Re: [ns] Multi-interface support howto

2011-09-13 Thread mudy

Hi sir

I am just want to ask how  i can create a node with two interfaces one to
connect to UMTS network and another to connect to IEEE802.11.

[ns] Multi-interface support howto, by Ramon Aguero---really need help!!!

2008-06-12 Thread 刘宇婷

Hello,  I am trying to modify NS-2.29 to support multiple interface according 
to Adding Multiple Interface Support in NS-2 by Ramon Aguero, For routing agent, I choose AODV like 
some people. I encountered some problems and really need help. 1.I have two 
questions about Listing 5.5 in the tutorial. (1)cmnh doesn't exist and I 
wonder whether we should change cmnh to hdr according to listing 4.6. (2) 
Where should I declare the variable Iface? Should I declare it in aodv.h like 
declaring nIfaces, targetlist[MAX_IF] and ifqueuelist[MAX_IF] in aodv.h? 2. In 
Changes on the Route Table part, Ramon mentioned that a new variable interface 
must be added to the route entry definition. But I am not clear that in which 
file the route entry definition exists. Is the file aodv.h or aodv_rtable.h in 
aodv folder or rttable.h in routing.h folder?  And in order to change the route 
table, how many files or classes need to be modified in total? Coul!
 d you give me some details to do this?  It is very urgent, please help me!!! 
Any help and advice would be very appreciated. Thank you. Tina  

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[ns] Multi-interface support howto, by Ramon Aguero---really need help!!!

2008-06-12 Thread 刘宇婷

Hello,  I am trying to modify NS-2.29 to support multiple interface according 
to Adding Multiple Interface Support in NS-2 by Ramon Aguero, For routing agent, I choose AODV like 
some people. I encountered some problems and really need help. 1.I have two 
questions about Listing 5.5 in the tutorial. (1)cmnh doesn't exist and I 
wonder whether we should change cmnh to hdr according to listing 4.6. (2) 
Where should I declare the variable Iface? Should I declare it in aodv.h like 
declaring nIfaces, targetlist[MAX_IF] and ifqueuelist[MAX_IF] in aodv.h? 2. In 
Changes on the Route Table part, Ramon mentioned that a new variable interface 
must be added to the route entry definition. But I am not clear that in which 
file the route entry definition exists. Is the file aodv.h or aodv_rtable.h in 
aodv folder or rttable.h in routing.h folder?  And in order to change the route 
table, how many files or classes need to be modified in total? Coul!
 d you give me some details to do this?  It is very urgent, please help me!!! 
Any help and advice would be very appreciated. Thank you. Tina  

[ns] Multi-interface support howto

2007-03-06 Thread Raja Zahilah Raja Mohd. Radzi

Hi there,
Is the coding working for 802_15_4 (LR-WPAN)?

Re: [ns] Multi-interface support howto

2007-02-26 Thread Tim Elschner


i guess there is something wrong on ns-lib.tcl
for some reason chan is set as a usual variable. if you follow the 
modifications of the document correctly, chan is used as an array in 
case of mutliple interfaces.
the problem might hide somewhere in here:

  if {[info exists channelType_]  [info exists channel_]} {
 error Can't specify both channel and channelType, error!
 } elseif {[info exists channelType_]  ![info exists satNodeType_]} {
 # Single channel, single interface
 warn Please use -channel as shown in tcl/ex/wireless-mitf.tcl
 if {![info exists chan]} {
 set chan [new $channelType_]
  } elseif {[info exists channel_]} {
 # Multiple channel, multiple interfaces
 if {[info exists numifs_]} {
 set chan(0) $channel_
 } else {
 set chan $channel_
otherwise chan is set wrong before. in that case i would check 
instproc node-config in ns-lib.tcl


Nguyen Lan schrieb:

 bacause of you are success to build ns with multi-interface so I'd 
 like to ask for your help. When I run a test scenario I got that error

 warning: Please use -channel as shown in tcl/ex/wireless-mitf.tcl
 can't set chan(0): variable isn't array
while executing
 set chan($indexch) $ch
(procedure _o3 line 3)
(Simulator add-channel line 3)
invoked from within
 $ns_ add-channel 0 $chan_(0)
(file mulif.tcl line 131)

 Do you have any idea ?


 Tim Elschner wrote:

 i'm trying to user mutliple interfaces with the adhoc routing agent 
 noah - which stands for NO AdHoc routing. i use only one mobile 
 node, and some basestations with foreign agents, an home agent and a 
 corresponding node.
 as noah doesn't need a routing table, i use a map for storing the 
 interface. i use the prev_hop field in the common-header to 
 associate the interface.
 in the forwardPacket function - which is for unicast transmissions 
 - i use the information stored in the map to send the packets through 
 the correct interface. this works fine with interface 1, but fails 
 vor interface 0. all packets are dropped. if i just flip the channels 
 between interface 0 and 1, still interface 1 is working and interface 
 0 fails.

 did i miss something?
 hints anyone? :)


 Ramon Aguero schrieb:
 Hello Tim,

 thanks for pinpointing the error! Somehow I made a mistake when 
 copying and pasting the code to the file.

 The correct procedure would be the following one (note that the 
 arptable_ is now within the 'for' cycle). In this sense, I don't 
 think you need to change all arptable_ into arptable. Hope this helps.

 Node/MobileNode instproc reset {} {
 $self instvar arptable_ nifs_ netif_ mac_ ifq_ ll_ imep_
 for {set i 0} {$i  $nifs_} {incr i} {
 $netif_($i) reset
 $mac_($i) reset
 $ll_($i) reset
 $ifq_($i) reset
 if { [info exists opt(imep)]  $opt(imep) == ON } {
 $imep_($i) reset
 if { $arptable_($i) !=  } {
 $arptable_($i) reset


 PS - I've already modified the document -- with the correct 
 procedure -- in the web page:

 At 16:39 18/01/2007, Tim Elschner wrote:

 great job as far as i can see.
 anyway i ran into problems with ns-mobilenode.tcl:
 in Node/MobileNode instproc reset i couldn't find any differences 
 to the original.
 i got an error, that arptable_ is an array. so i changed every 
 arptable_ into arptable. now ns2 complains about the missing 
 variable arptable :(

 any hints out there?


 Ramon Aguero schrieb:
 Dear all,

 We have seen a lot of requests about the possibility to extend the 
 NS-2 framework to support multiple interfaces. Although there is 
 some information available, according to the messages that have 
 been sent to this list, it seems that a more thorough description 
 may be required.

 In this sense, after performing an analysis about existing 
 activities in this topic, we have created a document that tries to 
 summarize which are the required changes to be performed within 
 the different pieces of the simulator (tcl, c++) as well as how 
 routing protocols can be adapted to make use of the new feature. 
 The howto is entitled Adding Multiple Interface Support in NS-2 
 and it has been written by my colleague Jesús Pérez and myself.

 I’ve uploaded the document, which can be retrieved from the 
 following url:

 We will be happy to receive any feedback, comments, so as to 
 improve the howto, since we would like to have it like a living 
 document, adding new features as they are available.

 Best regards,

 Ramón Agüero Calvo
 Dept. of Communications Engineering
 Network Planning  Mobile Communications
 University of Cantabria
 Avda Castros s/n
 39005 - Santander

Re: [ns] Multi-interface support howto

2007-02-21 Thread Ramon Aguero

Hello Laurent, Nguyen, all,

Thanks for the discussion.

In my opinion, it's sort of difficult to compare both approaches. It seems 
that the work that Laurent has done is quite much more comprehensive and 
detailed, since it uses a different approach from what the current ns-2 
architecture uses for wireless networks. I've read the document (more 
comments/feedback to come), but I do really find it an interesting piece of 

I'll upgrade our howto to cite it, and sorry for not having done it before. 
We were not aware of it; in fact in this new version I'll also cite the 
Miracle work; these two, which also address the multi-channel problematic, 
use different approaches than we do, and that's one of the reasons for not 
citing them.

Now let me try to provide some inline comments about what Laurent said 
about our howto. I know that its scope is probably not too broad, but what 
we tried (as we had already said) is to make something to help people. I 
know that there were some other sources of information (and thus all of 
them are cited/referenced in our howto), but we still believed (due to the 
number of questions on the mailing list and our personal experience with 
such information), that there was something else that could be done.

At 14:00 16/02/2007, Laurent Paquereau wrote:
1) R.Aguero et al., Adding Multiple Interface Support in NS-2 (document,

This document describes changes to enable support of multiple interfaces. 
By to support multiple interfaces they mean to allow to have more than one 
wireless stack below a single routing agent on a MobileNode. All the 
wireless stacks are identical (same Mac/Phy).

This is true, although my understanding is that this is due to the fact 
that there are not really many other choices, I'm pretty sure that this 
could be changed quite quickly. However, I fail to see a use case for this. 
In ad hoc routing environments (which were the main thing we had in mind), 
the typical case is to have different interfaces IEEE 802.11a/b/g, even 
bluetooth, under the same routing protocol, I think that this is 
achievable. In fact, something we can already do is to tweak the parameters 
of any of the PHY/MAC layers, so that we can mimic 802.11b and 802.11g 
working together (changing the energy, the transmission range, etc).

On the other hand, if, e.g. you are using a WSN (with some dual 
802.15.4/802.11 nodes), having more than one routing protocol would make 
sense to me.

The routing agent code has to be modified to handle more than one wireless 
stack. This applies only to AODV-like routing agents, that is routing 
agents using the standard MobileNode, not the SRNode (DSR) or the 
AODVUUNode (AODV-UU) for example.

Well, the main reason behind this was that most of the people developing 
new routing protocols for ns-2 are doing it using the MobileNode. There is 
more documentation, and I really believed (having personally worked with 
the SRNode one) that it's much simpler.

