Re: [PHP-DOC] Re: some remaining new doc style issues

2004-09-02 Thread Gabor Hojtsy
Hi Sean,
Let me start to react from the end of your mail, where you have written:
| Note: I've also written a factoid bot that sits on #phpdoc that wasn't
| linked above, it's tied into [PHP-DOC] and alerts us to commits, as
| well. I hope I won't be shamed for that, too.
This seems to suggest that you interpreted the purpose of my rant to 
shame you and anybody else who are developing tools for phpdoc. That was 
absolutely against my intention.

What my aim is to:
 - keep the good people in the group together
 - get out the most of the tools we already have
 - build on the tools we already have
Really, it's up to Dave to modify these tools for use in docweb. If he 
feels like it, he will, if not, he won't. The only reason they're on my 
server (at which points) is because was 
unfortunately offline for a few days/weeks and I offered to host Dave's 
tools. They're good tools, and we have no official place for them. What 
good would they do in CVS, currently?
You seem to suggest two things in your mail:
 - the scripts on were not supposed to be publicly announced
 - the scripts on are not supposed to be open source
Well, this does not seem to be a positive direction. You say that docweb 
is not yet ready for real use, and you are not considering looking into 
it because of it's state. I say, that docweb will not be ready anytime, 
if people do not start adding their tools and trying out / engage in 
conversation about tools written by others. Docweb is supposed to host 
tools, documentation, etc. for phpdoc and for a whole bunch of 
documentation projects. A lot of our tools might also work for pear / 
php-gtk, etc.

If you develop your own non-open-sourced tools, which you even try not 
to promote, people will start to develop their own tools, not knowing 
about the existing stuff. Now that we know Dave already developed a 
whole bunch of scripts, noone will start over from scratch, but we will 
wait for Dave to submit his work to the community, so others can improve 
on it, and that other doc projects can also benefit from the work. There 
is no point in starting over. The only workable way is to join forces.

The most depressing sentences are the last two above. Let me repeat, 
what you have written:

 | They're good tools, and we have no official place for them.
 | What good would they do in CVS, currently?
Looking at the scripts at, they are all 
tools that generate output from the CVS checkouts behind, and so they 
can be setup anywhere, since their output can be regenerated anywhere. 
There is an official place for such scripts: docweb. What good they 
would have there?

 - more people could help improve them
 - more documentation teams could be able to adopt them
   (without a need to start over from scratch)
 - since these scripts are supposed to sometime be placed
   in docweb anyway, developing with that back infrastructure
   (include files, layout, URL scheme etc) in mind, it would be
   easier later on (no need to port it to docweb)
If you don't help making docweb a reality, but rather just wait for it 
to become cool stuff, it will never become one.

Again, none of it is official. We (or at least I) don't expect it to be. 
The patch sites popped up out of necessity (how long were Nuno's patches 
available and lost in the archives before I spoke up about them? -- 
THERE WAS a central repository for livedocs patches: CVS, but access to 
it was restricted, hence the patch sites).
Livedocs cvs was not a central repository for patches, but for livedocs 
itself. I have not seen any committed patch files (only applied ones).


