[newbie-it] Stampanjte in Mandrake 7.2

2001-03-07 Per discussione Alessandro

cioa a tutti, ho un proiblema: non riesco a configurare la mia HP 690C series 
printer sotto Mandrake 7.2 (kernel 2.2.17).
Hard Drake non mi permette di avviare il tool di configurazione (ovvero 
schiaccio sul pulsante per avviarlo e non succede nulla) 
cosa devo fare?

R: [newbie-it] KERNEL 2.4.0

2001-03-07 Per discussione Federico Vaccari

Allora se vai su /usr/src/Linux 2.4.0/arch/i386/boot/ dovresti
trovare il file bzImage che è il kernel vero e proprio.
Copialo su /boot.
Vai su Drakeconf e precisamente sul menu di Grub, crei una nuova voce
(ad esempio. Prova) e setti di caricare il file /boot/bzImage.
Con questa procedura si caricherà il nuovo kernel.
Il fatto della velocità maggiore molto probabilmente è solo una tua
Se hai altri problemi fammi sapere
Ciao Federico.
Up the Penguin

  -Messaggio originale-Da: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Per conto di 
  BEPPEInviato: lunedì 5 marzo 2001 19.20A: 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Oggetto: [newbie-it] KERNEL 
  Ciao a tutti,
  oggi acquisto una rivista, con all'interno 
  un cd-rom contenente il kernel 
  Seguo passo passo cio' che c'è scritto nelle 
  (faccio presente che è la prima volta che 
  compilo un Kernel)
  arrivo alla fine dove l'ultimo comando che do è 
  make modules
  make install
  Faccio il rebooting come suggerisce la rivista 
  e quando riattivo
  il pc ho sempre il vecchio kernel, con una 
  Mi sembra che vada piu' veloce.
  Voi cosa ne dite, che mi manca da fare ancora 
  visto che la rivista termina dicendo
  : " ora avete il vostro nuovo Kernel e potete 
  sfruttare alil PC"
  Ciao e grazie 

[newbie-it] permessi?

2001-03-07 Per discussione bosva

ciao, mi trovo di fronte ad un piccolo enigma...dovuto alla mia scarsa
conoscenza della materia...
ho installato mdrk7.2 su un pc con cdrom e masterizzatore
sia root che come utente non riesco ad avere accesso completo al cdrom
ed al masterizzatore...mi spiego meglio:
riesco ad aprire solo cd dati originali o masterizzati
tutti i cd musicali, originali o masterizzati (sotto uindos perch
ancora non ho ben capito come funzionano i programmi di masterizzazione
in mdrk), non riesco ad aprirli, quando ci provo mi appare il messaggio
"impossibile accedere al file:/mnt/cdrom (o file:/mnt/cdrom2 per il
masterizzatore), non hai i diritti di accesso a questo indirizzo"
ma come! ma allora i diritti di accesso ad un indirizzo sono in
relazione a quello che contiene il suddetto indirizzo (se ci sono dati
ok, ma se ci sono canzoni no)?
per fare una verifica ho provato con un cd vergine ed ho lo stesso
messaggio (ma questo lo posso anche capire)
poi ho provato su file:/mnt/floppy, per semplice curiosit, e ho visto
che mi vede i floppy originali, quelli vuoti e quelli creati da
me...ma...mi da sempre il messaggio di errore ("impossibile accedere al
file:/mnt/floppy. non hai i diritti di accesso a questo indirizzo") se
ci metto dentro il floppy di avvio di mdrk 7.2 che ho creato in fase di
installazione del so...
c' qualcosa che mi sfugge...
grazie mille per evetuali illuminazioni, osva
salutatemi a bilgheiz

[newbie-it] DrakeRPM o Kpackage (LM7.2)?

2001-03-07 Per discussione Alessandro Amadori

Volevo installare dei nuovi rpm e li ho scaricati e messi in una directory apposita 
Ho lanciato DrakeRPM e ho aggiunto la directory nella lista che si trova nelle 
preferenze (dove gia' erano presenti cdrom1 e cdrom2); poi sono andato a cercare i 
nuovi rpm, ma non me li trovava.
Ho provato e riprovato, ma nulla da fare.
A questo punto ho lanciato Kpackage e anche li' ho aggiunto la directory /usr/updates, 
e mi sono trovato i nuovi pacchetti nel folder "NEW".
Ho installato con successo un paio di pacchetti e ho controllato che Kpackage me li 
vedesse, e me li vedeva.
Poi sono andato a controllare anche DrakeRPM, e invece li' non c'erano.
Possibile che DrakeRPM sia cosi' buggato?
Voi cosa usate per installare nuovi pacchetti?

  Alessandro Amadori 
  Real Life and IRC nick: Sgama 
  Mu* and PBIRC nick: Luxor 
  IHGGER #78 

Se vuoi un indirizzo di posta elettronica gratuito, 
iscriviti a http://www.katamail.com

[newbie-it] corsi

2001-03-07 Per discussione Mario Vittorio Guenzi

Qualcuno sa' per cortesia indicarmi se e dove si tengono dei corsi di
Linux per semiprincipianti?

Re: [newbie-it] permessi?

