Re: [newbie-it] portatile e scheda grafica

2001-09-24 Per discussione Marco

CUT vorrei chiederti se hai avuto problemi ad
 istallare Linux Mandrake 8 su un portatileio sì!
 Non mi riconosce la mia scheda grafica (sis 630/730), ovvero la
 è solo 800x600 e lo schermo risulta disallineato (praticamente vedo
 1/4 del desktop).
 Ha qualche consiglio??

Io non ho avuto problemi con il mio Toshiba Satellite 1800-100 ma, se
può aiutarti, posso dirti che per utilizzare la risoluzione di 1024x768
la mia scheda video utilizza il framebuffer ... per cui funziona (alla
meraviglia) se si utilizza il lilo grafico di Mdk 8 (che parte appunto
con un'immagine che sfrutta il framebuffer e, attivandolo, lo rende
disponibile per X).
Se vuoi posso inviarti il mio file XF86Cofig  chissà, forse
modificando qualche parametro potrebbe funzionare.



[newbie-it] configurazione rete

2001-09-24 Per discussione lori cava

Salve a tutti.
Ho provato a caricare MDK8.0 su un pc collegato ad una
rete locale, il tool di caricamento mi ha chiesto dei
parametri di configurazione (TCP DNS ecc..)però, alla
fine di tutto non riesco a navigare. Qualcuno ha dei
consigli da darmi? Grazie in anticipo.

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R: [newbie-it] display LCD sulla SiS630

2001-09-24 Per discussione mamagio

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 8:17 PM
Subject: [newbie-it] display LCD sulla SiS630

 Premesso che la mia conoscenza di Linux e Unix è pressocchè uguale a 0, vi
racconto la mia disavventura.
 Ho deciso di istallare LINUX MANDRAKE 8 sul mio NoteBook (IPC magicNote U
PIII 850), facendo da parte Windows ME dall' HD.
 Il primo problema è la scheda grafica SiS630 che sembrerebbe non venir
riconosciuta da Linux.
 Infatti, al riavvio, parte in Text-mode, ma digitando STARTX (comando
suggeritomi) parte in modalità grafica ma con un grande disallineamento e
una risoluzione assurda (tanto che non riesco a distinguere cosa mi si
propone davanti).
 Ora, non so che fare..
 Se qualcuno ha dei suggerimenti sono MOLTO graditi.
 Vi chiede cortesemente solo che, se qualcuno avesse delle istruzioni da
farmi seguire, sia il più elemetare possibile nell'esposizione, e che
facesse presente che parla con una persona che non conosce affatto questo
 GRAZIE anticipatamente.


 Dopo tanti tentativi sono riuscito a configurare il mio video TFT.
Tutto sta nell'installazione, ovvero quando, durante l'installazione, ti
appare la videata con  i OS disponibili per il bootloader, seleziona linux e
clikka su MODIFICA.
La finestra che ti apparirà conterrà la voce modalità video: scegli quella
adatta a te. Io ho scelto 1024x768 (trattandosi di un 14). Conferma
l'opzione e continua con l'installazione.
Al momento di configurare X, scegli l'Xfree 3.3.6 senza accelerazione 3D.
Risoluzione 1024x768 16 bit, Monitor SVGA alta frequenza 1024x768 a 70Hz .
Prova la configurazione. A me in questo punto dopo aver accettato si è
bloccato. Ho riavviato il sistema ma dopo ha funzionato tutto per il meglio.
Fammi sapere se ci sono dei problemi.
Per il modem, io ho un smartlink HAMR5600. L'ho fatto funzionare. Se il tuo
è identico ti invio il RPM.

[newbie-it] sostituzione caratteri

2001-09-24 Per discussione luca laghi

Ciao ragazzi,
Ho un dubbio:
come si fa in un file di testo ad aggiungere a una parola un ritorno accapo,




Grazie per l'aiuto, Luca

Re: [newbie-it] sostituzione caratteri

2001-09-24 Per discussione Andrea Celli

luca laghi wrote:
 Ciao ragazzi,
 Ho un dubbio:
 come si fa in un file di testo ad aggiungere a una parola un ritorno accapo,
 Grazie per l'aiuto, Luca

Se ho ben capito vuoi inserire una linea vuota dopo
quella che contiene parola2

sed '/parola2/G' vecchiofile  file-spaziato

ciao, Andrea

PS. vedi

Re: Rif: R: [newbie-it] display LCD sulla SiS630

2001-09-24 Per discussione Maurizio

Il 08:53, lunedì 24 settembre 2001, hai scritto:
  Da: mamagio [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Data: 24 settembre 2001 11:52:31
  Oggetto: R: [newbie-it] display LCD sulla SiS630
  - Original Message -
  Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 8:17 PM
  Subject: [newbie-it] display LCD sulla SiS630
   Premesso che la mia conoscenza di Linux e Unix è pressocchè uguale a 0,
  racconto la mia disavventura.
   Ho deciso di istallare LINUX MANDRAKE 8 sul mio NoteBook (IPC magicNote
  PIII 850), facendo da parte Windows ME dall' HD.
   Il primo problema è la scheda grafica SiS630 che sembrerebbe non venir
  riconosciuta da Linux.
   Infatti, al riavvio, parte in Text-mode, ma digitando STARTX (comando
  suggeritomi) parte in modalità grafica ma con un grande disallineamento e
  una risoluzione assurda (tanto che non riesco a distinguere cosa mi si
  propone davanti).
   Ora, non so che fare..
   Se qualcuno ha dei suggerimenti sono MOLTO graditi.
   Vi chiede cortesemente solo che, se qualcuno avesse delle istruzioni da
  farmi seguire, sia il più elemetare possibile nell'esposizione, e che
  facesse presente che parla con una persona che non conosce affatto questo
   GRAZIE anticipatamente.
   Dopo tanti tentativi sono riuscito a configurare il mio video TFT.
  Tutto sta nell'installazione, ovvero quando, durante l'installazione, ti
  appare la videata con  i OS disponibili per il bootloader, seleziona
  linux e clikka su MODIFICA.
  La finestra che ti apparirà conterrà la voce modalità video: scegli
  quella adatta a te. Io ho scelto 1024x768 (trattandosi di un 14).
  Conferma l'opzione e continua con l'installazione.
  Al momento di configurare X, scegli l'Xfree 3.3.6 senza accelerazione 3D.
  Risoluzione 1024x768 16 bit, Monitor SVGA alta frequenza 1024x768 a 70Hz
  . Prova la configurazione. A me in questo punto dopo aver accettato si è
  bloccato. Ho riavviato il sistema ma dopo ha funzionato tutto per il
  meglio. Fammi sapere se ci sono dei problemi.
  Per il modem, io ho un smartlink HAMR5600. L'ho fatto funzionare. Se il
  tuo è identico ti invio il RPM.

 Ma la cosa stana è che sono riuscito a farlo partire con standard moitor
 LCD 1024/768 ma praticamente è 800x600 e vedo solo 1/4 del desktop sul
 monitor. Sono comunque risucito ad accedere ai profili HW e la scheda
 grafica risuta essere effettivamente SIS630. Comunque se tu dici che è il
 monitor ci proverò.
 Se ho problemi ti disturberò ulteriormente.
 Per quanto riguarda il modem il mio è proprio HAMR5600 ma prima dovresti
 spiegarmi cos'è il RPM.


