Re: [newbie] MS: We know we suck, and we don't really care.

2004-04-25 Thread frankieh
Lanman wrote:

Frankie; Heads Up!

frankieh wrote:

Lanman wrote:
  FrankieH; Don't forget that Linux is gaining a lot of popularity and
momentum. That alone, will push a lot of software companies to 
seriously consider coming out with re-worked versions of their apps, 
and many are already doing exactly that.

Yes, I think the fact that Macromedia are looking into it is a big win.
They won't be the last.
In many cases, well-estasblished apps written for Linux years ago 
have been improving by leaps and bounds, and as people start to 
migrate over to Linux, they'll start depending on those apps, instead 
of seeking commercial or proprietary ones.

no arguements there.

One last thing here. One of Microsoft's long term goals is to migrate 
most of their apps to web-based systems which will be sold as 
subscription services - ie; Microsoft Office. That's one of their 
prime reasons for coming up with dotNet.

I totally disagree with this.. it may have once been the goal, 
before linux got where it is now.
but it aint the goal anymore..   .net and C# were created to stop Java 
becoming the defacto enterprise development platform,
something that would have taken it out of M$'s hands once they found 
out they couldn't make their own version of Java without having to pay 
their profits to Sun..

They can't afford to make Office a by the web subscription service 
that will run on any platfrom.. because that will totally remove the 
need for windows, and windows is still a huge M$ cash cow.

Not necessarily. Microsoft now needs to put some effort into protecting 
their cash cows, and Windows isn't one anymore. Notice that they either 
spout a lot of releases or they take a long time to release a newer 
version. That's because they either view a relase as a Hit or a Miss
According to their last statement, Office and windows still make up the 
majority of the money they are reporting to their shareholders.

Not only that, but without Windows to push though stuff like .NET or DRM 
etc, they would just be another voice in the crowd, they wouldn't like 
that at all..

I stand by what I said, the windows monopoly is worth running at a loss 
to MS (which it is nowhere near doing.) because of the
force they can exert with it.. thats not likely to change anytime soon.

Now it's their server versions and licenses, as well as Office that have 
become the cash cows, except that the server versions are taking a 
serious hit from Linux and so are their license sales. In order to get 
past the poor history that Windows has had, they'll be starting to move 
to a Light Windows install, with a large block of apps only available 
via the web.
Have you read their last shareholders report??? Windows  still makes a 
big lump of M$'s revenue.
Not as much as office, but not that far behind either.
(Mostly OEM sales of windows to manufacturers.)

Much like you pointed out below with Mozilla, you'll still need their 
browser to access the applications, or a plugin for other browsers, much 
the same way that Microsoft made Office, Outlook Express and Internet 
Explorer versions for iMac's.
IE for mac has been discontinued.. it is not released anymore, Safari 
(based on Konquerors KHTML) is the defacto browser for OSX.

If that is correct, expect everyone to start paying for it one way or 
another, assuming that they want those features and applications. many 
consumers ( hell Most of them ) won;t have a choice but to continue on 
with whatever M$ spews out of their Willy Wonka factories! Besides, as 
in the past, many of the big PC producers wull Bundle this stuff into 
their systems - no matter which OS it runs. By manipulating that 
cross-platform type of architecture, Microsoft can go a long way towards 
getting rid of a bunch of anti-trust lawsuits, and by selling or 
licensing the technology out to it's competitors and partner companies.

We are talking about a company that has had a monopoly for 20 years, you 
think they
will remove windows from the equation and just try and push though on 
.net sales of applications???

Don't you think thats alittle to open and fair for the microsoft we 
all know???
If you remove the OS, then M$ doesn't have a platform to push though new 
proprietry technology.

They're after a 100% market share, and they also want to cash in on 
Linux, MacOS, and anything else that gets popular.
Yes, but not untill they know they are in the prime position.. and that 
won't be for a while yet.
mark my words, if Office is an online service in Longhorn, it will be a 
windows only affair.

The Mono project is just M$ paying lip service to the open 
operability thing, if you think it will be allowed to ever  run 
Office on linux machines (without a court case saying it has to.) then 
you need your head read.

Allowed ?? Who needs to allow it? Microsoft needs permission? C'Mon!
No dude, you misunderstand,,, what I am saying is that M$ won't allow 
Mono to every be as good or complete as the windows  version, they 

Re: [newbie] MS: We know we suck, and we don't really care.

2004-04-25 Thread Lanman
Frankie; I'll get back to you on this later today, Dude! Gotta go watch 
a flick, shave my legs, change my dre,...Damn! Did I say that out loud?

Uh, forget that last part! Talk to you later on this. You're still not 
out of the woods yet! g


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Re: [newbie] MS: We know we suck, and we don't really care.

2004-04-25 Thread frankieh
Lanman wrote:

Frankie; I'll get back to you on this later today, Dude! Gotta go watch 
a flick, shave my legs, change my dre,...Damn! Did I say that out loud?

Uh, forget that last part! Talk to you later on this. You're still not 
out of the woods yet! g

yeah yeah... and next year you will be claiming that the comment you 
made about the dress and shaving your legs
was all FUD that you never said and it was all to discredit you...

