Re: Web app large uploads and downloads

2023-12-29 Thread kirsten greed via ozdotnet
How about this one?

On Sat, Dec 30, 2023 at 10:06 AM Dr Greg Low via ozdotnet <> wrote:

> Hi Greg,
> Are you using any Blazor frameworks? Several of them seem to have pretty
> good file upload components. That might give the best experience.
> Regards,
> Greg
> Dr Greg Low
> 1300SQLSQL (1300 775 775) office | +61 419201410 mobile
> SQL Down Under | Web:
>  |
> About Greg:
> *From:* Greg Keogh via ozdotnet 
> *Sent:* Saturday, December 30, 2023 8:58 AM
> *To:* ozDotNet 
> *Cc:* Greg Keogh 
> *Subject:* Web app large uploads and downloads
> Folks (anyone working?)
> I've been asked to add a feature to a Blazor Webassembly app to allow
> uploads and downloads of possibly large numbers of files between the local
> file system and Blob storage. I'm not sure how to implement this feature in
> a browser hosted app.
> I wrote a WPF tool for "managers" which does high-performance bulk uploads
> and downloads with nice progress (the code is trivial on the desktop), but
> now they want the same feature for "normal" users in the Blazor app. Given
> how dumb and restricted browser hosted apps are, I don't know how to code
> this, or if it's even feasible.
> Are there some tools, techniques or tricks I can apply? Any ideas or
> suggestions anyone?
> Thanks,
> *Greg Keogh*
> --
> ozdotnet mailing list
> To manage your subscription, access archives:
ozdotnet mailing list 
To manage your subscription, access archives: 

Re: Sign-in with social accounts

2021-04-25 Thread kirsten greed
Hi Greg

This might be worth looking into

I listened to

On Mon, Apr 26, 2021 at 9:40 AM djones147  wrote:

> Hi
> It's fairly straight forward. You register on the provider sire and they
> supply you with a token. This token you send when you ask for the remote
> login. And then they redirect to a failed or successful login.
> So is fine you have a public return address.
> With wpf and the ilk you need to redirect to a page on the server and
> store that success/fail code with an identifier then fetch that back with
> the client later.
> Some providers don't send back a provided id. But you can fake this by
> sending the success/fail to a different url for each user.   Ex a different
> route for each client.
> It's not hard to do at all, but can seem like you don't have a handle on
> it until it all works.
> Hth Davy.
> Sent from my Galaxy
>  Original message 
> From: Greg Keogh 
> Date: 26/04/2021 00:59 (GMT+01:00)
> To: ozDotNet 
> Subject: Sign-in with social accounts
> Folks, we have some old apps with their own simple credentials databases
> containing user, password, login count, permissions, etc. They're classic
> old fashioned systems.
> Increasing numbers of apps let you sign-in with your Facebook, Google,
> Microsoft, etc account these days. This is really convenient, and the
> security burden is taken by someone else.
> How can our apps participate in a social sign-in option? Has anyone done
> this? I imagine some terrible obstacles...
> ? Apps would have to be registered with the various various companies.
> ? The client apps might be WPF, Xamarin, Blazor or ASP.NET, so how would
> they hook into the sign-in process.
> ? Each company might return different types of tokens or even follow
> different conventions.
> *Greg K*

Re: [OT] UHF Check

2021-03-21 Thread kirsten greed
I see this but not the last 3

On Mon, Mar 22, 2021 at 2:19 PM Greg Keogh  wrote:

> My last 3 posts to this group bounced, and I notified David at Codify, but
> received no reply. Is the group active? -- *Greg Keogh*

Re: COM wrapper Azure crash

2020-10-07 Thread kirsten greed
Check out Simon Mourier's answer here

On Thu, Oct 8, 2020 at 9:22 AM Greg Keogh  wrote:

> Folks, this problem is a stinker that I don't think anyone will be able to
> help with, but sometimes just writing down the problem can help clear the
> mind.
> We're developing a set of C# library projects that target both
> netstandard2.0 and net461. By simply changing some Stream classes they can
> switch between files/folders or Azure containers/blobs (a neat classic
> example of abstracted "file" processing). One of our guys wants to call the
> libraries from inside Excel via VBA, so I created a thin COM call wrapper
> Framework 4.6.1 project which works nicely and I can drive it all from a VB
> script file.
> Except ... here's the stinker ... if I switch to using the Azure streams
> then I get runtime crash:
> System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions: Could not load file or assembly
> 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe, Version=, Culture=neutral,
> PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' or one of its dependencies. The system
> cannot find the file specified.
> I've tried config redirects, Nuget packages, different Framework targets,
> and I've watched it probing for the assembly via procmon, but absolutely
> nothing makes any difference. The Unsafe library being used is actually
> but I can't redirect to it.
> There are so many tangled links in the chain that it's hard to tell which
> one is breaking. The most suspicious thing is the tiny Azure stream library
> targeting 4.6.1, it uses the Azure.Storage.Blobs package which depends on
> netstandard2.0 and therefore drags in a whopping 108 of the "shim"
> libraries, including the Unsafe one. This DLL hell between Full and Core
> Frameworks is hell.
> *Greg K*

Re: [OT] DevOps login fails

2020-01-25 Thread kirsten greed
I was able to sign out and back in ok. Is your URL starting with ?

On Sun, Jan 26, 2020 at 5:31 PM Greg Keogh  wrote:

> About an hour ago, for no apparent reason a commit to a DevOps repository
> failed. Then I tried to sign-in to my DevOps account to see what was wrong,
> but it keeps returning to the sign-in prompt endlessly and it says I'm
> "Signed in". So apparently I'm "in" but can't get past the Sign-in prompt.
> I'm stuck in groundhog day.
> I have removed all accounts from SourceTree, cleared caches, reset my
> Microsoft account password, tried different browsers, verified my Windows
> shared accounts, and so on and on until my fingers are bleeding, but I
> can't sign-in to DevOps.
> Has anyone seen this? Any suggestions?
> *Greg K*

Re: [OT] github "downloads"

2019-08-20 Thread kirsten greed
I wonder if Artifacts would be useful for this... I think you might need to
package your files though

On Tue, Aug 20, 2019 at 7:10 PM Greg Keogh  wrote:

> While clicking randomly around I found this GitHub article, which is
> really old.
> I find the argument rather lame, so there must be some other *real*
> reason for this decision.
> The replacement* "releases"* is rather cryptic and looks rather
> heavyweight for distributing simple binaries.
> *GK*

Re: Publish UWP to store?

2019-02-26 Thread kirsten greed
Hi Greg

Inside the Dev Centre Dashboard
Drag your packages into the upload panel
Its a bit strange, to delete the old packages you need to remove, then save


On Thu, Feb 21, 2019 at 10:41 AM Greg Keogh  wrote:

> Folks, it's been about 18 months since I published an app the Windows
> Store, and now I'm trying to publish an update. I have searched the
> Microsoft pages and the web for exact instructions on how to publish the
> app, but incredibly, I can't find any so far.
> In Visual Studio 2017 I have generated the appxupload file and validated
> it okay. But I can't find any option in VS or in the Partner web pages to
> actually upload to the store.
> What's the step I can't find? Is it a secret?
> *Greg K*

Re: Installers for a windows service

2018-10-02 Thread kirsten greed
Thanks Preet I found it

On Tue, Oct 2, 2018 at 2:30 PM Preet Sangha  wrote:

> The old visual studio installer projects are available. You just have to
> install the extension yourself. I found that in 2015 and 2017.
> On Tue., 2 Oct. 2018, 5:22 pm kirsten greed, 
> wrote:
>> Hi Folk
>> I understand that VS2017 does not include an installer (2015 apparently
>> made use of Install Shield )
>> I have a windows service that I want to build an installer for.
>> Any recommendations?
>> Thanks
>> Kirsten

Installers for a windows service

2018-10-01 Thread kirsten greed
Hi Folk
I understand that VS2017 does not include an installer (2015 apparently
made use of Install Shield )

I have a windows service that I want to build an installer for.
Any recommendations?


MSDN Portal decommission left me without access keys

2018-08-20 Thread kirsten greed
Hi All
In case anyone else has this issue.
I have a VS Professional Subscription but the keys are no longer available
with the decommissioning of the MSDN portal
Apparently there is a disconnect between the Volume Licensing Portal and
the Visual Studio Portal
Support thinks my problem will be fixed in a few days.

Dot Net Conf Melbourne?

2018-08-17 Thread kirsten greed
Hello All
I was interested to see the .Net Conf 2018  Microsoft Virtual Conference

I don't see Melbourne on the list for the local event and am wondering if
anyone is thinking of organising it.

I am a total newbie at such things but would be pleased to help


Re: [OT] Good developer's blog

2018-07-21 Thread kirsten greed
I have been thinking about using  Mad Kristensen's Miniblog and somehow
hooking it up to MailChimp for subscriptions.

On Fri, Jul 20, 2018 at 4:35 PM Greg Keogh  wrote:

> Folk, a few years ago when there was less choice I started a blog on
> (BlogSpot). However, the HTML formatting is childishly dumb.
> It uses double  everywhere to make fake paragraphs, and there are only
> basic formatting options. Worst of all, there is no provision for code
> snippets, which I try to create by manually inserting a long 
> combination. But if you export/import or made any tiny slip-up it will put
>  inside the code and it requires tedious manual fixing.
> So, can anyone recommend some other blog that's code friendly and gives
> more control over sensible formatting?
> *Greg K*

Re: Using Azure blob storage for static web sites

2018-07-09 Thread kirsten greed
hugs and puppies LOL

On Tue, Jul 10, 2018 at 1:00 PM Greg Keogh  wrote:

> It is public preview which means beta.
> Fair enough! I finally found some posts around the place where people are
> talking about updating various tools to add support, so it's all coming --
> *GK*

Re: Azure support?

2018-06-21 Thread kirsten greed
Oh thanks for that.:-)

On Fri, Jun 22, 2018 at 2:29 PM Craig vN  wrote:

> Inside the Azure Portal is a button to get support. Or go here
> Craig
> On Fri, Jun 22, 2018 at 2:16 PM kirsten greed 
> wrote:
>> Can anyone recommend a way of getting support for Azure?
>> I just have the MSDN subscription Azure and I have just signed up to the
>> $29 USD a month support.
>> Except that after billing my credit card the sign up process dumped me
>> with no invoice, no welcome email, and no hint on how to get support.
>> I was able to chat online about the problem and guess what that is my
>> first problem.
>> I can't believe that my very first support ticket is about trying to get
>> a support ticket.
>> Thanks
>> Kirsten

Azure support?

2018-06-21 Thread kirsten greed
Can anyone recommend a way of getting support for Azure?
I just have the MSDN subscription Azure and I have just signed up to the
$29 USD a month support.
Except that after billing my credit card the sign up process dumped me with
no invoice, no welcome email, and no hint on how to get support.

I was able to chat online about the problem and guess what that is my first

I can't believe that my very first support ticket is about trying to get a
support ticket.


Specifying a chat interface as a way of getting clarity on a UI design

2018-05-24 Thread kirsten greed

I was with a team of designers yesterday, as the api contact person.

We seemed to be talking in circles a bit, sort of particles vs waves ( as I
recall in Physics)

My client and I once tried BDD but we found talking in cucumber did not
come naturally (Although there were some benefits)

It occurs to me that specifying a chat interface would be helpful in the
application design phase even if we do not implement it.

For example

Find the order we did for Harry around September Last Year
Create a quote from it
Add 10 widgets with the blue thingame"

Does anyone have experience or thoughts about this concept?


Re: Thoughts on Web Assembly and Blazer

2018-05-23 Thread kirsten greed
Thanks everyone for all those pearls of wisdom.  Browser+Razor! Who knew :-)

On Thu, May 24, 2018 at 1:38 PM, Greg Keogh  wrote:

> Blazor is wed to HTML / CSS - because it's very name is derived from
>> "Browser + Razor".
> Oh Jeezus we're f***ed.
>> … Never-the-less, it might be something to look at if you hate the
>> HTML/CSS/JS cartel.
> Too unorthodox, we're all trapped in cartel hell.
> *GK*

Thoughts on Web Assembly and Blazer

2018-05-23 Thread kirsten greed

Is anyone out there using Web Assembly and Blazer for real projects?

I just spent a couple of days trying to get the code generated by Visual
Studio's AutoRest add in  to work with Bearer token security.

It turns out that the Autorest project on Github has moved on from that old
code and done a big re-write

Greg's blog at

back in February did sum up everything eloquently in my view.

Is anything better out there yet?


Anyone out there?

2018-05-23 Thread kirsten greed
I sent a post yesterday but nothing has come through on the list

Re: Deploying .Net Core 2.0 to IIS running on Windows Server 2012R2

2018-04-21 Thread kirsten greed
Thank you, Stephen
I have it working at last after browsing through that document and others
I was  tripped up on setting the application pool, I had not realised it
needed to be No Managed Code.
I wound up having to install the C++ redistributables ,
and copying over the documentation xml file that my project was generating.
I felt like I was stumbling around in a dark house with lots of rooms and
stubbing my toes on everything.
I guess I know the layout a bit better now.

On Sat, Apr 21, 2018 at 5:26 PM, Stephen Price <>

> Ah ok.
> We host ours on iis, set the .NET CLR version to No Managed Code
> Did you find this page?
> and-deploy/iis/?view=aspnetcore-2.1=aspnetcore2x
> On 21 Apr. 2018 2:13 pm, kirsten greed <> wrote:
> Thanks Stephen but I am trying to do a dry run to deploy on IIS running on
> Windows Server2012R2
> I now have a test box to try and get working.
> I seem to be going around in circles with the Microsoft Docs.
> I don't have an option to add a NetCore application pool
> I have installed the  .NET Core Windows Server Hosting Bundle  and the
> dotnet core run time for 2.2.7
> On Sat, Apr 21, 2018 at 3:47 PM, Stephen Price <>
> wrote:
> Hey Kirsten,
> You should be able to deploy to a web app and keep the costs under your
> MSDN Azure credit limit.
> Perhaps try doing a publish from within Visual Studio, you can set it to
> create the web app for you, including the size. Right click project, select
> Publish and follow the prompts.
> Go for the smallest size, or maybe even the shared size and you should be
> ok.
> As a pro tip, when I create Azure resources I put them into their own
> Resource, that's a nice way to keep them all together. If you want to
> delete the whole lot later and start over (for whatever reason) you can
> delete the Resource and all of its contents in one go. Just make sure you
> don't have anything in there you want, obviously. 
> hope that helps
> Stephen
> --
> *From:* <> on
> behalf of kirsten greed <>
> *Sent:* Saturday, 21 April 2018 7:50:58 AM
> *To:* ozDotNet
> *Subject:* Deploying .Net Core 2.0 to IIS running on Windows Server 2012R2
> Hi folks
> I am wondering how best to  test deploying my .Net Core 2.0 Api
> The production computer is running Windows Server 2012R2, so I thought I
> would try testing on an Azure VM.
> When I tried to do this I found myself led into the Marketplace to use an
> image from CloudHubTech with the cost not being covered by my MSDN Azure
> credits.
> This causes me to pause and wonder if Docker might be a better way forward.
> Any wisdom on how I should proceed would be appreciated.
> Thanks
> Kirsten
> Thanks Stephen but I am trying to do a dry run to deploy on IIS running on
> Windows Server2012R2
> I now have a test box to try and get working.
> I seem to be going around in circles with the Microsoft Docs.
> I don't have an option to add a NetCore application pool
> I have installed the  .NET Core Windows Server Hosting Bundle  and the
> dotnet core run time for 2.2.7
> On Sat, Apr 21, 2018 at 3:47 PM, Stephen Price <>
> wrote:
>> Hey Kirsten,
>> You should be able to deploy to a web app and keep the costs under your
>> MSDN Azure credit limit.
>> Perhaps try doing a publish from within Visual Studio, you can set it to
>> create the web app for you, including the size. Right click project, select
>> Publish and follow the prompts.
>> Go for the smallest size, or maybe even the shared size and you should be
>> ok.
>> As a pro tip, when I create Azure resources I put them into their own
>> Resource, that's a nice way to keep them all together. If you want to
>> delete the whole lot later and start over (for whatever reason) you can
>> delete the Resource and all of its contents in one go. Just make sure you
>> don't have anything in there you want, obviously. 
>> hope that helps
>> Stephen
>> --
>> *From:* <> on
>> behalf of kirsten greed <>
>> *Sent:* Saturday, 21 April 2018 7:50:58 AM
>> *To:* ozDotNet
>> *Subject:* Deploying .Net Core 2.0 to IIS running on Windows Server
>> 2012R2

Re: Deploying .Net Core 2.0 to IIS running on Windows Server 2012R2

2018-04-21 Thread kirsten greed
Thanks Stephen but I am trying to do a dry run to deploy on IIS running on
Windows Server2012R2
I now have a test box to try and get working.
I seem to be going around in circles with the Microsoft Docs.
I don't have an option to add a NetCore application pool
I have installed the  .NET Core Windows Server Hosting Bundle  and the
dotnet core run time for 2.2.7

On Sat, Apr 21, 2018 at 3:47 PM, Stephen Price <>

> Hey Kirsten,
> You should be able to deploy to a web app and keep the costs under your
> MSDN Azure credit limit.
> Perhaps try doing a publish from within Visual Studio, you can set it to
> create the web app for you, including the size. Right click project, select
> Publish and follow the prompts.
> Go for the smallest size, or maybe even the shared size and you should be
> ok.
> As a pro tip, when I create Azure resources I put them into their own
> Resource, that's a nice way to keep them all together. If you want to
> delete the whole lot later and start over (for whatever reason) you can
> delete the Resource and all of its contents in one go. Just make sure you
> don't have anything in there you want, obviously. 
> hope that helps
> Stephen
> --
> *From:* <> on
> behalf of kirsten greed <>
> *Sent:* Saturday, 21 April 2018 7:50:58 AM
> *To:* ozDotNet
> *Subject:* Deploying .Net Core 2.0 to IIS running on Windows Server 2012R2
> Hi folks
> I am wondering how best to  test deploying my .Net Core 2.0 Api
> The production computer is running Windows Server 2012R2, so I thought I
> would try testing on an Azure VM.
> When I tried to do this I found myself led into the Marketplace to use an
> image from CloudHubTech with the cost not being covered by my MSDN Azure
> credits.
> This causes me to pause and wonder if Docker might be a better way forward.
> Any wisdom on how I should proceed would be appreciated.
> Thanks
> Kirsten

Deploying .Net Core 2.0 to IIS running on Windows Server 2012R2

2018-04-20 Thread kirsten greed
Hi folks

I am wondering how best to  test deploying my .Net Core 2.0 Api

The production computer is running Windows Server 2012R2, so I thought I
would try testing on an Azure VM.

