Re: CGI Session management (was Re: the in Perl 6)

2006-09-20 Thread Ian Langworth

It sounds like the name of HTTP is more appropriate:

 ...uri, pathinfo, params, method, headers, etc.

 ...adds to HTTP::Request to provide session() method

 ...response code, content, headers, etc.

 ...extends response.write() to encode JSON

Maybe could adapt these to the CGI environment and ecapsulate
their functionality.

Maybe it's too servlety.

On 9/17/06, Juerd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Mark Stosberg skribis 2006-09-16 22:04 (-0500):
 As far as I'm aware, no work on CGI::Session for Perl 6 has started yet.

I'm happy about that, because this module must not have CGI in its
korajn salutojn,

  juerd waalboer:  perl hacker  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  convolution: ict solutions and consultancy [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ian Langworth

Re: TAP diagnostic syntax proposal

2006-07-13 Thread Ian Langworth

Wheeling back over to the extra diagnostic output that Schwern
originally proposed, I agree with Adam in that any additions we make
to TAP must be completely backward-compatible.

I hereby recant my burblings. After reading Adam's replies, I think I
might have pushed the thread in the wrong direction. Let me try
another angle...

Say we want better debugging support in an editor. A programmer runs
the test suite, a few tests fail. She selects the first failure and is
whisked to a highlighted line in a file. Some other part of the UI
points out what output the test expected and what it actually

What information does the editor need to make this happen? Schwern has
already answered this: the file, line, and description, plus the
actual and expected output.

How do we get this information to the editor? More information would
need to be included in the TAP output.

How do we put more information in the TAP output? That's the tougher
question -- we either mark up directives or add new kinds of output
lines. The difference in syntax between these two options appears to
be an octothorpe, but I'm not sure about compatibility:

  Any output line that is not a plan, a test line or a diagnostic is
incorrect. How a harness handles the incorrect line is undefined.
Test::Harness silently ignores incorrect lines, but will become more
stringent in the future. --

(You guys were right. I now think YAML, or any kind of general-purpose
logical markup, is overkill; our requirements are very succinct.)

How do we implement this? If the editor application developers didn't
care, they could run the tests with custom Test::Builder and parser
replacement, or they could follow standards that we decide.

The former (proprietary replacement modules) wouldn't be a Good Thing.
Sure, it would be the most backward compatible, as they would only
be used by the editor. However, if we decide how it's done now,
multiple editors can share modules for producing TAP and parsing the

A final random thought: Not all TAP output contains merely one-line
actual/expected value diagnostics. Consider Test::Differences, which
outputs a side-by-side, linewise comparison of the values given to it.
What then?

On 7/11/06, Adam Kennedy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Geoffrey Young wrote:
 However, most perl tests don't care about TAP, they use Test::More and
 Test::Harness and happen to exchange data via TAP.  If Test::More and
 Test::Harness decied to use YAP (YAML Anything Protocol? :), then most
 applications would probably never notice.

 most _perl_ applications would never notice.

 IMHO however this overhaul ends up playing out, TAPs current marvel is
 that it's wonderfully simple and very forgiving - if the new version
 isn't completely back compatible y'all should call it something else,
 lest you risk alienating all the non-perl folks who embraced the
 protocol because of it's simplicity.

 in other words, call it TAP but break current non-perl TAP
 implementations and I think you'll wipe out the userbase that some of us
 spent a lot of effort trying to win over (and succeeding :)

Indeed, I think we were pretty much clear that under no circumstances
whatsoever would we break full back-compatibility.

The idea of the extra mime-like things was to be able to provide some
relatively simple and cross-language enhancements, so that, for example,
if running tests with a higher verbosity, there could be some feedback
to, say, an editor or a tool about the location of the errors.

This is part of why I dislike YAML for this. Regardless of what the
marketing says, it isn't cross-language for anything more than trivial
use cases, for example objects or !!perl-specific things.

As others have mentioned, the beauty of TAP is it's simplicity and
accessibility. It Just Works across languages with almost no effort at
all, can be done in pure-$your_language easily, and is generally quite

In introducing some form of semi-standard enhancements (such as the
failure diagnostics) I really don't want to lose this.

In using YAML, we're already adding a lot of extra weight, adding
dependencies on C libraries, and tempting people into using the more
ehnanced, non-platform-neutral features.

Lets at least let the YAML spec stop morphing and the language
implementations become stable before we start thinking of making TAP
inherit any baggage from other protocols by adding them as dependencies.

Fair enough a Layer 1 TAP parser might not care, but why not make it
as equally easy to implement a Layer 2 parser as well.

