Re: [Pharo-users] [ANN] OSSubprocess first milestone

2016-01-14 Thread Ferlicot D. Cyril
Le 14/01/2016 19:33, Mariano Martinez Peck a écrit :
> Dear all, 
> I am happy to tell you I have a first prototype of the tool for
> executing OS processes:
>  As I said many times, the main idea was to be as much as possible
> FFI-based, only for executing OS commands and, from my point of view, a
> better end-user API. Also, as for the first step, I had to focus on
> Linux/OSX. 
> I would like to thank Pharo Consortium for the sponsor of this
> development effort. Here is the first milestone!
> There are many things on my to-do but I think the code is ready for some
> usage, testing, code review and feedback!  
> All classes and all methods have comments and I have quite some unit
> tests. All tests are green in my OSX and a CentOS box. 
> *Important: you CANNOT have OSProcess installed in the same image as
> OSSubprocess. This is because I am reusing his SIGCHLD handler and for
> the time being both cannot coexist.  *
> Keep in mind that the tool may be unstable and that MAY mean a VM crash.
> So use with care, mostly the first time. If all tests passes, then there
> are much less chances of something going bad. 
> Important disclaimer: my tool (OSSubproccess from now onward) is HIGHLY
> influenced by a subset of the OSProcess project. There are parts which I
> even simply copied and adapted them (OSSPipe, OSSAttachableStream,
> OSSUnixProcessExitStatus). Other parts, I took them as inspiration (the
> idea of ThisOSProcess representing the VM process, the child watcher,
> and many others). In addition, I AM STILL USING (maybe as a first step?)
> some of the OSProcess PLUGIN (not OSProcess image side), such as the
> SIGCHLD handler or the creation of pipes.
> In github url you have all the documentation of the project, included
> how to install it and use it. 
> *Finally, if you test it in a OS different than OSX and CentOS please
> share with me the results (about the tests).* Tomorrow the
> ConfigurationOf should also appear in the Catalog of Pharo 5.0. 
> Any feedback is appreciated. 
> Best, 
> -- 
> Mariano


Thank you for your work!

In Windows seven I got an error on loading.

Executed code in Pharo 5:

Metacello new
configuration: 'OSSubprocess';
repository: 'github://marianopeck/OSSubprocess:master/repository';
version: #stable;


OSSVMProcess class>>initializeVMProcessInstance
OSSVMProcess class>>initialize
[ :each | each postloadOver: (self obsoletionFor: each) ] in
MCPackageLoader>>basicLoadDefinitions in Block: [ :each | each
postloadOver: (self obsoletionFor: ...etc...
[ :each |
| newLabel |
"Special handling for first and last element"
(count = 0
[ count + 1 = size
or: [ (Time millisecondsSince: lastUpdate) >= msecs ] ])
[ bar current: count.
oldLabel = (newLabel := (labelBlock cull: each) ifNil: [ 
oldLabel ])
ifFalse: [ bar label: newLabel.
oldLabel := newLabel ].
lastUpdate := Time millisecondClockValue ].
aBlock value: each.
count := count + 1 ] in [ :bar |
labelBlock := aStringOrBlock isString
ifTrue: [ bar label: aStringOrBlock.
[ :dummyItem | aStringOrBlock ] ]
ifFalse: [ aStringOrBlock ].
[ :each |
| newLabel |
"Special handling for first and last element"
(count = 0
[ count + 1 = size
or: [ (Time millisecondsSince: 
lastUpdate) >= msecs ] ])
[ bar current: count.
= (newLabel := (labelBlock cull: each) 
ifNil: [ oldLabel ])
ifFalse: [ bar label: newLabel.
oldLabel := newLabel ].
lastUpdate := Time millisecondClockValue ].
aBlock value: each.
count := count + 1 ] ] in
OrderedCollection(Collection)>>do:displayingProgress:every: in Block: [
:each | ...
[ :bar |
labelBlock := aStringOrBlock isString
ifTrue: [ bar label: aStringOrBlock.
[ :dummyItem | aStringOrBlock ] ]
ifFalse: [ aStringOrBlock ].

Re: [Pharo-users] Pharo Docs website broken

2016-01-11 Thread Ferlicot D. Cyril
Le 11/01/2016 10:37, Sven Van Caekenberghe a écrit :
> There is
> PBE is there, I thought UPBE was not yet ready, if it is, it should 
> **definitively** be promoted there and on in general.
> Please push this, this is really important.

UPBE is not finish but it is usable. With a text that say to the user
that the content may evolve it should be fine.


Cyril Ferlicot

165 Avenue Bretagne
Lille 59000 France

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [Pharo-users] Dolphin Smalltalk open-sourced...

2016-01-04 Thread Ferlicot D. Cyril
Le 04/01/2016 17:13, Tudor Girba a écrit :
> Hi,
> I am trying to run it, but I have troubles starting it.
> I have a Windows 7 64 bit.
> I did the following:
> 1. I downloaded the repo from:
> 2. I then tried to run Dolphin7.exe and BootDCE.cmd, but in both cases I got 
> the message:
> “Missing msvcp120.dll”
> 3. I then installed this dll as described here:
> 4. I retried to Dolphin7.exe and BootDCE.cmd, but now I get 
> “The application was unable to start correctly (oxc07b)”
> Does anyone know what is wrong with what I am doing?
> Cheers,
> Doru
> --
> "Things happen when they happen,
> not when you talk about them happening."

Hi again,

I tried on my Windows 7 64bits.

I cloned the Dolphin repo, launched BootAll.cmd then opened DPRO.img7
with Dolphin7.exe and everything worked out of the box.

