Re: floating point output formating

2017-11-09 Thread Udiknedormin

I probably mistook the general spirit of your answer for an answer to this 
particular thing. Sorry then. 

Well, I'm puzzled about this particular case (searching for float formating) 
too, as... well, I've already said this --- if you're looking for a single 
specific function (which is, luckily, not some fancy operator), it's quite easy 
to find it. It would be less obvious if it was about some techniques, I'd say. 
So... I can't give you my answer, as I find index very useful. 

Also: ohhh, please, don't say you're nice because you're not censoring 
people... again. ^^" You're much cooler when you don't use that argument. 

Well, I guess this thread is a huge off-top, that's right here. ^^"

Re: floating point output formating

2017-11-08 Thread Araq
> It seems Araq doesn't really like my way of thinking. I can also see how Araq 
> reacted to pointing out formatFloat's odd behaviour for 0 (which was quite 
> odd to me, too). I, for instance, didn't notice it myself as I don't really 
> use Nim for numerical calculations (I use Fortran). And I think good docs 
> should be treated as kind of test and things should be fixed if these tests 
> prove what they test is unobvious or even worse, erroneous.

I actually agree the behaviour for 0 is odd and never said otherwise.

All I did was offering my help and I tried to find the root cause for why 
jzakiya spent 3 hours unsuccessfully looking for `formatFloat` when his/her 
very own **title** contained the word `format`. As a thank-you I never got any 
real answers (I still haven't btw) and I have to read pamphlets about my 
"attitude" and that I should be grateful for his precious feedback that from my 
perspective he actually actively withholds.

There are always at least two sides to look at, from my perspective I'm 
grateful and humble, I haven't banned him or censored his impertinences. 

I won't participate in this thread any further.

Re: floating point output formating

2017-11-08 Thread Udiknedormin

> Doc writing is boring
> Creating documentation PRs is the easiest thing in the world (but also the 
> most boring)

It depends. I, for instance, quite like it. I care (although "deeply" may be a 
big word) about my users so even if I have no time, energy or I'd like to move 
to another project, I like to make good docs so that the project is... well... 
what I call "mature product".

> So, what's your excuse?

A few reasons not to do this:

  * It seems Araq doesn't really like my way of thinking. I can also see how 
Araq reacted to pointing out formatFloat's odd behaviour for 0 (which was quite 
odd to me, too). I, for instance, didn't notice it myself as I don't really use 
Nim for numerical calculations (I use Fortran). And I think good docs should be 
treated as kind of test and things should be fixed if these tests prove what 
they test is unobvious or even worse, erroneous.
  * I once made a pull request to a unofficial Nim package. It wasn't accepted 
because of... names of testing routines. Of course it's just an example, but if 
everybody says docs are not-really-so-important, boring and 
in-general-quite-of-stupid-thing-to-do-so-please-do-it and then it turns out 
that some real code can be simply ignored because of such a "stupid thing", 
then I'm not really surprised few people are motivated.
  * I, for once, am using Nim for just a few things. I could write some docs 
about using macros but I didn't even knew about formatFloat because... I've 
never used it. I think the authors of respective pieces of code are the best 
people to write docs as... they just know what these things do and why they 
decided them to do so. Also, if the docs are updated simultaneously with the 
code, they're always up-to-date. Then, some other people can improve the docs 
and, thanks to that, possibly improve the code too, as the docs help finding 
out the code's far from perfect.

> Nim is a community project. Everybody that works on it, does so out of love 
> for the project. Telling us to "get on it" is unfair and rather ignorant.

Then no surprise users have complains and may eventually switch to another 
language. Most of people don't like "shut up, I do it in my free time anyway". 
Or so I guess.

@Araq Good to know. I haven't really tried generating comments yet as it's 
quite new (it wasn't there before I took a break from using Nim). Too bad it 
doesn't work for submodules.  But I like renaming nim doc2 to nim doc.


