Re: Direct link from Photos to PowerMail?

2017-10-12 Thread Tom Dillon
I haven't found a direct way, but what I just discovered helps a little.

Right click on a photo and select Edit with:Preview. The pic will open with 
Preview. From Preview click the icon next to the image name in the title bar 
and drag it to PowerMail in the Dock and it'll create a new email. Or if you 
have an email created already, you can drag it to its window.

Tom Dillon
Moab, Utah

Winston Weinmann wrote:

>Is there a way to get set Mac OS so that a photo in Photos can be sent
>directly to PowerMail?
>PowerMail does not show up in Photos' Share menu (File>Share).
>When "More..." is selected in Photos' File>Share menu, it opens the
>Share Menu tab of the Extensions pane of System Preferences. It appears
>that an Extension is necessary to enable photos to be sent directly to
>Right now I export photos, then move them into PowerMail, but this is
>Is there an Extension, or a simpler workaround?
>Using Photos Version 1.5 (370.42.0) on Mac OS 10.11.6.

Re: PowerMail 6.2.1 Build 4668

2014-01-17 Thread Tom Dillon
Just to report in; 6.2.1 build 4668 on iMac 3.4 GHz i7, 16 GB RAM, OS 10.9.1:

No issues.

780 MB Message DB
 54 MB Index
 70 Active Filters
100 Messages per day (roughly)
Rent is still too damn high

   Tom Dillon   825 N. 500 W.
   DataCraft   Moab, UT 84532   720/209-6502
The life you chase,
will eventually catch up to you.  --- Sunastar

Re: Incoming email crashes PowerMail

2013-06-24 Thread Tom Dillon
I've had this happen a few times, quite some time ago, and I had to go to the 
mail server or web mail interface and delete the offending emails. They each 
had attachments, but I never figured out why they crashed PowerMail.

Winston Weinmann wrote:

Happened again. No thoughts on why this might happen?

Winston Weinmann wrote:

There are emails from one source (airline sale announcement) that
regularly crash PowerMail when I try to download it. Then PowerMail has
to rebuild the sort index. In order to download mail I have to use
webmail to delete the message that's causing the problem, then PowerMail
can proceed with downloading new messages as normal.

Not every message from the airline causes the crash. I have started
saving those that do cause the crash in web mail and could forward an
example if that would help fix the problem.

   Tom Dillon   825 N. 500 W.
   DataCraft   Moab, UT 84532   720/209-6502
   Ignorance can be cured with education,
   stupidity must be slapped out.

Re: PM going forward

2012-08-19 Thread Tom Dillon
RockLily wrote:

Long long ago (or possibly at 9:51 AM on Mon, Aug 13, 2012), in a galaxy
far far away, Tom bespoketh thus:

Moab is kinda like a galaxy far, far away. :-7

   Tom Dillon   825 N. 500 W.
   DataCraft   Moab, UT 84532   720/209-6502
Never so clearly does a man see as when he has his head far
above the clouds, just before his eyeballs freeze. --- Sunastar

Re: powermail-discuss Digest #2937 - 08/10/11

2011-08-11 Thread Tom Dillon
Enzo Brizio wrote:

 with Mail or Thunderbird there's a little box in which I can see the
photo of every sender who writes to me. It's an unnecessary feature, but
very kind.

Maybe someone with some experience in AppleScript could work something.

   Tom Dillon   825 N. 500 W.
   DataCraft   Moab, UT 84532   720/209-6502
   Go snow!Simon Bar Sinister

Re: AppleScript Sender Question

2011-08-10 Thread Tom Dillon
Jérôme wrote:

If you examine carefully PowerMail's dictionary in AppleScript Editor,
you will see that the type of sender is not text, but address;
address itself has two text properties: display name and email
address. So the correct syntax is something like this:

Thanks for the info Jérôme. I've done so little AppleScript programming that I 
didn't really understand what to do with the properties.

   Tom Dillon   825 N. 500 W.
   DataCraft   Moab, UT 84532   720/209-6502
Maybe we only think we have consciousness. --- Sunastar

Re: AppleScript Sender Question

2011-08-04 Thread Tom Dillon
Howdy Beatrix,

Thanks for the info. You put me on the right track. It's two byte code alright 
and it has length values in front of the name and address, which are encoded 
UTF-16. I wrote some code to parse the name and email address to compare to 
existing contacts in a database. So, all is right in Mudville.

Thanks a million Beatrix!

chinese characters almost always are an indication that text encoded as
UTF8 is interpreted as UTF16. A simple explanation is here:

That the sender is UTF16 is most likely a bug (looks very nice, by the
way). I didn't find a way to do the conversion in AppleScript. The
following page has a simple script to do this with Python:


   Tom Dillon   825 N. 500 W.
   DataCraft   Moab, UT 84532   720/209-6502
Wading through the absurd leads to an island of clarity.
--- Sunastar

AppleScript Sender Question

2011-08-03 Thread Tom Dillon
Howdy y'all,

When using the scrip below, the variable 'theSender' is always populated with 
what looks like Chinese characters rather than the sender's name and email 
address as I would have expected. Is there something I'm missing here?


set theCR to 

set theFD to theCR  --  theCR

tell application PowerMail
set theMessages to current messages
repeat with msg in theMessages
set theSender to sender of msg as text
set theTitle to subject of msg as text
set theTime to time received of msg as text
set theBody to content of msg as text

set theText to theSender  theFD  theTitle  theFD  theTime  
theFD  theBody  theFD
set the clipboard to theText
end repeat
end tell

   Tom Dillon   825 N. 500 W.
   DataCraft   Moab, UT 84532   720/209-6502
The life you chase,
will eventually catch up to you.  --- Sunastar

Re: Script to clean the Subject?