This functionality is basically what is provided by Hyacinth 
(, some flexibility added. To 
this respect their contribution is to me very similar to the resources 
available at

I can't completely agree with you here. As it is stated in the howto, we 
have undertaken different changes:
- In the Hyacinth work, (and the corresponding updates), all nodes need to 
have the same number of interfaces, which is fixed. We provide a way to 
make this as flexible as the user wants, and in fact, we also maintain the 
original behavior of the simulator, so that people can still use their 
original scripts.
- This flexibility allows, not only modifying the number of channels 
(either at the scenario or at the node level), but to establish to which 
channels the node needs to connect to.
- One of the most important aspects is that the existing information didn't 
tackle how to modify existing routing routing protocols, and we also tackle 
this in the howto.

Best regards,

Re: [ns] Multi-interface support howto, Ramon Submission

2007-02-19 Thread Christos Gavos

In fact is not the enable-debug itself but -Wall in yout CCOPT

CCOPT   = -Wall

On 2/20/07, Christos Gavos [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I believe you get these warnings because you have configure with
 --enable-debug. If you try to reconfigure without debug support these
 should go away.

 hope that helps.


 On 2/13/07, Ramon Aguero [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Ok, I'm glad that you solved the problems related to the extension. I don't
  really know how to address these warnings or whether they are relevant (at
  least the virtual destructor one should not).
  At 13:25 13/02/2007, Nguyen Lan wrote:
  Hello Ramon et al,
  My problem is that I declared nIfaces, targetlist and ifqueuelist in the
  aodv.h file but out of the class declaration. Now I can recompile ns but I
  still had many many warnings like that
  /usr/local/ns/mulf/ns-allinone-2.27/tclcl-1.15/tracedvar.h:49: warning:
  'class TracedVar' has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor
  /usr/local/ns/mulf/ns-allinone-2.27/tclcl-1.15/tracedvar.h:87: warning:
  'class TracedInt' has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor
  /usr/local/ns/mulf/ns-allinone-2.27/tclcl-1.15/tracedvar.h:130: warning:
  'class TracedDouble' has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor
  common/scheduler.h:71: warning: 'class Handler' has virtual functions but
  non-virtual destructor
  common/ In member function 'virtual void
  common/ warning: invalid access to non-static data member
  'hdr_ip::src_' of NULL object
  common/ warning: (perhaps the 'offsetof' macro was used 
  common/ warning: invalid access to non-static data member
  'hdr_ip::dst_' of NULL object
  common/ warning: (perhaps the 'offsetof' macro was used 
  common/ warning: invalid access to non-static data member
  'hdr_ip::ttl_' of NULL object
  common/ warning: (perhaps the 'offsetof' macro was used 
  common/ warning: invalid access to non-static data member
  'hdr_ip::fid_' of NULL object
  common/ warning: (perhaps the 'offsetof' macro was used 
  common/ warning: invalid access to non-static data member
  'hdr_ip::prio_' of NULL object
  common/ warning: (perhaps the 'offsetof' macro was used 
  Any idea about this is welcome.
  Nguyen Lan wrote:
  I have not declared them in common/packet.h. The only place I put them in
  is aodv.h (as in the document). I think this problem came from other
  place and I should read the document carefully but now I don't know yet.
  Thank you very much.
  Ramon Aguero wrote:
  Why have you declared nIfaces, targetlist and ifqueuelist in
  At 07:34 06/02/2007, Nguyen Lan wrote:
  Hi Ramon and all,
  After following the document when I recompile ns I got this error.
  Maybe I was wrong some where
  multiple definition of `nIfaces'
  aodv/aodv_logs.o:./common/packet.h:413: first defined here
  aodv/aodv.o:./aodv/aodv_packet.h:161: multiple definition of 
  aodv/aodv_logs.o:./common/packet.h:353: first defined here
  aodv/aodv.o:aodv/ multiple definition of `ifqueuelist'
  aodv/aodv_logs.o:./common/packet.h:423: first defined here
  collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
  make: *** [ns] Error 1
  Could anyone help me.
  Ramon Aguero wrote:
  Hi Anthony,
  thanks for your feedback; I think that your proposal is perfectly fine.
  I've sent an email previously, about the same changes. I think that
  the problem was that in the first version of the document we did not
  highlight a couple of lines (the ones that you've modified); in the
  original ns-mobilenode.tcl file, these two lines started with
  $arptable_ **Note the underscore**
  In the modified procedure, however, it was $arptable **Without the
  underscore**, which is, exactly what you propose, since the $arptable
  variable is $arptable_($t).
  At 07:29 04/02/2007, Anthony Plummer wrote:
  Ramon's submission ( of a
  multiple-channel extension to ns2 works well after a slight
  modification to the code in the pdf. In tcl/lib/ns-mobilenode.tcl the
  arptable modification (pg. 24  25 of pdf) needs to change the
  arptable in two additional lines.
  #We also create one ARP table per interface
  set arptable_($t) [new ARPTable $self $mac]
  set arptable $arptable_($t)
  # FOR backward compatibility sake, hack only
  if {$imepflag != } {
  set drpT [$self mobility-trace Drop IFQ]
  } else {
  set drpT [cmu-trace Drop IFQ $self]
  $arptable_($t) drop-target $drpT // Should be changed to this here
  if { $namfp !=  } {

Re: [ns] Multi-interface support howto

2007-02-16 Thread Laurent Paquereau


I try in this post to sum up and explicit the main differences between 
the approach proposed by R.Aguero et al. in their how-to and ours with 
the MW-Node. I hope it helps you choosing what better fits your needs.

1) R.Aguero et al., Adding Multiple Interface Support in NS-2 

This document describes changes to enable support of multiple 
interfaces. By to support multiple interfaces they mean to allow to have 
more than one wireless stack below a single routing agent on a 
MobileNode. All the wireless stacks are identical (same Mac/Phy). The 
routing agent code has to be modified to handle more than one wireless 
stack. This applies only to AODV-like routing agents, that is routing 
agents using the standard MobileNode, not the SRNode (DSR) or the 
AODVUUNode (AODV-UU) for example.

This functionality is basically what is provided by Hyacinth 
(, some flexibility added. 
To this respect their contribution is to me very similar to the 
resources available at

2) Module-based Wireless Node (MW-Node patch + documentation,

In the following, I focus on the main features of the MW-Node. For 
implementation details and design choices please refer to the documentation.

A MW-Node is a standard Node (not a MobileNode) with capabilities - 
wireless, mobility, (energy support, not functional yet) - added by 
means of modules.

The purpose of this new design of wireless and mobile networking support 
in ns2 is twofold:

- to support new features such as multiple channels/multiple interfaces, and
- to provide a common basis for implementation of any wireless routing 
protocol instead of having each routing protocol as a particular case 
(not to say a particular node object) as it is with the MobileNode.

We distinguish between:
- multiple channels: one single routing object handling several wireless 
interfaces possibly on different channels, and
- multiple interfaces: several interfaces, possibly of different types 
(e.g different Mac/Phy), with one routing object handling one interface.

Following these definitions, R.Aguero et al. how-to discusses multiple 
channels support only, not multiple interfaces support. The MW-Node 
supports both.
Note that routing agents cannot be used directly with the MW-Node, even 
in the case of a node with a single interface, and need to be converted. 
Some guidelines are provided in the documentation.

Also, the layout of the MW-Node differs from the layout of a standard 
MobileNode and therefore from the layout proposed by R.Aguero et al.
In the MW-Node, the routing object lies before the address classifier. 
This is to enforce that data packets pass through the routing object. 
This is not the case with a standard MobileNode at the destination or at 
a portal (wired-wireless) node.

Finally, a new network interface object is provided and enables:
- per interface operation control (e.g. bring up/down one of two 
interfaces only)

- better wired/wireless integration.


Laurent Paquereau
Q2S Centre of Excellence, NTNU

Nguyen Lan wrote:


I read your post on ns2 mailing list and I have a question what are the 
differences between your approach and Ramon's approach. Can you give me 
a suggestion in the case that I like to make a simulation with 
multi-interface in ns2: which approach is better or easier to implement.


Laurent Paquereau wrote:


I have been reading your how-to and as your statements and concerns 
are quite similar to a subset of those we presented last year in [1], 
you might find interesting reading this paper.

[1] Laurent Paquereau and Bjarne E. Helvik, A Module-based Wireless 
Node for ns-2, in Proceedings of the first Workshop on NS2: the IP 
network simulator (WNS2), Pisa, Italy, 2006.

A Module-based Wireless Node (MW-Node) is a Node with wireless and 
mobile capabilities added by means of modules. It is not a new node 
object derived from Node. Rather it is a new layout of mostly existing 
components. The aim is to provide a flexible support for wireless and 
mobile networking and in particular:

* support for multiple interfaces/multiple channels, and
* a common basis for the implementation of wireless routing protocols.

The code is distributed as a patch for ns-2.30 and is now available 
online with the documentation at:

Feedback and comments are much appreciated.

Best regards,

Laurent Paquereau
Q2S Centre of Excellence, NTNU

Ramon Aguero wrote:
 Dear all,

 We have seen a lot of requests about the possibility to extend the NS-2
 framework to support multiple interfaces. Although there is some
 information available, according to the messages that have been sent to
 this list, it seems 

Re: [ns] Multi-interface support howto, Ramon Submission

2007-02-13 Thread Ramon Aguero


Ok, I'm glad that you solved the problems related to the extension. I don't 
really know how to address these warnings or whether they are relevant (at 
least the virtual destructor one should not).


At 13:25 13/02/2007, Nguyen Lan wrote:
Hello Ramon et al,

My problem is that I declared nIfaces, targetlist and ifqueuelist in the 
aodv.h file but out of the class declaration. Now I can recompile ns but I 
still had many many warnings like that

/usr/local/ns/mulf/ns-allinone-2.27/tclcl-1.15/tracedvar.h:49: warning: 
‘class TracedVar’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor
/usr/local/ns/mulf/ns-allinone-2.27/tclcl-1.15/tracedvar.h:87: warning: 
‘class TracedInt’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor
/usr/local/ns/mulf/ns-allinone-2.27/tclcl-1.15/tracedvar.h:130: warning: 
‘class TracedDouble’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor

common/scheduler.h:71: warning: ‘class Handler’ has virtual functions but 
non-virtual destructor
common/ In member function ‘virtual void 
common/ warning: invalid access to non-static data member 
‘hdr_ip::src_’ of NULL object
common/ warning: (perhaps the ‘offsetof’ macro was used incorrectly)
common/ warning: invalid access to non-static data member 
‘hdr_ip::dst_’ of NULL object
common/ warning: (perhaps the ‘offsetof’ macro was used incorrectly)
common/ warning: invalid access to non-static data member 
‘hdr_ip::ttl_’ of NULL object
common/ warning: (perhaps the ‘offsetof’ macro was used incorrectly)
common/ warning: invalid access to non-static data member 
‘hdr_ip::fid_’ of NULL object
common/ warning: (perhaps the ‘offsetof’ macro was used incorrectly)
common/ warning: invalid access to non-static data member 
‘hdr_ip::prio_’ of NULL object
common/ warning: (perhaps the ‘offsetof’ macro was used incorrectly)

Any idea about this is welcome.


