Re: PB and Oracle9i: transaction issue

2005-08-10 Thread Brian McCallister

On Aug 10, 2005, at 4:02 PM, Thomas Dudziak wrote:

Thank you to my previous employer (Fort Hill Company) for allowing me
to distribute this. I'll clean it up and put it in CVS for 1.0.4 when
It takes a PBKey and verifies that the metadata is sane for the
actual database schema (examined via JDBC metadata).

WDYT, does it make sense to rework this to use the DdlUtils API and
make a Ant task from it ?

We could, but I think it works better as a JUnit TestCase. It can be  
integrated right in with system tests, run from ant, etc, right now.

Understanding DdlUtils schemas would also be good, but I think that  
would be a separate test case =)


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Re: PB and Oracle9i: transaction issue

2005-08-10 Thread Brian McCallister

On Aug 10, 2005, at 11:22 AM, Guillaume Laforge wrote:

What a pity the messages are so misleading... I guess some sanity
checker is in order so that we can compare a mapping and a database's
schema (hint, hint Brian!).

Okay =)

Thank you to my previous employer (Fort Hill Company) for allowing me  
to distribute this. I'll clean it up and put it in CVS for 1.0.4 when  
I get a chance, meanwhile (as the first email isn't making it through  
the list, probably the attachment)...

It takes a PBKey and verifies that the metadata is sane for the  
actual database schema (examined via JDBC metadata).


Re: PB and Oracle9i: transaction issue

2005-08-10 Thread Brian McCallister
On Aug 10, 2005, at 11:22 AM, Guillaume Laforge wrote:What a pity the messages are so misleading... I guess some sanity checker is in order so that we can compare a mapping and a database's schema (hint, hint Brian!). Okay, attached =)Thank you to my previous employer (Fort Hill Company) for letting me distribute this!-Brian
Description: Binary data

Re: PB and Oracle9i: transaction issue

2005-08-10 Thread Brian McCallister

Mapping is biggest weakness in o/r mapping right now =(

Most issues come down to "not quite correct" mapping all too often =(

On Aug 10, 2005, at 11:22 AM, Guillaume Laforge wrote:

Hi again,

I hesitate to reveal the truth and expose how stupid I must be... but
still... I think I've found the source of my problem. It seems as if
it were a mere mapping issue!

What a pity the messages are so misleading... I guess some sanity
checker is in order so that we can compare a mapping and a database's
schema (hint, hint Brian!).

In my mapping, it seems like I had configured a many-to-many
relationship, though what I really had was a simple one-to-many
relationship: I had a foreignkey AND remote-foreignkey in my xdoclet
tags pointing at the same column. Though obviously the
remote-foreignkey wasn't needed at all.

Then, I set back autocommit to 2 explicitely (to be sure I was in
autocommit false), and tried again my little test... and... tada...
all my objects were rollbacked as I expected!

I'm sad I wasted that many hours on such a trivial problem :-(
I apologize for having bothered you with somewhat of a false  
problem :-(

Anyway, thanks a lot for your great support and help.

Guillaume Laforge

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Re: Where to find OJB 1.1

2005-08-04 Thread Brian McCallister

Apache, not SourceForge. Otherwise yes, HEAD/trunk is what will be 1.1.


On Aug 3, 2005, at 3:00 PM, Hale India wrote:

Hi Brian

Do you mean that in sourceforge CVS db-ojb it is 1.1
source code ?

Best regards


--- Brian McCallister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

OJB 1.1 has not been released. Are you sure you
didn't have 1.0.1?
The other possibility is that someone built your jar
from cvs at some
point based on the upcoming 1.1.


On Aug 3, 2005, at 1:19 PM, Hale India wrote:


I am using OJB for our project.
I got during may db-ojb-1.1.0.jar etc.

I was looking to get up to date OJB 1.1 elements

and I

don't find them again.

Idon't find any 1.1 jar nor 1.1 CVS.

Can you help me?

Andre Legendre


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Re: Where to find OJB 1.1

2005-08-03 Thread Brian McCallister
OJB 1.1 has not been released. Are you sure you didn't have 1.0.1?  
The other possibility is that someone built your jar from cvs at some  
point based on the upcoming 1.1.


On Aug 3, 2005, at 1:19 PM, Hale India wrote:


I am using OJB for our project.
I got during may db-ojb-1.1.0.jar etc.

I was looking to get up to date OJB 1.1 elements and I
don't find them again.

Idon't find any 1.1 jar nor 1.1 CVS.

Can you help me?

Andre Legendre

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Re: OJB 1.1

2005-06-23 Thread Brian McCallister

Answered in the -dev list =)


On Jun 22, 2005, at 2:49 AM, Cosmin MERLUSCA wrote:


I'm using OJB and I would have a number of questions for you:

1. Is this project going on or is it going to be stopped? The  
answer to this

is critical for the project.

2. If is going to continue, when is OJB 1.1 due to come out?

3. Will OJB 1.1 solve the problem of complex expressions? I have  
spent quite
a lot of time searching the answer to this question, and I have  
seen that
there was some work done on 1.0.3, but this is hardly  enough. What  
I need
is to be able to create complex expressions and if this problem is  
not going
to be solved, I can perform SQL queries directly. I just want to  
know, so

that I can make a planning on my work and on the directions on which I
should go.

Thank you and I hope for a very quick answer,


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Re: OJB, JDO2 and apache jdo project (and jpox)

2005-06-08 Thread Brian McCallister

On Jun 2, 2005, at 12:12 PM, Martin Taal wrote:

I have a question, what is the future of jdo support in ojb in  
relation to the jdo2 spec and the apache jdo project (http://

In a post (20 March 2005) to this mailing list from Brian  
McCallister he says the following:

OJB's JDO implementation is more proof-of-concept than production- 
usable. A good open source JDO implementation is JPOX ( http:// ). Before long there should be an Apache JDO ( http:// )project which can use OJB as the O/R Mapping  


Brian says that apache jdo can use ojb as the backend. Is this  
indeed the current idea of the apache jdo project and if so what  
timeframe should I think of?

The Apache JDO project ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) is going.  
The priority, right now, is finishing the JDO 2.0 TCK rather than the  
implementation (which will need to wait until final JDO 2.0 spec  
(close) and the TCK to be completed (to verify that it passes!)).

The JDO 1.0.X RI codebase has been imported to the ASF subversion  
repository, and we could build up the OJB - JDO 1.0 plugin to be  
beefier, except that I think the general concensus is that JDO 2.0 is  
so much better than 1.0 that we may as well just build towards that.

I still recommend JPOX if you need an open source JDO implementation  
(though I've not had a chance to use the now open-sourced Versant  
one, it may be very nice, I dunno). JPOX doesn't provide the range of  
databases, or all of the flexibility of OJB, but it does do

a compliant JDO =)


Thanks for any clarifications on this.


With Regards, Martin Taal

Barchman Wuytierslaan 72b
3818 LK Amersfoort
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Re: Help Getting Started

2005-04-11 Thread Brian McCallister
The getting started page is probably the most useful.
On Apr 11, 2005, at 9:55 AM, Scott Purcell wrote:
I would like to try and get started using the OJB product. I am on the 
website, but do not see where to begin. So I downloaded this: and extracted it, hoping for some simple webapp 

Back at the website I tried following the ODGM Tutorial. But it goes 
nowhere. I created the class, and then went to the 
mappings (incomplete) link. And ended up with no information. Kind of 
a cluster of deadends.

I would like to create a couple of simple tables, a could of simple 
classes, and see how this works. Can anyone give me a link, or post 
some examples of tying this together? Maybe I am going down the wrong 

Scott K Purcell | Developer | VERTIS |
555 Washington Ave. 4th Floor | St. Louis, MO 63101 |
314.588.0720 Ext:1320 | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |

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Apache OJB 1.0.3 Released

2005-04-05 Thread Brian McCallister
Apache Object/Relational Bridge (OJB) is an Object/Relational mapping  
tool that allows transparent persistence for Java objects against  
relational databases.

The OJB team is happy to announce the 1.0.3 release:
Release 1.0.3
- odmg-api: Named objects can now be non- and persistence capable  
objects. At least
  the named object have to be serializable.

- Refactoring DCollection implementations, remove DListImpl_2 classes  
(code moved to DListImpl)
- Object2ByteArrFieldConversion: If source object on conversion  
javaToSQL is 'null', no longer create an
  byte array simply return 'null'

Please refer to our Bug tracking site  
to see details for a bug with id OJB-xxx.

- odmg-api: OJB-7 - Fix critical property setting in file
- odmg-api: OJB-8 - Fix bug when using cascading delete on empty 1:1  
- odmg-api: Fix bug with named object. On 'unbind' of a named object,  
if the object is a persistence capable
  object (object with metadata mapping), the object itself will not be  
deleted. All other (serializable)
  named objects will be deleted on unbind.
- odmg-api: Fix bug with named objects when using database based  
Identity columns (SequenceManagerNativeImpl)
- odmg-api: Fix bug when persisting DCollection instances when using  
database based
  Identity columns (SequenceManagerNativeImpl).

- Auto-Detection for insert/update objects checks to avoid DB queries  
the PK fields of the object.
  If at least one PK field is 'NULL' or if primitive field '0', OJB  
assume the object is new and
  needs insert. This will be configurable in next upcoming version.  
Workaround for PB-api: use method
  PB#store(Object obj, ObjectModification mod) to state update or  
- Batch handling doesn't work proper with optimistic locking. This will  
be fixed
  in version 1.1
- Subqueries are not extent aware. see  
- When a class mapped on multiple joined tables was used in a reference  
only objects
  of the base type class will be instantiated, e.g. a Company class has
  a 1:n reference 'employees' to a base class Employee and class  
Manager extends Employee,
  then 'employees' only contains objects of type Employee even if the  
real type was Manager.
  See in OJB test suite 
  Same problem occur when query the base class, then OJB only returns  
objects of base type instead
  the real type.
- Managed Environment: When run OJB in managed environment and using  
PBStateListener, the call of
  PBStateListener#beforeClose(PBStateEvent event) is made twice when
  a PB instance was closed in a JTA-tx (for the first time when  
PB.close() was called
  in bean on the PB handle, second time when the JTA-tx completes)
- otm-api: The OTM API has a known caching issue and should not be  
considered for code used
  in production environments. The future of the OTM layer will be  
subject for discussion on the
  OJB developers list, if you are using it - please subscribe to  
ojb-dev and make your voice heard.
- Oracle9i platform: when using statement batching, there is a 2k limit  
on BLOB + 4k limit on CLOB.

Release 1.0.2
- New ant-target ojb-quickstart creates archives of ready-to-run apps  
for tutorials 1 and 2
  complete with pre-created Hsqldb databases (based on ojb-blank).
  These archives are also available in the binary download area.
- Introduce first version of a two-level cache (transactional session  
cache with an application cache
  handle with copies of cached objects). More detailed information see  
'object cache' reference guide in docs.
- All Oracle platforms will now transparently handle  
java.lang.Character fields mapped to
  jdbc-types CHAR or VARCHAR, without any conversion class.
- Oracle9i plaform now handles CLOB>4k and BLOB>2k when DBCP and/or  
P6Spy are used.
- Oracle9i plaform can now be used with Oracle10g JDBC-driver. Escape  
processing statements are
  removed and OracleConnection unwrapping have been adjusted to be  
compatible with 10g JDBC.
- XDoclet module:
* Important: generate-table-info now only prevents the generation  
of a table in the database schema,
  the class-descriptor is unaffacted
* The new ojb.class#generate-repository-info attribute prevents the  
generation of field/reference/collection
  descriptors in the repository as well as the table in the  
database schema
  This attribute should be used when using inheritance with  
interfaces/abstract classes
* Database foreignkeys are now

Re: 1.0.3 Release

2005-04-05 Thread Brian McCallister
Already did!
On Apr 5, 2005, at 11:36 AM, Armin Waibel wrote:
Hi Brain,
Brian McCallister wrote:
Tagged ( OJB_1_0_3 ) and pushed 1.0.3 just now.
Will post an announcement for 1.0.3 (with the note about the 
unannounced 1.0.2) tomorrow after things mirror out.
Seems that all mirror's are up-to-date. Is there are reason *not* to 
post the 1.0.3 announcement?


If you have access to minotaur you can grab it, otherwise it should 
be available from in < 4 hours.
Big kudos to Armin for this one!
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1.0.3 Release

2005-04-03 Thread Brian McCallister
Tagged ( OJB_1_0_3 ) and pushed 1.0.3 just now.
Will post an announcement for 1.0.3 (with the note about the 
unannounced 1.0.2) tomorrow after things mirror out. If you have access 
to minotaur you can grab it, otherwise it should be available from in < 4 hours.

Big kudos to Armin for this one!
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Re: status on 1.02 release?

2005-03-24 Thread Brian McCallister
Am pushing it tonight. Won't announce until tomorrow night though so 
that it can mirror out first =)

On Mar 24, 2005, at 12:08 PM, Ryan Vanderwerf wrote:
Just checking if anyone knows the target date for 1.02? I am looking to
upgrade but am afraid of the cache problem in 1.01.


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Re: JDO && OJB

2005-03-20 Thread Brian McCallister
JDO Central ( ) is a good JDO starting 
point. The best source for info on JDOQL is the spec, it is actually 
pretty clear, I think ( ).

OJB's JDO implementation is more proof-of-concept than 
production-usable. A good open source JDO implementation is JPOX ( ). Before long there should be an Apache JDO ( )project which can use OJB as the O/R 
Mapping backend.

On Mar 19, 2005, at 7:09 PM, Markus Wolf wrote:
Are there any advanced tutorials for JDOQL available?
Or has someone some links to good resources about JDOQL?
Markus Wolf
emedia-solutions wolf
Wedeler Landstrasse 63
22559 Hamburg
(040) 550 083 70

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Re: Persistent Broker cache impl with ODMG tx

2005-02-01 Thread Brian McCallister
No worries =-)
On Feb 1, 2005, at 9:33 AM, Łukasz Korzybski wrote:
Dnia wtorek, 1 lutego 2005 12:40, Łukasz Korzybski napisał:
My mistake sorry, repository_database.xml has overriden settings in
Once more sorry for spamming :)
Łukasz Korzybski
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Re: where to get jdo.jar

2005-01-04 Thread Brian McCallister
It looks like you don't have junit in your ant classpath. JUnit,  
unfortunately, must be in ant's global classpath for arcane reasons I  
don't personally fully understand =(

Short form is that you need to copy the junit jar file to  
$ANT_HOME\lib\ or $HOME\.ant\lib in order to use junit from ant.

