400 );
IN  MX  10

this should be a hostname in the domain   IN  A
this should be a hostname in the domain   IN  A
 #The previous line is not possible, because you use 2 times the same 
 #IP address.  Use a CNAME instead of a A-record.
mailIN  CNAME   this should be a hostname already defined

I don't know what you are trying to do with the ilebranchee-thing.  You
need to put the hosts from your domain in this file, without the
domain-name, without a point after them. 


On Mon, 2003-06-09 at 16:27, Yves Arsenault wrote:
 In my file,  I  have the following contents: IN  SOA (
 38400 ) IN  NS IN  A IN  A  CNAME IN  MX  10
 Are there any other files that you would like to see?
 Yves Arsenault
 Carrefour Infotech
 5, Acadian Dr.
 Charlottetown, PEI
 C1C 1M2
 (902)368-1895 ext.242
 ICQ #117650823 
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Steven Broos
 Sent: June 9, 2003 11:09 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] More about Bind...
 Can you give us more information about what you've done, what is in your
 config-files etc ?
 Some thing that goes through my mind now:
 - before restarting bind, open another terminal and do 
   tail -f /var/log/messages  
   It gives valueable information about possible errors.
 - Put your loopback in /etc/resolve.conf
 - use dig for DNS lookups
 On Mon, 2003-06-09 at 14:56, Yves Arsenault wrote:
  I have recently followed a tutorial in the webmin docs on configuring the
  Bind DNS server, so I`ve added a domain and followed the tutorial as
  precisely as possible
  When I run host serverip
  It still doesn`t find the domain name.
  I keep getting: connection timed out; no servers could be reached
  Is Bind dependant on other programs that I might not have running?
  Yves Arsenault
  Carrefour Infotech
  5,promenade Acadian
  Charlottetown, IPE
  C1C 1M2
  (902)368-1895 ext.242
  ICQ #117650823
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  Go to
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RE: [newbie] More about Bind...

2003-06-09 Thread Steven Broos
On Mon, 2003-06-09 at 16:59, Yves Arsenault wrote:
 Jun  9 12:01:18 man1 named[1101]: loading configuration from
 Jun  9 12:01:18 man1 named[1101]: /etc/named.conf:12: expected port number
 or '*' near 'allow'
 Jun  9 12:01:18 man1 named[1101]: reloading configuration failed: unexpected

Every line contains the process tat triggered the log-message.  Here are
the three last lines from named (the bind server)
Aparently, there is a fault in your configfile, at line 12.
- /etc/named.conf:12: expected port number or '*' near 'allow'

Now you can track that fault, and correct it.  When that's done, restart
named, again take a look at /var/log/messages, and keep on going until
it works :-)

I hope this helps.


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Re: [newbie] Optimizing my system

2003-06-09 Thread Steven Broos
Install the nvidia drivers.  You can find them @
there should be info about how to install...

If you start X, you first get a NVIDIA splash-screen.  If you don't see
that, the correct drivers are not installed. 


On Mon, 2003-06-09 at 18:36, Patrick Coffey wrote:
 My question is pretty simple, I downloaded Quake III:Arena demo the other 
 day to compare how it played in linux and in windows. To my surprise the 
 intro and menus were very slow and choppy and the game pretty much didn't 
 play it was so slow. So my question is, how do I check to see if I have the 
 right video drivers loaded, and how else could I optimize my system. I'm 
 running an AMD Athlon XP 2000+ 1.6Ghz with 256 MB DDR and a GeForce 4 ti 
 4200 with 128mb.
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Re: [newbie] Dear Steve: Time for Microsoft Linux?

2003-06-09 Thread Steven Broos
I stopped reading half away, when i read MS Linux for the third time.
I don't like that... Not at all !

What MS needs to do, is making its own applications open source, so they
can be enhanced (and ported).
What I don't like, is MS building on a linux platform.  I think this
will give a whole new, negative dimension on so called open source.

Let MS focus on regular home-PC-users and basic desktop-systems, and let
linux for the people who want more...  There is no way MS (the cpy) can
work together with Linux, because the overall goals of both 'projects'
are too different.