Nguyen Lan wrote:

I have not declared them in common/packet.h. The only place I put them in 
is aodv.h (as in the document). I think this problem came from other 
place and I should read the document carefully but now I don't know yet.
Thank you very much.


Ramon Aguero wrote:

Why have you declared nIfaces, targetlist and ifqueuelist in 


At 07:34 06/02/2007, Nguyen Lan wrote:
Hi Ramon and all,

After following the document when I recompile ns I got this error. 
Maybe I was wrong some where

multiple definition of `nIfaces'
aodv/aodv_logs.o:./common/packet.h:413: first defined here
aodv/aodv.o:./aodv/aodv_packet.h:161: multiple definition of `targetlist'
aodv/aodv_logs.o:./common/packet.h:353: first defined here
aodv/aodv.o:aodv/ multiple definition of `ifqueuelist'
aodv/aodv_logs.o:./common/packet.h:423: first defined here
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [ns] Error 1

Could anyone help me.

Ramon Aguero wrote:
Hi Anthony,

thanks for your feedback; I think that your proposal is perfectly fine.

I've sent an email previously, about the same changes. I think that 
the problem was that in the first version of the document we did not 
highlight a couple of lines (the ones that you've modified); in the 
original ns-mobilenode.tcl file, these two lines started with 
$arptable_ **Note the underscore**

In the modified procedure, however, it was $arptable **Without the 
underscore**, which is, exactly what you propose, since the $arptable 
variable is $arptable_($t).


At 07:29 04/02/2007, Anthony Plummer wrote:

Ramon's submission ( of a
multiple-channel extension to ns2 works well after a slight
modification to the code in the pdf. In tcl/lib/ns-mobilenode.tcl the
arptable modification (pg. 24  25 of pdf) needs to change the
arptable in two additional lines.
#We also create one ARP table per interface
set arptable_($t) [new ARPTable $self $mac]
set arptable $arptable_($t)
# FOR backward compatibility sake, hack only
if {$imepflag != } {
set drpT [$self mobility-trace Drop IFQ]
} else {
set drpT [cmu-trace Drop IFQ $self]
$arptable_($t) drop-target $drpT // Should be changed to this here
if { $namfp !=  } {
$drpT namattach $namfp

# Link Layer
$ll arptable $arptable_($t) // Should be changed to this here
$ll mac $mac
$ll down-target $ifq

Re: [ns] Multi-interface support howto, Ramon Submission

2007-02-13 Thread Nguyen Lan

Hello Ramon et al,

My problem is that I declared nIfaces, targetlist and ifqueuelist in the 
aodv.h file but out of the class declaration. Now I can recompile ns but 
I still had many many warnings like that

/usr/local/ns/mulf/ns-allinone-2.27/tclcl-1.15/tracedvar.h:49: warning: 
‘class TracedVar’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor
/usr/local/ns/mulf/ns-allinone-2.27/tclcl-1.15/tracedvar.h:87: warning: 
‘class TracedInt’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor
/usr/local/ns/mulf/ns-allinone-2.27/tclcl-1.15/tracedvar.h:130: warning: 
‘class TracedDouble’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor

common/scheduler.h:71: warning: ‘class Handler’ has virtual functions 
but non-virtual destructor
common/ In member function ‘virtual void 
common/ warning: invalid access to non-static data member 
‘hdr_ip::src_’ of NULL object
common/ warning: (perhaps the ‘offsetof’ macro was used 
common/ warning: invalid access to non-static data member 
‘hdr_ip::dst_’ of NULL object
common/ warning: (perhaps the ‘offsetof’ macro was used 
common/ warning: invalid access to non-static data member 
‘hdr_ip::ttl_’ of NULL object
common/ warning: (perhaps the ‘offsetof’ macro was used 
common/ warning: invalid access to non-static data member 
‘hdr_ip::fid_’ of NULL object
common/ warning: (perhaps the ‘offsetof’ macro was used 
common/ warning: invalid access to non-static data member 
‘hdr_ip::prio_’ of NULL object
common/ warning: (perhaps the ‘offsetof’ macro was used 

Any idea about this is welcome.


Nguyen Lan wrote:

 I have not declared them in common/packet.h. The only place I put them 
 in is aodv.h (as in the document). I think this problem came from 
 other place and I should read the document carefully but now I don't 
 know yet.
 Thank you very much.


 Ramon Aguero wrote:

 Why have you declared nIfaces, targetlist and ifqueuelist in 


 At 07:34 06/02/2007, Nguyen Lan wrote:
 Hi Ramon and all,

 After following the document when I recompile ns I got this error. 
 Maybe I was wrong some where

 multiple definition of `nIfaces'
 aodv/aodv_logs.o:./common/packet.h:413: first defined here
 aodv/aodv.o:./aodv/aodv_packet.h:161: multiple definition of 
 aodv/aodv_logs.o:./common/packet.h:353: first defined here
 aodv/aodv.o:aodv/ multiple definition of `ifqueuelist'
 aodv/aodv_logs.o:./common/packet.h:423: first defined here
 collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
 make: *** [ns] Error 1

 Could anyone help me.

 Ramon Aguero wrote:
 Hi Anthony,

 thanks for your feedback; I think that your proposal is perfectly 

 I've sent an email previously, about the same changes. I think that 
 the problem was that in the first version of the document we did 
 not highlight a couple of lines (the ones that you've modified); in 
 the original ns-mobilenode.tcl file, these two lines started with 
 $arptable_ **Note the underscore**

 In the modified procedure, however, it was $arptable **Without the 
 underscore**, which is, exactly what you propose, since the 
 $arptable variable is $arptable_($t).


 At 07:29 04/02/2007, Anthony Plummer wrote:

 Ramon's submission ( of a
 multiple-channel extension to ns2 works well after a slight
 modification to the code in the pdf. In tcl/lib/ns-mobilenode.tcl the
 arptable modification (pg. 24  25 of pdf) needs to change the
 arptable in two additional lines.
 #We also create one ARP table per interface
 set arptable_($t) [new ARPTable $self $mac]
 set arptable $arptable_($t)
 # FOR backward compatibility sake, hack only
 if {$imepflag != } {
 set drpT [$self mobility-trace Drop IFQ]
 } else {
 set drpT [cmu-trace Drop IFQ $self]
 $arptable_($t) drop-target $drpT // Should be changed to this here
 if { $namfp !=  } {
 $drpT namattach $namfp

 # Link Layer
 $ll arptable $arptable_($t) // Should be changed to this here
 $ll mac $mac
 $ll down-target $ifq

Re: [ns] Multi-interface support howto

2007-02-12 Thread Tim Elschner

hi ramon,

file: ns-mobilenode.tcl
function: Node/MobileNode instproc add-target-rtagent

here is a bigger part of the code (see the lines marked with ;#tim):

if { [Simulator set RouterTrace_] == ON } {
# Send Target
if {$newapi != } {;#
set sndT [$self mobility-trace Send RTR]
} else {
set sndT [cmu-trace Send RTR $self]
if { $namfp !=  } {;#
$sndT namattach $namfp
if { $newapi == ON } {
$agent target $imep_(0)
$imep_(0) sendtarget $sndT
# second tracer to see the actual
# types of tora packets before imep packs them
if { [info exists toraDebug_]  $toraDebug_ == ON} {
set sndT2 [$self mobility-trace Send TRP]
$sndT2 target $imep_(0)
$agent target $sndT2
$sndT target [$self set ll_(0)]
} else { ;# no IMEP
;# multi channel, multi interface
if {$numIfsSimulator != } {;#
for {set i 0} {$i  [$self set nifs_]} {incr i} {
#set sndT [cmu-trace Send RTR $self] ;#tim
set sndT [$self mobility-trace Send RTR] ;#tim
$sndT namattach $namfp ;#tim
$agent target $i $sndT
$sndT target [$self set ll_($i)]
} else {
$agent target $sndT
$sndT target [$self set ll_(0)]


Ramon Aguero schrieb:
 Hi Tim,

 I should have read this message before, sorry for the spam.

 Can you clarify where did you add these two lines?


