Re: Variable contained illegal space Error on CMP Bean deploy????

2002-05-02 Thread Ray Harrison
 Mike -
I've never come across this error, but perhaps if you provide more information (maybe your ejb-jar.xml) we can take a look.

 Mike Shoemaker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
Anyone run into this error? What does it mean? ThanksMikeDo You Yahoo!?
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RE: URGENT: Big issues with CMP 2.x and application-client !!!!

2002-05-01 Thread Ray Harrison
For #1 below - adding the '_' for persistence names is likely due to the database schema definition in your config/database-schemas directory for your particular data source. It probably has 'password' as a disallowed field and hence will add the '_' to the field name - if you have an existing table which does in fact have the field 'password', then remove this from your disallowed field list, make the change in orion-ejb-jar.xml and restart Orion and that should take of it.
For#2 - haven't seen that one before.
 Gavin Spurling [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
I believe it only does this on fields named "password" as this can be areserved word in some DBs, it will do this if its autogenerating thetables for you. You can always edit the orion-ejb-jar.xml file andchange the mapping to what suits you.-Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED][mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of VincentFaidherbeSent: 30 April 2002 15:12To: Orion-InterestSubject: URGENT: Big issues with CMP 2.x and application-client Hello,I'm running Orion on a SuSe Linux 7.0 with a Sun JDK 1.3.1_03. I've encountered two problems :1. When using CMP 2.x entity bean, Orion adds an underscore to the nameof some fields for the persitence-name and consequently, the generated SQL doesn't work ... Example : persistence!
-name="password_" /2. I've written n command-line client to different EJBs. If the application-client.xml bound with the client refers to an unknown remoteinterface, the JVM of orion crashes with a stack overflow error.Any idea ?-- Vincent Faidherbeicogs"Do you think C++ is lovable? Unless you're into SM (SoftwareMasochism), probably not." (JLG)Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Health - your guide to health and wellness

Re: how to use unchecked tag?

2002-04-18 Thread Ray Harrison
 You aren't missing anything. Orion 1.5.4 ignores this flag completely and was reported as bug #732 in bugzilla. This has been fixed for the next release but in the meantime you'll have to get creative - comment out the method-check section of the ejb-jar.xml, that sort of thing. Although if you are using security, as you seem to be, you may want to double-check your principals.xml file to verify that all is well with that - I never tried invoking methods from Swing clients but JSP clients after logging in worked just fine.
 Anil D [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
Hi allI have a question regarding the use of tag in ejb-jar.xml. The docs says if we specify a method as unchecked in the ejb-jar.xml no user name and password nee d to be given while invoking that method. But when I run such a method(from a Swing client) the login screen is shown and evenif I give a valid username and password it throws an exception saying that "admin is not authorized to call this method."What am I missing?I am using orion 1.5.4TIA AnilDo You Yahoo!?
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Fwd: RE: Showstopper: Orion deployment crash, NullPointerException

2002-04-17 Thread Ray Harrison
 2nd Try...
 Randahl Fink Isaksen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
From: "Randahl Fink Isaksen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: RE: Showstopper: Orion deployment crash, NullPointerExceptionDate: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 21:42:30 +0200Organization: ROCK IT

You are absolutely right – that’s it!

They have my full support for obfuscating their code, but it sure is hard to guess what is wrong, when the stack trace is all garbled… we are lucky to have this mailing list.



-Original Message-From: Ray Harrison [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 17:59To: Orion-InterestCc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: Showstopper: Orion deployment crash, NullPointerException

I have experienced similar problems with 1.5.4 - is this your particular version? 
If so - 
Check your relationships in your ejb-jar.xml - M-N relationships don't work in 1.5.4, though it will work in the next release and can generate those sorts of errors. 
Also, if you have something like this with your 1-M unidirectional relationships where your collection is referenced in your *second* ejb-relationship-role (as follows) it will also generate thissort of error and you need to reverse the roles to avoid the NPE as a workaround: 
!-- This doesn't work -- 
 relationships ejb-relation ejb-relation-nameMany1s-Many2s/ejb-relation-name ejb-relationship-role ejb-relationship-role-nameMany2-has-many-many1s/ejb-relationship-role-name multiplicityMany/multiplicity relationship-role-source ejb-nameMany2/ejb-name /relationship-role-source /ejb-relationship-role ejb-relationship-role ejb-relationship-role-nameMany1-has-many-many2s/ejb-relationship-role-name multiplicityMany/multiplicity relationship-role-source ejb-nameMany1/ejb-name /relationship-role-source cmr-field cmr-field-namemany2s/cmr-field-name cmr-field-typejava.util.Collection/cmr-field-type /cmr-field /ejb-relationship-role /ejb-relation /relationships 
For the above, reverse the ejb-relationship-role entries so that the collection is referenced in the first entry. 
Hope this helps! 
 Randahl Fink Isaksen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

After introducing a lot of different changes in my EJBs I decided to erase my deployment directory (the folder /orion/application-deployments/rockit) in an attempt to make orion carry out a fresh and complete redeployment. Unfortunately now all I get is this:

Auto-deploying rockit-ejb.jar (No previous deployment found)... java.lang.NullPo
 at com.evermind._eh._dyc(.:109)
 at com.evermind._fc._izd(.:198)
 at com.evermind._fc._de(.:63)
 at com.evermind._fpb._de(.:31)
 at com.evermind._eq._aa(.:280)
 at com.evermind._ed._aa(.:270)
 at com.evermind._ai._kmd(.:526)
 at com.evermind._aj._kmd(.:287)
 at com.evermind._aj._vxb(.:119)
 at com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer._sxc(.:1308)
 at com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer._ige(.:1265)
 at com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer._vxb(.:1003)

It is kind of hard for me to guess whats going on since the stack trace is obfuscated, so as a long shot I am asking you guys if you have experienced something similar to this?

Yours Randahl

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Re: Referential Integrity in one to one

2002-04-10 Thread Ray Harrison
 Jesper -
There has been a tremendous amount of work done on relationships in an upcoming release of Orion. This particular bug has been fixed.
 Jesper Rasmussen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
Hi,Im having some problems with the move integrity of a one to onerelationship.The problem is this:a1 = new Aa2= new Ab1= new Bb2 = new Ba1.setRefToB(b1)a2.setRefToB(b2)This all works fine.when i then do:a1.setRefToB(a2.getRefToB())The container should move the reference and cause a subsequent call toa2.getRefToB() to return null. However both will return a ref to b2.This is ofc not the real code, but just the essens of the problem.Have anyone succeded in this (ie i made a bug some where)?also im using orion 1.5.4cheersJesperDo You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Tax Center - online filing with TurboTax

RE: [orion-interest]CMP/BMP and standard JDBC, speed is of essence

2002-04-09 Thread Ray Harrison
Jeff -
Yes, it really works. You can get access to the key value later by using getPrimaryKey on the instance. 
 Jeff Schnitzer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 From: Simon Stewart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]  Forgive me, but what about the case where you just set the prim-key-class to be "java.lang.Object" and don't specify a managed primary key field in your ejb-jar.xml file? While that's not the world's most advanced method for automatically generating primary keys, it's there, and it does work  Of course, I have no idea how to refer to this autogenerated primary key using EJB-QL, but that's beside the point ;)Does that really work? Can you get access to the value of the keylater? I've combed over that part of the spec, but it's terribly vagueabout how deferred keys are supposed to work. I've never seen acontainer that documented them, I have never seen an example of thembeing used, and (until now) I have never known anyone to have triedthem!
.Jeff Schnitzer[EMAIL PROTECTED]Do You Yahoo!?
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Re: Fw: Orion EJB container and SSL

2002-04-05 Thread Ray Harrison
 You may want to try posting out on or as well (if you haven't already).
 Sorin Pop [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
Hey,is there anybody out there who can tell me something about this?! I've sentthis more than a week ago, and I got no feedback whatsoever. If I'm talkingbullshit (e.g the question is stupid or something like that), at least tellme _that_ somebody! But, please, somebody say something to it...- Original Message -From: "Sorin Pop" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: "Orion-Interest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Friday, March 29, 2002 3:21 PMSubject: Orion EJB container and SSL Is it possible to use SSL with the EJB container of the Orion server? For example the client is a standalone Java application that makes onlyRMI-IIOP calls to EJB-s (no JSP, no servlets, no HTML involved) in the EJBcontainer. And I want to do this with security in mind, for example using SSL. Is it possible? (I read th!
at it is possible to use SSL with simple RMI applications, or with a web application in the Orion server, but I would like to use Orion server's EJB container only...).Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Tax Center - online filing with TurboTax

Re: Werent current caller

2002-04-05 Thread Ray Harrison
 Oddly, I've only run into this using OC4J (I don't remember what the problem was off hand, its been a while). But you may want to join the OTN (Oracle Technology Network) (its free) and search their J2EE forum. Since the two products are kissing cousins, what has worked for OC4J will point you in the right direction for Orion. What version of Orion are you using? Can you tell us a little more about what you are trying to do? If you have a test case (just a simple ear that I can deploy, and a separate zip'd source code file), send it to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED], and I'll look at it when I get a chance. 

 Jeff Lowcock [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
I'm getting this exception and message raised in the server when I'm attempting to create a new CMP instance. I cannot find any documentation on this message and way too much on the exception java.lang.InternalError, can anyone direct me to a source where I can identify possible sources of this error and where I'm going wrong.I've searched the Orion support site and the only mails I can find are for 0.9.4 and 0.9.6 versions, and none fo these mails actually describe the conditions I have.where to now?Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Tax Center - online filing with TurboTax

Re: Client program for simple EJB tutorial

2002-04-01 Thread Ray Harrison

Hi Ken -
Here's a sample client program.


import java.util.Hashtable;
import javax.naming.Context;
import javax.naming.InitialContext;
import mypackage.MyEntityEJB;
import mypackage.MyEntityEJBHome;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;

public class SampleMyEntityEJBClient 
  public static void main(String [] args)
SampleMyEntityEJBClient sampleMyEntityEJBClient = new SampleMyEntityEJBClient();
  Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
  env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, user);
  env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, password);
  env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, ormi://machine/application);
  Context ctx = new InitialContext(env);
  MyEntityEJBHome myEntityEJBHome = (MyEntityEJBHome)ctx.lookup(MyEntityEJB);
  MyEntityEJB myEntityEJB;

  // Use one of the create() methods below to create a new instance
  for (int i=1; i100; i++) {
  myEntityEJB = myEntityEJBHome.create( new Integer(i).toString() );
catch(Throwable ex)


--- Ken Cooper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

htmldiv style='background-color:'DIV/DIV
PThe A href=;The Orion 
a servlet as a client for an EJB. Does someone have the code for a 'command line' 
client. That is,
a client that is a standard java app (public static void main...)? Have tried this but 
have had
PThanks - KenBRBR-- /P
DIV/DIV/divbr clear=allhrSend and receive Hotmail on your mobile device: a
href=''Click Here/abr/html

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Re: Orion EJB 2.0 final

2002-03-27 Thread Ray Harrison

Simon -
No its not tricky, I write them all the time. Orion has always had a rather 
sophisticated finder
mechanism to provide (at least) some of the functionality of ejb-ql. And I haven't 
worked with the
JBoss 3.0 beta so I can't comment there.

--- Simon Stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tue, Mar 26, 2002 at 04:36:44PM -0800, The elephantwalker wrote:
  sans ejb-ql, 1.5.4 is compatible.

 Silly question, but doesn't this make writing EJB 2.0 CMP beans a
 little tricky? And if it's not too far off topic, how does JBoss



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Re: Orion EJB 2.0 final

2002-03-27 Thread Ray Harrison

Moving among different app servers, I still use ejb-ql functionality in the 
ejb-jar.xml file, its
just that when it is deployed on Orion, I have to add the finder functionality to the
orion-ejb-jar.xml file. I think in 1.5.4, it deploys, it just doesn't do anything.


--- Simon Stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Apologies, I probably didn't make myself sufficiently clear. With EJB
 2.0, aren't finder queries meant to be specified in the ejb-jar.xml
 file using EJB-QL? Consequently, Orions's lack of support for EJB-QL
 means that it's currently not possible to write portable CMP EJBs.

 Yes, I realise that you can get the orion-ejb-jar.xml file and edit
 the finders in that, but one of the touted benefits of the latest
 release of J2EE is that CMP is now a lot more portable between app
 servers, and doing that destroys this benefit.

 Or have I missed something? Still finding my feet with J2EE
 programming, so if anyone wants to set me straight, I'd appreciate it.

 On Wed, Mar 27, 2002 at 04:07:43AM -0800, Ray Harrison wrote:
  Simon -
  No its not tricky, I write them all the time. Orion has always had a rather   
sophisticated finder
  mechanism to provide (at least) some of the functionality of ejb-ql. And I   
haven't worked with the
  JBoss 3.0 beta so I can't comment there.
  --- Simon Stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On Tue, Mar 26, 2002 at 04:36:44PM -0800, The elephantwalker wrote:
sans ejb-ql, 1.5.4 is compatible.
   Silly question, but doesn't this make writing EJB 2.0 CMP beans a
   little tricky? And if it's not too far off topic, how does JBoss



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Re: Is Orion JDK 1.4 compatible?

2002-03-22 Thread Ray Harrison

I use it in 1.5.4 wihout any problems (except for the deprecation message on
*however* I haven't used any of the new features as yet.

--- Randahl Fink Isaksen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am wondering if anyone has any experience with using JDK 1.4 to run
 Orion - I noticed that, the Orion installation docs mention using JDK
 1.2.2, but is does not say that this is a requirement. I would like to
 run Orion with JDK 1.4 because then the new Java features like logging
 will be available to my beans, but I am worried that Orion has not been
 tested properly with this JDK.



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Re: CMP Entity Bean (addressbook) not deploying

2002-03-22 Thread Ray Harrison

Did the information in the database get entered outside of the application? If so, 
cycle the app
server to see if that fixes the problem (there's a flag you can set to eliminate that 
problem). If not, would you mind firing over the appropriate code snippets? (The place 
in your
code that you are calling the findBy.. in, and the orion-ejb-jar.xml file that is 

What version of Orion are you using? (Curious also as to your weblogic version).


--- Manish Jethani [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ray Harrison wrote:

  Are you by chance using the location attribute in the code
  somewhere - i.e. refering to
  jdbc/OracleDS? If so, use the ejb-location instead

 Thanks a lot.  That solved my problem.

 I have another problem though.  When I deploy my own app into
 orion, the cmp beans get deployed properly (w/o any error
 messages).  But when the client tries to access the bean through
 the findByPrimaryKey method I get the following exception:

   javax.ejb.ObjectNotFoundException: no such entity: prikey

 where prikey is the primary key.  The row does exist in the
 database but I don't see why it's not accessible.  The same app
 is working well in weblogic.


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Re: What's the difference between Oracle 9i App Server Release @ and orion 1.5.4?

2002-03-21 Thread Ray Harrison

In case there is any confusion, Oracle 9iAS has, among many other things, a j2ee 
licensed from the Orion code-base. The j2ee container is OC4J.

Besides cost, there are a number of differences - Orion 1.5.4 has more of the ejb2.0 
implemented, though they are still working on it. OC4J has introduced things like 
and has support for j2ee-style connectors and a few more tuning parameters.


--- Orion Newsgroup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Subject: What's the difference between Oracle 9i App Server Release @ and orion 
 From: alt.cybercafes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  == This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

 Content-Type: text/plain;
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

 What's the difference between Oracle 9i App Server Release @ and orion  1.5.4? Do 
they support EJB2.0, etc.?

 Content-Type: text/html;
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

 !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN
 META http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html;  charset=iso-8859-1
 META content=MSHTML 6.00.2713.1100 name=GENERATOR
 PFONT face=Arial size=2What's the difference between Oracle 9i  App Server 
 Release @ and orion 1.5.4/FONT? Do they support EJB2.0, etc.?/P


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Re: EJB failover/replication?

