[proletar] Agama Teror Dipromosikan Oleh Muslimin Bukan Oleh Kafir !!!

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik muskitawati
Agama Teror Dipromosikan Oleh Muslimin Bukan Oleh Kafir !!!
Rakyat di-negara2 maju mengenal Islam sebagai Agama Teror bukan karena 
membacanya di Bible, melainkan karena mereka telah menjadi korban2 teror oleh 
muslimin yang mempromosikannya kepada mereka.

Kenapa Perancis mendadak melarang Burqa ???  Itupun bukan karena saya yang 
menyuruh pemerintah Perancis melarangnya, tetapi dikarenakan mereka yang 
muslimin melakukan teror memaksa pemerintah Perancis mewajibkan setiap muslimah 
untuk memakai burqa.  Dan burqa itu jelas2 melanggar HAM, jelas2 mengancam 
security, karena rampok juga bisa bersembunyi dibalik burqa baik rampoknya 
beragama Islam ataupun beragama bukan Islam.  Jadi karena burqa itu rentan 
digunakan untuk kejahatan, maka terpaksa dilarang.

Demikian juga tidak beda dengan ajaran Islam yang penuh teror yang rentan 
disalah gunakan oleh mereka yang mengejar pahala untuk berjihad dengan teror 
jihadnya.  Dalam hal ini memaksa semua negara2 maju melakukan pengawasan ketat 
kepada muslimin, dan melarang semua pengunjung yang datang dari negara2 Islam.  
Jadi negara2 maju tidak bisa disalahkan karena mengambil tindakan pencegahan 
demi melindungi masyarakatnya.

 fik taufikbe@... wrote:
 muskitawati-Anda itu
 tdk pernah membaca kitab2 ALLAH..

Semua yang saya tulis adalah pandangan masyarakat negara2 maju, jadi bukan 
sekedar pendapat saya yang menyatakan begitu.  Dan saya juga tidak ada 
kepentingannya untuk memaksa mereka membaca kitab2 Allah karena mereka sudah 
bisa membuktikan bahwa Allah itu cuma takhyul dongeng2.

Jadi meskipun mereka membaca kitab2 Allah, pelaku2 teror itu bukan mereka 
melainkan pendatang2 yang beragama Islam, lalu untuk apa gunanya mereka anda 
suruh baca kitab2 Allah yang penuh terror itu???

Iya... enggak perlulah, Islam itu ibarat barang dagangan, promosi terornya 
bukan diiklankan oleh orang2 yang bukan Islam tetapi orang orang2 Islam itu 
sendiri yang sudah mendalami kitab2 Allah yang anda anjurkan itu.

Jadi orang2 dinegara maju mengenal Islam sebagai agama teror bukan karena 
mereka percaya Islam, melainkan karena mereka telah jadi korban para muslimin 
yang rajin shalat 5 waktu dan hafal isi kitab2 Allah ini.

Lalu apa manfaatnya mereka yang diteror itu disuruh membaca kitab2 Allah, 
padahal umat Ahmadiah yang lebih banyak membaca kitab2 Allah sekalipun enggak 
luput dari teror yang dilakukan sesama umat Islam juga.  Lebih bermanfaat anda 
suruh anggauta2 FPI itu membaca kitab2 Allah lebih banyak lagi agar lebih 
banyak menteror sesama umat Islam bukan cuma umat Ahmadiah saja, tetapi juga 
umat Syiah, dan umat Kejawen.

Ny. Muslim binti Muskitawati.

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[proletar] antara doa dan karya...

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik wawan
orang lain tidak membutuhkan doamu, tapi membutuhkan karyamu...(WS, 23-04-2011)

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[proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik rezameutia
memang kayak gini deh tipikal orang kristen tolol yang ngomong nggak 
berdasarkan bukti.  udah jelas dia nggak punya bukti islam menghalalkan 
pedopil, tapi masih tetep aja melakukan fitnah dan pamer ketololannya sendiri 
tanpa malu-malu.  

gw udah bilang, nggak ada buktinya tertulis di quran ajaran islam yang memberi 
perintah pedopil, seperti bukti tertulis di alkitab ngencuk anak sendiri, 
ngencuk bini tetangga, dan piara cabo yang namanya sama seperti nama ibunya 
sendiri seperti yang dajarkan oleh tuhan jesus.

karena tertulis di alkitab memang jelas bapak ngencuk anak sendiri, ngencuk 
bini orang, sehingga banyak kejadian orang kristen ngencuk bini orang dan juga 
bapak yang ngencuk anak sendiri di amerika, atau pastor2 juga ngencuk altar 
boys, karena itu memang sesuai dengan yang tertulis di alkitab.

elu sebagai orang kristen tolol yang taat menjalankan agama, tentu sama juga 
ngencuk anak sendiri, ngencuk bini tetangga, dan piara cabo yang namanya sama 
sesuai dengan nama ibu lu.  

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, item abu itemabu@... wrote:

 Hehehe Islam itu ngehalalin pedophilia, makanya ga ada satu ekor muslim 
 berani bilang bhw ajaran yg ngehalalin pedophilia itu adalah ajaran bejad krn 
 itu berarti bilang Islam itu bejad.
 From: rezameutia rezameutia@...
 To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Fri, April 22, 2011 8:36:27 AM
 Subject: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel

 udah dijawab phedopike itu urusan vatican, langsung dah ngeles oot.
 lu ngga ada bedanya sama si junkie tua jusfiq yang oot mulu.
 well, ada sih bedanya dikit, kalo si jusfiq anjing tua kalo elu anjing sipit. 
 in a way, keduanya sama2 anjing tolol pemakan taik.
 --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, item abu itemabu@ wrote:
  Betul kan yg gua bilang, ga akan ada satu ekor muslim yg akan ngejawab 
  pertanyaan sederhana yg bersifat umum tsb.
  From: rezameutia rezameutia@
  To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Thu, April 21, 2011 10:52:14 AM
  Subject: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel
  --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, item abu itemabu@ wrote:
   Hehehe ga ada orang Islam yg berani jawab apakah ajaran yg ngehalalin 
   pedophilia itu ajaran bejad apa bukan.
  hehehe..., phedophilia itu kan bukan urusan orang islam, itu urusan 
  lagian, korbannya kan 'alter boys'.
  ngapain orang islam ikut campur urusan vatican?
  seperti perintah alkitab untuk elu, piara cabo yang namanya sama dengan 
  elu sendiri, seperti kelakuan tuhan jesus.  itu nggak perlu ikut campur.
  tapi, kalo urusan ngencuk anak sendiri, ngencuk bini orang, baru dah boleh 
  campur, karna hal itu sudah mengganggu keamanan masyarakat sosial.
   Kenapa ga ada satu ekor jg yg berani jawab?
  iya ya..
  kenapa elu nggak berani jawab ya?
 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik rezameutia

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, item abu itemabu@... wrote:

 Hehehe si rezameutia ini omong gede ga pernah ngefitnah, padahal jelas2 
 ngefitnah gua dgn nuduh gua ngencukin anak sendiri. 

gw nggak fitnah.
itu ada tertulis di alkitab.

 Emang koq, orang Islam itu ga punya malu sama sekali, udah kepergok ngefitnah 
 dan ngibul, terus aja mereka kaing2 sekeras2nya. 

makin keliatan kan, orang kristen bego kalo udah nggak bisa debat lagi langsung 
dah oot sambil ngacir terkaing-kaing dan langsung ngeloco untuk memuaskan diri 
sendiri.  biasalah itu tipikal kristen bego.

 Si rezameutia ini lagi berjihad ngibul dan ngefitnah di jalan auloh, hehehe...

si anjing sipit lagi ngacir terkaing-kaing sambil menggonggong dan berdusta, 
persis seperti muridnya tuhan jesus yang ngacir terkaing-kaing dan berdusta 
ketika tuhan jesus disalib.


 From: rezameutia rezameutia@...
 To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Fri, April 22, 2011 8:47:43 AM
 Subject: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel

 tuh kan mewek2 mulu.
 lu mewek ama si jusfiq junkie tua aja dah.
 gw nggak abis pikir ama kelakuan si anjing sipit penjilat kontol, kok demen 
 banget mewek2 sama orang lain minta bantuan supaya ikutan ngomong.  kenapa 
 elu ngomg sendiri sama gw?  nggak pede ya?!
 kelakuan si item anjing sipit ini sama persis seperti kelakuan si jusfiq 
 --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, item abu itemabu@ wrote:
  Hehehe... si rezameutia dan tawangalun itu ngefitnah gua, lu ini berpihak 
  From: Led Zeppelin led.zeppelin31@
  To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Fri, April 22, 2011 4:30:55 AM
  Subject: Re: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel
  Hehehe orang Islam lagi ngebela sodara berimannya yg jadi tukang fitnah.
  =Oooh sungguh2 sempit cara berfikir anda,jangankan manusia
  kucing/anjing tersasar saja perlu kita belaberi perlindungan memadai
  cara berfikir anda sangat sektarian hanya mementingkan golongan sendiri
  golongan lain bukan bahagian saya tidak seagama bukan teman saya
  tidak sependapat pasti musuh saya sungguh2 kacau anda ini.
  banyak posting anda menjurus kesitu,mungkin anda punya masalah 
  besar/trauma dengan lingkungan/pergaulan dimana anda tinggal?
  --- On Thu, 4/21/11, item abu itemabu@ wrote:
  From: item abu itemabu@
  Subject: Re: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel
  To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
  Date: Thursday, April 21, 2011, 1:31 PM
  Hehehe orang Islam lagi ngebela sodara berimannya yg jadi tukang fitnah.
  From: Led Zeppelin led.zeppelin31@
  To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Thu, April 21, 2011 3:47:37 PM
  Subject: Re: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel
  Hehehe si rezameutia ini lagi kaing2 ngalihin topik dr soal dia 
  gua ke topik lain.
  =Badut ini selalu curiga melihat orang2 disekeliling nya padahal
  tidak ada yang bicara tentang dia
  Udah jelas koq pemahaman gua ttg Alkitab itu ga sama dgn pertunjukan 
  hasil mlintir2 oleh orang2 Islam di milis ini, jadi gua tau persis bhw 
  ga pernah nyuruh ngencuk anak sendiri misalnya. 
  =Berapa tahun baca alkitab?berapa tahun memeluk agama kresten?
  apakah anda pendatang baru?apakah anda memang sejak dilahirkan sudah
  beragama kresten?
  Jadi, gimana bisa gua ngencukin anak sendiri, nurut gua Alkitab ga nyuruh 
  koq. Dan gua sendiri jg bilang ngencukin anak sendiri itu adalah perbuatan 
  bajingan, dan gua ini bukan bajingan spt nabi islam.
  =Kenapa tidak?anda itu dari ocehan saja sudah tampak sebagai bajingan.
  atau anda sungguh2 adalah korban dari pedophile?
  rezameutia ini ngefitnah, tp ga mau ngaku salah dan terus ngefitnah, sambil 
  jilat pantat sendiri bhw dia ga pernah ngefitnah. 
  =reza tukang fitnah?anda sunguhan cengeng rupanyamanja pula
  Ga masalah koq buat gua kalo orang2 Islam ngefitnah tanpa kenal malu, ini 
  ngebuktikan apa yg gua bilang bhw Islam itu emang agama yg benar bagi para 
  bajingan keparat.
  =Oooh itu hanya khayalan anda sajaanda tidak mengikuti ajaran kasih 
  dari jesus christus super star rupanya.
  Ngomong2, apa kira2 si habe akan kaing2 bhw si rezameutia ini ngefitnah sbg 
  reaksi atas apa yg gua bilang di milis ini? Bisa jadi, lalu berikutanya 
  si habe jg akan ikutan ngefitnah tanpa malu2, heheh... Lalu suryana mungkin 
  akan ikut maki2 ga keruan, hehehe. 
  =Rupanya tukang fitnah di-mana2 sama saja,selalu ingin membenar kan 
  diri sendiri..tukang fitnah begitu adanya.
  --- On Thu, 4/21/11, item abu itemabu@ wrote:
  From: item abu itemabu@
  Subject: Re: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel

[proletar] Re: The Special One...

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik rezameutia
si anjing sipit bisanya cuman nulis 'one line' dan oot pula.
nggak malu pamer ketololan nggak ada abisnya.


--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, item abu itemabu@... wrote:

 Hehehe... si rezameutia ini jg doyan jilat pantat sendiri, ngakunya ga pernah 
 From: rezameutia rezameutia@...
 To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Fri, April 22, 2011 9:17:07 AM
 Subject: [proletar] The Special One...

 Jose Mourinho memang hebat dan layak mendapat julukan 'The Special One'.  
 karir sebagai manager sepak bola dari mulai Porto sampe Real Madrid, Jose 
 Morinho selalu mendapatkan gelar juara.
 Ditambah lagi, selama karirnya Jose Mourinho rekor 149 tidak pernah kalah 
 dikandang dan baru terkalahkan ketika dipukul Sporting Gijon 0-1 kemarin. 
 Kemarin. JM membuktikan lagi kepiawaiannya dengan menundukkan 'The Mighty' 
 Barcelona dan merebut 'Copa del Rey'.  Dalam pertandingan kemarin, Jose 
 merubah strategi dari pertandingan 'El Clasico' hari Sabtu sebelumnya.
 Pemain kesayangan Mourinho, Mezut Ozil dipasang sejak awal dengan strategi 
 membingungkan, Real Madrid bermain tanpa striker di depan.  Benzema dan 
 tidak bermain, baru setelah akhir pertandingan Adebayor masuk menggantikan 
 Pujian untuk Jose Mourinho makin bertaburan, He is phenomenon kata 
 He is captain of the ship.., kata Sergio Ramos.  Memang tidak ada kata 
 Jose Mourinho is the best.
 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik rezameutia
si anjing sipit udah kalap, semua orang dibawa-bawa, katanya rame2 ngefitnah 


--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, item abu itemabu@... wrote:

 Hehehe apa ayub_yahya dan hasan basri akan ngikutin jejak rezameutia 
 ngefitnah gua? 
 Ga aneh koq kalo mereka jg ikutan rame2 ngefitnah, maklum aja, ayub_yahya dan 
 hasan basri itu doyan ngeloco rame2.
 Kalo perlu, sekalian suryana jg, krn suryana itu ga jauh ketinggalan koq 
 dibandingkan hasan basri.
 From: rezameutia rezameutia@...
 To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Fri, April 22, 2011 8:33:07 AM
 Subject: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel

 si item muke kontol kebingungan dikasih tahu alkitab isinya nggak ada bedanya 
 dengan buku porno.  lalu, mewek2 ke semua orang mengatakan gw menyebar fitnah.
 saking tolol dan nggak tau malunya si item muke kontol, dia neymbah2 ke habe 
 suryana supaya ikutan ngomong urusan gw dengan dia.  kemaren, dia mendoakan 
 keluarga suryana kena musibah, sekarang dia nyembah2 suryana supaya ikutan 
 ya tolol...
 orang kristen kayak si item muke kontol yang mengikuti perintah alkitab untuk 
 ngncuk anak sendiri sampe buntibf, ngencuk bini orang sampe bunting, sudah 
 tolol dan dungu.
 tem, lu udah piara cabo yang namanya sama dengan nama ibu elu, seperti 
 tuhan jesus?
 --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, item abu itemabu@ wrote:
  Hehehe si rezameutia ini lagi kaing2 ngalihin topik dr soal dia 
  gua ke topik lain.
  Udah jelas koq pemahaman gua ttg Alkitab itu ga sama dgn pertunjukan 
  hasil mlintir2 oleh orang2 Islam di milis ini, jadi gua tau persis bhw 
  ga pernah nyuruh ngencuk anak sendiri misalnya. 
  Jadi, gimana bisa gua ngencukin anak sendiri, nurut gua Alkitab ga nyuruh 
  koq. Dan gua sendiri jg bilang ngencukin anak sendiri itu adalah perbuatan 
  bajingan, dan gua ini bukan bajingan spt nabi islam.
  rezameutia ini ngefitnah, tp ga mau ngaku salah dan terus ngefitnah, sambil 
  jilat pantat sendiri bhw dia ga pernah ngefitnah. 
  Ga masalah koq buat gua kalo orang2 Islam ngefitnah tanpa kenal malu, ini 
  ngebuktikan apa yg gua bilang bhw Islam itu emang agama yg benar bagi para 
  bajingan keparat.
  Ngomong2, apa kira2 si habe akan kaing2 bhw si rezameutia ini ngefitnah sbg 
  reaksi atas apa yg gua bilang di milis ini? Bisa jadi, lalu berikutanya 
  si habe jg akan ikutan ngefitnah tanpa malu2, heheh... Lalu suryana mungkin 
  akan ikut maki2 ga keruan, hehehe. 
  From: rezameutia rezameutia@
  To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Thu, April 21, 2011 9:54:30 AM
  Subject: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel
  hehehe..., kan emang sudah terbukti bahwa lu adalah kristen yang taat.
  sebagai kristen yang taat lu ikutin perintah alkitab, ngencuk anak sendiri, 
  ngencuk bini tetangga, dan tentunya lu juga piara cabo yang namanya sama 
  nama ibu lu, seperti layaknya tuhan jesus.
  --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, item abu itemabu@ wrote:
   Hehehe ga ada urusan Alkitab ngajarin apa dgn apa yg gua perbuat. 
   kapan gua pernah bilang bhw gua nurutin semua yg ada di Alkitab?
   Yg lu fitnah adalah gua, bukan ALkitab. Lu bilang gua ngencukin anak 
   Buktikan deh ocehan lu ini, kan lu udah jilat pantat besar2an dgn bilang 
   pernah ngefitnah.
   From: rezameutia rezameutia@
   To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
   Sent: Wed, April 20, 2011 8:58:10 AM
   Subject: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel
   lha.., itu memang diajarkan di alkitab kan?
   elu sebagai kristen yang taat tentunya melakukan perintah alkitab, 
   sendiri sampe bunting dan ngencuk istri tetangga sampe bunting.
   begitu kan sesuai perintah di alkitab??
   --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, item abu itemabu@ wrote:
Apa bukannya lu pernah ngefitnah gua ngencukin anak sendiri?

Tp lu ini omong gede ga pernah fitnah, hehehe

Emang orang Islam itu ga bisa dipercaya omongannnya sama sekali.

From: rezameutia rezameutia@
To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tue, April 19, 2011 6:06:56 PM
Subject: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, Jusfiq kesayangan.allah@ wrote:

 rezameutia kalap dan terus memfitnah...

saya tidak pernah fitnah..

anda sendiri yang mengakui menghisap ganja dan minum alkohol setiapa 
sehingga otak anda menjadi ciut seperti biji peler.

 Dia fitnah kami tidak membaca buku saat kami datang dengan bukti 
sumber islam 

[proletar] copy paste pemikiran...

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik wawan
Pemikiranmu sesungguhnya adalah copy paste...
apabila kamu membaca buku2 arab, maka pemikiranmu seperti arabian...
apabila kamu membaca buku2 asia tengah, maka pemikiranmu juga mirip asia
Apabila kamu membaca karya orang-orang besar dan terkenal, maka pemikiranmu juga
akan seperti mereka...

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[proletar] Re: copy paste pemikiran...

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik rezameutia
bagaimana kalo nggak pernah baca buku, seperti jusfiq?
nggak punya pemikiran dong??

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, wawan selarasmilis@... wrote:

 Pemikiranmu sesungguhnya adalah copy paste...
 apabila kamu membaca buku2 arab, maka pemikiranmu seperti arabian...
 apabila kamu membaca buku2 asia tengah, maka pemikiranmu juga mirip asia
 Apabila kamu membaca karya orang-orang besar dan terkenal, maka pemikiranmu 
 akan seperti mereka...

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[proletar] CNN: More than 40 dead in protests as violence erupts across Syria

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik Jusfiq
More than 40 dead in protests as violence erupts across Syria

By the CNN Wire Staff

April 23, 2011 -- Updated 0834 GMT (1634 HKT)

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'It was really like hell'


* It's better to die than to live without freedom, one man says
* U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon joins chorus of international 
* This is going to become worse, a human rights official predicts
* The killings occur in several flashpoint regions as thousand

(CNN) -- Violence swept across Syria on Friday, with at least 43 people 
reported killed in another bloody day of confrontation between government 
forces and demonstrators calling for political change.

Reliable numbers were difficult to come by. CNN bases its figures on reports 
from witnesses. Amnesty International, citing local human rights activists, 
reported that at least 75 people were killed in Friday's protests. The Syrian 
government does not permit CNN to report from inside the country.

The killings occurred in several flashpoint regions as thousands of Syrian 
protesters defiantly marched after Muslims' weekly prayers in a display of mass 
discontent toward the government.

Violence ripped through the Damascus suburbs of Douma, Moademy and Zamalka, and 
other cities -- Homs, Harasta and Izraa. The state-run news agency reported 
demonstrations and clashes, citing injuries but no deaths.

Human rights groups and witnesses told a different story. Today, they have 
killed so many people. There are so many people injured and people have been 
kidnapped, Wissam Tarif, a human rights activist, told CNN. They are acting 
as an armed gang, not as security forces.
Syria cracks down on protests
Explain it to me: Mideast/African unrest
Will protests resume in Syria?

In the city of Homs, near Syria's western border with Lebanon, one man said a 
fellow demonstrator was shot in the head, put into a car by other demonstrators 
and driven off as others in the crowd fell to sniper fire.

They were shooting and people were running like hell, said the 25-year-old 
cameraman, who did not want to be identified for fear of reprisal.

The city's businesses had all shut down.

It's a ghost town, he said.

Though he said he was frightened, he predicted that demonstrations would resume 

It's better to die than to live without freedom, he told CNN's Anderson 

Ted Kattouf, the former U.S. ambassador to Syria, expressed admiration for the 
demonstrators' courage, but made no predictions about where it might lead.

Unfortunately, repression, if used repeatedly, ruthlessly, brutally, can work. 
We saw that in Iran and, I'm afraid, we could see it in Syria.

The demonstrators do not have the critical mass needed to effect regime change, 
Kattouf said. He noted that massive demonstrations have yet to appear in 
Damascus or Aleppo, where millions of people reside, most of them Sunni.

President Bashar al-Assad is Alawite, an offshoot of Shiite Islam.

There's a coalition of interests here, and the demonstrations would have to 
get much, much larger and stretch the capacity of the regime's security 
services to the point where some people thought about maybe making their own 
ways and abandoning Assad.
Misery in Misrata
Rights group alleges torture in Bahrain

* Damascus (Syria)
* Syria
* Protests and Demonstrations

The violence prompted international condemnation, with British Foreign 
Secretary William Hague calling the killings unacceptable, and calling on 
Syrian security forces to exercise restraint instead of repression, and on the 
Syrian authorities to respect the Syrian people's right to peaceful protest.

Before Friday's marches, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch said the 
death toll had exceeded 200 since the demonstrations began in mid-March.

U.S. President Barack Obama condemned the use of force by the Syrian government 
against demonstrators.

This outrageous use of violence to quell protests must come to an end now, he 
said in a statement. The Syrian people have called for the freedoms that all 
individuals around the world should enjoy: freedom of expression, association, 
peaceful assembly, and the ability to freely choose their leaders. President 
Assad and the Syrian authorities have repeatedly rejected their calls and 
chosen the path of repression.

He accused Assad of blaming outsiders while seeking Iranian assistance in 
repressing Syria's citizens through the same brutal tactics that have been used 
by his Iranian allies.

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and the spokesman for France's Ministry of 
European and Foreign Affairs condemned the violence.

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[proletar] Re: tentang agama atau takhyul...

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik rezameutia
nggak kebalik tuh?

orang beragama tidak pernah takut dan tidak pernah khawatir dengan kematian 
sehingga mereka sudah ikhlas menghadapi kematian karena mereka sudah yakin 
perjalanan hidup mereka di dunia sudah benar.  

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, wawan selarasmilis@... wrote:

 ya, yg ini setuju, agama tak lain memang bius ketakutan manusia menghadapi 
 --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, muskitawati muskitawati@ wrote:
  Seharusnya kata2nya diperbaiki menjadi: ketakutan manusia dalam menghadapi 
  kematian diatasi dengan kepercayaan adanya kehidupan setelah mati.

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[proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel (rezameutia: ikon hasil kekejian ajaran Islam yang

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik rezameutia

lagi merengek-rengek menangis ngadu ama gurunya, supaya sekalian bisa ngeloco 


--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, item abu itemabu@... wrote:

 Hebatnya, si rezameutia ini dgn gagahnya bilang dia ga pernah ngefitnah.
 From: Jusfiq kesayangan.allah@...
 To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Fri, April 22, 2011 9:31:47 PM
 Subject: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel (rezameutia: ikon hasil 
 ajaran Islam yang

 rezameutia: ikon hasil kekejian ajaran Islam yang dungu, buas, kejam, zalim, 
 ganas, buas lagi biadab...
 Karena dia tidak bisa membantah omongan orang kafir yang bilang bahwa ajaran 
 agamanya itu dungu, buas, kejam, keji, zalim, ganas, buas lagi biadab dan 
 berdasarkan omong kosong dan kibulan orang Arab primitf, maka sejak 
 bertahun-tahun kerjanya di mailing list ini terutama menyebar fitnah dan 
 serta pamer fikiran busuknya.
 --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, item abu itemabu@ wrote:
  Hehehe si rezameutia ini omong gede ga pernah ngefitnah, padahal jelas2 
  ngefitnah gua dgn nuduh gua ngencukin anak sendiri. 
  Emang koq, orang Islam itu ga punya malu sama sekali, udah kepergok 
  dan ngibul, terus aja mereka kaing2 sekeras2nya. 
  Si rezameutia ini lagi berjihad ngibul dan ngefitnah di jalan auloh, 
  From: rezameutia rezameutia@
  To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Fri, April 22, 2011 8:47:43 AM
  Subject: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel
  tuh kan mewek2 mulu.
  lu mewek ama si jusfiq junkie tua aja dah.
  gw nggak abis pikir ama kelakuan si anjing sipit penjilat kontol, kok demen 
  banget mewek2 sama orang lain minta bantuan supaya ikutan ngomong.  kenapa 
  elu ngomg sendiri sama gw?  nggak pede ya?!
  kelakuan si item anjing sipit ini sama persis seperti kelakuan si jusfiq 
  --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, item abu itemabu@ wrote:
   Hehehe... si rezameutia dan tawangalun itu ngefitnah gua, lu ini berpihak 
   From: Led Zeppelin led.zeppelin31@
   To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
   Sent: Fri, April 22, 2011 4:30:55 AM
   Subject: Re: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel
   Hehehe orang Islam lagi ngebela sodara berimannya yg jadi tukang 
   =Oooh sungguh2 sempit cara berfikir anda,jangankan manusia
   kucing/anjing tersasar saja perlu kita belaberi perlindungan memadai
   cara berfikir anda sangat sektarian hanya mementingkan golongan sendiri
   golongan lain bukan bahagian saya tidak seagama bukan teman saya
   tidak sependapat pasti musuh saya sungguh2 kacau anda ini.
   banyak posting anda menjurus kesitu,mungkin anda punya masalah 
   besar/trauma dengan lingkungan/pergaulan dimana anda tinggal?
   --- On Thu, 4/21/11, item abu itemabu@ wrote:
   From: item abu itemabu@
   Subject: Re: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel
   To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
   Date: Thursday, April 21, 2011, 1:31 PM
   Hehehe orang Islam lagi ngebela sodara berimannya yg jadi tukang 
   From: Led Zeppelin led.zeppelin31@
   To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
   Sent: Thu, April 21, 2011 3:47:37 PM
   Subject: Re: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel
   Hehehe si rezameutia ini lagi kaing2 ngalihin topik dr soal dia 
   gua ke topik lain.
   =Badut ini selalu curiga melihat orang2 disekeliling nya padahal
   tidak ada yang bicara tentang dia
   Udah jelas koq pemahaman gua ttg Alkitab itu ga sama dgn pertunjukan 
   hasil mlintir2 oleh orang2 Islam di milis ini, jadi gua tau persis bhw 
   ga pernah nyuruh ngencuk anak sendiri misalnya. 
   =Berapa tahun baca alkitab?berapa tahun memeluk agama kresten?
   apakah anda pendatang baru?apakah anda memang sejak dilahirkan sudah
   beragama kresten?
   Jadi, gimana bisa gua ngencukin anak sendiri, nurut gua Alkitab ga nyuruh 
   koq. Dan gua sendiri jg bilang ngencukin anak sendiri itu adalah 
   bajingan, dan gua ini bukan bajingan spt nabi islam.
   =Kenapa tidak?anda itu dari ocehan saja sudah tampak sebagai bajingan.
   atau anda sungguh2 adalah korban dari pedophile?
   rezameutia ini ngefitnah, tp ga mau ngaku salah dan terus ngefitnah, 
   jilat pantat sendiri bhw dia ga pernah ngefitnah. 
   =reza tukang fitnah?anda sunguhan cengeng rupanyamanja pula
   Ga masalah koq buat gua kalo orang2 Islam ngefitnah tanpa kenal malu, ini 
   ngebuktikan apa yg gua bilang bhw Islam itu emang agama yg benar bagi 
   bajingan keparat.
   =Oooh itu hanya khayalan anda sajaanda tidak mengikuti ajaran 

[proletar] France24: Western leaders condemn violence against protesters

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik Jusfiq

Western leaders condemn violence against protesters
By News Wires the 23/04/2011 - 09:49

UN chief Ban Ki-moon joined western leaders in condemning Syria for its use of 
violence in suppressing Friday's brutal crackdown that left at least 70 
protesters dead, in what was the bloodiest day of the month-long uprising.

AFP - UN chief Ban Ki-moon joined western leaders in condemning Damascus after 
Syrian forces killed at least 75 people during Good Friday protests in one of 
the bloodiest days of a month-long uprising.

The deaths signalled no let-up from President Bashar al-Assad, whose forces 
used live ammunition and tear gas against demonstrators in several towns and 
cities nationwide, witnesses and activists told AFP by telephone.

The bloodshed erupted as thousands of demonstrators took to the streets in 
order to test long sought-after freedoms one day after Assad scrapped decades 
of draconian emergency rule.

SANA, the official news agency, said that 10 people died in clashes between 
protesters and passers-by, adding that security forces intervened using only 
tear gas and water cannon.
Rights groups put the toll much higher.

The Syrian security forces committed massacres in several towns and regions 
today (Friday), so far killing 72 people and wounding hundreds, the 
London-based Syrian Human Rights Committee said in a statement.

Several rights activists also published provisional lists recording the deaths 
of more than 70 people, with Amnesty International quoting reports saying at 
least 75 people have been killed.

Friday's death toll compared with killings on March 23 in the southern town of 
Daraa, a focus of the protests, when activists said 100 people died.

A chorus of international condemnation rang out. US President Barack Obama 
blasted Syria's outrageous use of violence, accusing Assad's regime of 
seeking Iran's aid in the brutal crackdown on the pro-democracy movement that 
emerged in mid-March.

Instead of listening to their own people, President Assad is blaming outsiders 
while seeking Iranian assistance in repressing Syria's citizens through the 
same brutal tactics that have been used by his Iranian allies.

The UN chief said Assad's government must respect international human rights, 
including the right to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly. and called 
for an independent probe into the killings.

France urged Syria to engage in a political dialogue without delay, while 
European Parliament chief Jerzy Buzek called for the release of all prisoners 
of conscience and British Foreign Secretary William Hague said the killing of 
demonstrators is unacceptable.

Amnesty, citing Syrian activists, said: At least 75 people have been killed 
today (Friday) in Syria during mass protests... as the government launched its 
deadliest crackdown yet on demonstrators calling for political reform.

According to Amnesty, 30 people were killed in the southern town of Ezreh, 22 
in Damascus, 18 in the central city of Homs and the rest in other parts of the 

Two boys aged seven and 10 were among those killed in Izrah.
The Syrian authorities have again responded to peaceful calls for change with 
bullets and batons, said Amnesty's Middle East and North Africa director 
Malcolm Smart.

Thousands of protesters chanting freedom, freedom, and calling for the fall 
of the regime swarmed cities across Syria on Friday from Qamishli in the 
northeast to Daraa, the protest hub, in the south, witnesses said.

There were protests also in the capital Damascus and the northern suburb of 
Douma, they told AFP.

Assad, in power since replacing his father Hafez as president in 2000, issued 
decrees Thursday scrapping emergency rule, abolishing the state security court 
and allowing citizens to hold peaceful demonstrations.

But his detractors said the moves were not enough, and the so-called Syrian 
Local Coordinating Committees of protesters made a raft of demands, urging a 
halt to the torture, killings and arrests of protesters.

Friday's protests came after a call by Facebook group The Syrian Revolution 
2011 for rallies spanning the Christian and Muslim faiths on Good Friday, 
which commemorates Jesus Christ's crucifixion.

Friday is also the Muslim day of rest when the biggest demonstrations have been 
staged across Syria after weekly prayers.

Before Friday, security forces and plain-clothes police had killed about 220 
people in a brutal crackdown on the protests, according to Amnesty 
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[proletar] Tommy in Mix for Leadership of the National Republic Party

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik sunny
Refeleksi: Tambah lagi satu partai politik tukang copet nasional.


Tommy in Mix for Leadership of the National Republic Party
Jakarta Globe | April 23, 2011'


The controversial youngest son of former dictator Suharto is planning to launch 
a new political party in the near future but did not attend a key coordination 
meeting on Friday to announce his intentions. (JG Photo) 

The son of the late President Suharto was not physically present at Friday's 
debut of the party, but a photograph of him in sunglasses and a baseball cap 
was ubiquitous on the walls alongside the party's symbol.

Although it remained unclear whether or not the party is simply riding the 
coattails of Tommy's fame, one party cofounder insisted that Tommy was the real 

Retired Maj. Gen. Edi Waluyo, a former lawmaker, said on Friday that the party 
would be officially launched soon and was expected to run in the 2014 
presidential polls.

