[Numpy-discussion] NumPy Governance Document.

2015-10-05 Thread Charles R Harris
Hi All

The  NumPy Governance Document 
has been merged and is now in effect.

Thanks to all who contributed to the discussion. And a special thanks to
Nathaniel, who wrote the draft and kept it up to date as the discussion

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] NumPy Governance Document.

2015-10-05 Thread Chris Barker
> The  NumPy Governance Document 
> has been merged and is now in effect.

whoo hoo!

And a special thanks to Nathaniel,

Indeed -- and everyone else that put a lot of their time into the

Looking forward to discussing technical issues again :-)



Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

Emergency Response Division
NOAA/NOS/OR(206) 526-6959   voice
7600 Sand Point Way NE   (206) 526-6329   fax
Seattle, WA  98115   (206) 526-6317   main reception

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-17 Thread Francesc Alted
On Feb 17, 2012, at 5:20 AM, John Hunter wrote:
 And he has proven his ability to lead when *almost everyone* was
 against him.  At the height of the Numeric/numarray split, and I was
 deeply involved in this as the mpl author because we had a numerix
 compatibility layer to allow users to use one or the other, Travis
 proposed writing numpy to solve both camp's problems.  I really can't
 remember a single individual who supported him.  What I remember is
 the cacophony of voices who though this was a bad idea, because of the
 third fork problem.  But Travis forged ahead, on his own, wrote
 numpy, and re-united the Numeric and numarray camps.

Thanks John for including this piece of NumPy history in this context.  My 
voice was part of the cacophony about the third fork problem back in 2005.  
I was pretty darn uncomfortable on the perspective of adding support for a 
third numerical package on PyTables.  However, Travis started to work with all 
engines powered on, and in a few months he had built a thing that was overly 
better than Numeric and numarray together.  The rest is history.  But I 
remember this period (2005) as one of the most dramatic examples on how the 
capacity and dedication of a single individual can shape the world.

-- Francesc Alted

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-17 Thread Matthew Brett
Hi Ben,

On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 9:54 PM, Benjamin Root ben.r...@ou.edu wrote:

 On Thursday, February 16, 2012, John Hunter wrote:

 On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 7:26 PM, Alan G Isaac alan.is...@gmail.com

 On 2/16/2012 7:22 PM, Matthew Brett wrote:
  This has not been an encouraging episode in striving for consensus.

 I disagree.
 Failure to reach consensus does not imply lack of striving.

 Hey Alan, thanks for your thoughtful and nuanced views.  I agree  with
 everything you've said, but have a few additional points.

 At the risk of wading into a thread that has grown far too long, and
 echoing Eric's comments that the idea of governance is murky at best
 when there is no provision for enforceability, I have a few comments.
 Full disclosure: Travis has asked me and I have agreed to to serve on
 a board for numfocus, the not-for-profit arm of his efforts to
 promote numpy and related tools.  Although I have no special numpy
 developer chops, as the original author of matplotlib, which is one of
 the leading numpy clients, he asked me to join his organization as a
 community representative.  I support his efforts, and so agreed to
 join the numfocus board.

 My first and most important point is that the subtext of many postings
 about the fear of undue and inappropriate influence of Continuum under
 Travis' leadership is far overblown.  Travis created numpy -- it is
 his baby.  Undeniably, he created it by standing on the shoulders of
 giants: Jim Hugunin, Paul Dubois, Perry Greenfield and his team, and
 many others.  But the idea that we need to guard against the
 possibility that his corporate interests will compromise his interests
 in what is best for numpy is academic at best.

 As someone who has created a significant project in the realm of
 scientific computing in Python, I can tell you that it is something
 I take quite a bit of pride in and it is very important to me that the
 project thrives as it was intended to: as a free, open-source,
 best-practice way of doing science.  I know Travis well enough to know
 he feels the same way -- numpy doing well is *at least* important to
 him his company doing well.  All of his recent actions to start a
 company and foundation which focuses resources on numpy and related
 tools reinforce that view.  If he had a different temperament, he
 wouldn't have devoted five to ten years of is life to Numeric, scipy
 and numpy.  He is a BDFL for a reason: he has earned our trust.

 And he has proven his ability to lead when *almost everyone* was
 against him.  At the height of the Numeric/numarray split, and I was
 deeply involved in this as the mpl author because we had a numerix
 compatibility layer to allow users to use one or the other, Travis
 proposed writing numpy to solve both camp's problems.  I really can't
 remember a single individual who supported him.  What I remember is
 the cacophony of voices who though this was a bad idea, because of the
 third fork problem.  But Travis forged ahead, on his own, wrote
 numpy, and re-united the Numeric and numarray camps.  And
 all-the-while he maintained his friendship with the numarray
 developers (Perry Greenfield who led the numarray development effort
 has also been invited by Travis to the numfocus board, as has Fernando
 Perez and Jarrod Millman).  Although MPL at the time agreed to support
 a third version in its numerix compatibility layer for numpy, I can
 thankfully say we have since dropped support for the compatibility
 layer entirely as we all use numpy now.  This to me is the distilled
 essence of leadership, against the voices of the masses, and it bears

 I have two more points I want to make: one is on democracy, and one is
 on corporate control.  On corporate control: there have been a number
 of posts in this thread about the worries and dangers that Continuum
 poses as the corporate sponser of numpy development, about how this
 may cause numpy to shift from a model of a few loosely connected,
 decentralized cadre of volunteers to a centrally controlled steering
 committee of programmers who are controlled by corporate headquarters
 and who make all their decisions around the water cooler unobserved by
 the community of users.

 I want to make a connection to something that happened in the history
 of matplotlib development, something that is not strictly analogous
 but I think close enough to be informative.  Sometime around 2005,
 Perry Greenfield, who heads the development team of the Space
 Telescope Science Institute (STScI) that is charged with processing
 the Hubble image pipeline, emailed me that he was considering using
 matplotlib as their primary image visualization tool.  I can't tell
 you how excited I was at the time.  The idea of having institutional
 sponsorship from someone as prestigious and resourceful as STScI was
 hugely motivating.  I worked feverishly for months to add stuff they
 needed: better rendering, better image support, mathtext and 

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-16 Thread Paul Anton Letnes
 An example I really like is LibreOffice's get involved page.
 Producing something similar for NumPy will take some work, but I believe it's 

Speaking as someone who has contributed to numpy in a microscopic fashion, I 
agree completely. I spent quite a few hours digging through the webpages, 
asking for help on the mailing list, reading the Trac, reading git tutorials 
etc. before I managed to do something remotely useful. In general, I think the 
webpage for numpy (and scipy, but let's not discuss that here) would benefit 
from some refurbishing, including the documentation pages. As an example, one 
of the links on the webpage is Numpy for MATLAB users. I never used matlab 
much, so this is completely irrelevant for me.

I think there should be a discussion about what goes on the front page, and it 
should be as little as possible, but not less than that. Make it easy for 
people to
1) start using numpy
2) reading detailed documentation
3) reporting bugs
4) contributing to numpy
because those are the fundamental things a user/developer wants from an open 
source project. Right now there's Trac, github, numpy.scipy.org, 
http://docs.scipy.org/doc/, the mailing list, and someone mentioned a google 
group discussing something or other. It took me years to figure out how things 
are patched together, and I'm still not sure exactly who reads the Trac 
discussion, github discussion, and mailing list discussions.

tl;dr: Numpy is awesome (TM) but needs a more coherent online presence, and one 
that makes it easy to contribute back to the project.

Thanks for making numpy awesome!


NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-16 Thread Jason Grout
On 2/15/12 6:27 PM, Dag Sverre Seljebotn wrote:
 But in the very end, when agreement can't
 be reached by other means, the developers are the one making the calls.
 (This is simply a consequence that they are the only ones who can
 credibly threaten to fork the project.)

Interesting point.  I hope I'm not pitching a log onto the fire here, 
but in numpy's case, there are very many capable developers on other 
projects who depend on numpy who could credibly threaten a fork if they 
felt numpy was drastically going wrong.

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-16 Thread Perry Greenfield

On Feb 15, 2012, at 6:18 PM, Joe Harrington wrote:

 Of course, balancing all of this (and our security blanket) is the
 possibility of someone splitting the code if they don't like how
 Continuum runs things.  Perry, you've done that yourself to this  
 predecessor, so you know the risks.  You did that in response to one
 constituency's moving the code in a direction you didn't like (or not
 moving it in one you did, I don't remember exactly), as in your  
 #2.  So, while progress might be made when that happens, last time it
 hurt astronomers enough that you rolled your own and had to put  
 FTE on the problem.  That split held back adoption of numpy both in  
 astronomy community and outside it, for like 5 years.  Perhaps some
 governance would have saved you the effort and cost and the community
 the grief of the numarray split.  Of course, lots of good eventually
 came from the split.

It wasn't quite like that (hindsight often obscures the perspective at  
the time). At that time, there was a quasi-consensus that Numeric  
needed some sort of rewrite. When we started numarray, it wasn't our  
intent to split the community. That did happen since numarray didn't  
satisfy enough of the community to get them to buy into it. (It's even  
more involved than that, but there is no need to rehash those details).

I'm not sure what to make of the claim the split held back adoption of  
numpy. It only makes sense if you say it held back adoption of Numeric  
in the astronomy community. Numpy wasn't available, and when it was,  
it didn't take nearly that long to get adopted. I'd have to check, but  
I'm pretty sure we switched to using it as quickly as possible once it  
was ready to use.

And I still maintain Numeric wasn't really suitable for our needs.  
Some overhaul was needed, and with that would have been some pain.  
Could it have all gone smoother somehow? In some ideal world, perhaps.  
But maybe numarray was a secret plot to get Travis to do numpy all  
along, and that was the only way to get where we needed to get ;-)


NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-16 Thread Francesc Alted
On Feb 16, 2012, at 12:15 PM, Jason Grout wrote:

 On 2/15/12 6:27 PM, Dag Sverre Seljebotn wrote:
 But in the very end, when agreement can't
 be reached by other means, the developers are the one making the calls.
 (This is simply a consequence that they are the only ones who can
 credibly threaten to fork the project.)
 Interesting point.  I hope I'm not pitching a log onto the fire here, 
 but in numpy's case, there are very many capable developers on other 
 projects who depend on numpy who could credibly threaten a fork if they 
 felt numpy was drastically going wrong.

Jason, that there capable developers out there that are able to fork NumPy (or 
any other project you can realize) is a given.  The point Dag was signaling is 
that this threaten is more probable to happen *inside* the community.

And you pointed out an important aspect too by saying if they felt numpy was 
drastically going wrong.  It makes me the impression that some people is very 
frightened about something really bad would happen, well before it happens.  
While I agree that this is *possible*, I'd also advocate to give Travis the 
benefit of doubt.  I'm convinced he (and Continuum as a whole) is making things 
happen that will benefit the entire NumPy community; but in case something gets 
really wrong and catastrophic, it is always a relief to know that things can be 
reverted in the pure open source tradition (by either doing a fork, creating a 
new foundation, or even better, proposing a new way to do things).  What it 
does not sound reasonable to me is to allow fear to block Continuum efforts for 
making a better NumPy.  I think it is better to relax a bit, see how things are 
going, and then judge by looking at the *results*.

My two cents,

Disclaimer: As my e-mail address makes clear, I'm a Continuum guy.

-- Francesc Alted

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-16 Thread Jason Grout
On 2/16/12 6:23 AM, Francesc Alted wrote:
 On Feb 16, 2012, at 12:15 PM, Jason Grout wrote:

 On 2/15/12 6:27 PM, Dag Sverre Seljebotn wrote:
 But in the very end, when agreement can't be reached by other
 means, the developers are the one making the calls. (This is
 simply a consequence that they are the only ones who can credibly
 threaten to fork the project.)

 Interesting point.  I hope I'm not pitching a log onto the fire
 here, but in numpy's case, there are very many capable developers
 on other projects who depend on numpy who could credibly threaten a
 fork if they felt numpy was drastically going wrong.

 Jason, that there capable developers out there that are able to fork
 NumPy (or any other project you can realize) is a given.  The point
 Dag was signaling is that this threaten is more probable to happen
 *inside* the community.

Sure.  Given numpy's status as a fundamental building block of many 
systems, though, if there was a perceived problem by downstream, it's 
more liable to be forked than most other projects that aren't so close 
to the headwaters.

 And you pointed out an important aspect too by saying if they felt
 numpy was drastically going wrong.  It makes me the impression that
 some people is very frightened about something really bad would
 happen, well before it happens.  While I agree that this is
 *possible*, I'd also advocate to give Travis the benefit of doubt.
 I'm convinced he (and Continuum as a whole) is making things happen
 that will benefit the entire NumPy community; but in case something
 gets really wrong and catastrophic, it is always a relief to know
 that things can be reverted in the pure open source tradition (by
 either doing a fork, creating a new foundation, or even better,
 proposing a new way to do things).  What it does not sound reasonable
 to me is to allow fear to block Continuum efforts for making a better
 NumPy.  I think it is better to relax a bit, see how things are
 going, and then judge by looking at the *results*.

I'm really happy about Continuum.  I agree with Mark that numpy 
certainly could use a few more core developers.  I've not decided on how 
much structure I feel numpy governance needs (nor do I think it's 
particularly important for me to decide how I feel at this point on the 

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-16 Thread Thomas Kluyver
If I can chime in as a newcomer on this list:

I don't think a conflict of interest is at all likely, but I can see
the point of those saying that it's worth thinking about this while
everything is going well. If any tension does arise, it will be all
but impossible to decide on a fair governance structure, because
everyone will root for the system that looks likely to produce their
favoured outcome.

It strikes me that the effort everyone's put into this thread could
have by now designed some way to resolve disputes. ;-) It could be as
simple as 'so-and-so gets to make the final call', through to
committees, voting systems, etc. So long as everything's going well,
it shouldn't restrict anyone, and it would reassure anyone who does
have concerns (justified or not) about conflicts of interest.

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-16 Thread Scott Sinclair
On 16 February 2012 15:08, Thomas Kluyver tak...@gmail.com wrote:
 It strikes me that the effort everyone's put into this thread could
 have by now designed some way to resolve disputes. ;-)

This is not intended to downplay the concerns raised in this thread,
but I can't help myself.

I propose the following (tongue-in-cheek) patch against the current
numpy master branch.


If this gets enough interest, I'll consider submitting a real pull request ;-)

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-16 Thread Jason Grout
On 2/16/12 8:06 AM, Scott Sinclair wrote:
 On 16 February 2012 15:08, Thomas Kluyvertak...@gmail.com  wrote:
 It strikes me that the effort everyone's put into this thread could
 have by now designed some way to resolve disputes. ;-)

 This is not intended to downplay the concerns raised in this thread,
 but I can't help myself.

 I propose the following (tongue-in-cheek) patch against the current
 numpy master branch.


 If this gets enough interest, I'll consider submitting a real pull request 

Time to start submitting lots of 1-line commits and typo fixes to pad my 
karma :).

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-16 Thread Peter Wang
On Feb 16, 2012, at 12:08 AM, Matthew Brett wrote:

 The question is more about what can possibly be done about it. To really
 shift power, my hunch is that the only practical way would be to, like
 Mark said, make sure there are very active non-Continuum-employed
 developers. But perhaps I'm wrong.
 It's not obvious to me that there isn't a set of guidelines,
 procedures, structures that would help to keep things clear in this

Matthew, I think this is the crux of the issue.

There are two kinds of disagreements which could polarize Numpy development: 
disagreements over vision/values, and disagreements over implementation.  The 
latter can be (and has been) resolved in an ad-hoc fashion because we are all 
consenting adults here, and as long as there is a consensus about the shared 
values (i.e. long-term vision) of the project, we can usually work something 

Disagreements over values and long-term vision are the ones that actually do 
split developer communities, and which procedural guidelines are really quite 
poor at resolving.  In the realm of open source software, value differences 
(most commonly, licensing disagreements) generally manifest as forks, 
regardless of what governance may be in place.  At the end of the day, you 
cannot compel people to continue committing to a project that they feel is 
going the *wrong direction*, not merely the right direction in the wrong way.

In the physical world, where we are forced to share geographic space with 
people who may have vastly different values, it is useful to have a framework 
for resolution of value differences, because a fork attempt usually means 
physical warfare.  Hence, constitutions, checks  balances, impeachment 
procedures, etc. are all there to avoid forking.  But with software, forks are 
not so costly, and not always a bad thing.  Numpy itself arose from merging 
Numeric and its fork, Numarray, and X.org and EGCS are examples of big forks of 
major projects which later became the mainline trunk.  In short, even if you 
*could* put governance in place to prevent a fork, that's not always a Good 
Thing.  Creative destruction is vital to the health of any organism or 
ecosystem, because that is how evolution frequently achieves its greatest 

Of course, this is not to say that I have any desire to see Numpy forked.  What 
I *do* desire is a modular, extensible core of Numpy will allow the 
experimentation and creative destruction to occur, while minimizing the merge 
effort when people realize that someone cool has been developed.  Lowering the 
barrier to entry for hacking on the core array code is not merely for 
Continuum's benefit, but rather will benefit the ecosystem as a whole.

No matter how one feels about the potential conflicts of interest, I think we 
can all agree that the alternative of stagnation is far, far worse.  The only 
way to avoid stagnation is to give the hackers and rebels plenty of room to 
play, while ensuring a stable base platform for end users and downstream 
projects to avoid code churn.  Travis's and Mark's roadmap proposals for 
creating a modular core and an extensible C-level ABI are a key technical 
mechanism for achieving this.

Ultimately, procedures and guidelines are only a means to an end, not an ends 
unto themselves.  Curiously enough, I have not yet seen anyone articulate the 
desire for those *ends* themselves to be written down or manifest as a 
document.  Now, if the Numpy developers want to produce a vision document or 
values statement for the project, I think that would help as a reference 
point for any potential disagreements over the direction of the project as 
commercial stakeholders become involved.  But, of course, the request for such 
a document is itself an unfunded mandate, so it's perfectly possible we may get 
a one-liner like make Python scientific computing awesome.  :-)


Disclaimer: I work with Travis at Continuum.

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-16 Thread Bruce Southey
On 02/16/2012 08:06 AM, Scott Sinclair wrote:
 On 16 February 2012 15:08, Thomas Kluyvertak...@gmail.com  wrote:
 It strikes me that the effort everyone's put into this thread could
 have by now designed some way to resolve disputes. ;-)
 This is not intended to downplay the concerns raised in this thread,
 but I can't help myself.

 I propose the following (tongue-in-cheek) patch against the current
 numpy master branch.


 If this gets enough interest, I'll consider submitting a real pull request 

 NumPy-Discussion mailing list
Now that is totally disrespectful and just plain ignorant! Not to 
mention the inability to count people correctly.
Yes, 'you pushed my button' so to speak.
As I understand it, all the pre-git history just contains the 
information of the person who actually committed the change into the 
numpy trunk. It does not hold any information of Numeric and the history 
of numarray so I really question the accuracy of the counting. Also it 
misses many of the 'user' patches that lead to those changes (perhaps 
these user-patches are now in git).

The second aspect is time frame as you do get a very different list if 
you just restrict it to 'current developers' eg adding '--since=1 year 

It is disrespectful because many of the heated discussions are not about 
code per se but about the design and expected behavior. Counting commits 
or lines will never tell you any of those things.

So I do agree with David's suggestion.

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-16 Thread Nathaniel Smith
On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 12:27 AM, Dag Sverre Seljebotn
d.s.seljeb...@astro.uio.no wrote:
 If non-contributing users came along on the Cython list demanding that
 we set up a system to select non-developers along on a board that would
 have discussions in order to veto pull requests, I don't know whether
 we'd ignore it or ridicule it or try to show some patience, but we
 certainly wouldn't take it seriously.

I'm not really worried about the Continuum having some nefarious
corporate intent. But I am worried about how these plans will affect
numpy, and I think there serious risks if we don't think about
process. Money has a dramatic effect on FOSS development, and not
always in a positive way, even when -- or *especially* when --
everyone has the best of intentions. I'm actually *more* worried about
altruistic full-time developers doing work on behalf of the community
than I am about developers who are working strictly in some company's

Finding a good design for software is like a nasty optimization
problem -- it's easy to get stuck in local maxima, and any one person
has only an imperfect, noisy estimate of the objective function. So
you need lots of eyes to catch mistakes, filter out the noise, and
explore multiple maxima in parallel.

The classic FOSS model of volunteer developers who are in charge of
project direction does a *great* job of solving this problem. (Linux
beat all the classic Unixen on technical quality, and it did it using
college students and volunteers -- it's not like Sun, IBM, HP etc.
couldn't afford better engineers! But they still lost.) Volunteers are
intimately familiar with the itch they're trying to scratch and the
trade-offs involved in doing so, and they need to work together to
produce anything major, so you get lots of different, high-quality
perspectives to help you figure out which approach is best.

Developers who are working for some corporate interest alter this
balance, because in a do-ocracy, someone who can throw a few
full-time developers at something suddenly is suddenly has effectively
complete control over project direction. There's no moral problem here
when the dictator is benevolent, but suddenly you have an
informational bottleneck -- even benevolent dictators make mistakes,
and they certainly aren't omniscient. Even this isn't *so* bad though,
so long as the corporation is scratching their own itch -- at least
you can be pretty sure that whatever they produce will at least make
them happy, which implies a certain level of utility.

The riskiest case is paying developers to scratch someone else's itch.
IIUC, that's a major goal of Travis's here, to find a way to pay
developers to make numpy better for everyone. But, now you need some
way for the community to figure out what better means, because the
developers themselves don't necessarily know. It's not their itch
anymore. Running a poll or whatever might be a nice start, but we all
know how tough it is to extract useful design information from users.
You need a lot more than that if you want to keep the quality up.

Travis's proposal is that we go from a large number of self-selecting
people putting in little bits of time to a small number of designated
people putting in lots of time. There's a major win in terms of total
effort, but you inevitably lose a lot of diversity of viewpoints. My
feeling is it will only be a net win if the new employees put serious,
bend-over-backwards effort into taking advantage of the volunteer
community's wisdom.

This is why the NA discussion seems so relevant to me here -- everyone
involved absolutely had good intentions, excellent skills, etc., and
yet the outcome is still a huge unresolved mess. It was supposed to
make numpy more attractive for a certain set of applications, like
statistical analysis, where R is currently preferred. Instead, there
have been massive changes merged into numpy mainline, but most of the
intended target market for these changes is indifferent to them;
they don't solve the problem they're supposed to. And along the way
we've not just spent a bunch of Enthought's money, but also wasted
dozens of hours of volunteer time while seriously alienating some of
numpy's most dedicated advocates in that target market. We could
debate about blame, and I'm sure there's plenty to spread around, but
I also think the fundamental problem isn't one of blame at all -- it's
that Mark, Charles and Travis *aren't* scratching an itch; AFAICT the
NA functionality is not something they actually need themselves. Which
means they're fighting uphill when trying to find the best solutions,
and haven't managed it yet. And were working on a deadline, to boot.

 It's obvious that one should try for consensus as long as possible,
 including listening to users. But in the very end, when agreement can't
 be reached by other means, the developers are the one making the calls.
 (This is simply a consequence that they are the only ones who can
 credibly threaten to fork 

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-16 Thread Travis Vaught
On Feb 16, 2012, at 10:56 AM, Nathaniel Smith wrote:

 Travis's proposal is that we go from a large number of self-selecting
 people putting in little bits of time to a small number of designated
 people putting in lots of time.

That's not what Travis, or anyone else, proposed.

Travis V.___
NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-16 Thread Chris Barker
On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 11:23 AM, Inati, Souheil (NIH/NIMH) [E]  As
great and trustworthy as Travis is, there is a very real
 potential for conflict of interest here. He is going to be leading an
 organization to raise and distribute funding and at the same time  leading a 
 commercial for profit enterprise that would apply to this
 foundation for funds, as well as being a major player in the
 direction of the open source project that his company is building

 This is not in and of itself a problem, but the boundaries have to
 be very clear and laid out in advance.

I disagree here -- a business that contributes to an Open-Source
project is really no different than an individual that contributes --
it (or he or she) contributes because it sees a benefit -- that could
be financial, that could be just for fun, whatever. Sometime
individuals get paid to contribute, sometimes companies do  -- why is
there a difference?

To be personal about it -- Continuum writing a bunch of numpy code
will be no different than when Travis personally on his own time wrote
bunch of numpy code -- and I think we all agree that the project and
the community is very grateful he did that when he did.

If anyone (company or individual) goes off on their own and writes a
bunch of code that community doesn't embrace, then we have a fork --
sometimes that for the better, but for the most part, I think everyone
involved does not want to see that  happen -- and I think there is a
general consensus that a more formal governing stucture is a good
idea, in part to prevent that.

HOwever -- it's still an open source project -- no onde (or
institution) can tell anyone else what to do or how to do it, the the
project will be moved forward by those that actually do stuff:
  - write core code
  - write supporting code
  - document stuff
  - test stuff
  - package stuff
  - contribute tech support on the list
  - contribute to the conversion about development issues
  - ...

and yes -- actually getting around to forming a foundation, or
securing funding, or other institutional activities.

So while it may seem like a small group of people kind of went off on
their own to form a foundation -- that's the only way things ever get
done on an open-source project! There may or may not be a lot of
discussion about something first, but it only gets down when someone
sits down and does it.

So Bravo for moving the project forward!



Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

Emergency Response Division
NOAA/NOS/ORR            (206) 526-6959   voice
7600 Sand Point Way NE   (206) 526-6329   fax
Seattle, WA  98115       (206) 526-6317   main reception

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-16 Thread Chris Barker
On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 1:36 PM, Matthew Brett
 Personally, I
 would say that making the founder of a company, which is  working to
 make money from Numpy, the only decision maker on numpy -
 is - scary.

not to me:
 -- power always goes to those that actually write the code
 -- as far as I can recall, there has never been a large group of
folks contributing to the core code

so have a company being the primary contributor and decision maker is
no different that what we've always had -- particularly when Travis
pretty much single-handedly re-factored Numeric to give us numpy.

Oh -- one difference -- having a company with more that one coder
means more code!

If continuum does indeed develop a bloated, ugly mess to meet their
client's needs -- none of us have to use it.


 But maybe it's the best way.   But, again, we're all high-functioning
 sensible people, I'm sure it's possible for us to formulate what the
 risks are, what the potential solutions are, and come up with the best
 - maybe short-term - solution,

 See you,

 NumPy-Discussion mailing list


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

Emergency Response Division
NOAA/NOS/ORR            (206) 526-6959   voice
7600 Sand Point Way NE   (206) 526-6329   fax
Seattle, WA  98115       (206) 526-6317   main reception

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-16 Thread Charles R Harris
On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 9:56 AM, Nathaniel Smith n...@pobox.com wrote:

 On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 12:27 AM, Dag Sverre Seljebotn
 d.s.seljeb...@astro.uio.no wrote:
  If non-contributing users came along on the Cython list demanding that
  we set up a system to select non-developers along on a board that would
  have discussions in order to veto pull requests, I don't know whether
  we'd ignore it or ridicule it or try to show some patience, but we
  certainly wouldn't take it seriously.

 I'm not really worried about the Continuum having some nefarious
 corporate intent. But I am worried about how these plans will affect
 numpy, and I think there serious risks if we don't think about
 process. Money has a dramatic effect on FOSS development, and not
 always in a positive way, even when -- or *especially* when --
 everyone has the best of intentions. I'm actually *more* worried about
 altruistic full-time developers doing work on behalf of the community
 than I am about developers who are working strictly in some company's

 Finding a good design for software is like a nasty optimization
 problem -- it's easy to get stuck in local maxima, and any one person
 has only an imperfect, noisy estimate of the objective function. So
 you need lots of eyes to catch mistakes, filter out the noise, and
 explore multiple maxima in parallel.

