Re: [opensuse] GRUB will not boot up second windows partition

2008-01-29 Thread Rajko M.
On Tuesday 29 January 2008 08:26:10 pm Marc Chamberlin wrote:
> So I am lost and confused... Can anyone offer me advise on how to get
> this stubborn boot loader to do what I want it to? (That is to allow me
> to boot up my new second Win XP?) I REALLY do NOT want to have to
> reinstall SuSE as that would be a LOT of work for me!!!

Can you post /boot/grub/menu.lst and /boot/grub/

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Re: [opensuse] Did Yast online updater break?

2008-01-29 Thread Rajko M.
On Tuesday 29 January 2008 06:52:00 pm Marc and Stephanie Chamberlin wrote:
> I am running SuSE 10.3 and am getting an update notification as
> described - This update fixes various Xserver security issues. File
> existence disclosure vulnerability (CVE-2007-5958). XInput Extension
> Memory Corruption Vulnerability [IDEF2888 CVE-2007-6427]. TOG-CUP
> Extension Memory Corruption Vulnerability [IDEF2901 CVE-2007-6428]. EVI
> Extension Integer Overflow Vulnerability [IDEF2902 CVE-2007-6429].
> MIT-SHM Extension Integer Overflow Vulnerability [IDEF2904
> CVE-2007-6429]. XFree86-MISC Extension Invalid Array Index Vulnerability
> [IDEF2903 CVE-2007-5760]. PCF font parser vulnerability.
> When I install it I get the following error message -
> Repository 'openSUSE BuildService - KDE:Community' is invalid. Signature
> verification failed for repomd.xml 
> What the heck???  This has been working fine, what broke it? Inquiring
> minds are worried   Marc...

Build service repositories have new signatures.

Run YaST Software Management to import signatures.
Than it should work. 

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Re: [opensuse] Fresh 10.3 -- 1-click install of nvidia driver fails with dependency conflict

2008-01-29 Thread Rajko M.
On Tuesday 29 January 2008 09:24:11 am Wolfgang Woehl wrote:

> Rajko, thanks. I did try that to no avail, forgot to mention it.
> Yesterday late night during an online update the nvidia package got
> installed although it was marked with the encircled "-" -- I thought
> that meant "locked" as in "do not install"?
> Anyway, it seems to have been a hiccup after all and it got sorted out
> which gives opensuse this cuddly cozy impression a good distro needs.

I forgot to mention I use Goettingen mirror ( 
The has hicups that come and go, so temporarily, I use 
this one.  

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Re: [opensuse] Running slow, / full

2008-01-29 Thread Rajko M.
On Tuesday 29 January 2008 09:09:47 am Carlos E. R. wrote:
> The Tuesday 2008-01-29 at 00:20 -0600, Rajko M. wrote:
> > The problem seems to be somewhat tight size of partitions:
> > Device  SizeMount point Free
> > sda2965.1MB /   0B
> > sda81011.4MB/tmp926.4MB
> Probably. They are too small, no margin.
> > I was looking few directories that are left in your / directory:
> > 76M /lib
> Mine is 133 MiB
> > 7.3M/bin
> > 112K/dev
> > 41M /etc
> Mine is 98 MiB
> > 60K /srv
> 180 MiB
> > 9.0M/sbin
> 13 MiB
> --
> Cheers,
> Carlos E. R.

Still, it is not close to 965 MiB. 
Looking the partitions it seems that all is created during installation, so it 
should not be a /tmp and /var previous content that is using hard disk, 
unless installer used them and forgot to clean after mounting partitions. 

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Re: [opensuse] Google Earth crashes with signal 6

2008-01-29 Thread Rajko M.
On Tuesday 29 January 2008 07:42:55 am Henk te Sligte wrote:
> I just removed Google Earth and reinstalled it, and when I run 'nohup
> googleearth &', X crashes, and nohup.out is empty. When I do the
> libGL-trick, as I described in my first message, nohup.out contains the
> exact same message as I attached in the first mail.
> I think it has something to do with my graphics card, but I'm not really
> sure. My system is a HP Compaq nc6220 notebook, with an Intel 915M
> chipset. Although, thats what lspci tells me:
> 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile
> 915GM/GMS/910GML Express Graphics Controller (rev 03)
> I have absolutely no idea if it is some driver problem, I just installed
> a newer kernel (, but
> nothing changes.
> Thanks in advance,
> Henk te Sligte

Do you have 3D support enabled?
You can see more in:

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Re: [opensuse] Install and boot from usb disk

2008-01-28 Thread Rajko M.
On Tuesday 29 January 2008 12:41:04 am Jan Albrecht wrote:
> Hi,
> sorry for the misunderstanding: Booting from USB itself is not the
> problem, but I think writing the correct grub files is.
> I can boot via F9 from my USB disc, but when the notebook tries it just
> produces the "Missing Operating System" error.
> Jan

See if this or links listed at the bottom of article can help:

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Re: [opensuse] Lost rpm db?

2008-01-28 Thread Rajko M.
On Tuesday 29 January 2008 12:10:18 am Anders Norrbring wrote:
> Carlos E. R. skrev:
> > Hash: SHA1
> >
> > The Monday 2008-01-28 at 13:15 +0100, Anders Norrbring wrote:
> >>>  The best you can do, as far as I know, is to copy and unzip the latest
> >>>  "correct" version in the backup (probably the biggest), on top of the
> >>>  existing "/var/lib/rpm/Packages" file. Even if it is old, it will be
> >>>  better than having nothing.
> >>>
> >>>  Then run --rebuild, and later YOU, so that it installs again the
> >>> updates
> >>>  you are missing in the database list.
> >>>
> >>>  There is no way I know of to regenerate the database by looking at the
> >>>  installed files all over the distro. I think it should be possible, by
> >>>  comparing files with the list of files in the ARCHIVE list in the
> >>> dvd, but
> >>>  I do not know if anybody has created such an application.
> >>
> >> That means I'm smoked.. Oh well.. I guess I'll find some weird way out
> >> eventually.. Hehe
> >
> > Why? Are all the backups in "/var/adm/backup/rpmdb" bad? Even if they
> > are old, they will be better than what you have.
> The best they could do was some 10-12 packages.. And that won't so much
> good.

Have tired to access /var/cache/zypp/zypp.db . 
Make a copy in your home directory and look in. 
It is SQLite database.  

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Re: [opensuse] Running slow, / full

2008-01-28 Thread Rajko M.
On Monday 28 January 2008 10:15:40 am Bob wrote:
> My system looks like this:
> Device  SizeMount point Free
> sda2965.1MB /   0B
> sda360.8MB  /boot   46.8MB
> sda59.8GB   /usr4.9GB
> sda62.0GB   /var1.2GB
> sda72.0GB   /opt906.3MB
> sda81011.4MB/tmp926.4MB
> sda9257.3GB /home   154.1GB
> I've been downloading openSUSE 11.0 Alpha1, via ktorrent for the past 24
> hours, but other than that I'm only doing what I always do - read email,
> news, browse the web, play music. 

The /proc is discussed, so to make it simple, just forget it. That is not your 
problem. The kcore doesn't use hard disk.  

The problem seems to be somewhat tight size of partitions:
Device  SizeMount point Free
sda2965.1MB /   0B

With 1GB /tmp file operation that want to work on 2 GB file will have a 
problem if it uses /tmp. Download will use /tmp sometimes. 

The problem is that / is full and it is on primary partition. There is few 
solutions to make another bigger, and move everything there, or to delete 
some of content. 

What is in / to use 965 MB I can only guess. 

I was looking few directories that are left in your / directory:
76M /lib
41M /etc
60K /srv
Nothing close to 965 MB. 
For instance /root has some big files that can be moved to your home 
directory. It could be old /tmp and /var that have files that are not deleted 
before you mounted partitions on that directories and they take place on hard 
disk. I would check /root (home of root user) first and move large files to 
your home directory. If that doesn't help, than, end GUI session (log out > 
end current session) go to console with Ctrl+Alt+F2 login as root, and:
  init 1 
  umount /tmp
  ls -al /tmp
if you see any files delete them. 
  cd /tmp
  rm -IR ./*   # check man page. The rm command can do a damage.
Mount /tmp again:
  mount /dev/sda8 /tmp
Now /var:
  umount /var
  ls -al /var
if you see any files delete them.
  cd /var
  rm -IR ./*   # check man page. The rm command can do a damage. 
  mount /dev/sda6 /var
back to GUI
  init 5 

Apropos download:
To download you can use console program:
  wget -c  
started in directory where you want to save file. 

Recently I stopped download and opted not to delete temporary file in download 
directory. It was ending with *.iso.part. Renaming *.iso.part to *.iso and 
starting 'wget -c ', with server address instead of , in that 
directory wget picked up and downloaded the rest (first surprise, somewhat 
expected). That was Alpha1 and iso works in VirtualBox (second surprise, not 
really expected). 

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Re: [opensuse] Fresh 10.3 -- 1-click install of nvidia driver fails with dependency conflict

2008-01-28 Thread Rajko M.
On Monday 28 January 2008 11:50:13 am Wolfgang Woehl wrote:
> Hi,
> The 1-click-install from
> fails here with a dependency check
> error (see the screenshot at
> I merely wanted to ask if this is a known hiccup in repositories at
> the moment. Thanks.
> Wolfgang

Try to install using YaST. 
Missing dependency exist in main repository so it seems that 1-click is 
limited to repository that is defined in the nvidia.ymp (the file behind 
1-click-install), and it has only one repository  

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Re: [opensuse] Google Earth crashes with signal 6

2008-01-28 Thread Rajko M.
On Sunday 27 January 2008 01:07:58 pm Henk te Sligte wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am using OpenSuse for about a year now, but I never got Google Earth
> working. Today, I decided to give it another try. I removed everything
> related to Google Earth, logged in as root, and installed Google Earth.
> Installation works fine, no problems at all. But when I tried to run it,
> X server crashed. Also when I logged in as user, it crashes. I couldn't
> get anything useful from /var/log/messages, so I tried to find something
> useful from the internet. The only possible solution I found was at
>-598569/ TaylorVcl recommends running the following: wget
> -O at the
> directory /opt/googlearth/. This is where Google Earth is installed, so
> everything should be fine. And yes, X server doesn't crash anymore when
> I try to run googlearth. But I get the  message located at the bottom of
> this mail. The log file is attached to this mail. I hope someone has any
> idea to fix this, because I really love this application.
> Thank you very much in advance!

It is probably designed for Ubuntu. 

You tried Google Earth in not so good moment. I had it running all the time, 
but xorg update from Jan 18th, broke few things, so Google Earth and screen 
saver started to break xorg (I guess 3D was in question). 

I have nvidia graphic card and solution was the latest driver from Nvidia 
driver 169.09 downloaded from

There was also another xorg update after Jan 18th, that might be fix, which I 
can't be sure without looking in change logs, as there were other xorg 
problems that needed fix. 

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Re: [opensuse] (no subject)

2008-01-27 Thread Rajko M.
On Sunday 27 January 2008 04:57:22 am Kermit Mei wrote:
> unsubscribe

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

After that wait for email asking for confirmation that you want to 
unsubscribe. It will have link that will make possible to finally unsubscribe 
The last email that you will receive is confirmation that you are no more 

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Re: [opensuse] KDE4- where system:/ media:/ sysinfo:/ ???

2008-01-26 Thread Rajko M.
On Friday 25 January 2008 02:49:53 pm Andrei Verovski (aka MacGuru) wrote:
> Hi !
> I have just installed KDE4, basically works fine, but I see 2 problems.
> 1) Special URLs like "system:/", "media:/", "sysinfo:/".do not work anymore
> May be I have missed to install something, or these URLs are not yet
> supported in KDE4 ?

