Outlook Automation with Templates

2014-01-07 Thread Christina Bull
Hi there,


Does anyone have some quick VFP code to automate Outlook using an existing


Template has a table in it and I'm wondering if it's possible to park some
VFP variables in those tables.


Thanks in advance,






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Windows System Menu in My Custom Menu

2013-12-11 Thread Christina Bull

Can not believe how long I've spent on this already and it's probably easy!


I have a custom menu that I've built using menu designer - works a treat and
has for years.


I now want to add a new menu item - the Window one that is part of the
system menu. Really just want them to be able to see a list of open windows
and possibly have option to cascade them.  I don't want the other stuff
(data session, command window etc.)


Can I do this through the menu designer?  I thought I could by creating a
menu using Quick Menu feature, but that's disabled in my system (why?)


Help anyone?







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RE: [NF] New office chair...recommendations?

2013-11-20 Thread Christina Bull
These one's go fast :-)  comfy too.




-Original Message-
From: Leland F Jackson, CPA [mailto:lela...@mail.smvfp.com] 
Sent: Thursday, 21 November 2013 8:38 AM
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Re: [NF] New office chair...recommendations?

On 11/20/2013 02:27 PM, MB Software Solutions General Account wrote:
 On Wed, November 20, 2013 3:04 pm, Leland F Jackson, CPA wrote:
 I'm still using my Embody chair and loving it.  It's broken in to fit 
 the contours of my body, which makes it a pleasure for me to sit in.  
 I would buy another Embody chair in a heartbeat, if needed.

 The Embody chair can be order in a customized configuration to fit 
 your needs and/or your pocketbook.  LOL

 $1250, right?  I'm sure I can find one I like for far less.  :-)

That's about right.  The Embody chair costs more, but it's worth it, if you
have the money to spare.



[excessive quoting removed by server]

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RE: Email from foxpro

2013-06-05 Thread Christina Bull
I'm up against it with time at the moment, so have just copied and pasted
some code in here.  Rejig it to suit what you need to do

DECLARE INTEGER ShellExecute IN shell32.dll ; 
INTEGER hndWin, STRING cAction, STRING cFileName, ; 

SELECT store

SCAN FOR quantity  0
IF quantity  reorder  AND EMPTY(sentmail)  so if the qty is lower
than the reorder level and they haven't been sent a mail yet.

* Then collect some variables for the email
lcemail = mailto:; + ALLTRIM(store.email)
lcstock = ALLTRIM(stock)
lcqty = ALLTRIM(STR(quantity))
lcreorder = ALLTRIM(STR(reorder))
lcacmanemail = ALLTRIM(store.acmanemail)

* Then build the email
lcMail = lcemail + ;
?CC= + lcacmanemail + Subject= Low Stock Warning from Data
Direct+ ;
'Body=This is an automated email from the Data Direct WareHouse
Program to notify you that your stock:%0A' +  lcstock +;
'%0Ais currently at a quantity of ' + lcqty + '%0Awhich is lower
than the reorder quantity of ' + lcreorder + ;
'%0A%0AIt is time to reorder more: ' + lcstock +;
'%0AAnd have it delivered to:%0A%0AData Direct Australia%0A31-33
Chifley Drive%0APreston VIC 3072'




-Original Message-
From: José Olavo Cerávolo [mailto:jocerav...@yahoo.com] 
Sent: Thursday, 6 June 2013 12:31 PM
To: profoxt...@leafe.com
Subject: Email from foxpro

Hi All,

I was trying to find information about emailing from foxpro.
A customer requested a confirmation email to be sent to their clients when
they enroll for an event.
I tried searching the archives but I did not get any hits.
I don't want to be locked into using Outlook.

Thanks in advance,


José Olavo Cerávolo

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DELETE - File in use by another

2013-04-16 Thread Christina Bull
Hi all,


Hopefully someone can answer this reasonably quickly as I'm onsite and
having a brain fart.


Getting Error #3 - File in use by another - and I'm working on a multi-user
system.  It's falling over on command that looks like:




Should I be changing that to a DELETE - SQL instead?


What's the best way to flag a record for deletion in a multi-user
environment?  Should I try and get a record lock first?  


I'm moving out of development in VFP very soon and into full time Sales role
for an offset printing / direct mailing company.  Can't wait!





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to the messages for those lawyers who are too stupid to see the obvious.

RE: [NF] best one i have seen today

2013-04-01 Thread Christina Bull
Being down under, we've experienced April Fool's Day already.  And we had
the best get yet.

