Re: Re(2): 2 GB limit

2010-11-10 Thread Jefferis Peterson
On 11/10/10 5:29 AM, Paul Schneider wrote:

 Sean McBride ( wrote at Di, 9. Nov 2010, 22:31 Uhr:
 Which email client are you all switching to?
 I'm not sure yet which mailclient to use in the future. At the moment I'm
 testing different ones.
For a blog on all my attempts to switch out and testing various email
programs, it is quite extensive:

I think now that I think back on it, Perhaps the 2 gig limit was preventing
me from transferring my files from Entourage to PM and from PM to any other
program.  I was losing a lot of data.

I was hoping MS 2011's Outlook might save me, but the early reviews are NOT
good.  Adam Engst of Tidibits tried to use it and then bailed out.  If I
were starting fresh, I might choose Postbox as the most easy to use and most
intuitive of the programs. But right now I'm back to Entourage full time.


Jefferis Peterson, Pres.
Web Design and Marketing

Re: bye bye PowerMail

2010-08-31 Thread Jefferis Peterson
On 8/31/10 7:21 AM, MB   wrote:

 Well. I have looked at this problem very carefully. This set of problems
 have been there server after server (including my own), account after
 account, PM version after version and fresh database or not since 2004
 at least. You have no idea what's behind this kind of problem.
 If PM is not to blame, then why would another email application not
 display this problem with the same account and the same data on the same
 server? At least after some time as with PM, the same set problem would
 be likely to reappear.

I have had this problem intermittently with Entourage, so I suspect it is a
server hiccup. 

Jefferis Peterson, Pres.
Web Design and Marketing

Re: Switching to Powermail maybe

2010-08-26 Thread Jefferis Peterson
On 8/25/10 12:14 PM, MB   wrote:

 What do you mean move the mail from the Inbox to a folder on my
 computer? You lost messages when copying already downloaded messages to
 another folder? Or do you mean you copied them via IMAP?
 I do not trust PowerMail with deleting messages via POP. I just let the
 server deal with them.

Connect, incoming messages are filtered and if they meet a filter, they are
sorted and placed in the appropriate folder in PM.

Leaving 2 gigs and a couple of years of messages on my server makes no sense
to me.  My host has a storage limit and I have clients who not only do not
delete their messages but also don't empty their trash. This becomes a
problem for their storage limits and I have to go in and manually delete
their junk so they/I don't get charged more for breaking the storage limit
on my master account.

Jefferis Peterson, Pres.
Web Design and Marketing

Re: Switching to Powermail maybe

2010-08-25 Thread Jefferis Peterson
On 8/25/10 3:30 AM, Rene Merz   wrote:

 Concerning the server settings most of them you can set on deleting
 mails if they are deleted on the mail client (or similar).
 It means: If you delete mails on PM by your own action then this mails
 will be deleted on the server too (during next connection).

My settings are leave copies of retrieved messages on server  to allow my
mobile platform not to delete copies for my home computer,
BUT to delete from server when deleting locally so junk mail and
irrelevant stuff is removed.

What I found was that it was not deleting some mail, but appears to be
deleting some mail I do not want it to when I move the mail from the Inbox
to a folder on my computer.

It was an irregular occurrence, and I could not predict when or why it was
happening.   I have access to logs but I'd have to know which ones to look
at and what to look for. And then to know exactly when it occurred, which is
hard to figure out because I don't know anything is amiss until I fire up an
alternate email program and see a discrepancy.  That is more effort than I
need to find a functioning email program.
On 8/25/10 3:21 AM, MB   wrote:

 However, I'm not sure that the cause of your problems must be related to
 those I had. PowerMail never deleted messages in some kind of regular
 fashion when PowerMail was set to not remove messages from the server at
 any point in my experience.
 Can you get a communication log from when this problem occurs I suppose
 it could be useful finding the cause. /MB

Jefferis Peterson, Pres.
Web Design and Marketing

Re: Switching to Powermail maybe

2010-08-25 Thread Jefferis Peterson
On 8/25/10 11:39 AM, Rene Merz   wrote:

 Once you work with PM, the other time with Entourage?
 Sounds crazy ...
 You cannot work with two different mail programs. Of course you can, but
 problems are preprogrammed.

Come on it isn't that complex.  I have a laptop. On the laptop when I am
away, I check POP  email on my site. I sort the mail as it comes in. I'm
testing PM as a replacement for Entourage.
When I get home, I fire up my desktop and run Entourage. All the email not
manually deleted in PM on the laptop SHOULD remain on the server for
download in Entourage.
What I found is that some of the messages that should have been left on the
server were gone. 


Jefferis Peterson, Pres.
Web Design and Marketing

Re: Switching to Powermail maybe

2010-08-25 Thread Jefferis Peterson
On 8/25/10 5:05 PM, PowerMail discussions   wrote:

 Just for such cases (mobile mailing_and_  home/office mailing with the
 same account) an IMAP4 account should be your method of choice! It's
 much better and safer then a POP3 account.
 To understand the big difference have a look at this:

Well, for mobile apps, that makes sense I guess. But for the home
office, I don't want to store mail on the server and have it set to
delete it after 30 days. Having a local copy and a searchable database
of emails is part of my workflow.  Otherwise with IMAP I have to leave
it disorganized online or I have to duplicate my folder structure on the
server. That is a pain and a duplication of my efforts. Not efficient or


Jefferis Peterson, Pres.
Web Design and Marketing

Re: Switching to Powermail maybe

2010-08-24 Thread Jefferis Peterson
On 8/21/10 9:46 AM, Rene Merz   wrote:

 Well, did you check-it really?
 What works in Entourage may not work the same way in Power Mail.
 The two programs are different ...
Okay, what settings would I check on the server that would prevent PM from
deleting read emails?

