[newbie-it] sndconfig e ritorno a KDE

2001-03-19 Per discussione Tommaso Leddi

  digito, ma non esiste :(non  che  imboscato in qualche parte dell'hd
  ?eppure anche un find / -name *sndconf*non trova nulla :(

 l'hai lanciato come root?

si chiama sndconfig (non sndconf)
va fatto partire come root
va fatto partire fuori da x windows

ora inizio io con le domande :)

mi succede spesso di dover usare la shell fuori da x,
cosa faccio: esco dal KDE e dalla pagina "Benvenuti a ..." seleziono il modo 
non grafico (scusate non mi ricordo esattamente cosa c' scritto).
A questo punto faccio il lavoro e alla fine mi accorgo sempre che non so come 
si ritorna a "Benvenuti a ...". Di solito rinuncio e faccio #shutdown now
oppure senza vergogna provo un po' di tasti Ctrl Alt...
Qualcuno mi suggerisce il metodo pi elegante?


Re: [newbie-it] [LM 7.2] SBlive e midi: silenzio totale

2001-03-19 Per discussione Tommaso Leddi

 Il synth e' l'harware che si occupa dei midi.

credevo fosse quello che suona i midi file come audio.

 Ieri sera ho trovato vari faq sulla live per linux, principalmente:
 An Unofficial SBLive! on Linux FAQ
 SoundBlaster Live under Linux Frequently Asked Questions
 li hai letti?
 Mi sembra di aver capito che bisogna battere la strada del drive Open

 Parli di quello che si trova in http://opensource.creative.com ?
 Proprio li' avevo letto che il loro driver non supporta il midi.

   Begin quote:

 Q.A4- MIDI soft-synth (/dev/sequencer) doesn't work
 The driver does not yet support MIDI soft-synth. Soundfonts are also not
 yet supported. The ALSA Emu10k1 driver does support this feature, so if you
 must have this, either use ALSA, wait for someone to back-port this feature
 from the ALSA driver, or jump in and do the backport yourself.

   End quote

Si è vero. 
Nell'alrta FAQ (An Unofficial SBLive! on Linux FAQ)
c'è però questo schema:

Different drivers support different feature sets.
 emu10k1 Driver Feature Comparison

 Feature   Creative  4front Open Source  ALSA

Full Duplex Audio XX XX


Wave Table Synth  X

 OPL3 Emulation

  External MIDI  XX

Game PortX


Effects Processing   XX


AC 97 Mixer Controls

  Master Volume   XX XX

  Bass   X

 Treble  X


   PC Speaker XX XX

 Line In  XX XX

 Mic In   XX XX

CD Analog XX XX

 Rec Mon  XX X

   Output GainXX X

 Aux In   XX XX

 Digital Master* X

Front Rear Balance   X

   CD DigitalXX

Phone In  XX XX

 Puoi dirmi esattamente dove l'hai trovato?

devo averlo trovato nel sito opensource.creative.com

si chiama: emu10k1-20010316.tar.gz

 Ok, allora vedo se riesco ad aiutarti

Grazie mille dell'aiuto appena ho un po' di tempo
mi stampo tutta le email sulla SBL e mi aggiorno.


[newbie-it] Driver AUREAL - sito

2001-03-19 Per discussione Marco

Ciao a tutti,
segnalo a legion e a tutti gli interessati che ho trovato un sito da
cui è possibile scaricare i driver per schede audio con chipset AUREAL
sia per i kernel 2.2.x che per i 2.3.x e per i 2.4.x.

L'URL è:  http://www.geocities.com/bofh_666/aureal.html



[newbie-it] SB live lettore cd

2001-03-19 Per discussione McK

Salve a tutti.
Ho una SB live! player 1024 (32Mb ram) che funziona perfettamente (su
mandrake 7.2) con applicazioni sonore di qualsiasi tipo (MP3, File wav
ecc..) ma che resta totalmente muta quando provo a far girare un CD audio.
Oltretutto il mio lettore cd (HP cd-writer 9510i)  perfettamente supportato
e cd-player mi vede perfettamente tutte le tracce del cd che voglio far
Come posso fare?
Ho anche provato ad eseguire il tool di configurazioe di HardDrake ma non
riesco a sentire il test sonoro.
Grazie gi da ora

Re: [newbie-it] Cattiva visualizzazione font e immagini

2001-03-19 Per discussione freefred

On Monday 19 March 2001 11:38, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Salve a tutti.
 Ho appena installato linux (Mandrake 7.2) e funziona tutto, con un solo
 piccolo problema: la resa delle immagini (ovvero delle icone) e delle font
 a video  pessima!
 L'installazione  avvenuta su un portatile Acer TE 350, Pentium III - 650.
 Se qlc fosse cos gentile da darmi un aiuto su come configurare il monitor
 (forse meglio la scheda video) per ottenere una corretta visualizzazione
 gli sarei davvero grato: attualmente ho impostato 4in fase di
 installazione) la scheda come VGA 800x600.

eh forse dire qual e' la scheda video potrebbe aiutare.

cosa intendi per resa pessima delle icone e dei fonts?
troppo grandi?pochi colori?

vai al linux laptop database e intanto cerca se qualcun
altro ha installato linux su un portatile uguale o comunque
se hai fortuna trovi parecchie informazioni.


il database che ricordavo io (linux volunteers ecc.)non sembra
raggiungibile ora ma questi due siti sembrano abbastanza completi.


Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] - www.davidebanda.nelweb.net
ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers 


Re: [newbie-it] Negozi specializzati

2001-03-19 Per discussione Andrea Celli

Daniele Micci wrote:
 Ciao, scusatemi per questa email che  un po' OT rispetto all'argomento della
 mailing list. Qualcuno saprebbe indicarmi (se esistono) negozi di Roma
 specializzati in software, hardware, libri ed altro per Linux?
 Grazie in anticipo a chi vorr rispondermi...

Adesso trovi libri e distribuzioni Linux in tutte le grosse librerie.
Perfino da Mondadori che in generale ha una politica windozziana.

Per l'hardware conviene sempre guardarsi prima l'elenco delle
compatibilita` e poi farsi assemblare un pc come vuoi tu,
dove vuoi tu.

Mi sembra che sulla pagina web del LUG-Roma una volta avessero tentato 
di mettere una lista di posti "doc".
Pero` non saprei quanto possa valere.

ciao, andrea

Re: [newbie-it] installazione

2001-03-19 Per discussione Andrea Celli

matteo wrote:
 Aiuto!! non riesco nenache ad installare la distribuzione! avvio la 
 di installazione ma tutto si blocca su Starting Please wait
 Devo settare qualcosa da bios (a parte no pnp so)?
 il mio pc :
 HD60GB quantum uata100

Vai su www.mandrakeuser.org e cerca UDMA.
Ti spiegano come installare mndk-7.2 su dischi di questo tipo.

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Stampante Olivetti artjet10

2001-03-19 Per discussione Andrea Celli

 emi80 wrote:
 Ho la stampante in oggetto ma non riesco a farla funzionare sotto
 Qualcuno ha il solito modello ed e' riuscito a farla funzionare?

