Re: [osg-users] OSG -- near future

2006-09-21 Thread Mathieu MARACHE
Hi Robert, OpenSceneGraphers,Me and my team are using OpenSceneGraph for over a year now. We recently travelled from home made  Makefile/scripts and VisualStudio projects (depending on platforms used) and solution to CMake for a very large multi-platform code base . What a change in our life ! Given the little experience that I have now I could step up and help in point 4 Streamlining of builds.
Mathieu.2006/9/20, Robert Osfield [EMAIL PROTECTED]:[...]
Next thing to fix is how easy it is to get the OSG compiled, installed and running. The sheer size of the project, and the numerous build options make it very powerful, but it does raise the barrier to entry. Could Cmake streamline it? Scripts for building?
[...] So to recamp things to fix and get done: 1) Documentation and book(s)
 2) Better viewer classes supporting multiple 3rd party windowing API's 3) Better 3rd party language support 4) Streamlining of builds

 5) Streamlining of API
No doubt there are other items that need to be added to the list, and priorities to be, so fire away. But remember that someone has to get on and do it, so if you add an item be prepared to roll your sleeves up and help get it done.
And on that note, please step forward those who'd like to pitch into various aspect of this work.I'll create a few new pages on the wiki to help documentation the tasks and who's available to make progress on the various items.
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Point sprite maximum size?

2006-09-21 Thread Chris Hanson

Brad Colbert wrote:

Hi Folks,
I've done a web search and but thought that this would be a better place
to ask.  Is there a maximum size to point sprites?  It's starting to
look something like 64x64.  Is this true?

Renaissance Sciences Corporation
O/M: 480 290-3997
F:   425 675-8044

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson aka Eric Hammil | eric at logrus
 I set the wheels in motion, turn up all the machines, activate the programs,
  and run behind the scenes. I set the clouds in motion, turn up light and 
  activate the window, and watch the world go 'round. -Prime Mover, Rush.
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Highland gathering

2006-09-21 Thread Robert Osfield
On 9/21/06, Don Burns [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Ahem... thanks for the plug on this page for training in
Vigina. I'll fix the spelling, but will need to be careful.
Oh my, oh my, what an error. Fruedian flip as this say :)Robert.
osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] libosgGA dependence in .osg plug-in on Linux

2006-09-21 Thread Paul Fotheringham

I've just written a small test app. using Qt and OSG
which simply loads up meshes in .osg files and
displays them in a QGLWidget.

Everything worked fine until I tried to remove all the
OSG libraries that I figured I didn't need. When I
removed libosgGA I could no longer load meshes and
when I put it back everything started working again.

Is libosgGA a requirement for libosgDB or the .osg


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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] libosgGA dependence in .osg plug-in on Linux

2006-09-21 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Paul,osgGA isn't a NodeKit (it doesn't extend the scene graph) so shouldn't be required as a dependency for any of the plugins.Reviewing the src/osgPlugin/osg GNUmakefile I see that it uses OSG_LIBS, and its definition in the Make/makedefs includes osgGA. The .osg plugin really shouldn't include this so I'll tweak the makefile and check it in to CVS.
Robert.On 9/21/06, Paul Fotheringham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi,I've just written a small test app. using Qt and OSGwhich simply loads up meshes in .osg files anddisplays them in a QGLWidget.Everything worked fine until I tried to remove all theOSG libraries that I figured I didn't need. When I
removed libosgGA I could no longer load meshes andwhen I put it back everything started working again.Is libosgGA a requirement for libosgDB or the .osgplug-in?Paul___
Try the all-new Yahoo! Mail. The New Version is radically easier to use – The Wall Street Journal
osg-users mailing listosg-users@openscenegraph.net
osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Problemer med smartboard og lyd ifb videokonferanse

2006-09-21 Thread John Ivar Haugland


Vi har problemer med USB forbindelsen til smartboard.

Når vi bruker smartboard, hender det rett som det er at USB forbindelsen  
faller ut, pennene slutter å fungere, for så å fungere igjen etter noen  
sekunder, men da ofte med feil funksjon (feks viskelær funksjon i stedet  
for tegnefunksjon). Det hender også at forbindelsen faller såpass ut at  
for å få den opp i gjen, må vi plugge fra usb i smartboard pc og så koble  
den til igjen.

Ellers er det et problem ved videokonferanse at lyden ikke kobles når  
videokonferanse velges fra preset menyen (enten foran eller bak). For å  
høre den andre parten, må vi etterpå velge lydkilde manuellt fra lyd  
menyen, det blir utrolig tungvindt og resulterer i frustrasjon hos  

Hva er status på de andre problemene ?

John Ivar Haugland
Department of Petroleum Engineering and Applied Geophysics
S.P. Andersens vei 15A
N-7491 Trondheim
osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Multiple primitives with different materials

2006-09-21 Thread Peter O
Hi,I would like to render a number of submeshes which all share the same vertex buffers etc. Initially I thought I could do this with a Geometry node using multiple primitives. However, each submesh might have a different material and it looks like a geometry can only have a single material regardless of the number of primitives. Is this correct and if so is there any way around it or do I just need a separate Geometry for each submesh?
Thanks in advance for any help,Pete.
osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] osgText Node(wchar_t type)

2006-09-21 Thread Xueliang Chai
 I have usedyour codes to update the sources of pluginIVE,now the text is showed correctly,Thanks. 
But it also has a bug.when reading the osgText Node form IVE file,I get double length of text(wchar_t type).so ifI compute theboundingbox of the osgText node, itbecomes larger than the original. 

osg-users mailing list

RE: [osg-users] Parallel-Split Shadow Map with osg [PSSM]

2006-09-21 Thread Anders Backman
Hi terry, about the PSSM demo...

The osg::View class, where does that come from? Old? New? Never seen it
Something from your own stew?


