Re: Quick question: (...) vs [...]

2008-08-09 Thread Audrey Tang

John M. Dlugosz 提到:

What is the difference between (1,2,3) and [1,2,3] ?

One is a List and one is an Array; you cannot  push into a list, but you 
can into an array.

my @a := (1,2,3);
my @b := [1,2,3];

@a.push(4); # fails
@b.push(4); # works


Re: Edits to submit

2008-08-05 Thread Audrey Tang

Audrey Tang 提到:
However, in S02 you removed the Code class and replaced it with Routine, 
but that does not really work; for example, a bare block is a Code, but 
it cannot be a Routine since it can't be wrapped in place, and caller() 
would bypass it when considering caller frames.

I should've been more explicit.  While I don't really have a problem 
with replacing Code with Callable (except the latter is more wordy, so 
why not replace Callable with Code...), the issue is that your S02.pod 
edits indicates that a variable &foo must always be bound to a Routine 
object. However, variable with the "&" sigil can be bound to a Block as 
well, so replacing Code with Routine at line 1487 and 1512 doesn't quite 
work. :-)


Re: syntax question: "method close is export ()"

2008-08-05 Thread Audrey Tang

John M. Dlugosz 提到:
Does that mean that traits can come before the signature?  Or should it 
be corrected to

method close () is export { ... }

It's a simple typo.  Thanks, fixed in r14572.


Re: Edits to submit

2008-08-05 Thread Audrey Tang

John M. Dlugosz 提到:
I've edited several of the S??.pod files,but I have not heard back from 
the owner ($Larry, whose name is on the top of the file) about accepting 
merging or rejecting my changes.

I've posted the files to  so 
they don't get lost, until someone with authority wants to diff them.

I'm diffing them (slowly), and have committed your stylistic edits to 
S02.pod.  Thanks!

However, in S02 you removed the Code class and replaced it with Routine, 
but that does not really work; for example, a bare block is a Code, but 
it cannot be a Routine since it can't be wrapped in place, and caller() 
would bypass it when considering caller frames.


Re: Conceptual questions about Objects

2008-04-04 Thread Audrey Tang

John M. Dlugosz wrote:

Does this mean that the access of private attributes from trusted
classes is a "different form"? And that's why you need the qualified
syntax when I think it should not be necessary in all cases? Or should
that passage really say "not in non-trusted classes, including derived

It's a different form.  Line 1207:

(Private accessors are never virtual, and must be package qualified
if called from a trusted scope other than our own.  That is, it's
either C or C<$obj!TrustsMe::attr().>)

The reason is, I suspect, that what "trusts" does is putting a 
!TrustsMe::attr() into the trustee's scope, instead of somehow shadowing 
its own !attr() symbol.


Re: Conceptual questions about Objects

2008-04-04 Thread Audrey Tang

John M. Dlugosz wrote:

OK, trust is not implicit on derived classes. Is that because there is
no rule that says it is, or is there a mention of that somewhere in the
official docs?

There is.  S12 Line 561:

Every I declaration also declares a corresponding private
I storage location, and the exclamation form may be used
only in the actual class, not in derived classes.


Re: Conceptual questions about Objects

2008-04-04 Thread Audrey Tang

John M. Dlugosz wrote:

That seems to be saying that using the method-call form is preferred, as
it abstracts whether it is a real hard attribute or not.

Er, it is not so.

The $.foo notation is good not only for calling accessors, but also as a 
way to specify context when calling oneself's methods.  Consider:

class Foo {
method bar ($x, $y) { ... }
method baz (
$.bar: 1, 2; 3, 4;

Here we are simply typing $.bar as a shorthand of $(, and 
as @(, as well as supplying them with arguments; they do not 
mandate that there exists a "bar" attribute for our class.

In other words, there needs to be no real hard attribute "bar", no 
matter if you call the "bar" method as, $.bar(), or simply $.bar.


Re: Conceptual questions about Objects

2008-04-04 Thread Audrey Tang

John M. Dlugosz wrote:

A method can refer to private attributes etc. in other objects than
self. This is unlike Smalltalk and like C++. Which objects? Obviously,
those that _have_ them in the first place.

Correct, though those classes also has to trust the calling class:

class MyClass { has $!attr; trusts YourClass }
class YourClass {
method foo (MyClass $obj) {
$obj!MyClass::attr; # Access to $obj's private attr

Does the variable used as the invocant, or return value if it is an expression,

> have to be statically typed as being of the identical class?

The $obj above must be evaluated to an object of class MyClass.

AFAICS, the spec doesn't really say if a derived class needs to 
explicitly trust YourClass for it to be used this way:

class MyDerivedClass is MyClass {}; => 1)); # Not sure if this works.

If class C { has $.a; ... }, then I understand that members may refer to
$.a directly but outside of the scope of members defined in the class
they can only be reached by accessors, a() as a method call.

Well, $.a is exactly the same as $(self.a) -- see S12/"are just 
shorthands of C" for the definition.

Methods in class C may call $!a, which is the private accessor method.
Outside the scope, private methods of class C are invisible.

But, it is also stated that in derived and trusted classes, and even in
the class itself, $.a is an accessor call?

Well, $.a is merely shorthand for $(self.a) so derived classes can call 
it just fine.  However in trusted classes, $.a wouldn't make much sense,

as you need to use either $obj.a or $obj!YourClass::a there.

Is this accessor different from the
function form used outside the class? Why keep the variable syntax?

Because it's jolly convenient, especially in interpolated strings, I 

say "My position is $.x - $.y - $.z";

I'm getting a picture of 3 forms of access: Really direct, direct but
asking the class to access it rather than knowing how storage works, and
indirect that may involve your own code to do other things besides just
get/set the attribute. But I think the middle one can be handled
invisibly by the compiler -- it's no different from a tied hash.

The middle one is not that different from the first one, because from an 
implementation viewpoint, once YourClass trusts MyClass, then code in 
MyClass might as well have knowledge about how the storage works.

How private is private? I wonder if what you've called private things
are really more like "protected" in C++ (accessible by the derived
class) and that 'my' attributes are really private, as are submethods.
It's all confused. Who is allowed to access what?

No, private methods are not accessible from derived classes, unless the 
base class explicitly trusts them -- See L12/"the exclamation form may 
be used only in the actual class, not in derived classes".


Re: S09 editorial fixes

2008-04-02 Thread Audrey Tang

Thom Boyer 提到:

Audrey Tang wrote:

$code = { "a" => 1, $b, $c ==> print };

The examples above are from L.

According to those rules, that last assignment to $code seems to be a 
hash, not code. Or does the C<< ==> >> mean that the contents aren't a 

Correct, because "==>" binds looser than "," (i.e., Terminator is looser 
than Comma), so the toplevel in that block is not a list, but a feed.


Re: S09 editorial fixes

2008-04-02 Thread Audrey Tang

Nicholas Clark 提到:

So if the semicolon is replaced with a comma, like this,

my @x := [{1+1}, {2+2}];

the {} acts as a hash constructor, and @x is [{2 => undef}, {4 => undef}] ?

No, {} acts as a closure constructor, and @x contains two closures that 
returns 2 and 4 respectively when called:

@x[0](); # 2
@x[1](); # 4

Basically, {} is only a hash constructor if the inside is either empty, 
or contains only a list starting with a pair or a hash:

$hash = { };
$hash = { %stuff };
$hash = { "a" => 1 };
$hash = { "a" => 1, $b, $c, %stuff, @nonsense };

$code = { ; };
$code = { @stuff };
$code = { "a", 1 };
$code = { "a" => 1, $b, $c ==> print };

The examples above are from L.


Re: S09 editorial fixes

2008-04-02 Thread Audrey Tang
Larry Wall 提到:
> I was originally thinking just loop modifiers, but I suppose
> { say $^x } if foo();
> also can be made to make some kind of sense, in the same way that
> if foo() -> $x { say $x }
> is supposed to work.

Right. I've committed the clarification (as a new section).  Thanks!

> Yes, current STD has the inside of () and [] as ,
> which throws away all but the last statement.  Arguably [] at least
> should probably be  though, and maybe () too.
> my @x := [{1+1}; {2+2}];  @x is currently [4], should be [2,4]?
> my @x = ({1+1}; {2+2});  same deal?

That's what I'd expect, yes.


Re: S09 editorial fixes

2008-04-02 Thread Audrey Tang

Larry Wall 提到:

Yes, unless we decide we need something like that for list
comprehensions.  Maybe looping modifiers allow placeholders in what
would otherwise be an error...

Sure.  How about this:

Use of a placeholder parameter in statement-level blocks triggers a
syntax error, because the parameter is not out front where it can be
seen.  However, it's not an error when prefixed by a C, or when
followed by a statement modifier:

# Syntax error: statement-level placeholder block
{ say $^x };

# Not an syntax error, though $x doesn't get the argument it wants
do { say $^x };

# Not an error at all
{ say $^x } for 1..10;

I do find it interesting that, because "any block just inside a left 
parenthesis is immediately called like a bare block", we have:

my $x = {1+1};  # $x is a Code
my $y = ({1+1});# $y is 2!

Is that correct?


Re: S09 editorial fixes

2008-04-02 Thread Audrey Tang
John M. Dlugosz 提到:
> I just finished another pass on S09, and in this posting I note 
> editorial issues with the file that can easily be corrected.  This is as 
> opposed to subjects for deep discussion, which I'll save for later and 
> individual posts.
> = on Mixing subscripts
> "Within a C<.[]> indexing operation..."
> Why the dot?  The examples don't use a dot, and this makes it sound like the 
> dot is involved and that is confusing.  I see that C<.{}> was also mentioned 
> earlier.  

The dot is there to signify that we're talking about postcircumfix:<[
]>, the indexing function, instead of circumfix:<[ ]>, the array
construction function.  I guess we can say "Within a postcircumfix C<[]>
indexing operation", but I'm not sure it's clearer.

> = on The semicolon operator
> "Another thing that's not going to fly easily is simply dropping out 
> terms" to the end of the section.
> That is out of place.  The transition is wrong, and it does not express 
> something that is unique to this topic.  I think it is a relic.

It's there to explain that why we use an explicit Whatever Asterisk:

0..* :by(2)

instead of simply dropping out the right-hand term:

0.. :by(2)

Because :by(2) in term position is a pair constructor, not a named
argument in the current expression.

Suggestions welcome on how to make the transition more smooth, though. :-)


Re: S09 editorial fixes

2008-04-02 Thread Audrey Tang
John M. Dlugosz 提到:

> But about your answer, "automatically called with no arguments". Isn't
> that what a bare closure normally does anyway? Say, I introduced extra
> {} just for scoping or naming the block, where a statement is expected.
> foo;
> bar;
> { my $temp= foo; bar(temp); } #forget about $temp.

Correct, but a pointy "-> $i {...}" is not bare, and neither is blocks
with placeholders such as "{ $^i }".

In fact, the latter is currently an error in Pugs:

$ ./pugs -e '{$^i}'
*** Blocks with implicit params cannot occur at statement level
at -e line 1, column 1

The relevant paragraph is S04/"The do-once loop":

Although a bare block is no longer a do-once loop, it still executes
immediately as in Perl 5, as if it were immediately dereferenced with
a C<.()> postfix, so within such a block C refers to the
scope surrounding the block.  If you wish to return a closure from a
function, you must use an explicit prefix such as C or C
or C<< -> >>.  (Use of a placeholder parameter is deemed insufficiently
explicit because it's not out front where it can be seen.  You can, of
course, use a placeholder parameter if you also use C.)

I guess the wording in the last parenthesized parens is insufficiently
explicit, and maybe we should change it to say that it's really a syntax
error to use placeholder blocks in statement positions.  Sounds reasonable?