When I tried to do this I found myself led into the Marketplace to use an
image from CloudHubTech with the cost not being covered by my MSDN Azure

This causes me to pause and wonder if Docker might be a better way forward.

Any wisdom on how I should proceed would be appreciated.


Re: Class diagrams and tools for communicating with clients

2018-02-06 Thread kirsten greed
I  am half way through the Scott Wlaschin Video which makes a great case
for F# as a DDD tool.
I love the Card Game example.

module CardGame =
 type Suit = Club | Diamond |Spade : Heart
 type Rank = Two  | Three  | Four  | Five  | Six   |  Seven   |  Eight   |
Nine   |  Ten   |  Jack   |  Queen   |  King   |  Ace

type Card = Suit * Rank
type Hand = Card list
type Dec = Card list
type Player = {Name:string; Hand:Hand}
type Game = {Deck:Deck; Players : Player list }
type Deal = Deck -> (Deck *Card)
type PickupCard = (Hand * Card ) -> Hand

As Scott points out the customer can easily see if I missed a Suit or a
Rank. The code and the design are one and the same, and persistence is not

Regarding UML, I never really came to grips with it in the past.
I just watched parts of the Pluralsight course : Picturing Architecture:
UML (The Good Bits) and More by Allen Holub which helps a bit  However if I
find UML a learning overhead, how can I expect the customer to be able to
speak it with me?

I will check out the Simon Brown link too. Thank you.

On Tue, Feb 6, 2018 at 9:11 AM, Ian Thomas <> wrote:

> Perhaps consider Ink to Code ? It’s the converse of your approach, but may
> help with client understanding.
> code-microsoft-is-turning-back-of-napkin-sketches-into-software/
> It’s a Microsoft Garage project, from Microsoft Store, not available here
> yet? (I haven’t checked)
> Albert Park, Victoria 3206 Australia
> *From:* [mailto:ozdotnet-bounces@
>] *On Behalf Of *kirsten greed
> *Sent:* Tuesday, 6 February 2018 8:22 AM
> *To:* ozDotNet <>
> *Subject:* Class diagrams and tools for communicating with clients
> Hello all.
> After revisiting "Domain Driven Design"
> I want to try using class diagrams to communicate with my client.
> However my classes are cluttered with internal properties that are not
> relevant to our conversations
> I thought of trying interfaces for example
> public interface ISnapInModel
> {
> IBlank Blank { get;  set;  }
> }
> public interface IBlank
>   {
> public int Height {get;set;}
> public int Width {get;set;}
>   }
> However when I try to create a class diagram in VS2017 no association
> draws between the two interfaces.
> Is there a better way?
> Thank you

Re: Class diagrams and tools for communicating with clients

2018-02-05 Thread kirsten greed
Rather than drawings to code, I want C# code to diagrams.  I had a play
with Resharper's Type Dependency diagrams but the result is more for
I need something that displays a class in a form that promotes discussion
in the "Ubiquitous Language"

For Example a Car with four Wheel properties.

On Tue, Feb 6, 2018 at 9:21 AM, djones147 <> wrote:

> I use mermaidjs  to do simple graphs and diagrams.
> Davy
> Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.
>  Original message 
> From: Ian Thomas <>
> Date: 05/02/2018 23:11 (GMT+01:00)
> To: ozDotNet <>
> Subject: RE: Class diagrams and tools for communicating with clients
> Perhaps consider Ink to Code ? It’s the converse of your approach, but may
> help with client understanding.
> code-microsoft-is-turning-back-of-napkin-sketches-into-software/
> It’s a Microsoft Garage project, from Microsoft Store, not available here
> yet? (I haven’t checked)
> Albert Park, Victoria 3206 Australia
> *From:* [mailto:ozdotnet-bounces@
>] *On Behalf Of *kirsten greed
> *Sent:* Tuesday, 6 February 2018 8:22 AM
> *To:* ozDotNet <>
> *Subject:* Class diagrams and tools for communicating with clients
> Hello all.
> After revisiting "Domain Driven Design"
> I want to try using class diagrams to communicate with my client.
> However my classes are cluttered with internal properties that are not
> relevant to our conversations
> I thought of trying interfaces for example
> public interface ISnapInModel
> {
> IBlank Blank { get;  set;  }
> }
> public interface IBlank
>   {
> public int Height {get;set;}
> public int Width {get;set;}
>   }
> However when I try to create a class diagram in VS2017 no association
> draws between the two interfaces.
> Is there a better way?
> Thank you

Class diagrams and tools for communicating with clients

2018-02-05 Thread kirsten greed
Hello all.
After revisiting "Domain Driven Design"
I want to try using class diagrams to communicate with my client.
However my classes are cluttered with internal properties that are not
relevant to our conversations

I thought of trying interfaces for example

public interface ISnapInModel

IBlank Blank { get;  set;  }

public interface IBlank
public int Height {get;set;}
public int Width {get;set;}

However when I try to create a class diagram in VS2017 no association draws
between the two interfaces.

Is there a better way?
Thank you

Re: Using Azure blob storage for static web sites

2017-12-31 Thread kirsten greed
Thanks Greg

I have it working at last :-)

In DNSMadeEasy

I made a CNAME record with name=docs Alias to  ( i.e mapping to the storage account
in Azure)
then I made a redirect for www to
So now opens the index.html to say "hello world"


On Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 3:06 PM, Greg Low <> wrote:

> Sorry, not following. Azure mapping of what? I thought it was just a
> static website with pages served out of a storage account…
> Regards,
> Greg
> Dr Greg Low
> 1300SQLSQL (1300 775 775) office | +61 419201410 <+61%20419%20201%20410>
> mobile│ +61 3 8676 4913 <+61%203%208676%204913> fax
> SQL Down Under | Web: |
> *From:* [mailto:ozdotnet-bounces@
>] *On Behalf Of *kirsten greed
> *Sent:* Monday, 18 December 2017 1:50 PM
> *To:* ozDotNet <>
> *Subject:* Re: Using Azure blob storage for static web sites
> Greg,
> I am having a play with DNSMadeEasy
> I think the catch might be that your method needs a sub-domain.
> and www is already needed for the Azure  mapping.
> Kirsten
> On Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 12:48 PM, Greg Low <> wrote:
> Yep, just a convenient HTTP redirect provided by the DNS provider as part
> of their DNS hosting.
> Regards,
> Greg
> Dr Greg Low
> 1300SQLSQL (1300 775 775) office | +61 419201410 <+61%20419%20201%20410>
> mobile│ +61 3 8676 4913 <+61%203%208676%204913> fax
> SQL Down Under | Web: |
> *From:* [mailto:ozdotnet-bounces@
>] *On Behalf Of *Ken Schaefer
> *Sent:* Monday, 18 December 2017 12:35 PM
> *To:* ozDotNet <>
> *Subject:* RE: Using Azure blob storage for static web sites
> This isn’t a DNS redirect.
> It is either a HTTP based redirect, or it is using a HTML frame/iframe.
> DNS doesn’t do redirects – at most it does aliases (CNAME records -> A
> records)
> Cheers
> Ken
> *From:* [mailto:ozdotnet-bounces@
> <>] *On Behalf Of *Greg Low
> *Sent:* Monday, 18 December 2017 10:52 AM
> *To:* ozDotNet <>
> *Subject:* RE: Using Azure blob storage for static web sites
> Actually, even more to the point, I just redirected
> to an html file in an azure storage
> account:
> When I access it, the web page comes up.
> Regards,
> Greg
> Dr Greg Low
> 1300SQLSQL (1300 775 775) office | +61 419201410 <+61%20419%20201%20410>
> mobile│ +61 3 8676 4913 <+61%203%208676%204913> fax
> SQL Down Under | Web: |
> *From:* Greg Low []
> *Sent:* Monday, 18 December 2017 10:47 AM
> *To:* 'ozDotNet' <>
> *Subject:* RE: Using Azure blob storage for static web sites
> I just created pointing to
> Seems to work fine. If you access it, our MP3 feed comes back.
> Regards,
> Greg
> Dr Greg Low
> 1300SQLSQL (1300 775 775) office | +61 419201410 <+61%20419%20201%20410>
> mobile│ +61 3 8676 4913 <+61%203%208676%204913> fax
> SQL Down Under | Web: |
> *From:* [mailto:ozdotnet-bounces@
> <>] *On Behalf Of *kirsten greed
> *Sent:* Monday, 18 December 2017 10:39 AM
> *To:* ozDotNet <>
> *Subject:* Re: Using Azure blob storage for static web sites
> Hi Greg
> I am out of my depth, but it doesn't seem possible, looking at eudoxos
> answer.
> to-redirect-to-another-url-with-a-path?rq=1
> Kirsten
> On Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 9:57 AM, Greg Low <> wrote:
> Would an HTTP redirect at the DNS level fix that for you?
> Regards,
> Greg

Re: Anybody out there?

2017-12-27 Thread kirsten greed
Ah thanks Vasileios. I kept getting gmail bounce backs when I replied to
that thread. Good to know the list still works.

On Thu, Dec 28, 2017 at 12:54 PM, Vasileios Samaltanos <> wrote:

> Hi Kirsten,
> Last post for me was the "Using Azure blob storage for static web sites"
> on Dec 18th.
> On 28 December 2017 at 08:34, kirsten greed <>
> wrote:
>> Hello OzDotNet
>> My last post to this list bounced back and I have seen no more posts
>> since.
>> Kirsten

Anybody out there?

2017-12-27 Thread kirsten greed
Hello OzDotNet
My last post to this list bounced back and I have seen no more posts since.

Re: Using Azure blob storage for static web sites

2017-12-17 Thread kirsten greed
I am having a play with DNSMadeEasy
I think the catch might be that your method needs a sub-domain.
and www is already needed for the Azure  mapping.

On Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 12:48 PM, Greg Low <> wrote:

> Yep, just a convenient HTTP redirect provided by the DNS provider as part
> of their DNS hosting.
> Regards,
> Greg
> Dr Greg Low
> 1300SQLSQL (1300 775 775) office | +61 419201410 <+61%20419%20201%20410>
> mobile│ +61 3 8676 4913 <+61%203%208676%204913> fax
> SQL Down Under | Web: |
> *From:* [mailto:ozdotnet-bounces@
>] *On Behalf Of *Ken Schaefer
> *Sent:* Monday, 18 December 2017 12:35 PM
> *To:* ozDotNet <>
> *Subject:* RE: Using Azure blob storage for static web sites
> This isn’t a DNS redirect.
> It is either a HTTP based redirect, or it is using a HTML frame/iframe.
> DNS doesn’t do redirects – at most it does aliases (CNAME records -> A
> records)
> Cheers
> Ken
> *From:* [mailto:ozdotnet-bounces@
> <>] *On Behalf Of *Greg Low
> *Sent:* Monday, 18 December 2017 10:52 AM
> *To:* ozDotNet <>
> *Subject:* RE: Using Azure blob storage for static web sites
> Actually, even more to the point, I just redirected
> to an html file in an azure storage
> account:
> When I access it, the web page comes up.
> Regards,
> Greg
> Dr Greg Low
> 1300SQLSQL (1300 775 775) office | +61 419201410 <+61%20419%20201%20410>
> mobile│ +61 3 8676 4913 <+61%203%208676%204913> fax
> SQL Down Under | Web: |
> *From:* Greg Low []
> *Sent:* Monday, 18 December 2017 10:47 AM
> *To:* 'ozDotNet' <>
> *Subject:* RE: Using Azure blob storage for static web sites
> I just created pointing to
> Seems to work fine. If you access it, our MP3 feed comes back.
> Regards,
> Greg
> Dr Greg Low
> 1300SQLSQL (1300 775 775) office | +61 419201410 <+61%20419%20201%20410>
> mobile│ +61 3 8676 4913 <+61%203%208676%204913> fax
> SQL Down Under | Web: |
> *From:* [mailto:ozdotnet-bounces@
> <>] *On Behalf Of *kirsten greed
> *Sent:* Monday, 18 December 2017 10:39 AM
> *To:* ozDotNet <>
> *Subject:* Re: Using Azure blob storage for static web sites
> Hi Greg
> I am out of my depth, but it doesn't seem possible, looking at eudoxos
> answer.
> to-redirect-to-another-url-with-a-path?rq=1
> Kirsten
> On Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 9:57 AM, Greg Low <> wrote:
> Would an HTTP redirect at the DNS level fix that for you?
> Regards,
> Greg
> Dr Greg Low
> 1300SQLSQL (1300 775 775) office | +61 419201410 <+61%20419%20201%20410>
> mobile│ +61 3 8676 4913 <+61%203%208676%204913> fax
> SQL Down Under | Web: |
> *From:* [mailto:ozdotnet-bounces@
>] *On Behalf Of *kirsten greed
> *Sent:* Monday, 18 December 2017 9:23 AM
> *To:* ozDotNet <>
> *Subject:* Using Azure blob storage for static web sites
> Hi folks
> I am investigating using Azure blob storage and CDN to host a static
> website with a contact form because this provides low cost hosting and ssl.
> I have managed to get the site working but with the following limitations
> 1) I am yet to map the domain directly to an blob.
> ie the user has to go to  not
> I gather Microsoft plan to fix this this year
> suggestions/6417741-static-website-hosting-in-azure-blob-storage
> I have googled some workarounds involving Azure Functions or CDN Rewrite
> rules but am yet to try.
> 2) How to do a Contact form that emails me on submit.
> I have seen some advice at
> questions/9533172/adding-contact-form-to-a-static-website
> I am wanting some advice on how to proceed.  I don't mind a bit of a
> learning curve as long as the learning is not going to be redundant in 6
> months time.
> Maybe I should just do a web app with Cloudflare for ssl ( which I have
> done before)  and wait.
> Thoughts and experiences?
> Kirsten

Re: Using Azure blob storage for static web sites

2017-12-17 Thread kirsten greed
No problem, thanks for bothering to check it worked.

On Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 11:14 AM, Greg Low <> wrote:

> Sorry, I deleted it a few minutes ago.
> Regards,
> Greg
> Dr Greg Low
> 1300SQLSQL (1300 775 775) office | +61 419201410 <+61%20419%20201%20410>
> mobile│ +61 3 8676 4913 <+61%203%208676%204913> fax
> SQL Down Under | Web: |
> *From:* [mailto:ozdotnet-bounces@
>] *On Behalf Of *kirsten greed
> *Sent:* Monday, 18 December 2017 11:14 AM
> *To:* ozDotNet <>
> *Subject:* Re: Using Azure blob storage for static web sites
> Is the storage public?
> I get
> This site can’t be reached
> * <>*’s server IP
> address could not be found.
>- Go to
>- Search Google for kirsten sql down under
> On Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 10:51 AM, Greg Low <> wrote:
> Actually, even more to the point, I just redirected
> to an html file in an azure storage
> account:
> When I access it, the web page comes up.
> Regards,
> Greg
> Dr Greg Low
> 1300SQLSQL (1300 775 775) office | +61 419201410 <+61%20419%20201%20410>
> mobile│ +61 3 8676 4913 <+61%203%208676%204913> fax
> SQL Down Under | Web: |
> *From:* Greg Low []
> *Sent:* Monday, 18 December 2017 10:47 AM
> *To:* 'ozDotNet' <>
> *Subject:* RE: Using Azure blob storage for static web sites
> I just created pointing to
> Seems to work fine. If you access it, our MP3 feed comes back.
> Regards,
> Greg
> Dr Greg Low
> 1300SQLSQL (1300 775 775) office | +61 419201410 <+61%20419%20201%20410>
> mobile│ +61 3 8676 4913 <+61%203%208676%204913> fax
> SQL Down Under | Web: |
> *From:* [mailto:ozdotnet-bounces@
> <>] *On Behalf Of *kirsten greed
> *Sent:* Monday, 18 December 2017 10:39 AM
> *To:* ozDotNet <>
> *Subject:* Re: Using Azure blob storage for static web sites
> Hi Greg
> I am out of my depth, but it doesn't seem possible, looking at eudoxos
> answer.
> to-redirect-to-another-url-with-a-path?rq=1
> Kirsten
> On Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 9:57 AM, Greg Low <> wrote:
> Would an HTTP redirect at the DNS level fix that for you?
> Regards,
> Greg
> Dr Greg Low
> 1300SQLSQL (1300 775 775) office | +61 419201410 <+61%20419%20201%20410>
> mobile│ +61 3 8676 4913 <+61%203%208676%204913> fax
> SQL Down Under | Web: |
> *From:* [mailto:ozdotnet-bounces@
>] *On Behalf Of *kirsten greed
> *Sent:* Monday, 18 December 2017 9:23 AM
> *To:* ozDotNet <>
> *Subject:* Using Azure blob storage for static web sites
> Hi folks
> I am investigating using Azure blob storage and CDN to host a static
> website with a contact form because this provides low cost hosting and ssl.
> I have managed to get the site working but with the following limitations
> 1) I am yet to map the domain directly to an blob.
> ie the user has to go to  not
> I gather Microsoft plan to fix this this year
> suggestions/6417741-static-website-hosting-in-azure-blob-storage
> I have googled some workarounds involving Azure Functions or CDN Rewrite
> rules but am yet to try.
> 2) How to do a Contact form that emails me on submit.
> I have seen some advice at
> questions/9533172/adding-contact-form-to-a-static-website
> I am wanting some advice on how to proceed.  I don't mind a bit of a
> learning curve as long as the learning is not going to be redundant in 6
> months time.
> Maybe I should just do a web app with Cloudflare for ssl ( which I have
> done before)  and wait.
> Thoughts and experiences?
> Kirsten

Re: Using Azure blob storage for static web sites

2017-12-17 Thread kirsten greed
Is the storage public?
I get
This site can’t be reached

* <>*’s server IP
address could not be found.