Re: [PHP-DOC] Re: some remaining new doc style issues

2004-09-02 Thread Sean Coates
Hash: SHA1
Allow me to apologize for sounding much more harsh than intended.
I don't have a lot of time today, so this will be brief, but:
- - I didn't intend to hide any of the tools. _my_ few tools are not ready
to be committed, and I don't even know if docbot should be committed
(probably not). Once they are refined, I will get around to sharing.
Think of what I have on as alpha. In fact, the wiki wasn't
even sending mail, properly, until yesterday.
- - No server is discouraging. I know there's nothing we can do about it
in the immediate-term, but it's a headache for me to maintain my stuff,
AND maintain the repository of it, until I see a practical use for the
repository. I see your point, though, in that sharing is best, and I
agree. I'd rather not commit broken/untested code to CVS until it's
reached a critical mass. The problems as I see them are: 1) maintaining
the repository and 2) Quick  Dirty coding that works on MY server, but
certainly won't work on another (dumb things like hard-coded paths) --
these take time to fix. I will get around to adapting and committing my
stuff, eventually, though.
| What my aim is to:
|  - keep the good people in the group together
|  - get out the most of the tools we already have
|  - build on the tools we already have
I agree with all of this. I was by no means trying to split the group,
or hide my tools. I hope this is understood.
| You seem to suggest two things in your mail:
|  - the scripts on were not supposed to be publicly announced
|  - the scripts on are not supposed to be open source
If you append yet to each of these bullets, it becomes truth.
| Well, this does not seem to be a positive direction. You say that docweb
| is not yet ready for real use, and you are not considering looking into
| it because of it's state. I say, that docweb will not be ready anytime,
| if people do not start adding their tools and trying out / engage in
| conversation about tools written by others. Docweb is supposed to host
| tools, documentation, etc. for phpdoc and for a whole bunch of
| documentation projects. A lot of our tools might also work for pear /
| php-gtk, etc.
Again, I understand. It seemed a waste of time putting efforts into
something that cannot be used, practically. I agree with you, though --
others could benefit from this.
| If you develop your own non-open-sourced tools, which you even try not
| to promote, people will start to develop their own tools, not knowing
| about the existing stuff. Now that we know Dave already developed a
| whole bunch of scripts, noone will start over from scratch, but we will
| wait for Dave to submit his work to the community, so others can improve
| on it, and that other doc projects can also benefit from the work. There
| is no point in starting over. The only workable way is to join forces.
Agreed. This is all temporary.
(August 11, 2004, #phpdoc):
18:22  philip maybe you should work on docweb and create these little
tools there
18:22  philip that way you could use sqlite or mysql, and all pear
18:23  philip email goba, show him all those tools you created and how
you want to put them on docweb
18:24 @erigol nah, i just don't do much php coding.
18:24  philip what do you do?
18:24 @erigol UNEMPLOYED
18:25  philip working on docweb is perfect for you then :)
18:26  philip sean too
18:26  sean ... yeah
18:26  sean when the dust settles
Seems the dust is settling, and efforts will not be wasted. I'll try to
~  get some work done on docweb. (Do all phpdoc folk have karma? I
forget. If not, may I please have some? (-: )
| If you don't help making docweb a reality, but rather just wait for it
| to become cool stuff, it will never become one.
It's very difficult for me to justify the time to maintain stuff if
there's nowhere to deploy it, as I've said above. Again, I understand
where you're coming from, and agree, we should all pitch in.
| Livedocs cvs was not a central repository for patches, but for livedocs
| itself. I have not seen any committed patch files (only applied ones).
Patches would be unnecessary if we didn't have to go through the 3
people with karma. But I digress, the patch queues seem to be on the way
to consolidation, and this won't be a problem in the near future.
Anyway, I know you meant no harm, and neither did I. I suspect we'll be
able to move forward at a much greater speed once the server is in
place, we'll just need to get past the mental block of practicality in
the meantime.
(nice to see you on #phpdoc (-; )
(so much for brief!)
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Re: [PHP-DOC] Re: some remaining new doc style issues

2004-09-02 Thread Gabor Hojtsy
| You seem to suggest two things in your mail:
|  - the scripts on were not supposed to be publicly announced
|  - the scripts on are not supposed to be open source
If you append yet to each of these bullets, it becomes truth.
Seems the dust is settling, and efforts will not be wasted. I'll try to
~  get some work done on docweb. (Do all phpdoc folk have karma? I
forget. If not, may I please have some? (-: )
Granted. I am to ask for docweb Karma. I have not rejected a single 
Karma request so far :)

| If you don't help making docweb a reality, but rather just wait for it
| to become cool stuff, it will never become one.
It's very difficult for me to justify the time to maintain stuff if
there's nowhere to deploy it, as I've said above. Again, I understand
where you're coming from, and agree, we should all pitch in.
I see it differently. You can do a docweb checkout and start to 
integrate your stuff into it. Even if you don't commit your tools, you 
work with the codebase already. And you have a place to deploy your 
scripts (your own server). That means you are forward compatible, and 
work with the stuff already done. You can cooperate with the docweb 
project without an official server. Look how many guys done this with 
livedocs, although there is/was no official livedocs setup.

| Livedocs cvs was not a central repository for patches, but for livedocs
| itself. I have not seen any committed patch files (only applied ones).
Patches would be unnecessary if we didn't have to go through the 3
people with karma. But I digress, the patch queues seem to be on the way
to consolidation, and this won't be a problem in the near future.
Those who have created patches mostly got reviews from the developers 
and a lot of good patches got commited. Those who tried mostly succeeded.

