Re: On pun and fun

2010-07-19 Thread Ralf R. Radermacher
Anthony Farr  wrote:

> Sic transit gloria mundi.
> translation:  My delivery van is in the shop for repairs.


Ralf R. Radermacher  -  DL9KCG  -  Köln/Cologne, Germany
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Re: On pun and fun

2010-07-19 Thread Larry Colen
One of my favorite words is paronomasia.

On Jul 18, 2010, at 3:56 PM, Igor Roshchin wrote:

> Sun Jul 18 17:36:56 CDT 2010 eckinator wrote:
>> 2010/7/19 Igor Roshchin :
 Nemo me im/pun/e lacessit. Now translate that with proper use of "pun"
>>> It means:
>>> Nautilus will order you into the Thistle.
>>> Igor
>>> (sorry, my references sometimes tend to be too complicated)
>> I'll order my thistle collection next time the moon is in the house of 
>> Uranus =P
> ^^
> For the second part of the phrase:
> Sic transit gloria mundi.

A friend once bought a used ambulance to tow his racecar.  I suggested that he 
name it "Gloria Monday".

> (this might be even a "farther" reference based on astronomy/astrology
> term when the moon is in the same house as some other planet)
> When you get your thistle collection (it is simpler for unsuspecting 
> audeince):
> semper ubi sub ubi

Was that an attempt at a brief joke?

Larry Colen sent from i4est

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Re: On pun and fun

2010-07-19 Thread Larry Colen

On Jul 19, 2010, at 2:47 AM, Larry Colen wrote:
>> For the second part of the phrase:
>> Sic transit gloria mundi.
> A friend once bought a used ambulance to tow his racecar.  I suggested that 
> he name it "Gloria Monday".

One of my teammates towed his racecar with an old Ford Econoline, which got 
named "Crisco". 
Fortunately, I never had the misfortune of leaving any Irish lager in it.

Larry Colen sent from i4est

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Re: PDML visit to Brum

2010-07-19 Thread Boris Liberman

On 7/18/2010 1:44 AM, Chris Mitchell wrote:

I concur with Bob - a most enjoyable day. The McCurry retrospective was
seriously high quality and the Birmingham art gallery well worth a visit.

My DA* 16-50 2.8 is away having its AF motor replaced (out of warranty so
costing GBP120) so I went prime for the day. The following were taken with a
mix of FA 50/1.7, FA135/2.8 and my copy of the recently famous Pentax-A


I see you kept practicing the art of looking away with a smile and 
snapping a shot from the hip ;-).

Most enjoyable gallery, Chris.


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Re: HCB at the Art Institute Chicago

2010-07-19 Thread Boris Liberman

That's one major reason for envy :-)...

On 7/16/2010 6:47 AM, Christine Aguila wrote:

FYI:  July 25  - Oct 3.  Should be good-nearly 300 photographs.  Cheers,

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Re: iPad

2010-07-19 Thread Boris Liberman

On 7/17/2010 5:18 PM, Stan Halpin wrote:

I quite like the look and feel of the iPad. But at this point, and
into the future as far as I can see, it will not replace my laptop
and so it would be an extra piece of gear to carry on my travels, not
an alternative.

Interestingly enough, Stan, after I got my android cell phone I 
completely stopped using my mini laptop. I used to do bedside reading 
from its screen or something like this. Now, I do it all from the cell 
phone. And moreso as it works well with my home WiFi network.

Yes, I know - it is not good for the eyes, but anyway.

I am thinking that if I had a pad of some kind at home and another at 
work (as a private tool) that would sync between themselves 
automatically - I'd be very happy camper. I wouldn't want to do 
photoediting with them (yet) but simple things such as e-mail, news, 
favorite web sites, ebooks, music, document viewing - that would be most 

Effectively this is what happens now with my cell phone. It is just that 
I have to carry it with me and some things it still cannot do.


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Re: This changes everything.

2010-07-19 Thread Boris Liberman
Congratulations, Mike. Your life will never be the same again. Mine 
hasn't been. Twice ;-).


On 7/16/2010 12:36 AM, Michael Hamilton wrote:

You may not remember me, but I am returning to this list. My
photography has taken a back seat to a few things recently, but my
inspiration seems to be returning. I just traded a FA43 for a DA*
16-50 (waiting for it to arrive). It's my first zoom lens in ages.
(Currently using K-7, DA14, DA21 and soon the new DA*)

My wife recently gave birth to our first daughter on June 19,
Charlotte Elan Crocker Hamilton.  While the photos are not all with a
Pentax camera (mostly Panasonic LX3), here is a small gallery of her
first few days at the hospital.

This changes everything.

Thanks for looking.


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2 new cameras in Photokina

2010-07-19 Thread Jaume Lahuerta
According to the reliable Spanish site quesabesde:,1_6552

One between K-x and K-7 and the other above K-7. No more detail I am afraid.

Still no FF though.




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Re: 2 new cameras in Photokina

2010-07-19 Thread Ralf R. Radermacher
Jaume Lahuerta  wrote:

> One between K-x and K-7 and the other above K-7. 

One above the K-7. Presumably with a Sony sensor.  *sigh*

Well, it had to happen, sooner or later. Guess I'll be kicking myself
even harder, three times a day, for having bought this freak of a K-7.


Ralf R. Radermacher  -  DL9KCG  -  Köln/Cologne, Germany
Blog   :
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Re: Full Geso of plowing demo shots

2010-07-19 Thread Eric Weir

On Jul 18, 2010, at 11:44 PM, Christine Aguila wrote:

> Hi Dave:  I just did a quick eye-ball.  These caught my eye.  Looks like 
> you've some good pickings here and a good time was had by all.  Cheers, 
> Christine
> . . . . 

. . . . 

This one, and others of this particular team, remind me of something that 
happened one spring as my brother and I were driving in the Amish country 
around Arthur, Illinois. We noticed a large hitch at the far end of the field. 
As they turned and came closer we could see it was a seven-horse hitch pulling 
a two-bottom riding moldboard plow -- the one in this photo is a disc plow, and 
the only one we'd ever seen was a two-horse hitch pulling a walking plow. As my 
brother raised his camera to get a shot of the team, the Amish farmer jumped 
off the plow, ran toward us waving his arms, "No, no. Please don't take a 
picture of me. You can take a picture of the team, but please don't take a 
picture of me."

Eric Weir
Decatur, GA  USA

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RE: iPad

2010-07-19 Thread Bob W
> Interestingly enough, Stan, after I got my android cell phone I completely
> stopped using my mini laptop. I used to do bedside reading from its screen
> something like this. Now, I do it all from the cell phone. And moreso as
> works well with my home WiFi network.
> Yes, I know - it is not good for the eyes, but anyway.

to hell with your eyes - it's not good for your soul! Taking a computer into
a bedroom?! 

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Re: iPad

2010-07-19 Thread P. J. Alling

On 7/19/2010 7:54 AM, Bob W wrote:

Interestingly enough, Stan, after I got my android cell phone I completely
stopped using my mini laptop. I used to do bedside reading from its screen


something like this. Now, I do it all from the cell phone. And moreso as


works well with my home WiFi network.

Yes, I know - it is not good for the eyes, but anyway.


to hell with your eyes - it's not good for your soul! Taking a computer into
a bedroom?!

So much to say, and yet, is it really necessary?

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier 
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 I've just upgraded to Thunderbird 3.0 and the 
interface subtly weird.\par

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Re: iPad

2010-07-19 Thread Steven Desjardins
I think this is a Mark.

I find my iPod touch to be a very useful device.  The iPad would be
the same but much easier to use for Web access since the screen is
nicer.  Video, photos also nicer.  I've used the "real" keyboard Apple
sells and it works well for email.  For everyday use this does most of
what most people want which is why they are selling millions of them
and it will be copied by many.  It is fairly useless as a heavy duty
working machine (photediting or long documents) but that's not what
the bulk of computer time is used for these days.  Paperback novels
are not less useful than chemistry textbooks.  (I've had both on a
plane flight and I know which one gets used).  I bet pornography is
really great, which means that it will make every other system

On Sat, Jul 17, 2010 at 7:34 PM, Cotty  wrote:

> I'll forward this to William Robb in the outside chance you're killfiled.
> Then again, I may be too
> --
> Cheers,
>  Cotty
> ___/\__
> ||   (O)  |     People, Places, Pastiche
> --
> _
> --
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow 
> the directions.

Steve Desjardins

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Re: PESO - A Tasty Morsel

2010-07-19 Thread P. J. Alling

  I like beavers but I've never seen a real one up close ;-)


(I worked very hard to not phrase my response to look anything like this...)

On 7/18/2010 11:59 PM, Rob Studdert wrote:

On 18/07/2010, frank theriault  wrote:

I won't go into the long story, but suffice to say that I was
following a family of swans (two adults and three or four cygnets)
along a bank when they went into a quiet corner of an inlet. Then I
saw first one, then two beavers.  After some time (and many shots) the
swans and one of the beavers left, and this fellow let me get closer
and closer.  I'd quietly take a step, stop, take several photos, then
take another step until I got to within maybe ten feet.

I have lots of photos to go through, but this stands out as one of the
better ones:

*ist D, Sigma 50-200mm f3.5 zoom, Manfrotto monopod.

Hope you enjoy.  Comments welcome.

You're scarin' me Frank, did you come off your bike?