2011-05-26 Thread Tom Dillon
Hans wrote:


when I write with people who are using outlook or yahoo mail, after a
short time the subject looks like that: Re: AW: Re: AW: ..
Is it possible to clean the subject when I answer on a message so that
only one Re will exist into the subject line?

Thnx for answer me.

Hi Hans,

Once you hit Reply, you should be able to delete all the leading Re: Aw: etc.

Or if you want to edit a received message you can use the AppleScript
under the script menu titled Change Subject.

If you want it to automatically reduce the reply tags (Re: or Aw:) to a
single one, you'll have to write an AppleScript.

   Tom Dillon   825 N. 500 W.
   DataCraft   Moab, UT 84532   720/209-6502
Arguing with an insane sailor puts you in his boat.
Both of you will sink, but he won't care. --- Sunastar

Re: Change Body Text?

2011-05-24 Thread Tom Dillon
PowerMail Engineering wrote:

How can I change the body of a received message?

set content of msg to pasteboard

Thanks. Set content was the part I was missing. It turns out that
pasteboard should be the clipboard, so the final script is:

tell application PowerMail
set msgList to the current messages
repeat with msg in msgList
set content of msg to the clipboard
end repeat
end tell


   Tom Dillon   825 N. 500 W.
   DataCraft   Moab, UT 84532   720/209-6502
Arguing with an insane sailor puts you in his boat.
Both of you will sink, but he won't care. --- Sunastar

Change Body Text?

2011-05-18 Thread Tom Dillon
I get a fair number of emails from clients which could use a tad bit of
reformatting. (The emails more than the clients, generally.) I assumed
that since a script can alter the subject of a received message, then a
script should be able to change the body of one too. So, I tried the
following, but got the alert saying I couldn't alter a received message.

TL;DR How can I change the body of a received message? I tried:

tell application PowerMail
set msgList to the current messages
repeat with msg in msgList
set body of msg to pasteboard
end repeat
end tell

Any ideas?

Please feel free to laugh at my attempts to write AppleScript. :-7

   Tom Dillon   825 N. 500 W.
   DataCraft   Moab, UT 84532   720/209-6502
Madness is its own reward.  --- Sunastar

Re: No SpamSieve

2010-03-16 Thread Tom Dillon
Jérôme sez:

It's gotten to where I have to replace the corrupted
SpamSieve - Evaluate.scpt file once or more times a week. It's not that
big of a problem, but I'm wondering how or why it's getting corrupted?
Is PM writing to the AppleScript file?

Yes, PM is writing to the script files, because some scripts have global
properties whose value needs to be saved when quitting and restored when
relaunching. But I don't know why sometimes a script file can get
corrupted. If this happens regularly, you can set the script file
permission to read only from the Finder's get info window.

Now why didn't I think of that? Thanks Jérôme!

   Tom Dillon  PO Box 486
   DataCraft   Moab, UT 84532   720/209-6502
Wading through the absurd leads to an island of clarity.
--- Sunastar

Re: No SpamSieve

2010-03-12 Thread Tom Dillon
Previous I said:

In my case, the file SpamSieve - Evaluate.scpt was corrupted. I opened
it up in the AppleScript Editor and it was garbled. I used TimeMachine
to replace it, opened it up in the editor again and it looked fine.

Now I keep a copy of the three scripts in the Spam Scripts folder. I
don't see any real advantage over deleting the folder and letting
PowerMail recreate it, but at least now I know what's going on.

It's gotten to where I have to replace the corrupted
SpamSieve - Evaluate.scpt file once or more times a week. It's not that
big of a problem, but I'm wondering how or why it's getting corrupted?
Is PM writing to the AppleScript file?

   Tom Dillon  PO Box 486
   DataCraft   Moab, UT 84532   720/209-6502
  It's all just 1's and 0's. You just have to get them in the
  right order.

Re: No SpamSieve

2009-12-29 Thread Tom Dillon
Anthony R. Sanna sez:

Recently, SpamSieve has stopped working.  SpamSieve is checked in the PM
Prefs, but it doesn't work,even if I manually start it.

And Matthias Schmidt sez:

In this case, my guess is that you need to delete the folder:

/Users/username/Library/Application Support/PowerMail

and it solved the problem :-)

I've had the same problem twice in the last month. The first time I
deleted the folder and all was good. This time I wanted to see if I
could figure out what the heck was going on.

In my case, the file SpamSieve - Evaluate.scpt was corrupted. I opened
it up in the AppleScript Editor and it was garbled. I used TimeMachine
to replace it, opened it up in the editor again and it looked fine.

Now I keep a copy of the three scripts in the Spam Scripts folder. I
don't see any real advantage over deleting the folder and letting
PowerMail recreate it, but at least now I know what's going on.

   Tom Dillon  PO Box 486
   DataCraft   Moab, UT 84532   720/209-6502
The life you chase,
will eventually catch up to you.  --- Sunastar

Error Logging

2009-10-20 Thread Tom Dillon
I hate to sound like a broken record (anyone remember those?), but I
sure would like a third option for error reporting. Rather than
displaying and alert or nothing, log the error in an Error folder in the
form of an email. The alert is a bit annoying and no record of an error
occurring even more so.

Or, can the error be trapped and an AppleScript or filter be run?

Apparently my record only revolves around the spindle every five years,
but, I plan to post this request yet again in when the scratch comes
around again. :-7

   Tom Dillon  PO Box 486
   DataCraft   Moab, UT 84532   720/209-6502
Wading through the absurd leads to an island of clarity.
--- Sunastar

Re: Feature Request/Idea

2008-02-14 Thread Tom Dillon
Mikael sez:

Could you redescribe your concept again and state the objectives for the
functions you imagine? Is the scope wider than 4D people page photos?