Last time I checked they weren't supported, but if KDE team keep the speed it 
will come very soon. 

> 2) It is impossible to use any other icon theme exept Oxygen and KDE
> Classic. Does it mean icon themes have to be rearranged in order to support
> KDE4?

That much is available right now. 

> Thanks in advance for any suggestion(s)

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Re: [opensuse] Why are there not more using Linux?

2008-01-25 Thread Rajko M.
On Friday 25 January 2008 09:33:38 am Simon Roberts wrote:
> GIMP is only 8 bit.

Sounds strange. Do you mean 8 bit per color?

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Re: No VGA Input (was: Re: [opensuse] WARNING! - Latest Update Kills Server)

2008-01-25 Thread Rajko M.
On Friday 25 January 2008 10:44:07 am D Henson wrote:
> I now get no display at all, not even the stuff you normally get when
> you boot the system. Correct me if I'm wrong but shouldn't any PC
> monitor display that stuff, regardless of whether or not a driver is
> installed? All that I do get is "No VGA Input" and "Monitor going to
> Sleep". This sounds like a hardware problem. I removed my existing card
> (GeForce 2) and installed a newer one (GeForce FX 5200). No display.
> Reinstalled the older card. Replaced VGA cable. No display. Removed
> power for 20 seconds & reconnected power. No display. Replaced monitor
> with known good monitor. No display. Now I'm really lost.
> Anybody have any suggestions on how to proceed?

It sounds like your problem has nothing to do with latest updates :-( 

Check is there any lights on computer, any noise.

If yes, than opening the box is next step. 

Reseat all components, RAM first, than all cables you can see. 
Power on.

If nothing happens.
Strip down all components on motherboard to bare minimum ie.:
- power supply
- one RAM module and
- graphic adapter

If you have known good components use them. It will tell you on the spot is 
motherboard OK or not. 

Try to reboot. 
If nothing happens look to reset CMOS RAM, usually there is some jumper, or 
simply pull the battery out and replace it. Don't rush, let capacitors 
Power on.

If nothing.
Do as you already did replace graphic adapter, than RAM, power supply one at 
the time and power on to check is there any changes. 
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Re: [opensuse] Mailinglist Delays

2008-01-24 Thread Rajko M.
On Thursday 24 January 2008 12:33:21 pm Felix Miata wrote:
> On 2008/01/24 11:45 (GMT-0500) Philippe Landau apparently typed:
> > Messages are again distributed with a delay of about 20 minutes.
> > Is there too much on the server used ( ?
> I don't notice any delays, except for messages from Aaron Kulkis always
> arriving 12 or more hours late. Right now my trash folder has 6 messages
> dated yesterday from Aaron Kulkis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, even though I
> emptied my trash last night after he sent his last one yesterday.

It is up to Aaron's mail provider hotpop. 

I noticed that when I received mail in archive folder which is for mail older 
than 30 days :-) 

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Re: [opensuse] Switching to more RAM

2008-01-24 Thread Rajko M.
On Thursday 24 January 2008 11:01:00 am Per Jessen wrote:
> peter wrote:
> > 2. My swap partition is only 4GB big. Would it be a problem to keep
> > that size for a week or two? What is your experience in working with
> > "too small" swap partition?
> No problems whatsoever.

Just don't try suspend to disk ;-) 

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Re: [opensuse] [ncurses] yast2 frames not in xterm but OK in screen

2008-01-24 Thread Rajko M.
On Thursday 24 January 2008 06:29:36 am Marcin Floryan wrote:
> Hi!
> After upgrading to 10.3 I have noticed a small nuisance when
> connecting to my server and was wondering if you have any clues on the
> issue?
> An SSH connection using PUTTY. When I run MC it displays frames
> correctly but if I run yast2 I get letters instead of frames (lines).
> However if I start screen and then run yast2 the lines are shown
> correctly.

Hi Marcin,

Have looked into:

(I don't use Putty so I don't know what settings should be applied for YaST.)

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Re: [opensuse] VPN Question

2008-01-23 Thread Rajko M.
On Wednesday 23 January 2008 11:45:51 am Don Raboud wrote:
> On Wednesday 23 January 2008 09:43, PerfectReign wrote:
> > Doesn't do me any good. I delete all non-read emails every time I
> > check my mail.
> Doesn't that get boring after a while? 8-)

Since I use threading I have no need to delete all mails as before, and I can 
see more interesting stuff about answers, than I would be able without. 

For instance, I'm able to notice who does not use it ;-)

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[opensuse] Changes to OpenSUSE mailing list netiquette

2008-01-23 Thread Rajko M.
I changed a bit
and I would like to hear opinions. 

The changes are:
- rewritten former last paragraph 'Conclusion' and put as a first 
paragraph 'Why we need netiquette?'. 

- added note about pointlessness of mails that are only warnings 

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Re: [opensuse] usb mouse not working

2008-01-23 Thread Rajko M.
On Tuesday 22 January 2008 02:42:11 pm John R. Sowden wrote:
> John R. Sowden wrote:
> > Rajko M. wrote:
> >> On Wednesday 30 January 2008 08:19:32 pm John R. Sowden wrote:
> >>> Suse 10.1, usb mouse shows up in yast when I list the usb devices, but
> >>> in kde control?, it shows 1 mouse(the laptop pad thing).  There
> >>> seems to
> >>> be no way to add a mouse.  The mouse works fine under windows (dual
> >>> boot
> >>> on a laptop).  Its a logitech wireless mouse.
> >>> Thanks
> >>
> >> How many mice is showing up in YaST? It should be 2, one for mouse
> >> and one for synaptic pad.
> >
> > Only 1.  That is the problem.  I went to google, found a reference to
> > a config file in /etc/X11 and it only had 1 mouse.
> Above is error.  In YaST, when I listed the USB devices, it showed both,
> including the 'Logitech wireless mouse'.  It was KDE that showed a tab
> for Mouse1, but no second tab, and no way to add a mouse, only edit.

When you mentioned /etc/X11/xorg.conf you can check how many sections like the 
one below you can see. You can use console program 'less' and then scroll to 
see sections. 

~> less /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Section "InputDevice"
  Driver   "mouse"
  Identifier   "Mouse[1]"
  Option   "Buttons" "7"
  Option   "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
  Option   "Name" "USB Mouse"
  Option   "Protocol" "explorerps/2"
  Option   "Vendor" "Sysp"
  Option   "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"

Section "InputDevice"
  Driver   "synaptics"
  Identifier   "Mouse[3]"
  Option   "Buttons" "5"
  Option   "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
  Option   "Emulate3Buttons" "on"
  Option   "InputFashion" "Mouse"
  Option   "Name" "Synaptics;Touchpad"
  Option   "Protocol" "explorerps/2"
  Option   "SHMConfig" "on"
  Option   "Vendor" "Sysp"
  Option   "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"


It should be 2 sections, one for mouse and one for synaptic pad, like above. 
So far I know KDE can't find device that is not recognized by Xorg, graphic 
server behind GUI. 

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Re: [opensuse] VPN Question

2008-01-23 Thread Rajko M.
On Tuesday 22 January 2008 06:50:44 pm Mike McMullin wrote:

>   Or use your mouse and double click on the file.  


>   I have mc installed 
> but really don't do much with it, though I know there are those on list
> who are quite proficient with it.

It is very usefull even if you are not proficient with it. 
Few tips in is what is used 
very often. Most of the time I use function keys that are at the bottom of 
the screen. What I don't understand why 'Lynx like motion' is not enabled by 

> > BTW, have you seen my other mail?
>   Not at that the time of answering Kai.
> >  Are you use threading?
>   I wasn't, but I did turn it on just now.  I'll see how that goes.

When I found threading, I was able finally to get who is answering to whom. 
For few private emails it is not needed, but on mail lists and in usenet is 
really necessary. 

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Re: [opensuse] Tor package for 10.3

2008-01-22 Thread Rajko M.
On Tuesday 22 January 2008 02:04:29 pm Manuel Mely wrote:
> I need tor package! I would not like to compile. :)

Type in 'tor' and wait a little. 

For instance one i586 package will be here:

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Re: [opensuse] Today's Security Update is signed with Untrusted Public Key

2008-01-22 Thread Rajko M.
On Tuesday 22 January 2008 01:46:27 pm Philippe Landau wrote:
> "The file /var/tmp/TmpFile.KwSOSd is digitally signed
> with key '59323FECO4AB912F (KDE OBS Project <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)'.
> There is no trust relationship to the owner of the key. [...]
> It is safest to skip it." (Yast Software Management).
> Kind regards Philippe

It was announced:
[opensuse-buildservice] Keys created for all top level projects

Hi build service users,

all top-level projects (e.g. KDE, home:,...) now have 
their own sign key. Projects further down the hierarchy inherit
the sign key.

We'll add some key management functions to the API soon.


Michael Schroeder   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [opensuse] usb mouse not working

2008-01-22 Thread Rajko M.
On Wednesday 30 January 2008 08:19:32 pm John R. Sowden wrote:
> Suse 10.1, usb mouse shows up in yast when I list the usb devices, but
> in kde control?, it shows 1 mouse(the laptop pad thing).  There seems to
> be no way to add a mouse.  The mouse works fine under windows (dual boot
> on a laptop).  Its a logitech wireless mouse.
> Thanks

How many mice is showing up in YaST? 
It should be 2, one for mouse and one for synaptic pad. 

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Re: [opensuse] permament symlinks in /dev

2008-01-22 Thread Rajko M.
On Tuesday 22 January 2008 10:42:00 am Juergen Weigert wrote:
> On Jan 22, 08 16:48:13 +0100, Roger Oberholtzer wrote:
> > On Tue, 2008-01-22 at 12:32 +0100, Juergen Weigert wrote:
> > > On Jan 21, 08 22:00:23 -0500, Aaron Kulkis wrote:
> > > > Istvan Gabor wrote:
> > >  What is the way in openSUSE 10.3 to create permanent
> > > >>
> > > >> symlinks in /dev?
> > >
> > > I have attempted
> > > /etc/udev/rules.d/99-cdrom.conf
> > >
> > > containing:
> > >
> > > KERNEL=="dvd1"  SYMLINK="cdrom", MODE="666"
> > > OPTIONS="last_rule"
> >
> > Does the kernel really call the device 'dvd1'?  The KERNEL name is what
> > the kernel calls the device, not the name you would like. You don't have
> > much control over that name. It  is probably whatever the /dev/ name is
> > before you do anything. Maybe it is something like sr0?
> >
> > The SYMLIMK value is what you want your link called. It can be any legal
> > name.
> KERNEL=="sr0" SYMLINK="cdrom", MODE="666"
> OPTIONS="last_rule"
> Also does nothing.

Maybe file 99-cdrom.conf is ignored by udev? 
Try /etc/udev/rules.d/99-cdrom.rules 

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Re: [opensuse] antivirus

2008-01-22 Thread Rajko M.
On Tuesday 22 January 2008 07:11:52 am John B Pace wrote:
>  What I didn't like
> about Ubuntu is that one signed in as root and then one would have to
> create another user and remember to use it, though there was probably a
> way to change the su to user and visa versa.

Did you installed Ubuntu? 
From above description it seems that you have used only Live CD. 
When installed Ubuntu is forcing use of 'sudo' which is pain of its kind on 
the computer where untrusted users have no access, so user can open console, 
run 'su -', give root password and keep that opened for as long as one wants. 

