Re: Recordijng From Radio On Line

2009-10-30 Thread Tom Kaufman

Does Screamer have a scheduler built into it?
Tom Kaufman

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Re: Playing Live Audio Streams

2009-10-30 Thread Tom Kaufman
May be speaking out of turn here..but in some cases you have no choice; if 
you have Real Player (and if the stream you are wanting to play supports 
that (and only that)..I don't know that you have any choice!  I do know of 
something called Real Alternative..but don't know how good that works..or 
if it really does work with things that use Real sure there are 
others more knowledgeable than I that can shed more light on this subject.
Tom Kaufman 

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Re: Moving Through Files With Windows Media

2009-10-07 Thread Tom Kaufman
Hello list:  Well..if someone knows of a good way to accomplish moving backward 
and forward in a file, using Windows Media, I, too, would appreciate such 
information!  In Windows Media 10 and below, at least moving forward to be sort 
of done (I've never been able to find a way to move backward)..but with Windows 
Media 11..there seems to be no way to do this as far as I have seen; I am using 
Jaws 10) as I said..if someone knows of a way to do this, I'd also be happy 
to hear about it!
Tom Kaufman
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Re: Winamp Question

2009-09-16 Thread Tom Kaufman
Also..the down arrow and up arrow keys turn Winamp's volume up and down 
up arrow turns it up; down arrow turns it down..but you probably 
already figured that out--smile!
Tom Kaufman 

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Re: an accessible portable satellite receiver.

2009-08-26 Thread Tom Kaufman
I think it's the same way with XM receivers; the frustrating part about the 
whole Satellite Radio thing is: you've no way of being able to tell what 
song is being played (not as far as the receivers are concerned)..unless you 
have some vision!
Tom Kaufman 

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Re: u-tube and download

2009-08-20 Thread Tom Kaufman
Along the same lines, I would like to find a good program that will allow 
one to save You-tube well as the audios; have found a few that 
save just the audios (supposedly they're supposed to save the videos 
too)..but I've never been able to get them to work!
Tom Kaufman 

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Re: u-tube and download

2009-08-20 Thread Tom Kaufman

Not even sure I have that one!
Tom Kaufman

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Re: The new NFL Field Pass

2009-08-16 Thread Tom Kaufman
Oh these websites just _insist_ on using those dad-burned imbedded players, 
don't they!  I'm told that those flash players could be made accessible; 
they seem to just not want to do it!
Tom Kaufman 

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Re: Ok, Stupid Got Her DVD to Play!

2005-04-27 Thread Tom Kaufman
Oh..but isn't that frustrating; to see something..and have it tell you that
it's not available!  Or as in what my old version of Jaws would say,
Tom Kaufman P.S.  Good luck in getting that DVD to play what you want it to!

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Re: windows media streams and total recorder

2005-04-27 Thread Tom Kaufman
It has been my experience (and I got this tip from another lister) that if I
have the prameters set to'll record; not sure if I'm saying
it right.  But more experienced users of Total Recorder will know what I'm
getting at.
Tom Kaufman

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Re: Ok, Stupid Got Her DVD to Play!

2005-04-27 Thread Tom Kaufman
Congratulations Christine!  Keep us posted as to how you make out; it's
always nice to..after spending long hours of frustration on something like be able to declare success
Tom Kaufman!

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Re: Possible Windows Media Problem?

2005-04-24 Thread Tom Kaufman
Hello Melissa and list:  I went to another website; the website for radio
station WPHB..which is located in Philipsburg, Pennsylvania
and tried to access their stream; they use Windows Media..and had
absolutely no luck!  So this tells me that Windows Media has a problem!
Wonder if others are having problems with this player?
Tom Kaufman

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Re: Problem Opening Some Audio Streams

2005-04-24 Thread Tom Kaufman
Bruce:  Sounds similar to my Windows Media problem..only I'm wondering if
it's windows Media..WSM..or just my computer doesn't have enough free
resources to run it!  Sorry I don't have a solution for you!  But I felt I
had to jump in..if only to say that I sort of imphaphize with you!  But tell
us which player the stream you're trying to listen to uses?
Tpom Kaufman

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Re: Possible Windows Media Problem?

2005-04-24 Thread Tom Kaufman
Well..what's going to make this hard is that it appears to b intermittent;
sometimes I can play a stream for a while before it cuts out; sometimes it
won't play at all!
Tom Kaufman

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Possible Windows Media Problem?

2005-04-23 Thread Tom Kaufman
Hello list:  I'm trying to determine if I have an issue with my Windows running Windows Media 9..and here of late, when I try to listen
to an audio stream, such as the one from WSM in Nashville, it wants to drop
out..then come back; at times, I'll get error message that say something to
the affect of Windows Media cannot play this file; it may be trying to
play behind a firewall (which I don't have); this morning, it said that it
couldn't play it because the server was busy.  I should add, here, that I am
having difficulties with the computer; can't seem to get the resources as
high as I'd like; will soon be getting a new compputer as there seems to be
no way to solve this problem; am currently running an HP Pavillon with an on
board soundcard; running Windows ME and Jaws 3.7U.  This will change soon.
But I need to know iff there's anything I can do to stop the stream from
breaking up in the meantime?  Thanks in advance.
Tom Kaufman

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Re: Possible Windows Media Problem?

2005-04-23 Thread Tom Kaufman
It may well be a WSM problem; I listened to one of the Baltimore radio
stations this afternoon that uses Windows Media Player..and it worked
pretty well; had them on for close to an hour before it stopped.  But I was
able to get it going by simply closing it out; then going back in; it's not
quite that simple with WSM!  If anyone can tell us what's going on, I for
one..would appreciate it!
Tom Kaufman

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Re: xm radio online very accessible!

2005-04-21 Thread Tom Kaufman
There may be a conflict with Major League Baseball; this may be one reason
why XM On Line cannot carry the baseball games!  But what you get with XM On
Line is just the music channels; that's all..but actually that's qquite a
few channels!
Tom Kaufman

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Re: xm radio online very accessible!

2005-04-19 Thread Tom Kaufman
Hi Rusty:'s even a little better for users of older versions of
Jaws..such as myself; to really reap the benefits of the new changes, one
really needs a newer version of Jaws..I have sadly discovered!  I am
currently using Jaws 3.7U..but hope to upgrade to 6 in the near future; this
should help a lot!
Tom Kaufman

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Re: recording live streams.