Io non ce l'ho.

 Oppure qualcuno ha qualche sito da consigliarmi?



Re: [newbie-it] sndconfig e ritorno a KDE

2001-03-19 Per discussione Tommaso Leddi

  a questo punto faccio il lavoro e alla fine mi accorgo sempre che non so
  come si ritorna a "Benvenuti a ...". Di solito rinuncio e faccio
  #shutdown now oppure senza vergogna provo un po' di tasti Ctrl Alt...
  Qualcuno mi suggerisce il metodo pi elegante?

 eh scusa non capisco bene.
 chiudi il kde e sei al login grafico.
 ma se vuoi lavorare in console
 non ti basta andarci con ctrl+alt+F1 (Fx)?

Il mio problema non  andare a lavorare in console, 
bens quello di riuscire a tornare al modo grafico


Re: [newbie-it] sndconfig e ritorno a KDE

2001-03-19 Per discussione Fabio Coatti

Il 18:01, luned 19 marzo 2001, scrivesti:
   a questo punto faccio il lavoro e alla fine mi accorgo sempre che
   non so come si ritorna a "Benvenuti a ...". Di solito rinuncio e
   faccio #shutdown now oppure senza vergogna provo un po' di tasti
   Ctrl Alt... Qualcuno mi suggerisce il metodo pi elegante?
  eh scusa non capisco bene.
  chiudi il kde e sei al login grafico.
  ma se vuoi lavorare in console
  non ti basta andarci con ctrl+alt+F1 (Fx)?

 Il mio problema non  andare a lavorare in console,
 bens quello di riuscire a tornare al modo grafico

Se hai usato ctrl-alt-f1 per uscire da X, con Alt-F7 ci dovresti tornare.

Fabio Coatti   http://www.ferrara.linux.it/members/cova 
Ferrara Linux Users Group   http://ferrara.linux.it
GnuPG fp:9765 A5B6 6843 17BC A646  BE8C FA56 373A 5374 C703
Old SysOps never die... they simply forget their password.

[newbie-it] Invio fax: successo.

2001-03-19 Per discussione Alberto Zanoni

a chiunque potrebbe interessare : sono finalmente riuscito ad inviare fax 
(per ora ho fatto solo una prova con il formato testo, ma son fiducioso anche 
sul resto) con Linux. Usando ksendfax, ho modificato il comando di invio. 
Cliccando su Options e poi Preferences, nella linea "Send Fax" ho messo il 

fax send '@@Phone' '@@FName'

Cosi' facendo non c'e' nessun spool, il fax viene inviato immediatamente. Se 
c'e' magari qualche errore qua e la' basta cambiare i diritti, seguendo 

Domanda: Dall'altra parte il fax era acceso, per ora non so cosa succeda se 
il ricevente e' spento. Qualcuno lo sa ?

Inoltre, come si possono ricevere fax ? C'e' un'altra GUI, invece di 
ksendfax, con cui si possono ( anche ) ricevere ?


Re: [newbie-it] [LM 7.2] SBlive e midi: silenzio totale

2001-03-19 Per discussione Alessandro \Sgama\ Amadori

At 10.50 19/03/2001 +0100, you wrote:
  Il synth e' l'harware che si occupa dei midi.

credevo fosse quello che suona i midi file come audio.

Ehm, adesso non vorre idire una cavolata, ma non e' la stessa cosa?

  Ieri sera ho trovato vari faq sulla live per linux, principalmente:
  An Unofficial SBLive! on Linux FAQ
  SoundBlaster Live under Linux Frequently Asked Questions
  li hai letti?
  Mi sembra di aver capito che bisogna battere la strada del drive Open
  Parli di quello che si trova in http://opensource.creative.com ?
  Proprio li' avevo letto che il loro driver non supporta il midi.
Begin quote:
  Q.A4- MIDI soft-synth (/dev/sequencer) doesn't work
  The driver does not yet support MIDI soft-synth. Soundfonts are also not
  yet supported. The ALSA Emu10k1 driver does support this feature, so if you
  must have this, either use ALSA, wait for someone to back-port this feature
  from the ALSA driver, or jump in and do the backport yourself.
End quote

Si  vero.
Nell'alrta FAQ (An Unofficial SBLive! on Linux FAQ)
c' per questo schema:

Different drivers support different feature sets.
  emu10k1 Driver Feature Comparison

  Feature   Creative  4front Open Source  ALSA

 Full Duplex Audio XX XX


 Wave Table Synth  X

  OPL3 Emulation

   External MIDI  XX

 Game PortX


 Effects Processing   XX


 AC 97 Mixer Controls

   Master Volume   XX XX

   Bass   X

  Treble  X

 PCM Audio XX XX

PC Speaker XX XX

  Line In  XX XX

  Mic In   XX XX

 CD Analog XX XX

  Rec Mon  XX X

Output GainXX X

  Aux In   XX XX

  Digital Master* X

 Front Rear Balance   X

CD DigitalXX

 Phone In  XX XX

Questo schema non l'ho proprio visto.

  Puoi dirmi esattamente dove l'hai trovato?

devo averlo trovato nel sito opensource.creative.com
si chiama: emu10k1-20010316.tar.gz

L'ho scaricato oggi e ora lo vado a provare.


   Alessandro Amadori
   Real Life and IRC nick: Sgama
   Mu* and PBIRC nick: Luxor
   IHGGER #78

Re: [newbie-it] SB live lettore cd

2001-03-19 Per discussione Sebastiano Cordiano

On Mon, 19 Mar 2001 12:48:55 +0100

 Salve a tutti.
 Ho una SB live! player 1024 (32Mb ram) che funziona perfettamente (su
 mandrake 7.2) con applicazioni sonore di qualsiasi tipo (MP3, File wav
 ecc..) ma che resta totalmente muta quando provo a far girare un CD audio.
 Oltretutto il mio lettore cd (HP cd-writer 9510i)  perfettamente supportato
 e cd-player mi vede perfettamente tutte le tracce del cd che voglio far
 Come posso fare?
 Ho anche provato ad eseguire il tool di configurazioe di HardDrake ma non
 riesco a sentire il test sonoro.
 Grazie gi da ora
La risposta (o meglio domanda) piu' ovvia che viene in mente in questo caso e':
il cavetto audio e' collegato alla sblive?


Sebastiano Cordiano

Re: [newbie-it] [LM 7.2] SBlive e midi: silenzio totale

2001-03-19 Per discussione Sebastiano Cordiano

On Sun, 18 Mar 2001 23:30:29 +0100
"Alessandro \"Sgama\" Amadori" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Grazie di tutto
Solo per curiosita': sei riuscito a farla funzionare o ti sei stufato?


Sebastiano Cordiano

Re: [newbie-it] installazione mandrake 7.2

2001-03-19 Per discussione Marco Brizzi

Ragazzi, nella mia profonda inadeguatezza, posso dire di avere sempre
installato le varie distribuzioni
sul secondo HD. A volte con LILO, a volte con GRUB, a volte con bootdisk, ma
sempre e solo sul secondo.
E per quanto poco ancora ci capisca, tutte hanno sempre funzionato.