   - Go to
   - Search Google for kirsten sql down under


On Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 10:51 AM, Greg Low <> wrote:

> Actually, even more to the point, I just redirected
> to an html file in an azure storage
> account:
> When I access it, the web page comes up.
> Regards,
> Greg
> Dr Greg Low
> 1300SQLSQL (1300 775 775) office | +61 419201410 <+61%20419%20201%20410>
> mobile│ +61 3 8676 4913 <+61%203%208676%204913> fax
> SQL Down Under | Web: |
> *From:* Greg Low []
> *Sent:* Monday, 18 December 2017 10:47 AM
> *To:* 'ozDotNet' <>
> *Subject:* RE: Using Azure blob storage for static web sites
> I just created pointing to
> Seems to work fine. If you access it, our MP3 feed comes back.
> Regards,
> Greg
> Dr Greg Low
> 1300SQLSQL (1300 775 775) office | +61 419201410 <+61%20419%20201%20410>
> mobile│ +61 3 8676 4913 <+61%203%208676%204913> fax
> SQL Down Under | Web: |
> *From:* [mailto:ozdotnet-bounces@
> <>] *On Behalf Of *kirsten greed
> *Sent:* Monday, 18 December 2017 10:39 AM
> *To:* ozDotNet <>
> *Subject:* Re: Using Azure blob storage for static web sites
> Hi Greg
> I am out of my depth, but it doesn't seem possible, looking at eudoxos
> answer.
> to-redirect-to-another-url-with-a-path?rq=1
> Kirsten
> On Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 9:57 AM, Greg Low <> wrote:
> Would an HTTP redirect at the DNS level fix that for you?
> Regards,
> Greg
> Dr Greg Low
> 1300SQLSQL (1300 775 775) office | +61 419201410 <+61%20419%20201%20410>
> mobile│ +61 3 8676 4913 <+61%203%208676%204913> fax
> SQL Down Under | Web: |
> *From:* [mailto:ozdotnet-bounces@
>] *On Behalf Of *kirsten greed
> *Sent:* Monday, 18 December 2017 9:23 AM
> *To:* ozDotNet <>
> *Subject:* Using Azure blob storage for static web sites
> Hi folks
> I am investigating using Azure blob storage and CDN to host a static
> website with a contact form because this provides low cost hosting and ssl.
> I have managed to get the site working but with the following limitations
> 1) I am yet to map the domain directly to an blob.
> ie the user has to go to  not
> I gather Microsoft plan to fix this this year
> suggestions/6417741-static-website-hosting-in-azure-blob-storage
> I have googled some workarounds involving Azure Functions or CDN Rewrite
> rules but am yet to try.
> 2) How to do a Contact form that emails me on submit.
> I have seen some advice at
> questions/9533172/adding-contact-form-to-a-static-website
> I am wanting some advice on how to proceed.  I don't mind a bit of a
> learning curve as long as the learning is not going to be redundant in 6
> months time.
> Maybe I should just do a web app with Cloudflare for ssl ( which I have
> done before)  and wait.
> Thoughts and experiences?
> Kirsten

Re: Using Azure blob storage for static web sites

2017-12-17 Thread kirsten greed
Thanks Greg
What DNS provider are you using?
I am trying Azure DNS but it does not seem to be there.

On Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 10:51 AM, Greg Low <> wrote:

> Actually, even more to the point, I just redirected
> to an html file in an azure storage
> account:
> When I access it, the web page comes up.
> Regards,
> Greg
> Dr Greg Low
> 1300SQLSQL (1300 775 775) office | +61 419201410 <+61%20419%20201%20410>
> mobile│ +61 3 8676 4913 <+61%203%208676%204913> fax
> SQL Down Under | Web: |
> *From:* Greg Low []
> *Sent:* Monday, 18 December 2017 10:47 AM
> *To:* 'ozDotNet' <>
> *Subject:* RE: Using Azure blob storage for static web sites
> I just created pointing to
> Seems to work fine. If you access it, our MP3 feed comes back.
> Regards,
> Greg
> Dr Greg Low
> 1300SQLSQL (1300 775 775) office | +61 419201410 <+61%20419%20201%20410>
> mobile│ +61 3 8676 4913 <+61%203%208676%204913> fax
> SQL Down Under | Web: |
> *From:* [mailto:ozdotnet-bounces@
> <>] *On Behalf Of *kirsten greed
> *Sent:* Monday, 18 December 2017 10:39 AM
> *To:* ozDotNet <>
> *Subject:* Re: Using Azure blob storage for static web sites
> Hi Greg
> I am out of my depth, but it doesn't seem possible, looking at eudoxos
> answer.
> to-redirect-to-another-url-with-a-path?rq=1
> Kirsten
> On Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 9:57 AM, Greg Low <> wrote:
> Would an HTTP redirect at the DNS level fix that for you?
> Regards,
> Greg
> Dr Greg Low
> 1300SQLSQL (1300 775 775) office | +61 419201410 <+61%20419%20201%20410>
> mobile│ +61 3 8676 4913 <+61%203%208676%204913> fax
> SQL Down Under | Web: |
> *From:* [mailto:ozdotnet-bounces@
>] *On Behalf Of *kirsten greed
> *Sent:* Monday, 18 December 2017 9:23 AM
> *To:* ozDotNet <>
> *Subject:* Using Azure blob storage for static web sites
> Hi folks
> I am investigating using Azure blob storage and CDN to host a static
> website with a contact form because this provides low cost hosting and ssl.
> I have managed to get the site working but with the following limitations
> 1) I am yet to map the domain directly to an blob.
> ie the user has to go to  not
> I gather Microsoft plan to fix this this year
> suggestions/6417741-static-website-hosting-in-azure-blob-storage
> I have googled some workarounds involving Azure Functions or CDN Rewrite
> rules but am yet to try.
> 2) How to do a Contact form that emails me on submit.
> I have seen some advice at
> questions/9533172/adding-contact-form-to-a-static-website
> I am wanting some advice on how to proceed.  I don't mind a bit of a
> learning curve as long as the learning is not going to be redundant in 6
> months time.
> Maybe I should just do a web app with Cloudflare for ssl ( which I have
> done before)  and wait.
> Thoughts and experiences?
> Kirsten

Re: Using Azure blob storage for static web sites

2017-12-17 Thread kirsten greed
Hi Greg
I am out of my depth, but it doesn't seem possible, looking at eudoxos

On Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 9:57 AM, Greg Low <> wrote:

> Would an HTTP redirect at the DNS level fix that for you?
> Regards,
> Greg
> Dr Greg Low
> 1300SQLSQL (1300 775 775) office | +61 419201410 <+61%20419%20201%20410>
> mobile│ +61 3 8676 4913 <+61%203%208676%204913> fax
> SQL Down Under | Web: |
> *From:* [mailto:ozdotnet-bounces@
>] *On Behalf Of *kirsten greed
> *Sent:* Monday, 18 December 2017 9:23 AM
> *To:* ozDotNet <>
> *Subject:* Using Azure blob storage for static web sites
> Hi folks
> I am investigating using Azure blob storage and CDN to host a static
> website with a contact form because this provides low cost hosting and ssl.
> I have managed to get the site working but with the following limitations
> 1) I am yet to map the domain directly to an blob.
> ie the user has to go to  not
> I gather Microsoft plan to fix this this year
> suggestions/6417741-static-website-hosting-in-azure-blob-storage
> I have googled some workarounds involving Azure Functions or CDN Rewrite
> rules but am yet to try.
> 2) How to do a Contact form that emails me on submit.
> I have seen some advice at
> questions/9533172/adding-contact-form-to-a-static-website
> I am wanting some advice on how to proceed.  I don't mind a bit of a
> learning curve as long as the learning is not going to be redundant in 6
> months time.
> Maybe I should just do a web app with Cloudflare for ssl ( which I have
> done before)  and wait.
> Thoughts and experiences?
> Kirsten

Using Azure blob storage for static web sites

2017-12-17 Thread kirsten greed
Hi folks

I am investigating using Azure blob storage and CDN to host a static
website with a contact form because this provides low cost hosting and ssl.

I have managed to get the site working but with the following limitations

1) I am yet to map the domain directly to an blob.
ie the user has to go to  not

I gather Microsoft plan to fix this this year

I have googled some workarounds involving Azure Functions or CDN Rewrite
rules but am yet to try.

2) How to do a Contact form that emails me on submit.

I have seen some advice at

I am wanting some advice on how to proceed.  I don't mind a bit of a
learning curve as long as the learning is not going to be redundant in 6
months time.

Maybe I should just do a web app with Cloudflare for ssl ( which I have
done before)  and wait.

Thoughts and experiences?

Re: Creating a browser-based product

2017-11-16 Thread kirsten greed
Hi Greg

Perhaps checkout DevExtreme

On Fri, Nov 17, 2017 at 10:13 AM, Craig van Nieuwkerk 

> If you backend services are well established and you could easily put a
> WebAPI over them, then it makes sense to do a SPA and mainly Javascript
> front end.
> If it is an enterprisey type app then it is hard to go past Angular,
> Pluralsight is your friend to learn. I would also talk to,
> they have some good courses that will get you running in the right
> direction quickly.
> Craig
> On Fri, Nov 17, 2017 at 9:14 AM, Greg Keogh  wrote:
>> Folks, we have a serious decision to make about the future directions of
>> our 10 year old Silverlight product that is in wide use in some big
>> companies. I told the boss I'd poll this forum for advice, so I'd really
>> appreciate serious comments from people in-the-know.
>> The large companies using the Silverlight product are now locking down
>> security, so Internet Explorer is being banned and Edge adopted, which
>> means Silverlight is out (some employees are already being forced to use
>> the product from home). Our product is available as Xamarin authored tablet
>> and phone apps for three platforms, but they won't even allow our apps on
>> their company devices.
>> So for the first time we are forced to produce a "browser based" version
>> of our product, which apparently is acceptable to their security policies
>> and audits. Here are some issues swirling in my head:
>>- The backend services to drive the product are established.
>>- The UIs of other product versions are explorer (master-detail)
>>style, so it would be nice to maintain that feel in the browser.
>>- We have to display data in Excel-like tables and a variety of
>>charts (the richer and more interactive the better).
>>- Should we use server-side ASP.NET Web Forms or MVC to drive it?
>>- Should it be browser-side SPA? (you know I hate JS everything, so
>>there is personal resistance there).
>>- Could server-side and browser-side be combined to produce a better
>>hybrid experience? Are there things to help you do that?
>>- There are development platforms such as GTK and many others I guess
>>that I'm not familiar with. Are they viable?
>>- Other issues I'm forgetting?
>> I'm personally familiar with ASP.NET Web Forms and MVC, but not with
>> quality JS, layout or styling. Perhaps I could write a black-and-white
>> skeleton of the working product and then give it to someone to style and
>> script (I have done that once before).
>> So in summary (I know this is a very broad question) ... if you were in
>> my position, how would you proceed to produce a browser based version of a
>> product?
>> Cheers,
>> *Greg K*

RE: Logo for Ozdotnet

2017-04-13 Thread Kirsten Greed
Not too sure that Taswegians like being coloured as part of Victoria... 


From: []
On Behalf Of Stephen Price
Sent: Tuesday, 11 April 2017 11:39 AM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: Re: Logo for Ozdotnet

Wait a second, I see what you mean... 

Weird, the logo we were working from, we definitely flipped it vertically.
Maybe we just messed it up. Will double check that... 


From:  on
behalf of David Gardiner 
Sent: Tuesday, 11 April 2017 8:38:02 AM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: Re: Logo for Ozdotnet 
Maybe I'm looking at it wrong, but aren't they sideways rather than upside

Inline images 1

If they were upside down, I'd have had them (clockwise, top-left) Yellow,
Blue, Red, Green

I realise this isn't very important though.. maybe we could have a logo of a
bike shed as well :-)

On 11 April 2017 at 09:50, Stephen Price  wrote:

Well picked! It's the colours from the Microsoft logo except they are
upside-down. ??

I'm not a lawyer but I would be surprised if Microsoft started gunning for a
user group that helps promote their stuff. It's not like we are trying to be
them, just wave their flag. 

Might do some more research just to make sure it won't be an issue. 


From:  on
behalf of David Gardiner 
Sent: Tuesday, 11 April 2017 7:48:59 AM 

To: ozDotNet
Subject: Re: Logo for Ozdotnet
I think these are good. I'll overlook my state being divided in two :-)

Wondering about the colours though - they're presumably based on the
Microsoft logo colours. Would it be better to have them in the same order
(eg. clockwise from top-left red, green, yellow, blue) ? Or is it
intentional to not do that to avoid legal issues? Or maybe have them upside
down as a nod to being 'down under'?


On 10 April 2017 at 21:30, Stephen Price  wrote:

Passed feedback to Katie and here's what she came up with.  
Three versions, a dark, light and a banner version. 

I really love these ones, think she'd done a great job. 



From:  on
behalf of David Connors 
Sent: Monday, 10 April 2017 3:56:58 PM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: Re: Logo for Ozdotnet 
I'd make the text the logo. Greg's SQL downunder logo is a good model ...


On Mon, 10 Apr 2017 at 17:49 Stephen Price 

Yeah, I think it needs to be accurate and not confusing. 

I'll get her to make it all on one line (with and without the .com on the

I like the .com as then it can be used as advertising. Can always have two
versions I guess. One with and one without the .com. 

We also have and more recently (because some
dumbarse thought that would be a much better domain name... sounds geeky)

So far option 6 is winning. 


From:  on
behalf of David Richards 
Sent: Monday, 10 April 2017 3:43:47 PM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: Re: Logo for Ozdotnet 
#6 is the best f those presented.  Some suggestions: 
- I think "" is just unclear.
- We probably don't need the ".com" as part of a logo.  The actual website
can be additional text below the logo on any promotional material rather
than part of the logo.
- Did you try "ozdotnet" on a single line? 


"If we can hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes 
 will fall like a house of cards... checkmate!"
 -Zapp Brannigan, Futurama

On 10 April 2017 at 16:48, Ian Thomas  wrote:

#2 - I like the demarcation of the states. Also, it looks OK in monochrome. 



Ian Thomas

Albert Park, Victoria 3206 Australia


From: [mailto:ozdotnet-bounces@ozdot] On Behalf Of Stephen Price
Sent: Monday, 10 April 2017 3:59 PM
To: ozDotNet 
Subject: Logo for Ozdotnet


Hey all, 


My daughter, Katie, has given me a few logo designs based on what I asked


Plan is to put this on the website/forum (if/when that goes up) and make
stickers and tshirts available (probably RedBubble). Turn it into something
people can promote and get a bit of new blood. 


Feedback welcome. 




p.s. personally I like 06, but have asked if she could have white text with
a black outline (to make it easier to read). Also liked the OZ characters
being slightly larger.




David Connors | @davidconnors | LinkedIn | +61 417 189 363

Physical copies of old classics?

2017-03-07 Thread Kirsten Greed
Does anyone in Melbourne have a paper copy of the following old classics
that they would like to sell me?
The Pragmatic  
Programmer: From Journeyman to Master - Andrew Hunt and David Thomas
Clean Code: A  
Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship - Robert C. Martin
Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software - Eric Evans
Improving the Design of Existing Code - Martin Fowler
Working Effectively  
with Legacy Code - Michael Feathers
The Mythical  
Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering - Frederick Brooks
Or advise me best place to get?

RE: installing multiple things on my development machine. Are Virtualmachines still the way to go?

2017-02-03 Thread Kirsten Greed
Thanks Greg
I think my current VMWare player might be running slow because it is storing
data on a non SSD Drive
How should I go about "disabling junk" ?


From: []
On Behalf Of Greg Keogh
Sent: Saturday, 4 February 2017 12:22 PM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: Re: installing multiple things on my development machine. Are
Virtualmachines still the way to go?

If you're getting a new box, then get 16GB++ of RAM (it's cheap) and you can
run multiple VMs easily. I use VMWare player. You should never suffer slow
loading of VMs, for me they're as fast to load and run as the native OS.
I've haven't used Docker yet. My advice: Only install what you really need
for daily working on the metal machine. Any alternate versions of things, or
things to evaluate, or hobby things go into VMs. I try to keep my work OS as
clean as possible.

A fresh Win10 install has tons of garbage installed and running. After my
last install I spent 3 hours removing and disabling junk everywhere (only
Flash has defeated me, I can't remove it, just disable it).


On 4 February 2017 at 10:30, Kirsten Greed <> wrote:

I have a chance to upgrade my development box.  
Over the years multiple programs have crept on to my box including 3
versions of SQL Server Express.
I am wondering how to be more disciplined in keeping my environment clean
Although I have some VMs installed I haven't been using them because they
take so long to load.
For trying out new things - like VS2017, are VMs still the way to go?  Or is
there something else  now ( like Docker? )
What programs should be "On the metal" ?

RE: installing multiple things on my development machine. Are Virtualmachines still the way to go?

2017-02-03 Thread Kirsten Greed
Thanks Piers
What is the difference between a virtual machine and a virtual desktop?

From: []
On Behalf Of Piers Williams
Sent: Saturday, 4 February 2017 11:29 AM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: Re: installing multiple things on my development machine. Are
Virtualmachines still the way to go?

Tl,Dr : Yes. Cross platform Docker is still in its infancy. Ditto GUI apps
on Docker.

The Docker Toolbox for Windows, and now the Docker Windows 10 integration
(RTM) allow you to run Docker containers *for Linux* (the Toolbox via a
hidden VM, and the Windows 10 native version presumably via the Windows 10
revamped UNIX system). There is a preview version that includes Windows
Container support, but I've not tried that yet. It seemed simpler to install
SQL server *for Linux* in the container than work out how to do that. Go
figure. I also use Oracle Express the same way.

And Docker support for GUI apps is also not really a thing. It's discussed
in the Linux world, approaches exist (x11 forwarding[1] or VNC), but
definitely not the norm. Doesn't seem like Windows Containers address this
either, at least not yet. It will happen though.

So VMs, virtual desktops or bare metal setups are probably still the go for
IDEs, but I'd definitely attempt to Dockerise any services I was dependent
on as and when I could, and deploy to Docker if using .Net core.

