Re: [osg-users] VPB binaries execution question - procedure entry point H5Dopen not found in hdf5dll.dll

2009-11-30 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
Fabrício Cardoso wrote:
 My input files are two .tif images: one for height data and the other
 for the texture. It's not related to HDF at all...

  I don't know why GDAL would be hitting that code if you don't have any HDF 
files. Maybe
try VPB with a known-good set of demo terrain data? Perhaps VPB/GDAL isn't 
making sense of
your TIFF files and is trying to load them as HDF for some reason?

  I have no other ideas.

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] Node::Description into a generalized property mechanism?

2009-11-30 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
Robert Osfield wrote:
 Description kinda bloat osg::Node already, I would like to reduce this
 bloat and stream line the base classes even more ;-)
 I would also like generalize UserData but... not use any more than the
 present pointer that we already have in place, don't forget we need to
 aim for less bloat not more...
 My thought was that you could possibly create a CompositeUserData or
 similar class that you attach as the via the present _userData pointer
 when you need the extra services such as description, user data
 accessed via int/string descriptors etc.  Such as scheme could be
 hidden by accessors methods in the base class that only even attach
 the full blow CompositeUserData when actual data is attached to the

  Isn't this breaking all existing code that uses UserData/Description though?

  Let me toss back what I think you're proposing.

  We create a new class called something like UserPropertySet (this is my name 
for what
you called CompositeUserData). This thing has a container for storing some 
collection of
heterogeneous things: strings, floats, maybe even ref_ptrs to things?(I don't 
know how the
ref_ptr aspect would work, but it seems people wish to associate all sorts of 
things with
their Nodes.) The container uses a key/value map, so you can ask for a thing by 

  To support the existing Description API, we use string-type things in the 
with a unique-namespace key name like osg internal Description or something. 
We either
permit multiple items with the same key string (so we can have multiple 
entries), or we have to name each Description entry uniquely osg internal 
Description #1
osg internal Description #245, ... and then find a way to query for all keys 
that have a
unique prefix osg internal Description #.

  I'm just brainstorming here, so don't take offense at my potential ignorance. 
it odes
sound like a lot of us need to hang diverse data off our Nodes and have been 
by this. Comments?

  What kind of container can do this for us, and sort out the diverse types we 
might cram
in there, and find entities by their key name?


Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] VPB binaries execution question - procedure entry point H5Dopen not found in hdf5dll.dll

2009-12-01 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
Fabrício Cardoso wrote:
 It doesn't work, even if no input files are used, the same error
 occurs. But thank you for your suggestions.

  Ok. It sounds like you have a GDAL issue. Can you use any of the GDAL 
utilities themselves?

 About terrain generation from heightmap, can I ask you a direction
 about where should I start?
 I have to create terrain tiles from the image data through the
 HeightFieldLayer class and set the tiles to a Terrain object, is it?

  Don't do it that way. Unless you have a REALLY good reason to do otherwise, 
VPB is the
preferred asset pipeline for terrain. Building terrain models in-memory is 
tricky, because
you need to know all of the tricks VPB is doing to balance the level of detail 
and such,
and it can be hard to set up the Locator object to get them in the right place 
and scale.

  Do you just have one dataset you're building?

 I'm having a hard time with the end of the semester in my university,
 so I couldn't dedicate much time to this subject yet... Any
 suggestions will be appreciated.
 Thank you again.
 Best regards,
 Fabricio Silva

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] Node::Description into a generalized property mechanism?

2009-12-01 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
Ulrich Hertlein wrote:
 This sounds like a good solution, it keeps API compatibility but only
 stores one object instead of _userData/_descriptions in every
 Object/Node created.

  This sounds good. I had forgotten that access to UserData was only through 
the set/get
API. Perfect.

 So many birds with one stone :-)

  Ulrich, do you have a sense of how this should be done? I don't know if I 
have a lot of
time to work on it right now (starting a new project already), but I can try to 
help. I
could sketch out some architecture and maybe some prototypes in my spare time.

Robert said:

 The key to making the transition seamlessly would be to not have one
 data structure in the new container but several for the different
 purposes.  Since the data structure is only ever created when needed
 the fact that it has some extra members that aren't used in all cases
 won't cause too my in memory bloat.

  I'm sort of thinking out loud, on (e-)paper here, so feel free to shoot holes 
in this

  We design a class called something like CompositeUserData (I dislike this 
name, and
prefer something like UserPropertiesCollection). It is allocated only when 
requested by
one of the UserData/Description/Property APIs.

  In it is simply a container (STL map?) of some new class UserProperty. 
could either be an abstract base class with a derived implementation for each 
type (UserData pointer, Description string, float, etc). Or, it could be a 
implementation itself of a single class with a member or members that can store 
any of the
possible data types (I think Visual Basic had something called a Variant ).

  I don't have any preference either way, so perhaps others who have a dog in 
this race
might comment on their feelings for the architecture.

  A new API can be added like

setUserProperty(keyname, SOME_TYPE, value);
value = getUserProperty(keyname, SOME_TYPE);

  Not sure if SOME_TYPE is a string or an enum.

  We can prevent key name collisions between types, and avoid considering the 
whole issue
of using getUserProperty with the wrong TYPE by name-manging the type into the 
keyname used to store the property. So you could set a STRING of keyname foo 
and a FLOAT
of keyname foo and they would co-exist because they're actually stored as 
fooSTRING and

  In the same way, we can implement the existing UserData and Description APIs 
specialized types like DESC and UDATA, so that they won't collide with the 

  The existing Description API seems to respect the order of the Descriptions 
and existing
code might rely on that, so they'd probably be stored with key names like 
DESC2, etc to preserve the order.

  Comments heartily requested.


Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] VPB question...

2009-12-01 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
Tueller, Shayne R Civ USAF AFMC 519 SMXS/MXDEC wrote:
 Can anyone tell me what version of VirtualPlanetBuilder is stable with
 OSG 2.8.2?
 I’m upgrading to OSG 2.8.2 and I want to make sure to get the right
 version of VPB that works with this…

  I don't know what version it calls itself, but the most-current SVN checkout 
of VPB
should be the correct one for OSG 2.8.2.

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] VPB question...

2009-12-01 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
Chris 'Xenon' Hanson wrote:
   I don't know what version it calls itself, but the most-current SVN 
 checkout of VPB
 should be the correct one for OSG 2.8.2.

  Sorry, that was incorrect. VPB-SVN is for the current OSG-SVN, not 2.8.2. 
Alejandro is
right, for OSG 2.8.x, you want VPB 0.9.10.

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] VPB question...

2009-12-01 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
Alejandro Aguilar Sierra wrote:
 Yeah. Chris, excuse me for the rush to correct it, I should have waited.

  You were right. Better to make sure someone isn't giving out bogus 
information. I knew I
was wrong right after I hit send. ;)


Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] Node::Description into ageneralized property mechanism?

2009-12-01 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
Thrall, Bryan wrote:
 This seems overly complicated to me; couldn't we just rely on users
 knowing the type they want for a given key, like we rely on them knowing
 what subclass of UserData they want now? That way, UserPropertyContainer
 is simply an std::mapstring,ref_ptrReferenced . The UserData API
 would store its Referenced pointer, and the Description API could store
 a vector of strings:

  This works pretty well for objects that are Referenced, but I was looking for 
a good way
to store basic integer and floating-point values in the properties. There would 
need to be
a little more fleshing out to accomplish that, but I imagine one could make a 
derived from Referenced that contained a float or an int.

  Any other thoughts? I guess one can always use RTTI to check and make sure 
what came
back from getUserProperty really was the expected class before utilizing it.

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] VPB binaries execution question - procedure entry point H5Dopen not found in hdf5dll.dll

2009-12-01 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
Fabrício Cardoso wrote:
 I managed to find out what was happening, and it was just a problem
 with my path variable...
 I checked with Dependency Walker that it was was loading a hdf5dll.dll
 from an old gxml api whose bin folder had an entry in my system path.
 I fixed the path and everything works fine now.
 Sorry for bothering you with this... But thanks for your attention anyway.

  Welcome to DLL Hell.

 Best regards,
 Fabricio Silva

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] Represent a raster with OSG

2009-12-01 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
Manuel Garea wrote:
 The information i have in the raster is the elevation points of a terrain, 
 something like this:
 11.52 11.52 11.52 15.06
 12.52 12.52 12.52 12.52 
 13.84 13.84 12.52 12.27 
 12.27 12.27 13.33 13.33 

  What format is this data in, when stored on disk?

 and i need to make a DEM (Digital elevation model, a representation of the 
 terrain surface in 3D) based on this.

  Typically, you'll get your data into a format readable by the GDAL library 
used by
VirtualPlanetBuilder, then use VPB to build your terrain (usually with a draped 
image) into a .osg or .ive database that OSG can automatically page in and out 
moving around.

 Any ideas?
 Thank you!

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] VPB question...

2009-12-01 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
Tueller, Shayne R Civ USAF AFMC 519 SMXS/MXDEC wrote:
 So...from the recommended table I need VPB 0.9.10 to go with OSG 2.8.2. This
 may be a dumb question but where do I get the 0.9.10 version? I only see up
 to version 0.9.7 that I can download...

  You'll need to SVN check out the source for that revision and build VPB 

  It might be easier to build the SVN OSG version and the SVN VPB version 


Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] VPB question...

2009-12-01 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
Tueller, Shayne R Civ USAF AFMC 519 SMXS/MXDEC wrote:
 Do I need subversion installed on my machine to do this? I haven't played
 with subversion before...

  Yes. On Windows, I'd recommend TortoiseSVN.