 Anders Backman   Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 HPC2N/VRlab  Phone:+46 (0)90-786 9936
 Umea university  Cellular: +46 (0)70-392 64 67
 S-901 87 UMEA SWEDEN Fax:  +46 90-786 6126

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Terry Welsh
 Sent: den 21 september 2006 04:33
 Subject: Re: [osg-users] Parallel-Split Shadow Map with osg [PSSM]
 Hi all,
 Sounds like a lot of people want PSSM, so here's another 
 contribution to the effort.  To 
 run this demo, you'll need a model of a big scene; I didn't 
 supply one.  I suggest a nice outdoor scene about 10,000 
 units in diameter.  You also need GLSL support.
 This implementation is fairly complete, but I would like any 
 opinions that you all have (or code to extend it).  I don't 
 know if this would make a better example program or nodekit.  
 The big problem I see with making a nodekit is that there are 
 just too many different ways to implement PSSM; I don't know 
 how you could make one nodekit that would satisfy everyone.
 The angle I took in writing the DirectionalParallelSplitShadowMaps
 class was to just produce high quality shadow maps, but not 
 to force people to render their scene any particular way.  
 The demo renders your scene in one stage with a shader, but 
 it would be interesting to see what happens if you split the 
 scene into slices and render each slice with a single shadow map.
 I also did not implement a split scheme like Adrian did.  It 
 seemed like everyone uses a different split scheme, and the 
 split scheme might need to be particular to the scene, so I 
 leave that up to the user of the 
 DirectionalParallelSplitShadowMaps class.
 The class lets you add your scene in pieces:  an opaque 
 piece, and a piece with transparency.  Then it applies a 
 different shader to each one for rendering the shadow maps.  
 It might be nice to apply a different shader to the opaque 
 and transparent rendering bins, so that the user doesn't need 
 to make this separation themselves.  I don't know if this is 
 possible yet, though.  On the other hand, no sorting is 
 necessary for rendering objects with alpha into a shadow map 
 because pieces of those objects either become completely 
 opaque or completely transparent in the shadow map.  So maybe 
 the rendering big idea isn't the best solution.
 The biggest thing missing in this demo is good LOD support.  
 I have been trading emails with Robert about implementing 
 good LOD support for shadows, but this effort isn't complete 
 yet.  So you might not see shadows cast by LODed nodes.
 Anyway, let me know what you all think.
 Terry Welsh - mogumbo 'at'  |
  Message: 12
  Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2006 18:53:04 +0100
  From: Robert Osfield [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Re: [osg-users] Parallel-Split Shadow Map with osg [PSSM]
  To: osg users
  Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
  On 9/20/06, Radu Mihai [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Here's how I think this could be handled:
   - SSM NodeKit - standard shadow map, using FBO and 
 GL_DEPTH textures 
   there's an point of interest being discussed  in the list about 
   doing a depth-only FBO render after the FBO version is 
 running well, 
   there can be some fall-back methods added
   - derive a PSSM NodeKit based on the previous one
   I think the approach here would be to have MultiTexturing 
 used in the SSM
   kit and use that capability in the PSSM kit to do the 
 texture management
   additionally there will be code to manage the creation of 
 the splits
   This kind of approach would allow me to combine job-related work 
   with OSG contributions :)
   If you're interested, and if you think this is a good way to 
   proceed, I'll post the code I have and we can go forward 
 from there.
  FYI, I should start work on an osgShadow library for the OSG quite 
  soon. The contract is for stencil volume shadows, so this will 
  probably be the intitial back end implementation, however, 
 I'd like to 
  make the interface classes as generic as possible, and 
 support other 
  shadowing algorithms.
  How easy this might be is very difficult for me to say until one 
  starts lining up various implementation side by side and 
 working out 
  the commonality and the differences, and finding ways to 
  the differences neatly.
  More info on this once I get underway on it.

Re: [osg-users] Parallel-Split Shadow Map with osg [PSSM]

2006-09-21 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Anders,On 9/21/06, Anders Backman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi terry, about the PSSM demo...The osg::View class, where does that come from? Old? New? Never seen itbefore.Something from your own stew?osg::View and osg::RenderInfo are new classes I've introduce to support my work on osgText::FadeText. There are more generally useful than just fade text though, which is why they are in the core osg. More on these new classes later.
osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] MFC CWnd only renders after resize?

2006-09-21 Thread Argentieri, John-P63223
Title: MFC CWnd only renders after resize?

Hello all.

I know how much the moderators love MFC, which is a great deal more than I. We have designed our software using sceneview and thus it is capable of running on other systems as well, but for one purpose that we have in mind it must work on an existing MFC project. We have to launch the rendering frame-by-frame in a timer thread. For some reason, the frames do not show properly until after the CWnd window is resized at least once. We have already circumvented this issue by programmatically resizing the window, but this doesn't seem like the correct thing to do and I think I am missing something here that should have been done. Has anyone had any similar issues that can help shed some light on this problem I am having? 

Your time and consideration are much appreciated.



osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] CameraNode PIXEL_BUFFER/-_RTT fails for Release builds under WIndows

2006-09-21 Thread Stephan Maximilian Huber


I am rendering a part of my scene into an image to print it out. I am 
doing this via a cameranode, setting its RenderingTargetImplementation 
scene in 256 colors, bending occurs)

If I compile my application under Windows with VisualStudio 2005 in 
debug-mode, everything works as expected, but If I compile it in 
release-mode, I get a *message-box* with the message Can't create 
temporary window

I know, that the ATI-driver for my MacBookPro under windows is crappy, 
and does not support PixelBufferObjects so the CameraNode falls back to 
pbuffers, but why do they work onyl in debug-mode?

Thanks in advance,



Stephan Huber +++ +++ dieses und jenes

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Openscenegraph 1.2

2006-09-21 Thread Francesco Chionna

Hi osgs,
i am updating the openscenegraph 1.0 to 
openscenegraph 1.2,i have download itfrom cvs.I compile in this step 
openthreads( OK )  Producer ( OK ) 
OpenScenegraph ( not OK )

I have some compiler error when i try to compile 
the project osgProducer, it said that :

error c2039: "DrawTime is not a member of 

error c2039: "GetnumberofProcessoris not a 
member of Producer::Camera"

error c2039: "SampleBufferis not a member of 

error c2039: "Samplesis not a member of 

error c2039: "Scroll2dis not a member of 

error c2039: "Scrollleftis not a member of 

error c2039: "ScrollRightis not a member of 

error c2039: "TablePointertype is not a member of 

error c2039: "ThreadModel is not a member of 
and so on .

I check inside the file 
C:\OpenSceneGraph-1.2\Producer\include\Producer and the DrawTime is not 
Do you know if i do during this step some error? Do I have download 
something else?

Thans a lot

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] MFC CWnd only renders after resize?

2006-09-21 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi John,I no nothing about MFC so can comment on specifics. In the past I tried integrating QT3 with osgProducer but it didn't work out well due to isses with resizing amoung other things. In the end just integating with SceneView worked out well, but this does entail updating things like Viewport's  and projection matrices mannually when the window resizes, there is little you can do to avoid this as SceneView is completely anware of windowing API.
Robert.On 9/21/06, Argentieri, John-P63223 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hello all.