(As an aside, Docker support for multiple architectures is also a work in
progress, the registry just assumed everything is x64 (whereas Docker on Pi
is Arm of course))

[1] eg

On 4 Feb 2017 07:30, "Kirsten Greed" <> wrote:

I have a chance to upgrade my development box.  
Over the years multiple programs have crept on to my box including 3
versions of SQL Server Express.
I am wondering how to be more disciplined in keeping my environment clean
Although I have some VMs installed I haven't been using them because they
take so long to load.
For trying out new things - like VS2017, are VMs still the way to go?  Or is
there something else  now ( like Docker? )
What programs should be "On the metal" ?

RE: installing multiple things on my development machine. Are Virtualmachines still the way to go?

2017-02-03 Thread Kirsten Greed
Thanks David.
When I typed Path the output filled my whole Dos window!

From: []
On Behalf Of David Gardiner
Sent: Saturday, 4 February 2017 11:13 AM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: Re: installing multiple things on my development machine. Are
Virtualmachines still the way to go?

VMs and Docker are great for isolating things.

Also now with Windows 10 being able to do a 'refresh' (leaving all your
documents and source files etc alone) combined with something like
Boxstarter (or even just Chocolatey), being able to rebuild your machine can
be done relatively painlessly (eg. a few hours, or overnight). I do like the
idea that recreating my development environment is pretty straight forward.

Do watch out for having too many versions of SQL Server installed - it can
end up making your PATH environment variable too big and then "bad things"
start happening.


On 4 February 2017 at 10:16, Preet Sangha <> wrote:

Your VMs take a long time to load? I've been using SSd for about 4/5 years
now and don't find VMs take that long at all, esp. since there is not need
to power down. You can just pause them.  

For my dev box I have SQL server (2 versions), VS 2010 (C++) and VS 2015
(complete) , though the 2010 is now no longer needed. Plus I have git and
and few tools like beyond compare and git UIs + office software.

I tend to use VMs (Hyper V) for testing where more than PF5 is needed.

Preet, in Auckland NZ

On 4 February 2017 at 12:30, Kirsten Greed <> wrote:

I have a chance to upgrade my development box.  
Over the years multiple programs have crept on to my box including 3
versions of SQL Server Express.
I am wondering how to be more disciplined in keeping my environment clean
Although I have some VMs installed I haven't been using them because they
take so long to load.
For trying out new things - like VS2017, are VMs still the way to go?  Or is
there something else  now ( like Docker? )
What programs should be "On the metal" ?

RE: installing multiple things on my development machine. Are Virtualmachines still the way to go?

2017-02-03 Thread Kirsten Greed
Thanks Preet
What is  PF5 ?

From: []
On Behalf Of Preet Sangha
Sent: Saturday, 4 February 2017 10:47 AM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: Re: installing multiple things on my development machine. Are
Virtualmachines still the way to go?

Your VMs take a long time to load? I've been using SSd for about 4/5 years
now and don't find VMs take that long at all, esp. since there is not need
to power down. You can just pause them.  

For my dev box I have SQL server (2 versions), VS 2010 (C++) and VS 2015
(complete) , though the 2010 is now no longer needed. Plus I have git and
and few tools like beyond compare and git UIs + office software.

I tend to use VMs (Hyper V) for testing where more than PF5 is needed.

Preet, in Auckland NZ

On 4 February 2017 at 12:30, Kirsten Greed <> wrote:

I have a chance to upgrade my development box.  
Over the years multiple programs have crept on to my box including 3
versions of SQL Server Express.
I am wondering how to be more disciplined in keeping my environment clean
Although I have some VMs installed I haven't been using them because they
take so long to load.
For trying out new things - like VS2017, are VMs still the way to go?  Or is
there something else  now ( like Docker? )
What programs should be "On the metal" ?

installing multiple things on my development machine. Are Virtual machines still the way to go?

2017-02-03 Thread Kirsten Greed
I have a chance to upgrade my development box.  
Over the years multiple programs have crept on to my box including 3
versions of SQL Server Express.
I am wondering how to be more disciplined in keeping my environment clean
Although I have some VMs installed I haven't been using them because they
take so long to load.
For trying out new things - like VS2017, are VMs still the way to go?  Or is
there something else  now ( like Docker? )
What programs should be "On the metal" ?

RE: Entity Framework - the lay of the land

2016-10-01 Thread Kirsten Greed
That makes sense
It would be good to have some guidelines about where the cut over point is.
Also whether solutions like NService Bus could mitigate the use of EF ?


From: []
On Behalf Of Greg Low (??)
Sent: Saturday, 1 October 2016 12:40 PM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: RE: Entity Framework - the lay of the land

Agreed but not websites with thousands of concurrent users. The problem is
that people don't realise that the same logic doesn't apply in both areas.






Dr Greg Low


1300SQLSQL (1300 775 775) office | +61 419201410 mobile│ +61 3 8676 4913 fax

SQL Down Under | Web:  <> |


From: []
On Behalf Of Kirsten Greed
Sent: Saturday, 1 October 2016 6:42 AM
To: 'ozDotNet' <>
Subject: RE: Entity Framework - the lay of the land


Caveat: this is for winforms line of business applications.




From: []
On Behalf Of Kirsten Greed
Sent: Saturday, 1 October 2016 6:35 AM
To: 'ozDotNet'
Subject: Entity Framework - the lay of the land

My 2c


Horses for courses


I am using  EF Code first and loving it.


Most of the posts on this thread are about building the thing right.


Yet I am finding that EF Code first helps me a lot with building the right


I find changing the database design is much easier now that I use EF
Migrations, this helps me stay in a "play" headset, lowering my fear of
changing the database structure.


There are places where I choose to break into transact-sql, but most of my
CRUD is done via DevExpress XAF with EF Code first.


My 2c :-)












__ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature
database 14206 (20160930) __

The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

__ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature
database 14208 (20161001) __

The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

RE: Entity Framework - the lay of the land

2016-09-30 Thread Kirsten Greed
Caveat: this is for winforms line of business applications.


From: []
On Behalf Of Kirsten Greed
Sent: Saturday, 1 October 2016 6:35 AM
To: 'ozDotNet'
Subject: Entity Framework - the lay of the land

My 2c
Horses for courses
I am using  EF Code first and loving it.
Most of the posts on this thread are about building the thing right.
Yet I am finding that EF Code first helps me a lot with building the right
I find changing the database design is much easier now that I use EF
Migrations, this helps me stay in a "play" headset, lowering my fear of
changing the database structure.
There are places where I choose to break into transact-sql, but most of my
CRUD is done via DevExpress XAF with EF Code first.
My 2c :-)

__ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature
database 14206 (20160930) __

The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

Entity Framework - the lay of the land

2016-09-30 Thread Kirsten Greed
My 2c
Horses for courses
I am using  EF Code first and loving it.
Most of the posts on this thread are about building the thing right.
Yet I am finding that EF Code first helps me a lot with building the right
I find changing the database design is much easier now that I use EF
Migrations, this helps me stay in a "play" headset, lowering my fear of
changing the database structure.
There are places where I choose to break into transact-sql, but most of my
CRUD is done via DevExpress XAF with EF Code first.
My 2c :-)

RE: Is the following possible in Windows 2012 R2 IIS?

2016-05-01 Thread Kirsten Greed
Oops, that should have read
Got it working now using   enableConfigurationOverride="false" for the
application pools in applicationHost.config


From: []
On Behalf Of Kirsten Greed
Sent: Sunday, 1 May 2016 1:10 PM
To: 'ozDotNet'
Subject: RE: Is the following possible in Windows 2012 R2 IIS?

Got it working now using the allowSubDirConfig = false  for the application
pools in applicationHost.config


From: []
On Behalf Of Kirsten Greed
Sent: Sunday, 1 May 2016 10:07 AM
To: 'ozDotNet'
Subject: RE: Is the following possible in Windows 2012 R2 IIS?

I found how to use inheritInChildApplications="false"  in the location
section of the parent web.config
But it does not solve all my problems. takes
me to the login page of
I am investigating the help here now
maybe I need allowSubDirConfig ?


From: []
On Behalf Of Kirsten Greed
Sent: Sunday, 1 May 2016 7:38 AM
To: 'ozDotNet'
Subject: RE: Is the following possible in Windows 2012 R2 IIS?

Thanks Grant
I have switched back to classic for the moment, so now both the website and
the child service are in separate application pools.
My new problem is that the when I try browsing to the service url,  I get
errors complaining about the contents of the web site's config.
The service should be using it's own web.config.  How do I prevent it from
inheriting settings from the web site's config ?


From: []
On Behalf Of Grant Castner
Sent: Saturday, 30 April 2016 7:34 PM
To: 'ozDotNet'
Subject: RE: Is the following possible in Windows 2012 R2 IIS?

Try deleting the httpmodules section in your web.config file  for the
application generating the error. The same settings are also in the
system.webserver  modules section of web.config. httpmodules is there for
backwards compatibility for earlier versions of IIS.






Grant Castner

0458 770 749




From: []
On Behalf Of Kirsten Greed
Sent: Saturday, 30 April 2016 6:04 PM
To: 'ozDotNet' <>
Subject: RE: Is the following possible in Windows 2012 R2 IIS?


I managed to recreate the default website and I got the website working as
the root of the default web site.


then I tried setting the service up as a child application of the default


When I try browsing to the service I get the following 

HTTP Error 500.22 - Internal Server Error


An ASP.NET setting has been detected that does not apply in Integrated
managed pipeline mode.


Most likely causes:
.This application defines configuration in the system.web/httpModules

a little closer I guess...



From: []
On Behalf Of Kirsten Greed
Sent: Saturday, 30 April 2016 4:38 PM
To: 'ozDotNet'
Subject: RE: Is the following possible in Windows 2012 R2 IIS?

Thanks Adrian.

Only I deleted the default website  ( because a course I was following told
me too )

Any idea how I can go about setting the website as the root of the Default
web site?



From: []
On Behalf Of Adrian Halid
Sent: Saturday, 30 April 2016 4:37 PM
To: 'ozDotNet'
Subject: RE: Is the following possible in Windows 2012 R2 IIS?

Yes it is possible to have two websites sites running under IIS with one
using Classic and another using Integrated.


Firstly make sure you have two application pools. One for Classic and
another for Integrated. By default, I think they have them listed. But you
can create more so each web application on the IIS server can have its own
worker processes.


I would then setup the website as the root of Default Web Site. Configure it
to use the Classic application pool. This way you don't have to bother with
URL Rewrites.


Then create a child application for your web service as you have already
done so. Configure it to use the Integrated Application pool.


That should be it.





Adrian Halid 


From: []
On Behalf Of Kirsten Greed
Sent: Saturday, 30 April 2016 2:07 PM
To: 'ozDotNet' <>
Subject: Is the following possible in Windows 2012 R2 IIS?


I don't have much experience with

RE: Is the following possible in Windows 2012 R2 IIS?

2016-04-30 Thread Kirsten Greed
I found how to use inheritInChildApplications="false"  in the location
section of the parent web.config
But it does not solve all my problems. takes
me to the login page of
I am investigating the help here now
maybe I need allowSubDirConfig ?


From: []
On Behalf Of Kirsten Greed
Sent: Sunday, 1 May 2016 7:38 AM
To: 'ozDotNet'
Subject: RE: Is the following possible in Windows 2012 R2 IIS?

Thanks Grant
I have switched back to classic for the moment, so now both the website and
the child service are in separate application pools.
My new problem is that the when I try browsing to the service url,  I get
errors complaining about the contents of the web site's config.
The service should be using it's own web.config.  How do I prevent it from
inheriting settings from the web site's config ?


From: []
On Behalf Of Grant Castner
Sent: Saturday, 30 April 2016 7:34 PM
To: 'ozDotNet'
Subject: RE: Is the following possible in Windows 2012 R2 IIS?

Try deleting the httpmodules section in your web.config file  for the
application generating the error. The same settings are also in the
system.webserver  modules section of web.config. httpmodules is there for
backwards compatibility for earlier versions of IIS.






Grant Castner

0458 770 749




From: []
On Behalf Of Kirsten Greed
Sent: Saturday, 30 April 2016 6:04 PM
To: 'ozDotNet' <>
Subject: RE: Is the following possible in Windows 2012 R2 IIS?


I managed to recreate the default website and I got the website working as
the root of the default web site.


then I tried setting the service up as a child application of the default


When I try browsing to the service I get the following 

HTTP Error 500.22 - Internal Server Error


An ASP.NET setting has been detected that does not apply in Integrated
managed pipeline mode.


Most likely causes:
.This application defines configuration in the system.web/httpModules

a little closer I guess...



From: []
On Behalf Of Kirsten Greed
Sent: Saturday, 30 April 2016 4:38 PM
To: 'ozDotNet'
Subject: RE: Is the following possible in Windows 2012 R2 IIS?

Thanks Adrian.

Only I deleted the default website  ( because a course I was following told
me too )

Any idea how I can go about setting the website as the root of the Default
web site?



From: []
On Behalf Of Adrian Halid
Sent: Saturday, 30 April 2016 4:37 PM
To: 'ozDotNet'
Subject: RE: Is the following possible in Windows 2012 R2 IIS?

Yes it is possible to have two websites sites running under IIS with one
using Classic and another using Integrated.


Firstly make sure you have two application pools. One for Classic and
another for Integrated. By default, I think they have them listed. But you
can create more so each web application on the IIS server can have its own
worker processes.


I would then setup the website as the root of Default Web Site. Configure it
to use the Classic application pool. This way you don't have to bother with
URL Rewrites.


Then create a child application for your web service as you have already
done so. Configure it to use the Integrated Application pool.


That should be it.





Adrian Halid 


From: []
On Behalf Of Kirsten Greed
Sent: Saturday, 30 April 2016 2:07 PM
To: 'ozDotNet' <>
Subject: Is the following possible in Windows 2012 R2 IIS?


I don't have much experience with IIS


I have a web site needing a classic application pool

and a web service needing an integrated application pool


Can I set up IIS to host them both with the same domain name ?


I have tried setting up both the service and the website as child
applications underneath the domain site in IIS.


Thus I have  with  and


I have tried following the blog here to rewrite to

RE: Mobile device photos

2015-10-21 Thread Kirsten Greed
I went to the url on my android phone with it's Mercury browser but nothing
happens when I touch Choose File


From: []
On Behalf Of Craig van Nieuwkerk
Sent: Thursday, 22 October 2015 10:24 AM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: Re: Mobile device photos

Basically all it does it bring up the camera where you can take a photo.
Then when you do a form POST it will be submitted like a normal
input[type=file]. It even displays a little preview of the photo next to the

Open this on your phone


On Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 10:12 AM, Greg Keogh  wrote:

I have done this before. 

This will basically work like a standard file upload input but will use the
camera to select the file.

Goog grief! That's like black magic. So you click the button rendered next
to the  control and what happens?

In my case it looks like the initial devices in the field will be iPads.
I'll read up on the expanded  element and make a test page and try it
on the weekend.


RE: Mobile device photos

2015-10-21 Thread Kirsten Greed
I think Mercury came with my phone.
Will try installing Chrome


From: []
On Behalf Of Joseph Cooney
Sent: Thursday, 22 October 2015 1:32 PM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: Re: Mobile device photos

I was unfamiliar with the Mercury browser too. Not sure what tech it is
based on, but by the Play store's metrics it has been downloaded between
500,000 and 1,000,000 times. This sounds like a lot, but then you look at
the numbers and see that Firefox has been downloaded between 100,000,000 and
500,000,000 times. Unless your metric show a compelling reason to do
otherwise I wouldn't support boutique 3rd party browsers.
> =en

It would be worth checking to see if the android 'built-in' browser (which
is not Chrome) supports this, as it is likely much more widely used.


On Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 12:06 PM, David Burstin <>

Mine worked on my HTC m8 using Chrome. 

What and why Mercury browser?

On 22 October 2015 at 12:37, Kirsten Greed <> wrote:

I went to the url on my android phone with it's Mercury browser but nothing
happens when I touch Choose File


From: []
On Behalf Of Craig van Nieuwkerk
Sent: Thursday, 22 October 2015 10:24 AM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: Re: Mobile device photos

Basically all it does it bring up the camera where you can take a photo.
Then when you do a form POST it will be submitted like a normal
input[type=file]. It even displays a little preview of the photo next to the

Open this on your phone


On Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 10:12 AM, Greg Keogh <> wrote:

I have done this before. 

This will basically work like a standard file upload input but will use the
camera to select the file.

Goog grief! That's like black magic. So you click the button rendered next
to the  control and what happens?

In my case it looks like the initial devices in the field will be iPads.
I'll read up on the expanded  element and make a test page and try it
on the weekend.



t: @josephcooney

Anyone using Dev Express XAF in anger?

2014-10-28 Thread Kirsten Greed
Hi All
I am trialing the Dev Express eXpress App framework at the moment, and
thinking it is rather clever
I would love to hear from anyone building serious applications with it.
Pros and Cons ? Trials and Tribulations?
I am using C# winforms with Entity Framework

Writing user stories for acceptance test driven development

2014-08-05 Thread Kirsten Greed
Hi All
Can anyone point me to a good mailing list/ book/ person on how to do
acceptance test driven development
In particular how to write user stories and the steps for user stories.
We have got Specflow working nicely and want to write a service for a
shopping cart to use
We are able to articulate As A ..., In Order to ... So that
but having trouble getting the flow articulating Given, When and Then

RE: [OT] Noise cancelling earphones for a quietprogramming environment?

2014-05-08 Thread Kirsten Greed
Thank you all who replied about this post.
I finally picked up a Bose QC15 from the shop at Camberwell junction, on
special at $359
Although they don't drown out hubby tapping the keyboard in the background,
they make me feel as though I am in a different room.
We had a very bad experience on line at ValueBasket, cancelled the order
after waiting a month and they only refunded after we raised a credit card
Apparently there are a lot of counterfeits on the market - so if you plan to
buy one, check with Bose that the dealer is authorised.


From: []
On Behalf Of GregAtGregLowDotCom
Sent: Monday, 24 March 2014 10:27 AM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: RE: [OT] Noise cancelling earphones for a quietprogramming

+1 for the Bose gear. I wear them all the time on long flights and love them
but have also used them in other environments and they are great.


