[newbie-it] latex e *.jpeg

2003-02-24 Per discussione Enrico Piccinini
Ciao a tutti: eccomi nuovamente qui!

Per quanto rigurda Latex, sto scrivendo un manuale di una macchina, e lo sto
facendo con Latex: qualcuno sa dirmi se ci sono controindicazioni nell'uso
di immagini *.jpeg (ho letto che sembra che ci siano dei problemi con il
convertitore dvi e pdf): è vero? Se no, posso usare \includegraphics?

Ho provato a caricare (sempre con \includegraphics) una immagine a colori
*.eps ma il compilatore mi restituisce degli errori. Se anzichè una immagine
a colori gli do in ingresso una immagine in bianco e nero, tutto va a buon
fine, qualcuno sa spiegarmi il perchè? (può essere legato ai driver della
stampante che è una laser b/n)?

Un saluto a Mike (con il quale ho condiviso i miei dolori della rete): ci
sono riuscito finalmente a rifar partire la connessione dial-up (con mezzi
un po' barbari, ho cioè rinstallato tutto perchè ormai avevo perso il segno
di tutte le modifiche che avevo fatto) e nonstante avessi letto tutta la doc
(howto) non ci cavavo i piedi. Ora sono anche riuscito a far funzionare
l'eth e persino samba! Evviva. L'unica cosa che prorpio non vuol sapere
di funzionare è la stampante condivisa che (nonstante tutti i tentativi di
mounting manuale) non viene riconosciuta (sarà un problema di driver, visto
che è una stampante nuova di palla).

Grazie a tutti e buona settimana.


Re: [newbie-it] latex e *.jpeg

2003-02-24 Per discussione Luigi Pinna
Hash: SHA1

On Monday 24 February 2003 09:15, you wrote:
 Ciao a tutti: eccomi nuovamente qui!

 Per quanto rigurda Latex, sto scrivendo un manuale di una macchina, e
 lo sto facendo con Latex: qualcuno sa dirmi se ci sono
 controindicazioni nell'uso di immagini *.jpeg (ho letto che sembra
 che ci siano dei problemi con il convertitore dvi e pdf): è vero? Se
 no, posso usare \includegraphics?

Si` puoi usare includegraphics ma deve fare un´operazione per fargli 
convertire al volo l´immagine da jpg in eps (quindi tu risparmi lo 
spazio su disco ma spende qualche tempo in piu` in compilazione). 
Questo e` tratto dal manuale Using Imported Graphics in LaTeX2e:

13 Compressed and Non-EPS Graphics Files
When using dvips, users can specify an operation to be performed on the 
 le befo
re it is inserted. Making this operation a decompression command allows 
ed graphics  les to be used. Making this operation a 
graphics-conversion command
 allows non-eps graphics  les can be used. Since dvips is currently the 
only dvi
- -to-ps converter with this capability, everything in this section 
requires dvips
. Users need to pass the dvips option to the graphicx package. This can 
be done 
by either specifying the dvips global option in the \documentclass 
or by specifying the dvips option in the \usepackage command
Specifying the dvips option in \documentclass it is preferred because 
it passes 
the dvips option to all packages.
When using an operating system which supports pipes, 
the\DeclareGraphicsRule (se
e Section 9.2) specifies a command which operates on the file. Making 
this comma
nd a decompression command allows compressed eps  files to be used. 
Making this 
command a graphics-conversion command allows non-eps graphics  files to 
be used.
 When using operating systems which do not support pipes, such 
on-the-fly conver
sion is not possible and all graphics must be stores as uncompressed 
eps files.
13.1 Compressed EPS Example
The steps for using compressed eps  files are
1. Create an eps  file (file1.eps for example)
2. Store the BoundingBox line in another file (file1.eps.bb)
3. Compress the eps  file. For example, the Unix command
gzip -9 file1.eps

creates the compressed  le file1.eps.gz. The-9 (or -best) option speci 
es maximu
m compression.
4. Include the proper \DeclareGraphicsRule command before the 
\includegraphics c
ommand in the LATEX  file. The\DeclareGraphicsRule command informs LATEX
 how to treat the particular suffix (see Section 9.2). For example
\DeclareGraphicsRule{.eps.gz}{eps}{.eps.bb}{`gunzip -c #1}
\caption{Compressed EPS Graphic}
In this particular case, the \DeclareGraphicsRule command is actually 
not necess
ary because it happens to be one of the graphics rules pre-de ned in 
If another compression program or suffixes were used, the 
\DeclareGraphicsRule c
ommand would be mandatory. For example, if the BoundingBox  file had 
been stored
 in file1.bb, the corresponding \DeclareGraphicsRule would be
\DeclareGraphicsRule{.eps.gz}{eps}{.bb}{`gunzip -c #1}

 Ho provato a caricare (sempre con \includegraphics) una immagine a
 colori *.eps ma il compilatore mi restituisce degli errori. Se
 anzichè una immagine a colori gli do in ingresso una immagine in
 bianco e nero, tutto va a buon fine, qualcuno sa spiegarmi il perchè?
 (può essere legato ai driver della stampante che è una laser b/n)?

No, devi solo caricare il pacchetto color e tutto funzionera` 

 Grazie a tutti e buona settimana


Prego, Gigi
Ps. Mi sa che quella parte del manuale ha reso questa mail troppo lunga!

- -- 
Le ballerine sono coraggiosissime!
Quante donne conoscete in grado di gettarsi tra le braccia di un 
omossessuale sperando che lui le afferri?

Rita Rüdner
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


[newbie-it] openoffice via via piu' lento

2003-02-24 Per discussione pigi
ciao a tutti
ormai sono diversi mesi che ho abbandonato win e uso openoffice per lavorare

ho notato che è diventato piu' lento a partire (non era mai stato un fulmine 
...), mentre nell'account di mia figlia parte come prima

che puo' essere?

un saluto


Re: [newbie-it] openoffice via via piu' lento

2003-02-24 Per discussione Andrea Celli
On Mon, 24 Feb 2003 12:49:47 +0100
pigi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 ciao a tutti
 ormai sono diversi mesi che ho abbandonato win e uso openoffice per lavorare
 ho notato che è diventato piu' lento a partire (non era mai stato un fulmine 
 ...), mentre nell'account di mia figlia parte come prima
 che puo' essere?

È un po' poco per dirti qualcosa di sensato, non trovi?

prova a farlo partire da xterme non da menu/icona e vedi se ti dà dei
messaggi d'errore.

Altra cosa, controlla di non avergli impostato di partire in qualche
modalità strana e particolarmente pesante.
Quale? Difficile a dirsi senza vedere cosa succede realmente.
Prova a rinominare la tua directory di configurazione personale
in qualcosa.bak e farlo ripartire come se tu non lo avessi mai usato prima.

ciao, andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Variabili di ambiente

2003-02-24 Per discussione Germano
Il 17:48, domenica 23 febbraio 2003, Pollo ha scritto:
 Mi sembrava di aver capito che per modificare una variabile di ambinente
 a livello globale (cioè al boot del sistema e per ogni utente)
 bisognasse modificare il file /etc/profile. Ho cercato di farlo con la
 Mandrake9.0 ma tale file non esiste; esiste la directory /etc/profile.d/
 con a suo interno una serie di file *.sh e *.csh (penso siano shell
 script). Cosa devo fare per apportare le modifiche alle variabili di

 Grazie, Pollo.

Che non ci sia mi pare strano, fa parte del pacchetto 'setup'.
Comunque aggiungi alla fine del file /etc/bashrc 
la/e seguente/i riga/he

export TUA_AV_RIABILE=quello_che_vuoi

Questo se usi bash o derivati della Bourne Shell
Per l'altra famigliola
Il file è csh.cshrc ed il comando invece di ecport è setenv

Ciao, Germano

Re: [newbie-it] Mouse Ottico e Senza Fili

2003-02-24 Per discussione Germano
Il 18:25, domenica 23 febbraio 2003, Corrado ha scritto:
 Direte: nient'altro?! ^_^
 Allora, è possibile debba cambiare mouse, se qualcuno sa darmi buone
 dritte su mouse ottici e/o senza fili che funzionino senza problemi con
 Mandrake e siano comunque di buona qualità, mi farebbe un favore! ^_^


In questo momento uso un mouse ottico della Logitech USB con adattatore PS2 
senza problemi.

Ciao, Germano

Re: [newbie-it] Suggerimenti: installazione e pacchetti

2003-02-24 Per discussione Andrea Celli
On Mon, 24 Feb 2003 01:16:35 +0100
Alessandro Piaser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Non c'è un'opzione da inserire dando rpm in modo che chieda se installare o
 meno anche le dipendenze?

si rpm --nodeps (vedi man rpm) ma poi non è detto che il pacchetto ti
funzioni, potrebbe mancargli qualche libreria essenziale

 Forse troppi, così ho guardato meglio cosa c'è nei cd della distro e stavo
 pensando di installare come file manager Nautilus, ma non vorrei
 appesantisca troppo il sistema.

in effetti è un bel mattone.

 A proposito di Nautilus, lanciando rpmdrake non lo trovo né nei pacchetti da
 installare né in quelli da rimuovere, molto strano da cosa potrebbe

strano, dovrebbe esserci
prova a vedere sul sito Mandrake, alla pagina errata, dovrebbe esserci un bug
relativo alla costituzuìone del database per urpmi

se, invece, è disponibile, ti basta agiungere
 modprobe nome-esatto-modulo
al file /etc/modules.conf

 Tornando sull'hardware, sintetizzo in due punti
 1 sb16asp
 2 il cdrom

Non ho mai avuto a che fare con cd-rom non atapi.
Quindi deviseguire quello che ti dicono
i sacri testi.

