Re: Input / Output encoding filters.

2006-02-22 Thread MrJoltCola
Just to add my 2 cents here, I've always felt that there should be basic 
primitives provided, and the HLL can take care of the rest. Technically the 
low-level IO routines don't have to know about encoding or compression 
schemes at all. A VM provides the building blocks, and you can add whatever 
abstractions you want on top.

Obviously there is another camp that feels that everything needs to be 
implemented in low level C and special PMCs for each HLL and funky APIs 
everywhere, and those are probably the same guys that think Parrot needs to 
worry about the issue you are discussing. I'm not in that camp, which is 
the reason I just watch nowadays. To me, the elegance of the pure VM has 
been lost on Parrot.


"Its 2006, do you know where your opcodes are?"

At 06:01 PM 2/21/2006, Martin D Kealey wrote:

I'm a bit slow coming back to this, sorry.

It seems that "seek" is used in two ways:

* returning to some previously identified point (including the start or
  end of the file)
* moving a given number of characters you want to move relative to a
  known location

Clearly you can always do the first, just by using the underlying byte
offset without regard for the encoding. If you have a fixed number of bytes
per character then you can trivially do the second as well.

But if you have a variable-length encoding then you have to read through the
byte stream to get to the position you want; this might or might not be
desirable depending on the characteristics of the underlying stream.

Furthermore it makes (some) sense always to be able to seek *forwards* --
even on a tty device -- but not backwards.

So my suggestion is that we change the interface to "seek", and have
separate parameters for the "previously known position" and the
"character offset". The latter is obviously just an integer, but the
first is a black-box token -- maybe a PMC, but more likely a mangled
integer -- to ensure that the two args are distinguishable.

(Please excuse me as I discuss this in terms of a HLL rather than

In other words, change this:

 $fpos = $io.tell();
 $, $fpos)

to this:

 $$fpos, 0)

or for brevity, just this:


Now SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR and SEEK_END just become special cases of
"previously known positions". And I'm tempted to say that they should be
spelt "0", "undef" and "-1" respectively.

Thence it's fairly straightforward for the units of "seek" to be
whatever you find convenient: counting whole records, or lines of text,
or whatever.

Clearly this needs to be discussed in p6-lang, but having separated the
two parameter types, the filter can decide which it can implement, and


Re: Shootout Updates Posted

2006-01-07 Thread MrJoltCola

Also, unless things have changed, multiple op dispatch cores are
built in standard Parrot. I'm behind on my reading the list, so
someone will correct me if I missed it, but last time I worked with
the code there were 5 cores, just for experimental reasons.

Ideally, for production the config will choose one safe core as well
as the JIT which results in a much smaller binary and resident size.


At 05:23 AM 12/20/2005, Leopold Toetsch wrote:

On Dec 20, 2005, at 4:01, Joshua Hoblitt wrote:

I'm surprised that Parrot's memory usage is so high relative to other
platforms.  It looks like a hog even relative to Java.  Has anyone taken
a serious look at where all that memory is going?

Memory usage as well as startup time aren't optimized at all. One thing 
comes to my mind immediately: the MMD_table takes more than 1 MB and setup 
time is in prominent position in profile logs.



Re: Copyrights

2005-07-03 Thread MrJoltCola

I originally wrote IMCC was a separate module, and I even released it on CPAN.
For a long time it lived in languages/imcc but Leo rolled it in at some point.

Copyrighting my code does not limit my ability to contribute it to a project
under a dual copyright. I have never heard what the final decision was about
copyrights, but at some point it was a choice of Artistic, LGPL, or some other.

The only license I really have a problem with is the plain GPL, which I don't
think Perl uses anyway. When someone makes a decision, or informs me
of the existing policy, I'll be happy to commit a header that licenses all
of those files to the Perl Foundation under whatever copyright they choose.


At 10:46 AM 7/3/2005, Will Coleda wrote:

I was under the impression that for any code to be included in the
parrot repository, that the copyright had to be assigned to the Perl
Foundation. But there are exceptions to this throughout the
repository, even in core files like imcc/main.c (Copyright Melvin
Smith). We have a file with a Microsoft copyright in the repository.

What's the official policy? Is it documented somewhere in the
repository? (If not, can we get it documented?)


Re: Attack of the fifty foot register allocator vs. the undead continuation monster

2005-06-12 Thread MrJoltCola

At 01:16 PM 6/12/2005, MrJoltCola wrote:

At 07:15 AM 6/12/2005, Chip Salzenberg wrote:
1) As far as variable lifetime, the brute-force method would assume
lifetime windows (du-chains) from the first definition of each variable
to the last function call in a basic block. Horrible for optimization.

I said that wrong. If a standard du-chain intersects the window between
first function call and last function call in a basic block, you probably
have to extend the du-chain to the last call in the block.


Re: Attack of the fifty foot register allocator vs. the undead continuation monster

2005-06-12 Thread MrJoltCola

At 07:15 AM 6/12/2005, Chip Salzenberg wrote:

Therefore, register allocation must allow for implicit flow of control
from *every* function call to *every* function return ... or, more
precisely, to where *every* continuation is taken, including function
return continuations.


But for casual readers, you might want to qualify that with:

"For a given basic block..."

Just a couple of thoughts to add:

1) As far as variable lifetime, the brute-force method would assume
lifetime windows (du-chains) from the first definition of each variable
to the last function call in a basic block. Horrible for optimization.

2) For languages without eval() it is possible simply to do compile
time analysis of routines and associate an AST attribute with
whether the routine captures or invokes a continuation, and for
languages with Continuation Passing Style calls, you can analyze
whether the function does anything but use Return Continuations.
This would give the register allocator enough information to properly
break down the basic blocks into correct DU-chains and allocate
with confidence.

However, given Parrot's intended target languages, I feel that (2) is
going to be rarely applicable.


Re: Regarding Google's Summer of Code 2005

2005-06-07 Thread MrJoltCola

At 01:40 PM 6/3/2005, Matt Fowles wrote:

> I have been working and thinking about improvements to the Parrot/IMCC
> optimizer for a while now.  Implementing SSA is definitely at the top
> of my list, because it simplifies a lot of optimizations and makes
> some others possible.  The biggest challenge is to graft such a big
> change onto a working system, with small changes at a time.

I know that Melvin Smith (aka Mr JoltCola) was planning on a full
scale rewrite of imcc.  His plan involved SSA.  I don't know what came
of that; I think that he ran out of tuits...

I ran out of tuits and interest, though I still lurk just to see whats
going on.

Parrot started moving in a direction I didn't like and I got tired
of arguing to justify my patches.

2 yrs ago I just went back to doing private research projects on
my own.

From my point of view, the Parrot development community
lacks adequate sense of humor and spirit of comradery for me
to participate.

I decided just to work on my Cola language and write a specific
VM for it with the lessons I learned from Parrot. I still like
register based VMs (memory transfer machines) but by working
solo I can play with ideas like infinite register numbers and a more
uniform, compact, RISC like instruction set encoding. My only
goal is self education, so this works out better for me.

Good luck guys,


Re: [PATCH] make PIO_fdopen return NULL on incorrect flags

2005-05-05 Thread MrJoltCola
Actually no, from the PIO routines you should return a PMC
that has a null handle, or that was my original intent. I think
I was considering changing new_io_pmc() to return something
like ParrotUndef in that case but never did. The very first
version of the IO routines actually did return NULL for every
error, but it was decided that wasn't the cleanest way.
If you look at the revision history of io.c, revision 4673, I commented:
Bug fixes. We should not be returning NULL for io PMCs, that generates
an exception now.. A PMC should be returned with a NULL ParrotIO * for
valid eof/bool tests.
As this was 2003, I honestly don't remember all of the discussion.
There might be a record of it between Dan and me in the
archives, however, chances are it was on IRC.
At 07:44 AM 5/5/2005, Leopold Toetsch wrote:
Luke Palmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This patch makes PIO_fdopen return NULL when you give it flags it
> doesn't understand.  I gathered that this was the correct behavior
> from the test that I untodid.
> Luke
Thanks, applied.