Re: S09 editorial fixes

2008-04-02 Thread Audrey Tang
Audrey Tang 提到:
> John M. Dlugosz 提到:
>> = on Parallelized parameters and autothreading
>> use autoindex;
>> do { @c[$^i, $^j, $^k, $^l] = @a[$^i, $^j] * @b[$^k, $^l] };
>> Shouldn't those be semicolons?  Ditto for subsequent examples.
>> Also, what does the "do" do?  I think it is only meaningful if there was 
>> something using this block's return value.  I suspect it is a relic of p5 
>> notation.
> No, something more subtle is going on -- the "do STATEMENT" notation
> sees a stand-alone block in statement position, so it's automatically
> called with no arguments.

Er, sorry, that wasn't entirely correct. :-)

It's actually using the "do BLOCK" form, which implicitly calls the
block once, with no arguments, as defined in S04/"The do-once loop".

So the paragraph that mentioned "do STATEMENT" in my previous mail
should instead read:

or you can use the C syntax (see L) to
call that closure, which also implicit iterates:


Re: S09 editorial fixes

2008-04-02 Thread Audrey Tang
John M. Dlugosz 提到:

> = on Parallelized parameters and autothreading
> use autoindex;
> do { @c[$^i, $^j, $^k, $^l] = @a[$^i, $^j] * @b[$^k, $^l] };
> Shouldn't those be semicolons?  Ditto for subsequent examples.
> Also, what does the "do" do?  I think it is only meaningful if there was 
> something using this block's return value.  I suspect it is a relic of p5 
> notation.

No, something more subtle is going on -- the "do STATEMENT" notation
sees a stand-alone block in statement position, so it's automatically
called with no arguments.

Here is a rewrite of that section starting from line 1044 onward.
Sanity-check before I check it in?

In the abstract (and often in the concrete), this puts an implicit
loop around the block of the closure that visits all the possible
subscript values for that dimension (unless the parameter is actually
supplied to the closure, in which case the supplied value is used as
the slice subscript instead).

This implicit loop is assumed to be parallelizable.
So to write a typical tensor multiplication:

Cijkl = Aij * Bkl

you can simply call a closure with no arguments, allowing the C
pragma to fill in the defaults:

use autoindex;
-> $i, $j, $k, $l { @c[$i; $j; $k; $l] = @a[$i; $j] * @b[$k; $l] }();

or you can use the C syntax to execute a stand-alone closure,
which also implicit loops:

use autoindex;
do -> $i, $j, $k, $l {
@c[$i; $j; $k; $l] = @a[$i; $j] * @b[$k; $l]

or even use placeholder variables instead of a parameter list:

use autoindex;
do { @c[$^i; $^j; $^k; $^l] = @a[$^i; $^j] * @b[$^k; $^l] };

That's almost pretty.

Re: "our" methods?

2008-04-02 Thread Audrey Tang
John M. Dlugosz 提到:
> In S29, there are definitions like
>our Capture method shape (@array: ) is export
> But in S12 there is no mention as to what an "our" method is.  It states that 
> "my" is used to make private methods, and "^" to make class methods.
> I think this is a doc relic and should be fixed globally in that file.

S02/"Return types":

If a subroutine is not explicitly scoped, it belongs to the current
namespace (module, class, grammar, or package), as if it's scoped with
the C scope modifier. Any return type must go after the name:

So this line:

our Capture method shape (@array: ) is export

is really the same as:

method shape (@array: ) of Capture is export

The prefixing of "our" is there to make the return ("of") type stand out.


Re: Generalizing ?? !!

2007-06-10 Thread Audrey Tang

在 Jun 11, 2007 5:10 AM 時,Jonathan Lang 寫到:

A variation of chaining associativity gets
used, with the "chaining rule" being '$v1 op1 $v2 // $v1 op2 $v3'
instead of '$v1 op1 $v2 && $v2 op2 $v3', as is the case for comparison

But wouldn't that make:

  True ?? undef !! Moose;

evaluate to Moose, instead of undef as we wanted?


Re: .perl, nested arrays, parens and a bug with .perl after hyperop

2007-05-21 Thread Audrey Tang

在 May 21, 2007 8:45 AM 時,Juerd Waalboer 寫到:

Steffen Schwigon skribis 2007-05-21  1:28 (+0200):
That's ARRAY := ARRAY there, so the following should dwym:

my @foo := [ 1, 2, 3 ];

However, this does not work with pugs, so I don't know if I am  
wrong, or

pugs is wrong.

Pugs is wrong and will be corrected before 6.28.0. :-)


Re: pugs: aborting smoke tests

2007-04-20 Thread Audrey Tang

在 Apr 20, 2007 7:45 PM 時,Agent Zhang 寫到:

On 4/13/07, Agent Zhang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Okay, I think I've fixed the bug by defaulting to instead of
YAML::Syck. As confirmed by Ingy++, The current version of YAML::Syck
on CPAN is having problem with single-quotes in its emitter: 

I've noticed that this issue didn't affect Larry's recent smokes.
Maybe he was using an older YAML::Syck? or he simply didn't install
YAML::Syck at all?

Oops, it was a regression introduced in YAML::Syck 0.84.  I've fixed  
the issue and released 0.85,

which should again serialize strings containing single-quotes correctly.


Re: [perl #41617] "make test-pir" fails on x86 linux, r14402

2007-02-28 Thread Audrey Tang

在 Feb 26, 2007 3:37 AM 時,Eric Hanchrow (via RT) 寫到:

# New Ticket Created by  Eric Hanchrow
# Please include the string:  [perl #41617]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue.
# >

Here's what I did:
$ svn co -r14402 pugs
$ cd pugs
$ perl Makefile.PL
$ make
$ PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/src/langs/parrot-svn/ make test-pir

I saw this:

Linking ...
cp pugs /usr/local/src/langs/pugs/blib/script/pugs
/usr/bin/perl -Iinc "-MExtUtils::MY" -e "MY->fixin(shift)" /usr/ 

cd perl5/Data-Capture && perl Makefile.PL && make
Can't open  for input:
No such file or directory at /usr/share/perl5/Module/Install/ line 135.

BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at Makefile.PL line 3.
make[1]: *** [build_perl5] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/langs/pugs'

Thanks, please "svn up" the pugs tree and try again.


Re: Packed array status?

2007-02-26 Thread Audrey Tang

2007/2/27, Geoffrey Broadwell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> >  7. Packed arrays with access to raw data pointer to give to API
> Is it possible to point us to some use cases of such packed arrays,
> especially the raw data pointer API part?

Are you looking for Perl code that creates such packed arrays and passes
them to OpenGL?  Or are you looking for links to manpages for the OpenGL
calls themselves?  Or both?

The former.

> Also, if you would translate a few such use cases to the syntax in S09
> ( and committing them under
> t/data_types/, then it'd be much easier to measure which parts of
> packed arrays needs to be specced/implemented first.

I can write some tests that build packed arrays of some of the types I
need and then go snooping around it checking the contents ... would that
help?  Somehow I'm thinking it's a bad thing if data types tests require
OpenGL ... but it seems hard to tell whether the implementation is
actually creating a packed array, or just faking the Perl-side behavior
using an unpacked array, unless we make a call to some C API that can
confirm the results.

That is correct. However as you noted, our buf should be as good as a
C-level packed buffer, so you can assume that when writing the tests.
Alternately, we can assume some fairly simple C FFI calls such as
strlen() (or some such) that manages the structs we'd like it to


Re: Packed array status?

2007-02-26 Thread Audrey Tang

2007/2/27, Geoffrey Broadwell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

As a simpler case than a full 3D engine port, I have some OpenGL
benchmarks in Perl 5 that I can port -- these have much reduced
requirements.  Principly, they need:

 1. Basic math and string operators (not grammars)
 2. Basic looping and simple control structures
 3. Basic subroutine handling
 4. Basic I/O: read file, print to STDOUT (printf is a bonus)
 5. Read access to command line args
 6. Perl scalars, hashes, and arrays, with one level nesting
 8. eval (tight inner loops are generated)
 9. High-resolution time
10. Access to SDL & OpenGL constants
11. Procedural calls to OpenGL, with scalar return values
12. Procedural or OO calls to SDL, with scalar (and object, if OO)
return values (no callbacks)

Pugs at the moment support all of the above, using the Perl 5 bridge
for "use perl5:SDL" and "use perl5:OpenGL".  So the sole requirement
seems to be:

 7. Packed arrays with access to raw data pointer to give to API

Is it possible to point us to some use cases of such packed arrays,
especially the raw data pointer API part?

Also, if you would translate a few such use cases to the syntax in S09
( and committing them under
t/data_types/, then it'd be much easier to measure which parts of
packed arrays needs to be specced/implemented first.


Re: recent changes

2007-02-08 Thread Audrey Tang

在 Feb 9, 2007 5:17 AM 時,Larry Wall 寫到:

Questions and feedback welcome, but please don't follow up to this
message--start a new thread for a new topic.  Bear in mind that
this is completely untested code, still fairly buggy and incomplete.
Not even pugs can parse it (yet).

Note: After some typo fixes and minor workarounds, Pugs now parses it  
just fine -- the task now is how to run it, and run it _fast_, before  
we make it part of sanity. :-)


Re: Pugs on Windows

2007-02-06 Thread Audrey Tang

在 Feb 6, 2007 11:07 PM 時,Gabor Szabo 寫到:

On when I click "Download"
I get to the wiki on rakudo and (yippi it works again !)
but the link to the Win32 binary builds of Pugs and Parrot
brings me to which is 404.

Fix the rakudo wiki to point to ?


Re: hello, does anybody who knows the svn respo of synopsis docs?

2006-12-17 Thread Audrey Tang

在 Dec 18, 2006 5:52 AM 時,Fayland Lam 寫到:

we are trying to translate them into Chinese. so I just wonder  
where can I get the .pod source?


ANN: Pugs Repository URL Changed.

2006-11-08 Thread Audrey Tang
After a week of planning, and with plenty of help from clkao++, obra+ 
+, #jifty, #bps and #perl6, I'm glad to announce that Pugs now has a  
new, permanent URL for its subversion repository: (HTTP) (HTTPS)

Subversion users, please switch your working copy this way:

svn switch --relocate http://

SVK users, please update the mirror path:

svk mirror --relocate //mirror/pugs

Commit bits are re-mailed to all existing committers and  
metacommitters; please set your password again by following the URL  
in the mail.  If you have not received the new commit bit, please let  
me know on #perl6 or via email.

Metacommitters can now manage invitations with a prettier interface  
at, powered by CommitBit.

We are still working on restoring the read-only mirrors at  
openfoundry and  Thanks to yet another a soon-to-be- 
announced open source product from #bps, we plan to turn them into  
full R/W mirrors, so we can distribute the load by setting up one  
replication server per continent.

Have fun!

Re: variables inside an eval

2006-11-01 Thread Audrey Tang

在 Oct 29, 2006 4:34 PM 時,Richard Hainsworth 寫到:

If I have the following

my $self = "some text";
my $nself = ~eval(q/"self is $self"/,:lang);

then surely $nself should be "self is some text".

But it is not. $self is not set inside the eval in pugs.

say ~eval(q/"self is $self"/);
"self is some text"

Is this correct behaviour?

It's now fixed as of r14574 -- scalar lexical variables now pass into  
Perl 5 just fine. Enjoy!

Oh, and you can now also write:

sub f ($x, $y) {
use v5;
$x + $y
say f(1,2); # 3

That is, any block that begins with "use v5;" is now handled by Perl  
5.  This should eliminate
some of the workarounds with eval('sub{}', :lang), and it's  
now made into Spec in S01 and S11.


