Protecting your emails.

2001-06-04 Thread John Wilson

Dear Fellow 
people who want to protect their emails could do what Channel Nine do and add a 
"Disclaimer" as a footnote to their 
He is the wording of 
This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential 
and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are 
If you have received this email in error, please notify the 
addressee by return email.
This email transmission is the property of Nine Network 
Australia Property Limited and any information it contains is legally 
This footnote also confirms the email message has been swept 
for the presence of computer viruses."
I think that is pretty fair 
warning and others can take a leaf out of their book.
John Wilson.

Re: From Crikey - Hoser/Hulls/Jail/Hulls in contempt

2001-06-04 Thread John Wilson

Dear Allan,
You used the word "goy" which means "Yiddish 
name for a Gentile" where "Yiddish" means "A language spoken 
by Jews of E. Europe and N. America, based on a Hebraicised Middle German, with 
an admixture of French and English" and "Gentile" is "not a 
jew;  heathen ;  pagan; applied by the Mormons to all those who are 
not of their faith".
Somebody is confused.  I believe the Barons were acting 
for themselves and all Englishmen and women when they opposed the tyranny of 
King John.  The document used to guarantee rights was meant to last 
"for ever" and truly occupies the place in history as the most 
important charter of liberty.
Would-be tyrants want the Magna Carta scrapped and Australian 
judges now declare Magna Carta to be "obsolete" - which is the 
greatest act of treachery in this or any other century.
If you want your freedom, you are going to have to fight 
yourself - without the aid of the Barons-of-old.
Yours sincerely,
John Wilson.

    -----Original Message-From: 
John Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: 
Tuesday, 5 June 2001 5:47Subject: Re: From Crikey - 
Hoser/Hulls/Jail/Hulls in contemptJohn,The Magna Carta was not written for the GOY (human 
beings), I don't consider that we humans are slaves, the Elite deem all goy 
to be..  In 1215 it was the Barons, the wealthy, who put the strangle 
hold on King John. (have you ever seen the wealthy do anything to lift the 
lot of the poor, if the poor benefit along the way then that is 
coincidental.Allan   At 10:27 AM 04/06/2001 +1000, 
you wrote:
Dear Raymond,Not 
entitled to Trial by Jury in Victoria???I don't believe 
that.  Do you believe that?Don't surrender your 
Rights.You are a FREEMAN, as it says in Magna Carta - or do you 
consider yourself aSLAVE?John.-Original 
Message-From: Raymond Hoser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: 
John Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: Monday, 4 June 2001 
8:51Subject: Re: From Crikey - Hoser/Hulls/Jail/Hulls in 
contempt>No I'm not - not here in 
Hoser - Australia's leading corruption>author is now facing jail 
for telling the truth - go to:>>for 
details.>Please publicise this matter as widely as 
Hoser(AAC)>PO Box 599>Doncaster>Victoria 
3108>Australia>Phone: (Within Australia) 0412 
777211>mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>

Re: From Crikey - Hoser/Hulls/Jail/Hulls in contempt

2001-06-03 Thread John Wilson

Dear Raymond,

Not entitled to Trial by Jury in Victoria???

I don't believe that.  Do you believe that?

Don't surrender your Rights.

You are a FREEMAN, as it says in Magna Carta - or do you consider yourself a


-Original Message-
From: Raymond Hoser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: John Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, 4 June 2001 8:51
Subject: Re: From Crikey - Hoser/Hulls/Jail/Hulls in contempt

>No I'm not - not here in Vic.
>Raymond Hoser - Australia's leading corruption
>author is now facing jail for telling the truth - go to:
>for details.
>Please publicise this matter as widely as possible.
>Raymond Hoser(AAC)
>PO Box 599
>Victoria 3108
>Phone: (Within Australia) 0412 777211

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Fw: Freedom! Canada

2001-06-03 Thread John Wilson

-Original Message-
From: DataMorf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sunday, 3 June 2001 0:30
Subject: Freedom! Canada

>Hello My Fellow Freedom Champion,
>I would like everyone to know that my book "Freedom! Canada" has now been
>printed. Please pass this message on to your contact list. You can order
>copies of the book "Freedom! Canada" for $10. each from;
>Jim Townsend
>PO Box 63093, 2604 Kensington Road NW
>Calgary, Alberta, T2N 4S5
>You can also view the book on line at
> and I encourage you to pass
>link on to every Canadian you know. This information is of importance to
>of us.
>I posted the book on a web page with a talking parrot to read the text. If
>you have a sound card, you can sit back, relax and listen to the web page
>being read to you by a text to speech avatar.
>The book provides a synopsis of Canadian History. It explains how we as
>Canadians have been sold out time and again by representatives of the
>'Crown', a foreign power from Britain, and how this has lead up to the
>Fraudulent Income Tax Scheme now being perpetrated on the Canadian people
>this illegitimate foreign power who use our own 'Star Chamber Court System'
>to enrich their Treasury.
>I have tried to keep the book concise and easy to read for those with not
>much time on their hands. I hope after reading my book, you will write your
>MLA and MP for some answers to their abuses of our 'Constitution' and our
>Freedoms. If you are heading into court with Revenue Canada, please read a
>copy of the book. It might help you to also have it handy with you as a
>'In Toto', we can make a difference. But it will take our collective
>efforts. Hopefully this will help. Take care and God Bless.
>Cheers, Jim
>Townsend, Jim
>403 228 - 2798

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Re: Making the changes needed.

2001-06-03 Thread John Wilson

Dear Joe,
A fellow named Thomas Jefferson said, "I believe trial by 
jury to be the ONLY anchor yet imagined by man which can hold a government to 
the principles of its constitution.".
Please note the word "ONLY" (upper case added by me 
for emphasis).

-Original Message-From: 
succeed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: John 
Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: 
Wednesday, 30 May 2001 17:44Subject: Re: Making the changes 
Dear John,
No, I don't take any medication. But I get 
annoyed when people mislead others on any issue, in particular on such 
important issues.  There are two ways of dealing with the problem, not 
including open revolution, so why keep emphasise that there is ONLY one 
way?   This can only mislead people and cause some to close their 
mind to the truth, and I am sure that this is not your intention. Joe 

Re: Making the changes needed.

2001-05-29 Thread John Wilson

Dear Joe,
Have you run out of Valium?

-Original Message-From: 
    John Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: 
Monday, 28 May 2001 20:13Subject: Making the changes 
Greetings Sharree,
John Wilson copied his reply to you - on to 
Juries are one way not the only way.  
John is keen on the jury approach and doing a lot of damage 
demanding that it is the only way. Reality is that the more 
people that are doing something, then bigger the numbers of people will 
become informed.
Juries could do the job but for two major problems. 
1.  the courts deny the right to trial by jury on 
most matters.   2. the people are so dumbed down that most 
have no ability to serve as a juror, most don't know right from wrong. These 
problems are as difficult to overcome as changing the whole system of 
government.  Why repair a worn-out tyre when it should be replaced with 
a new one?
The problem, if a country has one and most do, is found in 
the rules that limit government, the Constitution.  Either it 
is an effective constitution or it is defective.  Most sound 
great but in reality are an open door to power hungry politicians doing the 
bidding of the money power.
A good Constitution sets proper, reasonable and 
enforceable limits on government and a means whereby the people can, readily 
and without personal expense enforce the rules.
If you are not getting justice then look to your 
Constitution for its inadequacy.
Australia is in just as big a mess as anywhere, all a 
result of the money power as it everywhere else.
Recently we declared an Australian Declaration of Right 
2001, attached for your information. We are working on a Draft Fresh 
Constitution which is all but complete.  Only available by in hard copy 
by post Kit $20A postal order.  The big problem is getting the 
population to know what we are doing that alone understand it.
We have step by step plans to overcome this problem, not 
for publication.
Unfortunately our biggest enemy is people like John Wilson 
who constantly tell people that so-in-so is the ONLY way, this attitude is 
epidemic in the 'freedom' movement in Australia.
Every thing you do will have an effect, in the end it will 
be an informed public that will bring the changes needed.  
But people rely on leadership and ideas so if you have some ideas go 
for it, but heed the above before deciding which way will have the greatest 
Through history the people have never done anything, it 
has always been the few, when the time is right (informed people) the few 
get a result with the weight of the people.
I know you have a bill of rights, so did soviet 
Russia.  There is only one way to guarantee people liberty and justice 
and that is by placing clear limits on government.  A bill of rights 
limits the people.  Limited Government and the means whereby the people 
can readily enforce the limits without personal costs is, to use Johns words 
the ONLY way.  But there is much informing of the general public to be 
done in the mean time, information about the power of juries and a host of 
other issues.
I often quote from your Declaration of 
Independence, to which I would take the liberty of 
adding three word, highlighted in blue:--
hold these truths to be self-evident, 
­­­that all men are 
created equal under the law, that they are 
endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these 
are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, 
governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the 
consent of the governed, that whenever any form of government becomes 
destructive of these ends, it is the 
right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new 
Check out the following web sites.
Regards Joe Bryant.

The Right to Trial by Jury.

2001-05-29 Thread John Wilson

Dear Fellow Australians,
Today, I have have filed an application for 
Special Leave to Appeal (File No:  S 110 of 2001) against the Judges of the 
New South Wales Supreme Court continuing to deny me, an ordinary citizen, the 
right to trial by jury to determine my action against the Crown for being denied 
the right to trial by jury when the Chief Judge at Common Law, James Wood, 
single-handedly tried, convicted and sentenced me to jail for 2 years without 
parole, on 9th November 1999.
The action against the Crown is intended to have 
a jury decide whether Australians have the right to trial by jury.
Judges maintain that we do not and that Magna 
Carta is obsolete.
Let the people decide?  Not if the judges 
can stop it.
Yours sincerely,
John Wilson. 

Re: J.A.I.L. In Australia?

2001-05-29 Thread John Wilson

Dear Ron,
I appreciate your email.
The USA Constitution is probably the best known in the 
However, the Australian Constitution is the best in the world 
because our ancestors took yours and dissected it.  Then they combined all 
the best features of English Common Law and formulated our Constitution.  
Ours has the advantage of being based on being "under the Crown" and 
the Crown is bound to the Coronation Oath - which, in turn, commits the 
Queen/King the Holy Bible and to "execute Law and Justice with Mercy in all 
her (his) Judgments".  The "Law" means English Common Law of 
magna Carta, Bill of Rights, Petition of Rights, Habeas Corpus, etc.. The Queen, 
at the Coronation, accepts the Holy Bible as "royal Law", ie:  
that all Law adheres to the 2 Commandments of "love God" and 
"love your neighbour". King Alfred in 891 A.D. decreed that all 
English Law conform to the Commandments. Therefore,  anyone (including 
judges) swearing the Oath of Allegiance "to be faithful and bear true 
allegiance to Her Majesty", is bound by in the same way.
Perhaps that is a long-winded way of saying that Australian 
heritage is the same as the American experience - with the execept that the 
Americans broke away, by way of the War of Independence, and hurriedly had to 
put together their own Bill of Rights in order to maintain the protections they 
enjoyed "under the Crown".
Our problem is that Judicial Corruption has become endemic 
with the Banks in absolute control of our Parliaments and Courts.
All we have to do is fight our enemies with what we already 
have, ie:  English Common Law.  This requires persistence because, 
eventually,  Truth and Justice will re-emerge.
The concept of J.A.I.L. is excellent and should be pursued 
throughout the world.  In America, you have a head-start because I get the 
feeling that Judicial Honesty is more immediately achievable. Perhaps it is your 
greater love of country and more willingness to fight to protect it and your 
Americans are in the vanguard.  God give you 
Yours sincerely,
John Wilson. 

-Original Message-From: 
John Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: 
Sunday, 27 May 2001 18:00Subject: J.A.I.L. In 
I have pursued your website and find the 
information not only interesting, but not so different from the situation 
that we have here in the United States. The difficulty I am having is that 
people tend to think that "that's a foreign country, and does not 
affect here." 
While the JAIL4Judges objective pertains with the 
U.S. judges being held to the standards of United States Constitution, we 
are more and more receiving mail from foreign countries asking about how 
J.A.I.L. may be of help with their country.
Sorry to have to say, but reasonably expected, I 
have no knowledge of the "Constitutions" of any country outside 
the U.S. However, I am getting the distinct feeling that many foreigners are 
not only watching what we are doing here, but are considering how J.A.I.L. 
may be adapted to their respective countries. This is good thinking, but 
requires the self-imagination and leadership of the right person to strike 
out and run with it "foreign."
In writing this initiative, I never once gave a 
thought of this as adaptable to foreign interests, as my 
"world" is the United States. My eyes, mind and spirit are 
evermore being awakened as to my shortsightedness. Where does one begin? How 
can one do something about a country in which he knows nothing about? I 
will let you enlighten me on that point. All I can say is that it appears 
that J.A.I.L. (in whatever form it may arise) is the need of the world. But 
I feel so very helpless. Are you the man for Australia?  Instruct me, 
Ronald Branson

PS - I note that you requested to be on our 
mailings over a month ago. By responding to this email, I am 
concurrently blindly c.c.'ing many others who may be in touch with you on 
this. God bless you Mr. Wilson. Let me know your thoughts.

- Original Message - 

Sent: Sunday, May 20, 2001 6:21 
Subject: Spreading the word about 

Dear Sirs,
I am having a battle with Australian 
Judges over the right to Trial by Jury.
Is it possible to send my bulletins to 
someone in your organization for perusal and possible relaying to your 
mailing list?
John Wilson.

Fw: Corruption author to be jailed - see below:

2001-05-29 Thread John Wilson

-Original Message-
From: Raymond Hoser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: AA Media Release For Immediate Publication <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sunday, 27 May 2001 10:00
Subject: Corruption author to be jailed - see below:

>In an Australian first and in a step reminiscent of Stalinist Russia,
>Victoria's Attorney General Rob Hulls has instructed his government to
>initiate proceedings against Australia's leading corruption author
>Raymond Hoser with a view to having him imprisoned.
>Hulls has just issued writs against Hoser and his publishing company
>Kotabi over their 2 year-old books Victoria Police Corruption 1 and 2,
>(which between them total 1,536 pages).
>These books were best-sellers before Hulls ordered them off the
>bookshelves last year in all Australian states (a year after
>Now two years after publication and with total sales over 10,000 copies,
>Hulls has again instructed his lawyers to sue Hoser and his publisher
>for "contempt".
>The charge of "contempt" alleges that Hoser and publisher have
>"scandalized" the Victorian courts.
>The same allegation was pursued unsuccessfully against Hoser in a
>related defamation action in April 2001, when Justice Bill Gillard ruled
>the application as improper and awarded costs in Hoser's favor.
>Several months later, Hoser signed off on an agreement not to pursue
>these costs on the basis that all actions against him would be dropped.
>Now, six months later, Hulls has broken the agreement and initiated
>fresh legal action against Hoser and his publisher.
>If the case is successful, Hoser will once again be jailed for doing
>nothing more than telling the truth.
>The same thing happened to Hoser in 1997 when he was improperly
>convicted of perjury.
>In relation to that matter, the main prosecution witness John Connell
>later admitted that he'd deliberately lied to have Hoser jailed.
>Hoser has yet to receive compensation for the four months he spent
>behind bars.
>The new Hulls writ cites various statements in Hoser's books about
>Magistrates and judges as potentially scandalizing the courts.
>Hoser notes that the statements referred to have long been on the public
>record, and in the main are derived from the government's own official
>Furthermore, late last year the Hulls side conceded that the relevant
>sections of the books (as cited in this latest writ) were totally true
>and correct.
>Hoser's lawyer Alex Tees also notes that an important part of the
>British legal system is that the courts should be open to public
>scrutiny and comment.
>This same view was upheld in an unsuccessful contempt action against
>Trevor Torney (known as Torney ex parte) in the High Court last year and
>other similar cases.
>However in a compete repudiation of the Westminster tradition, Hulls is
>now seeking to gag all public debate in relation to the courts.
>This latest attempt at censorship comes in the immediate wake of the
>resignation of Hulls' personal friend and colleague, County Court Judge
>Robert Kent, who was recently convicted of tax charges.
>Hoser notes that the delays on Hulls' part in terminating Kent's
>employment by the court, "scandalized" the court far more than all that
>appears in Hoser's books. (Kent ended up resigning on 24 May following a
>series of newspaper editorials calling on him to do so).
>Perhaps Hulls himself should be charged with scandalizing the court.
>The first round in the battle is at the Melbourne Supreme Court this
>Wednesday (30 May 2001), when Hulls' taxpayer funded legal team will be
>applying to the court to have Hoser fined and jailed and to effectively
>close-down Kotabi Publishing, who up until now have been regarded as one
>of Australia's leading independent publishers.
>Hoser and his publisher note that this latest case is yet another
>attempt to unlawfully ban a pair of important corruption books - all the
>more significant as large chunks of information from within the books
>have since been re-reported in the mainstream papers as well as other
>books including Underbelly 4 by Silvester and Rule and No Justice by
>The irony is that here in Victoria, Bank Robbers and drug pushers are
>allowed to roam free, while the government is plying it's vast resources
>into having a man jailed for doing nothing more than documenting the
>All media are urged to attend and report on this important free speech
>case next Wednesday.
>Copies of the writs (as issued) will be posted at:
>by end of today's date.
>Further inquiries: please phone:
>Kotabi Publishing: 03 9857-4491
>Kotabi's lawyers: 
>Duker and Associates, 
>Alex Tees:
>Mobile: 0409-813-622
>Raymond Hoser: 
>For details of the earlier actions by Rob Hulls and the Victorian
>Government Solicitor (and relevant

Re: the basis for it all

2001-05-27 Thread John Wilson

Dear Sheree,

Thank you for the email.  J.A.I.L. is an important venture but to think that
new laws are necessary is wrong and playing right into the hands of the
enemy because, by people accepting that premise, means that what the banks
and judges are doing is legal --- it is not.  The laws are there to hammer
these criminals - they will pretend they are not, but that is their game of

Educate the public?  Sure! Twelve at a time.

Refusing Discovery is just as much a crime as the Fraud and Corrupt, in the
first place.

Juries are our ONLY means of achieving Truth and Justice - as well as
enforcing our existing Laws.

Those Juries must be FULLY INFORMED (Please look at )

The Conspiracy to Defraud and Subjugate is very much a reality.  It is so
well entrenched, that even the public are unaware that there could be any
other alternative administration.  It is so well entrenched, that the public
are frightened of change.

A few years ago,  radio talk-back personality told me, on air, "Don't bother
to fight. The bad guys have already won." (Brian Wilshire on station 2GB,

But the fighting is not over until the last Patriot is dead.

Yes,  educate the public - but the media are on the side of the enemy.
Having rallies and protests are exercises in futility.

Educate the public, in the Courts,  12 at a time.  Those 12 must be fully
informed jurors.  That is the only way to inform, while bringing about
Redress and Remedy.

Don't be conned into wasting energies on political campaigns to influence
the masses - they will end up by having committees and leaving the
responsibility someone else - and that "someone else" becomes someone else,

Better that ten, or a hundred, or a thousand individuals take their
individual case to a Jury for an individual resolution which will have the
authority of the Court to enforce Right.

(Sorry, Sheree, for the "soap box").

Yours sincerely,

John Wilson.

-Original Message-
From: Sherree Lowe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, 28 May 2001 4:35
Subject: the basis for it all

>I am a J.A.I.L. member from Florida.
>Over the past months I have been researching the banking codes, such as
>title 12 and title 50.
>The Judges, and banks are denying public access to these, and are
>violating their own laws.
>The corruption is world wide, power and money, it is all part of the big
>picture for world takeover by
>a select group.
>Please give me your comments, as I take the time to read your book on
>line, and explore your site.
>Also, we must find a way to educate the general populace, we need
>education, but how do we reach the people...they are shutting us up,
>with imprisonment if we persist.

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2001-05-22 Thread John Wilson

Good on you,  Phillip,

Get stuck into the Archbishop - and while you're about it, put Queen
Elizabeth 11 in her place, too.

Having a clergyman renege on the responsibilities and duty of the Office of
the Executive of our Government is rubbing salt into the wound.

The Coronation Oath and the Oath of Allegiance are apparently meaningless to
these people.

Might well you say "God Save the Queen" because the Archbishop doesn't seem
inclined to do so.

Yours sincerely,

John Wilson.