 At 10:49 09/02/2007, Tim Elschner wrote:

 i got the wirless tracing back to business:

 set sndT [cmu-trace Send RTR $self] (see below)
 set sndT [$self mobility-trace Send RTR]
 $sndT namattach $namfp

 Tim Elschner schrieb:
  i found out that a missing line in ns-mobilenode.tcl caused that 
  since i correctly added
  set sndT [cmu-trace Send RTR $self]
  the traffic seems to be fine, except that the wireless packets don't
  appear in NAM anymore.
  Tim Elschner schrieb:
  i'm trying to user mutliple interfaces with the adhoc routing agent
  noah - which stands for NO AdHoc routing. i use only one mobile
  node, and some basestations with foreign agents, an home agent and a
  corresponding node.
  as noah doesn't need a routing table, i use a map for storing the
  interface. i use the prev_hop field in the common-header to 
  the interface.
  in the forwardPacket function - which is for unicast 
 transmissions - i
  use the information stored in the map to send the packets through the
  correct interface. this works fine with interface 1, but fails vor
  interface 0. all packets are dropped. if i just flip the channels
  between interface 0 and 1, still interface 1 is working and 
 interface 0
  did i miss something?
  hints anyone? :)
  Ramon Aguero schrieb:
  Hello Tim,
  thanks for pinpointing the error! Somehow I made a mistake when
  copying and pasting the code to the file.
  The correct procedure would be the following one (note that the
  arptable_ is now within the 'for' cycle). In this sense, I don't 
  you need to change all arptable_ into arptable. Hope this helps.
  Node/MobileNode instproc reset {} {
  $self instvar arptable_ nifs_ netif_ mac_ ifq_ ll_ imep_
  for {set i 0} {$i  $nifs_} {incr i} {
  $netif_($i) reset
  $mac_($i) reset
  $ll_($i) reset
  $ifq_($i) reset
  if { [info exists opt(imep)]  $opt(imep) == ON } {
  $imep_($i) reset
  if { $arptable_($i) !=  } {
  $arptable_($i) reset
  PS - I've already modified the document -- with the correct 
  -- in the web page:
  At 16:39 18/01/2007, Tim Elschner wrote:
  great job as far as i can see.
  anyway i ran into problems with ns-mobilenode.tcl:
  in Node/MobileNode instproc reset i couldn't find any differences
  to the original.
  i got an error, that arptable_ is an array. so i changed every
  arptable_ into arptable. now ns2 complains about the missing 
  arptable :(
  any hints out there?
  Ramon Aguero schrieb:
  Dear all,
  We have seen a lot of requests about the possibility to extend the
  NS-2 framework to support multiple interfaces. Although there is
  some information available, according to the messages that have 
  sent to this list, it seems that a more thorough description 
 may be
  In this sense, after performing an analysis about existing
  activities in this topic, we have created a document that tries to
  summarize which are the required changes to be performed within 
  different pieces of the simulator (tcl, c++) as well as how 
  protocols can be adapted to make use of the new feature. The howto
  is entitled Adding Multiple Interface Support in NS-2 and it has
  been written by my colleague Jesús Pérez and myself.
  I’ve uploaded the document, which can be retrieved from the
  following url: 

  We will be happy to receive any feedback, comments, so as to 
  the howto, since we would like to 

Re: [ns] Multi-interface support howto, Ramon Submission

2007-02-10 Thread Ramon Aguero


Why have you declared nIfaces, targetlist and ifqueuelist in common/packet.h?


At 07:34 06/02/2007, Nguyen Lan wrote:
Hi Ramon and all,

After following the document when I recompile ns I got this error. Maybe I 
was wrong some where

multiple definition of `nIfaces'
aodv/aodv_logs.o:./common/packet.h:413: first defined here
aodv/aodv.o:./aodv/aodv_packet.h:161: multiple definition of `targetlist'
aodv/aodv_logs.o:./common/packet.h:353: first defined here
aodv/aodv.o:aodv/ multiple definition of `ifqueuelist'
aodv/aodv_logs.o:./common/packet.h:423: first defined here
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [ns] Error 1

Could anyone help me.

Ramon Aguero wrote:
Hi Anthony,

thanks for your feedback; I think that your proposal is perfectly fine.

I've sent an email previously, about the same changes. I think that the 
problem was that in the first version of the document we did not 
highlight a couple of lines (the ones that you've modified); in the 
original ns-mobilenode.tcl file, these two lines started with $arptable_ 
**Note the underscore**

In the modified procedure, however, it was $arptable **Without the 
underscore**, which is, exactly what you propose, since the $arptable 
variable is $arptable_($t).


At 07:29 04/02/2007, Anthony Plummer wrote:

Ramon's submission ( of a
multiple-channel extension to ns2 works well after a slight
modification to the code in the pdf.  In tcl/lib/ns-mobilenode.tcl the
arptable modification (pg. 24  25 of pdf) needs to change the
arptable in two additional lines.
 #We also create one ARP table per interface
 set arptable_($t) [new ARPTable $self $mac]
 set arptable $arptable_($t)
 # FOR backward compatibility sake, hack only
 if {$imepflag != } {
 set drpT [$self mobility-trace Drop IFQ]
 } else {
 set drpT [cmu-trace Drop IFQ $self]
 $arptable_($t) drop-target $drpT  // Should be changed to this here
 if { $namfp !=  } {
 $drpT namattach $namfp

 # Link Layer
 $ll arptable $arptable_($t)   // Should be changed to this here
 $ll mac $mac
 $ll down-target $ifq

Re: [ns] Multi-interface support howto

2007-02-10 Thread Ramon Aguero

Hello Tim,

I've not personally used the NoAH extension myself, so I cannot completely 
figure out which would be your problem.

Nevertheless, why do you use the prev_hop? I don't see the difference here 
between NoAH and any other routing protocol. If you have received a message 
from a base station via an interface, you might want to use that interface 
to contact to the base station in the future. In this sense, I think that 
you may want to get the interface index in the same way as it is explained 
in the document (see Listing 4.6), and use that in the map.

Hope that this can help you.

At 14:15 06/02/2007, Tim Elschner wrote:

i'm still stuck on transfering data via different channels using NOAH (NO 
AdHoc Routing). maybe you can figure out if there is something wrong with 
my approach.

i use only one mobile node, and some basestations with foreign agents, an 
home agent and a corresponding node.
as noah doesn't need a routing table, i use a map for storing the
interface. i use the prev_hop field in the common-header to associate
the interface.
in the forwardPacket function of NOAH - which is for unicast 
transmissions - i use the information stored in the map to send the 
packets through the correct interface. this works fine with interface 1, 
but fails for interface 0. all packets are dropped. if i just flip the 
channels between interface 0 and 1, still interface 1 is working and 
interface 0 fails.

did i miss something?


Ramon Aguero schrieb:
Hello Tim,

thanks for pinpointing the error! Somehow I made a mistake when copying 
and pasting the code to the file.

The correct procedure would be the following one (note that the arptable_ 
is now within the 'for' cycle). In this sense, I don't think you need to 
change all arptable_ into arptable. Hope this helps.

Node/MobileNode instproc reset {} {
$self instvar arptable_ nifs_ netif_ mac_ ifq_ ll_ imep_
for {set i 0} {$i  $nifs_} {incr i} {
$netif_($i) reset
$mac_($i) reset
$ll_($i) reset
$ifq_($i) reset
if { [info exists opt(imep)]  $opt(imep) == ON } {
$imep_($i) reset
if { $arptable_($i) !=  } {
$arptable_($i) reset


PS - I've already modified the document -- with the correct procedure -- 
in the web page:

At 16:39 18/01/2007, Tim Elschner wrote:
great job as far as i can see.
anyway i ran into problems with ns-mobilenode.tcl:
in Node/MobileNode instproc reset i couldn't find any differences to 
the original.
i got an error, that arptable_ is an array. so i changed every arptable_ 
into arptable. now ns2 complains about the missing variable arptable :(

any hints out there?


Ramon Aguero schrieb:
Dear all,

We have seen a lot of requests about the possibility to extend the NS-2 
framework to support multiple interfaces. Although there is some 
information available, according to the messages that have been sent to 
this list, it seems that a more thorough description may be required.

In this sense, after performing an analysis about existing activities 
in this topic, we have created a document that tries to summarize which 
are the required changes to be performed within the different pieces of 
the simulator (tcl, c++) as well as how routing protocols can be 
adapted to make use of the new feature. The howto is entitled Adding 
Multiple Interface Support in NS-2 and it has been written by my 
colleague Jesús Pérez and myself.

I’ve uploaded the document, which can be retrieved from the following url:

We will be happy to receive any feedback, comments, so as to improve 
the howto, since we would like to have it like a living document, 
adding new features as they are available.

Best regards,

Ramón Agüero Calvo
Dept. of Communications Engineering
Network Planning  Mobile Communications
University of Cantabria
Avda Castros s/n
39005 - Santander
Tel: +34 942 201 392 (Ext 14)
Fax: +34 942 201 488

Re: [ns] Multi-interface support howto

2007-02-10 Thread Ramon Aguero

Hi Tim,

I should have read this message before, sorry for the spam.

Can you clarify where did you add these two lines?


At 10:49 09/02/2007, Tim Elschner wrote:

i got the wirless tracing back to business:

 set sndT [cmu-trace Send RTR $self] (see below)
 set sndT [$self mobility-trace Send RTR]
 $sndT namattach $namfp

Tim Elschner schrieb:
  i found out that a missing line in ns-mobilenode.tcl caused that strange
  since i correctly added
  set sndT [cmu-trace Send RTR $self]
  the traffic seems to be fine, except that the wireless packets don't
  appear in NAM anymore.
  Tim Elschner schrieb:
  i'm trying to user mutliple interfaces with the adhoc routing agent
  noah - which stands for NO AdHoc routing. i use only one mobile
  node, and some basestations with foreign agents, an home agent and a
  corresponding node.
  as noah doesn't need a routing table, i use a map for storing the
  interface. i use the prev_hop field in the common-header to associate
  the interface.
  in the forwardPacket function - which is for unicast transmissions - i
  use the information stored in the map to send the packets through the
  correct interface. this works fine with interface 1, but fails vor
  interface 0. all packets are dropped. if i just flip the channels
  between interface 0 and 1, still interface 1 is working and interface 0
  did i miss something?
  hints anyone? :)
  Ramon Aguero schrieb:
  Hello Tim,
  thanks for pinpointing the error! Somehow I made a mistake when
  copying and pasting the code to the file.
  The correct procedure would be the following one (note that the
  arptable_ is now within the 'for' cycle). In this sense, I don't think
  you need to change all arptable_ into arptable. Hope this helps.
  Node/MobileNode instproc reset {} {
  $self instvar arptable_ nifs_ netif_ mac_ ifq_ ll_ imep_
  for {set i 0} {$i  $nifs_} {incr i} {
  $netif_($i) reset
  $mac_($i) reset
  $ll_($i) reset
  $ifq_($i) reset
  if { [info exists opt(imep)]  $opt(imep) == ON } {
  $imep_($i) reset
  if { $arptable_($i) !=  } {
  $arptable_($i) reset
  PS - I've already modified the document -- with the correct procedure
  -- in the web page:
  At 16:39 18/01/2007, Tim Elschner wrote:
  great job as far as i can see.
  anyway i ran into problems with ns-mobilenode.tcl:
  in Node/MobileNode instproc reset i couldn't find any differences
  to the original.
  i got an error, that arptable_ is an array. so i changed every
  arptable_ into arptable. now ns2 complains about the missing variable
  arptable :(
  any hints out there?
  Ramon Aguero schrieb:
  Dear all,
  We have seen a lot of requests about the possibility to extend the
  NS-2 framework to support multiple interfaces. Although there is
  some information available, according to the messages that have been
  sent to this list, it seems that a more thorough description may be
  In this sense, after performing an analysis about existing
  activities in this topic, we have created a document that tries to
  summarize which are the required changes to be performed within the
  different pieces of the simulator (tcl, c++) as well as how routing
  protocols can be adapted to make use of the new feature. The howto
  is entitled Adding Multiple Interface Support in NS-2 and it has
  been written by my colleague Jesús Pérez and myself.
  I’ve uploaded the document, which can be retrieved from the
  following url:
  We will be happy to receive any feedback, comments, so as to improve
  the howto, since we would like to have it like a living document,
  adding new features as they are available.
  Best regards,
  Ramón Agüero Calvo
  Dept. of Communications Engineering
  Network Planning  Mobile Communications
  University of Cantabria
  Avda Castros s/n
  39005 - Santander
  Tel: +34 942 201 392 (Ext 14)
  Fax: +34 942 201 488