2005-04-19 Thread Tom Kaufman
My experience has been order to record a live stream..using Total
Recorder, the parameters need to be set to soundboard.  But then..this
computer has been known to pull some strange things anyway!  For instance,
if I try starting a recording in TR..before bringing up a live stream, the
computer seems to lose the sound drivers!  However..if I start the
stream..then start Total Recorder to record, the stream will hang up!
This may be a Windows ME issue..and one of the reasons I'm seriously
contemplating getting a new machine!Tom Kaufman

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Re: xm radio online very accessible!

2005-04-19 Thread Tom Kaufman
XM (like in XM Satelllite Radio.  Hope this helps.
Tom Kaufman

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Re: xm radio online very accessible!

2005-04-19 Thread Tom Kaufman's not free; you can get a 3-day trial version; go to for more details.
Tom Kaufman

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Re: Need Help With An Apparent Windows Media Problem

2005-04-19 Thread Tom Kaufman
Kevin:  I've had this message in my inbox for a few weeks now; havn't really
gotten around to messing around with Totaal Recorder.  But I have a
question: where in Total Recorder do you go to tell it to use it's drivers
only when Total Recorder is being used?  Thanks.
Tom Kaufman

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Re: Need Help With An Apparent Windows Media Problem

2005-04-02 Thread Tom Kaufman
Sorry..but there's no message here; only tyhe message that I posted! 
Tom Kaufman

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Re: Need Help With An Apparent Windows Media Problem

2005-04-02 Thread Tom Kaufman
Hi Kevin:  One thing I did figure out; last night..when I was fooling around
with this thing; trying to get some positive results, I found that..if I go
and play a file..that uses Winamp..the file will play..and everything
seems to right itself; I have my email sounder; I have my Windows Media
Audio Stream..but as soon as I bring TR up (this is if I bring it up..and
start recording)..then bring up an audio stream, I've got problems!  on the
other hand, if I bring up the audio stream first, then, bring up TR..and
try to start a recording, often times (not always) but it'll cause the
stream to hang up..and I have to do the Alt-control-delete thing!  It's
almost as if my computer somehow doesn't have enough memory to run
everything...but that doesn't quite sound right to me either!  Ideas anyone?
Tom Kaufman

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Need Help With An Apparent Windows Media Problem

2005-04-01 Thread Tom Kaufman
Hello List:  As the subject implies, I am in need of help in getting Windows
Media to play audio streams!  I discoverred this problem while trying to
access WSM (a radio station in Nashville's_ audio stream; the computer gives
me this message..or something like it: Windows Media cannot play this file;
it has encountered a problem with the sound device; there may not be a
sound device installed oon your computer..or there may not be a sound
device installed!  This ois absolutely absurd; I just installed new drivers
not long ago!  I have no idea as to what I must do to acess my audio
streams!  Note:  I have tried this with more than one audio stream that
uuses Windows Media..and cannot access either one!  Can anybody help?
Tom Kaufman

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Total Recorder And Skype

2005-03-25 Thread Tom Kaufman
Hello List:  Some of you may remember a while back, I posted an
inquiry..asking if anyone knew why I couldn't get TR to make a stereo
recording.'s a sort of my saga; I have since
updated my drivers to my sound being a Crystall WDM audio chip.  It
accomplished one of the things I was hoping for; TR will now make stereo
recordings for me!  Aw..but I still have a problem!  I'm finding
that..whenever I run Skype..TR will give me a mono recorder; I can
restart the computer; Total Recorder will once again produce a stereo
recording; the question is: WhY?  It is evident to me that Skype is
changing something..but what?  I'm running Windows ME, am running Skype
version 1.2 (can't remember all the numbers)..and ''TR 4.--something; it's
the standard version.  Sorry if I havn't provided enough info; hopefully
someone on here can explain to me what is going on!  Thanks in advance.
Tom Kaufman

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Can Anyone Help With This operation?

2005-03-17 Thread Tom Kaufman
Hello folks:  I have a feeling I may have gotten in over my head here!  But
maybe with the proper guidance, I can discipher what I'm supposed to do; I
downloaded new drivers for my old HP computer.  Now..I need to get them to
work!  Below is the contents to the read me file that I was presented.  As
you will see, it tells me to right click this..and click on  this graphic I said..may be in over my head!  However I will include the
instructions..and someone can tell me if this is something that is
doable..or if I need sighted help!  Thanks in advance!
Tom Kaufman
The updated files for your audio card have been placed in their appropriate
place on your hard drive.

In order to enable your new driver, please perform the following steps:

1 - Open device manager by right-clicking on My Computer and
selecting Properties.
2 - Click on the Device Manager tab.
3 - Click the plus sign ('+') to the left of Sound, video and game
4 - You need to remove each device presented under this Sound, video
and game controllers section. You do this by clicking on one of them
to select it, click on the Remove button and confirm any verification
to remove. If you are prompted to restart your system, click NO.
6 - Once you have removed all devices from the Sound, video and
game controllers section, close this readme file and you will be
to reboot.
7 - During the reboot process, the updated driver should Plug-and-Play.
In the event you are asked to insert a disc or point the system to the
updated driver, it is stored in the following path:

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Re: Can Anyone Help With This operation?

2005-03-17 Thread Tom Kaufman
I do have a magnification program on here..if I need that; just need to know
when I'll need to use it; some of the stuff they're's not jiving
with me!
Tom Kaufman

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Re: Problem Solved; It Was The plug!

