Re: [newbie-it] [Forse OT] PHP Nuke

2002-04-20 Per discussione Giovanni Mazzamati

Alle 04:22, venerdì 19 aprile 2002, Brunini Alessandro ha scritto:
 E' propio necessario abilitare il virtual hosting? In fondo è solo una
 prova qui sulla mia macchina.

Non è asolutamnte necessario, ma così impari più cose, altrimenti dovevi 
crearti una subdir e mettere tutto li, del tipo

 La cosa che non ho ASSOLUTAMENTE chiara è phpMyAdmin: cosa è e a che
 serve (e quindi cosa ci devo fare e come lo devo fare).

E' un'interfaccia in PHP verso MySql, quindi vale lo stesso discorso che è 
stato fatto per PHP Nuke. Io non ho, per ora, installata la MDK 8.2 e non so 
se è previsto un pacchetto che gestisca phpmyadmin.

 Per ora ho seguito le guide di spaghettibrain.

 Qualcosa ho ottenuto.

 alla pagina http:localhost/admin.php mi parte uno pseudo portale con
 numerosi messaggi di errore tutti che indirizzano ad un file solo:


 Inoltre al primo accesso non dovrei avere la richiesta di userID
 epassword dell'amministratore (che la prima volta dovrebbero essere
 God e Password)?

 Mi sono scordato di postare il messaggio di errore:

 Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in

Questo accade perchè non riesce a connettersi a MySql.
Una cosa che devi fare è creare l'utente MySql e poi il DataBase
Di seguito inserisco il suggerimento datomi da Pieruigi Fiorini tempo fa

/etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql start
[se non è avviato mysql al boot]
mysqladmin -u root password 'password_di_root'
mysql_setpermission -u root
[ti chiede la password di root]
[scegli 2 dalla lista e crea un utente, un database, dagli una password
all'utente e scegli localhost come server, dopo esci con 0 se non erro]
edita /etc/my.cnf scrivendo


Come si aggiungono altri utenti non l'ho ancora provato...

Ora devi creare il db per Nuke. Ti consiglio di usare phpmyadmin (che 
ovviamente deve essere configurato attraverso il suo

$cfgServers[1]['host']  = 'localhost'; // MySQL hostname
$cfgServers[1]['port']  = '';  // MySQL port - leave blank 
for default port
$cfgServers[1]['socket']= '';  // Path to the socket - leave 
blank for default socket
$cfgServers[1]['connect_type']  = 'tcp';   // How to connect to MySQL 
server ('tcp' or 'socket')
$cfgServers[1]['stduser']   = '';  // MySQL standard user 
settings (this user must have read-only
$cfgServers[1]['stdpass']   = '';  //   access to the 
mysql/user and mysql/db tables)
$cfgServers[1]['auth_type'] = 'config'; // Authentication method 
(config, http or cookie based)?
$cfgServers[1]['user']  = 'root';  // MySQL user
$cfgServers[1]['password']  = 'password';  // MySQL password 
(only needed with 'config' auth)
$cfgServers[1]['only_db']   = '';  // If set to a db-name, only
this db is displayed at left frame

Cosi non ti verrà chiesta la password all'avvio di phpmyadmin.

Ho volutamente omesso altre informazioni che reputo secondarie, ma ho notato 
che lo spirito di asplorazione non ti manca, quindi fammi sapere se avrai 
bisogno di ulteriori notizie.
Comunque sia fammi sapere...

Giovanni Mazzamati

Linux Mandrake 8.1
KDE 2.2 user
Registred User #183142

Un giorno le macchine riusciranno a risolvere tutti i problemi,
ma mai nessuna di esse potrà porne uno.

Albert Einstein

Re: [newbie-it] Aggiornamento sito

2002-04-20 Per discussione LukenShiro

Un bel di', a molte leghe di distanza, il nobile IL Tecnico detto' al 
suo fido scrivano codesta missiva:
 Ho provato ad upgradare il mio sito internet giacente sul server 
 Provo a collegarmi all'indirizzo con user e passw 
 ma non apre l'index, non segnala errori e rimane in 

Sinceramente non credo che sia un problema di linux ne' di client ftp 
in uso, direi piuttosto che si tratta di connessione difettosa o di 
server tiscali che fa acqua. Prova piu' volte a distanza di tempo e 
dovresti riuscirci.

P.S. personalmente ho lo stesso problema (con cui oramai ho imparato a 
convivere); tra l'altro con Tiscali ho pure un abbonamento ADSL 640 e 
sono tutt'altro che soddisfatto ... :-/

L.U. #210970 - L.M. #98222 * MDK 8.3-cooker - 2.4.18-ac3
La netiquette non e' una moquette piu' pulita :)

[newbie-it] Problema file 100 MB

2002-04-20 Per discussione legion

ieri rippavo un cd e quando il file wave arrivava a 100 MB mi
diceva Superato il limite di dimensione del file e si fermava.
credevo fosse qualche strana opzione di grip...

poi oggi decomprimo un file zip:
 inflating: Tool_-_Parabola-cuzz-APV.mpg
 Superato il limite di dimensione del file

(sempre quando raggiunge i 100 MB)

ma cosè??
un'impostazione di sistema?? una roba di gnome??
lo spazio si disco cè...


  (Anal Cunt)

Re: [newbie-it] Problema file 100 MB

2002-04-20 Per discussione LukenShiro

Un bel di', a molte leghe di distanza, il nobile legion detto' al suo 
fido scrivano codesta missiva:
 ieri rippavo un cd e quando il file wave arrivava a 100 MB mi
 diceva Superato il limite di dimensione del file e si fermava.

Se quei programmi li esegui dalla shell probabilmente si tratta 
di impostazioni restrittive di ulimit
Prova ulimit -f unlimited o in alternativa un numero [in blocchi] 
piu' elevato dell'esistente.

L.U. #210970 - L.M. #98222 * MDK 8.3-cooker - 2.4.18-ac3
Netiquette? .. Uhmm ... chi era costei??

Re: [newbie-it] Problema file 100 MB

2002-04-20 Per discussione Tommaso Leddi

12:47, sabato 20 aprile 2002, legion:
 ieri rippavo un cd e quando il file wave arrivava a 100 MB mi
 diceva Superato il limite di dimensione del file e si fermava.
 credevo fosse qualche strana opzione di grip...

 poi oggi decomprimo un file zip:
  inflating: Tool_-_Parabola-cuzz-APV.mpg
  Superato il limite di dimensione del file

 (sempre quando raggiunge i 100 MB)

 ma cosè??
 un'impostazione di sistema?? una roba di gnome??
 lo spazio si disco cè...

Ho avuto problemi del genere anch'io, credo proprio dovuto al fatto che di 
spazio nel disco grip ne vuole in abbondanza: ho provato a scivere in una 
partizione più libera e il problema è sparito



Re: [newbie-it] problemi con scheda audio

2002-04-20 Per discussione Martina

 in questo caso ci sono delle verifiche da fare.

 La prima, la più semplice, è quella di verificare se i volumi del mixer non
 sono settati, per caso, a zero. E' successo più di una volta che mdk setti,
 in sede di installazione, i volumi a zero. Per fare questo devi accedere al
 menù K, quindi: Multimedia - Suono - Mixer sonoro. Lanci il programma e
 verifichi i volumi.

utilizzando il mixer sonoro nn ci sono i cursori

 Se usi Grub devi fare così:

 Ovviamente devi fare il login come root

 - Vai nella cartella /boot/grub/
 - Apri il file menu.lst
 - Troverai due righe simili a queste:

 title linux
 kernel (hd1,5)/boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/hdb6  hdd=ide-scsi devfs=nomount
 quiet nobiospnp vga=788

 se hai devfs=mount devi sostituire, come vedi sopra devfs=nomount quiet
 nobiospnp ecc. - cioè deve essere come la riga di esempio sopra facendo
 rimanere inalterata la parte che precede devfs.

