Re: [ozmidwifery] Adelaide Resources?

2004-02-01 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

Hi Rochelle,

Not sure if you have any current editions of the Birth Matters 
SA newsletter, or from the Homebirth Network, but many of the contacts have 
changed. I have become one of the main contacts for both, and work 
independently as a midwife, so I'd be happy for her to get in touch. We 
have a HBNSA coffee morning happening this Wednesday up in the Hills, and there 
is a BM coffee morning later in the month. Feel free to give her my 

Tania Smallwood
ph 8339 4074



Re: [ozmidwifery] I've had a baby (long)

2003-12-04 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

Sincere congratulations to you both Jackie, you've been in my 
thoughts since Wendy told me you were pregnant...(duh, I didn't know when I saw 
you at the ACMI AGM - good observational skills Tania!)

Lovely to hear your fantastic story, may it be smooth sailing 
from now on in!


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, December 05, 2003 12:34 
  Subject: [ozmidwifery] I've had a baby 
  Dear all,
  I have been lurking on and off over the last few months with 
  a midwife and consumer view as I have given birth myself to a girl, Ena, on 
  the 19.11.03. Having loosely followed the thread of fetal hearts, Today show 
  etc along with my own experience I have a couple of comments.
  We had Ena at home and employed the services of the 
  wonderful Roz Donnellan-Fernandez. She came and saw me about 5 times 
  antenatally and would be here for a couple of hours so that even though I 
  didn't see her lots of times (the frequency was my choice) I had plenty of 
  time to convey to her how I felt, what outside factors may influence me etc 
  and my husband Andrew had plenty of time to ask questions etc. 
  We also invited a midwifery student, Jessica,to share 
  our experience and so the four of us welcomed Ena into the world on a stormy 
  I used the lessons taught to me by the many women I have met 
  over the years including telling no-one our due date (handy as we went a week 
  over), restricting visitors till 2 weeks, (handy as we had some postnatal 
  issues), preparing lots of food before hand and taking plenty of time off 
  before hand (well I am an elderly (38) primagravida!!).
  The birth was the hardest, bestest, most overpowering thing 
  I have ever done and gave us a girl (first one in Andrew's family for 48 
  years) in our bathroom. We needed to transfer to hospital for Ena which was 
  fortuitous as we discovered her platelets were 20,000 as I have an antibody on 
  my platelets which were destroying hers and my platelets were 50,000 as I have 
  a lupus anti-coagulant on mine (very unusual to have both or even one but it 
  was a week where everything was unusual!!). So it was lucky I had a normal 
  birth as an operative birth would have been dangerous for both of us and as it 
  was a 6 hour ROP labour I am not sure if wouldn't have elected to have pain 
  relief or what heaps of monitoring would have done. I am now at home with a 
  baby who is wondering what all of the fuss was about (there were a few other 
  issues which I won't go into but were all resolved). I used the maternity 
  services as necessity required and my birth experience was great. I am so glad 
  I didn't have to recover from a LUSCS as I was pumping etc as Ena spent some 
  time in the nursery asleep from phenebarb due to some twitching. I 
  wanted there to be lots of milk for her when she woke up, which there was (not 
  bad considering my Hb was 7.4 due to a retained placenta and PPH) all thanks 
  to the LW staff at the WCH keeping all visitors out, keeping me in LW and 
  having Andrew stay with me. (I was treated like the Queen of Sheba by everyone 
  and I don't know how Ican ever thank all of my friends and colleuges for what 
  they did for us).
  Watching part of the Today show really angered me as that is 
  not childbirth. Mess in the bathroom, exhilarated mother, exhausted and 
  relieved support people and beautiful, 4.230kgs, caput and moulded head 
  daughter is childbirth!

Re: [ozmidwifery] New models of midwifery care

2003-12-01 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

It may interest you and others that we have only one birth centre in South
Australia that 'allows' women to have a VBAC, and it is NOT attached to one
of our large tertiary hospitals.  Waterbirth is also verbally denied at most
if not all birth centres, women and midwives need to orchestrate an
'accidental' waterbirth as far as I'm aware.

So much for offering women choice.


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[ozmidwifery] Birth Matters coffee evening in Adelaide...

2003-11-24 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

Birth Matters

Coffee or tea Mornings

us, to discuss bellies, birth, babies,
and beyond

November 27th, at 7pm,
December 11th, at 10am.

Join us for a 
shared discussion 

Community Centre.
Glen Osmond Rd, Eastwood. (just mins East of city)
of $2, to cover room hire.
are at the back area.
welcome and well-catered for.

more information : Tania – 8339 4074

[ozmidwifery] Re: arthritis and midwife enquiries...

2003-11-24 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

Thanks to all who responded to my call for information, as I 
suspected, the woman with arthritis is already planning to use water in labour, 
and I've taken on board the other useful suggestions to chat with her about at 
our next meeting. Info about a midwife in Ipswich has been passed on 

With thanks


[ozmidwifery] Midwife in or near Ipswich city, QLD?

2003-11-21 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

Looking fora midwife in this area, for a woman who is 
currently 18 weeks pregnant, unsure about birthing options, might like a 
homebirth or b/c birth. Anyone out there?



[ozmidwifery] Rheumatoid arthritis...

2003-11-20 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

Just wondering if anyone can shed any light on stuff I should 
know about rheumatoid arthritis and pregnancy/birth/postnatal stuff. We 
have had an enquiry from a woman who is wanting a homebirth, and although I 
can't say I have any gut feelings that she shouldn't, I'm wondering if there is 
anyone out there who have cared for a woman with this ailment, and if there's 
anything specific we should know, be aware of etc.

Thanks in advance


Re: [ozmidwifery] Waterbirth pictures.

2003-11-17 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood
Hi there Caroline,

I used to live up there, and there is an independent midwife who runs
antenatal yoga classes - her name is Marianne Idle, you can contact her at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] assuming she is at the same address.

Hope this helps


From: Wayne and Caroline McCullough [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2003 11:30 AM
Subject: RE: [ozmidwifery] Waterbirth pictures.

 Got a woman in one of our support groups who has a pregnant sister who
 is petrified of needles. She has even had hypnosis treatment to
 alleviate her phobia but it didn't work. Anyway, she has birthed one
 baby fine but was in a great deal of pain and wants to avoid  the pain
 and is now saying she wants a caesarean. Her sister has tried to explain
 that a caesarean is far from pain free but she doesn't seem to get it.

 Anyway, in a desparate attempt to help her sister avoid a CS, this woman
 wants to know about other pain-free options in birthing (other than
 drugs). Her sister is in Cairns. Are there any Active Birth Yoga classes
 there or hypnobirthing professionals, birth support services up there
 that anyone knows of?



 Cas McCullough

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[ozmidwifery] full page report in today's Advertiser

2003-11-12 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

Oh boy, you have to check this one out. An 
official response from the Maternity Coalition or CARES perhaps?


More South Australian babies are being born via the 
scalpel than ever before, and trends are for more caesareans in the future. 
MEREDITH BOOTH and BEEZY MARSH report.IN the UK they're 
the "too posh to push" brigade – almost 10,000 women a year choosing surgery 
over natural childbirth. 
Made popular by celebrities such as Victoria Beckham and Heather Mills 
McCartney, the trend for elective caesareans is costing Britain's health 
services millions of pounds. 
Increasingly, it is becoming a lifestyle choice for women wanting a speedy 
birth and the certainty that their sex lives will not be harmed by complications 
from a normal delivery. 
Elective caesareans for South Australian women are also growing with 12 per 
cent choosing the major abdominal surgery, compared with just 8 per cent 10 
years ago. 
However, more obstetricians in SA are conducting emergency caesareans than 
ever before, causing a stir among natural birth advocates. 
Obstetrician and former Australian Medical Association vice-president Trevor 
Mudge is not surprised by the rise in caesarean births and expects it to 
He argues that more up-to-date research shows potential damage to bladder, 
bowel and sexual functions for women after vaginal deliveries is quite high. 
"There was a study done about three years ago on female obstetricians in the 
UK which showed 42 per cent of their own births were elected caesareans," he 
But while obstetricians did not have enough information to offer women on the 
long term effects of recovery from natural or surgical birth, he believes they 
should have the choice. 
He says the age-old power play between midwives – who favour natural births – 
and obstetricians, is that it often ignores the wishes of the patient. 
"Women are the innocent victim in all this," he says. 
Meanwhile, the rise in emergency caesareans has risen in tandem with 
obstetric trends not to use forceps in a difficult delivery and to not allow 
women to be in labour longer than 48 hours. "We will tend to do a caesar 
earlier," he says. 
However, he disputes that rising medical indemnity insurance and fear of 
litigation was a major reason behind conducting more surgery. 
SA's caesarean birth rate of 27.8 per cent, higher than the national average 
of 23.3 per cent, was probably due to doctors not allowing babies to run into 
the degree of trouble as they do elsewhere during birth. 
"What we have to do is stop seeing that as necessarily a bad thing," he says. 

Not so, says independent midwife Wendy Thornton who sees the rising caesarean 
rate as "very, very depressing". 
She says the World Health Organisation's acceptable rate for surgical 
delivery is 10 to 15 per cent of all births, adding that lower caesarean rates 
are associated with those births attended by a midwife only. 
However, only about 2 per cent of SA women choose to have a midwife-only 
births and independent midwives have struggled to gain respect from the medical 
establishment, she says. 
"Birth has become medicalised, it's also held to ransom by health insurance 
and (that) plays a big part in decision making." 
Since 2001, medical indemnity insurance has become unavailable to independent 
midwives working in the community, taking away security for many women who want 
to have an at-home birth. 
"A lot of people go blindly into the system. They think it's the safest 
option," she says. "My belief is that it's extremely safe and I support the view 
that birth is often safer at home than it is in hospital." 
She says in her experience two of about 24 home births needed medical 
intervention – closer to the WHO average. 
Too much information has given women a misguided view of childbirth with 
decisions to have a caesarean unwarranted. 
"There is a growing number of women out there who do know what it's like to 
have active, natural, empowering births. That's what all women should have," she 
Meanwhile, British women are now being offered counselling and encouraged to 
endure the natural pain of labour and a conventional birth to reverse the trend. 