I know how much the moderators love MFC, which is a great deal more than I. We have designed our software using sceneview and thus it is capable of running on other systems as well, but for one purpose that we have in mind it must work on an existing MFC project. We have to launch the rendering frame-by-frame in a timer thread. For some reason, the frames do not show properly until after the CWnd window is resized at least once. We have already circumvented this issue by programmatically resizing the window, but this doesn't seem like the correct thing to do and I think I am missing something here that should have been done. Has anyone had any similar issues that can help shed some light on this problem I am having? 

Your time and consideration are much appreciated.



___osg-users mailing

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] CameraNode PIXEL_BUFFER/-_RTT fails for Release builds under WIndows

2006-09-21 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Stephan,On 9/21/06, Stephan Maximilian Huber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi,I am rendering a part of my scene into an image to print it out. I amdoing this via a cameranode, setting its RenderingTargetImplementationto PIXEL_BUFFER_RTT or PIXEL_BUFFER (FRAME_BUFFER_OBJECT renders the
scene in 256 colors, bending occurs)If I compile my application under Windows with VisualStudio 2005 indebug-mode, everything works as expected, but If I compile it inrelease-mode, I get a *message-box* with the message Can't create
temporary windowI know, that the ATI-driver for my MacBookPro under windows is crappy,and does not support PixelBufferObjects so the CameraNode falls back topbuffers, but why do they work onyl in debug-mode?
In OpenGL and the OSG PixelBufferObjects are entirely seperate from FrameBufferObjects. The osg::CameraNode only deals in Pbuffers, FBO's and frame buffer, without any reference to PBO. I presume you mean FrameBufferObjects in this context.
As for working in debug but not release, my best guess would be some unitialized variable perhaps. The message box perhaps in an indicator that the setup of the Pbuffer failed in Producer so I'd recommend digging through this code and placing stop points on the code to see what it does and where the release vs debug difference might be comming in. 
It might be that the glue code osgProducer that allows CameraNode to set up the pbuffer is causing some difference. See osgProducer::GraphicsContextImplementation for this glue code.Robert.Robert.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] How to walk in the scene graph?

2006-09-21 Thread ronaldss
Hi Robert,

I not yet use PagedLOD nodes, but go to search as I make for uses it.  But what 
I would like exactly it was to know as to cross the graph to know if the new 
objects searched in the data base already are in it. With this I do not need to 
modify the graph all.

With the amount of models that I have to load and because of limitations of the 
hardware I do not have I eat to load everything in the graph of a time.

Ronald S.Serrao,
São Luís, Brasil.

 Hi Ronald,

 osgProducer::Viewer automatically sets up the DatabasePager for you if you
 have PagedLOD nodes in your scene, it then runs the background thread,
 merges all the changes, deletes all the exprired subgraphs, downloads all
 the texture objects and display lists reusing expired ones where

 This is all done for you, you have to do nothing.  Just load the top most
 tile in your paged database and your done.


 On 9/20/06, ronaldss [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Yes, I am using the Viewer of the Producer.How does I make to configure
  the DataBasePager in it?  I need to consult the spatial data base all time
  that will be made a translation of the camera, because it is through the
  returns of the database that I can know which the objects near.
  Ronald S.Serrao,
  São Luís, Brasil.
   Hi Ronald,
   osgsimplepager is one example of DatabasePager's use; there you can see
   all the calls needed for setting up the DatabasePager, but they are
   only needed if you do not use osgProducer::Viewer.  If you use the
   Viewer, it sets up the DatabasePager itself, so you just need to
   follow Robert's advice.
   Once you have your paged database and you have the DatabasePager
   managing its loading (previous paragraph), I think there is no need to
   receive any results from the DatabasePager.
   - Original Message -
   From: ronaldss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   To: osg-users
   Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2006 6:58 PM
   Subject: Re: [osg-users] How to walk in the scene graph?
   Hi Robert,
   I use DatabasePager to receive the results from the research of my
   spacial data base?
   Exists some example of use of the DatabasePager?
   Ronald S.Serrao,
Hi Ronald,
For this type of big database paging may well be the solution, the OSG
built in support for paging so all you'll need to do is build the
database and then load the topmost tile and the then the DatabasePager
do all the updating of the scene for the current view position.
On 9/14/06, ronaldss [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all,

 I am constructing an urban model to visualize a quarter entire, am
 data base spatial to get the information of the streets, squares...
 and each
 entity has an object 3D for its representation. As the object number
 great, I only load in my graph of scene those objects that are near
 of the
 camera. I used the osgimpostor example to make my manipulator of the
 and each movement of the camera I consult in the data base the
 objects that
 are near of this position and the loaded.

 Here my problem appears, to each change in the position of the
 camera I
 all erase the content of mine of the scene graph and later I place
 all again
 the objects, and believe that is this the reason of mine framerate
 to fall

 I would like to know as I make to cross the scene graph to verify
 nodes must be removed and which must be inserted, not to be
 necessary to
 remove all and again place them to each movement of the camera.


 Ronald S.Serrao,

 osg-users mailing list

   osg-users mailing list
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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] How to walk in the scene graph?

2006-09-21 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Ronald,I'm afraid I can't follow what you are actually after. Perhaps looking at the examples like osgpagedlod or osgphotoalbum might help, or osgTerrain that builds terrain databases. You could also try writing in your own native language, alas I only speak English, but there are plenty of native spanish speakers on the list perhaps they can help you out.
Robert.On 9/21/06, ronaldss [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi Robert,I not yet use PagedLOD nodes, but go to search as I make for uses it.But what I would like exactly it was to know as to cross the graph to know if the new objects searched in the data base already are in it. With this I do not need to modify the graph all.
With the amount of models that I have to load and because of limitations of the hardware I do not have I eat to load everything in the graph of a time.Thanks,Ronald S.Serrao,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]São Luís, Brasil. Hi Ronald, osgProducer::Viewer automatically sets up the DatabasePager for you if you have PagedLOD nodes in your scene, it then runs the background thread,
 merges all the changes, deletes all the exprired subgraphs, downloads all the texture objects and display lists reusing expired ones where possible... This is all done for you, you have to do nothing.Just load the top most
 tile in your paged database and your done. Robert. On 9/20/06, ronaldss [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   Sinisa,
   Yes, I am using the Viewer of the Producer.How does I make to configure  the DataBasePager in it?I need to consult the spatial data base all time  that will be made a translation of the camera, because it is through the
  returns of the database that I can know which the objects near.   Thanks,   Ronald S.Serrao,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  São Luís, Brasil. Hi Ronald, osgsimplepager is one example of DatabasePager's use; there you can see   all the calls needed for setting up the DatabasePager, but they are
   only needed if you do not use osgProducer::Viewer.If you use the   Viewer, it sets up the DatabasePager itself, so you just need to   follow Robert's advice.  
   Once you have your paged database and you have the DatabasePager   managing its loading (previous paragraph), I think there is no need to   receive any results from the DatabasePager.
 Sinisa - Original Message -   From: ronaldss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   To: osg-users   Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2006 6:58 PM   Subject: Re: [osg-users] How to walk in the scene graph?
   Hi Robert,   I use DatabasePager to receive the results from the research of my   spacial data base?   Exists some example of use of the DatabasePager?
 Thanks,   Ronald S.Serrao,   Brasil.Hi Ronald,   For this type of big database paging may well be the solution, the OSG
hasbuilt in support for paging so all you'll need to do is build thepageddatabase and then load the topmost tile and the then the DatabasePager
willdo all the updating of the scene for the current view position.   Robert.   On 9/14/06, ronaldss 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi all, I am constructing an urban model to visualize a quarter entire, am
 using data base spatial to get the information of the streets, squares... and each entity has an object 3D for its representation. As the object number
 is great, I only load in my graph of scene those objects that are near of the camera. I used the osgimpostor example to make my manipulator of the
 camera, and each movement of the camera I consult in the data base the objects that are near of this position and the loaded.
 Here my problem appears, to each change in the position of the camera I all erase the content of mine of the scene graph and later I place
 all again the objects, and believe that is this the reason of mine framerate to fall very.
 I would like to know as I make to cross the scene graph to verify which nodes must be removed and which must be inserted, not to be necessary to
 remove all and again place them to each movement of the camera. Thanks, Ronald S.Serrao
, Brasil. ___ osg-users mailing list
   osg-users mailing list ___   osg-users mailing list ___  osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] MFC CWnd only renders after resize?