Adam K

Ian Langworth

Re: Time for a Revolution

2006-07-13 Thread Ian Langworth

On 7/13/06, chromatic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Why is there not a Bundle::PerlPlus (and yes, I've lathered up my yak with
that name) that downloads and installs the modules that should have been in
the box?

Sure, a Bundle::PerlPlus would be fun. Installing it wouldn't be.

Perl module installation is tough. There are a lot of modules that do
a lot of different things. There are a handful of ways to install all
of those modules. There are a number of module installation modules.
These modules may be pure-Perl or require compiling. What there isn't

  $ curl | sudo perl
   install Foo
  $ perl -MFoo ...

Exploring and using CPAN modules isn't fun. CPAN asks way too many
users for the casual explorer, plus try explaining to them how to
install a module locally. I'm not saying that this is a trivial
problem or that it's easy to solve. I'm saying that to rope people in
it's got to be Dead Fricking Simple.

Ian Langworth

Re: TAP diagnostic syntax proposal

2006-07-12 Thread Ian Langworth

On 7/11/06, Adam Kennedy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Fair enough a Layer 1 TAP parser might not care, but why not make it
as equally easy to implement a Layer 2 parser as well.


Ian Langworth

Re: TAP diagnostic syntax proposal

2006-07-11 Thread Ian Langworth

I mentioned YAML with a pretense I failed to mention -- that we
wouldn't parse the YAML. That's already been done, and there are
plenty of parsers.

YAML has clear designations of where it starts and ends. A TAP parser
wouldn't have to look at the diagnostics and guess what it is.

If the data structure is limited to MIME-like key/value pairs, many
people will do their own marshalling anyway. Why not give them that
power from the start?

Maybe we don't care. Maybe we can simply add a callback for some
diagnostic_block_analyzer() and, in my own little happy world,

 $parser-diagnostic_block_analyzer( sub {
   my ($block) = @_;
   if ($block =~ m{ \A --- }xs) {
 do something with YAML::Load($block);
   else {
 do something else

On 7/11/06, Adam Kennedy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Whoa whoa whoa slow down there folks...

Some people seemed to have misrecognised those keys as YAML.

It was NEVER meant to be YAML.

The idea was to use something more like MIME headers.

We all agreed that we DIDN'T want the format to be too heavy, and going
with MIME or MIME-alike seemed the sweet spot in terms of ease of
parsing and standardization vs extensibility.

Having YAML in the TAP spec would complicate things greatly, especially
as the YAML spec includes things like multi-line strings. And it would
mean that we'd have to deal with YAML error events, JSON-style parsing
and a bunch of other things that are problematic.

It's NOT ease to parse at all, not compared to the current relative
simplicity of TAP at the moment.

Adam K

Jonathan T. Rockway wrote:
  not ok 2 - omg t3h sooper test!!1!
  --- TAP diagnostics

 Why aren't we commenting the YAML block so that it's compatible with
 current TAP parsers?  I'm thinking something like this:

 not ok 2 - ensure that foo is equal to bar
 # --- !!tap/diagnostics
 # file: foo.t
 # line: 42
 # got:
 #  - !!perl/foobar
 #  key: value
 # expected:
 #  - !!perl/foobar
 # key: ~
 # etc: (and so on)

 The commented section is raw YAML goodness, AND this format is
 compatible with current TAP parsers.  I'm liking this a lot, especially
 since I can use it Right Now (tm) by doing diag(Dump($data)).

 Any reason this shouldn't be the standard? It's easy to parse, it's easy
 to read.

 Would it be acecptable if I patched Test::More to start outputing it's
 expected/got messages in YAML instead of a plain text format?

 Jonathan Rockway

Ian Langworth

Re: TAP diagnostic syntax proposal

2006-07-10 Thread Ian Langworth

These diagnostic keywords seem to blend too much into the rest of TAP. Consider:

 not ok 2 - omg t3h sooper test!!1!
 ! file:foo.t
 ! line:45
 ! description: omg t3h sooper test!!1!
 ! got: this
 ! expected:that
 ! raw-test:is( this, that, omg t3h sooper test!!1! );
 ! x-THAC0: 16

...or some other delimiter.

Or maybe we say that any inline YAML is interpreted as a comment data
structure instead of a giant comment string, which can be used for

 not ok 2 - omg t3h sooper test!!1!
 --- TAP diagnostics
 description: omg t3h sooper test!!1!
 got: this
 raw-test:is( this, that, omg t3h sooper test!!1! );
 x-THAC0: 16

On 7/10/06, Michael G Schwern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The PITA/TestBuilder2 BoF at YAPC::NA (which spent most of its time
talking about TAP) sketched out a syntax for parsable TAP diagnostics.

   not ok 2 - omg t3h sooper test!!1!
   description: omg t3h sooper test!!1!
   got: this
   raw-test:is( this, that, omg t3h sooper test!!1! );
   x-THAC0: 16

Details on the wiki.