The party will only be formally launched after it has been registered with the 
Ministry of Justice and Human Rights. 

Tommy, Edi said, and a string of senior political figures had become concerned 
with the lackluster performance of the existing political parties and were 
listening to the people's wishes and complaints.

In a speech at the event, Edi said the party's founders had discussed with 
Tommy the need for a new party in Indonesia. 

Tommy agreed. This is a shared commitment, Edi said. 

The registration deadline, he said, was in July. 

Our expectation is that we can complete all the processes and the verification 
procedures to contest in the 2014 presidential polls, he said. 

Edi emphasized that the party had yet to decide whether or not Tommy would hold 
the position of party chair. Neither Tommy nor his lawyers could be reached for 

A revised law on political parties tightens the requirements for parties to 
contest elections. The most significant change is that parties intending to run 
in the 2014 election now have six months to prove they have 990 members spread 
throughout the country's 33 provinces. Parties previously only needed 50 
members to be officially recognized.

The amended law requires parties to have at least 30 registered members - 
married or at least 21 years of age - in each of the 33 provinces, or a total 
of 990 individual members. 

Siti Zuhro, a political analyst from the Indonesian Institute of Sciences, told 
the Jakarta Globe that competition would be very tough for the National 
Republic Party. 

She said Indonesians were better-educated voters after the 2009 presidential 
elections, and that to be elected as a serious political party, members should 
have a clear vision and ideology. Siti reminded voters that Tommy had failed 
in his earlier political test, when he lost Golkar Party chairmanship in 2009.

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[proletar] Aljazeera: Syria urged to end deadly repression

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik Jusfiq
Middle East
Syria urged to end deadly repression
Obama leads condemnation and accuses Damascus of seeking Iranian help as dozens 
reported killed in latest protests.
Last Modified: 23 Apr 2011 08:28

Barack Obama, the US president, has said Syria's deadly crackdown on protesters 
must come to an end now and accused Damascus of seeking Iranian help to 
repress its people.

Some 75 protesters were killed on Friday, according to human rights group 
Amnesty International, in the bloodiest violence in a month of escalating 
protests against Syrian president Bashar al-Assad's rule.

Local activists have released a list of 103 people who they say were killed in 
Friday's crackdown. SANA, the official news agency, put the number of people 
killed on Friday at 10, reporting that they died in clashes between protesters 
and passers-by. The SANA account said that security forces only used tear gas 
and water cannons.

This outrageous use of violence to quell protests must come to an end now, 
said Obama on Friday, dismissing as not serious Assad's lifting of a 
decades-old emergency law in Syria this week and accused him of seeking help 
from Iran.

Instead of listening to their own people, President Assad is blaming outsiders 
while seeking Iranian assistance in repressing Syria's citizens through the 
same brutal tactics that have been used by his Iranian allies, he said.

We strongly oppose the Syrian government's treatment of its citizens and we 
continue to oppose its continued destabilising behaviour more generally, 
including support for terrorism and terrorist groups, said Obama.

Despite the criticism, Obama did not refer to any potential US consequences 
should Assad refuse to heed his demands.

UN demands 'independent' investigation

Ban Ki-moon, the UN secretary-general, meanwhile, has condemned the Syrian 
government's killing of demonstrators, calling for an independent, transparent 
and effective investigation into the killings, his spokesman said on Friday.

The secretary-general condemns the ongoing violence against peaceful 
demonstrators in Syria, which again has killed and injured many today, and 
calls for it to stop immediately, Farhan Haq, Ban's spokesman, said from the 
UN headquarters in New York.

Ban said that President Assad's government must respect international human 
rights, including the right to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly, as 
well as the freedom of the press.

The UN secretary-general stressed that only an inclusive dialogue and the 
effective implementation of reforms can address the legitimate aspirations of 
the Syrian people and ensure social peace and order.

European condemnation

Jerzy Buzek, the European Parliament chief on Friday also condemned the 
shooting deaths of protesters in Syria and called for the release of all 
prisoners of conscience.

Today's violent crackdown on peaceful demonstrations all over Syria is 
unacceptable. The bloodshed has to stop now: this is the government's first and 
foremost responsibility, he said in a statement.

Any form of violence against peaceful demonstrators must stop: no more 
killing, no more torture, no more arbitrary arrests. An independent 
investigation into the deaths of protesters has to be carried out.

France also urged Syrian authorities to halt their use of violence on 
anti-government protesters.

We call on them once more to engage in an inclusive political dialogue without 
delay and to put into place reforms that respond to the legitimate aspirations 
of the Syrian people, said deputy spokeswoman Christine Fages, deputy 
spokeswoman for the foreign ministry.

She also called for the release of those arrested and for respecting basic 
rights, including media freedom and the right to hold peaceful demonstrations.

Peak of violence

At least 75 people were killed on Friday as security forces use live ammunition 
and tear gas to quell anti-government protests across the country, according to 
human rights group Amnesty International.

Friday's death toll was one of the bloodiest in protests for democratic change 
- the first since emergency rule was imposed by the ruling Baath Party when it 
seized power in 1963.

Amnesty International called for an immediate end to the attacks on protesters 
and for an investigation into the deadly events.

The Syrian authorities have again responded to peaceful calls for change with 
bullets and batons, said Malcolm Smart, the London-based organisation's 
director for the Middle East.

They must immediately halt their attacks on peaceful protesters and instead 
allow Syrians to gather freely, as international law demands.

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[proletar] Arrests Point To New Face Of Terrorism

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Tetap ada  teroris berarti rejeki nomplok bagi petinggi-petinggi TNI 
dan Polri, banyak bantuan duit bisa datang masuk kantong dengan dalih 
menghancurkan terorisme internasuional.


Arrests Point To New Face Of Terrorism
Farouk Arnaz, Ronna Nirmala  Camelia Pasandaran | April 23, 2011

The arrest of 19 terrorism suspects and the subsequent discovery of a Good 
Friday bomb plot appears to have revealed a new breed of terror. 

Most of the newly arrested were university graduates and were apprehended in 
various parts of the country in relation to the series of book bombs sent to 
various prominent figures in Jakarta last month. 

Their arrest on Thursday also led police to five bombs meant to blow up a 
Catholic church and an Army weapons warehouse in Serpong, Tangerang, on Friday. 

But antiterrorism sources say they have yet to find any real link between these 
men and known terrorism or Islamist groups. 

The face of terror is changing now, one police source said, pointing out 
similarities between this group and other lone wolves who planned and carried 
out attacks without the support or backing of major networks. 

They included the 2006 bombing of an AW restaurant in East Jakarta, a bicycle 
bomb explosion in Bekasi in September and the suicide bombing of a Cirebon 
mosque last week. 

These are individuals influenced by radical clerics from the Internet, the 
police source said. This is the face of the terror network we are facing today 
and it is the most dangerous. 

An International Crisis Group report released on Wednesday said that violent 
extremism in Indonesia is increasingly taking the form of small groups acting 
independently of large jihadi organizations but sometimes with their 

It underlined the change in tactics and targets, opting now for secret 
assassinations and increasingly local targets. 

Noor Huda Ismail, a terrorism analyst, said these lone terrorists were inspired 
by the arrest or death of their seniors, leaders of large terror groups such as 
Jemaah Islamiyah. 

Because their leaders were being arrested by police, these individual 
terrorists conclude that their new enemy is the police or security forces, 
that's why many of their attacks were addressed to the National Police. 

Noor said these individual terrorists might be harder to uncover and eradicate. 

However, ICG's Sidney Jones warned against drawing conclusions too soon and 
refused to rule out the possibility that a link to a larger, possibly 
mainstream group may later be uncovered. 

Ansyaad Mbai, head of Indonesia's National Counter-Terrorism Agency, has said 
that after looking at the 19 arrestees, all the suspects in those cases are 
somehow related to mainstream figures or groups. 

Ansyaad cited the Indonesian Islamic State (NII) movement, the JI, Jamaah 
Ansharut Tauhid and other radical groups. 

There are two types of radical groups, the terrorist and non-terrorist, he 

They seems to be separate cases, but at one level such as in Aceh, they're 
united and all the groups meet there, he added. They are inspired by the 
mainstream group.

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[proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel (rezameutia: ikon hasil kekejian ajaran Islam yang

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik Jusfiq

Anda sudah keteteran rezameutia, anda tidak bisa mebantah bahwa ajaran agama 
taik anjing Islam yang dungu, buas, kejam, keji, zalim, ganas lagi biadab yang 
anda anut itu hanyalah berdasarkan omong kosong dan kibulan orang Arab primitif.

Sebaran fitnah, dusta dan pemeran fikiran busuk anda yang nista lagi 
menjijikkan yang anda lakukn sejak bertahun-tahun tidak akan mengubah 
kenyataan: anda itu sungguh dungu kayak babi dan tahun 2011 masih bersedia jadi 
korban kibulan orang Arab primitif.

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, rezameutia rezameutia@... wrote:

 lagi merengek-rengek menangis ngadu ama gurunya, supaya sekalian bisa ngeloco 
 --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, item abu itemabu@ wrote:
  Hebatnya, si rezameutia ini dgn gagahnya bilang dia ga pernah ngefitnah.
  From: Jusfiq kesayangan.allah@
  To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Fri, April 22, 2011 9:31:47 PM
  Subject: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel (rezameutia: ikon hasil 
  ajaran Islam yang
  rezameutia: ikon hasil kekejian ajaran Islam yang dungu, buas, kejam, 
  ganas, buas lagi biadab...
  Karena dia tidak bisa membantah omongan orang kafir yang bilang bahwa 
  agamanya itu dungu, buas, kejam, keji, zalim, ganas, buas lagi biadab dan 
  berdasarkan omong kosong dan kibulan orang Arab primitf, maka sejak 
  bertahun-tahun kerjanya di mailing list ini terutama menyebar fitnah dan 
  serta pamer fikiran busuknya.
  --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, item abu itemabu@ wrote:
   Hehehe si rezameutia ini omong gede ga pernah ngefitnah, padahal 
   jelas2 dia 
   ngefitnah gua dgn nuduh gua ngencukin anak sendiri. 
   Emang koq, orang Islam itu ga punya malu sama sekali, udah kepergok 
   dan ngibul, terus aja mereka kaing2 sekeras2nya. 
   Si rezameutia ini lagi berjihad ngibul dan ngefitnah di jalan auloh, 
   From: rezameutia rezameutia@
   To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
   Sent: Fri, April 22, 2011 8:47:43 AM
   Subject: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel
   tuh kan mewek2 mulu.
   lu mewek ama si jusfiq junkie tua aja dah.
   gw nggak abis pikir ama kelakuan si anjing sipit penjilat kontol, kok 
   banget mewek2 sama orang lain minta bantuan supaya ikutan ngomong.  
   kenapa kalo 
   elu ngomg sendiri sama gw?  nggak pede ya?!
   kelakuan si item anjing sipit ini sama persis seperti kelakuan si jusfiq 
   --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, item abu itemabu@ wrote:
Hehehe... si rezameutia dan tawangalun itu ngefitnah gua, lu ini 
berpihak ke 

From: Led Zeppelin led.zeppelin31@
To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Fri, April 22, 2011 4:30:55 AM
Subject: Re: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel

Hehehe orang Islam lagi ngebela sodara berimannya yg jadi tukang 

=Oooh sungguh2 sempit cara berfikir anda,jangankan manusia
kucing/anjing tersasar saja perlu kita belaberi perlindungan memadai
cara berfikir anda sangat sektarian hanya mementingkan golongan sendiri
golongan lain bukan bahagian saya tidak seagama bukan teman saya
tidak sependapat pasti musuh saya sungguh2 kacau anda ini.
banyak posting anda menjurus kesitu,mungkin anda punya masalah 
besar/trauma dengan lingkungan/pergaulan dimana anda tinggal?

--- On Thu, 4/21/11, item abu itemabu@ wrote:

From: item abu itemabu@
Subject: Re: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel
To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
Date: Thursday, April 21, 2011, 1:31 PM

Hehehe orang Islam lagi ngebela sodara berimannya yg jadi tukang 

From: Led Zeppelin led.zeppelin31@

To: proletar@yahoogroups.com

Sent: Thu, April 21, 2011 3:47:37 PM

Subject: Re: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel

Hehehe si rezameutia ini lagi kaing2 ngalihin topik dr soal dia 

gua ke topik lain.

=Badut ini selalu curiga melihat orang2 disekeliling nya padahal

tidak ada yang bicara tentang dia

Udah jelas koq pemahaman gua ttg Alkitab itu ga sama dgn pertunjukan 

hasil mlintir2 oleh orang2 Islam di milis ini, jadi gua tau persis bhw 

ga pernah nyuruh ngencuk anak sendiri misalnya. 

=Berapa tahun baca alkitab?berapa tahun memeluk agama kresten?

apakah anda pendatang baru?apakah anda memang sejak dilahirkan sudah

beragama kresten?

Jadi, gimana bisa gua ngencukin anak sendiri, nurut gua Alkitab ga 

koq. Dan gua sendiri jg bilang 

Re: [proletar] Re: tentang agama atau takhyul...

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik sunny
Siapa tidak mau 72 bidadari setelah mati? hehehehe

  - Original Message - 
  From: wawan 
  To: proletar@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Friday, April 22, 2011 4:30 PM
  Subject: [proletar] Re: tentang agama atau takhyul...

  bagaimanapun para jihadis itu termotivasi karena mengejar 'kepentingan' 
individunya, yaitu afterlife di sorga...

  sekali lagi, saya punya thesis, agama adalah urusan individual, sekaligus 
membuat manusia (semakin fanatis) terpisah dari komunalnya

  agama seperti bius...ini thesis yg sudah lama di eropa..

  --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, ajeg ajegilelu@... wrote:

   Sekarang, coba kasih wawan kesempatan untuk 
   jelasin analisanya soal hubungan antara agama, 
   takhyul, dan takut mati, di alinea terakhir itu. 
   Lalu, kita dengarkan juga pendapatnya tentang 
   orang-orang yang bilang pelaku bom bunuhdiri itu 
   tindakannya dipengaruhi agama. 
   Atau cuma mau asyik posting obrolan sendiri terus? 


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[proletar] Re: copy paste pemikiran...

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik Jusfiq

Anda sudah keteteran rezameutia, anda tidak bisa mebantah bahwa ajaran agama 
taik anjing Islam yang dungu, buas, kejam, keji, zalim, ganas lagi biadab yang 
anda anut itu hanyalah berdasarkan omong kosong dan kibulan orang Arab primitif.

Sebaran fitnah, dusta dan pemeran fikiran busuk anda yang nista lagi 
menjijikkan yang anda lakukn sejak bertahun-tahun tidak akan mengubah 
kenyataan: anda itu sungguh dungu kayak babi dan tahun 2011 masih bersedia jadi 
korban kibulan orang Arab primitif.

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, rezameutia rezameutia@... wrote:

 bagaimana kalo nggak pernah baca buku, seperti jusfiq?
 nggak punya pemikiran dong??
 --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, wawan selarasmilis@ wrote:
  Pemikiranmu sesungguhnya adalah copy paste...
  apabila kamu membaca buku2 arab, maka pemikiranmu seperti arabian...
  apabila kamu membaca buku2 asia tengah, maka pemikiranmu juga mirip asia
  Apabila kamu membaca karya orang-orang besar dan terkenal, maka pemikiranmu 
  akan seperti mereka...

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[proletar] Reposting: Orang tua rezameutia yang dungu kayak anjing

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik Jusfiq

Saya tambahkan: ternyata keadaan rezameutia itu lebih gawat dari yang saya
sangka semula: dia juga menderita premature ejaculation.

Jadi nggak heran hidupnya begitu sengsara.

Orang tua rezameutia yang dungu kayak anjing, seperti juga orang tua
mailing list ini yang beragama Islam kayak Dipo, johny-indon,
ndeboost, PAREWA
PAREWA, Roman Proteus, Tawang dll. tidak sanggup memberikan pendidikan
memadai kepada anaknya yang tentu saja jadi dungu kayak anjing seperti
tuanya dan berpengetahuan dangkal kayak comberan dimusim kemarau di

Bayangin, begitu cetek pengetahuan rezameutia itu hingga Afrika
dikatakannya negeri bule, bahasa Inggerisnya juga acak-acakan hingga
dia tidak
tahu apa arti kata legendary.

Kesanggupannnya juga terutama terbatas ngomong tentang sepak bola dan
musik dan,
menurut Suryana tukang jilat pantat orang Islam, ngedongeng..

Disamping itu orang tua rezameutia yang memang dungu kayak anjing itu
membiarkan anaknya yang memang suka mikir pake kontol itu menjadikan
buku taik
anjing al-Mushaf susunan orang Arab primitif sebagai kitab suci.

rezameutia juga tidak dilatih oleh orang tuanya yang memang
dungu-dungu kayak
anjing itu memakai otaknya buat berfikir, dia tidak dilatih untuk

Dia tidak dilatih untuk mempertanyakan apa yang dikatakan orang

Dia dilatih buat biasa bersikap seperti anjing budug lapar dihadapan
taik angat:
diajar untuk melahap apa yang dikatakan orang sekelilingnya dan kayak
bebek, dia
suka ikut apa yang dilakukan orang lain, tanpa mikir, seperti naik
haji sembari
muter-muter kayak orang gila disekeliling Kaabah dan nyambit setan
yang nggak
ada di padang pasir sono.


Di abad ke XXI ini, berkat kemajuan teknologi, rezameutia juga punya
akses ke
internet dan sempat
kenyataan lain yang pahit lagi menyilaukan yang ditunjukkan orang lain
internet: ajaran agama Islam yang dianutnya dan yang dikiranya
kebenaran dan berdasarkan wahyu dari Allah itu ternyata cuman
kosong dan kibulan hasil khayalan orang Arab primitif.

Karena dia tidak dilatih untuk memakai otaknya untuk berfikir dan
mempertanyakan apa yang dia yakini selama ini maka dia bingung
kenyataan itu: groggy.

Dia jadi gila.

Gila dan lantas kalap.

Lalu dia jadi tukang fitnah dan penyebar dusta.

Karena saya bercerita bahwa saya pernah mengisap ganja satu kali, maka
difitnhnya junkie.

Dan karena saya menurutkan nasehat berbagai lembaga kesehatan di Eropa
menganjurkan orang untuk mengikuti diet mediteranian yang antara lain
dari dua atautiga gelas anggur tiap hari maka saya difitnahnya

Berbeda dengan orang Islam lain yang juga sudah pada jadi gila,
memang bersedia menjalani terapi.

Tapi hasilnya tetap saja sama: rezameutia tetap saja cuma bisa memakai
buat berfikir dan buah fikirannnya, tidak mengherankan, tetap saja
najis seperti fitnah dan dusta.

Kasihan saya melihatnya

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[proletar] Saya Masih Cukup Waras

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Apakah kewarasan Hatta Rajasa terganggu? Kalau hanya cukup waras 
berarti kewarasannya masih tidak spenuhnya sempurna!


  a.. 18 April 2011 
  Hatta Rajasa: 
  Saya Masih Cukup Waras 
  DISERET ke pusaran perkara korupsi pengadaan kereta api bekas dari Jepang, 
Hatta Rajasa meradang. Menurut Menteri Koordinator Perekonomian ini, perkara 
itu tidak berkaitan dengan dia. Pada 2006, ketika pengadaan dijalankan, Hatta 
merupakan Menteri Perhubungan. Kepada Tempo, yang menemuinya Kamis malam pekan 
lalu di rumah dinas menteri, Hatta mengatakan justru menyetop proyek ketika 
mulai tercium ada kejanggalan. Saya minta diaudit, ujar Ketua Umum Partai 
Amanat Nasional ini. 

  Bagaimana pengadaan kereta bekas dari Jepang dilakukan? 

Saya tak ikut sama sekali. Sampai kemudian ada permintaan Pak Soemino, 1 
November 2006, untuk menunjuk langsung Sumitomo Corporation sebagai rekanan. 
Saya bilang ke Sekretaris Jenderal Departemen Perhubungan, menteri tak bisa 
menunjuk langsung. Saya minta ini ditelaah.

Pada 13 November, Sekjen menelaah. Kesimpulannya, menteri tidak bisa 
menunjuk langsung rekanan (Hatta menunjukkan surat). Di tengah jalan, 
Inspektorat Jenderal bilang pengangkutan kereta ini berbeda dengan hibah G to 
G. Perbedaan dalam proses pengangkutan mengakibatkan kemungkinan ada selisih 
biaya. Saya bilang stop proses ini. Panggil Badan Pengawasan Keuangan dan 
Pembangunan. Saya tidak tahu proses selanjutnya karena pada 2007 saya 
dipindahkan menjadi Menteri-Sekretaris Negara. Yang saya tahu, BPKP bilang ini 
enggak ada yang salah. Tapi ini bukan hibah, melainkan pembelian.
  Hibah kan harus lewat Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional 

Itulah kenapa saya stop. Saya minta ini diaudit semuanya. Saya minta Badan 
Pengawasan masuk.
  Artinya, ini kesalahan Soemino, Direktur Jenderal Perkeretaapian ketika itu? 

Kesalahan Soemino, sebelum surat saya turun, dia memerintahkan anak buahnya 
dengan bilang duluan bahwa Pak Menteri sudah setuju. Lalu, kalaupun Komisi 
Pemberantasan Korupsi bilang ada kerugian negara, itu karena biaya pengangkutan 
Jepang lebih mahal daripada biaya pengangkutan Djakarta Lloyd (perusahaan 
  Hibah ini lebih mahal ketimbang pembelian sebelumnya? 

Pada 2004, saat saya jadi menteri, enggak ada pembelian. Sebelum 2004, ada 
hibah kereta, tapi itu G to G. Kalau G to G, barangnya diantar ke pelabuhan 
sehingga biaya pengangkutannya lebih murah.
  Soal disposisi Bapak yang dianggap menyetujui Soemino? 

Disposisi saya selalu ke Sekjen. Saya setuju agar diproses sesuai dengan 
ketentuan yang ada. Tidak ada surat saya ke Soemino. Disposisi ini untuk 
  Soemino mengatakan pernah Anda panggil, dan di ruang kerja Anda ada adik 
Anda, Achmad Hafisz Tohir; adik ipar SBY, Hartanto Edhie Wibowo; Bendahara PAN 
Jon Erizal; dan Dicky Tjokrosaputro? 

Enggak betul. Hafisz itu urusan telekomunikasi, enggak ada hubungannya. 
Bukan rekanan perhubungan, tak ada pekerjaan di perhubungan. Dia ke Jepang 
untuk urusan telekomunikasi. That's it. Karena dia adik saya, terus 
  Pernah Soemino ke ruangan Anda sebelum ia ke Jepang? 

Enggak ada sama sekali.
  Soemino mengaku diperintah Bapak untuk survei ke Jepang 

Enggak betul. Wong Dirjen masak diperintah seperti itu. Enggak betul. Saya 
masih cukup waras untuk memerintahkan orang.
  Kalau soal Jon Erizal, Bendahara PAN? 

Enggak ada kaitannya. Sepanjang sepuluh tahun lebih jadi menteri, saya tak 
pernah men-touch hal-hal seperti itu. Itu prinsip saya. Insya Allah.
  Anda pernah ikut ke Jepang? 

Saya ke Jepang enggak ada urusannya dengan ini. Saya ke Jepang diutus 
Presiden untuk urusan mass rapid transportation yang dibatalkan Pak Jusuf 
Kalla, lalu diminta agar dihidupkan lagi?yang sampai sekarang enggak 
jalan-jalan juga. Waktu keberangkatannya pun berbeda.
  Soemino bilang penandatanganan kontrak dengan Sumitomo setelah ditelepon 
Hafisz dan kawan-kawan? 

Itu kan lucu sekali. Masak, Pak Mino sebagai seorang direktur jenderal 
diatur-atur seperti itu. Sangat enggak masuk akal.
  Bagaimana penunjukan Sumitomo sebagai rekanan? 

Itu proses di sana. Saya enggak ikut proses apa pun. Laporan Soemino ada 
bila menyangkut kewenangan saya. Tapi itu bukan kewenangan Dirjen, tapi Satuan 
Kerja. Saya enggak mau menuduh. Saya meyakini Pak Mino enggak main uang. Tapi 
prosedurnya dia salahi.

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[proletar] Re: Bangladesh: Islamic cleric threatens jihad if child marriage is banned

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik ndeboost
Hehehehehe .si @dapurmu yg dilihat ga mau lihat
selumbar didepan matanya. Biarawan ga mau potong
syahwat dia ga kasih komen, meski terbukti pedofil,
Abisnya Yesus KATEBE ga nyinggung yg kek ginian.

@dapurmu dkk ga mau tahu kalau nikahkan gadis
kecil ga ada lirangan di buku sucinya,
Dia ga mau baca yg Deleware pernah punya
AOC di uisa 7 tahun dan Yahudi 3 tahun.
Malah ada pernah presiden USA merekomen
warganya dinikahkan dini karena ya itu, ngikutin
Bibel. Hehehe ..
Juga Vatikan, 12 tahun. Hehehe ... Jadi kalau Syekh
Pudji Kristen, aman dia.

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, item abu itemabu@... wrote:

 Hehehe ulama Islam mau berjihad di jalan auloh ngelawan kebatilan
 anti pedophilia krn anti pedophilia itu ngelawan hukum auloh dan
sunnah nabi.

 Dgn kata lain, pedophilia itu emang merupakan hukum auloh dan sunnah

 Tp kalo gua yg ngomong begitu, maka gua dibilang ngefitnah dan tukang
 anak sendiri, kalo ulama yg bilang gitu, maka gua lagi yg dituduh
ngefitnah. Ini
 nunjukin Islam itu emang agama yg benar unt para bajingan keparat,

 Bangladesh: Islamic cleric threatens jihad if child marriage is banned
 Surely, Islamic apologists in the West will get right on the line to
this guy
 and explain that, no, Aisha was 16, 18, didn't know how old she was,
was only
 nine in Galapagos tortoise-years, or whatever other excuse they
might cook up.
 The problem? Islamic texts and traditions say otherwise, and Muslims
 them.  Indeed, the heart of the problem is this: Muhammad did it. The
 of Muhammad, a beautiful pattern of conduct according to Qur'an
33:21,  cannot
 be set aside, or standards he set updated, lest one imply  Muhammad
made a
 mistake. That would not only insult Muhammad (things  seem to become
 when that happens) but go against the Qur'an's  endorsement of him,
 therefore Allah's.
 That is why child marriage persists in the Islamic world, from Nigeria
to Yemen
 to Indonesia:
 The Prophet wrote the (marriage contract) with 'Aisha while  she was
six years
 old and consummated his marriage with her while she  was nine years
old and she
 remained with him for nine years (i.e. till  his death). -- Bukhari
 Islamist leader threatens of waging Jihad, from Weekly Blitz, April
20 (thanks
 to Weasel Zippers):
 Notorious pro-Taliban Islamist clergy in Bangladesh, Mufti  Fazlul
Haque Amini
 has threatened to wage jihad in the country if the  government will
pass any law
 banning child marriage.
 He said, two hundred thousand Jihadists of his group are  ready to
 lives if any such law, which goes against Koran  and Sunnah will be
passed by
 the current government in the country.
 He says it:
 Mufti Amini said, Banning child marriage will cause  challenging the
 of the holy prophet of Islam, who also married  minor Ayesha, when she
was just
 eight years old.
 He said, The new law initiated by the current government  will put
the moral
 character of the prophet into controversy and  challenge.
 Fazlul Haque Amini further said, Islam permits child  marriage and it
will not
 be tolerated if any ruler will ever try to  touch this issue in the
name of
 giving more rights to women.
 It may be mentioned here that, current government in  Bangladesh has
 several measures in ensuring better rights to the  women thus treating
 marriage as severe offense. It also recommends  equal distribution of
 amongst male and female inherits. In  contrary, Islamic Sharia law
gives lesser
 rights to women as far as  inheritance is concerned. It also allows
men to marry
 any infant girl  child. It may be mentioned here that, such law is
prevalent in
 most of  the Islamic republics, while in Iran, even forceful sexual
 with the married infant is allowed. A large segment of Muslim scholars
 secularist individuals term this as mere perversion.
 But child marriage remains A-OK.
 In Bangladesh, especially in the rural areas, child marriage  is very
 phenomenon, where hundreds of child mothers die due to  lack of
 facilities as well as for pre-mature pregnancy. There  are even cases
of deaths
 of child wives being virtually raped by their  husbands. Child
marriage is
 prevalent in rural Bangladesh both amongst  the Muslim and non-Muslim
 Several weeks back, Islamist clergy Mufti Fazlul Haque Amini  and
Moulana Rezaul
 Karim launched a movement of 'combating anti-Islam  actions' by the
 in Bangladesh. Since then, hundreds and  thousands of followers of
these fanatic
 leaders are active in various  forms of demonstrations around the
country. It is
 also reported in media  that, minor boys in the Koranic Madrassas were
 join most of the  anti-government demonstrations of these leaders.
According to
 unofficial  statistics, there are roughly 9 million students attending
 madrassas in Bangladesh.
 Mutfti [sic] Fazlul Haque Amini is branded as a  

[proletar] Penganut Ajaran Setan (1)

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik ndeboost
Ga perlu diketahui, yg kelakuan gini Kristen apa bukan,
w/n negara maju apa bukan. Tapi pelakunya jelas w/n
penduduk negara mayoritas Crosstian Pauline, negara
maju. Entah hitam, putih atau lainnya. Namun
kelakuannya iblis, setan laknat.

Greensburg Man Charged With Raping 5-Month-Old

GREENSBURG, Pa. -- An 18-year-old Greensburg man has been charged with
raping a baby who police said was left in his care.

Police said Scott Wade Smith raped his girlfriend's 5-month-old girl
Friday morning at a home in the 500 block of Highland Avenue, where
several people, including the infant's mother, were living.

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Re: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik item abu
65:4. Dan perempuan-perempuan yang tidak haid lagi (monopause) di antara  
perempuan-perempuanmu jika kamu ragu-ragu (tentang masa iddahnya), maka  masa 
iddah mereka adalah tiga bulan; dan begitu (pula)  perempuan-perempuan yang 
tidak haid. Dan perempuan-perempuan yang hamil,  waktu iddah mereka itu ialah 
sampai mereka melahirkan kandungannya. Dan  barang siapa yang bertakwa kepada 
Allah, niscaya Allah menjadikan  baginya kemudahan dalam urusannya.

Ayat 65:4 ini bilang bhw cewek yg ga haid itu punya masa iddah 3 bln. Buat yg 
tau, masa iddah itu adalah perioda dimana bini yg dicerai hrs nunggu sebelum 
bisa menikah lagi. Tapi kalo si bini belum pernah diembat, maka ga perlu nunggu 
masa iddah, bisa langsung kawin lagi.

Artinya, semua cewek yg punya masa iddah itu sdh pernah diembat sebelumnya oleh 

Tafsir bilang bhw, hehhe cewek yg belum mens itu jg termasuk yg dpt masa 
iddah di 65:4. Artinya, anak2 ingusan yg belum mens itu halal diembat.

Tafsir al-Jalalayn
And [as for] those  of your women who (read allā’ī or allā’i in both instances) 
no longer  expect to menstruate, if you have any doubts, about their waiting  
period, their prescribed [waiting] period shall be three months, and  [also 
those who have not yet menstruated, because of their young  age, their period 
shall [also] be three months — both cases apply to  other than those whose 
spouses have died; for these [latter] their  period is prescribed in the verse: 
they shall wait by themselves for  four months and ten [days] [Q. 2:234]. And 
those who are pregnant, their  term, the conclusion of their prescribed 
[waiting] period if divorced  or if their spouses be dead, shall be when they 
deliver. And whoever  fears God, He will make matters ease for him, in this 
world and in the  Hereafter.

Tanwîr al-Miqbâs min Tafsîr Ibn ‘Abbâs
(And  for such of your women as despair of menstruation) because of old age,  
(if ye doubt) about their waiting period, (their period (of waiting)  shall be 
three months) upon which another man asked: “O Messenger of  Allah! What about 
the waiting period of those who do not have  menstruation because they are too 
young?” (along with those who have it  not) because of young age, their waiting 
period is three months. Another  man asked: “what is the waiting period for 
those women who are  pregnant?” (And for those with child) i.e. those who are 
pregnant,  (their period) their waiting period (shall be till they bring forth  
their burden) their child. (And whosoever keepeth his duty to Allah) and  
whoever fears Allah regarding what he commands him, (He maketh his  course easy 
for him) He makes his matter easy; and it is also said this  means: He will 
him to worship Him well.

Asbab Al-Nuzul by Al-Wahid
(And for such of  your women as despair of menstruation…) [65:4]. Said Muqatil: 
“When the  verse (Women who are divorced shall wait, keeping themselves 
Kallad ibn al-Nu‘man ibn Qays al-Ansari said: ‘O Messenger of Allah,  what is 
the waiting period of the woman who does not menstruate and the  woman who has 
not menstruated yet? And what is the waiting period of the  pregnant woman?’ 
so Allah, exalted is He, revealed this verse”. Abu  Ishaq al-Muqri’ informed 
Muhammad ibn ‘Abd Allah ibn Hamdun  Makki ibn ‘Abdan Abu’l-Azhar Asbat ibn 
Muhammad Mutarrif  Abu ‘Uthman ‘Amr ibn Salim who said: “When the waiting 
period for  divorced and widowed women was mentioned in Surah al-Baqarah, Ubayy 
ibn  Ka‘b said: ‘O Messenger of Allah, some women of Medina are saying: there  
are other women who have not been mentioned!’ He asked him: ‘And who  are 
He said: ‘Those who are too young [such that they have not  started 
yet], those who are too old [whose menstruation has  stopped] and those who are 
pregnant’. And so this verse (And for such  of your women as despair of 
menstruation…) was revealed”.

