RE: OC4J 9.0.3

2002-03-26 Thread Geoff Soutter

Presumably this is based on 1.5.4?

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of sana
> Sent: Wednesday, 27 March 2002 2:05 PM
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: OC4J 9.0.3
> Hi,
> Oracle released OC4J 9.0.3 Developer Preview.
> It supports most of J2EE 1.3 features.


Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! BB is Broadband by Yahoo!

repost: FYI/PATCH: Log4j bug masks part of Orion's stack traces

2002-03-26 Thread Geoff Soutter

Seems the original went missing, again.

> -Original Message-
> From: Geoff Soutter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Tuesday, 26 March 2002 3:46 PM
> To: 'Orion Interest List'
> Subject: FYI/PATCH: Log4j bug masks part of Orion's stack traces
> Hi there,
> I've been having a weird problem with parts of my stack 
> traces disappearing.
> After a few hours mucking around I've tracked it down to a 
> bug in log4j that I thought you may all wish to be aware of.
> This shows up when you attempt to log an OrionRemoteException 
> in an application client which has been thrown from a session bean.
> If I call System.out.printStackTrace() I get:
> at com.evermind.server.ejb.EJBUtils.getUserException(.:207)
> at 
> _StatelessSessionBeanWrapper3. hod>( ssionBean>
> at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
> at com.evermind._dq._fs(.:79)
> at
> at connection to localhost/ as admin
> at
> at com.evermind._dn.invokeMethod(.:1370)
> at com.evermind._yp.invoke(.:53)
> at __Proxy2.(Unknown Source)
> But if I log the same exception through log4j I get only:
> at
> at com.evermind._dn.invokeMethod(.:1370)
> at com.evermind._yp.invoke(.:53)
> at __Proxy2.(Unknown Source)
> Turns out the reason for this is that there is a bug in the 
> way log4j deals with stack traces. In log4j, stace track 
> formatting is handled by a class called ThrowableInformation. 
> It contains a subclass of PrintWriter called VectorWriter 
> which only overrides the println() - all the other methods 
> are effectively disabled. This class is passed into 
> Throwable.printStackTrace(). Unfortunately, Orion's implementation of
> OrionRemoteException.printStackTrace() is calling print() rather than
> println() to pass part of the remote part of the stack trace 
> across. Thus, this part of the stack trace is simply thrown 
> away. Ouch.
> This is a bug which impacts Orion and potentially any other 
> user of log4j which, in general, wishes to override the way that
> printStackTrace() works. It has been reported before on the 
> log4j developers list
> (
> 0926.html)
> , but it appears Ceki is too busy to fix it :-).
> Note, I'm using log4j 1.x at the moment but I had a quick 
> check of the CVS repository and it appears the bug is in 
> latest stuff as well.
> I created a simplistic new version of 
> ThrowableInformation.getThrowableStrRep(), which sucks the 
> entire stack trace into a buffer and then parses it into 
> individual lines. It's probably kinda slow compared to the 
> old version, but at least it fixes the bug. I've included it 
> if you are interested.
>   public
>   String[] getThrowableStrRep() {
> if(rep != null) {
>   return (String[]) rep.clone();
> } else {
>   // NOTE: This is not particularly fast. This probably 
> needs to be
>   // re-architected to use JDK1.4's new parsed stack 
> trace stuff anyway,
>   // so I consider this to be only a temporary solution.
>   // First, obtain the _entire_ stack trace as a string
>   CharArrayWriter caw = new CharArrayWriter();
>   PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(caw);
>   throwable.printStackTrace(pw);
>   pw.flush();
>   String trace = caw.toString();
>   // Parse it into individual lines.
>   // This should handle both Win32 and Unix EOL markers 
> (hopefully).
>   StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(trace, "\r\n");
>   Vector v = new Vector();
>   while (tok.hasMoreTokens()) {
>   v.add(tok.nextToken());
>   }
>   // Convert the result into an array, without using an 
> 1.2 functionality
>   int len = v.size();
>   rep = new String[len];
>   for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
> rep[i] = (String) v.elementAt(i);
>   }
>   return rep;
> }
>   }
> Cheers
> Geoff
> --
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:   
> <mailto:log4j-dev-> [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> For 
> additional commands, 
> e-mail: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

RE: OK, here's Real World: was: idea=$395.00USD was: RE: Java IDE?

2002-03-24 Thread Geoff Soutter

And don't forget we'll all be using Drag and Drop Visual tools to do
coding soon, so we won't even need tools like IDEA. I guess this will
make Computer Science degrees irrelevant as well?



> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of The Boss
> Sent: Monday, 25 March 2002 10:27 PM
> To: Orion-Interest
> Cc: Jarrod Roberson
> Subject: OK, here's Real World: was: idea=$395.00USD was: RE: 
> Java IDE?
> Hi Jarrod,
> I would like to share some IBM insights with you relevant to some of 
> your comments  ...
> > So anyone that chants the "FREE mantra" keep using Tomcat and Vi and
> > all  the other "free" crap because in the end it will cost you 
> > HUNDREDS TIMES  more than buying a proper tool and saving 
> money over 
> > the long haul. Then  again if you are lowballing jobs, and 
> working on 
> > crappy little projects all  this is moot, why are you using Orion 
> > then, why not use JBoss or any of the  other FREE EJB containers. I 
> > mean you "COULD" move a mountian with a  plastic spoon, 
> hell they are 
> > FREE at every fast food joint, but would'nt a  sane and reasonable 
> > person spend the money on real earth moving equipment  and 
> get the job 
> > done quickly so they could move on to the next paying job  
> moving the 
> > next mountain.
> Some time ago I was involved in IBM's "San Fransisco" project, about 
> which you may know. This enterrpise level tool was
> very large and free for development I understand. Various tool makers 
> came up with ways of enhancing the development
> process including the integration of the Rational suite of 
> products. OK. 
> That was the story from the West. It turned out that
> the most productive developers of San Fransisco applications were NOT 
> the people who used fancy, expensive Yankee IDE's
> or tools, but the teams of hundreds of Indian programmers 
> around Mumbai. 
> The Indian software houses could not afford to
> pay guys like you, and provide guys like you with tools to make you 
> productive, and save you time, so you could be with your 
> family. No. They could afford to hire hundreds of developers 
> and provide 
> them with cheap development tools, like 'vi' ;), and
> let them loose on a task. So from this International competitive 
> perspective your comments are way off the mark, the kind
> of productivity you speak about, (great design guys, large scale 
> projects, etc) are irrelevant in the global domain. It 
> doesn't matter in the end how productive you are, or what 
> tools you use, you will NEVER 
> be able to compete with the developer farms of
> countries like India, and just wait till China comes on line! 
>  I guess 
> the same thing that happened to the Western clothing
> industry WILL happen to the Western software development 
> business - it 
> will be moved off-shore into countries that have
> large volumes of super-cheap educated labour, using free 
> development tools.
> Unfortunately your comments sound like those of an ageing 
> Western prima 
> donna whose tunes are increasingly less
> popular. Sure tools like Idea were built for prima donna Western 
> software developers ... but with developer farms coming
> on line ... prima donnas and the tools that support them are becoming 
> less and less of a good business proposition.
> Perhaps you could start a "crappy little project" that could 
> make you a 
> lot of money, so you could retire early?
> ;)
> Regards
> goffredo

RE: idea=$395.00USD was: RE: Java IDE?

2002-03-24 Thread Geoff Soutter

Go Shane! 

This is one of the few sensible posts on IDE religion I've ever read!
:-) Theres nothing like a little common sense to distinguish the smart
developer from the average developer... :-)

Anyway, my .2c (apart from what shane said) - I'd recommend any of these
tools depending on the task at hand...

- IDEA (best all round, brilliant for XP, "reasonable" price, no GUI or
wizard hand-holding)
- Together (if you have _lots_ of $ and you _must_ use UML)
- JBlunder Enterprise (if you have _lots_ of $ and you really can't deal
with J2EE without a Wizard to hold your hand)
- CodeGuide (if you don't like NetBeans and you can't afford IDEA)
- Netbeans (if you like the price and can handle the clunky interface)
- Emacs / vi (if you are a Linux freak and bone-headed :-)
- Textpad (if you are a Win32 user and if all else fails :-)


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of 
> Shane Whitehead
> Sent: Monday, 25 March 2002 8:21 AM
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: RE: idea=$395.00USD was: RE: Java IDE?
> I believe it comes down to the individual requirements of the 
> developer. You can discuss it till your blue in the face, but 
> if it doesn't fill comfortable, then, like most users, you 
> won't use it.  Go with what feels right for you and don't be 
> to swayed with what other people think.
> I've been lucky that most of the places I've worked at have 
> allowed me to use the editor of my choice and personally I 
> prefer netbeans, but that's more to do with the fact that I 
> was required to use at Uni and at the time their was only a 
> hand full of editors and all of them (except Netbeans) seemed 
> to use a propriety VM - but that's ancient history.
> Most of the experience is in Swing and I hand code 99% of all 
> my UI, I've yet to meet a UI designer that can cut it.
> Essentially, try a few, find the one you like and hope it's 
> not to expensive, but at the end of the day, if you can't 
> live without it, you're going to have to pay for it...
> Good hunting!
> Shane

Simple howto for launching application clients using applicationlauncher.jar

2002-03-06 Thread Geoff Soutter

Hi there peeps,

I've spent the last few hours looking at how to best launch application
clients, and I couldn't find any documentation on how to do it nicely
(apart from Joe Ottingers's stuff on auto started application clients - I then discovered
I was doing it the hard way, and it occurred to me that others may also
be doing it this way, so here's what I discovered...

Previously I was doing something basic like this to launch my
application clients:

java -jar %ORION_HOME%\orion.jar;%ORION_HOME%\;%ORION_HOME%/lib/log4j.jar;myapp-client.jar com.acme.MyAppClient 

And I had a in the same directory which specified how to
connect to Orion.

This is clunky and requires that you distribute all your jar files to
the machine you wish to run it on. Yuck.

Then, I "discovered" applicationlauncher.jar (it's not exactly hidden,
it's in the Orion dir :-). This lets you launch application clients
locally, even if they are installed on remote systems. Its seemingly
like an Orion version of java web start.

To use it, you need to ensure that your application client is deployed
properly in a J2EE sense. For me, all I had to do was:
- add a  and  tags to my application.xml like so:


- copy my shared libraries into a lib dir inside my .ear file
- add a manifest for myapp-client.jar with the main class and any shared
libraries like so:

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Main-Class: com.acme.MyAppClient
Class-Path: lib/log4j.jar

Now, I can launch the application client by issuing the command

java -jar c:\apps\orion\154\applicationlauncher.jar

This is cool because I don't have to frig about with the classpath or at launch time, presumably I could launch it on a remote
machine if I wanted with similar ease (!). Presumably all you would need
on the remote machine would be applicationlauncher.jar and orion.jar
(rather than all your applications jar files), but I've not tested it...

Anyone have any comments on this?



Orion doesn't pass stack traces from server to application client?

2002-02-28 Thread Geoff Soutter

Hi there,

I just noticed that the application client that I wrote for Orion is
printing stack traces like so:

javax.ejb.DuplicateKeyException: Entity already exists
at com.evermind._dn.invokeMethod(.:1369)
at com.evermind._yd.invoke(.:53)
at __Proxy2.(Unknown Source)

Which presumably means it is not passing the stack trace information
across from the server to the client. 

This means I can't see the part of the stack trace on the server, which
is really annoying.

Is there a way around this? I'm sure lots of people would have this
problem, so I'm probably just missing something obvious...



RE: Uploading files to Orion webserver with MultipartParser API

2002-02-27 Thread Geoff Soutter

Just be aware, MS don't number each release of their browser like NS do.
For example, the original release of 5.5 was very buggy, but it's had at
least a couple of Service Packs since then (5.5.1, 5.5.2, if you like). 

You need to indicate which service pack and which OS you are running on
before you can really compare IE versions properly.

You may also wish to ensure there are no proxies or anything like that
in the middle between IE and Orion, as they can change the HTTP stream.
Also, have you configured IE to use HTTP 1.0 or 1.1?

Try running the same example code on Tomcat 4.x, with your different
browsers. If that works you can pretty much blame Orion.


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of 
> Joan Josep Iglesias
> Sent: Thursday, 28 February 2002 3:14 AM
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: Re: Uploading files to Orion webserver with 
> MultipartParser API
> Hi again Justine,
>   I've just prove it with an IE 5.5 and I have'nt got any 
> problem... I don't 
> know what problem you can have... If you want, you can try to 
> read the upload 
> file byte by byte... the way I token (by the moment).
>   Good luck Justine!!
>   Joan
> On Wednesday 27 February 2002 10:17 am, you wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> > Thanks for that, I wasn't aware of those classes, I gave them a go. 
> > Similar problem. Different error, but its occasionally 
> failing. I also 
> > tried the non-brand-specific, similar results.
> >
> > However, I have gotten closer. It was failing on Internet Explorer 
> > 5.5. I tried Netscape 4.7, and it seemed fine. I tried it 
> on 5.0 and 
> > IE 6 and it seemed fine. So it appears that it is a problem with IE 
> > 5.5. Very strange...
> >
> >
> > Thanks for the help, much appreciated.
> > Justin
> >
> > P.S. this is my second attempt at posting this, it appears the list 
> > does not pick up everything that is posted.
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Joan Josep Iglesias [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: 22 February 2002 09:33
> > To: Orion-Interest
> > Subject: Re: Uploading files to Orion webserver with 
> MultipartParser 
> > API
> >
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm trying to upload files to my server, but I'm  using 
> the orion 
> > libreries to do it
> >
> > 
> >
> >
> > Why don't you try with those libraries?
> >
> >
> > Joan

RE: Orion crashes JVM

2002-02-27 Thread Geoff Soutter

If you are on windows, try pressing Ctrl-Break on the Orion window
(can't remember the kill number on unix). The JVM will print out a stack
dump of all the threads. That should help you to see if there is a
deadlock or something like that.