Doctors will point out that babies born by caesarean section are seven times 
more likely to suffer breathing difficulties. 
While serious complications for the mother are rare, they can include 
haemorrhaging, scarring and damage to the fallopian tubes or ovaries. 
About 60 per cent of women who have a caesarean still feel pain from the 
wound five months later. 
But the plan has prompted some experts to warn it will erode a woman's right 
to choose how she gives birth. 
Dr Rick Porter, consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist at Bath's Royal 
United Hospital says: "If a woman has no discernible reason, medically or 
psychologically, for a caesarean then I don't 

Re: [ozmidwifery] Midwife in Adelaide

2003-11-10 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood
Hi Sally,

I'm up in the Hills, which is a bit over an hour to the Barossa where your
client will be, but I'd be happy for her to have my contact details, and
don't have anyone due over that time, so should be fairly quiet work-wise.
The other thing is that the Northern Women's community midwifery program is
out north of the city if she needed someone in a hurry, but I'm not sure how
their funding etc would cope, so feel free to give her my details, ph 08
8339 4074 and I'll be sure to catch up with her on a needs basis.


- Original Message -
From: Sally Westbury [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 10, 2003 7:47 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Midwife in Adelaide

 I have a client who is going to be in Kapunda from Dec 27 until Jan 4
 and I am looking for a local contact for her in case she needs someone..
 she will be 36-37 weeks.

 Love Sally

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Re: [ozmidwifery] Adelaide

2003-11-07 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood
Hi Sheena,

If you are still here on the Sunday, there is a 'Funky Midwives' gathering
from 3-6pm in North Adelaide, which is bound to be a great day.  Other than
that, the homebirth network meet on the 24th, Birth Matters on the 27th, and
the CARES group on the 12th.  Not sure if there's anything else going on,
you could contact the 2 uni's to see if they have anything interesting

Good luck in your placement!

- Original Message -
From: Sheena Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, November 07, 2003 9:51 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Adelaide

 Hi everyone

 I am going to be in Adelaide at the Women's doing my neonatal placement
 17th to 21st November. Was just wondering if there were any meetings,
 classes I could attend as a Midwifery Student whilst I was there. The only
 night I am not available is the Wednesday, which is my daughters final
 vocal performance for Uni.


 Sheena Johnson

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Re: [ozmidwifery] Adelaide

2003-11-07 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood
Just a thought, you might be interested to visit Coast Yoga, down at
Glenelg, they run an excellent antenatal class on a Friday night I think it
is.  Vanessa is the contact person there.


- Original Message -
From: Sheena Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, November 07, 2003 9:51 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Adelaide

 Hi everyone

 I am going to be in Adelaide at the Women's doing my neonatal placement
 17th to 21st November. Was just wondering if there were any meetings,
 classes I could attend as a Midwifery Student whilst I was there. The only
 night I am not available is the Wednesday, which is my daughters final
 vocal performance for Uni.


 Sheena Johnson

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[ozmidwifery] support network in Perth

2003-11-06 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

Hello wise ones,

I'm putting out feelers for a woman I recently birthed with 
here in Adelaide who will be moving to Perth in January. She would love to 
link up with other like-minded women, and wants to know if there is a homebirth 
network or support group she could join. 



Re: [ozmidwifery] Birthing pools

2003-10-28 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

Hi Leigh,

The pools we currently use are made from panels of marine ply, 
with these really strong plastic and steel hinges that hold the panels 
together. There are about 12 panels from memory, and it comes apart into 3 
concertinaed pieces, which you just hook together, and then stretch a pool liner 
over. Very sturdy, easily transportable, 160cms diameter and about 50cm 
deep, so big enough for at least 2! I like the idea of a blow up pool for 
ease of setting up, and also transporting, but I'm just not sold on the idea of 
soft sides that can't really be leant heavily on, either by me, or the 
woman/support person etc

Hope this helps, if you need me to, I can privately mail you a 


  - Original Message - 
  Leigh Evans 
  Sent: Monday, October 27, 2003 8:39 
  Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Birthing 
  Hi Tania, what sort of pool would he be making? 
- Original Message - 
Tom, Tania and 
Sam Smallwood 

Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2003 9:03 
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Birthing 

Just wondering if there is anyone out there with a pool 
laying idle who would be prepared to sell it, or if anyone knows where I can 
get one made for a reasonable price? Or maybe even if there is anyone 
else looking to buy one in the near future, as Ihave someone here in 
Adelaide who will manufacture one for me, but only if he has a couple of 
orders to start with. After being caught the other day with my midwife 
partner having to go to another birth, methinks we need another 


[ozmidwifery] Birthing pools

2003-10-23 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

Just wondering if there is anyone out there with a pool laying 
idle who would be prepared to sell it, or if anyone knows where I can get one 
made for a reasonable price? Or maybe even if there is anyone else looking 
to buy one in the near future, as Ihave someone here in Adelaide who will 
manufacture one for me, but only if he has a couple of orders to start 
with. After being caught the other day with my midwife partner having to 
go to another birth, methinks we need another pool!


[ozmidwifery] first catch at home...

2003-10-20 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

Well I'm quite elated and a little bit tired, after being 
called out at 3am this morning, and then my Midwife colleague being called away 
for another birth (isn't that something that never happens...?), I caught my 
first baby as a RM, at home, and this baby decided to come into the world feet 
first. WOW!! Can't tell you how many things were going around in my 
head during the birth, but I think I remained calm on the exterior, or so I'm 
told! Result - 3.4kg baby girl, 2 3/4 hourestablished labour, SROM 
in water with some fresh thin mec, and then out came the feet, stood up, body, 
arms, and then after one little push, a gorgeous round36cm head, all 
caught on video by a wonderful friend of the woman. And I was wonderfully 
supported by a midwife friend who came to act as a spare pair of 
hands/photographer, water carrier.what a joy and comfort it was to share it 
with her!

Gotta sleep, but wanted to share, what an amazing experience 
for us all!!


Re: [ozmidwifery] waterproof sonnocade

2003-10-16 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood
Hi Rashelle,

My colleague and I have a waterproof doppler, it's Japanese, and we bought
it from Cottman SBA surgical supplies in Adelaide from a lovely chap called
Andrew.  You could give them a call on 08 8375  or there is a priority
number 1300 364 007 and have a chat with him, it cost us under $500, which
is soo much cheaper than the Huntleigh, which I also own, and
there really isn't any difference except the Huntleigh has a shorter cord,
and a visual readout of the FHR. Sorry to be a bit vague, but I don't have
the doppler here to check on the brand name

Hope that helps.

- Original Message -
From: attila  rashelle szoke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2003 8:44 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] waterproof sonnocade

 Dear Lynne and Other Midwives practising water births
 I am looking to purchase a fetal heart 'doppler'/sonnocade, (please
 excuse me if sonnocade is spelt incorrectly).  I was wandering if there
 are waterproof ones available for using with women using water during
 labour and birth.

 For gentle birth choices
 Rashelle Szoke

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[ozmidwifery] Birth Matters coffee morning in Adelaide

2003-10-06 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

Birth Matters

Coffee or tea Mornings

us, to discuss bellies, birth, babies,
and beyond

October 9th, at 10am

Join us for a 
shared discussion 

Community Centre.
Glen Osmond Rd, Eastwood. (just mins East of city)
of $2, to cover room hire.
are at the back area.
welcome and well-catered for.
more information : Tania – 8339 4074

Re: [ozmidwifery] aromatherapy

2003-10-02 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

Hi Linda,

I did some research in my midwifery degree, about just 
that. There is some great reference material out there, I'll list some 

Anything by Denise Tiran is bound to be good, I found, and I 
also accessed the ongoing trial being done at the Radcliffe centre in Oxford by 
Ethel Burns, Caroline Blamey et al, which is fantastic also.

Hope this helps, 


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, October 02, 2003 4:02 
  Subject: [ozmidwifery] aromatherapy
  Hi all
  My place of work are now introducing the use of 
  aromatherpy to our unit. I was wondering if someone can give me info on 
  the uses during labour, and precautions that need to be taken. What are 
  the best mixes ect. in other words anything you have got would be 
  greatfully appreciated.

[ozmidwifery] time of AFP testing

2003-09-24 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

Dear all wise ones

Just a quick query, about the timing of AFP testing. I 
was always to understand that between 16-18 weeks was optimal, and otherwise 
could give (even more) unreliable results. If done at around 20 weeks, 
what are the chances of this happening, and given the repercussions of further 
invasive testing, what's the point if you miss the 16-18 week 

Looking forward to some clarification


[ozmidwifery] For Julie Garrett

2003-09-17 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

Hi Julie,

Seem to have lost your contact details, but wanted to say 
thanks for making that contact. She's thrilled, and looking forward to 
meeting you!


[ozmidwifery] contact off list please...

2003-09-06 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

Julie Garrett, 

Can you contact me asap off list as I think I have a follow 
through woman for you!!


Re: [ozmidwifery] see you guys!

2003-09-02 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood


I know I speak for many here in Adelaide, and on the list who 
value your knowledge and committment to the cause, and who will greatly miss 
your humorous and invaluable input on the list. Please.look after 
yourself, this is most important. You can't be everything to everyone else 
if you aren't able to look after number 1. You are a truly incredible 
woman, and you deserve a break! Take great care, and I look forward to 
seeing you at another CARES coffee gathering.

Warm hugs


  - Original Message - 
   Dean Bainbridge 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2003 10:46 
  Subject: [ozmidwifery] see you 
  well, after all these years of putting the cat 
  amongst the pigeons and jumping up on my soap box I am calling it a day! 
  I bet most of you who know me never thought the day would come (and know that 
  many others have been praying for it to come LOL).
  I am still committed to CARES SA but looked 
  around my house the other day and there is a six year old, a four year old and 
  a two year oldI cant quite remember tem getting to those agestime to 
  let go of some things. I will remain interested in VBAC and cs stuff, so 
  if anyone wants to get hold of me just go to the CARES web site: 
  I will cease my subscription tomorrow in case 
  anyone needs me for anything. National Caesarean Awareness Day people, 
  please keep in touch with what you are doing...I am hoping that if we can keep 
  record of events we maybe able to get sponsorship for the future. Can I 
  ask that anyone who is doing anything for NCAD and requires logos or the 
  philosophies/goals/aims etc, please again visit the CARES web site. The 
  NCAD was initiated by CARES and we must maintain the appropriate 'feel' 
  is not anti cs and should never be used to make full frontal attacks...subtle 
  attacks in the guise of "education and informed choices" etc are always more 
  As I am suffering a phantom post birth brain 
  ...every 2nd August for the last 6 yearsI have birthed...until this one 
  :( I have forgotten the name of the midwife in Tassie who sent me 
  the wonderful VBAC kit that she is involved with.I am so sorry, your name 
  will pop into my head as soon as I send this...
  have lots happening at the moment and every time that gets almost on the top 
  of my to do list something else jumps on top of it. But I will be 
  getting back to you. SOON!!!
  Once again, thank you to all who have answered my 
  many questions, who have shared with me their knowledge...I am in awe of you 
  all and hold you in the highest admiration.Knowing that there are care 
  providers who still hold the common goal of helping women achieve the most 
  positive births is a welcoming thought!
  I will unsubscribe tomorrow.
  Cheers for the last time!
  Jo Bainbridgefounding member CARES[EMAIL PROTECTED]phone: 08 8388 
  6918birth with trust, faith  

Re: [ozmidwifery] Interesting stats on doctors quitting

2003-08-23 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood
And also in The Australian magazine, I think I feel a letter coming on


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Re: [ozmidwifery] curette and miscarriage

2003-07-27 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood
That's an interesting one Jo, one of the women we birthed with last year had
a large ovarian cyst that required emerg surgery a few months after the
birth, and they went to lengths to discuss that they had accidentally nicked
the uterus during surgery, but that it would have NO impact on her future
childbearing potential, and would not influence in any way her ability to
have future vaginal births.  (Also stated that they chose to tell her out of
courtesy, and that if they hadn't mentioned it, she would never had
known.h, engenders trust in the medical system and their moral and
ethical integrity, NOT!).