-Original Message-
Date: Wednesday, 23 May 2001 8:39

>Would you please note that correspondence to the Australian Monarchist
League should be addressed us at: P O Box 1068, Double Bay  NSW  1360.
>I have come under a great deal of criticism for daring to oppose the
nomination of and acceptance by Archbishop Peter Hollingworth for the
highest office under The Crown of Governor-General.
>If I,  as National Chairman of the Australian Monarchist League,  must be
muted on these issues,  then what worth is our democracy.
>I believe that there is no transgression in justified criticism,  even
against members of the Royal Family.  Rather,  the fault is in slavishly
paying obeisance.
>For the edification of those interested I append below a copy of a letter I
had written to the Archbishop.  I have had no reply,  not do I anticipate
>With regards,
>Philip Benwell
>National Chairman
>Australian Monarchist League
>The Most Rev'd Peter Hollingworth AO OBE
>Archbishop of Brisbane
>Your Grace,
>We must admit to concerns over Your Grace's open dalliance with support for
a republic which we believe could well taint you for the high office to
which you are to be installed.  We would like to clarify matters for you are
to be our Governor-General and we are to be your People.
>We note that at the Constitutional Convention you did not simply observe
and comment on matters pertaining to the Christian nature of our
Constitution,  but was actually a very active participant,  presenting
reports from working groups and seconding motions and you are even reported
as having said that the Australian People "would be fools" not to vote for a
>We remain disturbed at your inference at the Convention that the term 'God'
in the Preamble is meant in a generic sense whereas the actual wording is
'Almighty God'.
>Whilst it is true that you abstained from voting on the final day of the
Convention,   we note that you consistently voted along with the republicans
in favour of the 'Turnbull' Model in rounds one to four on the 12th February
>The final motion on that day was "That, if Australia is to become a
republic,  this Convention recommends that the model adopted be the
Bi-Partisan Appointment of a President Model" to which you voted in favour.
>It was only on the vote on the following day,  the 13th February 1998 for
the motion: "That this Convention supports in Principle, Australia becoming
a republic" that you abstained.  You have since been reported as saying that
this was because you felt the model proposed to be unstable.  If this was
so,  why then did you not vote against it?
>We are disappointed that our calls for prayers for The Queen on special
occasions,  the last being for Her Majesty's 75th birthday,  have never been
acknowledged by you or your staff.  We have also over time received numerous
concerns from monarchists that their communications to you have been
>It would be to the benefit of us all if these concerns could be clarified.
Notwithstanding this,  we wish to assure you that as Governor-General you
will have our complete loyalty.
>Philip Benwell

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Fw: H.M. the Queen Letter to

2001-05-21 Thread John Wilson

-Original Message-
From: Kenneth Costello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: John Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, 21 May 2001 19:52
Subject: Fw: H.M. the Queen Letter to

>Hello John
>Wondered if you had received this.
>Ken Costello 
>- Original Message - 
>From: Ron Clifford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Saturday, May 19, 2001 10:01 PM
>Subject: H.M. the Queen Letter to
>> Hello Ken,
>>   Strange how things work !!   I was conversing with you yesterday and
>> after that I received this from another fellow in Alberta, Canada.  The
>> website address's I previously mentioned are  and
>> Patriotsonguard.orgWith patriots we are presently delivering Flyers
>> in the city of Calgary to eliminate the Flouride in the water system.
>> This program really works.  In Canada I believe we can be recognized for
>> the stepping down of a City Police chief,  4 court judges, Police being
>> transferred to other locations, even a Banker moving to another town.
>> We have to use our own Media to deliver the Truth !!!
>> Blessings,
>> : Calvin-Ronald: Clifford
>> (Ron)
>> P.S.
>> I belive that what you sent me yesterday will be posted on
>>  in a few days.  Here Fred has a counter on his
>> website and he  can track the # of hits he gets and where they come
>> from.  He tells me that the RCMP and Ottawa, (the Federal Gov't)  are in
>> there 4-5 times a day. You should write Fred a note.
>> Ron
>>   Sir Robin Janvrin, KCVO, CB
>>   Principal Private Secretary to Her Majesty The
>> Queen
>>   Buckingham Palace
>>   London
>>   23 March 2001
>>   You were kind enough to invite a letter of
>> amplification to accompany
>>   our petition to Her Majesty.  Thank you.
>>   The Treaty of Nice raises issues of major
>> constitutional importance.  It
>>   directly threatens our rights and freedoms, and
>> undermines oaths of
>>   loyalty to the Crown.   Such fundamental matters
>> cannot be considered
>>   merely the stuff of day-to-day politics.  They
>> directly concern the
>>   Crown, the constitution and every British subject,
>> including generations
>>   yet unborn.
>>   We find ourselves living in exceptional times,
>> which call for
>>   exceptional measures.  Hence our petition to Her
>> Majesty, which
>>   exercises rights unused for over 300 years -
>> clause 61 of Magna Carta,
>>   which were reinforced by article 5 of the Bill of
>> Rights.
>>   As you know, the wording of clause 61 says:
>> ...and, laying the
>>   transgression before us, petition to have that
>> transgression redressed
>>   without delay...And we shall procure nothing from
>> anyone, directly or
>>   indirectly, whereby any part of these concessions
>> and liberties might be
>>   revoked or diminished; and if any such things has
>> been procured, let it
>>   be void and null.
>>   We have petitioned Her Majesty to withhold the
>> Royal Assent from any
>>   Bill seeking to ratify the Treaty of Nice because
>> there is clear
>>   evidence (which we shall address in a moment) that
>> it is in direct
>>   conflict with the Constitution of the United
>> Kingdom.  It conflicts with
>>   Magna Carta, with the Declaration and Bill of
>> Rights and, above all,
>>   with Her Majestys Coronation Oath and the Oaths of
>> Office of Her
>>   Majestys ministers.  Every one of these
>> protections stand to this day,
>>   which is why they are now being invoked by our
>> petition.
>>   Ultimately, our supreme protection is Her Majestys
>> obligations under
>>   the Coronation Oath.  The Queen has solemnly
>> promised to govern the
>>   peoples of the United Kingdom according to the
>> Statutes in Parliament

Re: (((mayday-announce))) Trial by Jury denied = Justice denied.

2001-05-20 Thread John Wilson

Dear Wolter,
Gaudron J (+ Callinan J) dismissed my application for leave to 
appeal against Hidden J's denial of trial by jury.
Toohey J (+ Kirby & Dawsson JJ) dismissed my application 
for leave to appeal against Supreme Court of NSW's Master Greenwood's ruling 
that a variable rate of interest "is indeed certain".

-Original Message-From: 
Wolter Joosse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: 
John Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 
Cyberjustice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: 
Friday, 18 May 2001 22:03Subject: Re: (((mayday-announce))) 
Trial by Jury denied = Justice denied.
Allow me to quote the High court of 
“If the courts of common law do 
not uphold the rights of the individuals 
by granting effective remedies, they 
invite anarchy, for nothing breeds 
social disorder as quickly as the sense 
of injustice which is apt to be 
generated by the unlawful invasion of a 
person’s rights, particular when 
the invader is a government 

Toohey JJ, Plenty v Dillon &Ors HCA\91)

----- Original Message - 
To: Cyberjustice 
Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2001 8:05 
Subject: Re: (((mayday-announce))) 
Trial by Jury denied = Justice denied.

Dear John,
I am not using barristers or solicitors.  The one 
time I did, they not only failed to represent me they supported the 
judge's contention that Magna Carta was "obsolete". I sacked 
them on leaving the court. They are incompetent and 
Trial by Jury is guarantied by many charters and 
statutes.  Under the imperial Acts Application Act, anyone (eg: 
judges) who offends against an Imperial enactment is liable to 5 years 
imprisonment - and the trial must be by jury.  5 years for each 
offence against all of those Imperial enactments amounts to a long, long 
time in jail.
That is the Law and that is Justice.
The judges have nowhere to hide.
Trial by Jury is the single most important issue in 
history because, without it, there is tyranny and tyranny leads to 
So, it doesn't matter which court a 
"freeman" is faced with,  the right to trial by jury is 
Yours sincerely,
John Wilson. 

        Message-From: Cyberjustice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: 
John Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: 
Tuesday, 15 May 2001 18:06Subject: Re: 
(((mayday-announce))) Trial by Jury denied = Justice 
Hi we are suing a barrister and lawyer 
in the Victorian County Court and currently have a Jury. They the 
lawyers we are suing are fighting tooth and nail to have the matter 
struck out and or have the jury removed.
Check out
John Tuczynski
- Original Message - 

John Wilson 

Sent: Monday, May 14, 2001 
8:23 AM
(((mayday-announce))) Trial by Jury denied = Justice 

Dear M1,
Without Trial by Jury, no 
individual or group will achieve anything.
A Court consists of a Judge and 
a Jury - and, if a Judge is employed by any party in the 
proceedings, the Jury are sole judges of every "part and 
parcel" of the case.
On Thursday 19th July, 2001 at 
the Supreme Court of New South Wales, Queen's Square, Sydney, 
NSW, Australia, a single Judge will hear a Notice of Motion to 
deny Trial by Jury in the matter of John Wilson -v- St. George 
Bank Limited & State of New South Wales.
The issues in the case are Bank 
Fraud (contracts involving variable interest rates are void, 
under Common Law, because of uncertainty + banks create money 
"out of thin air") and Judicial Corruption (Judges 
from the Supreme Court to the High Court conceal Bank 
Fraud).  Therefore, the conspiracy between Banks and Judges 


2001-05-20 Thread John Wilson

Dear Fellow Australians,
In a DEMOCRACY, the People Rule - from the Greek 
"demos" (people) and "kratos" (rule).
In a DEMOCRACY, SOVEREIGNTY - Supreme Authority 
- lies with the People.
In a DEMOCRACY, there is GOVERNMENT by the 
People, of the People and for the People.
the Executive, House of Representatives, Senate and the Courts.
In a DEMOCRACY, a COURT is constituted by a 
JUDGE and JURY guaranteeing Trial by Jury - Trial by the People.
HOWEVER, in Australia Judges have assumed the 
Power of dispensing with the Laws and Rights of the People - in particular, 
Trial by Jury.  Thereby, on their own initiative, undermining Democracy by 
taking away the Right of the People to NULLIFY BAD LAWS which have been passed 
by the other 3 Arms of Government.  
Without Juries,  Judges have ABSOLUTE POWER 
in the COURTS.
Thomas Jefferson said, "The germ of 
destruction of our nation is in the power of the judiciary, an irresponsible 
body - working like gravity by night and by day, gaining a little today and a 
little tomorrow, and advancing its noisless step like a thief over the field of 
jurisdoction, until all shall render powerless the checks of one branch over the 
other and will beccome as venal and oppressive as the government from wich we 
It was the overwhelming WILL of the PEOPLE, at a 
National Referendum in 1988, not to exclude Trial by Jury from Contempt of Court 
and Courts Martial which would have altered Section 80 of the Australian 
And yet Judges deny Trial by Jury for Contempt 
of Court - thereby granting themselves absolute power to conceal their own 
incompetence, corruption and treachery.
Judges also deny Trial by Jury where there are 
To witness JUDICIAL TREASON in action,  
please attend the Supreme Court of New South Wales on Thursday 19th July 2001 
where Judges are denying Trial by Jury for just such Bank Fraud and Judicial 
Corruption in John Wilson -v- St. George Bank Ltd & State of New South Wales 
and in John Wilson -v- State of New South Wales where the issues are Unlawful 
and Malicious Prosecution and the Validity of Taxation Laws.
Without Trial by Jury to NULLIFY, the Executive (the Queen 
having abdicated the role which she swore to honour in the Coronation Oath) 
offers no avenue to redress and remedy wrongs,  while the House of 
Representatives and the Senate (being controlled by Banks, Multinational 
Corporations and Vested Interest Groups) make laws contrary to "the Peace, 
Order and Good Government of the People".
Trial by Jury - 19th July, 2001 - Supreme Court, Sydney, NSW, 
Yours sincerely,
John Wilson. 

Fw: Plan On Being In New York This Sat. 19th.

2001-05-17 Thread John Wilson

-Original Message-From: 
Friday, 18 May 2001 6:26Subject: Plan On Being In New York This 
Sat. 19th.
You've only got two days 
Plan to be in New 
Flash - Flash - 
Since the prior publication of the 
below flyer, Attorney Gary Zerman, 
J.A.I.L.'s Right-hand man, is 
currently, at this moment, on his way flying to New York, and 
will be on the radio waves tomorrow promoting this event. 
(If you have a radio program and would like to have Gary on your program 
[preferably tomorrow], call Gage at (518) 282-9818, or Loeber at (518) 872-2154. 
He will be in the New York area for one week.) He will also be the surprise 
guest speaker at the event this Saturday. Everyone in and about 
the east coast area, do all within you power to be present and to meet Gary 
Zerman. All the details you need to make any contacts are on the below 
flyer.  - Ron Branson

1st Annual New York 
Organizing Meeting of
May 19, 2001   
9A.M. - 5P.M.
Registration and Coffee at 
Rotterdam Motor 
2788 Hamburg 
Schenectady, NY 
(518) 355- or (888) 
From NYS Twy Exit 25, take Rt 7 west 1/2 
mile, then Rt 146 north 1 mile.
Judicial Accountability 
& Integrity Legislation
To finalize proposed 
To organize a J.A.I.L. group for 
New York State
To elect officers and form 
To create a NY-JAIL 
To set goals for next 
"...when a long train of 
abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to 
reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to 
throw off such Government, and provide new guards for their future 
Declaration of Independence, July 
4, 1776
Are you fed up with 
Judicial Tyranny?
Want to do something about 
it? Check out...
Join us on Saturday, May 19th. It 
may be the opportunity of a lifetime.
$20 Donation covers the 
cost of the meeting room, morning coffee & buffet 
NY-JAIL4Judges - P.O. Box 193 - 
Knox, NY 12107
Bill Gage (518) 
Ron Loeber (518) 
872-2154         [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Room Reservations (518) 355- 
or (888) 371-3316 

Re: Appeal in Supreme Court

2001-05-17 Thread John Wilson

Dear Masood,

You will not receive justice from judges.

Please look at the attachment in which I outline the need for trial by jury.
Please use any of it in your affidavits to support a Notice of Motion to
Requisition Trial by Jury.

In the High Court there is provision for a Jury - the Jury Box is there in

Apply under section 77B of the Judiciary Act 1903 which says that "The High
Court may,  in any suit in which the ends of justice appear to render it
expedient to do so, direct the trial with a jury of the suit or of an issue
of fact, and may for the pupose make all such orders, issue all such writs
and cause all such proceedings to be had and taken as the Court thinks
necessary, and upon the finding of the jury the Court may give such
decisions and pronounce such judgment as the case requires."

Also say, in the Affidavit that under section 3 of the Supreme Court
Procedure Act 1900 guarantees you Trial by Jury "in any action" if there is
no "consent by both parties" to have the matter heard "by a judge without a
jury".  Halsbury's Laws of Australia says that this consent must "be clear
and unequivocal" or else the Court has no jurisdiction.

A case in Queensland's Court of Appeal, handed down 15 May 2001,  that
ordered to "set aside the verdict and judgment in favour of the defendant;
.. that there be a new trial of the action;  ...  that the defendant pay the
plaintiff's costs of the first trial"  because the judge dispensed with the
jury saying "the trial judge's ruling took away the right of the applicants
to have the decision made by a jury".  Merrin & Anor v Cairns Port Authority
(2001) QCA 178.



-Original Message-
From: Masood Falamaki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wednesday, 16 May 2001 19:53
Subject: Appeal in Supreme Court

>Dr John Wilson
>Thank you for the time that you put to consider this case.
>As you are aware I had an appeal before a panel of 3 judges.  My appeal was
>dismissed, and leave to appeal was refused.
>I have already filed an application for special leave to Appeal in the High
>My question is that if I try to put an appeal in the Supreme Court that the
>judgment of the above panel of 3 judges to be reviewed by others what
>procedure is to be followed.  The fact is that JA Handley prepared the
>minutes of judgment and it appears that he made serious mistakes in his
>judgment.  Unfortunately the other two judges agreed with him.
>Looking forward to hearing from you ASAP.
>Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

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Fw: ** Before The U.S. Sup. Ct. (PT. II - The Speach)

2001-05-17 Thread John Wilson

-Original Message-From: 
Wednesday, 16 May 2001 17:51Subject: ** Before The U.S. Sup. Ct. 
(PT. II - The Speach)


J.A.I.L. News 
California  May 
15, 2001  
Before The U.S. Supreme 
(PT. II  - The 
JAIL4Judges participated in a major 
demonstration in Washington, D.C. on May 6th in front of the United States 
Supreme Court.  Below is the speech given by military Captain 
Dennis M. Hatcher, now JAILer-In-Chief of Georgia, and since 
promoted to serve as our Associate J.A.I.L. Commander-In-Chief. 


Washington DC May 6, 2001
Dennis M. Hatcher representing JAIL4Judges
Good afternoon, Ladies and Gentlemen. I thank all of you for coming here 
today for this important rally for the cause of justice. My name is Dennis 
Hatcher, and I represent an organization called JAIL 4 Judges. I am here today 
at the behest of the founder of JAIL, Ron Branson, who is in Los Angeles and 
could not be with us. But be assured his spirit is among you, whispering the 
message of change in your ears.
I am the JAIL4Judges Chairman for the State of Georgia, where it is often 
heard, "When it comes to justice, the "yoke's" on us... 
What is JAIL4Judges? For many of you, this is the first time you have heard 
the name, but I assure you, we've been around for a few years. JAIL stands for 
"Judicial Accountability and Integrity Legislation" and as it's name 
implies it demands that the corrupt and inept judges in this country be held 
accountable for their misdeeds. Very simply, it means that the People of this 
nation are demanding the same standards of accountability from the judiciary as 
the judiciary demands of us. It means that We the People are taking back the 
power and authority that we have granted them for far too long. It means we will 
wield the sword of justice on those who have for so long used that sword to 
defend  abuse and corruption. (Some shouts of "yes, yes!")
Everyday, in nearly every city, in every state, across this nation good and 
innocent citizens feel the sting, feel the agony of the lash called 
"Justice." If any one of you here today decided to go out and play 
with the life of the person next to you; if you had black uniformed thugs behind 
you as you took your neighbor's life savings and through the use of extortion 
told them they must continue to pay you their hard-earned money; and just to 
show that person you meant business you tied his or her hands, threw them in to 
a freezing room with no water, toilet, bed or food, subjected them to 
unspeakable humiliations; if you told them they could not speak to you let alone 
protest what you were doing to them; and then, when you were through toying with 
them, you tell them that the real reason you are doing this is for their own 
good, or even more importantly for the good of society, how long would you get 
away with it? Well, I tell you now, if you just happen to be a judge in the 
United States, you will always get away with it! (Shouts of support, "Yes, yes!" and "That's 
Now, some of you might be thinking to yourselves, "No, judges can't do 
that, because if they did, there are methods of punishing them." For those 
of you who think that organizations such as the State Bar for attorneys and 
Judicial Qualification Commissions for judges are there for you, you are sadly 
The truth is these institutions of American jurisprudence are 
instruments not of self discipline, but rather, 
no discipline! These organizations send the message 
that what the judiciary does to us, the People of this nation, is OK. Of the 
thousands of complaints received each year by the State Bars and Judicial 
Commissions, less than 3% result in disciplinary action. And of that tiny 
percentage, how many result in anything more than a letter of caution? Less 
than one half of one percent! What does this tell us about the state bars' 
and judicial commissions' opinion of We the People? That 97% of 
us are wrong! That when 97% of us smell a stinking diaper, that we are not smart 
enough to know what it is! (Laughter and applause from the 
Two weeks ago, this 
(Pointing to the building) 
Supreme Court upheld the right of police to handcuff 
and arrest citizens for minor traffic violations. This means you will have your 
life turned inside out because you forgot to signal a lane change, or forgot to 
buckle your seat belt, or, God forbid, you forgot to turn your headlights on 
during a rainstorm. What on earth were our justices thinking? What was on 
the minds of these bastions of logic? Someone needs to tell all of us why these 
(Still pointing at the Supreme Court 
building) protectors of rights didn't say, 
"No way will we allow the police to r

Re: Before The U.S. Sup. Ct. (PT. I - The Event).

2001-05-17 Thread John Wilson


-Original Message-From: 
jail4judges <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: 
Wednesday, 16 May 2001 17:00Subject: Before The U.S. Sup. Ct. 
(PT. I - The Event).


J.A.I.L. News 
California  May 
15, 2001  
Before The U.S. 
Supreme Court
(PT. I  - The 
JAIL4Judges participated in a major 
demonstration in Washington, D.C. on May 6th in front of the United States 
Supreme Court.  Below is the report on this event as given by military 
Captain Dennis M. Hatcher, now JAILer-In-Chief of 
Georgia, and since promoted to serve as our Associate J.A.I.L. 
In the interest of brevity, we have 
pared down the report using ellipsis, and in the interest of readability, 
have supplied connecting words. You will find this report very inspiring and 
motivating to get involved in freedom for your 


Sunday May 6   
We arrived at the Supreme Court Building at approximately 9:30 am. I 
introduced myself to the people who were already setting up the posters and 
podium.  One dedicated group had brought a utility van completely 
outfitted for the maintenance and assembly of demonstration equipment. At 
precisely 9:45am, President Bush and his motorcade drove past 
approximately 15-20 feet away from our demonstration site.  If he 
looked our way, he saw people assembling signs and meeting each 
At around ...1:00 
p.m. ...demonstrators were 
gathering in large numbers and starting to march at random along 2nd Street, 
the road that separates the Supreme Court Building from the Capitol 
At this time, I took partial control of 
the marchers and using a bullhorn, began to shout slogans and messages to 
all who would hear.  Within a very short time, the chant "JAIL for 
Judges" became the rallying cry. I pointed the bullhorn at the 
Capitol Building and implored visitors and tourists to join our 
demonstration. Instantly, crowds of people were drawn to the street, and 
many crossed over and picked up a sign.  
Several foreign tourists asked me about 
our demonstration. They seemed very impressed about what we were doing.  I 
personally made the acquaintance of one Russian and one Nicaraguan, and 
there were many others. A Japanese reporter took a J4J card and asked 
if she and her crew could film us. Naturally, I said yes.  

As the chanting became more aggressive, 
more D.C. policemen arrived and positioned themselves on the steps of 
the court house.  I counted ten policemen in the front, but more were 
probably guarding the sides and rear of the building.  Later, there 
would be threats of arrest from these policemen and verbal 
confrontations about our J4J T-shirts.  All during this one hour 
period prior to the speeches, tour buses and bands of foot tourists paraded 
by us, taking thousands of photos.  At least one high school tour group 
received a lecture from their teachers on the right to demonstrate, and 
several students asked me about our cause.  I simply told them that if 
we do not act now, then they will inherit our failures.
At 2:00pm, rally organizer David Grossack 
addressed the crowd of approximately 115 demonstrators.  He made 
several comments in addition to a general introduction.  One of 
David's most important points was the mention that he and his group are 
fighting corruption in the courts by taking up the causes of those who have 
been bankrupted by attorneys and then left to finish their cases without 
representation when the money ran out.  He got a good reception from 
the crowd.  He then introduced me as the first speechmaker and plugged 
J4J as one of the fastest growing anti-immunity organizations in the nation. 
I had a distinct advantage by being the first to speak as I had the 
attention of the crowd. ... 
I presented my prepared speech (See Part II for 
the full speech)  After the speech, I was complimented on it's 
content and I and the other JAILers began to pass out J4J cards in large 
quantities. ... 
At this point, at approximately 3:00 p.m., I 
attempted to sit on the steps of the court house, as I was weary of my 
crutches (I had to have  surgery on my leg) and was greatly 
fatigued in my legs.  I gently lowered myself onto the bottom 
step.  I was there approximately 15 seconds when one of the police 
guards walked up behind me and told me I could not sit there, and that I 
would be arrested if I did not get up.  
Indignantly, I as

Annexation of the Australian Nation to a Referendum.

