Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty v1.1.0

2017-07-24 Thread mphearn

kidstypike wrote: 
> I don't think you *need* 7.9.1 for Spotty ?/QUOTE]
> But I DO need Spotty!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty v1.1.0

2017-07-24 Thread mphearn

kidstypike wrote: 
> Spotty works fine on LMS, that's what the plugin is for :)
> Put a checkmark in the box next to Spotty, press "apply" bottom right,
> restart LMS. Go to LMS > Settings > Advanced > in the dropdown box
> (usually says Formatting) select Spotty, follow instructions.
> Spotify Connect is something else.

The LMS downloaded from the cPC page is v 7.9.0 and there is NO "Spotty"
plugin listed. Where did you get your LMS 7.9.1 from?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty v1.1.0

2017-07-24 Thread mphearn

kidstypike wrote: 
> At the bottom of the piCorePlayer page there are tabs for Advanced and
> Beta, select one of these, doesn't matter which. On the main page you
> first need to "Resize the file system".
> Then, at the top of the page you should see an LMS tab, where you can
> install LMS.
> Report back here.

Thank you, very helpful! LMS is now running. Are there any other
settings on the pCP pages that I need to be aware of?

I have now accessed LMS with browser entry and note
that the Plugin listing includes "Spotty, Spotify implementation for
Squeezebox. Not quite connect ready" It cannot be added to the active
plugins. Is this out of date? I thought Spotty is now fully working? How
can I ensure that I've got the latest version of LMS?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty v1.1.0

2017-07-24 Thread mphearn

The setup with piCorePlayer is just a case of installing the extra file system 
tools and then mounting the appropriate share on the NAS via NFS or CIFS/SMB 
from within the LMS tab on the piCorePlayer.
The only caveat is that you need the NAS to be fully up and operational before 
you boot or reboot the Pi otherwise it won't see the share.[/QUOTE wrote: 
> Following much good advice from this forum this is my progress to date:
> * Purchased Pi3 and Ultra 32GB SanDisk
> * Downloaded and installed piCorePlayer3.21. Seemed to install OK with
> final text "Finished piCorePlayer setup" I assume LMS 7.9 is included in
> the download?
> * Checked router Device Connection Status  and found piCorePlayer
> * Accessed with browser and found pCP settings pages
> indicating"LMS is not running". Rebooted pCP with no change.
> Please can anyone advise me how to activate LMS ?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty v1.1.0

2017-07-19 Thread mphearn

kidstypike wrote: 
> On the pCP/LMS page you need to fill in the boxes.
> Then you need to go to LMS > Settings > and enter the path to your music
> files on the Qnap, and then scan.
> Thank you, WAD62, D6jg and others for advice already given. 
> I have been a Squeezebox fan for a long time and currently have three SB
> radios and a SB Touch around the house which are controlled by
> iPhone/iPeng. There is a QNAP NAS which hosts LMS 7.7.2 and a 180GB
> music library. 
> My requirement is to access my music library, selected radio stations
> including BBC iPlayer and Spotify. 
> The above was working fine until Spotify decided to say byebye to
> Squeezebox.
> The preferred solution on this forum seems to be a Pi3 with piCorePlayer
> and LMS 7.9. I considered leaving the music library on the QNAP but it
> would seem to be simpler and better to use a hard drive plugged into the
> Pi3. 
> Can I assume that this solution will ensure full compatibility between
> Spotify and SB? 
> Will still work as before?
> Cheers, Malcolm

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty v1.1.0

2017-07-18 Thread mphearn

Man in a van wrote: 
> On the radio:
> go to Home>My Music>scroll down to Switch Libraries>select pCP

Thank you, that has changed the server to pCP but now I have no music.
How do I link the server to my music store in the QNAP?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty v1.1.0

2017-07-18 Thread mphearn

Man in a van wrote: 
> More info here
> Open the pCP web page and select beta tab from the bottom of the page.
> at the top of the page select Main Page tab and expand the sd card
> (resize FS)
> 23142
> then stay on beta and open the LMS tab, do the install

