[opensuse] Fstab entry for 100Mb Iomega ZIP drives.

2007-08-14 Thread pelibali

We have two comps around with Iomega ZIP drives and would would like to
know, which self-made fstab entry is closer to the "truth". Of course
the interface they are using is slightly different, but you could have
some useful comments / corrections:

SUSE 9.1 Pro; 100Mb Iomega ZIP drive [parallel]
/dev/sda1/media/zippovfatnoauto,user,exec,sync 0 0

SUSE 9.1 FTP-install; 100Mb Iomega ZIP drive [IDE interface]
/dev/hdd4/media/zipposubfsfs=vfat,procuid,nodev,nosuid,sync 0 0

e.g. the first one looks quite OK and works well; the second one works
in fact, but KDE users first get a "Only root can mount" warning.
fs=vfat looks strange anyway, I couldn't find a list with all available
fs-types anywhere.
Anyway in all the SUSE/Novel examples/howtos I know exclusively the
floppy and/or CD drives are mentioned, for ZIPs the max. I could find
was relating to the still unsolved extremely slow FAT-writing of open-
SUSE 10.0.

Thank you in advance,

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Re: [opensuse] Root password for the OpenSuSE LiveCD 10.3 ?

2007-08-14 Thread pelibali

On Mon, 13 Aug 2007 10:29:47 +0200
Thierry de Coulon <.> wrote:

> On Monday, 13. August 2007, Basil Chupin wrote:
> > > google is your best friend
> > >
> > > 1st hit
> > > http://www.google.com/search?q=root+password+for+suse+10.3+live+cd&ie=utf
> > >-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=com.ubuntu:en-US:official&client=firefox-a
> >
> > Oh, for chrissake, why can't you just simply state what the damn
> > password is without going through this long-winded charade (of having to
> > search for it on the internet)?
> I second Basil here. If you know the answer to a question, why not post it 
> simply? What's more, when you later find this message in an archive, chances 
> are the link is obsolete and the information is lost (ok, here we talk about 
> beta software, but this is a general observation).

Correct, would be easier for others simply to read the password
mentioned e.g. in a reply mail, than to surf for it! Most of us would
do the homework for google-ing, etc. anyway, but I'm now on a mail-
only 56k dial-up for _weeks_, having a 10.3 LiveCD from a friend with
no instruction / password. Therefore I could ask the same and hope
for a positive (=useful) answer.

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[opensuse] Network card driver - update needed.

2007-08-14 Thread pelibali

We have an openSUSE 10.0 router, working with two 3com network cards.

I don't know the exact name/type of the "problematic" 10Mbit one, but
read previously on the 'net that this particular one can cause tons
of problems. And it really does.
I wonder, how to start to update its driver; any advice please what
to do next, if I know the module name, which gets loaded for that
network card? Compiling kernel module and/or new kernel is no problem,
but of course I attempt to limit the efforts needed and time invested.

Thank you,
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[opensuse] SLES9 - SP4=?

2007-08-06 Thread pelibali
Does anyone know by chance, when the SP4 for SLES9 will be published?
I wonder, how long time it will be after SP1 for SLES10 was produced.

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Re: [opensuse] Printing photos easily.

2007-07-28 Thread pelibali

On Wed, 25 Jul 2007 16:11:27 -0500
Jim Sabatke <.> wrote:
> I had trouble with my HP R800 also.  HP is not well supported under
> Linux, or at least wasn't when I was setting up the printer.  I print
> from gimp using TurboPrint software found at:
> http://www.turboprint.de/english.html
> The cost has gone up thanks to the dollar falling against the Euro (29
> Euro, $39 USD) but it works really well.

Thank you for the idea, but to be honest, proprietary driver/software
is no option for me/us. Anyway, I will keep your idea as a solution
for the very last case and if all other options fail, will try TB's
shareware to see, what I'm missing...
BY the way, our printer doesn't seem to be listed here:

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Re: [opensuse] Printing photos easily.

2007-07-28 Thread pelibali
On Thu, 26 Jul 2007 03:14:52 -0400
ken <.> wrote:

> On 07/25/2007 05:01 PM somebody named pelibali wrote:

> > At the end we managed to print the above four images via an
> > OpenOffice.org template my boyfriend prepared few months ago and like
> > that we succeeded. With Gimp I had bad experience in the past, so
> > this way was not tried now.

