Re: More Array Behaviors

2003-01-28 Thread Piers Cawley
Damian Conway [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Dave Whipp wrote:

 OK, I've assimilated all that (though it still feels wrong). I think you are
 saying that of the following, the 4th is an error.
   my @d = @x but Foo; # error: no values involved in this assignment

 Correct. Although presumably this:

  my @d = @x »but« Foo;

 is okay.

 I think that the thing that confused is that Cis Vs Cbut distinction was
 introduced as compile-time vs run-time. It seems that this distinction is
 not relevant.

 Let's say it's an approximation to the true.

 Lets see if I apply this to objects. Objects are variables


 (they contain attributes).


 All access to objects is via (scalar) references:


 these references, being values, can have Cbut properties.


 When a method is invoked on an object, that method has an invocant,
   enables the method to see the Cbut properties on that reference.


 If an object wants to have properties that apply to all references
   (to a given instance), then that property must be defined as an attribute
 of the object.

 Yes. At least, for the new opaque objects. Because there's no way
 to ascribe the necessary Cis property to them.

Bugger. I was hoping that Perl 6 was going to make a Pixie like Object
database easier to write; looks like I'm wrong. One of the things
Pixie does is to attach its control data by magic to the object itself
(rather than any particular variable pointing to it). This lets us do
all sorts of useful stuff without invading the object since we know
that it will carry our metadata around it. Please, consider making
but properties attach to the target of a pointer rather than to the
pointer itself. And if you don't want to do that, I'd say that there
is a need to be able to specify some new kind of property that does
attach to the target. 


Re: Spare brackets :-)

2003-01-28 Thread Piers Cawley
Damian Conway [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 This may sound like a silly idea

 It's been suggested previously.

 Has anyone considered removing with the syntactic distinction between
 numeric and string indexing -- that is, between array and hash lookup?

 Yes. We rejected the idea.

 In particular, it would seem that
 would be just as easy for the compiler to grok as

 Sure. But then is this:


 an array or hash look-up???

Decided at runtime?


[CVS ci] packfile #3 - double/long double PBC support

2003-01-28 Thread Leopold Toetsch
This patch enables reading 12 byte long doubles on parrot with 8 byte 
doubles and vv. Writing long doubles via imcc/packout works too.

The questions still remains: how portable are these formats?

Still borken:


Re: occasioanl CVS hickups?

2003-01-28 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Robert Spier wrote:


There's not enough information in the logs to figure out what's going
on.  (And the code shouldn't have this kind of failure mode.)

If it keeps happening, please keep me in the loop.

Did it again. This time w/o error message - it looked totally sane.

From yesterdays commit (packfile #2) only the 2nd part arrived at 


Re: Compiling to Parrot

2003-01-28 Thread K Stol
Hi there,

didn't have time to reply earlier, had to do some research on Lua and had to
get approval for the project, so couldn't let you know earlier. sorry about
But now, I have it (the approval, that is) so I'll be implementing a
compiler for Lua-parrot (most probably IMCC in between).

thanks to the people who suggested/replied on my posting.


- Original Message -
From: Dan Sugalski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2003 5:05 PM
Subject: Re: Compiling to Parrot

 At 5:01 PM +0100 1/21/03, K Stol wrote:
 well, I think not, then I can't help it. What do you think about
 Lua to parrot (IMCC)?

 I like the idea, and I don't think you'll see anyone else tackle it
 for a while. (And if that falls through, there's always LISP... :)

 From: Dan Sugalski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
At 4:46 PM +0100 1/21/03, K Stol wrote:
   Well, I'd do it as a project for my Bachelor's, so I won't get
   do such a project, if it already exists.
   Ah, that could be a problem. Will it be a problem if you start a
   project that someone else later also starts?
   From: Dan Sugalski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  At 9:17 AM +0100 1/21/03, K Stol wrote:
 Hi there,
 A few weeks ago I posted something about a Tcl-parrot compiler,
 Will Coleda already was working on such a project. It would be a
 a final project for my bachelor's. But because such already
 I'm looking for something else.
 If you're interested in doing a Tcl compiler, by all means, go
 ahead--I wouldn't let the fact that someone else is doing it stop
 you. The point of doing it is for the experience, which you'll get
 regardless of any other implementation. It's also distinctly
 that neither you nor Will will finish a full implementation (as
 likely a rather large undertaking for one person) but you'll each
   have part of it that can be merged together.


 --it's like this---
 Dan Sugalski  even samurai
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
teddy bears get drunk

Re: Bytecode metadata

2003-01-28 Thread martin
On Sun, 26 Jan 2003, James Mastros wrote:
 just define a new packfile section, SIGNATURE, that is defined to be a
 cryptographic signature of all sections previous to it in the file.

I'm battling with this in another file format at the moment; if possible can
we please *not* have it sensitive to its own location in the file?

For example, an auto-dearchive zip-file has its index at the end of the
file, so that the code can go at the front.  It would be nice if the whole
archive could be signed, rather than just the dearchiving code.

My suggestion: make the signature define which other parts of the file it
applies to, say with a list of region boundaries as byte addresses in the
file; that way signature manipulation remains fairly simple, and it's not
too hard to check that a given section is spanned by a signature.  And you
could have multiple signatures applying to different parts of the file (one
to the zip archive, another to the unarchiver).

And how is this going to interact with -T or whatever we're going to use?
Under my suggested scheme, the data would be untainted if it's covered by a
verified signature, and tainted if not.


Securing Parrot ASM

2003-01-28 Thread Thomas Whateley

I've been thinking about how to run un-trusted code,
without having to audit every line, or use some sort of sandbox,
and was wondering if Parrot could provide a Mandator Access 
Control mechanism (ala SE Linux/Flask).

When assembling Parrot, the assembler could either look in a 
file or a perl BEGIN type block containing a list of access 
requests along the lines of:

  syscall time
  read-write directory /tmp
  listen socket 80
  connect socket 25
  read-write file /etc/shadow

These commands should be easy/quick to audit, could be easily
generated by higher level language complier from similar 
directives in whichever language it is compiling, and parrot 
would guarentee that only these system priviledges were 

As a sysadmin I'd certainly be gratefull to have a small
block to audit and be certain of what a module/program could
do to my system.

If people think something like this would be usefull, I'd be
more than happy to research this further and try to come up
with some code


Re: Securing Parrot ASM

2003-01-28 Thread Christopher Armstrong
On Tue, Jan 28, 2003 at 11:41:14AM +, Thomas Whateley wrote:
 I've been thinking about how to run un-trusted code,
 without having to audit every line, or use some sort of sandbox,
 and was wondering if Parrot could provide a Mandator Access 
 Control mechanism (ala SE Linux/Flask).
 When assembling Parrot, the assembler could either look in a 
 file or a perl BEGIN type block containing a list of access 
 requests along the lines of:
   syscall time
   read-write directory /tmp
   listen socket 80
   connect socket 25
   read-write file /etc/shadow
 If people think something like this would be usefull, I'd be
 more than happy to research this further and try to come up
 with some code

It would be immensely useful, especially for online, distributed
games, in addition to general sysadmin paranoia. I'm very interested
in this. It reminds me of the capability systems. I'm admittedly
pretty culeless when it comes to this stuff, but it's one of the
reasons I really want Parrot to succeed.

Of course, doing this on the parrot level brings up some interesting
issues; how exactly do we define what needs to be restricted in case
of untrusted code? I'm inclined to say All classes, because a white
list is really the only sane way to do security, with defaults being
classes that are deemed harmless. Also, I think that this should be
made as dynamic as possible so different languages/applications can
plug in to the security system to overload certain things
(intentionally vague here).

One other thing to think about is resource limits. It'd be nice to not
require `ulimit' or whatever system-specific resource limitation
mechanism, but rather rely on the parrot interpreter to
baby-sit. Also, it'd make catching these resource-limit violations
much more convenient; an exception could be raised (or, e.g., the rate
at which bytecodes are executed could be throttled), rather than
simply rudely killing the process. For what I want to do, it's not
really required, and it's not really relevant to the type of security
we're discussing here, but it would still be very, very useful.

Some incoherent ramblings of mine about secure distributed code in
virtual worlds:

A really cool research-project language, E, which is all about

CapDesk, a slightly irrelevant but very interesting design for
capability UIs:

 Twisted | Christopher Armstrong: International Man of Twistery
  Radix  |  Release Manager,  Twisted Project

[perl #20584] [PATCH] packfile #5

2003-01-28 Thread via RT
# New Ticket Created by  Leopold Toetsch 
# Please include the string:  [perl #20584]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# URL: 

This is a first try to solve the packfile wordsize issues.
Could people with 64 bit machines please test this.

Also committing some test files to t/native_pbc would be appreciated.


