Re: daylite integration

2006-03-20 Thread Bob Moody

I use squirrel mail as a way of not downloading stuff I don't want.   
I look into my 2 email accounts (different isp's) and select all   
then I uncheck the ones I want, then I hit the delete button.  That  
way I get rid of 80% of what is in my inbox on the server without  
ever downloading it.  Since I use a satellite broadband (satellite up  
and down)  internet service (Wildblue, which comes through electric  
cooperatives across the country) and have a monthly usage (download/ 
upload) quota before I get my bandwidth reduced, this keeps me well  
under my limit.  When I'm on the road with the iBook, I simply  
clean the mailbox each day using squirrelmail and safari, and  
download the keepers on my iBook using Apple Mail, which figures  
out which ones it has already downloaded and just brings in the new  
stuff, but is set not to delete from the server.  That way I can  
answer ones I want to deal with right away.  When I return home, I  
download the whole thing and delete from the server. It's just my  
system of keeping up with important stuff and disregarding all the  

On Mar 18, 2006, at 3:54 PM, Neil Young wrote:

 Just out of interest why do you use squirrelmail as well.


 Frankly Daylite is a disappointment.  I tried and tried to get  
 help on
 their palm conduit.  Finally gave up and am using Apple address book
 (which updates from PM) and iCal.  I use Apple Mail as a redundant  
 client download into apple mail first without removing from  
 server and
 then download with PM, removing from server. but first I clean  
 mailbox on the server using Safari and squirrelmail.  Works well.   
 Can cut
 and paste from PM to iCal if needed.  Probably could script this  
 but not
 worth the time.

 Is anyone here using Daylite as PIM? Daylite imports email from  
 associating it automatically with a contact and a project or  
 (DMI), which is very handy for critical emails (used selectively).

 But since Daylite is scriptable, I suppose it should be possible to
 create a script which imports email, received and sent, as notes,  
 as the Daylite Mail Integration works. Any experiences out there?

 An to push things even further, to make it fully compatible with  
 does it seem possible to have the script ask with which project /
 opportunity to associate an email?

 I am not familiar with Applescript, although I have on occasion been
 able to edit recorded scripts. This may be beyond me, but it  
 could be
 worth the effort. Just being able to import is half the job done  


Re: 5.2 Spinning Beachball

2005-06-06 Thread Bob Moody

Richard Hart, thank you for your message.

No problem here.  Did 10.3.9 for a while and then on to 10.4.1 and it
seems to be fine.  I suggest that if you move to tiger that you do an
archive and install.  I didn't and have been cleaning out caches in the
system for a while.  Seems to be ok now. 

Sun, 5 Jun 2005 13:30:13 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Is anyone else experiencing a gradual corruption of 5.2 databases?

Here are the symptoms:

PM 5.2 works fine for 4 or 5 days. Then, every action begins with a
spinning beach ball for a few seconds. Then a spinning beach ball for a
few minutes. Eventually, the beach ball spins forever. The database
becomes unreadable.

I had this identical experience on an iMac, a Dual 2GHz G5, a 733MHz G4,
and a new iBook. The first uses a dial-up connection, the next two a DSL
router, and the fourth a wireless connection. The only common link is
that they are all using OS 10.3.9.

I have reverted them all to PM 5.1, and they are working fine, using a
backup of the 5.1 version of the databases.

However, the 5.2 databases appear to be unrecoverable.

Richard Hart

Bob Moody, fundraising consultant
Owner, Moody Associates
Quality Fundraising Products
Serving schools, sports teams, daycares, church groups, scouts, and
other community groups.  
*1986-2005 19 years of excellence!

*Our mission is to make it easy for you to reach your fundraising
goals...over and over...year after year. *Our main product is your profit!

office: 540-885-3439 or 800-326-9192  (8-4 M-F)
cell: 540-294-9791  toll-free to cell: 866-294-9791
Mail: 936 Frog Pond Road
Staunton VA 24401-8346
fax 540-885-6670 or toll free 877-936-9192

The Four-Way Test of the things we think, say, or do:
First: Is it the TRUTH? 
Second: Is it FAIR to all concerned? 
Third: Will it build GOOD WILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? 
Fourth: Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? 

Re: Display Question for 5.2 users

2005-05-24 Thread Bob Moody

Tim Lapin, thank you for your message.

try trashing the .plist file for PM.  Also rebuild permissions,
reprebind the system, run the cron scripts, and maybe even run
diskwarrior (but get the new version first if you're using tiger.)