I already had Visual C++ 2013 on my computer. Do you have it installed ?

Cyril Ferlicot

165 Avenue Bretagne
Lille 59000 France

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [Pharo-users] Versionner and package dependencies

2016-01-04 Thread Ferlicot D. Cyril
Le 04/01/2016 10:44, Christophe Demarey a écrit :
> Hi Cyril,
> It is not something we want in Versionner.
> An external project *must* have a configuration to refer to it. If not,
> you will take random packages without knowing if they have themselves
> dependencies.
> What you should do is to create a project for that and then ask
> Versionner to only load the package you need (right-click on the project
> dependency).
> Christophe


So we have to create ourself a configuration for each project that
doesn't have a configuration/group that match our needs if we want to
use versionner if I understand right. Ok, thank you.

And is there a way to execute pre/post scripts (#postLoadDoIt: in
ConfigurationOfXXX) with versionner ? If not is it something you want to
add to versionner or this will not be add ?

Cyril Ferlicot

165 Avenue Bretagne
Lille 59000 France

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [Pharo-users] Dolphin Smalltalk open-sourced...

2016-01-04 Thread Ferlicot D. Cyril
Le 04/01/2016 17:13, Tudor Girba a écrit :
> Hi,
> I am trying to run it, but I have troubles starting it.
> I have a Windows 7 64 bit.
> I did the following:
> 1. I downloaded the repo from:
> 2. I then tried to run Dolphin7.exe and BootDCE.cmd, but in both cases I got 
> the message:
> “Missing msvcp120.dll”
> 3. I then installed this dll as described here:
> 4. I retried to Dolphin7.exe and BootDCE.cmd, but now I get 
> “The application was unable to start correctly (oxc07b)”
> Does anyone know what is wrong with what I am doing?
> Cheers,
> Doru
> --
> "Things happen when they happen,
> not when you talk about them happening."


Did you followed the tutorial ?

«Double-clck BootAll.cmd. A console window will open and
sequentially spawn the individual boot jobs. Depending on the heritage
of your Windows environment, you may see a failure message saying that
MSVCRT120.DLL cannot be found. If this is the case on your system, you
will need to download and install the Visual Studio 2013 Redistributable
components. Since Dolphin is a 32 bit application you’ll only need
vcredist_x86.exe. Once done, try the BootAll again.»

If you still have problems with it I can check on my window 7 64bits
when I will be at home.

Cyril Ferlicot

165 Avenue Bretagne
Lille 59000 France

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

[Pharo-users] Versionner and package dependencies

2015-12-30 Thread Ferlicot D. Cyril

I wanted to use versionner to manage some existing configurations but in
one of these configuration there is some dependencies on packages that
have no project.

For example in the baseline there is:

spec package: 'Glamour-EyeSee-Presentations'
with: [ spec requires: #('EyeSee').
spec repository: 
'' ].

But in versionner I can only add a project as dependency.

Is there a way to do such a thing or is it a future feature of versionner?

Cyril Ferlicot

165 Avenue Bretagne
Lille 59000 France

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [Pharo-users] why Pillar

2015-12-29 Thread Ferlicot D. Cyril
Le 29/12/2015 13:18, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas a écrit :
> Hi,
> If you're on Mac/Linux. Windows is another story.


since Pillar 1.0.0 the only difference is that Pillar doesn't generate a
Windows script to compile the .tex into pdf.

Else Pillar should works on Windows.

> Cheers,
> Offray

Cyril Ferlicot

165 Avenue Bretagne
Lille 59000 France

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [Pharo-users] [IMPORTANT] Starting migration to Spur VM

2015-12-17 Thread Ferlicot D. Cyril
Le 17/12/2015 21:55, Stephan Eggermont a écrit :
> On 17-12-15 15:54, Johan Fabry wrote:
>> Guys, how should I adapt my CI job ?
> What about jobs that also target older Pharo images?
> Duplicate the job?

You can use a matrix with Pharo in parameter (20/30/40/50) and this

wget --quiet -O -$PHARO+vm | bash

will get a Cog VM for Pharo 2-3-4 and a spur VM for Pharo 5 and later :)

> Stephan

Cyril Ferlicot

165 Avenue Bretagne
Lille 59000 France

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [Pharo-users] How I can tell to a startup script to target specific images

2015-12-02 Thread Ferlicot D. Cyril
Le 02/12/2015 11:35, Dimitris Chloupis a écrit :
> I have a startup script that loads the libraries and project I mostly
> use, including my own, but I want that script to target specific folders
> and its subfolders , is this possible ?


You can use "FileSystem workingDirectory" to get the directory of the
image. Then you can use some condition to execute or not a block that
contains your startup script.

Cyril Ferlicot

165 Avenue Bretagne
Lille 59000 France

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [Pharo-users] When exactly an object gets deleted from the system ?

2015-11-30 Thread Ferlicot D. Cyril
Le 30/11/2015 11:40, Dimitris Chloupis a écrit :
> I am wondering when an instance of a class is garbage collected and
> deleted from the system.
> is there a way to manually deleted it ?

If there is no Object that reference your object you can force a Garbage
collect with "Smalltalk garbageCollect". If your object is still here
you can try to see what point to it with "(X allInstances collectAsSet:
#pointersTo) inspect".

When the reference is spotted you can try to remove it then garbage
collect again.