I'm not against MS, but I'm pro linux!  Er... sometimes I am against MS


On Mon, 2003-06-09 at 17:23, Alan Dunford wrote:
 A friend sent this to me - thought it might be of some interest!!!
   This story was printed fromZDNN   ,This message was forwarded 
 to you from ZDNet (
  Dear Steve: Time for Microsoft Linux?
  By David Coursey, AnchorDesk
  June 8, 2003 9:00 PM PT
  Dear Steve Ballmer:
  Concerning Linux and your memo/exhortation of June 4, I'm
  pleased to see you've finally recognized--publicly, at least--the
  threat posed to Microsoft by Linux.
  Some in the Linux community must imagine you with a sort of
  deer in the headlights look, not quite sure of your fate but
  certain it can't be good. They could see your memo as a
  legitimization of Linux, an admission by Goliath that David has a
  point after all. The Linux hardcore must be hooting and hollering
  and marking June 4 as a future national day of liberation from the
  evil empire.
  I THINK they have it backwards. I think Linux proponents are the
  ones who should be afraid.
  Why? Because Microsoft has been in this situation before and,
  once the battleship was turned, fought and won. Your company also
  ended up being declared a monopoly, making a deal with the feds, and
  spending large millions on legal fees. But what's that to
  Microsoft's multibillion-dollar war chest?
  You remember the fall of 1995? Back then, people thought
  Microsoft was hopelessly late in acknowledging the existence of
  something called the Internet. Competitors were popping up, the
  industry was abuzz, and Microsoft was nowhere to be found.
  As I remember, Microsoft had some important projects to finish
  the previous summer, in particular a little something called Windows
  95. But by December, once that had shipped and people had a chance
  to rest and regroup, Bill invited the media up to Microsoft for a
  talk about the Internet.
  That turned out to be one of the most fateful days in personal
  computing history. Bill told several hundred reporters that
  Microsoft wouldn't be building Internet products. Instead, it
  would be putting the Internet into all Microsoft products. Every
  future Microsoft product would have Internet capabilities
  NOW, I'M NOT SURE your June 4 memo is the same war cry I heard
  nearly eight years ago. But if I were Linux and faced with the
  prospect of Microsoft throwing everything it could at me, I'd
  find some way to get out of your path.
  Here's my suggestion for how Microsoft should deal with Linux:
  Don't beat 'em, join 'em.
  Do a release of MS Linux. Create Office for Linux. Improve Linux
  support in your development tools. Do such a good job of
  embracing and extending Linux that the world won't care when you
  essentially annex it for your own. A more cynical person than myself
  might add: Then you can kill it. I won't, because I believe Linux
  deserves to live.
  I think this is the only way Microsoft can both give its
  customers what they want and manage the threat Linux poses on
  something approaching your own terms.
  The first question people will immediately ask is: How can
  Microsoft participate in an open operating system? Two ways:
  First, by making it as robust an OS as possible. Second, by
  creating a collection of services and applications that run atop
  Linux that only Microsoft controls.
  The goal here is to shift the competition away from commodity
  operating systems running on commodity computers. Instead, you
  should compete on services that sit atop the OS, tools to build
  applications for it, and integration between the OS and other
  servers and desktops in the Microsoft world.
  The second inevitable question: What about Linux on the desktop?
  While Apple has proven with OS X that a really great desktop can
  be built atop Unix, I'm not sure how far Microsoft wants to go
  down this road. There should probably be an Office for MS Linux,
  because some people will want to run Office on Linux desktops.
  But I'd probably stop there.
  BY ADOPTING Linux as its own, Microsoft can 

RE: [newbie] More about Bind...

2003-06-09 Thread Steven Broos
On Mon, 2003-06-09 at 18:57, Yves Arsenault wrote:
 Thanks Steven
 You know what, the small error on that line was the only thing causing the
 Thanks a million!

I'm glad I finally could help someone.  Most of my answers are too dumb
to remember :)


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Re: [newbie] Apache question

2003-06-09 Thread Steven Broos
What exactly do you want to come up, when you type in what IP ?
Maybe you can give an example or so ?