> First, the hardware (your printer) needs to be capable of printing the
> quality you want.

It is; please refer to my original e-mail! As I wrote it earlier,
using the simple OOorg template of my boyfriend worked well.

In contrast it is still not the "easy-to-master" thing I need, mainly
because it needs plenty patience and long clickety-clickety...

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[opensuse] Printing photos easily.

2007-07-25 Thread pelibali

I'm new to linux and this evening attempted to print some of my

First I tried the newest Picasa under my openSUSE 10.0, but it
resulted _draft_ quality _B/W_ prints, even that 1200 DPI has been
setup generally for our HP DeskJet 5940.
Picasa's template is generally OK, because could place easily e.g.
four of my photos on a single A4 page, but the draft quality I
couldn't overcome. Of course I tried the options (theoretically)
resulting better quality printouts and also checked the printer's
default settings, which was normal quality/color.
Therefore have no idea, how to work around this, because Picasa has
quite limited print setup options under Linux and search at Google
didn't help at all.

At the end we managed to print the above four images via an
OpenOffice.org template my boyfriend prepared few months ago and like
that we succeeded. With Gimp I had bad experience in the past, so
this way was not tried now.

Would you give me please any hints/ideas on your preference when
printing photos; I would be quite interested to hear some possibili-

Thank you,
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Re: [opensuse] Iomega parallel port drive

2007-06-17 Thread pelibali

On Sat, 16 Jun 2007 19:29:18 -0500
Clark Sann <...> wrote:

> Anyone have any idea how I can get a 100 MB Iomega parallel port drive
> to work.  I've connected it, have a zip drive in the drive, and
> rebooted.  AFAIK, the system did not recognize the drive.  I've spent an
> hour googling and am afraid I will have to recompile the kernel to add
> support for this think.  Heck with that!  I bet openSuse has an easier
> way.  I've also browsed around Yast but couldn't find anything there. 
> Finally, I installed 2 programsgtkzip and ziptool.  Neither work.
> Thanks for your help!
> Clark

I'm sorry, can't recall the details how I exactly installed years ago
my parallel Iomega 100Mb drive on a laptop running SUSE Linux 9.1!

Maybe two info helps you, 1. needed the ppa module loaded, 2. the
device can be mounted now e.g. via fstab
/dev/sdaX   /media/zippovfatnoauto,user,exec,sync 0 0
sdaX could be easily sda4, if originally formatted media...

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Re: [opensuse] Why I don't upgrade often [OT]

2007-03-22 Thread pelibali

On Wed, 14 Mar 2007 16:44:50 +0100
Hartmut Meyer <.> wrote:

> > It's a shame, that on the opensuse list several of the oldie-related
> > threads ended up with the answer "do update" :(
> There are hardly any scenarios where one could give any other advise but to 
> upgrade from an old/unsupported version to a newer/supported version.
> 9.1 might be "better" for you, but unless your system is not connected to any 
> network (including internet dialup) staying on an unsupported system simply 
> isn't a good idea.

I agree with you, but would add three extra points: while having few-
several old systems even preparing updated/patched rpm packages for them
is not so difficult and (e.g. for me) brings back the time invested. This
could also happen without the help of SUSE/Novell; doesn't work in all
situations, but valid alternative for most of the cases. That's like a
homework ;)
In the same time I think there is _noone_ having old SUSE releases and ha-
ving no idea on the outdated nature of these systems! As extra addon,
please consider people still using win95/98 or even newer systems with
no updates as all, because sitting on dial-up or being lazy; kiddies will
find THEM, and likely not the old Linux-es...

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Re: [opensuse] Why I don't upgrade often

2007-03-14 Thread pelibali
On Tue, 13 Mar 2007 23:06:54 -0500
Stevens <.> wrote:

> I am 2 months into Suse 10.2 and I still do not have a polished system 
> running as well as my old Suse 9.1 that I ran for over 2 years.