Re: parrot and refcounting semantics

2005-04-28 Thread MrJoltCola
At 01:10 PM 4/28/2005, Dan Sugalski wrote:
At 5:57 PM +0200 4/28/05, Robin Redeker wrote:
On Wed, Apr 27, 2005 at 03:43:32PM -0400, Dan Sugalski wrote:
 At 5:40 PM +0200 4/27/05, Robin Redeker wrote:
  The expense is non-trivial as well. Yeah, it's all little tiny bits
 of time, but that adds up. It's all overhead, and useless overhead
 for the most part.
Yes, but do we know whether refcounting is really slower than a garbage
collector in the end?
Yes, we do. This is a well-researched topic and one that's been gone over 
pretty thouroughly for the past twenty years or so. There's a lot of 
literature on this -- it's worth a run through citeseer for some of the 
papers or, if you've a copy handy in a local library, the book "Garbage 
Collection" by Jones and Lins, which is a good summary of most of the 
techniques, their costs, drawbacks, and implementation details.
Research indicates that in theory, garbage collection can even be faster
than explicit memory management. One paper I remember in particular was
done by IBM using various GCs for the JVM.

Re: [RFC] .local, .syn, etc.

2005-04-18 Thread MrJoltCola
At 04:52 PM 4/18/2005, chromatic wrote:
On Mon, 2005-04-18 at 14:44 +0200, Leopold Toetsch wrote:
> Yep. As a first step, I'd redefine this to be C<.label>:
>.macro SpinForever (Count)
>  .label $LOOP: dec .COUNT# ".label $LOOP" defines a local label.
>branch .$LOOP # Jump to said label.
Can you only use .label inside of macros?  (I don't know how useful it
is outside of macros, but it's a question.)
Currently yes (assuming you made .local = .label) because the macros are
handled and expanded in the lexer only before the parser gets hold of it,
so IF my memory serves, there is no token in the parser for anything inside
a macro.
I tried to yank macros out once and there was much screaming and wailing.

Re: Parrot and the web (PHP?)

2005-04-13 Thread MrJoltCola
At 03:49 PM 4/13/2005, BÁRTHÁZI András wrote:
I'm not a UNIX guru, but I don't know an easily installable solution for 
the problem. I would like to run just one Apache, and would like to run 
Perl as an Apache module. Chroot I think is not a solution for it. Running 
the script as CGI or running as much Apaches as much client you have is 
not a solution for me and for a lot of people. PHP offer an easy way to 
solve this problem.
You obviously are talking about a web hosting environment with multiple 
applications and customers.

I did not mean that chroot() was the solution, it is however part of the 
solution on the UNIX
environment if you want proper security.

Perl was the most famous web development environment some year ago, today 
PHP is that. I think one of
I disagree. How do you support that blanket statement?
I don't have any customers using PHP, they either use Java (some J2EE 
container, Oracle, BEA, Websphere, Tomcat) or they use Perl (CGI or 
mod-perl), etc.

I agree with your statement if you are talking about small web-site 
hosting. 30 bucks a month
for a website and you host 100 sites on a single shared server. PHP has a 
large share of that market,
but for medium to large complexity apps, specifically commercial enterprise 
apps, PHP has
very little presence. The marketing dollars are all behind Java and .NET.

I guess it just goes to show we all swim in different ponds.
Anyway, I did not mean to start a tangent, I want to see PHP run well on 
Parrot so we can
agree on that.


Re: Parrot and the web (PHP?)

2005-04-13 Thread MrJoltCola
At 02:33 PM 4/13/2005, Dan Sugalski wrote:
At 8:25 PM +0200 4/13/05, BÁRTHÁZI András wrote:
An other question is, that how can you tell to the platform, to limit 
these features, maybe non-modifiable environment variables and command 
line parameters can be the ways of it.
For that you need a full-blown quota and privilege system. Luckily there 
are plans for one. :)
As far as boxing a VM into a sub-directory, etc. UNIX (chroot) and VMS make 
this a breeze since
the mechanisms are builtin to the OS, it is Windows where all the work has 
to be done.

Maybe Windows has matured since the last time I looked at this sort of 
thing, but most
sys admins I know still prefer to run their JVMs, app servers, etc. in a 
UNIX environment
just for this reason.

Solaris 10 just took it to a new level with "zones" although there have 
been similar patches
out there for BSD and Linux for a long time.


Re: imcc/ directory

2005-04-11 Thread MrJoltCola
At 06:57 PM 4/11/2005, Matt Diephouse wrote:
Now that IMCC is a core part of Parrot, I'd like to see the imcc/
directory go away. I'd be willing to spend some time trying to prepare
some patches (it'd be a good way to become more familiar with the
source), but I have a few questions first:
 (1) Is this desirable?
Technically IMCC should be separate
I think mild separation that still exists is a good thing. IMCC does
not actually execute anything, it is a "registered" front-end that
handles PIR and PASM. You could add another front-end
called PIR2 if you wanted. It just so happens that IMCC is the
default front-end.
 (3) Should all the headers in imcc/ be moved to include/parrot/?
 (4) Should all the files be moved to src/?
You should be able to build a standalone VM that will run pre-compiled
bytecodes without including the full parser/compiler, IMO. I'd prefer
to see the separation continue.

Re: Blocks, continuations and eval()

2005-04-08 Thread MrJoltCola
At 10:03 AM 4/8/2005, wolverian wrote:
To get to the real topic:
In Perl 6, the generic solution to fix this (if one wants to fix it)
seems, to me, to be to add a .eval method to objects that represent
scopes. I'm not sure if scopes are first class values in Perl 6. Are
they? How do you get the current scope as an object? Are scopes just
Code objects?
On #perl6, theorbtwo wasn't sure if .eval should be a method on coderefs
or blocks. Is there a difference between the two? I always hated this
about Ruby; there seems to be no practical value to the separation.
Also, are blocks/coderefs/scopes continuations? Should .eval be a method
in Continuation?
I'm having a bit of trouble following you, but I can tell you that the VM 
treats continuations as well as lexical scopes or pads as first class Parrot
objects (or PMCs).

I cannot say how much Perl6 will expose to the high level language.
Can you tell me what your idea of a "scope" is? I'm thinking a
continuation, and if that is what you are thinking, I'm thinking the
answer to your question is yes.

Re: Monthly Release Schedule

2005-04-07 Thread MrJoltCola
At 12:32 PM 4/7/2005, Chip Salzenberg wrote:
According to Peter Sinnott:
> I set up a tinder server a couple of weeks ago.
> Not sure if anyone else looks at it.
I understand that tinderbox is an automated system for test builds
with result collation.  Is there any need for a tinderbox central
point being "official" (e.g. machine), or will a random
server (no offense Peter :-)) do just as well?  No security
implications, etc?
It was on parrotcode or at some point.
Maybe that can be reused?

Re: Monthly Release Schedule

2005-04-07 Thread MrJoltCola
At 03:21 AM 4/7/2005, Leopold Toetsch wrote:
MrJoltCola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 06:24 PM 4/6/2005, Chip Salzenberg wrote:
>>   * What platforms are required for release?  I'd guess that we'd get
>> almost of all of our developers (and users, for that matter) with:
>>   darwin
>>   linux-x86-gcc3.*
>>   win32-ms-cl
> You should round that out with 64-bit Sparc.
You are volunteering for running smoke tests regularly ;-) Patches to
PLATFORMS are equally welcome.
Which I still do periodically. I don't know when/why Sparc ever fell out of
the mix. This was the reference platform for the byteordering patches.
We should add linux-x86_64-gcc3.* to the list of primary targets. But we
should make sure that these targets are really tested, at best with an
official tinderbox setup again.
Where did Tinderbox go anyway? I don't mind running a tinderclient at all.
I can tell you now Sparc / GCC is broken for most due to our broken Configure.
Our config pulls out the params that were used to build Perl with, and this 
is invalid
because most Sparc folks are running a pre-built Perl and GCC binary that 
was built
on a distributor's system. So for example, even though the system will have 
Perl and GCC, Perl's config will say it was built with Sun's CC compiler. 
fails and has to be hand hacked to work, or you have to build your own Perl 
to get
the config before you build Parrot (not too tough, but should not be required).