2001-03-07 Per discussione Corrado

bosva wrote:

 tutti i cd musicali, originali o masterizzati (sotto uindos perch
 ancora non ho ben capito come funzionano i programmi di masterizzazione
 in mdrk), non riesco ad aprirli, quando ci provo mi appare il messaggio
 "impossibile accedere al file:/mnt/cdrom (o file:/mnt/cdrom2 per il
 masterizzatore), non hai i diritti di accesso a questo indirizzo"
 ma come! ma allora i diritti di accesso ad un indirizzo sono in
 relazione a quello che contiene il suddetto indirizzo (se ci sono dati
 ok, ma se ci sono canzoni no)?

Succedeva anche a me, ma solo come utente... strano che ti succeda la
stessa cosa come root! Prova comunque a usare Userdrake o Userconf
(raggiungibili dalla voce Configuration - Other del men principale) e
visualizzare il tuo profilo utente; poi modificalo inserendo "CDROM"
nell'elenco dei gruppi cui appartieni.


Re: [newbie] No sound

2001-03-07 Per discussione Ivan Abramenko

On Mon, 5 Mar 2001 17:50:42 -0600
 "Oscar M. Seoane" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 El lun, 05 mar 2001, escribiste:
  My Crystal PnP soundcard wasn't detected during the LM
 7.2 install.  The Sound Wizard is absent from HardDrake,
 and sndconfig is not installed either.  Reinstalling
 HardDrake didn't add the Sound Wizard, and my attempt to
 install sndconfig brought out "error:
 sndconfig-0.44-3mdk.i586.rpm could not be installed" from
  I did a search for this on Google, but the results were
 a tad complex for me...maybe somebody else who has had
 this problem can point me to a better resource or take my
 hand and walk me through it... :)
  Dan Rasmussen
  ICQ: 4689648
  AIM: Spiffy1two
 To my it happened me something similar with the LM 7.0
 and with a SoundBlaster 
 PCI 128.
 This was because the chip of my sound card is not that of
 the previous model of 
 I have little experience in Linux but they are happened
 several options:
 1ª - To configure the sound manually.
 2ª - To remove your sound card and to execute Sndconfig
 selecting the type of 
 chip of your card manually. The Sndconfig that comes in
 the CD of the Mandrake 
 installs. It restarts the system and he observes if it is
 loaded the I modulate 
 of wanted sound.
 3ª - To compile the kernel selecting your sound card in
 the corresponding 
 4ª - In the URL www.opensound.com can download the I
 modulate OSS that 
 insurance is compatible with your card although if you
 don't pay alone you 
 enjoyed the sound during 20 minutes a day.
 5ª - Suicide. (Not. This finishes option it is not been
 worth. Jajajajajaja. It 
 is a joke)
 I hope something of this serves you.
 A greeting.
 P.S.: It excuses the language but I don't speak english
 very well.
I have that trouble than I using OpenLinufollow this step:
1) Try fid cs4232.oor ad1848.o in your /etc/lib directory
2) If you don't find it try to find it on web sites 
3) If you find it start concole and write this string
insmod sound
insmod uart401
insmod cs4232.o(or ad1848.o)
4)if you see error try to change last string 
insmod cs4232.o io=220 irq=5 dma=1 (io, irq, dma - parametrs
of YOUR sound card)
5) reboo system
6) Enjoy!!!
A greetings from Russia
Sorry for bad English
Ivan Abramenko aka BlackDog [CH]

Get your free e-mail address at http://www.zmail.ru

[newbie] Completely new to this

2001-03-07 Per discussione Dion Harris

Hello everyone

Let me first apologise because I am probably going 
to ask some really dumb questions but I guess they need to be asked. I have a 
book about it and have looked over many web pages, but I thought someone out 
there may be able to help me hand in hand as it were!

Right so I have installed mandrake 7.1 as a dual 
boot. It all seems to work so far, and it recognises my CD-ROM. Now I am trying 
to see if it will recognise soundcard (I doubt it) my winModem (I am sure it 
won't) and finally get my printer to work!

I have a HP 640C printer, originally on a USB 
connection, but since it is not supported it is now on a parallel port. I have 
no idea how to get it to work. I tried the root graphical method, but no joy. 
All it says in my Linux book is how to get a remote postscript printer I am not 
sure how it relates. 

As for my sound card, well I have a ATI 
All-in-Wonder Pro 128, I think this attempts to do everything bar walk the dog 
in windows, but I am not sure if it is any use in Linux, advice 

Finally I know a couple of WinModems can work under 
Linux but it is about 1 in a billion, I have a US Robotics 56K Win NT modem. I 
know they were one of the big Windows only modems, but before I go out and get 
an external modem I thought I would check.

Any help is most appreciated, and any tips for a 
new newbie would be great.

Oh finally, I have 128 MB of RAM in my computer but 
it recognises only 64 in Linux, I tried adding mem=128m to my Linux.conf file 
but it seems to have done nothing...

Right that's it for my first message! Thanks alot 


Re: [newbie] Need to compile a 2.2.18 kernal - jrt

2001-03-07 Per discussione Gerry

Seems you need to make a symlink to the 2.2.18-dir..

cd to the parent dir of "linux-2.2.18", and type:
ln -s linux-2.2.18 linux

That will create a symlink named linux that point to linux-2.2.18.
(btw, did you copy the source to /usr/src/linux-2.2.18 ? the path 
/usr/src/linux might be hardcoded into the source..)