Anyway, I know you meant no harm, and neither did I. I suspect we'll be
able to move forward at a much greater speed once the server is in
place, we'll just need to get past the mental block of practicality in
the meantime.
I suggest you don't wait for the server being place, and start to adopt 
the code to the site if desired (or adopt the site to your code). Since 
there is not much in docweb yet, it can be either way. As I have said, I 
don't care about the final web address or if we use subdomains or 
subfolders to hold project and language specific stuff, so feel free to 
start discussions on stuff which you are not comfortable with :) Finally 
those who implement will define the rules :)

If the systems team does not agree on us suggesting an outside machine 
to stick to, then we can use an arbitrary (short :) web 
address (even or some other name). The point is not the 
name, or how it will be, but to have a stable place. We only 
loose the MAGIC_COOKIE and some other stuff by not being under, 
but if this is the price to pay for leaning forward quickly, then so be it.

(nice to see you on #phpdoc (-; )
Not that I will be a resident there. Mostly I don't have the time.

Re: [PHP-DOC] Re: some remaining new doc style issues

2004-09-01 Thread Aidan Lister
 (a) See Also format

  note role=seealso

That looks fine to me!

 (b) Parameter listing information

Really good idea, but the structure is not explained clearly.

Care to write an example?

Re: [PHP-DOC] Re: some remaining new doc style issues

2004-09-01 Thread Philip Olson
  (a) See Also format
   note role=seealso
 That looks fine to me!

Now all that's needed is for it to work :)

  (b) Parameter listing information
 Really good idea, but the structure is not explained clearly.
 Care to write an example?

There are a few, the exif docs already use it.  And they 
also live within the unofficial official phpdoc wiki:


Re: [PHP-DOC] Re: some remaining new doc style issues

2004-09-01 Thread Gabor Hojtsy
There are a few, the exif docs already use it.  And they 
also live within the unofficial official phpdoc wiki:
Could someone please collect all the sites already set up with docweb 
stuff, wikis, pepr copies, livedocs and stuff, so we don't continue with 
more sites getting up and going down? It would be nice to summarize the 
situationon [EMAIL PROTECTED] I must admit I am getting to loose the 
picture (who owns what domain, who is going to set up what, what is 
going to point where, or at least what is the intention).


Re: [PHP-DOC] Re: some remaining new doc style issues

2004-09-01 Thread Gabor Hojtsy
Do you feel this should holdup the new doc style?  As far as I see
there are three remaining items:
(a) See Also format
 Everyone agrees that clean markup is better than manually entering 
 commas and and's (or entities) but how or when will this be
 implemented?  It would be nice to have this done before moving to
 the new style, I can't tell if this is what you mean.

I must admit I have not checked the simplelist output with the current 
stylesheets (DSSSL and XSLT), and I have not heard anybody doing so. 
First it needs to be tested, and then the relevant code needs to go in. 
If someone provides me with proper testfiles, I am willing to look into 
the issue in DSSSL and XSLT. Maybe I can even solve that :)

(b) Parameter listing information
 The parameter listing lives within a variable list, and information
 such as reference, type, and optional all live within the
 methodsynopsis.  The idea is to have the parser extract the
 information from methodsynopsis and insert said information into
 the variable listing.  The structure (afaict) is already in place
 so this may not be a holdup.  I don't think we need to worry about
 dsssl/xslt for this, only livedocs, and worry about that later.
 Just so we agree that the current new doc format will do.
1. It needs to be docbook conformant.
2. It needs to be good to be used as a reference for the
   parameter listing.
I have not seen a proposal which fits with both criteria, or I have 
seriosly overlooked something.

(c) Constants on own page
 Not a big deal, everyone agreed on this.