 Incomincio dal punto più semplice l'audio

Per questo, prova a vedere il sito delle pnp-utils
e seguire le istruzioni che trovi per configurare a manina la scheda.
essenzialmente è quello che fa sndconfig o draksound o simili,
ma così controlli tutto personalmente.
attento che le schede sound-blaster sono spesso chiamate Ensoniq

 E cosigliabile che segua le istruzioni che ho trovato e ti ho esposto?
 Ultimissima cosa in modules.conf
 originariamente avevo solo una riga questa
 probeall scsi_hostadapters ide-scsi
 e una cosa simile il lilo.conf in append ...
 presumo facciano riferimento al cdrom atapi che ho collegato per fare
 l'installazione, pensavo di commentarle una volta tolto. E' una buona idea?

a occhio sembra un'emulazione scsi per un dispositivo ide o di altro tipo.
Non è che il tuo cd venga visto come /dev/scd0 ?

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Suggerimenti: installazione e pacchetti

2003-02-24 Per discussione Germano
Scusate ma questa volta scrivo sopra il citato.
Un piccolo consiglio (più che altro per te) :
Se si scrivono messaggi così lunghi e con domande così diverse tra loro 
succede che
1) Chi legge dopo un pò si stufa e non risponde (il che è male per te)
2) Chi volesse avere aiuti sugli stessi argomenti non li troverà mai se l' 
Oggetto si riferisce ad uno solo dei molti argomenti trattati all'interno del 
messaggio (il che è male per gli altri)

Scrivi tanti piccoli messaggi con un oggetto pertinente piuttosto che uno 
lungo e non esaustivo (l'oggetto).

E' solo un consiglio, libero (ovviamente) di fare come vuoi.

Ciao, Germano

Il 01:16, lunedì 24 febbraio 2003, Alessandro Piaser ha scritto:
 - Original Message -
 Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2003 10:19 AM

  Durante l'installazione sono stati installati dei componenti per la

 rete, ma

  non ne ho nessuno come faccio a sapere quali sono e a togliere quelli
  vedi nel MandrakeControlCenter. C'è una sheda
  relativa ai servizi avviati al boot.
  Per ogni servizio c'è una breve descrizione. Disattiva
  senz'altro NFS, NIS, Samba
  controllo batterie
  Poi rimuovi i pacchetti relativi dal

 OK sono riuscito ad installare il MandrakeControlCenter e i relativi
 pacchetti dipendenti, ma caspita che casino per capirci qualcosa, mi sono
 trascrivere tutto.
 Non c'è un'opzione da inserire dando rpm in modo che chieda se installare o
 meno anche le dipendenze?

 Ovviamente ho disabilitato anche i relativi servizi come mi avevi suggerito

 Installato MCC con rpmdrake ho installato con più facilità i pacchetti che
 mi servivano e così lo spazio occupato è arrivato a 380Mb.

 Abiword e Gnumeric non girano male anzi direi che girano bene anche se è
 meglio aprire solo una finestra alla volta se non si vuole far frullare il
 disco e far girare tutto più lentamente.
 Ho installato anche Ical un organizer per X penso leggero.
 Ho notato però che i sottomenù di Ical e Cups per esempio,
 me li ha installati solo nel menù dell'utente normale e non in quello di
 root, è normale?
 caso opposto per IceWMCP

 se cerchi file manager su freshmeat ne trovi parecchi

 Forse troppi, così ho guardato meglio cosa c'è nei cd della distro e stavo
 pensando di installare come file manager Nautilus, ma non vorrei
 appesantisca troppo il sistema.
 A proposito di Nautilus, lanciando rpmdrake non lo trovo né nei pacchetti
 da installare né in quelli da rimuovere, molto strano da cosa potrebbe
 Ho già provato ad aggiornare le sorgenti, ma non è cambiato nulla,
 ovviamente il pacchetto è presente sul cd.

se, invece, è disponibile, ti basta agiungere
 modprobe nome-esatto-modulo
al file /etc/modules.conf

 Dunque, non vorrei essermi sbagliato la volta precedente, ma i moduli sono
 nella forma nomedriver.o.gz
 e penso che sia fin qui tutto a posto.

 Tornando sull'hardware, sintetizzo in due punti
 1 sb16asp
 2 il cdrom

 Incomincio dal punto più semplice l'audio
 Ultimo il cdrom.

 come penso che debba essere, mi da errore dicendo che o non ha paramentri o
 che sono sbagliati io o irq.

 negli howto ho trovato solo casi di ricompilazione del kernel o patchare il
 kernel e in questo caso inserire
 sbpcd=0x230,1 da cui deduco che i valori che ho dato potrebbero
 teoricamente essere giusti.
 Ho provato anche ad inserire la riga
 ma anche qui picche.


 Ultimissima cosa in modules.conf

 Grazie ancora e a presto



Re: [newbie-it] problema driver scanner HP2200c - UPDATE

2003-02-24 Per discussione paolo brusasco
no devi remmare anche la parallel port section. ti allego il mio file di 
configurazione. però nonostante funzioni ho ancora 2 problemi:
1) anche a lampada calda prima di ogni scansione attende il tempo di 
warming up (30 secs)
2) per motivi misteriosi, appena avviato, le prime due o tre o quattro 
scansioni si fermano ad 1/4 della scansione senza completarla. poi, a 
suo piacimento, scanna tutto il foglio.
se e quando trovo una soluzione (che finora non ho ancora cercato) la 
posto. se la trovi tu per favore fai altrettanto.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:
# Plustek-SANE Backend configuration file
# For use with Plustek parallel-port scanners and
# LM9831/2/3 based USB scanners
# For parport devices use the parport section
#device /dev/pt_drv
# leave the default values as specified in /etc/modules.conf
#option warmup-1
#option lOffOnEnd -1
#option lampOff   -1
# The USB section:
# each device needs at least two lines:
# - [usb] vendor-ID and product-ID
# - device devicename
# i.e. for Plustek (0x07B3) UT12/16/24 (0x0017)
# [usb] 0x07B3 0x0017
# device /dev/usbscanner
# additionally you can specify some options
# warmup, lOffOnEnd, lampOff
# For autodetection use
# [usb]
# device /dev/usbscanner
# NOTE: autodetection is safe, as it uses the info it got
#   from the USB subsystem. If you're not using the
#   autodetection, you MUST have attached that device
#   at your USB-port, that you have specified...
[usb] 0x03f0 0x0605
# options for the previous USB entry
# switch lamp off after xxx secs, 0 disables the feature
option lampOff 0
# warmup period in seconds, 0 means no warmup
option warmup 30
# 0 means leave lamp-status untouched, not 0 means switch off
# on sane_close
option lOffOnEnd 0
# options to tweak the image start-position
# (WARNING: there's no internal range check!!!)
# for the normal scan area
option posOffX 0
option posOffY 0
# for transparencies
option tpaOffX 0
option tpaOffY 0
# for negatives
option negOffX 0
option negOffY 0
# for adjusting the default gamma values
option redGamma 1.0
option greenGamma   1.0
option blueGamma1.0
option grayGamma1.0
# and of course the device-name
device /dev/usb/scanner0
# to define a new device, start with a new section:
# [usb] or [parport]

Re: [newbie-it] Sun One Studio 4 CE

2003-02-24 Per discussione LukenShiro
On Tue, 18 Feb 2003, Enrico Teotti wrote:
 IDE Sun One Studio 4 CE.
 Il fatto è che la seconda istruzione genera un errore.

Non saprei, prova a dare un'occhiata a:

P.S. colgo l'occasione per ricordare che piu' particolari si danno, piu'
e' probabile riuscire a trovare con maggior facilita' una soluzione ai

GNU/Linux Slackware current *** 2.4.20

[newbie-it] Installazione su 486 denza lettore cdrom

2003-02-24 Per discussione Pollo
Sto cercando di installare la mandrake su un vecchio 486 che è
sprovvisto di lettore cdrom per cui ho deciso di optare per una
installazione via rete tramite NFS. Gli ho montato una scheda di rete
3Com 3c905B e hocreato il disketto di boot opportuno. Appena dopo il
boot mi riconosce la scheda di rete ma poi si pianta. Guardando i
messaggi di logs (Alt+F3) c'è il seguente messaggio:
* have to insmod af_packet
* needs af_packet

La cosa strana è che con un pentium sono riuscito a fare l'installazione
tramite NFS con la medesima scheda di rete e lio stesso server.
Avete suggerimenti? 

Grazie, Pollo.

Re: [newbie-it] Installazione su 486 denza lettore cdrom

2003-02-24 Per discussione gluc
Pollo ha scritto:
Sto cercando di installare la mandrake su un vecchio 486 che è
sprovvisto di lettore cdrom per cui ho deciso di optare per una
installazione via rete tramite NFS. Gli ho montato una scheda di rete
3Com 3c905B e hocreato il disketto di boot opportuno. Appena dopo il
boot mi riconosce la scheda di rete ma poi si pianta. Guardando i
messaggi di logs (Alt+F3) c'è il seguente messaggio:
* have to insmod af_packet
* needs af_packet
La cosa strana è che con un pentium sono riuscito a fare l'installazione
tramite NFS con la medesima scheda di rete e lio stesso server.
Avete suggerimenti? 

Che versione di mandrake stai cercando di installare? Le versioni dalla 
8.0 in poi sono per 586 quindi dubito che riuscirai ad installarle su un 486
Grazie, Pollo.