Mon, 23 May 2005 12:17:50 -0400 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello all,

As you can see by my sig, I am using PM 5.1.  I am still experiencing an
intermittent problem that I've seen since at least 4.x if not 3.x.

When moving a bunch of messages to the trash, the folder portion of the
main browser window gets overwritten with the names of the moved
messages.  It's only a display problem; when I close and then re-open the
browser window, all is as it should be.  As I've stated, it does not
happen all the time and I can't pin down exactly under what conditions it
does happen:
a)  number of messages moved
b)  total load on my system
c)  type/content of most recent message viewed
d)  phase of the moon
e)  whether I've eaten pizza that night,...

Does anyone else still experience this?  Is it fixed on 5.2?  Is there
something else I can do?

Tim Lapin
G4/AGP/400OS 10.3.9PowerMail 5.1 640 MB RAM 40+40 GB HDs

Bob Moody, fundraising consultant
Owner, Moody Associates
Quality Fundraising Products
Serving schools, sports teams, daycares, church groups, scouts, and
other community groups.  
*1986-2005 19 years of excellence!

*Our mission is to make it easy for you to reach your fundraising
goals...over and over...year after year. *Our main product is your profit!

office: 540-885-3439 or 800-326-9192  (8-4 M-F)
cell: 540-294-9791  toll-free to cell: 866-294-9791
Mail: 936 Frog Pond Road
Staunton VA 24401-8346
fax 540-885-6670 or toll free 877-936-9192

The Four-Way Test of the things we think, say, or do:
First: Is it the TRUTH? 
Second: Is it FAIR to all concerned? 
Third: Will it build GOOD WILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? 
Fourth: Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? 

Re: Persistent memory error, won't go away

2004-12-21 Thread Bob Moody

Check to see if you have any unsent mail.  Starting PM while not
connected to the internet with unsent mail has produced this error for me.  

Also... did you repair permissions, run cron scripts, prebind, etc?
Also... what version of OS?  Journaling on?  Sometimes a fragmented
database can cause problems and Panther defrags when journaling is on. 

936 Frog Pond Road
Staunton VA 24401

The Four-Way Test of the things we think, say, or do:
First: Is it the TRUTH? 
Second: Is it FAIR to all concerned? 
Third: Will it build GOOD WILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? 
Fourth: Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

Replying to message quoted below the signature line which is below this

Tue, 21 Dec 2004 00:30:03 -0500


I'm getting this error every time PM loads:

class = std ; what = -1 ; where = -100

I can't tell what effect it is having, but I am still getting corruption
problems.  I used the First Aid options (checked all of them) and about
18 hours later it had completed and reindexed everything.  Then it gave
me the same memory error as it finished doing the sort/optimization of
the Search Index.  So obviously whatever was wrong before all the First
Aid repairs is still wrong now.

Any suggestions?


Re(2): attachment behaviour

2004-12-09 Thread Bob Moody

I discovered about 4-5 months ago that if you hold down the option key
while moving attachments, you copy them and they stay with the message
too.  This method avoids all the problems of missing attachments and the
tendency of PM to hang when you do a search and click on a message with a
moved attachment in the find results window.  So now I just copy
attachments rather than move them.  I keep a folder on the upper left
hand corner of the desktop as a dropping point for these.  Then I move
them from this folder to their final destination.  I also have a chord
set on my Kensington 4-button trackball for hide others so I can get to
this folder quickly.

936 Frog Pond Road
Staunton VA 24401

The Four-Way Test of the things we think, say, or do:
First: Is it the TRUTH? 
Second: Is it FAIR to all concerned? 
Third: Will it build GOOD WILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? 
Fourth: Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

Replying to message quoted below the signature line which is below this

Wed, 8 Dec 2004 20:39:35 -0500

On 09 12 2004 at 7:54 pm -0500, Max Gossell wrote:

Well, I don't know what I've done -- when I went to the mail with the
attachments to try what you said, Ben, the moved attachments were already
normal again.

Well no, that's exactly what I mean.

Example: say I have a message containing some attachments, selected and
visible in the browser (3-pane view).  I go to the finder and move the
attachments.  I switch back to PM, and all of a sudden the attachments
are greyed out.  I then do something else with PM -- look at a different
message, change folders, whatever -- then go back to the original
message.  Lo and behold, its attachments are black and movable again.


Ben Kennedy, chief magician
zygoat creative technical services
613-228-3392 | 1-866-466-4628

Re: More 16 hour Sort Index rebuilding...