Jefferis Peterson, Pres.
Web Design and Marketing

Re(2): Switching to Powermail maybe

2010-08-21 Thread Jefferis Peterson

Jefferis Peterson wrote:

Clicking URL links in emails does not always work. It is a known issue,
but when and why it works and why it doesn't is a mystery.
In PM it works always, as long as the URL is written in an absolutely
correct way (sometimes there are spaces in between which may not be
there or if a long URL contains a manually sedately line break).
But the safest way to write an URL into a mail is to copy and paste it
from the browser address-field and to put-it between  and  (while
pasting-it, PM places the  and  itself):
is much safer (for all mail programs!) then
especially if the URL is a long one and broken by a line break in the mail.

Where I find it not working is mostly in viewing HTML emails that have
graphic links or text links.

You cannot save common search features like saving a display of unread
mail. There is a recent mail, but that does not display unread mail.
(Don't understand this point.)

Entourage has a Saved Search feature at the bottom of the folders column
and in it are default views like unread mail (or Flagged, received
today,  or any personal search terms you save ) which, when you click
them, show a view similar to the In Tray, but with all unread mail, not
just recent mail.

You cannot create an HTML email.
Thanks God! HTML mails are for me the most unwanted mail configuration.
(But if you have to create-it, you'll find tools outside PM.)

Well, sometimes my work requires it, and sometimes I just want to send a
comic dragged and dropped.

Although I have Powermail set to delete emails from the server that I
have deleted from PM, it fails to delete them on next connection.
Sometimes it retrieves emails and then removes them from the server
instead of leaving them on the server as instructed. This is important
for me when I travel and need to have copies left on the server to be
downloaded when I get home.
Maybe you have to change also your configuration on your mail server.
Login there and check the settings.

Doesn't seem to have anything to do with my server settings. This works
perfectly for me in Entourage.

Jefferis Kent Peterson
Flash, Web Design and Marketing
111 S. Magnolia Dr.
Butler, PA 16001

Re(2): Switching to Powermail maybe

2010-08-21 Thread Jefferis Peterson

If you create an email to a group and then save it as a draft instead of
sending it, the next time you open the email the group is expanded.
I've always thought of this as a bug, but it sounds like you might think
of it as a featture!

Good to know. Thank you!

Jefferis Kent Peterson
Flash, Web Design and Marketing
111 S. Magnolia Dr.
Butler, PA 16001

Re(2): Switching to Powermail maybe

2010-08-21 Thread Jefferis Peterson

Clicking URL links in emails does not always work. It is a known issue,
but when and why it works and why it doesn't is a mystery.

I find that double-clicking works reliably (except for when it doesn't)


Yeah, usually double clicking works, but not always and usually it is in
html mail. PM says that this has something to do with an incomplete
webkit release from apple...

Jefferis Kent Peterson
Flash, Web Design and Marketing
111 S. Magnolia Dr.
Butler, PA 16001

Switching to Powermail maybe

2010-08-20 Thread Jefferis Peterson
I created a blog about my desire to switch from Entourage to another
program. Powermail has been my
most earnest attempt to replace Entourage, but I've run into a few
problems. Hoping you all can help with solutions.

I'm now on day 5 of my switch to Powermail from Entourage. I did not
find my gold mine or oasis yet. Fortunately, I have had Powermail for a
LONG time and I had some filters set up, which I had to modify to match
the new folders layout.  But I have run into a few problems and

In Entourage, I can send messages to Groups and then Expand the Group
and remove people from the outgoing mail individually. I have about 20
people with whom I share jokes, but I don't send them back to the ones
who have already received them or the one who sent it to me. I sent
using BCC. But there is no way to edit and outgoing group in PM without
editing the group's members in Address Book.
Some of my filters are not catching members of groups and I'm not sure
why. I sort incoming mail by group membership. Either that, or it is not
catching incoming mail by labels.
If Address Book is used as the default AB in Powermail, you cannot label
an address.
Clicking URL links in emails does not always work. It is a known issue,
but when and why it works and why it doesn't is a mystery.
You cannot save common search features like saving a display of unread
mail. There is a recent mail, but that does not display unread mail.
You cannot create an HTML email.
Although I have Powermail set to delete emails from the server that I
have deleted from PM, it fails to delete them on next connection.
Sometimes it retrieves emails and then removes them from the server
instead of leaving them on the server as instructed. This is important
for me when I travel and need to have copies left on the server to be
downloaded when I get home.
I'm still struggling to like this setup, but I'd say so far, it is just
an okay solution. I miss some of the functionality of Entourage.

Jefferis Kent Peterson
Flash, Web Design and Marketing
111 S. Magnolia Dr.
Butler, PA 16001

Re: typing speed (was: Importing from Entourage 2004?)

2008-06-15 Thread Jefferis Peterson
On 6/15/08 7:06 AM, MB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 However, there is a very noticeable delay when typing in a new email while
 PM is downloading new email
 Actually, I thought that bug was gone. I haven't noticed it lately, but
 it's possible I just have gotten used to it.