[newbie] Now what?

2001-03-07 Per discussione Derek Rayne

Hi there again...I am back with more questions about Linux.

First off, I am glad this group is here for people who are like me and
that really don't know Linux, but want to find out.  There are lots of
great people on here that are very helpful.

I finally got my GUI to work, even though it isn't X Windows, it is
better than nothing.  I use KDE Desktop, for which does fine in 800x600
resolution.  Now the stuff I don't know...

1) How do I get Netscape, AIM, or any other internet application to

REASONS:  I use the kPPP program and I connect to T-Three using the PAP
type of connection.  T-Three does NOT use a HTTP or FTP proxy so I left
those spots blank.  The way T-Three operates is that it has username
and password, and then connect.  It doesn't need any scripts to my
knowledge.  I connect with NO PROBLEM, it is just running the programs.

2) How do I have it recognize my zip drive on parallel port number 2
(LPT2 for DOS/Windows people)?

REASONS:  I tried the following command: modprobe ppa AND modprobe imm
and neither one load the module.  This was done in # mode, plus I even
tried mount /dev/sd[x]4 -t vfat /mnt/disk with no results.  Both say
there is no device hooked up.

3) How do I have it recognize my CDRW drive?

REASONS:  I have my first CDROM drive (read only) recognized with no
problem what so ever.  So when I installed StarOffice 5.1 it worked
great.  Now I would like to be able to create MP3's, create my own CD's
(from my own CD collection) and create CD's for my own backup purposes.

4) Is there any Scanner software out there that will work?  

REASON:   I have a parallel port SCANNER that I would also like to use.

Thanks again EVERYONE!

Richard Wegner
Linux Newbie

Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail. 

Re: [newbie] Can't resize certain windows

2001-03-07 Per discussione Gerry

If you hold down the ALT key you can drag the window around no matter where 
in the window the cursor is (assuming you use kde).

Btw, if your monitor/gfx-card is able to show higher resolutions than 800x600 
you probably got some settings wrong somewhere.. Try running mandrake's 
x-setup again and select "show all modes" (on my pc it only showed up to 
1024x768, but 1280x1024 worked fine), or run xf86config and enter the 
resolutions manually.

tirsdag 06 mars 2001, 16:07, you wrote:
 I've just about got all the kinks worked out of my new 7.2 install. It
 looks like I'm stuck with a resolution of 800x600 max. One nuisance problem
 is that some of the windows are larger than my monitor, DrakRPM for
 example, and I can't resize the window to fit my screen. I can get around
 the problem in most cases using other methods to do the task but I was
 wondering if anyone had any suggestions to offer. Thanks.

 Blaine Owens
 Eastman Chemical Company
 Phone - (423)-229-3579
 Cell Phone - (423)-817-0704
 Fax - (423)-229-1188

[newbie] QT and QT2 libs

2001-03-07 Per discussione Gerry

I have a program that requires qt-devel = 2.0.0. The problem is that i have 
both qt 1.44 and qt 2.2.1 installed (because some prgs require the qt1 libs), 
so qt2 is installed as qt2-devel. How can i tell rpm the right name of the 
package it requires ? (the prg is a source rpm with spec file)


Re: [newbie] can't find make file

2001-03-07 Per discussione Anthony

Is "make" installed? Type "rpm -q make" and see if something comes up. If it 
comes back "package make is not installed", then you'll need to install it 
from here: 

  I'm very new to Linux forgive my stupidity, I fund this smssend program 
 installed it to my LM box. it says in the README file that I have to
 compile it so i did, when it comes to the point where I have to type make I
 got error "command not found". Where can I find this file? Thanks a lot..


Press any key to continue, or any other key to quit.

[newbie] Reverse ip addresses

2001-03-07 Per discussione Robert Boggs

I was advised by a friend of mine that it sounds like I have a reverse ip 
problem messing up my programs. Anyone know how to fix this. Or how to fix it 
for that matter. He is going out of the Country, and I won't have a chance to 
talk to him for several mounths. HELP!

[newbie] remote access

2001-03-07 Per discussione darrell

My linux box has a 24/7 cable modem connection.

If I put a modem on my linux box, would it be possible to dial in to it from
a remote site, say with my laptop from work, and get onto the internet?


Re: [newbie] I have a strange system!

2001-03-07 Per discussione Anthony

Does anyone know what these issues are? I'm having problems getting my 2.4.x 
kernels to boot, and I'm running ReiserFS, so perhaps I'm just encountering 
some bug.

 3. Kernel 2.4 is also quite new and it has some known issues with

Press any key to continue, or any other key to quit.

[newbie] Forgot to ask...

2001-03-07 Per discussione Derek Rayne

Hi there,

I forgot to ask this the last time I was posting a question...

1) How do I make my ALS200 sound card work with Linux in the KDE

REASON: I want to play .wav's, my CD's, and hear any other sounds that
are there.


Richard Wegner - Linux Newbie - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

NOTE: Derek Rayne is a FICTIONAL CHARACTER this is just an
e-mail address I chose!

Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail. 