> documentation is universally what most devs always put last

That's bad news.  But I like the idea of Nim Cookbook, that's for linking it.

Re: floating point output formating

2017-11-08 Thread mratsim
>From a formatting point of view, please don't use the `code` syntax for bold, 
>it's painful to read.

I think it's completely misplaced to criticize dom96 for not contributing to 
documentation, he took two years of his time to write an excellent book, make 
sure that his examples are useful and also that they still compile (which is 
not easy given the rate of development).

And documentation is universally what most devs always put last, because there 
is always a new shiny thing, a bug to fix, deadline or just plain taking a 
breather and enjoy life. I don't think dom was saying that he found documenting 
too boring but he was explaining why the Nim community didn't contribute as you 
would like, you even say it yourself, "it's so primitive".

Also there is an interesting [Nim cookbook 

Regarding wikis, if it can be as awesome as [Arch 
wiki](, that would be great, now some devs are even 
saying that [this is where information goes to 
 If people tell you "Add your solution to the wiki" after getting help on the 
forum will you do it?

And PRs for doc doesn't even require you to clone Nim repo on your machine, you 
can just check that the example work on 
[](, I fail to see how 
hard it is for a developer.

Last thing, I would really like you to stop with the passive-aggressive and 
entitled tone in your posts. While it's understandable to want something you 
like to improve and succeed, don't lash out within the Nim community, we all 
want to make it happen: you don't like docs, fine, build a library, blog, 
contribute to the cookbook/wiki in the thread I linked, add [Rosetta 
Stone]( examples.

Re: floating point output formating

2017-11-08 Thread jester
@jzakiya: You seem like a proponent of constructive, positive criticism so I'll 
offer my own. In every conversation you have a choice to be cordial, even if 
you think the other side isn't doing you the same favor. When met with 
antagonism, perceived or real, you can escalate and attack back or try bridge 
misunderstandings. You always have the choice to be polite and take the higher 
road. It may go against instinct, but I think it leads to more peace (both 
internally and in the community).

Re: floating point output formating

2017-11-08 Thread jzakiya
@dom96 if you want people to voluntarily, out of their concern for the project, 
and goodness of their own `heart`, contribute to Nim, first you need to `check 
your attitude`, and learn how not to chase people away.



Writing better documentation has very little to do with how much money or 
people a project has. Like I (and all these links I've been providing) said 
`it's an ATTITUDE`. You took whatever time you took, with whatever resources 
you had, to create the documentation that exists now. Well, take at least the 
same time and resources to make them better, and stop making excuses.

The most relevant thing you said was you think writing documentation is 
`boring`, and it shows!

Instead of telling me what I should/could do you should do it yourself. `It 
ain't my project and I have no responsibility to make it better`. The fact that 
I (and others) take time to inform you all about errors and deficiencies in 
your project (and you've made it clear this isn't an `our` project) should be 
seen as a `gift`.

You know, you can do what @bluenote has done and try to write some better, 
correct, and useful documentation. It's amazing how much you can accomplish if 
you just improved one function/page/module of documentation each day/week/month.

And if you really, really, really want people to contribute to documentation 
don't require people to jump through the hoop of writing/submitting `pull 
requests`. I personally hate making pr's just for documentation, it so 
primitive. Instead, create a `wiki` (there's this little project called 
`wikipedia` you know), so people who are writers, or willing to write, can 
actually do documentation in a way that's more conducive to writing 
documentation versus code versioning.

I know, I know, this would take too much `time and effort` to implement, and 
it's much easier taking `time and effort` to peruse the forums and tell people 
you won't take `time and effort` to create better documentation because its 
`too boring`.

Re: floating point output formating

2017-11-07 Thread Araq
> Would it be difficult to enamble doc tool to handle expanded macros? I love 
> generating docs in Rust's macros so I thought it would be really nice when 
> you have repetitive routines as I could use a macro and the user still have 
> nice docs for each routine independently.