- Original Message -
From: Jo  Dean Bainbridge [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2003 10:17 PM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] curette and miscarriage

 Women should be made aware of the risks of 'nicking' the uterus during a
 curette and the impact that can have on future births.  One of the other
 main causes of uterine rupture during labour is a uterus that has been
 damaged in the past; OTHER than a cs.  Out of interestdoes the system
 treat a woman with a previous curette as a possible rupture like they do
 vbacs?  Afterall, who can tell if a 'nick' has occurred anyway?  Probably
 should refrain from pointing those things out as it could be reasons
 to insist all women with curette history to have a cs for all future
 Sorry...feeling a little pissed at the vbac crap at the moment.
 Jo Bainbridge
 founding member CARES SA
 phone: 08 8388 6918
 birth with trust, faith  love...
 - Original Message -
 From: jayne [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2003 9:29 PM
 Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] curette and miscarriage

  I think nature does its job well - I hear too many stories of women
  curette after mc and then lots of related health problems.
  I've had 3 mc's,  have never gone near a doctor and have healed very
  each time.
   What are peoples thoughts on having a curette after a miscarriage?
   I didn't involve the medico's, just my midwife so we just let nature
   its course. However many I hear who go to hospital, have one as
   I guess there are medical indications for having one, but is it just a
   routine procedure?
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[ozmidwifery] in the paper again!

2003-07-23 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

Well off the back of my letter to the Ed in last week's 
Adelaide Advertiser, I managed to get just about the whole back page of our 
local Hills newspaper dedicated to midwifery and women who make the choice to 
have a midwife. The journo who interviewed me did a great job, talked 
about the fact that we're really busy despite the insurance crisis, used very 
woman friendly language (not a delivery or confinement in cooeee) and 
published a lovely photo of myself looking on as Casey's daughter listened with 
a Pinard. I'd love to be able to lead you to a link, but they haven't put 
the article on their website, maybe I'll get a spare minute and type it out in 
the next few days.

Chipping away slowly but surely.


Re: [ozmidwifery] which tests are needed?(longish)

2003-07-19 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood
Hi Megan

I really like Henci Goer's Thinking Woman's guide to a better birth, as it
references back to the Cochrane database, it can be a bit heavy going, but
is broken down into sections, so your friend could look up what's relevant
to her at the time.  She is unashamedly woman centred and comes much more
from a midwifery perspective than from the medical model you see in a lot of
other books.  Others would include books by Sheila K, very accessible and
easily understood.

Hope this helps,


- Original Message -
From: Larry  Megan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: ozmidwifery [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, July 19, 2003 11:56 AM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] which tests are needed?(longish)

 Any thoughts and opinions would be wonderful please.
 I have a girlfriend living in Chiang Mai, Thailand, who is early pregnant
 and wanting a vaginal, intervention free birth. The problem is Thailand
 a very medical model of care that the Thai women have embraced. They have
 Hippy Farm with midwifery care but may not be affordable to her. Her
 is very basic, but hubby is a local, so that helps.
 She would like to know what tests are of benefit, one appointment has
 already had her being told to have numerous things done.(she said no) Her
 history is relevant I think, she has had typhoid, cholera, last year had
 Denghi fever and in Jan this year came home to Adelaide to have her
 endometriosis removed by surgery. No previous pregnancy.
 She is very strong on her ideas and has a supportive husband, but we all
 know how easily one can be bullied.
 I have sent her some sites on maternal screening, but I think she is more
 concerned about pregnancy health not birth abnormalities.
 If there was one book that would give the most advice and support on
 pregnancy and birth, what would that be? She will have no access to books
 Thailand, unless purchased, and money is an issue.

 Hope this isn't a too difficult question,

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[ozmidwifery] Fw: Letter to the editor re Midwives, no insurance... article

2003-07-17 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

Here's the letter I had published in the letters to the Ed in 
today's Advertiser in Adelaide, and off the back of it had a conversation with a 
journo from the local Hills newspaper who wants to print a story and photo in 
the next few weeks about the midwifery insurance crisis (when does it stop being 
a crisis??)...

I refer to the article "Midwives, no insurance - and 
everyone's happy" in The Advertiser, Tuesday, July 15, 2003. I can assure 
Barry Hailstone and all readers that many of us who fall in to the category of 
Midwife, and/or consumer of midwifery continuity of care, are indeed NOT 
happy. I am a midwife, and mother of two children, both born with the 
assistance of an independent midwife. 

I am not happy at potentially risking everything I have worked 
for, every time I agree to attend a woman who choses to birth at home. I 
am not happy that these women, myself included, are actively discriminated 
against by not being eligible for any monetary reimbursement despite saving the 
public health system approximately $3000 each time they chose to have a midwife 
as their primary care provider for pregnancy and birth. 

I am not happy that a government which has bailed out medical 
practitioners to the tune of $30 million this year alone to cover the increase 
in professional indemnity insurance, cannot see fit to value and validate 
women's choices by assisting midwives in the same way. 

I had two wonderful births, and have the absolute privilege of 
attending other women's births every other week, but it will only be when 
midwives achieve equality and respect, and when women's choices are placed as 
number one on the political agenda that I'll begin to be truly 

Tania Smallwood

[ozmidwifery] Julie Garratt

2003-07-16 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

Hi Julie,

Could you please contact me off list? 


Tania Smallwood


[ozmidwifery] Cervidil mailout

2003-07-06 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

Was anyone else on the list the lucky recipient of the cute 
little Cervidil brochure last week? I wondered how they accessed my 
details and so fired off this email to the product manager using some of the 
quotes they spout off as the benefits of Cervidil

""Dear Sue,

I am writing to request information on how I managed to become 
a recipient of the recent mailout of information about Cervadil. I am not 
aware of having provided my details to CSL, although I may have, and would be 
interested to know how my name became included on your list. 

I would also appreciate it if you would not send any further 
information, and please remove me from your mailing list. I work as an 
independent midwife, and have no interest in ripening women's cervices, as the 
women I birth with seem to be able to manage this quite well without any 
interference from me! I provide 'effective and well tolerated' support as 
a midwife, and I'm told by the WHO that my services are 'cost effective' 

Thank you, in anticipation of your response,

Tania Smallwood"

Now comes the good bit, I'm appalled to say that this was her 

"Hi Tania,CSL hired the list for the mailing from the Australasian 
College of Midwives. We hired the list as a once-off and will not hire it 
again.However, you are obviously completely within your rights to ask them 
to keep your name off all future mailings. It would probably be best if you do 
this as I don't think I can do this on your behalf.Thanks for your 
response.Regards, Sue"

Does it disturb anyone else that the ACMI are selling our details to a drug 
company (or anyone for that matter?), or am I jumping the gun? I just 
normally recycle this type of propaganda, but this really has me riled up. 
I'm in the middle of writing to the ACMI for an explanation, but was just 
wondering if anyone else thought the same way as I did?



Re: [ozmidwifery] letter to editor

2003-07-04 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood
Good on you Megan, we all need to keep this in the newspapers so people
don't forget who the midwife is!!



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[ozmidwifery] my little contribution...

2003-07-02 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

Just had to share, I got my 2 cents worth in on Adelaide radio 
today - they had a segment called can of worms, and the topic was about when to 
stop breastfeeding. You can imagine some of the ill informed and downright 
brainless caller responses they had (mostly blokes). So I rang up and let 
them know about the benefits of long term breastfeeding, for babies and Mum's 
too, and commented on our sick society and our inability to see that the most 
natural healthy thing is not rude or 'off'. I got on the air, and I think 
they were so dumfounded they had found someone who actually breastfed for a 
lengthy period of time, they just let me talk! And to top it off, I won a 
prize for best caller! WOW!!!



Re: [ozmidwifery] my little contribution...

2003-07-02 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood
Title: Re: [ozmidwifery] my little contribution...

Absolutely! I'm wondering if anyone from my group here 
heard it, probably not, I think I'm the only one up at that time of the morning 
(they mainly have older children!)


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, July 03, 2003 8:27 
  Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] my little 
  Fantastic TaniaCan I pass this news on 
  to my ABA colleagues back here in Sydney?Jan RobinsonOn 2/7/03 
  10:09 PM, "barbara glare  chris bright" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Fabulous work, Tania. Good 
on you.Love, BarbBarb GlareMum 
of Zac, 10, Daniel 8 and Cassie, 5ABA Poster and Calendar orders [EMAIL PROTECTED]- 
Original Message - 
From: Lois Wattis 
  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] To: 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2003 
  9:23 PMSubject: Re: [ozmidwifery] my little 
  contribution...Congratulations Tania - well 
  done. Love Lois- Original Message - 
      From: Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2003 
2:22 PMSubject: [ozmidwifery] my little 
contribution...Just had to share, I got my 2 cents 
worth in on Adelaide radio today - they had a segment called can of 
worms, and the topic was about when to stop breastfeeding. You can 
imagine some of the ill informed and downright brainless caller 
responses they had (mostly blokes). So I rang up and let them know 
about the benefits of long term breastfeeding, for babies and Mum's too, 
and commented on our sick society and our inability to see that the most 
natural healthy thing is not rude or 'off'. I got on the air, and 
I think they were so dumfounded they had found someone who actually 
breastfed for a lengthy period of time, they just let me talk! And 
to top it off, I won a prize for best caller! 
WOW!!!Cheers Tania

[ozmidwifery] re: A home for a homebirth

2003-06-28 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood


Are you still looking for somewhere for this family in the 
Blue Mountains? I have a slim possibility, but wanted to see that you were 
still on the lookout before persuing it.