I apologize for not being clearer. The 4D People Page pics I referred to
are just JPEGs on a website.

The gist of what I was talking about was to be able to display a picture
of an email's sender when viewing an email. And to be able to specify a
file, URL or person in Apple's Address Book from which to retrieve the

I think it's safe to assume that a built-in option to display user
photos inside the realm of PowerMail would have to be related to some
kind of established standard, don't you think?

I believe Apple uses SQLite as the basis for their CoreData module. So,
I'd bet Apple publishes how to access data in any of their basic
applications or that it'd be relatively easy to figure out how to access
the Address Book pictures. I can't say for sure because I haven't
started work on it yet.

   Tom Dillon900 S. Coors Dr.
   DataCraft   Lakewood, CO 80228
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   720/962-4880
The life you chase,
will eventually catch up to you.  --- Sunastar

Re: Email Freezes PowerMail

2008-02-04 Thread Tom Dillon

Good news, thanks.

   Tom Dillon900 S. Coors Dr.
   DataCraft   Lakewood, CO 80228
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   720/962-4880
The space defined by the designer doesn't seem to realize that
it has been limited.  --- Sunastar

Re: Email Freezes PowerMail

2008-02-01 Thread Tom Dillon
Jim Pistrang sez:

Subject of mine was 'Up to 50% Off Clearance Products'

Same here, from [EMAIL PROTECTED].

   Tom Dillon900 S. Coors Dr.
   DataCraft   Lakewood, CO 80228
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   720/962-4880
Maybe we only think we have consciousness. --- Sunastar

Can't Save Account Info

2008-01-15 Thread Tom Dillon
I installed PM 5.6 build 4497 today on OX X 10.4.11 and all my account
passwords disappeared. And now, whenever I enter the passwords into any
account and hit Cmd-S to save, PM dies and the password isn't saved.

Fortunately, it allowed me to save passwords on two accounts before
dying. One of which I use for this list. :-7

Any ideas on where to go from here?

   Tom Dillon900 S. Coors Dr.
   DataCraft   Lakewood, CO 80228
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   720/962-4880
Madness is its own reward.  --- Sunastar

Re: Can't Save Account Info

2008-01-15 Thread Tom Dillon

I encountered something similar to this.  I went in to the Keychain
utility and deleted all of my PowerMail passwords, then I was able to
rebuild them.

Thanks Jim, you've hit the nail on the head, it IS the keychain that's
the problem. When I uncheck Save PW to Keychain, I can save account
info. I checked CTM's website; it mentioned a problem with the keychain
in version 5.6; I upgraded the version; repaired the keychain; and POOF
it was fixed!


   Tom Dillon900 S. Coors Dr.
   DataCraft   Lakewood, CO 80228
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   720/962-4880
Clean wears itself thin.  --- Sunastar

Re: Notifications (again)

2007-02-23 Thread Tom Dillon
Any kind of logging would be nice. Even if the errors appeared in the
form of emails in an Error folder.

   Tom Dillon900 S. Coors Dr.
   DataCraft   Lakewood, CO 80228
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   720/962-4880
This email will self destruct as soon as Tom Cruise returns to

Re: curly quotes become 1, 2, 3

2007-02-08 Thread Tom Dillon
Jérôme sez:

These messages are badly encoded. Microsoft should fix this problem.

LOL!!! That's hilarious! And IE should use only W3C standard tags so we
don't get messages like Your browser is not supported, please use
IE... Microsoft's attitude will always be, 90% of users don't have a
problem, therefore there is no problem to fix. I agree with you in
principle, but until much more than 10% use MS standard products, MS
won't be fixing anything.

Some other email programs display these messages correctly, either
because they display the HTML part (which do not have this problem), or
because they have hard-coded the fact that entourage messages are badly
encoded. But if Microsoft fixes the problem, good Entourage messages
will now look as if they were badly encoded...

So, is there no way to detect whether a message is poorly or properly
encoded and adjust the quotes accordingly?

   Tom Dillon900 S. Coors Dr.
   DataCraft   Lakewood, CO 80228
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   720/962-4880
  The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to
  venture a little way past them into the impossible.
  -- Arthur C Clarke

Re: 5.5.2b3 About Box Bug

2006-12-03 Thread Tom Dillon
Matthias Schmidt sez:

i don't see any Japanese localization .

Mine says:
Localization By:
your name here (Japanese)

I don't know how they knew we all spoke Japanese.

   Tom Dillon900 S. Coors Dr.
   DataCraft   Lakewood, CO 80228
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   720/962-4880
  It's all just 1's and 0's. You just have to get them in the
  right order.

Re: 5.5.2b3 About Box Bug

2006-12-03 Thread Tom Dillon
Matthias Schmidt sez:

do you ?
if so, press any-key :-D

Unfortunately, I don't speak Japanese, so when I hit the Any key, this
reply was deleted...

   Tom Dillon900 S. Coors Dr.
   DataCraft   Lakewood, CO 80228
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   720/962-4880
 Those that only see in black and white lose their way when they
 find themselves in gray areas. --- Sunastar

Re: 5.5.2b3 About Box Bug

2006-12-02 Thread Tom Dillon
A-NO-NE Music sez:

PM about box, if you keep calling it up, you will end up with many about
boxes on top of each other :-)

It's not a bug. It's there to allow you to see the Japanese localization
credit over and over.

   Tom Dillon900 S. Coors Dr.
   DataCraft   Lakewood, CO 80228
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   720/962-4880
   Smart is knowing which way to look when crossing a one way street.
   Wise is looking both ways anyway. --- Sunastar

Re: No way back - incomplete feature

2006-11-06 Thread Tom Dillon
Steve Abrahamson sez:

Is there a way around this that I'm missing? Is there a way to set a
message to Sent without sending?