Jadi, ga cuma Islam ngehalalin pedophilia yg bisa dilihat dr sunnah nabi 
anak 9 thn, tp Islam jg ngehalalin ngembat anak ingusan yg blm mens, bisa 
dilihat dr ayat 65:4 dan jg dr hadis2 yg nunjukin bhw Aisha itu belum dianggap 
dewasa waktu diembat, atau si Umar ngembat Umm Khultum yg cuma 4 atau 6 thn.

Kalo Islam ga ngehalalin pedophilia, kenapa MUI bisa bilang si Syekh Puji itu 
salah nurut Islam? Kenapa negara syariat iblis Saudi atau Yemen ngehalalin 
ngembat anak ingusan 12 thn? Kenapa Iran bisa ngehalain ngembat anak ingusan 9 
thn? Krn emang Islam ngehalalin pedophilia.

From: rezameutia rezameu...@yahoo.com
To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sat, April 23, 2011 3:21:53 PM
Subject: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel

memang kayak gini deh tipikal orang kristen tolol yang ngomong nggak 
bukti.  udah jelas dia nggak punya bukti islam menghalalkan pedopil, tapi masih 
tetep aja melakukan fitnah dan pamer ketololannya sendiri tanpa malu-malu. 

gw udah bilang, nggak ada 

Re: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik item abu
Hehehe... kayaknya yg ngebela si Syekh Puji itu ulama2 Islam koq, mungkin 
duitnya dr zakat atau mungkin jg duit hasil korupsi atau duit dr malak tkw

From: bangmos...@yahoo.com bangmos...@yahoo.com
To: proletar@yahoogroups.com proletar@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sat, April 23, 2011 9:31:30 AM
Subject: Re: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel

Ajaran yg mengajarkan pedhofil adalah ajaran sesat, apalagi sampai membela 
pelaku pedhofil hampir diseluruh negara dengan membayar penghacara2  hingga 
jutaan dolar pake duit perpuluhan umat .. Sesat bahkan menyesatkan. 

Sent from my BlackBerry® 
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT 

-Original Message- 
From: item abu item...@yahoo.com 
Sender: proletar@yahoogroups.com 
Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2011 11:34:11 
To: proletar@yahoogroups.com 
Reply-To: proletar@yahoogroups.com 
Subject: Re: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel 

Hehehe ga ada orang Islam yg berani jawab apakah ajaran yg ngehalalin 
pedophilia itu ajaran bejad apa bukan. 

Kenapa ga ada satu ekor jg yg berani jawab? 

From: Led Zeppelin led.zeppeli...@yahoo.com 
To: proletar@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Thu, April 21, 2011 7:07:32 AM 
Subject: Re: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel 

Badut yang satu ini dia mengira yang dikunyah itu benar adanya? 
padahal salah,belajar dari orang yang mengetahui hal2 tsb,banyak disini 
bukan dari faithfreedom seperti unyahan anda itu,anda tidak lebih pandai 
dari saya kalau soal ke islaman,berapa tahun sudah belajar islam? 
ungkapan anda cuma embikan anak kambing bodoh mana bisa belajar 
sejarah dari buku2 yang tak pernah terbit,ocehan anda cuma untuk 
konsumen gereja tempat anda belajar anutan salah itu. 

--- On Wed, 4/20/11, item abu item...@yahoo.com wrote: 

From: item abu item...@yahoo.com 
Subject: Re: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel 
To: proletar@yahoogroups.com 
Date: Wednesday, April 20, 2011, 4:44 PM 

Hehehe terus aja muter2 lidah. 

Yg gua tanya itu adalah apakah ajaran yg ngehalalin pedophilia itu ajaran bejad 

atau bukan, gua ga nanya apakah Islam itu ngelarang pedophilia apa kagak. 

Kenapa orang Islam ga berani jawab? Hehehe orangIslam itu emang pengecut 

koq, cuma bisa kaing2 kayak anjing kejepit buntut. 


From: Led Zeppelin led.zeppeli...@yahoo.com 

To: proletar@yahoogroups.com 

Sent: Wed, April 20, 2011 7:33:34 AM 

Subject: Re: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel 

Orang Islam lagi muter2 lidah spy ga usah ngejawab pertanyaan sederhana ini: 

apakah ajarn yg ngehalalin pedophilia itu ajaran bejad apa bukan? 

=Jelas dilarang itu,nabi saya kawin terakhir dengan perempuan masih gadis 

umur nya 19/20 tahun apasalah nya?buat orang yang sering mengawini janda. 

Kenapa orang Islam ga berani jawab? Krn, hehehe mereka tahu bhw Islam itu 

ngehalalin pedophilia dan jg mraktekin pedophilia. 

=Ini cuma khayalan badut bodoh saja..belajar jadi pelajar. 

Dr ogahnya orang Islam ngejawab pertanyaan umum yg sederhana ini aja, udah 

terbukti kebejadan Islam yg ngehalalin pedophilia tsb. 

=Jangan ambil keputusan sebodoh itu,anda tidak faham dengan apa yang anda 

bahas,semua nya berlarut jadi badut bodoh sesungguh nya. 

--- On Tue, 4/19/11, item abu item...@yahoo.com wrote: 

From: item abu item...@yahoo.com 

Subject: Re: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel 

To: proletar@yahoogroups.com 

Date: Tuesday, April 19, 2011, 2:29 PM 

Orang Islam lagi muter2 lidah spy ga usah ngejawab pertanyaan sederhana ini: 

apakah ajarn yg ngehalalin pedophilia itu ajaran bejad apa bukan? 

Kenapa orang Islam ga berani jawab? Krn, hehehe mereka tahu bhw Islam itu 

ngehalalin pedophilia dan jg mraktekin pedophilia. 

Dr ogahnya orang Islam ngejawab pertanyaan umum yg sederhana ini aja, udah 

terbukti kebejadan Islam yg ngehalalin pedophilia tsb. 


From: rezameutia rezameu...@yahoo.com 

To: proletar@yahoogroups.com 

Sent: Tue, April 19, 2011 5:05:53 PM 

Subject: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel 


si item muke kontol udah bingung nggak bisa kasih bukti. 

kalo lu punya otak udah jelas jawabannya kok.  tinggal dibaca aja pake biji 

mata, jangan mbaca pake biji peler tem.  kalo lu masih nggak jelas juga dan 

masih mau berdebat, silahkan aja.  bring it on... 

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, item abu itemabu@... wrote: 


 Hehehe ... gua cuma nanya di bawah itu apakah ajaran yg ngehalalin pedophilia 

 itu bejad apa kagak, ngapain lu ngebacot nabi lu ngembat si aisha di umur 




 Apa lu termasuk jg dr sekian ekor muslim yg ga berani jawab pertanyaan yg 

 bersifat umum ini? 







 From: rezameutia rezameutia@... 

 To: proletar@yahoogroups.com 

 Sent: Tue, April 19, 2011 1:05:41 PM 

 Subject: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel 




 gw udah tulis berkali-kali tentang perkawinan nabi muhammad dan aisyah bahwa 


[proletar] Field manual for despots

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik sunny

Field manual for despots
By Eugene Robinson, Thursday, April 21, 8:00 PM
If I were a Middle Eastern despot, I'd know how to handle the pro-democracy 
movement that threatens my rule: Crack down viciously, using deadly force 
against civilians, and make no meaningful concessions. The West will fulminate 
and posture but won't intervene decisively. I can survive.

Syria's Bashar al-Assad, Yemen's Ali Abdullah Saleh, Bahrain's al-Khalifa royal 
family and others have surely been watching events in Libya and taking notes. 
The NATO-led attempt to dislodge Moammar Gaddafi is going nowhere fast. 
Bickering allied leaders have no stomach - or popular support at home - for 
warmaking of the kind that would be necessary to defeat Gaddafi's army and take 
Tripoli. The regime is bloodied but unbowed.

?Toles's take on the situation in Libya, Egypt and beyond.

More on this Topic

  a.. Robinson: The limits of our power
  b.. Chertoff and Hayden: If Gaddafi falls...
  c.. Sewall and Zinni: Interventions we don't plan for
  d.. Ignatius: Drones in Libya are a bad idea

One wonders why we bothered at all.

Seriously, as the Libya operation is now being conducted, what's the point? The 
intervention surely saved many lives by halting Gaddafi's forces just hours 
before they would have swept into the rebel stronghold of Benghazi. But now the 
conflict has devolved into a bloody stalemate in which Gaddafi clearly has the 
upper hand. How many Libyan rebels and civilians will die in the coming weeks, 
months, perhaps years? When we look back at the eventual human toll, what will 
we have accomplished?

President Obama made the intervention possible by giving his approval and 
committing U.S. assets. He declared that Gaddafi was no longer Libya's 
legitimate leader and that his ouster was the explicit goal of U.S. policy. It 
was tough talk - and it must have unnerved the other embattled autocrats of the 
Arab world.

But it was also, in a sense, reckless talk. It was clear that Obama had no 
intention of plunging headlong into another war; he specified, from the 
beginning, that no U.S. ground forces would be deployed and that command of the 
operation would quickly be handed off to our European allies. But it was also 
clear to military analysts that air power alone could not vanquish Gaddafi's 
forces - and that NATO, without U.S. leadership, has never proved itself 
capable of organizing a three-car funeral.

The rebel forces are brave but overmatched. European air power alone has proved 
inadequate to protect civilians in contested cities such as Misurata - where 
hospitals are filled with the wounded and the dying, and where acclaimed war 
photographers Tim Hetherington and Chris Hondros were killed Wednesday, 
apparently by a rocket-propelled grenade fired by Gaddafi forces. On most days, 
the opposition is fighting desperately just to protect the territory it holds, 
not to seize more ground.

Allied frustration is mounting. French, British and Italian leaders are taking 
the next step and dispatching military advisers to try to whip the rebel forces 
into fighting shape. The United States, after deciding to send uniforms, body 
armor and vehicles, announced on Thursday that it will use armed Predator drone 
aircraft in Libya.

This is mission creep, all right - but only in the sense that the military 
mission, as authorized by the United Nations, is limited to the protection of 
civilians. The political mission, as laid out by Obama and his European 
counterparts, is regime change. The effort so far won't begin to close the wide 
gap between the allies' stated goal and the resources being deployed to achieve 

European officials have begun to grouse that the United States is not doing 
enough. Vice President Biden shot back, in an interview with the Financial 
Times, with a sharp rebuttal.

If the Lord Almighty extricated the U.S. out of NATO and dropped it on the 
planet of Mars so we were no longer participating, Biden said, it is bizarre 
to suggest that NATO and the rest of the world lacks the capacity to deal with 
Libya - it does not. Occasionally other countries lack the will, but this is 
not about capacity.

A telling blow against Gallic pride, perhaps, but not against Gaddafi's army.

All this can only give hope and confidence to Syria's Assad and Yemen's Saleh 
as they dispatch troops and thugs to kill peaceful protesters. It can only 
bring contentment to the al-Khalifas of Bahrain, who know their deadly 
suppression of pro-democracy protests will be excused, and to the House of 
Saud, which should no longer feel pressure to deliver on the democratic reforms 
it has long promised.

Realism in foreign policy is neither good nor bad. Ultimately, it is 
inevitable. The United States and its allies are not willing to seize control 
of events in Libya and the region. Unless this changes, it 

Re: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik item abu
Hehehe... apa di Alkitab tertulis si item abu ngencukin anak sendiri?

Gua punya anak aja kagak, jadi gimana bisa gua ngencukin anak sendiri? 

Si rezameutia ini emang betul2 brulyan dlm nunjukin betapa bejad dirinya, udah 
ngefitnah secara ga tau malu, lalu ngaku ga pernah ngefitnah secara ga tau 
Betul2 contoh yg baik dr orang islam yg soleh dan bertaqwa.

From: rezameutia rezameu...@yahoo.com
To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sat, April 23, 2011 3:28:39 PM
Subject: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel


--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, item abu itemabu@... wrote:

 Hehehe si rezameutia ini omong gede ga pernah ngefitnah, padahal jelas2 

 ngefitnah gua dgn nuduh gua ngencukin anak sendiri. 

gw nggak fitnah.
itu ada tertulis di alkitab.

 Emang koq, orang Islam itu ga punya malu sama sekali, udah kepergok ngefitnah 
 dan ngibul, terus aja mereka kaing2 sekeras2nya. 

makin keliatan kan, orang kristen bego kalo udah nggak bisa debat lagi langsung 
dah oot sambil ngacir terkaing-kaing dan langsung ngeloco untuk memuaskan diri 
sendiri.  biasalah itu tipikal kristen bego.

 Si rezameutia ini lagi berjihad ngibul dan ngefitnah di jalan auloh, hehehe...

si anjing sipit lagi ngacir terkaing-kaing sambil menggonggong dan berdusta, 
persis seperti muridnya tuhan jesus yang ngacir terkaing-kaing dan berdusta 
ketika tuhan jesus disalib.


 From: rezameutia rezameutia@...
 To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Fri, April 22, 2011 8:47:43 AM
 Subject: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel
 tuh kan mewek2 mulu.
 lu mewek ama si jusfiq junkie tua aja dah.
 gw nggak abis pikir ama kelakuan si anjing sipit penjilat kontol, kok demen 
 banget mewek2 sama orang lain minta bantuan supaya ikutan ngomong.  kenapa 

 elu ngomg sendiri sama gw?  nggak pede ya?!
 kelakuan si item anjing sipit ini sama persis seperti kelakuan si jusfiq 

 --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, item abu itemabu@ wrote:
  Hehehe... si rezameutia dan tawangalun itu ngefitnah gua, lu ini berpihak 

  From: Led Zeppelin led.zeppelin31@
  To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Fri, April 22, 2011 4:30:55 AM
  Subject: Re: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel
  Hehehe orang Islam lagi ngebela sodara berimannya yg jadi tukang fitnah.
  =Oooh sungguh2 sempit cara berfikir anda,jangankan manusia
  kucing/anjing tersasar saja perlu kita belaberi perlindungan memadai
  cara berfikir anda sangat sektarian hanya mementingkan golongan sendiri
  golongan lain bukan bahagian saya tidak seagama bukan teman saya
  tidak sependapat pasti musuh saya sungguh2 kacau anda ini.
  banyak posting anda menjurus kesitu,mungkin anda punya masalah 
  besar/trauma dengan lingkungan/pergaulan dimana anda tinggal?
  --- On Thu, 4/21/11, item abu itemabu@ wrote:
  From: item abu itemabu@
  Subject: Re: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel
  To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
  Date: Thursday, April 21, 2011, 1:31 PM
  Hehehe orang Islam lagi ngebela sodara berimannya yg jadi tukang fitnah.
  From: Led Zeppelin led.zeppelin31@
  To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Thu, April 21, 2011 3:47:37 PM
  Subject: Re: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel
  Hehehe si rezameutia ini lagi kaing2 ngalihin topik dr soal dia 

  gua ke topik lain.
  =Badut ini selalu curiga melihat orang2 disekeliling nya padahal
  tidak ada yang bicara tentang dia
  Udah jelas koq pemahaman gua ttg Alkitab itu ga sama dgn pertunjukan 

  hasil mlintir2 oleh orang2 Islam di milis ini, jadi gua tau persis bhw 

  ga pernah nyuruh ngencuk anak sendiri misalnya. 
  =Berapa tahun baca alkitab?berapa tahun memeluk agama kresten?
  apakah anda pendatang baru?apakah anda memang sejak dilahirkan sudah
  beragama kresten?
  Jadi, gimana bisa gua ngencukin anak sendiri, nurut gua Alkitab ga nyuruh 

  koq. Dan gua sendiri jg bilang ngencukin anak sendiri itu adalah perbuatan 
  bajingan, dan gua ini bukan bajingan spt nabi islam.
  =Kenapa tidak?anda itu dari ocehan saja sudah tampak sebagai bajingan.
  atau anda sungguh2 adalah korban dari pedophile?
  rezameutia ini ngefitnah, tp ga mau ngaku salah dan terus ngefitnah, sambil 
  jilat pantat sendiri bhw dia ga pernah ngefitnah. 
  =reza tukang fitnah?anda sunguhan cengeng rupanyamanja pula
  Ga masalah koq buat gua kalo orang2 Islam ngefitnah tanpa kenal malu, ini 
  ngebuktikan apa yg gua bilang bhw Islam itu emang agama yg benar bagi para 
  bajingan keparat.
  =Oooh itu hanya khayalan anda sajaanda tidak mengikuti ajaran kasih 
  dari jesus christus super star rupanya.
  Ngomong2, apa kira2 si habe akan kaing2 bhw si 

[proletar] Re: Saya Masih Cukup Waras

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik ndeboost
Kelihatannya kamu waras namun ngeletus ulat sagu saja
(ulatnya) kudu kamu bius total dulu.
Kwkwkwk ...

Kek ajaran si Pendusta, meski dustanya segudang masih nT
anggap benar. nT dkk masih waras kan?

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, sunny ambon@... wrote:

 Refleksi : Apakah kewarasan Hatta Rajasa terganggu? Kalau hanya cukup
waras berarti kewarasannya masih tidak spenuhnya sempurna!


   a.. 18 April 2011
   Hatta Rajasa:
   Saya Masih Cukup Waras
   DISERET ke pusaran perkara korupsi pengadaan kereta api bekas dari
Jepang, Hatta Rajasa meradang. Menurut Menteri Koordinator Perekonomian
ini, perkara itu tidak berkaitan dengan dia. Pada 2006, ketika pengadaan
dijalankan, Hatta merupakan Menteri Perhubungan. Kepada Tempo, yang
menemuinya Kamis malam pekan lalu di rumah dinas menteri, Hatta
mengatakan justru menyetop proyek ketika mulai tercium ada kejanggalan.
Saya minta diaudit, ujar Ketua Umum Partai Amanat Nasional ini.

   Bagaimana pengadaan kereta bekas dari Jepang dilakukan?

 Saya tak ikut sama sekali. Sampai kemudian ada permintaan Pak
Soemino, 1 November 2006, untuk menunjuk langsung Sumitomo Corporation
sebagai rekanan. Saya bilang ke Sekretaris Jenderal Departemen
Perhubungan, menteri tak bisa menunjuk langsung. Saya minta ini

 Pada 13 November, Sekjen menelaah. Kesimpulannya, menteri tidak
bisa menunjuk langsung rekanan (Hatta menunjukkan surat). Di tengah
jalan, Inspektorat Jenderal bilang pengangkutan kereta ini berbeda
dengan hibah G to G. Perbedaan dalam proses pengangkutan mengakibatkan
kemungkinan ada selisih biaya. Saya bilang stop proses ini. Panggil
Badan Pengawasan Keuangan dan Pembangunan. Saya tidak tahu proses
selanjutnya karena pada 2007 saya dipindahkan menjadi Menteri-Sekretaris
Negara. Yang saya tahu, BPKP bilang ini enggak ada yang salah. Tapi ini
bukan hibah, melainkan pembelian.
   Hibah kan harus lewat Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional

 Itulah kenapa saya stop. Saya minta ini diaudit semuanya. Saya
minta Badan Pengawasan masuk.
   Artinya, ini kesalahan Soemino, Direktur Jenderal Perkeretaapian
ketika itu?

 Kesalahan Soemino, sebelum surat saya turun, dia memerintahkan
anak buahnya dengan bilang duluan bahwa Pak Menteri sudah setuju. Lalu,
kalaupun Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi bilang ada kerugian negara, itu
karena biaya pengangkutan Jepang lebih mahal daripada biaya pengangkutan
Djakarta Lloyd (perusahaan pengangkutan).
   Hibah ini lebih mahal ketimbang pembelian sebelumnya?

 Pada 2004, saat saya jadi menteri, enggak ada pembelian. Sebelum
2004, ada hibah kereta, tapi itu G to G. Kalau G to G, barangnya diantar
ke pelabuhan sehingga biaya pengangkutannya lebih murah.
   Soal disposisi Bapak yang dianggap menyetujui Soemino?

 Disposisi saya selalu ke Sekjen. Saya setuju agar diproses sesuai
dengan ketentuan yang ada. Tidak ada surat saya ke Soemino. Disposisi
ini untuk Sekjen.
   Soemino mengatakan pernah Anda panggil, dan di ruang kerja Anda ada
adik Anda, Achmad Hafisz Tohir; adik ipar SBY, Hartanto Edhie Wibowo;
Bendahara PAN Jon Erizal; dan Dicky Tjokrosaputro?

 Enggak betul. Hafisz itu urusan telekomunikasi, enggak ada
hubungannya. Bukan rekanan perhubungan, tak ada pekerjaan di
perhubungan. Dia ke Jepang untuk urusan telekomunikasi. That's it.
Karena dia adik saya, terus dikait-kaitkan.
   Pernah Soemino ke ruangan Anda sebelum ia ke Jepang?

 Enggak ada sama sekali.
   Soemino mengaku diperintah Bapak untuk survei ke Jepang

 Enggak betul. Wong Dirjen masak diperintah seperti itu. Enggak
betul. Saya masih cukup waras untuk memerintahkan orang.
   Kalau soal Jon Erizal, Bendahara PAN?

 Enggak ada kaitannya. Sepanjang sepuluh tahun lebih jadi menteri,
saya tak pernah men-touch hal-hal seperti itu. Itu prinsip saya. Insya
   Anda pernah ikut ke Jepang?

 Saya ke Jepang enggak ada urusannya dengan ini. Saya ke Jepang
diutus Presiden untuk urusan mass rapid transportation yang dibatalkan
Pak Jusuf Kalla, lalu diminta agar dihidupkan lagi?yang sampai sekarang
enggak jalan-jalan juga. Waktu keberangkatannya pun berbeda.
   Soemino bilang penandatanganan kontrak dengan Sumitomo setelah
ditelepon Hafisz dan kawan-kawan?

 Itu kan lucu sekali. Masak, Pak Mino sebagai seorang direktur
jenderal diatur-atur seperti itu. Sangat enggak masuk akal.
   Bagaimana penunjukan Sumitomo sebagai rekanan?

 Itu proses di sana. Saya enggak ikut proses apa pun. Laporan
Soemino ada bila menyangkut kewenangan saya. Tapi itu bukan kewenangan
Dirjen, tapi Satuan Kerja. Saya enggak mau menuduh. Saya meyakini Pak
Mino enggak main uang. Tapi prosedurnya dia salahi.

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Re: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik item abu
Hehehe... udah tukang fitnah ga tau malu yg jg ngaku ga pernah ngefitnah, 
sekarang si rezameutia ini nunjukin betapa tololnya dirinya itu. 

Di bawah itu gua ga bilang si hasan basri, ayub_yahya atau suryana ngefitnah 
gua, di bawah itu gua cuma bilang bhw si hasan basri dan ayub_yahya itu doyan 
ngeloco rame2, dan suryana itu ga jauh levelnya dgn hasan basri. Jadi gua ga 
akan heran kalo ternyata mereka ikutan ngefitnah krn mereka doyan ngeloco rame2.

Bentar lagi kan gerombolan Islam plus plus akan mulai ngeloco rame2 sampe 
puas deh kayak si ayub_yahya yg bisa teriak2 saking nikmatnya.

From: rezameutia rezameu...@yahoo.com
To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sat, April 23, 2011 3:42:49 PM
Subject: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel

si anjing sipit udah kalap, semua orang dibawa-bawa, katanya rame2 ngefitnah 


--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, item abu itemabu@... wrote:

 Hehehe apa ayub_yahya dan hasan basri akan ngikutin jejak rezameutia 
 ngefitnah gua? 
 Ga aneh koq kalo mereka jg ikutan rame2 ngefitnah, maklum aja, ayub_yahya dan 
 hasan basri itu doyan ngeloco rame2.
 Kalo perlu, sekalian suryana jg, krn suryana itu ga jauh ketinggalan koq 
 dibandingkan hasan basri.
 From: rezameutia rezameutia@...
 To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Fri, April 22, 2011 8:33:07 AM
 Subject: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel
 si item muke kontol kebingungan dikasih tahu alkitab isinya nggak ada bedanya 
 dengan buku porno.  lalu, mewek2 ke semua orang mengatakan gw menyebar fitnah.
 saking tolol dan nggak tau malunya si item muke kontol, dia neymbah2 ke habe 

 suryana supaya ikutan ngomong urusan gw dengan dia.  kemaren, dia mendoakan 
 keluarga suryana kena musibah, sekarang dia nyembah2 suryana supaya ikutan 
 ya tolol...
 orang kristen kayak si item muke kontol yang mengikuti perintah alkitab untuk 
 ngncuk anak sendiri sampe buntibf, ngencuk bini orang sampe bunting, sudah 

 tolol dan dungu.
 tem, lu udah piara cabo yang namanya sama dengan nama ibu elu, seperti 

 tuhan jesus?
 --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, item abu itemabu@ wrote:
  Hehehe si rezameutia ini lagi kaing2 ngalihin topik dr soal dia 

  gua ke topik lain.
  Udah jelas koq pemahaman gua ttg Alkitab itu ga sama dgn pertunjukan 

  hasil mlintir2 oleh orang2 Islam di milis ini, jadi gua tau persis bhw 

  ga pernah nyuruh ngencuk anak sendiri misalnya. 
  Jadi, gimana bisa gua ngencukin anak sendiri, nurut gua Alkitab ga nyuruh 

  koq. Dan gua sendiri jg bilang ngencukin anak sendiri itu adalah perbuatan 
  bajingan, dan gua ini bukan bajingan spt nabi islam.
  rezameutia ini ngefitnah, tp ga mau ngaku salah dan terus ngefitnah, sambil 
  jilat pantat sendiri bhw dia ga pernah ngefitnah. 
  Ga masalah koq buat gua kalo orang2 Islam ngefitnah tanpa kenal malu, ini 
  ngebuktikan apa yg gua bilang bhw Islam itu emang agama yg benar bagi para 
  bajingan keparat.
  Ngomong2, apa kira2 si habe akan kaing2 bhw si rezameutia ini ngefitnah sbg 
  reaksi atas apa yg gua bilang di milis ini? Bisa jadi, lalu berikutanya 

  si habe jg akan ikutan ngefitnah tanpa malu2, heheh... Lalu suryana mungkin 

  akan ikut maki2 ga keruan, hehehe. 
  From: rezameutia rezameutia@
  To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Thu, April 21, 2011 9:54:30 AM
  Subject: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel
  hehehe..., kan emang sudah terbukti bahwa lu adalah kristen yang taat.
  sebagai kristen yang taat lu ikutin perintah alkitab, ngencuk anak sendiri, 
  ngencuk bini tetangga, dan tentunya lu juga piara cabo yang namanya sama 

  nama ibu lu, seperti layaknya tuhan jesus.
  --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, item abu itemabu@ wrote:
   Hehehe ga ada urusan Alkitab ngajarin apa dgn apa yg gua perbuat. 
   kapan gua pernah bilang bhw gua nurutin semua yg ada di Alkitab?
   Yg lu fitnah adalah gua, bukan ALkitab. Lu bilang gua ngencukin anak 

   Buktikan deh ocehan lu ini, kan lu udah jilat pantat besar2an dgn bilang 

   pernah ngefitnah.
   From: rezameutia rezameutia@
   To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
   Sent: Wed, April 20, 2011 8:58:10 AM
   Subject: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel
   lha.., itu memang diajarkan di alkitab kan?
   elu sebagai kristen yang taat tentunya melakukan perintah alkitab, 

   sendiri sampe bunting dan ngencuk istri tetangga sampe bunting.
   begitu kan sesuai perintah di alkitab??
   --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, item abu itemabu@ wrote:
Apa bukannya lu pernah ngefitnah gua ngencukin anak sendiri?


[proletar] Penganut Ajaran Setan (2)

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik ndeboost
Ga perlu diketahui, yg kelakuan gini Kristen apa bukan,
w/n negara maju apa bukan. Tapi pelakunya jelas w/n
penduduk negara mayoritas Crosstian Pauline, negara
maju. Entah hitam, putih atau lainnya. Namun
kelakuannya iblis, setan laknat.

Primary teacher charged with child rape

Robert Stringer, 56, of Hertfordshire, will appear at Uxbridge Magistrates 

The drama and class teacher was sacked earlier this year from Canonbury Primary 
School in Islington, north London, whose pupils include one of London Mayor 
Boris Johnson's children and a child of Transport Minister Lord Adonis.

Stringer was sacked after it emerged he was being investigated for showing the 
film Shakespeare in Love, including sex scenes, to children at another school.

The school's headteacher Jay Henderson was sacked this month after being caught 
watching pornography on the internet at work.

The majority of governors at the school resigned earlier this year after claims 
that teachers were not properly vetted. An inquiry is under way. 

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Re: [proletar] Re: Bangladesh: Islamic cleric threatens jihad if child marriage is banned

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik item abu
Hehehe ... ngapain barang basi dikeluarin lagi? 

Tuh, ulama Bangladesh mau berjihad di jalan auloh ngebela pedophilia saat ini. 
Betul2 Islam itu ajaran yg benar unt pedophile, bukan?

From: ndeboost rambitese...@rocketmail.com
To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sat, April 23, 2011 5:15:38 PM
Subject: [proletar] Re: Bangladesh: Islamic cleric threatens jihad if child 
marriage is banned

Hehehehehe .si @dapurmu yg dilihat ga mau lihat
selumbar didepan matanya. Biarawan ga mau potong
syahwat dia ga kasih komen, meski terbukti pedofil,
Abisnya Yesus KATEBE ga nyinggung yg kek ginian.

@dapurmu dkk ga mau tahu kalau nikahkan gadis
kecil ga ada lirangan di buku sucinya,
Dia ga mau baca yg Deleware pernah punya
AOC di uisa 7 tahun dan Yahudi 3 tahun.
Malah ada pernah presiden USA merekomen
warganya dinikahkan dini karena ya itu, ngikutin
Bibel. Hehehe ..
Juga Vatikan, 12 tahun. Hehehe ... Jadi kalau Syekh
Pudji Kristen, aman dia.

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, item abu itemabu@... wrote:

 Hehehe ulama Islam mau berjihad di jalan auloh ngelawan kebatilan
 anti pedophilia krn anti pedophilia itu ngelawan hukum auloh dan
sunnah nabi.

 Dgn kata lain, pedophilia itu emang merupakan hukum auloh dan sunnah

 Tp kalo gua yg ngomong begitu, maka gua dibilang ngefitnah dan tukang
 anak sendiri, kalo ulama yg bilang gitu, maka gua lagi yg dituduh
ngefitnah. Ini
 nunjukin Islam itu emang agama yg benar unt para bajingan keparat,

 Bangladesh: Islamic cleric threatens jihad if child marriage is banned
 Surely, Islamic apologists in the West will get right on the line to
this guy
 and explain that, no, Aisha was 16, 18, didn't know how old she was,
was only
 nine in Galapagos tortoise-years, or whatever other excuse they
might cook up.
 The problem? Islamic texts and traditions say otherwise, and Muslims
 them.  Indeed, the heart of the problem is this: Muhammad did it. The
 of Muhammad, a beautiful pattern of conduct according to Qur'an
33:21,  cannot
 be set aside, or standards he set updated, lest one imply  Muhammad
made a
 mistake. That would not only insult Muhammad (things  seem to become
 when that happens) but go against the Qur'an's  endorsement of him,
 therefore Allah's.
 That is why child marriage persists in the Islamic world, from Nigeria
to Yemen
 to Indonesia:
 The Prophet wrote the (marriage contract) with 'Aisha while  she was
six years
 old and consummated his marriage with her while she  was nine years
old and she
 remained with him for nine years (i.e. till  his death). -- Bukhari
 Islamist leader threatens of waging Jihad, from Weekly Blitz, April
20 (thanks
 to Weasel Zippers):
 Notorious pro-Taliban Islamist clergy in Bangladesh, Mufti  Fazlul
Haque Amini
 has threatened to wage jihad in the country if the  government will
pass any law
 banning child marriage.
 He said, two hundred thousand Jihadists of his group are  ready to
 lives if any such law, which goes against Koran  and Sunnah will be
passed by
 the current government in the country.
 He says it:
 Mufti Amini said, Banning child marriage will cause  challenging the
 of the holy prophet of Islam, who also married  minor Ayesha, when she
was just
 eight years old.
 He said, The new law initiated by the current government  will put
the moral
 character of the prophet into controversy and  challenge.
 Fazlul Haque Amini further said, Islam permits child  marriage and it
will not
 be tolerated if any ruler will ever try to  touch this issue in the
name of
 giving more rights to women.
 It may be mentioned here that, current government in  Bangladesh has
 several measures in ensuring better rights to the  women thus treating
 marriage as severe offense. It also recommends  equal distribution of
 amongst male and female inherits. In  contrary, Islamic Sharia law
gives lesser
 rights to women as far as  inheritance is concerned. It also allows
men to marry
 any infant girl  child. It may be mentioned here that, such law is
prevalent in
 most of  the Islamic republics, while in Iran, even forceful sexual
 with the married infant is allowed. A large segment of Muslim scholars
 secularist individuals term this as mere perversion.
 But child marriage remains A-OK.
 In Bangladesh, especially in the rural areas, child marriage  is very
 phenomenon, where hundreds of child mothers die due to  lack of
 facilities as well as for pre-mature pregnancy. There  are even cases
of deaths
 of child wives being virtually raped by their  husbands. Child
marriage is
 prevalent in rural Bangladesh both amongst  the Muslim and non-Muslim
 Several weeks back, Islamist clergy Mufti Fazlul Haque Amini  and
Moulana Rezaul
 Karim launched a movement of 'combating anti-Islam  actions' by the
 in Bangladesh. Since then, hundreds and  thousands of 

Re: [proletar] Penganut Ajaran Setan (1)

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik item abu
Jadi artinya si ndeboost ini bilang negara Islam itu negara terbelakang, krn 
bukan negara mayoritas Chrosstian, hehehe...