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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[osg-users] OT: DARPA Network Challenge

2009-12-02 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
  So, while it would be very cool to make a 3D model of this in OSG, I can't 
really see
how it would help. Other than look cool. But, this is the sort of thing that I 
think many
of the folks here would dig:

DARPA, the folks that originally inverted the Internet, are having a wacky
spatially-related contest this weekend involving GPS:

  There has already been much speculation about using GIS or remote sensing to 
located the
balloons, but much of it is hindered by the fact that there is no 
available imagery one could search. One could probably eliminate much of the US 
buffering the road network, since the rules state the targets will be visible 
from a road,
but it still leaves a huge unknown area. One team claims to have even predicted 
where 1-5
of the balloons will be based (thanks to help from Mekow334 and HotJazz, our 
balloon sleuths, who know their way around a satellite and a GPS log like 
nobody else!)

  I'm somewhat skeptical, since their site's countdown clock isn't even 
counting down to
the right time.

I’ve established a team of my own, called Team DeciNena. We will win because we 
have the
wittiest name. ;)

No, seriously, whomever wins will be using a mixture of all sorts of tactics 
from team
recruiting to passive data mining. I'm sure there will be a lot of 
disinformation out
there, and it will be important to combat it. We are using a mashup of 
technologies in a Drupal-based Content Management System to coordinate our 
team. If we get
a report, we can spatially query our member database to find other nearby team 
members who
can confirm the report. We're also experimenting with Google Wave to see if it 
anything interesting to offer.

Join us, it's free, and you could actually win something. We're even sharing 
some reward
money with those team participants who DON'T themselves find a balloon.

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] Setting fading property to node

2009-12-03 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
Trajce Nikolov wrote:
 make a update callback to the node and change the alpha component of the
 material in the state over time

  This doesn't really work with the PagedLOD node type that osg Terrain is 
usually made
with. I don't know for sure if Akilan is using VPB/OSGDEM/PagedLOD or not, but 
I suspect so.

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] Why can not access the OSG website

2009-12-07 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
ijustfu wrote:
 I have tried several time these days. But still can not access the
 website : www.*openscenegraph*.org
 What is the problem?

  Confirmed. Unable to access the site from Colorado, USA, currently.

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] [vpb] how to create valid terrain database?

2009-12-07 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
Hartwig Wiesmann wrote:
 I am using osgdem 0.9.10 with the following arguments:
 osgdem --xx 10 --yy 10 -t ps_texture_16k.tif\
 --xx 10 --yy 10 -d ps_height_16k.tif\
 -v 0.1 --terrain -o test.osg

  Can you put copies of the input data somewhere I could access them and check 

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] Why can not access the OSG website

2009-12-07 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
Site is up now:

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] [plugins] Osg writer add dataBasePath inPagedLod

2009-12-08 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
Vincent Bourdier wrote:
 As you can see, the DatabasePath appear, and the path set is to the path
 where the original osg file is...  so now my PagedLod won't work on a
 different PC than mine...

  I have run into this too.

  This is the reason why the osgconv recursion submission I sent it a few weeks 
ago has to
change working directory to the location of the sub-files before it converts 
Otherwise, the hard-coded path gets built into the converted output file, and 
it will no
longer be portable.

  I classify this as a problem in the PagedLOD saver (both IVE and OSG, I 
think), but
I'm hesitant to call it a bug, and I didn't submit a fix for it, because I 
that it was there for a reason and something I was unaware of might be relying 
on it, so I
just worked around it.

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] [vpb] Integration of roads

2009-12-09 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
Martin Aasen wrote:
 Hi all,
 Is there any way of getting road insets (triangulated roads integrated in the 
 terrain mesh) in a database generated by VPB and osgGIS? I have tried the 
 Boston sample available for osgGIS, but the roads are simple lines and I 
 don’t know of any options to trigger the generation of triangulated roads. 

  osgTDS does this for the old-style TIN terrain in VPB.

  I'm working with a client to add grid-deformation functionality to VPB and 
OSG (via a
pseudoloader/saver). You would need a back-end deformation library which can 
calculate new
height values for given points accounting for the road features. I have 
developed this
back-end for my client, but I'm not sure if it can be released publicly in the 
future or not.

  It is very difficult to implement exact feature/TIN trimming with grids. 
You'd basically
need to re-tesselate the GRID into a TIN, and then do something like osgTDS 
does to modify
the TIN. It can be rather expensive to do this on the fly.

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] Trouble porting to vs2008, heap corruption

2009-12-09 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 12/9/2009 5:09 PM, stefan) wrote:
 So, we have been working on this open source, osg-based app framework
 for linux, osx, and windows. It's a fun project but on windows (only!)
 it is still acting up. We get this super-undescriptive non-fatal
 windows has triggered a breakpoint
 this may be due to corruption of the heap
 After clicking Continue a couple of times the app runs fine just
 like on the other platforms. What we would be most interested in, are
 there typical causes for this in regard to osg?

  Well, I can't comment on relating to OSG, but this is usually going to be 
related to
memory overruns. Are you in a debug build? The debug builds have extra padding 
allocation (guard regions) that are checked at various times. If the guard 
regions are
damaged, the compiler will warn you, but it's non-fatal because the guard 
region took the
hit instead of your real data. But it is a REAL error, because in a non-debug 
build your
real data would have probably been trashed.

  Tools like valgrind on Linux might point out the same issue, if it exists on 

  I'd start by examining code _prior_ to the exception. The exception is 
telling you the
damage has been done, but basically triggers AFTER the offending code.

 If any of you feel super-helpful and want to give the project a quick spin:
 A long guide is here:

  I do have a favor to ask. Your project is called Scene Expression, and that's 
kind of
uncomfortably close to a tool my company makes called Scene Express:

  which incorporates an OSG-based landscape viewer (NatureView Express) and has 
around since 2003:

  Would you mind considering changing the name of your toolkit to something a 
little more
different from my company's product?

  I'm interested in your project as I have considered doing an OSG application 
myself at times. Yours seems a little different than the goals I wanted to 
pursue, but it
looks very nice for what you're trying to accomplish.

 Any hint very much appreciated,

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] Trouble porting to vs2008, heap corruption

2009-12-09 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 12/10/2009 12:00 AM, Andreas Goebel wrote:
 you get heap corruption on windows if (not only if, but if) you mix
 different system libraries, static runtime and dynamic runtime, or debug
 dlls and release dlls.

  You can get it that way too.

 Make really sure that your release build uses release libraries only,
 and vice versa.

  Usually the linker will yell and scream at you if you try to do this, so it 
doesn't happen accidentally and without the programmer knowing.

  But it is worth checking.

 Regards, Andreas

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] Trouble porting to vs2008, heap corruption

2009-12-10 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 12/10/2009 1:54 AM, Simon Hammett wrote:
 No it doesn't, symbol mangling isn't different between debug/release builds.
 (though that might be a handy option)

  That's true, but I'm pretty sure that last time I made that mistake, the 
linker DID
issue a warning that was recognizable (with some Googling) as quit mixing 
debug and
release builds.

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] Trouble porting to vs2008, heap corruption

2009-12-10 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 12/10/2009 7:11 AM, Jean-Sébastien Guay wrote:
 I'm curious when you've seen the linker scream about mixing debug and
 release DLLs... I've seen plenty of users do it by mistake and the
 linker never said a thing, except when mixing the dynamic and static C
 runtimes. When mixing debug and release (both using the dynamic runtime,
 for example) the linker says nothing.

  I'll try to check, but since it's something I carefully avoid now, it may be 
a while.

  I liked the idea about intentionally messing with the code so that it 
wouldn't link if
you messed it up, but it seems infeasible that you could prevent every 
combination of
mismatch. I often see it when mixing libs compiled by a third party anyway.


Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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There is no Truth. There is only Perception. To Perceive is to Exist. - Xen
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [vpb] Integration of roads

2009-12-10 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 12/10/2009 3:55 AM, Martin Aasen wrote:
 Hi Chris,
 Do you mean that VPB now uses a regularly gridded mesh which I would have to 
 convert into a TIN in order to use osgTDS? Can I configure VPB to output in 
 the “old way” so I can use osgTDS on the generated mesh? I see I can give the 
 following options, but don’t know if any of them will have an effect in this 

  Correct. see Robert's posting.

 --HEIGHT_FIELD: Create a height field database 
 --POLYGONAL: Create a height field database (default) 
 --TERRAIN: Create a osgTerrain::Terrain database

  I don't recall if any of these force the old TIN style anymore. i thought 
there was
still an option, but I haven't used it in quite a while.

 What you have done sounds interesting! Too bad you can’t release it (at least 
 yet). I guess the process of merging the roads with the terrain would be 
 offline if done on the CPU, I don’t see why it shouldn’t be..? 

  It's possible. It's just that people need to be able to underwrite 
development costs. My
current client is doing so, but since no-one else is, they don't have a lot of 
to share their work.

 I have also thought of marking the triangles in the terrain skin that are cut 
 by a road, so they can be subdivided and flattened in a geometry shader. The 
 marking could for example be done by clever use of texture coordinates, and 
 distances to the closest point on the road relative to each of the affected 
 vertices stored in textures. Any thoughts on this? I really don’t know if it 
 is feasible. The good thing is that if it works you don’t need to make 
 changes to VPB or the database, jus run a pre-processing step to generate the 
 texture coordinates and textures.

  This too sounds interesting. There's a lot of distance-to-line operations 
that are
expensive to do at runtime, so my work tries to resolve everything in advance 
and bake the
results into the existing data so the runtime viewer has no idea anything 
special is going
on. It's just loading VPB terrain and displaying it.


Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
PixelSense Landsat processing now available!
There is no Truth. There is only Perception. To Perceive is to Exist. - Xen
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Trouble porting to vs2008, heap corruption

2009-12-10 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 12/10/2009 10:07 AM, Jean-Sébastien Guay wrote:
 To be clear, I agree the linker says something, but I don't think it's
 near vocal enough to be useful to newbies / newcomers to Windows (on
 Linux you can mix debug and release however you want, no problem).

  Well, agreed. I remember it said something and eventually I figured out what 
it meant.

  We could add it to the Wiki Windows build notes?

 I agree, it would be nice. I don't see it as a problem that we can't
 catch every single type of mismatch... If we can at least catch some
 it's better than it is now. Just like the osgPlugins-version scheme
 was added to make it harder to mix plugins from different versions of
 OSG, but you can always put all the plugins in the same directory as the
 executable and then you're essentially defeating the scheme that's
 trying to protect you.

  I can't picture how to do it in any fashion. Do you have a recommendation for 
how to
implement it?


Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] Develop a scalable binary file format for native OSG scenes?

2009-12-10 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 12/10/2009 10:27 AM, Robert Osfield wrote:
 Or... just have the binary format extension be .osgb... :-)

  For filesystem-management purposes, I know I'd prefer a .osgb extension. So 
much easier
to grep and write scripts when you can assume the content based on the 


Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] Develop a scalable binary file format for native OSG scenes?

2009-12-10 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 12/10/2009 11:42 AM, Paul Martz wrote:
 Chris 'Xenon' Hanson wrote:
   For filesystem-management purposes, I know I'd prefer a .osgb
 extension. So much easier
 to grep and write scripts when you can assume the content based on the
 That would be true if it weren't for the fact that .osgb is already in

  I'm going to claim memory loss on this, because I _did_ know osgBullet was 
using osgb. I
revise my vote to say, I'd like an alternate UNIQUE extension for osg binary 
data. Perhaps
.bosg would be a good choice (and not currently used). .OSB is already taken as 
Dreamcast Sound File.

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] VirtualPanetBuilder does not build

2009-12-10 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 12/10/2009 2:24 PM, Clay, Bruce wrote:
 VirtualPanetBuilder does not build with OSG 2.8.2.  I pulled the SVN
 version VirtualPanetBuilder.  There are several references to
 DatabaseRevision and that does not seem to be in OSG 2.8.2.

  You'll need VPB release 0.9.10 to compile against 2.8.x. I believe some folks 
here have
compiled it successfully in the last couple weeks.

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] Trouble porting to vs2008, heap corruption

2009-12-10 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 12/10/2009 3:06 PM, stefan) wrote:
 hey Xenon,
 I just wanted to comment on the naming issue. I am not really in the
 position to just rename our project but I can moderate.
 I can see your initial concern but also feel  SceneExpression is
 quite different from Scene Express both in the way the word visually
 looks and the meaning. Please note the former is written as one word.
 What's more important is that the audience/clients are totally
 different. Maybe you can clarify but from reading the website you sent
 me, Scene Express is an addon to a end user software product. On the
 other hand, SceneExpression is an open source programming framework
 for programmers. I doubt the users of the framework and the software
 product will ever overlap. This and the fact that they cater to
 different activities makes me think they will never really be mixed
 up. They are also in no way competing projects.

  I guess I have to disagree here. If I created a userspace application called 
like OpenSceneGraphics and used a different font, I suspect Robert would still 
be a bit
peeved. The fact that both Scene Express (which we also abbreviate SX, like you 
do) and
SceneExpression use OSG sort of inevitably drags them into a common arena. At 
heart, they
both do realtime 3D graphics. Trademark law pretty much requires a trademark 
holder like
me defend my mark against anything that overlaps it, otherwise I lose my 
rights. The
litmus test is whether a person who could come into contact with both products 
become confused about which was which, which went with which company, or 
whether they
might think they were the same. A taxi company called Boost, a programming 
library called
Boost and an energy shake called Boost aren't a problem. But two realtime 3D 
tools can be
a problem.

  If there was a meat supplier that sold frozen hamburger patties (instead of 
fast-food meals) called BurgerKingGuy, Burger King would still ask them to stop 
using such
a similar name. Because they are at heart, still doing similar things and using 
a similar

  I don't mean to be difficult about it, and I'm trying to be polite and 
reasonable. But,
my company and trademark law require me to defend my product trademarks. If I 
don't, I
lose all rights to them and any competitor of mine can use them without any 


Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] [VPB] Usage question

2009-12-11 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 12/11/2009 7:54 AM, Sukender wrote:
 Hi all,
 I've got model tiles (urban zone, files such as .osg/ive, .3ds ...) which 
 need to be visualized using pagedLODs.
 Can VPB do with models what it does with terrain? That is to say, can VPB 
 help me in a way or another to:
 - Create less detailed version of the tiles? (Am I a bit optimistic?)
 - Arrange tiles under LODs/pagedLODs into a master file?
 - Deform tiles according to coordinates system? (I guess so, using OGR?)
 If answers are no, do you have an idea on how to acheive this goal?

  The answers, in my experience are no, no and no. ;)

  Can you clarify what your tiles are exactly? Are they a ground surface and 
building on
top of them?

  If so, I don't expect VPB would ever be able to do #1 for you. Creating lower 
LODs of
arbitrary geometry is sort of beyond its scope.

  #2 would be nice, but isn't done at this time. My experience is that the usual
work-around is to install callbacks on the PagedLOD load so that when a new 
terrain tile is loaded, your callback is invoked and can locate, load and 
attach any
cultural decorations like buildings and such.

  #3: OGR is probably way too slow to do this. There might be a way to 
translate your
model in advance into the same coordinate system VPB builds your data into 
geographic lat/lon) and then employ a technique similar to osgTerrain::Locator 
to then
transform those coordinates into 3D space so that they come deformed the same 
way the
terrain tiles do. I believe it's the Locator that performs the Earth-curvature 

 Thank you.
 PVLE - Lightweight cross-platform game engine -

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] Transparent skydome

2009-12-11 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 12/11/2009 8:53 AM, Dominic Stalder wrote:
 we use the skydome.osg of the OSG examples. Is it possible to make this
 one transparent, so that only the clouds are visible.
 We converted the skymap.jpg to a PNG file with a transparent alpha
 channel. Instead of a transparent skydome, it's just white where the
 transparent color is.
 Is it possible to make the skydome.osg transparent in the code and how?

  I think it should be possible. Did you actually set the state of the skydome 
to include
transparency (simply adding an Alpha texture doesn't do it, if I recall). Also, 
skydome is
often set to render FIRST in the scene, and transparent objects need to go into 
transparent bin so they are Z-sorted and rendered last in the scene. In this 
case, you
might want to have your skydome not sorted (a dome has no intersecting geometry 
required this) and have it render right after whatever you use to define the sky
background color.

  See: StateSet::setRenderBinDetails (and possibly StateSet::setRenderingHint)

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] [vpb] Usage question

2009-12-11 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 12/11/2009 9:54 AM, Torben Dannhauer wrote:
 what is OGR?


 I'm searching for a tool which can flat terrain (cut volume away, that 
 surface is not geocentric but flat at this area) at a specified area for 
 adding 3D HiRes submodels.

  Are your models pieces of terrain, or are they buildings that sit atop the 
terrain the
simply need a flat piece of land to sit on?

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] Transparent skydome

2009-12-11 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 12/11/2009 10:15 AM, Dominic Stalder wrote:
 How can I set the state to include transparency?

  Here's an example:

  You might be able to skip the rendering hint, and the backface cull will 
probably be
beneficial to you.

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] OpenGL capture/logging in OSG

2009-12-11 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 12/11/2009 9:46 AM, Paul Martz wrote:
 Lack of support for multiple threads, and no obvious way to add that
 support, was one reason for abandoning it. Also, when I attempted to use
 GLIntercept with (single threaded) OSG, I encountered problems as
 described recently in the discussion thread GLIntercept and OSG 2.8.2
 on this list, as if the device driver were launching its own internal
 thread that called back into itself.

  Makes sense. I always look for the widest opportunity to share technology 
with other
groups, so I wondered what glintercept's poison was that made it unsuitable.

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] [vpb] Geocentric Database, how to flattening area or cut out piece

2009-12-11 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 12/11/2009 2:20 PM, Torben Dannhauer wrote:
 I use a lowRes local database and want to add small 3D townmodels for local 
 areas which require a completely flat underground. Unfortunately the global 
 elevation model is not flat and not correct at the models area.
 Is it possible to flatten the geocentric database at specific coordiantes, or 
 cout out speciffic areas, so the gap can be refilled with a completely flat 
 What would be the best approach to get some areas flat? I don't know how to 
 reach this goal at runtime or at compile time.

  I have been making enhancements to VPB and OSG to support this sort of 
While my work is not complete, doing a trivial 
flatten-within-rectangular-region would not
be tough for you to implement.

  I have made changes to support VPB terrain elevation alteration during 
operations (through a pseudoloader) or during the initial VPB build time (via a 

  If this would work for you, I can explain more.

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] Terrain generation question

2009-12-11 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 12/11/2009 1:44 PM, Clay, Bruce wrote:
 This is probably a dumb question but is there any rule of thumb or logic
 to use when creating terrain databases of differing resolutions that
 will reduce edge differences.
 For example if I create a full world database from the Blue Marble
 images and higher resolution local area database from NAIP 1 or 2 meter
 images how should we decide the number of tile layers to limit the
 transition effects?

  I haven't had much luck with hiding the edges. I have done some magic to 
force the
high-res dataset to always render on top of the low-res one, which can work well
sometimes. I can write more if you are interested.