Cyril Ferlicot

165 Avenue Bretagne
Lille 59000 France

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [Pharo-users] Stuck at lookup implementation in "Building ObjVlisp" tutorial

2015-11-19 Thread Ferlicot D. Cyril
Hi Edward,

Le 19/11/2015 13:50, Edouard Delbar a écrit :
> Hello everyone,
> I'm new on this mailing list, this is my first mail :-)
> I'm a student from University of Lille (France). I'm studying this
> tutorial (I'm using Pharo 4 but it seems not to be a
> problem):
> I'm working with the "ObjVLispSkeleton-StephaneDucasse.1" image loaded
> from this repository:

I did ObjVLisp on Pharo4. There is some problems in the PDF but this is
the right version of Pharo.

> MCSmalltalkhubRepository
> owner: 'StephaneDucasse'
> project: 'ObjVLispSkeleton'
> user: ''
> password: ''
> I'm stuck at "Method Lookup" p11. First, it seems that unit tests
> "testNilWhenErrorInLookup" and "testRaisesErrorSendWhenErrorInLookup"
> are not provided, thus I'm not sure that I'm working with the right
> image (everything was fine until p11 though). Then, the "lookup:
> selector" is not provided neither. While there is another method named
> "lookup: selector from: anObjObject", I can't figure out what I'm
> supposed to do with the second parameter. Here is what I would do:

I remember that some tests was missing and that I had some problems with
this method too.

> lookup: selector
> "look for the method named  starting in the receiver. 
> The lookup is done for a message sent to . self is an
> objClass"
> ^ self objMethodDict
> at: selector
> ifAbsent: [ self objSuperclassId ifNotNil: [ self objSuperclass
> lookup: selector ] ]
> Could someone tell me if this implementation is correct? If it's
> correct, what do you think the second parameter is for? 

This implementation is correct in my opinion. I did the same.
I think the second parameter is an error if this tutorial.

> Moreover, do you think I'm working with the right image?

Yes you are.

> Thanks.
> - Edouard

Cyril Ferlicot

165 Avenue Bretagne
Lille 59000 France

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [Pharo-users] Enable/Disable GTSpotter

2015-11-18 Thread Ferlicot D. Cyril
Le 18/11/2015 13:25, Tudor Girba a écrit :
> Do you mean that you want to have a different search solution when you press 
> Shift+Enter or when you select it from the World menu? 
> At the moment, this is not possible.
> May I ask where is the problem coming from? Perhaps there are things we can 
> do to solve your problem.

The problem is that I want a desktop application.

With the spotter we can access to the code, so I just want to disable it
when we are not in development mode.

We can add a setting to Pharo 5 but in Pharo 4 there is no easy way to
disable it.

I think we should also add an easy way to create a deployment image
directly inside Pharo.

> Cheers,
> Doru
> --
> "Not knowing how to do something is not an argument for how it cannot be 
> done."

Cyril Ferlicot (

165 Avenue Bretagne
Lille 59000 France

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [Pharo-users] Enable/Disable GTSpotter

2015-11-18 Thread Ferlicot D. Cyril
Le 18/11/2015 13:56, Esteban Lorenzano a écrit :
> that’s a workaround, not a solution :)
> (I’m ok if that’s the way to do it in Pharo4… I will still add a setting in 
> Pharo5)
> cheers,
> Esteban

Thank you Doru.

I opened a bug entry to get a easier way to do it and to add it to the

Cyril Ferlicot (

165 Avenue Bretagne
Lille 59000 France

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

[Pharo-users] Enable/Disable GTSpotter

2015-11-18 Thread Ferlicot D. Cyril

is there an easy way to enable/disable GTSpotter in Pharo 4 ?
In GTInspector I think there is a class variable but I don't see
something like that in GTSpotter.

Cyril Ferlicot (

165 Avenue Bretagne
Lille 59000 France

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [Pharo-users] Changing playground and monticello shortcuts

2015-11-11 Thread Ferlicot D. Cyril
Le 11/11/2015 11:46, Tudor Girba a écrit :
> I actually think we should disable those shortcuts.
> The reason is that they “pollute" the global shortcut space: for example, you 
> can now not use Cmd+o for any custom action in your own window, and that is 
> less than ideal.
> The alternative is to use Spotter to spawn windows. The interesting thing 
> there is that you do not need shortcuts for every specific windows because 
> you can use regular search. For example, opening Playground is: Shift+Enter, 
> p, Enter
> Cheers,
> Doru
> --
> "We cannot reach the flow of things unless we let go."


I am totally against it because it's too much time to open it with the
spotter. A shortcut need to be a shortcut. If I need to open it via the
Spotter, I will use the mouse because it's the same time.
One more reason, when the image become too big sometime, the Spotter
need some time to initialize. On one of my latest image the spotter
needed ~3-4sec to open and initialize.

There is a lot of things that we cannot do easily only with the
keyboard, this is bad. So please, do not remove what works for now.

Cyril Ferlicot

165 Avenue Bretagne
Lille 59000 France

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [Pharo-users] Is there a way to disable code critic ?

2015-11-08 Thread Ferlicot D. Cyril
Le 08/11/2015 17:06, Dimitris Chloupis a écrit :
> Code critic is malfunctioning in my image as i mention in pharo-dev
> thread, I want to disable it but I could not find it in the Settings
> because my problems with it have been getting much worse as it throws
> MNUs even for mouse clicks. How may I do this ?

If this is the QAPlugin of Nautilus that is responsible, you can click
on the little arrow at the top right of Nautilus then remove QAPlugin
with the Nautilus Plugin Manager.

Cyril Ferlicot

165 Avenue Bretagne
Lille 59000 France

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [Pharo-users] Multiple method deletion

2015-10-29 Thread Ferlicot D. Cyril
Le 09/10/2015 16:44, Alexandre Bergel a écrit :
> Hi!
> When I select several methods in Nautilus, and press cmd-m-x it seems to
> delete more method that I have selected. It makes me lose code :-(
> Cheers,
> Alexandre
> -- 
> _,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:
> Alexandre Bergel
> ^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;.