From: ndeboost rambitese...@rocketmail.com
To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sat, April 23, 2011 5:29:23 PM
Subject: [proletar] Penganut Ajaran Setan (1)

Ga perlu diketahui, yg kelakuan gini Kristen apa bukan,
w/n negara maju apa bukan. Tapi pelakunya jelas w/n
penduduk negara mayoritas Crosstian Pauline, negara
maju. Entah hitam, putih atau lainnya. Namun
kelakuannya iblis, setan laknat.

Greensburg Man Charged With Raping 5-Month-Old

GREENSBURG, Pa. -- An 18-year-old Greensburg man has been charged with
raping a baby who police said was left in his care.

Police said Scott Wade Smith raped his girlfriend's 5-month-old girl
Friday morning at a home in the 500 block of Highland Avenue, where
several people, including the infant's mother, were living.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Re: [proletar] Penganut Ajaran Setan (2)

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik item abu
Hehehe... kalo di negara non Islam pedophile itu dihukum, di negara Islam 
ulamanya justru berjihad ngebela pedophilia.

From: ndeboost rambitese...@rocketmail.com
To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sat, April 23, 2011 5:53:51 PM
Subject: [proletar] Penganut Ajaran Setan (2)

Ga perlu diketahui, yg kelakuan gini Kristen apa bukan,
w/n negara maju apa bukan. Tapi pelakunya jelas w/n
penduduk negara mayoritas Crosstian Pauline, negara
maju. Entah hitam, putih atau lainnya. Namun
kelakuannya iblis, setan laknat.

Primary teacher charged with child rape

Robert Stringer, 56, of Hertfordshire, will appear at Uxbridge Magistrates 

The drama and class teacher was sacked earlier this year from Canonbury Primary 
School in Islington, north London, whose pupils include one of London Mayor 
Boris Johnson's children and a child of Transport Minister Lord Adonis.

Stringer was sacked after it emerged he was being investigated for showing the 
film Shakespeare in Love, including sex scenes, to children at another school.

The school's headteacher Jay Henderson was sacked this month after being caught 
watching pornography on the internet at work.

The majority of governors at the school resigned earlier this year after claims 
that teachers were not properly vetted. An inquiry is under way. 


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Re: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel (rezameutia: ikon hasil kekejian ajaran Islam yang

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik item abu
Hehehe... apa ngulang omongan lu ini berarti ngerengek2 nangis ke Jusfiq? 

Berarti, lu ngerengek2 nangis ke Jusfiq, hehehe...

From: rezameutia rezameu...@yahoo.com
To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sat, April 23, 2011 4:00:41 PM
Subject: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel (rezameutia: ikon hasil kekejian 
ajaran Islam yang


lagi merengek-rengek menangis ngadu ama gurunya, supaya sekalian bisa ngeloco 


--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, item abu itemabu@... wrote:

 Hebatnya, si rezameutia ini dgn gagahnya bilang dia ga pernah ngefitnah.
 From: Jusfiq kesayangan.allah@...
 To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Fri, April 22, 2011 9:31:47 PM
 Subject: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel (rezameutia: ikon hasil 

 ajaran Islam yang
 rezameutia: ikon hasil kekejian ajaran Islam yang dungu, buas, kejam, zalim, 
 ganas, buas lagi biadab...
 Karena dia tidak bisa membantah omongan orang kafir yang bilang bahwa ajaran 
 agamanya itu dungu, buas, kejam, keji, zalim, ganas, buas lagi biadab dan 

 berdasarkan omong kosong dan kibulan orang Arab primitf, maka sejak 
 bertahun-tahun kerjanya di mailing list ini terutama menyebar fitnah dan 

 serta pamer fikiran busuknya.
 --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, item abu itemabu@ wrote:
  Hehehe si rezameutia ini omong gede ga pernah ngefitnah, padahal jelas2 

  ngefitnah gua dgn nuduh gua ngencukin anak sendiri. 
  Emang koq, orang Islam itu ga punya malu sama sekali, udah kepergok 

  dan ngibul, terus aja mereka kaing2 sekeras2nya. 
  Si rezameutia ini lagi berjihad ngibul dan ngefitnah di jalan auloh, 
  From: rezameutia rezameutia@
  To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Fri, April 22, 2011 8:47:43 AM
  Subject: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel
  tuh kan mewek2 mulu.
  lu mewek ama si jusfiq junkie tua aja dah.
  gw nggak abis pikir ama kelakuan si anjing sipit penjilat kontol, kok demen 
  banget mewek2 sama orang lain minta bantuan supaya ikutan ngomong.  kenapa 

  elu ngomg sendiri sama gw?  nggak pede ya?!
  kelakuan si item anjing sipit ini sama persis seperti kelakuan si jusfiq 

  --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, item abu itemabu@ wrote:
   Hehehe... si rezameutia dan tawangalun itu ngefitnah gua, lu ini berpihak 

   From: Led Zeppelin led.zeppelin31@
   To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
   Sent: Fri, April 22, 2011 4:30:55 AM
   Subject: Re: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel
   Hehehe orang Islam lagi ngebela sodara berimannya yg jadi tukang 
   =Oooh sungguh2 sempit cara berfikir anda,jangankan manusia
   kucing/anjing tersasar saja perlu kita belaberi perlindungan memadai
   cara berfikir anda sangat sektarian hanya mementingkan golongan sendiri
   golongan lain bukan bahagian saya tidak seagama bukan teman saya
   tidak sependapat pasti musuh saya sungguh2 kacau anda ini.
   banyak posting anda menjurus kesitu,mungkin anda punya masalah 
   besar/trauma dengan lingkungan/pergaulan dimana anda tinggal?
   --- On Thu, 4/21/11, item abu itemabu@ wrote:
   From: item abu itemabu@
   Subject: Re: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel
   To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
   Date: Thursday, April 21, 2011, 1:31 PM
   Hehehe orang Islam lagi ngebela sodara berimannya yg jadi tukang 
   From: Led Zeppelin led.zeppelin31@
   To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
   Sent: Thu, April 21, 2011 3:47:37 PM
   Subject: Re: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel
   Hehehe si rezameutia ini lagi kaing2 ngalihin topik dr soal dia 

   gua ke topik lain.
   =Badut ini selalu curiga melihat orang2 disekeliling nya padahal
   tidak ada yang bicara tentang dia
   Udah jelas koq pemahaman gua ttg Alkitab itu ga sama dgn pertunjukan 
   hasil mlintir2 oleh orang2 Islam di milis ini, jadi gua tau persis bhw 
   ga pernah nyuruh ngencuk anak sendiri misalnya. 
   =Berapa tahun baca alkitab?berapa tahun memeluk agama kresten?
   apakah anda pendatang baru?apakah anda memang sejak dilahirkan sudah
   beragama kresten?
   Jadi, gimana bisa gua ngencukin anak sendiri, nurut gua Alkitab ga nyuruh 
   koq. Dan gua sendiri jg bilang ngencukin anak sendiri itu adalah 

   bajingan, dan gua ini bukan bajingan spt nabi islam.
   =Kenapa tidak?anda itu dari ocehan saja sudah tampak sebagai bajingan.
   atau anda sungguh2 adalah korban dari pedophile?
   rezameutia ini ngefitnah, tp ga mau ngaku salah dan terus ngefitnah, 

   jilat pantat sendiri bhw dia ga pernah 

[proletar] Re: Penganut Ajaran Setan (2) '(ndeboost masih kaing-kaing...)

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik Jusfiq

ndeboost yang dungu kayak anjing itu masih kaing-kaing...

Setelah terkapar dihadapan kenyataan pahit lagi menyilaukan yang disampaikan 
oleh orang kafir seperti great pretender dan 'sebuah kenyataan: buku taik 
anjing al-Mushaf yang dijadikannnya sebagai kitab suci terbukti TIDAK berisi 
wahyu Allah.

Artinya, ajaran agama taik anjing yang dianutnya itu cuma berdasarkan omong 
kosong dan kibulan orang Arab primitif.

Lalu dia kaing-kaing nyampein berita tentang pelanggaran yang dilakukan orang 
dinegeri kafir, saat orang berbunuhan di negeri yang dipimpin oleh orang Islam 
seperti Syria, Yemen dll.

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, ndeboost rambitesemak@... wrote:

 Ga perlu diketahui, yg kelakuan gini Kristen apa bukan,
 w/n negara maju apa bukan. Tapi pelakunya jelas w/n
 penduduk negara mayoritas Crosstian Pauline, negara
 maju. Entah hitam, putih atau lainnya. Namun
 kelakuannya iblis, setan laknat.
 Primary teacher charged with child rape
 Robert Stringer, 56, of Hertfordshire, will appear at Uxbridge Magistrates 
 The drama and class teacher was sacked earlier this year from Canonbury 
 Primary School in Islington, north London, whose pupils include one of London 
 Mayor Boris Johnson's children and a child of Transport Minister Lord Adonis.
 Stringer was sacked after it emerged he was being investigated for showing 
 the film Shakespeare in Love, including sex scenes, to children at another 
 The school's headteacher Jay Henderson was sacked this month after being 
 caught watching pornography on the internet at work.
 The majority of governors at the school resigned earlier this year after 
 claims that teachers were not properly vetted. An inquiry is under way.

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[proletar] Re: Penganut Ajaran Setan (1)

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik Jusfiq

ndeboost yang dungu kayak anjing itu masih kaing-kaing...

Setelah terkapar dihadapan kenyataan pahit lagi menyilaukan yang disampaikan 
oleh orang kafir seperti great pretender dan 'sebuah kenyataan: buku taik 
anjing al-Mushaf yang dijadikannnya sebagai kitab suci terbukti TIDAK berisi 
wahyu Allah.

Artinya, ajaran agama taik anjing yang dianutnya itu cuma berdasarkan omong 
kosong dan kibulan orang Arab primitif.

Lalu dia kaing-kaing nyampein berita tentang kejahatan yang dilakukan orang di 
negeri kafir, saat orang berbunuhan di negeri yang dipimpin oleh orang Islam 
seperti Syria, Yemen dll.

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, ndeboost rambitesemak@... wrote:

 Ga perlu diketahui, yg kelakuan gini Kristen apa bukan,
 w/n negara maju apa bukan. Tapi pelakunya jelas w/n
 penduduk negara mayoritas Crosstian Pauline, negara
 maju. Entah hitam, putih atau lainnya. Namun
 kelakuannya iblis, setan laknat.
 Greensburg Man Charged With Raping 5-Month-Old
 GREENSBURG, Pa. -- An 18-year-old Greensburg man has been charged with
 raping a baby who police said was left in his care.
 Police said Scott Wade Smith raped his girlfriend's 5-month-old girl
 Friday morning at a home in the 500 block of Highland Avenue, where
 several people, including the infant's mother, were living.
 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[proletar] Seorang TKI di Yordania Disiksa Hingga Buta

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Adakah yang peduli dengan situasi pahlawan devisa? 


Sabtu, 16/04/2011 06:29 WIB

Seorang TKI di Yordania Disiksa Hingga Buta  
Ramadhian Fadillah - detikNews


Jakarta - Seorang TKI bernama Nurul Ahmad Lukman disiksa majikannya hingga buta 
sebelah. TKI malang ini juga tidak menerima gajinya selama 3 tahun.

Kisah soal Nurul ramai diberitakan di Surat Kabar Yordania. Salah satunya 
adalah elarablyawm, harian berbahasa Arab di Yordania. Demikian disampaikan 
seorang mahasiswa Indonesia yang berdomisili di Yordania, Muhammad Jalil, 
kepada detikcom, Kamis (16/4/2011).

Situs elarablyawm.net menulis Nurul, berhasil keluar dari cengkraman majikan 
yang kerap menyiksanya. Dia melarikan diri ke KBRI, Rabu (14/4).

Nurul sudah berkerja dengan majikannya selama 4 tahun. Sejak 18 bulan terakhir, 
dia menjadi sasaran penyiksaan majikannya. Penyebabnya sepele, hanya karena 
memecahkan piring.

Gadis berusia 25 tahun ini diperlakukan seperti binatang. Kakinya dirantai jika 
tidak berkerja dan kembali dilepas apabila ada kerjaan. Dia bekerja dari jam 6 
pagi sampai jam 12 malam tanpa ada hari libur.

Dia kerap disiksa dengan tongkat besi, pisau dan martil bahkan disiram air 
mendidih, yang membuat sekujur tubuhnya penuh dengan darah dan luka-luka serta 
harus kehilangan fungsi mata sebelah kanannya, demikian ditulis 

Dalam kontrak, Nurul dijanjikan akan dibayar 100 US$ setiap bulannya. Namun 
sudah tiga tahun terakhir, dia tidak menerima gajinya.

Selama bekerja, Nurul selalu hidup dalam ketakutan. Dia pun putus kontak dengan 
keluarganya di tanah air. Akhirnya, karena tidak tahan, Nurul yang terluka 
berhasil melarikan diri ke KBRI.

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[proletar] Outrageous verdict

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik sunny


Apr 22, 2011 22:19
Outrageous verdict
The acquittal in the Mukhtaran Mai case is a blow to Pakistan itself and to its 
legal system

The acquittal by Pakistan's Supreme Court of five of the six men charged with 
raping a girl because her 12-year-old brother had been seeing a girl from their 
family, has been greeted with outrage around the world.

This, however, should not be seen as a new cause for the international women's 
liberation movement but as a blow to Pakistan itself and to its legal system. 
The conviction of one man who took part in the gang-rape was upheld by 
Pakistan's highest court, but the other five men walked free for, according to 
the court, lack of evidence. The convicted man saw his death sentence commuted 
to life imprisonment.

There are three important lessons for Pakistan arising from this sordid and 
deplorable crime. The first is that such punishments are not uncommon in a 
country where family honor is often paramount. It seems clear that as a result 
of the friendship between a young boy and a girl from another clan, the elders 
of that clan decreed the family of the other should be humiliated. It is 
important to realize this was not just a rape crime. All too often in similar 
circumstances the victim, weighed down by the shame of what has happened to 
her, has taken her own life. Therefore ultimately this was a crime of attempted 
murder. No civilized society should be prepared to tolerate such behavior.

The second lesson has been taught by the victim herself, Mukhtaran Mai, an 
illiterate peasant girl, who instead of taking her own life in the face of her 
enforced dishonor, bravely chose to take on her rapists and in doing so, the 
entire Pakistani police and judicial system. She and her family are still being 
threatened with murder.

She still maintains the police never took her statement properly and failed to 
investigate the crime in an efficient and timely manner. Hence, she says, it 
could be claimed there was a lack of evidence against all but one of her 
attackers, even though she was able to identify a number of them. The courts in 
which she pursued the men who had violated her, also displayed a distinct lack 
of interest in her evidence, preferring to accept the police claims rather than 
challenging law officers to demonstrate the effectiveness of their 

This is not, however, the disaster that outsiders are claiming it to be. There 
can be no doubt Pakistan has been shocked by the case. For the majority there 
is a sense of shame that such violent and degrading behavior can ever take 
place and frustration that both police and courts have been so slow and 
reluctant to move against it. Remember this is a crime which took place fully 
nine years ago. The impact of the case on the authorities is likely to bring 
about a sea change in official attitudes. Next time that such a heinous crime 
is brought to the attention of the police, it must be hoped that it will not 
just be the rapists who are charged, but also the elders who ordered the 
depraved crime.

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[proletar] Runaway maids eating into family budgets

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Kalau mereka diperlakukan manusiawi tentu tidak akan lari.


Runaway maids eating into family budgets

Published: Apr 22, 2011 22:15 Updated: Apr 22, 2011 22:15 

JEDDAH: There are many reports of housemaids being abused or beaten, and 
occasionally even murdered. However, there is another side to the story. 

The large number of housemaids running away from their employers is causing 
untold problems, including social embarrassments and additional financial 
burdens for many Saudi families.

It costs a lot to recruit a housemaid, with fees that go up to SR15,000. This 
includes recruitment fees, plane ticket and visa, said Abu Faisal, a 
recruitment office manager in Jeddah. If the maid runs away, the employer 
loses all the money he spent hiring her.

Maids run away for several reasons, but they are mostly greedy and search for 
jobs in other households to make more money, according to Abu Faisal.

Many maids run away from their sponsors as soon as they land in the Kingdom, 
knowing that they will find a job no matter what, for people are always looking 
for maids, he said.

They know this and plan to run away before even arriving here. Sometimes they 
arrange it with their friends to guarantee them a better salary, he added.

They just need someone to recruit them and pay for their visa and ticket, and 
once they are here they start looking for jobs with better wages, said Abu 

Runaway maids accuse their previous employers of abuse and mistreatment. My 
Indonesian maid once told me that her friend was looking for work. I asked her 
to bring her by so that I could hire her to work for me. Once she came I asked 
about her previous job and why she left, and that's when she said that her 
sponsor used to deprive her of food and did not pay her for her work, said 
Moneera Al-Qahtani, housewife and mother. 

When she told me the name of her sponsor I knew she was lying, because it 
turned out to be my cousin, and later I found out that she worked for him for 
only two days before she ran away, Al-Qahtani added.

Frustrated employers are no longer recruiting from outside the Kingdom, but 
look for help from within.  I will no longer pay so much money, knowing that 
my maid might run away and cost me even more. For years now I have been asking 
my friends and family to bring me maids. I don't care if they are illegal or 
don't have iqama, I only care that my house is clean and my maid does not cost 
me more than SR1,000 a month, said Nahed Ibraheem, a working woman. 

I have bad experiences with maids running away even if they are treated like 
my own daughters. I don't know why they have the urge to leave suddenly, even 
when I tell them that I would never hold them if they wanted to go. They just 
have to tell me in advance so I can arrange for another one, she added.

At least some employers see maids as a threat to their safety and private life.

Everyone in the Kingdom looks at us as if we are spoiled and vulgar, for they 
think our maids are running away because we abuse them and do not provide them 
with food. They don't want to admit that we are the people who are suffering, 
because we are letting complete strangers inside our houses to look into our 
drawers, said Kholoud Badr, a high school teacher.

After years I found out that my maid was a part time prostitute, offering her 
services to drivers in our neighborhood. This freaked me out because I have two 
young daughters, and it's not safe for them to stay at home alone. My question 
is this: How can you make sure that your maid is not a psychopath or a 
murderer? We don't think about these things; we only care about the service, 
she added.

Police only arrest maids who are accused of a crime, not runaways, said First 
Lt. Nawaf Al-Bouq, spokesman for Jeddah police. 

According to the regulations, policemen are not allowed to get involved in the 
search of maids who run away from their sponsors. We only interfere when the 
employer accuses his maid of robbery or any criminal act, he said. We then 
liaise with the Passport Department to join forces and search for the suspect.

All attempts to get a response from the Passport Department failed.

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[proletar] BBC: Syria protests: Security forces 'fire on mourners'

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik Jusfiq
 23 April 2011 Last updated at 13:11 GMT

Syria protests: Security forces 'fire on mourners'
A man said to have been injured at a protest in the Syrian city of Homs on 22 
April is helped by others (still image from unverified amateur video) Scores of 
people are said to have been hit by gunfire at protests on Friday

Security forces in Syria have shot dead at least six people at funerals for 
anti-government protesters killed on Friday, reports say.

They opened fire on mourners gathering in a suburb of the capital Damascus and 
near the southern village of Ezra, witnesses said.

At least 72 people reportedly died on Friday, the bloodiest day in some five 
weeks of unrest.

Two Syrian MPs have resigned in protest at the violence.

After I have failed to protect my sons from the treacherous shots there is no 
point in me staying in parliament, one of the MPs, Naser al-Hariri, told 
al-Jazeera TV. I announce now that I am stepping down.

Friday's bloodshed, which came a day after President Bashar al-Assad scrapped 
decades of emergency rule, drew strong international condemnation.

Syria's state news agency has reported a limited number of protests in some 
provinces and described the violence as the work of armed criminal gangs.

With foreign journalists unable to get into Syria, accounts of casualties - 
carried by eyewitnesses, opposition activists and human rights groups - cannot 
be verified independently.

The BBC's Owen Bennett-Jones in Beirut says it appears that the government has 
made a deliberate decision to use live ammunition, to clear the streets and to 
impose order.

With many people in Syria now openly calling for an end to President Assad's 
rule, he says the government realises its survival is at stake and it is 
fighting hard.
'Heavy volley'

Tens of thousands of mourners were said to be attending Saturday's funerals.

Security forces reportedly fired on mourners travelling to funerals in Ezra in 
an effort to prevent them from attending.

There was heavy volley of gunfire in our direction as we approached Ezra to 
join the funerals of martyrs, one witness said.

More than 150 buses had left the flash-point southern town of Deraa to attend 
funerals for 18 victims in Ezra and other villages, AFP news agency reports.

In the Damascus suburb of Douma, snipers reportedly shot dead at least three 
people, and there are reports of a fatal shooting in another part of the 
capital, Barzeh, where clerics used mosque loudspeakers to appeal for doctors 
to help the wounded.

Funerals were also expected in the Damascus neighbourhood of Midan and in 
Harasta, north of the capital.

Human rights groups and activists gave death tolls for Friday ranging from 72 
to more than 90, and one group said the death toll could reach 100.

Many of the deaths were reported to have occurred in Ezra and Douma as well as 
the central city of Homs.

Amnesty International says two boys aged seven and 10 were among those killed 
in Ezra.

Call for investigation

US President Barack Obama joined a chorus of international condemnation.

This outrageous use of violence to quell protests must come to an end now, he 
said of Friday's clashes.

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon called for an independent investigation into 
the killings, while France said it was extremely concerned and condemned the 

Light should be shed on these crimes and those responsible must be identified, 
arrested and brought to justice, foreign ministry deputy spokeswoman Christine 
Fages said.

The official Syrian news agency said security forces had used only tear gas and 
water cannon to prevent clashes on Friday.

It said the army had found digital cameras containing short, fabricated videos 
depicting fake repression, and that armed gangs were carrying bottles of blood 
to be used in making fake films.

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Send your pictures and videos to yourp...@bbc.co.uk or text them to 61124 (UK) 
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[proletar] Mahram law heaps frustration on women

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik sunny
Refl: Apakah  dahulu kala banyak penyamun maka ditetapkan sebagai peraturan 
agama bagi  wanita yang berpergian wanita  harus dikawal oleh muharam? Ada yang 
punya pendapat lain?


Mahram law heaps frustration on women

Published: Apr 22, 2011 23:35 Updated: Apr 22, 2011 23:35 

JEDDAH: Saudi and foreign women in the Kingdom who wish to travel abroad often 
feel the heat of severe traveling regulations.

Saudi laws dictate that women cannot travel without their mahram's (male 
guardian) permission and in some cases can only tour with them.

GCC countries have different laws for Saudi women who can travel within the GCC 
without visa formalities or paperwork. However non-Saudi women are further 
restricted by what they deem as the mahram commandment.

Women have expressed major concern and empathy for those who cannot travel due 
to these stringent laws or because their mahram is not able to accommodate 
their travel plans.

Maya Hussein, a Canadian living in Jeddah, traveled to Abu Dhabi for work 
purposes, hoping to claim her visa upon arrival. However, she was given a 
choice between spending a night in prison or returning to Jeddah on the same 

They said laws changed for Canadians. You do not need a visa if you are 
American or British. So basically the same rules apply to me as they do to 
expatriates living in Saudi Arabia. Unless my father travels with me, I cannot 
travel alone, she said. They said certain professions are allowed like 
engineers or businessmen. There are so many contradictions. It is either about 
the mahram rule, nationality bias or they are too confused within the framework 
of their contingency laws. It was the worst trip back home.

Another Indian expatriate living in the Kingdom, 23-year-old Malaika Raza, 
expressed her anger to Arab News over her failed attempts to travel. 

An official at the UAE embassy in Jeddah told me my father needs to have a 
particular profession to enter Dubai in order to be able to accompany me. Does 
that mean my father should quit his job to accompany me? she said. The other 
rule is that a Dubai resident has to send me an invitation. I wanted to go and 
explore the city, so they are saying if I do not know anyone, I should not be 
allowed to go. I want to understand their unfounded logic. The trouble is there 
is no logic.

Sameer Mahmoud, a 34-year-old Saudi, thinks the rules are fine and in 
accordance with the law of the system. I will not allow my wife or daughter to 
travel abroad alone. Even if my daughter wants to study, I will send my son 

When asked what he would have done if he did not have a son to accompany her, 
he replied, Then she could study here. My point is women need to be protected. 
We just want to be sure of their safety. I do not know what can happen out 
there and I do not want to risk her safety. Personally I want to take 
responsibility for them. If they really want to travel, I will take them. But 
it is a law and you must adhere to it.

Tanya Benghazi, a 23-year-old Jordanian living in Jeddah, feels distraught due 
to the traveling laws. She feels a legal age for adults should be set that 
permits and allows women to travel irrespective of nationality and occupation 
status. It is really subjective and disturbing. Why are people turning a blind 
eye to these racist laws when it is unmistakable discrimination? You can enter 
the UAE if you are an engineer. I wonder why the labor class is not qualified 
to visit their country. Women are facing a greater predicament. I think a 
30-year-old woman is more responsible than a young amateur who has the freedom 
to travel and live his life. But if he has the freedom, then everyone deserves 
a fair chance.

Noura Saeed, a 27-year-old Saudi, told Arab News, I seriously think I should 
get married just for the sake of getting out of here. I want to travel. I am 
not asking for something immoral or unrealistic. For a moment I wish a higher 
authority pondered over this issue. Don't men want to empower women, their 
mothers, sisters, wives and daughters? Give us freedom of movement. It is just, 
moral and our right.

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[proletar] pertanyaan krusial dan statemen richard dawkins...

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik wawan

Pertanyaan krusial: 
Mengapa ada politik, mengapa ada budaya, mengapa ada agama, mengapa dunia 
manusia carut marut?
Perspektive agama bakalan menganggap kejahatan itu tabu,dosa, dikutuk alloh, 
agama nggak bakalan bisa dijadikan world view yang realistis...
jawaban yg realitis thd carut marutnya dunia akan lebih anda dapatkan dari 
statemen richard dawkins berikut...

Individuals are not stable things, they are fleeting. Chromosomes too are 
shuffled to oblivion, like hands of cards soon after they are dealt. But the 
cards themselves survive the shuffling. The cards are the genes. The genes are 
not destroyed by crossing-over; they merely change partners and march on. Of 
course they march on. That is their business

They are the replicators and we are their survival machines. When we have 
served our purpose we are cast aside. But genes are denizens of geological 
time: genes are forever. (The Selfish Gene - Richard Dawkins)

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Re: [proletar] Re: copy paste pemikiran...

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik suryana
Huss jangan menghina, jq suka membaca buku komik put on, makanya jadi punya 
kebiasaan mengulang ngulang tulisannya, dan tidak lupa baca komik rin tin 
tin dan yang di idola kan si nahkoda nya jadi ajah bisa nya memaki 
makiselain itu dia mah gak pernah baca lagi,
- Original Message - 
From: rezameutia rezameu...@yahoo.com

 bagaimana kalo nggak pernah baca buku, seperti jusfiq?
 nggak punya pemikiran dong??

 --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, wawan selarasmilis@... wrote:

 Pemikiranmu sesungguhnya adalah copy paste...
 apabila kamu membaca buku2 arab, maka pemikiranmu seperti arabian...
 apabila kamu membaca buku2 asia tengah, maka pemikiranmu juga mirip asia
 Apabila kamu membaca karya orang-orang besar dan terkenal, maka 
 pemikiranmu juga
 akan seperti mereka...

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[proletar] Ada yang ingat lagu sunda dibawah ini ? ( kang Abbas )

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik suryana
Ada yang ingat Lagu ini ?, ditahun 70 an suka dinyanyiin anak sd dan smp
asoy pisan, sekarang ada penerusnya gak yah ?



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[proletar] Aljazeera: Rights groups slam Bahraini crackdown

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik Jusfiq

Middle East
Rights groups slam Bahraini crackdown
Bahrain denies claims by international NGOs that it has been targeting medical 
facilities and torturing activists.
Last Modified: 23 Apr 2011 08:28

Rights groups say that both sides have violated the 'medical neutrality' of the 
Salmaniya hospital in Manama [Reuters]

Rights organisations are calling on the Bahraini government to halt what they 
term human rights violations and to stop a crackdown on hospitals where doctors 
and patients suspected of being sympathetic to pro-democracy protests have been 

In separate statements on Friday, Medicins Sans Frontieres (Doctors Without 
Borders), Amnesty International and Physicians for Human Rights slammed the 
government's attacks on medical staff.

London-based Amnesty urged the international community to step in to stop the 
crackdown, or risk being accused of having double standards.

North American and European governments, so vocal recently in espousing the 
cause of human rights in Libya, Tunisia and Egypt, need also to speak out 
loudly about what is going on in Bahrain, said Malcolm Smart, Amnesty 
International's director for the Middle East and North Africa.

To avoid the charge of double standards, they must be much more robust in 
pressing the Bahraini authorities to uphold their international human rights 

In a statement on Friday, Huda Nunu, Bahrain's ambassador to the US, denied the 

Nunu said that the kingdom had not targeted or attacked doctors and patients 
and that the medical establishments in Bahrain were operating normally.

'Cleverly planned'

In a new report, Amnesty accuses the Bahraini government of launching a 
cleverly planned and orchestrated crackdown using excessive force to suppress 
protests calling for political change and reform.

Amnesty says that security forces' use of shotguns, rubber bullets and tear 
gas, as well as live ammunition in some cases, was unjustified.

It said that more than 500 people have been arrested in the last month in the 
tiny Gulf island country, which has seen a series of protests against the 
current monarchy-led government since February 14.

At least four detainees have died while in custody under suspicious 
circumstances, Amnesty says.
Click here for more of Al Jazeera's special coverage

The group points out that many of those arrested are doctors and nurses at the 
capital Manama's main Salmaniya Medical Complex.

Meanwhile, Paris-based Medecins Sans Frontieres said on Friday that the 
Bahraini government had turned hospitals into places to be feared.

Wounds are used to identify demonstrators, restricted access to health care is 
being used to deter people from protesting, and those who dare to seek 
treatment in health facilities are being arrested, Latifa Ayada, an MSF 
medical co-ordinator, said.

Health facilities are used as bait to identify and arrest those who dare seek 

The group said in a statement said during a visit to the Salmaniya hospital it 
appeared virtually empty.

It said that injured people had told MSF staff that the military had beaten 
them, including on their wounds, while others said patients were being 
arrested inside health facilities if it became apparent that they were injured 
during the pro-democracy protests.

'Medical neutrality' violated

MSF said that the use of the hospital as a site for demonstrations against the 
government, which had prompted an occupation by the Bahraini military to clear 
them out, had undermined the ability of health facilities to provide impartial 
medical care.

Amnesty also accused both sides of violating the hospital's medical 
neutrality during the protests.

The police, military and intelligence services must stop using the health 
system as a way to crack down on the protesters, MSF said in a statement.

Physicians for Human Rights (PHR), a US-based rights group, meanwhile, said the 
government was carrying out systematic attacks on medical staff.

The excessive use of force against unarmed civilians, patients in hospitals 
and medical personnel that PHR's
investigators documented is extremely troubling and is cause for an immediate 
international investigation, the group said in a statement on Friday.

Iraq protests

Hundreds of Iraqi Shias rallied in Baghdad on Saturday to demand the immediate 
withdrawal of Saudi troops from Bahrain.

Shias in Iraq, Lebanon and Iran have expressed anger over the movement of 
forces from Sunni Arab states into Bahrain to help its Sunni royal family 
squash pro-democracy rallies by majority Shias.

Protesters in central Baghdad chanted no to al-Saud.

Some carried banners which read Saudi occupation should end and Why is there 
Arab silence towards the massacres committed in Bahrain?.

We advise [our] brothers in Saudi Arabia to immediately withdraw from 
Bahrain, Hadi al-Amiri, Iraq's transportation minister and head of the Badr 
Organisation, which arranged the protest, said in an 

[proletar] Aljazeera: Syrian legislators quit over crackdown

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik Jusfiq
Middle East
Syrian legislators quit over crackdown
Two MPs resign from parliament as outrage at government's violent response to 
pro-democracy protests spreads.
Last Modified: 23 Apr 2011 16:42

Two Syrian legislators have resigned their posts in parliament as outrage grows 
over the security force's crackdown on anti-government protests.

Nasser al-Hariri and Khalil al-Rifaei, independent MPs who represent the city 
of Daraa, where scores of protesters have been killed, both separately told Al 
Jazeera on Saturday that they were resigning over the killings of demonstrators.

I feel sorry for those who were killed in Houran today and yesterday by the 
bullets of security forces, despite the fact that the president has promised no 
live ammunition by security forces at all, al-Hariri said.

He was referring to the deaths of protesters a day earlier when security forces 
opened fire on mourners at a funeral procession.

Being an MP I feel the need to step down, as long as I am unable to protect 
the voters killed by live ammunition and so I feel better to resign, he said.

Al-Rifaei said: I convey my condolence to the people of Houran and the Syrian 
people. The Syrian people and the of Houran voted for me to be a member of 
parliament and now I can't protect them anymore.

Rezq Abdulrahman Abazeid, the government-appointed mufti for Syria's Daraa, 
which has been a focal point for pro-democracy protests, also resigned on 
Saturday in protest at the killing of demonstrators by security forces.

More than 220 protesters have been killed since protests against the government 
of Bashar al-Assad, the Syrian president, erupted on March 18 in Daraa, rights 
campaigners say.

Mourners targeted

Al-Rifaei told Al Jazeera that a political solution to the unrest was needed.

Security forces continued to crack down on tens of thousands of protesters on 
Saturday, mainly at funerals for demonstrators killed in previous violence.
Map of April 22 'Great Friday' protests across Syria

At least four people were killed in the Damascus suburb of Douma, a witness 
told Al Jazeera, after security forces on the ground and snipers on rooftops 
opened fire on a crowd of mourners.

Eyewitness in Douma on Saturday said that the gunfire erupted during the 
funeral processions, a day after eight people were killed and at least 25 
injured in an attack on protesters.