Un RPM è un formato d'archiviazione introdotto nel mondo LINUX da Red Hat che 
facilita l'installazione, la rimozione o l'aggiornamento di singoli programmi 
o driver.
Nel nostro caso è un driver per far funzionare il nostro Winmodem (funziona 
solo con driver scritti solo per Windows, essendo un soft-modem).
Innanzitutto devi procurarti l'RPM in questione ovvero 
SLMDM-2.04-00_20mdk.src.rpm (e questo non è un problema ;-) )
Poi ricostruirlo con il comando da terminale: rpm --rebuild  SLMDM-etc.rpm
Se non vi sono problemi, alla fine nella directory /usr/ src/rpms/i686 (credo 
visto che hai un PIII) verranno creati tre files:
1 slmdm-2.04-00_20mdk.i686.rpm
2 slmdm-amr-2.04-00_20mdk.i686.rpm
3 slmdm-usb-2.04-00_20mdk.i686.rpm
Fai partire X con il comando startx, apri Konqueror, vai alla directory su 
citata (usr/src/etc. etc.) e clikka prima sul RPM n°1: si aprirà Gestione 
pacchetti, clikka su installa ed attendi che abbia installato SLMDM .
Poi ritorna su Konqueror e clikka sul 2° RPM (slmdm-amr-etc. etc.) visto che 
non si tratta di un modem USB. La prassi sarà la stessa di prima. Una volta 
installati gli RPM su citati c'è ancora una piccola cosa da fare: configurare 
il country del modem.  Non ti spaventare: basta andare sempre con Konqueror 
alla directory usr/lib/slmdm/ e seleziona, clikkando con il tasto destro, il 
file e aprilo con  un editor di testo qualsiasi. Bisogna modificare 
la stringa CountryName=USA con CountryName=ITALY.
 Non è ancora finita. In modalità terminale vai alla directory 
/usr/lib/slmdm/ e digita ./load_slmdm. Sempre se non vi sono problemi 
verranno caricati i moduli per far funzionare il modem. Avvia KPPP e buona 
Se non sono stato abbastanza chiaro scrivimi. per l'RPM posso allegartelo. 
fammi sapere.

Re: Rif: R: [newbie-it] display LCD sulla SiS630

2001-09-24 Per discussione Maurizio

Il 08:53, lunedì 24 settembre 2001, hai scritto:
  Da: mamagio [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Data: 24 settembre 2001 11:52:31
  Oggetto: R: [newbie-it] display LCD sulla SiS630
  - Original Message -
  Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 8:17 PM
  Subject: [newbie-it] display LCD sulla SiS630
   Premesso che la mia conoscenza di Linux e Unix è pressocchè uguale a 0,
  racconto la mia disavventura.
   Ho deciso di istallare LINUX MANDRAKE 8 sul mio NoteBook (IPC magicNote
  PIII 850), facendo da parte Windows ME dall' HD.
   Il primo problema è la scheda grafica SiS630 che sembrerebbe non venir
  riconosciuta da Linux.
   Infatti, al riavvio, parte in Text-mode, ma digitando STARTX (comando
  suggeritomi) parte in modalità grafica ma con un grande disallineamento e
  una risoluzione assurda (tanto che non riesco a distinguere cosa mi si
  propone davanti).
   Ora, non so che fare..
   Se qualcuno ha dei suggerimenti sono MOLTO graditi.
   Vi chiede cortesemente solo che, se qualcuno avesse delle istruzioni da
  farmi seguire, sia il più elemetare possibile nell'esposizione, e che
  facesse presente che parla con una persona che non conosce affatto questo
   GRAZIE anticipatamente.
   Dopo tanti tentativi sono riuscito a configurare il mio video TFT.
  Tutto sta nell'installazione, ovvero quando, durante l'installazione, ti
  appare la videata con  i OS disponibili per il bootloader, seleziona
  linux e clikka su MODIFICA.
  La finestra che ti apparirà conterrà la voce modalità video: scegli
  quella adatta a te. Io ho scelto 1024x768 (trattandosi di un 14).
  Conferma l'opzione e continua con l'installazione.
  Al momento di configurare X, scegli l'Xfree 3.3.6 senza accelerazione 3D.
  Risoluzione 1024x768 16 bit, Monitor SVGA alta frequenza 1024x768 a 70Hz
  . Prova la configurazione. A me in questo punto dopo aver accettato si è
  bloccato. Ho riavviato il sistema ma dopo ha funzionato tutto per il
  meglio. Fammi sapere se ci sono dei problemi.
  Per il modem, io ho un smartlink HAMR5600. L'ho fatto funzionare. Se il
  tuo è identico ti invio il RPM.

 Ma la cosa stana è che sono riuscito a farlo partire con standard moitor
 LCD 1024/768 ma praticamente è 800x600 e vedo solo 1/4 del desktop sul
 monitor. Sono comunque risucito ad accedere ai profili HW e la scheda
 grafica risuta essere effettivamente SIS630. Comunque se tu dici che è il
 monitor ci proverò.
 Se ho problemi ti disturberò ulteriormente.
 Per quanto riguarda il modem il mio è proprio HAMR5600 ma prima dovresti
 spiegarmi cos'è il RPM.


Il problema credo che stia nel boot ovvero durante l'avvio del SISTEMA. Nel 
mio caso i caratteri erano abbastanza grandi e quando avviavo X  avevo il tuo 
stesso problema con il video. Ho scritto molte volte a questa mail-list ma 
con scarsi risultati. Perciò  ho capito che dovevo smanettare finchè non ne 
sono venuto a capo (forse con un pò di fortuna).
Dopo quella accortezza durante l'installazione (visto i ripetuti upgrade e 
setup di linux) i caratteri al boot sono piccoli, mi parte aurora che prima 
non vedevo l'ombra pur avendola settata all'avvio, e finalmente posso vedere 
l'intero video senza andare alla cieca anche per spegnere il tutto.
Oggi volevo capire meglio l'intervento da fare anche per non desiderati 
reinstallazioni. leggendo il file LILO.CONF notavo che al label LINUX vi è 
una stringa: vga=791. Controlla che anche a te è la stessa, altrimenti prova 
a cambiarla e in bocca al lupo. Non so se funzionerà con questa modifica che 
ti elimina il reinstallare linux di nuovo.
Fammi sapere.

Molti amici mi hanno passato il loro XF86config, ma con scarsi risultati, 
anzi molte volte causando il blocco di linux (strano ma vero). Visto che 
condividiamo la stessa scheda grafica (SiS630) spero di esserti stato d'aiuto.

[newbie-it] mdk 8.0 si dimentica della stampante

2001-09-24 Per discussione C.Ch.

salve a tutti,
un piccolo problema. il sistema perde sistematicamente la configurazione 
della stampante. da mandrake control center setto la stampante come lp0 con 
il driver epson epl 5200 (utilizzo cups). tutto funziona a dovere e posso 
stampare. se spengo, quando vado a riavviare il sistema la stampante non 
esiste più: cliccando sull'icona printer del desktop di kde a volte non 
avviene nulla, altre volte esce un messaggio di errore che dice unable to 
connect to cups server. devo perciò ogni volta rilanciare il control center 
e riconfigurare la stampante daccapo.
di cosa si tratta? come posso ovviare al problema?
grazie e ciao

[newbie-it] Sna

2001-09-24 Per discussione CyberDevil

Antefatto: ho un rete token ring con windows nt 4 con sna server che mi
collega ad un S/390 del ns. cliente per il quale sviluppiamo software, i
terminali sono dei pc windows 95/98 che usano (ovviamente) sna client e
personal communication di ibm.

Alcuni mesi fa' ho portato in quella sede un server AIX con una scheda ethernet
gia' funzionante, ed ho trovato piu' rapido (e soprattutto meno costoso)
installare una mandrake corporate edition (praticamente una 7.2
modificata) con doppia scheda di rete ethernet/token per fare da  ponte
dai pc windows verso lo unix. Infatti il necessario e sufficente telnet
passava alla grande.

Adesso mi si e' creata l'esigenza di espandere la rete con altre 8 macchine
da usare non verso AIX ma verso S/390 e qui mi nasce la questione:
volendo evitare di continuare a montare macchine sulla token ring visto
che le schede token costano un visibilio e si trovano piuttosto male,
posso usare il linux come ponte verso i lserver nt ?

Ovvero: il linux oltre al telnet mi fara' passare anche lo SNA ?

RE: Re: [newbie-it] INFORMAZIONI

2001-09-24 Per discussione Mark

Ciao Andrea,

se stai a Roma te ne posso regalare una (versione scaricata).
Domanda: e' vero che dal sito Mandrake puoi scaricarti una versione completa gratis??