On Jan 4, 2005, at 8:29 AM, Ashish Srivastava wrote:
I have downloaded source ( -> unzipped in a
folder (D:\Data\Ashish\OpenSourceProjects) -> run command "ant junit"
I am running OpenCMS test with default setting.
I ended up with Build Failed.
Where I am wrong please let me know.
Ashish Srivastava

warning: setCascadeStore(boolean) in
ptor has been deprecated
[javac] cod.setCascadeStore(autoUpdate);
warning: getCascadeStore() in ha
s been deprecated
[javac] boolean autoUpdate = cod.getCascadeStore();
[javac] ^
warning: setCascadeStore(boolean) in
ptor has been deprecated
[javac] cod.setCascadeStore(true);
warning: setCascadeStore(boolean) in
ptor has been deprecated
[javac] cod.setCascadeStore(autoUpdate);
[javac] 35 warnings
[javac] Compiling 85 source files to

 [echo] NOT using P6Spy to trace JDBC calls.
 [copy] Copying 26 files to
 [copy] Copying 1 file to
 [copy] Copying 1 file to
 [copy] Copying 4 files to
 [echo] +--+
 [echo] |  |
 [echo] | Generating SQL for YOUR Torque project!  |
 [echo] | Woo hoo! |
 [echo] |  |
 [echo] +--+
[torque-sql] Using contextProperties file:
[torque-sql] Using classpath
[torque-sql] Generating to file
[torque-sql] Parsing file: 'ojbcore-schema.xml'
[torque-sql] (transform.DTDResolver   128 ) Resolver: used
database.dtd from org.apache.torque.engine.database.transform package
[torque-sql] Parsing file: 'ojbtest-schema.xml'
[torque-sql] (transform.DTDResolver   128 ) Resolver: used
database.dtd from org.apache.torque.engine.database.transform package

[torque-data-model] Using classpath
[torque-data-model] Generating to file
[torque-data-model] Parsing file: 'ojbcore-schema.xml'
[torque-data-model] (transform.DTDResolver   128 )
Resolver: used database.dtd from
org.apache.torque.engine.database.transform package
[torque-data-model] Parsing file: 'ojbtest-schema.xml'
[torque-data-model] (transform.DTDResolver   128 )
Resolver: used database.dtd from
org.apache.torque.engine.database.transform package
 [echo]   Executing the create-db.sql script ...
  [sql] Executing file:
  [sql] Failed to execute: ECHO Not implemented
  [sql] java.sql.SQLException: Unexpected token: ECHO in statement
[ECHO Not implemented]
  [sql] 0 of 1 SQL statements executed successfully

 [echo] +---+
 [echo] |   |
 [echo] | Generating SQL from data XML !|
 [echo] | Woo hoo!  |
 [echo] |   

Re: Advice on using OJB collections and Struts

2004-12-20 Thread Brian McCallister
You don't need to expose the session upwards. A proxied collection in 
OJB is capable of obtaining a PersistenceBroker if the one used to 
initial obtain the instance with the collection has been closed.

The only possible hangup with this is that the work is done, typically, 
in a transaction, and if the proxy is de-referenced outside of that 
transaction there is the possibility of stale data. On the other hand, 
the the same thing holds true using hibernate with an open session and 
closed transaction, and if the data wasn't loaded into the proxy during 
the transaction, it certainly wasn't used as part of it =)

On Dec 20, 2004, at 10:33 AM, Ray wrote:
Thanks to everyone who replied.
It seems I was thinking that it used the Hibernate
approach, which requires exposing the session right up
to the presentation layer. I imagine that OJB does the
same thing ... only the developer doesn't have to
worry about it.
Seems I have a bit more reading to do before I make a
start on the conversion, but at least it means we can
keep much of the database objects the same as they are
for Hibernte; we just have to change stuff below the
service layer that returns these objects from the
Great stuff! Can't wait to get started!
Any good books on OJB, by the way?
--- Brian McCallister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I'll second this one -- the best approach I know is
just to use the
domain model object as the thing the JSP renders.
On Dec 20, 2004, at 7:36 AM, Edson Carlos Ericksson
Richter wrote:
I've used the OJB objects and collections
directly, since they *are*
my VO.
There is no need to maintain any kind of "open
session", even if you
are using proxies (OJB will care about opening a
database session to
load object on demand)... I never used OJB + EJB,
so I can' tell you
how this could work in a distributed environment.
But with JSP accessing local datasources, I had no
Copying object to other objects/collections could
lead into unecessary
I expect this helps.
Edson Richter
Ray escreveu:
Hi there ... :-)
I'm involved in a small project to convert from a
Hibernate backend, to OJB.
The presentation tier uses Struts and JSTL to
I was wondering how you OJB handles collections
attached to objects, that need to be rendered in
JSP pages. For example, if I have an Order object
contains a collection of OrderLines, and I want
create a page to display the whole order, then
what is
the bst way to handle this?
Is it best to copy the whole Order and OrderLines
some kind of VO, and then send that to the page?
Or do
you use the Hibernate approach of leaving the
open for the whole request cycle, so that the
the page, can access the collection directly from
Order object?
Hope that makes sense ... :-)

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Edson Carlos Ericksson Richter
MGR Informática Ltda.
Fones: 3347-0446 / 9259-2993

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Re: Advice on using OJB collections and Struts

2004-12-20 Thread Brian McCallister
I'll second this one -- the best approach I know is just to use the 
domain model object as the thing the JSP renders.

On Dec 20, 2004, at 7:36 AM, Edson Carlos Ericksson Richter wrote:
I've used the OJB objects and collections directly, since they *are* 
my VO.
There is no need to maintain any kind of "open session", even if you 
are using proxies (OJB will care about opening a database session to 
load object on demand)... I never used OJB + EJB, so I can' tell you 
how this could work in a distributed environment.
But with JSP accessing local datasources, I had no problems.

Copying object to other objects/collections could lead into unecessary 

I expect this helps.
Edson Richter
Ray escreveu:
Hi there ... :-)
I'm involved in a small project to convert from a
Hibernate backend, to OJB.
The presentation tier uses Struts and JSTL to render
I was wondering how you OJB handles collections
attached to objects, that need to be rendered in the
JSP pages. For example, if I have an Order object that
contains a collection of OrderLines, and I want to
create a page to display the whole order, then what is
the bst way to handle this?
Is it best to copy the whole Order and OrderLines into
some kind of VO, and then send that to the page? Or do
you use the Hibernate approach of leaving the session
open for the whole request cycle, so that the JSTL on
the page, can access the collection directly from the
Order object?
Hope that makes sense ... :-)
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Edson Carlos Ericksson Richter
MGR Informática Ltda.
Fones: 3347-0446 / 9259-2993
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2004-12-16 Thread Brian McCallister
I actually generally prefer marc: the search and  
navigation tends to be nicer than eyebrowse, imho.

On Dec 16, 2004, at 5:43 AM, Thomas Dudziak wrote:
liooil wrote:
Hello world,
Maybe this topic has already been discussed and i apologize if it's  
case. But as previously said, it's still impossible to search through
the archiver sites of this mailing list...

Mhmm, the eyebrowse archive at 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] works for me.

The thing is i want to deploy OJB inside my webapp war file.
And of course, when it starts (call to OJB.getInstance()), the
configurations files are searched by default in the directory of the
process who launched everything (i.e Jboss) :
10:49:57,890 INFO  [STDOUT] Could not load properties file
''. Using default settings!
10:49:57,890 INFO  [STDOUT] XXX\jboss-3.2.2\bin\
For deployement convenience, i would like to embbed all OJB
configuartion files needed for OJB in my web/WEB_INF.
The aim is to avoid to pollute all JBoss tree directory.
It also should prevzent from forgeting in conf file when i app
will be supplied.
know what i mean?
If you place the into the WEB-INF/classes directory,  
then it should be found by OJB as it uses the classpath to find the file. Same goes for repository.xml and related files.

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Re: REPOST: OJB's support for object migration: [e.g torque table schema- how to alter existing table ]

2004-09-21 Thread Brian McCallister
There aren't many docs. best way to get it is to build from CVS. There 
are samples and some docs included in the cvs download. Is not a *big* 
project, and I'd be happy to help you figure out how to use it.

Best way to get started is to pull from CVS (is always stable) and look 
at the samples. If you think of something it needs, I'll prolly be 
happy to put it in. I use this thing pretty much every day.

On Sep 21, 2004, at 7:13 PM, Ajitesh Das wrote:
I am not able to d'load the project or able to find any docs.
Can u send me the pointer?
-Original Message-
From: Brian McCallister [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2004 3:03 PM
To: OJB Users List
Subject: Re: REPOST: OJB's support for object migration: [e.g torque
table schema- how to alter existing table ]
OJB doesn't transparently migrate data -- I don't know of any good
high-level general purpose tool which can do that. I wrote an
incremental data-migration oriented tool a while back, but it doesn't
use an o/r mapping. Simple is a dependency resolver with convenience
features for database migrations.
Nothing fancy about it, but it is maintained and works well for me =)
No automated schema change discovery and guesswork -- no way to *know*
the intention of changes, unfortunately. Any migration requires some
human integration.
I can imagine a "database refactoring browser" with a
drag/click-and-act/etc type thing which encapsulates the actions into a
serializable thing to automate this, but to my knowledge no one has
written one.
On Sep 21, 2004, at 5:57 PM, Ajitesh Das wrote:
Reposting again. Let's see if anybody has any recommendation.
-Original Message-
 Hi List:
I like to know if anybody who uses OJB platform in his product has
anything on object model migration. This seems to be a missing piece
OJB project. Am I missing something?
Example Scenario:
I have an existing application that uses OJB as OR platform contains a
set of business objects.
In this new release, we are altering the definition of business object
by adding new fields for some objects and deleting some fields for
others. I would like to know how other users are handling the two
situations: (a) When you add a new field to an existing object and (b)
when you delete a field in an existing object. So that the old data
be kept and properly defaulted.
I have searched the Wiki ,docs and mail archive but could not find any
recommendation/reference from the OJB developers/gurus or reference to
some design patterns.

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Re: REPOST: OJB's support for object migration: [e.g torque table schema- how to alter existing table ]

2004-09-21 Thread Brian McCallister
OJB doesn't transparently migrate data -- I don't know of any good 
high-level general purpose tool which can do that. I wrote an 
incremental data-migration oriented tool a while back, but it doesn't 
use an o/r mapping. Simple is a dependency resolver with convenience 
features for database migrations.
Nothing fancy about it, but it is maintained and works well for me =) 
No automated schema change discovery and guesswork -- no way to *know* 
the intention of changes, unfortunately. Any migration requires some 
human integration.

I can imagine a "database refactoring browser" with a 
drag/click-and-act/etc type thing which encapsulates the actions into a 
serializable thing to automate this, but to my knowledge no one has 
written one.

On Sep 21, 2004, at 5:57 PM, Ajitesh Das wrote:
Reposting again. Let's see if anybody has any recommendation.
-Original Message-
 Hi List:
I like to know if anybody who uses OJB platform in his product has done
anything on object model migration. This seems to be a missing piece in
OJB project. Am I missing something?
Example Scenario:
I have an existing application that uses OJB as OR platform contains a
set of business objects.
In this new release, we are altering the definition of business object
by adding new fields for some objects and deleting some fields for
others. I would like to know how other users are handling the two
situations: (a) When you add a new field to an existing object and (b)
when you delete a field in an existing object. So that the old data can
be kept and properly defaulted.
I have searched the Wiki ,docs and mail archive but could not find any
recommendation/reference from the OJB developers/gurus or reference to
some design patterns.

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Re: Build problem with OJB1.0.1 / JDK 1.3

2004-09-15 Thread Brian McCallister
On Sep 15, 2004, at 5:12 AM, Thomas Dudziak wrote:
(my guess is that OJB 1.0.1 simply wasn't tested on JDK 1.3 prior to 
releasing it).
I didn't, and I released. Will move discussion to -dev about how to 
best fix. May be that we should stick with SCSL j2ee 1.3 jars for a 
while longer =( Ick.


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Re: Build problem with OJB1.0.1 / JDK 1.3

2004-09-15 Thread Brian McCallister
You are correct, it is the j2ee 1.4 jar which breaks it. Sorry about 
that. We should include docs about building with earlier j2ee versions!

We switched to the geronimo-spec jars to remove the build time 
annoyance of having to go get the jars from Sun.

On Sep 15, 2004, at 4:59 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I tried to build the jars with JDK1.3 (1.3.1_12) which failed with 
the following error

 D:\build\db-ojb-1.0.1\build.xml:421: Following error occured while 
executing this line
java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: javax/transaction/Transaction 
(Unsupported major.minor version 48.0)

 after replacing the geronimo-spec-Files 
(geronimo-spec-j2ee-1.4-rc2.jar sounds suspicious) with the old 
j2ee.jar from former builds the build was successful again. Is JDK 1.3 
no longer supported or am I just the only one who tried it with 1.3?

 > Lasse Lambrecht
 > Allianz Lebensversicherungs-AG
 > IS-LF1 K6, Produktdatenbank
 > +49 711 663 5412 # 1021-5412
Brian McCallister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Brian McCallister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
10/09/04 14:30
Bitte antworten an





OJB 1.0.1

The OJB team would like to announce the release of the OJB 1.0.1. This
 is primarily a bug fix release with a couple performance improvements
 and the addition of one service api element.
 Full release notes:
 Binary and source downloads:
 -OJB Team

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Re: Optimistic Locking exception with 1.0 - doesn't happen with rc4

2004-09-14 Thread Brian McCallister
I presume you can reliably replicate it, can you provide more 
information about when it is happening?

Database, mapping for the optimistic TX field etc?
There were a couple changes to optimistic tx's when using a timestamp 
instead of version counter.

Any chance you can send a unit test which causes this to happen? If 
not, enough information on exactly when it happens so that I can do so 
would be appreciated!

On Sep 14, 2004, at 8:03 PM, Kollivakkam R. Raghavan wrote:
I am getting the following exception with an optimistic locking which
does not happen with rc4.  Did something change?  We are about to use
OJB in production and I wanted to switch to the release version.  
Thanks Raghavan


at Source)
Caused by: Object has
been modifi ed by someone else
... 40 more
Additional exceptions :
14-Sep-2004 16:23:42 WARN  [010-Processor25]
No running tx found, please only store in context of an PB-transaction,
to avoid  side-effects - e.g. when rollback of complex objects
14-Sep-2004 16:23:42 ERROR [010-Processor25]
Database error: PersistenceBrokerException was caught Object has been modified
by someo ne else
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Re: Anonymous keys

2004-09-13 Thread Brian McCallister
Anonymous keys allow you to not have the FK field (or PK if you never 
need serialize them) defined on the classes. By default OJB talks 
directly to fields, not through property accessors (though it certainly 
can work through property accessors).

On Sep 13, 2004, at 6:53 PM, Pulat Yunusov wrote:
What is the purpose of anonymous keys? Given class A and class B where
class A has a reference to class B, I removed setId() from both 
and setBId() and getBId() from class A. I still have private members id
in both classes, and bId in class A as well as all corresponding field
and reference descritors in the mapping file.

I have not set access to any of the fields as "anonymous" in the 

Following that, I have no problem creating instances and setting a
reference between them, persisting them or retrieving them.
I thought you needed anonymous keys for that kind of behavior but I
didn't use them. Can OJB access private instance variables to keep 
of relationships? What exactly are anonymous keys for?