Re: [PHP-DOC] Re: some remaining new doc style issues

2004-09-01 Thread Philip Olson

  There are a few, the exif docs already use it.  And they 
  also live within the unofficial official phpdoc wiki:
 Could someone please collect all the sites already set up with docweb 
 stuff, wikis, pepr copies, livedocs and stuff, so we don't continue with 
 more sites getting up and going down? It would be nice to summarize the 
 situationon [EMAIL PROTECTED] I must admit I am getting to loose the 
 picture (who owns what domain, who is going to set up what, what is 
 going to point where, or at least what is the intention).

Here's what I know:


 * CVS:
 * Example: (Sean)
 * Example: (Curt)
 * Patches: (Nuno)
 * Patches: (Jacques)

Documentation tools

 * Tools:
 * Entities:


 * Home:
 * DocSkel:
 * RFCs:


 * CVS:
 * Example: (Mehdi)
 * Example: (Vincent)


Re: [PHP-DOC] Re: some remaining new doc style issues

2004-09-01 Thread Gabor Hojtsy
(b) Parameter listing information
 The parameter listing lives within a variable list, and information
 such as reference, type, and optional all live within the
 methodsynopsis.  The idea is to have the parser extract the
 information from methodsynopsis and insert said information into
 the variable listing.  The structure (afaict) is already in place
 so this may not be a holdup.  I don't think we need to worry about
 dsssl/xslt for this, only livedocs, and worry about that later.
 Just so we agree that the current new doc format will do.
1. It needs to be docbook conformant.
2. It needs to be good to be used as a reference for the
   parameter listing.
I have not seen a proposal which fits with both criteria, or I have 
seriosly overlooked something.
Ehem, I seriosly overlooked something. The proposal in the mail you 
linked above seems to be doable with all systems (if we add a role 
attribute to the parameter listing section/list so it is selectable via 
XPath and livedocs can easier intercept what needs to be renders).


Re: [PHP-DOC] Re: some remaining new doc style issues

2004-09-01 Thread Gabor Hojtsy
Could someone please collect all the sites already set up with docweb 
stuff, wikis, pepr copies, livedocs and stuff, so we don't continue with 
more sites getting up and going down? It would be nice to summarize the 
situationon [EMAIL PROTECTED] I must admit I am getting to loose the 
picture (who owns what domain, who is going to set up what, what is 
going to point where, or at least what is the intention).
Here's what I know:
 * CVS:
 * Example: (Sean)
 * Example: (Curt)
 * Patches: (Nuno)
 * Patches: (Jacques)
Documentation tools
 * Tools:
 * Entities:
 * Home:
 * DocSkel:
 * RFCs:
 * CVS:
 * Example: (Mehdi)
 * Example: (Vincent)
It is somewhat positive to see so many people doing things, but it is 
quite satiric to see that there is no common way, and everyone comes up 
with his own solutions.

Dave, the docweb project is supposed to contain scripts used to support 
phpdoc workers via the web. Or if you have scripts to commit to phpdoc, 
then you can also commit there. Have I overlooked your tools commited to 
one of these modules, or there is some strong reason to start a new 
project? Note that if you are not going to commit your code, people will 
start to write the tools again and again, as it used to be...

Philip/Sean, are you dissatisfied with the adoptoin of pepr to the php 
doc projects (as being worked on by Vincent), or you have the intention 
to post your RFCs on this new system later, and you are just impatient? 
Having RFCs, have you looked into the adopted pepr?

I am really sad that the efforts tend to get disorganized by intention. 
Maybe when I have some idea to discuss, I will set up a new cms 
somewhere (probably Drupal to be inconsistent and because I love this 
CMS :), and post my ideas via that interface, so if someone finds it 
sometime, (s)he can reply to it. Would it be better? I don't think so.