  Remind me which Ball location you're at again?

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] [vpb] Geocentric Database, how to flattening area or cut out piece

2009-12-11 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 12/11/2009 3:55 PM, Torben Dannhauer wrote:
 yes, a simple rectangular region would be enough.
 Does your algorithm determine the height of your flattend area itself by 
 the selected area, or do you specify a destination height and you lift/sink 
 your rectangular area to this level?
 I'm interested in both methods. Some models are always on, so in best case 
 this flattening is compiled into DB to save rendering time. Additionally some 
 models are inserted on demand on free coordinates, so this flattening would 
 be great..
 Is your feature closed source or is it planned to integrate it into VPB? 

  Well, the code I can release now is simply the 
callback for the loader/saver. It provides you with the location and current 
elevation and
you can return a new elevation. but, obviously for simple rectangular regions 
it's easy
for you to determine if you're within the rectangle and return a new elevation.

  In this case it would be more like your or do you specify a destination 
height and you
lift/sink your rectangular area to this level.

  I provided a .modifyterrain pseudoloader/saver a while ago, but I've had to 
modify it
since to avoid needing changes in the core OSG. I can probably provide a new 
version of it
shortly. At the present time, it has not been selected for inclusion in core 
OSG, so it
will probably make its home in some sort of osgTerrainTools add-on library.

  The deformation library that goes with this, that actually can answer the 
question given some number of area or line features and additional attributes 
is something
I'm developing for a client of mine, and the open-ness of it is an issue not 
yet fully

  If this is something your organization needs, maybe we could discuss 
cost-sharing on the


Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] Animations in OSG

2009-12-30 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 12/30/2009 9:12 AM, Dominic Stalder wrote:
 what is the best way to animate osg node. At the moment I'm using the
 QTimer of Qt to transform the object. Is there a better / more efficent
 way to animate object in OSG?

  If you want to avoid Qt, you can use an update callback on the Transform 
node. The
update callback can check the current time and alter the transform.

  Also, look at the osganimate example.

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] Node::Description into ageneralized propertymechanism?

2010-01-04 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 12/31/2009 4:22 AM, Ulrich Hertlein wrote:
 Hi guys,
 I have coded up a proposal for a general-purpose property system for 
 osg::Object and would
 like to present it for comments and discussion.

  I'd like to take another day or so to digest this, as I'm very interested in 
it. Are you
planning on implementing this yourself, or are you writing it in hopes someone 
else will
code it?

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] Node::Description into ageneralized propertymechanism?

2010-01-05 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
  Ok, I've read it all through now, and it looks very good. I agree with both 
Bryan's and
Robert's suggestions. I look forward to being able to use this soon, it will be 
VERY helpful.

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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[osg-users] social organization of the open source R project

2010-01-06 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
Reposted from the GDAL mailing list, because i thought it would be of interest 
here too.

See page 5, Aspects of the Social Organization and Trajectory of the
R Project.

In particular I found this interesting:

Many open-source projects, such as the Linux operating system, have
strongly hierarchical structures, and some, such as Perl, revolve
around a central individual. . . . Although I haven’t formally
surveyed the many existing open source projects, the R Project is
apparently unusual in its flat formal organization of independent
volunteers. This structure has attracted a remarkably talented and
competent group of individuals, but, as I will argue later in this
aper, it poses challenges for moving the R Project forward.

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] New 3DS reader/writer is ready to test

2010-01-06 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
Robert Osfield wrote:
 Most plugins are OSGPL, but some are GPL and some are LGPL.  The 3ds
 plugin has always been based on LGPL code, and the new rev hasn't
 changed this.
 If you want to use LGPL plugins you have to use dynamic linking.
 This comes as a surprise.
 In the src/osgPlugins/3ds directory there is a README that explains
 the LGPL license, this README has been in place since the inception of
 this plugin, nearly a decade now.  So the matter of fact is that I'm
 not disclosing any new information that hasn't been avaiexlable to
 everybody since the very earliest days of the OSG project.
 Now one could try and formalize the licensing of plugins, perhaps even
 make it possible in CMake to select the license and prevent
 compilation of the components that don't fit with that license.  I'm
 not a Cmake guru so can't point to an clean and easy way to do this
 right out the way, I'm open to suggest though.

  It might suffice to simply elevate a listing of plugin licenses (and the 
against static linking LGPL plugins) to a top-level document like our own 

  There could also be a community project to enumerate the LGPL plugins and 
seek out their
projects to request a specific LGPL static link exemption, such as many 
projects have
already done:

  Also from that page: It is also interesting to note, however, that while the 
text of
the GPL and LGPL assert that linking with the library creates a derived work, 
some legal
experts believe that linking creates a compilation, in the copyright sense, and 
not a
derived work. Depending on interpretation, this might render the LGPL static 
link issue moot.

  I personally (IANAL) believe that it probably does produce a compilation 
rather than a
derived work. Basically, my take 
is that to
be derivative, it must transformatively modify the original, which obviously 
does not. It merely includes it unmodified.

  However, I believe the FSF's original intention was COUNTER to this 
interpretation, and
they explicitly claim LGPL static linked works are derivative works. I 
understand FSF's
motivation -- they want to keep software modularized so that the LGPL portion 
of the
library can be seamlessly upgraded by the end user, preserving the freedom to 
problems. However, I also acknowledge that except for extremely minor fixes, 
technique is hardly ever feasible with modern code due to function signature 
changes and
base class data alterations. It might have worked fine on Linux, with C-only 
code or with
extremely simple fixes with no new functionality, but in the Real World, C++, 
Windows, OSX
and major fixes or functional improvements make this eseentially a pipe dream.


  If you screwed up and statically linked LGPL code in a plugin, you might be 
against FSF's wishes, and you might or might not be legally infringing the 
holder of the original plugin code. However, it might still be possible to get 
LGPL-static exemption from the original copyright holders, which seems like a 
endeavour, given OSG's goals to be open source, yet freely usable commercially 

  Discussion? Anyone want to step forward to do a non-technical project of 
summarizing the
license and maybe approaching 3rd party contributors about an exemption?


Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] cannot load PNG image

2010-01-07 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 1/7/2010 7:07 AM, Robert Osfield wrote:
 A better thing to look at next is whether the plugin is loading for
 this you can enable verbose debugging to see whether the plugin has
 been located and loaded.  In a terminal type:
   runmyapp mymodel.osg
 Then look at the console output, in particular look for notifications
 about plugin loading.

  Ignore any other advice, and do this before you do anything else. OSG has 
error reporting if you set NOTIFY_LEVEL to DEBUG. It will usually tell you 
exactly what's
going on. If you still can't figure out what it going wrong, use or 
to put up a copy of the DEBUG output for us to look at. (Don't attach it to 
your e-mail,
sometimes that can mess up formatting).

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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[osg-users] Why you should use OpenGL and not DirectX

2010-01-08 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson

  A very interesting write-up.

  OpenGL needs some championing again, and I'm not sure where it would come 

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] FLT map fly action

2010-01-08 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 1/8/2010 10:36 AM, Behlul Haznedar wrote:
 I am new in open scene graph. First of all I am loading a .flt file on 
 screen. Then I need to move on that image using arrow keys as flying on it. 
 Could you help me please.

  I think there might be a Doom manipulator around, and I think basic osgViewer 
might have
some movement keys already.

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] FLT map fly action

2010-01-09 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 1/8/2010 11:58 PM, Behlul Haznedar wrote:
 osgViewer does not support for turn right and left in the screen and only ESC 
 key functions other keys does not function.

  Look into the various manipulators discussed here in early 2009:

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] curl plugin, ProxyNode, and non-existing remote files

2010-01-13 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 1/13/2010 3:24 AM, Magnus Kessler wrote:
 Loading remote osg files from a web server generally works very well when the 
 curl plugin has been compiled into OpenSceneGraph. However, if an osg file 
 contains a ProxyNode that points to a missing remote file (404) this leads to 
 storm of requests (once per frame!) for the non-existing resource. This only 
 seems to happen with ProxyNodes. Trying to access a missing top-level osg 
 fails as expected after the 404 response.
 Is there any setting in either the curl plugin or in ProxyNode that would 
 this behaviour?

  Not that I'm aware of right now.

  What would you propose for a solution?

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] curl plugin, ProxyNode, and non-existing remote files

2010-01-13 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 1/13/2010 10:26 AM, Magnus Kessler wrote:
 That's what I suspected. Do I understand you correctly, though, that for 
 ProxyNode once a child has been loaded it is considered final and no further 
 attempts at loading will be done?


Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] [vpb] Geocentric Database, how to flattening area or cut out piece

2010-01-14 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 1/14/2010 1:43 AM, Luc Claustres wrote:
 Is it possible to flatten the geocentric database at specific coordiantes, 
 or cut out speciffic areas, so the gap can be refilled with a completely 
 flat area?
 Maybe you could also directly alter your input data with the GDAL rasterizer 
 tool :

  I recently helped add support for GDAL rasterizing to the Z elevation of a 
polyline and
polygon to the underlying GDAL rasterize code. I'm not sure this new 
functionality is
accessible through the GDAL rasterize utility program yet, but this API is what 
my terrain
deformation library uses internally.

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] [vpb] Geocentric Database, how to flattening area or cut out piece

2010-01-14 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 1/14/2010 10:16 AM, Torben Dannhauer wrote:
 is it possible to specifiy my polygon outline position and elevation, and 
 GDAL rasterize code will interpolate correctly that this area is really 

  I'm not really sure what you're asking.

 or does it lift up/sink sown all coordinates inside the polygon to the 
 specified value?