2005-03-15 Thread Tom Kaufman
You got it, Gary; I really was afraid that something had gotten dropped,
when I disabled that one update last week..and there'd be no way to get it
back!  Sorry for being a little paranoid!  But was a simple
thing..even if..actually performing the task of looking for the right
cords wasn't so sinmple; I knocked the modem off..and the cord that plugs
into the back of it came out!  But eventually I got everything straightened
out!  I suppose this is why..whenever it was first suggested to me that..I
could have a cable that wasn't connected good and solid..I didn't really
want to explore that possibility..knowing what might happen!  But the next
time..I'll check that out first thing!
Tom Kaufman

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Re: Still Looking For Help In Making My Computer Play In Stereo Mode

2005-03-14 Thread Tom Kaufman
Um..still lost!  First, the sound card is in the computer; it's an on
board deal; a Crystall DMW Audio..if that means anything to you!  Gee!
Sure hope someone can help; it's frustrating..listening to something that
you know is in stereo..and you must contend with listening in mono!  Have
been to sounds and Multi media..and checked that advanced thing; nothin'
doing; still mono!  Any ideas anyone?
Tom Kaufman

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Re: Still Looking For Help In Making My Computer Play In Stereo Mode

2005-03-14 Thread Tom Kaufman
Jerry:  As near as I can tell; I'm getting sound through both speakers; it's
just a mono signal!
Tom Kaufman

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Re: Still Looking For Help In Making My Computer Play In Stereo Mode

2005-03-14 Thread Tom Kaufman
Hello Cris:  Just to bring you up-to-speed (and for the other listers too) I
had some problems with Internet Explorer, which, from what I understand,
where caused by the Windows Update that I ran last week; a security patch
needed to be disabled.  So I was advised to go into MSconfig..and take care
of that.  When I first did it, it screwed everything up!  But I was able to
pretty much get my settings back like they're supposed to be..and was again
able to open Internet Explorer..without that blue Screen coming up!
However..ever since all this happened, my sound is mono!  Have been all in
the control pannel; looked at the various choices soap!  It still
insists that I want to listen in mono'! case some of you missed
it running Windows ME a Crystall DWM Audio soundcard (if you'd
even call it a soundcard)..and am running Jaws 3.7u.  Sorry if I'm a little
long-winded here; am just trying to provide as much info as I possibly can.
Tom Kaufman

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Correction On My Type Of Soundcard

2005-03-14 Thread Tom Kaufman
Hi Folks:  That soundcard that I have (and you may already have known what I
meant) but just in case, it s a Crystall WDM Audio.  Sorry if I caused any
Tom Kaufman

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Still Looking For Help In Making My Computer Play In Stereo Mode

2005-03-13 Thread Tom Kaufman
Hello again list:  Yesterday I put in an inquiry to the list, looking for
help in being able to hear things like audio streaming in stereo..and the
like in stereo.  I have a 'Crystall DWM Audio souncard (if you call it a
sound card) running Windows ME and Jaws 3.7u.  Had to change a few
things last week as my Internet Explorer caused me problems; I went into
MSconfig..and with the help of a good computer tech, was able to get that
problem resolved.  Thing is, now, I notice that..when the computer boots
up..and the little music starts to play, it's in mono..and not stereo;
everything else that I hear is coming through in mono as well..things like
XM on line..and the like.  So I really need to do I get it back
like it's supposed to be (and I'll tell you before anybody says, It's
because you have a cCrystal DMW Audio Sound Card..yes..I did used to hear
things that were supposed to be heard in stereo as such!  Hope someone can
help me here!  Thanks in advance.
Tom Kaufman

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Re: Still Looking For Help In Making My Computer Play In Stereo Mode

2005-03-13 Thread Tom Kaufman
Simon:  I guess I'm missing something here; I found the sounds and
multi-media thing.  But I'm confused; I did find an advanced tthing..and
it does say desktop stereo speakers.  But I've actually try go!
Still plays everything in mono!
Tom Kaufman

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Need Help With Adjusting Computer To Play In Stereo

2005-03-12 Thread Tom Kaufman
Hello List:  This week, had to do some adjusting to get my Internet Explorer
to work right as it was crashing.  In doing so, I somehow am unable to hear
anything that plays on my computer in stereo!  I'm running Windows ME..with
an on board Crystall DMW Audio (don't know that you'd call it a sound card
as it's on board)..anyhow..I know I used to be able to hear things playing
in stereo before!  So what do I need to do to make it play in stereo again?
In case this helps..the computer is a four-year-old HP Pavillian.  Thanks
for the help in advance.
Tom Kaufman

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Re: KMOX Radio

2005-03-09 Thread Tom Kaufman
Yep..that's what I figured!  There's a statiion near Washington, D.C. that
streams her show..or at least..they did.
Tom Kaufman

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Re: satellite radio

2005-03-09 Thread Tom Kaufman
Scott:  I have a friend who lives in the Pittsburgh area; not sure of what
kind of receiver he has..but he does get XM.
Tom Kaufman

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Re: i'm also needing total recorder help

2005-03-04 Thread Tom Kaufman
JoAnn:  One thing I've been told about 'Total Recorder is..if you only
have one soundcard, there's no way to prevent it from recording Jaws when
trying to record; the only way around this (as far as I know) is to have a
second soundcard.  Someone feel free to jump in and tell me if I'm wrong!
Tom Kaufman

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Re: recording question with live 365

2005-03-01 Thread Tom Kaufman
This is just a shot in the dark..but do you notice any difference in
quality if you're simply listening to the 365 player?
Tom Kaufman

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Re: scheduling a recording, best software?

2005-03-01 Thread Tom Kaufman
Kevin:  Not for sure on this; but I seem to recall hearing somewhere that
Replay isn't very accessible to screenreaders!  Could be wrong about this;
have never tried the program myself.
Tom Kaufman

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Re: total recorder questions

2005-02-25 Thread Tom Kaufman
Dean:  My immediate thought would be that it's got something to do with the
soundcard.  But that doesn't make sense..because I can listen to things that
are presented in stereo..and they do come through that way!
Tom Kaufman

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Re: Wave pad:

2005-02-25 Thread Tom Kaufman
Chester:  Somehow your messages aren't coming through; all we're getting is
the message that you're replying to!
Tom Kaufman

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Re: total recorder questions

2005-02-24 Thread Tom Kaufman
Well Dean..have you ever had Total Recorder not record in
while back..I was trying desperately to get mine to do?  As far as I could
tell, I had the settings just as they should be.  Still, it insisted on
recording in mono!  Haven't done anything with it of late.  But every time
someone speaks of total recorder..I think to myself,'s probably
a fine program; but I can't get it to work right on my computer!
Tom Kaufman

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Re: a skype question

2005-02-14 Thread Tom Kaufman
Melissa: don't have to be connected to the telephone with your
computer; you just need a microphone..and you're good to go!
Tom Kaufman