Seriously there's some great colour stuff coming from you these days,
this nature stuff is quite a different tack and you're doing very
nicely. I like beavers but I've never seen a real one up close ;-)



{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier 
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 I've just upgraded to Thunderbird 3.0 and the 
interface subtly weird.\par

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Re: 2 new cameras in Photokina

2010-07-19 Thread P. J. Alling
Finally some rumors to stimulate discussion.  Oh, hell who'm I kidding, 
old news really, just from a new source.  The only thing I see as 
different is I expected a K-7 replacement.  I think Pentax has been 
selling a lot of K-x cameras but not a lot of K-7 cameras.  I expect the 
new, (K-5?), was originally slated to replace the K-7 and will when K-7 
camera stocks are sold out. So I guess I'm predicting deep discounts on 
the K-7.

On 7/19/2010 7:04 AM, Jaume Lahuerta wrote:

According to the reliable Spanish site quesabesde:,1_6552

One between K-x and K-7 and the other above K-7. No more detail I am afraid.

Still no FF though.




{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier 
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 I've just upgraded to Thunderbird 3.0 and the 
interface subtly weird.\par

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Re: The Great Life Photographers--a book recommendation

2010-07-19 Thread Mark Roberts
paul stenquist wrote:

>I'm going to have to get that one. My dad retouched a lot of the 
>Life photos that were published between 1946 and 1966.

Man, he must have been using a *really* early beta version of

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Re: The Great Life Photographers--a book recommendation

2010-07-19 Thread P N Stenquist

On Jul 19, 2010, at 8:48 AM, Mark Roberts wrote:

paul stenquist wrote:

I'm going to have to get that one. My dad retouched a lot of the
Life photos that were published between 1946 and 1966.

Man, he must have been using a *really* early beta version of

Acid and miniature tools on copper plates. His hands were permanently  


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Re: 2 new cameras in Photokina

2010-07-19 Thread P N Stenquist

On Jul 19, 2010, at 8:46 AM, P. J. Alling wrote:

Finally some rumors to stimulate discussion.  Oh, hell who'm I  
kidding, old news really, just from a new source.  The only thing I  
see as different is I expected a K-7 replacement.  I think Pentax  
has been selling a lot of K-x cameras but not a lot of K-7 cameras.   
I expect the new, (K-5?), was originally slated to replace the K-7  
and will when K-7 camera stocks are sold out. So I guess I'm  
predicting deep discounts on the K-7.

Remember, the K7 wasn't marketed as a K20 replacement either.  
"Replacements" aren't always a good marketing strategy. However, k20  
production ceased long before the K7 hit the stores, and I suspect the  
same thing will happen this time.


On 7/19/2010 7:04 AM, Jaume Lahuerta wrote:

According to the reliable Spanish site quesabesde:,1_6552

One between K-x and K-7 and the other above K-7. No more detail I  
am afraid.

Still no FF though.



\fcharset0 Courier New;}}
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 I've just upgraded to Thunderbird 3.0  
and the interface subtly weird.\par


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Re: 2 new cameras in Photokina

2010-07-19 Thread P N Stenquist

On Jul 19, 2010, at 7:33 AM, Ralf R. Radermacher wrote:

Jaume Lahuerta  wrote:

One between K-x and K-7 and the other above K-7.

One above the K-7. Presumably with a Sony sensor.  *sigh*

Well, it had to happen, sooner or later. Guess I'll be kicking myself
even harder, three times a day, for having bought this freak of a K-7.

I won't be kicking myself, but I'll probably replace my K20 backup  
with the new camera at some point. The K7 continues to serve me very  
well, far better than any of the previous Pentax digitals I've owned.



Ralf R. Radermacher  -  DL9KCG  -  Köln/Cologne, Germany
Blog   :
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Re: HCB at the Art Institute Chicago

2010-07-19 Thread William Robb

From: "Boris Liberman"

Subject: Re: HCB at the Art Institute Chicago

That's one major reason for envy :-)...

We mistimed the PDML show.

William Robb 

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Re: Full Geso of plowing demo shots

2010-07-19 Thread David J Brooks
On Sun, Jul 18, 2010 at 7:25 PM, Eric Weir  wrote:
> On Jul 18, 2010, at 6:04 PM, David J Brooks wrote:
>> Yes all of the participants are full time farmers. Some of these guys
>> are in there 90's and still handle horse etc.
> But do they farm with horses? I thought I saw at least one Amish guy in your 
> photos. Probably he farms with horses. I was curious if there were any other.

Sorry Eric, i misunderstood you i think.

Not that I know of.

This group travels all over to find the old equipment, restore it and
try their hand at it.
The "old boys" show up to tell 'em what they are doing wrong.:-)
They also have old engines that they display along with the farm
equipment at the local fairs.

> --
> Eric Weir
> Decatur, GA  USA
> --
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow 
> the directions.

Documenting Life in Rural Ontario.
York Region, Ontario, Canada

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Re: Full Geso of plowing demo shots

2010-07-19 Thread David J Brooks
On Sun, Jul 18, 2010 at 11:44 PM, Christine  Aguila
> Hi Dave:  I just did a quick eye-ball.  These caught my eye.  Looks like
> you've some good pickings here and a good time was had by all.  Cheers,
> Christine
> I'd crop the bottom corn off.
> I'd crop some of the sky off.
Thanks Christine.

That corn harvester really gives me a hard time photo wise, hard to
get an action shot with it.

I like your crop ideas, just have to pick 3-4 for the contest.


Documenting Life in Rural Ontario.
York Region, Ontario, Canada

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Re: Full Geso of plowing demo shots

2010-07-19 Thread Eric Weir

On Jul 19, 2010, at 10:12 AM, David J Brooks wrote:

> Sorry Eric, i misunderstood you i think.
> Not that I know of.
> This group travels all over to find the old equipment, restore it and
> try their hand at it.
> The "old boys" show up to tell 'em what they are doing wrong.:-)
> They also have old engines that they display along with the farm
> equipment at the local fairs.

There are a few farmers here and there around the US who, in addition to the 
Amish, have chosen to farm with horses. Their costs are a whole hell of a lot 
lower, they can grown their own fuel, and they don't need as much land. 

Impacts on the environment, in contrast with industrialized agriculture, are 
positive. They grow a greater variety of crops -- oats, hay, and pasture in a 
addition to corn and soybeans -- and they can use animal and green manures 
instead of petroleum-derived fertilizers.

I hope the rest of you will forgive me for engaging in off-topic reverie. I'll 
cut it out soon -- perhaps right now.

Eric Weir
Decatur, GA  USA

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Re: Full Geso of plowing demo shots

2010-07-19 Thread Bruce Walker

Eric Weir wrote:

On Jul 19, 2010, at 10:12 AM, David J Brooks wrote:

Sorry Eric, i misunderstood you i think.

Not that I know of.

This group travels all over to find the old equipment, restore it and
try their hand at it.
The "old boys" show up to tell 'em what they are doing wrong.:-)
They also have old engines that they display along with the farm
equipment at the local fairs.

There are a few farmers here and there around the US who, in addition to the Amish, have chosen to farm with horses. Their costs are a whole hell of a lot lower, they can grown their own fuel, and they don't need as much land. 

Impacts on the environment, in contrast with industrialized agriculture, are 
positive. They grow a greater variety of crops -- oats, hay, and pasture in a 
addition to corn and soybeans -- and they can use animal and green manures 
instead of petroleum-derived fertilizers.

I hope the rest of you will forgive me for engaging in off-topic reverie. I'll 
cut it out soon -- perhaps right now.

Yeah, quit yer horsin' around.


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Re: On pun and fun

2010-07-19 Thread Igor Roshchin

Mon Jul 19 04:47:47 CDT 2010 Larry Colen wrote:

> > When you get your thistle collection (it is simpler for unsuspecting
> > audeince):
> > semper ubi sub ubi
> Was that an attempt at a brief joke?

It was an old translation joke (not mine).

See e.g. here:
"always where under where"


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Re: OT PESOs - Hip-Hugging Boyfried and "Oh No"

2010-07-19 Thread Steven Desjardins
Hey, that was my first thought at well.

On Sun, Jul 18, 2010 at 1:53 PM, Richard D Bush
> Bob,
> He well might be the bass player. He's holding her like he's ready to
> pizzicato her.

Steve Desjardins

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the directions.

Re: Full Geso of plowing demo shots

2010-07-19 Thread David J Brooks
On Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 10:50 AM, Eric Weir  wrote:

> I hope the rest of you will forgive me for engaging in off-topic reverie. 
> I'll cut it out soon -- perhaps right now.

Its part of being the PDML, don't worry about it.

> --
> Eric Weir
> Decatur, GA  USA
> --
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow 
> the directions.

Documenting Life in Rural Ontario.
York Region, Ontario, Canada

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Re: Full Geso of plowing demo shots

2010-07-19 Thread David J Brooks
On Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 11:03 AM, Bruce Walker  wrote:
> Eric Weir wrote:

>> I hope the rest of you will forgive me for engaging in off-topic reverie.
>> I'll cut it out soon -- perhaps right now.
> Yeah, quit yer horsin' around.

Butt, its our mane topic.

> -bmw
> --
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and
> follow the directions.

Documenting Life in Rural Ontario.
York Region, Ontario, Canada

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Re: peso - hot diggitty dog

2010-07-19 Thread David J Brooks
Good angle here.


On Sun, Jul 18, 2010 at 9:14 PM, P N Stenquist  wrote:
> --
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and
> follow the directions.