Ho grub ma nn c'è quel file !


[newbie-it] Linux Windows

2002-04-20 Per discussione Pollo

Avrei un dubbio a proposito della convivenza dei due sitemi operativi.
Vi spiego la mia situazione: possiedo un pc con due hard-disk e vorrei
installare sul primo Win2K e Linux, mentre sul secondo Win98.
I miei dubbi sono i seguenti:

-Grub riesce a lanciare i SO Microsoft?

-Come faccio ad installare Grub nell'MBR?

-Si riesce a lanciare Win98 sul secondo hard-disk (eventualmente anche
usando un bootloader di quelli per windows, tipo bootmagic)?

Grazie, Pollo.

[newbie-it] adsl

2002-04-20 Per discussione gianni telleri

dove posso trovare le istruzioni per configurare un modem adsl ethernet con
mandrake 8.2 ?
gianni telleri

R: [newbie-it] Aggiornamento sito

2002-04-20 Per discussione Roberto

Vorrei segnalare che ho avuto pure io lo stesso problema, pensavo di avere
dimenticato la psw corretta (verso capodanno ho formattato tutto) così ho
provveduto a farmela sostituire.
Dopo un periodo di diversi giorni non sono ancora riuscito a personalizzare
la nuova psw, tantomeno il sito.
Ora mi sembra ovvio, viste le mail a riguardo, che non si tratta di problemi
di ftp ne del caro pinguino ne di psw.

-Messaggio originale-
Data: venerdì 19 aprile 2002 22.10
Oggetto: [newbie-it] Aggiornamento sito


Ho provato ad upgradare il mio sito internet giacente sul server tiscali.
Provo a collegarmi all'indirizzo con user e passw corretti,
ma non apre l'index, non segnala errori e rimane in attesa.
Se avete idee fatemi sapere..

Grazie 1000

Re: [newbie-it] Problema file 100 MB

2002-04-20 Per discussione legion

[Sat, 20 Apr 2002 12:47:24 +0200] legion [EMAIL PROTECTED] dixit:

| (sempre quando raggiunge i 100 MB)

ho scoperto l'esistenza di ulimit...che limita dimensioni varie
ok ma...come si salvano i valori impostati con ulimit??

  (Anal Cunt)

Re: [newbie-it] Linux Windows

2002-04-20 Per discussione Lele

Pollo wrote:

 Avrei un dubbio a proposito della convivenza dei due sitemi operativi.
 Vi spiego la mia situazione: possiedo un pc con due hard-disk e vorrei
 installare sul primo Win2K e Linux, mentre sul secondo Win98.
 I miei dubbi sono i seguenti:
 -Grub riesce a lanciare i SO Microsoft?
 -Come faccio ad installare Grub nell'MBR?
 -Si riesce a lanciare Win98 sul secondo hard-disk (eventualmente anche
 usando un bootloader di quelli per windows, tipo bootmagic)?
 Grazie, Pollo.

Certamente, se installi Linux per ultimo vengono rilevati tutti i S.O.

presenti e vengono inseriti automaticamente nell'elenco.

Al momento dell'installazione ti viene richiesto di scegliere quale deve 
essere avviato di default, con quale ritardo in secondi etc. e se scegli 
Linux puoi definire l'utente di default, se fare o meno il login e il 
window manager che vuoi usare.
Grub viene installato in automatico nell'MBR, devi solo sceglierlo come 
boot manager al momento dell'installazione al posto di Lilo.


Re: [newbie] What would be the standard document format?

2002-04-20 Per discussione Lyvim Xaphir

On Sat, 2002-04-20 at 01:19, Michael wrote:
 I thought double spacing was outdated anyway in modern business
 communications. Still personal preferences are what life thrives on.
 Just my ha'pennys worth.

I don't think it is as much a matter of being outdated as it is a more
devolved and ineffectual/primitive state of the educational system. 
Which the liberals control, incidentally.  The rules of the English
language itself have not changed; only the stupefaction level of the Dem
controlled NEA and teacher's union.

L8r, LX

Kernel  2.4.8-26mdk Mandrake Linux  8.1
Enlightenment 0.16.5Evolution  1.02
Registered Linux User #268899

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Re: [newbie] gaim went silent ?!

2002-04-20 Per discussione Joan Tur

Es Divendres 19 Abril 2002 20:10, en FemmeFatale va escriure:
 Joan Tur wrote:
   there are other programs that are using the sound system or anything
   I also upgraded to gaim 0.56 today ... !
   any clues ?
   Hanan AL-Shargi

 Are you using the Alsa sound driver?
No, I don't.
Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
   AOL quini2k  ICQ 11407395
 Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

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Re: [newbie] RE: gaim went silent ?!

2002-04-20 Per discussione Joan Tur

I'll try that.  Thanks!!  ;)

Es Divendres 19 Abril 2002 20:10, en Hanan Shargi va escriure:
 Hi again,

 I fixed this problem, I thought I'd post the solution so that the person
 who said he/she share the same problem would fix it too and enjoy sounds
 again :)

 go to:
 Tools |  preferences | Sounds

 then in the  options box |  Sound Method == choose : Command

 and when the box below Command becomes activated type the following:

 soundwrapper play %s

 choose whatever .wav files that you want or just leave the default ones,
 and BINGO your sounds will start playing again :)

 Hi All,
 this is not exactly a Mandrake question, but I dont know where to ask it


 bare with me please :)
 all of the sudden my gaim went silent !! no sounds when incoming messages,


 outgoing, nor when contacts on my list sign in or out ... donnow why ?!
 the sounds preferences are set to : ESD, I dont know what does that stands


 but I tried the other options, and non worked also.
 I had set the sounds to play .wav files that I specified in the
  preferences, and they used to work fine. I dont remember doing anything
  that could'v effected this.
 there are other programs that are using the sound system or anything ...
 I also upgraded to gaim 0.56 today ... !
 any clues ?

 Hanan AL-Shargi

Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
   AOL quini2k  ICQ 11407395
 Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

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Re: [newbie] 8.2 Install on a mobile 450 PIII

2002-04-20 Per discussione Joan Tur

Es Dissabte 20 Abril 2002 04:52, en Michael va escriure:
 When I install *.2 on my notebook, it installs as a 113Mhz PIII with like
 226 Bogomips and it is slow!  How do I get to recognize it's a 450
In Bios you'll probably find an option to set the laptop to full performance. 
 Check that option, start again Mandrake and have a look at it's *supposed* 

If it's what you were expecting it to be don't care about those supposed 
113mhz.  That's the power savings and is not real  ;)
Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
   AOL quini2k  ICQ 11407395
 Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

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Re: [newbie] installing Star Office

2002-04-20 Per discussione Michael Scottaline

On Fri, 19 Apr 2002 22:49:37 -0700
shane [EMAIL PROTECTED] scribbled intuitively:

On Friday 19 April 2002 21:31, Sridhar Dhanapalan opened a general
hailing frequency and transmitted to all open stations:

 That's an older build, version 638c. Version 638d is in Contribs. Note
 that the package name has been changed to (it was
 formerly called openoffice).

we have a new build?   very cool, i will have to go grab it.  thanks.

Isn't it into the 640's already?  641d or even 642???