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of 
> Juan Fuentes
> Sent: Thursday, 28 February 2002 4:19 AM
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: Orion crashes JVM
> Hi list!
> After few moments of orion (1.5.2) been started, the cpu 
> usage of the JVM that runs orion drops to 0%.
> Obviously, orion stops answering requests.
> We are trying to find the problem. Don't know if it's in our 
> application (it runs OK in other machines with the same orion 
> server), in the orion itself, or even in the operating system.
> Any idea??
> Thanks.
> -- 
> ..
> Juan Fuentes Nieto   Essi Projects
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]t +34 977 221 182
>  f +34 977 230 170
> ..

RE: and ApplicationClientInitialContextFactory

2002-02-26 Thread Geoff Soutter

That'd be cool.


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of 
> Magnus Rydin
> Sent: Wednesday, 27 February 2002 10:22 AM
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: SV: and 
> ApplicationClientInitialContextFactory 
> Hi there,
> You would pay for the 1 server and not for the 10 clients.
> Hopefully we will find time to generate a small client.jar to 
> use instead of the larger jar files in the near future.
> WR
> Magnus Rydin
> IronFlare
> -Ursprungligt meddelande-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] För Brendan McKenna
> Skickat: den 26 februari 2002 09:06
> Till: Orion-Interest
> Ämne: Re: and ApplicationClientInitialContextFactory 
> Hi,
>   Does the requirement to install orion.jar with every instance of
> the client application mean that you have to (in a commercial
> environment) 
> purchase an Orion license for each seperate instance of the 
> client you 
> want to run.  In other words, if I want to run 10 instances 
> of my client, plus 1 of the server itself, how many licenses 
> do I need to buy, 1 or 11?
>   Brendan
> -- 
> Brendan McKenna   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Senior Partner
> Hallway Software Design Corp.

RE: A nonfatal internal JIT (3.10.107(x)) error ??

2002-02-24 Thread Geoff Soutter
Title: Message

definition, it's a JVM bug. There is no possible Java which may validly 
cause the VM to crash. (well, apart from Java which calls native 
turning off the JIT. It will be slower but at least it won't crash. Also, try 
different VMs, eg IBM, or JDK1.4.

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of David 
  TunkransSent: Monday, 25 February 2002 2:34 AMTo: 
  Orion-InterestSubject: Re: A nonfatal internal JIT (3.10.107(x)) 
  error ??
  No. JDK1.3.x
- Original Message - 
daniele rizzi 
To: Orion-Interest 
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2002 4:50 
Subject: R: A nonfatal internal JIT 
(3.10.107(x)) error ??

you use jdk1.2.2?

  -Messaggio originale-Da: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Per conto di David 
  TunkransInviato: venerdì 22 febbraio 2002 11.51A: 
  Orion-InterestOggetto: A nonfatal internal JIT (3.10.107(x)) 
  error ??
  Anyone know what this could be?
  $ java -jar orion.jar
  A nonfatal internal JIT (3.10.107(x)) error 
  'Relocation error: NULL relocation ta  
  'org/apache/crimson/parser/Parser2.maybeComment (Z)Z': Interpreting 
  method.  Please report this error in detail to

RE: Uploading files to Orion webserver with MultipartParser API

2002-02-21 Thread Geoff Soutter

Hi there,

Did you read the



> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of 
> Justin Crosbie
> Sent: Friday, 22 February 2002 3:22 AM
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: Uploading files to Orion webserver with MultipartParser API
> Hi,
> I'm wondering if this has anything to do with the Orion 
> webserver. I am using the 
> com.oreilly.servlet.multipart.MultipartParser to upload files 
> to my servlet. If you try the same file several times, it 
> will sometimes work and sometimes fail with a "Corrupt form 
> data: no leading boundary" IOException.
> It fails because normally it expects to see a valid boundary 
> in the HttpServletRequest obj, but some of the time the 
> Header is being sent with the content. So where it expects to 
> see something like 
> "12012133613061", it finds a "POST 
>  HTTP1.1 etc"
> It is strange that it sometimes works and sometimes not. Is 
> there anything I can set on the webserver side to ensure that 
> the content is as is expected?
> Thanks,
> Justin

RE: (repost) FW: A word of warning: SwiftMQ and Resource providers.

2002-02-19 Thread Geoff Soutter

Hmm. Strange. 

I'm definitely using 1.5.4, you can see it in the console output I
included below. I tried doing an autoupdate and trying it again, made no
difference. I even did a recursive diff against the .zip version and the
autoupdate version and they are identical (despite the fact autoupdate
claimed it was overwriting most of the files).

There must be a logical explanation ... but I can't see it ...

I'm using jdk 1.3.1_02 and SwiftMQ 2.1.3. Is that the versions you guys
are using?


PS, I'm not using Topics myself, I was only providing a FYI for those
that cared... 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Ray Harrison
Sent: Wednesday, 20 February 2002 10:04 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: (repost) FW: A word of warning: SwiftMQ and Resource

Interesting - I *don't* get that error any longer with 1.5.4, though I
did with 1.5.3.
--- Geoff Soutter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Argh. Mailing lists that are not reliable annoy the  out of me.
> -Original Message-
> From: Geoff Soutter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, 19 February 2002 9:32 AM
> To: 'Orion-Interest'
> Subject: RE: A word of warning: SwiftMQ and Resource providers.
> Hi Magnus,
> All I did was follow the instructions in the resource providers 
> document 
> ml)
> As soon as I added the  tag you quoted below, and 
> restarted orion, I got:
> C:\apps\orion\154>java -jar orion.jar
> Error deploying file:/C:/temp/newsfeed/build/newsfeed/newsfeed-ejb.jar
> homes: JMS Error: Queue 'testtopic' is not local! Can't create a 
> Consumer on it!
> 2002-02-19 09:23:14,435 INFO   StartupServlet - startup completed
> Orion/1.5.4 initialized
> Which is exactly the same error as originally reported below.
> Cheers,
> Geoff
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Magnus 
> Rydin
> Sent: Monday, 18 February 2002 7:35 PM
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: RE: A word of warning: SwiftMQ and Resource providers.
> Geoff,
> It IS fixed in 1.5.4, so please let us know what fails for you. Here 
> is a sample setup:
> 1. Set up and start SwiftMQ.
> 2. In your /config/application.xml have a setup like the following: 
>  class="com.evermind.server.deployment.ContextScanningResourceProvider"
> display-name="SwiftMQ resource" name="SwiftMQ" >
> SwiftMQ resource provider. 
>  value="com.swiftmq.jndi.InitialContextFactoryImpl" /> 
>  /> 
>  value="testtopic,testqueue@router1,plainsocket@router1" /> 
> 3. Start Orion, deploy the ATM sample (it uses a MDB with a topic)
> 4. Configure the ATM sample to use your resource provider with 
> something like the following in your orion-ejb-jar.xml: 
>  destination-location="java:comp/resource/SwiftMQ/testtopic"
> connection-factory-location="java:comp/resource/SwiftMQ/plainsocket@ro
> ut
> er1">
> Could you please let me know where/how this fails for you?
> WR
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Geoff 
> Soutter
> Sent: den 18 februari 2002 02:50
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: RE: A word of warning: SwiftMQ and Resource providers.
> FYI, this was not fixed in 1.5.4.
> Naughty Magnus! :-)
> Geoff
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Ray 
> Harrison
> Sent: Monday, 14 January 2002 8:50 AM
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: Re: A word of warning: SwiftMQ and Resource providers.
> According to Magnus R, the problem will be fixed in the next release. 
> I don't know if you can use SwiftMQ / Topics with the Oracle code base

> (OC4J), but maybe worth a shot. Hopefully soon from the good folks at 
> Orion!
> --- Graham Bennett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Tue, Nov 20, 2001 at 12:29:54PM +0200, Lachezar Dobrev wrote:
> > >Recently looking at the Resource-Providers docs, and EAGER to
> > >an external JMS for my MDBs I and a colleague decided to run
> > >demos.  As quite a surprise the demo run ok. The MDB did
> everything
> > >when a message was sent to the Queue.
> > > 
> > >The BIG disappointment was, when we tried to do the same with
> > >topic.  In short: It d

(repost) FW: A word of warning: SwiftMQ and Resource providers.

2002-02-19 Thread Geoff Soutter

Argh. Mailing lists that are not reliable annoy the  out of me.

-Original Message-
From: Geoff Soutter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, 19 February 2002 9:32 AM
To: 'Orion-Interest'
Subject: RE: A word of warning: SwiftMQ and Resource providers.

Hi Magnus,

All I did was follow the instructions in the resource providers document

As soon as I added the  tag you quoted below, and
restarted orion, I got:

C:\apps\orion\154>java -jar orion.jar
Error deploying file:/C:/temp/newsfeed/build/newsfeed/newsfeed-ejb.jar
homes: JMS Error: Queue 'testtopic' is not local! Can't create a
Consumer on it!
2002-02-19 09:23:14,435 INFO   StartupServlet - startup completed
Orion/1.5.4 initialized

Which is exactly the same error as originally reported below.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Magnus Rydin
Sent: Monday, 18 February 2002 7:35 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: A word of warning: SwiftMQ and Resource providers.


It IS fixed in 1.5.4, so please let us know what fails for you. Here is
a sample setup:

1. Set up and start SwiftMQ.

2. In your /config/application.xml have a setup like the following:
SwiftMQ resource provider. 

3. Start Orion, deploy the ATM sample (it uses a MDB with a topic)

4. Configure the ATM sample to use your resource provider with something
like the following in your orion-ejb-jar.xml: 

Could you please let me know where/how this fails for you?


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Geoff Soutter
Sent: den 18 februari 2002 02:50
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: A word of warning: SwiftMQ and Resource providers.

FYI, this was not fixed in 1.5.4. 

Naughty Magnus! :-)


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Ray Harrison
Sent: Monday, 14 January 2002 8:50 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: A word of warning: SwiftMQ and Resource providers.

According to Magnus R, the problem will be fixed in the next release. I
don't know if you can use SwiftMQ / Topics with the Oracle code base
(OC4J), but maybe worth a shot. Hopefully soon from the good folks at
--- Graham Bennett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 20, 2001 at 12:29:54PM +0200, Lachezar Dobrev wrote:
> >Recently looking at the Resource-Providers docs, and EAGER to use
> >an external JMS for my MDBs I and a colleague decided to run the
> >demos.  As quite a surprise the demo run ok. The MDB did
> >when a message was sent to the Queue.
> > 
> >The BIG disappointment was, when we tried to do the same with the
> >topic.  In short: It does not work.
> >
> > Error deploying 
> > file:/D:/Temp/Orion/applications/Orion2SwiftMQ/Orion2SwiftMQ.jar
> > homes: JMS Error: Queue 'testtopic' is not local! Can't create a
> > Consumer on it!
> has this now been fixed?  I'm getting the same error with SwiftMQ and 
> the latest build.
> cheers,
> --
> Graham Bennett

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RE: 1.5.4 and OracleAQ

2002-02-18 Thread Geoff Soutter

Probably. Check the resource providers document
l, you should be able to figure it out from there.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of António Cruz
Sent: Monday, 18 February 2002 11:44 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: 1.5.4 and OracleAQ

Hi, has i see in early posts, there are several issues relating to MDBs
that have been fixed in this new release, what i really need to know is
if  in this release OracleAQ can act as a resource provider to MDBs in
Orion, if so, how can i do that?


Tony Cruz

RE: Orion MDB reverses message order with SwiftMQ as well as OrionJMS (was RE: fyi: 1.5.4 still stacks rather than queues JMS messages)

2002-02-18 Thread Geoff Soutter

Hi there,

Actually I didn't read the EJB spec as I had guessed it was a JMS bug
originally, so thanks for pointing that out. Very lazy of me. However,
section 15.4.6 "Concurrency of Message Processing" of the EJB 2.0 spec

"the container should attempt to deliver messages in order when it does
not impair the concurrency of message processing."

I have max-instances set to 1, which means that there is _no_
concurrency. Thus, the container ought to deliver messages in order.
Note also that the JMS spec mentions that messages ought to be delivered
in order as well.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Poop
Sent: Tuesday, 19 February 2002 12:11 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: Orion MDB reverses message order with SwiftMQ as well as
OrionJMS (was RE: fyi: 1.5.4 still stacks rather than queues JMS

"Well, I just tested an MDB with SwiftMQ, and Orion still stuffs up the
message ordering."  --Geoff Soutter

Please read the EJB2.0 spec before recording this as a bug.  Message
order is not guaranteed in MDB's.

- Original Message -
From: "Geoff Soutter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Orion-Interest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, February 17, 2002 10:45 PM
Subject: Orion MDB reverses message order with SwiftMQ as well as
OrionJMS (was RE: fyi: 1.5.4 still stacks rather than queues JMS

> Well, I just tested an MDB with SwiftMQ, and Orion still stuffs up the

> message ordering. Presumably this means it's broken in the MDB 
> implemenation rather than in Orion's JMS code, which is a pity.
> So, for all those using Orion MDBs, and relying on message ordering 
> being preserved (if there are any apart from me :-), please check out 
> bug 729 in Bugzilla. It contains demo code to demonstrate the problem 
> under both Orion JMS and SwiftMQ.
> Cheers,
> Geoff
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Geoff 
> Soutter
> Sent: Monday, 18 February 2002 9:18 AM
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: RE: fyi: 1.5.4 still stacks rather than queues JMS messages
> Hi Mike,
> I didn't see that comment. Unfortunately this list is so flakey that I

> only get about 75% of the messages.
> I just checked the JMS 1.02 spec, here's what it has to say about 
> message order (in Order of Message Receipt):
> "JMS defines that messages sent by a session to a destination must be 
> received in the order in which they were sent (see Section, 
> "Order of Message Sends," for a few qualifications)."
> So it seems that, contrary to what that someone said, message order 
> _is_ important with JMS.
> Cheers,
> Geoff
> -Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Mike 
> Cannon-Brookes
> Sent: Saturday, 16 February 2002 8:43 AM
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: Re: fyi: 1.5.4 still stacks rather than queues JMS messages
> Geoff,
> Also as someone said on this list just a few days ago - as per the JMS

> spec there is no guarantee that your messages turn up in the sequence 
> you sent them.
> Cheers,
> Mike
> Mike Cannon-Brookes
> Atlassian ::
> Supporting YOUR world
> On 16/2/02 12:55 AM, "Stephen Davidson" ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> penned the words:
> > Geoff Soutter wrote:
> >
> >> Re the problem reported a couple weeks back by Jorge Jimenez and 
> >> confirmed by myself, I tested 1.5.4 to see if they had fixed this 
> >> problem, but it's still there. Just set max-instances to 1 and load

> >> up with a lot of messages, it works just like a stack. Doh.
> >>
> >> Maybe I'll have time to put this into Bugzilla next week...
> >>
> >> Is _everyone_ using a third party JMS with Orion?
> >>
> >> geoff
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> > I am using the Orion JMS, but the way the code is set up, it does 
> > not care about the order the messages arrived.  I had never noticed 
> > the "Out of Order" issue, as it was not applicable.
> >
> > -Steve

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RE: fyi: 1.5.4 still stacks rather than queues JMS messages

2002-02-17 Thread Geoff Soutter

Hi Russ,

What exactly do you mean by "stored/retrieved"? Is there a reference in
the spec you can point out?