Re: Monthly Release Schedule

2005-04-06 Thread MrJoltCola
At 10:28 PM 4/6/2005, Chip Salzenberg wrote:
According to MrJoltCola:
> At 06:24 PM 4/6/2005, Chip Salzenberg wrote:
> >  * What platforms are required for release?  I'd guess that we'd get
> >almost of all of our developers (and users, for that matter) with:
> >
> >  darwin
> >  linux-x86-gcc3.*
> >  win32-ms-cl
> You should round that out with 64-bit Sparc.
How many Sparc developers have we got?
I'm not sure, one or two, but I don't count as I'm not active atm, I just
commentate. :)
On related questions: Could you unpack for me the status of 32-bitness
vs. 64-bitness in the Sparc world?  Are all (most of) the chips
64-bit, and for how long?  The kernels?  The apps?
All of the UltraSparc chips are 64-bit, which makes 64-bit Sparc about a decade
old now, 1995 I think (since early Solaris versions, 2.5 at least). 
Virtually all of
Sparc/Solaris is 64-bit nowadays, but there are quite a few hobbyists with 
boxes still running out there. Anyway, Solaris supports 32-bit and 64-bit apps.
The kernel is 64-bit. Companies like Oracle are starting to phase out releases
for 32-bit versions of their products. 4 out of the 7 boxes in my office 
are 64-bit.

All of my customers run big monsters (8-16 cpus with 64-128GB RAM) and
as best I can tell Sun is still ruling the RISC/UNIX world even though the
UltraSparc isn't the fastest per CPU. Its a darn fun chip to program for, 
However, I think the next big thing is Solaris on Opteron (64-bit) for 2-4 
CPU midrange.

I have told Leo and others that I will provide access to Solaris 10 on 
UltraSparc II and III
processors when I get the time to build a zone on one of my boxes. I'll 
also probably
make a Sun compiler available. I wish we could get tinderbox back up and 

I know there is a ton of Linux and OS X out there, but most mission 
critical apps are
still running on Solaris, HPUX or AIX in my business, though I am seeing a slow
adoption of Redhat Enterprise Linux.


Re: Monthly Release Schedule

2005-04-06 Thread MrJoltCola
At 06:24 PM 4/6/2005, Chip Salzenberg wrote:
  * What platforms are required for release?  I'd guess that we'd get
almost of all of our developers (and users, for that matter) with:
You should round that out with 64-bit Sparc.

Re: [perl #34669] [TODO] Make imcc.l compatible with modern flex

2005-04-04 Thread MrJoltCola
At 04:00 PM 4/4/2005, via RT wrote:
# New Ticket Created by  Chip Salzenberg
# Please include the string:  [perl #34669]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue.
# >
The creators of flex were rather mean to go and change the internal
API without even incrementing the major version.  But that's what they
did.  Now Parrot doesn't work with current flex.
We should make imcc.l (and any other lexers) compatible with modern
flex versions.
Frankly I've never really like flex, but as long as we're using it,
let's use the current version.
Only reason I chose flex was that it is the only one I was able to compile
on Win32 as well as UNIX. If you know of something better let me know
because I'd love to use it for my current and future projects.
I'm using flex++ on my current compiler because its nice to be able to
easily instantiate multiple lexers without hacking the plain C flex, however
lately I'm having second thoughts because it forces me to link in iostream
which is huge. I think I'm going back to STDIO.

Re: [Fwd: a warning and a failure for parrot in Tru64]

2005-04-01 Thread MrJoltCola
At 06:33 AM 4/1/2005, Nick Glencross wrote:
Having never had access to a Tru64 system, does that mean that parrot is 
compiled 64 bit?

Two initial comments:
  * This is a platform that we've not had a chance to test on, so I'm 
grateful to see it tested on a new platform. It was hoped that it would 
work, but to stop the test failing it was supposed to skip them until 
formally tested. Why did the skipping not work though? What would the 
intsize attribute be (from config_lib.pasm I guess)
Not true. We've done successful compiles before on Tru64. Maybe as of 0.0.6 
or something but
we were using Compaq's testdrive system and 64-bit gcc. At one time Parrot 
dir run on
both 64-bit Sparc and Alpha and I tested all these when doing the 
byte-ordering code.

  * Secondly, any chance I can get access to other platforms, such as 
this one, to troubleshoot the problem? If not, perhaps I can instrument 
the code and have the results sent back to me...
Check out and see if testdrive is still available. I don't even remember 
the IPs or account info, nor do
I remember the URL to go to but you can get free shell accounts if they 
still offer it. Also, I had set
up an S/390 account at IBM for Daniel way back when and did a succesful 
compile there, but we
never got the JIT written and it fell off the map.


Re: Parrot bytecode reentrancy

2005-03-31 Thread MrJoltCola
At 05:57 PM 3/31/2005, Nigel Sandever wrote:
Is Parrot bytecode reentrant?
That is, if I want to have two instances of a class in each of two 
threads, will
the bytecode for the class need to be loaded twice?
No, just once.
Also, will it be possible to pass objects (handles/references) between 
Yes, otherwise threads are no more useful than processes.

Re: Helping The Paranoid Parrot on Windows

2005-03-28 Thread MrJoltCola
At 04:44 PM 3/28/2005, Ron Blaschke wrote:
MrJoltCola wrote:
> At 04:08 PM 3/28/2005, Ron Blaschke wrote:
>> > On the one hand, IMCC doesn't really help you _run_ code, so I'm not
>> > inclined to see it part of libparrot.  On the other hand, I haven't
>> > grokked the entire code base organization, so I could be Greatly
>> > Missing The Point.
>>I have left things as-is while getting linkage correctly.  That is,
>>most of IMCC is currently part of libparrot (only F is not).
>>In the beginning, I thought IMCC is part of the parrot executable, but
>>reality left me puzzled, so I thought I'll leave the decision to you.
> IMCC is integral for Parrot in order to eval/compile new PASM and PIR at
> runtime. If you ONLY want to support precompiled bytecodes you
> can get by without it but for quite some time now IMCC _is_ the
> Parrot front end.
> It might make sense to provide separate libparrotvm without dynamic eval
> capability so you can leave out the actual compiler and register allocator
> and have it loaded on demand (libparrotimcc or some such).
> This would help save memory in the default case.
So, I guess the yacc stuff - yylex, yyparse, yyin and such - should be
hidden somewhere inside IMCC, behind an interface, which would then be
part of libparrot interface?
Yes, I think so. Of course I always wanted to write a pure parrot form of the
whole IMCC compiler, but nowadays Parrot is so reliant on C that it seems
a pointless exercise to go "Pure Parrot" until the whole community gets 


Re: Helping The Paranoid Parrot on Windows

2005-03-28 Thread MrJoltCola
At 04:08 PM 3/28/2005, Ron Blaschke wrote:
> On the one hand, IMCC doesn't really help you _run_ code, so I'm not
> inclined to see it part of libparrot.  On the other hand, I haven't
> grokked the entire code base organization, so I could be Greatly
> Missing The Point.
> On the gripping hand, if you'd like to experiment with putting IMCC
> into libparrot, bison's "-p prefix" option seems relevant: "Rename the
> external symbols used in the parser so that they start with prefix
> instead of yy."  Maybe "-p Parrot_imcc_"?
I have left things as-is while getting linkage correctly.  That is,
most of IMCC is currently part of libparrot (only F is not).
In the beginning, I thought IMCC is part of the parrot executable, but
reality left me puzzled, so I thought I'll leave the decision to you.
IMCC is integral for Parrot in order to eval/compile new PASM and PIR at
runtime. If you ONLY want to support precompiled bytecodes you
can get by without it but for quite some time now IMCC _is_ the
Parrot front end.
It might make sense to provide separate libparrotvm without dynamic eval
capability so you can leave out the actual compiler and register allocator
and have it loaded on demand (libparrotimcc or some such).
This would help save memory in the default case.

Re: Passing on the hat

2005-03-22 Thread MrJoltCola
At 06:55 PM 3/21/2005, Chip Salzenberg wrote:
According to Dan Sugalski:
> As such, I'd like to say a big thanks to Chip Salzenburg who's agreed
> to take the hat.
I thank you for your kind words, and for giving me the opportunity
again to work long hours and explain difficult and arbitrary design
decisions to enthusiastic contributors.  :-)
And *all* of us thank you for the last four and a half years.  I'm
glad you'll still be around; your work certainly will be.