[newbie] aktion -- media player not working

2001-03-07 Per discussione David

every time i try to use Aktion to play an avi or mpg etc. it comes up
with an error "Error reading file info" .how do i fix this
i have  reinstalled the  Aktion.rpm but it changes nothing ???

Re: [newbie] Kernel 2.4

2001-03-07 Per discussione Ivan Abramenko

On Tue, 06 Mar 2001 08:46:01 -0300
 Lúcio Costa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Tom
 My name is Lucio, and I'm searching for packages:
 kernel-source-2.4.2-4mdk   or newer (eg, -5mdk).
 I need the doc's to help me to compiling the kernel-2.4.2
 Can U tell me where I find it ???
I think you can find thats pacges here :)

Get your free e-mail address at http://www.zmail.ru

RE: [newbie] adsl and connection loss

2001-03-07 Per discussione Bob

Mine did the same thing after some idle time, a friend told me that if I set
my email to check every 10 minutes or so, it would keep the connection alive
and stay connected. I tried it and it works, give it a try.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Quaylar
Sent: Monday, March 05, 2001 7:59 AM
Subject: [newbie] adsl and connection loss

hi all !

i am using a alcatel 1000 adsl modem on my mandrake 7.1 linux box.
i build up my connection over pptp.
no problems establishing connection, but after an unpredictable amount of
time my connection drops.
it doesnt always happen, sometimes my machine is 3 h online, sometimes its
only 1h.
when i look at system console there are no error messages, it just seems
that the connection was shut down properly (without me causing it)

it just says :

pppd : LCP terminated by peer
   connection terminated
   connect time blah blah
   sent ...bytes, received ..bytes

i understand that the connection was dropped by my isps server but i dont
know why; i know for sure that there are no "server side" connection
timeouts from my isp.

is there an option somewhere for the pppd that configures an idle timeout ?

and what is this LCP thingy ?

thx in advance,


Icq# 30932448
! Knowledge is power 
For confidental email plz encrypt with PGP

[newbie] Comm Port Problems.

2001-03-07 Per discussione Philip T.Gonia


I am working on a Java interface util for a wireless sensor system. The system
has a hardware interface that allows the user to control the system via a comm
port (RS-232).

I am using the RXTX/Java Comm API combo which seems to be working to a point.
The system seems to be aware that comm ports exist but when I make a call to
open the comm port of interest the system returns indicating that the port is
in use.

I don't think I need to go into detail on the Java Comm API for what I am
looking for. I need to make sure that ManDrake using the ttyS? devices in /dev.
I set these help with read/write permissions for everyone (chmod 777 ttyS?). Are
these the correct devices mapped to the comm ports? If not, what does ManDrake

Thanks for the help.

Philip T. Gonia 

Progress is made not by living in the past but rather by learning from it.
Philip T. Gonia 1999

Re: [newbie] 8.0 Beta

2001-03-07 Per discussione Dale Kosan


Dale Kosan

Re: [newbie] 8.0 Beta

2001-03-07 Per discussione Mark Weaver

Wow! as if it were hard to understand. Pedophilia is gross man!

Jon Doe wrote:
 I can't believe all this about one stupid comment. He is human I'm sure, not
 like any of us have ever done something stupid.
 What amazes me further is that no one has made one comment about the guy who
 in his signature, it says linux gives him a woody. How is this any different?
 I don't take offense to either saying, I knew he was saying it in excitement.
 Now had he said that he knew his statement was true due to experience, then
 I could understand the concern.

[newbie] Re: Reverse ip addresses

2001-03-07 Per discussione Robert Boggs

On Tuesday 06 March 2001 15:08, you wrote:
 I was advised by a friend of mine that it sounds like I have a reverse ip
 problem messing up my programs. Anyone know how to fix this. Or how to fix
 it for that matter. He is going out of the Country, and I won't have a
 chance to talk to him for several mounths. HELP!

Re: [newbie] My gimp is stuck on print to file

2001-03-07 Per discussione Jeff Malka

How do I find out if my printer is installed?  I would like to try that
first grin


Registered Linux user  183185

- Original Message -
From: Mark Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2001 6:59 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] My gimp is stuck on print to file

 It sounds like to me that this would be a good time to reinstall Gimp.

 1) uninstall the GIMP packages from your system
 rpm -qa|grep gimp  ENTER

 # this will tell you exactly what packages are present
 # on your system. use this to remove exactly the packages
 # that are returned to the screen.

 2) now you have a list of the GIMP packages that are on your system and
you can remove them.

 rpm -e package-name-from-screen-output  ENTER

 3) find all the GIMP packages on the install CD's that you have and
reinstall them.

 That should take care of that problem for you.


 "If you don't share your concepts and ideals, they end up being
 "Sharing is what makes them powerful."