I think I found how to reproduce it:

I think this is a FastTable problem with Nautilus.


Cyril Ferlicot

165 Avenue Bretagne
Lille 59000 France

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [Pharo-users] Multiple method deletion

2015-10-29 Thread Ferlicot D. Cyril
Le 29/10/2015 16:33, stepharo a écrit :
> Excellent news!
>> Hi,
>> I think I found how to reproduce it:
>> I think this is a FastTable problem with Nautilus.

The problem is that when we try to remove something, the MethodsWidget
give the selected methods.
These methods are store inside an identityDictonary with the
CompiledMethod as key and a boolean as value.

Usually that works but when we compile a method a new instance of
CompiledMethod is store on the dictionary. So with the identity
dictionary we now have two elements for the same method since the
pointers are not the same.

Does someone know if it is important that the selected methods of the
MethodWidget are store on an IdentityDictionary and not in a Dictionary ?

If this is not important we can change it, else at the compilation we
will need to remove this method from the IdentityDictionary.


Cyril Ferlicot

165 Avenue Bretagne
Lille 59000 France

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [Pharo-users] How to programatically select an item in a Spec TreeModel ?

2015-10-26 Thread Ferlicot D. Cyril
Le 26/10/2015 10:38, Edouard KLEIN a écrit :
> What is FT ?

FT is FastTable. This is a project begun by Esteban to replace the old
slow list on Pharo.
Pharo 5 uses FastTable now.

> I did some debugging. When I send the selected:#true message to a root
> node, it goes down to the Morphic classes, and everything is fine, when
> I send it to a child node, the dependents array of the TreeNodeModel is
> nil, so nobody gets the message. I don't know enough about Spec yet to
> understand what dependents are and why there are none on a child node.
> Because I really need to get this done quickly, I will try to write a
> quick and dirty fix in a subclass that will directly talk to the morphic
> objects underneath.
> Now, with some guidance from you guys, I would be really happy to take
> some time and write some useful code that could solve this problem
> correctly, and have it commited for anyone to use. But first, in order
> to justify to my employer that coding with Pharo was a good choice, I
> need to make my application work.
> I'll update here as I go.


Cyril Ferlicot

165 Avenue Bretagne
Lille 59000 France

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [Pharo-users] Pharo family update

2015-10-24 Thread Ferlicot D. Cyril
Le 24/10/2015 09:27, stepharo a écrit :
> Superb! Really nice
> Margritte -> Magritte
> Mondorian -> Mondrian
> to add
> Never heard about PharoLink but you should have Garage (a database
> generic API)
> You could add MongoTalk close to Voyage
> Relational
> Mapper
> Woden 3D
> Roassal3D
> Omnibrowser is deprecated
> I would put STON close to Fuel
> May be you should move closer the two spots: import/export and data
> Tide is not developed anymore so I would remove it
> Add Reef instead (Javascript-enabled Web components)
> About Graphics
> you should have
> Athens (Vector graphics API)
> Bloc (new generation Morphic)
> Brick (new generation widgets)


I do not agree to add Reef, Bloc and Brick now if this map is for beginners.
If this map is for beginners that need a framework we should wait to
have a usable version with documentation.
I think Bloc and Brick are not finish yet (I think) and reef lack

If a beginner see it on the map and test it he will have  a bad first
impression. And first impression count.

This project should be on a waiting list the time there are stable and
documented I think. But this is just my opinion.

Cyril Ferlicot

165 Avenue Bretagne
Lille 59000 France

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [Pharo-users] How to programatically select an item in a Spec TreeModel ?

2015-10-24 Thread Ferlicot D. Cyril
Le 24/10/2015 08:11, Peter Uhnák a écrit :
> Waiting for the FT-based rewrite is the thing to do.
> If by waiting you mean doing FT-based rewrite, then sure. :)
> Unless Cyril is going to do the rewrite himself.
> P

Create a FTTree should be my next work :)
I already begun a FTTree with one sublevel but this is only a first
shot. I think it's possible to do cleaner and faster.

Cyril Ferlicot

165 Avenue Bretagne
Lille 59000 France

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [Pharo-users] Pharo family update

2015-10-23 Thread Ferlicot D. Cyril
Le 23/10/2015 23:58, Adam a écrit :
> Hello,
> I just updated drawing of projects around Pharo.
> Main idea is to guide people (new users of Pharo) through fields of interests 
> - something they might be looking for. I choose these 10 fields devided into 
> some specific subjects. Somewhere it is too detailed, while elsewhere it is 
> too fuzzy - it is just showing image of Pharo I have in my mind.
> It should help people to:
> - identify important classes in Pharo,
> - select right project,
> - understand what is application, tool or framework,
> - see what is allready inside main Pharo image.
> I would like to add links pointing to part of books or to videos where 
> specific projects are used. And maybe a star symbol for very important or 
> enterprise ready projects.
> As You can see I left few subjects empty. Maybe someone can help me fill 
> this. 
> But I will be happy for any type of correction - changing fields of interest, 
> subjects, adding/removing projects etc...
> I prepared textual version on github - but right now it is not coherent with 
> the drawing (I will correct this if needed).
> Adam.


This is really great and valuable! I think this should be add to because this is really helpful for new users that are not on
the mailing list.

Here some feedback:
- I think Pillar is more an application than a Framework.
- For the Games there is Metaborg I thank.
- Maybe you should add the CatalogBrowser to "Deployment"? Or is it too
- Maybe FFI should be added?
- Maybe GitFileTree should be added?
- Maybe OSProcess should be added?
- Maybe Spec should be added?