In the openSUSE KDE GUI, program 'konsole' has different background color for 
root user, and recently it was added that the prompt for root is marked with 
red color (this is system wide), besides common '#'. So there is many 
warnings that you act as root. 

To add to all of that even more, my normal user has white text on black 
background, while root has system default black text on light yellow. With 
all that it is not easy to make mistake and run something as root that should 
not be run that way, without hassle of running sudo all the time. 

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Re: [opensuse] VPN Question

2008-01-22 Thread Rajko M.
On Tuesday 22 January 2008 04:57:57 am Mike McMullin wrote:
> On Mon, 2008-01-21 at 21:55 -0800, Kai Ponte wrote:
> > > Perhaps completely beside the point, but perhaps you could try
> > > strongswan for making your vpn. It has built in support for smartcards
> > > (in contrast to other vpn-software), and is available on the download
> > > server.
> >
> > I just installed strongswan from here:
> >
> >
> > However, I can't seem to make it work.  I looked for an icon and don't
> > see one. Resorting to the CLI, I get nothing there either.
> >
> > Ideas?
> >
> > jabba:/home/kai/Desktop # rpm -i strongswan-
> > package strongswan- is already installed
> > jabba:/home/kai/Desktop # strongswan
> > bash: strongswan: command not found
> > jabba:/home/kai/Desktop #
>   I'm kinda wondering if it put the executable outside of roots path.  I
> know you can view where an rpm puts files using YaST's software module,
> and I'm thinking that rpm might have a switch that does basically the
> same thing.

If you have installed the 'rpm' and 'mc' packages you can browse any rpm file 
as described in:
section 'RPM browsing'. 

The rpm alone provides that ability too, though I had to browse manual to find 
all options that I need. That is the reason for me to use 'mc'. Instead of 
browsing manual or remembering a number of switches for all that 'mc' 
presents I have to remember to highlight a file and press Enter. 

Inside the rpm highlight CONTENTS.cpio and again press Enter. The 'mc' will 
extract files in /tmp directory and present them as a browsable tree.

To see what is in the file, for instance, /usr/sbin/ipsec highlight the file 
and press F3, which will invoke viewer and that is how I know that 'ipsec' is 
the script. 

Holding Shift key highlight with mouse text that you want to copy, go to mail 
program place cursor where you want to copy highlighted, press middle button 
on mouse and text is copied, as in my another mail. 

BTW, have you seen my other mail? Are you use threading? Evolution should be 
able to do that. My answer to Kai is hanging in 2 hours before your reply. 

This is only to show files using rpm:
rpm --qery --list --package ./strongswan-

It will show list of files where /usr/sbin/ipsec is the only binary. 
The 'rcipsec' is the symlink to 'ipsec'. Though I can't find what option to 
add to above line, to see symlinks marked as such. 

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Re: [opensuse] KMail Question

2008-01-22 Thread Rajko M.
On Monday 21 January 2008 05:57:54 pm PerfectReign wrote:
> Just curious - I noticed I have two kmail folders on my KDE system.
> I have one a /home/kai/kmail and one at /home/kai/.kde/apps/shared/kmail
> What's the difference?

What is in ~/kmail ? 

Actually see to what is set folder that kmail will use to store mails, index 
files etc. It is in:
 section [General] 
 line 'folders='
If it reads  'folders=$HOME/kmail' than you current mail is stored there. 

.kde/shared/apps/kmail is default if there is no ~/Mail directory otherwise 
that one will be used. 

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Re: [opensuse] VPN Question

2008-01-22 Thread Rajko M.
On Monday 21 January 2008 11:55:10 pm Kai Ponte wrote:
> I just installed strongswan from here:
> However, I can't seem to make it work.  I looked for an icon and don't see
> one. Resorting to the CLI, I get nothing there either.
> Ideas?
> jabba:/home/kai/Desktop # rpm -i strongswan-
> package strongswan- is already installed
> jabba:/home/kai/Desktop # strongswan
> bash: strongswan: command not found
> jabba:/home/kai/Desktop #

How about 'ipsec' ? 

From 'ipsec' script:
# name and version of the ipsec implementation

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Re: [opensuse] BadAlloc in gtk programs

2008-01-21 Thread Rajko M.
On Monday 21 January 2008 03:19:07 am Marcus Meissner wrote:
> This is

The workaround in comment #36 fixes problem temporarily.
Section "Extensions"
  Option "MIT-SHM" "no"

It is too late to test fixed xorg. 

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Re: [opensuse] BadAlloc in gtk programs

2008-01-21 Thread Rajko M.
On Monday 21 January 2008 02:14:50 am Michal Hlavac wrote:
> Dňa Monday 21 January 2008 09:10:41 Michal Hlavac ste napísal:
> > Hello,
> >
> > some gtk programs e.g. eclipse, apache directory studio, amule, ...
> > I get this error:
> >
> > The error was 'BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)'.
> >   (Details: serial 651 error_code 11 request_code 149 minor_code 5)
> >   (Note to programmers: normally, X errors are reported asynchronously;
> >that is, you will receive the error a while after causing it.
> >To debug your program, run it with the --sync command line
> >option to change this behavior. You can then get a meaningful
> >backtrace from your debugger if you break on the gdk_x_error()
> > function.)
> >
> > This error occurs few days ago when I updated X-org. I am using opensuse
> > 10.3
> on the other hand some programs work (firefox, thunderbird)...
> m.

The same here with XaraLX. 

~> xara
The program 'xara' received an X Window System error.
This probably reflects a bug in the program.
The error was 'BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)'.
  (Details: serial 5991 error_code 11 request_code 147 minor_code 5)
  (Note to programmers: normally, X errors are reported asynchronously;
   that is, you will receive the error a while after causing it.
   To debug your program, run it with the --sync command line
   option to change this behavior. You can then get a meaningful
   backtrace from your debugger if you break on the gdk_x_error() function.)

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Re: [opensuse] KDE 4.0

2008-01-20 Thread Rajko M.
On Sunday 20 January 2008 11:28:22 pm Fred A. Miller wrote:
> I ran the live CD from openSUSE and KDE 4.0 is coming along nicely, but
> I noticed it's not as configurable as previous personal
> settings as before that, IMHO, should be there. I also couldn't find a
> "hide" feature for the taskbar. For those who use 'Bloze and might want
> to take a gander at openSUSE AND have nVidia video, they'll be in for a
> disappointment as 3D, acceleration, and desktop effects will NOT work.
> This is, once again, NOT good. Also, I noticed that a LOT of screen
> savers are missing, as are some games, etc. I assume all of these will
> be included when 4.0 goes GA.
> Fred

In short, they consider version 4.0 as begin of KDE4 as 3.0 was KDE3. 
There is a lot of applications that should be ported, settings added. 
BTW, KDE4 has it's own desktop effects.  

More on 

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Re: [opensuse] Browser behavior

2008-01-20 Thread Rajko M.
On Sunday 20 January 2008 09:56:27 am Stan Goodman wrote:
> On Sunday 20 January 2008 17:05:27 James Knott wrote:
> > I have never seen that behaviour. When I attempt to go to a bogus site,
> > both Firefox and Konqueror give an error message.
> I do find it curious that the same behavior exhibited by both Firefox and
> Konqueror -- two independent applications that, as  far as I know, do not
> share any elements. If they do share e.g. a dll, I suppose that would
> finger the shared file.

I have seen the other page instead of error, but that has nothing to do with 

The trick is that if DNS query should give error my provider redirects browser 
to their advertising page. The same happens if their DNS server has no answer 
(guess: it times out), I get the same. 

I was thinking about how they do that. Probably they use proxy that is 
replacing failed DNS query with adds. 

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Re: Email Threading (WAS: Re: [opensuse] encrypting your home partition)

2008-01-19 Thread Rajko M.

I don't have accessibility needs (if you don't count slow typing).

I just imagined that sorted mail in thread and text in chronological order 
will make use of audio screen readers easier. Though, now I know that it is 
easier to have last mail at the top and just jump from one mail to the other. 


On Saturday 19 January 2008 09:36:54 pm Bryen wrote:
> > You will understand that some guys use accessability features of openSUSE
> > software, like screen reader and magnifier. Threading and bottom posting
> > is sorting emails and makes reading effortless.
> Interesting you should say that.  I'm a low-vision user myself.  Over on
> blind-user mailing lists, like the GNOME Orca mailing list, they choose
> top-posting.  I've never seen one email over there that was
> bottom-posted.  And these people use devices such as braille readers,
> audio screen readers, etc.
> I'm always making a conscious decision.  If I'm posting on openSUSE...
> follow the rules and bottom-post.  If I'm on the other mailing lists,
> top-post.  :-)

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Re: Email Threading (WAS: Re: [opensuse] encrypting your home partition)

2008-01-19 Thread Rajko M.
On Saturday 19 January 2008 06:21:14 pm Mike Diehl wrote:
> I find it interesting that there were more responses on the topic of email
> threading than there were for the original question.
> I'll bet we get about 4 more posts because I top-posted.  Can't we cut each
> other some slack?

We can, but than we have to change

We had discussions in a few very long threads on what is acceptable and what 
not. The article is merely describing common ground that most of the users 
find comfortable. 

You will understand that some guys use accessability features of openSUSE 
software, like screen reader and magnifier. Threading and bottom posting is 
sorting emails and makes reading effortless. 

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Re: [opensuse] Grub Error 21

2008-01-19 Thread Rajko M.
On Friday 18 January 2008 12:29:38 am Aaron Kulkis wrote:
> > I ran into this not long ago. If I recall, the only thing required to
> > fix it was to boot from the dvd, drop to a console as root and type
> >
> > grub-install /dev/sda
> >
> > reboot
> probably a mount command in there someplace too, eh?

I don't see place for it.

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Re: [opensuse] Using apt-get will conflict with yast ?

2008-01-16 Thread Rajko M.
On Tuesday 15 January 2008 07:59:31 pm Arie Reynaldi Z wrote:
> All,
> I know this might be so lamme but I really need to know about this. I
> have opensuse 10.0 and I use to have my cd's so whenever I need
> install some application just use that cd's. Now, my cd's are broken..
> and I know want to use apt-get ( or any
> other tools.. to install some application from internet. Is there any
> conflict / problem if I use apt-get and Yast installer in a same time
> ? Cause I still want to use Yast Software management.
> regards,

If you want to use something else that is compatible with YaST try Smart. 
So far I know, apt is on it's way out for rpm. 

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Re: [opensuse] Why beagle?

2008-01-16 Thread Rajko M.
On Tuesday 15 January 2008 11:48:29 am Aaron Kulkis wrote:

> That's a highly selective sample you have there,
> totally ignoring the vast majority which complain
> about beagle..and ONLY beagle, being a resource hog.
> > 1) Ubuntu HORRIBLY SLOW...even after removing beagle!
> >
> >even-after-removing-beagle-550662/
> >
> > 2) At the time, Beagle was slow, really slow.  (07-31-2007)
> >
It is first page. 
Google hits without time reference is bad sample to prove point about software 
in development. That is the reason why I used time reference, when 

But, as Bryen said, it is enough. 
I'm out of this. 

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Re: [opensuse] Is there a mirror for

2008-01-15 Thread Rajko M.
On Monday 14 January 2008 05:05:15 pm Myrosia Dzikovska wrote:
> We started installing the system on one of our laptops, and discovered
> that we cannot add the community repositories because the file
> seems to be only on and not mirrored anywhere.
> We could, of course, enter all 10 or so community repositories
> manually by copying the info from my laptop, but that seems to be a
> major pain, since I cannot see a way to export my list, and it would
> be lots of mouse clicking and copying on both sides.
> I, obviously, know about the mirror repositories, but I cannot find
> this file mirrored anywhere. Is it possible to get?
> Myrosia
> P.S. Would be really nice for the future if this info was included in
> the mirrors - how do these decisions get made?