- Original Message -
From: "emi80" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 18, 2001 5:45 PM
Subject: R: [newbie-it] installazione mandrake 7.2

 Non ne sono sicuro perche' io non ho mai provato, ma credo che linux
 "voglia" stare sul primo hard disk.
 Volevo provare anche io a fare come te ma alcuni amici mi hanno detto
 cosa e io non ho neanche provato.

 Se per caso ti dovesse funzionare ti sarei grato se lo facessi sapere
 a me
 - Original Message -
 From: stefano [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, March 18, 2001 3:57 PM
 Subject: [newbie-it] installazione mandrake 7.2

  Ciao a tutti,
  vorrei installare Mandrake sul mio secondo hard disk, ma il cd di

[newbie-it] Impossibilità reinstallare 7.2

2001-03-19 Per discussione lele.gar

Dopo aver pasticciato con un'altra distribuzione (chiedo perdono!) cercando di 
installarla, e senza esseci riuscito dato che la mia macchina (Acer Aspire PIII 600) 
solo Mandrake, mi sono ritrovato nella necessit di reinstallare la 7.2.
Purtroppo non sono pi riuscito a farlo, nonostante molti tentativi; ogni volta che 
provo la parte iniziale dell'installazione parte regolarmente almeno fino al 
hardware, poi compaiono una serie di dati e le scritte:

Aiee, killing interrupt handler
Kernel panic: attempted to kill the idle task
In swpper task not syncing

Da qui non si muove pi e non c'e altro da fare che spegnere il tutto.
Quello che non capisco  il perch la 7.1 venga installata tranquillamente e senza 
alcun problema.
Ci sono speranze?
Sto pensando di aspettare una versione stabile della release 8 e vedere cosa succede

Grazie a chi volesse darmi una mano.

Re: [newbie-it] sndconfig e ritorno a KDE

2001-03-19 Per discussione Andrea Celli

Tommaso Leddi wrote:
   Il mio problema non  andare a lavorare in console,
   bens quello di riuscire a tornare al modo grafico
  Se hai usato ctrl-alt-f1 per uscire da X, con Alt-F7 ci dovresti tornare.
 Grazie Fabio!
 Un' ora fa preso dalla curiosit suicida ho provato a premerli tutti e ho
 trovato che con ctrl-alt-f7 si tornava. Evidentemente basta Alt-F7.

Il passaggio da un terminale virtuale all'altro e`:
 - ctrl-alt-Fn (n=1,..,6) se sei in X
 - alt-Fn (n=1,..,7) se sei in modalita` console

In modalita` console un control in piu` non da` fastidio.
iao, andrea

[newbie-it] SB live! CDROM

2001-03-19 Per discussione McK

- Original Message -
From: Sebastiano Cordiano [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2001 8:42 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] SB live  lettore cd

 On Mon, 19 Mar 2001 12:48:55 +0100

  Salve a tutti.
  Ho una SB live! player 1024 (32Mb ram) che funziona perfettamente (su
  mandrake 7.2) con applicazioni sonore di qualsiasi tipo (MP3, File wav
  ecc..) ma che resta totalmente muta quando provo a far girare un CD
  Oltretutto il mio lettore cd (HP cd-writer 9510i)  perfettamente
  e cd-player mi vede perfettamente tutte le tracce del cd che voglio far
  Come posso fare?
  Ho anche provato ad eseguire il tool di configurazioe di HardDrake ma
  riesco a sentire il test sonoro.
  Grazie gi da ora
 La risposta (o meglio domanda) piu' ovvia che viene in mente in questo
caso e':
 il cavetto audio e' collegato alla sblive?


 Sebastiano Cordiano

Si, credo, (scusa sonon un super ignorante) perch su winzoz mi funziona
Non c'entra nulla, vero?

Grazie per il costante aiuto ai pi inesperti.

[newbie] WEB Page Downloader?

2001-03-19 Per discussione Neville Cobb

In other operating systems I've used programs that are able to download 
a chosen web site and you can also select the levels or depth you want 
to go down for the download. Is there such a program for linux? If there 
is one is it part of the Mandrake power pack or do I have to download 
one from some archive?


Re: [newbie] CD Writer's and Linux Mandrake 8

2001-03-19 Per discussione LinuxMaxx

On Sunday 18 March 2001 12:28, you wrote:

Sorry I am running with LM 7.2 but no cdr problem till now
What are your problems and what is the writer brand...
I am thinking of buying a new one and as you can understand I dont want to 
have problems with new one...

 Does anybody know if the CD Writer problem in Linux Mandrake 7.2 is fixed
 in Linux Mandrake 8?

 The problem is having to re-create the cdrom link to /dev/scd0.




Please e-mail to...



ICQ  6090411


2001-03-19 Per discussione LinuxMaxx

I am trying to run wine but I haveing an error mesage about the config file 
of wine. When I open the wine.cfng file I saw that its empty. What has to be 
writen in the config file. Please Help


Please e-mail to...



ICQ  6090411

Re: [newbie] WEB Page Downloader?

2001-03-19 Per discussione Ross Slade

On Mon, 19 Mar 2001, Neville Cobb wrote:

 In other operating systems I've used programs that are able to download
 a chosen web site and you can also select the levels or depth you want
 to go down for the download. Is there such a program for linux? If there

Part of the basic package..."man wget" should put you on the right path.


 http://bunyip.apana.org.au/~rosco http://lodge.bunyip.apana.org.au
 [ICQ No. 9391313][change borg to org to email]

Man's reach must exceed his grasp, for why else the heavens?

Re: [newbie] win98, zone alarm and mandrake 7.2

2001-03-19 Per discussione Brian

On Sunday 18 March 2001 16:17, you wrote:

   Heres what I do, I run a little 14 port hub so each computer is seperate.
 Also if you call @home tech support and ask for a 2nd level tech they can
 give you a static IP in a bout 1 minute, and it doesn't cost anyting. Hope
 this helps.

Thanks, Jeff. That sounds like a good idea. Hard to believe that @home gives 
you something for nothing but I'll take it. 


RE: [newbie] read/write to and from NTFS/FAT

2001-03-19 Per discussione Kelly, Christopher

ok, I'll give it a whirl. thanks, Meph.

-Original Message-
From: Meph Istopheles [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, March 17, 2001 11:24 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] read/write to and from NTFS/FAT


 I am using tcp/ip. I'm in the process of setting up a proxy
 server, so I needed something routable...

  Shouldn't be any problem with -- at least -- getting from the
Windows box to the Linux box.  You'll need other tools -- smb,
Reflection, etc to get from the Linux to Windows.  Although NT
~does~ provide some server tools even with the Pro version.  I've
not fooled with much in W2k beyond securing it when my girl
friend has to use it (we've dsl, so we're always on-line).