Re: mmd-draft.txt

2006-11-01 Thread Audrey Tang

在 Oct 26, 2006 10:26 AM 時,TSa 寫到:

I figure that 

hasn't made it into S06 yet. So what is the current state of affairs?

The original plan was to have Larry review it in Brazil and check it  
in along with an
implementation (or two), but that may have to wait a bit now that  
Larry can't make it to Brazil...

Could someone explain me the voting mechanism mentioned in the
document? I get that it works from left to right and compares
the narrowness of types of the competing targets at that position.
But what information is recorded on the score cards and how is
that finally used in selecting the dispatch target?

A variant's score cards only records two Boolean values for each  
variant: "voting" and


The final resolution is by consensus: After all the positions are  
processed, if all variants
consider a single unique variant to be qualified, it is chosen.   
Otherwise an

ambiguity error is raised.


Re: variables inside an eval

2006-10-30 Thread Audrey Tang

在 Oct 29, 2006 4:34 PM 時,Richard Hainsworth 寫到:

If I have the following

my $self = "some text";
my $nself = ~eval(q/"self is $self"/,:lang);

then surely $nself should be "self is some text".

But it is not. $self is not set inside the eval in pugs.

The lexical pad is not yet shared with Perl 5. Can you commit a test  
in t/perl5/ to test that?

(I've just sent you a commit bit; please add yourself to AUTHORS  
first. :-))

If yes, then how can I use content from a scalar inside an eval  
with perl5?

As a workaround:

my $nself = eval(q/sub { my $self = shift; "self is  
$self" }/, :lang)($self);


[ANNOUNCE] Pugs 6.2.13 released!

2006-10-17 Thread Audrey Tang

After nearly four months of development and 3400+ commits, I'm very glad
to announce that Pugs 6.2.13 is now available:
SIZE: 6839270
SHA1: b06b8434c64e9bb5e3ab482282fbae0a6ba69218

Motivated by increasing use of Pugs in production, this is an extra  

in the 6.2.x series, offering another 200%+ improvement in performance,
comprehensive support for interoperability with Perl 5 modules, a  

grammar engine via native perl5 embedding, and much better support for
roles, classes and objects.

The web-based presence of Pugs and Perl 6 has improved as well:

* puts the Pugs shell in your browser.
* annotates  the Synopses with "smart- 
linked" tests.
* annotates that further with fail/ 
pass/todo records.
* is a Wiki dedicated to collect Perl 6  
related information.
* offers a  
comprehensive FAQ on Perl 6.

Thanks again to all lambdacamels on #perl6 for building this new ship  

it is truly an exhilarating voyage. :-)

Have -Ofun!

(The change log below is also available in HTML format:

= Changes for 6.2.13 (r14401) - October 17, 2006

== Build System

* Perl 5 embedding is now enabled by default
** For Windows users, Perl 5.8.x is required
** Set the `PUGS_EMBED` environment variable to `noperl5` to disable  

* Prompting for Parrot embedding is now disabled by default
** Set the `PUGS_EMBED` environment variable to `parrot` to enable this

* Support for compiling using GHC 6.6
** GHC 6.4.1+ is still supported, but 6.6 will be required in the  
next release

== Feature Changes

=== Interactive Shell and Command-Line Flags

* New `pugs -d` flag to display a trace for debugging
* The `:r` command now resets the environment once, not twice
* The return value of blocks, such as `gather {...}`, is displayed  
* `$_` is no longer clobbered with the result of each expression's  

=== Perl 5 Interoperability

* Arrays and Hashes now round-trip from Pugs to Perl 5 land and back
* Importing functions from Perl 5: `use perl5:CGI `
* Passing unboxed values across runtimes no longer leaks memory
* When embedding Perl 5.8+, Unicode flag is now on for Pugs-to-Perl5  

* `eval($str, :lang)` now accepts non-ASCII characters in `$str`

=== Lexical Syntax

* Capture literals: `\($bar: 1, 2, 3, named => 4)`
* Here-docs now work as specced; also warns against inconsistent  

* Interpolation of chained calls: `"$foo.meth.meth.meth.meth()"`
* List comprehension: `for 0 < list(@x) < 10 {...}`
* Named character escapes: `"\c[LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y]"`
* New grammatical category `term:`, separated from the `prefix:`  

* New magical variables: `$?COMPILER` and `$?VERSION`
* Parse for `LABEL: STMT`, although it's currently treated the same  
as `STMT`
* Pod directives: `=begin`/`=end` and `=for` now terminate without  
* Pod variables: `$=FOO` and [EMAIL PROTECTED] give you access to the Pod  
section FOO
* Quote adverbs no longer take non-parens brackets: `rx:P5{...}` is  
valid again

* Shell-like quoting rules implemented for `<< $x "qq" 'q' >>`
* Signature literals: `:($foo is copy = 42, $, @)`
* Support for UTF-8, UTF-16 and UTF-32 encoded source files
* Support for backquotes and `qx/.../` for capturing external command  
* User-defined infix associativity: `sub infix: is assoc 
('right') {...}`
* `"\123"` and `"\03"` are now errors; write `"\d123"` and `"\o03"`  

* `$::x` now means exactly the same a `$x`, instead of `$*x`
* `%h<>` now means `%h{}` -- the entire hash, not the empty string as  

* `($::('x'))` with two adjacent closing parens now parses correctly
* `0_123_456` now parses as `0d123456`, not an error
* `1<2>` is now a fatal error: Odd number of elements in Hash
* `q()` and `qw()` with parentheses are parsed as functions, not quotes

=== Declarators and Operators

* Argument interpolation via prefix `|` and `|<<`
* Binding to qualified uninitialised symbols: `&fully::qualify := sub  
* Contextual variables are now declared with `my $x is context`, not  
`env $x`

* Hyperised reduce operators: `[>>+<<]` and `[\>>+<<]`
* Implicit invocation assignment: `.= uc` is parsed as `$_ = $_.uc`
* Mid-block redeclaration no longer allowed: `my $x; { $x = 1; my $x  
= 2 }`

* Negated comparison operators: `!eqv`, `!=:=` etc; `!~~` replaces `!~`
* New infix comparison operators: `===` and `eqv`
* New infix non-short-circuiting boolean AND operator: `?&`
* Nullary reduction of builtin operators gives identity values: `[*] 
() === 1`

* Postfix operators can be called with a dot: `.++`, `$x.++`, `$x.\ ++`
* Prefix `=` now iterates on arrays as well: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
* Short-circuiting chained comparison: `1 > 2

Re: Runtime Role Issues

2006-10-12 Thread Audrey Tang

在 Oct 12, 2006 2:39 PM 時,Ovid 寫到:

--To forcefully add a role to a class at a distance during runtime,  

a class object call (see Moose::Meta::Class for more about these


That's more of what I was thinking, but where is this documented?  I
can't find it in  I
see it in the Moose docs, but is this in Perl 6?  I thought it was.

Well, it's in Perl 6, and Moose is currently the metaobject layer  
when the

VM that runs Perl 6 happens to be perl5...

Right after the 6.2.13 release (which is ready now, except for  
we'll switch to the Moose team's MO system, ensuring that the  

APIs work exactly the same way on both GHC and perl5 virtual machines.


Re: Runtime Role Issues

2006-10-11 Thread Audrey Tang

在 Oct 12, 2006 5:43 AM 時,Tim Bunce 寫到:

On Tue, Oct 10, 2006 at 01:31:59PM -0700, Ovid wrote:

Hi all,

In doing a bit of work with traits (roles) in Perl 5
(, I've realized some edge cases
which could be problematic.

First, when a role is applied to a class at runtime, a instance of  

class in another scope may specifically *not* want that role.

I always thought when a role is applied to a class at runtime you
get a new (anonymous) subclass. The original class isn't affected.

Right, that's what usually happens with:

my Dog $fido .= new;
$fido does Catlike;

Here $fido's class become a new (memoized, anonymous) class that  
still has
"Dog" as its name, but is no longer equivalent to the vanilla ^Dog  
class object.

To forcefully add a role to a class at a distance during runtime, use  
a class object call

(see Moose::Meta::Class for more about these APIs):



Re: Nested statement modifiers.

2006-10-03 Thread Audrey Tang

在 Oct 4, 2006 10:17 AM 時,Damian Conway 寫到:

Audrey asked:

However, I wonder if this is too strict. Disallowing "while" and
"until" after a do block is fine (and can be coded directly in those
two statement modifier macros), but is there a reason to disallow
other modifiers?

Well, for a start, there's this syntactic problem:

do { say "vale, munde asper"; mori(); }
if $lang eq 'Latinus';

*nod* The use case here is

do { .foo for @bar } if $baz;

But I guess you can always "protect" it with a parens:

(do { .foo for @bar }) if $baz;

Which also makes the syntactic problem go away.  So indeed,
disallowing statement modifiers after do{} altogether seems sane.


Re: Nested statement modifiers.

2006-10-03 Thread Audrey Tang

在 Oct 4, 2006 7:46 AM 時,Damian Conway 寫到:

[Apologies for the last post. Gmail got a little eager.
 Here's what I meant to send...]

Juerd wrote:

Which can also be written as:

do { do { say 1 if 1 } if 1 } if 1;

Sorry, no it can't. From S4

"Unlike in Perl 5, applying a statement modifier to a do block is
 specifically disallowed..."

However, I wonder if this is too strict.  Disallowing "while" and  
"until" after a do block
is fine (and can be coded directly in those two statement modifier  
macros), but is there a

reason to disallow other modifiers?


Re: error when using -> as lambda function

2006-10-03 Thread Audrey Tang

在 Oct 3, 2006 10:22 PM 時,Wim Vanderbauwhede 寫到:

say (-> $n { -> $f { $f($n,$f) }.( -> $n, $f { $n<2 ?? 1 !! $n*$f 

}) }).(5);
say "OK";
#say (-> $n { -> $f { $f($n,$f) }.( -> $n, $f { $n<2 ?? 1 !! $n*$f 

}) }).(5);
say "OK";

It's extremely subtle -- $n<2 should never have parsed in the first  
place, because it's always a
hash dereference (as in $n<2>); put a whitespace before the < sign to  
get the infix comparison

operator you're looking for.

See Lconsistent three-way distinction">

for more details on this distinction.

Pugs should have never admitted the first $n<2 case (by scanning  
outward to a matching > and
failing+backtracking), and should instead say someting like "write $n  
< 2 instead".  Can you commit a
test to make sure that "1<2" is a parse failure, perhaps as t/syntax/ 

A commit bit is on your way. Remember to add yourself to AUTHORS  
first. :-)


Re: trying to use a role within a role

2006-10-02 Thread Audrey Tang

在 Oct 2, 2006 5:56 PM 時,Audrey Tang 寫到:

At this moment only "role mywindow does win_text" works; the
statement-level "does" form was not implemented, but I should be
able to do so in the next few days.

Update: It's now implemented as r13782.

Richard: The t/README file should get you started at writing (and  
committing) your first test; people on #perl6 will  
definitely help as well.
Pugs operates under a seek-forgiveness-not-permission model, so it's  
easiest to just copy a test in the same directory, modify it, and  
check it in.

If anything went wrong, the gnomes on #perl6 will fix it right away. :-)


Re: trying to use a role within a role

2006-10-02 Thread Audrey Tang

在 Sep 30, 2006 6:26 PM 時,Richard Hainsworth 寫到:

role win_text {
 has $.win_mytxt1 is rw;
 has $.win_mytxt2 is rw;

role mywindow {
 has $.border is rw;
 has $.colour is rw;
 does win_text;

my $w = new mywindow;

$w.border = 2;
$w.colour = 'red';
say $w.border;
say $w.colour;

$w.win_mytxt1 = 'quick red fox';
$w.win_mytxt2 = ' jumped over the lazy dog';
say $w.win_mytxt1 ~ $.win_mytxt2;

On the last line it should be $w.win_mytxt2, not $.win_mytxt2.