To move repository list from machine to machine you can use zypper:

# zypper lr --help
repos (lr)

List all defined repositories.

  Command options:
-e, --export   Export all defined repositories as a single 
local .repo file

# zypper ar --help
addrepo (ar) [options]  

Add repository specified by URI to the system and assing the specified alias 
to it.

  Command options:
-r, --repo   Read the URL and alias from a file (even remote)
-t, --typeType of repository (yast2, rpm-md, or plaindir)
-d, --disabled  Add the repository as disabled
-n, --no-refreshAdd the repository with auto-refresh disabled

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Re: [opensuse] Why beagle?

2008-01-15 Thread Rajko M.
On Monday 14 January 2008 06:49:03 pm Aaron Kulkis wrote:
Kevin Dupuy wrote:

> > Perhaps all the main commenters here should subscribe to the Beagle
> > mailing list, and have this discussion there. Otherwise, I don;t see
> > what the point of having this discussion on the openSUSE list is.
> I seriously doubt that the beagle devs are clueless about
> the lousy performance of the software -- the web is full
> of complaints from hither and yon

Le' me se' what is brought up with your link:

1) Ubuntu HORRIBLY SLOW...even after removing beagle!

2) At the time, Beagle was slow, really slow.  (07-31-2007)

3) All in all, SLED10 and Beagle represent a huge productivity increase for 
information workers. (11th July 2006)

4) I hate it. It’s still slow as hell, eats up a lot of ram, takes a long time 
to index stuff the first time (but it’s not intrusive because it only indexes 
while the processor is idle)  (before June 29th, 2007) 
--- You have to install python bindings for beagle, and then the option will 
be there. On Ubuntu the package is “python-beagle”.

5) Anyone know what's up with that? (10.0 beta 2)

It seems like mix of outdated versions, slow machines, positive comments. 

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Re: [opensuse] Why beagle?

2008-01-15 Thread Rajko M.
On Monday 14 January 2008 06:35:18 pm Aaron Kulkis wrote:
>  I'll admitt that I've had one -1- issue with it, when it made my box a
> > slow hog, and that was when someone sent me a borked .doc file, that
> > made beagle choke. Deleted the file, and no, none, whatsoever problems
> > since.
> >
> > That this can happen is known as far as I could find out, so I didn't
> > file a bug. + the devs want the broken file in the bug, and the content
> > in this file was not something I could put out in the wild.
> This is such complete bullshit by the devs.
> There is NO REASON for them to be using ANY system calls
> which could result in a target file being opened for
> writing, let alone unlinked.  All they need to do is go
> back and REMOVE the code which allows such things to
> happen in the first place.
> How in the world is a program which is SUPPOSED to be
> opening files and directories with READ PERMISSION ONLY
> removing *ANY* of those files

Hmm... Where do you read that program deleted file? 
It was Bjørn the one that deleted file. 

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Re: [opensuse] Why beagle?

2008-01-15 Thread Rajko M.
On Monday 14 January 2008 11:40:08 pm Aaron Kulkis wrote:
> >> I cannot believe that the devs are NOT aware of this
> >> it's been this way for several years, and they haven't
> >> done shit about it.  Which indicates that they just
> >> aren't interested in fixing it.
> >
> > And WHAT exactly makes you think the devs haven't been working on that
> > issue? Are you in communication with the devs who told you they don't
> > care?
> A basic functionality issue existing for years on end,
> and which has been widely commented upon over this time.
> The lack of improvement is a clear demonstration that
> there is something seriously wrong with this team
> and their code.

Kevin found this link that explains few thins:

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Re: [opensuse] Beagle under 10.3 is really eating up my CPU

2008-01-14 Thread Rajko M.
On Monday 14 January 2008 05:35:30 am Clayton wrote:
> > > I see a few people here saying Beagle runs fine for them with no
> > > noticeable impact on performance... how?
> >
> > It seems that you monitor Beagle in a first time after installation.
> > Though there is pops up note telling that computer will be slower in a
> > first few minutes. Later on you shouldn't notice indexing.
> I let Beagle run longer than 24h on the dual core system.  System
> response remained horrible.  A friend installed 10.2 and then updated
> everything including Beagle... it ran for a couple of weeks with
> Beagle killing his system performance before he called and asked what
> was wrong.  So, I am not talking 30 seconds of annoyance here... this
> is days of uptime on fast machines... and weeks on slower machines.
> > version is 'beagle-0.2.18-30' which by any interpretation of version
> > string is early development. On the other hand, how many people will ever
> > attempt to test software with so low version (except Linux users)?
> Test by choice is a good thing... lots of us here install from Factory
> just to see what works.  I have a VM I do that in all the time.  Lots
> of things break and I have to roll back to a previous snapshot (which
> is why I like to use a VM instead of a native system)
> Setting it as part of the default install makes the new users test it
> as well.  That isn't giving the new user a lot of choice.
> > > with basically no data, but about 1.2TB of data on other mount points.
> >
> >Which you could tell beagle not to index. That's a lot of data.
> True, but a significant portion of it is video.  Mostly very large
> files eating up a lot of that diskspace not millions of small text
> files that need to be indexed.  Indexing 2 or 3 hundred binary video
> files should not take that long.


here is the link to couple of bugs for 10.3 with word 'beagle' in description 
please look at it. Add your own if none does not describe your experience.

Endless complains here have no much sense. It makes complains look like a 
lobbing, that is trying to discredit Beagel in order to advance some other 

I have few machines and I can't confirm 99% CPU usage 100% of time on any of 
them. On this one it is comming up every few seconds (5-10s) and uses 10-30% 
of CPU. 

I have no time right now to retreive numbers for other machines, but it is 
just not that intrusive to make machine run slow. I use no special tweaking, 
it is just stock 10.3 installation. 

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Re: [opensuse] Beagle under 10.3 is really eating up my CPU

2008-01-14 Thread Rajko M.
On Monday 14 January 2008 05:03:11 am Aaron Kulkis wrote:
> Rajko M. wrote:
> > On Monday 14 January 2008 02:22:18 am Clayton wrote:
> >> I see a few people here saying Beagle runs fine for them with no
> >> noticeable impact on performance... how?
> >
> > It seems that you monitor Beagle in a first time after installation.
> > Though there is pops up note telling that computer will be slower in a
> > first few minutes. Later on you shouldn't notice indexing.
> >
> > Though that it should be optional as you suggested in another post as the
> > version is 'beagle-0.2.18-30' which by any interpretation of version
> > string is early development. On the other hand, how many people will ever
> > attempt to test software with so low version (except Linux users)?
> Which brings back the question...
> Why in the hell is Beagle part of the default installation?
> it's 0.2 level, and it runs like complete crap.

The problem is that I don't see any bug report mentioned here, and right now I 
can't help. 

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Re: [opensuse] KDE4 Live CD from openSUSE

2008-01-14 Thread Rajko M.
On Monday 14 January 2008 04:20:02 am Dave Plater wrote:
> Its a pity the old manual setup option
> has been removed from the 10.3 cd, it is very useful for booting
> installed system etc.

If we agree what means 'manual booting' than it is still there. 
Though, it pops up when something goes wrong, or user click on Abort. 

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Re: [opensuse] Beagle under 10.3 is really eating up my CPU

2008-01-14 Thread Rajko M.
On Monday 14 January 2008 02:22:18 am Clayton wrote:

> I see a few people here saying Beagle runs fine for them with no
> noticeable impact on performance... how?

It seems that you monitor Beagle in a first time after installation. 
Though there is pops up note telling that computer will be slower in a first 
few minutes. Later on you shouldn't notice indexing. 

Though that it should be optional as you suggested in another post as the 
version is 'beagle-0.2.18-30' which by any interparetation of version string 
is early development. On the other hand, how many people will ever attempt to 
test software with so low version (except Linux users)?  

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Re: [opensuse] Will there be a LTS version of OpenSuse?

2008-01-14 Thread Rajko M.
On Monday 14 January 2008 02:42:53 am Jonathan Ervine wrote:

> The
> cost of SLED is pretty low already, so I can't see the benefit of
> producing a lower cost version for personal use - that really would
> cannibalise SLED sales.

Original question by Johannes Nohl was about the server. 
Novell will never have customers like Johannes unless there is cheaper 
alternative to SLES. They can't afford full fledged product and they are 
tired to go trough update cycle every 2 years. Ideal opportunity to see what 
can be dropped from SLES, and make some money. 

Focus on sales killed many good products, pushing customers to competition.
Thinking on shallow pockets that are majority of customers, and looking how to 
help them to get most for their money was never bad idea. 

I can remember that MS DOS was some 20% cheaper than IBM DOS, and that was 
good enough to buy MS product. When IBM later dropped DOS my decision to use 
MS DOS looked even better. MS lost me when they started to focus on sales. 

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Re: [opensuse] Problems with KDE-4.0

2008-01-14 Thread Rajko M.
On Sunday 13 January 2008 11:49:01 pm Basil Chupin wrote:

> > This is first release in KDE4 series and it is created just as any
> > before, under common opensource development idea to release software
> > often. In the opensource world there is no test lab, and there is no
> > finished product idea as functionality is added on the go, not by
> > customer or marketing department specifications.
> >  
> So, according to this, 'CHAOS' reigns - "and all is well with the world".
> > What confused many, including me, is the version addon like Beta, than RC
> > that I deciphered in the same way as openSUSE Beta or RC. I have
> > forgotten that open source has no common standards for version numbering,
> > that will associate certain features and code quality to the number.
> >  
> Perhaps, then, it is time that some "method in the madness" be
> introduced for the benefit of the 'common good - ie, the 'punters who
> use the software' - no?

I was talking about open source software, but does punter that use software 
compare version of Adobe Photoshop vs. CorelDraw? No one sane requires that 
even two products from the same house have no common numbers. Simply, you 
can't describe 2 sets of features with single number and tell that it has any 

> > For instance k3b in openSUSE 10.3 is now version 1.03 and it is fine
> > software for a long time before it was 1.0.
> > Smart is 0.51 and already works fine.
> Ahem. smart, which I have installed in 10.3, is 0.52-5.1.

~> cat /etc/SuSE-release
openSUSE 10.3 (i586)
VERSION = 10.3

~> smart --version
smart 0.51

This tells me what is part of your problem. You install software from 
different sources and expect that all will play well togeather. 
Forget that. 
I doesn't work well all the time. 
That is the main reason why SUSE (and any other distro), since ever, creates 
releases. They spend time balancing requirements of software packages and 
when all works well, they say this a release. 

> And I agree, it does work very well - much, much better than the zypper
> in 10.3 which I used for some time before realising that it was, once
> again, a dud. smart advises me that there are upgrades while zypper/YaST
> remains totally, and absolutely, dumb.
> And zypper/YaST were installed - and used for some weeks - as per the
> normal 10.3 insallation (smart was nowhere to be seen for weeks).

Sincerely Smart is not all that smart. 
I installed it and when running 'smart --gui' it complained that 'it is 
missing interface gtk'. Very useless message. I have gtk installed for other 
applications that use it. 
~> sudo rpm -qa gtk gtk2

So I played a bit and found that is missing 'python-gtk'. Very funny. There is 
111 hits if you ask for 'gtk' only. 

> >  Each developer gives numbers as he/she
> > finds fit,
> I am sure that you did not really mean this. Even the leading exponent
> of 'chaos', "The OS which shall not be named", doesn't follow this concept.