-- attachment  1 --

--- parrot/include/parrot/packfile.hTue Jan 28 10:21:49 2003
+++ parrot-leo/include/parrot/packfile.hTue Jan 28 12:56:08 2003
@@ -319,11 +319,13 @@
 opcode_t * PackFile_Constant_unpack_key(struct Parrot_Interp *interpreter,
 struct PackFile * pf, struct PackFile_Constant *, opcode_t * packed);
-opcode_t PackFile_fetch_op(struct PackFile *pf, opcode_t *stream);
+opcode_t PackFile_fetch_op(struct PackFile *pf, opcode_t **stream);
-INTVAL PackFile_fetch_iv(struct PackFile *pf, opcode_t *stream);
+INTVAL PackFile_fetch_iv(struct PackFile *pf, opcode_t **stream);
 FLOATVAL PackFile_fetch_nv(struct PackFile *pf, opcode_t **stream);
+char * PackFile_fetch_cstring(struct PackFile *pf, opcode_t **stream);
 void PackFile_assign_transforms(struct PackFile *pf);
--- parrot/packfile.c   Tue Jan 28 10:21:48 2003
+++ parrot-leo/packfile.c   Tue Jan 28 14:26:02 2003
@@ -95,13 +95,16 @@
-PackFile_fetch_op(struct PackFile *pf, opcode_t *stream) {
-if(pf-fetch_op == NULL)
-return *stream;
+PackFile_fetch_op(struct PackFile *pf, opcode_t **stream) {
+opcode_t o;
+if (!pf-fetch_op)
+return *(*stream)++;
 PIO_eprintf(NULL, PackFile_fetch_op: Reordering.\n);
-return (pf-fetch_op)(*stream);
+o = (pf-fetch_op)(**stream);
+((unsigned char *) (*stream)) += pf-header-wordsize;
+return o;
@@ -116,10 +119,12 @@
-PackFile_fetch_iv(struct PackFile *pf, opcode_t *stream) {
+PackFile_fetch_iv(struct PackFile *pf, opcode_t **stream) {
 if(pf-fetch_iv == NULL)
-return *stream;
-return (pf-fetch_iv)(*stream);
+return *(*stream++);
+PIO_eprintf(NULL, PackFile_fetch_iv: Unsupported.\n);
+return (pf-fetch_iv)(**stream);
@@ -142,7 +147,7 @@
 double d;
-if(pf-fetch_nv == NULL) {
+if (!pf-fetch_nv) {
 PIO_eprintf(NULL, PackFile_fetch_nv: Native [%d bytes]..\n,
@@ -171,14 +176,52 @@
 return f;
+static opcode_t
+fetch_op_mixed(opcode_t b)
+union {
+unsigned char buf[8];
+opcode_t o1;
+opcode_t o2;
+} u;
+opcode_t o;
+#  if OPCODE_T_SIZE == 4
+ /* wordsize = 8 then */
+ fetch_buf_le_8(u.buf, (unsigned char *) b);
+ return u.o2; /* or u.o1 */
+#  else
+ o = fetch_op_le(b);/* or fetch_be_le_4 and convert? */
+ return o  32;/* or o  0x */
+#  endif
+#  if OPCODE_T_SIZE == 4
+ /* wordsize = 8 then */
+ fetch_buf_be_8(u.buf, (unsigned char *) b);
+ return u.o1; /* or u.o2 */
+#  else
+ o = fetch_op_be(b);
+ return o  0x;
+#  endif
  * Assign transform functions to vtable
-void PackFile_assign_transforms(struct PackFile *pf) {
+PackFile_assign_transforms(struct PackFile *pf) {
 if(pf-header-byteorder != PARROT_BIGENDIAN) {
 pf-need_endianize = 1;
+if (pf-header-wordsize == sizeof(opcode_t))
 pf-fetch_op = fetch_op_le;
+else {
+pf-need_wordsize = 1;
+pf-fetch_op = fetch_op_mixed;
 pf-fetch_iv = fetch_iv_le;
 if (pf-header-floattype == 0)
 pf-fetch_nv = fetch_buf_le_8;
@@ -188,7 +231,13 @@
 if(pf-header-byteorder != PARROT_BIGENDIAN) {
 pf-need_endianize = 1;
+if (pf-header-wordsize == sizeof(opcode_t)) {
 pf-fetch_op = fetch_op_be;
+else {
+pf-need_wordsize = 1;
+pf-fetch_op = fetch_op_mixed;
 pf-fetch_iv = fetch_iv_be;
 if (pf-header-floattype == 0)
 pf-fetch_nv = fetch_buf_be_8;
@@ -201,12 +250,16 @@
 else if (NUMVAL_SIZE != 8  pf-header-floattype == 0)
 pf-fetch_nv = fetch_buf_le_8;
 /* XXX else */
 PIO_eprintf(NULL, header-byteorder [%d] native byteorder [%d]\n,
 pf-header-byteorder, PARROT_BIGENDIAN);
 #  endif
+if (pf-header-wordsize != sizeof(opcode_t)) {
+pf-need_wordsize = 1;
+pf-fetch_op = fetch_op_mixed;

Re: Spare brackets :-(

2003-01-28 Thread John Williams
ECMAscript already tried this.

Bad idea.

If your hash keys happen to look like large numbers (e.g. you
have 7-digit product codes) as soon as you store one of them, it says:
Oh, this looks like a number, so we'll store it like an array and
happily creates a million empty array entries for you.

~ John Williams

On Tue, 28 Jan 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This may sound like a silly idea but ...

 Has anyone considered removing with the syntactic distinction between
 numeric and string indexing -- that is, between array and hash lookup?

 In particular, it would seem that


 would be just as easy for the compiler to grok as


 but would mean that we could stop worrying about the precedence of
 postfix/infix {, and things like

   if %test { $count++ }

 would not require whitespace before the { to be disambiguated.

 I don't have a complete solution as anonymous array and hash construction would
 still need different syntaces, but has anyone else thought about this?

 - Martin

Re: Securing Parrot ASM

2003-01-28 Thread Matthew Byng-Maddick
On Tue, Jan 28, 2003 at 11:41:14AM +, Thomas Whateley wrote:
 I've been thinking about how to run un-trusted code,
 without having to audit every line, or use some sort of sandbox,
 block to audit and be certain of what a module/program could
 do to my system.

As author of, I thought somewhat about
these issues, and eventually hit a rather hard brick wall.

What happens when you link in some module that's written natively?
Basically, my conclusion was that this was, unfortunately, still
necessary, but once you do it, then all bets about restriction and
security are off. If you can get around the necessity of that (and
only allow things which are parrot-native, then you can control it).

 If people think something like this would be usefull, I'd be
 more than happy to research this further and try to come up
 with some code

I suspect you'll end up hitting the same problems as I did, but
if you want to do it in the situations where there is no linking
allowed, then it's probably sane.


Matthew Byng-Maddick [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Securing Parrot ASM

2003-01-28 Thread Christopher Armstrong
On Tue, Jan 28, 2003 at 02:11:39PM +, Matthew Byng-Maddick wrote:
 On Tue, Jan 28, 2003 at 11:41:14AM +, Thomas Whateley wrote:
  I've been thinking about how to run un-trusted code,
  without having to audit every line, or use some sort of sandbox,
  block to audit and be certain of what a module/program could
  do to my system.
 As author of, I thought somewhat about
 these issues, and eventually hit a rather hard brick wall.
 What happens when you link in some module that's written natively?
 Basically, my conclusion was that this was, unfortunately, still
 necessary, but once you do it, then all bets about restriction and
 security are off. If you can get around the necessity of that (and
 only allow things which are parrot-native, then you can control it).

Hrm, maybe I just don't know what's going on, but I'm not sure why
this is a problem. Couldn't call out to native functions or perhaps
call out to native functions in this library or even call out to
*this* native function be a capability? AFAIC (which means for the
applications I'm interested in), any of the three are still Good

I guess what I'm saying is, sure, you can't stop a native function
(which was called from parrot code) from doing whatever it wants, but
you can still prevent the parrot code from using that function in the
first place (right?).

 Twisted | Christopher Armstrong: International Man of Twistery
  Radix  |  Release Manager,  Twisted Project

Re: Securing Parrot ASM

2003-01-28 Thread Matthew Byng-Maddick
On Tue, Jan 28, 2003 at 11:04:43AM -0500, Christopher Armstrong wrote:
 On Tue, Jan 28, 2003 at 02:11:39PM +, Matthew Byng-Maddick wrote:
  What happens when you link in some module that's written natively?
  Basically, my conclusion was that this was, unfortunately, still
 Hrm, maybe I just don't know what's going on, but I'm not sure why
 this is a problem. Couldn't call out to native functions or perhaps
 call out to native functions in this library or even call out to
 *this* native function be a capability? AFAIC (which means for the
 applications I'm interested in), any of the three are still Good

Oh, yes, it is still a reasonable capability, but at the point that you
allow that capability, you can forget any of the rest of them. (this is
of course, ignoring any possible buffer overruns/format string/double-free
 or other types of vulnerability where you can change the executed code).

 I guess what I'm saying is, sure, you can't stop a native function
 (which was called from parrot code) from doing whatever it wants, but
 you can still prevent the parrot code from using that function in the
 first place (right?).

Yes, but looking at the current Perl core, a large number of the
day-to-day useful modules are written native (read: in C), so you end
up losing there. That's not to say that future ones will have to be,
but... In reality, however, the problem as I see it is that this is a
capability which, once acquired overrides all others (wheras the others
can be mutually orthogonal).


Matthew Byng-Maddick [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Securing Parrot ASM

2003-01-28 Thread Fred K Ollinger
 I've been thinking about how to run un-trusted code,
 without having to audit every line, or use some sort of sandbox,
 and was wondering if Parrot could provide a Mandator Access
 Control mechanism (ala SE Linux/Flask).

I think that this is a great idea.

 When assembling Parrot, the assembler could either look in a
 file or a perl BEGIN type block containing a list of access
 requests along the lines of:

   syscall time
   read-write directory /tmp
   listen socket 80
   connect socket 25
   read-write file /etc/shadow

Wouldn't it also help to add a chroot layer?