2002-03-21 Thread Ray Harrison

I believe that particular feature was added on top of Orion - not sure if Orion will 
add that at a
future date.
--- Michael Crozier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


   I'm starting to evaluate Orion as a application server for a project and
 I'm trying to figure out if/how Orion supports EJB failover.  Oracle/AS
 appears to, but I can't tell if thats a feature that they added on top of

 If EJB failover/replication is supported, could somebody point me to any



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Re: OrionSupport

2002-03-18 Thread Ray Harrison

Hi Drissi -
There are two excellent companies that have sprung up to offer Orion support - 
Elephantwalker and
Atlassian (, If their paid support is 
anything like
their free forums, you will definitely be in good hands. Check them out.

Ray Harrison

--- RDrissi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Everybody,
 Could anybody who purshased a support from orion, tell us how good it is in terms of 
 response time ..etc.

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Re: StatefulSession Bean Deployment problem

2002-03-12 Thread Ray Harrison

Daniel -
Are you refering to the CartApp.ear from the j2ee tutorial for jdk1.3? If so, what is 
your Orion
version? It deploys (haven't tested the functionality) on 1.5.4. Keep in mind that ear 
deployment might be different across app servers if there are app-server specific 
contained in it. For instance if there are j2ee-ri specific requirements for this app 
(which I
believe there are), the app may deploy in Orion but you will have to then adjust the 
orion config
accordingly. Also keep in mind that Orion isn't yet j2ee1.3 certified and that 1.5.4 
was the first
release to add the up-to-date functionality of that spec and there are missing pieces 
and bugs
that they are working through at this point. (Just to keep in mind ;-)

--- Daniel Chandran [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am trying to deploy the cart application that comes with the
 j2eetutorial  package from Sun (not the one
 that comes with Orion) , and get the following error while deploying:
 Auto-deploying cart (New server version detected)...
 Auto-deploying cart-ejb.jar (No previous deployment found)...
 CartHome_StatefulS class
  is an abstract class. It can't be instantiated.
 StatefulSessionContext context = new StatefulSessionContext();
  ^ class
 efulSessionContext is an abstract class. It can't be instantiated.
 StatefulSessionContext context = new StatefulSessionContext();
 The same ear file deploys without any problem under the j2ee server.
 Daniel G. Chandran
 Reuters Online Solutions.

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Re: StatefulSession Bean Deployment problem

2002-03-12 Thread Ray Harrison

Hi Daniel -
Like I said, I didn't look at it to see if it worked (doubt it does) I was just testing
functionality. I just added the ear file information to the server.xml file and tried 
deploying it
- I didn't rebuild it or anything like that (orion will ignore the j2ee-ri stuff) - 
just the basic
quick/dirty deployment.

--- Daniel Chandran [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yes it is the CartApp.ear  from the j2ee tutorial.  And I am trying it
 under Orion 1.5.4.   I rebuilt  the ear file without
 the j2ee-ri specific files.   I set up a  tree similar to the hello-planet
 tutorial, and modified the build.xml of
 the tutorial to build the  ear.
 Were you able to deploy under Orion 1.5.4, and if so what exactly are the
 steps you followed.
 Daniel -
 Are you refering to the CartApp.ear from the j2ee tutorial for jdk1.3? If
 so, what is your Orion
 version? It deploys (haven't tested the functionality) on 1.5.4. Keep in
 mind that ear file
 deployment might be different across app servers if there are app-server
 specific components
 contained in it. For instance if there are j2ee-ri specific requirements
 for this app (which I
 believe there are), the app may deploy in Orion but you will have to then
 adjust the orion config
 accordingly. Also keep in mind that Orion isn't yet j2ee1.3 certified and
 that 1.5.4 was the first
 release to add the up-to-date functionality of that spec and there are
 missing pieces and bugs
 that they are working through at this point. (Just to keep in mind ;-)
 --- Daniel Chandran [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I am trying to deploy the cart application that comes with the
  j2eetutorial  package from Sun (not the one
  that comes with Orion) , and get the following error while deploying:
  Auto-deploying cart (New server version detected)...
  Auto-deploying cart-ejb.jar (No previous deployment found)...
  CartHome_StatefulS class
   is an abstract class. It can't be instantiated.
  StatefulSessionContext context = new StatefulSessionContext();
   ^ class
  efulSessionContext is an abstract class. It can't be instantiated.
  StatefulSessionContext context = new StatefulSessionContext();
  The same ear file deploys without any problem under the j2ee server.
  Daniel G. Chandran
  Reuters Online Solutions.
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RE: DataSource Issue

2002-03-11 Thread Ray Harrison

Hi Clay -
When I have used MySQL in the past, I have just used the schema that ships with Orion 
in the
config/database-shemas directory. 


--- Clay Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Does this mean you have MySQL working? If so, could you share your
 schema with the rest of the group? :)
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Ray Harrison
 Sent: Sunday, March 10, 2002 11:26 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re: DataSource Issue
 Mike -
 On my laptop I have Sap DB ( It has a small enough
 footprint that it works on a laptop just fine, but has the functionality
 to make it useful. MySQL works just fine as well. Wouldn't bother with
 Access myself. 
 --- Michael Shoemaker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hello Gang
  I have a datasource question that Id like to get some feedback on. 
  Typically my development happens where I have a datasource available, 
  but sometimes I have my laptop offline without any access to my 
  database.  What do you mobile users do in this case?  Set up a local 
  datasource using what?  Access? MySQL? Please advise.
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Re: Container does not passivate my beans.

2002-03-09 Thread Ray Harrison

Lachezar -
One thing you might try (at least for testing purposes) is to move up to 1.5.4 - I do 
passivation in this version running an example similar to yours and it doesn't run out 
of memory.
Although I don't quite understand how max-instances,instance-cache-timeout, and 
fit together, try varying settings on those parameters (in 1.5.4) and see how that 
works for you. 


--- Lachezar Dobrev [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Well... I'm using Orion/1.5.2 (build 10460) for reasons other than the
   Well actually I do need more that 10 million rows. No, they are not
 created withing one and the same transaction. Each one is created in a
 different transaction (the code I posted was an excerpt of a stand-alone
 client using com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIInitialContextFactory.
   The database itself has no problems with a 1 million rows, but the
 container does not passivate/clear/rele4ase the beans with time. They keep
 growing and growing. The test beans had only an Integer primary key and no
 data fields at all. The real-life beans will hold 1-2K data. You can see
 the problem... 10K beans will be around 20MB data only. Too much for me.
   I tried some tune-up settings, but could not get any results except with
 the 'exclusive-write-access=false', but in that case I get only one bean
 generated, and that shits the hell out of me. I just need to set some
 sensible time-out value, but neither instance-cache-timeout, nor
 validity-timeout, nor pool-cache-timeout, nor max-instances did the job for
 me. Non of these changed the logics. If the exclusive-write-access is true,
 a bean instance gets generated every time I create an entity. If set to
 false I get enormous lag for using the beans. That is not good. Isn't there
 any setting, that can tell orion to flush the bean instances every let's say
 10 seconds?
   Thanks for the help anyway. A food for thought.
   Looking forward for some helper settings.
  What version are you using?
  I saw this problem in, but not the same way.
  Do you really need to create 1,000,000 rows in one transaction, or will
  it actually be many transactions?  If I create 1000 beans/transaction,
  and call it many times, it seems I only ever have 1000 total used/pooled
  I did change instance-cache-timeout=1 for the entity bean I am testing.
  Another change I made (for different reasons) was to set
  exclusive_write_acesss= false, I don't know if that effected this at
  hope this helps,
  Lachezar Dobrev wrote:
I sent a message some days ago, to no avail. It didn't show up in the
My problem is, that Orion does not passivate my beans.
I have tested both CMP and BMP, with NO success...
I ran a test, which created 1 million bean instances. Orion kept up
  creating beans, until at last it ran out of memory (740MB).
Am i doing something wrong?
for (int i = 0; i  100; i ++){
No success... 1 million. If these are not released imagine what will
  happen at a later moment? I need to create beans continuously. Do I have
  restart Orion every couple of minutes, just to clear the bean pools?
I must say I'm very disappointed. I don't see reason to use Entity
  any more. I better serialize to files. THAT will do the job.
Later all.
  Roxanne Tapia
  Bioscience Division (B-1)
  Los Alamos National Laboratory

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Re: SwiftMQ wth Orion

2002-03-08 Thread Ray Harrison

Hi Vani -
I have been able integrate SwiftMQ just fine with Orion by following those 
instructions in the
documentation referenced below. You say you have put swiftmq.jar into the orion\lib 
Double check that first. 


--- Vani H.S. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi All,
   After days of trial with Open JMS I decided to give a try with SwiftMQ. I 
 want to deploy my MDB on Orion1.5.4, and I want to use SwiftMQ JMS provider.
   The document I referred to is the one available at
 After following the steps in that document, I tried to deploy my application 
 onto Orion and it fails with the following Exception.
 Error updating application OrionMDB: Error creating naming context instance: 
 javax.naming.NoInitialContextException: Cannot instantiate class: 
 com.swiftmq.jndi.InitialContextFactoryImpl [Root exception is 
 Please if any of you have got Orion working with SwiftMQ, let me know how 
 you did it. I don't seem to have any clue as to what is going on. I have 
 included the swiftmq.jar, which contains 
 com.swiftmq.jndi.InitialContextFactoryImpl.class in the classpath of
 orion server.
 Please help me.
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Re: Local / Local Home

2002-03-04 Thread Ray Harrison

There have been a few local interface bugs fixed - don't know the specific one you are 
about - go on out to and follow the bugzilla link to get the 
information on the
specific bug. If it has been fixed - it won't be out until 1.5.5 is released which is 


--- David Tunkrans [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Does anyone know if the bug mentioned in previous postings is fixed? (Using 
Local/LocalHome with
 BMP and CMP)

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Re: General Question about Enterprise Deployment of Orion

2002-02-28 Thread Ray Harrison

Hi Garrett -
I believe this does work in Orion, at least I haven't had any known problems with it. 
(I'm using 1.5.4)

--- Garrett Skelly [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Guys  Gals,
 has anyone deployed Orion in and enterprise environment? While trying to
 deploy our application we have encountered a MEMORY LEAK TYPE PROBLEM
 where EJBs are maintained in Memory and not released - in addition the
 config of the max-instances in memory does not work - this is a fundamental
 configuration problem when deploying an application. Has anyone encountered
 it or is my version OC4J a gremlin?

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RE: modeling tool

2002-02-27 Thread Ray Harrison

It doesn't sound like you need all of what something like Together offers (not to 
mention the
price!). Along the lines of metamill - I would suggest Enterprise Architect from Sparx 

I like what Mr. Sparx has done and I like the price. It doesn't wash you car and mow 
your lawn
like Together is supposed to do, but it *does* handle all of the UML diagrams.


--- Djemal, Guy (TWIi London) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've used  in the past, not
 quite as cheap as metamill but I thought it was nice.

 -Original Message-
 From: Chandra Kuchibhotla [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 27 February 2002 01:20
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: modeling tool

 Why don't you look at metamill (
 )? Its affordable and it has very nice features!

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Vinícius de Faria
 Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 12:29 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: modeling tool

 Hey guys, i'd like to hear your comments about this situation.
 My team has a well defined development process, for developing j2ee web
 apps. This is a lightweight process based on uml diagrams. Our Java IDE is
 JDeveloper9i and we are happy about it. We need now to get a uml graphical
 modeling tool, which support the analisys/design phases of the development
 process. JDeveloper9i doesn't support all the uml diagrams we need. At the
 same time we don't want to spend a lot of money with a tool that will bring
 much more than we need(process development, java IDE and so on).
 I'm wondering to know what you guys think about it...

 thanks in advance,


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Re: EJB Deadlocks????

2002-02-22 Thread Ray Harrison

I ran this test case against Oracle 9i using 1.5.4 and no changes to any 
orion-ejb-jar.xml files
and it worked like a charm. The other database that I use, SAP DB fails (hangs). With 
1.5.3 both
Oracle and SAP DB failed. So I think some items have been fixed - and I also am now 
looking at
what happens on the database side. Think I'll look at SAP DB's JDBC driver and see how 
it handles
these errors.


--- Jeff Hubbach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 We found a deadlock problem, but you don't need a heavy load to achieve it. I'll 
describe the
 situation to you and you can decide if it's the same error or not.
 A session bean with container-managed transactions does updates to 2 entity beans. 
If _ANY_
 error is thrown while updating the second entity bean, then the transaction is 
rolled back (as
 it should, and as we coded it to). The deadlock happens when you try to access the 
 entity that was updated first in that failed transaction. The server just hangs at 
 ejbStore() call of that entity. We've duplicated this problem on Oracle 8, 8i, SQL 
Server 7, and
 someone else duplicated it on SAP and DB2. For some reason it works on PostgreSQL. 
We don't know
 if it's a result of the Dirty Connection that you see is left behind if you have
 I have a test case, and we've posted a bug (#702). We've discussed this on 
elephantwalker, etc.
 and 1.5.4 doesn't correct the problem. My guess is that noone seems to think it's a 
big deal,
 which I find hard to believe. If this sounds like a possible way that you're 
achieving your
 deadlock (ie, you're updating multiple beans in a transaction that has the 
possibility of being
 rolled back, then you try to update one of those beans again), then I'd love it if 
you'd help me
 jump and scream and get someone, preferably magnus, to acknowledge this problem and 
fix it.
 If anyone would like our test case, please email me and I'd be happy to send it your 
 On Thu, 21 Feb 2002 15:33:38 -0600
 Stephen Davidson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I am running a load test on a system with 200 concurrent threads (simulating 200 
 users).  System requirements are for 1000 Users/box.
  When running the test, I hit the attached Error.
  Has anyone else been having problems with Orion under heavy loads?
  500 Internal Server Error
  com.evermind[Orion/1.5.4 (build 10585)].server.DeadlockException: Deadlock 
detected, timing
 out call after 90 seconds wait for thread 
  at com.evermind[Orion/1.5.4 (build 
  at User_EntityBeanWrapper36.getUserId(
  at /site_header.jsp._jspService(/ (JSP page line 101)
  at com.orionserver[Orion/1.5.4 (build 10585)].http.OrionHttpJspPage.service(.:56)
  at com.evermind[Orion/1.5.4 (build 10585)]._cp._vhc(.:5639)
  at com.evermind[Orion/1.5.4 (build 10585)].server.http.JSPServlet.service(.:31)
  at com.evermind[Orion/1.5.4 (build 10585)]._deb._lnc(.:514)
  at com.evermind[Orion/1.5.4 (build 10585)]._deb._wmb(.:170)
  at com.evermind[Orion/1.5.4 (build 10585)]._co._wbb(.:581)
  at com.evermind[Orion/1.5.4 (build 10585)]._co._fs(.:189)
  at com.evermind[Orion/1.5.4 (build 10585)]
  Stephen Davidson
  Java Consultant
  Delphi Consultants, LLC
  Phone: 214-696-6224 x208
 Jeff Hubbach
 Internet Developer
 Sun Certified Web Component Developer
 New Media Division
 ITQ Lata, L.L.C.
 303-745-4763 x3114

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Re: [Solution] How is the autoid generated? Chokes SAP DB.

2002-02-21 Thread Ray Harrison

The SAPDB schema in the database schema directory currently maps long to integer, it 
should map
long to something like fixed(38). That fixes it.


--- Ray Harrison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi -
 Does anyone know off hand how the autoid is generated in 1.5.4? The value produced 
chokes SAP DB
 (it produces an invalid exponent error when trying to insert the row). Works fine in 
 Thanks much
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Re: [Updated sapdb.xml] [Solution] How is the autoid generated? Chokes SAP DB.