Ciao, e grazie mille,
PS. a giorni dovrebbe uscire la 8.1

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[newbie-it] Richiesta info using MDK...

2001-09-24 Per discussione Mau Birocchi

Ciao a tutti,
uno dei grandi problemi nell'uso di Linux è il fatto
che dopo aver installato qualche programma, o non
parte, o non si trovano gli eseguibili.

Esempio reale: ho installato Openoffice 6.0(dal cd di
Linux  C) e funziona correttamente se provato da
root. Quando vado a lanciarlo dallo user che ho creato
per me, non succede nulla... Qualcuno potrebbe dirmi
perchè? (ho provato anche a reinstallarlo da user -
con password di root richiesta dall'OS - ma mi
restituisce solo errori).

Altri due esempi reali: ho installato freeamp e
Quake2, ma dove diamine mi ha creato le cartelle di
installazione e dove trovo l'eseguibile per

Grazie a chiunque mi potrà dare una mano!!! e LINUX FOREVER!

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Rif: Re: [newbie-it] portatile e scheda grafica

2001-09-24 Per discussione eccebacco

 Data: 24 settembre 2001 08:52:53
 Oggetto: Re: [newbie-it] portatile e scheda grafica
 CUT vorrei chiederti se hai avuto problemi ad
  istallare Linux Mandrake 8 su un portatileio sì!
  Non mi riconosce la mia scheda grafica (sis 630/730), ovvero la
  è solo 800x600 e lo schermo risulta disallineato (praticamente vedo
  1/4 del desktop).
  Ha qualche consiglio??
 Io non ho avuto problemi con il mio Toshiba Satellite 1800-100 ma, se
 può aiutarti, posso dirti che per utilizzare la risoluzione di 1024x768
 la mia scheda video utilizza il framebuffer ... per cui funziona (alla
 meraviglia) se si utilizza il lilo grafico di Mdk 8 (che parte appunto
 con un'immagine che sfrutta il framebuffer e, attivandolo, lo rende
 disponibile per X).
 Se vuoi posso inviarti il mio file XF86Cofig  chissà, forse
 modificando qualche parametro potrebbe funzionare.
Se puoi inviarmelo te ne sarei grato,...però (vista la mia grande impreparazione su 
Linux-Unix) potresti darmi anche qualche dritta per usarlo?


Re: [newbie] M 8.x configuring lilo aurora, Xconfig

2001-09-24 Per discussione Miark


The default installation would have installed the Control Center for both KDE and 
and put an icon on your desktop for it. Use that to change from Auorora to text and 
versa. Ditto with LILO and Grub.

And if you installed X, you should already have Xconfigurator installed. If you've 
unsuccessfully to run it, it may be because you weren't root.


- Original Message -
From: Michal Hrtko [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2001 11:31 PM
Subject: [newbie] M 8.x configuring lilo  aurora, Xconfig


 I have there two similar questions:
 1; in default installation M8 is configuring tool for booting to aurora
 (or old style), and switching to Grub or Lilo etc.
 Which .rpm contains this tool (I can't remember the name) , or how
 should I change it manually?
 2; dtto, where is Xconfigurator, or how to change the resolution

 Thanks all,

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Re: [newbie] M 8.x configuring lilo aurora, Xconfig

2001-09-24 Per discussione John W

  If you make a change to LILO be sure to run /sbin/lilo at the root prompt 
to effect the change.
I have noticed making changes using the control center does not always 
update LILO.


At 01:09 AM 9/24/01 -0600, you wrote:

The default installation would have installed the Control Center for 
both KDE and Gnome,
and put an icon on your desktop for it. Use that to change from Auorora to 
text and vice
versa. Ditto with LILO and Grub.

And if you installed X, you should already have Xconfigurator installed. 
If you've tried
unsuccessfully to run it, it may be because you weren't root.


- Original Message -
From: Michal Hrtko [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2001 11:31 PM
Subject: [newbie] M 8.x configuring lilo  aurora, Xconfig

  I have there two similar questions:
  1; in default installation M8 is configuring tool for booting to aurora
  (or old style), and switching to Grub or Lilo etc.
  Which .rpm contains this tool (I can't remember the name) , or how
  should I change it manually?
  2; dtto, where is Xconfigurator, or how to change the resolution
  Thanks all,

  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
  Go to

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
Go to

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[newbie] Screen settings

2001-09-24 Per discussione Andrew Appleton


First time trying Mandrake, previously I have been 
using Slackware (since about 1997 I think...). Anyhow, the Xconfiguration seems 
to have changed slightly - I cannot seem to manually set the H  V synch of 
my screen, all I can do is change the resolution. I have tried using both 
Xconfigurator and the GUI tools from the desktop.
I am using a magazine coverdisk (free distribution) 
v8.0 (Traktopel) distribution of Mandrake.


[newbie] HP CD-Writer 9100i - can't smthing :((;

2001-09-24 Per discussione user

  Question:  about cd-writer
  supermount is ON
  Mandrake say me  Can't get content of  CD -rom,
  when i click on cd-rom icon. And when loading Linux it say
  Bad ...block, or too many file system mounted on hda
   How  get access to see, readcopy content from
   installation  other(iso, jouliet, udf) cdrom  ?
   May be u may recommend model(s) cd-rom(device), that
   will work on 100%.  Help me please.

   hp 9100i used standart ide drivers from windws under windows

  P.S. Configuration of my PC
  HP CD-Writer 9100i as hda1 - cd-writer
  p3-500 - cpu
  P3c-2000 INTEL820  chipset - motherboard
  Vortex!!  2500 au8830  - soundcard
  Asus V3800 v 2.26  - videocard
  ammount of RAM - 256mb
  OS  - Linux Mandrake Russian Edition v 7.0 Full
  based on: gcc 2.95.2, glibc 2.1.2,
XFREE86 3.3.6,  kernell  2.2.14
 X session  KDE
  security level - middle

Best regards,
 user  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[newbie] analog delphi for linux

2001-09-24 Per discussione user

Say me please where download analog delphi5 for linux with russian
language support+library libjpeg v6.2 or highter?
 (Boralnd Kylix - full copy of Delphi -only for Linux)

I have
OS  - Linux Mandrake Russian Edition v 7.0 Full(4cd)
  based on: gcc 2.95.2, glibc 2.1.2,
  XFREE86 3.3.6,  kernell  2.2.14
  Best regards,
 user mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[newbie] Video cards

2001-09-24 Per discussione Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC)

Am just about to get myself an updated video card. I currently have a
Trident Tgui 9440 1 Mb card running on a P I 100 Mhz and it just doesn't
cut it in most cases.

I am looking at either getting a Geforce 3 or Voodoo 3 32 Mb card and I
wonder if there was any preference to either one as I currently have to
dual boot between Win95 and Mandrake 8.

Which one does mandrake already have the drivers for? etc.

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2001-09-24 Per discussione user

Hello ëíó,

Wednesday, September 19, 2001, 11:35:08 AM, you wrote:




Best regards,
 usermailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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RE: [newbie] Samba Clients Passwords

2001-09-24 Per discussione Mark Johnson

Are you using Win95 or '98... if you are you have to set it up so that you
enable logins on the Windows machine because if you don't it'll try to login
to samba with an invalid user name.  It's in the Samba docs, it just not
real obvious - this is such a common problem I don't understand why they
don't have a specific entry about it.  It's even just glossed over in the
Samba O'Reily book...

 -Original Message-
 From: Nicolás Gómez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, September 24, 2001 11:08 AM
 To: newbie
 Subject: [newbie] Samba Clients Passwords
 Hi Folks!!
 I have a problem that is driving me nuts!!! it's seems to 
 be very simple
 but it isn't I'm using samba to share resources with W$ 
 machines and
 Mandrake 8.0 that is the server, of course
 Thw win clients detect the Samba net but when I click on the 
 icon of that
 net it appears a kind of login to that net that is made of 
 auser login
 and a password that, obviously, I have any idea of what could be
 Any positive contribute would be very helpful

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Re: [newbie] Installing Samsung ML4500 printer on 7.1 - Not!