Congrats Chip, I can't actually follow what Dan said since I did not
receive the original message from Dan, all I see is replies.
Was this a reply to a private message or is the mailing
server doing funny things again? I'm just curious about how Dan is
doing since I haven't talked to him in a while. :)

Re: Parrot questions

2005-03-11 Thread MrJoltCola
At 09:47 AM 3/11/2005, theUser BL wrote:
(with the languages Nice and Groovy) and .net, but written esecialy for 
True, Parrot is slanted toward dynamic scripting languages that recompile 
and eval themselves
on the fly, but it does provide low-level registers and features that nice, 
statically bound languages
without continuation passing style can call.

I've already done this with a demo Java like language that only uses the 
low level numeric and
string registers and uses the faster jump/bsr instructions rather than the 
continuation passing style.
If you read my IMCC faq, you'll also see how I kludged OOP without using 
Parrot's dynamic
class support. It results in very fast code that is well-JITable, compared 
to what Perl6 compiles to.

Point is: You can do it how you want to, but if you want to cooperate with 
other languages on
the Parrot VM, you'll need to use the Parrot conventions at least on the 
boundaries of your

But I see two problems:
1. the license
Perl is licensed under the GPL and Artistic license. Python is licensed 
under the Python-license and Ruby is licensed under the GPL and its own 
So, it would be nice, if Parrot would be licensed under the GPL, Artistic 
license, Python-license and Rubys own license.
I don't think, that Python would be public its package with something 
included, which is under an other license then the Python-license.
Moot. You can write commercial compilers that target the Parrot VM and 
distribute it as you see fit. On top of that,
if you don't use anything but what Parrot provides in its base PMC classes, 
you don't even have to distribute a
runtime lib for your special language.

2. Parrot is written by Perl-people for Perl
I think it would be better, if there existing a group of 2 Perl people, 2 
Python people and 2 Ruby people or so, which disigned _together_ a VM for 
scripting languages and then support all this VM.
The VM is designed and working, the VM boys have done the bulk of their 
job. Parrot can currently
do things that the JVM cannot. Parrot's support library needs a lot of 
work, but this has
never stopped compiler writers in the past. :)

It is time for the compiler writers to start pulling the load.
I have red, that you create yourself a Python for Parrot. But that wille 
be not more supported by the Python-people like IronPython or Jython I 
think. It would be better to working with the Python and Ruby people 
together. And letting Parrot independent of any language.
Perl is probably the heaviest influence in the scripting world. I'd wait 
and watch what happens when Perl6
is for real and we start doing releases for the Parrot VM and see how many 
people follow.


Re: .HL_language pragma (was: Proposed steps towards the next release 0.2 and beyond.)

2005-03-07 Thread MrJoltCola
At 07:50 AM 3/7/2005, Leopold Toetsch wrote:
Roger Browne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, 2005-03-07 at 11:01 +0100, Leopold Toetsch wrote:
>> 4.1.1) implement a language pragma in assembler, e.g.:
>>   .HL_language Python
Sounds good to me except that I would prefer you remove the HL_
and just call it .language to be consistent with other directives.
Incidentally this is what .NET uses as well except its implementation
uses GUID instead of a string, and it also allows the compiler
vendor and source document type to be included in the directive.
Dan and I talked about this a couple of years ago on IRC.
Originally I wanted to stay away from GUIDs as I think they are overkill,
and had considered allowing ASCII:
.language Perl6
.language Perl6:ThePerlFoundation
But..., this requires this section in the bytecode to be variable sized,
so there might be some merit to using GUIDs, especially for vendors.
I think to keep PIR "convenient" for hackers I want to accept both
strings and 32 bit integers for each. If a string, it must be already
registered in IMCC and we can probably reserve the first 1024 for
"pre-registering" but IMCC still would be able to accept integers.
In any case, it needs to be fixed width in the bytecode header.
We need to revisit the bytecode format. Last time through, I put
an "Opcode type" at some offset, per Dan's request.
We store a magic number for that. I'm pretty sure we can use
this field to identify the language using whatever is provided in the
.language pragma, but I can't speak for Dan. I think he might
have had different plans for opcode type.

Re: Calling C/C++ library routines

2005-02-25 Thread MrJoltCola
At 01:27 PM 2/25/2005, vlad florentino wrote:
Is there now, or will there be in the future, any way to call C/C++
library routines from within Parrot? For example, a mysql, pcre or
libcurl library. Either static or dynamic.
C yes. C shares objects are dynamically loadable by Parrot.
C++? Not directly, you'll need to wrap any C++ APIs in "extern C" stubs
to get at them from Parrot and make sure you stuff any object pointers into
a PMC. It has been done, an example is the C++ Qt Toolkit.

Re: Q: about Parrot assembly code

2005-02-25 Thread MrJoltCola
At 12:57 PM 2/25/2005, Steve Coleman wrote:
constructs that could not be logically mapped from other CPU's into 
Parrot? Does Parrot assume/use many high level constructs not found in 
real processors?  Some CPU translations, like from CISC to RISC, are 
clearly easier than the reverse, but other types would prove much more 
difficult, like those with specialized register windows and DSP vector 
I doubt there is much that could not be mapped to Parrot, but Parrot does 
things that would be impossible
to map directly back to a CPU. Parrot is a mix of low, medium and high 
level instructions. We have ops
that are jitted to a single instruction or two on a CPU, but we have many 
more ops that are large routines that would
have to be translated to an API call requiring run-time environment 
support, continuations, co-routines,
various other odd things which require garbage collectable stacks and 
execution contexts.

You should be able to easily map your external APIs to Parrot. It has a 
native interface, so for example if you
have an Oracle app that uses, you'll simply need to translate 
any calls to the Parrot Native Interface
by generating the appropriate stub for the Parrot side. For extended 
processor functions, you'd need to
implement them or JIT them. It may be simpler to support JIT-only for your 
project. When you talk about
DSP processors, you are out of my range. Register windows ala Sparc could 
be implemented easily,
and has been discussed periodically, though we chose a different calling 

Regarding mapping from Parrot, you'd need to build a libparrot and link to 
your new environment for
dispatch of those things that don't translate. I'm not sure why you'd want 
to do this, though. We don't
have any application base to speak of. :)

Understanding what can and can not be translated to and from the virtual 
Parrot CPU would be the key to my looking at this possibility any deeper, 
but I could also forsee the possibility of some future type of IDE tools 
being used to create and debug other applications visually through Parrot 
as an intermediary between languages and runtime bytecode. Translation of 
programs (e.g. Perl<=>Python<=>.Net) would also be possible.
There has been some successful work done by various people if you dig back 
through the archives. I was able to
successfully translate some Java to Parrot, as did someone else; who it 
was, I forget. Someone else has been
playing with Z-machine lately I think.


Re: [perl #34258] [TODO] Here documents for PIR

2005-02-25 Thread MrJoltCola
At 11:48 AM 2/25/2005, Bernhard Schmalhofer wrote:
MrJoltCola wrote:
At 03:21 AM 2/25/2005, Leopold Toetsch wrote:
MrJoltCola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I feel that this feature is for higher level languages.
[ snip ]
> ... PIR is for compilers, not people,
My impression was that the target for compilers should be a yet 
non-existent abstract syntax tree. Though I'm somewhat confused about the 
distinction between parse trees and AST.

PIR and PAST could be considered as being just some languages. Why don't 
they take the some route, and generate an AST that gets compiled into PBC?

However most compilers I have seen so far are generating PIR and go from 
Text mode IR is easier to debug with the naked eye than an AST.
ASTs are great if you have supporting tools to browse the tree, dump things 
out and
translate things back to IR. Virtually all compilers start with an IR and 
into AST usage, but many successful compilers are built with completely
separate layers. See Muchnicks's work at Sun Microsystems. He has been
the main influence on me as a compiler writer.