Thank you for that. My pCP main page now tells me that LMS is running.
However, when I check settings on a connected Squeezebox Radio player, I
find it is still using LMS 7.7.2 from my QNAP. 
How do I reconfigure my network to use LMS 7.9 from the pCP and not LMS
7.7.2 from the QNAP?  Note my main music store will remain in the QNAP.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty v1.1.0

2017-07-17 Thread mphearn

WAD62 wrote: 
> The piCorePlayer page should tell you all you need to know...
> ...either a pi2 or 3 will be fine, obviously a pi 3 will be faster,
> worth the £30 investment
> I use a pi3 for LMS duties, and pi2s for players, I like to separate the
> tasks
> N.B. Use a relatively large high speed sd card for the LMS server pi
> (ultra 32Gb), as that's where it builds its cache, alternatively you can
> direct that to a USB drive
> As the others have stated you mount your QNAP as a network drive...

Hi Will, and thank you for your helpful advice and comments. I have made
a start and my progress is detailed below:

I have downloaded piCorePlayer, copied it to SD and used it to boot my
pi (early version). I have a video monitor on the pi indicating that the
start-up seemed to complete successfully. The last line states "Finished
piCorePlayer setup". The pi IP address is but, when
examined with my browser, I find that the LMS is not running. Why is
this and how do I configure the pi for LMS duties? My intention is to
upgrade to a pi3 when I have proved the system works.

I much appreciate your advice!
Cheers, Malcolm

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty v1.1.0

2017-07-15 Thread mphearn

WAD62 wrote: 
> QNAP don't offer any support beyond LMS 7.7.2, in order to future proof
> yourself try running 7.9 on a Rpi3, and leave your music collection on
> the QNAP...

Thank you Wills and d6jg for your excellent advice - which I intend to

I have been a Squeezebox enthusiast for many years and did go through a
phase with RPi (when it was first released) as an LMS server. Later I
bought a second-hand QNAP TS-220 and discovered that it came with LMS
7.7.2 installed. I therefore discarded the RPi and have been using the
QNAP as music store and LMS ever since. Everything has been working fine
until I received the dreaded message from Spotify telling me that they
are removing Squeezebox support.

Please can you recommend any web resources which would help me to
configure my new RPi system. (Will my original RPi be ok or do I have to
buy a new RPi3?)

Thank you again,


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty v1.1.0

2017-07-14 Thread mphearn

mherger wrote: 
> > mherger wrote:
> >>> Presumably the IO::Socket::SSL module must also reside on the QNAP?
> >>> Where can I get info to find out how to do this?
> >>
> >> Only up about 100 postings in this thread :-)
> >>
> >>
> > 
> > I know nothing about Perl. Is there a simple procedure to make spotty
> > work by installing IO::Socket::SSL module on my QNAP ?
> That link is pointing to the procedure... no Perl know-how required.
> -- 
> Michael

Sorry Michael That's all Greek to me too!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty v1.1.0

2017-07-14 Thread mphearn

mherger wrote: 
> > Presumably the IO::Socket::SSL module must also reside on the QNAP?
> > Where can I get info to find out how to do this?
> Only up about 100 postings in this thread :-)
> -- 
> Michael

I know nothing about Perl. Is there a simple procedure to make spotty
work by installing IO::Socket::SSL module on my QNAP ?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty v1.1.0

2017-07-14 Thread mphearn

WAD62 wrote: 
> ...where is your LMS server running, on the laptop or QNAP?

Both LMS and music library are running 24/7 on the QNAP

Presumably the IO::Socket::SSL module must also reside on the QNAP?
Where can I get info to find out how to do this?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty v1.1.0