2001-09-24 Per discussione Miark


Have you tried following the instructions that came with printer? I have a ML-4600, and
following the directions on the driver CD, I had the printer working in less than 5


- Original Message -
From: Gordon Burgess-Parker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2001 2:20 AM
Subject: [newbie] Installing Samsung ML4500 printer on 7.1 - Not!

 Hi list,

 I've just bought a Samsung ML4500 printer to replace my windoze printer,
 and I'm having great difficulty in installing the driver for it. I have
 followed the instructions in the Readme file, and it appears that
 something has happened but I'm not sure what.

 Using kpackage, it's showing the new ghostscript has been installed in
 /rpm/ but when I go to configure printer, it doesn't show up in the
 list. When I go to use drakrpm, the new ghostscript doesn't show, in
 fact the directory tree is completely different from that shown by

 I presume i have missed some major part of the install procedure. Can
 anyone help?



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[newbie] Trying to automate aumix -L

2001-09-24 Per discussione Robt. Miller

I want my sound levels adjusted on bootup with the aumix -L command. From what I've 
seen it should go in the 
rc.local file but when I put it there nothing happens. Is there a special syntax or 
something more required than 
aumix -L ?

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RE: [newbie] Video cards

2001-09-24 Per discussione Franki


Just my opinion, although I suspect that it will be reflected by others...

1. A P100 will have nowhere near the power to supply a geoforceII or III.,.
and if you can aford one, why not update the whole system.
2. I have never seen a PCI geoforce, and Pentium systems never had AGP to my
3. I am surprised that you don't find the P100 and ram to be the bottleneck
as opposed to the video card.
4. Is this a joke?  I don't mean to be nasty, but this sounds like a joke..
There is very little benefit in putting a geoforce on a P100, (even were it
5. are you sure this isn't a joke??  :-)

From the testing I have seen, you need something like a 800mhz
PIII/duron/athlon to
get the most from a Geoforce.. the bus/cpu/ram all have to feed the card,
and a P100
couldn't do that to any great effect.. get a voodoo banshee or something if
you want
to inprove your video, don't waste your money on a geoforce...

This really feels like a joke ???



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Hylton Conacher
Sent: Monday, 24 September 2001 11:56 PM
Subject: [newbie] Video cards

Am just about to get myself an updated video card. I currently have a
Trident Tgui 9440 1 Mb card running on a P I 100 Mhz and it just doesn't
cut it in most cases.

I am looking at either getting a Geforce 3 or Voodoo 3 32 Mb card and I
wonder if there was any preference to either one as I currently have to
dual boot between Win95 and Mandrake 8.

Which one does mandrake already have the drivers for? etc.

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[newbie] OT: mail from microsoft...

2001-09-24 Per discussione Franki

Hi all,

I just had this forwarded to me, its legit... am I the only one who thinks
this is sorta funny???

Do we really want these guys in charge of our privacy with Passport and .net
??? We apparently can't
blame them when things go wrong, and with them, things always go wrong at
some stage... so whats to do?

We now have the email address's of every OEM MS builder in this region...
not that I wanted them... still
Whats worse, is that all those OEM's below, also now have my associates
business email address...

Wonder if the melissa mentioned was the object the rather well known virus
was based on?? :-)

On Friday September 21st, 2001 you were sent an email notification regarding
our Windows XP Launch.

Microsoft would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused by the email
addressing. Unfortunately Microsoft inadvertantly displayed all the
recipients of the email in the To: line. This was due to human error and in
no way reflects our stance on maintaining the utmost privacy for our
customers and partners.

We regret the occurrence of this incident and have acted immediately to
ensure this does not happen again.

Microsoft Pty Ltd's Privacy Policy can be viewed at

In addition to our existing Privacy Policy, Microsoft is investing resources
to accommodate the new Australian Privacy [Private Sector] Amendment Act
2000, which as you may know comes into effect in December this year.

Should you wish to discuss this matter further please call our Privacy
Officer, Melissa Simpson on 02- 9870 2204. If more convenient, you can email
Melissa on mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  For your future reference you can
log requests by calling our Sales  Information centre on 13 20 58.

Once again, Microsoft would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused.


Melissa Simpson

Microsoft Pty Ltd

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[newbie] RC1 korganizer

2001-09-24 Per discussione Joan Tur


Where's korganizer in RC1 ??  I cannot find it... i know it's in a kde* 
package, but all of them are installed but devel ones  8?

[root@quinipt RPMS]# rpm -qa|grep kde
[root@quinipt download]#
Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

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[newbie] Install CD won't bootup on mac g4

2001-09-24 Per discussione Ben Bargagliott

I am trying to install Mandrake Linux 8 on my new mac
g4 733Mhz with 384MB RAM.  i downloaded both .iso
files for ppc from the mandrake linux download page. 
i burned the intall iso file on a cdr using toast
titanium 5 using the iso 9660 burning option.  when
i restart my computer and hold down the c key, it
doesn't bootup from the disk.  has anyone else had any
problem burning the intall cd with toast titanium 5?


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Re: [newbie] Samba Clients Passwords

2001-09-24 Per discussione Nicolás Gómez

Windows 95.   I wish that the 9x Machine enter to the Samba Machine like
if it were entering in another Windows Machine..
- Original Message -
From: Dave Sherman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2001 1:29 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Samba Clients Passwords

 Hash: SHA1

 On Monday 24 September 2001 11:08 am, Nicolás Gómez wrote:
  Hi Folks!!
  I have a problem that is driving me nuts!!! it's seems to be very
  simple but it isn't I'm using samba to share resources with W$
  machines and Mandrake 8.0 that is the server, of course
  Thw win clients detect the Samba net but when I click on the icon of
  that net it appears a kind of login to that net that is made of auser
  login and a password that, obviously, I have any idea of what could

 Windows 9x or NT?

 - --
 Nihil tam munitum quod non expugnari pecunia possit. (No
 fortification is such that it cannot be subdued with money.)
 - - Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106-43 B.C.
 Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: For info see


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Re: [newbie] Video cards

2001-09-24 Per discussione Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC)


wish I was joking. Unfortunately I am unemployed right now and the only
machine I have besides a 486 is this P I I got 5 years ago. The software
manager is not being displayed completely under this video card and I
therefore want to increase my video card.

I figured the Voodoo 3 would be a good call but need some advice on the
CPU drain on the P I 100 Mhz with 48 Mb of RAM.

I cannot afford to buy a new system being out of work so I am looking at
increasing the display to the max given the hardware I have. 

P.S.: A new machine will more than likely set me back R7000 whereas a
video card will only be R950 so it is the lesser of the two.

 2. I have never seen a PCI geoforce, and Pentium systems never had AGP to my
 3. I am surprised that you don't find the P100 and ram to be the bottleneck
 as opposed to the video card.
 4. Is this a joke?  I don't mean to be nasty, but this sounds like a joke..
 There is very little benefit in putting a geoforce on a P100, (even were it
 5. are you sure this isn't a joke??  :-)
 From the testing I have seen, you need something like a 800mhz
 PIII/duron/athlon to
 get the most from a Geoforce.. the bus/cpu/ram all have to feed the card,
 and a P100
 couldn't do that to any great effect.. get a voodoo banshee or something if
 you want
 to inprove your video, don't waste your money on a geoforce...
 This really feels like a joke ???
 Subject: [newbie] Video cards
 Am just about to get myself an updated video card. I currently have a
 Trident Tgui 9440 1 Mb card running on a P I 100 Mhz and it just doesn't
 cut it in most cases.
 I am looking at either getting a Geforce 3 or Voodoo 3 32 Mb card and I
 wonder if there was any preference to either one as I currently have to
 dual boot between Win95 and Mandrake 8.
 Which one does mandrake already have the drivers for? etc.