PIR is foremost Parrot's primary assembly language. If it were for
compiles only, it wouldn't have needed "a = b + c" in the first place,
the "add" opcode is doing the same.
It filled a need at the time I wrote it, because there was pretty much
nothing else to write code in except PASM and Jako. It was supposed
to be a thin layer (register allocation and instruction choosing and 
subs) over PASM.
It is certainly possible to write code in PIR. But it is even more certain 
that this is no fun. Adding HERE documents remedies an immediate need, 
especially for playing with compilers and test scripts.
I agree. Why not write a pre-processor that will handles things like this 
and then
merge them forwards towards a front-end compiler rather than backwards into the
mess of IMCC? Trust me, I know the IMCC code, and it is BAD BAD BAD. And
I fully share the blame with Leo and Angel, bless their hearts. :)

> Nowadays we have a hoard of little toy compilers.
Which language of that hoard should be promoted to become THE standard 
language for writing test scripts and the Parrot standard library?
PIR is too hard on people, and a scripting language like Ruby, Perl or 
Python is propably to hard on Parrot.
It propably shouldn't a newly invented language either, because all 
language designers are having fun with designing Perl6.
You echo my feelings, PIR is too hard on people, and I feel that Parrot's 
growth suffers
for it, not because of PIR, but because that is all we use. I'm appalled 
that 3 years after I submitted IMCC
to the project, everyone is still writing in PIR. Parrot need's its own 
version of "C" or "C#" to empower
more people to contribute. If every new feature for Parrot is thought of in 
terms of PIR & IMCC, then IMCC
will just become more of a tangled mess that nobody wants to touch, and 
high-level development will continue
to drag as it has for years.

How about ECMAScript? It has an specification, it has objects and no pointers.
No complaints from me, I don't vote much anyway, but I have strong feelings 
regarding this project.
The mixing of the VM team and the compiler team is a mistake. It is a 
problem for commercial
development, much less open-source. One pumpking making decisions for such 
a wide scope doesn't
leave much room for alternate points of view and unimpeded movement. This 
is why I urged Dan
long ago to form a parrot-compilers list and split the project into 
separate decision making teams.

Speaking of Dan, where is he?

Re: [perl #34258] [TODO] Here documents for PIR

2005-02-25 Thread MrJoltCola
At 03:21 AM 2/25/2005, Leopold Toetsch wrote:
MrJoltCola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I feel that this feature is for higher level languages.
[ snip ]
> ... PIR is for compilers, not people,
PIR is foremost Parrot's primary assembly language. If it were for
compiles only, it wouldn't have needed "a = b + c" in the first place,
the "add" opcode is doing the same.
It filled a need at the time I wrote it, because there was pretty much
nothing else to write code in except PASM and Jako. It was supposed
to be a thin layer (register allocation and instruction choosing and subs) 
over PASM.
Nowadays we have a hoard of little toy compilers.

PIR has nice constructs for function and method calls. I don't see any
reason, why people shouldn't write PIR code directly. A HERE document
syntax allows to write more readable code.
...and adds another straw to the Camel's back of IMCC maintainability
...and encourages people to stay complacent and keep writing PIR code by hand,
   which was the main point of my note.

Re: [perl #34258] [TODO] Here documents for PIR

2005-02-24 Thread MrJoltCola
This should actually be titled "Where are all the compilers?"
I haven't ranted in a couple of years, so I'm due. Ranting is
nothing more than broadcasting my emotions from a soapbox
but it is so fun, I love to do it.
Let me respectfully give my opinion. In no way am I criticizing your
suggestion of here documents, nor am I ranting at the
originator of the suggestion.
I feel that this feature is for higher level languages. I did not
even want macros, but there was a lot of griping
when I removed them, so I relented and Leo reversed the patch.
What really is the problem here is the lack of a decent alternative.
It is not PIR that is lacking features. PIR, by definition should lack
features. It stands for "Pick-your-P-word Intermediate Representation."
What is missing is a good implementation language that compiles to
PIR. PIR is for compilers, not people, and I don't want to see PIR turn
into "PIRL".
What I always wanted to do was implement a C subset for Parrot, and
write all "low-level" things in that language. C is very good for close
translation to underlying "hardware" and it doesn't take a full-time think-tank
to implement a compiler for it. I'd like to see thin drivers written for
things (ala JDBC Thin SQL drivers), with VERY limited use of native
interfaces. I actually have a pretty nice compiler sitting in my archives,
but got too busy with life to finish it. The little "Cola" language that is 
in languages
right now is a hack job that was a quick prototype to see if people would
actually write C like code for Parrot. Cola got very little interest, so I 
my work on it and IMCC2.

Years after I dumped much work into Parrot, I've seen no progress or support
from other language camps (Python, Scheme) and Perl 6 seems to be such a
daunting goal to implement, I'm afraid we won't a full, commercial-free 
for years. (I've written a couple of fully featured compilers in a matter 
of weeks, and I
won't even begin to tackle Perl6 unless someone offered to fund me full-time).
Heck, what happened to the Pony project? Is there anybody out there? Or did we
all find that we were happier with Perl 5 than we realized. Or were we so 
slow with Perl 6
that everyone had time to swallow the .NET pill?

I feel better now,

At 04:53 PM 2/24/2005, via RT wrote:
# New Ticket Created by  Bernhard Schmalhofer
# Please include the string:  [perl #34258]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue.
# >
in the near, or far, future there will be test scripts and compiler input in
For that it would be nice, if long text doesn't have to be crammed into a
single line.
So some kind of HERE document syntax is needed for PIR. Suggestions for
syntax elements
are welcome. '<<' is already taken for the left shift operator.
CU, Bernhard
DSL Komplett von GMX +++ Superg�nstig und stressfrei einsteigen!
AKTION "Kein Einrichtungspreis" nutzen:

Re: Native support for GNU R

2005-02-10 Thread MrJoltCola
At 01:40 PM 2/9/2005, Aaron Sherman wrote:
On Wed, 2005-02-09 at 12:08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I read that you can provide support (in Perl 6) for most languages that
> parsers have been written for. As it appears to me, however, the 
> that you are mainly interested in are substitutes (competitors) to Perl.

You're mistaken about a core item here. First off, Perl 6 may have
This is the reason we should have changed the list name to parrot-internals
years ago, or spawned a new one. Nowadays I'm not as interested
in the Perl6 language as I am the potential to run a lot of languages on a 
common VM.


Re: [perl #34002] [PATCH] 'const' for ParrotIOLayerAPI instances

2005-02-02 Thread MrJoltCola
They are well defined at the moment, but the author's intent of the API was 
to have them

At 01:18 PM 2/1/2005, Leopold Toetsch wrote:
MrJoltCola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Layer and layer API members may be changed at runtime. Yes, the current
> structure
> members are all static, but they don't have to be.
Please note: only the layer API was changed.
> I would reverse this patch.
A xxx_layer_api seems rather const to me, constituted from a bunch of
well defined functions. A different set of functions would create a
different API - probably.
> -Melvin

Re: [perl #34002] [PATCH] 'const' for ParrotIOLayerAPI instances

2005-02-01 Thread MrJoltCola
Layer and layer API members may be changed at runtime. Yes, the current 
members are all static, but they don't have to be.

I would reverse this patch.
At 06:26 AM 1/31/2005, via RT wrote:
# New Ticket Created by  François PERRAD
# Please include the string:  [perl #34002]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue.
# >

All instances of ParrotIOLayerAPI could be declared as 'const' in the IO
I hope that it's an improvement (better & safer code) and not a problem for
future feature.
François Perrad

Re: [COMMIT] imcc moves out of languages

2003-10-23 Thread mrjoltcola
Thanks Robert for the fixup.
Nothing like throwing a grenade to get people scrambling.


-Original Message-
From: Robert Spier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Oct 23, 2003 1:33 PM
Subject: Re: [COMMIT] imcc moves out of languages

> > So much for preserving repository history.
> Yep. Is the history gone, or are you able to do something for it?

I've reattached the history to the files.  All should be well.

Depending on when you last updated, you _may_ see weird warnings on
your next update -- they should be harmless.


Re: Parrot: maximizing the audience

2002-09-05 Thread mrjoltcola

On Thu, 5 Sep 2002 10:27:05 -0700 Steve Fink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Speaking of Sub/Coroutine/Continuation, right now we *really* need
>someone who pretends to understand this stuff to take a look at
>Jonathan Sillito's patches and do something with them. Or give him
>commit privs, or something.

Hey those are my three headed babies you
are talking about! :)

Sorry, I've been preoccupied and I must have
missed Jonathan's patch. I will have a look.


Re: Off-list discussions, was Re: imcc hack for perl6 regexes

2002-08-21 Thread mrjoltcola

>Can I respectfully request that you guys make a lot more of your
>discussions public? languages/imcc and languages/perl6 are very major
>components, and they have been very little discussed on-list. imcc

Sure, I have no problem with it. At one
time someone suggested making a separate
list for Parrot compilers, so I took it as
a hint that maybe we were spamming.