2017-07-14 Thread mphearn

mherger wrote: 
> I'm happy to announce Spotty, my next generation Spotify implementation
> for Squeezebox. Spotty has no dependency on, nor player
> firmware, and supports all types of players. It is using the open-source
> librespot library ( instead of the
> soon to be defunct libspotify. 
> Once you've installed Spotty from the plugins repository, you can safely
> un-install all other Spotify related plugins (official plugin, Triode's
> 3rd party plugin, Spotify Protocol Handler), as well as remove the
> Spotify app from your account. Then go to
> Settings/Advanced/Spotty and follow the instructions.
> On platforms other than Windows you should be able to authorize the
> plugin using your mobile or desktop Spotify application. On Windows
> unfortunately you'll have to enter username/password (which are NOT
> stored in LMS).
> Spotty should run on MacOS, Windows (needs MS VC 2015 runtime!), and
> many Linux flavors (i686, x86_64, ARM HF & SF). But make sure you have
> the IO::Socket::SSL module installed in your environment. Spotty would
> tell you if you didn't. 
> Spotty is known to run perfectly well on eg. Raspberry Pi 2/3.
> Unfortunately many NAS devices using ARMEL CPUs won't be supported (eg.
> ReadyNAS Duo/NX v2, some of the cheaper Synology devices). I'm currently
> running it on a piCorePlayer setup on Pi3, connected to the
> aforementioned ReadyNAS Duo v2 - and it's so much more faster than the
> NAS alone, it's worth it :-).
> Please note that to take full advantage of Spotty, you should install
> the latest LMS 7.9.1 nightly build. There is an issue seeking within a
> track with older builds. Other than that LMS 7.7.x should be good
> enough.
> Have fun!

My music system consists of a windows 10 PC with a QNAP NAS hosting my
music library with Logitech Media Server 7.7.2. I have 3 Squeezebox
radios and one Squeezebox Touch with remote control provided by the
iPeng APP in an iPhone. This setup has given me enormous pleasure over
several years with music instantly available from my library, BBC
iPlayer, other radio stations and, until now, Spotify.  Please can you
advise me how to install the IO::Socket::SSL module into my
Many thanks, Malcolm

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-11-14 Thread mphearn

d6jg wrote: 
> Have you tried the in-app purchase which turns your iPhone install of
> iPeng into a Squeezebox in its own right? Excellent with a decent pair
> of headphones as a play anywhere in the house Squeezebox. The DAC in the
> iPhone 5 and upward is very capable of handling even 24/96 FLAC - higher
> nitrates are down sampled by the server to 24/96 for the iPhone IIRC.
> Settings/iPeng Settings/Enable Playback

Thank you for your suggestion. I have done it and it works fine!
I have been a squeezebox enthusiast since the Classic Mk1 in the
slimdevices days. After the Logitech acquisition I was dismayed when
they decided to discontinue the squeezebox and introduced the UE range.
I could not accept that, if my broadband fails (as it sometimes does!),
I would lose the ability to listen to my own music library. Let's hope
they continue to support the LMS. I was interested to note that you have
a UE Radio upgraded to SB Radio in your kitchen. How was this possible?
Is it successful? Incidentally my equipment is not listed in my posts
(as yours is) because I can't find out how to do it! Can you help?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-11-14 Thread mphearn

kidstypike wrote: 
> At the top of the page > Forum Actions (dropdown) > Edit Profile > Edit
> Signature.

PasTim wrote: 
> Some of us have a 'signature' which includes the equipment we use.  Go
> to 'Settings', and 'Edit Signature' (on the left)

Thank you! (Simple when you know how!!)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-11-11 Thread mphearn

d6jg wrote: 
> Please post back in a couple of weeks with your views. Pippin - the
> developer - is very helpful if you have issues. See the iPeng support
> thread.

I have now had a few days of using iPeng and yes, I agree, it is a
fantastic piece of software. Your description "it makes everything sing"
is very appropriate and it is now my favourite iPhone app too! Thank you
again for your recommendation.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-11-07 Thread mphearn

utgg wrote: 
> It would be straightforward enough for me, or several people here for
> that matter, to provide a new version of the plugin including all the
> patches here - and hopefully maintain that as the BBC continues to
> change things. Triode has used the GPLv2 license for all his plugins, so
> it is fine to copy and modify the plugin so long as you comply with the
> GPLv2 conditions. Unless Triode reappears, we will need to do this
> before long anyway, since googlecode, where Triode has hosted all of his
> plugins, is due to shut down completely in February next year. Note that
> this also applies to the ever popular Spotify plugin.
> As bpa says, it is politeness to Triode (who may just happen to
> reappear), and just a little uneasiness with complying with those GPLv2
> conditions, that is stopping me. I don't even know where it is best to
> host the plugin, not having done anything like that before. I see there
> are plugins on sourceforge, but I'm a little uneasy with their terms and
> conditions with respect to that GPLv2 licence. Does anyone have any
> advice/experience of these things?