2006-09-21 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi John,On 9/21/06, Argentieri, John-P63223 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Did you still use a Producer::RenderSurface? No, this was the cause of the problems I came across, so I just rolled my own OSGWidget directely from a QGLWidget.
Producer::RenderSurface will be provide you with the graphics context, but you should be able to write your own code to create the graphics context.
Can SceneView 
be used some other way that I might not have seen yet? Perhaps if I do the setup 
the raw OpenGL way that google can tell me, then I can have a SceneView mapped 
onto that? Right now, I have it render by using rendersurface-swapbuffers() 
or whatever the call is, but I do a rendersurface-setwindow to map it onto 
my MFCrap window. You've been a great help to me along the way, friend. Thank 
you for that, because I know that I must have tested your patience a more than a 
few times.SceneView is currently the most straight forward way to get just OpenGL rendering working with the OSG, assuming that you already have created a valid graphics context. 
The osgsimple, osgkeyboardmouse, osgGLUTsimple, osgGLUTkeyboard mouse examples are written to very minimal examples using SceneView. Even though they are Win32 or MFC API it should still give you an idea of what you need to do to get the OSG up and running.
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OSG -- near future

2006-09-21 Thread Robert Osfield
On 9/21/06, Sullivan, Joseph (CDR) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Speaking of introductory guides... Are any of the other educational institutes that are making use of the OSG able to collaborate on and publish introductory material?Don and Robert,Would making this introductory material available interfere with training that you provide?
I have no problem with introductory material being provided and certainly support ways in which we can make this happen.I personally wouldn't expect having better documentation will qwell peoples need for training too much. Those who can afford training are the ones can afford to invest in speeding their employees learning curve, and to top up their skills, face to face training is still great for accelerating learning.
There is the other side, the better introductory documentation we have the more likely the OpenSceneGraph will attract new groups to use the software, which in turn will mean more potential customers for training. 
Good documentation will also provide a more professional shine to the project, good code might impress developers, but pretty bound manuals and books may impress the decision makers more...Robert.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] MFC CWnd only renders after resize?

2006-09-21 Thread Tony Glover
Title: MFC CWnd only renders after resize?

Argentieri, John-P63223 wrote:


  Hello all.
  I know how much the moderators love
MFC, which is a great deal more than I. We have designed our software
using sceneview and thus it is capable of running on other systems as
well, but for one purpose that we have in mind it must work on an
existing MFC project. We have to launch the rendering frame-by-frame in
a timer thread. For some reason, the frames do not show properly until
after the CWnd window is resized at least once. We have already
circumvented this issue by programmatically resizing the window, but
this doesn't seem like the correct thing to do and I think I am missing
something here that should have been done. Has anyone had any similar
issues that can help shed some light on this problem I am having?

 I have used OSG and MFC quite a bit in the past and I can't say
that I ever ran into this issue. I used a rendersurface without too
many problems. There were a number of osg-mfc examples on the website
that may be used as a reference, I'm not sure that they are still there
but they often make a good starting point.

If you need any further info then I can refer to some of my older apps
and see if I can help.



osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] reply

2006-09-21 Thread 刘明
I am a student of the graduate school of china acadamy of science.A newer to 
the osg.

osg-users mailing list

RE: [osg-users] Point sprite maximum size?

2006-09-21 Thread Brad Colbert

Thanks.  That was the article I found during the search.  I just wanted
to make sure it was true.


 -Original Message-
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:osg-users-
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Chris Hanson
 Sent: Wednesday, September 20, 2006 11:32 PM
 To: osg users
 Subject: Re: [osg-users] Point sprite maximum size?
 Brad Colbert wrote:
  Hi Folks,
  I've done a web search and but thought that this would be a better
  to ask.  Is there a maximum size to point sprites?  It's starting to
  look something like 64x64.  Is this true?
  Renaissance Sciences Corporation
  O/M: 480 290-3997
  F:   425 675-8044
 Chris 'Xenon' Hanson aka Eric Hammil | eric
   I set the wheels in motion, turn up all the machines, activate the
and run behind the scenes. I set the clouds in motion, turn up
 and sound,
activate the window, and watch the world go 'round. -Prime Mover,
 osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

RE: [osg-users] Point sprite maximum size?

