[ppiindia] Harga Hukum Sama Dengan Koin Receh

2009-12-10 Terurut Topik Erwin Arianto
Negara Indonesia Adalah Negara Hukum, bukan negara kekuasaan, begitulah
indahnya tulisan yang tercatat dalam Undang-undang kita, tapi sungguh
menyedihkan tentang Carut marutnya hukum yang ada di Indonesia. reformasi
yang sudah berjalan Hampir 10 tahun tetap menyisakan ketidak samaan hukum
antara pejabat dan Rakyat biasa.

Masyarakat meyakini bahwa hukum lebih banyak merugikan mereka,dan sedapat
mungkin dihindari. Bila seseorang melanggar peraturan lalu lintas misalnya,
maka sudah jamak dilakukan upaya “damai” dengan petugas polisi
yangbersangkutan agar tidak membawa kasusnya ke pengadilan . Memang dalam
hukum perdata, dikenal pilihanpenyelesaian masalah dengan arbitrase atau
mediasi di luar jalur pengadilan untuk menghemat waktu dan biaya. Namuntidak
demikian hal nya dengan hukum pidana yang hanya menyelesaikan masalah
melalui pengadilan. Di Indonesia,bahkan persoalan pidana pun masyarakat
mempunyai pilihan diluar pengadilan.

Pendapat umum menempatkan hakim pada posisi “tertuduh” dalam lemahnya
penegakan hukum di Indonesia, namundemikian peranan pengacara, jaksa
penuntut dan polisi sebagai penyidik dalam hal ini juga penting. Suatu
dakwaan yangsangat lemah dan tidak cermat, didukung dengan argumentasi
asal-asalan, yang berasal dari hasil penyelidikan yangtidak akurat dari
pihak kepolisian, tentu saja akan mempersulit hakim dalam memutuskan suatu
perkara. Kelemahan
penyidikan dan penyusunan dakwaan ini kadang bukan disebabkan rendahnya
kemampuan aparat maupun ketiadaansarana pendukung, tapi lebih banyak
disebabkan oleh lemahnya mental aparat itu sendiri. Beberapa kasus
menunjukkanaparat memang tidak berniat untuk melanjutkan perkara yang
bersangkutan ke pengadilan atas persetujuan dengan pihakpengacara dan
terdakwa, oleh karena itu dakwaan disusun secara sembarangan dan sengaja
untuk mudah dipatahkan.

Penyelesaian konflik dengan kekerasan terjadi secara sporadis di beberapa
tempat di Indonesia. Suatu persoalanpelanggaran hukum kecil kadang membawa
akibat hukuman yang sangat berat bagi pelakunya yang diterima tanpamelalui
proses pengadilan. Pembakaran dan penganiayaan pencuri sepeda motor,
perampok, penodong yang dilakukan massa beberapa waktu yang lalu merupakan
contoh. Menurut Durkheim masyarakat ini menerapkan hukum yang bersifat
menekan (repressive). Masyarakat menerapkan sanksi tersebut tidak atas
pertimbangan rasional mengenai jumlahkerugian obyektif yang menimpa
masyarakat itu, melainkan atas dasar kemarahan kolektif yang muncul karena
tindakanyang menyimpang dari pelaku. Masyarakat ingin memberi pelajaran
kepada pelaku dan juga pada memberi peringatananggota masyarakat yang lain
agar tidak melakukan tindakan pelanggaran yang sama.

Dalam beberapa kasus terbukti adanya kasus korupsi dan kolusi yangmelibatkan
baik polisi, kejaksaan, maupun hakim dalam suatu perkara. Kasus ini biasanya
melibatkan pengacara yangmenjadi perantara antara terdakwa dan aparat
penegak hukum. Fungsi pengacara yang seharusnya berada di
kutubmemperjuangkan keadilan bagi terdakwa , berubah menjadi pencari
kebebasan dan keputusan seringan mungkin dengan segala cara bagi kliennya.
Sementara posisi polisi dan jaksa yang seharusnya berada di kutub yang
menjaga adanya kepastian hukum, terbeli oleh kekayaan terdakwa. Demikian
pula hakim yang seharusnya berada ditengah-tengah dua kutub tersebut, kutub
keadilan dan kepastian hukum, bisa jadi condong membebaskan atau memberikan
seringan-ringannya bagi terdakwa setelah melalui kesepakatan tertentu.

Dengan skenario diatas, lengkaplah sandiwara pengadilan yang seharusnya
mencari kebenaran dan penyelesaian
masalah menjadi suatu pertunjukan yang telah diatur untuk membebaskan
terdakwa. Dan karena menyangkut uang,
hanya orang kaya lah yang dapat menikmati keadaan inkonsistensi penegakan
hukum ini. Sementara orang miskin (atau
yang relatif lebih miskin) akan putusan pengadilan yang lebih tinggi.

Inkonsistensi penegakan hukum merupakan masalah penting yang harus segera
ditangani. Masalah hukum ini paling
dirasakan oleh masyarakat dan membawa dampak yang sangat buruk bagi
kehidupan bermasyarakat. Persepsi
masyarakat yang buruk mengenai penegakan hukum, menggiring masyarakat pada
pola kehidupan sosial yang tidak
mempercayai hukum sebagai sarana penyelesaian konflik, dan cenderung
menyelesaikan konflik dan permasalahan
mereka di luar jalur. Cara ini membawa akibat buruk bagi masyarakat itu
sendiri.Pemanfaatan inkonsistensi penegakan hukum oleh sekelompok orang demi
kepentingannya sendiri, selalu berakibatmerugikan pihak yang tidak mempunyai
kemampuan yang setara. Akibatnya rasa ketidakadilan dan ketidakpuasantumbuh
subur di masyarakat Indonesia.
Penegakan hukum yang konsisten harus terus diupayakan untuk mengembalikan
kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap
hukum di Indonesia.

Dalam Kasus Bibit  Chandra yang di perkarakan oleh Negara dapat dilihat
bagaimana Rekayasa hukum dengan mudah terjadi, Dalam Kasus salah tangkap JJ
Riadi, dan penembakan Sopir angkot di depok, dapat dilihat betapa ringan

[ppiindia] Lima Alasan Kenapa Century Berdampak Sistemik

2009-12-10 Terurut Topik Infobank infobanknews.com

Lima Alasan Kenapa Century Berdampak Sistemik


Tanggal: 10 Desember 2009

Sumber: infobanknews.com
Jangan sampai, politisasi terhadap penyehatan bank akan
membuat pengambil keputusan takut mengambil keputusan jika ada bank
yang ukurannya lebih besar mengalami kegagalan. Biro Riset Infobank

Kasus Bank Century menimbulkan pertanyaan apakah berdampak sistemik
atau tidak jika diputuskan untuk ditutup pada November 2008 lalu? 
Kita lihat dampak pertama, yaitu kondisi sistem pembayaran.
Sistem pembayaran boleh jadi berjalan normal, namun dengan gejala
segmentasi di pasar uang antarbank (PUAB) yang makin meluas. 
Bukan hanya itu. Terdapat potensi kerentanan apabila terjadi flight to quality 
atau capital outflow yang mengakibatkan bank-bank menengah-kecil akan mengalami 
kesulitan likuditas. 
Bahkan, terdapat 18 bank yang berpotensi mengalami kesulitan
likuiditas bila hal tersebut terjadi. Di sisi lain, ada lima bank yang
memiliki karakteristik mirip Bank Century diduga akan mengalami
kesulitan likuiditas.
Kepanikan seperti itu membuat bank-bank cenderung menahan
likuiditas, baik rupiah maupun valuta asing (valas), untuk keperluan
likuiditasnya masing-masing. 
Kondisi seperti ini akan membahayakan bank-bank yang tidak memiliki kekuatan 
likuiditas yang cukup. 
Lebih mengerikan lagi, jika kemudian muncul rumor atau berita negatif mengenai 
kegagalan bank dalam settlement kliring/real time gross settlement (RTGS), hal 
ini akan dengan cepat memicu terjadinya kepanikan di kalangan masyarakat dan 
berpotensi menimbulkan bank run. 

Disebut-sebut, dari 23 bank tersebut ada Rp30 triliun yang
berpotensi fligt to quality. Dari jumlah itu, ada sekitar Rp18 triliun
yang akan menjadi beban LPS jika dilakukan penutupan. 
Kedua, dampak terhadap pasar keuangan. Ketika itu, situasi pasar keuangan masih 
relatif labil dalam menyerap berita-berita negatif. 
Waktu itu terdapat potensi sentimen negatif di pasar keuangan,
terutama dalam kondisi pasar yang sangat rentan terhadap berita-berita
yang dapat merusak kepercayaan terhadap pasar keuangan.
Ketiga, dampak kepercayaan publik atau psikologis pasar.
Penutupan bank dapat menambah ketidakpastian pada pasar domestik dan
diyakini dapat berakibat fatal pada psikologi pasar yang sedang
Pada waktu itu rumor kalah kliring dan situasi rawan fligt to quality sedang 
terjadi dengan isu-isu bank kekurangan likuiditas dan negera-negara tetangga 
menerapkan kebijkan penjaminan 100%. 
Psikologi pasar inilah yang bisa memorak-porandakan sistem keuangan, kendati 
bank tersebut berukuran kecil.
Keempat, berdampak pada bank lain. Jujur, harus diakui,
jika dilihat dari peran bank memang tidak signifikan dalam hal
fungsinya sebagai lembaga intermediasi atau pemberian kredit, ukuran
bank, substitutability, dan keterkaitan dengan bank atau lembaga keuangan lain. 
Namun, dari sisi jumlah nasabah dan jaringan kantor cabang, bank ini
termasuk memiliki jumlah nasabah yang cukup besar (65.000 nasabah) dan
jaringan cukup luas di seluruh Indonesia dengan 65 kantor. 
Itu artinya, dalam kondisi pasar yang normal, jika bank ini ditutup,
diperkirakan relatif tidak akan menimbulkan dampak sistemik bagi bank
Namun, dalam kondisi pasar yang saat itu cenderung rentan terhadap 
berita-berita negatif, penutupan bank berpotensi menimbulkan contagion effect 
berupa upaya rush terhadap bank-bank lain, terutama peer banks atau bank yang 
lebih kecil.
Situasinya ketika itu sedang terjadi penurunan kepercayaan
masyarakat akibat psikologi pasar yang tidak menentu. Bahkan, akan
menimbulkan kekacauan yang lebih besar dan dapat menyeret bank-bank
Kelima, kondisi sektor riil dan sistem keuangan. Saat itu,
menurut data-data, kondisi sistem keuangan mengalami tekanan sejalan
dengan kondisi ekonomi dan keuangan global yang terus memburuk. 
Hal yang sama juga terjadinya penurunan cadangan devisa dan tekanan
terhadap nilai tukar rupiah. Namun, karena perannya pada pemberian
kredit terhadap sektor riil tidak signifikan, kegagalan bank ini
memiliki dampak yang relatif terbatas terhadap sektor riil
Nah, jika memperhatikan kenyataan pada November 2008, permasalahan
yang terjadi pada Bank Century berpotensi menimbulkan dampak sistemik,
terutama melalui jalur psikologi pasar, sistem pembayaran, dan pasar
keuangan. Psikologi pasar bisa merembet ke bank-bank yang lebih besar
sehingga menimbulkan kekacauan (rush). 
Itu artinya, kondisi saat pengambilalihan perlu diperhatikan. Tidak
bisa dilihat dari kacamata sekarang ini. Hanya, sialnya, dalam situasi
yang sistemik dengan psikologi pasar yang tak menentu, celakanya
terjadi pada Bank Century, yang sebelum diambil alih dikelola dengan
penuh moral hazard. 
Penulis yakin, hal yang sama juga akan dilakukan jika terjadi pada
bank lain karena memang situasi pada setahun lalu sangat rawan rush.
Psikologi masyarakat sangat rentan akan terjadinya bank 

[ppiindia] INSPIRASI

2009-12-10 Terurut Topik heri latief

hidup hanya mengulang kejadian

musim dingin merayu angin

membelai rindu terbuai siapa?

mendung langit malam menjelang

lupakan jangan asal persoalan

melayang terbang debu membeku

tersisa mimpi dalam sebait puisi

Heri Latief
Amsterdam, 02/12/2009



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[ppiindia] Peringati Hari Antikorupsi, 1000 Jin Turun Ke Jalan

2009-12-10 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Apakah ini jin Aladin ataukah dari grup Gordon atau Beefeeters? 


  Peringati Hari Antikorupsi, 1000 Jin Turun Ke Jalan  

Info Peringati Hari Antikorupsi, 1000 Jin Turun Ke Jalan - Seribu jin 
dikerahkan untuk berunjuk rasa memperingati hari antikorupsi sedunia di 
Jakarta, Rabu (9/12/09). Pimpinan Pondok Pesantren Dzikrus Syifa' Brojomusti di 
Lamongan, KM Muzakkin yang memiliki santri dari bangsa jin menyatakan punya 
cara lain mengekspresikan peringatan hari antikorupsi sedunia.

Pagi ini kami mengirimkan seribu jin ke pusat arena demonstrasi di Jakarta 
dengan pimpinan Ghulam Akhmad, jin dari Mesir yang pernah merasuki santri saya 
yang sakit jiwa. Upaya ini semata-mata sebagai partisipasi dan memberikan 
dukungan pada demonstran dan pemerintah lewat dimensi lain dalam rangka 
pemberantasan korupsi di Indonesia, paparnya.

Jin yang dikirim semua sudah terlatih dan profesional ada ahli sosial, ahli 
politik, hukum, keamanan, agama, pengobatan dalan lainnya. Jika ada demonstran 
yang kesurupan dan atau ilmu hitam untuk menyihir, menyantet dan memberikan 
guna-guna atau memperkeruh keadaan, maka jin dari pesantren Dzikrus Syifa' siap 

Jangan sampai peringatan dan perjuangan ini dikotori penumpang gelap yang 
bertujuan memprovokasi dan memperkeruh keadaan. Seribu jin semuanya Islam dan 
siap membantu mengamankan demo besar-besaran hari ini, ujar Muzakkkin.

Dia menambahkan, reformasi sudah bergulir sejak 1998, sejak itu desakan 
melaksanakan demokratisasi dan pemberantasan korupsi, kolusi dan nepotisme 
sudah bergema di seluruh negeri. Kenyataannya sampai kini penanganan korupsi 
belum sesuai harapan.

Untuk mewujudkan bebas korupsi, hukum harus ditegakkan siapapun apapun 
jabatannya bila melakukan korupsi harus diadili. Upaya membongkar korupsi oleh 
lembaga antikorupsi seperti Indonesian Corruption Watch dan lainnya harus 
didukung demi tercapainya masyarakat adil dan makmur berdasarkan Pancasiladan 
UUD 1945.