2001-05-17 Thread John Wilson

Dear David,
The media are not telling the people of the 
annexation - which, of course, is part of the "mushroom" 
To have its full impact,  your campaign needs a national 
There is a national election in the air - an ideal time to put 
the question of choice between the present system and what the Principality of 
Caledonia offers.
John Wilson.

Re: The Modern Day Thought Police

2001-05-15 Thread John Wilson


-Original Message-From: 
Tuesday, 15 May 2001 19:09Subject: The Modern Day Thought 
J.A.I.L. News 
May 15, 2001  
For a beautiful navy blue 
T-shirt with "J.A.I.L." on the back and large and visible 
over the pocket, imprinted in a bright yellow-gold lettering, send your 
check payable to J.A.I.L. for $11.95 plus $4 S&H. (Discounts on volume 
quantities.) Wear them to your next courthouse function and watch the 
The Thought 
The Associated PressMay 11, 
2001OLDSMAR -- A boy was taken from his elementary school in 
handcuffs afterhis classmates turned him in for drawing pictures of 
weapons. ...
``There were some drawings that were 
confiscated by the teacher,'' OldsmarElementary School Principal David 
Schmitt said. ``The children were in nodanger at all. It involved no 
real weapons.''Still, Schmitt refused to discuss details of the 
boy's case.``All I can tell you is it was a threat . . . against 
students,'' he said.``Nobody in particular, but students in 
general.``We just need to get it through kids' heads that there are 
certain thingsyou don't say and there are certain things you don't 
draw,'' he said.The boy was handcuffed by school police for his 
safety, according toPinellas County School District spokesman Ron 
Stone.``That's normal procedure in a situation like this,'' Stone 
said. ``Theprimary concern was to make sure we get appropriate services 
for thechild.''Making threats is not unusual for students in 
elementary and middleschools, said Nancy Zambito, a director of school 
operations for the schooldistrict.Depending on the severity of 
the threat, Zambito said, the outcome for thestudent can be a number of 
things.Those possibilities range from disciplinary action by the 
school _ likesuspension or expulsion _ to being arrested, or taken to a 
hospital underFlorida's Baker Act, which allows for the involuntary 
commitment of peoplewho threaten or try to hurt themselves or 
others.``It's nothing unusual and we address them all seriously 
because, ofcourse, we don't know,'' Zambito said. ``And in most cases, 
our prime goalis to let those students know what is appropriate to say 
and what is not,and how to be angry and cute and funny without alarming 
Copyright © 2001, South Florida 

Have we now become to sensitive that one can 
no longer draw a picture of a knife or a gun without turned in 
and hand-cuffed? Are we not only one step away from being arrested for 
exercising our thought processes? 
All in the name of "art," what is being 
promoted at taxpayer expense? An upside down broken cross floating in a 
bottle of urine! One man urinating in the mouth of another man, etc., etc. 
This is called expression of thought, but drawing on a sheet of paper 
an outline of a knife or gun is not, and you can be hand-cuffed and carted 
I can see it now, "Ladies and gentlemen of the 
jury, the law says no person can carry a piece of paper with a drawing of a 
gun, and the defendant was obviously in possession of such a drawing. The 
law clearly states such should be condemned. What say you?" 

Did not even Christ say, let him that hath no 
sword, sell his cloak and buy a sword? Oh, no, not even a drawing of a 
sword, but a real sword. Horrors.
-Ron Branson-
J.A.I.L. is an acronym for Judicial Accountability Initiative 
LawJAIL's very informative website is found at www.jail4judges.orgJAIL proposes a 
unique new addition to our form of government.JAIL is powerful! JAIL is 
dynamic! JAIL is America's ONLY hope!JAIL's is spreading across America 
like a fast moving wildfire!JAIL is making inroads into Congress for 
federal accountability!JAIL may be supported at P.O. Box 207, N. 
Hollywood, CA 91603To subscribe or be removed:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
E-Groups may sign on at 
Open forum to make your voice heard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
" does not require a majority to 
prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in 
people's minds.." - Samuel Adams
"There are a thousand hacking at the 
branches of evil to one who isstriking at the 
-- Henry David Thoreau    

Re: (((mayday-announce))) Trial by Jury denied = Justice denied.

2001-05-15 Thread John Wilson

Dear John,
I am not using barristers or solicitors.  The one time I 
did, they not only failed to represent me they supported the judge's contention 
that Magna Carta was "obsolete". I sacked them on leaving the court. 
They are incompetent and cowardly.
Trial by Jury is guarantied by many charters and 
statutes.  Under the imperial Acts Application Act, anyone (eg: judges) who 
offends against an Imperial enactment is liable to 5 years imprisonment - and 
the trial must be by jury.  5 years for each offence against all of those 
Imperial enactments amounts to a long, long time in jail.
That is the Law and that is Justice.
The judges have nowhere to hide.
Trial by Jury is the single most important issue in history 
because, without it, there is tyranny and tyranny leads to war.
So, it doesn't matter which court a "freeman" is 
faced with,  the right to trial by jury is his.
Yours sincerely,
John Wilson. 

-Original Message-From: 
Cyberjustice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: 
John Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: 
Tuesday, 15 May 2001 18:06Subject: Re: (((mayday-announce))) 
Trial by Jury denied = Justice denied.
Hi we are suing a barrister and lawyer in the 
Victorian County Court and currently have a Jury. They the lawyers we are 
suing are fighting tooth and nail to have the matter struck out and or have 
the jury removed.
Check out
John Tuczynski

- Original Message ----- 

Sent: Monday, May 14, 2001 8:23 
Subject: (((mayday-announce))) 
Trial by Jury denied = Justice denied.

Dear M1,
Without Trial by Jury, no individual or 
group will achieve anything.
A Court consists of a Judge and a Jury - 
and, if a Judge is employed by any party in the proceedings, the Jury 
are sole judges of every "part and parcel" of the 
On Thursday 19th July, 2001 at the 
Supreme Court of New South Wales, Queen's Square, Sydney, NSW, 
Australia, a single Judge will hear a Notice of Motion to deny Trial by 
Jury in the matter of John Wilson -v- St. George Bank Limited & 
State of New South Wales.
The issues in the case are Bank Fraud 
(contracts involving variable interest rates are void, under Common Law, 
because of uncertainty + banks create money "out of thin air") 
and Judicial Corruption (Judges from the Supreme Court to the High Court 
conceal Bank Fraud).  Therefore, the conspiracy between Banks and 
Judges is proven.
That is why Judges, unlawfully and 
maliciously, deny Trial by Jury.
Absolutely any cause, including 
Globalization, can only be determined by the People in the form of 
Juries in Courts.
However,  Judges deny Trial by 
Thursday, 19th July, 2001 
9:30 am in Macquarie Street, Sydney at Queen's 
What is M1's position?  Will M1 
defend the Right of Trial by Jury?
Yours sincerely,

Re: Trial by Jury denied = Justice denied.

2001-05-14 Thread John Wilson

Dear Ilya,

Common Law is not voided.  Variable interest rate loan contracts are illegal
under Common Law.  The banks are knowingly deceiving their customers.  The
judges are knowingly concealing the fraud committed by the banks.

If you want, you can look at my website of

The media have intentionally kept the information from the public.

This is conspiracy taken to its ultimate level.

All that is needed to smash the corruption is a jury.

That is why judges unlawfully and maliciously deny the right to trial by

If you are near Sydney on Saturday 19th May at 2:30 pm.  have a look in at
the Sydney Town Hall Square when there will be an "Australian Declaration of
Right 2001".

Yours sincerely,

John Wilson.
-Original Message-
From: Ilya Dinov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: John Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, 15 May 2001 15:34
Subject: Trial by Jury denied = Justice denied.

>I am a passionate bank hater. Thanks for your email.
>I was wondering if you could plz give me more info re.
>the issues of this court hearing.Eg, how could Common
>Law be voided in relation to Variable Interest rate
>Contracts, even if Bank Fraud was proven in court?
>Thanks so much in advance,
>--- John Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Dear M1,
>> Without Trial by Jury, no individual or group will
>> achieve anything.
>> A Court consists of a Judge and a Jury - and, if a
>> Judge is employed by any party in the proceedings,
>> the Jury are sole judges of every "part and parcel"
>> of the case.
>> On Thursday 19th July, 2001 at the Supreme Court of
>> New South Wales, Queen's Square, Sydney, NSW,
>> Australia, a single Judge will hear a Notice of
>> Motion to deny Trial by Jury in the matter of John
>> Wilson -v- St. George Bank Limited & State of New
>> South Wales.
>> The issues in the case are Bank Fraud (contracts
>> involving variable interest rates are void, under
>> Common Law, because of uncertainty + banks create
>> money "out of thin air") and Judicial Corruption
>> (Judges from the Supreme Court to the High Court
>> conceal Bank Fraud).  Therefore, the conspiracy
>> between Banks and Judges is proven.
>> That is why Judges, unlawfully and maliciously, deny
>> Trial by Jury.
>> Absolutely any cause, including Globalization, can
>> only be determined by the People in the form of
>> Juries in Courts.
>> However,  Judges deny Trial by Jury.
>> Thursday, 19th July, 2001 9:30 am in Macquarie
>> Street, Sydney at Queen's Square.
>> What is M1's position?  Will M1 defend the Right of
>> Trial by Jury?
>> Yours sincerely,
>> John Wilson.
>Do You Yahoo!?
>Yahoo! Auctions - buy the things you want at great prices

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Billions for Bankers

2001-05-14 Thread John Wilson

Dear Fellow Australians,
An extremely good website from Canada explains the banking 
It is 

John Wilson.

Re: ** Court Overthrows Our Constitutional Republic

2001-05-13 Thread John Wilson


-Original Message-From: 
Sunday, 13 May 2001 15:45Subject: ** Court Overthrows Our 
Constitutional Republic
J.A.I.L. News 
May 12, 2001  
For a beautiful navy blue 
T-shirt with "J.A.I.L." on the back and large and visible 
over the pocket, imprinted in a bright yellow-gold lettering, send your 
check payable to J.A.I.L. for $11.95 plus $4 S&H. (Discounts on volume 
quantities.) Wear them to your next courthouse function and watch the 
California High 
"Overthrows" Our Constitutional 
'JURY NULLIFICATION'By Peter BlumbergDaily Journal Staff 
May 08, 2001
SAN FRANCISCO - For the first time, the 
California Supreme Court on Monday affirmed the duty of trial judges to 
replace jurors who refuse to apply the law in criminal cases.
In the case of a juror who told a trial 
judge he could not in good conscience vote to convict an 18-year-old of 
committing statutory rape with his 16-year-old girlfriend, the high court 
unanimously ruled that the juror violated his oath to uphold the law and was 
properly removed from deliberations. People v. Williams, 
Although it has long been recognized that a 
jury effectively has the ability to disregard, or nullify, the law, Monday's 
opinion marked the first time the Supreme Court has directly confronted 
whether trial judges may remove jurors who disclose during deliberations 
that they will not apply the law as instructed by the 
"Jury nullification is contrary to our 
notion of justice for all and permits both the prosecution's case and the 
defendant's fate to depend upon the whims of a particular jury, rather than 
upon the equal application of settled rules of law," Chief Justice 
Ronald George wrote. "A nullifying jury is essentially a lawless 
But in a companion case also decided 
Monday, the justices warned trial judges not to be too quick to replace a 
juror who disagrees with his peers on the evidence, even if the other jurors 
complain that he's not participating in deliberations.
In People v. Cleveland, S078537, 
the court unanimously agreed the trial judge in a robbery case should not 
have removed a juror who was the lone holdout for acquittal without stronger 
evidence of his refusal to deliberate. Monday's decision overturned the 
defendant's conviction.
Taken together, the two rulings made clear 
that jurors cannot be removed simply for disagreeing over the evidence but 
that they must be removed when they are unwilling to follow the law. Lawyers 
said they were not surprised by the outcome in Williams because judges have 
long denounced jury nullification, which was imported into American 
jurisprudence from English law as a means of protesting unjust 
Today, debate over jury nullification 
occasionally crops up in the context of jurors refusing to impose a life 
sentence under the 1994 "three strikes" law on a defendant found 
guilty of a minor third felony offense.
Prosecutors say Monday's opinion should end 
any debate over the legality of nullification. "We view it as an 
appropriate, unequivocal statement by the courtthat the rule of law will 
prevail, that jurors must take the law as given by the trial judge even if 
they disagree with it," said Deputy Attorney General Karl 
California law has consistently condemned 
any instruction inviting jurors to reject a guilty verdict if applying the 
law would lead to an unjust result. In 1998, the Judicial Council adopted a 
jury instruction that requires jurors to notify a trial judge if any jury 
member expresses an intention to disregard the law.Mayer 
acknowledged that Monday's opinion won't stop individual jurors from 
reaching conclusions based on their own notion of right and wrong, but it 
does put lawyers and judges on notice that open defiance of the law will not 
be tolerated.
"The jurors take an oath before they 
consider a case," he said. "If they engage in nullification, the 
are effectively violating the oath." Emeryville jury consultant 
Howard Varinsky, who specializes in high-profile criminal cases, said 
he would never expect an appellate court to approve of jurors 
disregarding the law. He said good defense attorneys know not even to 
use the term "jury nullification.""When we're trying to get a jury to nullify, we do it by 
appealing to thei

Re: Upcoming Seminar in Cranbrook, B.C. Please pass on

2001-05-13 Thread John Wilson


-Original Message-From: 
Donald Neuls <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: 
Donald-Lorne: Neuls <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: 
Sunday, 13 May 2001 3:10Subject: Fw: Upcoming Seminar in 
Cranbrook, B.C. Please pass on
- Original Message - 
From: Ron 
Sent: Saturday, May 12, 2001 7:39 AM
Subject: Upcoming Seminar in Cranbrook, B.C. Please pass 
    Common Law Seminar and Workshop 
You are invited to a Seminar in 
Cranbrook, B.C.    
Date: May 26th.  
Time: 9:00 A.M thru 6:00 
This is your opportunity to meet and hear two of the most well known 
educators of   
Common Law in Canada today 
about How our Rights 
and Freedoms are slowly being taken away from us, 
 Why and Who is behind it all.  
How we can stop paying 
income taxes we are not subject to,   
and Most important is What we must do to keep Canada ours. 
Warman will teach the meaning and origins of 
Common Law from the beginnings, to the Magna Carta, and up to the present day. 
Eldon is a walking encyclopedia of information, and guarantees to startle you with facts that are not taught in our schools or 
Fred Kyburz will explain a very effective program he developed over the 
past ten years.  This Program is a very simple method that makes government 
officers and bureaucrats obey the Law.  Fred will explain what is 
currently happening, and what we must do to 
stop the ever increasing Tyranny in Canada. 
This seminar is well worth your time.  If you are determined to keep 
rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Magna Carta come and learn 
Eldon and 
For the location of this event please email: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or call : 403-931-4058 
Deposit required to hold your 
attendance , or pay in advance. Cost of Seminar if paid in advance:  
$50.00 for registrant or $75.00 for registrant 
and spouse at the door:  $ 60.00 for registrant or $ 85.00 for registrant 
and spouse 
attendance by pre-reservation 
only ( cutoff : 10:00 P.M. Friday May 25th. ) 
Send payment to : Ron 
Clifford c/o The Canadian Highlander 
Suite 188, 132 Shawville Blvd.   
Calgary, Alberta    T2Y 2Z7 
Ceud Mile Failte - ( 1000 
Welcomes )      

Re: Anna Bergstrom et al

2001-05-13 Thread John Wilson

Dear Colin,

I am certainly willing to contact Mr. Geoffrey Robertson - the "Catch 22" of
Judges vetoing actions against themselves would probably attract such a

What are his contact details?

-Original Message-
To: John Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, 11 May 2001 18:17
Subject: Re: Anna Bergstrom et al

>Jjohn  i tried (this is a good engine)
>put in   Geoffery Robertson lawyer
> Col

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Re: Anna Bergstrom et al

2001-05-10 Thread John Wilson

Dear Rob,

Thank you for the email.

I am certainly willing to seek assistance to break the barricade the judges
have set up to frustrate justice.

Redress and remedy (promised in the Bill of Rights 1688) can only come
through a jury because of the Mafia of Judges who are as ruthless and
malicious as the worst criminals and traitors.

I have already approached Noam Chomsky who wrote back expressing sympathy
but no surprise at the conduct of the Australian Judiciary and that he would
add my case to his file on Australia.  He suggested Civil Liberty groups -
but they are run by lawyers who maintain that judges are right even if they
are wrong.

This is the wall and there is no way around it.  Either we break through it
to get issues of freedom to tribunals of the people to decide and order the
appropriate action,  or the wall will encircle us with armed guards snuffing
out any resistance.

Yours sincerely,

John Wilson.
-Original Message-
From: Robert Rae <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, 10 May 2001 10:23
Subject: Anna Bergstrom et al

> Dear Mr Wilson
>Have been following your problem via the neither page, and am now writing
>with a suggestion which may help.  I have recently read "The Justice Game"
>by Geoffery Robertson, which if you havent read it will well be in your
>interest to study.  Further to that I am quite sure that Robertson's
>philosophy would let him help you, and certainly  the lady imprisonned up
>North.  I am not sure how Robertson, who is a Q.C. can be contacted, but
>his publishers are Vintage, Random House, 20 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London
>SWIV 2SA.  I will have a play around through some browsers I use, and will
>let you know if I can get an email address for him.  Best Regards, Rob Rae

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Re: Judicial Corruption, Bank Fraud & Trial by Jury.

2001-05-10 Thread John Wilson

Dear Brian,
I appreciate the 
My next court expense is to file in the High Court for leave 
to appeal against the Court of Appeal's decision (7th May) to dismiss my 
application for leave to appeal against Justice Sully's ruling that he, without 
a jury, would hear the Crown's Notice of Motion to dismiss my case for unlawful 
imprisonment - thereby preventing it getting to a jury for a jury to 
decide if Australians have the Right to Trial by Jury.

-Original Message-From: 
John Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: 
Thursday, 10 May 2001 8:24Subject: Re: Judicial Corruption, 
Bank Fraud & Trial by Jury.
Hi John
Good to hear from you.
This is news to me. It's the first time I have 
heard the post office question my stamp, which I acquired from them some 
time ago.
I am cutting your sixth tape as I write. I will 
send it today.
This will I believe complete your order of sis 
Let me know if you receive them all 
John I know you have had a number of very large 
expenses lately, so I would like to take the opportunity to help you is some 
small way.
These first six tapes will therefore be free of 
Kind regards

- Original Message - 
To: Brian 
Sent: Monday, May 07, 2001 1:58 
Subject: Re: Judicial Corruption, 
Bank Fraud & Trial by Jury.

Dear Brian,
Thanks for the replacement video.
You had the Post office confused with your stamp (is 
it called "franking") but I was happy to pay on picking it up. 
They said they had never seen such a thing and the nearest to it was for 
the recipent to apply for a licence.

Message-----From: Brian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: 
John Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: 
Monday, 7 May 2001 11:45Subject: Re: Judicial 
Corruption, Bank Fraud & Trial by Jury.
Dear John
Thanks for the message 
I have sent you some more videos. More 
in the mail today.
When I have snt you number six, as per 
your order, I will send you an invoice for the $100.00 as 

- Original Message - 

John Wilson 
To: Neither Public List 
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2001 
4:26 PM
Subject: Judicial 
Corruption, Bank Fraud & Trial by Jury.

Dear Fellow 
This morning in the Supreme 
Court of New South Wales was another evasion of trial by 
Justice David Kirby (brother of 
High Court's Justice Michael Kirby) was given the usual 
hammering about the necessity of trial by jury because, amongst 
many arguments, (a) s.3 of the 1900 Supreme Court Procedure Act 
says that only by "consent of both parties" can there 
be a judge without a jury, (b) pleadings of the Crown can only 
be tried by a jury, (c) no parliament can make a law to take 
away the rights of the people, (d) if a judge denies trial by 
jury then that is an offence punishable by 5 years 
imprisonment,  etc.,  etc.
I will get the transcript on the 
email as soon as it is to hand.
Justice Kirby ended by saying 
"I'm not denying you trial by jury.  Take it up on the 
He set 19 July 2001 as the day 
for a "one-day" hearing of my case against the St. 
George Bank & the Crown where Justice Carolyn Simpson, on 4 
August 1991, heard and, on 30 November 1991*, awarded a Writ of 
Possession without a jury against my constant insistance that 
she had no jurisdiction.  The Writ was exercised by the 
bank on 11 January 2001. We have since got the house back after 
getting $431,000 to the bank. Which, when added to the $230,000 
+ paid to the bank in the last 4 years, amounts to over $661,000 
the St. George Bank acquired for them creating $380,000 
"out of

Trial by Jury at Risk.

2001-05-09 Thread John Wilson

Banks and Judges fear Trial by Jury, 
ie:  Trial by the People.  
The question is:  Do the People fear 
the Banks and the Judges?
Be at the Supreme Court of New South 
Wales, Queen's Square, Sydney at 9:30 am on Thursday, 19th July, 2001 when the 
Banks, Judges and their lawyers will try to dispense with Trial by Jury to 
dismiss the case of John Wilson -v- St. George Bank Limited & State of New 
South Wales (ie: the Crown) - File No:  20714/00.  