2006-09-21 Thread Brad Colbert
FYI:  Here a are a few threads that talk a little more about it:



 -Original Message-
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:osg-users-
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Chris Hanson
 Sent: Wednesday, September 20, 2006 11:32 PM
 To: osg users
 Subject: Re: [osg-users] Point sprite maximum size?
 Brad Colbert wrote:
  Hi Folks,
  I've done a web search and but thought that this would be a better
  to ask.  Is there a maximum size to point sprites?  It's starting to
  look something like 64x64.  Is this true?
  Renaissance Sciences Corporation
  O/M: 480 290-3997
  F:   425 675-8044
 Chris 'Xenon' Hanson aka Eric Hammil | eric
   I set the wheels in motion, turn up all the machines, activate the
and run behind the scenes. I set the clouds in motion, turn up
 and sound,
activate the window, and watch the world go 'round. -Prime Mover,
 osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] NVIDIA Linux OpenGL Driver 1.0-9XXX Series Preview

2006-09-21 Thread Chris Hanson

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson aka Eric Hammil | eric at logrus
 I set the wheels in motion, turn up all the machines, activate the programs,
  and run behind the scenes. I set the clouds in motion, turn up light and 
  activate the window, and watch the world go 'round. -Prime Mover, Rush.
osg-users mailing list

RE: [osg-users] reply

2006-09-21 Thread Gordon Tomlinson
Good for you, welcome

Best Regards



Gordon Tomlinson
Email : gordon.tomlinson @
YIM/AIM   : Gordon3dBrit
MSN IM: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Gordon3dBrit @


Self defence is not a function of learning tricks
but is a function of how quickly and intensely one
can arouse one's instinct for survival
- Master Tambo Tetsura

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of ÁõÃ÷
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2006 11:27 AM
Subject: [osg-users] reply

I am a student of the graduate school of china acadamy of science.A newer to
the osg.

osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] SIGRAD 2006 - Deadline extended 3 october

2006-09-21 Thread Anders Backman
The SIGRAD Conference is an annual conference in Computer Graphics held
in Sweden.
It is arranged by SIGRAD, the Swedish Interest Group for Computer

The deadline for submissions to SIGRAD2006 has been extended
to 3 October. Take the opportunity to send in a paper on work in
progress. Goto and then click on SIGRAD 2006 for more

SIGRAD committee

 Anders Backman   Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 HPC2N/VRlab  Phone:+46 (0)90-786 9936
 Umea university  Cellular: +46 (0)70-392 64 67
 S-901 87 UMEA SWEDEN Fax:  +46 90-786 6126

osg-users mailing list

RE: [osg-users] OSG -- near future

2006-09-21 Thread Donald Tidrow
Seconded - they're a very good starting point for getting people
up-to-speed on scenegraphs.


On Thu, 2006-09-21 at 09:30 -0400, Gordon Tomlinson wrote:
 As a guide I think the 'Performer getting start Guide' and  Performer
 Programmers Guide might be a good template to perhaps build of
 I think even as they stand for the most part you could just change pf
 to OSG, I know its not the simple ;), but you get the gist of what I
 mean ;)
 When I'm teaching programming Performer/Vega/VegaPrime I still point
 students to these docs as they are very good IMO and you can down
 load as PDF etc...
 Best Regards 
 Gordon Tomlinson
 Email : gordon.tomlinson @
 YIM/AIM   : Gordon3dBrit
 MSN IM: Gordon3dBrit @
 Telephone (Cell): (+1) 214-477-8914
 Telephone (Work): (+1) 703-437-7651
 Self defence is not a function of learning tricks 
 but is a function of how quickly and intensely one 
 can arouse one's instinct for survival 
 - Master Tambo Tetsura
 -Original Message-
 From: Sullivan, Joseph (CDR)
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
 Sullivan, Joseph (CDR)
 Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2006 9:14 AM
 To: osg users
 Subject: RE: [osg-users] OSG -- near future
 Speaking of introductory guides... Are any of the other
 educational institutes that are making use of the OSG able to
 collaborate on and publish introductory material?
 Don and Robert,
 Would making this introductory material available interfere
 with training that you provide?  
 Joe S.
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Robert
 Sent: Wed 9/20/2006 7:23 AM
 To: osg users
 Subject: Re: [osg-users] OSG -- near future
 So I've fleshed out a little why expanding the OSG users base
 is good for the OSG project, its developers, community, the
 software quallty and the wider industry, but I didn't touch on
 just how to go about it.
 Well fixing things in the OSG that turn people off the project
 is one thing we need to address.  The big fat hairy one is
 obviously documentation.  Not the lack of information, but the
 lack of introductory and advanced programming guides and in
 depth reference documentation.  The book thread address this
 so I'll not go into this any further here. 
 Next thing to fix is how easy it is to get the OSG compiled,
 installed and running.  The sheer size of the project, and the
 numerous build options make it very powerful, but it does
 raise the barrier to entry.  Could Cmake streamline it?
 Scripts for building? 
 Next up is API size, its sheer breadth and depth of
 functionality is a lot to tackle for the newbee.  OpenGL will
 eventaully become more streamlined, so perhaps too can the
 OSG.  This is part of what I discuss in the Siggraph 2006
 Next up is the relatively sophisticated use of C++, this is a
 hurdle for some in terms of learning curve, partly because of
 the complexities of C++, and partly down to the fact that C++
 no longer has developers sole attention.  
 Then there are other languages Jave, Python, Lua, C# and all
 vying for attention of developers, we don't yet support these
 well.  If we want to help these developers out then we need to
 embrace support for them much more emphatically.  The C++ core
 here is a bit of hinderance when it comes to intergration with
 other languages, with C being the comon denominator.
 osgIntrospection can come to the resuce here, its a bit heavy
 weight, but dynamically typed langauges its a good match. 
 Further to the integration story is that awkwardness of
 getting different types of viewers setup in the multitude of
 windowing libraries that exist today.  Making it easier to
 build 3d viewers into your existing or new apps is something
 that I feel strongly about.  This what the osgViewer library
 I've previously talked about is really about. 
 So to recamp things to fix and get done:
1) Documentation and book(s)
2) Better viewer classes supporting multiple 3rd party
 windowing API's
3) Better 3rd party language support
4) Streamlining of 

[osg-users] OpensceneGraph 1.2

2006-09-21 Thread Francesco Chionna

Hi Robert,
now I am using the, i compile all 
the project but when i run ex. osganimate.exe i have an error on producerd.dll 


Any idea?
Thanks lot
osg-users mailing list

RE: [osg-users] OpensceneGraph 1.2

2006-09-21 Thread Frank Bergmann

Sounds to me like the pipeTime was not included in the project
file  have a look at your Producer project and maybe manually add the PipeTimer.cpp
from the producer source directory



From: Francesco Chionna
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2006 9:41 AM
Subject: [osg-users] OpensceneGraph 1.2

Hi Robert,

now I am using the, i
compile all the project but when i run ex. osganimate.exe i have an error on


Any idea?

Thanks lot

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] simple question regarding transforms

2006-09-21 Thread Eric Maslowski
Hello all,

  In line with recent discussions regarding documentation and such, what is
the recommended way to grab a arbitrary node from the scenegraph and move it
manually? I'm working on integrating a physics engine with OSG and I would
like to simply bind an osg node to the physics-based object so that the
physics transform overwrites that of the OSG node. All nodes are previously
loaded before building the physics objects so I have to query the scenegraph
for the necessary elements.