Documenting Life in Rural Ontario.
York Region, Ontario, Canada

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Re: PESO - Treeline

2010-07-19 Thread David J Brooks
On Sun, Jul 18, 2010 at 8:15 AM, Bob W  wrote:
> works for me, but I think the balance of the composition would be improved
> by shifting the frame slightly to the right (or the contents to the left
> within the frame).
> B

I agree, nice shot none the less.

>> -Original Message-
>> From: [] On
>> Behalf Of Brian Walters
>> Sent: 18 July 2010 13:11
>> To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
>> Subject: PESO - Treeline
>> G'day all
>> I like the look of these trees against the stormy sky but I'm not sure if
> the
>> image works.
>> Comments and suggestions welcome.
>> Cheers
>> Brian
>> Brian Walters
>> Western Sydney Australia
>> --
>> --
>> - Email service worth paying for. Try it for free
>> --
>> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
>> to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and
>> follow the directions.
> --
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow 
> the directions.

Documenting Life in Rural Ontario.
York Region, Ontario, Canada

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the directions.

Re: On pun and fun

2010-07-19 Thread Charles Robinson
On Jul 18, 2010, at 17:56, Igor Roshchin wrote:

> Sun Jul 18 17:36:56 CDT 2010 eckinator wrote:
>> 2010/7/19 Igor Roshchin :
 Nemo me im/pun/e lacessit. Now translate that with proper use of "pun"
>>> It means:
>>> Nautilus will order you into the Thistle.
>>> Igor
>>> (sorry, my references sometimes tend to be too complicated)
>> I'll order my thistle collection next time the moon is in the house of 
>> Uranus =P
> ^^
> For the second part of the phrase:
> Sic transit gloria mundi.

Gloria got sick on the bus on Monday?


Charles Robinson -
Minneapolis, MN

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
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the directions.

RE: Full Geso of plowing demo shots

2010-07-19 Thread Bob W
> There are a few farmers here and there around the US who, in addition to
> the Amish, have chosen to farm with horses. Their costs are a whole hell
of a
> lot lower, they can grown their own fuel, and they don't need as much
> Impacts on the environment, in contrast with industrialized agriculture,
> positive. They grow a greater variety of crops -- oats, hay, and pasture
in a
> addition to corn and soybeans -- and they can use animal and green manures
> instead of petroleum-derived fertilizers.

damn hippies - probably all growin' marijuana and free love too.

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Re: peso - hot diggitty dog

2010-07-19 Thread Ann Sanfedele

P N Stenquist wrote:

Don't know whether to laugh or groan


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Boris PESO #32 - Sabra Sport

2010-07-19 Thread Boris Liberman


Please be brutal and honest.


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Re: Boris PESO #32 - Sabra Sport

2010-07-19 Thread Jack Davis
Enticing! Makes me want to see more of the Sabre and less of the background.


--- On Mon, 7/19/10, Boris Liberman  wrote:

> From: Boris Liberman 
> Subject: Boris PESO #32 - Sabra Sport
> To: "Pentax-Discuss Mail List" 
> Date: Monday, July 19, 2010, 10:31 AM
> Hi!
> Please be brutal and honest.
> Boris
> -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link
> directly above and follow the directions.


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Re: On pun and fun

2010-07-19 Thread Igor Roshchin
> Date: Mon, 19 Jul 2010 11:17:58 -0400 (EDT)
> From: Igor Roshchin 
> Mon Jul 19 04:47:47 CDT 2010 Larry Colen wrote:
> > > When you get your thistle collection (it is simpler for unsuspecting
> > > audeince):
> > > semper ubi sub ubi
> > 
> > Was that an attempt at a brief joke?
> It was an old translation joke (not mine).
> See e.g. here:
> Translation:
> "always where under where"

Oops, I was still slowly waking up when I failed to see Larry's pun.
And Larry was very polite not to point it out publicly. :-)
I guess it's what you describe as
He briefed me in private.


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Help ... advice on m42 extension tubes

2010-07-19 Thread Sam L
Hi all

I was perusing the pentax forum marketplace and saw an add for pentax
m42 extension tubes for $15.
They seem to include 12, 20, 36mm.

Here's a photo:

I am clueluess about extension tubes but have heard plenty of people
say they use them for doing macro work.
I'd like to have the ability to play around and do some macro stuff.
Is this an appropriate set?  Good price?  Are there limitations I
should be aware of?

I'll be mounting them to my k-x via the pentax m42 adapter.  Someday
maybe I'll mount them to a spotmatic.
Would I be way better off getting a set up k-mount tubes?


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RE: PDML visit to Brum

2010-07-19 Thread Chris Mitchell
Boris Liberman wrote
> On 7/18/2010 1:44 AM, Chris Mitchell wrote:
> > I concur with Bob - a most enjoyable day. The McCurry retrospective
> was
> > seriously high quality and the Birmingham art gallery well worth a
> visit.
> >
> > My DA* 16-50 2.8 is away having its AF motor replaced (out of
> warranty so
> > costing GBP120) so I went prime for the day. The following were taken
> with a
> > mix of FA 50/1.7, FA135/2.8 and my copy of the recently famous
> Pentax-A
> > 28/2.8:
> >
> >
> > Chris
> I see you kept practicing the art of looking away with a smile and
> snapping a shot from the hip ;-).
> Most enjoyable gallery, Chris.
> Boris

Thanks Boris. I used the technique in the Art Institute in Chicago and am
close to perfecting it in places where you're not supposed to take photos...


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RE: PESO Goulds

2010-07-19 Thread Chris Mitchell
Rob Studdert wrote:
> Sent: 19 July 2010 04:36
> To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> Subject: Re: PESO Goulds
> On 18/07/2010, Chris Mitchell  wrote:
> > That's not a bookshop, that's the inside of Christine and Darrel's
> > apartment!
> LOL, I hope not Chris, Goulds looks more like a fire hazard than a
> bookshop for the most part. ;-)
Trust me. I've seen it in person :=)

Sadly (or, rather, happily) we were having such a great time that we all
forgot to take photographs!


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Re: On pun and fun

2010-07-19 Thread Larry Colen

On Jul 19, 2010, at 11:10 AM, Igor Roshchin wrote:

>> Date: Mon, 19 Jul 2010 11:17:58 -0400 (EDT)
>> From: Igor Roshchin 
>> Mon Jul 19 04:47:47 CDT 2010 Larry Colen wrote:
 When you get your thistle collection (it is simpler for unsuspecting
 semper ubi sub ubi
>>> Was that an attempt at a brief joke?
>> It was an old translation joke (not mine).
>> See e.g. here:
>> Translation:
>> "always where under where"
> Oops, I was still slowly waking up when I failed to see Larry's pun.
> And Larry was very polite not to point it out publicly. :-)
> I guess it's what you describe as
> He briefed me in private.


> :-)
> Igor
> -- 
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow 
> the directions.

Larry Colen sent from i4est

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Re: Full Geso of plowing demo shots

2010-07-19 Thread Eric Weir

On Jul 19, 2010, at 12:16 PM, Bob W wrote:

>> There are a few farmers here and there around the US who, in addition to
>> the Amish, have chosen to farm with horses. Their costs are a whole hell
> of a
>> lot lower, they can grown their own fuel, and they don't need as much
> land.
>> Impacts on the environment, in contrast with industrialized agriculture,
> are
>> positive. They grow a greater variety of crops -- oats, hay, and pasture
> in a
>> addition to corn and soybeans -- and they can use animal and green manures
>> instead of petroleum-derived fertilizers.
> damn hippies - probably all growin' marijuana and free love too.

Yeah, if they turn there noses up at the wonders of science, industry, and 
capital, must be sumpthin wrong with 'em.

Eric Weir
Decatur, GA  USA

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Re: Full Geso of plowing demo shots

2010-07-19 Thread Eric Weir

On Jul 19, 2010, at 12:08 PM, David J Brooks wrote:

> On Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 11:03 AM, Bruce Walker  wrote:
>> Eric Weir wrote:
>>> I hope the rest of you will forgive me for engaging in off-topic reverie.
>>> I'll cut it out soon -- perhaps right now.
>> Yeah, quit yer horsin' around.
> Butt, its our mane topic.

When I first signed-on to this group I was stunned by the number of posts it 
generated. I've come to see that it's really a pretty small group with a lot of 
humor -- some of it kinda corny -- going back and forth.

Sincerely, I think I'm done with horse farming -- here, that is.

Eric Weir
Decatur, GA  USA

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PESO: Monaco II

2010-07-19 Thread Ralf R. Radermacher

As always... :-)


Ralf R. Radermacher  -  DL9KCG  -  Köln/Cologne, Germany
Blog   :
Audio :
Web   :

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Manually focusing on the wrong "sharp edge"?

2010-07-19 Thread Larry Colen
I was photographing a friend playing in a small club in Capitola the other 
night. When I reviewed my photos, I found that an awful lot of them were 
focused on sharp edges in front of the musician:
The tip jar, drum kit, microphone etc.

I understand how this happens with autofocus. The camera is too stupid to know 
what to focus on and focuses on the sharp edge.  What I don't understand is why 
this happens on manual focus. *I* should know better.

One challenge that I have in low light is actually seeing the line of the split 
prism to try and line that up on the musician. Especially musicians that tend 
to move around a lot.  As such, I may rely a lot more on the microprism ring, 
and wonder if I just focus until I see whatever is in that ring come into 
focus, and not notice that it's not actually the subject that I'm trying to 
photograph.  More a case of my brain saying "something is sharp, press the 

I'm curious if other people have this problem when manually focusing, and what 
they do to fix it.