Semoga upaya memberantas korupsi bisa terus berlanjut agar masyarakat lebih 
sejahtera, katanya. 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[ppiindia] Share my happiness!!!

2009-12-10 Terurut Topik Shohibul Siregar
Share my happiness!!!
Hi, I am willing to give you a big surprise: www.ooaap.com. I bought an Apple 
Mac book one week ago from this website. Now, I have received it. This product 
quality is very good. They also sell phones, TV, motors and so on. By the way, 
they mainly sell new and original products and they have many good feedback. 
Because The upcoming Christmas and New Year's, so many companies are promoting 
their products. ooaap website also have very competitive prices. If you need 
these products, you can have a look. It is a good chance that you should not 
lose. Greetings! 

  Get your new Email address!
Grab the Email name you#39;ve always wanted before someone else does!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[ppiindia] Kasus Pelanggaran HAM Masih Banyak yang Tersembunyi

2009-12-10 Terurut Topik sunny


Kasus Pelanggaran HAM Masih Banyak yang Tersembunyi
Kamis, 10 Desember 2009 21:16 WIB | Peristiwa | Hukum/Kriminal | 

Surabaya (ANTARA News) - Pengamat hukum tata negara dan HAM Fakultas Hukum 
Universitas Airlangga (Unair) Surabaya, Herlambang Perdana, SH, MA, menilai, 
kasus pelanggaran Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM) hingga kini masih banyak yang 

Ia mencontohkan, kasus Minah yang divonis penjara karena mencuri tiga butir 
buah Kakao merupakan kasus lama yang sebenarnya banyak terjadi, namun tidak 
diberitakan di media.

Selain kasus Minah, di Jawa Timur juga pernah terjadi kasus serupa yang 
menimpa seorang buruh bernama Yuliana yang harus dikeluarkan dari perusahannya 
dan dikenai hukuman pidana hanya karena mencuri roti seharga Rp500, katanya di 
Surabaya, Kamis.

Dengan adanya kasus-kasus yang menimpa kaum miskin, ia menyimpulkan bahwa 
peradilan untuk kaum miskin seringkali terjadi karena peradilan terlalu kuat 
dikontrol oleh kaum pemilik modal atau kapitalis dan penguasa politik.

Sementara untuk trend kasus pelanggaran HAM di tahun 2009 ini, justru lebih 
banyak mengarah pada kasus kekerasan yang dilakukan oleh negara ataupun yang 
dibiarkan oleh negara yang menghadapkan antara kelompok sipil dengan kelompok 
sipil yang lain.

Ia mencontohkan, sperti kasus penembakan yang dilakukan oleh aparat kepolisian 
terhadap sejumlah petani yang ada di Sumatera Selatan.

Kasus tersebut terjadi sejak sepuluh tahun terakhir dan terus berulang dari 
tahun ke tahun, seperti yang terjadi di Alas Tlogo (2007), kasus Manggarai 
(2004), dan Bulu Kumba Sulawesi Selatan (2003), katanya.

Ia menegaskan bahwa dalam hal ini, negara masih tetap mempertahankan cara-cara 
kekerasan terutama terhadap kaum miskin.

Selain itu, kasus HAM yang terjadi saat ini adalah pembatasan kebebasan dalam 
berekspresi, baik yang menimpa masyarakat sipil dan jurnalis.

Kasus Prita merupakan salah satu contoh pelanggaran kebebasan berekspresi yang 
sebenarnya sudah didengungkan Pemerintah Indonesia sejak tahun 1945.(*)

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[ppiindia] Soal Teror Tak Disebut

2009-12-10 Terurut Topik sunny

Soal Teror Tak Disebut

Antasari Bersaksi di Sidang Terdakwa Sigid
SP/Alex Suban

Mantan Ketua KPK Antasari Azhar (kanan) bersaksi untuk terdakwa kasus 
pembunuhan Dirut PT PRB Nasrudin Zulkarnaen, Sigid Haryo Wibisono (kiri), di 
Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Selatan, Kamis (10/12).

[JAKARTA] Antasari Azhar, terdakwa perkara dugaan pembunuhan Direktur PT Putra 
Rajawali Banjaran Nasrudin Zulkarnaen menjadi saksi dalam sidang perkara yang 
sama dengan terdakwa Sigid Haryo Wibisono di Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Selatan, 
Kamis (10/12). 

Hal ini merupakan pertama kalinya Antasari diperiksa sebagai saksi bagi 
terdakwa lainnya. 

Sidang yang dipimpin Hakim Ketua Charis Mardiyanto itu dimulai pukul 09.15 WIB. 
Sebelumnya, Ketua Majelis Hakim di persidangan terdakwa Antasari, Herri 
Swantoro memutuskan menunda sidang hingga Antasari selesai bersaksi bagi Sigid. 
Hari ini, sidang lanjutan dengan terdakwa Antasari diagendakan mendengar 
keterangan saksi ahli, di antaranya ahli forensik RS Cipto Mangunkusumo Abdul 
Mu'nim Idris dan ahli balistik M Simanjuntak. 

Dalam kesaksiannya, Antasari mengaku mengenal Sigid sejak sekitar akhir 2007, 
sebelum ia menjadi Ketua Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK). 

Tak Sebut Teror

Dalam keterangannya yang panjang lebar menjawab pertanyaan hakim, hingga lebih 
dari satu jam sidang berlangsung, tidak sepatah kata pun Antasari menyinggung 
soal ancaman teror yang dialaminya. Termasuk soal pembicaraan dengan Sigid 
terkait masalah teror telepon dan pesan singkat (SMS). 

Setelah perkenalannya dengan Sigid yang hanya sepintas lalu, Antasari mengaku 
bertemu lagi dengan Sigid di rumah Sigid di Jl Pati Unus, Jakarta Selatan. 
Saat itu saya tidak tahu bahwa itu rumah terdakwa (Sigid), katanya. 

Menurut Antasari, di Jl Pati Unus itu, ia dipertemukan dengan salah satu wakil 
ketua Komisi III DPR ketika itu Soeripto. Tujuannya, untuk berdiskusi mengenai 
visi dan misi KPK, karena saat itu Antasari tengah menjalani serangkaian tes 
untuk menjadi Ketua KPK. 

Hanya itu, tidak ada pembicaraan lain. Saya bahkan sempat mengira bahwa rumah 
di Pati Unus itu adalah kediaman Pak Soeripto, kata Antasari. 

Kepada Majelis Hakim, Antasari juga mengaku mengenal Williardi Wizard, karena 
diperkenalkan oleh Sigid. Menurut Antasari, latar belakang perkenalannya dengan 
Williardi karena Sigid mengetahui ia sering bermain golf dengan Kapolri Bambang 
Hendarso Danuri. 

Tetapi, tidak secara spesifik dikatakan bahwa Williardi minta dibantu agar 
naik pangkat atau apa, karena saya sering main golf dengan Kapolri, katanya. 

Antasari tidak menyinggung adanya pembicaraan dengan Sigid dan Williardi 
mengenai ancaman teror oleh Nasrudin. Majelis Hakim lebih banyak menanyakan 
terkait perkenalan dan pertemuan Antasari dengan Nasrudin. Hakim mencecar 
Antasari dengan pertanyaan sejauh mana hubungan Antasari dengan Nasrudin, 
berapa kali bertemu, dan kaitannya dengan pembentukan tim penyelidikan yang 
dibentuk Kapolri. 

Kesaksian Antasari akhirnya lebih banyak menjelaskan mengenai kronologi 
perkenalan dan pertemuannya dengan Nasrudin dan Rani Juliani, termasuk 
pertemuan di Hotel Grand Mahakam. 

Antasari juga mengungkapkan, ia mengetahui Nasrudin tertembak dari seorang 
teman yang merupakan anggota DPR, yang juga mengenal Nasrudin, saat ia berada 
di Australia. 

Menurut anggota Tim JPU Raharjo, Antasari dihadirkan sebagai saksi di 
persidangan Sigid karena pada dakwaan perkara Sigid disebutkan, Sigid turut 
serta dengan Antasari dan Williardi dalam dugaan pembunuhan berencana Nasrudin. 

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[ppiindia] Selamatkan Ekonomi Bangsa

2009-12-10 Terurut Topik sunny
Reffleksi : Untuk sementara bersabarlah sambil kencangkan ikat pinggang, karena 
harus tunggu Pilpres 2014, demikian saran pengusaha. Apakah para pengusaha ini 
orang baik hati atau jahat, sulit diterka karena masih 4 tahun lagi.  Tetapi, 
apa asumsi Anda tentang para pengusaha ini yang meminta politikus tunggu 
Pilpres 2014 untuk menyelamatkan ekonomi bangsa? 


Selamatkan Ekonomi Bangsa

Pengusaha Minta Politikus Tunggu Pilpres 2014

[JAKARTA] Sejumlah pengusaha mengkhawatirkan tindakan beberapa elite politik 
yang gerakannya sudah berada di luar mekanisme yang berlaku. Hal ini bisa 
membuat perekonomian menjadi tidak stabil dan rawan guncangan. Padahal, 
perekonomian sudah berjalan bagus di bawah pemerintahan Presiden Susilo Bambang 

Sebaiknya para elite politik lebih memikirkan dampak perbuatannya daripada 
hanya untuk kepentingan kekuasaan sesaat. Ekonomi bangsa harus diselamatkan, 
ujar Pengusaha Kelapa Sawit Iswahyudi Ashari kepada SP, di Jakarta, Rabu (9/12).

Menurut Iswahyudi, tindakan beberapa elite politik saat ini sudah berada di 
luar koridor yang berlaku di tanah air. Tindakan memengaruhi opini rakyat 
seolah-seolah Presiden bersalah dan ingin melakukan makar menggulingkan SBY, 
merupakan sikap yang dapat berdampak buruk bagi perekonomian, katanya.

Seharusnya, kata Iswahyudi, para politikus bila berbeda pendapat dengan SBY 
disampaikan melalui mekanisme yang ada sesuai dengan peraturan yang berlaku. 
Dia mencontohkan, bila ingin unjuk rasa lakukan dengan santun dan damai, jangan 
anarki. Begitupun hak angket kasus Century silakan saja, karena itu dibenarkan 
oleh undang-undang.

Namun, tambah dia, bila tindakan politikus bertujuan untuk menjatuhkan SBY di 
luar mekanisme yang ada seperti pemilu, hal ini dapat membuat ekonomi terpuruk. 
Padahal ekonomi di bawah SBY selama 5 tahun belakangan ini sudah memperlihatkan 
kinerja yang baik.

Iswahyudi mencontohkan, Indonesia adalah salah satu dari tiga negara di Asia di 
samping Tiongkok dan India yang mencatatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi positif 
sepanjang tahun 2009 di tengah ekonomi global yang negatif. Ekonomi yang minus 
ini juga dialami seluruh negara ASEAN kecuali, Indonesia.

Investor asing juga mulai masuk Indonesia karena kepercayaan kepada SBY dan 
tim ekonominya. Tapi, kini investor asing berpikir kembali masuk ke sini 
melihat suhu politik yang memanas, ujar Iswahyudi yang mengaku sudah berbicara 
dengan investor asing. 

Dia mengimbau para elite politik untuk memberikan kesempatan kepada SBY dan 
para menterinya untuk bekerja, jangan biarkan rakyat menjadi korban. Kalau 
digoyang terus, bagaimana bisa kerja, ujar Presiden Komisaris PT Dipta Agro 
Lestari itu.

Iswahyudi berharap bila ingin merebut kekuasaan, para politikus dapat menunggu 
hingga Pemilihan Presiden (Pilpres) 2014. Jangan terus menghujat SBY. Dia 
Presiden yang dipilih rakyat, tegasnya.

Pendapat yang sama juga disampaikan Sekjen Asosiasi Pengusaha Indonesia 
Djimanto. Menurutnya, aksi unjuk rasa menentang korupsi itu merupakan hal yang 
baik. Namun, kalau di balik aksi itu ada ambisi politik yang ingin merubah 
hasil pemilu lalu, maka hal itu akan berdampak buruk bagi perekonomian 
Indonesia yang saat ini sudah sudah tumbuh positif 4,5%. 

Ekonomi kita akan jatuh, karena partner bisnis kita diluar negeri akan 
berpikir dan ragu-ragu dalam menanamkan investasinya di sini karena kondisi 
Indonesia yang tidak menentu, ungkapnya. 

Menurutnya, saat ini Indonesia memang dalam tren ekonomi yang bagus. National 
Summit dan Investor Summit merupakan contoh baik, dimana pemerintah mau 
mendegarkan pendapat dari kalangan pengusaha dan investor. [LOV/M-6]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[ppiindia] Sungai di Kalteng Tercemar

2009-12-10 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Di NKRI yang mempunyai izin pertambangan emas pun mencemarkan 
sungai, jadi izin atau tanpa izin sama saja, karena penguasa terdiri dari 
oknom-oknom  koruptor dan mungkin juga  penduduk  disekitar sungai tidak 
menaruh perhatian untuk memelihara sungai tetap bersih dan sehat. Hal ini umum 
di Indonesia. 


Sungai di Kalteng Tercemar

[PALANGKA RAYA] Penambangan emas tanpa izin (PETI) masih berlangsung di 
beberapa daerah aliran sungai (DAS) di Kalimantan Tengah (Kalteng). Hasil 
pemantauan anggota dewan, kegiatan penambangan emas liar masih terjadi di 
Sungai Kahayan. Air raksa yang terus dibuang para penambang membuat air sungai 

Itu mengancam kesehatan dan merusak kelestarian lingkungan. Hingga saat ini, 
memang belum ada kabar warga terserang penyakit akibat limbah. Namun, limbah 
air raksa jelas dapat menimbulkan penyakit berbahaya dalam jangka waktu 
tertentu, kata Anggota DPRD Kalteng Syahrani Sahrin kepada SP, di Palangka 
Raya, Rabu (9/12).

Dikatakan, penyakit minamata terjadi karena menumpuknya merkuri di tubuh 
manusia dalam jangka waktu tertentu. Minamata bisa menyebabkan gangguan syaraf 
dan genetik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, Sungai Kahayan, yang membelah Kota 
Palangka Raya dan menjadi sumber bahan baku perusahaan daerah air minum (PDAM) 
mengandung zat merkuri yang dihasilkan dari air raksa yang digunakan penambang 
untuk memisahkan pasir dan menyatukan emas.

Kepala Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Kalteng Muzes Nicodemos mengatakan, kandungan 
merkuri yang mengendap di Sungai Kahayan sangat membahayakan tubuh manusia.