Here's an AppleScript to do just that. I believe it came with PowerMail.

set answer to display dialog Do you want to change the status of all
the selected messages to \sent\?  return  This is useful if you
have imported sent messages. buttons {Cancel, OK} default button OK
if button returned of answer is OK then
tell application PowerMail
set theMessages to the current messages
repeat with theMsg in theMessages
set status of theMsg to sent
end repeat
end tell
end if

   Tom Dillon900 S. Coors Dr.
   DataCraft   Lakewood, CO 80228
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   720/962-4880
 Just because rabbit pellets look like Cocoa Puffs doesn't
 mean they're part of a nutritious breakfast. --- Sunastar

PM 5.5fc1 Addressbook Slowdown

2006-10-16 Thread Tom Dillon
I've noticed that after using the address book find a bunch of times it
becomes very slow. The spinning psychedelic pizza appears for a second
after each letter is typed. Restarting PM solves the problem.

MacBook Pro
OS X 10.4.8
2.1.6 GHz

   Tom Dillon900 S. Coors Dr.
   DataCraft   Lakewood, CO 80228
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   720/962-4880
If you live to the age of a hundred, you have it made because
very very few people die past the age of a hundred.
  --- George Burns

Re: Copying address bug still there

2006-10-13 Thread Tom Dillon
Alan Harper sez:

 Open PowerMail's address book, open a contact in the address
 book, click on an email address for that contact and Copy. A
 message pops up: An error occurred: Error -4989.

It only happens to me when the the address is hilited, but not in edit
mode. Like when you click on the @ icon or don't wait for the address
to switch from hilite to editable.

MacBook Pro
2.1.6 GHz
26 GB Free HD space

   Tom Dillon900 S. Coors Dr.
   DataCraft   Lakewood, CO 80228
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   720/962-4880
   Smart is knowing which way to look when crossing a one way street.
   Wise is looking both ways anyway. --- Sunastar

Re: PM Discussion list

2006-10-05 Thread Tom Dillon
It'd be handy if an Unsubscribe link were put in the footer of this
list's messages. 

T.L. Miller sez:

The only time we see the middle of the road is as  
we run from side to side. R.O.Clark 

I like it. Along those lines:
There's nothing in the middle of the road but yellow stripes and dead
armadillos. - Jim Hightower

   Tom Dillon900 S. Coors Dr.
   DataCraft   Lakewood, CO 80228
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   720/962-4880
Arguing with an insane sailor puts you in his boat.
Both of you will sink, but he won't care. --- Sunastar

Re: Gmail

2006-01-27 Thread Tom Dillon

Pat O'Halloran sez:

and it works fine (sorry)  :)

Don't be sorry, changing to on a dedicated secure port did the trick.
I thought I tried that earlier, but I guess not.


   Tom Dillon900 S. Coors Dr.
   DataCraft   Lakewood, CO 80228
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   720/962-4880
  To a programmer, Friday just means there are only two working
  days until Monday.

Re: Gmail

2006-01-27 Thread Tom Dillon

Pat O'Halloran sez:

It works for me, only difference I can see is the account name I use
doesn't have '' added - try yours without. HTH.

When I dropped from the account name I get an error:
err=268435559. You'd think I could remember what that means, but my
memory ain't what it used to be. :-7

Thanks for the response.

   Tom Dillon900 S. Coors Dr.
   DataCraft   Lakewood, CO 80228
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   720/962-4880
 Don't let the emphatic voice of short term concerns drown out
 the calm voice of long term goals. --- Sunastar


2006-01-27 Thread Tom Dillon

Hey gang,

Has anyone else tried using PowerMail to access Gmail? I've setup Gmail
to allow POP access and setup an account in PM, but I keep getting:

Unexpected error on [EMAIL PROTECTED]:995 Class='NetC', what=9,

(It looks like the message was truncated.)

The following is Google's instructions for setting up the account and
then my settings. I thought all my brain cells were firing, but I must
be missing something.

Thanks for any help.


Their instructions for setting up access is:

POP3 Server:
Use SSL: Yes
Port: 995

SMTP Server:
Use Authentication: Yes
Use STARTTLS: Yes (some clients call this SSL)
Port: 465 or 587

Account Name:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Email Address:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Password:   blah blah blah

So, I set up:
Identity Tab:
Email Address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Save PW: tried yes and no

Receiving Tab:
Protocol: POP3
User account ID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Incoming mail server:
Password:   blah blah blah
Save Password: Yes
Use secure connection (SSL/TLS): Yes
Using the STARTTLS command (also tried the dedicated secure port)
Use Port: Yes/995
(The rest unchecked)

Sending Tab:
Outgoing SMTP Server:
Authenticate user: Yes/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Password:   blah blah blah
Use secure connection (SSL/TLS): Yes
Using the STARTTLS command (also tried the dedicated secure port)
Use port: Yes/587

   Tom Dillon900 S. Coors Dr.
   DataCraft   Lakewood, CO 80228
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   720/962-4880
  Thought for the day:  When someone annoys you, it takes 42
  muscles to frown. But it takes only 4 muscles to extend your
  arm and whack them in the head.

Re: copy address weirdness

2005-06-23 Thread Tom Dillon

A-NO-NE Music sez:

PowerMail will confoundingly begin to compose a new message, rather than
select your text.  Sigh.

Which is a great feature I don't want to miss!

I'd like it if a CommandClick created a new message or opened a link
and double click just highlighted (jeez that's a long word for hilited!)
the address.

   Tom Dillon900 S. Coors Dr.
   DataCraft   Lakewood, CO 80228
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   720/962-4880
 What kind of stpid sig line is this? --- Sunastar

Re: PM on Mactels?