I got what I thought was an amusing compliment on my dancing that night.  I had 
a rather nice slow blues dance with an attractive young lady. Afterwards, she 
said in a rather husky voice "I need a cigarette". Unfortunately, she was 
married. Even worse, her husband doesn't share.

I did get a couple shots of the lead singer which turned out pretty well:
In the second one Amy Lou isn't as sharp as I'd like,  but I do like the way 
the composition worked out with Gary (the bass player) in the background.

Larry Colen sent from i4est

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RE: Manually focusing on the wrong "sharp edge"?

2010-07-19 Thread Bob W
> I'm curious if other people have this problem when manually focusing, and
> what they do to fix it.

I always found it easier to use a plain matte screen, depending on which
focal length I was using.

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Re: PESO: Monaco II

2010-07-19 Thread David J Brooks
And, as always.:-)


2010/7/19 Ralf R. Radermacher :
> As always... :-)
> Ralf
> --
> Ralf R. Radermacher  -  DL9KCG  -  Köln/Cologne, Germany
> Blog   :
> Audio :
> Web   :
> --
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow 
> the directions.

Documenting Life in Rural Ontario.
York Region, Ontario, Canada

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Re: Manually focusing on the wrong "sharp edge"?

2010-07-19 Thread Larry Colen

On Jul 19, 2010, at 12:41 PM, Bob W wrote:

> [...]
>> I'm curious if other people have this problem when manually focusing, and
>> what they do to fix it.
> I always found it easier to use a plain matte screen, depending on which
> focal length I was using.

Please explain how focal length affects it.

Do you find the difference between in focus and out of focus too subtle on a 
wider lens?

Larry Colen sent from i4est

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Re: Boris PESO #32 - Sabra Sport

2010-07-19 Thread David J Brooks
I like the lights reflecting on the car.


On Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 1:31 PM, Boris Liberman  wrote:
> Hi!
> Please be brutal and honest.
> Boris
> --
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and
> follow the directions.

Documenting Life in Rural Ontario.
York Region, Ontario, Canada

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OT: Pinhole Camera to Image New Worlds

2010-07-19 Thread Daniel J. Matyola

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Re: Boris PESO #32 - Sabra Sport

2010-07-19 Thread Bran Everseeking
On Mon, 19 Jul 2010 20:31:23 +0300
Boris Liberman  wrote:

> Please be brutal and honest.

I am not a car buff but this is a lovely image.  only issue for me is
the yellow blot that draws too much attention.  

I am a fan of shiny red and this does that magnificently.

"Love" is that condition in which the happiness of another person is
essential to your own... Jealousy is a disease, love is a healthy
condition.- Robert Heinlein

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Re: OT: Pinhole Camera to Image New Worlds

2010-07-19 Thread Bob Sullivan
Lots of warnings about trojan from my virus scan on this one...

On Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 2:59 PM, Daniel J. Matyola  wrote:
> --
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow 
> the directions.

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Re: Manually focusing on the wrong "sharp edge"?

2010-07-19 Thread P N Stenquist

On Jul 19, 2010, at 3:24 PM, Larry Colen wrote:

I was photographing a friend playing in a small club in Capitola the  
other night. When I reviewed my photos, I found that an awful lot of  
them were focused on sharp edges in front of the musician:

The tip jar, drum kit, microphone etc.

I understand how this happens with autofocus. The camera is too  
stupid to know what to focus on and focuses on the sharp edge.  What  
I don't understand is why this happens on manual focus. *I* should  
know better.

One challenge that I have in low light is actually seeing the line  
of the split prism to try and line that up on the musician.  
Especially musicians that tend to move around a lot.  As such, I may  
rely a lot more on the microprism ring, and wonder if I just focus  
until I see whatever is in that ring come into focus, and not notice  
that it's not actually the subject that I'm trying to photograph.   
More a case of my brain saying "something is sharp, press the  

I'm curious if other people have this problem when manually  
focusing, and what they do to fix it.

I simply use a plain matte screen and pick the spot on which I want to  
focus -- frequently an eye. I find that split prisms are a distraction  
for people pics. On my Leica rangefinder, I'm forced to align split  
images, but I still target my spot, and judge the alignment as best I  
can. Targeting the point of focus is the most important step.


I got what I thought was an amusing compliment on my dancing that  
night.  I had a rather nice slow blues dance with an attractive  
young lady. Afterwards, she said in a rather husky voice "I need a  
cigarette". Unfortunately, she was married. Even worse, her husband  
doesn't share.

I did get a couple shots of the lead singer which turned out pretty  
In the second one Amy Lou isn't as sharp as I'd like,  but I do like  
the way the composition worked out with Gary (the bass player) in  
the background.

Larry Colen sent from i4est

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Re: OT: Pinhole Camera to Image New Worlds

2010-07-19 Thread Daniel J. Matyola
That is simply silly


On Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 4:18 PM, Bob Sullivan  wrote:
> Lots of warnings about trojan from my virus scan on this one...
> On Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 2:59 PM, Daniel J. Matyola  
> wrote:
>> --
>> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
>> to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and 
>> follow the directions.
> --
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow 
> the directions.

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Re: Manually focusing on the wrong "sharp edge"?

2010-07-19 Thread Christian Skofteland
More reason to hate split-image and micro-prism focusing aids.  I use the plain 
matte screen when manually focusing.



On Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 12:24:11PM -0700, Larry Colen wrote:
> I was photographing a friend playing in a small club in Capitola the other 
> night. When I reviewed my photos, I found that an awful lot of them were 
> focused on sharp edges in front of the musician:
> The tip jar, drum kit, microphone etc.
> I understand how this happens with autofocus. The camera is too stupid to 
> know what to focus on and focuses on the sharp edge.  What I don't understand 
> is why this happens on manual focus. *I* should know better.
> One challenge that I have in low light is actually seeing the line of the 
> split prism to try and line that up on the musician. Especially musicians 
> that tend to move around a lot.  As such, I may rely a lot more on the 
> microprism ring, and wonder if I just focus until I see whatever is in that 
> ring come into focus, and not notice that it's not actually the subject that 
> I'm trying to photograph.  More a case of my brain saying "something is 
> sharp, press the shutter".
> I'm curious if other people have this problem when manually focusing, and 
> what they do to fix it.
> I got what I thought was an amusing compliment on my dancing that night.  I 
> had a rather nice slow blues dance with an attractive young lady. Afterwards, 
> she said in a rather husky voice "I need a cigarette". Unfortunately, she was 
> married. Even worse, her husband doesn't share.
> I did get a couple shots of the lead singer which turned out pretty well:
> In the second one Amy Lou isn't as sharp as I'd like,  but I do like the way 
> the composition worked out with Gary (the bass player) in the background.
> --
> Larry Colen sent from i4est
> -- 
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow 
> the directions.



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Re: Manually focusing on the wrong "sharp edge"?

2010-07-19 Thread Christian Skofteland
On Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 12:43:44PM -0700, Larry Colen wrote:
> On Jul 19, 2010, at 12:41 PM, Bob W wrote:
> > [...]
> >> I'm curious if other people have this problem when manually focusing, and
> >> what they do to fix it.
> >> 
> > 
> > I always found it easier to use a plain matte screen, depending on which
> > focal length I was using.
> Please explain how focal length affects it.
> Do you find the difference between in focus and out of focus too subtle on a 
> wider lens?

I think he might mean that for longer focal lengths you are generally using 
smaller maximum apertures and from what i understand and have observed, the 
split-image thingies tend to black out at anything above f4.  Really, a plain 
matte screen is the best tool for manually focusing in my opinion especially in 
low-light situations.



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RE: HCB at the Art Institute Chicago

2010-07-19 Thread Chris Mitchell
William Robb wrote
> --
> From: "Boris Liberman"
> Subject: Re: HCB at the Art Institute Chicago
> > That's one major reason for envy :-)...
> >
> We mistimed the PDML show.
> William Robb
No we didn't; we saw the excellent Eggleston exhibition...

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Re: OT: Pinhole Camera to Image New Worlds

2010-07-19 Thread CheekyGeek
Posted 9/30/04 ?

Doesn't seem to me like the concept has much in the way of "pinhole"
(as we know it) going on with it.

For those interested in more:

Not a lot has been written about the New World Imager recently.

Darren Addy
Kearney, NE

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Sigma 8-16mm zoom for Pentax

2010-07-19 Thread P N Stenquist

Not very fast, but oh so wide. Would love to see some full-res sample  


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Re: Sigma 8-16mm zoom for Pentax

2010-07-19 Thread CheekyGeek
Sigma 8-16mm f/4.5-5.6 DC HSM  Flickr group (127 members):

Darren Addy
Kearney, NE
Nothing is sure, except Death and Pentaxes.

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Re: Manually focusing on the wrong "sharp edge"?