He may look like an idiot and talk like an idiot but don't let that
fool you., he really is an idiot.

-Groucho Marx

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Re: [newbie] KDE3 - Shell

2002-04-20 Per discussione John Layt

On Tue, 16 Apr 2002 06:56, shane wrote:
 On Monday 15 April 2002 09:09, Alastair Scott opened a general hailing
  Kicker (the bottom toolbar) freezes up in my case. A workaround is to
  remove the shell icon from Kicker by dragging it to the desktop;
  starting the shell from anywhere other than Kicker appears to skip over
  the problem.
 actually, in my case, i simply deleted the shell link on the toolbar, made
 a new one.  all solved.

Actually, all you need to do is edit the konsole.desktop file to change the 
command from konsole-noxft to just plain konsole.

And as for kpersonalize, you need to edit .kde3/share/config/kpersonalizerrc 
to include the following 2 line:


and the will stop it starting each time.

As for KStars and menu items disappearing, I'm open to suggestions.


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Re: [newbie] installing Star Office

2002-04-20 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Sat, 20 Apr 2002 06:49:09 -0400, Michael Scottaline
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Fri, 19 Apr 2002 22:49:37 -0700
 shane [EMAIL PROTECTED] scribbled intuitively:
 On Friday 19 April 2002 21:31, Sridhar Dhanapalan opened a general
 hailing frequency and transmitted to all open stations:
  That's an older build, version 638c. Version 638d is in Contribs. Note
  that the package name has been changed to (it was
  formerly called openoffice).
 we have a new build?   very cool, i will have to go grab it.  thanks.
 Isn't it into the 640's already?  641d or even 642???

That's right. Sorry, I made a mistake when giving the version number. The
package in Contribs is the latest build, 641d. It is the last planned release
before 1.0.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

Microsoft has knowingly and willfully concealed information regarding security
flaws in computer hardware from the [National Security Agency] out of fear that
revealing such flaws would reduce the number of copies of its products that
would be purchased by the government... I have raised this issue internally with
Microsoft, and in return have been the subject of both bribes and threats. -- Ed
Curry, Computer Security Specialist,in a letter to Defence Secretary 
William Coen

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Re: [newbie] korganiser alarm monitor.

2002-04-20 Per discussione John Layt

On Tue, 16 Apr 2002 05:52, Charlie wrote:
 L.V.Gandhi's message on April 15, 2002 09:07 am, stated:
  how to getrid of korganiser alarm monitor from the panel. I couldn't see
 any options in panel.
 Uninstall the kde-pim (and/or gnome-pim) and it'll go away.

That's a bit extreme :-)  

Insert Sledgehammer/Walnut analogy here

Insert Baby/Bathwater amorphism here

Restore the applet to full size, then go into the configure option from the 
menus.  Then un-tick the box for Start every time


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Re: [newbie] Switching Desktops

2002-04-20 Per discussione Payal

There was sa utility called switchdesk before atleast till Mandrake 7.1,
now it is no longer available. Why?
If I do not boot into grphics mode how can I change the desktop later?
btw, I think switchdesk rpm is still available and still works atleast
till Mandrake 8.0.
Thanks and bye.

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Re: [newbie] What would be the standard document format?

2002-04-20 Per discussione Michael

But the rules of the English language are in a constant state of change.
The dictionary as an invention has tried to stultify that change but it is
still happening. Only in the last few years has a letter had the date and
addresses aligned left. Also try reading The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
the source of the Water water everywhere quote, or Le Morte d'Arthur
one source of the Knights of the round table legends. Another change is
taking place because of text messaging on cellphones and IRC like txt 2
u. I beleive the English language should remain a living breathing
language and not be stultified by dictionaries...

Sorry... pet love of mine.

Anyway as my son has said. It's kewl that way.


Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
 On Sat, 2002-04-20 at 01:19, Michael wrote:
  I thought double spacing was outdated anyway in modern business
  communications. Still personal preferences are what life thrives on.
  Just my ha'pennys worth.
 I don't think it is as much a matter of being outdated as it is a more
 devolved and ineffectual/primitive state of the educational system.
 Which the liberals control, incidentally.  The rules of the English
 language itself have not changed; only the stupefaction level of the Dem
 controlled NEA and teacher's union.
 L8r, LX

Theorem: All positive integers are equal.
Proof: Sufficient to show that for any two positive integers, A and B, A =
Further, it is sufficient to show that for all N  0, if A and B
(positive integers) satisfy (MAX(A, B) = N) then A = B.

Proceed by induction:
If N = 1, then A and B, being positive integers, must both be 1.
So A = B.

Assume that the theorem is true for some value k.  Take A and B with
MAX(A, B) = k+1.  Then  MAX((A-1), (B-1)) = k.  And hence
(A-1) = (B-1).  Consequently, A = B.

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Re: [newbie] What would be the standard document format?

2002-04-20 Per discussione Charles A Edwards

On Sun, 21 Apr 2002 01:23:13 +1200
Michael [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 But the rules of the English language are in a constant state of change.
 The dictionary as an invention has tried to stultify that change but it is
 still happening. Only in the last few years has a letter had the date and
 addresses aligned left. Also try reading The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
 the source of the Water water everywhere quote, or Le Morte d'Arthur
 one source of the Knights of the round table legends.  

For even more enlightenment let them try Beowolf or The Canterbury Tales
in their original english. 


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[newbie] [Slightly OT] Problems with CVS

2002-04-20 Per discussione Robin Turner

I'm trying to get the CVS tree from Transgaming, but after installing most of 
the files, it exits with the following error messages:

cvs checkout: cannot write wine/programs/regapi/.cvsignore: Input/output error
cvs checkout: cannot write wine/programs/regapi/ Input/output 
cvs checkout: cannot write wine/programs/regapi/README: Input/output error
cvs checkout: cannot write wine/programs/regapi/ Input/output 
cvs checkout: cannot write wine/programs/regapi/ Input/output 
cvs checkout: cannot write wine/programs/regapi/ Input/output error
cvs checkout: cannot write wine/programs/regapi/regapi.c: Input/output error
cvs checkout: cannot write wine/programs/regapi/regapi.spec: Input/output 
cvs [checkout aborted]: cannot make directory wine/programs/regapi/tests: 
Input/output error

Never used to do that - any clues? 
(Extra info: Mandrake 8.0; clean download in home directory; command used= 
cvs -z3 -d:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/winex co wine 

Sir Robin

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Re: [newbie] What would be the standard document format?

2002-04-20 Per discussione Randy Kramer

Michael wrote:
 I thought double spacing was outdated anyway in modern business
 communications. Still personal preferences are what life thrives on.

Hmm, I'm on the old side, but I never saw any reference to double
spacing being outdated except in Internet / HTML / computer related
discussions -- it makes me suspect that somebody decided putting two
spaces after the punctuation ending a sentence would be too difficult
for a computer to deal with (or didn't even know it was the established
practise) and simply ignored it.  (KISS?)

That suspicion sort of destroys my faith in computers / programmers. 
(Well, it might have been destroyed before then ;-)

(sorry, not intended to sound like a rant)

(Two spaces are still used in all the business correspondence I send and

Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] What would be the standard document format?

2002-04-20 Per discussione Randy Kramer

Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
 On Sat, 2002-04-20 at 01:19, Michael wrote:
  I thought double spacing was outdated anyway in modern business
  communications. Still personal preferences are what life thrives on.

 I don't think it is as much a matter of being outdated as it is a more
 devolved and ineffectual/primitive state of the educational system.
 Which the liberals control, incidentally.  The rules of the English
 language itself have not changed; only the stupefaction level of the Dem
 controlled NEA and teacher's union.