We are currently packing up all our worldly belongings from the rental we've
been living in as after serving in Australian military for 24 years, dear
husband has finally discharged and we have  bought the dream home - the
place we will plant roots and one day hopefully entertain our future
grandchildren in.  We move in 2 weeks and our kids are beside themselves
with excitement at the prospect of not posting around the countryside

We dragged them out of bed yesterday morning and told them we needed to have
a serious chat with them.  Told them that the current owners of our new home
had called us late last night and appealed to us as parents - their children
simply could not face leaving their home and it was at critical point where
their youngest had to have psychological counseling for the trauma.  We had
listened and had compassion for their plight and had made the decision that
we were going to let them keep their house, and so weren't moving after all.

Our poor kids!  Sleepy and confused... and not looking forward to unpacking
everything and beginning the house hunt again  Lots of questions and
statements from them, but the best came from the oldest (12) who said, They
need to just tell the kid to harden up - we've signed contracts for God's
sake! Mum, Dad - what are you waiting for?  Just kick them out of our house!
The kid will live.  (What am I raising here??!!)

Their faces when we finally yelled April Fool's! - priceless  

(there goes our Parents of the Year award ... LOL ... and yes, their Dad and
I were on guard all morning waiting for the get back.  Their best attempt
was some very poorly laid plastic cling wrap over our toilet seat.)



-Original Message-
From: Stephen Russell [mailto:srussell...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2013 2:14 AM
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: [NF] best one i have seen today


Stephen Russell
Sr. Analyst
Ring Container Technology
Oakland TN

901.246-0159 cell

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to the messages for those lawyers who are too stupid to see the obvious.

RE: [NF] Looking for tips for shielding microwave ovens/2.4 ghz cordless phones for wireless network

2013-02-28 Thread Christina Bull
Would something like this assist?


Just thinking that it uses the existing wiring to create a network...

Dunno - just a thought


-Original Message-
From: Malcolm Greene [mailto:pro...@bdurham.com] 
Sent: Friday, March 01, 2013 7:22 AM
To: profox@leafe.com
Subject: [NF] Looking for tips for shielding microwave ovens/2.4 ghz
cordless phones for wireless network

Hi guys,

Background: Portable computers on wireless network, communicating in the 2.4
ghz N range on channel 6. Unfortunately the computers have built-in NIC's
that only support 2.4 ghz so 5 ghz is not an option.
We're dealing with interference from microwave ovens (regular and
inverter) and from cordless phones operating in the 2.4 ghz range. The
cordless phones are part of an expensive proprietary security system that
can not be replaced with 5 ghz alternatives.

I'm looking for suggestions (products? materials?) on how we can shield our
microwave ovens to minimize interference with our wireless network and what
options (if any?) we have for minimizing the impact of the cordless phones
in our area.

Ideas appreciated!



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[NF] - Windows Super Control

2013-01-21 Thread Christina Bull

Got this email today from my dear old Mum.  Thought I'd share it.


Are you sick of trying to find what you want in and around the control
Well here's a neat trick in Windows 7/8 that will help you out:

1) Create a new folder on your desktop.

2) Rename it exactly as shown below...
Super Control.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}

NB: You can cut and paste the name from here to make it easier.

3) It will change to the control panel icon instead of a folder

4) Open it or double-click on it. Every possible setting/function will be
listed right there in the one place.

Depending on your system this can be around 282 settings :-)

NOTE: Where you see Super Control you can call it anything. The dot and
the following brackets and numbers must stay exactly as is :-)


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RE: [OT] Must watch video

2013-01-09 Thread Christina Bull
Very worth watching.  Great idea!

-Original Message-
From: Michael Madigan [mailto:mmadi10...@yahoo.com] 
Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2013 8:09 AM
To: Pro Fox Email List
Subject: [OT] Must watch video 



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to the messages for those lawyers who are too stupid to see the obvious.

RE: Unfortunate saddening news..

2012-11-22 Thread Christina Bull
Peace be with you Peter. 


-Original Message-
From: Dave Crozier [mailto:da...@flexipol.co.uk] 
Sent: Friday, November 23, 2012 1:13 AM
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Unfortunate  saddening news..

Unfortunately, I have the sad task to let the group know that one of our
members Peter Hart has passed away. 

His son rang me about 20 minutes ago and let me know the news. Peter, as you
may be aware was struck down with a heart attack some time ago and was
recovering gradually from it but unfortunately a second attack was too much
from him.

He leaves a wife Vera and daughter who I have passed condolences to on
behalf of the group.