Giannuzzi Luca  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Slackware 8.1 @ Acer TravelMate 512T
Kernel 2.4.20
R.U. #287353 L.M. #168794
Yahoo! Cellulari: loghi, suonerie, picture message per il tuo telefonino

Re: [newbie-it] Mouse Ottico e Senza Fili

2003-02-24 Per discussione Corrado
Il lun, 2003-02-24 alle 07:53, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:

 se vuoi un prodotto buono Logitech di sicuro...io cercavo una tastiera 
 senza filo,ma le danno solo con il mouse allegato e non ho intenzione di 
 seperarmi dal mio trackball :-)

Non ho dubbio che i prodotti Logitech siano validi, per quanto tenda a
dare la preferenza a quelle aziende che supportano Linux :)
Scriverò alla Logitech facendo loro notare che è proprio questa la
ragione per la quale finora li ho evitati :-D
Bè,la mancanza di supporto è un vantaggio, in fondo, dato che è una
discriminante in più per poter scegliere fra centinaia di prodotti con
prezzi e prestazioni simili :)


[newbie-it] Scanner Epson 1250

2003-02-24 Per discussione lele
Ho provato a configurare il mio scanner epson 1250 photo come da istruzioni 
sul sito mandrake, cioè inserendo
usb/dev/usb/scanner in /etc/sane.d/epson.conf
scanner in /etc/modules
options scanner vendor=0x4b8 e product=0x10f  in /etc/modules.conf

Sul desktop ho l'icona di xsane, nell'elenco delle periferiche usb ho lo 
scanner, ma se tento di lanciare xsane mi dice che non ci sono dispositivi 
disponibili, e anche con iscan, scricato dal sito Epson, ricevo la risposta 
impossibile inviare comandi allo scanner.
Qualcuno ha qualche idea ?
Manca qualcosa?

Grazie per le eventuali risposte


[newbie-it] Scheda audio

2003-02-24 Per discussione Lele
Dopo l'installazione di mdk9 nonriesco a sentire i suoni di sistema nè i 
cd musicali.
Ho una scheda audio integrata e una soundblaster e vorrei usare solo 
quest'ultima, come posso disabilitare l'altra?
Grazie per le eventuali risposte


Re: [newbie] Another one...

2003-02-24 Per discussione Lyvim Xaphir
On Sun, 2003-02-23 at 21:02, LeaAnne Kolp wrote:
 You can get the java here:
 Once you download it, follow the instructions in the ReadMe.
 Everytime I had a question about Linux my husband would
 tell me to read the manual. Seemed harsh at the time, but 
 now I know, it just taught me more. :)

Don't forget that there is an MDK rpm on Mandrakeclub for the jre.  Also
for flash as well.


Kernel  2.4.21pre4-6mdk   Mandrake 9.1 RC1
Enlightenment 0.16.5-12mdkEvolution 1.2.2-1mdk
Registered Linux User #268899 http://counter.li.org/

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Kmail and any others?

2003-02-24 Per discussione H.J.Bathoorn
On Monday 24 February 2003 01:31, Todd Slater wrote:
 On Sun, 23 Feb 2003 18:13:07 -0500

  On Sunday 23 February 2003 08:01 am, H.J.Bathoorn wrote:
   I like the crisp and open feel of kmail and last but certainly not
   least: Sylpheed is wonderful on lower spec laptops because it fires
   up so quickly when using other desktops like xfce or icewm.
   It just takes a few secs to have it up and running contary to
   almost half a minute for evo, kmail and mozilla.
  oh cool.  I was needing a suggestion for a p75/40mb laptop and was
  thinking I'd have to do mutt or pine, but will try sylpheed since you
  suggested it for low spec machines.
  any other mail clients for low spec machines that you know of?  I can
  get X going with icewm on it and use a few apps.  I was thinking
  link-graphic for browser and maybe slrn for news.  Unless you know of
  a light gui news client that can talk to news server directly?
  thanks for your input.

 Sylpheed again! I can't vouch for its functionality with binary
 attachments and such, but for text-based news reading and posting it's
 quite nice.


Yep, and for graphical desktops that don't hog too much mem take a look at 
busybox, xfce (my personal fancy) or windowmaker as well.

Do take as much load off the ram as possible by turning off as many deamons 
(at boot) as you can, depending on the functionality you're wanting.

If it's still too slow for your liking: I get some very nice extra speed using 
slackware8.1 instead of mandrake(at the cost of some nice toys) but as always 
each distro has it's specific pro's and cons.

Good luck,

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] WAY OT and further - Problem with threads

2003-02-24 Per discussione H.J.Bathoorn
On Monday 24 February 2003 06:33, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 On Mon, 2003-02-24 at 16:32, Damian Gatabria wrote:
  On Sunday 23 de February 2003 22:46, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
   On Mon, 2003-02-24 at 12:10, Adolfo Bello wrote:
Why am I getting totally different subjects within a thread?
Or is it that some people instead of launching a new thread just
reply to a mail and change the subject?
Is it my MUA? Or is it some people laziness?
   People are:
   1.) Lazy
   2.) Lackadaisical
   3.) Unenergetic
   4.) Unethical
   5.) Immoral
   6.) Lazy
  ... i spent the last 10 minutes making up a post for this thread... man i
  laughed while i was making it.. but thinking it twice... i decided spare
  you guys.
  Don't mention it. You are welcome. :o)

 So you just scored a 1,3,4,5...almost human!

Aaah, now I get it.this is what they call evolution!


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Telnet

2003-02-24 Per discussione Raffaele Belardi
Assuming that you have the telnet server installed, you need to start it 
 (Mandrake Control Center, System tab, Services icon).

Also, I had a similar problem on the MDK PC I use at home, where I have 
a modem Internet connection. I looks like if you don't connect to 
internet, loopback port is not enabled by default, so you get the error 
below. I had to issue a

# ifup lo

as root, then it worked ok.


when ever i try to connect to telnet port i get
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused
in /etc/hosts.allow i wrote
telnet : 
what should i do?

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Re: [newbie] Xwindows Stability

2003-02-24 Per discussione John Richard Smith
g wrote:

John Richard Smith wrote:

Now, as I read this, we passed a command to set to 0
the time interval to nought, the powersave and powerdown
to disable..
If I'm correct , it refused on the powersave issue.

you are correct.
[see below]
Now some 10-20 minutes later , another blank black screen ,
with a click to desktop when mouse is mouved.

blank screen, and no glitch yet. hmmm.

I will now do the same test all over again but with monitor2 the
M8.1 known working one, same make and model  monitor.
The same result, and what is more it goes to blank black screen,
which returns with a click to dektop when mouse is wiggled.

what version is on 1st system?
Mandrake 9.0

also, my forgetfulness again, connect 'glitch' monitor to second
system and let it cook there for a while.
reason, not sure. just want to make sure...
As an identicle comparative test it will not do much, since the screen res
and vid card are different, ie less demanding.

I really need to prolong this some more to see if I get the
involuntary 2 second black screen glitch to desktop,
could take a while,for the moment an open verdict.It's
been 40 minutes now and no 2second glitch, but as I say not
long enough to really tell.

burn, baby, burn. ;)
seems to me that Monitor2 is ok on both computer as far as the 2 second 
is concerned.Had it on for some 6 hours of and on so I think it would of
occured if it was going to.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Xwindows Stability

2003-02-24 Per discussione John Richard Smith
g wrote:

John Richard Smith wrote:

Now, as I read this, we passed a command to set to 0
the time interval to nought, the powersave and powerdown
to disable..
If I'm correct , it refused on the powersave issue.

you are correct.
[see below]
Now some 10-20 minutes later , another blank black screen ,
with a click to desktop when mouse is mouved.

blank screen, and no glitch yet. hmmm.

I will now do the same test all over again but with monitor2 the
M8.1 known working one, same make and model  monitor.
The same result, and what is more it goes to blank black screen,
which returns with a click to dektop when mouse is wiggled.

what version is on 1st system?
Mandrake 9.0

also, my forgetfulness again, connect 'glitch' monitor to second
system and let it cook there for a while.
reason, not sure. just want to make sure...
As an identicle comparative test it will not do much, since the screen res
and vid card are different, ie less demanding.

I really need to prolong this some more to see if I get the
involuntary 2 second black screen glitch to desktop,
could take a while,for the moment an open verdict.It's
been 40 minutes now and no 2second glitch, but as I say not
long enough to really tell.

burn, baby, burn. ;)
seems to me that Monitor2 is ok on both computer as far as the 2 second 
is concerned.Had it on for some 6 hours of and on so I think it would of
occured if it was going to.


John Richard Smith

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[newbie] Graphics formats

2003-02-24 Per discussione Anne Wilson
I thought that png was a lossless compression - am I wrong?

If I start from a jpg file from my camera, 397 KB, why does saving it as a png 
come out at 2.4MB?

Registered Linux User No.293302

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Re: [newbie] Graphics formats

2003-02-24 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2003-02-24 at 23:41, Anne Wilson wrote:
 I thought that png was a lossless compression - am I wrong?
 If I start from a jpg file from my camera, 397 KB, why does saving it as a png 
 come out at 2.4MB?

For all intents and purposes, it's probably best to keep them in JPG
format - and if you DO want to make them smaller, lower the colour
format down from true colour to either 64k or 32k colours and resize to
800x600 - that, at least, will give you smaller pictures. PNG is such a
PITA to deal with -AND- in the end, it's not always compatible across

Mon, 24 Feb 2003 23:45:00 +1100
 11:45pm  up 5 days, 12:28,  6 users,  load average: 0.08, 0.35, 0.43
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   | http://kma.0catch.com   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * RH 8.0 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting

Remember, drive defensively! And of course, the best defense is a good offense!

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Another one...

2003-02-24 Per discussione Daniel Anderson
On Sunday 23 February 2003 10:17 pm, Marc Oestreicher wrote:
 On Sunday 23 February 2003 15:05, Derek Jennings wrote:
  On Sunday 23 Feb 2003 7:04 pm, Daniel Anderson wrote:
   I tried Opera today, and the only problem I have is the page
   fonts display very small and distorted, tried several different pages,
   and all the different settings, I can improve it somewhat by using my
   own fonts, but still far inferrior to Galeon's display of the page
   fonts. Maybe Galeon has access to fonts not available to Opera. Any
   ideas? Dan
  I tried Opera today, and the only problem I have is the page
  fonts display
  very small and distorted, tried several different pages, and all the
  different settings, I can improve it somewhat by using my own fonts, but
  still far inferrior to Galeon's display of the page fonts. Maybe Galeon
  has access to fonts not available to Opera. Any ideas?
  FilePreferencesDocumentMinimum font size
  You can also change the default fonts there.