But you did a great job! :)

Cyril Ferlicot

165 Avenue Bretagne
Lille 59000 France

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [Pharo-users] Multiple method deletion

2015-10-10 Thread Ferlicot D. Cyril
Le 10/10/2015 07:57, stepharo a écrit :
> Are you sure?
> Because I code daily with it and I never got this behavior.
> I will try.
> Hilaire I can tell you that we worked a lot to improve it.
> Stef

I experienced it 4-5 times this week.


Cyril Ferlicot

165 Avenue Bretagne
Lille 59000 France

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [Pharo-users] Pillar for 30 gone the way of the dodo on the CI

2015-09-30 Thread Ferlicot D. Cyril
Le 30/09/2015 18:38, a écrit :
> Hello,
> It may have been a long time without it but still...
> I ran the doc job on my CI and got this that wasn't working:
> Hum, yes, but ... why remove the doc tools as this is quite an important
> thing to keep around for all Pharo versions?
> I'll go to 4.0 but there are other dependencies etc for the OS maybe etc.
> Not good as I need to migrate these things for my customer as well.
> Phil

Hi Phil,

We removed the Pillar job for Pharo 3 because we introduced an new
feature not backward compatible.
So we freezed the Pillar version for Pharo 3. So we do not need a job
for it anymore since it will not change and we do not want to keep a red
job for "Pillar - Pharo 3 - Development".

You can still load the stable version of Pillar in Pharo 3, but this
version will not evolve anymore.

Cyril Ferlicot

165 Avenue Bretagne
Lille 59000 France

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [Pharo-users] Pillar for 30 gone the way of the dodo on the CI

2015-09-30 Thread Ferlicot D. Cyril
Le 30/09/2015 22:32, a écrit :
> Downloaded the book-skeleton, patched the download script so that it
> gets the centos things right and the Pharo4VM.
> Now, changes in Pillar made my books unsuable, namely the introduction
> of things like this:
> ${tag:parameter=value|parameter2=value2}$
> made contents with bash shell scripts unparsable.
> Yeah, but there are often such things.
> Like in:
> Il existe une autre variable ==${ACQSYS_RRDPRINT_TIMEFRAME_SHORT}== qui
> couvre une période plus courte
> How do I solve that with the new markup?
> Phil

You can just escape like this:

Il existe une autre variable ==\${ACQSYS_RRDPRINT_TIMEFRAME_SHORT}== qui
couvre une période plus courte


Cyril Ferlicot

165 Avenue Bretagne
Lille 59000 France

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [Pharo-users] Ecstatic ETSite>>generateHtml file copy philosphy

2015-09-15 Thread Ferlicot D. Cyril
Le 15/09/2015 16:22, Ben Coman a écrit :
> Thanks. Thats a good read. Its been a while since I was using Pillar.
> I can't remember exact features then but there seems to have been
> massive progress with lots of new nice features...
> * Sub/super-scripts
> * Unique text alignment per table cell - markdown seems only to align
> whole columns
> * Link syntax for internal, neighbouring-file, external-url seems
> balanced and logical
> * Script line numbers, MmmMmmm
> * Templating
> * Generating part of the document with a Smalltalk script. Wow! Bingo!
> Just what I've been dreaming of.   Now do you think maybe this might
> be used to open a UI Tool (e.g. SystemBrowser) and generate a screen
> snapshot to png file on disk, that can be included as a Figure ???

This is on the todo list of Pillar :)

But as you can see on the list of issues… There is still a lot of works
to do!

> Perhaps even able to process tapes from EventRecorder?
> One query...
> * In "5.2. Configuration parameters" I see
> support - I am a collection of support files [...] will get
>copied inside the outputDirectory folder.
> Does this support copying a whole folder to be a folder in
> outputDirectory.  For example the "theme" folder in Ecstatic ?

For example a common use for a book can be:

"support" : [ "support", "**/Figures" ]

This will include the folder `support` with the templates, css etc.
For the LaTeX export we create some symlinks to the outputDirectory
named `root`, this allow to use "\include{root/support}{myTeXFile.tex}".

This will also include all the folders named `Figures`.
For example if you have `baseDirectory/chap1/Figures` and
`baseDirectory/Annexes/A/c/Figures` you will get
`outputDirectory/chap1/Figures` and `outputDirectory/Annexes/A/c/Figures`.

You can also use "Chap#/Figures" to take only the Figures folder inside
`Chap1`, `Chap2`, `Chap3`…

> Some minor feedback on PillarChap doc...
> * In part "3.8 Pictures", consider leaving the colon off the end of this 
> line...
>  To include a picture, use the syntax 
> +caption>file://filename|parameters+:
>since it confused me for a moment whether it was part of the syntax.
> * Minor grammatical correction...
>  A slide end at the beginning of an other slide or at the end of
> the document.
>  A slide ends at the beginning of another slide or at the end of
> the document.
> Now I'm a bit late to the party following 1.0.0 release, but I have
> one criticism and one enhancement suggestion...
> * The syntax @@subscript@@ is very close to @@annotation.  I wonder if
> something like ,,subscript,, might have been a better choice. I don't
> see many double commas anywhere (except data), and if some text needs
> to display such data, requiring a space between commas is probably not
> too onerous.
> * In "3.9.1. Script with a label or caption", since the link syntax is
> used, possibly using the anchor syntax would feel more consistent.
> That is...
> [[[@script1|caption=...
> rather than...
> [[[label=script1|caption=...

