Re: Updates

1999-04-23 Thread Jamie Swedberg

Matt B writes:

The only more painful show I've sat thru in recent memory was the
Blacks, who couldn't mumble their way out of the cloud of inarticulate
hipsterism (and no, I don't know what that means, but it sounds good!).
What people see or hear in this act, I don't get. Oh, wait, they have
women who bare parts of thier bodies. That must be it.

Damn, you find the Blacks more painful than a faux-gospel group? Those must
not be the Blacks I saw twice at SxSW. The ones I saw totally fascinated
me--they really knew how to work a crowd, and made quite interesting music
that has held up to many listens to their CD. And that Gina is some kinda
talent, and I don't just mean at wearing diaphanous shirts.

Just my $.02. I'm as baffled by Matt's opinion as he will surely be by mine.

--Jamie S.


Re: My Bing-a-Ling

1999-04-20 Thread Jamie Swedberg

David Cantwell says, of "High Society":

Well, it's not very good, even by those low standards--though maybe it just
pales, and then some, in comparison to the incredible The Philadelphia
Story, the non-musical film it was based upon.

Ooh, I gotta disagree, partly because I loathe Katherine Hepburn so
completely. I am probably alone in that. But the rest of my reason is that
(a) as you said, the music in "High Society" is great, and (b) no movie
scene has ever caused me to work up as much of a sweat as that poolside
scene between Sinatra and Grace Kelley. O-weee, I had to splash some
water on my face.

--Jamie S.


Re: weird Muzak experiences - IRS

1999-04-15 Thread Jamie Swedberg

President Joe Gracey says:

It's horrible when you are self-employed and you have to write them
checks every quarter OUT OF YOUR OWN BANK ACCOUNT. However, our CPA says
there are worse problems than having to pay taxes- it just means you
made some money this year. I'll buy.

UGH! I'm just starting to do that for the first time, 'cause I started
freelancing heavily beginning in January, 1999. The bright side is, it means
I will feel justified hiring some schmuck to do my taxes next year. g

BTW, I paid $126 to the feds today, and $171 to the state. Can't buy ya
drinks this time.

--Jamie S.

np: Dwight Yoakam, "Yet to Succeed"


Re: Question: Lap Steel by Analogy

1999-04-14 Thread Jamie Swedberg

Mitch Matthews wrote:

 Anyone out there want to take a run at completeing the following

 fill in the blank is to the lap steel
 Mississippi John Hurt is to fingerstyle guitar

Jamie Swedberg form the Blockheaters.

Oh bullsh*t, I am a complete hack at it! But very sweet of you to say so.

--Jamie S.


Re: Cold Mountain

1999-04-14 Thread Jamie Swedberg

I don't know the location, but FWIW, what a great book. It's the kind of
book where you keep reading paragraphs aloud to whomever is in the room with
you, because the writing is so good.

--Jamie S.


Re: Chicago Calendar returns with a vengeance!

1999-04-11 Thread Jamie Swedberg

Linda Ray writes:

5/1:  Postcard Annie's wedding! (Me'n Postcard Annie spent almost 9 hrs
to toe on the chainlink fence in front of the stage at Wavefest '97 in
Charleston.  That's what it takes to get your life events on my calendar. .
on the off chance you were wondering.)

Wow, I'm lighting candles in an event on Linda's calendar! g Some of you
remember Ann Stack from Twangfest I, right? She's on P2 again. And she's
marrying a really nice fella. You can tell I approve of this union, because
I am missing Minneapolis shows by both the Blacks AND Kim Lenz and her
Jaguars in order to attend this event.

--Jamie S.


Re: Today is the 99th day of the 99th year:Tornadoes

1999-04-10 Thread Jamie Swedberg

Hadacol, "Big Tornado".

And being a geologist by (some of my) training, I'd like to point out that
when it comes to natural disasters, "New Madrid" is hard to beat.

--Jamie S.


Job in Minnesota

1999-04-05 Thread Jamie Swedberg

Yeah, so this doesn't sound so appealing after Nancy Apple posted about the
music-reviewing jobs in warmer climes. This is all I got, so hear me out.