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MSN And Streaming Audio

2005-02-13 Thread Tom Kaufman
Hello folks:  Late last night, I downloded MSN 6.2; didn't seem to be much
choice in the matter..they were hellbent on making me do it!  But now..I
notice that..ever since I've downloaded MSN, I've tried to listen to two
audio streams..and they won't work!  If I hit myy enter key, I hear a
weird sound through my speakears..and the player does nothing!  So my
question is: does MSN now have some sort of pop-up blockerthat interferes
with certain types of audio streeming?  If so, how can I work around it?  If
need be, I'll just uninstall MSN; haven't really used it that much
lately..although I hate to do that as I do have some friends who are on MSN.
But I want to be able to hear my audio streamming when I want to; this
doesn't appear to be happening with all audio streamming..just a couple;
one of the ones in question is at (hope I have that url
correct)..and the other is  If anyone can help, it would be
much appreciated!
Tom Kaufman

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Re: MSN And Streaming Audio

2005-02-13 Thread Tom Kaufman
Hello Tim:  First..the one link that I posted was incorrect!  But since I
posted the message..I got the problem solved!  I unknowingly put MSN's
Toolbar on here; that, apparently was causing my problem with some of
these inbeded audio streams.  So I did the appropriate thing; I removed
MSN's toolbar..and that solved my problem!  Thanks to all for listening.
Tom Kaufman

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Re: Review of Skype Voicemail Service

2005-02-12 Thread Tom Kaufman
Thanks Reta; it worked!  Although it's not a product that I'm necessarily
interesting in buying at this time, the review made for good listening; he
provided some good info about it!  Thanks for posting the direct link
as..apparently..I don't know how to make my screenreader find command
Tom Kaufman

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Re: Review of Skype Voicemail Service

2005-02-11 Thread Tom Kaufman
Steve:  Pardoon my ignorance here..but I never did find the right link for
the review!  Is it a part of the Mosion Explosion program?
Tom Kaufman

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Re: C-Crane FM Transmitters again

2005-02-07 Thread Tom Kaufman
Ann:  I don't know as they've done anything different.  What I can tell you
(as well as the rest of the list) is that..I finally was able to get someone
to adjust mine..and it has made a world of difference!  Now, the transmitter
works as it was meant to work; I even took my little Sony earphone radio,
tuned it to the transmitter..and walked all throught the house..without
losing the signal!  I couldn't do that before I had the screw adjusted!
Tom Kaufman

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Re: Echoes in Skype

2005-02-01 Thread Tom Kaufman
Well..looks like..if anybody talks to me..they're gonna just have to live
with the echo as I've got one of those computers that doesn't have a
headphone jack!  Frown!
Tom Kaufman

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Re: C-Crane FM Tramsmitters

2005-01-31 Thread Tom Kaufman
Thanks to all who have provided information concerning the CCrane FM
transmitter!  Now all I need to do is to get someone here who can take care
of this as I ddon't quite have nerve enough to tackle it myself!  Even as it
is, the range isn't too bad!  However..I do find, for example, that if I
tune my clock radio (which is one of those Sony Dream Machines) it won't
pick up the signal from the transmitter good enough for it to be in stereo.
I feel fairly certain that, based on the information that I've heard, that
turning that screw will solve that problem!
Tom Kaufman

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Re: C Crane transmitter update

2005-01-31 Thread Tom Kaufman
Okay..and here I was trying to do it with my fingernail!  No wonder I wasn't
having any luck!  Stillprobably need to find someone who is a little better
at this sort of thing than I!  But thanks, Don, for suplying the info.
Tom Kaufman

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Re: C-Crane FM Tramsmitters

2005-01-31 Thread Tom Kaufman
Actually, I'm not that sure that the design of the CCrane transmitter hasn't
been re-designed..despite what Don was told
Tom Kaufman

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Re: C Crane transmitter update

2005-01-31 Thread Tom Kaufman
Yes..and if you'd like, you can also send those instructions to:
Tom Kaufman

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Re: C-Crane FM Tramsmitters

2005-01-30 Thread Tom Kaufman
Ann:  I'm terribly late in seeing this post.  But I, too, am wondering about
that screw!
Tom Kaufman

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Re: the panasonic rxd29

2005-01-14 Thread Tom Kaufman
I agree with that!
Tom Kaufman

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Re: URL For Satelite For The Blind List

2005-01-08 Thread Tom Kaufman
Ann:  Thanks for covering for me; I're on this list; I didn't
think I had pasted that in right!
Tom Kaufman

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Re: Looking for XM users

2005-01-08 Thread Tom Kaufman
I have the XM Online..and don't think the quality is bad at all!  Have
been listening through my FM transmitter to the fifties channel.  I get
bumped off now and then.  But all in's pretty good; just wish they'd
make that player more screenreader friendly!
Tom Kaufman

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Re: Looking for XM users

2005-01-08 Thread Tom Kaufman
Ann:  Don't know if this will help..but it might be that the reason you're
getting channel  4 is that..that's the first one in the list at the top of
the player.  Hope that helps.
Tom Kaufman

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URL For Satelite For The Blind List

2005-01-07 Thread Tom Kaufman
Hello list:  Seems as there is some interest in XM Satellite Radio here.  So
I'm posting the link for the list that deals with all matters comcerning
satellite radio; I'm not sure this is correct, for I was trying to paste it
in from the addresbook..and am not sure of exactly how you do it!  But maybe
this will put you in the right direction:
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Re: Looking for XM users

2005-01-07 Thread Tom Kaufman
Marty:  I kind of made the same mistake; the XMPCR did sound interesting to
me too!  But I was undecided; waited too long..and now it's not available!
I agree with you; if the powers that be weren't so greedy..but..oh well; I
do have XM On Line..and I least..enjoy the music channels.
Tom Kaufman

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Re: Hooking Up An FM Transmitter

2005-01-03 Thread Tom Kaufman
qHi Jerry:  What mine has is a speaker jack, a line input..and the
microphone; I think..once I get my splitter (or Y connector)..I should be in
business!  As i've probably mentioned before..the whole thing will probably
change, once I have my new compputer!
Tom Kaufman P.S. Thanks for all the responses!