Ian Langworth

Re: TAP diagnostic syntax proposal

2006-07-10 Thread Ian Langworth

prove --secret-ovid-mode ...

On 7/10/06, Ovid [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

- Original Message 
From: chromatic [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On Monday 10 July 2006 10:19, Michael G Schwern wrote:

 got: this

 got still sucks.  Is there any chance to change it to received?

I like pitched and caught.

  ... silence ...


Ovid (for Larry's sake, no I'm not serious!)

-- If this message is a response to a question on a mailing list, please send 
follow up questions to the list.

Web Programming with Perl --

Ian Langworth

Re: TAP diagnostic syntax proposal

2006-07-10 Thread Ian Langworth

YAML documents [can] end with a 

I like Jonathan's suggestion of making the YAML comments, but my gut
feels funny about that. If the lines are preceeded with hashes, then
it's not true YAML; it has to be stripped of the leading characters.
Also, I'd rather have a TAP directive to state, This is YAML,
instead of a parser wondering if the data _is_ valid YAML.

On 7/10/06, Michael G Schwern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 7/10/06, Pete Krawczyk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I would be concerned about got or expected including embedded
 newlines, such as:

   is($mech-content,$expected_page,Web page content matches what's 

 even with a delimiter such as Ian suggested.  How would this handle that?

YAML has ways to deal with newlines in values, but it does press for
some sort of this line is part of the failure diagnostics indicator
as Ian suggests.

 Also, would the raw test be pre-expanded?  That is, what would raw-test
 show for this?

   is($user,testuser$id,Test user name correctly generated);

Ideally it would show exactly that.  The idea is to show the literal
source line (or lines) which generated the test, if possible, so the
reader can have a better idea what happened beyond what the normal
got/expected diagnostics show.  To show them with interpolated strings
would require somehow reconstructing the syntax of the function call
from inside the function.  This loses information.

Besides, they already have the expanded thing which went in.
got/expected shows that.

Ian Langworth

Re: TAP Namespace Nonproliferation Treaty

2006-07-09 Thread Ian Langworth

Ovid: TAP::Parser::Pedantic

Schwern: TAP::Parser::Heuristic

I've always feared /^[A-Z]+x::/ namespaces because I never understood
them. For the longest time, I thought Jesse was working on DBI
eXtreme with SearchBuilder and whatnot.

On 7/8/06, Ovid [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm perfectly comfortable with this idea, but what I'm trying to figure out 
then, is the namespace for my parser.  It's a TAP parser, after all.  Any 
suggestions?  I see that Adam has suggested a TAPx:: namespace, but there could 
still be competing TAPx::Parser modules. Don't know if that would bug folks, 


-- If this message is a response to a question on a mailing list, please send 
follow up questions to the list.

Web Programming with Perl --

Ian Langworth

Re: Bail out! questions

2006-07-09 Thread Ian Langworth

When you say any message after these words, does that include words
on subsequent lines?

If it does, there isn't much parsing left to do -- the rest of the
tokens in the stream get treated as a big diagnostic blob.

If it doesn't, the easiest thing to do would be to stop the parser and
complain. It would be really cool, as well as more work, if the parser
parsed the rest of the TAP. The latter would allow your parser to find
more than one error in the TAP. (Imagine the parser finding _two_
Bail out! lines.)

On 7/8/06, Ovid [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



Bail out!

As an emergency measure a test script can decide that further tests are useless 
(e.g. missing dependencies) and testing should stop immediately. In that case 
the test script prints the magic words

  Bail out!

to standard output. Any message after these words must be displayed by the 
interpreter as the reason why testing must be stopped, as in

  Bail out! MySQL is not running.


What should be the appropriate behavior for the TAPx::Parser?  (Namespace suggestions 
still wanted)  Should it stop lexing/parsing the output?  Should it check to see if 
there's additional output and spit out a different warning?  Should it just treat it as a 
Bail out! line and continue parsing like normal and let the code using the 
parser handle that?

  if ( $test-is_bail_out )  { ... }


-- If this message is a response to a question on a mailing list, please send 
follow up questions to the list.

Web Programming with Perl --

Ian Langworth

Re: Bail out! questions

2006-07-09 Thread Ian Langworth

When you say any message after these words, does that include words
on subsequent lines?

If it does, there isn't much parsing left to do -- the rest of the
tokens in the stream get treated as a big diagnostic blob.

If it doesn't, the easiest thing to do would be to stop the parser and
complain. It would be really cool, as well as more work, if the parser
parsed the rest of the TAP. The latter would allow your parser to find
more than one error in the TAP. (Imagine the parser finding _two_
Bail out! lines.)