Jika limbah logam berat itu dimakan ikan dan ikannya dimakan manusia, akan 
mengendap dalam tubuh.

Pencemaran limbah air raksa di Sungai Kahayan itu boleh jadi sudah di atas 
ambang batas toleransi, sebab di dasar sungai ini telah dinyatakan seluruhnya 
terdapat endapan merkuri, katanya.

Dewis (48), warga Desa Baun Bango, Kecamatan Banama Tingang, Kabupaten Pulang 
Pisau, desa di pinggiran Sungai Kahayan mengaku beruntung ada sumber air bawah 
tanah. Airnya bersih dan jernih, seperti air mineral yang dijual di pasaran. 
Hanya saja beberapa desa di hilir dan hulu desa kami, warga menjadikan air 
Sungai Kahayan sebagai air kebutuhan hidup sehari-hari, yakni mandi, cuci, dan 
kakus, katanya.

Anak Sungai

Penambangan emas memang sudah tidak ada lagi di Sungai Kahayan, karena 
penambang takut penertiban oleh aparat. Kini warga menambang secara 
sembunyi-sembunti di hutan, memanfaatkan air anak Sungai Kahayan. Meski tidak 
menambang di Sungai Kahayan, tetapi air Sungai Kahayan tetap keruh. Mungkin 
juga air raksa yang digunakan mengolah emas larut bersama air yang keruh itu, 

Bambang Suryadi, anggota DPRD Kalteng mengatakan, pemerintah harus bisa 
menghentikan kegiatan PETI di Sungai Kahayan dan anak sungai itu. Aktivitas 
penambang jelas menggunakan merkuri untuk mempercepat proses peleburan 
butiran-butiran emas.

Penyakit minamata merupakan sindrom kelainan fungsi saraf yang disebabkan oleh 
keracunan akut air raksa. Gejalanya, seperti kesemutan pada kaki dan tangan, 
lemas-lemas, penyempitan sudut pandang, degradasi kemampuan berbicara dan 
pendengaran. Pada tingkat akut, gejala ini biasanya memburuk disertai dengan 
kelumpuhan, kegilaan, koma, dan akhirnya tewas. [106]

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[ppiindia] A corrupted debate

2009-12-10 Terurut Topik sunny

A corrupted debate 
By I.A. Rehman 
Thursday, 10 Dec, 2009 

The ongoing debate on accountability is not free from the fundamental flaw that 
often mars public discourse in Pakistan, in that the entire emphasis is on 
symptoms of wrongdoing by persons in authority, holders of political or 
bureaucratic or judicial offices. 

Little is being said about the causes and factors that make corruption 
possible. The result, as usual in such exercises, will be that a few heads may 
roll while the cancer of corruption will continue to spread to as yet 
unaffected parts of the state - if any part can be claimed to have remained 

As the discussion gets more and more unedifying, one begins to doubt that 
corruption is being seriously debated because the targets are persons presumed 
to be corrupt and not the many facets of corruption. This raises doubts about 
the motives of the anti-corruption brigade - whether it wants to chop off a few 
of the crowns of the hydra-headed monster of corruption or whether it has 
decided to kill the monster itself. Sometimes outbursts on corruption in high 
places cannot be accepted as serious debate, they sound more like underworld 

Quite a few persons in authority have also contributed to the decline in the 
quality of arguments. For instance, the plea that no NRO beneficiary should 
quit his ministerial gaddi until he is convicted by a court (after a trial that 
may continue longer than the honourable fellow's term in office) is not worth 
uttering in a decent society. 

Obviously some people have not heard of the adage that Caesar's wife has to be 
above suspicion nor of the modern-day dictum penned by Sir Ivor Jennings (who, 
incidentally, tried to guide Pakistan's first constitution-makers) in the 
following words:

'The most elementary qualification demanded of a minister is honesty and 
incorruptibility. It is, however, necessary not only that he should possess 
this qualification but also that he should appear to possess it.'

The key word in the quotation is incorruptibility. That is the criterion by 
which ministers ought to be judged and not by actions done while holding office 
or before assuming or after quitting an official position. The duty of 
ministers suspected of wrongdoing is not debatable; it is a settled matter. 

The issue of central importance in the whole discussion about corruption or 
accountability is the increase in corruption despite six decades of efforts to 
eradicate it. The Anti-Corruption Act, which one believes is still on our 
statute book, was passed five months before Pakistan came into being. 
Provisions regarding the liability of public servants found in possession of 
property disproportionate to their legitimate earnings were added to it more 
than 50 years ago. And anti-corruption measures have been announced by all 

The Public Representative Offices Disqualification Act was adopted soon after 
independence and it was invoked against two chief ministers before it was 
denounced as incompatible with democratic politics in 1954.

Ayub Khan devised EBDO to send politicians home and used martial law cover to 
purge the bureaucracy of bad eggs (of the regime's choice). The charge-sheets 
against the condemned politicians and civil servants show many of them as 
harmless sparrows compared to the latter-day sharks.

Yahya Khan, Bhutto, Ziaul Haq and Musharraf all tried their hand at throwing 
out politicians and bureaucrats on charges of corruption and yet corruption has 
increased at a galloping pace and Pakistan has continued to climb higher and 
higher in the list of the world's most corrupt states. What is to be done about 
this? It is obvious that axing a few more politicians and bureaucrats, however 
necessary, will not help. It has not helped in the past and it is not going to 
help in the future.

Some of the institutional weaknesses in the anti-corruption plans have long 
been identified. For instance, there is no doubt that the drive against 
corruption has suffered due to its control being vested in the executive. Since 
all papers, evidence and proof is with the establishment it abuses its powers 
to prosecute political or personal rivals and covers up the tracks of its 

This applies to all watchdogs - from the Anti-Corruption Establishment to the 
National Accountability Bureau. Thus, anybody who wishes to fight corruption 
should be demanding (once again) an accountability mechanism outside and 
independent of the executive.

Secondly, it has been accepted since the days of Fulton and Cornelius that 
neither politician nor bureaucrat should have discretionary powers. When will 
this principle become the rule in Pakistan? In a country where everybody from 
the head of state to a petty assistant considers discretionary powers a matter 
of life and death freedom 

[ppiindia] President Patil makes history by flying in a Sukhoi-30 combat plane

2009-12-10 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Presiden India, umur 74 tahun terbang 30 menit dengan Sukhoi-30


President Patil makes history by flying in a Sukhoi-30 combat plane

74-year-old Patil has also set a world record by becoming the oldest woman to 
be airborne in a combat jet for a 30-minute sortie at a speed close to the 
supersonic level.

President flies in Sukoi, makes history 
Satyajit Joshi, Hindustan Times
Pune, November 25, 2009
First Published: 15:48 IST(25/11/2009)
Last Updated: 20:54 IST(25/11/2009)

Lohegaon air base of Indian Air Force was buzz with activities and excitement 
on Wednesday morning. However, President Pratibha Devisinh Patil (74), who 
smoothly set a record of being the first woman President in the world to take 
the skies in the world's unmatched fighter plane - Sukhoi - 30 MKI - was cool, 
calm and quiet even after her 30 minute sortie. 

Top officials of IAF were busy for President's Sukhoi sortie for more than a 
month but everybody was happy when President was more than satisfied and found 
her comfortable and confident with the exercise. President's daughter - Jyoti 
Rathod, who stays in Pune was present along with her family at Lohegaon air 

Accompanied by Air Chief Marshal P V Naik and Air Marshal P S Bhangu, President 
Pratibha Patil arrived at Lohegaon air base at 9.35 and accepted guard of 
honour. IAF officials again brief her about the sortie and Pratibha Patil 
started walking towards Sukhoi 30 MKI - in a specially made military green 
colored G-suit around 10.30 am. She was introduced to the staff and the plane 
took off at 10.55 am. 

President was confident and comfortable when she climbed the staircase and 
waived hands to the staff and the media persons, who had gathered in large 
number. Before Sukhoi MI 130 took off, in which President was sitting, two 
Sukhoi planes took off to escort President's plane. Another plane also left 
after President's Sukhoi flew in the skies. 

Pratibha Patil was in the skies for almost half an hour. Her plane landed 
around 11.28 am when she was again greeted by IAF officials and Presidential 
staff. Wing Commander S Sajan, who was pilot of President's plane, helped her 
to alight from the staircase. 

It was a wonderful and unique experience, said Pratibha Patil after her 
sortie. I was familiarized with manoeuvreing of plane which was very 
sophisticated and technically advanced, said President. 

President, who talked to media persons in G-suit, was comfortable, cool and 
quiet. She felt as if she was going into skies in a second. I was inspired too 
much, Pratibha Patil said, adding that she was in sky 2200 meters high while 
the speed was gradually increased from 600 km per hour to more than 800 km per 

I did maneuvers with the plane. Some times at left and right and even up and 
down for twice, President said. President's Sukhoi half round of Pune covering 
northern, western and eastern areas of the city during which she noticed 
villages like Rajgurunagar, Shirur and Baramati. 

When asked whether there was apprehension among the people, close to her about 
her sortie, Pratibha Patil said it was not at all but there was certainly an 
excitement. I was confident since beginning. So far as submarine is concerned, 
I will see when it comes, she said. President said she has been doing her 
regular exercise for years and was taking some special exercise for Sukhoi 

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[ppiindia] China's Economic Power Unsettles the Neighbors

2009-12-10 Terurut Topik sunny

Uneasy Engagement 
China's Economic Power Unsettles the Neighbors 
Ed Wray for The New York Times
Cheaper Chinese products have imperiled Indonesian businesses like the Dunia 
Metal Works. 

Published: December 9, 2009 
PASARKEMIS, Indonesia - In the Dickensian depths of the Dunia Metal Works here, 
all is cacophony: the bam bam bam of grease-drenched punches; the rhythmic 
clank of unspooling steel wire; the storm and stress of glinting, freshly 
minted nails cascading onto a broad metal table for boxing.

The New York Times
The Dunia Metal Works in Pasarkemis, Indonesia, is running at 40 percent of its 
capacity as its export markets have dried up. 

The New York Times
Chinese competition is crushing a factory in Pasarkemis. 

But for all the industrial din, Dunia is undergoing a painful slump. Today it 
runs at 40 percent of its capacity, its domestic nail business imperiled - and 
its exports wiped out - by cheaper Chinese alternatives.

We have been competing with the Japanese and the Koreans, said Juniarto 
Suhandinata, the factory's director. But the Chinese - no chance. 

The Chinese are tough competitors, and Dunia is hardly the first to find out. 
But Mr. Suhandinata's lament speaks to something different: a sense of 
disquiet, even in developing Asian nations in Beijing's orbit, over the 
implications of China's swift, seemingly boundless economic growth.

China has long claimed to be just another developing nation, even as its 
economic power far outstripped that of any other emerging country.

Now, it is finding it harder to cast itself as a friendly alternative to an 
imperious American superpower. For many in Asia, it is the new colossus.

China 10 years ago is totally different with China now, said Ansari Bukhari, 
who oversees metals, machinery and other crucial sectors for Indonesia's 
Ministry of Industry. They are stronger and bigger than other countries. Why 
do we have to give them preference?

To varying degrees, others are voicing the same complaint. Take the 10 
Southeast Asian nations in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, known as 
Asean, a regional economic bloc representing about 600 million people. After a 
decade of trade surpluses with Asean nations that ran as high as $20 billion, 
the surplus through October totaled a bare $535 million, according to Chinese 
customs figures, and appears headed toward a 10-year low. That is prompting 
some rethinking of the conventional wisdom that China's rise is a windfall for 
the whole neighborhood.

Vietnam just devalued its currency by 5 percent, to keep it competitive with 
China. In Thailand, manufacturers are grousing openly about their inability to 
match Chinese prices. India has filed a sheaf of unfair-trade complaints 
against China this year covering everything from I-beams to coated paper. 

The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum, the biggest regional group, last 
month urged the adoption of market-oriented exchange rates for Asian 
currencies without mentioning - or needing to mention - China's currency, which 
many economists say China keeps artificially undervalued to promote its own 

In Southeast Asia, Indonesia is having second thoughts about a free-trade pact 
China negotiated with the six core Asean nations.

Under strong pressure from industries as varied as steel and motorbike makers, 
the Trade Ministry said last week that it would seek to renegotiate some of the 
350-odd tariff reductions that were envisioned in the first year of the accord, 
set to take effect in January.

Jong-Wha Lee, the chief economist for the Asian Development Bank, noted that 
Japan and South Korea were also seen as juggernauts - and were criticized - 
when their state-backed industries rapidly increased exports. But the challenge 
from China seems different.

Not just the size, but the speed of China's emerging power is really 
unprecedented in the region, Mr. Lee said. So it creates a lot of issues - 
not just trade and exchange-rate policies. But in the future, what will be the 
role of China?

China has taken some steps to mollify complainers. In April, it proposed a $10 
billion investment fund to help build badly needed roads, railways and ports in 
Southeast Asia, and a $15 billion fund to give Asian nations low-interest 
development loans. 

But it has so far done little to address regional and global unease over the 
value of its currency, the renminbi. Because the currency is lashed by 
effective government fiat to the sinking American dollar, China's exports have 
become significantly cheaper in countries whose own currencies have not 
compensated for the dollar's recent fall.

In Asia, the renminbi is doubly significant. During the 1997 Asian economic 
crisis, the values of many regional currencies collapsed, making their goods 
cheap to foreign buyers. The Chinese then won the gratitude of their neighbors 

[ppiindia] Tunjuk perasaan antirasuah berterusan di Indonesia

2009-12-10 Terurut Topik sunny

ARKIB : 10/12/2009 
Tunjuk perasaan antirasuah berterusan di Indonesia

  PENUNJUK-PENUNJUK perasaan membakar gambar Presiden Susilo Bambang 
Yudhoyono dan timbalannya, Bodiono semasa membantah gejala rasuah di Jakarta, 
semalam manakala gambar kanan menunjukkan polis menggunakan meriam air untuk 
menyuraikan penunjuk perasaan di Makassar, Sulawesi yang juga membantah 
tindakan kerajaan menyelamatkan Bank Century. - AP 


JAKARTA 9 Dis. - Beribu-ribu rakyat Indonesia mengadakan demonstrasi di 
beberapa bandar utama hari ini bagi memperingati hari antirasuah antarabangsa 
dan menggesa kerajaan menjalankan siasatan serius mengenai skandal Bank Century.

Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono mengalami tekanan semakin hebat sementara 
ahli Parlimen menyiasat dakwaan rasuah berhubung tindakan kontroversi kerajaan 
membelanjakan AS$700 juta (RM2.38 bilion) bagi menyelamatkan Bank Century tahun 

Susilo yang lebih dikenali dengan singkatan namanya, SBY menafikan 
sekeras-kerasnya dakwaan sebahagian wang tersebut disalurkan untuk membiayai 
kempen beliau dalam pilihan raya Presiden pada Julai lepas, yang dimenanginya 
dengan 60 peratus undi bagi menduduki penggal kedua, berlandaskan janji untuk 
membanteras rasuah.

Di ibu kota Sulawesi Selatan, Makassar, sekitar 5,000 pelajar dan aktivis 
antirasuah membanjiri sebatang jalan di pusat bandar untuk menuntut kerajaan 
menyiasat skandal bank tersebut.

Penunjuk perasaan turut membakar tayar dan membawa sepanduk dan poster dengan 
tulisan 'Siasat kes Bank Century untuk menyelamatkan wang negara' dan 'SBY 
tidak mampu mentadbir negara ini'.

Di Jakarta, lebih seribu penunjuk perasaan berarak ke istana negara dengan 
membawa sepanduk menggesa Susilo bertindak, dengan tulisan pada satu sepanduk 
mendakwa '90 peratus penguat kuasa undang-undang di sini adalah korup'.

Susilo malam tadi merayu kepada rakyat supaya menunjuk perasaan secara aman, 
sambil menegaskan kerajaan beliau bersungguh-sungguh mahu membanteras rasuah.

Presiden sebelum ini melahirkan kebimbangan pihak tertentu merancang untuk 
memperalatkan tunjuk perasaan itu bagi menjatuhkan beliau.

Penganjur demonstrasi sebaliknya berkata, Susilo bersikap paranoid dan beliau 
sepatutnya menyertai mereka dalam rapat umum itu dan bukannya memburuk-burukkan 
sebuah gerakan popular.

Demonstrasi turut berlangsung di beberapa bandar besar lain di seluruh 
Indonesia, negara yang menduduki tangga ke-126 bersama-sama Honduras dan Libya 
di kalangan 180 negara dalam indeks persepsi rasuah yang disediakan oleh 
Transparency International. - AFP

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[ppiindia] Sudan: The Country of a Million Crises

2009-12-10 Terurut Topik sunny

Sudan: The Country of a Million Crises

By Tariq Alhomayed

It does not matter who is trying to ignite the Sudanese robe by relighting the 
match; what's more important than all of this is that Sudan in its entirety 
today is under threat. Some might say that this threat hanging over Sudan is 
not new, and this is the [real] crisis, for the crises in Sudan have given rise 
to successive crises. 

Going into the details of the demands of the Sudanese opposition or parties, 
whether they are in the north or the south, will not add or take anything away 
from the facts on the ground. The most important thing that happened in Sudan 
recently was everybody - internally and externally - united against the 
Sudanese government. This is something that demonstrates the difficulties that 
will be seen in Sudan in the coming days, and is evidence of the mismanagement 
of the Sudanese crisis by the regime. 

Externally, there is the international tribunal, and just days ago [ICC 
prosecutor] Luis-Moreno Ocampo vowed to prosecute Darfur war criminals and 
those that cover up for them, while the northern and southern Sudanese held 
demonstrations that the regime described as illegal, as they had not been 
authorized. It is strange that this regime calls for the licensing of 
demonstrations today when it previously said that the days of demonstrations 
that swept Sudan following the International Criminal Court's decision to 
prosecute the Sudanese President were spontaneous! 

This talk, of course, is not in support of the demonstrations that took place 
on Monday, or support for what was said about arranging a demonstration with a 
million participants, as the demonstrators' demand, which was described as the 
memorandum of the banned rally, is an impossible issue now, even if it is 
legitimate, because such demands mean a new Sudanese agreement. 

Unfortunately what we see today in Sudan is nothing more than [the regime] 
clinging onto power, and the fear that the temple will collapse upon those 
inside it. The south is on the path to secession, and there are those who say 
that secession has already taken place and has not been announced. There is 
also the crisis in Darfur, and the external implications that this has on the 
Sudanese regime, not to mention the suffering of the innocent. There is also 
the conflict between yesterday's allies within the ruling regime itself, and of 
course the victim of all of this is Sudan and its people. 

Therefore we say that the crises in Sudan have begun to give birth to other 
crises, and the reason for this is poor management by the Sudanese regime, and 
its clinging onto power even if this results in the division of the country, 
the breakup of its cohesion, and its exposure to overwhelming risk. Therefore 
even if the [Sudanese] opposition - in all its forms - was successful at 
overthrowing the ruling regime in Sudan, which according to some of the 
regime's supporters was the true purpose behind these demonstrations whose 
demands were not the implementation of what has been agreed upon so much as the 
overthrowing of the ruling regime, this still will not lead to the improvement 
of conditions for Sudan; coups and overthrowing presidents or regimes will not 
bring anything new to Sudan, and will only increase the complexity of the 
situation there. 

The upshot of this is that Sudan is more important than the ruling regime and 
Sudan's stability and security is more important than those who have ambitions 
to rule. Unfortunately the competitors today in Sudan are competing for the 
leftovers of the state, and not a strong coherent [united] state. Therefore the 
language of reason and putting the interests of the country has failed, 
especially at the hands of the al-Bashir regime, and so we are waiting for 
another Arab crisis in a country that previously was considered to be the 
breadbasket of the Arab world.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[ppiindia] Indonesians take to the streets

2009-12-10 Terurut Topik sunny

 Dec 11, 2009 

Indonesians take to the streets
By Patrick Guntensperger 

JAKARTA - Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's political troubles 
are being compounded by a street movement led by several of the 
democracy-promoting non-governmental organizations with which he was once seen 
to have common cause. 

Traffic in the national capital was gridlocked on Wednesday on International 
Anti-Corruption Day as tens of thousands took to the streets to protest the 
recent corruption and abuse-of-power scandals surrounding Yudhoyono's freshly 
elected government. 

More than a decade after toppling long-reigning strongman Suharto, Indonesia 
has yet to step out from the shadow of its
systemically corrupt and bloated civil service, including the tainted national 
police force. Despite recent progress in prosecuting and convicting several 
corrupt officials, the country still perennially ranks near the top of 
international lists ranking the world's most corrupt countries. 

Perceptions that the national police and Attorney General's Office may have 
intentionally undermined the quasi-independent and highly successful Corruption 
Eradication Commission (KPK) on false charges of bribery and extortion, and 
allegations that top government officials may have pilfered funds from a state 
bailout of a mid-sized bank to bolster the government's re-election campaign, 
have badly dented Yudhoyono's domestic popularity and international 

If the allegations prove founded, some suggest the legitimacy of this year's 
election results could be called into question. The main political opposition, 
led by former premier Megawati Sukarnoputri's Democrat Party for Struggle 
(PDI-P), had earlier lodged a complaint against the legitimacy of polls, which 
saw Yudhoyono take over 60% of the presidential vote. It is not clear whether 
the current controversy and allegations that state funds were channeled towards 
his election campaign will motivate her to launch a new complaint. 

Political analysts also wonder whether the still nascent street movement could 
evolve along the lines of the potent political force that pushed Suharto from 
power in 1998. Some suggest that could happen if Yudhoyono is eventually linked 
to official attempts to undermine the KPK by jailing two of its deputy 
chairmen, Bibit Rianto and Chandra Hamzahon, on trumped-up charges due to fears 
it might investigate his role in alleged irregularities with the Century Bank 
bailout. These include still unproven allegations that funds were illegally 
funneled into his re-election campaign coffers. 

In July, Yudhoyono was swept to a second democratic mandate on the platform of 
his self-professed anti-graft credentials. Since taking the oath of office, his 
presidency has been plagued by one corruption scandal after another, sending 
his popularity into freefall in polls. Since the scandals broke, he has claimed 
to be a victim of lies and character assassination and in a nationally 
televised speech on Tuesday promised jihad against corruption. He also called 
to maintain the KPK's wiretapping capabilities in conducting investigations. 

That investigative capability earlier captured conversations that appeared to 
link Yudhoyono to a police and Attorney General's Office-led ploy to undermine 
the KPK. Yudhoyono's subsequent perceived failure to take a firm position on 
the bogus charges and temporary detention of two KPK deputy chairmen has 
galvanized waves of popular indignation that his previous anti-corruption 
posturing was little more than pandering to an issue that has deep resonance 
among national voters. 

With their release from detention and restitution to their positions to the KPK 
earlier this week, both chairmen have focused the KPK's attention on the 6.76 
trillion rupiah (US$710 million) Century Bank bailout. Both the KPK and a 
parliamentary commission will investigate Yudhoyono's previous government's 
decision in November 2008 to bail out the mid-sized Bank Century. 

The KPK has said it will probe into how the bailout decision was taken and to 
whom the government rescue funds were channeled. The government's Supreme 
Auditing Agency has already released a report saying that as much as 40% of the 
bailout's funds were illegally disbursed. 

It is lost on few observers that the KPK has a 100% conviction rate for past 
cases of high-level graft and corruption it has undertaken. Under 
anti-corruption laws, officials face a potential one to 20 years in prison for 
guilty convictions; the parliamentary probe could lead to impeachment 
proceedings, though that seems unlikely, given Yudhoyono's coalition majority. 

Both the KPK and parliament will weigh why the ultimate cost of the Century 
Bank bailout grew from 632 billion rupiah to 10 times that amount and what role 
former Bank Indonesia governor and current Vice President, Boediono, and 
Finance Minister 

[ppiindia] Indonesian Reform at Stake in Bank Century Battle

2009-12-10 Terurut Topik sunny

Indonesian Reform at Stake in Bank Century Battle 

  Written by Our Correspondent 
  Thursday, 10 December 2009 
   Finance minister accuses Bakrie of trying to oust her

  The woman who is perhaps the most respected member of Indonesian 
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's cabinet has turned a battle over a 2008 
bank bailout into a very public scrap with one of the country's richest and 
most powerful men. 
  At stake may be the future, not just of Finance Minister Sri Mulyani 
Indrawati's tenure in the cabinet but broader efforts to reform the way 
Indonesia does business.  

  Sri Mulyani, who is highly regarded by investors as a symbol of change 
and open government, told the Wall Street Journal Thursday that Aburizal 
Bakrie, a mining tycoon who is also chairman of the Golkar Party, is unhappy 
with her efforts to reform the country's notoriously corrupt bureaucracy and 
that his political party is trying to oust her from government. 

  She said Bakrie and his allies in the House of Representatives (DPR) were 
behind an effort to unseat her by manipulating a pending probe into the $710 
million government bailout of Bank Century in November 2008. 

  Following the interview's publication, Golkar officials denied targeting 
the finance minister. Bakrie did not comment. 

  The bailout, Sri Mulyani told the newspaper, was necessary to save the 
bank's collapse from creating a panic that could have undermined the banking 
system. I felt like what I did was the right thing for the country, she told 
the Journal. 

  Sri Mulyani and Vice President Boediono, who was central bank governor at 
the time of the bailout, both approved the measure. They have recently been 
targets of critics who say the money was misused and that the action itself may 
have been illegal. 
  Boediono has also defended the action as necessary. 

  Sri Mulyani's potshots at Bakrie in the interview seem to have raised the 
stakes in the matter considerably. They follow weeks of speculation here that 
either she or Boediono or both will be sacrificed for political expediency. 
Rumors abound that Bakrie himself is hoping to gain the vice presidency if 
Boediono is ousted. 

  Sri Mulyani said she has been at odds with Bakrie since the stock market 
here plummeted in 2008 after a run on Bakrie-affiliated shares that made up 
one-third of the bourse's value. Trading at the time was halted for several 
days, something she opposed. 

  She told the Journal that Bakrie himself ordered the closure of the 
exchange, a move he would not have had the legal authority to carry out. 
  Now Bakrie's Golkar Party, which is loosely allied with Yudhoyono and 
ruled the country for years when the former dictator Suharto was in power,  is 
leading the DPR investigation into the Bank Century affair. Sri Mulyani says it 
is all about pay back. 

  Aburizal Bakrie is not happy with me, she told the Journal. I'm not 
expecting anyone in Golkar will be fair or kind to me during the probe.
  The fight could determine the course of reform in Indonesia and the two 
figures could hardly be more different. 

  Bakrie is a classic shadow warrior who wields power in the dark corners 
of the country's opaque business and regulatory environment. He moves in and 
out of government - he was in Yudhoyono's first cabinet - and seems to use his 
considerable official influence to aid his many companies, including the 
country's largest coal mining outfit. 

  Sri Mulyani, a one-time International Monetary Fund official and 
university professor,  is widely credited with steering the country 
successfully through the current global economic slowdown, paying down the 
public debt and trying to weed out widespread corruption. 

  Left to sort out the mess is Yudhoyono, who in many ways represents both 
sides of the struggle.  Having come from the military under former dictator 
Suharto, Yudhoyono survived and prospered in the shadows of what was called the 
New Order. His wife, who is said to wield considerable power herself behind the 
scenes, is the daughter of one of Suharto's key military allies from the days 
when he seized power in 1967 following a massive bloodletting that targeted the 
country's once powerful communist movement.  

  But Yudhoyono has also embraced the idea that Indonesia should be a 
modern power, a member of the G20 and an emerging democratic model. He has won 
the presidency twice on a platform of battling corruption - and Sri Mulyani is 
often pointed to as one of the symbols of the change Yudhoyono professes to 
believe in. 

  The confrontation between Bakrie and Sri Mulyani, who is also known for 
her toughness and determination, comes as the president has seen the beginning 
of his second term in office marred by various scandals, among them an attempt 

[ppiindia] A dad at 77 years

2009-12-10 Terurut Topik sunny

A dad at 77 years 

Ning taking care of the newborn while his wife is resting. (Photo: Hunan Online)

A septuagenarian became the oldest father in his village when his wife gave 
birth to a baby boy.

Ning Jianyou, 77, said this was the most joyful moment in his life as he had 
become a father again after 47 years.

The farmer had a son from his second marriage but the boy died at the aged of 

Since then, Ning has no children until Nov 23, when his fourth wife Xiao Wen, 
40, gave birth at a hospital in Hunan province, China.

China's Hunan Online reported that Ning was seen carrying the newborn in his 
arms all the times.

He was grinning from ear-to-ear while talking with his relatives and friends 
who were at the hospital to congratulate him.

This guy eats a lot, he told them, saying that he was so happy that he could 
not sleep for a few nights after his son's birth.

He named the baby Xiu Ming.

Ning said he went through three marriages before he met Xiao Wen.

He said he married the first wife in 1945 when he was 13 years old.

We were too young and always fought for nothing. So we decided to divorce the 
next year,'' he said.

Ning said he married a second time in 1958 and they had a son but the boy died 
from an ailment.