Probably a big factor!

Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] Myth II help...

2002-04-20 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall

Lyvim Xaphir wrote:

 Ron, have you upgraded to Winex 2.0 yet?  Was this an install using 2.0?

Hey there. Well, Myth II is a pure Linux port (part of why I don't understand
the error during installation - it should be a simple cp). I have upgraded to
Winex 2.0 and like you, found it faster and more responsive. ;-)


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[newbie] Apache

2002-04-20 Per discussione Greg Smith

I have downloaded apache 2.0.35 but can't understand the install 
I get to the point where I'm supposed to run the ./configure command.
I run the command, but the last two lines of the output show:

configure: error: no acceptable cc found in $PATH
configure failed for srclib/apr

Then when I try to run the make command, I get the error message:

make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.   Stop.

Anybody got an idea?
Thanks in advance


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Re: [newbie] Apache

2002-04-20 Per discussione Robin Turner

On Saturday 20 April 2002 17:39, Greg Smith wrote:
 I have downloaded apache 2.0.35 but can't understand the install
 I get to the point where I'm supposed to run the ./configure command.
 I run the command, but the last two lines of the output show:

 configure: error: no acceptable cc found in $PATH
 configure failed for srclib/apr

 Then when I try to run the make command, I get the error message:

 make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.   Stop.

 Anybody got an idea?
 Thanks in advance

Looks like you don't have a C compiler.  Install gcc.

Sir Robin

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Re: [newbie] mp3 encoder for MDK8.2

2002-04-20 Per discussione Derek Jennings

If I can just add one thing.
Another good reason to use Ogg is that it is so easy to encode CD's using the 
Audio I/O slave.

Just put  a CD in the drive and then in Konqueror select 'Services' in the 
left hand pane then 'Audio CD BrowserOgg Vorbis'  then drag and drop the 
tracks into another konqueror window and its done...
The ogg parameters are set in KDE ControlCentreSound, but in KDE2.2 it 
ignores the encoding rate parameter and always encodes at 350kbps

KDE3.0 works correctly
If anyone knows how to set the encoding rate correctly for KDE2.2 I would be 

The konqueror audio I/O slave can also encode mp3's this way, but I think you 
have to have the lame library installed when KDE is compiled, so the standard 
Mandrake KDE does not do it.


On Saturday 20 April 2002 2:02 am, you wrote:
 On Wed, 2002-04-17 at 21:19, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
  The adavntage of Ogg Vorbis is not its compression speed, but rather that
  it is an entirely different format from MP3. MP3 is owned by Fraunhoffer
  and Thompson, and using encoders like Lame and Gogo is actually illegal.
  Ogg Vorbis is fully open source (with a BSD-style license IIRC) -- there
  are no patents or copyrights to deal with. Anyone can legally write an
  Ogg Vorbis encoder, and I'm sure that people will once the official one
  reaches 1.0 (it's in the Release Candidate stage right now). Ogg Vorbis
  is a far more advanced format than MP3. It can attain similar quality to
  an MP3 file in about half the space, or twice the quality in the same
  space. information.  Thanks, Sridhar!

  With its benefits of improved compression and quality, Ogg Vorbis is
  bound to take longer to compress than MP3. But you only need to compress
  a file once, and you can listen to it an unlimited number of times. I
  would take better quality over encoding speed any day :)

 I'll sure as heck second that.

  The only disadvantage is that so far there is only one known portable
  player for the format (the Sharp Zaurus), but that will change. From a
  licensing perspective, Ogg Vorbis support is actually more attractive to
  manufacturers than MP3 support (Ogg is free but MP3 requires royalties to
  be paid for every unit sold).
  Sridhar Dhanapalan
  The Internet cannot be removed from your Desktop.
  Do you want to delete the Internet now?
  -- Microsoft Windows 95

 Looks like I've found the perfect format to store internet broadcasts
 with. :)  Thanks, Sridhar!



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Re: [newbie] LinuxEBDA too big

2002-04-20 Per discussione Brian Parish

Sorry for the late answer Frank - I'm very behind with the mail. 
Hopefully there have been other responses that I have missed, but in
case you are still waiting

This is usually a result of upgrading the kernel rather than installing
it alongside the old one.  Some links get screwed up in /boot and things
no longer match.  (so much for the technical explanation ;-)

The easiest way out if you are not happy configuring things in the CLI
is to boot with the first install CD, choose expert mode and select
upgrade.  Choose no new packages, and run through a quick install.  This
won't delete any data and will get you a bootable system albeit with the
original kernel in place.

To install a new kernel, download the rpm, become root and use the:

rpm -ivh kernel-xyz-123.rpm



On Fri, 2002-04-19 at 12:16, F. McKenna wrote:
 Hi All,
 I guess that I was a liitle too greedy.  I was using Red Carpet to update my
 Mandrake 8.0 box.  This was after I used the update utility that comes with
 Mandrake.  I did update the kernel as well ( I think).
 Now when I try to boot up i get the error LinuxEBDA too big
 Does anybody have any ideas?
 Frank McKenna

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Re: [newbie] Apache

2002-04-20 Per discussione Keith Lynn

Do you have gcc installed on your machine?

Keith Lynn
Systems Administrator
School of Computer and Information Sciences
University of South Alabama
Mobile, AL 36608
Phone: (251) 460-6390
Fax: (251) 460-7274
Alternate E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Sat, 20 Apr 2002, Greg Smith wrote:

 I have downloaded apache 2.0.35 but can't understand the install 
 I get to the point where I'm supposed to run the ./configure command.
 I run the command, but the last two lines of the output show:
 configure: error: no acceptable cc found in $PATH
 configure failed for srclib/apr
 Then when I try to run the make command, I get the error message:
 make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.   Stop.
 Anybody got an idea?
 Thanks in advance

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Re: [newbie] What would be the standard document format?

2002-04-20 Per discussione Carroll Grigsby

On Saturday 20 April 2002 01:19 am, Michael wrote:
 I thought double spacing was outdated anyway in modern business
 communications. Still personal preferences are what life thrives on.

 Just my ha'pennys worth.


Clearly, you weren't in Mrs. Watling's typing class. If you had, you'd 
know that two spaces after a period are not a preference, they are a 
Commandment. Pure and simple. End of discussion.

I'm slowly making the transition, but it's not easy. Actually, I think it 
does improve legibility when using fixed pitch fonts.
-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] What would be the standard document format?

2002-04-20 Per discussione Randy Kramer

Carroll Grigsby wrote:
 Clearly, you weren't in Mrs. Watling's typing class. If you had, you'd
 know that two spaces after a period are not a preference, they are a
 Commandment. Pure and simple. End of discussion.

I had a different teacher, but it was a Commandment!

 I'm slowly making the transition, but it's not easy. Actually, I think it
 does improve legibility when using fixed pitch fonts.
 -- cmg

I agree that it improves the legibility, especially with fixed pitch
fonts.  However, I have seen an argument that it actually makes the
legibility worse -- IIRC, the argument was that it may create create
distracting vertical channels of whitespace if the double spaces on
subsequent lines match up (or almost match up).  (I don't know if the
argument was specifically for fixed or variable pitch fonts or for
either case.)

I still believe double spaces make text more readable (especially with a
fixed pitch font) -- my eyes seem to pick out the end of sentences more
quickly, or something along those lines.

Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] [Slightly OT] Problems with CVS

2002-04-20 Per discussione Robin Turner

On Saturday 20 April 2002 18:18, Robin Turner wrote:
 I'm trying to get the CVS tree from Transgaming, but after installing most
 of the files, it exits with the following error messages:

Sorry, ignore that post, I fixed it in the end.  Still can't get Alice to 
run, but working on it ...