  "I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody."
  -Dave '-ddt-' Taylor, announcing DOOM for Linux


2001-03-19 Per discussione Vic Meakin

I'm having some problems playing mp3's in LM 
7.2. For some reason, only a minute or so will play before the sound 
stops, although the mp3 player says the song is still playing. Once it 
reaches the end of the mp3, it starts playin the next one fine, but only for 
another minute. I've checked the config of my soundcard (SoundBlaster 
PCI128) against that used in windows 2000 (I have to dual boot since I'm at uni, 
and some of the programs I need are only available in windows - sorry!) and they 

The sound from DVD's and CD's is fine, as is the 
sound from sound effects, so i'm not sure what happens when i play mp3's. 
Oh, and this happens no matter which mp3 player i use. My machine is a p3 
750MHz, with 128MB RAM, if that helps any?

Thank you very much for your help,


RE: [newbie]

2001-03-19 Per discussione falcaraz

Are you playing if from KDE or another desktop. I had some problems 
with kde and not with gnome; this was due to the artsdsp sound 
controller in kde. If under gnome mp3 runs fine, you can try to open 
your mp3 program in this way: type "artsdsp yourmp3 program"; this 
solve my problems in 7.2 for xmms, and some games...

Francisco Alcaraz
Murcia (Spain)

- Mensaje Original -
Remitente: "Vic Meakin" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fecha: Lunes, Marzo 19, 2001 1:10 pm
Asunto: [newbie] 

 I'm having some problems playing mp3's in LM 7.2.  For some 
 reason, only a minute or so will play before the sound stops, 
 although the mp3 player says the song is still playing.  Once it 
 reaches the end of the mp3, it starts playin the next one fine, 
 but only for another minute.  I've checked the config of my 
 soundcard (SoundBlaster PCI128) against that used in windows 2000 
 (I have to dual boot since I'm at uni, and some of the programs I 
 need are only available in windows - sorry!) and they match.
 The sound from DVD's and CD's is fine, as is the sound from sound 
 effects, so i'm not sure what happens when i play mp3's.  Oh, and 
 this happens no matter which mp3 player i use.  My machine is a p3 
 750MHz, with 128MB RAM, if that helps any?
 Thank you very much for your help,

Re: [newbie] read/write to and from NTFS/FAT

2001-03-19 Per discussione Emilio Correa

Hell, Can some one advise me on the best way to allow Mandrake 7.2 to read
and write to my FAT  NTFS partitions?

Thank you

Hi, I have LM7.2 and win95 (FAT32) and win2k (NTFS) in the same hard disk, 
and I couldn't write to a NTFS from LM7.2. So I had first to write all my 
files from LM7.2 to win95 (FAT32), and then these files are easy accesible 
from anywhere.
Maybe you must create an extra FAT32 partition (use partition magic) to 
exchange files from anywhere to anywhere.
I know that there is some modules that permit you to write to a NTFS from 
LM7.2 but I never used them.
Good luck!!

Ing. Qco. Emilio Correa
Invap S.E.
02944 422121 int. 2473
fax: 02944 423489
(8400) San Carlos de Bariloche

Re: [newbie] Dual Boot Win 2000 / Mandrake 7.2

2001-03-19 Per discussione Emilio Correa


I want to setup a Dual Boot with Win2k and Mandrake 7.2.  Is there any
documentation that will walk me through each step?  I have very little
experience with Linux so I have no idea how to go about doing this.


Hi, I recently installed first the win2k in a ntfs file system, then I 
installed LM7.2 (expert mode) with GRUB option as the boot manager. After 
the installation LM7.2 and GRUB detects automatically the win2k and 
included the boot option in GRUB.
If you can install both operative systems for the first time, You should 
not to have problems, like me. Try.
Good luck!

Ing. Qco. Emilio Correa
Invap S.E.
02944 422121 int. 2473
fax: 02944 423489
(8400) San Carlos de Bariloche

Re: [newbie] Dual Boot Win 2000 / Mandrake 7.2

2001-03-19 Per discussione j kk

i have mdk 7.1 on dual boot laptop with win95.  partitioned the 2g drv with
part magic then installed linux in the enclosed partition.  did custom
install and selected lilo.  after install, first boot was done from boot
floppy, then used linuxconf to configure lilo and works very well now.   jk
- Original Message -
From: Emilio Correa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2001 9:42 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Dual Boot Win 2000 / Mandrake 7.2

 I want to setup a Dual Boot with Win2k and Mandrake 7.2.  Is there any
 documentation that will walk me through each step?  I have very little
 experience with Linux so I have no idea how to go about doing this.

 Hi, I recently installed first the win2k in a ntfs file system, then I
 installed LM7.2 (expert mode) with GRUB option as the boot manager. After
 the installation LM7.2 and GRUB detects automatically the win2k and
 included the boot option in GRUB.
 If you can install both operative systems for the first time, You should
 not to have problems, like me. Try.
 Good luck!

 Ing. Qco. Emilio Correa
 Invap S.E.
 02944 422121 int. 2473
 fax: 02944 423489
 (8400) San Carlos de Bariloche

Re: [newbie]

2001-03-19 Per discussione Vic Meakin

Thank you - I'll give it a go!

- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2001 1:46 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie]

 Are you playing if from KDE or another desktop. I had some problems
 with kde and not with gnome; this was due to the artsdsp sound
 controller in kde. If under gnome mp3 runs fine, you can try to open
 your mp3 program in this way: type "artsdsp yourmp3 program"; this
 solve my problems in 7.2 for xmms, and some games...
 Francisco Alcaraz
 Murcia (Spain)
 - Mensaje Original -
 Remitente: "Vic Meakin" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Fecha: Lunes, Marzo 19, 2001 1:10 pm
 Asunto: [newbie]
  I'm having some problems playing mp3's in LM 7.2.  For some
  reason, only a minute or so will play before the sound stops,
  although the mp3 player says the song is still playing.  Once it
  reaches the end of the mp3, it starts playin the next one fine,
  but only for another minute.  I've checked the config of my
  soundcard (SoundBlaster PCI128) against that used in windows 2000
  (I have to dual boot since I'm at uni, and some of the programs I
  need are only available in windows - sorry!) and they match.
  The sound from DVD's and CD's is fine, as is the sound from sound
  effects, so i'm not sure what happens when i play mp3's.  Oh, and
  this happens no matter which mp3 player i use.  My machine is a p3
  750MHz, with 128MB RAM, if that helps any?
  Thank you very much for your help,

Re: [newbie] IRC

2001-03-19 Per discussione michael

On Friday 16 March 2001 17:12, you wrote:
 michael wrote:
  howcome there's never anybody on the mandrake IRC channel??

 I'm using LICQ. What's the number?

Oops- just got my readind to this one...Roman- IRC is a different kind of chat
try xchat!

[newbie] EIDE Boot disk drivers

2001-03-19 Per discussione jason . a2 . greene

Does anyone have a location where I can get Linux drivers for a Promise
EIDEMAXII ide controller card?  I need the drivers for an install boot

My bios won't recognize over an 8gb hdd and I have a 20gb hdd (yes I
upgraded my bios) so I need a boot disk that will enable the controller
card so I can install Linux on the hdd controlled by the controller


[newbie] rpmdrake doesn't update on upgrade

2001-03-19 Per discussione Paul R

I've been having a problem with rpmdrake (not sure which version).
I believe it may be a bug in the program.  After upgrading a package via 
the command line ("rpm -U packagename"), the package does not appear to 
be upgraded in rpmdrake, it appears upgraded in kpackage however.