2002-02-21 Thread Ray Harrison

Here is the updated SAP DB schema file:

?xml version=1.0?
!DOCTYPE database-schema PUBLIC -//Evermind//- Database schema;

database-schema name=SapDB not-null=not null null=null primary-key=primary key
type-mapping type=boolean  name=boolean /
type-mapping type=byte name=byte /
type-mapping type=char name=char /
type-mapping type=double   name=double precision /
type-mapping type=floatname=float /
type-mapping type=int  name=integer /
type-mapping type=long name=fixed(38) /
type-mapping type=shortname=smallint /
type-mapping type=java.lang.String name=varchar(255) /
type-mapping type=java.math.BigDecimal name=fixed(15,15) /
type-mapping type=byte[]   name=long byte /
type-mapping type=java.sql.Datename=date /
type-mapping type=java.sql.Timename=time /
type-mapping type=java.sql.Timestamp   name=timestamp /
type-mapping type=java.util.Date   name=timestamp /
type-mapping name=long byte /

disallowed-field name=key /
disallowed-field name=date /
disallowed-field name=timestamp /
disallowed-field name=time /
disallowed-field name=username /
disallowed-field name=user /
disallowed-field name=password /
disallowed-field name=order /
disallowed-field name=table /
disallowed-field name=value /
disallowed-field name=name /
disallowed-field name=count /

--- Ray Harrison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The SAPDB schema in the database schema directory currently maps long to integer, it 
should map
 long to something like fixed(38). That fixes it.
 --- Ray Harrison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi -
  Does anyone know off hand how the autoid is generated in 1.5.4? The value produced 
chokes SAP
  (it produces an invalid exponent error when trying to insert the row). Works fine 
in Oracle.
  Thanks much
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 Yahoo! Sports - Coverage of the 2002 Olympic Games

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RE: (repost) FW: A word of warning: SwiftMQ and Resource providers.

2002-02-20 Thread Ray Harrison

I am using 1.3.1_02 and SwiftMQ 3.0 beta.

--- Geoff Soutter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hmm. Strange. 
 I'm definitely using 1.5.4, you can see it in the console output I
 included below. I tried doing an autoupdate and trying it again, made no
 difference. I even did a recursive diff against the .zip version and the
 autoupdate version and they are identical (despite the fact autoupdate
 claimed it was overwriting most of the files).
 There must be a logical explanation ... but I can't see it ...
 I'm using jdk 1.3.1_02 and SwiftMQ 2.1.3. Is that the versions you guys
 are using?
 PS, I'm not using Topics myself, I was only providing a FYI for those
 that cared... 
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Ray Harrison
 Sent: Wednesday, 20 February 2002 10:04 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re: (repost) FW: A word of warning: SwiftMQ and Resource
 Interesting - I *don't* get that error any longer with 1.5.4, though I
 did with 1.5.3.
 --- Geoff Soutter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Argh. Mailing lists that are not reliable annoy the  out of me.
  -Original Message-
  From: Geoff Soutter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Tuesday, 19 February 2002 9:32 AM
  To: 'Orion-Interest'
  Subject: RE: A word of warning: SwiftMQ and Resource providers.
  Hi Magnus,
  All I did was follow the instructions in the resource providers 
  As soon as I added the resource-provider tag you quoted below, and 
  restarted orion, I got:
  C:\apps\orion\154java -jar orion.jar
  Error deploying file:/C:/temp/newsfeed/build/newsfeed/newsfeed-ejb.jar
  homes: JMS Error: Queue 'testtopic' is not local! Can't create a 
  Consumer on it!
  2002-02-19 09:23:14,435 INFO   StartupServlet - startup completed
  Orion/1.5.4 initialized
  Which is exactly the same error as originally reported below.
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Magnus 
  Sent: Monday, 18 February 2002 7:35 PM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: RE: A word of warning: SwiftMQ and Resource providers.
  It IS fixed in 1.5.4, so please let us know what fails for you. Here 
  is a sample setup:
  1. Set up and start SwiftMQ.
  2. In your /config/application.xml have a setup like the following: 
  display-name=SwiftMQ resource name=SwiftMQ 
  SwiftMQ resource provider. 
  property name=java.naming.factory.initial
  value=com.swiftmq.jndi.InitialContextFactoryImpl / 
  property name=java.naming.provider.url
  property name=resource.names
  value=testtopic,testqueue@router1,plainsocket@router1 / 
  3. Start Orion, deploy the ATM sample (it uses a MDB with a topic)
  4. Configure the ATM sample to use your resource provider with 
  something like the following in your orion-ejb-jar.xml: 
  message-driven-deployment name=mainLogger 
  ejb-ref-mapping name=ejb/mainLog /
  Could you please let me know where/how this fails for you?
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Geoff 
  Sent: den 18 februari 2002 02:50
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: RE: A word of warning: SwiftMQ and Resource providers.
  FYI, this was not fixed in 1.5.4.
  Naughty Magnus! :-)
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Ray 
  Sent: Monday, 14 January 2002 8:50 AM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: Re: A word of warning: SwiftMQ and Resource providers.
  According to Magnus R, the problem will be fixed in the next release. 
  I don't know if you can use SwiftMQ / Topics with the Oracle code base
  (OC4J), but maybe worth a shot. Hopefully soon from the good folks at 
  --- Graham Bennett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On Tue, Nov 20, 2001 at 12:29:54PM +0200, Lachezar Dobrev wrote:
   Recently looking at the Resource-Providers docs, and EAGER to
   an external JMS for my MDBs I and a colleague decided to run
   demos.  As quite a surprise the demo run ok. The MDB did
   when a message was sent to the Queue.

   The BIG disappointment was, when we tried to do the same with
   topic.  In short: It does not work.
Error deploying
homes: JMS Error: Queue 'testtopic

RE: (repost) FW: A word of warning: SwiftMQ and Resource providers.

2002-02-20 Thread Ray Harrison

Also, I just tested the ATM as per Magnus' suggestion and it worked there as well. 
Have you tried
it with SwiftMQ 3.0 (I know they just got rid of their free licenses)? I will try it 
later with
version 2.x.
--- Ray Harrison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am using 1.3.1_02 and SwiftMQ 3.0 beta.
 --- Geoff Soutter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hmm. Strange. 
  I'm definitely using 1.5.4, you can see it in the console output I
  included below. I tried doing an autoupdate and trying it again, made no
  difference. I even did a recursive diff against the .zip version and the
  autoupdate version and they are identical (despite the fact autoupdate
  claimed it was overwriting most of the files).
  There must be a logical explanation ... but I can't see it ...
  I'm using jdk 1.3.1_02 and SwiftMQ 2.1.3. Is that the versions you guys
  are using?
  PS, I'm not using Topics myself, I was only providing a FYI for those
  that cared... 
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Ray Harrison
  Sent: Wednesday, 20 February 2002 10:04 AM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: Re: (repost) FW: A word of warning: SwiftMQ and Resource
  Interesting - I *don't* get that error any longer with 1.5.4, though I
  did with 1.5.3.
  --- Geoff Soutter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Argh. Mailing lists that are not reliable annoy the  out of me.
   -Original Message-
   From: Geoff Soutter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: Tuesday, 19 February 2002 9:32 AM
   To: 'Orion-Interest'
   Subject: RE: A word of warning: SwiftMQ and Resource providers.
   Hi Magnus,
   All I did was follow the instructions in the resource providers 
   As soon as I added the resource-provider tag you quoted below, and 
   restarted orion, I got:
   C:\apps\orion\154java -jar orion.jar
   Error deploying file:/C:/temp/newsfeed/build/newsfeed/newsfeed-ejb.jar
   homes: JMS Error: Queue 'testtopic' is not local! Can't create a 
   Consumer on it!
   2002-02-19 09:23:14,435 INFO   StartupServlet - startup completed
   Orion/1.5.4 initialized
   Which is exactly the same error as originally reported below.
   -Original Message-
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Magnus 
   Sent: Monday, 18 February 2002 7:35 PM
   To: Orion-Interest
   Subject: RE: A word of warning: SwiftMQ and Resource providers.
   It IS fixed in 1.5.4, so please let us know what fails for you. Here 
   is a sample setup:
   1. Set up and start SwiftMQ.
   2. In your /config/application.xml have a setup like the following: 
   display-name=SwiftMQ resource name=SwiftMQ 
   SwiftMQ resource provider. 
   property name=java.naming.factory.initial
   value=com.swiftmq.jndi.InitialContextFactoryImpl / 
   property name=java.naming.provider.url
   property name=resource.names
   value=testtopic,testqueue@router1,plainsocket@router1 / 
   3. Start Orion, deploy the ATM sample (it uses a MDB with a topic)
   4. Configure the ATM sample to use your resource provider with 
   something like the following in your orion-ejb-jar.xml: 
   message-driven-deployment name=mainLogger 
 ejb-ref-mapping name=ejb/mainLog /
   Could you please let me know where/how this fails for you?
   -Original Message-
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Geoff 
   Sent: den 18 februari 2002 02:50
   To: Orion-Interest
   Subject: RE: A word of warning: SwiftMQ and Resource providers.
   FYI, this was not fixed in 1.5.4.
   Naughty Magnus! :-)
   -Original Message-
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Ray 
   Sent: Monday, 14 January 2002 8:50 AM
   To: Orion-Interest
   Subject: Re: A word of warning: SwiftMQ and Resource providers.
   According to Magnus R, the problem will be fixed in the next release. 
   I don't know if you can use SwiftMQ / Topics with the Oracle code base
   (OC4J), but maybe worth a shot. Hopefully soon from the good folks at 
   --- Graham Bennett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Tue, Nov 20, 2001 at 12:29:54PM +0200, Lachezar Dobrev wrote:
Recently looking at the Resource-Providers docs, and EAGER to
an external JMS for my MDBs I

How is the autoid generated? Chokes SAP DB.

2002-02-20 Thread Ray Harrison

Hi -
Does anyone know off hand how the autoid is generated in 1.5.4? The value produced 
chokes SAP DB
(it produces an invalid exponent error when trying to insert the row). Works fine in 

Thanks much

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Re: (repost) FW: A word of warning: SwiftMQ and Resource providers.

2002-02-19 Thread Ray Harrison

Interesting - I *don't* get that error any longer with 1.5.4, though I did with 1.5.3.
--- Geoff Soutter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Argh. Mailing lists that are not reliable annoy the  out of me.
 -Original Message-
 From: Geoff Soutter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
 Sent: Tuesday, 19 February 2002 9:32 AM
 To: 'Orion-Interest'
 Subject: RE: A word of warning: SwiftMQ and Resource providers.
 Hi Magnus,
 All I did was follow the instructions in the resource providers document
 As soon as I added the resource-provider tag you quoted below, and
 restarted orion, I got:
 C:\apps\orion\154java -jar orion.jar
 Error deploying file:/C:/temp/newsfeed/build/newsfeed/newsfeed-ejb.jar
 homes: JMS Error: Queue 'testtopic' is not local! Can't create a
 Consumer on it!
 2002-02-19 09:23:14,435 INFO   StartupServlet - startup completed
 Orion/1.5.4 initialized
 Which is exactly the same error as originally reported below.
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Magnus Rydin
 Sent: Monday, 18 February 2002 7:35 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: A word of warning: SwiftMQ and Resource providers.
 It IS fixed in 1.5.4, so please let us know what fails for you. Here is
 a sample setup:
 1. Set up and start SwiftMQ.
 2. In your /config/application.xml have a setup like the following:
 display-name=SwiftMQ resource name=SwiftMQ  
 SwiftMQ resource provider. 
 property name=java.naming.factory.initial
 value=com.swiftmq.jndi.InitialContextFactoryImpl / 
 property name=java.naming.provider.url value=smqp://localhost:4001
 property name=resource.names
 value=testtopic,testqueue@router1,plainsocket@router1 / 
 3. Start Orion, deploy the ATM sample (it uses a MDB with a topic)
 4. Configure the ATM sample to use your resource provider with something
 like the following in your orion-ejb-jar.xml: message-driven-deployment
   ejb-ref-mapping name=ejb/mainLog /
 Could you please let me know where/how this fails for you?
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Geoff Soutter
 Sent: den 18 februari 2002 02:50
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: A word of warning: SwiftMQ and Resource providers.
 FYI, this was not fixed in 1.5.4. 
 Naughty Magnus! :-)
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Ray Harrison
 Sent: Monday, 14 January 2002 8:50 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re: A word of warning: SwiftMQ and Resource providers.
 According to Magnus R, the problem will be fixed in the next release. I
 don't know if you can use SwiftMQ / Topics with the Oracle code base
 (OC4J), but maybe worth a shot. Hopefully soon from the good folks at
 --- Graham Bennett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Tue, Nov 20, 2001 at 12:29:54PM +0200, Lachezar Dobrev wrote:
  Recently looking at the Resource-Providers docs, and EAGER to use
  an external JMS for my MDBs I and a colleague decided to run the
  demos.  As quite a surprise the demo run ok. The MDB did
  when a message was sent to the Queue.
  The BIG disappointment was, when we tried to do the same with the
  topic.  In short: It does not work.
   Error deploying 
   homes: JMS Error: Queue 'testtopic' is not local! Can't create a
   Consumer on it!
  has this now been fixed?  I'm getting the same error with SwiftMQ and 
  the latest build.
  Graham Bennett
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Re: orion 1.5.4 not compatible with java 1.4

2002-02-16 Thread Ray Harrison

Yes - you need to copy the tools.jar from the jdk directory to the orion directory.

--- Robert Virkus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi everybody,
 does anyone know, why the orion 1.5.4 is not fully compatible with the
 jdk 1.4.0?
 My servlets run just fine, but while using jsp, I get following
 500 Internal Server Error
 Error parsing JSP page /main.jsp
 Syntax error in source
 error: Invalid class file format in 
d:\j2sdk1.4.0\jre\lib\rt.jar(java/lang/Object.class).  The
 major.minor version '48.0' is too recent for this tool to understand.
 / Class java.lang.Object not found in class
 import javax.servlet.*;
 2 errors
 does anyone know a solution for this?
 thanks in advance!
   Robert Virkus
   Director Mobile Solutions
 Robert Virkus
 scaraboo GmbH
 mobile Entertainment
 28199 Bremen
 phone  +49 - (0)421 - 59 67 549
 fax+49 - (0)421 - 59 67 567
 mobile +49 - (0)171 - 35 31 635
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RE: Wow. It seems that 1.5.4 is released!!!

2002-02-15 Thread Ray Harrison

1.5.3 was just the previous version and now they have moved on to 1.5.4 - with 
updates. 1.5.3 was just a bug-fix release to the 1.5.2 stable release. 1.5.4 is (to 
me) quite a
bit of a change from any previous version and will be the starting point for future 
releases. Once 1.5.4 is in its current mode for a while and if there are no major 
bugs, it will
likely become a so-called stable release.

--- Djemal, Guy (TWIi London) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Another question from me as I'm a bit late on the Orion scene, I have only
 been using it a couple of months. Does this mean that 1.5.3 has been
 abandoned. It also seems like it has been an awfully long time since they
 last released a stable version.
 Guy Djemal.
  -Original Message-
  Sent: 15 February 2002 16:40
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: RE: Wow. It seems that 1.5.4 is released!!!
  Great to see that a new version is ready of this great 
  application server!!!
  Just a question for the Orion guys. Does this version support 
  the complete J2EE 1.3 standard (including all EJB2.0)?? I am 
  very interested because this is a key issue for one of my projects! 
  Thanks on any info.
  Erwin Teseling
  See subj.

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RE: Wow. It seems that 1.5.4 is released!!!

2002-02-15 Thread Ray Harrison

Sure it is - look under the news section on for the announcement 
for 1.5.3 and
you can download it from there.