The matter is about Bank 
Fraud, where banks issue fraudulent contracts (ie: loan contracts 
that are invalid because variable interest rates render them void for 
uncertainty) and create their own money "out of thin 
It is also about Judicial 
Corruption, where judges conceal those crimes while conducting 
proceedings without a Jury, which is unlawful and malicious.
Without Trial by Jury, the Banks, through 
"evil counsellors, judges and ministers" 
(ala Bill of Rights 1688), will continue to defraud and enslave 
the People of Australia.  
Trial by Jury, granted by Magna Carta and 
entrenched by countless statutes, is the "Palladium (safeguard) of 
Freedom" and, as Thomas Jefferson said,  "the only 
anchor yet imagined by man which can hold a government to the principles of its 
Whats sort of country do you want?
- Written by J. Wilson, 

Re: The bank in Tony Rigg's house.

2001-05-08 Thread John Wilson

G'day Ron,
Please tell whoever you know, in Sydney and surrounds, to turn 
up at the Supreme Court of New South Wales, Queen's Square, Sydney on Thursday 
19th July to support TRIAL BY JURY, which the banks and judges are moving 
against in order to protect their own corruption and treachery.
The case is John Wilson -v- St. George Bank Limited & 
State of New South Wales (No: 20714/00).
The conspiracy between the banks and the judiciary to defraud 
and oppress are the grounds of my case.
The banks and the judges fear Trial by Jury.  

The question is: Do the people fear the banks and the 
Yours sincerely,
John Wilson.

-Original Message-From: 
John Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: 
Tuesday, 8 May 2001 17:51Subject: Re: The bank in Tony Rigg's 
Dear John
Thanks for all the news, sorry to hear of your financial 
If Ihave a win on my case, I will do what I 

- Original Message ----- 
To: Ray 
Sent: Tuesday, 8 May 2001 10:07 
Subject: The bank in Tony Rigg's 

Dear Ray,
I am only now reading the April 
The story on Tony Rigg and how the CBA 
were leasing out his house is quite believable.
When I took back my place from the St. 
George Bank I had difficulty in re-establishing the phone number.  
I phone Telstra to be told that the line was a silent number in the name 
of R. Lawless who is the legal officer for the St. George 
Also, two weeks before settlement, the 
bank sent in Grace Bros removalists to take away all our furniture and 
possessions and put into storage a few suburbs away.  For this the 
bank charged me $12,000 and I have just given Grace Bros a further 
$8,500 to have it brought back,  ie: an extra burden of $21,500 on 
top of the paying out figure to St. George.  A nice little touch of 
viciousness, wouldn't you say?
I have already sent out an email detailing the 
$431,000 paid to St. George in settlement for their creating the money 
"lent" to me which, when added to the money I had paid them 
since September of 1995, brings their profit to in excess of $650,000 
for creating money "out of thin air".  Fraud of 
unimaginable proportions, when one considers the banks do it to 
Yours sincerely,
John Wilson.

The bank in Tony Rigg's house.

2001-05-07 Thread John Wilson

Dear Ray,
I am only now reading the April 
The story on Tony Rigg and how the CBA were 
leasing out his house is quite believable.
When I took back my place from the St. George 
Bank I had difficulty in re-establishing the phone number.  I phone Telstra 
to be told that the line was a silent number in the name of R. Lawless who is 
the legal officer for the St. George Bank.
Also, two weeks before settlement, the bank sent 
in Grace Bros removalists to take away all our furniture and possessions and put 
into storage a few suburbs away.  For this the bank charged me $12,000 and 
I have just given Grace Bros a further $8,500 to have it brought back,  ie: 
an extra burden of $21,500 on top of the paying out figure to St. George.  
A nice little touch of viciousness, wouldn't you say?
I have already sent out an email detailing the $431,000 paid 
to St. George in settlement for their creating the money "lent" to me 
which, when added to the money I had paid them since September of 1995, brings 
their profit to in excess of $650,000 for creating money "out of thin 
air".  Fraud of unimaginable proportions, when one considers the banks 
do it to everyone.
Yours sincerely,
John Wilson.

Re: Human Rights

2001-05-07 Thread John Wilson

Dear John/Ed,

"Dirty tricks"?

I realy don't know if the "gremlins" are intercepting at the transmission or
the receiving ends of emails.

I must tell you about a funny incident at the Supreme Court, yesterday.  A
friend and I were about to get on an almost full lift but a short woman
stopped me from entering by putting her hand out towards me and saying,
"No." While doing this she turned to a Sheriff, who was standing next to
her, and said, "Do you know who that is?".  Before the doors could close, I
said, "Yes, I'm the one who doesn't like corrupt judges.".

You win some, you lose some.  The important thing is to hang in there.

Yours sincerely,

John Wilson.
-Original Message-
From: John Hurley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: John Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, 7 May 2001 18:25
Subject: Re: Human Rights

>Dear John !
>   My Smartchat server appears to be blocking the Human
>Rights email that you have listed.  Am trying to send this reply to you in
>an attempt to get the server working again.
>    Ed Hurley
>-Original Message-
>From: John Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Sunday, 6 May 2001 8:48
>Subject: Re: Human Rights

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Court of Appeal denies Trial by Jury - again.

2001-05-06 Thread John Wilson

Dear Fellow Australians,
In the Court of Appeal, this morning, applying 
for Leave to Appeal against Justice Brian Sully's ruling that a Notice of Motion 
to dismiss my case against the Crown for Unlawful Imprisonment can be determined 
without a jury, Justices Kenneth Handley and Roderick Meagher said Sully was 
right in law and dismissed my application.
Firstly, I asked both Handley and Meagher to 
disqualify themselves because their involvement in the case already.  
Handley had made a judgment in support of Justice Peter Hidden's ruling that 
Magna Carta was "obsolete" and there was no right to trial by jury 
(see attachment) and Meagher had been outvoted by Heydon and Sheller, JAs, when 
the Court of Appeal released me from jail in Feb 2000 (see attachment) - 
ie:  Meagher wanted to keep me in jail for the full 2 years "without 
parole".  Heydon and Sheller also would not overturn the conviction - 
thereby supporting Chief Judge at Common Law James Wood who conducted 
proceedings without a jury to imprison me.
This issue of Trial by Jury is the most important single issue 
in the fight for Freedom and Democracy - as it has always been through out 
Don't forget the 19th July when a judge - without a jury - in 
the Supreme Court of New South Wales, Queen's Square, Sydney will hear a Notice 
of Motion to dismiss my case against the St. George Bank & the 
Yours sincerely,
John Wilson.
 HANDLEY C of A  24-8-98..doc
 MEAGHER C of A 29-2-00.doc

Re: Human Rights

2001-05-06 Thread John Wilson

-Original Message-
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; katrina hatton <[EMAIL PROTECTED], don
Amankwah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; richardgarnaut
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Carmel Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tony Hobson
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; judy mastwyk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Janet Saleh
Gundersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Graham Keir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
Date: Monday, 7 May 2001 9:08
Subject: Human Rights

>Peter Gargan
>Traders Lane
>Anderson St
>Ph 40321272
>The Editor
>Cairns Post .
>Dear Sir,
>On the 17th April 2001,  Anita Bernstrom was ordered  imprisoned for
>three months for refusing to submit to a judgment of the Planning and
>Environment Court.  She is in Stuart Creek in Townsville.
>One would not think that to disobey a judge was a terrible crime
>sufficient to take a mother away from her 10 year old son, and put her
>beyond help. The judge ordered that even if she paid the fine, she had
>to stay there.
>Anita Bernstrom applied to Supreme Court  in Townsville for her freedom
>under the habeas corpus  but because another judge in Brisbane once
>again sitting alone had decided in a case where a citizens freedom was
>not at stake, that the reason why  she said she should be released  did
>not apply to her,  The Court refused her habeas corpus.
>Anita Bernstrom believes the Planning and Environment Court has
>trespassed upon her land, and  she is imprisoned even though the Cairns
>City Council  is quite happy to allow her to use her land as she is.
>She is convinced  that  the neighbour who prosecuted her, is simply
>wanting to buy her land.
> She does not believe a man can, without taking the advice of 12  people
>as a jury, lock a mother away from her son, to enforce his will. She
>believes this is a trespass to her person and  is absolutely determined
>not to eat anything until this question is satisfied in her mind.
>She is a very determined woman.  She is now refusing to eat, and she is
>resisting all efforts to persuade her to do so. She asked me to write to
>you and tell you why.
>She is not eating any food because she does not believe any man should
>be allowed to trespass on her property at Freshwater  and order Police
>to trespass on her body, unless a committee of 12 totally impartial
>persons from the community have decided that her ownership of the land
>and her body is not sufficient to protect her. She wants a jury to
>decide if that belief is a crime worthy of jail.

Judicial Corruption, Bank Fraud & Trial by Jury.

2001-05-03 Thread John Wilson

Dear Fellow Australians,
This morning in the Supreme Court of New South 
Wales was another evasion of trial by jury.
Justice David Kirby (brother of High Court's 
Justice Michael Kirby) was given the usual hammering about the necessity of 
trial by jury because, amongst many arguments, (a) s.3 of the 1900 Supreme Court 
Procedure Act says that only by "consent of both parties" can there be 
a judge without a jury, (b) pleadings of the Crown can only be tried by a jury, 
(c) no parliament can make a law to take away the rights of the people, (d) if a 
judge denies trial by jury then that is an offence punishable by 5 years 
imprisonment,  etc.,  etc.
I will get the transcript on the email as soon 
as it is to hand.
Justice Kirby ended by saying "I'm not 
denying you trial by jury.  Take it up on the day."
He set 19 July 2001 as the day for a 
"one-day" hearing of my case against the St. George Bank & the 
Crown where Justice Carolyn Simpson, on 4 August 1991, heard and, on 30 November 
1991*, awarded a Writ of Possession without a jury against my constant 
insistance that she had no jurisdiction.  The Writ was exercised by the 
bank on 11 January 2001. We have since got the house back after getting $431,000 
to the bank. Which, when added to the $230,000 + paid to the bank in the last 4 
years, amounts to over $661,000 the St. George Bank acquired for them creating 
$380,000 "out of thin air".  The judges are concealing my 
evidence of the Reserve Bank of Australia's own figures that Australian banks 
create for themselves over $20 billion every year.  It really is the 
greatest swindle in the history of mankind, when one realizes that the banks are 
doing this all over the world.  The judiciary are co-conspirators because 
of their hyjacking the courts to protect these master criminals.
So, does anyone want to come to the Supreme 
Court at Queen's Square, Sydney on Thursday 19 July to see for themselves what 
sheer and total corruption is?  That's when all this will come to a 
head.  It's confrontation time.  The rights of the people -v- the 
power of the banks.
Yours sincerely,
John Wilson.  
* This is after, on 9 November 1999, Chief Judge 
at Common Law James Wood tried, convicted and sentenced me to "2 years 
imprisonment without parole" without a jury.  A  Court of Appeal 
released me after 3 months and 3 weeks but refused to overturn the 
conviction.  Now I am suing the Crown for unlawful imprisonment - and, 
again, the judges are denying me trial by jury.  That is in the Court of 
Appeal on this coming Monday, 7 May.  

Re: Brian Fyffe

2001-04-30 Thread John Wilson

Dear Ladies,
I am sending this communication to my address 
If this doesn't wake Australians out of their brain-dead state 
- nothing will.
John Wilson. 

-Original Message-From: 
One Voice - One People, Human Rights Defenders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: 
Val Kerrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 
Veronica Hoskisson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Dave 
Fredricks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 
Jim Jardine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Jim 
Stewart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Kerry 
Spencer-Salt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Peter Rettke 
Sonya Nix <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Rex Warren 
Monday, 30 April 2001 8:05Subject: Brian 
Dear Friends 
As earlier advised Erica and myself went to 
Melbourne to visit Brian Fyffe in prison. Before leaving I rang the prison 
and asked about there procedure. I sent a fax to the governor of the 
prison requesting professional visit rights as a human rights organisation. 

When we arrived at the prison, we were refused 
any visiting rights. I then contacted a Victorian member of Parliament and 
was referred to the Minister for Corrective Services. His adviser contacted 
the office of the Commissioner for Corrective Services. We also met with Brian Fyffe's daughter, Judy 
Mastwyk and various people who tried to help us. After 
spending one day trying to assert our rights as an human rights organisation 
to visit Brian Fyffe, the officers of these department became very agitated 
and would have - on the end of the day - just bent so far to allow us a 
social visit. We declined because this would have defeated the 
At the moment we are drafting a letter to the 
UN and their Human Rights Committee about this situation. Nevertheless 
people in Australia need to ask them selves whether they want protection of 
human rights and therefore would be willing to fight for them. At the moment 
there are no rights they are able to claim regardless what the 
many pages of paper of acts of the law and covenants may say. 
Best regards
Brigitte Straulino.


2001-04-22 Thread John Wilson

Dear Philip,

The Most Reverend Peter Hollingsworth will swear an Oath of Allegiance to
Her Majesty Queen Elizabetn the Second who has sworn to govern Australia.

If the Most Reverend Peter Hollingsworth has committed an act of Sedition,
then he should be charged with that offence under the Commonwealth Crimes
Act 1914 - which, I would imagine, would make him ineligible to take up the
Office of Governor-General of Australia.

Do you have documented proof of his offence? If so, you should not conceal

Yours sincerely,

John Wilson.

-Original Message-
Date: Monday, 23 April 2001 8:04

>"The appointment of the Most Reverend Peter Hollingworth AO OBE as our next
Governor General is, of course, disappointing but the fact that the
Archbishop,  who has declared himself dedicated to the removal of The Crown,
to hypocritically accept the highest appointment in the land to represent it
is reprehensible to say the least and will be a very poor substitute for Sir
William Deane who has conducted himself in the post with utter and complete
>Philip Benwell
>Australian Monarchist League
>Phone:  02 9327 4582
>Mobile:  0419 417 097

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Re: Charging for emails

2001-04-22 Thread John Wilson

Dear Gopher,
The answer to this, and other pieces of bad legislation, is to 
have a jury judge it and nullify it.
John Wilson.

-Original Message-From: 
Recipient list suppressed Date: 
Monday, 23 April 2001 6:17Subject: Charging for 
emailsHi everyone  This is 
NOT a joke, so please spend a few minutes to read it carefully. 
 'Australian Government Bill to Charge for Each EMAIL you send' 
 Following is an email that, is concerning for us all. 
 Below is the url for Senator Richard Alston the Minister 
 responsible. Please send an email to him voicing your strong 
 opposition  Below is the text of the email .  Please 
read the following carefully if you intend to stay online,  and 
continue using E-mail. The last few months have revealed an 
 alarming trend in the Government of Australia attempting to 
 quietly push through legislation that will affect our use of the 
 Internet. Under proposed legislation, the Australian Postal 
Service  will be attempting to bill E-mail users out of 
"alternative postage  fees."  Bill 602P will 
permit the Federal Government to charge a  5-cent surcharge on 
every E-mail delivered, by billing Internet  Service Providers at 
source. The consumer would then be billed in  turn by the ISP. 
Canberra lawyer Richard Stepp is working without  pay to prevent 
this legislation from becoming law. The Australian  Postal Service 
is claiming that lost revenue, due to the proliferation  of E-mail, 
is costing nearly $230,000,000 in revenue per year. You  may have 
noticed their recent ad campaign: "There is nothing like a 
 letter." Since the average person received about 10 pieces of 
 E-mail per day in 1998, the cost of the typical individual would 
be  an additional 50 cents a day or over $180 per year-above and 
beyond  their regular Internet costs. Note that this would be money 
paid  directly to the Australian Postal Service for a service they 
do not  even provide. The whole point of the Internet is democracy 
and  noninterference. You are already paying an exorbitant price 
for  ordinary mail because of bad efficiency. It currently takes up 
to 6  days for a letter to be delivered anywhere in Australia or 
longer.  If the Australian Postal Service is allowed to interfere 
with  E-mail, it will mark the end of the "free" Internet 
in Australia  Our Canberra representative, Tony Schnell (r) has 
even suggested a  "$20- $40 per month surcharge on all 
Internet service" above and  beyond the governments proposed 
E-mail charges Note that most of  the major newspapers have ignored 
the Story, the only exception  being the Sun herald which called 
the idea of E-mail surcharge "a  useful concept who's time has 
come" (March 6th, 1999 Editorial). Do  not sit by and watch 
your freedom erode away!  Send this to E-mail to EVERYONE on 
your list, and tell your friends  and relatives to write to their 
Canberra or local politician  representative  and say 
"NO" to Bill 602P. It will only take a few moments of your time 
 and could very well be instrumental in killing a bill we do not 
want.  Please  forward this today. 

Thomas Jefferson on the Judiciary 1821.

2001-04-20 Thread John Wilson

Dear Fellow Australians,
The website of sends out newsletters 
by email to those who subscribe.
The April 12, 2001 edition has a quote from Thomas Jefferson 
which seems timeless.  It is:
"The germ of destruction of our nation is in the 
power of the judiciary, an irresponsible body - working like gravity by night 
and by day, gaining a little today and a little tomorrow, and advancing its 
noiseless step like a thief over the field of jurisdiction, untilall shall 
render powerless the checks of one branch over the other and will become as 
venal and oppressive as the government from which we separated."  
Thomas Jefferson 1821.
The Australian judiciary have declared Magna Carta to be 
"obsolete" while State Parliaments have passed legislation giving 
judges the power to deny trial by jury.  Both acts are legally wrong.  
Both acts are oppressive and sinister.  
Yours sincerely,
John Wilson.

Re: ABC copies Hoser - again!!!! - Suing ABC

2001-04-15 Thread John Wilson

Dear Raymond,

People acting for themselves in court take money away from lawyers -
therefore,  judges (acting alone) persecute anyone who defies the system.

Therefore,  eliminate judges by suing the Crown as one of the Defendants and
insist on your inalienable right to a jury trial.  Firstly,  learn what a
jury actually is and does - ie:  12 men and women who are "honest and true"
and who determine the facts, find out what the law is, judge the justice of
the law, decide if the law is being appropriately applied, determine the
moral intentions of the parties, and vote wholly and solely according to
their conscience.  Lawyers and judges will deny this - but they are corrupt.

Stand your ground.

Yours sincerely,

John Wilson.
-Original Message-
From: Raymond Hoser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: John Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, 13 April 2001 10:24
Subject: Re: ABC copies Hoser - again - Suing ABC

>1/ I can't even affor the lodgement fee and 2/  I need someone to
>prosecute for me - because you well know that courts automatically find
>against people who represent themselves here in Victoria.
>Still need the money
>Raymond Hoser (AAC)
>PO Box 599
>Victoria 3108
>Phone: (Within Australia) 0412 777211

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Re: ANNOUNCEMENT - Australia Celebrates the 75th Birthday of The Queen

2001-04-08 Thread John Wilson

Dear Philip,

Celebrations and the like are pleasant trivia.  But what about the real role
of the Crown?

Attached is a letter I wrote to the new Governor of New South Wales (the
Queen's Representative), Professor Marie Roslyn Bashir..

There has been no reply - not even an acknowledgement.

I phoned the Macquarie Street Office of the Governor last week and received
a very cold response from a lady to whom I was passed by the lass who
answered the phone.

Do we have an "honest and true" allegiant to the Queen, or a Government
stooge who rubber-stamps whatever Bills are put in front of her?

Yours sincerely,

John Wilson.

-Original Message-
Date: Saturday, 7 April 2001 9:38
Subject: RE: ANNOUNCEMENT - Australia Celebrates the 75th Birthday of The

>Australia Post is issuing a special Stamp to celebrate Her Majesty's 75th
>Four million stamps will be produced with a side panel on which details of
the  Birthday will be highlighted and will be available for sale commencing
the 12th April 2001,  .  Posters and storyboards advertising the Stamp will
be sent to all Posts Offices throughout the Country.
>Monarchists throughout Australia are urged to order these stamps from their
local Post Offices
>The Governor General and most State Governors will hold or attend functions
in honour of Her Majesty's 75th birthday.
>We have been advised that the Australian Defence Forces will hold a 21 Gun
Royal Salute on the lawn of Parliament House, Canberra in honour of Her
Majesty's birthday.
>The Australian Monarchist League has organized for bells to ring throughout
the land and for Prayers to be incorporated into Services.
>In Sydney a Special Service of Morning Prayer will be held on Sunday the
22nd April 2001 at 10.30 a.m. at St Andrew's Cathedral which Her Excellency
The Governor and Sir Nicholas Shehadie will attend.
>In the evening of Saturday the 21st April 2001, the Australian Monarchist
League will hold a Reception at the residence of its National Chairman
Philip Benwell MBE at 28 Darling Point Road Darling Point to celebrate the
75th birthday of Her Majesty The Queen.
>Distinguished guests will include Monarchist League Patrons The Earl and
Countess of Dunmore and Lady Fairfax AM OBE.
>The Australian Monarchist League
>P O Box 1068,  Double Bay  NSW  1360
>Phone:  02 9327 4582
>Fax:02 9328 6274
>The National Chairman of the Australian Monarchist League, Philip Benwell
can also be contacted on mobile: 0419 417 097


Japanese gift to banks

2001-04-04 Thread John Wilson

This morning, on the TV news it was said that 
the Japanese Government were proposing to give to the banks some $US200+billion 
to pay for the banks' bad "debts".
Has nobody seen the Money Masters 
This tape is obtained through their website of 
Yours sincerely,
John Wilson.

Re: bank cheques

2001-03-29 Thread John Wilson

Dear Graham,
The "clearance" of cheques goes back to the time 
when cheques were physically taken to a meeting place of all banks where they 
were exchanged and taken to their respective banks of origin to be entered into 
their ledgers and "cleared".
Nowadays, with electronics, deposits and withdrawals can be 
"cleared" in micro-seconds.
The story why banks take 3 or 5 days to "clear" a 
cheque is that the banks have that money still on their ledgers which they use 
on the "overnight and short-term money market".  I believe that 
no longer has any validity because banks create their own money and there is no 
real accounting done, any more.  There are no real audits of banks.  
the whole system is one great fraud.
Banks delaying "clearance" of cheques is just 
another act of bastardry to inconvenience people and provide an excuse for 
charging more interest on overdrafts and cause embarassment to the recipient of 
the cheque.
Governments will not audit banks because the governments have 
become corrupted by the banks.
If you want to pursue it,   go to court,  
demand a jury and demand discovery of the banks' accounting.  At the 
moment, the court have become corrupted by the banks and the judges do what the 
banks tell them, ie:  no juries and no discovery.
But still,  go to court and make your demands 
.who knows, there might be an honest judge out there, 
Yours sincerely,
John Wilson.   