2004-11-26 Thread Bob Moody

1. Switch to 10.3.6 or whatever Panther will run on your machine. 
Panther is faster than Jaguar and more stable, AND it automatically
defrags any file smaller than 20megs. This will speed up anything you do
in PowerMail because the database isn't spread all over the place.  Of
course to make this work you have to leave your system on over night. 
2. Repair Permissions.  Reprebind the system. Repair OSX symbolic links.
 You can do this from the terminal or use a GUI.  I personally like
Panther Cache Cleaner best, but also use Cocktail on occasion.  If I run
Cocktail, it generally makes files forget their owners, so I run PCC to
repair the symbolic links which makes them remember again.
3. Zap your PRAM. 
4. If rebuild is taking a long time, force quit PowerMail and go again. 
This usually speeds things up a whole lot.  If the barberpole isn't
spinning it's a good chance things are jammed up.  I get this even on a
twin 2 G5 and quitting and going again usually makes PM sort things out
5. Get rid of some of your messages.  If your database is too large, it
takes forever.  Do this in bits and pieces.
6. Don't download all the junk.  Use webmail to look into your mailbox
and see what's in there. (There are also some shareware things that do
this... was one on October MacWorld CD...which is why I buy mine off the
newsstand instead of having a subscription) Delete any messages that you
don't want directly from your mailbox and only download into PM the ones
you want to keep.  This is the best spam filter you can have and it's
free.  It also keeps you from deleting so many messages from PM and
having to compact your database.  I get about 200 messages a day, and at
most download maybe 20-30. 

936 Frog Pond Road
Staunton VA 24401

The Four-Way Test of the things we think, say, or do:
First: Is it the TRUTH? 
Second: Is it FAIR to all concerned? 
Third: Will it build GOOD WILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? 
Fourth: Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

Replying to message quoted below

Fri, 26 Nov 2004 08:46:26 -0500


I recently received a number of 13MB emails which had the attachments in
the Body of the email instead of attachments.  After deleting them I
thought it would be wise to Compact my data base.  I used the menu option
for this before going to bed and woke up to find PowerMail rebuilding my
Sort Index.  As with before this will take about 16 hours.  Here are some
more facts:

1.  I'm still using the 5.1 beta (don't ask...) with 10.2.8

2.  I have not crashed since we last emailed

3.  Yesterday I had a problem with message subject lines overwriting each
other as if the messages were jumbled together on top of one another. 
Ironically it only affected the messages in my PowerMaill Discussion
folder :-) This did not appear to cause any functional problems, but to be
on the safe side I deleted them all, quit (empties the trash), and
restarted.  No problems noted after this.

4.  I've quit and restarted PowerMail at least once after this without a

What do you think the problem is?  I am now obviously very disapointed
with this result and now wonder if this will happen to me everytime I try
to Compact.  Any ideas?

Also, could you *PLEASE* do something about the slowness of the rebuilds? 
It really is a serious issue, even if it happens to a customer only once
(this is now my 4th time in as many weeks).



Re: A database error occurred

2004-06-13 Thread Bob Moody

Hold down command (open-apple) and option keys when starting Powermail. 
Check the first 3 boxes. If that doesn't work, do the low level rebuild.

Failing that, open your PM4 backup in PM4, export, and import into a new
database in PM5.

936 Frog Pond Road
Staunton VA 24401

The Four-Way Test of the things we think, say, or do:
First: Is it the TRUTH? 
Second: Is it FAIR to all concerned? 
Third: Will it build GOOD WILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? 
Fourth: Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

Replying to message quoted below

Sat, 12 Jun 2004 16:58:49 -0700

Trying to open powermail 5.0 after installing 10.3 and get 
this error after it tries to rebuild sort indices.

A database error occurred
Class = DB; what = 100; when =9; err=158

Any one have any ideas?

Thanks in advance.


Re: Continuing Support

2004-05-29 Thread Bob Moody

Why not go on ebay and buy a newer mac.  I bought a 450 mhz blue  white
2nd rev. with no drives and no memory for about $400, then spent about
$250=$300 @ otherworld for 2 drives and a gig of memory. Running 10.3.4
on it and pm 5 and it works great.  You can probably get one cheaper now,
as I bought mine 2 years ago. 