Snipers took up positions on the top of a Baath Party building near the 
privately-run Hamdan Hospital, where residents had overnight formed a human 
shield around the main gate, in order to prevent security forces from arresting 
those who were injured and being treated inside.

Elsewhere, at least three people were killed in the neighbourhood of Barza at a 
mass funeral of pro-democracy protesters killed a day earlier

We have been receiving many calls from people in different places in Syria. 
Probably the most dramatic are the ones from the neighbourhood of Berza, Rula 
Amin, Al Jazeera's correspondent in Damascus, said.

Today, during the funerals, people say the security forces shot at them again 
... there is a state of panic.

They say there are gunmen on the streets and they are randomly shooting at 

'Long live Syria'

Outside of the capital, six people are thought to have been killed as security 
force opened fire on people seeking to join mass funerals in the southern 
village of Izraa, where witnesses said at least 12 funerals were taking place.
Click here for more of Al Jazeera's special coverage

Mourners there were heard chanting: Bashar al-Assad, you traitor! Long live 
Syria, down with Bashar!

A special correspondent for Al Jazeera, reporting from just outside Izraa and 
who cannot be named for security reasons, confirmed that he had witnessed a 
funeral procession being fired upon.

[People marching on an overpass] were met with a hail of gunfire, many people 
certainly wounded directly in front of us, cars turned around, and I can tell 
you it was an incredibly chaotic scene, and it seems as though pretty much 
everyone down here in the southern part of the country is now carrying 
weapons, he said.

It is unclear who was firing at whom, that's part of the confusion ... but 
clearly a very violent incident now being carried out here in the south of the 

Syrian state television has reported that the security forces are responding to 
clashes between the protesters and supporters of the government.

State media says that most of the killings have been the result of these 


World powers have called on Syria to end the violence, with Barack Obama, the 
US president, telling Syria its crackdown on protesters must come to an end 

This outrageous use of violence to quell protests must come to an end now, 
Obama said.

Instead of listening to their own people, President Assad is blaming outsiders 
while seeking Iranian assistance in repressing Syria's citizens through the 
same brutal 

Re: [proletar] tentang agama atau takhyul...

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik ajeg

Udah didiskusiin sama si uplik? 
Menurut dia bukan bidadari tapi anggur, 

Yang kumpak dong ah 

--- sunny ambon@... wrote:

 Siapa tidak mau 72 bidadari setelah mati? hehehehe
 - Original Message - 
 From: wawan 
  bagaimanapun para jihadis itu termotivasi karena mengejar 
  'kepentingan' individunya, yaitu afterlife di sorga...
  sekali lagi, saya punya thesis, agama adalah urusan individual, 
  sekaligus membuat manusia (semakin fanatis) terpisah dari 
  agama seperti bius...ini thesis yg sudah lama di eropa..
  --- ajeg ajegilelu@... wrote:
   Sekarang, coba kasih wawan kesempatan untuk 
   jelasin analisanya soal hubungan antara agama, 
   takhyul, dan takut mati, di alinea terakhir itu. 
   Lalu, kita dengarkan juga pendapatnya tentang 
   orang-orang yang bilang pelaku bom bunuhdiri itu 
   tindakannya dipengaruhi agama. 
   Atau cuma mau asyik posting obrolan sendiri terus? 

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Re: [proletar] tentang agama atau takhyul...

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik ajeg

Bukan soal absolut-absolutan, tapi analisismu 
soal manusia yang takut bertindak / takut mati itu 
terlalu mentah. Kurang data. Kurang liat-liat 
ke luar jendela. 

Sebab faktanya di luar sana kematian bukan sesuatu 
yang ditakuti orang. Ada yang pasang bom di badan, 
lompat dari jembatan Brooklyn, ada pilot kamikaze, 
atau pemrotes dengan sejerigen bensin macam Bouazizi 
di Tunisia yang meniru gaya protes para biksu. 

Lumayan lucu juga analisis selemah itu dengan yakinnya 
dipake untuk memojokkan agama. Padahal, keyakinan 
yang kuat juga bisa bikin penganut komunis asyik main 
Russian Roulette. 

--- wawan selarasmilis@... wrote:

 di dunia ini nggak ada analisis yg absolute benar a dan b, adanya 
 stastitikal kecenderungan, ilmu exact aja ada anomalinya
 taruhan ama saya, dalam 10x test ilmu exact, itupun ada anomali di 
 level mikro...
 so udah saya tulis,apakah ada teori sosial yg berlaku sepanjang 
 dengan tegas tak jawab tidak ada...
 --- ajeg ajegilelu@... wrote:
  Berarti analisismu tentang manusia yang takut bertindak / 
  takut mati pijimana wan? 

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Re: [proletar] Seorang TKI di Yordania Disiksa Hingga Buta

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik item abu
Mungkin yg paling doyan nyiksa ini adalah majikan perempuannya bukan yg laki. 
Majikan laki itu lebih doyan merkosa, yg perempuan doyan nyiksa.

Jadi Islam itu bikin laki dan perempuan sama2 bejad.

Tkw ini sebetulnya ga lebih jadi sapi perah pemerintah, pemerintah dpt duit 
banyak dr tiap tkw krn tkw hrs ngurus ijin khusus, hrs ikut pelatihan, bayar 
asuransi dll, ini yg resmi, belum yg ga resmi alias malak. 

Kemana duit dr tkw ini? Hehehe gua rasa menterinya dpt banyak bagian jg.

Kenapa tkw ini ga dpt perhatian dr KPK, DPR dll, terutama buat nyari tahu duit 
dr tkw ini lari kemana. Ya maklum aja, orang Islam dilarang ngebuka aib sodara 

From: sunny am...@tele2.se
To: undisclosed-recipi...@yahoo.com
Sent: Sat, April 23, 2011 7:24:02 PM
Subject: [proletar] Seorang TKI di Yordania Disiksa Hingga Buta

Refleksi : Adakah yang peduli dengan situasi pahlawan devisa? 


Sabtu, 16/04/2011 06:29 WIB

Seorang TKI di Yordania Disiksa Hingga Buta 
Ramadhian Fadillah - detikNews


Jakarta - Seorang TKI bernama Nurul Ahmad Lukman disiksa majikannya hingga buta 
sebelah. TKI malang ini juga tidak menerima gajinya selama 3 tahun.

Kisah soal Nurul ramai diberitakan di Surat Kabar Yordania. Salah satunya 
elarablyawm, harian berbahasa Arab di Yordania. Demikian disampaikan seorang 
mahasiswa Indonesia yang berdomisili di Yordania, Muhammad Jalil, kepada 
detikcom, Kamis (16/4/2011).

Situs elarablyawm.net menulis Nurul, berhasil keluar dari cengkraman majikan 
yang kerap menyiksanya. Dia melarikan diri ke KBRI, Rabu (14/4).

Nurul sudah berkerja dengan majikannya selama 4 tahun. Sejak 18 bulan terakhir, 
dia menjadi sasaran penyiksaan majikannya. Penyebabnya sepele, hanya karena 
memecahkan piring.

Gadis berusia 25 tahun ini diperlakukan seperti binatang. Kakinya dirantai jika 
tidak berkerja dan kembali dilepas apabila ada kerjaan. Dia bekerja dari jam 6 
pagi sampai jam 12 malam tanpa ada hari libur.

Dia kerap disiksa dengan tongkat besi, pisau dan martil bahkan disiram air 
mendidih, yang membuat sekujur tubuhnya penuh dengan darah dan luka-luka serta 
harus kehilangan fungsi mata sebelah kanannya, demikian ditulis 

Dalam kontrak, Nurul dijanjikan akan dibayar 100 US$ setiap bulannya. Namun 
sudah tiga tahun terakhir, dia tidak menerima gajinya.

Selama bekerja, Nurul selalu hidup dalam ketakutan. Dia pun putus kontak dengan 
keluarganya di tanah air. Akhirnya, karena tidak tahan, Nurul yang terluka 
berhasil melarikan diri ke KBRI.

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Re: [proletar] Outrageous verdict

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik item abu
Mau jadi tukang merkosa? Masuk islam aja, hehehe

Islam itu emang agama yg benar unt tukang merkosa.

From: sunny am...@tele2.se
To: undisclosed-recipi...@yahoo.com
Sent: Sat, April 23, 2011 7:58:17 PM
Subject: [proletar] Outrageous verdict



Apr 22, 2011 22:19
Outrageous verdict
The acquittal in the Mukhtaran Mai case is a blow to Pakistan itself and to its 
legal system

The acquittal by Pakistan's Supreme Court of five of the six men charged with 
raping a girl because her 12-year-old brother had been seeing a girl from their 
family, has been greeted with outrage around the world.

This, however, should not be seen as a new cause for the international women's 
liberation movement but as a blow to Pakistan itself and to its legal system. 
The conviction of one man who took part in the gang-rape was upheld by 
Pakistan's highest court, but the other five men walked free for, according to 
the court, lack of evidence. The convicted man saw his death sentence commuted 
to life imprisonment.

There are three important lessons for Pakistan arising from this sordid and 
deplorable crime. The first is that such punishments are not uncommon in a 
country where family honor is often paramount. It seems clear that as a result 
of the friendship between a young boy and a girl from another clan, the elders 
of that clan decreed the family of the other should be humiliated. It is 
important to realize this was not just a rape crime. All too often in similar 
circumstances the victim, weighed down by the shame of what has happened to 
has taken her own life. Therefore ultimately this was a crime of attempted 
murder. No civilized society should be prepared to tolerate such behavior.

The second lesson has been taught by the victim herself, Mukhtaran Mai, an 
illiterate peasant girl, who instead of taking her own life in the face of her 
enforced dishonor, bravely chose to take on her rapists and in doing so, the 
entire Pakistani police and judicial system. She and her family are still being 
threatened with murder.

She still maintains the police never took her statement properly and failed to 
investigate the crime in an efficient and timely manner. Hence, she says, it 
could be claimed there was a lack of evidence against all but one of her 
attackers, even though she was able to identify a number of them. The courts in 
which she pursued the men who had violated her, also displayed a distinct lack 
of interest in her evidence, preferring to accept the police claims rather than 
challenging law officers to demonstrate the effectiveness of their 

This is not, however, the disaster that outsiders are claiming it to be. There 
can be no doubt Pakistan has been shocked by the case. For the majority there 
a sense of shame that such violent and degrading behavior can ever take place 
and frustration that both police and courts have been so slow and reluctant to 
move against it. Remember this is a crime which took place fully nine years 
The impact of the case on the authorities is likely to bring about a sea change 
in official attitudes. Next time that such a heinous crime is brought to the 
attention of the police, it must be hoped that it will not just be the rapists 
who are charged, but also the elders who ordered the depraved crime.

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Re: [proletar] Runaway maids eating into family budgets

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik item abu
Hehehe yg diomongin si Arab ini ga lebih cuma kibulan doang koq. 

Orang yg punya otak ataupun yg ga punya otak jg sadar bhw cewek keluar rumah 
sendirian di Saudi itu sangat berbahaya krn banyaknya tukang siksa dan tukang 
merkosa (semuanya orang islam), jadi ga mungkin tkw itu berani mati buat nyari 
kerjaan lain. Belum lagi butuh dokumen buat kerja yg ga akan didpt tkw di sana 
kalo ga diurus dr sini.

Mana mungkin tkw yg cuma orang desa yg ga pendidikan tinggi itu berani mati 
nyari kerjaan di Saudi?

Tp lihat jg bhw si majikan Arab keluar duit banyak buat ngerekrut tkw, SR 
15,000. Nyatanya, tkw itu hrs bayar puluhan juta unt bisa jadi tkw dan dikirim. 
Jadi calo2 Indonesianya (pemerintah salah satunya), dpt duit dobel dr kiri 
kanan, dr tkw dan jg dr majikannya.

Makanya, pejabat2 itu gemuk2 semuanya. Apalagi menteri2 dan presiden, hehehe...

From: sunny am...@tele2.se
To: undisclosed-recipi...@yahoo.com
Sent: Sat, April 23, 2011 8:04:36 PM
Subject: [proletar] Runaway maids eating into family budgets

Refleksi : Kalau mereka diperlakukan manusiawi tentu tidak akan lari.


Runaway maids eating into family budgets

Published: Apr 22, 2011 22:15 Updated: Apr 22, 2011 22:15 

JEDDAH: There are many reports of housemaids being abused or beaten, and 
occasionally even murdered. However, there is another side to the story. 

The large number of housemaids running away from their employers is causing 
untold problems, including social embarrassments and additional financial 
burdens for many Saudi families.

It costs a lot to recruit a housemaid, with fees that go up to SR15,000. This 
includes recruitment fees, plane ticket and visa, said Abu Faisal, a 
recruitment office manager in Jeddah. If the maid runs away, the employer 
all the money he spent hiring her.

Maids run away for several reasons, but they are mostly greedy and search for 
jobs in other households to make more money, according to Abu Faisal.

Many maids run away from their sponsors as soon as they land in the Kingdom, 
knowing that they will find a job no matter what, for people are always looking 
for maids, he said.

They know this and plan to run away before even arriving here. Sometimes they 
arrange it with their friends to guarantee them a better salary, he added.

They just need someone to recruit them and pay for their visa and ticket, and 
once they are here they start looking for jobs with better wages, said Abu 

Runaway maids accuse their previous employers of abuse and mistreatment. My 
Indonesian maid once told me that her friend was looking for work. I asked her 
to bring her by so that I could hire her to work for me. Once she came I asked 
about her previous job and why she left, and that's when she said that her 
sponsor used to deprive her of food and did not pay her for her work, said 
Moneera Al-Qahtani, housewife and mother. 

When she told me the name of her sponsor I knew she was lying, because it 
turned out to be my cousin, and later I found out that she worked for him for 
only two days before she ran away, Al-Qahtani added.

Frustrated employers are no longer recruiting from outside the Kingdom, but 
for help from within.  I will no longer pay so much money, knowing that my 
might run away and cost me even more. For years now I have been asking my 
friends and family to bring me maids. I don't care if they are illegal or don't 
have iqama, I only care that my house is clean and my maid does not cost me 
than SR1,000 a month, said Nahed Ibraheem, a working woman. 

I have bad experiences with maids running away even if they are treated like 
own daughters. I don't know why they have the urge to leave suddenly, even when 
I tell them that I would never hold them if they wanted to go. They just have 
tell me in advance so I can arrange for another one, she added.

At least some employers see maids as a threat to their safety and private life.

Everyone in the Kingdom looks at us as if we are spoiled and vulgar, for they 
think our maids are running away because we abuse them and do not provide them 
with food. They don't want to admit that we are the people who are suffering, 
because we are letting complete strangers inside our houses to look into our 
drawers, said Kholoud Badr, a high school teacher.

After years I found out that my maid was a part time prostitute, offering her 
services to drivers in our neighborhood. This freaked me out because I have two 
young daughters, and it's not safe for them to stay at home alone. My question 
is this: How can you make sure that your maid is not a psychopath or a 
We don't think about these things; we only care about the service, she added.

Police only arrest maids who are accused of a crime, not runaways, said First 
Lt. Nawaf Al-Bouq, spokesman for Jeddah police. 

According to the 

Re: [proletar] Mahram law heaps frustration on women

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik item abu
Maklum, Islam itu emang agama yg benar unt tukang merkosa. Jadi cewek itu hrs 
dilindungi dr tukang merkosa alias orang Islam soleh.

Ngeharuskan cewek dilindungi kalo keluar rumah di negara syariat iblis 
sebetulnya sama dgn ngaku bhw orang islam itu tukang merkosa. Di negara barat 
itu kan cewek bisa bebas pergi sendirian krn relatif aman, tukang merkosanya ga 
sebanyak di negara syariat iblis. Ini tentunya sebelum orang2 Islam datang ke 
negara kafir, hehehe...

From: sunny am...@tele2.se
To: undisclosed-recipi...@yahoo.com
Sent: Sat, April 23, 2011 8:30:30 PM
Subject: [proletar] Mahram law heaps frustration on women

Refl: Apakah  dahulu kala banyak penyamun maka ditetapkan sebagai peraturan 
agama bagi  wanita yang berpergian wanita  harus dikawal oleh muharam? Ada yang 
punya pendapat lain?


Mahram law heaps frustration on women

Published: Apr 22, 2011 23:35 Updated: Apr 22, 2011 23:35 

JEDDAH: Saudi and foreign women in the Kingdom who wish to travel abroad often 
feel the heat of severe traveling regulations.

Saudi laws dictate that women cannot travel without their mahram's (male 
guardian) permission and in some cases can only tour with them.

GCC countries have different laws for Saudi women who can travel within the GCC 
without visa formalities or paperwork. However non-Saudi women are further 
restricted by what they deem as the mahram commandment.

Women have expressed major concern and empathy for those who cannot travel due 
to these stringent laws or because their mahram is not able to accommodate 
travel plans.

Maya Hussein, a Canadian living in Jeddah, traveled to Abu Dhabi for work 
purposes, hoping to claim her visa upon arrival. However, she was given a 
between spending a night in prison or returning to Jeddah on the same flight.

They said laws changed for Canadians. You do not need a visa if you are 
American or British. So basically the same rules apply to me as they do to 
expatriates living in Saudi Arabia. Unless my father travels with me, I cannot 
travel alone, she said. They said certain professions are allowed like 
engineers or businessmen. There are so many contradictions. It is either about 
the mahram rule, nationality bias or they are too confused within the framework 
of their contingency laws. It was the worst trip back home.

Another Indian expatriate living in the Kingdom, 23-year-old Malaika Raza, 
expressed her anger to Arab News over her failed attempts to travel. 

An official at the UAE embassy in Jeddah told me my father needs to have a 
particular profession to enter Dubai in order to be able to accompany me. Does 
that mean my father should quit his job to accompany me? she said. The other 
rule is that a Dubai resident has to send me an invitation. I wanted to go and 
explore the city, so they are saying if I do not know anyone, I should not be 
allowed to go. I want to understand their unfounded logic. The trouble is there 
is no logic.

Sameer Mahmoud, a 34-year-old Saudi, thinks the rules are fine and in 
with the law of the system. I will not allow my wife or daughter to travel 
abroad alone. Even if my daughter wants to study, I will send my son along.

When asked what he would have done if he did not have a son to accompany her, 
replied, Then she could study here. My point is women need to be protected. We 
just want to be sure of their safety. I do not know what can happen out there 
and I do not want to risk her safety. Personally I want to take responsibility 
for them. If they really want to travel, I will take them. But it is a law and 
you must adhere to it.

Tanya Benghazi, a 23-year-old Jordanian living in Jeddah, feels distraught due 
to the traveling laws. She feels a legal age for adults should be set that 
permits and allows women to travel irrespective of nationality and occupation 
status. It is really subjective and disturbing. Why are people turning a blind 
eye to these racist laws when it is unmistakable discrimination? You can enter 
the UAE if you are an engineer. I wonder why the labor class is not qualified 
visit their country. Women are facing a greater predicament. I think a 
30-year-old woman is more responsible than a young amateur who has the freedom 
to travel and live his life. But if he has the freedom, then everyone deserves 
fair chance.

Noura Saeed, a 27-year-old Saudi, told Arab News, I seriously think I should 
get married just for the sake of getting out of here. I want to travel. I am 
asking for something immoral or unrealistic. For a moment I wish a higher 
authority pondered over this issue. Don't men want to empower women, their 
mothers, sisters, wives and daughters? Give us freedom of movement. It is just, 
moral and our right.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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Re: [proletar] tentang agama atau takhyul...

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik Led Zeppelin
Bukan soal absolut-absolutan, tapi analisismu 

soal manusia yang takut bertindak / takut mati itu 
=Ini masalah utamanya,wawan selalu melihat 
pemikiran2 yang berbau ''Metafisik dengan pemekiran
fisafat ''analitik,yang  ingin menyerupai ilmu kealaman
sehingga kereteria yang berlaku dalam ilmu eksakta juga harus dapat 
diterapkan pada filsafat/fikiran(misalnya harus dapat dibuktikan 
dengan nyata,istilah2 yang dipakai harus berarti tunggal jadi menolak
adanya ''analogi)

terlalu mentah. Kurang data. Kurang liat-liat 

ke luar jendela. 

=Masih ber-putar2 pada pertanyaan yang menjadi pemikiran 
yang buksn jswaban nya

Sebab faktanya di luar sana kematian bukan sesuatu 

yang ditakuti orang. Ada yang pasang bom di badan, 

=Karena ‘kematian’ adalah tema yang relatif jarang diangkat dan dikaji 
secara filosofis. Dalam setiap ranah pemikiran, gagasan terbagi ke dalam
 tiga wilayah: ‘yang terpikirkan’ (the thought), ‘yang tak terpikirkan’ (the 
unthought), ‘yang tak boleh dipikirkan’ (the unthinkable).
 Tema ‘kematian’ barangkali termasuk dalam wilayah ‘yang tak 
terpikirkan’, sehingga tugas kita menjadikannya sesuatu yang 
‘terpikirkan’. Hal ini terungkap dari fakta bahwa tema kematian, 
walaupun sudah dikaji sejak ribuan abad lampau

lompat dari jembatan Brooklyn, ada pilot kamikaze, 

atau pemrotes dengan sejerigen bensin macam Bouazizi di 
Tunisia yang meniru gaya protes para biksu. 

=Karena ‘kematian’ sering kali dimaknai secara dangkal—dan ini yang 
terpenting. Kematian bukan lagi sesuatu yang menggetarkan hati dan 
pikiran manusia. Karena pengaruh teknologi media mutakhir, kematian 
tercerabut dari konteksnya sebagai pengalaman manusiawi yang unik dan 
khas, dan menjadi sekadar data. Pendek kata, kematian menjadi fakta; ia menjadi 
faktualitas, tetapi kehilangan maknanya sebagai faktisitas, pengalaman 
manusiawi yang human dan ‘riil’

Lumayan lucu juga analisis selemah itu dengan yakinnya 

dipake untuk memojokkan agama. Padahal, keyakinan 

yang kuat juga bisa bikin penganut komunis asyik main 

Russian Roulette.  
=Itu kebosanan'' ...''Hidup segan''atau ''BT?'' bukan nya itu penyakit abad 21

--- On Sat, 4/23/11, ajeg ajegil...@yahoo.com wrote:

From: ajeg ajegil...@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: [proletar] tentang agama atau takhyul...
To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
Date: Saturday, April 23, 2011, 12:25 PM




Bukan soal absolut-absolutan, tapi analisismu 

soal manusia yang takut bertindak / takut mati itu 

terlalu mentah. Kurang data. Kurang liat-liat 

ke luar jendela. 

Sebab faktanya di luar sana kematian bukan sesuatu 

yang ditakuti orang. Ada yang pasang bom di badan, 

lompat dari jembatan Brooklyn, ada pilot kamikaze, 

atau pemrotes dengan sejerigen bensin macam Bouazizi 

di Tunisia yang meniru gaya protes para biksu. 

Lumayan lucu juga analisis selemah itu dengan yakinnya 

dipake untuk memojokkan agama. Padahal, keyakinan 

yang kuat juga bisa bikin penganut komunis asyik main 

Russian Roulette. 

--- wawan selarasmilis@... wrote:

 di dunia ini nggak ada analisis yg absolute benar a dan b, adanya 

 stastitikal kecenderungan, ilmu exact aja ada anomalinya


 taruhan ama saya, dalam 10x test ilmu exact, itupun ada anomali di 

 level mikro...


 so udah saya tulis,apakah ada teori sosial yg berlaku sepanjang 


 dengan tegas tak jawab tidak ada...


 --- ajeg ajegilelu@... wrote:


  Berarti analisismu tentang manusia yang takut bertindak / 

  takut mati pijimana wan? 





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Re: [proletar] tentang agama atau takhyul...

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik Led Zeppelin
Cap orang tua ...?
maksud nya cap' Uplik''
Oooh artinya disini banyak yang get high
gara2 minum cap 'uplik''

--- On Sat, 4/23/11, ajeg ajegil...@yahoo.com wrote:

From: ajeg ajegil...@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: [proletar] tentang agama atau takhyul...
To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
Date: Saturday, April 23, 2011, 12:35 PM




Udah didiskusiin sama si uplik? 

Menurut dia bukan bidadari tapi anggur, 


Yang kumpak dong ah 

--- sunny ambon@... wrote:

 Siapa tidak mau 72 bidadari setelah mati? hehehehe



 - Original Message - 

 From: wawan 


  bagaimanapun para jihadis itu termotivasi karena mengejar 

  'kepentingan' individunya, yaitu afterlife di sorga...


  sekali lagi, saya punya thesis, agama adalah urusan individual, 

  sekaligus membuat manusia (semakin fanatis) terpisah dari 



  agama seperti bius...ini thesis yg sudah lama di eropa..


  --- ajeg ajegilelu@... wrote:


   Sekarang, coba kasih wawan kesempatan untuk 

   jelasin analisanya soal hubungan antara agama, 

   takhyul, dan takut mati, di alinea terakhir itu. 


   Lalu, kita dengarkan juga pendapatnya tentang 

   orang-orang yang bilang pelaku bom bunuhdiri itu 

   tindakannya dipengaruhi agama. 


   Atau cuma mau asyik posting obrolan sendiri terus? 





 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]




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[proletar] [Dokumen Tercecer] Fungsi Pertahanan, Mempertahankan Aset

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik Mira Wijaya Kusuma

Fungsi Pertahanan, Mempertahankan Aset

Ardi Winangun - detikNews

Jakarta - Di tengah belum terlaksananya operasi militer untuk menyerbu dan 
membebaskan pembajakan kapal Sinar Kudus di Somalia, TNI telah 'menggelar' 
operasi militer di Desa Setrojenar, Kecamatan Buluspesanatren, Kabupaten 
Banyumas, Jawa Tengah. Diberitakan oleh media, telah terjadi bentrokan antara 
warga yang mempunyai pekerjaan petani dan aparat TNI AD.

Bentrokan itu terjadi akibat penolakan warga yang keberatan TNI menggelar 
latihan militer dan uji senjata berat di Setrojenar. Bentrokan itu terjadi 
setelah warga selepas melakukan ziarah kubur di makam lima warganya yang tewas 
akibat terkena mortir aktif milik TNIAD di areal pertanian Desa Setrojenar pada 
tahun 1997 melakukan demonstrasi di Kantor  Dislitbang TNI AD di Pantai Bocor. 
Karena demonstrasi itu tidak mau dibubarkan, maka, disebutkan oleh media, 100 
tentara keluar dari Kantor Dislitbang langsung menyerbu warga yang melakukan 
demonstrasi itu. Sebab sebagai tentara yang terlatih, maka serbuan itu 
mengakibatkan 13 warga luka dan 4 warga tertembak.

Dari apa yang terjadi di Setrojenar sebenarnya dilandasi konflik pertanahan 
antara warga dan TNI. Konflik pertanahan yang terjadi di Setrojenar bukan yang 
pertama, sebelum itu, di Jakarta Utara, juga terjadi konflik masalah pertanahan 
antara pihak yang merasa memiliki lahan dengan TNIAL. Dalam mengamankan aset 
yang dirasa miliknya, seluas 20, 5 ha di Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan, Kelapa 
Gading, Jakarta Utara, itu tampak beberapa TNI AL yang membopong senapan serbu 
dan membawa anjing pemburu.

Dari konflik tanah yang terjadi ini menambah panjang konflik pertanahan antara 
TNI dan rakyat. Konflik pertanahan itu seperti terjadi di di  Cisompet, Garut, 
Jawa Barat; Kasus PLTA Sulewana, Poso; Tanak Awu, Lombok Tengah, NTB; Bentrok 
Petani Rumpin Desa Sukamulya, Rumpin, Bogor, Jawa Barat, dan berbagai daerah 
lainnya di Indonesia.

Apa yang terjadi di Setrojenar itu bisa jadi mirip apa yang terjadi di Alas 
Tlogo, Pasuruan, Jawa Timur. Rakyat yang mempertahankan hak miliknya, dengan 
bukti Petok D dan Letter C, harus berhadapan dengan sekitar 13 anggota Marinir 
TNIAL. Akibat bentrokan itu disebut empat orang tewas dan tujuh orang luka-luka 
akibat kena tembak.

Atas semua peristiwa di atas semua sangat menyayangkan. TNI yang seharusnya 
berfungsi sebagai alat pertahanan negara, menjaga keutuhan bangsa, justru malah 
sering menyerang warganya sendiri. Secara aturan tentu TNI tidak gampang untuk 
menggunakan senjatanya atau melakukan operasi militer dalam mempertahankan apa 
yang dirasa menjadi miliknya. Lihat saja, ketika banyak wilayah Indonesia 
diserobot atau saat pembajakan Kapal  Sinar Kudus, TNI tidak melakukan operasi 
militer karena mereka tidak mendapat perintah untuk menggelar operasi militer. 
Jadi TNI tidak seenaknya menggelar operasi militer.

Dengan demikian, apakah di Setrojenar atau di tempat lainnya, konflik TNI 
rakyat, ada perintah bagi TNI untuk menggelar operasi militer? Tentu tidak, 
sebab rakyat yang berkonflik dengan TNI tidak masuk dalam kriteria musuh negara 
dan bangsa, mereka hanya mempertahankan tanah miliknya. Seharusnya dilakukan 
secara baik-baik. Diselesaikan secara non-militer.

Tentu konflik seperti di Setrojenar, Kelapa Gading, dan tempat-tempat yang 
lainnya masih akan sering terjadi dan menimbulkan korban apabila TNI dalam 
mempertahankan asetnya lebih mengedepankan kekerasan daripada hukum. Lihat 
Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Utara harus menunda eksekusi tanah yang diduduki TNI 
AL di Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan itu karena TNI AL ketika menghadang juru sita 
hadir dengan 'kekuatan'  penuh. Bahkan Panglima TNI meminta eksekusi itu 
dengan alasan masalah belum selesai.

Bila demikian memang harus dipikirkan cara yang baik agar semua bisa 
melaksanakan tugas dan fungsi masing-masing. Latihan militer dan uji senjata 
berat memang perlu dilakukan oleh TNI untuk mengasah profesionalisme. Di sisi 
lain warga menggunakan lahan sebagai mata pencaharian mereka, sebagai petani 
misalnya. Semakin minimnya lahan di Pulau Jawa memang menyebabkan TNI 
wilayah untuk melakukan latihan militer atau untuk dijadikan markas dan 
perumahan anggota, akibatnya sering bersinggungan dengan rakyat yang juga 
memiliki hak atas tanah yang ditempati.

Solusi yang bisa ditempuh untuk meminimalisasi konflik TNI dan rakyat dalam 
tanah adalah, pertama, TNI mencari lahan di luar Jawa atau pulau-pulau kecil 
untuk dijadikan tempat latihan militer dan ujicoba senjata. Kita lihat banyak 
pulau-pulau yang masing tidak berpenghuni yang  rawan diserobot bangsa lain. 
Dengan menempati pulau itu maka selain langsung menjaga wilayah NKRI juga layak 
untuk dijadikan tempat latihan militer dan uji senjata.

Kedua, warga yang menempati daerah yang cocok dijadikan latihan militer dan uji 
coba senjata berat, tanahnya dibeli dengan harga yang untung atau mereka 
ditransmigrasikan. Peran 

[proletar] Penganut NII Harus Ditindak dan Ditumpas Bukan Disadarkan

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik muskitawati
Penganut NII Harus Ditindak dan Ditumpas Bukan Disadarkan
NII itu adalah pemberontak dan bukan bagian dari RI, jadi bukan masalah 
kesadaran yang menjadi penyebab melainkan memang falsafahnya berbeda.

Oleh karena itu politik Jusuf Kala yang mendukung pemerintah untuk menyadarkan 
NII adalah politik blunder, karena kalo memang pemerintah mau berdamai dengan 
NII, gantilah falsafah Pancasila dengan falsafah Syariah Islam...  gampang koq. 
 Jadi enggak perlu banyak cingcong lagi kalo pemerintah bersedia mengubah 
negara ini menjadi negara Syariah Islam karena berdasarkan AlQuran dan ajaran 
Islam pun umat Islam dilarang dan diharamkan untuk tinggal satu atap dengan 
orang kafir, dengan orang murtad dan dengan penyembah berhala.  Jadi sebagai 
negara Islam nantinya, lambang Garuda itu harus diganti karena Garuda itu 
adalah lambang berhala.


Tapi Jusup Kala tidak sependapat, menurutnya pemerintah RI harus menyadarkan 
bahwa aqidah Islam yang benar itu bukan seperti yang dipahami NII melainkan 
sama seperti yang dipahami pemerintah Pancasila saat ini.

Betul2 si Jusuf Kala inilah yang keblinger, justru soal Islam itu orang2 NII 
itu tentunya lebih tahu dari Pemerintah RI dan Jusuf Kala.  Malah kalo mau 
berbicara soal Islam, NII itulah yang harusnya menyadarkan pemerintah yang 
menganut ajaran Islam secara sesat.

Silahkan para pembaca membaca sendiri pendapat Jusuf Kala yang sesat ini, sesat 
berdasarkan falsafah pancasila, dan juga sesat berdasarkan Syariah Islam:

Menurut JK ada pemahaman yang salah dari para tokoh NII yang ada saat ini. NII 
selama ini juga kerap dikaitkan dalam kasus pencucian otak dan hilangnya 
mahasiswa di beberapa kampus di Indonesia.  NII harus dilawan, pemerintah dan 
para ulama harus memberikan pengetahuan yang benar, tambahnya.  Selain itu, JK 
menambahkan, gerakan radikalisme di Indonesia saat ini semakin berbahaya. Para 
Radikalis menganggap surga sebagai sesuatu yang mudah diraih begitu saja, 
misalnya dengan bom bunuh diri dan menganggap dirinya mati syahid.

Jadi tidak ada perlu dan kaitannya dan bukan urusan pemerintah untuk menambah, 
mengubah, atau menyalahkan pengetahuan para pendukung NII ini.