-Original Message-From: 
graham carman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: 
John Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: 
Wednesday, 28 March 2001 20:03Subject: Re: bank 
Hi John,
Could you please advise me on the 
legality of banks with-holding payment of a bank-cheque for a period of 3 
working days, I have always been of the understanding that bank-cheques were 
as good as cash, my bank has come up with all sorts of excuses for not 
allowing instant access to a bank-cheque made out to me and deposited into 
my account.

Jury Nullifies Fishing Laws

2001-03-28 Thread John Wilson

Dear FIJA (Fully Informed Jury 
It has just been reported on page 6 of "The 
Australian", a national newspaper, that a jury in the Cairns District 
Court, in the state of Queensland, on January 28, 2001 acquitted two Australian 
Aborigines "of armed robery charges after they approached a commercial 
vessel, the Lisa Jane, in 1998 and confiscated its catch of coral 
This arises out of a dispute over fishing rights 
in "the waters that divide Queensland from Papua New Guinea".  
The Queensland government laws allow commercial fishing in that area.  
However, On March 16, the Mer community - home of Eddie Mabo and Australia's 
first native title claim - approved a unanimous resolution to ban all commercial 
fishing vessels from operating "in the perimeters of our economic maritime 
boundaries" ".
On the television news, this morning, a 
spokesman for the Queensland government warned that police would be sent to the 
area if the Mer community enforce their ultimatum that all commercial fishermen 
should get out of the area within seven days.
- John Wilson. 

Re: People and groups associating

2001-03-27 Thread John Wilson

Dear Samuel,

I have been down the political party track with the Confederate Action
Party,  the One Nation Party and the Liberal Party, in that order.  The main
characteristic of political parties is that of manipulationeveryone
trying to exert their opinions over everyone else.  If an up-and-coming
group or party look like they may be a threat to the banks or the Lib/Lab
coalition,  they are sabotaged and destroyed.  Politics is a game dominated
by cheats.  "God Save the Queen" says "Confound their politics. Frustrate
their knavish tricks." You will not succeed at that game.

We have a system called "Justice" and we have Courts to administer it.  At
the moment,  there are also cheats sabotaging the Courts. But we have Law
(real Law, that is - not the invalid stuff  which "evil counsellors, judges
and ministers" practice) to "hold a government to the principles of its
constitution" (Thom. Jefferson).

If you really want to re-establish freedom and defeat the enemies of our
country,  then go to Court and seek "Relief" by way of tribunals of the
people , ie: Fully Informed Juries.

Best wishes,

John Wilson.
-Original Message-
From: Samuel Broad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, 27 March 2001 8:38
Subject: People and groups associating

>> > Hello John Wilson,
>> > I am trying to launch a new political party and
>> > the No Tax on Income concept.
>> > Community Party Constitution was put together, so
>> > Party can function like a Independent Politician,
>> > but elected independent politicians cannot join
>> > any party.
>> >
>> > To have Government by the people for the people
>> > the Community Party will introduce Citizens
>> > Initiated referenda. The member's will control the
>> > party. Candidates having no need to work up
>> > through the ranks as they will simply nominate, be
>> > endorsed by the Party, then selected by the
>> > people, not by the Party.
>> >
>> > By associating with other like minded people or
>> > group/s each group effectively may expand their
>> > support base because more people become involved.
>> >
>> > If members of each group decided to communicate
>> > with friends and those friends then contact their
>> > friends and so on we can have a reduced cost to
>> > get the word out and so increase the support base.
>> >
>> > Do away with the mentality of having to keep away
>> > and not to be seen to be talking to any other
>> > group of people leaves the people with no
>> > solidarity.
>> >
>> > What we should be doing is talking to these groups
>> > and if the issues are much the same then
>> > associate.
>> >
>> > For change to occur, we need at least 9,000,000
>> > people and 148 House of Reps and 40 Senators, on a
>> > national basis.
>> > Where the Liberal and Labor Parties get in is when
>> > the people mark their preference vote. If people
>> > were to leave the Liberal and Labor Parties last
>> > on the ballot paper, and mark their second and
>> > third preference vote to some other small party,
>> > would be a sure way to vote the Liberal and Labor
>> > Parties out.
>> >
>> > There are three files on my web site I am asking
>> > to look at and they are;
>> >
>> > (main web
>> > site)
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Please reply,
>> > Signed: Mr S.F.Broad of 9 Waitara Ave,
>> > Keysborough.
>> > 3173.  Phone: 03 97985149.
>Do You Yahoo!?
>Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

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The Money Masters.

2001-03-21 Thread John Wilson

Dear Brian,
I have just finished watching "The Money 
Masters" video tape you sent me.
It is the most important and informative video 
ever made.
At the end, a website is given which, on 
bringing it up, only has had 28,000 hits, to date.
The site is 

Everyone in the world should/must see the video 
and the website is the way of getting it.
The only fault I have with it is that, in its 
conclusions, it doesn't tell how the people can force their governments to 
outlaw the "Fractional Reserve Banking" scam, which is a vague way of 
saying that banks create money for themselves "out of thin air".  

There is only one real way to defeat bank fraud 
and that is through FULLY INFORMED JURIESand only then will corrective 
legislation result.
Yours sincerely,
John Wilson.

Re: Real Reason for Plunging Australian Dollar

2001-03-21 Thread John Wilson


-Original Message-From: 
Undisclosed-Recipient:; Date: 
Thursday, 22 March 2001 5:29Subject: Real Reason for Plunging 
Australian Dollar

‘Damned’ if do or not 

FROM: The Fraser Coast Chronicle - 
Maryborough Queensland - Monday, March 19, 2001.
Canberra. - Uncertainty 
over Shell’s $10 billion takeover bid for Woodside shouldn’t be 
a major factor weighing down the Australian dollar, Prime Minister John 
Howard said.
The Aussie hit a string of 
record lows last week after plunging below the US 50-cent barrier for the 
first time and economists warned it could slide below 49 cents this week 
after hitting 49.06 cents early on Friday.
Bankers Rothschild and HSBC 
said political uncertainty was one factor dragging down the Aussie, 
including the lack orf a government decision on Royal Dutch/Shell’s 
$10 billion bid for Woodside Petroleum.
The government was damned 
it it did and damned if it didn’t,Mr Howard said.
The Fraser Coast Chronicle - Maryborough 
Queensland - Monday, March 19, 2001.
This is the big boys' version of STAND 
The only political 
uncertainty is whether the world financiers will force our dollar to 
10 cents US if we do not hand our oilfields over to them for next to 
We are not helpless but the action needed, if 
taken, would fit John Howard with the same honours and awards accorded to 
Abe Lincoln, John F Kennedy and Harold Holt - for the same reasons. He would 
be dead within days.
If Australia spent a billion dollars sending 
copies of the Money Masters video to every major and minor political party 
in every one of the 180 countries that are in debt to the world financiers 
WAKING them to just how they were fleeced by the FRACTIONAL RESERVE BANKING 
system, their own RESERVE BANKS and FOREIGN OWNED PRIVATE BANKS then the 
stranglehold on every country would be broken forever.
Every nation is in debt. HOW COME? There must be 
a lender who is in credit and he must reside on earth OR do we borrow from 
the moon? Search the internet for MONEY MASTERS - the 
AND  Send this message to the far corners of 
the earth. We can save our oilfields IF you co-operate and send this message 
on to hundreds of browsers.

BHP leaves the sinking ship.

2001-03-19 Thread John Wilson

BHP, Australia's biggest company and the 
backbone to Australian industry, announced yesterday it would be 
"merging" with the British based company, Billiton.
What more proof does the Australian public need 
to convince them that they are losing their country at the hands of the banks? 
Do they really think that it is anything but part of the banks' "Drive for 
World Control" (to use Jeremy Lee's words).
The shareholders of BHP only want to save 
themselves - that's why they want the "merger".
Australia's Prime Minister, the Rt Hon. John 
Winston Howard, says "This is a great resource opportunity for 
Australia.".  What else would the banks' stooge say? 
Equity?  EQUITY?  Australians' 
ownership of Australian assets?  
Who owns Australia?  NOT 
We must be the  most stupid people in the 
Swimming?  Football?  Cricket?  
Stuff them all.  What about REALITY?
What about smashing the banks and regaining our 
The banks have engineered all this by FRAUD with variable 
interest rates and money creation.
The banks have corrupted our parliaments and courts to write 
their own laws and wipe out ours.
Talk about DREAMTIME?  Talk about a DRUNKEN 
STUPOR?  Talk about HEADS IN THE SAND?  Talk about 
Any self-respecting people would be storming the parliaments 
and charging the politicians and judges with TREACHERY.
Our Bill of Rights says "That jurors ought to be duly 
impanelled".  Never has there been a more urgent situation demanding 
the implementation of OUR RIGHTS set out in Magna Carta.
BHP deserting the sinking ship is proof-positive of where we 
Yours sincerely,
John Wilson. 

Bankrupt Australia - Update.

2001-03-15 Thread John Wilson

The figures from the Reserve Bank of Australia 
of $379 billion for the Net Foreign Liabilities being 57.8% of our Gross 
Domestic Product were not when the dollar was worth 51.1 US cents (9th march) 
but on the 2nd of March when the dollar was higher.
Therefore,  bankruptcy is closer than 
If anyone knows what the dollar was worth on the 
2nd of March, one can update the first guess at the point of bankruptcy of 25 US 
cents...maybe 30 US cents?.
That's what happens when the country is run by 
the banks.  It's all FRAUD - planned and executed with variable interest 
rate loans and money creation - so that the rich get rich and the poor get 
The reality is that we are a bountiful land with 
more than enough to go around.
There should be no poverty in Australia.  
For that fact, there should be no slavery in Australia.
But that's what happens when the country is run 
by the banks with governments and courts doing their bidding.
The people cannot win back their country with 
guns and bombs because the banks are too powerful.
We can only win back what is rightfully ours in 
Court with judges pushed to one side and the issues are tried by our peers - 
which, naturally, means TRIAL BY JURY.
The fight is between the BANKS and the 
Call it a WAR, if you like - but the Banks 
represent TYRANNY and the People represent DEMOCRACY.
It's there for the winning.
Who is going to take it on?
Yours sincerely,
John Wilson.

When is Australia bankrupt?

2001-03-15 Thread John Wilson

Dear Fellow Australians,
If, as of a few days ago, when the Aussie dollar 
was 51.1 US cents, the Net Foreign Liabilities were 57.8% of the Gross Domestic 
Product.  When is Australia bankrupt, simply by the Aussie dollar 
I work it out to be when the Aussie dollar drops 
to 25 US cents.
Yours sincerely,
John Wilson.

Ever heard of a COPT?

2001-03-15 Thread John Wilson

Yesterday, a young man was handing out leaflets 
as part of a protest about human rights.
The movement has a web site of 

Australian Judges Reject Trial by Jury

2001-03-12 Thread John Wilson

Dear Fellow Australians,
Australian Judges continue to deny the right to 
Trial by Jury.
In the Supreme Court of New South Wales, Sydney, 
Justice Hulme refused to disqualify himself and proceded to judge a Notice of 
Motion in spite of all my arguing where my main thrust was that the law (section 
3 of the Supreme Court Procedure Act 1900) laid down that "consent of both 
parties" is required for there to be "a Judge without a 
Attached are the Transcript and Judgment of 26 
th February along with the Affidavit containing my argument.
Justice Hulme's promotion of his, Justice 
Simpson's and any other Judge's authority to judge in matters from which the law 
excludes them, is bewildering.  
It's the Star Chamber, all over again.  

Lord Edward Coke - oh, how we need you 
Yours sincerely,
John Wilson.
 Transcript SC 26 February 2001.rtf
 Judgment - Hulme 26 February 2001.rtf
 Affidavit on right to trial by jury.doc

Re: WorldNetDaily Inside the all-powerful Federal Reserve.htm

2001-03-11 Thread John Wilson
Title: WorldNetDaily: Inside the all-powerful Federal Reserve

Dear Peter,
Well worth sending on.
-Original Message-From: 
Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: john 
wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: 
Sunday, 11 March 2001 19:54Subject: WorldNetDaily Inside the 
all-powerful Federal Reserve.htm








   Page 1 

Page 2 News














Q&AInside the all-powerful Federal ReserveGeoff Metcalf interviews veteran journalist Anne 

note: Anne Williamson, a veteran researcher and journalist who has 
written for the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times, has 
authored a definitive and eye-opening analysis of the nation's 
banking system for WorldNet Magazine, WorldNetDaily's offline 
companion. Williamson, who has testified before Congress as an 
expert on international banking issues, brought years of expertise 
to her comprehensive, 11,000-word investigative report, covering the 
Federal Reserve, how the Fed manipulates elections and markets, 
who's behind the Fed, and more. WorldNetDaily writer and talk-show 
host Geoff Metcalf recently interviewed Williamson about her article 
and the true nature and impact of the Federal Reserve. 
to WorldNet Magazine and receive Williamson's groundbreaking 
Metcalf's daily streaming radio show can be heard on TalkNetDaily weekdays from 7 p.m. to 10 
p.m. Eastern time. 
Geoff Metcalf© 2001 

Question: This is a complex issue, which is why I have 
been encouraging people to read your piece in WorldNet Magazine. Can 
you start us out with a basic "The Fed 101"? 
Answer: OK. Eustace Mullins has a wonderful line in which 
he says the Federal Reserve System is not federal; there are no 
reserves; and, he says, "It is not a system, but a criminal 
syndicate." That is one of the more vituperous summations of 
the institution. And it's not unfair because there is a lot of truth 
in it. 
Q: It's a cool scam! 
A: Oh, it's the ultimate scam. This was a brilliant, 
brilliant swindle. That it has been so long-lived is remarkable, as 
are the results of what they have achieved with it. In the article, 
I try to walk the reader through the most basic elements of money 
and banking and then finance and currencies generally. But the real 
point that I hope readers will take with them is an understanding 
that this institution has cheated all of us of our citizenship. 
Q: Why? 
A: Because the Fed gives the government the power of 
creating unlimited debt. 
Q: For those people who listen to my program on the 
Internet, I do a four-minute commentary at the top of each hour. 
This week I kind of cheated, and, to promote your visit, I have been 
reading from Congressm

Australia's forein debt

2001-03-08 Thread John Wilson

Dear Fellow Australians,
The Australian dollar is a 0.51 of the American 
The figures from the reserve Bank of Australia, 
at 11:30am 3rd March 2001 are:
Net Foreign Liabilities as a percentage of 
G.D.P. = 57.8%
Net Foreign Liabilities as a dollar sum =  
$379 billion.
Yours sincerely,
John Wilson.

High Court ruling on Independent & Impartial Tribunals.

2001-03-05 Thread John Wilson

Dear Wolter,
I have taken a quick look at Ebner v The 
Official Trustee in Bankruptcy - HCA  63 (7 December 2000) and the 4th 
paragraph says: "The rule of necessity gives expression to the principle 
that the rules of natural justice cannot be invoked to frustrate the intended 
operation of a statute which sets up a tribunal and requires it to perform the 
statutory functions entrusted to it. Or, to put the matter another way, the 
statutory requirement that the tribunal perform the functions assigned to it 
must prevail over and displace the application of the rules of natural justice. 
Those rules may be excluded by statute. Twist v Randwick Municipal Council 
(10); Salemi v MacKellar (No 2) (11); FAI Insurances Ltd v Winnecke 
Paragraph 54 says: "Having regard to the current state of 
the common law in Australia on the subject of disqualification for apprehended 
bias, we do not the submissions that there is a separate and free-standing rule 
of automatice disqualification which applies where a judge has a direct 
pecuniary interest, however small, in the outcome of the case over which the 
judge is presiding, etc"
Wolter, please have a good read.
It smells a bit, to me.
Yours sincereley,
John Wilson.

Re: Question

2001-03-05 Thread John Wilson

Dear Mark,
I couldn't find anything about Joe Bryant being the 
interim Prime Minister of Caledonia.
However,  the concept is quite 
brilliant.  It is obviously a very effective means of drawing attention to 
the extreme state of corruption of our nation.  Such a ploy can serve a 
very useful purpose.  By building a farcical entity, such as the 
Principality of Caledonia, it must help to awaken the poor, stupid and dumb 
Australians to reality.
It is serious farce and, because people like yours 
truly are trying to fight for Justice and getting stonewalled, the construction 
of Caledonia will probably succeed.
However,  well-intentioned schemes, such as 
CAP, One Nation, etc., can be sabotaged.  This is what James Renton and his 
supporters must be aware of, ie:  when Caledonia looks like it might be 
getting somewhere, the Banks (through their existing politicians and judges) 
will send in people to bring them down.
One ploy, which the Banks use to undermine their 
opposition,  James Renton appears to have countered.  The Banks use 
the media to ridicule those involved.  In the Principality of Caledonia, 
they are already laughing. It's a very clever application of 
Yours sincerely,
John Wilson. 

-Original Message-From: 
Reclaim Australia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: 
John Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: 
Monday, 5 March 2001 20:47Subject: RE: 


you know that Joe Bryant is the interim Prime Minister of The Principality 
of Caledonia, and that Caledonia is the only true authority in Australia as 
it has annexed all the crown land and property of Australia including the 
flag have a look at the web page

Message-From: John 
Wilson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Monday, 5 March 2001 5:58 
Re: Question
individuals like bank managers for minor offences is allowed by the banks 
and judges huff and puff and pretend they are doing right.  
However,  the issues I have raised (Contract Fraud and Money Creation) 
are major offences which will bring the banks down from their position of 
dominance to one of servitude.  This the banks will not allow and the 
judges do as they are told.
Constitutional Problem is one that will not go away.  While people are 
starting to use it,  the judges again are doing what they are told and 
rejecting the arguments.  Nobody is yet winning on those grounds - and 
will not - until the judges are pushed aside and juries come into their 
own.  This is what should have been and should always be --- and there 
we have the battle lines drawn. 
It is a question 
of sovereignty, ie: who rules who.  Are the people sovereign or 
The fight can 
only take place in the Courts because the enemy have all the 
If the people 
are prevented from securing justice in the Courts, then there will be, as 
Henry Lawson described, "blood on the wattle" and the whole nation 
of Australia will be destroyed.
As for the 
Principality of Caledonia - I would rather see the people rally to the Flag 
of the Union Jack and the Southern Cross.  But, if the Principality of 
Caledonia serves the cause of Right and Justice to defeat what exists at the 
moment, then go for it.
Joe Bryant is also doing his best with 
the Alternative Three campaign.  His target is a strengthened Australia 
on the same foundations which we supposedly already have.  This is a 
better ideal and, if given a chance, would gain better acceptance than a 
Lilliputian project.

Message-From: Deborah Humphries <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: 'John Wilson' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: Monday, 5 March 2001 
9:46Subject: RE: 
Its a sick world we 
live in John. But I believe that what goes around, comes around. 

Their time will 
I  know of 
someone on the sunshine coast who won his case but he took the 

manager and not the 
bank to court. He was awarded a huge damages claim. 

Did you sue the 
bank or the bank manager John?
What do you think 
of everyone becoming citizens of the Principality of 
It seems to be a 
legal loop hole everyone is using. 
We are in a 
situation where the tax department if after us and we don't have the money 
pay them. What 
would you advise?
Sorry things didn't 
go as they should. But what can you expect in a country ruled by 

Re: Question

2001-03-04 Thread John Wilson

Dear Deborah,
Suing individuals like bank managers for minor offences is 
allowed by the banks and judges huff and puff and pretend they are doing 
right.  However,  the issues I have raised (Contract Fraud and Money 
Creation) are major offences which will bring the banks down from their position 
of dominance to one of servitude.  This the banks will not allow and the 
judges do as they are told.
The Constitutional Problem is one that will not go away.  
While people are starting to use it,  the judges again are doing what they 
are told and rejecting the arguments.  Nobody is yet winning on those 
grounds - and will not - until the judges are pushed aside and juries come into 
their own.  This is what should have been and should always be --- and 
there we have the battle lines drawn. 
It is a question of sovereignty, ie: who rules who.  Are 
the people sovereign or slaves?
The fight can only take place in the Courts because the enemy 
have all the guns.
If the people are prevented from securing justice in the 
Courts, then there will be, as Henry Lawson described, "blood on the 
wattle" and the whole nation of Australia will be destroyed.
As for the Principality of Caledonia - I would rather see the 
people rally to the Flag of the Union Jack and the Southern Cross.  But, if 
the Principality of Caledonia serves the cause of Right and Justice to defeat 
what exists at the moment, then go for it.
Joe Bryant is also doing his best with the 
Alternative Three campaign.  His target is a strengthened Australia on the 
same foundations which we supposedly already have.  This is a better ideal 
and, if given a chance, would gain better acceptance than a Lilliputian 
Yours sincerely,
John Wilson.

-Original Message-From: 
Deborah Humphries <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: 'John 
Wilson' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: 
Monday, 5 March 2001 9:46Subject: RE: 
Hello John,
Its a sick world we live in John. But I believe 
that what goes around, comes around. 
Their time will come. 
I  know of someone on the sunshine coast who 
won his case but he took the 
manager and not the bank to court. He was 
awarded a huge damages claim. 
Did you sue the bank or the bank manager 
What do you think of everyone becoming citizens of 
the Principality of Caledonia?
seems to be a legal loop hole everyone is using. 
We are 
in a situation where the tax department if after us and we don't have the 
money to 
pay them. What would you 
Sorry things didn't go as they should. But what can 
you expect in a country ruled by corrupt
politicians. They have sold us 
Take good care now,
     -----Original Message-  From: John Wilson 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Monday, 5 March 2001 7:08 
amTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: 

Dear Deborah,
If you are asking about November 9th 1999 , Chief 
Judge at Common Law Wood conducted a trial without a jury (against my 
constant protests), convicted me and sentenced me to two years 
imprisonment without parole.  After three months and three weeks, 
the Court of Appeal (by a vote of 2 judges to 1) released me but would 
not overturn the conviction.  It's all on my website of 

Without the right to Trial by Jury, we have no rights, 
at all, because everything (including freedom) is ultimately decided in 
    Yours sincerely,
John Wilson.