At this moment only "role mywindow does win_text" works; the
statement-level "does" form was not implemented, but I should be
able to do so in the next few days.   I've sent you a Pugs commit bit;
can you check this test of yours in under t/oo/ somewhere?


Re: Motivation for /+/ set Array not Match?

2006-10-01 Thread Audrey Tang

在 Sep 28, 2006 3:03 AM 時,Carl Mäsak 寫到:

Audrey (>):
Indeed... Though what I'm wondering is, is there a hidden  

cost or design cost of making /+/ always behave such that
returns something, compared to the current treatment with the  

you suggested?

Has this been settled or addressed off-list?

'fraid not yet...

Because from my perspective as one who has never used P6 rules for  

in particular, but who in the future most likely will, the proposed
semantics seems a lot saner and more useful. It'd be sad to let pass
this opportunity to fix (what from my perspective appears to be) a
shortcoming of the rule semantics.

*nod* The lack of .from/.to is merely an annoyance, but the spaced-out
stringification is really, really surprising with /+/.


Re: Motivation for /+/ set Array not Match?

2006-09-24 Thread Audrey Tang

在 Sep 22, 2006 10:36 PM 時,Patrick R. Michaud 寫到:

Out of curiosity, why not:

/ bar bar $:=(+)/

and then one can easily look at $.from and $.to, as well
as get to the arrayed elements?  (There are other possibilities as

I'm not arguing in favor of or against the proposal, just pointing
out that there are ways in the existing scheme to get at what is

Indeed... Though what I'm wondering is, is there a hidden implementation
cost or design cost of making /+/ always behave such that  

returns something, compared to the current treatment with the workaround
you suggested?


Re: [svn:perl6-synopsis] r12346 - doc/trunk/design/syn

2006-09-23 Thread Audrey Tang

在 Sep 24, 2006 12:21 AM 時,Audrey Tang 寫到:

在 Sep 23, 2006 8:36 PM 時,Markus Laire 寫到:


 @args = [EMAIL PROTECTED],1,2,3;
-push [,] @args;# same as push @foo,1,2,3
+push [,] @args;# same as push(@foo: 1,2,3)

I don't quite understand this. Shouldn't C<[,] @args> be  
equivalent to

C<[EMAIL PROTECTED],1,2,3> just as C<[+] 0,1,2,3> is equivalent to C<0+1+2+3>?

So why is there C<:> instead of C<,> after C<@foo>?

Does this have something to do with the fact that C<@args> is
C<[EMAIL PROTECTED],1,2,3> and not C<@foo,1,2,3>?

Exactly. Per this interpretation, [EMAIL PROTECTED] is shorthand for \(@foo :),  
[,] would first flatten the contents of @arg, and then process each  
if an element is Capture, it is joined into the current arglist; if  
it's not,

then it's made a simple positional.

I wasn't sure about this treatment, so I checked on #perl6 with Larry;
an alternative is to treat the elements of @foo always as positional
arguments, but that will make the two [,] calls below nonequivalent:

my @args = [EMAIL PROTECTED], 1, 2, 3;
[,] @args;
[,] [EMAIL PROTECTED], 1, 2, 3;

I'd prefer to make them equivalent, on the principle that all listops
conceptually flatten+concat their arguments first, and then process
each element regardless of its origin.

On the other hand, it can also be argued that


is shorthand for

|(TERM), |(TERM), |(TERM)

and the treatment will depend solely on TERM's scalar-context type
without considering list flattening.  Per that interpretation, indeed  

two need not be equivalent:

my @args = [EMAIL PROTECTED], 1, 2, 3;
[,] @args; # four positionals, same as |@args
[,] [EMAIL PROTECTED], 1, 2, 3; # one invocant, three positionals, same as | 
([EMAIL PROTECTED]), |(1), |(2), |(3)

however, having a listop that does not do flatten+concat doesn't feel
quite right, so I'd still like the flatten-concat-explode model as  
currently specced.


Re: [svn:perl6-synopsis] r12346 - doc/trunk/design/syn

2006-09-23 Thread Audrey Tang

在 Sep 23, 2006 8:36 PM 時,Markus Laire 寫到:


 @args = [EMAIL PROTECTED],1,2,3;
-push [,] @args;# same as push @foo,1,2,3
+push [,] @args;# same as push(@foo: 1,2,3)

I don't quite understand this. Shouldn't C<[,] @args> be equivalent to
C<[EMAIL PROTECTED],1,2,3> just as C<[+] 0,1,2,3> is equivalent to C<0+1+2+3>?

So why is there C<:> instead of C<,> after C<@foo>?

Does this have something to do with the fact that C<@args> is
C<[EMAIL PROTECTED],1,2,3> and not C<@foo,1,2,3>?

Exactly. Per this interpretation, [EMAIL PROTECTED] is shorthand for \(@foo :), 
[,] would first flatten the contents of @arg, and then process each one;
if an element is Capture, it is joined into the current arglist; if  
it's not,

then it's made a simple positional.

I wasn't sure about this treatment, so I checked on #perl6 with Larry;
an alternative is to treat the elements of @foo always as positional
arguments, but that will make the two [,] calls below nonequivalent:

my @args = [EMAIL PROTECTED], 1, 2, 3;
[,] @args;
[,] [EMAIL PROTECTED], 1, 2, 3;

I'd prefer to make them equivalent, on the principle that all listops
conceptually flatten+concat their arguments first, and then process
each element regardless of its origin.


Motivation for /+/ set Array not Match?

2006-09-22 Thread Audrey Tang

From S05:

If a subrule appears two (or more) times in any branch of a lexical
scope (i.e. twice within the same subpattern and alternation), or if the
subrule is quantified anywhere within a given scope, then its
corresponding hash entry is always assigned an array of
C objects rather than a single C object.

However, fglock and I both find the "quantified" clause very surprising.

/  bar bar /

should set $ to an Array with two Match elements.  However:


should set $ to a single Match, with multiple positional Match  
elements, each

one representing one match in the quantified match.  Moreover:

   / bar bar +/

should set $ to an Array with two Match elements, the first being a
simple match, and the second has multiple positional submatches.

The thinking behind the separate treatment is that in a contiguous  
match, it does make sense to ask the .from and .to for the entire  
range, which
is very hard to do if it's an Array (which can have 0 elements,  
rendering $[-1].to
dangerous).  Also stringification for $ on a /+/ match  
should perhaps
not be space-separated, i.e. it should follow Match semantics not  
Array semantics.

To recap: Is it possible to amend the quantified clause to have it  
produce Match

objects, and reserve Array only for noncontiguous same-named subrules?


Re: Trying to use Perl5 modules

2006-09-13 Thread Audrey Tang

在 Sep 11, 2006 2:07 PM 時,Trey Harris 寫到:

In a message dated Mon, 11 Sep 2006, Richard Hainsworth writes:
I am trying to find out how to use (in perl6) perl5 modules that  
contain subroutines.

Imports from Perl 5 modules don't currently work.

Actually, explicit imports do work (as of a couple weeks ago):

use perl5:Time::gmtime ;
say gmtime.wday;

Implicit imports is not yet supported, though...


Re: Unpacking tree node parameters

2006-09-13 Thread Audrey Tang

在 Sep 4, 2006 2:11 AM 時,Gaal Yahas 寫到:

Unless I'm mistaken, this doesn't cast back to subroutine signature  

very well:

  sub f1 (Dog ($fido, $spot))   { ... }
  sub f2 (Dog $ ($fido, $spot)) { ... }
  sub f3 (Dog :($fido, $spot))  { ... }


Unless Audrey's latest S03 patch pertains here as well, and Dog
distributes; in that case it would be as if the programmer had written

  sub f1 ([Dog $fido, Dog $spot])   { ... }

Yes, except there's no [] there; it's two positional parameters.

as described in the preceding section, "Unpacking array  
parameters". If

this is *not* the case, then f1 is not ambiguous!

TimToady++ just confirmed on IRC that it is indeed the case.

Please clarify, so I can clean up the confusing paragraph and  

the optionality of the colon less jarringly.

Woot! :-)


Re: single named param

2006-09-12 Thread Audrey Tang

在 Sep 12, 2006 6:59 PM 時,Gaal Yahas 寫到:

What invocant is constructed in this signature then?
method foo ($just_a_named_param)

Is the signature for &foo really the same as that of bar?

   sub bar ($just_a_named_param)

As Larry said, they shouldn't be the same; the first one is

&foo.signature === :($ : $just_a_named_param);

The second one is:

&bar.signature === :($just_a_named_param);

I was sort of assuming you could tell by a signature if it was for a
method or a sub.

That's correct; the "method" keyword augments the signature with an  
"$" invocant if it's not explicitly specified. (In Pugs.Val.Code  
terms, that's nullID for

both the p_label slot and (v_name . p_variable).)


Re: single named param

2006-09-12 Thread Audrey Tang

2006/9/12, Gaal Yahas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Does this mean a single named parameter called $x, or a default invocant
and a single required positional named $x?

"A default invocant" prolly doesn't make sense there... There's
nothing to "default" to. :-)


Reduced assignment operator?

2006-09-10 Thread Audrey Tang

Consider these cases:
[=] $x, $y, $z;
[+=] $a, $b, $c;

S03 is currently inconsistent.  It first says these are not supported:

The final metaoperator in Perl 6 is the reduction operator.  Any
infix operator (except for non-associating operators and assignment
operators) can be surrounded by square brackets in term position to

But then implies it is on the defaulting table below:

[=]()   # undef(same for all assignment operators)

I don't see an obvious problem in supporting them as a syntactic  

But would it be useful? And is there some hidden corners that I missed?


Re: IO::Socket, or any IO

2006-09-09 Thread Audrey Tang

在 Sep 8, 2006 10:33 PM 時,Michael Snoyman 寫到:

Thanks Audrey.  I actually found that after writing that post.   
What I had wanted to do was write a threaded server, implemented in  
Perl 6 only (ie, including Perl 6 regexs).  I got that working  
almost entirely, when I couldn't find any thread implementation.  I  
tried using fork() to get a same effect, but it seems that fork  
also isn't available.  Was I missing something, or are these just  
features that I need to wait for?

async{} creates a thread:

my $thr = async { ... };

You can use the usual .join, .detach, .yield methods on it.


Re: IO::Socket, or any IO

2006-09-08 Thread Audrey Tang

在 Aug 25, 2006 12:54 AM 時,Michael Snoyman 寫到:

I was thinking of rewriting a little webserver program I wrote in  
Perl 5
using Pugs.  I was wondering what the equivilent (if any) of  
IO::Socket is.
I suppose I could use an external webserver and use CGI to get this  

with IO, but my preference would be a pure Perl 6 approach.

See examples/network/ in the Pugs tree. :-)


Re: multi method dispatching of optional arguments (further refined)

2006-09-04 Thread Audrey Tang

2006/9/4, Ph. Marek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

On Sunday 03 September 2006 14:25, Mark Stosberg wrote:
> Luke Palmer wrote:
> > On 9/3/06, Mark Stosberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Note that the variant /with/ the parameter can be considered an exact
> >> match, but but the variant /without/ it cannot be considered an exact
> >> match.
Excuse me for getting into this thread with only minor knowledge about perl6,
but will there be MMD based on the *value* of parameters? Like Haskell has.