I can grab a node from the scene graph without issue, but just moving the
object seems problematic. I have tried dynamic_cast, using
asTransform/asMatrixTransform routines, grabbing the parent and
casting/modifying that, but it never moves. What is the recommended method?






attachment: winmail.dat___
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Shadow mapping vertex program

2006-09-21 Thread Radu Mihai
try for the position in the vertex shader:gl_position=ftransform();It's meant to be more solid than just multiplying  the projection matrix (same result as the fixed-functionality)Looking the OrangeBook (lucky it was opened at Chapter 9 (Traditional Shaders))  this is the MultiTexture transform:gl_TexCoord[7] = gl_TextureMatrix[7] * gl_MultiTexCoord7 (they have 0, I assume yoou're using 7)Also look at  the listing 9.22 on page 230, it gives the calculation for TexCoords starting fom the eye planes, you'll only need to calculate r for depth comparisonsPlease let me know what works, I'd like to be able to use a vertex shader, in case I have more work to do than just fixed-functionality. --Radu Mihai[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 21-Sep-06, at 6:14 AM, Howard James wrote: I've been trying to get shadow mapping working in my application, and I have read through and used some of the code from the osgdepthshadow example program. I managed to get simple shadow mapping working, but I have an issue when I try to use a vertex program as well as the fragment program. It seems that the vertex program is not calculating the shadow projection coordinates properly, and the shadows are not cast at all. If I take the vertex program out, then the shadows appear fine. This is the code from my shaders: Vertex:// Main functionvoid main(){  // Pass on the texture coordinate from the multitexture  gl_TexCoord[7] = gl_TextureMatrix[7] * gl_ModelViewMatrix * gl_Vertex;   // Transform position with projection and model view matrix  gl_Position = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * gl_Vertex;}  Fragment:uniform sampler2DShadow shadowTexture; // Main functionvoid main(){  float shadowed = shadow2DProj(shadowTexture, gl_TexCoord[7]); = shadowed;  gl_FragColor.w = 1; } What functionality do I need to add to my vertex program to solve this problem? Is it possible that I need to send something else to the shaders from the main program? It seems to be the vertex program at fault, as when it is disabled, shadows render fine. Thanks for any suggestions,James   The information contained in this E-Mail and any subsequentcorrespondence is private and is intended solely for the intendedrecipient(s).  The information in this communication may be confidentialand/or legally privileged.  Nothing in this e-mail is intended toconclude a contract on behalf of QinetiQ or make QinetiQ subject to anyother legally binding commitments, unless the e-mail contains an expressstatement to the contrary or incorporates a formal Purchase Order.For those other than the recipient any disclosure, copying,distribution, or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance onsuch information is prohibited and may be unlawful.Emails and other electronic communication with QinetiQ may be monitoredand recorded for business purposes including security, audit andarchival purposes.  Any response to this email indicates consent tothis.Telephone calls to QinetiQ may be monitored or recorded for qualitycontrol, security and other business purposes.___osg-users mailing listosg-users@openscenegraph.net ___
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OSG -- near future

2006-09-21 Thread Leandro Motta Barros


On 9/21/06, Gordon Tomlinson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

As a guide I think the 'Performer getting start Guide' and  Performer
Programmers Guide might be a good template to perhaps build of

Have you seen this: ?

I started to write this some time ago, in my spare time, as I learned
OSG. I still intend to eork on it, but my spare time has been quite
short lately. Anyway, for complete beginners, I believe it is useful
as is.

It gets about 300 downloads per month, but I never got any feedback
about it (apart from a couple emails when I announced it here on the



I think even as they stand for the most part you could just change pf to
OSG, I know its not the simple ;), but you get the gist of what I mean ;)

When I'm teaching programming Performer/Vega/VegaPrime I still point
students to these docs as they are very good IMO and you can down load
as PDF etc...

Best Regards



Gordon Tomlinson
Email : gordon.tomlinson @
YIM/AIM   : Gordon3dBrit
MSN IM: Gordon3dBrit @


Telephone (Cell): (+1) 214-477-8914
Telephone (Work): (+1) 703-437-7651
Self defence is not a function of learning tricks
but is a function of how quickly and intensely one
can arouse one's instinct for survival
- Master Tambo Tetsura

-Original Message-
From: Sullivan, Joseph (CDR)
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
Sullivan, Joseph (CDR)
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2006 9:14 AM
To: osg users
Subject: RE: [osg-users] OSG -- near future

Speaking of introductory guides... Are any of the other educational
institutes that are making use of the OSG able to collaborate on and publish
introductory material?
Don and Robert,
Would making this introductory material available interfere with training
that you provide?
Joe S.

 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of
Robert Osfield
Sent: Wed 9/20/2006 7:23 AM
To: osg users
Subject: Re: [osg-users] OSG -- near future

So I've fleshed out a little why expanding the OSG users base is good for
the OSG project, its developers, community, the software quallty and the
wider industry, but I didn't touch on just how to go about it.

Well fixing things in the OSG that turn people off the project is one thing
we need to address.  The big fat hairy one is obviously documentation.  Not
the lack of information, but the lack of introductory and advanced
programming guides and in depth reference documentation.  The book thread
address this so I'll not go into this any further here.

Next thing to fix is how easy it is to get the OSG compiled, installed and
running.  The sheer size of the project, and the numerous build options make
it very powerful, but it does raise the barrier to entry.  Could Cmake
streamline it?  Scripts for building?

Next up is API size, its sheer breadth and depth of functionality is a lot
to tackle for the newbee.  OpenGL will eventaully become more streamlined,
so perhaps too can the OSG.  This is part of what I discuss in the Siggraph
2006 talk.

Next up is the relatively sophisticated use of C++, this is a hurdle for
some in terms of learning curve, partly because of the complexities of C++,
and partly down to the fact that C++ no longer has developers sole

Then there are other languages Jave, Python, Lua, C# and all vying for
attention of developers, we don't yet support these well.  If we want to
help these developers out then we need to embrace support for them much more
emphatically.  The C++ core here is a bit of hinderance when it comes to
intergration with other languages, with C being the comon denominator.
osgIntrospection can come to the resuce here, its a bit heavy weight, but
dynamically typed langauges its a good match.

Further to the integration story is that awkwardness of getting different
types of viewers setup in the multitude of windowing libraries that exist
today.  Making it easier to build 3d viewers into your existing or new apps
is something that I feel strongly about.  This what the osgViewer library
I've previously talked about is really about.