 The classic FOSS model of volunteer developers who are in charge of
 project direction does a *great* job of solving this problem. (Linux
 beat all the classic Unixen on technical quality, and it did it using
 college students and volunteers -- it's not like Sun, IBM, HP etc.
 couldn't afford better engineers! But they still lost.) Volunteers are
 intimately familiar with the itch they're trying to scratch and the
 trade-offs involved in doing so, and they need to work together to
 produce anything major, so you get lots of different, high-quality
 perspectives to help you figure out which approach is best.

Linux is probably a bad choice as example here. Right up to about 2002
Linus was pretty much the only entry point into mainline as he applied all
the patches by hand and reviewed all of them. This of course slowed Linux
development considerably. I also had the opportunity to fix up some of the
drivers for my own machine and can testify that the code quality of the
patches was mixed. Now, of course, with 1 or more patches going in
during the open period of each development cycle, Linus relies on
lieutenants to handle the subsystems, but he can be damn scathing when he
takes an interest in some code and doesn't like what he sees. And he *can*
be scathing, not just because he started the whole thing, but because he is
darn good and the other developers respect that. But my point here is that
Linus pretty much shapes Linux.

Developers who are working for some corporate interest alter this
 balance, because in a do-ocracy, someone who can throw a few
 full-time developers at something suddenly is suddenly has effectively
 complete control over project direction. There's no moral problem here
 when the dictator is benevolent, but suddenly you have an
 informational bottleneck -- even benevolent dictators make mistakes,
 and they certainly aren't omniscient. Even this isn't *so* bad though,
 so long as the corporation is scratching their own itch -- at least
 you can be pretty sure that whatever they produce will at least make
 them happy, which implies a certain level of utility.

Linus deals with this by saying, fork, fork, fork. Of course the gpl makes
that a more viable response.

 The riskiest case is paying developers to scratch someone else's itch.
 IIUC, that's a major goal of Travis's here, to find a way to pay
 developers to make numpy better for everyone. But, now you need some
 way for the community to figure out what better means, because the
 developers themselves don't necessarily know. It's not their itch
 anymore. Running a poll or whatever might be a nice start, but we all
 know how tough it is to extract useful design information from users.
 You need a lot more than that if you want to keep the quality up.

 Travis's proposal is that we go from a large number of self-selecting
 people putting in little bits of time to a small number of designated
 people putting in lots of time. There's a major win in terms of total
 effort, but you inevitably lose a lot of diversity of viewpoints. My
 feeling is it will only be a net win if the new employees put serious,
 bend-over-backwards effort into taking advantage of the volunteer
 community's wisdom.

 This is why the NA discussion seems so relevant to me here -- everyone
 involved absolutely had good intentions, excellent skills, etc., and
 yet the outcome is still a huge unresolved mess. It was supposed to
 make numpy more attractive for a certain set of applications, like
 statistical analysis, where R is currently preferred. Instead, there
 have been massive changes merged into numpy mainline, but 

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-16 Thread josef . pktd
On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 12:53 PM, Charles R Harris
charlesr.har...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 9:56 AM, Nathaniel Smith n...@pobox.com wrote:

 On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 12:27 AM, Dag Sverre Seljebotn
 d.s.seljeb...@astro.uio.no wrote:
  If non-contributing users came along on the Cython list demanding that
  we set up a system to select non-developers along on a board that would
  have discussions in order to veto pull requests, I don't know whether
  we'd ignore it or ridicule it or try to show some patience, but we
  certainly wouldn't take it seriously.

 I'm not really worried about the Continuum having some nefarious
 corporate intent. But I am worried about how these plans will affect
 numpy, and I think there serious risks if we don't think about
 process. Money has a dramatic effect on FOSS development, and not
 always in a positive way, even when -- or *especially* when --
 everyone has the best of intentions. I'm actually *more* worried about
 altruistic full-time developers doing work on behalf of the community
 than I am about developers who are working strictly in some company's

 Finding a good design for software is like a nasty optimization
 problem -- it's easy to get stuck in local maxima, and any one person
 has only an imperfect, noisy estimate of the objective function. So
 you need lots of eyes to catch mistakes, filter out the noise, and
 explore multiple maxima in parallel.

 The classic FOSS model of volunteer developers who are in charge of
 project direction does a *great* job of solving this problem. (Linux
 beat all the classic Unixen on technical quality, and it did it using
 college students and volunteers -- it's not like Sun, IBM, HP etc.
 couldn't afford better engineers! But they still lost.) Volunteers are
 intimately familiar with the itch they're trying to scratch and the
 trade-offs involved in doing so, and they need to work together to
 produce anything major, so you get lots of different, high-quality
 perspectives to help you figure out which approach is best.

 Linux is probably a bad choice as example here. Right up to about 2002 Linus
 was pretty much the only entry point into mainline as he applied all the
 patches by hand and reviewed all of them. This of course slowed Linux
 development considerably. I also had the opportunity to fix up some of the
 drivers for my own machine and can testify that the code quality of the
 patches was mixed. Now, of course, with 1 or more patches going in
 during the open period of each development cycle, Linus relies on
 lieutenants to handle the subsystems, but he can be damn scathing when he
 takes an interest in some code and doesn't like what he sees. And he *can*
 be scathing, not just because he started the whole thing, but because he is
 darn good and the other developers respect that. But my point here is that
 Linus pretty much shapes Linux.

 Developers who are working for some corporate interest alter this
 balance, because in a do-ocracy, someone who can throw a few
 full-time developers at something suddenly is suddenly has effectively
 complete control over project direction. There's no moral problem here
 when the dictator is benevolent, but suddenly you have an
 informational bottleneck -- even benevolent dictators make mistakes,
 and they certainly aren't omniscient. Even this isn't *so* bad though,
 so long as the corporation is scratching their own itch -- at least
 you can be pretty sure that whatever they produce will at least make
 them happy, which implies a certain level of utility.

 Linus deals with this by saying, fork, fork, fork. Of course the gpl makes
 that a more viable response.

 The riskiest case is paying developers to scratch someone else's itch.
 IIUC, that's a major goal of Travis's here, to find a way to pay
 developers to make numpy better for everyone. But, now you need some
 way for the community to figure out what better means, because the
 developers themselves don't necessarily know. It's not their itch
 anymore. Running a poll or whatever might be a nice start, but we all
 know how tough it is to extract useful design information from users.
 You need a lot more than that if you want to keep the quality up.

 Travis's proposal is that we go from a large number of self-selecting
 people putting in little bits of time to a small number of designated
 people putting in lots of time. There's a major win in terms of total
 effort, but you inevitably lose a lot of diversity of viewpoints. My
 feeling is it will only be a net win if the new employees put serious,
 bend-over-backwards effort into taking advantage of the volunteer
 community's wisdom.

 This is why the NA discussion seems so relevant to me here -- everyone
 involved absolutely had good intentions, excellent skills, etc., and
 yet the outcome is still a huge unresolved mess. It was supposed to
 make numpy more attractive for a certain set of applications, like
 statistical analysis, 

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-16 Thread Charles R Harris
On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 11:09 AM, josef.p...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 12:53 PM, Charles R Harris
 charlesr.har...@gmail.com wrote:
  On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 9:56 AM, Nathaniel Smith n...@pobox.com wrote:
  On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 12:27 AM, Dag Sverre Seljebotn
  d.s.seljeb...@astro.uio.no wrote:
   If non-contributing users came along on the Cython list demanding that
   we set up a system to select non-developers along on a board that
   have discussions in order to veto pull requests, I don't know whether
   we'd ignore it or ridicule it or try to show some patience, but we
   certainly wouldn't take it seriously.
  I'm not really worried about the Continuum having some nefarious
  corporate intent. But I am worried about how these plans will affect
  numpy, and I think there serious risks if we don't think about
  process. Money has a dramatic effect on FOSS development, and not
  always in a positive way, even when -- or *especially* when --
  everyone has the best of intentions. I'm actually *more* worried about
  altruistic full-time developers doing work on behalf of the community
  than I am about developers who are working strictly in some company's
  Finding a good design for software is like a nasty optimization
  problem -- it's easy to get stuck in local maxima, and any one person
  has only an imperfect, noisy estimate of the objective function. So
  you need lots of eyes to catch mistakes, filter out the noise, and
  explore multiple maxima in parallel.
  The classic FOSS model of volunteer developers who are in charge of
  project direction does a *great* job of solving this problem. (Linux
  beat all the classic Unixen on technical quality, and it did it using
  college students and volunteers -- it's not like Sun, IBM, HP etc.
  couldn't afford better engineers! But they still lost.) Volunteers are
  intimately familiar with the itch they're trying to scratch and the
  trade-offs involved in doing so, and they need to work together to
  produce anything major, so you get lots of different, high-quality
  perspectives to help you figure out which approach is best.
  Linux is probably a bad choice as example here. Right up to about 2002
  was pretty much the only entry point into mainline as he applied all the
  patches by hand and reviewed all of them. This of course slowed Linux
  development considerably. I also had the opportunity to fix up some of
  drivers for my own machine and can testify that the code quality of the
  patches was mixed. Now, of course, with 1 or more patches going in
  during the open period of each development cycle, Linus relies on
  lieutenants to handle the subsystems, but he can be damn scathing when he
  takes an interest in some code and doesn't like what he sees. And he
  be scathing, not just because he started the whole thing, but because he
  darn good and the other developers respect that. But my point here is
  Linus pretty much shapes Linux.
  Developers who are working for some corporate interest alter this
  balance, because in a do-ocracy, someone who can throw a few
  full-time developers at something suddenly is suddenly has effectively
  complete control over project direction. There's no moral problem here
  when the dictator is benevolent, but suddenly you have an
  informational bottleneck -- even benevolent dictators make mistakes,
  and they certainly aren't omniscient. Even this isn't *so* bad though,
  so long as the corporation is scratching their own itch -- at least
  you can be pretty sure that whatever they produce will at least make
  them happy, which implies a certain level of utility.
  Linus deals with this by saying, fork, fork, fork. Of course the gpl
  that a more viable response.
  The riskiest case is paying developers to scratch someone else's itch.
  IIUC, that's a major goal of Travis's here, to find a way to pay
  developers to make numpy better for everyone. But, now you need some
  way for the community to figure out what better means, because the
  developers themselves don't necessarily know. It's not their itch
  anymore. Running a poll or whatever might be a nice start, but we all
  know how tough it is to extract useful design information from users.
  You need a lot more than that if you want to keep the quality up.
  Travis's proposal is that we go from a large number of self-selecting
  people putting in little bits of time to a small number of designated
  people putting in lots of time. There's a major win in terms of total
  effort, but you inevitably lose a lot of diversity of viewpoints. My
  feeling is it will only be a net win if the new employees put serious,
  bend-over-backwards effort into taking advantage of the volunteer
  community's wisdom.
  This is why the NA discussion seems so relevant to me here -- everyone
  involved absolutely had good intentions, excellent skills, etc., and

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-16 Thread Matthew Brett

On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 4:23 AM, Francesc Alted franc...@continuum.io wrote:
 On Feb 16, 2012, at 12:15 PM, Jason Grout wrote:

 On 2/15/12 6:27 PM, Dag Sverre Seljebotn wrote:
 But in the very end, when agreement can't
 be reached by other means, the developers are the one making the calls.
 (This is simply a consequence that they are the only ones who can
 credibly threaten to fork the project.)

 Interesting point.  I hope I'm not pitching a log onto the fire here,
 but in numpy's case, there are very many capable developers on other
 projects who depend on numpy who could credibly threaten a fork if they
 felt numpy was drastically going wrong.

 Jason, that there capable developers out there that are able to fork NumPy 
 (or any other project you can realize) is a given.  The point Dag was 
 signaling is that this threaten is more probable to happen *inside* the 

 And you pointed out an important aspect too by saying if they felt numpy was 
 drastically going wrong.  It makes me the impression that some people is 
 very frightened about something really bad would happen, well before it 
 happens.  While I agree that this is *possible*, I'd also advocate to give 
 Travis the benefit of doubt.  I'm convinced he (and Continuum as a whole) is 
 making things happen that will benefit the entire NumPy community; but in 
 case something gets really wrong and catastrophic, it is always a relief to 
 know that things can be reverted in the pure open source tradition (by either 
 doing a fork, creating a new foundation, or even better, proposing a new way 
 to do things).  What it does not sound reasonable to me is to allow fear to 
 block Continuum efforts for making a better NumPy.  I think it is better to 
 relax a bit, see how things are going, and then judge by looking at the 

I'm finding this conversation a bit frustrating.

The question on the table as I understand it, is just the following:

Is there any governance structure / procedure / set of guidelines that
would help ensure the long-term health of the numpy project?

The subtext of your response is that you regard *any structure at all*
as damaging to the numpy effort and in particular, as damaging to the
efforts of Continuum.  It seems to me that is a very extreme point of
view, and I think, honestly, it is not tenable.

But surely - surely - the best thing to do here is to formulate
something that might be acceptable, and for everyone to say what they
think the problems would be.  Do you agree?


NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-16 Thread Ralf Gommers
On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 8:03 PM, Matthew Brett matthew.br...@gmail.comwrote:


 On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 4:23 AM, Francesc Alted franc...@continuum.io
  On Feb 16, 2012, at 12:15 PM, Jason Grout wrote:
  On 2/15/12 6:27 PM, Dag Sverre Seljebotn wrote:
  But in the very end, when agreement can't
  be reached by other means, the developers are the one making the calls.
  (This is simply a consequence that they are the only ones who can
  credibly threaten to fork the project.)
  Interesting point.  I hope I'm not pitching a log onto the fire here,
  but in numpy's case, there are very many capable developers on other
  projects who depend on numpy who could credibly threaten a fork if they
  felt numpy was drastically going wrong.
  Jason, that there capable developers out there that are able to fork
 NumPy (or any other project you can realize) is a given.  The point Dag was
 signaling is that this threaten is more probable to happen *inside* the
  And you pointed out an important aspect too by saying if they felt
 numpy was drastically going wrong.  It makes me the impression that some
 people is very frightened about something really bad would happen, well
 before it happens.  While I agree that this is *possible*, I'd also
 advocate to give Travis the benefit of doubt.  I'm convinced he (and
 Continuum as a whole) is making things happen that will benefit the entire
 NumPy community; but in case something gets really wrong and catastrophic,
 it is always a relief to know that things can be reverted in the pure open
 source tradition (by either doing a fork, creating a new foundation, or
 even better, proposing a new way to do things).  What it does not sound
 reasonable to me is to allow fear to block Continuum efforts for making a
 better NumPy.  I think it is better to relax a bit, see how things are
 going, and then judge by looking at the *results*.

 I'm finding this conversation a bit frustrating.

 The question on the table as I understand it, is just the following:

 Is there any governance structure / procedure / set of guidelines that
 would help ensure the long-term health of the numpy project?

 The subtext of your response is that you regard *any structure at all*
 as damaging to the numpy effort and in particular, as damaging to the
 efforts of Continuum.  It seems to me that is a very extreme point of
 view, and I think, honestly, it is not tenable.

That's not exactly how I'd interpret Peter's answer.

 But surely - surely - the best thing to do here is to formulate
 something that might be acceptable, and for everyone to say what they
 think the problems would be.  Do you agree?

David has made a concrete proposal for a procedure. It looks to me like
that's an appropriate and adequate safeguard against Continuum pushing
things into Numpy. Would that be enough for you? If not, would it at least
be a good start?

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-16 Thread Chris Barker
On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 11:03 AM, Matthew Brett matthew.br...@gmail.com wrote:
 But surely - surely - the best thing to do here is to formulate
 something that might be acceptable, and for everyone to say what they
 think the problems would be.  Do you agree?

Absolutely -- but just like anything else in open source -- nothing
gets done because people think it should get done -- it gets done
because someone sits down and does it.

having a governance structure is not my itch -- I'm not going to
scratch it -- is someone itchy enough to scratch? if so, do so --
while we all continue to talk about what color the bicycle shed behind
the foundation offices should be ;-)



Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

Emergency Response Division
NOAA/NOS/ORR            (206) 526-6959   voice
7600 Sand Point Way NE   (206) 526-6329   fax
Seattle, WA  98115       (206) 526-6317   main reception

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-16 Thread Nathaniel Smith
On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 7:46 PM, Benjamin Root ben.r...@ou.edu wrote:
 Why not the NA discussion?  Would we really want to have that happen again?
 Note that it still isn't fully resolved and progress still needs to be made
 (I think the last thread did an excellent job of fleshing out the ideas, but
 it became too much to digest.  We may need to have someone go through the
 information, reduce it down and make one last push to bring it to a

BTW, this is still on my todo list -- sorry for dropping the ball
here. Perhaps once I find a flat here in Edinburgh.

 The NA discussion is the perfect example where a governance
 structure would help resolve disputes.

I think the important question is, in an ideal world, what would have
been done to help resolve this dispute? My best idea was to try and
organize a document articulating points of consensus -- I'm not sure
what sort of governance structure would have helped with that. A
committee with an odd number of members is good at voting on things,
but would a vote have helped? I dunno, I'm not saying it wouldn't --
just that it's something we might want to think about before we start
writing bylaws.

-- Nathaniel
NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-16 Thread Christopher Jordan-Squire
On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 11:03 AM, Matthew Brett matthew.br...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 4:23 AM, Francesc Alted franc...@continuum.io wrote:
 On Feb 16, 2012, at 12:15 PM, Jason Grout wrote:

 On 2/15/12 6:27 PM, Dag Sverre Seljebotn wrote:
 But in the very end, when agreement can't
 be reached by other means, the developers are the one making the calls.
 (This is simply a consequence that they are the only ones who can
 credibly threaten to fork the project.)

 Interesting point.  I hope I'm not pitching a log onto the fire here,
 but in numpy's case, there are very many capable developers on other
 projects who depend on numpy who could credibly threaten a fork if they
 felt numpy was drastically going wrong.

 Jason, that there capable developers out there that are able to fork NumPy 
 (or any other project you can realize) is a given.  The point Dag was 
 signaling is that this threaten is more probable to happen *inside* the 

 And you pointed out an important aspect too by saying if they felt numpy 
 was drastically going wrong.  It makes me the impression that some people 
 is very frightened about something really bad would happen, well before it 
 happens.  While I agree that this is *possible*, I'd also advocate to give 
 Travis the benefit of doubt.  I'm convinced he (and Continuum as a whole) is 
 making things happen that will benefit the entire NumPy community; but in 
 case something gets really wrong and catastrophic, it is always a relief to 
 know that things can be reverted in the pure open source tradition (by 
 either doing a fork, creating a new foundation, or even better, proposing a 
 new way to do things).  What it does not sound reasonable to me is to allow 
 fear to block Continuum efforts for making a better NumPy.  I think it is 
 better to relax a bit, see how things are going, and then judge by looking 
 at the *results*.

 I'm finding this conversation a bit frustrating.

 The question on the table as I understand it, is just the following:

 Is there any governance structure / procedure / set of guidelines that
 would help ensure the long-term health of the numpy project?

 The subtext of your response is that you regard *any structure at all*
 as damaging to the numpy effort and in particular, as damaging to the
 efforts of Continuum.  It seems to me that is a very extreme point of
 view, and I think, honestly, it is not tenable.

 But surely - surely - the best thing to do here is to formulate
 something that might be acceptable, and for everyone to say what they
 think the problems would be.  Do you agree?

Perhaps I'm mistaken, but I think the subtext has more been that
worrying about potential problems--which aren't yet actual
problems--isn't terribly productive. Particularly when the people
involved are smart, invested in the success of the broader numpy
package, and very deserving of the benefit of the doubt.

Also, as Ralf said, David made a concrete proposal. What are your
comments on his proposal?

-Chris JS


 NumPy-Discussion mailing list
NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-16 Thread Nathaniel Smith
On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 5:17 PM, Travis Vaught tra...@vaught.net wrote:
 On Feb 16, 2012, at 10:56 AM, Nathaniel Smith wrote:

 Travis's proposal is that we go from a large number of self-selecting
 people putting in little bits of time to a small number of designated
 people putting in lots of time.

 That's not what Travis, or anyone else, proposed.

Maybe I was unclear -- all I mean here is that if we suddenly have a
few people working full-time on numpy (as Travis proposed), then that
will cause two things:
  -- a massive increase in the total number of person-hours going into numpy
  -- a smaller group of people will be responsible for a much larger
proportion of those person-hours
(and this is leaving aside the other ways that it can be difficult for
full-time developers and volunteers to interact -- the volunteers
aren't in the office, the full-timers may not have the patience to
wait for a long email-paced conversation before making a decision,

I think Travis' proposal is potentially a great thing, but it's not as
simple as just saying hey we hired some people now our software will
be better. Ask Fred Brooks ;-)

-- Nathaniel
NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-16 Thread Benjamin Root
On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 2:13 PM, Nathaniel Smith n...@pobox.com wrote:

 On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 5:17 PM, Travis Vaught tra...@vaught.net wrote:
  On Feb 16, 2012, at 10:56 AM, Nathaniel Smith wrote:
  Travis's proposal is that we go from a large number of self-selecting
  people putting in little bits of time to a small number of designated
  people putting in lots of time.
  That's not what Travis, or anyone else, proposed.

 Maybe I was unclear -- all I mean here is that if we suddenly have a
 few people working full-time on numpy (as Travis proposed), then that
 will cause two things:
  -- a massive increase in the total number of person-hours going into numpy
  -- a smaller group of people will be responsible for a much larger
 proportion of those person-hours
 (and this is leaving aside the other ways that it can be difficult for
 full-time developers and volunteers to interact -- the volunteers
 aren't in the office, the full-timers may not have the patience to
 wait for a long email-paced conversation before making a decision,

 I think Travis' proposal is potentially a great thing, but it's not as
 simple as just saying hey we hired some people now our software will
 be better. Ask Fred Brooks ;-)

 -- Nathaniel

Just a thought I had.

From the perspective of any company, they do not want to devote developer
resources to an open-source project if the features are going to get
rejected (either by the core-devs or by community backlash).  Maybe the
governance structure could be more along the lines of an advise/consent
process for NEPs.  This way, a company puts together a plan of action for
some features and submits it to the central body (however that is
defined).  Comments and revisions are done.  Finally, if the plan is
approved, the company can feel confident that their efforts and resources
won't get rejected after committing to the changes.

Small changes and bugfixes are not effected by this.  Large changes need
planning and commentary anyway.  This allows some official representation
of the community to have some sort of light-handed control over the vision
of the project.

Ben Root
NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-16 Thread Charles R Harris
On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 1:13 PM, Nathaniel Smith n...@pobox.com wrote:

 On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 5:17 PM, Travis Vaught tra...@vaught.net wrote:
  On Feb 16, 2012, at 10:56 AM, Nathaniel Smith wrote:
  Travis's proposal is that we go from a large number of self-selecting
  people putting in little bits of time to a small number of designated
  people putting in lots of time.
  That's not what Travis, or anyone else, proposed.

 Maybe I was unclear -- all I mean here is that if we suddenly have a
 few people working full-time on numpy (as Travis proposed), then that
 will cause two things:
  -- a massive increase in the total number of person-hours going into numpy
  -- a smaller group of people will be responsible for a much larger
 proportion of those person-hours
 (and this is leaving aside the other ways that it can be difficult for
 full-time developers and volunteers to interact -- the volunteers
 aren't in the office, the full-timers may not have the patience to
 wait for a long email-paced conversation before making a decision,

 I think Travis' proposal is potentially a great thing, but it's not as
 simple as just saying hey we hired some people now our software will
 be better. Ask Fred Brooks ;-)

What, you are invoking Fred Brooks for a team of, maybe, four? Numpy ain't

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-16 Thread Nathaniel Smith
On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 8:36 PM, Charles R Harris
charlesr.har...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 1:13 PM, Nathaniel Smith n...@pobox.com wrote:

 On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 5:17 PM, Travis Vaught tra...@vaught.net wrote:
  On Feb 16, 2012, at 10:56 AM, Nathaniel Smith wrote:
  Travis's proposal is that we go from a large number of self-selecting
  people putting in little bits of time to a small number of designated
  people putting in lots of time.
  That's not what Travis, or anyone else, proposed.

 Maybe I was unclear -- all I mean here is that if we suddenly have a
 few people working full-time on numpy (as Travis proposed), then that
 will cause two things:
  -- a massive increase in the total number of person-hours going into
  -- a smaller group of people will be responsible for a much larger
 proportion of those person-hours
 (and this is leaving aside the other ways that it can be difficult for
 full-time developers and volunteers to interact -- the volunteers
 aren't in the office, the full-timers may not have the patience to
 wait for a long email-paced conversation before making a decision,

 I think Travis' proposal is potentially a great thing, but it's not as
 simple as just saying hey we hired some people now our software will
 be better. Ask Fred Brooks ;-)

 What, you are invoking Fred Brooks for a team of, maybe, four? Numpy ain't

For the general idea that you can't just translate person-hours of
effort into results? Yes, though do note the winky emoticon, which is
used to indicate that a statement is somewhat tongue in cheek ;-).

Do you have any thoughts on the actual content of my concerns? Do you
agree that there's a risk that in Travis's plan, you'll be losing out
on valuable input from non-core-contributors who are nonetheless
experts in particular areas?

-- Nathaniel
NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-16 Thread Christopher Jordan-Squire
On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 12:45 PM, Nathaniel Smith n...@pobox.com wrote:
 On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 8:36 PM, Charles R Harris
 charlesr.har...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 1:13 PM, Nathaniel Smith n...@pobox.com wrote:

 On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 5:17 PM, Travis Vaught tra...@vaught.net wrote:
  On Feb 16, 2012, at 10:56 AM, Nathaniel Smith wrote:
  Travis's proposal is that we go from a large number of self-selecting
  people putting in little bits of time to a small number of designated
  people putting in lots of time.
  That's not what Travis, or anyone else, proposed.

 Maybe I was unclear -- all I mean here is that if we suddenly have a
 few people working full-time on numpy (as Travis proposed), then that
 will cause two things:
  -- a massive increase in the total number of person-hours going into
  -- a smaller group of people will be responsible for a much larger
 proportion of those person-hours
 (and this is leaving aside the other ways that it can be difficult for
 full-time developers and volunteers to interact -- the volunteers
 aren't in the office, the full-timers may not have the patience to
 wait for a long email-paced conversation before making a decision,

 I think Travis' proposal is potentially a great thing, but it's not as
 simple as just saying hey we hired some people now our software will
 be better. Ask Fred Brooks ;-)

 What, you are invoking Fred Brooks for a team of, maybe, four? Numpy ain't

 For the general idea that you can't just translate person-hours of
 effort into results? Yes, though do note the winky emoticon, which is
 used to indicate that a statement is somewhat tongue in cheek ;-).

 Do you have any thoughts on the actual content of my concerns? Do you
 agree that there's a risk that in Travis's plan, you'll be losing out
 on valuable input from non-core-contributors who are nonetheless
 experts in particular areas?

I'm not really sure how. All the developers involved are attentive
enough to make announcements of pull requests and requests for
comments on proposed changes. So if there's expert opinion to be had
easily, i.e. through the mailing list, then I can only imagine they'd
go out and get it.

This also jibes with Benjamin Root's comment. Major changes will be
discussed anyways. So I'm not sure how this particular objection is


 -- Nathaniel
 NumPy-Discussion mailing list
NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-16 Thread Charles R Harris
On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 1:45 PM, Nathaniel Smith n...@pobox.com wrote:

 On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 8:36 PM, Charles R Harris
 charlesr.har...@gmail.com wrote:
  On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 1:13 PM, Nathaniel Smith n...@pobox.com wrote:
  On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 5:17 PM, Travis Vaught tra...@vaught.net
   On Feb 16, 2012, at 10:56 AM, Nathaniel Smith wrote:
   Travis's proposal is that we go from a large number of self-selecting
   people putting in little bits of time to a small number of designated
   people putting in lots of time.
   That's not what Travis, or anyone else, proposed.
  Maybe I was unclear -- all I mean here is that if we suddenly have a
  few people working full-time on numpy (as Travis proposed), then that
  will cause two things:
   -- a massive increase in the total number of person-hours going into
   -- a smaller group of people will be responsible for a much larger
  proportion of those person-hours
  (and this is leaving aside the other ways that it can be difficult for
  full-time developers and volunteers to interact -- the volunteers
  aren't in the office, the full-timers may not have the patience to
  wait for a long email-paced conversation before making a decision,
  I think Travis' proposal is potentially a great thing, but it's not as
  simple as just saying hey we hired some people now our software will
  be better. Ask Fred Brooks ;-)
  What, you are invoking Fred Brooks for a team of, maybe, four? Numpy

 For the general idea that you can't just translate person-hours of
 effort into results? Yes, though do note the winky emoticon, which is
 used to indicate that a statement is somewhat tongue in cheek ;-).