Why, yes, see the various Unpacking sections in S06, as well as "where"
type constraints.  We're st^H^Hadapting as much as we can. :-)


Re: Compiling pugs r12925 failed

2006-09-02 Thread Audrey Tang

2006/9/2, Markus Laire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

On 9/2/06, Audrey Tang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 2006/9/2, Markus Laire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > I tried to compile pugs r12925 with parrot r14364 (both current as of
> > yesterday) and "make" for pugs failed with this message:
> Heya.  r12925 is at the middle of gaal's mad hax0ring to support
> :(Sig) syntax in addition to \(Capt) syntax.  Can you try again?

I get same error with r12939 (except that "line 516" is now "line 517")

This is quite strange, as I cannot duplicate this failure mode; neither can
others in #perl6.  Nevertheless, I've attempted a fix.  Can you try
again with r12945?


Re: Compiling pugs r12925 failed

2006-09-02 Thread Audrey Tang

2006/9/2, Markus Laire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I tried to compile pugs r12925 with parrot r14364 (both current as of
yesterday) and "make" for pugs failed with this message:

Heya.  r12925 is at the middle of gaal's mad hax0ring to support
:(Sig) syntax in addition to \(Capt) syntax.  Can you try again?
Maybe remove blib6\lib\ before typing "make", too.


Re: Naming the method form of s///

2006-09-01 Thread Audrey Tang

2006/9/1, Juerd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Luke Palmer skribis 2006-08-31 15:48 (-0600):
> > I don't think using a method (even if called "s") is good huffman
> > coding. My expectation is that copying substitution will be used much -
> > perhaps even more than mutating substitution!
> And so a method called "s" is poor huffman coding... why? (I do agree
> with your frequency conjecture)

Because of the awkward syntax that goes with a method: two parens, four
delimiters, comma[s]?.

.s(/bar/, "baz");  # 20 keypresses on a US keyboard

Minor nit, but:

.s: /bar/,'baz'; # 17 keypresses...


Re: Same-named arguments

2006-08-26 Thread Audrey Tang


So what's the rationale behind the latest changes? I thought p6
consistently regarded the sigil as part of the name; seems like that
should go for named parameters, too.  In fact, sigils would seem to be
a good way to distinguish named parameters from pairs.

Mostly, it's that func('&x' => 1) requires a bit too much typing, and also
makes it hard for func() to change its signature later on to accept things
other than Code.

Alternatively, reserve either :k(v) or k=>v for named parameters and
use the other for pairs. I don't see the value of conflating those two
things syntactically - is it just for compatibility with p5 modules
that take their parameters as hashes?

Indeed.  Were it not for Perl5, I think forcing people to always write
:named($param) instead of named=>$param is a cleaner solution.

The rationale behind autoquoting-as-named is that, the autoquoted
identifiers are the same set of names you can use on the signature line:

   func("Some string with embedded space" => $value);

would be taken as Pair, not named, because one cannot declare a
parameter name that contains space in &func's signature line.

On the other hand, I'd have no problem with parens-disambiguation going
away, such that fx=>1 means just f(x=>1), and use f('x'=>1) when
you mean a Pair.


Re: Where to put test for tr///?

2006-08-26 Thread Audrey Tang

2006/8/26, Mark J. Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I noticed that tr/// doesn't currently exist in pugs.  I want to add a
test, but I'm not sure where it goes. My first  instinct is to create
a new tr.t in operators/, but I could also see adding it to builtins,
or even to the trans test in string.  So I thought I'd solicit
opinions before diving in.

String's trans.t seems like a good place to put it...


Re: pugs: rw block parameters

2006-08-24 Thread Audrey Tang

在 2006/8/25 上午 4:37 時,Larry Wall 寫到:

On Thu, Aug 24, 2006 at 03:11:10PM -0400, Mark J. Reed wrote:
: On 8/24/06, Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: >On Wed, Aug 23, 2006 at 05:01:43PM -0400, Mark J. Reed wrote:
: >: Sorry if this is a known question, but I didn't see it  
mentioned in the

: >: recent archive or FAQ.
: >:
: >: for ($a, $b) { $_ = ... }
: >:
: >: gives me a "Can't modify constant item: VRef ".
: >
: >Which is correct as the default.
: Not according to the spec.  S04 says:

Oops, sorry, was confusing implicit $_ with explicit ->$_.  You are  

And indeed I confused it as well.  Fixed as of r12675.

Mark, can you add a test to t/statements/for.t?  A commit bit is on  
its way to your inbox. :-)


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Re: === and array-refs

2006-08-17 Thread Audrey Tang

在 2006/8/18 上午 3:31 時,Ben Morrow 寫到:

Just to make sure I've got all this straight:

=:= compares names
=== compares containers
eqv compares values

=:= evaluates both sides as lvalue -- that's VAR() -- and compare  
them with ===.
=== evaluates both sides as rvalue and, for container (mutable)  
types, compares their pointer address.
eqv evaluates both sides as rvalue and, for container (mutable)  
types, compares their content values.

None of the three coerces their arguments to concatenated List (aka  
list flattening, aka slurpy context).

So given an array @W,

my @X := @W;# @X =:= @W
my @Y =  @W;# @Y === @W but @Y !=:= @W
my @Z =  @W.clone;  # @Z eqv @W but @Z !=== @W

Your Array example would be correct with the $ sigil:

my $w = [1,2,3,4]; # Scalar containing Array
my $x := $w;   # $x =:= $w
my $y =  $w;   # $y === $w but $y !=:= $w
my $z =  $w.clone; # $z eqv $w but $z !=== $w

However, &infix:<=> when its left-hand side is an array, has an  
different signature
(and indeed, different precedence) than when its left-hand side is a  

my $y = $w;   # does not flatten $w
my @Y = @W;   # does flatten @w, essentially doing a .clone
my @Z = @W.clone; # same as "my @Z = @W" really.

So the two assignments (@Y and @Z) above turns out to be the same  
thing, and neither

will make "===" hold afterwards.


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Re: designing a test suite for multiple implementations

2006-08-12 Thread Audrey Tang

在 2006/8/12 下午 6:15 時,Nicholas Clark 寫到:
There's nothing technical stopping the Perl 6 tests being on,
but in a different svn repository from the current repositories, is  

Well, technically yes, except that SVK doesn't support svn:external yet.

Setting a svn:external property in the right place on both Parrot  
and Pugs
would mean that both could check out the same testsuite, and both  

commit back to it.

That's assuming that the new repo, say, 
perl6tests/, can

give out commit permissions to parrot and pugs committers, yes.

But as Jerry's initial motivation was moving Perl 6 tests to a more  
location, and that is the official repo  
for the
Perl 6 design documents, I wonder what's the advantage of hosting the  

in a separate repository.  Can you elaborate on that?


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Re: designing a test suite for multiple implementations

2006-08-12 Thread Audrey Tang

在 2006/8/12 上午 3:01 時,jerry gay 寫到:

for "managed," i have a few ideas. currently, the suite lives in the
pugs repo. this is a fine first approximation, but i believe it will
soon be time to move this suite (it doesn't make sense to keep the
"official" tests in a non-official repo in the long term.)

It's available in the official repo:

If you'd like to change the mirror point to

That's fine.  However, currently the commit bit to that directory does
not make it easy for people to help out, and while we can do this  
through a
test-pumpking that reviews each patches and commit by hand, I don't  

that's a wise move to take.

It's true that "you need an account to write tests  
for perl 6"
may make people feel this to be less official.  If we can get a good  
system to hand out commit bits to, I'm all for moving  

to there.

Robrt had set one up for, but that is currently  
not actively
promoted because of the policy that new committers to that directory  
has to sign

TPF's  Contributor License Agreement.

If we can relax that policy for the perl6/ or perl6/t/ directory, so  
we can migrate
the openfoundry committers over without them having to sign the CLA  
by paper --
digitally clickthrough would be fine -- then I agree that we can  
migrate everything


the question is, should it be moved into their own repository, or  
into the repo of
the "official" perl6 implementation (if such a beast will indeed  

Currently the repo is the most official-sounding one, by  
the domain
name alone.  (But I don't understand the motivation for putting the  
tests with
"the true implementation" -- I thought the idea is to decouple the  
tests with
any implementations.)  So I think is the right choice,  
if the admins

are okay with a more relaxed commit bit policy there.


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Re: underscores in the core lib

2006-08-11 Thread Audrey Tang

在 2006/8/11 下午 2:35 時,Luke Palmer 寫到:

I think that standard functions ought not to have underscores *most of
the time*, because their presence indicates something that could be
better named or is miscategorized.  However, for methods, especially
"advanced" or introspective methods, I think longer names that
describe the action are better than short ones that only describe the
action if you understand the pun.  Huffman coding does not imply that
*everything* is short.

.SKID and the like are methods of Object, and as such should be  

part of the standard functions, as they are available to all terms.

Methods for the other implicit-coerced-to types (Bit/Int/Num/Str/ 
List) share
this concern; because all terms may be coerced implicitly into them,  

methods also have unbounded visibility.

For other built-in types, I think underscore names are just fine.   
For example,
metaclass methods such as "Class.has_method" should indeed remain as  
such. :)


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Re: [svn:perl6-synopsis] r10804 - doc/trunk/design/syn

2006-08-11 Thread Audrey Tang

在 2006/8/11 下午 3:00 時,Luke Palmer 寫到:

 Some object types can behave as value types.  Every object can  
 a "safe key identifier" (C for short) that uniquely  
identifies the

-object for hashing and other value-base comparisons.  Normal objects
+object for hashing and other value-bases comparisons.  Normal  

I'm glad you "fixed" this typo.

It's been fixed in r10805.

+no explicit call to C was performed by the time the  
mainline code


I don't see a purpose for this.  Isn't it better to have a simple,
predictable call at the end of the program regardless?  If a module
wants to call MAIN differently, it can use .wrap.

Or even simpler:

MAIN(...); exit;

I agree that a predictable call is better.

+If C is declared as a method, the name of the invoked
+program is passed as the "invocant".

What a hack.  Please don't do that.

If any, the invocant should be an instantiated object of type Main,  
to go with the
idea of method declaration.  If Main can be instantiated somehow so  
that it knows
about the program name, then it can be made to work, but as specced  
it feels unnatural

to me as well.


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Re: Array Definitions

2006-08-03 Thread Audrey Tang

在 2006/8/2 下午 2:48 時,Arthur Ramos Jr. 寫到:

I'm new to the mailing lists. I've just started reading all the  
Apocalypse and

Exegeses with the goal of becoming involved in some manner.

Try reading the Synopses first. :-)

The Apocalypses and Exegesis are no longer updated, and has diverged  
considerably with the current spec.

One question I have is
whether there will be a change to matrix coding. I'd personally  
like to see a

simplification from the C coding. For example:

Rather than (or in addition to) the C style:

array[0][1][2] = 42;

change it to (or allow the use of) the simplification:

array[0,1,2] = 42;

@array[0;1;2] is the current syntax; see S09 for details.


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Re: [svn:perl6-synopsis] r9725 - doc/trunk/design/syn

2006-07-28 Thread Audrey Tang

在 2006/7/28 上午 7:54 時,Aaron Crane 寫到:

The motivation for s/environmental/contextual/ is clear: avoiding a  
that's already used for something else.  But, on the same grounds,  
I'm not
sure that "contextual" is the right term, and especially not Ccontext>

-- Perl already has contexts, and this isn't one.

The idea is that context is something you pass along in each of your  
calls.  If your function body is a simple call, then it does not  
affect the context; the callee gets the same context as you are getting.

So one can say that "want" is really one of the contextual variables  
that gets reassigned every time a function is called when a  
particular type is expected.


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Re: Patch for S03

2006-07-23 Thread Audrey Tang

在 2006/7/23 上午 7:33 時,Agent Zhang 寫到:

Hello, everyone~
Here's my patch for S03.