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Russ White
Sent: Monday, 18 February 2002 11:47 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: fyi: 1.5.4 still stacks rather than queues JMS messages

Yes, they should be received in order, but not necessarily
stored/retrieved in order.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Geoff Soutter
Sent: Sunday, February 17, 2002 5:18 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: fyi: 1.5.4 still stacks rather than queues JMS messages

Hi Mike,

I didn't see that comment. Unfortunately this list is so flakey that I
only get about 75% of the messages.

I just checked the JMS 1.02 spec, here's what it has to say about
message order (in Order of Message Receipt):

"JMS defines that messages sent by a session to a destination must be
received in the order in which they were sent (see Section,
"Order of Message Sends," for a few qualifications)."

So it seems that, contrary to what that someone said, message order _is_
important with JMS.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Mike
Sent: Saturday, 16 February 2002 8:43 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: fyi: 1.5.4 still stacks rather than queues JMS messages


Also as someone said on this list just a few days ago - as per the JMS
spec there is no guarantee that your messages turn up in the sequence
you sent them.


Mike Cannon-Brookes

Atlassian ::
Supporting YOUR world

On 16/2/02 12:55 AM, "Stephen Davidson" ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
penned the words:

> Geoff Soutter wrote:
>> Re the problem reported a couple weeks back by Jorge Jimenez and 
>> confirmed by myself, I tested 1.5.4 to see if they had fixed this 
>> problem, but it's still there. Just set max-instances to 1 and load 
>> up with a lot of messages, it works just like a stack. Doh.
>> Maybe I'll have time to put this into Bugzilla next week...
>> Is _everyone_ using a third party JMS with Orion?
>> geoff
> I am using the Orion JMS, but the way the code is set up, it does not 
> care about the order the messages arrived.  I had never noticed the 
> "Out of Order" issue, as it was not applicable.
> -Steve

Orion MDB reverses message order with SwiftMQ as well as OrionJMS (was RE: fyi: 1.5.4 still stacks rather than queues JMS messages)

2002-02-17 Thread Geoff Soutter

Well, I just tested an MDB with SwiftMQ, and Orion still stuffs up the
message ordering. Presumably this means it's broken in the MDB
implemenation rather than in Orion's JMS code, which is a pity. 

So, for all those using Orion MDBs, and relying on message ordering
being preserved (if there are any apart from me :-), please check out
bug 729 in Bugzilla. It contains demo code to demonstrate the problem
under both Orion JMS and SwiftMQ.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Geoff Soutter
Sent: Monday, 18 February 2002 9:18 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: fyi: 1.5.4 still stacks rather than queues JMS messages

Hi Mike,

I didn't see that comment. Unfortunately this list is so flakey that I
only get about 75% of the messages. 

I just checked the JMS 1.02 spec, here's what it has to say about
message order (in Order of Message Receipt):

"JMS defines that messages sent by a session to a destination must be
received in the order in which they were sent (see Section,
"Order of Message Sends," for a few qualifications)."

So it seems that, contrary to what that someone said, message order _is_
important with JMS.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Mike
Sent: Saturday, 16 February 2002 8:43 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: fyi: 1.5.4 still stacks rather than queues JMS messages


Also as someone said on this list just a few days ago - as per the JMS
spec there is no guarantee that your messages turn up in the sequence
you sent them.


Mike Cannon-Brookes

Atlassian ::
Supporting YOUR world

On 16/2/02 12:55 AM, "Stephen Davidson" ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
penned the words:

> Geoff Soutter wrote:
>> Re the problem reported a couple weeks back by Jorge Jimenez and
>> confirmed by myself, I tested 1.5.4 to see if they had fixed this 
>> problem, but it's still there. Just set max-instances to 1 and load 
>> up with a lot of messages, it works just like a stack. Doh.
>> Maybe I'll have time to put this into Bugzilla next week...
>> Is _everyone_ using a third party JMS with Orion?
>> geoff
> I am using the Orion JMS, but the way the code is set up, it does not
> care about the order the messages arrived.  I had never noticed the 
> "Out of Order" issue, as it was not applicable.
> -Steve

RE: A word of warning: SwiftMQ and Resource providers.

2002-02-17 Thread Geoff Soutter

FYI, this was not fixed in 1.5.4. 

Naughty Magnus! :-)


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Ray Harrison
Sent: Monday, 14 January 2002 8:50 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: A word of warning: SwiftMQ and Resource providers.

According to Magnus R, the problem will be fixed in the next release. I
don't know if you can use SwiftMQ / Topics with the Oracle code base
(OC4J), but maybe worth a shot. Hopefully soon from the good folks at
--- Graham Bennett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 20, 2001 at 12:29:54PM +0200, Lachezar Dobrev wrote:
> >Recently looking at the Resource-Providers docs, and EAGER to use
> >an external JMS for my MDBs I and a colleague decided to run the
> >demos.  As quite a surprise the demo run ok. The MDB did
> >when a message was sent to the Queue.
> > 
> >The BIG disappointment was, when we tried to do the same with the
> >topic.  In short: It does not work.
> >
> > Error deploying 
> > file:/D:/Temp/Orion/applications/Orion2SwiftMQ/Orion2SwiftMQ.jar
> > homes: JMS Error: Queue 'testtopic' is not local! Can't create a 
> > Consumer on it!
> has this now been fixed?  I'm getting the same error with SwiftMQ and 
> the latest build.
> cheers,
> --
> Graham Bennett

Do You Yahoo!?
Send FREE video emails in Yahoo! Mail!

RE: fyi: 1.5.4 still stacks rather than queues JMS messages

2002-02-17 Thread Geoff Soutter

Hi Mike,

I didn't see that comment. Unfortunately this list is so flakey that I
only get about 75% of the messages. 

I just checked the JMS 1.02 spec, here's what it has to say about
message order (in Order of Message Receipt):

"JMS defines that messages sent by a session to a destination must be
received in the order in which they were sent (see Section,
"Order of Message Sends," for a few qualifications)."

So it seems that, contrary to what that someone said, message order _is_
important with JMS.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Mike
Sent: Saturday, 16 February 2002 8:43 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: fyi: 1.5.4 still stacks rather than queues JMS messages


Also as someone said on this list just a few days ago - as per the JMS
spec there is no guarantee that your messages turn up in the sequence
you sent them.


Mike Cannon-Brookes

Atlassian ::
Supporting YOUR world

On 16/2/02 12:55 AM, "Stephen Davidson" ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
penned the words:

> Geoff Soutter wrote:
>> Re the problem reported a couple weeks back by Jorge Jimenez and 
>> confirmed by myself, I tested 1.5.4 to see if they had fixed this 
>> problem, but it's still there. Just set max-instances to 1 and load 
>> up with a lot of messages, it works just like a stack. Doh.
>> Maybe I'll have time to put this into Bugzilla next week...
>> Is _everyone_ using a third party JMS with Orion?
>> geoff
> I am using the Orion JMS, but the way the code is set up, it does not 
> care about the order the messages arrived.  I had never noticed the 
> "Out of Order" issue, as it was not applicable.
> -Steve

fyi: 1.5.4 still stacks rather than queues JMS messages

2002-02-14 Thread Geoff Soutter

Re the problem reported a couple weeks back by Jorge Jimenez and
confirmed by myself, I tested 1.5.4 to see if they had fixed this
problem, but it's still there. Just set max-instances to 1 and load up
with a lot of messages, it works just like a stack. Doh. 

Maybe I'll have time to put this into Bugzilla next week...

Is _everyone_ using a third party JMS with Orion?


RE: Debugging using JPDA, FATAL ERROR

2002-02-14 Thread Geoff Soutter

No worries, mate. I blame sun, the error message is hopeless.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, 14 February 2002 6:54 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: Debugging using JPDA, FATAL ERROR

Thanks Geoff, you were right.

-Original Message-
From: Geoff Soutter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2002 11:34 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: Debugging using JPDA, FATAL ERROR

Hmm, I seem to remember this one as well. Make sure you are using the
java.exe from the JDK directory rather than the JRE, as in the latest
1.3.1 revision only the JDK java.exe seems to have access to JPDA (or at
least, that's what I remember, YMMV)


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, 13 February 2002 8:10 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Debugging using JPDA, FATAL ERROR


I'd need some urgent help on starting Orion with JDPA remote debugging

I read through the docs and followed the instructions to start this way:

java -classic -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE
-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=8000 -jar

But it came up with a FATAL ERROR :

Transport dt_socket failed to initialize, rc = 509.
FATAL ERROR in native method: No transports initialized abnormal program

In case you have some ideas, share them with me.



RE: Debugging using JPDA, FATAL ERROR

2002-02-13 Thread Geoff Soutter

Hmm, I seem to remember this one as well. Make sure you are using the
java.exe from the JDK directory rather than the JRE, as in the latest
1.3.1 revision only the JDK java.exe seems to have access to JPDA (or at
least, that's what I remember, YMMV)


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, 13 February 2002 8:10 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Debugging using JPDA, FATAL ERROR


I'd need some urgent help on starting Orion with JDPA remote debugging

I read through the docs and followed the instructions to start this way:

java -classic -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE
-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=8000 -jar

But it came up with a FATAL ERROR :

Transport dt_socket failed to initialize, rc = 509.
FATAL ERROR in native method: No transports initialized abnormal program

In case you have some ideas, share them with me.



RE: System Date.

2002-02-12 Thread Geoff Soutter
Title: Message

had problems with Java timezones before. As I remember, Unix inherits timezone 
settings from it's environment. Did you run your java test class with the same 
environment as Orion (eg the same user)? 

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Troy 
  GibsonSent: Wednesday, 13 February 2002 6:00 AMTo: 
  Orion-InterestSubject: System Date.
  Having trouble with system Date. In Orion 
  our application converts dates based on our users time zone. For some reason 
  our application is producing incorrect date times. The same piece of code when 
  ran on its own as a Java class produces correct time conversions. Are there 
  environment variables that Orion uses that may cause it to interprets the 
  system date differently than what the system date really is? We use a staging 
  and production instances of Orion running on two different Unix boxes. Both 
  boxes have the same system date, the application running on staging produces 
  correct dates, the one on production does not, further evidence that maybe the 
  problem lies with the Orion instance and not the code or the 
  Thanks for any ideas you may have. 

[announce] Log4J Appender for Orion's application.log

2002-02-06 Thread Geoff Soutter

Hi there,

I've hacked up an Orion Appender to allow you to log to the
application.log file, via the Logger instance that Orion installs at
java:comp/Logger. Here it is in all it's glory, use it however you wish.



PS, did anyone figure out if it's possible to get orion to roll it's log
files when they get too big? ;-)

import com.evermind.util.LogEvent;
import com.evermind.util.Logger;
import org.apache.log4j.AppenderSkeleton;
import org.apache.log4j.Layout;
import org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout;
import org.apache.log4j.spi.ErrorCode;
import org.apache.log4j.spi.LoggingEvent;
import org.apache.log4j.spi.ThrowableInformation;

import javax.naming.Context;
import javax.naming.InitialContext;
import javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject;

Example Test Code

Deploy OrionAppender with log4j in the Orion lib directory,
then add this code to an EJB or JSP and execute it.

Note it doesn't seem to be able to find a Logger instance when
in an application client, so in this case use a normal log4j

Category log = Category.getInstance("");
BasicConfigurator.resetConfiguration(); // for jsp reloading
BasicConfigurator.configure(new OrionAppender());"A test INFO message");
log.warn("A test WARN message with NDC");
log.fatal("A test FATAL message with exception", new

public class OrionAppender extends AppenderSkeleton {

// NOTE: Most simple layouts are not useful for this Appender
// the design of log4j is such that Layouts are responsible for
// line endings, and we require that the Layout not add line
// This is IMHO a design flaw in log4j...

// NOTE: Orion includes a "2/5/02 5:46 PM" format date in each log
// NOTE: Orion doesn't generate unique names for each thread, so the
// name pattern entry is not much use.

// NOTE: Using a hardcoded layout now, can make this configurable
// Basically it's "priority category [ndc]: message"
private static final Layout sLayout = new PatternLayout(
"%-5p %c{1} [%x]: %m");

private Logger iLogger;

public OrionAppender() {
try {
Context lContext = new InitialContext();
Object lBoundObject = lContext.lookup("java:comp/Logger");
iLogger = (Logger) PortableRemoteObject.narrow(lBoundObject,
} catch (Exception e) {
errorHandler.error("Error finding Orion Logger for appender
[" +
name + "].", e, ErrorCode.GENERIC_FAILURE);

public boolean requiresLayout() {
// Tell the configurator we have our own hardcoded layout.
// See PropertyConfigurator for how this method is used.
return false;

protected void append(LoggingEvent event) {
if (iLogger == null) {
errorHandler.error("No Logger for appender [" + name +
try {
LogEvent lEvent = null;
String lMessage = sLayout.format(event);
ThrowableInformation lInfo =
if (lInfo == null) {
lEvent = new LogEvent(lMessage);
} else {
lEvent = new LogEvent(lMessage, lInfo.getThrowable());
} catch (Exception lEx) {
errorHandler.error("Could not log message in appender [" +
+ "].", lEx, ErrorCode.GENERIC_FAILURE);

public synchronized void close() {
iLogger = null;

Log4j appender for logging to application.log

2002-02-04 Thread Geoff Soutter

Hi there,

I've been doing some research about how to log using log4j with Orion. I
was thinking that I'd like to have the log written to the Orion
application log file so that you can see the order that things happen
in. You can see other people have done similar things for other app
servers, eg weblogic (see the source posted at and

I noticed some discussion on the list about logging using log4j to the
application.log file by writing an OrionAppender class which logs via
the com.evermind.util.Logger and LogEvent which are supposedly located
at java:comp/Logger

Has anyone attempted to implement such logger? 