Sir Robin

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Re: [newbie] What would be the standard document format?

2002-04-20 Per discussione FemmeFatale

Michael wrote:
 But the rules of the English language are in a constant state of change.
 The dictionary as an invention has tried to stultify that change but it is
 still happening. Only in the last few years has a letter had the date and
 addresses aligned left. Also try reading The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
 the source of the Water water everywhere quote, or Le Morte d'Arthur
 one source of the Knights of the round table legends. Another change is
 taking place because of text messaging on cellphones and IRC like txt 2
 u. I beleive the English language should remain a living breathing
 language and not be stultified by dictionaries...
 Sorry... pet love of mine.
 Anyway as my son has said. It's kewl that way.

Much as I adore the english language  Moreso the french one, I have to
agree with you michael.

Much as I like the language there are days I feel as Lyvim does too.
*Sigh*  However your son has a good point  I think that is:  Adults
take things too seriously ;)

Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] What would be the standard document format?

2002-04-20 Per discussione FemmeFatale

Charles A Edwards wrote:
 On Sun, 21 Apr 2002 01:23:13 +1200
 Michael [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  But the rules of the English language are in a constant state of change.
  The dictionary as an invention has tried to stultify that change but it is
  still happening. Only in the last few years has a letter had the date and
  addresses aligned left. Also try reading The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
  the source of the Water water everywhere quote, or Le Morte d'Arthur
  one source of the Knights of the round table legends.
 For even more enlightenment let them try Beowolf or The Canterbury Tales
 in their original english.
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In our ADD riddled world *Of which I have ADD* thats tantamount to
torture for some!

You sir, are in violation of the Geneva convention!  :)

However I've tried reading Chaucer and thatsa  royal pain in the
arse...Still a beautiful thing to read though.

Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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[newbie] apm mandrake 8.1 - misworks

2002-04-20 Per discussione Paul Larkin

Hi, how can I get my mandrake 8.1 setup to restore
properly, after APM kicks in?  
-What actually happens:  if nothing is input to the PC
(let's say I leave the room for dinner for 20 min. or
so, so there's no mouse or keyboard input), there are
3 beeps heard, the screen goes blank.  When I come
back and hit a key or move the mouse -- nothing!  The
screen does not restore to where it was, there's no
restore at all.  I have to press reset button, and
fsck has to do its thing on reboot.  
  --How do I access APM (if that's the issue)? 
There's files for apm, apmd, and hddparm that I've
briefly looked over the man pages for.  Are any of
these relevant, providing the info to make the fix? 
Thank you.

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Games - play chess, backgammon, pool and more

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[newbie] Thanks to all

2002-04-20 Per discussione Curt Tresenriter

A few weeks ago I got several responses on my LILO problem when suddenly 
the fertilizer hit the ventilator in other areas of life, preventing me 
from working on it.
I have to unsub for a while, but wanted to offer my thanks for everyone who 
made suggestions and to everyone else for your posts as well - I've read 
them all and have picked up lots of info and even learned a thing or two.
I hope to be back soon when things are right side up again and just wanted 
to express my gratitude.
Best to all,

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[newbie] Dual Booting with Multiple Linux Distro's

2002-04-20 Per discussione Barry Premeaux

I am trying to set up a dual boot system
(linux only).  I added a second hard drive (a
40G Maxtor) to my system so I could install
the alternate distro's.

My first drive (/dev/hda) is an 8.4G Western
digital.  It has MD8.1 installed on it.

/dev/hda4 Swap
/dev/hda5 /
/dev/hda7 /home
/dev/hda6 /var

I installed the second drive (/dev/hdd) and
loaded MD8.2.

/dev/hdd1 /boot
/dev/hdd5 /
/dev/hdd6 /home
/dev/hdd7 Swap
/dev/hdd8 /var

The boot flag is set on /hdd and I had MD8.2
install its LILO on this drive.  On the first
drive, I added the following to LILO:


When I try to boot MD8.2 to, I get the
following error:

Loading MD8.2
Error 0x01
boot: MD8.2

Can someone tell me what I need to do to make
this work?


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[newbie] Mandrake 8.2 DVD

2002-04-20 Per discussione Mark

Am I reading the website right?  The Mandrake DVD is only available with 
the 8 CD/ DVD Prosuite set for $150?

There used to be a 8.1 DVD set for $50, which I would get for home use, 
but $150 is a little steep.  Anybody else
know where I can get a DVD of Mandrake?  I like it for the convenience 
of installing.


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Re: [newbie] Linux for Windows: lnx4win??

2002-04-20 Per discussione Frans Ketelaars

On Mon, 15 Apr 2002 16:06:07 +0200
Dennis Dreesen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I downloaded the ISO files: Mandrake82-cd1-inst.i586,
 Mandrake82-cd2-ext.i586, and Mandrake82-cd3-supp.i586 and burned them to a
 In the installation file, it's mentioned that you can install Linux to a
 Windows folder, so you don't need another partition. It's ideal for a
 try-out, but speed decreases.
 However, when I use the command lnx4win, nothing happens. The folder lnx4win
 is missing on the CD.
 Is this normal?
 Can I find an ISO-image that does contain this folder?
 thanx in advance,

I Cc you because my answer is so late :( On the first Mandrake CD there is a
D:\INSTALL.txt file (in Windows, if the CDROM is the D drive) :

  2. Installing onto Windows 95/98/ME

   To install MandrakeLinux within a Windows folder, avoiding any disk
   partitioning, you should:
1. Insert the first CD,
2. Reboot the system,
3. Press [F1] when the MandrakeLinux screen comes up,
4. Type lnx4win at the prompt, then press [Enter]

   Follow the instructions shown on screen.

   Additional details on lnx4win can be found in the appropriate
   readme file.

Let us know if this fails!


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[newbie] rpm -V and missing /dev files

2002-04-20 Per discussione Jussi Aalto


I made a fresh installation of 8.2 couple of days ago and today when I 
did rpm -V, it said that there are a LOT of missing /dev files among 
other stuff. Those reported missing don't exist on my system (like 
/dev/fd1, /dev/fd2...), but the /dev files that my system has are all 
reported as ...DL.G. Has there gone something wrong during installation? 
I don't remember seeing anything like this on previous distros (ML or RH).

Another thing that I noticed is that there are directories (/var/db, 
/var/local, /var/mail) which have timestamps like 4-6 years old. The 
common thing among those dirs is that they are empty. When the installer 
creates a new directory to my disk how is it possible that its MTime is 
that much incorrect?


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Re: [newbie] Dual Booting with Multiple Linux Distro's

2002-04-20 Per discussione John Richard Smith

On Saturday 20 April 2002 22:22, you wrote:
 I am trying to set up a dual boot system
 (linux only).  I added a second hard drive (a
 40G Maxtor) to my system so I could install
 the alternate distro's.

 My first drive (/dev/hda) is an 8.4G Western
 digital.  It has MD8.1 installed on it.

 /dev/hda4 Swap
 /dev/hda5 /
 /dev/hda7 /home
 /dev/hda6 /var

 I installed the second drive (/dev/hdd) and
 loaded MD8.2.

 /dev/hdd1 /boot
 /dev/hdd5 /
 /dev/hdd6 /home
 /dev/hdd7 Swap
 /dev/hdd8 /var

 The boot flag is set on /hdd and I had MD8.2
 install its LILO on this drive.  On the first
 drive, I added the following to LILO:


 When I try to boot MD8.2 to, I get the
 following error:

 Loading MD8.2
 Error 0x01
 boot: MD8.2

 Can someone tell me what I need to do to make
 this work?