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Re: A Question For A Friend

2005-01-02 Thread Tom Kaufman
Ron:  Thanks; I know I probably didn't provide a lot of info here.  But it's
all I have for now..other than to say that..when she first got this
particular machine, the sounds did work.  Now they don't!  And did I mention
that she is running windows 98..I think it's SE..but not positive!
Thanks..and will be forwarding this to her.
Tom Kaufman

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Re: Hooking Up An FM Transmitter

2005-01-02 Thread Tom Kaufman
Shannon:  Got bad new for you..well..maybe not too bad; we've just been
exploring this thing; when you get your toy  if it's like mine, you'll
find that the splitter that comes with it only has one female plug; you'll
need two!  I really thought I was in business when I found the splitter.
Then I discovered..much to my dismay..if I unplug my speaker, I still only
have one place to plug in to!  Hope this makes sense..or maybe I'm confused!
Tom Kaufman

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Hooking Up An FM Transmitter

2005-01-01 Thread Tom Kaufman
Hello and Happy New Year to all you good folks:  I received one of those FM
transmitters from /C-Crane for Christmas.  Now..I need to know..where it is
that I can plug it in!  I don't have any output jacks on mycomputer; I
have a plug where the speaker is; below that is an input jack..and below
that is where the microphone plugs in.  Okay..stupid question time: am I
correct in assuming that plugging the transmitter into the input jack of
the computer won't work?  If it would, it'd solve a problem I
mentioned earlier..the computer doesn't have a line out; it just has a
line in!  So does that mean that I must use the speaker jack?  Thanks for
your help; you may remember..I'm the guy that..a little while back..was
looking to find where my jacks were located; I've located themm..but am
unsure of where would be the appropriate place to put the FM transmitter!
Hopefully in the not-too-distant future, I'll have another computer; one
with a bonified soundcard in it!  Thanks again.
Tom Kaufman

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Re: Power Screw On C-crane FM Transmitter?

2004-12-27 Thread Tom Kaufman
Shannon:  I haven't really experienced it yet.  But from what I'm hearing,
this screw will help the transmitter to have more distance, thus, the
freequency can be heard from a radio farther away.  Hope this helps.
Tom Kaufman

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Re: Power Screw On C-crane FM Transmitter?

2004-12-26 Thread Tom Kaufman
Shannon:  The product that you're most likely looking for is an FM
transmitter; I'm not sure of the exact name.  But they can be gotten from
the C-Crane company.  You'd think many times as I've heard their
phone number..that I'd know it by heart!  But alas..I can't think of it
right at the moment!  I'm sure that there are many on the list that do know
it..and will point you in the right direction!  I, myself, found one of you called it, do-dads under my tree; I'm just hoping I can
locate that place in the back of my computer where it's supposed to go!
Tom Kaufman

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Re: Power Screw On C-crane FM Transmitter?

2004-12-26 Thread Tom Kaufman
Hello Shannon and list:  I don't know that I have the correct answers to
your questions!  But I'll give it a try; first..don't feel bad about..if you
don't know where you plug things in; I'm still not sure of where the
=speakers are plugged in..and I need to figure that out so I can try out my
FM transmitter!  As for whether plugging the device to your headphone jack
on the speaker..causing you to lose sound in the speakers..I can't say; my
speakers don't have a headphone jack.  Hope it all works out for you; let us
know how you make out with that thing!
Tom Kaufman P.S. I would think that..if you only have a single channel
soundcard order to do what you'd want to do, you'd need a
double-channel sound card.  But I'm sure someone here can say for sure if
that is correct.  Good luck!

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Re: XM Radio Online and Flash 7

2004-12-20 Thread Tom Kaufman
It would seem that..from what I'm able to understand..people running Jaws
5.0 are having better luck with the XM player than those using 5.1.  In case
you haven't already seen my posts concerning this matter..I have an ancient
version of Jaws; Jaws 3.7u..and it absolutely will not work with the player!
Therefore..I use Magic..but they just really need to make this thing more
accessible to those who have to reply on the screenreader!
Tom Kaufman

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Fw: FTP Internet and Technology News New CD copy-lock technology nears market

2004-12-17 Thread Tom Kaufman
Might be of interest to some of us out there!  Subject: FTP Internet and
Technology News New CD copy-lock technology nears market

New CD copy-lock technology nears market
Published: December 16, 2004, 4:00 AM PST
John Borland
Staff Writer, CNET
A new kind of copy-protected music CD will likely hit U.S. shelves early
next year,
as record label SonyBMG experiments with a technology created by British
First 4 Internet, according to sources familiar with the companies.
Several major music labels have already used a version of the British
company's technology
on prerelease compact discs distributed for review and other early-listening
including on recent albums from Eminem and U2.
The releases for the retail market, expected early in 2005, will be the
first time
the Sony music label issues copy-protected CDs in the U.S. market, although
the company's
other divisions have done so in other regions. BMG, Sony's new corporate
has been more aggressive, with a handful of protected CDs released last
We have always focused on a high level of protection, but we've waited
until there
aren't any playability issues.
--Mathew Gilliat-Smith,
CEO, First 4 Internet
A SonyBMG representative declined to comment on the plans. First 4 Internet
Executive Officer Mathew Gilliat-Smith confirmed that
his company
 plans to release a consumer version of its technology with one major label
in the
United States, but he declined to identify the label.
Gilliat-Smith said his company has been waiting to improve its technology.
companies Macrovision and Sunncomm have seen sporadic--and sometimes
of their products on CDs released around the world.
We're not keen to rush, Gilliat-Smith said. We have always focused on a
high level
of protection, but we've waited until there aren't any playability issues.
The new SonyBMG experiments are a further sign that copy protection on music
may be moving closer to the mainstream U.S. market. The practice is much
more common
in European and Asian markets.
For several years, the major record labels have sought a way to protect CDs
unrestricted copying and ripping, or transforming songs into files such as
that can be swapped widely online. Early experiments proved unpopular,
reports that the discs could not play in certain kind of stereos, or might
damage computers
The past year has seen resurgent signs of interest from the major labels,
A watershed moment in the United States came when the BMG-released Velvet
reached the top of the industry's sales charts
, despite being clearly marked as copy-protected. Industry insiders said
that helped
assuage some boardroom concerns about potential consumer backlash.
Questions remain about the appropriate technology to use, however. The copy
from Sunncomm, used by BMG in the United States, could be fairly easily
simply by
pressing a computer's Shift key
 while the CD was loading, for example. That issue has been fixed in the
most recent
version of its products.
It also may be a tricky job to make rules associated with copy-protected
discs match
those associated with songs purchased from online stores such as Napster or
Computer's iTunes. Those stores allow their customers to burn CDs that can
then be
copied without restriction; by contrast some labels want to limit the number
of times
a copied CD can be duplicated again--a technology called 
secure burning
First 4 Internet's entry into the market marks a potentially new twist on
the basic
technology, however. The company got its start by offering a tool to
identify pornographic
images in Web sites and e-mails, and selling the technology to Web-filtering
for their own products.
The company has been working on the disc-protection technology since 2001,
conversations with the EMI record label, Gilliat-Smith said. The technology
ordinary song files in strong encryption, but in a way that still allows
CD players to read them. Another part of the disc contains data files that
help improve
The company has worked particularly closely on prereleases in the U.S.
market with
Universal Music. First 4 Internet's U.S. representative said the
technology has been included on a number of extremely high-profile CDs while
in the
review and demo stage, without being broken.
Could it be broken? I'm sure that somebody must be able to do it, said
Graham Oakes,
the head of Los Angeles-based Ezee Studios, which represents First 4
Internet. But
is there a generally known hack that has been put on the Net, or have any of
record label IT people found a hack yet? No.
Analysts remain skeptical that labels will ultimately launch copy-protected
on a widespread level in the United States, citing continued consumer
and the delicate technological balancing act between strong protection and