I shall certainly remember Peter best for the good times we had at the
Prague conferences and chewing over the exploits of many customers. He will
be missed and remembered for his laid back approach to life and his obvious
expertise in VFP as well as his willingness to help out regardless of

Rest in peace Peter, you were a special person.


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RE: [NF] Reoccurring dream about programming

2012-11-22 Thread Christina Bull
On 11/22/2012 03:13 AM, Michael Madigan wrote:
 I have this reoccurring dream that I have been working on a project for
years and I never quite finish it, and It never gets delivered, but it's
going to be great when it is.

 Anybody else have that?

Hi Michael,

Do reoccurring nightmares count? : - )


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RE: [ADMIN] Want to help?

2012-11-12 Thread Christina Bull
Phew glad it wasn't just me in Australia that had problems.  I tried all
weekend too, but no luck. 

If anyone figures this out - let me know where to go and donate ok

Christina Bull

-Original Message-
From: GaryT [mailto:g...@taig.net] 
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2012 7:39 PM
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Re: [ADMIN] Want to help?

On 10/11/12 02:49, AndyHC wrote:
 no can do from here - it just times out
AndyD  8-)# in Goa

No luck from Australia either, Andy.
I tried many times, first when Ed posted the original message and again on
the weekend; timed out each time.  FireFox on Ubuntu 10.04.

Today I asked wife and one daughter to attempt access from work computers,
all Windows, neither successful.

We also failed to get a response using the iPhone.

This afternoon I searched locally and found there was one CFF web site for
each Australian State.  Tried to phone but it was right on 5.00pm, call went
to messagebank.

Daughter suggests CFF probably have a world wide agreement - to block access
from callers in other countries.  To save someone donating to an overseas
group when they meant to cash to go locally.  So, I explored further.

Attempted to access CFF India.   (ref: AndyHC - Goa)
Found this page

That seems to knock Carolyn's idea on the head. Especially since I was able
to access the DONATE page attached to that one.  However, at the bottom of
that (Indian) page I find the following note.

* Cystic Fibrosis Worldwide Inc. is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization
based in Worcester, Massachussets. All donations are tax-deductible. 
Donors will receive a letter via email for their tax records.

That made me wonder whether perhaps I could donate on that page and somehow
add the correct references to attach the donation to Ed's effort.  But am I
going around in circles...

USA people, please attempt to access the Indian and the Australian site
(below).  If you are all successful, I'll begin to believe the block is a
one-way affair and will phone locally tomorrow trying to find some answers.

The Australian Site:


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RE: [ADMIN] Want to help?

2012-11-12 Thread Christina Bull
That's the one!  Worked for me and donated this morning (AU time)

-Original Message-
From: Tracy Pearson [mailto:tr...@powerchurch.com] 
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2012 11:40 PM
To: profox@leafe.com
Subject: Re: [ADMIN] Want to help?

I was able to reach the Australian site. The link Ed have redirects to this for 
me. Perhaps this link will work better for you.


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RE: Looking for VFP Work...

2012-11-08 Thread Christina Bull

This is the guy from the YouTube vid Kurt.  Now and then I look for
sub-contracters to assist on projects.  I'll keep your details


-Original Message-
From: Kurt @ VR-FX [mailto:v...@optonline.net] 
Sent: Friday, November 09, 2012 12:21 PM
To: profox@leafe.com
Subject: Looking for VFP Work...

Hello there folks,

Things have been slow at my job lately. Some people I have communicated with
already (even here on this list) know recently - that I literally didn't
have anything to do at work lately. There hasn't been any New Projects for
me in Weeks now. And, I hadn't even dealt with any client problems in a
while. I should have read the writing on the walls.

My boss tells me that HIS Boss told him that he MUST make cutbacks to save
money. And, since the older Aims clients have been so slow lately and giving
us no new projects - and I'm the main Aims Only support guy - then I was the
one they decided to let go.

So - if anyone knows of anything - I would really appreciate it. Of course,
my main skill is really VFP - no serious experience in any other Tech areas
(although I have dabbled in some Javascript, Perl  HTML in the past). My
other background, which is very different from VFP - is doing 3D CG (I work
with 3DS Max) - and I've done training (a corp. 
training gig for several Landscape Arch's) and teaching (1.5 yrs at Pratt 
8 yrs. at Fashion Inst. of Tech.). But, I suspect that probably nobody in
this group has connections within the realm of 3D CG.