Message-From: Deborah Humphries <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: 
Saturday, 3 March 2001 14:22Subject: 
Hi, just 
wondered how your court case went on Novemebr 

Re: Question

2001-03-04 Thread John Wilson

Dear Deborah,
If you are asking about November 9th 1999 , Chief Judge at 
Common Law Wood conducted a trial without a jury (against my constant protests), 
convicted me and sentenced me to two years imprisonment without parole.  
After three months and three weeks, the Court of Appeal (by a vote of 2 judges 
to 1) released me but would not overturn the conviction.  It's all on my 
website of 

Without the right to Trial by Jury, we have no rights, at all, 
because everything (including freedom) is ultimately decided in 
Yours sincerely,
John Wilson.

-Original Message-From: 
Saturday, 3 March 2001 14:22Subject: 
Hi, just 
wondered how your court case went on Novemebr 9th?

Jail for e-mailers & Australian Waco.

2001-03-04 Thread John Wilson

Dear Fellow Australians,
Two interesting stories in yesterday's 
1.  The Australian Federal Attorney General 
announced that, as of 4th March 2001,  people who retransmit material sent 
to them without the permission of the person who sent it to them, will suffer 
imprisonment for a maximum of 5 (five) years or fines of $60,000 (sixty thousand 
dollars).  What a perfect plan for entrapment! 
2.  An Australian recluse, by the name of 
Jimmy Hallinan, refused to go to Court over traffic fines. He warned two 
policemen off his mountain property when they went there to arrest him.  
The police flew in a squad of 90 (ninety) heavily armed police, smoked him out 
of his hut with tear gas bombs and shot him dead.  The shot was between the 
eyes. There will be a Coronial Enquiry into the incident with a Jury. I hope the 
Jury is a Fully Informed Jury who exercise their rights to investigate fully, 
call for any evidence, judge the Justice of the Law, decide (if the law is just) 
if the Law was appropriately applied, judge the moral intentions of the parties, 
and vote according to their consciences - or will they allow themselves to be 
misled, gagged and manipulated by counsellors and judges? 
Yours sincerely,
John Wilson. 
PS: Absolutely anyone has permission to relay 
this e-mail to anyone

Re: Judges overrule Natural Justice AGAIN.

2001-03-01 Thread John Wilson

Dear Alan,
About 20 years ago I used to have a car number plate saying 
"WOTNIF" - which was what my children used to say.  I no longer 
have that plate so you can use it, if you like.
John Wilson.

-Original Message-From: 
Alan Gourley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: 
John Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: 
Friday, 2 March 2001 6:35Subject: Re: Judges overrule Natural 
Justice AGAIN.Dear John - Sorry - "IF Onleys" 
do not carry a lot of weight in the real world, if you understood what other 
people are doing and have done you would be using your time and money to 
expose the takeover and not paying them for your distress. You could start 
with < >  best wishes to your 
John Wilson wrote: 
Alan, No disrespect intended BUT- 
what have all you whingers done? Sitting back 
in your lounge chairs pontificating! Talking 
about revamping government! Talking about 
making new laws or new political parties! Talking,  talking,  talking --doing bugger all and 
achieving bugger all. You run away and hide 
like frightened women -- but that's an insult to fightened 
women. The traitors laugh at pathetic, gutless 
wimps. I'm no hero.  I'm just doing what 
has to be done which is face the scum in Court --where all you 
blow-hards should be. If there were a thousand 
 even a hundred  Australians who would simply state their claim 
to truth and justice IN COURTand expose and prove 
the treachery of the judges,  then there would be a chance of 
victory. Until then (as Jeremy Lee once said, 
ie: another whinger) "the enemy won't even look up from their cup 
of tea". All the jaw flapping is 
    done. Get off your backside. Yours respectfully, John 
Message- From: Alan Gourley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
To: John Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Date: Wednesday, 28 
February 2001 10:58 Subject: Re: Judges overrule Natural Justice 
AGAIN.  Dear John - How long do you have to 
keep hitting your head against this concrete wall before you admit 
what I have been trying to tell you.  You have proven it over 
and over but still you persist in paying the enemy to stomp on your 
    face. I only hope that you will now face reality-  Alan G. 
John Wilson wrote: 
 Dear Fellow Australians, In the Supreme Court of New South 
Wales, Sydney Registry,  Justice Hulme dispensed with 
Natural Justice (ie: no-one can judge in his own cause) ruled 
that a Judge (including himself) can determine what jurisdiction 
they have - such as whether they have the power to deny Trial by 
Jury in contravention to s.3 of the 1900 Supreme Court Procedure 
Act (which says that only by consent of both parties can there 
by a Judge without a Jury). Judges believe they have the power 
to dispense with our laws and our rights. This was the reason 
for bringing in the Bill of Rights 1688.  History repeating 
itself, indeed. The Bill of Rights says those "counsellors, judges 
and ministers" were "evil" and, by golly, 
that's what we've got today. Power 
corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Yours sincerely,John 

Re: High Treason Laws Against Establishing a Foreign Power in England.htm

2001-02-28 Thread John Wilson
Title: High Treason: Laws Against Establishing a Foreign Power in England

Dear Peter,
Thank you for sending the article on HIGH 
I will send it out on my address list.
John Wilson.
-Original Message-From: 
Thursday, 1 March 2001 14:25Subject: High Treason Laws Against 
Establishing a Foreign Power in England.htm

According to the old laws of England, which are 
still in force, many current British politicians qualify for 
hanging and their laws are null and void 


The Complete Text of Capt. K. R. McKilliam, 

The British Nation is bedevilled today by alien organisations 
that have established themselves within our Christian Nation and aim 
to take us over, to destroy our Christian culture and force us to 
follow their preconceived designs. Unfortunately they have 
infiltrated themselves into our educational and religious systems 
and have educated many adepts among our people who unknowingly carry 
out their will. Many of them have been advanced to high places. 


"Gentile Home Secretary Roy Jenkins gets his latest 
set of instructions from Lord Fisher and Maurice Orbach." 
Published with this caption in Let My People Go! c. 

In 1353 Edward III by his statute of Praemunire forbade appeals 
being made to foreign courts. Richard II who came to the throne in 
1377 issued a Statute of Praemunire (16 Richard II II C5) which 
stated that anyone who procures from Rome or any other place any 
thing which touches the King, against him or his Crown or realm and 
all those aiding and abetting them shall be out of the King's 
protection. Their goods and land would be forfeited and they would 
be made to answer to the King and his council and a process of 
Praemunire Facias made against them. The learned constitutional 
lawyer, Blackstone, in Book 4, C8, states that Praemunire is 
"introducing a foreign power into the land and creating an 
Imperium in Imperio by paying obedience to other processes 
which constitutionally belong to the King alone." But although 
this is a general protection of the King, the constitutional lawyer 
Littleton states that Praemunire Facias also extends to the King's 
loyal subjects and this particular protection is of two sorts, 
firstly it gives the subject immunity or freedom from action or 
suite and secondly to protect the safety of the subject and his 
goods, lands and possessions from violence, unlawful molestation and 
wrong. This the subject gains by right and by law. Subjects are 
protected by the King, by the law and by the King's writ. 

‘Praemunire doth fortify Jurisdictionem Jurium 
Coronae Suae of the Kingly laws of the Crown against foreign 
jurisdiction and against the usurpers upon them as by divers 
acts of parliament appears A man who by judgement given 
against him upon writ of Praemunire Facias etc. is out of the 
King's protection. For such of these crimes for which any shall 
have this judgement, to be hanged by the neck until he be dead 
and shall forfeit all his lands and chattels.’ 

Treason is the act of betraying; betrayal of a trust undertaken 
by or reposed in anyone; a breach of faith, treachery. High Treason 
or Treason Proper is the violation of a subject of his allegiance to 
his sovereign or to the state, levying war on the King's dominions, 
adhering to the King's enemies in his dominions, or aiding them in 
or out of the realm. In 1795 the offence was extended to include the 
contemplated use of force to make the King change his counsels. 

Misprision of Treason is an offence or misdemeanor akin to 
treason or felony. It is the neglect of duty by a public official 
who conceals a knowledge of treasonable actions or designs. At an 
assize it may warrant the same penalty as High Treason. A subject of 
the Crown is also bound to inf

Re: Judges overrule Natural Justice AGAIN.

2001-02-27 Thread John Wilson

Dear Alan,
No disrespect intended BUT- what have all you whingers 
Sitting back in your lounge chairs pontificating!
Talking about revamping government!
Talking about making new laws or new political 
Talking,  talking,  talking --doing bugger all 
and achieving bugger all.
You run away and hide like frightened women -- but that's an 
insult to fightened women.
The traitors laugh at pathetic, gutless wimps.
I'm no hero.  I'm just doing what has to be done which is 
face the scum in Court --where all you blow-hards should be.
If there were a thousand  even a hundred  Australians 
who would simply state their claim to truth and justice IN COURT
and expose and prove the treachery of the judges,  then 
there would be a chance of victory.
Until then (as Jeremy Lee once said, ie: another whinger) 
"the enemy won't even look up from their cup of tea".
All the jaw flapping is done.
Get off your backside.
Yours respectfully,
John Wilson. 

-Original Message-From: 
Alan Gourley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: 
John Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: 
Wednesday, 28 February 2001 10:58Subject: Re: Judges overrule 
Natural Justice AGAIN.Dear John - How long do you have 
to keep hitting your head against this concrete wall before you admit what I 
have been trying to tell you.  You have proven it over and over but 
still you persist in paying the enemy to stomp on your face. I only hope 
that you will now face reality-  Alan G. 
John Wilson wrote: 
Fellow Australians, In the Supreme Court of New South Wales, Sydney Registry,  
Justice Hulme dispensed with Natural Justice (ie: no-one can judge in 
his own cause) ruled that a Judge (including himself) can determine what 
jurisdiction they have - such as whether they have the power to deny 
Trial by Jury in contravention to s.3 of the 1900 Supreme Court 
Procedure Act (which says that only by consent of both parties can there 
by a Judge without a Jury). Judges believe they have the power to dispense with our laws and 
our rights. This was the reason for bringing in the Bill of Rights 
1688.  History repeating itself, indeed. The Bill of Rights says those 
"counsellors, judges and ministers" were "evil" 
and, by golly, that's what we've got today. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts 
absolutely. Yours 

The $0.95 Banana.

2001-02-27 Thread John Wilson

Dear Fellow 
This morning, on the way to work, I popped 
into the local Coles Supermarket to buy some milk.  I also fancied a 
banana.  It was amongst many other bananas and showed some black spots 
which, I believe, indicates that it is ripening and ready to 
The check-out register said it was 270 grams (9.5 ounces) and costs $0.94 - 
which, because Australia does not have a coin below 5 cents, was "rounded 
up" to $0.95.
INFLATION:  If Australian Banks creating, for themselves and 
"out of thin air", between $20 billion and $30 billion every year and 
introducing it into circulation by way of loans,  is it any wonder that we 
have inflation  of these proportions? Is it any wonder that vast numbers of 
Australians are below the "poverty line"?
The CREATION OF MONEY by the Banks is monumental FRAUD which 
Australians Judges protect to the extent of denying Australian citizens the 
RIGHT TO TRIAL BY JURY when they try to challenge the Banks' criminality.
BANK FRAUD cannot exist without CORRUPT JUDGES.  
Australia Judges believe they are above the Law by virtue of their 
self-created "DOCTRINE OF IMMUNITY",  which is totally 
"unlawful and malicious".  Australian Judges believe 
they can dispense with our LAWS and our RIGHTS.
The MEDIA refuse to expose the FRAUD and CORRUPTION - which makes them as 
guilty as the perpetrators.
Yours sincerely,
John Wilson 

The Options.

2001-02-26 Thread John Wilson

Dear Wolter,
I have been sent your "The Argument is 
Untenable But There is a Solution" document on our Constitutional Crisis - 
and compliment you for it.
You suggest 2 options:  (1) remain a 
self-governing Dominion or (2) secede from the United Kingdom.
I opt for (1) because we need our English 
heritage, desperately.  
We need all the history, sacrifices and 
achievments of our ancestors.  
We need the wisdom, law and culture which 
developed over the centuries.
Otherwise, our apathy will destroy 
Yours sincerely,
John Wilson. 


2001-02-26 Thread John Wilson

Dear Fellow Australians,
Proof that Australian Judges are totally corrupt 
is now beyond any doubt.
Yesterday (the 26th of February, 2001), in the 
Supreme Court of New South Wales in Sydney, Justice Hulme overruled the entirety 
of the evidence contained in the Affidavit which is attached to this email and 
filed in the case of John Wilson v St. George Bank Limited & State of New 
South Wales.
Justice Hulme maintained the position of 
numerous other Judges in Australian Courts to conceal the Judicial Corruption 
which is protecting the Banks in their fraudulent practices.  Also Attached 
to this email is a leaflet which very briefly tells of the Banks' 
criminality.  The criminality is so severe that the "elite" will 
not allow the facts to go to a Jury.  They employ every illegal procedure 
to keep it that way because, when Truth and Justice take over, there will be a 
massive redistribution of wealth back to the People from whom it was 
I filed this case on December 28, 2000 on the 
Grounds that the Judge (Justice Carolyn Simpson), who granted the Writ of 
Possession to the St. George Bank Limited, had denied my right to a Jury and she 
had no jurisdiction to deal with the case. I also asserted that she had 
concealed Bank Fraud. I asked the Duty Judge for an early hearing of a Notice of 
Motion to Stay an Order of Eviction. The Judge was Justice Hulme who said 
"my understanding of the law is that neither the judge or the state is 
liable in tort for anything which a judge does.".
The Queen is not above the Law - and yet,  
Judges believe they are above the law.  They believe they can dispense with 
our Rights and our Laws and can be as malicious as they please.  They have 
invented what they call a "Doctrine of Immunity".
Only a fool would believe they are above the 
Australian Judges are fools.
But the Australian People are greater fools for 
not protecting their Rights and allowing this unholy alliance between the Banks 
and the Judges to oppress and dispossess themselves and their 
The Conspiracy between the Banks and the Judges 
can only be smashed in the Courts - and only by Juries who are Fully Informed of 
their Rights, Responsibilities and Duty.
Yours sincerely,
John Wilson.
 Affidavit on right to trial by jury.doc

Judges overrule Natural Justice AGAIN.

2001-02-25 Thread John Wilson

Dear Fellow Australians,
In the Supreme Court of New South Wales, Sydney 
Registry,  Justice Hulme dispensed with Natural Justice (ie: no-one can 
judge in his own cause) ruled that a Judge (including himself) can determine 
what jurisdiction they have - such as whether they have the power to deny Trial 
by Jury in contravention to s.3 of the 1900 Supreme Court Procedure Act (which 
says that only by consent of both parties can there by a Judge without a 
Judges believe they have the power to dispense 
with our laws and our rights. This was the reason for bringing in the Bill of 
Rights 1688.  History repeating itself, indeed.
The Bill of Rights says those "counsellors, 
judges and ministers" were "evil" and, by golly, that's what 
we've got today.
Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts 
Yours sincerely,
John Wilson.

Re: Human Rights in South Australia.

2001-02-25 Thread John Wilson

Dear Brigitte,
Brian seems to be a fellow of determination.  
As long as he has Faith,  then I am sure he will weather the 
I am in Court again, this morning, to 
try again for Trial by Jury - this time for my case against the Crown for 
Justice  Carolyn Simpson awarding a Writ of Possession without Jurisdiction 
(ie: without Trial by Jury).

-Original Message-From: 
Brigitte Straulino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: 
    'John Wilson' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: 
Sunday, 25 February 2001 22:44Subject: RE: Human Rights in 
South Australia.

for this. I have approached some one I know here in Sydney who I trust to 
help Brian Fyffe, however I do not know yet if he is free etc. I let you 
know as soon as I know. I am really worried about Brian. We need to get him 
out of this jail…..
are things with you and your home? 
Message-From: John 
Wilson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Friday, 23 February 2001 
14:06To: Brigitte 
StraulinoSubject: Human 
Rights in South Australia.
Dear Ladies,
saw a bit on TV this morning, the Today Show at 8:17 am.
They had a piece on Human Rights with 
regard to refugee detainees at Woomera.
The lawyer fronting them was a Jeremy 
Moore.  He is using the UN Covenant on Political & Civil 
Might be worth talking to 

Re: buying back the farm

2001-02-22 Thread John Wilson

Dear George,

I have yet to be convinced that these so-called People's Banks are any
different to the existing corporations.  Don't they also charge variable
interest rates and don't they create their own money?  Aren't they the same
pack of swindlers in sheep's clothing?

John Wilson.

-Original Message-
From: George. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: John Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, 22 February 2001 13:23
Subject: buying back the farm

>Just happened to catch this on Lateline the other night and thought you
>might be interested
>George Newnham
>Cairns, Queensland

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Warning email

2001-02-19 Thread John Wilson

Dear Dr. E. Elliott/Maud Barlow,
Thank you for the warning on 
As long as we retain the Jury System and it is a 
Fully Informed Jury System,  the People can nullify 
anything thrown at us.
Of course, it would be better to defeat the 
skullduggery in the first place - but do you really think that will 
Yours sincerely,
John Wilson.


2001-02-19 Thread John Wilson

Australian Banks commit the crimes of 
fraud and Australian Judges conceal those crimes.
FRAUD: Under Common Law, variable interest rates render a contract 
void for uncertainty.  Obtaining money by fraud is 
MONEY:  Figures from the journal of the Reserve Bank of 
Australia document that Australian Banks create, for themselves and "out of 
thin air", an average of $20 billion each year.  By lending this 
"money" and charging interest, the Banks collect an ill-gotten wealth 
beyond imagination.  If the borrowers default on payments, the Banks 
foreclose on their victims.
JUDGES conceal 
these crimes in the Supreme Court, the federal Court and the High Court with 
lies (eg: declaring "the rate itself is indeed certain"), refusing 
Discovery and denying Trial by Jury.
For Transcripts and Judgments, please go 
to the Website of 

- Written by J. Wilson, PO Box 4520, 
North Rocks, NSW, 2151, Australia,

Re: Alan Keam, Human Rights Defender - Member of OVOP arrested Sunday night at 7 p.m!

2001-02-19 Thread John Wilson


-Original Message-From: 
One Voice - One People, Human Rights Defenders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: 
Judy Mastwyk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Christine 
Colin Hubner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Heather 
Behrendorff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 
John Stubberfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; John Wilson 
Maria & Richard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Martin 
Essenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 
Wolter Joosse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: 
Monday, 19 February 2001 7:39Subject: Alan Keam, Human Rights 
Defender - Member of OVOP arrested Sunday night at 7 

Urgent Attention 
all elected Representatives of the People
Dear Sir 
Australia:  Alan Keam, a member of ONE VOICE 
– ONE PEOPLE Human Rights Defenders (OVOP) has been arrested. Armed 
Australian Government officials turned up at his home last night, Sunday 
17/02/01 at 7p.m arrested him and put him in jail. This is now the third 
member of OVOP who has been jailed unlawfully. John Wilson is still fighting 
for compensation for wrongful imprisonment and Brian Fyffe has now been kept 
already more than 4 months in jail without a trial. 
What are 
their crimes?
Alan Keam, 
like many educated Australian people, has researched the legal history of 
the Australian Constitution and raised questions about the validity of the 
Australian Constitution. OVOP has been provided with information that the UN 
has been presented with a report “Australia: the Concealed 
Colony” requesting the UN to determine the legal status of Australia. 
The issue of this report is also whether the Australian Constitution is 
Alan Keam 
asked the Local Government Authorities to produce their head of power to 
make sure that he paid rates to a legitimate authority. The Authorities 
refused to produce such documents. 
The matter 
went to court and Alan Keam demanded an impartial independent trial and for 
that reason requested the court to provide him with a head of power. Alan 
Kean assured the court that he would do all things requested as soon as he 
has received the documentation. The court refused to comply with his request 
and the Registrar of the Court told Alan Keam in a letter that he does not 
want to have anything to do with him. 
For some 
while now Alan Keam received threatening phone call from a person claiming 
to be a sheriff. Last night at 7p.m Alan Keam was arrested under allegations 
of contempt of court. 
Alan Keam 
is not in contempt of court! He is very concerned about the violations of 
human rights in Australia. His crime seems to be that he asked to be 
provided with documentation from government authorities, which show that 
they have the authority they claimed to have under an Australian 
OVOP are 
alarmed because of another issue: “The 1988 Referendum” which 
defeated the existence of the Local Government by the Australian people. 
Please find attached OVOP’s letter to, the Hon Daryl Williams, 
Attorney General asking for advice.
Will the 
Australian Government start a “witch hunt” and jail all the 
people who ask questions about the validity of the Australian Constitution 
and the Referendum in question? Will people be just whisked away at 
nighttime like in previous Nazi Germany and Russian KGB style? 

Do you 
believe that the Australian Government has the right to refuse to answer 
question of concerned citizens? Why have the authorities refused to provide 
the information requested by Adam Keam, an Australian Citizen?   
actions are you going to take as an elected representative of the Australian 
people? You are responsible for the Government’s abuse of the 
so-called due process to shut people up and for the violations of human 
rights in Australia? 
VOICE – ONE PEOPLE, Human Rights 

Muslims don't charge interest.