   Machine Name:Power Mac G5
  Machine Model:PowerMac7,3
  CPU Type:PowerPC G5  (3.0)
  Number Of CPUs:2
  CPU Speed:2.5 GHz
  L2 Cache (per CPU):512 KB
  Memory:5.5 GB
  Bus Speed:1.25 GHz
  Boot ROM Version:5.1.8f8
ATI Radeon 9600 XT:
Chipset Model:ATY,RV360
  VRAM (Total):128 MB
Revision ID:0x
  ROM Revision:113-A13602-121

System Software Overview:

  System Version:Mac OS X 10.5.3 (9D34)
  Kernel Version:Darwin 9.3.0

Jefferis Peterson, Pres.
Web Design and Marketing

Re: Importing from Entourage 2004?

2008-06-12 Thread Jefferis Peterson
Any suggestions?   No reply means no solutions?
 what are the best replacements for Entourage's NewsGroup reader?  I like
 being able to have newsgroup access inside my mail program.  But PM doesn't
 offer that...
 I tried using the  Emailchemy converter program recommended on CTV for my
 Entourage Database rge and for other files, but the demo wasn't able to make
 the conversion.  I tried exporting to .eml but PM won't import them into
 folders as they are now. I can drag and drop every box I have, but I found
 that sub folder .mbox don't import with the parent folder. So it is a bit of
 a hassle.
 And I guess there is no way to export and import mail rules from Entourage?
 that would save a lot of time.

Jefferis Peterson, Pres.
Web Design and Marketing

Importing from Entourage 2004?

2008-06-10 Thread Jefferis Peterson
Hi folks,

 With Entourage 2004 crashing with increasing frequency, I'm
considering switching back to Powermail as my main email app.

I have a few questions:

what are the best replacements for Entourage's NewsGroup reader?  I like
being able to have newsgroup access inside my mail program.  But PM doesn't
offer that...

I tried using the  Emailchemy converter program recommended on CTV for my
Entourage Database rge and for other files, but the demo wasn't able to make
the conversion.  I tried exporting to .eml but PM won't import them into
folders as they are now. I can drag and drop every box I have, but I found
that sub folder .mbox don't import with the parent folder. So it is a bit of
a hassle.

And I guess there is no way to export and import mail rules from Entourage?
that would save a lot of time.

Finally, I think that typing on PM, it seems just a hair slower than on
Entourage... may be an illusion, but I think I see a difference...

Thanks Jeff

Jefferis Peterson, Pres.
Web Design and Marketing

Re: typing speed (was: Importing from Entourage 2004?)

2008-06-10 Thread Jefferis Peterson
On 6/10/08 1:52 PM, Ken Pope [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I think you're right: some may have to do with illusion, some with
 expectations, and some with the configuration of the computer.

It just may seem so.  I notice that the characters 'take' just as fast, but
that they appear to delay in drawing just a hair's breadth.

However, there is a very noticeable delay when typing in a new email while
PM is downloading new email. That doesn't happen in Entourage...

Jefferis Peterson, Pres.
Web Design and Marketing

Re(2): PM quits on download

2004-09-15 Thread Jefferis Peterson


Hi Cap,

Any other things I should be doing? Right now I'm getting my mail via, and that really makes me miss PM.

I am noticing a crash if I try to quit while connected to an IMAP
connection. Even trying to disconnect and quit is problematic.

Jefferis Kent Peterson
Flash, Web Design and Marketing 

can't delete IMAP emails

2004-09-14 Thread Jefferis Peterson

I get logged into an IMAP folder and select all the spams and try to
delete them but no matter what I do, the emails don't delete. They grey
out but stay on the server. This is an IMAP only account for spam trapping.
What do I do ? 

Jefferis Kent Peterson
Flash, Web Design and Marketing 

Re(2): Recent mail pref?

2004-09-13 Thread Jefferis Peterson


prefs - notification - deselect 'bring to front'

Thanks.  Missed that item  on first glance.

Jefferis Kent Peterson
Flash, Web Design and Marketing 

Recent mail pref?

2004-09-13 Thread Jefferis Peterson

How do you stop Recent mail folder from jumping to the front when new
mail arrives? I am often typing in another email when it pops front and I
lose my place.
Jefferis Kent Peterson
Flash, Web Design and Marketing 


2004-09-09 Thread Jefferis Peterson

Hi, hopefully 3rd time asking is the charm... :-) 

Is there a way, or a FAQ instruction, on logging in to a Hotmail account
with Powermail?  Entourage sets it up for you automatically, so the info
is hidden...


Jefferis Kent Peterson
Flash, Web Design and Marketing 

File Busy errors!

2004-09-09 Thread Jefferis Peterson

Getting a lot of these when I click on the html button to view in a web page:

File is Busy Error
Class=file, what =100, where = 4, err = -47

This is a bit annoying. What is the cause of this and what is the fix? 


Jefferis Kent Peterson
Flash, Web Design and Marketing 

Re(2): 2 questions

2004-09-08 Thread Jefferis Peterson


Sounds like permission problem to me.  Have you run fix permission
lately?  Or possible corruption.  You can
try removing this file from the pref directory to let OSX create a new
one, then start over.

Even though you save html under IE to desktop, the icon will change to

I ran disk permissions this morning. Well, it worked, but instead of
getting info from or through the icon in PM, I had to drag the file to
the desktop and then do the change all procedure... 

go figure... :-) 
Jefferis Kent Peterson
Flash, Web Design and Marketing 

Re(2): 2 questions

2004-09-08 Thread Jefferis Peterson


Get Info on any document that opens in IE automatically.
In Open with: select Safari.
Under Open with: you will see this button:
  Use this appliation to open all
   documents like this.
   Change All...
Click this, and it will change all IE documents on your drive.