 Do you have any thoughts on the actual content of my concerns? Do you
 agree that there's a risk that in Travis's plan, you'll be losing out
 on valuable input from non-core-contributors who are nonetheless
 experts in particular areas?

I'd be more concerned if I saw more input from non-core-contributors. The
sticky issues I see are more along the lines of

1) Trademarking Numpy (TM), which probably needs doing, but who holds the

2) Distribution of money, accounting, and maybe meeting minutes. If
donations are targeted to specific uses, that probably isn't a problem.
Advertizing income could be in issue, though. I don't know how much
transparency is required by 501(c), probably not much judging by the
organizations that have that status.

I think Mark's proposal to revisit the issue if/when the number of core
contributors reaches maybe 5 is a good one. But in order to attract that
many developers long term requires making the code more attractive and
laying out a direction. I hope that the initial work along that line is
soon published on the list, the sooner the better IMHO.

It's not difficult to become a core developer at this point, apart from the
non-trivial task of understanding the code and wanting to scratch an itch,
since we are pretty desperate for developers. That is to say, the barriers
are technical, not social.

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-16 Thread Travis Oliphant
This has been a clarifying discussion for some people.   I'm glad people are 
speaking up.   I believe in the value of consensus and the value of users 
opinions.I want to make sure that people who use NumPy and haven't yet 
learned how to contribute, feel like they have a voice.   I have always been 
very open about adding people to the lists that I have influence over and 
giving people permissions to contribute even when they disagree with me.   I 
recognize the value of multiple points of view. 

That is why in addition to creating the company (with a goal to allow at least 
some people to spend their day-job working on NumPy), I've pushed to organize a 
Foundation whose essential mission is to make sure that the core tools used for 
Python in Science stay open, maintained, and available. I will work very 
hard to do all I can to make these ventures successful. I had thought I 
would be able to spend more time on NumPy and SciPy over the past 4 years.   
This did not work out --- which is why I made a career change.All I can 
point to is my previous work and say thank you to all who have done so much for 
the communities I have been able to participate in.   

I believe in the power of community development, but I also believe in the 
power of directed development towards solving people's problems in an open 
market where people can choose to either interact with the provider or find 
another supplier.Having two organizations that I support helps me direct my 
energies towards both of those values.  I resonate with Linus' s individual 
leanings.   I'm not a big fan of design-by-committee as I haven't seen it be 
very successful in creating new technologies.   It is pretty good at enforcing 
the status-quo.  If I felt like that is what NumPy needed I would be fine with 

However, I feel that NumPy is going to be surpassed with other solutions if 
steps are not taken to improve the code-base *and* add new features.   I'm very 
interested in discussions about how this work is to be accomplished.I'm 
with Mark that I believe this discussion will be more useful in 6 months when 
we have made it easier for more people to get involved with core code 

At the end of the day it is about people and what they spend there time doing.  
 Whatever I do, inside or outside the community, people are free to accept or 
reject.I can only promise to do my best.It's all I ask of everyone I 
work with. 

It is gratifying to see that NumPy has become a well-used project and that 
there are significant numbers of stake-holders who want to see the project 
continue to succeed and be useful for them.My goal with the Foundation, 
with the Company and with my professional life is to see that the growth of 
Python in Science, Technology, and Data Analysis continues and even 

My view right now is similar to Mark's in that we don't have enough core 
developers.Charles and Ralf and Pauli and David before them have done an 
amazing job at pruning, cleaning, and maintaining what is there.
Obviously, Jim, Perry, Todd, Rick, Konrad, David A., and Paul Dubois have had 
significant impact before them.NumPy has always been a community project, 
but it needs some energy put into it.   As someone who is intimately familiar 
with the code-base (having worked on Numeric as early as 1998 as well as been 
part of many discussions about Scientific Computing on Python),  I'm trying to 
infuse that energy as best I can.  NumPy has a chance to be far more than 
it is.   There are people using inferior solutions because of missing features 
in NumPy and the lack of awareness of how to use NumPy. There are other 
important use-cases that NumPy is an almost-there solution for.As it 
solves these problems, even more users will come to our community, and 
 there needs to be a way to hear their voice as well. 

Just for the record, I don't believe the NA discussion has been finalized.   In 
fact, the NA discussion this summer was one of the factors that led to my 
decision to put myself back into NumPy development full time --- I just had to 
figure out how to do it in a way that my family could accept.I think I 
could have contributed to that discussion as someone who understands both the 
code and how it is and has been used.  

For the next 6-12 months, I am comfortable taking the benevolent dictator 
role.   During that time, I hope we can find many more core developers and 
then re-visit the discussion.  My view is that design decisions should be a 
consensus based on current contributors to the code base and major users.   To 
continue to be relevant, NumPy has to serve it's customers.   They are the ones 
who will have the final say.   If others feel like they can do better, a fork 
is an option.  I don't want that to happen, but it is the only effective and 
practical governance structure that exists in my mind outside of the 

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-16 Thread Matthew Brett

Just for my own sake, can I clarify what you are saying here?

On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 1:11 PM, Travis Oliphant tra...@continuum.io wrote:
  I'm not a big fan of design-by-committee as I haven't seen it be very 
 successful in creating new technologies.   It is pretty good at enforcing the 
 status-quo.  If I felt like that is what NumPy needed I would be fine with it.

Was it your impression that what was being proposed, was design by committee?

 However, I feel that NumPy is going to be surpassed with other solutions if 
 steps are not taken to improve the code-base *and* add new features.

As far as you are concerned, is there any controversy about that?

 For the next 6-12 months, I am comfortable taking the benevolent dictator 
 role.   During that time, I hope we can find many more core developers and 
 then re-visit the discussion.  My view is that design decisions should be a 
 consensus based on current contributors to the code base and major users.   
 To continue to be relevant, NumPy has to serve it's customers.   They are the 
 ones who will have the final say.   If others feel like they can do better, a 
 fork is an option.  I don't want that to happen, but it is the only effective 
 and practical governance structure that exists in my mind outside of the 
 self-governance of the people that participate.

To confirm, you are saying that you can imagine no improvement in the
current governance structure?

 No organizational structure can make up for the lack of great people putting 
 their hearts and efforts into a great cause.

But you agree that there might be an organizational structure that
would make this harder or easier?


NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-16 Thread Travis Oliphant


What you should take from my post is that I appreciate your concern for the 
future of the NumPy project, and am grateful that you have an eye to the sort 
of things that can go wrong --- it will help ensure they don't go wrong.  

But, I personally don't agree that it is necessary to put any more formal 
structure in place at this time, and we should wait for 6-12 months, and see 
where we are at while doing everything we can to get more people interested in 
contributing to the project. I'm comfortable playing the role of BDF12 with 
a cadre of developers/contributors who seeks to come to consensus.I believe 
there are sufficient checks on the process that will make it quite difficult 
for me to *abuse* that in the short term.   Charles, Rolf, Mark, David, Robert, 
Josef, you, and many others are already quite adept at calling me out when I do 
things they don't like or think are problematic.I encourage them to 
continue this.   I can't promise I'll do everything you want, but I can promise 
I will listen and take your opinions seriously --- just like I take the 
opinions of every contributor to the NumPy and SciPy lists seriously (though 
weighted by the work-effort they have put on the project).
 We can all only continue to do our best to help out wherever we can. 

Just so we are clear:  Continuum's current major client  is the larger 
NumPy/SciPy community itself and this will remain the case for at least several 
months.You have nothing to fear from other clients we are trying to 
please.   Thus, we are incentivized to keep as many people happy as possible.   
 In the second place, the Foundation's major client is the same community (and 
even broader) and the rest of the board is committed to the overall success of 
the ecosystem.   There is a reason the board is comprised of a 
wide-representation of that eco-system.   I am very hopeful that numfocus will 
evolve over time to have an active community of people who participate in it's 
processes and plans to support as many projects as it can given the bandwidth 
and funding available to it.   

So, if I don't participate in this discussion, anymore, it's because I am 
working on some open-source things I'd like to show at PyCon, and time is 
clicking down.If you really feel strongly about this, then I would suggest 
that you come up with a proposal for governance that you would like us all to 
review.  At the SciPy conference in Austin this summer we can talk about it --- 
when many of us will be face-to-face.

Best regards,


On Feb 16, 2012, at 4:32 PM, Matthew Brett wrote:

 Just for my own sake, can I clarify what you are saying here?
 On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 1:11 PM, Travis Oliphant tra...@continuum.io wrote:
 I'm not a big fan of design-by-committee as I haven't seen it be very 
 successful in creating new technologies.   It is pretty good at enforcing 
 the status-quo.  If I felt like that is what NumPy needed I would be fine 
 with it.
 Was it your impression that what was being proposed, was design by committee?

 However, I feel that NumPy is going to be surpassed with other solutions if 
 steps are not taken to improve the code-base *and* add new features.
 As far as you are concerned, is there any controversy about that?

 For the next 6-12 months, I am comfortable taking the benevolent dictator 
 role.   During that time, I hope we can find many more core developers and 
 then re-visit the discussion.  My view is that design decisions should be a 
 consensus based on current contributors to the code base and major users.   
 To continue to be relevant, NumPy has to serve it's customers.   They are 
 the ones who will have the final say.   If others feel like they can do 
 better, a fork is an option.  I don't want that to happen, but it is the 
 only effective and practical governance structure that exists in my mind 
 outside of the self-governance of the people that participate.
 To confirm, you are saying that you can imagine no improvement in the
 current governance structure?
 No organizational structure can make up for the lack of great people putting 
 their hearts and efforts into a great cause.
 But you agree that there might be an organizational structure that
 would make this harder or easier?
 NumPy-Discussion mailing list

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-16 Thread Matthew Brett

On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 3:58 PM, Travis Oliphant tra...@continuum.io wrote:


 What you should take from my post is that I appreciate your concern for the 
 future of the NumPy project, and am grateful that you have an eye to the sort 
 of things that can go wrong --- it will help ensure they don't go wrong.

 But, I personally don't agree that it is necessary to put any more formal 
 structure in place at this time, and we should wait for 6-12 months, and see 
 where we are at while doing everything we can to get more people interested 
 in contributing to the project.     I'm comfortable playing the role of BDF12 
 with a cadre of developers/contributors who seeks to come to consensus.    I 
 believe there are sufficient checks on the process that will make it quite 
 difficult for me to *abuse* that in the short term.   Charles, Rolf, Mark, 
 David, Robert, Josef, you, and many others are already quite adept at calling 
 me out when I do things they don't like or think are problematic.    I 
 encourage them to continue this.   I can't promise I'll do everything you 
 want, but I can promise I will listen and take your opinions seriously --- 
 just like I take the opinions of every contributor to the NumPy and SciPy 
 lists seriously (though weighted by the work-effort they have put on the 
  We can all only continue to do our best to help out wherever we can.

 Just so we are clear:  Continuum's current major client  is the larger 
 NumPy/SciPy community itself and this will remain the case for at least 
 several months.    You have nothing to fear from other clients we are 
 trying to please.   Thus, we are incentivized to keep as many people happy as 
 possible.    In the second place, the Foundation's major client is the same 
 community (and even broader) and the rest of the board is committed to the 
 overall success of the ecosystem.   There is a reason the board is comprised 
 of a wide-representation of that eco-system.   I am very hopeful that 
 numfocus will evolve over time to have an active community of people who 
 participate in it's processes and plans to support as many projects as it can 
 given the bandwidth and funding available to it.

 So, if I don't participate in this discussion, anymore, it's because I am 
 working on some open-source things I'd like to show at PyCon, and time is 
 clicking down.    If you really feel strongly about this, then I would 
 suggest that you come up with a proposal for governance that you would like 
 us all to review.  At the SciPy conference in Austin this summer we can talk 
 about it --- when many of us will be face-to-face.

This has not been an encouraging episode in striving for consensus.

I see virtually no movement from your implied position at the
beginning of this thread, other than the following 1) yes you are in
charge 2) you'll consider other options in 6 to 12 months.

I think you're saying here that you won't reply any more on this
thread, and I suppose that reflects the importance you attach to this

I will not myself propose a governance model because I do not consider
myself to have enough influence (on various metrics) to make it likely
it would be supported.  I wish that wasn't my perception of how things
are done here.


NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-16 Thread David Warde-Farley
On 2012-02-16, at 1:28 PM, Charles R Harris wrote:

 I think this is a good point, which is why the idea of a long term release is 
 appealing. That release should be stodgy and safe, while the ongoing 
 development can be much more radical in making changes.

I sort of thought this *was* the state of affairs re: NumPy 2.0.

 And numpy really does need a fairly radical rewrite, just to clarify and 
 simplify the base code easier if nothing else. New features I'm more leery 
 about, at least until the code base is improved, which would be my short term 

As someone who has now thrice ventured into the NumPy C code (twice to add 
features, once to fix a nasty bug I encountered) I simply could not agree more. 
While it's not a completely hopeless exercise for someone comfortable with C to 
get themselves acquainted with NumPy's C internals, the code base as is could 
be simpler. 

A refactoring and *documentation* effort would be a good way to get more people 
contributing to this side of NumPy. I believe the suggestion of seeing more of 
the C moved to Cython has also been floated before.

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-16 Thread Matthew Brett

On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 5:26 PM, Alan G Isaac alan.is...@gmail.com wrote:
 On 2/16/2012 7:22 PM, Matthew Brett wrote:
 This has not been an encouraging episode in striving for consensus.

 Striving for consensus does not mean that a minority
 automatically gets veto rights.

'Striving' for consensus does imply some attempt to get to grips with
the arguments, and working on some compromise to accommodate both

It seems to me there was very great latitude for finding such a
comprise here, but Travis has terminated the discussion and I see no
sign of a compromise.

Striving for consensus can't of course be regulated.  The desire has
to be there.   It's probably true, as Nathaniel says, that there isn't
much you can do to legislate on that.  We can only try to persuade.  I
was trying to do that, I failed, I'll have to look back and see if
there was something else I could have done that would have been more
useful to the same end,


NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-16 Thread John Hunter
On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 7:26 PM, Alan G Isaac alan.is...@gmail.com wrote:

 On 2/16/2012 7:22 PM, Matthew Brett wrote:
  This has not been an encouraging episode in striving for consensus.

 I disagree.
 Failure to reach consensus does not imply lack of striving.

Hey Alan, thanks for your thoughtful and nuanced views.  I agree  with
everything you've said, but have a few additional points.

At the risk of wading into a thread that has grown far too long, and
echoing Eric's comments that the idea of governance is murky at best
when there is no provision for enforceability, I have a few comments.
Full disclosure: Travis has asked me and I have agreed to to serve on
a board for numfocus, the not-for-profit arm of his efforts to
promote numpy and related tools.  Although I have no special numpy
developer chops, as the original author of matplotlib, which is one of
the leading numpy clients, he asked me to join his organization as a
community representative.  I support his efforts, and so agreed to
join the numfocus board.

My first and most important point is that the subtext of many postings here
about the fear of undue and inappropriate influence of Continuum under
Travis' leadership is far overblown.  Travis created numpy -- it is
his baby.  Undeniably, he created it by standing on the shoulders of
giants: Jim Hugunin, Paul Dubois, Perry Greenfield and his team, and
many others.  But the idea that we need to guard against the
possibility that his corporate interests will compromise his interests
in what is best for numpy is academic at best.

As someone who has created a significant project in the realm of
scientific computing in Python, I can tell you that it is something
I take quite a bit of pride in and it is very important to me that the
project thrives as it was intended to: as a free, open-source,
best-practice way of doing science.  I know Travis well enough to know
he feels the same way -- numpy doing well is *at least* important to
him his company doing well.  All of his recent actions to start a
company and foundation which focuses resources on numpy and related
tools reinforce that view.  If he had a different temperament, he
wouldn't have devoted five to ten years of is life to Numeric, scipy
and numpy.  He is a BDFL for a reason: he has earned our trust.

And he has proven his ability to lead when *almost everyone* was
against him.  At the height of the Numeric/numarray split, and I was
deeply involved in this as the mpl author because we had a numerix
compatibility layer to allow users to use one or the other, Travis
proposed writing numpy to solve both camp's problems.  I really can't
remember a single individual who supported him.  What I remember is
the cacophony of voices who though this was a bad idea, because of the
third fork problem.  But Travis forged ahead, on his own, wrote
numpy, and re-united the Numeric and numarray camps.  And
all-the-while he maintained his friendship with the numarray
developers (Perry Greenfield who led the numarray development effort
has also been invited by Travis to the numfocus board, as has Fernando
Perez and Jarrod Millman).  Although MPL at the time agreed to support
a third version in its numerix compatibility layer for numpy, I can
thankfully say we have since dropped support for the compatibility
layer entirely as we all use numpy now.  This to me is the distilled
essence of leadership, against the voices of the masses, and it bears

I have two more points I want to make: one is on democracy, and one is
on corporate control.  On corporate control: there have been a number
of posts in this thread about the worries and dangers that Continuum
poses as the corporate sponser of numpy development, about how this
may cause numpy to shift from a model of a few loosely connected,
decentralized cadre of volunteers to a centrally controlled steering
committee of programmers who are controlled by corporate headquarters
and who make all their decisions around the water cooler unobserved by
the community of users.

I want to make a connection to something that happened in the history
of matplotlib development, something that is not strictly analogous
but I think close enough to be informative.  Sometime around 2005,
Perry Greenfield, who heads the development team of the Space
Telescope Science Institute (STScI) that is charged with processing
the Hubble image pipeline, emailed me that he was considering using
matplotlib as their primary image visualization tool.  I can't tell
you how excited I was at the time.  The idea of having institutional
sponsorship from someone as prestigious and resourceful as STScI was
hugely motivating.  I worked feverishly for months to add stuff they
needed: better rendering, better image support, mathtext and lots
more.  But more importantly, Perry was offering to bring institutional
support to my project: well qualified full-time employees who
dedicated a significant part of their time to matplotlib
development. He 

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-16 Thread Matthew Brett
Hi John,

On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 8:20 PM, John Hunter jdh2...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 7:26 PM, Alan G Isaac alan.is...@gmail.com wrote:

 On 2/16/2012 7:22 PM, Matthew Brett wrote:
  This has not been an encouraging episode in striving for consensus.

 I disagree.
 Failure to reach consensus does not imply lack of striving.

 Hey Alan, thanks for your thoughtful and nuanced views.  I agree  with
 everything you've said, but have a few additional points.

I thought I'd looked deep in my heart and failed to find paranoia
about corporate involvement in numpy.

I am happy that Travis formed Continuum and look forward to the
progress we can expect for numpy.

I don't think the conversation was much about 'democracy'.  As far as
I was concerned, anything on the range of no change but at least
being specific to full veto power from mailing list members was up
for discussion and anything in between.

I wish we had not had to deal with the various red herrings here, such
as whether Continuum is good or bad, whether Travis has been given
adequate credit, or whether companies are bad for software.   But, we
did.  It's fine.  Argument over now.


NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-16 Thread Benjamin Root
On Thursday, February 16, 2012, John Hunter wrote:

 On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 7:26 PM, Alan G Isaac 
 alan.is...@gmail.comjavascript:_e({}, 'cvml', 'alan.is...@gmail.com');

 On 2/16/2012 7:22 PM, Matthew Brett wrote:
  This has not been an encouraging episode in striving for consensus.

 I disagree.
 Failure to reach consensus does not imply lack of striving.

 Hey Alan, thanks for your thoughtful and nuanced views.  I agree  with
 everything you've said, but have a few additional points.

 At the risk of wading into a thread that has grown far too long, and
 echoing Eric's comments that the idea of governance is murky at best
 when there is no provision for enforceability, I have a few comments.
 Full disclosure: Travis has asked me and I have agreed to to serve on
 a board for numfocus, the not-for-profit arm of his efforts to
 promote numpy and related tools.  Although I have no special numpy
 developer chops, as the original author of matplotlib, which is one of
 the leading numpy clients, he asked me to join his organization as a
 community representative.  I support his efforts, and so agreed to
 join the numfocus board.

 My first and most important point is that the subtext of many postings here
 about the fear of undue and inappropriate influence of Continuum under
 Travis' leadership is far overblown.  Travis created numpy -- it is
 his baby.  Undeniably, he created it by standing on the shoulders of
 giants: Jim Hugunin, Paul Dubois, Perry Greenfield and his team, and
 many others.  But the idea that we need to guard against the
 possibility that his corporate interests will compromise his interests
 in what is best for numpy is academic at best.

 As someone who has created a significant project in the realm of
 scientific computing in Python, I can tell you that it is something
 I take quite a bit of pride in and it is very important to me that the
 project thrives as it was intended to: as a free, open-source,
 best-practice way of doing science.  I know Travis well enough to know
 he feels the same way -- numpy doing well is *at least* important to
 him his company doing well.  All of his recent actions to start a
 company and foundation which focuses resources on numpy and related
 tools reinforce that view.  If he had a different temperament, he
 wouldn't have devoted five to ten years of is life to Numeric, scipy
 and numpy.  He is a BDFL for a reason: he has earned our trust.

 And he has proven his ability to lead when *almost everyone* was
 against him.  At the height of the Numeric/numarray split, and I was
 deeply involved in this as the mpl author because we had a numerix
 compatibility layer to allow users to use one or the other, Travis
 proposed writing numpy to solve both camp's problems.  I really can't
 remember a single individual who supported him.  What I remember is
 the cacophony of voices who though this was a bad idea, because of the
 third fork problem.  But Travis forged ahead, on his own, wrote
 numpy, and re-united the Numeric and numarray camps.  And
 all-the-while he maintained his friendship with the numarray
 developers (Perry Greenfield who led the numarray development effort
 has also been invited by Travis to the numfocus board, as has Fernando
 Perez and Jarrod Millman).  Although MPL at the time agreed to support
 a third version in its numerix compatibility layer for numpy, I can
 thankfully say we have since dropped support for the compatibility
 layer entirely as we all use numpy now.  This to me is the distilled
 essence of leadership, against the voices of the masses, and it bears

 I have two more points I want to make: one is on democracy, and one is
 on corporate control.  On corporate control: there have been a number
 of posts in this thread about the worries and dangers that Continuum
 poses as the corporate sponser of numpy development, about how this
 may cause numpy to shift from a model of a few loosely connected,
 decentralized cadre of volunteers to a centrally controlled steering
 committee of programmers who are controlled by corporate headquarters
 and who make all their decisions around the water cooler unobserved by
 the community of users.

 I want to make a connection to something that happened in the history
 of matplotlib development, something that is not strictly analogous
 but I think close enough to be informative.  Sometime around 2005,
 Perry Greenfield, who heads the development team of the Space
 Telescope Science Institute (STScI) that is charged with processing
 the Hubble image pipeline, emailed me that he was considering using
 matplotlib as their primary image visualization tool.  I can't tell
 you how excited I was at the time.  The idea of having institutional
 sponsorship from someone as prestigious and resourceful as STScI was
 hugely motivating.  I worked feverishly for months to add stuff they
 needed: better rendering, better image support, mathtext and lots
 more.  But more 

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-16 Thread josef . pktd
On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 12:54 AM, Benjamin Root ben.r...@ou.edu wrote:

 On Thursday, February 16, 2012, John Hunter wrote:

 On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 7:26 PM, Alan G Isaac alan.is...@gmail.com

 On 2/16/2012 7:22 PM, Matthew Brett wrote:
  This has not been an encouraging episode in striving for consensus.

 I disagree.
 Failure to reach consensus does not imply lack of striving.

 Hey Alan, thanks for your thoughtful and nuanced views.  I agree  with
 everything you've said, but have a few additional points.

 At the risk of wading into a thread that has grown far too long, and
 echoing Eric's comments that the idea of governance is murky at best
 when there is no provision for enforceability, I have a few comments.
 Full disclosure: Travis has asked me and I have agreed to to serve on
 a board for numfocus, the not-for-profit arm of his efforts to
 promote numpy and related tools.  Although I have no special numpy
 developer chops, as the original author of matplotlib, which is one of
 the leading numpy clients, he asked me to join his organization as a
 community representative.  I support his efforts, and so agreed to
 join the numfocus board.

 My first and most important point is that the subtext of many postings
 about the fear of undue and inappropriate influence of Continuum under
 Travis' leadership is far overblown.  Travis created numpy -- it is
 his baby.  Undeniably, he created it by standing on the shoulders of
 giants: Jim Hugunin, Paul Dubois, Perry Greenfield and his team, and
 many others.  But the idea that we need to guard against the
 possibility that his corporate interests will compromise his interests
 in what is best for numpy is academic at best.

 As someone who has created a significant project in the realm of
 scientific computing in Python, I can tell you that it is something
 I take quite a bit of pride in and it is very important to me that the
 project thrives as it was intended to: as a free, open-source,
 best-practice way of doing science.  I know Travis well enough to know
 he feels the same way -- numpy doing well is *at least* important to
 him his company doing well.  All of his recent actions to start a
 company and foundation which focuses resources on numpy and related
 tools reinforce that view.  If he had a different temperament, he
 wouldn't have devoted five to ten years of is life to Numeric, scipy
 and numpy.  He is a BDFL for a reason: he has earned our trust.

 And he has proven his ability to lead when *almost everyone* was
 against him.  At the height of the Numeric/numarray split, and I was
 deeply involved in this as the mpl author because we had a numerix
 compatibility layer to allow users to use one or the other, Travis
 proposed writing numpy to solve both camp's problems.  I really can't
 remember a single individual who supported him.  What I remember is
 the cacophony of voices who though this was a bad idea, because of the
 third fork problem.  But Travis forged ahead, on his own, wrote
 numpy, and re-united the Numeric and numarray camps.  And
 all-the-while he maintained his friendship with the numarray
 developers (Perry Greenfield who led the numarray development effort
 has also been invited by Travis to the numfocus board, as has Fernando
 Perez and Jarrod Millman).  Although MPL at the time agreed to support
 a third version in its numerix compatibility layer for numpy, I can
 thankfully say we have since dropped support for the compatibility
 layer entirely as we all use numpy now.  This to me is the distilled
 essence of leadership, against the voices of the masses, and it bears

 I have two more points I want to make: one is on democracy, and one is
 on corporate control.  On corporate control: there have been a number
 of posts in this thread about the worries and dangers that Continuum
 poses as the corporate sponser of numpy development, about how this
 may cause numpy to shift from a model of a few loosely connected,
 decentralized cadre of volunteers to a centrally controlled steering
 committee of programmers who are controlled by corporate headquarters
 and who make all their decisions around the water cooler unobserved by
 the community of users.

 I want to make a connection to something that happened in the history
 of matplotlib development, something that is not strictly analogous
 but I think close enough to be informative.  Sometime around 2005,
 Perry Greenfield, who heads the development team of the Space
 Telescope Science Institute (STScI) that is charged with processing
 the Hubble image pipeline, emailed me that he was considering using
 matplotlib as their primary image visualization tool.  I can't tell
 you how excited I was at the time.  The idea of having institutional
 sponsorship from someone as prestigious and resourceful as STScI was
 hugely motivating.  I worked feverishly for months to add stuff they
 needed: better rendering, better image support, mathtext and lots

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-16 Thread Scott Sinclair
On 16 February 2012 17:31, Bruce Southey bsout...@gmail.com wrote:
 On 02/16/2012 08:06 AM, Scott Sinclair wrote:
 This is not intended to downplay the concerns raised in this thread,
 but I can't help myself.