Dude, if Micro$oft release a version of M$ Office to run in .NET 
framework on a linux box in the next 5 years,
and a court didn't force them to do it.

I will personally ship you a carton of Australian beer (if thats legal, 
if not I'll finance a carton so you can buy your own.)


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Re: [newbie] MS: We know we suck, and we don't really care.

2004-04-24 Thread Aron Smith
On Saturday 24 April 2004 12:48 am, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 On Sat, 2004-04-24 at 17:31, Margot wrote:
  Stephen Kuhn wrote:
   On Sat, 2004-04-24 at 16:27, Aron Smith wrote:
  then he would screem at them RTFM MF
  ...that's assuming he know what that means...ahem...(g)
  read the friendly manual My friend ?
   Dang - what'd you do - go to church this year or something?
  Aron's been taking etiquette lessons over on the OT list!!!

 I thought we weren't allowed to use Aron and etiquette in the same
 sentence, ay wot?
Right that's called taking my name in vain (or vein if you are a Vampire)

 stephen kuhn - owner
 illawarra computer services
 a kuhn media australia company
   * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *
   We expressly refuse to utilise Microsoft DRM encoded documents
 Go 'way! You're bothering me!

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Re: [newbie] MS: We know we suck, and we don't really care.

2004-04-24 Thread JoeHill
On Sat, 24 Apr 2004 12:46:32 +1000
Stephen Kuhn disseminated the following:

  MS developers are a bunch of moronic crackheads, but hell, they make me
 I've dealt with this issue before - but in an easier manner:
 Sold the customer a RedHat server; used the standard imap/sendmail
 setup; copied particular folders to the imap server therefore deleting
 them from the .PST (this took DAYS - no joke); upon completion, reset
 the configuration for LookOut to just use the IMAP server; customer
 happy, worked faster than it did before. Customer decided to make use of
 another server (linux, of course) for file/print sharing. Now I only
 drop in once in a while to check the Windows2000/XP workstations - the
 server keep on serving...

Problem is, their mail is handled by a hosting provider. I tried to sell them on
an inhouse mailserver using IMAP, but they are 'concerned' about security and
reliability. These are the same people, of course, that when I first walked into
the place had the main fileserver's admin pass set to 'PASSWORD'.

This one client could keep me busy for years.

Registered Linux user #282046
Gauging the number of Iraqi civilian casualties since the war began is
difficult because the U.S.-led occupation force does not count them... -- Letta
Tayler, Newsday, March 7th 2004

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Re: [newbie] MS: We know we suck, and we don't really care.

2004-04-24 Thread frankieh
JoeHill wrote:

 Contorer wrote that end users stuck with Windows, despite the operating
system's shortcomings, based on the high costs of abandoning heavy investments
already made in APIs.
'The Windows API is so broad, so deep and so functional that most ISVs
(independent software vendors) would be crazy not to use it. And it is so deeply
embedded in the source code of many Windows apps that there is a huge switching
cost to using a different operating system, instead,' the e-mail reads.
'It is this switching cost that has given the customers the patience to stick
with Windows through all our mistakes, our buggy drivers, our high TCO (total
cost of ownership), our lack of a sexy vision, at times, and many other
difficulties,' the e-mail said. 'Customers constantly evaluate other desktop
platforms, (but) it would be so much work to move over that they hope we just
improve Windows rather than force them to move.'

Thats not gonna be too much of a big deal shortly... there are several 
things in the industry now related to MicroSoft, that are going to help 
Linux quiet abit..

- Allot of apps will in the next few years need to be swapped to Win64, 
and will require substantial code changes anyway. (see below.)

- Microsoft themselves are going to break allot of their own backwards 
compatability, in fact they have already done so.
--- Win2003 already breaks some software from win2000/XP.
--- win XP service pack2 breaks more software.
--- Windows Longhorn will break huge reams of existing software... it is 
to innovative to be backwards compatable.

And you think that is the end??   Microsoft knows that in order to keep 
people upgrading, they know they can make it different, as long as they 
make it seem easier then reworking the programs to run on linux...

But how long is that arguement going to last???  after Longhorn, 
microsoft are going to have to change everything even more to justify to 
people how upgading to whatever new they come up with is worth it..

Eventually developers are going to get sick of rewriting their apps each 
time MS come up with something they think people just have to have 
eventually they will realise that this is just more microsoft FUD and 
that in the long run, writting apps for a totally open API is simply 
better, particularly if the alternative is re-writing their apps every 5 
years or so.



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Re: [newbie] MS: We know we suck, and we don't really care.

2004-04-24 Thread Lanman
frankieh wrote:
Thats not gonna be too much of a big deal shortly... there are several 
things in the industry now related to MicroSoft, that are going to help 
Linux quiet abit..

- Allot of apps will in the next few years need to be swapped to Win64, 
and will require substantial code changes anyway. (see below.)