The noise reduction quality is amazing. 


+1 also to the idea of drowning out part of the other noise. While they work
well without anything even plugged in, clearly you'll lose the other
distractions better if you have sounds of your own.


For the same reason, I often will have the TV, or music, etc. on when I'm
home alone working just to provide background noise. Otherwise, every little
sound seems to be distracting.






Dr Greg Low


1300SQLSQL (1300 775 775) office | +61 419201410 mobile│ +61 3 8676 4913 fax

SQL Down Under | Web:


From: []
On Behalf Of Jorke Odolphi
Sent: Monday, 24 March 2014 9:28 AM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: Re: [OT] Noise cancelling earphones for a quiet programming


I have a set of these - there is an 'active' mode that basically reduces
people talking to sounding like a faint version of the peanuts teacher (I
hope that's not too old a reference for people:)


I can vouch it works amazingly well in an open office, when I have them on
ppl have to wave at me to get attention - I have a mechanical keyboard and I
can't hear that either - YMMV of course - if you go to the bose store
they're pretty good at helping you test for your situation, especially at
that price tag. I had the guy do loud sniffles for me so I could see if it
worked for that:





From: Kirsten Greed
Reply-To: ozDotNet
Date: Sunday, 23 March 2014 1:20 pm
To: ozDotNet
Subject: [OT] Noise cancelling earphones for a quiet programming


Hi All

So that I can concentrate better, I am trying to filter out the mouse
clicking sound from person at the desk next to me.

Has anyone any tech recommendations on how to do this?



__ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature
database 9579 (20140323) __

The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

[OT] Specflow

2014-04-29 Thread Kirsten Greed
Hi All
Not sure if this is OT or not, but is anyone using Specflow?
I am wondering if the practice works in reality...

RE: [OT] Specflow

2014-04-29 Thread Kirsten Greed
Thanks Jason
I think I want the business readable stuff to be done first rather than
reverse engineered or  would it be the same thing in practice?
From the website..
SpecFlow aims at bridging the communication gap between domain experts and
developers by binding business readable behavior specifications and examples
to the underlying implementation.

I am curious to see if anyone actually manages to use it to achieve this
lofty goal.
It seems to me that the largest part of the battle would be getting the
story written in Gherkin in the first place.
I tried selling the idea to my client but he felt that it would be too hard.


From: []
On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, 29 April 2014 6:32 PM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: Re: [OT] Specflow

Hi Kirsten, it’s worth mentioning that you don’t need to use SpecFlow to do
UI automation if you don’t need that business-readable representation of the
tests/scenarios. If the test are just for the devs/automation testers then
may be able to do without the additional layer.

Also check out BDDfy it lets you
create business readable living documentation from your tests, as opposed to
writing the tests in business readable language and then implementing the
test steps (as with SpecFlow).

If you’re doing UI automation then you may want to consider page object
models as your tests size/complexity grows - just wrote an article about:

Also for browser automation, check out Seleno:


Jason Roberts
Journeyman Software Developer

Twitter: @robertsjason
Pluralsight Courses:

From: Kirsten Greed
Sent: ‎Tuesday‎, ‎29‎ ‎April‎ ‎2014 ‎3‎:‎45‎ ‎PM
To: ozDotNet 

Hi All
Not sure if this is OT or not, but is anyone using Specflow?
I am wondering if the practice works in reality...

[OT] Noise cancelling earphones for a quiet programming environment?

2014-03-22 Thread Kirsten Greed
Hi All
So that I can concentrate better, I am trying to filter out the mouse
clicking sound from person at the desk next to me.
Has anyone any tech recommendations on how to do this?

RE: [OT] Noise cancelling earphones for a quiet programmingenvironment?

2014-03-22 Thread Kirsten Greed
Light weight, over the ear would be best.
Cordless would be a nice to have - but i guess that might add battery
I called in at Dick Smith and the sales lady said that while there are
earphones that cancel out aeroplane sounds she didnt think there were any
for mouse clicks.


From: []
On Behalf Of William Luu
Sent: Sunday, 23 March 2014 1:26 PM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: Re: [OT] Noise cancelling earphones for a quiet

Do you know what style earphones you want? In ear, over ear etc? 

Do you want something with cables or a wireless bluetooth option?

On Sun, Mar 23, 2014 at 1:23 PM, Kirsten Greed

Hi All
So that I can concentrate better, I am trying to filter out the mouse
clicking sound from person at the desk next to me. 
Has anyone any tech recommendations on how to do this?

RE: [OT] Noise cancelling earphones for a quiet programmingenvironment?

2014-03-22 Thread Kirsten Greed
ah, I will take the tech tips on that too :-)

From: []
On Behalf Of Stephen Price
Sent: Sunday, 23 March 2014 2:00 PM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: RE: [OT] Noise cancelling earphones for a quiet

Or get them a quiet mouse...

From: Kirsten Greed 
Sent: ‎23/‎03/‎2014 10:23 AM
To: 'ozDotNet' 
Subject: [OT] Noise cancelling earphones for a quiet programming

Hi All
So that I can concentrate better, I am trying to filter out the mouse
clicking sound from person at the desk next to me.
Has anyone any tech recommendations on how to do this?

__ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature
database 9577 (20140322) __

The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

RE: [OT] Noise cancelling earphones for a quietprogrammingenvironment?

2014-03-22 Thread Kirsten Greed
Thanks. Good to know about the Bose 
I have found this link about a silent mouse
I share my home office ( we badly need a his and hers )  


From: []
On Behalf Of Greg Harris
Sent: Sunday, 23 March 2014 2:39 PM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: Re: [OT] Noise cancelling earphones for a

Sorry I do not think I am going to be a lot of help here.

Recommendation: The best thing to do is to get out of the open office
environment, I find that I am greatly affected by background distractions.
I have had five fold productivity increases when working from home or in
some other comfortable place away from the mad office.

If that fails, I have used Bose QuietComfortR 15 Acoustic Noise CancellingR
( which
are great at cancelling out the background road sounds on the bus, but
pretty useless at the higher frequency office sounds.  See
formance_of_noise-cancelling_headphones for a discussion on this.

The best solution is that everyone has a work cubical with a lot of sound
deadening material and meetings happen in meeting rooms, not at desks.

On Sun, Mar 23, 2014 at 2:26 PM, Kirsten Greed

ah, I will take the tech tips on that too :-)

From: []
On Behalf Of Stephen Price
Sent: Sunday, 23 March 2014 2:00 PM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: RE: [OT] Noise cancelling earphones for a quiet

Or get them a quiet mouse...

From: Kirsten Greed
Sent: 23/03/2014 10:23 AM
To: 'ozDotNet' 
Subject: [OT] Noise cancelling earphones for a quiet programming

Hi All
So that I can concentrate better, I am trying to filter out the mouse
clicking sound from person at the desk next to me.
Has anyone any tech recommendations on how to do this?

__ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature
database 9577 (20140322) __

The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

creating entities from rows instead of columns

2013-12-15 Thread Kirsten Greed
Hi All
I have a table called Properties with fields
PropertyName nVarchar(80)
PropertyValue nVarchar(max)
PropertyType int
I want to be able to create an entity from it, similar to the way Entity
Framework creates entities from table definitions.
Are there any tools out there to do this?

Are BindingSource and BindingNavigator just for writing demos?

2013-11-06 Thread Kirsten Greed
I am using Entity Framework with Winforms
I have set up my object as a data source and would like to do a sales order
maintenance screen.
Can I use BindingSource and BindingNavigator controls in this scenario?
With my VB6 legacy code i learned not to use them, however I want to try
again with VS2012 and C#

RE: Are BindingSource and BindingNavigator just for writing demos?

2013-11-06 Thread Kirsten Greed
I am only using one entity framework context...
The bindingsource  is an object, DomainClasses.SalesOrder 
so how can it be keeping 1 to 5 connections open?
to set up the bindingsource I am using
DbSetDomainClasses.SalesOrder dset = Db.SalesOrders;


salesOrderBindingSource.DataSource = dset.Local.ToBindingList();

How come WPF binding is good and Winforms binding is bad?


From: []
On Behalf Of Davy Jones
Sent: Thursday, 7 November 2013 10:35 AM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: Re: Are BindingSource and BindingNavigator just for writing demos?

Same rule applies don't autobind. You end up with 1-5 connections open on
the database. Do your own mapping and binding away from the EF objects.

If you don't make the break from the bound objects, you have to deal with
objects that have been disassociated from their context and are stale.

As ever datalayer is for connecting to the database and translating to and
from your private objects. 

Ps. My current team went against my advice and now are feeling the pain.
Lucky i have nothing to do with that part of the code. 

Sent from my starfleet datapad.

On 7 nov. 2013, at 00:04, Kirsten Greed wrote:

I am using Entity Framework with Winforms
I have set up my object as a data source and would like to do a sales order
maintenance screen.
Can I use BindingSource and BindingNavigator controls in this scenario?
With my VB6 legacy code i learned not to use them, however I want to try
again with VS2012 and C#

__ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature
database 9014 (20131106) __

The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

RE: [OT] Free 1 week Pluralsight passes

2013-07-20 Thread Kirsten Greed
Thanks! I have taken the right-most one

From: [] On 
Behalf Of
Sent: Sunday, 21 July 2013 12:12 PM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: Fw: [OT] Free 1 week Pluralsight passes

Hi all,
[tried to send before but looks like orig image size too big]
As a Pluralsight author I get a few free course passes and I wanted to give 
some away to the list. They’re one-shot things so 1st come 1st serve, sorry 
about the laziness of not typing guidy things 
Jason Roberts
Journeyman Software Developer

Twitter: @robertsjason
Pluralsight Courses:


RE: [OT] Free 1 week Pluralsight passes

2013-07-20 Thread Kirsten Greed
N.B Pluralsight also offers a free intro subscription - but I have done this 
,and also intermittantly subscribe, so the 1 week pass is a good thing :-)


From: [] On 
Behalf Of Kirsten Greed
Sent: Sunday, 21 July 2013 12:44 PM
To: 'ozDotNet'
Subject: RE: [OT] Free 1 week Pluralsight passes

Thanks! I have taken the right-most one

From: [] On 
Behalf Of
Sent: Sunday, 21 July 2013 12:12 PM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: Fw: [OT] Free 1 week Pluralsight passes

Hi all,
[tried to send before but looks like orig image size too big]
As a Pluralsight author I get a few free course passes and I wanted to give 
some away to the list. They’re one-shot things so 1st come 1st serve, sorry 
about the laziness of not typing guidy things 
Jason Roberts
Journeyman Software Developer

Twitter: @robertsjason
Pluralsight Courses:


__ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature 
database 8590 (20130720) __

The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

A quite revolution in programming

2013-04-19 Thread Kirsten Greed
Dr Dobbs on the increased trend towards working in multiple languages

API to add and remove watermarks on pdfs

2012-11-22 Thread Kirsten Greed
Hi All
Can anyone recommend an api to stamp a watermark on a pdf file?

Using Winforms Bindingsource with EF Codefirst

2012-11-08 Thread Kirsten Greed
Hi All
Is anyone using embedded controls like binding source?
I have been trying to use Entity Framework Code First objects with binding
source, and a data grid view.
I cant seem to get the grid data to save.
I have been told there is a wall that gets hit when using those MS Embedded
controls like Binding Source

Recommendations for a file upload scroll bar control - for an website

2012-08-13 Thread Kirsten Greed
Hi All

We have written a file upload facility in ASP.Net and want to add a control
bar to indicate how long the file will take to upload.

I understand we probably need a 3rd party control

Any recommendations?






Tools to give the client Wysiwyg editing of css files

2012-05-30 Thread Kirsten Greed
Hi All

One of my clients wants a WYSIWYG editor so they can the .css files for
their web site.

Any suggestions? 




RE: [OT] Sample projects for 'testing' Reaction Time

2012-02-17 Thread Kirsten Greed
Hi Ian

I would be interested to learn of such projects.

Indicates a microswitch is more reliable than keyboard and mouse

I wonder how a joystick does.






From: []
On Behalf Of mike smith
Sent: Friday, 17 February 2012 12:53 PM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: Re: [OT] Sample projects for 'testing' Reaction Time


On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 11:59 AM, noonie wrote:



These types of games are really testing more than reaction time (pattern
recognition, spatial and trajectory analysis) and although we may assume
that those cognitive abilities remain the same for an individual, in the
short to medium term, you can get better at it with practice.



And then it goes the other way, when you get tired of it.  Kind of like the
glaucoma 'light test'


(don't move your eye, stare straight ahead, and push a button when you see a
LED anywhere in the field of view.  Oh, and do this for about 45 minutes.
The results for the second eye are usually down from the first, I



If you're just testing reaction time then push the button when you see the
light  has it all over the others... But is nowhere near as much fun ;-(



See above. 


Last time I did something like this (that required accurate and repeatable
time intervals) I had to run it off an interrupt.  Or the latency jitter
killed the test.


If you're testing motor skills then a test of precision may be better. How
about a computer version of the old skill testers that involved a wiggly
wire and a loop with a bell and, optionally, a mild electric shock ;-)



Only mild?







On 17 February 2012 11:05, Bec Carter wrote:

On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 1:00 AM, Les Hughes wrote:
 Ian Thomas wrote:

 An OT project of mine.

 A friend has Parkinson's disease, and is getting the jitters. He was a
 senior manager in a major IT corporation (he is not a programmer, did
 FORTRAN for his MSc, years ago - but he's smart enough). About a year ago
 wrote for himself a simple reaction time (mouse response to some cue
 appearing on screen) in MS Excel (VBA), but he would like to do some .NET
 programming, and also write something more appropriate for his condition.

 I have seen a few things on CodeProject that might be adaptable, but most
 are too elaborate (games, which assume super-quick reaction time but also
 are too involved in terms of story line, graphics, etc).

 Over time, I would be grateful if anyone on the list can just post a URL
 that I can have a look at. I've got him working with VS2008 Express, but
 might need to use a more capable / more recent IDE.

 (Those of you who are aware of tests for behavioural neuroscience may
 that this is a reasonably involved area of research and testing, *but* is
 also a very fertile area for internet money-raking, by individuals whose
 ethical behaviour is similar to those advertising p3nis enlargement!)

 Thanks - it would be good to get a few tips.


 Ian Thomas
 Victoria Park, Western Australia

 Hi Ian,

 Just an idea which came to me, not sure if it is much use (at least in the
 short term), but it seems like a game similar to tetris (maybe even a
 simpler version with only 3 or 4 shapes) might be good for testing
 times. You can graph the average response time from when a shape appears
 where it is placed, and see how it goes as the game gets faster. Obviously
 this will not give good results after one game (because reaction times
 also depend on what shapes you have at the bottom and ability to problem
 solve), but I think the data gained over the longer term can show trends

 Also maybe a game that shows you three images, where two are the same and
 one is different, and using left, down, right on the arrowpad you need to
 select the one that doesn't match. You could once again keep the data and
 graph this over the long term.

Even Pong could be used this way I guess

 Anyway, good luck, and I'd be interested to here any progress.

 Les Hughes




Going to Starbucks for coffee is like going to prison for sex. Sure, you'll
get it, but it's going to be rough - Adam Hills


RE: [OT] Sample projects for 'testing' Reaction Time

2012-02-17 Thread Kirsten Greed

There is a commercial version at

There is a lot of documentation due to it's relevance in diagnosing ADHD  

However the response time aspects of it, it should be relevant to your
friend as well.


I understand that response time depends on factors such as age and gender as
well - and the data that the scores are graded on is proprietary.




From: []
On Behalf Of Ian Thomas
Sent: Saturday, 18 February 2012 12:52 PM
To: 'ozDotNet'
Subject: RE: [OT] Sample projects for 'testing' Reaction Time



Your link is more relevant - or at least is along the lines I would prefer
to pursue. 

The Wikipedia note refers to a 20-minute long computer program. Have you
discovered an open source version, or/and any descriptions of the individual



Ian Thomas
Victoria Park, Western Australia


From: []
On Behalf Of Kirsten Greed
Sent: Saturday, February 18, 2012 7:01 AM
To: 'ozDotNet'
Subject: RE: [OT] Sample projects for 'testing' Reaction Time


Hi Ian

I would be interested to learn of such projects.

Indicates a microswitch is more reliable than keyboard and mouse

I wonder how a joystick does.






From: []
On Behalf Of mike smith
Sent: Friday, 17 February 2012 12:53 PM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: Re: [OT] Sample projects for 'testing' Reaction Time


On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 11:59 AM, noonie wrote:



These types of games are really testing more than reaction time (pattern
recognition, spatial and trajectory analysis) and although we may assume
that those cognitive abilities remain the same for an individual, in the
short to medium term, you can get better at it with practice.



And then it goes the other way, when you get tired of it.  Kind of like the
glaucoma 'light test'


(don't move your eye, stare straight ahead, and push a button when you see a
LED anywhere in the field of view.  Oh, and do this for about 45 minutes.
The results for the second eye are usually down from the first, I



If you're just testing reaction time then push the button when you see the
light  has it all over the others... But is nowhere near as much fun ;-(



See above. 


Last time I did something like this (that required accurate and repeatable
time intervals) I had to run it off an interrupt.  Or the latency jitter
killed the test.


If you're testing motor skills then a test of precision may be better. How
about a computer version of the old skill testers that involved a wiggly
wire and a loop with a bell and, optionally, a mild electric shock ;-)



Only mild?







On 17 February 2012 11:05, Bec Carter wrote:

On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 1:00 AM, Les Hughes wrote:
 Ian Thomas wrote:

 An OT project of mine.

 A friend has Parkinson's disease, and is getting the jitters. He was a
 senior manager in a major IT corporation (he is not a programmer, did
 FORTRAN for his MSc, years ago - but he's smart enough). About a year ago
 wrote for himself a simple reaction time (mouse response to some cue
 appearing on screen) in MS Excel (VBA), but he would like to do some .NET
 programming, and also write something more appropriate for his condition.

 I have seen a few things on CodeProject that might be adaptable, but most
 are too elaborate (games, which assume super-quick reaction time but also
 are too involved in terms of story line, graphics, etc).