   In Opera near the top right of the page you should ess a icon to increase
 magnafication, change from 100%  to 120 or 150% and you will find most
 pages dislpay much better, if you like the new setting it can be made
 permanate in File/ Preferances/ somehere I cant remember the details.


  8:13am  up 12 days, 22:08,  2 users,  load average: 0.03, 0.07, 0.02

Thanks, that fixed it.

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Re: [newbie] Graphics formats

2003-02-24 Per discussione Damian Gatabria
On Monday 24 de February 2003 09:41, Anne Wilson wrote:
 I thought that png was a lossless compression - am I wrong?

 If I start from a jpg file from my camera, 397 KB, why does saving it as a
 png come out at 2.4MB?


Because JPG is lossy compression, based on some weird smoked algorithms
that have something to do with fractals and the way the human eye perceives
colours... PNG being a lossless compresion, like you said, takes up more


I don't want Windows to be only for the 31173. Yes, we've come a long way from
all those security holes, virii, and cryptic commands like Edit textfile.txt
(what in the hell is that supposed to mean?)

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Re: [newbie] Graphics formats

2003-02-24 Per discussione Jan Wilson
* Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] [030224 07:00]:
 I thought that png was a lossless compression - am I wrong?

No, you are right.

 If I start from a jpg file from my camera, 397 KB, why does saving it as a png 
 come out at 2.4MB?

Because .png IS a lossless compression.  Your camera is using a lossy
format, .jpg, to reduce your images to 397 KB.  If you then save it as
a .png, you are saving the already lossy image in a lossless format,
resulting in a much larger file.  The .png you make does not contain
any additional information than what was in the original .jpg, so it
is questionable how useful that is.

So why use .png at all?  Well, I use it a lot for screenshots for
training.  One thing .jpg does NOT do well is represent typical
application program screenshots.  Areas that should appear all the
same color often have artifacts (distortions) when saved in .jpg
format.  Actually, photos do too, but usually they are less obvious.

Another good use for a lossless compression like .png is when you will
be using a photo editor to edit the file.  If you edit a .jpg, you
take an already lossy image, edit it ... all photo editors I know use
a lossless compression technique internally, at least while they are
editing the image ... and then save it.  If you save it as a .jpg, the
image is compressed in a lossy manner, and these losses can
accumulate.  The GIMP's native format, .xcf, is lossless, and can get
HUGE, but that's the expense of using lossless but better quality

Jan Wilson, SysAdmin _/*];  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Corozal Junior College   |  |:'  corozal.com corozal.bz
Corozal Town, Belize |  /'  chetumal.com  linux.bz
Reg. Linux user #151611  |_/   Network, PHP, Perl, HTML

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Re: [newbie] Graphics formats

2003-02-24 Per discussione Todd Slater
On Mon, Feb 24, 2003 at 12:41:29PM +, Anne Wilson wrote:
 I thought that png was a lossless compression - am I wrong?
 If I start from a jpg file from my camera, 397 KB, why does saving it as a png 
 come out at 2.4MB?

As a general rule of thumb, .jpg for photos, .png for computer-generated
graphics/images. As somebody else pointed out, .pngs are superior to
.jpgs for screenshots. And use .pngs to replace .gifs, typically for
web graphics (buttons, banners etc.).

Regarding your query, lossless means bigger files.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Another one...

2003-02-24 Per discussione Marc Oestreicher

   On Sunday 23 Feb 2003 7:04 pm, Daniel Anderson wrote:
I tried Opera today, and the only problem I have is the page
fonts display very small and distorted, tried several different
pages, and all the different settings, I can improve it somewhat by
using my own fonts, but still far inferrior to Galeon's display of
the page fonts. Maybe Galeon has access to fonts not available to
Opera. Any ideas? Dan
   I tried Opera today, and the only problem I have is the page
   fonts display
   very small and distorted, tried several different pages, and all the
   different settings, I can improve it somewhat by using my own fonts,
   but still far inferrior to Galeon's display of the page fonts. Maybe
   Galeon has access to fonts not available to Opera. Any ideas?
   FilePreferencesDocumentMinimum font size
   You can also change the default fonts there.
In Opera near the top right of the page you should ess a icon to
  increase magnafication, change from 100%  to 120 or 150% and you will
  find most pages dislpay much better, if you like the new setting it can
  be made permanate in File/ Preferances/ somehere I cant remember the

   Now that You have Opera to the point where a page displays nice take the 
time to dig around and find all the other nice features in Opera You will 
probably become hooked on Opera. The z zmd x buttons are super handy keyboard 
shortcuts for back and forward espically when useing a laptop. and it is 
cross platform. Works on about every OS around.
  Also BTW Dan your email address looks like a ham call Great to see another 
amature radio fan on the list. I wonder how many more hams are here.

Marc  KM5KW

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Re: [newbie] Graphics formats

2003-02-24 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Monday 24 Feb 2003 1:22 pm, Jan Wilson wrote:
 * Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] [030224 07:00]:
  I thought that png was a lossless compression - am I wrong?

 No, you are right.

  If I start from a jpg file from my camera, 397 KB, why does saving it as
  a png come out at 2.4MB?

 Because .png IS a lossless compression.  Your camera is using a lossy
 format, .jpg, to reduce your images to 397 KB.  If you then save it as
 a .png, you are saving the already lossy image in a lossless format,
 resulting in a much larger file.  The .png you make does not contain
 any additional information than what was in the original .jpg, so it
 is questionable how useful that is.

 So why use .png at all?  Well, I use it a lot for screenshots for
 training.  One thing .jpg does NOT do well is represent typical
 application program screenshots.  Areas that should appear all the
 same color often have artifacts (distortions) when saved in .jpg
 format.  Actually, photos do too, but usually they are less obvious.

 Another good use for a lossless compression like .png is when you will
 be using a photo editor to edit the file.  If you edit a .jpg, you
 take an already lossy image, edit it ... all photo editors I know use
 a lossless compression technique internally, at least while they are
 editing the image ... and then save it.  If you save it as a .jpg, the
 image is compressed in a lossy manner, and these losses can
 accumulate.  The GIMP's native format, .xcf, is lossless, and can get
 HUGE, but that's the expense of using lossless but better quality

Though I suppose that if I want to make progressive saves while working on a 
picture, then it would be well worth it, but then make the final save in jpg 
format again?

Registered Linux User No.293302

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Re: [newbie] Graphics formats

2003-02-24 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Monday 24 Feb 2003 1:43 pm, Todd Slater wrote:
 On Mon, Feb 24, 2003 at 12:41:29PM +, Anne Wilson wrote:
  I thought that png was a lossless compression - am I wrong?
  If I start from a jpg file from my camera, 397 KB, why does saving it as
  a png come out at 2.4MB?

 As a general rule of thumb, .jpg for photos, .png for computer-generated
 graphics/images. As somebody else pointed out, .pngs are superior to
 .jpgs for screenshots. And use .pngs to replace .gifs, typically for
 web graphics (buttons, banners etc.).

 Regarding your query, lossless means bigger files.


I had thought that it could only record what the jpg was already giving it, so 
had expected the compression to come out at a similar size.  As an experiment 
I took a jpg that had been saved as a png, then saved it again as a bmp.  I 
had thought 2.7 MB was bit, but the bmp came out at 5.5 MB, so I guess png is 
doing quite a good job of compression where data preservation is important.

Registered Linux User No.293302

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Re: [newbie] Graphics formats

2003-02-24 Per discussione Todd Slater
On Mon, Feb 24, 2003 at 02:30:10PM +, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Monday 24 Feb 2003 1:43 pm, Todd Slater wrote:
  On Mon, Feb 24, 2003 at 12:41:29PM +, Anne Wilson wrote:
   I thought that png was a lossless compression - am I wrong?
   If I start from a jpg file from my camera, 397 KB, why does saving it as
   a png come out at 2.4MB?
  As a general rule of thumb, .jpg for photos, .png for computer-generated
  graphics/images. As somebody else pointed out, .pngs are superior to
  .jpgs for screenshots. And use .pngs to replace .gifs, typically for
  web graphics (buttons, banners etc.).
  Regarding your query, lossless means bigger files.
 I had thought that it could only record what the jpg was already giving it, so 
 had expected the compression to come out at a similar size.  As an experiment 
 I took a jpg that had been saved as a png, then saved it again as a bmp.  I 
 had thought 2.7 MB was bit, but the bmp came out at 5.5 MB, so I guess png is 
 doing quite a good job of compression where data preservation is important.

I like .tif for compatibility. That would probably rival .bmp for size.


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[newbie] choosing a HDD

2003-02-24 Per discussione Anne Wilson
I'm thinking of replacing my current pair of 20 GB HDDs by a pair of 40 GB 
drives.  Maxtor offer the Fireball @5400rpm and the Diamondax Plus 8 
@7200rpm.  Are there any problems associated with these faster drives?

This Asus board is one equipped with 2 udma connectors in addition to the 
normal pair of ide ones.  It is getting on for two years old, I guess, so was 
probably a fairly early adopter of udma.  Although I have not had any 
problems with this 9.0 setup, I do wonder if anyone else has concerns about 
using these early udma connectors?

Unless I hear reasons against it, I think I shall use them again.  I do 
realise that if I use the standard ide connectors I will not be getting the 
speed, so it's a waste of money going for the faster ones, but security is 
more important than speed.

Registered Linux User No.293302

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Re: [newbie] Another one...

2003-02-24 Per discussione Rob Lindsay
 I've been around the block with browsers, and I can tell you that Opera
 is the best one I've ever seen.  Plus the fastest.  It beats all the
 others hands down.  Latest version for Linux and the QT libraries is

 The java and flash rpm's are available on mandrakeclub for download.



I have been a long term user of Opera too, both with Win2K and Mandrake. I 
find it really fast and easy to live with. It has a good set of keyboard 
shortcuts and some great mouse gestures.