On 7/8/06, Ovid [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



Bail out!

As an emergency measure a test script can decide that further tests are useless 
(e.g. missing dependencies) and testing should stop immediately. In that case 
the test script prints the magic words

  Bail out!

to standard output. Any message after these words must be displayed by the 
interpreter as the reason why testing must be stopped, as in

  Bail out! MySQL is not running.


What should be the appropriate behavior for the TAPx::Parser?  (Namespace suggestions 
still wanted)  Should it stop lexing/parsing the output?  Should it check to see if 
there's additional output and spit out a different warning?  Should it just treat it as a 
Bail out! line and continue parsing like normal and let the code using the 
parser handle that?

  if ( $test-is_bail_out )  { ... }


-- If this message is a response to a question on a mailing list, please send 
follow up questions to the list.

Web Programming with Perl --

Ian Langworth

Re: TAPx::Parser 0.02

2006-07-09 Thread Ian Langworth

This is cool, Ovid! I think you're definitely on the right track.


- I'd like an option to automatically s{ \A \s* - \s+ }{} all test
descriptions. I bet a lot of people would end up doing this
themselves, including myself.
- Speaking of that step, the underscore in your tokenizing method
(_lex) denotes it as private. What if I wanted to massage the tokens
after that phase? Specifying after_lexing hooks might be useful.
- I'm not sure how closely you're trying to follow a traditional,
multi-phase parser. If the lexer's job is to simply turn TAP output
into data structures, why does it die on the semantic error of a
forgotten plan? (10-lex.t line 183) Sounds like that's the job of the
- I mentioned this in another reply, but I'll phrase it differently
here: Having the lexer and parser die immediately on error is easy,
yes. But having the components recording _all_ errors for later
examination by the user would be very, very helpful.

Your tests are very descriptive  well organized.

On 7/8/06, Ovid [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi all,

The next version of my TAP parser is at

It's still not complete, but it's a lot further along than it was.  Some notes 
from Changes:

  0.028 June, 2006
- Moved some lexer responsibility to the parser.  This will allow us
  to eventually parse streams.
- Properly track passed/failed tests, even accounting for TODO.
- Added support for comments and unknown lines.
- Allow explicit and inferred test numbers to be mixed.
- Allow escaped hashe marks in the test description.
- Renamed to TAPx::Parser.  Will probably rename it again.

Note that it does not yet handle streams, but that's kind of low on my list 
right now (though it is on my list).

Just to give you an idea of what it can do, for this test:

  ok 1 - input file opened

We get this:

  my $test = shift @results;
  isa_ok $test, $TEST;
  ok $test-is_test, '... and it should identify itself as a test';
  is $test-ok,  'ok', '... and it should have the correct ok()';
  ok $test-is_ok,   '... and the correct boolean version of ok()';
  is $test-number,  1, '... and have the correct test number';
  is $test-description, '- input file opened',
'... and the correct description';
  ok !$test-directive,   '... and not have a directive';
  ok !$test-explanation, '... or a directive explanation';
  ok !$test-is_skip, '... and it is not a SKIPped test';
  ok !$test-is_todo, '... nor a TODO test';
  is $test-as_string, 'ok 1 - input file opened',
'... and its string representation should be correct';

There are still some bugs, but it's definitely getting there.


-- If this message is a response to a question on a mailing list, please send 
follow up questions to the list.

Web Programming with Perl --

Ian Langworth

Re: TAPx::Parser 0.02

2006-07-09 Thread Ian Langworth

Ways to tweak the TAP structure before handing it to the parser? The
removal of leading hyphens thing in the previous replies, sanitizing
sensitive information (maybe the non-employees shouldn't see IP
addresses in the output when they see the parsed result), who knows.

My opinion is that playing with the tokenizer output shouldn't be
discouraged. In someone breaks the structure, however, that's their
problem. You're the one with vetitive power in the end, though :-)

On 7/9/06, Ovid [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

- Original Message 
From: Ian Langworth [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 This is cool, Ovid! I think you're definitely on the right track.



 - I'd like an option to automatically s{ \A \s* - \s+ }{} all test
 descriptions. I bet a lot of people would end up doing this
 themselves, including myself.

Hmm, I can probably add that in fairly easily.

 - Speaking of that step, the underscore in your tokenizing method
 (_lex) denotes it as private. What if I wanted to massage the tokens
 after that phase? Specifying after_lexing hooks might be useful.

Can you show me some example syntax of what you'd want to do?  The problem is, 
the lexing and parsing are very tightly coupled.  Allowing people to massage 
the lexer output directly is asking for trouble.