If not, I'm thinking of having a hack myself...



RE: Questionnaire

2002-02-03 Thread Geoff Soutter

I was wondering what the (BS) stood for :-)

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Robb (BS)
Sent: Sunday, February 03, 2002 8:10 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: Questionnaire

If you cannot control your weblist from people who deploy viruses, how
in the hell can you make a decent app server

Please remove me from your list ASAP!!
- Original Message - 
From: chen.hui 
To: Orion-Interest 
Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2002 9:31 AM
Subject: Questionnaire

RE: Container leaving Dirty Connection in CMP with container-managed transactions

2002-01-29 Thread Geoff Soutter

You could try using your own wrappers on the JDBC classes ala this

Then, you can see exactly what Orion is calling. At least that helps
track the bug down a bit. 

Actually, maybe you could use this method to force Oracle to clean
itself up better? That is, to enforce the contract of the
Connection.close() method (as pointed out in Avi's email that you
forwarded to the list). Actually, if what he says is true, maybe all us
Oracle users could use some wrappers like that! :-)



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Jeff Hubbach
Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2002 3:44 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Container leaving Dirty Connection in CMP with
container-managed transactions

If an exception is thrown in a CMP entity bean with container-managed
transactions, a Dirty Connection is left behind that is never cleaned up
(or at least in 15 minutes). We've set inactivity-timeout in the
data-sources and tweaked with all the transaction settings, all to no
avail. Is anyone experiencing this?

It does this with Oracle (running Oracle's driver as well as Merant's),
PostgreSQL, and SQL Server (running Merant's driver).

The biggest issue is that the dirty connection in Oracle and SQL Server
is holding a lock to the row that caused the exception, preventing any
further access, actually deadlocking the server (in PostgreSQL, further
updates to that row go through just fine). Or at least this is what we
_think_ is happening, as there's no better explanation that we've found.


RE: TX Was Null

2002-01-29 Thread geoff

Hmm.  You potentially have a good point about the transaction retries, I
hadn't considered that.  I wouldn't have expected the application server to
retry with an application-level exception is thrown, though.  Do you know
that to be the case?

I like to keep the validation within the OM for a stronger OOP design,
wherein the objects cannot be loaded with invalid data.  That said, I've had
to make a number of tradeoffs for EJB already, this may be another.  I've
seen a number of postings where people put snapshots in the value objects,
but when you get to that point, EJB just seems as if you're using it for a
really clumsy persistence layer instead of true enterprise objects.

Our validation helper classes are already re-usable, so I wouldn't gain much
there.  We also have a CompositeValidationException class with a map of
validation errors--interesting to see you went with a similar approach.

- Geoffrey

: -Original Message-
: From: Manuel De Jesus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
: Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 2:11 AM
: To: Orion-Interest
: Subject: RE: TX Was Null
: I don't think that relying on your Entity Beans for front line data
: validation is a good design. As a rule of thumb to get the 
: best performance
: in applications you want to validate as early as you can to 
: save the trouble
: of having to process all the steps for a transaction only to 
: find the data
: is invalid when you want to save things and use this to throw 
: an error. In
: most app servers you usaully set transaction retries to at 
: least 2 (incase
: there was a network/temporary error on the first attempt this 
: increases the
: reliablity) - by throwing data validation exceptions at the 
: EJB level you
: are looking at doing a TX twice before reporting the error 
: ... terrible
: performance.
: What I have done in projects is to abstract validation to a set of
: "Validation" classes that are normal java classes which can 
: be used on the
: jsp/ejb etc etc tier. These classes interact with the 
: database via singleton
: caches allowing for dynamic validation updates (worth their 
: weight in gold).
: This also means that the stand alone validation objects can 
: be easily reused
: in other projects, expecially the rules that are generic enough :).
: Using a separate set of validation classes I would suggest:
: 1) Validate the TX at the point where it starts right up 
: front if you are
: using jsp etc if this is an option.
: 2) Validate the TX in the actual session bean. We use a 
: custom exception
: with a Vector of string mappings that allows us to complain 
: about more than
: one error etc.
: 3) If you are really paranoid/have mutiple update points you can also
: validate at the entity bean and even a littel at the db level 
: (not null,
: size etc).
: Since you are using a shared validation library, changing the 
: validation is
: done in one place. In addition your application = 100 times 
: faster since you
: are not rolling back transactions a million times over. And 
: the big bonus is
: it will work on 99% of app servers.
: Regards,
: Manuel
: -Original Message-
: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
: Sent: Monday, January 28, 2002 5:13 PM
: To: Orion-Interest
: Subject: TX Was Null
: We're coming up on our deployment date, so we're considering 
: our deployment
: options (notably, at this point, JBoss and Orion).
: The system is running and working under JBoss, and I've been 
: re-porting it
: to Orion so that we can do some testing, try and resolve some 
: issues we had
: under Orion (for which we got some help from Atlassian that 
: we haven't had a
: chance to try out yet).  In the process, we've re-adjusted 
: most or all of
: the finders, and fixed a few bugs here and there between what 
: JBoss does and
: what Orion does.  It's been enlightening, as usual.
: That said, we've run up against a brick wall.  One of our 
: transactional
: saves uses a session bean to save two entities in a combined 
: declarative
: transaction.  Each of these beans can throw validation exceptions when
: passed data that's meant to save.  We have two unit tests, 
: one which throws
: invalid data into the first object, and another which throws 
: invalid data
: into the second object.
: The second object is relatively easy -- if it has problems, 
: the session bean
: sets the transaction to rollback only, and lets the server do 
: the rest of
: the work.  This works under both Orion and JBoss as expected.
: If the first object fails, though, there are larger issues -- 
: we still want
: to find out if there's a problem with the data being passed 
: to the second
: object.  Under JBoss, if we tried to do this in the same 
: transaction, it
: complained that the transaction was already rolled back, 
: which is sensible.
: So we put the validation method into a 'requires new' transaction.  On

RE: Job Scheduler pattern

2002-01-28 Thread Geoff Soutter

Hmm, want us to write it for you? 

But seriously, there are commercial apps for J2EE scheduling if that's
the kind of thing you are after, just use google...


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Justin
Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2002 2:49 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: Job Scheduler pattern

Yes I have seen that, it is very bare-bones. It doesn't even use the
Timer classes. I need to know how to make this robust.


-Original Message-
From: Joseph B. Ottinger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 25 January 2002 12:04
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: Job Scheduler pattern

The site has a sample scheduler that can easily be
converted to do something like this.

On Fri, 25 Jan 2002, Justin Crosbie wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm not sure if I've asked this before, or if I should be asking on a 
> general EJB list.
> I'd like to implement a job scheduler in J2EE. This would shcedule the

> execution of EJB methods at a specified time in the future. It would 
> have
> be persistent, and jobsd would be rescheduled upon appserver restart.
> Is it as simple as using the Timer and TimerTask in java.util to 
> implement an app that is started with the  tag?
> Does it matter as far as Orion goes whether I use a java.util.Timer as

> a daemon or not?
> What can I do if the app, or the Timer object dies at any stage?
> I've had problems where after some time something goes wrong I get a
> Remote Exception, and the only solution is to restart the VM. What 
> might cause this?
> Any opinions on this? How do I make this solution robust is what I am 
> asking.
> Thanks for any help,
> Justin

Joseph B. Ottinger   [EMAIL PROTECTED] IT Consultant

TX Was Null

2002-01-28 Thread geoff

We're coming up on our deployment date, so we're considering our deployment
options (notably, at this point, JBoss and Orion).

The system is running and working under JBoss, and I've been re-porting it
to Orion so that we can do some testing, try and resolve some issues we had
under Orion (for which we got some help from Atlassian that we haven't had a
chance to try out yet).  In the process, we've re-adjusted most or all of
the finders, and fixed a few bugs here and there between what JBoss does and
what Orion does.  It's been enlightening, as usual.

That said, we've run up against a brick wall.  One of our transactional
saves uses a session bean to save two entities in a combined declarative
transaction.  Each of these beans can throw validation exceptions when
passed data that's meant to save.  We have two unit tests, one which throws
invalid data into the first object, and another which throws invalid data
into the second object.

The second object is relatively easy -- if it has problems, the session bean
sets the transaction to rollback only, and lets the server do the rest of
the work.  This works under both Orion and JBoss as expected.

If the first object fails, though, there are larger issues -- we still want
to find out if there's a problem with the data being passed to the second
object.  Under JBoss, if we tried to do this in the same transaction, it
complained that the transaction was already rolled back, which is sensible.
So we put the validation method into a 'requires new' transaction.  On
JBoss, if the first object fails, the second one tests its data in a new
transaction, gathers the validation errors, and rolls back.  On Orion, this
seems to create an exception:

Testcase: testProgramRollback took 4.703 sec
Caused an ERROR
Transaction was rolled back: Error in transaction: java.lang.InternalError:
TX was null; nested exception is: 
java.lang.InternalError: TX was null
com.evermind.server.rmi.OrionRemoteException: Transaction was rolled back:
Error in transaction: java.lang.InternalError: TX was null
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
at com.evermind._dh._gc(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at connection to localhost/ as thesquareUser
at com.evermind._cd.invokeMethod(Unknown Source)
at com.evermind._dn.invoke(Unknown Source)
at __Proxy7.saveProgramAndCaseStudy(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
at junit.framework.TestCase.runTest(
at junit.framework.TestCase.runBare(
at junit.framework.TestResult$1.protect(
at junit.framework.TestResult.runProtected(
at junit.framework.TestSuite.runTest(

Nested exception is:
java.lang.InternalError: TX was null
at com.evermind.server.ejb.EntityEJBObject.endTransaction(Unknown
at com.evermind.server.ApplicationServerTransaction._vib(Unknown
ion(Unknown Source)
at com.evermind.server.ApplicationServerTransaction._end(Unknown
at com.evermind.server.ApplicationServerTransaction.end(Unknown
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
at com.evermind._dh._gc(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at connection to localhost/
at com.evermind.server.rmi.OrionRemoteException._os(Unknown Source)
at com.evermind._cd._mx(Unknown Source)
at Source)

I'm basically unable to diagnose why this error would occur.  Does anyone
have any suggestions?

- Geoffrey
Geoffrey Wiseman: Internet Applications Manager
Medium One : M

RE: Integrating LOG4J into Orion...

2002-01-21 Thread Geoff Soutter

It probably depends on how you have it configured. The main thing to
remember is that J2EE uses multiple classloaders and each classloader
can potentially have it's own version of a "singleton".

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of 
> Justin Crosbie
> Sent: Monday, 21 January, 2002 8:13 PM
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: RE: Integrating LOG4J into Orion...
> Hi,
> We have wrapped Log4J in a singleton, so the first call to it 
> initialises it. I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not 
> though, but we've had no problems so far. Any opinions?
> -Justin 
> -Original Message-
> From: Romen Law [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 20 January 2002 23:05
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: Re: Integrating LOG4J into Orion...
> ello,
> What I did was to have a initialising SLSB and let the 
> startup servlet call it. It works for me.
> cheers
> romen
> - Original Message -
> From: "Alex Paransky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Orion-Interest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2002 12:34 PM
> Subject: FW: Integrating LOG4J into Orion...
> > One more time, the last one did not show up
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Alex Paransky [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 11:09 AM
> > To: Orion-Interest
> > Subject: Integrating LOG4J into Orion...
> >
> >
> > I have a full EJB/JSP application running with Orion.  Is there a
> preferred
> > method of initializing LOG4J in this situation?
> >
> > Looking at the LOG4J documentation, they mention using a startup 
> > servlet
> to
> > do the initialization.  I am concerned as to how this would 
> work with 
> > the CLASSLOADER hierarchy.  If I initialize my LOG4J at the servlet 
> > (WEB)
> layer,
> > will the EJB's be able to see the initialized LOG4J or will they 
> > attempt
> to
> > re-initialize due to the different classloader?
> >
> > Thanks.
> > -AP_
> >
> >
> >

RE: stateful bean error

2002-01-20 Thread Geoff Soutter

By definition, if the jvm crashes, it's a JVM bug (Unless you have
loaded classes which use native code (like the Oracle OCI jdbc drivers).

I'd suggest you try the latest Sun JVM with and without hotspot, and if
that fails have a go with the IBM JVM.



> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of SeaWolf
> Sent: Monday, 21 January, 2002 10:47 AM
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: stateful bean error
> Hi...
> can anybody explain it to me, what is this all about..
> at
> at 
> com.evermind.server.ejb.StatefulSessionObjectInfo.writeExterna
> l(StatefulSession
> at 
> a(Compiled
> Code))
> at 
> (Compiled
> Code))
> at 
> com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIOutputStream.writeType(RMIOutputStr
> Code))
> at 
> (Compiled
> Code))
> at 
> Code))
> My application server crash(segmentation violation)
> when i invoke the stateful session bean.
> seawolf
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Send FREE video emails in Yahoo! Mail! 

RE: IronFlare bug fixing policy

2002-01-17 Thread Geoff Soutter

Doh! Sorry. Well at least I figured out what happens when one reports a

Thanks to all who helped...

Any ideas when the new release might be available?