Karena pengetahuan itu bisa didapat mereka dengan bersekolah, tetapi ternyata 
disemua sekolah di Indonesia sudah tidak ada lagi pelajaran Pancasilanya, 
tetapi diganti dengan pelajaran Syariah Islam.  Akibatnya, pemerintahlah yang 
harus mendapatkan pengetahuan dari para pendukung NII, dengan kata lain 
pemerintah harus mengundurkan diri dan menyerahkan negara dalam posisinya 
sekarang kepada NII untuk selanjutnya dijalankan berdasarkan pengetahuan Islam 
yang didapatnya disekolah.

Yang jelas, Syariah Islam itu melanggar HAM dan tidak mendapatkan persetujuan 
dari UN yang berarti Indonesia dikucilkan dan dikeluarkan dari UN beserta 
sanksi2 ekonomi, perdagangan maupun persenjataan.  Maka sekali sanksi ini 
jatuh, nasib bangsa ini sama seperti orang utan yang cuma makan daun2an.  
Dikeluarkan dari UN, bahkan tanpa dikeluarkan cukup dikenakan sanksi saja, 
pemberontakan di Indonesia akan pecah di-mana2 tidak terkendali dan penguasa 
NII juga tidak sanggup untuk menentang yang lebih banyak ini.

Pendukung NII di Indonesia sangat sedikit kurang dari 1%, meskipun begitu 
mereka itu betul2 teroris jihad yang mampu mengacaukan kehidupan masyarakat 
yang lebih banyak ini.  Untuk itulah pemerintah bukan harusnya menyadarkan 
mereka tapi harus menyadarinya sendiri akan bahayanya mereka kalo tidak 
ditumpas habis, tidak ada tempat untuk mereka, atau bagi mereka tidak ada 
tempat bagi kita, itulah pilihannya cuma satu bukan dua dan bukan satu setengah.

Ny. Muslim binti Muskitawati.

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Re: [proletar] Ada yang ingat lagu sunda dibawah ini ? ( kang Abbas )

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik Led Zeppelin
Ada yang ingat Lagu ini ?, 
=Saya baru pertama kali dengar lagu ini...pernah?/mungkin lupa
yang masih ingateuis,pileleyan,tumbila diadu boxen,panon hideng
atau yang ini,...kira2 koook na bulu entog,bedna gebugan kasur
atau ini..?'

ditahun 70 an suka dinyanyiin anak sd dan smp
Tempat semir bastol

tempat minyak botol

diasuken jebol

Bisa jadi seperti itu,doeloe waktu saya masih SD,tidak usah jauh2
pergi ke bandung,cianjur,bogor/depok/banten/bekasitanggerang/serpong
di jakarta selatan  sekitar bisa kita temui satu kawasan masyarakat nya
berbicara sunda tiap hari dalam ber-aktivitas,mereka tidak bicara 
betawi ''ora''seperti di daearah cinere,sudimara,pondok betung,cipete
pondok labuh pondok kacang,ciputat,sebagian pondok pinang/pondok indah
saat ini kebayoran baru dialek masyarakat nya mirip tokoh lenong bokir

asoy pisan,
Sudah pasti asoi,apalagi kalau diputar keras2 
disini jelas komposer Ac debussy 100%menjiplak kesenian ''sunda besar''

sekarang ada penerusnya gak yah ?
Kebudayan/kesenian tidak jauh berbeda dengan bahasa se-hari2
makin sering dipakai akan ada kemungkinan berkembang

--- On Sat, 4/23/11, suryana gsury...@indo.net.id wrote:

From: suryana gsury...@indo.net.id
Subject: [proletar] Ada yang ingat lagu sunda dibawah ini ? ( kang Abbas )
To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
Date: Saturday, April 23, 2011, 9:26 AM



  Ada yang ingat Lagu ini ?, ditahun 70 an suka dinyanyiin anak sd dan smp

asoy pisan, sekarang ada penerusnya gak yah ?






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[proletar] New concerns for women?

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik sunny

 21 - 27 April 2011
Issue No. 1044

Published in Cairo by AL-AHRAM established in 1875

New concerns for women?
Should women be concerned about their rights after the revolution, asks Dena 

   Click to view caption 
  I shall remain free 
It doesn't take a long conversation before one hears the phrase, women in 
Egypt have enough rights. What more do they want? This is a question that is 
often heard in conversations with some men, often when women are discussing 
their lacking rights. 

However, over the past few weeks the question has been given a new urgency in 
the light of news that some voices have been calling for a review of certain 
laws that concern women. Debates in the media have included the right of 
divorced parents to have access to their children, khul' -- the right of a 
woman to divorce without her husband's consent if she forgoes her financial 
rights -- and the quota of women in parliament. 

Since Egypt has become more accustomed to demonstrations since the 25 January 
Revolution, it was less surprising when divorced husbands took to the streets 
to demonstrate some weeks ago in order to demand changes in the law that would 
allow them to see more of their children. Their main demand was to change the 
law that allows divorced husbands to see their children but not to have custody 
of them. 

Women's and mothers' NGOs responded by stressing mothers' rights, warning of 
attempts to take away existing rights. It has been particularly alarming over 
recent weeks that laws governing the rights of women have been dubbed 
Suzanne's laws, in reference to the wife of former president Hosni Mubarak. 

Nihad Abul-Qomsan, head of the Egyptian Centre for Women's Rights (NCWR), is 
one activist who has been feeling that women are being excluded from the 
revolution and even being asked to step aside. She believes that the debate on 
changing the rights of divorced husbands is meant as a blow to the whole 
personal status law, as she told Al-Ahram Weekly in an interview. 

If we want to provide a decent environment for men, then we have to do the 
same for women. There is definitely a problem with the law providing the right 
of divorced fathers to see their children, since mothers have custody of the 
children until the latter are 15. At the same time, the law does not provide 
mothers with an efficient way to attain alimony for their children. As a 
result, we have mothers with children but no money available from the father's 
side, so mothers end up having a grudge against the father, Abul-Qomsan said.

The state, she says, has abdicated its responsibility in this area, letting 
society handle it in the way it thinks fit and making alimony something that a 
woman has to struggle for on a personal basis. When matters are like this, we 
can't just ask for a certain part of the law to be changed and leave the rest. 
The revolution didn't arrive to abolish women's rights, which is why we need a 
clear statement from the Military Council stressing the protection of women's 

Abul-Qomsan said that certain Islamist forces could be using women's rights as 
an entry point into political debate, particularly when the country as a whole 
is busy with political arrangements. Women, she says, have been largely 
excluded from the new cabinet and from the constitutional committee that framed 
the recent constitutional amendments.

There are also concerns over khul'. Over the past few years, and especially 
after the khul' law in 2000, this has been seen as a victory for women by many 
people rather than as a right long granted by Islam. Abul-Qomsan believes that 
voices now calling for a review of the khul' law want women to return to the 
situation before the law was passed.

In the absence of reliable statistics on cases of khul', Abul-Qomsan believes 
that many people may be under the impression that many women resort to this 
law, which is not in fact the case. People need to know that the majority of 
divorce cases do not employ khul ', she says. If society hasn't been able to 
accept khul' more than 10 years after its inception, this means that 
government, education and the media have not played their proper role in 
showing that this right is important to society.

For Abul-Qomsan, the Muslim Brotherhood has been casting doubt on the law. 
They say they are for Sharia law, yet they argue that khul' does not conform 
to the values and traditions of society. This raises the question of what kind 
of Egypt we want, and what kind of principles we want: human rights and 
democracy, or certain traditions of society? 

As an activist, Abul-Qomsan believes that the loudest voice tend to get heard, 
though these may not represent majority views. With no clear statements 

[proletar] Reform and revolution

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik sunny

21 - 27 April 2011
Issue No. 1044
Published in Cairo by AL-AHRAM established in 1875

Reform and revolution
The entire modern history of Egypt is characterised by the to and fro between 
forces of political reform and forces of revolution that break free when reform 
fails, writes Abdel-Moneim Said 

My dear colleague Mohamed Fayez Farahat, the editor of Strategic Papers issued 
by the Centre for Political and Strategic Studies, asked me to write a paper 
answering the question why the reformers failed in the National Democratic 
Party (NDP), and why reformers in Egypt -- whether they belong to a party or 
not -- were unable to achieve reform in Egypt. This failure ushered in the 
revolution as we saw it, and how we will see it in the future, and irrespective 
of the many and scattered events, no two people would disagree that Egypt after 
25 January 2011 will never be the same. This in itself is a simple definition 
of revolution, namely that it is a colossal event causing society and state to 
qualitatively change whereby it's not a new episode, but a new point in history.

The question about the failure of reformers is premature since many people are 
still in a state of revolt and reject any calm thinking or advice, or criticism 
of events. During such times, simple ideas are prevalent and mixing reform and 
opportunism is easy, and since Egypt's history began at this moment -- as was 
said about all revolutions in past -- studying what occurred before the 
revolution outside the agreed upon political explanations is a breach of 
consensus in political terms. Nonetheless, the failure of reformers before the 
revolution had always been an ongoing debate among historians and intellectuals 
who are familiar with Egyptian history and attempted to study its parameters of 

Today, the public believes that throughout its history Egypt was a democratic 
and wealthy state where human rights were respected until the arrival of the 
NDP and its leadership on the scene which transformed all this into a 
dictatorship, poverty and absence of human rights, whereby the past three 
decades were the ultimate difference between day and night. Of course, it was 
never like that. Throughout its history over thousands of years, the Egyptian 
state was never a democracy and after the middle point in Pharaonic times 
wealth continued to deteriorate over the next centuries and millennia, except 
for a few years here and there in Egypt's history. This was accompanied by 
colonialists, conquerors and invaders.

I do not intend to revise Egypt's entire history, but modern history has 
witnessed the debate between revolution and reform. Perhaps the starting point 
in the modern state of Egypt was the revolution of the Egyptian people against 
French occupation that continued until Mohamed Ali was appointed as the leader 
of Egypt in 1805. This revolution was entirely Egyptian, led by Al-Azhar and a 
group of enlightened people who demanded an end to the dark ages of Ottoman 
rule. In the end, however, they pledged their allegiance to the Ottoman ruler 
who was ambitious enough not only to launch Egypt's independence movement but 
also initiate its exit from the Middle Ages of the Ottoman Empire into the 
modern age.

Between the rise of Mohamed Ali to power and the Orabi Revolution, which was 
carried out by the army with the support of the people, reform efforts were 
immense by the criteria of the period. There was reform in agriculture, 
irrigation, land reclamation, railroads, telephones, telegraphs, journalism, 
books, theatre and changing the rules of agricultural land ownership, which 
empowered the Egyptian people -- or at least some of them -- and enabled them 
to transform culturally, intellectually and prepared them to consider their 
various forms of politics and leadership. Historians have mainly focused on the 
conquests of Mohamed Ali and his conflict with foreign states; what his son 
Ibrahim did in Sudan, the Levant and Arabian peninsula; Khedive Abbas's efforts 
to instil law and order and the pillars of the state in Egypt; followed by the 
conquests of Saied and Ismail in Africa and great reforms, most prominently the 
digging of the Suez Canal and allowing Egyptians for the first time in 3,000 
years to be drafted into the army, become civil servants and involved in 
industry. This was accompanied by great advances in agricultural development.

All this occurred because of the work of a variety of reformers whose names are 
sometimes known in the fields of education, organisation, industry, 
agriculture, and others. But the political outcome of their deeds was in sharp 
contrast to the rewards of these reforms for the Egyptian people and the type 
of political system that remained defined as absolute power for the Wali or 
Khedive, who only viewed the people of Egypt as 

[proletar] Let Libya be Libya

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik sunny

 21 - 27 April 2011
Issue No. 1044
Published in Cairo by AL-AHRAM established in 1875

Let Libya be Libya
Gaddafi's revolutionary ideology is hallowing out in its traditional 
Tripolitanian strongholds. But signs of intriguing new life for his followers 
are springing up at its periphery, perceives Gamal Nkrumah 

With every day, and from both sides of my intelligence, I thus drew steadily 
nearer to that truth, by whose partial discovery I have been doomed to such a 
dreadful shipwreck: that man is not one, but truly two. 
-- Robert Louis Stevenson The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde 

   Click to view caption 
  Rebel fighters are seen during a heavy sandstorm at the eastern entrance 
of Ajdabiya hemming them in to their eastern outpost and denting their hopes of 
pushing west to try to end a stalemate in the Libyan war 
Substitute man for Libya and you will come to understand how Libya is not 
one, but truly two. Libya's contemporary history is focussed around a thesis of 
challenge and response -- an invariably revolutionary response. And, the 
country has been doomed to such a dreadful shipwreck.

But though it looks half dead, Libya is buzzing with creative energy. Pro- 
democracy activists have taken up arms against the regime of Muammar Gaddafi. 
Forces loyal to the Libyan leaders are also up in arms. The Brother leader is 
at the moment preoccupied with keeping the NATO beast at bay. 

Embracing a solution that satisfies both the Gaddafi regime and its opponents 
headquartered in Benghazi is by no means an easy task. Just as the rebels are 
seemingly adamant in demanding Off with his head!, Gaddafi, if less 
categorically, does not want to see the Western-backed Leviathan grow into a 
true monster. He is intent on striking their names out of the Libyan lexicon. 

The National Transitional Council (NTC) in Benghazi is at the mercy of NATO. 
Withdrawing Western aid would be a blunt tool that would stunt the NTC's 
growth, and at any rate in the short run would hamper the battle against the 
Gaddafi forces. 

Victory on the eastern front can rarely have tasted so bitter for the NTC 
stalwarts. Libyan politics has entered a new and unstable phase. It is time for 
Gaddafi, by far the most talented Libyan politician, to stop his ranting, sober 
up, and show his well known talent for political brinkmanship, his true mettle. 
Officially, he is above politics altogether. In practice, of course, he now 
governs at the West's behest and pleasure, though this is a case of the snake 
charmer picking up the snake by the wrong end. 

Gaddafi like Moses has flung his staff and its reptilian metamorphosis is 
gobbling up the Western lackeys, wreathing like worms. A perennial complaint of 
the disgruntled rebels is that they lack proper Western protection.

The question is what does the West's plans for Libya's political future have to 
do with Gaddafi's staying power?

Gaddafi is more socially liberal than his opponents and that is the reason 
perhaps that may explain why the West is reluctant to support the NTC with its 
odds and ends of Islamists. But Gaddafi is too engrossed in leading the 
struggle against the imperialists, and is too intellectually active, to wallow 
in gloom or pessimism. As he sees things at this particular historical 
juncture, he has to be at the helm.

As a rule of thumb, when a crisis of the magnitude of that which faces Libya 
hits a country it can seem reasonable to say that the task of handling the 
crisis falls mainly to the leader of the country in question. Gaddafi knows 
that his forces must regroup and survive, or else fall and collapse.

The differences between Libya's political setup and the rest of the Arab world 
are immediately palpable even to the most casual political observer. Gaddafi's 
Libya is the only Arab and African state lacking a Western-style central bank. 
Not surprisingly then, one of the first acts of the NTC was to establish such a 
central bank for Libya with Western backing. 

Why has the West intervened militarily in Libya and not in Bahrain, Syria or 
Yemen? Rather than resorting to the old imperialist strategies of picking 
winners in neo- colonies, Western powers should encourage winners in the 
developing worlds to emerge by themselves. 

But for Libyans, pristine Islam retains a huge emotional hold. Libyan Islam has 
a vitriolic hold, prone to sympathy with Al-Qaeda and militant Salafist groups. 
But there are several positive traditions such as the venerable Sufi traditions 
of North Africa that are especially prevalent in Libya. It is indicative that 
the Sufi orders have sided with Gaddafi, while the Salafis, conveniently 
overlooking the tenets of Islam concerning usury, have jumped on the NTC 
bandwagon. The hardest days may 

[proletar] A giant of his era

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik sunny

Havana.  April 22, 2011

A giant of his era

. THE life and work of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin are worthy of admiration. Today as 
we celebrate the 141st anniversary of his birth, the continuators of his ideas 
are proud to describe them as ageless. He was the founder a new epoch, 
establishing the 20th century as the era of socialist revolution, breaking the 
power of the exploiters in backward Czarist Russia and creating, with the force 
of colossal tenacity and heroism, the first workers' and farmers' state in 
history, precipitating the rapid development of revolutionary and emancipation 
movements around the world.

Fidel on the 100th anniversary of this exemplary revolutionary's birth said, 
Lenin is one of those truly exceptional human beings. A simple reading of his 
life, his history, his work, the most objective analysis of the way his 
thinking developed and his attitude throughout his life make him in the eyes of 
all humanity, I repeat, a truly exceptional man.

No one was able, as he was, to interpret the depth, the essence and the value 
of Marxist theory. No one was capable, as he was, of analyzing this theory and 
taking it to its ultimate implications. No one was capable of developing and 
enriching it the way he did.

Among Lenin's many significant contributions to Marxism and the progress of 
humanity, outstanding are his theory of imperialism as the final stage of 
capitalist development, the creation of a new type of party, the socialist 
revolution and the dictatorship of the proletariat, the obligatory relationship 
between national and social liberation, the principles of peaceful co-existence 
and the path to the construction of socialism

Enemies have tried to demonize him, but no one can deny the historic nature of 
the thought and action of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, a political giant of his time. 

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Re: [proletar] tentang agama atau takhyul...

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik Led Zeppelin


Ini sih omongan orang-orang yang kesel sama 

guru agamanya (yang ngajarin agama dengan 

dongengan tolol) tapi lalu meyakini agama itu 

setolol dongengan gurunya. =Saya kira juga begitu termakan omongan bodoh dari 
guru2 yang mengajar dengan buku2 yang tidak pernah terbit.

Ini nggak beda dengan gejala anak sekolah 

yang alergi pelajaran susah hanya lantaran 

gurunya nggak becus ngajar. 

=Doeloe di keby-baru SD tempat saya bersekolah kalau ada murid 
yang kedapatan seperti itu dalam sebuah kelas cuma dalam hitungan hari pasti 
dibawa langsung ke cimacan deket ciawi/cibulan selama 2 minggu 
untuk belajarsantai disebuah wisma besar milik PK...lupa namanya.
tidak bayar uang transport/makan/tidur,masih adakah sekarang?''
ini cerita sungguhan saya mengalami sendiri 1 kalimalah teman saya ada yang 
kebagian 2 sampai 3 kali mundar mandir
dalam setahun karena diajarkan apa saja susah mengerti nya.

Sekarang, coba kasih wawan kesempatan untuk 

jelasin analisanya soal hubungan antara agama, 

takhyul, dan takut mati, di alinea terakhir itu. 

=Ini penting untuk bahan klarifikasi.

Lalu, kita dengarkan juga pendapatnya tentang 

orang-orang yang bilang pelaku bom bunuhdiri itu 

tindakannya dipengaruhi agama. 

=Oooh jadi keputusan harahirikamikaze itukewajiban agama?''

Atau cuma mau asyik posting obrolan sendiri terus? 


Klau obrolan sendiri,didengar sendiri,buat sendiri...kalau da apa2bakalan 
sendiri pula?

--- Wong wong_gendeng05@... wrote:

 Meskipun agama adalah setahayul tahayulnya tahyul, dan membuat 

 pemeluknya kehilangan rasionalitasnya, namun sisi postif agama 

 adalah bahwa agama bisa menjadi obat generik paling murah bagi 

 orang orang yang malang. Agama adalah pengganja masa. tak ada ganja 

 yang lebih murah dari pada agama.





 --- wawan selarasmilis@... wrote:


  sekali lagi agama...


  adalah belief system yg membuat manusia mencari keselamatan 

  subyektif, keselamatan individu, sehingga membuat manusia 

  memisahkan diri dari komunitas universalnya,


  agama-lah yang meredam kesadaran kelas...

  agama-lah yang meredam/memisahkan individu kedalam persatuan 

  kekuatan revolusioner...


  saya berthesis, selama takhyul masih ada di kepala manusia-

  manusia indonesia, maka nggak akan ada revolusi fundamental...


  dalam analisis saya yg lain, takhyulisme membuat manusia takut 

  bertindak/takut mati, takut menjebol, dan takhyulisme itu membuat 

  manusia lebih asyik bermasturbasi mengejar keselamatan 

  individu-nya di alam afterlife (dongeng)


--- On Thu, 4/21/11, ajeg ajegil...@yahoo.com wrote:

From: ajeg ajegil...@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: [proletar] tentang agama atau takhyul...
To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
Date: Thursday, April 21, 2011, 10:55 PM




Ini sih omongan orang-orang yang kesel sama 

guru agamanya (yang ngajarin agama dengan 

dongengan tolol) tapi lalu meyakini agama itu 

setolol dongengan gurunya. 

Ini nggak beda dengan gejala anak sekolah 

yang alergi pelajaran susah hanya lantaran 

gurunya nggak becus ngajar. 

Sekarang, coba kasih wawan kesempatan untuk 

jelasin analisanya soal hubungan antara agama, 

takhyul, dan takut mati, di alinea terakhir itu. 

Lalu, kita dengarkan juga pendapatnya tentang 

orang-orang yang bilang pelaku bom bunuhdiri itu 

tindakannya dipengaruhi agama. 

Atau cuma mau asyik posting obrolan sendiri terus? 


--- Wong wong_gendeng05@... wrote:

 Meskipun agama adalah setahayul tahayulnya tahyul, dan membuat 

 pemeluknya kehilangan rasionalitasnya, namun sisi postif agama 

 adalah bahwa agama bisa menjadi obat generik paling murah bagi 

 orang orang yang malang. Agama adalah pengganja masa. tak ada ganja 

 yang lebih murah dari pada agama.





 --- wawan selarasmilis@... wrote:


  sekali lagi agama...


  adalah belief system yg membuat manusia mencari keselamatan 

  subyektif, keselamatan individu, sehingga membuat manusia 

  memisahkan diri dari komunitas universalnya,


  agama-lah yang meredam kesadaran kelas...

  agama-lah yang meredam/memisahkan individu kedalam persatuan 

  kekuatan revolusioner...


  saya berthesis, selama takhyul masih ada di kepala manusia-

  manusia indonesia, maka nggak akan ada revolusi fundamental...


  dalam analisis saya yg lain, takhyulisme membuat manusia takut 

  bertindak/takut mati, takut menjebol, dan takhyulisme itu membuat 

  manusia lebih asyik bermasturbasi mengejar keselamatan 

  individu-nya di alam afterlife (dongeng)





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[proletar] Jail for Koran-burning pastor

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik sunny

Jail for Koran-burning pastor 
April 23, 2011 - 2:28PM 
The US pastor whose burning of a Koran sparked deadly violence in Afghanistan 
has been briefly jailed in a heavily Islamic suburb after a court banned his 
protest outside a mosque.

A judge jailed pastor Terry Jones of Gainesville, Florida, and his associate, 
Wayne Sapp, after a court found their planned protest outside the Islamic 
Centre of America in Dearborn, Michigan, could lead to violence.

During his court appearance, Jones argued the Koran promotes terrorist 
activities around the world.

He also insisted his right to protest against Islam was protected by the First 
Amendment to the US Constitution.

The First Amendment does us no good if it confines us to saying what is 
popular, he said.

But Dearborn Police Chief Ronald Haddad testified that his department had 
received information about serious threats made against Jones from residents, 
arguing that his protest could lead to violence if allowed.

Prosecutor Robert Moran argued the protest had nothing to do with the First 
Amendment and at stake were security and peace in the community.

In the end, the jury sided with the prosecution and Judge Mark Somers set bond 
at the symbolic amount of $1 each for the two pastors, which they initially 
refused to pay.

Following their refusal, both were escorted to jail.

But local media reported both men changed their minds after spending about an 
hour behind bars and posted the $1 bond.

Jones and Sapp made international headlines after their ceremonial trial and 
execution of the Koran by burning led to deadly protests in Afghanistan.

Last month's Koran burning unleashed protests across Afghanistan, some of which 
were violent.

Seven UN staff were killed during one protest in the northern city of 
Mazar-i-Sharif on April 1.


Read more: 

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Re: [proletar] kalau maestro bernyanyi di Jum'at Agung

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik Led Zeppelin
Kalau para maestro bernyanyi di hari yang indah, 

nggak ada lagi persoalan antara Spanyol  Arab. 
=Itu masalah utamanya;bangsa sama,bahasa sama

selera sama...disini kita kehilangan ''bhineka tunggal ika''

Yang ada tinggal cinta yang berlimpah dan perlu dibagi 

ke segala pelosok, 

=betul-betul sungguh indah


where is my love, 

where is my reason to live, 

--- On Thu, 4/21/11, ajeg ajegil...@yahoo.com wrote:

From: ajeg ajegil...@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: [proletar] kalau maestro bernyanyi di Jum'at Agung
To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
Date: Thursday, April 21, 2011, 8:50 PM




Kalau para maestro bernyanyi di hari yang indah, 

nggak ada lagi persoalan antara Spanyol  Arab. 

Yang ada tinggal cinta yang berlimpah dan perlu dibagi 

ke segala pelosok, 


where is my love, 

where is my reason to live, 

--- ajeg ajegilelu@... wrote:

 --- Led Zeppelin led.zeppelin31@... wrote:


  Suara guitar nya bikin saya terhanyut...hilang

  seperti kunjungan ksebuah musium besar dimana 

  yang dipamerkan ber-gerak2..Ooooh orgasme


  Compay Segundo live at L'Olympia in Paris, France. 

  Directed by Patrick Savey; 1999.




 Segundo si legenda.. 


 Tambahin dengan hitnya bersama bluesman kelahiran Aljazair yah, 

 itung-itung ngrayain Jum'at Agung,






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[proletar] Alert after foiled attack on Jakarta church

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik sunny

Alert after foiled attack on Jakarta church 
Peter Alford, Jakarta Correspondent 
From: The Australian 
April 23, 2011 12:00AM 

AUSTRALIANS have been warned after a bomb plot was uncovered. 

Indonesian security forces are on high alert and Australia has warned 
travellers of the very high threat of terrorist attack after the foiling of a 
Good Friday bomb plot against a Catholic church.

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono ordered security forces on to the highest 
level of vigilance over Easter following the discovery of five bombs beside 
Christ Cathedral at Serpong, West Jakarta.

The bombs, containing 150kg of explosives and buried beside a gas pipeline to 
intensify the destructive effect, were found on Thursday after police rounded 
up 19 men suspected of a book mail-bombing campaign last month.

The bombs were planned to be remotely triggered by a mobile phone yesterday 
morning. The suspects were arrested in relation to the book bomb attacks, and 
it was discovered they were also planning to bomb the church, said Ansyaad 
M'bai, chief of the National Counter-Terrorism Agency (BNPT).

Start of sidebar. Skip to end of sidebar.

Related Coverage
  a.. Terror cameraman in bomb plot Adelaide Now, 4 hours ago
  b.. Bomb suspect a tv news cameraman Herald Sun, 12 hours ago
  c.. Indonesia on high alert Courier Mail, 2 days ago
  d.. Mosque bomber a follower of Bashir The Australian, 3 days ago
  e.. Jihadists 'going under radar' The Australian, 4 days ago
End of sidebar. Return to start of sidebar.

In Canberra, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade reissued advice for 
Australian travellers to reconsider your need to travel to Indonesia, 
including Bali, at this time due to the very high threat of terrorist attack. 
The advice was originally issued four weeks ago when it was revealed Pakistani 
security forces had captured the accused 2002 Bali bomber Umar Patek, who is 
likely to be handed to the Indonesians.

Information to Australian authorities indicated terrorist attacks might take 
place in Indonesia at any time, DFAT said.

The US embassy in Jakarta has advised Americans to take special caution over 
the Easter weekend and avoid street rallies, which can turn confrontational 
and possibly escalate into violence.

Even before the bomb discovery, police in Jakarta and other Javanese centres 
were braced for possible Islamic mob attacks on Christian congregations at 

Jakarta police chiefs reportedly assigned 20,000 officers to secure churches 
and search for bombs.

The find at Serpong came a week after the suicide bombing of a police mosque at 
Cirebon, West Java, intensifying concern Islamic terrorism had entered a new 

According to the International Crisis Group, this is characterised by small 
groups hitting local targets -- police and other state oppressors, Christians 
and deviant Muslims -- operating independently of, but encouraged by, 
jihadist organisations.

The groups were only detected when members were caught, the ICG said, raising 
the question of how many similar groups operating under police radar exist that 
will only come to light when one of their . . . attempts succeeds.

General Ansyaad said yesterday that BNPT and Densus 88, the police 
counter-terrorist unit, were investigating any associations between the 
suspects in the recent incidents and two jihadist groups, Jemaah Islamiyah and 
Jamaah Ansharut Tauhid. JI and JAT have dissociated themselves from violent 
action, although JAT leader Abu Bakar Bashir is on trial charged with planning 
and funding the al-Qa'ida in Aceh militant training camp.

The Cirebon bomber, Muhammad Syarif, has been recognised in a video of a recent 
JAT demonstration, but police say they have not identified any group involved 
with him in the mosque attack.

Thursday's bomb find prompted an emergency meeting of Dr Yudhoyono's security 

The President has ordered the military and the police, and all other 
institutions related to terrorism eradication, to co-ordinate on this, the 
Co-ordinating Minister for Security and Politics, Djoko Suyanto, said 

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[proletar] Re: kalau maestro bernyanyi

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik ndeboost
Ngerayain Jumat Agung?
Apanya yg agung? Kedustaan alias kebohongan?
Hanya Paulus  pengikutnya yg percaya Rasul Yesus a.s
di pantheng ditiang jemuran.

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, ajeg ajegilelu@... wrote:

 --- Led Zeppelin led.zeppelin31@ wrote:

  Suara guitar nya bikin saya terhanyut...hilang
  seperti kunjungan ksebuah musium besar dimana
  yang dipamerkan ber-gerak2..Ooooh orgasme
  Compay Segundo live at L'Olympia in Paris, France.
  Directed by Patrick Savey; 1999.

 Segundo si legenda..

 Tambahin dengan hitnya bersama bluesman kelahiran Aljazair yah,
 itung-itung ngrayain Jum'at Agung,


Post message: prole...@egroups.com
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[proletar] Re: Alert after foiled attack on Jakarta church

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik ndeboost
Yang kek ginikah yg namanya Siaga-1?
Indonesian security forces are on high alert

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, sunny ambon@... wrote:


 Alert after foiled attack on Jakarta church
 Peter Alford, Jakarta Correspondent
 From: The Australian
 April 23, 2011 12:00AM

 AUSTRALIANS have been warned after a bomb plot was uncovered.

 Indonesian security forces are on high alert and Australia has warned
travellers of the very high threat of terrorist attack after the
foiling of a Good Friday bomb plot against a Catholic church.

 President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono ordered security forces on to the
highest level of vigilance over Easter following the discovery of five
bombs beside Christ Cathedral at Serpong, West Jakarta.

 The bombs, containing 150kg of explosives and buried beside a gas
pipeline to intensify the destructive effect, were found on Thursday
after police rounded up 19 men suspected of a book mail-bombing campaign
last month.

 The bombs were planned to be remotely triggered by a mobile phone
yesterday morning. The suspects were arrested in relation to the book
bomb attacks, and it was discovered they were also planning to bomb the
church, said Ansyaad M'bai, chief of the National Counter-Terrorism
Agency (BNPT).

 Start of sidebar. Skip to end of sidebar.

 Related Coverage
   a.. Terror cameraman in bomb plot Adelaide Now, 4 hours ago
   b.. Bomb suspect a tv news cameraman Herald Sun, 12 hours ago
   c.. Indonesia on high alert Courier Mail, 2 days ago
   d.. Mosque bomber a follower of Bashir The Australian, 3 days ago
   e.. Jihadists 'going under radar' The Australian, 4 days ago
 End of sidebar. Return to start of sidebar.

 In Canberra, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade reissued
advice for Australian travellers to reconsider your need to travel to
Indonesia, including Bali, at this time due to the very high threat of
terrorist attack. The advice was originally issued four weeks ago when
it was revealed Pakistani security forces had captured the accused 2002
Bali bomber Umar Patek, who is likely to be handed to the Indonesians.

 Information to Australian authorities indicated terrorist attacks
might take place in Indonesia at any time, DFAT said.

 The US embassy in Jakarta has advised Americans to take special
caution over the Easter weekend and avoid street rallies, which can
turn confrontational and possibly escalate into violence.

 Even before the bomb discovery, police in Jakarta and other Javanese
centres were braced for possible Islamic mob attacks on Christian
congregations at Easter.

 Jakarta police chiefs reportedly assigned 20,000 officers to secure
churches and search for bombs.

 The find at Serpong came a week after the suicide bombing of a police
mosque at Cirebon, West Java, intensifying concern Islamic terrorism had
entered a new stage.

 According to the International Crisis Group, this is characterised by
small groups hitting local targets -- police and other state
oppressors, Christians and deviant Muslims -- operating
independently of, but encouraged by, jihadist organisations.

 The groups were only detected when members were caught, the ICG said,
raising the question of how many similar groups operating under police
radar exist that will only come to light when one of their . . .
attempts succeeds.

 General Ansyaad said yesterday that BNPT and Densus 88, the police
counter-terrorist unit, were investigating any associations between the
suspects in the recent incidents and two jihadist groups, Jemaah
Islamiyah and Jamaah Ansharut Tauhid. JI and JAT have dissociated
themselves from violent action, although JAT leader Abu Bakar Bashir is
on trial charged with planning and funding the al-Qa'ida in Aceh
militant training camp.

 The Cirebon bomber, Muhammad Syarif, has been recognised in a video of
a recent JAT demonstration, but police say they have not identified any
group involved with him in the mosque attack.

 Thursday's bomb find prompted an emergency meeting of Dr Yudhoyono's
security cabinet.

 The President has ordered the military and the police, and all other
institutions related to terrorism eradication, to co-ordinate on this,
the Co-ordinating Minister for Security and Politics, Djoko Suyanto,
said afterwards.