Fw: FTP Internet and Technology News Record Industry Sues 754 for Internet Song Swaps

2004-12-17 Thread Tom Kaufman
Subject: FTP Internet and Technology News Record Industry Sues 754 for
Internet Song Swaps

Record Industry Sues 754 for Internet Song Swaps
Thu Dec 16, 2004 04:04 PM ET
By Andy Sullivan
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A recording industry trade group said Thursday that
it has
filed another wave of lawsuits against 754 people it suspects of
distributing songs
over the Internet without permission.
The Recording Industry Association of America has now sued more than 7,000
for distributing its songs over peer to peer networks like eDonkey and
Kazaa, in
an effort to discourage the online song copying that it believes has cut
into CD
The RIAA typically settles copyright infringement suits for around $5,000
Despite more than a year of headline-grabbing lawsuits, peer-to-peer use has
declined. An average of 7.5 million users were logged on to peer-to-peer
in November 2004, up from 4.4 million in November 2003, according to the
firm BigChampagne.
The four major labels -- Vivendi Universal, Sony BMG Music Entertainment,
EMI Group
Plc and privately held Warner Music -- have recently begun to license their
to a new generation of online services as a way to slash distribution costs
and reach
out to fans.
But recording-industry officials remain at loggerheads with software makers
Grokster and Morpheus that allow users to freely copy their songs.
With legal online retailers still forced to compete against illegal free
the playing field remains decidedly unbalanced, said RIAA president Cary
in a statement.
Courts so far have declined to declare peer-to-peer software makers like
and Morpheus illegal because, like a photocopier, they do not permit
copyright infringement
but merely make it possible.
The Supreme Court will hear the entertainment's case against Grokster and
in March.
The latest round of lawsuits included students at Columbia University, the
of Pennsylvania, Old Dominion University and Virginia Commonwealth
Under pressure form the RIAA, many schools have taken steps to limit file
and at least 20 schools give students free access to industry-sanctioned
services like Roxio Inc.'s Napster.
The RIAA does not yet know the names of those it has sued, only the
numerical addresses
used by their computers. The trade group typically finds out suspects'
from their Internet service providers during the legal proceedings.
Copyright Reuters 2004. All Rights Reserved.

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Re: Recording in stereo

2004-12-16 Thread Tom Kaufman
Larry:  Thanks a bunch; is frustrating..especially when I know
darned well that people have ussed this program..and have had good results
with it!  The person who has helped me seems to feel that the problem could
be..not with TR..but something that's configured wrong in my soundcard.
But what?  As far as we know (and it very well may be that we've overlooked
something) everything is indicating that I am recording in stereo!  But my
ear says otherwise!   maybe this will make a good challenge for someone..if
you want to take the time to figure it out; I'd be most appreciative!
Thanks in advance.
Tom Kaufman

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Re: Recording in stereo

2004-12-16 Thread Tom Kaufman
Hey..there isn't a lot more that I can add to what Don has said here; to
answer another question..yes..I am on broad-band..and far as I
know..CDs play in stereo; so does audio streamming from the internet.
Thanks to all that have taken an interest in this thread.  I wouldn't be at
all surprised if it isn't just something so simple that..we've all
overlooked it!
Tom Kaufman

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Fw: FTP Internet and Technology News MPAA targets core BitTorrent, eDonkey users

2004-12-15 Thread Tom Kaufman
Hope this isn't was posted on another list that I'm on..and
since I know that a lot of you dable in recording CDs and DVD's..thought it
might be of interest.
Tom Kaufman December 14, 2004 10:08 PM
Subject: FTP Internet and Technology News MPAA targets core BitTorrent,
eDonkey users

MPAA targets core BitTorrent, eDonkey users
Published: December 14, 2004, 12:01 PM PST
John Borland
Staff Writer, CNET
The Motion Picture Association of America launched a new legal campaign
Tuesday targeting
the BitTorrent and eDonkey file-swapping networks, two technologies widely
used to
trade movies online.
Ratcheting up its
previous online antipiracy efforts
, the Hollywood group is working with law enforcement agencies in the United
and Europe to target and arrest individuals who play a critical role in the
of each type of network.
Criminal actions have already been filed in Europe, including the seizure of
Net-connected servers, with their operator still wanted by French police, a
of the French government said.
 The legal actions mark a strong new attack on peer-to-peer networks, which
continued to thrive over the past several years despite lawsuits against
developers and individuals.
These people are parasites, leeching off the creative activity of others,
John Malcolm, the MPAA's director of worldwide antipiracy operations. They
as traffic cops connecting those who want to steal movies with those who
have a copy
and want to provide it.
The cross-border legal actions mark a strong new attack on peer-to-peer
which have continued to thrive over the past several years despite lawsuits
software developers and nearly 7,000 individuals accused of trading
copyrighted music
BitTorrent and eDonkey each have grown rapidly over the past two years,
to become to the movie industry what Napster initially was to the record
Each technology is designed specifically to speed downloads of very large
and has been used widely to distribute full-length movies, computer games
and software.
BitTorrent in particular has become a recent concern for Hollywood companies
to stop video piracy before it cuts into their soaring DVD sales revenues.
The threat
of potential criminal penalties substantially raises the stakes for those
to distribute a film using the technology, in what the studios hope will be
a more
effective deterrence than previous actions.
According to Net monitoring firm BayTSP, eDonkey recently passed up Kazaa as
most popular file-swapping network in the world, measured by number of
users. Other
network monitors have said that BitTorrent has long been the most popular
by the amount of data transferred between users.
Who's being sued?
Understanding exactly who has been targeted in the latest peer-to-peer
dragnet requires
a little understanding of how each network works, however.
In the early days of Napster, a central server operated by that company kept
a huge
index of all content available on the network and where it was located,
downloaders with people who had a particular piece of content. The recording
was able to successfully sue Napster after judges said that a centrally
index made the company legally responsible for piracy on the network.
Record labels and movie studios then sued a second generation of
file-swapping companies,
which offered decentralized services in which the
traffic-directing role was played by individual users' computers, rather
than a central
server. Judges said those companies are not legally responsible for their
actions, and the entertainment companies have appealed that decision all the
to the Supreme Court.
eDonkey has been a hybrid of those two types of systems. In its early days,
users maintained Napster-like central servers that managed traffic on the
Many people still use that older version of the technology; it is the
operators of
those servers that the MPAA is now targeting.
However, the creators of the eDonkey software said most searches are now
done using
the newer, wholly decentralized software.
eDonkey doesn't rely on central servers anymore, so taking them offline
won't effect
the network adversely, said eDonkey creator Jed McCaleb. The servers are
only used
to connect with old and third-party clients.
The BitTorrent difference
BitTorrent works completely differently. In that system, individuals who
want to
share a file prep it for distribution, creating a torrent file that
uniquely identifies
the content and tells computers how to get it. That resulting how-to file
can be
spread around the Net, posted on Web sites, or spread through chat networks
the Internet Relay Chat.
Included in this torrent file is information about how to get to a tracker
which actually facilitates all the uploads and downloads associated with a
particular piece