About the official docweb server. Noone stood up yet and shout that he 
set up the server we can point the address to. Why? Quite 
easy. Noone would like to step on others toes. And this is getting 
worse. Sometime we have been waiting for systems to set up a server for 
us, and it turned out that they are not open. Then some people said it 
will be better (and set up in days) if we do it ourselves and 
Mehdi/Guillaume was proposed. Seeing that this route have not worked 
out, Jacques set up a version of the docweb site, and adjusted the CVS 
code to work server independently. Now Mehdi/Guillaume keep insisting on 
that they will set up the server, Jacques has the server, and so we are 
in a dead infinite loop. Maybe if we ask three more devoted guys to set 
up docweb sites, they will get angry enough to start some rent and 
finnaly we will have one server which will work out and the others will 
be turned down, so those admins can also concentrate on helping the 
project in other ways.

I feel quite silly in this situation, as I would not like to say no to 
Mehdi/Guillaume nor to Jacques, and I cannot decide on what way would be 
the best, or who will get more upset if one or the other solution is picked.

While we are playing games above this issue, more and more patch sites, 
wikis, rfc systems, tools pop up in different locations of the web, and 
getting the info needed for decision making and pushing the project 
forward does not get easier but rather harder and harder, as finding the 
stuff you read yesterday get impossible.


Re: [PHP-DOC] Re: some remaining new doc style issues

2004-09-01 Thread Philip Olson
  (a) See Also format
   Everyone agrees that clean markup is better than manually entering 
   commas and and's (or entities) but how or when will this be
   implemented?  It would be nice to have this done before moving to
   the new style, I can't tell if this is what you mean.
 I must admit I have not checked the simplelist output with the current 
 stylesheets (DSSSL and XSLT), and I have not heard anybody doing so. 
 First it needs to be tested, and then the relevant code needs to go in. 
 If someone provides me with proper testfiles, I am willing to look into 
 the issue in DSSSL and XSLT. Maybe I can even solve that :)

Here's something to get started with:

  Livedocs output:
  DSSSL output:

  XSLT output:

Not bad as is! ;)


Re: [PHP-DOC] Re: some remaining new doc style issues

2004-09-01 Thread Gabor Hojtsy
Here's something to get started with:
  Livedocs output:
  DSSSL output:

  XSLT output:
Not bad as is! ;)
Well, since it is not a note semantically, I don't think we would need 
to have a note. Otherwise using the para variant, all the versions seem 
to look quite acceptable. Looking at these real list presentations, I 
wonder if it better useabilitywise, if we put the list items on a line, 
or if we list them like this.


Re: [PHP-DOC] Re: some remaining new doc style issues

2004-09-01 Thread Sean Coates
(please don't take any of my paragraph replies as a whole)
Gabor Hojtsy wrote:
It is somewhat positive to see so many people doing things, but it is 
quite satiric to see that there is no common way, and everyone comes up 
with his own solutions.
I can't speak for the others, but I think I've clearly labeled my 
contributions unofficial, and do not think of them as anything more. 
There are a few of us (including Dave, and Philip, as you address, 
below) that use some/all of these tools regularly, and we regularly help 
each other out through #phpdoc on freenode.

Dave, the docweb project is supposed to contain scripts used to support 
phpdoc workers via the web. Or if you have scripts to commit to phpdoc, 
then you can also commit there. Have I overlooked your tools commited to 
one of these modules, or there is some strong reason to start a new 
project? Note that if you are not going to commit your code, people will 
start to write the tools again and again, as it used to be...
Really, it's up to Dave to modify these tools for use in docweb. If he 
feels like it, he will, if not, he won't. The only reason they're on my 
server (at which points) is because was 
unfortunately offline for a few days/weeks and I offered to host Dave's 
tools. They're good tools, and we have no official place for them. What 
good would they do in CVS, currently?

Philip/Sean, are you dissatisfied with the adoptoin of pepr to the php 
doc projects (as being worked on by Vincent), or you have the intention 
to post your RFCs on this new system later, and you are just impatient? 
Having RFCs, have you looked into the adopted pepr?
Again, I can't speak for Philip, but yes, I am impatient. My 
Nomenclature RFC is nothing more than a work in progress. The wiki 
serves it well, and when I feel it is ready, I will either post it to 
PEPr (if that's ready by then), or post it to the list. Again, this is 
all unofficial.

As for Philip's DocSkel RFC, I took the liberty of adopting the skeleton 
he was hosting in a .zip file on and posting it on the wiki, 
because I wanted to make a few changes, and it's extremely difficult to 
patch a .zip.