Thank you,

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Re: Lucene and OJB

2004-09-12 Thread Brian McCallister
On Sep 12, 2004, at 3:01 AM, Charles Anthony wrote:
a) Implement on the domain
object : the domain object knows when it is being modified, and so can 
itself to the index. Not such a good idea for many people, as your 
object is reliant on both Lucene && OJB, although perfectly feasible 
for a
small project.
Good idea!
Use static advice (cross type stuff) and provide the callbacks and 
behavior via a mixin ;-) The model remains unaware of OJB or Lucene, 
but the behavior is placed where it makes sense -- on the model 


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Lucene and OJB

2004-09-11 Thread Brian McCallister
A while back I promised a howto/sample code for using OJB with Lucene 
for full text searches. Recently posted an article on just that:
Thought I'd share,

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Re: OJB 1.0.1

2004-09-10 Thread Brian McCallister
Nope, this was exactly the right place, thank you!
On Sep 10, 2004, at 10:25 AM, David Durham wrote:
Brian McCallister wrote:
The OJB team would like to announce the release of the OJB 1.0.1. This
is primarily a bug fix release with a couple performance improvements
and the addition of one service api element.
Full release notes:
Binary and source downloads:
-OJB Team
The torque-build.xml file contains:
But OJB is still shipped with torque-3.0.2
It still works because at the bottom of the torque-classpath is:
Anyway, is this something to report to the torque list?
- Dave
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OJB 1.0.1

2004-09-10 Thread Brian McCallister
The OJB team would like to announce the release of the OJB 1.0.1. This 
is primarily a bug fix release with a couple performance improvements 
and the addition of one service api element.

Full release notes:
Binary and source downloads:

-OJB Team

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Re: maven+ojb

2004-09-10 Thread Brian McCallister
I pushed the rc7 version into the ibiblio repository as well. I 
strongly recommend using 1.0.1, however, as it is all bug fixes between 
rc7 and 1.0.1

On Sep 9, 2004, at 7:45 PM, Pedro Salgado wrote:
  Thank you! :) That sure was quick!!
On 10/9/04 12:44 am, "Brian McCallister" 
Includes the 1.0.1 I pushed last night.
On Sep 9, 2004, at 7:38 PM, Pedro Salgado wrote:
  I am searching the ibiblio repository and I cant find ojb 1.0rc7
(just db-ojb-1.0.rc6.jar - 7 Apr 2004)... isnt it supposed to be on
  I do see the ojb-xdoclet-module (16 Aug 2004)...
  Thank you,
Pedro Salgado
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Re: maven+ojb

2004-09-10 Thread Brian McCallister
Happy to help! I use maven too ;-)
On Sep 9, 2004, at 7:45 PM, Pedro Salgado wrote:
  Thank you! :) That sure was quick!!
On 10/9/04 12:44 am, "Brian McCallister" 
Includes the 1.0.1 I pushed last night.
On Sep 9, 2004, at 7:38 PM, Pedro Salgado wrote:
  I am searching the ibiblio repository and I cant find ojb 1.0rc7
(just db-ojb-1.0.rc6.jar - 7 Apr 2004)... isnt it supposed to be on
  I do see the ojb-xdoclet-module (16 Aug 2004)...
  Thank you,
Pedro Salgado
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Re: maven+ojb

2004-09-09 Thread Brian McCallister
Includes the 1.0.1 I pushed last night.
On Sep 9, 2004, at 7:38 PM, Pedro Salgado wrote:
  I am searching the ibiblio repository and I cant find ojb 1.0rc7 
(just db-ojb-1.0.rc6.jar - 7 Apr 2004)... isnt it supposed to be on

  I do see the ojb-xdoclet-module (16 Aug 2004)...
  Thank you,
Pedro Salgado
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Re: MSSQL And OJB/Torque issue with image datatype..Will Velocity solve my problem?

2004-09-09 Thread Brian McCallister
This is a limitation of (MS) SQL:
[] ERROR: SQLException
during the execution of the query (for a The text,
ntext, and image data types cannot be compared or sorted, except when
using IS NULL or LIKE operator.
What does the actual SQL look like, and what does the query you are 
running look like?

On Sep 8, 2004, at 10:07 PM, Ajitesh Das wrote:
I want to store an *supersize* byte array into a db table.
Below I have described the issues that I have. My question:
How do I control SQL for Schema? Do I have to write my own Velocity
template and add that path to db.profile.

I have made the followings changes:


In db-schema.xml:";>


type="VARBINARY" >

type="VARBINARY" >


It creates IMAGE datatype in MSSQL Server.

In repository.xml:






When I run simple queryI get the following exception: but running in
MySQL is fine.

[] ERROR: SQLException
during the execution of the query (for a The text,
ntext, and image data types cannot be compared or sorted, except when
using IS NULL or LIKE operator.
The text, ntext, and image data types cannot be compared or sorted,
except when using IS NULL or LIKE operator.
java.sql.SQLException: The text, ntext, and image data types cannot be
compared or sorted, except when using IS NULL or LIKE operator.

nown Source)
ry(Unknown Source)
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nknown Source)
uery(Unknown Source)

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Re: Using OJB in a servlet container

2004-09-02 Thread Brian McCallister
A broker should be treated much like a JDBC connection. Obtain, use, 

I would definitely *not* put an open broker in the session or servlet 
context. Caching works across brokers (depending on the cache 
implementation used).

On Sep 2, 2004, at 3:31 PM, Vincent Frison wrote:
Hi all,
I cannot find info explaining the good way to use OJB in a servlet
environnement. A first basic question could be : can an unique broker 
stands during all the app/servlet life cycle (i.e. the broker is 
once at servlet init) or a new broker should be instancied on each new 
session, or even on each HTTP request (reducing caching benefits I 

Thanks a lot..
PS: I had some difficulties to post to this ML, I'm sorry if this mail 
finally posted many times..

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Re: i can't use OJB but i promise you i want to!

2004-08-26 Thread Brian McCallister
No problem. Could you post the snippets from your and 
repository_database.xml with the database information?

On Aug 26, 2004, at 7:16 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Ok, sorry for the subject but it's true...I posted a few day ago and i 
still with the same problem.

I want to use torque to generate my database schema but everytime i 
run the example i got the cannot get default properies message from 
[torque-sql] ant task

what the hell am i doing wrong?
I have the ojb-blank.jar unpacked, all the required libraries and the 
jdbc driver, the example in src/java, all the are 
exactly the same as the getting started tutorial,...what more do i 

Please, help!!
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Re: Can't find OJB property files from inside tomcat...

2004-08-26 Thread Brian McCallister
It should be on your classpath, I typically put the, and  
repository_* in WEB-INF/classes

On Aug 26, 2004, at 6:03 PM, Henrique Faria wrote:
I'm trying to use the Persistent Broker API from inside a servlet
environment (tomcat5 web container). The problem seems to be the web
application can't find the OJB property files (,
repository.xml). I get the following error:
[BOOT] ERROR: Creation of PersistenceBrokerFactory (PBF) instance
failed, can't get PBF class object StandardWrapperValve[isoservlet]:
Servlet.service() for servlet isoservlet threw exception
java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError 	at 
Unknown Source)

Where do I have to put my property files, in this case? Or what do I
have to configure in my web container (sorry if it isn't exactly in the
scope of the list)?

Henrique Faria   Senior Consultant
Java Software Team  
tel:55.11.3285 4699 
cel:55.11.9811 8281 
fax: 55.11.3266 5121

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Re: can i use cloudscape?

2004-08-17 Thread Brian McCallister
Chances are Cloudscape will work with the Default database impl, just 
reuce JDBC level until it works (that is how I am doing Axion at the 
moment, for example).

I expect once we get Derby people on board we will build explicit 
support in.

On Aug 17, 2004, at 11:30 AM, Charles Anthony wrote:
OJB does not support Cloudscape "out-of-the-box", no, although one 
could make OJB support it.

It does support HSQLDB, though, which is another open-source just-java

-Original Message-
From: Saurabh Bhatla [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 17 August 2004 16:27
Subject: can i use cloudscape?
Hi all,
  Can i use cloudscape with ojb or do i need to use some other
persistence frame work. Please help as i need to make a decision soon.
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Re: OptimisticLockException

2004-08-11 Thread Brian McCallister
What database are you using?
I have hit (and not yet fixed =/) precision difference problems when 
dealing with postgres.

On Aug 11, 2004, at 10:23 AM, Alessandro Colantoni wrote:
Hi again.
I saw that my problem is not in the OSCACHE, but in the locking.
I set isolation level = optimistic in the jdbc connection descriptor,
and I put in my table a field with locking=true
Every time I do an update on an element of this table I got the
It looks like the element is never released.
Have I to set any LockManager in the ojb.properies?
I have to put in my code something to release the element?
I tried to remove the cache with
  OjbCache cache broker.serviceObjectCache();
  cASOcacheVO = (CASOVO)cache.lookup(oid)
But it still doesn't work
I tried cahe.clear and still nothing.
What I have to do?
Please help me

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Re: OJB vs Hibernate

2004-08-09 Thread Brian McCallister
On Aug 9, 2004, at 9:13 AM, Robert S. Sfeir wrote:
P.S. Did you post this on Hibernate list???  :-)
gack, I realize this is a joke, but... please don't! The last thing we 
need are more O/R pissing matches :-)


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Re: OJB vs Hibernate

2004-08-09 Thread Brian McCallister
Glad to hear! The complexity of supporting many API's at different 
levels is frustrating at times -- is really nice to be reminded that 
people really make use of the higher performance options!

On Aug 9, 2004, at 8:57 AM, Mcgough, Brian Joseph wrote:
I just wanted to share some data points that were recently collected
that compare OJB and Hibernate and the ability to scale with both.
We had a data file with only 10,000 records in it that we needed to 
into our database.  Typically we use our batch environment, but given
that we are a java shop now, we wanted to see if we could use java and
our ORM tool to get the job done.

We started out using Hibernate for this, and we found that we had some
real problems.  It just would not scale whether or not we were using
transactions.  We found that it would take greater than 17 hours to 
only 7500 of the records.  Obviously this is unacceptable performance,
and so we thought to try the same thing using OJB.

I am happy to report that using OJB we were able to load the whole file
of 10,000 in under 12 minutes.
In addition to this, we just recently upgraded a project from OJB 1.0
rc2 to OJB 1.0 and I am happy to report that for that particular 
db performance was improve by a factor greater than 10.  This is mostly
due to the new implementation for FieldAccess.

I just wanted to thank the developers for their attention to detail in
regards to ensuring that the overhead above jdbc was minimal, and for
all of the tests that they have written to ensure that is the case.  We
are very happy that we are still able to use ORM for this instead of
straight jdbc, because the rest of the application is written using the
Anyway I just wanted to share these points with the group, for those of
you that are out there and are on the sidelines as far as which
framework will scale better.
Brian McGough
(812) 856-4871

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2004-07-29 Thread Brian McCallister
On Jul 29, 2004, at 5:53 PM, Artur Z wrote:
thanks form reply
correct me if i'm wrong, but if everything will go as planed the 
apache JDO
implementation will be ready by november ?
That is my personal plan, not an official one, and is subject to the 
whims of the JDO expert group changing everything. In other words, it 
is a best guess on my part.

- Original Message -
From: "Brian McCallister" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "OJB Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 29, 2004 11:27 PM
Subject: Re: OJB/JDO

On Jul 29, 2004, at 4:42 PM, Artur Z wrote:
I searched the archive and I have not found answers so please tell 

- is it still impossible to use OJB/JDO in production (because of the
sun's JDORI license) ?
- when apache implementation of JDO will be ready ?
Good question. We are working on this, but can always use help =) I
*hope* to have it production worthy and compliant with the JDO2 spec 

- why JDO api is better than ODMG (I mean functionality, usability) ?
It does support a few things ODMG doesn't -- attach/detach, efficient
query by identity, explicit optimistic transaction support.
only a few days left me for making decision about deep going into 
so please help me found the answers

Best regards

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2004-07-29 Thread Brian McCallister
On Jul 29, 2004, at 4:42 PM, Artur Z wrote:
I searched the archive and I have not found answers so please tell me:
- is it still impossible to use OJB/JDO in production (because of the 
sun's JDORI license) ?
- when apache implementation of JDO will be ready ?
Good question. We are working on this, but can always use help =) I 
*hope* to have it production worthy and compliant with the JDO2 spec by 

- why JDO api is better than ODMG (I mean functionality, usability) ?
It does support a few things ODMG doesn't -- attach/detach, efficient 
query by identity, explicit optimistic transaction support.

only a few days left me for making decision about deep going into OJB, 
so please help me found the answers

Best regards

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Re: ODMG and primary key assignment

2004-07-27 Thread Brian McCallister
To my knowledge there isn't, though it should be possible to implement 
(outside of ODMG, as I don't think ODMG provides a mechanism in its 

I am not sure how much rework of internal API's would be required, but 
as (in most cases) OJB assigns the PK itself it could be possible to do 
it early. I don't have a lot of spare cycles to dig into doing this 
right now, however.

On Jul 26, 2004, at 3:38 PM, Saleem Shafi wrote:
i have a quick question about when a primary key is assigned to an
object using the ODMG interface provided by OJB..  i realize that the method will set the primary key property on
the object, but the .lock() method on the ODMG transaction doesn't
seem to do that for me..  i understand that the transactions are
different between OJB and ODMG and that the object will get its ID
after the ODMG transaction commits, but is there any way to get the ID
assigned before that?
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Re: Example of 1:n

2004-07-23 Thread Brian McCallister
O/R mapping in general is complex =) Don't sweat the learning curve.
Once I get some breakfast I'll look over your config and see if I can 
see anything.

On Jul 23, 2004, at 6:16 AM, Joose Vettenranta wrote:
I got that and tried to implemet thing according to that file, but 
still not getting simple 1:n to work.

I have also read the basic-technique.html file many times from top to 
bottom, bottom to top left to right and right to left.. With search 
with copy-pasting and I think I even tried calling ghostbusters to 
come and help me to get this simple 1:n relation to work -> but no 

Eather this is very very complex thing or I'm just stupid and can't 
even implement something this simple.

- Joose
22.7.2004 kello 15:57, Brian McCallister kirjoitti:
 I have a bunch of sample code online from a presentation I gave a few 
months ago. It includes different relation types, and IIRC, 
class-per-table inheritance.
On Jul 22, 2004, at 8:52 AM, Thomas Dudziak wrote:
Joose Vettenranta wrote:
is there anywhere working example how 1-to-many relation should 

I have now tried 3days to get it to work and I'm not able to get it 
to work.
Have you checked the documentation:

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Re: Example of 1:n

2004-07-22 Thread Brian McCallister
I have a bunch of sample code online from a presentation I gave a few 
months ago. It includes different relation types, and IIRC, 
class-per-table inheritance.
On Jul 22, 2004, at 8:52 AM, Thomas Dudziak wrote:
Joose Vettenranta wrote:
is there anywhere working example how 1-to-many relation should work?
I have now tried 3days to get it to work and I'm not able to get it 
to work.
Have you checked the documentation:
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Re: How to Develop a Search Page using QueryByCriteria

2004-07-20 Thread Brian McCallister
Typically you would create an index of the data in Lucene when it is 
inserted, or via a batch process, and then use lucene to return primary 
keys on the search in order to retrieve the actual data.

In RDBMS terms, think of lucene as a full-text index on the various 
columsn you use, which also happens to index things much smarter =)

You don't store any real data in Lucene, you simply use it for text 
searches, and then use the information returned from the lucene lookup 
to find the real data.