Everyone follows this concept.
I just made mistake telling that is opensource property.  

> >  so one has to ask developer for explanation, or simply try
> > software and see the features, not to assume from number what is
> > included. 
> Kinda difficult to assume, or second-guess, what a developer has in mind
> if one accepts this idea.

It is not difficult, it is MI (mission impossible). 
Looking on software project page one can decipher meaning of the number, and 
apply result to follow that project alone. 

> > More details you can find in title 'What to
> > expect of KDE 4.0'. They provide 3 links to articles that explain how KDE
> > developers see the version numbering
> I accept this, but, unfortunately, I cannot boot the CD(s) created from
> the downloaded ISO of the KDE4 LIVE made available a couple of days ago.

Some detail might be helpful, specially if posted on opensuse-kde list. 

KDE developers seems to be busy recently developing KDE4 and still maintaining 
KDE3, so there is not much time left to browse mail lists for posts about 

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Re: [opensuse] KDE4 Live CD from openSUSE

2008-01-14 Thread Rajko M.
On Monday 14 January 2008 01:46:44 am jdd wrote:
> Basil Chupin a écrit :
> > Then you are not 'playing the game', are you?
> yes, he does
> > "But i didnt burn to cd and try that way".
> >
> > The whole idea of making an ISO file available for the plebs to download
> > IS to have them download it and normally burn it to a CD! :-)

Yes if there is no other option, and there is. 
I ran many iso files in VirtualBox, installed on virtual hard disk drive, and 
run installed system from there, and many more that are used in QEMU. 
The second virtual machine (VM), QEMU, doesn't require creation of virtual 
hard disk for LiveCD type of iso files. 

> virtual bos and vmware can moiunt an iso image as a cd/dvd, so ite's
> identical.
> the only difference is than there is no burning error...

And there is always the same (virtual) hardware visible to OS. 

> the problem so may come from a defective write

That is one option. 

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Re: [opensuse] Re: NFS sync vs. async mounts

2008-01-13 Thread Rajko M.
On Saturday 12 January 2008 10:09:12 pm Aaron Kulkis wrote:
> Rajko M. wrote:
> > On Thursday 27 December 2007 04:33:15 pm Aaron Kulkis wrote:
> >> Joe Sloan wrote:
> >>> James Knott wrote:
> >
> > ...
> >
> >> And then the NIS map of the automount files can be used
> >> to allow ANY workstation to automount the home directory
> >> located on the user's "usual" workstation.
> >
> > Aaron,
> >
> > what is with your clock?
> >
> > Is it adjusting to corespondent time?
> Yes, my clock is accurate, and that mail did go out
> within 24-hours of me writing it.  I don't know why
> the delay.  I just saw another message I wrote a
> full MONTH ago just show up today.  Weird.

It is. 
I wrote article on this, asking for explanation, but there was no answer. I 
should look headers better. 
Received: from ( [])
by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 68376300C4
for ; Sat, 12 Jan 2008 22:36:43 +0100 (CET)

Received: from ( [])
by (Postfix) with SMTP id B82375CF21E2
for ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 07:01:17 + (UTC)

Received: from [] ( 
by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 025915CF228D
for ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 07:00:48 + (UTC)

Your mail was hanging on 
from Fri, 28 Dec 2007 07:01:17 + (UTC)
to   Sat, 12 Jan 2008 22:36:43 +0100 (CET)

It seems that they use a server pool and some server was out for lunch for a 
almost a month without telling them. ;-)

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Re: [opensuse] Problems with KDE-4.0

2008-01-13 Thread Rajko M.
On Sunday 13 January 2008 08:52:57 am Frank Fiene wrote:
> On Sonntag 13 Januar 2008, Basil Chupin wrote:
> > Frank Fiene wrote:
> >
> > You will, of course, get the usual responses stating that everything
> > works well for 'them' so the problem obviously is with your set-up
> > and, therefore, you should submit a bugzilla, detailing everything,
> > including the size of your shoes, before anyone considers your
> > 'complaint' even worthy of attention.
> >
> > Having stated this, I thank you for your message and have concluded
> > that much passage of time will have to occur before I even consider
> > trying to install KDE4 :-) .
> Yes it seems to be no one klick installation yet.
> There are many good ideas like desktop icons configuring like an mini
> application. I like also the new kcontrol. But this is all KDE4, it
> will be a big improvement but the openSUSE packages are far away from
> usuable if you have to use kmail, kopete etc.

To disappoint Basil, this time the answer is different.

This is first release in KDE4 series and it is created just as any before, 
under common opensource development idea to release software often. In the 
opensource world there is no test lab, and there is no finished product idea 
as functionality is added on the go, not by customer or marketing department 

What confused many, including me, is the version addon like Beta, than RC that 
I deciphered in the same way as openSUSE Beta or RC. I have forgotten that 
open source has no common standards for version numbering, that will 
associate certain features and code quality to the number. 

For instance k3b in openSUSE 10.3 is now version 1.03 and it is fine software 
for a long time before it was 1.0. 
Smart is 0.51 and already works fine. Each developer gives numbers as he/she 
finds fit, so one has to ask developer for explanation, or simply try 
software and see the features, not to assume from number what is included.

More details you can find in title 'What to expect 
of KDE 4.0'. They provide 3 links to articles that explain how KDE developers 
see the version numbering

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Re: [opensuse] Will there be a LTS version of OpenSuse?

2008-01-13 Thread Rajko M.
On Sunday 13 January 2008 03:57:37 am jdd wrote:

>   Besides, you don't really expect Novell to cut into
> > its sales of maintenance by offering a LTSP openSUSE, do you?
> or opening a new market? 

This is example of open mind, jdd. 
Open new market, employ new people, don't look how to cut existing cake in 
smaller pieces, make a new one.

> what I see here is very different from SLES 
> (much lighter, personal use goal) it should probably be nearly no work
> for Novell (just a very reduced set SLES, without DVD, without phone
> support, so just a new script for updates access)

Who will create updates, ie. backport changes?
Who will maintain packages that are abandoned by original maintainers? 
I guess above mentioned new people. 

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Re: [opensuse] Why beagle?

2008-01-13 Thread Rajko M.
On Monday 24 December 2007 12:34:55 am Aaron Kulkis wrote:
> If you owned a racing team, would you continue to employ
> a driver who refused to learn how to handle a skid?  Or
> who refused to learn how to use the appropriate transmission
> for the kind of car which he's driving?  Or repeatedly hit
> the wall and other cars on the track, damaging YOUR car,
> because the only things he really understood were the gas
> pedal and the steering wheel, but refused to use the brake?

This is off topic to the thread and list, so you can find my answer on 
offtopic list. 

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Re: [opensuse] Re: NFS sync vs. async mounts

2008-01-12 Thread Rajko M.
On Saturday 12 January 2008 07:05:50 pm James Knott wrote:
> Rajko M. wrote:
> > On Thursday 27 December 2007 04:33:15 pm Aaron Kulkis wrote:
> >> Joe Sloan wrote:
> >>> James Knott wrote:
> >
> > ...
> >
> >> And then the NIS map of the automount files can be used
> >> to allow ANY workstation to automount the home directory
> >> located on the user's "usual" workstation.
> >
> > Aaron,
> >
> > what is with your clock?
> >
> > Is it adjusting to corespondent time?
> Maybe he's back dating his messages.  ;-)

Sure ;-) 

It seems that his spool forgets sometimes to send them out. 

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Re: [opensuse] Re: NFS sync vs. async mounts

2008-01-12 Thread Rajko M.
On Thursday 27 December 2007 04:33:15 pm Aaron Kulkis wrote:
> Joe Sloan wrote:
> > James Knott wrote:
> And then the NIS map of the automount files can be used
> to allow ANY workstation to automount the home directory
> located on the user's "usual" workstation.


what is with your clock? 

Is it adjusting to corespondent time?

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Re: [opensuse] Help - How I restore the graphic environment

2008-01-12 Thread Rajko M.
On Saturday 12 January 2008 11:00:52 am bandoneon 08 wrote:
> My system is only starting in the console mode.
> What and where should be the settings to start it normally.
> THanks
> Sergio

Try first to login as normal user (not root). 
Than run command:
if that brings GUI than you have to go to YaST and set default runlevel to 5, 
as it was before you edited runlevels.

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[opensuse] Which version is newer ?

2008-01-12 Thread Rajko M.

Package kde4-quanta:
3.93.0.svn712063-12  or 3.93.0.svn747181-2.3 
YaST SW Management thinks it is later. 

# zypper if kde4-quanta

Name: kde4-quanta
Version: 3.93.0.svn712063-12
Arch: x86_64
Installed: Yes
Status: up-to-date

Obviously zypper is on the same side. 
Though there is no trace of any other version. 

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[opensuse] Mail clock problem or mail hanging in the spool?

2008-01-12 Thread Rajko M.
Mail clock problem or mail hanging in the spool?

and answer
a month later. With date: 
Wed, 12 Dec 2007 15:15:42 -0500

Other header times:
Received: from ; Sat, 12 Jan 2008 12:33:24 +0100 (CET)
Received: from ; Thu, 13 Dec 2007 23:43:24 + (UTC)

and answer
a month later. Though date in header is 
Sat, 22 Dec 2007 18:09:01 -0500

Other header times:
Received: from ; Sat, 12 Jan 2008 12:26:14 +0100 (CET)
Received: from ; Sun, 23 Dec 2007 04:36:52 + (UTC) 

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Re: [opensuse] A couple things i see in KDE4

2008-01-12 Thread Rajko M.
On Saturday 12 January 2008 04:43:50 am Paul Hands wrote:
> Chris Arnold wrote:
> > The first thing is when i installed an app, i could not find it in the
> > kmenu. In kde3->kmenu->applications->new programs, i see new apps listed.
> > Does kde4 list new apps?
> > Second thing, is it possible to have just kde4 installed (and not kde3)?
> > Third thing, the trash, my computer and one other icon were question
> > marks and did not launch.
> > Forth thing, i did not see a way to configure the panel.
> Chris,
> I see all the same issues.  The panel particularly bugs me because I had
> my KDE3 panel quite heavily customised.
> Before I could even get it going, I had to install some extra stuff that
> wasn't listed as dependencies.  I got the infamous "Can't start kdeint4.
> Check your installation" message.  Turned out that I had to install
> strigi-0.5.7-20.3 to get kdeinit4 to launch.  Only then would KDE4 run.
> I'm not even sure what strigi is.
> Now it's running, it looks awful.  it's clunky and slow and things crash
> randomly.  Klipper won't paste text from a bash terminal with middle
> mouse click - I have to do paste without formatting from the context menu.
> You could remove KDE3 and then install KDE4 from a curses yast2. KDE4
> instals into a different place (/usr) from KDE3 (/opt), and they are
> meant to be completely separated.
> I'm disappointed in KDE4, and won't be removing KDE3 for some time yet.
> One of the KDE developers was saying online that it wasn't ready last
> week, and recommending a further period of testing.  I agree.  I don't
> think it's ready, and I think this release will damage KDE's
> reputation.   For me, that's a real shame, as I've been a KDE user
> exclusively since SuSE 5.1 came out.
> Paul

1) Found on link I gave before :

2) What version you are running. Strigi was a problem for me with version 
provided with 10.3 release. 

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Re: [opensuse] A couple things i see in KDE4

2008-01-11 Thread Rajko M.
On Friday 11 January 2008 09:45:54 pm Chris Arnold wrote:
> The first thing is when i installed an app, i could not find it in the
> kmenu. In kde3->kmenu->applications->new programs, i see new apps listed.
> Does kde4 list new apps?