 - I'm not sure how closely you're trying to follow a traditional,
 multi-phase parser. If the lexer's job is to simply turn TAP output
 into data structures, why does it die on the semantic error of a
 forgotten plan? (10-lex.t line 183) Sounds like that's the job of the

Originally I had a clearer distinction between lexing and parsing, but there 
were three reasons I abandonded this:

1.  TAP is line based and allows non-parseable junk.
2.  Context is very important and much of that is easy to track while lexing.
3.  Due to some lexing ambiguities raised by precedence issues, I found that 
the lexer would need much finer-grained tokens then I was creating and that 
made the grammar more complicated.

However, you are correct that the lexer should not be dying.  In fact, neither 
should the parser.  I decided last night that all errors should be recorded, as 
you were wanting.

 Your tests are very descriptive  well organized.

Really?  I thought I was a bit sloppy with 'em :)


Ian Langworth

Licenses, alligators

2006-07-07 Thread Ian Langworth

When the last giant thread happened, I felt guilty for not
contributing. To absolve myself of any future guilt due to the lack of
a contribution to recent conversations, here's some useful information
about alligators, courtesy of Wikipedia:

There are only two countries on earth that have alligators: the
United States and China. The Chinese alligator is endangered and lives
only in the Yangtze River valley. The American Alligator is found in
the United States from the Carolinas to Florida and along the Gulf
Coast. The majority of American Alligators inhabit Florida and
Louisiana. In Florida alone there are an estimated more than 1 million
alligators. The United States is the only nation on earth to have both
alligators and crocodiles. American Alligators live in freshwater
environments, such as ponds, marshes, wetlands, rivers, and swamps. In
China, they live only along the fresh water of the Yangtze River.

Alligators are opportunistic feeders, eating almost anything they can
catch. When they are young they eat fish, insects, snails, and
crustaceans. As they grow they take progressively larger prey items,
including: larger fish such as gar, turtles, various mammals, birds,
and other reptiles, including smaller alligators. They will even
consume carrion if they are sufficiently hungry. As humans encroach
onto to their habitat, attacks on humans are not unknown, but are few
and far between.

Ian Langworth

Re: Using Perl in QA departments

2006-06-25 Thread Ian Langworth

Looks a little familiar.. Great job!

I'm glad your examples make use of lexically scoping temporary
variables. That's a technique I picked up a little too late for PTDN,

On 6/17/06, Gabor Szabo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

If anybody is interested on this list,
the slides and the examples of my 2 days course are available here:


Ian Langworth

Re: Test::Harness spitting an error

2005-12-17 Thread Ian Langworth
No one else has replied, so here's a shot in the dark: Try setting the
PERLIO environment variable to crlf (without quotes).

Ian Langworth

CPANTS: released_while_burning_midnight_oil

2005-11-14 Thread Ian Langworth
I propose a new Kwalitee metric, released_while_burning_midnight_oil.
Authors who released their modules between 8AM and 1AM the next day
(local time) will be awarded one point. Authors who, despite their
girlfriend's pleading, stay awake at stupid hours of the night to hack
on and then release Perl modules, don't.

There are certain distributions on the CPAN that have obvious errors, including:

- Blatantly conflicting plans and skip_all's in testfiles because
the module wasn't tested on systems without the optional build

- Deletion of the module using PAUSE immediately after the module
was released because of an error that, upon further inspection, didn't
really exist

- Referring to the module as this JSAN module because there are
plans for a parallel JSAN distribution --(there was _definitely_
something in the water that this guy was drinking)

Since local time is relevant, all CPAN authors would have to provide
their home time zone as an extra field in their PAUSE information.
Making every author add this information shouldn't be too much of a

If an author is collaborating in a different time zone then they are
used to, such as when attending a conference, another author, or
buddy, may log in to PAUSE and vouch that they were also present
when the module was released and that the author was in a relatively
good state of consciousness.

Ian Langworth

PS. If you feel that sarcasm and satire are not best reflected in
email, I cordially suggest that you eat a helicopter.


2005-07-12 Thread Ian Langworth
I'd like to improve HTTP::Recorder. I've contacted Linda Julien
( via her CPAN email address, but I've
received no response. The module hasn't been touched in over a year
and every RT ticket seems to have gone unanswered


Ian Langworth

Test::Cmd -- Recommended?

2005-07-11 Thread Ian Langworth
On 7/8/05, James E Keenan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 One other curiosum:  As a result of my Phalanx work, I've gotten in the
 habit of using File::Temp to create 'anonymous' directories and files in
 which to conduct testing. 

This is one of the many features of Test::Cmd, which I a was about to
recommend. However, I remember being discouraged from using it, but
I'm not sure from where or whom.

Does anyone use Test::Cmd? Are there features in it that you like? Is
it overcomplicated? Should it be updated to use Test::Builder? Do
these pants make my butt look big?