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Re: [newbie] OT - Problem with threads

2003-02-24 Per discussione Lyvim Xaphir
On Sun, 2003-02-23 at 20:10, Adolfo Bello wrote:
 Why am I getting totally different subjects within a thread?
 Or is it that some people instead of launching a new thread just reply
 to a mail and change the subject?
 Is it my MUA? Or is it some people laziness?

Probably because some people always view their email as a flat list by
date instead of by threaded view, therefore they have no concept of how
stupid they look when they post a new message as a reply to an
in-progress thread.  It compromises the entire purpose of having a
thread, which is to maintain focus on a subtopic.  So, yeah, you're not
the only one that's noticed it.


Kernel  2.4.21pre4-6mdk   Mandrake 9.1 RC1
Enlightenment 0.16.5-12mdkEvolution 1.2.2-1mdk
Registered Linux User #268899 http://counter.li.org/

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Re: [newbie] dead pppd (was OT: M$: Bugs are cool)

2003-02-24 Per discussione et
On Saturday 22 February 2003 10:49 am, robin wrote:
 Len Lawrence wrote:
  On Fri, 21 Feb 2003 23:49:46 +0200
  robin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Len Lawrence wrote:
 On Wed, 19 Feb 2003 23:58:11 -0800
 On the other hand, I shall eventually upgrade to Mandrake 9.* in the
  hope that the bug will be fixed that occasions the need to reboot 8.2
  every couple of days; pppd goes into a sulk and refuses to get off the
 Are you sure that isn't just a kpppd-pid file not getting killed?
  Might be something like that.  I am using gnome-ppp but the same thing
  occurred with kppp.  Not sure where to look but will search for a pid
  file. If this is the cause the question is then why?.

 It's probably somewhere like $HOME/.gnome/gnome-ppp/gnome-ppp-pid - just
 a guess by analogy with kppp.

 I'm not sure if this is the problem, but it's worth checking out.

 Sir Robin
might be the lock file that is an option in kppp.

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[newbie] rpmfind doesn't fill in package list

2003-02-24 Per discussione Guy Rouillier
I've used RedHat casually for a couple years, but would like to try to
make Mandrake 9.0 my regular OS.  Under RedHat, I got used to using
gnorpm to do a webfind to see if any of my currently installed packages
had newer versions.  What is the equivalent function with the Mandrake
packaging tools?  I brought up the Upgrade Software tool under
Packaging, but that appears to only look for security-related updates.
I installed trusty old gnorpm, but when I did a webfind, it just hung -
never filled in the list with any packages.  I looked at the
destination, and it is going to (rpmfind.net something or other)/RDF.
Is that RDF on the end correct?

While I'm on the subject of packaging tools, I like the way Mandrake
keeps a database on the hard disk, and prompts you to insert the
appropriate CD when installing a package.  But I find having separate
install and remove tools very inconvenient.  If a package is not listed
in the install tool, that means either (1) it's already installed or (2)
it doesn't exist in the distribution.  To determine which of these is
true, and to identify which version is installed, I have to bring up the
remove tool, even though I have no intention of removing anything.  I'd
prefer to have a unified packaging tool.

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Re: [newbie] rpmfind doesn't fill in package list

2003-02-24 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Monday 24 Feb 2003 5:20 pm, Guy Rouillier wrote:
 I've used RedHat casually for a couple years, but would like to try to
 make Mandrake 9.0 my regular OS.  Under RedHat, I got used to using
 gnorpm to do a webfind to see if any of my currently installed packages
 had newer versions.  What is the equivalent function with the Mandrake
 packaging tools?  I brought up the Upgrade Software tool under
 Packaging, but that appears to only look for security-related updates.
 I installed trusty old gnorpm, but when I did a webfind, it just hung -
 never filled in the list with any packages.  I looked at the
 destination, and it is going to (rpmfind.net something or other)/RDF.
 Is that RDF on the end correct?

 While I'm on the subject of packaging tools, I like the way Mandrake
 keeps a database on the hard disk, and prompts you to insert the
 appropriate CD when installing a package.  But I find having separate
 install and remove tools very inconvenient.  If a package is not listed
 in the install tool, that means either (1) it's already installed or (2)
 it doesn't exist in the distribution.  To determine which of these is
 true, and to identify which version is installed, I have to bring up the
 remove tool, even though I have no intention of removing anything.  I'd
 prefer to have a unified packaging tool.

The Mandrake Update tool will list not only security updates, but all other 
updatable packages. Just click on the radio buttons for  bugfixes' and 
'Normal Updates'.

Alternatively open the 'Install Software' GUI and select 'All packages' by 
'Update Availability'  (The tool to update the source database should be run 

Alternatively from a root terminal enter
urpmi.update -afollowed by
urpmi --update --auto-select

Alternatively Click on the 'Mandrake Update' icon on your desktop to schedule 
updates overnight.

As you see there are a lot of choices :)

While you are thinking about updates. Visit here 
http://plf.zarb.org/~nanardon/index.php  and learn how to add more sources to 
your system.

Adding a source for 'Contrib' and 'plf' is *very* useful, and will give you 
access to hundreds of applications not on your CDs.

As for a unified package management tool. That is how it was in Mandrake 8.2, 
and lots of people would prefer it to be unified again.  :-(



Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Another one...

2003-02-24 Per discussione Lyvim Xaphir
On Mon, 2003-02-24 at 10:18, Rob Lindsay wrote:

 I have been a long term user of Opera too, both with Win2K and Mandrake. I 
 find it really fast and easy to live with. It has a good set of keyboard 
 shortcuts and some great mouse gestures.

Haven't really looked into the mouse gestures; don't really even know
what the advantage is.  Once I activated them by accident and was unable
to get opera to do anything sane until I managed somehow to turn them
off.  :)

Do they speed you up in your operations, save steps, or what?


Kernel  2.4.21pre4-6mdk   Mandrake 9.1 RC1
Enlightenment 0.16.5-12mdkEvolution 1.2.2-1mdk
Registered Linux User #268899 http://counter.li.org/

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Kmail and any others?

2003-02-24 Per discussione s
On Monday 24 February 2003 03:23 am, H.J.Bathoorn wrote:

certainly not least: Sylpheed is wonderful on lower spec

   oh cool.  I was needing a suggestion for a p75/40mb laptop and

   Unless you know of a light gui news client that can talk to

  Sylpheed again! I can't vouch for its functionality with binary
  attachments and such, but for text-based news reading and posting
  it's quite nice.

Oh man, it's getting nice.  I installed it last night on my desktop to 
scope it out.  I had checked it out a while back, but it even seems 
stable now.  And it didn't do news then.  Thanks for the suggestion.  
If I could get aa fonts in it I'd might use it all the time on my 
/fast/ machine.  :)  

 Yep, and for graphical desktops that don't hog too much mem take a
 look at busybox, xfce (my personal fancy) or windowmaker as well.

I've tried xfce and windowmaker before, they seem okay.  I've been 
hearing alot about this busybox lately tho.  I just might have to 
check it out!  :)

 Do take as much load off the ram as possible by turning off as many
 deamons (at boot) as you can, depending on the functionality you're

fer sure!

 If it's still too slow for your liking: I get some very nice extra
 speed using slackware8.1 instead of mandrake(at the cost of some
 nice toys) but as always each distro has it's specific pro's and

yeah, I had slack 8.1 running on it too.  I didn't try to set X up on 
it tho, thinking it was gonna be a cli only box.  Then I wanted to 
try mandrake adn during the text install I thought what the heck, see 
what it'll do.  So after reboot, when X started up first try, I 
thought cl!!!   :D 

thanks for your input,

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Re: [newbie] Xwindows Stability

2003-02-24 Per discussione g

John Richard Smith wrote:

 As an identicle comparative test it will not do much, since the screen res
 and vid card are different, ie less demanding.
may be identical. but, is an assurance that there is no problem with
1st monitor. but using system that is working correct, you will prove
that there is not some conflict with video card.
as i stated before, linux monitor drives are not up to snuff. that
is, video card may not be sending correct signals to monitor. it
is a remote possibility that 1st monitor will work on 2nd system,
purely because of video card diff and 1st monitor being in some
type of 'weakened' state. ie, it is going bad.
just to be sure from my end, i am going back into linux with this
system and other 2 systems to see just what state monitors go into.
primarily, i want to see what time delay is when monitors wake up.

in a true green state, i should see monitors come up slow to full
screen output. if it is almost instant, then it is not true green.
green signal received by monitor, is when h  v sync are inactive.
faux green is a blanking by 0 video level.
this is a confusing point held by many, and i want to see if video
driver writers know what it is about.
if they are not writing correct drivers for resolutions, they may
not be correct in way they are doing green.
 seems to me that Monitor2 is ok on both computer as far as the 2 second
 is concerned.Had it on for some 6 hours of and on so I think it would of
 occured if it was going to.
from what you have said in passed, i tend to agree. putting 1st monitor
on second system is confirmation.
 I have now been using Montitor2 for about 2 hours solid without a single
 2 second
 glitch event. I think it would of occured within that period if the
 monitor2 had been influenced by the OS in any way. I am therefore compelled
 to admit it looks like the monitor is problem.
i tend to agree. but, due to what will be involve in servicing monitor,
'if it ain't broke, don't try to fix it'.
 What was is causing the powerdown I know not. My monitor manual says
 nothing much about popwer management. The only comment it gives is that
 power(monitor) management complies with VESA DPMS standard. when
 the system is idle (off mode)  the monitor automatically cuts it's power
 consumption by up to 95%.  In order to do that then the monitor surely
 would have to be capable of monitoring cursor and keyboard activity , I
 would of thought, or at least talk to the CPU as to what it is doing, I
 don't know. The manual is not very helpful. But I cannot see what else
 might be contolling things.
'green' modes are controlled from kernel and is a command passed
to video card. command is interpreted by video card and determines
what signals are sent to monitor. commands control output of video
level, horz and vert sync. green is in full effect when horz and
vert sync are inactive.
state of green should be covered in monitor manual and is usually
indicated by colour of 'power on' led.
if your monitor led does not change colour, then it either does
not change colour, is not supposed to, or video card is not
configured correctly for your monitor.
green state will be noticed by time lapse of 'wake up'. short
time is faux green, 3 to 5 sec or more, is true green. this can
be noted by time of wake up when mouse is moved or keyboard action.
i will be out for 4 or 5 hours today. you may not hear from me again
until your tomorrow.
peace out.


  think green...
 save a tree, save a life, save time, save bandwidth, save storage.
  send email...   text/plain - disable pgp/gpg/geek code attachments
  if you are proud to be an american, then buy made in america.