2010-07-19 Thread Jack Davis
I may have missed this, but do you use "spot" focus? Do you use "S" mode 
wherein you can hold focus and re-compose? For that matter, I don't even know 
what you were shooting with. :-C


--- On Mon, 7/19/10, P N Stenquist  wrote:

> From: P N Stenquist 
> Subject: Re: Manually focusing on the wrong "sharp edge"?
> To: "Pentax-Discuss Mail List" 
> Date: Monday, July 19, 2010, 1:20 PM
> On Jul 19, 2010, at 3:24 PM, Larry Colen wrote:
> > I was photographing a friend playing in a small club
> in Capitola the other night. When I reviewed my photos, I
> found that an awful lot of them were focused on sharp edges
> in front of the musician:
> > The tip jar, drum kit, microphone etc.
> > 
> > I understand how this happens with autofocus. The
> camera is too stupid to know what to focus on and focuses on
> the sharp edge.  What I don't understand is why this
> happens on manual focus. *I* should know better.
> > 
> > One challenge that I have in low light is actually
> seeing the line of the split prism to try and line that up
> on the musician. Especially musicians that tend to move
> around a lot.  As such, I may rely a lot more on the
> microprism ring, and wonder if I just focus until I see
> whatever is in that ring come into focus, and not notice
> that it's not actually the subject that I'm trying to
> photograph.  More a case of my brain saying "something
> is sharp, press the shutter".
> > 
> > I'm curious if other people have this problem when
> manually focusing, and what they do to fix it.
> > 
> I simply use a plain matte screen and pick the spot on
> which I want to focus -- frequently an eye. I find that
> split prisms are a distraction for people pics. On my Leica
> rangefinder, I'm forced to align split images, but I still
> target my spot, and judge the alignment as best I can.
> Targeting the point of focus is the most important step.
> Paul
> > I got what I thought was an amusing compliment on my
> dancing that night.  I had a rather nice slow blues
> dance with an attractive young lady. Afterwards, she said in
> a rather husky voice "I need a cigarette". Unfortunately,
> she was married. Even worse, her husband doesn't share.
> > 
> > I did get a couple shots of the lead singer which
> turned out pretty well:
> >
> >
> > In the second one Amy Lou isn't as sharp as I'd
> like,  but I do like the way the composition worked out
> with Gary (the bass player) in the background.
> > 
> > 
> > --
> > Larry Colen
> sent from i4est
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > --PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> >
> >
> > to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link
> directly above and follow the directions.
> --PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link
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Re: Help ... advice on m42 extension tubes

2010-07-19 Thread eckinator
Hi Sam,
IMO you'd be better off with PK tubes as they transmit aperture, lens
data and in some rare instances even AF (the Kenko Uniplus Pz-AF 25
mm, also sold under Soligor and Bower (IIRC) brand). There is also a
helical, i.e. adjustable in length, extension tube from Pentax and
then there are also bellows which do much the same as an adjustable
extension tube, some (Novoflex et al.) even transmit aperture.
Generally speaking, an extension tube will move a lens farther away
from the sensor/film plane, thus causing it to lose infinity focus in
most cases and at the same time increasing its macro abilities. This
works well with fast primes but also with other lenses. Another neat
trick is to reverse a lens by putting a K mount adaptor on the filter
Any questions, feel free to ask. I'm also selling a bunch of this
stuff so feel free to inquire about that, too.

2010/7/19 Sam L :
> Hi all
> I was perusing the pentax forum marketplace and saw an add for pentax
> m42 extension tubes for $15.
> They seem to include 12, 20, 36mm.
> Here's a photo:
> I am clueluess about extension tubes but have heard plenty of people
> say they use them for doing macro work.
> I'd like to have the ability to play around and do some macro stuff.
> Is this an appropriate set?  Good price?  Are there limitations I
> should be aware of?
> I'll be mounting them to my k-x via the pentax m42 adapter.  Someday
> maybe I'll mount them to a spotmatic.
> Would I be way better off getting a set up k-mount tubes?
> Thanks!
> Sam
> --
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow 
> the directions.

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Re: Help ... advice on m42 extension tubes

2010-07-19 Thread Dario Bonazza

That set is OK for using M42 lenses either on screwmount and K-bayonet 
cameras (via K adapter).

A k-mount set is required for using K-bayonet lenses on K-bayonet cameras.
What's the price?


- Original Message - 
From: "Sam L" 

To: "Pentax-Discuss Mail List" 
Sent: Monday, July 19, 2010 8:47 PM
Subject: Help ... advice on m42 extension tubes

Hi all

I was perusing the pentax forum marketplace and saw an add for pentax
m42 extension tubes for $15.
They seem to include 12, 20, 36mm.

Here's a photo:

I am clueluess about extension tubes but have heard plenty of people
say they use them for doing macro work.
I'd like to have the ability to play around and do some macro stuff.
Is this an appropriate set?  Good price?  Are there limitations I
should be aware of?

I'll be mounting them to my k-x via the pentax m42 adapter.  Someday
maybe I'll mount them to a spotmatic.
Would I be way better off getting a set up k-mount tubes?


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Re: Sigma 8-16mm zoom for Pentax

2010-07-19 Thread Igor Roshchin

Seeing those images (some of them are really inspiring) made me
considering this lens. I was not aware of its existence before.
Thank you, Paul and Darren for the information.

I am curious how the close-up shots of people 
(into-your-face type)  would look with this lens with appropriate
angle (I don't quite like how it is done here: )

If anybody has/knows examples of such shots done with this lens
(8mm on APS), I'd appreciate those.


Mon Jul 19 15:55:28 CDT 2010
P N Stenquist wrote:

> Not very fast, but oh so wide. Would love to see some full-res sample  
> shots.

Mon Jul 19 15:58:51 CDT 2010
CheekyGeek wrote:

> Sigma 8-16mm f/4.5-5.6 DC HSM  Flickr group (127 members):
> Darren Addy

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Re: Help ... advice on m42 extension tubes

2010-07-19 Thread CheekyGeek
I agree with the eckinator: You basically get what you pay for in the
way of convenience.
If you are interested in getting into macro inexpensively, and you
have m42 lenses to stick on the m42 extension tubes this is certainly
an inexpensive way to get started. If you are using an external flash
pointing down at your subject, you'll just need a little testing to
figure out your exposure for various f-stops & extensions.

A reverse ring is also a nice inexpensive way to start playing with
macro. Another fairly low-cost option is getting a good quality
achromat for close-up, if not macro, shots.

I recommend getting a good book on the subject: John Shaw's "Close-ups
In Nature" is HIGHLY recommended.

Darren Addy
Kearney, NE

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the directions.

RE: HCB at the Art Institute Chicago

2010-07-19 Thread Bob W
> >
> > > That's one major reason for envy :-)...
> > >
> >
> > We mistimed the PDML show.
> >
> > William Robb
> >
> No we didn't; we saw the excellent Eggleston exhibition...

Eggleston is better than Cartier-Bresson, but not as good as McCurry.


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RE: Manually focusing on the wrong "sharp edge"?

2010-07-19 Thread Bob W
> > > [...]
> > >> I'm curious if other people have this problem when manually
> > >> focusing, and what they do to fix it.
> > >>
> > >
> > > I always found it easier to use a plain matte screen, depending on
> > > which focal length I was using.
> >
> > Please explain how focal length affects it.
> >
> > Do you find the difference between in focus and out of focus too subtle
> a wider lens?
> >
> I think he might mean that for longer focal lengths you are generally
> smaller maximum apertures and from what i understand and have observed,
> the split-image thingies tend to black out at anything above f4.  Really,
a plain
> matte screen is the best tool for manually focusing in my opinion
especially in
> low-light situations.

exactly so

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Re: Help ... advice on m42 extension tubes

2010-07-19 Thread Sam L
> On Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 5:46 PM, CheekyGeek  wrote:
> I agree with the eckinator: You basically get what you pay for in the
> way of convenience.
> If you are interested in getting into macro inexpensively, and you
> have m42 lenses to stick on the m42 extension tubes this is certainly
> an inexpensive way to get started. If you are using an external flash
> pointing down at your subject, you'll just need a little testing to
> figure out your exposure for various f-stops & extensions.
> A reverse ring is also a nice inexpensive way to start playing with
> macro. Another fairly low-cost option is getting a good quality
> achromat for close-up, if not macro, shots.
> I recommend getting a good book on the subject: John Shaw's "Close-ups
> In Nature" is HIGHLY recommended.

Price was $15, which seemed silly cheap.
But I'll look into other alternatives instead.

Thanks for the fast reponses!

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Re: Manually focusing on the wrong "sharp edge"?

2010-07-19 Thread Godfrey DiGiorgi
Looked at your photos ... My one advice: get closer, frame tighter. :-)

> ... I'm curious if other people have this problem when manually focusing, and 
> what they do to fix it. ..

I see I'm not alone in my preference for plain matte fresnel focusing
screens. ;-)

Microprism and split prism focusing aids are usually distractions in
SLR viewfinders, for me. I always changed my focusing screen to a
simple, matte fresnel screen (with horizontal/vertical reference lines
preferably) when possible. Longer lenses are easier to focus because
when wide open the in-focus zone is shallow; short lenses are where
focusing aids can help most. With any lens, good crisp contrast when
wide open is the biggest aid to manual focusing, regardless of
focusing screen, lens speed or focal length.

Beyond that, it's a matter of skill through lots of practice.

I find today that I still prefer manual focusing over any autofocus
system on any SLR camera I've tried, and I've found that when I manual
focus my "hit it on the nose rate" is always much better than when I
allow the AF system to do its thing. Canon, Nikon, Pentax, Olympus,
Panasonic  doesn't matter what the brand. Give me a good,
contrasty lens and a clean focusing screen: it will do better than
most AF systems.

The EVF in the G1 is no exception, except that it makes nailing
critical manual focus even easier than any of the optical reflex
focusing systems I've used.