Probably after menu restart. I guess application is klauncher. I tried to kill 
it, but it was immediately started again. Just blink, and new PID will tell 
that is replaced.

> Second thing, is it possible to have just kde4 installed (and not kde3)? 

See link below. 

> Third thing, the trash, my computer and one other icon were question marks
> and did not launch. 

It seems that 'trash:' , 'sysinfo:' ,'remote:' are not yet functional. 

> Forth thing, i did not see a way to configure the panel.

You'll find more information about status:

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Re: [opensuse] KDE4 Conflict

2008-01-11 Thread Rajko M.
On Friday 11 January 2008 08:59:37 pm Chris Arnold wrote:
> I don't see kde4-meta-default anywhere (in opensuse repo using benjiweber
> or in yast with kde4 added).

OK. My bad. The last version that I see is 3.94. 

Try to install using Filter:Patterns. 
I can see almost all installed and up to date in KDE 4.0 Desktop Environment 
Pattern and some packages in KDE 4.0 Games.  

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Re: [opensuse] KDE4 Conflict

2008-01-11 Thread Rajko M.
On Friday 11 January 2008 07:21:33 pm Chris Arnold wrote:
> Just installed 10.3 on test drive with the default KDE. Then installed KDE4
> and when running the one-click, i got:  YaST2 conflicts list -
> generated 2008-01-11 20:15:39 
> No valid solution found with just resolvables of best architecture.
> With this run only resolvables with the best architecture have been
> regarded. Regarding all possible resolvables takes time, but can come to a
> valid result. Conflict Resolution:
> ( ) Make a solver run with ALL possibilities.
> kde4-okular cannot be installed due to missing dependencies
> There are no installable providers of for
> kde4-okular-4.0-1.3.i586[KDE:KDE4] === kde4-okular-4.0-1.3.i586[KDE:KDE4]
> ===
> kde4-okular-4.0-1.3.i586[KDE:KDE4] will be installed by another
> application. (ApplLow/ApplHigh) freetype2-2.3.5-18.i586 is needed by
> kde4-okular-4.0-1.3.i586[KDE:KDE4] (
> libtiff3-3.8.2-68.i586 is needed by kde4-okular-4.0-1.3.i586[KDE:KDE4]
> ( 5 more...
> Conflict Resolution:
> ( ) do not install kde4-okular
> (x) Ignore this requirement just here
>  YaST2 conflicts list END ###
> As you can see, for now, i just said ignore. Did anyone else see this
> conflict?

Aha (ie. yes) :-)

# rpm -q --whatprovides

# zypper if chmlib

Information for package chmlib:

Repository: Main Repository (OSS)
Name: chmlib
Version: 0.39-40
Arch: i586
Installed: Yes
Status: up-to-date
Installed Size: 61.2 K
Summary: A library for dealing with ITSS/CHM files

CHMLIB is a library for dealing with Microsoft ITSS/CHM format files.

The missing package, and the other listed, are in Main oss repository. 
Add KDE4 to YaST, reset all ignored dependencies in dropdown menu Extras, 
otherwise they will be ignored and KDE4 will be useless, and try to install 
package kde4-meta-default Avail.Ver. should show 4.0-.

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Re: [opensuse] writing a module

2008-01-10 Thread Rajko M.
On Thursday 10 January 2008 07:06:46 pm Fernando Benedictti wrote:
> Hellow there,
> I'm trying to write a module, in my source i've added the following line
>   #include 
> Since the preprocessor did not found it, i set the variable
>  C_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/src/linux-
> When i try to compile the source, the preprocessor tell me the following
> In file included from
> /usr/src/linux-, from
> /usr/src/linux-, from
> /usr/src/linux-, from
> /usr/src/linux-, from
> simple_module.c:2:
> /usr/src/linux- error:
> asm/bitops.h: No such file or directory 

There is number of 'asm-' directories, but no 'asm' alone, so it 
seems that you have forgotten to define . 

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Re: [opensuse] kde and the kate editor

2008-01-09 Thread Rajko M.
On Wednesday 09 January 2008 02:43:51 pm Wendell Nichols wrote:

> Dragging files from konqueror to kate implies that I can view both apps,
> which usually means resizing two apps just to open a file.  I do this
> hundreds of times a day so having it "easy" is important.

It is enough to see the corner of the kate ie. already opened document. 
I dropped few files on another open document, and it opened it without  

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Re: [opensuse] YAST2 not displaying package descriptions

2008-01-08 Thread Rajko M.
On Tuesday 08 January 2008 02:33:39 pm Timothy Cahill wrote:
> I've recently downgraded to the 32-bit version of OpenSuSE 10.3 that is
> installed from the live version. One annoyance is that I cannot see rpm
> package descriptions for most of the rpms that came with the DVD. When I
> browse the DVD using Konqueror, I can see that the descriptions are there,
> but in YAST2 the description tab is blank of all information except the
> Package name.  I've tried to google this problem, but I've not found any
> matching descriptions. Has anyone else experienced this?
> --
> Timothy Cahill

Missing descriptions are for packages that are not installed. 
Internet times have spoiled developers ie. files that are not 'downloaded' 
don't have descriptions.

I have to check here is it any different with DVD as installation source.  

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Re: [opensuse] About offtopic posts

2008-01-08 Thread Rajko M.
On Tuesday 08 January 2008 09:58:38 am Carlos E. R. wrote:
> The Monday 2008-01-07 at 14:41 -0500, Aaron Kulkis wrote:
> > So your saying that before using SuSe, the typical new
> > Linux user has never had to deal with lots of email
> >
> > I find that rediculously difficult to believe, as most
> > of the converts are "advanced" windows users.
> Not so... I was an advanced dos/windows user, and my first mail list ever
> was this one (rather, its antecesor at SuSE). Only then had I to deal with
> lots of email, and somewhat later, lots of spam.
> --
> Cheers,
> Carlos E. R.

That is exactly the same here. 
As much as I was able to deal with computer without problems, and almost 
install Yggdrasil as first attempt to run Linux, I was new to world of 
Internet communications, and didn't know so much. I used email before, but 
experience with few private emails can't help you once you subscribe to real 
mail list. 

BTW, here is right place for this. 

To subscribe:

To cancel subscription:

In both cases wait for list server email that will provide link for 
subscription or cancellation confirmation and use it to confirm action. 

Due to small number of subscribed, for the beginning you may start reading 
Fred Miller's selection of Internet articles. 

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Re: [opensuse] [OT] windows scam

2008-01-07 Thread Rajko M.
On Monday 07 January 2008 07:31:20 pm Doug McGarrett wrote:
> For those dual booting, or otherwise running Windows, I got this message
> on my Linux (only) machine:

My answer is on the opensuse-offtopic list :-) 

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To cancel subscription:

In both cases wait for list server email that will provide link for 
subscription or cancellation confirmation and use it to confirm action. 

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Re: [opensuse] About offtopic posts

2008-01-07 Thread Rajko M.
On Monday 07 January 2008 06:21:36 am M9. wrote:
> Neil schreef:
> > Why then can't I find the OT mailing list with
> >
> >en ?
> > I subscribed to the OT mailing list a minute ago (found it in the
> > mail) but I didn't know of it's existence and it can't be found
> > easily.
> Exactly, noone knows, (knew) about that list existing, before Patrick
> mentioned the location.
> I subscribed, but nothing has posted there i guess, cause no mail came
> in since yesterday.
> In this list, there should be about  hundred minimum in a day...

If people would have a bit compassion for those that don't know a lot, have 
trouble and need help, than on offtopic list would have much more traffic. 

BTW, it has one interesting feature: It is not archived. 
That doesn't mean that one can say anything he wants, but what is said would 
be propagate only to subscribers, not in archive and captured by Google. 

Though, diligent mail list web portal operator can subscribe to the list and 
include mails in his portal. 

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Re: [opensuse] About offtopic posts

2008-01-07 Thread Rajko M.
On Monday 07 January 2008 02:52:10 am jdd wrote:
> >> Besides, the
> >> subject says OT, so a reasonably decent filter should flush
> >> any OT message for those who detest OT posts.
> couldn't [OT] subject be filtered out to OT list??

I care about OT mails, but not because of me. 

I can do that locally. I can send them in oblivion, ignore them, read them, 
but how that will help the one that is not used to zillion mails in his 
inbox. The other way to make list server sort the properly is a bit too much 
to ask, because it has to be intelligent enough to understand mail to sort 
them properly. We are not there, yet.

Imagine guy just started to use Linux and still using web mail, or have no 
idea about threading (it is not obvious, you have to know that is exists, 
first). He made trough subscription process (which  is not common, BTW), 
posted his problem and now is looking trough not threaded 100 emails + his 
regular mail, to find one message that is answer to his. It is frustrating. 

This list is created as help to new users, very unskilled, very frustrated 
with some other problem that they can't solve, and we as helpfull people 
don't want to add to their problems. That is the reason to have offtopic 

The subscription to offtopic list, and any other, should not be a problem for 
regular visitors here. 

Anybody that can't see a problem with OT is the one has only himself in mind 
(do we call that egoism), and can't even come on idea that there others not 
so skilled that deserve help.  

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Re: [opensuse] About offtopic posts.

2008-01-06 Thread Rajko M.
On Sunday 06 January 2008 12:05:56 pm M9. wrote:
> >> Which address is?
> >> Looked:
> >> but did not find it... ;-)
> >> Maybe i overlooked it, many lists.
> >
> >  Mailing-List: contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]; run by mlmmj
> >  X-Mailinglist: opensuse-offtopic
> >  List-Post: 
> >  List-Help: 
> >  List-Subscribe: 
> >  List-Unsubscribe: 
> >  List-Owner: 
> chrystalclear thnx ;-))

That was fast.
It wasn't actually message to you, but anyone who wants to carry OT 
discussion. Initial mail is already there. 

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Re: [opensuse] About offtopic posts.

2008-01-06 Thread Rajko M.
On Sunday 06 January 2008 10:14:50 am M9. wrote:
> Patrick Shanahan schreef:
> > Yes, you must be still affected by Saturday night activities now to
> > make the previous statement.  And the post was *not* about you in
> > particular, but feel guilty if you must.
> ???

Can we continue on offtopic list.

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Re: [opensuse] odd /usr/bin thing

2008-01-06 Thread Rajko M.
On Sunday 06 January 2008 04:27:02 am Carlos E. R. wrote:
> > This is all as it should be. This symlink /usr/bin/X11 -> /usr/bin
> > exists for compatibility with programs that  search in /usr/bin/X11.
> >
> > Shells and file managers get confused by this recursion and don't
> > shortcut it.
> Then, it must be the same type of thing as /boot/boot --> /boot -
> hey, I no longer have that one :-?

What you gonna do? 
You system lost compatibility. 

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Re: [opensuse] [OT] Einstein's Plagiarism

2008-01-05 Thread Rajko M.
On Saturday 05 January 2008 08:45:08 pm Mike McMullin wrote:


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Re: [opensuse] OpenSuse 10.3 shutting down by itself

2008-01-05 Thread Rajko M.
On Saturday 05 January 2008 03:15:54 pm Felix Miata wrote:
> > Shibu should be able to go to the BIOS and check temperature.
> > Boot in a normal way (no safe settings) wait or do some CPU intensive
> > operation and straight after spontaneous shutdown go direct in BIOS menu
> > with temperature monitor and see what temperature is.
> >
> > Temperature close to upper limit (1 or 2 C) would mean that hadware
> > problem can't be ruled out.
> I'm of the opinion that CPU temperature sensors vary widely in their
> accuracy. IOW, some will report too hot when in fact temp is well within
> tolerance, while on the other extreme, they can read so low that the CPU
> can be damaged from excess heat without warning.