Re: [ns] Multi-interface support howto, Ramon Submission

2007-02-10 Thread Nguyen Lan


I have not declared them in common/packet.h. The only place I put them 
in is aodv.h (as in the document).  I think this problem came from other 
place and I should read the document carefully but now I don't know yet.
Thank you very much.


Ramon Aguero wrote:

 Why have you declared nIfaces, targetlist and ifqueuelist in 


 At 07:34 06/02/2007, Nguyen Lan wrote:
 Hi Ramon and all,

 After following the document when I recompile ns I got this error. 
 Maybe I was wrong some where

 multiple definition of `nIfaces'
 aodv/aodv_logs.o:./common/packet.h:413: first defined here
 aodv/aodv.o:./aodv/aodv_packet.h:161: multiple definition of 
 aodv/aodv_logs.o:./common/packet.h:353: first defined here
 aodv/aodv.o:aodv/ multiple definition of `ifqueuelist'
 aodv/aodv_logs.o:./common/packet.h:423: first defined here
 collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
 make: *** [ns] Error 1

 Could anyone help me.

 Ramon Aguero wrote:
 Hi Anthony,

 thanks for your feedback; I think that your proposal is perfectly fine.

 I've sent an email previously, about the same changes. I think that 
 the problem was that in the first version of the document we did not 
 highlight a couple of lines (the ones that you've modified); in the 
 original ns-mobilenode.tcl file, these two lines started with 
 $arptable_ **Note the underscore**

 In the modified procedure, however, it was $arptable **Without the 
 underscore**, which is, exactly what you propose, since the 
 $arptable variable is $arptable_($t).


 At 07:29 04/02/2007, Anthony Plummer wrote:

 Ramon's submission ( of a
 multiple-channel extension to ns2 works well after a slight
 modification to the code in the pdf.  In tcl/lib/ns-mobilenode.tcl the
 arptable modification (pg. 24  25 of pdf) needs to change the
 arptable in two additional lines.
 #We also create one ARP table per interface
 set arptable_($t) [new ARPTable $self $mac]
 set arptable $arptable_($t)
 # FOR backward compatibility sake, hack only
 if {$imepflag != } {
 set drpT [$self mobility-trace Drop IFQ]
 } else {
 set drpT [cmu-trace Drop IFQ $self]
 $arptable_($t) drop-target $drpT  // Should be changed to 
 this here
 if { $namfp !=  } {
 $drpT namattach $namfp

 # Link Layer
 $ll arptable $arptable_($t)   // Should be changed to this 
 $ll mac $mac
 $ll down-target $ifq

Re: [ns] Multi-interface support howto

2007-02-09 Thread Tim Elschner

i got the wirless tracing back to business:

set sndT [cmu-trace Send RTR $self] (see below)
set sndT [$self mobility-trace Send RTR]
$sndT namattach $namfp

Tim Elschner schrieb:
 i found out that a missing line in ns-mobilenode.tcl caused that strange 
 since i correctly added
 set sndT [cmu-trace Send RTR $self]
 the traffic seems to be fine, except that the wireless packets don't 
 appear in NAM anymore.


 Tim Elschner schrieb:

 i'm trying to user mutliple interfaces with the adhoc routing agent 
 noah - which stands for NO AdHoc routing. i use only one mobile 
 node, and some basestations with foreign agents, an home agent and a 
 corresponding node.
 as noah doesn't need a routing table, i use a map for storing the 
 interface. i use the prev_hop field in the common-header to associate 
 the interface.
 in the forwardPacket function - which is for unicast transmissions - i 
 use the information stored in the map to send the packets through the 
 correct interface. this works fine with interface 1, but fails vor 
 interface 0. all packets are dropped. if i just flip the channels 
 between interface 0 and 1, still interface 1 is working and interface 0 

 did i miss something?
 hints anyone? :)


 Ramon Aguero schrieb:
 Hello Tim,

 thanks for pinpointing the error! Somehow I made a mistake when 
 copying and pasting the code to the file.

 The correct procedure would be the following one (note that the 
 arptable_ is now within the 'for' cycle). In this sense, I don't think 
 you need to change all arptable_ into arptable. Hope this helps.

 Node/MobileNode instproc reset {} {
 $self instvar arptable_ nifs_ netif_ mac_ ifq_ ll_ imep_
 for {set i 0} {$i  $nifs_} {incr i} {
 $netif_($i) reset
 $mac_($i) reset
 $ll_($i) reset
 $ifq_($i) reset
 if { [info exists opt(imep)]  $opt(imep) == ON } {
 $imep_($i) reset
 if { $arptable_($i) !=  } {
 $arptable_($i) reset


 PS - I've already modified the document -- with the correct procedure 
 -- in the web page:

 At 16:39 18/01/2007, Tim Elschner wrote:
 great job as far as i can see.
 anyway i ran into problems with ns-mobilenode.tcl:
 in Node/MobileNode instproc reset i couldn't find any differences 
 to the original.
 i got an error, that arptable_ is an array. so i changed every 
 arptable_ into arptable. now ns2 complains about the missing variable 
 arptable :(

 any hints out there?


 Ramon Aguero schrieb:
 Dear all,

 We have seen a lot of requests about the possibility to extend the 
 NS-2 framework to support multiple interfaces. Although there is 
 some information available, according to the messages that have been 
 sent to this list, it seems that a more thorough description may be 

 In this sense, after performing an analysis about existing 
 activities in this topic, we have created a document that tries to 
 summarize which are the required changes to be performed within the 
 different pieces of the simulator (tcl, c++) as well as how routing 
 protocols can be adapted to make use of the new feature. The howto 
 is entitled Adding Multiple Interface Support in NS-2 and it has 
 been written by my colleague Jesús Pérez and myself.

 I’ve uploaded the document, which can be retrieved from the 
 following url:

 We will be happy to receive any feedback, comments, so as to improve 
 the howto, since we would like to have it like a living document, 
 adding new features as they are available.

 Best regards,

 Ramón Agüero Calvo
 Dept. of Communications Engineering
 Network Planning  Mobile Communications
 University of Cantabria
 Avda Castros s/n
 39005 - Santander
 Tel: +34 942 201 392 (Ext 14)
 Fax: +34 942 201 488



Re: [ns] Multi-interface support howto

2007-02-08 Thread Tim Elschner

i found out that a missing line in ns-mobilenode.tcl caused that strange 
since i correctly added
set sndT [cmu-trace Send RTR $self]
the traffic seems to be fine, except that the wireless packets don't 
appear in NAM anymore.


Tim Elschner schrieb:

 i'm trying to user mutliple interfaces with the adhoc routing agent 
 noah - which stands for NO AdHoc routing. i use only one mobile 
 node, and some basestations with foreign agents, an home agent and a 
 corresponding node.
 as noah doesn't need a routing table, i use a map for storing the 
 interface. i use the prev_hop field in the common-header to associate 
 the interface.
 in the forwardPacket function - which is for unicast transmissions - i 
 use the information stored in the map to send the packets through the 
 correct interface. this works fine with interface 1, but fails vor 
 interface 0. all packets are dropped. if i just flip the channels 
 between interface 0 and 1, still interface 1 is working and interface 0 

 did i miss something?
 hints anyone? :)


 Ramon Aguero schrieb:
 Hello Tim,

 thanks for pinpointing the error! Somehow I made a mistake when 
 copying and pasting the code to the file.

 The correct procedure would be the following one (note that the 
 arptable_ is now within the 'for' cycle). In this sense, I don't think 
 you need to change all arptable_ into arptable. Hope this helps.

 Node/MobileNode instproc reset {} {
 $self instvar arptable_ nifs_ netif_ mac_ ifq_ ll_ imep_
 for {set i 0} {$i  $nifs_} {incr i} {
 $netif_($i) reset
 $mac_($i) reset
 $ll_($i) reset
 $ifq_($i) reset
 if { [info exists opt(imep)]  $opt(imep) == ON } {
 $imep_($i) reset
 if { $arptable_($i) !=  } {
 $arptable_($i) reset


 PS - I've already modified the document -- with the correct procedure 
 -- in the web page:

 At 16:39 18/01/2007, Tim Elschner wrote:
 great job as far as i can see.
 anyway i ran into problems with ns-mobilenode.tcl:
 in Node/MobileNode instproc reset i couldn't find any differences 
 to the original.
 i got an error, that arptable_ is an array. so i changed every 
 arptable_ into arptable. now ns2 complains about the missing variable 
 arptable :(

 any hints out there?