Anybody had similar experience/knows what I'm doing wrong?

-Paul R

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Re: [newbie] XFree 4.0.3

2001-03-19 Per discussione Mathias De Belder

On Sun, Mar 18, 2001 at 11:50:57AM -0700, Chris Cameron wrote:
 How would I go about upgrading my X to 4.0.3 running Mandrake 7.2?

Just wait untill Mandrakesoft makes some compatible RPMS for LM7.2. 

The upgrade from 4.0.2 to 4.0.3 is rather small, so it won't take long 
before Mandrakesoft, or some knowledgeable people, make you a nice RPM :)

[newbie] choosing packets under 7.2

2001-03-19 Per discussione Quaylar

hi all..

i am just about installing 7.2 and theres one REALLY annoying thing going on :
whenever i come to the point of choosing which packages to install, i 
choose from the main packages and
i know when counting the MBs in brackets i ALWAYS get below 1 GB.
now whatever i choose - regardless if i go back and deselect packages - 
mandrake ALWAYS tells me that
it could only install 65 % of the packages i chose.
why the hell does it say so ???..i know for sure that the packages are 
below 1 GB (and i do have a 1029 MB drive).
this is driving me crazy, its hell to add all the different packages i lack 
i first tried a text only install and there it worked without any problems !

Furthermore the text-only install doesnt provide a partition utility 
whereas the gui does---why ???
i was only offered to decide between the existing partitions or the hd i 
wanted to install mandrake to.
now i have 1 IDE and 1 SCSI disk, i wanted the / system to be on IDE and 
/usr to be on SCSI.
but mandrake only allowed me to put the whole system EITHER on IDE or 
( and it created the partitions itself - it didnt ask me if i wanted to 
create them myself ! - btw i was in expert mode !)
this is really disappointing, those things make installing mandrake a pain !

has anyone else experienced those things ?


Icq# 30932448
! Knowledge is power 
For confidental email plz encrypt with PGP

[newbie] AOL INstant messenger sounds

2001-03-19 Per discussione jeff

I have 7.2 and installed AOL Instatn Messenger. According to the FAQ in need 
to make links to soem /usr/lib files which I did but the sounds still don't 
work. has anyone else had this problem and fixed it?


Re: [newbie] rpmdrake doesn't update on upgrade

2001-03-19 Per discussione Paul R

As further clarification:  I can't find the version number for rpmdrake, 
but I am refering to the one included in 7.2.

-Paul R

Paul R wrote:

 I've been having a problem with rpmdrake (not sure which version).
 I believe it may be a bug in the program.  After upgrading a package via 
 the command line ("rpm -U packagename"), the package does not appear to 
 be upgraded in rpmdrake, it appears upgraded in kpackage however.
 Anybody had similar experience/knows what I'm doing wrong?
 -Paul R
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

[newbie] ftp transfer

2001-03-19 Per discussione Rooms Frédéric


I have a problem to transfer files.  When I try to transfer a file from my 
pc (with gftp) to a particular PC, I get the message "No such file or 
directory".  When I try to transfer a file from this station to mine, it 
works perfectly.  I have no problem with other pc to transfer files by ftp.  
So I think that the problem is linked with the other one but I have no idea 
how to resolve such a problem.

Thank you


[newbie] Could you please remove me from the mailing list.

2001-03-19 Per discussione David O'Sullivan

[newbie] Which directories to back up?

2001-03-19 Per discussione Dr. Trevor J. Stocki

   I am running Mandrake 7.2.  I was going to do a back up with tar and 
gzip.  Which
directories, should I back up?  I read in "the complete idiots guide to 
Linux (Caldera)".
That one should back up:

/usr/src/linux (if you have modified the kernal)

are there any others that I should back up?  Or that pretty much it?


ps I have the distro disks.

[newbie] Can't mount CDRom / CDWriter

2001-03-19 Per discussione Stephen Liu

Hi all people,

I have a CDROM and a CDWriter installed running Mandrake 7.2.  Using KDE I 
create an icon for CDROM with following steps;

right click on KDE desktop  Create New   CDRom device  Device

in Device drop-down list - select  /mnt/cdrom
in Mount Point - select   /mnt/cdrom
File System Type : Supermount
then click OK

An CDRom icon then created on desktop.  I tried to mount the CDROM by :

right click on "CDROM Device" icon  select mount
It mounts the floppy (the floppy drive light glows) but can't mount the CDRom

(same happens to my CDWriter)



/dev/hda2 / ext2 defaults 1 1
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
/mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount fs=iso9660,dev=/dev/cdrom 0 0
/mnt/cdrom2 /mnt/cdrom2 supermount fs=iso9660,dev=/dev/cdrom2 0 0
/mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount fs=vfat,dev=/dev/fd0 0 0
/dev/hda1 /mnt/windows vfat user,exec,umask=0 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda5 swap swap defaults 0 0

Kindly help.  Thanks in advance.


Re: [newbie] AOL INstant messenger sounds

2001-03-19 Per discussione jeff

They are working now, It just took awhile for them too take effect.

On Monday 19 March 2001 11:22, you wrote:
 I have 7.2 and installed AOL Instatn Messenger. According to the FAQ in
 need to make links to soem /usr/lib files which I did but the sounds still
 don't work. has anyone else had this problem and fixed it?


Re: [newbie] Could you please remove me from the mailing list.

2001-03-19 Per discussione Philomena

you have to go here, follow the directions, and remove yourself:


At 04:48 PM 3/19/2001 +, you wrote:

[newbie] Visual Basic 6 for Linux?!?!

2001-03-19 Per discussione Andrei Raevsky

I realize that this question might be "anathema" for all Microsoft haters 
out there.  But being I newbie - I get to ask it anyway: is there a way to 
program for Linux using Visual Basic 6?  Or is there a VB6-"like" integrated 
development environment for Linux? If not - what is the closest thing?  How 
can a VB programmer apply his skills in the Linux world?
Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.

Re: [newbie] Installing LM 7.2 on a Sony Vaio Laptop

2001-03-19 Per discussione poogle

FWIW I have installed 7.1  7.2 on my F250 on more than one occasion (that's 
another story) I noticed on one occasion that I had selected Generic LCD 
1024x768, changed it to Neomagic and could not see any difference

On Monday 19 March 2001 01:05, you wrote:

 The LCD display is working OK with the Generic LCD 1024x786 resolution
 XFree86 driver.  Would I be better off with the Neomagic driver with the
 XFCom server?

 Keep in mind, I'm not new to Linux. A little down-n-dirty configuration
 doesn't scare me.  I have been using Linux for some time now, just new at
 the whole laptop thing. And beside I usually get better responses in the
 Newbie mailing list (go figure).

 thank you every one,

Re: [newbie] How to use WINE?

2001-03-19 Per discussione AndyMonks
this took me a while to figure out. at the moment wine is not at version 1. 
so it still can't do much. version 1 will have an x interface. but if you 
still want to use it:

wine is only a command line program. open a x termanal, and type:

wine /mnt/windows/windows/regedit.exe

this will run regedit. where the second part is the loctaion.
go to www.winehq.com to see a database of programs that will run.