Somebody here posted an item about a SpamCop script, but I can't find the

I tried that exact procedure, but it keeps making the IE 5 as the default
selection on change all. I select Safari and it won't work. I am in OSX
Panther. If I do a change all, it changes the item back to IE! 
Jefferis Kent Peterson
Flash, Web Design and Marketing 

Re(2): labels on folders?

2004-09-08 Thread Jefferis Peterson


Can you set label colors on mail folders? 


(as an obvious attempt would prove)


Ah... Thanks all, I was looking for a contextual menu method. Most of
that kind of stuff is handled with control click in Entourage and I have
an M$ hangover :-) 

So, can we connect to a hotmail account with Powermail? Or is that
something M$ has blocked ? 

Jefferis Kent Peterson
Flash, Web Design and Marketing 

labels on folders?

2004-09-08 Thread Jefferis Peterson

Can you set label colors on mail folders? 

Jefferis Kent Peterson
Flash, Web Design and Marketing 

Re(2): 2 questions

2004-09-08 Thread Jefferis Peterson


2) in the 'Open With' section, select Safari

3) also click on 'Change All' to open future html attachments with Safari


Won't work. It will change the one item but will not allow a change all. 

Jefferis Kent Peterson
Flash, Web Design and Marketing 

Re(2): 2 questions

2004-09-08 Thread Jefferis Peterson


Because the resource folk of the file has IE embedded.
Micro$haft conspiracy.

A contextual menu item would then be helpful: open with Safari  or
something like that... 
Jefferis Kent Peterson
Flash, Web Design and Marketing 

2 questions

2004-09-08 Thread Jefferis Peterson

Hi folks, I switched back to Powermail and upgraded to 5 after a
catastrophic and unrecoverable failure of Entourage X database  - at
least for a while...  It is hard to give up the addiction of integration
of data and all the filters I worked so hard to create :-(

Anyway, I have 2 questions: 
1. How do you open an html page that comes as an attachment, that has an
IE icon in the lower pane, in SAFARI, the default browser, aside from
drag and drop on Safari?  If you double click on it, it opens IE rather
than your default browser.
2. How do you access a hotmail account? Can't seem to set up IMAP for it...

Only problem I've noticed so far was viewing one message as html and then
trying to open another in html and got a file busy message. 

BTW, is there a SpamCop script for submitting from PM? 
Jefferis Kent Peterson
Flash, Web Design and Marketing 

connect to hotmail?

2003-09-06 Thread Jefferis Peterson

What are the server settings for setting up hotmail in PM, and is it
possible?  Entourage does it automatically but hides the info. 

Jefferis Kent Peterson
Flash, Web Design and Marketing 
ICQ 19112253
Happy is the person who finds wisdom, and the one who gets
understanding, for the gain from it is better than gain from silver and
its profit better than gold.  - Proverbs 3:13,14.

Re(2): Other programs don't crash at startup like PM does

2003-08-27 Thread Jefferis Peterson


Jefferis, All this info and not one iota of what version of PM. hello? 
Well, it is beta 4.26 but the same crashes happen in 4.1x 

Jefferis Kent Peterson
Flash, Web Design and Marketing 
ICQ 19112253
Happy is the person who finds wisdom, and the one who gets
understanding, for the gain from it is better than gain from silver and
its profit better than gold.  - Proverbs 3:13,14.

Other programs don't crash at startup like PM does

2003-08-26 Thread Jefferis Peterson

2003-08-26 08:07:10.299 PowerMail[430] An uncaught exception was raised
2003-08-26 08:07:10.319 PowerMail[430] connection timeout: did not
receive reply
2003-08-26 08:07:10.321 PowerMail[430] *** Uncaught exception:
NSPortTimeoutException connection timeout: did not receive reply
Aug 26 08:07:19 G4 crashdump: Crash report written to: /Users/ Library/

Date/Time:  2003-08-26 08:07:19 -0400
OS Version: 10.2.6 (Build 6L60)
Host:   G4


Exception:  EXC_BREAKPOINT (0x0006)