He said the second marriage ended in divorce too.

In 1966, Ning married his third wife but she died some time after.

Before she died, she asked me to find a woman who could take care of me but I 
have decided to stay single,'' he said.

He remained a bachelor until he met Xiao Wen in 1993. He was 61 then.

I saw her wandering in the streets and said hello to her out of politeness but 
she followed me home.

I later found out that she is mute. I did not know who she was and where she 
was from, so I let her settle down at my place and I gave her a name - Xiao 
Wen,'' he said, adding she eventually became his fourth wife.

Ning said his biggest problem was to find more money to bring up the son. He is 
currently receiving a monthly allowance of 130 yuan (RM65) from the government.

He also has side income selling the crops he planted and making wooden chairs.

Published Dec 9, 2009

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[ppiindia] President Correa describes

2009-12-10 Terurut Topik sunny

  Havana.  December  9, 2009

  President Correa describes Cuba
  as the world champion of solidarity and humanism

  Anneris Ivette Leyva García

  AFTER months of genetic and psychological-social research throughout one 
third of Ecuadorian territory, 192 Cuban collaborators, members of the Manuela 
Espejo solidarity mission, have returned to Cuba to celebrate the 51st 
anniversary of the Revolution with their families and the nation as a whole.

  Moments before leaving, after having studied disabilities in more than 
78,000 people and visiting almost 380,000 homes - where they also provided 
neurophysiologic, psychological, angiological, and otolaryngological care - the 
Cuban doctors received the gratitude of the Ecuadorian people and government. 
Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa described Cuba as the world champion of 
solidarity and humanism. 

  Hilda Hernández Madera, an official from the Ministry of Public Heath in 
charge of designing strategies and preparing the methodologies to consolidate 
the study, described the opportunity to be part of this brigade as attaining a 
doctorate in principle, ethics, and humanism. She assured Fidel, Raúl, and 
heath officials that in the midst of such difficult geographical and climate 
conditions, it was evident that the future of the Revolution is assured. 

  Speaking of how the Cuban collaborators withstood all the difficulties 
they had to confront, Marcia Cobas, MINSAP deputy minister, congratulated the 
brigade on their results and reaffirmed that the ALBA mission, based on values 
of solidarity instilled by Fidel and Raúl, was made material in them and knew 
no borders. 

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[ppiindia] TKW Asal Karawang Disiksa Majikan

2009-12-10 Terurut Topik sunny

TKW Asal Karawang Disiksa Majikan

Karawang, 10 Desember 2009 10:38
Seorang tenaga kerja wanita (TKW) asal Dusun Cilogo, Desa Medang Asem, 
Kecamatan Jayakerta, Ida Farida, 24 tahun, disiksa majikannya di Yordania, 
dengan tudingan mencuri perhiasan dan uang.

Anak saya tidak tahan selalu mendapat siksaan dari majikannya, jadi terpaksa 
berusaha kabur dengan nekad lompat dari lantai 3, hingga cedera, kata Sarinem, 
ibu kandung korban, di Karawang, Kamis (10/12).

Kasus yang menimpa Ida tersebut sempat berlanjut hingga ke pengadilan negeri 
setempat, tapi majelis hakim dalam persidangan itu menyatakan Ida tidak 
terbukti bersalah.

Setelah itu, Ida pun kembali bekerja di rumah majikannya. Namun, TKW asal 
Karawang tersebut menderita karena selalu disiksa oleh majikannya.

Akibat berbuat nekad dengan cara melompat dari lantai 3, Ida mengalami 
luka-luka di bagian kaki kiri dan pinggang. Ida baru sampai ke tanah 
kelahirannya pada Selasa (8/12) malam.

Kepala Bidang Penempatan Tenaga Kerja Dinas Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi 
Karawang, RM Adilhati Kosyungan mengaku belum mendapatkan laporan mengenai 
kasus yang menimpa Ida.

Selanjutnya, pihaknya akan melakukan pengecekan tentang kasus tersebut.

Sementara itu, sesuai dengan data Dinas Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi setempat, 
kasus yang menimpa TKI asal Karawang, di luar negeri pada 2009 ini meningkat 
dibandingkan kasus TKI yang terjadi pada tahun-tahun sebelumnya.

Kasus TKI asal Karawang sejak Januari hingga November 2009 yang terdata di 
Dinas Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi mencapai 40 kasus. Sedangkan kasus TKI asal 
Karawang selama 2008 sebanyak 39 kasus, dan pada 2007 hanya tercatat 17 kasus 
TKI asal Karawang.

Rata-rata, jenis kasusnya ialah tidak diberikan gaji, pelecehan seksual, 
penyiksaan, hingga kematian yang menimpa TKI (akibat bunuh diri, sakit dan 
kecelakaan). [TMA, Ant

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[ppiindia] Doa utk para maling, perampok, pemeras (koruptor the gank's)

2009-12-10 Terurut Topik Nanang Heriyanto
Mari kita doakan para maling uang rakyat, perampok uang uang rakyat
serta pejabat yg suka memeras atau dlm bahasa halusnya adalah peminta
pungli atau peminta uang setoran dr masyarakat.. Agar sadar

diampuni Tuhan... karena apa dimakan/dinikmati  dari uang hasil seperti
itu ke badannya  biasanya jadi penyakit, mulai yg ringan sampai kanker,
krn badannya dimasuki oleh makanan dan barang2 yang dibeli dari uang
kotor, tdk ada keikhlasan dari yg dirampok, diperas.. 
doakan baik
masa muda atau masa tuanya .. jika nanggung penyakit yang menyakitkan..
diberi keringanan... semoga diampuni.. kalau jalannya diampuni dengan
harus nanggung rasa sakit yang parah dan lama... semoga kalau tidak
mati2 diberi keringanan dalam menanggung rasa sakit 

baik suami/istri serta anak2 atau keturunannya yang diberi makanan dan
dibesarkan  dari uang kotor itu, biasanya bisa jadi tidak baik, bisa
saja jadi penyakit, atau narkoba atau salah pergaulan, lemah mental,
atau proses hidup yang memalukan  dsb.. semoga diberi keringanan

tindakan mereka menyengsarakan jutaan rakyat, menyengsarakan generasi
penerus bangsa, merusak bangsa, negara... semoga cepat2 sadar...
Karena sebetulnya tindakan mereka itu lebih keji daripada tuyul, setan, buto 
ijo, babi ngepet, iblis, siluman, dsb...

belum sadar juga, karena mereka memang sebenarnya adalah iblis, setan,
tuyul, babi ngepet, siluman yang berbaju manusia... semoga oleh Tuhan
segera diperlihatkan wujud aslinya dan kembali kealamnya sana... yakni
alam setan, alam siluman dsb... 

Sebarkan himbauan ini... dan
ada baiknya jika tiap orang..  selain berdoa,  juga tiap hari menulis
di email, di facebook, di secarik kertas.. doa untuk koruptor  his
gank's ini...  
dan kertas di poskan atau cukup diletakkan di kursi bus kota/
bus antar kota, kursi kereta api, kursi pesawat, kotak pos, bus surat,
meja penerima tamu, kursi2 kantor dll tempat, khususnya kalau bisa
dikantor2 pemerintah.. agar para siluman, iblis, setan, tuyul dsb itu
segera meninggalkan tubuh orang yang disusupinya...
agar indonesia
kembali dihuni oleh manusia berjiwa manusia... bukan berbadan manusia
tapi ruhnya setan, iblis, tuyul, buto ijo babi ngepet dsb...

  Yahoo! Mail Kini Lebih Cepat dan Lebih Bersih. Rasakan bedanya sekarang! 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[ppiindia] Golkar Akan Bongkar Tuntas Kasus Century

2009-12-10 Terurut Topik sunny
Rwefleksi : Silahkan bongkar, jangan cuma bicara!

Janji Aburizal Bakrie
Golkar Akan Bongkar Tuntas Kasus Century

Bekasi, 10 Desember 2009 10:22
DPP Partai Golkar menegaskan akan membongkar tuntas kasus Bank Century, hingga 
masyarakat mendapat gambaran jelas tentang aliran dana serta ada tidaknya 
kesalahan prosedur dalam kasus itu.

Ketua Umum DPP Partai Golkar Ir H Aburizal Bakrie, usai melantik pengurus DPD 
Partai Golkar Provinsi Jawa Barat, di Bekasi, Rabu malam (9/12) mengatakan, 
pihaknya tidak ragu untuk membongkar kasus tersebut sampai tuntas.

Kami akan minta aparat untuk menggunakan semua data sebagai dasar 
penyelidikan. Ini penting, agar jangan nantinya fitnah yang dipakai sebagai 
suatu dasar untuk mengambil keputusan, ujar mantan Menko Kesra itu.

Ia juga minta agar Pansus di DPR tidak takut dan menyerah pada tekanan, baik 
tekanan yang menghambat maupun berupa fitnah. Itu saya sampaikan kepada Sekjen 
selaku ketua Pansus, ujarnya.

Pemilik kelompok usaha Bakrie Grup itu menyatakan Partai Golkar mendukung 
sepenuhnya Idrus selaku ketua Pansus. Kita berdoa agar yang lain percaya 
kepadanya, sekaligus memberikan kesempatan. Jangan semua menduga-duga, karena 
kalau kita selalu begitu, jadinya tak baik, ujarnya.

Aburizal Bakrie yang akrab dipanggil Ical, menyatakan keyakinannya bahwa kasus 
Bank Century akan bisa dibongkar. Ia minta semua pihak mendoakan dan jangan 
sampai suudzon.

Orang hidup harus optimis dan kami berkeyakinan kasus itu bisa diselesaikan, 
ujarnya, menandaskan.

Disinggung tentang Partai Golkar juga menikmati aliran dana dari bank itu, Ical 
menyatakan, silahkan dibuktikan.

Ia mengatakan belum pernah mendengar adanya hal itu. Ini saya pikir isu dari 
wartawan saja, katanya.

Ketika ditanyakan bila dari hak angket terbukti Boediono salah dalam pengucuran 
dana ke Century, kemudian dituntut mundur sebagai Wapres dan kemungkinan posisi 
itu digantikan oleh Ketua Umum Partai Golkar ?, Ical sempat terdiam sejenak, 
lalu menjawab, Wapresnya kan sudah ada, yaitu Boediono.

Ical ke Bekasi melantik Irianto MS Syafiuddin, Bupati Tasikmalaya yang terpilih 
menjadi Ketua DPD Golkar Provinsi Jawa Barat, serta Dedi Mulyadi, Bupati 
Purwakarta, selaku Sekum partai tersebut. [TMA, Ant] 

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[ppiindia] PEACE CALL

2009-12-10 Terurut Topik sunny

  Posted on » Thursday, December 10, 2009

  MANAMA: Justice, fraternity, equality and non-discrimination are 
essential for a secure, stable and peace-loving world.

  The principles of co-existence, tolerance, equality and acceptance of 
others are key values for stable modern societies, His Royal Highness Prime 
Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa said yesterday.

  He spoke as Bahrain joins other nations in celebrating International 
Human Rights Day today.

  It marks the 61st anniversary of the acceptance by the UN General 
Assembly of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

  This year's anniversary is under the theme: Accepting Diversity, Ending 

  The political, economic, social and cultural challenges facing the world 
require joint international action, HRH the Premier said 

  He stressed the need to promote equality between peoples, combat racists 
and hate-mongers as they threaten international security and peace and endanger 
the future of humanity.

  He urged the international community to back UN efforts to combat all 
forms of racism and protect human dignity.

  He also described education and human rights as crucial to promote 
tolerance and acceptance of diversity. 

  Bahrain's human rights strides in the era of His Majesty King Hamad also 
came under the spotlight.

  Bahrain has always been pioneering in implementing non-discrimination 
principles enshrined in the Universal Human Rights Declaration, he said. 

  He highlighted the principles endorsed in the constitution and the 
National Action Charter.

  We have legislated laws incriminating discrimination on the basis of 
colour, gender, religion or sect, he said. 

  He paid tribute to His Majesty's initiatives, which put Bahrain at the 
forefront in respecting human rights. 

  The establishment of the National Human Rights Authority was also hailed 
as key asset to anchor human rights and promote transparency.

  HRH the Premier highlighted the crucial role of non-governmental 
organisations in complementing the government's efforts.

  He reiterated commitment to work with the UN and other organisations to 
promote human rights.

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[ppiindia] Re: GOd vs GOogle ! - Bag. 3/3 OMNI

2009-12-10 Terurut Topik antonhartomo
tapi bukan omni internas lo

--- In ppiindia@yahoogroups.com, MANG UCUP mang.u...@... wrote:

 Seperti yang saya uraikan dalam tulisan sebelumnya, bahwa Allah itu memiliki
 tiga atribute yang lebih dikenal dengan -Three O's Atribute- ialah:
 1. Omnipotence = Maha Kuasa
 2. Omnisience = Maha Mengetahui
 3. Omniprecence = Maha Hadir
 tetapi tanyalah sama diri sendiri apa manfaatnya bagi saya secara pribadi,
 apabila saya mengetahui bahwa Allah itu Maha Kuasa, Maha Mengetahui ataupun
 Maha Hadir. Tidak Ada!
 Sama seperti juga apabila kita memiliki seorang ayah yang memiliki jabatan
 tinggi, kekuasaan, maupun kekayaan yang berlimpah ruah, bahkan gelar yang
 berderet, tetapi tidak memiliki rasa kasih. Ia bukanlah ayah saya! Tanyalah
 sama diri sendiri, apakah Anda mengasihi ayah Anda, karena kekayaan atau
 jabatannya? Saya yakin tidak ! Saya pribadi lebih mengutamakan ayah yang
 memiliki penuh rasa kasih; daripada seorang ayah yang super kaya maupun
 super kuasa, tetapi tidak memiliki rasa kasih sama sekali.
 Hal inilah yang banyak dilupakan orang, bahwa Allah juga memiliki atribute
 lainnya yang menurut saya jauh lebih penting daripada ketiga atribute
 tersebut diatas ialah: - OMNIBEVOLENCE – Allah itu Maha Baik dan Maha
 Pengasih maupun Maha Penyayang (Ar-Rahim  Ar-Rahman).
 Hal ini yang tidak dimiliki oleh komputer/Google. Maka dari itu bagaimana
 maju maupun hebatnya komputer, hingga kapanpun juga ia tidak akan bisa
 memiliki perasaan, karena komputer adalah benda mati tanpa jiwa. Komputer
 tidak akan bisa menjadi Omibevolence – Ar-Rahim  Ar-Rahman, Maha Pengasih
 dan Maha Penyayang. Komputer hanya tertarik akan duit kita, no money no
 computer !
 Kita mengetahui dan juga pernah merasakan maupun menerima berkat dari Allah
 yang berlimpah di dalam kehidupan ini, tetapi kenyataannya kita lebih
 mengutamakan dan lebih mementingkan komputer daripada Allah, bahkan kita mau
 diperbudak oleh Facebook. Saya mengakui, bahwa saya memiliki hobby baca
 maupun menulis, tetapi mulai hari ini saya sendirilah yang ingin menentukan
 kapan saya nulis ataupun baca bukannya ditentukan oleh Facebook, Gmail
 ataupun Yahoo lagi. Maklum saya ingin lebih banyak meluangkan waktu untuk
 mendekatkan diri saya kepada Allah daripada kepada komputer.
 Kita tidak bisa menyembah dan mengabdi kepada dua illah, Allah dan berhala
 (komputer); Tuhan dan Hantu. Hal inilah yang mendorong saya untuk menulis
 artikel ini dimana mulai hari ini saya tidak mau dibelenggu atau diperbudak
 lagi oleh Facebook, Twiter, ataupun Friendster. Dan tanyalah apakah kagak
 capek tuh ngurusi Facebook terus menerus? Hal inilah yang mendorong Mang
 Ucup menyatakan talak tiga alias Farewell Facebook, sehingga dengan mana
 semua message yang dikirim ke Facebook ataupun Twitter untuk Mang Ucup,
 tidak akan digubris lagi oleh saya.
 Mang Ucup
 Email: mang.ucupatgmail.com
 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[ppiindia] Communists Give Support to Medvedev

2009-12-10 Terurut Topik sunny

Communists Give Support to Medvedev 
10 December 2009
By Alexander Bratersky
President Dmitry Medvedev found an unlikely ally Wednesday in Communist leader 
Gennady Zyuganov, who praised the president and criticized Prime Minister 
Vladimir Putin at a presentation of his own plan to modernize Russia.