So to recamp things to fix and get done:

   1) Documentation and book(s)
   2) Better viewer classes supporting multiple 3rd party windowing API's
   3) Better 3rd party language support
   4) Streamlining of builds
   5) Streamlining of API

No doubt there are other items that need to be added to the list, and
priorities to be, so fire away.  But remember that someone has to get on and
do it, so if you add an item be prepared to roll your sleeves up and help
get it done.

And on that note, please step forward those who'd like to pitch into various
aspect of this work.

I'll create a few new pages on the wiki to help documentation 

Re: [osg-users] simple question regarding transforms

2006-09-21 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Eric,Moving an abitary subgraph in the scene is done using one of the osg::Transform subclasses. If you physics code works with 4x4 matrices then use MatrixTransform, if you have a position, attitude (quaternion) then PositionAttitudeTransform would be ideal.
Inserting these transform nodes is easist done at scene graph construction time, i.e. when you load the seperate items and place them in your scene.If you have a preexisting scene graph that you want to insert new transforms into move previous static objects then you'll need to insert a transform node above the subgraph of interest. To do this you need to create the transfrom, add the subgraph to it, then on the subgraph's original parent(s) you do a 
parent-.replaceChild(subgraph, transform).Now if you subgraph has parents you need to work out what to do, you have move this one instance around of create multiple transform one for each parent, the later is typically what would work best.
Robert.On 9/21/06, Eric Maslowski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hello all,In line with recent discussions regarding documentation and such, what isthe recommended way to grab a arbitrary node from the scenegraph and move itmanually? I'm working on integrating a physics engine with OSG and I would
like to simply bind an osg node to the physics-based object so that thephysics transform overwrites that of the OSG node. All nodes are previouslyloaded before building the physics objects so I have to query the scenegraph
for the necessary elements.I can grab a node from the scene graph without issue, but just moving theobject seems problematic. I have tried dynamic_cast, usingasTransform/asMatrixTransform routines, grabbing the parent and
casting/modifying that, but it never moves. What is the recommended method?ThanksE.___osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

RE: [osg-users] simple question regarding transforms

2006-09-21 Thread Eric Maslowski
Thanks Robert,
  Unfortunately, I currently don't have the luxury of doing it at
construction time, but this is something I will probably address in the near

Is there an easy way to query whether or not a specific node already has a
MatrixTransform sitting above it? (casting the results of getParent()
perhaps?) I would like to avoid creating duplicate MatrixTransforms,
especially for scenes that may be comprised of many rigid bodies. 

Thanks again


Eric Maslowski
Research Computer Specialist
University of Michigan 3D Lab

Autodesk 3D Studio Max Certified Trainer

office: 734-615-9699

 -Original Message-
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:osg-users-
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Robert Osfield
 Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2006 14:55
 To: osg users
 Subject: Re: [osg-users] simple question regarding transforms
 Hi Eric,
 Moving an abitary subgraph in the scene is done using one of the
 osg::Transform subclasses.  If you physics code works with 4x4 matrices
 then use MatrixTransform, if you have a position, attitude (quaternion)
 then PositionAttitudeTransform would be ideal.
 Inserting these transform nodes is easist done at scene graph construction
 time, i.e. when you load the seperate items and place them in your scene.
 If you have a preexisting scene graph that you want to insert new
 transforms into move previous static objects then you'll need to insert a
 transform node above the subgraph of interest.  To do this you need to
 create the transfrom, add the subgraph to it, then on the subgraph's
 original parent(s) you do a parent-.replaceChild(subgraph, transform).
 Now if you subgraph has parents you need to work out what to do, you have
 move this one instance around of create multiple transform one for each
 parent, the later is typically what would work best.
 On 9/21/06, Eric Maslowski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hello all,
 In line with recent discussions regarding documentation and such,
 what is
   the recommended way to grab a arbitrary node from the scenegraph and
 move it
   manually? I'm working on integrating a physics engine with OSG and I
   like to simply bind an osg node to the physics-based object so
 that the
   physics transform overwrites that of the OSG node. All nodes are
   loaded before building the physics objects so I have to query the
   for the necessary elements.
   I can grab a node from the scene graph without issue, but just
 moving the
   object seems problematic. I have tried dynamic_cast, using
   asTransform/asMatrixTransform routines, grabbing the parent and
   casting/modifying that, but it never moves. What is the recommended
   osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] simple question regarding transforms

2006-09-21 Thread Robert Osfield
On 9/21/06, Eric Maslowski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Thanks Robert,Unfortunately, I currently don't have the luxury of doing it atconstruction time, but this is something I will probably address in the nearfuture.Is there an easy way to query whether or not a specific node already has a
MatrixTransform sitting above it? (casting the results of getParent()perhaps?) I would like to avoid creating duplicate MatrixTransforms,especially for scenes that may be comprised of many rigid bodies.
Sure, just use: for(all my parents) { if (!getParent(i)-asTransform())  { need to insert a parent, but first put this in a list } } // then change the parents over to avoid invalidating parent positions/iterators.
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Re: Highland gathering

2006-09-21 Thread Don Burns
On 9/21/06, Robert Osfield [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
dates that overlap for the most people is the last three days of week
42, so the dates Wednesday 18- Friday 20th October. Followed by
the first three days of week 44 - Monday 30th-31st November.

OK.. I've seen Scotland in Spring and I've seen it in Summer. Give us a bit of insight on how to dress for November.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] problem with 1.2 and openflight models on mac

2006-09-21 Thread Willy P
I'm in the same situation except I'm on osg 1.1.OS-X 10.4.7 (PPC w/ sec updt)I've got:osg::setNotifyLevel(osg::DEBUG_INFO);and the only thing it prints is:Warning: Could not find plugin to read objects from file t72-tank_des.flt.
Error: OpenGL version test failed, requires valid graphics context.I can load .osg models just fine. works fine etc etc...Any thoughts?-Willy
On 9/15/06, Robert Osfield [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi James,If there is a problem with locating or loading the plugin itself then perhaps one could trace the problem by upping the notification level 
to debug i.e. setenv OSG_NOTIFY_LEVEL=DEBUG osgviewer 

___osg-users mailing
osg-users mailing list

RE: [osg-users] problem with 1.2 and openflight models on mac

2006-09-21 Thread Paul Martz

Hi Wily --

OSG v1.1 flipped the switch from the old flt plugin to 
the newflt plugin. So, if the project file was inadvertently not updated, 
and doesn't build the new flt plugin, then OSG won't be able to load flt 

Make sure that osgdb_OpenFlight (.dll/.so/etc) is part 
of your project file / makefile, and make sure it actually was built and is in a 
location that's in your library/binary search path.