First off I have no experience without a windows partition where lilo goes in 

Second, shouldn't the second hard drive be hdb1, hdb5, hdb6,hdb7,hdb8
and not hdd1 etc.

Thirdly, when you constructed lilo did you take care to ensure that the
correct kernel version and initrd files went with the correct OS your're
trying to boot. this is most important.Take time to go over all the entries
making sure that the label,kernel version, initrd image file, append= line
are all correct for each OS.

Fourth, even though you have two swap partitions, it is not actually
necessary, it is best to have one large swap partition about 1 1/2 X the
size of your memory positioned about half way into your hard drive.That
aids data flows.

Fith, I think It is ok to have /boot partition on second hard drive. and you 
have it as your first partition, size ought to be enough to install at least 3
kernels(they seem to average somewhere around 13MB or so each) in
case you should want to try an experimental kernel at some time without 
having to remove one to get it in.I tend to have 100MB just for goot measure.

So, I suspect you merely have to learn how to get the lilo stanza for 
each OS right then all will boot correctly.

I am not sure how you remove lilo in an all mandrake box, I do mine
with a dos switch  ,  fdisk /mbr because mine is installed in MBR of windows.
but if possible remove it and reinstall a new lilo via DrakX install -expert 
mode-update- and do not select any new packages when you get to
lilo install proceed accordingly.  
Alternatively if you do have a desktop in at least one of your chosen 
mandrake OS's then go to /etc/lilo.conf with a text editor and
remake the stanzas save and exit, not forgetting to run/sbin/lilo
to check all is well before rebooting.

Finally here are two simple examples of lilo stanzas,adapt yours

append= hdd=ide-scsi devfs=mount
append=hdd=ide-scsi devfs=mount
Hope this helps,
John Richard Smith

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[newbie] Floppy Problem w/8.1

2002-04-20 Per discussione Bob Read

I'm stumped trying to solve a floppy drive problem.

I'm using a PC100 motherboard:  AMD k6-II 500  512MB sdram

(Using drive caddies for easy swapping.)

Dual booting Mandrake 8.1 w/ win98,  Win98 has no problem
 with floppy, but linux does.

Identical drive, Red Hat /win98,  neither have any problem.

With Mandrake, when I try to mount floppy it tells me,
 Could not mount floppy
  The reported error:
 Mount /dev/fd0: unknown device.

Ctrl Ctr: Block Devices: /dev/fd0  auto  N/A  /mnt/floppy  00.0  N/A

HardDrake:  Doesn't list it under floppy Drives. (But lists my
 external/parallel ZIP  drive there.)

Mandrake put a floppy icon on the KDE destop.

POSSIBLY RELATED:  When I go into KDE, I get a message
The process for the file protocal died unexpectedly.
I don't get any warning going into Gnome, but still no
floppy.   And am not aware of any other file problems in Kde


/dev/hda5 / ext2 defaults 1 1
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
/dev/hda7 /home ext2 defaults 1 2
/dev/hdb /mnt/cdrom auto
user,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,exec,codepage=850,ro,noauto 0 0
/dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom2 auto
user,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,exec,codepage=850,ro,noauto 0 0
/dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy auto
user,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,sync,exec,codepage=850,noauto 0 0
/dev/hda1 /mnt/windows vfat defaults 0 0
/dev/sda /mnt/zip auto
user,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,sync,exec,codepage=850,noauto 0 0
/dev/sda4 /mnt/zip2 auto
user,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,sync,exec,codepage=850,noauto 0 0
/dev/hdd1 /mnt/hdd1fat vfat defaults 0 0
/dev/hdd2 /mnt/hdd2ext2 ext2 defaults 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda6 swap swap defaults 0 0

Any help will be much appreciated.


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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 8.2 DVD

2002-04-20 Per discussione Damian G

On Sat, 20 Apr 2002 17:29:12 -0400

 Am I reading the website right?  The Mandrake DVD is only available with 
 the 8 CD/ DVD Prosuite set for $150?
 There used to be a 8.1 DVD set for $50, which I would get for home use, 
 but $150 is a little steep.  Anybody else
 know where I can get a DVD of Mandrake?  I like it for the convenience 
 of installing.

uhm.. why would you want to have Mandrake on a DVD when it only takes 3 CD's ?
i guess they left the DVD option for the bigger versions, that's all..


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[newbie] MP3 Download

2002-04-20 Per discussione Brian York

Is their a good progam that can be used to download music in linux?


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Re: [newbie] Floppy Problem w/8.1

2002-04-20 Per discussione Derek Jennings

Thats a known problem.
Check this out

For some reason this problem does not appear on the list of known problems 
linked from the Mandrake Forum site, so I had to dig a bit to find the 
correct page.



On Saturday 20 April 2002 11:57 pm, Bob Read wrote:
 I'm stumped trying to solve a floppy drive problem.

 I'm using a PC100 motherboard:  AMD k6-II 500  512MB sdram

 (Using drive caddies for easy swapping.)

 Dual booting Mandrake 8.1 w/ win98,  Win98 has no problem
  with floppy, but linux does.

 Identical drive, Red Hat /win98,  neither have any problem.

 With Mandrake, when I try to mount floppy it tells me,
  Could not mount floppy
   The reported error:
  Mount /dev/fd0: unknown device.

 Ctrl Ctr: Block Devices: /dev/fd0  auto  N/A  /mnt/floppy  00.0  N/A

 HardDrake:  Doesn't list it under floppy Drives. (But lists my
  external/parallel ZIP  drive there.)

 Mandrake put a floppy icon on the KDE destop.

 POSSIBLY RELATED:  When I go into KDE, I get a message
 The process for the file protocal died unexpectedly.
 I don't get any warning going into Gnome, but still no
 floppy.   And am not aware of any other file problems in Kde


 /dev/hda5 / ext2 defaults 1 1
 none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
 none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
 /dev/hda7 /home ext2 defaults 1 2
 /dev/hdb /mnt/cdrom auto
 user,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,exec,codepage=850,ro,noauto 0 0
 /dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom2 auto
 user,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,exec,codepage=850,ro,noauto 0 0
 /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy auto
 user,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,sync,exec,codepage=850,noauto 0 0
 /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows vfat defaults 0 0
 /dev/sda /mnt/zip auto
 user,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,sync,exec,codepage=850,noauto 0 0
 /dev/sda4 /mnt/zip2 auto
 user,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,sync,exec,codepage=850,noauto 0 0
 /dev/hdd1 /mnt/hdd1fat vfat defaults 0 0
 /dev/hdd2 /mnt/hdd2ext2 ext2 defaults 0 0
 none /proc proc defaults 0 0
 /dev/hda6 swap swap defaults 0 0


 Any help will be much appreciated.


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Re: [newbie] MP3 Download

2002-04-20 Per discussione Smiley

On Sat, 20 Apr 2002 11:21:18 -0400
Brian York [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is their a good progam that can be used to download music in linux?

Lopster, Gnapster and gtkgnutella are my choices!


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Re: [newbie] Dual Booting with Multiple Linux Distro's

2002-04-20 Per discussione civileme

John Richard Smith wrote:

On Saturday 20 April 2002 22:22, you wrote:

I am trying to set up a dual boot system
(linux only).  I added a second hard drive (a
40G Maxtor) to my system so I could install
the alternate distro's.

My first drive (/dev/hda) is an 8.4G Western
digital.  It has MD8.1 installed on it.