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of 
> Magnus Rydin
> Sent: Wednesday, 16 January, 2002 8:26 PM
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: SV: IronFlare bug fixing policy
> Hi Geoff,
> your bug report 695 seems to be a copy of bug 670 which has 
> already been fixed (not released though).
> WR
> Magnus Rydin
> > -Ursprungligt meddelande-
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]För Geoff Soutter
> > Skickat: den 16 januari 2002 07:06
> > Till: Orion-Interest
> > Kopia: Orion Interest List
> > Ämne: RE: IronFlare bug fixing policy
> >
> >
> > Hi there EW,
> >
> > Thanks for the response.
> >
> > The one I've reported (so far) is 695 
> > (
> >
> > It doesn't include an .ear file or anything, but it seems to be it 
> > would be pretty trivial to track it down _if you had access to the 
> > source code_ - since I included the buggy portion of the generated 
> > wrapper it's clear to see where the bug is.
> >
> > In fact, I just did a search on the class files and I found 
> the likely 
> > location of the bug. It's probably in _ql.class, since it's 
> the only 
> > class which contains "response.iterator()" and it's this 
> line which is 
> > throwing the NullPointerException. Grrr - closed source 
> things annoy 
> > me!!
> >
> > So, seems like you're saying theres not much propect of bugs being 
> > fixed till the refactoring is over? Did they mention when this is 
> > likely to be? RSN I suppose :-)
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > Geoff
> >
> > BTW, seems like bugzilla is down at the moment?
> >
> > > -Original Message-
> > > From: The elephantwalker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > > Sent: Wednesday, 16 January, 2002 4:03 PM
> > > To: Orion-Interest; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > Subject: RE: IronFlare bug fixing policy
> > >
> > >
> > > Geoff,
> > >
> > > Magnus Rydin told me that what they need are good 
> examples for each 
> > > bug so that they are absolutely reproducible. If you look 
> at some of 
> > > the bugs that are still open, these bugs don't have iron clad 
> > > examples that are reproducible.
> > >
> > > So each of these bugs needs to be cleared...which means Magnus R. 
> > > has to work on reproducing them (if they aren't immediately 
> > > reproducible), which of course takes time.
> > >
> > > What he didn't say but reported on the list is a major 
> refactoring 
> > > going on now in Orion to bring it into compliance with j2ee 1.3. 
> > > This includes EJB 2.0, Servlet 2.3 (not just the draft), and JSP 
> > > 1.2, Connections, etc.
> > >
> > > As we all know, fixing bugs which are going to disappear in a 
> > > refactoring is a bit of a waste of time. Of course, if its a bug 
> > > that affects you directly, you may feel differently.
> > >
> > > Which bug numbers did you report?
> > >
> > > regards,
> > >
> > > the elephantwalker
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > -Original Message-
> > > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Geoff 
> > > Soutter
> > > Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2002 4:55 PM
> > > To: Orion-Interest
> > > Subject: IronFlare bug fixing policy
> > >
> > >
> > > Hi there,
> > >
> > > I reported a bug on BugZilla a few days back. It's reasonably 
> > > serious - basically the generated wrapper for the finder 
> method of 
> > > an EJB is throwing NullPointerException when the EJB throws an 
> > > exception, hiding the real cause of the problem. (And I 
> just found 
> > > another bug - ServletExceptions constructed with (string, 
> exception) 
> > > are reported without the String originally passed.)
> > >
> > > I haven't heard anything and the bug has not been touched 
> > > apparently.
> > >
> > > Does anyone know what IronFlare's policy is regards 
> fixing bugs? Do 
> > > they tend to fix them quickly, or are they likely to just 
> ignore bug 
> > > reports?
> > >
> > >
> > > The reason I ask is that I'm happy to use something without much 
> > > support, but if they refuse to fix bugs then I think I'll have to 
> > > give up and try elsewhere...
> > >
> > > Cheers
> > >
> > > Geoff
> > >
> > >
> >

RE: IronFlare bug fixing policy

2002-01-16 Thread Geoff Soutter

Hi there EW,

Thanks for the response.

The one I've reported (so far) is 695

It doesn't include an .ear file or anything, but it seems to be it would
be pretty trivial to track it down _if you had access to the source
code_ - since I included the buggy portion of the generated wrapper it's
clear to see where the bug is. 

In fact, I just did a search on the class files and I found the likely
location of the bug. It's probably in _ql.class, since it's the only
class which contains "response.iterator()" and it's this line which is
throwing the NullPointerException. Grrr - closed source things annoy

So, seems like you're saying theres not much propect of bugs being fixed
till the refactoring is over? Did they mention when this is likely to
be? RSN I suppose :-)



BTW, seems like bugzilla is down at the moment?

> -Original Message-
> From: The elephantwalker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Wednesday, 16 January, 2002 4:03 PM
> To: Orion-Interest; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: RE: IronFlare bug fixing policy
> Geoff,
> Magnus Rydin told me that what they need are good examples 
> for each bug so that they are absolutely reproducible. If you 
> look at some of the bugs that are still open, these bugs 
> don't have iron clad examples that are reproducible.
> So each of these bugs needs to be cleared...which means 
> Magnus R. has to work on reproducing them (if they aren't 
> immediately reproducible), which of course takes time.
> What he didn't say but reported on the list is a major 
> refactoring going on now in Orion to bring it into compliance 
> with j2ee 1.3. This includes EJB 2.0, Servlet 2.3 (not just 
> the draft), and JSP 1.2, Connections, etc.
> As we all know, fixing bugs which are going to disappear in a 
> refactoring is a bit of a waste of time. Of course, if its a 
> bug that affects you directly, you may feel differently.
> Which bug numbers did you report?
> regards,
> the elephantwalker
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of 
> Geoff Soutter
> Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2002 4:55 PM
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: IronFlare bug fixing policy
> Hi there,
> I reported a bug on BugZilla a few days back. It's reasonably 
> serious - basically the generated wrapper for the finder 
> method of an EJB is throwing NullPointerException when the 
> EJB throws an exception, hiding the real cause of the 
> problem. (And I just found another bug - ServletExceptions 
> constructed with (string, exception) are reported without the 
> String originally passed.)
> I haven't heard anything and the bug has not been touched apparently.
> Does anyone know what IronFlare's policy is regards fixing 
> bugs? Do they tend to fix them quickly, or are they likely to 
> just ignore bug reports?
> The reason I ask is that I'm happy to use something without 
> much support, but if they refuse to fix bugs then I think 
> I'll have to give up and try elsewhere...
> Cheers
> Geoff

IronFlare bug fixing policy

2002-01-15 Thread Geoff Soutter

Hi there,

I reported a bug on BugZilla a few days back. It's reasonably serious -
basically the generated wrapper for the finder method of an EJB is
throwing NullPointerException when the EJB throws an exception, hiding
the real cause of the problem. (And I just found another bug -
ServletExceptions constructed with (string, exception) are reported
without the String originally passed.)

I haven't heard anything and the bug has not been touched apparently.

Does anyone know what IronFlare's policy is regards fixing bugs? Do they
tend to fix them quickly, or are they likely to just ignore bug reports?

The reason I ask is that I'm happy to use something without much
support, but if they refuse to fix bugs then I think I'll have to give
up and try elsewhere...



Anyone got old orionsupport sample application client / scheduler?

2002-01-10 Thread Geoff Soutter

You can see it described in googles cache

If anyone has the source jar file, I'd really appreciate a copy!



RE: Simple question re caching/pooling of BMP Entity Beans

2002-01-10 Thread Geoff Soutter

Hmm. Seems I am really getting myself confused. :-). I think I've got it
now... I'm mistaking the db call in ejbFindByPrimaryKey with the db call
in ejbLoad. Doh.

So, the first time I call findByPrimaryKey, Orion calls
ejbFindByPrimaryKey which goes to the database basically only to confirm
the row hasn't been deleted. Then Orion calls ejbLoad which goes the the
database again to load in the actual contents of the row. So, the row in
question is accessed twice. 

Then, the second time, Orion still calls findByPrimaryKey, but avoids
the ejbLoad. 

The thing is here, exclusive-write-access is set to true (by default),
so why is Orion bothering to call findByPrimaryKey? Can't it just keep
an internal primary key -> ejb map and return the ejb instance directly?
After all, if exclusive-write-access is on, the row can only be deleted
by Orion itself...


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of 
> Geoff Soutter
> Sent: Friday, 11 January, 2002 9:09 AM
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: RE: Simple question re caching/pooling of BMP Entity Beans
> Hi Sergey,
> Thanks for the reply. I didn't explain it very clearly did I? 
> What I meant was:
> "However, it appears that it goes to the database (i.e. calls 
> _ejbLoad_ in the Entity Bean's implementation) for every call 
> to findByPrimaryKey, regardless of whether it has previously 
> read the instance with the specified key before."
> Have you been able to get pooling of BMP entity beans working?
> Geoff
> > -Original Message-
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of 
> > Sergey G. Aslanov
> > Sent: Thursday, 10 January, 2002 6:29 PM
> > To: Orion-Interest
> > Subject: Re: Simple question re caching/pooling of BMP Entity Beans
> > 
> > 
> > Hi Geoff
> > 
> > Loading of beans have these stages:
> > 1. calling ejbFindBy... to get the primKeys of the entities; 2. 
> > checking if entities with such keys are already pooled; 3. 
> for every 
> > key checking: if not pooled - call ejbLoad, else
> > - get instance from pool;
> > 
> > As you see, ejbFindBy... are called always independently of
> > entity is pooled or not.
> > 
> > Thursday, January 10, 2002, 2:01:37 AM, you wrote:
> > 
> > GS> Hi there,
> > 
> > GS> I'm teaching myself how to use Orion and I've got a
> > simple question
> > GS> about caching/pooling of BMP Entity Bean instances.
> > 
> > GS> I've created a simple app which lets me read a BMP Entity Bean
> > GS> through a Session Bean. I would expect that when I call 
> > GS> findByPrimaryKey on my Entity Bean's home interface, 
> Orion caches 
> > GS> the instance it creates so that next time I call 
> findByPrimaryKey 
> > GS> for the same key, it just returns the instance it already 
> > has rather
> > GS> than creating a new one. However, it appears that it goes to the
> > GS> database (i.e. calls ejbFindByPrimaryKey in the Entity Bean's 
> > GS> implementation) for every call to findByPrimaryKey, 
> regardless of 
> > GS> whether it has previously read the instance with the 
> > specified key
> > GS> before.
> > 
> > GS> I checked the list archive and it appears that someone
> > has reported
> > GS> a similar problem a while back but there were no replies
> > GS> 
> > (
> g17359
> GS> .htm
> GS> l).
> GS> I also checked the documentation and for 
> orion-ejb-jar.xml it states
> GS> that exclusive-write-access is true by default, and since I am not
> GS> setting it I presume it's defaulting to true which should allow 
> GS> Orion to cache the entity beans.
> GS> So, can anyone shed any light on how whether/how I can 
> get Orion to
> GS> cache BMP entity beans?
> GS> Cheers
> GS> Geoff
> --
> Sergey G. Aslanov,
> CBOSS Group,
> Web-technologies department
> tel: +7 095 7555655

RE: Simple question re caching/pooling of BMP Entity Beans

2002-01-10 Thread Geoff Soutter

Hi Sergey,

Thanks for the reply. I didn't explain it very clearly did I? What I
meant was:

"However, it appears that it goes to the database (i.e. calls _ejbLoad_
in the Entity Bean's implementation) for every call to findByPrimaryKey,
regardless of whether it has previously read the instance with the
specified key before."

Have you been able to get pooling of BMP entity beans working?


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of 
> Sergey G. Aslanov
> Sent: Thursday, 10 January, 2002 6:29 PM
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: Re: Simple question re caching/pooling of BMP Entity Beans
> Hi Geoff
> Loading of beans have these stages:
> 1. calling ejbFindBy... to get the primKeys of the entities;
> 2. checking if entities with such keys are already pooled;
> 3. for every key checking: if not pooled - call ejbLoad, else 
> - get instance from pool;
> As you see, ejbFindBy... are called always independently of 
> entity is pooled or not.
> Thursday, January 10, 2002, 2:01:37 AM, you wrote:
> GS> Hi there,
> GS> I'm teaching myself how to use Orion and I've got a 
> simple question 
> GS> about caching/pooling of BMP Entity Bean instances.
> GS> I've created a simple app which lets me read a BMP Entity Bean 
> GS> through a Session Bean. I would expect that when I call 
> GS> findByPrimaryKey on my Entity Bean's home interface, Orion caches 
> GS> the instance it creates so that next time I call findByPrimaryKey 
> GS> for the same key, it just returns the instance it already 
> has rather 
> GS> than creating a new one. However, it appears that it goes to the 
> GS> database (i.e. calls ejbFindByPrimaryKey in the Entity Bean's 
> GS> implementation) for every call to findByPrimaryKey, regardless of 
> GS> whether it has previously read the instance with the 
> specified key 
> GS> before.
> GS> I checked the list archive and it appears that someone 
> has reported 
> GS> a similar problem a while back but there were no replies 
> GS> 
> (
GS> .htm
GS> l).

GS> I also checked the documentation and for orion-ejb-jar.xml it states

GS> that exclusive-write-access is true by default, and since I am not 
GS> setting it I presume it's defaulting to true which should allow 
GS> Orion to cache the entity beans.

GS> So, can anyone shed any light on how whether/how I can get Orion to 
GS> cache BMP entity beans?

GS> Cheers

GS> Geoff

Sergey G. Aslanov,
CBOSS Group,
Web-technologies department
tel: +7 095 7555655

Simple question re caching/pooling of BMP Entity Beans

2002-01-09 Thread Geoff Soutter

Hi there,

I'm teaching myself how to use Orion and I've got a simple question
about caching/pooling of BMP Entity Bean instances.

I've created a simple app which lets me read a BMP Entity Bean through a
Session Bean. I would expect that when I call findByPrimaryKey on my
Entity Bean's home interface, Orion caches the instance it creates so
that next time I call findByPrimaryKey for the same key, it just returns
the instance it already has rather than creating a new one. However, it
appears that it goes to the database (i.e. calls ejbFindByPrimaryKey in
the Entity Bean's implementation) for every call to findByPrimaryKey,
regardless of whether it has previously read the instance with the
specified key before. 