`nim doc2` does expand macros. (Soon to be renamed into `nim doc`.)

Re: floating point output formating

2017-11-07 Thread Araq
> BTW, could anyone direct me to how index is built/generated ? I hope it is 
> not manual work. I have something in mind I wish to explore.

`koch docs` builds the documentation. The index is eventually generated by a 
command like

nim buildIndex -o:html/theindex.html destPath

Where `destPath` contains the `.idx` files.

Re: floating point output formating

2017-11-07 Thread dom96
@jzakiya I have read a lot in this post, but due to my own lack of time I 
decided to skip most of it (so apologies if somebody mentioned this already).

Why doesn't Nim have better docs? Some reasons:

  * Nim doesn't have full-time employees working on it (this is also why 
telling us "you should get on it" doesn't achieve anything)
  * Nim isn't v1 yet, so creating docs is difficult (because things change 
  * Doc writing is boring

Nim is a community project. Everybody that works on it, does so out of love for 
the project. Telling us to "get on it" is unfair and rather ignorant.

To help illustrate my point better: you mentioned Nim by Example and Rust by 
Example. Both are community driven projects. Check out the people that helped 
create these projects:


If you want to help improve them then make a PR. Creating documentation PRs is 
the easiest thing in the world (but also the most boring, which is why people 
rarely do it). So, what's your excuse? In the time that you've written these 
posts you could have gone in and fixed the problems instead of talking about 
them. If you don't know where to find things, then ask, I'll happily guide you.

Re: floating point output formating

2017-11-07 Thread Udiknedormin
Well, it certainly helps a lot when you find some code which uses some cool 
routines you know nothing about.  It helped me with pegs that way if I recall. 
Although I must admit that I've already assumed it was something similar to 
regexes as ~= was used and Perl also uses it.

Re: floating point output formating

2017-11-07 Thread sky_khan
"the index" is good to have but it is helpful **only** if you already know what 
you're searching for. Otherwise if you dont have any clue about what you are 
searching, **how** certain things are done in Nim, It is only a huge pile of 
unorganized identifiers.

BTW, could anyone direct me to how index is built/generated ? I hope it is not 
manual work. I have something in mind I wish to explore. 

Re: floating point output formating

2017-11-07 Thread Udiknedormin
Wow, I see most of you guys don't like the index & library list as much as I 
do.  They're not bad, in my opinion.

@bluenote Dependency avoidance... Well... It wouldn't be a real problem if 
dependencies were solved automagically (see: Rust). ^^" Btw. that's a hell of a 
nasty line you quoted!  Adding spaces in a for loop? It's horrible!

You actually convinced me to look for a Rust string interpolation lib.  Or 
create a procedural macro for that, if it doesn't exist yet.

@mikra I had some problems with Slice and Range too, actually. ^^" More so with 
why static didn't work as expected (it's much better now though) despite 
working in the examples. Simple examples, I'd add.

About the easiest build system --- try Rust.  It's even easier. And Scala has a 
build system quite similar to Nim. Hell, even Fortran has it's build system 
(FoBoS), which is roughly as advanced as Nim's one so I guess it's not that 
huge an advantage, actually. It's just... modern. 

Actually, as much as I hate Java, I need to admit it's a good example of nice 
docs. Glad you brought it up. 

@all Well, I had a break using Nim. What really puzzled me that recommended 
project structure actually changed without me noticing it in the docs. I've 
only noticed when I saw it in some new projects and then looked for it very 
carefully. This is not the case for, let's say, Rust or Scala --- project 
hierarchy is a valid part of their respective manuals.

@Araq Speaking about documentation... As you've probably noticed by know, I 
love metaprogramming. Would it be difficult to enamble doc tool to handle 
expanded macros? I love generating docs in Rust's macros so I thought it would 
be really nice when you have repetitive routines as I could use a macro and the 
user still have nice docs for each routine independently.