Thanks, applied (and the previous one on S02 too)!


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Re: Patch for S02

2006-07-19 Thread Audrey Tang

在 2006/7/19 下午 10:16 時,Agent Zhang 寫到:

I found some nits while copying Perl 6 Synopsis 2 by hand. The patch
created by my TortoiseSVN for S02 has been pasted at the end of the

Thanks, applied as r10314.


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Re: Checkin #13345

2006-07-18 Thread Audrey Tang

在 2006/7/18 下午 3:55 時,jerry gay 寫到:

On 7/18/06, chromatic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Tuesday 18 July 2006 02:21, Audrey Tang wrote:
> Does r13347 look better?  If not, please revert both my changes.

I think it's still misleading.  #13364 is probably as accurate as  
Parrot can


and has the distinction of compiling on windows, too :) # audreyt++

Actually, chromatic meant r13344, not r13364.

Chromatic: Your original commit log noted room for possible  
improvements with the English
message, which I interpreted as a invitation to help, and acted  
accordingly, but probably
was mistaken, and thereby perceived as rude.  I'm sorry about the  

I'd like to apologize publicly for saying that you can revert both my  
changes if you think
it's stylistically bad English; I should have said "I'd be willing to  
revert to r13344 if

you find inaccuracies with it".

I was already committing a revert to r13344, but it clashed with your  
r13367 a few minutes
ago; for the record, I think your freshly-committed r13367 gives far  
better error message

than either r13344 or r13364.

It's very hard for me to write tests for English parts of a project,  
as they are often
subjective calls.  In this particular case, please forgive me for  
making a change without
submitting as test+patch first to the mailing list, which I should  
have done in the first
place.  You would be correct to chide me for abusing my Parrot commit  
bit; from now on,
I'll learn to avoid committing anything without a clear consensus  
from the parrot porters.

Again, very, very sorry for causing your distress.  It was not meant  
that way, and I'll

learn to adjust my behavior.


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Re: flex/bison version for Parrot?

2006-07-18 Thread Audrey Tang

在 2006/7/18 下午 1:41 時,Chip Salzenberg 寫到:

What versions of flex and bison will work now?  I'd like to make
Configure.perl (or perhaps the Makefile at runtime?) choke on -- 

if the right versions aren't found.

Flex 2.5.33, Bison 2.2.


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Re: [svn:parrot] r13343 - trunk/compilers/imcc

2006-07-18 Thread Audrey Tang

在 2006/7/18 上午 6:21 時,Audrey Tang 寫到:

在 2006/7/18 上午 5:24 時,Audrey Tang 寫到:

在 2006/7/18 上午 4:38 時,Allison Randal 寫到:
This is not a maintainable build solution. Revert and come back  
when you have one.

Please clarify: What, exactly, is not maintainable?  The presence  
of a .diff file, or the fact that it needs to be applied manually?

If the latter, an extra line of Makefile rule suffices.  If the  
former, a bison post-processor wrapper is needed.

Assuming both were considered unmaintainable, fixed them, and  
committed again as r13348.

I'd be willing to revert r13348 again if you find anything wrong  
with it, but a more specific response would be appreciated.

The obvious wrong thing with it is that it doesn't come with a check  
for flex >= 2.5.33.  Joshua on #parrot said he'll fix that in the  

Another obvious point was the resilience of the post processor  
against bison outputs.  Fortunately, it appears that with bison >=  
2.2, multiple %lex-param is supported (though they need to be  
declared in separate lines, unlike %parse-param), and multiple %parse- 
param is also made available to all functions including the  
destructor.  Hence if we can bump the version dependency of bison  
too, then this can work without source-level patching at all  
(committed as .

So, is this maintainer-side dependency (bison 2.2+, flex 2.5.33+;  
does not affect the user) a reasonable cost for IMCC reentrancy?


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Re: [svn:parrot] r13343 - trunk/compilers/imcc

2006-07-18 Thread Audrey Tang

在 2006/7/18 上午 5:24 時,Audrey Tang 寫到:

在 2006/7/18 上午 4:38 時,Allison Randal 寫到:
This is not a maintainable build solution. Revert and come back  
when you have one.

Please clarify: What, exactly, is not maintainable?  The presence  
of a .diff file, or the fact that it needs to be applied manually?

If the latter, an extra line of Makefile rule suffices.  If the  
former, a bison post-processor wrapper is needed.

Assuming both were considered unmaintainable, fixed them, and  
committed again as r13348.

I'd be willing to revert r13348 again if you find anything wrong with  
it, but a more specific response would be appreciated.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [svn:parrot] r13343 - trunk/compilers/imcc

2006-07-18 Thread Audrey Tang

在 2006/7/18 上午 4:38 時,Allison Randal 寫到:
This is not a maintainable build solution. Revert and come back  
when you have one.

Please clarify: What, exactly, is not maintainable?  The presence of  
a .diff file, or the fact that it needs to be applied manually?

If the latter, an extra line of Makefile rule suffices.  If the  
former, a bison post-processor wrapper is needed.


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Re: Checkin #13345

2006-07-18 Thread Audrey Tang

在 2006/7/18 上午 4:49 時,chromatic 寫到:
I don't believe there's a working heuristic for guessing which  
parameter the
user failed to provide.  That's why I didn't write the original  
version that


Does r13347 look better?  If not, please revert both my changes.

As an aside, regardless of the three changes, this still segfaults:

./parrot -D 1

as does this:

./parrot ''


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Re: [svn:parrot] r13343 - trunk/compilers/imcc

2006-07-18 Thread Audrey Tang

在 2006/7/18 上午 4:38 時,Allison Randal 寫到:

This is not a maintainable build solution. Revert and come back  
when you have one.



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Re: IMCC Reentarancy

2006-07-18 Thread Audrey Tang


在 2006/7/16 下午 11:57 時,Vishal Soni 寫到:

a. Remove flex and implement re2c
b. Remove static and global variables

Now that the flex part is done, are you still willing to help  
removing the remaining static/global state?

Apart from this we also need to refactor the code to get rid of  
arrays to a

hash table implementation for macros.

This would rock, too.


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Re: IMCC Reentrancy

2006-07-18 Thread Audrey Tang

在 2006/7/18 上午 1:54 時,Audrey Tang 寫到:
If you have a way to make IMCC reentrant that involves upgrading  
to a more recent version of flex and passing one additional  
parameter, go for it! Send us a patch and if it passes all the  
tests, we'll apply it.

As flex 2.5.30+ is not API compatible with the current flex IMCC is  
using, I wonder how it is different from re2c or regel, in  
particular that shoehorning an additional YYLEX parameter to make  
it work with bison will also involve overhauls beyond the original  
bison interface.

I guess my question is: If I send two patches, of equal size, one  
uses re2c and is much cleaner and faster; another uses a kluged-up  
flex with its new, backward-incompatible reentrant API, would you  
reject one and apply the other?  If you are willing to let  
alternative scanners go in, I'd much rather working on that instead  
of trying to work around the bison/flex interface.

Code is easier for me to write than English.  Hence:

09:22 <@audreyt> imcc scanner is now reentrant.
09:22 <@audreyt> I think it wouldn't take more than another hour to  
get it based on re2c

09:22 <@audreyt> but I'm willing to take what is felt more comfortable.



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Re: IMCC Reentrancy

2006-07-17 Thread Audrey Tang

在 2006/7/18 上午 1:21 時,Allison Randal 寫到:
LOL :) Audrey, I love you dear, but you always have an interesting  
way of interpreting what I say. :)

Yes, I'm not willing to start a 6+ month project to gut IMCC. The  
cost is too great and the benefit isn't great enough.

Indeed, and I'd like to apologize publicly for the snipping.

However, the re2c or regel-based scanner refactoring isn't different  
from a "flex upgrade patch", as it (by definition) can't affect  
IMCC's public API at all.  An additional advantage is that they will  
let us rid of the flaky API situation with flex.  In any case it  
wouldn't take 6 months.

In vsoni's original words:

a. Remove flex and implement re2c
b. Remove static and global variables

And you answered:

The cost/benefit balance on this solution is not good. A lot of  
people are depending on IMCC now, and a refactor of that magnitude  
will throw several important projects on Parrot into a dead stall.

So, my answer is: No.

It will involve overhauls, but again, the public interface -- at  
bison level and above -- cannot break.  So the "dead stall" ruling --  
effectively dismissing re2c and other scanner alternatives instantly  
-- strikes me as extremely surprising.

If you have a way to make IMCC reentrant that involves upgrading to  
a more recent version of flex and passing one additional parameter,  
go for it! Send us a patch and if it passes all the tests, we'll  
apply it.

As flex 2.5.30+ is not API compatible with the current flex IMCC is  
using, I wonder how it is different from re2c or regel, in particular  
that shoehorning an additional YYLEX parameter to make it work with  
bison will also involve overhauls beyond the original bison interface.

I guess my question is: If I send two patches, of equal size, one  
uses re2c and is much cleaner and faster; another uses a kluged-up  
flex with its new, backward-incompatible reentrant API, would you  
reject one and apply the other?  If you are willing to let  
alternative scanners go in, I'd much rather working on that instead  
of trying to work around the bison/flex interface.

- A version of PGE written in C is a good idea, because it will  
spread Perl 6 regexes/grammars far and wide. (It will be difficult,  
because of all the Parrot features that will have to be  
reimplemented in a standalone PGE. But, it is possible.)

Well, as discussed in #parrot, an offline-parser (i.e. one that does  
not permit changes to the gramamr during parsing) with rule syntax  
can be much more easily generated as a C-emitter backend from either  
PIR/PGE or Perl5/PCR.  I'm looking into it with vsoni right now,.


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Re: IMCC Reentarancy

2006-07-17 Thread Audrey Tang

在 2006/7/17 下午 3:41 時,Joshua Hoblitt 寫到:

4th Option: fix flex. ;)

Turns out flex 2.5.30+ has a reentrant mode.  However, it also has an  
incompatible API with earlier flex,
even in non-reentrant mode.  I've attached a patch under http://
(need flex 2.5.30+ to run) that updates imcc.l to deal with "%option  
reentrancy" and the additional yyscanner parameter.

However, imcc.y currently only allows one additional param to be  
passed as YYLEX_PARAM, and it's already taken
by the Parrot interpreter, so until we put yyscanner into the interp  
somehow, or change the generated bison

parser, this wouldn't work.

As I'm writing this, I noticed that Allison has ruled that we go with  
PIR/PGE and eventually C-based libpge instead
-- since a lexer refactoring that doesn't affect the IMCC API will  
somehow throw important projects on Parrot into a
"dead stall", and thread safety for PIR compilation is not a 1.0 goal  
anyway -- I'll abandon working on this, and

focus on helping getting a C-based libpge started instead. :-)


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Re: IMCC Reentarancy

2006-07-16 Thread Audrey Tang

在 2006/7/16 下午 11:57 時,Vishal Soni 寫到:

  a. A clean implementation rather than a prototypish implementation

I think that the lemon+re2c, being the more modern parsing tools,  
will make refactoring/hacking considerably easier.  Whilst you are  
converting the current IMCC implementation into the new toolchain,  
you'll be in the best position to find out inconsistencies, to-be- 
deprecated spots, as well as best strategies to hack in new features,  
such as nested expressions and composable macros.

So I'd regard the lemon+re2c refactoring as a good preparation step  
("synchronize with the PIR mindset") before a full-fledged rewrite.   
Once that's in place, the "rewrite" may be reachable via a set of  
gradual refactor+deprecation cycle, which will make transition much,  
much easier.


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Re: [perl #39796] [TODO] Implement .loadlib pragma in IMCC

2006-07-14 Thread Audrey Tang

在 2006/7/14 上午 6:45 時,Audrey Tang 寫到:

Changing it back to :immediate makes tests pass again.