Thread 0 Crashed:
 #0   0x97e5497c in _NSRaiseError
 #1   0x97dfda08 in -[NSConnection sendInvocation:]
 #2   0x97e00c9c in -[NSObject(NSForwardInvocation) forward::]
 #3   0x9068c130 in _objc_msgForward
 #4   0x931a247c in _NSLookupPBServer
 #5   0x931a20dc in +[NSApplication(NSServicesMenuPrivate)
 #6   0x93129250 in -[NSApplication(NSServicesMenuPrivate)
 #7   0x931a6fdc in -[NSSpellChecker init]
 #8   0x931a6e90 in +[NSSpellChecker sharedSpellChecker]
 #9   0x01d7e458 in SetIgnoredWords
 #10  0x0060f0dc in SetIgnoredWords__11CSpellCheckFPC9__CFArrayi
 #11  0x0060fd10 in Load__21CSpellCheckIgnoreListFv
 #12  0x0060f66c in _ct__21CSpellCheckIgnoreListFRC5FSRef
 #13  0x002e5308 in FinishCreateSelf__7CPMTextFv
 #14  0x00576d00 in FinishCreate__5LViewFv
 #15  0x00576c90 in FinishCreate__5LViewFv
 #16  0x00576c90 in FinishCreate__5LViewFv
 #17  0x00576c90 in FinishCreate__5LViewFv
 #18  0x00239d00 in 0x239d00
 #19  0x00234214 in CreateMessageView__12CMailBrowserFv
 #20  0x00234350 in SizerGetPane__12CMailBrowserFUl
 #21  0x0051bb44 in 0x51bb44
 #22  0x0051b2f0 in InstallPanes__10L
 #23  0x00232c78 in 0x232c78
 #24  0x00224a7c in OpenMailBrowser__
 #25  0x002262a0 in LoadWindows__11CWindowListFP9CMASMsgDB
 #26  0x0020178c in 0x20178c
 #27  0x002004ac in SwitchUserFiles__6CPMAppFP6FSSpec
 #28  0x001fd990 in StartUpPM__6CPMAppFP6FSSpec
 #29  0x001fcddc in StartUp__6CPMAppFv
 #30  0x00561b2c in HandleAppleEvent_
 #31  0x00564d3c in HandleAppleEvent_
 #32  0x0020af54 in HandleAppleEvent__6CPMAppFRC6AEDescR6AEDescR6AEDescl
 #33  0x00587a40 in HandleAppleEventA
 #34  0x00583464 in HandleAppleEvent__14LModelDirectorFRC6AEDescR6AEDescl
 #35  0x00584a74 in AppleEventHandler__14LModelDirectorFPC6AEDescP6AEDescl
 #36  0x91b56570 in _Z20aeDispatchAppleEventPK6AEDescPS_mPh
 #37  0x91b590cc in _Z25dispatchEventAndSendReplyPK6AEDescPS_
 #38  0x91b56478 in aeProcessAppleEvent
 #39  0x96a83778 in AEProcessAppleEvent
 #40  0x0020b120 in EventHighLevel__6CPMAppFRC11EventRecord
 #41  0x00567ebc in DispatchEvent__16LEventDispatcherFRC11EventRecord
 #42  0x005da378 in ProcessNextEvent__10LTSMDocAppFv
 #43  0x0020aaf8 in ProcessNextEvent__6CPMAppFv
 #44  0x005612cc in Run__12LApplicationFv
 #45  0x001f83b8 in main

Thread 1:
 #0   0x90073c08 in mach_msg_trap
 #1   0x90005ed0 in mach_msg
 #2   0xc0009528 in __ape_internal
 #3   0xc0001368 in __ape_agent
 #4   0x90020c88 in _pthread_body

Thread 2:
 #0   0x90073c08 in mach_msg_trap
 #1   0x90005ed0 in mach_msg
 #2   0x901489f0 in __CFRunLoopRun
 #3   0x90180f58 in CFRunLoopRunSpecific
 #4   0x94d9c1c0 in _ZN10HALRunLoop9OwnThreadEPv
 #5   0x94d911b0 in _ZN9CAPThread5EntryEPS_
 #6   0x90020c88 in _pthread_body

Thread 3:
 #0   0x90034788 in semaphore_wait_trap
 #1   0x900346c4 in pthread_join
 #2   0x01f69214 in 0x1f69214

Thread 4:
 #0   0x9003ea08 in semaphore_wait_signal_trap
 #1   0x9003e824 in _pthread_cond_wait
 #2   0x9029f79c in MPRemoteCall
 #3   0x01f6929c in 0x1f6929c

Thread 5:
 #0   0x90073c08 in mach_msg_trap
 #1   0x90005ed0 in mach_msg
 #2   0x90229cf8 in SwitchContexts
 #3   0x902245a0 in YieldToThread
 #4   0x90242700 in SetThreadState
 #5   0x9026cf08 in SetThreadStateEndCritical
 #6   0x0055fe94 in SemWait__7LThreadFP10LSemaphorelR4QHdrRUc
 #7   0x005d5cb4 in BlockThread__10LSemaphoreFl
 #8   0x005d5b60 in Wait__10LSemaphoreFl
 #9   0x0055e6bc in Run__Q27LThread7CleanupFv
 #10  0x00560674 in DoEntry__7LThreadFPv
 #11  0x9023b180 in CooperativeThread
 #12  0x90020c88 in _pthread_body

Thread 6:
 #0   0x9000508c in syscall
 #1   0x90515d0c in BSD_waitevent
 #2   0x905156dc in CarbonSelectThreadFunc
 #3   0x90020c88 in _pthread_body

Thread 7:
 #0   0x9003ea08 in semaphore_wait_signal_trap
 #1   0x9003e824 in _pthread_cond_wait
 #2   0x9051dbf0 in CarbonOperationThreadFunc
 #3   0x90020c88 in _pthread_body

Thread 8:
 #0   0x9003ea08 in semaphore_wait_signal_trap
 #1   0x9003e824 in _pthread_cond_wait
 #2   0x9053c600 in CarbonATOperThreadFunc
 #3   0x90020c88 in _pthread_body

PPC Thread State:
  srr0: 0x97e5497c srr1: 0x0202f030vrsave: 0x
   xer: 0x   lr: 0x97e54958  ctr: 

Addressbook search?

2003-08-25 Thread Jefferis Peterson

Is there a search option for the address book like there is for the mail?
 I miss Entourage's ability to find names based upon variable criteria.


Jefferis Kent Peterson
Flash, Web Design and Marketing 
ICQ 19112253
Happy is the person who finds wisdom, and the one who gets
understanding, for the gain from it is better than gain from silver and
its profit better than gold.  - Proverbs 3:13,14.

Mail on the server problem

2003-07-13 Thread Jefferis Peterson

 I started using PM because of problems with Entourage getting some kind of
window redrawing error and freezing up.  But I ran into 2 concerns with PM -
recurring low level errors on some emails and mail being skipped on the

I found that when I fired up Entourage again to get control of my address
book database and update apple address book,  it went online and found some
email that PM had missed on the server. I have PM and Entourage not to erase
emails from the server unless erased from the mail programs, and not to
delete read mail for 2 days, so that isn't the problem, or shouldn't be.