Would you like to be the boss of me? My department is looking for an
editorial director, and there's $1000 in it for me if I find the right
person. I'd consider splitting the cash, too, if you help me out.

I work at the Industrial Fabrics Association International (IFAI), which is
a bigass trade association that publishes five attractive, glossy,
content-filled magazines. (F'rinstance, I'm the editor of _IFAI's Marine
Fabricator_ and assistant editor of the _Industrial Fabric Products
Review_.) Unlike many editorial departments, we all work together well and
everyone plays a part in everyone else's mag--we're a very collaborative
group with relatively little bickering and unpleasantness.

We're looking for an editorial director with the following attributes:
*plenty of editorial experience (duh!)
*managerial experience
* an open mind and a good sense of humor
*a fairly accurate idea of what *good* trade magazines are supposed to turn
out like.

You'd be supervising 6 people, and making a heck of a lot more than I do.
And in case nobody's told you, the Twin Cities are great, with lovely lakes,
groovy shopping districts, A GREAT MUSIC SCENE, a high standard of living,
etc. Don't let the snow scare you; we just brag about how cold it is so we
look tough.

Tell your friends. And if anyone's interested, please contact me ASAP at

Jamie S.


Re: BMI insurance

1999-04-04 Thread Jamie Swedberg

I wouldn't mind hearing the answer to this, too--I'm planning to break my
corporate chains within a couple years.  (Don't worry, folks, I probably
won't become a full-time musician. g)

--Jamie S.

-Original Message-
To: passenger side [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sunday, April 04, 1999 8:37 PM
Subject: BMI insurance

Anyone had any experience getting - and, more important,
using - the health insurance plan available to BMI affiliates?

Offlist replies are okay. Thanks,
Tom Smith

Re: Final Red Meat tourdates

1999-03-24 Thread Jamie Swedberg

Owen Bly wrote:

4/9   Keokuk, IA   In-store at the Disc Jockey Record Store  (5 pm)

4/9   Keokuk, IA  Myers Courtyard   (9 pm) w/ Bluezillion

Hmm, between Chicago and St. Louis you visit...*Keokuk*?!? Not Iowa City or
Ames? Not, oh, I dunno, MINNEAPOLIS/ST. PAUL? g

Well, it's all cool news anyway. I am jealous of the more fortunate.

--Jamie S.



1999-03-22 Thread Jamie Swedberg

Hey everyone--

Well, I hate weaseldom as much as the next person (nearly had to kill some
businessy-looking chick who elbowed her way in front of me at a show and, by
way of explanation or excuse, flashed a goddamn BADGE at me). But oh my god,
what a great time. Dan Bentele said it best--if you show up at stuff early,
you'll have little or no trouble getting in to see what you want, and you'll
have a blast. It is WORTH IT, ten times over.

Let me see if I can remember what I did. Difficult, since I left my Master
Schedule in Kari's car...

1. Jim Roll, backed by the Silos. Freaking incredible, great songs.
2. Brief and kinda boring time standing around in the Austin Music hall--saw
a few songs by David Garza (very Lenny Kravitz, imo), Kelly Willis, Bruce
Robison, Monte Warden.
3. Ted Roddy. Wow, extremely cool. And the Broken Spoke is definitely the
scene of scenes. Bill S. wanted to stay for Cornell Hurd, but others in the
party (including myself) were nearly unconscious from tiredness, and we went
back to the Austin Motel for some Z's.

1. Cherilyn's BBQ. Whole lot of fun. Saw a bunch of great bands, including
the Meat Purveyors, the Ex-Husbands, Langford with Kelly Hogan, the
Fencecutters, Jim Roll, the list goes on. Lots of dogs in attendance.
Kickass blackberry cobbler made by Jo Walston.
2. Robbie Fulks at Cheapo Records. What an outstanding performance, and
Robbie played all my requests! Every time I see him, I think he's outdone
himself, but it gets better and better.
3. Kim Richey. As usual, I hate the instrumentation on her songs (get that
damn synthesizer outta here!), but I really think she's a songwriting
genius. And her voice is s good live.
4. Abortive attempt to get in to see Wanda Jackson. Yeah right, "badges
only" by that late in the evening. This turned out to be serendipity,
because instead we saw...
5. The Tigerlilies. Everything Purcell has said is true. They're excellent,
a truly stunning guitar-pop band. They're also some of the nicest guys I've
had the privilege of meeting. I really wish more people had been there to
witness their set.