--- Djemal, Guy (TWIi London) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Well regardless 1.5.3 was called an experimental release and is no longer
 available to download.
  -Original Message-
  From: Ray Harrison [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: 15 February 2002 11:29
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: RE: Wow. It seems that 1.5.4 is released!!!
  1.5.3 was just the previous version and now they have moved 
  on to 1.5.4 - with SIGNIFICANT
  updates. 1.5.3 was just a bug-fix release to the 1.5.2 
  stable release. 1.5.4 is (to me) quite a
  bit of a change from any previous version and will be the 
  starting point for future stable
  releases. Once 1.5.4 is in its current mode for a while and 
  if there are no major bugs, it will
  likely become a so-called stable release.
  --- Djemal, Guy (TWIi London) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Another question from me as I'm a bit late on the Orion 
  scene, I have only
   been using it a couple of months. Does this mean that 1.5.3 has been
   abandoned. It also seems like it has been an awfully long 
  time since they
   last released a stable version.
   Guy Djemal.
-Original Message-
Sent: 15 February 2002 16:40
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: Wow. It seems that 1.5.4 is released!!!

Great to see that a new version is ready of this great 
application server!!!

Just a question for the Orion guys. Does this version support 
the complete J2EE 1.3 standard (including all EJB2.0)?? I am 
very interested because this is a key issue for one of my 

Thanks on any info.
Erwin Teseling

See subj.

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Orion 1.5.4 - M-N Relationship chokes (?)

2002-02-15 Thread Ray Harrison

Resend - it didn't post the first

Hello -
For the hell of it I decided to test M-N relationships in the latest release of Orion 
(1.5.4). I
started by trying to work with some of Monson-Haefel's examples - the result was the 
same as that
below. To simplify it, I just created a couple of test entities, each with a 
collection based
reference to the other entity. Using local interfaces. The 1-N relationships seem to 
work just
fine. I am wondering if I am missing something in the M-N relationship construction.

// Collection ref to otest2
public Collection getOtest2s( );
public void setOtest2s(Collection otest2s);


// abstract methods
public abstract Collection getOtest2s( );
public abstract void setOtest2s(Collection otest2s);

There is a similar setup for the other entity. The relationship references are (from 



As I said earlier, the faithful 1-many relationships work. When changed to an m-n 
relationship, as
the entity jar is being deployed it comes back with the following:

Auto-deploying testorion (New server version detected)...
Auto-deploying server.jar (No previous deployment found)... java.lang.NullPointe
at com.evermind._eh._hg(.:120)
at com.evermind._eh._de(.:173)
at com.evermind._ef._de(.:292)
at com.evermind._em._nvc(.:395)
at com.evermind._eq.init(.:63)
at com.evermind._ed._aa(.:186)
at com.evermind._ai._kmd(.:526)
at com.evermind._aj._kmd(.:287)
at com.evermind._aj._vxb(.:119)
at com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer._sxc(.:1308)
at com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer._ige(.:1265)
at com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer._vxb(.:1003)

and then doesn't deploy of course. Before I submit a bug for this - did I miss 
something somewhere
or is this legit?


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RE: Questionnaire

2002-02-04 Thread Ray Harrison

Robb -
You need to remove yourself. Go to the orion website, go to the mailing list subscribe 
type in the email address that you used to subscribe originally, and hit 'unsubscribe'.
Exceedingly easy for you to do ASAP. 

--- Geoff Soutter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I was wondering what the (BS) stood for :-)
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Robb (BS)
 Sent: Sunday, February 03, 2002 8:10 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re: Questionnaire
 If you cannot control your weblist from people who deploy viruses, how
 in the hell can you make a decent app server
 Please remove me from your list ASAP!!
 - Original Message - 
 From: chen.hui 
 To: Orion-Interest 
 Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2002 9:31 AM
 Subject: Questionnaire

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Re: javax.ejb.EJBLocalHome and javax.ejb.EJBLocalObject

2002-01-25 Thread Ray Harrison

Orion only has partial ejb 2.0 compliance - local interfaces are not part of what's 
Full compliance is coming - but I personally don't know when.
--- Chris Boz Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Can Orion handle local interfaces, i.e., javax.ejb.EJBLocalHome and 
 javax.ejb.EJBLocalObject ?
 I am going through Ed Roman's Mastering EJB 2nd edition and it uses 
 these (as part of EJB 2.0, I assume.)

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Re: A word of warning: SwiftMQ and Resource providers.

2002-01-13 Thread Ray Harrison

According to Magnus R, the problem will be fixed in the next release. I don't know if 
you can use
SwiftMQ / Topics with the Oracle code base (OC4J), but maybe worth a shot. Hopefully 
soon from the
good folks at Orion!
--- Graham Bennett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tue, Nov 20, 2001 at 12:29:54PM +0200, Lachezar Dobrev wrote:
 Recently looking at the Resource-Providers docs, and EAGER to use
 an external JMS for my MDBs I and a colleague decided to run the
 demos.  As quite a surprise the demo run ok. The MDB did everything
 when a message was sent to the Queue.
 The BIG disappointment was, when we tried to do the same with the
 topic.  In short: It does not work.
  Error deploying
  homes: JMS Error: Queue 'testtopic' is not local! Can't create a
  Consumer on it!
 has this now been fixed?  I'm getting the same error with SwiftMQ and
 the latest build.
 Graham Bennett

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Re: Pet Store 1.3 and Orion

2002-01-12 Thread Ray Harrison

Another unsubstantiated rumour I have heard is sometime this QTR
--- Michael_Østergård_Jensen_-_CIM_Industrial_Systems_A/S [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 And when is 1.5.4 scheduled?

 - Original Message -
 From: Ray Harrison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, January 11, 2002 1:15 PM
 Subject: Re: Pet Store 1.3 and Orion

  No it doesn't. There was a rumour at one point that it would be in 1.5.4.
  --- Jean-Guillaume LALANNE [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   - Original Message -
   From: Jean-Guillaume LALANNE [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2002 4:38 PM
   Subject: Pet Store 1.3 and Orion
Has anybody tried to install the sun pet store 1.3 app work on orion ?
It seems that my orion version doesn't take into account the EJB2.0
localhome feature.
Does the last one (1.5.3) do it ?
Jean-Guillaume LALANNE
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Re: Pet Store 1.3 and Orion

2002-01-11 Thread Ray Harrison

No it doesn't. There was a rumour at one point that it would be in 1.5.4.

--- Jean-Guillaume LALANNE [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 - Original Message - 
 To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2002 4:38 PM
 Subject: Pet Store 1.3 and Orion
  Has anybody tried to install the sun pet store 1.3 app work on orion ?
  It seems that my orion version doesn't take into account the EJB2.0 
  localhome feature.
  Does the last one (1.5.3) do it ?
  Jean-Guillaume LALANNE 

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Re: Off-topic: UML Tools...Help!!!

2001-12-07 Thread Ray Harrison

Also, for a reasonable amount of functionality at a fraction of the cost, look at 
Architect from For what I do, I like it quite a bit.

--- Oisin Kim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I agree totally, very feature rich, a real quality product, more
 features than you could ever possibly use, but at £5000 a seat the price
 is slightly prohibitive. I was lucky enough to use Together Control
 Center for my Thesis, if you can afford it, get it!
 Otherwise, for 10% of the functionality, for free get Poseidon! If you
 like it and use it commercially pay the $150 or so dollars for the
 Professional version.


 On Fri, 2001-12-07 at 13:47, Curt Smith wrote:
  I have a team using TogetherJ for our modeler, IDE and deploy tool.
  TogetherJ, the first to market with a great all Java UML modeler, round trip
  code generator product.  Supports all IDE functions including debugging into
  your appserver's VM, deploy, call Ant, JUnit etc etc.  Very feature rich.
  Oisin Kim wrote:
   have a look at Poseidon, the community edition is free and it's 100%
   Java so multi platform, although it runs best with 1.3.1_01 JRE...
   On Thu, 2001-12-06 at 15:28, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I have been asked by my manager to evaluate some UML modelling tools:
Rational Rose and Select. However, I have never really used UML so I
probably wasn't the best person to ask :)
So, if anyone could tell me any pros and cons of these packages I would
appreciate it. Developers are gonna be using JBuilder 5 Enterprise, and the
idea would be to farm out classes/beans you have designed and structured in
the UML model.
Any information or experiences you would like to share would be appreciated
as I don't have a clue :)
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 === Oisin Kim
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 Aurium - the new brand for Conceptual Drift
 Clifton House
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 Dublin 2
 Web -
 Mobile - +353 86 841 9967
 Telephone - +353 1 661 1132

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Re: FW: [JBoss-user] Redux of Performance Issues

2001-11-27 Thread Ray Harrison

I've been working with the swiftmq beta release (with Orion) and I have noticed that 
Marc Fleury
has also spread his charm to the folks over on that list. The developers at Swiftmq 
essentially been told to piss off by JBoss (I assume by Marc, since the tone is the 
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Wow.  I know people have complained about this list being a little slow, but
 if this is what I get from the lead developer of JBoss on how to fix up
 JBoss performance to compare to Orion's, then ... well ... perhaps I should
 be spending more time on this list.  I'm a little disappointed.  I have some
 interest in both JBoss and Orion, and it's frustrating to get this kind of a
 response from a key player in the JBoss community.
   - Geoffrey
 : -Original Message-
 : From: marc fleury [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 : Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2001 2:34 PM
 : Subject: RE: [JBoss-user] Redux of Performance Issues
 : look dude,
 : get the integrated jboss-tomcat stack you are running 
 : non-optimized out of
 : stack, period.
 : come back when you have set it up, or don't we don't care,
 : marcf
 : |-Original Message-
 : |[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
 : |Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2001 2:09 PM
 : |Subject: [JBoss-user] Redux of Performance Issues
 : |
 : |
 : |For reasons unknown, this message hasn't been going out to the
 : |list.  Trying
 : |again.
 : |
 : |--
 : |
 : |Okay, I've clearly managed to piss off a few people by my 
 : concerns about
 : |JBoss performance.
 : |
 : |Let me start out by saying that I'd be more than happy to get my
 : |application
 : |working speedily under JBoss.  Orion's documentation is poor 
 : at best, and
 : |JBoss is fully open-source.  I have a great deal of respect 
 : for some of
 : |JBoss's technology (the verifier and deployer are probably 
 : the best I've
 : |seen), and where it's coming from.  I chose JBoss for the initial
 : |development because of its reputation and my own interests.
 : |
 : |That said, if the performance I'm getting out of JBoss is 
 : the best I can
 : |expect, or, at least, the best I can manage to get, then I
 : |absolutely cannot
 : |use it.  Not because I think it 'sucks rocks', because it 
 : doesn't, but
 : |simply because it will not support the user load I need it to in
 : |any sort of
 : |cost-effective manner.  Some of you would probably be just 
 : as happy to see
 : |me go somewhere else, from the tone of your emails, but I'd 
 : personally
 : |rather find a way to get the performance out of JBoss, for 
 : this or other
 : |projects.
 : |
 : |And, ultimately, it seems as if the performance I'm asking for is
 : |relatively
 : |reasonable.  I expect a certain amount of overhead in EJB 
 : performance, and
 : |I'm not asking to duplicate the speed of a bean-only 
 : implementation.  But
 : |supporting a maximum of 25 concurrent users on a decent (if 
 : not maxed-out)
 : |server seems ... suspiciously slow.
 : |
 : |It may be that I've missed some settings to speed things up.  It
 : |may be that
 : |our application's architecture is better suited to Orion 
 : than to JBoss.
 : |Whatever it is, I'd like to find out.  So I've joined the 
 : JBoss list, and
 : |I'm here to ask some questions.  I'm not trying to promote 
 : Orion, or insult
 : |JBoss.  I like bits of both of them, and the reasons for 
 : that, I can get
 : |into another day.  Ultimately, however, I'd rather support 
 : JBoss as an
 : |open-source appserver, if I can.
 : |
 : |--
 : |
 : |Now, on to the details.  Some of you pointed out, and 
 : rightly so, that I
 : |hadn't provided much in the way of details of what I've 
 : tried, which is
 : |true.  I wanted to start off by finding out if the kind of 
 : numbers I was
 : |talking about seemed realistic or not, based on the 
 : experience of people
 : |who'd spent more time with JBoss than I have, but it's 
 : probably fair to say
 : |that you couldn't really say without knowing a lot more about my
 : |application.  So let's get into a few details.
 : |
 : |Let's start with versions.  I did some of my original EJB
 : |experimentation on
 : |JBoss-2.4.1.  We started developing a project on 
 : JBoss-2.4.1a w/ Embedded
 : |Tomcat, which was the latest JBoss/Tomcat grouping at the 
 : time.  We started
 : |noticing performance concerns then.  When Tomcat 4 came out, 
 : we moved to
 : |JBoss-2.4.3 w/ Embedded Catalina, so that we could try a few 
 : things, and
 : |found it not to be slower, so we stayed with it.
 : |
 : |After we reached a point where we needed to see better 
 : performance, we did
 : |some optimizing of our app with a profiler, and tried JBoss 
 : 2.4.3 w/ Resin,
 : |which we already knew to be fast.  That gave us a minor speed
 : |boost, but not
 : |very much, leading me to believe that JBoss might be the 
 : cause of some 

Re: Most Urgent: How to find jndi lookup name for Transaction Manager?

2001-11-21 Thread Ray Harrison

Unless I am not understanding your question correctly, you _do_ want what I sent below 
reply which gets a reference to the transaction manager. 

Look below for 

TransactionManager manager.

--- patrick patrick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 hi ray,
  Thanks for your prompt reply..  But, i don't need
 the JNDI LOOK UP name of the userTransaction,  I need
 --- Greg Matthews [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  InitialContext ic = new InitialContext();
  UserTransaction ut =
  - Original Message -
  From: Ray Harrison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: Orion-Interest
  Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2001 3:12 AM
  Subject: Re: Most Urgent: How to find jndi lookup
  name for Transaction
   Check out the Orionserver FAQ:
   How do I get a reference to the
   import javax.naming.*;
   import javax.transaction.*;
   TransactionManager manager =
   --- patrick patrick [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dear all,
  if any one know how to find the jndi
  lookup name
for the Transaction Manager, please let me
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Re: SV: A word of warning: SwiftMQ and Resource providers.

2001-11-21 Thread Ray Harrison

This does occur using 1.5.3

--- Magnus Rydin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Are you using 1.5.3?
 We noticed this prior to releasing 1.5.3 and fixed it, I was under the
 impression that this worked fine?

  -Ursprungligt meddelande-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]För Lachezar Dobrev
  Skickat: den 20 november 2001 11:30
  Till: Orion-Interest
  Ämne: A word of warning: SwiftMQ and Resource providers.
 Recently looking at the Resource-Providers docs, and EAGER to use an
  external JMS for my MDBs I and a colleague decided to run the demos.
 As quite a surprise the demo run ok. The MDB did everything when a
  message was sent to the Queue.
 The BIG disappointment was, when we tried to do the same with
  the topic.
 In short: It does not work.
 It seems, that Orion is looking for the resource type.
  Although it should
  check if the resource is of the NEEDED type, it rather checks if the
  resource is of ANY type.
 SwiftMQ implements a Topic as a subclass of it's Queue implementation:
 the plainsocket@router1 class is as follows:
  class com.swiftmq.jms.ConnectionFactoryImpl
|- interface javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory
|- interface javax.jms.TopicConnectionFactory
'- interface
 the testqueue@router1 class is as follows:
  class com.swiftmq.jms.QueueImpl
|- interface javax.jms.Queue
|- interface
'- interface com.swiftmq.jms.DestinationImpl
 the testtopic class is as follows:
  class com.swiftmq.jms.TopicImpl
  | '- interface javax.jms.Topic
  '- (super) class com.swiftmq.jms.QueueImpl
|- interface javax.jms.Queue
|- interface
'- interface com.swiftmq.jms.DestinationImpl
 As you can see a Topic is also a Queue.
 So when trying to deploy the MDB one gets:
  Error deploying
  homes: JMS
  Error: Queue 'testtopic' is not local! Can't create a Consumer on it!
 But... That doesn't help. I'm quite disappointed. I almost got it.