  This is what it does. You specify the BURN_VALUE_FROM_Z option and it no 
longer uses a
constant value for a fill, rather it uses the Z value from the 
polyline/polygon. In the
case of the polygon, it uses the value from the first vertex since interpolating
non-constant values across a polygon interior is computationally messy. In the 
case of a
polyline, it can use varying Z values from each vertex, interpolated linearly.

  It doesn't do any blending into the surrounding areas. That's the higher-level
functionality that my library adds.

 How can I access the new API if now available via rasterize?

  Look at the GDAL rasterize API in the latest GDAL subversion checkout. I 
think GDAL 1.7
will have the new feature once it's released publicly.

 Thank you,

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] [vpb] Geocentric Database, how to flattening area or cut out piece

2010-01-14 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 1/14/2010 12:52 PM, Luc Claustres wrote:
 It doesn't do any blending into the surrounding areas. That's the 
 functionality that my library adds.
 Something simple I tested and which helps producing a smooth blend is to 
 upsample the elevation, rasterize your polygon, then downsample back to the 
 original resolution.
 It is easy with the GDAL tools or API.

  Not a bad idea. I needed a configurable blend curve, so your trick 
(effectively a linear
blend) wouldn't work for me, but good suggestion.

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] [build] How do I compile an OSG app, so that it can be run without the OSG installed?

2010-01-14 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 1/14/2010 6:03 PM, Agos Silva wrote:
 How do I compile an OSG app, so that it can be run, on another computer,
 without the OSG installed (dlls and libs)?

  Static linking. It's an option in CMake now, if I recall. I think there are 
instructions on the OSG web site too, because plugins have special requirements 
for static

  Beware, some plugins have LGPL code and therefore have license problems if 
you staticlly
link them in non-(L)GPL code.

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] [build] How do I compile an OSG app, so that it can be run without the OSG installed?

2010-01-15 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 1/15/2010 9:45 AM, Agos Silva wrote:
 I'm using Visual Studio 2008, not CMake

  Yes, but the current OSG uses CMake as a makefile-builder that creates the 
VC++ 2008
solution files. What version of OSG are you compiling with?

 But meanwhile, I searched the OSG Forum, as you suggested and I think I
 found the answer at this thread:

  Well, sort of.

  I wrote some info about this a long time ago:

  But it's out of date in that it doesn't talk about the CMake capabilities to 
help you
set up static linking.

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] [build] How do I compile an OSG app, so that it can be run without the OSG installed?

2010-01-15 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 1/15/2010 10:42 AM, Agos Silva wrote:
 But after checking that other thread, I realized that I had to set that
 flag (OSG_LIBRARY_STATIC) to true in CMake, and recompile the whole
 *library* again, not just my app. Sad

  You are correct. The whole OSG library system needs to be built to support 
static linking.

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] altering terrain texture...

2010-01-25 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 1/25/2010 12:23 PM, Tueller, Shayne R Civ USAF AFMC 519 SMXS/MXDEC wrote:
 Is there a way of programmatically altering texture state such as
 filtering on a chunk of terrain built with VPB?
 Everything I’ve tried thus far has not worked…

  Should be -- there's nothing magic about VPB databases. What are you trying 
to do and
how are you doing it?

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] PagedLod do not release memory with own viewer

2010-01-27 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 1/27/2010 7:38 AM, Vincent Bourdier wrote:
 Hi everybody,
 I just ran some tests and I saw that a pagedLod - based ive file have
 different memory usage behaviors according to the viewer :
 OsgViewer loads the file, use more memory when the camera goes near the
 model, and release memory when the camera goes far.
 My own viewer (Composite viewer using one view) do not release the
 memory going far from the model ...
 Are there any parameters or settings to manage that ?

  Usually this is a result of your viewer code lacking some important code.

  Is your viewer source copied from current OSG examples?


Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] Looking for professional OSG consultant

2010-01-28 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 1/27/2010 8:49 PM, Neil Clayton wrote:
 I'm looking for someone doing professional consulting in OSG.  Particularly 
 useful would be someone with experience in manipulators, and video.  
 Manipulator experience is of more relevance to me right now.

  I'd offer myself, but I don't presently have any special experience with 
(though I've messed with them in the past) or video (playback on OSG I assume).

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] Small GeoTIF or DEM Terrain Options

2010-01-28 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 1/27/2010 5:36 PM, Chris Innanen wrote:
 Hello, new OSG user here.
 I'm currently using osgEarth to display a small patch of terrain (from a 
 GeoTIF file) with elevation data in a Windows MFC application with a strong 
 focus on underwater views.

  You can always use VirtualPlanetBuilder (it simplifies some things, at the 
cost of
features). But, I doubt osgEarth is the actual cause of your problems. It 
sounds like your
data is.

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] website down?

2010-01-29 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 1/29/2010 6:09 AM, Raymond de Vries wrote:
 Hi everyone,
 Fyi: I just noticed that is down...

  Confirmed from the US.


Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] website down?

2010-01-29 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 1/29/2010 6:09 AM, Raymond de Vries wrote:
 Hi everyone,
 Fyi: I just noticed that is down...

  Actualy, I take it back. It did load eventually, just VERY slow.

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] Trouble Accessing Open Scene Graph Website/ Tutorial

2010-01-30 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 1/30/2010 2:39 AM, John Galt wrote:

  Nice nickname, but for purposes of discussion in this community, it is 
recommended that
people use their real names.

 The website doesn't seem to load. Is it just my system or does that seem to 
 be the case for everyone?

  It's very slow right now. I've cc'ed the webmaster/sysadmin fellow.

 Also when I go to the tutorial page and try to download the file it redirects me to Joe Sullivan's homepage! Does 
 anyone know what's going on? 

  Joe Sullivan's web site is where the tutorials are/were hosted. Perhaps a 
link has moved
and his site is just taking you to the homepage.

 Also, is it possible to run open scene graph on Visual Studio 2008 or do i 
 have to run it in previous versions?

  It works fine in VC++ 2008.

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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[osg-users] Updating the Static Link page

2010-02-02 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
  Would someone who has built OSG for static linking recently please consider 
updating the
Static Link Page here:

  With current information. I can tell it's quite out of date, but I haven't 
needed to do
the process in quite a while, so I'm not in a position to update it.

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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[osg-users] OpenThreads Wiki page

2010-02-02 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
I have updated the OpenThreads Wiki page on the OSG site and on Wikipedia, 
since when I
went there looking for Mutex info, I found them totally out of date.

  If anyone wants to contribute more info or links to these pages, it would be 

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] Failing to build on ARM EABI

2010-02-02 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 2/2/2010 1:48 PM, Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo wrote:
 We've uploaded 2.8.2 to Debian after a long delay packaging it, and it fails 
 build on MIPS (ICE, already reported to GNU GCC folk), and so-called ARMEL 
 architecture (ARM EABI) supported by Debian, with GCC v4.4.2:
 However in past September, 2.8.1 and GCC 4.3.3 managed to compile it 
 Probably not many people will use OSG on this architecture, but Debian plans 
 phase out the current ARM architecture, and it would be a pity for this 
 port to lose a package which was already working, and for OSG to lose a 
 Do you know something about it?  Would you think that it's a problem of OSG, 
 compiler, the linker...?

  I know nothing about ARM, but...

  At a glance it looks like a build/link issue with OpenThreads, the 
lightweight thread
wrapper that OSG uses to hide the Win32 threads or pthreads API:


  The link errors suggest that some ARM-related low-level (almost looks like 
source file was compiled and linked in twice. Maybe the CMakefile is incorrect 
for an ARM


Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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[osg-users] OSGViewer 'o' save scene key removed?

2010-02-02 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson

  While debugging something, I noticed that the listed 'o' keyboard 
Write scene graph to saved_model.osg

  doesn't seem to be in the code currently.

  I thought I recalled this working once upon a time. Is it intentionally 
missing and the
documentation should be revised, or should the option be put back? I can only 
find mention
of saved_model.osg in the source to the osgkeyboardmouse and 
osgocclusionquery examples.

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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[osg-users] Nightly Windows builds?

2010-02-02 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
  Is anyone out there doing automated nightly builds on Windows?

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] Loading a sequence of images, volume render it, and interact or manipulate it using OSG

2010-02-02 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 2/2/2010 4:51 PM, Simon Su wrote:
 We have a project where we need to load a sequence of images (jpeg,
 tiff, png, etc ) and do a volume rendering on the images. And hopefully
 maybe interact with the volume rendering. What will be the best approach
 (classes to use) to do something like this with OSG? Is there also a way
 to convert certain feature in the volume rendered data into an isosurface?

  I think there's an osgVolume project.

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] Nightly Windows builds?

2010-02-02 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 2/2/2010 7:19 PM, Jean-Sébastien Guay wrote:
 On my home machine I do nightly builds too but I don't submit build
 reports to CDash. I figure it's the same OS and compiler, so one is enough.
 One thing I don't do is distribute the build products. I don't have any
 interest in supporting these, plus OSG is pretty easy to build yourself
 these days (as opposed to a few years ago when building it on Windows
 was really painful).
 And apart from reporting build results which I hope can help Robert spot
 build issues on platforms he doesn't use himself (and a problem spotted
 early is often easier to fix), I mainly do nightly builds out of
 personal convenience. I like the idea of having the latest and greatest
 OSG version compiled and ready to go when I get to work in the morning
 (or when I get home at night for personal projects). :-)

  I've been thinking about starting an automated build on one of my idle 
virtual machines
if there would be any point to it. I usually have local modifications to my 
development machine's SVN and having a build of the fresh SVN head would be 
Especially if I had it configured to build all of the options that I don't 
always build
with myself, and built SVN-HEAD VPB and such.