 I propose the following (tongue-in-cheek) patch against the current
 numpy master branch.


 If this gets enough interest, I'll consider submitting a real pull request 

 Now that is totally disrespectful and just plain ignorant! Not to
 mention the inability to count people correctly.

I'm sorry that you feel that way and apologize if I've offended you. I
didn't expect to and assure you that was not my intention.

That said, I do hope that we can continue to make allowance for (very
occasional) levity in the community.

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update - was: Updated differences between 1.5.1 to 1.6.1

2012-02-15 Thread Pierre Haessig
Le 15/02/2012 04:07, Bruce Southey a écrit :
 The one thing that gets over looked here is that there is a huge
 diversity of users with very different skill levels. But very few
 people have an understanding of the core code. (In fact the other
 thread about type-casting suggests that it is extremely few people.)
 So in all of this, I do not yet see 'community'. But the only way you
 can change that perception is through actions.
Hi Bruce,

I agree with the skill issue you raised. My own experience being :
1) For some years, I've been a quite heavy user of numpy and various 
scipy modules.
 Zero knowledge of the numpy code
2) I recently (November 2011) subscribed to numpy  scipy ML.
 Going through the various topics coming every day, I feel like I'm 
learning more  faster.
 I'm now browsing numpy's GitHub from time to time.
3) Now I see regularly messages about topics like datetime(64) and NAs 
about which I feel I could share my  ($.02 !) views as a user or as a 
potential user. But in the end I don't write anything because the issue 
is so complex that I feel both lost and silly.

I have no solution to propose, so I try to keep on learning...

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-15 Thread Alan G Isaac
On 2/14/2012 10:07 PM, Bruce Southey wrote:
 The one thing that gets over looked here is that there is a huge
 diversity of users with very different skill levels. But very few
 people have an understanding of the core code. (In fact the other
 thread about type-casting suggests that it is extremely few people.)
 So in all of this, I do not yet see 'community'.

As an active user and long-time list member
who has never even looked at the core code,
I perhaps presumptuously urge a moderation
of rhetoric. I object to the idea that users
like myself do not form part of the community.

This list has 1400 subscribers, and the fact that
most of us are quiet most of the time does not mean we
are not interested or attentive to the discussions,
including discussions of governance.

It looks to me like this will be great for NumPy.
People who would otherwise not be able to spend much
time on NumPy will be spending a lot of time improving
the code and adding features. In my view, this will help
NumPy advance which will enlarge the user community, which will
slowly but inevitably enlarge the contributor community.
I'm pretty excited about Travis's bold efforts to find
ways to allow him and others to spend more time on NumPy.
I wish him the best of luck.

Alan Isaac

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-15 Thread Matthew Brett

On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 5:51 AM, Alan G Isaac alan.is...@gmail.com wrote:
 On 2/14/2012 10:07 PM, Bruce Southey wrote:
 The one thing that gets over looked here is that there is a huge
 diversity of users with very different skill levels. But very few
 people have an understanding of the core code. (In fact the other
 thread about type-casting suggests that it is extremely few people.)
 So in all of this, I do not yet see 'community'.

 As an active user and long-time list member
 who has never even looked at the core code,
 I perhaps presumptuously urge a moderation
 of rhetoric. I object to the idea that users
 like myself do not form part of the community.

 This list has 1400 subscribers, and the fact that
 most of us are quiet most of the time does not mean we
 are not interested or attentive to the discussions,
 including discussions of governance.

 It looks to me like this will be great for NumPy.
 People who would otherwise not be able to spend much
 time on NumPy will be spending a lot of time improving
 the code and adding features. In my view, this will help
 NumPy advance which will enlarge the user community, which will
 slowly but inevitably enlarge the contributor community.
 I'm pretty excited about Travis's bold efforts to find
 ways to allow him and others to spend more time on NumPy.
 I wish him the best of luck.

I think it is important to stick to the thread topic here, which is

It's not about whether it is good or bad that Travis has re-engaged in
Numpy and is funding development in Numpy through his company.   I'm
personally very glad to see Travis back on the list and engaged again,
but that's really not what the thread is about.

The thread is about whether we need explicit Numpy governance,
especially in the situation where one new company will surely dominate
numpy development in the short term at least.

I would say - for the benefit of Continuum Analytics and for the Numpy
community, there should be explicit governance, that takes this
relationship into account.

I believe that leaving the governance informal and underspecified at
this stage would be a grave mistake, for everyone concerned.


NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-15 Thread Inati, Souheil (NIH/NIMH) [E]

From: Matthew Brett [matthew.br...@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2012 1:50 PM
To: Discussion of Numerical Python
Subject: Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update


On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 5:51 AM, Alan G Isaac alan.is...@gmail.com wrote:
 On 2/14/2012 10:07 PM, Bruce Southey wrote:
 The one thing that gets over looked here is that there is a huge
 diversity of users with very different skill levels. But very few
 people have an understanding of the core code. (In fact the other
 thread about type-casting suggests that it is extremely few people.)
 So in all of this, I do not yet see 'community'.

 As an active user and long-time list member
 who has never even looked at the core code,
 I perhaps presumptuously urge a moderation
 of rhetoric. I object to the idea that users
 like myself do not form part of the community.

 This list has 1400 subscribers, and the fact that
 most of us are quiet most of the time does not mean we
 are not interested or attentive to the discussions,
 including discussions of governance.

 It looks to me like this will be great for NumPy.
 People who would otherwise not be able to spend much
 time on NumPy will be spending a lot of time improving
 the code and adding features. In my view, this will help
 NumPy advance which will enlarge the user community, which will
 slowly but inevitably enlarge the contributor community.
 I'm pretty excited about Travis's bold efforts to find
 ways to allow him and others to spend more time on NumPy.
 I wish him the best of luck.

I think it is important to stick to the thread topic here, which is

It's not about whether it is good or bad that Travis has re-engaged in
Numpy and is funding development in Numpy through his company.   I'm
personally very glad to see Travis back on the list and engaged again,
but that's really not what the thread is about.

The thread is about whether we need explicit Numpy governance,
especially in the situation where one new company will surely dominate
numpy development in the short term at least.

I would say - for the benefit of Continuum Analytics and for the Numpy
community, there should be explicit governance, that takes this
relationship into account.

I believe that leaving the governance informal and underspecified at
this stage would be a grave mistake, for everyone concerned.



As another of the silent users of numpy, I agree with Matthew 100%.  As great 
and trustworthy as Travis is, there is a very real potential for conflict of 
interest here. He is going to be leading an organization to raise and 
distribute funding and at the same time leading a commercial for profit 
enterprise that would apply to this foundation for funds, as well as being a 
major player in the direction of the open source project that his company is 
building on. 

This is not in and of itself a problem, but the boundaries have to be very 
clear and layed out in advance.  Which hat is he wearing when he recommends one 
course of action over another?

I understand the company is just getting off the ground and that the foundation 
is even less well formed, but numpy is a mature code with lots of users. It's 
governance structure should reflect this. 

Continued thanks for all of the hard work. 

-Souheil Inati
NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-15 Thread Alan G Isaac
On 2/15/2012 1:50 PM, Matthew Brett wrote:
 I believe that leaving the governance informal and underspecified at
 this stage would be a grave mistake, for everyone concerned.

To justify that concern, can you point to an
analogous case, where things went awry by not
formalizing the governance structure?

Can you provide an example where a more formal
governance structure for NumPy would have meant
more or better code development? (Please do not
suggest the NA discussion!)

Can you provide an example of what you might
envision as a more formal governance structure?
(I assume that any such structure will not put people
who are not core contributors to NumPy in a position
to tell core contributors what to spend their time on.)

Early last December, Chuck Harris estimated that three
people were active NumPy developers.  I liked the idea of
creating a board of these 3 and a rule that says any
active developer can request to join the board, that
additions are determined by majority vote of the existing
board, and  that having the board both small and odd
numbered is a priority.  I also suggested inviting to this
board a developer or two from important projects that are
very NumPy dependent (e.g., Matplotlib).

I still like this idea.  Would it fully satisfy you?

Still, honestly, I have trouble seeing how implementing this
idea would currently have much affect on the substance or
extent or direction of the conversations about NumPy.


PS Just to jog the group memory, Travis announced more than
four months ago *on this list* that he had been approached
about the possibility of creating a foundation to support
the development of SciPy and NumPy, and had become
interested in creating a Foundation for the Advancement of
Scientific, Technical, and Engineering Computing Using High
Level Abstractions (FASTECUHLA), and had created an open
discussion list for this at  fastecu...@googlegroups.com

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-15 Thread Eric Firing
On 02/15/2012 08:50 AM, Matthew Brett wrote:

 On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 5:51 AM, Alan G Isaacalan.is...@gmail.com  wrote:
 On 2/14/2012 10:07 PM, Bruce Southey wrote:
 The one thing that gets over looked here is that there is a huge
 diversity of users with very different skill levels. But very few
 people have an understanding of the core code. (In fact the other
 thread about type-casting suggests that it is extremely few people.)
 So in all of this, I do not yet see 'community'.

 As an active user and long-time list member
 who has never even looked at the core code,
 I perhaps presumptuously urge a moderation
 of rhetoric. I object to the idea that users
 like myself do not form part of the community.

 This list has 1400 subscribers, and the fact that
 most of us are quiet most of the time does not mean we
 are not interested or attentive to the discussions,
 including discussions of governance.

 It looks to me like this will be great for NumPy.
 People who would otherwise not be able to spend much
 time on NumPy will be spending a lot of time improving
 the code and adding features. In my view, this will help
 NumPy advance which will enlarge the user community, which will
 slowly but inevitably enlarge the contributor community.
 I'm pretty excited about Travis's bold efforts to find
 ways to allow him and others to spend more time on NumPy.
 I wish him the best of luck.

 I think it is important to stick to the thread topic here, which is

Do you have in mind a model of how this might work?  (I suspect you have 
already answered a question like that in some earlier thread; sorry.)  A 
comparable project that is doing it right?

Governance implies enforcement power, doesn't it?  Where, how, and by 
whom would the power be exercised?

 It's not about whether it is good or bad that Travis has re-engaged in
 Numpy and is funding development in Numpy through his company.   I'm
 personally very glad to see Travis back on the list and engaged again,
 but that's really not what the thread is about.

 The thread is about whether we need explicit Numpy governance,
 especially in the situation where one new company will surely dominate
 numpy development in the short term at least.

 I would say - for the benefit of Continuum Analytics and for the Numpy
 community, there should be explicit governance, that takes this
 relationship into account.

Please elaborate; are you saying that Continuum Analytics must develop 
numpy as decided by some outside body?


 I believe that leaving the governance informal and underspecified at
 this stage would be a grave mistake, for everyone concerned.


 NumPy-Discussion mailing list

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-15 Thread Alan G Isaac
On 2/15/2012 2:46 PM, Benjamin Root wrote:
 I think it is only fair that the group occasionally pings this mailing-list 
 for important progress reports.

No offense intended, but that sounds like an unfunded mandate.
More useful would be an offer to liaison between the two.


NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-15 Thread Matthew Brett

Thanks for these interesting and specific questions.

On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 11:33 AM, Eric Firing efir...@hawaii.edu wrote:
 On 02/15/2012 08:50 AM, Matthew Brett wrote:

 On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 5:51 AM, Alan G Isaacalan.is...@gmail.com  wrote:
 On 2/14/2012 10:07 PM, Bruce Southey wrote:
 The one thing that gets over looked here is that there is a huge
 diversity of users with very different skill levels. But very few
 people have an understanding of the core code. (In fact the other
 thread about type-casting suggests that it is extremely few people.)
 So in all of this, I do not yet see 'community'.

 As an active user and long-time list member
 who has never even looked at the core code,
 I perhaps presumptuously urge a moderation
 of rhetoric. I object to the idea that users
 like myself do not form part of the community.

 This list has 1400 subscribers, and the fact that
 most of us are quiet most of the time does not mean we
 are not interested or attentive to the discussions,
 including discussions of governance.

 It looks to me like this will be great for NumPy.
 People who would otherwise not be able to spend much
 time on NumPy will be spending a lot of time improving
 the code and adding features. In my view, this will help
 NumPy advance which will enlarge the user community, which will
 slowly but inevitably enlarge the contributor community.
 I'm pretty excited about Travis's bold efforts to find
 ways to allow him and others to spend more time on NumPy.
 I wish him the best of luck.

 I think it is important to stick to the thread topic here, which is

 Do you have in mind a model of how this might work?  (I suspect you have
 already answered a question like that in some earlier thread; sorry.)  A
 comparable project that is doing it right?

The example that had come up previously was the book by Karl Fogel:


In particular, the section When Consensus Cannot Be Reached, Vote in
the second page.

Here's an example of a voting policy:


Debian is a famous example:


Obviously some open-source projects do not have much of a formal
governance structure, but I think in our case a) we have already run
into problems with big decisions and b) we have now reached a
situation where there is serious potential for actual or perceived
problems with conflicts of interest.

 Governance implies enforcement power, doesn't it?  Where, how, and by
 whom would the power be exercised?

The governance that I had in mind is more to do with review and
constraint of power.  Thus, I believe we need a set of rules to govern
how we deal with serious disputes, such as the masked array NA debate,
or, previously the ABI breakage discussion at numpy 1.5.0.

To go to a specific use-case.  Let us imagine that Continuum think of
an excellent feature they want in Numpy but that many others think
would make the underlying array object too complicated.  How would the
desires of Continuum be weighed against the desires of other members
of the community?

 It's not about whether it is good or bad that Travis has re-engaged in
 Numpy and is funding development in Numpy through his company.   I'm
 personally very glad to see Travis back on the list and engaged again,
 but that's really not what the thread is about.

 The thread is about whether we need explicit Numpy governance,
 especially in the situation where one new company will surely dominate
 numpy development in the short term at least.

 I would say - for the benefit of Continuum Analytics and for the Numpy
 community, there should be explicit governance, that takes this
 relationship into account.

 Please elaborate; are you saying that Continuum Analytics must develop
 numpy as decided by some outside body?

No - of course not.   Here's the discussion from Karl Fogel's book:


I'm proposing Governance not as some council that contracts work, but
as a committee set up with formal rules that can resolve disputes and
rule changes as they arise.  This committee needs to be able to do
this to make sure that the interests of the community (developers of
numpy outside Continuum) are being represented.


NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-15 Thread Alan G Isaac
On 2/15/2012 2:46 PM, Benjamin Root wrote:
 The NA discussion is the perfect example where a governance structure would 
 help resolve disputes.

How? I'm not seeing it.
Who would have behaved differently and why?


NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-15 Thread Matthew Brett

On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 11:46 AM, Benjamin Root ben.r...@ou.edu wrote:

 On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 1:32 PM, Alan G Isaac alan.is...@gmail.com wrote:
 Can you provide an example where a more formal
 governance structure for NumPy would have meant
 more or better code development? (Please do not
 suggest the NA discussion!)

 Why not the NA discussion?  Would we really want to have that happen again?
 Note that it still isn't fully resolved and progress still needs to be made
 (I think the last thread did an excellent job of fleshing out the ideas, but
 it became too much to digest.  We may need to have someone go through the
 information, reduce it down and make one last push to bring it to a
 conclusion).  The NA discussion is the perfect example where a governance
 structure would help resolve disputes.

Yes, that was the most obvious example. I don't know about you, but I
can't see any sign of that one being resolved.

The other obvious example was the dispute about ABI breakage for numpy
1.5.0 where I believe Travis did invoke some sort of committee to
vote, but (Travis can correct me if I'm wrong), the committee was
named ad-hoc and contacted off-list.

 Can you provide an example of what you might
 envision as a more formal governance structure?
 (I assume that any such structure will not put people
 who are not core contributors to NumPy in a position
 to tell core contributors what to spend their time on.)

 Early last December, Chuck Harris estimated that three
 people were active NumPy developers.  I liked the idea of
 creating a board of these 3 and a rule that says any
 active developer can request to join the board, that
 additions are determined by majority vote of the existing
 board, and  that having the board both small and odd
 numbered is a priority.  I also suggested inviting to this
 board a developer or two from important projects that are
 very NumPy dependent (e.g., Matplotlib).

 I still like this idea.  Would it fully satisfy you?

 I actually like that idea.  Matthew, is this along the lines of what you
 were thinking?

Honestly it would make me very happy if the discussion moved to what
form the governance should take.  I would have thought that 3 was too
small a number.   We should look at what other projects do.   I think
that this committee needs to be people who know numpy code; projects
using numpy could advise, but people developing numpy should vote I

There should be rules of engagement, a constitution, especially how to
deal with disputes with Continuum or other contracting organizations.

I would personally very much like to see a committment to consensus,
where possible on these lines (as noted previously by Nathaniel):



NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-15 Thread Benjamin Root
On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 2:03 PM, Alan G Isaac alan.is...@gmail.com wrote:

 On 2/15/2012 2:46 PM, Benjamin Root wrote:
  The NA discussion is the perfect example where a governance structure
 would help resolve disputes.

 How? I'm not seeing it.
 Who would have behaved differently and why?


I am pretty sure it was Matthew (but I could be wrong here) on numerous
occasions would have stated that if there was some sort of process that was
agreed upon beforehand, that he would have abided by the decision/outcome
of that process.  As much as I disagreed with Matthew and others on the
design of NA (and the amount of review that went into the branch getting
merged), I do agree that a formal process for handling grievances would
have helped mitigate much of the problems in the discussions.  Further, a
more fleshed out review process for major changes would have aired out more
of the design decisions (somewhat).

Ben Root
NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-15 Thread Alan G Isaac
My analysis is fundamentally different than Matthew
and Benjamin's for a few reasons.

1. The problem has been miscast.
The economic interests of the developers *always*
has had an apparent conflict with the economic
interests of the users: users want developers to work more
on the code, and developers need to make a living, which
often involves spending their time on other things.
On this score, nothing has really changed.
2. It seems pretty clear that Matthew wants some governance
power to be held by individuals who are not actively
developing NumPy.  As Chuck Harris pointed out long ago,
that dog ain't going to hunt.
3. Constitutions can be broken (and are, all the time).
Designing a stable institution requires making it in
the interests of the members to participate.

Any formal governance structure that can be desirable
for the NumPy community as a whole has to be desirable
for the core developers.  The right way to produce a
governance structure is to make concrete proposals and
show how these proposals are in the interest of the
*developers* (as well as of the users).

For example, Benjamin obliquely suggested that with an
appropriate governance board, the NA discussion could
have simply been shut down by having the developers
vote (as part of their governance).  This might be in
the interest of the developers and of the community
(I'm not sure), but I doubt it is what Matthew has in mind.
In any case, until proposals are put on the table along
with a clear effort to illustrate why it is in the interest
of the *developers* to adopt the proposals, I really do not
see this discussion moving forward.

Alan Isaac
NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-15 Thread Mark Wiebe
On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 12:09 PM, Matthew Brett matthew.br...@gmail.comwrote:


 On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 11:46 AM, Benjamin Root ben.r...@ou.edu wrote:
  On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 1:32 PM, Alan G Isaac alan.is...@gmail.com
  Can you provide an example where a more formal
  governance structure for NumPy would have meant
  more or better code development? (Please do not
  suggest the NA discussion!)
  Why not the NA discussion?  Would we really want to have that happen
  Note that it still isn't fully resolved and progress still needs to be
  (I think the last thread did an excellent job of fleshing out the ideas,
  it became too much to digest.  We may need to have someone go through the
  information, reduce it down and make one last push to bring it to a
  conclusion).  The NA discussion is the perfect example where a governance
  structure would help resolve disputes.

 Yes, that was the most obvious example. I don't know about you, but I
 can't see any sign of that one being resolved.

 The other obvious example was the dispute about ABI breakage for numpy
 1.5.0 where I believe Travis did invoke some sort of committee to
 vote, but (Travis can correct me if I'm wrong), the committee was
 named ad-hoc and contacted off-list.

  Can you provide an example of what you might
  envision as a more formal governance structure?
  (I assume that any such structure will not put people
  who are not core contributors to NumPy in a position
  to tell core contributors what to spend their time on.)
  Early last December, Chuck Harris estimated that three
  people were active NumPy developers.  I liked the idea of
  creating a board of these 3 and a rule that says any
  active developer can request to join the board, that
  additions are determined by majority vote of the existing
  board, and  that having the board both small and odd
  numbered is a priority.  I also suggested inviting to this
  board a developer or two from important projects that are
  very NumPy dependent (e.g., Matplotlib).
  I still like this idea.  Would it fully satisfy you?
  I actually like that idea.  Matthew, is this along the lines of what you
  were thinking?

 Honestly it would make me very happy if the discussion moved to what
 form the governance should take.  I would have thought that 3 was too
 small a number.

One thing to note about this point is that during the NA discussion, the
only people doing active C-level development were Charles and me. I suspect
a discussion about how to recruit more people into that group might be more
important than governance at this point in time.

If we need a formal structure, maybe a good approach is giving Travis the
final say for now, until a trigger point occurs. That could be 6 months
after the number of active developers hits 5, or something like that. At
that point, we would reopen the discussion with a larger group of people
who would directly play in that role, and any decision made then will
probably be better than a decision we make now while the development team
is so small.


 We should look at what other projects do.   I think
 that this committee needs to be people who know numpy code; projects
 using numpy could advise, but people developing numpy should vote I

 There should be rules of engagement, a constitution, especially how to
 deal with disputes with Continuum or other contracting organizations.

 I would personally very much like to see a committment to consensus,
 where possible on these lines (as noted previously by Nathaniel):



 NumPy-Discussion mailing list

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-15 Thread Perry Greenfield
On Feb 15, 2012, at 3:01 PM, Matthew Brett wrote:


My 2 cents.

I think you put too much faith in formal systems. There are plenty of  
examples of formal governance that fail miserably. In the end it  
depends on the people and their willingness to continue cooperating.  
Formal governance won't protect people from misbehaving or abusing the  
formal system if they are so inclined.

So my thought on this is why not see how it works out. Even if  
Travis's company has a conflict of interest (and that is certainly a  
possibility) it isn't always a bad thing. Look at two scenarios:

1) a project requires that all work is done by altruistic people with  
no conflicts of interest. But it languishes  due to a lack of  
sufficient resources.

2) a big, bad, evil, self-interested company infuses lots of resources  
and talent, and they bend the project their way to meet their  
interests. The resulting project has lots of new capability, but isn't  
quite as pure as the altruistic people would have had it. (Mind you,  
it's still open source software!)

Neither is ideal. But sometimes it's 2) that has led to progress. If  
the distortion of the self interested companies it too big, then it's  
a net negative. But even the self-interested company has a large stake  
in seeing the community not split.

And you see this in the open source community all the time, even from  
the altruistic. Those that do the work generally get the most say in  
how it is done.

Finally, I think you should cut Travis some slack here. No one has  
come close to the personal investment in numpy that he has (and you  
probably aren't aware of all if it). If anyone deserves the benefit of  
the doubt, it's Travis. Why not base criticism on actual problems  
rather than anticipated ones?


(full disclosure: one of those selected board members)
NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-15 Thread Charles R Harris
On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 1:55 PM, Mark Wiebe mwwi...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 12:09 PM, Matthew Brett 


 On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 11:46 AM, Benjamin Root ben.r...@ou.edu wrote:
  On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 1:32 PM, Alan G Isaac alan.is...@gmail.com
  Can you provide an example where a more formal
  governance structure for NumPy would have meant
  more or better code development? (Please do not
  suggest the NA discussion!)
  Why not the NA discussion?  Would we really want to have that happen
  Note that it still isn't fully resolved and progress still needs to be
  (I think the last thread did an excellent job of fleshing out the
 ideas, but
  it became too much to digest.  We may need to have someone go through
  information, reduce it down and make one last push to bring it to a
  conclusion).  The NA discussion is the perfect example where a
  structure would help resolve disputes.

 Yes, that was the most obvious example. I don't know about you, but I
 can't see any sign of that one being resolved.

 The other obvious example was the dispute about ABI breakage for numpy
 1.5.0 where I believe Travis did invoke some sort of committee to
 vote, but (Travis can correct me if I'm wrong), the committee was
 named ad-hoc and contacted off-list.

  Can you provide an example of what you might
  envision as a more formal governance structure?
  (I assume that any such structure will not put people
  who are not core contributors to NumPy in a position
  to tell core contributors what to spend their time on.)
  Early last December, Chuck Harris estimated that three
  people were active NumPy developers.  I liked the idea of
  creating a board of these 3 and a rule that says any
  active developer can request to join the board, that
  additions are determined by majority vote of the existing
  board, and  that having the board both small and odd
  numbered is a priority.  I also suggested inviting to this
  board a developer or two from important projects that are
  very NumPy dependent (e.g., Matplotlib).
  I still like this idea.  Would it fully satisfy you?
  I actually like that idea.  Matthew, is this along the lines of what you
  were thinking?

 Honestly it would make me very happy if the discussion moved to what
 form the governance should take.  I would have thought that 3 was too
 small a number.

 One thing to note about this point is that during the NA discussion, the
 only people doing active C-level development were Charles and me. I suspect
 a discussion about how to recruit more people into that group might be more
 important than governance at this point in time.

You flatter me, but thanks ;) Over the past 15 months or so, it's been
pretty much all Mark.


NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-15 Thread Matthew Brett

On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 12:55 PM, Mark Wiebe mwwi...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 12:09 PM, Matthew Brett matthew.br...@gmail.com


 On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 11:46 AM, Benjamin Root ben.r...@ou.edu wrote:
  On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 1:32 PM, Alan G Isaac alan.is...@gmail.com
  Can you provide an example where a more formal
  governance structure for NumPy would have meant
  more or better code development? (Please do not
  suggest the NA discussion!)
  Why not the NA discussion?  Would we really want to have that happen
  Note that it still isn't fully resolved and progress still needs to be
  (I think the last thread did an excellent job of fleshing out the ideas,
  it became too much to digest.  We may need to have someone go through
  information, reduce it down and make one last push to bring it to a
  conclusion).  The NA discussion is the perfect example where a
  structure would help resolve disputes.

 Yes, that was the most obvious example. I don't know about you, but I
 can't see any sign of that one being resolved.

 The other obvious example was the dispute about ABI breakage for numpy
 1.5.0 where I believe Travis did invoke some sort of committee to
 vote, but (Travis can correct me if I'm wrong), the committee was
 named ad-hoc and contacted off-list.

  Can you provide an example of what you might
  envision as a more formal governance structure?
  (I assume that any such structure will not put people
  who are not core contributors to NumPy in a position
  to tell core contributors what to spend their time on.)
  Early last December, Chuck Harris estimated that three
  people were active NumPy developers.  I liked the idea of
  creating a board of these 3 and a rule that says any
  active developer can request to join the board, that
  additions are determined by majority vote of the existing
  board, and  that having the board both small and odd
  numbered is a priority.  I also suggested inviting to this
  board a developer or two from important projects that are
  very NumPy dependent (e.g., Matplotlib).
  I still like this idea.  Would it fully satisfy you?
  I actually like that idea.  Matthew, is this along the lines of what you
  were thinking?

 Honestly it would make me very happy if the discussion moved to what
 form the governance should take.  I would have thought that 3 was too
 small a number.

 One thing to note about this point is that during the NA discussion, the
 only people doing active C-level development were Charles and me. I suspect
 a discussion about how to recruit more people into that group might be more
 important than governance at this point in time.

Mark - a) thanks for replying, it's good to hear your voice and b) I
don't think there's any competition between the discussion about
governance and the need to recruit more people into the group who
understand the C code.

Remember we are deciding here between governance - of a form to be
decided - and no governance - which I think is the current situation.
I know your desire is to see more people contributing to the C code.
It would help a lot if you could say what you think the barriers are,
how they could be lowered, and the risks that you see as a result of
the numpy C expertise moving essentially into one company.  Then we
can formulate some governance that would help lower those barriers and
reduce those risks.