The wiki lends well to this situation, and when asking around, the 
general concensus (from Derick, especially, IIRC) is that systems@ is 
not interested in hosting/managing a wiki. So I am.

PEPr does not exist for doc purposes, yet. In the interim, peoples' 
ideas should not stop flowing. Docweb is new. There's no way to USE 
PEPr, yet, officially. Do you propose we set up individual PEPrs and use 
them? of course not. That is no different than the collection of links, 

I am really sad that the efforts tend to get disorganized by intention. 
Maybe when I have some idea to discuss, I will set up a new cms 
somewhere (probably Drupal to be inconsistent and because I love this 
CMS :), and post my ideas via that interface, so if someone finds it 
sometime, (s)he can reply to it. Would it be better? I don't think so.
Your sarcasm is appreciated, but I was (and am still) not officially 
soliciting replies to my Nomenclature RFC. If I was, it would've been 
posted to the list. If someone stumbles upon it, and has some input, 
great, but I'm not looking for much, right now, other than asking the 
guys on #phpdoc what they think.

I'm also not hurt that nobody has searched me out and found my RFC and 
made modifications to it, or patted me on the back. I was even surprised 
to see the wiki posted to [PHP-DOC] this morning.

About the official docweb server.
snipno reply, just get it done! (-; /snip
While we are playing games above this issue, more and more patch sites, 
wikis, rfc systems, tools pop up in different locations of the web, and 
getting the info needed for decision making and pushing the project 
forward does not get easier but rather harder and harder, as finding the 
stuff you read yesterday get impossible.
Again, none of it is official. We (or at least I) don't expect it to be. 
The patch sites popped up out of necessity (how long were Nuno's patches 
available and lost in the archives before I spoke up about them? -- 
THERE WAS a central repository for livedocs patches: CVS, but access to 
it was restricted, hence the patch sites).

The fact remains: doc-web does not yet exist. Once we get something 
official (like maybe a domain name with attached server, and a 
functioning checkout of the module?), people like myself might be 
inclined to commit some code. In the mean-time, I'd rather USE (and 
allow others to use) the tools I've written instead of watching them rot 
in a CVS repository that may or may not see the light of day, depending 
on who has bigger toes.

As I see it, there are two central points of gathering for the php-doc 
team: the mailing list(s) and CVS. If you read stuff yesterday and it 
wasn't in one of those two places, it shouldn't be considered official, 
and should not impede your work.

Note: I've also written a 

Re: [PHP-DOC] Re: some remaining new doc style issues

2004-09-01 Thread Philip Olson

As far as the stuff goes, this all came about through the
active #phpdoc channel on freenode.  Many of us work together on various
tasks so various people created tools.  I see it as a testing ground
for docweb but the docweb situation is unknown right now so until it's
figured out we keep on working offsite.  Again, to be clear, IMHO all
the stuff listed is meant to go in docweb one day.  It's much easier
and comfortable to get a prototype going at home then start from 
scratch on some public server, especially when that server barely even
exists.  Is docweb ready for all of this? If so, it would be nice if 
Sean, Dave, and Curt joined that project.

The wiki is nice, it's a place for us to collaborate on ideas and work
on proposals until said proposals are actually proposed.  This is
especially true for the DocSkel.  Pepr is not ready and we just needed
a place to write stuff.  So yes, we're impatient.  It also works well
for us to remember URLS and information, and has also been used to 
test how well a wiki would work for various tasks.  Like the HOWTO.

As far as livedocs goes, I assume a patch system will exist on docweb.

As far as the server situation, I am way out of the loop on that but
AFAICT one group started and for various reasons failed so it's time 
to move on to the next.  In other words, use Jacques server.  This is
the same for a PHP mirror, once it's moved to another server that's


Re: [PHP-DOC] Re: some remaining new doc style issues

2004-09-01 Thread Philip Olson
  Not bad as is! ;)
 Well, since it is not a note semantically, I don't think we would need 
 to have a note. Otherwise using the para variant, all the versions seem 
 to look quite acceptable. Looking at these real list presentations, I 
 wonder if it better useabilitywise, if we put the list items on a line, 
 or if we list them like this.