1. Bloodshot BBQ. Saw Devil In A Woodpile, The Blacks (wow, love 'em!!!),
and my goddess Neko Case.
2. Left BBQ temporarily to see Hillbilly Idol at Cheapo. Definitely the
right decision. I love these guys, and the vibe was terrific.
3. Returned to Bloodshot BBQ just as the Meat Purveyors were striking their
first note. Whew, made it! They ruled. Also pogoed a little to the Waco
Brothers--sheer chaos in the tent.
4. Heard a little of Dale Watson as I shopped in Under the Sun. Bought a
waycool new-old-stock cowboy hat which allowed folks to spot me from afar
for the remainder of SxSW.
5. Hung out at Maggie Mae's the rest of the night and caught Split Lip
Rayfield (who seemed startled, yet really jazzed, to be playing to a
completely PACKED house), the Hicks (UGH! horrible!), Slobberbone (you know
how I adore them) and Pumpskully (insert little heavy metal "horns" here).
6. Had a bigass party outside our motel room, featuring a really fun
late-night bluegrass jam by members of Split Lip Rayfield, Slobberbone and
Hillbilly Idol. Remarkably, nobody in the motel complained. Lots of reckless
behavior, hope the photos come out  well. Got to bed at 6 am. Ouch.

1. Wandered in and out of the Checkered Past BBQ most of the day. Sunshine,
ahhh! Caught *great* sets by Lonesome Bob, the Old Joe Clarks, Hadacol, my
hero Paul Burch, Dave Schramm + friends (damn, what a guitarist he is...a
new fave of mine), and the Silos. Also saw Souled American and the Flatirons
but was not really that impressed with either.
2. Caught a couple of songs by Wayne Hancock before heading to...
3. The Bloodshot showcase! More great music from the Meat Purveyors, the
Blacks, Neko Case, and the Waco Bros. Didn't think much of Trailer Bride
(hmmm, seems like that woman was picking up a new instrument for each tune,
and upon closer examination, they were all tuned open to different keys so
she could just lay bars on them and "music" would play). Missed the Grievous
Angels because a bunch of us went across the street to see the Sadies. I
like both, so it was six of one, half dozen of the other.
4. Fell into coma.

To all of you who I saw there, it was GREAT to hang out with you. A special
hello to Dan Bentele, whom I'd been wanting to meet for some time; to Cherry
Lou and the Meat Pervs for the excellent party; to Smilin' Jim, our
wristband enabler (I owe you a batch of cookies or something, my friend); to
the Hockeysticks, whom I miss terribly since they moved away; and to my
awesome roommates (did everyone see Marie's Most Excellent Cowboy Shirt?).

Love you all, must wrap this up now.
Jamie S.


Re: Guacamole

1999-03-12 Thread Jamie Swedberg

Here's what Deborah Madison has to say on the subject. I nearly always trust
her--to me, there is no higher cookbook goddess. I served this at a party
and people were *very* enthusiastic about it.

1/3 c. finely diced white onion or scallion
1/4 c. chopped cilantro
2 med. tomatoes, seeded and diced
1 or 2 serrano chiles, finely diced
3 large Haas avocados
juice or 1 or 2 limes

Reserve a few tsp. of onions, cilantro and chile as garnish. Grind or chop
the rest of the onion, cilantro and chile with salt, until it's a rough
paste. Peel the avocados and mash them with a fork. Add onion mixture and
tomatoes, and season to taste with lime juice and salt.

--Jamie S.

P.S. Although it's heresy, lemon juice will work, too. The flavor is quite
different, but also good.