A little while ago a link was posted here - about guy who was looking for
FoxPro consultants - and he actually had a Video up on YouTube. I was just
looking for that posting - but, so far could not find it. Was wondering if
someone could point me in the right direction.

Thanks in advance for any help!

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to the messages for those lawyers who are too stupid to see the obvious.

RE: Looking for VFP Work...

2012-11-08 Thread Christina Bull
Glad to help.  Fly you to down under land? 

 If only there was this amazing network of computers where we all
information is just there and we could all connect in a flash oh wait,
hold on ;-)

Must make sure I attempt humour too.  Will keep you posted and good luck!

-Original Message-
From: Kurt @ VR-FX [mailto:v...@optonline.net] 
Sent: Friday, November 09, 2012 2:52 PM
To: profox@leafe.com
Subject: Re: Looking for VFP Work...

Thanks Christina for the info - yeah - that's the Vid I was looking for.

And - if you could fly me down under to Aussie land - that would ROCK!!!

(ah - just joking on that one - as I still must attempt to keep at least a
little bit of humor - or else all is lost..)


On 11/8/2012 10:40 PM, Christina Bull wrote:

 This is the guy from the YouTube vid Kurt.  Now and then I look for 
 sub-contracters to assist on projects.  I'll keep your details


 -Original Message-
 From: Kurt @ VR-FX [mailto:v...@optonline.net]
 Sent: Friday, November 09, 2012 12:21 PM
 To: profox@leafe.com
 Subject: Looking for VFP Work...

 Hello there folks,

 Things have been slow at my job lately. Some people I have 
 communicated with already (even here on this list) know recently - 
 that I literally didn't have anything to do at work lately. There 
 hasn't been any New Projects for me in Weeks now. And, I hadn't even 
 dealt with any client problems in a while. I should have read the writing
on the walls.

 My boss tells me that HIS Boss told him that he MUST make cutbacks to 
 save money. And, since the older Aims clients have been so slow lately 
 and giving us no new projects - and I'm the main Aims Only support guy 
 - then I was the one they decided to let go.

 So - if anyone knows of anything - I would really appreciate it. Of 
 course, my main skill is really VFP - no serious experience in any 
 other Tech areas (although I have dabbled in some Javascript, Perl  
 HTML in the past). My other background, which is very different from 
 VFP - is doing 3D CG (I work with 3DS Max) - and I've done training (a
 training gig for several Landscape Arch's) and teaching (1.5 yrs at 
 8 yrs. at Fashion Inst. of Tech.). But, I suspect that probably nobody 
 in this group has connections within the realm of 3D CG.

 A little while ago a link was posted here - about guy who was looking 
 for FoxPro consultants - and he actually had a Video up on YouTube. I 
 was just looking for that posting - but, so far could not find it. Was 
 wondering if someone could point me in the right direction.

 Thanks in advance for any help!

[excessive quoting removed by server]

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RE: Easiest way to count months in range?

2012-07-26 Thread Christina Bull

I do something like this for a hiring company when working out overhire
extension invoices.  Some of them I have to work out weeks and others get
calculated in months.

I use this and it works for me.  They don't have anything more than 2 years
old (famous last words...) that need extending hire.

Ldextfndate = the date that I'm extending up to - end of month - eg the end
of June 30/6/12
Pdfndate = the last date they were extended up to - could be any date up to
2 years ago  (usually the month before, but sometimes up to 6 months ago)

*  first check how far apart the years are
CASE YEAR(ldextfndate) - YEAR(pdfndate) = 0   then we are
comparing two dates in the same year 
lnmonthstobill = MONTH(ldextfndate) - MONTH(pdfndate) 

CASE YEAR(ldextfndate) - YEAR(pdfndate) = 1   then the years are 1
year apart - this is fine - extending something from December into January
for example
lnmonthstobill = (12 - MONTH(pdfndate)) + MONTH(ldextfndate)

CASE YEAR(ldextfndate) - YEAR(pdfndate) = 2  then the years are 2
years apart 
lnmonthstobill = (24 - MONTH(pdfndate)) + MONTH(ldextfndate)

Hope you find something in it you might use.

Christina Bull

On Thu, Jul 26, 2012 at 4:38 AM, MB Software Solutions, LLC
mbsoftwaresoluti...@mbsoftwaresolutions.com wrote:
 Input is 2 dates...I need to count the number of months between (and
 including) them.  example: 2012-02-27 to 2013-01-31 would be 13.


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author, and do not constitute legal or medical advice. This statement is added 
to the messages for those lawyers who are too stupid to see the obvious.