I do agree on this, that is the reason to tell that hardware problem should 
not be ruled out if temperature is close to the limit. It should be 
investigated thoroughly, but for the further ideas there is need some 
numbers, CPU type, MB type, computer vendor, any work done on computer, dust 
level on fans and heatsinks, etc. 

> This sounds like a possible case of the former, where the max tolerance
> setting in the BIOS needs to be higher to properly reflect actual CPU
> operation. The result if this is true is that the OS sensor software sees
> the limit hit prematurely, and shuts the system down needlessly. This is
> easily fixed by upping the BIOS limit by 5C or 10C.

This can be done, but one should make sure it is proper solution, or have 
spare CPU and try and see ;-) 

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Re: [opensuse] OpenSuse 10.3 shutting down by itself

2008-01-05 Thread Rajko M.
On Saturday 05 January 2008 01:48:45 pm Cristian Rodríguez wrote:
> Shibu Basheer escribió:
> > HI Felix, Thanks for you suggestions.  I've ruled both the problem,
> > because the system is running quite stable in safe mode,
> Your box 's CPU is overheating, check that instead or later you will
> find a nice and useless burnt CPU.

I had shutdown problem and it was too hot CPU. System was unable to run longer 
than to the login screen, and than it will shut down. Though, under the 
different conditions it will probably run longer until some CPU intensive 
operation will be started and than shut down anyway. 

Shibu should be able to go to the BIOS and check temperature. 
Boot in a normal way (no safe settings) wait or do some CPU intensive 
operation and straight after spontaneous shutdown go direct in BIOS menu with 
temperature monitor and see what temperature is.

Temperature close to upper limit (1 or 2 C) would mean that hadware problem 
can't be ruled out. 

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Re: [opensuse] Logitech Quickcam 9000

2008-01-05 Thread Rajko M.
On Friday 04 January 2008 11:54:15 pm Bryen wrote:
> I have installed the uvc driver for Logitech Quickcam 9000 which is
> supported according to uvc website.   The driver is verified as running.
> In HWINFO, the usb port shows as Logitech unclassified device.
> As near as I can tell.. the driver and the usb device are not seeing
> each other.  Has anyone else installed and gotten it working?

Any help from this:

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Re: [opensuse] Display oddity when upgrading from 10.0 to 10.3

2008-01-03 Thread Rajko M.
On Thursday 03 January 2008 05:51:21 pm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Note to SuSE-list: So I tried my best but got nothing helpful from
> e-Machines. If the BIOS is updateable I'll have to find the new BIOS
> somewhere else.
> Any suggestions on how I start? I guess the first thing I need to
> determine is the manufacturer and model of the motherboard. Is there a
> command line entry or GUI screen that will get me this info?

Gil, if there is no BIOS upgrade on eMachines web site than do not go to 
motherboard manufacturer for BIOS upgrade. 

Some 2-3 years ago I did that, and week after attempted update I got my new 
mainboard. Some minor difference between retail motherboard version and 
eMachines customized was large enough to render computer useless. 

You can believe me that I was very thorough comparing hardware, looking in 
version numbers, reading specifications, making lists of chips, comparing 
them, and all that wasn't good enough. 

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Re: [opensuse] Display oddity when upgrading from 10.0 to 10.3

2008-01-02 Thread Rajko M.
On Wednesday 02 January 2008 07:36:16 pm Felix Miata wrote:

>  If MC isn't already installed, install it at first
> opportunity.

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Re: [opensuse] Search not working on mailing list archive [Workaround]

2008-01-01 Thread Rajko M.
On Tuesday 01 January 2008 02:16:44 pm David wrote:

> What is unclear is _why_ it is 'disabled' and _how much_ later, it has  
> been over a week now.

It is much more than a week, but I'm using 

I did that before, when search was operational, but I wasn't able to find what 
I want. Sometimes was list search better, sometimes Google. 

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Re: [opensuse] Search not working on mailing list archive [Unsolved]

2008-01-01 Thread Rajko M.
On Monday 31 December 2007 08:26:06 pm David wrote:
> On Mon, 31 Dec 2007 20:38:21 -, Mark Weaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > I noticed that last week when I first installed Suse on my new laptop.
> > I started looking for information and that was the first place I looked
> > only to find that error message when I would search for something.
> >
> > I've been thinking about downloading the messages in mbox format,
> > loading them into Mailman on one of my servers so Swish can index them.

That is good workaround. 

> > Mark
> Are the people who maintain the archives aware it is not available (eg it
> is some kind of maintenance)?
> Can anybody suggest who I can contact about this?
> Thanks,
> David

This is what I see if I try to use search:
"Sorry, the search is disabled! Come back later"
What is unclear in this message. 
This is nor regular http error, so it is not automatically generated.
List administrator did that. 

The workaround is to use google:

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Re: [opensuse] Search not working on mailing list archive

2007-12-30 Thread Rajko M.
On Sunday 30 December 2007 03:50:27 pm Aaron Kulkis wrote:

> Or maybe it was just kidnapped by space aliens.
> You never know.


Mysterious ...

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Re: [opensuse] Kernel updates for new kernels

2007-12-30 Thread Rajko M.
On Sunday 30 December 2007 01:11:37 pm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hello!
> I read a lot about kernel updates in this list, but I still have the
> following (understanding?) problem:
> When I install a new kernel from on of the repositories
> or
> I get the "most current" Version of the kernel. When I now want to stick
> to a specific version, lets say 2.6.23 or 2.6.24 (when finished), where
> will I get the security updates for the version? The repositories will
> change to the newer branch again, won't they?
> Also, where do I get the 2.6.23 build now, when there are already the
> 2.6.24-rc builds in the repositories?
> Thanks,
> Oliver.

You don't get security updates with those repositories, but whole new kernel 
which in case of Factory can be broken. Factory has very limited testing 
before it appear for download. It is good idea to have spare system installed 
to boot from if test installation is not bootable. 

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Re: [opensuse] suse 10.3/kde/evolution

2007-12-30 Thread Rajko M.
On Sunday 30 December 2007 12:56:18 pm Bob wrote:
> On Sunday 30 December 2007 17:41:30 Robert Smits wrote:
> > On December 30, 2007 08:21:30 am Sampsa Riikonen wrote:
> > > P.S. This is a true linux "checkmate"..  I can't even migrate to
> > > KMail.. the tool (KMailCVT) for importing evolution data to Kmail does
> > > not work (it just tilts).
> >
> > tilts?
> Perhaps a reference to pinball tables?
> --
> Bob

Jumping cursor, and than nothing? Perhaps. 

Starting KMail from console, and attempt to Import mbox may reveal what 
library makes trouble. 

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Re: [opensuse] nvidia & ralink conflict

2007-12-30 Thread Rajko M.
On Sunday 30 December 2007 06:07:16 am Marcus Meissner wrote:
> >
> > Section "The easy way" warning in the blue box.
> >
> > I just moved warning before any version related information as it is
> > valid for all versions, present and future. Sometimes, to satisfy more
> > improtant reasons of computer security and stability, kernel is updated
> > in a such way that old precompiled driver is no more compatible with new
> > kernel.
> Actually the warning is wrong I think, because I *think* that the drivers
> have been updated to match the latest secuity updates.

The  has 
nvidia-gfxG01-kmp-default | 169.07_2.6.22.13_0.3-1.1   | i586
x11-video-nvidiaG01   | 169.07-1.1 | i586
and they are installed, but something went wrong with deinstallation of 
previous (compiled the hard way) drivers, and I had to run compilation again 
to get GUI. 

Is that the same case in David installation? 

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Re: [opensuse] nvidia & ralink conflict

2007-12-30 Thread Rajko M.
On Sunday 30 December 2007 03:53:18 am Dave Plater wrote:
> I decided to go
> along and included kernel sources for said downgrade (upgrade for my old
> )
> and downloaded the whole kernel-default- and
> source and syms (remember I once said I wanted yast to keep copies once
> and smart package manager doesn't work properly yet) .
> I then rebooted and as usual my x server didn't start. I was ready for
> this. I logged in as root and ran and
> it fixed my nvidia problem.
> My main problem is why did I have to do that, why couldn't my desktop
> come up immediately.
Section "The easy way" warning in the blue box. 

I just moved warning before any version related information as it is valid for 
all versions, present and future. Sometimes, to satisfy more improtant 
reasons of computer security and stability, kernel is updated in a such way 
that old precompiled driver is no more compatible with new kernel. 

I checked X11 repository:
but there is no directory for 10.3, so advice to use hard way is still valid.   

> I have noticed various other people with, what
> seems to be, the same problem. The suse nvidia legacy drivers have a
> problem that the nvidia ones don't and I think it's just a configuration
> one, sax doesn't work anymore, is this something to do with politics?
> I emailed nvidia about their legacy driver and 2.6.24-rc2-4 kernel by
> the way, I prefer the nvidia x server configuration from nvidia. Why
> can't suse use that one.
> Dave Plater

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Re: [opensuse] 10.3 upgrade

2007-12-30 Thread Rajko M.
On Sunday 30 December 2007 02:50:36 am Stan Goodman wrote:

> MANY thanks for this. I had no feel whatever (as you saw) for the future
> needs of partition sizes, and my numbers were just a guess -- but not a bad
> one, apparently, judging from yours. I could enlarge /home as you have
> done.

Be aware that size of /home depends on what for computer is used.

I don't have much of multimedia files, but I do have virtual drives (for 
virtual machines in VirtualBox and QEMU) that take few GB each (currently 8) 
so my /home is still too small, and right now I'm using extra 40 GB partition 
that was initially meant to be archive. So satisfying total for my use case 
would be some 60 to 70 GB. 

> What is the logic of the separate /dev partition?

It is not separate. 
It is just udev subsystem entry in /etc/mtab. You can run:
  cat /etc/mtab
to see that and few more. Here is output of mine /etc/mtab:
  /dev/sda6 / reiserfs rw,acl,user_xattr 0 0
  proc /proc proc rw 0 0
  sysfs /sys sysfs rw 0 0
  debugfs /sys/kernel/debug debugfs rw 0 0
  udev /dev tmpfs rw 0 0
  devpts /dev/pts devpts rw,mode=0620,gid=5 0 0
  /dev/sda7 /home ext3 rw 0 0
  securityfs /sys/kernel/security securityfs rw 0 0

I have no idea why command 'df' picked udev. 
Maybe it uses some portion of /dev directory, so it really exists on hard 
disk, while other mounts without slash in front of them, like proc, sysfs, 
debugfs, securityfs exist only in RAM. 

To answer this without preceeding 'maybe' we would need some kernel developer 
to appear in this thread :-) 

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Re: [opensuse] how-to make your linux desktop look like a mac

2007-12-30 Thread Rajko M.
On Saturday 29 December 2007 05:42:28 pm Aaron Kulkis wrote:
> Alfredo Cedeño Borges wrote:
> > Aaron,
> >
> > Don't so dramatic!!!
> >
> > It just a theme...
> You're missing the far deeper point.
> If you buy a Corvette, and you're happy with it being
> a Corvette, why would you throw new sheet metal on it
> to make it look like some other car -- be that other
> car an entry-level Mercedes or a high end Rolls Royce.
> Why the obsession with DISGUISING Linux as OSX?
> It's not like KDE, et cetera are eyesores.
> Who are you trying to fool, precisely?
> And why are you trying to fool them?
> > Alfredo.


back to basics: "Linux is about choice ... "

If I like to make my screen look like a space shuttle, jungle, igloo, anything 
that gives no idea what OS is running the show, or to mimic some other OS, it 
is my choice. 