Re: [ozmidwifery] Sleep Baby Sleep

2003-06-25 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood
Here here Julie, I'll second that!!   My milk was in on day 2, and by that
afternoon any sense of discomfort had been alleviated by a very excited, and
somewhat surprised (but very grateful) 2 1/2 year old lolol!!!


- Original Message -
From: Judy Giesaitis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2003 3:21 PM
Subject: RE: [ozmidwifery] Sleep Baby Sleep

 I can still remember my grandson, then almost 2 assisting his mum with the
 yumps (lumps)after his little sister was bor. My daughter said that a
 breast feeding toddler should be standard issue with any new baby!  Judy
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Re: [ozmidwifery] Sleep Baby Sleep

2003-06-24 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

 Pinky wrote
 Any current long term breastfeeders (with a nursing toddler 1 to 2 years
 right now) willing to be interviewed?

Hi there Pinky,

It seems you're being swamped by us deviant life forms who continue to put
our babe's to our breast long after society thinks we should have stopped!!
I'm in Adelaide, so not sure if that helps you :), am breastfeeding my 23
month old, and tandem fed with my now 4 1/2 year old for about 8 months.
Love to help you if I can.

Tania Smallwood

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[ozmidwifery] Fw: Birth Matters coffee morning

2003-06-09 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

- Original Message -
From: Larry  Megan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 09, 2003 9:34 PM
Subject: Birth Matters coffee morning

 Howdy all,
 just sending out a reminder that Birth Matters is having a coffee morning
 Thurs June 12th, 10am-12noon, Eastwood Comm Ctre, 95 Glen Osmond Rd,
 Eastwood. Thought we might have a chat about the wonders of the placenta,
 and rituals that people do to celebrate it. Other discussions are always
 welcome, as are pregnant and non-pregnant people, children, partners, etc.
 small charge of $2/person to cover the room hire, and a small plate of
 nibbles to share if you have time.

 Hope to see you there,
 Megan Resch
 Birth Matters

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[ozmidwifery] Article in the Advertiser yesterday

2003-04-03 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

Here's the link,5936,6228844%255E2682,00.html

Local GP care for 
mums-to-beBy Medical Writer BARRY 
MOTHERS-TO-BE will be cared for by their local GP 
instead of having to travel often long distances to outpatient 
clinics.The antenatal care plan is a national first, devised by the 
Department of Human Services and the South Australian Divisions of General 
Known as the GP Obstetric Shared Care program. It involves more than 500 GPs 
throughout the state and was available in all SA public hospitals from 
The chairman of the Models of Care Working Group, Justin Beilby, said the 
plan involved GPs, midwives and hospital-based staff. 
Expectant mothers would have seven out of their 10 antenatal visits handled 
by their GPs with the rest at the hospital where they would book in for an 
ultrasound scan. 
GP co-ordinators from the Divisions of General Practice would work with 
midwives to ensure pregnant women received the best care. 
Professor Beilby said provided a woman was seen by a doctor before 18 weeks 
of pregnancy there were no problems to be overcome with medical indemnity 
"Companies have said they are comfortable to indemnify GPs for shared care 
provided women were seen by a clinician before 18 weeks pregnancy," he said. 
When birth was imminent the mothers would go to the public hospital they had 
booked into and be delivered by hospital midwives or resident medical staff. 
Professor Beilby said it was likely other states would follow the model. 
"It gives the outpatient hospital staff a chance to deal with the more 
higher-risk patients while providing families with continuity of care for the 
family after the birth." 
It would also ease pressure on public hospital outpatient services freeing 
staff to care for priority, high-risk and complex cases. 
For most public patients all antenatal checks could be carried out by GPs 
except those requiring them to undergo examinations such as ultrasound scans, 
Human Services Minister, Lea Stevens said. 

[ozmidwifery] homebirth in Tassie?

2003-03-23 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

Found a question on the EB site, a woman looking for a 
homebirth midwife in Tassie, also wanting to know about birthing centres and if 
there is any govt funded midwifery programme there. Can anyone 


 "I am new to this forum so a bit of an intro first... 
I am expecting my four child in July.My first two children were 
born at home and #3 was born in hospital. Hospitals terrify me and I 
have very little faith in doctors.I find that homebirth for me is so 
natural. My dilema is that to have a homebirth it now cost over 
$1000.Comparing that to paying nothing for a hospital birth I find 
it hard to justify the expense.My family is basically living week to 
week financially and though I could possibly find the money I can think of other 
things that are more of a need than a want if you KWIM. To have a home birth is 
the desire of my heart especially that this is our last child.Does 
anyone know of any financially assistances for homebirths? Or anything that will 
aide me in having the labour of my choice? "

Here's the link if you want to reply yourself...

[ozmidwifery] attending the birth from a distance?...

2003-03-15 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

Just wanted to share a lovely story about a birth I attended 
last night, where the woman planned to birth in hospital (having a VBAC) after 
labouring for as long as she could at home, with myself and Wendy, the midwife I 
work with. This woman's husband was unfortunately not here,as he is 
travelling overseas for work due home tomorrow. We managed not only to take 
heaps of photos and video footage (with a fantastic machine with a 'night 
vision' switch so you can literally see in the dark!), but we managed to get her 
husband on the phone (oops, forgot you're not supposed to use a moblie in 
hospitals :)) and he heard his baby boy being born, and take his first breath 
and letout his first little cry.What an amazing experience for us 
all, feeling all a bit emotional aboutthewhole thing at the moment, 
with my husband also out of the country for a few weeks (good for nothing 

Just had to share,


~Go after the thing you most hate,
Doing what you most love, 
Using the skills you have...~

Re: [ozmidwifery] request for help

2003-03-05 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

Didn't get a call from you, if you don't need me that's fine (sniff.just

I have recently birthed with a woman in hospital who might be good for you
to talk to, does it have to be 1st baby?


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[ozmidwifery] ACMI SA waterbirth workshop

2003-02-26 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

Just a last minute reminder for allthose lucky enough to 
live in Adelaide :)) that the ACMI are holding a waterbirth workshop 
day this Friday at the Convention centre, in the riverside room, from 9am 
onwards. Promises to be a great day, so if you've been thinking about it, 
and can make it, I've been told that there are facilities for last minute 



[ozmidwifery] Homebirth Network SA coffee morning

2003-02-23 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

Just to let you all know that the HB network in Adelaide are 
having a coffee morning at Wendy's house in Hahndorf on Wed morning, the 26th, 
from 10am onwards. All welcome! For further details call Wendy on 
8391 5259.

It would be great to see some new faces there, as well as all 
the regulars!


[ozmidwifery] re: breech presentation at term

2003-02-22 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

To all who were so supportive and helpful,

My friend has just rung me and informed me that her baby is 
head down! She had a couple of sessions of accupuncture and moxibustion, 
which made her baby extremely active, and then saw a chiropractor, and did lots 
of visualisation, meditation, playing music to her baby, and postural stuff at 
home, and voila! She is absolutely blown away by the responses from this 
list, I printed them out for her (thankyou Andrea for the link to your page, the 
moxibustion stuff was great), and now eagerly awaits labour and hopefully an 
empowering birth. What a pity she received no encouragement, ideas, or 
instruction whatsoever from the practitioner she sees as her primary maternity 
care provider, and pays good money to consult, except that they would wait and 
see and then if her baby was breech at term she would be booked in for a 
section. Sad isn't it. 

Thanks once again


[ozmidwifery] client feedback

2003-02-18 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

Just wonderingwhat type of questions you include on 
client feedback forms, for those midwives working in private practice. 
Also, how helpful do you find them, and do women usually return them? 
Exploring possibilities


Re: [ozmidwifery] re: breech presentation help

2003-02-13 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

Well my friend has had one treatment of moxibustion, and last 
night I saw her, and her very mobile and active baby. Her baby is 
currently lying in a transverse position, happy as anything, and has been head 
down for the most part of her pregnancy, partially engaged only a few weeks ago, 
so hopefully is on his/her way to getting down there again. She's going to 
continue with the moxi trieatment, going again early next week, seeing a chiro 
today who is well versed in the Webster technique, and will continue with doing 
lots of position and posture work herself. I printed out your replies for 
her, and she was overwhelmed with the kindness and amount of knowledge you were 
all ready to share for a stranger. 

Thanks one and all, 


PS Is there anything I've missed (always second 
guessing myself!)

[ozmidwifery] re: breech presentation help

2003-02-12 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

Thankyou one and all, my fuzzy breastfeeding brain just 
couldn't come up with all that I knew I needed for my friend, and it is so great 
to know that there is a wealth of information and support out there. I 
have printed off the replies and will give them to my friend, so she can get 
reading and make a more informed decision. At the moment, she is heading 
for moxibustion and homeopathy as a first line of attack, and is extremely 
wary of ECV, but I will provide her with the info and let her go from 

Thanks again wise and wonderful women


Re: [ozmidwifery] re: breech presentation help

2003-02-12 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

  "Wouldn't it be nice if she could just be 
  supported to give birth with the baby breech? I read with sadness the 
  responses all suggesting ECV, and thought this is a sure sign of the times. 
  Big sigh."
  My thoughts exactly, but the reality is that she will not be 
  supported in birthing a breech baby, and may not be supported by her Ob if she 
  decides to have an ECV, which will have to be in the public system, with 
  another Ob. What a fragmented and crazy system it is, when a woman fears 
  retribution from her maternity care provider for seeking the help of a 
  specialist who may give her the chance to have the birth she has worked so 
  hard to mentally and physically prepare for. Even bigger 

[ozmidwifery] breech presentation - need help!

2003-02-11 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

Hi all,

I'm writing for ideas for a friend, has had a previous LSCS 
for failure to progress after an induction, now 39 weeks and has just found out 
baby is breech. Desperately wants to try for a VBAC, now thinking it's all 
out the window. What I need from you wise women, is a shortlist of what I 
should suggest to her, as she doesn't have much time, and going in for 
accupuncture treatments, or trying hands and knees might just not work in 
time. Is it reasonable to suggest she try an ECV at this late stage ( I 
know there are increased risks associated with a previous LSCS, but she may 
decide that those risks are fewer than those of a repeat section). I want 
to suggest to her the things which have the best chance of working, while being 
honest about the risks, and failure rate, so she can make up her own 



Re: [ozmidwifery] Aussie Poll on war

2003-02-06 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood
Just received this from a friend the other day, might help those who don't
want to open the tragic waste of space/time/money/effort...