RE: Started learning C# today

2012-05-08 Thread Christina Bull
I suspected as much :-)  (special price)

Like the look of that book too  - thanks Lou and thanks all of you for the
encouragement.  I do have a project coming up .. .maybe there is something
in just diving in.

Christina Bull

-Original Message-
From: Lou Syracuse [mailto:l...@iconmediadirect.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, 8 May 2012 10:37 PM
To: profox@leafe.com
Subject: RE: Started learning C# today

Their special rate of $99 has been in place for over 2 years, they just
change the date on the homepage.  I've been a member there for two years;
remember to cancel if you don't want them to auto-renew you.  :)

It's not a bad deal, I use it more as a reference than sitting down and
watching a series from beginning to end.  If you're just getting started in
.NET I recommend learning C#.   VB.Net was an easier transition for me from
VFP, and the companies I worked for were VB.Net shops (one slowly changed to
C#).  After doing VB.Net for 5 years and am moving to C# too as it seems to
be more widely used.  Just take a look at the online job listings...

Actually I got about 1/2 way through a  really good C# book before the
day-job job busy and I started working on an outside web project.  Check out
Head First C# from O'Reilly.   It is not your fathers' textbook as they
take a little different approach to learning, but it might be look.  As
always, YMMV.   :) 



-Original Message-
From: profoxtech-boun...@leafe.com [mailto:profoxtech-boun...@leafe.com] On
Behalf Of Christina Bull
Sent: Monday, May 07, 2012 3:52 PM
To: profoxt...@leafe.com
Subject: RE: Started learning C# today

I shook hands with my husband last night and promised that by September 1st,
I too would start learning C#.  

I just checked out LearnDevNow.com and the special they are running at the
moment looks very good.  $99 for annual subscription instead of $349...  I
might just subscribe.  I've already been to http://tinyurl.com/ch768jr and
downloaded some manuals but they've been sitting on the hard drive untouched
now for ages...  

Will be interested in how your fair Mike with the skills transfer - I think
that's what is holding me up from making the shift - I don't like the idea
of knowing what I want to do in code, but having to re-learn how to do

Keep me posted :-)

Christina Bull

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RE: [OT] Oz insurers as full-of-it as US insurers?

2012-05-07 Thread Christina Bull
I applaud the simple truth spoken by Geoff, and I highly recommend that you
watch Michael Moore's documentary Sicko, Pete.  I couldn't believe how
stuffed up your healthcare system was after watching that and I am so
grateful to live in the lucky country. 

EVERY time I take any of my five children to see a General Practitioner, I
pay nothing - the national health system, Medicare, covers it.  This is up
until they turn 16.  I too pay a monthly fee for private insurance (a bit
less than Geoff, but it still covers the whole family for most specialists).
This pays most my costs for any specialist appointments required or hospital
stays, I pay a small out of pocket expense whenever we use the service.  

I was able to choose which private hospital I would like to give birth in -
for each one of my children - and I was able to stay a private room in that
hospital for up to 7 days if I wanted to - or I could have used the public
system, paid nothing and had 2 days in a shared ward.  I chose private
because I could... and hell, they even had wine as an option on the hospital
menu for dinner time! 

Australia's health system is one of the best in the world.  I received a
voucher in the mail just yesterday from Medicare for $167.50.  This is to be
used for the Teen Dental Plan - My son has just had a birthday and now
Medicare will pay for a special teen dental check for him.  If he needs
braces, private healthcare will cover most of it.

$5000 per day for any kind of medical treatment??  To an Australian, that
just makes no sense.  For that price, we'd expect the treatment to deliver a
HELL of a lot of extra benefits ... car washing, coffee making, house
cleaning, babysitting, orgasms, investment advice, timeshare holidays... 

Christina Bull
0414 576 453

-Original Message-
From: Pete Theisen [mailto:petethei...@verizon.net] 
Sent: Monday, 7 May 2012 11:06 AM
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Re: [OT] Oz insurers as full-of-it as US insurers?

geoff wrote:
 Yes, our prices tend to be higher here although it could also said 
 that as a nation we tend to not run deficits and govt debt for 
 extended periods of time which means our economy doesn't crash like 
 Europe and USA. That means we pay taxes enough to cover expenses etc 
 so the higher prices should be kept in context of a sustainable 
 economy. Also keep in mind that the exchange rate is currently at 
 record highs meaning prices here are (in$US) 30-40% more than 
 traditional. That makes it a problem for visitors - not locals.
 and healthcare??? are you kidding? are you not aware that USA has the 
 most expensive healthcare in the world by an enormous margin? our 
 hospital charges are 1/3 - 1/4 of yours and our medications are even 
 cheaper. I don't know what your healthcare system does but whatever it is
- don't export it.
 I pay $300/month for full health coverage australia-wide. If I chose 
 to not pay anything the national health service would pick it up. 
 Private health means (generally) no waiting lists and a higher 
 standard of hospital accomodation etc. It's not a bad deal at all.