Ian Langworth

Re: RFC - Class::Agreement

2005-05-27 Thread Ian Langworth
On 5/26/05, Adrian Howard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 -No class invariants?


 -You do mention that tweaking @_ in the pre/post blocks will
 affect the @_ passed to the method. You don't say that having pre/
 posts that have side effects is evil. You probably should :-)

Reflecting upon this, I'm not even sure why I'd want argument
modification as a feature. (Maybe I still had Hook::LexWrap on the
brain.) I might just take this out.

 -It's not immediately obvious to me from reading the docs that
  {   package SomeSubclass;
  use base 'SomeClass'; # from your example
  sub choose_word { return -1 };
  would fail since choose_word should still be bound by the
 SomeClass precondition. I'm assuming you're doing something clever
 with INIT blocks or something so this does work.

INIT blocks? Nope, nothing clever. If you use a class' method before a
precondition statement, that method will simply not be bound to a
 -On How can I type less?. I'm curious as to whether you
 considered adding an automatic $self to match the $r/@r ?

When you say automatic, I think of source filtering. Do you simply
mean an alias for the first argument? If so, I think it's best to
leave that up to the programmer. You can always use shift.

 -I'd want a global way of switching off contracts without having
 to change the code. $ENV{ClassAgreementDisabled} = 1 or something.

Arg! This is a biggie. If used properly, you shouldn't need, let alone
*want*, to turn contracts off. Class::Agreement doesn't do any deep
cloning like Class::Contract. Class::Agreement's contracts should be
nearly as light as putting die unless in your methods.

I'll include that feature, but not without a big disclaimer such as the above.

 -I had to read What do you mean, ``There's a problem with the
 heirarchy?'' three times. More paragraphs and an example for the
 slow of thinking like me please :-)

Definitely. More examples on the way.

Thanks, Adrian. This is much appreciated.

Ian Langworth

Re: RFC - Class::Agreement

2005-05-27 Thread Ian Langworth
On 5/27/05, Ovid [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Class::Agreement's contracts should be
  nearly as light as putting die unless in your methods.
 What?  I had no idea.  Was that in the docs and I overlooked it?  To
 me, this is probably one of the strongest features of Class::Agreement
 and should definitely be hyped.  Many aren't going to use
 Class::Contract due to the performance hit.

Argle -- I've forgotten to explain the whole joke! An agreement is
lighter than a contract. Hence, Class::Agreement. Har, har.

Ian Langworth

Re: Displaying the description in diagnostic output

2005-05-23 Thread Ian Langworth
On 5/13/05, David Landgren [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 So what I *really* think about Perl's test reporting is that the results
 are shown in the wrong order, and that it would also be better to use a
 less ambiguous word than 'got'. 'actual' would be nice.

I like the word actual much better than got, but I agree that
swapping the order would create inconsistency.

Ian Langworth

Re: testing that processes terminate

2005-05-23 Thread Ian Langworth
On 5/18/05, Kevin Scaldeferri [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Being a good coder, I wrote a unit test to
 reproduce the problem before I fixed it. 

Let gold ingots rain from the heavens and collect into your front yard! :)

 The test is happy when I run
 it normally, and even when I run it under Devel::Cover, but it
 consistently fails in our nightly test run (under Devel::Cover).  As
 best I can figure, Devel::Cover is slowing things down so much that my
 test thinks the process doesn't exit.

Your code looks fine. It appears that your two testing environments
(running the test yourself and your automated nightly run) are
different in some way. This nightly run -- is it, by any chance,
running low-priority?

Ian Langworth

RFC - Class::Agreement

2005-05-23 Thread Ian Langworth
I'm working on a new module, Class::Agreement, and I've started by
writing the documentation. If anyone has a few minutes, I'd like some
feedback as to whether my descriptions of the concepts make sense and
if you like the syntax.



Ian Langworth

Re: RFC - Class::Agreement

2005-05-23 Thread Ian Langworth
On 5/23/05, Ovid [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In discussing the benefits, I didn't think you made a strong argument.
 However, in reading the page your docs points to, I think the argument
 can be improved with this:
   Precondition violations mean that the client
   is in error. Postcondition violations means
   that the supplier is incorrect.

I've left out deeper discussion in hope that I'll be writing a larger
article that dives further into the world of contracts. But, you're
right -- I've probably skimmed to far above the surface.

 I also noticed you didn't make a comparison to Class::Contract.  I
 think something explicit would be useful. 

Whoops! Definitely meant to include that.

 You did write
 Class::Agreement is also the only implementation in any language to
 blame failed contracts correctly, but I don't know what that means.  I
 also note that the link you point us to after that comment is a
 citation, not something I can actually read.