No wonder that some people got stuck with "old" releases! I also kept
SUSE 9.1, which I consider best even if unsupported. During the beta
tests I ran into several newer releases, but they just became more
robust. It also could be, that I simply don't use features others nee-
ding edge-stuff are interested in, therefore all the 10.x-s got repla-
ced on the spare partition I have and now have an extra SUSE 9.1

It's a shame, that on the opensuse list several of the oldie-related
threads ended up with the answer "do update" :(

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Re: [opensuse] Wireless mouse battery life [OT?]

2007-03-14 Thread pelibali

On Tue, 13 Mar 2007 11:19:33 -0900
John Andersen <.> wrote:

> >
> > does this mouse require the rf dongle to be clipped under the mouse when
> > not in use   as it does on the Logitech i have that is almost a year old
> > and still on the same pair of  AA cles i installed when it was given to me 
> > last year i use it every day  on my laptop running suse 10.2  and most
> > evenings   ..
> >
> The point of the clipping that Peter mentions is that this
> often turns off the mouse for travel.  Other mice have switches.
> Since the OP has a laptop, I wonder if he dumps the mouse
> in the bag with the computer only to have its buttons depressed
> constantly while in the bag, wasting battery?

Thanks for all of your answers; there are plenty of things to check/
measure/etc! My mouse is an optical one as it was asked and has a little
switch on its bottom side. It's always just turned ON, when it is in use,
otherwise it's OFF! All the day the whole stuff is on my desk and if it
would get temporally into a bag or something, the mouse would be anyway
OFF. (+ the mouse travels in its original plastic wrap, where there is
no way to push any buttons!)

I have a three years old Acer TravelMate 803LMiB having Bluetooth as well.
Maybe they really interfere with the mouse's dongle, later running at
27MHz as stated on its bottom side. This I will check first, because when
patched my 2.6.5 kernel to use a BT headset, had serious quality problems
and maybe that disturbing signals originally "came" from my mouse's hard-

In addition I would consider not to make any bug reports for the oldie
Acer laptop, because nobody would care! It's _old_ and during the first
week WinXP was erased from it, so was in fact never used "as it should
be". Acer would even not think that anyone just keeping all the genuine
M$ recovery-type media in the cupboard; far away from the production sys-

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[opensuse] Wireless mouse battery life [OT?]

2007-03-13 Thread pelibali

I have a Fujitsu Siemens "Mini RF.Mouse" wireless mouse connected to
my laptop via its own USB dongle. First I used "normal" 1,5V AAA-type
batteries and max. 2 weeks they were empty. Now I'm using rechargeable
1,2V AAAs (850mAh) and they last no longer than 10 days with 1-2 hrs
of daily work. The system is SUSE 9.1...

My question concerns the following: my brother uses the very same
type of mouse and his lasts on the Win* platform for 2-3 _months_
with daily 1-2 hrs of use. We tried to exchange mice, but they
behaviour the same, so likely no hardware is defected. How this huge
time difference is possible? We checked also the batteries, but maybe
the mouse background is also an important point. e.g. I use a pretty
white and almost flat plate now, where sometimes I see my pointer
shaking, without even touching the mouse. (This behaviour didn't
happen on the laptop of my brother, when using _my_ mouse &
In the case of my brother's laptop the USB ports are at the side
where he uses the mouse (right side), but my Acer has ports only on
the another, left side. Could that 15cm->40cm (~3x) make such decre-
ase in the battery life(s)?

Did anyone test the same mouse/battery combo on various SUSE rele-
ases? Was there some improvement visible? I would be interested
mainly in a comparison of 9.x and 10.x. The same question as arose
earlier, is anyone aware of a huge difference between Win* vs. SUSE?

Thanks for any comments/ideas to improve the lifetime of my batteries
and would also appreciate any weblink on this topic to have a general
idea, which kind of background would be the best, etc.

Thank you,
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[opensuse] Bluetooth headset vs. SUSE 9.1 (!) Pro.