I will keep that feedback and see what I can do latter :)
Thank you very much! Feedback is awesome!

> Great work with Pillar guys.
> So if I want to add the following to Ecstatic's pillar.conf
> {...
>"baseDirectory" : "_srcsite",
> "outputDirectory" : ".",
> ...} it won't get automatically passed through to Pillar?  I'll need
> to work out how to get them to Pillar myself?

I didn't had the time to take a look at ecstatic but I know a lot of
features as the outputDirectory are hardcoded inside Ecstatic because
it's new in Pillar and we don't have the time to update ecstatic.

> Am I correct to assume Ecstatic is using Pillar 1.0.0? since
> Monticello shows the latest Configuration is loaded in the image.

I don't know if it is exactly the 1.0.0 but if it's not it's a pretty
close version because we fixed the version with Guillermo at the end of
my internship and the 1.0.0 went out in my last day of internship.

> cheers -ben


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [Pharo-users] Ecstatic ETSite>>generateHtml file copy philosphy

2015-09-14 Thread Ferlicot D. Cyril
Le 14/09/2015 19:24, Ben Coman a écrit :
> Thanks Peter.
> It would be nice if Pillar was more flexible in this regard. For
Hi :)

With the version 1.0.0 of Pillar you have the possibility to use
"outputDirectory" and the "support" parameters.
The first will will generate the files into a new folder and the second
will copy a list of files if the outputDirectory ~= baseDirectory.

You can take a look at the documentation of EnterprisePharo (don't
forget to take the last version for Pillar 1.0.0 or later:

You can also check the configuration of Enterprise Pharo or PharoMooc to
get a concrete example.

Ecstatic doesn't use that for now because we don't have the time to
update it but Pillar can do it.

> background, I am looking into Ecstatic to generate a static web site
> from Pillar files hosted on GitHub Pages.  This is constrained to
> serve html files out of the base directory of the branch tagged
> "gh-pages".  So I want to generate html files into the root folder,
> from pillar files in a subdirectory "_sitesrc".
> I have got as far as getting interested in this line...
> PrExportPhase>>writeAll:using:
> ... outputFile := (file relativeTo: self configuration
> baseDirectory) withExtension: aWriter fileExtension.
> [1]
> cheers -ben


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

[Pharo-users] Fwd: Re: Pillar 1.1.0 released

2015-09-13 Thread Ferlicot D. Cyril
Le 13/09/2015 10:28, Johan Brichau a écrit :
> Hi,
> I just noticed that in the most recent version of Pillar, the instvar 
> #embedded was removed from PRReference
> This breaks Pier… though right before this change I could make Pier3 work 
> with Pillar just fine.
> The embedded var is used to specify that component references are to be 
> embedded in the page. There are more components than Figures in Pier.

Hi Johan,

We removed that because since Figures are not link anymore we do not
need it. If the reference is a link, it is not embedded, else it is. We
plan latter to have more embedded item than Figures, maybe we can just
and a class between Reference and Figure (PREmbeddedReferences).
With that we do not need the ivar.

But since Pier3 doesn't evolve anymore I proposed to someone to freeze
the version of Pillar needed for the stable version of Pier3. But I
didn't get an answer.


> I am just trying to use and work with Pier3 for Seaside book and website, so 
> it would be great if you can consider adding the embedded variable again.
> thanks guys!
> Johan
> ps: email me directly, since I might miss replies via the mailinglist.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

[Pharo-users] Pillar 2.0.0: Introduction of PetitPillar

2015-09-11 Thread Ferlicot D. Cyril
Hi everyone!
Yes, a new version of Pillar, again!

With this version we removed the old parser of Pillar to introduce
PetitPillar base on PetitParser.
This parser is slower than the previous one but we will be able to
improve his speed.
We will also be able to improve Pillar at the parser level, which was
impossible before. So we will be able to remove some hacks and improve
the experience of the users.
If you are good in parser and you want to contribute to his improvement,
feel free to help, we have a lot of tests to help. This is my first
parser so I am sure it have a lot of rooms for improvement.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [Pharo-users] Loading external Icons

2015-09-06 Thread Ferlicot D. Cyril
Le 06/09/2015 21:07, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas a écrit :
> Hi,
> I'm trying to get a more beauty and familiar interface for my
> grafoscopio project using Spec, now that is integrated with GT-Tools,
> and I remember that someone here (maybe Peter) shared a project to
> import new icons on Pharo, but I can't find the mail again. I have
> searched online without much help and [1] seems not working properly.
> Could someone point me to the proper way to load more icons in the Pharo
> interface besides the default ones?

I think you are looking for Esteban's icons

> [1]
> Thanks,
> Offray

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Pillar 1.0.0.

2015-09-01 Thread Ferlicot D. Cyril
Hello guys!

I finished 5 months of internship into the RMoD team. I worked on Pillar
and I am glad to announce the version 1.0.0!
You can find an updated documentation of this version here :

We decided with Damien Cassou to use Semetic Versioning from now (see:

I will now explain the main changes I did on Pillar during my internship.

For each new feature I added tests and documentation.

I will begin with the changes of Pillar's structure

- The configuration system is now manage by Cocoon
-- We now use Magritte in Cocoon

- I added Annotations : A syntax extension point

- I added Transformers : A way to transform a document model before an
export (to add a section structure in HTML for example)

- Some small refactoring.
-- Improvement of the template management
-- Improvement of the Pillar model parameters

- Improvement of the document model
-- Now the figures and links are two different entity

- I begun a PetitPillar (with PetitParser) in order to replace the old
parser too complicated.