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Re: Help ... advice on m42 extension tubes

2010-07-19 Thread Godfrey DiGiorgi
On Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 11:47 AM, Sam L  wrote:
> I was perusing the pentax forum marketplace and saw an add for pentax
> m42 extension tubes for $15.
> They seem to include 12, 20, 36mm.
> Here's a photo:
> I am clueluess about extension tubes but have heard plenty of people
> say they use them for doing macro work.
> I'd like to have the ability to play around and do some macro stuff.
> Is this an appropriate set?  Good price?  Are there limitations I
> should be aware of?
> I'll be mounting them to my k-x via the pentax m42 adapter.  Someday
> maybe I'll mount them to a spotmatic.
> Would I be way better off getting a set up k-mount tubes?

The real question, Sam, is "What lenses are you going to use the
extension tubes with? What sorts of subjects do you intend to

There's no point to buying M42 threaded extension tubes if your lenses
are all Pentax K bayonet mount. Extension tubes work best with
symmetrical and mild telephoto lens designs.

I highly recommend reading John Shaw's excellent book "Close-ups In
Nature" before buying any macro equipment.


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Re: Help ... advice on m42 extension tubes

2010-07-19 Thread Drew

On 19/07/10 22:58, Sam L wrote:

r subject, you'll just need a little testing to
>  figure out your expo

TBH If you just want to have a play with Macro these will be fine.  
Personally when I do Macro it is generally a pretty controlled setup, in 
those cases manual tubes with manual lenses are fine, just use the green 
button or experiment to get the exposure right. It only takes a few test 
If you are expecting to do shots that require faster setup.. perhaps 
insects on flowers then K mount tubes with all the metering as other 
have suggested will be best.
This one was taken with manual tubes and an old soviet lens on my DL.


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Re: PESO: Monaco II

2010-07-19 Thread Cory Waters

I have Ralph on my short list of PDML dudes I'd love to go shooting with.
Happily, I've already ticked several names off that list, but there are 
many others.


On 7/19/2010 3:23 PM, Ralf R. Radermacher wrote:

As always... :-)


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Re: PESO - Treeline

2010-07-19 Thread Brian Walters
On Sun, 18 Jul 2010 22:49 -0500, "Christine  Aguila"
> Like you, Brian, I like the trees against the stormy sky, but the
> foreground 
> grass is strong and distracts to my eye.  Cheers, Christine

Thanks Christine (also Dan, Dave, Bob).

On the original, the grass was very dark and featureless so I tried to
bring out some detail with a selective levels adjustment layer in

I may have overdone it



Brian Walters
Western Sydney Australia

> - Original Message - 
> From: "Brian Walters" 
> To: "Pentax-Discuss Mail List" 
> Sent: Sunday, July 18, 2010 7:11 AM
> Subject: PESO - Treeline
> > G'day all
> >
> > I like the look of these trees against the stormy sky but I'm not sure
> > if the image works.
> >
> > Comments and suggestions welcome.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Cheers
> >
> > Brian
> > 
> > Brian Walters
> > Western Sydney Australia
> > -- 
> >
> >
> > -- 
> > - Email service worth paying for. Try it for free
> >
> >
> > -- 
> > PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> >
> >
> > to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and 
> > follow the directions.
> > 
> -- 
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and
> follow the directions.

-- - The professional email service

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the directions.

Re: Manually focusing on the wrong "sharp edge"?

2010-07-19 Thread Larry Colen

On Jul 19, 2010, at 3:05 PM, Godfrey DiGiorgi wrote:

> Looked at your photos ... My one advice: get closer, frame tighter. :-)

I couldn't exactly get up "on stage" with the band.  Though I could drop some 
of them tighter.
>> ... I'm curious if other people have this problem when manually focusing, 
>> and what they do to fix it. ..
> I see I'm not alone in my preference for plain matte fresnel focusing
> screens. ;-)

Interesting, because I found the screens that came with my Pentaxes nearly 
useless for manual focusing.

> Microprism and split prism focusing aids are usually distractions in
> SLR viewfinders, for me. I always changed my focusing screen to a
> simple, matte fresnel screen (with horizontal/vertical reference lines
> preferably) when possible. Longer lenses are easier to focus because
> when wide open the in-focus zone is shallow; short lenses are where
> focusing aids can help most. With any lens, good crisp contrast when
> wide open is the biggest aid to manual focusing, regardless of
> focusing screen, lens speed or focal length.

That may be one reason I like my FA77 so much.

> Beyond that, it's a matter of skill through lots of practice.

I do try to practice, and to practice different techniques.

> The EVF in the G1 is no exception, except that it makes nailing
> critical manual focus even easier than any of the optical reflex
> focusing systems I've used.

Interestingly I found that manual focus on my FZ-50 to be nearly impossible to 
get right.

Larry Colen sent from i4est

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Re: Help ... advice on m42 extension tubes

2010-07-19 Thread Brian Walters
On Mon, 19 Jul 2010 14:47 -0400, "Sam L"  wrote:
> Hi all
> I was perusing the pentax forum marketplace and saw an add for pentax
> m42 extension tubes for $15.
> They seem to include 12, 20, 36mm.
> Here's a photo:
> I am clueluess about extension tubes but have heard plenty of people
> say they use them for doing macro work.
> I'd like to have the ability to play around and do some macro stuff.
> Is this an appropriate set?  Good price?  Are there limitations I
> should be aware of?
> I'll be mounting them to my k-x via the pentax m42 adapter.  Someday
> maybe I'll mount them to a spotmatic.
> Would I be way better off getting a set up k-mount tubes?

Not if you also want to use them on a Spotmatic.

I pretty much agree with what Ecke has said but these are cheap enough
for playing around with and are probably worth getting for that reason. 
If you decide you want to persist with macro, get a K mount set or a
dedicated macro lens later.



Brian Walters
Western Sydney Australia


-- - Email service worth paying for. Try it for free

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Re: PESO Goulds

2010-07-19 Thread Brian Walters
On Sun, 18 Jul 2010 23:46 +1000, "Rob Studdert"
> Hi Team,
> I've spent the week juggling international guests, work and general
> household duties whilst attempting to (unsuccessfully so far) fend off
> a nasty cough/cold. I did however manage to shoot more photos than I
> have for a while, mostly using my lately acquired Canon S90 as it now
> resides pretty much full time in my back pocket (and it's not looking
> like a banana yet).
> As has become habitual for me of late I have a new pano to share, it's
> the view down the last aisle of Gould's Book Shop in Newtown, the
> place has been as pictured as long as I can remember, Bob Gould the
> owner is quite a character.
> The image consists of three in camera jpgs shot hand held with my S90
> @ 6mm F2, 1/13, ISO 80, auto-focus, auto-exposure, auto-WB, zero
> exposure comp and it was assembled using Autopano rendered in a
> rectilinear projection.
> (the full res file is ~20MP ;-)
> Hope you enjoy.

Goulds is a real institution in Sydney.  I remember when the shop was in
George Street just down from Town Hall station.  

I always drop in when I'm in Newtown - you never know what gem you'll
come across. Equally, given the masses of books stacked on top of each
other, you never know what gem you missed either.



Brian Walters
Western Sydney Australia


-- - The professional email service

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Re: On pun and fun

2010-07-19 Thread P. J. Alling

On 7/19/2010 3:08 PM, Larry Colen wrote:

On Jul 19, 2010, at 11:10 AM, Igor Roshchin wrote:


Date: Mon, 19 Jul 2010 11:17:58 -0400 (EDT)
From: Igor Roshchin

Mon Jul 19 04:47:47 CDT 2010 Larry Colen wrote:


When you get your thistle collection (it is simpler for unsuspecting
semper ubi sub ubi

Was that an attempt at a brief joke?

It was an old translation joke (not mine).

See e.g. here:
"always where under where"


Oops, I was still slowly waking up when I failed to see Larry's pun.
And Larry was very polite not to point it out publicly. :-)
I guess it's what you describe as
He briefed me in private.


At least you didn't debrief him...




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Larry Colen sent from i4est


{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier 
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 I've just upgraded to Thunderbird 3.0 and the 
interface subtly weird.\par

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Re: Full Geso of plowing demo shots

2010-07-19 Thread P. J. Alling

On 7/19/2010 12:16 PM, Bob W wrote:

There are a few farmers here and there around the US who, in addition to
the Amish, have chosen to farm with horses. Their costs are a whole hell

of a

lot lower, they can grown their own fuel, and they don't need as much


Impacts on the environment, in contrast with industrialized agriculture,


positive. They grow a greater variety of crops -- oats, hay, and pasture

in a

addition to corn and soybeans -- and they can use animal and green manures
instead of petroleum-derived fertilizers.

damn hippies - probably all growin' marijuana and free love too.

About that free love, where would you purchase the seeds...

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier 
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 I've just upgraded to Thunderbird 3.0 and the 
interface subtly weird.\par

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Re: OT: Pinhole Camera to Image New Worlds

2010-07-19 Thread P. J. Alling

On 7/19/2010 3:59 PM, Daniel J. Matyola wrote:
Avast tells me that this web site tried to inject a Trojan,  sort of 
appropriate for a Biological web site...