>didn't bother me that much because I thought mainly just Melvin was
>working on it (I spend enough time listening to the voices in my head

To be fair, Angel has been doing most of
the work lately. Work has had me pinned.

I'm hoping with Sean's first cut at Perl6,
we can identify weakness and requirements
concerning an intermediate language, and
re-architect when we are done with the
"use cases."

>perl6 seems like something the wider community just might be
>interested in hearing about... ;-)

You _would_ think so, wouldn't you? :)
Personally I've been a little disappointed
in the involvement(interest) of late.


Re: imcc hack for perl6 regexes

2002-08-21 Thread mrjoltcola

On Wed, 21 Aug 2002 18:02:51 +0200 Angel Faus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I think we all agree that since parrot can have dynamic oplibs (and core 
>parrot has hundreds of ops), imcc needs some way to directly express them.  
>The idea of having parrot ops be included as such, and imcc directives be 
>prepended with "." looks fair to me. 

Ok, then this point is settled.

>a) imcc becomes like parrot assembly, but with virtual registers and a few 
>administrative ops (for calls and such), that start with "."
>b) imcc becomes like parrot assembly, but with virtual registers, a few 
>administrative ops, and some convenient infix notation like for stuff like "a

=1" or "b = a + 1", 

No. :)

c) imcc becomes a "middle" level language.
I never meant it to be an assembler. In practice
intermediate languages provide other constructs
such as aggregate type definition that are not
available in the assembler.

type i : packed int[32]
type r : record { foo : int, bar : string }

This is not assembler. This is medium level
computer language in my book. You could even
see things like

..pragma classes_are_hashes

or something that would tell the compiler that
aggregates should be implemented as standard
"Perl" hashes in this piece of code, whereas
others might want "packed" aggregates with
no runtime introspection capability.

>the usage of parrot ops "as is" is good for us, because we don't need to 
>invent, develop, and document, another language. It lets us focus on making 
>imcc do well a few tasks (ahem) such as register allocation and 
>language-neutral optimitzations. 

But I'm willing to invent and develop another language. And it should be a lot
richer than
just an assembler with a register allocator
and spiller. :)

>I am not a priori against imcc diverging from assembly. But I think the only 
>good reason for divergence should be making the task of the language compiler


But that was my whole reason for writing it in
the first place. I did not want to target
the assembler directly.


Re: Stack performance issue

2002-07-02 Thread mrjoltcola

On 02 Jul 2002 16:35:02 +0100 Tom Hughes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I've done that for the register stacks, and I'll do the same for the 
>other stacks unless somebody spots a flaw in my logic and points out
>that the GC will catch it...

No, your logic is correct, stacks are still
outside of the GC. I'm working on fixing
this so I can finish co-routines and continuations
correctly. Right now if you play around with
continuations you'll get leakage.

That is the reason I left stacks allocated
at their high water mark until we fix GCed

Meant to finish it this weekend, but life has a
way of interrupting; I should be able to commit
it this week.


Re: Half measures all round

2002-06-04 Thread mrjoltcola

On Tue, 4 Jun 2002 10:06:44 -0700 (PDT) Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>It's really not that difficult to run two interpreters in the
>same process.  I already made Perl and Java run together nicely.


>Scaffolding is supposed to be ugly.  You wouldn't believe how ugly
>the transitional form between Perl 4 and Perl 5 was, when half the

The difference in software branches and highways
is that software can be built completely off-site until it's reasonably functional, 
and then
moved in on the back of a semi-trailer.

There is no reason why we shouldn't produce a
"Purely P6" virtual machine, parser, etc. first,
then start building the scaffolding.


Re: [COMMIT] Added preprocessor layer to newasm.

2002-05-28 Thread mrjoltcola

On Tue, 28 May 2002 01:19:25 -0400 Jeff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>newasm now handles constants, macros, and local >labels within. Here's a

Great work!

>expansion. Also, they don't expand >recursively. '.constant FOO
>"blah"n.constant BAR "Hey, .FOO"' won't do what >you want, sadly.

Thats exactly what I want. I don't think
the assembler should do any sort of interpolation
with string constants at all.

>that's what I'll work on next.

When Simon first committed it, I tested
newasm and noticed 2-3x speedup on assembly
speed. Is this still the case?

I've been running some tests with executing
Cola on the fly, and the assembly phase (slow)
is the big bug in the soup right now, however
I've been using the old assembler.

PS: Thanks (Simon and Jeff) for a lot of hard
work on newasm.


Re: [netlabs #629] [PATCH] Memory manager/garbage collector -major revision

2002-05-28 Thread mrjoltcola

On Tue, 28 May 2002 12:50:06 +0200 Jerome Vouillon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I propose the following alternate guidelines.
>  STRING * concat (STRING* a, STRING* b, STRING* c) {
>PARROT_str_params_3(a, b, c);
>PARROT_str_local_2(d, e);
>d = string_concat(a, b);
>e = string_concat(d, c);

>  }

If you search the archive, you'll find
I've already proposed this type of
solution in 2 different flavors and both
times the consensus has gone back to
setting flags.

It seems we are going around in a circles.

I also agree its funny we are worrying
about performance when its not apparent
the allocation overhead even has anything
to do with the current performance problem.


[PATCH] PIO - more stuff

2002-01-08 Thread mrjoltcola


-Minor layer cleanups
-Win32 layer added (mostly stubs for now) but will be using the
  Win32 API and company rather than the unix-ish fake ones.
-stdin/stdout/stderr Win32 specific code added. Rather than use
  0,1,2, Microsoft says use GetStdHandle(), etc. so that stuff is
  there. Soon we should be able to start using these rather than
  fprintf(stderr, ...) and remove stdio linkage.

New files:


Renamed io_os.c -> io_unix.c


diff -urN tmp/parrot/MANIFEST parrot/MANIFEST
--- tmp/parrot/MANIFEST Mon Jan  7 08:37:51 2002
+++ parrot/MANIFEST Wed Jan  9 00:06:25 2002
@@ -116,8 +116,9 @@
diff -urN tmp/parrot/ parrot/
--- tmp/parrot/  Tue Jan  8 12:24:29 2002
+++ parrot/  Wed Jan  9 00:07:14 2002
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
 CHARTYPE_O_FILES = chartypes/unicode$(O) chartypes/usascii$(O)
-IO_O_FILES = io/io$(O) io/io_os$(O) io/io_stdio$(O)
+IO_O_FILES = io/io$(O) io/io_stdio$(O) io/io_unix$(O) io/io_win32$(O)
 INTERP_O_FILES = global_setup$(O) interpreter$(O) parrot$(O) register$(O) \
 core_ops$(O) core_ops_prederef$(O) memory$(O) packfile$(O) stacks$(O) \
diff -urN tmp/parrot/include/parrot/io.h parrot/include/parrot/io.h
--- tmp/parrot/include/parrot/io.h  Thu Jan  3 17:37:37 2002
+++ parrot/include/parrot/io.h  Wed Jan  9 00:11:55 2002
@@ -57,9 +57,11 @@
 #define PIO_F_READ  001
 #define PIO_F_WRITE 002
 #define PIO_F_APPEND004
+#define PIO_F_TRUNC 010
 #define PIO_F_FILE  100
 #define PIO_F_PIPE  200
 #define PIO_F_SOCKET400
+#define PIO_F_CONSOLE   0001000 /* A terminal, we can linebuf   */
 #define PIO_F_LINEBUF   001
 #define PIO_F_BUF   002
 #define PIO_F_MALLOC004 /* Buffer malloced  */
@@ -88,11 +90,21 @@
 unsigned char * next;   /* Current read/write pointer   */
+#ifdef WIN32
+typedef int PIOHANDLE;
 struct _ParrotIO {
-INTVAL  fd; /* Low level OS descriptor  */
-INTVAL  mode;   /* Read/Write/etc.  */
-INTVAL  flags;  /* Da flags */
-off_t   filepos;/* Current real file pointer*/
+PIOHANDLE   fd; /* Low level OS descriptor  */
+UINTVAL mode;   /* Read/Write/etc.  */
+UINTVAL flags;  /* Da flags */
+off_t   fsize;  /* Current file size*/
+off_t   fpos;   /* Current real file pointer*/
+off_t   lpos;   /* Last file position   */
 ParrotIOBuf b;  /* Buffer structure */
 ParrotIOLayer * stack;
 /* ParrotIOFilter * filters; */
@@ -101,7 +113,7 @@
 struct _ParrotIOLayer {
 void* this; /* Instance specific data   */
 const char  * name;
+UINTVAL   flags;
 ParrotIOLayerAPI* api;
 ParrotIOLayer   * up;
 ParrotIOLayer   * down;
@@ -121,11 +133,12 @@
 /* Others to come */
-extern ParrotIOLayerpio_os_layer;
-extern ParrotIOLayerpio_stdio_layer;
-#ifdef WIN32
-/*extern ParrotIOLayer  pio_win32_layer; */
+#ifndef WIN32
+extern ParrotIOLayerpio_unix_layer;
+extern ParrotIOLayerpio_win32_layer;
+extern ParrotIOLayerpio_stdio_layer;
 /* This is list of valid layers */
 extern ParrotIOLayer* pio_registered_layers;
@@ -152,7 +165,7 @@
 INTVAL  (*Pushed)(ParrotIOLayer * l, ParrotIO * io);
 INTVAL  (*Popped)(ParrotIOLayer * l, ParrotIO * io);
 ParrotIO *  (*Open)(theINTERP, ParrotIOLayer * l,
-const char * name, const char * mode);
+const char * name, UINTVAL flags);
 ParrotIO *  (*Open2)(theINTERP, ParrotIOLayer * l,
 const char * name, const char * mode,
 int perm);
@@ -163,7 +176,7 @@
 const char * name, const char * mode,
 DummyCodeRef *);
 ParrotIO *  (*FDOpen)(theINTERP, ParrotIOLayer * l,
-INTVAL fd, const char * name);
 INTVAL  (*Close)(theINTERP, ParrotIOLayer * l,
 ParrotIO * io); 
 size_t  (*Write)(theINTERP, ParrotIOLayer * l,
@@ -208,15 +221,16 @@
 extern struct PMC * 