 Over time, I would be grateful if anyone on the list can just post a URL
 that I can have a look at. I've got him working with VS2008 Express, but
 might need to use a more capable / more recent IDE.

 (Those of you who are aware of tests for behavioural neuroscience may
 that this is a reasonably involved area of research and testing, *but* is
 also a very fertile area for internet money-raking, by individuals whose
 ethical behaviour is similar to those advertising p3nis enlargement!)

 Thanks - it would be good to get a few tips.


 Ian Thomas
 Victoria Park, Western Australia

 Hi Ian,

 Just an idea which came to me, not sure if it is much use (at least in the
 short term), but it seems like a game similar to tetris (maybe even a
 simpler version with only 3 or 4 shapes) might be good for testing
 times. You can graph the average response time from when a shape appears
 where it is placed, and see how it goes as the game gets faster. Obviously
 this will not give good results after one game (because reaction times
 also depend on what shapes you have at the bottom and ability

Anyone doing XBAP?

2012-02-06 Thread Kirsten Greed
Hi All

Just wondering if anyone is using XBAP for line of business applications?

Where should I go to get a feel for the work involved in converting a WPF
app to run as XBAP?





RE: Making an application that uses identity keysoccassionally connected

2012-02-05 Thread Kirsten Greed
Thanks Greg

I get the point about saving the round trip!


I am starting to hope I can use my existing database structure replicated at
each site, with some kind of mapping system hosted in the cloud

The mapping table would be something like



SiteID - one for each installation

TableID  - one for each table

PKIntID   - the identity field for the record at the site


Is this what you were talking about when you said 
The other main thing is that there often seems to be a presumption that you
have to have your logical data model the same as your physical data model.
You don't.
For example, rather than having all your tables that have a customer ID
having the GUID, you can always have ints or bigints all over the place, and
just have one table that maps between them. ?

Does SQL Server have some sort of in built process we could piggy back?



From: []
On Behalf Of Greg Low (
Sent: Monday, 6 February 2012 2:16 PM
To: 'ozDotNet'
Subject: RE: Making an application that uses identity keysoccassionally


Hi Greg,


The point I was making is that the main reason for using GUIDs is so that
the code that creates an object can assign an ID to it without having to
reference a single allocator for IDs. I could have five servers and four
apps and they can all happily create values and related objects that will
then be able to be thrown into a single database some time later. 


This gets even worse where you have queues involved. The code generating the
object might not even have access to the database. With a GUID, the code can
generate an ID, then ship it across the queue to some other system to
process it.


Any ID generated by database misses the point. To use them, I usually run
off to the database to get an ID before I continue. If I'm going to do that,
what's the advantage of getting a NEWSEQUENTIALID rather than just an INT or
BIGINT? It's just uglier for no benefit.


The main aim of using GUIDs is to avoid being tied to some server that's the
source of all IDs, and having to incur round-trip costs to it.




Dr Greg Low


1300SQLSQL (1300 775 775) office | +61 419201410 mobile│ +61 3 8676 4913 fax

SQL Down Under | Web:


From: []
On Behalf Of Greg Keogh
Sent: Monday, 6 February 2012 11:28 AM
To: 'ozDotNet'
Subject: RE: Making an application that uses identity keys occassionally


Folks, most people here seem to dislike Guids as primary keys. The article
-NewId-x-NewSeque  via Bill is quite sobering, showing that NEWID is a
shocking performer, but INDENTIY and NEWSEQUENTIALID perform similarly well.
After reading that I am unlikely to use NEWID again. 


I would still like to hear convincing arguments against NEWSEQUENTIALID.
Noonie says his DBAs rejected them (why?). Tony hates looking at them in the
debugger (that's not a convincing argument for me). Greg L says you might as
well get an INT instead (more details?).


I hope you'll agree that there are times when you want to give rows an
immutable primary key. Will you also agree that an IDENTITY INT is not
immutable because it can change when rows move across databases or when rows
are reorganised or reloaded. If this is so, how on earth do you stamp your
rows with an immutable key without using something like Guids?



__ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature
database 6777 (20120108) __

The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

RE: Making an application that uses identity keys occassionally connected

2012-02-04 Thread Kirsten Greed
Tony mentions 

 Of course, because you can synchronise with the single-source-of-truth in
a batch anyway, both have strategies that will work. If you choose guids, I
think you need to separate out the data that you're adding from the client
vs reference data, so you don't make the mistake of implementing guids for
all tables, or ints for all tables and allowing clients to add reference
data using the same mechanism when it is unnecessary or even undesirable.


And Greg Low mentions on SQLDownUnder


 The other main thing is that there often seems to be a presumption that
you have to have your logical data model the same as your physical data
model. You don't.

For example, rather than having all your tables that have a customer ID
having the GUID, you can always have ints or bigints all over the place, and
just have one table that maps between them.


I am having trouble thinking through how this would work.  Does this
solution use a framework like the sync framework ?

The scenario is a business application (customers, sales, inventory etc) but
users will want it to work the same wherever they are.


Greg Kennedy thinks that the sync framework will cracks a fruity if the
guid is not the Primary Key. ( see his email  sent Sat 11:28 am elaborating
on this)





From: []
On Behalf Of Tony Wright
Sent: Saturday, 4 February 2012 5:49 PM
To:; 'ozDotNet'
Subject: RE: Making an application thatuses identity keys


I find that these sorts of discussions often come out of standardisation
meetings where people say stuff like should we make all our primary keys
guids or ints then make a broad ruling and dev teams have to live with the
consequences. Remember that one size does not have to fit all. 


Of course, because you can synchronise with the single-source-of-truth in a
batch anyway, both have strategies that will work. If you choose guids, I
think you need to separate out the data that you're adding from the client
vs reference data, so you don't make the mistake of implementing guids for
all tables, or ints for all tables and allowing clients to add reference
data using the same mechanism when it is unnecessary or even undesirable.


I don't need to repeat performance issues info about guids, but I have one
more comment to make that many people overlook, and that is:


From a developer's point of view, GUIDs suck. 


With guids, if you have your query analyser window open and want to run a
quick query on a table to get a particular row, you have to have a valid
guid, which means you have to look up your guid then copy or rewrite whole
guid string into your query. Far more prone to errors. Therefore, with
Guids, cutting and pasting is necessary most of the time. 


With ints, it's really easy, because you can often remember the ids of
reference data after a while. With ints, most of the time, no cutting and
pasting is necessary. It is far easier to remember an int when crossing
between development and debugging in the query analyser. It's far easier
when you're profiling to see an int and type it straight into a query on
another screen.


Also think of keystroke analysis and how much extra you need to do to work
with Guids, such as requerying the database because it's too hard to
remember a guid, identifying the record you want, honing the mouse, copying
the guid, selecting your destination window, honing the mouse over the
destination query, pasting the guid in the correct location. All of that
instead of using a simple int!


So if you want your team to be more efficient in their development, work out
a strategy using ints and enjoy your jobs a little better. 


Regards, Tony Wright



From: []
On Behalf Of Greg Low (
Sent: Saturday, 4 February 2012 4:43 PM
To: 'ozDotNet'
Subject: RE: Making an application that uses identity keys


The problem with NEWSEQUENTIALID is that it fixes the wrong problem.


One of the main reasons for using GUIDs in the first place is so they can be
generated in other layers of code (and potentially other servers) and then
just thrown into the database. If you are going to the database to get a
GUID of any type, you might as well get an INT instead.




Dr Greg Low


1300SQLSQL (1300 775 775) office | +61 419201410 mobile│ +61 3 8676 4913 fax

SQL Down Under | Web:


From: []
On Behalf Of Kirsten Greed
Sent: Saturday, 4 February 2012 3:39 PM
To: 'ozDotNet'
Subject: RE: Making an application that uses identity keys




Were you using NEWSEQUENTIALID() in the app that had problems in production?

David Amos also mentioned NEWSEQUENTIALID() to keep

RE: Making an application that uses identity keysoccassionallyconnected

2012-02-03 Thread Kirsten Greed
Hi Greg ,Greg ,Greg, David, David and Heinrich

I am worried about the performance issues this could create.
Some of my queries go 5 tables deep or more, up till now an int primary key
has seemed like the best performance option.

The idea of adding a sync only guid key is appealing to me however I am
worried by Greg Kennedy's thoughts that it will crack a fruity.

Does anyone have more info about this?
Should I just run some experiments?


-Original Message-
From: []
On Behalf Of Greg Shaw
Sent: Friday, 3 February 2012 2:46 PM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: Re: Making an application that uses identity

Any chance you can use a compound key? Where the client that creates the
record has a fixed key and an auto increment key. Together the keys
would be unique. You can also tell where the record was created.

On Thu, 2012-02-02 at 11:03 +1000, Greg Kennedy wrote:
 The data type is called uniqueidentifier
 On Thu, Feb 2, 2012 at 11:01 AM, Kirsten Greed wrote:
 I did find a mention on stack overflow that suggests using a
 separate sync key. It doesn't mention GUIDS
 What data type would you use to store guids in the database?

 [] On Behalf Of Greg
 Sent: Thursday, 2 February 2012 11:08 AM
 To: ozDotNet
 Subject: Re: Making an application that uses identity keys
 I think the sync framework will crack a fruity if the Guid is
 not the PK.
 On Thu, Feb 2, 2012 at 8:50 AM, Greg Keogh
 Kirsten has lots of tables already created with traditional PK
 IDENTITY columns, so I'm guessing that converting the PKs
 would be a nightmare. Perhaps a compromise is the answer: add
 an indexed Guid column to those tables that might find it
 useful in sync processing. That Guid is effectively stamped
 onto the row and never changes even if the INT PK does. I did
 this years ago to some of my own tables and they're still in
 use and the Guids are used by external applications to
 reliably and unambiguously find rows.
 However, can Sync Framework make use of Guid columns that are
 not the actual PK?

__ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature
database 6777 (20120108) __

The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

RE: Making an application that uses identity keys occassionallyconnected

2012-02-03 Thread Kirsten Greed
Hi Noonie

Thanks for that info, 

I have hundreds of thousands of records in some of my tables and have been
very happy with identity integers as primary keys so far.





From: []
On Behalf Of noonie
Sent: Saturday, 4 February 2012 12:05 PM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: Re: Making an application that uses identity keys


Hi Kirsten,


From my experience, using GUIDs as surrogate primary keys works fine in
development where sample data is only thousands of rows. It bites viciously
in production where we have millions of rows and deep dependencies. Int keys
are still surrogate keys but seem to offer better performance.


How you do this will depend on what your occasionally connected applications
are connecting to. If it is a reporting database that consolidates data from
different sites then your solution would be simpler than where it shared the
information across all the remote sites.


All the suggestions mentioned, in this thread, are viable. I have used
two-part keys (e.g site-id, item-id) in the past to good effect. More
recently we have added non-key GUIDs for the central database to verify
equality and, as we don't redistribute all the data to the remote databases,
it's only used as a tie-breaker.


The solution you choose will depend on the nature of the application and how
much sync code you are willing to write. If you use a framework you are as
much constrained by its limitations as you are freed from having to write
code :-(







On 2 February 2012 07:51, Kirsten Greed wrote:

Hi All

I am interested in making my application occasionally connected.

My app uses SQL Server and the tables have identity keys (auto incrementing

I can see this will be a problem if I have 2 databases on separate computers
because they will both want to assign a new record to the same key.  

Indeed when I experimented with Microsoft Sync Framework 2, this is what

Any advice on a strategy forward?







RE: Making an application that uses identity keys occassionallyconnected

2012-02-03 Thread Kirsten Greed


Were you using NEWSEQUENTIALID() in the app that had problems in production?

David Amos also mentioned NEWSEQUENTIALID() to keep fragmentation down - but
I missed it's importance.


Bill - thanks for the info and link.


I am thinking that the problem with 2 part keys is that it's a bigger
re-write than changing primary keys.  I am sure to forget to add the 2nd key
in places!





From: []
On Behalf Of Bill Chesnut
Sent: Saturday, 4 February 2012 3:20 PM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: RE: Making an application that uses identity keys




One issue with GUID keys is that they are not one-up so with clustered
indexes base on a GUID, inserting new records into a table typically can
cause a page split, which is expensive, there is a different algorithm to
generate a GUID that is always increasing so it acts more like an integer


In SQL 2005 and above it is NEWSEQUENTIALID() and there is code to generate
it in .net I think.


Good article that compares all of these key types:

Bill Chesnut
BizTalk Server MVP
Melbourne, Australia


From: Kirsten Greed []
To: 'ozDotNet' []
Sent: Sat, 04 Feb 2012 12:40:51 +1100
Subject: RE: Making an application that uses identity keys

Hi Noonie

Thanks for that info, 

I have hundreds of thousands of records in some of my tables and have been
very happy with identity integers as primary keys so far.





From: []
On Behalf Of noonie
Sent: Saturday, 4 February 2012 12:05 PM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: Re: Making an application that uses identity keys


Hi Kirsten,


From my experience, using GUIDs as surrogate primary keys works fine in
development where sample data is only thousands of rows. It bites viciously
in production where we have millions of rows and deep dependencies. Int keys
are still surrogate keys but seem to offer better performance.


How you do this will depend on what your occasionally connected applications
are connecting to. If it is a reporting database that consolidates data from
different sites then your solution would be simpler than where it shared the
information across all the remote sites.


All the suggestions mentioned, in this thread, are viable. I have used
two-part keys (e.g site-id, item-id) in the past to good effect. More
recently we have added non-key GUIDs for the central database to verify
equality and, as we don't redistribute all the data to the remote databases,
it's only used as a tie-breaker.


The solution you choose will depend on the nature of the application and how
much sync code you are willing to write. If you use a framework you are as
much constrained by its limitations as you are freed from having to write
code :-(







On 2 February 2012 07:51, Kirsten Greed wrote:

Hi All

I am interested in making my application occasionally connected.

My app uses SQL Server and the tables have identity keys (auto incrementing

I can see this will be a problem if I have 2 databases on separate computers
because they will both want to assign a new record to the same key.  

Indeed when I experimented with Microsoft Sync Framework 2, this is what

Any advice on a strategy forward?









__ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature
database 6777 (20120108) __

The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

RE: Making an application that uses identity keys occassionallyconnected

2012-02-01 Thread Kirsten Greed
I did find a mention on stack overflow that suggests using a separate sync
key. It doesn't mention GUIDS

What data type would you use to store guids in the database?




From: []
On Behalf Of Greg Kennedy
Sent: Thursday, 2 February 2012 11:08 AM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: Re: Making an application that uses identity keys


I think the sync framework will crack a fruity if the Guid is not the PK.

On Thu, Feb 2, 2012 at 8:50 AM, Greg Keogh wrote:

Kirsten has lots of tables already created with traditional PK IDENTITY
columns, so I'm guessing that converting the PKs would be a nightmare.
Perhaps a compromise is the answer: add an indexed Guid column to those
tables that might find it useful in sync processing. That Guid is
effectively stamped onto the row and never changes even if the INT PK
does. I did this years ago to some of my own tables and they're still in use
and the Guids are used by external applications to reliably and
unambiguously find rows.


However, can Sync Framework make use of Guid columns that are not the actual





RE: Did Wagga happen this year?

2012-01-27 Thread Kirsten Greed
Hi Mitch

I am glad I didn't miss it after all.

I don't think SQLDownUnder ran last year either

I would be sad to see both events disappear - but maybe it's time to rethink
them a bit.

I would be pleased to be involved with Code Camp organization, but not to
pick it up alone.




From: []
On Behalf Of Mitch Denny
Sent: Friday, 27 January 2012 9:01 AM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: RE: Did Wagga happen this year?


Hi there,


Code Camp hasn't run yet unfortunately. Didn't run last year due to lack of
time, and this year could end up being the same. It would be a shame to see
the event disappear. I'm hoping that someone can pick it up.


From: []
On Behalf Of Kirsten Greed
Sent: Thursday, 26 January 2012 5:57 PM
To: 'ozDotNet'
Subject: Did Wagga happen this year?



Oh dear - the list was quiet on Code Camp OZ

I missed it if it happened and I'd hoped to go - but clean forgot.




__ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature
database 6777 (20120108) __

The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

Did Wagga happen this year?

2012-01-25 Thread Kirsten Greed

Oh dear - the list was quiet on Code Camp OZ

I missed it if it happened and I'd hoped to go - but clean forgot.




RE: Anyone using Prism?

2011-08-26 Thread Kirsten Greed
Hi All

Thanks for the in depth discussion on IOC containers.

I am also wondering about composite application patterns /navigation

So far I understand there is Prism and Magellan to look at.  Any others?





From: []
On Behalf Of Jake Ginnivan
Sent: Thursday, 25 August 2011 1:07 PM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: RE: Anyone using Prism?


I would vote against using it, it is very closely tied to Unity which is not
a very good IoC container. We removed Unity and majority of our use of prism
from a large app I was working on. We dropped our startup time from 30-40
seconds to about 10 seconds by rolling our own, and switching to Autofac.
Plus the code was a heap cleaner and easier to maintain. Because of the
legacy of prism there were areas of the codebase that we had no alternative
other than using the ServiceLocator =(


My vote would be to use MEF and Autofac to bring the modules together then
do the composition yourself. Or use Magellan to do the composition ( 



Jake Ginnivan
Readify | Senior Developer | MVP (VSTO)

M: +61 403 846 400 | E: | W:


From: []
On Behalf Of Kirsten Greed
Sent: Thursday, 25 August 2011 10:53 AM
To: 'ozDotNet'
Subject: Anyone using Prism?


Hi All

Anyone using Prism in anger? I would like to know your experience.

Are there other composite application frameworks ( apart from CAB ) that are
alternatives to it?



Anyone using Prism?

2011-08-24 Thread Kirsten Greed
Hi All

Anyone using Prism in anger? I would like to know your experience.

Are there other composite application frameworks ( apart from CAB ) that are
alternatives to it?



RE: Anyone using Prism?

2011-08-24 Thread Kirsten Greed
Thanks Jake

Do you know of any good tutorials on MEF and Autofac?




From: []
On Behalf Of Jake Ginnivan
Sent: Thursday, 25 August 2011 1:50 PM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: RE: Anyone using Prism?