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Re: Most Urgent: How to find jndi lookup name for Transaction Manager?

2001-11-20 Thread Ray Harrison

Check out the Orionserver FAQ:
How do I get a reference to the TransactionManager? 

import javax.naming.*; 
import javax.transaction.*; 
TransactionManager manager = (TransactionManager)new


--- patrick patrick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dear all,
   if any one know how to find the jndi lookup name
 for the Transaction Manager, please let me know..
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Re: 1.5.3 is out, but what is so new?

2001-10-17 Thread Ray Harrison

I think (though I may be mistaken) that they had to do a bit of re-write in 
anticipation of moving
forward with the spec and in addition to that re-write they also took care of some 
bugs. The
suggestion was that future releases would be a little more frequent. Hopefully so!

--- Russell White [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am somewhat disapointed in the new release. My EJB 2.0 local interfaces are
 still not supported. Bummer. Still at least there are some bug fixes.
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Re: ejb 2.0 relations in orion

2001-10-09 Thread Ray Harrison

Orion only supports a partial ejb2.0 spec - an older one at that. I don't believe it 
many-many out of the boxmore ejb2.0 coming up!
--- Christoph Sturm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all!
 I'm trying to get some cmp2.0 beans with relations running on orion
 I have two beans: Article and Category, and a m:n relation between
 in i have:
 public abstract java.util.Collection getArticles();
 and in ArticleBean:
 public abstract java.util.Collection getCategories();
 and in ejb_jar.xml:


 orion keeps complaining:
 Method public abstract java.util.Collection 
 can not be declared abstract.

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Re: EJB Primary Key of int

2001-10-04 Thread Ray Harrison

You will want to use Integer not int

--- Marc Rabil [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I can not figure out how to get Orion's EJB CMP to work when the primary key
 is an 'int'.  In the deployment descriptor (ejb-jar.xml), the code is:
 When starting up Orion, I get:
 Class 'int' not found
 Any help will be greatly appreciated,

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Re: New Release????

2001-10-03 Thread Ray Harrison

The release was only announced as coming within the next few days - which is 
certainly not
specific. They've had to re-write a bit of the core parts for spec purposes so there 
is certainly
testing they need to do before it gets out to us...

Hopefully - within the next few days!

--- Stephen Davidson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 My original post never appeared, so I am reposting...

 ATTACHMENT part 2 message/rfc822 
 Date: Tue, 02 Oct 2001 17:07:45 -0500
 From: Stephen Davidson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Organization: Delphi Consultants, LLC
 To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: New Release
 A new release was recently announced, but I have been unable to find it
 on the website.  The only thing I have been able to find any references
 to is the 1.5.2 build, which has been around for a while.
 If somebody could provide a link, it would be greatly appreciated.
 Stephen Davidson
 Java Consultant
 Delphi Consultants, LLC
 Phone: 214-696-6224 x208

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Re: Newbie - what about EJB 2.0 with Orion?

2001-10-02 Thread Ray Harrison

Jacek -
Orion has only partial support for EJB 2.0 based on an earlier PFD document. Local 
interfaces are
not part of the Orion build just yet but will be in the coming months I am sure. 

--- Jacek Bialecki [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello everybody.
 I'm trying to deploy cmpcustomer application downloaded from Sun. It's
 implementation of CMP 2.0 - it introduces local interfaces. While deploying
 I get a message: unknown etitiy subtag: local-home.
 Does Orion support local interfaces? Or - more generally - what features of
 EJB 2.0 does Orion support?
 Jacek Bialecki
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Re: mySQL

2001-09-22 Thread Ray Harrison

Emeline -
Go to and you can pick up the latest jdbc driver jar 
file (works
anywhere). You should be able to export your access tables to delimited files and then 
load them
into mysql. With Access, you can use the JDBC-ODBC bridge to get at the data if you 
are interested
in pursuing that avenue. 

--- Emeline Barns [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi gurus,
 I have databases created in MS Access and using JDBC-ODBC for connection 
 which is not great.
 My application have to hold under 30 connections. I tested my PC to run 20 
 instances of the program, and it worked. Does this mean that it will be 
 working when installed on shared drive?
 I tried to switch to mySQL, butcannot yet find the JDBC driver for 
 WindowsNT(only Linux). Also I need to export my databases from Access to 
 MySQL which I have not found as well.
 May be there are some free JDBC drivers for Access which I am not aware. I 
 make this program for non=profitable organization which has no money to buy 
 Any help will be appreciated.
 From: Michael J. Cannon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Orion Security (WAS:RE:Questions About Orion)
 Date: Fri, 21 Sep 2001 15:27:42 -0500
 As in any App Server environment on the Web, the security vulnerabilities 
 the Orion App Server are on two fronts:
 Orionserver Security Primer:
 Java Best Practices for Server-side Security:
 From Sun:
 The Tutorial:
 The Security Blueprint:
 Platform Spec for v.1.3 (go to the Security Bookmark in the .pdf)
 Additionally, there are potential vulnerabilities in the HTTP server, the
 plug-in architecture (especially when using CGI and PHP, Python, Perl or
 Jpython scripts/executables - allowed in Orion and rather easy to do, as
 well as being very fast).  There was a general discussion about Java-based
 HTTP webservers at the WWW Mobile code forum
 =196606start=2001-09-16list=107threads=0), but it didn't resolve
 anything.  Bottom line:  in general, currently both the HTTP and Java/J2EE
 functionality of the Orion Server is safe from all known exploits and
 vulnerabilities in the wild, with the possible exception of a DoS due to
 transparent proxying on the server (Cisco Routers and Xerox Printers, as
 well as most Cable and DSL modems are similarly vulnerable).  Orion is no
 more vulnerable than Apache/Tomcat or IIS, and, as recent history has
 proven, is actually far less vulnerable than the Microsoft products for
 similar functionality (as well as being FAR faster and easier to develop
 for - Link: , sadly,
 the BEAst will not allow Orion to continue to publlish stats, but you can
 read about that following the links:).
 The second major place that any  J2EE AppServer is in the database.  'Nuff
 said, separate issue and separate practices.  Use a secured (wrappered or
 tunneled with encruyption) HTTP or RMI connection to the database all JDBC
 connections.  Secure the JDBC datastream and securew the database according
 to the best practices you may choose.
 The final place on the server-side that any J2EE or other App server is
 vulnerable is the environment.  Nail down the ACLs for your specific
 environment and pay attention to the OS and the various other sevices and
 apps you are running on the box (including the security services -  just 
 to repair a Symantec-installed hole left when they put their IDS tools on
 the production box!). Pay attention to domain and network issues, and keep
 the network clean and properly configured.  Most Orion or Oracle
 penetrations I've seen/heard of were actually BIND exploits or port53 DNS
 With the advent of NIMDA, we see another vector for attacks:  the client
 program.  With a few exceptions, Java AppServers are uniquely invulnerable
 to this new vector.
 Sun Client-side Security Note:
 So, keep aware of general security threats, code to best practices, test
 developers' code for exploits before putting it into production (85% of all
 losses in the IT enterprise space are inside jobs) and be aware of normal
 security precautions.
 For Solaris tools see:
 and, I'm testing the Astaro Security Linux implementation (and have
 installed it for 3 clients who use Orion or Oracle 9AS with OC4J) so far
 successfully.  I include a few additional patches and configuration 
 but, in general it seems to work well. 


2001-09-16 Thread Ray Harrison

Jordan -
Go to and go to the mailing list subscribe area - there is an 
unsubscribe button -
enter your email address and hit unsubscribe. That should do it. The traditional 
methods don't

--- Jordan Bortz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 *This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro*
 I've sent unsubscribe requests to both this list and the
 orion-interest-request, and I'm still on here
 Please get me off this *#$$# list! :)

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RE: EJB 2.0 Approved

2001-09-10 Thread Ray Harrison

It's still officially in PFD status but will be approved with the release of J2EE 1.3 
coming out,
as I understand it. I believe BEA rolled it out with WebLogic 6.1. Pramati has it too. 
Others will
roll it out in the upcoming months - I assume Orion will be one of them. 
 Has it been declared approved formally? Or does the ballots suggest that it
 is going to be approved?
 Has any of the app server vendors come out with plans in rolling out their
 EJB2.0 servers?
 -Original Message-
 From: Solinsky, Jason [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, September 10, 2001 8:01 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: EJB 2.0 Approved
 disclaimer below.
 I haven't seen anything here about this: 
 The EJB 2.0 Standard was approved by the Java Community Process on Wednesday
 the 4th. Now that the orion developers can be sure that the standard will
 not change, what sort of timeline can we expect for implementation? The most
 critical component for me is the Local Interface.
 It is interesting that at Java One Larry Ellison bragged about how Oraclew
 ould be the first to implement EJB 2.0 using their brand new platform (Orion
 didn't get any direct mention). If Orion (or Oracle) is truly is to beat
 Weblogic in this race, then there must already be some developed code thath
 asn't been released.
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 [EMAIL PROTECTED] and destroy all copies of this communication and
 any attachments. 

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Re: MessageDrivenContext.setRollbackOnly() doesn't work?

2001-09-05 Thread Ray Harrison

Don't know about your particular case but unfortunately I don't believe that Orion's 
implementation is at all complete...

--- Jon Rosenberger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Has anybody here ever been able to successfully send a JMS message from a
 message-driven bean, as part of the transaction?  Or roll back the
 transaction?  I've been unsuccessful with Orion 1.5.2 so far.
 My latest problem is the following exception when calling setRollbackOnly()
 from a transactional MDB:
 java.lang.IllegalStateException: MessageDriven beans have no EJBHome
 at com.evermind._qh.getEvermindHome(Unknown Source)
 at com.evermind._ddb.setRollbackOnly(Unknown Source)
 at (my call to setRollbackOnly())
 Any idea what's going on here?  According to the spec, a call to
 MessageDrivenContext.setRollbackOnly() is perfectly legal in an MDB (though
 a call to getEJBHome() is not).
 The bean is pretty trivial, and deploys/functions in other app servers.  I
 can provide code if asked.

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Re: bug fixes

2001-09-04 Thread Ray Harrison

I believe Oracle licensed the binaries so I would suspect that our boys in Sweden have 
some role
in the new Oracle release.

--- Christian_Bjørnbak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Well, the question still unanswered is whether Oracle is sharing their bug
 fixes back to Orion, so it will be for the benefit of the hole Orion
 community, or the Oracle licence was a copy of source like when Oracle
 licenced JBuilder 2 to become JDeveloper...

 I surely hope it's the first, because ever since JDeveloper was licensed and
 it has been an old (lately very old) version of JBuilder with Oracle
 specific functions you need when you are working in an Oracle enviroment..

 /Christian Bjørnbak

 - Original Message -
 From: Neville Burnell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2001 7:14 AM
 Subject: RE: bug fixes

  thanks elephant walker ...
  its really good to get some news that orion is still moving forward
  -Original Message-
  From: The elephantwalker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Tuesday, 4 September 2001 1:09 PM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: bug fixes
  Although 1.5.2 and oc4j aren't exactly the same, the new
  of oc4j ( has several bug fixes that may be fixed in the next
  version of Orion. OC4J came out on August 17.
  Here's a list of bug fixes in (from the oc4j readme file).
  the elephantwalker
  OC4J fixes in 9iAS
  1853961 - RMI tunneling through HTTP
Two EJBs could not communicate through a firewall using
standard RMI HTTP-tunneling.  The program would get the
initial context, but the lookup operation would fail.
This has been fixed in release
  1851047 - Compilation error when exclusive-write-accessúlse
EJB deployment failed when setting exclusive-write-access
to false in orion-ejb-jar.xml. The problem has been fixed
in this release.
  1904888 - Constructor for bean throws CreateException
Bean Constructor throwing CreateException caused EJB
deployment to fail. This problem has also been fixed in
  1910155 - The session bean reference was still available after
runtime exception during a transaction.
  1929873 - MessageLogger Demo broken
The demo has been fixed. It also includes a readme.txt
that outline configuration steps to run the demo.
  1826744 - NLS: RequestDispatcher's path query string doesn't take
multi-byte characters.
This has been fixed in release
Query string containing multi-byte characters can be
passed to included/forwarded pages.
  1806219 - NLS: request.getLocales() doesn't parse the
accept-language correctly
The problem has been fixed and accept-language is
correctly parsed in this release(
  1806193 - NLS: response.getCharacterEncoding() always returns
The locale was disregarded and
response.getCharacterEncoding always returned ISO-8859-1.
  1806276 - NLS: response.setContentType() has no effect on JspWriter
The character set attribute was not being picked up when
using request.setContentType. This has been fixed in this
  1910946 - JspWriter does not print NULL,  when a null object is
passed to print()
  1911268 - JspWriter flush() did not actually flush buffer to client
  1913403 - NLS: request.setCharacterEncoding() did not reset parsed
  1808513 - NLS: Servlet engine doesn't support Thai encoding TIS-620
When using the IANA name of Thai character set (TIS-620)
PrintWriter used to return UnsupportedEncodingException error.
This problem has been fixed in this release(
  1913863 - NLS: response.sendError() doesn't display multi-byte message
  1883653 - usertransaction.setTransactionTimeout() did not function.
Fixed in this release(
  1883670 - OC4J did not throw NotSupportedException when starting new
transaction before commit or rollback of current transaction
  1937950 - Session cookie wasn't secure enough
This has been fixed in this release( by cookies
atleast 128 bits and using strong cryptography.

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Re: What happened to this mailing list???

2001-08-06 Thread Ray Harrison

I think it was just jacked up for a little while - it seems to do this 

--- Simon Harris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The mailing list seems to have gone quiet. Is there something we should know about?

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Re: increasing JVM's memory limit

2001-07-26 Thread Ray Harrison

java -Xmssome_min_size -Xmxsome_max_size

--- Peter Peltonen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 With jserv I can configure the maximum memory that the JVM can use with this
 kind of line in file:
 How do I achieve the same with Orion?

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Re: EJB 2.0 Spec approved!!!

2001-07-18 Thread Ray Harrison

Finally! This is very good news indeed!
--- Simon Harris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The JCP just approved the EJB 2.0 specification. Read the article here:

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Re: EJB 2.0 Spec approved!!!

2001-07-18 Thread Ray Harrison

This is actually semi-difficult to validate at the Sun site - the specs page for the 
EJB spec
still list the pfd2 as the latest. Nothing that I have been able to find says Yes - 
the spec has
been finalized. They have included the spec in the latest release of j2EE 1.3 
beta(2)...I am
somewhat suspect of that article

--- Ray Harrison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Finally! This is very good news indeed!
 --- Simon Harris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The JCP just approved the EJB 2.0 specification. Read the article here:
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Re: EJB 2.0 Spec approved!!!

2001-07-18 Thread Ray Harrison

--- Ray Harrison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is actually semi-difficult to validate at the Sun site - the specs page for the 
EJB spec
 still list the pfd2 as the latest. Nothing that I have been able to find says Yes - 
the spec
 been finalized. They have included the spec in the latest release of j2EE 1.3 
beta(2)...I am
 somewhat suspect of that article
 --- Ray Harrison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Finally! This is very good news indeed!
  --- Simon Harris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   The JCP just approved the EJB 2.0 specification. Read the article here:
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Re: Some questions on Orion

2001-07-16 Thread Ray Harrison

I've been using the Win2K active directory with Sun's LDAP api. Works great - though 
my work has
been even more basic - listing/authentication. 

--- Joni Suominen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Kevin Duffey wrote:
  I will get my try at LDAP soon and I recall seeing some posts here on LDAP,
  so I would imagine it works with LDAP..of what company I have no idea.
 I've been using OpenLDAP ( with Sun's LDAP
 provider in Linux. So far I haven't had any problems. The LDAP
 operations I've done are very basic though (listing, adding and deleting

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Re: How do I re-deploy my application?