Make any sense?
On Jul 20, 2004, at 7:18 AM, Mike Young wrote:
On Tue, 20 Jul 2004 06:10:49 -0400, Brian McCallister wrote:
A slightly more complex, but considerably more powerful, search
solution is to use the Lucene indexing engine to handle search instead
of LIKE clauses. It requires building the indexes, but is very fast,
and very effective for searching -- much more so in my experience than
LIKE clauses.
On Jul 20, 2004, at 5:29 AM, C.K, Shibin (Cognizant) wrote:
check this out. i got this from QueryByCriteria class
public Criteria buildCriteria (Object anExample) throws 
Criteria criteria = new Criteria();
ClassDescriptor cld = MetadataManager.getInstance
().getRepository ().getDescriptorFor (anExample.getClass ());
FieldDescriptor [] fds = cld.getFieldDescriptions ();
PersistentField f;
Object value;

for (int i = 0; i < fds.length; i++){
f = fds [i].getPersistentField ();
value = f.get (anExample);
if (value != null){
criteria.addEqualTo (f.getName (), value);
return criteria;
change the addEqualTo to addLike accordingly
-Original Message-
From: news [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Mike Young
Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2004 2:50 PM
Subject: How to Develop a Search Page using QueryByCriteria
I am trying to develop a search page that allows users to input their
search criteria into a form and after submitting this form the
will list all records that match the search criteria.
I currently have a form that captures the users input and places it
into a
bean. The bean is the same bean that i would use for gettting data 
the table (i.e. it has getters and setters for each column).

Where I need help is in writing a generic class that will build up 
search criteria using addLike for each property of the bean that is 
null without individually calling each of the getters and testing
it is null or not before adding its value onto my criteria using

Could anyone please point me in the right direction on how to acheive
thanks in advance

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I have just had a very brief look at Lucene and guess that you might 
a whole table into an object using OJB and then search through the 
using lucene. Doesn't this move all the processing from the database
server to the web server? As an Oracle DBA and applications developer 
kind of goes against the grain!

Are there any good quick starts that you can point me at so that I can
investigate this option?

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Re: How to Develop a Search Page using QueryByCriteria

2004-07-20 Thread Brian McCallister
A slightly more complex, but considerably more powerful, search 
solution is to use the Lucene indexing engine to handle search instead 
of LIKE clauses. It requires building the indexes, but is very fast, 
and very effective for searching -- much more so in my experience than 
LIKE clauses.

On Jul 20, 2004, at 5:29 AM, C.K, Shibin (Cognizant) wrote:
check this out. i got this from QueryByCriteria class
public Criteria buildCriteria (Object anExample) throws Exception{
Criteria criteria = new Criteria();
ClassDescriptor cld = MetadataManager.getInstance 
().getRepository ().getDescriptorFor (anExample.getClass ());
FieldDescriptor [] fds = cld.getFieldDescriptions ();
PersistentField f;
Object value;

for (int i = 0; i < fds.length; i++){
f = fds [i].getPersistentField ();
value = f.get (anExample);
if (value != null){
criteria.addEqualTo (f.getName (), value);
return criteria;
change the addEqualTo to addLike accordingly
-Original Message-
From: news [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Mike Young
Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2004 2:50 PM
Subject: How to Develop a Search Page using QueryByCriteria
I am trying to develop a search page that allows users to input their
search criteria into a form and after submitting this form the 
will list all records that match the search criteria.

I currently have a form that captures the users input and places it 
into a
bean. The bean is the same bean that i would use for gettting data from
the table (i.e. it has getters and setters for each column).

Where I need help is in writing a generic class that will build up the
search criteria using addLike for each property of the bean that is not
null without individually calling each of the getters and testing 
it is null or not before adding its value onto my criteria using 

Could anyone please point me in the right direction on how to acheive
thanks in advance

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Re: OTM makePersistent Error.

2004-07-19 Thread Brian McCallister
Yeah, I ran into this one a few times myself.
The OTM will attempt to shortcut some copying when it hits something it  
doesn't know how to copy by serializing and deserializing it. I don't  
much like this behavior, and in the end led to us not using the OTM for  
a project in the end.

Unfortunately I cannot recall exactly when it was doing this, but it  
became a bear to work around for me as well. I will dig back into when  
it was happening and try to find our workaround. The right answer is to  
fix the OTM, but that is a much more complex task at the moment =/

On Jul 19, 2004, at 10:47 AM, Robert r. Sanders wrote:
   I've been following OJB for sometime now.  I recently decided to  
switch a small web-app from using the PersistanceBroker to using OTM  
(I also updated from RC 6 to 1.0 final).  After reading through the  
OTM tutorial, I changed my code to use OTM; however I get the  
following error when attempting to store new Objects.  Is there some  
setting that I need to change or something?
org.apache.ojb.otm.copy.ObjectCopyException: net.ipov.timesheet.TimeEntry
   at org.apache.ojb.otm.copy.SerializeObjectCopyStrategy.copy(Unknown  
ArgsConstructor(Unknown Source)
   at org.apache.ojb.otm.copy.MetadataObjectCopyStrategy.clone(Unknown  
   at org.apache.ojb.otm.copy.MetadataObjectCopyStrategy.clone(Unknown  
   at org.apache.ojb.otm.copy.MetadataObjectCopyStrategy.copy(Unknown  
   at org.apache.ojb.otm.core.ConcreteEditingContext.insert(Unknown  
   at org.apache.ojb.otm.core.BaseConnection.makePersistent(Unknown  

   Robert r. Sanders
   Chief Technologist
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Re: Question about OdmgImplementation

2004-07-13 Thread Brian McCallister
Thanks for the pointer, will try to get a patch in to the cocoon folks  
for 1.0.0 asap =)

On Jul 13, 2004, at 4:34 AM, Johnson wrote:
great it'ok tks lots
Best Regards
- Original Message -
From: "Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "OJB Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2004 4:27 PM
Subject: Re: Question about OdmgImplementation

I just use the cocoon had.
I've check that it's different from 1.0
will try to see if work
Best Regards
- Original Message -
From: "Armin Waibel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "OJB Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2004 4:13 PM
Subject: Re: Question about OdmgImplementation

Hi Johnson,
did you update the file? We introduce a new factory
in file to define the used org.odmg.Implementation
Maybe this cause the problem.
Johnson wrote:
I Found if use db-ojb1.0rc7 had the same problem
Best Regards
- Original Message -
From: "Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "OJB Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2004 2:09 PM
Subject: Question about OdmgImplementation

I use odmg to connect postgres since cocoon 2.1.5 db-ojb is 1.0rc6
I upgrade to cocoon 2.2 dev db-ojb is 1.0.0
but the code is fail  for getInstance();
the code is
var odmgImpl =


var impl = odmgImpl.getInstance("sy");
If I change the db-ojb back to 1.0rc6 it's ok
But in 1.0.0 java.lang.NullPointerException occurs
How to correct it.
Best regards

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Re: sharing Cache by 2 application

2004-07-09 Thread Brian McCallister
That is exactly how we suggest doing it in an EJB container, should 
work as well in a servlet container which supports JNDI.

Look up the howto's on EJB deployment, it should workable.
On Jul 9, 2004, at 8:35 AM, Danilo Tommasina wrote:
Just an idea that I never tested...
You could make the PersistenceBroker factory available as JNDI object 
shared between all applications.

Then you can lookup your JNDI object and get a PersistenceBroker 
trough it.


Hi all,
How to make for sharing one ojb cache  whith 2 application and what 
is the special configuration for and repository.xml
I have TOMCAT +Oracle and Webapp 1 + Webapp 2 but I would be user one 
repository, one cache
application 1 -
 - OJB cache  
application 2 -
Thank you for the answer
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Re: AW: Cache and Inheritance

2004-07-08 Thread Brian McCallister
Good find.
Easiest way to get it fixed is to submit a patch ;-)
Otherwise opening a bug in the bug tracker is good, and pinging us on 
-dev periodically if it doesn't seem anyone is acting on it. That said, 
this is pretty significant -- it also makes the cd.getTopLevelClass(..) 
call pretty tricky as it should be capable of returning a tuple now, 
butthat will break things left and right =/

On Jul 8, 2004, at 7:35 AM, Peter Wieland wrote:
Hi again,
I digged a little deeper. The problem occurs in fact, when a class is 
more than one extent. In my example, Product implements two interfaces
TextLinkable and ImageLinkable. I'm afraid this scenario was not one, 
developers thougt about.

In DescriptorRepository.addExtent(String classname, ClassDescriptor 
mappings between extents and the class descriptors of their 
superclasses are
stored. If interfaces come into play - i.e. one class may belong to 
than one extent - the last extent added wins as each extent/superclass
mapping uses the extent class name as unique key and thus previously
registered mappings are simply overwritten.

In my example, getBroker().getTopLevelClass(Product.class) returns
ImageLinkable.class. Hence, it is not found in the cache when looking 
for it
as a TextLinkable (Identity.equals() compares toplevel classes and 

Is there an easy way to get this fixed?
PS: While writing this mail, I felt like this belongs more to the 
list. Maybe we can continue discussion there. I sent a copy to both 

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Peter Wieland [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 8. Juli 2004 10:48
Betreff: Cache and Inheritance
Hi all,
I just wrote the following mail to the user list. Here it is a second 
time for two reasons:
1) I used a mail account not subscribed to the list, hence I do not 
whether it will be accepted.
2) I just updated my App for use with OJB 1.0. The problem did not 
So forget about my last question whether the problem is fixed or not 
in 1.0.
It is NOT.

Hi all,
I have the following scenario:
<> TextLinkable (0..*)---(0..1) TextModule
And a class Product implementing TextLinkable (Product is declared as 
of TextLinkable in repository).

It now appears that I have different instances of the same Product in 
my App
which is not what I expect. Normally the use of a cache makes sure that
persistent identity is equivalent to java identity (which works fine 
in most
cases). I suppose that the cache does not correctly resolve identities 
inheritance comes in to play.

The TextModule class holds a dynamic proxy for the associated 
Is it possible, that, when materializing this proxy, it does not find 
existing Product (which would be the real object in this case) in the 
because the cache is searched for classes of runtime type TextLinkable
(there are none, as TextLinkable is an interface)?

I observed the problem with OJB RC5. Is this a known problem? Anybody 
whether it is fixed in 1.0?

Thanks for any help.
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Re: Problem with ODMG Transaction in servlet container

2004-07-04 Thread Brian McCallister
ODMG transactions are specifically tied to threads. The behavior you  
see when it sometimes works is if you *happen* to get the same thread  
again from the servlet container. To reattach to the transaction, call  
Transaction.join() on it before making any changes.

Be very careful leaving an open transaction in the session -- it  
maintains an open database connection for the transaction. It is not  
difficult to chew up all database connections and get deadlocks in  
these cases.

On Jul 4, 2004, at 9:08 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hello everybody,
I am trying to implement a function with the ODMG API and Struts.
The model is a 1:n relationship between objects of two types, let's  
say a
class BankAccount that owns a collection of BankTransactions. In a  
page the user chooses an account to manage, then the application shows  
second page he inserts a Transaction.

To do that, I open an ODMG transaction at the beginning end store it  
in the
HTTP session. With this transaction I retrieve the BankAccount in the
Struts Action corresponding to the first page and I store it also in  
http session. In the second Struts action I create a new  
add it to my BankAccount and try to do a checkpoint() with the stored
transaction. This does not work every time.

I get a "org.odmg.TransactionNotInProgressException: Calling method  
transaction, but no transaction found for current thread :-(". The  
stack trace is at the end of this mail.

I looked a bit further and saw that LocalTxManager indexes the  
in a hashmap by the Thread that registered them. Since I am in a  
servlet I
have no warranty that two different http requests, as i have in my  
are managed by the same thread and this explains why sometimes it does  
work (Actually, it works from time to time only because I am the only  
of my developement server ;-)).

I have serched the documentation and the users list, but did not find
anything about this problem. Is there anywhere a parameter that I did  
see right or is this a bug ?

Thank you

org.odmg.TransactionNotInProgressException: Calling method needed
transaction, but no transaction found for current thread :-(
  at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
  at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(

Re: [ann] new release: OJB 1.0

2004-06-30 Thread Brian McCallister
Woo hoo =)
Whee haw!
On Jun 30, 2004, at 7:08 AM, Mahler Thomas wrote:
Dear all,
I'm very happy to announce the final 1.0 release of OJB.
After a long series of release candidates we finally got enough  
confidence in our software
to call it "ready for prime time".

As you can see by our ever growing list of junit tests we pay  
attention to quality assurance.
So the long delay of the 1.0 version was not caused by "laziness" but  
rather by
our intention to deliver a piece of top quality software.

I want to say thanks to all committers and contributors:
You all helped to get OJB production ready!
I also want to thank all users for their patience and
I hope you all will be pleased by this 1.0 release!
From the release notes:
ObJectRelationalBridge -- Bridging Java Objects and Relational  

ObJectRelationalBridge (OJB) is an Object/Relational mapping tool that
provides transparent transactional persistence for Java Objects against
relational databases. OJB provides ODMG and JDO interfaces.
Release 1.0
- We introduce new PersistentField implementations in  
file called
PersistentFieldImplNew. Per default one of the new PersistentField  
implementations was
used. If you hit problems please send a report. You can reverting to  
old impl by
changing property 'PersistentFieldClass' in OJB.prperties file. The  
new versions
has much better performance in read/write nested fields (up to 50  
times faster than
the 'old' implementions) and will replace the old classes on next  
version. Because
PersistentField is an important kernel class we wait for community  
response before
final replacement.

Please refer to our Bug tracking site  
to see details for a bug with id OJBxxx.

- The default ojb escape character '\' does not work for database  
using the same default as well and
should therefore be double-escaped. As a workaround always use a  
custom escape character:

Criteria crit = new Criteria();
crit.addLike("firstname", "h%|%");
This issue is fixed for MySql and PostgreSql so far.
- odmg-api: If a user exchange already existing objects in 1:n  
references without changing the size
of the collection, the main object will not become dirty and the FK  
values of the exchanged objects
will not be updated.
E.g. two objects obj_1 anf obj_2 with 1:n reference to ref objects,  
each with one
existing/persistent reference object, obj_1{ref_1} and obj_2{ref_2}.
Lock objects and exchange the references in collection obj_1{ref_2}
and obj_2{ref_1} and commit --> FK values of ref_1 and ref_2 will not  
be updated.

- odmg-api: Creation of m:n relation only works when objects created  
step by step (or use PB-api
as workaround), persist a whole object graph seems not to work proper.

- ReportQueries should not be used with columns referencing Classes  
with extents:

ReportQueryByCriteria q =  
QueryFactory.newReportQuery(ProductGroup.class, crit);
q.setAttributes(new String[] { "groupName",  
"sum(allArticlesInGroup.stock)", "sum(allArticlesInGroup.price)" });

ProductGroup.allArticlesInGroup points to class Article having  
multiple extents.

As a workaround the query can be 'reversed' :
ReportQueryByCriteria q =  
QueryFactory.newReportQuery(Article.class, crit);
q.setAttributes(new String[] { "productGroup.groupName",  
"sum(stock)", "sum(price)" });

Due to the fact the Article has extents multiple selects will be  
so the same ProductGroup may show up more than once.