In my mind, /etc/passwd should not even _exist_ to untrusted code. It
should be chrooted to its own dir.

Yes, I realize that one can concievable break out of a chroot, but this
should be made really hard.

Fred Ollinger

Re: Securing Parrot ASM

2003-01-28 Thread Joseph Guhlin
Pardon my ignorance on the whole issue but I'm just a lurker trying to 
understand enough to help out. =)
I know security on parrot like this would be difficult, and this thread 
is specifically about securing PASM, but what about something like 
FreeBSD's 'jail' command built in? That way, even untrusted code could 
possibly be set(somewhere in the parrot configuration, compile time, 
command line, enviroment, etc...) to be jailed. The man pages are here:

I don't know if this will help or not, but this discussion brought to my 
mind this. If anyone wants the source it should be available via the web 
or I can forward it to any who ask.

Sorry for being so out of the loop. =/

--Joseph Guhlin

Re: Spare brackets :-)

2003-01-28 Thread Damian Conway
Sure. But then is this:


an array or hash look-up???

Decided at runtime?

Doesn't help if $ref refers to a type that has both hash-like and array-like
accessability. And that will be very common, since all Perl 6 regexes return
such objects.


Re: More Array Behaviors

2003-01-28 Thread Dan Sugalski
At 8:46 AM + 1/28/03, Piers Cawley wrote:

Bugger. I was hoping that Perl 6 was going to make a Pixie like Object
database easier to write; looks like I'm wrong. One of the things
Pixie does is to attach its control data by magic to the object itself
(rather than any particular variable pointing to it). This lets us do
all sorts of useful stuff without invading the object since we know
that it will carry our metadata around it. Please, consider making
but properties attach to the target of a pointer rather than to the
pointer itself. And if you don't want to do that, I'd say that there
is a need to be able to specify some new kind of property that does
attach to the target.

Given the current implementation (And I hear rumors that you lurk on 
the internals list, Piers... :) I think we can manage something like 
this. Might require a drop to assembly somewhere, perhaps hidden 
behind a function rather than with syntax, but it should be doable...

--it's like this---
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: Spare brackets :-)

2003-01-28 Thread Dan Sugalski
At 8:47 AM + 1/28/03, Piers Cawley wrote:

Damian Conway [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Sure. But then is this:


 an array or hash look-up???

Decided at runtime?

How? People use strings as array indices and ints/floats as hash 
indices, and count on autoconversion to Make It Work.

--it's like this---
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: More Array Behaviors

2003-01-28 Thread Damian Conway
Piers Cawley wrote:

Bugger. I was hoping that Perl 6 was going to make a Pixie like Object
database easier to write; looks like I'm wrong. One of the things
Pixie does is to attach its control data by magic to the object itself
(rather than any particular variable pointing to it). This lets us do
all sorts of useful stuff without invading the object since we know
that it will carry our metadata around it. Please, consider making
but properties attach to the target of a pointer rather than to the
pointer itself.

Errno. That's rather the whole point of Cbut properties [*].

However, if your class returns a reference to an object and that reference
has the appropriate value properties ascribed to it (i.e. stuck on the 
*reference*), then any access through that reference (or through any 
subsequent copy of it) will see those properties.

So your magic Pixie would look something like

	class Pixie {

		method new($class: %args) {
			return $class.SUPER::new(%args)
but Magic('whatever');

		# etc.


[*] People, we just *have* to find better names for these things!
I'd suggest we henceforth call them value properties (for Cbut)
and referent properties (for Cis).

Re: Spare brackets :-)

2003-01-28 Thread Austin Hastings

--- Dan Sugalski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 At 8:47 AM + 1/28/03, Piers Cawley wrote:
 Damian Conway [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Sure. But then is this:
   an array or hash look-up???
 Decided at runtime?
 How? People use strings as array indices and ints/floats as hash 
 indices, and count on autoconversion to Make It Work.

On the one hand: Java/ECMA/J-script does it.

All objects are associative arrays. All arrays can be associative, on
demand. Ca[foo] = 1; Presto. Associative array.

On the other hand: This gets dangerous really quickly, since Perl's
autoconversion works differently. Specifically, since we treat things
as strings unless they need to be otherwise rather than treating them
as the type that they were when you created them. (Javascript doesn't
have much in the way of I/O, so the act of getting data in is a bit of
an effort, and that effort usually has the side effect of providing
type data.)

Writing a roulette game may get challenging:

@colors[0]   = Green;
@colors[00]  = Green;
@colors[000] = Green;

Do those get autoconverted to numbers? (They can, obviously. But they

This kind of thing points back at a discussion we had once before about
more kinds of context -- meaning at the time numeric versus
string versus ... whatever.

I think that if we do this we'd better know more about what we're
expecting versus what we're losing.

On the losing side, the difference between lowercase-array and
lowercase-hash is probably significant, performance-wise. Merging the
array and hash notions may cost a lot of speed for a lot of people.

On the gaining/expecting side is ... what? Freeing up curly braces?
Improving the syntax? Other stuff not obvious to me right now?

If we go that route, we could certainly include a new pure array

my @trough = slop();
my PureArray @pa = ducks();
my PureHash @ph = dictionary();


Re: More Array Behaviors

2003-01-28 Thread Piers Cawley
Dan Sugalski [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 At 8:46 AM + 1/28/03, Piers Cawley wrote:
Bugger. I was hoping that Perl 6 was going to make a Pixie like Object
database easier to write; looks like I'm wrong. One of the things
Pixie does is to attach its control data by magic to the object itself
(rather than any particular variable pointing to it). This lets us do
all sorts of useful stuff without invading the object since we know
that it will carry our metadata around it. Please, consider making
but properties attach to the target of a pointer rather than to the
pointer itself. And if you don't want to do that, I'd say that there
is a need to be able to specify some new kind of property that does
attach to the target.

 Given the current implementation (And I hear rumors that you lurk on
 the internals list, Piers... :) 

Nah, that's someone else with the same name and writing style.

 I think we can manage something like this. Might require a drop to
 assembly somewhere, perhaps hidden behind a function rather than
 with syntax, but it should be doable...

Breaths sigh of relief


Re: More Array Behaviors

2003-01-28 Thread Piers Cawley
Damian Conway [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Piers Cawley wrote:

 Bugger. I was hoping that Perl 6 was going to make a Pixie like Object
 database easier to write; looks like I'm wrong. One of the things
 Pixie does is to attach its control data by magic to the object itself
 (rather than any particular variable pointing to it). This lets us do
 all sorts of useful stuff without invading the object since we know
 that it will carry our metadata around it. Please, consider making
 but properties attach to the target of a pointer rather than to the
 pointer itself.

 Errno. That's rather the whole point of Cbut properties [*].

 However, if your class returns a reference to an object and that reference
 has the appropriate value properties ascribed to it (i.e. stuck on the
 *reference*), then any access through that reference (or through any
 subsequent copy of it) will see those properties.

 So your magic Pixie would look something like

   class Pixie {

   method new($class: %args) {
   return $class.SUPER::new(%args)
   but Magic('whatever');

   # etc.

 [*] People, we just *have* to find better names for these things!
  I'd suggest we henceforth call them value properties (for Cbut)
  and referent properties (for Cis).

Hmm... Here's Pixie's interface:

   my $pixie ='dbi:foo:bar', $user, $pass);

   my $cookie = $pixie.insert($some_arbitrary_object);

   # Time passes, we forget everything but the value of $cookie

   my $pixie ='dbi:foo:bar', $user, $pass);
   my $locked_object =
 $pixie.get_with_locking_strategy( $cookie, );

When $locked_object is collected, Pixie unlocks it in the
database. If, while $locked_object is in scope something else tries to
fetch an object with the same cookie (from within the same thread)
then Pixie hands 'em a reference to the same object. Right now Pixie
keeps a handle on everything by attaching 'ObjectInfo' objects to
every object that comes under its control so it can keep track of
what's going on (it's a two way link, the object has a normal ref
(via magic) to the objectinfo, which has a weakref back to the object
itself, so when the object goes out of scope, the objectinfo goes out
of scope too, triggering unlocking and other such stuff). 

So, if Pixie::get_with_locking_strategy looks something like:

  method get_with_locking_strategy( $self: $oid,
Strategy $lock_strategy ) {
return $self.cache_get($oid);

CATCH Exception::NotInCache {
  my $flattened_object =
$$oid, $lock_strategy);
  my $obj_info =$self)
  my $real_obj =
Storable::retrieve($flattened_object) but PixieInfo($obj_info);
  return $real_obj;

  method cache_get( $oid ) { 
my $info = %.cache{$oid} // die;
return $info.real_object;

Will every copy of the value of $real_obj have the PixieInfo property?
Am I going mad, or is order really that important? My initial idea was
to do the Cset_real_object and Ccache_insert and then just do
Creturn $real_obj but PixieInfo($obj_info), but then, if I
understand you correctly, the Info object's back reference to the real
object wouldn't have a PixieInfo property, which would in turn mean
that cache_get's return value wouldn't have the property and Bad
Things would happen. It seems counterintuitive that the order of
operations in this case should be so important.

Or am I missing something?