2007-03-01 Thread pelibali

Various reasons made me stuck with SUSE 9.1 Pro (kernel 2.6.5) on my
laptop and I'm happy with it: except my BT headset everything just
works! (On the same hardware, testing of openSUSE 10.x series was
also done and e.g. with 10.2 it was just 5 minutes to get the very
same Logitech BT headset work. In general it's linux and

To make my headset-installation story lasting several months short:
works, but...
On the latest official YOU-kernel I wasn't able to compile _any_
btsco-releases and through Google I found out that kernel-patches (and
general bluetooth update?) will be needed. First alsa (packman), the
bluez-libs and -utils were updated and then with a slightly modified
btsco patch (for kernel 2.6.7;
http://www.gargan.org/linux/snd-bt-sco/kernel-2.6.7-8.24-08-04.patch )
recompiled my complete kernel.
Now the snd-bt-sco kernel module can be loaded and the BT-headset
works now, but there is a crucial problem: only the btsco version 0.2
can be used, which takes the voice settings as 0x0040 and this makes
the quality (extremely) bad. Btsco version 0.3, which in fact
compiles and installs, but is not able to use the 0x0040 setting as
defined by the kernel module; it rather says that 0x0060 should be
used. With the older module loaded that particular 0x0060 setting
doesn't let the BT headset emit anything:( Even no background noises,
as it just had e.g. with the working btsco-0.2. So the whole stuff
considered to be useless at the end. The readme on the above site
stated that the patch should work with the "new" 0.3 version, but it
didn't in my case...

I'm confident, that after all of this there should be a way to get
btsco-0.3 working as 0x0060 on my laptop, just having no further idea,
how! My concern is that with the 2.6.7 patch I miss the steps
"in-between" and simply some older components of my 2.6.5 kernel
didn't get updated/fixed. I also read about bluetooth 1.1 and 2.x,
which could cause the above 0x0040 working, but 0x0060 not anomaly;
recently I started to look around for git-patches to investigate.
I would specially appreciate, if anyone using such an old SUSE 9.x
system with a working BT headset or simply knowing the bluetooth
stack more would comment this.

I'm sorry for the long post; skipped the complete (hardware) details
to make it shorter and so general as it is just possible.

Thank you,
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Re: [opensuse] vnc on dial-up and why 5800 is open?!

2007-02-12 Thread pelibali

On Sun, 11 Feb 2007 15:19:34 -0600
Wade Jones <.> wrote:

> >On Sunday 11 February 2007 06:45, pelibali wrote:
> ...
> > The second related question is that on her computer I saw TCP 5800
> > listening. I didn't see it before she activated the desktop sharing
> > and would be interested, how it could get opened. I didn't activate
> > vnc through xinetd and chkconfig reports it (as supposed) to be
> > deactivated. The only thing is that via KDE's Control Panel we acti-
> > vated the above desktop sharing and immediately moved it to a higher
> > port number. TCP 5800 I just saw accidentally and is anyway firewal-
> > led; the particular port needed by me has been opened under the
> > SuSEfirewall2.
> > Pelibali
> VNC uses port 5800 for the java based server, i.e. the client runs in a web 
> browser.

I moved from KDE's default vnc server port (5900) to a higher one, so
in fact no need for 5800! Any chance to deactivate that 5800 and keep
only my custom port? As I mentioned earlier, I firewall 5800 anyway,
but would be surely better to avoid listening on that particular java
based server port.

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[opensuse] vnc on dial-up and why 5800 is open?!

2007-02-11 Thread pelibali

My mom's stock/boxed SUSE 8.2 is on dial-up. Sometimes I teach her to
do tasks via vnc, being located in another country. I'm new to vnc,
but the desktop sharing we do from her KDE session is simple and the
thing works quite well...

The only thing I would change is to avoid seeing her desktop image
when connecting, which would surely accelerate the speed of the
connection a lot. I use SUSE 9.1 with KDE 3.3.x, where there was an
option to hide desktop background when connecting, but on her earlier
KDE's Control Center there was no option like this and
in her respective config file was also without any effect:(

Any idea/work-around please to achieve the needed effect or acce-
lerate on another way the vnc connection's speed?!

The second related question is that on her computer I saw TCP 5800
listening. I didn't see it before she activated the desktop sharing
and would be interested, how it could get opened. I didn't activate
vnc through xinetd and chkconfig reports it (as supposed) to be
deactivated. The only thing is that via KDE's Control Panel we acti-
vated the above desktop sharing and immediately moved it to a higher
port number. TCP 5800 I just saw accidentally and is anyway firewal-
led; the particular port needed by me has been opened under the

Thank you for any thoughts, comments.