Alternately, skipping the Parrot_register_HLL part in IMCC makes  
tests pass again.

After several rounds of trial-and-error, I've committed r13294 that  
works around the problem:

* Tcl: Change back to .loadlib.

  Simply adding this line to tcllib.pir:
.loadlib 'dynlexpad'
  appears to fix the problem.

  According to leo, .loadlib acts like a dummy HLL, so there is
  an order dependency to be observed by .loadlib calls.

  This may not be a problem if Parrot_register_HLL_type takes the
  HLL name instead of the current max HLL_idx, but the current state
  renders this workaround neccessary.

So this ticket is probably good to be closed again, though it still  
leaves me somewhat puzzled. :)


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Re: [perl #39796] [TODO] Implement .loadlib pragma in IMCC

2006-07-14 Thread Audrey Tang

在 2006/7/14 上午 5:26 時,Leopold Toetsch via RT 寫到:

Err, t/dynpmc/dynlexpad.t is using .loadlib and is testing fine.  
Please try to

provide a minimal parrot test showing the problem.

Trying (though it remained a bit elusive), but if you "make  
realclean", and then change
languages/tcl/src/tclsh.pir so that it uses .loadlib instead  
of :immediate, and then
"make", cd into languages/tcl and "make test", you'll notice that all  
tests fail with:

#  got: 'set_string_keyed() not implemented in class 'TclObject'
# current instr.: '__prepare_lib' pc 19483 (runtime/tcllib.pir:122)
# called from Sub '_main' pc 3 (src/tclsh.pir:42)

Changing it back to :immediate makes tests pass again.

Alternately, skipping the Parrot_register_HLL part in IMCC makes  
tests pass again.


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Re: [svn:parrot] r13270 - trunk/languages/perl6

2006-07-13 Thread Audrey Tang

在 2006/7/13 上午 3:35 時,Audrey Tang 寫到:
If Leo's comment about .loadlib being compile-and-runtime is  
already implemented, then you should be able to eliminate that  
runtime call to the loadlib opcode too.

Indeed, though as I tested it (both at the time of the commit and  
at this moment), that appears to not be the case yet.

Apologies; Leo did make it happen, it's just a "make realclean" is  
needed before it can take effect.

I've taken out the extra "loadlib" call in :load in perl6.pir.


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Re: [svn:parrot] r13270 - trunk/languages/perl6

2006-07-13 Thread Audrey Tang

在 2006/7/12 下午 8:16 時,Allison Randal 寫到:


Modified: trunk/languages/perl6/perl6.pir

--- trunk/languages/perl6/perl6.pir (original)
+++ trunk/languages/perl6/perl6.pir Wed Jul 12 17:05:26 2006
@@ -24,9 +24,7 @@
  .namespace [ 'Perl6' ]
 -.sub '__loadlib' :immediate
-$P1 = loadlib 'perl6_group'
+.loadlib 'perl6_group'
  .sub '__onload' :load
 $P1 = loadlib 'perl6_group'

If Leo's comment about .loadlib being compile-and-runtime is  
already implemented, then you should be able to eliminate that  
runtime call to the loadlib opcode too.

Indeed, though as I tested it (both at the time of the commit and at  
this moment), that appears to not be the case yet.


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Re: "_group" in library name (was Re: r13272 - in trunk: compilers/imcc docs/imcc src)

2006-07-13 Thread Audrey Tang

在 2006/7/12 下午 9:38 時,Chip Salzenberg 寫到:

On Wed, Jul 12, 2006 at 05:29:08PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

* Apply heuristics that tells
.loadlib 'perl6_group'  # HLL dynamic PMCs
.loadlib 'dynlexpad'# non-HLL dynamic PMCs
  apart, by locating the '_group" substring inside the library name.

Urque, that's really not OK even in the short term.  Could you  
alter it to

use an adverb:

.loadlib 'perl6_group' :hll


Started looking into it, but discovered that Leo has since fixed it,  
by having .loadlib

deal with both cases properly, so there's no need for an adverb now.


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Re: [perl #39792] [TODO] Deprecate :immediate in favour of .loadlib and .const

2006-07-11 Thread Audrey Tang

在 2006/7/12 上午 1:12 時,Allison Randal via RT 寫到:

Audrey Tang wrote:

That is a sane argument, which is why I think punt-and-see has  
some merit:

as soon as there is a workaround forced to be expressed at :immediate
level, we can evaluate it and see if it's better handled  

Excellent. (Er, though you know that .loadlib isn't really any more
declarative than :immediate, right? It's a compile-time directive.  

is, it performs an imperative action at compile-time, just like the
equivalent 'loadlib' in :immediate.)

It is declarative because it only has one surface form, and dependency
analysis programs can easily parse that.  Compare to :immediate, which
is essentially impossible to grok correctly without using error-prone

So both are imperative in its effect; ".loadlib" is declarative and  

toolmaker's life easier, because if I want to extract this information,
I'm not required to run unbounded arbitrary code.

Can we agree on the punt-and-see, neither-encourage-nor-deprecate
resolution for now, then?

Pretty much. Though I'd phrase it as :immediate will not be  

And we wholeheartedly encourage people to use :immediate wherever it
solves their problem.

That is fine.  I meant "we don't encourage people to use :immediate  
when a

simple .loadlib would do -- we encourage them to use .loadlib instead."

Glad to see speedy consensus.  Thanks a lot for your time. :)


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Re: [perl #39792] [TODO] Deprecate :immediate in favour of .loadlib and .const

2006-07-11 Thread Audrey Tang

在 2006/7/12 上午 12:57 時,chromatic 寫到:

On Tuesday 11 July 2006 21:45, Audrey Tang wrote:

If you think PIR is a language for people to write manually to
code applications in, _and_ it has some legitimate use for  
deleting files

in :immediate blocks, then your argument may make some sense.

Come on, Audrey!  That's a strawman argument.  The point is  
emphatically NOT

that people should be able to delete files in :immediate blocks.

As I said in my previous message, the same problem potentially exists
with :init -- and saying "OH NO THE PARROT DESIGNERS WANT TO REMOVE  
DRIVE!!  THEY ARE EVIL AND WRONG (and they break static analysis)"  
is not


No.  With :init, the step of .pir->.pbc, as well as all tools that  
works with
.pir without running it -- including the very important "parrot -o"  
-- are safe.

The :init is part of the run time.  We already know that the runtime  
needs a
sandbox at some point.  What we don't know is that why the PIR  
compiler --
supposedly something that's run only when HLL compilation is done --  
need a special feature for hand-written code alone, and very error- 
prone at that.

I can see use cases for :init to interact with the user's  
environment; I cannot
see use cases for :immediate to interact with who-knows-what's  
and break the otherwise intact "same .pir compiles to the same .pbc  
on the same

environment" property.

Allison and Chip already elected to wait a while and see if someone  
finds a
use for it, that actually requires unbounded evaluation.  I now agree  
with them.

Please stop it.

Er, that's what I'm planning to do.


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Re: [perl #39792] [TODO] Deprecate :immediate in favour of .loadlib and .const

2006-07-11 Thread Audrey Tang

在 2006/7/12 上午 12:51 時,Allison Randal via RT 寫到:

Chip Salzenberg wrote:

[*] Just what it _is_ intended for is an open question.  I think  
the user

base will answer it, if we let them, in time.

To give a concrete and immediately relevant example: the fact that
people are using :immediate to load libraries at compile-time is a  

sign to us that this is something they're likely to need often. (Chip
and I both think .loadlib is a good idea, to "canonize" this common

The best way to promote the evolution of a system is to make  
evolution easy.

That is a sane argument, which is why I think punt-and-see has some  
as soon as there is a workaround forced to be expressed at :immediate  

we can evaluate it and see if it's better handled declaratively.

Can we agree on the punt-and-see, neither-encourage-nor-deprecate  

for now, then?


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Re: [perl #39792] [TODO] Deprecate :immediate in favour of .loadlib and .const

2006-07-11 Thread Audrey Tang

在 2006/7/12 上午 12:33 時,chromatic via RT 寫到:

Because people might write code, by hand, that does careless things
in :immediate subs?

Yes.  This is the difference between forcing syntax highlighters,  
security checkers,
dependency analyzers, and refactoring browsers to run rm-rf, and let  
users run it.

The _entire point_ of static analysis is that you can check for  
errors and faults
before running it, from a safe standpoint.  Saying that we kill the  
analyzers with
:immediate in an intermediate language level -- that's meant for  
compilers to target --
without any useful thing we know of in return, is _very_ different  
from arguing the
same thing for Perl 5.  And some of the more dangerous parts of Perl  
5 BEGIN -- for
example filehandles in it leaking into the generated code, or action- 

compilation -- is considered a bug and prevented in Perl 6.


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Re: [perl #39792] [TODO] Deprecate :immediate in favour of .loadlib and .const

2006-07-11 Thread Audrey Tang

在 2006/7/12 上午 12:40 時,chromatic via RT 寫到:

To follow this argument logically, I don't see alternatives besides
removing :init or sandboxing all potentially destructive operations  
-- and I
have plenty of Perl 5 code that legitimately deletes files in BEGIN  
blocks as
evidence that this potential sandboxing is a fairly undecidable  

I would like to see a single one example of that code.

Please discard the histrionics; you're poisoning the well.

No.  If you think PIR is a language for people to write manually to  
code applications in,
_and_ it has some legitimate use for deleting files in :immediate  
blocks, then your argument
may make some sense.  As you failed to produce even one example, I  
cannot see your point.


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Re: [perl #39792] [TODO] Deprecate :immediate in favour of .loadlib and .const

2006-07-11 Thread Audrey Tang

在 2006/7/12 上午 12:22 時,Chip Salzenberg 寫到:

In short, to say that :immediate is unpredictable is to make a null
statement, because in practice, all computation is unpredictable.

Yes.  And it is the designer's choice to introduce unpredictability into
the PIR level.  If the designer allows rand() inside :immediate, it's  
designer's call; if the designer allows rm -rf, it's again the  

call.  There are degrees of unpredictability, and currently there is no
evidence that we require any of it in hand-written PIR code.

You ruled that we wait to see if a use case come up; that is fine  
with me.

And hey, even if we reach consensus, there is no security model yet to
implement any of this on, so I prefer to have this discussion when  

can actually tell rm-rf apart from rand().


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[TODO] Implement .loadlib pragma in IMCC

2006-07-11 Thread Audrey Tang
Allison and Chip expressed their go-ahead with a .loadlib pragma, to  
replace this current use:

.sub foo :immediate
$I0 = loadlib "XXX"

With this:

.loadlib "XXX"

This might be done as part of vsoni's IMCC refactoring, or as a lexer  
action that loads the
library as soon as this directive is seen.  In any case, this will  
let dependency checkers
have a much easier time to figure out what dynamic libraries a .pir  
file is loading, without

actually have to invoke Parrot themselves.


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Re: [perl #39792] [TODO] Deprecate :immediate in favour of .loadlib and .const

2006-07-11 Thread Audrey Tang

So far we have been enable to produce a use case that requires  
unbounded evaluation

(typo, it's "unable" above.)

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Re: [perl #39792] [TODO] Deprecate :immediate in favour of .loadlib and .const

2006-07-11 Thread Audrey Tang

在 2006/7/11 下午 11:52 時,Bob Rogers via RT 寫到:

But by "compile time" you both unambiguously mean "PIR compile time",
not "HLL compile time," since there's no HLL involved.  But an HLL
compiler always has the option of building a PIR constant at HLL  

time [2], so that just leaves the case of human-generated PIR.  So it
seems that the real question is this:  Does PIR have a need to be an
eval-during-compilation language in its own right?