ParrotIO: Patch attached this time :)

2002-01-01 Thread mrjoltcola

Oops. The patch helps.

diff -urN tmp/parrot/MANIFEST parrot/MANIFEST
--- tmp/parrot/MANIFEST Tue Jan  1 11:58:13 2002
+++ parrot/MANIFEST Tue Jan  1 16:40:01 2002
@@ -79,6 +79,8 @@
diff -urN tmp/parrot/ parrot/
--- tmp/parrot/  Tue Jan  1 15:11:57 2002
+++ parrot/  Tue Jan  1 15:19:24 2002
@@ -73,12 +73,14 @@
 CHARTYPE_O_FILES = chartypes/unicode$(O) chartypes/usascii$(O)
+IO_O_FILES = io/io$(O) io/io_os$(O)
 INTERP_O_FILES = global_setup$(O) interpreter$(O) parrot$(O) register$(O) \
 core_ops$(O) core_ops_prederef$(O) memory$(O) packfile$(O) stacks$(O) \
 string$(O) encoding$(O) chartype$(O) runops_cores$(O) trace$(O) pmc$(O) key$(O) \
 platform$(O) ${jit_o} resources$(O)
diff -urN tmp/parrot/core.ops parrot/core.ops
--- tmp/parrot/core.ops Tue Jan  1 12:22:54 2002
+++ parrot/core.ops Tue Jan  1 16:22:35 2002
@@ -73,12 +73,21 @@
+=item B(p)
+Close IO stream $1.
 =item B(i|ic)
 Close file opened on file descriptor $1.
+inline op close(p) {
+  PIO_close(interpreter, (ParrotIO*)($1->data));
+  goto NEXT();
 inline op close(i|ic) {
   fclose((FILE *)$1);
   goto NEXT();
@@ -111,6 +120,10 @@
+=item B(p, s|sc, s|sc)
+Open file named $2 with Perl style mode string specified in $3, and
+create the IO stream PMC into $1.
 =item B(i, s|sc)
@@ -124,6 +137,18 @@
+inline op open(p, s|sc, s|sc) {
+  ParrotIO * io;
+  STRING *path = $2;
+  STRING *mode = $3;
+  io = PIO_open(interpreter, path->bufstart, mode->bufstart);
+  if(!io) {
+/* FIXME: Handle error */
+  }
+  $1 = new_io_pmc(interpreter, io);
+  goto NEXT();
 inline op open(i, s|sc) {
   if (! ($1 = (INTVAL)fopen(($2)->bufstart, "r+"))) {
 perror("Can't open");
@@ -222,6 +247,8 @@
 =item B(i|ic, p)
+=item B(p, s|sc)
 Print $2 to the file on $1. (0, 1, and 2 correspond to stdin, stdout,
 and stderr)
@@ -247,6 +274,16 @@
   goto NEXT();
+op print(p, s|sc) {
+  ParrotIO * io;
+  STRING *s = $2;
+  io = (ParrotIO*)($1->data);
+  if (s && string_length(s) && io) {
+PIO_puts(interpreter, io, (const char *)s->bufstart);
+  }
+  goto NEXT();
 op print(p) {
   PMC *p = $1;
   STRING *s = (p->vtable->get_string(interpreter, p));
@@ -325,6 +362,21 @@
   goto NEXT();
+=item B(s|sc)
+Print $1 to standard output stream
+op puts(s|sc) {
+  STRING *s = $1;
+  if (s && string_length(s)) {
+PIO_puts(interpreter, pio_stdout, (const char *) s->bufstart);
+  }
+  goto NEXT();
diff -urN tmp/parrot/include/parrot/io.h parrot/include/parrot/io.h
--- tmp/parrot/include/parrot/io.h  Mon Sep 17 21:16:59 2001
+++ parrot/include/parrot/io.h  Tue Jan  1 16:38:23 2002
@@ -3,17 +3,221 @@
  *  CVS Info
  * $Id: io.h,v 1.1 2001/09/18 01:16:59 gregor Exp $
  *  Overview:
- *  IO operations header
+ *  Parrot IO subsystem 
  *  Data Structure and Algorithms:
  *  History:
+ *  Originally written by Melvin Smith
  *  Notes:
  *  References:
+ *  Some ideas and goals from Perl5.7 and Nick Ing-Simmons' work
 #if !defined(PARROT_IO_H_GUARD)
-#define Init_IO(x)
+#include "parrot/parrot.h"
+#ifndef SSIZE_MAX
+#define SSIZE_MAX 8192
+# define STDIN_FILENO 0
+# define STDOUT_FILENO 1
+# define STDERR_FILENO 2
+/* Average block size of most systems (usually varies from 2k-8k),
+ * later we can add some config to query it from the system at
+ * build time (struct stat.st_blksize maybe).
+ */
+#define PIO_BLKSIZE 4096 
+#define PIO_LINEBUFSIZE 256 
+enum {
+enum {
+typedef struct _ParrotIOLayerAPIParrotIOLayerAPI;
+typedef struct _ParrotIOLayer   ParrotIOLayer;
+typedef struct _ParrotIOFilter  ParrotIOFilter;
+typedef struct _ParrotIOBuf ParrotIOBuf;
+typedef struct _ParrotIOParrotIO;
+/* This is temporary until subs/code refs are done..*/
+typedef void *   DummyCodeRef;
+struct _ParrotIOBuf {
+size_t  bufsize;
+unsigned char * buf;

ParrotIO : Please test this [PATCH] for breakage

2002-01-01 Thread mrjoltcola

All who have time, specifically Win32, please test this
patch for compilation. I currently don't have a Win32
environment to test with. Anyone with non-Linux please test.

What this patch does:

-Implements initial IO stack framework (pushing/popping layers)
-Implements an initial "layer" for the stack, the layer being
  a low level OS layer and pops it on at interp initialization.
-Implements the initial "entry layer" in io.c
-Implements the standard IO streams (STDIN, STDOUT, STDERR) in
  very simple form as Parrot IO PMCs (not stdio FILE * wrappers).
  See io.h (pio_stdin, etc.)
-Adds 4 rudimentary calls to core.ops to test with
  open, close, print, puts
  puts() will print through ParrotIO.STDOUT instead of STDIO.STDOUT

Note, I'm concentrating primarily on design right now, not
completeness, there are a lot of "calls" to be added to the
layer API. Once we like the design we will complete the OS
layer and start working on a buffered layer, filters, async
stuff as well as other layers, etc.

I still haven't discussed with anyone whether UTF stuff
makes sense as a layer or filter. It can be implemented
as either/or.