2001-02-13 Thread John Wilson

Dear Fellow Australians,
A show on SBS television aroused my curiosity 
about how Muslims might lend money because, apparently, trade is fundamental to 
their culture.
I phoned the Muslim Community Co-Operative 
(Australia) Ltd and was sent some literature on the Muslim Community Credit 
Union Ltd.  Their booklet says "Transactions involving interest are 
completely excluded.".
This ties in with a search of the Holy Quran on 
Yahoo for the word "usury" which says that "God hath permitted 
trade and forbidden usury" and those "who repeat (The Offence) are 
companions of the Fire: They will abide therein (for ever)" 
A book entitled "Lightning Over the 
Treasury Building" (author escapes me), Chapter II, says "For 
centuries, in England, the christians were taught, and believed, that it was 
contrary to Christian ethics to loan money at usury, or interest. During those 
centuries the Church and the State saw eye to eye, for they were practically one 
and the same. It was, therefore, not only un-Christian, but illegal to loan 
money at interest.  The laws of King Alfred, in the Tenth Century, provided 
that the effects and lands of those who loaned money upon interest should be 
forfeited to the crown and the lender should not be buried in consecrated 
ground." etc.
We, dumb Christians, seem to have "lost the 
plot" and let the banks become our masters, financially, politically, 
socially and morally.  Those banks think we are so completely stupid that 
they, not only impose usury on us, but create the money they lend us "out 
of thin air" and reap returns which we cannot begin to 
If this were a Harold Robbins' novel, it would 
be ridiculed as unbelievable nonsense - a fantasy to end all 
Will we Christians ever wake up?
Yours sincerely,
John Wilson..

Re: Treaty to be stoped URGENT

2001-02-13 Thread John Wilson

Dear Joe,

I can't quite imagine you in your "early nighties".

-Original Message-
From: succeed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: John Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, 13 February 2001 13:35
Subject: Re: Treaty to be stoped URGENT

>John I am not running away.  You are fighting on the wrong front but best
>luck you will need it.  I went down the path you are taking in the early
>nighties when you were asleep like most other Australians, I learn from my
>experiences. Joe Bryant

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Re: Treaty to be stoped URGENT

2001-02-11 Thread John Wilson

Dear Joe,

"Getting the juries is the problem."

You are quite right.  Judges have been refusing to let me have juries for 4
years in all my court cases, including their imprisoning me without one.

We have the right to trial by jury "enshrined" in our present laws - what
difference will another "Constitution" make?

The COURTS ARE THE BATTLEGROUND where we must fight NOW.

To put off the fight, with some excuse of making more laws, is exactly what
the "evil counsellors, judges and ministers" want.  They don't want a
fight - and those who chicken out obviously don't want it, either.

I have recently seen a video called "My Fair Lady" which has in it a song
called "Words! Words! Words!".

Bob Doring put out an email entitled "Fools. Traitors and Cowards", which
was a report to General Macarthur in the Second World War describing the
Australian population.  Isn't it equally true today?

Inverell wil be another repetition of those old women talking and
talkingand wanting someone else to do the work for them.

"Let's form another political party!".


Not really. Pathetic and useless - is more like it!

To be a patriot, one doesn't need guns when we have juries.

People bleat about being disarmed - but being denied juries is infinitely
more serious.

When are Australians going to fight back?

Are they going to keep on saying, "Let's have some more laws." and "Let's
have a new political party."?

The Americans coined the phrase "Fully Informed Juries" but all they are
insisting upon is what English Common Law has always had but has been kept
from us.

You can't win by running away.

Yours sincerely,

John Wilson

-Original Message-
From: succeed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: John Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, 12 February 2001 12:12
Subject: Re: Treaty to be stoped URGENT

>Greetings John,
>Getting the juries is the problem!  This will only happen with a fresh
>Constitution it will not happen by confronting the courts.
>Check out the new site I am building at  I would appreciate
>constructive criticism.  Regards Joe Bryant

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Re: Treaty to be stoped URGENT

2001-02-11 Thread John Wilson

Dear Joe,

Thank goodness we have juries to nullify anything done by the government
against us.


-Original Message-
From: succeed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: succeed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, 9 February 2001 12:41
Subject: Treaty to be stoped URGENT

>My thanks to Merv Turner for a timely reminder, I have included my
>submission for your information.  Regards Joe Bryant
>The message Merv passed on was:
>Dear Friend and co-worker,
>   The following came in the mail, and you may like to take some action
>on it..
>Statute of International Criminal Code
>On the news report No. 261 issued by Neil Baird, 23/01/01,  is the
>interesting information.  On 13 Feb next, a Joing Standing Committee will
>meet to consider whether Australia should accept the Statute of an
>International Criminal Court.  Adoption of this Treaty will over ride the
>power of Australia's own courts on issues considered of interest to the
>"International Community".
>The lack of publicity given to this proposal means to date there have only
>been 23 submissions, most from UN affiliated organisations or lawyers who
>have a personal axe to grind..  As the writer points out, with a miniscule
>input from the general public the committee could recommend to the
>Government as there are so few onjections to the Treatry it should be
>It is crucial that we ACT NOW by making it clear what the committee should
>decide.  Submissions should be directed to:
>The Inquiry Secretary
>Mr. Bob Morris
>Joint Standing Committee on Treaties
>Dept of House of Representatives
>Parliament House
>Canberra  ACT  2600
>FAX (02) 6277 4827 EMAIL
>  or phone Mr. Morris on (02) 6277 2135
>The submission may be kept simple.  This is what I have faxed to him:
>Re - Joint Standing Committii on Treaties
>Dear Sir,
> As a private citizen, I wish to indicate my objection to the
>consideration of any overseas proposal that will be binding on the
>of Australia.Our elected representatives are responsible for internal
>issues that effect their electors.  But, any issue that ties us to
>international agreements should be first agreed to, or rejected by, all
>citizens per medium of a referendum.
> An International Criminal Court should not over ride the authority
>of own institutions.  Nor should the citizens of this country be bound to
>decisions made by any external authority, whose recognition of our common
>law rights are suspect.  I urge the Committee to reject this proposal.
>  Yours sincerely
>My submission follows,
>The Inquiry Secretary
>Mr. Bob Morris
>Joint Standing Committee on Treaties
>Dept of House of Representatives
>Parliament House
>Canberra  ACT  2600
>FAX (02) 6277 4827
>9th February 2001
>Joint Standing Committee on Treaties
>Dear Sir,
>   Statute of International Criminal Code
>My submission is:
>Australia should not be party to the Statute of International Criminal
>1. It overrides Australian sovereignty:
>Australia (government) rejected appeals to the Privy Council in order to
>jurisdiction by "foreign" authorities.  It is therefore hypocritical and a
>reversal of existing policy of independent sovereignty.
>It is not in the best interests of the Australian people to transfer
>sovereignty to an alien foreign power.
>The parliament does not have the peoples' authority for such a transfer of
>juridical sovereignty.
>To transfer sovereignty to a foreign power could only be lawful following a
>referendum of the population.
>2.   Should Australia become a party to this Code:
>it would place all Australians under the control of a foreign alien power
>without their individual knowledge or authority, and
>it would place all Australians under an authority over which they could not
>possible have proper democratic influence, and
>it would place all Australians under an authority that   will be concerned
>more about the interests of more powerful nations that it would be about
>Australians, and
>Australians would have no reasonable or democratic control over future
>developments of the Code.
>3. Should Australia become party to this Code:
>all persons involved in the support of such involvement will have committed
>an act of treachery against the Australian people for which they will be
>held fully accountable.
>Submission by,
>Joseph Richard Bryant,
>Natural citizen elector.
>418 Roper Road,
>St Marys NSW 2670

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The Crown Solicitor's Request

2001-02-08 Thread John Wilson

Dear Fellow Australians,
I have filed an action (30/11/2000) in the 
Supreme Court against the Crown because the Crown is vicariously liable for what 
Public Servants, such as Judicial Officers, do.I am accusing the Registrar of 
the District Court, under section 138 of the Crimes Act ("penal servitude 
for seven years"), which is that he "unlawfully and maliciously" 
rejected a Cross-Claim I had filed against the Crown, in a case the Deputy 
Commissioner of Taxation filed against me.
Of course, I want trial by jury but the Crown 
Solicitor doesn't.
Today I received a letter from the Crown 
Solicitor enclosing a prepared "Notice of Discontinuance of Proceedings - 
Filed for the Plaintiff (me)".  It is signed by the Crown Solicitor 
(I.V. Knight) and a Solicitor for the Crown Solicitor (G. Mahony).  AND 
THEY WANT ME TO SIGN IT where the document says "The plaintiff discontinues 
these proceedings".
If it wasn't so pathetic, it would be 
Attached is a copy of an Affidavit I filed in 
this matter which gets down to basics of what is a Court; what is Justice;  
what is a Law/what is not a Law. This has been put together drawing upon my own 
research and material sent by email from other Patriots - for which I thank 
Yours sincerely,
 Affidavit on right to trial by jury.doc

The Trial of William Penn (1670)

2001-01-30 Thread John Wilson

Dear Fellow Australians,
By conducting a search the transcript of William 
Penn's trial in 1670 is available to all.
This is a landmark case when the jury nullified 
a bad law and rejected the dictate of an oppressive government.
This is essential reading for any 
For more information, search for "The Trial of William 
Penn (1670)" on Yahoo through Yahoo UK & Ireland.
Yours sincerely,
John Wilson.

Promo for Forum.

2001-01-29 Thread John Wilson

Dear Robert,
A bit wishy-washy.  
What "common goal"?
How about some urgency and and calling "a spade a 
Australia is being stolen and the banks are the 
Democracy is a fiction and the banks are the 
To use your own words, "Australians aren't hurt enough 
That's because they are either brain-dead or "fools, 
traitors and cowards".
Isn't Inverell more than a "talk shop" where 
self-centred morons have a bit of a whinge and leave thinking they have 
"done their bit"? 
Inverell must be a "call to arms" to fight for our 
country and for the future of our children.
Why Inverell?  Because there ain't nothing 
Otherwise, Inverell will become known for its chickens more 
than its gemstones.
John Wilson.


2001-01-22 Thread John Wilson

Dear Fellow Australians,
Attached is the most important court case you 
will ever read.
It is the "Credit River Decision" of 
1968 which declared that banks are committing fraud by creating money "out 
of thin air".
Australian banks do this to the order of some 20 
billion dollars each year, according to the Reserve Bank of Australia's own 
Please read the attached account of this 
landmark ruling and send it on, via the email network, as far and as widely as 
possible.  Every man and woman must learn the astonishing truth about what 
the banks are doing AND that they have been beated.  But, information is 
useless unless it is known and acted upon.
Nothing - absolutely nothing - is more important 
than smashing the banks and reverting them to the only status they deserve which 
is that of a servant.
Yours sincerely,

Re: The Stirrer Special

2001-01-22 Thread John Wilson

Dear Dennis,

I am communicating with Brian's daughter, Judy Mastwyk.

Only by a Fully Informed Jury can Brian, or any patriot,  receive Justice.

The legal definition of Justice is : " a moral ideal that the law seeks to
uphold in the protection of rights and the punishment of wrongs".

It is time for other patriots to defy bad laws and demand trial by jury
because, as Thomas Jefferson said, "I believe trial by jury is the only
anchor yet imagined by man which can hold a government to the principles of
its constitution".

If we don't restore and use our right to trial by jury, then our country and
our freedom is gone.

Yours sincerely,

John Wilson.
-Original Message-
From: Dennis Fraser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: John Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, 22 January 2001 13:41
Subject: The Stirrer Special

>Hello John, I don't know if you have seen this so I am forwarding it to
>you.We do seem to be between a rock and a hard place don't we.
>Dennis Fraser
>  Sun, 21 Jan 2001 22:25:01 +1000
>   From:
>  "cap" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  To:
>  "Tony Grieve and associates" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>  "Correct Australian Parliaments Association"
>-Original Message-
>From: A.Esson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: Alan Gourley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Tuesday, 16 January 2001 5:55 PM
>I would like you to send this on to all the people you know. If this is
>what Australia has come to I shudder to think what
>will occur in the next few years.
>I am also sending this to all my subscribers who do not have a computer.
>Thank you Alan
>On the 22nd December 1982 a D8H bulldozer l was operating at Deddick in
>North eastern Victoria fractured a front
>hydraulic hose, caught alight and was badly damaged by fire. The machine
>was a 1973 "30,000 series model". Twelve
>months ago William Adams, the Victorian agent for Caterpillar Tractors
>sent out a recall notice on all D8 Bulldozers
>dating back to 1958, stating that the machines were faulty in the front
>hydraulic rams and were likely to blow, causing
>fire and/or serious injury or death to the operator.
>I had recently spent over $60,000 on this D8H. As it was nearly paid for
>at the time l had to refinance with C.A.G.A.
>finance company in order to pay for the rebuild work to be done. I had
>it insured with the "State Insurance Company" at
>the time of the fire. The State Insurance Company would not settle the
>claim. They refused to pay for the damage
>sustained by the machine and then offered me an ex State Electricity
>Company D8H dozer as a replacement. As they
>refused to give me any "warranty" on this dozer l refused the offer and
>told them to rebuild my own machine. This they
>refused to do. I eventually went to court, Fyffe v. State Insurance
>Commissioner. Mr. Peter J. Galbally appeared for me
>before Justice James Gobbo, the now Governor of Victoria. I won my claim
>against the State and was awarded the
>$130,000 the machine was insured for and also $107,000 in interest. It
>was not till December 1985 that this case was
>heard, three years after the fire. Even though l had won my case the
>State Insurance Company would not settle and
>had to be served with a Warrant of Distress. They then settled in
>January 1986. During the 3 years l was without this
>machine untold damage was done to my business. I had bought a new D8K
>Bulldozer in 1980 and without the 2
>machines could not operate properly or have the turnover to pay for the
>new machine. Because of this situation William
>Adams, the caterpillar dealer who had financed the new D8K repossessed
>it in 1984. This left me in a situation where l
>had neither machine but repayments on them both still to be met.
>As we also ran a dairying enterprise l employed the services of a share
>farmer in 1982 who bought our herd of dairy
>cows. The 1982-1983 season was one of the worst droughts in Victorian
>history. The year of the Ash Wednesday bush
>fires. Even our creek, which never in living memory was known to stop
>flowing, dried up. So, after a year of this the share
>farmer decided to move on, taking the herd of cows with him. Things went
>from bad to worse. In 1986 we managed to
>get another herd together and resumed milking again. All of the time

Letter to a Bank Manager

2001-01-18 Thread John Wilson

Dear Fellow Australians,
Attached is a (one-page) letter I have just 
faxed to my bank manager explaining that, as more Australians begin to realize 
how criminal and treacherous the banks are,  employees of the branches will 
experience more displeasure from customers.
I don't believe they understand what they are a 
part of.
Yours sincerely,
John Wilson.
 Letter to a Bank Manager.doc

Increased security at the Supreme Court.

2001-01-16 Thread John Wilson

Dear Fellow Australians,
The NSW Supreme Court shares to Law Courts 
Building at Queen's Square in Sydney with the Federal and High Courts of 
Australia.  Up until today I have simply walked off the street and in 
through one of the 4 entrances into the foyer and caught the lifts in the 
multi-storied building.
Today and for the first time, in that foyer, I 
had to pass through a metal-detecter manned by 4 sheriffs.  It was a 
makeshift set-up and they missed the miniscule folding knife attached to my 
There must now be a perceived risk felt by staff 
of the building.  How sad!
Yours sincerely,
John Wilson.

Re: New Computer Virus Alert!

2001-01-15 Thread John Wilson


-Original Message-From: 
normanjohnb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: 
Tuesday, 16 January 2001 8:55Subject: Fw: New Computer Virus 
Just in from a good contact and YES IMPORTANT, please announce 
(I'd be surprised if this cross posts but apologies if I have)
- Original Message - 
Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2001 10:09 AM
Subject: Fw: New Computer Virus Alert!

Virus...A Virtual card for You
Subject: A 
new virus has just been discovered that has been classified by Microsoft ( ) 
and byMcAfee ( ) as the most destructive ever! This virus 
was discovered yesterday afternoon by McAfee and no vaccine has yet been 
developed. This virus simply destroys Sector Zero from the hard disk, where 
vital information for its functioning are stored. This virus acts in the 
following manner:
It sends 
itself automatically to all contacts on your list with the title "A 
Virtual Card for You". As soon as the supposed virtual card is opened, 
the computer freezes so that the user has to reboot. When the ctrl+alt+del 
keys or the reset button are pressed, the virus destroys Sector Zero, thus 
permanently destroying the hard disk. 
So don't 
open any mails with subject "A Virtual Card for You". As soon as 
you get the mail, delete it.
Please pass 
on this mail to all your friends.
Norman John

Re: Bank fraud

2001-01-15 Thread John Wilson

Dear Len,

That's a good plan.

I am presented suing the Crown on the same basis.

The judges know that it must be a jury trial and are breaking all the laws
to prevent a jury by the other side filing a Notice of Motion to dismiss the
case and the judges (although they must not deal with it, themselves) plan
to judge the Notice of Motion and strike out the Claim.  It's totally
illegal - but judges are criminals and traitors, as you know.

Sully J ruled on 15/12/00 that a judge (he, in particular) can determine a
Notice of Motion by the Crown Solicitor to dismiss my Claim of Unlawful
Imprisonment - and that I am appealing against to the Court of Appeal with
an Application for Leave to Appeal to go before judges on 26/03/01.  This I
expect will go in favour of Sully J  and then it's off to the High
Court, etc, etc.

Judicial Corruption is TOTAL.  The only way to smash it is for many
Australians to sue the banks (or bank officers) and demand jury trials -
over and over and over until the system is broken.

Yours sincerely,

-Original Message-
From: Bill Sweetwater <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: JohnWilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, 16 January 2001 7:23
Subject: Bank fraud

>Dear John,
>G'day. A thought that has been running through my mind
>for some time is that perhaps we should arrange for a
>person to sue a bank loans officer in a civil suit,
>with a jury, in order to show the fraud and raise the
>Nurnberg principles whereby it is insufficient to hide
>behind the claim that ..."one was only doing what one
>was told by one's superiors."
>Food for further thought?
>Len Clampett
> - Yahoo! Cars
>- Buy, sell or finance a car..

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Australian Judges on "Trial by Jury".

2001-01-15 Thread John Wilson

Dear Fellow Australians,
Today I received the transcript of 28th 
December, 2000 in the Supreme Court of New South Wales in matter No 20714/00 of 
John Wilson -v- St. George bank Limited & State of New South Wales. The 
Judge was Justice Hulme.
Here is an extract from that 
HIS HONOUR: I'm not 
quite sure where you got hi idea of this inalienable right to trial by jury from 
but if it exists - sorry, but your claim is quite inconsistent with the terms of 
the Supreme Court Act.
WILSON:  Well the Supreme Court Act is null and void if 
it denies a right to trial by jury.
HIS HONOUR:  Well I don't know what the - where you get 
that idea from.
WILSON:  From history, from Magna Carta, from the 
Petition of Right, from the Bill of Rights.  Many, many pieces of 
legislation entrenched the right to trial by jury and even --
HIS HONOUR:  Well that's not my understanding of the law. 
My understanding is that parliament can change that --
WILSON:  No it cannot. That's the point of the word 
inalienable. It cannot be dispensed with, you go back to the actual Bill of 
Rights where it refers to evil counsellors and judges who have assumed the power 
of dispensing with our laws and our rights. Do you know that 
HIS HONOUR:  You will have to find some judge other than 
me or to takes me to the relevant bits of the law that demonstrat that what 
parliament said in the Supreme Court Act it did not have power to 
When I have the whole transcript scanned, I will put it to 
In the meantime, I would have thought that no government can 
make laws which take away people's rights.  They do not have the authority 
to do so because their authority comes from the people, ie: at least, in a 
I would appreciate input to list the limits of parliament in 
this regard.  Please give chapter and verse.
Yours sincerely,
John Wilson. 

Re: Mail delivery failure

2001-01-15 Thread John Wilson

Dear Mailer & Neither,

The email address for the Magna Carta Society is [EMAIL PROTECTED]

John Wilson.