RE: [newbie] Could you please remove me from the mailing list.

2001-03-19 Per discussione Ingo Bauer

No ... to busy  testing man 8.0

-Original Message-
From:   David O'Sullivan [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   March 19, 2001 12:48 PM
Subject:[newbie] Could you please remove me from the mailing list.


Re: [newbie] Sound cards with Linux

2001-03-19 Per discussione AndyMonks
if its any help i can say that the soundblaster 128 pci works!

i have one. worked first time!

Re: [newbie] Visual Basic 6 for Linux?!?!

2001-03-19 Per discussione AndyMonks
i think i saw one in LM7.2?

Re: [newbie] Visual Basic 6 for Linux?!?!

2001-03-19 Per discussione Michael O'Henly


You might find this is what you're looking for:




On Monday 19 March 2001 09:29, Andrei Raevsky wrote:
 I realize that this question might be "anathema" for all Microsoft haters
 out there.  But being I newbie - I get to ask it anyway: is there a way to
 program for Linux using Visual Basic 6?  Or is there a VB6-"like"
 integrated development environment for Linux? If not - what is the closest
 thing?  How can a VB programmer apply his skills in the Linux world?
 Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.

Michael O'Henly
TENZO Design

Re: [newbie] Floppy flopped, Linux hosed

2001-03-19 Per discussione Robert Pena
I just had a similiar problemtwo days agowith my Linux4Windows. First my mouse went a little screwy then my monitor went into suspend mode. I reboot it through the reset button on my box and booted back into Linux. No problem.  The next day I wanted to play and learn a little bit more of Linux but never got pass the initial boot process. As soon as the Kdesktop was about to load up the system crashed again. Monitor flashed "suspend mode" then later it stated "check connection".  I tried several times to boot into Linux, this was the first Linux distro I was able to load into my pc, but never got pass startx.  I tried clicking the uninstall button but was given an error message about a component missing. I just dragged the whole Linux4Windows folder into the trash bin removed mbr and rebooted. Now Windows is the only thing that boots up.  I like Linux justas much asMacintosh and Windows but frankly, they all are screwy and have their short comings. Linux is just younger than the other two but I don't see it as more stable, it might have problems with hardware mostly because of proprietary limitation but I find it as stable as Windows and Mac. I am still going to install a Linux but this time I want it on its own harddrive. The drive I was using was intended for my homevideo editing hobby.Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com

Re: [newbie] Visual Basic 6 for Linux?!?!

2001-03-19 Per discussione Rob Regennitter

On Monday 19 March 2001 09:29 am, you wrote:

There is a program out that calls "Kylix" which is like Visual Basic/C++.  
You can find more about it at www.Borland.com.  The open version is due out 
the middle part of this year which would be free to download.  Otherwise you 
can pay $500.00 to $1000.00 for the other kind of version.  I would rather 
wait till the open version comes out.


 I realize that this question might be "anathema" for all Microsoft haters
 out there.  But being I newbie - I get to ask it anyway: is there a way to
 program for Linux using Visual Basic 6?  Or is there a VB6-"like"
 integrated development environment for Linux? If not - what is the closest
 thing?  How can a VB programmer apply his skills in the Linux world?
 Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.

RE: [newbie] Unreal Tournament

2001-03-19 Per discussione Wehling, Rich

thanks.   :L)

-Original Message-
From: Matthew Faubert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2001 12:41 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Unreal Tournament

Yes Loki software has a port for unreal tornament. Here is the wbesite
http://www.lokigames.com/ Hope that helps

Matthew Faubert

-Original Message-
From: Wehling, Rich [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2001 1:24 PM
To: Newbie (E-mail)
Subject: [newbie] Unreal Tournament

Does someone make Unreal Tournament for Linux?

Re: [newbie] Visual Basic 6 for Linux?!?!

2001-03-19 Per discussione Emilio Correa

I realize that this question might be "anathema" for all Microsoft haters 
out there.  But being I newbie - I get to ask it anyway: is there a way to 
program for Linux using Visual Basic 6?  Or is there a VB6-"like" 
integrated development environment for Linux? If not - what is the closest 
thing?  How can a VB programmer apply his skills in the Linux world?

Hi, The Kylix is the Delphi (Object Oriented Pascal language) version for 
linux. In several days you will be able to download a free version.
You can find several Kylix info in the following sites:


May be you must probe with the Kdeveloper package (I think) (C++ for linux)
Good luck!

Ing. Qco. Emilio Correa
Invap S.E.
02944 422121 int. 2473
fax: 02944 423489
(8400) San Carlos de Bariloche

Re: [newbie] Visual Basic 6 for Linux?!?!

2001-03-19 Per discussione Evan Flynn

hmm i've been wondering about too...

there are some other nice languages (with lots of documentation) out there
that are fairly easy to program in and you can make GUIs.

right now im learning python.

 I realize that this question might be "anathema" for all Microsoft haters
 out there.  But being I newbie - I get to ask it anyway: is there a way to
 program for Linux using Visual Basic 6?  Or is there a VB6-"like"
 development environment for Linux? If not - what is the closest thing?
 can a VB programmer apply his skills in the Linux world?

Re: [newbie] KMail Message Rules.

2001-03-19 Per discussione Alan Shoemaker

Ozz wrote:
 Hi Guys.

 Where does KMail place the message filter rules?

 I recently had to do a re-install on this machine, and
 backed up ~/mail/* which preserved my mailbase, but all my
 message filter rules went to the bit bucket...


Ozzin your ~/.kde/share/config/kmailrc file.

[newbie] Apple Pro USB Keyboard under Mandrake 7.2 (i586)?

2001-03-19 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi All,

I am (very) happily running mandrake 7.2 on my PC (i586), using USB support 
for my scanner (epson 1240U) and my monitor (!) (Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 
900U). Plus I'm using an old AT Keyboard. 

I have just acquired a very very nice keyboard by Apple, the Apple Pro USB 
Keyboard. It works fine under "that other operating system". The BIOS is set 
to detect a USB keyboard. And it works fine in grub too

However, I can't see how to get it working under Linux Mandrake itself. 

I have no idea how to make it work: Should I be modifying XF86Config, or is 
there a utility under Mandrake like xdrake that will allow me to set the 
keyboard from AT to USB? xdrake --expert lets me set the graphics card up, 
but doesn't let me decide what kind of kb i have. 

If I define the keboard protocol as "USB" in XF86Config, do I need to set the 
device to something like "/dev/usb". if so how do I find out what?

I have also found some info searching the web which implies by having USB 
support defined (for use with the scanner etc), I will knock out the 
underlying "inbuilt" support for USB keyboards. 