Please see the testcases QueryTest#testReportQueryGroupByExtents1  

- A count on ReportQueries containing groupBy does not deliver a  
correct result.

- Batch handling doesn't work proper with optimistic locking. This  
will be fixed
before long after 1.0

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Re: OJB + tomcat +

2004-06-23 Thread Brian McCallister
Are the repository xml files all in WEB-INF/classes/ as well?
On Jun 23, 2004, at 4:12 PM, WHIRLYCOTT wrote:
Actually, there is a default descriptor in my repository.xml file.
I know that these files are well formed and contain valid information  
because I'm using them as-is within my dev environment without any  

It seems to be some kind of an issue of the files not being loaded  


 dbalias="//xxx:1433" username="xxx" password="xxx">

Charles N. Harvey III wrote:
Just like it says.  There is no "default" descriptor.
Somewhere in repository.xml there are s.   
One of them
must have:  default="true".  If not, OJB complains.
WHIRLYCOTT said the following on 6/23/2004 4:00 PM:
I'm working away quite happily here with some code using OJB from  
inside Eclipse.  However, now that I've started integrating this  
code into a webapp using Struts, I'm getting an exception that  
indicates that OJB is having some trouble reading the  

It's located in  
$TOMCAT/webapps/appname/WEB-INF/classes/, which I  
believe is correct.  I also have my repository.xml file in the same  

2004-06-23 15:51:40 StandardWrapperValve[action]: Servlet.service()  
for servlet action threw exception There was no default-PBKey  
rsistenceBroker(Unknown Source)
er(Unknown Source)
at com.something.lst.AbstractBaseFacade.(Unknown  
at com.something.lst.LetterDefinitionFacade.(Unknown  

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  Philip Jacob
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Re: ODMG documentation?

2004-06-23 Thread Brian McCallister
Sadly, the best I know of is the FastObjects community web site. It  
requires free registration, but has a good ODMG reference available for  

On Jun 23, 2004, at 9:17 AM, Keith Rogers wrote:
I found this quite useful:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 21/06/2004 13:36:41 >>>
Can anybody tell me which is/are the most complete source/s of ODMG
What I want to know is how to make complex (real-life!) querys through
Thanks in advance!
Martin I. Levi
Centre Tecnològic de Transferenciència de Calor
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
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Re: Timestamp problem with Optimistic Locking

2004-06-23 Thread Brian McCallister
Thank you for digging into this, I noticed the same behavior on 
postgres as well. If you want to track down the materialization code, 
start in package.

On Jun 23, 2004, at 1:01 AM, Michael A. Hovan III wrote:
I have been debugging a problem (for way too long) which has been 
exhibiting itself by intermittently throwing an 
OptimisticLockException.  After this exception is thrown once, it is 
no longer possible to save the associated object back to the database. 
 I have an "Optimistic Lock Handler" which: sleeps for a short random 
amount of time, re-fetches the object, makes the appropriate changes 
again and attempts to store the newly fetched object.  Once I hit one 
of these "bad" OptimisticLockException's the handler (and later phases 
of the program) are never able to store a newly selected copy of the 
object, I just continue to get more OptimisticLockException's on every 
store attempt.  This handler works fine in situations where I 
encounter a "good" OptimisticLockException (one where the store 
succeeds on the second attempt).  It can be very time consuming to 
reproduce this problem in my development environment taking many 
thousands of stores to trigger a "bad" OptimisticLockException.

I finally got around to inserting p6spy into the project and created a 
detailed trace of the SQL which was flowing between OJB and the Oracle 
driver.  This trace revealed a peculiarity in the "update ... where 
..." statement which was sent to the database right before the "bad" 
OptimisticLockException was thrown.  Basically the Timestamp value in 
the where clause was wrong; the milliseconds portion was not the value 
which was set in the previous update statement (which is the same as 
the database value).  Every attempted fetch & store of this object 
after this had a different (seemingly random) Timestamp milliseconds 
value in the where clause, while the rest of the Timestamp was always 
the same.  A possibly interesting point, the milliseconds value of the 
Timestamp in the database was 0.  Stripped down "pseudo-sql" of what I 
am seeing in the p6spy trace file looks like this:

success:update set ... lastModified = '2004-06-22 14:38:05.0' 
where ...
exception:  update set ... where ... lastModified = '2004-06-22 
exception:  update set ... where ... lastModified = '2004-06-22 
exception:  update set ... where ... lastModified = '2004-06-22 
exception:  update set ... where ... lastModified = '2004-06-22 
exception:  update set ... where ... lastModified = '2004-06-22 

Based on the above information it appears as if something involved 
with the materialization of the Timestamp value from the database may 
have a failure condition in the 0 milliseconds scenario.

This application is significantly multi-threaded with database work 
happening on multiple concurrent threads.  Hardware is significantly 
multiprocessor (16-way on the development box).  The core software 
environment is:

Java 1.4.2_03 Solaris
Oracle 9i using OCI driver
OJB 1.0rc4
JBoss 3.0.7
I experimented with OJB 1.0rc6 & JBoss 3.2.3 several weeks ago and 
appeared to have the same problem.  I have not tried this combination 
with p6spy yet.

I have created a simple standalone multi-threaded test application 
outside of the application server, but I have not been able to 
reproduce the problem.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to track down where the 
Timestamp value is being materialized incorrectly?  My p6spy 
configuration skills are not particularly good, so I was not able to 
log the resultset which was being returned from the database driver.

Hope the message is not too incoherent, it is getting a bit late 

Thanks in advance for any debugging suggestions.
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Re: Broken link

2004-06-19 Thread Brian McCallister
Much appreciate all the feedback. We recently changed our site 
generation system to forrest, so there are a few kinks.

On Jun 19, 2004, at 6:13 PM, Pedro Salgado wrote:
3. Additional jar archives (broken link)
  JARs also seem to be outdated :(
  Don't get me wrong. I really like OJB and I think you are doing a 

Pedro Salgado
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[ANN] OJB 1.0rc7 Released

2004-06-14 Thread Brian McCallister
The OJB team would like to announce the release of Apache 
Object/Relational Bridge (OJB) 1.0rc7.

This release will hopefully be the final release candidate before 
version 1.0. If no major problems
are discovered, OJB 1.0 will be released in one week.

- New Apache Forrest generated web site.
- file has changed, don't forget to replace on update! 
One new property
to set in managed environments.

- Logging settings have moved to separate file
- Logging initialization is now decoupled form OJB initialization; this 
described in the new reference guide for logging

- It is no longer necessary to provide an empty repository.xml file 
when starting
without repository and connection descriptors

- rename/move internal package org.apache.ojb.odmg.transaction to
In managed environments each (top-level) API use transaction manager 
access, thus the TM related
classes are moved to the PB kernel and entries change.

- Base class for ODMG api access within non- or managed environments is 
org.apache.ojb.odmg.OJB. The used org.odmg.Implementation interface 
is specified in

- ConnectionManager is more strict on CM.releaseConnection() method 
calls. Now an
exception is thrown when CM is in a "local transaction" status when try 
to release
the connection. The local tx status of ConnectionManager and 
PersistenceBroker implementation
is now decoupled, useful in managed environments allows to "close the 
connection" without
change the PB tx-state.

- the indirection handler (for reference proxies), and the list and set 
proxy classes
can now be configured in the file

- new CollectionProxy interface introduced to allow the ODMG api to 
make use of alternate collection
proxy implementations.

- odmg-api: It is not possible to exchange objects in 1:n references.
- odmg-api: Creation of m:n relation only works when objects created 
step by step (or use PB-api
as workaround), persist a whole object graph doesn't work. On delete of 
collection objects from a m:n relation
objects will be deleted from the indirection table and (unexpected 
behaviour) from the referenced
table too.

- A count on ReportQueries containing groupBy does not deliver a 
correct result.

- Batch handling doesn't work properly with optimistic locking.
- ReportQueries should not be used with columns referencing Classes 
with extents.

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Re: My proxies do not make late binding

2004-06-14 Thread Brian McCallister
I was just poking around ODMG to fix the collection proxy thing, can  
nose around about regular references.

I probably won't get a chance to look at it until tomorrow night at the  
earliest, so if anyone else has a moment sooner... =)

Thank you for finding the problems!
On Jun 14, 2004, at 7:36 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Yes, I am using ODMG.
I have downloaded RC7 this morning and tried again. The collection  
works fine, but I still have problems with the reference proxies. Here  
the code snippet I am executing :

  public void testModificationDirect() {
String idDossier = "test.ojb.1000";
try {
  Implementation impl = OJB.getInstance();
  Database db = impl.newDatabase();"TESTDEV", Database.OPEN_READ_WRITE);
  Transaction tx = impl.newTransaction();
  OQLQuery q = impl.newOQLQuery();
  q.create("select dossiers from " + DossierImpl.class
.getName() + " where id = $1");
  DList results = (DList) q.execute();
  Dossier d = (DossierImpl) results.iterator().next();
  for (Iterator iter = d.getPrestations().iterator();
iter.hasNext();) {
Prestation prest = (Prestation);
} catch (Exception e) {
The object of type Dossier is retrieved correctly. It has a real
RemovalAwareCollection of non materialized proxies. But then arise the
problems :
- at the first method invocation on one of the proxies
(prest.setMontant(...)) all the proxies of the collection are  
not only the current one;
- at the commit, the real objects are not stored in the database. The  
object are updated, but OJB does not realise that they were and does  
report the new state in the database. If I try without proxies, the  
is made. If I put a proxy on the collection, everithig works fine too.

I don't join other information for now, just ask me what you need to
dignosticate the problem.

| |   Brian McCallister |
| |>   |
| | |
| |   11.06.2004 17:57  |
| |   Veuillez répondre à   |
| |   "OJB Users List"  |
| | |
  |Pour :   "OJB Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   
  |cc : 
  |Objet :  Re: Réf. : Re: My proxies do not make late binding  

Assuming you are using ODMG...
The problem was with the implicit locking mechanism in the ODMG
implementation. It was not properly detecting collection proxies so it
would iterate over the collection (loading it) and lock every object
before even returning from the OQLQuery#execute() call.
I have fixed this in cvs so that it will register itself as a
materialization listener on any implementation of CollectionProxy which
has not yet been loaded, and only bind the contents of the collection
to the transaction if the collection is loaded during the transaction.
If you are using the default proxies, you should be fine if you pull
the version from CVS, or use the release coming up (if Thomas D.
retracts his vote to go to 1.0 final instead of an rc ;-) this weekend.
On Jun 11, 2004, at 11:45 AM, Thomas Dudziak wrote:
On Fri, 11 Jun 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I looked at the URL you sent me, but I dont know enough the internals
OJB to understand the message. I went a little further : I tried to
get the
Persistence Broker from the transaction and to execute a good old OJB
QueryByCriteria : the late binding works.
Yup, the problem is with ODMG, not with the PB Api.
Besides that, I am not sure that the problem is only w

Re: Réf. : Re: My proxies do not make late binding

2004-06-11 Thread Brian McCallister
Assuming you are using ODMG...
The problem was with the implicit locking mechanism in the ODMG 
implementation. It was not properly detecting collection proxies so it 
would iterate over the collection (loading it) and lock every object 
before even returning from the OQLQuery#execute() call.

I have fixed this in cvs so that it will register itself as a 
materialization listener on any implementation of CollectionProxy which 
has not yet been loaded, and only bind the contents of the collection 
to the transaction if the collection is loaded during the transaction.

If you are using the default proxies, you should be fine if you pull 
the version from CVS, or use the release coming up (if Thomas D. 
retracts his vote to go to 1.0 final instead of an rc ;-) this weekend.

On Jun 11, 2004, at 11:45 AM, Thomas Dudziak wrote:
On Fri, 11 Jun 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I looked at the URL you sent me, but I dont know enough the internals 
OJB to understand the message. I went a little further : I tried to 
get the
Persistence Broker from the transaction and to execute a good old OJB
QueryByCriteria : the late binding works.
Yup, the problem is with ODMG, not with the PB Api.
Besides that, I am not sure that the problem is only with the 
proxy. I have also tried with single-object dynamic proxies and the 
result (returns already materialized proxies).
They should work (might depend on how old the OJB version is that
you're using though). As I said, please try the latest from CVS.
Wish you a happy week-end
Same for you :-)
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Re: Dynamic Proxy and JDO plugin

2004-06-10 Thread Brian McCallister
Unfortunately the JDO plugin doesn't respect proxies -- it is a pain =/
We are working on JDO 1.0.1 right now, and intend to do 2.0 as soon as 
possible. There has been some discussion of not bothering with a native 
1.0.1 in favor of going straight for 2.0, but as the 2.0 spec isn't 
released yet...

On Jun 10, 2004, at 6:55 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi all,
I am trying to use the JDO plugin API with OJB, but I am getting an 
Out of
Memory Error when i try to obtain a list of Clients from an informix
Table.  The table stores over a million records.  Is there any way of
getting round this problem using JDO.  I know with the Persistence 
interface you have the option of using an Iterator instead of a 
or you can make use of proxies.  Is it possible to use dynamic proxies
with the JDO plugin.  If not, then does anyone know when the version of
OJB that incorporates JDO will become available.

Thanks in advance,
Andrew Peirson.

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Re: VARCHAR primarykey based upon OJB HighLow sequence in SQL Server 2000

2004-06-10 Thread Brian McCallister
Glad to hear!
Sometimes I despair at some of the complexity having so many things 
pluggable brings us, then you hear stories like this =)

On Jun 10, 2004, at 1:23 AM, Sean Dockery wrote:
For posterity, overriding the single method worked, but I had to do two
other things:
1) Change the internal OJB descriptors such that the jdbc-type was a 
instead of an INTEGER.
2) Changed the OJB_HL_SEQ schema such that the max_key column was 
as a bigint instead of an int.

I seeded the OJB_HL_SEQ table with a record having a max_key value of
$F000 (in decimal form) and everything worked as expected.  Far 
than I expected.  :-)

"Sean Dockery" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
I am working with a content-heavy database application that uses OJB
on SQL Server 2000.  Because the content is part of the 
for customers to purchase our application, we would like a means of
identifying what (template) data came from us versus what data was
by customers during their use of the application.
The hope is that we can have a primarykey of a VARCHAR type that 
the hexadecimal format of the uniqueID issued by the HighLow sequence
manager implementation.  For example, our customer records would 
begin at
$F000 for records that they create.  Everything from $ to
$EFFF would be part of our template data.

I have the source code to the version of OJB that we're using, but I 
unsure where I should make the change?  Can I get away with just
sub-classing SequenceManagerHighLowImpl and overriding the 

Here's the implementation that I had been thinking of...
public Object getUniqueValue(FieldDescriptor field) throws
SequenceManagerException {
Object value = super.getUniqueValue(field);
if ("VARCHAR".equals(field.getColumnType())) {
value = Long.toString(Long.parseLong(value.toString()), 16);
return value;
There are tables in the application which use the hi/lo manager for
legitimate integer unique ids; I don't want to interfere with that
Any comments?
Thanks in advance for your help.