Even the title of Zyuganov's program, Go Russia, Toward Socialism! mirrored 
Medvedev's Go Russia! article, which was released in September and served as 
the backbone for the president's recent state-of-the-nation address calling for 
Russia to modernize.

President Medvedev speaks about modernization, while Prime Minister Putin 
endorses conservatism, Zyuganov told reporters as he sought to highlight 
political differences between the two leaders who say they run the country in 

Zyuganov noted that Putin's Cabinet and United Russia, chaired by Putin, had 
yet to draft a modernization program providing substance to Medvedev's broad 
initiative. The program of innovations offered by the president in the 
state-of-the-nation address has not been supported by the United Russia party 
and government, he said.

The substance offered by the Communists' modernization program includes 
abolishing the flat 13 percent income tax, boosting state support for 
agriculture, nationalizing raw material industries and giving tax holidays to 
medium-sized businesses.

Zyuganov said he agreed with Medvedev's call to disband state corporations, 
which were created during Putin's presidency and do not have to follow the same 
rules as other companies.

President Medvedev said state corporations work ineffectively, but the prime 
minister provides cover for this ineffectiveness, Zyuganov said.

He urged the State Council, a policymaking group comprised of federal 
government officials, governors and lawmakers and chaired by Medvedev, to 
review the Communists' program at its next session in January.

Zyuganov used a book of comic strips to present the program during a news 
conference at the offices of Interfax.

While Zyuganov has grown increasingly critical of Putin during the economic 
crisis, he has taken a softer stance toward Medvedev in what analysts said 
could be a sign that the Communists prefer Medvedev in the ruling tandem. I am 
not saying the Communists will make Medvedev their leader, but they will take 
each other's interests into account in the next State Duma elections, said 
Alexei Mukhin, an analyst with the Center for Political Information.

Mukhin said the Communist Party was the only major political group left for 
Medvedev because the others were controlled by Putin and his retinue.

Zyuganov denied on Wednesday that his party would merge with A Just Russia, an 
idea proposed by A Just Russia leader and Federation Council Speaker Sergei 
Mironov earlier this week.

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[ppiindia] Brazil and Uruguay Send US Dollar Home

2009-12-10 Terurut Topik sunny

Brazil and Uruguay Send US Dollar Home

Brazil and Uruguay may damage their relations with the USA. On December 7, the 
governments of these two countries signed an agreement about the transition to 
local currencies in bilateral trade. According to both Brazil and Uruguay, the 
new measure is to stimulate regional integration of Latin American countries. 

Besides, they expect that sidelining the US dollar will facilitate the increase 
of the goods exchange and ease the trade. They have the following arguments: 
now Brazil and Uruguay will be able to avoid possible losses caused by currency 
exchange difference. 

Earlier, outrageous Hugo Chavez, Venezuela's leader, approached Latin 
American countries with the initiative to abandon the US dollar. As we can see, 
he was heard by the left wing. Brazilian President Luiz Inacio LULA da Silva is 
considered a moderate socialist who was more than once seen amicably embracing 
Chavez. Uruguay's José Alberto Mujica Cordano is much more radical. 

On November 30, 2009, Mujica, a candidate from Frente Amplio coalition, which 
in English stands for wide front, won the presidential election. The 
coalition was founded in 1971 by socialists, communists, Marxists-Leninists, 
social-democrats and independent left. 

Mujica is also known as El Pepe since 1960-1980s, when he was an active 
member of Tupamaros (National Liberation Movement) and fought against 
Pro-American military dictatorship. The movement used all possible methods 
against junta, including terroristic and criminal ones, staging the robbing of 
banks, explosions, attacks, and taking hostages. Tupamaros was the first urban 
guerrilla organization 

Mujica's way to power was difficult and thorny. The future President was 
wounded several times, and was arrested and tortured on a number of occasions. 
He spent 15 years in prisons. Yet, he did not break down . He escaped prison 
twice, and continued fighting . 

In 1985, he was included in the amnesty and released. That was the time he 
began his ascent to the political Olympus. In recent years, Mujica served as 
the Minister of Livestock, Agriculture, and Fisheries. 

Despite his turbulent revolutionary background, he promised to be moderate in 
his policy making, and continue the course of the former socialist President 
Tabaré Vázquez. 

Is the decision of Brazil and Uruguay to abandon the US dollar in bilateral 
trade justified from an economic and political viewpoint? Experts Vadim 
Toperman and Valery Garbuzov shared their opinions with Pravda.ru. 

Vadim Toperman, Director of the Center for Economic Research of the Institute 
for Latin American countries: 

The decision of Brazil and Uruguay to abandon the US dollar in bilateral trade 
was not a big sensation. The Russian government recently stated that it may do 
the same thing. In September of the last year, Brazil signed a similar 
agreement with Argentina. Reciprocal payments in Brazilian reals and 
Argentinean pesos began as early as 2007, and in 2008 it was legally recorded. 

Abandonment of the US dollar is beneficial for both Brazil and Uruguay since 
the trade between these two countries is constantly growing. This provokes 
technical difficulties . The main reason is economical, not political. Lately, 
the US dollar has unstable reputation, and its exchange rate to the Brazilian 
real and Uruguayan peso changes daily, which makes trading difficult and causes 

Valery Garbuzov, Head of Foreign Policy Department of the Institute for the USA 
and Canadian Studies: 

This was another demonstration of the general Latin American tendency to 
abandon American currency. It began with Venezuela that had been hatching this 
plan for a while. Chavez's appeals to abandon the US dollar were heard as early 
as in 2007. He was supported by Cuba and other allies in the region. The reason 
for this was not economic at all. This was a reflection of the political 
situation. This is a way for governments of a number of counties to demonstrate 
their anti-Americanism. 

Their leaders do not think much about economic and political consequences of 
these decisions. For them, the most important thing is the beginning. However, 
it is hardly likely that they will be able to fully abandon the US dollar since 
all countries in the region are somehow linked to the American currency. 

Sergey Balmasov 

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[ppiindia] Al-Dinu al-Islam Hukum Alam Semesta?

2009-12-10 Terurut Topik A. Marconi
Al-Dinu al-Islam adalah Hukum Alam Semesta?

Di dalam Surah Asy-Syu'araa'(26) ayat 23 Allah swt menjelaskan 
perdebatan antara Nabi Musa as dengan Fir'aun tentang persoalan siapa Rab 
alam semesta dengan firman :
Qaala fir'aunu wa maa rabbu al-'aalamiin - Fir'aun bertanya: 'Siapa Rab-nya 
alam semesta?' 
dan dalam firman QS.26:24, diberikan jawaban yang pasti dan jelas:
Qaala rabbu al-ssamaawaati wa al-ardzhi wa maa bainahummaa 
inkuntummmuuqiniin - Musa menjawab: 'Rab pencipta langit dan bumi dan segala 
sesuatunya yang
yang berada di antara keduanya jika kalian mempercayai-NYA' .
Jawaban Nabi Musa as tersebut bertentangan dengan keinginan Fira'aun yang 
sudah menyatakan klaim, bahwa dirinya adalah Tuhan (ilah) [QS.26:29 dan 

Kita telah membaca kuliah umum Prof. DR. S.W. Hawking, professor 
Lucasian matematika pada Cambridge University, yang disampaikan pada 13 
Maret 2007 di
Zellerbach Hall kampus University of California; Berkeley - USA, tentang 
studi para sarjana fisika-matematika yang menjelaskan pemahaman mereka 
keberadaan alam semesta beserta seluruh proses mulabukanya keberadaan itu 
sendiri. Pemahaman mereka ini tidak demikian saja muncul dari olah fikir 
otak biologis
mereka yang luarbiasa sesudah perangkat pengindera mereka menanggap alam 
semesta, tetapi adalah hasil dari penyimpulan studi lapangan, percobaan 
kaji-ulang yang berkesinambungan dan diskusi matematis model-model praduga 
alam semesta dari yang paling sederhana hingga yang sangat-sangat rumit dan 
Namun kita harus siap memahami bahwa pemahaman para sarjana ini kesemuanya 
masih belum final dan akan selalu diperbaiki agar dapat dekat, 
dengan realitas alam semesta yang kita alami. Mengapa demikian? Sebab alam 
semesta ini masih terus mengembang sehingga setiap saat terus-menerus 
perubahan-perubahan yang kita belum mampu untuk meramalkan bagaimana 
kelanjutannya secara pasti. Misalnya pada tahun 1998 Palmutter dan Riess 
melakukan pengamatan terhadap SNIa dan pancaran sinar gelombang mikro 
latarbelakang (CMB) menemukan pengembangan alam semesta saat ini tidak 
melambat tetapi bahkan dipercepat lagi setelah melambat sesudah mengalami 
inflasi pada awal-awal kelahiran alam semesta. Apakah penemuan tersebut 
sesuai dengan realitas sesungguhnya? Untuk ini masih banyak kendala yang 
harus mampu diatasi dan dibuktikan kebenaran klaim tersebut dari hasil 
pengamatan yang sangat bergantung kepada teori dan teknologi canggih di 
bidang astrofisika, astronomi dan fisika inti.

Dari berbagai model hipotetis alam semesta yang kini masih beredar dan 
didiskusikan di kalangan para pakar, saya cenderung memperhatikan hipotese 
model matematis alam semesta S.W. Hawking dan J. Hartel yang mana mampu 
mengintroduksikan, mengetengahkan di panggung lacak-coba pengamatan,  adanya
kemungkinan alam semesta lahir dari keadaan (suasana) ketiadaan atau 
nul-informasi atau ghoib. Pengertian ketiadaan atau nul-informasi atau ghoib 
adalah definisi
non-satuan ruang-waktu yang hingga kini siapapun tidak mengetahuinya. Oleh 
sebab itu sulit bagi kita untuk membayangkan suatu ketiadaan pada syarat 
ruang-waktu sedangkan kita sendiri berada dalam, pada, di, satuan 
ruang-waktu. Realitas ini diperkuat oleh firman Allah swt dalam QS.6:59. 
Secara teknis kita perlu
mengenal banyak akalan matematika yang dapat merambah jalanan hingga ke 
titik awal mulabuka kejadian alam semesta, sebagaimana yang pernah saya 
secara sederhana dengan mana waktu yang kita alami digantikan (to be 
rotated) oleh waktu imaginair atau waktu semu (bagi kita yang diliputi 
satuan ruang-waktu)
sebagai modifikasi ide Gian Carlo Wick dalam membangun suatu teori medan 
quantum-relativistis melalui penggantian ruang Minkovski dengan ruang 
Euclidean 4
atau ruang IE pangkat 4 (IE^4). Secara teknis matematis ini adalah lompatan 
keluar dari jerat ketidak berhinggaan (infinity) yang menjengkelkan pada 
metriks. Lorentzian dan dengan demikian paradox kosmogoni dapat diatasi 
dengan mulus (ingat QS.36:82).

Kembali kepada QS.26:23-24, dengan pasti bahwa Rab-nya Nabi Musa as 
adalah Rab semua manusia termasuk Rab-nya Fir'aun dan yang menurunkan 
Fir'aun dan Rab inilah Rab satu-satunya yang menciptakan alam-semesta 
sebagaimana difirmankan dalam Surah Al-Baqarah (2) ayat 117: Badii'u 
al-ssamaawaati wa al-ardzhi wa idza qadzh amran fainnamaa yaquululahu, 
kun fayakuun - Pencipta langit dan Bumi dan apabila DIA berkehendak sesuatu, 
maka DIA menyatakan terhadapnya 'Jadilah! lalu terjadilah sesuatu' 

Kata Badii'u ini menunjukkan suatu kata yang mendefinisikan sitkon 
pertama-tama yang menjelaskan bahwa sebelumnya tidak ada, sama seperti kata 
Prof Hawking
bahwa pertanyaan di mana titik di sebelah Selatan Kutub Selatan adalah bukan 
pertanyaan. Untuk hal demikianlah Allah swt tidak menggunakan kata 
khalaqa, ja'ala. Dalam QS.30:27 Allah swt berfirman: Wa huwa al-ladzii 

[ppiindia] World's smallest mama pregnant again

2009-12-10 Terurut Topik sunny

Doctors have warned Stacey, from Kentucky in the US, that the 
pregnancy could be fatal for her - but she and her 5ft 9in-tall husband Will, 
insist their kids are a gift from god. 