Now I will talk about new features for the users

- Improvement of the usability of Pillar under Windows

- Beamer and Deck.js exporters

- Annotations :
-- To include a Pillar file into an other (${inputFile:path}$) (Example:
-- To create new slides in Beamer and Deck.js (${slide:My
-- To create columns into a Pillar document (currently works in Beamer,
Deck.js and HTML)
-- …

- Transformers
-- You can now add a parameter "lineNumber=true" to a script and Pillar
will transform them to add the line numbers
-- You can now import a script from an other file (see the documentation
of the scripts)
-- …

- Improvement of the errors raised by Pillar

- Addition of the inter-files links

- Improvement of the title configuration for numbering

- No need to make scripts anymore to use Pillar !
-- You can used "defaultExporters" in your configuration to do multiple
export (see documentation)
-- Pillar generate a script for LaTeX compilation (only for Unix for now)

- Possibility to export everything into a different folder (simpler to
clean after)
-- And possibility to copy some support files

For the two previous point you can take example on Enterprise Pharo
( and Pharo
Mooc (

This was a really cool internship :)

If you have some questions do not hesitate!


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [Pharo-users] [Pharo-dev] [ANN] Pillar 1.0.0.

2015-09-01 Thread Ferlicot D. Cyril
Le 01/09/2015 18:08, Sven Van Caekenberghe a écrit :
> Thank you for your contributions, Cyril, we can only hope that you stick 
> around.

I'll spend 2 years with Synectique working with so I'll not be far :)


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [Pharo-users] Tabular:

2015-08-14 Thread Ferlicot D. Cyril
Le 14/08/2015 15:07, H. Hirzel a écrit :
 Thank you.
 Build 4 is now done. Where can I see which
 file it picked?

You can find it on the console output. For example for the build
development on Pharo 5 out have it here:,VERSION=development,VM=vm/4/console

that was Loaded - Tabular-HannesHirzel.62


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [Pharo-users] string write stream

2015-08-08 Thread Ferlicot D. Cyril
Le 08/08/2015 12:42, Peter Uhnák a écrit :
 What is better?
 String new writeStream
 WriteStream on: String new
 WriteStream on: ''
 by popularity '' is the winner, however apparently not everyone is happy
 with that
 f := Finder new.
 (f sourceSearch: 'WriteStream on: ') size. 51
 (f sourceSearch: 'String new writeStream') size. 48
 (f sourceSearch: 'WriteStream on: String new') size. 39
 While this is not a popularity contest, we can at least poll for
 preferences :)

What do I do if I do '' writeStream ? :)


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [Pharo-users] Pillar automatic anchors

2015-08-03 Thread Ferlicot D. Cyril
Le 31/07/2015 20:06, Peter Uhnák a écrit :
 I would like to resolve this issue:
 Automatic section anchors: Each section title should automatically
 generate an implicit hyperlink target (aka, anchor) pointing to the
 section. The text of the hyperlink target (the reference name) is the
 same as that of the section title.
 however since I'm not familiar with Pillar I don't know how acceptable
 this solution could be
 PRHTMLWritervisitHeader: aHeader
 | level |
 level := self configuration headingLevelOffset + aHeader level.h1 to h7
 level := level min: 7 max: 1.
 canvas tag
 name: 'h' , level asString;
 parameterAt: 'id' put: (self createIdForHeader: aHeader);  addition
 with: [ 
 self writeCounterForHeader: aHeader.
 super visitHeader: aHeader ].
 canvas newLine
 createIdForHeader: aHeader
 | id |
 id := aHeader text.
 id := id asLowercase.
 replace banned characters with dashes
 id := '[^0-9a-z\-]' asRegex copy: id replacingMatchesWith: '-'.
 merge multiple dashes
 id := '-{2,}' asRegex copy: id replacingMatchesWith: '-'.
 remove dashes from beginning/end of the id
 id := '^-|-$' asRegex copy: id replacingMatchesWith: ''.
 ^ id
 Strictly speaking HTML 5 is very permissive with the value of id, but
 the question is whether we really want to permit everything. E.g.
 unicode in url is always asking for trouble.

Hi Petter!

I begun a transformer some time ago. His name is PRAnchorOfSection
that inherit from PRNodeTransformer.
For now this transformer is not enable because we need to check some
For example this works bad if we put a link inside the title. Or what do
we do if we have two times the same title? As Introduction?


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [Pharo-users] Pillar hyperref and refs numbering

2015-08-03 Thread Ferlicot D. Cyril
Le 03/08/2015 12:44, Peter Uhnák a écrit :


 I have two questions:
 Would it be possible to add \usepackage{hyperref} to Pillar pdf output?
 Because currently all links are invisible (well, not invisible but they
 look like regular text so if the).
 So if you have sentence like Then create a directory named pharo-vm
 and unzip the VM for windows that you can get on the pharo website
 (windows virtual machine) . (Section installing pillar on windows.
 nobody will notice that it's a link).
 Having hyperref for print doesn't make sense but if people are viewing
 it on their computer it's useful.

I tried to add what you write but I do not see the difference. Do I have
to add something else? (I did not used much LaTeX before so I'm not
familiar with LaTeX templates.)

 Why does HTML and PDF numbering differ?
 For example the first figure in HTML is 15.1, whilst in PDF its 1.1.
 This is further exemplified in the second sentence of the chapter
 Pillar is currently used to write the Enterprise Pharo book and other
 projects (see Section 1.1).
 Pillar is currently used to write the Enterprise Pharo book and other
 projects (see Section 15.1.2
 Where in PDF it's actually referring to the whole chapter instead of the
 proper part. But this may be result of the subsections not being
 numbered (unlike html, which numbered is).