2005-06-09 Thread Tom Dillon

Hiro sez:

Anyway, my only concern is dreaded Intel Inside sticker.
That would turn me off for ever!

More than the current IBM Inside? It wasn't all THAT long ago that IBM
was the enemy. A friend of mine had a t-shirt with
I 'd
B uy a
M ac

In Big Blue's striped letters of the time.

   Tom Dillon900 S. Coors Dr.
   DataCraft   Lakewood, CO 80228
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   720/962-4880
You don't really notice how fast the Earth is spinning
until it stops. --- Sunastar

Re: Failing Mail Filters

2005-05-10 Thread Tom Dillon

Barbara Needham sez:

Since you haven't followed the thread ... though I think you have a good
idea ...
Steve said 1. It happens inconsistently.
2. All his filters say stop applying this filter.
3. The same message may be filtered in two different ways.

Crikey! That's pretty freaky. Maybe if he read it a Haiku it would help.

Filters form a web
Can't catch Steve's inbound email
Asynchronous reads?

Or maybe not... :-7

   Tom Dillon900 S. Coors Dr.
   DataCraft   Lakewood, CO 80228
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   720/962-4880
  The weaker the argument, the stronger the words.

Re: Failing Mail Filters

2005-05-10 Thread Tom Dillon

Steve Abrahamson sez:

Of course I've checked and re-checked. :-)   And more to the logic on
that: the filters work fine most of the time. Then a piece of email will
get through improperly, or get missed.

I haven't followed the thread, so this may not apply or has been
mentioned. Use an alert or play a sound to trace through the filter
actions. The last action on each filter could be an alert with the
filter's name. Rerun the email that's being filtered improperly.
Tedious, but it would help trace your filter logic.

   Tom Dillon900 S. Coors Dr.
   DataCraft   Lakewood, CO 80228
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   720/962-4880
 To follow the yellow brick road to the Emerald City,
 one must first experience the tornado. --- Sunastar

Re: Why I'm switching from PowerMail to OS X Mail

2005-03-19 Thread Tom Dillon


I'm not sure what you mean by 'slow display'. Do you mean each line takes
a noticeable amount of time to display when you switch to a folder or
that it takes a long time to switch between folders? Or maybe something
different altogether?

I have a 667MHz TiBook and even the folder that I'm goofy enough to keep
over 10,000 messages in (it's a list for Rocky Mountain albino catfish
farmers (the catfish, not the farmers)) the list draws virtually
instantaneously. It does, however, take about a second to switch to it
once I've clicked on the folder.

I just tried a few different fonts, but it doesn't slow down much.
Although it looks really cool when I use Papyrus.

I'm using 2 pane mode if it matters.

Thanks for hanging around and answering questions, BTW.

   Tom Dillon900 S. Coors Dr.
   DataCraft   Lakewood, CO 80228
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   720/962-4880
If you want all your clothes to be clean,
you're going to have to get naked. --- Sunastar

Re: Why I'm switching from PowerMail to OS X Mail

2005-03-18 Thread Tom Dillon

One of the best reasons to stay with PowerMail is the responsiveness of
the developer/support team. Posting problems and feature requests here
will get a faster response from CTM than with Apple's team. Not that
Apple does a bad job, it's just that the bigger the ship the less
responsive it is.

   Tom Dillon900 S. Coors Dr.
   DataCraft   Lakewood, CO 80228
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   720/962-4880
Whether you're driving the bus, are a passenger on the bus or
doing your business on the toilet in the back of the bus,
you're going somewhere. --- Sunastar

Re: 05/03/06-RC (# of List Members/v4.2.1/OS?)

2005-03-07 Thread Tom Dillon

Rein Ciarfella sez:

Anyone know if an archive exists?

I missed the start of this, so, since there's no archive to search to see
if the question has been answered... :-7

OS X (10.3.8)  PM 5.1  Snood 3.01

   Tom Dillon900 S. Coors Dr.
   DataCraft   Lakewood, CO 80228
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   720/962-4880
Some people can
   justify anything.
   --- Sunastar

Global Signature Change?

2005-03-06 Thread Tom Dillon

I've amassed a veritable plethora of signatures in PowerMail. I just
changed addresses and need to change that info in my signatures. Is there
a file which containing them all so that I can do a find and replace
rather than having to change each one manually?

   Tom Dillon900 S. Coors Dr.
   DataCraft   Lakewood, CO 80228
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   720/962-4880
Some people can
   justify anything.
   --- Sunastar

Re: David Alert???

2004-09-17 Thread Tom Dillon

Jeremy Hughes sez:

Maybe you have a filter which says Display alert containing sender
first name ?

I don't think so, but I have created a truck load of filters for routing
emails none of which, as I recall, have alerts. Of course I may have
accidentally created one. I'll go through my filters and Applescripts to
see if anything like that exists.

Thanks for the idea.

   Tom Dillon12081 W. Alameda Parkway
   DataCraft #506
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Lakewood, CO 80228 720/962-4880
 You can only ride a wave if it's moving. --- Sunastar

David Alert???

2004-09-15 Thread Tom Dillon

An alert dialog just popped up in PowerMail and all it said was David.
Do I win a prize? Should I be afraid? Is it a sign telling me that the
answer to this question will come from David?

There didn't seem to be any associated problem, it was just, well, odd.

   Tom Dillon12081 W. Alameda Parkway
   DataCraft #506
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Lakewood, CO 80228 720/962-4880
   Smart is knowing which way to look when crossing a one way street.
   Wise is looking both ways anyway. --- Sunastar

Re: Wish List

2004-03-31 Thread Tom Dillon

I'd like to be able to test for the current message label, priority, spam
rating or any kind of definable variable, in a filter.