 On Mon, 5 Mar 2001, Jeff Malka wrote:

  Date: Mon, 5 Mar 2001 09:24:54 -0500
  From: Jeff Malka [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: [newbie] My gimp is stuck on print to file
  I am using Mandrake 7.1
  I cannot print to my printer from within gimp.  When I try to print, the
  "Print setup" screen that opens shows Postscript 2 as being selected and
  window below it is for a file designation (with browse) enabled.  The
  line for "command" has no window (field) in which to type anything.
  Before the setup screen, there is a toggle for print to file, but no
  which way I click on it, the "print setup" screen does not change.
  Could it be that in the setup gimp does not know I have a printer
  or KDE does not know I have a real printer installed?
  How do I check these out.
  I also do not seem to have a printer icon on my KDE desktop.
  Any help appreciated.
  Registered Linux user  183185


2001-03-07 Per discussione Javier Alvarez

And the pages it appears in the bar... where?

- Original Message -
From: "Javier Alvarez" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 05, 2001 10:14 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] NETSCAPE.


 - Original Message -
 Sent: Monday, March 05, 2001 1:11 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] NETSCAPE.

  Try this : from file menu - edit - Preferences - Navigator - click
  "clear Histroy" button. HTH
  At 04-03-2001 +0100, you wrote:
Any body knows...
What can I do for clean the history of Netscape?

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

[newbie] Mandrake Kdevelop

2001-03-07 Per discussione Shane Roppel
Hey when did mandrake pull KDevelop out of their standard Developer install??? And is it on another disk? like the extensions disk? or did they just pull the plug on the whole thing?!?!?   Thanks lots...Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.

RE: sex on this channel is not a subject for discussion :: was :: Re: [newbie] 8.0 Beta

2001-03-07 Per discussione Hans N.

I'm with mark now... DIE THREAD DIE!!!

Sincerely and respectfully, 
Hans N.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Steelhead
Sent: Monday, March 05, 2001 1:17 PM
Subject: sex on this channel is not a subject for discussion :: was ::
Re: [newbie] 8.0 Beta

one is bad the other is worse.


getting sexually excited is one thing, to have sex with a 16 year-old is
illegal and /or inapproriate in most of the worlds "modern computer using

we all get sexually excited, most of us have the tact not to share it and
its results with the general population.

may we all be considerate and use some tact.


- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, March 05, 2001 9:19 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] 8.0 Beta

 I can't believe all this about one stupid comment. He is human I'm sure,
 like any of us have ever done something stupid.
 What amazes me further is that no one has made one comment about the guy
 in his signature, it says linux gives him a woody. How is this any
 I don't take offense to either saying, I knew he was saying it in

 Now had he said that he knew his statement was true due to experience,
 I could understand the concern.

[newbie] Re: Reverse ip addresses

2001-03-07 Per discussione Robert Boggs

On Tuesday 06 March 2001 15:08, Robert Boggs wrote:
 I was advised by a friend of mine that it sounds like I have a reverse ip
 problem messing up my programs. Anyone know how to fix this. Or how to fix
 it for that matter. He is going out of the Country, and I won't have a
 chance to talk to him for several mounths. HELP!

Re: [newbie] 8.0 Beta

2001-03-07 Per discussione Romanator

Mark Weaver wrote:
 Come on! - DIE THREAD DIE!! -
 "If you don't share your concepts and ideals, they end up being worthless,"
 "Sharing is what makes them powerful."
 On Mon, 5 Mar 2001, Hans N. wrote:
  Date: Mon, 5 Mar 2001 00:17:21 -0500
  Subject: RE: [newbie] 8.0 Beta
  Besides, why does it have to be a 16 year old? My girlfriend is 19 and she's
  tighter than a 16 year old. That's age discrimination!
  Sincerely and respectfully,
  Hans N.
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Roger Sherman
  Sent: Sunday, March 04, 2001 11:52 PM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] 8.0 Beta
  On Thu, 1 Mar 2001, Dan LaBine wrote:
   I agree entirely with philomena, but 1 question?? How many 16 year olds
   does this guy hang out with? This guy sounds really old, so I'm
   wondering what kind of deviate he might be??
  Come on now, there's no call for that.
  Registered Linux user #19071

Let's kill this thread!!

Registered Linux User #179293
The Original Tux Email Thread Creator

[newbie] ip snag

2001-03-07 Per discussione Robert Boggs

I have discovered that I have a reverse ip problem with this setup. The home 
network is the isp address. How do I fix this?

[newbie] messages

2001-03-07 Per discussione Robert Boggs

For some reason my messages aren't getting to the list. I have a reverse ip
problem. My localhost is my isp. Does anyone know how to fix this problem.
Please let me know. I'm lost in cyberspace. R B

Re: [newbie] minicom as root

2001-03-07 Per discussione Patrick

I have changed the owner of minicom as per your suggestion. Still can't
access it as user. I receive the following message:

"Cannot create lockfile. Sorry."

Still works fine logged in as user, then su root in the konsole and run
minicom as root. Is there any danger in running minicom as root?

Pat the Rat

Benjamin Sher wrote:

 Dear Pat:

 I think I know a solution. I once played with Minicom just for the fun
 of it and ran into the same root/user problem. The solution is, if I
 recall, very simple:

 First in a console type:

 whereis minicom

 If I recall, the rpm usually installs into /usr/local

 Now, using Konqueror as File Manager (as root -- in the console su to
 root, then type "konqueror" without the quotes), go to
 /usr/local/minicom or wherever the minicom executable is and go into
 Permissions. Read, write and exec should be checked for the user. Now
 change the owner from "root" to "user". That's all there is to it.