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Re: [newbie] Samba Clients Passwords

2001-09-24 Per discussione Dave Sherman

Hash: SHA1

On Monday 24 September 2001 01:11 pm, Nicolás Gómez wrote:
 Windows 95.   I wish that the 9x Machine enter to the Samba Machine
 like if it were entering in another Windows Machine..

OK, then as someone else said (Michael?), you will need to first make sure 
that your Windows PC is set up to use multiple User Profiles. The user may 
then login with a user id and password, and this information is sent to 
Samba when doing user authentication.

It is probably best to make your Windows and Linux user ID's the same. 
Samba can map Windows - Linux, but why go to the extra work? Just use 
smbadduser to create your Samba users (same ID as for Windows), and also 
same password.

- -- 
Nihil tam munitum quod non expugnari pecunia possit. (No 
fortification is such that it cannot be subdued with money.)
- - Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106-43 B.C.
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


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Re: [newbie] What program for news ??

2001-09-24 Per discussione Joan Tur

Es Sun 23 Sep 2001 16:06, Sridhar Dhanapalan va escriure:
  -bottom left: connecting - jobs 0/1 (when trying to dl the list of news
  groups from, my fidonet news server)
  And then i get a gnome error:
  PAN application has failed (fatal error)  and it hangs  8(
  I'm using pan 0.10.0
 hmmm... sorry, I don't know this one (I don't use PAN very much) :(
Solved.  It was a problem with the DNS server !!  8-O


Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

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[newbie] Running W$/DOS Apps on Samba

2001-09-24 Per discussione Nicolás Gómez

Hi ... i have a question for you

I have 4 windows 9x machines connected to a Mandrake 8.1 Release Candidate
Server running samba

The question is.  Can the Windows Users run an app made for DOS/Windows
on the Linux server and save their changes there?.. I know that Samba is
like Novell... for sharing files and printers but I don't know if running an
application for Windows in the Linux Server with Samba and save their work
there could be possible

thanks at alla

Bytes!! ;-)

Nicolas Gómez

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RE: [newbie] Video cards

2001-09-24 Per discussione Franki

ok, fair enough, but you don't need That flash a vid card to do what you

for alot less then a Voodoo or Nvidia, you can pick up a PCI 8mb with a sys

alot less money and alot better suited to your system

There is no point in coupling video cards designed with a 1gig CPU with a
100mhz one,
it will probably work worse then your 1mb,, if you can get it working at



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Hylton Conacher
Sent: Tuesday, 25 September 2001 2:19 AM
To: Linux newbie
Subject: Re: [newbie] Video cards


wish I was joking. Unfortunately I am unemployed right now and the only
machine I have besides a 486 is this P I I got 5 years ago. The software
manager is not being displayed completely under this video card and I
therefore want to increase my video card.

I figured the Voodoo 3 would be a good call but need some advice on the
CPU drain on the P I 100 Mhz with 48 Mb of RAM.

I cannot afford to buy a new system being out of work so I am looking at
increasing the display to the max given the hardware I have.

P.S.: A new machine will more than likely set me back R7000 whereas a
video card will only be R950 so it is the lesser of the two.

 2. I have never seen a PCI geoforce, and Pentium systems never had AGP to
 3. I am surprised that you don't find the P100 and ram to be the
 as opposed to the video card.
 4. Is this a joke?  I don't mean to be nasty, but this sounds like a
 There is very little benefit in putting a geoforce on a P100, (even were
 5. are you sure this isn't a joke??  :-)

 From the testing I have seen, you need something like a 800mhz
 PIII/duron/athlon to
 get the most from a Geoforce.. the bus/cpu/ram all have to feed the card,
 and a P100
 couldn't do that to any great effect.. get a voodoo banshee or something
 you want
 to inprove your video, don't waste your money on a geoforce...

 This really feels like a joke ???



 Subject: [newbie] Video cards

 Am just about to get myself an updated video card. I currently have a
 Trident Tgui 9440 1 Mb card running on a P I 100 Mhz and it just doesn't
 cut it in most cases.

 I am looking at either getting a Geforce 3 or Voodoo 3 32 Mb card and I
 wonder if there was any preference to either one as I currently have to
 dual boot between Win95 and Mandrake 8.

 Which one does mandrake already have the drivers for? etc.

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Re: [newbie] Running W$/DOS Apps on Samba

2001-09-24 Per discussione Dave Sherman

Hash: SHA1

On Monday 24 September 2001 01:34 pm, Nicolás Gómez wrote:
 Hi ... i have a question for you

 I have 4 windows 9x machines connected to a Mandrake 8.1 Release
 Candidate Server running samba

 The question is.  Can the Windows Users run an app made for
 DOS/Windows on the Linux server and save their changes there?.. I know
 that Samba is like Novell... for sharing files and printers but I don't
 know if running an application for Windows in the Linux Server with
 Samba and save their work there could be possible

If you are wondering if it is possible to run network applications for 
Windows from a Samba server, the answer is YES.

Just install the software from a Windows workstation, specify whatever 
network install option you are given, and install the files onto the Samba 

You may need to map a network drive for your Windows PCs to use Samba 
properly in this fashion, but that is trivial.

- -- 
Nihil tam munitum quod non expugnari pecunia possit. (No 
fortification is such that it cannot be subdued with money.)
- - Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106-43 B.C.
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


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Re: [newbie] Installing Samsung ML4500 printer on 7.1 - Not!

2001-09-24 Per discussione Gordon Burgess-Parker

Miark wrote:
  Gordon,Have you tried following the instructions that came with printer? I have a ML-4600, andfollowing the directions on the driver CD, I had the printer working in less than 5minutes.Miark- Original Message -From: "Gordon Burgess-Parker" [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: "Newbie List" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Monday, September 24, 2001 2:20 AMSubject: [newbie] Installing Samsung ML4500 printer on 7.1 - Not!
Hi list,I've just bought a Samsung ML4500 printer to replace my windoze printer,and I'm having great difficulty in installing the driver for it. I havefollowed the instructions in the Readme file, and it appears thatsomething has happened but I'm not sure what.Using kpackage, it's showing the new ghostscript has been installed in/rpm/ but when I go to configure printer, it doesn't show up in thelist. When I go to use drakrpm, the new ghostscript doesn't show, infact the directory tree is completely different from that shown bykpackage.I presume i have missed some major part of the install procedure. Cananyone help?ThanksGordon

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yes, I folowed the instructions,but discovered that the the shell script
didn't work properly,. I managed to add the printer definition to the printerdb
file and the printerdb.gdi file using copy and paste from the file on the
cd,so that when I went to "configure printer" at least it was in the list,
but the printer still won't print. How do i check that the driver hasbeen
installed in the correct place?

Re: [newbie] Samba Clients Passwords

2001-09-24 Per discussione Roderick Scotto

I had the same problrm 2 days ago.. I solved.
you must add the windows users in the samab by typing smbadduser and create 
user and password.. then when ever you click on the folder form the windows 
machine enter the samba password (the one that you assigned to the 

to change the password type smbpassword..

pleas enote that you must be root to use smbadduser  ..
and went you typt smbpasswd it will change on the passowrd of the user user 
logged on linux

Roderick Scotto

From: Nicolás Gómez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [newI hbie] Samba Clients Passwords
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2001 13:08:27 -0300

Hi Folks!!

I have a problem that is driving me nuts!!! it's seems to be very 
but it isn't I'm using samba to share resources with W$ machines and
Mandrake 8.0 that is the server, of course

Thw win clients detect the Samba net but when I click on the icon of that
net it appears a kind of login to that net that is made of auser login
and a password that, obviously, I have any idea of what could be

Any positive contribute would be very helpful


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Re: [newbie] Running W$/DOS Apps on Samba

2001-09-24 Per discussione Ric Tibbetts

Yes, and no.

If you install Windoze software from a Windoze machine onto a samba 
share, then yes, you can mount that share, and run the application, and 
save to that disk space from the windoze box. This is commonly done.

If you're asking if you can run the app from the LInux box, then no, you 
can't do that, without special software.