Do you think that, ultimately, a Plugin providing 30 day 'listen again'
could become available?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-11-06 Thread mphearn

d6jg wrote: 
> If you think the Logitech SB app works well on an iPhone do yourself a
> BIG favour and try iPeng. Well worth the few £. It makes everything sing
> and is IMHO the best app on my iPhone by a mile and a lot. It makes the
> Logitech thing look like what it is - old and slow.

Taking you at your word I've now got iPeng! First impressions: seems v
good, will exercise it over the coming weeks. Thank you!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-11-06 Thread mphearn

Man in a van wrote: 
> and how's the luffa?
> [/IMG]

If you mean the shower pump, it's fixed thanks!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-11-06 Thread mphearn

d6jg wrote: 
> After you have put the new file onto the Qnap change the owner & group
> to match the other files in the folder. You can only do this after you
> have it the file onto the  QNAP. Check the owner and group of an
> existing file.

Man in a van wrote: 
> here is an expanded guide...
> (snip)

With the help of your invaluable assistance, I have successfully used
WinSCP to transfer utgg's patch to my QNAP resident LMS
and all is now working fine. Many thanks.

My praise for this forum and its contributors is unlimited! I get
tremendous pleasure from my Squeezeboxes and, in particular, from the
BBC 'listen again' iPlayer. I believe that Squeezebox/LMS is the best
audio system available and, with the help of these expert contributors,
will remain so for the foreseeable future.

By the way, The Apple iPhone, with Logitech Squeezebox Controller app,
works brilliantly and I recommend it highly. I just hope that the Apple
iOS continues to support it. The Android equivalent app no longer works
with the latest Android update!!

Many thanks to Triode, bpa and many others for supporting the cause!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-11-04 Thread mphearn

Man in a van wrote: 
> Malcolm
> here is an expanded guide...
> (snip)
> Ronnie,
> Thank you for the amazingly detailed tutorial which, I'm sure, will
> result in my ultimate success!
> Having read through it before breakfast this morning I decided to start
> on the task immediately after my morning shower.
> Then I discovered that the power shower pump has failed and I am faced
> with an unexpected high priority plumbing problem.
> Regrettably squeezebox maintenance has to be deferred until I have
> restored family washing arrangements.
> Please be assured that your efforts will not be wasted and I will let
> you know the result in due course.
> Thank you again for your expert support.
> Malcolm

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-11-03 Thread mphearn

Man in a van wrote: 
> Malcolm, just a little aside.
> You might want to consider running LMS on a rpi B2 or Odroid C1+ or
> another small form computer.
> You could still use the nas to hold your music files (and leave LMS on
> as a backup if you wish).
> The raspberry could be left to run all day at very little cost and would
> make this sort of maintenance much simpler.
> This would also allow LMS to be updated whenever you wished.
> It's that time of the year to make a list (who's been naughty or
> nice?).
> atb
> Ronnie.

Prior to March this year I was running LMS 24/7 using squeezeplug on a
Raspberry Pi with an attached mini 1TB drive for music files. It worked
OK but was quite slow. The QNAP NAS with built-in LMS was acquired in
March. My intention now is to learn how to apply the necessary patches
to the QNAP LMS files to restore BBC 'listen again'. I am currently at
the beginning of the learning curve on WinSCP.
Thanks again for your help,

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-11-03 Thread mphearn

Man in a van wrote: 
> Oh, OK, which Qnap nas do you have?