Quite good timing actually, here is a post which backs up my point about
staying away from unity if you want a well performing app:


Another negative side effect of Prism is that modules have a single Run
method. Which you have to do your container registrations and resolve your


Internally when you resolve, if you have performed any registrations since
you last resolved the container has to rebuild it's dependency tree, which
is costly. Autofac forces you to create a ContainerBuilder then build the
container from that, so you mentally separate registration and resolutions,
this has the advantage that Autofac does not have to lock the container when
you perform a Resolve, reducing contention and once again speeding the
container up. Unity has to lock on all operations.



Jake Ginnivan
Readify | Senior Developer | MVP (VSTO)

M: +61 403 846 400 | E: | W:


From: []
On Behalf Of Jake Ginnivan
Sent: Thursday, 25 August 2011 11:07 AM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: RE: Anyone using Prism?


I would vote against using it, it is very closely tied to Unity which is not
a very good IoC container. We removed Unity and majority of our use of prism
from a large app I was working on. We dropped our startup time from 30-40
seconds to about 10 seconds by rolling our own, and switching to Autofac.
Plus the code was a heap cleaner and easier to maintain. Because of the
legacy of prism there were areas of the codebase that we had no alternative
other than using the ServiceLocator =(


My vote would be to use MEF and Autofac to bring the modules together then
do the composition yourself. Or use Magellan to do the composition ( 



Jake Ginnivan
Readify | Senior Developer | MVP (VSTO)

M: +61 403 846 400 | E: | W:


From: []  On Behalf Of Kirsten
Sent: Thursday, 25 August 2011 10:53 AM
To: 'ozDotNet'
Subject: Anyone using Prism?


Hi All

Anyone using Prism in anger? I would like to know your experience.

Are there other composite application frameworks ( apart from CAB ) that are
alternatives to it?



[OT] SMS Gateways

2011-08-09 Thread Kirsten Greed
Hi All

Can anyone recommend an SMS Gateway, so that I can write apps that send text






RE: [OT] SMS Gateways

2011-08-09 Thread Kirsten Greed
Thanks Paul  Glen, I am checking out their trial now. 




From: []
On Behalf Of Paul Evrat
Sent: Wednesday, 10 August 2011 6:06 AM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: Re: [OT] SMS Gateways



I have been using SMS Global and have had no real trouble. . Easy to use and reliable. 

There are lots of options if you Google and volume and price considerations
can become the basis for chosing. 

Regards .. Paul Evrat.


From: Kirsten Greed 


Date: Wed, 10 Aug 2011 05:52:41 +1000

To: 'ozDotNet'

ReplyTo: ozDotNet 

Subject: [OT] SMS Gateways


Hi All

Can anyone recommend an SMS Gateway, so that I can write apps that send text






RE: Lightswitch - really clever - really slow

2011-08-06 Thread Kirsten Greed
Hi All

I think that I found out part of the reason for my problem.

I thought that I had the modal pop up screen hooked up to the browse screen,
but in fact did not.

So instead LS was automatically generating a data screen at run time

Now it takes 2.5 seconds to show the modal pop up.

Better - but still too slow





From: []
On Behalf Of Kirsten Greed
Sent: Wednesday, 3 August 2011 7:20 PM
To: 'ozDotNet'
Subject: RE: Lightswitch - really clever - really slow


Hi Ian, Bill, Peter n All

I found the post you mention and opened the end project of the lab   (
actually I should have just done that in the first place )

The app runs at an acceptable speed - but then it has no existing data and
the entry forms have only a few fields!




From: []
On Behalf Of Ian Thomas
Sent: Wednesday, 3 August 2011 6:11 PM
To: 'ozDotNet'
Subject: RE: Lightswitch - really clever - really slow


Curious, I did search for that particular application, and there was a forum
e9371-736d-487b-9dd8-57d8d92303cf  suggesting XP was not suitable - Your
current OS is not supported by the lab

So that person edited a dependency file, which fixed the problem.

He refers to a Configuration Wizard in the Training Kit. That must be run
first, apparently.

However, that forum chat was a year ago and the RTM may be quite different.
I haven't installed and played with LightSwitch (enough problems with JSON
data to keep me perplexed, yet again). 

Ian Thomas

Victoria Park, Western Australia



-Original Message-
From: []
On Behalf Of Peter Maddin
Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2011 3:34 PM
To: 'ozDotNet'
Subject: RE: Lightswitch - really clever - really slow


Have you thought of using the LightSwitch forum to post questions


 I am wondering if my speed issues are to do with still being on Windows



XP does support LightSwitch. From the forum here are the minimum system




Under LS Minimum Requirements


System requirements


Supported Operating Systems: 

.Windows XP Service Pack 2 or above 

.Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 or above 

.Windows Server 2003 R2 or above 

.Windows Vista 

.Windows Server 2008 

.Windows 7 


Supported Architectures 


.x64 (WOW) 


Hardware Requirements 

.Computer with a 1.6GHz or faster processor 

.1024 MB RAM (1.5 GB if running in a virtual machine) 

.3 GB of available hard-disk space 

.5400 RPM hard drive 

.DirectX 9 capable video card running at 1024 x 768 or higher-resolution




I first thought LightSwitch was a dressed up version of Access but at the

first presentation I attended I found that reporting was either weak or

missing. This was one of Access's stronger points.


If you do go on the forum, can you please keep us (or least me) up to date

with your findings. 


Regards Peter


-Original Message-

From: []

On Behalf Of Kirsten Greed

Sent: Wednesday, 3 August 2011 2:48 PM

To: 'ozDotNet'

Subject: RE: Lightswitch - really clever - really slow


Hi Ian  Bill


I am wondering if my speed issues are to do with still being on Windows XP

I just tried to run the training kit's simple book store application

I got a Failed to configure message Your current OS is not supported to

follow the Light Switch Simple Bookstore Application Lab 





__ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature
database 6345 (20110802) __

The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

__ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature
database 6345 (20110802) __

The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

RE: Lightswitch - really clever - really slow

2011-08-03 Thread Kirsten Greed
Hi Ian  Bill

I am wondering if my speed issues are to do with still being on Windows XP
I just tried to run the training kit's simple book store application
I got a Failed to configure message Your current OS is not supported to
follow the Light Switch Simple Bookstore Application Lab 


-Original Message-
From: []
On Behalf Of Ian Thomas
Sent: Wednesday, 3 August 2011 1:48 PM
To: 'ozDotNet'
Subject: RE: Lightswitch - really clever - really slow

Yes, I thought the posts were worth reading. Attaching the EF Profiler was
the first that I saw, and is super-simple. 
All of Ayende's (blogged) testing was done in the month of August, 2010 - I
searched carefully for something near the RTM time, but no. Perhaps in

Ian Thomas
Victoria Park, Western Australia

-Original Message-
From: []
On Behalf Of Bill McCarthy
Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2011 8:49 AM
To: 'ozDotNet'
Subject: RE: Lightswitch - really clever - really slow

Hi Ian,

There's some good posts there such as attaching the entity framework
profiler, but it's also worth remembering those posts were based on Beta 1
or there-abouts.

|-Original Message-
|From: [mailto:ozdotnet-
|] On Behalf Of Ian Thomas
|Sent: Tuesday, 2 August 2011 7:34 PM
|To: 'ozDotNet'
|Subject: RE: Lightswitch - really clever - really slow
|Predictably sceptical, Ayende Rahien reviewed LightSwitch in August 2010
|months ago; and he hasn't returned to it since then) and the several blog
|are worth reading, even now.
|I say predictably, but this view is probably simpatico with most ppl on
this list.
|Ian Thomas
|Victoria Park, Western Australia
|-Original Message-
|From: [mailto:ozdotnet-
|] On Behalf Of Kirsten Greed
|Sent: Tuesday, August 02, 2011 4:31 PM
|To: 'ozDotNet'
|Subject: RE: Lightswitch - really clever - really slow
|Hi Bill
|The under 30 secs in VB6 is using the same data.
|Googling Lightswitch slow shows I aren't the only person experiencing
|speed issues.
|I wasn't plannining to use Lightswitch for migration. Rather for new
|solutions that need quick CRUD forms I am hoping to hear more news from
|people with better experience of the speed.
|-Original Message-
|From: [mailto:ozdotnet-
|On Behalf Of Bill McCarthy
|Sent: Tuesday, 2 August 2011 11:01 AM
|To: 'ozDotNet'
|Subject: RE: Lightswitch - really clever - really slow
|Hi Kirsten,
|That does seem slow.  Have you done other metrics to compare such as a
|windows.forms app using the same data, and a Silverlight app using the same
|data ?
|As to advice: it's hard to say in your particular case. If you have an
|existing VB6 application, the first questions that need to be answered is
|what do you want to do with it, what are the goals of the migration?
|The 83 fields part does make me wonder if this could be presented to the
|user better. Are you using tabs, logical groupings of fields? If so, each
|group in a tab should be able to load async / lazily.
|I wouldn't say that Lightswitch is only for web apps; rather I'd say its
|primary target is distributed apps. For standalone single user applications
|the architecture it uses is probably overkill, although there are benefits
|even in those cases to move the data to the cloud. For apps with the data
|stored in the cloud (such as Azure), I think Lightswitch presents a really
|low cost way of getting good quality data screens and letting the customers
|modify what they want
||-Original Message-
||From: [mailto:ozdotnet-
||] On Behalf Of Kirsten Greed
||Sent: Tuesday, 2 August 2011 8:08 AM
||To: 'ozDotNet'
||Subject: RE: Lightswitch - really clever - really slow
||Hi Bill
||The test app I created, released on my local computer, takes 5 seconds
||data entry form.
||Then 3 seconds to return to the list when I click the cancel button There
|are 83
||fields on the form.
||This compares to less than half a second for my old VB6 application
||I am running Windows XP SP3
||AMD Phenom(tm) IIX3 720 Processor 3.01GHZ, 3.25GB Ram Pyhsical Address
||I also found the development experience frustrating because of the speed
||Any advice? Should I only be considering it for web apps?
||-Original Message-
||From: [mailto:ozdotnet-

RE: Lightswitch - really clever - really slow

2011-08-03 Thread Kirsten Greed
Hi Ian, Bill, Peter n All

I found the post you mention and opened the end project of the lab   (
actually I should have just done that in the first place )

The app runs at an acceptable speed - but then it has no existing data and
the entry forms have only a few fields!




From: []
On Behalf Of Ian Thomas
Sent: Wednesday, 3 August 2011 6:11 PM
To: 'ozDotNet'
Subject: RE: Lightswitch - really clever - really slow


Curious, I did search for that particular application, and there was a forum
e9371-736d-487b-9dd8-57d8d92303cf  suggesting XP was not suitable - Your
current OS is not supported by the lab

So that person edited a dependency file, which fixed the problem.

He refers to a Configuration Wizard in the Training Kit. That must be run
first, apparently.

However, that forum chat was a year ago and the RTM may be quite different.
I haven't installed and played with LightSwitch (enough problems with JSON
data to keep me perplexed, yet again). 

Ian Thomas

Victoria Park, Western Australia



-Original Message-
From: []
On Behalf Of Peter Maddin
Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2011 3:34 PM
To: 'ozDotNet'
Subject: RE: Lightswitch - really clever - really slow


Have you thought of using the LightSwitch forum to post questions


 I am wondering if my speed issues are to do with still being on Windows



XP does support LightSwitch. From the forum here are the minimum system




Under LS Minimum Requirements


System requirements


Supported Operating Systems: 

.Windows XP Service Pack 2 or above 

.Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 or above 

.Windows Server 2003 R2 or above 

.Windows Vista 

.Windows Server 2008 

.Windows 7 


Supported Architectures 


.x64 (WOW) 


Hardware Requirements 

.Computer with a 1.6GHz or faster processor 

.1024 MB RAM (1.5 GB if running in a virtual machine) 

.3 GB of available hard-disk space 

.5400 RPM hard drive 

.DirectX 9 capable video card running at 1024 x 768 or higher-resolution




I first thought LightSwitch was a dressed up version of Access but at the

first presentation I attended I found that reporting was either weak or

missing. This was one of Access's stronger points.


If you do go on the forum, can you please keep us (or least me) up to date

with your findings. 


Regards Peter


-Original Message-

From: []

On Behalf Of Kirsten Greed

Sent: Wednesday, 3 August 2011 2:48 PM

To: 'ozDotNet'

Subject: RE: Lightswitch - really clever - really slow


Hi Ian  Bill


I am wondering if my speed issues are to do with still being on Windows XP

I just tried to run the training kit's simple book store application

I got a Failed to configure message Your current OS is not supported to

follow the Light Switch Simple Bookstore Application Lab 





__ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature
database 6345 (20110802) __

The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

RE: Lightswitch - really clever - really slow

2011-08-02 Thread Kirsten Greed

Hi Bill

The under 30 secs in VB6 is using the same data.

Googling Lightswitch slow shows I aren't the only person experiencing
speed issues.  

I wasn't plannining to use Lightswitch for migration. Rather for new
solutions that need quick CRUD forms I am hoping to hear more news from
people with better experience of the speed.


-Original Message-
From: []
On Behalf Of Bill McCarthy
Sent: Tuesday, 2 August 2011 11:01 AM
To: 'ozDotNet'
Subject: RE: Lightswitch - really clever - really slow

Hi Kirsten,

That does seem slow.  Have you done other metrics to compare such as a
windows.forms app using the same data, and a Silverlight app using the same
data ?

As to advice: it's hard to say in your particular case. If you have an
existing VB6 application, the first questions that need to be answered is
what do you want to do with it, what are the goals of the migration?
The 83 fields part does make me wonder if this could be presented to the
user better. Are you using tabs, logical groupings of fields? If so, each
group in a tab should be able to load async / lazily. 

I wouldn't say that Lightswitch is only for web apps; rather I'd say its
primary target is distributed apps. For standalone single user applications
the architecture it uses is probably overkill, although there are benefits
even in those cases to move the data to the cloud. For apps with the data
stored in the cloud (such as Azure), I think Lightswitch presents a really
low cost way of getting good quality data screens and letting the customers
modify what they want

|-Original Message-
|From: [mailto:ozdotnet-
|] On Behalf Of Kirsten Greed
|Sent: Tuesday, 2 August 2011 8:08 AM
|To: 'ozDotNet'
|Subject: RE: Lightswitch - really clever - really slow
|Hi Bill
|The test app I created, released on my local computer, takes 5 seconds load
|data entry form.
|Then 3 seconds to return to the list when I click the cancel button There
are 83
|fields on the form.
|This compares to less than half a second for my old VB6 application
|I am running Windows XP SP3
|AMD Phenom(tm) IIX3 720 Processor 3.01GHZ, 3.25GB Ram Pyhsical Address
|I also found the development experience frustrating because of the speed
|Any advice? Should I only be considering it for web apps?
|-Original Message-
|From: [mailto:ozdotnet-
|On Behalf Of Bill McCarthy
|Sent: Monday, 1 August 2011 10:11 AM
|To: 'ozDotNet'
|Subject: RE: Lightswitch - really clever - really slow
|Hi Kristen,
|When I was testing the beta bits, I defiantly thought it was slow to start,
but with
|the final it seems fine to me. That might just be due to different hardware
|though as I keep Beta's to VM's, where-as the RTM bits I've installed on my
|ish Dell XPS 17 which has pretty high windows experience index ratings.
|Given that it does a full client server delivery even when running locally,
then I
|think the perf isn't that bad given it's spinning up the WCF server layer,
|framework layer and firing up WPF/Silverlight.
||-Original Message-
||From: [mailto:ozdotnet-
||] On Behalf Of Kirsten Greed
||Sent: Sunday, 31 July 2011 9:06 AM
||To: 'ozDotNet'
||Subject: Lightswitch - really clever - really slow
||Hi All
||I just had a play with VS Lightswitch
||I think it is really clever but oh so slow!
||Thoughts anyone?
|__ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus
|database 6339 (20110731) __
|The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

__ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature
database 6342 (20110801) __

The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

RE: Lightswitch - really clever - really slow

2011-08-02 Thread Kirsten Greed
Hi Ian

Sometimes it just feels cool to be skeptical.  I liked Bill's comments on
the matter.

If the performance issues can be resolved there is definitely a spot for
Lightswitch in my toolbox.




From: []
On Behalf Of Ian Thomas
Sent: Tuesday, 2 August 2011 7:34 PM
To: 'ozDotNet'
Subject: RE: Lightswitch - really clever - really slow


Predictably sceptical, Ayende Rahien reviewed LightSwitch in August 2010
(11-12 months ago; and he hasn't returned to it since then) and the several
blog posts are worth reading, even now. 

I say predictably, but this view is probably simpatico with most ppl on this

Ian Thomas

Victoria Park, Western Australia


-Original Message-
From: []
On Behalf Of Kirsten Greed
Sent: Tuesday, August 02, 2011 4:31 PM
To: 'ozDotNet'
Subject: RE: Lightswitch - really clever - really slow




Hi Bill


The under 30 secs in VB6 is using the same data.


Googling Lightswitch slow shows I aren't the only person experiencing

speed issues.  


I wasn't plannining to use Lightswitch for migration. Rather for new

solutions that need quick CRUD forms I am hoping to hear more news from

people with better experience of the speed.






-Original Message-

From: []

On Behalf Of Bill McCarthy

Sent: Tuesday, 2 August 2011 11:01 AM

To: 'ozDotNet'

Subject: RE: Lightswitch - really clever - really slow


Hi Kirsten,


That does seem slow.  Have you done other metrics to compare such as a

windows.forms app using the same data, and a Silverlight app using the same

data ?


As to advice: it's hard to say in your particular case. If you have an

existing VB6 application, the first questions that need to be answered is

what do you want to do with it, what are the goals of the migration?

The 83 fields part does make me wonder if this could be presented to the

user better. Are you using tabs, logical groupings of fields? If so, each

group in a tab should be able to load async / lazily. 