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Re: Update strategy

2004-06-03 Thread Brian McCallister
The ODMG and OTM api's provide dirty tracking right now. Updates are 
figured out and executed on transaction commit =)

On Jun 3, 2004, at 10:50 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Bonjour à tous !
I am planning to develop an application with OJB.
This application will access quite a lot of objects and update only 
some of
them. I do not want to track in the model layer if an object was 
updated or
not, I would rather like to delegate this task to my persistence layer
built upon OJB.

The simplest algorithm I see is to call for 
object in the cache but, since most of the objects that are read do not
need to be updated, this way is not practicable because it would lead 
far too much DB access.

I had then the idea to customize the OJB proxy-mechanism to keep track 
the updates to the real objects after their materialization, but I did 
find any documented way to do that.

Third idea : customise the cache to keep a copy of the data that was 
from the DB at the materialisation of an object. With that information 
would be easy to test if the data has been updated by the user or not.
Unfortunately, I don't know how to be informed of the materialisation 
the objects.

Has someone a hint ?
Stefano Juri
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OJb Blog entry

2004-06-02 Thread Brian McCallister
Found this =)

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Re: OTM documentation

2004-06-02 Thread Brian McCallister
The ODMG api works fine in one JVM. It also works fine on really 
distributed ones =)

Another in-jvm database worth considering is Axion ( ) -- it is transactional, but 
development seems to have slowed on it as the last release was almost a 
year ago =/

On Jun 2, 2004, at 8:19 AM, Maksimenko Alexander wrote:
Brian McCallister wrote:
The OTM is usable, but I wouldn't use it for critical apps quite yet. 
FWIW, we maintain ODMG and OTM implementations of our repository side 
by side and they both work fine in all cases so far -- the ODMG is in 
production though, not the OTM =/

I would call the OTM released-but-unstable in 1.0 and ODMG stable. 
ODMG can provide the same object-space transaction isolation you are 
looking for, I think.

I've read that ODMG is  for massive distribute environments, but my 
application runs in one JDK and my database runs in same jdk (I find 
that only hsql is LGPL and can work in the same jdk, but it didn't 
have transaction isolation).
Does anybody try to use LockManager without OTM ?

Maksimenko Alexander
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Re: OTM documentation

2004-06-02 Thread Brian McCallister
The OTM is usable, but I wouldn't use it for critical apps quite yet. 
FWIW, we maintain ODMG and OTM implementations of our repository side 
by side and they both work fine in all cases so far -- the ODMG is in 
production though, not the OTM =/

I would call the OTM released-but-unstable in 1.0 and ODMG stable. ODMG 
can provide the same object-space transaction isolation you are looking 
for, I think.

On Jun 2, 2004, at 7:13 AM, Maksimenko Alexander wrote:
Armin Waibel wrote:
I want use OTM to isolate transactions (hsqldb can't do this)
Is there any documentation  (except tutorial) to understand the 
principles of its wor?
sorry, AFAIK no. The OTM-api will be officially released in 1.1 
version, till then the lack of OTM docs will in all probability 

So, does it mean OTM not redy for production environment?
Can I use Lock Manager without OTM ?
Maksimenko Alexander
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Re: OJB and XML databases

2004-05-22 Thread Brian McCallister
There is no support for XML databases in OJB at present, but it could 
certainly be done.

I would be quite interested in seeing how this could work out, 
personally. I cannot commit a lot of time to working on it though, as 
my foreseeable-future efforts are already accounted for =( I'd be quite 
happy to help with ideas though =)

A possible route forward might be to use one of the Java Object <-> XML 
mapping tools (XMLBeans, JAXB, XStream, etc) and then persist the java 
classes. This would do xml -> relational databases but would be far 
from optimal.

A better path forward might be a JDO layer on top of the XMLDB api 
(which Xindice implements). The transactions would only be at the Java 
layer (XMLDB doesn't support transactions) but a compliant 
implementation is definitely doable. Large chunks of OJB can probably 
be reused for this (heck, Thomas M. implemented a PB API on top of 
Prevayler =).

On May 22, 2004, at 9:48 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
just looking for some advice regarding the design of
a database application that is required associate
archives of XML datafiles with more conventional
relational type data.  Each XML file will be
approximately 10-50K bytes and the archive rate will
be more than 50,000 files / year.  I would like to
use Ojb as the mapping layer.
Is there a standard practice for handling XML files
in association with Ojb.  Should they be stored
within the RDBMS - or just as disk files with a look
up key?  I have read that there is Ojb activity to
develop support layers for XML-based databases?  If
so would Apache Xindice be a suitable candidate for
an XML database?
Thanks in advance,
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Re: OTM transaction isolation

2004-05-13 Thread Brian McCallister
The OTM does use its own (as well as anything the database provides, if 
you want it to) transaction isolation system. The transaction semantics 
are the same, I believe, as for the ODMG.


On May 13, 2004, at 11:30 AM, Maksimenko Alexander wrote:

Hi !
I have to use hsqldb as my database. But it doesn't support 
transaction isolation So I want to use OTM as transaction management 
system. Does it use own transaction isolation mechanizm (not database 
Maksimenko Alexander

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Re: Hibernate don't manage locks bewtween several JVMs...

2004-05-10 Thread Brian McCallister
It may be worthwhile to have database-lock pessimistic locking as a 
clearly labeled option (non-default) in order to cut short these 
periodic discussions =)

I'd be all in favor of bundling a DatabaseLockManager along with the 
current implementations. A fair number of people prefer this behavior.


On May 10, 2004, at 3:21 PM, Thomas Mahler wrote:

Hi NiX,

Ojb provides several Locking strategies. You can use Optimistic 
locking based on versioning. Or you can use pessimistic locking.
The pessimistic locking mechanism is implemented as a pluggable 
We ship two implementations:
1. an in-memory Lockmanager implementation that can be used if all 
transactions to manage reside in the same JVM.
2. a LockManagerServlet implementation that can be used if 
transactions across multiple JVMs must be coordinated.

Since RC5 this second solution does not require any additional 
database table. instead the LockServerServlet manages a large lock map 
in memory. This new solution is not yet documented properly...

The discussion between the Hibernate and OJB teams about the 
pessimistic locking is rather old.
Finally we came to a solution: we agree to disagree in this point.
Hibernate folks seem to say pessimistic locking should be done in the 
database. They give their reasons in their replies to your mail.

OJB die-hards tend to think that pessimistic locking belongs into the 
O/R layer. Here is why:
1. pessimistic locking is implemented differently by different 
database vendors. The DB2 concept of lock escalation (in case of 
lock-memory shortage the whole table gets locked) is unique. Oracle 
works different.
So if we rely on DB managed locking the same application would behave 
differently if running against DB2 versus running against Oracle.

2. We think that Object level locking that is required by Object level 
transactionmanagement systems like JDO or ODMG can most efficiently be 
handled on the object level.
If you place a lock on the root element of a large tree structure 
you'll have to traverse the whole tree and to lock each object 
contained in that tree.
If object level locking in a JDO transaction have to be translated at 
runtime into database "locks for update" you'll have a lot of db calls 
for the locking stuff.
With OJBs simple lock-hashtables this job is much faster.
Because of our strong support for OODBMS APis like ODMG and JDO, OJB  
works more as an ObjectDatabase than a simple O/R mapper.

3. if you still think that locks should be kept in the DB, just go 
ahead. Simply write your own LockManager implementation class that 
uses database locks and plug it into OJB.

I don't say the Hibernate answer is wrong.
But IMHO the OJB answer is more complete and flexible.
Can you give me your opinions about answers i was given on the 

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Re: Problem with OJB-JDO plugin and proxy classes

2004-05-04 Thread Brian McCallister
I believe, though lack first hand knowledge, that Thomas M. said the 
JDORI plugin doesn't work with proxies. That is its big drawback =(


On May 4, 2004, at 4:16 AM, Alexandre BOISSEAU wrote:


I have problems when using proxy class :
With the tutorial example :
Loading of Article objects for a given ProductGroup works correctly, 
but when I try to load Article objects only, the search always returns 
nothing. Removing proxy from Article class-descriptor fixes the 
problem (search works correctly). Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance,
Alexandre BOISSEAU
Université de Rennes1

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Re: [JDO] Can I use a proxy with the JDO implementation ?]

2004-04-30 Thread Brian McCallister
Proxies are configured in the repository metadata:



On Apr 30, 2004, at 3:52 AM, Alexandre BOISSEAU wrote:


I have to deal with large objects with OJB and I sense I will get into 
trouble with some performance issues if data is loaded each time 
objects are created.

I saw some examples using the class 
but I don’t manage to…

Anybody having had such experience?


Alexandre BOISSEAU
Université de Rennes1
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Re: client/server Object Caching [Very Urgent]

2004-04-29 Thread Brian McCallister
You are effectively operating in a cluster, where your workstations are 
also cluster nodes:


On Apr 29, 2004, at 7:53 AM, Amol Pophale wrote:

Hi Brain
Thanks a lot for urgent reply.
You said I need to use one of the distributed caches
(JCS, OSCache, or Coherence)
can u please tell where i can get details info about
this or if u know can u tell me by some example or
where can i get that API help etc.
I mean more detail.
Note:do u anything about PersistanceBrokerClient
 --- Brian McCallister
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > You need to
use one of the distributed caches (JCS,
OSCache, or
The other option, which tends to be the easiest, is
to use a per-broker
cache (non-distributed) and optimistic transactions,
in which case you
acknowledge that data in cache for the lifetime of
one broker (usually
short depending on how you use it) may be dirty if
ti is in contention.
This doesn't work for highly contentious data,

On Apr 29, 2004, at 5:30 AM, Amol Pophale wrote:

Hi All,
I just learned OJB.
I have written one application in OJB.
My application is client-server application in
client and server are on different machines and
same databse which may be on third machine.
Right now i have one query.
server stores some java object in databse using
PersistaceBroker APIs. Client retrives these
on its machine using same i.e. OJB
Now if any object is updated by server which is in
client object cache How can we update client
cache when server updates the object in database.
Because I think server cache and client cache are
I need this very urgent.
Thanks in advance
Amol Pophale.

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Re: client/server Object Caching [Very Urgent]

2004-04-29 Thread Brian McCallister
You need to use one of the distributed caches (JCS, OSCache, or 

The other option, which tends to be the easiest, is to use a per-broker 
cache (non-distributed) and optimistic transactions, in which case you 
acknowledge that data in cache for the lifetime of one broker (usually 
short depending on how you use it) may be dirty if ti is in contention. 
This doesn't work for highly contentious data, however.


On Apr 29, 2004, at 5:30 AM, Amol Pophale wrote:

Hi All,
I just learned OJB.
I have written one application in OJB.
My application is client-server application in which
client and server are on different machines and using
same databse which may be on third machine.
Right now i have one query.
server stores some java object in databse using
PersistaceBroker APIs. Client retrives these object
on its machine using same i.e. OJB
Now if any object is updated by server which is in
client object cache How can we update client object
cache when server updates the object in database.
Because I think server cache and client cache are
I need this very urgent.
Thanks in advance
Amol Pophale.

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Re: Problem with clearing cache

2004-04-22 Thread Brian McCallister
Anonymous PK's are risky things -- I apologize for using them in the 
original anonymous keys tutorial. Anonymous FK's are great, and not 
using them is usually a bad ida in my opinion =)

I don't think the anonymous PK issues you are having will be resolved 
very soon, the anonymous key functionality wasn't really designed for 
PK usage, but for FK usage. I completely feel that it would be good to 
be able to use them for PK's as well, but my slate is full at the 
moment with JDO stuff =(

I don't know about everyone else. Any chance *you* want to dig into it? 


On Apr 22, 2004, at 7:55 AM, Guillaume Nodet wrote:

It also seems that cached anonymous keys are not removed from
the cache when an object is deleted from database.
Will these problems be solved, or should i try not to use
anonymous keys ?

-Message d'origine-
De : Guillaume Nodet [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Envoyé : mercredi 21 avril 2004 14:42
À : OJB Users List
Objet : Problem with clearing cache
I need to clear the ojb cache at some point in my program
(namely after deleting all data in the database).
The problem i have is that i use anonymous primary keys and
the caches associated with the anonymous fields are not cleared.
Would it be possible to had some mean of clearing these caches ?
The problem is that at some time, i've got errors when inserting
objects. I think that the key for the failing object is in cache
but not in the database so when a foreign key references it,
the insertion fails.
Guillaume Nodet
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Re: Problem with clearing cache

2004-04-21 Thread Brian McCallister
I would tend to say that using anonymous primary keys and clearing the 
cache are mutually exclusive operations, unfortunately, as the cache is 
where the primary keys are stored.

Is using a per-broker cache an option? If so you will effectively have 
the cache cleared every time you obtain a new broker/close a broker.


On Apr 21, 2004, at 8:52 AM, Guillaume Nodet wrote:

I thought i could replace the default implementation
of persistend field with my own, but i saw no way
of doing this for anonymous fields. Why is this class
not configurable along with the other ones in the
ojb configuration file ? I know my needs may be
very specific, but ...

Guillaume Nodet

-Message d'origine-
De : Guillaume Nodet [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Envoyé : mercredi 21 avril 2004 14:42
À : OJB Users List
Objet : Problem with clearing cache
I need to clear the ojb cache at some point in my program
(namely after deleting all data in the database).
The problem i have is that i use anonymous primary keys and
the caches associated with the anonymous fields are not cleared.
Would it be possible to had some mean of clearing these caches ?
The problem is that at some time, i've got errors when inserting
objects. I think that the key for the failing object is in cache
but not in the database so when a foreign key references it,
the insertion fails.
Guillaume Nodet
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Re: JDO and OJB newbie Question

2004-04-14 Thread Brian McCallister
You will need CVS HEAD, correct -- also make sure you are comfy looking 
around the sources to see what is implemented and not. I have tried to 
throw OperationUnsupportedException("Not yet imeplemented!") when a 
feature isn't actually implemented yet =)

This code is being actively written so it may be in states of flux at 
times as well, but I make sure all the unit tests pass before checking 
anything in.

Also, you will need to either figure out the properties used to get 
ahold of the correct PersistenceManagerFactory, or just use the 
org.apache.ojb.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl directly. I haven't 
spent any time making the discovery element work, nor testing the code 
Matt wrote -- it may or may not work.

Let me know anything odd/etc you find, please!


On Apr 14, 2004, at 9:51 AM, Charles N. Harvey III wrote:

I _don't_ want to filter my queries.  Can I give the native 
implementation a try?
Would that be the CVS Head or would it be a different branch?



Brian McCallister wrote:

You need both if you are using the JDORI plugin. It is annoying =(

The native JDO impl I am working on for OJB will allow you to just 
use the OJB mappings as the .jdo files will only be used for 
(optional in OJB but not for spec-compliant JDO) bytecode enhancement 
process. This JDO impl is *far* from ready for use yet (well, 
actually it works great as long as you don't want to filter your 
queries as JDOQL isn't implemented yet).