Yes.  :immediate is only useful for hand-written PIR, not compilers  
targeting PIR;
contrary to the appearance, it is useless for implementing BEGIN{}- 
like semantics for HLLs,

let alone unifying their semantics in some way.

So far we have been enable to produce a use case that requires  
unbounded evaluation
that interacts with the environment during :immediate time.  However,  
Chip and Allison
already said they would like to reserve this feature for some future,  
applications, and that it's okay for PIR tools to say "we simply  
break down under :immediate".

I really cannot argue with that argument (essentially "let's punt and  
see"); therefore
this ticket is probably best reserved until Parrot actually has a  
security model, in which
time I'll then argue that :immediate should be subjected to severe  


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Re: [perl #39792] [TODO] Deprecate :immediate in favour of .loadlib and .const

2006-07-11 Thread Audrey Tang

在 2006/7/11 下午 7:33 時,Chip Salzenberg via RT 寫到:
Now think about the alternatives if your goal is to have the table  
ready to
go at runtime without any computational overhead at all, e.g. a CRC  

And if we can restrict :immediate using some security principal in  
the future so
it can only do things that are not destructive -- and always yield  
the same result
-- in other words, do not depend on the environment, then this use  
would be totally fine.

Your example is well within the realm of pure evaluation, and does  
not make use of
unbounded (environment-dependent) evaluation.  But I think this  
ticket can be morphed
into "once the security sandboxing is here, prevent :immediate to do  
something silly".

Would you agree with that?  I can create another ticket for .loadlib.


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Re: "Dynamic" (was discussion for #39711 -- [TODO] Make PIR->PBC reentrant)

2006-07-10 Thread Audrey Tang

在 2006/7/5 上午 12:15 時,chromatic 寫到:

On Tuesday 04 July 2006 21:01, Audrey Tang wrote:

Hence I'm puzzled why you raise the "dynamic language" categorization
as a justification, for that term usually refers to dynamic typing,
not to :immediate.  If it is referring to :immediate, then Python/
Ruby/PHP would become static languages. :-)

That doesn't quite seem fair; dynamic is a lot broader than just  
Certainly any statically typed language with decent support for  
operations (or at least type-safe polymorphism) and a non-static  

scheme would be sufficiently dynamic.

I can't point to an example of such a language, but there you go.

Haskell with Language.Haskell.Eval and Language.C.Eval is one such  
that I know of.  However, allowing unbounded evaluation within the  
cycle does not facilitate dynamic programming, so I'd still say it's  

besides the point for the :immediate discussion.

I agree there should be a static subset of functionality, that  
(or at least declares) that their result will not change across  

runs, and those operations may be allowed in :immediate.  In that sense
it's not unlike the manifest sections in CLR, or constant table  

instructions in many other runtimes -- TrueType fonts included.

Assembler-level unbounded evaluation via :immediate (aka BEGIN) does not
facilitate dynamic languages at all, up and including Perl 5.


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Perl 6 Summary: 2006-02-13 through 2006-02-28

2006-07-09 Thread Audrey Tang
cs. Luke Palmer replied and explained that the extensions  
not yet specified, and recommend possible solutions to the other  

questions. Discussion ensued.


   Overloading the variable declaration process
Darren Duncan wondered if he could get default values in variables
instead of undef, in order to avoid calling the constructor, by  

annotating the type of the variable. Audrey Tang explained that a
similar construct is available. This was followed by a  
discussion on the
subject of class prototypes as default values for typed  
variables, as

well as philosophical issues.


   Instance attributes collision
Yiyi Hu asked what happens when different sigil attributes with  
the same
name are declared in a single class. Various participants  
debated the

merits of errors versus warnings.


   "CODE {...}" mentioning variables without interpolation
Brad Bowman asked about the semantics of quasiquoting and variable
interpolation for Perl 6's Macro language. Larry Wall explained the
semantics of AST binding, the caller's scope, interpolating ASTs  
the macro, and the "COMPILING::" variable prefix. This was  
followed by a

comment on Brad's signature about intelligence and good sense.


   Selective String Interpolation
Brad Bowman wanted to know if string interpolation and escaping  
could be

optimized for creating strings of Perl code that selectively
interpolate. Ideally he would be able to declare which variables  
interpolated. He also mentioned closure interpolation and how it  
not work well when quoting strings of code. Many people provided  

covering Lisp and Ruby, backslashes, and custom quote operators.


   Some newbie questions about Synopsis 5
H. Stelling asked about Rule capture numbering, aliasing  
semantics, and
nested subpattern details. Patrick R. Michaud clarified and the  

numbering scheme was discussed.


   Named Subroutine return values
Joe Gottman wanted to know if subroutine declarations without an
explicit declaration type ("my", "our") can be annotated with a  

value type. Damian Conway replied that the "returns" trait can used
regardless of the declaration syntax. Luke Palmer and Larry Wall
discussed the exact semantics of "our Type sub foo", "-->" and  

style return type declarations.


   S02: Reserved namespace ops
TSa asked what reservations the design team had about the  
various uses
of the reserved syntax for type subscripting. Larry Wall  
reserved his
right to silence, adding that he thought that "is reserved"  
means "we

don't have the foggiest idea what we'll do with this, but we have a
suspicion that if we let people use this particular thing right  
we'll regret it someday." The official status of the various  
items in

the notes/ directory was clarified -- they are considered to be


   Synopsis 29 patch
Larry Wall posted a patch for Synopsis 29, recognizing it as  
Ruud H.G. van Tol followed up with questions about a round  
function, and



   Synopsis 29 and Complex numbers
Jonathan Lang noted that Synopsis 29 deals with complex numbers  
describing the sqrt function, but omitted others. He proceeded  
to list
the functions which require special handling of complex numbers.  

people commented.


chromatic recruited me at YAPC::NA 2006, and Jesse Vincent  
proposed this
task. Audrey Tang helped me to get started and reviewed this  

and Yuval Kogman assisted with the Language section.

If you appreciate Perl, consider contributing to the Perl  
Foundation to

help support the development of Perl.


Comments on the summary can be sent to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]".

  See also
* Perl Foundation activities

* Perl 6 Development

Re: namespaces, a single colon to separate HLL prefix?

2006-07-06 Thread Audrey Tang

在 2006/7/6 上午 3:30 時,Allison Randal 寫到:

Quick question, is there a syntax specified in Perl 6 for referring  
to namespaces from other languages?

I'm reviewing the namespaces PDD and want to update this snippet:
IMPLEMENTATION EXAMPLES: Suppose a Perl program were to import some  
Tcl module with an import pattern of ``c*'' -- something that might  
be expressed in Perl 6 as use tcl:Some::Module 'c*'. This operation  
would import all the commands that start with 'c' from the given  
Tcl namespace into the current Perl namespace. This is so because,  
regardless of whether 'c*' is a Perl 6 style export pattern, it is  
a valid Tcl export pattern.

{XXX - Is the ':' for HLL approved or just proposed? Somebody  
familiar with Perl 6 please fix the example in the preceding  
paragraph to use the currently planned syntax for importing modules  
from other languages.}


The : form is approved and canonical (line 303, the Modules spec, aka version 14).

use perl5:DBI;

However, currently it's only available at use/require line.   
Afterwards, the user simply say:

my $dbh = DBI.connect(...);

Though I think this:

my $dbh = perl5:DBI.connect(...)

can be made to work, as it's currently parsefail, thought there is a  
marginal case:

my $dbh = perl5:DBI; # currently parsed as perl5(:DBI)

but we can say that for each HLL-qualified module name, it's a single  
token and is therefore recognized first.

Does that sound sane?  If yes, S11 can be updated to reflect that.


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Re: Perl 6 compiler docs released - graffle questions, compiler questions

2006-07-05 Thread Audrey Tang

在 2006/7/5 上午 1:26 時,George Wood 寫到:

Here are some probably for Audrey...
1. Page on  Perl 6 on Haskell - Is runtime Specific AST actually  
the file Language.TH.Sytnax?

Well, no, it's probably best to call it Pugs.AST, and link to src/ 

2. I am still trying to distinguish these
Perl 6 on Perl 6
Perl 6 on Parrot
Do they both emit pmc files?

Perl 6 on Parrot will emit .pir files.

Perl 6 on Perl 6 will emit .p6 files, but currently no such  
implementations exist, as it's still a few milestones away from now. :-)


Description: This is a digitally signed message part now runs!

2006-07-05 Thread Audrey Tang
(Cross-posted from 

Due to clkao++ and fglock++'s work, the CPAN version of now  
passes all Pugs sanity tests, up and including the Perl 6


That makes it the second implementation (after Pugs) and the fourth  
runtime (after Pugs's Haskell/JavaScript/PIR backends) that has  
access to the 11,000+ subtests in the test suite. Once the Parrot/ 
Perl6 implementation support for subroutines, arrays, hashes and use  
statements, it will join as the third implementation that can run the  
test suite.

Development of, the new AST, a concrete definition of multiple  
dispatch, etc. continues apace in #perl6; we are seeing nearly more  
than 50 commits per day in the past few days. (gaal++ describes it's  
just like the good old days of early Pugs development, but it's  
actually faster. now :-)) For example, can now parse regex/ 
token/rule declarations natively.

I'm very excited about this new cleanly-partitioned task space of  
Perl 6 implementation:

(Non-Perl 5 Specific)

* Descriptions of semantics in the test space;
* Analytical summaries and stories in the spec space;
* Algorithmic expression of effects and structures in the new  
AST space;

(Perl 5 Specific)

* Implementation APIs to embed them as Perl 5 modules;
* Idiomatic, pure-perl5 sugar that makes Perl 6 semantics  
* Translation from Perl 6 surface syntax into those new perl 5  

And the best thing is that, instead of a cyclic dependency as we had  
before, each layer are independent from the ones after it. It means  
that CPAN people can use Class::MOP and Data::Bind to improve their  
own frameworks; or to use the new idioms enabled by et all;  
all without necessarily switching to the Perl 6 surface syntax. And  
it also makes's output idiomatic -- we just need to  
incrementally build a new Perl 5 idiom, which, as Bjorn Freeman- 
Benson noted, is a Very Good Thing.

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Re: [perl #39711] [TODO] Make PIR->PBC reentrant

2006-07-05 Thread Audrey Tang

在 2006/7/5 上午 3:06 時,Allison Randal 寫到:

Audrey Tang wrote:

But I guess this bug ticket is not an appropriate place...

Indeed. We need a "Document :immediate" ticket.

I already filed that as #39716 a few hours ago; also #39715 and  
#39714, as per your suggestion:

[TODO] Document IMCC's :immediate feature
[TODO] IMCC errors should throw Parrot exceptions
[TODO] Refactor IMCC to remove static globals

As I cannot modify links on, can you do that for me?


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Re: [perl #39711] [TODO] Make PIR->PBC reentrant

2006-07-04 Thread Audrey Tang

在 2006/7/4 下午 11:54 時,Audrey Tang 寫到:
Indeed, I'll welcome a writeup of why :immediate is useful and how  
you envision it to be used; that'd be much better than "because  
it's a dynamic-evaluation-during-compilation feature, and we are  
working with dynamic-typing-during-runtime languages, so of course  
we want it".

To be even clearer: The two "dynamic"s above are orthogonal; you can  
have interleaved evaluation-during-compilation without dynamic  
typing, and you can have dynamic typing without interleaved evaluation.

Hence I'm puzzled why you raise the "dynamic language" categorization  
as a justification, for that term usually refers to dynamic typing,  
not to :immediate.  If it is referring to :immediate, then Python/ 
Ruby/PHP would become static languages. :-)


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