More Array Behaviors (Take 2)

2003-01-28 Thread Michael Lazzaro
OK, here are the answers so far -- or more accurately, strawman 
interpretations of those answers that should be objected to if they're 

1) Edge cases in array indexing:

my int @a = (1,2,3);

@a[0] # 1
@a[1] # 2
@a[2] # 3
@a[3] # undef  (warning: index out-of-bounds)
@a[2**128]# EXCEPTION: index is above max allowed index
@a[ Inf ] # undef  (warning: can't use Inf as array index)
@a[ undef ]   # 1  (warning: undefined index)
@a['foo'] # 1  (warning: non-numeric index)
@a[ NaN ] # EXCEPTION: can't use NaN as array index

@a[-1]# 3
@a[-2]# 2
@a[-3]# 1
@a[-4]# undef   (warning: index out-of-bounds)
@a[-Inf]  # undef   (warning: can't use Inf as array index)

2) There is a platform-dependent maximum array size, ((2**32)-1 for 
32-bit platforms.)  Attempting to access an index outside that range 
throws an exception.  Note that this applies to both 'real' and 
'sparse' arrays.

If these are incorrect statements, please correct me.


The other two questions are less definitively answered, so far.  I 
shall attempt to disambiguate them...


Re: More Array Behaviors (Take 2)

2003-01-28 Thread Dan Sugalski
At 10:13 AM -0800 1/28/03, Michael Lazzaro wrote:

OK, here are the answers so far -- or more accurately, strawman 
interpretations of those answers that should be objected to if 
they're wrong.

I think some of this is incorrect which, because Damian thinks 
otherwise, will need some hashing out from Larry on how he wants perl 
arrays to behave. Because...

1) Edge cases in array indexing:

my int @a = (1,2,3);

@a[3] # undef  (warning: index out-of-bounds)

Or a real 0, since you said @a can only return integers.

@a[2**128]# EXCEPTION: index is above max allowed index

Except we can manage this internally, so I don't know that it's a problem

@a[ Inf ] # undef  (warning: can't use Inf as array index)

I'd throw an exception here.

@a[-4]# undef   (warning: index out-of-bounds)
@a[-Inf]  # undef   (warning: can't use Inf as array index)

Or zero, since it's an int array.

2) There is a platform-dependent maximum array size, ((2**32)-1 for 
32-bit platforms.)  Attempting to access an index outside that range 
throws an exception.  Note that this applies to both 'real' and 
'sparse' arrays.

But since we've got big(int|float|rat)s there's no real reason for 
that to be a problem. If you want to use 10**100**100 as an array 
index, you could just throw an awful lot of memory at us...

--it's like this---
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: More Array Behaviors (Take 2)

2003-01-28 Thread Michael Lazzaro

On Tuesday, January 28, 2003, at 10:20  AM, Dan Sugalski wrote:

At 10:13 AM -0800 1/28/03, Michael Lazzaro wrote:

1) Edge cases in array indexing:

my int @a = (1,2,3);

@a[3] # undef  (warning: index out-of-bounds)

Or a real 0, since you said @a can only return integers.

Thanks -- I stand corrected, you're almost certainly right.  Arrays 
defined with a cell type that can't be undefined should never return 
undef, regardless of index.  They should instead return the default 
for that type... int(0), num(0.0), str(''), whatever...

I also agree @a[Inf] is worthy of an exception.  Without objection, so 


Re: More Array Behaviors (Take 2)

2003-01-28 Thread John Williams
On Tue, 28 Jan 2003, Dan Sugalski wrote:
 At 10:13 AM -0800 1/28/03, Michael Lazzaro wrote:

  @a[ Inf ] # undef  (warning: can't use Inf as array index)

 I'd throw an exception here.

  @a[-4]# undef   (warning: index out-of-bounds)
  @a[-Inf]  # undef   (warning: can't use Inf as array index)

 Or zero, since it's an int array.

If you throw an exception for +Inf, you should throw it for -Inf too.

~ John Williams

Arrays: Default Values

2003-01-28 Thread Michael Lazzaro

There has been discussion of allowing a default value for array cells 
-- that is, one aside from Cundef or whatever the type-specific 
default is.  Questions, in order of increased evilness:

1) What's the final decided syntax?  Two possibilities:

my @a is Array( default = 'foo' ); # attrib?
my @a is default('foo');# property?

2) Assume the default value is a simple value, e.g. 'foo'.

my @a is Array( default = 'foo' );
@a[5] = 'bar';

@a[4]; # 'foo'
@a[5]; # 'bar'
@a[6]; # 'foo'

@a[-1];# 'bar'   *NOTE!*
@a[-3];# 'foo'
@a[-10];   # 'foo'


2a) When a cell is explicitly re-undefined, does the default value take 

my @a is Array( default = 'foo' ) = (1,2,3);

@a[1] = undef;
@a[1]; # undef, or 'foo'?


2b) Primitive-typed arrays:  Given the behavior of (2a), and the fact 
that primitive-typed arrays can't store undef, what happens here?

my int @a is Array( default = 5 );

@a[0] = 0;
@a[0]; # 0, or 5?

@a[0] = undef;
@a[0]; # 0, or 5?

STRAWMAN ANSWER: 5, in both cases.  So don't do that unless you 
mean it.

3) Can the default value be a closure, based on index location?

my @a is Array( default = { $_ ** 2 });

   STRAWMAN ANSWER: Yes, because it's cool.

3a) NOTE that closure-based defaults effectively render the array 
infinite.  Therefore -- If the requested index is negative, what 


   STRAWMAN ANSWER: The closure just gets a negative number as the 
requested index.
   It's up to you to make it work, if you want it to.

3b) Does an infinite array still get an exception thrown when trying 
to access an infinite [Inf] or [-Inf] index?

   STRAWMAN ANSWER: Yes, it does.


Re: Securing Parrot ASM

2003-01-28 Thread Matthew Byng-Maddick
On Tue, Jan 28, 2003 at 10:39:33AM -0600, Joseph Guhlin wrote:
 Pardon my ignorance on the whole issue but I'm just a lurker trying to 
 understand enough to help out. =)
 I know security on parrot like this would be difficult, and this thread 
 is specifically about securing PASM, but what about something like 
 FreeBSD's 'jail' command built in? That way, even untrusted code could 
 possibly be set(somewhere in the parrot configuration, compile time, 
 command line, enviroment, etc...) to be jailed. The man pages are here:

The fun bit is getting information in and out of the jail. ie. you trust
a module but not one of its derived classes Also, you might wish to
note that both jail(2) and chroot(2) need to be called by the super-user.

The reason you can't do a jail entirely within Parrot is that the moment
you link to any native code, all bets are off, and you're reliant on
what the kernel allows you to do. Parrot can no longer control it.

It seems to me that the linking with native code is going to end up
being one that most people switch on, because it will be necessary
and/or useful in getting anything done.


Matthew Byng-Maddick [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Securing Parrot ASM

2003-01-28 Thread Brent Dax
Christopher Armstrong:
# One other thing to think about is resource limits. It'd be nice to not
# require `ulimit' or whatever system-specific resource limitation
# mechanism, but rather rely on the parrot interpreter to
# baby-sit. Also, it'd make catching these resource-limit violations
# much more convenient; an exception could be raised (or, e.g., the rate
# at which bytecodes are executed could be throttled), rather than
# simply rudely killing the process. For what I want to do, it's not
# really required, and it's not really relevant to the type of security
# we're discussing here, but it would still be very, very useful.

I don't see why Parrot couldn't do much of this.  It can certainly audit
allocations made through its own memory-allocation system, and with only
a little help from the system it should be able to audit its processor
usage as well (at least within Parrot bytecode).  I'm not sure about
disk space usage, but that's a pretty OS-level thing anyway.

@roles=map {Parrot $_} qw(embedding regexen Configure)

How do you test this 'God' to prove it is who it says it is?
If you're God, you know exactly what it would take to convince me. Do
--Marc Fleury on alt.atheism

RE: Securing Parrot ASM

2003-01-28 Thread Brent Dax
Matthew Byng-Maddick:
# It seems to me that the linking with native code is going to 
# end up being one that most people switch on, because it will 
# be necessary and/or useful in getting anything done.

Then make sure that link in native code isn't a permission--link in
native code library X is.  That way the sysadmin or whoever can make
sure that only harmless libraries get in.  The control mechanism could
be in Parrot_dlopen, which would make (well-behaved) native libraries
subject to it too.

@roles=map {Parrot $_} qw(embedding regexen Configure)

How do you test this 'God' to prove it is who it says it is?
If you're God, you know exactly what it would take to convince me. Do
--Marc Fleury on alt.atheism

Re: Securing Parrot ASM

2003-01-28 Thread Christopher Armstrong
On Tue, Jan 28, 2003 at 09:24:20AM -0800, Brent Dax wrote:
 Christopher Armstrong:
 # One other thing to think about is resource limits. It'd be nice to not
 # require `ulimit' or whatever system-specific resource limitation
 # mechanism, but rather rely on the parrot interpreter to
 # baby-sit. Also, it'd make catching these resource-limit violations
 # much more convenient; an exception could be raised (or, e.g., the rate
 # at which bytecodes are executed could be throttled), rather than
 # simply rudely killing the process. For what I want to do, it's not
 # really required, and it's not really relevant to the type of security
 # we're discussing here, but it would still be very, very useful.
 I don't see why Parrot couldn't do much of this.  It can certainly audit
 allocations made through its own memory-allocation system, and with only
 a little help from the system it should be able to audit its processor
 usage as well (at least within Parrot bytecode).  I'm not sure about
 disk space usage, but that's a pretty OS-level thing anyway.