On Apr 14, 2004, at 8:06 AM, Nicolas Arni-Bloch wrote:

Hi all,
I want to try JDO with OJB but I have some misunderstood.
I am not very clear about where to put the MetaData for the mapping 
? In the repository.xml or in the XXX.jdo ?
I look in the tutorial5 and I see that information for the mapping 
are stored in the Product.jdo.
So should we put this information in the .jdo and in the 
repository.xml ?
My second question is : with the JDO should we use the 
ManageableCollection interface for the collection or not. I have try 
the jdo implementation with a single class and its work. But I try 
with 1..n relation and it doesn't ?
Is some body as code example for using JDO with OJB ?


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Re: JDO and OJB newbie Question

2004-04-14 Thread Brian McCallister
You need both if you are using the JDORI plugin. It is annoying =(

The native JDO impl I am working on for OJB will allow you to just use 
the OJB mappings as the .jdo files will only be used for (optional in 
OJB but not for spec-compliant JDO) bytecode enhancement process. This 
JDO impl is *far* from ready for use yet (well, actually it works great 
as long as you don't want to filter your queries as JDOQL isn't 
implemented yet).


On Apr 14, 2004, at 8:06 AM, Nicolas Arni-Bloch wrote:

Hi all,
I want to try JDO with OJB but I have some misunderstood.
I am not very clear about where to put the MetaData for the mapping ? 
In the repository.xml or in the XXX.jdo ?
I look in the tutorial5 and I see that information for the mapping are 
stored in the Product.jdo.
So should we put this information in the .jdo and in the 
repository.xml ?
My second question is : with the JDO should we use the 
ManageableCollection interface for the collection or not. I have try 
the jdo implementation with a single class and its work. But I try 
with 1..n relation and it doesn't ?
Is some body as code example for using JDO with OJB ?


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Re: Newbie Question : OTM or ODMG

2004-04-14 Thread Brian McCallister
Ah, I missed the checkin message on that! Thank you!


On Apr 13, 2004, at 5:20 PM, Oleg Nitz wrote:

On Tuesday 13 April 2004 15:17, Brian McCallister wrote:
Huh, the ODMG slower thing is interesting as Armin just reemed us all
out for letting the OTM get so much slower than ODMG ;-)
Have I missed something? Are there any new performance tests?
Armin emailed the -dev list a few days back =)

When I tested last time, OTM was somewhat faster.
Of course, when you use OTM PB-style Criteria/Queries instead of 
OQLQueries, the difference would be more noticeable.
But don't forget that OTM provides true ACID transactions, pessimistic 
optimistic locking strategies (automatic upgrading of read lock to 
write lock
for modified objects) and some other nice features like automatic 
storing of
object modifications (for modified objects only), automatic 
of otm-dependent objects, long transactions support.
So I guess OTM may be slower in some tests, especially when you run 
against in-memory database like HSQL.

but it is a little bit less than mature at the moment.
It is definately in the unstable category for 1.0.
Completely agree.

Oleg is in the process of doing a major factoring job on parts of it 
clean it up and fix a couple bugs (otm-dependent proxied collections
not detecting deletes unless an explicit write lock is obtained on the
parent is a particularly unpleasant one for me).
The refactoring is now finished, and the bug that you mentioned is now 
at least according to my tests. Please re-run your tests.

Many thanks to you and to all who try OTM, test OTM and report bugs! 

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Re: PhillyJUG OJB Slides

2004-04-14 Thread Brian McCallister
Glad I can help =)

The sources etc (minus the jars) are posted as well, url is on a slide 
toward the end.


On Apr 13, 2004, at 7:28 PM, C Qualset wrote:

Thanks very much for posting the slides.  It is a great place for a 
newbie like me to start.

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Re: ODMG API Question

2004-04-14 Thread Brian McCallister
Odd. Some notes...

Task.getClass().getName() works better as Class#toString isn't the 
class name =(

Do you not get ANY objects back, or do you get a different object back 
form the query?

Is the foreign key a primitive type by chance?


On Apr 13, 2004, at 8:20 PM, Wil Hunt wrote:

Hey guys,

I'm having a problem with regard to OJB-managed objects and their
visibility.  Here's the scenario:
1) Create a new object:
Task task = new Task(...);
Transaction tx = _odmg.newTransaction();
tx.lock(task, Transaction.WRITE);
Note: task is saved (successfully) with a foreign key X.

If I check the database.. the object is there.  Good.
2) Query ODMG:
select tasks from Task.getClass() where fkeyname = X
This request does not return the above mentioned objects.

If I restart my server (thus restarting OJB) then the objects show up 
further queries.

am I missing something obvious?

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.



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Re: Newbie Question : OTM or ODMG

2004-04-13 Thread Brian McCallister
Huh, the ODMG slower thing is interesting as Armin just reemed us all 
out for letting the OTM get so much slower than ODMG ;-)

Right now there are a couple hidden nasties in the OTM -- I like the 
OTM a lot (if just so that I can do a query by identity without casting 
to a TransactionImpl) but it is a little bit less than mature at the 
moment. It is definately in the unstable category for 1.0.

Oleg is in the process of doing a major factoring job on parts of it to 
clean it up and fix a couple bugs (otm-dependent proxied collections 
not detecting deletes unless an explicit write lock is obtained on the 
parent is a particularly unpleasant one for me).

I will personally still be using OTM for my development, but we just 
switched from OTM to ODMG for major app in development where I work 
because of the relative maturity of the chunks of code. I hope to 
switch back to OTM in the not-too-distant future (or to JDO as it is 
shaping up to be a very thin wrapper around the OTM, and it isn't 
really a bad API from the client side, don't get me started on 
javax.jdo.spi though ;-) Providing a facade to swap between ODMG and 
OTM is pretty straightforward as the OTM can handle OQL style queries.


On Apr 13, 2004, at 6:46 AM, Daniel Perry wrote:

From my experience of using both (i ended up doing an ODMG -> OTM
Note that i dont any of the more complicated stuff - just storing 
trees, collections, etc, and querying the database. Also i dont use 
atall (one thing odmg does better i believe).

Go with OTM.

ODMG uses ODMG queries (sql like queries for selecting objects).
OTM use a criteria classes for querying.
I find OTM to be simpler, but more code intensive.

ODMG is slower - Ditching ODMG and moving to OTM speeded up our app by 

Doing complex (nested to several degrees "a.b.c...") in OTM works - i 
got it working in ODMG.


-Original Message-
From: Jean-Francois Beaulac [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 07 April 2004 17:03
Subject: Newbie Question : OTM or ODMG
Hi , i'm a real OJB newbie and I wonder which API should I use, i
searched the mailing list and read the entire documentation on the
website (i didnt read the entire JavaDoc of course) but i wasn't able 
find a great comparison between the two APIs.

It would be very usefull to me if somebody could post the main
differences between both APIs
Jean-Francois Beaulac
trainee programmer @

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Re: Any one using PostgreSQL and OJB ?

2004-04-02 Thread Brian McCallister
Postgres users:

Has anyone ever gotten the master/slave replication to actually work?


On Apr 2, 2004, at 12:15 PM, Antonio Gallardo wrote:

Robert S. Sfeir dijo:
Leandro Rodrigo Saad Cruz wrote:

I am. no problems.

Ditto, no issues, use it for almost all my projects unless client can
pay for Oracle :-)
Yep. PostgreSQL is my prefered choice too, even if the client can pay 
Oracle or anything else. ;-)

Best Regards,

Antonio Gallardo

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Re: Newbie (almost) at a standstill

2004-04-02 Thread Brian McCallister
On Apr 2, 2004, at 9:23 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thank you all for your pointers. I am well aware of the difficulty of
writing good documentatioin when you are an expert in the field; 
ignorance is a blessing. I shall continue to report omissions or
ambiguities as I find them.
Much appreciated!

Surely I should not need a transaction until I actually execute the 
Correct, must have been looking at your code too early in the morning =)

Both count(*) and 'as' are in the OQL grammar I downloaded from
yesterday. The one is in 'aggregateExpr', the other in 'projection'. 
If, as
you say, the selection list (projectionAttributes in the grammar) is 
a placeholder, then the aggregate functions of the grammar can never be
evaluated. Surely this was not the intention of the ODMG?
Hmm I don't know about this -- I am far from an ODMG expert, I don't 
use that API often, and have never delved into that part of the code =( 
  (nudge Thomas)


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Re: Searching in a class hierachy (ODMG) (Nudging Armin)

2004-04-02 Thread Brian McCallister
Ah, thank you for posting the mappings.

Will need to nudge Armin on this, I haven't used joins to map extents 
before =(


On Apr 2, 2004, at 5:41 AM, Keith Rogers wrote:

Could you clarify what you mean by that?

Here is the relevent part of the config file:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/01/04 06:42PM >>>
Does the table OJBStudent is mapped to have the column? OJB is smart
about only querying on tables that define attributes across extents.
How are these classes mapped and what does the schema look like?


On Apr 1, 2004, at 10:00 AM, Keith Rogers wrote:

I have a hierachy of classes that goes like this:


the user has a property called userStatus, which is a reference to
another table.
What I'm trying to do is get a list of students with a particular
When I do the query for users like this:

select ojbs from where userStatus=1

It works fine. However, when I try

select ojbs from where userStatus=1

I get a message

java.sql.SQLException: Column not found,  message from server:
column 'userStatus' in 'where clause'"

Why is this happening when I use the student class, but not the user
class? As far as I can tell, apart from this the inheritance has
fine - if I retreived a student object I can access all the
fields, including the userStatus. So, I think its a problem with the
query rather than the inheritance setup.
Does anyone have any ideas?

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Re: Newbie (almost) at a standstill

2004-04-02 Thread Brian McCallister
Any chance you could sum up what needs improvement in the docs? As  
Thomas put it when I first got involved with OJB, once you get really  
close to it, it can be hard to see it from a newcomers perspective =(  
There is a *lot* to it. I am personally invested in trying to make it  
easy for people to get started with OJB (I did the getting started,  
ojb-blank, and the new tutorials -- if they are deficient it is my  
fault, so I appreciate any help in fixing em up =)


I don't think count(*) is supported (anyone know about this? I don't  
use ODMG much)). Last I used ODMG count, upper, etc weren't in it  
(using the ODMG published grammar for OQL).

"as" isn't an OQL keyword. The "foo" in "select foo from bar" is pretty  
much a placeholder that doesn't do anything, to my (limited) knowledge  
of the ODMG OQL spec. In this case "foo" is just a label. What is  
returned is specificed by the "from classname" section.

Looking at your test case, the NPE's are likely being caused by the  
fact that you don't have a transaction in progress. The ODMG api  
requires all queries etc be executed within the context of a  

To take some code from the ODMG tutorial:

public static Product findProductByName(String name) throws  
Implementation impl = OJB.getInstance();
Transaction tx = impl.newTransaction();

OQLQuery query = impl.newOQLQuery();
query.create("select products from "
 + Product.class.getName()
 + " where name = $1");
DList results = (DList) query.execute();
Product product = (Product) results.iterator().next();
return product;
Additionally, you need to include the full classname, including  
package, in the OQL string. I don't know if your Entity class is in the  
top level namespace, or in the same as the unit test, so I don't know  
if this is part of what is happening or not.

On Apr 2, 2004, at 8:02 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

So, apart from one glitch I think that the other points are matters of
clearer documentation.
It is not clear from the Getting Started doc just what one has to do  
and in
what order. There are also inconsistencies betwen the default and *.profiles as towhich variables are required. Some
tidying up is what it comes down to.

I am just left with my ODMG problem.

BTW for those who are a bit irritated by my not snipping out the  
older, and
now irrelvant, parts of this message stream, I am working with Lotus  
and if I try to edit the message it just deletes the whole lot.

| |   "Brian McCallister"   |
| |>   |
| | |
| | |
| |   02-Apr-2004 13:10 |
| |   Please respond to "OJB|
| |   Users List"   |
| |   g>|
| | |
  |   To:  "OJB Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  |   cc:   
  |   Subject: Re: Newbie (almost) at a standstill  

repository.xml wasn't copied in rc5, was a problem, has been fixed in
rc6. If you want to patch manually, change the ant copy in build.xml to
copy respositor*.xml instead of repository_*.xml =)
DB profiles are not copied on purpose, you need to copy the relevant
settings into yourself. The contains
all of the variables -- including jcdAlias and jdbcRuntimeDriv

Re: Newbie (almost) at a standstill

2004-04-02 Thread Brian McCallister
| |   30-Mar-2004 11:18|
| |   Please respond to|
| |   "OJB Users List" |
| |>  |
| ||
  |   To:  "OJB Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  |   cc:   
  |   Subject: Re: Newbie at a standstill   

Hi Raphael,

from your stack trace I can see you manipulate many of the default jdbc
Caused by: Could not
borrow connection from pool -
only set true in JBoss <3.2.2 (but recommended to use 3.2.2 or higher)

  ConnectionPoolDescriptor={whenExhaustedAction=2, validationQuery=a
OJB try to perform a validation query "a query", this will fail (not  
compatible ;-)). Maybe this is the problem you have.

maxIdle=2, maxActive=1, maxWait=3, removeAbandoned=true,
numTestsPerEvictionRun=5, testWhileIdle=true,
testOnReturn=true, logAbandoned=true, removeAbandonedTimeout=8,
timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis=6, testOnBorrow=true}
again, I recommend to use default settings first and only change
settings step by step.

I recommend to set batch-mode false to avoid side-effects. You can try
to enable it when all stuff is working fine.

Again default is '1', you set '0'. But in managed enviroments you need
to set '0'. Do you try to run OJB in a managed environment? This
wouldn't be a good starting point for a newbie ;-)
ahh, now I see in your repository_database.xml what you have done. You
picked up a jdbc-connection-descriptor used for junit testing and set
you DB properties. This will not work, because the used properties  
be valid.

Did you see

As Brian said before, recommended to use this way first to setup your
environment. In you can set your DB. In the profiles
directory you can find "templates" for all supported databases. Pick  
oracle file and set your properties.

I have done the 'ant build' and it makes no difference. If in the
I change to the "default" db alias the system appears not to see my
parameters at all. It has username and password set to null. There is
clearly something terribly obvious that I am just not understanding  
setting up OJB.

[org.apache.ojb.odmg.DatabaseImpl] ERROR: Open database failed: Borrow
broker from pool failed, using PBKey
jcdAlias=default, user=null, password=null
Borrow broker from pool failed, using PBKey
jcdAlias=default, user=null, password=null Borrow broker from pool  
using PBKey jcdAlias=default, user=null,


  at Source)
As a background, I should explain that I am reasonably familiar with
Torque. I am in the process of evaluating whether to go with OJB,  
seems on paper to h

Re: Any one using PostgreSQL and OJB ?

2004-04-02 Thread Brian McCallister
Yep, almost exclusively.


On Apr 2, 2004, at 4:01 AM, Andreas Bohnert wrote:

yes, we do.
no problems so far...
Martin I. Levi wrote:

Hello people!

Is there anybody using OJB on a PostgreSQL database?

Please let me know.


Martin Ivan Levi

Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
Centre Tecnologic de Transferencia de Calor

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Re: Searching in a class hierachy (ODMG)

2004-04-01 Thread Brian McCallister
Does the table OJBStudent is mapped to have the column? OJB is smart 
about only querying on tables that define attributes across extents.

How are these classes mapped and what does the schema look like?