 If we need a formal structure, maybe a good approach is giving Travis the
 final say for now, until a trigger point occurs. That could be 6 months
 after the number of active developers hits 5, or something like that. At
 that point, we would reopen the discussion with a larger group of people who
 would directly play in that role, and any decision made then will probably
 be better than a decision we make now while the development team is so

Honestly - as I was saying to Alan and indirectly to Ben - any formal
model - at all - is preferable to the current situation. Personally, I
would say that making the founder of a company, which is working to
make money from Numpy, the only decision maker on numpy - is - scary.
But maybe it's the best way.   But, again, we're all high-functioning
sensible people, I'm sure it's possible for us to formulate what the
risks are, what the potential solutions are, and come up with the best
- maybe short-term - solution,

See you,

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-15 Thread Matthew Brett

On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 12:45 PM, Alan G Isaac alan.is...@gmail.com wrote:
 My analysis is fundamentally different than Matthew
 and Benjamin's for a few reasons.

 1. The problem has been miscast.
    The economic interests of the developers *always*
    has had an apparent conflict with the economic
    interests of the users: users want developers to work more
    on the code, and developers need to make a living, which
    often involves spending their time on other things.
    On this score, nothing has really changed.
 2. It seems pretty clear that Matthew wants some governance
    power to be held by individuals who are not actively
    developing NumPy.  As Chuck Harris pointed out long ago,
    that dog ain't going to hunt.
 3. Constitutions can be broken (and are, all the time).
    Designing a stable institution requires making it in
    the interests of the members to participate.

 Any formal governance structure that can be desirable
 for the NumPy community as a whole has to be desirable
 for the core developers.  The right way to produce a
 governance structure is to make concrete proposals and
 show how these proposals are in the interest of the
 *developers* (as well as of the users).

 For example, Benjamin obliquely suggested that with an
 appropriate governance board, the NA discussion could
 have simply been shut down by having the developers
 vote (as part of their governance).  This might be in
 the interest of the developers and of the community
 (I'm not sure), but I doubt it is what Matthew has in mind.
 In any case, until proposals are put on the table along
 with a clear effort to illustrate why it is in the interest
 of the *developers* to adopt the proposals, I really do not
 see this discussion moving forward.

That's helpful, it would be good to discuss concrete proposals.
Would you care to flesh out your proposal in more detail or is it as
you quoted it before?

Where do you stand on the desirability of consensus?

Do you have any suggestions on how to ensure that the non-Continuum
community has sufficient weight in decision making?


NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-15 Thread josef . pktd
On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 4:43 PM, Matthew Brett matthew.br...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 12:45 PM, Alan G Isaac alan.is...@gmail.com wrote:
 My analysis is fundamentally different than Matthew
 and Benjamin's for a few reasons.

 1. The problem has been miscast.
    The economic interests of the developers *always*
    has had an apparent conflict with the economic
    interests of the users: users want developers to work more
    on the code, and developers need to make a living, which
    often involves spending their time on other things.
    On this score, nothing has really changed.
 2. It seems pretty clear that Matthew wants some governance
    power to be held by individuals who are not actively
    developing NumPy.  As Chuck Harris pointed out long ago,
    that dog ain't going to hunt.
 3. Constitutions can be broken (and are, all the time).
    Designing a stable institution requires making it in
    the interests of the members to participate.

 Any formal governance structure that can be desirable
 for the NumPy community as a whole has to be desirable
 for the core developers.  The right way to produce a
 governance structure is to make concrete proposals and
 show how these proposals are in the interest of the
 *developers* (as well as of the users).

 For example, Benjamin obliquely suggested that with an
 appropriate governance board, the NA discussion could
 have simply been shut down by having the developers
 vote (as part of their governance).  This might be in
 the interest of the developers and of the community
 (I'm not sure), but I doubt it is what Matthew has in mind.
 In any case, until proposals are put on the table along
 with a clear effort to illustrate why it is in the interest
 of the *developers* to adopt the proposals, I really do not
 see this discussion moving forward.

 That's helpful, it would be good to discuss concrete proposals.
 Would you care to flesh out your proposal in more detail or is it as
 you quoted it before?

 Where do you stand on the desirability of consensus?

 Do you have any suggestions on how to ensure that the non-Continuum
 community has sufficient weight in decision making?

I'm going to miss Ralf as release manager, since in terms of
governance he had the last control over what's actually in the
released versions of numpy (and scipy).

(I think the ABI breakage in 1.4 not 1.5 was pretty painful for a long time.)



 NumPy-Discussion mailing list
NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-15 Thread T J
On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 12:45 PM, Alan G Isaac alan.is...@gmail.com wrote:

 for the core developers.  The right way to produce a
 governance structure is to make concrete proposals and
 show how these proposals are in the interest of the
 *developers* (as well as of the users).

At this point, it seems to me that Matthew is simply trying to make the
case that ==some== governance structure should be (or should be more
clearly) set up.  Even this fairly modest goal seems to be receiving
blowback from some.

Perhaps a specific proposal would be more convincing to those in
opposition, but I'd like to think that the merits for
a governance structure could be appreciated without having specific the
details of what such a structure would look like.  Matthew's links
certainly make a good case, IMO.  He has also described a number of
scenarios where a governance structure would be helpful (even if we think
the likelihood of such scenarios is small).
NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-15 Thread Benjamin Root
On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 4:08 PM, T J tjhn...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 12:45 PM, Alan G Isaac alan.is...@gmail.comwrote:

 for the core developers.  The right way to produce a
 governance structure is to make concrete proposals and
 show how these proposals are in the interest of the
 *developers* (as well as of the users).

 At this point, it seems to me that Matthew is simply trying to make the
 case that ==some== governance structure should be (or should be more
 clearly) set up.  Even this fairly modest goal seems to be receiving
 blowback from some.

 Perhaps a specific proposal would be more convincing to those in
 opposition, but I'd like to think that the merits for
 a governance structure could be appreciated without having specific the
 details of what such a structure would look like.  Matthew's links
 certainly make a good case, IMO.  He has also described a number of
 scenarios where a governance structure would be helpful (even if we think
 the likelihood of such scenarios is small).

Agreed.  During the NA discussion, I remember at one point there was an
attempt to create a governance structure to resolve the dispute.  I pushed
back on that idea at the time because we would be trying to form a
governance while in heated arguments.  I would like to see a very basic
structure established and agreed upon now, while heads are cool and the
pressure isn't on (relatively speaking).  The point of these structures
are for the unanticipated situations.

Following the Boy Scouts motto: Be Prepared!

Ben Root
NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-15 Thread Mark Wiebe
On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 1:36 PM, Matthew Brett matthew.br...@gmail.comwrote:


 On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 12:55 PM, Mark Wiebe mwwi...@gmail.com wrote:
  On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 12:09 PM, Matthew Brett matthew.br...@gmail.com
  On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 11:46 AM, Benjamin Root ben.r...@ou.edu
   On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 1:32 PM, Alan G Isaac alan.is...@gmail.com
   Can you provide an example where a more formal
   governance structure for NumPy would have meant
   more or better code development? (Please do not
   suggest the NA discussion!)
   Why not the NA discussion?  Would we really want to have that happen
   Note that it still isn't fully resolved and progress still needs to be
   (I think the last thread did an excellent job of fleshing out the
   it became too much to digest.  We may need to have someone go through
   information, reduce it down and make one last push to bring it to a
   conclusion).  The NA discussion is the perfect example where a
   structure would help resolve disputes.
  Yes, that was the most obvious example. I don't know about you, but I
  can't see any sign of that one being resolved.
  The other obvious example was the dispute about ABI breakage for numpy
  1.5.0 where I believe Travis did invoke some sort of committee to
  vote, but (Travis can correct me if I'm wrong), the committee was
  named ad-hoc and contacted off-list.
   Can you provide an example of what you might
   envision as a more formal governance structure?
   (I assume that any such structure will not put people
   who are not core contributors to NumPy in a position
   to tell core contributors what to spend their time on.)
   Early last December, Chuck Harris estimated that three
   people were active NumPy developers.  I liked the idea of
   creating a board of these 3 and a rule that says any
   active developer can request to join the board, that
   additions are determined by majority vote of the existing
   board, and  that having the board both small and odd
   numbered is a priority.  I also suggested inviting to this
   board a developer or two from important projects that are
   very NumPy dependent (e.g., Matplotlib).
   I still like this idea.  Would it fully satisfy you?
   I actually like that idea.  Matthew, is this along the lines of what
   were thinking?
  Honestly it would make me very happy if the discussion moved to what
  form the governance should take.  I would have thought that 3 was too
  small a number.
  One thing to note about this point is that during the NA discussion, the
  only people doing active C-level development were Charles and me. I
  a discussion about how to recruit more people into that group might be
  important than governance at this point in time.

 Mark - a) thanks for replying, it's good to hear your voice and b) I
 don't think there's any competition between the discussion about
 governance and the need to recruit more people into the group who
 understand the C code.

There hasn't really been any discussion about recruiting developers to
compete with the governance topic, now we can let the topics compete. :)

Some of the mechanisms which will help are already being set in motion
through the discussion about better infrastructure support like bug
trackers and continuous integration. The forthcoming roadmap discussion
Travis alluded to, where we will propose a roadmap for review by the numpy
user community, will include many more such points.

 Remember we are deciding here between governance - of a form to be
 decided - and no governance - which I think is the current situation.
 I know your desire is to see more people contributing to the C code.
 It would help a lot if you could say what you think the barriers are,
 how they could be lowered, and the risks that you see as a result of
 the numpy C expertise moving essentially into one company.  Then we
 can formulate some governance that would help lower those barriers and
 reduce those risks.

There certainly is governance now, it's just informal. It's a combination
of how the design discussions are carried out, how pull requests occur, and
who has commit rights.

The only way to reasonably mitigate the risk of development expertise being
in one company is to recruit more developers from elsewhere. I think those
new developers will appreciate having a say about how governance works,
which is why I suggested to postpone the meat of this discussion with an
interim solution, and move on to the recruitment topic.

  If we need a formal structure, maybe a good approach is giving Travis the
  final say for now, until a trigger point occurs. That could be 6 months
  after the number of active developers hits 5, or something like that. At
  that point, we would reopen the discussion with a larger group of people
  would directly play in that role, 

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-15 Thread Peter Wang
On Feb 15, 2012, at 3:36 PM, Matthew Brett wrote:

 Honestly - as I was saying to Alan and indirectly to Ben - any formal
 model - at all - is preferable to the current situation. Personally, I
 would say that making the founder of a company, which is working to
 make money from Numpy, the only decision maker on numpy - is - scary.

How is this different from the situation of the last 4 years?  Travis was 
President at Enthought, which makes money from not only Numpy but SciPy as 
well.  In addition to employing Travis, Enthought also employees many other key 
contributors to Numpy and Scipy, like Robert and David.  Furthermore, the Scipy 
and Numpy mailing lists and repos and web pages were all hosted at Enthought.  
If they didn't like how a particular discussion was going, they could have 
memory-holed the entire conversation from the archives, or worse yet, revoked 
commit access and reverted changes.

But such things never transpired, and of course most of us know that such 
things would never happen.  I don't see why the current situation is any 
different from the previous situation, other than the fact that Travis actually 
plans on actively developing Numpy again, and that hardly seems scary.


NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-15 Thread Matthew Brett

On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 2:30 PM, Peter Wang pw...@streamitive.com wrote:
 On Feb 15, 2012, at 3:36 PM, Matthew Brett wrote:

 Honestly - as I was saying to Alan and indirectly to Ben - any formal
 model - at all - is preferable to the current situation. Personally, I
 would say that making the founder of a company, which is working to
 make money from Numpy, the only decision maker on numpy - is - scary.

 How is this different from the situation of the last 4 years?  Travis was 
 President at Enthought, which makes money from not only Numpy but SciPy as 
 well.  In addition to employing Travis, Enthought also employees many other 
 key contributors to Numpy and Scipy, like Robert and David.

The difference is fairly obvious to me, but stop me if I'm wrong.
First - although Enthought was in a position to influence numpy
development, it didn't very much, partly, I suppose because Travis did
not have time to contribute to numpy.  The exception is of course the
masked array stuff by Mark that caused a lot of controversy.

  Furthermore, the Scipy and Numpy mailing lists and repos and web pages were 
 all hosted at Enthought.  If they didn't like how a particular discussion was 
 going, they could have memory-holed the entire conversation from the 
 archives, or worse yet, revoked commit access and reverted changes.

Obviously we should be realistic about the risks.   Situations like
that are very unlikely.

 But such things never transpired, and of course most of us know that such 
 things would never happen.


 I don't see why the current situation is any different from the previous 
situation, other than the fact that Travis actually plans on actively 
developing Numpy again, and that hardly seems scary.

It would be silly to be worried about Travis contributing to numpy, in general.


NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-15 Thread Bryan Van de Ven
On 2/15/12 3:25 PM, Matthew Brett wrote:
 4) It is possible for Continuum to want features that are good for
 Continuum, but bad for the code-base in general.  For example,
 Continuum may have some product that requires a particular arcane
 feature in numpy.

 Through these mechanisms, Numpy can lose developers and commitment
 (please note) *relative to the situation where there is formal

 Obviously, at worst, this can lead to a split.   We can avoid that
 *risk* with a sensible governance model that is satisfactory for all
 parties.  I'm sure that's achievable.

Hi All,

I'm one of the Continuum devs tasked with contributing to numpy core. I 
have experience as a numpy user in the past but the core C code is new 
to me, and getting familiar with it has been an enlightening experience, 
to say the least. One of our primary long term goals is to make the core 
codebase much cleaner and more modular. The outcome we expect and hope 
for as a result of this effort are:

1) Encourage more core developers to join numpy because the codebase is 
more approachable (I hope we are all everyone agreed that it is very 
desirable to attract more core devs)

2) Allow the development of new types and features to have some relative 
insulation from one another and from numpy core

Increased modularity mitigates the risk of any conflicts between 
Continuum and the numpy community (if any should ever actually arise), 
and reduces the chance of a split. Having more core devs spreads around 
the responsibility for making decisions while still vesting that 
responsibility largely among the folks actually contributing their time 
and effort.

Perhaps then the most important question is how to get to a cleaned up, 
modular numpy core? The details of that roadmap should definitely be 
hashed out here on the list. But if we can get to that state, I think 
everyone can pursue both their shared and individual interests 
comfortably, regardless of what type of formal or informal governance 
might be adopted in the future.

BTW I'd also just like to take this chance to say Hello to the list, I 
am very excited to help improve numpy.

Bryan Van de Ven

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-15 Thread Joe Harrington
On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 1:00 PM, Perry Greenfield pe...@stsci.edu wrote:
 On Feb 15, 2012, at 3:01 PM, Matthew Brett wrote:


 My 2 cents.


I am both elated and concerned.  Since it's obvious what there is to be
elated about, this post has a concerned tone.  But overall, I think
this is a great move with some obvious problems to solve before it moves
forward.  I think the effort spent now looking for a solution will be
much less than the pain of trying to undo a mess involving contracts and
clients.  That way lies court and code splits.  So, let's do the hard
work of figuring out governance now.

In principle, I agree with Matt.  We're moving from pretty altruistic
code development to a model in which the most active development will be
paid for and therefore controlled by influences outside the user
community.  This can have a lot of unintended side effects, including
those Matt pointed out.  We might also feel some level of discontent
among developers who are not paid vs. those who are.  This might make it
hard to recruit developers who are not Continuum employees.

There are tons of examples of financial interests creeping in and
mucking up community computer projects.  Symbolics vs. Lisp Machines,
Inc.  Early shenanigans on internet technical committees by engineers
working at companies that were behind the curve on product development.

As for being responsive to the community, Continuum is already promising
the world whole new directions in numpy (see continuum.io).  Were those
plans even mentioned on a mailing list?  Is that the direction we want
to go in?  Are there negative consequeces to those plans?  What are the
plans, exactly?  Having those who do the work make the decisions only
works when those working consider the needs of all.  The community
believes that's true largely when it's included in the discussion and
not taken by surprise, as seems to have happened here.

Of course, balancing all of this (and our security blanket) is the
possibility of someone splitting the code if they don't like how
Continuum runs things.  Perry, you've done that yourself to this code's
predecessor, so you know the risks.  You did that in response to one
constituency's moving the code in a direction you didn't like (or not
moving it in one you did, I don't remember exactly), as in your example
#2.  So, while progress might be made when that happens, last time it
hurt astronomers enough that you rolled your own and had to put several
FTE on the problem.  That split held back adoption of numpy both in the
astronomy community and outside it, for like 5 years.  Perhaps some
governance would have saved you the effort and cost and the community
the grief of the numarray split.  Of course, lots of good eventually
came from the split.

I'd like to see at least some serious thought on how to protect the
interests of the community under this very different development model.
Trying it out and deciding we don't like it later will be a *much*
harder thing to sort out.

At the same time, the idea of multiplying the number of people actually
working, and of having continuous builds and good issue tracking and all
the rest, including the enhancements listed on Travis's web site, are
very exciting!  Let's just make sure we retain our community orientation
with this new model.

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-15 Thread Dag Sverre Seljebotn
On 02/15/2012 02:24 PM, Mark Wiebe wrote:
 On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 1:36 PM, Matthew Brett matthew.br...@gmail.com
 mailto:matthew.br...@gmail.com wrote:


 On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 12:55 PM, Mark Wiebe mwwi...@gmail.com
 mailto:mwwi...@gmail.com wrote:
   On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 12:09 PM, Matthew Brett
 matthew.br...@gmail.com mailto:matthew.br...@gmail.com
   On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 11:46 AM, Benjamin Root ben.r...@ou.edu
 mailto:ben.r...@ou.edu wrote:
On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 1:32 PM, Alan G Isaac
 alan.is...@gmail.com mailto:alan.is...@gmail.com
Can you provide an example where a more formal
governance structure for NumPy would have meant
more or better code development? (Please do not
suggest the NA discussion!)
Why not the NA discussion?  Would we really want to have that
Note that it still isn't fully resolved and progress still
 needs to be
(I think the last thread did an excellent job of fleshing out
 the ideas,
it became too much to digest.  We may need to have someone go
information, reduce it down and make one last push to bring it
 to a
conclusion).  The NA discussion is the perfect example where a
structure would help resolve disputes.
   Yes, that was the most obvious example. I don't know about you,
 but I
   can't see any sign of that one being resolved.
   The other obvious example was the dispute about ABI breakage for
   1.5.0 where I believe Travis did invoke some sort of committee to
   vote, but (Travis can correct me if I'm wrong), the committee was
   named ad-hoc and contacted off-list.
Can you provide an example of what you might
envision as a more formal governance structure?
(I assume that any such structure will not put people
who are not core contributors to NumPy in a position
to tell core contributors what to spend their time on.)
Early last December, Chuck Harris estimated that three
people were active NumPy developers.  I liked the idea of
creating a board of these 3 and a rule that says any
active developer can request to join the board, that
additions are determined by majority vote of the existing
board, and  that having the board both small and odd
numbered is a priority.  I also suggested inviting to this
board a developer or two from important projects that are
very NumPy dependent (e.g., Matplotlib).
I still like this idea.  Would it fully satisfy you?
I actually like that idea.  Matthew, is this along the lines
 of what you
were thinking?
   Honestly it would make me very happy if the discussion moved to what
   form the governance should take.  I would have thought that 3
 was too
   small a number.
   One thing to note about this point is that during the NA
 discussion, the
   only people doing active C-level development were Charles and me.
 I suspect
   a discussion about how to recruit more people into that group
 might be more
   important than governance at this point in time.

 Mark - a) thanks for replying, it's good to hear your voice and b) I
 don't think there's any competition between the discussion about
 governance and the need to recruit more people into the group who
 understand the C code.

 There hasn't really been any discussion about recruiting developers to
 compete with the governance topic, now we can let the topics compete. :)

 Some of the mechanisms which will help are already being set in motion
 through the discussion about better infrastructure support like bug
 trackers and continuous integration. The forthcoming roadmap discussion
 Travis alluded to, where we will propose a roadmap for review by the
 numpy user community, will include many more such points.

 Remember we are deciding here between governance - of a form to be
 decided - and no governance - which I think is the current situation.
 I know your desire is to see more people contributing to the C code.
 It would help a lot if you could say what you think the barriers are,
 how they could be lowered, and the risks that you see as a result of
 the numpy C expertise moving essentially into one company.  Then we
 can formulate some governance that would help lower those barriers and
 reduce those risks.

 There certainly is governance now, it's just informal. It's a
 combination of how the design discussions are carried out, how pull
 requests occur, and who has commit rights.


If non-contributing 

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-15 Thread josef . pktd
On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 7:27 PM, Dag Sverre Seljebotn
d.s.seljeb...@astro.uio.no wrote:
 On 02/15/2012 02:24 PM, Mark Wiebe wrote:
 On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 1:36 PM, Matthew Brett matthew.br...@gmail.com
 mailto:matthew.br...@gmail.com wrote:


     On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 12:55 PM, Mark Wiebe mwwi...@gmail.com
     mailto:mwwi...@gmail.com wrote:
       On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 12:09 PM, Matthew Brett
     matthew.br...@gmail.com mailto:matthew.br...@gmail.com
       On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 11:46 AM, Benjamin Root ben.r...@ou.edu
     mailto:ben.r...@ou.edu wrote:
        On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 1:32 PM, Alan G Isaac
     alan.is...@gmail.com mailto:alan.is...@gmail.com
        Can you provide an example where a more formal
        governance structure for NumPy would have meant
        more or better code development? (Please do not
        suggest the NA discussion!)
        Why not the NA discussion?  Would we really want to have that
        Note that it still isn't fully resolved and progress still
     needs to be
        (I think the last thread did an excellent job of fleshing out
     the ideas,
        it became too much to digest.  We may need to have someone go
        information, reduce it down and make one last push to bring it
     to a
        conclusion).  The NA discussion is the perfect example where a
        structure would help resolve disputes.
       Yes, that was the most obvious example. I don't know about you,
     but I
       can't see any sign of that one being resolved.
       The other obvious example was the dispute about ABI breakage for
       1.5.0 where I believe Travis did invoke some sort of committee to
       vote, but (Travis can correct me if I'm wrong), the committee was
       named ad-hoc and contacted off-list.
        Can you provide an example of what you might
        envision as a more formal governance structure?
        (I assume that any such structure will not put people
        who are not core contributors to NumPy in a position
        to tell core contributors what to spend their time on.)
        Early last December, Chuck Harris estimated that three
        people were active NumPy developers.  I liked the idea of
        creating a board of these 3 and a rule that says any
        active developer can request to join the board, that
        additions are determined by majority vote of the existing
        board, and  that having the board both small and odd
        numbered is a priority.  I also suggested inviting to this
        board a developer or two from important projects that are
        very NumPy dependent (e.g., Matplotlib).
        I still like this idea.  Would it fully satisfy you?
        I actually like that idea.  Matthew, is this along the lines
     of what you
        were thinking?
       Honestly it would make me very happy if the discussion moved to what
       form the governance should take.  I would have thought that 3
     was too
       small a number.
       One thing to note about this point is that during the NA
     discussion, the
       only people doing active C-level development were Charles and me.
     I suspect
       a discussion about how to recruit more people into that group
     might be more
       important than governance at this point in time.

     Mark - a) thanks for replying, it's good to hear your voice and b) I
     don't think there's any competition between the discussion about
     governance and the need to recruit more people into the group who
     understand the C code.

 There hasn't really been any discussion about recruiting developers to
 compete with the governance topic, now we can let the topics compete. :)

 Some of the mechanisms which will help are already being set in motion
 through the discussion about better infrastructure support like bug
 trackers and continuous integration. The forthcoming roadmap discussion
 Travis alluded to, where we will propose a roadmap for review by the
 numpy user community, will include many more such points.

     Remember we are deciding here between governance - of a form to be
     decided - and no governance - which I think is the current situation.
     I know your desire is to see more people contributing to the C code.
     It would help a lot if you could say what you think the barriers are,
     how they could be lowered, and the risks that you see as a result of
     the numpy C expertise moving essentially into one company.  Then we
     can formulate some governance that would help lower those barriers and
     reduce those risks.

 There certainly is governance now, it's just informal. It's a
 combination of how the design discussions are 

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-15 Thread Matthew Brett

On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 4:27 PM, Dag Sverre Seljebotn
d.s.seljeb...@astro.uio.no wrote:
 On 02/15/2012 02:24 PM, Mark Wiebe wrote:
 On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 1:36 PM, Matthew Brett matthew.br...@gmail.com
 mailto:matthew.br...@gmail.com wrote:


     On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 12:55 PM, Mark Wiebe mwwi...@gmail.com
     mailto:mwwi...@gmail.com wrote:
       On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 12:09 PM, Matthew Brett
     matthew.br...@gmail.com mailto:matthew.br...@gmail.com
       On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 11:46 AM, Benjamin Root ben.r...@ou.edu
     mailto:ben.r...@ou.edu wrote:
        On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 1:32 PM, Alan G Isaac
     alan.is...@gmail.com mailto:alan.is...@gmail.com
        Can you provide an example where a more formal
        governance structure for NumPy would have meant
        more or better code development? (Please do not
        suggest the NA discussion!)
        Why not the NA discussion?  Would we really want to have that
        Note that it still isn't fully resolved and progress still
     needs to be
        (I think the last thread did an excellent job of fleshing out
     the ideas,
        it became too much to digest.  We may need to have someone go
        information, reduce it down and make one last push to bring it
     to a
        conclusion).  The NA discussion is the perfect example where a
        structure would help resolve disputes.
       Yes, that was the most obvious example. I don't know about you,
     but I
       can't see any sign of that one being resolved.
       The other obvious example was the dispute about ABI breakage for
       1.5.0 where I believe Travis did invoke some sort of committee to
       vote, but (Travis can correct me if I'm wrong), the committee was
       named ad-hoc and contacted off-list.
        Can you provide an example of what you might
        envision as a more formal governance structure?
        (I assume that any such structure will not put people
        who are not core contributors to NumPy in a position
        to tell core contributors what to spend their time on.)
        Early last December, Chuck Harris estimated that three
        people were active NumPy developers.  I liked the idea of
        creating a board of these 3 and a rule that says any
        active developer can request to join the board, that
        additions are determined by majority vote of the existing
        board, and  that having the board both small and odd
        numbered is a priority.  I also suggested inviting to this
        board a developer or two from important projects that are
        very NumPy dependent (e.g., Matplotlib).
        I still like this idea.  Would it fully satisfy you?
        I actually like that idea.  Matthew, is this along the lines
     of what you
        were thinking?
       Honestly it would make me very happy if the discussion moved to what
       form the governance should take.  I would have thought that 3
     was too
       small a number.
       One thing to note about this point is that during the NA
     discussion, the
       only people doing active C-level development were Charles and me.
     I suspect
       a discussion about how to recruit more people into that group
     might be more
       important than governance at this point in time.

     Mark - a) thanks for replying, it's good to hear your voice and b) I
     don't think there's any competition between the discussion about
     governance and the need to recruit more people into the group who
     understand the C code.

 There hasn't really been any discussion about recruiting developers to
 compete with the governance topic, now we can let the topics compete. :)

 Some of the mechanisms which will help are already being set in motion
 through the discussion about better infrastructure support like bug
 trackers and continuous integration. The forthcoming roadmap discussion
 Travis alluded to, where we will propose a roadmap for review by the
 numpy user community, will include many more such points.

     Remember we are deciding here between governance - of a form to be
     decided - and no governance - which I think is the current situation.
     I know your desire is to see more people contributing to the C code.
     It would help a lot if you could say what you think the barriers are,
     how they could be lowered, and the risks that you see as a result of
     the numpy C expertise moving essentially into one company.  Then we
     can formulate some governance that would help lower those barriers and
     reduce those risks.