Cool. I'm really only concerned about CPU and memory usage, as I'd
never allow plain file I/O to my untrusted code -- just
application-level APIs for doing specific things that might access the

 Twisted | Christopher Armstrong: International Man of Twistery
  Radix  |  Release Manager,  Twisted Project

Re: [Introspector-developers] Re: Bytecode metadata

2003-01-28 Thread Gopal V
If memory serves me right, James Michael DuPont wrote:
   Bah. That's parrot -o foo.o foo.pmc isn't it?
  And if we make C a parrot supported language we can even build parrot
  with parrot?

Hmmm... bootstrapping 

 1. The gcc : I have %99 of the information about the function bodies of
 parrot c source code in rdf/xml. That could be fed to parrot.

That would only be part of the issue ... generating stuff out of 
RDF AST's is only half of our trouble ... In fact , I think it would
be much easier if someone managed to convert RTL into Parrot (a gcc
backend) ...

It won't be a hack like egcs-jvm since Parrot is already a register
machine and has pointer instructions already ... 

 2. The pnet/C : there has been work done by Rhys to make a managed c
 compiler for pnet. Gopal has been working on a parrot bytecode emitter
 for Pnet.

Well ... I haven't been working on parrot bytecode emitter ... 
It's just that we have a treecc handler inside parrot
which is stubbed up ... until I can do some kind of class generation
for parrot, the C# AST cannot be used for anything useful.

Also Dan was not so hot about having a C compiler for Parrot when he
met Rhys on IRC... 

So I'm sticking to compiling C# to Parrot as an aim , and *maybe* Java
as well ...

The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

Re: Securing Parrot ASM

2003-01-28 Thread Christopher Armstrong
On Tue, Jan 28, 2003 at 04:15:41PM +, Matthew Byng-Maddick wrote:
 On Tue, Jan 28, 2003 at 11:04:43AM -0500, Christopher Armstrong wrote:
  Hrm, maybe I just don't know what's going on, but I'm not sure why
  this is a problem. Couldn't call out to native functions or perhaps
  call out to native functions in this library or even call out to
  *this* native function be a capability? AFAIC (which means for the
  applications I'm interested in), any of the three are still Good
 Oh, yes, it is still a reasonable capability, but at the point that you
 allow that capability, you can forget any of the rest of them. (this is
 of course, ignoring any possible buffer overruns/format string/double-free
 or other types of vulnerability where you can change the executed code).
  I guess what I'm saying is, sure, you can't stop a native function
  (which was called from parrot code) from doing whatever it wants, but
  you can still prevent the parrot code from using that function in the
  first place (right?).
 Yes, but looking at the current Perl core, a large number of the
 day-to-day useful modules are written native (read: in C), so you end
 up losing there. That's not to say that future ones will have to be,
 but... In reality, however, the problem as I see it is that this is a
 capability which, once acquired overrides all others (wheras the others
 can be mutually orthogonal).

I don't see why. Why, for example, would socket access (a
C-implemented feature, certainly) allow access to everything else?
Presumably, the built-in parrot[/perl/python/etc] functionality is
`trusted' such that it only does what it *says* it does (after
auditing and removing 100% of the bugs, of course ;), and you can give
out caps to them on a per-func/obj/whatever basis. But maybe I'm
totally misunderstanding what you're saying. Are you just assuming
there are bugs in all native built-in functions that are exploitable
to gain other capabilities? An example would help.

Anyway, even if you're right about access to native functions, the way
I'm thinking I'd use this would be to have a trusted program (i.e., my
imaginary virtual world engine) running various untrusted scripts from
around the world. With such a system, we'll just give the untrusted
code access to application-level APIs (which themselves will be
managed with capabilities, to facilitate differing trust levels) -- no
need to give them access to such things as file I/O and
whatnot. However, I guess socket access would be required, as I plan
on having them executed in a separate process (with ulimits) and talk
to the main system through an RPC (i.e., sockets) mechanism, with
probably a chroot/jail thrown in for good measure, but this is an easy
thing to audit and I can't see ever requiring more low-level access.

Twisted | Christopher Armstrong: International Man of Twistery 
Radix   | Release Manager, Twisted Project

Re: Securing Parrot ASM

2003-01-28 Thread Fred K Ollinger
 On Tue, Jan 28, 2003 at 10:39:33AM -0600, Joseph Guhlin wrote:
  Pardon my ignorance on the whole issue but I'm just a lurker trying to
  understand enough to help out. =)
  I know security on parrot like this would be difficult, and this thread
  is specifically about securing PASM, but what about something like
  FreeBSD's 'jail' command built in? That way, even untrusted code could
  possibly be set(somewhere in the parrot configuration, compile time,
  command line, enviroment, etc...) to be jailed. The man pages are here:

 The fun bit is getting information in and out of the jail. ie. you trust
 a module but not one of its derived classes Also, you might wish to
 note that both jail(2) and chroot(2) need to be called by the super-user.

If it's jail and something gets out then it's not a good jail.

To me jail means what you see is what you get. If you trust code in the
jail, then you should be ok.

 The reason you can't do a jail entirely within Parrot is that the moment
 you link to any native code, all bets are off, and you're reliant on
 what the kernel allows you to do. Parrot can no longer control it.

This is probably out of my league. I'm sure your right on this one.

 It seems to me that the linking with native code is going to end up
 being one that most people switch on, because it will be necessary
 and/or useful in getting anything done.

Well, that would mean two parrots, which I think is great. One w/ jail for
untested code, one w/o.

I see four levels of security:

1. chroot jail where / is the toplevel /parrot. If there needs to be a
/usr, then it's /parrot/usr.

2. catching all calls and keeping them in line. For example, there are
some opcodes that can't work in sandbox mode.

3. Manually checking over all libs that are linked to for safety. Only
safe (those that can't be used to pick your way out of jail) go into

4. Many things that I have not thought of, but are known to others.

This is probably overly general and simplistic, but I just want to make
sure that when we are talking about #2, people don't think that they mean
#3 or heaven forbid #4.

Fred Ollinger

Re: Securing Parrot ASM

2003-01-28 Thread Allen Short
 Matthew == Matthew Byng-Maddick [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I guess what I'm saying is, sure, you can't stop a native
 function (which was called from parrot code) from doing
 whatever it wants, but you can still prevent the parrot code
 from using that function in the first place (right?).

 Yes, but looking at the current Perl core, a large number of the
 day-to-day useful modules are written native (read: in C), so
 you end up losing there. That's not to say that future ones will
 have to be, but... In reality, however, the problem as I see it
 is that this is a capability which, once acquired overrides all
 others (wheras the others can be mutually orthogonal).

Obviously this is a problem; however, this is one of the easier things
to solve in a system like Parrot. By constructing proxies to the native
libraries that allow the insertion of checks and restrictions, untrusted
code can be written to use the usual APIs without allowing them to
assume the full power of the usual implementations. So, presumably,
in the restricted environment, File would be replaced with
RestrictedFile which only allows accessing files in a certain
subdirectory, or owned by a particular user, or such; Socket would be
replaced with RestrictedSocket which can only connect to certain
hosts, or must prompt for permission to connect; and so on. One could
even imagine something like a RestrictedCanvas in a GUI application,
that allows the untrusted code to draw only on a small portion of the
application's window.

All this is very close to achievable in existing language; the *hard*
part is preventing DoS attacks on CPU and memory. Parrot should make
that doable as well, with the ability to run multiple interpreters in
the same process.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Securing Parrot ASM

2003-01-28 Thread Allen Short
 Brent == Brent Dax [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I don't see why Parrot couldn't do much of this.  It can
 certainly audit allocations made through its own
 memory-allocation system, and with only a little help from the
 system it should be able to audit its processor usage as well
 (at least within Parrot bytecode).  I'm not sure about disk
 space usage, but that's a pretty OS-level thing anyway.

Shouldn't this be doable by starting a separate 'restricted
interpreter' within the process that is given a limit on the number of
bytecodes it can run and amount of memory it can allocate? As far as I
can see, this would achieve the primary goals of restriction
(throttling CPU/memory use). Filesystem usage can be controlled
through a restricted file API, so that shouldn't be a very low-level

A system that might be worth examining is Darius Bacon's idel, a
small VM designed for running untrusted code.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Securing Parrot ASM

2003-01-28 Thread Dan Sugalski
At 11:41 AM + 1/28/03, Thomas Whateley wrote:


I've been thinking about how to run un-trusted code,
without having to audit every line, or use some sort of sandbox,
and was wondering if Parrot could provide a Mandator Access
Control mechanism (ala SE Linux/Flask).

Ah, I've been hoping to avoid this for a while for sheer, screaming 
lack of tuits, but... Here's the deal for 'safe mode'. (For 
background, as everyone in the Unix world seems to be happy 
reinventing security wheels, surf over to the VMS doc site at, and the VMS system security manual 
specifically at either or

*) We may potentially put in resource quotas. This includes time, 
memory, CPU usage, I/O requests, and I/O bytes
*) We may be running untrustworthy code which will try and subvert 
the interpreter
*) We may potentially put in access controls which restrict what code can do
*) Embedders may want to intercept all file IO calls anyway

So, here's the facilities we're going to build.

*) There'll be an alternate set of opcodes that validate their 
parameters, so no sneaky trying to access register 554, or branching 
off the end of the world.