P.P.S. Sudden rush of guilt...shouldn't this be on the fluff list? Oh well,
the deed is done now. g


Re: Slobberbone in Newport

1999-03-12 Thread Jamie Swedberg

Dave P:

Sometimes I feel irrelevant or out-of-step singing my generally
serious and heartfelt songs with my band for people who'd rather
hear covers or party music. And then I see Slobberbone play their
asses off last night for a smallish (but very enthusiastic) crowd of
30 or so, wearing their hearts on their sleeves and Brent singing
every word like it's his last, and it makes me proud to at least try.
Fuck irony.

What Dave said. Yeah, "Trust Jesus" is a hell of a song, isn't it? Some of
those lyrics made me burst into spontaneous applause.
--Jamie S.


Re: Tweedy quote/

1999-03-08 Thread Jamie Swedberg

Todd Larson said:

Frankly, I'm shit -sick of hearing that my appreciation for UT, Wilco, etc.
is just some youthful infatuation that I'll get over when I grow up and
realize that was around before 1990.

...and a lot of other very perceptive stuff. Y'know, I'm a little tired of
having to apologize for being a UT fan, too. They're just a band, for
chrissakes, and I happen to think they were a damn good one. What's to
backlash against?

Bravo, Todd.

--Jamie S.


Re: RIP Stanley Kubrick

1999-03-07 Thread Jamie Swedberg

 Uh, Carl, that's Slim Pickens.

Damned flouride.

Uh, Carl, that's "fluoride." See what it's done to you? ggg

--Jamie S., who just noticed that the "more rockabilly than thou" Kim Lenz
will be playing during SxSW. What with missing both her and Neko Case, my
husband is beginning to *seriously* regret not coming along.


Slobberbone/Split Lip

1999-03-06 Thread Jamie Swedberg

Hey, I'll spare you all my usual ramble about how great Slobberbone is, and
how they're my favorite band. Both are true, and we all know it.

I'll get to the point: They played three new songs for us this evening, and
all of them were top-notch. The songwriting is some of the best Brent has
offered up, and that's really saying something. The next album should be
quite a treat. Oh, and Jess Barr played some dynamite banjo, too, which I
didn't even know he could do.

Slobberbone's SxSW show will be one to watch, since they're planning on
playing almost all new material.

Also, this was my first Split Lip Rayfield experience, and damn, do they
have energy and musicianship. If anyone out there is sitting on the fence
trying to decide whether to buy their album, NOW is the time. First of all,
it's cool. Second of all, they're going to need the cash, since their van
pretty much blew up today (yikes!).

Time for bed now!
--Jamie S.


better late than never...

1999-03-04 Thread Jamie Swedberg

Hey, it's been a while since I got back from my Toronto trip, but I just
wanted to give a (very belated) shout out to Marty at the Mohawk Place in
Buffalo. While I was traveling, I drove across the border to Buffalo to see
Gravel Train, and had the time of my life. First of all, Marty runs an
extremely kickass CD store (which I spent a bit of time and money at) about
a mile up the road from the bar. Secondly, he cooked a stunning, fabulous
dinner for both the band and (for some reason) me...we're talking CUISINE
here, folks. And thirdly, Mohawk Place books good bands and treats 'em well.
It only took a quick look around the place--auto'd pics, good vibes,
etc.--to tell that this is a quality establishment. I highly recommend that
all you P2 types consider playing in Buffalo. And more specifically, at this
particular establishment.

--Jamie S.


Re: CMT (vomit content) / Twangburgh Question

1999-03-03 Thread Jamie Swedberg

Miss Stephanie cites:

the lovely state of Ohio and the ever fertile ground for strangeness,
the Akron/Canton area.

For those who know me, this explains a heck of a lot about my childhood. g
Hey, that reminds me, I still haven't listened to that Hillbilly Varmint CD.
Mike Divine himself told me it was unlistenable, so I, um, put it aside.

--Jamie S.