Or, set OSG_OPEN_FLIGHT_PLUGIN to "old" and see if that 
works. (This is not a long-term solution, but is the fastest way to get you up 
and running, assuming the old plugin actually got built.)

  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Willy 
  PSent: Thursday, September 21, 2006 4:11 PMTo: osg 
  usersSubject: Re: [osg-users] problem with 1.2 and openflight 
  models on mac
  I'm in the same situation except I'm on osg 1.1.OS-X 10.4.7 
  (PPC w/ sec updt)I've 
  got:osg::setNotifyLevel(osg::DEBUG_INFO);and the only thing it 
  prints is:Warning: Could not find plugin to read objects from file 
  "t72-tank_des.flt". Error: OpenGL version test failed, requires valid 
  graphics context.I can load .osg models just fine. 
  works fine etc etc...Any 
osg-users mailing list

RE: [osg-users] Re: Highland gathering

2006-09-21 Thread Paul Martz

I am 
likely to attend if we can keep thenon-airline expensesunder 
$150US/day and not exceed a 7 day stay.

What I 
hope to get out of the event:

  Discussion of future OSG. I want to stay on top of any major 
  evolutionary efforts such as rewriting in C, shrinking OSG to create "OSG 
  Lite", etc.
  Prioritization discussions for any currently non-funded future work, 
  and any creative ideas for funding it.
  Increasing my overall 
  knowledge of OSG and how it is used. I'd love to see presentations by as many 
  attendees as possible. What drove you to OSG 
  and what are the key features that your software 
  Networking with like-minded folk.
  Face-to-face with Robert for work on the documentation.
  tasty beer.
  sightseeing -- castles have always fascinated me.

Paul Martz
Skew Matrix Software 
303 859 
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] simple question regarding transforms

2006-09-21 Thread Watson Ladd
Eric Maslowski wrote:
 Hello all,
   In line with recent discussions regarding documentation and such, what is
 the recommended way to grab a arbitrary node from the scenegraph and move it
 manually? I'm working on integrating a physics engine with OSG and I would
 like to simply bind an osg node to the physics-based object so that the
 physics transform overwrites that of the OSG node. All nodes are previously
 loaded before building the physics objects so I have to query the scenegraph
 for the necessary elements.
 I can grab a node from the scene graph without issue, but just moving the
 object seems problematic. I have tried dynamic_cast, using
 asTransform/asMatrixTransform routines, grabbing the parent and
 casting/modifying that, but it never moves. What is the recommended method?
 osg-users mailing list
I would use a Transform node and modify the transform matrix.

They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security,
 deserve neither liberty or security
--Benjamin Franklin

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] simple question regarding transforms

2006-09-21 Thread Don Burns
Hi Eric,

Take a look at two things that might be of interest:

The Dice example:

A snippet from the Training course:

The first integrates OSG with ODE a popular open source physics
engine. It does so via MatrixTransform callbacks, that reference
the ODE structures and convert ODE matrices to OSG matrices.

The second example is a teaser for anyone considering taking the OSG
Training course. It is an example on how to build Node
Kits. The example extends the base osg::MatrixTransform class by
providing the capability to allocate the Matrix in shared memory.
(shared memory in this case, is implemented with memory mapped

The reason this might interest you is that you can create a scene that
is loaded from a .osg file format containing ShmemMatrixTransforms in
it. You can then attach to the shared memory via the file names
through an external program. This way you can keep your physics
engine code completely separate (and in a different program - if you so
choose) from the scene graph and simply update the scene externally.

-donOn 9/21/06, Eric Maslowski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hello all,In line with recent discussions regarding documentation and such, what isthe recommended way to grab a arbitrary node from the scenegraph and move itmanually? I'm working on integrating a physics engine with OSG and I would
like to simply bind an osg node to the physics-based object so that thephysics transform overwrites that of the OSG node. All nodes are previouslyloaded before building the physics objects so I have to query the scenegraph
for the necessary elements.I can grab a node from the scene graph without issue, but just moving theobject seems problematic. I have tried dynamic_cast, usingasTransform/asMatrixTransform routines, grabbing the parent and
casting/modifying that, but it never moves. What is the recommended method?ThanksE.___osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] problem with 1.2 and openflight models on mac

2006-09-21 Thread Willy P
Somehow setting OSG_OPEN_FLIGHT_PLUGIN to oldgot me a bunch more debug info when I ran it. It is looking for and I thought I had the plugin built when I found but I don't have
Is it possible that building OSG via xcode didn't ?On 9/21/06, Paul Martz 

Hi Wily --

OSG v1.1 flipped the switch from the old flt plugin to 
the newflt plugin. So, if the project file was inadvertently not updated, 
and doesn't build the new flt plugin, then OSG won't be able to load flt 

Make sure that osgdb_OpenFlight (.dll/.so/etc) is part 
of your project file / makefile, and make sure it actually was built and is in a 
location that's in your library/binary search path.

Or, set OSG_OPEN_FLIGHT_PLUGIN to old and see if that 
works. (This is not a long-term solution, but is the fastest way to get you up 
and running, assuming the old plugin actually got built.)

  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Willy 
  PSent: Thursday, September 21, 2006 4:11 PMTo: osg 
  usersSubject: Re: [osg-users] problem with 1.2 and openflight 
  models on mac
  I'm in the same situation except I'm on osg 1.1.OS-X 10.4.7 
  (PPC w/ sec updt)I've 
  got:osg::setNotifyLevel(osg::DEBUG_INFO);and the only thing it 
  prints is:Warning: Could not find plugin to read objects from file 
  t72-tank_des.flt. Error: OpenGL version test failed, requires valid 
  graphics context.I can load .osg models just fine. 
  works fine etc etc...Any 

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Re: [osg-users] problem with 1.2 and openflight models on mac

2006-09-21 Thread E. Wing

I didn't know about the new plugin so it didn't get added to the Xcode
projects or binary distribution until 2 days ago. The Xcode projects
have been updated and are now in CVS, but this is too late for the 1.2

I did sneak in the plugin into the 1.2rev2 binary package. (This is
actually the second binary package I made for rev 2 so it is marked as
rev2-2, but the first package never got linked to on the main
website.) But I haven't actually tested the plugin.

I would recommend updating to at least these binaries. If you are
stuck on 1.1, you can build the plugin yourself. If you use the
Makefiles, you have to change all the linking instructions to deal
with Frameworks. Or in Xcode you could duplicate the old OpenFlight
plugin and use its settings as a template. Change the plugin name,
uncheck (or remove from the compile list) all the old OpenFlight
source files, and add the new folder of OpenFlight source files to the
new OpenFlight target.

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