Re: Recording in stereo

2004-12-15 Thread Tom Kaufman
Hi Larry:  Thanks for the thought.  But what I'm attempting to do is to
record to the hard drive.  Let's say that I'm trying to record from
WSM..which streams their audio; there's this program that comes on early
Saturday mornings and..because I'm not up that early, I miss it.  So I want
to record it to play back later..or possibly even make CDs from parts of it.
So's not as if I'm trying to record from another source..or anything
like least for now.  But again..thanks for the response.
Tom Kaufman

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Re: Recording in stereo

2004-12-14 Thread Tom Kaufman
Can't prove it by me!  Actually..what I have is Total Recorder
standard..but it's still supposed to record in stereo if I tell it to!
apparently..noone here can tell me what I need to do to make it record in
stereo; as far as I can tell, everything is set as it's supposed to be.  So
is it an issue with my soundcard?  I have a Crystall DWM; probably my
luck..I've got something that is incapable of recording stereo
matter which program I use to record!  Of course..there is that possibility
that we're just overlooking something.  Then..there's also the issue with my
volume; it records extremely hot!!and I have the recording level down to
either 10 or 15 percent!  Any ideas?
Tom Kaufman

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Re: Recording in stereo

2004-12-14 Thread Tom Kaufman
Marty:  As near as I can tell, the stereo radio button is already checked!
I actually sent a file to a friend of mine who checked it out; he told me
that..according to what the information he was getting..I do have it set to
stereo.  However..that's not how it's coming through!  So either I'm
missing something here; possibly my soundcard will not allow me to record in
stereo..but that doesn't make sense either; I can receive things that are in
stereo in stereo!  I don't know!
Tom Kaufman

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Re: Irritating beeps with goldwave.

2004-12-12 Thread Tom Kaufman
Yeah..and for some works good.  For others like
working on it; I at least have gotten it to manually record.  In
listening to something that I recorded earlier this morning.  Now..if I can
get it to record..using the scheduler..and get it to do stereo..I'll have
it licked!
Tom Kaufman

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Re: Still Trying To Record In Stereo..Using Total Recorder

2004-12-12 Thread Tom Kaufman
Hello Jerry:  I finally did get Total Recorder to record the right thing.
However..I haven't figured out why it won't record in stereo as yet; as far
as we can tell, everything is set properly. stereo!  Am kind of
expecting that..when I try to schedule a'll probably mess me
up again!  Thanks for your interest..and if you can be of any
assistance..would appreciate it.
Tom Kaufman

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Still Trying To Record In Stereo..Using Total Recorder

2004-12-11 Thread Tom Kaufman
Hello again list:  Still haven't heard feedback on how to make Total
Recorder record in stereo!  As far as we can tell, all the right things are
checked!  Is it a possibbility that my soundcard is incapable of
performing this task?  I'm using a Crystall DWM (think that's right)
soundcard..if that's of any help to you.  If any of you out there can tell
me what I need to do to make a stereo recording, using Total Recorder..I'd
sure appreciate it.  Thanks much ahead of time.
Tom Kaufman

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Re: Still Trying To Record In Stereo..Using Total Recorder

2004-12-11 Thread Tom Kaufman
Bruce and list members:  No..I don't think this is correct..for I do have a
friend who has been recording stuff for me..and it's definitely in stereo!
As for the attributes thing..a little over my head; I'm sure that my
friend (who is on this list) can dichiper that one for me..ya listening,,
Don?  Thanks to all who have responded so far!
Tom Kaufman P.S.  I'm trying to record streamming audio; the station uses
Windows Media..and I'm formating them as MP3 files; hope this helps.

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Need Help With Recording From Soundcard

2004-12-10 Thread Tom Kaufman
Hi guys:  Some of you have already heard me whining about not being able to
record..using Total Recorder.  Well..guess what?  I'm back to whine some
more; here's the deal: a friend of mine and I decided to give Total Recorder
one more go.  We know two things: 1:  the microphone is unchecked and:
two..stereo mixer is checked; the right things are checked and..STILL IT
this out..please?
Tom Kaufman

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Update To Need Help With Recording From Soundcard

2004-12-10 Thread Tom Kaufman
  Okay folks:  Here's the latest; I got the thing to record!  Not exactly
sure of how to explain it; essentially what I did was to go (in Total
Recorder to Recording Parammeters, I hit enter on Stereo Mix..and that
seemed to do it.  But now I have another problem; although it seems to be
showing me that I'm set to record in stereo, it's recording in Mono!  How
do I make it record in sterreo?  Sorry to be somewhat of a pain..but I'm
really hoping to be able to use this computer to be able to record from live
streams..and haven't had much success so far!
Tom Kaufman

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Re: Locating Inputs On My computer's Soundcard

2004-12-07 Thread Tom Kaufman
Chuck:  Is this going from the top of the tower down..or going over from
side to side?  Sorry if this sounds stupid.  But from what I've read so far,
no two computers are set up alike; some have speakers with headphone
Tom Kaufman

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Re: Locating Inputs On My computer's Soundcard

2004-12-07 Thread Tom Kaufman
Okay..that would I am facing the computer, that would be going from
right to left..I have the back of the computer facing the wall;'d be facing some shelves; it's kind of tight back there!
Tom Kaufman P.S.  Thanks for the tip.