I have a QNAP TS-220 equipped wit two WD 2TB drives. Seems to be an
excellent piece of kit!
I'm somewhat confused with the WinSCP setup. Is the host name the NAS
host name? Are the user name and password my NAS user name and

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-11-02 Thread mphearn

Man in a van wrote: 
> mp, you will need to use (windows computer) WnSCP to access the file on
> the nas.
> First start the LMS on the nas and go to the Settings page and click on
> the Information tab.
> You will see the IP address of the LMS install on the Nas (copy and save
> that somewhere).
> Scroll down the page and you will see the Pathway to the Plugins folder,
> also copy and save that.
> Download the Parser file to your Desktop.
> Stop LMS.
> Start WinSCP  fill in the IP address of the LMS and the user and
> password, select SCP in the protocol box IP goes in the Host name box. 
> You will get a Window with two panes, on the left hand pane, navigate to
> Desktop and scroll until you find the Parser file.
> In the right hand pane, navigate to the BBCiPlayer Plugin and open it.
> Rename the listed Parser file by adding "Old" to the front of the file
> name.
> Drag the new Parser file across from the left to the right. You might
> have to click save (I have not used my qnap nas as LMS server for a long
> time, so my memory might be a bit faulty).
> On your way out of the BBCiPlayer plugin, left click the blue arrow at
> the top until you come to the Cache folder, scroll down and delete the
> file cache.db.
> Exit WinSCP and restart LMS.
> if this works, then you can go back and delete the "Old2 parser file or
> just leave it lie.
> This is a bit quick and dirty "how to" but I hope it will help.
> Atb
> Ronnie
> Edit: just realised you will also need the new icons (opml file) so
> recommend that you download and install the patch (using the same method
> as above)
> See the info from utgg here

Thank you for your clear and comprehensive instructions which I intend
to try to follow soon.
Before I do, please may I ask another (niaive?) question. I there a
reason why the plugin originator (utgg) could not add it to the 3rd
party plugins list in LMS Settings? I seem to remember that this is how
I easily applied the the plugins (from Triode and bpa) early this year
when the BBC last made annoying changes.
Thanks again, Malcolm

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-11-02 Thread mphearn

castalla wrote: 
> It's not a plugin!   It's two replacement files for the existing iplayer
> plugin.

Thank you, now I understand!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-11-01 Thread mphearn

My LMS v7.7.2 is located on a QNAP NAS with access via a Windows 7 PC.
Earlier this year I installed plugins for BBC iPlayer v1.3.1(alpha3)
from Triode and BBC iPlayer Extras v1.8 from bpa and, until last week,
BBC iPlayer has worked fine. Now, since the latest BBC changes, live
radio is ok but there is no 'listen again'.
It seems that there is a now a fix from uttg and I have downloaded his
Please can anybody give me guidance on how to install this plugin as it
does not appear in the LMS list of third party plugins?
Thank you in anticipation...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-11-01 Thread mphearn

bpa wrote: 
> Where exactly did you replace the file full direcotry path  ?
> What are the file details of the file now BBCiPlayer
> plugin directory ?
> Did you restart LMS ?
> Are there any errors in the log file ?

Sorry to be to ignorant but I don't know how to access the BBCiPlayer
plugin directory. Presumably it is lurking somewhere in my NAS?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-11-01 Thread mphearn

bpa wrote: 
> Just to clarify as it may help other users who are making similar
> mistakes.  How did you update the file without knowing
> where the plugin was located ?

I didn't update the file, I downloaded the new file it from a link in an
earlier uttg post.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-11-01 Thread mphearn

Man in a van wrote: 
> mp, you will need to use (windows computer) WnSCP to access the file on
> the nas.
> First start the LMS on the nas and go to the Settings page and click on
> the Information tab.
> You will see the IP address of the LMS install on the Nas (copy and save
> that somewhere).
> (snip)
> This is a bit quick and dirty "how to" but I hope it will help.
> Atb
> Ronnie,
> (snip)
> Ronnie, 
> Thank you for your clear and comprehensive instructions which I intend
> to try to follow soon.
> Before I do, please may I ask another (niaive?) question. Is there a
> reason why the plugin originator (utgg) could not add it to the 3rd
> party plugins in LMS Settings? I seem to remember that is how I easily
> added the previous revisions (Triode and bpa) early this year when the
> BBC made changes?
> Thanks again, Malcolm

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiPlayer Plugins - an alternative quick fix guide