Hi Geoff,

The intriguing question is: How can your healthcare be less expensive than
ours while your general price level is higher?

My friend was a visitor. She coped by not buying anything she could do

 geoff wrote:
 Talk about missing the point... the insurance company may be playing 
 the usual games but the medical bills are $5000 per DAY which 
 excludes the costs of doctors! THERE is your problem - a health 
 system that is so unbelievably expensive. It is not uncommon for 
 australian medical insurers to pay the
 $70,000 cost of a medical evac flight to retrieve seriously injured 
 aussies because it is ultimately cheaper than letting the US treat 
 them at such exorbitant cost. In the end AAMI will end up covering 
 the cost and undoubtedly will send an evac team.

 In the end? How long will they jack them around until they finally 
 pick up their obligation?
 I am very surprised to hear that health care is any less expensive in 
 Oz. My friend just returned from there and she said that she was 
 shocked at how high the prices were in Australian stores.

 She had insurance, but they suddenly consider pregnancy a 
 pre-existing condition if they actually get a bill. You have full 
 coverage if you don't need it, however.

 You only *think* you have insurance. What you have is a non-entity 
 that you have to pay for.
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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RE: Started learning C# today

2012-05-07 Thread Christina Bull
Great advice Dan!  You speak sense... thanks :-)

Christina Bull
0414 576 453

-Original Message-
From: Dan Covill [mailto:dcov...@san.rr.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, 8 May 2012 9:22 AM
To: profox@leafe.com
Subject: Re: Started learning C# today

On 05/07/12 15:51, Christina Bull wrote:
 Will be interested in how your fair Mike with the skills transfer - I 
 think that's what is holding me up from making the shift - I don't 
 like the idea of knowing what I want to do in code, but having to 
 re-learn how to do it.

Hi, Christina

Stop worrying about and just do it.  Learning new syntax is a pain at first,
but it's really pretty easy.  Knowing what you want to do in the code is
the hard part, and you've already got that whipped!

I've been doing this since 1958, through assembler, JOVIAL, COBOL, ALGOL,
APL, FORTRAN, BASIC, C, dBASE and FoxPro, and I can tell you that while the
mechanics change, the underlying job of designing a program to do what you
need to get done does not.  Good luck!


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RE: [OT] Oz insurers as full-of-it as US insurers?

2012-05-07 Thread Christina Bull
Thanks for the insight Pete.  I'm under no illusion about who Mike Moore is
and how he puts together his documentaries.   I also like it when someone
rocks the Good Ole Boy's boat and challenges the status quo - so, power to

Fact is, there was a big enough problem to make a documentary in the first
place.  It's been years since I saw it too so don't remember all the
fictions either.

And yes, agreed - God Rest Kristyne.  

Christina Bull

Well, you were right to not be able to believe it. Michael Moore sometimes
mixes in a bit of fiction into his documentaries. Not that he is as big a
liar as Obama, but, a bit of fiction.

I can't remember all of the fictions as it has been years since I viewed it.
That viewing was on Kristyne McDaniel's challenge, a little while before she
left us for the hereafter. She was such a sensitive liberal, God rest her.

Our healthcare is terrible, but not as bad as Michael Moore would have you

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RE: lockng issues

2012-04-25 Thread Christina Bull
While we're here... 

I've always done stuff like

Sele MySharedTable

Replace x with y 
Replace z with a
Replace t with v

Rather than doing it all in one Replace command.

I started doing this from a troubleshooting point of view ... if one of the
fields had a problem with the replace... it was easy to find which one.

Will this:
a) slow down the system as opposed to one replace command?
b) cause record locking issues?

I'm a bit green too I guess.

Christina Bull

-Original Message-
From: Mike Copeland [mailto:m...@ggisoft.com] 
Sent: Thursday, 26 April 2012 7:21 AM
To: profox@leafe.com
Subject: Re: lockng issues

My understanding is that when you, for example, SEEK to locate the one
record you want to UPDATE, then REPLACE (without ALL or FOR or WHILE) then
it will lock only the record being updated.