Re: Robbie Fulks and covers

1999-03-01 Thread Jamie Swedberg

Carl Z. says:

I dunno, but Fulks plays the hell out of that song, so I think he really
likes it.  Jamie S. will testify to how well he did it in Pittsburgh
last fall.

Yeah, I'll testify. Here's my deal, Dina--usually I don't like it much when
a band covers a cheesy song. I'm thinking of that awful disco thing that
Cake covered a couple years back, for instance..."I Will Survive", was it?
Anyhow, to me, the difference is, Robbie made "Jet" sound like the best damn
song ever written when he played it. (And that takes some doing. g) I
think it was his sheer enthusiasm.

Next, I want him to cover "Heart of Glass". Hee hee.

I heart Robbie Fulks,
Jamie S.


Re: Announcing New Website: Great Lakes Twang

1999-02-17 Thread Jamie Swedberg

Randi wrote:

Does this geographical definition include Southern Ontario/Toronto? If
so, I'd be happy to throw in some info...

D'oh!  Uh, Mitch, what were we U.S.-o-centric fools thinking?

If you ask me, the answer is YES. And Randi, I'll be in Toronto at the end
of next week on business. Can I make up for this unintentional slight by
buying you an expensive Canadian beer?

--Jamie S., suddenly re-remembering why they call that northern portion of
Minnesota the BOUNDARY waters


Re: Apaches in Saxony

1999-02-16 Thread Jamie Swedberg

Will Miner notes:
Germans dont only swarm to the Four Corners region.  A few years ago I
was in Bodie, CA, probably the best preserved ghost town in California,
owing in large part to its rather remote location (8500 feet elevation,
formerly down 13 miles of hellish washboard road) and its protection by
the state parks department.  Anyway, a ranger there told us that besides
Californians, more Germans visit the town than people from the other 49
states combined.

True, true! Germans must be the best-traveled people in the universe,
because every time I'm somewhere away from home, the place is clogged with
German tourists. When I was doing my graduate research in Costa Rica, the
beach was printed from one end to the other with the telltale tracks of
Birkenstocks. And last week, when I was at a conference in Fort Myers, Fla.,
the hotel was mobbed with Germans.

I suspect they get a lot more vacation time than we do. g

By the way, maybe some musical content might be nice. Lessee, the
Blockheaters lost a drummer yesterday and gained a new one today. (We're
getting good at this. g)

--Jamie S.

np: Paul Burch, "Your Red Wagon"


Re: wristbands

1999-02-11 Thread Jamie Swedberg

If it's time to be worrying about wristbands (is it?), then Kari and I each
need one. Can anyone help? Off-list, pls.

--Jamie S.

-Original Message-
From: Jeff Weiss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: passenger side [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wednesday, February 10, 1999 7:13 PM
Subject: wristbands

Hello Austinites (All you non-austin people can resume your business),

My brother and I need four wristbands. In-laws, you know

Seriously, if there is someone who I can send a check to in advance who can
pick us up the goodies I would be most appreciative.

Re: Hankdogs?

1999-02-11 Thread Jamie Swedberg

Matt Benz says:

Why don't you start one an "alt-country band name generator..."


Hee hee! For a while, I was joke-naming several bands in the genre as
"Whiskeydog Trailerbilly".

--Jamie S.


de-lurking? (was: Re: Chicago Content: Honky Tonk Living Room)

1999-01-21 Thread Jamie Swedberg

Brent Best says:

re: Say Zuzu--
These guys are absolutely great live.  My band has played with them in
various spots at various times all over the country, most recently this
weekend in Little Rock and although my opinion of them might be clouded by
how good of friends they've become, I honestly recomend them.  And yes,
their version of Moonshiner is a super good'un.

My apologies if you've been posting like crazy for months, and I just
haven't noticed. Or perhaps you've been lurking for a while. But it's the
first I've seen of it. Brent, welcome to P2!

Ladies and gentlemen, Brent Best of Slobberbone (whose bass player told me a
while back that there was a new computer in the household...I knew then that
it was only a matter of time until one of them showed up here g).

--Jamie S.