Files modified:

Files added:


struct Parrot_Interpreter argument

2001-12-19 Thread mrjoltcola

Since so many functions pass around the interpreter,
can we add a standard, short interpreter arg macro so I don't
have to clutter the argument list of every function I write.

theINTERP or something?


IO filters

2001-12-14 Thread mrjoltcola

Can we start some dialogue about stream filters?
What form they take, are we talking regular expressions, etc.


Re: Allocators

2001-12-12 Thread mrjoltcola

Dan wrote:
>># In lieu of a de-allocator for mem_allocate_aligned I vote
>># we at least do something in the interim and I volunteer to
>># help as soon as someone decides what it is!
>>Maybe we can have a mem_free_aligned that somehow figures out what the
>>starting address is. If we do that and document which data structures
>>are aligned and which aren't, we shouldn't have a problem.
>You can't do that--there's no way to tell where the memory block really 

Right, at least while everyone is allocating memory by multiple
methods. Too bad free() is too dumb() :), some mem management
libs I recall use some magic cookie values to validate, hidden
in a negative offset of the chunk, but apparently we can't
rely on that.

>Anyway, all the aligned stuff's a bit of a hack-up to make up for the lack 
>of arenas. It'll be fixed right reasonably soon.



Re: Allocators

2001-12-12 Thread mrjoltcola

>The only thing that needs the allocated alignment is some of the internal 
>pieces--the stack chunks and register frames, really. Everything else can 
>use a plain malloc. Well, mem_allocate, rather, which can be a wrapper 
around malloc for now.

Maybe we can do this for now?

--- resources.c Mon Oct 22 15:27:05 2001
+++ Wed Dec 12 16:14:15 2001
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 STRING *new_string_header(struct Parrot_Interp *interpreter) {
-  return mem_allocate_aligned(sizeof(STRING));
+  return mem_sys_allocate(sizeof(STRING));


2001-12-12 Thread mrjoltcola

In lieu of a de-allocator for mem_allocate_aligned I vote
we at least do something in the interim and I volunteer to
help as soon as someone decides what it is!

I know GC is on the way but...

At minimum we should be using plain malloc() until a
better solution or the current one is finished, else
right now we have a glaring memory leak for ops that
need to destroy strings.

Can't the current function be at least tweaked so it
still rounds mem chunks but doesn't modify the starting
address of the chunk. Is anyone actually even using the
feature that this technique allows?


IO patch version 2 - please comment

2001-12-12 Thread mrjoltcola

Here is a start for the IO skeleton. I implemented
open, close, read, write, setbuf and some constants in io.h

-Implements a simple ParrotIO PMC with null vtable
-open() takes a string for mode which is Perl-ish (<, >, >>, |, +>, +<)
 Comments? Would the group prefer numeric constants here?
-write() does block buffering or no-buffering, (still need line
 buffering)-read (currently raw read, unbuffered)
-setbuf() allows buffer control although it doesn't allow a user
 supplied buffer at the moment (they are good sometimes because
 automatic buffers are faster)
-close() just flushes the stream and closes
Added a sample file.pasm that does a open/write/close/open/read

TODO: Lots and lots. Standard in/out/err streams so we can ditch stdio.
  Read buffering, Line buffering, Pipes, Random access, filters,
  async stuff.

I need feedback on this patch before I continue down the road.


Description: Binary data

Re: mem_allocate_aligned

2001-12-10 Thread mrjoltcola

On Monday, December 10, 2001 10:44:09 AM Dan Sugalski wrote:
>  At 02:57 PM 12/10/2001 +, Simon Cozens wrote:
>>On Sun, Dec 09, 2001 at 11:26:44PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> > it has to do with the fact that the memory allocator
>> > adjusts the address before returning the chunk and free()
>> > then gets confused. Does this seem to be the issue?
>>That's exactly what it is! Damn, I'd been seeing this too, and
>>decided it was best to just ignore this until we have GC.
>Yup. Sorry, I've known about this for a bit but kept forgetting.
>(And putting it off for the GC too...)
>Mem_allocate_aligned is used more than it needs to be in spots, and >is 
>generally dodgy. And wasteful.

Aye, thats what fresh eyes are for, to remind you of what you
meant to do while doing 103224 other things. Anyway, I'll
return to using malloc/free for my stuff then until someone
gets time to get to the GC and allocators. With the IO stuff
we could technically keep a private list of recycled IO objects
and never free them at all.



2001-12-09 Thread mrjoltcola

While implementing one of my IO routines in core.ops I
used free_string() on a string that was created ultimately
with mem_allocate_aligned() and I get core dumps. I assume
it has to do with the fact that the memory allocator
adjusts the address before returning the chunk and free()
then gets confused. Does this seem to be the issue?
Or am I using it wrong... Here is the code that crashes

AUTO_OP read(p, s, i|ic) {
  char *tmp;
  ParrotIO * io;
  STRING *s;
  INTVAL len = $3;
  string_destroy($2);   <-- Seg fault

  [rest of code omitted]

The Parrot code is as follows:

set S1, "/tmp/test.txt"
set S2, ">>"
open P1, S1, S2
write P1, "Testing...\n"
close P1
set S2, "<"
open P1, S1, S2
read P1, S1, 7
print S1
print "\n"
close P1

Thanks for any suggestions,


Re: Re: IO call names

2001-12-06 Thread mrjoltcola

So for example, open in an int context does a raw open,
open in a scalar or PMC context does a fancy open (buffered
or whatever) and returns a IO object?

Also, if you want the interface to be the same for all
these ops, how do you want callbacks implemented?
1) Are we doing callbacks?
2) If so, I assume they are PMC/subroutines or however you guys
   call that (I'm still unclear on where we use PMCs).

We can either define things like callbacks and filters now
by starting an RFC if there isn't one already, or we can
put those things on the back burner and at last start with
a skeleton that at least does all of the synchronous stuff, etc.
I can start an RFC draft if you like.

More questions...(don't you love newbies!)

Is there a goal to be completely stdio independant or
are we providing a compile time option like Perl to override?
The latter implies the ifdef jungle of PerlIO :)


Dan Sugalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 01:19 PM 12/6/2001 -0500, Melvin Smith wrote:>Would we prefer to leave the 
>current system call names as-is (open,close
>read,seek) as the direct call through versions and name
>the IO routines pio_open, ... or go the route of Perl and do
>sys_open, etc. for the raw system call versions and name the Parrot IO
>API as the default names (open,close)?

The intent's those opcodes are all there is for the I/O system presented to 
a parrot program, and the opcode functions do the right thing depending on 
things like filenames, flags passed to open, and the filters pushed on the 
I/O streams.

Arguably open needs beefing, and we might need to define how filters get 
pushed, popped, spliced, listed, called, and generally work (well, OK, it'd 
be good if we told people what they needed to do... :) but doing:

   read P1, P2

should read a line/record regardless of whether the filehandle's open on a 
socket, a file, a sub-process, some sort of tied thingie, or a database, 
and it shouldn't matter if there are a dozen filters all twiddling the data 
between source and sink.

That was my plan, at least. :)


--"it's like this"---
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

PATCH: test_prog -d flag

2001-12-05 Thread mrjoltcola

Here we go... Just adds the debug flag for test_prog.


--- orig/parrot/test_main.c Mon Oct 22 21:00:01 2001
+++ parrot/test_main.c  Wed Dec  5 18:13:03 2001
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 int bounds_checking;
 int profiling;
 int tracing;
+int debugging;

 struct Parrot_Interp *interpreter;
@@ -36,6 +37,7 @@
 bounds_checking = 0;
 profiling   = 0;
 tracing = 0;
+debugging   = 0;

 while (argc > 1 && argv[1][0] == '-') {
 if (argv[1][1] == 'b' && argv[1][2] == '\0') {
@@ -59,6 +61,13 @@
+else if (argv[1][1] == 'd' && argv[1][2] == '\0') {
+debugging = 1;
+for(i = 2; i < argc; i++) {
+argv[i-1] = argv[i];

 /* If we got only the program name, complain */
@@ -105,6 +114,10 @@
 return 1;

+if (debugging) {
+interpreter->flags |= PARROT_DEBUG_FLAG;
 if (bounds_checking) {
 interpreter->flags |= PARROT_BOUNDS_FLAG;