@jzakiya Well... I'd say you're not the first one to make Araq get mad despite 
doing the right thing (see the blog post mentioning slice views).  Just get 
used to it and do your thing.

Re: floating point output formating

2017-11-07 Thread jzakiya
**Araq you need to chill out!**

I took the time to document for you unexpected, deficient, and incorrect 
behavior of your documentation and you are not even `humble` enough to thank me 
for it.

So why should I bother to keep using your `work in progress` language that you 
can't even take `positive critical feedback` to improve?

Re: floating point output formating

2017-11-07 Thread Araq
How much more will be revealed once you know about


Btw thanks for never answering my questions.

Re: floating point output formating

2017-11-07 Thread jzakiya
Upon thinking about it, I think the case for `echo num.formatFloat(ffDecimial, 
0)` is incorrect, and should be changed to be consistent with the intent of the 

The `0` option should produce a value (currently it would be `rounded`) with no 
digits displayed.

`echo (10.456).formatFloat(ffDecimal, 0) -> 10`

`echo (10.556).formatFloat(ffDecimal, 0) -> 11`

Also, its current behavior is redundant, as it mimics the behavior of `echo 
num.formatFloat()`. Thus, currently there is no way to use this function to 
display no ('0') digits, which is inconsistent (and undocumented) with what a 
user would expect of its behavior.

import strutils

let num = 10.5678
echo num.formatFloat()
echo num.formatFloat(ffDecimal, 0)

These revelations about how this one little function actually works, have all 
been illuminated because of the effort we've engaged in to document it. How 
much more will be revealed about all the other parts of the language once you 
begin creating `full case tested` documentation?

Re: floating point output formating

2017-11-07 Thread jzakiya
@bluenote, also for `formatFloat`, it should also explain that it seems to 
using `rounding` of the digits its displays and not truncation. If a user wants 
to just truncate the displayed digits what function does that, or can this one 
perform that too. It may be an option to include into this function (and other 
ones where relevant).

let num = 5.1273456
echo num.formatFloat(ffDecimal,1)
echo num.formatFloat(ffDecimal,2)
echo num.formatFloat(ffDecimal,3)
echo num.formatFloat(ffDecimal,4)
echo num.formatFloat(ffDecimal,5)
echo num.formatFloat(ffDecimal,6)
echo num.formatFloat(ffDecimal,7)
echo num.formatFloat(ffDecimal,8)

This is why you have to have thorough test structures in order to provide `good 
and accurate human usable` documentation. What you have there now, though 
technically accurate, doesn't tell the whole story of how the function behaves, 
and what then should a user do if they want to do `decimal truncation`. It 
should be explicitly stated it performs `rounding` of the digits before 
displaying. Is there a function that performs truncation?

One significant added benefit of writing thorough tested documentation is, 
after you do it, you will `really` understand how the language `actually` 
works, and not just how you thought it did.

Re: floating point output formating

2017-11-07 Thread jzakiya
@bluenote I could kiss you! 

Now just do that for at least everything in that module and that will be a 
significant start, and benefit to all of us users.

Re: floating point output formating

2017-11-07 Thread bluenote
@jzakiya: Do you think that is helpful: 

Re: floating point output formating

2017-11-07 Thread jzakiya
Hey guys, stop being defensive. If I didn't think Nim is a worthy project, and 
has great potential, I would have never bothered to take the time to tell you 
how to improve your project, and it would be in your interest to take comments 
as mine as `positive critical feedback`.

As further `positive critical feedback` please read/study/learn from these 
sources (there are many, many more with simple internet searches).





You can really demonstrate that you understand what I would like you to do if 
when I go back and look at the docs for `formatFloat`, and everything else on 
that page, there are use examples for each entry.