Nicolás Gómez wrote:

 Hi ... i have a question for you
 I have 4 windows 9x machines connected to a Mandrake 8.1 Release Candidate
 Server running samba
 The question is.  Can the Windows Users run an app made for DOS/Windows
 on the Linux server and save their changes there?.. I know that Samba is
 like Novell... for sharing files and printers but I don't know if running an
 application for Windows in the Linux Server with Samba and save their work
 there could be possible
 thanks at alla
 Bytes!! ;-)
 Nicolas Gómez
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Re: [newbie] Video cards

2001-09-24 Per discussione Randy Kramer

Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC) wrote:
 The software
 manager is not being displayed completely under this video card and I
 therefore want to increase my video card.

Tell us more -- do you need higher resolution or what?  Is the screen
display bigger than the CRT so that you have to scroll?

I'm just trying to make sure that the problem you have is one that can
(and needs to) be solved by a new video card.

Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] Video cards

2001-09-24 Per discussione Gary Chisholm

If you like, I'll donate you an older card thats sitting here collecting
dust (older Voodoo), as long as you use you're money to buy Power Pack
8.1 when it's release.  Email me back if you like to have it.

Gary Chisholm MUD
Just another Mandrake User ;)

On Mon, 2001-09-24 at 14:18, Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC) wrote:
 wish I was joking. Unfortunately I am unemployed right now and the only
 machine I have besides a 486 is this P I I got 5 years ago. The software
 manager is not being displayed completely under this video card and I
 therefore want to increase my video card.
 I figured the Voodoo 3 would be a good call but need some advice on the
 CPU drain on the P I 100 Mhz with 48 Mb of RAM.
 I cannot afford to buy a new system being out of work so I am looking at
 increasing the display to the max given the hardware I have. 
 P.S.: A new machine will more than likely set me back R7000 whereas a
 video card will only be R950 so it is the lesser of the two.

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[newbie] X window on Toshiba Sat pro 4600

2001-09-24 Per discussione Pedro Montero

I have installed Mandrake 8.0 on a notebook Toshiba Satellite Pro 4600 but I have problems configuring the X Window. I have a Trident Cyberblade card. Basically, the KDE appears much smaller than the screen size.
This is the first time installing Linux soif  anybody have anyidea about theXF86Config file I should have or how to solve the problem would be very grateful.
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[newbie] Hostility Levels on the list

2001-09-24 Per discussione Ric Tibbetts

I recently made the serious error of replying to a question (on this 
list), to a person seaking advice on a modem. I did make the mistake 
of recently switching my mail software, and I missed turning off HTML. 
I've corrected that.

However, I don't think I did anything to warrent being called names. 
Perhaps the folks on a newbie list could learn to say thank you
 to those who respond to their questions, and not start with the name 
calling. Or perhaps the next time, they'll get far fewer responses.

The brief exchange is included below for everyones entertainment. The 
hostile individual was Kari Suomela [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I seldom let things like this burn me. But this person went out of their 
way just to insult someone who tried to help.

Maybe the rest of you will remember the name when more questions are asked.

Have a good day


- The exchange -
 Sorry about the HTML. I thought I had that turned off.
 I did send that to the list. I sent it with a reply to all as is
 Not in a posting to a list. Welcome to my twit filter!

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Re: [newbie] kde locks up

2001-09-24 Per discussione s

On Sunday 23 September 2001 03:50 pm,  civileme wrote:

 I would guess off-hand that the power supply voltages need to be checked.
 2.2 is right for K6 speed 450 or higher.  

It was 2.2.  I'd forgotten this was an adjustable setting.  I remember seeing 
switches/jumpers on mobo for this now.  But I never had to mess with before.

 Another gimmick is to
 underclock--set the speed jumpers to 95 on the buss and from 450 to 400 for
 the processor.  

Well, it didn't have an adjustment for the bus, but I could change the cpu 
speed.  Probably amounts to the same thing.  Anyway, it's been up for a few 
hours without freezing up.  It don't seem any noticably slower.  

I still may replace it.  Anybody want to buy a used mobo and cpu?   :-)  



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Re: [newbie] Vortex!! 2500 au8830 based - don't work :(

2001-09-24 Per discussione David Robertson

On booting, go into the bios settings and you'll find an entry for plug and 
play bios somewhere - disable it, or set it to no. then reboot.

After unpacking au88xx.tar.bz2, you'll need to edit the Makefile to allow for 
whatever kernel you have.

Good luck


On Saturday 22 September 2001 7:00 pm, you wrote:
 Question: Vortex!!- 2500 au8830 based chipset -don't work :(
   what i may do? How to  problem? Help me please
 I already have au88xx*.tar.gz. Unpaked successful.
 When i try install the driver it say about errors.PnP OS -dizabled in
 Under windows my soundcard detected as  Vortex au8830 pci audio
 with irq4. df80-df83.
 i/o range - d800-d807; d400-d407.
 Sundcard may use soundblaster pro emulation under dos.

 Configuration of my PC
   HP CD-Writer 9100i as hda1 - cd-writer
   p3-500 - cpu
   P3c-2000 INTEL820  chipset - motherboard
   Vortex!!  2500 au8830  - soundcard
   Asus V3800 v 2.26  - videocard
   ammount of RAM - 256mb
 OS  - Linux Mandrake Russian Edition v 7.0 Full
   based on: gcc 2.95.2, glibc 2.1.2,
 XFREE86 3.3.6,  kernell  2.2.14
  X session  KDE
   security level - middle

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Re: [newbie] Vortex!! 2500 au8830 based - don't work :(

2001-09-24 Per discussione skinky

On Sunday 23 September 2001 06:00, you wrote:
 Question: Vortex!!- 2500 au8830 based chipset -don't work :(
   what i may do? How to  problem? Help me please
 I already have au88xx*.tar.gz. Unpaked successful.
 When i try install the driver it say about errors.PnP OS -dizabled in
 Under windows my soundcard detected as  Vortex au8830 pci audio
 with irq4. df80-df83.
 i/o range - d800-d807; d400-d407.
 Sundcard may use soundblaster pro emulation under dos.

 Configuration of my PC
   HP CD-Writer 9100i as hda1 - cd-writer
   p3-500 - cpu
   P3c-2000 INTEL820  chipset - motherboard
   Vortex!!  2500 au8830  - soundcard
   Asus V3800 v 2.26  - videocard
   ammount of RAM - 256mb
 OS  - Linux Mandrake Russian Edition v 7.0 Full
   based on: gcc 2.95.2, glibc 2.1.2,
 XFREE86 3.3.6,  kernell  2.2.14
  X session  KDE
   security level - middle

Have you tried typing sndconfig (without the quotes) in a console as 


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Re: [newbie] Hostility Levels on the list

2001-09-24 Per discussione s

On Monday 24 September 2001 03:19 pm,  Ric Tibbetts wrote:
 I recently made the serious error of replying to a question (on this
 list), to a person seaking advice on a modem. I did make the mistake
 of recently switching my mail software, and I missed turning off HTML.
 I've corrected that.

 However, I don't think I did anything to warrent being called names.
 Perhaps the folks on a newbie list could learn to say thank you
  to those who respond to their questions, and not start with the name
 calling. Or perhaps the next time, they'll get far fewer responses.

 I seldom let things like this burn me. But this person went out of their
 way just to insult someone who tried to help.

 Maybe the rest of you will remember the name when more questions are asked.

 Have a good day


It's been getting hostile on all the forums and ngs since 8.0 came out, and 
that number has been multiplied by the influx of windows refugees since the 
publicity surrounding the windows product activation.  It's gotten to where 
trying to help ain't even fun anymore.  I agree, it's a sad state of affairs.

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Re: [newbie] Installing Samsung ML4500 printer on 7.1 - Not!

2001-09-24 Per discussione Miark

Oy--sorry Gordon, I don't remember anything else. I've installed the printer several 
since then, but it's always been as part of a full Mandrake installation :-(


- Original Message -
From: Gordon Burgess-Parker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2001 12:46 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Installing Samsung ML4500 printer on 7.1 - Not!