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier 
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 I've just upgraded to Thunderbird 3.0 and the 
interface subtly weird.\par

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Re: The Great Life Photographers--a book recommendation

2010-07-19 Thread steve harley

On 2010-07-18 22:29 , Christine Aguila wrote:

If you're a serious book person, always best to build your own or have
them built.

i use elfa standards and brackets, then lay narrow hollow core doors 
(such as from closet "accordion" doors) across them; this makes a 
flexible, easy to mount, amazingly strong system; the doors i find used 
from deconstruction outlets and the like -- usually 12-18" wide, and 
surprisingly strong (can hold record albums across 2.5 foot gap) and 
much lighter than the crummy particle board shelves that many shelving 
systems use

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Re: Sigma 8-16mm zoom for Pentax

2010-07-19 Thread John Francis
On Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 03:58:51PM -0500, CheekyGeek wrote:
> Sigma 8-16mm f/4.5-5.6 DC HSM  Flickr group (127 members):

Hmm.  The first image there (the Tokyo night-time shot) seems
to show some odd tilted verticals at either side, and one of the
later shots  definitely shows some significant barrel distortion:

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Re: PESO: Monaco II

2010-07-19 Thread Rob Studdert
On 20/07/2010, Ralf R. Radermacher  wrote:

I think this one grows on me the more that I study it, nicely done as
always Ralf.

Rob Studdert (Digital  Image Studio)
Tel: +61-418-166-870 UTC +10 Hours
Gmail, eBay, Skype, Twitter, Facebook, Picasa: distudio

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Re: Manually focusing on the wrong "sharp edge"?

2010-07-19 Thread Rob Studdert
On 20/07/2010, Larry Colen  wrote:

> Interesting, because I found the screens that came with my Pentaxes nearly 
> useless for manual focusing.

The stock screens in the K-x and K10/20D I find nearly useless for
manual focusing, it's pure guesswork. I spent the week shooting with a
guy who has an A850 (and a load of great glass), it's got a butt ugly
prism hump but the finder view is superb compared to anything from
Pentax currently (and I do truly hate the P645 family finders). I have
a hard drive full of A850 images and I must say give that I was
shooting at the same locations I am just a little jealous of his
results (technically).

Rob Studdert (Digital  Image Studio)
Tel: +61-418-166-870 UTC +10 Hours
Gmail, eBay, Skype, Twitter, Facebook, Picasa: distudio

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PESO -- Thank you for not smoking

2010-07-19 Thread P. J. Alling
I was out shooting some record shots for a proposed redevelopment 
project, (and testing my newly repaired A*300mm f4.0), when I came 
across this scene.

This isn't fair, it probably isn't nice, but then nobody who's gotten to 
know me ever accused me of being fair, or nice...

There are a number of things you shouldn't do in public.  Using a cell 
phone is one of them...

Equipment:  Pentax K20D w/smc Pentax A*300mm f4.0.

As usual comments are welcome but may be totally ignored.

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier 
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 I've just upgraded to Thunderbird 3.0 and the 
interface subtly weird.\par

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Re: Help ... advice on m42 extension tubes

2010-07-19 Thread P. J. Alling
These will only work properly with M42 screw mount lenses.  Pentax 
stopped making lenses in this mount in the mid 1970s.  To use them on 
any K mount camera either film or digital you will have to get a Pentax 
M42 to K mount adapter.  Some third party adapters compromise infintiy 
focus, but that probably isn't an issue for macro shooting with 
extension tubes.  It will be if you wish to not use the tubes.  If you 
want to use these with some of the later film cameras, mostly the low 
end MZ/ZX series film cameras, won't even allow you to fire their 
shutters without an A mount or later lens.  The only relatively high 
level camera you have to worry about not working is the Film *ist.  I 
may have forgotten something but I'm sure others will fill in or 
contradict me if I'm wrong, or if they just feel contrary.

On 7/19/2010 2:47 PM, Sam L wrote:

Hi all

I was perusing the pentax forum marketplace and saw an add for pentax
m42 extension tubes for $15.
They seem to include 12, 20, 36mm.

Here's a photo:

I am clueluess about extension tubes but have heard plenty of people
say they use them for doing macro work.
I'd like to have the ability to play around and do some macro stuff.
Is this an appropriate set?  Good price?  Are there limitations I
should be aware of?

I'll be mounting them to my k-x via the pentax m42 adapter.  Someday
maybe I'll mount them to a spotmatic.
Would I be way better off getting a set up k-mount tubes?



{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier 
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 I've just upgraded to Thunderbird 3.0 and the 
interface subtly weird.\par

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Re: PESO -- Thank you for not smoking

2010-07-19 Thread Bruce Dayton
Well she was caught in the act now wasn't she?  I'm not sure what cell phones 
have to do with anything.  Nice catch anyway.

"P. J. Alling"  wrote:

>I was out shooting some record shots for a proposed redevelopment 
>project, (and testing my newly repaired A*300mm f4.0), when I came 
>across this scene.
>This isn't fair, it probably isn't nice, but then nobody who's gotten to 
>know me ever accused me of being fair, or nice...
>There are a number of things you shouldn't do in public.  Using a cell 
>phone is one of them...
>Equipment:  Pentax K20D w/smc Pentax A*300mm f4.0.
>As usual comments are welcome but may be totally ignored.
>{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier 
>\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 I've just upgraded to Thunderbird 3.0 and the 
>interface subtly weird.\par
>PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
>to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow 
>the directions.

Sent from my Android phone with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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Re: PESO -- Thank you for not smoking

2010-07-19 Thread P. J. Alling

She looked a lot prettier when she wasn't yakking on the cell phone...

On 7/19/2010 8:25 PM, Bruce Dayton wrote:

Well she was caught in the act now wasn't she?  I'm not sure what cell phones 
have to do with anything.  Nice catch anyway.

"P. J. Alling"  wrote:


I was out shooting some record shots for a proposed redevelopment
project, (and testing my newly repaired A*300mm f4.0), when I came
across this scene.

This isn't fair, it probably isn't nice, but then nobody who's gotten to
know me ever accused me of being fair, or nice...

There are a number of things you shouldn't do in public.  Using a cell
phone is one of them...

Equipment:  Pentax K20D w/smc Pentax A*300mm f4.0.

As usual comments are welcome but may be totally ignored.

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier 
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 I've just upgraded to Thunderbird 3.0 and the 
interface subtly weird.\par

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
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{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier 
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 I've just upgraded to Thunderbird 3.0 and the 
interface subtly weird.\par

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the directions.

Re: Manually focusing on the wrong "sharp edge"?

2010-07-19 Thread paul stenquist

On Jul 19, 2010, at 6:28 PM, Larry Colen wrote:

> On Jul 19, 2010, at 3:05 PM, Godfrey DiGiorgi wrote:
>> Looked at your photos ... My one advice: get closer, frame tighter. :-)
> I couldn't exactly get up "on stage" with the band.  Though I could drop some 
> of them tighter.
>>> ... I'm curious if other people have this problem when manually focusing, 
>>> and what they do to fix it. ..
>> I see I'm not alone in my preference for plain matte fresnel focusing
>> screens. ;-)
> Interesting, because I found the screens that came with my Pentaxes nearly 
> useless for manual focusing.
>> Microprism and split prism focusing aids are usually distractions in
>> SLR viewfinders, for me. I always changed my focusing screen to a
>> simple, matte fresnel screen (with horizontal/vertical reference lines
>> preferably) when possible. Longer lenses are easier to focus because
>> when wide open the in-focus zone is shallow; short lenses are where
>> focusing aids can help most. With any lens, good crisp contrast when
>> wide open is the biggest aid to manual focusing, regardless of
>> focusing screen, lens speed or focal length.
> That may be one reason I like my FA77 so much.
>> Beyond that, it's a matter of skill through lots of practice.
> I do try to practice, and to practice different techniques.

When I first decided to get serious about  photography, some forty years ago, a 
local pro told me to practice focusing on various things in the room while I 
was watching television. In a dim room, that was good practice. Even today, 
when I get a new camera, I'll spend some time getting used to the focusing 
screen. As I said earlier, I prefer a plain matte screen, although I do like 
the horizontal and vertical lines that Godders mentioned. I'm using the 
standard screens in my K20 and K7 now. No problem. I realize there are better 
options, but they're expensive. If I started missing focus, I'd invest in an 
ultra bright screen, but so far that hasn't been a problem.
>> The EVF in the G1 is no exception, except that it makes nailing
>> critical manual focus even easier than any of the optical reflex
>> focusing systems I've used.
> Interestingly I found that manual focus on my FZ-50 to be nearly impossible 
> to get right.
> --
> Larry Colen sent from i4est
> -- 
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow 
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Re: PESO -- Thank you for not smoking

2010-07-19 Thread paul stenquist
Fun pic, nicely composed and rendered.
 But like Bruce, I don't get the cell phone reference. 

On Jul 19, 2010, at 8:25 PM, Bruce Dayton wrote:

> Well she was caught in the act now wasn't she?  I'm not sure what cell phones 
> have to do with anything.  Nice catch anyway.
> "P. J. Alling"  wrote:
>> I was out shooting some record shots for a proposed redevelopment 
>> project, (and testing my newly repaired A*300mm f4.0), when I came 
>> across this scene.
>> This isn't fair, it probably isn't nice, but then nobody who's gotten to 
>> know me ever accused me of being fair, or nice...
>> There are a number of things you shouldn't do in public.  Using a cell 
>> phone is one of them...
>> Equipment:  Pentax K20D w/smc Pentax A*300mm f4.0.
>> As usual comments are welcome but may be totally ignored.
>> -- 
>> {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 
>> Courier New;}}
>> \viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 I've just upgraded to Thunderbird 3.0 and the 
>> interface subtly weird.\par
>> }
>> -- 
>> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
>> to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and 
>> follow the directions.
> -- 
> Sent from my Android phone with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
> -- 
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow 
> the directions.