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] FBX Skeletal Animation

2010-02-02 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 2/2/2010 4:54 AM, Sukender wrote:
 Hi Julian,
 AFAIK, Michael is currently updating FBX for osgAnimation recent changes. 
 Please wait a bit, I guess it'll be fixed soon...

  Current FBX plugin in SVN HEAD doesn't seem to compile.

Need to remove include of a missing header:
#include osgAnimation/UpdateCallback

and then:
1.\fbxRNode.cpp(335) : error C2039: 'setBindMatrixInBoneSpace' : is not a 
member of
1.\fbxRNode.cpp(367) : error C2039: 'UpdateTransform' : is not a member of 

  I don't know enough of the FBX and osgAnimation internals to try to fix this. 
If anyone
wants to advise, I can try.

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] FBX Skeletal Animation

2010-02-03 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 2/3/2010 5:58 AM, Cedric Pinson wrote:
 Yes the fbx is broken due to the new version of osgAnimation, i cant
 compile this plugin because i am not on windows. I suggest to disable
 the animation as a quick fix in the fbx while Michael update to the new

  Is there anything I can do to help with this? My interest is in the Animation
capabilities of FBX, of course. I can work with either you or Michael if it 
helps at all.


Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] Nightly Windows builds?

2010-02-03 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
  Do you guys have any special tips on setting up a nightly build environment? 
Or just --
go at it and see what happens.

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] Nightly Windows builds?

2010-02-03 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 2/3/2010 8:52 AM, Jean-Sébastien Guay wrote:
 Hope this helps,

  Thanks! I might try to set this up in the next few weeks sometime.


Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] Nightly Windows builds?

2010-02-03 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 2/3/2010 11:19 AM, Paul Martz wrote:
 Hi Chris -- I just set up a nightly OSG build (Vista/VS9) for the GL3
 configuration. It wasn't difficult. Skype me if you run into any issues.

  Ok, thanks! I am still trying to decide which machine to have to the work. ;)


Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] Lets slowly update extension gl symbols to latest OpenGL specification with each submission.

2010-02-05 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
 Good topic, Paul.

On 2/5/2010 9:02 AM, Paul Martz wrote:
 There's the topic of centralization. I've proposed moving all OpenGL
 function pointers an related initialization into a single class. Among
 other reasons, this would make it easier for future developers to ensure
 that they're implementing feature query and initialization consistent
 with OSG's best practice. But Robert has expressed disagreement with
 this approach (again, see the thread OpenGL capture/logging in OSG).
 So for now, any type of new system we implement for feature querying and
 initialization will need to be cut and pasted across several source files.

  I would be in support of _some_ centralization. I feel like maybe we could 
put generic
support code for this system in one place, and somehow call it from wherever it 
needed. Could we somehow come up with a template that did the dirty work for 
us, and just
employ the template in a distributed fashion? A basic template could do 
everything most
situation would need, and maybe a more advanced and customizable template with 
some sort
of callback or functor could be employed in situations that needed to go beyond 
the simple

 Finally, another thing to consider is replacing our existing feature
 query infrastructure with something like GLEW. GLEW is lightweight,
 easily extensible, and already handles much of what we need for GL
 feature support. But we have discussed this in the past, and if I
 remember correctly Robert was opposed to GLEW on the grounds of the new
 third party dependency it would require.

  I'm not wholly opposed to GLEW.

  I agree about more dependencies, but I also dislike re-inventing the wheel. I 
know GLEW
is attaining popular support, and the new OpenGL SuperBible uses it extensively 
joke!). So, it's not something that's a relative unknown.

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] Lets slowly update extension gl symbols to latest OpenGL specification with each submission.

2010-02-05 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 2/5/2010 11:16 AM, Robert Osfield wrote:
 For sure we can do better than what we currently do in an adhoc way,
 but it absolutely has to do the job better than the likes of GLEW, it
 *has* to decentralized, it *has* to support multiple graphics
 contexts, it *has* to extensible.  For all the flaws of the current
 extension support in the OSG it does at least do all of these and has
 proven workable for a decade now.  The attraction of GLEW and similar
 libs is pretty skin deep.

  Maybe then, we should start writing down the actual requirements of what we 
need, and
when that looks solid we can figure out how to achieve all of them.


Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] Displaying elevation values while navigating terrain elevation files

2010-02-06 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 2/6/2010 12:34 AM, Phanindra Talabathula wrote:
 Could someone give me pointers on how to display the latitude, longitude and 
 elevation values as the user tries to navigate a terrain elevation file 
 (flying thro' the elevation file is possible by using osgviewer after 
 creating a db file using osgdem)
 This facility would be something similar to what VTP does in Enviro.

  Did you build the terrain database with --geocentric?


Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] Displaying elevation values while navigating terrain elevation files

2010-02-07 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 2/6/2010 11:33 PM, Phanindra Talabathula wrote:
 Hi Chris,
 Is it also possible to display latitude, longitude along with elevation 
 values as the user tries to navigate/fly thro' the terrain elevation file in 

  It isn't in the basic osgViewer. in the past I've hacked osgviewer's stats 
display to
have those coordinates displayed, but I don't know if I have that code handy 
right now.


Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] Is OSG the right choice for this type application?

2010-02-09 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 2/8/2010 10:39 PM, Ehsan Azar wrote:
 I want to design a software that draws 2D (X vs Y) and maybe 3D (X,Y vs Z) 
 plots in realtime from incoming data over network. 
 The graphs should be superimposed on a realtime video also streamed over 
 network in realtime.
 I am planning to use QT along with some open libraries to capture live video 
 stream and decode it, then I would like to show the video and also 2D/3D 
 graphs. I was trilled to find OSG has a QT port!
 I need the graphic framework to be as fast as possible because it is HD video 
 and the data rate for 2D plots is also high! 
 Please share your experience regarding starting a project around OSG

  Well, OSG can probably handle the fast part, but the graphing part will leave 
you kind
of on your own.

  Depending on how much data rate you're jamming into the graph, it might be 
easier to use
something like GNUplot:

  It has all your graphing capabilities. I am unsure of the performance of it. 
If need be,
you might have to try coupling the GNUplot graphing front end with an OSG 
graphics backend
to actually put the graphs onscreen rapidly (especially in 3D).

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] Is OSG the right choice for this type application?

2010-02-09 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 2/9/2010 10:13 AM, Ehsan Azar wrote:
 Thanks for the suggestion, I think I can handle simple 2D/3D plots but 
 GNUplot looks very nice too so I will do some tests for OSG+GNUplot and if it 
 is fast enough I definitely go for that because of all extra capabilities 
 that it offers!

  Well, remember, I don't think GNUplot or OSG specifically know anything about 
other. Interfacing them would be something you'd have to pursue if you needed 
graph sophistication and OSG's 3D backend.

  Also, you mentioned interfacing VLC and OSG in your previous reply, but 
didn't really
elaborate on what VLC is. I know of one VLC, but perhaps you should explain 
what VLC
you're referring to and why you'd expect OSG and VLC to already be interfaced?

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] 2D rendering priority...

2010-02-09 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 2/9/2010 5:18 PM, Tueller, Shayne R Civ USAF AFMC 519 SMXS/MXDEC wrote:
 Thanks for the reply. We can have up to 57 levels of priority where each
 level could have 100-200 simple geometries (i.e. circles, squares, simple
 line primitives, etc.). It's very rare that all levels are on simultaneously
 but those that are on, need to stack in priority relative to every other
 level/group that is on. Realistically, we'll have around 10-15 levels being
 rendered at the same time. Hopefully this quantity/complexity won't present
 a problem.
 I really didn't have any reservations per se about using the RenderBin and
 NodeMask mechanisms. I suspected that I needed to use them but I wanted to
 ping the group just to make sure I was on the right track. When using OSG,
 it's always good to have a reality check before proceeding...:)

  Why wouldn't you use Z write/test on, Z translation and switch nodes to 
control all
that? You could have a near-limitless (well, within Z precision) number of 


Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] osgDB::writeImageFile() jpg vs png

2010-02-09 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 2/9/2010 5:35 PM, Jim Brooks wrote:
 Trying to save an osg::Image as a .jpg file malfunctions.
 Either false is returned or .jpg file has weird colors.
 But .png format works ok.

  Is it an odd bit depth?

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] Is OSG the right choice for this type application?

2010-02-10 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 2/10/2010 10:00 AM, Ehsan Azar wrote:
 Yes by VLC I meant VLC media player. Right now you can select your Output 
 module in VLC to be DirectX, OpenGL or Scene filter for example. So I 
 thought that OSG seems to be a good choice as well.
 One scenario to interface VLC with OSG is having OSG as an Output module.
 If there was such an option I could do a quick test on playing HD video in 
 VLC, and maybe by writing a specialized input stream superimpose/mix some 
 2D/3D graph on top of the video :) 
 This would be very useful for people who like mixing as well as virtual 
 You could be able to replay a stream of 3D objects along with a video inside 

  I think this could definitely be done, but it would be non-trivial. You'd 
need to get
into the guts of the VLC output module and cross-breed it with OSG's ffmpeg 
structure. It's an interesting application, and I'd be willing to work on such 
a project
if you're looking for contract coders to do so. It sounds like you have an 
aggressive and
ambitious program.


Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] osgDB::writeImageFile() jpg vs png

2010-02-11 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 2/11/2010 10:12 AM, Don Leich wrote:
 Hi Jim,
 I've been bit by this one.  It seems that osgDB::writeImageFile does not
 correctly support images with pixelFormat = GL_RGBA for JPEG files.
 I think you'll find that changing to GL_RGB will get you a good file.