Re: floating point output formating

2017-11-06 Thread mratsim
@jzakiya, you are right that Nim documentation could be improved. Especially 
theindex could be made more visible, like a link "Looking for a proc? Try 
theindex" on the website or the manual. If it exists it's probably not visible 

Then, Nim has 2 core devs, and no one full-time on it. At one point you have to 
juggle between delivering features (and getting to the elusive 1.0), solving 
bugs, doing blog posts/PRs, doing documentation.

Maybe getting more features or the 1.0 will bring more people to produce more 
documentation, or maybe documentation would bring more people who would help 
bring more features, it's probably both, but there are more people that can add 
to the doc (see the cookbook project) than people that can debug/add features.

Last thing, when you're breating something day in, day out, you forget what 
it's like to begin. I think people just out of the beginner phase know best 
about what they struggled with when they started.

Re: floating point output formating

2017-11-06 Thread woggioni
Jzakiya, you are absolutely right when you say

> the only limits of what you can provide in documentation are self imposed

and I also agree that, in general, there is a lot of space to improve nim 
documentation since there are lots of parts that are undocumented in practice 
(or at least assume the reader already knows the subject), nimscript is just an 
example. I may guess this is just the result of the fact the there is no 
company with eight-digits revenues backing nim development, it's far easier to 
find someone who codes for fun than someone who writes documentation when is 
not paid for it. That said, when I pointed you to the doc of formatFloat proc 
you posted a this two liner program

let num = 10.123456789
echo( formatFloat(num) )

to which the compiler yells

> in.nim(3, 7) Error: undeclared identifier: 'formatFloat'

which has nothing to do with the usage of the formatFloat proc, it is instead a 
problem with nim module system which is part of the very basics of the 
language, which is documented (I will not push myself to say "well-documented", 
but still it is documented) in nim's 
[manual](, a document I strongly advise 
you to carefully read. You say you're used to Ruby, which also has a module 
system, I can't believe that a message like 'undeclared identifier' didn't get 
you to think that you missed a dependency. I don't know anything of Rust, if I 
wanted to start using it I would first read the documentation or at least some 
tutorial about the language, I would not write

System.out.printf << 'hello world'

and then rush to the forum asking why it does not compile

Re: floating point output formating

2017-11-06 Thread mikra
Hi all, my humble 2ct to the docu topic:

it took me also 1hr to find out what a Slice is and how it`s constructed and 
especially whats the difference between Slice and range (I think range is 
compiler built in). One example would be very nice.

@jzakiya you can also use printf native in Nim (I personally hate that because 
I did mostly embedded and nobody likes that there .

that a string is implemented as a sequence told me g**gle.

The coolest thing I recently discovered is that you can do a manual allocMem 
and let the gc do the dealloc (burried within this forum by an example of 

The docu is good (especially the FFI and Compiler User Guide); but the 
information is sometimes really scattered (some examples are in the manual, 
some inside the module (stdlib), some reside within the tutorial).

At least I found me browsing the sourcecode. The bugtracker in Git is also very 
good (if you need special information how something exotic was solved)

But for someone who comes from a interpreted language it´s hard and I agree 
it´s a little bit time consuming. At least for everything (if you use the C/Cpp 
backend) the cpp reference is your friend ( 
[]( ).

I know it´s very difficult to write good documentation especially for a 
language which has the power of nim (the best and easiest to use build system I 
ever worked with) no hazzle with cmake, make (magic folder naming rules; 
somethimes the build has more (crappy) complexity than the project itself), gcc 
and so on). There are so much topics to cover and nobody knows everything. It's 
also very hard to keep the docu up to date.

The docu from java was very good (especially pre 1.0) and there is/was least 
one example for everything.

Especially for a nim-noob like me (as a absolutely noob you have sometimes a 
unobstructed view) it would be nice to get into by helping with the 

But for me (and I think others, too) it´s not very clear how to contribute (a 
howto would be very nice). Some docu (I think the manual) is inside the doc 
folder (rst, but how do you run the generator?), there is also a example folder 
and the other stuff is within the sourcecode generated with nim doc... so 
really scattered (and at the beginning very confusing).