As UPDATE is an SQL command (as opposed to xBase) I'm not sure if it behaves
the same or not. But I would expect that if you execute an UPDATE...WHERE
that optimization may kick in and lock the file header instead of the
individual record.

But to be fair, I started moving away from shared DBF files years ago and
have never regretted it. I let the database backend worry about the locking
issues now.

Mike Copeland

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RE: Is this right?

2012-04-19 Thread Christina Bull
It's early morning in Australia, so you lot probably won't read this till
later - but thanks for all the info.

The app I'm launching is fairly simple and so ran completely fine in my

Many thanks again to you all - Cheers Rick and Dave :-)

Christina Bull

[excessive quoting removed by server]

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RE: Is this right?

2012-04-18 Thread Christina Bull
Scenario is that I've developed a little QB add on and am launching out in the 
wild for sale.  I've realised I haven't tested it in a Win 7 64 bit environment 
(der, missed that...) and I figure as long as I'm not using 32bit libraries, I 
should be fine... right?

I'll test it tomorrow on the 64bit back at the office, but was just also 
interested in what you guys said.  (I read the ProFox archives, but then came 
across that win compatibility link and wondered)


-Original Message-
From: Tracy Pearson [mailto:tr...@powerchurch.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, 18 April 2012 2:16 PM
To: profox@leafe.com
Subject: Re: Is this right?

It shows that it is compatible with the 64 bit version of Windows 7. 

How did you read it?
Sent from my Android phone with K-9 Mail. 

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Is this right?

2012-04-17 Thread Christina Bull
l=en-ustype=Softwares=visual%20foxpro type=Softwares=visual%20foxpro





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RE: Inno setup

2012-03-13 Thread Christina Bull
Hi John,

I wouldn't call myself an InnoSetup master, but I've got it doing a quiet
install of QODBC while it installs my application.  I think it will come
down to the switches that the install of your specific software can take.  I
contacted the publishers of QODBC and asked them what the switches were.
Turns out you call the exe with a /q parameter for a quiet install.  I'm
also installing the VFP runtime as well.

Inno code in the iss file looks like:

Filename: {app}\VFP9SP2RT.exe; Parameters: /s /M=runtime.txt; WorkingDir:
Filename: {app}\qodbc.exe;  Parameters: /q /region=OZ

Hope that's some help.

Christina Bull

-Original Message-
From: john harvey [mailto:john.har...@shelbynet.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, 14 March 2012 2:42 AM
To: 'ProFox Email List'
Subject: RE: Inno setup

Any of you InnoSetup masters know if you can configure a silent install of
software so that the user has no interaction? I want to add a webfilter
program to our LPR cars so the officers won't be able to go to sites that
tend to introduce features to our computers, so I don't want them to have
the ability to cancel the installation. Any ideas?


John Harvey

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RE: Application Disable Switch

2012-01-29 Thread Christina Bull
Hey Jeff,

Did you write the activation program yourself or download it off the web?  I
have to tackle that same issue in the next month and any shortcut would
assist :-)



Christina Bull

My plan is to have as little interaction with the customer as possible - on
this topic of course.  ;^)  I have an activation program that can establish
the key on the web site - which will be checked each time the program is
started.  If they don't check the web - running without internet access, my
first thought is to have the program activated once a year.  So if they
never access the Internet, I will shut it down on their anniversary date.

Thank you!



Jeff Johnson
(623) 582-0323


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RE: [NF] Finally I can back up all my digital photos.

2012-01-26 Thread Christina Bull
Whenever I hear holograph I think of Jem and the Holograms
Cool girly stuff :-)

Christina Bull

Whenever I hear holograph I think of Star Trek: The Next Generation's 
Holodeck.  Cool sci-fi stuff.  :-)

Mike Babcock, MCP
MB Software Solutions, LLC
President, Chief Software Architect

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RE: [OT] Talent on flute

2012-01-09 Thread Christina Bull
She's amazing! I Love it.

This one is great too.  You can see the beatbox aspect she's doing a whole
lot more.


Christina Bull

-Original Message-
From: Pete Theisen [mailto:petethei...@verizon.net] 
Sent: Monday, 9 January 2012 5:12 AM
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Re: [OT] Talent on flute

Michael Madigan wrote:
 Read the comments, apparently pedophiles like it too. 

Hi Michael,

I couldn't read that! I'll take your word for it.

 Stephen Russell wrote:
 Hi Stephen,
 Great! Is that your little granddaughter?



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RE: Happy New Year!