  It might be good to put a warning/error or something in there to alert people 
when they
get bit by this.

 -Don Leich

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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[osg-users] Lego Augmented Reality

2010-02-13 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson

  This smells like OSG. Anyone know who did it or how it was done?

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] Lego Augmented Reality

2010-02-15 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 2/15/2010 9:08 AM, Jason Daly wrote:
 Very cool.  I'm wondering how they're doing the tracking (I don't see
 any fiducials or anything).

  I wondered that too. They are obviously recognizing the boxcover image 
somehow too, so
they must be running against a database of potential boxcover images and then 
using THAT
at the fiducial rectangle.

  Rather nice work. Gonna have to go visit my local Lego store and see if THEY 
have it.


Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] PagedLOD usage??

2010-02-16 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 2/16/2010 8:35 AM, Adrian Lindberg wrote:
 I can't seem to get a hang of this. Still new to OSG.
 So what I gather I shouldn't use addChild but simply setup setFileName() and 
 setRange()? Then the PagedLOD will take care of the rest?

  Yes. Make sure the file for the child exists on disk, then fill the names and 

 Also, what do I need to setup for the DatabasePager that isn't supplied by 
 osgViewer? If I sub-class which parts do I want to replace?

  I think basic osgViewer has all the magic you need. But if you go rolling 
your own
viewer, you need to make sure to replicate what it does.

 Is there any tutorial for this? The PagedLOD example doesn't do any of it 
 with a viewer but simply preps the data.

  The PagedLOD example is not a great learning tool, it is for converting an 
database to PagedLOD. Which, now that I think of it, might be useful for you.

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Performance drop with PagedLOD

2010-02-17 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 2/17/2010 7:09 AM, Adrian Lindberg wrote:
 More questions regarding the PagedLOD. Using simply a LOD gives me great 
 performance (as expected), however as soon as I use PagedLOD frame rate drops 
 significantly (from 100+ fps to like 10-15 fps).
 Using the DEBUG_INFO I get nothing strange and I also tried to use 
 setDoPreCompile but performance is still crazy bad. I'm using the developer 
 branch (2.9.6 I believe) so is this a bug which has found its way in or is 
 there something I'm missing?

  Do you have an extremely large number of PagedLOD nodes in the scenegraph at 
one time?


Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] Please test svn/trunk for OpenThread/OpenSceneGraph

2010-02-20 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 2/19/2010 3:16 PM, Torben Dannhauer wrote:
 Hi Robert,
 compiling under Vista32, VS2005 SP1 works.

  Same here, Vista64, VS2005sp1.

 But I get some warnings, e.g. 
 - CullSettings.cpp Line 31: Warnung osg::CullSettings::VariablesMask in 
 unsigned int, signed/unsigned-Konflikt.   

Same here.

1.\CullSettings.cpp(31) : warning C4245: '=' : conversion from
'osg::CullSettings::VariablesMask' to 'unsigned int', signed/unsigned mismatch

 - graph_array.h line 106: 
 'triangle_stripper::detail::graph_arraynodetype::node': Assignmentoperator 
 could not be generated
 - policy.h line 41: 'triangle_stripper::detail::policy': Assignmentoperator 
 could not be generated

  I did not incur these warnings. I haven't followed if they have already been 

Other warnings here:

70C:\Data\OSGDev\OpenSceneGraph-SVN-HEAD\include\osgDB/Serializer(533) : 
warning C4121:
'osgDB::ObjectSerializerC,P' : alignment of a member was sensitive to packing
70.\NodeTrackerCallback.cpp(14) : see reference to class template 
'osgDB::ObjectSerializerC,P' being compiled
70C:\Data\OSGDev\OpenSceneGraph-SVN-HEAD\include\osgDB/Serializer(534) : 
warning C4121:
'osgDB::ObjectSerializerC,P' : alignment of a member was sensitive to packing
70C:\Data\OSGDev\OpenSceneGraph-SVN-HEAD\include\osgDB/Serializer(533) : 
warning C4121:
'osgDB::ObjectSerializerC,P' : alignment of a member was sensitive to packing
70.\NodeCallback.cpp(14) : see reference to class template 
'osgDB::ObjectSerializerC,P' being compiled
70C:\Data\OSGDev\OpenSceneGraph-SVN-HEAD\include\osgDB/Serializer(534) : 
warning C4121:
'osgDB::ObjectSerializerC,P' : alignment of a member was sensitive to packing

  I can test any specific examples you feel need testing at this point, but I 
don't think
I'll have time to run through all of them.

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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There is no Truth. There is only Perception. To Perceive is to Exist. - Xen
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Improving the OpenSceneGraph project efficiency and balance

2010-02-22 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 2/22/2010 11:36 AM, Torben Dannhauer wrote:
 What is the issue with the server and repository?
 Can anyone estimte the monthly traffic and the required harddrive space?
 Depending of this values, I'll can see if I can offer a solution for free. 

  I too, could probably offer something, but I know moving is a large task, and 
something Robert may be keen on doing right now. I'd be happy to help deal with 
issues on
the existing server, but I gather they are somewhat out of our (and Jose 
Luis's) control.


Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Loading Models from byte array

2010-02-22 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 2/21/2010 3:33 AM, Oleg Shistik wrote:
 I am new QSG user. I am trying to load the model from externally created 
 buffer. I have the .IVE file loaded int .NET byte [] buffer. I can easy 
 convert it into unmanaged, C type array (void*). I attempted to create 
 std::string with my data inside and passed it to the ReaderWriter readNode 
 method. Unfortunately that did not work. I am getting invalid osg::Node.

  Ok. You don't really say WHY you're trying to do it this way -- often what 
you regard as
a problem is just not doing it the intended way. Maybe if you told us the 
goal, we could
suggest an easy way to get there that doesn't even involve the technique (and 
you're currently faced with.

 Maybe anybody knows if it is the right direction or I should look for another 
 way to load model from byte array.

  I don't think ReadNode can read from a byte array. I think it wants something 
that looks
like a filestream. If you're familiar with C++, I think you could use the 
classes to create somethign that looks and behaves like a file/stream from your 
array, and possibly pass that to ReadNode. I'd have to go look at the readnode 
to see if this is possible.

 Any help is very appreciated.
 Thank you!

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Improving the OpenSceneGraph project efficiency and balance

2010-02-22 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 2/22/2010 1:55 PM, Robert Osfield wrote:
 _Is another version control system the way to go for more distributed
 I do think that the type of version control system is secondary to the
 importance to having individual or small groups of developers taking
 responsibility for specific parts of OSG code base.  We could possible
 break up into small working groups, with each group taking
 responsibility for a family of components of the OSG - such as a plugin
 working group, an examples working group, a serializers working group
 etc.  These working groups might have individuals within them
 concentrate on particular components such as the OpenFlight or 3DS
 plugin etc.

  I think this is worthwhile, and I agree that there is little that is 
fundamentally wrong
with SVN.

  I have said before that I think it would be nice if code submissions could be 
made via
SVN somehow, maybe to a 'scratch' or 'working' tree, and from there, migrated 
to the real
codebase by approval, or reverted. I don't know if SVN really facilitates this, 
or if
something else might, but (despite the existence of the osg-submissions list, 
which you
may recall, was one of my suggestions) I think the submissions process could be 
improved a
lot AND make your life easier. Really. No more diffs, weird e-mail attachment 
etc. Changes would have to be against current versions of the source.

  I know you don't like issues trackers/queues, but I think you're in the 
minority there.
Many people I know would like to be able to record bugs for which fixes aren't 
available, or requests that can't be currently satisfied. As well, being able 
to follow
the lifespan of an issue is nice, and having all submissions in one place along 
with their
respective problems and supporting data is also effective. Virtually every 
large project I
work on uses this process pretty successfully and would fall apart without it. 
It also
gives non-core people an idea of what they might be able to work on to 

  GDAL seems to have a pretty good process on a lot of these techniques.

  Perhaps another role, that of issue maintainer(s) could help this out.

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] Improving the OpenSceneGraph project efficiency and balance

2010-02-22 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
  I have a reputation for being pleasantly blunt, and thick-skinned or carefree 
enough to
deal with the backlash of being so. You may recall that over the years I have 
made a
number of pointed observations that I feel have led to beneficial changes in 
the OSG
community. So, please read this without malice, as it is far from intending to 
convey any.
But it is e-mail, so I'm sure some emotions will be mis-perceived.

  I agree with much of what you say. I'd like to see list of tasks you think 
you'd like to
do without, and we can try to find community members who are willing and able 
to step up
and take charge of them. We've done this before, with some success. Even things 
you aren't
comfortable handing off should still be acknowledged as others may have ideas 
about how to
refactor the process to work better, if you're willing to consider them.

  However, as I have said before in years past, I will still stand by the idea 
that I
think you need to start letting a few others inside your core domain. I don't 
pretend to
be one of the ones I would recommend, but I know of several long-time community 
(some now departed from the project) who I would have nominated.

  Yes, it's more difficult in some ways. But the benefits of improved scaling 
over time
can be significant. In a previous round of this discussion, I used the analogy 
of Linux.
Where would Linux be if Linus has stayed the only core developer? Yes, you can 
find fault
with the analogy, but as time passes and projects grow, they will outgrow one 
person. At
that point, scaling can only be accomplished by distributed effort. Yes, you 
will have to
tell others more of what you are thinking and planning so all can feel out how 
the process
will work. The experience and ability of those community members to do these 
things will
never be sufficient if they are never allowed to take on the responsibility.