*) There'll be a set of 'privileges' of some sort (call 'em 
capabilities or whatever) and to do various tasks will require that 
you have an appropriate privilege

*) You will be able to load in external code (and I realize that 
there is the general Hit C and all bets are off rule). External 
modules will have the potential to have trust rights attached to them 
so we can mark C things that are actually safe as loadable, or 
loadable in certain circumstances

*) Code segments can be granted temporarily elevated privs, 
presumably being done for code that's been audited and deemed safe

*) Data will be marked as tainted if it comes from an external source 
for perl/ruby style taint checking

--it's like this---
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk


2003-01-28 Thread Christopher Armstrong
Hey, any Parrot hackers going to the Python convention at the end of
March? Price will be $150-$200. I'm very
interested in meeting and discussing there :-)

 Twisted | Christopher Armstrong: International Man of Twistery
  Radix  |  Release Manager,  Twisted Project

RE: [CVS ci] packfile #2

2003-01-28 Thread Garrett Goebel
Leopold Toetsch wrote:
 - 8/12 byte float issues are still the same - are these
formats really portable, or should we try to store
ASCII equivalents?


? Because my knowledge here approaches zero, so I'm just aping information
back at you from google searches and scanning documents.

There are 3 standard binary IEEE 754 derived formats:

  Single Precision: 4 bytes
  Double Precision: 8 bytes
  Quadruple Precision: 16 bytes

C99 and Modula 3 provide the recommended IEEE 754 bindings. Java requires

A nice quote from William Kahan father of IEEE 754:
  Programmers seem unaware that IEEE 754 is a standard for
   their programming environment, not just for hardware. 

Portable Encoding of Floating-Point Values

What hardware supports IEEE 754:

IEEE 754 Binary Floating Point
  William Kahan's documents:
  IEE 754 Homepage:
  Designing Language Support for IEEE 754:
  IEEE 754 Support in C99
  Nice Overview:
  Nice Links:

IEEE 854 Decimal Floating Point
  IBM's decNumber Library (non-free ANSI C impl of IEEE 854):
  IBM's BigDecimal (open-source impl for Java of IEEE 854):

Garrett Goebel
IS Development Specialist

ScriptPro   Direct: 913.403.5261
5828 Reeds Road   Main: 913.384.1008
Mission, KS 66202  Fax: 913.384.2180  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Parrot developer world map

2003-01-28 Thread Leon Brocard
Last week I collected your data. This week I bring you pretty pictures:

So London would seem a good place for a Parrot developer day, as would
California. I guess most people will be meeting up at Perl conferences

What do people have in mind for such a thing? A room, at least one
computer, an internet connection and a Plan? Are you looking to learn
more about Parrot or do you have something more specific in mind?


ps feel free to send in your location if you've forgotten to:

Leon Brocard.

... Famous last words - Don't worry, I can handle it

[perl #20592] [PATCH] save and restore more of a coroutine's context (and more)

2003-01-28 Thread via RT
# New Ticket Created by  Jonathan Sillito 
# Please include the string:  [perl #20592]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# URL: 

A description of each attachment:

1) coroutine.t (which should be put in t/pmc/) exposes some errors in our
coroutine code.

2) coroutine.patch fixes those errors by saving and restoring more of the
coroutine's context. More specifically the user_stack, control_stack and

3) document.patch (some of this this was submitted before but not applied)
adds documentation for the push_pad op to core.ops, which I somehow missed.
It also brings pdd06_pasm.pod up to date. I do not like maintaining
documentation in more than one place, so in pdd06_pasm.pod I put a terse
(but correct) description along with a reference to the generated
documentation in docs/core_ops.pod. Is that suitable???

And a couple of questions:

1) I was thinking of writing a couple of short how to documents aimed at
compiler writers. Is there interest in something like this?

2) Which of the following names are consistent with our current naming


Jonathan Sillito

-- attachment  1 --

-- attachment  2 --

-- attachment  3 --

Description: coroutine.t

Description: coroutine.patch

Description: document.patch

Re: Arrays: Default Values

2003-01-28 Thread Damian Conway
Austin Hastings wrote:

--- Damian Conway [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

	my @a is default(666);

	print @a[2];	# prints 666

	@a[4] = 1;

	print @a[2];	# now prints undef :-(

[typo in third line corrected]

I don't understand your example. Can you explain it again, using words
of less than one syllable?

If the scheme is (as someone was advocating) that the default is used only in 
place of elements that don't exist (as opposed to elements that are allocated 
but contain Cundef), then allocating a previously unallocated element has 
the potential to change the value it returns, even if that previously 
unallocated element is not initialized when allocated.

So, assigning to @a[4], causes @a[0..3] to be created as well. Which,
under a default-for-non-existent-elements-only policy causes @a[2] to stop
returning the default.

What's @[4]? Why does it (even if it's a typo from @a[4]) cause @a[2]
to become defined? 

It doesn't. It causes it to exist. I understood that it was being advocating
that only non-existent elements returned the default. This is why that's
a bad idea.

If it does become defined, why doesn't it get the default value -- 
 no-one explicitly told it to be undef?

Because the whole idea of a default value is that you *don't* put it
in every element. The lack of a value in an element is what triggers
the default value to be returned. And in Perl Cundef is how we signify
the absence of a value.


Re: Arrays: Default Values

2003-01-28 Thread Jonathan Scott Duff
On Tue, Jan 28, 2003 at 11:15:26AM -0800, Michael Lazzaro wrote:
 2) Assume the default value is a simple value, e.g. 'foo'.
  my @a is Array( default = 'foo' );
  @a[5] = 'bar';
  @a[4]; # 'foo'
  @a[5]; # 'bar'
  @a[6]; # 'foo'
  @a[-1];# 'bar'   *NOTE!*

Um ... why?

 2a) When a cell is explicitly re-undefined, does the default value take 
  my @a is Array( default = 'foo' ) = (1,2,3);
  @a[1] = undef;
  @a[1]; # undef, or 'foo'?

This makes sense to me.

 2b) Primitive-typed arrays:  Given the behavior of (2a), and the fact 
 that primitive-typed arrays can't store undef, what happens here?
  my int @a is Array( default = 5 );
  @a[0] = 0;
  @a[0]; # 0, or 5?

0, definitely.  @a[0] was defined so the default doesn't come into

  @a[0] = undef;
  @a[0]; # 0, or 5?

5, because undefined things get the default value.

 3) Can the default value be a closure, based on index location?
  my @a is Array( default = { $_ ** 2 });
 STRAWMAN ANSWER: Yes, because it's cool.

Heh.  I'd want different syntax for default values vs. default
generators though.

 3a) NOTE that closure-based defaults effectively render the array
 infinite. Therefore -- If the requested index is negative, what


 STRAWMAN ANSWER: The closure just gets a negative number as
 the requested index. It's up to you to make it work, if you
 want it to.

Sounds good to me.

 3b) Does an infinite array still get an exception thrown when trying
 to access an infinite [Inf] or [-Inf] index?

 STRAWMAN ANSWER: Yes, it does.

Based on 3a, I'd say that the closure should get Inf (or -Inf) and
do the appropriate thing.  In your example above, Inf**2 would be Inf,
so the closure would return Inf (assuming I've got the Inf math right
and it's not really NaN)

Jonathan Scott Duff

Re: Arrays: Default Values

2003-01-28 Thread Paul Johnson

Michael Lazzaro said:

 There has been discussion of allowing a default value for array cells
 -- that is, one aside from Cundef or whatever the type-specific
 default is.  Questions, in order of increased evilness:

1 and 2 seem fine to me.

 2a) When a cell is explicitly re-undefined, does the default value take

  my @a is Array( default = 'foo' ) = (1,2,3);

  @a[1] = undef;
  @a[1]; # undef, or 'foo'?


Seems right to me.  Anything else would be very confusing, I think.

 2b) Primitive-typed arrays:  Given the behavior of (2a), and the fact
 that primitive-typed arrays can't store undef, what happens here?

  my int @a is Array( default = 5 );

  @a[0] = 0;
  @a[0]; # 0, or 5?

0.  Being unable to store 0 would seem to be a major limitation.

  @a[0] = undef;
  @a[0]; # 0, or 5?

An exception or 5.

Maybe undefining an element could always set it to the default value.

 3) Can the default value be a closure, based on index location?

  my @a is Array( default = { $_ ** 2 });

 STRAWMAN ANSWER: Yes, because it's cool.

No, because it's unnecessary.  You can always do

my $value = @a[$x] //= $x ** 2;

or skip the = depending on how you are trading memory / speed.

Yes, I know that just about everything is unnecessary to someone.  To me,
default values as a whole seem a little unnecessary, in fact.

Paul Johnson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Arrays: Default Values

2003-01-28 Thread Austin Hastings

--- Michael Lazzaro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 1) What's the final decided syntax?  Two possibilities:
  my @a is Array( default = 'foo' ); # attrib?
  my @a is default('foo');# property?

Since we want arrays (lowercase) to support them, too, it should be a

my @a is default('foo');

 2) Assume the default value is a simple value, e.g. 'foo'.
  my @a is Array( default = 'foo' );
  @a[5] = 'bar';
  @a[4]; # 'foo'
  @a[5]; # 'bar'
  @a[6]; # 'foo'
  @a[-1];# 'bar'   *NOTE!*
  @a[-3];# 'foo'
  @a[-10];   # 'foo'

1) What if I *WANT* an array with negative indices? Case in point, the
compare interface returns negative/zero/positive results, so I may want
to use those. (Granted, using the -1 as from-end is cool. But writing a
hand-optimized table of index values for use in a Shell/Metzner sort is
also cool, and depends on quickly getting the results of the carry

 2a) When a cell is explicitly re-undefined, does the default value
 take effect?