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Re: [newbie] Kmail and any others?

2003-02-24 Per discussione H.J.Bathoorn
On Monday 24 February 2003 18:23, s wrote:
 yeah, I had slack 8.1 running on it too.  I didn't try to set X up on
 it tho, thinking it was gonna be a cli only box.  Then I wanted to
 try mandrake adn during the text install I thought what the heck, see
 what it'll do.  So after reboot, when X started up first try, I
 thought cl!!!   :D

That was my nicest feat.getting slack8.1 on a 386 with 8Mb ram.
CML only, including apache and it's been running fine as a webserver (for a 
select small group) for over 6 months now. Smooth, fast and no hitches yet;o)

I saved myself a lot fuss by installing on a faster PC and then moving the HD 
to the 386 box, only needing to edit the /etc/fstab file.

Good luck,

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[newbie] Remote printer question

2003-02-24 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall
Hey guys. I've never played much with remote printing under Linux, but my 2 
boys were wanting to print out a few pictures from their comps to my Epson 
C62 printer on my main comp, so I tried it. I setup remote printing on their 
comps via the printer wizard (Cups) and it worked fine.

For awhile.

Now, whenever I drag 'n drop a picture or even ASCII text to the printer icon 
(I created it - pointing to kprinter) on their desktops, I get an error 
message like this:

An error occured while retrieving the printer list:

I had changed nothing. The printer still works fine from my main computer.

Any ideas anyone? Thanks!

PS While I'm on the printing subject, why do I get a message about an ASCII 
text file being an unknown type, and having to be converted before printing? 
Its just plain text from Kedit


 Dark Lord

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Re: [newbie] Remote printer question

2003-02-24 Per discussione mycal62
What kind of Os do the boys run ? windows?

Maybe they are not still connected on their end.

Sometimes my wifes win 98 box will lose it's connection to the  network 
and she forgets to re-logon. 
and sometimes even has to reboot to re-establish the connection.  ( 
never tried to figure out why though )

Ronald J. Hall wrote:

Hey guys. I've never played much with remote printing under Linux, but my 2 
boys were wanting to print out a few pictures from their comps to my Epson 
C62 printer on my main comp, so I tried it. I setup remote printing on their 
comps via the printer wizard (Cups) and it worked fine.

For awhile.

Now, whenever I drag 'n drop a picture or even ASCII text to the printer icon 
(I created it - pointing to kprinter) on their desktops, I get an error 
message like this:

An error occured while retrieving the printer list:
I had changed nothing. The printer still works fine from my main computer.

Any ideas anyone? Thanks!

PS While I'm on the printing subject, why do I get a message about an ASCII 
text file being an unknown type, and having to be converted before printing? 
Its just plain text from Kedit


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Mike McNeese 
Arkansas USA


Currently triple booting 98lite; MDK 9.1-beta3 with Kde 3.1; 
MDK 9.0 kernel 2.4.19-16 Kde 3.1 Registered Linux User #248955


If obstacles are what you see in your path...
Then you have lost sight of your goal!  

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Re: [newbie] Another one...

2003-02-24 Per discussione Daniel Anderson
On Monday 24 February 2003 03:16 pm, Marc Oestreicher wrote:
On Sunday 23 Feb 2003 7:04 pm, Daniel Anderson wrote:
 I tried Opera today, and the only problem I have is the
 page fonts display very small and distorted, tried several
 different pages, and all the different settings, I can improve it
 somewhat by using my own fonts, but still far inferrior to Galeon's
 display of the page fonts. Maybe Galeon has access to fonts not
 available to Opera. Any ideas? Dan
I tried Opera today, and the only problem I have is the page
fonts display
very small and distorted, tried several different pages, and all the
different settings, I can improve it somewhat by using my own fonts,
but still far inferrior to Galeon's display of the page fonts. Maybe
Galeon has access to fonts not available to Opera. Any ideas?
FilePreferencesDocumentMinimum font size
You can also change the default fonts there.
 In Opera near the top right of the page you should ess a icon to
   increase magnafication, change from 100%  to 120 or 150% and you will
   find most pages dislpay much better, if you like the new setting it can
   be made permanate in File/ Preferances/ somehere I cant remember the

Now that You have Opera to the point where a page displays nice take the
 time to dig around and find all the other nice features in Opera You will
 probably become hooked on Opera. The z zmd x buttons are super handy
 keyboard shortcuts for back and forward espically when useing a laptop. and
 it is cross platform. Works on about every OS around.
   Also BTW Dan your email address looks like a ham call Great to see
 another amature radio fan on the list. I wonder how many more hams are

 Marc  KM5KW

Yes, I've been a ham since 1991. A friend, kc4ubu, suggested Opera. He has the 
windows version 7 I think. I've been trying to get him to try Linux. I 
installed Mandrake 9.0 on his son's computer and the boy  really likes it. 
His dad said he is reinstalling windows today because all the files he 
downloads are corrupted. Reinstall reboot reboot reboot. I got tired of that 
and started using Linux a few years ago.


  2:36pm  up 13 days,  4:31,  3 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.02, 0.01

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Re: [newbie] Another one...

2003-02-24 Per discussione Marc Oestreicher
On Monday 24 February 2003 13:46, Daniel Anderson wrote:
 Now that You have Opera to the point where a page displays nice take
  the time to dig around and find all the other nice features in Opera You
  will probably become hooked on Opera. The z zmd x buttons are super handy
  keyboard shortcuts for back and forward espically when useing a laptop.
  and it is cross platform. Works on about every OS around.
Also BTW Dan your email address looks like a ham call Great to see
  another amature radio fan on the list. I wonder how many more hams are
  Marc  KM5KW

 Yes, I've been a ham since 1991. A friend, kc4ubu, suggested Opera. He has
 the windows version 7 I think. I've been trying to get him to try Linux. I
 installed Mandrake 9.0 on his son's computer and the boy  really likes it.
 His dad said he is reinstalling windows today because all the files he
 downloads are corrupted. Reinstall reboot reboot reboot. I got tired of
 that and started using Linux a few years ago.


   Maybe you need to state the facts in a way a fellow ham will understand.
  Try to compaire things this way  Windoze and  Linux  compaire in a similar 
mannor to CB and ham radio that will probably make a linux convert of him 
before the end of the day LOL.
 Hope to hear you on 17 OR 160 Meters sometime.

  Marc KM5KW  

Powered by Mandrake Linux 9.0 and Kmail.  
This is a 100%Windows and microsoft free computer
For a superior OS, virus and crash resistant go to

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Re: [newbie] Xwindows Stability

2003-02-24 Per discussione John Richard Smith
g wrote:

John Richard Smith wrote:

 As an identicle comparative test it will not do much, since the 
screen res
 and vid card are different, ie less demanding.

may be identical. but, is an assurance that there is no problem with
1st monitor. but using system that is working correct, you will prove
that there is not some conflict with video card.
Take your point.

as i stated before, linux monitor drives are not up to snuff. that
is, video card may not be sending correct signals to monitor. it
is a remote possibility that 1st monitor will work on 2nd system,
purely because of video card diff and 1st monitor being in some
type of 'weakened' state. ie, it is going bad.
This is interesting.
both monitors ,
monitor   on M9.0is now on M8.1   for 6 hours, no 2 second glitch event
monitor2  on M8.1is now on M9.0   for 6 hours, no 2 second glitch event.
monitor2 on M9.0  is giving mouse cursor troubles, the cursor seems less
than smooth, and often jumps right across screen to bottom lefthand corner
task bar. where , just because there are a number of programme icons it sets
them off involuntary, without having to click on them. I replaced the mouse
with a known working device , makes no difference. I doubt if it is
anything to do with it, but it all happened around the time we
gave the setterm commands and first swapped the monitors over,, yesterday.

just to be sure from my end, i am going back into linux with this
system and other 2 systems to see just what state monitors go into.
primarily, i want to see what time delay is when monitors wake up.

in a true green state, i should see monitors come up slow to full
screen output. if it is almost instant, then it is not true green.
I suspect it's  either , and both, meaning it depends how long it has
been down.

green signal received by monitor, is when h  v sync are inactive.
faux green is a blanking by 0 video level.
this is a confusing point held by many, and i want to see if video
driver writers know what it is about.
if they are not writing correct drivers for resolutions, they may
not be correct in way they are doing green.
The thinking fits the feel of events.

 seems to me that Monitor2 is ok on both computer as far as the 2 second
 is concerned.Had it on for some 6 hours of and on so I think it would of
 occured if it was going to.
from what you have said in passed, i tend to agree. putting 1st monitor
on second system is confirmation.
 I have now been using Montitor2 for about 2 hours solid without a 
 2 second
 glitch event. I think it would of occured within that period if the
 monitor2 had been influenced by the OS in any way. I am therefore 
 to admit it looks like the monitor is problem.

i tend to agree. but, due to what will be involve in servicing monitor,
'if it ain't broke, don't try to fix it'.
I can definately say is that the green LED is on most of the time,
indeed , the only time I observes an amber LED is final shutdown to
total blank black screen ,sleep mode, and only then in darkness, because it
aint a strong light, like the green LED . The LED itself is a couple of 
mm accross,
it's not one of those 5 mm jobs and it doesn't glow all that bright even 
in green,
not like say my speeker LED's

Well, monitor (originally on M9) has been on M8.1 now for most of the day
without a 2 second glitch event. This computer is on 16 hours a day 5/6 
days a week,
and the OS is an Old install, since it first came out, It's somewhat bullet
proof and does the job I use it for but it's days are numbered. Not enough
hourse power by current needs.