CiteSeer has a little box full of links under View or Download on
the citation pages.

Ian Langworth

Re: [RFC] Test::Plan

2005-03-15 Thread Ian Langworth

First, just a nitpicky thing -- You could simplify Makefile.PL to not
need File::*:

  test = { TESTS = join ' ', map { glob } qw( t/*/*.t t/*/*/*.t ) },

Also, I agree that the use-Test-Plan-after-Test-More caveat is icky.
How about modifying Test::Plan::import() so that it (a) checks to see
if Test::More *has* already been loaded or (b) checks if a plan()
subroutine is already defined in the namespace that the method is
exporting to.

On Tue, 15 Mar 2005 09:17:22 -0500, Geoffrey Young

 I'm still working up additional tests, but the documentation and
 functionality is all there, so constructive feedback welcome.

Ian Langworth
Project Guerrilla
Northeastern University
College of Computer and Information Science

Module popularity

2005-03-14 Thread Ian Langworth
The CPAN Search FAQ at reads:

 Q: Do you keep statistics on which modules are most popular?

 A: Not right now. But there are plans to add some kind of popularity metrics.

I think the answer should be updated to point to the Phalanx project.
Whom do we contact?

Ian Langworth
Project Guerrilla
Northeastern University
College of Computer and Information Science

Re: Module popularity

2005-03-14 Thread Ian Langworth
Fair enough.

On Tue, 15 Mar 2005 00:37:26 -0600, Andy Lester [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'd rather it didn't.  What people think of as popularity is not what
 Phalanx measures.
 Let's not stir the mud.

Ian Langworth
Project Guerrilla
Northeastern University
College of Computer and Information Science

Re: Test comments

2005-03-12 Thread Ian Langworth
On 14.Feb.2005 09:01PM -0800, chromatic wrote:

 Here's my list of suggestions for each:
 1) label, description
 2) directive, instruction
 3) diagnostic
 I want to avoid the word comment altogether, making the
 optionalness of #1 and #3 evident in their words, the
 activeness of #2 evident in its word, and any comparison to
 Perl's comments in syntax or name go away.

I think description, directive, and diagnostic fit those
constraints. However, the distinction between #1 and #3 still
seems unclear.

For #3: anecdote? metalabel? optional postfix description
informatron? scuttlebutt? tittle-tattle?

To think outside the box, do we actually _need_ both #1 and #3 on
the same line for reasons other than backwards compatibility?

As for synonyms, try out the OneLook reverse dictionary:

It usually provides. Other times, such as in the case of
searching for optional note, it produces completely silly
results such as linseed oil. Go figure.

Ian Langworth
Project Guerrilla
Northeastern University
College of Computer and Information Science

Re: [RFC] adding skip option directly to plan()

2005-03-12 Thread Ian Langworth
On 30.Nov.2004 09:57AM -0600, Andy Lester wrote:

plan tests = 14, have( Foo::Wango ), moon_phase eq waning, etc;

Where does the reason fit into this syntax?

Ian Langworth
Project Guerrilla
Northeastern University
College of Computer and Information Science

Re: [RFC] adding skip option directly to plan()

2005-03-12 Thread Ian Langworth
On 12.Mar.2005 11:41PM -0500, Geoffrey Young wrote:

 nevertheless, what you are replying to was just a discussion
 about a feature that doesn't exist in the standard Test::More
 toolkit but was brought up because Apache-Test's plan() works
 a bit differently and there are enough people who like it that
 I thought it warranted a discussion here to see if T::M was

Yeah, I know, I was curious how the reason could fit into the
_proposed_ Test::More additions. I'll do a better job at phrasing
next time. :-)

Ian Langworth
Project Guerrilla
Northeastern University
College of Computer and Information Science

Re: TAP docs

2005-02-19 Thread Ian Langworth
Under TESTS AND PLANS: The plan, the first sentence of the third
paragraph seems to fit better at the end of the previoius paragraph:
This is a safeguard in case your test dies quietly in the middle
of its run. It should be the first non-diagnostic line output by
your test program.
In certain instances, ...
Under the test line, the emphasized concepts could reflect their
necessity more easiliy:
* ok or not ok (required)
* Test number (recommended)
* Description (recommended)
* Directive (internal use or something)
Thus ends any nitpicky things my brain clicked on.
Andy Lester wrote:
Get those comments in ASAP, please.
Ian Langworth
Project Guerrilla
Northeastern University
College of Computer and Information Science

Re: Test names/comments/whatever?

2005-02-05 Thread Ian Langworth
Stevan Little wrote:
I sent Schwern a patch to change 'names' to 'description', but then Andy 
brought up the idea of 'labels'. At the time, Schwern said it was 'in 
the pipeline', but I expect its actually been moved out since.