 Ramon Aguero schrieb:
 Dear all,

 We have seen a lot of requests about the possibility to extend the 
 NS-2 framework to support multiple interfaces. Although there is 
 some information available, according to the messages that have been 
 sent to this list, it seems that a more thorough description may be 

 In this sense, after performing an analysis about existing 
 activities in this topic, we have created a document that tries to 
 summarize which are the required changes to be performed within the 
 different pieces of the simulator (tcl, c++) as well as how routing 
 protocols can be adapted to make use of the new feature. The howto 
 is entitled Adding Multiple Interface Support in NS-2 and it has 
 been written by my colleague Jesús Pérez and myself.

 I’ve uploaded the document, which can be retrieved from the 
 following url: 

 We will be happy to receive any feedback, comments, so as to improve 
 the howto, since we would like to have it like a living document, 
 adding new features as they are available.

 Best regards,

 Ramón Agüero Calvo
 Dept. of Communications Engineering
 Network Planning  Mobile Communications
 University of Cantabria
 Avda Castros s/n
 39005 - Santander
 Tel: +34 942 201 392 (Ext 14)
 Fax: +34 942 201 488



Re: [ns] Multi-interface support howto, by Ramon Aguero

2007-02-05 Thread Ramon Aguero

Hello Nguyen,

(see inline)

At 02:11 30/01/2007, Nguyen Lan wrote:
Hi Razmon,

I have a question related to  the multi-interface support in ns2
- In Listing 4.4: hdr-iface() = addr(), addr is index of the interface 
that received this packet. But how can I get that value (which variant or 

The addr() method is declared in the Mac class and, since Mac802_11 
inherits from this, you can use it. It will return the index_, which is 
somehow mapped to the mac address.

- And in struct hdr_cmn (packet.h) there is a field name iface_ to store 
received interface index. Can I use it in Listing 4.4 like hdr-iface_ = xxx

Well, basically the hdr-iface() method, just returns (in-line) the iface_ 
field (see definition of struct hdr_cmn in packet.h); so you are saying the 
same thing.

Best regards,


Ramon Aguero wrote:
Hi Shahatha,

As we say in the report we didn't use aodv, so we really appreciate that 
you work on this, it would be good trying to extend the report with your 
own experience on AODV.

We have been doing a quick overlook of the aodv code (which we have not 
personally used that much) and this is what we can tell for the listings 
of chapter 5:

- Listing 5.3 has to be used whenever the AODV needs to send a broadcast 
packet, which happens, as far as we can tell, in the following methods of 
the file: sendRequest, sendError, sendHello and forward; in this 
latter case only when the destination address is broadcast. In all of 
this, you should have the following command:
Scheduler::instance().schedule(target_,pkt,*); --- * means either 0 or JITTER
and you should change it for listing 5.3.

- Listing 5.4 has to be used instead of the unicast transmissions of, this time in sendReply and forward methods. In this case, the 
Iface variable has to be the appropriate interface index, which needs to 
be stored within the corresponding route table entry (see section 5.3 of 
the document).

- Listing 5.5 is the one that allows you to get the correct interface. 
When you have to create a route table entry, you need to indicate the 
corresponding index for the output interface, which will be used 
afterwards to send packets (see previous answer). This means that the 
corresponding struct/class for your route table entry needs to be 
updated, so as to be able to keep this index.
Thanks to the changes of the file (listing 4.6), the 
required value is store on the common header of the packet, that's the 
cmnh variable of the listing. Iface will just hold the index that will be 
used for creating/updating the route table entry. After a quick overlook 
of the code, this seems to be needed in two methods: recvRequest and 


At 10:53 18/01/2007, Shahatha wrote:


   did any one implement the extension of ns-2 for multi-channel
   from Ramon Aguero at:
many thanks for Ramon Aguero for his Dokument.

   i have some problems at Chapter 5, where to add the listing 5.3 
 Listing 5.5 and Listing 5.6
   in (
   i choice  the AODV ad hoc routing agent to change.

   i think i can copy the Listing above 1 by 1 to the


NEU: Fragen stellen - Wissen, Meinungen und Erfahrungen teilen. Jetzt 
auf Yahoo! Clever.

Re: [ns] Multi-interface support howto, Ramon Submission

2007-02-05 Thread Ramon Aguero

Hi Anthony,

thanks for your feedback; I think that your proposal is perfectly fine.

I've sent an email previously, about the same changes. I think that the 
problem was that in the first version of the document we did not highlight 
a couple of lines (the ones that you've modified); in the original 
ns-mobilenode.tcl file, these two lines started with $arptable_ **Note the 

In the modified procedure, however, it was $arptable **Without the 
underscore**, which is, exactly what you propose, since the $arptable 
variable is $arptable_($t).


At 07:29 04/02/2007, Anthony Plummer wrote:
Ramon's submission ( of a
multiple-channel extension to ns2 works well after a slight
modification to the code in the pdf.  In tcl/lib/ns-mobilenode.tcl the
arptable modification (pg. 24  25 of pdf) needs to change the
arptable in two additional lines.
 #We also create one ARP table per interface
 set arptable_($t) [new ARPTable $self $mac]
 set arptable $arptable_($t)
 # FOR backward compatibility sake, hack only
 if {$imepflag != } {
 set drpT [$self mobility-trace Drop IFQ]
 } else {
 set drpT [cmu-trace Drop IFQ $self]
 $arptable_($t) drop-target $drpT  // Should be changed to this here
 if { $namfp !=  } {
 $drpT namattach $namfp

 # Link Layer
 $ll arptable $arptable_($t)   // Should be changed to this here
 $ll mac $mac
 $ll down-target $ifq

Re: [ns] Multi-interface support howto, Ramon Submission

2007-02-05 Thread Nguyen Lan

Hi Ramon and all,

After following the document when I recompile ns I got this error. Maybe 
I was wrong some where

multiple definition of `nIfaces'
aodv/aodv_logs.o:./common/packet.h:413: first defined here
aodv/aodv.o:./aodv/aodv_packet.h:161: multiple definition of `targetlist'
aodv/aodv_logs.o:./common/packet.h:353: first defined here
aodv/aodv.o:aodv/ multiple definition of `ifqueuelist'
aodv/aodv_logs.o:./common/packet.h:423: first defined here
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [ns] Error 1

Could anyone help me.

Ramon Aguero wrote:
 Hi Anthony,

 thanks for your feedback; I think that your proposal is perfectly fine.

 I've sent an email previously, about the same changes. I think that the 
 problem was that in the first version of the document we did not highlight 
 a couple of lines (the ones that you've modified); in the original 
 ns-mobilenode.tcl file, these two lines started with $arptable_ **Note the 

 In the modified procedure, however, it was $arptable **Without the 
 underscore**, which is, exactly what you propose, since the $arptable 
 variable is $arptable_($t).


 At 07:29 04/02/2007, Anthony Plummer wrote:
 Ramon's submission ( of a
 multiple-channel extension to ns2 works well after a slight
 modification to the code in the pdf.  In tcl/lib/ns-mobilenode.tcl the
 arptable modification (pg. 24  25 of pdf) needs to change the
 arptable in two additional lines.
 #We also create one ARP table per interface
 set arptable_($t) [new ARPTable $self $mac]
 set arptable $arptable_($t)
 # FOR backward compatibility sake, hack only
 if {$imepflag != } {
 set drpT [$self mobility-trace Drop IFQ]
 } else {
 set drpT [cmu-trace Drop IFQ $self]
 $arptable_($t) drop-target $drpT  // Should be changed to this here
 if { $namfp !=  } {
 $drpT namattach $namfp

 # Link Layer
 $ll arptable $arptable_($t)   // Should be changed to this here
 $ll mac $mac
 $ll down-target $ifq


[ns] Multi-interface support howto

2007-02-02 Thread Laurent Paquereau


I have been reading your how-to and as your statements and concerns are 
quite similar to a subset of those we presented last year in [1], you 
might find interesting reading this paper.

[1] Laurent Paquereau and Bjarne E. Helvik, A Module-based Wireless 
Node for ns-2, in Proceedings of the first Workshop on NS2: the IP 
network simulator (WNS2), Pisa, Italy, 2006.

A Module-based Wireless Node (MW-Node) is a Node with wireless and 
mobile capabilities added by means of modules. It is not a new node 
object derived from Node. Rather it is a new layout of mostly existing 
components. The aim is to provide a flexible support for wireless and 
mobile networking and in particular:

 * support for multiple interfaces/multiple channels, and
 * a common basis for the implementation of wireless routing protocols.

The code is distributed as a patch for ns-2.30 and is now available 
online with the documentation at:

Feedback and comments are much appreciated.

Best regards,

Laurent Paquereau
Q2S Centre of Excellence, NTNU

Ramon Aguero wrote:
 Dear all,

 We have seen a lot of requests about the possibility to extend the NS-2
 framework to support multiple interfaces. Although there is some
 information available, according to the messages that have been sent to
 this list, it seems that a more thorough description may be required.

 In this sense, after performing an analysis about existing activities in
 this topic, we have created a document that tries to summarize which are
 the required changes to be performed within the different pieces of the
 simulator (tcl, c++) as well as how routing protocols can be adapted to
 make use of the new feature. The howto is entitled Adding Multiple
 Interface Support in NS-2 and it has been written by my colleague Jesús
 Pérez and myself.

 I’ve uploaded the document, which can be retrieved from the following 

 We will be happy to receive any feedback, comments, so as to improve the
 howto, since we would like to have it like a living document, adding new
 features as they are available.

 Best regards,

 Ramón Agüero Calvo
 Dept. of Communications Engineering
 Network Planning  Mobile Communications
 University of Cantabria
 Avda Castros s/n
 39005 - Santander
 ramon at
 Tel: +34 942 201 392 (Ext 14)
 Fax: +34 942 201 488

Re: [ns] Multi-interface support howto

2007-02-02 Thread Tim Elschner


i'm trying to user mutliple interfaces with the adhoc routing agent 
noah - which stands for NO AdHoc routing. i use only one mobile 
node, and some basestations with foreign agents, an home agent and a 
corresponding node.
as noah doesn't need a routing table, i use a map for storing the 
interface. i use the prev_hop field in the common-header to associate 
the interface.
in the forwardPacket function - which is for unicast transmissions - i 
use the information stored in the map to send the packets through the 
correct interface. this works fine with interface 1, but fails vor 
interface 0. all packets are dropped. if i just flip the channels 
between interface 0 and 1, still interface 1 is working and interface 0 

did i miss something?
hints anyone? :)


Ramon Aguero schrieb:
 Hello Tim,

 thanks for pinpointing the error! Somehow I made a mistake when 
 copying and pasting the code to the file.