 There certainly is governance now, it's just informal. It's a
 combination of how the design discussions 

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-15 Thread Mark Wiebe
On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 4:57 PM, josef.p...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 7:27 PM, Dag Sverre Seljebotn
 d.s.seljeb...@astro.uio.no wrote:
  On 02/15/2012 02:24 PM, Mark Wiebe wrote:
  On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 1:36 PM, Matthew Brett matthew.br...@gmail.com
  mailto:matthew.br...@gmail.com wrote:
  On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 12:55 PM, Mark Wiebe mwwi...@gmail.com
  mailto:mwwi...@gmail.com wrote:
On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 12:09 PM, Matthew Brett
  matthew.br...@gmail.com mailto:matthew.br...@gmail.com
On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 11:46 AM, Benjamin Root 
  mailto:ben.r...@ou.edu wrote:

 On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 1:32 PM, Alan G Isaac
  alan.is...@gmail.com mailto:alan.is...@gmail.com
 Can you provide an example where a more formal
 governance structure for NumPy would have meant
 more or better code development? (Please do not
 suggest the NA discussion!)

 Why not the NA discussion?  Would we really want to have that
 Note that it still isn't fully resolved and progress still
  needs to be
 (I think the last thread did an excellent job of fleshing out
  the ideas,
 it became too much to digest.  We may need to have someone go
 information, reduce it down and make one last push to bring it
  to a
 conclusion).  The NA discussion is the perfect example where a
 structure would help resolve disputes.
Yes, that was the most obvious example. I don't know about you,
  but I
can't see any sign of that one being resolved.
The other obvious example was the dispute about ABI breakage for
1.5.0 where I believe Travis did invoke some sort of committee
vote, but (Travis can correct me if I'm wrong), the committee
named ad-hoc and contacted off-list.

 Can you provide an example of what you might
 envision as a more formal governance structure?
 (I assume that any such structure will not put people
 who are not core contributors to NumPy in a position
 to tell core contributors what to spend their time on.)

 Early last December, Chuck Harris estimated that three
 people were active NumPy developers.  I liked the idea of
 creating a board of these 3 and a rule that says any
 active developer can request to join the board, that
 additions are determined by majority vote of the existing
 board, and  that having the board both small and odd
 numbered is a priority.  I also suggested inviting to this
 board a developer or two from important projects that are
 very NumPy dependent (e.g., Matplotlib).

 I still like this idea.  Would it fully satisfy you?

 I actually like that idea.  Matthew, is this along the lines
  of what you
 were thinking?
Honestly it would make me very happy if the discussion moved to
form the governance should take.  I would have thought that 3
  was too
small a number.
One thing to note about this point is that during the NA
  discussion, the
only people doing active C-level development were Charles and me.
  I suspect
a discussion about how to recruit more people into that group
  might be more
important than governance at this point in time.
  Mark - a) thanks for replying, it's good to hear your voice and b) I
  don't think there's any competition between the discussion about
  governance and the need to recruit more people into the group who
  understand the C code.
  There hasn't really been any discussion about recruiting developers to
  compete with the governance topic, now we can let the topics compete. :)
  Some of the mechanisms which will help are already being set in motion
  through the discussion about better infrastructure support like bug
  trackers and continuous integration. The forthcoming roadmap discussion
  Travis alluded to, where we will propose a roadmap for review by the
  numpy user community, will include many more such points.
  Remember we are deciding here between governance - of a form to be
  decided - and no governance - which I think is the current
  I know your desire is to see more people contributing to the C code.
  It would help a lot if you could say what you think the barriers
  how they could be lowered, and the risks that you see as a result of
  the numpy C expertise moving essentially into one company.  Then we
  can formulate some 

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-15 Thread Benjamin Root
On Wednesday, February 15, 2012, Mark Wiebe mwwi...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 4:57 PM, josef.p...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 7:27 PM, Dag Sverre Seljebotn
 d.s.seljeb...@astro.uio.no wrote:
 On 02/15/2012 02:24 PM, Mark Wiebe wrote:
 On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 1:36 PM, Matthew Brett matthew.br...@gmail.com
 mailto:matthew.br...@gmail.com wrote:


 On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 12:55 PM, Mark Wiebe mwwi...@gmail.com
 mailto:mwwi...@gmail.com wrote:
   On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 12:09 PM, Matthew Brett
 matthew.br...@gmail.com mailto:matthew.br...@gmail.com
   On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 11:46 AM, Benjamin Root ben.r...@ou.edu
 mailto:ben.r...@ou.edu wrote:
On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 1:32 PM, Alan G Isaac
 alan.is...@gmail.com mailto:alan.is...@gmail.com
Can you provide an example where a more formal
governance structure for NumPy would have meant
more or better code development? (Please do not
suggest the NA discussion!)
Why not the NA discussion?  Would we really want to have that
Note that it still isn't fully resolved and progress still
 needs to be
(I think the last thread did an excellent job of fleshing out
 the ideas,
it became too much to digest.  We may need to have someone go
information, reduce it down and make one last push to bring it
 to a
conclusion).  The NA discussion is the perfect example where a
structure would help resolve disputes.
   Yes, that was the most obvious example. I don't know about you,
 but I
   can't see any sign of that one being resolved.
   The other obvious example was the dispute about ABI breakage for
   1.5.0 where I believe Travis did invoke some sort of committee
   vote, but (Travis can correct me if I'm wrong), the committee
   named ad-hoc and contacted off-list.
Can you provide an example of what you might
envision as a more formal governance structure?
(I assume that any such structure will not put people
who are not core contributors to NumPy in a position
to tell core contributors what to spend their time on.)

 This is very true, at the moment the number of people doing feature-work
within numpy purely in Python is similarly small and sporadic. Here's a
current example:
 Having such a small development core is one of the reasons it often takes
a while for such pull requests to get reviewed by someone, and a situation
Continuum and anyone else with resources to contribute can help improve.
One thing that's clear to me is that the current documentation on how to
contribute code, documentation, and other help to NumPy is lacking, and
this is something that needs improvement.
 An example I really like is LibreOffice's get involved page.
 Producing something similar for NumPy will take some work, but I believe
it's needed.

+1000.  Each time I have submitted a pull request, I always had to ask
where the appropriate tests go.  I still haven't gotten my head around the
layout of the source tree, and my only saving grace has been 'git grep'.

It is the little things that can keep someone from contributing. Anything
to make this easier would be great.  Maybe a protege system might be nice?

Chuck ain't getting younger, ya'll!

Ben Root

P.S. - who knows? Maybe I will be one of those protoges depending on how my
new job unfolds.
NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-15 Thread Matthew Brett

On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 4:27 PM, Dag Sverre Seljebotn
d.s.seljeb...@astro.uio.no wrote:
 On 02/15/2012 02:24 PM, Mark Wiebe wrote:

 There certainly is governance now, it's just informal. It's a
 combination of how the design discussions are carried out, how pull
 requests occur, and who has commit rights.


 If non-contributing users came along on the Cython list demanding that
 we set up a system to select non-developers along on a board that would
 have discussions in order to veto pull requests, I don't know whether
 we'd ignore it or ridicule it or try to show some patience, but we
 certainly wouldn't take it seriously.

In the spirit (as I read) of Dag's post, maybe we should accept that
this thread is not going anywhere much, and summarize:

The current situation is the following:

Travis is de-facto BDFL for Numpy
Disputes get resolved by convening an ad-hoc group of interested and /
or active developers to resolve or vote, maybe off-list.  How this
happens is for Travis to call.

I think that's reasonable?

As far as I can make out, in favor of the current status quo with no
significant modification are:

Travis (is that right)?
Bryan vdv

In favor of some sort of formalization of governance to be decided are:

Ben R (did I get that right?)
Bruce Southey
Souheil Inati
Joe H

I am not quite sure which side of that fence are:


If I missed someone who gave an opinion - sorry - please do speak up.

I think it's clear that if - you, Travis, don't want to go this
direction, there isn't much chance of anything happening, and I think
those of us who think something needs doing will have to keep quiet,
as Dag suggests.

I would only suggest that you (Travis) specify that you will take the
BDFL role so that we can be clear about the informal governance at


NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-15 Thread josef . pktd
On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 8:49 PM, Matthew Brett matthew.br...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 4:27 PM, Dag Sverre Seljebotn
 d.s.seljeb...@astro.uio.no wrote:
 On 02/15/2012 02:24 PM, Mark Wiebe wrote:

 There certainly is governance now, it's just informal. It's a
 combination of how the design discussions are carried out, how pull
 requests occur, and who has commit rights.


 If non-contributing users came along on the Cython list demanding that
 we set up a system to select non-developers along on a board that would
 have discussions in order to veto pull requests, I don't know whether
 we'd ignore it or ridicule it or try to show some patience, but we
 certainly wouldn't take it seriously.

 In the spirit (as I read) of Dag's post, maybe we should accept that
 this thread is not going anywhere much, and summarize:

 The current situation is the following:

 Travis is de-facto BDFL for Numpy
 Disputes get resolved by convening an ad-hoc group of interested and /
 or active developers to resolve or vote, maybe off-list.  How this
 happens is for Travis to call.

 I think that's reasonable?

 As far as I can make out, in favor of the current status quo with no
 significant modification are:

 Travis (is that right)?
 Bryan vdv

 In favor of some sort of formalization of governance to be decided are:

 Ben R (did I get that right?)
 Bruce Southey
 Souheil Inati
 Joe H

 I am not quite sure which side of that fence are:


Actually in the sense of separation of powers, I would vote for Chuck
as president, Travis as prime minister and an independent release
manager as supreme court, and the noisy mailing list community as

(I don't see a constitution yet.)



 If I missed someone who gave an opinion - sorry - please do speak up.

 I think it's clear that if - you, Travis, don't want to go this
 direction, there isn't much chance of anything happening, and I think
 those of us who think something needs doing will have to keep quiet,
 as Dag suggests.

 I would only suggest that you (Travis) specify that you will take the
 BDFL role so that we can be clear about the informal governance at


 NumPy-Discussion mailing list
NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-15 Thread Matthew Brett

On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 6:07 PM,  josef.p...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 8:49 PM, Matthew Brett matthew.br...@gmail.com 

 On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 4:27 PM, Dag Sverre Seljebotn
 d.s.seljeb...@astro.uio.no wrote:
 On 02/15/2012 02:24 PM, Mark Wiebe wrote:

 There certainly is governance now, it's just informal. It's a
 combination of how the design discussions are carried out, how pull
 requests occur, and who has commit rights.


 If non-contributing users came along on the Cython list demanding that
 we set up a system to select non-developers along on a board that would
 have discussions in order to veto pull requests, I don't know whether
 we'd ignore it or ridicule it or try to show some patience, but we
 certainly wouldn't take it seriously.

 In the spirit (as I read) of Dag's post, maybe we should accept that
 this thread is not going anywhere much, and summarize:

 The current situation is the following:

 Travis is de-facto BDFL for Numpy
 Disputes get resolved by convening an ad-hoc group of interested and /
 or active developers to resolve or vote, maybe off-list.  How this
 happens is for Travis to call.

 I think that's reasonable?

 As far as I can make out, in favor of the current status quo with no
 significant modification are:

 Travis (is that right)?
 Bryan vdv

 In favor of some sort of formalization of governance to be decided are:

 Ben R (did I get that right?)
 Bruce Southey
 Souheil Inati
 Joe H

 I am not quite sure which side of that fence are:


 Actually in the sense of separation of powers, I would vote for Chuck
 as president, Travis as prime minister and an independent release
 manager as supreme court, and the noisy mailing list community as

That sounds dangerously Canadian ...

But actually - I was hoping for an answer to whether you felt there
was a need for a more formal governance structure, or not.

 (I don't see a constitution yet.)

My feeling is there is not enough appetite for any change for that to
be worth thinking about, but I might be wrong.

See you,

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-15 Thread Benjamin Root
On Wednesday, February 15, 2012, Matthew Brett matthew.br...@gmail.com

 On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 4:27 PM, Dag Sverre Seljebotn
 d.s.seljeb...@astro.uio.no wrote:
 On 02/15/2012 02:24 PM, Mark Wiebe wrote:

 There certainly is governance now, it's just informal. It's a
 combination of how the design discussions are carried out, how pull
 requests occur, and who has commit rights.


 If non-contributing users came along on the Cython list demanding that
 we set up a system to select non-developers along on a board that would
 have discussions in order to veto pull requests, I don't know whether
 we'd ignore it or ridicule it or try to show some patience, but we
 certainly wouldn't take it seriously.

 In the spirit (as I read) of Dag's post, maybe we should accept that
 this thread is not going anywhere much, and summarize:

 The current situation is the following:

 Travis is de-facto BDFL for Numpy
 Disputes get resolved by convening an ad-hoc group of interested and /
 or active developers to resolve or vote, maybe off-list.  How this
 happens is for Travis to call.

 I think that's reasonable?

 As far as I can make out, in favor of the current status quo with no
 significant modification are:

 Travis (is that right)?
 Bryan vdv

 In favor of some sort of formalization of governance to be decided are:

 Ben R (did I get that right?)
 Bruce Southey
 Souheil Inati
 Joe H

 I am not quite sure which side of that fence are:


 If I missed someone who gave an opinion - sorry - please do speak up.

Yes, you got my opinion right (don't know how it was ambiguous. Do I really
equivocate that much?). I will note that I am fine with a very light-handed
form of governance.  The most important thing is that it is agreed upon.

That means that when the time comes to solidify the details, we start a new
thread and invite members to contribute. Then, when that is finalized, we
start a *new* thread and ask users to vote for or against.

More complicated governance structures can come later, building off of the
existing system -- if desired.

Ben Root
NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-15 Thread josef . pktd
On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 9:12 PM, Matthew Brett matthew.br...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 6:07 PM,  josef.p...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 8:49 PM, Matthew Brett matthew.br...@gmail.com 

 On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 4:27 PM, Dag Sverre Seljebotn
 d.s.seljeb...@astro.uio.no wrote:
 On 02/15/2012 02:24 PM, Mark Wiebe wrote:

 There certainly is governance now, it's just informal. It's a
 combination of how the design discussions are carried out, how pull
 requests occur, and who has commit rights.


 If non-contributing users came along on the Cython list demanding that
 we set up a system to select non-developers along on a board that would
 have discussions in order to veto pull requests, I don't know whether
 we'd ignore it or ridicule it or try to show some patience, but we
 certainly wouldn't take it seriously.

 In the spirit (as I read) of Dag's post, maybe we should accept that
 this thread is not going anywhere much, and summarize:

 The current situation is the following:

 Travis is de-facto BDFL for Numpy
 Disputes get resolved by convening an ad-hoc group of interested and /
 or active developers to resolve or vote, maybe off-list.  How this
 happens is for Travis to call.

 I think that's reasonable?

 As far as I can make out, in favor of the current status quo with no
 significant modification are:

 Travis (is that right)?
 Bryan vdv

 In favor of some sort of formalization of governance to be decided are:

 Ben R (did I get that right?)
 Bruce Southey
 Souheil Inati
 Joe H

 I am not quite sure which side of that fence are:


 Actually in the sense of separation of powers, I would vote for Chuck
 as president, Travis as prime minister and an independent release
 manager as supreme court, and the noisy mailing list community as

 That sounds dangerously Canadian ...

Or Austrian or German

 But actually - I was hoping for an answer to whether you felt there
 was a need for a more formal governance structure, or not.

I thought a president, a prime minister and a parliament makes for a
formal government structure. :) maybe more personalized in the
American tradition.

I'm in favor of a more formal governance structure, however the only
real enforcement I see is in the reputation and goodwill, if all keys
are in one hand. I think spelling out both governance and guidelines
for development and testing make it easier to make it clear what we
can expect and so that we know when we should be upset (a bit of
repeated game enforcement since I'm an economist).
I have no idea how formal governance structures work in open source.

Actually, I liked the recent situation with a visionary 2.0 sometimes
in the future, while Chuck and Ralf kept putting out 1.x releases with
careful control of going forward and not breaking anything (I'm not
sure how to phrase this), with, of course, Mark doing large parts of
the heavy work.


 (I don't see a constitution yet.)

 My feeling is there is not enough appetite for any change for that to
 be worth thinking about, but I might be wrong.

 See you,

 NumPy-Discussion mailing list
NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-15 Thread Bruce Southey
On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 6:57 PM,  josef.p...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 7:27 PM, Dag Sverre Seljebotn
 d.s.seljeb...@astro.uio.no wrote:
 On 02/15/2012 02:24 PM, Mark Wiebe wrote:
 On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 1:36 PM, Matthew Brett matthew.br...@gmail.com
 mailto:matthew.br...@gmail.com wrote:


     On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 12:55 PM, Mark Wiebe mwwi...@gmail.com
     mailto:mwwi...@gmail.com wrote:
       On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 12:09 PM, Matthew Brett
     matthew.br...@gmail.com mailto:matthew.br...@gmail.com
       On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 11:46 AM, Benjamin Root ben.r...@ou.edu
     mailto:ben.r...@ou.edu wrote:
        On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 1:32 PM, Alan G Isaac
     alan.is...@gmail.com mailto:alan.is...@gmail.com
        Can you provide an example where a more formal
        governance structure for NumPy would have meant
        more or better code development? (Please do not
        suggest the NA discussion!)
        Why not the NA discussion?  Would we really want to have that
        Note that it still isn't fully resolved and progress still
     needs to be
        (I think the last thread did an excellent job of fleshing out
     the ideas,
        it became too much to digest.  We may need to have someone go
        information, reduce it down and make one last push to bring it
     to a
        conclusion).  The NA discussion is the perfect example where a
        structure would help resolve disputes.
       Yes, that was the most obvious example. I don't know about you,
     but I
       can't see any sign of that one being resolved.
       The other obvious example was the dispute about ABI breakage for
       1.5.0 where I believe Travis did invoke some sort of committee to
       vote, but (Travis can correct me if I'm wrong), the committee was
       named ad-hoc and contacted off-list.
        Can you provide an example of what you might
        envision as a more formal governance structure?
        (I assume that any such structure will not put people
        who are not core contributors to NumPy in a position
        to tell core contributors what to spend their time on.)
        Early last December, Chuck Harris estimated that three
        people were active NumPy developers.  I liked the idea of
        creating a board of these 3 and a rule that says any
        active developer can request to join the board, that
        additions are determined by majority vote of the existing
        board, and  that having the board both small and odd
        numbered is a priority.  I also suggested inviting to this
        board a developer or two from important projects that are
        very NumPy dependent (e.g., Matplotlib).
        I still like this idea.  Would it fully satisfy you?
        I actually like that idea.  Matthew, is this along the lines
     of what you
        were thinking?
       Honestly it would make me very happy if the discussion moved to what
       form the governance should take.  I would have thought that 3
     was too
       small a number.
       One thing to note about this point is that during the NA
     discussion, the
       only people doing active C-level development were Charles and me.
     I suspect
       a discussion about how to recruit more people into that group
     might be more
       important than governance at this point in time.

     Mark - a) thanks for replying, it's good to hear your voice and b) I
     don't think there's any competition between the discussion about
     governance and the need to recruit more people into the group who
     understand the C code.

 There hasn't really been any discussion about recruiting developers to
 compete with the governance topic, now we can let the topics compete. :)

 Some of the mechanisms which will help are already being set in motion
 through the discussion about better infrastructure support like bug
 trackers and continuous integration. The forthcoming roadmap discussion
 Travis alluded to, where we will propose a roadmap for review by the
 numpy user community, will include many more such points.

     Remember we are deciding here between governance - of a form to be
     decided - and no governance - which I think is the current situation.
     I know your desire is to see more people contributing to the C code.
     It would help a lot if you could say what you think the barriers are,
     how they could be lowered, and the risks that you see as a result of
     the numpy C expertise moving essentially into one company.  Then we
     can formulate some governance that would help lower those barriers and
     reduce those risks.

 There certainly is governance now, it's just 

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-15 Thread Dag Sverre Seljebotn
On 02/15/2012 05:02 PM, Matthew Brett wrote:

 On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 4:27 PM, Dag Sverre Seljebotn
 d.s.seljeb...@astro.uio.no  wrote:
 On 02/15/2012 02:24 PM, Mark Wiebe wrote:
 There certainly is governance now, it's just informal. It's a
 combination of how the design discussions are carried out, how pull
 requests occur, and who has commit rights.


 If non-contributing users came along on the Cython list demanding that
 we set up a system to select non-developers along on a board that would
 have discussions in order to veto pull requests, I don't know whether
 we'd ignore it or ridicule it or try to show some patience, but we
 certainly wouldn't take it seriously.

 Ouch.  Is that me, one of the non-contributing users?  Was I
 suggesting that we set up a system to select non-developers to a
 board?   I must say, now you mention it, I do feel a bit ridiculous.

In retrospect I was unfair and my email way too harsh. Anyway, I'm 
really happy with your follow-up in turning this into something more 

And I do appreciate that you brought the topic up in the first place.

 It's obvious that one should try for consensus as long as possible,
 including listening to users. But in the very end, when agreement can't
 be reached by other means, the developers are the one making the calls.
 (This is simply a consequence that they are the only ones who can
 credibly threaten to fork the project.)

 I think the following are not in question:

 1) Consensus is desirable
 2) Developers need to have the final say.

 But, I think it is clear in the both the ABI numpy 1.5.0 dispute, and
 the mask / NA dispute, that we could have gone further in negotiating
 to consensus.

 The question we're considering here is whether there is any way of
 setting up a set of guidelines or procedures that would help us work
 at and reach consensus.  Or if we don't reach consensus, finding a way
 to decide that is clear and fair.  I don't think working on that seems
 as silly and / or rude to me as it does to you.

 Sure, structures that includes users in the process could be useful...
 but, if the devs are fine with the current situation (and I don't see
 Mark or Charles complaining), then I honestly think it is quite rude to
 not let the matter drop after the first ten posts or so.

 I have clearly overestimated my own importance and wisdom, and have
 made myself appear foolish in the eyes of my peers.

 Making things the way one wants it and scratching *ones own* itch is THE
 engine of open source development (whether one is putting in spare time
 or monetary funding). Trying to work against that with artificial
 structures doesn't sound wise for a project with as few devs as NumPy...

 You believe, I suppose, that there are no significant risks in nearly
 all the numpy core development being done by a new company, or at
 least, that there can little benefit to a governance discussion in
 that situation.  I think you are wrong, but of course it's a tenable
 point of view,

The question is more about what can possibly be done about it. To really 
shift power, my hunch is that the only practical way would be to, like 
Mark said, make sure there are very active non-Continuum-employed 
developers. But perhaps I'm wrong.

Sometimes it is worth taking some risks because it means one can go 
forward faster. Possibly *a lot* faster, if one shifts things from email 
to personal communication.

It is not like the current versions of NumPy disappear. If things do go 
wrong and NumPy is developed in some crazy direction, it's easy to go 
for the stagnated option simply by taking the current release and 
maintain bugfixes on it.

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-15 Thread Matthew Brett

On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 9:47 PM, Dag Sverre Seljebotn
d.s.seljeb...@astro.uio.no wrote:
 On 02/15/2012 05:02 PM, Matthew Brett wrote:

 On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 4:27 PM, Dag Sverre Seljebotn
 d.s.seljeb...@astro.uio.no  wrote:
 On 02/15/2012 02:24 PM, Mark Wiebe wrote:
 There certainly is governance now, it's just informal. It's a
 combination of how the design discussions are carried out, how pull
 requests occur, and who has commit rights.


 If non-contributing users came along on the Cython list demanding that
 we set up a system to select non-developers along on a board that would
 have discussions in order to veto pull requests, I don't know whether
 we'd ignore it or ridicule it or try to show some patience, but we
 certainly wouldn't take it seriously.

 Ouch.  Is that me, one of the non-contributing users?  Was I
 suggesting that we set up a system to select non-developers to a
 board?   I must say, now you mention it, I do feel a bit ridiculous.

 In retrospect I was unfair and my email way too harsh. Anyway, I'm
 really happy with your follow-up in turning this into something more

Don't worry - thanks for this reply.

 You believe, I suppose, that there are no significant risks in nearly
 all the numpy core development being done by a new company, or at
 least, that there can little benefit to a governance discussion in
 that situation.  I think you are wrong, but of course it's a tenable
 point of view,

 The question is more about what can possibly be done about it. To really
 shift power, my hunch is that the only practical way would be to, like
 Mark said, make sure there are very active non-Continuum-employed
 developers. But perhaps I'm wrong.

It's not obvious to me that there isn't a set of guidelines,
procedures, structures that would help to keep things clear in this
situation.  Obviously it would be good to have more non-Continuum
developers, but also obviously, there is a risk that that won't

 Sometimes it is worth taking some risks because it means one can go
 forward faster. Possibly *a lot* faster, if one shifts things from email
 to personal communication.

Yes, obviously it's in no-one's interest to slow down the Continuum
developers.   I wonder though whether there is a way of organizing
things, that does not slow down the Continuum developers, but does
keep the sense of community involvement and ownership.

 It is not like the current versions of NumPy disappear. If things do go
 wrong and NumPy is developed in some crazy direction, it's easy to go
 for the stagnated option simply by taking the current release and
 maintain bugfixes on it.

But we all want to avoid a fork, which is what that could easily become.

See you,

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update - was: Updated differences between 1.5.1 to 1.6.1

2012-02-15 Thread Christopher Jordan-Squire
On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 5:17 PM, Travis Oliphant tra...@continuum.io wrote:

 Your points are well taken.   However, my point is that this has been 
 discussed on an open mailing list.   Things weren't *as* open as they could 
 have been, perhaps, in terms of board selection.  But, there was 
 opportunity for people to provide input.

 I am on the numpy, scipy, matplotlib, ipython and cython mailing
 lists.  Jarrod and Fernando are friends of mine.  I've been obviously
 concerned about numpy governance for some time.  I didn't know about
 this mailing list, had only a vague idea that some sort of foundation
 was being proposed and I had no idea at all that you'd selected a
 board.  Would you say that was closer to 'open' or closer to 'closed'?

 I see it a different way.    First, the Foundation is not a NumPy-governance 
 thing.   Certainly it could grow in that direction over time, but it isn't 
 there now, nor is that its goal.     Second, the Foundation is just getting 
 started.    It's only come together over the past couple of weeks.    The 
 fact that we are talking about it now, seems to me to indicate that it is 
 quite open --- certainly closer to 'open' then you seem to imply.      
 Also, the fact that there was a public mailing list for its discussion 
 certainly sounds open to me (poorly advertised I will grant you).     I 
 tried to include as many people as I thought were interested by the responses 
 to the initial emails on the list.    I reached out to people that contacted 
 me expressing their interest, and included them on the mailing list.     I 
 can accept that I made mistakes.   I can guarantee that I will make more.   
 Your feedback is appreciated and noted.

 The fact is that the Foundation is really a service organization that will 
 require a lot of work to run and administer.    It's effectiveness at 
 fulfilling its mission will depend on how well it serves the group on this 
 list, as well as the other groups that are working on Python for Science.   
 I'm all for getting as many volunteers as we can get for the Foundation.   
 I've just been trying to get things organized.   Sometimes this works best by 
 phone calls and direct contact, rather than mailing lists.

 For those interested.   The Foundation mission is to:

        * Promote Open Source Software for Science
        * Fund Open Source Projects in Science (currently NumPy, SciPy, 
 IPython, and Matplotlib are first-tier with a whole host of second-tier 
 projects that could received funding)
                * through grants
                * through code bounties
                * through graduate-student scholarships
        * Sponsor sprints
        * Sponsor conferences
        * Sponsor student travel
        * etc., etc.

 Whether or not it can do any of those things depends on whether or not it can 
 raise money from people and organizations that benefit from the Scientific 
 Python Stack.    All of this will be advertised more as the year progresses.

This sounds really exciting. I'm looking forward to seeing what you,
Mark, et al release over the next year.