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Re: PESO -- Thank you for not smoking

2010-07-19 Thread paul stenquist

On Jul 19, 2010, at 8:30 PM, P. J. Alling wrote:

> She looked a lot prettier when she wasn't yakking on the cell phone...

Okay. That works for me.

> On 7/19/2010 8:25 PM, Bruce Dayton wrote:
>> Well she was caught in the act now wasn't she?  I'm not sure what cell 
>> phones have to do with anything.  Nice catch anyway.
>> "P. J. Alling"  wrote:
>>> I was out shooting some record shots for a proposed redevelopment
>>> project, (and testing my newly repaired A*300mm f4.0), when I came
>>> across this scene.
>>> This isn't fair, it probably isn't nice, but then nobody who's gotten to
>>> know me ever accused me of being fair, or nice...
>>> There are a number of things you shouldn't do in public.  Using a cell
>>> phone is one of them...
>>> Equipment:  Pentax K20D w/smc Pentax A*300mm f4.0.
>>> As usual comments are welcome but may be totally ignored.
>>> -- 
>>> {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 
>>> Courier New;}}
>>> \viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 I've just upgraded to Thunderbird 3.0 and the 
>>> interface subtly weird.\par
>>> }
>>> -- 
>>> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
>>> to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and 
>>> follow the directions.
> -- 
> {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier 
> New;}}
> \viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 I've just upgraded to Thunderbird 3.0 and the 
> interface subtly weird.\par
> }
> -- 
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow 
> the directions.

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Re: Manually focusing on the wrong "sharp edge"?

2010-07-19 Thread Godfrey DiGiorgi
On Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 3:28 PM, Larry Colen  wrote:
> Interesting, because I found the screens that came with my Pentaxes nearly 
> useless for manual focusing.

The standard Pentax DSLR screens are optimized for brightness, not
manual focusing contrast. I fitted my *ist DS with a customized Katz
Eye screen (no focusing aids) and it was much easier to focus with.

>> The EVF in the G1 is no exception, except that it makes nailing
>> critical manual focus even easier than any of the optical reflex
>> focusing systems I've used.
> Interestingly I found that manual focus on my FZ-50 to be nearly impossible 
> to get right.

Comparing the FZ50 EVF to that of the G1 is like comparing a 9-inch
color television tube screen from 1976 with a modern 42" LCD flat
panel television display. Never mind that the FZ50's teensy little
chip makes for massive amounts of DoF anywhere but at pretty long
telephoto settings ... ]'-)

And with that said, I used to use the FZ10 with it's even lower
resolution EVF using manual focus quite a lot, and was pretty
successful at it. EG:
Point of Ayre Lighthouse, Isle of Man
© 2004 by Godfrey DiGiorgi

Captured with Panasonic FZ10, tripod mounted
ISO 50 @ f/5.7 @ 1/800sec, f=24.8mm (4.1x, 145mm equiv 135)
AE-Program: compensation -0.3EV

Of course, I couldn't photograph birds in flight with it very well ...
the FZ10 EVF's refresh was so slow that most birds in flight simply

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PESO - voice

2010-07-19 Thread Doug Brewer


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Re: Manually focusing on the wrong "sharp edge"?

2010-07-19 Thread Doug Brewer

Larry Colen wrote:

I was photographing a friend playing in a small club in Capitola the other 
night. When I reviewed my photos, I found that an awful lot of them were 
focused on sharp edges in front of the musician:
The tip jar, drum kit, microphone etc.

I understand how this happens with autofocus. The camera is too stupid to know 
what to focus on and focuses on the sharp edge.  What I don't understand is why 
this happens on manual focus. *I* should know better.

One challenge that I have in low light is actually seeing the line of the split prism to 
try and line that up on the musician. Especially musicians that tend to move around a 
lot.  As such, I may rely a lot more on the microprism ring, and wonder if I just focus 
until I see whatever is in that ring come into focus, and not notice that it's not 
actually the subject that I'm trying to photograph.  More a case of my brain saying 
"something is sharp, press the shutter".

I'm curious if other people have this problem when manually focusing, and what 
they do to fix it.

I got what I thought was an amusing compliment on my dancing that night.  I had a rather 
nice slow blues dance with an attractive young lady. Afterwards, she said in a rather 
husky voice "I need a cigarette". Unfortunately, she was married. Even worse, 
her husband doesn't share.

I did get a couple shots of the lead singer which turned out pretty well:
In the second one Amy Lou isn't as sharp as I'd like,  but I do like the way 
the composition worked out with Gary (the bass player) in the background.

Larry Colen sent from i4est

Never understood the fascination with split prisms. They're clunky and 
self-limiting. Give me a plain matte any day for manual focus.

I suspect you're shooting yourself in the foot here, Larry, by trying to 
use the split prism and recomposing at f/1.4. You don't have any wiggle 
room shooting with such a narrow DOF, and I think this could go a long 
way toward explaining why your focus is off too often. Stop the lens 
down a couple clicks. This will help with the focus and will also make 
the photos look like they were taken at night in a club, instead of 
afternoon in the park.

Also: Relax. It's only photography.

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PESO - Open

2010-07-19 Thread Rick Womer
In front of a bookstore in Great Barrington, Massachusetts:

(K7, DA 16-45)



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Re: PESO -- Thank you for not smoking

2010-07-19 Thread Cory Waters

I imagine the staff were told they had to go out past the sign to smoke.

On 7/19/2010 8:07 PM, P. J. Alling wrote:

I was out shooting some record shots for a proposed redevelopment
project, (and testing my newly repaired A*300mm f4.0), when I came
across this scene.

This isn't fair, it probably isn't nice, but then nobody who's gotten to
know me ever accused me of being fair, or nice...

There are a number of things you shouldn't do in public. Using a cell
phone is one of them...

Equipment: Pentax K20D w/smc Pentax A*300mm f4.0.

As usual comments are welcome but may be totally ignored.

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG -
Version: 9.0.839 / Virus Database: 271.1.1/3016 - Release Date: 07/19/10 

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Re: PESO -- Thank you for not smoking

2010-07-19 Thread P. J. Alling

Interestingly the sign was still on the campus by about a dozen feet.

On 7/19/2010 10:10 PM, Cory Waters wrote:

I imagine the staff were told they had to go out past the sign to smoke.

On 7/19/2010 8:07 PM, P. J. Alling wrote:

I was out shooting some record shots for a proposed redevelopment
project, (and testing my newly repaired A*300mm f4.0), when I came
across this scene.

This isn't fair, it probably isn't nice, but then nobody who's gotten to
know me ever accused me of being fair, or nice...

There are a number of things you shouldn't do in public. Using a cell
phone is one of them... 

Equipment: Pentax K20D w/smc Pentax A*300mm f4.0.

As usual comments are welcome but may be totally ignored.

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG -
Version: 9.0.839 / Virus Database: 271.1.1/3016 - Release Date: 
07/19/10 14:36:00

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier 
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 I've just upgraded to Thunderbird 3.0 and the 
interface subtly weird.\par

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Re: PESO -- Thank you for not smoking

2010-07-19 Thread Cory Waters
Well... If you force them off the property on their break and the get 
hit by a car...Lawyers.

On 7/19/2010 10:20 PM, P. J. Alling wrote:

Interestingly the sign was still on the campus by about a dozen feet.

On 7/19/2010 10:10 PM, Cory Waters wrote:

I imagine the staff were told they had to go out past the sign to smoke.

On 7/19/2010 8:07 PM, P. J. Alling wrote:

I was out shooting some record shots for a proposed redevelopment
project, (and testing my newly repaired A*300mm f4.0), when I came
across this scene.

This isn't fair, it probably isn't nice, but then nobody who's gotten to
know me ever accused me of being fair, or nice...

There are a number of things you shouldn't do in public. Using a cell
phone is one of them...

Equipment: Pentax K20D w/smc Pentax A*300mm f4.0.

As usual comments are welcome but may be totally ignored.

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG -
Version: 9.0.839 / Virus Database: 271.1.1/3016 - Release Date:
07/19/10 14:36:00

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG -
Version: 9.0.839 / Virus Database: 271.1.1/3016 - Release Date: 07/19/10 

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Re: peso - hot diggitty dog

2010-07-19 Thread steve harley

On 2010-07-18 19:14 , P N Stenquist wrote:

ouch, that's NSFDT ...

without the dog, it's just like those illustrative clips used on TV news 
to symbolize all obese people; in that context, i'm afraid the wiener 
dog in the crotch falls flat for me

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Re: peso - hot diggitty dog

2010-07-19 Thread paul stenquist

On Jul 19, 2010, at 11:19 PM, steve harley wrote:

> On 2010-07-18 19:14 , P N Stenquist wrote:
> ouch, that's NSFDT ...

> without the dog, it's just like those illustrative clips used on TV news to 
> symbolize all obese people; in that context, i'm afraid the wiener dog in the 
> crotch falls flat for me

> -- 
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow 
> the directions.

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Re: peso - hot diggitty dog

2010-07-19 Thread steve harley

On 2010-07-19 21:28 , paul stenquist wrote:

On Jul 19, 2010, at 11:19 PM, steve harley wrote:

On 2010-07-18 19:14 , P N Stenquist wrote:

ouch, that's NSFDT ...


not safe for dinner time ;?>

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Re: PESO: Monaco II

2010-07-19 Thread steve harley

On 2010-07-19 13:23 , Ralf R. Radermacher wrote:

i am regularly impressed by your vision of the world

i visited Antwerp once; i would have been more impressed had i 
encountered this scene

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