 Now close down Konqueror and launch minicom from your prompt as user:

 $minicom -c

 The -c is for color.

 This should do it. Hope this works.

 Sher's Russian Web
 Benjamin and Anna Sher

[newbie] Where to find gdb?

2001-03-07 Per discussione Branislav Karic

I have Linux-Mandrake 7.2 and can't find gdb(debugger)
on any of my installation disks. Where can I find it?


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Re: [newbie] stupid useless program talk

2001-03-07 Per discussione Anthony

http://www.utexas.edu/cc/faqs/unix/Talk-using.html might help in using it. 

 I don't see what good 'talk' is.

 All it does is say connection refused or refusing messages.

 how worthless.

 I even typed mesg y

 junk software or what?

Press any key to continue, or any other key to quit.

[newbie] Need help installing Perfect Office 2000 - jrt

2001-03-07 Per discussione John Turnbull

It would seem that I have managed to install most of Corel Perfect
Office 2000 under Mandrake 7.2. When I execute wordperfect, as a user, I
get the following error messages:

   No running font server was detected.
   I will try to start a font server on this host
   and then wait for 30 seconds to allow the
   font server to start up.

followed 30 seconds later by:

   Unable to add FonTastic font server to the font path.
   The font server is probably not installed or not running.
   Correct the problem and try again.

The problem is clear enough. . . I am not running FonTastic, but it is
not clear how to correct the problem. Interestingly, when I did a:

   locate fontastic

I get:


This turns out to be an empty folder, hence the problem. 

I attempted to do a reinstall, and this time I noticed the error
messages on the console (there are no errors reported to the user nor in
the install file). They read:

file /etc/init.d from install of fonttastic-glibc-2.1-2000.
conflicts with file from package initscripts-5.27-37mdk

file /etc/init.d/fonttastic from install of
fonttastic-glibc-2.1-2000. conflicts with file from package

file /etc/rc.d/init.d/fonttastic from install of
fonttastic-glibc-2.1-2000. conflicts with file from package

Has anybody managed to install Perfect Office 2000? Any hints would be
appreciated.  John T

RE: [newbie] attached to : repost : lan problems

2001-03-07 Per discussione Bill Shirley

Got in late on this, but here goes.  Do you know if the eth0 card is on the LAN and 
the eth1 is dsl?  Maybe the are reversed.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Quaylar
Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2001 10:34 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] attached to : repost : lan problems

At 13:38 06.03.2001 +0100, you wrote:

it has to be a configuration failure somewhere, i just switched the lan 
card on the linux box and it still doesnt work.
has anybody suggestions on common conf. mistakes in win2000 and linux ?


so far.i found out a few more things :

i did a "tcpdump -i eth0" and issued a "ping" (win machine)
upon this i saw lots of arp requests flooding by "arp who-has 
does this mean linux is broadcasting an arp request over eth0 and the win 
box is only not answering ?

i also switched the lan cards in the linux server (there are 2 : 1 for 
internal, 1 for my dsl modem). i reconfigured the cards to use
the one for lan that had been used for my dsl modem before (i also set 
10base-2 for this card), still no change.

i have 2 routes for the eth0 interface : eth0

shoud be ok, shouldnt it ?


Re: [newbie] 8.0 Beta

2001-03-07 Per discussione philomena

Enough with this thread already ! I'm sorry that I even mentioned my own
2 cents worth, and I think I was the only female to say anything. But
PLEASE - leave the Bible quoting off the list as well - based on the
bible its also OK for daughters to sleep with their father (Lot) and I'm
sure most people think that a really bad idea.


KompuKit wrote:
 I'd like to throw in my two sense here...
 ALL authority...belongs to God...
 and alot of times His children(us), refuse ourselves of certain
 that God never intended us to refuseproof below:
 In the book of Esther (ch. 1+2) their was a king who held the first ever
 beauty contest...to find a bride. all of the contestants (I found
 were between 12 -21 yrs of age...(the king was 65)...NOWHERE in the
 can I find that God punished Queen Esther and that King for marrying
 each other...
 (which they did)...
 So, this being the case...I believe (like so many others also)...that
 there is
 nothing wrong with the idea of age difference, in a relationship...
 Now, granted...I think 12-15 is too young (myself)...but 16 should be
 IF you are married first, of course.
 Julio Gutierrez wrote:
  Ok my apologies to all the girls age of 16 subscribed to this list, also to
  all females subscribed to it, and to all the parents of 16 yr old girls who
  read this message, I know i got a little out of hand and I apologize but to
  tell you the truth I got too excited when I installed 8.0 that my mind just
  went completely nuts ok so all of you got your apologies so now go download
  8.0 and install it on your computer
  SORRY again!!!
 Registered Linux User: 167369
 = http://www.kompukit.com =
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 WebDesigner:  http://www.kompukit.com/kitdesigns
 (Personal Server runs: M-F= 7pm-12am  S+S=12pm-12am)
  (US EST)

Re: BANGG!!!!!!!!Re: [newbie] 8.0 Beta

2001-03-07 Per discussione Michael Scottaline


 --its dead!
Dead as HITLER!!
"Many loads of beer were brought. What disorder, whoring, fighting, killing, and 
dreadful idolatry took place there."
--Baltasar Rusow, Estonia, 16th century
Get your own FREE, personal Netscape Webmail account today at 

Re: [newbie] 8.0 Beta

2001-03-07 Per discussione Ryan Le Gros


sorry had to :P


- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, March 05, 2001 9:29 AM
Subject: BANGGRe: [newbie] 8.0 Beta


--its dead!