Anyone else seen this behavior?


Jefferis Peterson, Pres.
Web Design and Marketing

Re(3): Powermail low level error UPDATE

2003-07-03 Thread Jefferis Peterson


that page in it. It you click to
another page and then close the window you are stuck... the only thing
you can do is quit must do a BACK  PAGE to the original
window and close it.

A real pain in..

I was testing it after Jerome's post, but I don't see any relation to the
web browser option and the errors so far. 
Jefferis Kent Peterson
Flash, Web Design and Marketing 
ICQ 19112253
Happy is the person who finds wisdom, and the one who gets
understanding, for the gain from it is better than gain from silver and
its profit better than gold.  - Proverbs 3:13,14.

Re(2): Powermail low level error UPDATE

2003-07-03 Thread Jefferis Peterson


No, I was wrong. I just did a low level rebuild and the error is still
there when clicking on view in web browser on ANY message that has html.

When you click view in web browser, PowerMail saves the HTML message in
a file called PowerMail HTML message.html in your attachment folder. It
seems that this file is not closed, and thus it can't be overritten by
the next HTML message you view. Which web browser are you using? Have you
a previous web message opened in the browser when this occurs? Does
quiiting your web browser solves the problem?

I am using Safari 1.0.  I'm not sure if I had another html message open,
but I don't think I did. I will check these other factors if it recurs. 

This last occurrence may have been a system wide Quartz problem.  I have
been having trouble with MS Word searching for fonts on open and
apparently, although I  quit Word, there was something going on that
required a force quit. 
Jefferis Kent Peterson
Flash, Web Design and Marketing 
ICQ 19112253
Happy is the person who finds wisdom, and the one who gets
understanding, for the gain from it is better than gain from silver and
its profit better than gold.  - Proverbs 3:13,14.

Powermail low level error UPDATE

2003-07-02 Thread Jefferis Peterson

No, I was wrong. I just did a low level rebuild and the error is still
there when clicking on view in web browser on ANY message that has html.

Even after PM database rebuilds, I'm getting this error far too often for
my comfort:

File error 100 0 in 4 (Deleting file). 
Low level error -47

I am wondering about the stability of the PM database in general... 
Usually happens when trying to delete files [OSX 10.2.6 PM 4.x current
version, G4 500, plenty of ram]
Any comments?

Jefferis Kent Peterson
Flash, Web Design and Marketing 
ICQ 19112253
Happy is the person who finds wisdom, and the one who gets
understanding, for the gain from it is better than gain from silver and
its profit better than gold.  - Proverbs 3:13,14.

Powermail low level error

2003-07-02 Thread Jefferis Peterson

Even after PM database rebuilds, I'm getting this error far too often for
my comfort:

File error 100 0 in 4 (Deleting file). 
Low level error -47

I am wondering about the stability of the PM database in general... 
Usually happens when trying to delete files [OSX 10.2.6 PM 4.x current
version, G4 500, plenty of ram]
Any comments?

Jefferis Kent Peterson
Flash, Web Design and Marketing 
ICQ 19112253
Happy is the person who finds wisdom, and the one who gets
understanding, for the gain from it is better than gain from silver and
its profit better than gold.  - Proverbs 3:13,14.

Re: off topic but...

2003-06-24 Thread Jefferis Peterson

On 6/24/03 9:15 AM, Rick Lecoat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I *do* continuously use large photoshop files -- I can't wait to get one
 of these beasts; I'm not sure I can restrain myself to give them 6 months
 breaking-in/shakedown time.
 Okay, enough. I was a bit cheeky to start this as a thread on the PM
 list, but hey, it's the big news for all mac users.
 Saving money hard...

I, for one, will be interested in the reports of actual users.


Jefferis Peterson, Pres.
Web Design and Marketing

Re: off topic but...

2003-06-24 Thread Jefferis Peterson

On 6/24/03 6:17 AM, Rick Lecoat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 For all the graphic/audio/video professionals on this list...
 How about those G5s then?
 (I know, I know

Just an simple observation. I moved from a G3 266 to a G4 500 and noticed a
bump in improvement but nothing outrageous. I wouldn't even consider a G4
1400 upgrade unless I was heavy into video work and 3D rendering or
continuously using large files in Pshop. I am content to wait till the next
real screaming speed increase before upgrading.

Jefferis Peterson, Pres.
Web Design and Marketing

Re: Sigh... So much for powermail

2003-06-15 Thread Jefferis Peterson

On 6/15/03 11:39 AM, George Van Wagner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Have you tried running the fix permissions routine from Apples' Disk
 Utility? It would seem that, if you have permission problems, this should
 be the first logical step.

Did it, didn't help.

Jefferis Peterson, Pres.
Web Design and Marketing

Re: Sigh... So much for powermail

2003-06-15 Thread Jefferis Peterson

On 6/15/03 9:38 AM, Jefferis Peterson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I tried to set up a new ID by restoring the ~/Library/powermail prefs BUT
 removing the User prefs from my ~/Documents/PM 3 folder [my current
 database] and tried to import  the mail and address databases into it, but
 it says a file is locked or I don't have permission to open it. I checked
 all permissions with Batchmod and all are owner Read/Write/Execute and no
 file is locked, but still can't import the files.