936 Frog Pond Road
Staunton VA 24401

The Four-Way Test of the things we think, say, or do:
First: Is it the TRUTH? 
Second: Is it FAIR to all concerned? 
Third: Will it build GOOD WILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? 
Fourth: Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

Replying to message quoted below

Sat, 29 May 2004 11:52:51 -0400

Do I understand correctly that PM 5 will not run under anything earlier
than OS10? If so, will you continue to support PM 4.2.1? I have no
intention to switch to OS10 so long as I have my current computer as I
doubt it is up to the job.

Ed Ver Hoef

Re(2): Which SpamSieve?

2004-04-22 Thread Bob Moody

Spam blockers are unnecessary.
Just use your web browser to log into your pop account using webmail.
Look at what's there and delete everything that you don't want.  (I hit
select all then individually uncheck the ones I want, then hit the
delete button on the page.)

After doing that, log into your mail account with PowerMail and download
what's left.

This leaves spam, viruses, etc. behind and you only get what you want.
It takes an extra 1-2 minutes for me to do this, and I usually have about
90 messages, 4-5 of which I keep.

936 Frog Pond Road
Staunton VA 24401

The Four-Way Test of the things we think, say, or do:
First: Is it the TRUTH?
Second: Is it FAIR to all concerned?
Third: Will it build GOOD WILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS?
Fourth: Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

Replying to message quoted below

Thu, 22 Apr 2004 12:58:51 +0200

david.gordon wrote:

I already had SpamSieve. I think that PM 5 is running the copy supplied.
Can I simply replace the copy in the PM folder with my original copy to
use my own corpus etc.

Your SpamSieve corpus is stored in your Library folder, so there is
nothing to move.
PowerMail 5 requires SpamSieve 2.1.3 or higher; if you have an older
version installed somewhere, make sure that it is not the old one that is
launched when SpamSieve is called by PM.

Jérôme - PowerMail Engineering

   With fairly flexible filters and mail options built-in, PowerMail shows
that a great deal of thought has gone into striking the balance between
a Über-geek tool (i.e. w/full-blown Boleean instructions) and something
a mortal can use (pull down menus).
  PowerMail user comment on

 Download a demo version from

Re(2): Support Question

2003-12-12 Thread Bob Moody

The best spam filter is free (and easy)
Log into your email account in your browser using the ISP's webmail.
(Or you can use Pandamail or Squirrel Mail or just about any of them)
Select All of the messages.
Look down the list.  Uncheck the ones you want to keep.
Hit the Delete Button
Log out of your webmail
Go to Powermail and download the ones that are left.
I do this 4x a day and there are usually about 100 messages in there.
The whole process takes less than 2 minutes and I get exactly the
messages I want.
I have my ISP flag the spam but I dedide personally which ones I keep
and which ones I do not keep.  I haven't met a spam filter yet that gets
it right the way I want it.

936 Frog Pond Road
Staunton VA 24401

The Four-Way Test of the things we think, say, or do:
First: Is it the TRUTH?
Second: Is it FAIR to all concerned?
Third: Will it build GOOD WILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS?
Fourth: Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

Fri, 12 Dec 2003 21:24:49 +0100

Christian Meenaghan wrote:

Please, how do I contact support for PowerMail?  I am a registered owner, I
have posted to the list, as well as sent email directly to you, and still I
have not received any response.   How can I get support?

I replied you directly twice. Maybe you have a spam filter a bit too

Jérôme - PowerMail Engineering

   In this world, you generally get what you pay for. PowerMail is worth
paying for. Download a demo. You might just like it better than your
current email program. That's how I switched to this great program that
really performs.
  PowerMail user comment on

 Download a demo version from

Re: Trashing unwanted attachments

2003-08-31 Thread Bob Moody

I have handled this problem by going into my mailbox on my isp using
webmail.  Most isp's have this available.  I look into the mailbox in
Safari using webmail.  Then I select all  then I unselect just the
messages I want to download.  Then I hit the delete button in webmail. 
Then I sign out of my mailbox and switch to Powermail and download the
remaining contents of the mailbox.  Usually I have about 80 messages in
the box every 4 hours or so.  I end up downloading 3-4 and trashing the
rest.  My isp does have a spam filter and I have it set to flag but not
delete, since it wants to delete my daily info.  The whole
thing takes from 30 seconds to a minute to screen 80 messages.  By
selecting all and then looking through and unchecking the ones you want
you can sift quickly.  The neat thing is that you have NO download time
for the messages you don't want.  If your isp does not offer webmail, is a good one.  