/dev/hda4 Swap
/dev/hda5 /
/dev/hda7 /home
/dev/hda6 /var

I installed the second drive (/dev/hdd) and
loaded MD8.2.

/dev/hdd1 /boot
/dev/hdd5 /
/dev/hdd6 /home
/dev/hdd7 Swap
/dev/hdd8 /var

The boot flag is set on /hdd and I had MD8.2
install its LILO on this drive.  On the first
drive, I added the following to LILO:


When I try to boot MD8.2 to, I get the
following error:

Loading MD8.2
Error 0x01
boot: MD8.2

Can someone tell me what I need to do to make
this work?


Hi Barry,

OK to make this work properly, install 8.2 but CANCEL bootloader 

On 8.1 after you have booted it,

Go to KDE or Gnome or your favorite WM and start the Mandrake Control 
Choose Hardware=Mount Points

Give the 8.2 partitions on hdd mount point names in 8.1, like /82boot, 
/82, /82home, and so on.  

Mount those partitions.

Close and exit--reply yes to making the /etc/fstab mods

OK open a file manager in superuser mode

Open /82boot in one split of the window and /boot in the other

drag the kernel and the initrd images from /82boot and copy them to /boot

close the file manager

Now back to Mandrake Control Center = Boot Configuration

Add an entry

In the drop-down boxes for the lilo boot, just specify the root as 
/dev/hdd5, the boot image as the name of the kernel image you dragged 
over, and the initrd as the name of the initrd you dragged over.  (BTW 
those initrd and kernel images should say 2.4.18-xxmdk, the ones titled 
vmlinuz and initrd are just links).

Save the boot configuration

reboot and enjoy.


other= is really for non-linux systems.


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[newbie] Fwd: Internet Connection Sharing

2002-04-20 Per discussione Jason Pearce

Hi crash testers
this is I hope a simple problem but one that has eluded me for days
I have 3 machines on my network
1: mandrake 8.0 that i have been using as a router and workstation
2: win98 (1st addition) machine
3: compaq laptop mdk8.0

recently i have done a clean install on the No1 machine and now the win 98
machine refuses to share the internet connection  ,it seems as though it
doesn't want to talk to the MDK. I have gone through the internet connection
sharing wizard in mdk ,(this has worked flawlessly on other occasions)
using etherape i can see some stuff going on between win98  workgroup
so I can rule out a hardware problem.
IE gets as far as detecting proxy settings and then gives me the old cannot
find server page .
the laptop is surfing fine ,picking up an ip address but this winblows
machine jst doesn't want to play .
this has me stumped i have done every thing the same as I did last install
the only new thing is the lappy but surely this couldn't be stuffing things
up .
any suggestions would be much appreciated .
regs jason


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Re: [newbie] Thanks to all

2002-04-20 Per discussione Bill Winegarden

Best of luck, Curt. Come back anytime.

On Saturday 20 April 2002 01:10 pm, you wrote:
 A few weeks ago I got several responses on my LILO problem when suddenly
 the fertilizer hit the ventilator in other areas of life, preventing me
 from working on it.
 I have to unsub for a while, but wanted to offer my thanks for everyone who
 made suggestions and to everyone else for your posts as well - I've read
 them all and have picked up lots of info and even learned a thing or two.
 I hope to be back soon when things are right side up again and just wanted
 to express my gratitude.
 Best to all,

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[newbie] Install on laptop no cdrom, 48MB RAM Net install error 52MB RAM needed

2002-04-20 Per discussione Jon Dowd

Hello List,

I have an Mitsubishi Amity CN notebook, Pentium 133MHz 48MB RAM (which is
it's maximum capacity), with a 1.5GB hard drive with which I'd like to dual
boot Win98 and Linux-Mandrake 8.2. I can connect to the Internet and LAN via
a Netgear FA411 PCMCIA NIC under Win9x.

I have set aside 128MB for swap space and 550MB for / (I am not interested
in trying to run X on this little thing).

I'd like to do a network install. I can mount the CD in another box and make
a network connection to it but I get an error message stating that 52MB RAM
is needed.

The drakx README might be saying I could use a ramdisk but I don't know
what that is or how to set one up.

I've included some of the README below.  Maybe you can help me. Thanks, Jon

* PCMCIA install

If the media you use to install is a pcmcia device, use the pcmcia boot

* Ramdisk or not

The DrakX install is much bigger than the newt one. So the ramdisk which was
used is getting big, and costs a lot in memory
(eg: the mdkinst_stage2 is 14MB - 23/09/99)
(update! now size is 21MB - 24/01/01)

|   | newt| DrakX
| nfs   | live| live
| ftp   | ramdisk | ramdisk
| http  | ramdisk | ramdisk
| hd| ramdisk | live if Mandrake/mdkinst/usr/bin/runinstall2 is a link,
|   | |   ramdisk otherwise
| cdrom | ramdisk | live if memory  52MB, ramdisk otherwise

Where ramdisk is needed, if detected memory is below the limit allowed for
ramdisk (maintained in file gi/mdk-stage1/config-stage1.h; currently 52 Mb),
a failure dialog will be printed explaining that there is not enough memory
to perform the installation.

When i say live, it means that the stage1 will *mount* the
Mandrake/mdkinst and use it that way.

The ramdisk is used in place of the live in some cases. This ramdisk is
with mdkinst_stage2.gz

For cdrom install, the ramdisk is used to speed up things (access time is
high on cdrom drives)

For pcmcia, it depends on the type of install.

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[newbie] Restaring Samba

2002-04-20 Per discussione Brian York

How do you restart the samba server with CLI?


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Re: [newbie] Dual Booting with Multiple Linux Distro's

2002-04-20 Per discussione Barry Premeaux

civileme wrote:
 John Richard Smith wrote:
 On Saturday 20 April 2002 22:22, you wrote:
 I am trying to set up a dual boot system
 (linux only).  I added a second hard drive (a
 40G Maxtor) to my system so I could install
 the alternate distro's.
 My first drive (/dev/hda) is an 8.4G Western
 digital.  It has MD8.1 installed on it.
 /dev/hda4 Swap
 /dev/hda5 /
 /dev/hda7 /home
 /dev/hda6 /var
 I installed the second drive (/dev/hdd) and
 loaded MD8.2.
 /dev/hdd1 /boot
 /dev/hdd5 /
 /dev/hdd6 /home
 /dev/hdd7 Swap
 /dev/hdd8 /var
 The boot flag is set on /hdd and I had MD8.2
 install its LILO on this drive.  On the first
 drive, I added the following to LILO:
 When I try to boot MD8.2 to, I get the
 following error:
 Loading MD8.2
 Error 0x01
 boot: MD8.2
 Can someone tell me what I need to do to make
 this work?
 Hi Barry,
 OK to make this work properly, install 8.2 but CANCEL bootloader
 On 8.1 after you have booted it,
 Go to KDE or Gnome or your favorite WM and start the Mandrake Control
 Choose Hardware=Mount Points
 Give the 8.2 partitions on hdd mount point names in 8.1, like /82boot,
 /82, /82home, and so on.
 Mount those partitions.
 Close and exit--reply yes to making the /etc/fstab mods
 OK open a file manager in superuser mode
 Open /82boot in one split of the window and /boot in the other
 drag the kernel and the initrd images from /82boot and copy them to /boot
 close the file manager
 Now back to Mandrake Control Center = Boot Configuration
 Add an entry
 In the drop-down boxes for the lilo boot, just specify the root as
 /dev/hdd5, the boot image as the name of the kernel image you dragged
 over, and the initrd as the name of the initrd you dragged over.  (BTW
 those initrd and kernel images should say 2.4.18-xxmdk, the ones titled
 vmlinuz and initrd are just links).
 Save the boot configuration
 reboot and enjoy.
 other= is really for non-linux systems.
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Thanks for the help.  The other= was from
some info I pulled off MUO, but it seems
obvious now that it wasn't the right approach
for this task.  Again, thank you.