2015-05-17 Thread mphearn

PasTim wrote: 
 With the recent changes to the BBC Internet Radio streams, two sets of
 solutions for LMS users have been developed by the amazing people here
 on the LMS forum.  Note that users of the BBC Radio applet (not using
 LMS) on Logitech Radios and Touch devices should instead look at
 The first uses a new plugin called 'PlayHLS' and some related fixes. 
 This set of solutions is described in the thread starting at
 A second set of solutions has been developed by Triode and bpa,
 requiring two updated plugins (including one updated on 31st March
 2015), coming from two new 'repositories'.  Note that the PlayHLS plugin
 is NOT required.  This set of solutions provides one method of playing
 Live streams, and two separate ways of listening to 'On Demand' (Listen
 Again) streams.   I find the two different techniques for searching for
 previous programmes both have their uses, so I use both. There are also
 some differences in the quality provided for Radio 3 On Demand. 
 I hope to keep this first post up to date with corrections and
 improvements where possible, and would prefer that the thread doesn't
 grow too much, otherwise it becomes almost impossible for people to
 follow.  *-I therefore ask that if you have any corrections or
 suggestions (polite or otherwise), please pm me in the first instance
 and I'll try to edit this post.-*
 I have assumed use of the 'Default' interface on the LMS GUI.
 - Go to the Settings, Plugins page on the LMS GUI.
 - Go to 'Additional Repositories' near the bottom.  If this is not
 available, there should be an option to enable third party plugins. 
 Tick this, and press 'Apply' at bottom right.
 - Add the following line to the list of additional repositories:

 - Press 'Apply' at bottom right.
 - Restart LMS.
 - You should now find that either the new BBCiPlayer plugin is now
 already available and installed, or there is a box you can tick near
 the bottom of the plugins list (under Triode's Squeezecenter Plugins
 (Test Versions)) to make it available on the next LMS restart.  If
 the latter, tick it and restart LMS.
 Repeat the instructions in step 1 except use the repository below, and
 ensure that the BBC iPlayer Extras plugin version 1.8 is selected and

 The plugin will either be installed straight away after a restart, or
 you need to tick it against bpa's Squeezecenter Plugins Short.  
 This method of listening to On Demand streams usually provides a
 better quality stream for Radio 3.
 a) Go to Settings, Advanced, BBC iPlayer.  Unless you have a good
 reason not to, the 1st two options should read HLS  MP3  FlashAAC 
 b) Go to Settings, Advanced, File Types.  Under AAC you should have 

   AAC   Native
   FLAC  faad/flac
   MP3   faad/lame  (assuming you have already installed lame for MP3s)
   PCM   faad

 Some have found that there can be a pitch change if your system is
 set up in a way that it uses AAC to PCM, so you could try disabling
 PCM in this list if that happens to  you.
 c) For *Windows Users Only* - you may find some programmes don't play.
 A patched version of faad.exe is available and attached here -
 17798.  Find your old copy, take a backup, and,
 entirely at your own risk, copy this one, making sure the access
 rights for the program are the same as the old one.  It is hoped this
 will become part of the standard LMS release at some point.  In the
 mean time, *if you update LMS you may well lose this fix and have to
 re-apply it*.  So I suggest you either stop updating LMS for now, or
 write a small batch file to run to update faad.exe each time you
 update LMS.
 d) On *ubuntu 13.04 and newer, and possibly other linux distros*,
 running LMS prior to 7.9, you may find that streams do not play on
 older SB devices such as SliMP3, SB1, SB2, SB3, Transporter, Boom,
 Classic and Duet, and some software devices such as squeezeslave and
 Softsqueeze.  This may be due to problems with the faad and flac
 transcoders being unable to run to convert aac to flac.  This problem
 does not occur using devices such as the LMS Touch or squeezelite
 since they can 

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiPlayer Plugins - an alternative quick fix guide

2015-05-17 Thread mphearn

PasTim wrote: 
 The iPlayer Extras plugin should still be providing that, assuming the
 BBC stop mucking around with the index!

So it does!! Sorry to be so unobservant!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiPlayer Plugins - an alternative quick fix guide

2015-05-17 Thread mphearn

Owen Smith wrote: 
 It is generally good practice to trim what you are quoting. Not so
 necessary for short postings in the first place, but quoting the entire
 of the first posting in this thread seems a bit excessive. NB . It is
 possible to go back and edit your posting to shorten it.