-Chris Jordan-Squire

 Best regards,

 NumPy-Discussion mailing list
NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-15 Thread Christopher Jordan-Squire
On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 5:26 PM, Mark Wiebe mwwi...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 4:57 PM, josef.p...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 7:27 PM, Dag Sverre Seljebotn
 d.s.seljeb...@astro.uio.no wrote:
  On 02/15/2012 02:24 PM, Mark Wiebe wrote:
  On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 1:36 PM, Matthew Brett matthew.br...@gmail.com
  mailto:matthew.br...@gmail.com wrote:
      On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 12:55 PM, Mark Wiebe mwwi...@gmail.com
      mailto:mwwi...@gmail.com wrote:
        On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 12:09 PM, Matthew Brett
      matthew.br...@gmail.com mailto:matthew.br...@gmail.com
        On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 11:46 AM, Benjamin Root
      mailto:ben.r...@ou.edu wrote:
         On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 1:32 PM, Alan G Isaac
      alan.is...@gmail.com mailto:alan.is...@gmail.com
         Can you provide an example where a more formal
         governance structure for NumPy would have meant
         more or better code development? (Please do not
         suggest the NA discussion!)
         Why not the NA discussion?  Would we really want to have that
         Note that it still isn't fully resolved and progress still
      needs to be
         (I think the last thread did an excellent job of fleshing out
      the ideas,
         it became too much to digest.  We may need to have someone go
         information, reduce it down and make one last push to bring
      to a
         conclusion).  The NA discussion is the perfect example where
         structure would help resolve disputes.
        Yes, that was the most obvious example. I don't know about you,
      but I
        can't see any sign of that one being resolved.
        The other obvious example was the dispute about ABI breakage
        1.5.0 where I believe Travis did invoke some sort of committee
        vote, but (Travis can correct me if I'm wrong), the committee
        named ad-hoc and contacted off-list.
         Can you provide an example of what you might
         envision as a more formal governance structure?
         (I assume that any such structure will not put people
         who are not core contributors to NumPy in a position
         to tell core contributors what to spend their time on.)
         Early last December, Chuck Harris estimated that three
         people were active NumPy developers.  I liked the idea of
         creating a board of these 3 and a rule that says any
         active developer can request to join the board, that
         additions are determined by majority vote of the existing
         board, and  that having the board both small and odd
         numbered is a priority.  I also suggested inviting to this
         board a developer or two from important projects that are
         very NumPy dependent (e.g., Matplotlib).
         I still like this idea.  Would it fully satisfy you?
         I actually like that idea.  Matthew, is this along the lines
      of what you
         were thinking?
        Honestly it would make me very happy if the discussion moved to
        form the governance should take.  I would have thought that 3
      was too
        small a number.
        One thing to note about this point is that during the NA
      discussion, the
        only people doing active C-level development were Charles and
      I suspect
        a discussion about how to recruit more people into that group
      might be more
        important than governance at this point in time.
      Mark - a) thanks for replying, it's good to hear your voice and b)
      don't think there's any competition between the discussion about
      governance and the need to recruit more people into the group who
      understand the C code.
  There hasn't really been any discussion about recruiting developers to
  compete with the governance topic, now we can let the topics compete.
  Some of the mechanisms which will help are already being set in motion
  through the discussion about better infrastructure support like bug
  trackers and continuous integration. The forthcoming roadmap discussion
  Travis alluded to, where we will propose a roadmap for review by the
  numpy user community, will include many more such points.
      Remember we are deciding here between governance - of a form to be
      decided - and no governance - which I think is the current
      I know your desire is to see more people contributing to the C
      It would help a lot if you could say what you think the barriers
      how they could be lowered, and the risks that you see as a result

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update

2012-02-15 Thread David Cournapeau
On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 10:30 PM, Peter Wang pw...@streamitive.com wrote:
 On Feb 15, 2012, at 3:36 PM, Matthew Brett wrote:

 Honestly - as I was saying to Alan and indirectly to Ben - any formal
 model - at all - is preferable to the current situation. Personally, I
 would say that making the founder of a company, which is working to
 make money from Numpy, the only decision maker on numpy - is - scary.

 How is this different from the situation of the last 4 years?  Travis was 
 President at Enthought, which makes money from not only Numpy but SciPy as 
 well.  In addition to employing Travis, Enthought also employees many other 
 key contributors to Numpy and Scipy, like Robert and David.  Furthermore, the 
 Scipy and Numpy mailing lists and repos and web pages were all hosted at 
 Enthought.  If they didn't like how a particular discussion was going, they 
 could have memory-holed the entire conversation from the archives, or worse 
 yet, revoked commit access and reverted changes.

I actually think it is somehow different. For once, while Travis was
at Enthought, he contributed much less to the discussions (by his own
account), so the risk of conflict of interest was not very high. My
own contributions to numpy since I have joined Enthought are close to
nil as well :)

There have been cases of disagreements on NumPy: for any case where
the decision taken by people from one company would prevail, you will
not be able to prevent people from thinking the interests of the
company prevailed. In numpy, where people make a suggestion and there
was not enough review, the feature generally went in. This is
fundamentally different from most open source projects I am aware of,
and could go bad when considered with my previous point.

As far as I am concerned, the following would be enough to resolve any issues:
  -  having one (or more) persons outside any company interest (e.g.
Chuck, Pauli) with a veto.
  -  no significant feature goes in without a review from people
outside the organization it is coming from.

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

[Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update - was: Updated differences between 1.5.1 to 1.6.1

2012-02-14 Thread Matthew Brett

On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 10:25 AM, Travis Oliphant tra...@continuum.io wrote:

 On Feb 14, 2012, at 3:32 AM, David Cournapeau wrote:

 Hi Travis,

 It is great that some resources can be spent to have people paid to
 work on NumPy. Thank you for making that happen.

 I am slightly confused about roadmaps for numpy 1.8 and 2.0. This
 needs discussion on the ML, and our release manager currently is Ralf
 - he is the one who ultimately decides what goes when.

 Thank you for reminding me of this.  Ralf and I spoke several days ago, and 
 have been working on how to give him more time to spend on SciPy full-time.   
 As a result, he will be release managing NumPy 1.7, but for NumPy 1.8, I will 
 be the release manager again.   Ralf will continue serving as release manager 
 for SciPy.

 For NumPy 2.0 and beyond, Mark Wiebe will likely be the release manager.   I 
 only know that I won't be release manager past NumPy 1.X.

 I am also not
 completely comfortable by having a roadmap advertised to Pycon not
 coming from the community.

 This is my bad wording which is a function of being up very late.    At PyCon 
 we will be discussing the roadmap conversations that are taking place on this 
 list.   We won't be presenting anything there related to the NumPy project 
 that has not first been discussed here.

 The community will have ample opportunity to provide input, suggestions, and 
 criticisms for anything that goes into NumPy --- the same as I've always done 
 before when releasing open source software.   In fact, I will also be 
 discussing at PyCon, the creation of NumFOCUS (NumPy Foundation for Open Code 
 for Usable Science) which has been organized precisely for ensuring that 
 NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib, and IPython stay community-focused and 
 community-led even while receiving input and money from multiple companies 
 and organizations.

 There is a mailing list for numfocus that you can sign up for if you would 
 like to be part of those discussions.   Let me know if you would like more 
 information about that.    John Hunter, Fernando Perez, me, Perry Greenfield, 
 and Jarrod Millman are the initial board of the Foundation.   But, I expect 
 the Foundation directors to evolve over time.

I should say that I have no knowledge of the events above other than
from the mailing list (I say that only because some of you may know
that I'm a friend and colleague of Jarrod and Fernando).

Travis - I hope you don't mind, but here I post some links that I have
just found:


I see that you've founded a new company, Continuum Analytics, and you
are working with Peter Wang, Mark Wiebe, Francesc Alted (PyTables),
and Bryan Van de Ven.  I think you mentioned this earlier in one of
the recent threads.

In practice this gives your company an overwhelming voice in the
direction of numpy.

From the blog post you say:

This may also mean different business models and licensing around
some of the NumPy-related code that the company writes.

Obviously your company will need to make enough money to cover your
salaries and more.  There is huge potential here for clashes of
interest, and for perceived clashes of interest.  The perceived
clashes are just as damaging as the actual clashes.

I still don't think we've got a Numpy steering group.  The
combination of the huge concentration of numpy resources in your
company, and a lack of explicit community governance, seems to me to
be something that needs to be fixed urgently.  Do you agree?

Is there any reason why the numfocus group was formed without obvious
public discussion about it's composition, remit or governance?   I'm
not objecting to it's composition, but I think it is a mistake to make
large decisions like this without public consultation.

I imagine that what happened was that things moved too fast to make it
attractive to slow the process by public discussion.   I implore you
to slow down and commit yourself  to have that discussion in full and
in public, in the interests of the common ownership of the project.


NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update - was: Updated differences between 1.5.1 to 1.6.1

2012-02-14 Thread Travis Oliphant
 There is a mailing list for numfocus that you can sign up for if you would 
 like to be part of those discussions.   Let me know if you would like more 
 information about that.John Hunter, Fernando Perez, me, Perry 
 Greenfield, and Jarrod Millman are the initial board of the Foundation.   
 But, I expect the Foundation directors to evolve over time.
 I should say that I have no knowledge of the events above other than
 from the mailing list (I say that only because some of you may know
 that I'm a friend and colleague of Jarrod and Fernando).

Thanks for speaking up, Matthew.   I knew that this was my first announcement 
of the Foundation to this list.   Things are still just starting around that 
organization, and so there is plenty of time for input.   This sort of thing 
has actually been under-way for a long time --- it just has not received much 
impetus until now for one reason or another.   

To be clear, there were several email posts about a Foundation to this list 
last fall and we took the discussion of the Foundation that has really been in 
the works for a couple of years (thanks to Jarrod), to a Google Group (very 
poorly) called Fastechula.There were 33 people who signed up for that list 
and discussions continued sporadically on that list away from this one.

When we selected the name NumFOCUS just a few weeks ago, we created the list 
for numfocus and then I signed everyone up for that list who was on the other 
one.  I apologize if anyone felt left out.   That is not my intention.   
But, I also did not want to consume this mailing list with something that might 
be considered off-topic. I repeat that there is still plenty time for 
input. Obviously, the board has been selected.  But that must be done by 
someone.  I took the liberty to invite the first board members who graciously 
accepted the assignment.   I consider the Foundation a service opportunity.   
I'm grateful that representatives from the major projects are willing to serve. 
 I expect that to be a tradition, but it is one that needs to be discussed and 

Yes, I have started a new company with Peter Wang.  However, most of the people 
on this list will probably be most interested in the NumFOCUS work.   The goal 
of the Foundation is to promote the entire Scientific Computing with Python 
ecosystem. It will not be taking over any of the public mailing lists where 
there is already a great deal of opportunity to express opinions and desires.   
  The Foundation will have it's own public mailing list where mostly financial 
and funding matters that are common to all of the projects can be sent and 
discussed.   Go here and sign up for the public mailing list if you are 
interested in the Foundation:  http://groups.google.com/group/numfocus?hl=en

We will be discussing the Foundation at PyCon as well.  

 This may also mean different business models and licensing around
 some of the NumPy-related code that the company writes.
 Obviously your company will need to make enough money to cover your
 salaries and more.  There is huge potential here for clashes of
 interest, and for perceived clashes of interest.  The perceived
 clashes are just as damaging as the actual clashes.

Perceptions can be damaging.   This is one of the big reasons for the 
organization of the Foundation -- to be a place separate from any commercial 
venture which can direct resources to a vision whose goal is more 
democratically determined.I trust that people will observe results and come 
to expect good things that will naturally emerge by having more talented people 
involved in the process who are being directed by the community needs. 

 I still don't think we've got a Numpy steering group.  The
 combination of the huge concentration of numpy resources in your
 company, and a lack of explicit community governance, seems to me to
 be something that needs to be fixed urgently.  Do you agree?

I'm sensitive to the perception that some might have that Continuum might 
hi-jack NumPy. That is the central reason I am very supportive of and 
pushing the organization of NumFOCUS.   I want corporate dollars that flow to 
NumPy to have some buffering between the money that is being spent and what is 
promoted.   This can be a delicate situation, but I think it can also work 
well.  RedHat, IBM, and Google all cooperate to make Linux better through the 
Linux Foundation.   The same needs to be the case with NumPy.   This will 
depend, of course, on everybody on this list and they way they receive new 
input and the way they communicate with each other.  

I think we do have a NumPy steering group if you want to call it that. It 
is currently me, Mark Wiebe, and Charles Harris.Rolf Gommers, Pauli 
Virtanen, David Cournapeau and Robert Kern also have opinions that carry 
significant weight.Are there other people that should be on this list?
There are other people who also speak up on this 

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update - was: Updated differences between 1.5.1 to 1.6.1

2012-02-14 Thread Matthew Brett

On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 1:54 PM, Travis Oliphant tra...@continuum.io wrote:

 There is a mailing list for numfocus that you can sign up for if you would
 like to be part of those discussions.   Let me know if you would like more
 information about that.    John Hunter, Fernando Perez, me, Perry
 Greenfield, and Jarrod Millman are the initial board of the Foundation.
 But, I expect the Foundation directors to evolve over time.

 I should say that I have no knowledge of the events above other than
 from the mailing list (I say that only because some of you may know
 that I'm a friend and colleague of Jarrod and Fernando).

 Thanks for speaking up, Matthew.   I knew that this was my first
 announcement of the Foundation to this list.   Things are still just
 starting around that organization, and so there is plenty of time for input.
   This sort of thing has actually been under-way for a long time --- it just
 has not received much impetus until now for one reason or another.

 To be clear, there were several email posts about a Foundation to this list
 last fall and we took the discussion of the Foundation that has really been
 in the works for a couple of years (thanks to Jarrod), to a Google Group
 (very poorly) called Fastechula.    There were 33 people who signed up for
 that list and discussions continued sporadically on that list away from this

 When we selected the name NumFOCUS just a few weeks ago, we created the list
 for numfocus and then I signed everyone up for that list who was on the
 other one.      I apologize if anyone felt left out.   That is not my

My point is that there are two ways go to about this process, one is
open and the other is closed.  In the open version, someone proposes
such a group to the mailing lists.  They ask for expressions of
interest.  The discussion might then move to another mailing list that
is publicly known and widely advertised.  Members of the board are
proposed in public.  There might be some sort of formal or informal
voting process.  The reason to prefer this to the more informal
private negotiations is that a) the community feels a greater
ownership and control of the process and b) it is much harder to
weaken or subvert an organization that explicitly does all its
business in public.

The counter-argument usually goes 'members X, Y and Z are of
impeccable integrity and would only do what is best for the public
good'.  And usually, members X, Y and Z are indeed of impeccable
integrity.   Nevertheless I'm sure I don't have to unpack the evidence
that this approach frequently fails and can fail in a catastrophic

 Perceptions can be damaging.   This is one of the big reasons for the
 organization of the Foundation -- to be a place separate from any commercial
 venture which can direct resources to a vision whose goal is more
 democratically determined.

Are you proposing that the Foundation oversee Numpy governance and
direction?   From your chosen members I'm guessing that the idea is
for the foundation to think about broad strategy rather than - say -
whether missing values should be encoded with masked arrays?

 I think we do have a NumPy steering group if you want to call it that.
 It is currently me, Mark Wiebe, and Charles Harris.    Rolf Gommers, Pauli
 Virtanen, David Cournapeau and Robert Kern also have opinions that carry
 significant weight.    Are there other people that should be on this list?
  There are other people who also speak up on this list whose opinions will
 be listened to and heard.   In fact, I hope that many more people will come
 to the list and speak out as development increases.

The point I was making was that the concentration of numpy development
hours and talent in your company makes it urgent that the numpy
governance is set out formally, that the interests of the company are
made clear, and that the steering group can be assured of explicit and
public independence from the interests of the company, if and when
that becomes necessary.   In the past, the numpy steering group has
seemed a virtual organization, formed ad-hoc when needed, and with no
formal governance.   I'm saying that I firmly believe that has to
change, to avoid the actual or perceived loss of community ownership.


NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update - was: Updated differences between 1.5.1 to 1.6.1

2012-02-14 Thread Travis Oliphant
 When we selected the name NumFOCUS just a few weeks ago, we created the list
 for numfocus and then I signed everyone up for that list who was on the
 other one.  I apologize if anyone felt left out.   That is not my
 My point is that there are two ways go to about this process, one is
 open and the other is closed.  In the open version, someone proposes
 such a group to the mailing lists.  They ask for expressions of
 interest.  The discussion might then move to another mailing list that
 is publicly known and widely advertised.  Members of the board are
 proposed in public.  There might be some sort of formal or informal
 voting process.  The reason to prefer this to the more informal
 private negotiations is that a) the community feels a greater
 ownership and control of the process and b) it is much harder to
 weaken or subvert an organization that explicitly does all its
 business in public.

Your points are well taken.   However, my point is that this has been discussed 
on an open mailing list.   Things weren't *as* open as they could have been, 
perhaps, in terms of board selection.  But, there was opportunity for people to 
provide input.  

 Perceptions can be damaging.   This is one of the big reasons for the
 organization of the Foundation -- to be a place separate from any commercial
 venture which can direct resources to a vision whose goal is more
 democratically determined.
 Are you proposing that the Foundation oversee Numpy governance and
 direction?   From your chosen members I'm guessing that the idea is
 for the foundation to think about broad strategy rather than - say -
 whether missing values should be encoded with masked arrays?

No, I am not proposing that.The Foundation will be focused on higher-level 
broad strategy sorts of things:  mostly around how to raise money and how to 
direct that money to projects that have their own development cycles.   I would 
think the Foundation would be interested in paying for things like issue 
trackers and continuous integration servers as well. It will leave NumPy 
management to this list and the people who have gathered around this watering 
hole.Obviously, there will be points of connection, but exactly how this 
will play-out depends on who shows up to both organizations. 

 I think we do have a NumPy steering group if you want to call it that.
 It is currently me, Mark Wiebe, and Charles Harris.Rolf Gommers, Pauli
 Virtanen, David Cournapeau and Robert Kern also have opinions that carry
 significant weight.Are there other people that should be on this list?
  There are other people who also speak up on this list whose opinions will
 be listened to and heard.   In fact, I hope that many more people will come
 to the list and speak out as development increases.
 The point I was making was that the concentration of numpy development
 hours and talent in your company makes it urgent that the numpy
 governance is set out formally, that the interests of the company are
 made clear, and that the steering group can be assured of explicit and
 public independence from the interests of the company, if and when
 that becomes necessary.   In the past, the numpy steering group has
 seemed a virtual organization, formed ad-hoc when needed, and with no
 formal governance.   I'm saying that I firmly believe that has to
 change, to avoid the actual or perceived loss of community ownership.

I hear your point.Thank you for sharing it.Fortunately, we are having 
this discussion, and plan to continue to have it as any concerns arise.I 
think the situation is actually less concentrated than it used to be when the 
SciPy steering committee was discussed.  On that note,  I think the SciPy 
steering committee needs serious revision as well.But, we've all just been 
getting along pretty well without too much formalism, so far, so perhaps that 
is enough for now.



NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update - was: Updated differences between 1.5.1 to 1.6.1

2012-02-14 Thread Benjamin Root
On Tuesday, February 14, 2012, Matthew Brett matthew.br...@gmail.com

 On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 1:54 PM, Travis Oliphant tra...@continuum.io

 There is a mailing list for numfocus that you can sign up for if you
 like to be part of those discussions.   Let me know if you would like
 information about that.John Hunter, Fernando Perez, me, Perry
 Greenfield, and Jarrod Millman are the initial board of the Foundation.
 But, I expect the Foundation directors to evolve over time.

 I should say that I have no knowledge of the events above other than
 from the mailing list (I say that only because some of you may know
 that I'm a friend and colleague of Jarrod and Fernando).

 Thanks for speaking up, Matthew.   I knew that this was my first
 announcement of the Foundation to this list.   Things are still just
 starting around that organization, and so there is plenty of time for
   This sort of thing has actually been under-way for a long time --- it
 has not received much impetus until now for one reason or another.

 To be clear, there were several email posts about a Foundation to this
 last fall and we took the discussion of the Foundation that has really
 in the works for a couple of years (thanks to Jarrod), to a Google Group
 (very poorly) called Fastechula.There were 33 people who signed up
 that list and discussions continued sporadically on that list away from

 When we selected the name NumFOCUS just a few weeks ago, we created the
 for numfocus and then I signed everyone up for that list who was on the
 other one.  I apologize if anyone felt left out.   That is not my

 My point is that there are two ways go to about this process, one is
 open and the other is closed.  In the open version, someone proposes
 such a group to the mailing lists.  They ask for expressions of
 interest.  The discussion might then move to another mailing list that
 is publicly known and widely advertised.  Members of the board are
 proposed in public.  There might be some sort of formal or informal
 voting process.  The reason to prefer this to the more informal
 private negotiations is that a) the community feels a greater
 ownership and control of the process and b) it is much harder to
 weaken or subvert an organization that explicitly does all its
 business in public.

 The counter-argument usually goes 'members X, Y and Z are of
 impeccable integrity and would only do what is best for the public
 good'.  And usually, members X, Y and Z are indeed of impeccable
 integrity.   Nevertheless I'm sure I don't have to unpack the evidence
 that this approach frequently fails and can fail in a catastrophic

 Perceptions can be damaging.   This is one of the big reasons for the
 organization of the Foundation -- to be a place separate from any
 venture which can direct resources to a vision whose goal is more
 democratically determined.

 Are you proposing that the Foundation oversee Numpy governance and
 direction?   From your chosen members I'm guessing that the idea is
 for the foundation to think about broad strategy rather than - say -
 whether missing values should be encoded with masked arrays?

 I think we do have a NumPy steering group if you want to call it that.
 It is currently me, Mark Wiebe, and Charles Harris.Rolf Gommers,
 Virtanen, David Cournapeau and Robert Kern also have opinions that carry
 significant weight.Are there other people that should be on this
  There are other people who also speak up on this list whose opinions
 be listened to and heard.   In fact, I hope that many more people will
 to the list and speak out as development increases.

 The point I was making was that the concentration of numpy development
 hours and talent in your company makes it urgent that the numpy
 governance is set out formally, that the interests of the company are
 made clear, and that the steering group can be assured of explicit and
 public independence from the interests of the company, if and when
 that becomes necessary.   In the past, the numpy steering group has
 seemed a virtual organization, formed ad-hoc when needed, and with no
 formal governance.   I'm saying that I firmly believe that has to
 change, to avoid the actual or perceived loss of community ownership.



I have to agree with Mathew here, to a point.  There has been discussions
of these groups before, but I don't recall any announcement of this group.
 Of course, now that it has been announced, maybe a link to it should be
prominent on the numpy/scipy pages(maybe others?).  It should also be in
the list of mailing lists.

A funding org much like the Linux Foundation would be great, and I am all
for it.  A separate governing committee is also important, and I think we
had some very good ideas in previous discussions.

I also have to agree with Matthew's concerns about the concentration of

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update - was: Updated differences between 1.5.1 to 1.6.1

2012-02-14 Thread Matthew Brett

On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 3:58 PM, Travis Oliphant tra...@continuum.io wrote:

 When we selected the name NumFOCUS just a few weeks ago, we created the list
 for numfocus and then I signed everyone up for that list who was on the
 other one.      I apologize if anyone felt left out.   That is not my

 My point is that there are two ways go to about this process, one is
 open and the other is closed.  In the open version, someone proposes
 such a group to the mailing lists.  They ask for expressions of
 interest.  The discussion might then move to another mailing list that
 is publicly known and widely advertised.  Members of the board are
 proposed in public.  There might be some sort of formal or informal
 voting process.  The reason to prefer this to the more informal
 private negotiations is that a) the community feels a greater
 ownership and control of the process and b) it is much harder to
 weaken or subvert an organization that explicitly does all its
 business in public.

 Your points are well taken.   However, my point is that this has been 
 discussed on an open mailing list.   Things weren't *as* open as they could 
 have been, perhaps, in terms of board selection.  But, there was opportunity 
 for people to provide input.

I am on the numpy, scipy, matplotlib, ipython and cython mailing
lists.  Jarrod and Fernando are friends of mine.  I've been obviously
concerned about numpy governance for some time.  I didn't know about
this mailing list, had only a vague idea that some sort of foundation
was being proposed and I had no idea at all that you'd selected a
board.  Would you say that was closer to 'open' or closer to 'closed'?

 Perceptions can be damaging.   This is one of the big reasons for the
 organization of the Foundation -- to be a place separate from any commercial
 venture which can direct resources to a vision whose goal is more
 democratically determined.

 Are you proposing that the Foundation oversee Numpy governance and
 direction?   From your chosen members I'm guessing that the idea is
 for the foundation to think about broad strategy rather than - say -
 whether missing values should be encoded with masked arrays?

 No, I am not proposing that.    The Foundation will be focused on 
 higher-level broad strategy sorts of things:  mostly around how to raise 
 money and how to direct that money to projects that have their own 
 development cycles.   I would think the Foundation would be interested in 
 paying for things like issue trackers and continuous integration servers as 
 well.     It will leave NumPy management to this list and the people who have 
 gathered around this watering hole.    Obviously, there will be points of 
 connection, but exactly how this will play-out depends on who shows up to 
 both organizations.

 I think we do have a NumPy steering group if you want to call it that.
 It is currently me, Mark Wiebe, and Charles Harris.    Rolf Gommers, Pauli
 Virtanen, David Cournapeau and Robert Kern also have opinions that carry
 significant weight.    Are there other people that should be on this list?
  There are other people who also speak up on this list whose opinions will
 be listened to and heard.   In fact, I hope that many more people will come
 to the list and speak out as development increases.

 The point I was making was that the concentration of numpy development
 hours and talent in your company makes it urgent that the numpy
 governance is set out formally, that the interests of the company are
 made clear, and that the steering group can be assured of explicit and
 public independence from the interests of the company, if and when
 that becomes necessary.   In the past, the numpy steering group has
 seemed a virtual organization, formed ad-hoc when needed, and with no
 formal governance.   I'm saying that I firmly believe that has to
 change, to avoid the actual or perceived loss of community ownership.

 I hear your point.    Thank you for sharing it.    Fortunately, we are having 
 this discussion, and plan to continue to have it as any concerns arise.    I 
 think the situation is actually less concentrated than it used to be when the 
 SciPy steering committee was discussed.  On that note,  I think the SciPy 
 steering committee needs serious revision as well.    But, we've all just 
 been getting along pretty well without too much formalism, so far, so perhaps 
 that is enough for now.

But a) there have already been serious unresolved disagreements on
this list (I note no resolution of the masks / NA debate) and b) the
whole point is to set up structures that can deal with the problems
before or as they arise.  After the problem arises, it is too late.

See you,

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update - was: Updated differences between 1.5.1 to 1.6.1

2012-02-14 Thread Travis Oliphant
 I have to agree with Mathew here, to a point.  There has been discussions of 
 these groups before, but I don't recall any announcement of this group.  Of 
 course, now that it has been announced, maybe a link to it should be 
 prominent on the numpy/scipy pages(maybe others?).  It should also be in the 
 list of mailing lists.

I'm happy for all these discussions to be in the open. 

 A funding org much like the Linux Foundation would be great, and I am all for 
 it.  A separate governing committee is also important, and I think we had 
 some very good ideas in previous discussions.
 I also have to agree with Matthew's concerns about the concentration of 
 developer resources at Continuum.  I think that establishing a 
 community-driven governance committee would be crucial in making sure that 
 Continuum's (and Enthought's??) efforts go to serve both the community and 
 the company's customers.

I can try and re-assure you that all will be well, but I know that time is the 
only thing that will prove that out as each one will decide for themselves 
whether or not their input is valued and acted upon.   To provide some 
perspective, for the next 5 months at least, Continuum will be providing 3.5 
people at least 50% to the NumPy project plus dev ops help to get issue 
tracking and continuous build integration set up.After that we will have at 
least 1.5 people devoted full-time to the open-source NumPy project (more if 
possible).I would like this support to actually go through the Foundation 
(which already has a community governance and non-profit mission statement), 
but this takes some leg-work in getting the Foundation setup and organizing 
those contracts.   But, that is my intent and what I am working to get in place 

Obviously, the fact that I am deeply involved in NumPy complicates the question 
of community governance for some people, but I hope you will trust that we 
are just trying to improve NumPy as we understand it.   I remain interested in 
others views of what improving NumPy means.   But, I do have a long list of 
ideas that I am anxious to get started on. 