And I sometimes found me also within the situation that I skipped over 
something important within the documentation :->

Re: floating point output formating

2017-11-06 Thread bluenote
@Udiknedormin I strongly think it should be part of the language. Developers 
fear dependencies[*], so people will continue to use workarounds instead of 
using string interpolation via an external dependency. Also, the Nim core 
itself could benefit from it in some places ([random 
 or every line with more ~5+ concatenating `&` and the notorious opening and 
closing `"`). Sometimes I don't embed helpful information in my exception 
strings, because typing out the manual concatenation is tedious (and I don't 
want to add a dependence for just 1 line of code), whereas in e.g. Scala I 
would, because it is so easy (`f"Error: blah blah because x = $x and y = $y 
while running in mode '$mode'"` if I counted correctly that would take 6 `&` 
and 8 `"` in Nim). It's a general pattern that in languages where string 
interpolation is included, developers tend to produce higher quality output 
strings on average compared to languages where there is a larger barrier for 
achieving the same.

[*] I'm an author of one of the string interpolation libs out there, but I've 
never dared to use it in my other libraries because of dependency avoidance 

Re: floating point output formating

2017-11-06 Thread Araq
I will just quote myself again:

> At this point you need to be able to read Nim's type signatures. More 
> examples for this proc would be nice indeed (!!!) but I don't see how they 
> would have helped you in finding the proc in the first place.

There were some hidden questions for you, you might want to answer them instead 
of writing pretty offensive pamphlets about my attitude.

  * Did you know about `theindex`? If so, how come it didn't help? 
Overwhelming? If not, how can we make you aware of it?
  * OR: Did you find `formatFloat` and ignored it because it was missing 

"Just write a better nim-by-example" is not as helpful as advice because it's 
pretty vague.

Re: floating point output formating

2017-11-06 Thread jzakiya
Actually, `the only limits of what you can provide in documentation are self 

`Writing documentation is an attitude!` Either you care about doing it (to 
benefit/help users) or you don't.

Nim has to compete against lots of other languages, and like cars, smartphones, 
etc, having the better/best technology doesn't mean you will have the biggest 
following. People will ultimately use first the things that are accessible, 
easy to use, and cheap (why do Americans eat so much bad fastfood - because its 
cheap, the stores are everywhere, and they stay open late when people are 

Your own 2017 Survey specifically lists lack of documentation as one of the 
biggest deficiencies of this project, but I don't see an active effort to make 
it better.


Let's compare Nim against Rust, two languages promoting themselves as `system` 
programming languages. Rust is by far a much harder to learn/use language than 
Nim, but it knows that, and has created very good documentation (and forum) to 
help people get their heads `(and hearts)` around it.

Both Nim and Rust have a document called `[Nim|Rust] by Example`, but tell me 
which is more helpful/useful to potential users.

Let's compare their presentation of `arrays` in each document.



As `a potential user` I get a much clearer understanding of how to create, 
access, and print arrays from Rust's docs, with examples for each use case 

Now let's take a look at Ruby's: 

Granted, Ruby has been around a lot longer than Nim, and has loads of books, 
videos, and conferences, but it all starts with an `attitude` of the Ruby 
community, which is probably `The Most Friendly` language community in the 
world. You can find just about anything you want on this page about how to use 
Ruby, and this is by design. They didn't limit what they could do.

And here's what I mean by `attitude` for this specific instance of trying to 
find out about outputting floating points.

I took about three hours, searching the docs and internet, trying to find out 
how to print out floats to a given precision, and gave up after being 
frustrated (fed up). Only then did I resort to asking help in the forums. It 
was first answered by only providing a link to a cryptic (my impression of it) 
function, which had no examples of how to use it. I had to ask, again, how to 
use it, and was finally given a specific example of how. And then when I point 
out none of those functions on that page (and elsewhere) have specific use case 
examples, instead of saying, "you're right, we'll get on it", you give excuses 
(there are limits to what we can do).