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Re: [opensuse] Skype alternative needed for dial-up.

2007-02-11 Thread pelibali

On Sat, 10 Feb 2007 16:07:28 -0800
Kai Ponte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Saturday 10 February 2007 13:20, Tony Alfrey wrote:
> > pelibali wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > Some time ago I skype-ed with my mom sitting on modem dial-up.
> Sounds kinky.
> > I suggest Gizmo
> > http://www.gizmoproject.com
> I've not had first-hand experience with Gizmo, but several of my
> co-workers swear by it. Give it a try.

I had downloaded that one already, but it doesn't work! Either my
SUSE 9.1, nor my mom's SUSE 8.2 have gtk2 >= 2.6.
I tried first their newest version, then went for several older
releases, like 1.x and 0.x...

Anyway, thanks for the idea,
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[opensuse] Skype alternative needed for dial-up.

2007-02-10 Thread pelibali

Some time ago I skype-ed with my mom sitting on modem dial-up. Few
times it was quite OK, but recently the quality/speed is just horrib-
le:( I'm on broadband already, so only her SUSE 8.2 comp' would limit
the connection's speed...

I did search on Google and came to other, mostly open software,
which could be used for such voice-only contact. I have downloaded
few of them, but before doing extensive trials on them, would
ask for a feedback, if a customized (=well configured) skype or
any other tools are in use somewhere through dial-up with quite
enjoyable quality?!

Thank you,
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Re: [opensuse] remote access BUG in 10.2 can others confirm, and what wuold be fix?

2007-02-04 Thread pelibali
On Sun, 28 Jan 2007 14:00:59 -0500
ted leslie <.> wrote:

> its happen now twice (my two and only installs of opensuse 10.2 on two
> separate machines).
> the remote management (Xvnc), when turned on,
> then you access from the client, you get the grey weave X screen but no
> login box or anything, just X, no window manager or standard GDM start
> up.
> I google'd and the standard fix is put a win. mgr. in the .Xvnc or .vnc
> file,
> but I don't think that is the fix, as the graphical greeter of a Suse
> install is before you have decided on what user would log in, and there
> is  no such file on /root ..
> and this certainly seems to be a bug as it never happened to me on many
> pasted versions of SLED openSuse, etc.
> help 

For SUSE 8.2 and 9.1 using kdm this document helped me a lot; in par-
ticular its 2nd part:

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Re: [opensuse] How to make screensaver NOT to turn off screen.

2007-02-04 Thread pelibali
On Sun, 4 Feb 2007 10:31:21 -0500
Patrick Shanahan <.> wrote:

> * Billie Erin Walsh <.> [02-04-07 10:20]:
> > Random R. Decker wrote:
> > > I have a problem with energysaving settings for my screen
> > > I _Don't_ want the screen to shut down , but to have the screensaver
> > > running _All_ the time.
> > > How do I accomplish that.
> > >   
> > That's a good question. I've got EVERY power setting I can find turned
> > off and it still shuts down. I don't think there is a way.
> Check your bios.  Mine has a setting that will sleep/minimize-power. 
> Look for dmps.

If you run KDE, assuming SUSE 9.1 Pro:
Right click on the desktop -> Configure Desktop -> Display -> Power
Control -> uncheck [Enable display power management] box.
+ configure the screensaver of your choice.

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Re: [opensuse] Running spec. commands on various dial-up providers.

2007-01-07 Thread pelibali

On Sun, 7 Jan 2007 14:16:13 +0100 (CET)
"Carlos E. R." <.> wrote:
> You see, when I used dial up I also used different providers. Depending on 
> the provider, I have to use a different mail relay server, having to edit 
> the postfix transport file; not having that, I edited it by hand before 
> connecting.
> Had I been pissed enough, I would have written a wrap around script for 
> wvdial. The IP thing did not occur to me at that time, though.

In most of my time I'm on SUSE 9.1 and making different profiles via
scpm solved my similar problems. I still use it to change various
configuration files; now having several 

home - home3D - institute - hotspot - budapest - girlfriend

I have only simpler postfix configs, but was never a problem to change
that via scpm switching. (The only issue I had was to get scpm remem-
ber the proxy settings sitting in various files, but I managed to
solve that. Anyway, openSUSE 10.x made that much more easy...)