If anyone has any experience of getting a USB keyboard to work with Mandrake 
7.2, after having started out with a standard AT keyboard, I'd be very 
intersted to know how you got it to work.

thanks for your time and help,

Andrew Sova

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Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

[newbie] configure new board

2001-03-19 Per discussione Louis Tang

Hello. fellow newbies.
Recently , I installed a new board in my computer but still use my old hd 
with Mandrake 7.2 installed. After booting, I got a message" Kernal 
panic:unable to mount root at fs 08.35"
Is this has something to do with my new board or I already screw up the 
original Mandrake configuration?
Is there anything I can do beside fdisk/mbr and reinstallation?
I tried to use the "Rescue" and don't know what to do after "[root@rescue]"
My new system uses AMD duron 750Mhz with 280MB RAM.
Anyone can help? Thanks a lot.
Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com

[newbie] Software for monitoring cpu temperature ?

2001-03-19 Per discussione Renaud OLGIATI

I now have and all-singing-all dancing new motherboard, with all mod cons and 
a CPU that monitors its own temperature.

Of course, the software for doing this runs only under Windoze.

Anyone know of a Linux prog that does the same ?


Ron the Frog, on the slowly cooling banks of the Paraguay River.
  The only thing necessary for evil to triumph
 is for good men to do nothing
   -- Edmund Burke
  ---  http://personales.conexion.com.py/~rolgiati  ---

Re: [newbie] How to use WINE?

2001-03-19 Per discussione Alan Shoemaker

jeff wrote:
 I installed 7.2 and I saw the package for WINE install, but
 I can't seem to figure out where it is or how to make it
 run. I checked the KDE and GNOME menus and its not listed
 anywhere. Please help. Also and little tricks you have
 would be welcomed. Thanks.

 Jeff Davis

Jefftry these.

man wine
man wine.conf

Re: [newbie] IRC

2001-03-19 Per discussione Romanator

michael wrote:
 On Friday 16 March 2001 17:12, you wrote:
  michael wrote:
   howcome there's never anybody on the mandrake IRC channel??
  I'm using LICQ. What's the number?
 Oops- just got my readind to this one...Roman- IRC is a different kind of chat
 try xchat!

I'll check it out.

Registered Linux User #179293
Turbo Charged Penguin Email

Re: [newbie] choosing packets under 7.2

2001-03-19 Per discussione Alan Shoemaker

Quaylar wrote:
 hi all..

 i am just about installing 7.2 and theres one REALLY
 annoying thing going on : whenever i come to the point of
 choosing which packages to install, i choose from the main
 packages and
 i know when counting the MBs in brackets i ALWAYS get
 below 1 GB. now whatever i choose - regardless if i go back
 and deselect packages - mandrake ALWAYS tells me that
 it could only install 65 % of the packages i chose.
 why the hell does it say so ???..i know for sure that
 the packages are below 1 GB (and i do have a 1029 MB
 this is driving me crazy, its hell to add all the different
 packages i lack later...
 i first tried a text only install and there it worked
 without any problems !

 Furthermore the text-only install doesnt provide a
 partition utility whereas the gui does---why ???
 i was only offered to decide between the existing
 partitions or the hd i wanted to install mandrake to.
 now i have 1 IDE and 1 SCSI disk, i wanted the / system to
 be on IDE and /usr to be on SCSI.
 but mandrake only allowed me to put the whole system EITHER
 ( and it created the partitions itself - it didnt ask me if
 i wanted to create them myself ! - btw i was in expert mode
 !) this is really disappointing, those things make
 installing mandrake a pain !

 has anyone else experienced those things ?


Quaylaryou and the installation program simply disagree 
as to how much free space is necessary for a newly installed 
system to be a viable one.  The way around this is to install 
the software you want on the system that doesn't get 
installed by the installation program by hand after the 
installation is complete.

[newbie] System Commander 2000 and partitioning

2001-03-19 Per discussione Romanator

Well, I finally purchased System Commander 2000.

I have a couple of questions if any one knows. Can I repartition the two
drives while they are connected to each other. I have 10Gig. set as
master and a 3.5Gig. drive as slave? Or, should I disconnect them and
repartition them individually with System Commander and then reconnect
I would like to devote an entire drive to Linux MDK7.2 and the other to
Windows. Some of my apps. will only work on a Windows platform i.e.
Windows 95, Windows 98SE.

Any thoughts?

Registered Linux User #179293
Turbo Charged Penguin Email

Re: [newbie] can 't install on ASUS A7V133

2001-03-19 Per discussione David E. Fox

On Monday 12 March 2001 07:53, you wrote:

 Thank you for the help. However, when I booted from the UDMA5 interface,
 LM8 called hda hde and hdb hdf. Since when I configured LM7.2 I called the

What about pre-existing installations? I've got a Pentium 100 that I'm using 
now and have 7.2 on it, but I got an Abit board (would that be an issue - as 
it also sports an 100mhz ide bus (raid-capable too) and an Athlon 1 gighz
processor over the weekend. 

I have yet to put it together, but my plans are to move my existing drives 
over to the new system, so it won't be an installation. Is it safe (I already 
built 2.4.2 based on the hardware I purchased) to attempt to run off of the 
100mhz bus or should I play it safe? I have one drive that 's ATA-100 and the 
other one is an older ATA-33. The other potential issue is that my boot drive 
is actually /dev/hda, which happens to be the old ATA-33 drive, although 
everything else is on the newer ata-100 drive (/dev/hdb). It doesn't seem 
possible to just put one drive on the ata-33 controller and the other one on 
the ata-100 controller and have everything sort itself out.

PS this is a bit off topic but putting that heat sink on the athlon (retail 
boxed cpu) is a pain in the %%. :(  I got one clip on the socket and it 
requires a lot of pressure to push down the other end of the retaining clip - 
seems I'm doing something wrong because I'm pushing down like crazy and I 
can't get it to go... ;(



David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   on your hard disk.

Re: [newbie] System Commander 2000 and partitioning

2001-03-19 Per discussione Evan Flynn


repartitioning a drive is a logical thing... as opposed to physical.
the only physical thing you're doing is remagnitizing the platters.
so to answer your question you won't have to disconnect the drives.
- Original Message - 
From: "Romanator" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2001 7:57 PM
Subject: [newbie] System Commander 2000 and partitioning

 Well, I finally purchased System Commander 2000.
 I have a couple of questions if any one knows. Can I repartition the two
 drives while they are connected to each other. I have 10Gig. set as
 master and a 3.5Gig. drive as slave? Or, should I disconnect them and
 repartition them individually with System Commander and then reconnect
 I would like to devote an entire drive to Linux MDK7.2 and the other to
 Windows. Some of my apps. will only work on a Windows platform i.e.
 Windows 95, Windows 98SE.
 Any thoughts?
 Registered Linux User #179293
 Turbo Charged Penguin Email

Re: [newbie] Floppy flopped, Linux hosed

2001-03-19 Per discussione David E. Fox

On Monday 19 March 2001 11:34, you wrote:
 mounting local filesystems: can't create lockFailed
 can't create lockfile /etc/mtab~333: No space left on device   Failed

It would seem that your filesystem for / is out of disk space. Very bad
things can happen if your root partition is alllowed to run out of space, and
you've no doubt discovered one of those. :(

In this situation it appears that you can't mount because the 'table of
mounted filesystems' appears to be /etc/mtab and that file can't be made 
because there isn't any space. I'm pretty sure this file  is built on the fly 
as the system boots.