If I were you all, I'd start immediately upgrading your docs, first by 
formatting the categories from the point of view of helping potential users 
(Input/Outputting Data, How to use Files, etc) with clear/concise/helpful use 
case examples. You can start by copying `best practices` used in other projects 

Would this take a lot of work and effort -- `Hell Yes!`. But you all need to 
really understand, you are not only in a battle to win peoples minds, to get 
them to understand your language, you're also competing to win (and keep) their 
`hearts`, so they `want` to use your language. People can criticize Ruby all 
they want, but people who use Ruby, and go to its conferences, do so because 
they `love it`, even when they move on to other languages (like Elixir).

Actually, this specific discussion should have its own thread, so others can 
chime in, and not be buried at the end of this thread.

But please take `to heart` this old saying: `You only have one chance to make a 
first impression.`

Re: floating point output formating

2017-11-06 Thread Araq
> The Docs really need to get better by showing clear examples like this for 
> just about everything. It took way too long for me to search and not even 
> find this, and had to resort to asking how to do this here.

When I go to


and search for "format" there are too many hits but eventually I arrive at 
"formatFloat". When I search for "formatFloat" I find what is suggested here, 
if I search for "floatformat" I get a hit to FloatFormatMode pointing me to 
strutils which contains "formatFloat". The docs say

proc formatFloat(f: float; format: FloatFormatMode = ffDefault;
precision: range[0 .. 32] = 16; decimalSep = '.'): string

At this point you need to be able to read Nim's type signatures. More examples 
for this proc would be nice indeed but I don't see how they would have helped 
you in finding the proc in the first place.

> just about everything

We have `theindex.html` that contains links to just about everything. It didn't 
seem to have helped you. As I keep saying, there are limits to what we can do 
about the fact that people do not read text on the screen.

I just did the same for Python:

Starting at []( I go to 
 then to 
 then to 
 and I arrive 
 which keeps me puzzled. 

Re: floating point output formating

2017-11-06 Thread Udiknedormin

Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't string interpolation ("borrowed" from Swift) 
already done long time ago? Can't it stay library-provided? It's not like every 
language has it in the core.

Re: floating point output formating

2017-11-05 Thread jlp765

if strutils has `toBin()`, `toHex()`, `toOctal()`, `intToStr()`

and from system.nim, the `$` operator is described as

`The stringify operator for an integer argument. Returns x converted to a 
decimal string. $ is Nim's general way of spelling toString.`

why not add a helper proc to strutils as

proc toString(f: SomeReal, prec: int = 8): string =
  result = f.formatFloat(ffDecimal, prec)

Re: floating point output formating

2017-11-05 Thread jzakiya
Thanks a whole lot!

The Docs really need to get better by showing clear examples like this for just 
about everything. It took way too long for me to search and not even find this, 
and had to resort to asking how to do this here. I also agree the semantics for 
doing this has to become a lot shorter/simpler/clearer.

I don't mean to go off, but outputting is such a standard thing to do in any 
language it should be readily available in the Docs to show users how to deal 
with the various cases.

Thanks again.

Re: floating point output formating

2017-11-05 Thread bluenote

import strutils
let num = 10.123456789
echo num.formatFloat(ffDecimal, 4)

Re: floating point output formating

2017-11-05 Thread jzakiya

let num = 10.123456789

echo( formatFloat(num) )

Could I get a little help here to make this work.

Re: floating point output formating

2017-11-05 Thread bluenote
And hopefully we will soon have string interpolation in Nim 
([PR]( Then it would be something 
like this (or similar, language is still in discussion):

echo "$x%.4f"

Re: floating point output formating

2017-11-05 Thread woggioni

floating point output formating

2017-11-05 Thread jzakiya
I compute a floating point number `x`. How do I use `echo|write.stdout` to 
output it with just 4 decimal digits showing?