Let me rephrase this to make it understandable.
I restored my PM preferences in my user library, I then  removed my user
preferences inside my PM database folder, which allowed me to open PM again,
but all my data is not accessible. I tried to import my old data but the
error says that the files are locked or I don't have permission to open
them. So... Unless I can undo the midstream IMAP crash that locked the
mailboxes, I have lost all my files. I even dumped the IMAP indexes, but
that didn't help.


Jefferis Peterson, Pres.
Web Design and Marketing

Re: Sigh... So much for powermail

2003-06-15 Thread Jefferis Peterson

On 6/15/03 8:21 AM, Jefferis Peterson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I was trying to select PM 4.1.3 for my default mail and to startup on login,
 but I was getting repeatable crashes.  Now I have a terrible problem.
 I went online to an IMAP box for my spam mail box [ storing spam for a
 Baysean filter]. There are several hundred messages there, and PM failed in
 midstream with a UID Fetch Error. I had to force quit the program.  I tried
 to restart with factory default prefs in the dialog, but Now whenever I
 restart PM it fails to open with this error:
 An error occurred while opening user's files
 File permission error.  It was working before the force quit.
 How do I restore this if possible to working order?
 Later I tried to remove preferences.
 If I remove prefs from the User folder, everything disappears: messages,
 addressbook, folders, etc.

I tried to set up a new ID by restoring the ~/Library/powermail prefs BUT
removing the User prefs from my ~/Documents/PM 3 folder [my current
database] and tried to import  the mail and address databases into it, but
it says a file is locked or I don't have permission to open it. I checked
all permissions with Batchmod and all are owner Read/Write/Execute and no
file is locked, but still can't import the files.

Also, what happened, I remember is I force quit the Finder Windows manager
not PM and I tried running Restore Disk Permissions, but that didn't help.

Now I have a dead database :-(, lost rules and accounts.

Jefferis Peterson, Pres.
Web Design and Marketing

Sigh... So much for powermail

2003-06-15 Thread Jefferis Peterson

I was trying to select PM 4.1.3 for my default mail and to startup on login,
but I was getting repeatable crashes.  Now I have a terrible problem.

I went online to an IMAP box for my spam mail box [ storing spam for a
Baysean filter]. There are several hundred messages there, and PM failed in
midstream with a UID Fetch Error. I had to force quit the program.  I tried
to restart with factory default prefs in the dialog, but Now whenever I
restart PM it fails to open with this error:
An error occurred while opening user's files
File permission error.  It was working before the force quit.
How do I restore this if possible to working order?

Later I tried to remove preferences.
If I remove prefs from the User folder, everything disappears: messages,
addressbook, folders, etc.


Crashes on startup from login

2003-06-15 Thread Jefferis Peterson
 in MPRemoteCall
 #3   0x0215d29c in 0x215d29c

Thread 9:
 #0   0x90073c28 in mach_msg_trap
 #1   0x90005f70 in mach_msg
 #2   0x90229cf8 in SwitchContexts
 #3   0x902245a0 in YieldToThread
 #4   0x90242700 in SetThreadState
 #5   0x9026cf08 in SetThreadStateEndCritical
 #6   0x005507b8 in Suspend__7LThreadFv
 #7   0x003dddf8 in SuspendPPThread__10CThreadImpFP9CPPThread
 #8   0x003dd244 in Wait__13CConditionImpFP6CMutex
 #9   0x003dcfd8 in Wait__13CConditionImpFR6CMutex
 #10  0x003be06c in Wait__10CConditionFR6CMutex
 #11  0x003dcad8 in Wait__10CSemaphoreFR6CMutex
 #12  0x003dc9c8 in Wait__10CSemaphoreFv
 #13  0x004144ac in DoRun__15CIndexingEngineFv
 #14  0x00415350 in Run__15CIndexingThreadFv
 #15  0x003c064c in Run__15CBasicThreadImpFv
 #16  0x003dd62c in Run__9CPPThreadFv
 #17  0x005519b4 in DoEntry__7LThreadFPv
 #18  0x9023b180 in CooperativeThread
 #19  0x90020d28 in _pthread_body

PPC Thread State:
  srr0: 0x90844988 srr1: 0x0202f030vrsave: 0x
   xer: 0x2000   lr: 0x90844964  ctr: 0x90014940   mq: 0x
r0: 0x   r1: 0xbfff9680   r2: 0x2480424d   r3: 0x
r4: 0x   r5: 0x2000   r6: 0xbfff9360   r7: 0x2000
r8: 0x00087010   r9: 0xa07e0294  r10: 0x0002  r11: 0x01fd8280
   r12: 0x2480424d  r13: 0x02b5e360  r14: 0x00842010  r15: 0x02b5feb0
   r16: 0x  r17: 0x  r18: 0x00847480  r19: 0x0084d940
   r20: 0x  r21: 0x  r22: 0x01ff9110  r23: 0x029cd380
   r24: 0x01fc9dd0  r25: 0x906ccaa0  r26: 0x020740b0  r27: 0xa07e02ac
   r28: 0x01fc9dd0  r29: 0x01ff2110  r30: 0x01fd8160  r31: 0x908448a8

Jefferis Peterson, Pres.
Web Design and Marketing

Dates on IMAP screwed up.

2003-06-13 Thread Jefferis Peterson

I just connected on IMAP to my host to check some mail that was not visible
after a download [malformed], and I'm noticing that the dates in PM are all
screwed up, showing much mail sent today as sent 4/1/03!

Entourage lists the dates correctly.
What might be the problem here?