I checked the list archive and it appears that someone has reported a
similar problem a while back but there were no replies

I also checked the documentation and for orion-ejb-jar.xml it states
that exclusive-write-access is true by default, and since I am not
setting it I presume it's defaulting to true which should allow Orion to
cache the entity beans.

So, can anyone shed any light on how whether/how I can get Orion to
cache BMP entity beans?



RE: Very Long Deployment Time

2001-12-18 Thread geoff

others on this list, I don't share your problem.  I redeploy the entire EAR 
using Ant, and the redeploy process for our project takes less than ten 
seconds.  Your project might be larger than mine, at this point, but not so 
much that it should cause the kind of delay you're finding.
don't know much about JDeveloper, but once your project is compiled, you should 
be able to place it in the applications directory and have Orion deploy it 
rapidly, without restarting Orion, assuming Orion's configured 
    - Geoffrey

  -Original Message-From: Gustavo Comba 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Monday, December 17, 2001 
  11:34 AMTo: Orion-InterestSubject: Very Long Deployment 
      I'm deploying a little 
  project with a Client Application Module and a EJB Module with several EJB 
  (about 30 Entity and 5 Session Beans). I'm using JDeveloper 9i Release 
  Cantidate to develop/deploy my project.
      My project compiles very fast, 
  but when I do the deployment, it take a very long time (about 10 minutes). I'm 
  debugging now, and I'm deploying continously, and it's very 
      There is something I can do to 
  accelerate the deployment proccess? Can I copy the .ear file directly into the 
  "applications" directory and start the server again? Help me 
      Thanks in 
  message has been checked for all known viruses by the MessageLabs Virus 
  Scanning Service. For further information visit

This message has been checked for all known viruses by the 
MessageLabs Virus Scanning Service. For further information visit

RE: Persistance between HTTP and HTTPS

2001-12-06 Thread geoff

know if it's related, but we've found that while we're using HTTPS on Orion, the 
sesions would, seemingly at random, sometimes vanish on us.  Reasons 
unknown, and we haven't tracked it down yet.
    - Geoffrey

  -Original Message-From: Steve Best 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2001 
  8:07 PMTo: Orion-InterestSubject: Persistance between 
  Greetings, we are currently experiencing what 
  appears to be a lack of persistance between HTTP and HTTPS, when moving 
  between the two on our site, and only in-frequently.  Has anyone ever 
  experienced this problem before?
  Thanks,Steve BestSystems 
  AdministratorSimple Devices415-637-9651 (cell)
  "A little nonsense now and then, is relished by 
  the wisest 
  message has been checked for all known viruses by the MessageLabs Virus 
  Scanning Service. For further information visit

This message has been checked for all known viruses by the 
MessageLabs Virus Scanning Service. For further information visit

RE: Client application connection.

2001-12-05 Thread geoff

I had 
a number of troubles getting this set up, but unfortunately I don't remember 
what mose of them were.  I'm assuming your admin has rmi:login enabled, and 
    - Geoffrey

  -Original Message-From: JoseMa 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2001 9:35 
  AMTo: Orion-InterestSubject: Client application 
      We have created a client application which connect to 
  EJB in Orion Server. For connecting I have a file with the 
  next parametres:
  Both  HOME_ORION/application-deployments//principals.xml  
  and  HOME_ORION/config/principals.xml 
  have defined the user admin.
      When I executed the client 
  application I look the next exception:
  Message:Invalid username/password for  
      Could help me anybody?
  message has been checked for all known viruses by the MessageLabs Virus 
  Scanning Service. For further information visit

This message has been checked for all known viruses by the 
MessageLabs Virus Scanning Service. For further information visit

RE: Debugging JSP

2001-11-28 Thread geoff

Wow, some of those debugging pages have a lot more information on debugging
under Orion than I previously thought was available.  Nice to know.

When I tried this about six months ago, it seemed to work under javac, but
not jikes.  Anyone know if that's still the case, or if it was just a fluke
on my part?  I haven't had to debug a JSP under Orion recently, so I haven't
tested this out.

Also, under Tomcat and JRun, there are ways to precompile JSPs--a quick
search in the KB didn't bring up anything obvious.  Is there a way to
accomplish this under Orion?  I don't need to be able to use these
precompiled JSPs anywhere, I just like to be able to make JSP compilation a
part of the build process so that I don't have to build over and over to fix
bugs in JSPs when I have to do extensive JSP modifications.

- Geoffrey

: -Original Message-
: From: Scott Farquhar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
: Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2001 3:25 AM
: To: Orion-Interest
: Subject: Re: Debugging JSP
: Herman,
: A quick search on the knowledge base reveals a few pages that 
: may be of 
: interest:
: One in particular is:
: which has links to:
: What you need to do is change global-web-application.xml to 
: include the 
: tag parameter development="true".  It is fully described in 
: the link above.
: Cheers,
: Scott
: -- 
: Scott Farquhar :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
: Atlassian ::
:   Supporting YOUR J2EE World
: Herman Rashid wrote:
: > Hi all,
: > 
: > How do you debug jsp using Orion ?
: > 
: > I have managed to get debugging going for
: > servlets/ejb, but not JSP since I don't know the
: > internal of Orion's JSP..
: > 
: > All help appreciated.
: > 
: > __
: > Do You Yahoo!?
: > Yahoo! GeoCities - quick and easy web site hosting, just 
: $8.95/month.
: >
: > 
: > 
: > 
: _
: This message has been checked for all known viruses by the 
: MessageLabs Virus Scanning Service. For further information visit

FW: [JBoss-user] Redux of Performance Issues

2001-11-27 Thread geoff

Wow.  I know people have complained about this list being a little slow, but
if this is what I get from the lead developer of JBoss on how to fix up
JBoss performance to compare to Orion's, then ... well ... perhaps I should
be spending more time on this list.  I'm a little disappointed.  I have some
interest in both JBoss and Orion, and it's frustrating to get this kind of a
response from a key player in the JBoss community.

- Geoffrey

: -Original Message-
: From: marc fleury [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
: Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2001 2:34 PM
: Subject: RE: [JBoss-user] Redux of Performance Issues
: look dude,
: get the integrated jboss-tomcat stack you are running 
: non-optimized out of
: stack, period.
: come back when you have set it up, or don't we don't care,
: marcf
: |-Original Message-
: |[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
: |Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2001 2:09 PM
: |Subject: [JBoss-user] Redux of Performance Issues
: |
: |
: |For reasons unknown, this message hasn't been going out to the
: |list.  Trying
: |again.
: |
: |--
: |
: |Okay, I've clearly managed to piss off a few people by my 
: concerns about
: |JBoss performance.
: |
: |Let me start out by saying that I'd be more than happy to get my
: |application
: |working speedily under JBoss.  Orion's documentation is poor 
: at best, and
: |JBoss is fully open-source.  I have a great deal of respect 
: for some of
: |JBoss's technology (the verifier and deployer are probably 
: the best I've
: |seen), and where it's coming from.  I chose JBoss for the initial
: |development because of its reputation and my own interests.
: |
: |That said, if the performance I'm getting out of JBoss is 
: the best I can
: |expect, or, at least, the best I can manage to get, then I
: |absolutely cannot
: |use it.  Not because I think it 'sucks rocks', because it 
: doesn't, but
: |simply because it will not support the user load I need it to in
: |any sort of
: |cost-effective manner.  Some of you would probably be just 
: as happy to see
: |me go somewhere else, from the tone of your emails, but I'd 
: personally
: |rather find a way to get the performance out of JBoss, for 
: this or other
: |projects.
: |
: |And, ultimately, it seems as if the performance I'm asking for is
: |relatively
: |reasonable.  I expect a certain amount of overhead in EJB 
: performance, and
: |I'm not asking to duplicate the speed of a bean-only 
: implementation.  But
: |supporting a maximum of 25 concurrent users on a decent (if 
: not maxed-out)
: |server seems ... suspiciously slow.
: |
: |It may be that I've missed some settings to speed things up.  It
: |may be that
: |our application's architecture is better suited to Orion 
: than to JBoss.
: |Whatever it is, I'd like to find out.  So I've joined the 
: JBoss list, and
: |I'm here to ask some questions.  I'm not trying to promote 
: Orion, or insult
: |JBoss.  I like bits of both of them, and the reasons for 
: that, I can get
: |into another day.  Ultimately, however, I'd rather support 
: JBoss as an
: |open-source appserver, if I can.
: |
: |--
: |
: |Now, on to the details.  Some of you pointed out, and 
: rightly so, that I
: |hadn't provided much in the way of details of what I've 
: tried, which is
: |true.  I wanted to start off by finding out if the kind of 
: numbers I was
: |talking about seemed realistic or not, based on the 
: experience of people
: |who'd spent more time with JBoss than I have, but it's 
: probably fair to say
: |that you couldn't really say without knowing a lot more about my
: |application.  So let's get into a few details.
: |
: |Let's start with versions.  I did some of my original EJB
: |experimentation on
: |JBoss-2.4.1.  We started developing a project on 
: JBoss-2.4.1a w/ Embedded
: |Tomcat, which was the latest JBoss/Tomcat grouping at the 
: time.  We started
: |noticing performance concerns then.  When Tomcat 4 came out, 
: we moved to
: |JBoss-2.4.3 w/ Embedded Catalina, so that we could try a few 
: things, and
: |found it not to be slower, so we stayed with it.
: |
: |After we reached a point where we needed to see better 
: performance, we did
: |some optimizing of our app with a profiler, and tried JBoss 
: 2.4.3 w/ Resin,
: |which we already knew to be fast.  That gave us a minor speed
: |boost, but not
: |very much, leading me to believe that JBoss might be the 
: cause of some of
: |our performance.  By comparison, Orion 1.5.2 seems to be 
: very much faster.
: |
: |All of this is running on Windows 2000.  The versions of 
: Tomcat are 3.2.3
: |and 4.0, as far as I know.  The version of Resin is the latest
: |version as of
: |a few weeks ago, I'd have to go check.  If it's important, I will.
: |
: |Processor speed depended, but developers are working, largely, on
: |PIII-700MHzs, and we did most of our load-t

RE: orion-ejb-jar and other such descriptors

2001-11-22 Thread geoff

Hrm.  That's unfortunate.  Our Ant build script largely works unmodified on
a number of different application servers thus far, but now I'll have to
have an orion-specific extra clean step, since removing the EAR does not, in
and of itself, clear out the rest of the application as it does elsewhere.


- Geoffrey

: -Original Message-
: From: Mike Cannon-Brookes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
: Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2001 6:00 PM
: To: Orion-Interest
: Subject: Re: orion-ejb-jar and other such descriptors
: Geoffrey,
: This is the expected behaviour. The deployment descriptors are only
: copied from the EAR after a clean deploy. Otherwise Orion might
: overwrite deployment descriptors that you had edited.
: Cheers,
: Mike
: -- 
: Mike Cannon-Brookes :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
: Atlassian ::
:  Supporting YOUR J2EE World
: On Thu, 2001-11-22 at 07:03, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
: > I've put an orion-ejb-jar.xml in the EJB Jar's META-INF.  
: If I clean out the
: > Orion/application-deployment and Orion/applications versions of the
: > application, and deploy to Orion, the file copies into the 
: appropriate place
: > and takes effect.  If I deploy on top of an existing EAR, 
: the redeploy
: > process doesn't seem to replace the existing 
: orion-ejb-jar.xml file.  I
: > suspect this is probably happening with other descriptors, 
: but this is the
: > one that I just tested thoroughly recently, to ensure that I wasn't
: > imagining that.
: > 
: > Is there any way to ensure that the file does get deployed 
: along with the
: > rest of the EAR?  Am I missing something?
: > 
: > - Geoffrey
: > __
: > Geoffrey Wiseman: Internet Applications Manager
: > Medium One
: > t. 416.977.2101 x. 529
: >
: > __
: > Think it.  Build it.  Work it.
: > 
: > 
: > 

orion-ejb-jar and other such descriptors

2001-11-21 Thread geoff

I've put an orion-ejb-jar.xml in the EJB Jar's META-INF.  If I clean out the
Orion/application-deployment and Orion/applications versions of the
application, and deploy to Orion, the file copies into the appropriate place
and takes effect.  If I deploy on top of an existing EAR, the redeploy
process doesn't seem to replace the existing orion-ejb-jar.xml file.  I
suspect this is probably happening with other descriptors, but this is the
one that I just tested thoroughly recently, to ensure that I wasn't
imagining that.

Is there any way to ensure that the file does get deployed along with the
rest of the EAR?  Am I missing something?

- Geoffrey
Geoffrey Wiseman: Internet Applications Manager
Medium One
t. 416.977.2101 x. 529
Think it.  Build it.  Work it.

Deployment Exception

2001-11-21 Thread geoff

I'm having issues with my EAR deployment all of a sudden -- when Orion
attempts to unpack and deploy the EAR, it throws an exception:

Auto-deploying thesquare-ejb.jar (ejb-jar.xml had been touched since the
s deployment)... java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot convert from
class j
ava.lang.Object to class java.lang.String
at com.evermind._bz._ldb(Unknown Source)
at com.evermind._ql._lvb(Unknown Source)
at com.evermind._qk._lvb(Unknown Source)
at com.evermind._ao._bb(Unknown Source)
at com.evermind._pw._bb(Unknown Source)
at com.evermind._px._bb(Unknown Source)
at com.evermind._au._bb(Unknown Source)
at com.evermind._dq._qzb(Unknown Source)
at com.evermind._ck._qzb(Unknown Source)
at com.evermind._ck._at(Unknown Source)
at com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer._as(Unknown Source)
at com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer._wl(Unknown Source)
at com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer._at(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)

With no way to diagnose this, I'm largely stuck.  Suggestions?

- Geoffrey Wiseman

Geoffrey Wiseman: Internet Applications Manager
Medium One
t. 416.977.2101 x. 529
Think it.  Build it.  Work it.