I'd also like to be able to use regular expressions in filters to be able
to do a better job of weeding out v1agra, s1uts, ch1cks wh0 d!g g00fy a$$ ge^eks l*ke Y0u.

I guess what I'm getting at is that, for me, spam handling is the most
important feature with email. I use SpamSieve, but I still get false
positives from potential clients, especially those from banks, real
estate companies or doctor's offices.

   Tom Dillon12081 W. Alameda Parkway
   DataCraft #506
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Lakewood, CO 80228 720/962-4880
  The faster you run before slamming into the wall, the more
  fun you'll have on the way and the better looking the nurse
  will be when you wake up. --- Sunastar

Re: Fractured Highlighting

2004-03-31 Thread Tom Dillon

Does anyone else see the issue where a highlighted field (New Subject is
one), has a lot of white showing through the default highlight color?

If it's the font smoothing causing this, go to the Appearance Control
Panel, uh, I mean System Preference, and turn of font smoothing below 12
points and see if that does the trick. You may have to relaunch
PowerMail, but I don't think you'll have to restart.

   Tom Dillon12081 W. Alameda Parkway
   DataCraft #506
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Lakewood, CO 80228 720/962-4880
 Computers are like air conditioners. They don't work if you
 open up windows. -- Some guy on Unscrewed with Martin Sargent

Re: feature request

2004-03-25 Thread Tom Dillon

Wayne Brissette sez:

The only issue I have with this is your then going to base your
application's behaviour on the behaviour of another application instead
of a standard. Since there isn't an internet standard for this, it really
makes it hard to justify changing the way the application currently works. 

I thought there was a standard and it was to not use any bracketed,
braced or parenthised (parenthesised, parented, parentheticalatalizated?)

Of course for sorting purposes, it would be nice if Reanything:  were
sorted like Re: .

And, this is not only my opinion, but it's also the opinion of my pet
wolf spider Amadeus.

   Tom Dillon12081 W. Alameda Parkway
   DataCraft #506
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Lakewood, CO 80228 720/962-4880
 Computers are like air conditioners. They don't work if you
 open up windows. -- Some guy on Unscrewed with Martin Sargent

Re: Mail messages minimized on opening

2004-03-03 Thread Tom Dillon

Tim Lapin sez:

Upon double clicking certain messages, PowerMail will do 2 things:

1)  Open the message
2)  Immediately minimize it in the dock.

I've noticed this, but only when the messages title bar is inline with
the message I double clicked. It's as if the double-click event isn't
flushed immediately after the open window is called and it acts on the
title bar of the opened window too.

I'm betting it's a Panther issue since I've also noticed that when I
double click on a folder in a list window in the Finder the folder opens,
but the window I opened it from returns to the front.

I've been thinking it was a problem with my Logitech wireless mouse, but
maybe not. Are you, by chance, using a Logitech wireless mouse?

Try single clicking on a message then hit Return to open it. Do you see
the same problem?

   Tom Dillon12081 W. Alameda Parkway
   DataCraft #506
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Lakewood, CO 80228 720/962-4880
 If you have a sig line, and nobody reads it,
 did it ever really exist? --- Sunastar


2004-02-27 Thread Tom Dillon

Howdy PowerMail users,

I'm attempting to BCC emails to a list of recipients through the user's
email client via a link, as on a web page. Using CC in the link creates
an email with CCed addresses, but doesn't with BCC. The addresses are
simply lost.

The link with the BCC works with Apple's Mail app, but not PM. Any ideas?

PM 4.2.1 OS X 10.3.2.


In case it helps, here's the link I'm creating:

This works:
a href=mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]body=This is a test

This doesn't:
a href=mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]body=This is a test

   Tom Dillon12081 W. Alameda Parkway
   DataCraft #506
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Lakewood, CO 80228 720/962-4880
 Computers are like air conditioners. They don't work if you
 open up windows. -- Some guy on Unscrewed with Martin Sargent

Creating a Tiny Email List Server

2004-01-10 Thread Tom Dillon

Before I reinvent the wheel, has anyone, using PowerMail and maybe
AppleScript, created a small email list server?

I was able to do it with just a filter except for the Reply-To address
which I plan to do in an AppleScript, but I thought I'd ask too. I'm
betting that there are some pitfalls that I haven't thought about as well.

I'm doing this for a family discussion that needs to occur over the next
few weeks, so I was hoping to just throw something together.


   Tom Dillon12081 W. Alameda Parkway
   DataCraft #506
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Lakewood, CO 80228 720/962-4880
   Man, that might've been a small step for Neil but is was an
awful big one for a little guy like me.
--- Pete Conrad's first words from the Moon

Re: Delete One Message in AppleScript?

2004-01-06 Thread Tom Dillon

cheshirekat sez:

Here is an example script if you want to try it.

tell application PowerMail
  set the targetList to the current messages
  repeat with targetMsg in the targetList
delete the targetMsg
  end repeat
end tell

That's what I did and I get the DB error I mentioned.

   Tom Dillon12081 W. Alameda Parkway
   DataCraft #506
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Lakewood, CO 80228 720/962-4880
 I can prove anything by statistics, except the truth.
  --- George Canning

  More than 98 percent of convicted felons grew-up in
 house-holds in which bread was served daily.
  --- NOT George Canning

Re: Delete One Message in AppleScript?

2004-01-04 Thread Tom Dillon

Jérôme sez:

The same AppleScript property current messages is used for the selected
messages (when the script is called manually) and for the filtered
message (when the script is called from a filter). In this case, it is a
list containing a single message.

It works as you said, except I get an error. Class='DB ', what=7, when=9,
err=0. I guess immediately deleting a message causes a problem in the
loop or something. Also, the database needs repair before PM will launch

Is there a way in an AppleScript to keep PowerMail from proceeding to the
next filter?