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[opensuse] Ordering the "FizzBall" game for Linux.

2007-01-07 Thread pelibali

I don't mind to spend some money to get a great looking and lovely
game, such as e.g. FizzBall ( http://grubbygames.com/fizzball/ ).
This e-mail supposed to be in fact no advertisement, just collecting
info if anyone ordered or even has it already...
Any positive/negative feedback on this particular order/shipping is
very welcome!

Thank you,

Ps. Maybe a link to a review of that game doesn't hurt:
When playing with the trial version, don't forget to turn ON sound!
After a strongly task-overloaded period, a few hours of FizzBall-ing
made my day ;)))
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Re: [opensuse] Running spec. commands on various dial-up providers.

2007-01-07 Thread pelibali

On Sun, 7 Jan 2007 02:17:54 +0100 (CET)
"Carlos E. R." <.> wrote:

> An idea.
> If you do a dns check on the IP, with the command "host", the domain of 
> the IP will tell you the provider. You can do a 'grep' check on that name 
> to find matches.

I think this can be the winner; thank you Carlos!
(My original idea to check the provider names my friend defined under
his kinternet looks a little ridiculous now...)

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Re: [opensuse] Running spec. commands on various dial-up providers.

2007-01-06 Thread pelibali

On Wed, 3 Jan 2007 21:50:19 +0100 (CET)
"Carlos E. R." <.> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> The Wednesday 2007-01-03 at 15:06 -0500, James Knott wrote:
> > > The only point we are missing here is to know how to get the name of
> > > the "active" provider smpppd is using, somehow via the command line.
> > 
> > Does it have to be the name of the provider?  Why not use the IP info from
> > ifconfig?
> The IP is given as a parameter to the script, no need to search for it - 
> or it should, at least. It is done for ip-up.local, dunno for if-up.d/

Thanks for both of you for the ideas! Generally my naive idea was
to extract somehow the _name_ of the provider and personally I didn't
think about to use the IPs. To be honest I have even no idea, if
my friend uses few free providers, how different their IPs are...
e.g. earlier I had Hungarian freemail and freeweb dial-up and there
was time when they used the same range of dynamic IPs, but the first
supposed to provide exclusively SMTP/POP access and the later one
"only" internet...

I think the best will be to wait until I travel back to Budapest to
have a look on his settings personally.

Thank you,
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[opensuse] Running spec. commands on various dial-up providers.

2007-01-03 Thread pelibali

[SUSE 8.2; user-controlled (kinternet) modem dial-up.]

A friend asked for my help, but this time having no access to any
SUSE systems with dial-up would make it difficult for me to answer
(&test) this. He would like to put a bash-script in /etc/ppp/if-up.d/
to run it everytime he dials any of his few providers and it supposed
to do the following:

if provider1 has been called, do something,
if provider2 has been called, do something else.

The only point we are missing here is to know how to get the name of
the "active" provider smpppd is using, somehow via the command line.

Any idea please?

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[opensuse] postfix e-mail header clean-up.

2006-12-15 Thread pelibali

I have postfix running (SUSE 10.0), but would need a cosmetic fix for
it. Several existing clients sending e-mails through that SMTP server
and wouldn't like to keep that part in the headers _where_ they came
from... So I'm in fact looking for a way to change the headers as all
the e-mails running through postfix would originate from the server

Is there any way to easily achieve that?

Thank you,
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Re: [opensuse] SUSE 8.2 vs. flashplayer v7.0.68

2006-12-13 Thread pelibali
On Tue, 12 Dec 2006 22:14:44 +0100
Sven Burmeister <.> wrote:

> On Tuesday 12 December 2006 22:02, pelibali wrote:
> > The flashplayer 7.0.68 doesn't work under Konqueror on SUSE 8.2,
> > other browsers can use its plugin. My mom uses 100% Konqueror for her
> > surfing and she would need flashplayer. I wouldn't like to provide
> > her outdated releases, maybe could convince her to change to mozil-
> > la or preferably to an updated opera.
> 8.2 is outdated, there are no more security patches. Even 9.2 is outdated. 
> You 
> should update to openSuSE 10.2 which is available for free and provides 
> flash7 and. If you need it, flash9 beta works on 10.2 too.