2012-01-01 Thread Christina Bull
What he said. :-)

Christina Bull

-Original Message-
From: Gérard Lochon [mailto:g-loc...@wanadoo.fr] 
Sent: Sunday, 1 January 2012 5:01 AM
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Re: Happy New Year!

I would also add my best wishes to our whole community for the New Year.

Cautiously, i would say that i only hope it brings more solutions than it 
offers problems ;o)


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RE: Loading a form

2011-12-14 Thread Christina Bull
Hi Styze,

Use a timer control on the form instead.  Use the interval property to set
how long you want the form running and the timer method to release the form
once interval has passed. I'll email you an example. I use them for my
Splash screens all the time.   

Also used it once to flash up a form with a screen size picture of Linda
Blair in the Exorcist for one of my clients.  I told him over and over not
to play practical jokes on me... revenge was sweet watching him nearly fall
off his chair with fright.  Oh the geeky humour... 

Christina Bull

-Original Message-
From: Sytze de Boer [mailto:sytze.k...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, 15 December 2011 10:50 AM
To: profox
Subject: Loading a form

You foxperts can have another laugh at this greenie, but I'll risk it

I have a simple form
In the gotfocus event I store the seconds() to lcSecs and do while/enddo
If secondslcSecs2
This works fine

I now add an image to this form with a gif file in picture
(Its a comical image of a caricature laughing its head off)

The gotfocus details no longer fire

What am i missing
How do I display this form for x number of secs?

Sytze de Boer
Kiss Software

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RE: [NF] Anyone have a lot of Quickbooks experience?

2011-12-10 Thread Christina Bull
QODBC isn't cheap Jeff, you're right.  I paid $400 roughly for a 1 seat

Now have to buy OEM versions in 15 packs to use in our product.  Thankfully
they're a bit less expensive.

Christina Bull
0414 576 453

-Original Message-
From: Jeff Johnson [mailto:j...@san-dc.com] 
Sent: Saturday, 10 December 2011 10:24 AM
To: profox@leafe.com
Subject: Re: [NF] Anyone have a lot of Quickbooks experience?

I've done a lot with the iif files and struggled with the api, but 
doesn't the ODBC cost quite a bit of money?



Jeff Johnson
(623) 582-0323


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RE: [NF] Anyone have a lot of Quickbooks experience?

2011-12-09 Thread Christina Bull
Hey Stephen,  I've been pulling data with the QODBC and writing back also.
We're about to actually launch our first product for the Quickbooks
community.  Haven't used the API, but would be very interested in learning
more on how to.

Feel free to contact me with any questions and I'll help if I can.

Christina Bull

Looking to ask a few Q to anyone who pulls data from QBooks.

Along the lines of do you use the QB API or ODBC.

Lots more Q along the API route such as version(s) problems and maybe
OS issues over the past 6+ years.


Stephen Russell

901.246-0159 cell

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RE: [OT] Got 5 min for a laugh?

2011-12-01 Thread Christina Bull
OMG Stephen I love it.  Main reason is I have a cousin just like Bennett.
Lives in South Auckland, New Zealand and is a white boy with red hair.
Thinks he's Crip too.  Makes me laugh so much - and yes, I do it to his
face.  I usually say things to him like, You know you're white don't you?

LMAO :-)  

Christina Bull (previously Tina Currie ... we eloped on the weekend!)

-Original Message-
From: Stephen Russell [mailto:srussell...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, 2 December 2011 8:44 AM
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: [OT] Got 5 min for a laugh?

Blogs opening description.

These are text messages I exchange with my 17 year old cousin Bennett.
He is a white boy that thinks he's a Crip, works at Amoco, has a
girlfriend named Mercedes, ...


Stephen Russell

901.246-0159 cell

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RE: [OT] Got 5 min for a laugh?

2011-12-01 Thread Christina Bull
Thanks to you all for the congratulations :-)

Best way EVER to get married and I highly recommend it.  Planned it for
months and no-one knew except a bridesmaid and a best man.  The venue was to
die for.  Check it out at www.eaglesnestretreat.com.au - we stayed in Nest

Oh and breaking it to the family was hilarious, especially the kids.  

We told them we had eloped and our 11 year old son says what is that?  Or
do I not want to know?  It sounds like a weird sex word...

Christina Bull (previously Tina Currie ... we eloped on the weekend!)

-Original Message-
From: Jean Laeremans [mailto:laeremans.jeanma...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, 2 December 2011 9:42 AM
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Re: [OT] Got 5 min for a laugh?

 Christina Bull (previously Tina Currie ... we eloped on the weekend!)

Congratulations !


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