On Monday 05 March 2001 06:34 am,  Mark Weaver wrote:
 Come on! - DIE THREAD DIE!! -

[newbie] Mandrake 8.0

2001-03-07 Per discussione Andrew

Well I tried the new beta install of Mandrake 8.0 and realized that my
laptop network card driver couldnt be found...

Can I just install it from my floppy disk like I did in windows?


Re: [newbie] 8.0 Beta (from the guy who started this all)

2001-03-07 Per discussione Julio C . Gutierrez

ok people let's get back on track! 
I already apologized to everybody on this list, Also I started this whole thing
now it's time for me to put an end to it, so kill this F*%#ing thread already,
It's not worth wasting this Webspace, instead let's use it for OSS advocacy.
This is not an opinion forum is a linux forum.
so let's kill this thread already PLEASE



RE: [newbie] 8.0 and just!burn

2001-03-07 Per discussione Chantha

Try finding a "Create CD from image ..." menu or
selection in your software.  Or download a software
that supports burning images to CD.  Here's a site
that might have some, www.softseek.com

Yeah, you probably shouldn't just copy the .iso to
your CD.  I didn't know that either until my friend
told me, because I thought burning was all the same.

--- Evan Flynn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 i don't have a cdr but you could just make a boot
 floppy out of the cdrom
 image in the /images dir, just use rawrite
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
 Roger Sherman
 Sent: Monday, March 05, 2001 12:45 PM
 Subject: [newbie] 8.0 and just!burn
 I downloaded the 8.0 isos last night, and want to
 burn them to disc, but
 I'm not quite sure how to go about it. I have to do
 it from the Windont
 side of my PC, as my CD-RW won't work under 7.2. The
 CD burning software I
 have in Windows is a bundle called just!burn, in
 which I'd use just!data
 to burn them. Now, I mentioned to a friend that I
 understood I couldn't
 just burn it straight to disc; that there was some
 settings that had to
 be taken care of, but having never done this before,
 I didn't know what
 they were. He told me just to make sure I set it so
 the CD would be
 bootable. Well, I looked all about in just!data, and
 couldn't find any
 setting to make it bootable. I'm assuming, BTW, that
 he didn't mean to set
 my BIOS so that I could boot from my CDR (I already
 can do that). So is
 anyone familiar with this software, and if so, what
 do I have to do? My
 coaster count is at one so far...
 Registered Linux user #19071

Chantha K.

Do You Yahoo!?
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RE: [newbie] adsl and connection loss

2001-03-07 Per discussione Quaylar

At 18:10 06.03.2001 -0600, you wrote:
Mine did the same thing after some idle time, a friend told me that if I set
my email to check every 10 minutes or so, it would keep the connection alive
and stay connected. I tried it and it works, give it a try.

so u think its an idle timeout ?.but wouldnt it then always disconnect 
after the same amount of time ?.
ok...maybe somthing on my network is causing traffic in unregular 
intervals.that my explain it...
but if theres an idle timeout value .it must be able to set it...dont u 
think so ?

Icq# 30932448
! Knowledge is power 
For confidental email plz encrypt with PGP

RE: [newbie] attached to : repost : lan problems

2001-03-07 Per discussione Quaylar

At 21:22 06.03.2001 -0500, you wrote:
Got in late on this, but here goes.  Do you know if the eth0 card is on 
the LAN and the eth1 is dsl?  Maybe the are reversed.

no i know which card is dsl and which card is lan...

anyways i solved the mystery :

i plugged out the lan card from the win machine
shut down
plugged it in again

and then i was able to ping the linux box..i dont know why it didnt 
work, maybe it wasnt plugged in properly.;)
(although the little green LED was shining.).anyways...it works 


Re: [newbie] MORE NETSCAPE.

2001-03-07 Per discussione Jay needs a Guinness

On Tuesday 06 March 2001 16:21, you wrote:
 And the pages it appears in the bar... where?

You need to go to your /home/user name/.netscape (.netscape is a hidden 
file).  Then edit the history file and get rid of any URL that you do not 
want there.  
~May the enemies of Ireland never meet a friend~

WAAAYYY OT! (Was: Re: [newbie] 8.0 Beta)

2001-03-07 Per discussione Dave Sherman

1. Actually, humans were the LAST species to be created, on the sixth 

2. Nowhere does it say the earth is flat. It also doesn't say the earth 
is round. The Bible is not a science textbook.

3. I wouldn't know about your "lots of other nonsense", since I have 
not really noticed it.

4. Yes, pedophilia is sick, regardless of your religion (or lack 

Apologies to all for continuing this OT thread...


P.S.: I'll bet Hitler was a pedophiliac. And I sincerely hope we all 
know what happens when Hitler is brought into a thread...

On Tuesday 06 March 2001 21:36, Gerry wrote:
 Well, that holy book of yours also say that humans were the first
 species that were created, that earth is flat, and lots of other
 nonsense. In any event, if those things even happened, it was
 thousands of years ago. I mean, they punished people by hanging them
 at crosses back then..