- Microsoft themselves are going to break allot of their own backwards 
compatability, in fact they have already done so.
--- Win2003 already breaks some software from win2000/XP.
--- win XP service pack2 breaks more software.
--- Windows Longhorn will break huge reams of existing software... it is 
to innovative to be backwards compatable.

And you think that is the end??   Microsoft knows that in order to keep 
people upgrading, they know they can make it different, as long as they 
make it seem easier then reworking the programs to run on linux...

But how long is that arguement going to last???  after Longhorn, 
microsoft are going to have to change everything even more to justify to 
people how upgading to whatever new they come up with is worth it..

Eventually developers are going to get sick of rewriting their apps each 
time MS come up with something they think people just have to have 
eventually they will realise that this is just more microsoft FUD and 
that in the long run, writting apps for a totally open API is simply 
better, particularly if the alternative is re-writing their apps every 5 
years or so.

FrankieH; Don't forget that Linux is gaining a lot of popularity and 
momentum. That alone, will push a lot of software companies to seriously 
consider coming out with re-worked versions of their apps, and many are 
already doing exactly that.

In many cases, well-estasblished apps written for Linux years ago have 
been improving by leaps and bounds, and as people start to migrate over 
to Linux, they'll start depending on those apps, instead of seeking 
commercial or proprietary ones.

One last thing here. One of Microsoft's long term goals is to migrate 
most of their apps to web-based systems which will be sold as 
subscription services - ie; Microsoft Office. That's one of their prime 
reasons for coming up with dotNet.

Part of Microsoft's game plan is to be able to sell those services 
across all platforms, since much of the web already is 
platform-agnostic. It's the easiest way to capture a higher marketshare.

So, don't be too surprised to see a lot of companies coming out with 
web-based applications in the near future. If companies can build apps 
which will work just as well on Linux and MacOS, as they do on Windows, 
compatibility will take a distinct move up the ladder.

Microsoft also knows that this is one way that they can continue to 
build crappy applications, without all those nasty crash events 
happening, simply by moving the app from the hard drive to the web.

It also means that they'll probably try to sell it's merits by promoting 
the stability factor of the web. Also, this also explains why the new 
Windows ( currently due out sometime this decade ! ) will have a newer 
version of Internet Explorer (something like version 8) which will be 
tuned to take advantage of the new web-based apps that Microsoft will be 
selling. Don't be surprised if they call LongHorn something like 
Internet Commander or something, and it wouldn't surprise me if it was 
the core of the OS. Certainly would explain why the tried to merge IE 5 
through 6 into the OS, and why Bill Gates was buying up cablevision 
companies in Europe a few years ago. Who else is gonna supply that much 
broadband to a user-base?

Just a few thoughts for your consideration.


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Re: [newbie] MS: We know we suck, and we don't really care.

2004-04-24 Thread The Other
Software issues aside, what about Windows XP affecting laptop hard 

My boss had his second laptop hard drive failure this year.  When 
talking to the software/hardware support people of the company, he 
was told that the stock of replacement laptop hard drives was very 
low.  The reason:  Windows XP is spinning the drives to death!

This is a company that should have (conservative estimate) 15,000 to 
25,000 laptops in service, nationwide in the USA.

How long can a company afford to swap out bad laptop hard drives?  
Especially when using a 3rd party to make the switch.  It's 
overnight shipping of the drives, then the 3rd party installation, 
then another shipping back to the company storehouses for 
refurbishing or whatever is done with the bad drives.

The economics of the hardware failures caused by Windows XP, if 
uncorrected by Microsoft, will have to cause a company to switch 
operating systems.

The Other.

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Re: [newbie] MS: We know we suck, and we don't really care.

2004-04-24 Thread frankieh
Lanman wrote:
  FrankieH; Don't forget that Linux is gaining a lot of popularity and
momentum. That alone, will push a lot of software companies to seriously 
consider coming out with re-worked versions of their apps, and many are 
already doing exactly that.
Yes, I think the fact that Macromedia are looking into it is a big win.
They won't be the last.
In many cases, well-estasblished apps written for Linux years ago have 
been improving by leaps and bounds, and as people start to migrate over 
to Linux, they'll start depending on those apps, instead of seeking 
commercial or proprietary ones.
no arguements there.

One last thing here. One of Microsoft's long term goals is to migrate 
most of their apps to web-based systems which will be sold as 
subscription services - ie; Microsoft Office. That's one of their prime 
reasons for coming up with dotNet.
I totally disagree with this.. it may have once been the goal, before 
linux got where it is now.
but it aint the goal anymore..   .net and C# were created to stop Java 
becoming the defacto enterprise development platform,
something that would have taken it out of M$'s hands once they found out 
they couldn't make their own version of Java without having to pay their 
profits to Sun..

They can't afford to make Office a by the web subscription service 
that will run on any platfrom.. because that will totally remove the 
need for windows, and windows is still a huge M$ cash cow.

The Mono project is just M$ paying lip service to the open operability 
thing, if you think it will be allowed to ever  run Office on linux 
machines (without a court case saying it has to.) then you need your 
head read.
Mono, as with most everything Microsoft has give away, will not contain 
ALL the api's that microsoft will be using..  you can count on that. 
just the same way that office now uses windows API's that M$ have not 
given to the rest of the community.