If I can't get how to do that myself, can't find satisfying solutions on the 
web, and come here to ask people for advice, than I don't expect to read 
morals that is not right, but advice how to do that. 

In your example: 
Wish: I want a Corvette interior and machinery with Mercedes exterior. 
Question: Do you know the shop that can do that?
The question was not is it right that I like that combination, the question 
was how to do it. Who can help me to fullfill my wish? 

If you don't like the idea, all you can do is to tell me that you don't like 
combination, but not five posts in the row. If you like solutions offered by 
manufacturers, have no money to pay for change, don't give a broken penny for 
car remodeling, that is fine with me, just don't harass me with your opinion. 
I will not change mine.  

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Re: [opensuse] 10.3 Installation Problem

2007-12-29 Thread Rajko M.
On Saturday 29 December 2007 10:49:13 pm william oakes wrote:
> Thanks to everyone that replied.  I'm still working on the problem and plan
> to call tech support on Monday.
> The DVD drive is configured as the secondary Master with an internal Zip
> drive as a secondary slave.
> The media is not *broke*, it checked out fine on the other two boxes, a
> Compaq laptop and a Gateway tower, both of which are now running open suse
> 10.3.
> My present thought is that for some reason, there is a hardware
> configuration problem on the other box with the DVD drives.  I remember
> reading somewhere that it may have something to do with DMA in conjunction
> with the drives. Not sure how I would check that though.

First check would be to disconnect IDE cable to secondary slave (Zip drive), 
and run installation again. 

The most common case (majority of computers) is that there is only CD/DVD 
drive on secondary IDE channel connected as master. That makes errors that 
come from bad interaction of master and slave on secondary IDE much harder to 

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Re: [opensuse] 10.3 Installation Problem

2007-12-29 Thread Rajko M.
On Friday 28 December 2007 05:25:11 pm william oakes wrote:
> Folks,
> I have installed OpenSuse 10.3 (from a downloaded ISO and from the retail
> package) on two of my computers without a problem.
> The third computer is giving me fits.  It presently has v.10.2 loaded. 
> When I boot from the DVD to install v.10.3 from the retail package, Yast
> comes up without any problems, but bombs out when it tries to load the
> repositories from the DVD.  I have tried two separate DVD drives, the
> newest was a double layer drive.  The double layer drive gives error
> message that no repositories were found.  Running check media gives a
> message stating that the media is broke.  The second DVD brings up Yast but
> fails to install the repositories and keeps asking to retry.
> Is there some setting I can use to ensure that the repositories are found
> on the DVD.  This is the same DVD that I used to install 10.3 on the other
> computers.
> Any advice would be appreciated.

Hi Bill,

have you checked how is your DVD connected, as master or slave. 
There are bug reports that DVD drive connected as a slave doesn't work. 
I guess that when you replaced the drive, you just set jumpers as the original 
one, so it didn't worked for the same reason. 

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Re: [opensuse] 10.3 upgrade

2007-12-29 Thread Rajko M.
On Saturday 29 December 2007 03:03:07 pm Stan Goodman wrote:

> Tomorrow or the next day I'll do the necessarily retrieval of data that was
> not backed up. Then I'll install v10.3 over the failed upgrade, but with
> some changes in partitioning. I will alloacate 20GB for /root and the same
> amount for /home, so that user apps and data will not be affected by any
> future upgrading disaster.

Filesystem   1K-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda6 19542436   4760824  14781612  25% /
udev973088   112972976   1% /dev
/dev/sda7 28842748  20113968   7263656  74% /home

This is mine / and /home. 
System root partition has already many development (big) packages on it, but 
as you can see it is used lesser than 5 GB. It would be good to have only 10 
GB there, as I'm going to do soon after rearranging hard disks.  

I would leave service partition as is, 10 GB should be enough, just create 
large /home on ex 10.2 partition. If you want service partition (recommended) 
than you can create one 5 GB. Basic system that can be used as rescue will be 
with KDE on it some 2 GB.  

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Re: [opensuse] 10.3 upgrade

2007-12-29 Thread Rajko M.
On Saturday 29 December 2007 01:11:28 pm Stan Goodman wrote:

> I don't know what to make of this. On my system, three partitions are
> marked as "Bootable":
> OS/2,
> The failed-updated v10.2 that didn't turn into v10.3, and
> The newly installed v10.3 maintenance partition.

I used 'bootable partition' as synonym for the one that system will boot from, 
ie. the one that has valid boot code (program) in it's boot sector and it is 
marked as such in partition table. Here, /dev/sda1 or /dev/sda3 can be 
bootable, but only /dev/sda3 is marked as 'Boot' which is 'cfdisk' term 
for 'bootable'. It should be only one active (bootable) partition, otherwise 
the state is undefined and what will be picked up depends on bootloader 

The generic boot code is not GRUB. I guess it belongs to FreeDOS. GRUB is 
installed in boot sector of active partition, not all 3 on your system, but 
the one that you told to be used during installation. 

Though, Felix read your post carefully and noticed some unusual menu items :-) 

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Re: [opensuse] 10.3 upgrade

2007-12-29 Thread Rajko M.
On Saturday 29 December 2007 12:27:24 pm Stan Goodman wrote:

> When I undo that, and get the boot sequence right, I will go ahead to the
> original problem.

Now is generic boot code in MBR, and openSUSE maintenace partition is marked 
as bootable. That is why it jumps direct to boot sector of maintenance 
partition. This is new feature since 10.2 (so far I recall) and makes change 
of boot menu as simple as marking partition as bootable using any fdisk 
program. With generic boot sector only one partition should be marked as 

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Re: [opensuse] problem with lirc, opensuse 10.3

2007-12-29 Thread Rajko M.
On Saturday 29 December 2007 10:15:29 am Steve Jacobs wrote:
> (note: Is this lilst moderated? I can't find any mention or
> explanation about that in the wiki or FAQ. Sometimes my posts appear
> almost instantly. Other times, as with this post, they seem to either
> never appear, or take a very long time. I submitted the below message
> to the list yesterday, about 21 hours ago, and haven't seen it appear
> yet, nor have I received a bounce. My apologies if this is a double
> post.)

It did appear. It seems that your provider, or some other server down the 
road, is sometimes slow. 
In the future you can check to see is some 
mail received by mail list server or not. That is what I did last time I had 
similar problem. 

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Re: [opensuse] Kernel Driver issue using rmmod and modprobe

2007-12-29 Thread Rajko M.
On Saturday 29 December 2007 03:38:08 am Robert Lewis wrote:

> > Maybe missing command
> >   depmod
> Thanks that did the trick!  I appreciate your pointer.

You are welcome Bob. 
Any reason that you didn't used 
  make install 
It will do 'depmode -ae' for you.

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Re: [opensuse] Kernel Driver issue using rmmod and modprobe

2007-12-28 Thread Rajko M.
On Friday 28 December 2007 08:39:12 pm Robert Lewis wrote:
> I am attempting to install a driver for my Logitech 9000.
> The supplied driver with 10.3 is uvcvideo-kmp-default-r117_2.6.22.5_31-2
> However, the developers have released 158 although that is a beta.
> I would like to try out the beta.  I removed the rpm for the SUSE released
> driver.
> When I compile up the one that I get from
> svn://
> which requires that the svn command be installed on ones system
> I then put the driver in 

/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/media/video/usbvideo/

> The name of the driver is uvcvideo.ko
> However, when I envoke the
> modprobe uvcvideo# command
> I get back.
> FATAL: Module uvcvideo.ko not found.
> What am I doing wrong?

Maybe missing command

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Re: [opensuse] Any fcron users

2007-12-27 Thread Rajko M.
On Thursday 27 December 2007 08:58:07 pm Jeffrey L. Taylor wrote:
> Quoting Carlos E. R. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Hash: SHA1
> >
> > The Thursday 2007-12-27 at 17:11 -0600, Jeffrey L. Taylor wrote:
> >> Has anyone used fcron from the OpenSuSE Build Service?  My laptop isn't
> >> on 24x7 or even reliably on at any given time in the day.  There are
> >> several jobs
> >> that need to be run every day.
> >
> > Then you can create an script in /etc/cron.daily/
> Will it run every day, even if the system is suspended to disk at the
> nominal scheduled time?

Once before it was running 15 min after boot if it missed schedule. 
I don't know about wake from suspend. 

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Re: [opensuse] search for word in huge txt file

2007-12-26 Thread Rajko M.
On Wednesday 26 December 2007 02:11:43 pm Rajko M. wrote:
> On Wednesday 26 December 2007 01:29:57 pm Felix Miata wrote:
> > > The Wednesday 2007-12-26 at 09:27 -0500, Felix Miata wrote:
> > >> The latter is what SM & TB do.
> > >
> > > Agh, another one... TB I suppose might be thunderbird, but SM :-?
> >
> > SM predates Phoenix aka Firefird aka Firefox, which predates TB.
> >
> >
> > My UA tells me your UA is Alpine 1.00 (LSU 882 2007-12-20). If yours did
> > likewise, a mega-hint would have been staring you in the face while
> > reading my message.
> >
> :-D
> Can somebody, using SM, FF, or any other browser, update:
> with OFM, TB, FF, UA, and more that comes to mind during visit, ie. edit.

Ops. I have forgotten to tell why I can't do that right now. 
I'm reading LFS book which is product of:

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Re: [opensuse] search for word in huge txt file

2007-12-26 Thread Rajko M.
On Wednesday 26 December 2007 01:29:57 pm Felix Miata wrote:
> > The Wednesday 2007-12-26 at 09:27 -0500, Felix Miata wrote:
> >> The latter is what SM & TB do.
> >
> > Agh, another one... TB I suppose might be thunderbird, but SM :-?
> SM predates Phoenix aka Firefird aka Firefox, which predates TB.
> My UA tells me your UA is Alpine 1.00 (LSU 882 2007-12-20). If yours did
> likewise, a mega-hint would have been staring you in the face while reading
> my message.


Can somebody, using SM, FF, or any other browser, update:
with OFM, TB, FF, UA, and more that comes to mind during visit, ie. edit.  

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Re: [opensuse] Software Update conflicts while introducing KDE4 applications

2007-12-26 Thread Rajko M.
On Wednesday 26 December 2007 09:37:26 am Philippe Landau wrote:

> Of course now Yast2 software installer still complains,
> but the updates went through.

It would be interesting to see what kind of complains you can see. 

I can avoid Packman etc, because I have no much interest in additional 
software they offer, so I have no much chance to have problems with 
dependencies pulled from external repositories, but for those that want, or 
need it, it is better to use manual updates via YaST Online Updates (YOU) and 
check every item before download. This way is possible to see what is 
updated, which helps when it comes to problems. 

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Re: [opensuse] keeping a copy of installed rpms

2007-12-26 Thread Rajko M.
On Wednesday 26 December 2007 09:48:04 am Dave Plater wrote:
> Rajko M. wrote:
> > The package management in Factory was (as of yesterday) broken. It was
> > problem with gpg package, so YaST was unable to verify repository
> > signature and add it to the list.
> Hi Rajko,
> I know, I don't have a problem with yast except I have to download files
> before I install otherwise I don't have a copy if I screw up my system.
> Smart keeps on asking for keys and doesn't perform the way Gavin said it
> should.
> Dave

The gpg problem affects Smart too, as it uses rpm package manager that needs 
gpg ;-)

This is from recent Coolo's mail to factory mail list:
"gpg was deinstalled for some weird reasons in a previous run and you might 
need to reinstall it manually before you can continue."

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