-Original Message-
From: Mail Delivery System <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, 15 January 2001 14:27
Subject: Mail delivery failure

>This message was created automatically by mail delivery
>software. A message that you sent could not be delivered
>to all of its recipients.
>The following message, addressed to '[EMAIL PROTECTED]',
>failed because it has not been collected after 30 days
>Here is a copy of the first part of the message, including
>all headers.
>Received: from by mailstore
>  for [EMAIL PROTECTED] id 976844793:10:20090:0;
>  Fri, 15 Dec 2000 01:46:33 GMT
>Received: from ([]) by
>   id aa1020046; 15 Dec 2000 1:46 GMT
>Received: from default ( [])
> by (8.11.0/8.11.0) with SMTP id eBEEliW06778;
> Fri, 15 Dec 2000 01:47:44 +1100 (EST)
>Message-ID: <000a01c06639$09b99460$048507cb@default>
>From: "John Wilson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "Neither Public List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Judicial Malice takes many forms.
>Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 12:47:42 +1100
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
> boundary="=_NextPart_000_0007_01C06695.3D2A0C60"
>X-Priority: 3
>X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
>X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 4.72.3110.5
>X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V4.72.3110.3
>This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
>Content-Type: text/plain;
> charset="iso-8859-1"
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
>Last Tuesday in the Supreme Court of NSW, Justice Brian Murray said the =
>next time in court would be Friday 15th December, 2000 at 10am.  His =
>Chambers confirmed the date and time is a fax on the Wednesday.
>This morning, being Friday 15th December, I left my car at Parramatta =
>and caught the 8:25 train to Town Hall and went down to platform 5 =
>where, fortunately, there was a train (with its doors open) going to =
>Bondi Junction. I got off at Martin Place and got to the Law Courts =
>Building by 9:08am to find my case was on the notice board for 9:00am.
>I caught the lift to the 10th floor and hurriedly walked to Court 10E =
>where everyone was waiting - including the solicitor for the Crown.  =
>Therefore, everyone was informed of the 9:00am listing, except me.
>It's called deception.  When I don't show, the orders go in favour of =
>the Crown.
>I protested that it was another example of MALICE and that the legal =
>definition of MALICE is "a premeditated design to do evil". =
>What better description for the Judiciary than that?
>Transcripts on the way.
>Yours sincerely,
>John Wilson.
>Content-Type: text/html;
> charset="iso-8859-1"
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

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Re: Re: virus warning

2001-01-13 Thread John Wilson

-Original Message-
From: Yvette Diane Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Jeanette Wilton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; John Wilson
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Bambi Walker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Alex Trost
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Dresden Riding Pony Stud
Brenda Robilliard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Leigh Ridgway
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Leigh Ridgway
Paul Moulden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Phil Morris
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Serena Kerr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Micheal Horn
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; John Haylen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Lisa Harrison
Goldfinch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Peter Fischer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Heather Cook
Terry & Pat Cobby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Mike Christians
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Susan Cheeseman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Jim Black
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; John Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Kenny .
Date: Saturday, 13 January 2001 20:59
Subject: Fw: Re: virus warning

>Conquest Park Performance Horses.
>- Original Message -
>From: "Alexandra Trost" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "Fred Trost" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Karen Mocatta"
><[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Jacqueline Trost" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
>"Dawn Merza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Yvette Wilson"
>Sent: Saturday, January 13, 2001 3:59 PM
>Subject: Fw: Re: virus warning
>> - Original Message -
>> Sent: Saturday, January 13, 2001 9:56 AM
>> Subject: Fwd: Re: virus warning
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > >>Subject: Re: virus warning
>> > >Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2001 09:59:33 -
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >> > Please read and take note.
>> > >
>> > >> > Read immediately and pass on to everyone you know
>> > >> >
>> > >> > Someone is sending out a very cute screensaver of the Budweiser
>> Frogs.
>> > >> >
>> > >> > If you download it, you will lose everything! Your hard drive will
>> > >>crash
>> > >> > and
>> > >> > someone from the Internet will get your screen name and password!
>> > >> >
>> > >> >
>> > >> > It just went into circulation yesterday. Please distribute this
>> > >>message.
>> > >> > This
>> > >> > is a new, very malicious virus and not many people know about it.
>> This
>> > >> > information was announced yesterday morning from Microsoft.
>> > >> >
>> > >> > Please share it with everyone that might access the Internet.
>> > >> >
>> > >> > Once again, Pass This Along To EVERYONE in your address book so
>> > >> > this may be stopped. AOL has said that this is a very dangerous
>> > >>and
>> > >> > that there is NO remedy for it at this time.
>> > >> >
>> > >> > This is VERY important. If you receive a screen saver from a
>> or
>> > >> > anyone
>> > >> > you may not know with the Budweiser Frogs in it, DO NOT DOWNLOAD
>> OR
>> > >>OPEN
>> > >> > THE FILE!
>> > >> >
>> > >> > Press the forward button on your email program and send this
>> to
>> > >> > EVERYONE you know.
>> > >
>> >
>> >
>> > Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at
>> >

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Re: No honest judges in Australia.

2001-01-12 Thread John Wilson

Dear Kevin,
In each State of Australia we have a "Judicial 
Commision" which is a panel of senior judges who hear complaints against 
judges in all courts, ie:  judges judging themselves.  
In the courts we have a system of appeals to higher courts, 
ie: judges judging themselves.
We have no truly independent body of ordinary citizens to 
oversee the judges.  We have the Parliaments (which are comprised of mostly 
lawyers) and State Governors representing the Queen of England whose Privy 
Council deny having any jurisdiction in Australia. The Governors (including the 
Governor-General) are ex-judges.
We have a Law Reform Commission with a few non-lawyers to make 
up the numbers but. otherwise, are lawyers.
In 1988 we had a Federal Referendum when the both Houses of 
the Commonwealth Government wanted to change section 80 of the Australia 
Constitution, which guaranteed trial by jury, to exclude contempt of court and 
courts martial - but the rejection by the people to that proposal was emphatic 
in all States.  However, judges disregard that "Will of the 
People" and deny trial by jury in all cases of contempt of court and I 
don't know about courts martial.
Is there something in our laws to protect us against corrupt 
judges?  Yes, and many times over - but the 'judges have assumed a power of 
dispensing with our laws and our liberties' (ala Bill of Rights 1688). I have 
listed some of our protective laws and charters in my website of and 
I'm sure Canada and Australia have the same heritage of English Common 
However, it seems the ploy of distracting the people with 
sport is highly effective and the media will not inform anyone of matters of 
substance which might awaken them to their fate.
Yours sincerely, 
John Wilson.

-Original Message-From: 
The McElheran's <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: 
John Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: 
Saturday, 13 January 2001 1:24Subject: Re: No honest judges 
in Australia.
Does the Judicial System have a Judicial 
Counsel? (rules for judges?) Canada does, and if you know them your able to 
empower the judge to sit independant of state pressure. Pipe dream?? If your 
system is the same as ours, there should be something.

- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2001 
8:04 PM
Subject: No honest judges in 

Dear Kevin,
How fortunate you are to have some 
honest judges in Canada.
Here, in Australia,  Judicial 
Corruption is total.  To protect themselves, they choose which 
cases have trial by jury. So, naturally, anything that threatens the 
banks or themselves is denied a jury.
If you want confirmation, please view my website of
From the land of sunshine and 
John Wilson.

The Future of Australia - "It's what we make it."

2001-01-12 Thread John Wilson

Dear Fellow Australians,
The television commercial promoting this year's 
Centenary of Federation ends with the line, when asking the question of the 
future of our country, "IT'S WHAT WE MAKE IT."
Are we prepared to allow Banks to steal our 
country from us, with their fraudulent contracts and their creating their own 
Are we prepared to allow Judges to lie, conceal 
that fraud, pervert the Course of Justice, and take away our 
COWARDS" (as described in that Intelligence Report to General Macarthur in 
the Second World War) who were willing to surrender Australia above the 
"Brisbane Line" to the Japanese?
Are we a disunited, apathetic, gutless, amoral 
and selfish people who would rather be slaves than stand against INJUSTICE and 
Are the words of "LEST WE FORGET" 
In 1775 an American,  Patrick Henry, said, 
"They tell us, Sir, that we are weak - unable to cope with so 
formidable an adversary...Shall we gather strength by irresolution and 
inaction?  Shall we acquire the means of effectual resistance by lying 
supinely on our backs, and hugging the delusive phantom of hope, until our 
enemies have bound us hand and foot?Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as 
to be purchased as the price of chains and 
Banks and Judges make up a "formidable 
Our Courts have been taken from us - but they are the only 
bloodless path to reclaim our country and our future.  I urge you to take 
up the pen because the enemy have the swords.  I urge you to use the 
greatest weapon, which is TRUTH, and fight in those Courts for 
The simplicity is that "variable means 
uncertain" and "variable interest rates render a contract 
void for uncertainty under Common Law".  Put these words to 
JURIES across the nation.  Put these words in a thousand Statements of 
Claim and demand RESTITUTION of the money stolen by the Banks, with their 
fraudulent contracts, and REDRESS the terrible wrongs caused by the Banks to 
families.  May this be the key to unlock the chains and to restore the 
country to the people.
By defeating the Banks in this way, we can also 
purge our Courts of the malignancy of CORRUPT JUDGES.
Yours sincerely,
John Wilson, 


St. George Bank performs the eviction.

2001-01-11 Thread John Wilson

Dear Fellow Australians,
Yesterday, at 12 noon, the Sheriff enacted the 
court order from Justice Carolyn Simpson of the Supreme Court of NSW to evict my 
family and me from our home.  All the locks were changed and a security 
guard placed on site and around the clock. The first guard arrived at 3 pm and 
he was being relieved at 1 am.
A last minute and fourth attempt to stay the 
order was made.  The first 2 before Justice Hulme. The 3rd to Registrar 
Durkin. And, yesterday, to Justice Brian Sully - who is the same judge who 
overruled any right to trial by jury in 1999 (including UN International 
Covenant on Political & Civil Rights, and all the statutes and charters and 
the Australian Constitution) to send me to Chief judge at Common Law James Wood 
and his "kangaroo court" to imprison me.  The same judge who, on 
15/12/00 overruled Natural Justice to say judges can judge in their own cause - 
to which I am currently appealing to the Court of Appeal.
Justice Brian Sully seems to be one of the 
mafia's hatchetmen.
The usual form is that, no matter what evidence 
one puts in sworn affidavits, the judges read it then totally ignore it and 
proceed with what they wanted to do in the first place.  They have no 
compunction in overruling any and every law. They regard themselves as above the 
law and "immune from suit", ie:  they believe they are 
unaccountable and untouchable.
As is said on the Attorney General's own video, 
shown to people going in for jury service :  "NO JURIES, NO 
When are Australians going to wake to the fact that they have 
no rights because, without trial by jury, we are defenceless.
Yours sincerely,
John Wilson.

Creation of Money by the Banks.

2001-01-10 Thread John Wilson

Dear fellow Australians,
The 1968 Minnesota Judgment by a Judge and Jury 
against a bank for creating money "out of thin air" is compulsory 
knowledge which all Australians must gain if we are to defeat the 
Here is a quote from the Judge's 
"Additional Memorandum":
"The issuance of a paper money 
without backing by the Banks is the same as if a grain warehouseman were to 
issue Warehouse Receipts for grain that he did not have. There must be a full 
representative consideration behind the paper or it is void as premised in 
fraud. No rights can be acquired by fraud. The law does not sanction an 
intentional wrong to the Citizen either in War or in Peace. - 
Martin V. Mahoney"
Apparently Judge Mahoney was poisoned 6 months 
after handling down his ruling.
Yours sincerely,
John Wilson. 

Freemasons & Jack the Ripper.

2001-01-07 Thread John Wilson

Dear Fellow Australians,
A few nights ago, I saw a fascinating 1978 movie 
on Foxtel called "MURDER BY DECREE" with Christopher Plummer, James 
Mason, John Geilgud, Anthony Quayle, etc. A high quality production with the 
main character being Sherlock Holmes.
The last 20 minutes was riveting where Sherlock 
Holmes confronted the Prime Minister and senior Cabinet Ministers and unravelled 
the mystery of Jack the Ripper as being a Freemans' plot to cover up the 
illegitimate birth of a Catholic child to the heir to the British throne 
-apparently a story which still exists today.
Who are these 
Yours sincerely,
John Wilson.

Judges are in Contempt of Court & Pervert the Course of Justice.

2001-01-07 Thread John Wilson

Dear Fellow Australians,
The eviction on Thursday is still anticipated 
because the re-financing has not materialized.
I have updated the Press Release to include mention of the 
penalty the corrupt Judges face when they are brought before a Jury for being in 
Contempt of Court and Perverting the Course of Justice.
Please pass it on because it really is important in the battle 
we now have for Freedom and Democracy.
Yours sincerely,
John Wilson.


2001-01-06 Thread John Wilson

Dear Peter,
Thank you for your support.
I know Joe's story. He and I exchange emails and he has turned 
up a few times at my Court hearings.
My throwing yellow paint at a Judge was a 
symbolic gesture intended to secure Trial by Jury, which the Judges fear most 
and continue to deny.
The banks are Judges are conspirators and only 
by Fully Informed Juries can they be defeated.
The evidence of bank fraud is laid out in my 
website for anyone prepared to go to Court and put it to a Jury.
I wish people would do it. As long as they 
cringe in fear,  the bullies will prevail.
Yours sincerely,
John Wilson. 

-Original Message-From: 
Peter H Davies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: 
John Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: 
Saturday, 6 January 2001 10:30Subject: Re: EVICTION 

G'Day John,
I admire you greatly. 
You are doing something that I cannot do  I have neither the patience 
nor the temperament.
Personally, I would kill 
the bastard who came on my land to repossess anything of mine. I would kill 
the bastard who would dare to make my day take a bad turn. Likewise the 
authority who sought to make my life hell, would find their own hell  
immediately and at once!!
"I am prepared to die to regain a peaceful, quiet, 
[Christian]-lawful, democratic, free life!" 
Is the other guy prepared to die for his 
Do you remember the [true] story of EFFIE?
New South Welshman Joe Bryant was dispossessed of his yard 
by the Commonwealth Bank. His yard became occupied by Bank tough 
One evening, Joe delivered a pantechnicon which gained 
admittance - more assets for the Bank?
During the night the pantechnicon disgorged tougher guys 
fully armed with 'behaviour modifiers'. 
These tougher guys were of an academic persuasion . . . so 
good were their teaching skills that the former tough guys got the message, 
rather quickly ... and remembered it!
Joe retook possession of his yard.
The score: Bank nil, Joe Bryant, one.
I will send you the [true] story of the man 
from Mt Larcom - this is a popular demonstration of one man's belief 
overcoming the evil of today's thoughtless authoritarianism.
In the meanwhile ..Keep your powder dry 
.. and your gun handy,Regards,
Peter H 

Re: Urgent Attention: John Wilson to be evicted!!!

2001-01-06 Thread John Wilson

Dear Ladies,
People power is necessary to overturn the banks and 
People in the streets of Australia are brain-dead - which is a 
polite way of saying they are "fools, traitors and cowards", as we 
were described by that American Intelligence report to General Macarthur back in 
Only the people directly involved in the fight were 
We should focus on the people directly involved in these 
issues of rights - ie: the public servants working in the departments performing 
the acts of treachery.  Inform them of the wrong they are 
This, I believe, is the attack which should be mounted if we 
are to win.
Yours sincerely,
John Wilson. 

-Original Message-From: 
Brigitte Straulino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: 
'John Wilson' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: 
Friday, 5 January 2001 23:05Subject: RE: Urgent Attention: 
John Wilson to be evicted!!!
Dear John
Please let us know what the situation is. There is 
not much more we can do. Until we have the back-up by people it is very hard 
to be taken serious by government and any other institution. That applies 
equally to the UN. Only people power will make the UN move or expose them. 
When will people understand that in Australia??? 
How is your family holding up? 

-Original Message-From: John Wilson 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Friday, 5 January 2001 
08:49To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: 
    Urgent Attention: John Wilson to be evicted!!!
Dear Ladies,
I don't understand, either.

Message-From: Brigitte Straulino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: 
'succeed' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Cc: 
John Wilson (E-mail) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: 
Thursday, 4 January 2001 9:00Subject: RE: Urgent 
Attention: John Wilson to be evicted!!!
Dear Joe
Thanks for your fast reply. I don't 
understand what you mean. Could you please explain? We would like to 
help John as much as possible.

-Original Message-From: succeed 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Wednesday, 3 January 
2001 10:28To: One Voice - One People, Human Rights 
DefendersSubject: Re: Urgent Attention: John Wilson 
to be evicted!!!
Experience tells me that John has one avenue 
open to him and that is to reliance.  Only he or his wife 
can do this. I have offered to assist if possible, if required 
with this attempt I await some positive response from 
John.  Regards Joe 

Judges in Contempt of Court.

2001-01-06 Thread John Wilson

Dear Fellow Australians,
A COURT is a place where JUSTICE IS 
JUSTICE is "a moral ideal that the law seeks 
to uphold in the protection of rights and punishment of 
Judges do not "uphold the protection of rights" but 
deny rights such as Trial by Jury, Natural Justice and 
Judges do not "punish. . wrongs" but conceal fraud 
committed by banks and their own corruption.
Judges violate their Oaths of Allegiance and Office and are, 
themselves, the "evil doers".
To be guilty of CONTEMPT OF COURT is to interfer with the 
administration of Justice.  
Their crimes against the people are many.  My website of 
is a record.
Yours sincerely,
John Wilson. 
 Press Release Eviction.doc


2000-12-31 Thread John Wilson

Dear Fellow Australians,
Last Wednesday evening 2 men from the Office of 
the Sheriff served me with a NOTICE TO VACATE my home before 12 noon on Thursday 
11th January 2000.
The next day I filed an action against the St. George Bank and 
the Crown. The earliest the filing clerk could give me for a hearing of a NOTICE 
OF MOTION to STAY THE ORDER was March and she advised me to take the NOTICE to 
the Duty Judge in Court 1A if I wanted a date before 11th January,
The Duty Judge (Hulme) deferred deciding whether to give me 
that earlier date from noon to 4:45pm (of course, breaking for lunch - most 
probably telephoning other Judges).  Then he refused saying he could see no 
reason for an earlier date.
The day after that, I filed another Affidavit in support of 
the Notice.  His reaction to that material, ie:  Reserve bank figures 
showing banks create their own money and the 1968 Minnesota ruling against such 
practices.  He read intently while rubbinbg his hand across his 
mouth.  He adjourned the matter and left the Court.  He came back and 
smiling denied an earlier date with no explanation.  Transcripts will be on 
the email when they are received.
Attached is a PRESS RELEASE which I have just formulated - 
basically asking whether the Sheriff and the Police will do what a corrupt 
system tells them to do.
Yours sincerely,
John Wilson.
 Press Release Eviction.doc

Appeal against Sully Judgment on Jurisdiction

2000-12-26 Thread John Wilson

Dear Fellow Australians,
This morning, I filed an Application for Leave 
to Appeal in the Court of Appeal ($605-00) - as I told Kiby J on Friday 14/12/00 
when I said:  " While ever Judges conceal bank fraud, and by that I 
mean variable interest rate loans, and the fact that banks create their own 
money; while every judge continues to deny people their rights which would 
enable them to defend themselves against fraud and corruption; banks will just 
sit back and laugh at their victims. A court is a place where justice is 
supposed to be administered.  In these courts justice is not being 
administered.  These courts have become corrupt.".
In the "White Folder" (as part of the application) I 
wrote a "Summary of the Claimant's Argument" and it is attached to 
this email.
Also attached is a poem adapted by Joe Bryant from that of 
Douglas Walker entitled "The Ghost from Flanders Field".  Well 
done,  Joe!
Yours sincerely,
John Wilson.
 Claimant's Argument.doc

Supreme Court Transcripts

2000-12-22 Thread John Wilson

Dear Fellow Australians,
Attached are the transcripts from the 12th & 
15th of December, 2000.
The one for the 15th is an accurate record of 
what was said.
But the one for the 12th had been altered - 
vital passages had been edited out such as
1. Justice Brian Sully said, "This is my 
Court." - to which I responded, "No, it is not.". I wanted to 
argue the question of whose Courts these are, but Justice Sully overtalked me 
and did not mention the pint again.
2.  On page 10, line 31, where the 
transcript says "(Read)" I actually read out section 3 of the Supreme 
Court Act (1900) by saying "(1) In any action by consent of both parties 
the whole or any one or more of the issues of fact in question may be tried, or 
the amount of any damages or compensation may be assessed by a Judge without a 
3.  Further down that page, on line 48, 
where the transcript says "(Read)" I actually read out section 30 of 
the Interpretation Act (1987) by saying "(1) The amendment or repeal of an 
Act or statutory rule does not:..(c) affect any right, privilege, obligation or 
liability acquired, accrued or incurred under the Act or statutory 
When I presented Justice Sully with a copy of my 
leaflet, "Judges Judging Themselves", he read it qietly and put it to 
one side - as he did with the leaflet, "The Judges -v- 
Democracy".  Both these pieces of information were ignored by the 
Judge.He also read and ignored other material, such as the transcript and 
judgment of 6 Sept 1999 when he denied me trial by jury and discarded the UN 
International Covennat on Civil and Political Rights.
What clearer proof of Judicial Wrong can there 
Yours sincerely,
John Wilson.
 SC - 12 DEC 2000 - T.rtf
 SC - 15 DEC 2000 -T.rtf
 Judges judging themselves.doc

Re: Banks and Farmers.

2000-12-15 Thread John Wilson

Dear Ron,
There are probably 3 courses:
1.  give up and give in;
2.  don't give up but nag and persevere by going to 
3.  coup d'etat
1 is unconscionable
3 is impossible
therefore, 2 is all there is 

-Original Message-From: 
John Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: 
Friday, 15 December 2000 9:29Subject: Re: Banks and 
No One John as they wont let anyone win just on a 

- Original Message - 
To: Ron Owen 
Cc: Jeremy 
Sent: Friday, 15 December 2000 
11:25 AM
Subject: Re: Banks and 

Dear Ron,
Who is going to sue the Crown (being vicariously 
liable) for that wrong done by those ministers?.Of course, with a 
jury to judge the whole and every part of the case.

Message-From: Ron Owen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: 
John Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: 
Thursday, 14 December 2000 11:19Subject: Re: Banks 
and Farmers.
Dear John
I think It is illegal for the banks to create 
credit or as the way they apply it DEBIT on customers.
As under sub section 51 of the Consititution, 
placitum 4 borrowing money on the public credit of the 
Commonwealth.  Establishes that only the government can 
borrow on the public credit of the Commonwealth. It cannot delagate 
this power to the banks or anyone else, this provision is not one of 
those where it states until the parliament provides otherwise. I any 
fair court, which you won't ever find they are stuffed.

- Original Message - 

John Wilson 
To: Jeremy Lee 
Sent: Thursday, 14 December 
2000 2:54 PM
Subject: Re: Banks and 

Dear Jeremy,
"Under the bank charters granted by the 
federal Government" --- THIS IS WHAT THE PEOPLE MUST 
Where are these bank charters and how 
do we get them?
Once we get these bank charters, the 
proof of the CONSPIRACY is there, in black and white 
Yours sincerely,

Message-From: Jeremy Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: 
John Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: 
Wednesday, 13 December 2000 11:06Subject: Re: 
Banks and Farmers.
Dear John,  The banks 
are licenced to create credit under the bank charters 
granted by the Federal Government.  We may not like it, 
but it is not illegal - Sincerely,  Jeremy 

Message-From: John Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: 
Jeremy Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: 
Monday, December 11, 2000 11:31 AMSubject: 
Re: Banks and Farmers.
What government licence for the banks 
to create the nation's money?
What legislation?
This money they create for the nation 
--- who owns it? Do the banks give it to the government 
or keep it?
John Wilson.

Message-From: Jeremy Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: 
John Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: 
Monday, 11 December 2000 0:23Subject: 
Re: Banks and Farmers.
Dear John -  
Yes, I understand the question of 
credit-creation.  In 1992 I made a professional 
two-and-a-half hour video "The Money Game" 

  1   2   3   >