936 Frog Pond Road
Staunton VA 24401

Replying to message quoted at the bottom of this message. (Scroll down
below signature lines.)
Sat, 30 Aug 2003 21:40:00 +0200


I'm trying to find a way to have emails with a specific type of
attachment - in this case the .pif and .src attachments sent with
emails from virus infected PCs - go directly to the trash when I receive

A filter and/or script seems the answer, but I can't work out how to make
one that would recognise a particular type of attachment (as opposed to a
sender's name, an address or some content, etc).

I've been receiving over 100 of these emails a day through work and while
they don't harm my Mac, they are a nuisance. Any ideas welcome :-)

I'm using Powermail 4.1.3 on a G4 running OS X 10.2.6.


Re(2): Evaluating Powermail: 3 Questions

2003-08-09 Thread Bob Moody

Workaround on displaying/headers

I use my web browser (Safari, Mac OSX 10.2.6) to go into webmail on my
ISP and look in my mailbox.  I then select all messages.  Then I
unselect the ones I want to keep and click on delete.  No spam ever gets
downloaded, and I can view the messages from within the server mailbox
and see the headers.  The message is still on the server, not on my
machine, so no attachments get downloaded.  If your ISP doesn't have its
own webmail (mine uses Squirrelmail), Pandamail works well.

936 Frog Pond Road
Staunton VA 24401

Replying to message quoted at the bottom of this message. (Scroll down
below signature lines.)
Fri, 8 Aug 2003 17:12:13 -0400

On 08 8 2003 at 5:02 pm -0400, The Internet Deity HaTMooL wrote:

1) How do you set the priority on a message?

No, because there is no such thing as priority in the mail RFC.  Somebody
else can expound on this however.

2) No matter how I set preferences or use the insertion point, signatures
appear at the END of the e-mail, even if I happen to be typing at the
top, before quoted text. Is there a way to change this?

So you want your signature to appear in the body of the message, with all
quoted text trailing thereafter?  I thought there was a pref for this,
but maybe not.  You may wish to check out the Text Clippings feature,
which will let you throw arbitrary text wherever you want with a mere
click of the mouse.

3) It appears I cannot view a message's full headers without opening it
first. Really scary if you want to check suspicious e-mail before opening
it. Even Netscape, Mozilla and *Gasp!* Outlook let me look at a message's
source without opening it.

Why is this scary?  If by opening it you mean displaying it in the
window, well, I guess that's true, but who cares?  The only way in which
this poses a problem is that the build-in HTML renderer PM uses is so
flaky that it sometimes tends to crash the application.  Hopefully CTM is
busily integrating WebKit into the next release as I type this.

Unlike Microsoft products, PM won't arbitrarily start executing
attachments or javascript code or anything simply by displaying an e-mail


Ben Kennedy, chief magician
zygoat creative technical services
613-228-3392 | 1-866-466-4628

Re(2): attachment encoding

2003-06-13 Thread Bob Moody

Keep in mind that base64 and exe files don't work on a mac.  Better to
use .pdf files and post them to a web server somewhere.

Bob Moody, owner
Moody Associates
Product Fundraising for schools, sports teams, daycares, church groups,
scouts, and other community groups.

Our main product is your profit!

Our mission is to make it easy for you to reach your fundraising
goals...over and over...year after year.

1986-2003 17 years of excellence!
office: 540-885-3439 or 800-326-9192  (8-4 M-F)
cell: 540-294-9791  toll-free to cell: 866-294-9791
text messaging to cell: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mail: 936 Frog Pond Road
Staunton VA 24401-8346
fax 540-885-6670 or toll free 877-936-9192

Replying to message quoted at the bottom of this message.
Fri, 13 Jun 2003 11:40:57 -0400

On 13 6 2003 at 9:44 am -0400, Rick Lecoat wrote:

Well, I'm trying to avoid the recipient having to possess specific
decompression software to open the files, hence the self extracting
archive which, by necessity, is an application of sorts. But you're
right, there's a good chance that their server will bounce it so maybe I
should look at other options. Still, I'm curious to learn why Base64 is
not suitable for .exe files, f anyone knows.

Why not post the file to a web server?  Not only will that be more
efficient on the infrastructure (assuming it's more than a meg or
something in size), but avoid the virus issue.

Anyway, my suspicion is that your .exe does have a resource fork locally.
 Maybe it's a zero-byte fork, or maybe it contains some benign
information related to the app that last used it (e.g. in the manner that
BBEdit stores window positioning, etc. in the rsrc fork of text files).


Ben Kennedy, chief magician
zygoat creative technical services
613-228-3392 | 1-866-466-4628