Jefferis Peterson, Pres.
Web Design and Marketing

Re(5): Strategy for leaving Entourage

2003-06-13 Thread Jefferis Peterson

Mirko [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

It is available for download at

AppleScript Central

Direct Download:

Mirko Kranenburg
Maastricht, Netherlands

Sound interesting, however the last link you provided is 404

Jefferis Kent Peterson
Flash, Web Design and Marketing 
ICQ 19112253
Happy is the person who finds wisdom, and the one who gets
understanding, for the gain from it is better than gain from silver and
its profit better than gold.  - Proverbs 3:13,14.

Re(2): Strategy for leaving Entourage

2003-06-13 Thread Jefferis Peterson


I believe all I did was to export Entourage address list to tab or comma
delimited text file (from the Export menu) and Import to Address Book. It
worked fine.

I tried that but I'm getting a lot of fields in the wrong places with
this approach. Now Contact has more fields than Apple's Address book, so
for my needs, I could use the sync to Apple's AB for most simple uses
[phone number to call someone, e.g., address to mail something], but I
need to be able to import a clean file. 

For example, I had the import put my local newspaper's fields all as work
work work even for their name fields...

I was able to import a modified addressbook into Now Contact, losing only
the categories and groups of Entourage.  Perhaps you can export a clean
file from Now Contact?  I emailed PowerOn and they said the sync function
with AppleAB would not be available for months. 

Jefferis Kent Peterson
Flash, Web Design and Marketing 
ICQ 19112253
Happy is the person who finds wisdom, and the one who gets
understanding, for the gain from it is better than gain from silver and
its profit better than gold.  - Proverbs 3:13,14.

Re(2): Strategy for leaving Entourage

2003-06-13 Thread Jefferis Peterson

Mirko [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

PM can sync with Apples Address Book. If that suits your needs, just
browse the Preferences of PowerMail and set the appropriate options (i.e.
opening contact opens Apple Address book)
All in the synchronisation-tab.

What is the LDIF format for addresses? And how can I export from
Entourage to LDIF to import to Address Book to sync with PM? 


Jefferis Kent Peterson
Flash, Web Design and Marketing 
ICQ 19112253
Happy is the person who finds wisdom, and the one who gets
understanding, for the gain from it is better than gain from silver and
its profit better than gold.  - Proverbs 3:13,14.

Strategy for leaving Entourage

2003-06-13 Thread Jefferis Peterson

I am really struggling here. I want to leave EntourageX behind since it
appears to be unstable for me, but I rely on it's address book so
completely, that I don't know what to do. I have business emails, groups,
and phone numbers and addresses [categorized by labels, i.e., business,
family, clients, friends, religious interests, etc.] in my Entourage
database. I think its export options for creating phonebooks and limited
exports are terrible, but I think I'm addicted.

I am testing Now Contact and have imported my addresses there [without
category labels :-(   ]   But I don't have a strategy for integrating
business needs for contacts with email [which is the major contact format],
and PM's address book is very limited [not even phone numbers].  My work
flow is usually, receive an email. If I need to contact them, doubleclick on
their email address. It opens their address book entry with phone, address,
etc. Can't do that with PM.

Has anyone created a really good alternative that works for them?


Jefferis Peterson, Pres.
Web Design and Marketing

Lag on view html

2003-06-09 Thread Jefferis Peterson
 in DoEntry__7LThreadFPv
 #11  0x9023b180 in CooperativeThread
 #12  0x90020d28 in _pthread_body

Thread 6:
 #0   0x9000512c in syscall
 #1   0x90515d0c in BSD_waitevent
 #2   0x905156dc in CarbonSelectThreadFunc
 #3   0x90020d28 in _pthread_body

Thread 7:
 #0   0x9003ea88 in semaphore_wait_signal_trap
 #1   0x9003e8a4 in _pthread_cond_wait
 #2   0x9051dbf0 in CarbonOperationThreadFunc
 #3   0x90020d28 in _pthread_body

Thread 8:
 #0   0x9003ea88 in semaphore_wait_signal_trap
 #1   0x9003e8a4 in _pthread_cond_wait
 #2   0x9053c600 in CarbonATOperThreadFunc
 #3   0x90020d28 in _pthread_body

PPC Thread State:
  srr0: 0x90844988 srr1: 0x0202f030vrsave: 0x
   xer: 0x2000   lr: 0x90844964  ctr: 0x90014940   mq: 0x
r0: 0x   r1: 0xbfff9660   r2: 0x2480424d   r3: 0x
r4: 0x   r5: 0x2000   r6: 0xbfff9340   r7: 0x2000
r8: 0x00086010   r9: 0xa07e0294  r10: 0x0002  r11: 0x02ec7f90
   r12: 0x2480424d  r13: 0x029d8ef0  r14: 0x00841010  r15: 0x029da8e0
   r16: 0x  r17: 0x  r18: 0x00846480  r19: 0x0084c940
   r20: 0x  r21: 0x  r22: 0x02ee8e20  r23: 0x02b1a8c0
   r24: 0x02edd7a0  r25: 0x906ccaa0  r26: 0x02ec0ce0  r27: 0xa07e02ac
   r28: 0x02edd7a0  r29: 0x02f7a710  r30: 0x02ec7e70  r31: 0x908448a8

Jefferis Peterson, Pres.
Web Design and Marketing

Low level error

2003-06-08 Thread Jefferis Peterson

I am recently firing up Powermail 4.1.3 to take over from EntourageX.
However, I'm noticing a recurring error low level -47 when trying to view
messages in html either in PM native or in browsers. Something about
Deleting error (4) 100 is in the dialog box alon with the low level error.

Any idea what this is and what it means?


Jefferis Peterson, Pres.
Web Design and Marketing