No. If I wanted that, I'd say my @a[5] = @a.default;

  my @a is Array( default = 'foo' ) = (1,2,3);
  @a[1] = undef;
  @a[1]; # undef, or 'foo'?

No, undef. OTOH, deleting @a[1] would reset it to default.

 2b) Primitive-typed arrays:  Given the behavior of (2a), and the fact
 that primitive-typed arrays can't store undef, what happens here?
  my int @a is Array( default = 5 );
  @a[0] = 0;
  @a[0]; # 0, or 5?
  @a[0] = undef;

This should cause a blip of some kind. If storing an explicit undef (as
opposed to undef but 0 or C$v = undef; @a[0] = $v; there should be
an exception. If storing an implicit undef: convert to int (IOW: 0) and
emit a warning.

  @a[0]; # 0, or 5?
  STRAWMAN ANSWER: 5, in both cases.  So don't do that unless you 
 mean it.

Again, this is wrong. Storing undef is storing undef. If it's an error,
treat it as such. If it's not an error, then let me store it. If I want
to store the default value, I have access to the default value and can
store it.

 3) Can the default value be a closure, based on index location?
  my @a is Array( default = { $_ ** 2 });
 STRAWMAN ANSWER: Yes, because it's cool.

No, because defaulting method may be independent of default value. It
should be called default_method instead:

my @a is default_method( {$_ ** 2} );

 3a) NOTE that closure-based defaults effectively render the array 
 infinite.  Therefore -- If the requested index is negative, what 
 STRAWMAN ANSWER: The closure just gets a negative number as the 
 requested index.
 It's up to you to make it work, if you want it to.

Another question: If you ask for a value and get it, does the array
grow? Or does that happen only on assignment? (I favor assignment, but
if the closure isn't a pure function, what happens? Can we support
differentiating between Cis cached subs (meaning: don't allocate
storage for this array element) and not (meaning: you'll want to
allocate storage, because this value isn't reproducible)?

 3b) Does an infinite array still get an exception thrown when
 trying to access an infinite [Inf] or [-Inf] index?
 STRAWMAN ANSWER: Yes, it does.

No, it doesn't. Like negative numbers in 3a, Inf gets passed to the
default_method, which may itself throw the exception. But since Inf and
NaN are floating-point things, they should be easy to recognize. (In
fact, I'd say just provide a default sub and show people what it looks

::Array.default_method := 
::array.default_method := 
sub - ($this: $index)
  die(Invalid array index)
unless $index.isa('int');

  # Not setting the array[index] here, since this is cached.

  return defined($this.default)
 ? $this.default 
 : undef;
} is cached;

PS: If the .default changes, the cached values are wrong. How to I tell
Perl to clear a function's return cache? Or do we just not cache the
function and allocate memory on an index-by-index basis?


Re: More Array Behaviors (Take 2)

2003-01-28 Thread Damian Conway
Michael Lazzaro wrote:

OK, here are the answers so far -- or more accurately, strawman 
interpretations of those answers that should be objected to if they're 

1) Edge cases in array indexing:

my int @a = (1,2,3);

@a[0] # 1
@a[1] # 2
@a[2] # 3
@a[3] # undef  (warning: index out-of-bounds)
@a[2**128]# EXCEPTION: index is above max allowed index

I would have thought that for SparseArrays (which require index remapping 
anyway), BigInt indices should be allowed.

@a[ Inf ] # undef  (warning: can't use Inf as array index)

I would have though the behaviour of out-of-range indices like @a[2**128] and 
@a[Inf] ought to be consistent.  Hence I'd have expected an exception here.

@a[ undef ]   # 1  (warning: undefined index)
@a['foo'] # 1  (warning: non-numeric index)
@a[ NaN ] # EXCEPTION: can't use NaN as array index

@a[-1]# 3
@a[-2]# 2
@a[-3]# 1
@a[-4]# undef   (warning: index out-of-bounds)
@a[-Inf]  # undef   (warning: can't use Inf as array index)

Another exception, I'd have thought.

2) There is a platform-dependent maximum array size, ((2**32)-1 for 
32-bit platforms.)  Attempting to access an index outside that range 
throws an exception.

Which is why I'd expect that CInf as an index should be fatal.

Note that this applies to both 'real' and 'sparse' arrays.

Given the implicit promotion of ints to BigInts everywhere else, this
seems inconsistent. At least for SparseArrays, where indices are remapped


Re: Arrays: Default Values

2003-01-28 Thread Austin Hastings

--- Austin Hastings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 No, undef. OTOH, deleting @a[1] would reset it to default.

Ere someone flames my for using a hash keyword in an array context:

s/deleting/absquatulating (e.g., via pop, shift, or splice)/


More Array Behaviors (Take 3)

2003-01-28 Thread Michael Lazzaro

Corrected in accordance with design team member feedback.  These should 
be solid, now.  Thanks much for the responses.

1) Edge cases in array indexing:

my @a = (1,2,3);

@a[0] # 1
@a[1] # 2
@a[2] # 3
@a[3] # def  (warning: index out-of-bounds)
@a[2**128]# def  (warning: index out-of-bounds)
@a[ Inf ] # EXCEPTION: can't use +Inf as array index
@a[ undef ]   # 1  (warning: undefined index)
@a['foo'] # 1  (warning: non-numeric index)
@a[ NaN ] # EXCEPTION: can't use NaN as array index

@a[-1]# 3
@a[-2]# 2
@a[-3]# 1
@a[-4]# def  (warning: index out-of-bounds)
@a[-Inf]  # EXCEPTION: can't use -Inf as array index

Where def is whatever the type-specific default is, typically 
Cundef, C0, or C''.

2) There is NO platform-dependent maximum array size.  If it's not a 
sparse array, you'll run out of memory long before you run out of 
indexes, but using bigints as indexes for sparse arrays is OK.


Re: More Array Behaviors

2003-01-28 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Tue, Jan 28, 2003 at 09:17:36AM -0800, Damian Conway wrote:
 Errno. That's rather the whole point of Cbut properties [*].

 [*] People, we just *have* to find better names for these things!
 I'd suggest we henceforth call them value properties (for Cbut)
 and referent properties (for Cis).

Over on [EMAIL PROTECTED] there seemed to be confusion about attributes
and properties, given that some languages use one where we use the other.
I had a dig in a thesaurus, I suggested that chattels and virtues
were interesting words that unambiguously describe respectively extra data
you've attached to a thing, and an extra qualities you've given it.
But that's still only one (controversial) word for properties, and we need two.
And I don't really like chattels, whereasvirtues sits nicely with bless.

I got one private reply, and summarised. But nothing further. Warnock's

(Message ID [EMAIL PROTECTED] if that helps - I don't
have an archive link).

Nicholas Clark

Re: Arrays: Default Values

2003-01-28 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Tue, Jan 28, 2003 at 12:30:41PM -0800, Austin Hastings wrote:
 --- Michael Lazzaro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   my int @a is Array( default = 5 );

   @a[0] = undef;
 This should cause a blip of some kind. If storing an explicit undef (as
 opposed to undef but 0 or C$v = undef; @a[0] = $v; there should be
 an exception. If storing an implicit undef: convert to int (IOW: 0) and
 emit a warning.
   @a[0]; # 0, or 5?

I'm not sure. I think I like the idea of

  @a[0] = undef;

being a blip, but

  undef @a[0];

resetting the value to the default. Conceptually perl5 already has a
distinction between assigning undef to an aggregate, and passing an
aggregate to the undef operator:

$ perl -le '@a = %ENV; print scalar @a; undef @a; print scalar @a'
$ perl -le '@a = %ENV; print scalar @a; @a = undef; print scalar @a'

so it's not a great leap to extend this difference to scalar values.
Although it may be one leap too far.

Nicholas Clark

Re: Arrays: Default Values

2003-01-28 Thread Aaron Sherman
On Tue, 2003-01-28 at 16:23, Leopold Toetsch wrote:
 Austin Hastings wrote:
  Another question: If you ask for a value and get it, does the array
  grow? Or does that happen only on assignment? (
 Arrays (or hashes) don't grow on reading - never.

Never say never. You're correct for pure reading like so:

$x = @a[0];

But for less pure forms of reading:


auto-vivification will have to happen in some cases. e.g. if foo
requires a lvalue parameter. You can't know if an actual write will
happen, so you have to auto-vivify in order to pass a reference.

Or did I miss something there?

This message (c) 2003 by Aaron Sherman,
and granted to the Public Domain in 2023.
Fight the DMCA and copyright extension!

Re: Arrays: Default Values

2003-01-28 Thread Michael Lazzaro

On Tuesday, January 28, 2003, at 01:14  PM, Damian Conway wrote:

I'm not compelled by the counter-argument that this makes it 
impossible to store an Cundef in an array with a default. Because 
the whole point of an array having a default is to prevent those nasty 
out-of-range Cundefs from popping up in the first place.

And thinking of defaults as mappings leads me to conclude that it's
entirely reasonable to allow sub refs as default specifiers, as a 
means of creating computed arrays. But I'd expect that the property 
name is different in that case (probably Cis computed), so as to 

The next (oft-asked) question is whether or not Cis computed denotes 
read-only, or if you can store to an Cis computed array.

   my @a is computed { $^index**2 };

   @a[4] = 'something completely different';

And things like this would be downright hysterical:

   my @a is computed { $^index**2 };

   pop @a;



Re: Arrays: Default Values

2003-01-28 Thread Smylers
Austin Hastings wrote:

 --- Austin Hastings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  No, undef. OTOH, deleting @a[1] would reset it to default.
 Ere someone flames my for using a hash keyword in an array context:
 s/deleting/absquatulating (e.g., via pop, shift, or splice)/

What's wrong with Cdelete in an array context?