Stacey Herald, 35, is just 2ft 4ins tall, and her new son will 
already be half her size when he is born. By the time he is one, the baby boy 
will dwarf her, The Sun wrote 

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[ppiindia] Video: Iranian Basij hits motorist

2009-12-10 Terurut Topik sunny


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[ppiindia] KOCAR KACIR PANTUN JOWO / buat week end

2009-12-10 Terurut Topik anton john hartomo
sorry lho
bukan geguritan atau
tembang mijil  maskumambang
anggitannya Kanjeng Sunan Kudus
tetapi hanya
pengantar week end !
salam saka desa

bis mambu trasi
kacane surem nempel pipi
yen wis dikipasi
njur merem ngimpi 

enak temen nempelke pipi
apa maneh pipine cewek
yen kepingin ngimpi ya ndang ngimpi
pokoke aja ngimpi sing elek
ana jenang lengket ndhik pipi
apa ya bisa diilangi
lha jenenge wae ngimpi
apa ya bisa ngarani
gethuk nggone mbak siti
yen wis ngantuk banjur dikipasi
urang gaweyane yu siti
Kurang asin ditambah uyah
Turu kepenak nganti ngimpi
Bareng tangi terus umbah-umbah
:haha :haha :haha

awak kuru kok lumah-lumah
mbasan tangi mambu jengkol
tangi turu umbah-umbah
tak arani nek ngompol
sing ala aja ditiru
Mengko mundhak ngrusak tatanan
Sanadyan saiki dina minggu
Ana wektu mesthi melu pantunan
:toss :toss :cheerleader
Ning prapatan
Aku ora mudeng
Karepe panjenengan
ning prapatan
golek sarapan to mbak
naNg prapatan
bingung ta
mripat sipit
ganteng jare koyo munyuk
bandha brana mas duwit
pantun lagi yuk
kon nunggu
katone wedi
yen dina minggu
pantunane sepi


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[ppiindia] Re: GOd vs GOogle ! - Bag. 3/3

2009-12-10 Terurut Topik Ahmad N
Omni Inter : Maha Dunia Dong ?...
Alam Dunia : Kompter Yess, Tuhan Super Yess
Alam Akhirat : Komptr NO. Tuhan So pasti dongg

Mang ucup kan mulai ngatur u/ mngingat  Komptr  u/ mngingat  Tuhan mulai 
Desember 2009, dan artinya, sbelumnya(entah brapa thn) lbih bnyak mnbingat 
komptr, brarti , saat skarang,…nilainya  masi lbh bsar ke kompter!..tl kan?..
Masalhnya,…kalau mang ucup umurnya masi panjang,.,..kalau bbrapa hari lgi nyawa 
mang ucup di cabut/kiamat.?...masi bnyak utang dong ke Tuhan,…hehehe
Dan skarang Pengandaian persidangan..

Kalu di Dunia :
Jaksa Penuntut : Hei Mang Ucup,...knapa kau lebih banyak mngingat komptr 
daripada Aku
Mang Ucup : slah stu jawabannya u/ngles,..aku terbawa Arus,…kan bkan aku 
saja,..orang2 pun sama, dlly yg bisa mnyelamatkan mang ucup.
Hakim : paling2 nggetok Palu kemeja untuk menunda prsidangan  mnunggu bukti 

Nah.Skarang kalu di Akhirat :
Jaksa Penuntut : Hai mang ucup,…knapa kau lbih bnyak mengingat kompter daripada 
Mang Ucup : kyak di dunia ,  jwban mang ucup ngalor ngidul u/ ngles.
Hakim : Bukan kemeja lgi tu Palu di Getokin,…Tapi kekepala mang Ucup,..hehehehe

Salam Damai…

--- In ppiin...@yahoogroup s.com,antonhartomoantonhart...@yahoo.com

tapi bukan omni internas lo

--- In ppiindia@yahoogroups.com, MANG UCUP mang.u...@... wrote:

 Seperti yang saya uraikan dalam tulisan sebelumnya, bahwa Allah itu memiliki
 tiga atribute yang lebih dikenal dengan -Three O's Atribute- ialah:
 1. Omnipotence = Maha Kuasa
 2. Omnisience = Maha Mengetahui
 3. Omniprecence = Maha Hadir
 tetapi tanyalah sama diri sendiri apa manfaatnya bagi saya secara pribadi,
 apabila saya mengetahui bahwa Allah itu Maha Kuasa, Maha Mengetahui ataupun
 Maha Hadir. Tidak Ada!
 Sama seperti juga apabila kita memiliki seorang ayah yang memiliki jabatan
 tinggi, kekuasaan, maupun kekayaan yang berlimpah ruah, bahkan gelar yang
 berderet, tetapi tidak memiliki rasa kasih. Ia bukanlah ayah saya! Tanyalah
 sama diri sendiri, apakah Anda mengasihi ayah Anda, karena kekayaan atau
 jabatannya? Saya yakin tidak ! Saya pribadi lebih mengutamakan ayah yang
 memiliki penuh rasa kasih; daripada seorang ayah yang super kaya maupun
 super kuasa, tetapi tidak memiliki rasa kasih sama sekali.
 Hal inilah yang banyak dilupakan orang, bahwa Allah juga memiliki atribute
 lainnya yang menurut saya jauh lebih penting daripada ketiga atribute
 tersebut diatas ialah: - OMNIBEVOLENCE – Allah itu Maha Baik dan Maha
 Pengasih maupun Maha Penyayang (Ar-Rahim  Ar-Rahman).
 Hal ini yang tidak dimiliki oleh komputer/Google. Maka dari itu bagaimana
 maju maupun hebatnya komputer, hingga kapanpun juga ia tidak akan bisa
 memiliki perasaan, karena komputer adalah benda mati tanpa jiwa. Komputer
 tidak akan bisa menjadi Omibevolence – Ar-Rahim  Ar-Rahman, Maha Pengasih
 dan Maha Penyayang. Komputer hanya tertarik akan duit kita, no money no
 computer !
 Kita mengetahui dan juga pernah merasakan maupun menerima berkat dari Allah
 yang berlimpah di dalam kehidupan ini, tetapi kenyataannya kita lebih
 mengutamakan dan lebih mementingkan komputer daripada Allah, bahkan kita mau
 diperbudak oleh Facebook. Saya mengakui, bahwa saya memiliki hobby baca
 maupun menulis, tetapi mulai hari ini saya sendirilah yang ingin menentukan
 kapan saya nulis ataupun baca bukannya ditentukan oleh Facebook, Gmail
 ataupun Yahoo lagi. Maklum saya ingin lebih banyak meluangkan waktu untuk
 mendekatkan diri saya kepada Allah daripada kepada komputer.
 Kita tidak bisa menyembah dan mengabdi kepada dua illah, Allah dan berhala
 (komputer); Tuhan dan Hantu. Hal inilah yang mendorong saya untuk menulis
 artikel ini dimana mulai hari ini saya tidak mau dibelenggu atau diperbudak
 lagi oleh Facebook, Twiter, ataupun Friendster. Dan tanyalah apakah kagak
 capek tuh ngurusi Facebook terus menerus? Hal inilah yang mendorong Mang
 Ucup menyatakan talak tiga alias Farewell Facebook, sehingga dengan mana
 semua message yang dikirim ke Facebook ataupun Twitter untuk Mang Ucup,
 tidak akan digubris lagi oleh saya.

[ppiindia] Don't disown Dubai

2009-12-10 Terurut Topik sunny

10 - 16 December 2009
Issue No. 976
Published in Cairo by AL-AHRAM established in 1875

Don't disown Dubai

Despite all criticism, in part driven by envy, Dubai is a symbol of Arab 
renaissance and deserves to be rallied, writes Emad Fawzi Shoeibi* 

City-state Dubai is being punished today. It is being punished for straying 
from the well-trodden path and for thinking the unthinkable. Fired by its own 
ambition, Dubai rose high, turned the desert into a lively oasis, and never 
looked back.

Across the world, economies prosper on resources such as water. City-state 
Dubai thought outside the box and survived on a dream. Its wealth came mostly 
from ideas, solutions, a removal of red tape, and a defiance of fear.

Dubai has stepped out of the Arab mindset. It tried to speak the language of 
the capitalist world, without having staged a bourgeois revolution, without 
engaging in sectarian or religion wars, and without following the usual 

Dubai sprang onto the scene without ideology or theories. It imparted a 
cosmopolitan identity on a region known for its conservative ideologies. And it 
wasn't afraid to try new things. In a way, Dubai invoked the cultural diversity 
of coastal Greek towns.

Success came at a price. The cosmopolitan nature of Dubai was questioned by 
those who disapproved of openness and diverse identities. The world may have 
talked a lot about globalisation and how it would change our lives, and yet 
small cities have a hard time of it without the support of a major country. 

Paris is a cosmopolitan city par excellence, and it is at home with its 
cosmopolitanism. Dubai had to try harder, and take greater risks. In the end, a 
major global tremor took no time in shaking it to the roots.

One has to respect the Dubai mindset. One has to respect Dubai for surging 
ahead with no thought for the conventional constraints of development everyone 
talked about. While the rest of the Arab world dithered, Dubai acted.

Economic development is not a decision for economists to make, but is rather a 
political affair. Development is governed by domestic decisions. The world 
economic condition is also a factor to take into account. Development is a 
question of possibilities, of what is permissible and what is impermissible. 
Taboos can be skirted, and Dubai skirted a bunch.

There is a difference between development and mere construction. But in the 
case of Dubai this difference mattered little. Before long, a legend was 
created, and the good times lasted for nearly three generations. There is 
nothing wrong with development being led with the construction sector. And 
Dubai did just that, challenging all the taboos. For that it deserves respect.

Had Dubai waited for others to sanction its growth, it would still be waiting. 
The theorists wouldn't accept anything less than a huge production-based 
economy. Dubai's ideas were unconventional to say the least.

Henry Kissinger once wrote an article about the dangers of the United Arab 
Emirates making $900 billion a year, according to his estimate, because of 
rising oil prices. He published this article right after the collapse of Lehman 
Brothers. Now the loss of $200 billion seems quite tame.

It is permissible to construct, but impermissible to launch into a full-fledged 
development scheme. This is the accepted wisdom. This is the equation of 
permissibility and impermissibility. And many countries, learning from Gamal 
Abdel-Nasser's fate, now stick to this equation. Some go slow on development 
because it is the safest way. They may have a point, for countries trying their 
luck at full-scale development are often ostracised.

The Arabs live in a restricted horizon, their fate restricted by others: the 
West or the globalised world as a whole. Dubai rebelled against that fate. It 
acquired its own glass façades, as well as the highest tower in the world. 
Simon Hendersen, a Baker fellow and director of the Gulf and Energy Programme 
at The Washington Institute, jokes about what happens to the tallest building 
when all the tenants leave. Does it become the emptiest building?

Arabs with dreams of full-scale development mustn't ridicule Dubai. To mock 
Dubai is to approve of the restrictions placed upon us. Dubai belongs to all 
the Arabs. It is a model that deserves support, not indifference. 

Dubai should once again rise, like a phoenix from the ashes, helped by its Arab 
brethren. The risk was worth it, although the ideologues may disagree and the 
police mentality may be offended. 

Dubai was part of our progress. We cannot gloat at it now, or even forget about 
it. Dubai is not dead yet. We, the Arabs, have a chance to learn from it. A 
nation that cannot learn is doomed. 

We cannot think small utilitarian thoughts when we think Dubai. This city-state 
is part of the Arab renaissance. It has gone 

[ppiindia] The women who guard other women in Egypt

2009-12-10 Terurut Topik sunny

The women who guard other women in Egypt

Published Date: December 10, 2009 

CAIRO: Her hair neatly tucked under a Muslim headscarf, Dawlat Al-Amine 
practises aikido regularly in a Cairo gym where she and her female colleagues 
learn martial arts to protect other women. The blackclad ladyguards provide a 
niche service to women who have broken through the Arab world's glass ceiling 
and achieved fame and fortune, but who feel they cannot resort to male 
protection out of deference to the region's conservative mores.

The leader of neighbouring Libya, Muammar Gaddafi, is famous for his female 
bodyguards, dubbed Amazons. But clients of the ladyguards include Egyptian 
actresses and pop divas, as well as princesses and wealthy businesswomen from 
the oil-rich Gulf. We were the first to create a service of ladyguards, for 
several reasons, said Cherif Khaled, managing director of Falcon group which 
first launched the service three years ago. Women in Egypt now have been able 
to break into different fields. They have become businesswomen, lawyers, 
judges, even marriage officials, he said. When given the opportunity, 
Egyptian women are able to succeed.

But Khaled added that even when women do break through, they ignore the 
conservative traditions of a male-dominated society like Egypt at their peril. 
At the end of the day, we are a Middle Eastern society. When a woman passes 
through a security check, she prefers to be searched by a woman rather than by 
a man, he said. When you are dealing lady to lady, things are much easier.

The Falcon group, a subsidiary of Egyptian bank CIB, employs 3,800 security 
personnel, providing services ranging from personal protection to cash transfer 
to security systems. In 2008, the company made net profits of 13 million 
Egyptian pounds ($2.3 million). It has some 300 ladygyards on its register, 
all of whom have been put through a rigorous training in martial arts and 
static surveillance skills. I like the idea of protecting VIPs and the idea 
that I can defend myself anywhere at any time, sai
d Amine. It is important for me to be able to protect my integrity.

Although Amine, 20, wears the Muslim headscarf, the hijab is not a compulsory 
part of the uniform. She says her work has given her a sense of power and 
status in a country where women often fall victim to male discrimination or 
harassment. Amani Mahmoud is also learning the ropes at the Heliopolis gym 
where Amine works out. It's a new idea, she said. Why do boys always get the 
opportunities? I decided to enter this field to prove that I could do it and I 
found that I really liked it.

The-21-year old admits it was not easy persuading her family it was the right 
choice of career. I faced lots of problems from my father who said: 'You are 
not going to be able to defend yourself' but I have proved to him that I can do 
it and that I can be as brave as a man. I can go out on the streets and defend 
myself, in or out of work, she said.

Falcon advertises regularly in the Egyptian press. Recruits must be between 20 
and 35, and have gone through higher education and have martial arts skills. 
All are put through medical and psychological tests, including an assessment of 
their conflict management skills. English speakers have an edge. If a woman 
client is going to a foreign country, we have to provide a ladyguard who has 
those skills, said Falcon client relations manager Mohammed Salah. - AFP 


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[ppiindia] Human Rights group reports violations in Arab countries

2009-12-10 Terurut Topik sunny

Human Rights group reports violations in Arab countries

Published Date: December 09, 2009 

CAIRO: US-allied Arab governments in the Middle East are flouting human rights 
through violations including torture, extra-judicial killings and repressive 
laws, an Egyptian human rights group said yesterday. In a report chronicling 
the human rights records of 12 Arab countries, the Cairo Institute for Human 
Rights Studies accused the Obama administration of not applying enough pressure 
for Middle East reforms.

The single most worrying sign for the future of the Arab region is the 
widespread impunity and flagrant lack of accountability that persists, 
according to the report. President Barack Obama avoided taking a clear stance 
on human rights issues in the Arab region. The report also said political and 
social protests remained targets for repression.