John Richard Smith

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[newbie] What happened to APMI Support?

2003-02-24 Per discussione Anthony Abby
I loaded up 9.1RC1 over the weekend and noticed that APMI support seems
to have dissapeared.  I've loaded 9.1RC on my laptop, so now when I
poweroff my laptop no longer powers off.  I had 2.4.20-2mdk loaded under
9.0 previously and APMI worked just fine under that Cooker kernel.  Now
I just upgraded my kernel to 2.4.21pre4-10mdk from the 9.1RC
2.4.21pre4-6mdk kernel.  Still no APMI support.  Anyone know where it
went?? :)

Anthony Abby
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[newbie] printing and kdmrc

2003-02-24 Per discussione sean jacobs
I have been having a couple of problems with kdm and printing i was hoping 
someone could help me out with.

first off..whenever i reboot linux, i have to readd the printer every time. 
i have yet to figure out why. my printer is detected properly and prints the 
test page during mandrake installation and after i reinstall the printer 
with printtool, but every time i reboot, i have to remove and readd the 
printer with printtool. i have an hp officejet 570, using the driver 
reccomended by printtool.

Secondly, i have been trying to add a window manager (fluxbox) to the kdm 
login menu. everything works fine until i reboot and my modified kdmrc is 
apparently overwritten. until i reboot, everything is fine and it's on the 
menu, but once i reboot, the changes to kdmrc are gone. after modifying it 
again and restarting kdm its fine again so i'm pretty sure that's that only 
problem. i have sifted through /etc/rc.d/* with regrep and haven't found the 
problem yet. i followed a few leads from there to a few other files but 
still haven't found a script that overwrites kdmrc. can someone offer me 
some insight on this problem?

thanks in advance

MSN 8 with e-mail virus protection service: 2 months FREE*  

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Re: [newbie] printing and kdmrc

2003-02-24 Per discussione Greg Meyer
Hash: SHA1

On Monday 24 February 2003 04:48 pm, sean jacobs wrote:
 I have been having a couple of problems with kdm and printing i was hoping
 someone could help me out with.

 first off..whenever i reboot linux, i have to readd the printer every time.
 i have yet to figure out why. my printer is detected properly and prints
 the test page during mandrake installation and after i reinstall the
 printer with printtool, but every time i reboot, i have to remove and readd
 the printer with printtool. i have an hp officejet 570, using the driver
 reccomended by printtool.

Print tool is probably not saving the configuration info, try printerdrake

 Secondly, i have been trying to add a window manager (fluxbox) to the kdm
 login menu. everything works fine until i reboot and my modified kdmrc is
 apparently overwritten. until i reboot, everything is fine and it's on the
 menu, but once i reboot, the changes to kdmrc are gone. after modifying it
 again and restarting kdm its fine again so i'm pretty sure that's that only
 problem. i have sifted through /etc/rc.d/* with regrep and haven't found
 the problem yet. i followed a few leads from there to a few other files but
 still haven't found a script that overwrites kdmrc. can someone offer me
 some insight on this problem?

Add it through the session manager applet in the KDE Control Center instead.

- -- 
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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[newbie] Linneighbourhood installation dead end

2003-02-24 Per discussione ivette brusselmans
Tried to install Linneighbourhood rpm, but got the message that it needed 
Tried to install Gettext rpm, but got the following message: rpm -U 
--replacepkgs  //home/luc/Downloads/gettext.rpm;echo RESULT=$?
error: failed dependencies:
	ld64.so.1()(64bit) is needed by gettext-0.10.36-61
	libc.so.6()(64bit) is needed by gettext-0.10.36-61
	libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.2)(64bit) is needed by gettext-0.10.36-61
Installed GLIBC_2.2 from download CD-rom 3 but what about ld64.so.1 and 
libc.so.6 and...  ?


Hotmail: je gratis e-mail ! http://www.msn.be/hotmail

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Re: [newbie] Linneighbourhood installation dead end

2003-02-24 Per discussione robin
ivette brusselmans wrote:
Tried to install Linneighbourhood rpm, but got the message that it 
needed Gettext.
Tried to install Gettext rpm, but got the following message: rpm -U 
--replacepkgs  //home/luc/Downloads/gettext.rpm;echo RESULT=$?
error: failed dependencies:
ld64.so.1()(64bit) is needed by gettext-0.10.36-61
libc.so.6()(64bit) is needed by gettext-0.10.36-61
libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.2)(64bit) is needed by gettext-0.10.36-61
Installed GLIBC_2.2 from download CD-rom 3 but what about ld64.so.1 and 
libc.so.6 and...  ?
They may be in libraries which are part of your Mandrake distro. Use 
urpmi instead of rpm -U, and it will install the required packages for 
you, if they're on your CDs or an FTP source you've enabled.

Sir Robin

The raisins may be the best part of a cake, but that doesn't
mean that a bag of raisins is better than a cake.
- Wittgenstein
Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

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[newbie] d-link dwl-520 wireless card problem

2003-02-24 Per discussione Scott
I'm trying to get a d-link DWL-520 PCI wireless card (2.5 prism chipset)
working in 9.0.
I have installed kernel-wlan-ng-pci-0.1.15-6.i586.rpm and
kernel-wlan-ng-0.1.15-6.i586.rpm. On boot errors went by something like 

modprobe cannot find fb0 module and
insmod: invalid I0 or IRQ 

There was also an SMC ethernet PCI card installed and I thought maybe
they were fighting over the same IRQ, so I took out the SMC card
--that's the 8139too Fast Ethernet driver 0.9.25. 
One of the error messages said to look at dmesg, so here is the result
of that. 
Thanks for any help,

Linux version 2.4.19-16mdk ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc version
3.2 (Mandrake Linux 9.0 3.2-1mdk)) #1 Fri Sep 20 18:15:05 CEST 2002
BIOS-provided physical RAM map:
 BIOS-e820:  - 0009fc00 (usable)
 BIOS-e820: 0009fc00 - 000a (reserved)
 BIOS-e820: 000f - 0010 (reserved)
 BIOS-e820: 0010 - 0c00 (usable)
 BIOS-e820: fffe - 0001 (reserved)
192MB LOWMEM available.
Advanced speculative caching feature not present
On node 0 totalpages: 49152
zone(0): 4096 pages.
zone(1): 45056 pages.
zone(2): 0 pages.
Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=linux ro root=345 devfs=nomount
ide_setup: hdc=ide-scsi
No local APIC present or hardware disabled
Initializing CPU#0
Detected 379.024 MHz processor.
Console: colour VGA+ 80x25
Calibrating delay loop... 755.30 BogoMIPS
Memory: 191992k/196608k available (1176k kernel code, 4228k reserved,
444k data, 136k init, 0k highmem)
Dentry cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 6, 262144 bytes)
Inode cache hash table entries: 16384 (order: 5, 131072 bytes)
Mount-cache hash table entries: 4096 (order: 3, 32768 bytes)
Buffer-cache hash table entries: 16384 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
Page-cache hash table entries: 65536 (order: 6, 262144 bytes)
CPU: Before vendor init, caps: 008021bf 808029bf , vendor = 2
CPU: L1 I Cache: 32K (32 bytes/line), D cache 32K (32 bytes/line)
CPU: After vendor init, caps: 008021bf 808029bf  0002
CPU: After generic, caps: 008021bf 808029bf  0002
CPU: Common caps: 008021bf 808029bf  0002
CPU: AMD-K6(tm) 3D processor stepping 0c
Checking 'hlt' instruction... OK.
POSIX conformance testing by UNIFIX
mtrr: v1.40 (20010327) Richard Gooch ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
mtrr: detected mtrr type: AMD K6
PCI: PCI BIOS revision 2.10 entry at 0xfa114, last bus=1
PCI: Using configuration type 1
PCI: Probing PCI hardware
Unknown bridge resource 2: assuming transparent
PCI: Using IRQ router VIA [1106/0586] at 00:14.0
Activating ISA DMA hang workarounds.
isapnp: Scanning for PnP cards...
isapnp: No Plug  Play device found
Linux NET4.0 for Linux 2.4
Based upon Swansea University Computer Society NET3.039
Initializing RT netlink socket
apm: BIOS version 1.2 Flags 0x03 (Driver version 1.16)
Starting kswapd
VFS: Diskquotas version dquot_6.5.0 initialized
devfs: v1.12a (20020514) Richard Gooch ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
devfs: boot_options: 0x0
pty: 256 Unix98 ptys configured
Serial driver version 5.05c (2001-07-08) with HUB-6 MANY_PORTS MULTIPORT
ttyS00 at 0x03f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
Uniform Multi-Platform E-IDE driver Revision: 7.00alpha2
ide: Assuming 33MHz system bus speed for PIO modes; override with
VP_IDE: IDE controller on PCI bus 00 dev a1
VP_IDE: chipset revision 6
VP_IDE: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs later
VP_IDE: VIA vt82c586b (rev 45) IDE UDMA33 controller on pci00:14.1
ide0: BM-DMA at 0x2420-0x2427, BIOS settings: hda:DMA, hdb:DMA
ide1: BM-DMA at 0x2428-0x242f, BIOS settings: hdc:DMA, hdd:DMA
hda: QUANTUM Bigfoot TX12.0AT, ATA DISK drive
hdb: Maxtor 32049H2, ATA DISK drive
hdc: PCRW804, ATAPI CD/DVD-ROM drive
hdd: LS-120 COSM 05 UHD Floppy, ATAPI FLOPPY drive
ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7,0x3f6 on irq 14
ide1 at 0x170-0x177,0x376 on irq 15
hda: 23547888 sectors (12057 MB) w/69KiB Cache, CHS=1557/240/63,
hdb: 40021632 sectors (20491 MB) w/2048KiB Cache, CHS=2646/240/63,
Partition check:
 /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0: p1 p2  p5 
 /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target1/lun0: p1 p2  p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 
RAMDISK driver initialized: 16 RAM disks of 32000K size 1024 blocksize
md: md driver 0.90.0 MAX_MD_DEVS=256, MD_SB_DISKS=27
md: Autodetecting RAID arrays.
md: autorun ...
md: ... autorun DONE.
NET4: Linux TCP/IP 1.0 for NET4.0
IP Protocols: ICMP, UDP, TCP, IGMP
IP: routing cache hash table of 2048 buckets, 16Kbytes
TCP: Hash tables configured (established 16384 bind 32768)
Linux IP multicast router 0.06 plus PIM-SM
NET4: Unix domain sockets 1.0/SMP for Linux NET4.0.
RAMDISK: Compressed image found at block 0
Freeing initrd memory: 51k freed
VFS: Mounted root (ext2 filesystem).
Freeing unused kernel memory: 136k freed
Real Time Clock Driver v1.10e
usb.c: registered new driver usbdevfs
usb.c: registered new driver hub
usb-uhci.c: $Revision: 1.275 $ time 18:49:04 Sep 20 2002
usb-uhci.c: High 