On Apr 1, 2004, at 10:00 AM, Keith Rogers wrote:

I have a hierachy of classes that goes like this:


the user has a property called userStatus, which is a reference to
another table.
What I'm trying to do is get a list of students with a particular
When I do the query for users like this:

select ojbs from where userStatus=1

It works fine. However, when I try

select ojbs from where userStatus=1

I get a message

java.sql.SQLException: Column not found,  message from server: "Unknown
column 'userStatus' in 'where clause'"
Why is this happening when I use the student class, but not the user
class? As far as I can tell, apart from this the inheritance has worked
fine - if I retreived a student object I can access all the inherited
fields, including the userStatus. So, I think its a problem with the
query rather than the inheritance setup.
Does anyone have any ideas?

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PhillyJUG OJB Slides

2004-03-31 Thread Brian McCallister
A few people expressed interest in the slides from my PhillyJUG OJB 
presentation last night, so I have put them online at


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Re: Newbie at a standstill

2004-03-29 Thread Brian McCallister
Are you using the ant build? The ojb-blank project template does a  
property replace in the build -- the required database information is  
in the and is copied into the generated  
repository_database.xml that goes in build/ when compilation is run.


On Mar 29, 2004, at 11:24 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am trying to get OJB working and am getting absolutely nowhere, so I
appeal to the list for some help.
The environment is OJB rc5, Eclipse IDE, Sun JDK1.4.2, Oracle 9,  
NT4.0. The
running of the code is controlled by JUnit.

I can connect to the DB both with sqlplus and jdbc. I cannot actually  
OJB to connect. Clearly I am missing something, but I cannot discover  
By fiddling around  with the XML I can generate various sorts of  
errors. In
all cases the url that the system is using appears to be entirely

Here are the code, the repository_database.xml and the output:


 * Created on 26-Mar-2004
 * CVS version $Header:$
import java.util.*;
import java.sql.*;
import junit.framework.*;
import org.odmg.*;
import org.apache.ojb.odmg.*;
 * @author rxm1676
 * @company GSK
public class ConnectionTest extends TestCase {
  PersistenceBroker broker;
  Database db = null;
  Implementation odmg = null;
  public void setUp() {

try {
  Class c =  
  broker =
  odmg = OJB.getInstance();
  db = odmg.newDatabase();"BETConnection", Database.OPEN_READ_WRITE);
} catch (Exception ex) {


  public void tearDown() {
if (broker != null) {
if (db != null) {
  try {
  } catch (ODMGException ex2) {

   * Null test. Just checks that OJB is properly installed, that  
it can
see both the
   * XML and the bean classes, and that we can get a Broker and an  
  public void testConnection() {

 * Ensure that we can actually talk to the DB from this machine
public void testRawJDBC()
   try {
  Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection
  ("", "bet",  
  PreparedStatement sth = con.prepareStatement("select * from  
where betid<10");
  ResultSet res = sth.executeQuery();
  System.out.println("Excuted raw query");
  while ( {
Entity ent = new Entity();
System.out.println("raw retrieval of "+ent);
   } catch (Exception e) {
  System.out.println("Caught raw exception " + e);
   * @author rxm1676
   * @company GSK
  public void testODMGFetchSingle() {
Transaction tx = odmg.newTransaction();
try {

  OQLQuery query = odmg.newOQLQuery();
"select betid, entityType, descriptor from " +
Entity.class.getName() + " where betid = 1");
  DList results = (DList)query.execute();
  for (Iterator iter = results.iterator();  
Entity res = (Entity);
System.out.println("Retrieved " + res);
} catch (QueryInvalidException qie) {
} catch (QueryException qe) {


   * Retrieve a single object using the PersistenceBroker
   * @author rxm1676
   * @company GSK
  public void testPBFetchSingle()
Entity example = new Entity();
Query  q = QueryFactory.newQueryByExample(example);
Entity res = (Entity)broker.getObjectByQuery(q);
System.out.println("PB fetched "+res);






Re: OQL Query by date

2004-03-26 Thread Brian McCallister
On Mar 26, 2004, at 9:15 AM, Angus Berry wrote:

Thanks... for the record then 'date' was a bad name for a class
attribute to be persisted in OQL?
Yes, unfortunately. Blame ODMG though, not us please ;-)


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Re: OQL Query by date

2004-03-26 Thread Brian McCallister
Here is the problem:

from src/java/org/apache/ojb/odmg/oql/OQLLexerTokenTypes.txt


the word "date" is a token in OQL =(


On Mar 25, 2004, at 5:00 PM, Angus Berry wrote:

From everything I've read I think this should work. I'm trying to 
an object by it's id & date:

query.create("select invoice from " + InvoiceBO.class.getName() + "
where invoiceID = $1 and date = $2");
Before I even get to bind the query values (query.bind(invNum)), I get
an error saying:
line 1: unexpected token: and
The following select also fails:
query.create("select invoice from " + InvoiceBO.class.getName() + "
where date = $1");
line 1: unexpected token: date
However, if I use a line like the one below it will select OK (given 
correct params):
query.create("select invoice from " + InvoiceBO.class.getName() + "
where invoiceID = $1 and clientName = $2");

Have done a bad thing by have a property called 'date' in my class, or
is my syntax incorrect for a date select.

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Re: OJB with Spring

2004-03-24 Thread Brian McCallister
I have played with OJB and Spring a couple times, but never for a major 

Using OJB in Spring is no problem. If you want to use Spring's unified 
transaction system, OJB does not presently have hooks directly into it. 
I have talked (over a couple beers) with Thomas Risberg, who wrote most 
of the JDBC DAO stuff in Spring, about providing an OJB template 
(whatever that is) for Spring and the other hooks to make it more 
seemless and IoC'd -- just have never had sufficient itch to really do 
it. Juergen has indicated that adding OJB support into Spring's distro 
would be great, so there is nothing blocking a level of integration 
like what iBatis, Hibernate, etc have -- just no one has felt like 
doing it yet.

If you want to do integrate it more transparently into Spring I will 
happily contribute to that effort, though I don't have the time 
required to really spearhead the task right now. I expect that I will 
get a lot of nudges next Tuesday when I present (with Thomas Risberg) 
on OJB and Spring at a JUG meeting though.


On Mar 24, 2004, at 8:00 AM, Robert S. Sfeir wrote:

Has anyone successfully implemented OJB with the Spring framework, and 
can you tell me if you found that experience excruciatingly painful, 
easy, or what ever, and if found the results satisfactory?

I am considering a switch to Spring, but Hibernate is of no interest 
to me, and I would much rather not make the switch without OJB.

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Re: Object not PersistenceCapable error

2004-03-23 Thread Brian McCallister
This usually happens if you are running against a class file (bytecode) 
that was not enhanced via the JDO bytecode enhancer. I suspect that the 
enhancer wasn't run, or there is a problem in the .jdo files for that 


On Mar 23, 2004, at 10:01 AM, Philippe Guillard wrote:

I've got a JDOUserException/Object not PersistenceCapable error, Can
somebody tell me in which direction i should look for my error?
I only copied and adapt a working class to another one for another DB
table. So the repository.xml is there, don't have enhanced class
problems since i use JDO 1.0.1 for these both 2 new classes, they also
look similar in terms of column types used, don't need to give the path
cause it is in same directory and i use inside cocoon.(i use cocoon 
mysql, sun JDO 1.0.1)

Thanks for help.
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Re: soft-deleting objects

2004-03-23 Thread Brian McCallister
If you have a "deleted" style flag in the database for the soft delete 
you can probably accomplish this via a query customizer. If you mean to 
not flag the delete in the database at all, but only treat it as such 
in the application -- that is a bit trickier, but can probably be done 
via pb callbacks/row readers.


On Mar 23, 2004, at 6:21 AM, Tino Schöllhorn wrote:


I want to implement something like a soft-delete:

Objects should be marked as "deleted" in its corresponing table and 
OJB should just ignore them when it is materializing or querying them.

Where would be the best point to start when I want to implement this 
feature? I just played around with the RowReader-Concept - but I have 
the feeling that this is not the right place to start, because I think 
I have to modify the queries OJB is submitting to the database.

Any ideas?


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Re: JDO status for OJB 1.0 RC5

2004-03-18 Thread Brian McCallister
The OJB native JDO is both incomplete and undocumented. The backend 
necessary to support JDO is in place (via the OTM) but I think there 
just hasn't been enough demand for full JDO support, yet.

It is my personal goal to get a solid implementation into 1.1, but for 
1.0 the JDORI plugin is the only real JDO option. It works pretty well 
from what I hear, but I have only fiddled with it and not built any 
large apps with it. The biggest thing to do if you want to lessen the 
need for changes when native JDO is available in OJB is probably to use 
the OTM directly.

You can also always help implement the JDO API on top of OJB ;-)


On Mar 18, 2004, at 8:37 AM, Angus Berry wrote:

I wonder if some could give me a little more in depth status of JDO in
Specifically, from looking at the mail archives I understand that in
addition to the JDO ref. mask, there is some native JDO already
implemented. So I'm wondering if what's available is buggy or just
incomplete and is this documented anywhere other than looking through
the source.
My reason being is I have a facade pattern to OJB as my ORM, but I was
hoping to use as much JDO as possible to lessen the change when it
becomes fully available.

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Re: Getting started

2004-03-17 Thread Brian McCallister
Balza -- the Quick Start isn't linked on pupose, the getting started is 
designed to replace it =)

Did you find information on quick start you needed which wasn't 
available from the present getting started tutorial?


On Mar 17, 2004, at 10:56 AM, balza wrote:

Thank you for the answers.
I've seen a recent post on this argument in the Mail archives
(post:"Installation of OJB").
OJB is a very flexyble framework, but for a newbie this choice shoud 
be imbaracing.
OJB should provide a "Default" and documented solution and a complex 
or "non
Default" implementation at user choice.
What do you think?

While I'm searching for information, I've noted a problem (?) in the 
The "Getting Started" area is logically related to "Quick start"
( but does not point to it. 
The "Quick
start" area seems unreachable, I don't know how to get there from home 

Thank you

Unfortunately I don't think there is one. I hit this issue when I
started with ojb.
There's a strong case both for and against having an ant task that 
creates the OJB system table schemas.

On the "for" side it would make it easy to dump the basic schemas you
may into your database without all the test tables you currently get.
On the against side:
You don't always need OJB system tables. If you setup your primary key
generation (auto-increment) to use database sequences, then (as far 
as I
know) you only need OJB system tables for certain features such as the
ODMG api.
Because everyone's usage of these tables is different, what system
tables would you include?

Personally, I'd like to see an ant task that generates all the OJB
system tables you may need and then you could just choose to not use
them later once you've started to understand what's going on. That
approach seems to provide the easiest learning curve for somebody new 

So to answer your question what I use is:
1) database sequences for auto-increment
2) No OJB system tables at all.

-Original Message-
From: balza [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 16 March 2004 15:09
To: ojb-user
Subject: Getting started
what is the ant task to run to create only OJB system table (OJB_*)
with OJB RC5?
I've run ojb-blank task but has created a lot of table.

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Re: Getting started

2004-03-17 Thread Brian McCallister
There is a workaround, btw:

Thomas D added the ability (I haven't used it) to create and execute  
DDL from a persistence broker by giving it a torque schema. ojb-blank  
includes the torque schema for the system tables in src/schema/

If you add the schema file to the classpath you can:

TorqueDBHandling torque = new TorqueDBHandling();
PBKey key = PersistenceBrokerFactory.getDefaultKey();
InputStream in =  
// torque.createDB();

Or something like that =)

On Mar 17, 2004, at 8:22 AM, Brendan Richards wrote:

Unfortunately I don't think there is one. I hit this issue when I
started with ojb.
There's a strong case both for and against having an ant task that just
creates the OJB system table schemas.
On the "for" side it would make it easy to dump the basic schemas you
may into your database without all the test tables you currently get.
On the against side:
You don't always need OJB system tables. If you setup your primary key
generation (auto-increment) to use database sequences, then (as far as  
know) you only need OJB system tables for certain features such as the
ODMG api.
Because everyone's usage of these tables is different, what system
tables would you include?

Personally, I'd like to see an ant task that generates all the OJB
system tables you may need and then you could just choose to not use
them later once you've started to understand what's going on. That
approach seems to provide the easiest learning curve for somebody new  

So to answer your question what I use is:
1) database sequences for auto-increment
2) No OJB system tables at all.

-Original Message-
From: balza [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 16 March 2004 15:09
To: ojb-user
Subject: Getting started
what is the ant task to run to create only OJB system table (OJB_*)
with OJB RC5?
I've run ojb-blank task but has created a lot of table.

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Re: Most Stable OJB version

2004-03-15 Thread Brian McCallister
I expect an RC6 to be cut from cvs head as soon as I get around to 
verifying the ASL 2.0 stuff is all in place correctly. Assuming there 
are no major bugs in it, I believe the plan is to take RC6 to the pmc 
for a release vote in a week or two, and assuming the vote goes alright 
(no reason to expect otherwise) RC6 will be branched as 1.0.

RC5 is good, CVS HEAD is better as a couple bugs came up in RC5, I plan 
on finishing the ASL 2.0 stuff tuesday night, so we could theoretically 
push RC6 this week and hopefully only have 1.0 three months after our 
self-imposed deadline ;-)


On Mar 15, 2004, at 6:24 AM, Antonio Gallardo wrote:

Chris Lewington dijo:
Hi all,

I'm planning to upgrade from version 0.9.7 (yes, I know that is rather
old but with some tweaking it has mostly worked for us). Can anyone
suggest the best upgrade? Obviously the CVS head is the most up to 
but is rc4 or rc5 a better bet for stability right now?
I think the best stable is the CVS HEAD. Soon will be the 1.0 release.

Best Regards,

Antonio Gallardo

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Re: OJB performance tip

2004-03-15 Thread Brian McCallister
Thank you!


On Mar 15, 2004, at 9:05 AM, Edson Carlos Ericksson Richter wrote:

Hi! Just to share with you all our latest experiences about 

After three days working on OJB performance optimization for our Swing 
I've achieved a formula that fits near all our cases (look, it may not 
your need).

We are not using proxyies for everthing anymore. Today, all objects 
are not
proxy, and references are not proxies too (99,9% of cases). Only 
(the ones you be absolutely right that will not always need data) will
receive proxy="true". Example, a customer in 90% of the cases will 
need the
addresses (1:N) reference, so we don't use proxy. At other side, we 
have a
"per user" log feature, where we almost never ask for this info (only 
new info there for future reference if needed), and in this case, we 

To solve the cyclic references, we working with PerBroker cache, that 
fine for this purpose. rc5 is stable and fast (the only problems I've
detected is that it tries to get PersistentField even if
auto-update='false', and the toString in proxies - but this is subject 
other threads).

Starting the app with -Xmx128m we are able to materialize about 3 
complex objects in simple machines (800MHz-1Ghz) in less than 10 
(that is good to my point of view).

To debug and fine tune, I'm using the p6spy and the Jahia SQL Profiler
(that's incredible simple to configure OJB to use this two excellent
Thanks to all people that always supported us in this year of research
(Thomas, Armin, Jakob - by your patience - along others, need special
thanks). We still have a lot of work, and from time-to-time I'll be 
more info and knoledge with this amazing team.


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