When windows is no longer a cashcow for M$, and they can't do anything 
about it, THEN you might see them open up to office on other platforms. 
 before then, I wouldn't hold your breath if I were you.

(for example, try running windows update using mozilla.)

Part of Microsoft's game plan is to be able to sell those services 
across all platforms, since much of the web already is 
platform-agnostic. It's the easiest way to capture a higher marketshare.

They already have 90+% of the office software market, and they have a 
big windows monopoly as well, they are not going to sacrifice one for 
the other until they have no other choice.

So, don't be too surprised to see a lot of companies coming out with 
web-based applications in the near future. If companies can build apps 
which will work just as well on Linux and MacOS, as they do on Windows, 
compatibility will take a distinct move up the ladder.
Oh yes, I don't doubt that for a minute, but do you think microsoft are 
just going to give up the single biggest reason they have why people 
should run windows (the ability to run office integrated into all sorts 
of other software packages)?? thats not going to happen.

When windows is irrelivant, and it starts costing office sales, then 
they will consider it, but not till them.

Microsoft also knows that this is one way that they can continue to 
build crappy applications, without all those nasty crash events 
happening, simply by moving the app from the hard drive to the web.

Do we really want MS writing office code that makes Linux crash so they 
can claim that windows is more stable???
it wouldn't be the first time.  .NET code will still have security 
vunerabilities, and it will still be able to take down the underlying OS.
(Just as Java can.) so do we want Office running on Mono on linux so 
that M$ can mess with linux's reputation even more???

It also means that they'll probably try to sell it's merits by promoting 
the stability factor of the web. Also, this also explains why the new 
Windows ( currently due out sometime this decade ! ) will have a newer 
version of Internet Explorer (something like version 8) which will be 
tuned to take advantage of the new web-based apps that Microsoft will be 
selling. Don't be surprised if they call LongHorn something like 
Internet Commander or something, and it wouldn't surprise me if it was 
the core of the OS. Certainly would explain why the tried to merge IE 5 
through 6 into the OS, and why Bill Gates was buying up cablevision 
companies in Europe a few years ago. Who else is gonna supply that much 
broadband to a user-base?

Well who knows, but as I said above, they will not open anything up till 
they don't need windows anymore.
Thats not going to happen anytime soon.

As for Longhorn, it will be much less of an upgrade then they initially 
touted it as...
They can't go ALL OUT for net applicatons because they have been stung 
before by the lack of widespread broadband..
They won't make that mistake again.. Longhorn will have to work both 
ways, because 

Re: [newbie] MS: We know we suck, and we don't really care.

2004-04-24 Thread Lanman
Frankie; Heads Up!

frankieh wrote:
Lanman wrote:
  FrankieH; Don't forget that Linux is gaining a lot of popularity and
momentum. That alone, will push a lot of software companies to 
seriously consider coming out with re-worked versions of their apps, 
and many are already doing exactly that.

Yes, I think the fact that Macromedia are looking into it is a big win.
They won't be the last.
In many cases, well-estasblished apps written for Linux years ago have 
been improving by leaps and bounds, and as people start to migrate 
over to Linux, they'll start depending on those apps, instead of 
seeking commercial or proprietary ones.

no arguements there.

One last thing here. One of Microsoft's long term goals is to migrate 
most of their apps to web-based systems which will be sold as 
subscription services - ie; Microsoft Office. That's one of their 
prime reasons for coming up with dotNet.

I totally disagree with this.. it may have once been the goal, before 
linux got where it is now.
but it aint the goal anymore..   .net and C# were created to stop Java 
becoming the defacto enterprise development platform,
something that would have taken it out of M$'s hands once they found out 
they couldn't make their own version of Java without having to pay their 
profits to Sun..

They can't afford to make Office a by the web subscription service 
that will run on any platfrom.. because that will totally remove the 
need for windows, and windows is still a huge M$ cash cow.

Not necessarily. Microsoft now needs to put some effort into protecting 
their cash cows, and Windows isn't one anymore. Notice that they either 
spout a lot of releases or they take a long time to release a newer 
version. That's because they either view a relase as a Hit or a Miss

Now it's their server versions and licenses, as well as Office that have 
become the cash cows, except that the server versions are taking a 
serious hit from Linux and so are their license sales. In order to get 
past the poor history that Windows has had, they'll be starting to move 
to a Light Windows install, with a large block of apps only available 
via the web.

Much like you pointed out below with Mozilla, you'll still need their 
browser to access the applications, or a plugin for other browsers, much 
the same way that Microsoft made Office, Outlook Express and Internet 
Explorer versions for iMac's.

If that is correct, expect everyone to start paying for it one way or 
another, assuming that they want those features and applications. many 
consumers ( hell Most of them ) won;t have a choice but to continue on 
with whatever M$ spews out of their Willy Wonka factories! Besides, as 
in the past, many of the big PC producers wull Bundle this stuff into 
their systems - no matter which OS it runs. By manipulating that 
cross-platform type of architecture, Microsoft can go a long way towards 
getting rid of a bunch of anti-trust lawsuits, and by selling or 
licensing the technology out to it's competitors and partner companies.