2001-07-13 Thread Ray Harrison

Just copy the .ear file to where you copied the .ear file before and it will redeploy 
the app -
just add that functionality in your ant build file.

--- Tim Kang - Syoni Communications Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have an EAR, WAR and JAR and I have successfully deployed them.
 I made a change to a servlet and I have bulid the whole thing again with
 At this point how do I redeploy the modified application? (I've tried
 restarting, and deloying options via admin.jar)
 Tim Kang
 Database Developer
 Syoni Communications Inc.
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Re: Help on List

2001-07-09 Thread Ray Harrison

It worked as recently as May. I was able to go unsubscribe prior to leaving for 
vacation and it
worked just fine. There may be a slight delay, however. 
--- Abhilash Koneri [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I need to unsubscribe from this list and subscribe to a different mail
 id. I managed
 the secoud part. But how do I go about the former?? (The unsubscribe
 button on the orionserver home
 page does not work).

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Re: Data source for Sybase with Jconnect 5.2

2001-07-04 Thread Ray Harrison

Boris -
Here is an example of a Sybase datasource - we use only the ejb-location but you may
be able to find others who use the pooled-location by searching through the mailing 


--- Boris Erukhimov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm trying to ask it second time.
 Does anyone use Jconnect 5.2 ?
 If so could you please share your data-source.xml and access code.
 I'm particularly interested to see how pooled-location works, not

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Re: Primary Key Class in CMP

2001-07-02 Thread Ray Harrison

Yes - it works just fine. Can you send a small piece of your descriptor showing how 
you specifiy
the primary key class information? 
--- Timothy Tschampel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Has anyone gotten CMP Beans to work with a Custom Primary Key Class.  Every
 time I try to deploy I get  an error stating that there is an illegal space
 in my descriptor.  Yet, if I use the same descriptor file and use
 java.lang.Integer as the primay key class it works.
 - Original Message -
 From: Paolo Ramasso [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, July 02, 2001 4:29 AM
 Subject: request for info:ssl and client authentication with orion
  Hi guys
  i need some more info about ssl and oc4j (orion 1.5.0)
  here is the enviroment:
  client authentication by SSL 3 using x501 certificates, the application
  server (oc4j )  must validate and inspect the certificate info and
  extract the
  user information contained in it (common name to use it as a
  key in LDAP directory search ).
  here are the question:
  does the oc4j (orion 1.5.0) container provide a toolset or specific APIs
  to validate the client digital certificate against a CA?
  does the oc4j (orion 1.5.0) container provide a toolset or specific APIs
  to extract
  client user  information from the digital certificate sent by the
  thanks a lot in advance

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Re: Fw: Urgent: SSL - BigIP - Apache - Orion : Page Not Found

2001-07-02 Thread Ray Harrison

I'm not familiar with your particular problem but have you narrowed it down to Orion 
(forgive me
if this is obvious from your post - I just don't deal much in this aspect of the 
life-cycle)? If it represents a bug in Orion, your best bet will be to submit it to 
bugzilla at Keep in mind that this list is voluntary and if people CAN help, they 
will. On occassion, the Ironflare folks will poke their heads into the list for an 
appearance. Not
very often, of course. Also, providing a lot of information will help others help you 
your problems. No one wants to see you switch app servers, however suggesting that you 
will switch
app servers unless you get an immediate response from a voluntary mailing list won't 
make it
faster - sorry. Search the email list to see if others have posted similar questions. 
Look at to see if they have any answers (a volunteer site). 

Good luck!


--- Ozzie-Mailing Lists [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Please, please need help immediately or I am considering switching app servers.
 - Original Message - 
 From: Ozzie-Mailing Lists 
 To: Orion-interest 
 Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2001 10:51 AM
 Subject: Urgent: SSL - BigIP - Apache - Orion : Page Not Found
 The problem is that we receive an intermittent Page Not Found error on IE 5.5 and 
greater when
 using BigIP with SSL and Orion as the server. If we click the refresh button on the 
browser, the
 page actually renders correctly. The SSL is being done by the BigIP and not Orion. 
Has anyone
 ran into this problem? This problem occurs more often with IE 6.0.
 Ozzie Gurkan
 Manheim Interactive
 P.S.: Apache does the redirecting of the http://; redirects coming from Orion back 
 https://; to the client browser.

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2001-06-29 Thread Ray Harrison

Go look on or search through the mailing list.
You should find examples!

--- struts orion [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am using oracle thin driver
 the data-source.xml configuration is 
 How to use/locate this data source in a simple client
 application which uses this datasource and connects to
 If possible give example code for client application
 thanks  regards
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Re: Prob in Deploying CMP EJB on to orion

2001-06-27 Thread Ray Harrison

State your abstract-schema-nameSomeAppropriateName/abstract-schema-name for your 
EJBscheck out the ejb 2.0 latest-latest spec
--- struts orion [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 we got the following error while deploying the CMP EJB
 with the name 'Test20Cmp' available at 
 The error message at the console when the server is
 started is
 Error in application SampleEb20: Error loading package
 at file:/C:/Orion-test-apps/Test20Cmp/rel/Sample
 abstract-schema-name not specified for entity
 mple20Eb', it must be specified for EJB 2.0 style CMP
 How can we rectify this prob?
 Praveen and Eda
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Re: Cookies larger than 20k

2001-06-26 Thread Ray Harrison seems to be the latest support web site - seems like the 
same company.

--- Orion Developers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 We're having problems passing cookies greater then 20k in size.  We get a 
 http: 413 error, and the servlets seem to truncate over that limit.
 Also, is there a version/bug fix list available to the public?  we are on 
 1.4.5 and I am wondering about 1.5.2, and what issues have been addressed.
 Finally, has ANYONE had any success getting ahold of Cadrion, the alleged 
 'support partner' of Orion??
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Re: Features of CMP

2001-06-22 Thread Ray Harrison

I am reasonably certain that EJB QL is NOT implemented in 1.5.2
--- Stefan Marx [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is there any List available which features ar implemented in Orion 1.5.2.
 I have some special interest in the implementation of the EJB QL (Chapter 11
 in the EJB2.0 Spec).
 Thanks Stefan

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Re: BUG: Show stopper!!!!! max-tx-retries

2001-06-22 Thread Ray Harrison

Log it.
--- Alex Paransky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 There seems to be a SERIOUS bug in Orion 1.5.2.  It turns out that you
 cannot disable the max-tx-retries AT ALL!!!  Setting it to 0 removes it as
 a TAG from orion-ejb-jar.xml.  The next time around, it adds
 max-tx-retries=3.  There is NO WAY to disable the max-tx-retries.  This
 seems like a serious problem, since there are cases when I do not want to
 retry a transaction.

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Re: BUG: Show stopper!!!!! max-tx-retries

2001-06-22 Thread Ray Harrison

Very interesting - you can change the value to any positive number - you just can't 
change it to
--- Alex Paransky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 There seems to be a SERIOUS bug in Orion 1.5.2.  It turns out that you
 cannot disable the max-tx-retries AT ALL!!!  Setting it to 0 removes it as
 a TAG from orion-ejb-jar.xml.  The next time around, it adds
 max-tx-retries=3.  There is NO WAY to disable the max-tx-retries.  This
 seems like a serious problem, since there are cases when I do not want to
 retry a transaction.

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Re: Java Pet Store demo

2001-06-21 Thread Ray Harrison

It (petstore version 1.1.2) works just fine with Sap DB. A couple of quick issues that 
had to do
with Sap DB but no other known problems. If you are using a petstore version prior to 
1.1.2 then
you will have problems with the security adapter that Sun uses and will have to make 
to the petstore. The changes have been discussed in this list.

--- Emilio Suarez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Has anybody installed the Java Pet Store demo in Orion? and if so, what database did 
you use. 
 I tried installing it using cloudscape and keep getting the error that the user id 
is already
 loged in:
 The User ID you selected is already in use. Please go back to the previous screen 
using the
 'Back' button on your browser and select a different User ID. 
 So I think that there is something wrong with the database access. 
 Any ideas?

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Re: Transaction and DriverManagerXADataSource

2001-06-19 Thread Ray Harrison

Can't help with your first question, but can with the second:

In your ejb-jar.xml file(s) there is a section called assembly-descriptor
and within that, you can set up security roles on methods, etc but can also
define container transactions in a section called (you guessed it)
container-transaction which looks like this:

 description Give this a required transaction /description
 List all of your methods for which you want a 'required transaction'

Check out the ejb specs at as they describe all of this quite well.
The GUI tools often hide what is going on! (good  bad) 
 Hello everyone,
 I am new to orion server and am trying to find out how to use
 transaction handling within orion. Now within the datasource.xml file.
 I have got something like this
   source-location = c:\orion\j2ee\home\orion.jar
 In this case when I am using the code in the client as
 InitialContext ic = new InitialContext();
 DataSource ds = (DataSource)ic.lookup(jdbc/OracleDS);
 Connection con = ds.getConnection();
 then the pooled connection happens. As I understand there is a place where the 
transactions can
 be rolled back if an
 'EJBException' is thrown by the container. Now the doubt is that this does not 
happen with the
 So I thought that I should use the
 class=com.evermind.sql.DriverManagerXADataSource in the xml file
 and in the client code use
 DataSource ds = (DataSource)ic.lookup(jdbc/xa/OracleXADS);
 The problem is that the server does not start saying that it needs the 
source-location. can
 help me out on this? Thanks
 i would also like to know how to say 'transaction' required for one of the function 
of my EJB in
 I could do this in the J2EE RI using the deploytool, but I am totally lost here.
 Thanks in advance

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Re: Orion can't find Cloudscape database

2001-06-15 Thread Ray Harrison

Try putting the cloudscape.jar into the orion\lib will be able to find 
it there...

--- Lou Farho [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How do I tell Orion where to find my Cloudscape database?
 Here is what I have for the data source:
 Lou Farho
 Certes Solutions, Inc.
 2485 W MAIN ST
 SUITE 205
 Littleton, CO 80120
 FN:Louis Farho
 ORG:Certes Solutions
 ADR;WORK;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:;303.798.8079;2485 W Main St.=0D=0ASuite
 LABEL;WORK;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:303.798.8079=0D=0A2485 W Main St.=0D=0ASuite
 205=0D=0ALittleton, CO 80120

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Re: Error in deploying EJBs on OC4J

2001-06-12 Thread Ray Harrison

Venkata -
It is looking for your META-INF\ejb-jar.xml file in your directory structure. Finding 
it and
putting it in the right place in your application distribution will fix your problem. 
If you are
new to OCJ4 (hence Orion) you will want to take a look at (with 
further links
for other helpful information - Orion Primers, etc).

--- Venkata_Nallam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   While I am deploying EJB in OC4J, following error has occured.
 Entrmine is my application.mysessionbean.jar is my sessionbean.
  Web war files are working fine.
 Any suggestion in this regard will be appreciated.
 Error in application Entrmine: Error loading package at
 e/mysessionbean.jar, Unable to find/read assembly info for
 ysessionbean.jar (META-INF/ejb-jar.xml)

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Re: Oracle deal gag

2001-06-11 Thread Ray Harrison

 So, my conclusions are:

 - Ironflare/Evermind has not hired testers or other staff as promised 6
 months ago.  They don't have to, because the user community does all of
 that (and more) for them.

Hiring testers for the sake of hiring testers (not a knock on testers)is hit-and-miss 
anyway, but
suppose they did hire testers? I suspect that many folks on this list would still test 
orion just
as rigourously as they do now.  

I get paid regardless of whether I test Orion. I test Orion because I like it. If, by 
Orion I can get a better product, then I will test Orion. I don't HAVE to use Orion. I 
WANT to use

Do you like the product?

 - Ironflare is in it, at least in part, for big money; otherwise, they
 would have collected from the production license violator.

Every company is in it, to one degree or another, for the money. My consultancy is in 
it for the
money - but we started it because we wanted to do our work OUR way which we now do. 
The money just
happens to go along with it. Ironflare wanted to write an application server and that 
was only
possible, in their view, by starting their own company. They need money, too, as Karl 
If Oracle came to my company and said Hey, we'd like to license some of that software 
you've been
writing for a nice sum of cash - I would say You Bet!. What's wrong with that? 

 - Ironflare will leave you hanging if you report license violations.

When you reported the license violations, what was Ironflare supposed to do? I don't 
know the
nature of how you found the violations or who is doing the violating, but it seems to 
me that once
you report it, then you would be finished with your task. 

 - Ironflare may be censoring messages.

You lay out your facts above - but given other experiences with this list (I briefly 
mention mine
in a previous posting that quite frankly hasn't come through yet) I can't draw the same
conclusions. Sorry.

 I can't lay it out much better than that.

 So, attack one of these facts and quit challenging my mental condition.

 From the asylum,

--- Johan Fredriksson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What is your point?
 - Original Message -
 From: Jay Armstrong [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, June 11, 2001 3:51 PM
 Subject: RE: Oracle deal gag
  We've all tried presenting the facts to you regarding the Oracle deal,
  all we seem to be getting in respose is a descent into your own personal
  madness. How about summing up the problems you have in a few short lines
  that won't cause cynics like me to laugh or respond so unpleasantly?
  In spite of your personal attacks on my mental condition, I will try one
  more time to deal with facts and give yet another summary.
  Before doing so, let me state that yesterday I made a third attempt to
  my response to Karl.  I also sent it directly to Mike Cannon-Brookes
  him to post it.  So, three times now I've tried.  Let me ask you and the
  group, how many times must I try and fail to post that message before you
  will believe that it's getting blocked?  Seriously, just pick a number and
  I'll try that many times.
  Here's the summary:
  - 6 months ago (Dec 7), Karl stated, resources will initially be spent
  more on building the organization and hiring the right people than would
  necessary if we didn't make the expansion.
  - Since then, there have been several threads about lack of support: down again (Dec 13), What's going on with Orion?
  (Jan 4), Is the List alive? (Jan 4), Any news from Orion yet?? (Jan
  15), Orion Team Needs New List Software (Mar 14), Impossible getting
  attention of the orion (support) team. Are they still around? (Mar 19),
  Is the list dead? (Apr 25)
  - Since then, hiring the right people has not occurred.
  - On Apr 18, Randy Kemp suggested Ironflare contact MySQL, which is also
  Sweden (A Swedish Idea).  Like me, Randy was ridiculed by people, like
  Hani, who used terms such as bizarre, this whole ridiculous discussion
  and fairy tale.
  - On Apr 23, I reported a production licensing violation directly to Karl.
  He did not respond.
  - On Apr 24, I reported the production licensing violation to
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Karl responded, stating, We'll check into it.
  - On May 8, I asked Karl for a status on the licensing violation, but to
  date, have gotten no response.
  - On Jun 6, Bryan Young posted the following to this group: I just read
  about Orion being used as the base code for their 9i app server.
  - On Jun 6, I responded, refering to the A Swedish Idea thread and
  stating, I TOLD YOU SO.  I also stated, I admire the way they've
  to build a decent product without having to hire testers.
  - On Jun 7, the day after my post, Karl responded via orion-interest,
  stating, We've never been in it for the money, but that doesn't mean that

RE: Oracle deal gag... but on a different note.

2001-06-11 Thread Ray Harrison

If I recall correctly, BEA did not challenge them (Ironflare/Evermind)with any numbers 
of their
own, they just wanted them to remove their BEA reference. That would have appeared to 
have been
just an action by BEA spin doctors and the legal department. So I will be interested 
when Oracle
runs its J2EE container (i.e. Orion) vs BEA. 

I suspect, by the way, that Oracle will handle its users concerns. They probably have 
a number of
developers who are up-to-snuff on Orion. It remains to be seen, but if a company wants 
name-brand, investor-friendly product, I would happily recomend they use Oracle over 
BEA or WAS -
or that they at least bring them in for the running. 