Personally, I view them as 'descriptions' since thats what I usually 
write. But 'labels' makes sense too, if you use them that way. However, 
'name' just never made since to me though, and initially was a source of 
confusion when I first read Test::Tutorial and co.
Personally, I think the term 'comment' is most appropriate.
Test 'names' or 'labels' seem analagous to IDs, leading me to think that
every test has a unique name or label, such as graph_region_38.
The term 'description' seems to imply a long explanation, such as This
test makes sure that the graph can correctly identify the number of
tiles that make up a region.
'comment', however, seems just right -- it implies a short, optional
Ian Langworth
Project Guerrilla
Northeastern University
College of Computer and Information Science

Re: Test names/comments/whatever?

2005-02-05 Thread Ian Langworth
Stevan Little wrote:
I sent Schwern a patch to change 'names' to 'description', but then Andy 
brought up the idea of 'labels'. At the time, Schwern said it was 'in 
the pipeline', but I expect its actually been moved out since.

Personally, I view them as 'descriptions' since thats what I usually 
write. But 'labels' makes sense too, if you use them that way. However, 
'name' just never made since to me though, and initially was a source of 
confusion when I first read Test::Tutorial and co.
Personally, I think the term 'comment' is most appropriate.
Test 'names' or 'labels' seem analagous to IDs, leading me to think that 
every test has a unique name or label, such as graph_region_38.

The term 'description' seems to imply a long explanation, such as This 
test makes sure that the graph can correctly identify the number of 
tiles that make up a region.

'comment', however, seems just right -- it implies a short, optional 

Ian Langworth
Project Guerrilla
Northeastern University
College of Computer and Information Science

Re: introduction

2005-01-30 Thread Ian Langworth
Comrade Burnout wrote:
I'm not sure where to start other than this.  So hi and stuff.
Hi, Brian.
Ian Langworth
Project Guerrilla
Northeastern University
College of Computer and Information Science

Re: Test::Harness::HTML (was Test::Unit, ::Class, or ::Inline?)

2005-01-26 Thread Ian Langworth
On Jan 26, 2005, at 3:48p, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
My main gripe is that the infrastructure for it is less OO friendly.  
example with the HTML output was awesome..until i looked at how it 
done.  The inability to get a data structure back for the test results 
is very,
very frustrating.
Yeah, it's pretty damn ugly. If anybody wants to continue with this 
module, feel free to grab it, as I'm pretty short on time. I just 
started it as an experiment.

Ian Langworth
Project Guerrilla
Northeastern University
College of Computer and Information Science

Proposed Test::Harness::Straps data

2005-01-26 Thread Ian Langworth
On Jan 26, 2005, at 5:12p, Andy Lester wrote:
I would love to hear your thoughts and ideas on structures of results.
Here's approximately what I'd like, which could easily be passed to a 
template. This is just a brain dump, feel free to tear it apart. A few 
of the values are provided for convenience.

@results = [
filename = 't/something.t',
time = 'Wed Jan 26 18:04:01 EST 2005',
duration = '12.438282', # seconds
total = {
ok = 5,
fail = 0,
seen = 5, # should be ok + fail
max = 5,
passed = 1, # max == seen == ok
events = [ # not necessarily tests
num = 1,
type = 'pass',
comment = object isa 'Foo',
num = 2,
type = 'fail',
stderr = uninitialized value at line 
comment = frobnicate,
num = 3,
type = 'diag',
comment = time for stuff,
num = 4,
type = 'skip',
comment = test AIX thingies,
reason = not running AIX,
Ian Langworth
Project Guerrilla
Northeastern University
College of Computer and Information Science

Test::Unit, ::Class, or ::Inline?

2005-01-24 Thread Ian Langworth
I'm taking a software development class this semester which will involve 
writing extensive object-oriented code. My partner and I are trying to 
decide whether to use Test::Unit, ::Class, or ::Inline for our test scripts.

I can see the advantages of Test::Class in terms of object heirarchy, 
but I really like the idea of having my tests right along with the 
methods when using Test::Inline. (The latter would be great when 
presenting our code to the class.)

Ian Langworth
Project Guerrilla
Northeastern University
College of Computer and Information Science

Test::Harness HTML output

2005-01-22 Thread Ian Langworth
I'm attempting to create fancy HTML output from running a test suite 
and thought others might find this interesting. I've tried using 
Test::Harness::Straps to create a feedback report inspired by Tinderbox 
and BuildBot.
Click on the summaries to see the full (however lacking) output.
T::H::Straps doesn't yet seem to handle grabbing stderr, among other 
things. If you want to try it out for other test suites, check out the 
Work in progress.
Ian Langworth
Project Guerrilla
Northeastern University
College of Computer and Information Science