No. Workaround: you can set the subject of your message to ###delete###
in your script, then create a second filter that will delete the message
immediately if the subject is ###delete###, and check the stop
applying filters in the second filter.

Good idea, thanks. But, executing the Delete Immediately AppleScript
still causes the error. Maybe if I could execute an AppleScript after the
connection to delete everything in a folder or with a particular subject,
like #Delete#?

Thanks to everyone for the help.

   Tom Dillon12081 W. Alameda Parkway
   DataCraft #506
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Lakewood, CO 80228 720/962-4880
  The monkey is not saddened because of its poor swimming
  abilities, but it stays out of the water nevertheless.
  --- Sunastar

Re: Stop Filters in an AppleScript?

2004-01-03 Thread Tom Dillon

Marlyse Comte sez:

there is a checkbox which does exactly this in the filter dialog box,
lower right corner... or so.

What I need it to do is either stop or not stop depending on whether
SpamSieve flags the message as a spam message or not. If I check the box,
it always stops, not just when SpamSieve flags the message as spam.

   Tom Dillon12081 W. Alameda Parkway
   DataCraft #506
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Lakewood, CO 80228 720/962-4880
   You're never distracted by the thing you're focusing on.
   --- Sunastar

Re: Delete One Message in AppleScript?

2004-01-02 Thread Tom Dillon

Andy Fragen sez:

There is a builtin script Delete Message Immediately, doesn't it do as
you want?

That's probably the one I looked at, but it deletes the selected
messages, not just one. It uses a loop:

set theMessages to current messages
repeat with msg in theMessages
delete msg
end repeat

What I want to do is just delete one message from within a script called
by a filter.

   Tom Dillon12081 W. Alameda Parkway
   DataCraft #506
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Lakewood, CO 80228 720/962-4880
   Everything matters, nothing counts. --- Sunastar

Delete One Message in AppleScript?

2004-01-02 Thread Tom Dillon

How do I delete a single message via AppleScript? I've looked at the
script from Wayne Brissette's site for deleting a list of messages
thinking it would be easy to figure out how to delete one from within a
filter, but my brain just can't figure out how to assign a single message
for deletion.

tell application PowerMail
display dialog The selected messages will be deleted immediately.
buttons {Cancel, Delete} default button Delete
set btn to button returned of result
if btn is Delete then
set theMessages to current messages
repeat with msg in theMessages
delete msg
end repeat
end if
end tell

Works great, but I want to delete a single message from a filter. For
instance, if the message subject is Huge, Throbbing Mortgage, then
delete the message immediately (not into trash). So, how do I assign the
current message that the filter is looking at to the variable 'msg' so I
can pass it to 'Delete'?

I guess I could just move the message to the trash and have a script
empty the trash, but...


   Tom Dillon12081 W. Alameda Parkway
   DataCraft #506
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Lakewood, CO 80228 720/962-4880
Gosh it would be awful pleasin', to reason out the reason,
   for things I can't explain. --- Scarecrow

Stop Filters in an AppleScript?

2004-01-02 Thread Tom Dillon

Is there a way in an AppleScript to keep PowerMail from proceeding to the
next filter?

   Tom Dillon12081 W. Alameda Parkway
   DataCraft #506
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Lakewood, CO 80228 720/962-4880
Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an
 hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a
   minute. THAT'S relativity. --- Albert Einstein

Re: retro-style

2003-10-09 Thread Tom Dillon

Per Åström sez:

Look at the Connect Again-button on the toolbar. Isnt it rather OS9-
ish? In fact, arent all the buttons retro-looking!

I hadn't thought much about it but, yeah baby they are retro. :-7

One of the problems I have as a developer is getting the often
inordinately fat Aqua buttons to fit on the same forms as they did in OS
9. I almost invariably have to create larger form just to contain the
same information. (The monitor manufacturers probably love Aqua.)

Don't get me wrong, I love OS-X and the new interface, but it does seem
to take up more than just a tad bit more real estate.

   Tom Dillon12081 W. Alameda Parkway
   DataCraft #506
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Lakewood, CO 80228 720/962-4880
  The butterfly will only land on you after you stop
  grabbing for it. --- Sunastar

Re: Filtering HTML mail?

2003-09-16 Thread Tom Dillon

Barry Parr sez:

90% of the HTML mail I receive is spam, and the rest is newsletters.

Is there a way to use Powermail's filters to detect and flag HTML mail? 
I tried searching the message body for the phrase HTML, but that
didn't seem to work.

I believe setting   Other Field   Content-Type   Contains   HTML   will work.

   Tom Dillon12081 W. Alameda Parkway
   DataCraft #506
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Lakewood, CO 80228 720/962-4880
You don't really notice how fast the Earth is spinning
until it stops. --- Sunastar

Re: Large mail-list problem

2003-08-07 Thread Tom Dillon

Sten-Erik Björling sez:

I seem to have a problem with a folder that now contains 65 606 messages.
When I try to read a single message the status bar tells me that I have
choosen 2 messages and it does not show the contents of the message in
the preview pane.

Have you tried using the 2 pane view and double clicking on a message?

Is there an limitation of the number of messages in a folder?

Jérôme will probably have to answer that, but given that you apparently
just passed 2^16 (65536) messages, I'm betting that PM can't address any
more than that, which could conceivably cause two messages to have the
same internal message ID, thus causing your problem.

But this is just a WAG.

You might try to export, delete or otherwise relocate some of the messages.

   Tom Dillon12081 W. Alameda Parkway
   DataCraft #506
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Lakewood, CO 80228 720/962-4880
   Man, that might've been a small step for Neil but is was an
awful big one for a little guy like me.
--- Pete Conrad's first words from the Moon


2003-04-11 Thread Tom Dillon

Zeph sez:

Also -- is there an archive of this mailing list on the web?