I prefer the list style (separate lines), and with the bullets.


Re: [PHP-DOC] Re: some remaining new doc style issues

2004-09-01 Thread Gabor Hojtsy
Not bad as is! ;)
Well, since it is not a note semantically, I don't think we would need 
to have a note. Otherwise using the para variant, all the versions seem 
to look quite acceptable. Looking at these real list presentations, I 
wonder if it better useabilitywise, if we put the list items on a line, 
or if we list them like this.
I prefer the list style (separate lines), and with the bullets.
OK, so then only the DSSL and XSLT sheets need changing to use list 
markup instead of silly table markup for the simple lists. BTW it is 
very silly to use tables for lists, huh...


Re: [PHP-DOC] Re: some remaining new doc style issues

2004-09-01 Thread Gabor Hojtsy
Not bad as is! ;)
Well, since it is not a note semantically, I don't think we would 
need to have a note. Otherwise using the para variant, all the 
versions seem to look quite acceptable. Looking at these real list 
presentations, I wonder if it better useabilitywise, if we put the 
list items on a line, or if we list them like this.
I prefer the list style (separate lines), and with the bullets.
OK, so then only the DSSL and XSLT sheets need changing to use list 
markup instead of silly table markup for the simple lists. BTW it is 
very silly to use tables for lists, huh...
Well, that table is not that much odd, if you check the simplelist docs. 
It documents three types of rendering or which the vertical is the 
default (which is still multicolumned). None of the versions match our 
current expectation (or does inline match it, so there is no ending dot?)
BTW I have just checked the XSL sheets, and they do this quite fine. It 
is very easy to make this simplelist look like a list, but then we need 
to check if we use simplelists for something else, so we will not break 
rendering elsewhere (or we need to mark our simplelist with some role 


Re: [PHP-DOC] Re: some remaining new doc style issues

2004-09-01 Thread Mehdi Achour
As far as the server situation, I am way out of the loop on that but
AFAICT one group started and for various reasons failed so it's time 
to move on to the next.  In other words, use Jacques server.  This is
the same for a PHP mirror, once it's moved to another server that's
+1 ..

I'm really sorry for all this wasted time. The problem is that the
situation was totaly out of my reach after I left nexen because of a
huge conflict. I didn't want to give up waiting to offer (it was a
gift from nexen and poz company btw) this server to the doc project.
I should have speaked before, but the decision involved some personal
decisions too (it's all in my head). In the same time, I've been 12/7
busy writing a project for my new employer. Didn't have the time to
realize the big need for the decision as well as I didn't have the time 
to follow and answer the threads about PECL, livedocs, see also, etc..
You may have noticed that lately I've been taking care of smarty, xslt,
dom, bc, imap. That's the tools I used for the project, and I only had
the time to commit some fixes and additions to the documentation I was
reading all day.

I'd like to thank Guillaume for all the time he managed to find to help
with the situation, I know the lot of real daily work he have.
I'll get back Vincent (poz) disks and will send them to him or Jacques
if he need them for the server. The server will be hosting a lot of huge
checkouts and performing a lot of filesystem calls once the site is
running officially and Vincent disks are sweeted for this usage.
Jacques ? :)
The other decision we should take ASAP is to merge our efforts in CVS,
even if we have to host them unoficially (means without the and
with all our faith) forever :)
Dave's scripts can be hacked to fit to pear, gtk, smarty docs too 
(entities, sources vs documented stuff, missing examples in function
references). This is exactly what the sources in the docweb repository
are designed for.

Why not also having a general wiki and one per sub-project ? The editing
privilege is only granted to members and I'm sure we can manage
to have automatic commits to doc-web@ when someone edit something.
This can totally replace a need for CVS updated texts on the site. The 
main entry point is the wiki hacked to have the menu bar too and that's
it !

Jacques and Nuno should join their effort to make _one_ generic (per 
project) patch system that will be hosting the discussed patches for
livedocs, as well as the other projects.