If Terrorism is the creation of Terror to secure a particular end, then
surely the current Bush/Blair/Howard effort qualifies.

here's a suggested response to the terror package:

In the 1940s when Australian doctors wanted to defeat the introduction
Labor's Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme, all but 200 doctors sent the
prescription forms back to the government -- unopened. It prevented
scheme from being brought in until a doctor friendly government was

In the next day or so every Australian household is going to receive a
terrorism response pack from the Government. This exercise is costing
the taxpayer $15 million.

The Mayor of Brisbane has proposed that, rather than opening or
recycling this alarmist nonsense,the envelope be readressed to the Prime
Minister's Parliament House office.

To ensure it is delivered, it is recommended that you stick on $1 in
stamps - which seems a small price to pay to register your protest.

In case you don't have it handy, the PM's address is:

The Hon John Howard MP
Prime Minister
Parliament House

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[ozmidwifery] fw post from EB re midwife in Melbourne

2003-02-06 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

For those without web access, a woman is looking for a midwife 
in the West of Melbourne, reply to the website, or here and I will pass it 



[ozmidwifery] Homebirth Network SA coffee morning

2003-02-03 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

Hi all,

Just a quick reminder that the HBNSA is getting together this 
Thursday morning from 10-12 at Emily's house, all welcome. Any enquiries 
give Emily a call on 8390 0069. All welcome, in fact the more the 



[ozmidwifery] 2 births in 2 nights

2003-01-08 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

Hi all,

Just had to send a quick mail, as I've been getting so much 
strength and encouragement from this list, to let you all know that Wendy and I 
attended a wonderful first birth on Tuesday night, with baby Samuel born through 
water, into his mum and dad's loving arms, whilst his grandmother, two Aunts and 
friend prayed him into the world. It was a truly amazing experience, and 
wonderful to be involved in the gathering of many strong and 
faithfultrusting women. Between us, I counted that we had 26 
children! And then baby Samuel, 4.2kgs of him, made 23. 

Wethen were called to the second birth of another woman 
last night, who has been niggling for nearly a week, and then went quiet over 
Tues and Tues night, when she knew we would be too far away to be with 
her. Having had a 3 hour first birth, we (and she) thought it might be 
quick this time. She had a couple of moderate contractions and was just 
telling Wendy how it gets a bit difficult to concentrate at this stage, when she 
stood up, walked a few steps, and said that her baby was coming. Little 
Evelyn was born into her dads hands less than a minute later, standing in the 
doorway to the bathroom. 10 minutes later, I arrived,knowing already 
that I had missed the birth, but so happy to share in that wonderful time just 

These women are always so thankful for everything we do, words 
are not enough to communicate to them what an honour it is to be asked to be 
there, and what amazing teachers they are.


[ozmidwifery] Re: Accupuncturist in Adelaide

2002-12-29 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

Hi Caroline,

There is an accupuncturist who was working in the research 
department at the Women's and Children's hospital, conducting a trial (which has 
since finished) on the use of accupuncture and its effect on morning 
sickness. I think her name is Caroline Smith, and I reckon she's still at 
the hospital, you could find out by giving them a call. I'm pretty sure 
she was also taking on private clients. The others I would personally 
recommend are Jenny Chou, who works in Prospect, ph 8269 7422, and the Oon 
brothers, Francis and Robert, who are at Magill, ph 8331 3210. Also I've 
heard that AnneMarie Morrissy is very good, in Stepney, ph 8362 

Hope this helps


[ozmidwifery] Re: 3rd stage info

2002-12-26 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood


Thanks for the information, and your beautiful pamphlet, what 
lovely photos! Just arrived before XMas, but have been busy doing 
postnatal visits, so this is the first chance I've had to say 

Cheers, and here's to a New Year baby!


Re: [ozmidwifery] FW: Good websites to visit

2002-12-22 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

How about Jackie Mawson's Birthrites page?

Otherwise, looks good!


[ozmidwifery] Calling all Melbourne doulas...

2002-12-16 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood
Title: Re: [ozmidwifery] Anti-D - new guidelines

Found this mail on the Essential Baby website, thought someone 
here might be able to respond...

and pasted below for those without net access

Hi, I am looking for people who have used a doula or 
professional labor coach/assistant.I am looking into it this week 
and would like as much info as possible! If you used one, I'd be 
interested in knowing 1. What the fees were (approx is ok, ie. more than 
$400 etc) 2. How you chose your doula 3. What she did to educate you 
prior to labour 4. What she did during labour to assist you 5. Anything 
else you think I should know! And lastly, if you are in Melbourne, can 
you make a recommendation? Thanks a bunch! Leah*** 
edd 27 March 2003 *** 

Thanks, I'll pass on any replies via this list.

[ozmidwifery] Anti-D - new guidelines

2002-12-13 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

Hi there,

Just received the new guidelines for administration of anti-D 
to pregnant and post-partum women today in the mail. To be honest, found 
it a bit difficult to understand, but maybe I need a bit of extra sleep under my 
belt before I tackle it again! My question to the list is this, it appears 
that due to a shortage of anti-D, the guidelines for administration were 
changed, and for a period of approx. 2 years, women didn't routinely receive it 
during their pregnancy. Now that supplies seem to be more abundant, the 
guidelines have been changed back, to include administration of one dose of 
immunoglobulin 624 IU at between 28 and 34 weeks of pregnancy. So what 
have the outcomes for the women with negative blood groups during the past 2 
years, when this hasn't been routine, and is there adequate research to suggest 
that every woman should be having this dose? It is a blood product after 
all, and a rare and expensive one at that. I know we all want to err on 
the side of caution, but it seems strange that it was stopped due to a shortage, 
and now that it's available, we should all be giving it again, with no 
explanation of what indeed the impact of not administering it during this 
antenatal period was.

Hope this makes sense, 


[ozmidwifery] re: Alice's birth

2002-12-05 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood


How lovely to open the paper this week and see your name 
included in Alice's birth notice. What a lovely way for them to publically 
acknowledge the wonderful support and encouragement you gave them in their 
journey. Well done!!


[ozmidwifery] Homebirth Network SA coffee morning

2002-11-30 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

Hi all,

There's a homebirth network SA coffee morning at 
Cheryl's house this Monday, 2nd December from 10-12. All welcome, if you'd 
like more details call Cheryl on 82404420.


Re: [ozmidwifery] Seeking dopplers ...

2002-11-29 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

The doppler is available from Cottman SBA  (surgical supply place) in
Adelaide,Perth and Melbourne I think.  The contact I have here in Adelaide
is Andrew, and you can find their website at

Hope this helps


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Re: [ozmidwifery] Re: [Children Present at Births)

2002-11-27 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

Aviva, what a wonderful idea, one I've thought of on several 
occasions. There is a real need for the workers (ie the midwives/nurses etc) to 
have access to a service like this, if we are to strive for a truly 
woman-friendly workplace, and so to follow that thought through and offer it to 
the women seems logical to me!


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2002 4:18 
  Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Re: [Children 
  Present at Births)
  What about the possibility of child care within the 
  hospital? I can hear the screams of budget budget, etc. Yet it's not such a 
  far-fetched idea. How many people need to use hospitals and have to have their 
  children looked after? Would it be a nightmare? 
  Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( 6.0.423 
  / Virus Database: 238 - Release Date: 25/11/02


2002-11-27 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

I'd be happy to speak with you on the phone, email me on [EMAIL PROTECTED]
if you like


- Original Message -
From: Alphia Garrety [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 28, 2002 1:37 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] SEEKING RESPONDENTS

 Hi Everyone,

 I was wondering if anyone out there might have some home birth mothers who
 are willing to participate in my research.  I am currently interviewing
 women who give birth through the private system, the public/tertiary led
 system and the public/midwifery led system.  I feel that the women who
 out a home birth experience are needed for this study.  I live in the NSW
 area, but am able to interview face to face in Melbourne as well.  I also
 have a transcriber that allows me to tape conversations over the phone,
 I do realize that not everyone enjoys this form of interaction.  I would
 greatly appreciate any assistance with this.  As always I greatly enjoy
 debates that continue on this listserv- very passionate and intelligent
 debates- including the most recent one on Sting :-)

 Take care everyone
 Alphia Garrety (Ba. Hons.)
 PhD. Candidate
 School of Sociology and Justice Studies
 Bankstown Campus, University of Western Sydney
 UWS Locked Bag 1797
 South Penrith Distribution Centre
 NSW 1797 Australia

 Phone: 02 97726628
 Fax: 02 97726584

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Re: [ozmidwifery] Re: [Children Present at Births)

2002-11-25 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

Oh Sally, what divine moments!! My own then 2 1/2 year 
old came running into the bathroom when I hollered "GET SAM NOW!!!" and as my 
partner lead him around the pool to see his brother being born, I apparently 
said "someone hold me" and he wrenched free from Tom, ran around to me and 
grabbed my shoulder saying "gotcha Mummy, gotcha". Still gives me 
goosebumps thinking about it, how intuitive that he knew just what I needed in 
the midst of all the noise and action! 

We can learn so much from those without 'formal midwifery 


Re: [ozmidwifery] Children at births

2002-11-25 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

no problem at all Mary, what a lovely idea!


[ozmidwifery] Trial at the Women's and children's in Adelaide?

2002-11-23 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood
Does anyone know about a trial at the WCh Hospital in Adelaide where the
pregnant women have many more ultrasounds than usual?  Not sure what the
trial is about, or the purpose, but a friend of my Mum's is 13 weeks, and
spoke the other day about being part of a trial where she gets to see her
baby at nearly every appointment via u/s.  Sounds intriguing,  and I'm
interested to know more, given the recent discussions on the list.


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Re: [ozmidwifery] see you

2002-11-12 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood


Good luck with it all, and remember where I am, if you ever 
need a hand, or just someone to lend an ear, let me know. It will all be 
worth it soon!


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 6:30 
  Subject: [ozmidwifery] see you
  Dear all, much as I love 
  this list, I am going off for a few months while I get all my assignments 
  finished for this year. Thanks for doing what you all do. It is a wonderful 
  Tania, thanks for 
  responding to my thoughts about GMP. I have your email, so I'll keep in 
  See you all when I'm a 

Re: [ozmidwifery] ARM and crotchet hooks

2002-11-11 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood
and perhaps be proficient at vacuuming an entire house (unprompted, of
course!) before touching a Ventouse!!!