What to do about it? Boot your system into single-user mode by typing 'linux 
single' if you are using lilo, or use a rescue disk. Then you can mount the 
root filesystem and clean up the mess, and then reboot.

 chmod: /var/run/random-seed: No such file or directory
 touch: /var/lock/subsys/random: No space left on device

/var should be on its own filesystem for the same reasons - you can't afford 
to let this run out of space.


David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   on your hard disk.

[newbie] Installing an Adaptec AHA-15x5 SCSI adapter

2001-03-19 Per discussione RODRIGUES Nuno

Has anyone get working an Adaptec AHA-15x5 SCSI adapter under mandrake 7.2 ?
I tried to use the adaptec cards shown in the install list but none was

Re: [newbie] Visual Basic 6 for Linux?!?!

2001-03-19 Per discussione EugeneFrie

Kylix is a program like Visual Basic 6.  Borland Inprise will publish it for 
Linux in an attempt to offer an alternative to Visual Basic.


Re: [newbie] grub

2001-03-19 Per discussione The Eclectic

You probably have NTFS on your NT4 system partition which LM would use to
install Lilo. I mean your C drive
should be a fat16 partition (that you could use for W95 or W98) then D drive
can use NT4 with NTFS if you want,
and last LM and Lilo will be happy to coexist with these two.
Use PQ magic to create 3 partitions from the beginning of
of your HD:
fisrt your Fat
2nd your swap and linux (LM won't boot if too far, 1024 cylinder)
3rd your NT4 partition.
Good Luck. Let me if it works for you.

- Original Message -
From: "Jean-Louis" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, March 17, 2001 9:46 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] grub

 Did you do a "fdisk /mbr" to clean to boot sector?

 On Sat, 17 Mar 2001, you wrote:
   Long story short...tried to dualboot LM 7.2 with NT4.  Really
  up! Now all I get is "grub" with a command prompt after it. Tried fdisk
  format to no avail. Just want to  install LM 7.2 on clean hdd. Can any
  please give me some info?  VERY new to Linux.
  Thanks in advance,
  Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com

[newbie] Samba printer setup , add on more printer to samba printcap HP4050N

2001-03-19 Per discussione TEE


I am KhingChai from Singapore i have 
problem facing to setup an 
addtional printer recently in my company 
we use redhat 6.0 setup samba . 
the samba file is working fine, i just 
need to add addtional one more 
network printer HP4050N 
the following is part of contents of 
comment = All Printers 
path = /var/spool/samba 
guest ok = Yes 
print ok = Yes 
printing = lprng 
lpq command = /usr/bin/lpq 
lprm command = /usr/bin/lprm 
-P%p %j 

the following is the printcap file, i 
just add on the configuration of 

cargoex|CargoEx Printer Spool:\ 
cargoexLaser|CargoEx Laser Printer 

hp4050|HP4050 Printer Spool:\ 

after that i reboot the system it seems 
that it not able to work , not able 
to sent anything to print queue , it 
always prompt that no spooling 
directory for the HP4050N i added 

I used the webmin ,localhost :1 try 
to manage and admin the task 
however it prompted me that file error 
not able to write into the file 
while i try to add printer in webmin GUI 

that is my problem need your help 

my email address is 

[newbie] Using com5?

2001-03-19 Per discussione Barb

I have a Dell Dimension and in Win ME it shows my modem on Com5. As far as
I can tell, there is no tty listing for a com5 in kppp. how can I add it so
I can use the modem? Thanks!


[newbie] talk daemon

2001-03-19 Per discussione Andrew

Hey a quick question...Does anyone know how to start up the talk and ytalk
daemons in Mandrake Linux 7.2?


RE: [newbie] Using com5?

2001-03-19 Per discussione Charles A Edwards

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Barb
 Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 12:41 AM
 Subject: [newbie] Using com5?

 I have a Dell Dimension and in Win ME it shows my modem on
 Com5. As far as
 I can tell, there is no tty listing for a com5 in kppp. how
 can I add it so
 I can use the modem? Thanks!


   I am assuming that it is a PCI modem.
In linux all PCI modems should be set in kppp to use ttyS3.

   On an added note unless you configured your own system when you purchased
it from Dell
and requested a hardware modem you will have a winmodem.

   Charles  (-:

Forever never goes beyond tomorrow.

[newbie] KMail quote

2001-03-19 Per discussione Joan Tur


I use NS47x for either surf and email, but i'd like to change it for
KMail.  But i like HTML emails as well and i get garbage when i reply a
message of that kind (default=quoted).  I've tryed to change quoted
setting for inline setting when replying but i don't know how.

Help?  8-?


Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
Joan.Tur.pagina.de  www.ClubIbosim.org
Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

Re: [newbie] pcmcia problems

2001-03-19 Per discussione Joan Tur

That happened to me until i changed "pnp OS" in my bios to off... hope that helps.  ;-)

Jason High escribi:

 I'm trying to install 7.2 on a Dell Latitude C800 laptop.  I'm currently running 
RH7, but I don't like it and want to use Mandrake.  When I installed RH, the first 
time I rebooted I got a kernel panic because of the pcmcia module.  I had to boot 
interactively and not load the pcmcia module, then install the updated module and I 
was fine.  When I try to install Mandrake, right after I choose the type of 
installation it tries to detect pcmcia devices and locks.  I'm sure that it's the 
same problem, but how am I supposed to update the pcmcia module if I can't even get 
Mandrake installed.  I'm sure that there is an option that I must be able to pass to 
tell it to not detect pcmcia, but I have no idea what it is.

 Thanks in advance.

Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
Joan.Tur.pagina.de  www.ClubIbosim.org
Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

[newbie] Hard drive not found?

2001-03-19 Per discussione Peter Guzikowski


I'm trying to install 7.2 on an AMD Thunderbird 
with an ASUS A7V mother board. I have a hard drive where 20 out of 30Gb 
areused for Windows, which is working just fine. I have saved the 
remaining unpartitioned 10Gb for Linux. When I try to install 7.2 
however,I get the following message when I reach the point in the 
installation program where I'm supposed topartition thehard drive 
and set up the filesystem: "An error has occured - no validdevices were 
found on which to create new filesystems. Please check your hardware for the 
couse of this problem". And then I can't do anything else thanjust exit 
the install.I've tried to boot directly from the CD, from a boot disk, 
I've tried to run text mode install and in expert mode, but nothing 

[newbie] New

2001-03-19 Per discussione juan jose Ubierna Mahave

I recent finish install mandrake 7.1 , I´m so new 
in Linux.
1.-, I have problems with my keyboard USB 
(Microsoft internet Keyboard Pro), --Too Many NAKs , 
2.-I have problems with ADAPTEC 
AIC-7890AB/AIC38600 USCSI 2 integrated in motherboard Iwill BD-100 with 1 
processor PII 350MHZ.
3.- I had configure Apache, Networking , I would 
like with Java is soported in this ambient
4.- I would like update version mandrake 7.1 to 7.2 
what is the most easy way to make this.
5.- Have Xwindows rpm utility. Where can I found 