 Miark wrote:

 Have you tried following the instructions that came with printer? I have a ML-4600, 
 following the directions on the driver CD, I had the printer working in less than 5
 - Original Message -
 From: Gordon Burgess-Parker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Newbie List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, September 24, 2001 2:20 AM
 Subject: [newbie] Installing Samsung ML4500 printer on 7.1 - Not!
 Hi list,
 I've just bought a Samsung ML4500 printer to replace my windoze printer,
 and I'm having great difficulty in installing the driver for it. I have
 followed the instructions in the Readme file, and it appears that
 something has happened but I'm not sure what.
 Using kpackage, it's showing the new ghostscript has been installed in
 /rpm/ but when I go to configure printer, it doesn't show up in the
 list. When I go to use drakrpm, the new ghostscript doesn't show, in
 fact the directory tree is completely different from that shown by
 I presume i have missed some major part of the install procedure. Can
 anyone help?
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 yes, I folowed the instructions,but discovered that the  the shell
 script didn't work properly,. I managed to add the printer definition to
 the printerdb file and the printerdb.gdi file using copy and paste from
 the file on the cd,so that when I went to configure printer at least
 it was in the list, but the printer still won't print. How do i check
 that the driver hasbeen installed in the correct place?

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Re: [newbie] X window on Toshiba Sat pro 4600

2001-09-24 Per discussione David Robertson

Well, I don't know much about the Toshiba, but you could try to send your 
mail in plain text, rather than html. A lot of GNU/Linux users are a bit 
picky about things like that (not me , of course!)

Are you sure that the screen resolution isn't just set too small? You should 
be able to adjust it to 1024x768 in the control,centre, I think.


On Monday 24 September 2001 8:08 pm, you wrote:
 htmldiv style='background-color:'DIV
 PBRI have installed Mandrake 8.0 on a notebook Toshiba Satellite Pro
 4600 but I have problems configuring the X Window. I have a Trident
 Cyberblade card. Basically, the KDE appears much smaller than the screen
 size./P PThis is the first time installing Linux sonbsp;if  anybody
 have anynbsp;idea about thenbsp;XF86Config file I should have or how to
 solve the problem would be very grateful./P PThanks.nbsp;/P
 PBRnbsp;/P/DIV/divbr clear=allhrGet your FREE download of
 MSN Explorer at a

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Re: [newbie] Login Manager

2001-09-24 Per discussione Dave Sherman

Hash: SHA1

On Monday 24 September 2001 03:12 pm, Dave Naylor wrote:

 Its annoying me that I cant figure this out, but how does one change
 from the default KDM Login Manager to say GDM?

1. Make sure that gdm is installed (it probably is).
2. Edit the file /etc/sysconfig/desktop, and change KDE to GNOME

- -- 
Nihil tam munitum quod non expugnari pecunia possit. (No 
fortification is such that it cannot be subdued with money.)
- - Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106-43 B.C.
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


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[newbie] Solved: RC1 korganizer

2001-09-24 Per discussione Joan Tur

kdepim installed.  Sorry about that silly question  O8)

Es Mon 24 Sep 2001 21:59, Joan Tur va escriure:

 Where's korganizer in RC1 ??  I cannot find it... i know it's in a kde*
 package, but all of them are installed but devel ones  8?

Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

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RE: [newbie] Hostility Levels on the list

2001-09-24 Per discussione Franki

yeah, but its still not the redhat site, have you been on that???

There must be thousands of people on this list, and probably 20 of them have
proven to be
nasty posters... that still leaves alot (the majority in fact!!!) that are
here because of
linux instead of politics or personal amateur psychology and trolling.

I would like to consider myself in that majority.. and I think a good many
of you do as well,
(hense it being a maajority :-)



PS, we are too close to providing a comparably usable Desktop OS and already
have a better server,
so lets not blow it be coming across as zealots, it doesn't look good..

look what it did for apple? they had a bunch of old fanatics attacking
everything that wasn't apple,
and when that didnt' grow to anything, they had to swap to selling colorful
dayglo cases(imac) and
notebooks to newbies..

(having said that, that later idea actually worked to some degree... :-)

peace people,



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of s
Sent: Tuesday, 25 September 2001 3:04 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Hostility Levels on the list

On Monday 24 September 2001 03:19 pm,  Ric Tibbetts wrote:
 I recently made the serious error of replying to a question (on this
 list), to a person seaking advice on a modem. I did make the mistake
 of recently switching my mail software, and I missed turning off HTML.
 I've corrected that.

 However, I don't think I did anything to warrent being called names.
 Perhaps the folks on a newbie list could learn to say thank you
  to those who respond to their questions, and not start with the name
 calling. Or perhaps the next time, they'll get far fewer responses.

 I seldom let things like this burn me. But this person went out of their
 way just to insult someone who tried to help.

 Maybe the rest of you will remember the name when more questions are

 Have a good day


It's been getting hostile on all the forums and ngs since 8.0 came out, and
that number has been multiplied by the influx of windows refugees since the
publicity surrounding the windows product activation.  It's gotten to where
trying to help ain't even fun anymore.  I agree, it's a sad state of

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Re: [newbie] Login Manager

2001-09-24 Per discussione Dave Naylor


On Monday 24 September 2001 21:24, you wrote:

  Its annoying me that I cant figure this out, but how does one change
  from the default KDM Login Manager to say GDM?

 1. Make sure that gdm is installed (it probably is).
 2. Edit the file /etc/sysconfig/desktop, and change KDE to GNOME

Hey I'd actually figured things out up to there by examing every script I 
could find.  Thing is though, there isnt a /etc/sysconfig/desktop file?

Whats the format?

  O Dave Naylor [ It's something unpredictable but ]
 |[  in the end is right, I hope you ]
[---]Linux user [ had the time of your life.   ]

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Re: [newbie] Login Manager

2001-09-24 Per discussione Dave Sherman

Hash: SHA1

On Monday 24 September 2001 03:35 pm, Dave Naylor wrote:

 On Monday 24 September 2001 21:24, you wrote:
   Its annoying me that I cant figure this out, but how does one change
   from the default KDM Login Manager to say GDM?
  1. Make sure that gdm is installed (it probably is).
  2. Edit the file /etc/sysconfig/desktop, and change KDE to GNOME

 Hey I'd actually figured things out up to there by examing every script
 I could find.  Thing is though, there isnt a /etc/sysconfig/desktop

 Whats the format?

Interesting that you don't have such a file. In my desktop file, there is 
just a single word: KDE (GNOME also works to start gdm on my system, I 
have tried it, but decided I prefer kdm even though I run Ximian Gnome for 
my desktop).

- -- 
Nihil tam munitum quod non expugnari pecunia possit. (No 
fortification is such that it cannot be subdued with money.)
- - Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106-43 B.C.
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


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Re: [newbie] Other screens than :0?

2001-09-24 Per discussione Ric Tibbetts

No, you don't need a second card. You can run multiple X sessions on a 
single card. I had a quick glance at the log file, but am unsure of the 
nature of the problem.

How do you start X now? (xdm?, or startx?)


Jesse Hepburn wrote:

 The :0 represents display 0 on your system.
 If you had a second graphics card you could use :1 to display on that
 monitor (with the second card)
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Paul
 Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2001 11:26 PM
 To: newbie
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Other screens than :0?
 It was Wed, 15 Aug 2001 13:44:25 -0500 when emammendes wrote:

I tried what you said but the same error came out.  I have attached the

file in case you want to have a look.

Many thanks


 I had a look, but I am not that much an expert on the technicalities...
 I hope
 someone else can get you out of this problem.
 We will either find a way, or make one.
 -Hannibal - Registered Linux User 174403
  Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.5.3
 ** - when you care **
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Re: [newbie] Hostility Levels on the list

2001-09-24 Per discussione D. Lee Wiggers

Some of us refugees do appreciate the help very much, are not rude ever, no matter 
how provoked, and would prefer
not to be tarred with the same brush as those who are rude 
and/or hostile.