What else did I miss ?
Pepr. Pepr is sweet, but I'm not sure we should depend on it. He seemed
buggy on Allowe site (I'll send reports later), we are obliged to
maintain the updates from pearweb by hand, he needs PEAR, and Philip's
RFC looks quiet good in the wiki. If we hack the wiki to have emails
sent to the doc, it will sweet what we need: a voting system.
I'd like to hear from all of you guys on this merge proposal. I'm sure I
have missed a lot of points.
Gabor, thank you a *lot* for your patience and help getting the thing
moving. Keep up, we'll have it online ;)
I'll be releasing my work project next week and will have a normal
phpdoc guy life again soon ;)

Re: [PHP-DOC] Re: some remaining new doc style issues

2004-08-31 Thread Gabor Hojtsy
This has been discussed many times with many dead ends.  Here
are some see also threads:
One structure that was proposed is as follows.  Not sure why
it wasn't implemented, let's wait until Goba comes back from 
vacation to answer this :)

  note role=seealso
I can't find any mention of listendand; on the lists, and
from RFC/2003_meeting_findings.txt is this:
  About see also lists, the attendees of the meeting concluded 
   in that the current see also writing scheme is fine, and 
   there is no need to modify it.

In summary: Not sure what happened with this idea.  It seemed
like everyone wanted the structured see also (no commas, no
and...) as to let XSL/Livedocs deal with the style but it never 
happened.  Let's see what Goba says on this.
I have implemented listendand; in the author list, because I needed a 
quick way to add a list which will work among translations too 
automatically. I had no intention to start tweaking the sheets, or wait 
for some solution, since it was already too late to start crediting 

Now that we can give more thought to it, it is clearly visible that a 
markup-rich solution is better, which shows us the structure of the 
list. For see also lists, the role would enable DSSSL and XSLT sheets to 
find out how the list items need to be separated and how the last item 
needs to be printed. It might also happen that simplelist already works 
this way (I have not tried it).

Why I have not shouted in to oppose the continued use of listeandand; 
is that the use of this entity makes these kind of lists instantly 
findable in the source, so we can convert to a semantically better 
markup later if need be. However since there are already so much to do 
around the files, the changing of the see also lists might not be that 
big of a task anyway.

Ps. Thanks for Mehdi to get this to my attention again. This was on my 
(very long) TODO list somewhere :)


Re: [PHP-DOC] Re: some remaining new doc style issues

2004-08-31 Thread Philip Olson

 Now that we can give more thought to it, it is clearly visible that a 
 markup-rich solution is better, which shows us the structure of the 
 list. For see also lists, the role would enable DSSSL and XSLT sheets to 
 find out how the list items need to be separated and how the last item 
 needs to be printed. It might also happen that simplelist already works 
 this way (I have not tried it).
 Why I have not shouted in to oppose the continued use of listeandand; 
 is that the use of this entity makes these kind of lists instantly 
 findable in the source, so we can convert to a semantically better 
 markup later if need be. However since there are already so much to do 
 around the files, the changing of the see also lists might not be that 
 big of a task anyway.

Do you feel this should holdup the new doc style?  As far as I see
there are three remaining items:

(a) See Also format

 Everyone agrees that clean markup is better than manually entering 
 commas and and's (or entities) but how or when will this be
 implemented?  It would be nice to have this done before moving to
 the new style, I can't tell if this is what you mean.


(b) Parameter listing information

 The parameter listing lives within a variable list, and information
 such as reference, type, and optional all live within the
 methodsynopsis.  The idea is to have the parser extract the
 information from methodsynopsis and insert said information into
 the variable listing.  The structure (afaict) is already in place
 so this may not be a holdup.  I don't think we need to worry about
 dsssl/xslt for this, only livedocs, and worry about that later.
 Just so we agree that the current new doc format will do.


(c) Constants on own page

 Not a big deal, everyone agreed on this.

We could get away with what we have now and it'll all work fine in
both livedocs and dsssl but...I guess it comes down to who's our
dsssl guru, and where do they live :)


Re: [PHP-DOC] Re: some remaining new doc style issues

2004-08-22 Thread Aidan Lister
I agree with everything except the seealso.

Let's formalise it and let XSL do the hard work.

We can make a simplelist, or find some relevant docbook tag, sticking the
entity in is a bit dirty.