In Egypt, a major US ally, the report noted that the government resorts to 
emergency laws and state security tribunals to stifle opponents. Other US 
allies such as Saudi Arabia and the Persian Gulf states remain dangerous for 
human rights activists. In Bahrain, which hosts the US Navy's 5th Fleet, human 
rights are increasingly targets for arbitrary arrest, torture, trials and smear 
campaigns, the rights group said.

Other countries criticized in the report include Tunisia, Iraq and Syria, where 
President Bashar Assad continues to crack down. Officials from Egypt and 
Saudi Arabia did not comment on the report. Other Arab countries in the past 
have scoffed at such reports as being hostile and have refused to comment.

The report added that gains achieved by the political opposition and civil 
society over the last five years have now become targets of attack by the Arab 
governments. The rights group partially blames the US government, saying US 
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton failed to address the issue during a 
meeting with her Arab counterparts in Morocco last month. This was a a kind of 
a green light given to the Arab governments to continue these practices, said 
Bahey El-Din Hassan, head of the Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies. - AP 

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[ppiindia] Ba'asyir: HAM Adalah Hak Melaksanakan Syariat Islam

2009-12-10 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Di majalah National Geography bulan Okt. 2009, Ba'asyir  mengatakan 
:  Islam tidak kompatibel dengan demokrasi.


Ba'asyir: HAM Adalah Hak Melaksanakan Syariat Islam
Thursday, 10 December 2009 17:35 Nasional 

Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM) sering dimaknai dengan kebebasan tanpa batas. Hal itu 
tidak aneh, lantaran HAM memang didefinisikan Barat

Hidayatullah.com-Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM) yang benar, menurut pengasuh Pesantren 
Al-Mukmin Ngruki, Solo, Ustad Abubakar Ba'asyir adalah hak dan kebebasan 
melaksanakan syariat Islam.

HAM dalam Islam, yakni kebebasan untuk melaksanakan syariat Islam, ujar 
Ba'asyir kepada www.hidayatullah.com saat ditanya masalah Hari HAM Se-Dunia.

Jika ada definisi yang lain (dari Barat, red), semuanya bathil. Apalagi, 
definisi HAM Barat selalu berbentuk kerusakan, seperti perzinaan dan 
homoseksual. Beda halnya dengan Islam. Jika syariat Islam dilaksanakan, maka 
hal positif yang akan muncul.

Seperti diketahui, hari Kamis (10/12) ini di seluruh negara memperingati Hari 
Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM). Tak terkecuali di Indonesia, diisi dengan sejumlah 
demonstrasi. Mereka menuntut kasus-kasus pelanggaran HAM, terutama perihal 
kebebasan dan kemanusiaan.

Aksi memperingati Hari HAM Se-Dunia biasanya jatuh setiap tanggal 10 Desember. 
Di Indonesia, peringatan Hari HAM tampak sepi, boleh jadi karena massa sudah 
memperingati Hari Antikorupsi yang jatuh pada hari Rabu (9/12). 

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[ppiindia] Qaeda-linked militants behind Baghdad bombings

2009-12-10 Terurut Topik sunny

Friday, 11 December 2009  -  24 Thul-Hijjah 1430 H

Qaeda-linked militants behind Baghdad bombings 

BAGHDAD - Iraqi insurgents linked with Al-Qaeda claimed responsibility for 
bombings that killed 112 people this week and said their campaign of violence 
would continue, according to a website.The young men of Islam ... set off to 
target the citadels of evil, the nests of infidelity and the centres of the 
rejectionist government, the Islamic State of Iraq said.

We are determined to uproot this government and pull down its pillars and 
target its points of strength. The list of targest will not end until the 
banner of one God is once again raised over Baghdad..., the statement, dated 
Dec. 9, said, using language often used by radicals. The group said it had 
targeted the labor and finance ministries and judicial buildings in its third 
wave of attacks. The authenticity of the claim could not be verified.

Tuesday's attacks wounded 425 people, when four car bombs ripped through the 
Iraqi capital. Health Ministry officials said 77 people died but police sources 
put the toll higher at 112. 

The same group previously claimed responsibility for twin suicide bombings on 
Oct. 25 that killed 155 people, and for two others on Aug. 19 that killed 95 
people at two other ministries. - Reuters 

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[ppiindia] World's most extravagant meals

2009-12-10 Terurut Topik sunny

World's most extravagant meals (REUTERS)

Forbes.com has compiled a list of 11 of the world's most extravagant meals:

1. Daniel Boulud's Caviar - New York City 
At $205, Daniel's tasting menu is a relative bargain compared to other high-end 
Manhattan eateries but care for some caviar in the lounge before dinner? Fifty 
grams of Boulud's private-label Caspian Sea Golden Ossetra caviar goes for $860.

2. The French Laundry - Napa Valley
Even the wiliest concierges have trouble scoring reservations at Chef Thomas 
Keller's The French Laundry. Each day Keller and his staff create two 
nine-course $240 menus - a chef's tasting menu and a vegetable menu - 
promising not to repeat a single ingredient on either menu.

3. $1,000 Sultan's Golden Cake - Istanbul 
Upon request the pastry chef at hotel the Ciragan Palace Kempinski will prepare 
a golden cake that has been flavoured with fruits marinated for years, 
vanilla beans from French Polynesia and French wheat. But what makes this the 
ultimate bakery bling is the dusting of 24-karat edible gold.

4. White Truffle Dinner at Les Amis - Singapore 
For special clients, Les Amis, the elegant French restaurant in Singapore, can 
arrange a top-to-bottom white truffle menu that starts at $800 per person.

5. $5,000 Fleur Burger - Las Vegas
Created by Fleur de Lys chef Hubert Keller, the man behind Burger Bar in the 
Mandalay Bay hotel, this burger contains kobe beef, truffles and foie gras. The 
real cost comes with the concoction's accompaniment.

6. Nino's Bellissima Pizza - New York 
There's nothing special about the sauce or the crust. This pizza earns its 
$1,000 price tag with its toppings. Nino's in New York loads down this pie with 
caviar and fresh Maine lobster. There's also some salmon roe and a little 

7. Dinner In The Sky 
People were getting bored with just going to the same old restaurants, says 
David Ghysels, the Belgian entrepreneur who created this movable restaurant 
suspended by a crane. If you've got the cash, Ghysels will bring his portable 
dining room anywhere he's got clearance. Bringing a star chef and his suspended 
restaurant to a US locale could cost between $50,000 and $100,000.

8. Picnic on Macaroni Beach, Mustique Island 
Barbecued chicken, mango and avocado salad, couscous with vegetables and punch 
sounds like standard picnic fare. Unless, of course, your picnic is on Macaroni 
Beach, on the exclusive Mustique island in the West Indies. The private island 
is open only to guests who own or rent some of its stunning villas, all of 
which come with their own kitchen staff.

9. Chef's Table at L'Espadon - Paris 
This restaurant, complete with a climbing lilac tree in the middle of the 
opulent dining room, serves up dishes like roast rib of milk-fed veal in a 
hay-infused stock and filet de boeuf Rossini with cappuccino-style mashed 
potatoes (with truffles and cocoa). Occasionally, Executive Chef Michel Roth 
invites guests to dine at the chef's table, offering a ringside seat to the 
choreography of the Ritz's mythical kitchens.

10. Private Dinner at Chef Louis Pous 
For diners who aren't into travelling, Little Palm Island resort chef Louis 
Pous has started making house calls. For $10,000 (for up to 10 people) plus 
travel costs, the chef and his staff of two will fly anywhere in the United 
States to prepare a private meal. The package, which must be reserved 30 days 
in advance, does not include, china or stemware.

11. Dinner at Three on the Bund - Shanghai
This small domed dining room capping Three on the Bund, Shanghai's upmarket 
shopping and dining complex, is so intimate it can only squeeze in two diners 
and a butler. While taking in the panoramic views of Shanghai, you can feast on 
food from any of the restaurants in the complex including Jean-Georges 
Vongerichten's Jean Georges, Laris or Whampoa Club, for about $500 for two

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[ppiindia] Brazil river threatened by drought

2009-12-10 Terurut Topik sunny
Mau lihat video : 

Friday, December 11, 2009 
06:49 Mecca time, 03:49 GMT

  Brazil river threatened by drought  

  While talks and speeches to try to reach a new global treaty continue in 
Copenhagen, the effects of climate change can already been seen.

  One country that is particularly suffering is Brazil, where the northern 
Amazonas region is suffering from a devastating drought.

  The drought is threatening the Manaquiri river, killing the marine life 
and destroying the livelihoods of local fishermen.

  Al Jazeera's Gabriel Elizondo reports.

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[ppiindia] [Fwd: Re: [cfbe] OOT Sehari Bersama Massa Demo Bayaran]

2009-12-10 Terurut Topik Nugroho Dewanto
 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [cfbe] OOT Sehari Bersama Massa Demo Bayaran
From:Nanang nanan...@yahoo.com
Date:Fri, December 11, 2009 8:59 am
To:  c...@yahoogroups.com

rejeki memang bisa darimana saja :), saya belum tahu apakah fikihnya
memperoleh duit dari kegiatan seperti ini, nampaknya NU dan Muhammadiyah
perlu memasukan dalam buku fikih mereka hehehe...

email: nanan...@yahoo.com

--- On Thu, 12/10/09, Eko Purwono purwono...@yahoo.com wrote:

From: Eko Purwono purwono...@yahoo.com
Subject: [cfbe] OOT Sehari Bersama Massa Demo Bayaran
To: c...@yahoogroups.com
Date: Thursday, December 10, 2009, 1:57 PM


Mohon maaf bagi Anda yang sudah membacanya. (EP)

Sehari Bersama Massa Demo Bayaran
http://id.news. yahoo.com/ viva/20091210/ tpl-sehari- bersama-massa-
demo-bayaran- fa55e98.html
By Elin Yunita Kristanti, Eko Huda S - Kamis,
10 Desember
Bersama Massa Demo Bayaran
VIVAnews - Tak semua orang yang mengikuti aksi hari antikorupsi Rabu 9
Desember 2009 terpanggil untuk menyuarakan semangat antikorupsi.
Diantara ribuan peserta, ada juga massa demo bayaran. Orang-orang ini
'terorganisir' secara profesional.
Seperti halnya massa yang berasal dari Jalan Tendean, kawasan Mampang.
Umumnya mereka tidak tahu apa yang mereka perjuangkan kemarin. Namun mereka
bertindak layaknya 'aktivis' antikorupsi.
Pemantauan VIVAnews, massa yang terdiri dari beberapa remaja ini tiba-tiba
muncul dari sebuah gang di dekat stasiun pompa bensin milik perusahaan asing,
Shell pada pukul 9. 30 WIB.
Mereka berkumpul di pinggir jalan dengan membawa pengeras suara (megaphone),
seikat belahan bambu, satu bendel poster, dan spanduk sebagai perangkat aksi.
Tak berselang lama, sebuah metromini menghampiri mereka. Mereka pun naik dan
berhenti di sebuah warteg, di samping pompa bensin Shell. Ternyata di sana
sebagian massa sudah menunggu.
Sang koordinator, Surip segera mengecek kesiapan semua anggotanya.
Hitung dulu, sudah pas 35 atau belum, kata surip memerintah salah
satu anggotanya.
Ternyata, setelah dihitung, jumlah anggotanya hanya 27 orang, kurang 8 orang
dari jatah yang seharusnya, yakni 35 orang. Wartawan VIVAnews pun menawarkan
diri untuk ikut dalam rombongan untuk menambah jumlah kuota itu.
Namun, mereka tak begitu saja menerima. Nanti saja, kita cari orang di
sini dulu. Kalau tetap kurang nanti kamu boleh ikut, kata Surip.
Tetapi, setelah beberapa saat ditunggu, kuota itu tidak terpenuhi, sehingga
wartawan VIVAnews diperbolehkan ikut dalam rombongan.
Peserta masih saja kurang, Surip lalu mengambil beberapa orang pedagang
asongan dan pengamen di kawasan lampu merah Mampang Prapatan.
Dalam perjalanan, di dalam metro mini, sang koordinator, Surip memberikan
penjelasan pendek kepada anggotanya. Kita akan berdemo di (Istana)
Wapres. Memperingati hari korupsi dan soal Bank Century, jelasnya
Namun penjelasan sang koordinator tidak begitu dihiraukan anggotanya. Mereka
malah asyik berbincang satu sama lain. Dalam salah satu pembicaraan,
bahwa mereka mendapatkan bayaran. Namun, belum jelas berapa uang yang
Nanti saja setelah pulang minta kepada Surip, kata salah seorang
dari mereka, ketika ditanya berapa bayaran yang akan diterima.
Kelompok Surip ternyata tidak sendirian dalam aksinya. Di depan Istana
Wapres, mereka bergabung dengan massa dari kawasan Pasar Minggu dan elemen
mahasiswa. Ketiga kelompok ini melakukan koordinasi untuk mempersiapkan aksi.
Terlihat, Surip berkumpul dengan beberapa pimpinan dari elemen mahasiswa dan
pimpinan massa dari Pasar Minggu.
Disaat melakukan aksi di depan Istana Wapres, VIVAnews mencoba bertanya
kembali kepada beberapa anggota aksi mengenai besaran bayaran yang mereka
Salah satu peserta Dayat, dari Pasar Minggu mengaku mendapatkan bayaran Rp
20.000 dari sang koordinator.
Lumayan 20 ribu. Tapi nanti dibayarnya setelah demo, waktu
balik, kata Dayat yang sehari-hari menarik odong-odong.
Dayat dan beberapa temannya mengaku tidak tahu dan tidak mempedulikan isu
dalam demonstrasi itu. Yang dia tahu, hanya sebatas arahan singkat dari
Yang saya tahu tentang korupsi. Itu aja, kata dia.
Yang penting ikut aja, dapat duit. Dari pada di rumah nggak dapat
duit, tambah dia.
Dayat yang sempat diwawancarai wartawan sebuah stasiun TV 'gagal' unjuk diri
sebagai aktivis antikorupsi.
Dia bahkan tidak tahu tokoh-tokoh seperti Boediono dan Sri Mulyani yang
disebut-sebut dalam orasi, dua nama yang mereka demo.
Kalau Pak Boediono tahu, Wapres. Kalau yang Sri, nggak ngerti
saya, kata Dayat.
http://id.news. yahoo.com/ viva/20091210/ tpl-sehari- 

 _ _ _ _ _ _
Dapatkan nama yang Anda sukai!
Sekarang Anda dapat memiliki email di @ymail.com dan @rocketmail. com.
http://mail. promotions. yahoo.com/ newdomains/ id/

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