Microsoft JDBC Driver - Issues w/ Data Source

2001-11-16 Thread geoff

I'm having some issues with using the Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Driver with

Let me give you some context:

Although I have some past experience with Orion (servlets, beans, jsp), I've
never used its Data Sources, so I know next to nothing about them.  And,
although the community and documentation have improved of late, Orion's
documentation is still pretty sparse.  When it came time to spend some time
with EJB, I moved over to JBoss, which has stronger documentation, for a
while, and while on JBoss, I started making use of the Microsoft SQL Server
driver beta, which has proved to be quite reasonable (which is not too
surprising, since it's the Merant driver).

Due to some performance issues, I wanted to see how the application we're
working on would run under Orion, so I downloaded the latest, and started to
try and configure it.  The basic steps were still pretty easy, but now I'm
stuck on the data source - no matter what I do, I can't seem to get Orion to
recognize the SQL Server driver.

Has anyone tried it yet?  Am I missing something obvious?

I put the driver JARs (three of them: msbase, msutil, mssqlserver) in
orion/lib.  I modified the data-sources.xml to use the driver, as follows:

When orion starts, it says the following:
Error initializing data-source 'jdbc/SqlServerDS': DriverManagerDataSource
driver '' not found

What does this mean?  It can't find the driver?  The JARs are in orion lib,
I've checked that several times, including that the driver name is right,
and the class is in the JAR.  I can't swear that Orion is loading the JARs,
because it doesn't put that out to the console or log files, so I don't
really know that it's doing that, but I'm assuming it is.

It does say 'DriverManagerdataSource driver', so perhaps the driver isn't
what it's expecting.  Should I be using another class?  Based on the
descriptions in the API docs and the Hypersonic example, this seems like a
reasonable class to use.

Suggestions?  Anyone know where I can go from here?


- Geoffrey Wiseman

Geoffrey Wiseman: Internet Applications Manager
Medium One
t. 416.977.2101 x. 529
Think it.  Build it.  Work it.

Troubles with https....

2001-07-10 Thread Geoff Marshall

Can anyone explain the principles or theory of operation of https within

I have a site running on one machine under Orion that uses https.  No
problem, everything works fine.

I tarballed the whole shebang and expanded it onto machine two. Machine two
has 4 Network Interfaces, thus 4 IP addresses.  I'm running Orion on the
second of 4 IP addresses.  The entire site works, but I can't hit it via

I don't think it's an Orion configuration issue (since the same config files
work on machine 1) , but in any event, I'm doing exactly what's described on
the orionsupport pages.

Can anyone give me some insight?  I've run out of ideas.

BTW, yes, the versions are the same on the two machines.


Re: orion with mysql?

2001-04-04 Thread Geoff Marshall

Am using MySQL with Orion without it's own db-schema.  No problems, yet.

Be sure to get the MM.MySQL driver...

-Geoff Marshall, Director of Development

t e r r a s c o p e  (415) 951-4944
54 Mint Street, Suite 110 direct (415) 625-0349
San Francisco, CA  94103 fax (415) 625-0306

> From: Peter Peltonen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Organization: Fivetec Solutions Oy
> Reply-To: Orion-Interest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Wed, 04 Apr 2001 19:42:44 +0300
> To: Orion-Interest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: orion with mysql?
> Is it possible to use MySQL with Orion? Does it need a db-schema of it's own?
> We tried to use PostgreSQL but JBuilder4 didn't cope with it very well
> (JBuilder isn't able to show Postgre's tables). We also tried Hypersonic, but
> it seems that when both Orion and JBuilder communicate with the db the db gets
> confused. At least the changes we make in JBuilder don't get updated.
> Any ideas about a good open-source db that would work with both Orion and
> JBuilder would be appreciated!
> Regards,
> Peter

communication link failure

2001-03-20 Thread Geoff Marshall

Hello all!

I've got an application-level object that grabs a pool of database
connections (MySQL using the mm.mysql JDBC driver).  All works well until
there is not activity for some extended period of time (overnight) and then
all attempts to access the database get "communication link failure" errors.

Is there any way to configure Orion or MySQL to not give up on a database
connection.  Or do I have to move the connections to some other level.

I know the app objects are surviving because I can query them, but just
can't reestablish with the db.

Anyone else have similar problems or any ideas???

-Geoff Marshall, Director of Development

t e r r a s c o p e  (415) 951-4944
54 Mint Street, Suite 110 direct (415) 625-0349
San Francisco, CA  94103 fax (415) 625-0306

https second session problems...

2001-03-06 Thread Geoff Marshall

First, a thank-you to Jay Armstrong for his SimplePortTester.  Indeed,
Apache had port 443 locked up even though I thought I had stopped Apache.

Here's the problem of the day:

I'm only using JSP and Beans. It seems when I switch between http and https,
Orion crreates a 'second session'.  I have inserted a System.err.println in
EVERY method of my SessionBean which has a single boolean property:
loggedOn. My comments (//)

// run orion
[root@daphne orion]# Orion/1.4.5 initialized

// with browser hit my index page in http
// index page instantiates two DataAccess objects, and
// one SessionBean with session scope
DataAccess.DataAccess() - constructing...
DataAccess.DataAccess() - constructing...
SessionBean.SessionBean() - constructing...
SessionBean.getCustId() -
SessionBean.isLoggedOn() - false

// fill out log-on form on index page and log on (re-submits page as https)
DataAccess.DataAccess() - constructing...
DataAccess.DataAccess() - constructing...
SessionBean.SessionBean() - constructing...
// ...there you have it, all three session
// beans are being instantiated again!!!
// EVEN THOUGH my JSESSIONID does not change
// (looked at it in my brower)
SessionBean.getCustId() -
SessionBean.setCustId() -
SessionBean.logOn() -
// cust now logged on in https

// still there on next https page.
SessionBean.isLoggedOn() - true
SessionBean.getCustId() - 2

// switch to http page, and cust is gone.
SessionBean.isLoggedOn() - false

// back to https and cust is there again.
SessionBean.isLoggedOn() - true
SessionBean.getCustId() - 2
SessionBean.isLoggedOn() - false
SessionBean.getCustId() - 2

Is this a bug or a feature?  If it's a bug or a feature, is there a
work-around?  It makes no sense to me why you would want to create a second

-Geoff Marshall, Director of Development

t e r r a s c o p e  (415) 951-4944
54 Mint Street, Suite 110 direct (415) 625-0349
San Francisco, CA  94103 fax (415) 625-0306

https problems...

2001-03-05 Thread Geoff Marshall

I've read the two documents on setting up https and have performed the steps
five times using Linux and Windows.  But I can't seem to get Orion to slip
into SSL.

The only clue I have is this message at Orion startup:

# Error starting HTTP-Server: Unable to intialize SSLServerSocketFactory
'com.evermind.ssl.JSSESSLServerSocketFactory': Address already in use
Orion/1.4.5 initialized

What address??  Does Orion mean port??  What port is it trying to use??


-Geoff Marshall, Director of Development

t e r r a s c o p e  (415) 951-4944
54 Mint Street, Suite 110 direct (415) 625-0349
San Francisco, CA  94103 fax (415) 625-0306

Re: Storing HttpServletRequest Object in Session

2001-03-02 Thread Geoff Marshall

Because when you retrieve the request, the request is over.  The object is

Set those values at the session level.

-Geoff Marshall, Director of Development

t e r r a s c o p e  (415) 951-4944
54 Mint Street, Suite 110 direct (415) 625-0349
San Francisco, CA  94103 fax (415) 625-0306

> From: "Santosh Kumar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Orion-Interest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2001 14:06:46 +0530
> To: Orion-Interest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Storing HttpServletRequest Object in Session
> Hi all,
> I tried to store the implicit request object in session. But when i tried to
> retrieve it.
> one.jsp
> --
> ...
> ...
> request.setAttribute("ONE", "1");
> request.setAttribute("TWO", "2");
> ..
> ..
> session.setAttribute("request",request);
> ..
> --> forward to two.jsp
> two.jsp
> --
> request = (HttpServletRequest)  session.getAttribute("request");
> out.println((String) request.getAttribute("ONE"));
> out.println((String) request.getAttribute("TWO"));
> Both the print statements are returning null.. i was expecting 1 and 2
> Regards,
> Santosh

Re: need help getting started

2001-03-02 Thread Geoff Marshall

I'm using Orion for only JSP, Beans and Servlets.  It's solid, fast, and
when you're ready to move on, you don't have to move out

-Geoff Marshall, Director of Development

t e r r a s c o p e  (415) 951-4944
54 Mint Street, Suite 110 direct (415) 625-0349
San Francisco, CA  94103 fax (415) 625-0306

> From: "johnd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Orion-Interest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2001 20:59:00 -0800
> To: Orion-Interest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: need help getting started
> my main reason for switching was that orion is much faster than tomcat.
> Isn't that so?
> But, you are right, I had the feeling that it was way over kill...I am also
> looking into resin, I guess that is over kill, too for functionality, but
> like I said I was looking for speed gains.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Randahl Fink Isaksen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Orion-Interest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2001 2:10 PM
> Subject: RE: need help getting started
>> I would definately *NOT* recommend moving away from Tomcat if you only use
>> JSP and servlets. Tomcat is the reference implementation, it is free, and
>> unless you need a product with a lot of additional features (GUI helper
>> tools, EJBs, remote debugging, etc.) there is no reason to open up a can
> of
>> worms.
>> I really like the Orion server but that is for its EJB capabilities. I
> think
>> the Orion team strives for making it a great EJB server. - The aim is not
>> specifically to make it the best JSP/Servlet platform available, so I
> would
>> not expect it to be ahead of Tomcat in that sence.
>> Orion is a great product, but also a more complicated product, so if you
> can
>> use a less complex system and still fulfill your needs, then I sure
>> recommend you do so.
>> However, should you get to the point where you simply don't think using
> just
>> a relational database and several truck loads of SQL really makes your
> day,
>> THEN JOIN THE CLUB - that is why many of use Orion Server and Enterprise
>> Java Beans.
>> Yours Sincerely
>> Randahl
>> -Original Message-
>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of John de la
>> Garza
>> Sent: 1. marts 2001 19:01
>> To: Orion-Interest
>> Subject: need help getting started
>> I have been using tomcat for some time now and am having issues with it...
>> I am thinking about using Orion.  I don't do any ejb stuff and only need a
>> servlet container and web server.
>> I am having trouble using formbased security.  I couldn't get it to work
>> with the users set up in the principals file.  When I would go to a
>> protected area I would just get a message saying 'not allowed here' or
>> something like that but I would not get prompted for a pw username.
>> I actually don't want to use the principals file but have the usernames
> and
>> passwds in a data base.
>> Can anyone here refer me to some documentation on this?

Re: Capturing the output of a JSP page as HTML

2001-03-02 Thread Geoff Marshall

No problem, write a servelt or other JSP page that does a method='post' to
the JSP in question.  You will have to read the output of the page into a
variable.  Then you can write the variable to both a file and out.println.

The only catch is you will have to have a class that can do a post! See the

-Geoff Marshall, Director of Development

t e r r a s c o p e  (415) 951-4944
54 Mint Street, Suite 110 direct (415) 625-0349
San Francisco, CA  94103 fax (415) 625-0306

> Reply-To: Orion-Interest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2001 11:32:25 -0500
> To: Orion-Interest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Capturing the output of a JSP page as HTML
> Can anyone tell me if this is possible.  I have a JSP page that contains
> information about an order that was just entered (Essentially a
> confirmation page).  What I want to do is somehow intercept the output
> stream inside the JSP page and write it to a file, as plain html, which I
> will later attach to an email and send to someone.
> Thanks,
> Andy

package db;

import java.util.*;

public class RequestBean

private String host;
private Vector args;
private String query;
private String template;
private String NEWLINE;
private String method;

public RequestBean()
query = "";
template = "";
NEWLINE = "\n";
method = "post";
host = "";
args = new Vector();
NEWLINE = System.getProperty("line.separator");


public void setHost(String s)
host = s;
query = "";

public String getHost()
return host;

public void setMethod(String s)
method = s;

public String getMethod()
return method;

public void setQuery(String s)
query = s;

public String getQuery()
return query;

public void setArgs(Vector vector)
args = vector;

public Vector getArgs()
return args;

public void addPair(String s, String s1)

public void setTemplate(String s)
template = s;

public String getTemplate()
return template;

public String action()
return doGet();
return doPost();

public String doPost()
Object obj = null;
URLConnection urlconnection = null;
String s2 = host;
String s3 = "";
if(query.length() > 0)
s2 = s2 + "?" + query;
   // Build string of name/value pairs for post
   String s = "";
   Enumeration enumeration = args.elements();
if(s.length() > 0)
s = s + "&";

s = s + (String)enumeration.nextElement() + "=";
s = s + URLEncoder.encode((String)enumeration.nextElement());

URL url = new URL(s2);
urlconnection = url.openConnection();
PrintWriter printwriter = new PrintWriter(urlconnection.getOutputStream());
printwriter.print(s); // send post parms
catch(Exception _ex)
return "EXCEPTION 1:" + _ex;

BufferedReader bufferedreader = new BufferedReader(new 
String s1;
while((s1 = bufferedreader.readLine()) != null) 
s3 = s3 + s1 + NEWLINE;
catch(Exception _ex) { }
catch(Exception _ex)
return "EXCEPTION 2:" + _ex;

return s3;

public String doGet()
Object obj = null;
URLConnection urlconnection = null;

Re: login security include file

2001-03-01 Thread Geoff Marshall

According to all the books, as soon and you do a  there are
3 things you can't do:

1) redirect
2) mess with your response headers
3) mess with cookies

So all such code must reside before your first  in a static


-Geoff Marshall, Director of Development

t e r r a s c o p e  (415) 951-4944
54 Mint Street, Suite 110 direct (415) 625-0349
San Francisco, CA  94103 fax (415) 625-0306

> From: "Vaskin Kissoyan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Organization: Lokion
> Reply-To: Orion-Interest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2001 16:35:44 -0500
> To: Orion-Interest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: login security include file
> I'm trying to do a response.sendRedirect() from an include file 
> and wanted to avoid doing a directive.include (preparser),
> I keep getting "Response has already been committed, be sure not to write to
> the OutputStream or to trigger a commit due to any other action before calling
> this method."
> I have been very careful as to put this include at the very top of the file,
> and to specify autoFlush=false and flush=false on the include tag.
> Again, the intention of this include file would be to be place at the top of
> the jsp file to secure it by redirecting to a login page if credentials in a
> session based UserBean do not allow access to the page for some reason.
> -Vaskin

Re: Intro to Orion Tutorial

2001-03-01 Thread Geoff Marshall

Awesome, now if someone can translate it into Linux...