Love it!

- Original Message -
From: Larry  Megan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: ozmidwifery [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 2:53 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] ARM and crotchet hooks

 Yesterday my lovely Mum was teaching me how to crotchet and it got me
 thinking about artificial rupturing of membranes. I thought it appropriate
 that before any practitioner was let loose on a woman to perform this
 procedure, they had to first make a baby rug or something and master the
 crotchet hook.
 What do you think?

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[ozmidwifery] Midwife in Geelong area?

2002-11-09 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood
I'm sure there is someone on the list in this area, but breastfeeding seems
to have sapped any memory cells from my atrophied brain!!  This request was
on the Essential Baby website, thought I'd post it here and see if anyone
can help...

Can anyone point me in the direction of a midwife (or two) in the Geelong
Area?  I would like to have a chat in regard to all things

Thanks-  Isis

Thanks in advance


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Re: [ozmidwifery] New Dimensions Tonight on ABC

2002-11-05 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood
Title: New Dimensions Tonight on ABC

Thought I'd post the transcript, for those without internet 
access, sorry for the funny format!



Childbirth is supposed to be one of lifes most 
natural and normal events. But when things go wrong it can be terrifying 
and traumatic. So much so that new research from Griffith University in 
Queensland is showing a significant percentage of women could be 
clinically defined as having Post Traumatic Stress Disorder brought on 
by the birth. Shelly Horton has more.
GEORGE NEGUS: As folklore has it, childbirth is a natural and normal 
thing, but when it goes wrong, it can be anything but natural and 
normal.In fact, it can be terrifying and 
traumatic.Lately, as Shelly Horton tells us, some new Australian 
mums are being diagnosed with so-called post-traumatic stress disorder 
brought on, apparently, by childbirth.SHELLY HORTON: Three years 
ago, Kathy Cornack gave birth to beautiful Nicola.But because 
Nicola's head wasn't in the ideal position, the birth was anything but 
beautiful.KATHY CORNACK: Then they put up an IV 
drip.They did some sort of manipulation which was really 
painful.They put an epidural in and you've got to keep still 
because if they miss you could be paralysed.You're there and you 
go -- (Howls with pain) ..trying to keep still while they put 
this needle in.I became this piece of meat on a bed they were 
trying to get a baby out of.I'm lying on my back, looking up and 
it's like scenes from TV shows -- you just see all the lights and it's 
kind of surreal.And it wasn't at all like I imagined my daughter 
would be born.I thought it would be this beautiful, you know, 
sort of family, homely thing.And she was just born in this cold, 
grey room surrounded by strangers.SHELLY HORTON: And 
unfortunately, Kathy's story is not uncommon.Experiences like 
hers prompted research by the Griffith University School of 
SCHOOL OF NURSING: We surveyed 600 women prior to delivery, four weeks 
after delivery and three months after delivery.And we found that 
around 33 per cent of women found that childbirth was 
stressful.And in 6 per cent of those cases, those women met the 
full diagnostic criteria for post-traumatic stress 
disorder.SHELLY HORTON: This is quite distinct from postnatal 
depression.To fit the definition of PTSD, the event has to be 
traumatic.For example, the mother has to fear for her life or 
the life of her child.PROF DEBRA CREEDY: They have to experience 
a number of re-experiencing type symptoms -- where women describe 
standing at the sink doing the dishes, and suddenly a thought of the 
birth will come flooding back into mind.So there's that sense of 
re-experiencing.There's also symptoms related to 
avoidance.So women describe things like driving past the 
hospital and wanting to move away from that area as soon as possible or 
wanting to leave the hospital as soon as possible after 
delivery.SHELLY HORTON: And these symptoms have to last for more 
than a month.PROF DEBRA CREEDY: There has certainly been 
documented case studies of women who still experience trauma symptoms 
nine years after the birth.KATHY CORNACK: It was probably about 
15 months before I realised that there was something wrong with me 
'cause I'd normally been pretty upbeat and pretty positive and I found I 
was just crying all the time -- still, even that long 
after.Whenever I saw a show about babies or birth or something, 
I would lose it.And any little bit of stress would send me over 
the edge.SHELLY HORTON: The mothers in the study suffering from 
post-traumatic stress disorder say the triggers could be anything from a 
long painful labour, forceps delivery, multiple examinations, and 
especially emergency caesarean.JENNY GAMBLE, MIDWIFE, GRIFFITH 
UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF NURSING: One woman talked about 12 vaginal 
examinations in four hours -- while she is in labour.And so 
those sorts of things really detract from the experience.SHELLY 
HORTON: The research shows by failing to recognise a traumatic turn of 
events during childbirth, maternity staff are missing an opportunity to 
treat mental distress before it turns into post-traumatic stress 
disorder.PROF DEBRA CREEDY: In the survey that I did only 14 per 
cent of women said that any staff member asked them about the birth 
which indicates a very low level of focus on the emotional aspects of 

Re: [ozmidwifery] video

2002-11-03 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

Hi Liz,

Nice to hear you're still with us, and good luck with all 
those assignments, sounds like you're onto it!

As we've spoken before, you know I did the devious thing and 
opted not to do a grad programme, something many hospital midwives have a strong 
opinion about, but something I also felt really strongly about, and was willing 
to take the chance with. As it stands, I would never have been at the 
conference where I met Wendy, the midwife I work with, had I been doing shifts 
at the local hospital, so I think things all happen for a reason. I'm 
priviledged to be working with a midwife who trusts me, and who I feel is an 
excellent mentor, it's a wonderful way of starting my midwifery career, and if 
you have that offer from a friend, I'd seriously think of taking it up. 
Having said that, setting up for independent practice is expensive, and I 
haven't had to do much of that, as Wendy has done the most of it. There 
are also grad programmes and grad programmes, some are much more interested in 
bettering your experiences as a young midwife than others - this I hear from the 
women I did my mid with, who went to various settings after we graduated. 
So good luck! My ramblings have probably made things clear as mud, but 
just wanted to let you know how things have gone for me so far.

take care, and love to catch up sometime


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, November 03, 2002 9:37 
  Subject: [ozmidwifery] video
  Thanks Vicki, it is a 
  glorious photo. Nic rang and told me last night, too. 
  To all the list, I've 
  been reading with interest as always, however I am probably going to be silent 
  for a while as I have about 11 000 words in total of assignments due in by the 
  end of the year, and I have no idea how I will do that. 
  Jo, I was so very nearly 
  at that meeting. I emailed Cheryl and explained why I couldn't be there 
  (totally hell week with sick kids, essay due in, car trouble and friend in 
  crisis) andmy 'juggling'prioritised the meeting at the bottom of 
  the list at that time. Still, we keep on with it as we can. I just can't wait 
  for this year to be over, when I can finally STOP WRITING ASSIGNMENTS! On 
  another note, I was blown away by the CARES birth stories book I bought. The 
  strength, honesty andraw emotiontook my breath away. It's a 
  wonderful resource, Thank you. 
  It has been interesting 
  listening to the discussion on independent practice etc. I have been in a 
  quandary lately as I have applied for a graduate midwifery program in a 
  hospital (don't know if I have it yet) but I truly do not know if I can work 
  in that environment. I also do not know if I can practice independently 
  without any 'experience', though I do have a friend who is an independent 
  midwife (who was my midwife also) who says she can be there for me if I choose 
  to do this. Does anyone have any thoughts for this nearly registered midwife. 
  I love to hear (read?) 
  all the discussions going on on this list, and would probably respond more 
  often if I didn't have to jump up, run to the kitchen,unplug the phone 
  and plug in the computer every time I want to send an email.
  Aviva, you're gorgeous - 
  I love your positive responses and empathy.
  love to all you wonderful 
  midwives and others, Liz.

Re: [ozmidwifery] Obstetric Perception - Your thoughts?

2002-10-31 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

Sally and all on the list,

I too will begin to gush if I don't watch myself, so I'll try 
and be brief (not that there's anything wrong with gushing!). I've just 
started out practicing in the community as many of you know, in partnership with 
another wonderful midwife, and I have 2 boys of my own under 3 1/2. The 
issue of time management, and more to the point, what do I do with the kids?! is 
a tricky one, but I've become more open in discussing my needs with family, who 
I'm blessed to have nearby, and friends, both old and new, most of whom are only 
too happy to put their names on my "to call" list. I stress about it for 
weeks before a birth, and so far, it's all worked out. 

Now this might sound a bit obtruse, but reading The Red Tent 
has helped me with all this. I'm only 1/2 way through, but it's 
highlighted the need for a circle of supportive women for me, and I've actively 
gone out and gathered one. It's also clarified for me what's important for 
me at the moment, and that is balancing my young family and husband with being 
with these wonderful women. I say balance, I mean juggle, 'coz I'm still a 
newbie at all this, but I think I'm getting there!!

Not really sure what the point of all this is, I just felt 
compelled to add my little bit when I read Sally's post. 

Now off to practice that juggling act of mine...


Re: [ozmidwifery] educating the community

2002-10-28 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood
I think you're thinking of the wonderful work Vicki and Nic have done with
the song from a distance by Bette Midler.  We were lucky enough to have a
couple of our birth photos included in that piece, and yep, gets me going
just thinking about it.

- Original Message -
From: Karen Arthur [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 28, 2002 7:05 PM
Subject: RE: [ozmidwifery] educating the community

I can't remember what song it was exactly - Bette Midler, I think.  I saw it
at the Down to Earth Homebirth conference in Katoomba in March this year.
Same effect - everyone balling withing the first 2 minutes


-Original Message-
From: Julie Clarke [mailto:Pregnancy;]
Sent: Monday, 28 October 2002 4:54 PM
Subject: RE: [ozmidwifery] educating the community

Karen were you referring to the video presented at the NACE Conference
at Qld a couple of years ago ?
With the Roberta Flack song The first time ever I saw your face as
background music ?
That's the first video of Nic's that I have seen and I don't think there
was a dry eye in the room - educators were reaching for tissues

Julie Clarke
Childbirth and Parenting Educator
Transition into Parenthood
9 Withybrook Pl
Sylvania  NSW  2224
T. (02) 9544 6441
F (02) 9544 9257
M. 0401 265 530

-Original Message-
[mailto:owner-ozmidwifery;] On Behalf Of Karen Arthur
Sent: Monday, 28 October 2002 7:32 AM
Subject: RE: [ozmidwifery] educating the community

Hi everyone,

Nic's videos have my vote as well.  When I first saw the images of the
first one she did, I thought that we needed the general public to see
these, and then they'd understand what we're trying to say.  A picture
tells a thousand words.