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Re: [newbie] Dual Booting with Multiple Linux Distro's

2002-04-20 Per discussione ai4a

ai4a wrote:
 Barry Premeaux wrote:
  I am trying to set up a dual boot system
  (linux only).  I added a second hard drive (a
  40G Maxtor) to my system so I could install
  the alternate distro's.
  My first drive (/dev/hda) is an 8.4G Western
  digital.  It has MD8.1 installed on it.
  /dev/hda4 Swap
  /dev/hda5 /
  /dev/hda7 /home
  /dev/hda6 /var
  I installed the second drive (/dev/hdd) and
  loaded MD8.2.
  /dev/hdd1 /boot
  /dev/hdd5 /
  /dev/hdd6 /home
  /dev/hdd7 Swap
  /dev/hdd8 /var
  The boot flag is set on /hdd and I had MD8.2
  install its LILO on this drive.  On the first
  drive, I added the following to LILO:
  When I try to boot MD8.2 to, I get the
  following error:
  Loading MD8.2
  Error 0x01
  boot: MD8.2
  Can someone tell me what I need to do to make
  this work?

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 Hi Barry,
 I do almost the same thing except my second linux is on hda8 (the /
 partition which also has all other partitions except /var  /home). My
 lilo entry for my second linux looks like this:
 Both linuxs boot fine.
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PS: I should have added that my first linux lilo.conf is installed in
mbr (/dev/hda) and the second linux lilo.conf is installed in /dev/hda8

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Re: [newbie] Smartmedia card reader

2002-04-20 Per discussione Walter Logeman

In Re: [newbie] Smartmedia card reader, on Fri, 19 Apr 2002 14:45, 
 Joseph Braddock wrote:

 I'm pretty sure if it says nomount, you will
 manually need to create the entries under /dev.  The devfs=mount
 should create them automatically.

Thanks.  I have the mount option.

Good to learn all this hands on though.


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[newbie] Ogg Vorbis conversions

2002-04-20 Per discussione Lee


I have several thousand mp3's I would like to convert to OGG.  Anyone have a 


Registered Linux abuser #223705

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haven't contacted us.

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[newbie] Xine

2002-04-20 Per discussione Brian York

Has anyone had the a problem with Xine closing when you take a screen 
shot? If so do you know how to fix it?


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[newbie] Gnome Enlightenment Help

2002-04-20 Per discussione Jesse Angell

Hello everyone,
I just installed Redhat 7.2 (not mandrake I know.. dont shoot me) and 
installed Enlightenment with it. When I start 
Enlightenment.. I have to start gnome.. So that works starts Englightenment 
THEN gnome starts over it.. so the gnome start menu thing, covers up half the 
enlightenment virtual desktop part.. and takes control of the right clicking 
feature to bring up the menu in enlightenment.. How do I disable all this 
gnome crap... Please help me asap As i'm really in a rush to get this working 
So i can go about enjoying linux.

Thank you,
Jesse Angell

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Re: [newbie] MP3 Download

2002-04-20 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Sat, 20 Apr 2002 11:21:18 -0400, Brian York [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is their a good progam that can be used to download music in linux? (uses AudioGalaxy) (uses eDonkey) (uses Gnutella) (uses OpenNap) (uses OpenNap) (uses Hotline)

Sridhar Dhanapalan

I care about the fact that our internal design has to be robust. It doesn't
have to make everybody happy, but it has to be clean both conceptually and from
a pure implementation standpoint. I don't want a hack that works.-- Linus

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Re: [newbie] Restaring Samba

2002-04-20 Per discussione Dennis Myers

On Saturday 20 April 2002 01:28 pm, you wrote:
 Neither worked but got me on the right track to finding what would
 service smb restart

 Dennis Myers wrote:
 On Saturday 20 April 2002 12:51 pm, you wrote:
 How do you restart the samba server with CLI?
 I believe that would be  service samba -f  or  service samba restart,
 somebody correct me if I'm wrong.  I have no samba configured at the
  moment so can't remember for sure if the above is correct.
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Yeah, that's the ticket, I knew that! Ha,right. glad you got it straight.
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] MP3 Download

2002-04-20 Per discussione Warren Post

There are several good download managers. They work not only for MP3s but for anything 
you might want to download. I prefer Aria and (for FTP) gFTP, both of which are on 
your LM installation disks. You'll find lots of other options on the disks, too. Give 
them a try and see which you like best.
Warren Post
Santa Rosa de Copan, Honduras

On Sat, 20 Apr 2002 11:21:18 -0400
Brian York [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is their a good progam that can be used to download music in linux?

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Re: [newbie] Ogg Vorbis conversions

2002-04-20 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Sat, 20 Apr 2002 23:19:50 -0400, Lee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have several thousand mp3's I would like to convert to OGG.  Anyone have a 

Install the mp32ogg package, then you can run mp32ogg.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

Hey, that is an implementation issue, not a design issue, so that's the point
where I don't care all that much any more. I'd not be all that likely to use
this feature (I still do zcat  file.tar.gz | tar xvf - instead of using tar
zxvf file.tar.gz, because I'm an old-fashioned old fogey. I don't need my
tar-files auto-mounted for me). -- Linus Torvalds

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Re: [newbie] Ogg Vorbis conversions

2002-04-20 Per discussione dfox

 I have several thousand mp3's I would like to convert to OGG.  


Probably I would do this in a script. I belivee mpg123 has a
decode option to wav and then you can take the wav output and
use oggenc to convert it to an ogg file.

mpg123 -s does seem to send the stream to stdout, but it 
doesn't seem to be enough to provide a file that oggenc can
recognize. On a test mp3 I tried it on, it seems to process the
file rather too quickly, and the file is fairly large, but 'file'
only says it's data. oggenc doesn't recognize it as a supported
format. However, mpg123 is supposed to output in raw 16 bit sample
mode, something that oggenc is supposed to handle.

You might need to filter the output of mpg123 through 'sox' and then
to oggenc, perhaps. Sox is one bitch of a program to figure out,
though. I'd do some experiments with switches and once you find the
magic incantation, use that as part of the script. Wrong switches will
generally produce *very strange sounding files :).

At any rate I'd be inclined to use a pipe so that you don't have
huge temporary files lying around.

And probably someone has developed an easy to use shell or perl
script to do this already :).

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[newbie] Dual Monitor

2002-04-20 Per discussione Jesse Angell

How do I go about configuring Dual Montiors. It's now the only thing keeping 
me from going full linux and throwing my windows copy in the garbage. Anyone 
know how I go about settting up dual monitors.. Please help

Jesse Angell

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Re: [newbie] What would be the standard document format?

2002-04-20 Per discussione dfox

 Clearly, you weren't in Mrs. Watling's typing class. If you had, you'd 
 know that two spaces after a period are not a preference, they are a 
 Commandment. Pure and simple. End of discussion.

fjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfj :)

That's how I learned it in high school as well.  It's only when I started
trying TeX adn other systems where you want to suppress putting two 
spaces after a period.  In regular dumb word processing, yes, you'd
put in the extra space after a period, but TeX is smart enough that 
it'll figure things out, and only one space needs to be after a
period, at least in the source file.

 -- cmg


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