Frankly, as a lurker extraordinaire, I would rather associate with
the guy who gave up an old video card than the one who
chastised the big mouth.

BUT.You are all very valuable and appreciated here.


9/24/01 12:04:15 PM, s [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Monday 24 September 2001 03:19 pm,  Ric Tibbetts wrote:
 I recently made the serious error of replying to a question (on this
 list), to a person seaking advice on a modem. I did make the mistake
 of recently switching my mail software, and I missed turning off HTML.
 I've corrected that.

 However, I don't think I did anything to warrent being called names.
 Perhaps the folks on a newbie list could learn to say thank you
  to those who respond to their questions, and not start with the name
 calling. Or perhaps the next time, they'll get far fewer responses.

 I seldom let things like this burn me. But this person went out of their
 way just to insult someone who tried to help.

 Maybe the rest of you will remember the name when more questions are asked.

 Have a good day


It's been getting hostile on all the forums and ngs since 8.0 came out, and 
that number has been multiplied by the influx of windows refugees since the 
publicity surrounding the windows product activation.  It's gotten to where 
trying to help ain't even fun anymore.  I agree, it's a sad state of affairs.

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Re: [newbie] browse directories with appache?

2001-09-24 Per discussione Dave Sherman

Hash: SHA1

On Monday 24 September 2001 04:00 pm, Jon Doe wrote:
 Ok, how do I let my visitors browse files in a directory, so I don't
 have to build an html page for each directory and file?
 As of right now it keeps saying you don't have permission to acccess
 this directory

This error means one of two things:
1. Your httpd.conf does not contain a proper Directory entry for the 
directory you are trying to access.
OR (more likely?)
2. The directory itself has the rong permissions. Any directory that 
Apache is to read from needs *at least* 0755 permissions. This is because 
Apache falls under the set of Other permissions (the last digit above), 
and it needs both read and execute on any directory it is going to access. 
Files within that directory must be at least 644, so that Apache has at 
least read-only access.

Once you can access a directory, Apache should create an index for you 
automatically, if it can't find an appropriate index.* file.

- -- 
Nihil tam munitum quod non expugnari pecunia possit. (No 
fortification is such that it cannot be subdued with money.)
- - Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106-43 B.C.
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


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RE: [newbie] Video cards

2001-09-24 Per discussione Hans N.

Visionteck and PNY both have GeForce 2 MX400 64 meg PCI cards. I believe
Visionteck also has a 32 meg GeForce 2 MX200 PCI card as well. Just my 2

Oh, and a side story, kind of sums up Frank's post. One day several years
ago, I walked into a Best Buy. I wanted to ask the customer service desk
guys about a possible video card upgrade for a Pentium 60, not to be
confused with a Pentium 66 MHz :^) Well one of the guys looked at me like I
was a complete moron (which I was as far as computers went, especially
hardware) and said I'd look into getting a new computer if I were you . . .
Unless you want to speed up Solitaire. So, the moral of the story, save
your money for a better box which will most likely include a better video

Hans N.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Franki
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2001 1:22 PM
2. I have never seen a PCI geoforce, and Pentium systems never had AGP to my

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Re: [newbie] Login Manager

2001-09-24 Per discussione Ric Tibbetts

Check in /etc/inittab for prefdm (I don't remember where prefdm is, 
and I'm not near a linux box at the moment). Within that file, is the 
definition for which login manager you will be using. Just change it to 
the desired login manager kdm,gdm, or xdm...


Dave Sherman wrote:

 Hash: SHA1
 On Monday 24 September 2001 03:35 pm, Dave Naylor wrote:

On Monday 24 September 2001 21:24, you wrote:

Its annoying me that I cant figure this out, but how does one change
from the default KDM Login Manager to say GDM?

1. Make sure that gdm is installed (it probably is).
2. Edit the file /etc/sysconfig/desktop, and change KDE to GNOME

Hey I'd actually figured things out up to there by examing every script
I could find.  Thing is though, there isnt a /etc/sysconfig/desktop

Whats the format?

 Interesting that you don't have such a file. In my desktop file, there is 
 just a single word: KDE (GNOME also works to start gdm on my system, I 
 have tried it, but decided I prefer kdm even though I run Ximian Gnome for 
 my desktop).
 - -- 
 Nihil tam munitum quod non expugnari pecunia possit. (No 
 fortification is such that it cannot be subdued with money.)
 - - Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106-43 B.C.
 Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: For info see
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 Go to

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Re: [newbie] Login Manager

2001-09-24 Per discussione David Robertson

You need to create a file /etc/sysconfig/desktop and just insert the line 
DESKTOP=GNOME (without quotes). There should be a setting in /etc/X11/prefdm
that specifies gdm if the preferred desktop is gnome - I can't remember the 
details but I think the file is OK as it comes in LM 8.0, so all I had to do 
was create the /etc/sysconfig/desktop file.


On Monday 24 September 2001 9:12 pm, you wrote:

 Its annoying me that I cant figure this out, but how does one change from
 the default KDM Login Manager to say GDM?

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Re: [newbie] Login Manager

2001-09-24 Per discussione David Robertson

It didn't exist in my system either, but I found that just GNOME didn't 
work - it had to be DESKTOP=GNOME


On Monday 24 September 2001 9:44 pm, you wrote:
 On Monday 24 September 2001 03:35 pm, Dave Naylor wrote:
  On Monday 24 September 2001 21:24, you wrote:
Its annoying me that I cant figure this out, but how does one change
from the default KDM Login Manager to say GDM?
   1. Make sure that gdm is installed (it probably is).
   2. Edit the file /etc/sysconfig/desktop, and change KDE to GNOME
  Hey I'd actually figured things out up to there by examing every script
  I could find.  Thing is though, there isnt a /etc/sysconfig/desktop
  Whats the format?

 Interesting that you don't have such a file. In my desktop file, there is
 just a single word: KDE (GNOME also works to start gdm on my system, I
 have tried it, but decided I prefer kdm even though I run Ximian Gnome for
 my desktop).

 Nihil tam munitum quod non expugnari pecunia possit. (No
 fortification is such that it cannot be subdued with money.)
 - Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106-43 B.C.

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Re: [newbie] Hostility Levels on the list

2001-09-24 Per discussione Ed Kasky

It has been my experience that most of the offenders don't even know the 
difference between html and plain text let alone know how to change a 
setting.  I thought all I had to do was turn it on and just go...


I can't tell you how frustrating it was for me to get some members of some 
lists that I run from my server to change their settings in AOL!!!  Then I 
found demime which just strips it and attachments - including vcf's - 
before a message hits a list.

Another solution might be to get the newbie list folk to use something like 
demime to strip the html...


At 10:24 PM 9/24/2001 +0100, you wrote:
as a suggestion, when some one sends and html email, every body respond
to them, off list, by forwarding them their message and ask them to
resubmit in plain text.

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[newbie] Help with CRON

2001-09-24 Per discussione Duke Glover

Hello all,

Quick one for you

I need help with cron on Mandrake 7.0

I want to schedule a script, using cron, that will run every Saturday at

Now on Solaris I would do it like this

59 23 * * 6 /my/  /dev/null

59 = minute
23 = hour
* = day of the month
* = month of the year
6 = day of the week

However, my search for cron help on Linux brought me here.

Here the format is as follows:  minute hour day month year command

Following this format how do I tell it to happen only on Saturday at

While I'm asking, how about this /etc/cron.daily, hourly, monthly, weekly ?
The doc says just to drop your script in one of these directories and it
will be run.  When ?  hourly, I can guess; but daily, monthly weekly.  I
mean will something in /etc/cron.weekly run the first second of each new
week starting on Sunday ?

Help me,


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RE: [newbie] Hostility Levels on the list

2001-09-24 Per discussione Hans N.

I wont include the message, but if I were a Freudian Psychiatrist, I'd have
a hay day with it and all that talk of ego, spelling errors, all lower case
letters :^)~

Hans N.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of george
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2001 5:24 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Hostility Levels on the list

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