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik rezameutia

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, item abu itemabu@... wrote:

 65:4. Dan perempuan-perempuan yang tidak haid lagi (monopause) di antara  
 perempuan-perempuanmu jika kamu ragu-ragu (tentang masa iddahnya), maka  masa 
 iddah mereka adalah tiga bulan; dan begitu (pula)  perempuan-perempuan yang 
 tidak haid. Dan perempuan-perempuan yang hamil,  waktu iddah mereka itu ialah 
 sampai mereka melahirkan kandungannya. Dan  barang siapa yang bertakwa kepada 
 Allah, niscaya Allah menjadikan  baginya kemudahan dalam urusannya.

ayat ini udah jelas mengatakan jika pada saat terjadi perceraian bagi perempuan 
menopause, atau bagi perempuan yang sedang mens ataupun tidak sedang mens, maka 
masa iddahnya 3 bulan dan kalo perceraiannya terjadi ketika perempuan itu 
sedang hamil, maka masa iddahnya menunggu sampai perempuan tersebut melahirkan 

nggak ada yang mengatakan tentang pedopil dengan ayat ini.

 Ayat 65:4 ini bilang bhw cewek yg ga haid itu punya masa iddah 3 bln. Buat yg 
 tau, masa iddah itu adalah perioda dimana bini yg dicerai hrs nunggu sebelum 
 bisa menikah lagi. Tapi kalo si bini belum pernah diembat, maka ga perlu 
 masa iddah, bisa langsung kawin lagi.
 Artinya, semua cewek yg punya masa iddah itu sdh pernah diembat sebelumnya 

wah.., udah mulai ngayal.
elu ngayal bikin arti sendiri bininya belum pernah di entot.

sekarang gini aja, bagaimana mungkin lu kawin tapi bininya nggak pernah 
dientot?  jadi istri lu nggak pernah diembat dan cuman dijilatin doang sampe 

gw baru denger ada orang kawin tapi bininya nggak pernah dientot seperti si 
item muke kontol ini.  kesian banget bini lu.


 Tafsir bilang bhw, hehhe cewek yg belum mens itu jg termasuk yg dpt masa 
 iddah di 65:4. Artinya, anak2 ingusan yg belum mens itu halal diembat.


sekarang elu ngayalnya makin ngawur lagi.
nggak ada ayat tersebut menyinggung masalah anak ingusan yang belum pernah 
mens.  ini kan omongan dari elu sendiri yang emang pikirannya pedopil karena 
keseringan baca alkitab.

si item anjing sipit bawa ayat qs al thalaaq 65:4 dan karena bacanya nggak 
bener karena matanya kerlalu sipit lalu ngayal sendiri tentang ayat tersebut, 
bilang ada bininya nggak pernah diembat dan nambahin anak ingusan yang belum 

padahal, ayat itu sangat jelas membela kepentingan perempuan dengan mengatakan 
bahwa jika terjadi perceraian maka ada masa iddah selama 3 bulan dan jika 
sedang hamil maka masa iddahnya sampai kelahiran bayinya.

hal ini jelas, jika perempuan tersebut kawin lagi dan mengandung maka tidak 
terjadi keraguan bahwa anak yang dikandungnya adalah anak dari suami yang baru. 

gitu aja kok arti bunyinya ayat ini, plain anda simple.

 Tafsir al-Jalalayn
 And [as for] those  of your women who (read allā’ī or allā’i in both 
 no longer  expect to menstruate, if you have any doubts, about their waiting  
 period, their prescribed [waiting] period shall be three months, and  [also 
 those who have not yet menstruated, because of their young  age, their period 
 shall [also] be three months †both cases apply to  other than those whose 
 spouses have died; for these [latter] their  period is prescribed in the 
 they shall wait by themselves for  four months and ten [days] [Q. 2:234]. And 
 those who are pregnant, their  term, the conclusion of their prescribed 
 [waiting] period if divorced  or if their spouses be dead, shall be when they 
 deliver. And whoever  fears God, He will make matters ease for him, in this 
 world and in the  Hereafter.
 Tanwîr al-Miqbâs min Tafsîr Ibn ‘Abbâs
 (And  for such of your women as despair of menstruation) because of old age,  
 (if ye doubt) about their waiting period, (their period (of waiting)  shall 
 three months) upon which another man asked: “O Messenger of  Allah! What 
 the waiting period of those who do not have  menstruation because they are 
 young?” (along with those who have it  not) because of young age, their 
 period is three months. Another  man asked: “what is the waiting period for 
 those women who are  pregnant?” (And for those with child) i.e. those who 
 pregnant,  (their period) their waiting period (shall be till they bring 
 their burden) their child. (And whosoever keepeth his duty to Allah) and  
 whoever fears Allah regarding what he commands him, (He maketh his  course 
 for him) He makes his matter easy; and it is also said this  means: He will 
 him to worship Him well.
 Asbab Al-Nuzul by Al-Wahid
 (And for such of  your women as despair of menstruation…) [65:4]. Said 
 “When the  verse (Women who are divorced shall wait, keeping themselves 
 Kallad ibn al-Nu‘man ibn Qays al-Ansari said: ‘O Messenger of Allah,  
 what is 
 the waiting period of the woman who does not menstruate and the  woman who 
 not menstruated yet? 

[proletar] Re: Outrageous verdict

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik rezameutia
mau ngentot anak sendiri?
mau ngentot bini orang?
mau menghina dan menyakiti ibu sendiri?  
piara aja cabo yang namanya sama dengan ibu sendiri.

semuanya hal kelakuan yang nista dan najis ini cuma ada di kristen. 

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, item abu itemabu@... wrote:

 Mau jadi tukang merkosa? Masuk islam aja, hehehe
 Islam itu emang agama yg benar unt tukang merkosa.
 From: sunny ambon@...
 To: Undisclosed-Recipient@...
 Sent: Sat, April 23, 2011 7:58:17 PM
 Subject: [proletar] Outrageous verdict

 Apr 22, 2011 22:19
 Outrageous verdict
 The acquittal in the Mukhtaran Mai case is a blow to Pakistan itself and to 
 legal system
 The acquittal by Pakistan's Supreme Court of five of the six men charged with 
 raping a girl because her 12-year-old brother had been seeing a girl from 
 family, has been greeted with outrage around the world.
 This, however, should not be seen as a new cause for the international 
 liberation movement but as a blow to Pakistan itself and to its legal system. 
 The conviction of one man who took part in the gang-rape was upheld by 
 Pakistan's highest court, but the other five men walked free for, according 
 the court, lack of evidence. The convicted man saw his death sentence 
 to life imprisonment.
 There are three important lessons for Pakistan arising from this sordid and 
 deplorable crime. The first is that such punishments are not uncommon in a 
 country where family honor is often paramount. It seems clear that as a 
 of the friendship between a young boy and a girl from another clan, the 
 of that clan decreed the family of the other should be humiliated. It is 
 important to realize this was not just a rape crime. All too often in similar 
 circumstances the victim, weighed down by the shame of what has happened to 
 has taken her own life. Therefore ultimately this was a crime of attempted 
 murder. No civilized society should be prepared to tolerate such behavior.
 The second lesson has been taught by the victim herself, Mukhtaran Mai, an 
 illiterate peasant girl, who instead of taking her own life in the face of 
 enforced dishonor, bravely chose to take on her rapists and in doing so, the 
 entire Pakistani police and judicial system. She and her family are still 
 threatened with murder.
 She still maintains the police never took her statement properly and failed 
 investigate the crime in an efficient and timely manner. Hence, she says, it 
 could be claimed there was a lack of evidence against all but one of her 
 attackers, even though she was able to identify a number of them. The courts 
 which she pursued the men who had violated her, also displayed a distinct 
 of interest in her evidence, preferring to accept the police claims rather 
 challenging law officers to demonstrate the effectiveness of their 
 This is not, however, the disaster that outsiders are claiming it to be. 
 can be no doubt Pakistan has been shocked by the case. For the majority there 
 a sense of shame that such violent and degrading behavior can ever take place 
 and frustration that both police and courts have been so slow and reluctant 
 move against it. Remember this is a crime which took place fully nine years 
 The impact of the case on the authorities is likely to bring about a sea 
 in official attitudes. Next time that such a heinous crime is brought to the 
 attention of the police, it must be hoped that it will not just be the 
 who are charged, but also the elders who ordered the depraved crime.
 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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[proletar] Israeli Personalities declare support for Palestinian state

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik sunny

Israeli Personalities declare support for Palestinian state
Dozens of public figures, intellectuals and Israeli academics have signed a 
statement supporting the creation of a Palestinian state based on 1967 borders, 
as part of a two-state solution.
Signatories must present it on Thursday (21) in front of Independence Hall in 
Tel Aviv where the architect of the Jewish state, David Ben Gurion, proclaimed 
Israel's independence in May 1948.

In this symbolic act, a letter will be read that was signed by its promoters, 
who will use the opportunity to ask the public to add their signatures to the 

The Jewish people appeared in the Land of Israel, where they forged their 
personality. The Palestinian people appeared in the Palestinian territories, 
where their personality was forged, reads the text of the letter, whose 
contents are anticipated to appear Wednesday in local media.

Among the signatories are at least 20 winners of the Israel Prize, the 
country's most important, which is awarded annually on Independence Day.

The initiative's promoters insist that it is not a matter of a new political 
plan, but a way of presenting an alternative vision to society as opposed to 
the official posture of the Israeli executive.


With agencies


Translated from the Portuguese version by:

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[proletar] Re: Jail for Koran-burning pastor

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik ndeboost
Tambahan ajaran Kristen abad ini: mantheng Yesus sampai mati di tiang
jemuran belum cukup. Tambah bakar-bakar!!
Keknya pemalsuan Al Qur'an belum dianggap mujarab ya?

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, sunny ambon@... wrote:


 Jail for Koran-burning pastor
 April 23, 2011 - 2:28PM
 The US pastor whose burning of a Koran sparked deadly violence in
Afghanistan has been briefly jailed in a heavily Islamic suburb after a
court banned his protest outside a mosque.

 A judge jailed pastor Terry Jones of Gainesville, Florida, and his
associate, Wayne Sapp, after a court found their planned protest outside
the Islamic Centre of America in Dearborn, Michigan, could lead to

 During his court appearance, Jones argued the Koran promotes
terrorist activities around the world.

 He also insisted his right to protest against Islam was protected by
the First Amendment to the US Constitution.

 The First Amendment does us no good if it confines us to saying what
is popular, he said.

 But Dearborn Police Chief Ronald Haddad testified that his department
had received information about serious threats made against Jones from
residents, arguing that his protest could lead to violence if allowed.

 Prosecutor Robert Moran argued the protest had nothing to do with the
First Amendment and at stake were security and peace in the community.

 In the end, the jury sided with the prosecution and Judge Mark Somers
set bond at the symbolic amount of $1 each for the two pastors, which
they initially refused to pay.

 Following their refusal, both were escorted to jail.

 But local media reported both men changed their minds after spending
about an hour behind bars and posted the $1 bond.

 Jones and Sapp made international headlines after their ceremonial
trial and execution of the Koran by burning led to deadly protests in

 Last month's Koran burning unleashed protests across Afghanistan, some
of which were violent.

 Seven UN staff were killed during one protest in the northern city of
Mazar-i-Sharif on April 1.


 Read more:

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[proletar] Re: copy paste pemikiran...

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik rezameutia
atau idolanya profesor calculus yang budeg dan pikun.  bedanya profesor 
calculus pinter kalo jusfiq udah budeg, pikun, bego pula.


--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, suryana gsuryana@... wrote:

 Huss jangan menghina, jq suka membaca buku komik put on, makanya jadi punya 
 kebiasaan mengulang ngulang tulisannya, dan tidak lupa baca komik rin tin 
 tin dan yang di idola kan si nahkoda nya jadi ajah bisa nya memaki 
 makiselain itu dia mah gak pernah baca lagi,
 - Original Message - 
 From: rezameutia rezameutia@...
  bagaimana kalo nggak pernah baca buku, seperti jusfiq?
  nggak punya pemikiran dong??
  --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, wawan selarasmilis@ wrote:
  Pemikiranmu sesungguhnya adalah copy paste...
  apabila kamu membaca buku2 arab, maka pemikiranmu seperti arabian...
  apabila kamu membaca buku2 asia tengah, maka pemikiranmu juga mirip asia
  Apabila kamu membaca karya orang-orang besar dan terkenal, maka 
  pemikiranmu juga
  akan seperti mereka...

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Re: [proletar] Re: Jail for Koran-burning pastor

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik sunny
Kamu tbelum baca Al Quran yang berisi kebencian kepada agama laian? Kalau belum 
baca silakan baca ayat 3: 28 dan 5:51 supaya paham. 

  - Original Message - 
  From: ndeboost 
  To: proletar@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Sunday, April 24, 2011 2:19 AM
  Subject: [proletar] Re: Jail for Koran-burning pastor

  Tambahan ajaran Kristen abad ini: mantheng Yesus sampai mati di tiang
  jemuran belum cukup. Tambah bakar-bakar!!
  Keknya pemalsuan Al Qur'an belum dianggap mujarab ya?

  --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, sunny ambon@... wrote:
   Jail for Koran-burning pastor
   April 23, 2011 - 2:28PM
   The US pastor whose burning of a Koran sparked deadly violence in
  Afghanistan has been briefly jailed in a heavily Islamic suburb after a
  court banned his protest outside a mosque.
   A judge jailed pastor Terry Jones of Gainesville, Florida, and his
  associate, Wayne Sapp, after a court found their planned protest outside
  the Islamic Centre of America in Dearborn, Michigan, could lead to
   During his court appearance, Jones argued the Koran promotes
  terrorist activities around the world.
   He also insisted his right to protest against Islam was protected by
  the First Amendment to the US Constitution.
   The First Amendment does us no good if it confines us to saying what
  is popular, he said.
   But Dearborn Police Chief Ronald Haddad testified that his department
  had received information about serious threats made against Jones from
  residents, arguing that his protest could lead to violence if allowed.
   Prosecutor Robert Moran argued the protest had nothing to do with the
  First Amendment and at stake were security and peace in the community.
   In the end, the jury sided with the prosecution and Judge Mark Somers
  set bond at the symbolic amount of $1 each for the two pastors, which
  they initially refused to pay.
   Following their refusal, both were escorted to jail.
   But local media reported both men changed their minds after spending
  about an hour behind bars and posted the $1 bond.
   Jones and Sapp made international headlines after their ceremonial
  trial and execution of the Koran by burning led to deadly protests in
   Last month's Koran burning unleashed protests across Afghanistan, some
  of which were violent.
   Seven UN staff were killed during one protest in the northern city of
  Mazar-i-Sharif on April 1.
   Read more:
   [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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Re: [proletar] Re: Alert after foiled attack on Jakarta church

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik sunny
Siaga cari duitt

  - Original Message - 
  From: ndeboost 
  To: proletar@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Sunday, April 24, 2011 2:13 AM
  Subject: [proletar] Re: Alert after foiled attack on Jakarta church

  Yang kek ginikah yg namanya Siaga-1?
  Indonesian security forces are on high alert

  --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, sunny ambon@... wrote:
   Alert after foiled attack on Jakarta church
   Peter Alford, Jakarta Correspondent
   From: The Australian
   April 23, 2011 12:00AM
   AUSTRALIANS have been warned after a bomb plot was uncovered.
   Indonesian security forces are on high alert and Australia has warned
  travellers of the very high threat of terrorist attack after the
  foiling of a Good Friday bomb plot against a Catholic church.
   President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono ordered security forces on to the
  highest level of vigilance over Easter following the discovery of five
  bombs beside Christ Cathedral at Serpong, West Jakarta.
   The bombs, containing 150kg of explosives and buried beside a gas
  pipeline to intensify the destructive effect, were found on Thursday
  after police rounded up 19 men suspected of a book mail-bombing campaign
  last month.
   The bombs were planned to be remotely triggered by a mobile phone
  yesterday morning. The suspects were arrested in relation to the book
  bomb attacks, and it was discovered they were also planning to bomb the
  church, said Ansyaad M'bai, chief of the National Counter-Terrorism
  Agency (BNPT).
   Start of sidebar. Skip to end of sidebar.
   Related Coverage
   a.. Terror cameraman in bomb plot Adelaide Now, 4 hours ago
   b.. Bomb suspect a tv news cameraman Herald Sun, 12 hours ago
   c.. Indonesia on high alert Courier Mail, 2 days ago
   d.. Mosque bomber a follower of Bashir The Australian, 3 days ago
   e.. Jihadists 'going under radar' The Australian, 4 days ago
   End of sidebar. Return to start of sidebar.
   In Canberra, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade reissued
  advice for Australian travellers to reconsider your need to travel to
  Indonesia, including Bali, at this time due to the very high threat of
  terrorist attack. The advice was originally issued four weeks ago when
  it was revealed Pakistani security forces had captured the accused 2002
  Bali bomber Umar Patek, who is likely to be handed to the Indonesians.
   Information to Australian authorities indicated terrorist attacks
  might take place in Indonesia at any time, DFAT said.
   The US embassy in Jakarta has advised Americans to take special
  caution over the Easter weekend and avoid street rallies, which can
  turn confrontational and possibly escalate into violence.
   Even before the bomb discovery, police in Jakarta and other Javanese
  centres were braced for possible Islamic mob attacks on Christian
  congregations at Easter.
   Jakarta police chiefs reportedly assigned 20,000 officers to secure
  churches and search for bombs.
   The find at Serpong came a week after the suicide bombing of a police
  mosque at Cirebon, West Java, intensifying concern Islamic terrorism had
  entered a new stage.
   According to the International Crisis Group, this is characterised by
  small groups hitting local targets -- police and other state
  oppressors, Christians and deviant Muslims -- operating
  independently of, but encouraged by, jihadist organisations.
   The groups were only detected when members were caught, the ICG said,
  raising the question of how many similar groups operating under police
  radar exist that will only come to light when one of their . . .
  attempts succeeds.
   General Ansyaad said yesterday that BNPT and Densus 88, the police
  counter-terrorist unit, were investigating any associations between the
  suspects in the recent incidents and two jihadist groups, Jemaah
  Islamiyah and Jamaah Ansharut Tauhid. JI and JAT have dissociated
  themselves from violent action, although JAT leader Abu Bakar Bashir is
  on trial charged with planning and funding the al-Qa'ida in Aceh
  militant training camp.
   The Cirebon bomber, Muhammad Syarif, has been recognised in a video of
  a recent JAT demonstration, but police say they have not identified any
  group involved with him in the mosque attack.
   Thursday's bomb find prompted an emergency meeting of Dr Yudhoyono's
  security cabinet.
   The President has ordered the military and the police, and all other
  institutions related to terrorism eradication, to co-ordinate on this,
  the Co-ordinating Minister for Security and Politics, Djoko Suyanto,
  said afterwards.
   [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Post message: prole...@egroups.com

[proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik rezameutia

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, item abu itemabu@... wrote:

 Hehehe... apa di Alkitab tertulis si item abu ngencukin anak sendiri?
 Gua punya anak aja kagak, jadi gimana bisa gua ngencukin anak sendiri? 

ooo..., karena lu belum punya anak, kalo gitu lu pasti piara cabo yang namanya 
sama dengan nama ibu lu sendiri dong.  

siapa nama cabo yang elu piara?

 Si rezameutia ini emang betul2 brulyan dlm nunjukin betapa bejad dirinya, 
 ngefitnah secara ga tau malu, lalu ngaku ga pernah ngefitnah secara ga tau 
 Betul2 contoh yg baik dr orang islam yg soleh dan bertaqwa.

nggak gitu lah orang islam.

orang kristen diajarin untuk berbohong, fitnah, berkhianat, piara cabo sama lah 
seperti kelakuan jesus dan muridnya yang pengecut sialan dan tidak bertanggung 
jawab itu.

jadi kalo gw ketemu orang kristen taat kayak elu, ya gw udah maklum dan 
memahami bahwa orang kayak elu akan berbohong, berkhianat, piara cabo sama 
seperti kelakuan jesus dan muridnya.

gitu aja kok

 From: rezameutia rezameutia@...
 To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Sat, April 23, 2011 3:28:39 PM
 Subject: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel

 --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, item abu itemabu@ wrote:
  Hehehe si rezameutia ini omong gede ga pernah ngefitnah, padahal jelas2 
  ngefitnah gua dgn nuduh gua ngencukin anak sendiri. 
 gw nggak fitnah.
 itu ada tertulis di alkitab.
  Emang koq, orang Islam itu ga punya malu sama sekali, udah kepergok 
  dan ngibul, terus aja mereka kaing2 sekeras2nya. 
 makin keliatan kan, orang kristen bego kalo udah nggak bisa debat lagi 
 dah oot sambil ngacir terkaing-kaing dan langsung ngeloco untuk memuaskan 
 sendiri.  biasalah itu tipikal kristen bego.
  Si rezameutia ini lagi berjihad ngibul dan ngefitnah di jalan auloh, 
 si anjing sipit lagi ngacir terkaing-kaing sambil menggonggong dan berdusta, 
 persis seperti muridnya tuhan jesus yang ngacir terkaing-kaing dan berdusta 
 ketika tuhan jesus disalib.
  From: rezameutia rezameutia@
  To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Fri, April 22, 2011 8:47:43 AM
  Subject: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel
  tuh kan mewek2 mulu.
  lu mewek ama si jusfiq junkie tua aja dah.
  gw nggak abis pikir ama kelakuan si anjing sipit penjilat kontol, kok demen 
  banget mewek2 sama orang lain minta bantuan supaya ikutan ngomong.  kenapa 
  elu ngomg sendiri sama gw?  nggak pede ya?!
  kelakuan si item anjing sipit ini sama persis seperti kelakuan si jusfiq 
  --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, item abu itemabu@ wrote:
   Hehehe... si rezameutia dan tawangalun itu ngefitnah gua, lu ini berpihak 
   From: Led Zeppelin led.zeppelin31@
   To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
   Sent: Fri, April 22, 2011 4:30:55 AM
   Subject: Re: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel
   Hehehe orang Islam lagi ngebela sodara berimannya yg jadi tukang 
   =Oooh sungguh2 sempit cara berfikir anda,jangankan manusia
   kucing/anjing tersasar saja perlu kita belaberi perlindungan memadai
   cara berfikir anda sangat sektarian hanya mementingkan golongan sendiri
   golongan lain bukan bahagian saya tidak seagama bukan teman saya
   tidak sependapat pasti musuh saya sungguh2 kacau anda ini.
   banyak posting anda menjurus kesitu,mungkin anda punya masalah 
   besar/trauma dengan lingkungan/pergaulan dimana anda tinggal?
   --- On Thu, 4/21/11, item abu itemabu@ wrote:
   From: item abu itemabu@
   Subject: Re: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel
   To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
   Date: Thursday, April 21, 2011, 1:31 PM
   Hehehe orang Islam lagi ngebela sodara berimannya yg jadi tukang 
   From: Led Zeppelin led.zeppelin31@
   To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
   Sent: Thu, April 21, 2011 3:47:37 PM
   Subject: Re: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel
   Hehehe si rezameutia ini lagi kaing2 ngalihin topik dr soal dia 
   gua ke topik lain.
   =Badut ini selalu curiga melihat orang2 disekeliling nya padahal
   tidak ada yang bicara tentang dia
   Udah jelas koq pemahaman gua ttg Alkitab itu ga sama dgn pertunjukan 
   hasil mlintir2 oleh orang2 Islam di milis ini, jadi gua tau persis bhw 
   ga pernah nyuruh ngencuk anak sendiri misalnya. 
   =Berapa tahun baca alkitab?berapa tahun memeluk agama kresten?
   apakah anda pendatang baru?apakah anda memang sejak dilahirkan sudah
   beragama kresten?
   Jadi, gimana bisa gua ngencukin anak sendiri, nurut gua Alkitab ga nyuruh 
   koq. Dan gua sendiri jg bilang ngencukin anak 

Re: [proletar] Re: kalau maestro bernyanyi

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik Led Zeppelin
Ngerayain Jumat Agung?
=Saya juga kurang faham tapi inikan sama dengan 
hari kenaikan isa almasih atau?''

Apanya yg agung? Kedustaan alias kebohongan?
=Pikir saya kita juga harus merayakan karena 
dihari itu jesus pergi ke suatu tempat antah berantah.

Hanya Paulus  pengikutnya yg percaya Rasul Yesus a.s

di pantheng ditiang jemuran.
=Tidak mungkin jesus bernasib sial,bukan nya begitu lahir bisa bicara?'
bisa jalan di atas air?'bisa hidupkan orang mati?
bisa menyembuh kan orang sakit?
tentu disini kematian di tiang salib bukan ukuran nya

--- On Sat, 4/23/11, ndeboost rambitese...@rocketmail.com wrote:

From: ndeboost rambitese...@rocketmail.com
Subject: [proletar] Re: kalau maestro bernyanyi
To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
Date: Saturday, April 23, 2011, 5:11 PM



  Ngerayain Jumat Agung?

Apanya yg agung? Kedustaan alias kebohongan?

Hanya Paulus  pengikutnya yg percaya Rasul Yesus a.s

di pantheng ditiang jemuran.

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, ajeg ajegilelu@... wrote:

 --- Led Zeppelin led.zeppelin31@ wrote:

  Suara guitar nya bikin saya terhanyut...hilang

  seperti kunjungan ksebuah musium besar dimana

  yang dipamerkan ber-gerak2..Ooooh orgasme


  Compay Segundo live at L'Olympia in Paris, France.

  Directed by Patrick Savey; 1999.



 Segundo si legenda..

 Tambahin dengan hitnya bersama bluesman kelahiran Aljazair yah,

 itung-itung ngrayain Jum'at Agung,





[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Re: [proletar] Re: kalau maestro bernyanyi

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik sunny
Mungkin itu yang dimaksudkan. Dalam Al Quran 3:55   ada disebutkan Allah 
mengangkat Isa pada harri kematiannya.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Led Zeppelin 
  To: proletar@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Sunday, April 24, 2011 2:35 AM
  Subject: Re: [proletar] Re: kalau maestro bernyanyi

  Ngerayain Jumat Agung?
  =Saya juga kurang faham tapi inikan sama dengan 
  hari kenaikan isa almasih atau?''

  Apanya yg agung? Kedustaan alias kebohongan?
  =Pikir saya kita juga harus merayakan karena 
  dihari itu jesus pergi ke suatu tempat antah berantah.

  Hanya Paulus  pengikutnya yg percaya Rasul Yesus a.s

  di pantheng ditiang jemuran.
  =Tidak mungkin jesus bernasib sial,bukan nya begitu lahir bisa bicara?'
  bisa jalan di atas air?'bisa hidupkan orang mati?
  bisa menyembuh kan orang sakit?
  tentu disini kematian di tiang salib bukan ukuran nya

  --- On Sat, 4/23/11, ndeboost rambitese...@rocketmail.com wrote:

  From: ndeboost rambitese...@rocketmail.com
  Subject: [proletar] Re: kalau maestro bernyanyi
  To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
  Date: Saturday, April 23, 2011, 5:11 PM


  Ngerayain Jumat Agung?

  Apanya yg agung? Kedustaan alias kebohongan?

  Hanya Paulus  pengikutnya yg percaya Rasul Yesus a.s

  di pantheng ditiang jemuran.

  --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, ajeg ajegilelu@... wrote:



   --- Led Zeppelin led.zeppelin31@ wrote:


Suara guitar nya bikin saya terhanyut...hilang

seperti kunjungan ksebuah musium besar dimana

yang dipamerkan ber-gerak2..Ooooh orgasme


Compay Segundo live at L'Olympia in Paris, France.

Directed by Patrick Savey; 1999.




   Segundo si legenda..


   Tambahin dengan hitnya bersama bluesman kelahiran Aljazair yah,

   itung-itung ngrayain Jum'at Agung,




  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[proletar] Re: Ada yang ingat lagu sunda dibawah ini ? ( kang Abbas )

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik rezameutia
ini linknya Karatagan Pahlawan,

Teu hon cewang sumoreang
tekadna pahlawan Bangsa
Cadu mundur pantrang mulang
mun maksud ta can laksana
Berjuang keur lemah cai
lali rabi tur tega pati
Ta ya basa menta pamulang tarima ikhlas
rido keur korban merdeka

Sinatria dana laga
bela Bangsa jeung Nagara
Dibarengan tekad suci
berjuang keur lemah cai
Teu ngingetkeun ka dirina
asal Nagri, Bangsa waluya
Bisa jembar merdeka mukti wibawa
jasa tujuan pahlawan Bangsa

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, suryana gsuryana@... wrote:

 Ada yang ingat Lagu ini ?, ditahun 70 an suka dinyanyiin anak sd dan smp
 asoy pisan, sekarang ada penerusnya gak yah ?

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Re: [proletar] Re: kalau maestro bernyanyi

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik widura
Hahaha...lucu emang liat dua kelompok penganut agama ini yg saling menista satu 
sama lainbenar2 contoh bagus orang bertuhan...hwakakak
-Original Message-
From: sunny am...@tele2.se
Sender: proletar@yahoogroups.com
Date: Sun, 24 Apr 2011 02:43:20 
To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
Reply-To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [proletar] Re: kalau maestro bernyanyi

Mungkin itu yang dimaksudkan. Dalam Al Quran 3:55   ada disebutkan Allah 
mengangkat Isa pada harri kematiannya.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Led Zeppelin 
  To: proletar@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Sunday, April 24, 2011 2:35 AM
  Subject: Re: [proletar] Re: kalau maestro bernyanyi

  Ngerayain Jumat Agung?
  =Saya juga kurang faham tapi inikan sama dengan 
  hari kenaikan isa almasih atau?''

  Apanya yg agung? Kedustaan alias kebohongan?
  =Pikir saya kita juga harus merayakan karena 
  dihari itu jesus pergi ke suatu tempat antah berantah.

  Hanya Paulus  pengikutnya yg percaya Rasul Yesus a.s

  di pantheng ditiang jemuran.
  =Tidak mungkin jesus bernasib sial,bukan nya begitu lahir bisa bicara?'
  bisa jalan di atas air?'bisa hidupkan orang mati?
  bisa menyembuh kan orang sakit?
  tentu disini kematian di tiang salib bukan ukuran nya

  --- On Sat, 4/23/11, ndeboost rambitese...@rocketmail.com wrote:

  From: ndeboost rambitese...@rocketmail.com
  Subject: [proletar] Re: kalau maestro bernyanyi
  To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
  Date: Saturday, April 23, 2011, 5:11 PM


  Ngerayain Jumat Agung?

  Apanya yg agung? Kedustaan alias kebohongan?

  Hanya Paulus  pengikutnya yg percaya Rasul Yesus a.s

  di pantheng ditiang jemuran.

  --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, ajeg ajegilelu@... wrote:



   --- Led Zeppelin led.zeppelin31@ wrote:


Suara guitar nya bikin saya terhanyut...hilang

seperti kunjungan ksebuah musium besar dimana

yang dipamerkan ber-gerak2..Ooooh orgasme


Compay Segundo live at L'Olympia in Paris, France.

Directed by Patrick Savey; 1999.




   Segundo si legenda..


   Tambahin dengan hitnya bersama bluesman kelahiran Aljazair yah,

   itung-itung ngrayain Jum'at Agung,




  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[proletar] Aljazeera: Yemen president agrees Gulf plan to resign

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik Jusfiq
Middle East
Yemen president agrees Gulf plan to resign
Aide to Ali Abdullah Saleh says leader has agreed to step down under a 30-day 
transition plan after weeks of protests.
Last Modified: 23 Apr 2011 23:07

Anti-government protesters have been demanding the resignation of Yemen's 
president for weeks [Reuters]

Yemen's embattled president Ali Abdullah Saleh has agreed to a deal by Gulf 
Arab mediators that would lead to a transition of power in the country after 
weeks of anti-government protests.

Tariq Shami, a presidential aide, told Al Jazeera on Saturday that the 
president had agreed in principle to a proposal from the Gulf Co-operation 
Council (GCC) for him to step down.

The GCC plan would see Saleh submit his resignation to parliament within 30 
days, with a presidential vote to be held within two months.

Shami said the opposition must first agree to the deal in order for Saleh to 
accept the plan.

The president has agreed and accepted the initiative of the GCC, he said.

The transition of power in Yemen will take some time. It needs an agreement 
between the national powers and the opposition at the same time. This thing 
will happen within 60 days if we have an agreement.

The White House welcomed Saturday a plan for Yemen's longtime President Ali 
Abdullah Saleh to step down, urging all sides to swiftly implement a peaceful 
transfer of power.

We applaud the announcements by the Yemeni Government and the opposition that 
they have accepted the GCC-brokered agreement to resolve the political crisis 
in a peaceful and orderly manner, said Jay Carney, White House spokesman.

Mohammed Qahtan, an opposition spokesman, told Al Jazeera that the opposition 
parties also welcome the deal. He said a basis of trust is lacking for the 
opposition to join a national unity government, but he said the opposition 
would start a conversation regardless.

The vice-president will take over for a certain period and then we will see 
what happens, he said.

'Civil war'

Saleh, who has ruled the country for more than three decades, has been under 
pressure to step down ever since anti-government protests began several weeks 
Click here for more of our special coverage

On Saturday, the president accused the opposition of dragging the country into 
a civil war, as Yemenis boarded up their shops and businesses across the 
country in protest against his rule.

In a speech in Sanaa, the capital, he called on Yemen's young people to form a 
political party according to
the constitution and said the Arab state would not accept any tutelage 
whatsoever, without giving further details.

They [the opposition] want to drag the area to civil war and we refuse to be 
dragged to civil war, Saleh said.

Security, safety and stability are in Yemen's interests and the interests of 
the region.

The developments came a day after opponents and supporters of the Yemeni 
president flooded the streets of Sanaa, the capital, and the southern city of 
Taiz to stage rival demonstrations.

Protesters demanding that Saleh resign dubbed the day Last Chance Friday, 
while pro-government demonstrators called it Reconciliation Friday.