I wouldn't say that Lightswitch is only for web apps; rather I'd say its

primary target is distributed apps. For standalone single user applications

the architecture it uses is probably overkill, although there are benefits

even in those cases to move the data to the cloud. For apps with the data

stored in the cloud (such as Azure), I think Lightswitch presents a really

low cost way of getting good quality data screens and letting the customers

modify what they want




|-Original Message-

|From: [mailto:ozdotnet-

|] On Behalf Of Kirsten Greed

|Sent: Tuesday, 2 August 2011 8:08 AM

|To: 'ozDotNet'

|Subject: RE: Lightswitch - really clever - really slow



|Hi Bill


|The test app I created, released on my local computer, takes 5 seconds load


|data entry form.

|Then 3 seconds to return to the list when I click the cancel button There

are 83

|fields on the form.

|This compares to less than half a second for my old VB6 application


|I am running Windows XP SP3

|AMD Phenom(tm) IIX3 720 Processor 3.01GHZ, 3.25GB Ram Pyhsical Address



|I also found the development experience frustrating because of the speed


|Any advice? Should I only be considering it for web apps?





|-Original Message-

|From: [mailto:ozdotnet-


|On Behalf Of Bill McCarthy

|Sent: Monday, 1 August 2011 10:11 AM

|To: 'ozDotNet'

|Subject: RE: Lightswitch - really clever - really slow


|Hi Kristen,


|When I was testing the beta bits, I defiantly thought it was slow to start,

but with

|the final it seems fine to me. That might just be due to different hardware


|though as I keep Beta's to VM's, where-as the RTM bits I've installed on my


|ish Dell XPS 17 which has pretty high windows experience index ratings.


|Given that it does a full client server delivery even when running locally,

then I

|think the perf isn't that bad given it's spinning up the WCF server layer,


|framework layer and firing up WPF/Silverlight.




||-Original Message-

||From: [mailto:ozdotnet-

||] On Behalf Of Kirsten Greed

||Sent: Sunday, 31 July 2011 9:06 AM

||To: 'ozDotNet'

||Subject: Lightswitch - really clever - really slow


||Hi All


||I just had a play with VS Lightswitch


||I think it is really clever but oh so slow!


||Thoughts anyone?








|__ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus


|database 6339 (20110731

RE: Lightswitch - really clever - really slow

2011-08-01 Thread Kirsten Greed

Hi Bill

The test app I created, released on my local computer, takes 5 seconds load
the data entry form.
Then 3 seconds to return to the list when I click the cancel button
There are 83 fields on the form.  
This compares to less than half a second for my old VB6 application

I am running Windows XP SP3
AMD Phenom(tm) IIX3 720 Processor 3.01GHZ, 3.25GB Ram Pyhsical Address

I also found the development experience frustrating because of the speed

Any advice? Should I only be considering it for web apps?


-Original Message-
From: []
On Behalf Of Bill McCarthy
Sent: Monday, 1 August 2011 10:11 AM
To: 'ozDotNet'
Subject: RE: Lightswitch - really clever - really slow

Hi Kristen,

When I was testing the beta bits, I defiantly thought it was slow to start,
but with the final it seems fine to me. That might just be due to different
hardware configs though as I keep Beta's to VM's, where-as the RTM bits I've
installed on my new-ish Dell XPS 17 which has pretty high windows experience
index ratings.  

Given that it does a full client server delivery even when running locally,
then I think the perf isn't that bad given it's spinning up the WCF server
layer, entity framework layer and firing up WPF/Silverlight.

|-Original Message-
|From: [mailto:ozdotnet-
|] On Behalf Of Kirsten Greed
|Sent: Sunday, 31 July 2011 9:06 AM
|To: 'ozDotNet'
|Subject: Lightswitch - really clever - really slow
|Hi All
|I just had a play with VS Lightswitch
|I think it is really clever but oh so slow!
|Thoughts anyone?

__ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature
database 6339 (20110731) __

The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

Lightswitch - really clever - really slow

2011-07-30 Thread Kirsten Greed
Hi All

I just had a play with VS Lightswitch

I think it is really clever but oh so slow!

Thoughts anyone?



RE: System.Data classes and ListT

2011-07-23 Thread Kirsten Greed
I am wondering if these days the done thing is not to bind the output of an
ORM directly to the controls in the UI, but rather to have an intermediary
part of the UI between the ORM output and the controls

Is this what model view presenter / model view controller / model view view
controller are about? MVP/MVC/MVVC ?




From: []
On Behalf Of Greg Keogh
Sent: Thursday, 21 July 2011 10:24 AM
To:; 'ozDotNet'
Subject: RE: System.Data classes and ListT


Chaps, your comments are interesting and perhaps make me feel not so guilty
for using System.Data classes in these modern times.


I've only used netTiers and EF4 in recent years, but deep down they all run
a SELECT statement, loop through the rows and move the columns into
collections of objects with matching property names. In the early .NET years
I wrote my own code to do that, and I know VB6 developers who are still
doing it.


The classes and collections returned by netTiers implemented all of the
interfaces I like in System.Data. The EF4 equivalents do not seem to. So
where does that leave me? I fall back to the convenience of System.Data
and I feel guilty, but perhaps I shouldn't. Maybe no one is game to admit
that EF4 is a bit immature.


I've had no reply from the EF4 MSDN forum yet.


I will continue to send DataSets to pick lists and grids in my UI. However,
I do perform updates and deletes using the EF4 entities and context, and I'm
reasonably happy with the way it works. It's tedious to eager load an entity
with non-tracking, send it up to the UI, edit or delete it, then attach it
back to the context and call ApplyCurrentValues on all the entities before
saving it.


netTiers is not regarded as a big player in the ORM field, but my experience
so far is that netTiers is generally better than EF4 because its entity
classes and collections are completely self-tracking, and most importantly,
there is no concept of a context. The only reason I'm learning EF4 and using
it is because it's the latest greatest thing. I guess marketing does work!



__ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature
database 6311 (20110720) __

The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

RE: System.Data classes and ListT

2011-07-23 Thread Kirsten Greed
Hi Davy


Are you saying the following is bad code?  

Aren't I binding to the output of the ORM rather than the data directly?

What would you advise ?

I am using winforms and Entity Framework


ListspCustomerSelect_Result custs = context.spCustomerSelect(where c.type
= 1 ).ToList();

gridview.DataSource = custs;






From: []
On Behalf Of
Sent: Saturday, 23 July 2011 9:54 PM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: Re: System.Data classes and ListT


It's never been a good idea to bind databases direct to output.

Mvc / mvvm etc are attempts to remove code from behind the events of the
screen. The idea being that you can use different views with the same
presenter / controller. It's fun to code, pain in the arse to debug. But
does allow you to unit test it.

I like mvc, mvvm I'm not so hot about.

02c. Davy

When all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. I feel
much the same way about xml


From: Kirsten Greed 


Date: Sat, 23 Jul 2011 21:23:05 +1000

To: 'ozDotNet'

ReplyTo: ozDotNet 

Subject: RE: System.Data classes and ListT


I am wondering if these days the done thing is not to bind the output of an
ORM directly to the controls in the UI, but rather to have an intermediary
part of the UI between the ORM output and the controls

Is this what model view presenter / model view controller / model view view
controller are about? MVP/MVC/MVVC ?




From: []
On Behalf Of Greg Keogh
Sent: Thursday, 21 July 2011 10:24 AM
To:; 'ozDotNet'
Subject: RE: System.Data classes and ListT


Chaps, your comments are interesting and perhaps make me feel not so guilty
for using System.Data classes in these modern times.


I've only used netTiers and EF4 in recent years, but deep down they all run
a SELECT statement, loop through the rows and move the columns into
collections of objects with matching property names. In the early .NET years
I wrote my own code to do that, and I know VB6 developers who are still
doing it.


The classes and collections returned by netTiers implemented all of the
interfaces I like in System.Data. The EF4 equivalents do not seem to. So
where does that leave me? I fall back to the convenience of System.Data
and I feel guilty, but perhaps I shouldn't. Maybe no one is game to admit
that EF4 is a bit immature.


I've had no reply from the EF4 MSDN forum yet.


I will continue to send DataSets to pick lists and grids in my UI. However,
I do perform updates and deletes using the EF4 entities and context, and I'm
reasonably happy with the way it works. It's tedious to eager load an entity
with non-tracking, send it up to the UI, edit or delete it, then attach it
back to the context and call ApplyCurrentValues on all the entities before
saving it.


netTiers is not regarded as a big player in the ORM field, but my experience
so far is that netTiers is generally better than EF4 because its entity
classes and collections are completely self-tracking, and most importantly,
there is no concept of a context. The only reason I'm learning EF4 and using
it is because it's the latest greatest thing. I guess marketing does work!



__ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature
database 6311 (20110720)__

The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

RE: System.Data classes and ListT

2011-07-23 Thread Kirsten Greed
If I go to and type in Nettiers I get no results.  Entity
Framework gives 97 jobs in Australia

Are there features EF has that Nettiers doesn't?



From: []
On Behalf Of Greg Keogh
Sent: Sunday, 24 July 2011 9:06 AM
To: 'ozDotNet'
Subject: RE: System.Data classes and ListT


I am wondering if these days the done thing is not to bind the output of an
ORM directly to the controls in the UI, but rather to have an intermediary
part of the UI between the ORM output and the controls


Both EF4 books I have mention this and hint that binding to entities or
passing them over service boundaries is not a good practice. For small apps
or maintenance utilities (I'm writing one now), editing entities directly
doesn't worry me, but when you start passing them over WCF or Remoting then
I'd consider using DTOs (Data Transfer Objects) that are custom views of the
entities. However, you then have to write more infrastructure to move them


Is this what model view presenter / model view controller / model view view
controller are about? MVP/MVC/MVVC ?



Those patterns solve a different problem.


Your sample code where you bind the query results to a grid is fine for
small apps, but as you scale-up and have tiers, then it's impractical.


Nathan, I generally agree with your comments, but you need to write so much
more infrastructure. However, I'm still stuck with the limitations of the
features implemented by EF4 entities and collections. As a comparison, I
looked at some netTiers output classes and I challenge anyone to casually
knock-up classes that implements it's interfaces:


Generic Collection

ListBaseT : BindingListT, IBindingListView, IBindingList, IList,
ICloneable, ICloneableEx, IListSource, ITypedList, IDisposable, IComponent,
IRaiseItemChangedEvents, IDeserializationCallback


Sample Entity

FooBase : EntityBase, IMedia, IEntityIdMediaKey, System.IComparable,
System.ICloneable, ICloneableEx, IEditableObject, IComponent,


The System.Data classes implement most of these as well and that's why I
find them so convenient.



__ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature
database 6317 (20110722) __

The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

RE: System.Data classes and ListT

2011-07-20 Thread Kirsten Greed
Hi Davy

Have you looked at EF4.1 Code first release?

I am wondering if it would alter your thinking on prefering Nhibernate for
new projects




From: []
On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, 20 July 2011 11:00 PM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: Re: System.Data classes and ListT



At the moment, at work, there are three projects running and the one that I

Legacy app.
Uses datasets everywhere.
Very fast, readonly application.
Impossible to debug / modify, data is often loaded behind the scenes which
cause temporary database table locks 

.Net 4 with EF
Developpers very engaged with the project, lots of sexy tech.
It's been in development now for 6 months and very little visible progress
has been made. One screen is done with what ammonts to a single select *

.Net 3.5. Nhibernate
Works very well, transparent for ui developpers.
Misconceptions with heriacical classes in nhibernate has made it impossible
to modify the data source. we have hundreds of work arounds to solve the
inheritance problems.

.Net 3.5 using datasets mapped to objects.
Very easy to use, easy to maintain and add functionality.
The code base is easily twice as big as the other projects

if I was doing a new website. I would use nhibernate

Web interface for existing database, ef.

Stand alone Application, ado datasets and map to objects. 


When all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. I feel
much the same way about xml


From: Greg Keogh 


Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2011 17:55:23 +1000

To: 'ozDotNet'

ReplyTo: ozDotNet 

Subject: System.Data classes and ListT


Folks, I get the impression that the DataSet and its child classes classes
are falling out of favour, is that true? However, I personally find them to
be very convenient and full-featured for apps of all sizes (but I don't
expose them to the outside world of course and my discussion here is only
about private use). What I like about DataView and DataRow are the huge
number of interfaces they support, and for me the most important features
are these:


1. When bound to a grid you get bi-directional sorting with no code at all.

2. They supports SQL-like filter expressions (Foo Like '%bar%') AND (FooId 
666) for example, and applying these filters is blazingly fast.

3. IEditableObject in DataRowView gives begin/end edit semantics.


While coding lots of Entity Framework 4 over the last several weeks I often
have to materialize a collection of entities and send them up to the UI for
display in grids or pickers. The EF4 context only allows materializing T[]
arrays or ListT of entities, and these are woeful compared to DataView and
DataRow, they don't any of the three lovely features listed above.


I have resorted to converting my EF4 query results from raw DbDataRecord
back to DataRow so I get all the functionality back. Why do I have to do
this workaround? Am I missing some other technique?


Note, the entities and collections created by netTiers support all the
interfaces that the System.Data classes do, so it's only after migrating to
EF4 that I'm hitting this irritation. It seems that I'm taking a step
backwards with EF4 entities and hence doing stupid workarounds like
converting to System.Data objects.


I'm told there is an MSDN EF4 discussion group, so I'll ask about this in
there once I find it and get in.



RE: EF4 and SQLite monitoring

2011-07-19 Thread Kirsten Greed
What about temporarily switching to developer SQL server and looking at the



From: []
On Behalf Of Greg Keogh
Sent: Tuesday, 19 July 2011 3:37 PM
To: 'ozDotNet'
Subject: RE: EF4 and SQLite monitoring


Last night I found this:


Tracing and Caching
Provider Wrappers for Entity Framework


This chap (from Microsoft I think) has written a data provider wrapper which
intercepts all ExecuteReader, ExecuteScalar and ExecuteNonQuery calls and
traces what's happening. This makes perfect sense, but it's quite heavy
handed and I was hoping that there would be a more specific and lightweight
place to hook in, either in SQLite or in EF4. If I try this wrapper provider
out I'll let you know what happens -- Greg

__ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature
database 6305 (20110718) __

The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

BindingSource.Find with Entity Framework - NotSupportedException

2011-07-13 Thread Kirsten Greed
Hi All

Can anyone spot what I am doing wrong?




BindingSource.DataSource = GetCustomers(); 

BindingSource.Sort = CustomerID;

BindingSource.Find(CustomerID, customerID );


Error message is 


This operation requires an IBindingList.





public ListCustomer GetCustomers()


   var context = new jtEntity.Entities();

   var dbCust = from n in context.Customers select n;

 return dbCust.ToList(); 










RE: BindingSource.Find with Entity Framework - NotSupportedException

2011-07-13 Thread Kirsten Greed
Hi Greg

I should have mentioned that I am playing with the BindingNavigator control
to implement a data entry screen, and a grid to implement a browse screen.

I want to click the grid and have the Navigator move to the record I
selected in the grid.

I thought BindingNavigator.DataSource.Find would be the way to do it, is
there a better way?




From: []
On Behalf Of Greg Keogh
Sent: Thursday, 14 July 2011 10:35 AM
To: 'ozDotNet'
Subject: RE: BindingSource.Find with Entity Framework -


BindingSource.DataSource = GetCustomers(); 

BindingSource.Sort = CustomerID;

BindingSource.Find(CustomerID, customerID );



This operation requires an IBindingList.


The generic List class does not implement IBindingList. I'm not sure who is
asking for the IBindingList, but it has to be the Find method. Ah yes, only
DataSet, DataTable and DataView implement it.


I think you're misusing the BindingSource. I usually put it between the
real data source collection and a control like a grid where it gives me a
bit more flexibility in UI binding. If you want to find certain Customers
that I'd search the actual List, not the binding source.


Customer cust = custList.Find(c = c.CustomerID == 666);


Customer cust = (from c in custList where c.CustomerID == 666 select



__ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature
database 6292 (20110713) __

The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

RE: BindingSource.Find with Entity Framework - NotSupportedException

2011-07-13 Thread Kirsten Greed

Ah Ha!

Customer cust = custlist.Find(c = c.CustomerID == customerID);

int idx = custlist.LastIndexOf(cust);

BindingNavigator.BindingSource.Position = idx;




From: []
On Behalf Of Kirsten Greed
Sent: Thursday, 14 July 2011 10:46 AM
To: 'ozDotNet'
Subject: RE: BindingSource.Find with Entity Framework -


Hi Greg

I should have mentioned that I am playing with the BindingNavigator control
to implement a data entry screen, and a grid to implement a browse screen.

I want to click the grid and have the Navigator move to the record I
selected in the grid.

I thought BindingNavigator.DataSource.Find would be the way to do it, is
there a better way?




From: []
On Behalf Of Greg Keogh
Sent: Thursday, 14 July 2011 10:35 AM
To: 'ozDotNet'
Subject: RE: BindingSource.Find with Entity Framework -


BindingSource.DataSource = GetCustomers(); 

BindingSource.Sort = CustomerID;

BindingSource.Find(CustomerID, customerID );



This operation requires an IBindingList.


The generic List class does not implement IBindingList. I'm not sure who is
asking for the IBindingList, but it has to be the Find method. Ah yes, only
DataSet, DataTable and DataView implement it.


I think you're misusing the BindingSource. I usually put it between the
real data source collection and a control like a grid where it gives me a
bit more flexibility in UI binding. If you want to find certain Customers
that I'd search the actual List, not the binding source.


Customer cust = custList.Find(c = c.CustomerID == 666);


Customer cust = (from c in custList where c.CustomerID == 666 select



__ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature
database 6292 (20110713) __

The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

__ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature
database 6292 (20110713) __

The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

problems moving project

2011-07-02 Thread Kirsten Greed

Hi All

I have moved to a new hard drive and am trying to copy my old projects over.
When I try to run them I get the following error

Error: The web server is not configured correctly

Studio 2008 

Studio 2005 

Studio .NET 2003 

The web server is not configured correctly. See help for common
configuration errors. Running the web page outside of the debugger may
provide further information.

Possible causes of this error include: 

* Trying to debug a .NET Web application that was copied to a
different machine, manually renamed, or moved.



When I run the program outside of the debugger I get the following 403 error



The website declined to show this webpage

 HTTP 403 


Most likely causes:

*   This website requires you to log in.

 When I run the program outside of the debugger I get the following 403


I have compared the entry in IIS with the one on my old hard drive

I have checked permissions on the application folder

I have run aspnet_regiis -i

I have run IISReset





Any other thoughts?



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