 The correct procedure would be the following one (note that the 
 arptable_ is now within the 'for' cycle). In this sense, I don't think 
 you need to change all arptable_ into arptable. Hope this helps.

 Node/MobileNode instproc reset {} {
 $self instvar arptable_ nifs_ netif_ mac_ ifq_ ll_ imep_
 for {set i 0} {$i  $nifs_} {incr i} {
 $netif_($i) reset
 $mac_($i) reset
 $ll_($i) reset
 $ifq_($i) reset
 if { [info exists opt(imep)]  $opt(imep) == ON } {
 $imep_($i) reset
 if { $arptable_($i) !=  } {
 $arptable_($i) reset


 PS - I've already modified the document -- with the correct procedure 
 -- in the web page:

 At 16:39 18/01/2007, Tim Elschner wrote:
 great job as far as i can see.
 anyway i ran into problems with ns-mobilenode.tcl:
 in Node/MobileNode instproc reset i couldn't find any differences 
 to the original.
 i got an error, that arptable_ is an array. so i changed every 
 arptable_ into arptable. now ns2 complains about the missing variable 
 arptable :(

 any hints out there?


 Ramon Aguero schrieb:
 Dear all,

 We have seen a lot of requests about the possibility to extend the 
 NS-2 framework to support multiple interfaces. Although there is 
 some information available, according to the messages that have been 
 sent to this list, it seems that a more thorough description may be 

 In this sense, after performing an analysis about existing 
 activities in this topic, we have created a document that tries to 
 summarize which are the required changes to be performed within the 
 different pieces of the simulator (tcl, c++) as well as how routing 
 protocols can be adapted to make use of the new feature. The howto 
 is entitled Adding Multiple Interface Support in NS-2 and it has 
 been written by my colleague Jesús Pérez and myself.

 I’ve uploaded the document, which can be retrieved from the 
 following url: 

 We will be happy to receive any feedback, comments, so as to improve 
 the howto, since we would like to have it like a living document, 
 adding new features as they are available.

 Best regards,

 Ramón Agüero Calvo
 Dept. of Communications Engineering
 Network Planning  Mobile Communications
 University of Cantabria
 Avda Castros s/n
 39005 - Santander
 Tel: +34 942 201 392 (Ext 14)
 Fax: +34 942 201 488

Re: [ns] Multi-interface support howto

2007-01-29 Thread Ramon Aguero


I already gave an answer regarding this (especially on Listings 5.3, 5.4 
and 5.5.

- Regarding Listing 5.1: you have to add that in the definition of the 
routing agent (i.e. the aodv.h file).
- Regarding Listing 5.2: you have to modify the command method of the 
routing agent, which is within the file.


At 10:06 21/01/2007, h sh wrote:


Thank you very much for your Document.

As i understand i can extend one of the protocol agents: AODV, DSDV or TORA?
i choice  the AODV ad hoc routing agent to change.

i have some problems at Chapter 5,
In AODV.h i should add the Listing 5.1?
In i should add the Listing 5.2, Listing 5.3, Listing 5.4 and 
Listing 5.5?

Please help me
Ramon Aguero [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear all,

We have seen a lot of requests about the possibility to extend the NS-2
framework to support multiple interfaces. Although there is some
information available, according to the messages that have been sent to
this list, it seems that a more thorough description may be required.

In this sense, after performing an analysis about existing activities in
this topic, we have created a document that tries to summarize which are
the required changes to be performed within the different pieces of the
simulator (tcl, c++) as well as how routing protocols can be adapted to
make use of the new feature. The howto is entitled Adding Multiple
Interface Support in NS-2 and it has been written by my colleague Jesús
Pérez and myself.

I’ve uploaded the document, which can be retrieved from the following url:

We will be happy to receive any feedback, comments, so as to improve the
howto, since we would like to have it like a living document, adding new
features as they are available.

Best regards,

Ramón Agüero Calvo
Dept. of Communications Engineering
Network Planning  Mobile Communications
University of Cantabria
Avda Castros s/n
39005 - Santander
Tel: +34 942 201 392 (Ext 14)
Fax: +34 942 201 488

Sucker-punch spam with award-winning protection.
Try the free Yahoo! Mail Beta.

Re: [ns] Multi-interface support howto

2007-01-29 Thread Ramon Aguero


The mail I was referring to, when I gave the is:


At 12:00 29/01/2007, Ramon Aguero wrote:

I already gave an answer regarding this (especially on Listings 5.3, 5.4 
and 5.5.

- Regarding Listing 5.1: you have to add that in the definition of the 
routing agent (i.e. the aodv.h file).
- Regarding Listing 5.2: you have to modify the command method of the 
routing agent, which is within the file.


At 10:06 21/01/2007, h sh wrote:


Thank you very much for your Document.

As i understand i can extend one of the protocol agents: AODV, DSDV or TORA?

i choice  the AODV ad hoc routing agent to change.

i have some problems at Chapter 5,

In AODV.h i should add the Listing 5.1?

In i should add the Listing 5.2, Listing 5.3, Listing 5.4 and 
Listing 5.5?

Please help me


Ramon Aguero [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Dear all,
We have seen a lot of requests about the possibility to extend the NS-2
framework to support multiple interfaces. Although there is some
information available, according to the messages that have been sent to
this list, it seems that a more thorough description may be required.
In this sense, after performing an analysis about existing activities in
this topic, we have created a document that tries to summarize which are
the required changes to be performed within the different pieces of the
simulator (tcl, c++) as well as how routing protocols can be adapted to
make use of the new feature. The howto is entitled Adding Multiple
Interface Support in NS-2 and it has been written by my colleague Jesús
Pérez and myself.
I’ve uploaded the document, which can be retrieved from the following url:
We will be happy to receive any feedback, comments, so as to improve the
howto, since we would like to have it like a living document, adding new
features as they are available.
Best regards,

Ramón Agüero Calvo
Dept. of Communications Engineering
Network Planning  Mobile Communications
University of Cantabria
Avda Castros s/n
39005 - Santander
Tel: +34 942 201 392 (Ext 14)
Fax: +34 942 201 488

Sucker-punch spam with award-winning protection.
Try the free Yahoo! Mail Beta.

Re: [ns] Multi-interface support howto, by Ramon Aguero

2007-01-29 Thread Nguyen Lan

Hi Razmon,

I have a question related to  the multi-interface support in ns2
- In Listing 4.4: hdr-iface() = addr(), addr is index of the interface 
that received this packet. But how can I get that value (which variant 
or function)
- And in struct hdr_cmn (packet.h) there is a field name iface_ to store 
received interface index. Can I use it in Listing 4.4 like hdr-iface_ = xxx

Best regards,

Ramon Aguero wrote:
 Hi Shahatha,

 As we say in the report we didn't use aodv, so we really appreciate that 
 you work on this, it would be good trying to extend the report with your 
 own experience on AODV.

 We have been doing a quick overlook of the aodv code (which we have not 
 personally used that much) and this is what we can tell for the listings of 
 chapter 5:

 - Listing 5.3 has to be used whenever the AODV needs to send a broadcast 
 packet, which happens, as far as we can tell, in the following methods of 
 the file: sendRequest, sendError, sendHello and forward; in this 
 latter case only when the destination address is broadcast. In all of this, 
 you should have the following command:
 Scheduler::instance().schedule(target_,pkt,*); --- * means either 0 or JITTER
 and you should change it for listing 5.3.

 - Listing 5.4 has to be used instead of the unicast transmissions of, this time in sendReply and forward methods. In this case, the 
 Iface variable has to be the appropriate interface index, which needs to be 
 stored within the corresponding route table entry (see section 5.3 of the 

 - Listing 5.5 is the one that allows you to get the correct interface. When 
 you have to create a route table entry, you need to indicate the 
 corresponding index for the output interface, which will be used afterwards 
 to send packets (see previous answer). This means that the corresponding 
 struct/class for your route table entry needs to be updated, so as to be 
 able to keep this index.
 Thanks to the changes of the file (listing 4.6), the required 
 value is store on the common header of the packet, that's the cmnh variable 
 of the listing. Iface will just hold the index that will be used for 
 creating/updating the route table entry. After a quick overlook of the 
 code, this seems to be needed in two methods: recvRequest and recvReply.


 At 10:53 18/01/2007, Shahatha wrote:


   did any one implement the extension of ns-2 for multi-channel
   from Ramon Aguero at:
 many thanks for Ramon Aguero for his Dokument.

   i have some problems at Chapter 5, where to add the listing 5.3 Listing 
 5.5 and Listing 5.6
   in (
   i choice  the AODV ad hoc routing agent to change.

   i think i can copy the Listing above 1 by 1 to the


 NEU: Fragen stellen - Wissen, Meinungen und Erfahrungen teilen. Jetzt auf 
 Yahoo! Clever.


[ns] Multi-interface support howto, by Ramon Aguero

2007-01-18 Thread Shahatha

  did any one implement the extension of ns-2 for multi-channel
  from Ramon Aguero at:
many thanks for Ramon Aguero for his Dokument.
  i have some problems at Chapter 5, where to add the listing 5.3 Listing 5.5 
and Listing 5.6 
  in (
  i choice  the AODV ad hoc routing agent to change.
  i think i can copy the Listing above 1 by 1 to the

NEU: Fragen stellen - Wissen, Meinungen und Erfahrungen teilen. Jetzt auf 
Yahoo! Clever.

Re: [ns] Multi-interface support howto

2007-01-18 Thread Ramon Aguero

Hello Shahatha,

In addition to the answers we have given before, see some more answers 


At 12:00 17/01/2007, you wrote:
chapter 4
Listing 4.1
the variable MAX_CHANNELS i have declared it like a follow in mobilenode.h :
but which value? or without value?

you do need to specify a value, depending on your own interests. This will 
set the maximum number of interfaces per node; i guess that realistically, 
having more than 8 would be difficult.

in Listing 4.4:
nextX_ and prevX_ should changed to nextX_ [this-index()] and prevX_ 
in the whole right?