They're after a 100% market share, and they also want to cash in on 
Linux, MacOS, and anything else that gets popular.

The Mono project is just M$ paying lip service to the open operability 
thing, if you think it will be allowed to ever  run Office on linux 
machines (without a court case saying it has to.) then you need your 
head read.
Allowed ?? Who needs to allow it? Microsoft needs permission? C'Mon!

Mono, as with most everything Microsoft has give away, will not contain 
ALL the api's that microsoft will be using..  you can count on that. 
just the same way that office now uses windows API's that M$ have not 
given to the rest of the community.
It won't be a question of API's anymore, except for a fairly short list 
of companies that have good resons not to. For those, you'll still 
install them in the normal manner. For the rest, it'll be a question of 
plugins and codecs designed to control the apps, but they will be 
managed, tracked, administered and monitored on the backend (ie; 
web-servers, database servers, etc.), so they'll only have to comply 
with browser interfaces. That makes it easier to maintain, develop and 

Oh, BTW, My head is fine thanks. I don't need any! g

When windows is no longer a cashcow for M$, and they can't do anything 
about it, THEN you might see them open up to office on other platforms. 
 before then, I wouldn't hold your breath if I were you.
Uh, Frankie? Windows is NOT a cash cow, now! That's why there's a lot of 
talk about giving it away, to maintain the user's dependancy on 
Microsoft. Hell, I can buy it legally for  less than $100.00 Canadian 
through my wholesalers, and Dell, HP, etc., ( for example ) pay less 
than $50.00 US for it. It won't take a lot of pressure from consumers 
switching to Linux to force that price even lower! Free is only a few 
years away, after Microsoft rapes everyone for a few versions of 
LongHorn that is.

(for example, try running windows 

Re: [newbie] MS: We know we suck, and we don't really care.

2004-04-24 Thread robin
Lanman wrote:
frankieh wrote:

Thats not gonna be too much of a big deal shortly... there are several 
things in the industry now related to MicroSoft, that are going to 
help Linux quiet abit..

- Allot of apps will in the next few years need to be swapped to 
Win64, and will require substantial code changes anyway. (see below.)

- Microsoft themselves are going to break allot of their own backwards 
compatability, in fact they have already done so.
--- Win2003 already breaks some software from win2000/XP.
--- win XP service pack2 breaks more software.
--- Windows Longhorn will break huge reams of existing software... it 
is to innovative to be backwards compatable.

And you think that is the end??   Microsoft knows that in order to 
keep people upgrading, they know they can make it different, as long 
as they make it seem easier then reworking the programs to run on 

But how long is that arguement going to last???  after Longhorn, 
microsoft are going to have to change everything even more to justify 
to people how upgading to whatever new they come up with is worth it..

Eventually developers are going to get sick of rewriting their apps 
each time MS come up with something they think people just have to 
have eventually they will realise that this is just more microsoft 
FUD and that in the long run, writting apps for a totally open API is 
simply better, particularly if the alternative is re-writing their 
apps every 5 years or so.

FrankieH; Don't forget that Linux is gaining a lot of popularity and 
momentum. That alone, will push a lot of software companies to seriously 
consider coming out with re-worked versions of their apps, and many are 
already doing exactly that.

In many cases, well-estasblished apps written for Linux years ago have 
been improving by leaps and bounds, and as people start to migrate over 
to Linux, they'll start depending on those apps, instead of seeking 
commercial or proprietary ones.

One last thing here. One of Microsoft's long term goals is to migrate 
most of their apps to web-based systems which will be sold as 
subscription services - ie; Microsoft Office. That's one of their prime 
reasons for coming up with dotNet.

Part of Microsoft's game plan is to be able to sell those services 
across all platforms, since much of the web already is 
platform-agnostic. It's the easiest way to capture a higher marketshare.

So, don't be too surprised to see a lot of companies coming out with 
web-based applications in the near future. If companies can build apps 
which will work just as well on Linux and MacOS, as they do on Windows, 
compatibility will take a distinct move up the ladder.

Microsoft also knows that this is one way that they can continue to 
build crappy applications, without all those nasty crash events 
happening, simply by moving the app from the hard drive to the web.

It also means that they'll probably try to sell it's merits by promoting 
the stability factor of the web.

Also, this also explains why the new 
Windows ( currently due out sometime this decade ! ) will have a newer 
version of Internet Explorer (something like version 8) which will be 
tuned to take advantage of the new web-based apps that Microsoft will be 
selling. Don't be surprised if they call LongHorn something like 
Internet Commander or something, and it wouldn't surprise me if it was 
the core of the OS. Certainly would explain why the tried to merge IE 5 
through 6 into the OS, and why Bill Gates was buying up cablevision 
companies in Europe a few years ago. Who else is gonna supply that much 
broadband to a user-base?
This could be very amusing. Anyone remember Win98's active desktop? 
You make your whole dektop environment dependent on the thing that is 
most likely to crash. Even Windows users didn't buy that for long.