The weekly day of communal prayers for Muslims has in recent weeks become an 
occasion for rival political rallies.

Framework of constitution

Amen al-Basha, the chairperson of the Arab Sisters Forum for Human Rights and a 
pro-democracy activist, told Al Jazeera that Saleh's regime has lost the trust 
[of Yemenis].

It is the desire of the people, it is the will of the people, for Ali Abdullah 
Saleh to step down immediately, she said.

Pro-democracy protesters would not accept any plan that did not include this 
provision, she said.

Parliamentary opposition groups and Saleh's government had been mulling over 
the GCC plan under which Saleh would step down 30 days after the formation of a 
national unity government, but some protesters in Sanaa have said they reject 
such a plan.

Neighbouring countries; no negotiations, no dialogue, read posters carried by 
anti-government demonstrators, apparently referring to the GCC plan, under 
which Saleh would transfer powers to Abdrabuh Mansur Hadi, the country's 

The Peaceful Youth Revolt, a group that has helped organise protests against 
Saleh's government, issued a statement rejecting the GCC initiative, saying it 
does not include Saleh's immediate ouster, and provides safeguards to him, 
his family and aides who are all killers.

The plan formulated by Gulf Arab mediators calling for a three-month transition 
that would end with a presidential election was made public on Thursday by a 
government official.

According to the plan, a unity government led by the opposition would work to 
organise presidential elections within two months of Saleh's resignation. 
Saleh's term runs until 2013.

Saleh, who has been in power since 1978, has faced protests since late January 
calling for his departure that have cost more 

[proletar] ArabNews: Elected: In America, not at home

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik Jusfiq

Elected: In America, not at home


Published: Apr 23, 2011 22:30 Updated: Apr 23, 2011 22:30

JEDDAH: In stark contrast to their inability to participate in limited 
elections, much less run for office, Saudi women on scholarship to the US can 
do both.

A local newspaper reported Friday that five student organizations in US 
universities elected Saudi women as their presidents.

The newly elected president of Saudi Student Club at the University of North 
Carolina, Najla Baraseen, told the paper she was inspired to run for the club's 
presidency during a recent event on campus.

In the beginning, I was a bit nervous, she said. However during the 
university's International Day Celebrations I learned a lot. Living abroad 
reveals a lot about a person's personality, because there are no social, or 
religious pressures.

She told the daily she got all support from her fellow students at the 

Everyone was asking if I needed anything to make Saudi Arabia's exhibit 
successful, she said. There were those who stood at the Saudi booth. There 
were also those who walked around the hall wearing Saudi traditional dress as a 

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[proletar] Re: kalau maestro bernyanyi

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik Teddy S.
Itulah akibat kalau agama dianggap bukan sebagai sesuatu yang bersifat pribadi 
di mana orang lain tidak berhak campur tangan dan kita juga tidak berhak 
mencampuri urusan pribadi orang lain.

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, widura a.widura@... wrote:

 Hahaha...lucu emang liat dua kelompok penganut agama ini yg saling menista 
 satu sama lainbenar2 contoh bagus orang bertuhan...hwakakak
 -Original Message-
 From: sunny ambon@...
 Sender: proletar@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Sun, 24 Apr 2011 02:43:20 
 To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
 Reply-To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: Re: [proletar] Re: kalau maestro bernyanyi
 Mungkin itu yang dimaksudkan. Dalam Al Quran 3:55   ada disebutkan Allah 
 mengangkat Isa pada harri kematiannya.
   - Original Message - 
   From: Led Zeppelin 
   To: proletar@yahoogroups.com 
   Sent: Sunday, April 24, 2011 2:35 AM
   Subject: Re: [proletar] Re: kalau maestro bernyanyi
   Ngerayain Jumat Agung?
   =Saya juga kurang faham tapi inikan sama dengan 
   hari kenaikan isa almasih atau?''
   Apanya yg agung? Kedustaan alias kebohongan?
   =Pikir saya kita juga harus merayakan karena 
   dihari itu jesus pergi ke suatu tempat antah berantah.
   Hanya Paulus  pengikutnya yg percaya Rasul Yesus a.s
   di pantheng ditiang jemuran.
   =Tidak mungkin jesus bernasib sial,bukan nya begitu lahir bisa bicara?'
   bisa jalan di atas air?'bisa hidupkan orang mati?
   bisa menyembuh kan orang sakit?
   tentu disini kematian di tiang salib bukan ukuran nya
   --- On Sat, 4/23/11, ndeboost rambitesemak@... wrote:
   From: ndeboost rambitesemak@...
   Subject: [proletar] Re: kalau maestro bernyanyi
   To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
   Date: Saturday, April 23, 2011, 5:11 PM

   Ngerayain Jumat Agung?
   Apanya yg agung? Kedustaan alias kebohongan?
   Hanya Paulus  pengikutnya yg percaya Rasul Yesus a.s
   di pantheng ditiang jemuran.
   --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, ajeg ajegilelu@ wrote:
--- Led Zeppelin led.zeppelin31@ wrote:
 Suara guitar nya bikin saya terhanyut...hilang
 seperti kunjungan ksebuah musium besar dimana
 yang dipamerkan ber-gerak2..Ooooh orgasme

 Compay Segundo live at L'Olympia in Paris, France.
 Directed by Patrick Savey; 1999.

Segundo si legenda..
Tambahin dengan hitnya bersama bluesman kelahiran Aljazair yah,
itung-itung ngrayain Jum'at Agung,
   [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Subscribe   :  proletar-subscr...@egroups.com
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Re: [proletar] Re: kalau maestro bernyanyi

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik widura
Kita bisa saksikan kelakuan orang2 bertuhan ini dengan gamblang dan jelas dalam 
aksi2 mereka...hehehe...hanya merusak nurani saja
-Original Message-
From: Teddy S. ted...@gmail.com
Sender: proletar@yahoogroups.com
Date: Sun, 24 Apr 2011 02:16:39 
To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
Reply-To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [proletar] Re: kalau maestro bernyanyi

Itulah akibat kalau agama dianggap bukan sebagai sesuatu yang bersifat pribadi 
di mana orang lain tidak berhak campur tangan dan kita juga tidak berhak 
mencampuri urusan pribadi orang lain.

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, widura a.widura@... wrote:

 Hahaha...lucu emang liat dua kelompok penganut agama ini yg saling menista 
 satu sama lainbenar2 contoh bagus orang bertuhan...hwakakak
 -Original Message-
 From: sunny ambon@...
 Sender: proletar@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Sun, 24 Apr 2011 02:43:20 
 To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
 Reply-To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: Re: [proletar] Re: kalau maestro bernyanyi
 Mungkin itu yang dimaksudkan. Dalam Al Quran 3:55   ada disebutkan Allah 
 mengangkat Isa pada harri kematiannya.
   - Original Message - 
   From: Led Zeppelin 
   To: proletar@yahoogroups.com 
   Sent: Sunday, April 24, 2011 2:35 AM
   Subject: Re: [proletar] Re: kalau maestro bernyanyi
   Ngerayain Jumat Agung?
   =Saya juga kurang faham tapi inikan sama dengan 
   hari kenaikan isa almasih atau?''
   Apanya yg agung? Kedustaan alias kebohongan?
   =Pikir saya kita juga harus merayakan karena 
   dihari itu jesus pergi ke suatu tempat antah berantah.
   Hanya Paulus  pengikutnya yg percaya Rasul Yesus a.s
   di pantheng ditiang jemuran.
   =Tidak mungkin jesus bernasib sial,bukan nya begitu lahir bisa bicara?'
   bisa jalan di atas air?'bisa hidupkan orang mati?
   bisa menyembuh kan orang sakit?
   tentu disini kematian di tiang salib bukan ukuran nya
   --- On Sat, 4/23/11, ndeboost rambitesemak@... wrote:
   From: ndeboost rambitesemak@...
   Subject: [proletar] Re: kalau maestro bernyanyi
   To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
   Date: Saturday, April 23, 2011, 5:11 PM

   Ngerayain Jumat Agung?
   Apanya yg agung? Kedustaan alias kebohongan?
   Hanya Paulus  pengikutnya yg percaya Rasul Yesus a.s
   di pantheng ditiang jemuran.
   --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, ajeg ajegilelu@ wrote:
--- Led Zeppelin led.zeppelin31@ wrote:
 Suara guitar nya bikin saya terhanyut...hilang
 seperti kunjungan ksebuah musium besar dimana
 yang dipamerkan ber-gerak2..Ooooh orgasme

 Compay Segundo live at L'Olympia in Paris, France.
 Directed by Patrick Savey; 1999.

Segundo si legenda..
Tambahin dengan hitnya bersama bluesman kelahiran Aljazair yah,
itung-itung ngrayain Jum'at Agung,
   [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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Re: [proletar] Jazz/afro cuba

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik Led Zeppelin

Jazz Kuba memang nggak sah tanpa ketipung conga, bongo, dan 

perangkat perkusi lain
=Oh juga marakas bersuara mirip;batok kelapa diisi pasir
, seperti mainan anak Meksiko yang barusan 

lewat JKT ini, 


=Kalau ini jelas ''elektrico mariachi''

me still alone me drinkin the rum 

begin to think that the boat no come 

american girl she tell a lie 

she say till then, but she mean goodbye 


jadi keinget anak krempuan Antillen yang kulitnya warna tembaga.. 
=Doeloe tetangga dekat rumah ibu saya Om bondan namanya,senior redaksi 
koran Pos kota,anak prempuan nya semua ada 6 orangcantik2 sekali 
mungkin karena bu bondan cantik;jadi ke 6 anak nya ikut cantik dan 'kreol' pula 
berkulit copper/tembaga luar biasa cantik kalau terkena matahari
saya kira anak gadis mereka itu paling cantik se kby-baru waktu itu.

--- On Thu, 4/21/11, ajeg ajegil...@yahoo.com wrote:

From: ajeg ajegil...@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: [proletar] Jazz/afro cuba
To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
Date: Thursday, April 21, 2011, 8:10 PM




--- Led Zeppelin led.zeppelin31@... wrote:

 Saya tiap kali mendengat kan musik yang berbau jazz

 selalu teringat dengan tone dari karibia  sekitar

 ada sebagian orang bilang jazz itu bukan dari New orleans

 yang banyak tertulis..di sejarah musik saat ini

 tapi berasal dari kumpulan musik2 cuba yang banyak itu.

 la juma de ayer/kemarin yang memabuk kan



Jazz Kuba memang nggak sah tanpa ketipung conga, bongo, dan 

perangkat perkusi lain, seperti mainan anak Meksiko yang barusan 

lewat JKT ini, 


me still alone me drinkin the rum 

begin to think that the boat no come 

american girl she tell a lie 

she say till then, but she mean goodbye 


jadi keinget anak krempuan Antillen yang kulitnya warna tembaga.. 




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[proletar] Re: kalau maestro bernyanyi

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik Teddy S.
Namanya juga manusia yang punya banyak kelemahan-kelemahan.

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, widura a.widura@... wrote:

 Kita bisa saksikan kelakuan orang2 bertuhan ini dengan gamblang dan jelas 
 dalam aksi2 mereka...hehehe...hanya merusak nurani saja
 -Original Message-
 From: Teddy S. teddyr@...
 Sender: proletar@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Sun, 24 Apr 2011 02:16:39 
 To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
 Reply-To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [proletar] Re: kalau maestro bernyanyi
 Itulah akibat kalau agama dianggap bukan sebagai sesuatu yang bersifat 
 pribadi di mana orang lain tidak berhak campur tangan dan kita juga tidak 
 berhak mencampuri urusan pribadi orang lain.
 --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, widura a.widura@ wrote:
  Hahaha...lucu emang liat dua kelompok penganut agama ini yg saling menista 
  satu sama lainbenar2 contoh bagus orang bertuhan...hwakakak
  -Original Message-
  From: sunny ambon@
  Sender: proletar@yahoogroups.com
  Date: Sun, 24 Apr 2011 02:43:20 
  To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
  Reply-To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
  Subject: Re: [proletar] Re: kalau maestro bernyanyi
  Mungkin itu yang dimaksudkan. Dalam Al Quran 3:55   ada disebutkan Allah 
  mengangkat Isa pada harri kematiannya.
- Original Message - 
From: Led Zeppelin 
To: proletar@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, April 24, 2011 2:35 AM
Subject: Re: [proletar] Re: kalau maestro bernyanyi
Ngerayain Jumat Agung?
=Saya juga kurang faham tapi inikan sama dengan 
hari kenaikan isa almasih atau?''
Apanya yg agung? Kedustaan alias kebohongan?
=Pikir saya kita juga harus merayakan karena 
dihari itu jesus pergi ke suatu tempat antah berantah.
Hanya Paulus  pengikutnya yg percaya Rasul Yesus a.s
di pantheng ditiang jemuran.
=Tidak mungkin jesus bernasib sial,bukan nya begitu lahir bisa bicara?'
bisa jalan di atas air?'bisa hidupkan orang mati?
bisa menyembuh kan orang sakit?
tentu disini kematian di tiang salib bukan ukuran nya
--- On Sat, 4/23/11, ndeboost rambitesemak@ wrote:
From: ndeboost rambitesemak@
Subject: [proletar] Re: kalau maestro bernyanyi
To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
Date: Saturday, April 23, 2011, 5:11 PM
Ngerayain Jumat Agung?
Apanya yg agung? Kedustaan alias kebohongan?
Hanya Paulus  pengikutnya yg percaya Rasul Yesus a.s
di pantheng ditiang jemuran.
--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, ajeg ajegilelu@ wrote:


 --- Led Zeppelin led.zeppelin31@ wrote:

  Suara guitar nya bikin saya terhanyut...hilang
  seperti kunjungan ksebuah musium besar dimana
  yang dipamerkan ber-gerak2..Ooooh orgasme
  Compay Segundo live at L'Olympia in Paris, France.
  Directed by Patrick Savey; 1999.

 Segundo si legenda..

 Tambahin dengan hitnya bersama bluesman kelahiran Aljazair yah,
 itung-itung ngrayain Jum'at Agung,


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Re: [proletar] New concerns for women?

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik item abu
Islam udah ada 14 abad, ternyata tetap aja ga beres. 
Kalo itu emang betul hukum auloh yg ngatur segala aspek kehidupan spt yg 
orang Islam, hrsnya udah ga ada lagi masalah sosial sejak 14 abad yg lalu. 

Nyatanya, masalah sosial di negara Islam itu justru jauh lebih parah 
dibandingkan dgn di negara lain.
Artinya, hukum Islam itu ga lebih dr sampah doang.

From: sunny am...@tele2.se
To: undisclosed-recipi...@yahoo.com
Sent: Sun, April 24, 2011 5:45:05 AM
Subject: [proletar] New concerns for women?


21 - 27 April 2011
Issue No. 1044

Published in Cairo by AL-AHRAM established in 1875

New concerns for women?
Should women be concerned about their rights after the revolution, asks Dena 

Click to view caption 
I shall remain free 

It doesn't take a long conversation before one hears the phrase, women in 
have enough rights. What more do they want? This is a question that is often 
heard in conversations with some men, often when women are discussing their 
lacking rights. 

However, over the past few weeks the question has been given a new urgency in 
the light of news that some voices have been calling for a review of certain 
laws that concern women. Debates in the media have included the right of 
divorced parents to have access to their children, khul' -- the right of a 
to divorce without her husband's consent if she forgoes her financial rights -- 
and the quota of women in parliament. 

Since Egypt has become more accustomed to demonstrations since the 25 January 
Revolution, it was less surprising when divorced husbands took to the streets 
demonstrate some weeks ago in order to demand changes in the law that would 
allow them to see more of their children. Their main demand was to change the 
law that allows divorced husbands to see their children but not to have custody 
of them. 

Women's and mothers' NGOs responded by stressing mothers' rights, warning of 
attempts to take away existing rights. It has been particularly alarming over 
recent weeks that laws governing the rights of women have been dubbed 
laws, in reference to the wife of former president Hosni Mubarak. 

Nihad Abul-Qomsan, head of the Egyptian Centre for Women's Rights (NCWR), is 
activist who has been feeling that women are being excluded from the revolution 
and even being asked to step aside. She believes that the debate on changing 
rights of divorced husbands is meant as a blow to the whole personal status 
as she told Al-Ahram Weekly in an interview. 

If we want to provide a decent environment for men, then we have to do the 
for women. There is definitely a problem with the law providing the right of 
divorced fathers to see their children, since mothers have custody of the 
children until the latter are 15. At the same time, the law does not provide 
mothers with an efficient way to attain alimony for their children. As a 
we have mothers with children but no money available from the father's side, so 
mothers end up having a grudge against the father, Abul-Qomsan said.

The state, she says, has abdicated its responsibility in this area, letting 
society handle it in the way it thinks fit and making alimony something that a 
woman has to struggle for on a personal basis. When matters are like this, we 
can't just ask for a certain part of the law to be changed and leave the rest. 
The revolution didn't arrive to abolish women's rights, which is why we need a 
clear statement from the Military Council stressing the protection of women's 

Abul-Qomsan said that certain Islamist forces could be using women's rights as 
an entry point into political debate, particularly when the country as a whole 
is busy with political arrangements. Women, she says, have been largely 
from the new cabinet and from the constitutional committee that framed the 
recent constitutional amendments.

There are also concerns over khul'. Over the past few years, and especially 
after the khul' law in 2000, this has been seen as a victory for women by many 
people rather than as a right long granted by Islam. Abul-Qomsan believes that 
voices now calling for a review of the khul' law want women to return to the 
situation before the law was passed.

In the absence of reliable statistics on cases of khul', Abul-Qomsan believes 
that many people may be under the impression that many women resort to this 
which is not in fact the case. People need to know that the majority of 
cases do not employ khul ', she says. If society hasn't been able to accept 
khul' more than 10 years after its inception, this means that government, 
education and the media have not played their proper role in showing that this 
right is important to 

Re: [proletar] Jail for Koran-burning pastor

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik item abu
Hehehe konyolnya, si pastor itu dipenjara cuma krn mau demo doang, demonya 
aja belum dikasih ijin. Jadi si pastor dihukum sebelum si pastor melakukan apa2.

Ini baru di pengadilan dhimmi yg terkencing2 di depan orang Islam. Kalo ada 
pengdilan shariah, hehehe ga usah melakukan apa2 selain ga mau masuk Islam 
aja berarti ngelawan Islam dan hrs dihukum.

From: sunny am...@tele2.se
To: undisclosed-recipi...@yahoo.com
Sent: Sun, April 24, 2011 6:29:30 AM
Subject: [proletar] Jail for Koran-burning pastor


Jail for Koran-burning pastor 
April 23, 2011 - 2:28PM 
The US pastor whose burning of a Koran sparked deadly violence in Afghanistan 
has been briefly jailed in a heavily Islamic suburb after a court banned his 
protest outside a mosque.

A judge jailed pastor Terry Jones of Gainesville, Florida, and his associate, 
Wayne Sapp, after a court found their planned protest outside the Islamic 
of America in Dearborn, Michigan, could lead to violence.

During his court appearance, Jones argued the Koran promotes terrorist 
activities around the world.

He also insisted his right to protest against Islam was protected by the First 
Amendment to the US Constitution.

The First Amendment does us no good if it confines us to saying what is 
popular, he said.

But Dearborn Police Chief Ronald Haddad testified that his department had 
received information about serious threats made against Jones from residents, 
arguing that his protest could lead to violence if allowed.

Prosecutor Robert Moran argued the protest had nothing to do with the First 
Amendment and at stake were security and peace in the community.

In the end, the jury sided with the prosecution and Judge Mark Somers set bond 
at the symbolic amount of $1 each for the two pastors, which they initially 
refused to pay.

Following their refusal, both were escorted to jail.

But local media reported both men changed their minds after spending about an 
hour behind bars and posted the $1 bond.

Jones and Sapp made international headlines after their ceremonial trial and 
execution of the Koran by burning led to deadly protests in Afghanistan.

Last month's Koran burning unleashed protests across Afghanistan, some of which 
were violent.

Seven UN staff were killed during one protest in the northern city of 
Mazar-i-Sharif on April 1.


Read more: 

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Re: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik item abu
Gua cukup ngeluarin tafsir yg bilang dgn jelas anak ingusan yg blm mens itu hrs 
dpt masa iddah yg berarti si anak yg blm mens itu udah pernah diembat 

Silakan aja orang Islam yg merasa lebih pintar dr yg bikin tafsir kaing2 kayak 
anjing kejepit buntut. 

From: rezameutia rezameu...@yahoo.com
To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sun, April 24, 2011 7:14:46 AM
Subject: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel


--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, item abu itemabu@... wrote:

 65:4. Dan perempuan-perempuan yang tidak haid lagi (monopause) di antara 
 perempuan-perempuanmu jika kamu ragu-ragu (tentang masa iddahnya), maka  masa 
 iddah mereka adalah tiga bulan; dan begitu (pula)  perempuan-perempuan yang 
 tidak haid. Dan perempuan-perempuan yang hamil,  waktu iddah mereka itu ialah 
 sampai mereka melahirkan kandungannya. Dan  barang siapa yang bertakwa kepada 
 Allah, niscaya Allah menjadikan  baginya kemudahan dalam urusannya.

ayat ini udah jelas mengatakan jika pada saat terjadi perceraian bagi perempuan 
menopause, atau bagi perempuan yang sedang mens ataupun tidak sedang mens, maka 
masa iddahnya 3 bulan dan kalo perceraiannya terjadi ketika perempuan itu 
hamil, maka masa iddahnya menunggu sampai perempuan tersebut melahirkan bayinya.

nggak ada yang mengatakan tentang pedopil dengan ayat ini.

 Ayat 65:4 ini bilang bhw cewek yg ga haid itu punya masa iddah 3 bln. Buat yg 

 tau, masa iddah itu adalah perioda dimana bini yg dicerai hrs nunggu sebelum 
 bisa menikah lagi. Tapi kalo si bini belum pernah diembat, maka ga perlu 

 masa iddah, bisa langsung kawin lagi.
 Artinya, semua cewek yg punya masa iddah itu sdh pernah diembat sebelumnya 


wah.., udah mulai ngayal.
elu ngayal bikin arti sendiri bininya belum pernah di entot.

sekarang gini aja, bagaimana mungkin lu kawin tapi bininya nggak pernah 
jadi istri lu nggak pernah diembat dan cuman dijilatin doang sampe sekarang?

gw baru denger ada orang kawin tapi bininya nggak pernah dientot seperti si 
muke kontol ini.  kesian banget bini lu.


 Tafsir bilang bhw, hehhe cewek yg belum mens itu jg termasuk yg dpt masa 
 iddah di 65:4. Artinya, anak2 ingusan yg belum mens itu halal diembat.


sekarang elu ngayalnya makin ngawur lagi.
nggak ada ayat tersebut menyinggung masalah anak ingusan yang belum pernah 
ini kan omongan dari elu sendiri yang emang pikirannya pedopil karena 
baca alkitab.

si item anjing sipit bawa ayat qs al thalaaq 65:4 dan karena bacanya nggak 
karena matanya kerlalu sipit lalu ngayal sendiri tentang ayat tersebut, bilang 
ada bininya nggak pernah diembat dan nambahin anak ingusan yang belum mens.

padahal, ayat itu sangat jelas membela kepentingan perempuan dengan mengatakan 
bahwa jika terjadi perceraian maka ada masa iddah selama 3 bulan dan jika 
hamil maka masa iddahnya sampai kelahiran bayinya.

hal ini jelas, jika perempuan tersebut kawin lagi dan mengandung maka tidak 
terjadi keraguan bahwa anak yang dikandungnya adalah anak dari suami yang baru. 

gitu aja kok arti bunyinya ayat ini, plain anda simple.

 Tafsir al-Jalalayn
 And [as for] those  of your women who (read all�’ī or all�’i in both 

 no longer  expect to menstruate, if you have any doubts, about their waiting 
 period, their prescribed [waiting] period shall be three months, and  [also 

 those who have not yet menstruated, because of their young  age, their period 
 shall [also] be three months †both cases apply to  other than those whose 
 spouses have died; for these [latter] their  period is prescribed in the 

 they shall wait by themselves for  four months and ten [days] [Q. 2:234]. And 
 those who are pregnant, their  term, the conclusion of their prescribed 
 [waiting] period if divorced  or if their spouses be dead, shall be when they 
 deliver. And whoever  fears God, He will make matters ease for him, in this 
 world and in the  Hereafter.
 Tanwîr al-Miqbâs min Tafsîr Ibn ‘Abbâs
 (And  for such of your women as despair of menstruation) because of old age, 
 (if ye doubt) about their waiting period, (their period (of waiting)  shall 

 three months) upon which another man asked: “O Messenger of  Allah! What 

 the waiting period of those who do not have  menstruation because they are 

 young?� (along with those who have it  not) because of young age, their 

 period is three months. Another  man asked: “what is the waiting period for 
 those women who are  pregnant?� (And for those with child) i.e. those who 

 pregnant,  (their period) their waiting period (shall be till they bring 

 their burden) their child. (And whosoever keepeth his duty to Allah) and 
 whoever fears Allah regarding what he commands him, (He maketh his  course 

 for him) He makes his matter easy; and it is 

Re: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik item abu
Si rezameutia ini udah jadi tukang fitnah yg ga tau malu, tp masih ngaku ga 
pernah ngefitnah. Lalu nambah dosa dgn fitnah baru.

Ini tipikal Islam koq, tukang fitnah.

Gua selalu bilang bhw orang Islam itu bejad, masuk ke milis borjuis ini dan 
ketemu orang baru, ternyata, hehehe emang ga salah koq apa yg gua bilang.

From: rezameutia rezameu...@yahoo.com
To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sun, April 24, 2011 7:32:56 AM
Subject: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel


--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, item abu itemabu@... wrote:

 Hehehe... apa di Alkitab tertulis si item abu ngencukin anak sendiri?
 Gua punya anak aja kagak, jadi gimana bisa gua ngencukin anak sendiri? 

ooo..., karena lu belum punya anak, kalo gitu lu pasti piara cabo yang namanya 
sama dengan nama ibu lu sendiri dong. 

siapa nama cabo yang elu piara?

 Si rezameutia ini emang betul2 brulyan dlm nunjukin betapa bejad dirinya, 

 ngefitnah secara ga tau malu, lalu ngaku ga pernah ngefitnah secara ga tau 

 Betul2 contoh yg baik dr orang islam yg soleh dan bertaqwa.

nggak gitu lah orang islam.

orang kristen diajarin untuk berbohong, fitnah, berkhianat, piara cabo sama lah 
seperti kelakuan jesus dan muridnya yang pengecut sialan dan tidak bertanggung 
jawab itu.

jadi kalo gw ketemu orang kristen taat kayak elu, ya gw udah maklum dan 
bahwa orang kayak elu akan berbohong, berkhianat, piara cabo sama seperti 
kelakuan jesus dan muridnya.

gitu aja kok

 From: rezameutia rezameutia@...
 To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Sat, April 23, 2011 3:28:39 PM
 Subject: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel
 --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, item abu itemabu@ wrote:
  Hehehe si rezameutia ini omong gede ga pernah ngefitnah, padahal jelas2 

  ngefitnah gua dgn nuduh gua ngencukin anak sendiri. 
 gw nggak fitnah.
 itu ada tertulis di alkitab.
  Emang koq, orang Islam itu ga punya malu sama sekali, udah kepergok 

  dan ngibul, terus aja mereka kaing2 sekeras2nya. 
 makin keliatan kan, orang kristen bego kalo udah nggak bisa debat lagi 

 dah oot sambil ngacir terkaing-kaing dan langsung ngeloco untuk memuaskan 

 sendiri.  biasalah itu tipikal kristen bego.
  Si rezameutia ini lagi berjihad ngibul dan ngefitnah di jalan auloh, 
 si anjing sipit lagi ngacir terkaing-kaing sambil menggonggong dan berdusta, 
 persis seperti muridnya tuhan jesus yang ngacir terkaing-kaing dan berdusta 
 ketika tuhan jesus disalib.
  From: rezameutia rezameutia@
  To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Fri, April 22, 2011 8:47:43 AM
  Subject: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel
  tuh kan mewek2 mulu.
  lu mewek ama si jusfiq junkie tua aja dah.
  gw nggak abis pikir ama kelakuan si anjing sipit penjilat kontol, kok demen 
  banget mewek2 sama orang lain minta bantuan supaya ikutan ngomong.  kenapa 

  elu ngomg sendiri sama gw?  nggak pede ya?!
  kelakuan si item anjing sipit ini sama persis seperti kelakuan si jusfiq 

  --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, item abu itemabu@ wrote:
   Hehehe... si rezameutia dan tawangalun itu ngefitnah gua, lu ini berpihak 

   From: Led Zeppelin led.zeppelin31@
   To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
   Sent: Fri, April 22, 2011 4:30:55 AM
   Subject: Re: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel
   Hehehe orang Islam lagi ngebela sodara berimannya yg jadi tukang 
   =Oooh sungguh2 sempit cara berfikir anda,jangankan manusia
   kucing/anjing tersasar saja perlu kita belaberi perlindungan memadai
   cara berfikir anda sangat sektarian hanya mementingkan golongan sendiri
   golongan lain bukan bahagian saya tidak seagama bukan teman saya
   tidak sependapat pasti musuh saya sungguh2 kacau anda ini.
   banyak posting anda menjurus kesitu,mungkin anda punya masalah 
   besar/trauma dengan lingkungan/pergaulan dimana anda tinggal?
   --- On Thu, 4/21/11, item abu itemabu@ wrote:
   From: item abu itemabu@
   Subject: Re: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel
   To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
   Date: Thursday, April 21, 2011, 1:31 PM
   Hehehe orang Islam lagi ngebela sodara berimannya yg jadi tukang 
   From: Led Zeppelin led.zeppelin31@
   To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
   Sent: Thu, April 21, 2011 3:47:37 PM
   Subject: Re: [proletar] Re: Ayat pedofil di Bibel
   Hehehe si rezameutia ini lagi kaing2 ngalihin topik dr soal dia 

   gua ke topik lain.
   =Badut ini selalu curiga melihat orang2 disekeliling nya padahal
   tidak ada yang bicara tentang dia
   Udah jelas koq pemahaman gua ttg Alkitab itu ga sama dgn 

Re: [proletar] Re: Outrageous verdict

2011-04-23 Terurut Topik item abu
Hehehe ocehan si rezameutia ini tentunya dibaca si suryana krn si suryana 
ngeblok posting si rezameutia.

Uenaknya saling jilat pantat antara suryana dan orang2 islam, hehehe...

Kalo gua sih, orang kayak si reza meutia ini kalo gua suruh anjing gua ngegigit 
jg gua ogah, krn bikin najis anjing gua.

From: rezameutia rezameu...@yahoo.com
To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sun, April 24, 2011 7:18:00 AM
Subject: [proletar] Re: Outrageous verdict

mau ngentot anak sendiri?
mau ngentot bini orang?
mau menghina dan menyakiti ibu sendiri? 
piara aja cabo yang namanya sama dengan ibu sendiri.

semuanya hal kelakuan yang nista dan najis ini cuma ada di kristen. 

--- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, item abu itemabu@... wrote:

 Mau jadi tukang merkosa? Masuk islam aja, hehehe
 Islam itu emang agama yg benar unt tukang merkosa.
 From: sunny ambon@...
 To: Undisclosed-Recipient@...
 Sent: Sat, April 23, 2011 7:58:17 PM
 Subject: [proletar] Outrageous verdict
 Apr 22, 2011 22:19
 Outrageous verdict
 The acquittal in the Mukhtaran Mai case is a blow to Pakistan itself and to 

 legal system
 The acquittal by Pakistan's Supreme Court of five of the six men charged with 
 raping a girl because her 12-year-old brother had been seeing a girl from 

 family, has been greeted with outrage around the world.
 This, however, should not be seen as a new cause for the international 

 liberation movement but as a blow to Pakistan itself and to its legal system. 
 The conviction of one man who took part in the gang-rape was upheld by 
 Pakistan's highest court, but the other five men walked free for, according 

 the court, lack of evidence. The convicted man saw his death sentence 

 to life imprisonment.
 There are three important lessons for Pakistan arising from this sordid and 
 deplorable crime. The first is that such punishments are not uncommon in a 
 country where family honor is often paramount. It seems clear that as a 

 of the friendship between a young boy and a girl from another clan, the 

 of that clan decreed the family of the other should be humiliated. It is 
 important to realize this was not just a rape crime. All too often in similar 
 circumstances the victim, weighed down by the shame of what has happened to 

 has taken her own life. Therefore ultimately this was a crime of attempted 
 murder. No civilized society should be prepared to tolerate such behavior.
 The second lesson has been taught by the victim herself, Mukhtaran Mai, an 
 illiterate peasant girl, who instead of taking her own life in the face of 

 enforced dishonor, bravely chose to take on her rapists and in doing so, the 
 entire Pakistani police and judicial system. She and her family are still 

 threatened with murder.
 She still maintains the police never took her statement properly and failed 

 investigate the crime in an efficient and timely manner. Hence, she says, it 
 could be claimed there was a lack of evidence against all but one of her 
 attackers, even though she was able to identify a number of them. The courts 

 which she pursued the men who had violated her, also displayed a distinct 

 of interest in her evidence, preferring to accept the police claims rather 

 challenging law officers to demonstrate the effectiveness of their 
 This is not, however, the disaster that outsiders are claiming it to be. 

 can be no doubt Pakistan has been shocked by the case. For the majority there 

 a sense of shame that such violent and degrading behavior can ever take place 
 and frustration that both police and courts have been so slow and reluctant 

 move against it. Remember this is a crime which took place fully nine years 

 The impact of the case on the authorities is likely to bring about a sea 

 in official attitudes. Next time that such a heinous crime is brought to the 
 attention of the police, it must be hoped that it will not just be the 

 who are charged, but also the elders who ordered the depraved crime.
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