On Mon, 2003-06-09 at 20:27, Yves Arsenault wrote:
 Hello again,
 I'm pleased to report that my site now comes up, Bind works well, Apache
 works well.
 Now when I type in the IP address in my browser the website comes up by
 How do I set the IP to point to another page?
 Thanks again,
 Yves Arsenault
 Carrefour Infotech
 5,promenade Acadian
 Charlottetown, IPE
 C1C 1M2
 (902)368-1895 ext.242
 ICQ #117650823
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Re: [newbie] Apache security

2003-06-08 Thread Steven Broos

Some stupid worm. Nothing to be concerned about, if you're running
apache.  At least if you don't need to administer the stations where the
requests come from :-)


On Sun, 2003-06-08 at 17:45, JoeHill wrote:
 On 08 Jun 2003 00:13:48 +0200
 Steven Broos [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
  Then you can disable PHP easily if you really want to, and let a
  script create a HTML-file which contains the uptime.
 ah, I'm not that concerned. it's just:
 ?php include uptime.txt; ?
 I see the usual attempts at running windows scripts, but one thing
 stumps me. I see this occasionally as well, from different addresses
 on the same subnet as me (64.x.x.x): - - [07/Jun/2003:23:59:37 -0400] GET
 ff%u0078%u%u00=a  HTTP/1.0 404 393 - -
 it doesn't correspond with any visitors to the server.
 I'm Googling now, but anyone know what this is?
  Registered Linux user #282046
  11:40:05 up 5 days,  9:43,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
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Re: Re[2]: [newbie] Reasons for Linux

2003-06-08 Thread Steven Broos
On Sun, 2003-06-08 at 20:50, rikona wrote:
 Hello Steven,
 Saturday, June 7, 2003, 3:21:48 PM, you wrote:
 SB Windows is ordinar and almost everybody uses it, Linux is a
 SB challenge ;-)
 It is getting easier, and I think that is good. Best would be a very
 easy GUI - BUT, with the same underlying basis we have now. Best of
 both worlds, something for everybody, (well - almost - there will
 always be the 'elite' who will resent non-elites being able to run
 linux). Maybe the key to having linux be REALLY popular?

True, an OS must work straight from the box to the desktop.  But with
the challenge I meant: there are so many possibilities.  
No-one has to explore them, but everybody can.

It's been said better in a later post: Features, customisation and
English is not my native language, so I can't always express what I'm
thinking and feeling :-)


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Re: [newbie] Ownership thing

2003-06-07 Thread Steven Broos
You can use the Sticky Bit

Read this article:



setuid  used only for applications, this permission indicates that the
application runs as the owner of the file and not as the user executing
the application. It is indicated by the character s in place of the x in
the owner category. If the owner of the file does not have execution
permissions, the S is capitalized.
--set it with: chmod 4xxx dir/file--

setgid  used primarily for applications, this permission indicates that
the application runs as the group owning the file and not as the group
executing the application. If applied to a directory, all files a user
creates within the directory are owned by the group who owns the
directory, rather than by the user's private group (see the chapter
titled Users and Groups in Official Red Hat Linux Reference Guide for
more about user private groups). It is indicated by the character s in
place of the x in the group category. If the group owner of the file or
directory does not have execution permissions, the S is capitalized.
--set it with: chmod 2xxx dir/file--

sticky bit  used primarily on directories, this bit dictates that a
file created in the directory can be removed only by the user who
created the file. it is indicated by the character t in place of the x
in the everyone category. in Red Hat Linux the sticky bit is set by
default on the /tmp/ directory for exactly this reason.
--set it with: chmod 1xxx dir/file--


On Sat, 2003-06-07 at 19:12, Kristjan wrote:
 It must be a simple thing but still 
 How can I make so that users can
 change the ownership of files that are resided in their own home
 directory and that are not owned by them
 Currently an user who issues 'chown' command to the file that is not
 owned by him only gets that operation is not permitted 
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Re: [newbie] Apache security

2003-06-07 Thread Steven Broos
I think it's a little bit paranoia to say you may not run PHP.  I find
it weird CGI is OK, but PHP isn't...  Both are dangerous for your system
when they are not administered well.  
Apache has one parent-instance owned by root. The child-rpocesses are
run from the account you specified.  I wouldn't worry about that.

A lot of security related issues depend on how you use your machine. Is
it a webserver, or a personal desktop PC ?  In the second case, do you
have a permanent internet connection ?  Is there a router or firewall in
between ? ...

Maybe you want to read some information about IPtables... ?