 Travis, in about a month, I will be starting up work at a company that has 
 been users of the SciPy stack, but has not been active members of the 
 community.  I wish to change that. Will this Funding committee serve as a 
 face for numpy for private companies?

Absolutely.   The Foundation web-site is getting set up right now.  It will be 
an evolving thing, and your feedback about how the Foundation can help you get 
your company involved will be very helpful.I would like multiple companies 
to interact through the Foundation, and that is how I would ultimately like 
Continuum to interact with the community as well.   The fact that Continuum 
employs people who work on NumPy should be no more concerning than the fact 
that Google employs people that work on Python, or that Enthought employs 
people who work on SciPy and NumPy.   I recognize that my role in NumPy, the 
Foundation, and my company may be concerning for some.   I firmly believe that 
NumPy is successful because of everybody who has participated.  I am not 
interested in somehow changing that.   I just want to do what I can to 
accelerate it.  

I look forward to working with you and your company in the Foundation.  

Best regards,


NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update - was: Updated differences between 1.5.1 to 1.6.1

2012-02-14 Thread Matthew Brett

On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 4:43 PM, Matthew Brett matthew.br...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 3:58 PM, Travis Oliphant tra...@continuum.io wrote:

 When we selected the name NumFOCUS just a few weeks ago, we created the 
 for numfocus and then I signed everyone up for that list who was on the
 other one.      I apologize if anyone felt left out.   That is not my

 My point is that there are two ways go to about this process, one is
 open and the other is closed.  In the open version, someone proposes
 such a group to the mailing lists.  They ask for expressions of
 interest.  The discussion might then move to another mailing list that
 is publicly known and widely advertised.  Members of the board are
 proposed in public.  There might be some sort of formal or informal
 voting process.  The reason to prefer this to the more informal
 private negotiations is that a) the community feels a greater
 ownership and control of the process and b) it is much harder to
 weaken or subvert an organization that explicitly does all its
 business in public.

 Your points are well taken.   However, my point is that this has been 
 discussed on an open mailing list.   Things weren't *as* open as they could 
 have been, perhaps, in terms of board selection.  But, there was opportunity 
 for people to provide input.

 I am on the numpy, scipy, matplotlib, ipython and cython mailing
 lists.  Jarrod and Fernando are friends of mine.  I've been obviously
 concerned about numpy governance for some time.  I didn't know about
 this mailing list, had only a vague idea that some sort of foundation
 was being proposed and I had no idea at all that you'd selected a
 board.  Would you say that was closer to 'open' or closer to 'closed'?

By the way - I want to be clear - I am not suggesting that I should
have been one of the people involved in these discussions.  If you
were choosing a small number of people to discuss this with, one of
them should not be me.  I am saying that, if I didn't know, it's
reasonable to assume that very few people knew, who weren't being
explicitly told, and that this means that the process was,
effectively, closed.

See you,

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update - was: Updated differences between 1.5.1 to 1.6.1

2012-02-14 Thread Travis Oliphant
 Your points are well taken.   However, my point is that this has been 
 discussed on an open mailing list.   Things weren't *as* open as they could 
 have been, perhaps, in terms of board selection.  But, there was opportunity 
 for people to provide input.
 I am on the numpy, scipy, matplotlib, ipython and cython mailing
 lists.  Jarrod and Fernando are friends of mine.  I've been obviously
 concerned about numpy governance for some time.  I didn't know about
 this mailing list, had only a vague idea that some sort of foundation
 was being proposed and I had no idea at all that you'd selected a
 board.  Would you say that was closer to 'open' or closer to 'closed'?

I see it a different way.First, the Foundation is not a NumPy-governance 
thing.   Certainly it could grow in that direction over time, but it isn't 
there now, nor is that its goal. Second, the Foundation is just getting 
started.It's only come together over the past couple of weeks.The fact 
that we are talking about it now, seems to me to indicate that it is quite 
open --- certainly closer to 'open' then you seem to imply.  Also, the 
fact that there was a public mailing list for its discussion certainly sounds 
open to me (poorly advertised I will grant you). I tried to include as 
many people as I thought were interested by the responses to the initial emails 
on the list.I reached out to people that contacted me expressing their 
interest, and included them on the mailing list. I can accept that I made 
mistakes.   I can guarantee that I will make more.   Your feedback is 
appreciated and noted. 

The fact is that the Foundation is really a service organization that will 
require a lot of work to run and administer.It's effectiveness at 
fulfilling its mission will depend on how well it serves the group on this 
list, as well as the other groups that are working on Python for Science.   I'm 
all for getting as many volunteers as we can get for the Foundation.   I've 
just been trying to get things organized.   Sometimes this works best by phone 
calls and direct contact, rather than mailing lists. 

For those interested.   The Foundation mission is to: 

* Promote Open Source Software for Science
* Fund Open Source Projects in Science (currently NumPy, SciPy, 
IPython, and Matplotlib are first-tier with a whole host of second-tier 
projects that could received funding)
* through grants
* through code bounties
* through graduate-student scholarships
* Sponsor sprints
* Sponsor conferences
* Sponsor student travel
* etc., etc.

Whether or not it can do any of those things depends on whether or not it can 
raise money from people and organizations that benefit from the Scientific 
Python Stack.All of this will be advertised more as the year progresses. 

Best regards,

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update - was: Updated differences between 1.5.1 to 1.6.1

2012-02-14 Thread Jason Grout
On 2/14/12 7:17 PM, Travis Oliphant wrote:
   * Fund Open Source Projects in Science (currently NumPy, SciPy, 
 IPython, and Matplotlib are first-tier with a whole host of second-tier 
 projects that could received funding)
   * through grants

So, for example, would the Foundation apply to mentor Google Summer of 
Code projects?

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

[Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update - was: Updated differences between 1.5.1 to 1.6.1

2012-02-14 Thread Benjamin Root
On Tuesday, February 14, 2012, Travis Oliphant tra...@continuum.io wrote:

 I have to agree with Mathew here, to a point.  There has been
discussions of these groups before, but I don't recall any announcement of
this group.  Of course, now that it has been announced, maybe a link to it
should be prominent on the numpy/scipy pages(maybe others?).  It should
also be in the list of mailing lists.

 I'm happy for all these discussions to be in the open.

 A funding org much like the Linux Foundation would be great, and I am
all for it.  A separate governing committee is also important, and I think
we had some very good ideas in previous discussions.

 I also have to agree with Matthew's concerns about the concentration of
developer resources at Continuum.  I think that establishing a
community-driven governance committee would be crucial in making sure that
Continuum's (and Enthought's??) efforts go to serve both the community and
the company's customers.

 I can try and re-assure you that all will be well, but I know that time
is the only thing that will prove that out as each one will decide for
themselves whether or not their input is valued and acted upon.   To
provide some perspective, for the next 5 months at least, Continuum will be
providing 3.5 people at least 50% to the NumPy project plus dev ops help to
get issue tracking and continuous build integration set up.After that
we will have at least 1.5 people devoted full-time to the open-source NumPy
project (more if possible).I would like this support to actually go
through the Foundation (which already has a community governance and
non-profit mission statement), but this takes some leg-work in getting the
Foundation setup and organizing those contracts.   But, that is my intent
and what I am working to get in place eventually.

That's good, and all of this is all in NumPy's benefit.  I think that This
is now the perfect time to establish some sort of governance, even if it is
provincial.  This has absolutely nothing against you (as you have done an
excellent job so far), but now that the numpy community has grown this much
and there are so many stake-holders, a formal governance will be essential
for community cohesion.

 Obviously, the fact that I am deeply involved in NumPy complicates the
question of community governance for some people, but I hope you will
trust that we are just trying to improve NumPy as we understand it.   I
remain interested in others views of what improving NumPy means.   But, I
do have a long list of ideas that I am anxious to get started on.

And I don't want the governance to hinder those ideas.  I just see it as
inevitable that there will be disagreements and having an agreed-upon
structure by which to resolve them would be most beneficial.  Also, such a
committee could be used to solicit feedback on RFCs and NEPs.

 Travis, in about a month, I will be starting up work at a company that
has been users of the SciPy stack, but has not been active members of the
community.  I wish to change that. Will this Funding committee serve as a
face for numpy for private companies?

 Absolutely.   The Foundation web-site is getting set up right now.  It
will be an evolving thing, and your feedback about how the Foundation can
help you get your company involved will be very helpful.I would like
multiple companies to interact through the Foundation, and that is how I
would ultimately like Continuum to interact with the community as well.
The fact that Continuum employs people who work on NumPy should be no more
concerning than the fact that Google employs people that work on Python, or
that Enthought employs people who work on SciPy and NumPy.   I recognize
that my role in NumPy, the Foundation, and my company may be concerning for
some.   I firmly believe that NumPy is successful because of everybody who
has participated.  I am not interested in somehow changing that.   I just
want to do what I can to accelerate it.

 I look forward to working with you and your company in the Foundation.

Me too.

Ben Root
NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy governance update - was: Updated differences between 1.5.1 to 1.6.1

2012-02-14 Thread Bruce Southey
On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 6:43 PM, Matthew Brett matthew.br...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 3:58 PM, Travis Oliphant tra...@continuum.io wrote:

 When we selected the name NumFOCUS just a few weeks ago, we created the 
 for numfocus and then I signed everyone up for that list who was on the
 other one.      I apologize if anyone felt left out.   That is not my

 My point is that there are two ways go to about this process, one is
 open and the other is closed.  In the open version, someone proposes
 such a group to the mailing lists.  They ask for expressions of
 interest.  The discussion might then move to another mailing list that
 is publicly known and widely advertised.  Members of the board are
 proposed in public.  There might be some sort of formal or informal
 voting process.  The reason to prefer this to the more informal
 private negotiations is that a) the community feels a greater
 ownership and control of the process and b) it is much harder to
 weaken or subvert an organization that explicitly does all its
 business in public.

 Your points are well taken.   However, my point is that this has been 
 discussed on an open mailing list.   Things weren't *as* open as they could 
 have been, perhaps, in terms of board selection.  But, there was opportunity 
 for people to provide input.

 I am on the numpy, scipy, matplotlib, ipython and cython mailing
 lists.  Jarrod and Fernando are friends of mine.  I've been obviously
 concerned about numpy governance for some time.  I didn't know about
 this mailing list, had only a vague idea that some sort of foundation
 was being proposed and I had no idea at all that you'd selected a
 board.  Would you say that was closer to 'open' or closer to 'closed'?

 Perceptions can be damaging.   This is one of the big reasons for the
 organization of the Foundation -- to be a place separate from any 
 venture which can direct resources to a vision whose goal is more
 democratically determined.

 Are you proposing that the Foundation oversee Numpy governance and
 direction?   From your chosen members I'm guessing that the idea is
 for the foundation to think about broad strategy rather than - say -
 whether missing values should be encoded with masked arrays?

 No, I am not proposing that.    The Foundation will be focused on 
 higher-level broad strategy sorts of things:  mostly around how to raise 
 money and how to direct that money to projects that have their own 
 development cycles.   I would think the Foundation would be interested in 
 paying for things like issue trackers and continuous integration servers as 
 well.     It will leave NumPy management to this list and the people who 
 have gathered around this watering hole.    Obviously, there will be points 
 of connection, but exactly how this will play-out depends on who shows up to 
 both organizations.

 I think we do have a NumPy steering group if you want to call it that.
 It is currently me, Mark Wiebe, and Charles Harris.    Rolf Gommers, Pauli
 Virtanen, David Cournapeau and Robert Kern also have opinions that carry
 significant weight.    Are there other people that should be on this list?
  There are other people who also speak up on this list whose opinions will
 be listened to and heard.   In fact, I hope that many more people will come
 to the list and speak out as development increases.

 The point I was making was that the concentration of numpy development
 hours and talent in your company makes it urgent that the numpy
 governance is set out formally, that the interests of the company are
 made clear, and that the steering group can be assured of explicit and
 public independence from the interests of the company, if and when
 that becomes necessary.   In the past, the numpy steering group has
 seemed a virtual organization, formed ad-hoc when needed, and with no
 formal governance.   I'm saying that I firmly believe that has to
 change, to avoid the actual or perceived loss of community ownership.

 I hear your point.    Thank you for sharing it.    Fortunately, we are 
 having this discussion, and plan to continue to have it as any concerns 
 arise.    I think the situation is actually less concentrated than it used 
 to be when the SciPy steering committee was discussed.  On that note,  I 
 think the SciPy steering committee needs serious revision as well.    But, 
 we've all just been getting along pretty well without too much formalism, so 
 far, so perhaps that is enough for now.

 But a) there have already been serious unresolved disagreements on
 this list (I note no resolution of the masks / NA debate) and b) the
 whole point is to set up structures that can deal with the problems
 before or as they arise.  After the problem arises, it is too late.

 See you,

 NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] NumPy Governance

2011-12-29 Thread Joe Harrington
I had intended to stay quiet in this discussion since I am not a core
developer and also no longer even lead the doc project.  However, I've
watched two organizations go very wrong very fast recently.  Both were
similar in structure to this one.  I've done some study as a result and
there are some lessons to learn.

The committee-of-doers-and-executive format is very effective when it
works.  It's worked well for numpy and many other OSS projects.
Benevolence and commitment of the leader are made likely by choosing
someone who is already doing a lot and whom everyone knows.  Yet it can
still go wrong.  By studying the failures, as well as the successes, we
can build in some safeguards.

So, I'll tell the story of Pack 608.  (It's the next four paragraphs if
you want to skip it.)  This is a Cub Scout Pack, which for those who
don't already know is a group of 20-100 boys, ages 6-10, who participate
in a variety of indoor and outdoor activities that are designed to build
good character (whether they do is a different discussion).

Our group has about 80 boys.  It is run by parents who volunteer their
time, and it is led by a Pack Committee, with a Chair and a Chartered
Organization Representative.  The latter is an overlord who can overrule
anything but by design usually observes from the sidelines and only
steps in when things go wrong.  He represents the organization (usually
a church or community service organization) that owns the pack.  There
is also a Cubmaster, who is the face of the organization to the boys.
He reports to the Committee but is a really big dog there, often as big
as the Chair.  Sometimes bigger.  Running a group of 80 boys doing a
dozen activities a year is a huge job, way too big for any individual
with a job, so finding and developing parent volunteers is hard.

In our group, one married couple, extremely committed, got involved and
began doing a huge number of tasks.  Whenever anyone slacked off, they
took over that job.  They did those jobs extremely well.  As our top
leadership moved on (their boys turned 11 and became Boy Scouts),
eventually we looked around and the clear choice for the Chair and
Cubmaster were these two.  We were not exited about installing a married
couple in two of three key posts, but we had few options.  We didn't
want to do it, but nobody else stepped up.

It was the biggest mistake we ever made.  Even though everything this
couple did was, in their eyes, in the best interest of the boys and the
group, their style was so overbearing and their opinions so inflexible
that there were serious verbal conflicts and other leaders began to
quit.  Some non-leaders complained, the Chartered Org. Rep. called a
meeting, and these two were forced to step down.  But, by this time,
they were doing so many tasks that between them and the other departed
leaders, we had lost EIGHT critical leadership roles (for those who know
Scouts, these were Committee Chair, Cubmaster, Outdoors Chair, Events
Chair, Advancement Chair, Fundraising Chair, and two Den Leaders).  The
pack nearly folded, but we managed to pull in a few parents (including
me) who were neither eager to get close to this group nor really ready
to spend a lot of time on it.  We aren't yet up to where we used to be a
year ago, but we're surviving.  It's been brutal on our personal and
work time, however.  It would have been much easier had we stepped up
before the fiasco.

While such near-collapses are infrequent in small organizations, they
happen often enough that many readers have probably experienced one.
They can happen out of poor choice of leaders, feelings of
possessiveness, differences of vision among stakeholders, and a host of
other causes.  The point here is to build into any organization plan not
just the structure that will let it succeed, but also the safeguards
that will reduce the chances of failure by catching and correcting
organizational health problems early.

With OSS, we have an ultimate safeguard, which is that anyone can fork
the source and start a new org.  But, as we've seen in this project,
forks are *very* damaging and can take years to recover from, so it
makes sense to think about safeguards in this organization, too.

There are organizations of organizations that provide advice on this
topic.  Among the key suggestions:

- Have uninvolved oversight.  In Pack 608's case this was the Chartered
  Org. Rep.  For us it could be an external board with some community
  reps.  This oversight itself can be abused, so it must be limited to
  removing problem leaders and calling an election, or even just to
  calling an election.  It should probably NOT extend to changing
  decisions on the code, other than forcing a vote of reconsideration.

- Rotate key posts.  When people do a job forever, they can become
  possessive of it.  Not everyone does, but it's common.  The job
  becomes tailored to the person, others don't know how it's done, key
  practices go undocumented, and if that person 

Re: [Numpy-discussion] NumPy Governance

2011-12-28 Thread Ondrej Certik
On Mon, Dec 5, 2011 at 4:22 AM, Perry Greenfield pe...@stsci.edu wrote:
 I'm not sure I'm crazy about leaving final decision making for a
 board. A board may be a good way of carefully considering the issues,
 and it could make it's own recommendation (with a sufficient
 majority). But in the end I think one person needs to decide (and that
 decision may go against the board consensus, presumably only rarely).

 Why shouldn't that person be you?

I haven't contributed to NumPy directly. But I can offer my experience
with SymPy.

I agree with Perry. Having one person being in charge as the last
call (project leader) works excellent in my experience. For SymPy,
that person has been me,
up until a year ago (when I realized that I am too busy to do a good
job as a project leader), when I passed it to Aaron Meurer.
We always try to reach
consensus, and the project leader's main job is to encourage such discussion.
When consensus cannot be reached, he needs to make the decision (that
happened maybe once or twice in the last 5 years and it is very rare).

There seems to be quite strong community ownership in SymPy (that
was Stefan's objection). I think the reason being that in fact we
probably have something like a board of members, except that
it is informal and it simply consists of people whose opinions
the project leader highly values. And I think that it is very easy
for anybody who gets involved with SymPy development to
become trusted and thus his or her opinion will count.

As such, for NumPy I think by default the project leader is Travis, who
created it. He became busy in the last few years and so he could
appoint a person, who will be the project leader.

The list of possible people seems quite simple, I would choose
somebody who is involved a lot with NumPy in the last 1 year
(let's say):

$ git shortlog -ns --since=1 year ago | head
  651  Mark Wiebe
  137  Charles Harris
   72  David Cournapeau
   61  Ralf Gommers
   52  rgommers
   29  Pearu Peterson
   17  Pauli Virtanen
   11  Chris Jordan-Squire
   11  Matthew Brett
   10  Christopher L. Farrow

So anybody from the top 5 or 10 people seems ok. This has to be a personal
decision, and I don't know what the actual contribution and involvement (and
personal ability to be a project leader) is of the above people, so that's
why it should be done by Travis (possibly consulting with somebody who
he trusts and who is involved).

For SymPy, here is the list from the 1 year ago when I passed the
project leadership:

$ git shortlog -ns --since=January 2010 --until January 2011 | head
  317  Øyvind Jensen
  150  Mateusz Paprocki
   93  Aaron Meurer
   81  Addison Cugini
   79  Brian E. Granger
   64  Ronan Lamy
   61  Matt Curry
   58  Ondřej Čertík
   36  Chris Smith
   34  Christian Muise

It's not exactly accurate, as some of the branches from 2010 were
merged in 2011, but it gives you a picture. The above
list doesn't tell you who the best person should be. I knew that Aaron
would be the best choice, and I consulted it
with several core developers to see what the community thinks, and
everybody told me, that if I need to pass it
on, Aaron would be the choice.

Since this was the first time for me doing this, I simply stated, that Aaron
is the project leader from now on. And in couple months we clarified
it a little bit, that I am the owner,
in a sense that I own the domain and some servers and other things and
I am ultimately responsible for the project (and I still have a say in
non-coding related issues, like Google Summer of Code and such). For
anything code related, Aaron has the last word,
and I will not override it. The precise email is here:


You can compare it to today's list:

$ git shortlog -ns --since=1 year ago | head   805Chris Smith
  583  Mateusz Paprocki
  508  Aaron Meurer
  183  Ronan Lamy
  150  Saptarshi Mandal
  112  Tom Bachmann
  101  Vladimir Perić
   93  Gilbert Gede
   91  Ondřej Čertík
   89  Brian E. Granger

So the activity has gone up after I stopped being the bottleneck, and
after there was again a clear person, who is in charge and has time
for it.

Anyway, I just wanted to offer some experience that I gained with
SymPy with this regard. As I said, I am not a NumPy developer and as
such, this decision should be made by NumPy developers and Travis as
the original project leader.

I could see a familiar pattern here --- Travis has spent enormous time
to develop NumPy and to build a community, and later became busy. This
is exactly what happened to me with SymPy (when I was back in Prague,
I spent months, every evening, many hours with sympy). In fact,
Travis once said at some lecture, that opensource is addictive. And
not only that, also, if you develop (start) something, it really feels
like it's yours. And then when I didn't have time and I knew I am not
doing good job with SymPy, it was probably the hardest decision I had
to make to pass the 

Re: [Numpy-discussion] NumPy Governance

2011-12-28 Thread Travis Oliphant
That was an extremely helpful and useful post. 

Thank you Ondrej for sharing it and taking the time to provide that insight.


Travis Oliphant
(on a mobile)

On Dec 29, 2011, at 12:51 AM, Ondrej Certik ond...@certik.cz wrote:

 On Mon, Dec 5, 2011 at 4:22 AM, Perry Greenfield pe...@stsci.edu wrote:
 I'm not sure I'm crazy about leaving final decision making for a
 board. A board may be a good way of carefully considering the issues,
 and it could make it's own recommendation (with a sufficient
 majority). But in the end I think one person needs to decide (and that
 decision may go against the board consensus, presumably only rarely).
 Why shouldn't that person be you?
 I haven't contributed to NumPy directly. But I can offer my experience
 with SymPy.
 I agree with Perry. Having one person being in charge as the last
 call (project leader) works excellent in my experience. For SymPy,
 that person has been me,
 up until a year ago (when I realized that I am too busy to do a good
 job as a project leader), when I passed it to Aaron Meurer.
 We always try to reach
 consensus, and the project leader's main job is to encourage such discussion.
 When consensus cannot be reached, he needs to make the decision (that
 happened maybe once or twice in the last 5 years and it is very rare).
 There seems to be quite strong community ownership in SymPy (that
 was Stefan's objection). I think the reason being that in fact we
 probably have something like a board of members, except that
 it is informal and it simply consists of people whose opinions
 the project leader highly values. And I think that it is very easy
 for anybody who gets involved with SymPy development to
 become trusted and thus his or her opinion will count.
 As such, for NumPy I think by default the project leader is Travis, who
 created it. He became busy in the last few years and so he could
 appoint a person, who will be the project leader.
 The list of possible people seems quite simple, I would choose
 somebody who is involved a lot with NumPy in the last 1 year
 (let's say):
 $ git shortlog -ns --since=1 year ago | head
  651  Mark Wiebe
  137  Charles Harris
   72  David Cournapeau
   61  Ralf Gommers
   52  rgommers
   29  Pearu Peterson
   17  Pauli Virtanen
   11  Chris Jordan-Squire
   11  Matthew Brett
   10  Christopher L. Farrow
 So anybody from the top 5 or 10 people seems ok. This has to be a personal
 decision, and I don't know what the actual contribution and involvement (and
 personal ability to be a project leader) is of the above people, so that's
 why it should be done by Travis (possibly consulting with somebody who
 he trusts and who is involved).
 For SymPy, here is the list from the 1 year ago when I passed the
 project leadership:
 $ git shortlog -ns --since=January 2010 --until January 2011 | head
  317  Øyvind Jensen
  150  Mateusz Paprocki
   93  Aaron Meurer
   81  Addison Cugini
   79  Brian E. Granger
   64  Ronan Lamy
   61  Matt Curry
   58  Ondřej Čertík
   36  Chris Smith
   34  Christian Muise
 It's not exactly accurate, as some of the branches from 2010 were
 merged in 2011, but it gives you a picture. The above
 list doesn't tell you who the best person should be. I knew that Aaron
 would be the best choice, and I consulted it
 with several core developers to see what the community thinks, and
 everybody told me, that if I need to pass it
 on, Aaron would be the choice.
 Since this was the first time for me doing this, I simply stated, that Aaron
 is the project leader from now on. And in couple months we clarified
 it a little bit, that I am the owner,
 in a sense that I own the domain and some servers and other things and
 I am ultimately responsible for the project (and I still have a say in
 non-coding related issues, like Google Summer of Code and such). For
 anything code related, Aaron has the last word,
 and I will not override it. The precise email is here:
 You can compare it to today's list:
 $ git shortlog -ns --since=1 year ago | head   805Chris Smith
  583  Mateusz Paprocki
  508  Aaron Meurer
  183  Ronan Lamy
  150  Saptarshi Mandal
  112  Tom Bachmann
  101  Vladimir Perić
   93  Gilbert Gede
   91  Ondřej Čertík
   89  Brian E. Granger
 So the activity has gone up after I stopped being the bottleneck, and
 after there was again a clear person, who is in charge and has time
 for it.
 Anyway, I just wanted to offer some experience that I gained with
 SymPy with this regard. As I said, I am not a NumPy developer and as
 such, this decision should be made by NumPy developers and Travis as
 the original project leader.
 I could see a familiar pattern here --- Travis has spent enormous time
 to develop NumPy and to build a community, and later became busy. This
 is exactly what happened to me with SymPy (when I was back in Prague,
 I spent months, every evening, many 

Re: [Numpy-discussion] NumPy Governance

2011-12-10 Thread Bruce Southey
On Mon, Dec 5, 2011 at 11:32 PM, Matthew Brett matthew.br...@gmail.com wrote:

 2011/12/5 Stéfan van der Walt ste...@sun.ac.za:
 As for barriers to entry, improving the the nature of discourse on the
 mailing list (when it comes to thorny issues) would be good.
 Technical barriers are not that hard to breach for our community;
 setting the right social atmosphere is crucial.

 I'm just about to get on a plane and am going to be out of internet
 range for a while, so, in the spirit of constructive discussion:

 In the spirit of use-cases:

 Would it be fair to say that the two contentious recent discussions have been:

 The numpy ABI breakage, 2.0 vs 1.5.1 discussion
 The masked array discussion(s) ?

 What did we do wrong or right in each of these two discussions?  What
 could we have done better?  What process would help us to do better?

 Travis - for your board-only-post mailing list - my feeling is that
 this is going in the wrong direction.  The effect of the board-only
 mailing list is to explicitly remove non-qualified people from the
 discussion.   This will make it more explicit that the substantial
 decisions will be make by a few important people.   Do you (Travis -
 or Mark?) think that, if this had happened earlier in the masked array
 discussion, it would have been less contentious, or had more
 substantial content?  My instinct would be the reverse, and the best
 solution would have been to pause and commit to beating out the issues
 and getting agreement.

 See you,


I would also like to know the long term model for development since
some of issues a direct results of that model. At the moment we seem
stuck in the old svn model as we have a release that essentially
splits from the current development branch where key developers just
merge into without any discussion. This 'old svn' view did create some
discussion regarding the NA object including the pull request. But we
lacked the step about moving it into the current developmental branch.
So at times that seemed to add 'insult to injury'
(http://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/add+insult+to+injury) which
tended to decrease some of the interesting ideas expressed.

So perhaps we could find a model that allows real bug fixes (ie have a
valid ticket or maximum of 5 lines of changed code) to go the current
developmental branch and enhancements come through as some other
process that involves community discussions?

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

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