Thank you; updating 8.2 is not an option on her p2-300 (from '98) /
256Mb / dial-up...
When SUSE 10.0 came out, I tried it almost immediately and to be honest,
there was simply no way to work with KDE's extreme slow speed.
In contrast 8.2's KDE is surprisingly responsive, so most likely mom will
get Opera 9.x and her SUSE 8.2 will be kept as long it runs (=hopefully
still few/several years). KDE is also a fix point :(


Ps. Another unresolved problem with 10.0 was the poor Iomega-ZIP (FAT)
write speed, which would render her main backup media to the useless
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[opensuse] Kmail vs. a particular special character (SUSE 10.0)

2006-12-12 Thread pelibali

I have a SUSE 10.0 router/printer-server with several 9.x and a single
10.0 client.
Surprisingly when my girlfriend (SUSE 10.0) prints out an e-mail con-
taining Hungarian special chars, all look OK, except one, which is
"á". This letter is in fact fine if you take _what_ is printed, but if
you take the minimal squares all the letters can be surrounded, the
mentioned char is not at the middle, but strongly shifted, resulting
that it almost touches the neighboring character.
This issue is not present on any of the 9.x machines.

How to start to troubleshot the situation; should I simply check the
font settings under her Kmail client or what could be the culprit? Is
there any indication/report showing that on 10.0 there was a font
with some special chars corrupted? I googled for this, didn't find a
similar problem description/solution.

Thank you,
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[opensuse] icewm configuration.

2006-12-12 Thread pelibali

On both 9.1 and 10.0 I attempted to configure icewm a little to show
me a clock with 24h and display network load also for eth1.

I have only system-wide icewm config files, but even editing them
directly (I tried several ways!) didn't make the needed changes and
e.g. root still gets still different looking icewm desktop, than a
user! I wanted to unify and anyway I was surprised to see why eth0
AND eth1 were not both showed on the panel/tray.

I would appreciate any help in pointing me how to achieve the needed
changes, independently if the way is through direct editing of con-
fig files or e.g. using icewm configuration tools.

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[opensuse] SUSE 8.2 vs. flashplayer v7.0.68

2006-12-12 Thread pelibali

The flashplayer 7.0.68 doesn't work under Konqueror on SUSE 8.2,
other browsers can use its plugin. My mom uses 100% Konqueror for her
surfing and she would need flashplayer. I wouldn't like to provide
her outdated releases, maybe could convince her to change to mozil-
la or preferably to an updated opera.

Do you have an idea please, how I could figure out, what Konqui's
problem is with that "new" flashpl release? Maybe a simply font
issue, and either the original web-install nor the source rpm-
"rebuilt" flashplayer worked...

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[opensuse] Kmail constantly annoys with certificate problem.

2006-12-12 Thread pelibali

I have SUSE 9.1 with KDE 3.3.1 and have problem with Kmail 1.7.1 :(

I setup a secured pop3 connection (port 995 with auth; SSL with plain
text) to our mail server and every time I fire up Kmail to download
my e-mails I get the following popup(s):

The IP address of the host pop.whatever.net does not match the one
the certificate was issued to.
Details, Continue, Cancel


Would you like to accept this certificate forever without being
Forever, Current Sessions Only

Here independently which choice I do, except a shorter period when it
will be not asked again, but after restarting Kmail the very same
pop-ups appear for sure.
Any idea or trick to hide this somehow?! (FYI: Updating 9.1 or moving
to another provider are no valid options. KDE 3.3.2 could help, but.)