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Re: Locating Inputs On My computer's Soundcard

2004-12-05 Thread Tom Kaufman
Hello list:  Thanks to everyone who has responded to my inquiry aconcerning
finding inputs on my computer; I think I understand now; if I want to hook
up one of those little transmitters, I need tto run it through where my
speakers are hooked up now..right?  So I guess my next question would do I locate where my speakers are hooked in?  I seem to recall
hearing's not a good idea to go unhooking things..with the computer
turned on!  I do find a group of three wires; think one is for the mic,
another for the monitor..and another for the speakers..but which one is
which?  And while I'm at it..where would my line-in jack be?  Thanks again
for everyone's patience!  This list is a good place to be..if anyone needs
help or info about things concerning computers..and sound!
Tom Kaufman

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Re: Locating Inputs On My computer's Soundcard

2004-12-05 Thread Tom Kaufman
Jerry: trick would find it!  Actually..I'm not in a
huge hurry right now; but would like to know that I've got that capability. well as the other folks on here..have been most helpful!
Tom Kaufman

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Re: Locating Inputs On My computer's Soundcard

2004-12-05 Thread Tom Kaufman
Ron:  If I'm looking at the right thing here..they're horozontal; there
appears to be two cords bery close together; then..another cord, spaced off
just a little to the left of the previous two; this is if I have the back of
the tower facing the back.
Tom Kaufman

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Re: Locating Inputs On My computer's Soundcard

2004-12-05 Thread Tom Kaufman
Kathy:  Thanks for the info; I'm saving all this good when
the day comes that I have all my stuff together..maybe I'll know what to do!
Thanks again.
Tom Kaufman (aka Tomcat)

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Re: Locating Inputs On My computer's Soundcard

2004-12-04 Thread Tom Kaufman
Hi Jerry:  So in other words..I cannot hook something like a cassette deck
to my excisting soundcard?  I'll write back later..and hopefully be able to
give the name of my soundcard.  I think it's something like Crystall DMW..or
some such name!
Tom Kaufman

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Re: Locating Inputs On My computer's Soundcard

2004-12-04 Thread Tom Kaufman
Jerry:  The name of the near as I can figure is: Crystall WDM
Does this sound like anything you (ror anyone on this list has heard of?  If
it's of any help, the computer is an HP; don't know the model number!
Tom Kaufman (aka Tomcat)

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Re: Locating Inputs On My computer's Soundcard

2004-12-04 Thread Tom Kaufman
Chuck:  Thanks for that info; had wondered about that one!  By the way..I
haven't forgot; I owe ya an email; will get to it in the not-to-distant
future..hopefully!  (smile)
Tom Kaufman

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Re: XM Radio Online Technical Issue [T20041201007C]

2004-12-03 Thread Tom Kaufman
It would appear that way.  But's like someone else has
just may be that they're just trying to get us off of their back!  Only time
will tell!
Tom Kaufman

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Re: Locating Inputs On My computer's Soundcard

2004-12-02 Thread Tom Kaufman
Jerry:  Thanks a bunch!  Will take all this under consideration!
Now..another question (irf you don't mind)..I realize this may be
difficult..beings that none of you have seen my computer..but I'd also like
to know if I have line input and line output jacks; it may be some
point in time, I may like to record..using some type of tapedeck..or VCR.
But as I've explained before..I can't seem to navigate my way around the
back of this thing too well!  Thanks for bearing with me!
Tom Kaufman

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Re: problem accessing yahoo player's volume control with windoweyes

2004-12-02 Thread Tom Kaufman
Sounds as if it could be that the Yahoo player is just plain inaccessible
to screenreaders; I could be wrong about this..let's hope so!
Tom Kaufman

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Re: Locating Inputs On My computer's Soundcard

2004-12-01 Thread Tom Kaufman
Hi Jerry:  Thanks for the info; when I used to use the Soundfeeder..which
has been sometime ago now..I could get reception..pretty much all through
the house.  Now..let me ask you (as well as the rest of the list)..if I get
one of those transmitters from C-Crane, do I still need to unplug my
speakers..then..plug in the transmitter?  Forgive me if I'm asking stupid
computer questions.  But it's kind of hard for me to access the back of my
computer tower..and I don't really have someone here on a regular basis that
can tell me what's back there!  Thanks again for your input.
Tom Kaufman

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Re: Locating Inputs On My computer's Soundcard

2004-12-01 Thread Tom Kaufman
Frank:  I know that this is true; you'd think though that..after running a
computer for over three would know what's in the back of it!  But
alas..I still don't really know; I know just about enough about how to run a
computer to be dangerous!  (lol)  Thanks for the encouraging words!
Tom Kaufman

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Re: Another total recorder question

2004-12-01 Thread Tom Kaufman
Daniell:  Asuming that you have Total Recorder Standard (don't remember
which version you have) you have to have already clicked on the stream that
you want to record from.  HTH
Tomm Kaufman

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Locating Inputs On My computer's Soundcard

2004-11-30 Thread Tom Kaufman
Hello list:  Hope that maybe someone can help me with this one..and that
it's not off-topic.  What I'm trying to do is to locate where I can plug
things into my computer's soundcard.  For instance, I have a little device
called a works on the same principal as the transmitterrs
that C-crane sells..only they're probably not as good)..I figured I'd drag
that ole thing out..and see if I could get it to work; I'm hoping to be able
to do things like listen to XM online..or anything musical that comes from
my other parts of the house by transmitting it to anoter radio
or something.  Problem is..I don't seem to be able to find where I'd plug in
such a device!  I have an HP machine; don't know the exact model.  But I was
told that it has what's known as an intergraded soundcard.  Does anybody on
this fine list have an idea of what I'm speaking of?  Thanks for your
time..and for any help you can provide.
Tom Kaufman

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