If there's to be a distinction between storing an undef value and
resetting to the default value -- and, having read Damian's thoughts on
the matter, I'm almost convinced that there shouldn't be -- then I think
it's much more obvious to distinguish Cdelete and Cundef rather than
Cundef @a[1] and C@a[1] = undef.


Re: Arrays: Default Values

2003-01-28 Thread Austin Hastings

--- Michael Lazzaro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tuesday, January 28, 2003, at 01:01  PM, Nicholas Clark wrote:
  On Tue, Jan 28, 2003 at 12:30:41PM -0800, Austin Hastings wrote:
  --- Michael Lazzaro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   my int @a is Array( default = 5 );
   @a[0] = undef;
  This should cause a blip of some kind. If storing an explicit
  opposed to undef but 0 or C$v = undef; @a[0] = $v; there
 should be
  an exception. If storing an implicit undef: convert to int (IOW:
  emit a warning.
 Hmm.  I don't have a strong preference either way, but I'm not sure
 (given Cmy int @a):
 @a[ undef ]
 Cundef should be autoconverted to 0 with warning, but in:
 @a[0] = undef;
 Cundef should _not_ be autoconverted to 0, but instead trigger an 
 They're both in Cint context, unless we want to make a special int
 being used as an array index context that's different from normal 
 Cint context.  Seems like Cundef should be treated like 0 (plus 
 warning) in numeric context either everywhere, or nowhere. (?)

I agree. Warning: Using undef as array index would be a nice message
- probably save a bunch of debugging.


Re: Arrays: Default Values

2003-01-28 Thread Smylers
Nicholas Clark wrote:

 I'm not sure. I think I like the idea of
   @a[0] = undef;
 being a blip, but
   undef @a[0];
 resetting the value to the default.

That thought crossed my mind as well before I got to your message ...

 Conceptually perl5 already has a distinction between assigning undef
 to an aggregate, and passing an aggregate to the undef operator:

... however I'm unconvinced that that's the sort of distinction that
should be encouraged.


Re: Arrays: Default Values

2003-01-28 Thread Paul Johnson
On Tue, Jan 28, 2003 at 04:07:17PM -0500, Aaron Sherman wrote:

 I think this debate is easier if you think of defaults as overriding and
 auto-vivification method on a container.

Hmm.  I don't :-)

I think it is easier if you think of defaults as overriding undef.

 On Tue, 2003-01-28 at 14:47, Paul Johnson wrote:
  Michael Lazzaro said:
   2a) When a cell is explicitly re-undefined, does the default value take
my @a is Array( default = 'foo' ) = (1,2,3);
@a[1] = undef;
@a[1]; # undef, or 'foo'?
  Seems right to me.  Anything else would be very confusing, I think.
 This would be very confusing to me. In fact, it seems WRONG to me unless
 we're saying that such arrays can simply never hold an undefined
 value... which again seems wrong.

I think that seems right.

 my @a is Array ( default = 'foo' );
 @a[1] = undef;
 Should yield the following, I would think:
 ('foo', undef, 'foo' x Inf)
 Though, obviously there's no such thing as @a[2], but if you reference
 it, that's how it would auto-vivify.
 If that's not the case, I need to get my head around why, since Perl
 *does* distinguish between defined and exists.

But I wish it wouldn't for arrays.  That only came about to support
pseudo-hashes which are going / have gone away.

Are you suggesting that hashes should also have a default?  That would
seem consistent and at least as useful as arrays having a default.

Paul Johnson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Spare brackets :-)

2003-01-28 Thread Adam Turoff
On Tue, Jan 28, 2003 at 09:24:50AM -0800, Austin Hastings wrote:
 --- Dan Sugalski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  At 8:47 AM + 1/28/03, Piers Cawley wrote:
an array or hash look-up???
  Decided at runtime?
  How? People use strings as array indices and ints/floats as hash 
  indices, and count on autoconversion to Make It Work.
 On the one hand: Java/ECMA/J-script does it.

That's nice, but Perl isn't Java/ECMAScript/JavaScript/JScript/C/C++/Pascal.
It's Perl.  Perl uses square brackets for arrays, and curly braces for
hashes.  Period.  And Perl 6 will continue in the path of Perl 1..5,
*not* in the path of some other broken syntax.

If you have any questions about this, please refer to the 1st, 2nd, or
3rd editions of Programming Perl, or to any of the millions of Perl
programmers who have that distinction hard-wired into their wetware.


Re: Arrays: Default Values

2003-01-28 Thread Paul Johnson
On Tue, Jan 28, 2003 at 03:06:19PM -0800, Damian Conway wrote:
 Austin Hastings wrote:
 --- Damian Conway [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 my @a is default(666);
 print @a[2];# prints 666
 @a[4] = 1;
 print @a[2];# now prints undef :-(
 [typo in third line corrected]
 I don't understand your example. Can you explain it again, using words
 of less than one syllable?
 If the scheme is (as someone was advocating) that the default is used only 
 in place of elements that don't exist (as opposed to elements that are 
 allocated but contain Cundef), then allocating a previously unallocated 
 element has the potential to change the value it returns, even if that 
 previously unallocated element is not initialized when allocated.
 So, assigning to @a[4], causes @a[0..3] to be created as well. Which,
 under a default-for-non-existent-elements-only policy causes @a[2] to stop
 returning the default.

It doesn't have to be that way:

$ perl -le 'sub e { print exists $a[shift] ? 1 : 0 } e 2; $a[4]++; e 2; e 4; delete 
$a[4]; e 2; e 4'

No, I don't know which side I'm arguing anymore :-)

Actually, I do.  I don't like exists on arrays.

Paul Johnson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Arrays: Default Values

2003-01-28 Thread Dave Whipp
Aaron Sherman wrote:

auto-vivification will have to happen in some cases. e.g. if foo
requires a lvalue parameter. You can't know if an actual write will
happen, so you have to auto-vivify in order to pass a reference.

Or did I miss something there?

I think the idea is to use a special object which, if assigned to, will 
create the required element.


Re: Arrays: Default Values

2003-01-28 Thread attriel
So ... with the discussion of what if i really wanted to put an undef in
there b/c it's not just that i haven't defined it but rather that it
really isn't defined.  I KNOW it's not defined, and i'm now explicitly
saying it's undefined as opposed to before when i was implicitly
suggesting that i didn't know what it was and used a default 'unknown'
discussion ...

What we really need is:

@a[2] = undef but undef;

or, possibly (more tongue-in-cheek-y)

@a[2] = undef but seriously;

so the ... property? would say you have a default, maybe, but i don't
care.  this is REALLY undef

is that possible?  aside from it being disturbing to write undef but
undef :o


(the first suggestion is serious, but the syntax is flawed; the second
suggestion has better syntax but is tongue-in-cheek suggested ... )

Re: This week's Perl 6 Summary

2003-01-28 Thread banjo
On Tue, 2003-01-28 at 06:34, Piers Cawley wrote:
   Compiling to Parrot
 K Stol is looking for a final project for his Bachelor's degree and
 would like to implement some language targeting Parrot and asked for
 suggestions. Simon Wistow suggested PHP or Lua, Leon Brocard suggested
 Java (though Gopal V wasn't sure that was such a good idea just yet).
 Dan suggested that, just because someone else was already working on a
 TCL compiler it didn't mean it wasn't worth trying anyway, but
 apparently it would have been unlikely to get approval as a Bachelor's
 project. There was some further discussion of Lua and whether there
 would be any real point in implementing it and the thread died down
 before Mr Stol told anyone what he'd decided to do, which was rather a
 shame I thought.

i suggest smalltalk (esp. Squeak!), or Mozilla's XUL.


Re: [CVS ci] packfile #2

2003-01-28 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Garrett Goebel wrote:

Leopold Toetsch wrote:
  - 8/12 byte float issues are still the same - are these
 formats really portable, or should we try to store
 ASCII equivalents?


? Because my knowledge here approaches zero, so I'm just aping 
information back at you from google searches and scanning documents.

There are 3 standard binary IEEE 754 derived formats:

  Single Precision: 4 bytes
  Double Precision: 8 bytes
  Quadruple Precision: 16 bytes

Many thanks for the links (searching for this stuff is a pain, there are 
too many results ;-)

- are there platforms with quad precision floats out there?
- or should 12 byte long doubles get converted to 8 byte IEEE doubles.


Re: Arrays: Default Values

2003-01-28 Thread Joseph F. Ryan
attriel wrote:

So ... with the discussion of what if i really wanted to put an undef in
there b/c it's not just that i haven't defined it but rather that it
really isn't defined.  I KNOW it's not defined, and i'm now explicitly
saying it's undefined as opposed to before when i was implicitly
suggesting that i didn't know what it was and used a default 'unknown'
discussion ...

What we really need is:

@a[2] = undef but undef;

or, possibly (more tongue-in-cheek-y)

@a[2] = undef but seriously;

so the ... property? would say you have a default, maybe, but i don't
care.  this is REALLY undef

is that possible?  aside from it being disturbing to write undef but
undef :o


(the first suggestion is serious, but the syntax is flawed; the second
suggestion has better syntax but is tongue-in-cheek suggested ... )

What about:

undef @a[2];

or possibly even (although I would argue that undef should remain a unary
operator only):


Joseph F. Ryan