Yes, as stated in the document, just before the listing: Note that this 
has to be changed throughout the whole file.

chapter 5
as i understand i can extend one of the protokol agents: AODV, DSDV or 
TORA, right?
i have choice AODV.

Good, probably we can extend the document with this experience. I'm not 
sure about TORA, since we have not seen that code at all.

MAX_IF  should be declared in AODV.h with
#define MAX_IF
but which value?

See my previous answer.

in AODV.h the AODV-class i found ifqueue i chnage it to 
ifqueuelist[MAX_IF], and i found Trace   *logtarget; but not target. i add 
targetlist[MAX_IF] just like in Listing 5.1.

I won't delete ifqueue, since this is needed if you want to keep the legacy 
behaviour of the simulator. Keep the logtarget, since you need it for 
tracing support and add targetlist, as stated in Listing 5.1.

in which mothod in i should add the
Listing 5.3, Listing 5.4  and Listing 5.5 ?

in Listing 5.5 Iface and cmnh are not declared !

All these questions have been already answered in my previous email.

ps. do you have the changes as a dokument?

No, since the main ns is being updated quite frequently and different 
people make different changes to the core files, we decided not make any 
code/patch available, but rather provide an extensive discussion of the 
required modifications, so that people can do it by themselves. 

Re: [ns] Multi-interface support howto, by Ramon Aguero

2007-01-18 Thread Ramon Aguero

Hi Shahatha,

As we say in the report we didn't use aodv, so we really appreciate that 
you work on this, it would be good trying to extend the report with your 
own experience on AODV.

We have been doing a quick overlook of the aodv code (which we have not 
personally used that much) and this is what we can tell for the listings of 
chapter 5:

- Listing 5.3 has to be used whenever the AODV needs to send a broadcast 
packet, which happens, as far as we can tell, in the following methods of 
the file: sendRequest, sendError, sendHello and forward; in this 
latter case only when the destination address is broadcast. In all of this, 
you should have the following command:
Scheduler::instance().schedule(target_,pkt,*); --- * means either 0 or JITTER
and you should change it for listing 5.3.

- Listing 5.4 has to be used instead of the unicast transmissions of, this time in sendReply and forward methods. In this case, the 
Iface variable has to be the appropriate interface index, which needs to be 
stored within the corresponding route table entry (see section 5.3 of the 

- Listing 5.5 is the one that allows you to get the correct interface. When 
you have to create a route table entry, you need to indicate the 
corresponding index for the output interface, which will be used afterwards 
to send packets (see previous answer). This means that the corresponding 
struct/class for your route table entry needs to be updated, so as to be 
able to keep this index.
Thanks to the changes of the file (listing 4.6), the required 
value is store on the common header of the packet, that's the cmnh variable 
of the listing. Iface will just hold the index that will be used for 
creating/updating the route table entry. After a quick overlook of the 
code, this seems to be needed in two methods: recvRequest and recvReply.


At 10:53 18/01/2007, Shahatha wrote:


   did any one implement the extension of ns-2 for multi-channel
   from Ramon Aguero at:
many thanks for Ramon Aguero for his Dokument.

   i have some problems at Chapter 5, where to add the listing 5.3 Listing 
 5.5 and Listing 5.6
   in (
   i choice  the AODV ad hoc routing agent to change.

   i think i can copy the Listing above 1 by 1 to the


NEU: Fragen stellen - Wissen, Meinungen und Erfahrungen teilen. Jetzt auf 
Yahoo! Clever.

Re: [ns] Multi-interface support howto

2007-01-18 Thread Tim Elschner

great job as far as i can see.
anyway i ran into problems with ns-mobilenode.tcl:
in Node/MobileNode instproc reset i couldn't find any differences to
the original.
i got an error, that arptable_ is an array. so i changed every arptable_
into arptable. now ns2 complains about the missing variable arptable :(

any hints out there?


Ramon Aguero schrieb:
 Dear all,

 We have seen a lot of requests about the possibility to extend the NS-2 
 framework to support multiple interfaces. Although there is some 
 information available, according to the messages that have been sent to 
 this list, it seems that a more thorough description may be required.

 In this sense, after performing an analysis about existing activities in 
 this topic, we have created a document that tries to summarize which are 
 the required changes to be performed within the different pieces of the 
 simulator (tcl, c++) as well as how routing protocols can be adapted to 
 make use of the new feature. The howto is entitled Adding Multiple 
 Interface Support in NS-2 and it has been written by my colleague Jesús 
 Pérez and myself.

 I’ve uploaded the document, which can be retrieved from the following url:

 We will be happy to receive any feedback, comments, so as to improve the 
 howto, since we would like to have it like a living document, adding new 
 features as they are available.

 Best regards,

 Ramón Agüero Calvo
 Dept. of Communications Engineering
 Network Planning  Mobile Communications
 University of Cantabria
 Avda Castros s/n
 39005 - Santander
 Tel: +34 942 201 392 (Ext 14)
 Fax: +34 942 201 488

Re: [ns] Multi-interface support howto

2007-01-18 Thread Ramon Aguero

Hello Tim,

thanks for pinpointing the error! Somehow I made a mistake when copying and 
pasting the code to the file.

The correct procedure would be the following one (note that the arptable_ 
is now within the 'for' cycle). In this sense, I don't think you need to 
change all arptable_ into arptable. Hope this helps.

Node/MobileNode instproc reset {} {
 $self instvar arptable_ nifs_ netif_ mac_ ifq_ ll_ imep_
 for {set i 0} {$i  $nifs_} {incr i} {
 $netif_($i) reset
 $mac_($i) reset
 $ll_($i) reset
 $ifq_($i) reset
 if { [info exists opt(imep)]  $opt(imep) == ON } {
 $imep_($i) reset
 if { $arptable_($i) !=  } {
 $arptable_($i) reset


PS - I've already modified the document -- with the correct procedure -- in 
the web page:

At 16:39 18/01/2007, Tim Elschner wrote:
great job as far as i can see.
anyway i ran into problems with ns-mobilenode.tcl:
in Node/MobileNode instproc reset i couldn't find any differences to the 
i got an error, that arptable_ is an array. so i changed every arptable_ 
into arptable. now ns2 complains about the missing variable arptable :(

any hints out there?


Ramon Aguero schrieb:
Dear all,

We have seen a lot of requests about the possibility to extend the NS-2 
framework to support multiple interfaces. Although there is some 
information available, according to the messages that have been sent to 
this list, it seems that a more thorough description may be required.

In this sense, after performing an analysis about existing activities in 
this topic, we have created a document that tries to summarize which are 
the required changes to be performed within the different pieces of the 
simulator (tcl, c++) as well as how routing protocols can be adapted to 
make use of the new feature. The howto is entitled Adding Multiple 
Interface Support in NS-2 and it has been written by my colleague Jesús 
Pérez and myself.

I’ve uploaded the document, which can be retrieved from the following url:

We will be happy to receive any feedback, comments, so as to improve the 
howto, since we would like to have it like a living document, adding new 
features as they are available.

Best regards,

Ramón Agüero Calvo
Dept. of Communications Engineering
Network Planning  Mobile Communications
University of Cantabria
Avda Castros s/n
39005 - Santander
Tel: +34 942 201 392 (Ext 14)
Fax: +34 942 201 488

Re: [ns] Multi-interface support howto

2007-01-16 Thread Pedro Vale Estrela

Hi ramon

Thanks for this great contribution. This is exactly the kind of useful
documentation contributions that the NS2 simulator community needs.

Pedro Vale Estrela

 -Original Message-
 Of Ramon Aguero
 Sent: segunda-feira, 15 de Janeiro de 2007 10:12
 To: ns-users@ISI.EDU
 Subject: [ns] Multi-interface support howto
 Dear all,
 We have seen a lot of requests about the possibility to extend the NS-2
 framework to support multiple interfaces. Although there is some
 information available, according to the messages that have been sent to
 this list, it seems that a more thorough description may be required.
 In this sense, after performing an analysis about existing activities in
 this topic, we have created a document that tries to summarize which are
 the required changes to be performed within the different pieces of the
 simulator (tcl, c++) as well as how routing protocols can be adapted to
 make use of the new feature. The howto is entitled Adding Multiple
 Interface Support in NS-2 and it has been written by my colleague Jesús
 Pérez and myself.
 I’ve uploaded the document, which can be retrieved from the following url:
 We will be happy to receive any feedback, comments, so as to improve the
 howto, since we would like to have it like a living document, adding new
 features as they are available.
 Best regards,
 Ramón Agüero Calvo
 Dept. of Communications Engineering
 Network Planning  Mobile Communications
 University of Cantabria
 Avda Castros s/n
 39005 - Santander
 Tel: +34 942 201 392 (Ext 14)
 Fax: +34 942 201 488

[ns] Multi-interface support howto

2007-01-15 Thread Ramon Aguero

Dear all,

We have seen a lot of requests about the possibility to extend the NS-2 
framework to support multiple interfaces. Although there is some 
information available, according to the messages that have been sent to 
this list, it seems that a more thorough description may be required.

In this sense, after performing an analysis about existing activities in 
this topic, we have created a document that tries to summarize which are 
the required changes to be performed within the different pieces of the 
simulator (tcl, c++) as well as how routing protocols can be adapted to 
make use of the new feature. The howto is entitled Adding Multiple 
Interface Support in NS-2 and it has been written by my colleague Jesús 
Pérez and myself.

I’ve uploaded the document, which can be retrieved from the following url:

We will be happy to receive any feedback, comments, so as to improve the 
howto, since we would like to have it like a living document, adding new 
features as they are available.

Best regards,

Ramón Agüero Calvo
Dept. of Communications Engineering
Network Planning  Mobile Communications
University of Cantabria
Avda Castros s/n
39005 - Santander
Tel: +34 942 201 392 (Ext 14)
Fax: +34 942 201 488