Sir Robin

If the lion could speak, we would not understand it.
- Wittgenstein
Robin Turner
Bilkent Universitesi
Ankara 06533

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[newbie] MS: We know we suck, and we don't really care.

2004-04-23 Thread JoeHill

 Contorer wrote that end users stuck with Windows, despite the operating
system's shortcomings, based on the high costs of abandoning heavy investments
already made in APIs.

'The Windows API is so broad, so deep and so functional that most ISVs
(independent software vendors) would be crazy not to use it. And it is so deeply
embedded in the source code of many Windows apps that there is a huge switching
cost to using a different operating system, instead,' the e-mail reads.

'It is this switching cost that has given the customers the patience to stick
with Windows through all our mistakes, our buggy drivers, our high TCO (total
cost of ownership), our lack of a sexy vision, at times, and many other
difficulties,' the e-mail said. 'Customers constantly evaluate other desktop
platforms, (but) it would be so much work to move over that they hope we just
improve Windows rather than force them to move.'


Registered Linux user #282046
In this possibly terminal phase of human existence, democracy and freedom are
more than just ideals to be valued - they may be essential to survival --
Noam Chomsky

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Re: [newbie] MS: We know we suck, and we don't really care.

2004-04-23 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sat, 2004-04-24 at 06:40, JoeHill wrote:

 'It is this switching cost that has given the customers the patience to stick
 with Windows through all our mistakes, our buggy drivers, our high TCO (total
 cost of ownership), our lack of a sexy vision, at times, and many other
 difficulties,' the e-mail said. 'Customers constantly evaluate other desktop
 platforms, (but) it would be so much work to move over that they hope we just
 improve Windows rather than force them to move.'

So when ya installing XP Pro, Joe? Sad to see ya leave this forum, mate.
I'm sure the humourless bastards and bastardettes in the MS forums are
going to love ya...

stephen kuhn - owner
illawarra computer services
a kuhn media australia company
  * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *
  We expressly refuse to utilise Microsoft DRM encoded documents
No woman can call herself free until she can choose consciously whether
she will or will not be a mother. -- Margaret H. Sanger

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Re: [newbie] MS: We know we suck, and we don't really care.

2004-04-23 Thread Lanman
Stephen Kuhn wrote:
I'm sure the humourless bastards and bastardettes in the MS forums are
going to love ya...
stephen kuhn - owner
Or Maybe Not?


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Re: [newbie] MS: We know we suck, and we don't really care.

2004-04-23 Thread Ian MacGregor
So, let's all just stick with Windows and *CONTINUE* to pay for what would 
otherwise be free with Linux
 That is the dumbest concept I have ever heard. Can't believe a human being 
actually thinks that way. I would much rather switch to something, knowing I 
lost money, if it would keep me from losing *more* money, than stay where I 
am and, knowingly, *continue* to throw lose away.

On Friday 23 April 2004 1:40 pm, JoeHill wrote:
  Contorer wrote that end users stuck with Windows, despite the operating
 system's shortcomings, based on the high costs of abandoning heavy
 investments already made in APIs.

 'The Windows API is so broad, so deep and so functional that most ISVs
 (independent software vendors) would be crazy not to use it. And it is so
 deeply embedded in the source code of many Windows apps that there is a
 huge switching cost to using a different operating system, instead,' the
 e-mail reads.

 'It is this switching cost that has given the customers the patience to
 stick with Windows through all our mistakes, our buggy drivers, our high
 TCO (total cost of ownership), our lack of a sexy vision, at times, and
 many other difficulties,' the e-mail said. 'Customers constantly evaluate
 other desktop platforms, (but) it would be so much work to move over that
 they hope we just improve Windows rather than force them to move.'


Registered Linux User #350412
MacGregor Despite Them!

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Re: [newbie] MS: We know we suck, and we don't really care.

2004-04-23 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sat, 2004-04-24 at 07:06, Ian MacGregor wrote:
 So, let's all just stick with Windows and *CONTINUE* to pay for what would 
 otherwise be free with Linux
  That is the dumbest concept I have ever heard. Can't believe a human being 
 actually thinks that way. I would much rather switch to something, knowing I 
 lost money, if it would keep me from losing *more* money, than stay where I 
 am and, knowingly, *continue* to throw lose away.

Consider that there are folks in corporate positions that fear new
things; and fear change. They don't think outside the box and
therefore are enslaved to the thinking that Microsoft has instilled in
them. It's basically the same as about ten years ago having desktop
users switch from OS/2 to Windows - just a matter of time and just a
matter of awakening; believe me, there are more folks in management
that are thinking about TCO with Windows - the IT costs for dealing with
support issues and viruses/trojans/back doors/spyware/adware, the costs
of licensing, the bi-yearly costs of upgrading Office - that balanced
against training doesn't come out very well - and the true TCO of a
Windows network begins to rear it's ugly head.

For all the FUD that M$ spreads about linux having a higher TCO in the
end, well, they fail to mention those other hidden costs in having to
run and maintain a Windows based network...

Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.

stephen kuhn - owner
illawarra computer services
a kuhn media australia company
  * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *
  We expressly refuse to utilise Microsoft DRM encoded documents
Claret is the liquor for boys; port for men; but he who aspires to be a
hero ... must drink brandy. -- Samuel Johnson

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Re: [newbie] MS: We know we suck, and we don't really care.

2004-04-23 Thread Aron Smith
On Friday 23 April 2004 01:52 pm, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 On Sat, 2004-04-24 at 06:40, JoeHill wrote:
  'It is this switching cost that has given the customers the patience to
  stick with Windows through all our mistakes, our buggy drivers, our high
  TCO (total cost of ownership), our lack of a sexy vision, at times, and
  many other difficulties,' the e-mail said. 'Customers constantly evaluate
  other desktop platforms, (but) it would be so much work to move over that
  they hope we just improve Windows rather than force them to move.'

 So when ya installing XP Pro, Joe? Sad to see ya leave this forum, mate.
 I'm sure the humourless bastards and bastardettes in the MS forums are
 going to love ya...
Joe Pill on a u$ux forem? gGG I wanna see that.

 stephen kuhn - owner
 illawarra computer services
 a kuhn media australia company
   * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *
   We expressly refuse to utilise Microsoft DRM encoded documents
 No woman can call herself free until she can choose consciously whether
 she will or will not be a mother. -- Margaret H. Sanger

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Re: [newbie] MS: We know we suck, and we don't really care.

2004-04-23 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sat, 2004-04-24 at 10:06, Aron Smith wrote:

 Joe Pill on a u$ux forem? gGG I wanna see that.

I could see him trying to port Pek(er)WM to WindowsXP and getting into
heated political debates concerning Redmond, illicit substances,
software piracy, capitalism, hacking, pr0n, family moral values, DUI's,
bloated code, righteous Microsoft business and legal practices,
OSS/GPL'd Microsoft code, skinning otters, mistaking goats for poodles,
how to clean your bong in 10 easy steps - ya know, things like that.
Edu-ma-kay-shun-al stuff.

stephen kuhn - owner
illawarra computer services
a kuhn media australia company
  * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *
  We expressly refuse to utilise Microsoft DRM encoded documents
Got Mole problems? Call Avogadro at 6.02 x 10^23.

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Re: [newbie] MS: We know we suck, and we don't really care.

2004-04-23 Thread Charlie
On Sat, 24 Apr 2004 07:06 am, many eyes viewed Ian MacGregor's words:-
 So, let's all just stick with Windows and *CONTINUE* to pay for what would
 otherwise be free with Linux
  That is the dumbest concept I have ever heard. Can't believe a human being
 actually thinks that way. I would much rather switch to something, knowing
 I lost money, if it would keep me from losing *more* money, than stay where
 I am and, knowingly, *continue* to throw lose away.

Unfortunately most human beings rather the devil they know than the devil they 
don't, sad but true. To get anything to work, it must run parallel to human 
nature in the main. Human nature takes eons to alter. Some of these 
instinctive acts are still relevant, others are not. Your eyelid closing 
before an object hits the eyeball. Very beneficial. Walking a path that 
others have walked upon, means you don't fall into the quicksand and get 
swallowed up. The known path is littered with the graves of pioneers. If all 
were pioneers, then there would be no one to bury them.

Using windows because you know it and not Linux, because you don't. Not wise 
at all. But a natural inclination.


Registered Linux User:- 329524
I have lived some thirty-odd years on this planet, and I have yet to hear the 
first syllable of valuable or even earnest advice from my seniors. 
...Henry David Thoreau

This email is guaranteed to be wholly Linux Mandrake 9.2, KMail v1.5.3
and OpenOffice.org1.1.0

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Re: [newbie] MS: We know we suck, and we don't really care.

2004-04-23 Thread JoeHill
On Fri, 23 Apr 2004 17:06:18 -0700
Aron Smith disseminated the following:

 Joe Pill on a u$ux forem? gGG I wanna see that.

I dropped in over at a while back actually. Got them all ...worked


Registered Linux user #282046
He who controls others may be powerful, but he who has mastered himself is
mightier still. -- Lao Tsu

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Re: [newbie] MS: We know we suck, and we don't really care.

2004-04-23 Thread JoeHill
On Sat, 24 Apr 2004 06:52:59 +1000
Stephen Kuhn disseminated the following:

  'It is this switching cost that has given the customers the patience to
  with Windows through all our mistakes, our buggy drivers, our high TCO
  cost of ownership), our lack of a sexy vision, at times, and many other
  difficulties,' the e-mail said. 'Customers constantly evaluate other desktop
  platforms, (but) it would be so much work to move over that they hope we
  improve Windows rather than force them to move.'
 So when ya installing XP Pro, Joe? Sad to see ya leave this forum, mate.
 I'm sure the humourless bastards and bastardettes in the MS forums are
 going to love ya...

Puh-lease, listen, like you I have to deal with fscking XP a *lot* for work, and
it's like driving an old, half dead Toyota (G).