Have a great day


-Original Message-
From: Jennifer Semple [mailto:jennifer.semple1;]
Sent: Sunday, 27 October 2002 7:59 PM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] educating the community

I think those CPA ads are really effective too.   if you have a really
good ad that people actually like to see, I think one ad is just as
effective as 3 different ones.

An ad for midwifery is a GREAT idea... ofcourse I have NO IDEA how much
ad space/time costs... but EVERYONE loves to look at babies.

Nic Edmonstone's videos are so powerful... radiating beauty, emotion, 
love... she would be able to get to the heart of it in 10 seconds or
however much time an ads is.

Anyway, just my two cents.  Cheers, Jen

- Original Message -
From: Jan Robinson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sunday, October 27, 2002 7:35 am
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] educating the community

 Hi list

 I couldn't agree with Robyn and Julie more about TV coverage but
 participation in a regular show would take yet another one of us
 away from
 our lifelong passion of childbirth. We would needs lottsa moola to
 pay for a
 well known personality to front up for us on a weekly basis.

 We could get together and make a TV advert to be shown on prime
 time when
 most of the younger thinking women take time out to watch the news or
 follow-on shows.   This is how the CPAs did so well in establishing
 themselves in the Australian community. Also remember the series
 of ads the
 GPs put on a few years ago in response to the alternative
 practitionerstaking away much of their business? They were very
 effective.Another possibility to target is the ABC late affternoon
 shows put on to
 educate kids.
 We definitely need a follow on from NMAP while the public still
 remember it.

 Perhaps we could fundraise through the College, ASIM and NACE to
 produce two
 or three smash-hit ads that would create huge interest in
 seeking out
 one-to-one midwifery care.
 Another alternative is to convince some budding film makers
 (anyone got one
 amongst their clients?) to put some time and energy into making
 such an AD
 at reduced rates. It literally costs thousands of $$$ to produce a
 halfminute ad for TV.

 Once we own the ad. we could make copies and show them at every
 childbirtheducation class across the country ... Especially
 Choices for Childbirth
 evenings that are being run by MC supporters.


 On 23/10/02 12:52 PM, Robyn Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Maybe we should develop a dossier with all the current facts and
 research extracts that we all carry when spreading the word A
 NMAP DOSSIER that means
  we are all spreading the same world with the latest facts.  If
 we all
  contribute someone like me or others maybe able to compile it
 and update it.
  It could go to anyone on the Planet it would united and factual
 the message
  strong and concise.
  In agreeance with a National TV Programme that teaches practical
 information weekly would be good. Something to replace the
 Soapies.  I go into many
  homes every week and the families are almost always 

Re: [ozmidwifery] Seeking dopplers ...

2002-10-27 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood
Not sure if I'm too late with this, but I bought a doppler from Cottman
surgical supplies here in Adelaide, and a lovely man by the name of Andrew
gave us a great deal on a Japanese made doppler called a Minidop  (model
ES-100VX) made by a company called Madeco.  It's fantastic, has a long
straight cord, waterproof handpiece, output connectors for headphones or
taping if you like, comes with the same warranty as the Huntleigh, and price
wise, can't beat it at $510, but we got it cheaper than that, and he said
he'd do a deal for any of our colleagues as we had recommended to one of the
country hospitals here to purchase some, and thus the discount.  If you want
me to give him a ring and see what he can do for you re price and postage,
let me know!


- Original Message -
From: Andrea Quanchi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 1:05 AM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Seeking dopplers ...

 Same one I have Sue and it comes in waterproof and non waterproof
 versions. Priced at around $900 dollars for the waterproof one. Bargain
 hard with te rep as they will come down a lot if you can quote cheaper
 prices for other brands
 Andrea Q
 On Thursday, October 24, 2002, at 02:16 PM, Jane Palmer wrote:

  Dear Sue
  I quite like my doppler which I purchased from Huntleigh Diagnostics - I
  purchased the Aqua Dopplex - waterproof probe - great for waterbirths. I
  have this phone number (I hope it is still correct) 1800 072 040
  Jane Palmer
  Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond
  Caring, Professional Midwifery Services
  Sydney Visit
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:owner-ozmidwifery;]On Behalf Of Sue Cookson
  Sent: Wednesday, 23 October 2002 7:05 PM
  Subject: [ozmidwifery] Seeking dopplers ...
  Hi all you northern midwives,
  looking for a new doppler and finding the name of suppliers a bit
  Anyone  able to help in the Brisbane area??
  Or anyone out there with a doppler for sale??
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[ozmidwifery] Oh what a night...

2002-10-23 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood
I just wanted to share with the list that I attended the most amazing and
special birth last night.  For those of you who don't know me (and that's
probably most, as I'm a bit of a lurker here!) I'm a newly qualified midwife
(May last year), with 2 littlies of my own, and I've been practicing in
partnership with another midwife here in Adelaide since April this year,
attending women planning homebirths mainly in the Adelaide Hills area.

Enough about me, yesterday morning I got a call from Wendy (the midwife) and
arrived at Jess's house at 6.30am, and after an extremely emotional, hard
work, up and down, lots of walking, lots of sleeping, lots of swinging and
swaying (we nearly resorted to KC and the sunshine band Vicki!), lots of
yelling, lots of beconing this baby into the world kind of labour (where I
think I carried the entire weight of my car in water), Jess had a lovely
baby girl at 1120 last night, and 3 hours later, when the placenta decided
it was good and ready, so were we (and Jess, believe me!).  She shared this
wonderful time with us, her partner and both sets of parents, who waited
quietly down the other end of the house for what must have seemed an
eternity before we gave them the signal that the baby was finally on its

I've attended 4 births with Wendy, and each one teaches me something new,
something I didn't even know I didn't know - if that makes any sense. (And
there's plenty I don't know!!) It was such a hard and long journey for Jess
yesterday, and it was just such an amazing experience to be with another
midwife who supported me, and the woman, and such a privilege to be there
for such a powerful birth (which they all are, in different ways).

Enough rambling, I've had a good 3 hours sleep, now to try and convince my 1
year old that it's time to go back to bed!

Thanks for listening,


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Re: [ozmidwifery] raynaud's disease

2002-10-18 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

I too suffered from the dreaded Raynaud's, diagnosed at the 
tender age of 16 after a hideous attack where I lost the top of my finger after 
a holiday in the snow

Still suffer intermittently with sore and blotchy hands and 
feet, but was lucky enough not to be affected in the nipples when 
breastfeeding. I tried some vaso-dilators when I was younger, but they 
just made me fall down, so went to a naturopath and took Gingko Biloba for quite 
a while, seemed to work. 

Not sure if that's of any help to you Sally, but I'd be happy 
to answer any specific questions if I can


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, October 18, 2002 4:30 
  Subject: [ozmidwifery] raynaud's 
  What wisdom out there 
  about Raynauds disease? Any wonderful advise.
  In peace and 

Re: [ozmidwifery] animals eating Placenta

2002-10-17 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood
Doubtless consuming placentas
 has many benefits.  Having said that - I go for the zinc supplements

I heard recently on talkback radio (now I know I'm getting old...)that the
Marino sheep society in Adelaide make a sheep's placenta cream, which is
very good for dermatitis and eczema.  Interesting!


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[ozmidwifery] Talking circle/Birth Matters/Homebirth Network gatherings in SA

2002-10-07 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

Hi Liz,

Yes, the Vicki Chan workshop was a wonderful day, something to 
treasure and take forth into the perils of modern day practice!! You can 
e-mail me on [EMAIL PROTECTED] and I'd be 
pleased to catch up sometime for a chat. The woman's circle thing is 
called Talking Circle for Women, at Ben Killian Woods, Macclesfield, apparently 
every month on each Dark Moon (not sure when that is), from 6pm and the contact 
no is 8388 3696. The ad in the homebirth network newsletter says "A 
Talking Circle offers a place for people to tell their stories, offer insights 
and receive healing in a respectful environment. A time for our hearts to 
remember." I might call and find out if it's happening in the near future 
and I'll let the list know for those who might be interested. 

Also, just a quick reminder for the list that the Birth 
Matters group in Adelaide are holding a coffee morning this Thursday 10-12 at 
the Eastwood Community centre, all welcome. Also, the SA Homebirth Network 
have a coffee morning next week, Thursday 17th October, at Sally's in 
Mylor. Anyone interested can contact me on the list or on 8339 4074 
and I'll confirm details.



- Original Message - 

  Sent: Monday, October 07, 2002 5:03 
  Subject: [ozmidwifery] birth matters 
  coffee morning
  Dear Tania, thanks for 
  letting us know about the coffee morning. Unfortunately I can't make it. Its 
  my only free day, and I've set it aside to study. Keep us posted though. Did 
  you find out about the women's circle, or whatever it was that we talked about 
  at the workshop. I was good to meet you that day, inspirational day wasn't it? 
  Would be interested in talking to you about your practice. Would it be ok if I 
  emailed you privately? 

Re: [ozmidwifery] midwifery stickers

2002-10-04 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

Homebirth Australia might be able to help, also I think 
Patrice O'Lauchlin in Adelaide (IPM) used to have a few. Good 


  - Original Message - 
  Larissa  Tim 
  Sent: Friday, October 04, 2002 11:40 
  Subject: [ozmidwifery] midwifery 
  Dear All,
  I am trying to locate Midwifery 
  stickers for sale in Australia but have so far had no luck. I know ACMI used 
  to have some but they are no longer on their website.
  Does anyone know of where I may 
  be able to purchase any??
  Many thanks!!
  Hugs, Larissa
  "How can you have too many 
  babies?That's like having too many flowers."~Mother 

[ozmidwifery] Birth Matters coffee morning, Adelaide

2002-10-03 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood
Title: Message

For anyone interested, everyone welcome!



Birth Matters

or tea Mornings

us, to discuss bellies, birth, babies,
and beyond

October 10th 
10am-12 noon.

Join us for a 
shared discussion on


what it means for you 
your baby.

Dates  December 12th.