Nope. :-(

   Tom Dillon12081 W. Alameda Parkway
   DataCraft #506
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]Lakewood, CO 80228 720/962-4880
  First, get your facts straight. Then you can manipulate them
  all you want. --- Mark Twain 

Re: Apostrophes = 1's

2003-03-28 Thread Tom Dillon

Daniel Ross sez:

Why are apostrophes in some emails I receive changed to the number one?

I've asked this before, but no one answered or I missed it.

I get the same thing. I've tried changing incoming encoding, but it
didn't help. (It only sets it if it's undefined.) I'm not even sure why
some curly quotes come in fine and others don't.

Of course we could both have the same friends who just like to mess with
our heads by typing their messages that way. I know I wouldn1t do that to
anyone. :-7

   Tom Dillon12081 W. Alameda Parkway
   DataCraft #506
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]Lakewood, CO 80228 720/962-4880
 To follow the yellow brick road to the Emerald City,
 one must first experience the tornado. --- Sunastar

Re: Strange window

2003-03-23 Thread Tom Dillon

Daniel Ross, SJ on 3/23/03 said

I have suddenly, as of a couple of days ago, begun having a strange
window appear on my desktop as mail is coming in. PowerMail stops
retrieving mail until I cancel the window. I cannot figure out where this
is coming from.

The window reads:

The selected messages will be deleted immediately. They will not be put
in the mail trash, and there is no undo available. There is a cancel
and a delete button.

Could it be from a filter you have set? Maybe one calling an AppleScript?

   Tom Dillon12081 W. Alameda Parkway
   DataCraft #506
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]Lakewood, CO 80228 720/962-4880
Never so clearly does a man see as when he has his head far
above the clouds, just before his eyeballs freeze. --- Sunastar

Re: Feature Request: Ability to filter out HTML mail

2003-03-12 Thread Tom Dillon


Couldn't you just use a filter with:

Other Field Content-TypeDoes not containplain

Just FYI, I also check:
Other Field Content-TypeContain Windows-1252

...since it seems that a lot of spam has this content type. Of course
some email I want to get is Windows-1252, so I trap for people in my
address book and for specific domains before it checks for the content type.

   Tom Dillon12081 W. Alameda Parkway
   DataCraft #506
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]Lakewood, CO 80228 720/962-4880
  The monkey is not saddened because of its poor swimming
  abilities, but it stays out of the water nevertheless.
  --- Sunastar

Re: 1's, 2's and 3's

2003-02-12 Thread Tom Dillon

PowerMail Engineering sez:

I occasionally get oddly places 1's, 2's and 3's in email texts. They
appear to be badly translated curly quotes and double quotes.

It can occur when you receive messages sent by Outlook Express Mac, or
Entourage, due to an encoding bug in these products.

Wh??? Isn't using Microsoft and bugs in the same sentence sort of
like using Ellen Feiss and stoned together?

 If I send
myself an email with curly quotes, they get translated into straight quotes.

So, is there a setting to either allow curly quotes through or translate
them into straight quotes instead of numbers?

Curly quotes are not part of the ISO 8859-1 character set; you can change
the character set used for the US/Western Europe language family, in the
preferences, to either windows-1252 or UTF-8 if you don't want curly
quotes converted to straight quotes when you send a message with PowerMail.

I like having my sent email convert curly to straight, like it's doing
now. What I want to know is how to work around the MS bug so that the
improperly encoded curly quotes will show up as straight or curly quotes,
instead of as numbers, in my received email.

BTW, thanks for being such a useful presence on this list.

   Tom Dillon12081 W. Alameda Parkway
   DataCraft #506
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]Lakewood, CO 80228 720/962-4880
Imagination is more important than knowledge.
--- Albert Einstein 

1's, 2's and 3's

2003-02-12 Thread Tom Dillon

I occasionally get oddly places 1's, 2's and 3's in email texts. They
appear to be badly translated curly quotes and double quotes. If I send
myself an email with curly quotes, they get translated into straight quotes.

So, is there a setting to either allow curly quotes through or translate
them into straight quotes instead of numbers?


   Tom Dillon12081 W. Alameda Parkway
   DataCraft #506
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]Lakewood, CO 80228 720/962-4880
 You may dream of flying like a bird. But the bird doesn't care.
 --- Sunastar

Re: my wishlist

2003-02-09 Thread Tom Dillon

Takehiko Abe sez:

2. command+shit+. to disconnect

Ah, the bran shortcut.

   Tom Dillon12081 W. Alameda Parkway
   DataCraft #506
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]Lakewood, CO 80228 720/962-4880
You'll generally never forget the things you never did.
--- I don't remember who said this

Re(2): Unexpected Error-what=100,when=6,err+69

2003-02-05 Thread Tom Dillon

Mark Gerber said some stuff then sez:

I haven't had the problem since then.

Thanks for the info.

   Tom Dillon12081 W. Alameda Parkway
   DataCraft #506
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]Lakewood, CO 80228 720/962-4880
  No matter what happens, somebody will find a way to
  take it too seriously.

Re: Useful Additions to PowerMail

2003-02-01 Thread Tom Dillon

Anthony Sanna sez:

So yes, Mike, let's raise the flag for additional and more accessible
labels in PowerMail.  Ta, Tah

It would also be kind of nice if after assigning a label the text were
editable, via AppleScript or direct entry. This way you could change the
label text of an individual message to Respond by Tuesday or Who is
this guy sending me these stupid jokes?.

   Tom Dillon12081 W. Alameda Parkway
   DataCraft #506
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]Lakewood, CO 80228 720/962-4880
 You may dream of flying like a bird. But the bird doesn't care.
 --- Sunastar