 Anyway, saying things like that have nothing to do with religion.
 It's just sick.

Registered Linux User #197840

"Quid quid latine dictum sit, altum viditur."

[newbie] HP CD Writer 9500

2001-03-07 Per discussione Wehling, Rich

I have a 9500 cd writer and would like to try burning cd's with Linux but
haven't a clue how to get started .

I have installed the cd rom burner into the system that is running Linux
Mandrake 7.2 and have plenty of blank cd's .  I tried the CDROAST
program but it looks at the folder I have selected and scans the files then
gives an error "broken pipe" I don't rmr the exact error but I was dinking
around with the settings of the program and came across a section that looks
like it needs a lund number and address for the cdrom burner   I am
guessing that the burner is too new to be seen by the software as a burner
but it reads cd's fine ..  in the app hard drake it sees the burner as
well as its information ...   is there a place that might have a driver
file (not sure what its called in Linux) or do I just need to find the
id/lund/???   information ( of witch I do not know how to do ) .  I
tried the cdrecord command with the -scanbus delimiter from the terminal but
it did not find a drive .   do I have the cd installed correctly? I
removed the old cd that was in the system so as to just have the cd rom
burner any help in this would be greatly appreciated ..

[newbie] Linux vs MS in China

2001-03-07 Per discussione Mark Johnson


[newbie] was connected net now I'm not

2001-03-07 Per discussione Peter Martin

I had been able to connect to the net via Netscape and kppp. Then when I
was in NJ recently, I connected one day, then the next I couldn't. I've
gone thru the kppp setup ( I had to create another entry for the new
number to connect to there - I've got several so if I go back to these
places it's just a pulldown) even deleting the newly created one and
copying a known good one, but no go.

Now that I'm home, the regular one doesn't work. In fact it behaves the
same way my main machine does. That is, the dial up works fine, then
starting netscape, it just barely gets the outline drawn, no icons or
anything else, just the looking for ... at the bottom and the watch.
This is absolutely driving me crazy!

I have yet to look at the stuff that Randy Meyer suggested, but that's
next.  In the meantime, if any of you out there have figured this out,
please let me know!

For the record:
Laptop - Dell latidude, mandrake 7.1 with ppp-2.4 upgrade; 3com 556
pcmcia and the corresponding upgrade for that to; as I said, had been ok
'til last week.

main sys:
Hardware: AMD K6 500; 128MB; 30GB; FIC 1st Mainboard w/ VIA 503+
chipset; Aceex DM-56V14 modem, specific chipset unknown.
Software: Mandrake 7.2 ISO I downloaded onto CD - both discs


#list of my machines at home when I'm all there!

search  (that's my earthlink acct)

/etc/ppp/options:  (default)
noipdefault  (also tried w/o the last 2)

[newbie] Grub timeout!!

2001-03-07 Per discussione Thomas Webster

I run a dual boot win98 Mandrake 7.2 system.

I used to run a Randish Boot manager on my MBR to boot between different

I installed Mandrake 7.2 putting GRUB on my root partition.  However once I
realised that now my root mandrake partition was now /hda6 and hence not
bootable by Randish boot manager so I decided to install GRUB onto my MBR.
Which I did succesfully but now it just spits me straight into windoze (the
default) without any delay so I can't select a difference choice.  I have
changed /boot/grub/menu.lst and added 'timeout 10' to it (it wasn't there
originally)first below 'default 0' and then moved it to the top to no avail.

I have also tried to install LILO but it comes up with the error partition
not found and dies.. so I had to reinstall GRUB again.


-Tom Webster

[newbie] Cable modem

2001-03-07 Per discussione falcaraz

Hello folks

This morning I have started my cable modem conexion"under windows98". 
It runs fine, but I would like to have it also under linux. 
Unfortunately until now I have instaled internet conexion using 
external modem and also a lan, but the last one with IP not assignated 
by the server.

In this case the net-card is well recognized:module 3c59. (NIC 3Com 
EtherLink XL TPO 10 Mb Ethernet C3C900-TPO) and harddrake detects it 
without problems, but I have not Idea about how to run internet; the IP 
is asignated by the server and primary and secondary DNS is automatic, 
so I don't know what to do!!

Thanks a lot

Francisco Alcaraz
Murcia (Spain)
Note: unfortunately connected using windows
Could anyone help me

[newbie] X's Stability

2001-03-07 Per discussione Chris Cameron

Needless to say it's dismal. 

Is there any way I can run X under a user so it doesn't take my box down with

It's about a twice a day occurance with no repeatable cause.


[newbie] KDE 2.1 and SCSI emulation

2001-03-07 Per discussione Robert Maynord

Mandrake Folks:

I just upgraded my Mandrake 7.2 with the KDE 2.1 RPMs.  Everything went fine 
- except for one thing:  My CDRW no longer works.  It reads as an IDE drive, 
and sees a disk, but will not write as a SCSI drive.

I assume that almost everything remains untouched, so no need to mess with 
the kernal.  I'm just not sure what the KDE 2.1 installation would have 

Any suggestions?


Robert Maynord