Community Centre.
Glen Osmond Rd, Eastwood. (just mins East of city)
of $2, to cover room hire.
are at the back area.
welcome and well-catered for.

more information : Megan - 8296 1883

[ozmidwifery] Intuitive Midwifery workshop

2002-09-29 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

I'm finding it a bit difficult to put into words just how 
special this weekend has been, but wanted to let you all know that Vicki and Nic 
are doing something really amazing. I know it's a bit exxy for some of us, 
but when my chance comes around again, and they venture down to "cold old 
Adelaide"I won't be asking myself if I can afford to go, I'll be asking 
myself if I can afford not to.Hope that makes sense, thanks guys, 
if the workshop is all about soul food, I've just gorged 


[ozmidwifery] ABC coverage of NMAP

2002-09-26 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

I'm told there will be something about NMAP on the ABC on 
Friday night at 7.30pm. Looking forward to seeing it. 


Re: [ozmidwifery] Qld NMAP Launch

2002-09-25 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood
Title: Message

Aviva, can you mail me on [EMAIL PROTECTED] re this?



  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2002 11:29 
  Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Qld NMAP 
  Vicki -- it's just dawned on me -- you in 
  Adelaide this weekend? Wanna cuppa with me? I won't be at workshop, but it'd 
  be good to meet...
  then, up and preparing for this weekends workshop in Adelaide...great 
  Love to all... 

Re: [ozmidwifery] Baby Shower / Pinky's book

2002-09-24 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

how about Henci Goer's little gem "The thinking woman's guide 
to a better birth", having said that, it's pretty 'in your face"...


Re: [ozmidwifery] FW: Midwives in USA

2002-09-22 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood
Title: Message

here's a reply I received from the California association of 

Good luck,


Thanks for contacting the California Association 
ofMidwives. Here is the list of CAM-referred midwives in 
yourarea. If you have any further questions, please feelfree to contact 
us,-- Sue, membership directorBrenda 
Capps, DEMBakersfield, CA 93309-5117661-833-9983[EMAIL PROTECTED]Tai 
CarsonHollywood Birth CenterLos Angeles, CA 
90046323-436-7425birthrightLA.comTabby Erfani, LM, 
CPMGranada Hills, CA 91344818-366-1400Edana Hall, 
LMTempleton, CA 93465805-434-5406[EMAIL PROTECTED]Brenda 
Ramler, LMArroyo Grande, CA 93420805-545-8479Constance 
RockHollywood Birth CenterLos Angeles, CA 
90046323-436-7425birthrightLA.comFrances Torgerson, CNMSan 
Pedro, CA 90731310-548-3471

[ozmidwifery] NCAD

2002-09-11 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

Just wanted to let everyone know that the picnic in Rymill 
Park today, to mark NCAD was fantastic. Thanks to Jo, Carolyn and Emma for 
your ongoing dedication and hard work with CARES. Well done!!


Re: [ozmidwifery] ncad

2002-09-01 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood


I attended a wonderful birth the other day, will write more 
later (jake feeding), can you send me a heart please, to 7 gould lane, stirling 

many thanks,
Tania Smallwood

  - Original Message - 
   Dean Bainbridge 
  Sent: Sunday, September 01, 2002 9:58 
  Subject: [ozmidwifery] ncad
  Hi everyone!
  Just a quick reminder that 
  the National Caesarean Awareness Day is coming up soon. 
  Here in SA, CARES 
  SA is hosting a family picnic in Rymill Park ( the park off East trc 
  in the city), September 11 from 11am. 
  There is a marquee, belly 
  dancing work shop, face painting (to be confirmed) music (also to be 
  confirmed!!! Arg! the stress!) and of course the display of personalized 
  purple hearts for all belly born bubs!!
  If there is a pregnant belly 
  out there who would like to get a belly cast done, let us know! 
  CARES are awarding two 
  awards for outstanding achievements with vbac and cs.
  All family and friends are 
  welcome. BYO picnic and rug. kiosk should be available, toilets 
  close at hand and playground for children. 
  Please, all mums, babies, 
  midwives, midwifery students and birth related professionals, friends, 
  come dedicate a heart 
  and celebrate increasing 
  awareness of issues surrounding cs and vbac!
  for more info, call Jo on 
  8388 6918 
  or Carolyn on 8293 
  Jo Bainbridgefounding member CARES 
  SAemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]phone: 08 
  8388 6918birth with trust, faith  

Re: [ozmidwifery] story help

2002-08-16 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

Julia Monaghan,

Are you the Julia from Whyalla?



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[ozmidwifery] re: Waterbirth and water embolus...

2002-08-04 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

Hi Laraine and all,

I'm not up to date on the current research surrounding this 
phenomenon, but wanted to add my own experience with listening to Michel Odent 
(who I believe coined the phrase and introduced the idea to the birthing world), 
that being that he has actually never seen a water embous, and waived it as a 
suspected potential problem, rather than an actual one. I heard him speak 
nearly 4 years ago in London, and he actually said that he wished he'd never 
raised the issue, as so many units now deemed water birth unsafe, and were not 
allowing women to labour in water as a result of the implication that there may 
be an issue with water embolus if the placenta is birthed in the water. 
Anyone else heard any more up to date stuff about this??


active birth workshops

2002-06-11 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

Hi Jessica,

Not sure if you know about the local active birth workshops 
here in Adelaide, there is an excellent one run by Vanessa Shribman at the Coast 
Yoga Centre in Glenelg. She often has students (one ata time) attend 
the workshops, run in conjunction with her partner Thomas Dellman( naturopath) 
and Roz Donnellan-Fernandez (community midwife). She's very supportive of 
the midwifery model of maternity care, and you could run it past her to mention 
it to the women in the antenatal yoga classes she teaches, and see if any of 
them are interested in contacting you. Just a thought.

Good luck with it all


homebirth midwives in Eastern suburbs of Melb??

2002-05-05 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

A request from a site I visit and hail as a lone voice in the 
wildernesscan anyone help?

"Yup, ms change-your-mind-again Does anyone know of 
any midwives in the Eastern Suburbs area of Melb that they would recommend? 

Many thanks in advance, and happy midwives day to all!


VBAC help

2002-03-24 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

Hi everyone,

Found this on a site I browse and lurk on, I know everyone's 
really busy, but I thought i'd post it here and see if anyone had any 
suggestions for this enterprising (and gutsy!) young woman...

I am currently trying to get into the 
Brisbane Birth Centre at RWH for the birth of my 3rd child who will be my 2nd 
natural delivery (my first child was a csec). I am currently being denied on 
the basis of a policy which will not allow any woman with a uterine scar 
(regardless of cause or subsequent obstetric history) access to the birth centre 
because of the risk of uterine rupture. This means that there are a group of 
women who have a risk of uterine rupture that varies between 0.2% (1 in 500) and 
6% (6 in 100) who do not have access to the birth centre. The risk of uterine 
rupture is directly related to the cause of the uterine scarring, the location 
of the scar and subsequent obstetric history. For women such as myself who had a 
lower segment ceasarean and a vaginal birth since the risk is only 0.2% which is 
actually less than the risk of fetal distress, cord prolapse and placental 
abruption; all conditions that could happen to any woman in labour in the birth 
centre regardless of history and all of which require similar emergency action 
to uterine rupture. 
I have used this information and the fact that this 
policy contradicts two other policies to which RWH are signatory to develop my 
arguement for allowing me to the birth centre. The midwives at the birth centre 
have indicated they would be happy to take me (and women like me). I am yet to 
receive an answer from RWH. 
The primary reason I am writing is two fold. Firstly to 
find out if there are any women out there who had a VBAC (vaginal birth after 
caesarean) delivery in the Birth Centre (as the midwives have told me they have 
done some of these in the past but arn't allowed to give me names because of 
medical in confidence) 
Also to find other women who have recently been turned 
away from the Birth Centre because of this policy. I am aware that there has 
been at least one other in the past couple of weeks with a similar history to me 
but do not know her name. 
If there are also women out there who have had VBAC 
deliveries in other public Birth Centres in Australia I would appreciate your 
I can be contacted at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or on this 

The link is at 

Thanks in advance


re: homebirth conference

2002-01-15 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

Hi Belinda,

I'll be going to the homebirth conference, with hubby and 2 
chilluns in tow! We plan to fly over on the Fri morning, hire a car, and 
then fly back Monday sometime, could look into hiring a larger people-mover if 
there are others interested in sharing that leg of the journey. Let us 
know! Look forward to meeting you there.


re: nipple vasospasm

2002-01-06 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

Hi there, 

Usually a lurker here, but had the info at hand about 
Raynaud's so thought you might find this helpful. The article you're 
looking for is in the Summer 2000 Issue (Vol 36, Number 1) of the NMAA 
newsletter, and it's a collection of letters sent in by members, with ideas 
about management of pain etc associated with the condition. (sorry, don't 
have a scanner or I'd mail it).

With regards to Raynaud's disease/phenomenon, my understanding 
of it (I was diagnosed with RD at the age of 15) is that the disease is a 
primary disorder, unrelated to any other pathology, and that the phenomenon is a 
collection of symptoms,whichoccur intermittently, and which can be related 
back to an underlying disease or abnormality.Hope this makes sense. 
As an aside, Gingko Biloba is a herbwhich is supposedly helpful 
inaiding peripheral circulation,but not sure of it's safetyif 

Kind regards,


Re: 'Delivery' Trays

2001-10-22 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood

The article by Hannah Dahlen was published in a journal called Birth Issues,
contact CAPERS and they should be able to help you (sorry, can't put my
hands on it at the moment, everything packed for a house move).

All the best,

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Re: Guthries at the breast

2001-08-06 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood


Just browsing through my wife's mails and saw this thread. As 
with Jayne, our midwife performed the Guthrie's heal prick on our two home 
birthed boys, the last one a week ago, whilst they were on the breast, with 
barely a whimper (from the boys). I believe that this our midwife's chosen 
practice in this regard.



  - Original Message - 
  To: Paul  Tracy ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 7:15 
  Subject: Re: Guthries at the breast
  Hi Tracy,
  Unfortunately I don't have any info apart from my own 
  experiences with 2 of my homebirthed babies.
  They both barely paused at the breast whilst it was 
  Good luck!
- Original Message - 
Paul  Tracy 

To: ozmidwifery 
Sent: Monday, August 06, 2001 11:53 
Subject: Guthries at the breast

Hi all,

Just wondering if anybody out there is aware of 
any information on performing guthries on the babies whilst they are at the 
breast. I read about it on this list about six or so months ago and 
have been doing them this way ever since. However, when trying to 
introduce the idea to the ward, several of my colleagues are concerned the 
baby may aspirate if sucking whilst stabbed.This has certainly never 
happened to me and if anything I find the baby bearly knows it is happening, 
is more relaxed and the blood flows more freely. I also believe the 
mothers are more content with this method (as am I!!). 

What are your thoughts on this and have you any 
information out there that I can utilise.