I agree, it was excessive! At the time I couldn't figure out how to do
it but I hope the current version is now better!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-02-12 Thread mphearn

W92Neriah wrote: 
 Another multi Squeezebox user seriously upset by another BBC blunder :(
 @Triode: Hoping you can save 'us' from more tech pain. If you want to
 put a 'PayPal donation' link on your profile page I'd happily donate
 towards your costs for updating the BBC iPlayer plugin for LMS - It is
 awesome and I really hope we will get it working again with decent
 quality ACC or equivalent streams.

I totally agree with your sentiments and also would gladly donate to
help Triode create the necessary LMS plugin.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-02-11 Thread mphearn

Owen Smith wrote: 
 Listen Again still seems to be working, even for things broadcast just a
 couple of hours ago. Radio 3 in 320kbps AAC and Radio 2 in 128kbps AAC.
 Given the huge fuss about this I assumed Listen Again was broken also.
 If I want to listen live I have the options of FM, DAB and Freeview all
 using equipment I already own. Does anyone here really not own receivers
 for any of those?
 It's Listen Again that really matters (to me anyway), because unless you
 had the foresight to record something in advance there is no other way
 to listen to it.
 Now I would like listening live to work again. But I really don't see it
 as quite so desperately must be fixed by tomorrow levels of urgency
 others here and on the BBC blog have been stating.

I entirely agree with you, it is 'Listen Again' which really matters to
me and, as I write, it is still working! Let's hope it continues to

Live BBC Radio channels can still be received by using 'Search' at the
Squeezebox top level menu and then saving to Favourites.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-02-11 Thread mphearn

majones wrote: 
 Start counting the minutes until is. And there won't be MP3 options.

Presumably an new BBC iPlayer plugin for LMS to provide all the previous
functionality could be created?  Triode? bpa?? anybody else???

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-02-11 Thread mphearn

majones wrote: 
 It looks like the ingredients are there for a solution, and hopefully
 one of our community can provide the plugin. Fingers crossed. One thing
 that comes through to me in all this is that having LMS at the core of
 the Squeezebox concept, with it's capability to process pretty much
 whatever is thrown at it, was an amazingly forward-looking idea on the
 part of the Slimdevices guys.

Thank you for your perception. All of a sudden I feel optimistic for the
future. My Squeezeboxes have become a part of my life!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-02-10 Thread mphearn

majones wrote: 
 For me iPlayer now fails to find any of the BBC live streams as AAC, and
 lands on the WMA url's with the no longer provides voice message. Any
 news from Triode as to practicalities and timescale of finding the new
 HLS/HDS AAC streams?

I am a regular and frequent listener to BBC Radio iPlayer and strongly
support this request. All my BBC listening is provided by Squeezebox
Radio and Squeezebox Touch with networked LMS 7.7.2 running on Raspberry
Pi 24/7/365. I am frustrated and very unhappy with the current

Please can measures to restore Squeezebox access to live and on demand
iPlayer streams be implemented and published as soon as possible. Many
thanks in advance!!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-02-10 Thread mphearn

cathcam wrote: 
 Which specific streams/stations can't you get?
 It's interesting, I'm sat here in Austin Texas, and I can get BBC R2,
 R4, London, 6 Music no problem. I tried just now. I have a Touch, Radio,
 Boom and two Squeezeplay systems playing (on Windows 7) in my house now.

I am located in Surrey UK. At present BBC R2 and BBC R6 live streams are
playing a closed loop voice error message but the on-demand streams are
working. The situation is changing through the day with streams coming
and going! The error message points to
. It seems that the BBC is currently making changes.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-02-06 Thread mphearn

mkkyah wrote: 
 I can confirm that bbciplayer now plays aac streams instead of wma of
 same shows. This also kind of solved my unsynced wma problem as a
 @Triode, do you think that this unsynced wma problem can occur when
 compiling squeezelite for different platforms?

I currently have LMS v7.7.3 with Triode's BBC iplayer v1.2.14 plugin and
have just started to receive error messages telling me that BBC will no
longer support 'Windows Media' format. What version of bbciplayer do I
need to play aac streams, and where can I find it? Do I (also) need
Triode's BBCiPlayerExtra v1.06? 
Please can you point me to basic instructions for doing this update.
Many thanks.

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