--- Jay Armstrong [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 A lot of what you're saying is true.  I acknowledge that Orion is
 relatively fast and has some great features (like auto-reconfigure), but I
 recall that Orion used to claim that it was the fastest J2EE product (or
 something like that), then had to remove that claim from the site (I think BEA challenged the claim).  
 Also, one of the first questions I get asked when recommending software for
 clients is about support.  It's probably the primary reason why major
 systems do not rely on open products, or semi-open products like Orion.
 Yes, Karl and Magnus built a fabulous product, but where's the support
 (documentation, help desk, etc)?
 I am not applauding the support for WebLogic, WebsFear, IPlanit, etc, but
 if I report a problem with WebLogic to BEA, eventually it will filter to
 the gurus, who will respond (usually they ask for a reconfigure, restart,
 and a dump).  
 Who will handle this for Orion/Oracle?  Karl and Magnus?  They rarely
 respond now, so don't you think they could get even more overwhelmed?
 Please, point me to where Ellison talked about support.
 At 09:32 AM 6/11/01 -0500, you wrote:
 On a different note concerning the Oracle deal:
 I wasn't at JavaOne, but I've been reading all about it on the web.  One
 news story that I've seen a lot about is Larry Ellison and Bill Coleman's
 little fight.  Oracle has put Orion in the big leagues... I mean, Karl could
 have produced all sorts of documentation that said Orion is better then
 Weblogic, but BEA would have paid it no attention.  However, when Oracle
 says Oracle is better then Weblogic, BEA certainly takes notice!
 I consider this a great victory for Ironflare, the J2EE community, and every
 single young person hacking away in his garage.  This proves it--a few
 talented and committed developers can accomplish anything they set their
 minds too.  I think Larry Ellison said it best, when, at JavaOne, he said
 We have thrown out literally all of our old Java code.  The reason we threw
 away all of our old J2EE implementations is we had to build a high
 performance, scaleable version of J2EE. We think that this is a huge
 breakthrough for the entire Java community because it addresses the single
 biggest threat to Java, which is performance.
 And we, all of us on this list, know what Larry Ellison was really saying...
 We replaced all our old Java code with the code from a small Swedish
 company called Ironflare.  The reason we threw away all of our old J2EE
 implementations was that, plain and simple, these two Swedish guys are
 studs, and had managed to build a high performance, scaleable version of
 J2EE when we had largely failed internally.  We think that this is a huge
 breakthrough for the entire Java community because it addresses the single
 biggest threat to Java, which is performance.
 Now, that is sweet!

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Re: NT Security Integration?

2001-06-08 Thread Ray Harrison

Not NT per se - but I use JNDI/LDAP (or active directory) on Windows 2000 Server as my
authentication system. No problems at all. Basically I've got a JNDI ldap utils class 
which is
pretty stright forward - then a simple user manager that sits on that - plugged it into
orion-application.xml and it works just fine. 

--- Gordon Reynolds (Cyonara) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 No, but I hope someone has. I can tell you this much, it'll require 2
 things: first writing
 native code to access the NT authentication system (I've seen an article on
 this sometime
 in the last year in one of my many Java magazines), then writing your own
 to access the native code.
 - Original Message -
 To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2001 10:17 AM
 Subject: NT Security Integration?
  Has anyone has integrated Orion user security with NT
  login security?  It sounds like the sort of thing that
  is either really easy or really tough.
  Any leads?
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Re: NT Security Integration?

2001-06-08 Thread Ray Harrison

Hi Paul -
You can work with Active Directory just like regular old LDAP - binding on port 389 
and all of
that. I am not forcing it to do very much - just authenticate against users that I add 
myself so
nothing sophisticated! Using JNDI to wrap all of that is pretty straight forward. I 
would recomend
a quick look at and search on LDAP or look for the JNDI tutorial - they 
show how to
do authentication and searching. I have a simple JNDI-LDAP utilities file that 
authenticates a
user, a user/password, and a user/group. If I have time later I will send some 
snippets of code...
It is much easier than it might sound! Take a look at the java site above - or search 
on something
like something there...If you have some specific 
questions perhaps I
can answer them


--- Paul Kofon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 HI Ray,
 Please could you say more about authentication with Active Directory 
 (Windows 2000). I need some hints 'cause I would like to implement that sort 
 of thing.
 From: Ray Harrison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: NT Security Integration?
 Date: Fri, 8 Jun 2001 11:03:04 -0700 (PDT)
 Not NT per se - but I use JNDI/LDAP (or active directory) on Windows 2000 
 Server as my
 authentication system. No problems at all. Basically I've got a JNDI ldap 
 utils class which is
 pretty stright forward - then a simple user manager that sits on that - 
 plugged it into
 orion-application.xml and it works just fine.
 --- Gordon Reynolds (Cyonara) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   No, but I hope someone has. I can tell you this much, it'll require 2
   things: first writing
   native code to access the NT authentication system (I've seen an article 
   this sometime
   in the last year in one of my many Java magazines), then writing your 
   to access the native code.
   - Original Message -
   From: Joe Fair [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2001 10:17 AM
   Subject: NT Security Integration?
Has anyone has integrated Orion user security with NT
login security?  It sounds like the sort of thing that
is either really easy or really tough.
Any leads?
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Re: 2 Bugs in 1.4.8

2001-05-05 Thread Ray Harrison

Take a look at the changes.txt that is found in the orion directory whenever you 
update the
orion-ejb-jar.xml has changed locations. Other changes may pertain as well. 

--- Werner Bohl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On win98: 
 Autoupdated from 1.4.7 to 1.4.8 and found this bugs (after emptying 
application-deployments dir)
 a) my orion-ejb-jar.xml are not used any more. 
 b) crashes login Web application user. Denies any access to Desktop application user.
 All worked fine till 1.4.7. Upgraded to be able to use Struts without patching it.
 Anybody got similar problems?
 Werner Bohl

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RE: Orion-based JSP bug -- The Case of the Exhibiting %00

2001-05-02 Thread Ray Harrison

The error for which this mail was originally posted has been fixed.
--- Manne Fagerlind [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I get a 400 Bad Request on my Orion installation:
 sun jdk 1.3
 Orion 1.4.5
  Has the bug been fixed between orion 1.4.1 and 1.4.5, Karl/Magnus/anyone!?
 -Original Message-
 From: Rex McFarlin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 02 May 2001 04:21
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Orion-based JSP bug -- The Case of the Exhibiting %00
 Thanks. We are trying, but are running into other non-related issues (if I
 remember correctly, they have to do with internationalization).
 | -Original Message-
 | From: Hani Suleiman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 | Sent: Monday, April 30, 2001 11:18 AM
 | To: Orion-Interest
 | Subject: Re: Orion-based JSP bug -- The Case of the Exhibiting %00
 | This bug was reported and fixed a long time ago, you should upgrade!
 | On Mon, 30 Apr 2001, Rex McFarlin wrote:
 |  Can anyone help us solve a perplexing JSP bug? We have been 
 | unsuccessful.
 |  If a %00 is attached to the end of a URL (as in,
 |  http://localhost:8008/dcr/index.jsp%00
 |  http://localhost:8008/dcr/index.jsp%00  ) to a JSP page 
 | that is being
 |  served by Orion server, the user receives, not the rendered 
 | HTML page that
 |  he or she might be expecting, but a textual output of the 
 | raw JSP code for
 |  that page. 
 |  We have found this to be true with the following configuration:
 |  Orion 1.4.1
 |  Win2K
 |  JDK1.3
 |  Thank you,
 |  Rex McFarlin

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Re: Can't I use Transactions with Access 2000 ? Access2000 seems to support XAs ...but..

2001-04-30 Thread Ray Harrison

Not sure, but I don't believe Access is designed for transactions in particular. 
though, try SAP DB ( for Windows 2K - it is a solid, transaction 
commercial grade free database with a type 4 JDBC driver. My consultancy does ETL and 
data strategies - lots of people and companies, large and small, like to keep mission 
data in Access databases because it is easy to use. It causes more trouble than its 
worth in the
long run. So my advice is: use one of the free databases for your development purposes 
production, too!). Get a copy of SQL Server if you want to use a MS product that 
transactions well.

--- ±èÅÂȯ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am developing on ORION  WIN2k  tiny DB (Access2000)

 I tested Transactions in Access


 Everything went well..

 But, Orion Setting makes Problem.

 in data-source.xml
 data-source class=com.evermind.sql.DriverManagerDataSource 
 connection-driver=sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver ejb-location=jdbc/AccessDS
 xa-location=jdbc/AccessXADS name=Access password=7098 url=jdbc:odbc:oriondb
 inactivity-timeout=30 username=neosuper pooled-location=jdbc/AccessPool/

 This code works well, but if class attribute is changed to

 Orion will not start with not founded Source Location Errors..

 Can't I use Transactions with Access 2000 ?

 Please give me some advices.. and solutions


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Re: Orion support company

2001-04-28 Thread Ray Harrison

--- ken cooper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Where did you see that Orion had been sold to BEA - why?
 Thanks - Ken
 From: Somewhere . . . [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Orion support company
 Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2001 08:20:25 -0700
 Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

 ATTACHMENT part 2 message/rfc822 
 From: Somewhere . . . [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Orion support company
 Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2001 08:20:25 -0700
 Reply-to: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]

PGood news unless you need it./P
PThe cost for same day support runs $8650 per month./P
PTwo months worth and you've got a single cpu license for WebLogic, which, by the 
way, comes
with support./P
PTheir insane if you ask me.BRBR/P/DIV
DIV/DIVOriginal Message Follows
DIV/DIVFrom: Bernard Sauterel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
DIV/DIVReply-To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
DIV/DIVSubject: Orion support company
DIV/DIVDate: Wed, 25 Apr 2001 14:30:09 +0200
DIV/DIVI wonder if somebody saw on Orion web site, that
DIV/DIVthere's now an official support company: Cadrion.
DIV/DIVFor me it's good news.
DIV/DIVOn Mec, 25 avr 2001, Joseph B. Ottinger [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:
DIV/DIVgt;The list is DEAD? NO MAILS!??!
DIV/DIVgt;On Wed, Apr 25, 2001 at 12:56:21PM +0200, Ismael wrote:
DIV/DIVgt;gt; Hi all,
DIV/DIVgt;gt; Is the list still running?
DIV/DIVgt;gt; The number of mails received have decreased to 0 !!!
DIV/DIVgt;gt; Are you still there??
DIV/DIVgt;Joseph B. Ottinger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
DIV/DIVgt; IT Consultant
DIV/DIVbr clear=allhrGet your FREE download of MSN Explorer at a

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Re: cant start orion after the auto update.....

2001-04-28 Thread Ray Harrison

I know at one point there was some less than stable behaviour reported from
the IBM JVM - get the latest from Sun to see if it makes a difference. I have
had no problem autoupdating to 1.4.8 on Win2K Server.

--- Christian Meunier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I tried that and the auto update done nothing at all.
 I then tried something simple :
 got a fresh copy of 1.4.5 from orionserver
 installed it ( java -jar orion.jar -install)
 - Orion worked well (default orion webpage)
 then i updated it ( java -jar autoupdate.jar)
 and when i tried to start it again i got the same following error.
 Config : Win2000 Pro - Ibm jdk 1.3.0
 What is weird is it seems that im the only one to get this error
 - Original Message -
 From: Anders Dahlberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, April 27, 2001 12:33 AM
 Subject: Re: cant start orion after the auto update.
  At 00:55 2001-04-28, you wrote:
  Hello all, i just updated to 1.4.8 and now i get an error using :
  java -jar orion.jar
  i got the following error :
  java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.xml.sax.Attributes: method
  getQName(I)Ljava/lang/String; not found
   at org.apache.crimson.parser.Parser2.parse(
   at com.evermind._yw.getJavaxDocument(Unknown Source)
   at com.evermind.xml.XMLUtils.getDocument(Unknown Source)
   at com.evermind.xml.XMLConfig._iw(Unknown Source)
   at com.evermind.xml.XMLConfig._iw(Unknown Source)
   at Source)
   at Source)
  i  dont even use crimson.
  Any idea ?
  Thx in advance
  Ps: i moved the principals.xml reference to config/application.xml
  run autoupdate again, and it works

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Re: Is EJBMaker Worth it?

2001-04-20 Thread Ray Harrison

I have found that using vi or ultraedit + Ant has been a much better combination. 
--- Joe Fair [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've been working with EJBMaker for several hours now,
 and I can't help but think that it would have been
 faster to do it by hand.  Does anyone else have an
 encouraging experience?
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Re: Bi-directional relations (my kludge)

2001-04-06 Thread Ray Harrison

Nice! Though Orion and Weblogic both support incomplete versions of 2.0 (and each 
aspects at that) and all of that is subject to change, of course! I couldn't tell 
though if 
Weblogic supports m-n relationships in a solid manner. 
--- Reid Hartenbower [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Ray.  The only vendors I know of who have EJB 2 implementations are Orion
 and WebLogic.
 I definitely prefer Orion's development environment, but there is no
 comparison in terms of support (and I mean free support; WebLogic staff
 developers routinely answer newsgroup questions and once, in response to a
 bug I submitted concerning compound primary keys, a WL developer not only
 identified himself as the one working on the problem, but asked me if I
 thought his proposed solution was acceptable.  Wow.)
 - Original Message -
 From: "Ray Harrison" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 6:47 PM
 Subject: Re: Bi-directional relations (my kludge)
  Hi Reid -
  What App Servers currently offer m-n relationships - I'm interested in
 exploring how some of them
  --- Reid Hartenbower [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I have found the lack of bi-directional support very frustrating, and
   that it so impedes CMP functionality that it should be qualified as a
   and not a pending feature.
   I also don't see what the big technical challenge in implementing it
   If Orion is going to be this sluggish with support and new features, I
   ask them to consider going open source.  Let me fix it if you won't--do
   hear me Orion guys?
   My workaround is to manage the relations with a 'RelationManager'
   bean.  For n-m relations, I create my join tables with composite primary
   keys, as in (for hsql):
   CREATE TABLE User_Order (
   userId  CHAR(37)NOT NULL,
   orderIdCHAR(37)NOT NULL,
   PRIMARY KEY (userId, orderId));
   Then in the session bean, I explicitly create both sides of the
   (eg. user.addOrder(order) and order.addUser(user) ) and catch the
   key exception, as in:
 try {
 catch(EJBException e) {
   // for Orion 1.4.7 bidirectional bug;
   When (if) Orion fixes this bug, the modifications to my code will be
   - Original Message -
   From: "Ray Harrison" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 10:50 AM
   Subject: Re: Bi-directional relations
--- Patrik Andersson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Does bi-directional relations work yet? I'm pretty sure it did not
 last time I tried, but that was a fix fix versions ago.

 Any news on this issue?

 Patrik Andersson

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Re: orion + jbuilder4 -- sapdb?

2001-04-05 Thread Ray Harrison

I always like to pitch SapDB, because like Interbase, SAP DB, from the folks who 
brought us SAP
R/3 etc has been around the block. Has a lot of good stuff: Referential Integrity, 
Stored Procs, updateable views, subselects and outer joins, scrollable cursors, plus
maintenance-wise it has online backup, online expansion of the db, a solid set of 
commandline and
gui-based maintenance tools (some are available on Windows platforms only, for now) an 
active user
community, an active and helpful news group, and active support from a 
reasonable-sized team of
developers at SAP Labs in Berlin. The programming interfaces include ODBC, C/C++ 
JDBC (the one I use - it has a type4 jdbc driver that is pretty solid), Perl DBI, 
Python, and PHP.
Backup tools that can be used are:

ADSM + adint2 
Netvault, HiBack 
(soon) Backint for Oracle
Tools supporting this interface are: 
ARCserve, Backup Express, dbBRZ for R/3, DBVAULT, DoroStore, EASY_BASE, EMC, EPOCH, 
HIBACK, HSMS-CL Backint, NetBackup, NetVault, NetWorker, Omniback, Seagate Backup, 
SESAM, Solstice
Backup, Sys-Save, TIME NAVIGATOR for R/3, Tivoli

I believe they have something like 800 clients using it with an implementation of SAP 
R/3. It has
its quirks, here and there, which you'll notice if you try and get the Petstore to 
work with it.
But I think it is a great product, works well with Orion, handles CMP in a dandy 
fashion. Etc.