This is because you check only 1 chapter. If you check the whole book on
book-result you will see that it's 15.1.


If you compile only 1 chapter in LaTeX then you will only have the
numbering of the chapter.
If you compile the whole book you will have the numbering of all chapters.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [Pharo-users] Pillar hyperref and refs numbering

2015-08-03 Thread Ferlicot D. Cyril
Le 03/08/2015 15:37, Sean P. DeNigris a écrit :
 jecisc wrote
 If you compile only 1 chapter in LaTeX then you will only have the
 numbering of the chapter.
 If you compile the whole book you will have the numbering of all chapters.
 This seems to come up quite a bit. Can we add a parameter to specify the
 numbering when only compiling one chapter?

from my opinion this is useless because we export chapter by chapter
only to avoid to spend 2min waiting LaTeX to finish his compilation when
we work on a chapter. And when we work on a chapter we don't care if the
numbering begin at the right number.
When we are done with our chapter we can just launch the whole export
and get the right numbering. If we work on a SquareBracketAssociates
book, the CI will do the whole export by himself.

 View this message in context:
 Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [Pharo-users] Pillar and Beamer

2015-07-29 Thread Ferlicot D. Cyril
Le 29/07/2015 10:40, Peter Uhnák a écrit :
 there was a presentation (or show us your project) about Pillar and
 (LaTeX/)Beamer at ESUG if I am not mistaken. However I don't think there
 are videos available from the uni, so is more information available

Yes this is possible with the last version of Pillar.
There is no documentation for now but I'm updating it. I'll include the
presentation generation to the Pillar chapter on the 'Pharo for The
Enterprise' Book this week or next week.

For now you can have a look at the Pharo Mooc:

There is a Slide folder and a compile-slide script.

I'll tell you when I'll finish the documentation.



Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [Pharo-users] Separate compilation with Pillar?

2015-07-19 Thread Ferlicot D. Cyril
Le 19/07/2015 11:00, Alexandre Bergel a écrit :
 Is there a way to separately compile a chapter when writing a book in Pillar?
 The compilation time is pretty long...

Hi Alexandre!
You can just do
./pillar export --to={export format} {nameOfYouFile.pillar}

If you edit a chapter on a SquareBracketAssociates's git, or if you took
pillar's book-skeleton, you should have a script, so you can
just do

./ NameOfFolder/NameOfChapter.pillar

But when you do only 1 chapter the numerator will not take the whole
book into account, so at the end I recommend to compile one time the
whole book.

Cyril Ferlicot-Delbecque

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [Pharo-users] Separate compilation with Pillar?

2015-07-19 Thread Ferlicot D. Cyril
Le 19/07/2015 15:53, Peter Uhnák a écrit :
 I think that the biggest hurdle is LaTeX... so for example I disabled
 latex exports (since I was interested from 95% only in HTML), and
 enabled them only for the final product.

I'll work soon on getting ride of the scripts.
We'll try to have everything on the configuration file. So, that will be
easy to export only 1 chapter, or to remove one export etc.

Cyril Ferlicot-Delbecque

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [Pharo-users] About generating chapters with Pillar/Pier tools

2015-06-22 Thread Ferlicot D. Cyril
Le 21/06/2015 05:21, Hernán Morales Durand a écrit :
 I have experimented several dissapointing errors when working with
 updated Pillar tools. I am not doing anything special besides working
 under Windows.
 Apparently the Pillar CommandLineHandler is not working because
 OSEnvironment exception (Windows 8.1). When executing
 Pharo.exe Pillar.image export --to=html BioPharo.pier
 The attached exception raises.
 This happens in all the images from:,VERSION=stable,VM=vm/
 Pharo4.0 (Latest update: #40614),VERSION=development,VM=vm/
 Pharo4.0 (Latest update: #40614),VERSION=stable,VM=vm/
 Latest update: #50124
 Changing the method #baseDirectory to use %CD% environment variable
 doesn't fix it even when it works in command line:
 c:\MySmalltalkProjects\Pillar\pharo-vmecho %PWD%
 c:\MySmalltalkProjects\Pillar\pharo-vmecho %CD%
 The solution I found was to replace the OSEnvironment line with
 FileSystem workingDirectory as suggested at:
 About instructions given here
 you do not need MinGW to export a Pier chapter. See here
 for an example

We know that Pillar is not easy to use on Windows and we need to improve
that, but for now we have a lot of work to do with Pillar and not enough
time to do it.
Using MinGW is only a temporary solution.

 Another (worst) situation happened when I wanted to convert a generated
 LaTeX to PDF. I had to remove all tables, annotations and notes from the
 .pier file because errors reported in pdfLaTeX .
 For tables  :
 ! Undefined control sequence.
 l.176 \toprule

I'll try to take a look at that one.
Can you send me a pillar file that raise this please ?

 For notes (i.e. @@note )
 ! LaTeX Error: Environment note undefined.
 See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
 Type H return for immediate help.
 l.178 \begin{note}

Same here, can you send me a file because I never saw this error with

 Finally generated PDF looks different from previous versions.
 Previous Pillar version:
 Current Pillar version (= 0.56) :

This one is normal. We changed the way extensions was generated because
the previous way wasn't right. When we export a .tex to a .pdf we don't
want to have a file .tex.pdf, so when we want to export a .pillar to a
.tex we don't want to get a .pillar.pdf!
So we changed that.

 Now I am the only one generating PDF with Pillar in Windows?

I do it but I use some script with MinGW for now or I use Pillar
directly from Pharo because the windows environment is not good for now.


Cyril Ferlicot-Delbecque

Description: OpenPGP digital signature