Thank you,
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Re: [opensuse] Re: [SLE] amazon.de vs. (new) RealPlayer of 10.x

2006-11-13 Thread pelibali
On Mon, 13 Nov 2006 12:40:36 +0100
Juergen Weigert <.> wrote:

> On Nov 11, 06 20:52:22 +0100, pelibali wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > On Tue, 31 Oct 2006 11:31:59 +0100
> > Joachim Schrod <.> wrote:
> > 
> > > The solution is to grab the old codecs from a Realplayer8 
> > > installation. Since you're asking for amazon.de, a German 
> > > description is probably helpful for you: http://linuxwiki.de/RealPlayer
> > 
> > Thank you, works flawlessly! Starting from the linked page I got to
> > http://de.gentoo-wiki.com/RealPlayer_10_Gold for exact instructions,
> > where I'll be able to download codecs of version 8 (or even better 9!)
> > and how to install them.
> > Takes maybe one single minute, but worth to do it...
> Cool solution!
> Please open an enhancement issue at bugzilla.novell.com
> So that this gets fixed in the next Realplayer release.
> thanks, 
> Jw.


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Re: [opensuse] flash-player- crashes - please confirm

2006-11-13 Thread pelibali

On Sun, 12 Nov 2006 14:56:24 -0800
Kai Ponte <.> wrote:

> On Sunday 12 November 2006 01:46, Michael Schueller wrote:
> > Hello List
> >
> > I´ve got a Problem with the latest flash-player- on a
> > certain Side.
> >
> > http://www.wuehlmaeuse.de/highend.html
> >
> Though I'm using flash 9 beta, it works great in Konq and Firefox.
> I have 9,0,21,55 installed. 

I tested it on my SUSE 9.1, having the latest official Firefox pro-
vided via YOU (MozillaFirefox-1.0.8-0.2), where I have a flash-
player of the YOUpdated SUSE 10.0 I have "rebuilt from src.rpm"

The page starts loading (=an ugly head is animated), then Firefox
suddenly (+reproducibly) disappears/freezes.

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[opensuse] Re: [SLE] amazon.de vs. (new) RealPlayer of 10.x

2006-11-11 Thread pelibali

On Tue, 31 Oct 2006 11:31:59 +0100
Joachim Schrod <.> wrote:

> Amazon uses the content that is supplied by the recording companies. 
> Some of them use an older RealAudio format that is not supported by 
> the current RealPlayer. Mostly it's older record; I kept 
> http://www.amazon.de/Acoustic-Soul-India-Arie/dp/B5A1PR as an 
> URL that makes problem.
> The solution is to grab the old codecs from a Realplayer8 
> installation. Since you're asking for amazon.de, a German 
> description is probably helpful for you: http://linuxwiki.de/RealPlayer

Thank you, works flawlessly! Starting from the linked page I got to
http://de.gentoo-wiki.com/RealPlayer_10_Gold for exact instructions,
where I'll be able to download codecs of version 8 (or even better 9!)
and how to install them.
Takes maybe one single minute, but worth to do it...

Kind regards,
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[opensuse] Re: [SLE] Explanation for two interesting attacks.

2006-11-11 Thread pelibali

On Wed, 8 Nov 2006 18:36:09 +0100
Anders Johansson <.> wrote:

> > Oct 12 21:53:40 moorczy kernel: SuSE-FW-DROP-ICMP-CRIT IN=ppp0
> > SRC= DST= LEN=56 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=42
> > [ SRC= DST= LEN=46 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=40
> > ID=63342 DF PROTO=UDP SPT=1029 DPT=23792 LEN=26 ]
> This is an ICMP redirect, telling you that if you want to get to, 
> you need to use as a gateway. It doesn't look like an attack 
> (hint: not everything dropped by your firewall is an 'attack') as much as a 
> misconfigured router (specifically the one with IP

Yes, thank you; in fact that is why I asked, because couldn't decide for sure,
if its a real attack or not! Needless to say that this host in Hong Kong was
very likely never visited by me or my family. Probably random try or was sup-
posed to come against the comp previously using "our" dynamic IP.

> > Oct 13 13:26:52 moorczy kernel: SuSE-FW-DROP-DEFAULT IN=ppp0 OUT= MAC=
> > SRC= DST= LEN=48 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=127
> > ID=15580 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=1270 DPT=139 WINDOWS=8192 RES=0x00 SYN
> > URGP=0 OPT (020405B401010402)
> This is a standard Win98 style NETBIOS network browse.

Hmmm. I don't think that a Linux-only small network, hanging on a freenet 
would be normally contacted from outside with 192.168.1.x-type internal IP 
But the fact is that there every 20 seconds a kiddie or alike is knocking.

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