On Sat, 2003-06-07 at 19:31, JoeHill wrote:
 I read the Seven Deadly Sins of Linux security, and one item concerns
 On Toxen's don'ts list: Don't use PHP, even though it's convenient.
 Don't run DNS, auth (ident) or Apache as root. But, do use suEXEC, a
 tool first introduced in Apache 1.2, that increases security by allowing
 users to develop and run private CGI or SSI programs.
 I will look into suEXEC, but I see that on my server, httpd2 is run by
 apache, except for *one* httpd2 process that is run as root. Is
 that necessary, and if not, can I kill it?
 Also, why would PHP be a security risk? because it is executed on the
 server and not on the client's browser...?

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Re: [newbie] Suspicious email supposedly from Newbie.

2003-06-07 Thread Steven Broos
On Sat, 2003-06-07 at 20:39, Damian Gatabria wrote:
 On Friday 06 June 2003 17:03, Anne Wilson wrote:
  Ooops - is he saying that he has been reading for two years?  Did he
  get the virus and think it came from us?
 Probably, he thinks Linux has no documentation... so it mst
 be true! and besides, who knows how many viruses does
 Lunix have?! 

Just this morning, I was thinking: Argh, my stupid linux box!  Until I
realized (as always) I made the mistake, I messed up the file.  
Safemode or rescue disk, edit/restore file, reboot, and all worked well
The first thing that went through my mind was this post,  although I
don't know exactly what it's all about... But I do know the weakest
point in my linux box: myself.  So maybe he needs something to blame for
his own errors ?  (actually, I do to, but I blame that one software
company :-))

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Re: [newbie] Reasons for Linux

2003-06-07 Thread Steven Broos
That's a very personal matter...  But I'll give you my quick top-5:
(didn't think of it for a long time, so please don't take it too

First of all, M$ is about money, Linux is about quality and
consumer/user-needs.  Linux distro's and most of the applications are

Windows is kinda standard, with a lot of different looks if you please,
linux is about tweaking the system for your own desires.

Windows is ordinar and almost everybody uses it, Linux is a challenge

Portability of file-formats isn't a really big issue anymore.  I managed
to run M$Office, macromedia flash etc on my Linux-box, which I needed
for school.

While using Linux, it's very easy to learn how your computer works,
while windows keeps those things hided (which is not a bad case for most
users, but I find it rather annoying)

On Sun, 2003-06-08 at 00:07, Cody Harris wrote:
 Can someone come up with a few good reasons to switch from XP to
 Linux? Someone wants to know the pros and cons and why he should
 -Cody Harris
 | Linux Rox My Sox!  |
 | Check out HCHS!|
 | |
 | Proud to use Mandrake Linux 8.1 as a server.  |
 | Not proud to use Windows as a primary server. |
 | Registered Linux user #315598  |  
 | Registered Linux Computer #200951  |
 | Wrote on a Windoze Computer :( |

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RE: [newbie] Reasons for Linux

2003-06-07 Thread Steven Broos
On Sun, 2003-06-08 at 00:18, walt wrote:
 1)   runs faster
 2)   takes up less hard drive space
 3)   takes less time to load on to your computer and you
 practically have everything you need without loading a lot of other
 programs on it
 4)   dont need to keep rebooting

I knew I should have said other things :-)  Really nice answer is this.

And.. I want to correct my previous mail. (pressed 'send' too quickly as
I wrote:
Portability of file-formats isn't a really big issue anymore.  I
to run M$Office, macromedia flash etc on my Linux-box, which I  needed
for school.
and I meant:
People are working hard on projects like OpenOffice to display
word-documents and others correctly.
Even if you need windows-applications like Flash, there are

again, Steven

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 9.1 bootup, 'acpi' failed

2003-06-06 Thread Steven Broos
Press 'q' or ctrl+c
They both apply for a whole bunch of cases.


On Sat, 2003-06-07 at 03:16, The Other wrote:
 When Mandrake 9.1 is booting up, the list of services and whatnot 
 scrolls by with everything as OK, with the one exception of 'acpi' 
 It hasn't done this before.  Is this a problem to be concerned about?
 And for the second question:
 I understand how to read a 'man' page by executing 'man 
 What I've yet to figure out is HOW TO GET OUT OF 'MAN' !([EMAIL PROTECTED]
 [I'd be happy to 'man acpi' if I could get out of the man pages.]
 What is the special keystroke sequence to gracefully exit the 'man' 
 Thanks All,
 The Other  (much calmer now)
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