-Geoff Marshall, Director of Development

t e r r a s c o p e  (415) 951-4944
54 Mint Street, Suite 110 direct (415) 625-0349
San Francisco, CA  94103 fax (415) 625-0306

Re: Inactive application-scope bean problem

2001-02-22 Thread Geoff Marshall

I'm working on the package, but not that class.  Is that the problem

-Geoff Marshall, Director of Development

t e r r a s c o p e  (415) 951-4944
54 Mint Street, Suite 110 direct (415) 625-0349
San Francisco, CA  94103 fax (415) 625-0306

> From: Rafael Alvarez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Orion-Interest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2001 09:09:27 -0400
> To: Orion-Interest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Inactive application-scope bean problem
> Hello Geoff,
> GM> If I don't use the application for some period of time and then try to hit
> GM> the index page, I get this error, which only restarting Orion seems to
> GM> fix...
> GM> 500 Internal Server Error
> GM> java.lang.ClassCastException: db.AppBean
> GM> at /Gold/home.jsp._jspService(/Gold/
> GM> at com.orionserver.http.OrionHttpJspPage.service(JAX)
> GM> at com.evermind.server.http.HttpApplication.xj(JAX)
> GM> at com.evermind.server.http.JSPServlet.service(JAX)
> GM> at com.evermind.server.http.d3.sw(JAX)
> GM> at
> GM> at com.evermind.server.http.ef.s1(JAX)
> GM> at
> GM> at
> GM> ... any ideas
> Have you modified the class at some point between each hit? That
> errors happen sometimes when the class in disk is different from the
> class in memory.
> -- 
> Best regards,
> Rafaelmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Inactive application-scope bean problem

2001-02-22 Thread Geoff Marshall

Hello all!  I have a simple class that I'm using as a bean.  All it does is
provide a secure and non-secure root url:

package db;

public class AppBean {
private String SecureRootURL, NonSecureRootURL;

public AppBean() {
this.SecureRootURL= "";
this.NonSecureRootURL = "";

public void setSecure(String newURL) { SecureRootURL = newURL; }
public String getSecure() { return SecureRootURL; }

public void setNonSecure(String newURL) { NonSecureRootURL = newURL; }
public String getNonSecure() { return NonSecureRootURL; }

At the top of each JSP page:

// initialize any application stuff


If I don't use the application for some period of time and then try to hit
the index page, I get this error, which only restarting Orion seems to

500 Internal Server Error

java.lang.ClassCastException: db.AppBean
at /Gold/home.jsp._jspService(/Gold/
at com.orionserver.http.OrionHttpJspPage.service(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.http.HttpApplication.xj(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.http.JSPServlet.service(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.http.d3.sw(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.http.ef.s1(JAX)

... any ideas

-Geoff Marshall, Director of Development

t e r r a s c o p e  (415) 951-4944
54 Mint Street, Suite 110 direct (415) 625-0349
San Francisco, CA  94103 fax (415) 625-0306

Orion doesn't work.

2001-02-15 Thread Geoff Marshall

I've surfed and surfed, and can't find any info on the problem I'm having.

All brand new:
Red Hat Linux v7, Sun J2EE 1.2.1, Sun JDK1.3, Orion 1.4.5

[geoff@daphne orion]$cd /usr/local/orion
[geoff@daphne orion]$ java -jar orion.jar
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/evermind/gui/server/ServiceConsole
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at kaffe.jar.ExecJarName.main(
at kaffe.jar.ExecJar.main(

Obviously, I'm missing some class, but where/what is it?  The JDK/SDK seems
to be working fine i.e. I can compile and run java applications, etc.  Does
some .jar file need to be expanded???


-Geoff Marshall, Director of Development

t e r r a s c o p e  (415) 951-4944
54 Mint Street, Suite 110 direct (415) 625-0349
San Francisco, CA  94103 fax (415) 625-0306

-Geoff Marshall, Director of Development

t e r r a s c o p e  (415) 951-4944
54 Mint Street, Suite 110 direct (415) 625-0349
San Francisco, CA  94103 fax (415) 625-0306

Orion doesn't work.

2001-02-15 Thread Geoff Marshall

I've surfed and surfed, and can't find any info on the problem I'm having.

All brand new:
Red Hat Linux v7, Sun J2EE 1.2.1, Sun JDK1.3, Orion 1.4.5

[geoff@daphne orion]$cd /usr/local/orion
[geoff@daphne orion]$ java -jar orion.jar
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/evermind/gui/server/ServiceConsole
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at kaffe.jar.ExecJarName.main(
at kaffe.jar.ExecJar.main(

Obviously, I'm missing some class, but where/what is it?  The JDK/SDK seems
to be working fine i.e. I can compile and run java applications, etc.  Does
some .jar file need to be expanded???


-Geoff Marshall, Director of Development

t e r r a s c o p e  (415) 951-4944
54 Mint Street, Suite 110 direct (415) 625-0349
San Francisco, CA  94103 fax (415) 625-0306

Re: Problems with a finder method in a cmp

2001-02-12 Thread Geoff Marshall

Please don't laugh at me, but what IS a 'finder method in a CMP'??  Just a
simple explanation or a pointer to more info, please...

-Geoff Marshall, Director of Development

t e r r a s c o p e  (415) 951-4944
54 Mint Street, Suite 110 direct (415) 625-0349
San Francisco, CA  94103 fax (415) 625-0306

> From: "mangesh laad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Orion-Interest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2001 19:49:26 -
> To: Orion-Interest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Problems with a finder method in a cmp
> Hi
> All u have to do is just write the findByName as u already have in the
> home interface . While deploying the orion will write the coresponding
> finder query for you in the orion--ejb-jar in its finder-method tag
>> From: "fresnaULL" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Reply-To: Orion-Interest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: Orion-Interest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Subject: Problems with a finder method in a cmp
>> Date: Thu, 8 Feb 2001 14:01:28 -
>> Hi all,
>> I'm trying to define this finder method in a cmp:
>> SELECT * FROM people
>> WHERE LIKE '%name%'
>> which is correct in SQL SERVER 7.0
>> I put the following in the people home interface:
>> String findByName_query = " like '%$1%'";
>> .
>> .
>> .
>> public java.util.Enumeration findByName(String value) throws
>> java.rmi.RemoteException, javax.ejb.FinderException;
>> but it doesn't work. Orion is able to deploy the cmp but when I try to use
>> it I only get this
>> error message:
>> 500 Internal Server Error
>> java.lang.NullPointerException
>> at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcPreparedStatement.clearParameter(Unknown Source)
>> at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcPreparedStatement.setChar(Unknown Source)
>> at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcPreparedStatement.setString(Unknown Source)
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> PeopleHome_EntityHomeWrapper72.findByName(PeopleHome_EntityHomeWrapper72.jav
>> a:1142)
>> at Search.doGet(
>> at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
>> at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
>> at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
>> at
>> at com.evermind.server.http.d1.forward(JAX)
>> at com.evermind.server.http.ed.sp(JAX)
>> at
>> at
>> Does anybody know how i can make it work?
>> Thanks in advance
> _
> Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Re: Setting Cookies

2001-02-09 Thread Geoff Marshall

Here's my code.  Seems to work...

import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;

public class SessionBean {
private boolean loggedOn;

public SessionBean() {
this.loggedOn = false;

// get customer ID from cookie
public String getCustId(HttpServletRequest req) {
Cookie[] cookies = req.getCookies();

if (cookies != null && cookies.length > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {
Cookie cookie = cookies[i];
if ("cust_id".equals(cookie.getName())) {
String s = cookie.getValue();
s = s==null ? "" : s; // do not return null
return s;
return ""; 

// put customer ID into cookie and log on
public void setCustId(HttpServletResponse res, String cust) {
Cookie cookie = new Cookie("cust_id", cust);

public void logOn() {
public void logOff() {
public boolean isLoggedOn() {
return this.loggedOn;

-Geoff Marshall, Director of Development

t e r r a s c o p e  (415) 951-4944
54 Mint Street, Suite 110 direct (415) 625-0349
San Francisco, CA  94103 fax (415) 625-0306

> From: "S.Badrinarayanan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Orion-Interest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 9 Feb 2001 07:27:19 +
> To: Orion-Interest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Setting Cookies
> Hi
> Is there a known problem with adding cookies using orion 1.4.5?  I have the
> following code to set cookies
> res.addCookie(new javax.servlet.http.Cookie("1", "one"));
> javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher dis =
> getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher(common.util.Utils.MESSAGE_PAGE);
> dis.forward(req, res);
> I am printing out the cookie values in the jsp (forward statement).  But I get
> an empty list.
> What am I missing here?
> Regards
> sb
> - a free web based e-mail service that also pays!!!

Re: HTTPS from Orion Java Bean

2001-02-06 Thread Geoff Marshall


Thanks for responding.  I need to learn to write these messages a little
more clearly.

Basically, I downloaded the JSSE stuff from Sun and tweaked the J2sdkee1.2.1
to allow me access to the SSL routines as per Sun's instructions.  I
compiled the Java class and executed it (see below).  It runs, so I know
it's not the code that has the problem.

When I bring it into Orion as a class instantiated by a  tag, I
then get the error message.

So I'm thinking I need to apply the JSSE stuff to Orion in some way, and I
can find no information on how to do that...

-Geoff Marshall, Director of Development

t e r r a s c o p e  (415) 951-4944
54 Mint Street, Suite 110 direct (415) 625-0349
San Francisco, CA  94103 fax (415) 625-0306

import java.util.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
import java.text.*;

// Take a credit card transaction and interact with the authorization
// company.  Get an authorization.  Parse return. Store it in the database.
Handle errors.
// decide which page to display.
// call this with all the parameters on the url...
public class AuthBean {
// authorization object
// consists of information regarding requested transaction
// and response from that transaction.
private String authURL;

public AuthBean() {

this.authURL = ""

public void setGateway(String gateway) {
this.authURL = gateway;

public String authorize(String parms) throws Exception {
URL gateway = new URL(this.authURL + "?" + parms);
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new

String inputLine=null, authorization="";

while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null)
authorization = authorization + inputLine;

return authorization;

public static void main(String args[]) {
AuthBean ab = new AuthBean();

try {
} catch(Exception e) {
System.out.println("EXCEPTION:" + e);

Re: Output Volume

2001-02-06 Thread Geoff Marshall

Check your implicit out object (Type JSPWriter).  You can get the size of
the output buffer from the bufferSize property and you can flush your output
buffers before you hit that size.


// output something

if (out.getRemaining() < someComfortableMargin) {

// keep on outputting

-Geoff Marshall, Director of Development

t e r r a s c o p e  (415) 951-4944
54 Mint Street, Suite 110 direct (415) 625-0349
San Francisco, CA  94103 fax (415) 625-0306

> From: "Chandika Mendis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Orion-Interest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Tue, 6 Feb 2001 08:21:13 -0800
> To: Orion-Interest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Output Volume
> I'm trying to run a very simple JSP that gives a rather large volume of
> output. It loads the first time but fails the second time.(was doing some
> performance comparisons). The same JSP works fine with ServletExec. Any help
> will be appreciated.
> I've attached the JSP below:-
> <%@page language="java" import="java.util.* %>
> <%
> Date st=new Date();
> StringBuffer fullString=new StringBuffer();
> for (int i=0;i<1;i++){
> out.println("Some string concatenation blah blah blah "+i+"");
> }
> Date end=new Date();
> out.println("Time elapsed :"+(end.getTime()-st.getTime()));
> %>

HTTPS from Orion Java Bean

2001-02-05 Thread Geoff Marshall

Hello all!

I've written a bean that calls a credit card processing gateway from a Java
bean.  It is very simple and executes an https://... request.  Then it reads
the entire contents of the web page.

And it works if I run my AuthBean class from the command line.  But when I
attempt to use AuthBean, calling it from an Orion JSP, I get a runtime

SSL not implemented.

So I looked at all I did to enable the j2sdkee1.2.1 to work with SSL and
tried to somehow apply that to Orion, but I came up blank.

I read through the SSL help page and it doesn't seem to address the problem
I'm having.

Any help would be appreciated!


-Geoff Marshall, Director of Development

t e r r a s c o p e  (415) 951-4944
54 Mint Street, Suite 110 direct (415) 625-0349
San Francisco, CA  94103 fax (415) 625-0306

JSP extends directive - has anybody tried it?

2000-06-20 Thread Geoff . Lewis

Hello List,

We are currently trying to port our complete JSP (1.0-style) application to
Orion. For historical reasons our application uses the JSP extends
directive, for example:

<%@ page extends="" %>

We have converted our ISecureServlet class so that it itself extends the
Orion implementation class com.evermind.server.http.EvermindHttpJspPage. We
have previously ported our application to Resin, which also has a JSP 1.1
engine, using the same technique.

However, when we now access the containing JSP page it compiles but fails
during processing with the error

"Superclass of the JSP page does not implement HttpJspPage, invalid
extends attribute"

We've traced the problem down to the point (in dn.class) where Orion checks
to see (we believe) whether the generated JSP Servlet class is assignable
(via the Class.isAssignableFrom method) from the class that we are
extending, namely ISecureServlet. The classes are not assignable, hence the
error message.

With this in mind, I have two questions:

1. Is the assignment check the right way around? Shouldn't we instead check
to see if ISecureServlet is assignable from our generated servlet?

2. Otherwise, has anybody successfully used the extends directive? If so,
what class did you inherit, and do you have any other tips that might help
us out?

Geoff Lewis
Finatec Financial Software Solutions AG
Tel: +49 9371 97860
Fax: +49 9371 403381