Re: [newbie] Remote printer question

2003-02-24 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall
On Monday 24 February 2003 02:41 am, mycal62 wrote:
 What kind of Os do the boys run ? windows?

 Maybe they are not still connected on their end.

No, this is straight Linux to Linux. Thanks.


 Dark Lord

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Re: [newbie] What the sHell is foo ? ;-)

2003-02-24 Per discussione David E. Fox
 e,, don't you mean fubar? as in Fouled Up Beyond All Recognition?
 some time called Fucked Up Beyond All Repair? maybe Foo being the cleaned =

That's part of the etymology. For the horse's mouth (jargon
dictionary) definition, try

It says in part:

Used very generally as a sample name for absolutely anything,
especially programs and files. Also used as a standard metasyntactic
variable. For instane:

int foo;   /* could be anything else, but foo is only an example
 name */

A metasyntactic variable is a name used in examples and understood
to stand for any random member of a class of things under
discussion. If the above example were used to show how an integer
variable is declared in C, then 'foo' would just be an example of any
integer variable (the class) - it is understood that 'foo' is probably 
not the name for the actual variable(s) in question.

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Re: [newbie] I've lost disk writer plugin for xmms

2003-02-24 Per discussione David E. Fox
 I planned to wait until I upgraded to 9.1 to learn urpmi, that's why I'm
 saving all those messages. I'm on 8.2 now. And yes, been using Windows too
 much (at work, mind you). :^o

You might want to :). I'm using 9.0 (with added cooker upgrades) and
have found much better success using urpmi with it than with previous 
versions of Mandrake. Then again, it could be pilot error, as brain
finally clicked when it came to defining sources and how to update
sources after 9.0 was installed :).


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Re: [newbie] crontab in 9.0

2003-02-24 Per discussione Stormjumper
i'm jumping into this a little late,
but these are my observations.
hope they help

cron (in 9.0 specifically. dunno about the rest)
seems to run itself every hour, or rather, check
for new tasks every hour.

i was going nuts trying to find out why my script
which was supposed to run every minute doesn't,
when i've APPEARED to have set it up correctly.

eventually, i restarted cron, and my script runs.
ah fine! so apparently i'm not doing anything wrongly,
so i created a new one, and this time, i logged
the times the script runs to a text file.

the text file shows the first run of the script on
the hour mark.

hopefully someone can confirm/refute this.

Given the opportunity, i'd love to frame you,
shoot you, then hang you on a wall.
- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 8:58 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] crontab in 9.0

 I set up a cron jobs to play a real stream at a certain time. It
 Then I set up a job to run a Perl script every 15 minutes. It seemed
like it
 wasn't doing it, but when I did a ps ax at the specified times, it
turns out
 it _was_ doing its job.

 realplay still isn't doing its job, but I've verified cron is working,
 at least I know where to concentrate my diagnostic efforts.


 On Mon, 17 Feb 2003 22:02:58 +
 Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Tell us more, please?
  On Monday 17 Feb 2003 9:16 pm, Miark wrote:
   Okay, I got it working. Thanks.
   On 17 Feb 2003 12:20:31 -0500
   Anthony Abby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Mon, 2003-02-17 at 12:18, Miark wrote:
 Have their been any issues with crontab in 9.0? I can't get it
to do
 anything as a user or as root.
I use cron all the time.  I run it for backups nightly.  No
issues here.
Anthony Abby - http://www.aplusdata.com
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Re: [newbie] choosing a HDD

2003-02-24 Per discussione g

Anne Wilson wrote:
I'm thinking of replacing my current pair of 20 GB HDDs by a pair of 40 GB
just for a point of understanding on my end,

what is oem model number of your asus mainboard?

what are oem model numbers of drives?

 security is more important than speed.

security as in security of operation and not security as in 'hacked' and such?

peace out.


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Re: [newbie] Xwindows Stability

2003-02-24 Per discussione g

John Richard Smith wrote:

 Take your point.

i was hoping you would see where i was going.

 This is interesting.
 both monitors ,
 monitor   on M9.0is now on M8.1   for 6 hours, no 2 second glitch event
 monitor2  on M8.1is now on M9.0   for 6 hours, no 2 second glitch
let them cook some more. i know it may appear, a waste of time, but...

 monitor2 on M9.0  is giving mouse cursor troubles, the cursor seems less
 than smooth, and often jumps right across screen to bottom lefthand corner
 task bar. where , just because there are a number of programme icons it
 them off involuntary, without having to click on them. I replaced the mouse
 with a known working device , makes no difference. I doubt if it is
 anything to do with it, but it all happened around the time we
 gave the setterm commands and first swapped the monitors over,, yesterday.
check back with 'man setterm'. as i read it, '-powersave' and
'-powerdown' are only a 'per session'. there are other arguments to
make permanent changes.
pull screws, or do what ever it takes to remove cover on mouse. you
should find 2 bars that mouse ball rides against. these bars will have
disk with small holes in them at 1 end. aka, encoder disk. bars need to
be totally clean, as do encoder disk.
also, check settings for mouse movement. for acceleration i use 7 and 4
for detection. ymmv.
 just to be sure from my end, i am going back into linux with this
 system and other 2 systems to see just what state monitors go into.
did not get a chance to do this. will today.

 I suspect it's  either , and both, meaning it depends how long it has
 been down.
not true with my monitor. i know that at cli i get instant wake up.
in green state, it takes 4 - 5 sec to see any video, and up to full
bright in 10 - 15. i am starting to note a slightly off tint white
as monitor first worms up. not good as it is an indication that crt
is starting to weaken.
in reality, monitor can only go to green states when monitor is given
correct signals. there is no way that cpu can directly interface to
monitor. all 'states' are passed from cpu to video card, then 'signals'
are sent to monitor via vid level and h  v sync. as per,
 green signal received by monitor, is when h  v sync are inactive.
 faux green is a blanking by 0 video level.

 this is a confusing point held by many, and i want to see if video
 driver writers know what it is about.
from indications your are giving as to colour of led, it may be,

 if they are not writing correct drivers for resolutions, they may
 not be correct in way they are doing green.

 The thinking fits the feel of events.
good to see our thinking is synching. :)

 I can definately say is that the green LED is on most of the time,
 indeed , the only time I observes an amber LED is final shutdown to
 total blank black screen ,sleep mode, and only then in darkness, because it
'final shutdown' would in fact, only happen when main power is removed.
for monitor to power up when you turn cpu on, is an indication that monitor
still has power so it can video and sync. if you turned off main power
switch, monitor would not wake up because it is powered off.
to me, this does tend to lean towards driver problems.

that is, when screen blanks and comes back on an instant after mouse
movement or keyboard key pressed, video card was sending sync and no
video level above 0.0.
 and the OS is an Old install, since it first came out, It's somewhat bullet
 proof and does the job I use it for but it's days are numbered. Not enough
 hourse power by current needs.
may be that you need to give much thought before you try upgrading.

anyway, let both monitors cook some more.

before doing so, can you get me oem, model, and vlsi chip number for
both video cards? in case you are not aware, vlsi = very large scale
integration, aka, big chip.
there will also be another chip of lesser size, may even be socked,
that should be a prom and may be labeled with a typed id, instead of
silk screened. it holds firmware for video cards. this could also
lead to interesting info, like early code that has been updated.
i have early morning work to do. need to cut things short and get
some rest so i can get up.
will check email before i head out.

btw. are you reading
 'Subject: Re: [expert] ACPI and kernel-2.4.21pre4'?
peace out.


  think green...
 save a tree, save a life, save time, save bandwidth, save storage.
  send email...   text/plain - disable pgp/gpg/geek code attachments
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Re: [newbie] Telnet

2003-02-24 Per discussione Raffaele Belardi
I would:
1. make sure interface is up (ping
2. make sure you have the telnet server package installed (Mandrake 
Control Center)
3. make sure telenet server is up and running (ps -axl)
4. check /etc/xinetd.conf for any ONLY_FROM lines
5. check that /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny are empty

The last two are the least probable causes, unless you have messed up 
with the security scripts. What level of security are you running?


On Monday 24 February 2003 11:33, Raffaele Belardi wrote:
Didn't work
any other idea's?
Assuming that you have the telnet server installed, you need to start it
 (Mandrake Control Center, System tab, Services icon).
Also, I had a similar problem on the MDK PC I use at home, where I have
a modem Internet connection. I looks like if you don't connect to
internet, loopback port is not enabled by default, so you get the error
below. I had to issue a
# ifup lo

as root, then it worked ok.



when ever i try to connect to telnet port i get
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused
in /etc/hosts.allow i wrote
telnet :
what should i do?

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