  If we need to acknowledge that certain classes of community work compete for 
your time
against your paid work, then we need to acknowledge that and deal with the 
Should we have some other revenue techniques to try to underwrite the efforts 
you put in
and make it less of a stress to choose between them? Many projects do find ways 
subsidize (some of) their maintainers' efforts.

  Here's something you won't like hearing, but I'm not afraid to say. I know a 
long list
of people who have clashed with your development mindset in the past. Some of 
what I feel
are the brightest minds of the OSG community are either gone from the community 
significantly reduced in participation after finding their contributions and 
ideas snubbed
by your opinions. Yes, you of anyone are entitled to have those opinions and 
they may be
backed by reasonable arguments. I myself have locked horns with you, and gone 
away to
reformulate my code to meet your requirements. And, in my case you were 
probably right, or
at least, not wrong. But I'll speak for a number of people who are afraid to 
speak openly
and stir the pot (or simply gone now and therefore apathetic) when I say, I 
feel that a
little more community involvement in decision-making would be appreciated by 

  I know that's going to sting, especially after the recent stresses. But, I 
won't pretend
that it is otherwise, since a well-intentioned white lie still can cause 
tremendous harm.
Don't shoot the messenger here.

  Now that I've laid that bombshell on the table, maybe some of those that I 
refer to will
feel more free to speak for themselves.

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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There is no Truth. There is only Perception. To Perceive is to Exist. - Xen
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Improving the OpenSceneGraph project efficiency and balance

2010-02-22 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 2/22/2010 7:00 PM, Nick Schultz wrote:
 Perhaps there should be an enforcement of better commenting standards on 
 submitted code.  This might reduce the load of questions being asked by the 
 community as they can understand the code better and increase the amount of 
 users who can answer them effectively.  Obviously the tricky part is how much 
 better is better and what is good enough? That can be another discussion. 
 Another question arises, how do we better comment/document the current code 
 base we have now?  Well that can be up to the community, you can let it be 
 known that OSG is currently looking to improve its documentation and users 
 who find themselves stepping through code to understand various sections, to 
 take the time (time they are already spending walking through and tracing 
 code) and add comments where needed (preferably the parts that confused 
 them).  I know for myself, when I was trying to learn some parts of the code, 
 thought that some parts could have been documented better.  The OSG 
 quickstart guide was very helpful in my understanding of OSG.  

  We have tried to conduct an OSG spelling/grammar commenting drive in the past 
with some
success. We can continue this.


Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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There is no Truth. There is only Perception. To Perceive is to Exist. - Xen
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Re: [osg-users] Improving the OpenSceneGraph project efficiency and balance

2010-02-22 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 2/22/2010 8:48 PM, Nick Schultz wrote:
 I wouldn't be too worried about the spelling/grammar, as long as it gets the 
 point across.

  Well, it does look a bit unprofessional.

 What I'm talking about are the areas that can be fairly complex without any 
 explaination at all.  

  I agree, however, finding a broad spectrum of people who both A) know what 
the code is
doing and B) have the time and motivation to comment it has been difficult.

  I tend to submit comment updates for code I'm working with, but turning that 
into a
widespread movement has been tough. I welcome anyone who wants to participate 

  Another place where we get a lot of feedback from new users is the 
aspect. but, as most people know, writing good learning materials is a lot of 
work, and
few contributors have the luxury of dedicating that much of their time to the 


Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
PixelSense Landsat processing now available!
There is no Truth. There is only Perception. To Perceive is to Exist. - Xen
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Committing to SVN problem

2010-02-23 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 2/23/2010 3:32 AM, Michael Platings wrote:
 If anyone has any idea how to resolve this I'd appreciate it. I'm using
 TortoiseSVN on Windows XP. When trying to add a file I get the following

  Do other SVN operations like Update and such work ok?

  I've had situation where if you have checked out a repo anonymously (without 
credentials) then it can be very hard to get Tortoise to switch that repo to a
fully-logged-in setup where you can do commits.

  Last time I had to, I needed to check out a whole new repo using the full 
credentials, copy my changes to that, and then checkin from that. Somewhere the 
repo was still storing (and trying to use) the anonymous credentials and thus 
was getting
Forbidden from doing a commit operation (even though it prompted me for 
username and

  I suspect you may be encountering the same thing. Try checking out a fresh 
copy of just
the FBX subfolder using the full credentials, and see if you can then checkin 
from THAT.

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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There is no Truth. There is only Perception. To Perceive is to Exist. - Xen
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Re: [osg-users] Improving the OpenSceneGraph project efficiency and balance

2010-02-23 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 2/23/2010 8:16 AM, Jean-Sébastien Guay wrote:
 reduce the amount of management we need to do. All we would need on the
 real would be a redirect to that wiki, and the
 files/downloads section (for releases and stuff).

  I am very hesitant about changing our wiki and VC hosting. While what we have 
is not
perfect, it works 99% of the time, and is mostly under our control. Changing to 
a new
platform involves MORE work, not less, and we don't really know the reliability 
performance of the new platform. This worries me greatly. We've had a lot of bad
situations before and what we have now, while imperfect, is still closer to 
perfect than
anything in the past, and I'd rather not risk going backwards.

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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Re: [osg-users] Improving the OpenSceneGraph project efficiency and balance

2010-02-23 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 2/23/2010 1:59 AM, Robert Osfield wrote:
 I know you don't like issues trackers/queues, but I think you're in
 the minority there.
 Some system really do make a big difference with productivity, some work
 against it, and some the cost/benefit ratio is pretty close to breaking
 even.  The ticketing/bug tracking isn't something that will make a big
 difference, at best the cost/benefit ratio will be close to breaking
 even if we get it right, if we get it wrong then the cost will exceed
 the benefit.

  I would counter that you personally don't need to use it if you don't like, 
obviously I think it would benefit from your participation. Maybe I'm wrong 
here, but I
thought I've seen a number of others mentioning that it would be useful for 

  How could the cost be excessive? Would you rather hunt through mailing list 
postings to
find all the messages relating to a previously-reported bug, and their 
attachments? Or
have a centralized record of everything pertaining to the issue? I know you 
prefer to fix bugs as they happen and not have to log them, but the reality 
remains that
some issues are not immediately fixable, and at the moment, I think a lot of 
them fall off
the edge of the universe if they are not preserved somehow.

 In terms of the overall OpenSceneGraph ecosystem the cost/benefits
 aren't evenly distributed.  If there are elements that are overloaded
 then these are the areas where we need to minimize the costs and
 maximize the benefits, while parts that aren't overloaded we can
 accommodate a little increase in cost w.r.t benefit and not have the
 overall system start to struggle.
 If there is any doubt that the new system is going increase me load on
 me than I'm not going to volunteer to go down this route, it's not good
 for me personally, and it wouldn't be good for the wider project as we
 can't suddenly throw a switch and not rely on me so much.

  I believe we could introduce a issue ticket tracker without cost to you.

  I'd be curious to hear input from other significant OSG developers about 
whether they
use an issue tracker in their work, if they find it effective and useful, and 
if they
believe it would be similarly useful to OSG.


Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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There is no Truth. There is only Perception. To Perceive is to Exist. - Xen
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Re: [osg-users] Improving the OpenSceneGraph project efficiency and balance

2010-02-23 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 2/23/2010 3:29 AM, Jose Luis Hidalgo wrote:
 problem... no, we can update Trac and possible as Chris suggested move
 on sqlite to a better database with better support.

  I see Trac has extensions to support Git or Mercurial if needed.

 My suggestion is:
- disable Trac's navigation and replace svn with git/mercurial
- meanwhile install a new wiki (mediawiki?)

  MediaWiki is nice, but I still think we can benefit from Trac's integration 
to the whole
system. Maybe I'm wrong.

 If I (not
 trusted) want to send a patch, and it is related to a part that
 controls J-S Guay or Chris, I will send them my patch, and they will
 review it, integrate it, and finally they will tell Robert to pull
 changes from them, after that, the patch will end up in the reference
 repository (Robert's).

  How much experience do you have with this process? It sounds good, but I'm 
wondering how it actually effects Robert's workload. Does the action of Robert 
pulling the
change from another branch really work easy/well? It sounds like that was the 
with SVN previously.

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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There is no Truth. There is only Perception. To Perceive is to Exist. - Xen
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Improving the OpenSceneGraph project efficiency and balance

2010-02-23 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 2/23/2010 2:42 AM, Robert Osfield wrote:
 There are of course some areas of the OSG that we are weak in,
 osgManipulator and osgIntrospection being two good examples of places
 where even I struggle.  Even though we a knowledge poor here I think we
 have to look for people who have the scratch it itch i.e. they need
 these modules for their daily work so even though they don't know too
 much about it have some motivation for getting up to speed and making
 sure they work well long term.

  And conversely if there aren't such people, it would suggest these modules 
may need to
be deprecated or removed.


Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
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There is no Truth. There is only Perception. To Perceive is to Exist. - Xen
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Re: [osg-users] Improving the OpenSceneGraph project efficiency and balance

2010-02-23 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 2/23/2010 4:15 AM, Philip Lowman wrote:
 On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 4:32 AM, Tim Moore wrote:
 Is there a critical mass of power users willing to use an experimental tree?
 I'm not sure. Even if not, automated testing of the examples would help
 verify any OSG tree.
 How would you go about setting up automatic testing of the examples?
 What could you test here and how would you do it?

  I have a spare workstation machine running XP that could be dedicated to the 
task. It
doesn't have the most modern graphics card, but it can run all the main OSG 

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
PixelSense Landsat processing now available!
There is no Truth. There is only Perception. To Perceive is to Exist. - Xen
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