I would encourage at least evaluating the product. 

However, I am forgetting about your question, and that is does it work with JBuilder4 
and how does
it compare to MySQL and postresql? I haven't worked with postgresql, perhaps another 
person can
speak to that, but I have use MySQL. MySQL is unbelievably quick, and while there is 
transaction support that is coming out of the mysql camp - we decided to look at 
databases that
already had it and stumbled on this one (SAP DB). It is quick as well and does what we 
want. It
has a larger footprint than MySQL, but that would be expected. It's a quick db as well 
and has a
lot of configurable options to help out in that arena. Does it work with JBuilder4? 
Don't know! I
don't see why it wouldn't, but I'm a UltraEdit/Vi-Ant guy so I can't speak for it - 
again perhaps
someone else on the list can shed some light. 

There was another posting that suggested using Interbase with JBuilder4 - that is 
certainly a good
idea since Borland and JBuilder have been so closely linked. I have used Interbase and 
before but that was several years ago (They worked then!)

Good luck

Ray Harrison

--- Peter Peltonen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thank you for everyone answering my MySQL question. So, it appears that the
 situation is this, if I want to use Orion + JBuilder4:
 * PostgreSQL works fine except it isn't able to show tables in JBuilder
 * MySQL's EJB support doesn't work (and we need that!)
 * If we want to use Hypersonic we have to stop Orion while updating the db
 So, the question is, does SapDB work with our combination (has anyone used it
 with JBuilder and Orion)? I haven't really heard about it before, so how does
 it compare for example to MySQL and PostgreSQL?

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Re: Bi-directional relations

2001-04-05 Thread Ray Harrison

--- Patrik Andersson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Does bi-directional relations work yet? I'm pretty sure it did not work the
 last time I tried, but that was a fix fix versions ago.
 Any news on this issue?
 Patrik Andersson

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Re: Bi-directional relations (my kludge)

2001-04-05 Thread Ray Harrison

Hi Reid -
What App Servers currently offer m-n relationships - I'm interested in exploring how 
some of them

--- Reid Hartenbower [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have found the lack of bi-directional support very frustrating, and think
 that it so impedes CMP functionality that it should be qualified as a bug,
 and not a pending feature.
 I also don't see what the big technical challenge in implementing it would
 If Orion is going to be this sluggish with support and new features, I would
 ask them to consider going open source.  Let me fix it if you won't--do you
 hear me Orion guys?
 My workaround is to manage the relations with a 'RelationManager' session
 bean.  For n-m relations, I create my join tables with composite primary
 keys, as in (for hsql):
 CREATE TABLE User_Order (
 userId  CHAR(37)NOT NULL,
 orderIdCHAR(37)NOT NULL,
 PRIMARY KEY (userId, orderId));
 Then in the session bean, I explicitly create both sides of the relationship
 (eg. user.addOrder(order) and order.addUser(user) ) and catch the duplicate
 key exception, as in:
   try {
   catch(EJBException e) {
 // for Orion 1.4.7 bidirectional bug;
 When (if) Orion fixes this bug, the modifications to my code will be slight.
 - Original Message -
 From: "Ray Harrison" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 10:50 AM
 Subject: Re: Bi-directional relations
  --- Patrik Andersson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Does bi-directional relations work yet? I'm pretty sure it did not work
   last time I tried, but that was a fix fix versions ago.
   Any news on this issue?
   Patrik Andersson
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RE: Does any one has a solution for the domain was null message???

2001-04-04 Thread Ray Harrison

From what I have seen, each app server is free to define its own specific method for 
functionality and is not hard wired into the spec. Orion, Weblogic, EA Server, for 
instance, each
have their own protocol for intra/inter server communication. Jason has done an 
excellent job in
describing how Orion operates (and Jason, you also cleared up an issue I was having 
yesterday too
- thanks!). I am not always as careful as I should be when I read specs - Alex, is 
there a section
of the specs that says that you should be able to accomplish what you want to do from 
the approach
that you tried? Architecturally, it seems you have an orion server that is acting as a 
container and an orion server that is acting as an EJB container and that you want to 
use Orion's
protocols to have those two servers communicate appropriately. 


--- Jason Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Well, I agree that it would be nice if you could get access to servers
 outside of Orion using the "client" approach, I don't think it necessarily
 defined in the J2EE platform specs.  I took a look around the J2EE 1.3
 specification, and the section J2EE.2.8 "Flexibility of Product
 Requirements" states:
 "This specification doesn't require that J2EE product be implemented by a
 single program, a single server, or even a single machine.  In general, this
 specification doesn't describe the partionining of services or functions
 between machines, servers, or processes.  As long as the requirements in
 this specification are met, J2EE Product Providers can partition the
 functionality however they see fit.  A J2EE product must be able to deploy
 application components that execute with the semantics described by this
 In section J2EE.2.11.3 "Network Protocols" it says that "This specification
 defines the mapping of application components to industry-standard network
 protocols.  The mapping allows client access to the application components
 that have not installed J2EE product technology".
 Finally, in J2EE.8.2.1 "Application Assembly" subpart 3ii says "Dependencies
 that are not linked to internal components must be handled by the Deployer
 as external dependencies that must be met by resources previously installed
 on the platform.  External resources must be linked to the resources on the
 platform during deployment."
 From everything I have read, it seems that Orion isn't violating any
 specification rules, since they are allowed to partition functionality as
 they see fit.  Orion does allows multiple servers to intercommunicate, but
 it is the responsibility of the application deployer to specify those links
 (and it is specific to Orion).  Since the web container is bundled as part
 of the J2EE Server, I don't think the specification requires that it has
 access to anything outside that specific server environment.
 I would like to hear the thoughts of others about this, and any experiences
 they might have had with access with remote containers/servers.

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Re: orion with mysql?

2001-04-04 Thread Ray Harrison

Try SapDB ( one of your evaluations. I don't use JBuilder, but other 
tools I have
used have been able to see SapDB tables no problem. Although it doesn't really make 
sense that
JBuilder can't see PostgreSQL tables using the jdbc driver. 

--- Peter Peltonen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is it possible to use MySQL with Orion? Does it need a db-schema of it's own? 
 We tried to use PostgreSQL but JBuilder4 didn't cope with it very well
 (JBuilder isn't able to show Postgre's tables). We also tried Hypersonic, but
 it seems that when both Orion and JBuilder communicate with the db the db gets
 confused. At least the changes we make in JBuilder don't get updated.
 Any ideas about a good open-source db that would work with both Orion and
 JBuilder would be appreciated!

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Re: PetStore 1.1.1 on Orion/Oracle

2001-04-04 Thread Ray Harrison

I've gotten it to run under SapDB using SapDB's Oracle 7 mode - its not Oracle 8 but 
techniques for getting it to work are more or less database independent - I had some 
issue with
SapDB that you shouldn't have with oracle.

Each application server will run into issues with the pet store since it is not truly 
portable application and you will need to change a few items here and there and 
rebuild and
re-deploy the pet store. How far along are you?

--- Andy Tael [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,
 anyone got the full PetStore to run on Orion
 1.4.7/Oracle 8.1.7 ? I really need some help onthis.
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Re: Help me please domain was nul message is killing me here...

2001-04-03 Thread Ray Harrison

I've gone back through your emails and don't have an overall picture of your 
application. Perhaps
I am more dense than the average bear, but go ahead and give an overall picture of your
application - like:
This app is distributed over N orion server[s] and the configuration is done in the 
manner... and I am trying to accomplish the followingand then I get this "domain 
was null"
error, etc.

That way myself and perhaps others can help out and it won't take 4 weeks to do so. 

Just a question out of curiosity:
Have you looked at other app servers and do they support what you want to do in the 
way you want
to do it - like JBoss,WebLogic,EAServer?


Ray Harrison

--- Ray Harrison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Alex -
 Is there any chance you could zip up a small amount of code that recreates your 
problem? You had
 better include examples of your orion config files too. Or at least if you could 
provide lots of
 information code snippets and the like - that would be great! Give us what you can 
and we may be
 able to help...
 --- Alex Paransky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Does anyone know what the "domain was null" message means?  How do I get rid
  of it.  Where do I specify a domain?  HEELP, someone please.  I have
  been posting this question for the last 3 weeks, and still I have no
  Please, please please, help.
  PS: Is this what it takes to get a question answered?  Is there a different
  forum for paying customers?  If I pay $1500, will I get my questions
  answered faster?
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Re: Help me please domain was nul message is killing me here...

2001-04-02 Thread Ray Harrison

Alex -
Is there any chance you could zip up a small amount of code that recreates your 
problem? You had
better include examples of your orion config files too. Or at least if you could 
provide lots of
information code snippets and the like - that would be great! Give us what you can and 
we may be
able to help...


--- Alex Paransky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Does anyone know what the "domain was null" message means?  How do I get rid
 of it.  Where do I specify a domain?  HEELP, someone please.  I have
 been posting this question for the last 3 weeks, and still I have no
 Please, please please, help.
 PS: Is this what it takes to get a question answered?  Is there a different
 forum for paying customers?  If I pay $1500, will I get my questions
 answered faster?

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RE: Orion on RedHat

2001-03-23 Thread Ray Harrison

I always have to throw in SAP DB as well ( I have been very happy with 
database. I haven't used it on linux, but I understand that it performs nicely on that 
--- Kemp Randy-W18971 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hypersonic sql has temporary become hsql, as it tries to find a home with a new 
 team.  There are other options also, mentioned in this list before, like mysql 
 postgresql (, and instantdb (
   -Original Message-
  From:   Russ White [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
  Sent:   Thursday, March 22, 2001 11:01 AM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject:RE: Orion on RedHat
  Actually the Hypersonic DB that comes with Orion is quite suitable for small 
sites, and it is
 fast, and works well with Orion because it already has the configuration for the db 
in the
  I would stick Hypersonic unless you really need something else.
   -Original Message-
  Sent:   Thursday, March 22, 2001 10:10 AM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject:RE: Orion on RedHat
  Thanks for the news. I was hoping that this set up would work as it is easy to 
get relatively
 cheap hosting based on RaQ and Linux.
  One more question, if that's OK: at the moment we are doing without a database 
 is stored in XML files). However, we may need to get one at some point. Which 
database system
 (low cost) would work OK in this configuration?
  Many thanks again.
-Original Message-
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
   Sent: 22 March 2001 14:10
   To:   Orion-Interest
   Subject:  RE: Orion on RedHat
   This actually sounds like a good setup for what you want to do.
   I have setup many site for non-profits with a setup similar to 
   what you are doing.
   Using Linux in such an environment is a great idea because you 
   can set it up like a hands off appliance, and it is very cost effective.
   you could actually get by with less then a gig of HD space but 
   the more the better.
   as far as RAM 64-128 meg has work fine for me even on busy sites. 
   256 meg to 1+ gig is great but not generally necessary for small sites.
   Get the new sun JDK and not IBM's as IBM's is prone to crash.
   Use the newest version of Orion if you are going to be doing any 
   EJB 2.0 experimenting.
   Have fun!!!
-Original Message-
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
   Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 7:06 AM
   To:   Orion-Interest
   Subject:  Orion on RedHat
   Dear All,
   We are planning for a budget (read 'cheap') deployment of a 
   website running on Orion for a charity. We're thinking about 
   RedHat Linux 6 on a Cobalt RaQ3 server. Does anybody has any 
   experience of running Orion on such kit? What resources (RAM, 
   etc.) should a single server have in order to run it comfortably 
   (it is just an informational web site with limited traffic)?
   Many thanks for your
   Nesscomp Limited
   This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and 
   solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are 
   Nesscomp Ltd do not accept legal responsibility for the contents of
   this message. Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the
   author and do not necessarily represent those of Nesscomp Ltd.
   This message can not be classed as SPAM, the recipient has not
   been added to any mailing lists.

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Re: Bug in deployment descriptor?!

2001-03-21 Thread Ray Harrison

Hi Nevin,
Databases will have their own list of keywords that you can't use as attribute names 
"password" is generaly one of them. The database schema contains this list and its 
behaviour is
such that the illegal keywords will be appended by the "_" character. Check out
$ORIONDIR/config/database-schemas for your particular database.


--- Nevin Ng [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I wonder if you have met this situation before, I trying to deploy an entity bean 
with one of
 the field named "password".   I have write the corresponding orion-ejb-jar.xml for 
 persistence mapping within database. Everything seems fine, the xml in the
 application-deployment directory is correct. Until the whole deployment is done, 
which orion
 compiled all the generated files, the seems to be correct orion-ejb-jar.xml has been 
 with the "password" field mapping becomes "password_".  Is this a bug or just my 
 I have tried all the ways and nothing can stop orion change the from "password" to 
  When I change the mapping to something else such as "blahblahblah" its ok, but not 
 I really confused about this strange behavior
 Nevin Ng

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Re: File not found Error (404 error)

2001-03-13 Thread Ray Harrison

Waheed - 
This sort of thing can be handled in your servlet logic, among a variety of other 
A good way to learn this stuff is to dig around in some of the existing demo apps, 
like the ATM
demo for instance.
Have fun -
--- waheed_rahuman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi All,
 Can anybody help ,me in setting a default html so, that when ever  a file
 which is not found in the server is requested this default html is servered
 by the orion server, (File not found error or 404 error)
 Thank you in advance
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Here is a SAP DB schema if interested...

2001-03-06 Thread Ray Harrison

Here is a SAP DB schema that I've been working with recently - I have not tried all of 
elements so if anyone uses it and finds a problem - post it back to the list with the 
I am not sure about some of the date/time stuff, among other things...

Ray Harrison

?xml version="1.0"?
!DOCTYPE database-schema PUBLIC "-//Evermind//- Database schema" 

database-schema name="SapDB" not-null="not null" null="" primary-key="primary key" 
type-mapping type="boolean"  name="boolean" /
type-mapping type="java.lang.Boolean"name="boolean" /
type-mapping type="byte" name="byte" /
type-mapping type="java.lang.Byte"   name="byte" /
type-mapping type="char" name="char" /
type-mapping type="java.lang.Character"  name="char" /
type-mapping type="double"   name="double precision" /
type-mapping type="java.lang.Double" name="double precision" /
type-mapping type="float"name="float" /
type-mapping type="java.lang.Float"  name="float" /
type-mapping type="int"  name="integer" /
type-mapping type="java.lang.Integer"name="integer" /
type-mapping type="long" name="integer" /
type-mapping type="java.lang.Long"   name="integer" /
type-mapping type="short"name="smallint" /
type-mapping type="java.lang.Short"  name="smallint" /
type-mapping type="java.lang.String" name="varchar(255)" /
type-mapping type="java.math.BigDecimal" name="fixed(15,15)" /
type-mapping type="byte[]"   name="long byte" /
type-mapping type="java.sql.Date"name="date" /
type-mapping type="java.sql.Time"name="time" /
type-mapping type="java.sql.Timestamp"   name="timestamp" /
type-mapping type="java.util.Date"   name="timestamp" /
type-mapping type="" name="long byte" /

disallowed-field name="key" /
disallowed-field name="date" /
disallowed-field name="timestamp" /
disallowed-field name="time" /
disallowed-field name="username" /
disallowed-field name="password" /
disallowed-field name="order" /
disallowed-field name="table" /

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Re: un subscribe

2001-03-06 Thread Ray Harrison

Please use the form at
--- Prasanna Kumar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Please  un subscribe

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