Must admit, I don't know much about the Office shit, but this one blew me away.
This client calls me because all of a sudden, his Outlook 'mail client'
(shudder) opens with the message that his messages and contacts are not
accessible. He's seriously pissed. You know what the problem was?;en-us;296088

So, no warning, just a serious fuckup that could easily be avoided by *not
putting every message and contact into one big stupid-ass file!*

MS developers are a bunch of moronic crackheads, but hell, they make me money.

Registered Linux user #282046
...we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether
sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. -- President Dwight D.
Eisenhower, in his 1961 farewell address

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Re: [newbie] MS: We know we suck, and we don't really care.

2004-04-23 Thread JoeHill
On Sat, 24 Apr 2004 09:22:58 +1000
Charlie disseminated the following:

  So, let's all just stick with Windows and *CONTINUE* to pay for what would
  otherwise be free with Linux
   That is the dumbest concept I have ever heard. Can't believe a human being
  actually thinks that way. I would much rather switch to something, knowing
  I lost money, if it would keep me from losing *more* money, than stay where
  I am and, knowingly, *continue* to throw lose away.
 Unfortunately most human beings rather the devil they know than the devil they
 don't, sad but true. To get anything to work, it must run parallel to human 
 nature in the main. Human nature takes eons to alter. Some of these 
 instinctive acts are still relevant, others are not. Your eyelid closing 
 before an object hits the eyeball. Very beneficial. Walking a path that 
 others have walked upon, means you don't fall into the quicksand and get 
 swallowed up. The known path is littered with the graves of pioneers. If all 
 were pioneers, then there would be no one to bury them.
 Using windows because you know it and not Linux, because you don't. Not wise 
 at all. But a natural inclination.

I don't believe you can pin it on 'human nature', dude. People, like all life,
go for the bigger and better deal. If you find a spot that's comfy, you'll stick
around, sure. But if you see a bunch of people having a grand ol' time a ways
off, and their cave isn't crashing in on their heads unpredictably as yours has
recently, you gonna move.

We've been lulled into a restless sleep by the marketing and persuasion
industry, one that spends literally billions of dollars to do so. A complacent
and obsequious market is a predictable one, and that's what they want.

Registered Linux user #282046
There are literally several levels of SCO being wrong. And even if we were to
live in that alternate universe where SCO would be right, they'd still be wrong.
-- Linus Torvalds

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Re: [newbie] MS: We know we suck, and we don't really care.

2004-04-23 Thread JoeHill
On Sat, 24 Apr 2004 10:33:48 +1000
Stephen Kuhn disseminated the following:

  Joe Pill on a u$ux forem? gGG I wanna see that.
 I could see him trying to port Pek(er)WM to WindowsXP and getting into
 heated political debates concerning Redmond, illicit substances,
 software piracy, capitalism, hacking, pr0n, family moral values, DUI's,
 bloated code, righteous Microsoft business and legal practices,
 OSS/GPL'd Microsoft code, skinning otters, mistaking goats for poodles,
 how to clean your bong in 10 easy steps - ya know, things like that.
 Edu-ma-kay-shun-al stuff.

You *know it* mate! (Though I don't know much about hacking)

Registered Linux user #282046
In this possibly terminal phase of human existence, democracy and freedom are
more than just ideals to be valued - they may be essential to survival --
Noam Chomsky

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Re: [newbie] MS: We know we suck, and we don't really care.

2004-04-23 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sat, 2004-04-24 at 12:10, JoeHill wrote:

 Puh-lease, listen, like you I have to deal with fscking XP a *lot* for work, and
 it's like driving an old, half dead Toyota (G).

Oooouchgot me there matey.

 Must admit, I don't know much about the Office shit, but this one blew me away.
 This client calls me because all of a sudden, his Outlook 'mail client'
 (shudder) opens with the message that his messages and contacts are not
 accessible. He's seriously pissed. You know what the problem was?;en-us;296088
 So, no warning, just a serious fuckup that could easily be avoided by *not
 putting every message and contact into one big stupid-ass file!*
 MS developers are a bunch of moronic crackheads, but hell, they make me money.

I've dealt with this issue before - but in an easier manner:
Sold the customer a RedHat server; used the standard imap/sendmail
setup; copied particular folders to the imap server therefore deleting
them from the .PST (this took DAYS - no joke); upon completion, reset
the configuration for LookOut to just use the IMAP server; customer
happy, worked faster than it did before. Customer decided to make use of
another server (linux, of course) for file/print sharing. Now I only
drop in once in a while to check the Windows2000/XP workstations - the
server keep on serving...

stephen kuhn - owner
illawarra computer services
a kuhn media australia company
  * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *
  We expressly refuse to utilise Microsoft DRM encoded documents
Sometimes the gods have no taste at all. They allow sunrises and sunsets
in ridiculous pink and blue hues that any professional artist would
dismiss as the work of some enthsiastic amateur who'd never looked at a
real sunset. This was one of those sunrises. It was the kind of sunrise
a man looks at and says, 'No real sunrise could paint the sky Surgical
Appliance Pink.' Nevertheless, it was beautiful. (The Thief of Time)

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